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Grandmaster Tanemura Awards Traditional Martial Arts Titles To Genbukan and KJJR Members Who Have Mastered The Skills Necessary To Pass The Authentic Tests

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Grandmaster Tanemura awards traditional martial arts titles to Genbukan and KJJR members who have mastered the

skills necessary to pass the authentic tests. Some titles do not require a specific test and are simply a statement of position within the organi ation. !or mastership titles though" one must first satisfy certain rank and certification requirements to become eligible to take the test# and finally" one must pass the test itself. Organizational Titles KJJR Group Leader Qualifications$ % student may become a group leader prior to attaining their black belt if they receive e&press permission from Soke. Dojo-cho 'School Chief' Qualifications$ Shodan (black belt level) or greater level instructor. Daidojo-cho 'Large School Chief' Qualifications$ *o+o,cho with more than -.. registered students. Shibu-cho 'Area Chief' or 'Regional Director' Qualifications$ /th dan or higher" Renshi. Kokusai Shidoin 'International Instructor' Qualifications$ 0th dan or higher in 1inpo and Ju+utsu" Kyoshi" 2o+utsu shodan" 2iken+utsu shodan" 1aginata shodan" %sayama 3chiden Ryu 4huden 5enkyo" Takage 6oshin Ryu shoden menkyo 7ith Soke8s permission" a Shidoin can teach anywhere in world and conduct check tests up to 9rd dan. 5aster Titles %ll tests for mastership titles are conducted personally by Grandmaster Tanemura. Typically" the test is conducted at the :onbu *o+o in Japan and is witnessed by the Shihan (Soke8s highest level students) to ensure authenticity. ;ach mastership title has a corresponding set of qualifications that the student must first satisfy and each title also has its own test. The following are the official titles used in the Genbukan and KJJR as well as their prerequisites and corresponding test. Renshi "Line up Master" or "Journeyman Master" Qualifications $ /th dan 1inpo" /th dan Ju+utsu" and Shoden 5enkyo in %sayama 3chiden Ryu. Test $ The student sits in sei a (traditional kneeling posture) facing Soke with eyes open" calmly awaiting Soke8s cut. Soke assumes *ai+odan no kamae with a shinai (bamboo sword) and when he feels the student is ready" he e&ecutes his choice of cut. Soke selects which cut he will perform during the test to ensure authenticity. The student must completely escape without being hit. Kyoshi "Master of Teaching" Qualifications $ 0th dan 1inpo" and 0th dan Ju+utsu. Test $ The student sits in sei a facing away from Soke with eyes closed" calmly awaiting Soke8s cut. Soke assumes *ai+odan no kamae behind the student with a shinai and when he feels the student is ready" he cuts makko giri (straight down) without issuing a verbal kiai. The student must 'hear' the spiritual kiai and completely escape without being hit. Jun-Shihan "Vice Master" Qualifications $ <th dan 1inpo and Ju+utsu. Test $ The student sits in sei a facing away from Soke with eyes closed in meditation. Soke assumes *ai+odan no kamae behind the student with a Shinken (real sword). 7hen he feels the student is ready" Soke emits a spiritual kiai (non,verbal) and cuts makko giri (straight down). The student must completely escape without being hit.

Shihan "True Master" Qualifications $ =th or >th dan 1inpo and Ju+utsu. Test $ The student sits in sei a calmly meditating. Soke silently enters the do+o with a Shinken (real sword) and without a kiai" cuts makko giri (vertically)" then do giri (hori ontally). Soke sometimes changes the cut order to maintain authenticity. The student who evades both cuts calmly and without hesitation has passed the test. % student who passes this test is considered a first class martial artist (2u+un). ? 1ote$ % Shihan and the Shihan group are different. The Shihan group is Soke8s highest level instructors (Kyoshi level or higher).

Shihan-cho " ea! Master" Qualifications $ Soke8s choice. @nly one student may pass this test. Test $ This test takes place outdoors in a natural environment such as a forest or field. The student remains standing and in a state of spiritual calm. Soke also stands in a state of spiritual calm with a Shinken" and when he feels unity with the divine spirit" he will issue two cuts# the first a tsuki (stab)" the second unknown. The student must evade the first cut and smoothly catch the blade so the second cut does not come. The student who passes this test will be made Shihan,cho. The Shinken used for this test will be of high quality steel# hand made" and will be pure" having never drawn blood. Antil a student passes this test" everyone has a chance to become Soke8s chosen successor. 7hoever passes this test is thereafter considered to be a true martial arts child of Grandmaster Shoto Tanemura.

3ai+utsu Tenshin ryu 5ugen Shinto ryu

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