HR250 SAPEmployeeSelf Service
HR250 SAPEmployeeSelf Service
HR250 SAPEmployeeSelf Service
Release 640 04/06/2006
SAP AG 2002
HR250 SAP Employee Self-Service
Employee Self-Service
5004 3566
SAP AG 2004
Copyright 2004 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
o p!rt of this p"#lic!tio$ m!y #e reprod"ced or tr!$smitted i$
!$y form or for !$y p"rpose %itho"t the e&press permissio$ of
SAP AG. 'he i$form!tio$ co$t!i$ed herei$ m!y #e ch!$ged
%itho"t prior $otice.
Some software pro!cts markete "# SAP A$ a% &ts &str&"!tors co%ta&% propr&etar# software compo%e%ts of
ot'er software (e%ors.
)&crosoft, W&%ows, *!tlook, a% PowerPo&%t are re+&stere traemarks of )&crosoft Corporat&o%.
,-), .-2, .-2 /%&(ersal .ata"ase, *S/2, Parallel S#sple0, )1S/2SA, A,3, S/340, AS/400, *S/340, *S/400,
&Ser&es, pSer&es, 0Ser&es, 5Ser&es, 5/*S, A6P, ,%tell&+e%t )&%er, We"Sp'ere, 7etf&%&t#, 8&(ol&, a% ,%form&0 are
traemarks or re+&stere traemarks of ,-) Corporat&o% &% t'e /%&te States a%/or ot'er co!%tr&es.
*racle &s a re+&stere traemark of *racle Corporat&o%.
/7,3, 3/*pe%, *S6/1, a% )ot&f are re+&stere traemarks of t'e *pe% $ro!p.
C&tr&0, ,CA, Pro+ram 7e&+'"or'oo, )eta6rame, W&%6rame, 1&eo6rame, a% )!lt&W&% are traemarks or
re+&stere traemarks of C&tr&0 S#stems, ,%c.
98):, 3):, 398): a% W3C are traemarks or re+&stere traemarks of W3C;, Worl W&e We"
Co%sort&!m, )assac'!setts ,%st&t!te of 8ec'%olo+#.
<a(a &s a re+&stere traemark of S!% )&cros#stems, ,%c.
<a(aScr&pt &s a re+&stere traemark of S!% )&cros#stems, ,%c., !se !%er l&ce%se for tec'%olo+# &%(e%te a%
&mpleme%te "# 7etscape.
)a0.- &s a traemark of )#SQ: A-, Swee%.
SAP, R/3, m#SAP,, 0Apps, 0App, a% ot'er SAP pro!cts a% ser(&ces me%t&o%e 'ere&% as well as
t'e&r respect&(e lo+os are traemarks or re+&stere traemarks of SAP A$ &% $erma%# a% &% se(eral ot'er
co!%tr&es all o(er t'e worl. All ot'er pro!ct a% ser(&ce %ames me%t&o%e are t'e traemarks of t'e&r respect&(e
compa%&es. .ata co%ta&%e &% t'&s oc!me%t ser(es &%format&o%al p!rposes o%l#. 7at&o%al pro!ct spec&f&cat&o%s
ma# (ar#.
8'ese mater&als are s!"=ect to c'a%+e w&t'o!t %ot&ce. 8'ese mater&als are pro(&e "# SAP A$ a% &ts aff&l&ate
compa%&es >?SAP $ro!p?@ for &%format&o%al p!rposes o%l#, w&t'o!t represe%tat&o% or warra%t# of a%# k&%, a%
SAP $ro!p s'all %ot "e l&a"le for errors or om&ss&o%s w&t' respect to t'e mater&als. 8'e o%l# warra%t&es for SAP
$ro!p pro!cts a% ser(&ces are t'ose t'at are set fort' &% t'e e0press warra%t# stateme%ts accompa%#&%+ s!c'
pro!cts a% ser(&ces, &f a%#. 7ot'&%+ 'ere&% s'o!l "e co%str!e as co%st&t!t&%+ a% a&t&o%al warra%t#.
SAP AG 2002
Co"rse Prere("isites
HR05* H"m!$ Reso"rces Esse$ti!ls +
HR052 H"m!$ Reso"rces Esse$ti!ls ++
,$o%ledge of the H"m!$ Reso"rces !pplic!tio$ yo" %!$t to
-e# e$!#le
Highly Recomme$ded)
HR05. H"m!$ Reso"rces Esse$ti!ls +++
HR.05 Co$fig"r!tio$ of /!ster 0!t!
HR140 A"thori2!tio$s i$ HR
SAP AG 1999
'!rget Gro"p
HR !$d +$tr!$et pro3ect te!m mem#ers respo$si#le
for impleme$ti$g SAP Employee Self-Service
0"r!tio$) 2 d!ys
Hints for the user
8'&s tra&%&%+ mater&al &s not a self-teaching program. The training material will only be complete in
combination with the trainer's explanations. Ao!r tra&%&%+ mater&al lea(es room for wr&t&%+ ow% t'&s
a&t&o%al &%format&o%.
SAP AG 1999
Co"rse Go!ls
Co"rse 4#3ectives
Co"rse Co$te$t
Co"rse 4vervie% 0i!gr!m
/!i$ 5"si$ess Sce$!rio
Co"rse 4vervie%
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1
SAP AG 1999
'he philosophy #ehi$d SAP Employee Self-
Service 6SAP ESS7
'he SAP ESS services
C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS
'he mySAP -or8pl!ce !$d the Employee Self-
Service role
'he tech$ic!l i$fr!str"ct"re of SAP ESS
SAP ESS "ser !dmi$istr!tio$
Pl!$$i$g !$d impleme$ti$g SAP ESS
Ad!pti$g !$d e$h!$ci$g SAP ESS
Co"rse Go!ls
'his co"rse te!ches yo" !#o"t)
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2
SAP AG 2002
E&pl!i$ the SAP ESS philosophy
E&pl!i$ !$d "se the SAP ESS services
0escri#e !$d perform the steps $ecess!ry to
c"stomi2e SAP ESS
0escri#e the mySAP -or8pl!ce !$d the
Employee Self-Service role
/!i$t!i$ SAP ESS "sers
E&pl!i$ the $ecess!ry steps for ! s"ccessf"l
SAP ESS impleme$t!tio$
0escri#e the tech$ic!l i$fr!str"ct"re of the
mySAP -or8pl!ce !$d SAP ESS
Co"rse 4#3ectives
At the co$cl"sio$ of this co"rse9 yo" %ill #e !#le to
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3
SAP AG 1999
Unit 6 C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS
Unit 7 E$h!$ci$g SAP ESS
Unit 8 Pl!$$i$g !$d
Unit 9 Co$cl"sio$
Unit 1 Co"rse 4vervie%
Unit 2 +$trod"ctio$ to SAP ESS
Unit 3 SAP ESS Services
Unit 4 mySAP -or8pl!ce)
Architect"re !$d Roles
Unit 5 :ser /!$!geme$t
Co"rse Co$te$t
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 1999
Co"rse 4vervie% 0i!gr!m
Co"rse 4vervie%
+$trod"ctio$ to SAP ESS
SAP ESS Services
:ser /!$!geme$t
C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS
Pl!$$i$g !$d +mpleme$t!tio$
E$h!$ci$g SAP ESS
mySAP -or8pl!ce) Architect"re !$d Roles
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 5
SAP AG 1999
'he C!li#er A 5icycle Comp!$y is !$ i$ter$!tio$!l
comp!$y th!t sells #icycles !$d #icycle
'he C!li#er A 5icycle Comp!$y h!s !lre!dy
impleme$ted the SAP H"m!$ Reso"rces
!pplic!tio$s !$d is $o% ev!l"!ti$g SAP Employee
Self-Service 6SAP ESS7 to #ecome the +$tr!$et
port!l for their employees.
SAP ESS sho"ld s"pport the employees i$ their
d!ily %or8 !$d serve !s ! tool for "si$g e-m!il to
fi$d i$form!tio$ !$d to e$ter !$d m!i$t!i$ perso$!l
d!t!. +t sho"ld !lso #e "sed to perform s"ch t!s8s
!s e$teri$g tr!vel e&pe$ses !$d recordi$g %or8i$g
/!i$ 5"si$ess Sce$!rio
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 6
SAP AG 1999
-h!t is SAP Employee Self-Service 6SAP ESS7;
'he Philosophy
'he Highlights
'he 5e$efits
'he SAP +$ter$et Str!tegy)
'he Ch!$ges to Rele!se 4.=C
+$trod"ctio$ to SAP ESS
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1
SAP AG 1999
E&pl!i$ the SAP ESS philosophy
0escri#e the fe!t"res of SAP ESS
0isc"ss the #e$efits of SAP ESS
0escri#e the rel!tio$ship #et%ee$ SAP ESS
Specify the most import!$t $e% fe!t"res
of SAP ESS i$ Rele!se 4.=C
At the co$cl"sio$ of this "$it9 yo" %ill #e !#le to)
+$trod"ctio$ to SAP ESS ) :$it 4#3ectives
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2
SAP AG 1999
Co"rse 4vervie% 0i!gr!m
Co"rse 4vervie%
Introduction to SAP ESS
SAP ESS Services
:ser /!$!geme$t
Pl!$$i$g !$d +mpleme$t!tio$
E$h!$ci$g SAP ESS
C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS
mySAP -or8pl!ce) Architect"re !$d Roles
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3
SAP AG 2002
'he C!li#er A 5icycle Comp!$y is impleme$ti$g
SAP Employee Self-Service.
SAP ESS provides employees %ith ! po%erf"l
i$form!tio$ !$d service port!l !ccessi#le thro"gh
their des8top comp"ter.
'his stre!mli$es processes th!t !re p!per #!sed
!$d !dmi$istr!tively i$te$sive %ithi$ the comp!$y.
+$trod"ctio$ to SAP ESS ) 5"si$ess Sce$!rio
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 1999
+$trod"ctio$ to SAP ESS
5!sic >e!t"res of SAP ESS
SAP ESS i$ the
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 5
SAP AG 1999
'he Perso$$el 0ep!rtme$t %itho"t ESS
He!vy %or8 lo!d c!"sed #y !dmi$istr!tive !$d
repetitive t!s8s i$ the perso$$el dep!rtme$t
E$terprise processes !re c!rried o"t "si$g
p!per or i$form!lly
0!t! is e$tered more th!$ o$ce !$d is
processed #y)
Comp"ter perso$$el
Poor d!t! ("!lity !$d d!t! red"$d!$cy
4ver%or8ed h"m!$ reso"rces dep!rtme$t
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 6
SAP AG 2002
SAP Employee Self-Service 6SAP ESS7 i$cl"des ! $"m#er of e!sy-
to-"se -e# !pplic!tio$s %ith %hich every employee i$ !$
e$terprise c!$ cre!te9 displ!y9 !$d m!i$t!i$ d!t! i$ the R@. System
"si$g ! #ro%ser.
SAP ESS offers tr!$s!ctio$s for)
-or8i$g time
5"si$ess trips
Perso$!l i$form!tio$
?ife !$d %or8 eve$ts
-h!t is SAP Employee Self-Service;
SAP 2SS &s a% eff&c&e%t mea%s of access&%+ a% ma&%ta&%&%+ ata &% realBt&me. ,t perm&ts t'e offBloa of
ata e%tr# act&(&t&es a% relate tasks t'at are t#p&call# performe &% a compa%#Cs '!ma% reso!rces,
pa#roll, "e%ef&ts a% tra(el epartme%ts.
SAP 2mplo#ee SelfBSer(&ce >SAP 2SS@ empowers emplo#ees to (&ew, create, a% ma&%ta&% ata any
time, anywhere t'ro!+' t'e&r We" "rowser.
SAP 2SS 'as a% intuiti#e user interface a% &s t'erefore &eal for cas!al !sers.
2SS e(elopme%t &s c!rre%tl# work&%+ o% :&fe a% Work 2(e%ts, &% w'&c' t'e appl&cat&o% a%
&%format&o% are com"&%e &% a wa# t'at s!pports emplo#ees &% t'e&r ec&s&o%s.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 D
SAP AG 2002
Employees m!i$t!i$ their o%$ d!t!
Employees !re respo$si#le for some
of their perso$!l d!t!
+$form!tio$ is s"pplied for !ll
Simple !$d i$t"itive "se
?et them do it themselvesB
SAP ESS - 'he Philosophy
SAP 2SS le(era+es t'e power of SAP, tak&%+ f!ll a(a%ta+e of &'3 business logic an( functionality,
sec!r&t#, a% a!&t f!%ct&o%al&t#. SAP 2SS pr&mar&l# &%cl!es human resources capabilities, "!t also
offers logistical, financial a% office f!%ct&o%al&t#. SAP 2SS !t&l&5es t'e same ata"ase as t'e R/3
S#stem. As a res!lt, no (ual customi)ing or reconciliation &s reG!&re.
All t'e SAP 2SS ser(&ces are wor*flow-enable(. 8'e# work w&t' t'e same R/3 "!s&%ess o"=ects as t'e
R/3 S#stem. ,f act&(&t&es &% t'e "!s&%ess o"=ects tr&++er workflow e(e%ts &% R/3, t'e% t'e same act&(&t&es
w&ll tr&++er workflow e(e%ts &% SAP 2SS.
SAP 2SS &%'er&ts t'e &%ter%at&o%al arc'&tect!re of t'e R/3 S#stem, w&t' &ts !%s!rpasse language a%
currency ma%a+eme%t capa"&l&t&es. ,t takes f!ll a(a%ta+e of t'e +lo"al capa"&l&t&es of t'e R/3 S#stem,
&%cl!&%+ country locali)ation.
SAP 2SS reG!&res t'e m#SAP Workplace, w'&c' ca% "e !se w&t' t'e +icrosoft ,nternet -xplorer >or
w&t' t'e .etscape .a#igator Release 6.0@ !%er t'e W&%ows, )ac *S a% /%&0 operat&%+ s#stems.
8'e my/01 2or*place pro(&es a% &%t!&t&(e a% eas#BtoB!se !ser &%terface t'at ca% "e perso%al&5e.
8'e scree%s for t'e 2SS ser(&ces o%l# co%ta&% t'e R/3 &%format&o% t'at &s rele(a%t for t'e e%!ser. :&ttle
to %o tra&%&%+ &s reG!&re.
8'e SAP 2SS me%! a% t'e &%&(&!al SAP 2SS ser(&ces ca% "e c!stom&5e a% e%'a%ce. 8'e
appeara%ce of t'e SAP 2SS ser(&ces ca% "e aapate to matc' t'e look a% feel of t'e compa%#Cs
,%tra%et a% corporate &e%t&t#.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 2002
SAP ESS - 'he 5e$efits
C!rio"s i$t"itive services
Gre!ter employee s!tisf!ctio$
+mproved d!t! ("!lity !$d more efficie$t
'ime s!vi$gs for employees9 m!$!gers9 !$d
h"m!$ reso"rces perso$$el
Cost s!vi$gs)
Perso$$el costs
Pri$ti$g !$d shipme$t costs
Avoids do"#le m!i$te$!$ce
Costs for error correctio$
Simple li$8 #et%ee$ !pplic!tio$ !$d i$form!tio$
"si$g ?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts
-# e%a"l&%+ emplo#ees to ma&%ta&% t'e&r ow% ata a% to 'a(e access to &%&(&!al as well as p!"l&c
&%format&o%, compa%&es empower emplo#ees to take respo%s&"&l&t# a% ow%ers'&p. 8'&s &%creases
emplo#ee sat&sfact&o% a% &mpro(es t'e acc!rac# of ata.
Compa%&esC '!ma% reso!rces epartme%ts are free from ma%# of t'e ata e%tr# a% relate c!stomer
ser(&ce act&(&t&es.
Compa%&es sa(e mo%e# "# re!c&%+ t'e costs of paper, posta+e a% ata e%tr#. 8&me &s sa(e "#
el&m&%at&%+ "!rea!crat&c processes, t'ere"# releas&%+ t'ose reso!rces. SAP 2SS oes %ot reG!&re
e0pe%s&(e, t&meBco%s!m&%+ tra&%&%+.
,f t'e l&fe or work e%(&ro%me%t of a% emplo#ee c'a%+es, t'e emplo#ee &s s!pporte &% '&s ec&s&o%s "#
t'e appl&cat&o% a% "# co%te0tBspec&f&c &%format&o%.
SAP 2SS &s part of t'e R/3 core s#stem as of Release 4.5
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 10
SAP AG 1999
+$trod"ctio$ to SAP ESS
5!sic >e!t"res of SAP ESS
SAP ESS i$ the
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 11
SAP AG 1999
Pl!tform for #"si$ess coll!#or!tio$
+$tegr!ted9 ge$er!l #"si$ess processes
Rel!tio$ship #"ildi$g 6comm"$ities7
E&ter$!l services i$tegr!tio$ 6co$te$t7
4$e-step #"si$ess 6coll!#or!tio$7
Applic!tio$ hosti$g
+$ter$et #"si$ess fr!me%or8
Si$gle poi$t of !ccess to !ll
i$ter$!l !$d e&ter$!l
'he SAP +$ter$et Str!tegy)
&s t'e SAP strate+# for pro(&&%+ c!stomer sol!t&o%s. 8'e %ame
'as t'e t'ree
8'e m#SAP Workplace pro(&es !sers w&t' perso%al&5e, roleBspec&f&c access to t'e s#stem.
SAP 2SS &s completel# &%te+rate &% t'e m#SAP Workplace. 8'e Workplace &s respo%s&"le for access
a% %a(&+at&o%.
/01 sta%s for t'e powerf!l e%terpr&se software pro(&e !s&%+ t'e ,%ter%et.
-!s&%ess relat&o%s'&ps a% colla"orat&o% ca% "e &%&t&ate a% eepe%e !s&%+ t'e ,%ter%et.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 12
SAP AG 1999
'he Eleme$ts of
Applic!tio$ Hosti$g
5"si$ess Sce$!rios
-or8pl!ce /!r8etpl!ce
8'e my/01 2or*place &s a% e%terpr&se portal pro(&&%+ eas# access to all s#stem f!%ct&o%s. 8'e !ser
lo+s o% o%ce, after w'&c' access &s poss&"le to all m#SAP appl&cat&o%s.
8'e my/01 +ar*etplace &s a portal for colla"orat&o% "etwee% m!lt&ple e%terpr&ses !s&%+ t'e ,%ter%et.
8'ere are fo!r ma&% areas. 2%terpr&ses t'at are l&ste &% t'e &%!str# &rector# of t'e )arketplace ca%
take a(a%ta+e of o%eBstep "!s&%ess a% ca% part&c&pate &% &%!str#Bspec&f&c trae a% comm!%&cat&o%
SAP 'as e(elope a %!m"er of business scenarios t'at s&mpl&f# trae a% comm!%&cat&o%.
SAP c!stomers ca% !se t'e&r m#SAP compo%e%ts w&t' 'arware a% software t'at &s pro(&e
e0ter%all# "# SAP a% &ts part%ers. 8'&s proce!re &s calle 0pplication Hosting a% ca% "e selecte
after &mpleme%tat&o%.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 13
SAP AG 1999
'he mySAP -or8pl!ce
/!tches $eeds
R@. 4.=
>+ ?4
C>/ components
Internet services
Other Internet services
ERP Systems
W&t' Release 4.6C SAP 2mplo#ee SelfBSer(&ce &s a% &%te+ral part of t'e m#SAP Workplace.
8'e m#SAP Workplace &s a roleBor&e%te portal +&(&%+ emplo#ees !%&f&e access to all t'e %ecessar#
appl&cat&o%s, &%format&o% a% ser(&ces %eee for t'e&r a&l# work at a%# t&me a% at a%# place !s&%+ t'e
We" "rowser.
*%l# a s&%+le lo+o% &s reG!&re for access to t'e Workplace a% t'e appl&cat&o%s &t pro(&es >/ingle /ign-
SAP el&(ers a catalo+ of preef&%e role templates allow&%+ compa%&es to +et !p a% r!%%&%+ G!&ckl#
w&t' t'e m#SAP Workplace. C!stomers are free to c!stom&5e t'ese roles or ef&%e %ew o%es of t'e&r
ow%. Roles are ce%trall# ma&%ta&%e. W'e% a role &s !pate, all ass&+%e !sers ca% a!tomat&call# take
a(a%ta+e of t'e %ew a&t&o%s.
/sers ca% co%f&+!re t'e Workplace t'emsel(es. 8'e Workplace &s also el&(ere to s!&t t'e c!stomerCs
%ees &% a %!m"er of &%!str#Bspec&f&c a% roleBspec&f&c (ers&o%s. -# &%sert&%+ l&%ks a% tra%sact&o%s t'at
are freG!e%tl# calle, t'e Workplace ca% "e co%f&+!re to t'e reG!&reme%ts of t'e &%&(&!al !ser. 8'e
.ra+HRelate f!%ct&o% &s alrea# &mpleme%te.
8'e Workplace pro(&es access to a %!m"er of a% e0ter%al compo%e%ts. R/3 S#stems are
&%ter%etB a% &%tra%etBe%a"le w&t' Release 3.19.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 14
SAP AG 2002
'he mySAP /!r8etpl!ce
Comm"$ities Comm"$ities
Commerce Commerce
Co$te$t Co$te$t
Coll!#or!tio$ Coll!#or!tio$
Compa%&es ca% =o&% a #irtual in(ustry community &% t'e ?Comm!%&t&es? area. 8'e mem"ers of t'ese
comm!%&t&es e0c'a%+e &%format&o% &% &sc!ss&o% for!ms. 8'e ?Comm!%&t&es? s!pport a% e%co!ra+e
&%terBe%terpr&se colla"orat&o%.
8'e )arketplace also offers contents t'at are co%sta%tl# !pate. 8'&s &%cl!es comme%ts a"o!t
&%!str#Brele(a%t e(e%ts, &%!str# %ews a% tre% &%format&o%. 8'e !ser ca% also &spla# t'e c!rre%t
stock market pr&ces &% a portfol&o t'at ca% "e co%f&+!re to '&s reG!&reme%ts.
8'ere &s a separate &%!str# &rector# for t'e 4ommerce area. 2%terpr&ses e%tere &% t'e )arketplace
offer t'e&r pro!cts a% ser(&ces 'ere. /%&f&e process&%+ of a tra%sact&o% >?o%eBstep "!s&%ess?@ &s
poss&"le !e to t'e &%te+rate e0c'a%+e of "!s&%ess oc!me%ts. Ao! ca% s!"scr&"e to a %!m"er of
o%l&%e ser(&ces o% t'e start pa+e of t'e )arketplace.
8'e m#SAP )arketplace also s!pports internet-supporte( collaboration "etwee% t'e e%terpr&ses.
8'e )arketplace perm&ts one-step businessE $oos a% ser(&ces ca% "e "o!+'t a% sol &% a s&%+le step
&% t'e )arketplace. 8wo process&%+ s#stems e%s!re correct f&%a%c&al tra%sact&o%s &% t'e "ack+ro!%.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 15
SAP AG 1999
Applic!tio$ Hosti$g
Hosti$g #y SAP E P!rt$er
Prod"ctio$ Prod"ctio$
C"stomer Sol"tio$
... ... 5- 5- HR HR
... ... 5- 5-
'est ph!se 'est ph!se Co$fig"r!tio$ Co$fig"r!tio$ +mpleme$t!tio$ +mpleme$t!tio$ Prod"ctio$ Prod"ctio$
+mpleme$t!tio$ +mpleme$t!tio$
Appl&cat&o% 9ost&%+ &s &(&e &%to fo!r p'asesE 8est&%+ >t'e c!stomer tests t'e s!++este sol!t&o%@,
co%f&+!rat&o% >ef&%&t&o% of t'e sol!t&o%@, &mpleme%tat&o% a% operat&o% >&%ter%all# or online "# SAP H
,% t'e test phase, t'ose &%tereste ca% test w'et'er sat&sf&es t'e compa%#Cs reG!&reme%ts.
A !ser acco!%t &s set !p for ,.2S, t'e SAP ,%ter%et emo s#stem for t'e (ar&o!s &%!str&es.
.!r&%+ configuratio%, t'e c!stomer ca% ef&%e '&s &%&(&!al sol!t&o%. Ao! ca% co%f&+!re SAP 2SS
!s&%+ a spec&al Sol!t&o% )ap or &rectl# &% t'e s#stem "# a%swer&%+ s&mple catalo+ G!est&o%s.
,mplementation takes place o%ce t'e c!stomerBspec&f&c SAP sol!t&o% 'as "ee% create. 8'&s ca% "e
o%e &% two wa#sE
8'e c!stomer &%stalls 'arware a% software locall# a% &mpleme%ts t'e pro=ect.
SAP pro(&es all t'e 'arware a% software %eee "# t'e c!stomer &% t'e &mpleme%tat&o% p'ase.
After &mpleme%tat&o%, t'e c!stomer ca% e&t'er r!% '&s pro!ct&o% s#stem '&mself >&%ter%al sol!t&o%@ or
'a(e &t r!% e0ter%all# "# SAP or o%e of &ts part%ers. SAPCs 0pplication Hosting re!ces t'e costs for
%ew 'arware a% software ma&%te%a%ce. 8'e c!stomer o%l# %ees a We" "rowser for access&%+ t'e
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 16
SAP AG 1999
5"si$ess Sce$!rios
5"si$ess P!rt$er
C"stomer Ce$dor Ce$dor
Employee Employee
Self Self- -Service Service
5"si$ess 5"si$ess- -to to- -
5"si$ess 5"si$ess
Proc"reme$t Proc"reme$t
Coll!#or!tive Coll!#or!tive
Applic!tio$s Applic!tio$s
P"rch!si$g P"rch!si$g
4$li$e 4$li$e
S!les S!les
+$voice@ +$voice@
P!yme$t P!yme$t
P!yme$t P!yme$t
Coll!#or!tive Coll!#or!tive
Pl!$$i$g Pl!$$i$g
4$li$e 4$li$e
Services Services
1e%ors ca% !se /01 551 to offer t'e&r pro!ct catalo+s &% t'e ,%ter%et or &% compa%# ,%tra%ets. Sales
a% proc!reme%t !se t'e Worl W&e We".
W&t' /01 -//, emplo#ees ca% for e0ample orer t'e&r ow% off&ce s!ppl&es or ma&%ta&% t'e&r perso%al
ata. P!rc'ase orers, reG!ests a% t'e&r mo&f&cat&o%s are passe to t'e SAP "ack+ro!% s#stem. 8'e
f&rst 2SS sce%ar&os were prese%te &% 1446 &% Release 3.1$.
4ollaboration "etwee% "!s&%ess part%ers pr&mar&l# &%(ol(es crossBs&te pla%%&%+ a% forecast&%+. 8'e
part&es &%(ol(e 'ere"# access t'e commo%l# !se appl&cat&o%s a% t'e o%l&%e ser(&ces of e0ter%al
(e%ors as reG!&re.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1D
SAP AG 2002
SAP ESS 4.=C !$d
e% f"$ctio$s %ere !dded !$d e&isti$g
f"$ctio$s %ere e$h!$ced.
'he mySAP -or8pl!ce repl!ces the e!rlier
ESS me$".
SAP Employee Self-Service is $o% represe$ted
#y the role Employee Self-Service.
-h!t !re the implic!tio$s of
!$d R@. System Rele!se 4.=C o$
SAP Employee Self-Service ;
W&t' Release 4.6C, #o! ca% o%l# call t'e SAP 2mplo#ee SelfBSer(&ce appl&cat&o%s from t'e m#SAP
Ao!r 2SS l&ce%ses a!tomat&call# a!t'or&5e #o! to !se t'e m#SAP Workplace for t'e SAP 2mplo#ee
SelfBSer(&ce. 7ote t'at t'ese l&ce%ses o %ot a!t'or&5e #o! to !se t'e m#SAP Workplace for ot'er SAP
compo%e%ts. Ao! 'a(e to p!rc'ase t'ese l&ce%ses separatel#.
As a% 2SS c!stomer #o! are +&(e% t'e m#SAP Workplace !po% reG!est.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1F
SAP AG 2002
E&pl!i$ the SAP ESS philosophy
0escri#e the fe!t"res of SAP ESS
0isc"ss the #e$efits of SAP ESS
0escri#e the rel!tio$ship #et%ee$ SAP ESS !$d
Specify the most import!$t $e% fe!t"res
of SAP ESS i$ Rele!se 4.=C
Fo" !re $o% !#le to)
+$trod"ctio$ to SAP ESS ) :$it S"mm!ry
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 14
SAP AG 1999
!vig!tio$ i$ the mySAP -or8pl!ce
Employee Self-Service Role
SAP ESS Services
SAP ESS !$d -or8flo%
?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts
SAP ESS Services
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1
SAP AG 2002
At the co$cl"sio$ of this "$it9 yo" %ill #e !#le to)
'he SAP ESS Services) :$it 4#3ectives
!vig!te i$ the mySAP -or8pl!ce
0escri#e the SAP ESS services
0escri#e the rel!tio$ship #et%ee$ SAP ESS
!$d -or8flo%
5riefly descri#e ?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2
SAP AG 1999
SAP ESS Services
Co"rse 4vervie%
+$trod"ctio$ to SAP ESS
:ser /!$!geme$t
Pl!$$i$g !$d +mpleme$t!tio$
E$h!$ci$g SAP ESS
C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS
mySAP -or8pl!ce) Architect"re !$d Roles
Co"rse 4vervie% 0i!gr!m
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3
SAP AG 2002
'he C!li#er A 5icycle Comp!$y %!$ts to offer !$
+$tr!$et service port!l to its employees.
'o red"ce the e&pe$se9 time9 !$d reso"rces
re("ired of ! modified +$tr!$et9 the C!li#er A
5icycle Comp!$y %!$ts to revie% %h!t is !v!il!#le
i$ the st!$d!rd delivery of SAP Employee Self-
SAP ESS Services) 5"si$ess Sce$!rio
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 1999
SAP ESS !$d -or8flo% 4
?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts 5
SAP ESS Services .
!vig!tio$ i$ the mySAP -or8pl!ce
Employee Self-Service Role 2
!vig!tio$ i$ the mySAP -or8pl!ce
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 5
SAP AG 2002
-elcome -illi -or8pl!ce Ma!et"lace U"#ate A#a"t $n%o
&inancial Acco(ntin)
*is"lay $n+(iies
,on#elan# -nte"ises
*is"lay Re+(est
.eate Re+(est
Meye/ $nc.
Geneic Se'ices
-or8Sp!ce 6/i$iApps9 'r!$s!ctio$s9 -e#sites7 ?!"$chP!d
Eleme$ts of the -or8pl!ce 5ro%ser -i$do%
8'e Workplace &s calle "# e%ter&%+ t'e correspo%&%+ /R: >,%ter%et aress@ &% t'e We" "rowser. 8'&s
!s!all# &s o%e "# cl&ck&%+ o% a l&%k >a% %ot ma%!all#@.
8'e s#%ta0 for t'e Workplace /R: &s t#p&call#
<protocol>E//IwebserverJKEIportJL/scr&pts/w+ate/sapwp/M, for e0ample ?'ttpsE//
Sess&o% 9a%l&%+ &% t'e Workplace perm&ts #o! to 'ol m!lt&ple appl&cat&o%s &% parallel &% c'a%%els.
8'e &%&(&!al c'a%%els are &spla#e w&t' &co%s &% a (ert&cal "ar calle t'e 4hannel5ar &% t'e left
part of t'e "rowser w&%ow. -# cl&ck&%+ o% t'e c'a%%el &co%s #o! ca% sw&tc' "ack a% fort' "etwee%
t'e &ffere%t appl&cat&o%s.
W'e% work&%+ w&t' t'e Workplace #o! see #o!r roles w&t' t'e rele(a%t e%tr&es &% t'e 6aunch1a(.
Ao! ca% also a #o!r ow% e%tr&es >fa(or&tes@ to t'e :a!%c'Pa.
W'e% #o! lo+ o%to t'e Workplace, t'e l&st of )&%&Apps ass&+%e to #o!r role >s!c' as stock t&cker,
%ews, o(er(&ew l&sts, reports@ as well as )&%&Apps t'at #o! ae #o!rself are &spla#e &% t'e
2or*/pace to t'e r&+'t. ,f #o! start a certa&% tra%sact&o% &% t'e :a!%c'Pa >s!c' as t'e tra%sact&o% for
"ook&%+ a% &%(o&ce@, t'&s appl&cat&o% &s e0ec!te to t'e r&+'t &% t'e WorkSpace.
W&t' 7rag8&elate #o! ca% l&%k a% e0ec!te o"=ects of a% appl&cat&o% w&t' a%ot'er appl&cat&o% "#
s&mpl# cl&ck&%+ t'em.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 6
SAP AG 1999
&a'oites MiniA""s Geneal
2a(nc3Pa# 2an)(a)e 4t3e
*is"lay #ialo) %o *a)5Relate
Use c3annels 6e+(ies estat7
E&p!$d !$d coll!pse
+$iti!l scree$
6for the /i$iApps7
Ch!$$el #"sy
C"rre$t ch!$$el
?og off
Ch!$$el free
Ch!$$el5!r >"$ctio$s
8'e 4hannel5ar &s at t'e left e+e of t'e Workplace "rowser w&%ow. *%l# o%e c'a%%el &s %ormall#
&spla#e t'e f&rst t&me #o! lo+ o%to t'e Workplace. ,f #o! wa%t to !se all t'e c'a%%els, #o! 'a(e to
aapt #o!r C'a%%el-ar. Ao! +o to a %ew w&%ow w&t' Adapt. )ark Use channels o% ta" pa+e Other of
ta" General.
Ao! ca% s'ow a% '&e t'e :a!%c'Pa &% t'e C'a%%el-ar. -# cl&ck&%+ o% t'e c'a%%el &co%s #o! ca% +o
to &ffere%t appl&cat&o%s or %a(&+ate to t'e )&%&Apps. ,% t'&s case #o! work w&t' m!lt&ple "rowser
w&%ows t'at are all &spla#e &rectl# &% t'e Workplace >as frames@. 8'e lowermost "!tto% &s !se to lo+
Ao! ca% ass&+% a% appl&cat&o% to a c'a%%el. C'a%%els t'at o %ot 'a(e a %!m"er are %ot ass&+%e >free
Ao! ca% also ass&+% a G!&ckstart c'a%%el. 8'&s mea%s t'at t'e c'a%%els are reta&%e w'e% #o! lo+ off
from t'e m#SAP Workplace. Ao! ca% start #o!r appl&cat&o% &rectl# &% t'e preef&%e c'a%%el t'e %e0t
t&me #o! lo+ o%.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 D
SAP AG 1999
&inancial Acco(ntin)
*is"lay $n+(iies
,on#elan# -nte"ises
*is"lay Re+(est
.eate Re+(est
Meye $nc.
$n%omation systems
Geneic Se'ices
&a'oites MiniA""s Geneal
,e0 a##esses Roles
,e0 a##ess
;est Re"lace A##
4< ;eminate
:e9 %ol#e *elete Re"lace
*is"lay in se"aate 0o9se 9in#o9
,e0 A##esses
Alta >ista
.eate Re+(est
*is"lay Re+(est
Addi$g tr!$s!ctio$s
%ith 0r!gE0rop
'esti$g !$d !ddi$g
-e# !ddresses
>!vorites i$ the ?!"$chP!d
Ao! +o to a %ew w&%ow w&t' Adapt. Ao! ca% create, re%ame, mo(e a% re+ro!p #o!r ow% folers &% t'e
left part of t'e Favorites ta" pa+e.
Ao! ca% &%sert We" aresses >/R:s@ &% t'e r&+'t part. 8'ese t'e% appear &% t'e :a!%c'Pa &% t'e
6a(or&tes. Ao! s'o!l test #o!r fa(or&tes w&t' t'e ?8est? "!tto% "efore a&%+ t'em to t'e l&st of
fa(or&tes. A fa(or&te t'at %ees t'e e%t&re "rowser w&%ow for &spla# &s %ot s!&ta"le for t'e WorkSpace
of t'e m#SAP Workplace.
,% t'e seco% ta" pa+e Roles o% t'e r&+'t s&e #o! see t'e :a!%c'Pa e%tr&es #o!r s#stem am&%&strator
ass&+%e to #o!. 8'e# &%cl!e for e0ample tra%sact&o%s. ,f #o! !se a tra%sact&o% (er# freG!e%tl#, #o! ca%
ef&%e &t as a fa(or&te. Cl&ck o% t'e rele(a%t tra%sact&o% a% c'oose Add.
8'e fa(or&tes ca% also "e e%'a%ce a% e&te &rectl# from t'e :a!%c'Pa. W&t' .ra+H.rop #o! ca%
&%sert freG!e%tl# !se tra%sact&o%s &% t'e Favorites foler.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 F
SAP AG 1999
&inancial Acco(ntin)
*is"lay $n+(iies
,on#elan# -nte"ises
*is"lay Re+(est
.eate Re+(est
Meye $nc.
Geneic Se'ices
&a'oites MiniA""s Geneal
;est A##
4< ;eminate
Pe'ie9 *elete
:e9 MiniA""s MiniA""s Pe'ie9
,e0 a##ess
@ei)3t 10 2ines
*is"lay minimi?e#
Stoc! ;ic!e
Seac3 in ,e0
Re(tes :e9s
;eminate# *eli'eies
BS("eMini Ma!et"lace U"#ate A#a"t $n%o
-elcome -illi -or8pl!ce
Perso$!li2i$g /i$iApps
+ini0pps are We" appl&cat&o%s or oc!me%ts t'at are eas# a% &%t!&t&(e to !se. W'e% #o! start t'e
Workplace, t'e# +&(e #o! a G!&ck o(er(&ew a% access to #o!r most &mporta%t f!%ct&o%s.
8'e )&%&Apps &%cl!e &% t'e WorkSpace are ass&+%e to #o! "# #o!r s#stem am&%&strator, "!t #o! ca%
also ass&+% #o!r ow% )&%&Apps.
Ao! +o to a %ew w&%ow w&t' Adapt. Ao! ca% a #o!r ow% )&%&Apps to t'e r&+'t a"o(e New MiniApps
o% ta" pa+e MiniApps. 2%ter t'e We" aress >/R:@, a %ame for t'e )&%&App a% t'e 'e&+'t &% l&%es.
)&%&Apps s'o!l "e teste "efore t'e# are ae. Ao! ca% re%ame a% mo(e t'em afterwars w&t' %o
8'e )&%&App &spla# ca% "e c'a%+e a% aapte. 6or e0ample t'e orer &% w'&c' t'e )&%&Apps are
&spla#e &% t'e Workplace ca% "e c'a%+e or t'e &spla# >e0pa%e or collapse@ ca% "e selecte o% t'e
MiniApps ta" pa+e.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 1999
E!sy to "se
Role-specific !ccess
>le&i#le !ccess
Si$gle Sig$-4$ 6SS47
:$ified i$iti!li2!tio$
Si$gle +$ter$et i$terf!ce
Cie% o$ SAP !$d e&ter$!l
E$h!$ce!#le role specific!tio$s
?o%er over!ll costs
o costs for i$st!ll!tio$ !t
the PC %or8pl!ce
E!sy m!i$te$!$ce
Ce$tr!l !dmi$istr!tio$
Co$trolled !ccess
:ser Comp!$y
-or8pl!ce) 5e$efits
-ot' t'e !ser a% t'e e%terpr&se prof&t from t'e "e%ef&ts pro(&e "# t'e Workplace.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 10
SAP AG 1999
!vig!tio$ i$ the mySAP -or8pl!ce *
SAP ESS !$d -or8flo% 4
?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts 5
Employee Self-Service Role 2
SAP ESS Services
'he Employee Self-Service Role
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 11
SAP AG 2002
Role) Employee Self-Service
mySAP -or8pl!ce) Employee Self-Service
A role me%! &s &spla#e at t'e left s&e of t'e scree% w'e% t'e !ser lo+s o%to t'e m#SAP Workplace. A
%!m"er of )&%&Apps are &spla#e at t'e r&+'t.
8'e role me%! co%ta&%s all t'e emplo#eeCs roles w&t'&% t'e e%terpr&se. *%e of t'ese roles ca% "e t'e
2mplo#ee SelfBSer(&ce role.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 12
SAP AG 2002
,3oCs ,3o
.3an)e 49n *ata 4.6.
$ntenal Se'ice Re+(est 4.6.
My Assets 4.6.
-or8i$g 'ime
Reco# ,o!in) ;ime 6.A;S7
.eate 2ea'e Re+(est
.ancel 2ea'e Re+(est
*is"lay 2ea'e $n%omation
*is"lay ,o! Sc3e#(le
*is"lay ;ime Statement
5"si$ess 'rips
;a'el Mana)ement 4.6.
?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts
My &ist *ays 4.6.
*i'oce 4.6.
Dene%its 4.6.
Role /e$"
Role /e$"
'he Employee Self-Service Role *@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 13
SAP AG 1999
'he Employee Self-Service Role 2@.
Patici"ation 4'e'ie9
&SA .laims 4.6.
Retiement Dene%its 4.6.
Eo0 4""ot(nities
A""lication Stat(s
Payc3ec! $n+(iy
-m"loyment an# Salay >ei%ication
-1ecisin) -m"loyee 4"tions 4.6.
*is"lay ;otal .om"ensation Statement 4.6.
Perso$!l +$form!tio$
Dan! #etails
Pe'io(s -m"loyes
-me)ency A##ess
-me)ency .ontact
&amily Mem0e/*e"en#ents
:e9 @ie *ata
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 14
SAP AG 2002
,3oCs ,3o
*is"lay P3oto
,o!%lo9 $n0o1
Micoso%t 4(tloo! $n0o1
Micoso%t 4(tloo! .alen#a
Complete overvie% of
co"$try-specific f"$ctio$s
'he Employee Self-Service Role .@.
.o(se 4%%ein) 4.6.
My Doo!in)s 4.6.
-#it S!ills Po%ile
*is"lay S!ills Po%ile 4.6.
*is"lay Re+(iements Po%ile 4.6.
Po%ile Matc3(" 9it3 49n Position 4.6.
My A""aisals 4.6.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 15
SAP AG 1999
!vig!tio$ i$ the mySAP -or8pl!ce
Employee Self-Service Role
SAP ESS Services .
SAP ESS !$d -or8flo% 4
?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts 5
SAP ESS Services
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 16
SAP AG 1999
-hoGs -ho
Ch!$ge 4%$ 0!t!
+$ter$!l Service Re("est
/y Assets
2mplo#ees ca% &spla# eBma&ls a% work &tems &% t'e&r SAP off&ce Inbox. 8'e# ca% &spla# a% process
t'e work &tems to "e e0ec!te as workflow steps. ,% t'&s wa# all emplo#ees are &%(ol(e &% t'e
2mplo#ees ca% also ma&%ta&% t'e&r ow% Calendar a% &spla# t'e&r collea+!esC cale%ars.
8'e# ca% look !p ata a"o!t ot'er perso%s !s&%+ t'e Who's Who.
W&t' t'e Change Own Data ser(&ce emplo#ees ca% ma&%ta&% t'e&r ow% &%ter%al ata s!c' as telep'o%e
%!m"er a% eBma&l aress. 8'e# ca% also &%cl!e a p'oto &f es&re.
2mplo#ees ca% s!"m&t Internal Service Requests, s!c' as orer&%+ a s'!ttle to t'e a&rport or reG!est&%+
s!pport for comp!ter pro"lems. Poss&"le sol!t&o%s ca% "e offere &rectl#.
8'e My Assets ser(&ce s'ows all t'e assets ass&+%e to #o!r perso%%el %!m"er. Ao! ca% e&t t'&s ata a%
report t'e remo(al of a% asset &f reG!&re.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1D
SAP AG 2002
4ffice - -hoGs -ho
Who sent
me this e-
Is she
How will I
recognize her?
4rg!$i2!tio$!l Ch!rt
Is he the right
Who has to
approve this?
Let's call him!
6&% o!t t'e&r pos&t&o% &% t'e compa%# !s&%+ t'e 3rgani)ational 4hart
/se t'e 4alen(ar to f&% o!t &f t'e# are a(a&la"le for a meet&%+
2mplo#ees ca% ma&%ta&% t'e&r &%ter%al ata s!c' as telephone number a% e-mail a((ress.
2mplo#ees ca% a t'e&r ow% photo for &spla# &% t'e W'oCs W'o.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1F
SAP AG 1999
+$ter$!l Service Re("est
+$ter$!l Service Re("est
Re("est service
4ffer sol"tio$
P!ss o$
Cost co$trol
2mplo#ees ca% s!"m&t Service Requests, s!c' as orer&%+ a s'!ttle to t'e a&rport or reG!est&%+ s!pport
for comp!ter pro"lems.
2mplo#ees ca% pass o% t'e ser(&ce reG!ests for f!rt'er process&%+ !s&%+ wor*flow integration.
8'e My Assets ser(&ce s'ows all t'e assets ass&+%e to #o!r perso%%el %!m"er. Ao! ca% e%'a%ce t'e l&st
w&t' (ar&o!s select&o% cr&ter&a.
Ao! ca%
.&spla# assets
Ao! ca% &spla# all t'e assets ass&+%e to #o!r perso%%el %!m"er &% t'e asset master recor.
2&t assets
Ao! ca% e&t t'e ata for #o!r assets >epe%&%+ o% #o!r a!t'or&5at&o% prof&le@.
2mplo#ees ca% e%ter t'e&r ow% work t&mes a% allocate t'e t&me to &ffere%t acco!%t&%+ o"=ects w&t'
t'e t&me s'eet.
8'e# ca% &spla# a work l&st. 8'e# ca% also e%ter t&mes or s&mpl&f# ata e%tr# "# cop#&%+ e0&st&%+ t&me
e%tr&es. 8'e# ca% sa(e t'e&r t&me s'eet a% release t'e t&mes for appro(al.
2mplo#ees ca% c'eck 'ow m!c' lea(e t'e# 'a(e a(a&la"le a% reG!est lea#e.
8'e reG!est w&ll "e ro!te to t'e ma%a+er for appro(al or re=ect&o%.
2mplo#ees rece&(e %ot&f&cat&o% of t'e&r reG!est >appro(e or re=ecte@ &% t'e&r &%te+rate &%"o0es.
>8'&s ser(&ce !ses workflow a% off&ce &%"o0 f!%ct&o%al&t#@.
2mplo#ees ca% &spla# a% o(er(&ew of t'e c!rre%t stat!s of t'e&r time accounts. 8'e# ca% make (ar&o!s
c'ecks, s!c' as for lea(e rema&%&%+ a% lea(e alrea# appro(e.
2mplo#ees ca% &spla# a% o(er(&ew of t'e&r calc!late t&me "ala%ces. 8'e# ca% c'eck 'ow ma%# 'o!rs
t'e# 'a(e worke &% c!rre%t or pre(&o!s pa#roll per&os.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 21
CA8S >CrossBAppl&cat&o% 8&me S'eet@ &s a crossBcompo%e%t ser(&ce for e%ter&%+ work&%+ t&mes of
&%&(&!als &%a ce%tral t&me s'eet.
Ao! ca% ef&%e t'e la#o!t of t'e t&me s'eet #o!rself !s&%+ a% e%tr# prof&le.
Work&%+ t&mes ca% "e rele(a%t for more t'a% o%e tar+et compo%e%t at a t&me. Reports tra%sfer t'e ata to
o%e or more tar+et compo%e%ts.
8'e t&me s'eet ca% "e !se to e%ter a% tra%sfer t&me ata for t'e follow&%+ tar+et compo%e%tsE
Pla%t )a&%te%a%ce >P)@, C!stomer Ser(&ce >CS@ a% Pro=ect S#stem >PS@E 6ee"ack for *rers or
,mportant9 Pro!ct&o% Pla%%&%+ >PP@ fee"ack &s %ot s!pporte "# CA8S "eca!se o%l# t&me ata a%
%o mac'&%e or G!a%t&t# ata &s e%tere &% CA8S.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 23
SAP AG 1999
'ime Sheet
Approved Approved
Re3ected Re3ected
'ime Sheet 6CA'S7
0ece$tr!li2ed time recordi$g
A"tom!tic c!lc"l!tio$ of the
%or8i$g ho"rs from cloc8 times
8'e appro(al stat!s of t'e t&mes e%tere ca% "e see% &% t'e colore mark&%+s &% t'e t&me s'eet
>2%ter Work&%+ 8&me ser(&ce@.
Appro(e ata 'as a +ree% frame a% re=ecte ata 'as a re o%e.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 24
SAP AG 1999
5"si$ess 'rips
'r!vel /!$!geme$t
'r!vel Re("est
'r!vel Pl!$$i$g
E&pe$se Reports
5"si$ess 'rips
W&t' SAP Travel Manageent #o! ca% eff&c&e%tl# a% rel&a"l# carr# o!t all t'e processes co%cer%e w&t' "!s&%ess tr&ps, from t'e
Travel Re!"est to Travel #lanning r&+'t !p to s!"m&tt&%+ #o!r Travel $%penses a% tra%sferr&%+ t'e tra(el e0pe%ses to ot'er
8ra(el ReG!est
2%ter +e%eral tr&p ata, reG!este tra(el ser(&ces a% calc!lat&o%s
8ra%sfer to appro(&%+ ma%a+er
8ra(el Pla%%&%+
Access %o%B(e%orBspec&f&c &%format&o% a% "ook fl&+'ts, 'otels, re%tal cars a% tra&%s >e.+. Amae!s@
8ake &%ter%al tra(el r!les &%to co%s&erat&o% &% G!er&es a% "ook&%+s
Poss&"l# set !p compa%#Bspec&f&c 'otel catalo+
8ake a+reeme%ts w&t' tra(el a+e%c&es &%to co%s&erat&o%
8ake perso%al prefere%ces of t'e perso% tra(el&%+ &%to co%s&erat&o%
20pe%se Reports
2%ter tra(el facts >ce%tral&5e/ece%tral&5e@
,%(o&ce a% "ook tr&ps
Pa# tra(el e0pe%ses w&t' Financial Acco"nting >6,@, #ayroll >9R@ or "# e0c'a%+&%+ ata carr&ers w&t' "a%ks
Arc'&(e co%f&rmat&o% rece&pts opt&call#
,%te+rate w&t' Financial Acco"nting >6,@, Pa#roll >9R@ a% &ontrolling >C*@
Poss&"l# clear cre&t car
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 25
SAP AG 1999
P!rticip!tio$ 4vervie%
>SA Cl!ims
Retireme$t 5e$efits
2mplo#ees ca% c'eck w'&c' "e%ef&t pla%s t'e# are c!rre%tl# e%rolle &%. 8'e# ca% also set ke# ates a%
c'eck t'e&r past "e%ef&t pla%s.
2mplo#ees ca% pla% t'e&r e%rollme%t opt&o%s. 8'e# ca% select pla%s a% c'oose opt&o%s, co(era+e,
co%tr&"!t&o% amo!%ts, epe%e%ts a% "e%ef&c&ar&es. 8'e# ca% c'eck &f t'e&r select&o%s are co%s&ste%t
w&t' compa%# pol&c# a% f&% o!t &f e(&e%ce of &%s!ra"&l&t# &s %ecessar#.
)&B#ear a=!stme%t reaso%s ca% "e c!stom&5e &% R/3 a% are ack%owle+e w&t'&% SAP 2SS. 8'e#
allow emplo#ees to make c'a%+es to e%rolle pla%s o!ts&e t'e ope% e%rollme%t per&o. A% e0ample for
a=!stme%t reaso% &s t'e "&rt' of a c'&l.
,% t'e /SA, emplo#ees ca% &spla# t'e&r fle0&"le spe%&%+ acco!%ts a% e%ter cla&ms.
8'e# ca% also s&m!late t'e&r rem!%erat&o% stateme%ts to see 'ow t'e c'ose% pla% w&ll affect t'e&r +ross
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 26
SAP AG 1999
C!rio"s Co"$try-Specific Services
--2 Repri$t 6:SA7
et C!lc"l!tio$ of /o$thly S!l!ry
+RH >orms 6Ho$g ,o$g9 Si$g!pore7
P!ychec8 +$("iry
E&ercisi$g Employee 4ptio$s
0ispl!y 'ot!l Compe$s!tio$
Employme$t !$d S!l!ry Cerific!tio$
/sers ca% &spla# a% o(er(&ew of t'e emplo#ee opt&o%s t'e# c'ose a% e0erc&se t'ese opt&o%s. 8'&s
tr&++ers a workflow t'at &%forms t'e rele(a%t perso% &% t'e perso%%el epartme%t t'at a% emplo#ee &s
e0erc&s&%+ '&s opt&o%s.
2mplo#ees ca% reG!est a report (er&f#&%+ t'e&r emplo#me%t a%/or salar# eta&ls. 8'e !ser ma# c'oose
"etwee% a fa0 or letter to "e se%t o!t. 8'&s reG!est &s ro!te to t'e 9!ma% Reso!rces Am&%&strator, w'o
t'e% f!lf&lls t'e reG!est. 8'&s &s a /SBspec&f&c ser(&ce, "!t ca% "e aapte to ot'er co!%tr&es.
8'ere &s also a %!m"er of co!%tr#Bspec&f&c ser(&ces for Pa#me%t. Ao! ca% f&% eta&le &%format&o% a"o!t
&t &% t'e Appendi% a% !%er http'((
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2D
SAP AG 1999
!vig!tio$ /e$"
-n# F
-m"loyment 4""ot(nities
-m"loyment 4""ot(nities
-n# F
Personal Data Skills Education Previous Employers
First Na me
Last Name
Birth Name
Date of Birth
Zip Code
Telephone Num!er
E" mail
DD%$$% ////
0ashin1ton Street **)
$iddleton2 N%/%
Create #ttach ment
Create #ttach ment
7alid document format s8
/ou can send a document ith your application%
9e%1% C7 and copies of certificates:
$S0ord #pplication
&oint Photo1raphic E;perts .roup Format
Select Docu ment
C8<$yDocu ments< #pplication%doc
#pply Back
-m"loyment 4""ot(nities
-n# F
Employment =pportunities
#laska 3S#
Northest 3S#
South 3S#
0est 3S#
>? #dministrator
#dmin% >?
#dministrator >?
W&t' t'e ,%ter%et/,%tra%et, emplo#ees ca% re(&ew t'e l&st of ope% pos&t&o%s &% t'e compa%# a% appl# for
o%e "# mo!seBcl&ck w&t'o!t 'a(&%+ to e%ter a&t&o%al ata.
8'e stat!s of t'e =o" appl&cat&o% ca% "e c'ecke =!st as eas&l#.
S&%ce t'e We" appl&cat&o% a% t'e )obs ser(&ce are l&%ke w&t' t'e arc'&(&%+ tool *A# Archive+in,
appl&ca%ts ca% l&%k t'e&r appl&cat&o% mater&al w&t' t'e&r o%l&%e appl&cat&o% a% se% &t as a% electro%&c
8'&s mea%s t'at t'e perso%%el epartme%t %ee %ot perform s!c' am&%&strat&(e tasks as sca%%&%+ &%
oc!me%ts a% arc'&(&%+ t'em ma%!all#. 8'e epartme%ts t'at are to make t'e ec&s&o%s 'a(e fast
access to t'e appl&cat&o% mater&al.
2mplo#ees ca% ma&%ta&% t'e&r aress &%format&o%. 8'&s &%cl!es a %!m"er of aress opt&o%s, s!c' as
perma%e%t, temporar# a% 'ome aress >Aress ,%fot#pe >0006@@. Ao! ca% ef&%e t'e aress t#pes to
"e ma&%ta&%e w&t' SAP 2SS &% C!stom&5&%+.
2mplo#ees ca% ma&%ta&% t'e&r "a%k &%format&o% for t'e &rect epos&t of pa#c'ecks a% e0pe%se
re&m"!rseme%ts >-a%k .eta&ls ,%fot#pe >0004@@.
2mplo#ees ca% ma&%ta&% a co%tact aress for emer+e%c# s&t!at&o%s >Aress ,%fot#pe >0006@ s!"t#pe
2mer+e%c# Aress >4@@.
2mplo#ees ca% ma&%ta&% t'e eta&ls of a% emer+e%c# co%tact perso% >6am&l#/Relate Perso% ,%fot#pe
>0021@ s!"t#pe 2mer+e%c# Co%tact >D@@.
2mplo#ees ca% ma&%ta&% &%format&o% o% t'e&r epe%e%ts a% fam&l# mem"ers to "e !se &% -e%ef&ts.
2mplo#ees ca% &spla# a% c'a%+e t'e&r perso%al ata >Perso%al .ata ,%fot#pe >0002@@.
Pre(&o!s emplo#ers lets #o! create, &spla#, c'a%+e or elete t'e ata co%cer%&%+ t'e emplo#er or
emplo#ers #o! worke for pr&or to start&%+ work w&t' #o!r c!rre%t emplo#er. >*t'er/Pre(&o!s 2mplo#ers
,%fot#pe >0023@@.
1ar&o!s co!%tr#Bspec&f&c ser(&ces co%ta&% f!%ct&o%s for co(er&%+ ta0 a% ot'er local &%format&o%.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 24
7ew 9&re .ata +!&es a %ew '&re stepB"#Bstep t'ro!+' a c'a&% of scree%s from w&t'&% Perso%al
,%format&o%. W&t' 4.6C S!pport Packa+e F t'&s ser(&ce &s replace w&t' t'e :&fe a% Work 2(e%t ?My
New )ob?.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 30
SAP AG 1999
/y 5oo8i$gs
0ispl!y 5oo8i$gs
0ispl!y St!t"s
P!rticip!tio$ History
C!$cel 5oo8i$g 6-or8flo% is
Appr!ise Eve$t
'r!i$i$g Ce$ter
?ist of Eve$ts
>i$d Eve$t
5oo8 Eve$t 6-or8flo% is
Shoppi$g 5!s8et
8wo %ew 2mplo#ee SelfBSer(&ces t'at are (er# eas#BtoB!se were e(elope for e(e%t ma%a+eme%t.
8ra&%&%+ Ce%ter
)# -ook&%+s
8'e two %ew ser(&ces &%cl!e all t'e f!%ct&o%s of t'e fo!r ol ser(&ces &% 8ra&%&%+ >o%l# e0cept&o%E -ook@.
A shopping bas*et ca% %ow "e create a% sa(e >for later e&t&%+@ a% "ook&%+s ca% "e c'a%+e >from o%e ate
to a%ot'er for t'e same t#pe of e(e%t@. 8'e emplo#ee ca% &spla# "ook&%+ &%format&o% &% t'e s'opp&%+ "asket a%
sa(e &t for later !se. 2mplo#ees ca% also "ook more t'a% o%e e(e%t !s&%+ t'e s'opp&%+ "asket.
8'e ser(&ces ca% "e !se w&t' spec&all# e(elope appro#al wor*flows.
8'e most &mporta%t e(e%t ata ca% "e &spla#e w&t' a hit list. 8'ere are also l&%ks to e0ec!ta"le f!%ct&o%s >s!c' as
place &% s'opp&%+ "asket@, to t'e eta&l scree% for e(e%ts >from t'e %ame@ a% poss&"l# to &%format&o% a"o!t t'e
locat&o% of t'e e(e%t >We" l&%k@.
All e0&st&%+ &%format&o% ca% "e &spla#e &% t'e (etail screen for t'e e(e%ts. 6!rt'er &%format&o% ca% "e &spla#e
w&t' a We" l&%k.
2mplo#ees ca% &spla# t'e "ooke e(e%ts w&t' t'e 5oo* -#ent ser(&ce. 8'e# ca% also &spla# t'e total costs
&%(ol(e w&t' "ook&%+ t'&s e(e%t.
8'e c!rre%t ata for all t'e emplo#eeCs "ook&%+s ca% also "e &spla#e >"ook, ca%cel, re"ook@
2mplo#ees ca% appra&se t'e e(e%ts t'e# atte%e &rectl# &% t'e eta&l scree%.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 31
SAP AG 1999
/y 5oo8i$gs
Infotype Web Link
Infotype Info Event Type
e% +$fotypes
-e# li$8 for eve$t i$ ESS
det!il scree$
-e# li$8 for loc!tio$ from
ESS /y 5oo8i$gs
C!tegori2e eve$t gro"ps !s
S"#3ect Are!s
Su!@ect #rea
Web in! &s a %ew &%fot#pe t'at ca% "e create for e(e%t t#pes, e(e%ts a% locat&o%sE
Ao! ca% create a l&%k from t'ese o"=ects to /R:s. 8'&s perm&ts #o! to call rele(a%t mater&al t'at &s
store &% t'e ,%ter%et >s!c' as &%format&o% a"o!t e(e%ts@ for t'e part&c!lar o"=ects.
W&t' t'e In"o #vent $rou% e(e%t t#pe #o! ca% mark t'e e(e%t +ro!ps t'at s'o!l "e offere &% t'e 2SS
searc' !%er *"b.ect Area.
Ao! ca% mark t'e e(e%t t#pes t'at s'o!l %ot "e &spla#e &% t'e Training &enter a% My /oo,ings
ser(&ces w&t' t'e fla+ for &spla#&%+ e(e%t t#pes &% 2mplo#ee SelfBSer(&ce t'at ca% "e set &% &%fot#pe
0n1o $vent Type >1024@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 32
SAP AG 1999
Ao# @ Pro3ects @ 'r!i$i$g Re("ireme$ts Ao# @ Pro3ects @ 'r!i$i$g Re("ireme$ts
S8ills Profile
Profile /!tch"p
Re("ireme$ts Profile
2mplo#ees e%ter t'e&r sk&lls &% SAP 2SS "# select&%+ t'e rele(a%t sk&lls a% ma&%ta&%&%+ t'e assoc&ate
prof&c&e%c# le(el.
)a%a+ers ca% !t&l&5e t'e ata"ase to &e%t&f# emplo#ees w&t' t'e appropr&ate sk&lls for pro=ect placeme%t
or =o" post&%+.
8'e sk&lls prof&le ca% also "e !se to eterm&%e &f a% emplo#ee %ees a&t&o%al tra&%&%+.
8'ese ser(&ces perm&t t'e emplo#ee to &spla# or ma&%ta&% '&s or 'er sk&lls. 2ac' sk&ll ca% "e
8'&s ser(&ce allows t'e emplo#ee to &spla# t'e reG!&reme%ts for '&s or 'er pos&t&o%. 2ac' reG!&reme%t
ca% "e e(al!ate.
8'&s ser(&ce perm&ts emplo#ees to compare t'e&r sk&lls prof&le w&t' t'e reG!&reme%ts prof&le for t'e&r
pos&t&o%. 8'e ser(&ce etects m&ss&%+ sk&lls a% s!++ests s!&ta"le tra&%&%+. A l&%k takes #o! to t'e
appropr&ate e(e%ts.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 33
SAP AG 1999
Employees c!$ displ!y their !ppr!is!ls.
/y Appr!is!ls
My A""aisals
-n# F
01.01.1900 31.12.9999
A""aisal stat(s A""aise A""aisal A""aisal "eio#
@eny Mille
Mic3ael 2(#9i)
A"". o% "e%omance
A"". o% "e%omance
8'&s ser(&ce allows t'e emplo#ee to &spla# t'e appra&sals t'at were mae of '&s work.
Re!ces t'e am&%&strat&(e loa o% t'e '!ma% reso!rces epartme%t a% t'e ma%a+erE
A eta&le l&st of w'&c' SAP 2SS ser(&ces are a(a&la"le ca% "e fo!% &% t'e Appendi%' Availability o1
*A# $** *ervices. 8'e ta"le also s'ows w'&c' ser(&ces are co!%tr#Bspec&f&c.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 35
SAP AG 2002
Co"$try-Specific ESS Services
5!$8 0et!ils
>!mily /em#er@0epe$de$ts
Emerge$cy Co$t!ct
'!& -ithholdi$g 6%-49 :S o$ly7
'!& +$("iry 6C!$!d!7
Perso$!l +$form!tio$
Employme$t !$d S!l!ry Cerific!tio$
SAP 2mplo#ee SelfBSer(&ce !ses SAP R/3Cs +lo"al capa"&l&t&es s!c' as m!lt&Bla%+!a+e a% c!rre%c#
capa"&l&t&es a% co!%tr# local&5at&o%.
SAP 2SS s!pports local&5at&o% of &ts &ffere%t ser(&ces &% two wa#sE
Co!%tr#Bspec&f&c scree%s
20ampleE .&ffere%t co!%tr#Bspec&f&c &%p!t f&els a% pla!s&"&l&t# c'ecks are &mpleme%te &% t'e
Perso%al ,%format&o% ser(&ces >s!c' as Aress a% -a%k ,%format&o%@.
Co!%tr#BSpec&f&c Ser(&ces
20ampleE /S ta0 forms.
8'e s#stem e%s!res t'at o%l# t'e emplo#ees work&%+ for a compa%# w&t'&% t'e rele(a%t co!%tr# see
t'e co!%tr#Bspec&f&c ser(&ces.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 36
SAP AG 2002
SAP ESS S"pport Co"$tries
Gre!t 5rit!i$
SAP 2SS &s a(a&la"le &% all la%+!a+es &%stalle &% #o!r R/3 r!%t&me e%(&ro%me%t.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3D
SAP AG 2002
-elcome -illi -or8pl!ce Ma!et"lace U"#ate A#a"t $n%o
&inancial Acco(ntin)
*is"lay $n+(iies
,on#elan# -nte"ises
*is"lay Re+(est
.eate Re+(est
Meye $nc.
Geneic Se'ices
-or8Sp!ce 6/i$iApps9 'r!$s!ctio$s9 -e#sites7 ?!"$chP!d
S3o9 me list o% em"loyees
1 a0sent/ not e1c(se# 0 at 9o! ** a0sent/ e1c(se# I %ee
:ame ,o! time %ame
:a!e @o(ly 9a)es
-sc3 @al%Atime
<(? &(llAtime
Pes:o. :ame Dit3 #ate Dit3#ay A)e Stat(s
Eo0 list %o ;70
Eo0 name Stat(s Stat A""Se'e
AR.@$>-2$:< en#e# 08.28.2000 16817
.2-A:AUP E4D "lanne# 08.29.2000 09800
AR.@$>-G$*4.GSUDG19960312 "lanne# 08.30.2000 06800
4"en ;as!s
Atten#ance 2ist
-m"l. Dit3#ays
Dac!)o(n# Ho0s
,3oCs ,3o
&in# Ho0s
*is"lay Pict(e
Ch!$ge Pict"re
Selection time an)e 18.08.2000 A 27.08.2000
-or8Sp!ce 6/i$iApps9 'r!$s!ctio$s9 -e#sites7
)&%&Apps are ,nternet applications that are intuiti#e &% t'e&r !se. W'e% t'e m#SAP Workplace &s
calle, t'e# +&(e #o! a G!&ck o(er(&ew of a% access to &mporta%t ata.
)&%&Apps are selfBco%ta&%e We" oc!me%ts t'at are calle w&t' a% /R: from t'e Workplace ser(er.
Ao! o %ot %ee to k%ow w'ere t'e# are store. 8'e Workplace arc'&tect!re s!pports (ar&o!s )&%&App
tec'%&G!es as well as t'e e0c'a%+e of ata w&t' a%# %!m"er of ser(ers, &%cl!&%+ t'e ser(ers of ot'er
,mporta%t &%format&o% a% ser(&ces are a(a&la"le &% t'e s#stem &mme&atel# after lo+o%. A %!m"er of
!sef!l )&%&Apps are el&(ere w&t' Release 2.10. Ao! ca% also wr&te #o!r ow% )&%&Apps a% a t'em
to #o!r compa%#Cs role spec&f&cat&o%s. 8'e )&%&Apps are ass&+%e to roles w&t' /R:s. 6or t'&s reaso% &t
&s (er# eas# to o"ta&% co%te%ts s!c' as ,%ter%et ser(&ces a% &%ter%al compa%# &%format&o%. Ao! ca% also
&rectl# access ata &% SAP a% e0ter%al compo%e%ts !s&%+ )&%&Apps. W&t' Release 2.0 of t'e -!s&%ess
,%format&o% Ware'o!se #o! ca% also create )&%&Apps w&t' -W We" Report&%+.
8'e )&%&Apps t'at are &spla#e &% t'e m#SAP Workplace epe% o% #o!r !ser role. ,t &s also (er# eas#
for t'e e% !ser '&mself to l&%k )&%&Apps &%to '&s Workplace >&f t'e# ca% "e aresse w&t' /R:s@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3F
SAP AG 2002
/i$iApps) 'ypes
Stoc8 m!r8et prices
Stoc8 m!r8et prices
Error reported
Error reported
E-m!il !ddress
E-m!il !ddress
'elepho$e directory
'elepho$e directory
C!le$d!r e%s
Se!rch e$gi$es
Se!rch e$gi$es
)&%&Apps pro(&e a wi(e selection of information. ,% a&t&o% to t'e opt&o%s l&ste &% t'e +rap'&c, t'&s
Pre(&ew of tra%sact&o% co%te%ts, s!c' as s#stem mo%&tor&%+ tools, l&sts of res!"m&tte oc!me%ts, l&sts
of efa!lt&%+ e"tors@
6reG!e%tl# !se f!%ct&o%s &% w'&c' o%l# m&%&mal ata &s e%tere, so t'at &t &s %ot %ecessar# to call t'e
e%t&re appl&cat&o%
AB'oc G!er&es
,f #o! wa%t to perform comple0 tasks, #o! s'o!l !se ,%ter%et Appl&cat&o% Compo%e%ts >,ACs@ &%stea
of )&%&Apps. 8'ese were co%ce&(e spec&all# for t'e cas!al !ser a% are espec&all# eas# to !se. /se
t'em to r!% s&mple appl&cat&o%s s!c' as (ar&o!s SAP 2SS ser(&ces &% t'e ,%ter%et.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 34
SAP AG 2002
-elcome -illi -or8pl!ce Ma!et"lace U"#ate A#a"t $n%o
S(0#iectoy 1
;ansaction D
,e0 2in!
S(0#iectoy 2
;ansaction .
;ansaction *
;ansaction A
*iectoy 2
*iectoy 3
;ansaction *
S3o9 me list o% em"loyees
1 a0sent/ not e1c(se# 0 at 9o! ** a0sent/ e1c(se# I %ee
:ame ,o! time %ame
:a!e @o(ly 9a)es
-sc3 @al%Atime
<(? &(llAtime
Pes:o. :ame Dit3 #ate Dit3#ay A)e Stat(s
Eo0 list %o ;70
Eo0 name Stat(s Stat A""Se'e
AR.@$>-2$:< en#e# 08.28.2000 16817
.2-A:AUP E4D "lanne# 08.29.2000 09800
AR.@$>-G$*4.GSUDG19960312 "lanne# 08.30.2000 06800
4"en ;as!s
Atten#ance 2ist
-m"l. Dit3#ays
Dac!)o(n# Ho0s
,3oCs ,3o
&in# Ho0s
*is"lay Pict(e
Ch!$ge Pict"re
Selection time an)e 08.18.2000 A 08.27.2000
/i$iApps) E&!mples
W&t' R/3 Release 4.6C, SAP el&(ers more t'a% 50 &ffere%t )&%&Apps. Ao! ca% f&% t'ese )&%&Apps
to+et'er w&t' a s'ort escr&pt&o% a% scree% s'ots !%er al&as iniapps o% t'e SAP Ser(&ce )arketplace.
Some e0amples are +&(e% &% t'e a"o(e +rap'&c.
Ao! ca% !se t'e follow&%+ )&%&Apps for t'e 2mplo#ee SelfBSer(&ce roleE
W'oCs W'o
.&spla# P'oto
Workflow ,%"o0
8'e m#SAP Workplace also s!pports )&%&Apps from t'&r part# (e%ors. 8'e o%l# reG!&reme%t t'at
s!c' appl&cat&o%s 'a(e to sat&sf# &% orer to "e !se as a )&%&App &s t'at t'e# ca% "e accesse( with an
:&6. 2ac' We"s&te ca% t'erefore "e !se as a )&%&App. *f co!rse #o! ca% also wr&te #o!r ow%
)&%&Apps. 8'&s proce!re w&ll "e escr&"e &% eta&l later o%.
Ao! ca% f&% oc!me%tat&o% a"o!t e(elopme%t tec'%&G!es a% e0amples for )&%&Apps t'at co!l "e
!sef!l w'e% #o! "e+&% to e(elop )&%&Apps o% t'e +ini0pps 4ommunity Homepage
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 40
SAP AG 1999
!vig!tio$ i$ the mySAP -or8pl!ce *
?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts 5
SAP ESS Services
Employee Self-Service Role
SAP ESS !$d -or8flo%
SAP ESS !$d -or8flo%
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 41
SAP AG 1999
SAP ESS services th!t "se -or8flo%)
Approval procedure:
Leave request
Travel request and travel plan
Travel e!penses
Participation in an event
Employee "e# $ire %ata and &an'e
of Address notification
:se of %or8flo% !pplic!tio$s gro%s e&po$e$ti!lly
%ith the $"m#er of SAP ESS "sers i$ yo"r
+$tegr!tio$ of the SAP 4ffice +$#o& i$ SAP ESS
ope$s %or8flo% to !ll employees
SAP ESS !$d -or8flo%
8'e !se of SAP 2SS &% co%%ect&o% w&t' t'e workflow res!lt &% s#%er+# effects s&%ce "ot' work w&t' t'e
same "!s&%ess o"=ects. ,f act&(&t&es for t'ese o"=ects tr&++er workflow e(e%ts &% t'e R/3 S#stem, t'e# w&ll
also tr&++er workflow e(e%ts &% SAP 2SS.
8'e follow&%+ Workflow templates are el&(ere w&t' SAP 2SS a% ca% "e !se to set !p #o!r
workflowB"ase processes.
/ser el&m&t
:ea(e reG!est
WB2 Repr&%t
)# Assets
)# Appra&sals
8&me S'eet
Perso%al ,%format&o%
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 43
SAP AG 2002
E&!mple) -or8flo% for ?e!ve Re("est
Employees /!$!ger Admi$istr!tor
Approves re("est
corrects9 !$d
!pproves re("est
Chec8s !$d
re3ects re("est
Receives $otific!tio$
of "$s"ccessf"l posti$g
Re3ects re("est
?e!ve Re("est
Ch!$ges re("est
8'e lea(e reG!est form s!"m&tte "# t'e SAP 2SS !ser tr&++ers t'e processes &% t'&s workflow. 8'e
proce!re of t'&s workflow &sE
8'e emplo#ee tr&++ers t'e workflow "# e%ter&%+ lea(e reG!est ata &% a% 98): form.
8'e s#stem selects t'e %ame of t'e l&%e ma%a+er w'o s'o!l appro(e t'e reG!est. 9e +ets a work &tem
ask&%+ '&m to re(&ew t'e emplo#eeCs reG!est. ,f 'e appro(es t'e lea(e reG!est, t'e appro(al &s lo++e
&% t'e R/3 S#stem. ,f t'ere &s a pro"lem 'ere, a work &tem &s se%t to t'e 9!ma% Reso!rces
Am&%&strator, w'o aresses t'e &ss!e.
,f t'e ma%a+er re=ects t'e reG!est, t'e emplo#ee rece&(es a work &tem &% '&s We" &%"o0. .epe%&%+ o%
t'e ma%a+erCs comme%t, t'e emplo#ee e&t'er w&t'raws t'e reG!est or c'a%+es &t. ,% t'e latter case, t'e
workflow "e+&%s a+a&%.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 44
SAP AG 2002
E&!mple) -or8flo% for 5oo8i$g Approv!l
St!rt of
of !pprov!l
of re3ectio$
p!rt i$
System) Re("ested #oo8i$g 5oo8i$g
Employee Employee /!$!ger
8'ree %ew appro(al workflows were e(elope for t'e %ew Training &enter a% My /oo,ings ser(&ces.
8'e workflows are starte w'e% emplo#ees w'o are %ot a!t'or&5e to "ook, ca%cel or re"ook e(e%ts
e0ec!te t'e correspo%&%+ f!%ct&o%s &% 2SS. 8'e# are &%forme t'at t'e correspo%&%+ process was
reG!este. 8'e ma%a+er rece&(es t'e reG!est for appro(al &% '&s workflow &%"o0 as a work &tem. ,f t'e
ma%a+er appro(es t'e reG!est, t'e f!%ct&o% &s e0ec!te a!tomat&call#. ,f 'e re=ects t'e reG!est, t'e
process &s elete a% t'e emplo#ee &s &%forme a"o!t &t &% '&s workflow &%"o0.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 45
SAP AG 1999
!vig!tio$ i$ the mySAP -or8pl!ce *
?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts 5
SAP ESS Services
Employee Self-Service Role
SAP ESS !$d -or8flo%
?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 46
SAP AG 2002
Employees !re co$fro$ted %ith !
$"m#er of ch!$ges i$ their life !$d
%or8 e$viro$me$t)
5egi$ ! $e% 3o#
5irth@!doptio$ of ! child
Ch!$ge i$ employme$t st!t"s
'he "ser $eeds s"it!#le)
+f s"ch life !$d %or8 eve$ts occ"r9 the
employee !$d the employer m"st re!ct
!ppropri!tely !$d trigger the $ecess!ry
?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts
W'e% :&fe a% Work 2(e%ts occ!r, t'e correspo%&%+ c'a%+es m!st "e &spla#e &% t'e s#stem.
8'e emplo#ee m!st make certa&% ec&s&o%s, s!c' as cla&m&%+ certa&% "e%ef&ts. 8o o t'&s 'e %ees
&%format&o% from (ar&o!s areas.
8'&s &%format&o% &s !s!all# %ot &%cl!e &% t'e ata for t'e appl&cat&o%. 8o make wellBfo!%e ec&s&o%s,
more "ack+ro!% &%format&o% &s reG!&re >e.+. from t'e ,%tra%et or ,%ter%et@.
8'e !ser t'erefore %ees a% e0pert s#stem t'at pro(&es t'e emplo#ee w&t' t'e appl&cat&o% a% t'e
%ecessar# &%format&o%.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4D
SAP AG 2002
e% employees receive
$ecess!ry i$form!tio$)
+$ter$!l to the comp!$y
E$terprise politics
E&ter$!l to the comp!$y
e% employees e$ter $ecess!ry
Perso$!l i$form!tio$
5!$8 det!ils
E&!mple) /y >irst 0!ys
A% e%terpr&se t'at '&res a %ew emplo#ee %ees (ar&o!s &%format&o% a"o!t t'e emplo#ee &% orer to "e
a"le to create t'e master ata &% t'e 9R s#stem >s!c' as Aress, -a%k ,%format&o%@. 8'e %ew emplo#ee
ca% e%ter t'&s &%format&o% '&mself w&t' t'e :&fe a% Work 2(e%t ?+y .ew ;ob?.
7ew '&res also 'a(e to make a %!m"er of ec&s&o%s, for w'&c' t'e# %ee &%format&o% from t'e most
(ar&o!s so!rces. 8'&s &%cl!es s!++est&o%s a"o!t w'at a% emplo#ee s'o!l take &%to co%s&erat&o% w'e%
%ewl# '&re, "!t also &%format&o% a"o!t offers mae w&t'&% t'e compa%#, a"o!t t'e "e%ef&ts a% t'e
compa%# pol&c#, as well as &%format&o% from e0ter%al so!rces.
8'e :&fe a% Work 2(e%t ?+y <irst 7ays? >S!pport Packa+e F@ replaces t'e ol ser(&ce ?7ew 9&re
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4F
SAP AG 1999
Eve$t /e$"
?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts) >r!me%or8
8'e framework for l&fe a% work e(e%ts &s t'e "as&s !se for moel&%+ a ser&es of act&(&t&es &% w'&c'
s!&ta"le appl&cat&o%s a% &%format&o% &s accesse.
2mplo#ees are place &% a pos&t&o% to 'a%le comple0 processes &% w'&c' wellBfo!%e ec&s&o%s
reG!&r&%+ m!c' &%format&o% m!st "e mae.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 44
SAP AG 1999
6!7 C!t!logs
6#7 Services
St!rt p!ge
>"$ctio$!lity 6+7
8'e me%! for t'e :&fe a% Work 2(e%ts co%ta&%s a %!m"er of catalogs, s!c' as ?-efore #o! Start? a%
?Perso%al .ata?. 2ac' catalo+ co%ta&%s (ar&o!s ser#ices >e.+. aress@.
6rom t'e me%! #o! ca% +o to -// /er#ices or to -xternal /er#ices >%o%BSAP ser(&ces@.
8'e me%! &s co!%tr#Bspec&f&c, &.e. #o! ca% ef&%e w'&c' spec&f&c ser(&ces s'o!l appear &% t'e me%! &%
w'&c' co!%tr&es.
:&fe a% Work 2(e%ts are t&meBepe%e%t, t'at &s #o! ca%%ot access t'em o%ce t'e t&me #o! ef&%e for
certa&% e(e%ts 'as e0p&re.
8'e emplo#ees ca% c'eck w'&c' act&(&t&es a% ser(&ces t'e# alrea# complete. >Stat!s@
8'e ser(&ces are &spla#e &% &ffere%t colors reflect&%+ t'e pr&or&t# of t'e e(e%t a% t'e %!m"er of a#s
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 50
SAP AG 1999
ESS Services
E&ter$!l Services)
I :R?s
I Co$te$ts of ! -e#-#!sed
8$o%ledge #!se
Fo" c!$ go to ...
>"$ctio$!lity 6++7
6rom t'e me%! for :&fe a% Work 2(e%ts #o! ca% +o toE
2SS Ser(&ces
8'e scree% for t'e :&fe a% Work 2(e%ts &s &(&e &%to two partsE t'e application area a% t'e
information area.
,f %o &%format&o% &s reG!&re for a% appl&cat&o%, t'e &%format&o% part &s a!tomat&call# '&e%.
8'e frame s&5e of t'e appl&cat&o% a% &%format&o% areas ca% "e ef&%e spec&f&call# for t'e ser(&ce.
8o a=!st t'e frame s&5e, place t'e mo!se at t'e mar+&% of a frame a% c'a%+e t'e frame s&5e "# ra++&%+
t'e mo!se.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 52
SAP AG 1999
Perso$!li2ed Co$te$ts
Pri$t!#le Co$te$ts
>"$ctio$!lity 6+C7
8'e co%te%t templates t'at are &spla#e for a :&fe or Work 2(e%t &% t'e &%format&o% area are %ot
el&(ere "# SAP. Ao! ca% e&t'er create t'em #o!rself or +et t'em from a Co%te%t Pro(&er.
Appl&cat&o% 'elp
6orm 'elp
8'e co%te%t templates are store o!ts&e of t'e SAP S#stem, "!t are co%trolle #%am&call# "# t'e ata
of 2RP s#stems s!c' as SAP R/3. ,% t'&s wa# forms ca% "e f&lle a!tomat&call# w&t' ata from R/3, for
e0ample w&t' t'e aress of t'e emplo#ee.
Note' The *A# $** inter1ace that is "sed to lin, a 2eb3based ,nowledge base is a generic inter1ace.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 53
SAP AG 2002
'r!$sfer R@. System p!r!meters to fill
H'/? doc"me$ts
0!t! +$terf!ce
H'/? doc"me$t H'/? doc"me$t
H'/? doc"me$t H'/? doc"me$t
H'/? doc"me$t H'/? doc"me$t
ESS Service
ESS Service
ESS Service
-e#-5!sed ,$o%ledge#!se R@. System-
W&t'&% t'e framework for t'e l&fe a% work e(e%ts, e0ter%al ser(&ces ca% "e !se to create l&%ks to all
k&%s of We"B"ase co%te%ts t'at ca% "e pro(&e "# a N%owle+e"ase. 20ter%al ser(&ces perm&t all
k&%s of co%te%ts to "e &spla#e.
8'e &spla#e co%te%ts ca% "e perso%al&5e "ase o% t'e R/3 ata.
8'e SAP 2SS &%terface t'at &s !se to l&%k a We"B"ase N%owle+e"ase &s a +e%er&c &%terface.
ProAct 8ec'%olo+&es Corp. offers N%owle+e -ase sol!t&o%s for compa%# ,%tra%ets a% SAP part%ers &%
t'e /%&te States.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 56
SAP AG 2002
Scope of 0elivery
0elivered #y...
Predefi$ed me$" str"ct"re SAP
SAP ESS services
E&ter$!l services
6SAP refers yo"
to the p!ge of e&!mples7
'r!$sfer of s"ggested
R@. System d!t! to
e&ter$!l services
A"thori$g e$viro$me$t SAP or ,$o%ledge#!se Providers
'empl!tes ,$o%ledge#!se Provider
Ao! ca% !se t'e SAP N%owle+e Ware'o!se or a We"B"ase N%owle+e"ase of a%ot'er (e%or as #o!r
a!t'or&%+ e%(&ro%me%t.
:&fe a% Work 2(e%ts ca% "e aapte or %ewl# ef&%e to s!&t #o!r compa%#Cs %ees.
*t'er :&fe a% Work 2(e%ts w&ll "e el&(ere s!ccess&(el# &% S!pport Packa+es.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 5F
SAP AG 2002
Fo" !re $o% !#le to
!vig!te i$ the mySAP -or8pl!ce
0escri#e the SAP ESS services
0escri#e the rel!tio$ship #et%ee$ SAP ESS !$d
5riefly descri#e ?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts
SAP ESS Services) Co$cl"sio$
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 54
3."-xercise 7ata /heet
=ey to ,cons in -xercises an( /olutions
4ourse 3b>ecti#es
5usiness scenario
2arning or 4aution
7ata :se( in -xercises
Type of 7ata 7ata in Training /ystem
PP $ro!p %!m"er
/ser ,. 9R250BPP/&%&tpass
Compos&te role QR9R250RSAPRWPR2)P:*A22
Perso%%el %!m"ers ,%ter%at&o%alE
250441PP S'a(o% W'&tmer,
250442PP P&erre .!%o&s,
250443PP Na& 7&s'&s,
250444PP R!t' Ca"rera,
250445PP 2l&%a :ope5
*r+a%&5at&o% !%&t PP B C!stomer Ser(&ce w&t'&% t'e Cal&"er A
-&c#cle Compa%# as part of t'e 9R250
*r+a%&5at&o%al !%&ts
Pos&t&o%s )a%a+er, Ser(&ce 8ec'%&c&a% >2@
/R: for t'e m#SAP Workplace 'ttpE//Iwe"ser(erJEKportL/scr&pts/w+ate/sapwp/M
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 60
>.eta&ls are pro(&e "# t'e tra&%er@
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 61
3.$/01 -// /er#ices--xercises
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 62
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 63
:nit9 /01 -// /er#ices
At t'e co%cl!s&o% of t'&s e0erc&se, #o! w&ll "e a"le toE
.escr&"e t'e f!%ct&o%al&t# pro(&e w&t' t'e SAP 2SS
7a(&+ate t'ro!+' SAP 2SS
8'e Cal&"er A -&c#cle Compa%# wa%ts to &mpleme%t SAP 2SS o%
&ts ,%tra%et. Ao!r =o" &s to e0pla&% t'e opt&o%s a(a&la"le &% SAP
2SS to t'e ma%a+eme%t team so t'e# ca% ec&e w'&c' ser(&ces
s'o!l "e &mpleme%te &% t'e compa%#.
1B1 :o+ o%to SAP 2SS w&t' t'e follow&%+ /R:E 3tt"8//J9e0se'eK8
/se 2SS !ser P250444PP a% passwor &%&t.
1B2 /se t'e W'oSs W'o ser(&ce to a%swer t'e follow&%+ G!est&o%sE
1B2B1 W'at &s t'e cost ce%ter of <o'a%%a Sm&t'T
1B2B2 W'o oes Ale0a%er R&ckes report toT
1B2B3 W'at &s t'e eBma&l aress of .e"ora' Sc'm&t >7ew Aork@T
1B3 Ao! mo(e rece%tl#. C'a%+e #o!r perma%e%t aress !s&%+ #o!r c'o&ce of ata.
1B4 .ef&%e a% emer+e%c# co%tact.
1B5 .&spla# #o!r rem!%erat&o% stateme%t for t'e c!rre%t mo%t'.
1B6 Create a lea(e reG!est for toa#. /se t'e lea(e t#pe U(acat&o%V.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 64
3.%/01 -// /er#ices-/olutions
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 65
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 66
:nit9 /01 -// /er#ices
1B1 2%ter t'e follow&%+ /R: &% #o!r "rowserE 3tt"8//J9e0se'eK8
2%ter &'()**+,, &% t'e +ogin f&el.
2%ter init &% t'e #assword f&el.
Select t'e +ogon "!tto%.
1B2 /se t'e W'oSs W'o ser(&ce to locate t'e follow&%+ &%format&o%E
1-2-1 The cost center of ;ohanna /mith is '')).
Ao! ca% f&% t'&s &%format&o% !s&%+ t'e steps "elowE
,% t'e +a"nch#ad, select t'e 2ho4s 2ho ser(&ce &% t'e O11ice me%!.
2%ter *ith &% t'e +ast nae f&el.
Select Find.
,% t'e Res"lts f&el, cl&ck o% <o'a%%a Sm&t' to &spla# 'er eta&le &%format&o%
a% o"ta&% 'er cost ce%ter.
1B2B2 Ale0a%er R&ckes reports to An-a Miller.
Ao! ca% f&% t'&s &%format&o% !s&%+ t'e steps "elowE
,% t'e +a"nch#ad, select t'e 2ho4s 2ho ser(&ce &% t'e O11ice me%!.
2%ter Ric,es &% t'e +ast nae f&el.
Select Find.
,% t'e Res"lts f&el, cl&ck o% Ale0a%er R&ckes to &spla# '&s eta&le
Select Organi5ational &hart to o"ta&% '&s s!per&orSs %ame.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 6D
1B2B3 Ao! ca% reac' .e"ora' Sc'm&t at t'e eBma&l aress
Ao! ca% f&% t'&s &%format&o% !s&%+ t'e steps "elowE
,% t'e +a"nch#ad, select t'e 2ho4s 2ho ser(&ce &% t'e O11ice me%!.
2%ter *chidt &% t'e +ast nae f&el.
Select Find.
,% t'e Res"lts f&el, cl&ck o% .e"ora' Sc'm&t to &spla# t'e eta&le
&%format&o% &%cl!&%+ t'e eBma&l aress.
1B3 C'a%+e #o!r perma%e%t aress.
,% t'e +a"nch#ad, select t'e Address ser(&ce &% t'e #ersonal 0n1oration me%!.
)ake s!re t'at #eranent address &s selecte.
Select t'e aress from t'e l&st.
Select &hange.
C'a%+e t'e rele(a%t &%format&o%.
Select *ave.
1B4 .ef&%e a% emer+e%c# aress.
,% t'e +a"nch#ad, select t'e $ergency Address ser(&ce &% t'e #ersonal 0n1oration
Select *N to ack%owle+e t'e messa+e U7o (al& ata a(a&la"le for area selecteV.
Select New.
2%ter t'e rele(a%t &%format&o%.
Select *ave.
8'e %ew e%tr# &s &spla#e &% t'e $ergency Address l&st.
1B5 Create a lea(e reG!est for toa#. /se t'e lea(e t#pe U(acat&o%V.
,% t'e +a"nch#ad, select t'e +eave Re!"est ser(&ce &% t'e 2or,ing Tie me%!.
2%ter t'e rele(a%t &%format&o%.
C'oose *end.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 6F
SAP AG 1999
Architect"re of the mySAP -or8pl!ce
mySAP -or8pl!ce >ro$te$d
mySAP -or8pl!ce /iddle%!re
mySAP -or8pl!ce 5!c8e$d Systems
Roles i$ the mySAP -or8pl!ce
Si$gle !$d Composite Roles
'he Employee Self-Service Role
Cre!tio$ !$d /!i$te$!$ce of Roles
mySAP -or8pl!ce) Architect"re !$d Roles
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1
SAP AG 1999
At the co$cl"sio$ of this "$it9 yo" %ill #e !#le to)
:$derst!$d the -or8pl!ce !rchitect"re
E&pl!i$ the f"$ctio$s of the eleme$ts i$volved
E&pl!i$ the role defi$itio$
0escri#e the Employee Self-Service Role
Cre!te !$d m!i$t!i$ si$gle roles
Cre!te !$d m!i$t!i$ composite roles
S%!p roles #et%ee$ compo$e$t systems !$d
the -or8pl!ce Server
mySAP -or8pl!ce) :$it 4#3ectives
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2
SAP AG 1999
Co"rse 4vervie%
SAP ESS Services
:ser /!$!geme$t
Pl!$$i$g !$d +mpleme$t!tio$
E$h!$ci$g SAP ESS
C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS
+$trod"ctio$ to SAP ESS
mySAP Workplace: Arc&itecture ( )oles
Co"rse 4vervie% 0i!gr!m
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3
SAP AG 2002
SAP Employee Self-Service !ss"mes th!t yo" h!ve
! s"it!#le system i$fr!str"ct"re.
'o #e !#le to !dmi$ister roles !$d "sers i$ the
differe$t systems yo" h!ve to "$derst!$d the
rel!tio$ship #et%ee$ the -or8pl!ce !$d the
compo$e$t systems.
mySAP -or8pl!ce) 5"si$ess Sce$!rio
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 1999
Architect"re of the mySAP -or8pl!ce
Roles i$ the mySAP -or8pl!ce
mySAP -or8pl!ce) Architect"re E Roles
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 5
SAP AG 1999
-or8pl!ce Architect"re) 4vervie%
-e# 5ro%ser !$d -e# Server
SAP +$ter$et 'r!$s!ctio$ Server
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 6
SAP AG 1999
:$derst!$d the -or8pl!ce !rchitect"re
E&pl!i$ the f"$ctio$s of the eleme$ts i$volved
At the co$cl"sio$ of this "$it9 yo" %ill #e !#le to)
Architect"re) 4#3ectives
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 D
SAP AG 1999
0es8top 0es8top 5!c8e$d 5!c8e$d
Systems Systems
-or8pl!ce /iddle%!re -or8pl!ce /iddle%!re
R@. AP4
5- ,-
55P CR/
E&!mples) E&!mples)
-e# Server +'S
-e# 5ro%ser
-e# server +'S -P
-e# server
-e# server
+'S *
+'S n
System *
System $
-or8pl!ce Architect"re
8o access t'e Workplace t'e !ser o%l# %ees a 2eb browser o% '&s (es*top.
8'e We" "rowser !ses a 2eb ser#er "elo%+&%+ to t'e Workplace mi((leware for comm!%&cat&o%s.
A%ot'er &mporta%t eleme%t &s t'e SAP ,nternet Transaction /er#er >,8S@, w'&c' co%%ects t'e We"
ser(er w&t' t'e "acke% s#stems.
A %!m"er of bac*en( systems ca% "e l&%ke w&t' t'e Workplace. *%e of t'e most &mporta%t "acke%
s#stems &s t'e 2or*place /er#er, w'&c' &s !se to 'a%le t'e role specifications a% central user
a(ministration &f &mpleme%te. 8'e ot'er s#stems >s!c' as R/3, AP*, -W, NW, --P, CR)@ are calle
component systems.
&ecommen(ationE W'e% !s&%+ SAP 2SS #o! s'o!l &%stall a p'#s&cal ,8S for t'e Workplace Ser(er
a% for eac' compo%e%t s#stem >s!c' as 9R, --P@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 F
SAP AG 1999
-e# Server
6H''P Server7
-e# 5ro%ser
6H''P Clie$t7
I Clie$t@Server Architect"re
I H''P #!sed o$ 'CP@+P
H''P M"ery
H''P Reply
-e# 5ro%ser -e# Server Port!l5"ilder -P Server
-e# Server +'S Compo$e$t
0r!gERel!te SAP 0C4/
File Edit View Favorites
Back Forwards Cancel
A##ess 3tt"8//999.mysa".com/
-e# 5ro%ser !$d -e# Server
8'e ,nternet was or&+&%all# t'e ata %etwork of t'e /S m&l&tar#. ,ts !se was t'e% e0te%e to researc'
&%st&t!tes a% !%&(ers&t&es, a% later to t'e pr&(ate a% commerc&al sector.
8'e ,%ter%et &s a ?7etwork of %etworks?. 2(er# e(&ce co%%ecte to t'e ,%ter%et &s ass&+%e a% aress
t'at &s !%&G!e worlw&e a% t'at co%forms to t'e ?,%ter%et Protocol? >,P@. 8'e ?8ra%sm&ss&o% Co%trol
Protocol? >8CP@ co%trols t'e e0c'a%+e of ata packa+es "etwee% t'e e(&ces.
A %!m"er of ser(&ces are pro(&e w&t' t'e ,%ter%et, s!c' as eBma&l, 68P a% %ews+ro!ps. 8'e 2orl(
2i(e 2eb >WWW@ &s s!c' a ser(&ce. ,ts &mme&ate s!ccess &s !e to s!c' feat!res as a !serBfr&e%l#
&%terface a% to &ts '#perte0t format.
8'e ?9#perte0t 8ra%sport Protocol? >988P@ &s !se as comm!%&cat&o%s protocol for t'e WWW. ,t
ef&%es met'os for ata o"=ects. 988P &s or&e%te to t'e cl&e%t/ser(er moelE A We" "rowser >t'e
HTT1 client@ se%s reG!ests to a We" ser(er >t'e HTT1 ser#er@ a% &t &% t!r% repl&es.
8'e HTT1 ?uery co%ta&%s t'e aress of t'e reG!&re o"=ect, calle a% /R: >/%&form Reso!rce
:ocator@. 8'e correspo%&%+ s#%ta0 &s <protocol>E//<*erver 6Nae or 0#7>/I#ath 6optional7J?, &.e.
8'e 988P repl# co%ta&%s t'e reG!&re ata o"=ect. 8'e We" "rowser &spla#s t'e o"=ect &% t'e correct
format. ,f t'e We" "rowser oes %ot reco+%&5e t'e format, &t s!++ests t'at t'e !ser ow%loa t'e o"=ect
to a local r&(e as a f&le.
8'e HT+6 >9#perte0t )ark!p :a%+!a+e@ format &s of spec&al &mporta%ce &% t'e WWW. 98): f&les
co%s&st of ASC,, c'aracters a% escr&"e t'e pa+e la#o!t !s&%+ spec&al &%str!ct&o%s. 2m"ee o"=ects
s!c' as +rap'&cs as well as l&%ks to ot'er ata o"=ects are also take% &%to co%s&erat&o%.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 1999
+$ter$et 'r!$s!ctio$ Server 6+'S7
-G!te -G!te AG!te AG!te @;;P @;;P .G$ .G$ ;.P/$P ;.P/$P
*$AG *$AG
R&. R&.
I ?i$8) -e# Server @ Compo$e$t System
I ?og o$to the Compo$e$t System
I 0!t! Receipt9 Co$versio$ to H'/?
I St!t"s /!$!geme$t
-e# 5ro%ser -e# Server Port!l5"ilder -P Server
-e# Server +'S Compo$e$t
0r!gERel!te SAP 0C4/
:ser M"ery +$p"t
4"tp"t H'/? P!ge
+'S) 4vervie%
8'e We" Ser(er &s l&%ke w&t' t'e compo%e%t s#stems "# t'e /01 ,nternet Transaction /er#er >,8S@.
8'e ,8S &s %eee for t'e follow&%+ tasksE
Stat!s ma%a+eme%t
2@ate &s t'e &%terface to t'e We" ser(er. W$ate a% t'e We" ser(er m!st r!% o% t'e same 'arware. ,%
a&t&o% to t'e C$, >Commo% $atewa# ,%terface@, SAP s!pports t'e e0ter%al &%terfaces ,SAP,
>)&crosoft@ a% S7AP, >7etscape@.
,f #o! !se t'e )&crosoft ,,S We" ser(er, t'e W$ate &s store as a .:: f&le &% &rector# scripts.
20c'a%+e w&t' t'e compo%e%t s#stem !ses t'e 0@ate. ,t ca% r!% e&t'er o% t'e same 'arware as t'e
W$ate >s&%+le 'ost@ or o% a separate 'ost >!al 'ost@. A %!m"er of f&les store o% t'e A$ate co%f&+!re
t'e ,8S. 8'&s &%cl!esE
8emplatesE 98): w&t' a&t&o%al &%str!ct&o%s, place'oler for scree% f&els
CSS f&lesE .escr&pt&o% of t'e opt&cal es&+% of t'e +e%erate 98): pa+es
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 10
SAP AG 2002
Compo$e$t System AG!te AG!te 6+'S7 6+'S7
ot 5!sed o$ SAP 0i!log
5!sed o$ SAP 0i!log
-here is the tr!$s!ctio$
order defi$ed;
0evelopme$t 'ools)
SAPN-e# St"dio !$d -e# Applic!tio$ 5"ilder
0ispl!y 0ispl!y
0i!log 'r!$s!ctio$
or >"$ctio$ /od"le
St!t"s St!t"s
>lo% ?ogic E
>* v!l"e
5"si$ess 4#3ect
+'S) Progr!mmi$g /odels 6+7
,8S s!pports two pro+ramm&%+ moels. 8'e# &ffer &% t'e locat&o% w'ere t'e &%&(&!al tra%sact&o%
flows are ef&%e.
6lows for moels t'at are "ase o% SAP &alo+ are ef&%e &% t'e compo%e%t s#stem >%ormall# &% t'e
&alo+ tra%sact&o%@. 8'e ,8S takes care of t'e (&s!al represe%tat&o%. 8'ere &s at least o%e template for
eac' scree% of t'e tra%sact&o% &% t'e A$ate. 98): sta%ar &%str!ct&o%s are l&%ke w&t' 98):
&%str!ct&o%s &% t'ese f&les. 98):
+&(es #o! access to all t'e scree% f&els a% t'e&r feat!res.
also offers a w&e spectr!m of &%str!ct&o%s for &%p!t f&els, loops, co%&t&o%s, ar&t'met&c
operat&o%s, etc.
,% moels t'at are not base( on /01 (ialog, t'e ,8S co%trols t'e orer of t'e tra%sact&o%s as well as t'e
(&s!al &spla#. As &% t'e a"o(e case, t'e &spla# &s ef&%e "# 98):
templates. 8'e orer &s
escr&"e &% a separate la#er calle t'e ,8S flow lo+&c. 8'e ma&% feat!res of t'&s la#er are t'e &ffere%t
stat!ses a% t'e e(e%tBepe%e%t tra%s&t&o%s "etwee% t'ese stat!ses. 8'e spec&f&cat&o% !ses flow lo+&c
f&les t'at are "ase o% 3): s#%ta0.
8wo tools are pro(&e for e(elopers for creat&%+ ,%ter%et appl&cat&o%s.
/01A2eb /tu(io &s a% &%epe%e%t pro+ram. 8'e f!%ct&o%al&t# of t'e SAPWWe" St!&o &%cl!es
(ar&o!s w&5ars t'at s!pport e(elopers.
W&t' Release 4.6C t'e SAP e(elopme%t e%(&ro%me%t >8ra%sact&o% *$89@ co%ta&%s t'e 2eb
0pplication 5uil(er, w'&c' ca% also "e !se to create ,%ter%et appl&cat&o%s.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 11
SAP AG 2002
+$ter$et 'r!$s!ctio$ Server 6+'S7
Gre!ter le!r$i$g effort9 more fe!t"res
+ACs +ACs
+'S +'S
>lo% ?ogic >lo% ?ogic
>lo% >iles
for H'/? for H'/?
>lo% ?ogic i$ R@. System >lo% ?ogic i$ R@. System
>lo% ?ogic >lo% ?ogic
i$ the +'S i$ the +'S
+'S) Progr!mmi$g /odels 6++7
SAP 2SS &s "ase o% ,%ter%et Appl&cat&o% Compo%e%ts >,ACs@. ,t 'as a t'reeBstep proce!reE
SAP $/, for 98): B a o%eBtoBo%e mapp&%+ of t'e R/3 scree%s. 8'e SAP $/, for 98): pro(&es a
#%am&c em!lat&o% of t'e R/3 &alo+s &% a We" "rowser. 8'&s mapp&%+ &s &mpleme%te "# 98):
f!%ct&o%s >o%e for eac' scree% eleme%t@, w'&c' e&t'er res&e &% t'e ,8S ker%el or are calle from t'ose
,t !ses o%l# ?s&mple? scree%s t'at ca% "e eas&l# co%(erte &%to 98):.
,t !ses a spec&al tec'%&G!e to pro(&e !sers w&t' &%p!t 'elp &% 98): forms.
,t perm&ts !sers to lo+ o%to t'e ,%ter%et w'&le t'e tra%sact&o% &s "e&%+ processe.
8'e past SAP 2SS ser(&ces are "ase o% a SAP &alo+ a% t'erefore e&t'er are e0ec!te w&t' t'e SAP
$/, for 98): or work w&t' 98): templates >,ACs@. 8'e :&fe a% Work 2(e%ts as well as t'e
)&%&Apps, 'owe(er, are %ot "ase o% a SAP &alo+ >,8S flow lo+&c@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 12
SAP AG 1999
Fo" !re $o% !#le to)
:$derst!$d the -or8pl!ce !rchitect"re
E&pl!i$ the f"$ctio$s of the eleme$ts i$volved
Architect"re) S"mm!ry
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 13
SAP AG 1999
Architect"re of the mySAP -or8pl!ce
Roles i$ the mySAP -or8pl!ce
-or8pl!ce !$d Roles
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 14
SAP AG 1999
Role 0efi$itio$) 4vervie%
Si$gle !$d Composite Roles
'he Employee Self-Service Role
Cre!tio$ !$d /!i$te$!$ce of Roles
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 15
SAP AG 1999
E&pl!i$ the role defi$itio$
Cre!te !$d m!i$t!i$ si$gle roles
Cre!te !$d m!i$t!i$ composite roles
S%!p roles #et%ee$ compo$e$t systems !$d
the -or8pl!ce Server
At the co$cl"sio$ of this "$it9 yo" %ill #e !#le to)
Roles) 'opic 4#3ectives
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 16
SAP AG 1999
6rom t'e "!s&%ess po&%t of (&ew, a role &s the (escription of an acti#ity in a company.
/s&%+ t'e m#SAP Workplace, emplo#ees of a compa%# are ass&+%e to roles &% "!s&%ess sce%ar&os. 8'e
roles a% sce%ar&os are wa#s of look&%+ at processes &% moer% e%terpr&ses.
8ec'%&call# speak&%+, a role &s a collect&o% of tra%sact&o%s, ,%ter%et l&%ks >/R:s@, reports, e0ec!ta"le
f&les, )&%&Apps, N%owle+e Ware'o!se l&%ks a% l&%ks to e0ter%al s#stems. 8'e role &%cl!es all t'e
a!t'or&5at&o%s >%ot s'ow% &% t'e +rap'&c@ t'at are %eee to perform t'e roleBspec&f&c tasks.
8'e role ef&%es t'e tra%sact&o%s, &%format&o% a% ser(&ces t'at ma# "e accesse at t'e m#SAP
Workplace. ,t also ef&%es t'e appeara%ce of t'e &%terface for t'e part&c!lar !ser >:a!%c'Pa a%
Roles ca% "e ma&%ta&%e "ot' o% t'e Workplace Ser(er a% &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems. 8'ere are t'e
follow&%+ t#pes of rolesE
/ingle rolesE are create a% ma&%ta&%e &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems a% t'e% tra%sferre to t'e
Workplace Ser(er. ,f t'e compo%e%t s#stems 'a(e Release 4.6A or '&+'er, s&%+le roles ca% "e &%&t&all#
create o% t'e Workplace Ser(er a% t'e% &str&"!te to t'e compo%e%t s#stems.
4omposite rolesE 8'ese ca% o%l# "e create a% ma&%ta&%e o% t'e Workplace Ser(er. 8'e# ef&%e t'e
appeara%ce of t'e :a!%c'Pa.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1D
SAP AG 1999
-or8pl!ce -or8pl!ce Server Server
-or8pl!ce -or8pl!ce Server Server
Composite role
Si$gle Roles
'he Employee Self-Service Composite Role
8'e $ployee *el13*ervice compos&te role replaces t'e %a(&+at&o% me%! !se &% Releases 4.5
a% 4.6-, w'&c' %ow ca% "e fo!% &% t'e role &% t'e m#SAP Workplace :a!%c'Pa.
8'e compos&te role $ployee *el13*ervice >SAPRWPR2)P:*A22@ &s el&(ere "# SAP. ,t
res&es o% t'e y*A# 2or,place s#stem a% co%ta&%s all t'e &%ter%at&o%al a% co!%tr#Bspec&f&c
s&%+le roles >tra%sact&o%s, a!t'or&5at&o%s@ pro(&e for $ployee *el13*ervice.
8'e s&%+le roles alwa#s res&e &% t'e rele(a%t compo%e%t s#stems w&t' t'e e0cept&o% of t'e
s&%+le roles SAPRWPSR2)P:*A22 a% SAPRWPSR/S2R, w'&c' co%ta&% t'e )&%&Apps a%
"as&c a!t'or&5at&o%s for t'e Workplace s#stem a% t'erefore res&e &% t'e Workplace s#stem.
8'e s&%+le role SAPR-CR27./S2R co%ta&%s t'e "as&c a!t'or&5at&o%s for t'e compo%e%t
s#stems a% t'erefore m!st e0&st &% all t'e compo%e%t s#stems >9R, :*, 6,...@.
Alt'o!+' #o! ca% !se a%# role to &%stall SAP 2SS a!t'or&5at&o%s, SAP stro%+l# recomme%s t'at #o!
!se a cop# of SAPRWPR2)P:*A22. Cop# t'e compos&te role to #o!r c!stomer %amespace >QX or 4X@.
8'e%, &f %ecessar#, #o! ca% aapt &t to &%cl!e tra%sact&o%s t'at are rele(a%t to #o!r compa%#.
Ao! ca% f&% a eta&le escr&pt&o% of t'e s&%+le roles &% t'e *A# $ployee *el13*ervice Release
:.;& 0pleentation G"ide
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1F
SAP AG 1999
Compo$e$t System Compo$e$t System -or8pl!ce -or8pl!ce Server Server
Ge$er!te Ge$er!te
!"thori2!tio$s !"thori2!tio$s
Cre!te Cre!te
composite role composite role
0istri#"te 0istri#"te
si$gle roles si$gle roles
Cre!te Cre!te
si$gle roles si$gle roles
Copy Copy
si$gle roles si$gle roles
Ch!$ge Ch!$ge
si$gle roles si$gle roles
Ch!$ged Ch!$ged
si$gle roles si$gle roles
Cre!te Cre!te
si$gle roles si$gle roles
Role 0efi$itio$) 4vervie%
8'e +rap'&c s'ows t'e recomme%e proce!re for creat&%+ #o!r ow% compos&te role for SAP 2SSE
Compo%e%t s#stem>s@E Create s&%+le roles "# cop#&%+ t'e el&(ere s&%+le roles to t'e c!stomer
%amespace >QX or 4X@. ,f %ecessar#, aapt &t to &%cl!e tra%sact&o%s t'at are rele(a%t to #o!r compa%#.
Workplace Ser(erE Rea t'e s&%+le roles from t'e compo%e%t s#stems.
Workplace Ser(erE Create WorkplaceBspec&f&c s&%+le roles "# cop#&%+ t'e el&(ere s&%+le roles to t'e
c!stomer %amespace >QX or 4X@.
Workplace Ser(erE Create a compos&te role &% t'e c!stomer %amespace. A t'e s&%+le roles &mporte
from t'e compo%e%t s#stems a% t'e WorkplaceBspec&f&c s&%+le roles.
,f t'e compo%e%t s#stem 'as Release 4.6A or '&+'er, #o! ca% ma&%ta&% t'e s&%+le roles o% t'e
Workplace Ser(er after t'e &mport a% t'e% &str&"!te t'em to t'e compo%e%t s#stems.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 14
SAP AG 2002
Compo$e$t System
Role A
Report Report
&y2 &y2
Report Report
&y2 &y2
Report Report
&y2 &y2
Report Report
&y2 &y2
Report Report
&y2 &y2
App *
Role 5
Cre!tio$ of Si$gle Roles
/ingle roles are !s!all# create &% t'e component systemB tra%sferre to t'e 2or*place /er#er a%
poss&"l# ma&%ta&%e ce%trall# o% t'e Workplace Ser(er. CCreat&o%C 'ere mea%s ef&%&%+ t'e act&(&t# of t'e
8'e a!t'or&5at&o% co%te%ts of t'e role are !s!all# ma&%ta&%e &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems !e to &ffere%t
Completel# %ew roles ca% also "e create. 9owe(er, we recomme% t'at #o! !se t'e roles pro#i(e( by
/01 as a template, cop# t'em to %ew roles a% mo&f# t'em as reG!&re. SAP el&(ers a w&e select&o%
of roles for a %!m"er of "!s&%ess act&(&t&es.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 20
SAP AG 2002
/e$" 0esig$
Compo$e$t System
Role BG@R250GSAPG-SSUS-R Role *oc(mentation
*esci"tion -m"loyee Sel%ASe'ice 6.o"y7
Acti'ity )o(" men(
*esci"tion Men( A(t3oi?ations MiniA""s Uses
;ansaction Re"ot 4t3e All
UR2 A 999.mysa".com
,3oCs ,3o
.3an)e 49n *ata
$ntenal Se'ice Re+(est
My Assets
D(siness ;i"s
,o!in) ;ime
;ime S3eet
2ea'e Re+(est
$n%omation System
.o"y Men(s
&om t3e SAP men(
&om ot3e ole
&om aea men(
$m"ot %om %ile
;anslate no#e
*is"lay #oc(mentation
Seac3 #oc(mentation
;a)et system 6t(stin)7
A##itional Acti 'ities
*isti0(tion 4<
Ao! ca% +o to role ma&%te%a%ce w&t' 8ra%sact&o% #F&G or "# c'oos&%+ Tools < Adinistration < User
Maintenance < Roles. Role %ames s'o!l co%ta&% t'e %ames of t'e appropr&ate compo%e%t s#stems.
2%ter t'e %ame of t'e role a% cl&ck o% &reate or &hange. C'oose t'e Men" ta".
4hange functionsE 8'e me%! tree ca% "e aapte to s!&t #o!r &%&(&!al roles.
Transactions ca% "e &%serte &% or elete from t'e tree str!ct!re.
&eports ca% "e &%te+rate "# c'oos&%+ Report. ,% t'&s case t'e role ma&%te%a%ce creates tra%sact&o%
coes t'at are !se to call t'ese reports.
-# c'oos&%+ Other #o! ca% &%cl!e ,nternet a((resses a% 6in*s to files >s!c' as ta"les or te0t
f&les@. W'e% #o! &%te+rate f&les, #o! 'a(e to spec&f# t'e correspo%&%+ stora+e pat' &%stea of t'e
/R:. Ao! ca% also spec&f# -W We"Reports, e0ter%al ma&l s#stem l&%ks a% N%owle+e Ware'o!se
C'a%+e me%!sE .&rector&es a% s!"&rector&es ca% "e create, mo(e, elete a% re%ame as reG!&re.
Ao! ca% !se t'e .ra+H.rop f!%ct&o% for role ma&%te%a%ce.
W'e% #o! c'a%+e a s&%+le role w&t'&% t'e role ma&%te%a%ce o% t'e Workplace Ser(er, t'e me%! es&+% &s
&str&"!te to t'e correspo%&%+ compo%e%t s#stems. 8'e compo%e%t s#stem &s aresse !%er &ts
lo+&cal s#stem %ame a% &s e%tere &% t'e Target syste f&el. 8'e% c'oose =istrib"te. 8'e mo&f&e
me%! ef&%&t&o% &s %ow also &% t'e compo%e%t s#stem a% &ts a!t'or&5at&o%s are ma&%ta&%e t'ere.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 21
SAP AG 2002
Cre!tio$ of A"thori2!tio$ Profiles
*esci"tion -m"loyee Sel%ASe'ice 6.o"y7
.eate# 2ast c3an)e
$n%omation a0o(t a(t3oi?ation "o%ile
Maintain a(t3oi?ation #ata an# )eneate "o%iles
Use -3a#
*ate 16.10.2000
;ime 13822812
Po%ile name
Po%ile te1t
Stat(s Po%ile a#H(stment e+(ie#
.3an)e a(t3oi?ation #ata
-1"et mo#e %o "o%ile )eneation
Use *-R:
*ate 16.01.2000
;ime 13822812
*esci"tion Men( A(t3oi?ations Uses
BG@R250GSAPG-SSUS-R -m"loyee Sel%ASe'ice 6.o"y7
Maintenance8 0 nonAmaintaine# o)ani?ation le'els 7 o"en %iel#s/ Stat(s8 c3an)e#
Stan#a# ol# .ossAa""lication a(t3oi?ation o0Hects
maintaine# ol# @(man eso(ces a#ministation
maintaine# ne9 Dasis8 A#ministation
Stan#a# ol# Dasis8 *e'elo"ment en'ionment
maintaine# ne9 Dasis8 .ental %(nctions
Stan#a# ol# Pesonnel #e'elo"ment
P3ysical %ile name
ADAP "o)am name
Stan#a# ne9 A(t3oi?ation to access %ile
Stan#a# ne9 A(t3oi?ation to access %ile
maintaine# ol# SAPsci"t8 Stan#a# te1t
*esci"tion -m"loyee Sel%ASe'ice 6.o"y7
.eate# 2ast c3an)e
$n%omation a0o(t a(t3oi?ation "o%ile
Maintain a(t3oi?ation #ata an# )eneate "o%iles
Use -3a#
*ate 16.10.2000
;ime 13822812
Po%ile name
Po%ile te1t
Stat(s Po%ile a#H(stment e+(ie#
.3an)e a(t3oi?ation #ata
-1"et mo#e %o "o%ile )eneation
Use *-R:
*ate 16.01.2000
;ime 13822812
*esci"tion Men( A(t3oi?ations Uses
BG@R250GSAPG-SSUS-R -m"loyee Sel%ASe'ice 6.o"y7
Maintenance8 0 nonAmaintaine# o)ani?ation le'els 7 o"en %iel#s/ Stat(s8 c3an)e#
Stan#a# ol# .ossAa""lication a(t3oi?ation o0Hects
maintaine# ol# @(man eso(ces a#ministation
maintaine# ne9 Dasis8 A#ministation
Stan#a# ol# Dasis8 *e'elo"ment en'ionment
maintaine# ne9 Dasis8 .ental %(nctions
Stan#a# ol# Pesonnel #e'elo"ment
P3ysical %ile name
ADAP "o)am name
Stan#a# ne9 A(t3oi?ation to access %ile
Stan#a# ne9 A(t3oi?ation to access %ile
maintaine# ol# SAPsci"t8 Stan#a# te1t
Compo$e$t System
8'e role a!t'or&5at&o%s are %ormall# ma&%ta&%e &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems.
Role ma&%te%a%ce automatically creates the authori)ations "elo%+&%+ to t'e tra%sact&o%s spec&f&e &%
t'e me%! tree. Ao! %e(ert'eless 'a(e to manually chec* an( possibly a(apt all a!t'or&5at&o%s to #o!r
act!al reG!&reme%ts a% co%stra&%ts. 8'e s#stem am&%&strator &s respo%s&"le for t'&s task to+et'er w&t'
t'e rele(a%t epartme%t. Ao! ca% co%s&era"l# s&mpl&f# t'e a!t'or&5at&o% ma&%te%a%ce "# !s&%+
or+a%&5at&o% le(els.
C'oose ta" pa+e A"thori5ations a% cl&ck o% &hange a"thori5ation data. C'eck t'e scope a% co%te%ts
of t'e a!t'or&5at&o%s.
8'e green traffic light &% t'e a!t'or&5at&o% o(er(&ew &%&cates t'at t'e role ma&%te%a%ce was a"le to
+e%erate a% a!t'or&5at&o% a!tomat&call#. A yellow traffic light &%&cates t'at #o! 'a(e to ma&%ta&% &t
ma%!all#. 8'e role ma&%te%a%ce oes %ot propose a (al!e for t'e a!t'or&5at&o%.
*%ce #o! 'a(e ma&%ta&%e all #o!r a!t'or&5at&o%s, #o! ca% create t'e a!t'or&5at&o% prof&le "# cl&ck&%+
o% Generate. ,mporta%tE 8'e seco% letter of t'e prof&le %ame ma# %ot "e a% !%erscore >c'aracter ?R?@
>see 7ote 16466@. 8'&s %ame ca%%ot "e c'a%+e o%ce &t 'as "ee% create.
,f #o! !se t'e sta%ar a!t'or&5at&o% prof&les el&(ere w&t' SAP 2SS "ase o% t'e a!t'or&5at&o% o"=ect
1C1-&.&, #o! m!st e%a"le t'e H& authori)ation chec*s. 8o e%a"le t'e 9R a!t'or&5at&o% c'ecks, #o!
m!st act&(ate t'e 2SSBspec&f&c PRP2R7R a!t'or&5at&o% o"=ect &% ta"le T""/0 "# sett&%+ t'e (al!e to 1
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 22
for Gro"p AUT*2 a% *eantice abbreviation #$RNR. 8'&s sett&%+ co%trols t'e a!t'or&5at&o% c'eck for
t'e perso%%el %!m"ers ass&+%e to !sers &% t'e Comm!%&cat&o% &%fot#pe >0105@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 23
SAP AG 2002
-or8pl!ce Server
'r!$sfer of the Roles to the -or8pl!ce Server
role =
role .
role 5
role 2 Si$gle
role *
role .
role 4
Compo$e$t Systems -or8pl!ce Server
6or a roleBspec&f&c :a!%c'Pa &mpleme%tat&o%, #o! m!st repro(uce the roles on the 2or*place
/er#er for later ass&+%me%t to t'e !sers. 8'e me%! ef&%&t&o%s of t'e s&%+le roles t'erefore 'a(e to res&e
o% t'e Workplace Ser(er. Ao! ca% o t'&s "# cop#&%+ t'em from t'e compo%e%t s#stems to t'e
Workplace Ser(er.
*%e wa# to o t'&s &s "# !s&%+ a pl!+B&% t'at &s el&(ere to+et'er w&t' t'e Workplace a% &%stalle &% t'e
compo%e%t s#stem. )e%! ef&%&t&o%s ca% t'e% "e cop&e to t'e compo%e%t s#stem from the 2or*place
/er#er using an &<4 lin*. *% t'e Workplace Ser(er start role ma&%te%a%ce a% c'oose
Role > Read 1ro other syste with RF&.
Role ef&%&t&o%s ca% also "e (ownloa(e( as a file. *%e compo%e%t of t'e pl!+B&% &s 8ra%sact&o% 2#*T,
w'&c' com"&%es t'e roles to form a f&le. Ao! ca% loa t'&s tra%sact&o% &% t'e role ma&%te%a%ce "#
c'oos&%+ Role > Upload o% t'e Workplace Ser(er. 8'ere are also spec&al reports for !ploa&%+ a%
ow%loa&%+ t'e roles >see 7ote 1F136F@. /ser ass&+%me%ts to roles are %ot cop&e.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 24
SAP AG 2002
Cre!tio$ of ! Composite Role
;a)et system
/e$" for
/e$" for
/e$" for
/e$" for
;a)et system
Ch!$ges to
the e$tire
-or8pl!ce me$"
Si$gle Role *
Si$gle Role 2
Composite Role
-or8pl!ce Server
W'e% a !ser starts a tra%sact&o% &% t'e Workplace from t'e :a!%c'Pa, t'&s tra%sact&o% &s e0ec!te &% t'e
correspo%&%+ compo%e%t s#stem. 8'e s&%+le roles m!st t'erefore refer to the rele#ant component
system o% t'e Workplace Ser(er. S&%+le roles t'at were create o% t'e Workplace Ser(er &% t'e ce%tral
role ma&%te%a%ce a% &str&"!te to t'e compo%e%t s#stems are alrea# ass&+%e to ?t'e&r? compo%e%t
s#stems. S&%+le roles t'at were cop&e to t'e Workplace Ser(er w&t' R6C are also ass&+%e to ?t'e&r?
compo%e%t s#stems. )a%!al ass&+%me%t &s o%l# reG!&re for s&%+le roles t'at were cop&e "# !ploa&%+
or ow%loa&%+. *% t'e Workplace Ser(er c'oose ta" pa+e Men" &% t'e role ma&%te%a%ce tra%sact&o%.
2%ter e&t'er t'e lo+&cal s#stem %ame of t'e compo%e%t s#stem or a% R6C (ar&a"le &% f&el 1arget syste/.
Compos&te roles "!%le s&%+le roles. Compos&te roles ca% co%ta&% s&%+le roles t'at access &ffere%t
s#stems of t'e Workplace arc'&tect!re. Ao! ca%%ot com"&%e compos&te roles to form '&+'erBle(el
compos&te roles.
Compos&te roles ef&%e t'e appeara%ce of t'e :a!%c'Pa &% t'e Workplace. 8'e me%! tree for a
compos&te role %ormall# co%s&sts of t'e role me%!s &t co%ta&%s. 8ree compo%e%ts t'erefore ca% occ!r
more t'a% o%ce. )e%! e%tr&es for t'e s&%+le roles ca% appear &% a%# orer a% ma# "e elete. ,f t'e
s&%+le roles are c'a%+e at a later t&me, t'e epe%e%t compos&te roles ca% "e reef&%e.
Compos&te roles are o%l# ma&%ta&%e o% t'e Workplace Ser(er a% o %ot co%ta&% a!t'or&5at&o%s.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 25
SAP AG 2002
-or8pl!ce Server
Assig$me$t of Composite Roles to :sers
,f t'e compos&te roles 'a(e t'e reG!&re me%! str!ct!re, t'e# are ass&+%e to !sers o% t'e Workplace
,f t'e ce%tral !ser am&%&strat&o% &s %ot !se, t'e correspo%&%+ s&%+le roles m!st also "e ass&+%e tot 'e
!sers &% t'e rele(a%t compo%e%t s#stems.
,f ce%tral !ser am&%&strat&o% &s !se, t'e s&%+le role ass&+%me%t &s ca%celle "# t'e ass&+%me%t of t'e
compos&te roles o% t'e Workplace Ser(er. 8'e s#stem c'ecks w'&c' s&%+le roles are co%ta&%e &% a
compos&te role a% w'&c' compo%e%t s#stems t'ese s&%+le roles are ass&+%e to. 8'e s&%+le roles are
t'e% a!tomat&call# ass&+%e to t'e !sers &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems. A !ser master c'eck &s carr&e o!t
8'e !ser ca% lo+ o%to t'e Workplace w'e% t'e compos&te roles 'a(e "ee% ass&+%e to t'e !ser &e%t&f&ers
o% t'e Workplace Ser(er. 8'e !ser ca% call all t'e tra%sact&o%s offere o% t'e :a!%c'Pa s&%ce t'e#
correspo% to t'e s&%+le roles co%ta&%e &% t'e compos&te roles. 8'e tra%sact&o%s are e0ec!te &% t'e
rele(a%t compo%e%t s#stem.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 26
SAP AG 1999
Address Address
5!$8 det!ils 5!$8 det!ils
-2 Repri$t -2 Repri$t
'!& -ithholdi$g -4 '!& -ithholdi$g -4
C!pit!l >orm!tio$ C!pit!l >orm!tio$
et C!lc"l!tio$ of /o$thly S!l!ry et C!lc"l!tio$ of /o$thly S!l!ry
:C Q :S
:C Q 0E
Co"$try-Specific Services
SAP 2mplo#ee SelfBSer(&ce !ses SAP R/3Cs +lo"al capa"&l&t&es s!c' as m!lt&Bla%+!a+e a% c!rre%c#
capa"&l&t&es a% co!%tr# local&5at&o%.
SAP 2SS s!pports local&5at&o% of &ts &ffere%t ser(&ces &% two wa#sE
Co!%tr#Bspec&f&c scree%s
20ampleE .&ffere%t co!%tr#Bspec&f&c &%p!t f&els a% pla!s&"&l&t# c'ecks are &mpleme%te &% t'e
Perso%al ,%format&o% ser(&ces >s!c' as Aress a% -a%k ,%format&o%@.
8'e co!%tr#Bspec&f&c scree% (&ews are co%trolle w&t'&% t'e &%&(&!al ser(&ces "# t'e emplo#eeCs
co!%tr# ass&+%me%t >+36@0@.
Co!%tr#BSpec&f&c Ser(&ces
20ampleE /S ta0 forms a% cap&tal format&o% &% $erma%#
8'e s#stem e%s!res t'at o%l# t'e emplo#ees work&%+ for a compa%# w&t'&% t'e rele(a%t co!%tr# see
t'e co!%tr#Bspec&f&c ser(&ces.
8'e a(a&la"&l&t# of co!%tr#Bspec&f&c ser(&ces &s co%trolle "# co!%tr# attr&"!tes. 8'ese ca% "e
ass&+%e to t'e s&%+le roles &% ta"le 1A$RA88S >ta"le ma&%te%a%ce w&t' tra%sact&o% S)30@. 8'&s
ta"le also ef&%es t'e co!%tr#Bspec&f&c s&%+le roles for w'&c' #%am&c f<er&%+ &s reG!&re.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2D
8'e co!%tr#Bspec&f&c ser(&ces &spla#e for a part&c!lar !ser are ef&%e "# parameter :4. &% t'e
!ser master recor !se for #%am&c f<er&%+ !r&%+ t'e m#SAP Workplace lo+o%.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2F
SAP AG 2002
Fo" !re $o% !#le to)
E&pl!i$ the role defi$itio$
Cre!te !$d m!i$t!i$ si$gle roles
Cre!te !$d m!i$t!i$ composite roles
S%!p roles #et%ee$ compo$e$t systems !$d the
-or8pl!ce Server
Roles) :$it S"mm!ry
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 24
4.2$my/01 2or*place 0rchite*tur 8 &ollen -xercises
my/01 2or*place9 0rchitecture 8 &oles
At t'e e% of t'&s e0erc&se #o! w&ll "e a"le to o t'e follow&%+ w&t'&% ce%tral
role ma&%te%a%ceE
Create s&%+le roles &% t'e compo%e%t s#stem
Cop# s&%+le roles to t'e Workplace Ser(er
Ce%trall# ma&%ta&% s&%+le roles o% t'e Workplace Ser(er
.&str&"!te c'a%+e s&%+le roles to compo%e%t s#stems
Create a% ma&%ta&% compos&te roles
1 4reate customer-specific single roles "ase o% t'e sta%ar roles el&(ere w&t' SAP 2SS.
&'3 component system >SAP $/, for W&%ows, /ser 9R250BPP@E
1B1 Create t'e s&%+le role ?R@A9B9CBRDBEE w&t' t'e role ma&%te%a%ce tra%sact&o%.
/se s&%+le role *A#B$**U*$R as a template.
Create t'e s&%+le role ?R@A9B9@BRDBEE w&t' t'e role ma&%te%a%ce tra%sact&o%.
/se s&%+le role *A#BF0B$ployee as a template.
Create t'e s&%+le role ?R@A9B9DBRDBEE w&t' t'e role ma&%te%a%ce tra%sact&o%.
/se s&%+le role *A#B+OB$ployee as a template.
1B2 /s&%+ t'e role ma&%te%a%ce tra%sact&o%, create t'e a!t'or&5at&o% prof&le for roles ?R@A9B9CBRDBEE
Ass&+% o(erall a!t'or&5at&o%s for all or+a%&5at&o% le(els >c'aracter ?X?@. Ass&+% o(erall a!t'or&5at&o%
>UXV@ to all t'e a!t'or&5at&o%s marke &% #ellow. $e%erate t'e a!t'or&5at&o% prof&le.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 30
2 Rea &% s&%+le roles o% t'e Workplace Ser(er
2or*place /er#er >SAP $/, for W&%ows, /ser 9R250BPP@E
2B1 Rea &% t'e s&%+le roles create &% t'e compo%e%t s#stem o% t'e Workplace Ser(er. Ao!r tra&%er w&ll
tell #o! w'&c' R6C l&%k to !se.
3 C'a%+e s&%+le roles o% t'e Workplace Ser(er
2or*place /er#er >SAP $/, for W&%ows, /ser 9R250BPP@E
3B1 C'a%+e s&%+le role ?R@A9B9CBRDBEE.
Create a %ew foler calle My +in,s. A t'e /R: http'(( to t'&s foler w&t' t'e %ame
*ave #o!r e%tr&es.
3B2 .&str&"!te t'e c'a%+e s&%+le role from t'e Workplace Ser(er to t'e R/3 compo%e%t s#stem.
C'eck t'e e%tr# &% t'e Target syste f&el o% ta" pa+e Men" for s&%+le role ?R@A9B9CBRDBEE. 2%ter
t'e lo+&cal s#stem %ame of t'e compo%e%t s#stem 'ere >#o!r tra&%er w&ll tell #o! t'&s %ame@.
C'oose =istrib"te.
4 Create compos&te role o% t'e Workplace Ser(er
2or*place /er#er >SAP $/, for W&%ows, /ser 9R250BPP@E
/se role ma&%te%a%ce to create t'e compos&te role ?R@A9B&OM#B2#RPP.
4B1 Com"&%e s&%+le roles ?R@A9B9CBRDBEE to ?R@A9B9DBRDBEE to create compos&te role
4B2 Create t'e me%! tree of t'e compos&te role "# rea&%+ t'e me%!s of t'e "!%le s&%+le roles.
7oteE C'oose ta" pa+e )e%! a% cl&ck o% Read en".
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 31
4B3 /pate t'e !ser master recor for #o!r Workplace !ser. Ass&+% #o!r !ser ,. ?R@A93EE compos&te
role ?R@A9B&OM#B2#RPP o% t'e Workplace Ser(er.
)ake t'e correct e%tr&es &% ta" pa+es *ystes a% Activity gro"ps.
.&str&"!te t'e ata to t'e R/3 compo%e%t s#stems "# c'oos&%+ *ave.
NoteE .o %ot remo(e s&%+le roles *A#B/&B$ployeeF *A#B/&B$nd"serF *A#B2#*B$ployeeF
*A#B2#*B$nd"ser from t'e !ser master recor.
5 2eb 5rowserE :o+ o%to t'e Workplace w&t' !ser ,. ?R@A93EE a% c'eck t'e appeara%ce of t'e
8r# o!t some of t'e tra%sact&o%s t'at are offere. W'at o #o! f&%T
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 32
4.2%my/01 2or*place 0rchite*tur 8 &ollen /olutions
:nit9 my/01 2or*place 0rchitecture 8 &oles
1 4reate customer-specific single roles "ase o% t'e sta%ar roles el&(ere w&t' SAP 2SS.
&'3 component system >SAP $/, for W&%ows, /ser 9R250BPP@E
1B1 Create t'e s&%+le role ?R@A9B9CBRDBEE w&t' t'e role ma&%te%a%ce tra%sact&o%.
/se s&%+le role *A#B$**U*$R as a template.
Create t'e s&%+le role ?R@A9B9@BRDBEE w&t' t'e role ma&%te%a%ce tra%sact&o%.
/se s&%+le role *A#BF0B$ployee as a template.
Create t'e s&%+le role ?R@A9B9DBRDBEE w&t' t'e role ma&%te%a%ce tra%sact&o%.
/se s&%+le role *A#B+OB$ployee as a template.
,% t'e SAP 2as# Access me%! c'ooseE
Tools Adinistration User aintenance Roles
6or go directly to Transaction #F&G7.
Select t'e spec&f&e single role a% c'oose &opy. $&(e t'e cop&es t'e %ames spec&f&e a"o(e.
*ave #o!r e%tr&es.
1B2 /s&%+ t'e role ma&%te%a%ce tra%sact&o%, create t'e a!t'or&5at&o% prof&le for roles ?R@A9B9CBRDBEE
Ass&+% o(erall a!t'or&5at&o%s for all or+a%&5at&o% le(els >c'aracter ?X?@. Ass&+% o(erall a!t'or&5at&o%
>UXV@ to all t'e a!t'or&5at&o%s marke &% #ellow. $e%erate t'e a!t'or&5at&o% prof&le.
,% t'e SAP 2as# Access me%! c'ooseE
Tools Adinistration User aintenance Roles
6or go directly to Transaction #F&G7.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 33
C'oose A"thori5ation. C'oose &hange a"thori5ation data.
Ass&+% o(erall a!t'or&5at&o%s for all t'e f&els t'at were %ot ma&%ta&%eE Cl&ck o% t'e #ellow traff&c
l&+'t a% t'e% t'e +ree% c'eckmark.
C'oose Generate. Ao! 'a(e create t'e a!t'or&5at&o% prof&le for #o!r role.
2 Rea &% s&%+le roles o% t'e Workplace Ser(er
2or*place /er#er >SAP $/, for W&%ows, /ser 9R250BPP@E
2B1 Rea &% t'e s&%+le roles create &% t'e compo%e%t s#stem o% t'e Workplace Ser(er. Ao!r tra&%er w&ll
tell #o! w'&c' R6C l&%k to !se.
,% t'e SAP 2as# Access me%! c'ooseE
Tools Adinistration User aintenance Roles
6or go directly to Transaction #F&G7.
,% t'e me%! "ar c'ooseE
Role Read 1ro other syste with RF&
,% t'e %e0t &alo+ "o0 c'ooseE *elect an RF& destination
C'oose t'e R6C est&%at&o% spec&f&e "# #o!r tra&%er.
Co%f&rm #o!r e%tr&es w&t' $nter.
8'e s&%+le roles are rea &% from t'e compo%e%t s#stem.
3 C'a%+e s&%+le roles o% t'e Workplace Ser(er
2or*place /er#er >SAP $/, for W&%ows, /ser 9R250BPP@E
3B1 C'a%+e s&%+le role ?R@A9B9CBRDBEE.
Create a %ew foler calle My +in,s. A t'e /R: http'(( to t'&s foler w&t' t'e %ame
*ave #o!r e%tr&es.
,% t'e SAP 2as# Access me%! c'ooseE
Tools Adinistration User aintenance Roles
6or go directly to Transaction #F&G7.
*% t'e Men" ta" c'oose &reate 1older.
2%ter My +in,s as %ame.
C'oose $nter.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 34
3B2 7ow c'oose Other a% &% t'e %e0t &alo+ "o0 select UR+. Co%f&rm #o!r e%tr&es w&t' $nter.
,% t'e %e0t w&%ow e%ter 0nternet &% f&el Te%t a% 'ttpE// &% f&el 2eb address.
C'oose $nter.
*ave yo"r entries.
3B3 .&str&"!te t'e c'a%+e s&%+le role from t'e Workplace Ser(er to t'e R/3 compo%e%t s#stem.
C'eck t'e e%tr# &% t'e Target syste f&el o% ta" pa+e Men" for s&%+le role ?R@A9B9CBRDBEE. 2%ter
t'e lo+&cal s#stem %ame of t'e compo%e%t s#stem 'ere >#o!r tra&%er w&ll tell #o! t'&s %ame@.
C'oose =istrib"te.
4 Create compos&te role o% t'e Workplace Ser(er
2or*place /er#er >SAP $/, for W&%ows, /ser 9R250BPP@E
/se role ma&%te%a%ce to create t'e compos&te role ?R@A9B&OM#B2#RPP.
4B1 Com"&%e s&%+le roles ?R@A9B9CBRDBEE to ?R@A9B9DBRDBEE to create compos&te role
,% t'e SAP 2as# Access me%! c'ooseE
Tools Adinistration User aintenance Roles
6or go directly to Transaction #F&G7.
8o create compos&te role ?R@A9B&OM#B2#RPP c'oose &reate coposite role
Select t'e Roles ta" pa+e.
2%ter t'e s&%+le roles for ?R@A9B9CBRDBEE to ?R@A9B9DBRDBEE.
8'e s#stem ef&%es f&el Target syste to correspo% to #o!r e%tr&es &% t'e s&%+le role.
*ave #o!r e%tr&es.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 35
4B2 Create t'e me%! tree of t'e compos&te role "# rea&%+ t'e me%!s of t'e "!%le s&%+le roles.
C'oose ta" pa+e Men" a% cl&ck o% Read en".
Ao! ca% %ow rees&+% t'e e%t&re me%!. Ao! ca% c'a%+e t'e pos&t&o% of t'e e%tr&es or elete t'e
e%tr&es, "!t #o! ca%%ot a %ew e%tr&es.
4B3 /pate t'e !ser master recor for #o!r Workplace !ser. Ass&+% #o!r !ser ,. ?R@A93EE compos&te
role ?R@A9B&OM#B2#RPP o% t'e Workplace Ser(er.
)ake t'e correct e%tr&es &% ta" pa+es *ystes a% Activity gro"ps.
.&str&"!te t'e ata to t'e R/3 compo%e%t s#stems "# c'oos&%+ *ave.
NoteE .o %ot remo(e s&%+le roles *A#B/&B$ployeeF *A#B/&B$nd"serF *A#B2#*B$ployeeF
*A#B2#*B$nd"ser from t'e !ser master recor.
,% t'e SAP 2as# Access me%! c'ooseE
Tools Adinistration User aintenance Users
6or go directly to Transaction *U9C7.
Ao! wa%t to ass&+% !ser 9R250BPP t'e compos&te role ?R@A9B&OM#B2#RPP. ,% ta" pa+e Roles
e%ter role ?R@A9B&OM#B2#RPP.
C'oose *ave a% &str&"!te t'e ata to t'e R/3 compo%e%t s#stem.
5 2eb 5rowserE :o+ o%to t'e Workplace w&t' !ser ,. ?R@A93EE a% c'eck t'e appeara%ce of t'e
:a!%c'Pa. 8r# o!t some of t'e tra%sact&o%s t'at are offere. W'at o #o! f&%T
7ot all of t'e ser(&ces are a(a&la"le "eca!se t'e !ser &s %ot #et ass&+%e to a% emplo#ee.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 36
SAP AG 2002
A"thori2!tio$s i$ the R@. System
Ce$tr!l :ser Admi$istr!tio$
/igr!tio$ of E&isti$g :sers
/!i$te$!$ce of SAP ESS :sers
:ser /!$!geme$t
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1
SAP AG 2002
At the co$cl"sio$ of this "$it9 yo" %ill #e !#le to
4"tli$e the R@. System !"thori2!tio$ co$cept
0escri#e the co$cept of Ce$tr!l :ser
Copy e&isti$g "sers to the mySAP -or8pl!ce
Cre!te !$d m!i$t!i$ SAP ESS "sers
A"thori2e "sers for SAP ESS
:ser /!$!geme$t) :$it 4#3ectives
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2
SAP AG 1999
Co"rse 4vervie%
SAP ESS Services
mySAP -or8pl!ce) Architect"re E Roles
Pl!$$i$g !$d +mpleme$t!tio$
E$h!$ci$g SAP ESS
C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS
+$trod"ctio$ to SAP ESS
*ser +ana'ement
Co"rse 4vervie% 0i!gr!m
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3
SAP AG 2002
o% th!t yo" h!ve copied the SAP ESS roles to the
c"stomer $!mesp!ce !$d !d!pted them9 yo" %!$t
to provide these roles !$d the services they
co$t!i$ for the employees of C!li#er A 5icycle.
'o %or8 !s efficie$tly !s possi#le9 yo" sho"ld first
f!mili!ri2e yo"rself %ith the fe!t"res of "ser
Fo" %!$t to impleme$t ESS "sers for the
employees i$ the compo$e$t systems !$d provide
#oth the $e%ly cre!ted !s %ell !s the e&isti$g "sers
o$ the -or8pl!ce Server.
:ser /!$!geme$t) 5"si$ess Sce$!rio
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 1999
Ce$tr!l :ser Admi$istr!tio$ 6C:A7
SAP ESS :ser /!i$te$!$ce
:ser /!$!geme$t
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 5
SAP AG 1999
Pri$ciples of Ce$tr!l :ser Admi$istr!tio$ 6C:A7
C:A Co$fig"r!tio$
A?E 0istri#"tio$ /odel
/igr!tio$ of E&isti$g :sers
Ce$tr!l :ser Admi$istr!tio$
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 6
SAP AG 1999
E&pl!i$ ho% the C:A %or8s
0escri#e the A?E co$fig"r!tio$
E&pl!i$ ho% to cre!te "sers o$ the -or8pl!ce
Server !$d ho% to distri#"te them to the
compo$e$t systems
0escri#e ho% to copy e&isti$g "sers to the
-or8pl!ce Server
At the co$cl"sio$ of this "$it9 yo" %ill #e !#le to)
Ce$tr!l :ser Admi$istr!tio$) :$it 4#3ectives
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 D
SAP AG 1999
5!c8e$d Systems
System *
System 2
System $
:ser /!$!geme$t i$ the 5!c8e$d Systems
8'e maintenance costs for keep&%+ !ser master recors !p to ate &% comple0 s#stem &%frastr!ct!res
w&t' m!lt&ple s#stems a% cl&e%ts &s (er# '&+'. 7ew emplo#ees are '&re, lea(e t'e compa%# or c'a%+e
t'e&r =o"s &%ter%all#. /s!all# emplo#ees 'a(e to access (ar&o!s s#stems a% cl&e%ts &% orer to perform
t'e&r tasks a% t'erefore t'e# %ee m!lt&ple !sers.
/sers are cl&e%tBspec&f&c, a% t'erefore %ee to "e ma&%ta&%e separatel# for eac' cl&e%t &% t'e s#stem
&%frastr!ct!re. A separate !ser master recor m!st "e create ma%!all# &% eac' cl&e%t a% eac' s#stem to
w'&c' a% emplo#ee 'as access.
8'e !ser master recors ca% "e ma&%ta&%e &% a separate cl&e%t. 8'e e0&st&%+ !ser master recors ca% "e
cop&e to a %ew cl&e%t. 8'e correspo%&%+ s&%+le roles a% compos&te roles are also cop&e w'e% t'e
prof&les are cop&e. Ao! ca%%ot select &%&(&!al !sers w'e% #o! !se t'e cop# f!%ct&o%s B &t &s o%l#
poss&"le to cop# all t'e !sers. 6!rt'ermore, t'ere &s %o mec'a%&sm for s#%c'ro%&5&%+ t'e !ser master
recors for ma&%te%a%ce p!rposes "etwee% t'e cl&e%ts.
8'e am&%&strat&(e costs for ma&%ta&%&%+ !sers &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems a% o% t'e Workplace Ser(er
ca% "e re!ce "# !s&%+ t'e Ce%tral /ser Am&%&strat&o% >C/A@.
The 4entral :ser 0(ministration is recommen(e( when using the 2or*place an( thus also when
using /01 -//B but is not man(atory.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 F
SAP AG 1999
5!c8e$d Systems
System $
System 2
System *
Ce$tr!l :ser Admi$istr!tio$) +de!
All t'e !sers for t'e compo%e%t s#stems o% t'e 2or*place /er#er m!st "e eclare w'e% #o! !se t'e
Workplace. ,t &s t'erefore &eal for central a(ministration of all t'e !sers of t'e
e%(&ro%me%t. 8'e p!rpose of t'e C/A &s to !se a ce%tral cl&e%t &% &ts ow% s#stem. ,t ca% "e !se to
ma&%ta&% t'e !ser master recors of all ot'er cl&e%ts &% t'e s#stem &%frastr!ct!re. Ao! ca% spec&f# w'&c'
s&%+le or compos&te roles are ass&+%e to w'&c' !sers &% t'e part&c!lar cl&e%ts. 8'&s co%s&era"l# re!ces
t'e cost for ma&%ta&%&%+ !ser ma%a+eme%t.
Ao! ca% ef&%e t'e cl&e%t &% w'&c' eac' !ser ma# lo+ o%. C/A t'erefore oes %ot mea% t'at all !sers ca%
a!tomat&call# "e !se &% all cl&e%ts of t'e s#stem &%frastr!ct!re.
Ao! ca% also ef&%e w'at !ser ata s'o!l "e ma&%ta&%e ce%trall# a% w'at ata locall#. Somet&mes &t &s
a(&sa"le to 'a(e t'e !ser or a% am&%&strator ma&%ta&% t'e ata locall#.
0uthori)ation (ata &s e0c'a%+e !s&%+ 06-. A:2 mea%s ?Appl&cat&o% :&%k 2%a"l&%+?. 8'&s &s a
tec'%&G!e for &mpleme%t&%+ a% r!%%&%+ &str&"!te SAP appl&cat&o%s. A:2 e%a"les t'e processB
co%trolle e0c'a%+e of "!s&%ess %ews "etwee% loosel# co!ple SAP s#stems. As#%c'ro%o!s
comm!%&cat&o%s e%s!re t'at t'e appl&cat&o% ca% r!% smoot'l# a% w&t'o!t &st!r"a%ce.
8'e %ame ?Workplace Ser(er? "elow refers to t'ose cl&e%ts of t'e Workplace Ser(er s#stem for w'&c' a
!ser &s ma&%ta&%e. 8'e term ?compo%e%t s#stem? refers to cl&e%ts t'at are l&%ke to t'e C/A. S!c'
compo%e%t s#stems m!st 'a(e at least Release 4.5.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 1999
:ser m!ster d!t!
>"$ctio$ !ssig$me$t
Si$gle or composite role 6system-
Profile 6system-depe$de$t7
+$iti!l p!ss%ord
-h!t 0!t! c!$ #e 0istri#"ted;
:ser master recor(s9 aress, lo+o% ata, !ser f&0e (al!es a% parameters
8'e correspo%&%+ single an( composite roles a% prof&les are ass&+%e to !sers for all compo%e%t
s#stems. 8'e !se of C/A 'as t'e a(a%ta+e t'at #o! %ee %ot lo+ o%to t'e &%&(&!al cl&e%ts &% orer
to ma&%ta&% t'ese ass&+%me%ts locall#. Ao! ca% o t'&s ce%trall# from t'e Workplace Ser(er.
,nitial passwor(9 A% &%&t&al passwor &s se%t to t'e compo%e%t s#stems w'e% a %ew !ser &s create.
8'e !ser ca% c'a%+e t'&s passwor &% t'e !s!al ma%%er.
6oc* status9 ,% a&t&o% to t'e k%ow% reaso%s for lock&%+ >fa&le attempt to lo+o% or lock "# a%
am&%&strator@, t'ere &s a %ew ?+e%eral lock?. 8'&s lock takes effect &% all compo%e%t s#stems &% w'&c'
t'e part&c!lar !ser &s a!t'or&5e. ,t ca% "e remo(e "ot' ce%trall# a% &% t'e part&c!lar compo%e%t
/ingle an( composite roles a% a!t'or&5at&o% prof&les ca% "e passe o%. 9owe(er, t'e# are !s!all#
maintaine( locally a% %ot ce%trall#. *t'er s#stem sett&%+s a% releases m&+'t reG!&re t'at #o! aapt t'e
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 10
SAP AG 1999
?ogo$ d!t!
>i&ed v!l"es
?ogo$ d!t!
>i&ed v!l"es
?oc!l d!t!
-or8pl!ce Server
C:A Co$fig"r!tio$) >ield Attri#"tes
Ao! ca% ef&%e w'et'er eac' eleme%t of t'e !ser ata s'o!l "e ma&%ta&%e o% t'e Workplace Ser(er or
locall# &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems. Ao! ca% o t'&s w&t' 8ra%sact&o% *&UM >from 8ra%sact&o% *A+$E
Model and ipleent b"siness processes &on1ig"re prede1ined A+$ b"siness processes &ross3
application b"siness processes 0pleent &entral User Adinistration *et distrib"tion
paraeters 1or 1ields@ o% t'e Workplace Ser(er.
Ao! ca% ass&+% o%e of t'e follow&%+ fiel( attributes for eac' f&el of 8ra%sact&o% *U9CE
6&els w&t' attr&"!te global ca% o%l# "e ma&%ta&%e o% t'e Workplace Ser(er. 8'e ata &s &str&"!te to
t'e compo%e%t s#stems after "e&%+ sa(e. $lo"al f&els ca% o%l# "e &spla#e, "!t %ot c'a%+e, &% t'e
compo%e%t s#stems.
2%tr&es mae o% t'e Workplace Ser(er are &str&"!te to t'e compo%e%t s#stems for f&els w&t'
attr&"!te #roposal. 8'ese f&els are ma&%ta&%e locall# t'ere. 8'e# are %ot re&str&"!te.
Ao! ca% ma&%ta&% ata "ot' locall# a% ce%trall# for f&els w&t' attr&"!te Redistrib"tion. ,f ata &s
c'a%+e &% o%e compo%e%t s#stem, t'e c'a%+es are passe "ack to t'e Workplace Ser(er a% from
t'ere to t'e ot'er compo%e%t s#stems.
6&els w&t' attr&"!te local ca% o%l# "e ma&%ta&%e &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems. 8'ere &s %o &str&"!t&o%.
8'e ata of f&els w&t' attr&"!te $verywhere ca% "e ma&%ta&%e &% all s#stems. 8'ere &s %o
re&str&"!t&o%. 8'&s attr&"!te o%l# e0&sts for t'e +oc, ta".
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 11
SAP AG 1999
System $
System *
System $
System *
+$tegr!tio$ i$ E&isti$g
:ser E$viro$me$t
+$iti!l Co$fig"r!tio$ of !
:ser E$viro$me$t
+$tegr!tio$ of E&isti$g Systems
20&st&%+ s#stems ca% "e co!ple w&t' t'e C/A &% two wa#sE 2&t'er t'e !sers are %ewl# create or
e0&st&%+ !sers are cop&e to t'e C/A.
W'e% a !ser &s newly create(, C/A &s !se o% t'e Workplace Ser(er from t'e "e+&%%&%+ a% t'e !ser
master recors are &str&"!te a!tomat&call#. 8'&s e%s!res t'at t'e ata &s co%s&ste%t &% all s#stems.
,f C/A &s &mpleme%te w'e% t'ere are alrea(y existing users, t'ese !sers m!st "e cop&e to t'e
Workplace Ser(er. 8'e cop&e !ser master recors m!st "e aapte a% c'ecke t'ere.
8'e s&%+le a% compos&te roles ass&+%e to t'e !sers m!st also "e store o% t'e Workplace Ser(er. S!c'
ass&+%me%ts ca% t'e% "e mae ce%trall#. 20&st&%+ ass&+%me%ts ca% "e re!se.
8'e ass&+%me%t of a!t'or&5at&o%s to s&%+le roles m!st st&ll "e ma&%ta&%e &% t'e e0&st&%+ &str&"!te
compo%e%t s#stems.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 12
SAP AG 2002
-or8pl!ce Server
/igr!tio$ 'ool
e% "sers
+de$tic!l "sers
0iffere$t "sers
20&st&%+ !ser master recors are cop&e from t'e compo%e%t s#stems to t'e Workplace Ser(er !s&%+ t'e
m&+rat&o% tra%sact&o% *&UG. 8'e m&+rat&o% &s r!% o%ce for eac' compo%e%t s#stem. 8'e cop&e master
recors ca% t'e% o%l# "e ma&%ta&%e o% t'e Workplace Ser(er.
User &s t'e %ame !%er w'&c' t'e emplo#ee lo+s o%to t'e SAP S#stem. 8'e !ser m!st "e ef&%e &% all
compo%e%t s#stems of t'e C/A w&t' t'e same first an( last names.
*% t'e Workplace Ser(er start 8ra%sact&o% *&UG >from 8ra%sact&o% *A+$E Model and ipleent
b"siness processes &on1ig"re prede1ined A+$ b"siness processes &ross3application b"siness
processes 0pleent &entral User Adinistration &opy "sers 1ro new systes@ a% select t'e
compo%e%t s#stem from w'&c' t'e !ser master recors s'o!l "e cop&e. C'oose &opy "ser.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 13
SAP AG 2002
-or8pl!ce Server
Copy :ser
Copy "ser Copy "ser Copy "ser
"ser !$d
/!i$t!i$ /!i$t!i$
"ser !$d "ser !$d
rest!rt rest!rt
/igr!tio$ 'ool
/igr!tio$ 'ool
8'e !ser &% t'e compo%e%t s#stem (oes not exist o% t'e Workplace Ser(er. 8'e correspo%&%+ !ser &s
&spla#e &% t'e New "sers ta" pa+e. Ao! ca% cop# t'ese !sers &rectl# to t'e Workplace Ser(er "#
select&%+ a% cl&ck&%+ o% &opy "sers. Compos&te roles are create o% t'e Workplace Ser(er 8'e
compo%e%t s#stem to w'&c' &t "elo%+s a% t'e role a% prof&le ass&+%me%t are recore.
8'e !ser &% t'e compo%e%t s#stem alrea# e0&sts w&t' t'e same first an( last names o% t'e
Workplace Ser(er. 8'e correspo%&%+ !ser &s &spla#e &% t'e 0dentical "sers ta" pa+e. Ao! ca% cop#
t'ese !sers &rectl# to t'e Workplace Ser(er "# select&%+ a% cl&ck&%+ o% &opy "sers. 8'e compo%e%t
s#stem to w'&c' &t "elo%+s a% t'e role a% prof&le ass&+%me%t are create a%ew.
8'e !ser &% t'e compo%e%t s#stem alrea# e0&sts o% t'e Workplace Ser(er, "!t w&t' a (ifferent first
an( last name. 8'e correspo%&%+ !ser &s &spla#e &% t'e =i11erent "sers ta" pa+e. Ao! f&rst 'a(e to
clear !p t'e &ffere%ce. ,f t'e %ame &s correct o% t'e Workplace Ser(er, #o! ca% cop# t'e !ser. *% t'e
ot'er 'a%, &f t'e %ame from t'e compo%e%t s#stem &s correct, #o! 'a(e to c'a%+e t'e %ame o% t'e
Workplace Ser(er !s&%+ 8ra%sact&o% *U9C. 8'e !ser acco!%t &s &spla#e &% ta" pa+e 0dentical "sers
after after t'e correct&o%. ,f t'e !ser acco!%t reall# 'as two &ffere%t ow%ers, a% ow%er m!st "e
c'a%+e o% e&t'er t'e Workplace Ser(er or &% t'e compo%e%t s#stem.
8'e !ser acco!%ts t'at were cop&e a% t'at are am&%&stere ce%trall# are &spla#e o% t'e Already
central "sers ta" pa+e.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 14
SAP AG 2002
-or8pl!ce Server
:ser /!i$te$!$ce
... Systems Roles Profiles Gro"ps
Admi$istr!tor '-...........
-or8pl!ce Server
8'e *U9C &spla# c'a%+es after t'e C/A 'as "ee% act&(ate >Tools Adinistration
User aintenance User@.
8'e Workplace Ser(er also co%ta&%s t'e *ystes ta" pa+e. ,t l&sts t'e lo+&cal s#stems to w'&c' t'e !ser
ata s'o!l "e &str&"!te. 8'e correspo%&%+ !ser ca% o%l# "e !se for t'ese s#stems. 8'ere &s also a
col!m% for s#stems o% t'e Roles a% #ro1iles ta" pa+es. Ao! ca% t'!s ass&+% s&%+le a% compos&te roles
as well as prof&les separatel# for eac' compo%e%t s#stem. -# c'oos&%+ *ave #o! &str&"!te t'e ata to t'e
compo%e%t s#stems.
S&%+le a% compos&te roles are ma&%ta&%e a% create &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems. 8o ass&+% s&%+le a%
compos&te roles as well as prof&les t'at are o%l# store &% certa&% compo%e%t s#stems, c'oose Te%t
coparison 1ro s"bsystes o% t'e Roles a% #ro1iles ta" pa+es. 8'e %ames of t'e s&%+le a% compos&te
roles as well as t'e prof&les >spec&f&e &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems@ are cop&e to t'e Workplace Ser(er
to+et'er w&t' t'e&r s'ort escr&pt&o%s. Ao! ca% f&% o!t t'e %ames !s&%+ 64. S&%ce t'&s ata ca% "e
c'a%+e &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems, #o! s'o!l repeat t'e cop# from t&me to t&me.
,% t'e compo%e%t s#stems #o! ca% o%l# ma&%ta&% t'ose f&els of 8ra%sact&o% *U9C w'ose global attr&"!te
&s %ot set. 7ew !sers ca%%ot "e create &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 15
SAP AG 2002
-or8pl!ce Server
?og 0ispl!y for C:A
... Systems Roles Profiles Gro"ps
Admi$istr!tor '-...........
-or8pl!ce Server
8'e *U9C &spla# c'a%+es after t'e C/A 'as "ee% act&(ate >Tools Adinistration
User aintenance User@.
8'e Workplace Ser(er also co%ta&%s t'e *ystes ta" pa+e. ,t l&sts t'e lo+&cal s#stems to w'&c' t'e !ser
ata s'o!l "e &str&"!te. 8'e correspo%&%+ !ser ca% o%l# "e !se for t'ese s#stems. 8'ere &s also a
col!m% for s#stems o% t'e Roles a% #ro1iles ta" pa+es. Ao! ca% t'!s ass&+% s&%+le a% compos&te roles
as well as prof&les separatel# for eac' compo%e%t s#stem. -# c'oos&%+ *ave #o! &str&"!te t'e ata to t'e
compo%e%t s#stems.
S&%+le a% compos&te roles are ma&%ta&%e a% create &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems. 8o ass&+% s&%+le a%
compos&te roles as well as prof&les t'at are o%l# store &% certa&% compo%e%t s#stems, c'oose Te%t
coparison 1ro s"bsystes o% t'e Roles a% #ro1iles ta" pa+es. 8'e %ames of t'e s&%+le a% compos&te
roles as well as t'e prof&les >spec&f&e &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems@ are cop&e to t'e Workplace Ser(er
to+et'er w&t' t'e&r s'ort escr&pt&o%s. Ao! ca% f&% o!t t'e %ames !s&%+ 64. S&%ce t'&s ata ca% "e
c'a%+e &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems, #o! s'o!l repeat t'e cop# from t&me to t&me.
,% t'e compo%e%t s#stems #o! ca% o%l# ma&%ta&% t'ose f&els of 8ra%sact&o% *U9C w'ose global attr&"!te
&s %ot set. 7ew !sers ca%%ot "e create &% t'e compo%e%t s#stems.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 16
SAP AG 2002
Fo" !re $o% !#le to)
E&pl!i$ ho% the C:A %or8s
0escri#e the A?E co$fig"r!tio$
E&pl!i$ ho% to cre!te "sers o$ the -or8pl!ce
Server !$d ho% to distri#"te them to the
compo$e$t systems
Ce$tr!l :ser Admi$istr!tio$) :$it S"mm!ry
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1D
SAP AG 1999
Ce$tr!l :ser Admi$istr!tio$ 6C:A7
SAP ESS :ser /!i$te$!$ce
:ser /!$!geme$t
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1F
SAP AG 2002
0efi$e !$ ESS "ser
Cre!te !$d m!i$t!i$ SAP ESS "sers
A"thori2e "sers for SAP ESS
At the co$cl"sio$ of this topic9 yo" %ill #e !#le to
SAP ESS :ser /!i$te$!$ce) 'opic 4#3ectives
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 14
SAP AG 2002
A$ SAP ESS "ser is ! SAP system "ser %ho is e$!#led for SAP ESS.
0efi$i$g ch!r!cteristics)
+$divid"!li2edR !ssig$ed to o$e employee o$ly
Assig$ed to the c"stomer-defi$ed ESS role
:sed e&cl"sively #y o$e employee
A$ SAP "ser %ho is $ot $ecess!rily limited to "si$g SAP ESS
0efi$itio$ of !$ SAP ESS :ser
8ec'%&call# a% SAP 2SS !ser &s a SAP !ser w&t' t'e follow&%+ ef&%&%+ c'aracter&st&csE
A% 2%terpr&se 9!ma% Reso!rces >29R@ !ser &s a pr&c&%+ co%cept t'at ef&%es a certa&% pr&ce for a% SAP
!ser t'at &s t'e% l&ce%se for 2SS !se.
8'e 2mplo#ee !ser &s a compo%e%t of t'e l&ce%s&%+ co%cept &% w'&c' t'ere &s a certa&% pr&ce
for a% SAP !ser w'o &s l&ce%se for t'e m#SAP Workplace a% for SAP 2SS.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 20
SAP AG 2002
5!sic Proced"re
Compo$e$t System
-or8pl!ce Server
Providi$g SAP ESS for Employees
+f they do $ot yet e&ist9 cre!te "sers o$
the -or8pl!ce Server !$d i$ the HR
compo$e$t system.
Assig$ !$ SAP system "ser to !$
employee %ith +$fotype Comm"$ic!tio$
60*057 i$ the HR compo$e$t system.
Assig$ the SAP system "ser to the
composite role Employee Self-Service
6copy of SAPO-POE/P?4FEE7 o$ the
-or8pl!ce Server.
A"tom!tic!lly distri#"te 6%ith C:A7 the
SAP system "ser from the -or8pl!ce
Server to the compo$e$t systems.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 21
SAP AG 2002
SAP ESS :ser +$st!ll!tio$ Process
Employees %ith
SAP system "sers
Select the employees %ho %ill "se SAP ESS
6compo$e$t system7
Employees !re !"thori2ed
Copy composite role 6SAPO-POE/P?4FEE7 to the
c"stomer $!mesp!ce 6-or8pl!ce Server7
e% "ser !ttri#"tes
.# .!
Employees %ho do $ot h!ve
e&isti$g SAP system "sers
Copy "ser !ttri#"tes 4!
8o &%stall !sers, #o! m!st f&rst cop# compos&te role SAPRWPR2)P:*A22, co%ta&%&%+ t'e s&%+le roles
a% s#stem a!t'or&5at&o%s %eee for SAP 2SS, to t'e c!stomer %amespace o% t'eWorkplace Ser(er.
Ao! m!st t'e% ec&e w'&c' emplo#ees #o! &%te% to e%a"le for SAP 2SS >compo%e%t s#stem@.
2mplo#ees w&t' e0&st&%+ SAP !sers w'o are %ot #et a!t'or&5e to !se SAP 2SS. 6or t'ese emplo#ees
#o! m!stE
2sta"l&s' a l&%k "etwee% t'e master recors a% t'e e0&st&%+ SAP !sers
A!t'or&5e t'em to !se SAP 2SS
2mplo#ees w'o o %ot 'a(e SAP !sers. 6or t'ese emplo#ees #o! m!stE
Create SAP !sers
A!t'or&5e t'em to !se SAP 2SS
6or %ew !sers, #o! ca% ef&%e 'ow #o!r emplo#ees ca% lo+ o%to SAP 2SS &% t'e /ser Attr&"!tes
SAP pro(&es a tool to +!&e #o! t'ro!+' t'e &%stallat&o%. 8'e tool &s a(a&la"le !s&%+ t'e tra%sact&o%
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 22
SAP AG 1999
Employee Selectio$ for SAP ESS
Ao! m!st ec&e w'&c' emplo#ees #o! &%te% to e%a"le for SAP 2SS. ,f #o! o %ot wa%t to e%a"le all
emplo#ees, #o! ma# c'oose a certa&% epartme%t, or #o! ma# c'oose emplo#ees of a part&c!lar
emplo#ee +ro!p.
8'e !ser &%stallat&o% tool >tra%sact&o% 2R3S#R@ offers #o! &ffere%t select&o% cr&ter&a for c'oos&%+
emplo#ees. Ao! ca% preBselect emplo#ees "# t'e&r or+a%&5at&o%al ass&+%me%t, or "# t'e&r emplo#ee ata,
s!c' as t'e emplo#ee stat!s.
8'e !ser select&o% process also e%a"les #o! to e0cl!e &%act&(e or ret&re emplo#ees. Ao! ca% ef&%e
emplo#ee stat!s to e%s!re t'at #o! o %ot &%cl!e &%act&(e emplo#ees &% t'e +ro!p of emplo#ees to "e
a!t'or&5e for SAP 2SS.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 23
SAP AG 1999
Set *p and +aintain ESS *sers ,Start-
Assi)n em"loyees to e1istin) (ses
.o"y SAP ole to c(stome names"ace
*elete -SS (ses
.3an)e (se atti0(tes/!ey #ate
Select em"loyees (sin) em"loyee maste
Peselect em"loyees (sin) o). assi)nment
Use/A(t3oi?ation Assi)nment
Use atti0(tes
Use/A(t3oi?ation Assi)nment
Use )o(" -SSUS-R
.ental Use A#ministation
R&. #estination ,70.2:;400
.UA is acti'e
Compo$e$t System
Employee Selectio$ 0et!ils
,% t'e *et "p and Maintain $** Users 6*tart7 scree%, c'oose #reselect eployees "sing org.
assignent &% t'e User(A"thori5ation Assignent area. 8'e &hoose #ersonnel N"bers "sing Org.
Assignent scree% appears.
8'e &hoose #ersonnel N"bers "sing $ployee Master scree% appears. 2%ter rele(a%t searc' cr&ter&a
a% c'oose $%ec"te. *%l# t'e emplo#ees &% t'e or&+&%al or+a%&5at&o%al !%&ts w&ll "e &spla#e.
Select *elect eployees "sing eployee aster &% t'e User(A"thori5ation Assignent area of t'e *et
Up and Maintain $** Users scree%. 8'e &hoose #ersonnel N"bers "sing $ployee Master scree%
Ao! %ow 'a(e a selecte +ro!p of emplo#ees t'at #o! ca% ma&%ta&% for SAP 2SS.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 24
SAP AG 2002
Employees %ith E&isti$g SAP System :sers 6*7
Set *p and +aintain ESS *sers ,Start-
Assi)n em"loyees to e1istin) (ses
.o"y SAP ole to c(stome names"ace
*elete -SS (ses
.3an)e (se atti0(tes/!ey #ate
Select em"loyees (sin) em"loyee maste
Peselect em"loyees (sin) o). assi)nment
Use/A(t3oi?ation Assi)nment
Use atti0(tes
Use/A(t3oi?ation Assi)nment
Use )o(" -SSUS-R
.ental Use A#ministation
R&. #estination ,70.2:;400
.UA is acti'e
Est!#lish ! li$8
#et%ee$ the
employee m!ster
records !$d the
e&isti$g SAP
system "sers
Compo$e$t System
Some of #o!r emplo#ees m&+'t alrea# 'a(e SAP !sers, "!t %ot a!t'or&5at&o% for SAP 2SS. Ao!
t'erefore 'a(e to ass&+% t'e emplo#ee master recors to e0&st&%+ SAP !sers. ,t &s a o%eBtoBo%e ass&+%me%t
a% 'as to "e o%e ma%!all#. W'&le ass&+%&%+ #o!r SAP 2SS !sers >Cemplo#eesC@ to e0&st&%+ SAP !sers,
#o! ca% c'eck t'e emplo#eeCs master ata a% t'e !ser master recor.
,% t'e *et Up and Maintain $** Users 6*tart7 scree%, select Assign eployees to e%isting "sers &% t'e
#reparation area. 8'e &opare User Master with ?R Master scree% appears. 8'ere are (ar&o!s met'os
for select&%+ !sers.
Select a met'o a% c'oose $%ec"te. 8'e Assign $ployees to $%isting Users scree% appears.
Select a% emplo#ee. 8'e &reate Relationship &alo+ "o0 appears. C'a%+e t'e (al&&t# ate &f %ecessar#
a% select &reate.
Ao! ca% (&ew t'e relat&o%s'&p &% t'e Comm!%&cat&o% &%fot#pe >0105@. 8'e SAP !ser m!st "e ass&+%e to
t'e emplo#ee w&t' s!"t#pe 0001.
8'e ass&+%me%t of t'e !ser to t'e SAP 2SS role a!t'or&5es t'e SAP !ser to access SAP 2SS.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 26
SAP AG 2002
Employees %ith E&isti$g SAP System :sers 6.7
Set *p and +aintain ESS *sers ,Start-
Assi)n em"loyees to e1istin) (ses
.o"y SAP ole to c(stome names"ace
*elete -SS (ses
.3an)e (se atti0(tes/!ey #ate
Select em"loyees (sin) em"loyee maste
Peselect em"loyees (sin) o). assi)nment
Use/A(t3oi?ation Assi)nment
Use atti0(tes
Use/A(t3oi?ation Assi)nment
Use )o(" -SSUS-R
.ental Use A#ministation
R&. #estination ,70.2:;400
.UA is acti'e
Est!#lish ! li$8
#et%ee$ the
employee m!ster
records !$d the
e&isti$g SAP
system "sers
Compo$e$t System
Ao! ca% %ow set !p 2SS a!t'or&5at&o%. ,% t'e *et Up and Maintain $** Users 6Overview7 scree%, select
$ployees with "sers witho"t $** role.
8'e Relate Users to #ersons scree% appears. Select t'e emplo#ee #o! are work&%+ w&t' a% c'oose
A"thori5ation Assignent.
,f a lar+e %!m"er of emplo#ees &s &%(ol(e, #o! ca% +e%erate t'e !sers for SAP 2SS &% "ack+ro!%
moe >*pt&o% /ac,gro"nd@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2D
SAP AG 2002
Employees -itho"t E&isti$g SAP System :sers 6*7
Set *p and +aintain ESS *sers ,.vervie#-
$nacti'e em"loyees 9it3o(t (se assi)nment 6o!7
;otal n(m0e o% em"loyees selecte#
-1ten#e# list
-SS Patici"ants
-m"loyees 9it3 (ses an# -SS oles
-SS ole
$nacti'e em"loyees 9it3 (ses
-m"loyees 9it3 #elete# (ses
-m"loyees 9it3 inconsistencies
-m"loyees 9it3 (ses 9it3o(t -SS ole
-m"loyees 9it3o(t (ses
-SS Patici"ants 9it3o(t (ses/a(t3oi?ation
<ey #ate
0 Reconcile Use
Cre!te SAP
system "sers
!$d !"thori2e
them to "se
Compo$e$t System
,f #o! 'a(e emplo#ees w'o o %ot 'a(e SAP !sers, f&rst create SAP !sers for t'em a% t'e% a!t'or&5e
t'em to !se SAP 2SS.
Select a perso% a% c'oose &reate User. 8'e Attrib"tes o1 Users to be &reated scree% appears. C'oose
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2F
SAP AG 2002
Employees -itho"t E&isti$g SAP System :sers 627
Pesonnel :o. 250991001
-- Go(" 1 Acti'e em"loyee Pes. aea
-- S(0)o(" O1 @o(ly 9a)e ean...
&om 01.01.2000 to 31.12.2000
&an'e ommunication
+$fotype Comm"$ic!tio$)
Assig$ !$ SAP system "ser
to !$ employee m!ster record
Assig$ ESS role to "ser
Compo$e$t System
;y"e 0001 System (se name
$*/n(m0e P25099101
Ao! ca% (&ew t'e relat&o%s'&p &% t'e Comm!%&cat&o% &%fot#pe >0105@. 8'e SAP !ser m!st "e ass&+%e to
t'e emplo#ee w&t' s!"t#pe 0001.
W'ereas #o! 'a to ass&+% emplo#ees 'a(&%+ SAP !sers 2SS a!t'or&5at&o% ma%!all#, &t &s ass&+%e
a!tomat&call# 'ere. .
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 24
SAP AG 1999
A"thori2!tio$ Assig$me$t
0ecim!l >orm!t
0!t! >orm!t
St!rt /e$"
?ogo$ 0!t!
:ser Attri#"tes
Ao! m!st ec&e 'ow #o! wo!l l&ke #o!r emplo#ees to lo+ o% to SAP 2SS.
8'e !ser +ro!p 2SS/S2R &s a f&0e !ser attr&"!te. ,t &s !se to &st&%+!&s' "etwee% SAP 2SS !sers a%
ot'er s#stem !sers, s!c' as am&%&strators.
Ao! ca% c'a%+e !ser attr&"!tes &% t'e *et "p and Maintain $** User 6*tart7 scree%. ,% t'e Attrib"tes o1
"sersF #o! ca% mo&f# t'e #assword f&el. 8'e &%&t&al passwor &s ,7,8. Ao! ca%%ot c'a%+e t'e e%tr#
2SS/S2R &% t'e User gro"p f&el "eca!se &t &s &mporta%t to &ffere%t&ate !sers a!t'or&5e for SAP 2SS
from ot'er !sers. ,% t'e Role f&el, t'e SAP role >w'&c' #o! 'a(e cop&e &%to #o!r %amespace@ &s t'e
SAP el&(ers a !ser e0&t, w'&c' #o! ca% !se to eterm&%e #o!r ow% passwor ro!t&%e a% !ser %ame.
SAP el&(ers !ser e0&t 20&tRsaple'!sR001 as part of t'e e%'a%ceme%t 9R2SSWWW. 8'&s !ser e0&t
e%a"les #o! to c'a%+e t'e %ame a% passwor t'at t'e !ser &%stallat&o% tool creates for eac' SAP 2SS
!ser t'at &s +e%erate.
20&st&%+ !sers keep t'e&r attr&"!tes, s!c' as !ser +ro!p, passwor, ate a% ec&mal format a% start
me%!. 8'e e0&st&%+ sett&%+ are %ot o(erwr&tte%.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 30
SAP AG 1999
Set *p and +aintain ESS *sers ,Start-
Assi)n em"loyees to e1istin) (ses
.o"y SAP ole to c(stome names"ace
*elete -SS (ses
.3an)e (se atti0(tes/!ey #ate
Select em"loyees (sin) em"loyee maste
Peselect em"loyees (sin) o). assi)nment
Use/A(t3oi?ation Assi)nment
Use atti0(tes
Use/A(t3oi?ation Assi)nment
Use )o(" -SSUS-R
.ental Use A#ministation
R&. #estination ,70.2:;400
.UA is acti'e
:sers o$ the -or8pl!ce
Server !$d i$ the
compo$e$t systems
HR:SER !$d C:A
,f 4:0 is acti#e, 8ra%sact&o% 9R/S2R access t'e Workplace Ser(er a% 'ere"# perm&ts &rect
ass&+%me%t &% t'e compo%e%t s#stem of t'e compos&te role >cop# of /01C21C-+163D--@, w'&c'
res&es o% t'e Workplace Ser(er. 8'e !ser &s create locall# &% t'e 9R compo%e%t s#stem a% o% t'e
Workplace Ser(er. 8'e !ser &s ass&+%e to t'e emplo#ee &% t'e compo%e%t s#stem w&t' ,%fot#pe 105 a%
&s ass&+%e to t'e compos&te role o% t'e Workplace Ser(er. 8'e C/A t'e% &str&"!tes t'e !ser ata to all
t'e compo%e%t s#stems.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 31
SAP AG 1999
Compo$e$t System
:ser /!i$te$!$ce i$ SAP ESS
>"$ctio$s to s"pport periodic "ser m!i$te$!$ce
Chec8 i$!ctive employees %ith "sers
0elete "sers
:ser e&it
8'e s#stem co%ta&%s f!%ct&o%s t'at s!pport per&o&c !ser ma&%te%a%ce &% SAP 2SS. Ao! s'o!l look for
&%co%s&ste%c&es o% a re+!lar "as&s "# select&%+E
,%act&(e emplo#ees w&t' !sers. 8'ese are emplo#ees w'o 'a(e ret&re or left t'e compa%# a% st&ll
'a(e SAP !sers. Ao! el&m&t t'e&r !ser ass&+%me%t "eca!se #o! o %ot wa%t t'em to "e a"le to !se
SAP el&(ers workflow s!pport for SAP 2SS !ser ma&%te%a%ce. Work &tems prompt s#stem
am&%&strators to create SAP 2SS !sers for %ew emplo#ees a% to el&m&t t'e SAP 2SS !sers of
emplo#ees lea(&%+ t'e compa%#.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 32
SAP AG 1999
Set *p and +aintain ESS *sers ,.vervie#-
$nacti'e em"loyees 9it3o(t (se assi)nment 6o!7
;otal n(m0e o% em"loyees selecte#
-1ten#e# list
-SS Patici"ants
-m"loyees 9it3 (ses an# -SS oles
-SS ole
$nacti'e em"loyees 9it3 (ses
-m"loyees 9it3 #elete# (ses
-m"loyees 9it3 inconsistencies
-m"loyees 9it3 (ses 9it3o(t -SS ole
-m"loyees 9it3o(t (ses
-SS Patici"ants 9it3o(t (ses/a(t3oi?ation
<ey #ate
0 Reconcile Use
Compo$e$t System
:ser /!i$te$!$ce) Employees %ith
Employees %ith
,% t'e !ser &%stallat&o% tool >tra%sact&o% 2R3S#R@ t'ere &s a% opt&o% for ma&%ta&%&%+ $ployees with
inconsistencies. 8'e opt&o%s areE
-mployees with (elete( users. /sers cost mo%e# a% per'aps #o! 'a(e create too ma%#. 8o elete
!sers procee as followsE
,% t'e *et Up and Maintain $** Users 6*tart7 scree%, select =elete $** Users.
8'e =elete $** Users 6*election7 scree% appears. 2%ter t'e %ame of t'e !ser #o! wa%t to elete a%
c'oose $%ec"te.
8'e =elete $** Users 6Overview7 scree% appears. Select t'e !sers #o! wa%t to elete a% c'oose
=elete "sers 6online7. 8'e !sers are elete from t'e !ser master &% t'e s#stem.
Ao! ca% o%l# elete SAP 2SS !sers t'at are ass&+%e to t'e !ser +ro!p 2SS/S2R 'ere.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 33
SAP AG 2002
:ser /!i$te$!$ce) :ser E&it
Compo$e$t System
,t e%a"les #o! to c'a%+e t'e %ame a% passwor t'at t'e !ser &%stallat&o% tool creates for eac' +e%erate
SAP 2SS !ser. As a efa!lt, t'e tool w&ll createE
SAP 2mplo#ee SelfBSer(&ce pro(&es a %!m"er of !sef!l tools for creat&%+ a% a!t'or&5&%+ !sersE
6ogE All t'e steps #o! perform are recore &% a lo+ f&le. 8'e# are wr&tte% to a lo+ f&le a% &spla#e
as '&stor&cal &%format&o%. Ao! ca% &spla# t'e lo+ at a%# t&me. 8o o so, select +og. 8o reset t'e lo+,
select =elete log.
5ac*groun( processingE Ao! ca% perform most of t'e tasks &% SAP 2SS &% t'e "ack+ro!%. SAP
recomme%s t'e !se of "ack+ro!% process&%+ &f #o!r !ser +ro!p 'as more t'a% 100 emplo#ees. 8o o
so, select /ac,gro"nd.
Eiew (ataE Select 9R master ata to (&ew or c'a%+e t'e 9R master of t'e emplo#ee #o! are work&%+
w&t'. 8o o so, select User aster record.
&ole maintenanceE Ao! ca% access role ma&%te%a%ce w&t' tra%sact&o% #F&G or &% t'e Attrib"tes o1
Users scree% "# c'oos&%+ =isplay.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 35
SAP AG 2002
Fo" !re $o% !#le to
4"tli$e the R@. System !"thori2!tio$ co$cept
0escri#e the co$cept of Ce$tr!l :ser
Copy e&isti$g "sers to the mySAP -or8pl!ce
Cre!te !$d m!i$t!i$ SAP ESS "sers
A"thori2e "sers for SAP ESS
:ser /!$!geme$t) :$it S"mm!ry
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 36
.3":ser +anagement--xercises
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3D
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3F
:nit9 :ser +anagement
Topic9 :ser +aintenance in /01 -//
At t'e co%cl!s&o% of t'&s e0erc&se, #o! w&ll "e a"le toE
Create SAP 2SS !sers for emplo#ees w&t' e0&st&%+ R/3 !sers
a% for emplo#ees t'at o %ot 'a(e R/3 !sers
:&%k e0&st&%+ !sers w&t' emplo#ees
Ass&+% SAP 2SS !sers for emplo#ees w'o o %ot 'a(e SAP
C'eck w'et'er %ewl# create 2SS !sers work properl#
8'e CA- compa%# 'as ec&e to &mpleme%t SAP 2SS for &ts
Ser(&ce epartme%t. Ao! m!st set !p e0&st&%+ a% %ew !sers &% t'e
compa%# for !se &% SAP 2SS.
1B1 6&% o!t w'&c' steps are %ecessar# to create !sers for emplo#ees w&t' a% w&t'o!t R/3
!sers &% tra%sact&o% 9R/S2R a% complete t'e recors.
1-1-1 ,f the employee alrea(y has an &'3 userB you must
1B1B2 ,f t'e emplo#ee oes %ot #et 'a(e a% e0&st&%+ R/3 !ser, #o! m!st
1B2 :&%k a% e0&st&%+ !ser >9R250BPP@ w&t' a% emplo#ee >250445PP@ !s&%+ t'e opt&o%
Assign eployees to e%isting "sers. /se role QR9R250RSAPRWPR2)P:*A22.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 34
1B3 Create !sers for t'e or+a%&5at&o%al !%&t PP C!stomer Ser(&ce &% t'e Cal&"er A -&c#cle
Compa%#. /se t'e e(al!at&o% pat' *r+a%&5at&o%BPos&t&o%B<o" >*BSBP@ a% tec'%&cal
pat' 3 to preBselect t'e emplo#ee w&t' t'e or+a%&5at&o%al !%&t &% t'e c!rre%t pla%
1B4 Re(&ew t'e e%tr&es #o! mae &% t'e R/3 S#stem w'e% sett&%+ !p t'e !sers. :ook at t'e
Comm!%&cat&o% &%fot#pe >0105@ a% t'e !ser master recors for emplo#ee 250445PP &%
t'e PP C!stomer Ser(&ce or+a%&5at&o% !%&t. 1&ew t'e e%tr&es from tra%sact&o%
1B5 /se t'e We" "rowser to make s!re t'at t'e !sers #o! create work correctl#. >Ao!r
tra&%er w&ll tell #o! w'&c' /R: to !se for lo++&%+ o%to t'e Workplace S#stem.@
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 40
.3$:ser +anagement-/olutions
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 41
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 42
:nit9 :ser +anagement
Topic9 :ser +aintenance in /01 -//
1B1 6&% o!t w'&c' steps are %ecessar# to create !sers for emplo#ees w&t' a% w&t'o!t R/3
!sers &% tra%sact&o% 9R/S2R a% complete t'e recors.
1-1-1 ,f the employee has an &'3 userB you must create a relationship between the
employee an( user using the 4ommunications infotype F010B subtype
0001G an( authori)e the use for /01 -//.
1-1-2 ,f the employee (oes not ha#e a &'3 userB you must create a user an(
authori)e the employee for -//.
1B2 :&%k a% e0&st&%+ !ser >9R250BPP@ w&t' a% emplo#ee >250445PP@ !s&%+ t'e opt&o%
Assign eployees to e%isting "sers. /se role QR9R250RSAPRWPR2)P:*A22.
1ransaction4 2R3S#R or IM$ &ath4 &ersonnel Manage/ent #/%loyee Sel" 5
Service $eneral Setting "or #SS Create SA& 3sers "or #SS
1B2B1 ,% t'e *et Up and Maintain $** Users 6*tart7 scree%, select Assign eployees
to e%isting "sers &% t'e #reparation area.
1B2B2 ,% t'e Reconcile User Master with ?R Master scree%, e%ter 9R250BPP &% t'e
User nae f&el a% select all ot'er sett&%+ t'at are rele(a%t to #o!r compa%#.
C'oose $%ec"te.
1B2B3 Select !ser 9R250BPP &% t'e Assign $ployees to $%isting Users scree%.
1B2B4 Select Assign eployees.
1B2B5 2%ter emplo#ee %!m"er 250445PP &% t'e &hoose person &alo+ "o0 a% c'oose
1B2B6 Select &reate &% t'e &reate Relationships &alo+ !p "o0.
1B2BD Co%f&rm t'e messa+e U/ser ?R@A93EE was relate to emplo#ee @A9GGAEEV
w&t' $nter.
1B2BF Ret!r% to t'e 9R/S2R scree% a% select *elect eployees "sing eployee
aster data &% t'e User(a"thori5ation assignent area.
1B2B4 2%ter emplo#ee %!m"er 250445PP &% t'e &hoose person n"bers "sing
eployee aster scree% a% c'oose $nter.
1B2B10 A% e%tr# appears &% t'e $ployees with "sers witho"t $** role. Select
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 43
1B2B11 ,% t'e Relate User with #ersons scree%, select t'e perso%%el %!m"er a% c'oose
A"thori5ation assignent.
1B2B12 ,% t'e &alo+ "o0 Attrib"tes o1 Users make s!re t'at t'e correct role
QR9R250RSAPRWPR2)P:*A22 &s !se a% select $%ec"te.
1B2B13 C'oose $nter to co%f&rm t'e messa+e UProf&le>s@ for role
QR9R250RSAPRWPR2)P:*A22 ass&+%e to !ser ?R@A93EEV.
1B2B14 C'oose Re1resh to see t'e c'a%+es.
1B3 Create !sers for t'e or+a%&5at&o%al !%&t PP C!stomer Ser(&ce &% t'e Cal&"er A -&c#cle
Compa%#. /se t'e e(al!at&o% pat' *r+a%&5at&o%BPos&t&o%B<o" >*BSBP@ a% tec'%&cal
pat' 3 to preBselect t'e emplo#ee w&t' t'e or+a%&5at&o%al !%&t &% t'e c!rre%t pla%
1ransaction 2R3S#R or IM$ &ath4 &ersonnel Manage/ent #/%loyee Sel" 5
Service $eneral Setting "or #SS Create SA& 3sers "or #SS
1B3B1 Select #reselect eployees "sing org. assignent &% t'e User(A"thori5ation
assignent area of t'e *et"p and Maintain $** Users scree%.
1B3B2 2%ter 01 &% t'e #lan version f&el, a% * &% t'e Ob.ect type f&el. /se t'e
str!ct!re searc' f!%ct&o% to locate c!stomer ser(&ce or+a%&5at&o%al !%&t PP &% t'e
Cal&"er A -&c#cle compa%# a% c'oose $%ec"te.
1B3B3 8'e perso%%el %!m"ers for t'e emplo#ees &% t'e selecte or+a%&5at&o%al !%&t are
&spla#e &% t'e &hoose #ersonnel N"bers Using $ployee Master scree%.
C'oose $%ec"te.
1B3B4 ,% t'e *et"p and Maintain $** Users 6Overview7 scree%, #o! see a% e%tr# for
t'e %!m"er of emplo#ees w&t'o!t !sers &% t'e $ployees witho"t "sers f&el &%
t'e User(a"thori5ation assignent area.
1B3B4 C'oose +ist (Overview.
1B3B5 8'e &reate Users 1or #ersons scree% appears w&t' a l&st of all of t'e emplo#ees
t'at e0&st &% t'e preselecte or+a%&5at&o%al !%&t t'at o %ot 'a(e !sers.
1B3B6 C'oose *elect All.
1B3BD C'oose Users with a"thori5ation.
1B3BF )ake #o!r es&re sett&%+s for t'e %ew !sers &% t'e Attrib"tes o1 "sers &alo+
"o0. Ao! ca% c'a%+e t'e lo+o% ata a% t'e passwor t'at &s ass&+%e to t'e
emplo#ees w'e% t'e&r !sers are create. C'oose $%ec"te.
1B3B4 8'e %ew !sers are l&ste for t'e emplo#ees &% t'e &reate persons 1or "sers
1B3B10 Select Re1resh to see t'e c'a%+es.
1B4 Re(&ew t'e e%tr&es #o! mae &% t'e R/3 S#stem w'e% sett&%+ !p t'e !sers. :ook at t'e
Comm!%&cat&o% &%fot#pe a% t'e !ser master recors for emplo#ee 250445PP &% t'e PP
C!stomer Ser(&ce or+a%&5at&o% !%&t. 1&ew t'e e%tr&es from tra%sact&o% 9R/S2R.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 44
1ransaction4 2R3S#R or IM$ &ath4 &ersonnel Manage/ent #/%loyee Sel" 5
Service $eneral Setting "or #SS Create SA& 3sers "or #SS
1B4B1 Select *elect eployees "sing eployee aster &% t'e User(A"thori5ation
assignent area of t'e *et"p and Maintain $** Users scree%.
1B4B2 2%ter t'e perso%%el %!m"ers for t'e emplo#ees &% #o!r +ro!p >250441PP to
250445PP@ &% t'e &hoose #ersonnel N"bers Using $ployee Master scree%.
C'oose $%ec"te.
1B4B3 ,% t'e *et"p and Maintain $** Users 6Overview7 scree%, select =isplay to +et
t'e Total n"ber o1 eployees selected.
1B4B4 Select emplo#ee 250445PP a% c'oose ?R aster data. C'eck t'e e%tr# &%
&%fot#pe Comm!%&cat&o% >0105, s!"t#pe 0001@.
1B4B5 Ret!r% to t'e o(er(&ew, select User Master =ata a% c'eck t'e role a% prof&les
for t'e !ser.
1B5 /se t'e We" "rowser to make s!re t'at t'e !sers #o! create work correctl#. >Ao!r
tra&%er w&ll tell #o! w'&c' /R: to !se for lo++&%+ o%to t'e Workplace S#stem.@
1B5B1 Start t'e browser a% e%ter t'e follow&%+ :&6E
1B5B2 'ttp//EIwe"ser(erJEKportL/scr&pts/w+ate/sapwp/M
1B5B3 :o+ o% w&t' o%e of t'e !sers #o! create.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 45
SAP AG 1999
C"stomi2i$g the SAP ESS Services
Co"$try-Specific C"stomi2i$g Setti$gs
-or8flo% i$ the -e# E$viro$me$t
C"stomi2i$g ?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts
C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS
8'&s c'apter co%ta&%s &%format&o% a"o!t R/3 S#stem c!stom&5&%+ t'at #o! %ee to a=!st SAP 2mplo#ee
SelfBSer(&ce to meet #o!r reG!&reme%ts.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1
SAP AG 1999
At the co$cl"sio$ of this "$it9 yo" %ill #e !#le to
Perform the $ecess!ry C"stomi2i$g steps i$
the R@. System to !d!pt SAP ESS to yo"r
comp!$yGs re("ireme$ts
0escri#e the SAP ESS co"$try-specific
0escri#e ho% -or8flo% c!$ #e "sed %ithi$
E&pl!i$ ho% to c"stomi2e the ?ife !$d -or8
C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS) :$it 4#3ectives
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2
SAP AG 1999
ustomi/in' SAP ESS
Co"rse 4vervie%
+$trod"ctio$ to SAP ESS
:ser /!$!geme$t
Pl!$$i$g !$d +mpleme$t!tio$
E$h!$ci$g SAP ESS
SAP ESS Services
mySAP -or8pl!ce) Architect"re !$d Roles
Co"rse 4vervie% 0i!gr!m
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3
SAP AG 2002
:sers %ere cre!ted for the employees !$d they
%ere !ssig$ed to the Employee Self-Service role
'he SAP ESS services sho"ld $o% #e co$fig"red
to s!tisfy the re("ireme$ts of the comp!$y !$d the
employees. 'he optio$s provided #y the -or8flo%
sho"ld !lso #e t!8e$ i$to co$sider!tio$.
'he ?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts sho"ld #e !d!pted to the
comp!$y re("ireme$ts.
C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS) 5"si$ess Sce$!rio
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 1999
C"stomi2i$g the SAP ESS Services
SAP ESS !$d -or8flo%
C"stomi2i$g ?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts .
C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 5
SAP AG 2002
-hoGs -ho
'ime /!$!geme$t
'r!vel /!$!geme$t
+$terf!ci$g %ith 5"si$ess-to-5"si$ess
Perso$!l +$form!tio$
At the e$d of this "$it yo" %ill #e !#le to set "p the
follo%i$g R@. System c"stomi2i$g services)
C"stomi2i$g the SAP ESS Services) :$it
6or ser(&ceBspec&f&c c!stom&5&%+, c'oose t'e follow&%+ me%! pat' &% t'e ,mpleme%tat&o% $!&e >,)$@E
#ersonnel Manageent $ployee *el13*ervice $** *ettings 1or *peci1ic *ervices.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 6
SAP AG 1999
0ispl!y@Ch!$ge Pict"re
'hro"gho"t the
+$divid"!l for e!ch
%ear +ary $ansen0
I #is& you a very &appy birt&day1
5irthd!y Greeti$gs
Ge$er!l Setti$gs
W'et'er a% 'ow a p&ct!re s'o!l "e &spla#e &% t'e p&ct!re area of t'e )&%&App
W'et'er to &spla# "&rt'a# +reet&%+s &% t'e )&%&App w'e% t'e emplo#ee lo+s o% o% '&s ow% "&rt'a#
Ao! ca% e0cl!e t'e p&ct!re area e%t&rel#. Ao! ca% ef&%e a p&ct!re or +rap'&c to "e &spla#e t'ro!+'o!t
t'e compa%#. 8o o so, spec&f# t'e reG!&re /R:. ,%&(&!al emplo#ee sett&%+s ca% "e mae for t'&s
area. 2%ter t'e /R: of a efa!lt p&ct!re. 8'e emplo#ee ca% replace t'&s p&ct!re w&t' o%e of '&s ow%. 8'e
efa!lt p&ct!re &s &spla#e &f a% emplo#ee 'as %ot e%tere '&s ow% p&ct!re.
.ef&%e a te0t &% e(er# la%+!a+e reG!&re for t'e +reet&%+. Sa(e t'e te0t. Ao! ca% form!late t'e te0t so
t'at t'e %ame a% t&tle of t'e 2SS !ser &s &spla#e. 8o o so, !se t'e follow&%+ place'olersE
,f #o! wa%t to &spla# spaces "efore or after a place'oler, e%ter a% !%erscore CRC &% t'e correspo%&%+
20ampleE ,f #o! e%ter ?9app# -&rt'a#RH67A)2HRH:7A)2 HM?, for e0ample ?9app# -&rt'a#
)ar# 9a%se%M? w&ll "e &spla#e.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 D
SAP AG 2002
0etermi$e doc"me$t type
Restrict se!rch for employee
Ch!$ge selectio$ !$d o"tp"t fields
:ser e&its
C"stomi2i$g Setti$gs)
C"stomi2i$g -hoGs -ho
2mplo#ees ca% c'a%+e t'e&r ow% ata &% t'e W'oCs W'o ser(&ce. 8'&s &s tr!e for all f&els of &%fot#pe
Co//unication >0105@, w&t' t'e e0cept&o% of s!"t#pe 0001, a% for all f&els of &%fot#pe Internal Data
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 F
SAP AG 1999
-hoGs -ho) 0etermi$e 0oc"me$t 'ype
Employee photos !re e$tered i$
the optic!l !rchive
SAP delivers the doc"me$t type
HR+C4?>4'4 for the photo
,% t'&s step, #o! ef&%e t'e oc!me%t t#pe for t'e W'oCs W'o p'oto store &% t'e opt&cal arc'&(e.
Ao! o %ot 'a(e to perform t'&s step &f #o! alrea# ef&%e t'e oc!me%t t#pe for t'e opt&cal arc'&(e.
,% t'e SAP sta%ar s#stem, oc!me%t t#pe 9R,C*:6*8* was alrea# set as a efa!lt (al!e &% 8a"le
8'e same oc!me%t t#pe &s also !se for e%ter&%+ p'oto formats &% Perso%%el Am&%&strat&o% >PA@. Ao!
ma# %ot c'a%+e t'e oc!me%t t#pe &f #o! wa%t to !se a p'oto t'at alrea# e0&sts &% SAP 2SS.
SAP 2SS s!pports p'otos &% $,6 a% <P2$ formats. ,t oes %ot s!pport "&tmap >-)P@ +rap'&cs.
8o ef&%e w'et'er a p'oto s'o!l "e &spla#e &% SAP 2SS, c'oose t'e follow&%+ &% t'e ,)$E
#ersonnel Manageent $ployee *el13*ervice $** *ettings 1or *peci1ic *ervices O11ice
2hoHs 2ho(User4s Own =ata 6$**7' =eterine F"nctions
,% orer to !se t'e p'oto stora+e, #o! m!st 'a(e &%stalle t'e opt&cal arc'&(e for t'e R/3 S#stem.
2mplo#ees ca% l&%k t'e&r ow% p'oto to t'e appl&cat&o% w&t' t'e &hange Own =ata ser(&ce.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 1999
-hoGs -ho) Restricti$g the Se!rch for Employees
Possi#le restrictio$s)
Employee is $ot p!rt of the comp!$y
Employee is $ot c"rre$tly %or8i$g 6for
e&!mple d"ri$g m!ter$ity le!ve7.
Employee is p!rt of the comp!$y9 #"t is
Employee is !ctive i$ the comp!$y
Ao! ca% restr&ct t'e searc' for emplo#ees &% t'e W'oCs W'o ser(&ce. 8'e efa!lt &s t'at t'ere &s %o
restr&ct&o%, so t'e s#stem looks for all emplo#ees w'e% #o! searc'.
8'e searc' &s restr&cte "# ma&%ta&%&%+ 8a"le 8DDS0. 2%ter t'e follow&%+ ke#sE Gro"p nae s'o!l "e
2SS a% *eantic abbreviation S8A82. Select o%e or more of t'e follow&%+ (al!es &% t'e Ial"e f&elE
1al!e Restr&ct&o%
0 2mplo#ee &s %ot part of t'e compa%#
1 2mplo#ee &s part of t'e compa%#, "!t &s %ot work&%+ >for e0ample, mater%&t# lea(e@.
2 2mplo#ee &s part of t'e compa%#, "!t &s ret&re
3 2mplo#ee &s act&(e &% t'e compa%#
4 20ter%al emplo#ee
8'e most commo% sett&%+ &s t'e (al!e 3 to restr&ct t'e searc' to act&(e emplo#ees o%l#. 8'e (al!e #o! set
w&ll epe% o% #o!r compa%#Cs C!stom&5&%+. 8'&s &s %ot el&(ere "# SAP.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 10
SAP AG 1999
-hoGs -ho) Ch!$ge Selectio$ !$d 4"tp"t >ields 6*7
Fo" c!$ defi$e fields for the)
Selectio$ of !$ employee
SHit listS 6list of !ll employees %ho
m!tch the selectio$ criteri! 7
0et!il i$form!tio$ for the selected
Ao! ca% c'a%+e t'e ata select&o% a%/or ata o!tp!t f&els for t'e W'oCs W'o ser(&ce. 8'e f&els of t'e
,%foSet of t'e !%erl#&%+ A 9oc Q!er# s'o!l "e !se 'ere.
8'e sta%ar SAP s#stem co%ta&%s a% ,%foSet >SAP Q!er#@ for t'e W'oCs W'o ser(&ce. 8'e SAP %am&%+
co%(e%t&o% for t'e sta%ar ,%foSet &s /SAPQ/2RA/9RR33RPAR2SS. 8'e co!%tr# ke# C33C sta%s for
&%ter%at&o%al. 8'e ,%foSet &tself res&es &% t'e +lo"al work area >crossBcl&e%t@. 8'e select&o% a% o!tp!t
f&els are alrea# ef&%e.
Ao! s'o!l c'eck &f t'e sta%ar sett&%+s sat&sf# #o!r reG!&reme%ts "efore mak&%+ a%# c'a%+es.
All t'e selecte f&els are a!tomat&call# cop&e to t'e ser(&ce &% t'e c'ose% orer a% are a(a&la"le t'ere
for select&o% or o!tp!t.
7ote t'at te0t f&els cannot be mar*e( for the (ata selection w&t' t'e e0cept&o% of t'e f&els
Organi6ational 3nit7 &osition 8a/e and 9ob 8a/e.
Ao! ca% ef&%e t'e sort seG!e%ce of t'e '&t l&st &% t'e *ort f&el o% t'e O"tp"t 1ields l&st ta" pa+e &% t'e
G!er# ma&%te%a%ce.
Ao! s'o!l %ot select t'e $ployee stat"s f&el as a searc' f&el
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 11
SAP AG 1999
+f the st!$d!rd setti$gs do $ot meet yo"r
re("ireme$ts9 yo" c!$ cre!te yo"r o%$
+$foSets to)
-hoGs -ho) Ch!$ge Selectio$ !$d 4"tp"t >ields 627
Ch!$ge the selectio$9 o"tp"t !$d
det!il fields
0elete the def!"lt fields
+$cl"de fields %hich e&ist i$ the +$foSet
+$cl"de fields %hich do $ot e&ist i$ the +$foSet
,f t'e sta%ar sett&%+s o %ot meet #o!r reG!&reme%ts, #o! ca% ef&%e #o!r ow% ,%foSets "# cop#&%+
e0&st&%+ f!%ct&o%al areas a% c'a%+&%+ t'em. W'e% o&%+ t'&s, #o! s'o!l take t'e c!stomer %amespaces
&%to acco!%t a% set t'e rele(a%t co!%tr# a""re(&at&o%s.
.o %ot &%cl!e t'e Perso%%el %!m"er f&el P0000BP2R7R &% t'e ,%foSet. ,f #o! wa%t to &%cl!e t'e
perso%%el %!m"er, select f&el P0001BP2R7R.
8'e pat' for e&t&%+ a% creat&%+ ,%foSets >2as# Access )e%!@ &s
Tools A/A# 2or,bench Utilities *A# J"ery 0n1o*ets.
8o c'a%+e t'e select&o% a% o!tp!t f&els of W'oCs W'o, start 8ra%sact&o% PQ01C or c'oose t'e
follow&%+ pat' &% t'e ,)$E
#ersonnel Manageent $ployee *el13*ervice $** *ettings 1or *peci1ic *ervices O11ice
2hoHs 2ho 6$**7' *election and O"tp"t 6#K9C7
Remo(e t'e fla+ for Use de1a"lt settings 1or. 8'e l&st of f&els w&t'&% t'e ta" pa+es &s rea# for &%p!t.
8o c'a%+e t'e select&o% f&els, c'oose t'e *election 1ields ta" pa+e.
8o c'a%+e t'e f&els of t'e '&t l&st, c'oose t'e O"tp"t 1ield list ta" pa+e.
8o c'a%+e t'e f&els of t'e eta&l scree% c'oose t'e =etail o"tp"t 1ields ta" pa+e.
8o elete a preBef&%e f&el, mark &t o% t'e appropr&ate ta" pa+e a% c'oose =elete lines.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 12
SAP AG 1999
+f the st!$d!rd setti$gs do $ot meet yo"r
re("ireme$ts9 yo" c!$ cre!te yo"r o%$
+$foSets to)
-hoGs -ho) Ch!$ge Selectio$ !$d 4"tp"t >ields 6.7
Ch!$ge the selectio$9 o"tp"t !$d
det!il fields
0elete the def!"lt fields
+$cl"de fields %hich e&ist i$ the +$foSet
+$cl"de fields %hich do $ot e&ist i$
the +$foSet
8o &%cl!e a f!rt'er f&el of t'e ,%foSet, mark t'e es&re f&el &% t'e area Fields in 0n1o*et. 8'e% c'oose
&opy entry 1ro 0n1o*et table. Ao! %ow 'a(e two opt&o%sE
>1@ )ark a f&el t'at alrea# e0&sts &% t'e ta" pa+e a% c'oose 0nsert entry in display table. 8'e
s#stem cop&es t'e f&el of t'e ,%foSet &% fro%t of t'e marke e%tr#.
>2@ )ark t'e empt# f&el at t'e e% of t'e ta" pa+e a% c'oose 0nsert entry in display table. 8'e
s#stem cop&es t'e ,%foSet to t'e e% of t'e ta" pa+e.
8'e orer of t'e f&els o% t'e ta" pa+e s'o!l matc' t'e str!ct!re of t'e f&els &% t'e ser(&ces.
8'e f&els are str!ct!re w&t' a ma0&m!m of fo!r col!m%s a% a ma0&m!m of 20 f&els >from top to
"ottom a% left to r&+'t@.
8'e f&els of t'e eta&l scree% are str!ct!re (ert&call# w&t' a ma0&m!m of 20 &+&ts, w'ereas t'e
f&els of t'e '&t l&st are str!ct!re from left to r&+'t >ma0&m!m 20 f&els@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 13
SAP AG 1999
+f the st!$d!rd setti$gs do $ot meet yo"r
re("ireme$ts9 yo" c!$ cre!te yo"r o%$
+$foSets to)
-hoGs -ho) Ch!$ge Selectio$ !$d 4"tp"t >ields 647
Ch!$ge the selectio$9 o"tp"t !$d
det!il fields
0elete the def!"lt fields
+$cl"de fields
%hich e&ist i$ the +$foSet
+$cl"de fields %hich do $ot e&ist
i$ the +$foSet
,f #o! wa%t to &%cl!e a f&el t'at &s %ot #et &% t'e ,%foSet, #o! m!st create a %ew ,%foSet a% ass&+% t'e
es&re f&el to &t. ,%cl!e t'e f&el &% t'e correspo%&%+ select&o%/o!tp!t or eta&l o!tp!t ta" pa+e.
8'e pat' for e&t&%+ ,%foSets &s Tools A/A# 2or,bench Utilities *A# J"ery 0n1o*ets.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 14
SAP AG 1999
'he !lter$!tive to SAP M"ery)
-hoGs -ho) Ch!$ge Selectio$ !$d 4"tp"t >ields 657
'he 5AP+ OE/P?4FEEOGE'0A'A
0!t! selectio$
Hit list !$d det!il scree$
Somet&mes r!%t&me pro"lems ca% occ!r, espec&all# &% ata select&o%. W'e% t'&s occ!rs, set t'e *election
1ields &%&cator &% t'e Use de1a"lt settings 1or "o0. Ao! ca% also set t'e '&t l&st to
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 15
SAP AG 2002
-hoGs -ho) :ser E&it
E$h!$ceme$t HRESS---) :ser e&it 6e&itOs!plrh=5O00*7
SAP delivers ! "ser e&it
to ch!$ge the se!rch
p!tter$ i$ -hoGs -ho
'o get ! list of $!mes
#egi$$i$g %ith G/illG9
e$ter G/illHG. Fo" get
/iller9 /ill9 /ills9 !$d so
-ith the "ser e&it9
e$teri$g S/illS gives
yo" the s!me list.
8'e efa!lt sett&%+ for W'oCs W'o &s ef&%e so t'at t'e !ser m!st e&t'er spec&f# t'e f!ll wor or part of
t'e wor a% w&lcar >X@.
,% t'e e%'a%ceme%t 9R2SSWWW, SAP el&(ers a !ser e0&t >e0&tRsaplr'65R001@ to c'a%+e t'e searc'
patter% &% W'oCs W'o.
,f #o! !se t'e !ser e0&t, #o! o %ot %ee to e%ter t'e w&lcar. 8'e s#stem a!tomat&call# searc'es for
wors t'at "e+&% w&t' t'e spec&f&e str&%+.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 16
SAP AG 1999
C!$ the
type #e "sed i$
'ime /!$!geme$t) C"stomi2i$g Setti$gs
Ao! ca% ef&%e w'&c' 8&me )a%a+eme%t s!"t#pes are !se for lea(e a% atte%a%ce &% SAP 2SS.
,% t'e ,)$ !%er $** *ettings 1or *peci1ic *ervices Tie ManageentF #o! see a l&st of all t'e
s!"t#pes pro(&e for recor&%+ atte%a%ce a% lea(e. W'e% #o! !se t'e :ea(e ReG!est, :ea(e
,%format&o% or CA8S ser(&ce, some a"se%ce t#pes m&+'t %ot "e rele(a%t to #o!r SAP 2SS !sers. Ao! ca%
eact&(ate t'em 'ere.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1D
SAP AG 1999
Steps for setti$g "p the Cross-Applic!tio$ 'ime Sheet
6CA'S7 for SAP ESS)
'ime /!$!geme$t) C"stomi2i$g for CA'S
Cre!te d!t! e$try profiles for SAP ESS
Specify !dditio$!l i$form!tio$ for SAP ESS
0efi$e field selectio$ for SAP ESS
8'e CrossBAppl&cat&o% 8&me S'eet >CA8S@ &s a(a&la"le as a% SAP 2mplo#ee SelfBSer(&ce appl&cat&o%.
Ao! ca% ef&%e t'e la#o!t of t'&s SAP 2SS ser(&ce &% t'e same wa# as for t'e R/3 S#stem. Ao! ca% also
make spec&f&c prof&le sett&%+s &% a (&ew es&+%e espec&all# for SAP 2SS.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1F
SAP AG 1999
0!t! e$try
CA'S) Cre!ti$g 0!t! E$try Profiles
Ao! ca% set !p #o!r ow% ata e%tr# prof&les &% t'e &reate =ata $ntry #ro1iles scree%.
8'e 2SS (ers&o% of t'e t&me s'eet oes %ot s!pport t'e follow&%+ prof&le sett&%+s &% t'e General settings
areaE W&t' tar+et 'o!rs, W&t' totals l&%e, W&t' clock t&mes, 7o e!ct&o% of "reaks, 9&+'l&+'t re=ecte
recors, Worka#s o%l#, .&spla# weeka#s, Release f!t!re t&mes, Release o% sa(&%+, Appro(al reG!&re,
7o c'a%+es after appro(al, ,mme&ate tra%sfer to 9R a% Pr&%t pro+ram.
8'e follow&%+ sect&o%s &% t'e prof&le c!stom&5&%+ are f!ll# s!pporteE 8&me sett&%+s, Cost acco!%t&%+
(ar&a%t, .efa!lt (al!es, Work l&st, .ata e%tr# c'ecks >+e%eral@, C'ecks for !sers of SAP 9R a%
8'e co!rse CA500 w&ll pro(&e #o! w&t' f!rt'er &%format&o% a"o!t co%f&+!r&%+ t'e Cross Appl&cat&o%
8&me S'eet.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 14
SAP AG 1999
CA'S) Additio$!l +$form!tio$
+$iti!l li$es
-e# Setti$gs
SGo toS f"$ctio$ !ctive
S-8d!y@d!teS f"$ctio$ !ctive
SCopy prev periodS f"$ctio$ !ctive
S+$sert li$eS f"$ctio$ !ctive
S0elete li$eS f"$ctio$ !ctive
SSho%@Hide !ll det!ilsS !ctive
0ispl!y d!t! e$try profile
Hide help sectio$
Copy i$cl"di$g ho"rs
Sho% !ll det!ils $o%
Choose d!t! e$try profile
+$iti!l li$es !t s!me time
-e# setti$gs for ! CA'S e$try profile
Ao! eterm&%e t'e la#o!t of t'e 2SS ser(&ce &% t'e same wa# t'at #o! c!stom&5e t'e 8&me S'eet for R/3.
Ao! ca% also make spec&f&c prof&le sett&%+s &% a (&ew es&+%e espec&all# for t'e 2SS ser(&ce.
,% t'e !ser parameter 4E&, #o! m!st spec&f# t'e ata e%tr# prof&le to "e !se for ma&%ta&%&%+ ata for
eac' emplo#ee. ,f #o! o %ot ma&%ta&% t'&s !ser parameter for a% emplo#ee, t'e s#stem !ses t'e ata
e%tr# prof&le 2SS.
Alter%at&(el#, #o! ca% set !p a ata e%tr# prof&le w&t' t'e %ame 2SS as t'e efa!lt (al!e. 8'e s#stem
!ses t'&s prof&le &f #o! & %ot ma&%ta&% !ser parameter C1R.
8o e%ter a&t&o%al spec&f&cat&o%s for t'e We" sett&%+s, access t'e *peci1y Additional 0n1oration 1or $**
#ro1ile step.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 20
SAP AG 1999
CA'S) 0efi$e >ield Selectio$
>ield setti$gs !v!il!#le)
8o select t'e f&els &% w'&c' !sers s'o!l make e%tr&es !s&%+ t'e sta%ar prof&le 2SS or #o!r ow%
prof&le, perform t'e ,)$ act&o% =e1ine Field *election 1or $**.
W&t'&% SAP 2SS, #o! ca% o%l# &st&%+!&s' "etwee% 0np"t a% ?idden f&els. 8'e Re!"ired a% =isplay
f&els are treate l&ke 0np"t f&els. ?ighlighted f&els are %ot s!pporte.
8o make a f&el Read only #o! %ee to mo&f# t'e 98): template.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 21
SAP AG 1999
4vertime 4vertime
'ime /!$!geme$t) C"stomi2i$g for
?e!ve Re("ests
?e!ve +$form!tio$
trips9 %or8
eave RequestE Ao! ca% spec&f# t'e a"se%ce t#pes t'at a% emplo#ee ma# e%ter &% t'e :ea(e ReG!est
ser(&ce. ,% t'e 2SS ,)$, c'oose $** *ettings 1or *peci1ic *ervices Tie Manageent Tie
Manageent 6$**7' =eterine *"btypes a% eact&(ate t'e s!"t#pes t'at are %ot rele(a%t !s&%+
eave In"or/ationE Ao! ca% spec&f# t'e t&me e(al!at&o% (ar&a%ts !se to s&m!late a% acco!%t "ala%ce o%
t'e "as&s of t&me ata t'at 'as %ot "ee% e(al!ate "# +e%eral t&me e(al!at&o%. 2mplo#ees !se t'&s SAP
2SS ser(&ce to &spla# t'e stat!s of t'e&r lea(e "ala%ce for a%# ate. 8'e s#stem c'ecks w'et'er t'e
spec&f&e ke# ate l&es w&t'&% a per&o t'at 'as alrea# "ee% e(al!ate.
,f t'e ate l&es w&t'&% a per&o t'at 'as alrea# "ee% e(al!ate, t'e s#stem !ses t'&s ata.
,f t'e ate &s o!ts&e t'e last per&o e(al!ate, t'e s#stem attempts to s&m!late t&me ata for t'e
spec&f&e ke# ate
8&me e(al!at&o% &s r!% !s&%+ t'e (ar&a%t spec&f&e &% t'e 66&-1 feat!re. 8o allow lea(e "ala%ces &% SAP
2SS, #o! m!st ass&+% t'e reG!&re t&me e(al!at&o% (ar&a%t !s&%+ t'e ::R2P attr&"!te. ,f t'ere are errors
&% t'e s&m!lat&o%, t'e s#stem accesses t'e ata from t'e A"se%ce Q!otas &%fot#pe >2006@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 22
SAP AG 1999
-or8 Sched"le
'ime /!$!geme$t) C"stomi2i$g for
-or8 Sched"le !$d 'ime St!teme$t
Wor! ScheduleE ,% t'&s ser(&ce, S!%a# &s co%s&ere t'e last a# of t'e week. ,f #o! o %ot wa%t to
&spla# t'e a#s from )o%a# t'ro!+' S!%a#, #o! ca% !se t'e :.AAW attr&"!te to spec&f# a a# ot'er
t'a% S!%a# as t'e last a# of t'e week.
1i/e State/entE ,f #o! wa%t to !se a t&me stateme%t form ot'er t'a% t'e o%e #o! are c!rre%tl# !s&%+ &%
t'e ,%tra%et, #o! ca% create #o!r ow% form !s&%+ t'e form e&tor. ,f #o! wa%t to spec&f# select&o%
parameters ot'er t'a% t'ose &% t'e sta%ar s#stem, #o! ca% create a (ar&a%t for #o!r t&me stateme%t
Ao! ca% We"Be%a"le f!%ct&o%s w&t' Tools 2eb =evelopent 2eb Repository >8ra%sact&o% SMW)@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 23
SAP AG 2002
'r!vel /!$!geme$t) C"stomi2i$g Setti$gs
E&pe$se Reports)
6R@. System Rele!se
4.= !$d higher7
6R@. System Rele!se
4.5 !$d higher7
,f #o! !se 8ra(el )a%a+eme%t &% SAP 2SS, #o! 'a(e t'e follow&%+ opt&o%sE
8'e o%l&%e 8ra(el )a%a+eme%t compo%e%t el&(ere w&t' Release 4.6- offers t'e %ew 8ra(el
20pe%se ser(&ce w&t' w'&c' #o! ca% e%ter #o!r tra(el e0pe%ses o%l&%e. 8'&s ser(&ce oes %ot reG!&re
a%# 2SSBspec&f&c c!stom&5&%+ a% &s t'erefore recomme%e for &mpleme%t&%+ t'e 8ra(el
)a%a+eme%t ser(&ce &% SAP 2SS.
8'e offl&%e 8ra(el )a%a+eme%t compo%e%ts el&(ere w&t' Release 4.5Y !s&%+ a% 20cel s'eet. ,t
reG!&res 2SSBspec&f&c c!stom&5&%+. Ao! ca% o t'&s &% t'e 2SS ,)$ &% t'e sect&o% $** *ettings 1or
*peci1ic *ervices Travel.
8'e offl&%e ser(&ce 20pe%se Reports &s %ot part of t'e sta%ar SAP 2SS me%!, "!t ca% "e eas&l# ae.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 24
SAP AG 1999
Applic!tio$ St!t"s
Ao#s) C"stomi2i$g Setti$gs 6*7
2mplo#ees ca% sca% t'ro!+' ope% &%ter%al =o"s, appl# for t'ese =o"s a% track t'e stat!s of t'e&r
appl&cat&o% !s&%+ t'e ,%tra%et.
Ao! o %ot 'a(e to ef&%e a&t&o%al te0ts "eca!se #o! ca% create t'em &% a&t&o% to t'e stat!s te0ts.
8'e stat!s te0ts are rea from t'e R/3 S#stem a% &spla#e for t'e appl&ca%t.
Ao! ca% create a&t&o%al te0ts for t'e process&%+ stat!s of t'e SAP 2SS ser(&ce Appl&cat&o% Stat!s.
Create t'ese te0ts &%&(&!all# !s&%+ t'e %ames recomme%e "# SAP >Stat!sB1, Stat!sB2, Stat!sB3,
Stat!sB4, Stat!sB5, Stat!sB6 a% Stat!sBD@. /se PAWW as t'e te0t ,..
8o &mpleme%t <o" *pport!%&t&es &% t'e ,%tra%et, #o! m!st set t'e follow&%+ featuresE
,.T7< >.efa!lt (al!e for ,%ter%et@. ,% t'e ,78.6 attr&"!te, store t'e me&!m for ,%ter%et appl&cat&o%s
a% t'e efa!lt (al!e for t'e aress eta&ls to "e tra%sferre to t'e e%tr# scree% for t'e appl&cat&o%s.
,.T7D >.eterm&%es t'e or+a%&5at&o%al ass&+%me%t of t'e appl&ca%t@
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 26
SAP AG 1999
P!ychec8 +$("iry
>"$ctio$ mod"le)
>e!t"re) E0'+
P!yme$t) C"stomi2i$g Setti$gs
8o make t'e pa#c'eck &%G!&r# res!lts a(a&la"le t'ro!+' t'e ,%tra%et, #o! m!stE
8'e sta%ar s#stem !ses t'e rem!%erat&o% stateme%t pro+ram (ar&a%t store &% t'e -7T,. feat!re to
create t'e rem!%erat&o% stateme%t &% t'e ,%tra%et.
,f #o! o %ot w&s' to !se #o!r sta%ar rem!%erat&o% stateme%t &% t'e ,%tra%et, #o! ca% create a %ew
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2D
SAP AG 1999
+aintain $) +aster %ata
Dasic "esonal #ata Basic
4)ani?ational assi)nment
Pesonal *ata
Dan! #etails
&amily Mem0e/*e"en#ents
$ntenal Me#ical Se'ice
Matenity Potection/Paental 2ea'e
Militay Se'ice
*iect selection
reate 2amily +ember3%ependents
Dasic "esonal #ata Dasic contact #ata
Pesonnel :o. :ame >ea Soo!in
-- Go(" 1 Acti'e em"loyee Pes aea .ADD .ali0e A Dicycle
-- S(0)o(" O0 @o(ly 9a)e ean.
&om ;o 31.12.9999
&amily mem0e .3il#
2ast name Soo!in Dit3 name
&ist name $nitials
4t3e title :ame %omat
:ame "e%i1 :ame "e%i1
Gen#e &emale Male
*ate o% Dit3
.ity o% 0it3
:ationality 2./3. :at.
&amily Mem0e/*e"en#ents
Pesonnel :o. 4599200
:ame >ea Soo!in
-- Go(" 1 Acti'e em"loyee Pe aea
-- S(0)o(" O0 @o(ly 9a)e ean.
+$fotype 002*
S"#type 2
Sty" 2
S;y" :ame
1 S"o(se
2 .3il#
10 *i'oce# s"o(se
11 &at3e
12 Mot3e
Perso$!l +$form!tio$) C"stomi2i$g Setti$gs
Ao!r 9R am&%&strators w&ll pro"a"l# %ee more s!"t#pes t'a% #o!r SAP 2SS !sers. Ao! s'o!l l&m&t
t'e %!m"er of s!"t#pes #o! !se &% SAP 2SS to o%l# t'e o%es t'at are rele(a%t for t'e !sers. 6or e0ample,
&% t'e &%fot#pe 6am&l# )em"er/.epe%e%ts, t'e o%l# s!"t#pes rele(a%t to #o!r compa%#Cs emplo#ees
ma# "e Spo!se a% C'&l. Ao! s'o!l sw&tc' off a%# ot'er fam&l# mem"er s!"t#pes.
.ef&%e t'e master ata s!"t#pes #o! %ee. 8'&s scree% s'ows all t'e s!"t#pes for t'e SAP 2SS &%fot#pes.
8o ef&%e s!"t#pesE
,% t'e 2SS ,)$, c'oose $** *ettings 1or *peci1ic *ervices #ersonal 0n1oration #ersonal
0n1oration 6$**7' =eterine *"btypes.
,% t'e $** =eactivation o1 *"btypes ta"le, c'oose t'ose s!"t#pes #o! o %ot wa%t to !se a% select t'e
eact&(ate c'eck"o0.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2F
SAP AG 1999
Emerge$cy Co$t!ct
>!mily /em#er@0epe$de$ts
Emerge$cy Address
Emerge$cy +$form!tio$
SAP ESS Employee Emerge$cy +$form!tio$
SAP 2SS offers two wa#s to store t'e emer+e%c# aress for a% emplo#eeE
.eact&(ate t'e &%fot#pe #o! o %ot wa%t to !se &% "ot' ser(&ces #ersonal 0n1oration a% New ?ire.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 24
SAP AG 1999
S8ills Profile - P!r!meter Setti$gs 6*7
C!t!log roots
C!t!log te&t
Pl!$ versio$
Ao! ma# c'a%+e f&(e parameters &% ser(&ce PQ31 > 8'ese c'a%+es are %ot mae &rectl# &% t'e
R/3 S#stem, "!t 'a(e a% effect o% t'e s#stem. 8'e# also affect t'e Sk&lls Prof&le &spla# &% t'e "rowser.
Ao! make t'e c'a%+es &% SAPWWe" St!&o or a te0t e&tor, s!c' as 7otepa.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 30
SAP AG 1999
S8ills Profile - P!r!meter Setti$gs 627
C!t!log roots
C!t!log te&t
Pl!$ versio$
,% t'e ser(&ce f&le of PQ31 >, #o! ca% c'a%+e f&(e parameters.
Parameter 1E Catalo+ roots >ZG!al&R&@. 8'&s parameter l&m&ts t'e &spla# of #o!r sk&lls to a certa&%
area or s!"Bcatalo+. 6or t'e parameter ZG!al&R&, #o! ca% e%ter t'e e&+'tB&+&t &e%t&f&er for a certa&%
s!"Bcatalo+ of #o!r sk&lls catalo+. 8'&s e%s!res t'at w'e% #o!r !sers call t'e Sk&lls ser(&ce, t'e# see
o%l# t'e s!"Bcatalo+ t'at &s ef&%e w&t' t'e parameter ZG!al&R&.
Parameter 2E .el&m&ter >Zel&m&ter@. 8'e str!ct!re ata of t'e sk&lls catalo+ &s store !s&%+ a str&%+.
8'e compo%e%ts of t'&s str&%+ are el&m&te "# efa!lt w&t' t'e ASC,, c'aracter C[C. ,f #o! wa%t to !se
t'&s c'aracter &% t'e %ame of a sk&ll, #o! m!st replace &t w&t' a%ot'er o%e, s!c' as a "ackslas', &% t'&s
Parameter 3E Catalo+ te0t >ZrootRte0t@. 8'&s parameter &s &%&t&all# empt#. ,t mea%s t'at t'e root te0t &%
t'e "rowser &s CSk&llsC. ,f #o! wa%t to c'a%+e t'&s te0t, for e0ample to CSk&lls at )# Compa%#C, #o! ca%
o(err&e t'e efa!lt.
Parameter 4E )oe >Z&spla#@. 8'&s parameter &s also &%&t&all# empt#. ,t mea%s t'at t'e !ser ca% alwa#s
mo&f# t'e Sk&lls .ata"ase ser(&ce. ,f #o! wo!l l&ke t'e ser(&ce to "e for &spla# o%l#, #o! s'o!l set
t'e parameter to C3C.
Parameter 5E Pla% (ers&o% >Zpl(ar@. 8'&s parameter o(err&es t'e efa!lt pla% (ers&o% 01.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 31
6or f!rt'er &%format&o% see 7ote 1F4004.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 32
SAP AG 1999
E&ter$!l 5!$8 'r!$sfer
?e!ve Re("est
Co"$try-Specific +/G Setti$gs
W'&le SAP 2SS el&(ers a %!m"er of co!%tr#Bspec&f&c ser(&ces, ma%# o %ot reG!&re a%# spec&f&c
C!stom&5&%+ &s reG!&re for
/et :p 6ea#e &e?uest F/01 -// ;apanG9 Ao! ca% spec&f# t'e act&o%s #o! wa%t to !se &% t'e :ea(e
ReG!est ><apa%@ ser(&ce. 8o eact&(ate act&o% t#pes t'at #o! o %ot wa%t to !se, select t'e act&o% t#pe
co%cer%e a% c'oose =eactivate.
-xternal 5an* Transfer9 4hec* -ntry 1ermissibility F/01 -// 0ustraliaG9 Ao! ca% restr&ct t'e
wa+e t#pes t'at a% emplo#ee &s allowe to !se for a% e0ter%al "a%k tra%sfer &% t'e SAP 2SS ser(&ce to
pre(e%t emplo#ees from mak&%+ e0ter%al pa#me%ts !s&%+ a certa&% wa+e t#pe. 20ter%al pa#me%ts !s&%+
t'&s wa+e t#pe m!st "e ma&%ta&%e ce%trall# "# t'e 9R am&%&strator. ,% orer to o so, #o! m!st 'a(e
ef&%e w'&c' wa+e t#pes ca% "e e%tere for t'e 20ter%al 8ra%sfer &%fot#pe >0011@ &% t'e R/3 S#stem. 8o
eact&(ate a wa+e t#pe for t'e SAP 2SS ser(&ce 20ter%al -a%k 8ra%sfer, c'oose =eactivate.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 33
SAP AG 2002
Co"$try-Specific Services
+$ the st!$d!rd delivery9 some services !re
!lre!dy co"$try-specific)
Address 6i$cl"di$g Emerge$cy Address7
5!$8 det!ils
-4 form for >!mily /em#er or 0epe$de$ts
6:S o$ly7
All t'e Perso%al ,%format&o% ser(&ces are co!%tr#Bspec&f&c. ,f more t'a% o%e co!%tr# (ers&o% e0&sts for a
spec&f&c ser(&ce, o%e of t'em ser(es as efa!lt. 8'&s ser(&ce &s spec&f&e &% ta"le 8DDWWWRSC. 8'&s
ta"le also co%ta&%s t'e %!m"er of scree%s &% a% 2SS ser(&ce. All Perso%al ,%format&o% ser(&ces 'a(e two
scree%sE a% o(er(&ew scree% a% a eta&l scree%.
,f #o! wa%t to create %ew or mo&f&e co!%tr#Bspec&f&c pro+ram o"=ects, make s!re t'at #o! !se
c!stomer %amespaces &%stea of SAP %amespaces. 8'&s e%s!res t'at t'ese o"=ects are %ot o(erwr&tte%
!r&%+ a s#stem !p+rae.
SAP 2SS &s a% alter%at&(e !ser &%terface to t'e R/3 S#stem. ,t t'erefore works w&t' t'e same "!s&%ess
o"=ects. ,f act&(&t&es !s&%+ t'ese o"=ects tr&++er workflow e(e%ts &% R/3 >for e0ample, a c'a%+e of
aress@, t'e same act&(&t&es w&ll tr&++er workflow e(e%ts &f t'e# are e0ec!te !s&%+ SAP 2SS.
8'e el&(ere workflow templates &%cl!eE post '&re act&(&t&es, !ser el&m&t, lea(e reG!est, ca%cel lea(e
reG!est, emplo#me%t a% salar# (er&f&cat&o% a% WB2 repr&%t.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3D
SAP AG 1999
Processi$g -or8flo% Activities
S"pported t!s8s i$ the -e# i$#o&)
Ge$eric decisio$ t!s8s
E&ec"t!#le H'/? form!ts
'!s8s 4' s"pported i$ -e#
SAPG:+ di!log methods
Ao! ca% process SAP 2SS workflow tasks from t'e We" &%"o0. 8'e We" &%"o0 o%l# s!pports certa&%
tasks. 8'ese areE
$e%er&c ec&s&o% tasks
20ec!ta"le 98): forms
Ao! ca%%ot e0ec!te SAP$/, &alo+ met'os &% t'e We" &%"o0.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3F
SAP AG 1999
Employee /!$!ger Admi$istr!tor
Approves re("est
corrects !$d
!pproves re("est
Chec8s !$d
re3ects re("est
Receives $otific!tio$
of "$s"ccessf"l posti$g
Re3ects re("est
?e!ve Re("est
Ch!$ges re("est
'riggeri$g -or8flo% Processes
,% orer for a% 2SS o"=ect to tr&++er a workflow, t'e o"=ects m!st "e co!ple to a workflow process &%
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 34
SAP AG 1999
Post-Hire Activities
:ser 0elimit
-or8flo% 'empl!tes i$ SAP ESS 6*7
+eave Re!"estE
8'e emplo#ee tr&++ers t'e workflow "# e%ter&%+ lea(e reG!est ata &% a% 98): form. 8'e s#stem
selects t'e ma%a+er w'o s'o!l appro(e t'e a"se%ce. 9e +ets a work &tem ask&%+ '&m to re(&ew t'e
emplo#eeCs reG!est.
,f 'e appro(es t'e lea(e reG!est, t'e appro(al &s lo++e &% t'e R/3 S#stem. ,f t'ere &s a pro"lem 'ere, a
work &tem &s se%t to t'e 9!ma% Reso!rces Am&%&strator, w'o aresses t'e &ss!e.
,f t'e ma%a+er re=ects t'e reG!est, t'e emplo#ee rece&(es a work &tem &% '&s We" &%"o0. .epe%&%+ o%
t'e ma%a+erCs comme%t, t'e emplo#ee e&t'er w&t'raws t'e reG!est or c'a%+es &t. ,% t'e latter case t'e
workflow "e+&%s a+a&%.
8'e emplo#ee tr&++ers t'e workflow "# select&%+ t'e lea(e to "e ca%celle. 8'e s#stem selects t'e
ma%a+er w'o s'o!l appro(e t'e ca%cellat&o%. 8'e emplo#ee ca% o(erwr&te t'&s e%tr#.
,f t'e lea(e reG!est to "e ca%celle &s pe%&%+ >appro(al 'as %ot #et "ee% +&(e%@, t'e s#stem ca%cels
t'e lea(e reG!est workflow. 8'e ma%a+er oes %ot +et a work &tem for appro(al.
,f a lea(e reG!est 'as alrea# "ee% appro(e, t'e ma%a+er rece&(es a work &tem ask&%+ '&m or 'er to
appro(e &ts ca%cellat&o%.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 41
SAP AG 1999
-or8flo% 'empl!tes i$ SAP ESS 6.7
Employme$t !$d S!l!ry
--2 Repri$t
2mplo#me%t a% Salar# 1er&f&cat&o%E 8r&++ere w'e% t'e emplo#ee s!"m&ts a form ask&%+ a% 9R
am&%&strator to se% a% emplo#me%t a% salar# (er&f&cat&o% to a t'&r part#E
8'e emplo#ee f&lls o!t t'e form a% ec&es w'&c' t#pe of (er&f&cat&o% s'o!l "e se%t. 9e or s'e
ca% also ec&e w'et'er t'e form s'o!l "e se%t to a% 9R am&%&strator to "e pr&%te, s&+%e a%
poste, or w'et'er &f s'o!l "e fa0e &rectl# to t'e aress e%tere.
,f t'e emplo#ee c'ooses t'e f&rst opt&o%, t'e 9R am&%&strator rece&(es a work &tem &% '&s or 'er
&%"o0. *%ce &t 'as "ee% processe, a pr&%ter &alo+ appears &% w'&c' t'e am&%&strator ca% reG!est
t'at t'e oc!me%t "e pr&%te.
WB2 Repr&%tE 8r&++ere w'e% t'e emplo#ee s!"m&ts a form ask&%+ a% 9R am&%&strator to pro(&e a
WB2 repr&%t.
8'e emplo#ee s!"m&ts t'e WB2 Repr&%t form from SAP 2SS.
8'e 9R am&%&strator rece&(es a work &tem &% '&s or 'er &%"o0. W'e% t'e work &tem &s e0ec!te, t'e
pr&%t &alo+ "o0 appears, prompt&%+ t'e am&%&strator to se% t'e oc!me%t to t'e pr&%ter.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 42
SAP AG 1999
C"stomi2i$g the SAP ESS Services
SAP ESS !$d -or8flo%
C"stomi2i$g ?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts .
C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 43
SAP AG 1999
At the co$cl"sio$ of this "$it9 yo" %ill #e !#le to)
0escri#e the fr!me%or8 for the ?ife !$d -or8
Ad!pt ?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts to the $eeds of
yo"r comp!$y
Cre!te $e% ?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts
?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts) 'opic 4#3ectives
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 44
SAP AG 1999
: :R? for !$y co$te$ts i$ ---
S +'S service $!me
P E&ter$!l service
Eve$t me$"
4vervie%) 'he >r!me%or8
8'e follow&%+ pa+es +&(e a% o(er(&ew of 'ow :&fe a% Work 2(e%ts ca% "e aapte or 'ow %ew o%es
ca% "e create to meet c!stomer reG!&reme%ts. 8'ose aspects of t'e s#stem t'at s'o!l "e take% &%to
co%s&erat&o% w'e% &%sert&%+ a&t&o%al or e0ter%al co%te%ts are also &sc!sse.
20ter%al ser(&ce t#pe 3 was &%tro!ce to+et'er w&t' t'e framework for t'e :&fe a% Work 2(e%ts. 8'&s
ser(&ce t#pe ca% "e !se to l&%k to We"B"ase co%te%ts pro(&e "# k%owle+e "ase (e%ors. A ser(&ce
of t#pe 3 ca% &spla# a%# co%te%ts. 8'e &spla#e co%te%ts ca% "e perso%al&5e "ase o% R/3 ata.
Ser(&ce t#pes / a% S were alrea# !se &% SAP 2SS Release 4.6-.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 45
SAP AG 1999
: P
: S
P :
S :
: :
empty P
empty S
empty :
Scree$ ?!yo"t Co$te$t Are! 6.7 Applic!tio$ Are! 627
4vervie%) >r!me%or8
2(er# ser(&ce t#pe &% t'e appl&cat&o% area >2@ ca% "e com"&%e w&t' e(er# ser(&ce t#pe &% t'e co%te%t
area. 8'e co%te%t area ca% also rema&% empt#.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 46
SAP AG 2002
4vervie%) 'he +$terf!ce
>ield $!me C!l"e
P0002-PER+0 111111111
P0002-S'A'E CA
P0002-ACH 'omp8i$s
P0002-C4RA A$dre!
SAP St!$d!rd +$terf!ce +>O0E>A:?'
Ki$p"t typeQThidde$T $!meQTP000=-PER+0T
Ki$p"t typeQThidde$T $!meQTP000=-S'A'ET
Ki$p"t typeQThidde$T $!meQTP0002-ACHT
Ki$p"t typeQThidde$T $!meQTP0002-C4RAT
Ao! %ee a s!&ta"le &%terface to l&%k from t'e R/3 S#stem to a We"B"ase k%owle+e "ase. SAP pro(&es
#o! w&t' t'e +e%er&c sta%ar &%terface ,6R.26A/:8.
,%terface ,6R.26A/:8 creates a% 98): form w&t' a l&st of '&e% &%p!t f&els. 8'e f&rst ta"le f&el
>f&el %ame@ &s wr&tte% &% &%p!t f&el Nae. 8'e seco% ta"le f&el >(al!e@ &s wr&tte% &% &%p!t f&el Ial"e.
W'e% all t'e ata 'as "ee% e%tere &% t'e form, t'e form &s se%t to t'e e0ter%al (e%or.
8'e feat!res of t'e &%p!t f&els of t'e 98): form are set as followsE
)289*. O P*S8
X 8'e follow&%+ /R: &s a% e0ample of a t#p&cal wa# of access&%+ ata"ase co%te%ts !s&%+ t'e We"E
'ttpE//www.m#ser( or 'ttpE//www.m#ser("c
8'ere &s alwa#s a stat&c part >O-as&sB/R:@ followe "# a ke# >eac' form of &e%t&f&cat&o% for
access&%+ a pa+e@
,%terface ,6R.26A/:8 ca% "e !se as a template to create a c!stomerBspec&f&c &%terface. Ao! %ee t'&s
template &f t'e e0ter%al ser(&ce pro(&er ca%%ot comm!%&cate w&t' t'e sta%ar &%terface el&(ere "#
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4D
SAP AG 1999
0efi$itio$ of the C"stomer +$terf!ce
/FOE-O+'ER>ACE.H'/? 6Copy !$d ch!$ge the so"rce code7
/FOE-O+'ER>ACE.>?4- 6Copy9 #"t do $ot ch!$ge the so"rce code7
4vervie%) 'he +$terf!ce
8o create a c!stomerBspec&f&c &%terface, cop# &%terface ,6R.26A/:8. 8'e f&les res&e o% t'e ,8S &% t'e
template &rector# of ser(&ce PQ:2.
,% o!r e0ample, t'e %ew &%terface &s calle )AR72WR,782R6AC2. 8'&s %ame m!st "e ass&+%e to t'e
correspo%&%+ ser(&ce pro(&er &% ta"le 8DDWWWR:2R2P.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4F
SAP AG 1999
Eve$t me$"
C"stomi2i$g the >r!me%or8 6+7
8'e e(e%t catalo+ co%ta&%s a %!m"er of catalo+s s!c' as C-efore #o! StartC a% CPerso%al ,%format&o%C.
All s!"seG!e%t C!stom&5&%+ steps are carr&e o!t "# 8ra%sact&o% S)30.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 44
SAP AG 1999
C"stomi2i$g the >r!me%or8 6++7) /e$"s
'!#les for C"stomi2i$g the /e$"
/e$" cre!tio$) 'II---O/
/e$" descriptio$) 'II---O/'
Eve$t-specific setti$gs) 'II---O?E0A'A
2(e%t %ames are ef&%e &% f!rt'er la%+!a+es &% ta"le 8DDWWWR)78. A %ew recor &s a!tomat&call#
create &% ta"le 8DDWWWR)7 "# a&%+ a %ew e(e%t. 8'e s#stem !ses t'e lo+o% la%+!a+e as t'e
co!%tr# ke#.
6or e0ample, #o! ca% create a l&%k to a start ser(&ce >'ome pa+e@ for a certa&% ser(&ce.
Ao! ca% also spec&f# a f!%ct&o% mo!le t'at co%trols 'ow lo%+ a !ser ca% access a certa&% e(e%t. SAP
el&(ers f!%ct&o% mo!le 2SSR72WR9,R2RC92CN, w'&c' eterm&%es t'e t&me &ffere%ce "etwee%
t'e c!rre%t ate a% t'e ate a !ser =o&%e a compa%#. ,f t'&s &ffere%ce e0cees t'e (al!e store &%
f&el ="ration, t'e f!%ct&o% mo!le ret!r%s t'e (al!e 0, w'&c' closes t'e e(e%t. W'e% a !ser wa%ts to
access a% e(e%t, 'e or s'e t'erefore &s &%forme t'at t'e e(e%t &s %o lo%+er a(a&la"le for ata
ma&%te%a%ce. 8'e f!%ct&o% mo!le ca% "e !se as a template for creat&%+ f!rt'er f!%ct&o% mo!les.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 50
SAP AG 1999
C"stomi2i$g the >r!me%or8 6+++7) C!t!logs
'!#les for C"stomi2i$g the C!t!logs
C!t!log cre!tio$) 'II---OC'
C!t!log descriptio$) 'II---OC''
C!t!log positio$) 'II---O/P
Co"$try-specific services) 'II---OC0
8a"le 8DDWWWRC88 &s !se to create catalo+ %ames &% ot'er la%+!a+es. A %ew recor &s a!tomat&call#
create &% ta"le 8DDWWWRC8 "# a&%+ a %ew catalo+. 8'e s#stem !ses t'e lo+o% la%+!a+e as t'e
co!%tr# ke#.
A% e(e%t &s ass&+%e to a catalo+ &% ta"le 8//WWWR)7P. 8'e pos&t&o% of t'e catalo+ w&t'&% t'e e(e%t &s
also ef&%e.
8a"le 8DDWWWRC. &s !se to ass&+% a% e0&st&%+ ser(&ce to a co!%tr# +ro!p. ,f a ser(&ce &s ass&+%e to
o%e or more co!%tr# +ro!ps a% &t "elo%+s to a !ser w'o 'as %ot lo++e o%to o%e of t'ese co!%tr#
+ro!ps, t'e ser(&ce w&ll %ot appear &% t'e me%! of t'&s !ser.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 51
SAP AG 1999
C"stomi2i$g the >r!me%or8 6+C7) Services
'!#les for C"stomi2i$g the Services
Service cre!tio$) 'II---OSRC
Service descriptio$) 'II---OSRC
Service positio$) 'II---OC'P
/!ppi$g of !pplic!tio$ !$d co$te$ts 6split scree$7)
All t'e ser(&ces el&(ere "# SAP w&t' preBco%f&+!re :&fe a% Work 2(e%ts are l&ste &% ta"le
8DDWWWRSR1. A&t&o%al ser(&ces ca% also "e create.
8a"le 8DDWWWRC88 &s !se to create ser(&ce %ames &% ot'er la%+!a+es. A %ew recor &s a!tomat&call#
create &% ta"le 8DDWWWRSR1 "# a&%+ a %ew ser(&ce. 8'e s#stem !ses t'e lo+o% la%+!a+e as t'e
co!%tr# ke#.
8'e ser(&ces are ass&+%e to a catalo+ &% ta"le 8DDWWWRC8P. 8'e pos&t&o% of eac' ser(&ce w&t'&% t'e
catalo+ ca% also "e eterm&%e.
8o &(&e t'e scree% &%to a% appl&cat&o%s a% a% &%format&o% area, #o! 'a(e to l&%k t'e co%te%t ser(&ce
w&t' t'e appl&cat&o% ser(&ce. Ao! ca% map &t &% ta"le 8DDWWWRS)AP. All t'e ser(&ces >appl&cat&o% a%
co%te%t@ f&rst 'a(e to "e ma&%ta&%e &% ta"le 8DDWWWRSR1. 8'e 'e&+'t of t'e co%te%t area &s spec&f&e
&% \ >0B44@. 8'e efa!lt 'e&+'t &s 30.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 52
SAP AG 1999
C"stomi2i$g the >r!me%or8 6C7) Service Providers
'!#les for 0efi$i$g E&ter$!l Service Providers
Cre!te e&ter$!l provider) 'II---O?EOEP
0efi$e re("ired d!t!) 'II---OS0A'A
20ter%al ser(&ce pro(&ers are ef&%e &% ta"le 8DDWWWR:2R2P. 8'e &%terface a% t'e We" ser(er
aress of t'e e0ter%al ser(&ce pro(&er are store 'ere. SAP el&(ers t'&s ta"le w&t' a sample pro(&er
%ame SAP.
,6RSAPE 8'&s &%terface &s !se a!tomat&call# to &spla# a sample pa+e of a% e0ter%al pro(&er.
,6R.26A/:8E 8'&s &s t'e +e%er&c &%terface t'at &s el&(ere "# SAP for l&%k&%+ e0ter%al ser(&ce
,f t'e e0ter%al ser(&ce pro(&er ca% rece&(e R/3 ata, t'e ata reG!&reme%ts are ef&%e &% ta"le
8DDWWWRS.A8A. 8'ere are two t#pes of ata reG!&reme%tsE
, F,nfotypeG9 ,f t'e ata &s store &% SAP &%fot#pes, #o! o%l# 'a(e to spec&f# t'e %!m"er of t'e
&%fot#pe a% t'e f&el %ame w&t'&% t'&s &%fot#pe.
< F<unction mo(uleG9 R/3 ata &s %ot %ecessar&l# store &% &%fot#pes. ,% t'&s case a f!%ct&o% mo!le
reas t'e ata. SAP el&(ers f!%ct&o% mo!le 2SSR72WR9,R2R.A8AR01, w'&c' ca% "e !se as a
template for creat&%+ f!rt'er f!%ct&o% mo!les.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 53
SAP AG 1999
C"stomi2i$g the >r!me%or8 6C+7) Color Codes
'!#les for Setti$g the Colors
Color code defi$itio$) 'II---O?ECC
Color code descriptio$) 'II---O?ECC'
Color code !ssig$me$t) 'II---O?ECCP
8a"le 8DDWWWR:2CC &s !se to ef&%e &%&(&!al color coes for t'e ser(&ces w&t'&% a% e(e%t. 8'ese
color coes represe%t t'e pr&or&t&es a% s'ow w'&c' ser(&ces are for e0ample opt&o%al or reG!&re. 8'e
&%&(&!al color coes are escr&"e sorte &% &%creas&%+ orer of t'e !%&G!e 2SS color ,.. 8'ese coes
are &spla#e &% t'e ,%fo"o0 "elow t'e e(e%t me%!.
8'e color coe escr&pt&o%s are ae &% f!rt'er la%+!a+es &% ta"le 8DDWWWR:2CC8. A %ew recor &s
a!tomat&call# create &% ta"le 8DDWWWR:2CC "# a&%+ a %ew color coe. 8'e s#stem !ses t'e lo+o%
la%+!a+e as t'e co!%tr# ke#.
8'e color coes are ass&+%e to a certa&% ser(&ce w&t'&% a% e(e%t &% ta"le 8DDWWWR:2CCP.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 54
SAP AG 1999
C"stomi2i$g the >r!me%or8 6C++7) St!t"s 'r!ce
St!t"s 'r!ce
8'e Stat!s 8race f!%ct&o% &s opt&o%al. ,f t'e Stat!s 8race f!%ct&o% &s act&(e, a c'eck"o0 appears &% fro%t
of eac' ser(&ce &% t'e me%!. 8'&s f!%ct&o% ca% "e act&(ate >(al!e C3C@ or eact&(ate >(al!e ? ?@ w&t'
parameter :use;status &% t'e ser(&ce f&le >PQ:2R01, PQ:2R02, etc.@ of t'e :&fe a% Work 2(e%ts. 7o
not change the 1H6- ser#ice files. 8'ese f&les are &%te+rate &% all s!"or&%ate f&les a% e(e%ts.
C'a%+es to t'ese ser(&ce f&les wo!l also affect all ot'er ser(&ces.
8'e stat!s &%format&o% for a ser(&ce &s store &% ta"le 8DDWWWR:2S8A8/S. Ao! ca% c'eck t'e stat!s
&%format&o% for a certa&% e(e%t w&t' f!%ct&o% mo!le 2SSR:2RS8A8/SRC92CN.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 55
SAP AG 2002
Cre!tio$ of ! ?ife !$d -or8 Eve$t
C"stomi2e R@. System !s descri#ed i$ this "$it
Cre!te ! $e% +'S service
Copy tr!$s!ctio$ i$ R@. System
Add the ?ife !$d -or8 Eve$t to the role i$ the
-or8pl!ce system
Add the ?ife !$d -or8 Eve$t to the "s!#le si$gle roles
SAP el&(ers ser(&ce PQ:2R01 >:&fe a% Work 2(e%t C)# 6&rst .a#s WC@ from t'e template for creat&%+
f!rt'er e(e%ts. Ao! ca% cop# t'&s ser(&ce w&t' SAPWWe" St!&o or w&t' 8ra%sact&o% S2F0. After
cop#&%+, #o! s'o!l set ser(&ce parameter Z2SSR:,62R21278 to t'e %ew me%! ke# create &% ta"le
8DDWWWR)7 >e.+. 2)44@. )ake s!re t'at t'e me%! coes 'a(e t'e correct case a% !se !ppercase
w'e% poss&"le.
S&%ce t'e :&fe a% Work 2(e%ts framework &s %ot "ase o% a% e0&st&%+ R/3 tra%sact&o%, #o! %ee to
create a !mm# tra%sact&o% to l&%k t'&s ser(&ce tot 'e m#SAP Workplace. Ao! ca% o t'&s "# cop#&%+
tra%sact&o% PQ:2R01. /se tra%sact&o% S243 &% t'e SAP 9R S#stem to make s!re t'at t'e ser(&ce %ame &s
&e%t&cal to t'e tra%sact&o% %ame.
After creat&%+ t'e tra%sact&o% &% t'e compo%e%t s#stem, #o! 'a(e to loa t'e tra%sact&o% &%format&o% &%to
t'e Workplace s#stem. /se 8ra%sact&o% CSRWPRCAC92RR2:*A. &% t'e Workplace s#stem to o t'&s.
8'&s process ca% take a w'&le &f #o! are loa&%+ all t'e &%format&o% from all l&%ke compo%e%t s#stems.
Ao! ca% re!ce t'&s t&me "# select&%+ t'e follow&%+ opt&o%sE
6ogical system9 .eact&(ate A++ a% a t'e lo+&cal s#stem t'at &s !se for t'e role..
7ata transfer9 Select #artial a% loa o%l# t'e s#stem a% class&f&cat&o% ata.
,%cl!e t'e %ew tra%sact&o% &% t'e correspo%&%+ roles !s&%+ t'e role ma&%te%a%ce tra%sact&o% >P6C$@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 56
SAP AG 2002
Fo" !re $o% !#le to)
Perform the $ecess!ry C"stomi2i$g steps i$ the
R@. System to !d!pt SAP ESS to yo"r comp!$yGs
0escri#e the SAP ESS co"$try-specific setti$gs
0escri#e ho% -or8flo% c!$ #e "sed %ithi$ SAP
E&pl!i$ ho% to c"stomi2e the ?ife !$d -or8
C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS) :$it S"mm!ry
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 5D
SAP AG 1999
Ge$er!l 0esig$ Ch!$ges for SAP ESS
Progr!mmi$g /odels
'ools for Ad!pti$g the SAP ESS Services
E$h!$ci$g SAP ESS
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1
SAP AG 1999
At the co$cl"sio$ of this "$it9 yo" %ill #e !#le to
0escri#e the progr!mmi$g models th!t !re "sed
E&pl!i$ ho% to ch!$ge the !ppe!r!$ce of SAP
Specify the tools for !d!pti$g the SAP ESS
E$h!$ci$g SAP ESS) :$it 4#3ectives
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2
SAP AG 1999
En&ancin' SAP ESS
Co"rse 4vervie%
+$trod"ctio$ to SAP ESS
:ser /!$!geme$t
Pl!$$i$g !$d +mpleme$t!tio$
C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS
SAP ESS Services
mySAP -or8pl!ce) Architect"re !$d Roles
Co"rse 4vervie% 0i!gr!m
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3
SAP AG 1999
'he C!li#er ! 5icycle Comp!$y %!$ts to ch!$ge
the SAP ESS services to !d!pt them to i$ter$!l
comp!$y st!$d!rds.
E$h!$ci$g SAP ESS) 5"si$ess Sce$!rio
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 1999
-h!t c!$ #e Ch!$ged;
Ad!pti$g St!$d!rd Services
Scree$ displ!y for SAPG:+ for H'/?
'empl!tes for SAPG:+ for H'/?
>ield l!yo"t !$d flo% logic
Cis"!l desig$
The overall appearance as visualized by the end user with a browser is defned
by the design elements of the mySAP Workplace on the one hand and the
individual MiniApps and Internet Application Components on the other hand.
For your overall design to be successful you generally have to adapt the design of
both the mySAP Workplace and the A! "eb applications. "hen doing# $eep the
following in mind%
The design is controlled by the Internet Transaction erver (IT). ince there are
usually multiple ITS involved in the overall architecture (one IT for the mySAP
Workplace system and one IT for each component system)# you generally have
to change the design to suit multiple IT.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 5
SAP AG 1999
+$ter$et 'r!$s!ctio$ Server 6+'S7
-G!te -G!te AG!te AG!te @;;P @;;P .G$ .G$ ;.P/$P ;.P/$P
*$AG *$AG
R&. R&.
I ?i$8) -e# Server @ Compo$e$t System
I ?oggi$g o$to the compo$e$t system
I 0!t! Receipt9 Co$versio$ to H'/?
I St!t"s m!$!geme$t
-e# Server Port!l5"ilder -P Server
-e# Server +'S Compo$e$t
0r!gERel!te SAP 0C4/
:ser M"ery +$p"t
4"tp"t H'/? P!ge
+'S) 4vervie%
8'e We" Ser(er &s l&%ke w&t' t'e compo%e%t s#stems "# t'e /01 ,nternet Transaction /er#er >,8S@.
8'e ,8S &s %eee for t'e follow&%+ tasksE
Stat!s ma%a+eme%t
2@ate &s t'e &%terface to t'e We" ser(er. W$ate a% t'e We" ser(er m!st r!% o% t'e same 'arware.
,% a&t&o% to t'e C$, >Commo% $atewa# ,%terface@, SAP s!pports t'e e0ter%al &%terfaces ,SAP,
>)&crosoft@ a% S7AP, >7etscape@.
,f #o! !se t'e )&crosoft ,,S We" ser(er, t'e W$ate &s store as a .:: f&le &% &rector# scripts.
.ata &s e0c'a%+e w&t' t'e compo%e%t s#stem !s&%+ t'e 0@ate. ,t ca% r!% e&t'er o% t'e same
'arware as t'e W$ate >s&%+le 'ost@ or o% a separate 'ost >!al 'ost@. A %!m"er of f&les store o% t'e
A$ate co%f&+!re t'e ,8S. 8'&s &%cl!esE
/er#ice files9 Compo%e%t s#stem, lo+o% ata >cl&e%t, !ser, passwor@
Templates9 98): w&t' a&t&o%al &%str!ct&o%s, place'oler for scree% f&els
4// files9 .escr&pt&o% of t'e opt&cal es&+% of t'e +e%erate 98): pa+es
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 6
SAP AG 2002
+'S) Progr!mmi$g /odels 6+7
Compo$e$t System AG!te 6+'S7
ot 5!sed o$ SAP 0i!log
5!sed o$ SAP 0i!log
-here is the tr!$s!ctio$
order defi$ed;
0evelopme$t 'ools)
SAPN-e# St"dio !$d -e# Applic!tio$ 5"ilder
0ispl!y 0ispl!y
0i!log 'r!$s!ctio$
or >"$ctio$ /od"le
St!t"s St!t"s
>lo% ?ogic E
5"si$ess 4#3ect
,8S s!pports two pro+ramm&%+ moels. 8'e# &ffer &% t'e locat&o% w'ere t'e &%&(&!al tra%sact&o%
flows are ef&%e.
6lows for moels t'at are "ase o% SAP &alo+ are ef&%e &% t'e compo%e%t s#stem >%ormall# &% t'e
&alo+ tra%sact&o%@. 8'e ,8S takes care of t'e (&s!al represe%tat&o%. 8'ere &s at least o%e template for
eac' scree% of t'e tra%sact&o% &% t'e A$ate. 98): sta%ar &%str!ct&o%s are l&%ke w&t' 98):
&%str!ct&o%s &% t'ese f&les. 98):
+&(es #o! access to all t'e scree% f&els a% t'e&r feat!res.
also offers a w&e spectr!m of &%str!ct&o%s for &%p!t f&els, loops, co%&t&o%s, ar&t'met&c
operat&o%s, etc.
,% moels t'at are not base( on /01 (ialog, t'e ,8S co%trols t'e orer of t'e tra%sact&o%s as well as t'e
(&s!al &spla#. As &% t'e a"o(e case, t'e &spla# &s ef&%e "# 98):
templates. 8'e orer &s
escr&"e &% a separate la#er calle t'e ,8S flow lo+&c. 8'e ma&% feat!res of t'&s la#er are t'e &ffere%t
stat!ses a% t'e e(e%tBepe%e%t tra%s&t&o%s "etwee% t'ese stat!ses. 8'e spec&f&cat&o% !ses flow lo+&c
f&les t'at are "ase o% 3): s#%ta0.
8wo tools are pro(&e to 'elp e(elopers create or c'a%+e ,%ter%et appl&cat&o%s.
/01A2eb /tu(io &s a% &%epe%e%t pro+ram. 8'e f!%ct&o%al&t# of t'e SAPWWe" St!&o &%cl!es
(ar&o!s w&5ars t'at s!pport e(elopers.
W&t' Release 4.6C t'e SAP e(elopme%t e%(&ro%me%t >8ra%sact&o% *$89@ co%ta&%s t'e 2eb
0pplication 5uil(er, w'&c' ca% also "e !se to create ,%ter%et appl&cat&o%s.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 D
SAP AG 2002
+'S) Progr!mmi$g /odels 6++7
+$ter$et 'r!$s!ctio$ Server 6+'S7
Gre!ter le!r$i$g effort9 more fe!t"res
>lo% ?ogic
>lo% >iles
for H'/?
>lo% ?ogic i$ R@.
>lo% ?ogic
i$ the +'S
*ach A! "eb application normally consists of multiple +TM, pages. The layout of
a single HTML page consists of various design elements (such as pushbuttons and
felds)# where there are the following types%
As with this page# the elements on which the layout of an +TM, page are based
depend on how the HTML is generated. 0ou can proceed in the following ways%
The +TM, is generated automatically by the IT. In this case the corresponding
+TM, page is based on a screen of a transaction of the -./ ystem. The IT
converts the elements and layout of the screen into an +TM, page at runtime.
8'e past SAP 2SS ser(&ces are "ase o% a SAP &alo+ a% t'erefore e&t'er are e0ec!te w&t' t'e SAP
$/, for 98): or work w&t' 98): templates >,ACs@. 8'e :&fe a% Work 2(e%ts as well as t'e
)&%&Apps, 'owe(er, are %ot "ase o% a SAP &alo+ >,8S flow lo+&c@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 F
SAP AG 2002
SAPG:+ for H'/?) H'/? Ge$er!tio$
System @el"
1 1
1 1
System @el"
1 1
1 1
R@. R@. System System
Pesonnel no.8 *000
Pesonnel n(m0e8 1000
-m"loyee )o("8 1
-m"loyee s(0)o("8 *S
H''P H''P
H''P H''P
0+AG 0+AG
0+AG 0+AG
4$e Scree$ Q
4$e H'/? P!ge
A"tom!tic Co$versio$ of 0+AG
to H'/?
A5AP -or8#e$ch A5AP -or8#e$ch
/01@:, for HT+6 perm&ts #o! to e0ec!te %earl# e(er# R/3 tra%sact&o% &% t'e We" "rowser. All t'e
scree% eleme%ts >a% co%trols@ are a!tomat&call# co%(erte &%to 98): pa+es.
The +TM, is generated automatically by the IT. In this case the corresponding
+TM, page is based on a screen of a transaction of the -./ ystem. The IT
converts the elements and layout of the screen into an +TM, page at runtime.
The +TM, layout you create nearly corresponds to the original screen layout. The
screen-based +TM,
functions generate the +TM, for the relevant screen
elements# ta$ing the corresponding screen element attributes into consideration.
The contents of the +TM, page solely depend on the defnition of the R/3 screen it
is based on. To change the screen display# you should use the AA! "or#benc$
in the -./ ystem.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 2002
+AC) H'/? Ge$er!tio$
6!7 SAPN-e# St"dio 6!7 SAPN-e# St"dio
6#7 -e# Applic!tio$ 5"ilder 6#7 -e# Applic!tio$ 5"ilder
System @el"
1 1
1 1
System @el"
1 1
1 1
R@. R@. System System
H''P H''P
H''P H''P
0+AG 0+AG
0+AG 0+AG
4$e Scree$ Q
4$e 'empl!te Q
4$e H'/? P!ge
Co$versio$ of 0+AG i$to H'/?
%ith 'empl!tes
Pesonnel no.8 *000
Pesonnel n(m0e8 1000
-m"loyee )o("8 1
-m"loyee s(0)o("8 *S
The +TM, is generated using templates. A template that is created manually can
contain both screen1based and non1screen1based design elements%
/01A2eb /tu(io &s a% &%epe%e%t pro+ram. 8'e f!%ct&o%al&t# of t'e SAPWWe" St!&o &%cl!es
(ar&o!s w&5ars t'at s!pport e(elopers.
W&t' Release 4.6C t'e SAP e(elopme%t e%(&ro%me%t >8ra%sact&o% *$89@ co%ta&%s t'e 2eb
0pplication 5uil(er, w'&c' ca% also "e !se to create ,%ter%et appl&cat&o%s.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 10
SAP AG 2002
+'S >lo% ?ogic
R@. R@. System System
H''P H''P
H''P H''P
4$e 'empl!te Q
4$e H'/? P!ge
5AP+s !$d other
6!$y7 R>C-e$!#led
f"$ctio$ mod"les
0i!log ?ogic !$d
'empl!tes o$ the +'S
6!7 SAPN-e# St"dio 6!7 SAPN-e# St"dio
6#7 -e# Applic!tio$ 5"ilder 6#7 -e# Applic!tio$ 5"ilder
,% moels t'at are not base( on /01 (ialog, t'e ,8S co%trols t'e orer of t'e tra%sact&o%s as well as t'e
(&s!al &spla#. 8'e &spla# &s ef&%e "# 98):
templates. 8'e orer &s escr&"e &% a separate la#er
calle t'e ,8S flow lo+&c. 8'e ma&% feat!res of t'&s la#er are t'e &ffere%t stat!ses a% t'e e(e%tB
epe%e%t tra%s&t&o%s "etwee% t'ese stat!ses. 8'e spec&f&cat&o% !ses flow lo+&c f&les t'at are "ase o%
3): s#%ta0.
Ao! ca% c'a%+e t'e templates w&t' t'e /01A2eb /tu(io or 2eb 0pplication 5uil(er.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 11
SAP AG 1999
C!sc!di$g Style Sheets
Style Sheet 0esig$er Style Sheet 0esig$er
C!sc!di$g Style Sheets
'o ch!$ge)
+m!ges 6?ogo9 Pict"res9 Gr!phics7
8'e act!al es&+% >colors, fo%ts, &ma+es, etc.@ of t'e &%&(&!al es&+% eleme%ts &s ef&%e w&t'&% t'e
+e%erate 98): pa+e !s&%+ 4asca(ing /tyle /heets F4//G.
2&t t'e Casca&%+ St#le S'eets >CSS@ to c'a%+e t'e fontB color or image. A(a%ta+eE 8'e co&%+
%ormall# oes %ot 'a(e to "e c'a%+e. 6o%ts a% colors are ef&%e w&t' CSS classes a% &ma+es >lo+os,
p&ct!res a% +rap'&cs@ are refere%ce w&t' pat's.
8'e eas#BtoB!se Style Sheet Designer 'elps #o! to c'a%+e t'e St#le S'eets, e%a"l&%+ #o! to c'a%+e t'e
es&+% &% all appl&cat&o%s of t'e y*A# 2or,place a% all SAP We" appl&cat&o%s. 8'e *tyle *heet
=esigner offers #o! a set of attr&"!tes >s!c' as fo%t, color@ "ase o% t'e St#le S'eet t'at ca% "e c'a%+e
for eac' es&+% eleme%t. 8'e c'a%+es are &spla#e >Pre(&ew@ a% t'e rele(a%t St#le S'eet &s aapte
C'a%+&%+ t'e Casca&%+ St#le S'eets w&t' t'e *tyle *heet =esigner offers #o! t'ree a(a%ta+esE
8'e c'a%+es are mae &% all appl&cat&o%s, &.e. #o! a!tomat&call# e%s!re t'at t'e o(erall es&+% of t'e
y*A# 2or,place a% of all )&%&Apps a% ,%ter%et Appl&cat&o% Compo%e%ts &s co%s&ste%t
Ao! make #o!r c'a%+es &% a cop# of t'e el&(ere sta%ar f&les a% %ot &% t'e or&+&%als. 8'e f&les for
#o!r es&+% ca% res&e o% a%# ser(er. 8'e sta%ar es&+% &s %ot c'a%+e a% #o!r selfBef&%e es&+%
&s protecte a+a&%st o(erwr&t&%+ &% a% ,8S !p+rae.
Ao! ca% store m!lt&ple selfBef&%e es&+%s, w'ere"# o%l# o%e es&+% at a t&me &s !se.
8'e es&+% c'a%+es are mae w&t' t'e St#le S'eet .es&+%er a% t'e %ecessar# &rector# str!ct!res are
create ma%!all#.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 12
SAP AG 1999
Ad!pti$g the 4ptic!l Appe!r!$ce
Copy the e$tire service to the c"stomer $!mesp!ce 6FH or
DH7. Ch!$ge templ!tes.
+f the templ!tes %or8 %ith CSS9 yo" c!$ m!8e optic!l
ch!$ges #y ch!$gi$g the CSS file.
'hese ch!$ges !ffect !ll the services th!t "se the CSS file.
'he CSS file is ! /+/E o#3ect !$d is p!rt of either the copied
service or !$other service 6!lso copy if $ecess!ry7.
+f the templ!tes %or8 %ith the SAP templ!te li#r!ry9 yo"
might h!ve to ch!$ge it too.
'hese ch!$ges !ffect !ll the services th!t "se the SAP
'empl!te ?i#r!ry.
Fo" c!$ !ccess the SAP 'empl!te ?i#r!ry %ith the templ!te
templ!te?i#r!ry0H'/?.html i$ theme pm of the service system.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 13
SAP AG 2002
Ad!pti$g the >lo% 4rder
+$ter$et Applic!tio$ Compo$e$t
Scree$s !$d progr!ms m"st #e ch!$ged i$ the R@. System
+$ some c!ses9 templ!tes !lso h!ve to #e ch!$ged
+'S >lo% ?ogic
Ch!$gi$g specific flo% files
+$ some c!ses9 templ!tes !lso h!ve to #e ch!$ged
+f the ch!$ges !re very l!rge9 yo" might h!ve to ch!$ge
e&isti$g f"$ctio$ mod"les or cre!te $e% f"$ctio$ mod"les
i$ the R@. System
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 14
SAP AG 1999
Fo" !re $o% !#le to
0escri#e the progr!mmi$g models th!t !re "sed
E&pl!i$ ho% to ch!$ge the !ppe!r!$ce of SAP
Specify the tools for !d!pti$g the SAP ESS
E$h!$ci$g SAP ESS) :$it S"mm!ry
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 15
SAP AG 1999
SAP ESS +mpleme$t!tio$ G"ideli$es
Si2i$g the SAP ESS E$viro$me$t
H!rd%!re !$d Soft%!re Re("ireme$ts
Pro3ect Pl!$$i$g
Pl!$$i$g !$d +mpleme$t!tio$
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1
SAP AG 1999
0escri#e the v!rio"s steps to co$sider %he$
impleme$ti$g SAP ESS
0etermi$e the si2e of the SAP ESS e$viro$me$t
0etermi$e the h!rd%!re !$d soft%!re
,$o% %hich s8ills !re $ecess!ry for SAP ESS
Set "p ! #!sic SAP ESS pro3ect pl!$
At the co$cl"sio$ of this "$it9 yo" %ill #e !#le to
Pl!$$i$g !$d +mpleme$t!tio$) :$it 4#3ectives
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2
SAP AG 1999
Co"rse 4vervie%
+$trod"ctio$ to SAP ESS
SAP ESS Services
:ser /!$!geme$t
E$h!$ci$g SAP ESS
Plannin' and Implementation
C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS
mySAP -or8pl!ce) Architect"re !$d Roles
Co"rse 4vervie% 0i!gr!m
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3
SAP AG 1999
C!li#er A 5icycle $eeds !$ effective rollo"t
str!tegy for impleme$ti$g SAP ESS.
+t is yo"r respo$si#ility to e&pl!i$ !ll of the f!ctors
th!t sho"ld #e co$sidered %he$ cre!ti$g the
pro3ect pl!$.
Pl!$$i$g !$d +mpleme$t!tio$) E$terprise Sce$!rio
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 2002
4vervie%) SAP ESS +mpleme$t!tio$ 6*7
Si2e the ESS e$viro$me$t !$d order h!rd%!re
+$st!ll the -e# server9 +'S9 !$d SAPN-e#St"dio
+$st!ll the mySAP -or8pl!ce Server
0etermi$e %hich SAP ESS services yo" $eed
+mpleme$t Ce$tr!l :ser Admi$istr!tio$
Apply the $ecess!ry S"pport P!c8!ges
P"#lish the re("ired services from R@. System to the +'S
+$form the ESS "sers
Cre!te test "sers
-efore #o! "e+&% pla%%&%+ #o!r SAP 2SS &mpleme%tat&o%, t'ere &s a G!&ck +!&e of 15 steps #o! s'o!l
take &%to co%s&erat&o%. 8'e eta&ls o% eac' of t'ese steps are co(ere t'ro!+'o!t t'&s co!rse a% &% t'e
*A# $** 0pleentation G"ide.
2%a"l&%+ emplo#ees to c'a%+e t'e&r '!ma% reso!rces &%format&o%, a% t'!s take ow%ers'&p of t'e&r ow%
ata, mea%s a s'&ft &% corporate c!lt!re. ,t &s &mporta%t to e%s!re t'at #o! take certa&% steps to &%form,
tra&% a% accl&mat&5e #o!r emplo#ees to t'e c'a%+es t'at l&e "efore t'em.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 5
SAP AG 1999
+$tegr!te SAP ESS i$to yo"r comp!$y +$tr!$et
/!8e ch!$ges to H'/? templ!tes if $ecess!ry
Cre!te ESS "sers for the pilot "sers
'r!i$ the pilot "sers
Stress test the !pplic!tio$s
Cre!te the rem!i$i$g ESS "sers
St!rt prod"ctio$
'est the !pplic!tio$s
Perform !dditio$!l c"stomi2i$g if $ecess!ry
4vervie%) SAP ESS +mpleme$t!tio$ 627
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 6
SAP AG 1999
Ge$er!l Co$sider!tio$s
+s it ! si$gle or d"!l host e$viro$me$t;
Ho% m!$y services %ill #e e$!#led;
-h!t is the m!&im"m $"m#er of !ctive "sers;
Additio$!l Co$sider!tio$s
et%or8 co$fig"r!tio$ of the server compo$e$ts
-e# server co$fig"r!tio$
Si2i$g the SAP ESS E$viro$me$t
8'e SAP 2SS e%(&ro%me%t compr&ses o%e or more A$ate a% W$ate ser(ers.
A s&5&%+ ta"le to eterm&%e t'e 'arware reG!&reme%ts epe%&%+ o% t'e %!m"er of act&(e !sers or '&ts
per seco% &s &%cl!e &% *i5ing the $** $nvironent &% t'e *A# $** 0pleentation G"ide. 8'&s s&5&%+
&%format&o% o%l# appl&es to t'e We" e%(&ro%me%t, a% %ot to t'e s&5&%+ of #o!r R/3 e%(&ro%me%t.
*t'er co%s&erat&o%s s'o!l &%cl!e a% e0am&%at&o% of #o!r %etwork set!p, as t'e %etwork loa "etwee%
t'e ,8S a% t'e R/3 appl&cat&o% ser(er &s "as&call# t'e same as t'e %etwork loa "etwee% t'e SAP$/,
a% t'e R/3 appl&cat&o% ser(ers.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 D
SAP AG 1999
Services %ith Eve$ ?o!d
Services %ith Pe!8 ?o!d
'ime Sheet
E&pe$se Reports
e.g. >rid!ys
!fter *)00 p.m.
-hoGs -ho
e.g. 'he s!me !ll d!y
Si2i$g) SAP ESS Av!il!#le Services
/sers w&ll e0ec!te tra%sact&o%s at &ffere%t t&mes, so #o! o%Ct %ee to s&5e #o!r s#stem for #o!r total
%!m"er of 2mplo#ee SelfBSer(&ce !sers. ,%stea, #o! s'o!l a&m for t'e ma0&m!m %!m"er of !sers #o!
e0pect to "e o% #o!r s#stem at a%# o%e po&%t &% t&me or !r&%+ peak loa p'ases.
Co%t&%!o!s loa ser(&ces 'a(e co%s&ste%t reG!ests !r&%+ a +&(e% a#. Appl&cat&o%s t'at +e%erate a
co%t&%!o!s loa o% t'e s#stem &%cl!e t'e Aress a% W'oCs W'o ser(&ces.
Peak loa ser(&ces are !se &%te%s&(el# at certa&% t&mes a% o%l# spora&call# at ot'er t&mes. 6or
e0ample, a peak loa p'ase for 8&me S'eet wo!l "e 6r&a#s "etwee% 1pm a% 5pm.
Alt'o!+' t'ere are %o 'ar a% fast r!les to eterm&%e 'ow ma%# act&(e !sers #o! ma# 'a(e, SAP
recomme%s t'e follow&%+ strate+#. Neep &% m&%, 'owe(er, t'at t'&s &s =!st o%e of ma%# poss&"le
strate+&es a% oes%Ct aress t'e loa o% t'e R/3 e%(&ro%me%t +e%erate "# a%# a&t&o%al SAP$/,
!sers, "atc' =o"s, reports, a% so o%. Ao! s'o!l t'erefore e0am&%e t'&s strate+# a% eterm&%e w'et'er
or %ot &t meets #o!r %ees. ,% +e%eral, e0&st&%+ s#stems w&ll e0per&e%ce a +reater loa w'e% SAP 2SS &s
!se a% t'erefore m!st "e s&5e to cope t'&s s&t!at&o%.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 F
SAP AG 1999
E&!mple "si$g the Cross Applic!tio$ 'ime Sheet 6CA'S7
*5 mi$
*000 per %ee8
4 hrs 6240 mi$7
=. Q *000@240 H*5
Active "sers Q "m#er of tr!$s!ctio$s@
'ime fr!me 6mi$7 H Aver!ge tr!$s!ctio$ time 6mi$7
SAP ESS services th!t ge$er!te ! lo!d
Pe!8 lo!d
"m#er of tr!$s!ctio$s
'ime fr!mes
Estim!ted !ver!ge tr!$s!ctio$ time
"m#er of !ctive "sers
Si2i$g) 0etermi$i$g the "m#er of Active :sers
:&st all t'e 2SS ser(&ces from w'&c' #o! e0pect co%t&%!o!s or peak loa.
.eterm&%e t'e a(era+e %!m"er of tra%sact&o%s per week >for co%t&%!o!s loa@ or cr!%c' per&o >for
peak loas@ for eac' &%&(&!al ser(&ce.
.eterm&%e t'e t&me frame for s&m!lta%eo!sl# perform&%+ t'e tra%sact&o%s #o! =!st eterm&%e.
Appl# t'e (al!es to t'e follow&%+ form!laE Act&(e !sersO7!m"er of tra%sact&o%s/8&me frame >m&%@ X
A(era+e tra%sact&o% t&me >m&%@
A t'e %!m"er of act&(e !sers for eac' ser(&ce to +et t'e total %!m"er of act&(e !sers t'at are reG!&re
for SAP 2SS.
,% +e%eral, SAP recomme%s !s&%+ '&+'Bspee >100Bme+a"&t@ l&%ks "etwee% t'e ser(er compo%e%ts. Ao!
m&+'t also wa%t to co%s&er !s&%+ a separate s!"%et "etwee% t'e We" ser(er>s@ a% ,8S ser(er>s@ to
ma0&m&5e t'ro!+'p!t.
,f #o! !se 7etscape 2%terpr&se Ser(er, co%f&+!re t'e 7SAP, e0te%s&o% rat'er t'a% t'e C$, (ers&o%. Ao!
s'o!l also set )a0&m!m S&m!lta%eo!s ReG!ests w&t'&% t'e 7etscape Ser(er Am&%&strat&o% tool to at
least t'e ma0&m!m %!m"er of act&(e !sers. 6or more &%format&o% o% We" ser(er sett&%+s, co%tact #o!r
We" ser(er ma%!fact!rer.
,f #o! !se )&crosoft ,,S 4.0 a% are r!%%&%+ two &%sta%ces of t'e ,8S >o%e for am&%&strat&o%, o%e for t'e
appl&cat&o%s@, make s!re t'at t'e ,,S &%sta%ce for t'e appl&cat&o%s &s r!%%&%+ &%Bprocess w'ereas t'e
am&%&strat&o% &%sta%ce &s r!%%&%+ o!tBofBprocess.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 10
SAP AG 1999
5!c8"p system
+S4 1==0-co$form
C0 R4/
2 & mi$. * G5
per h!rd dis8
*2J /5
-e# #ro%ser)
/icrosoft +$ter$et E&plorer 5.0
6etsc!pe !vig!tor =.07
-e# server)
etsc!pe E$terprise Server
/icrosoft +$ter$et
+$form!tio$ Server 6++S7
4per!ti$g system)
-i$do%s 2000 or ' 4.09
'>S file system9
'CP@+P $et%or89
Cirt"!l memory
4ther soft%!re)
Soft%!re S8ills
!$d !dmi$istr!tio$
of +'S !$d
-e# servers
5!sic 8$o%ledge of
+'S Re("ireme$ts
8'e ,8S 'arware reG!&reme%ts for t'e ,8S epe% o% t'e t#pe of e%(&ro%me%t #o! are &mpleme%t&%+.
8'e reG!&reme%ts for t'e processor a% "ack!p mec'a%&sm are t'e same for "ot' a e(elopme%t or test
s#stem w&t' a s&%+le 'ost &%stallat&o% a% a pro!ct&o% e%(&ro%me%t w&t' a !al 'ost &%stallat&o%.
9owe(er, t'e 'ar &sk a% memor# s&5es o%l# %ee to "e 'alf as lar+e for t'e test a% e(elopme%t
A&t&o%al 'arware w&ll "e reG!&re to accommoate t'e s#stem loa &f #o! are !s&%+ 988PS.
A&t&o%al software co!l &%cl!e a SAP$/ >for s!pport p!rposes@ a% )&crosoft 20cel >for offl&%e
e0pe%se report&%+ p!rposes@.
8o &%stall t'e reG!&re ser(&ces, #o! %ee to "e fam&l&ar w&t' t'e &%stallat&o%, co%f&+!rat&o% a%
am&%&strat&o% of ,8S a% We" ser(ers as well as w&t' t'e SAPWWe" St!&o. A&t&o%al tra&%&%+ for t'e
,8S &s a(a&la"le &% t'e -C440 =eveloping 0nternet Application &oponents a% t'e -C350 0T*
Adinistration co!rses.
SAP 2SS ca% create co%s&era"le loa o% #o!r R/3 s#stem. Ao! s'o!l t'erefore c'eck t'e s&5&%+ of #o!r
R/3 e%(&ro%me%t a% keep &% m&% t'at t'e %!m"er of 2SS !sers #o! eterm&%e w&ll "e &% a&t&o% to t'e
%!m"er of e0&st&%+ sta%ar R/3 !sers. 6or &%format&o% a"o!t s&5&%+ t'e R/3 e%(&ro%me%t, see t'e
Q!&cks&5er >*SS %ote 00F5524@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 11
SAP AG 1999
5!c8"p system
+S4 1==0-co$form
C0 R4/
* G5
per h!rd dis8
=4 /5 RA/
4per!ti$g system)
-i$do%s 2000
-i$do%s '
-e# #ro%ser)
/icrosoft +$ter$et E&plorer 5.0
6for test p"rposes7
Cirt"!l memory
set !ccordi$g to
/icrosoft g"ideli$es
'>S file system
'CP@+P $et%or8
+$st!ll !$d
"se the
o#3ects th!t !re
e&ter$!l to the
R@. System
P"#lish files o$
the +'S !$d "se
so"rce co$trol
i$ the
R@. System
H'/? s8ills
H!rd%!re Soft%!re S8ills
SAPN-e# St"dio Re("ireme$ts
Ao! ca% o"ta&% SAPWWe" St!&o sk&lls &% t'e /&::9 =eveloping 0nternet Application &oponents a%
t'e -C350 0T* Adinistration co!rses or &% t'e SAPWWe" St!&o oc!me%tat&o%.
98): sk&lls &%cl!e 'ow to es&+% templates &% sta%ar 98): a% 98):
a% a "as&c
!%ersta%&%+ of t'e 98):
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 12
SAP AG 2002
R@. System Re("ireme$ts
R@. System c"stomi2ed
R@. System !pplic!tio$s
0epe$di$g o$ the
type of SAP ESS
H!rd%!re Soft%!re S8ills
6or &%format&o% o% R/3 S#stem 'arware reG!&reme%ts see t'e Q!&cks&5er >*SS %ote 00F5524@.
SAP 2SS &s a% a&t&o%al, s&mpl&f&e !ser &%terface for e0&st&%+ R/3 appl&cat&o%s. ,% most cases, o%ce #o!
'a(e co%f&+!re t'e rele(a%t R/3 appl&cat&o%s, %o e0tra SAP 2SSBspec&f&c c!stom&5&%+ &s reG!&re. A
complete l&st of SAP 2SS ser(&ces a% t'e correspo%&%+ R/3 appl&cat&o%s &s a(a&la"le &% t'e !%&t Getting
*tarted &% t'e *A# $** 0nstallation G"ide.
8'e R/3 sk&lls #o! %ee &% orer to set !p SAP 2SS epe% o% #o!r &%stallat&o%E
,f #o! are sett&%+ !p a% appl&cat&o% for SAP 2SS !se for t'e f&rst t&me, #o! %ee a spec&al&st for t'at
part&c!lar appl&cat&o% w'o ca% c!stom&5e &t &% R/3 a% t'e% e%s!re t'at t'e sett&%+s for SAP 2SS are
,f #o! wa%t to make a% e0&st&%+ R/3 appl&cat&o% a(a&la"le for SAP 2SS, #o! %ee a% 9R c!stom&5&%+
+e%eral&st w'o !%ersta%s t'e appl&cat&o% as well as t'e &mpl&cat&o%s of SAP 2SS for #o!r e0&st&%+
R/3 co%f&+!rat&o%.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 13
SAP AG 1999
-e# #ro%ser)
/icrosoft +E 5.0
4per!ti$g system)
-i$do%s 159 1J9
' or 2000
-or8pl!ce Server)
SAP 5!sis System 4.=0
%ith -or8pl!ce 2.*
-or8pl!ce /iddle%!re)
-i$do%s ' 4.0
-i$do%s 2000
o restrictio$s
>ro$te$d -or8pl!ce
Systems 6R@.7
Re("ireme$ts) mySAP -or8pl!ce
8'e e% !ser o%l# %ees access to t'e We" "rowser a% t'e a"&l&t# to !se t'e "rowser.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 14
SAP AG 1999
Pro3ect Ph!ses
Ph!se *) Pro3ect prep!r!tio$
Ph!se 2) 5"si$ess #l"epri$t
Ph!se .) Re!li2!tio$
Ph!se 4) >i$!l prep!r!tio$
Ph!se 5) Go live !$d s"pport
Ph!se =) Co$ti$"o"s optimi2!tio$
Pro3ect Pl!$
8'e pro=ect pla% was e(elope !s&%+ t'e AccelerateSAP >ASAP@ met'o. ,t o!tl&%es steps to "e take%
w'e% #o! &mpleme%t SAP 2SS &% #o!r compa%#.
.!r&%+ t'e pro>ect preparation phase #o! create t'e pro=ect pla% a% ef&%e t'e pro=ect proce!re. ,t
e%s w&t' t'e pro=ect k&ckBoff.
8'e business blueprint p'ase &%(ol(es tra&%&%+ t'e pro=ect team, e(elop&%+ a% ,%tra%et co%cept,
eterm&%&%+ t'e We" es&+% a% ef&%&%+ 'arware a% software reG!&reme%ts for t'e e(elopme%t,
test a% pro!ct&o% e%(&ro%me%ts.
8'e reali)ation phase &%(ol(es pro=ect e0ec!t&o%E &mpleme%t&%+ t'e e(elopme%t a% test s#stems,
a!t'or&5&%+ !sers, c!stom&5&%+ t'e R/3 S#stem, test&%+ t'e SAP 2SS ser(&ces, &mpleme%t&%+ t'e
pro!ct&o% s#stem, tra%sport&%+ o"=ects "etwee% t'e &ffere%t e%(&ro%me%ts, &%te+rat&o% &% t'e e0&st&%+
,%tra%et, test&%+ t'e pro!ct&o% s#stem a% releas&%+ t'e %ew s#stem.
8'e final preparation phase &%(ol(es &%form&%+ #o!r emplo#ees a"o!t !pcom&%+ c'a%+es a% t'e
tra&%&%+ t'e s!pport team.
,% t'e go li#e an( support phase, t'e s#stem &s !se for pro!ct&o% for t'e f&rst t&me a% s!pport
,% t'e continuous optimi)ation phase, t'e s#stem &s s!"=ect to co%t&%!o!s e(al!at&o% a%
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 15
SAP AG 1999
St!rt ! pilot pro3ect !$d impleme$t it i$
+$form the employees
Set "p ! gro"p of Spo%er "sersS
Assig$ p!ss%ords
Set "p ! feed#!c8 ch!$$el
'r!i$ the p!rticip!$ts
Cre!te !dditio$!l doc"me$t!tio$
0efi$e re!listic de!dli$es
Pro3ect otes) SGolde$ R"lesS
-# r!%%&%+ a p&lot pro=ect "efore act!all# &mpleme%t&%+ SAP 2SS #o! ca% &e%t&f# poss&"le pro"lems
"efore t'e# 'appe% o% a lar+e scale. )ake s!re t'at #o!r sample &s %ot too small, as t'&s s'o!l "e a
real&st&c test. )ake s!re t'at #o!r p&lot !sers are &str&"!te t'ro!+'o!t t'e e%t&re compa%#. 8'&s perm&ts
#o! to make t'em ke# !sers for t'e (ar&o!s epartme%ts later o%.
A% effect&(e &%format&o% pol&c# mea%s t'at emplo#ees are &%forme a"o!t SAP 2SS lo%+ "efore rollo!t.
Ao!r s!per!sers s'o!l "e a(a&la"le as soo% as #o! &mpleme%t SAP 2SS. 8'e s!per!sers ser(e as e0perts
for a +ro!p of or&%ar# !sers, mak&%+ t'e&r e0pert&se a(a&la"le to ot'ers a% tak&%+ a loa off #o!r
pro=ect team/9R epartme%t.
W'e% #o! &%&t&all# ass&+% passwors, make s!re t'at #o!r emplo#ees k%ow t'at t'e# m!st keep t'e&r
lo+o% a% passwor &% a safe place. 8'e% #o! w&ll %ot 'a(e to reass&+% for+otte% passwors.
,t &s espec&all# &mporta%t t'at #o!r emplo#ees ca% pro(&e #o! w&t' fee"ack. 8r# to "!%le t'e fee"ack
!s&%+ t'e s!per!sers.
W'&le SAP 2SS &s s&mple a% &%t!&t&(e to !se, some of #o!r emplo#ees ma# feel t'e# st&ll %ee tra&%&%+.
8r# to &%(ol(e #o!r s!per!sers &% pro(&&%+ tra&%&%+ for t'e&r tar+et +ro!ps.
)ake s!re t'at SAP 2SS &s %ot &mpleme%te !r&%+ peak per&os, s!c' as -e%ef&ts *pe% 2%rollme%t.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 16
SAP AG 2002
Fo" !re $o% !#le to
0escri#e the v!rio"s steps to co$sider %he$
impleme$ti$g SAP ESS
0etermi$e the si2e of the SAP ESS e$viro$me$t
0etermi$e the h!rd%!re !$d soft%!re
,$o% %hich s8ills !re $ecess!ry for SAP ESS
Set "p ! #!sic SAP ESS pro3ect pl!$
Pl!$$i$g !$d +mpleme$t!tio$) :$it S"mm!ry
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1D
$.1$1lanning an( ,mplementation -xercises
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1F
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 14
:nit9 1lanning an( ,mplementation
Topic9 1lanning an( ,mplementation
At t'e co%cl!s&o% of t'&s e0erc&se, #o! w&ll "e a"le toE
:&st t'e (ar&o!s steps to co%s&er w'e% &mpleme%t&%+ SAP
.ef&%e t'e steps %ecessar# to eterm&%e t'e %!m"er of act&(e
SAP 2SS !sers
.eterm&%e t'e %!m"er of act&(e !sers %ecessar# for a% SAP
2SS ser(&ce
8'e Cal&"er A -&c#cle Compa%# 'as aske #o! to eterm&%e t'e
%!m"er of act&(e !sers t'e# w&ll %ee to &mpleme%t SAP 2SS at
t'e&r compa%#. Ao! s'o!l pro(&e +!&el&%es for eterm&%&%+
t'&s %!m"er.
8'e# 'a(e also aske #o! to pro(&e some +e%eral
&mpleme%tat&o% +!&el&%es.
1B1 :&st t'e &tems to co%s&er w'e% &mpleme%t&%+ SAP 2SS.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 20
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 21
1B2 .eterm&%e t'e %!m"er of SAP 2SS !sers %ecessar# for a co%t&%!o!s loa o% t'e W'oSs
W'o ser(&ce &f 10,000 tra%sact&o%s are e0ec!te a&l# w&t' a% a(era+e tra%sact&o% t&me
of 2 m&%!tes.
1B3 2(al!ate t'e follow&%+ stateme%ts w&t' 8r!e or 6alse
1B3B1 8o eterm&%e t'e %!m"er of act&(e !sers for SAP 2SS, #o! m!st a t'e !ser
%!m"ers for t'e &%&(&!al ser(&ces.
1-3-2 The 4ross 0pplication Time /heet F40T/G is primarily a pea* loa(
1B3B3 8'e s&5&%+ of t'e R/3 S#stem &s %ot rele(a%t w'e% s&5&%+ t'e SAP 2SS
1B3B4 W'e% #o! &mpleme%t SAP 2SS, #o! 'a(e to take certa&% 'arware, software
a% sk&lls reG!&reme%ts &%to co%s&erat&o%.
1B3B5 8'e pro=ect pla% oes %ot 'a(e to co%s&er t'e real&5at&o% p'ase.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 22
$.1%1lanning an( ,mplementation/olutions
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 23
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 24
:nit9 1lanning an( ,mplementation
Topic9 1lanning an( ,mplementation
1B1 :&st t'e &tems to co%s&er w'e% &mpleme%t&%+ SAP 2SS.
1. S&5e t'e 2SS e%(&ro%me%t a% orer 'arware
2. ,%stall t'e m#SAP Workplace Ser(er
3. ,mpleme%t Ce%tral /ser Am&%&strat&o%
4. ,%stall t'e We" ser(er, ,8S a% SAPWWe"St!&o
5. .eterm&%e w'&c' SAP 2SS ser(&ces #o! %ee
6. Appl# t'e %ecessar# S!pport Packa+es
D. P!"l&s' t'e reG!&re ser(&ces from R/3 to t'e ,8S
F. ,%form t'e 2SS !sers
4. Create test !sers
10. 8est t'e appl&cat&o%s
11. Perform a&t&o%al c!stom&5&%+ &f %ecessar#
12. ,%te+rate SAP 2SS &%to #o!r compa%# ,%tra%et
13. )ake c'a%+es to 98): templates &f %ecessar#
14. Create 2SS !sers for t'e p&lot !sers
15. 8ra&% t'e p&lot !sers
16. Stress test t'e appl&cat&o%s
1D. Create t'e rema&%&%+ 2SS !sers
1F. Start pro!ct&o%
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 25
1B2 .eterm&%e t'e %!m"er of SAP 2SS !sers %ecessar# for a co%t&%!o!s loa o% t'e W'oSs
W'o ser(&ce &f 10,000 tra%sact&o%s are e0ec!te a&l# w&t' a% a(era+e tra%sact&o% t&me
of 2 m&%!tes. +' active users
:oa t#peE Co%t&%!o!s loa
7!m"er of tra%sact&o%sE 10.000
8&me frameE 4F0 m&%!tes >for co%t&%!o!s loa t'e t&me frame correspo%s
to a worka# of F 'o!rs, w'&c' &s eG!&(ale%t to 4F0 m&%!tes@
A(era+e tra%sact&o% t&meE 2 m&%!tes
Formula: Active users = Number of transactions/Time frame (min)
* Averae transaction time (min)
0cti#e users I 10000'4$0 J 2 I 41.!" K roun(e( up to 42
1B3 2(al!ate t'e follow&%+ stateme%ts w&t' 8r!e or 6alse
1-3-1 To (etermine the number of acti#e users for /01 -//B you must a(( the
user numbers for the in(i#i(ual ser#ices. 1rue
1-3-2 The 4ross 0pplication Time /heet F40T/G is primarily a pea* loa(
application. 1rue
1-3-3 The si)ing of the &'3 /ystem is not rele#ant when si)ing the /01 -//
en#ironment. <alse7 you /ust consider the si6e o" the R=> Syste/.
1-3-4 The re?uirements to consi(er inclu(e har(wareB software an( s*ills. 1rue
1B3B5 8'e pro=ect pla% oes %ot 'a(e to co%s&er t'e real&5at&o% p'ase. <alse7 the six
%hases o" the %ro-ect %lan are %ro-ect %re%aration7 the business blue%rint7
reali6ation7 "inal %re%aration7 go live ? su%%ort and continuous o%ti/i6ation.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 26
SAP AG 1999
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1
SAP AG 2002
Fo" !re $o% !#le to)
Co"rse 4#3ectives
E&pl!i$ the SAP ESS philosophy
E&pl!i$ !$d "se the SAP ESS services
0escri#e !$d perform the steps $ecess!ry to
c"stomi2e SAP ESS
0escri#e the mySAP -or8pl!ce !$d the
Employee Self-Service role
/!i$t!i$ SAP ESS "sers
E&pl!i$ the $ecess!ry steps for ! s"ccessf"l SAP
ESS impleme$t!tio$
0escri#e the tech$ic!l i$fr!str"ct"re of the
mySAP -or8pl!ce !$d SAP ESS
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2
SAP AG 1999
Co"rse 4vervie%
+$trod"ctio$ to SAP ESS
SAP ESS Services
:ser /!$!geme$t
Pl!$$i$g !$d +mpleme$t!tio$
E$h!$ci$g SAP ESS
C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS
mySAP -or8pl!ce) Architect"re !$d Roles
Co"rse 4vervie% 0i!gr!m
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3
SAP AG 2002
-h!t is SAP Employee Self-Service;
SAP Employee Self-Service 6SAP ESS7 i$cl"des ! $"m#er of e!sy-
to-"se -e# !pplic!tio$s %ith %hich every employee i$ !$
e$terprise c!$ cre!te9 displ!y9 !$d m!i$t!i$ d!t! i$ the R@. System
"si$g ! #ro%ser.
SAP ESS offers tr!$s!ctio$s for)
-or8i$g 'ime
5"si$ess 'rips
Perso$!l +$form!tio$
?ife !$d -or8 Eve$ts
SAP 2SS &s a% eff&c&e%t mea%s of access&%+ ata &% realt&me a% ma&%ta&%&%+ t'&s ata. ,t perm&ts t'e offB
loa of ata e%tr# act&(&t&es a% relate tasks t'at are t#p&call# performe &% a compa%#Cs '!ma%
reso!rces, pa#roll, "e%ef&ts a% tra(el epartme%ts.
SAP 2mplo#ee SelfBSer(&ce >SAP 2SS@ empowers emplo#ees to (&ew, create, a% ma&%ta&% ata any
time, anywhere t'ro!+' t'e&r We" "rowser.
SAP 2SS 'as a% intuiti#e user interface a% &s t'erefore &eal for cas!al !sers.
8'e 2SS e(elopme%t &s c!rre%tl# work&%+ o% :&fe a% Work 2(e%ts, &% w'&c' t'e appl&cat&o% a%
&%format&o% are com"&%e &% a wa# t'at s!pports emplo#ees &% t'e&r ec&s&o%s.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 1999
0es8top 0es8top 5!c8e$d 5!c8e$d
Systems Systems
-or8pl!ce /iddle%!re -or8pl!ce /iddle%!re
R@. AP4
5- ,-
55P CR/
-e# Server +'S
-e# server +'S -P
-e# server
-e# server
+'S *
+'S n
System *
system n
-or8pl!ce Architect"re
8o access t'e Workplace t'e !ser o%l# %ees a 2eb browser o% '&s (es*top.
8'e We" "rowser !ses a 2eb ser#er "elo%+&%+ to t'e Workplace mi((leware for comm!%&cat&o%s.
A%ot'er &mporta%t eleme%t &s t'e SAP ,nternet Transaction /er#er >,8S@, w'&c' co%%ects t'e We"
ser(er w&t' t'e "acke% s#stems.
A %!m"er of bac*en( systems ca% "e l&%ke w&t' t'e Workplace. *%e of t'e most &mporta%t "acke%
s#stems &s t'e 2or*place /er#er, w'&c' &s !se to 'a%le t'e role specifications a% central user
a(ministration &f &mpleme%te. 8'e ot'er s#stems >s!c' as R/3, AP*, -W, NW, --P, CR)@ are calle
component systems.
&ecommen(ationE W'e% !s&%+ SAP 2SS #o! s'o!l &%stall a p'#s&cal ,8S for t'e Workplace Ser(er
a% for eac' compo%e%t s#stem >s!c' as 9R, --P@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 5
SAP AG 1999
-or8pl!ce Server -or8pl!ce Server HR
-or8pl!ce -or8pl!ce Server Server
Composite role
Si$gle roles
'he Employee Self-Service Composite Role
8'e $ployee *el13*ervice compos&te role replaces t'e %a(&+at&o% me%! !se &% Releases 4.5
a% 4.6-, w'&c' %ow ca% "e fo!% &% t'e role &% t'e m#SAP Workplace :a!%c'Pa.
8'e compos&te role $ployee *el13*ervice >SAPRWPR2)P:*A22@ &s el&(ere "# SAP. ,t
res&es o% t'e y*A# 2or,place s#stem a% co%ta&%s all t'e &%ter%at&o%al a% co!%tr#Bspec&f&c
s&%+le roles >tra%sact&o%s, a!t'or&5at&o%s@ pro(&e for $ployee *el13*ervice.
8'e s&%+le roles alwa#s res&e &% t'e rele(a%t compo%e%t s#stems w&t' t'e e0cept&o% of t'e
s&%+le roles SAPRWPSR2)P:*A22 a% SAPRWPSR/S2R, w'&c' co%ta&% t'e )&%&Apps a%
"as&c a!t'or&5at&o%s for t'e Workplace s#stem a% t'erefore res&e &% t'e Workplace s#stem.
8'e s&%+le role SAPR-CR27./S2R co%ta&%s t'e "as&c a!t'or&5at&o%s for t'e compo%e%t
s#stems a% t'erefore m!st e0&st &% all t'e compo%e%t s#stems >9R, :*, 6,...@.
Alt'o!+' #o! ca% !se a%# role to &%stall SAP 2SS a!t'or&5at&o%s, SAP stro%+l# recomme%s t'at #o!
!se a cop# of SAPRWPR2)P:*A22. Cop# t'e compos&te role to #o!r c!stomer %amespace >QX or 4X@.
8'e%, &f %ecessar#, #o! ca% aapt &t to &%cl!e tra%sact&o%s t'at are rele(a%t to #o!r compa%#.
Ao! ca% f&% a eta&le escr&pt&o% of t'e s&%+le roles &% t'e *A# $ployee *el13*ervice Release
:.;& 0pleentation G"ide
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 6
SAP AG 2002
Select the employees %ho %ill "se SAP ESS
6compo$e$t system7
Employees !re !"thori2ed
Copy composite role 6SAPO-POE/P?4FEE7 to the
c"stomer $!mesp!ce 6-or8pl!ce Server7
e% "ser !ttri#"tes
.# .!
Copy "ser !ttri#"tes 4!
SAP ESS :ser +$st!ll!tio$ Process
Employees %ith SAP
R@. system "sers
Employees %itho"t SAP R@.
system "sers
8o &%stall !sers, #o! m!st f&rst cop# compos&te role SAPRWPR2)P:*A22, co%ta&%&%+ t'e s&%+le roles
a% s#stem a!t'or&5at&o%s %eee for SAP 2SS, to t'e c!stomer %amespace o% t'eWorkplace Ser(er.
Ao! m!st t'e% ec&e w'&c' emplo#ees #o! &%te% to e%a"le for SAP 2SS >compo%e%t s#stem@.
2mplo#ees w&t' e0&st&%+ SAP !sers w'o are %ot #et a!t'or&5e to !se SAP 2SS. 6or t'ese emplo#ees
#o! m!stE
2sta"l&s' a l&%k "etwee% t'e master recors a% t'e e0&st&%+ SAP !sers
A!t'or&5e t'em to !se SAP 2SS
2mplo#ees w'o o %ot 'a(e SAP !sers. 6or t'ese emplo#ees #o! m!stE
Create SAP !sers
A!t'or&5e t'em to !se SAP 2SS
6or %ew !sers, #o! ca% ef&%e 'ow #o!r emplo#ees ca% lo+ o%to SAP 2SS &% t'e /ser Attr&"!tes
SAP pro(&es a tool to +!&e #o! t'ro!+' t'e &%stallat&o%. 8'e tool &s a(a&la"le !s&%+ t'e tra%sact&o%
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 D
SAP AG 1999
Ge$er!l +/G Setti$gs
Applic!tio$s-Specific +/G
Co"$try-Specific +/G Setti$gs
-or8flo% i$ the -e#
4vervie%) C"stomi2i$g SAP ESS
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 F
SAP AG 2002
+'S) Progr!mmi$g /odels
+$ter$et 'r!$s!ctio$ Server 6+'S7
Gre!ter le!r$i$g effort9 more fe!t"res
>lo% ?ogic
>lo% >iles
for H'/?
>lo% ?ogic i$ R@. System
>lo% ?ogic
i$ the +'S
SAP 2SS &s "ase o% ,%ter%et Appl&cat&o% Compo%e%ts >,ACs@. ,t 'as a t'reeBstep proce!reE
SAP $/, for 98): B a o%eBtoBo%e mapp&%+ of t'e R/3 scree%s. 8'e SAP $/, for 98): pro(&es a
#%am&c em!lat&o% of t'e R/3 &alo+s &% a We" "rowser. 8'&s mapp&%+ &s &mpleme%te "# 98):
f!%ct&o%s >o%e for eac' scree% eleme%t@, w'&c' e&t'er res&e &% t'e ,8S ker%el or are calle from t'ose
,t !ses o%l# ?s&mple? scree%s t'at ca% "e eas&l# co%(erte &%to 98):.
,t !ses a spec&al tec'%&G!e to pro(&e !sers w&t' &%p!t 'elp &% 98): forms.
,t perm&ts !sers to lo+ o%to t'e ,%ter%et w'&le t'e tra%sact&o% &s "e&%+ processe.
8'e past SAP 2SS ser(&ces are "ase o% a SAP &alo+ a% t'erefore e&t'er are e0ec!te w&t' t'e SAP
$/, for 98): or work w&t' 98): templates >,ACs@. 8'e :&fe a% Work 2(e%ts as well as t'e
)&%&Apps, 'owe(er, are %ot "ase o% a SAP &alo+ >,8S flow lo+&c@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 2002
4vervie%) SAP ESS +mpleme$t!tio$ 6*7
Si2e the ESS e$viro$me$t !$d order h!rd%!re
+$st!ll the -e# server9 +'S9 !$d SAPN-e#St"dio
+$st!ll the mySAP -or8pl!ce Server
0etermi$e %hich SAP ESS services yo" $eed
+mpleme$t Ce$tr!l :ser Admi$istr!tio$
Apply the $ecess!ry S"pport P!c8!ges
P"#lish the re("ired services from the R@. System to the +'S
+$form the ESS "sers
Cre!te test "sers
-efore #o! "e+&% pla%%&%+ #o!r SAP 2SS &mpleme%tat&o%, t'ere &s a G!&ck +!&e of 15 steps #o! s'o!l
take &%to co%s&erat&o%. 8'e eta&ls o% eac' of t'ese steps are co(ere t'ro!+'o!t t'&s co!rse a% &% t'e
*A# $** 0pleentation G"ide.
2%a"l&%+ emplo#ees to c'a%+e t'e&r '!ma% reso!rces &%format&o%, a% t'!s take ow%ers'&p of t'e&r ow%
ata, mea%s a s'&ft &% corporate c!lt!re. ,t &s &mporta%t to e%s!re t'at #o! take certa&% steps to &%form,
tra&% a% accl&mat&5e #o!r emplo#ees to t'e c'a%+es t'at l&e "efore t'em.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 10
SAP AG 1999
+$tegr!te SAP ESS i$to yo"r comp!$y +$tr!$et
/!8e ch!$ges to H'/? templ!tes if $ecess!ry
Cre!te ESS "sers for the pilot "sers
'r!i$ the pilot "sers
Stress test the !pplic!tio$s
Cre!te the rem!i$i$g ESS "sers
St!rt prod"ctio$
'est the !pplic!tio$s
Perform !dditio$!l c"stomi2i$g if $ecess!ry
4vervie%) SAP ESS +mpleme$t!tio$ 627
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 11
SAP AG 2002
Appe$di&) E$terprise Port!l 5.0
8'&s appe%&0 "r&efl# &%tro!ces t'e c'a%+es to e0pect w'e% co%(ert&%+ to 2%terpr&se Portal 5.0 >2P5.0@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1
SAP AG 2002
E$terprise Port!l S?oo8 !$d >eelS
ESS Services i$ the E$terprise Port!l
E$terprise Port!l Architect"re !$d 'ech$ic!l Ch!$ges
0emo i$ EP5.0
Ch!$ges i$ Co$versio$ from -P2.** to EP5.0
W'at &ffere%ces are t'ere &% t'e !sa+e of 2P5.0 compare w&t' WP2.11T
W'at o 2SS sce%ar&os look l&ke &% 2P5.0 a% 'ow are t'e# &%cl!eT
W'at &ffere%ces are t'ere &% t'e !sa+e of 2P5.0 compare w&t' WP2.11T
W'at o t'e 2SS sce%ar&os look l&ke &% 2P5.0 a%, 'ow are t'e# &%cl!eT
8'e la#o!t of t'e 2%terpr&se Portal &s compose of two ma&% eleme%tsE
7a(&+at&o% area
Work area
8'e %a(&+at&o% area &s &(&e &%to a topBle(el %a(&+at&o% area, &% t'e f&rst two rows, a% a eta&l
%a(&+at&o% area calle t'e &Pa%el, w'&c' ca% "e fo!% o% t'e left of t'e scree%.
8'e work area ca% &%cl!e &ffere%t &1&ews or "e compose of =!st o%e &1&ew.
A% &1&ew &s t'e smallest !%&t. Ao! ca% ef&%e &%format&o% t'at &s to "e &spla#e for eac' &1&ew.
A% am&%&strator ca% &spla# t'e &1&ews as s'ow% &% t'e a"o(e e0ample.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 2002
iP!$el for 0et!il !vig!tio$
8opBle(el %a(&+at&o% offers two le(els. ,% t'&s e0ample, t'e f&rst le(el &s )# Pa+e a% t'e seco% &s
,f #o! %ee a&t&o%al %a(&+at&o% opt&o%s #o! ca% also !se t'e &Pa%el.
A&t&o%al select&o% opt&o%s ca% "e fo!% &% t'e cate+or# Pr&(ate.
A s&%+le mo!se cl&ck &% t'e &Pa%el e%a"les #o! to loa &1&ews &% t'e work area.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 5
SAP AG 2002
Perso$!li2i$g ?!yo"t !$d 0esig$
?!yo"t !$d 0esig$
Admi$istr!tors determi$e ho% ESS "sers c!$ perso$!li2e
the p!ges displ!yed.
:si$g ! pre-defi$ed profile9 the e$tire port!l
c!$ #e t!ilored to s"it the corpor!te ide$tity
of !$ e$terprise.
Ch!$ges to ?!yo"t !$d 0esig$
5!sed o$ style sheets
Colors !$d gr!phics c!$
#e i$cl"ded
'ool S"pport
Cis"!l style sheet editor
St!$d!rd -e#-desig$ tools
At t'e p!s' of a "!tto%, 2SS !sers ca% comp&le t'e&r ow% la#o!t of pa+es a% c'a%+e t'e es&+% of t'e
e%t&re portal.
Am&%&strators ca% release t'e sett&%+s for la#o!t a% es&+% e%a"l&%+ t'em to "e !se "# t'e !ser +ro!p
2SS /ser, or lock t'em.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 6
SAP AG 2002
E$terprise Port!l S?oo8 !$d >eelS
ESS Services i$ the E$terprise Port!l
E$terprise Port!l Architect"re !$d 'ech$ic!l Ch!$ges
0emo i$ EP5.0
Ch!$ges i$ Co$versio$ from -P2.** to EP5.0
?oo8 !$d >eel 627
W'at &ffere%ces are t'ere &% t'e !sa+e of 2P5.0 compare w&t' WP2.11T
W'at o t'e 2SS sce%ar&os look l&ke &% 2P5.0 a% 'ow are t'e# &%cl!eT
7o c'a%+es 'a(e "ee% mae to t'e ser(&ce f!%ct&o%s a% t'e# are st&ll e0ec!te (&a t'e ,8S. 8'e 98):
o!tp!t from t'e ,8S &s &spla#e &% t'e portal.
-!s&%ess packa+es are a(a&la"le for t'e c!rre%t releases >4.6-, 4.6C, a% later also 4.D@ of t'e co%%ecte
compo%e%t s#stem.
Ao! ca% ow%loa "!s&%ess packa+es from t'e SAP Ser(&ce Portal a% &mport t'em to 2P5.0.
8'e a"o(e sl&e s'ows as a% e0ample C'a%+e Aress .ata from "!s&%ess packa+e SAP 2SS 4.6C.
8'e la#o!t a% t'e f!%ct&o%s of t'e ser(&ce rema&% !%c'a%+e. *%l# t'e appeara%ce of t'e ser(&ces 'as
"ee% ta&lore to s!&t 2P5.0.
9ere #o! ca% see t'e selecte %a(&+at&o% pat' '&+'l&+'te &% re. 8opBle(elE 9ome a% SelfBSer(&ce. ,%
t'e eta&l %a(&+at&o% area, Aress was selecte.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 2002
ESS i$ SAP R@. 4.=5 i$ E$terprise Port!l 5.0
9ere #o! ca% see t'e same ser(&ce for R/3 release 4.6-.
W'at &ffere%ces are t'ere &% t'e !sa+e of 2P5.0 compare w&t' WP2.11T
W'at o t'e 2SS sce%ar&os look l&ke &% 2P5.0 a% 'ow are t'e# &%cl!eT
8'&s sl&e s'ows t'e &%&t&al stat!s of WP2.11 w&t' w'&c' #o! are fam&l&ar from t'&s co!rse.
WP2.11 !ses &ts ow% &%&(&!al ,8S &%sta%ce to comm!%&cate w&t' a %ormal We" ser(er.
As we 'a(e see% &% t'&s co!rse, t'e Workplace >WP@ &s respo%s&"le for role a% !ser am&%&strat&o%. ,t
also creates co%%ect&o%s to t'e compo%e%t s#stems.
,% t'e 2%terpr&se Portal >2P@, t'e 2P5.0 ser(er replaces t'e WP2.11 ser(er.
Ao! %o lo%+er %ee a% &%&(&!al ,8S &%sta%ce for t'e Workplace >WP@. 8'&s &s replace &% t'e
2%terpr&se Portal "# t'e "!<B&% pa+e "!&ler. 9owe(er, t'e ,8S &s st&ll %eee to comm!%&cate w&t'
"ackBe% s#stems. 8'e ,8S w&ll %ot "e replace completel#. S&m&larl# to WP2.11, 2P5.0 co%%ects &tself
to t'e compo%e%t s#stemCs ,8S a% &spla#s &% t'e "rowser t'e 98): pa+es formatte t'ere.
8'e 2P takes o% t'e f!%ct&o%s of t'e Workplace. 8'erefore, !sers a% roles are am&%&strate &% t'e 2P.
A %ew compo%e%t e0&sts, %amel# t'e .&rector# Ser(er. 8'&s compo%e%t &s %ot SAPBspec&f&c. Ao! ca% !se
a% e0&st&%+ &rector# ser(er. 8'&s &rector# ser(er &s accesse (&a t'e !s!al, %o% SAPBspec&f&c :.AP lo+
>:.AP O :&+'twe&+'t .&rector# Access Protocol@, a% sa(es !ser ata >!ser am&%&strat&o%@ a% roles
>role am&%&strat&o%@ to+et'er w&t' t'e&r !ser ass&+%me%t.
Ao! ca% !se a m&+rat&o% tool to tra%sfer !sers a% roles from t'e WP ser(er to t'e &rector# ser(er. 8'e
tra%sfer process &s &spla#e o% t'e follow&%+ two sl&es.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 13
SAP AG 2002
Role /igr!tio$) R@. to E$terprise Port!l
Ao! ca% &mport roles from a% e0&st&%+ R/3 s#stem. 8'&s &s performe as a o%eBoff m&+rat&o% process to
tra%sfer ata from t'e WP ser(er to t'e 2%terpr&se Portal ser(er.
8'e me%! str!ct!re a% !ser allocat&o% for t'e role &s tra%sferre a% &spla#e appropr&atel# &% t'e 2P.
,f #o! are !s&%+ a "!s&%ess packa+e for 2SS, t'ese me%! str!ct!res are alrea# &%cl!e a% #o!
t'erefore o %ot %ee to &mport t'em. 8'&s tool o%l# allows #o! to m&+rate e0&st&%+ roles to t'e WP
9owe(er, #o! ca% also create #o!r ow% me%! str!ct!res &% t'e 2P, &%epe%e%t of t'e R/3 s#stem, or
aapt t'e me%! str!ct!res co%ta&%e &% t'e "!s&%ess packa+e. 8'ese are calle worksets.
,f #o! wa%t to m&+rate roles, we recomme% #o! 'a(e -as&s release 6.20 or '&+'er.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 14
SAP AG 2002
:ser /igr!tio$) R@. to E$terprise Port!l
Ao! ca% tra%sfer !sers from a% R/3 s#stem to t'e 2%terpr&se Portal.
8'&s &s o%e "# tra%sferr&%+ t'e R/3 !sers to t'e &rector# ser(er.
8'e &rector# ser(er &s also referre to as t'e :.AP ser(er "eca!se &t !ses t'e :.AP O :&+'twe&+'t
.&rector# Access Protocol.
,% a&t&o%, #o! ca% !se Ce%tral /ser Am&%&strat&o% for R/3 s#stems.
Ce%tral /ser Am&%&strat&o% >Q-1@ &s !se to reco%c&le t'e &rector# ser(er.
,f #o! wa%t to m&+rate !sers, we recomme% #o! 'a(e -as&s release 6.20 or '&+'er.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 15
SAP AG 2002
Cooper!te 0irectory
6?0AP7 for :sers
'ech$ic!l +$tegr!tio$
SAP R@. !$d other A5AP-#!sed !pplic!tio$s 6s"ch !s CR/7
for H'/?
P!ge 5"ilder
+$ter!ctivity !$d App. +$tegr!tio$
+$form!tio$ Access
+'S-#!sed services i$ EP5.0
*% closer &%spect&o%, #o! ca% reco+%&5e ot'er eta&ls t'at 'a(e c'a%+e &% 2P5.0.
)&%&Apps 'a(e "ee% replace "# &1&ews. 8'e# are pro+ramme !s&%+ <a(a a% are e0ec!te o% t'e
&1&ew ser(er.
,% a&t&o% to !s&%+ t'e ,8S, #o! ca% also !se a <a(a co%%ector to co%%ect to t'e R/3 S#stem a% rea
8'e pa+e "!&ler comp&les t'e pa+es a% se%s t'em to t'e We" ser(er as a s&%+le 98): pa+e. 8'&s
&mpro(es s#stem performa%ce.
Roles a% !sers ca% "e sa(e &% two &rector# ser(&ces. 8'e allocat&o% of role to !ser &s sa(e &% a t'&r
&rector# ser(&ce, %amel# t'e Portal .&rector#. Roles are store &% t'e Portal Co%te%t .&rector# w'ereas
!sers are store &% t'e Cooperate .&rector#. 8'ere &s %o reaso% w'# #o! ca%%ot sa(e all t'ree &% t'e same
place. 8'e Portal Co%te%t .&rector# >PC.@ co%ta&%s roles, worksets, a% perso%al&5at&o% sett&%+s.
8'e Cooperate .&rector# co%ta&%s 2P !sers a% !ser +ro!ps. 9ere #o! ca% !se a% e0&st&%+ !ser &rector#
>m!st "e :.APBe%a"le@.
8'e Portal .&rector# &s !se to sa(e !ser ass&+%me%ts to roles. /ser mapp&%+ >R/3 !ser IJ 2P !ser@ ca%
"e store 'ere.
W'at &ffere%ces are t'ere &% t'e !sa+e of 2P5.0 compare w&t' WP2.11T
W'at o t'e 2SS sce%ar&os look l&ke &% 2P5.0 a% 'ow are t'e# &%cl!eT
Ao! ca% ow%loa "!s&%ess packa+es for 2SS &% t'e 2%terpr&se Portal !%er
Ao! ca% f&% &%format&o% o% t'e 2%terpr&se Portal for c!stomers a% part%ers o% o!r Ser(&ce )arketplace
!%er 'ttpE//ser(&
Ao! ca% f&% &%format&o% t'at &s access&"le to all !%er 'ttpE//
Ao! ca% access t'e complete oc!me%tat&o% for 2%terpr&se Portal !%er 'ttpE//'
Ao! ca% ow%loa t'e "!s&%ess packa+es for 2SS !s&%+ t'e /R: 'ttpE//www.&1&ewSt!&
Ao! ca% f&% o!r co!rse offer&%+ as !s!al !%er 'ttpE//!cat&o%. 9ere #o! ca% f&% o!r
f!rt'er tra&%&%+ offer&%+ for t'e 2%terpr&se Portal.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1F
SAP AG 2002
A$y ("estio$s;
'h!$8s for yo"r !tte$tio$B
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 14
10.20-nterprise 1ortal .09 -xercise
3ptional 7emo ' -xercise
-nterprise 1ortal .0
,n this (emo ' exercise you will see9
8'e Ulook a% feelV of 2%terpr&se Portal 5.0
8'e %a(&+at&o% a% perso%al&5at&o% opt&o%s &% 2P5.0
8'e 2SS ser(&ces &% 2P5.0
6am&l&ar&5e #o!rself w&t' 2P5.0. 20per&me%t w&t' t'e %a(&+at&o%
opt&o%s &% 2P5.0 a% start a% 2SS ser(&ce of #o!r c'o&ce.
:o+ o% to a% ,.2S Portal Ser(er. Ao!r &%str!ctor w&ll pro(&e #o!
w&t' t'e %ecessar# lo+o% ata.
1. 6og on to the portal
Start #o!r ,%ter%et "rowser. 8o lo+ o% to t'e Portal Ser(er, e%ter t'e /R: pro(&e "# #o!r
&%str!ctor. 2%ter &% t'e &alo+ w&%ow t'e !ser a% passwor ata +&(e% to #o! "# #o!r
&%str!ctor. C'oose &on1ir. Ao! are %ow lo++e o% to 2P5.0. Ao!r !ser %ame &s &spla#e &%
t'e top r&+'t cor%er of t'e "rowser. 8'e start pa+e &s &spla#e.
2. 1ersonali)e -1.0
,% t'e top r&+'t cor%er, &mme&atel# "elow #o!r !ser ,., two l&%ks are &spla#e "e'&% t'e
'ea&%+ #ersonali5e. C'oose t'e #ortal l&%k. 9ere #o! ca% eterm&%e t'e la%+!a+e a% t'e
es&+% of t'e portal. C'oose la%+!a+e $nglish, a% press Apply. C'oose t'e es&+% #o! wa%t
for t'e portal, a% press Apply.
8'e la%+!a+e a% es&+% #o! 'a(e c'ose% are %ow &spla#e.
>/s!all#, t'e l&%k #age &s locke "# a% am&%&strator@.
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 20
3. .a#igate in -1.0
Cl&ck o% ?oe &% t'e topBle(el %a(&+at&o% area to ret!r% to t'e start pa+e.
,% t'e topBle(el %a(&+at&o% area, c'oose ?oe a% t'e% $ployee *el13*ervice to %a(&+ate &%
2P5.0. >8'e -!s&%ess Packa+e for 2SS +e%erates t'&s e%tr# a!tomat&call#@.
A s&m&lar (&ew &s &spla#e to t'at w&t' w'&c' #o! are alrea# fam&l&ar from t'e Workplace
>WP@. :&%ks &% t'e eta&l %a(&+at&o% area, &Pa%el, &spla# #o!r ser(&ces. &1&ews are !se as
oppose to )&%&Apps.
4. /tart the ser#ice Change Address Data
/%er t'e cate+or# #ersonal 0n1oration, c'oose t'e Address ser(&ce.
8'e ser(&ce &s &spla#e &% t'e work area to t'e r&+'t of t'e scree%. 8'e ser(&ce &s t'e same
as &% t'e WP. 8'e aress ata for #o!r !ser &s &spla#e.
C'oose a%# a&t&o%al ser(&ces. Ao! w&ll %ot&ce t'at t'e ser(&ces are (er# s&m&lar to t'ose of
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 21
SAP AG 1999
'r!i$i$g Co"rses i$ the SAP ESS E$viro$me$t
>"rther So"rces of +$form!tio$
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 1
SAP AG 1999
/F.0*) mySAP -or8pl!ce
5C.50) 'ech$ic!l Core Compete$ce) -or8pl!ce
+$ter$et 'r!$s!ctio$ Server
+'S050) +'S >o"$d!tio$
+'S0I0) +'S Admi$istr!tio$
+'S*00) 0evelopi$g E!sy -e# 'r!$s!ctio$s
+'S**0) 0evelopi$g -e# Sce$!rios !$d /i$iApps %ith +'S >lo% ?ogic
+'S*50) Corpor!te +de$tity 0esig$
CA140) SAP A"thori2!tio$ Co$cept
HR.0I) Co$fig"r!tio$ of HR Systems Co$trol
'r!i$i$g Co"rses i$ the SAP ESS E$viro$me$t 6+7
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 2
SAP AG 1999
'r!i$i$g Co"rses i$ the SAP ESS E$viro$me$t 6++7
5C=00) SAP 5"si$ess -or8flo% - +$trod"ctio$
5C=0*) SAP 5"si$ess -or8flo% - 0efi$itio$ !$d :se
Applic!tio$ C"stomi2i$g
CA500) Cross Applic!tio$ 'ime Sheet 6CA'S7
HR.05) Co$fig"r!tio$ of /!ster 0!t!
HR.0=) Co$fig"r!tio$ of 'ime Recordi$g
HR.*5) Recr"itme$t
HR505) 4rg!$i2!tio$!l /!$!geme$t
HR5*0) Perso$$el 0evelopme$t
HR5*5) Eve$t /!$!geme$t
HR5J0) Reporti$g i$ HR
AC2I0) 'r!vel /!$!geme$t - 'r!vel E&pe$ses
AC2I5) 'r!vel /!$!geme$t - 'r!vel Pl!$$i$g
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 3
SAP AG 1999
>"rther So"rces of +$form!tio$ 6+7
4$li$e doc"me$t!tio$
+/G doc"me$t!tio$
Rele!se i$form!tio$
SAP Employee Self-Service Rele!se 4.=C +mpleme$t!tio$ G"ide
6SAP /!teri!l o.) 5004*.50 @ +S5 *-J1.5I0-1I-57
SAP ESS e%sletter
SAP 0esig$G"ild
SA"thori2!tio$s /!de E!syS
0o%$lo!d from %%%.s!pl!!"th
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 4
SAP AG 1999
SAP Service /!r8etpl!ce
>"rther So"rces of +$form!tio$ 6++7
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 5
SAP AG 1999
SAP Service /!r8etpl!ce
See compo$e$ts %hose $!me #egi$s %ith S-PS
*J.1*4 6Rele!se Str!tegy for the -or8pl!ce Server7
*1.11* 60elivery of the -or8pl!ce 2.07
*J.11J 6-or8pl!ce) +$st!ll!tio$9 Correctio$ Soft%!re9 Rele!se :pgr!de7
2*5=01 6-or8pl!ce Pl"g-+$) 4vervie%7
*IJIJJ 6SAP G:+ for H'/?7
*4=505 6SAP G:+ for A!v!7
>"rther So"rces of +$form!tio$ 6+++7
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 6
SAP AG 1999
SAP Service /!r8etpl!ce
See compo$e$t 5C-CC/-:SR-P>C
1.I=1 60oc"me$t!tio$ for Role /!i$te$!$ce7
Ce$tr!l :ser Admi$istr!tio$
See compo$e$ts %hose $!me #egi$s %ith S5C-CC/-:SRS
*51JJ5 6Collective ote !#o"t Ce$tr!l :ser Admi$istr!tio$7
*=*.4I 6'!#les of the Ce$tr!l :ser Admi$istr!tio$7
*1II2J 6Complete 0eletio$ of the C:A7
>"rther So"rces of +$form!tio$ 6+C7
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 D
SAP AG 1999
SAP Employee Self-Service
See compo$e$t CA-ESS
R@. Sec"rity G"ide 64SS ote 00.12=I7
M"ic8si2er 64SS ote 00J55247
+'S !$d SAPN-e# St"dio
http)@@%%%.s!pl! 6i$cl"des soft%!re do%$lo!ds7
SAPN-e# +$st!ll!tio$ G"ide 6/!teri!l o. 5*00I*=07
R@. 4$li$e 0oc"me$t!tio$
5!sis Compo$e$ts -L >ro$te$d Services 65C->ES7 -L +'S@-e# Server
>"rther So"rces of +$form!tio$ 6C7
>C@ SAP A$ 9R250 F