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Statement of Purpose: Having Learnt From The Past, I Live in The Present With An Eye On

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Name : Bharadwaj Ponnala

Qualifcation : B-tech in Information Technology.

Degree Sought: MS in Computer Science
Term : Fall-2012

Haing learnt from the pa!t" I lie in the pre!ent #ith an eye on
the future. My foremo!t $ream in life i! to %e ac&no#le$ge$ an$
congratulate$ for my aca$emic achieement!. Thi! $e!ire i! the main
motiation in me #anting to pur!ue my ma!ter! at your e!teeme$
unier!ity. I #ant to reach the 'enith in Computing an$ Information
Technology !pace. In thi! (er-changing #orl$ of Computer Technology"
#here each ne# $ay !ee! a !pate of ne# concept! an$ tren$!
emerging" I #ant to !tay on fa!t trac&. Ma!ter! $egree at your
unier!ity #oul$ not only proi$e me !u%)ect matter e*perti!e %ut al!o
thorough re!earch oriente$ !tu$y #oul$ help me lay foun$ation for
fulfllment of my $ream.
I intro$uce my!elf a! an un$ergra$uate !tu$ent !peciali'e$ in
Information Technology at Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of
Engineering and Technolog !"NTU#$ It i! here my $ream of
pur!uing a career in Computer Science engineering originate$. +
lea$er &no#! the !ignifcance of pre!ent $efeat! for an a!toun$ing
!ucce!! in future. I learn %y &no#ing" $oing an$ I al!o learn from the
challenge!" o%!tacle! an$ unrehear!e$ ta!&!. I try my %e!t to fore!ee
#hat the future i! going to %e" an$ #hat I nee$ to $o in or$er to
!uccee$ in that future. I not only hae a i!ion %ut I complement it #ith
planning an$ har$ #or&. My frien$! !ay that I am an e*troert" goo$
planner an$ creatie in my actiitie! an$ I al!o hae a neer-gie-up
attitu$e #hich help! me to achiee my goal! inaria%ly. I #or& har$
an$ !incerely to achiee goo$ gra$e!" #hich i! ery ei$ent from my
con!i!tent gra$e!. +t the !ame time I am not a !tu$ent #ho
concentrate! on !tu$ie! alone. +part from haing aca$emic
profciency" I hae participate$ actiely in many e*tra-curricular
actiitie! li&e cultural" !ocial !erice eent! an$ !port!. Being
recogni'e$ a! a per!on #ith goo$ lea$er!hip ,ualitie!" I #a! ma$e the
School lea$er in -./Th !tan$ar$ an$ cla!! repre!entatie $uring my
un$ergra$uate cour!e. Maintaining a right %alance %et#een aca$emic!
an$ e*tra-curricular actiitie!" I #a! actiely inole$ in con$ucting
!eminar! an$ gue!t lecture! for the $epartment.
Starting o0 #ith my aca$emic/!" I complete$ my !chooling
in St- Mary! High School" +$ila%a$" In$ia. My !chool helpe$ me $eelop
%etter in the fel$ of !cience" right from the initial !tage!" #ith $i0erent
techno fe!t!" !cience e*po! an$ I hae !ecure$ 1..23 mar&! in -./Th
!tan$ar$ though I !ecure$ 143 in mathematic!.
Then I !ai$ to my!elf that I am a far %etter performing !tu$ent
than the!e mar&! !ugge!t. Hence to proe my capa%ility to my!elf I
#or&e$ har$ #ith !incerity an$ $eotion an$ o%taine$ alua%le mar&!
of 15.13 in my Boar$ of Interme$iate at Narayana 6unior College"
Hy$era%a$" In$ia.
My un$ergra$uate cour!e ha! gien me a comprehen!ie
&no#le$ge of the %a!ic area! in Information Technology !uch a!
Computer 7rgani'ation" 7perating Sy!tem!" 8rogramming 9anguage!"
:e% $e!igning" Data%a!e Management Science!" Computer Net#or&!"
9anguage 8roce!!or!.
(arly in my un$ergra$uate !tu$y I #a! intro$uce$ to %a!ic
programming language! of C. I un$er!too$ the &ey feature! of C
language an$ reali'e$ that one #a! an improement of the other !uch
a! C;; an$ 6aa.
During the !econ$ year of my un$ergra$uate !tu$ie!" I ha$ gone
through a$ance$ programming language! !uch a! C;; an$ 6aa. 6aa
%eing the mo!t po#erful an$ ro%u!t language of all fa!cinate$ me the
mo!t. Here I got ery familiar #ith 6aa an$ $one certifcation in it
#here I am certife$ %y 7racle a! profe!!ional in 6aa S( < programmer.
In thir$ year I hae learne$ to $eal #ith $ata%a!e! an$ got a
&een intere!t in 7racle. Thu! my eagerne!! in learning ne#
technologie! lea$ to go for certifcation cour!e in 7racle #here once
again I got certife$ %y 7racle a! profe!!ional in SQ9 an$ 89=SQ9
programmer. I am the lea$er of pro)ect team. My pro)ect i! &no#n a!
>?I(T C+?((? D(@(978M(NT #hich i! %a!e$ on :e% $e!igning"
Data%a!e Management Science! u!ing 6aa a! fronten$ an$ 7racle a!
%ac&en$. I am "A%A Certife$ profe!!ional an$ ORA&'E Certife$
8rofe!!ional. Thi! pro)ect i! aime$ at $eeloping a #e%-%a!e$ an$
central recruitment 8roce!! !y!tem for the H? >roup for a company.
The purpo!e i! to $e!ign a !y!tem that !implife! the recruitment
proce$ure! an$ help companie! to hire appropriate can$i$ate!.
I am profcient in language! !uch a! 6+@+" C" HTM9" an$
pac&age! li&e MS 7Ace" $ata%a!e! li&e 7?+C9(" an$ operating
!y!tem! li&e MS-D7S" BNIC" 9inu*" :in$o#! an$ $e!igning language!
li&e BM9.
:hile the un$ergra$uate cour!e! ena%le$ me to gra!p the
fun$amental! relate$ to Information an$ Computer Science
(ngineering" they $o not pre!ent an opportunity to thoroughly
un$er!tan$ the technologie! that are current #ithin the in$u!try.
Therefore" #hile a Bachelor/! $egree proi$e! a !oun$ alternatie to
ta&ing a $irect leap from !chooling fun$amental! to in$u!try !tan$ar$!"
it i! !till in!uAcient for an engineer to analy'e the profe!!ional #orl$. I
feel the nee$ to ta&e up gra$uate !tu$y" a! it #oul$ %ring me clo!er to
the &in$ of technical e*perti!e I re,uire to fulfll my profe!!ional
I am conince$ that Mid(estern state Uni)ersit i! the right
place to further my aca$emic career. Dour eminent faculty" e*cellent
re!earch facilitie!" the cour!e! o0ere$ in your unier!ity are ery much
li&ely to pro$uce e*cellent re!ult! to the fel$! of my intere!t"
e!pecially Dour unier!ity i! a conEuence of people from arie$ culture"
nationality" religion" race an$ i$eology. I am !ure that my e*po!ure to
the!e &in$! of $ier!e inEuence! #oul$ re!ult in the oerall
$eelopment of my per!onality an$ help me %roa$en my concept from
the narro#er confne! of nationali!m to internationali!m. I #oul$
therefore %e ery than&ful if I am o0ere$ a %enefcial a!!ociation #ith
your e!teeme$ unier!ity #ith full fnancial !upport.
In conclu!ion" I #oul$ li&e to !ay that if grante$ a$mi!!ion into
your unier!ity I #oul$ perform to the %e!t of my a%ilitie! an$ hope to
ac,uire !&ill! that #ill help me reali'e my $ream!. Finally I ta&e thi!
opportunity to than& you for ena%ling me to e*pre!! my!elf.

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