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Resume For Programme Assistant Ravi Shanker Mishra IT & MBA

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Ravi Shankar Mishra (MBA Marketing & HR with 4 year experience Especially in IT fiel !

San"ay #$%%&nicati$n' A%ahiya R$a Rewa (M()(! E%ail * ravi(%ishra+,+-.g%ail(c$% #$ntact /$0 * 1232414311' 1112+544-3

)r$fessi$nal Experiences
Tehsil 6evel 7fficer (Ec$n$%ic #ens&s -3+-! ate Dept. of Economics & Statistics (Govt. of Madhya Pradesh) En&%erat$r Dept. of Economics & Statistics (Govt. of Madhya Pradesh) :e; 8esigner <in hya =r$&p $f Techn$l$gies' Rewa (M()(! Under Which: . We!site Desi"nin" of Govt. #o$$e"e Ma%"an&' (e)a (M.P.) *. We!site Desi"nin" of Govt. #o$$e"e (amp%r +a,in' Sidhi (M.P.) -. We!site Desi"nin" of .i$a Panchayat (e)a (M.P.) :e; 8esigning' S$ftware 8evel$p%ent & Manage%ent -3+San"ay #$%%&nicati$n' (e)a (M.P.) Under Which: . We!site deve$oped for Govt. P.G. Science #o$$e"e' (e)a (M.P.) *. We!site deve$oped for Govt. S)ami /ive,anand #o$$e"e' 0yonthar' (e)a (M.P.) May -331 9 /$v April 9 8ec -334 8ec -3+- 9 till ate May -3+2 * till

-. We!site deve$oped for Govt. +e) Science #o$$e"e' (e)a (M.P.) 1. We!site deve$oped for Govt. #o$$e"e +ai"arhi' (e)a (M.P.) 2. We!site deve$oped for Govt. #o$$e"e of G%rh' (e)a (M.P.) 3. We!site Deve$opment for Govt. Gir$s #o$$e"e' (e)a (M.P.) 4. We!site %pdatin" of Govt. 5a) #o$$e"e' (e)a (M.P.) 6. Schoo$ Mana"ement System Pro"ram. 7. Deve$oped Pro&ect (eport for PSM department of Medica$ #o$$e"e' (e)a (M.P.) 8. Patient Monitorin" Pro"ram for Private #$inics . Medicine Stoc, Maintenance & !i$$in" Pro"ram for Medica$ & Pharmacy 9"encies *. Sa$es' Mar,etin" & #$ient dea$s. Rewa Si hi =ra%in Bank (Tea% Manager! 9 :t contains scannin" and %p$oadin" of si"nat%re acco%nts of 88 !ranches of (e)a Sidhi Gramin ;an,. : have to mana"e & trained more than -8 emp$oyees as a Tea% Manager for different p$aces of (e)a' Sidhi and Sin"ra%$i 9rea. >ac&lty /ic #$%p&ter & Inf$r%ati$n Techn$l$gy #$llege' Rewa ?an -331 9 April -331

E &cati$nal @&alificati$n
Exa%A8egree M.;.9. (Mar,etin" & <() ;#9 *th 8th B$ar ABniversity 9)adesh Pratap Cear $f )assing Sin"h *8 AggregateAD 36= 3 .*= 23= 4*=

University' (e)a ;ar,at%$$ah University' *886 ;hopa$ #;SE #;SE *882 *88-

<tm$ 9SP.+et >avaScript /is%a$ ;asic #?? Ms-@ffice 9do!e Photoshop @rac$e Macromedia A$ash Macromedia Dream)eaver <indi & En"$ish 0ypin" <%man (eso%rces Mana"ement Mar,etin" (%ra$ Deve$opment & Ed%cation

)r$"ects &Training
Ma&or Pro&ect on We!site Deve$opment of Govt. ;.<.M.S. #o$$e"e' ;hopa$ (M.P.) S%mmer 0rainin" of M;9 *nd Sem. in 0909 9:G 5ife :ns%rance #ompany 5td. 1th Semester (esearch Pro&ect on BEffectiveness $f 7nline A vertisingC

)r$"ects & H$n$rs

Pro&ect of <ospita$ Mana"ement System (Aront End: - /is%a$ ;asic ;ac, End: @rac$e) We!site Desi"n for Govt. <omeopathic Medica$ #o$$e"e' ;hopa$ (M.P.)

;est We!site Desi"n a)ard on inter-co$$e"e )e!site desi"n competition. PriDe for the 9pp$ication Pro"ram of Aee Mana"ement at Schoo$ 5eve$. /ario%s #ertificate in Sports & #o-c%rric%$ar activities. (Especia$$y in 0a!$e 0ennis). ;est 0eacher a)ard in 0eacherEs Day Pro"ram in F./. (e)a.

)ers$nal 8etails
>atherFs /a%e 9 Shri San&ay F%mar Mishra M$therFs /a%e 9 Shrimati (ama Mishra 8(7(B( G * H H 763 Marital Stat&s G Unmarried /ati$nality G :ndian =en er G Ma$e 6ang&ages G En"$ish' <indi' (e"iona$ 5an"%a"e (;a"he$i) A ress * San&ay #omm%nication' 9mahiya (oad (e)a (M.P.) Pin code - 16388

: here !y dec$are that the information "iven !y me is tota$$y tr%e and no )ron" information is concerned )ith this res%me. 8ate0 )lace0 Ravi Shankar Mishra

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