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Trends of Toxicogenomics

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Trends of Toxicogenomics

Background and Definition of Toxicogenomics

The field of toxicology is defined as the study of stressors and their adverse effects. One sub

discipline deals with hazard identification, mechanistic toxicology, and risk assessment.

Increased understanding of the mechanism of action of chemicals being assayed will improve

the efficiency of these tasks. However, the derivation of mechanistic knowledge traditionally

evolves from studying a few genes at a time in order to implicate their function in mediation

of toxicant effects. Undoubtedly, this process has to be accelerated to monitor and discern the

effects of the thousands of new compounds developed by the chemical and pharmaceutical

industries. There is a need for a screening method that can offer some insight into the

potential adverse outcome(s) of new drugs allowing the intelligent advancement of

compounds into late stages of safety evaluation.

The rapid development and evolution of genomic- (DeRisi, et al., 1996;

Duggan, et al., 1999), proteomic- (Lueking, et al., 1999; Page, et al., 1999; Rubin and

Merchant, 2000; Steiner and Anderson, 2000; Weinberger, et al., 2000; Huang, 2001), and

metabonomic- (Foxall, et al., 1993; Corcoran, et al., 1997; De Beer, et al., 1998) based

technologies has accelerated the application of gene expression for understanding chemical

and other environmental stressors’ effects on biological systems. These technological

advances have led to the development of the field of “toxicogenomics”, which proposes to

apply global mRNA, protein and metabolite analysis related technologies to study the effects

of hazards on organisms (Afshari, et al., 1999; Farr, 1999; Henry, 1999; Nuwaysir, et al.,

1999; Rockett and Dix, 1999; Hamadeh and Afshari, 2000; Pennie, et al., 2000; Rockett and

Dix, 2000; Hooker, 2001; Iannaccone, 2001; Olden, 2001; Smith, 2001; Tennant, 2001;

Hamadeh et al., 2001; Hamadeh et al., 2002d). These collective approaches will allow the

development of a knowledge base of compound effects that will aid in improving the
efficiency of safety and risk assessment of drugs and chemicals by facilitating better

understanding of the mechanisms by which chemical- or stressor-induced injury occurs.

Technologies in Toxicogenomics

Gene Expression Profiling

Gene expression changes associated with signal pathway activation can provide compound-

specific information on the pharmacological or toxicological effects of a chemical. A standard

method used to study changes in gene expression is the Northern blot (Sambrook et al.,1989).

An advantage of this traditional molecular technique is that it definitively shows the

expression level of all transcripts (including splice variants) for a particular gene. This

method, however, is labor intensive and is practical for examining expression changes for a

limited number of genes. Alternate technologies, including DNA microarrays, can measure

the expression of tens of thousands of genes in an equivalent amount of time (DeRisi, et al.,

1996; Duggan, et al., 1999; Hamadeh and Afshari, 2000; Hamadeh et al., 2001). DNA

microarrays provide a revolutionary platform to compare genome-wide gene expression

patterns in dose and time contexts. There are two basic types of microarrays used in gene

expression analyses: oligonucleotide-based arrays (Lockhart, et al., 1996) and cDNA arrays

(Schena, et al., 1995). Both yield comparable results, though the methodology differs.

Oligonucleotide arrays are made using specific chemical synthesis steps by a series of

photolithographic masks, light, or other methods to generate the specific sequence order in

the synthesis of the oligonucleotide. The result of these processes is the generation of high-

density arrays of short oligonucleotide (~ 20-80 bases) probes that are synthesized in

predefined positions. cDNA microarrays differ in that DNA sequences (0.5-2 kb in length)

that correspond to unique expressed gene sequences, are usually spotted onto the surface of

treated glass slides using high speed robotic printers that allow the user to configure the

placement of cDNAs on a glass substrate or chip. Spotted cDNAs can represent either

sequenced genes of known function, or collections of partially sequenced cDNA derived from
expressed sequence tags (ESTs) corresponding to messenger RNAs of genes of known or

unknown function.

Any biological sample from which high quality RNA 46 Hamadeh et al. can be

isolated may be used for microarray analysis to determine differential gene expression levels.

For toxicology studies, there are a number of comparisons that might be considered. For

example, one can compare tissue extracted from toxicant treated organism versus that of

vehicle exposed animals. In addition, other scenarios may include the analysis of healthy

versus diseased tissue or susceptible versus resistant tissue. For spotted cDNA on glass

platforms, differential gene expression measurements are achieved by a competitive,

simultaneous hybridization using two-color fluorescence labeling approach (Schena, et al.,

1995; DeRisi, et al., 1996). Multicolor based labels are currently being optimized for

adequate utility. Briefly, isolated RNA is converted to fluorescently labeled “targets” by a

reverse transcriptase reaction using a modified nucleotide, typicallydUTP or dCTP

conjugated with a chromophore. The two RNAs being compared are labeled with different

fluorescent tags, traditionally either Cy3 or Cy5, so that each RNA has a different energy

emission wavelength or color when excited by dual lasers. The fluorescently labeled targets

are mixed and hybridized on a microarray chip. The array is scanned at two wavelengths

using independent laser excitation of the two fluors, for example, at 632 and 532 nm

wavelengths for the red (Cy5) and green (Cy3) labels. The intensity of fluorescence, emitted

at each wavelength, bound to each spot (gene) on the array corresponds to the level of

expression of the gene in one biological sample relative to the other. The ratio of the

intensities of the toxicant-exposed versus control samples are calculated and

induction/repression of genes is inferred. Optimal microarray measurements can detect

differences as small as 1.2 fold increase or decrease in gene expression.

Another limitation is the number of samples that can be

processed efficiently at a time. Processing and scanning samples may take several days and
generate large amounts of information that can take considerable time to analyze.

Automation is being applied to microarray technology, and new equipment such as the

automated hybridization stations and auto-loaded scanners will allow higher throughput

analysis. To overcome these limitations, one can combine microarrays with quantitative

polymerase chain reaction (QPCR) or Taqman and other technologies in development

(Kreuzer, et al., 1999; Tokunaga, et al., 2000) to monitor the expression of hundreds of genes

in a high throughput fashion. This will provide more quantitative output that may be crucial

for certain hazard identification processes. In the QPCR (Walker, 2001) assay one set of

primers is used to amplify both the target gene cDNA and another neutral DNA fragment,

engineered to contain the desired gene template primers, which competes with the target

cDNA fragment for the same primers and acts as an internal standard. Serial dilutions of the

neutral DNA fragment are added to PCR amplification reactions containing constant

amounts of experimental cDNA samples. The neutral DNA fragment utilizes the same primer

as the target cDNA but yields a PCR product of different size. QPCR can offer more

quantitative measurements than microarrays do because measurements may be made in

“real time” during the time of the amplification and within a linear dynamic range. The PCR

reactions may be set up in 96 or 384-well plates to

provide a high throughput capability.

Expression Profiling of Toxicant Response.

The validity and utility of analysis of gene expression profiles for hazard identification

depends on whether different profiles correspond to different classes of chemicals (Waring, et

al., 2001; Waring, et al., 2001; Hamadeh et al., 2002c) and whether defined profiles maybe

used to predict the identity/properties of unknown or blinded samples derived from

chemically treated biological models (Hamadeh et al., 2002b). Gene expression profiling may
aid in prioritization of compounds to be screened in a high throughput fashion and selection

of chemicals for advanced stages of toxicity testing in commercial settings. In one effort to

validate the toxicogenomic strategy, Waring and coworkers (Waring, et al., 2001; Waring, et

al., 2001) conducted studies to address whether compounds with similar toxic mechanisms

produced similar transcriptional alterations. This hypothesis was tested by generating gene

expression profiles for 15 known hepatotoxicants in vitro (rat hepatocytes) and in vivo (livers

of male Sprague-Dawley rats) using microarray technology. The results from the in vitro

studies showed that compounds with similar toxic mechanisms resulted in similar but

distinguishable gene expression profiles (Waring, et al., 2001). The authors took advantage of

the variety of hepatocellular injuries (necrosis, DNA damage, cirrhosis, hypertrophy, hepatic

carcinoma) that were caused by the chemicals and compared pathology endpoints to the

clustering output of the compounds’ gene expression profiles. Their analyses showed a strong

correlation between the histopathology, clinical chemistry, and gene expression profiles

induced by the various agents (Waring, et al., 2001). This suggests that DNA microarrays

may be a highly sensitive technique for classification of potential

chemical effects.

Mechanistic Inference from Toxicant Profiling.

An extension of the use of toxicogenomics approaches is the better understanding of the

mechanisms of toxicity. Bulera and coworkers (Bulera, et al., 2001) identified several groups

of genes reflective of mechanisms of toxicity and related to a hepatotoxic outcome following

treatment. An example of the advantage of using a toxicogenomics approach to understand

mechanisms of chemical toxicity was the observation that microcystin-LR and

phenobarbital, both of which are liver tumor promoters, induced a parallel set of genes

(Bulera, et al., 2001). Based on this information the authors speculated that liver tumor

promotion by both compounds may occur by similar mechanisms. Such observations derived

through the application of microarrays to toxicology will broaden our understanding of

mechanisms and our ability to identify compounds with similar mechanisms of toxicity. The

authors also confirmed toxicity in the animals using conventional methods such as

histopathology, modulations in liver enzymes and bilirubin levels and related these effects to

gene expression changes; however, it would have been advantageous to utilize gene

expression data to map relevant pathways depicting mechanism(s) associated with the

hepatotoxicity of each compound (Hamadeh et al., 2001). Collectively, in the future,

researchers may attempt to build “transcriptome” or “effector maps” that will help to

visualize pathway activation (Tennant, 2001). Finally, Huang and coworkers (Huang, et al.,

2001) utilized cDNA microarrays to investigate gene expression patterns of cisplatin-induced

nephrotoxicity. In these studies, rats were treated daily for 1 to 7 days with cisplatin at a dose

that resulted in necrosis of the renal proximal tubular epithelial cells but no hepatotoxicity at

day 7. Gene expression patterns for transplatin, an inactive isomer, was examined and

revealed little gene expression change in the kidney, consistent with the lack of nephrotoxicity

of the compound. Cisplatin-induced gene expression alterations were reflective of the

histopathological changes in the kidney i.e. gene related to cellular remodeling, apoptosis,

and alteration of calcium homeostasis, among others which the authors describe in a putative

pathway of cisplatin nephrotoxicity.

Protein Expression:

Gene expression alone is not adequate to serve the understanding of toxicant action and the

disease outcomes they induce. Abnormalities in protein production or function are expected

in response to toxicant exposure and the onset of disease states. To understand the complete

mechanism of toxicant action, it is necessary to identify the protein alterations associated

with that exposure and to understand how these changes affect protein/cellular function.

Unlike classical genomic approaches that discover genes related to toxicant induced disease,

proteomics can aid to characterize the disease process directly by capturing proteins that

participate in the disease. The lack of a direct functional correlation between gene transcripts

and their corresponding proteins necessitates the use of proteomics as a tool in toxicology.
Proteomics is the systematic analysis of expressed proteins in tissues, by isolation, separation,

identification and functional characterization of proteins in a cell, tissue, or organism

(Lueking, et al., 1999; Page, et al., 1999;Anderson, et al., 2000; Rubin and Merchant, 2000).

Proteomics, under the umbrella of toxicogenomics, involves the comprehensive functional

annotation and validation of proteins in response to toxicant exposure. Understanding the

functional characteristics of proteins and their activity requires a determination of cellular

localization and quantitation, tissue distribution, post-translational modification state,

domain modules and their effect on protein interactions, protein complexes, ligand binding

sites and structural representation. Currently, the most commonly used technologies for

proteomics research are 2-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis for protein separation

followed by mass spectrometry analysis of proteins of interest (Rasmussen, et al., 1994; Shaw,

et al., 1999; Carroll, et al., 2000; Fountoulakis, et al., 2000; Kaji, et al., 2000; Watarai, et al.,

2000). Analytical protein characterization with multidimensional liquid

chromatography/mass spectrometry improves the throughput and reliability of peptide

identity. Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-MS) (Stults, 1995;

Liang, et al. 1996) has become a widely used method for determination of biomolecules

including peptides. Other technologies such as Surface-Enhanced Laser

Desorption/Ionization (SELDI) (Kuwata, et al., 1998; Li, et al., 2000; Merchant and

Weinberger, 2000; Rubin and Merchant, 2000) and antibody arrays (Borrebaeck, et al., 2001;

Haab, et al., 2001; Paweletz, et al., 2001; Sreekumar, et al., 2001) are also proving to be

useful. Cutler and coworkers conducted a study aimed at the investigation of biochemical

changes and identification of biomarkers associated with acute renal injury following a single

dose of puromycin aminonucleoside to Sprague Dawley rats using a combination of 2-D

PAGE, reversephase HPLC, mass spectrometry, amino acid analysis and 1H-NMR

spectroscopy of urine as well as routine plasma clinical chemistry and tissue histopathology

(Cutler et al., 1999). The 2-D PAGE of urine showed patterns of protein
change which were in accord with the limited profiles for glomerular toxicity derived by use

of other techniques and allowed a more detailed understanding of the nature and progression

of the proteinuria associated with glomerular toxicity. Interestingly, the 2-D PAGE approach

taken by the investigators, coupled with computational analysis of the accompanying data

gleaned on the collected samples, lead to the detection of proteinuria at a considerably earlier

time point than has typically been reported following puromycin aminonucleoside exposure,

thus potentially defining relatively early biomarkers which are superior to the traditional

gross urinary protein determination procedure 48 Hamadeh et al.

(Cutler et al., 2001).

A serious limitation of proteomic analysis using 2-D gel electrophoresis is the

sensitivity of detection. Analysis of low abundance proteins by 2-D electrophoresis is

challenging due to the presence of high abundant proteins such as albumin, immunoglobulin

heavy and light chains, transferring, and haptoglobin in the sera or actin, tubulin, and other

structural proteins when analyzing tissue. Selective removal of these proteins from protein

samples via column-based immunoaffinity procedures allows for more sample to be loaded

on gels thereby facilitating visualization of low abundant proteins that would otherwise be

obscured by more abundant ones (Kennedy, 2001).

Metabolite Analysis by NMR:

Genomic and proteomic methods do not offer the information needed to gain understanding

of the resulting output function in a living system. Neither approach addresses the dynamic

metabolic status of the whole animal. The metabonomic approach is based on the premise

that toxicant-induced pathological or physiological alterations result in changes in relative

concentrations of endogenous biochemicals. Metabolites in body fluids such as urine, blood,

or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), are in dynamic equilibrium with those inside cells and tissues,

thus toxicantinduced cellular abnormalities in tissues should be reflected in altered biofluid

compositions. An advantage of measuring changes in body fluids is that these samples are

much more readily available from human subjects. High resolution NMR spectroscopy (1H
NMR) has been used in a high-throughput fashion to simultaneously detect many cellular

biochemicals in urine, bile, blood plasma, milk, saliva, sweat, gastric juice, seminal, amniotic,

synovial and cerebrospinal fluids (Holmes, et al., 1995; Robertson, et al., 2000; Bundy, et al.,

2001; Griffin, et al., 2001; Nicholls, et al., 2001; Waters, et al., 2001). In addition, intact tissue

and cellular suspensions have also been successfully analyzed for metabolite content using

magic-angle-spinning 1H NMR spectroscopy (Garrod, et al., 1999).

Metabolic Profiling of Toxicant Response:

Robertson and coworkers evaluated the feasibility of a toxicogenomic strategy by generating

NMR spectra of urine samples from male Wistar rats treated with different hepatotoxicants

(carbon tetrachloride, α- naphthylisothiocyanate) or nephrotoxicants (2- bromoethylamine,

4-aminophenol) (Robertson, et al., 2000). Principal component analysis (PCA) of the urine

spectra was in agreement with clinical chemistry data observed in blood samples taken from

the chemically exposed animals at various time points of chemical exposure. Furthermore,

PCA analysis suggested low dose effects with two of the chemicals, which were not evident by

clinical chemistry or microscopic analyses. This conclusion was demonstrated with the 150

mg/kg 2- bromoethanolamine treated animals where only 5 of 8 of the animals had creatinine

or BUN levels, at day 1, that were outside the normal range, while all animals exhibited

diuresis and principal component analysis was clearly indicative of a consistent effect in all 8

animals. In another seminal study, 1H NMR spectroscopy was used to characterize the time-

dependency of urinary metabolite perturbation in response to toxicant exposure. Male Han

Wistar or Sprague Dawley rats were treated with either control vehicle or one of 13 model

toxicants or drug that predominantly target liver or kidney. The resultant 1H NMR spectra

were analyzed using a probabilistic neural network approach (Holmes, et al., 2001). A set of

583 of the 1310 samples were designated as a training set for the neural network, with the

remaining 727 independent cases employed as a test set for validation. Using these

techniques, the 13 classes of toxicity, together with the variations associated with strain, were

highly distinguishable (>90%). An important aspect of this study is the sensitivity of the
methodology towards strain differences that will be useful in investigating the genetic

variation of metabolic responses across multiple animal models and may also prove useful in

identifying susceptible subpopulations.

Localization of Gene Expression:

In order to help understand the role of genes or proteins in

toxic processes, specific cellular localization of these targets is needed. Pathological

alterations such as necrosis and vasculitis are often localized to specific regions of an organ

or tissue. It is not known whether subtle gene or protein expression alterations associated

with these events are detectable when the whole organ is used for preparation of samples for

further analyses. Laser capture microdissection (LCM) (Emmert-Buck, et al., 1996; Bonner,

et al., 1997; Fend, et al., 2000; Murakami, et al., 2000) is one method used to precisely select

affected tissue thereby enhancing the probability of observing gene or protein expression

changes associated with pathologically altered regions. For example, profiling specific

pathological lesions that are considered to be precursors to cancer may help in

understanding how chronic chemical exposure leads to tumor development. However, for

some tissues or laboratories, LCM may not be technically feasible to discern gene expression

in cellular subtypes. A technical challenge may be that the affected area or region is too small

for enough RNA or protein to be extracted for later analysis, or the extra manipulation

compromises the quality of harvested samples. Therefore, when deriving samples from gross

organ or tissue samples for expression analysis, one often has no measure of specific gene or

protein expression alterations attributable to the pathological change that was diluted in the

assayed organ or tissue. When an organ, or part thereof, is harvested from a chemically

exposed animal, the response to the insult is almost always diluted to a certain extent because

not every area or cell is responsive to treatment. Similarly, tumor samples or other diseased

tissues may contain other significant cell types including stroma, lymphocytes, or endothelial

cells. Dilution effects are also involved when a heterogeneous expression response occurs. For

example, even in a homogeneous cell population, each individual cell may have a very
different quantitative response for each gene expression change. In order to address this

problem, we evaluated the sensitivity of cDNA microarrays in detecting diluted gene

expression alterations thus simulating relatively minor changes in the context of total organ

or tissue. We found statistically significant differences in the expression of numerous genes

between two cell lines (HaCaT and MCF- 7) that continued to be detected even after a 20-

fold dilution of original changes (Hamadeh et al., 2002a) showing that microarray analyses,

when conducted in a manner to optimize sensitivity and reduce noise, may be used to

determine gene expression changes occurring in only a small percentage of cells sampled.

Finally, once important biomarkers are hypothesized from genomics and proteomics

technologies, candidate target genes or proteins can then be monitored using more high-

throughput, cost-effective immunohistochemical analyses in the form of tissue microarrays.

Tissue microarrays are microscope slides where thousands of minute tissue samples from

normal and diseased organisms can be tiled in an array fashion. The tissue microarrays can

then be probed with the same fluorescent antibody to monitor the expression, or lack of,

certain candidate markers for exposure or disease onset.

Database Requirements:

Profiles corresponding to gene, protein, or metabolite measurements should be housed in a

relational database that will facilitate the query of data depending on different criteria.

Technical requirements of the database are beyond the scope of this discussion. From a

biological perspective, the ideal database will not only house the afore mentioned data, but

will also hold additional toxicology information describing various parameters of the

stressor-subjected biological systems. The parameters might include body and organ weights,

mortality, histopathological results, and clinical chemistry and urinalysis measurements in

animal studies or cell viability, cell cycle analyses, cell density, culture conditions and cell

morphology reports in the case of in vitro studies. Chemical purity, solubility, stability, and

volatility, also are important to archive. These additional data are of importance when

conducting pattern recognition-oriented toxicogenomic studies because they facilitate the

understanding of similarities between genomic, proteomic, or metabonomic profiles. These

others will aid in the interpretation of different profiles as suggested by pattern recognition

tools such as clustering algorithms or principal components analysis (Hamadeh et al., 2002b;


Toxicogenomic Components: Comparative/Predictive and Functional:

Comparative/Predictive Toxicogenomics

There are two main applications for a toxicogenomic approach, comparative/predictive and

functional. Comparative genomic, proteomic, or metabonomic studie measure the number

and types of genes, protein, and metabolites respectively that are present in normal and

toxicant-exposed cells, tissues, or biofluids. This approach is useful in defining the

composition of the assayed samples in terms of genetic, proteomic or metabolic variables.

Thus a biological sample derived from toxicant, or sham treated animals can be regarded as

an n-dimensional vector in gene expression space with genes as variables along each

dimension. The same analogy can be applied for protein expression or NMR analysis data

thereby providing ndimensional fingerprints or profiles of the biological sample under

investigation. Thus, this aspect of toxicogenomics deals with automated pattern recognition

analysis aimed at studying trends in data sets rather than probing the individual genes for

mechanistic information. The need for pattern recognition tools is mandated by the volume

and complexity of data generated by genomic, proteomic and tools, and human intervention,

in required repetitive computation, is kept to a minimum. Automatic toxicity classification

methods are very desirable and prediction models are well suited for this task. The data

profiles reflect the pharmacological or toxicological effects, such as disease outcome, of the

drug or toxicant being utilized. The underlying goal is that a sample from an animal exposed

to an unknown chemical, or displaying a certain pathological endpoint, can then be

compared to a database of profiles corresponding to exposure conditions with well-

characterized chemicals, or to well defined pathological effects, in order to glean/predict

some properties regarding the studied sample. These predictions, as we view them, fall into 2
major categories, namely, classification of samples based on the class of compound to which

animals were exposed to, or classification of samples based on the histopathology and clinical

chemistry that the treated animals displayed. Such data will allow insight into the gene,

protein, or metabolite perturbations associated with pharmacologic effects of the agent or

toxic endpoints that ensue. If array data can be “phenotypically anchored” to conventional

indices of toxicity (histopathology, clinical chemistry etc.) it will be possible to search for

evidence of injury prior to it’s clinical or pathological manifestation. This approach could

lead to the discovery of potential early biomarkers of toxic injury. “Supervised” predictive

models (Zhou and Bennett, 1997; Jonic, et al., 1999; Tafeit and Reibnegger, 1999) have been

used for many years in the financial sectors for evaluating future economic prospects of

companies, and in geological institutes for predicting adverse weather outcomes using past or

historical knowledge. They have also been utilized to make predictions, using clinical and

radiographic information, regarding the diagnosis of active pulmonary tuberculosis at the

time of presentation at a health-care facility that can be superior to physicians’ opinion (El-

Solh, et al., 1999). Predictive modeling will undoubtedly revolutionize the field of toxicology

by recognizing patterns and trends in high-density data, and forecasting gene-, protein-, or

metabolite-environment interactions relying on historical data from well studied compounds

and their corresponding profiles. During the development of a predictive model, a number of

issues must be considered. These include the representativeness of the variables to the entity

being modeled and the quality of databases consulted. The National Center for

Toxicogenomics (NCT), at the National 50 Hamadeh et al. Institute of Environmental Health

Sciences, is building a database to store many variables (ex. dose, time, biological system)

and observations (ex. histopathology, body weight, cell cycle data) that accompany the

process of compound evaluation studies (in vivo or in vitro) (Tennant, 2001). Recording these

parameters will greatly enhance the process of parameter selection in subsequent efforts such

as predictive modeling or mechanism of action interpretation. Predictive modeling can be

fragmented into a multistage process. The primary stage predictive modeling includes
hypothesis development, organization and data collection. Secondary stage modeling

includes initial model development and testing. Tertiary stagemodeling includes continued

application of the model, ongoing refinement, and validation. Ideally, tertiary stagemodeling

is a perpetual process whereby lessons learned from previous model applications are

incorporated into new and future applications maintaining or increasing the predictive

robustness of the model.

First Stage of Comparative/Predictive Model: Data Collection

The development of the primary stage of a predictive model involves

activities such as data collection strategies based on proposed hypotheses. Data can be

generated from in vivo or in vitro experiments, depending on the suitability of the biological

system for studying effects of the targeted compound. In the case of in vivo studies,

hypotheses must be generated regarding the compounds and endpoint effects so that other

measures, such as pathology, serum markers, and carcinogenicity potential, are made and

can contribute to the ensuing model development. Data on animal weight fluctuations, serum

markers, pathological alterations, and mortality rates corresponding to a chemical exposure

study should be documented and be the primary source of such information for the

constructed predictive model. Pertinent data and analytically useful variables gathered from

other sources (ex. National Toxicology Program) can be evaluated and incorporated into the

model. These data are important in developing a theoretical framework in which to interpret

the results of the predictive model as well as to provide a guide for the data to be collected.

Second Stage of Comparative/Predictive Model: Model Development

The next step in the predictive model construction involves a deductive phase that

incorporates collected data into the second stage of the model. The degree of correlation

between gene-, protein- or metabolite-related profiles of different compounds or different

toxicological/pathological outcomes and the accompanying variables can be measured and

ranked. Computational and statistical approaches would be applied to the data set to glean

relationships and dissimilarities among the variables studied. Neural networks, which have

been used in models predicting health status of HIV/AIDS patients (Giacomini, Figure 1.

Hypothetical 3-dimensional representation of samples, derived from biological systems

subjected to various exposure conditions, based on the expression levels of gene, protein or

metabolite levels. Computational algorithms can form prediction zones (A) circumscribing

sets of samples derived from the same exposure conditions (in vivo, in vitro) or (B) zones that

encompass samples based on user defined endpoints associated with these samples et al.,

1997; Kwak and Lee, 1997; Ioannidis, et al., 1998), can be trained with a set of available

profiles from previously studied compounds or pathophysiological states. This allows the

automation of all the actions aimed at searching the interrelationships and producing

predictions regarding unknown or new profiles. Every compound or effect is characterized

by various parameters describing its gene expression pattern. Thus, a pattern may be

represented by a vector in space whose components could represent various parameters that

drive the decision of classification. Dimensionality of this space is the number of vector

components or parameters involved and is based on the analysis of multiple parameters that

can correlate similar expression profiles. As a simplified example, if we consider each

compound or adverse endpoint we are modeling to have only three attributes, these three

parameters can represent vector coordinates in a 3-dimensional space. Figure 1A shows how

the treated animals, or cells, could be spatially disposed, so that one can easily notice where

they are grouped, i.e. have similar parameters, for which reason they most probably belong

to the same group. Now we proceed to defining which objects are situated in particular nodes

of the map. A multitude of available algorithms satisfactorily cluster objects in 3- or

ndimensional space based on computational approaches (ex. PCA). We can then construct

similarity zones around various preset chemical (Figure 1A) or adverse endpoint (Figure 1B)

nodes. Such similarity zones would allow the classification, with a defined level of confidence,

of the identity of unknown samples which neighbor samples in the training data set. Thus
possessing the map and information about the analyzed compounds, we can reliably judge

the compounds with which we are less familiar. The initial predictive model can be tested

using the data collected in the primary stage. Based upon the outcome of this exercise,

variables such as toxicant induced lesion severity or organ weight fluctuations can be

introduced or removed from the process, or the weighting of the variables can be adjusted

until the model is able to predict the highest percentage of chemicals possible. This highlights

the need for the consulted database to contain enough parameters such as histopathological

observations or clinical chemistry data that accompany an experimental design to facilitate

this dynamic model optimization process. Developed models should ideally allow the

distinction of gene expression profiles associated with chemical exposure or pathological

outcome depending on the querying preferences of the user and the question being asked.

Once this has been achieved, tertiary stage modeling may begin.

Third Stage of Comparative/Predictive Model: Utility

The use of genomic resources such as DNA microarrays in safety evaluation

will facilitate an emerging type of experimentation termed “in silico” testing. For example, if

compound A was found to bear similarity to compound B, and B had some aspects that were

close to compound C, then a relationship could be defined between compounds A and C

based on the their common link to B. In silico experimentation can define this relationship

through rigorous computation and mining of high-density gene expression data.

Developments in computer modeling and expert systems for the prediction of biological

activity and toxicity will revolutionize the process of drug discovery and development, by

reducing the need to use animals for the pre-screening of almost limitless numbers of

potential drug candidates. It is not foreseeable that in the near future predictive models will
take the place of actual testing. However, in the context of toxicogenomics, and with the

increasing number of chemicals to be tested, better prioritization canbe used to select the

compounds for animal testing. The most promising efficacious compounds with the least

probability of an adverse outcome would be selected for further development.

Functional Toxicogenomics

Functional toxicogenomics is the study of genes’ and proteins’ biological activities in the

context of compound effects on an organism. Gene and protein expression profiles are

analyzed for information that might provide insight into specific mechanistic pathways.

Mechanistic inference is complex when the sequence of events following toxicant exposure is

viewed in both dose and time space. Gene and protein expression patterns can indeed be

highly dependent on the toxicant concentrations furnished at the assessed tissue and the time

of exposure to the agent. Expression patterns are only a snapshot in time and dose space.

Thus, a comprehensive understanding of potential mechanisms of action of a compound

requires establishing patterns at various combinations of time and dose. This will minimize

the misinterpretation of transient responses and allow the discernment of delayed alterations

that could be related to adaptation events or may be representative of potential biomarkers

of pathophysiological endpoints. Studies that target temporal expression of specific genes and

protein in response to toxicant exposure will lead to a better understanding of the sequence of

events in complex regulatory networks. Algorithms, such as self organizing maps (Kohonen,

1999), can categorize genes or proteins based on their expression pattern across a

continuum of time points. These analyses might suggest relationships in the expression of

some genes or proteins depending on the concerted modulation of these variables. An area of

study which is of great interest to toxicologists is the mechanistic understanding of toxicant

induced pathological endpoints. The premise that perturbations in gene, protein, or

metabolite levels are reflective of adverse phenotypic effects of toxicants offers an

opportunity to phenotypically anchor these perturbations. This is quite challenging due to

the fact that phenotypic effects often vary in the time-dose space of the studied agent and

may have regional variations in the tissue. Furthermore, very few compounds exist that

result in only one phenotypic alteration at a given coordinate in dose and time. Thus,

objective assignment of measured variables to multiple phenotypic events is not possible

under these circumstances. However, by studying multiple structurally and

pharmacologically unrelated agents that 52 Hamadeh et al. share pathological endpoints of

interest, one could tease out gene, protein, or metabolite modulations that are in common

between the studied compounds (Figure 2). Laser capture microdissection may also be used

to capture regional variations such as zonal patterns of hepatotoxicity. This concept will

allow the objective assignment of measurable variables to phenotypic observations that will

supplement traditional pathology. It is noteworthy to mention that, stand-alone, gene and

protein expression, or metabolite fluctuation analyses are not expected to produce decisive

inferences on the role of genes or proteins in certain pathways or regulatory networks.

However, these tools constitute powerful means to generate viable and testablehypotheses

that can direct future endeavors on proving or disproving the involvement of genes, proteins,

and metabolites in cellular processes. Ultimately, hypothesized mechanistic inferences have to

be validated by the use of traditional molecular biology techniques that include the use of

specific enzyme inhibitors, and the examination of the effects of overexpression or deletion of

specific genes or proteins on the studied toxic endpoint or mechanism of compound action.

Future of Predictive Toxicology

From the rapid screening perspective, it is neither cost effective, nor is it

practical to survey the abundance of all genes, proteins, or metabolites in a sample of

interest. It would be prudent to conduct cheaper, more highthroughput measurements on

variables that are of most interest in the toxicological evaluation process. Thus, this

reductionist strategy mandates the selection of subsets of genes, proteins or metabolites that

will yield useful information in regards to classification purposes such as hazard

identification or risk assessment. The challenge is finding out what these minimal variables

are and what data we need to achieve this knowledge. Election of these subsets by surveying

existing toxicology literature is inefficient because the role of most genes or proteins in

toxicological responses is poorly defined. Moreover, there exists a multitude of undiscovered

or unknown genes (ESTs) that might ultimately be key players in toxicological processes. We

propose the use of genes, proteins, or metabolites, that are found to be most discriminative

between stressor induced-specific profiles, for efficient screening purposes. Discriminative

potential of genes, proteins, or metabolitesis inferred when comparing differences in the

levels of these parameters across toxicant exposure scenarios. In the case of samples derived

from animals treated with one of few chemicals, the levels of one gene, protein, or metabolite

might be sufficient to distinguish samples based on the few classes of compounds used for the

exposures. However, multiple parameters are needed to separate samples derived from

exposures to a larger variety of chemical classes. Finding these discriminatory parameters

requires the use of computational and mining algorithms that extract this knowledge from a

database of chemical effects. A hypothetical histopathological analysis of livers derived from

rats treated with either of compounds A, B, C, D, E, or F reveals an overlap among the effects

manifested in one common pathological endpoint. Commonality across animals revealed by

cluster analysis of gene, protein, or metabolite levels would indicate a potential association

between the altered parameters and the shared histopathological endpoint. Linear

discriminant analysis (LDA) (Johnson and

Wichern, 1998) and single gene ANOVA (Neter, 1996) can be used to test single parameters

(ex. genes) for their ability to separate profiles corresponding to samples derived from

different exposure conditions (ex. chemical identity, biological endpoint). Higher order

analyses such as genetic algorithm/K-nearest neighbor (GA/KNN) (Li et al., In Press)

are able to find a user defined number of parameters that would, as a set, highlight the most

difference between biological samples based on the levels of genes, proteins, or metabolites.

Once the profile of a parameter, or a set of parameters, is found to distinguish between

samples in a data set, it can be used to interrogate the identity of unknown samples for

screening purposes in a highthroughput fashion. It is important to keep in mind that since

these discriminatory parameters are derived from historical data, it is possible that their

status might not hold once significant volumes of new data is inputted in the database that

computations are run. It is prudent to view discriminatory parameters (genes, protein,

metabolites) as dynamic entities that can be updated periodically depending on the

availability of new toxicant related profiles used.


Toxicogenomic tools will inevitably improve the way data is extracted from classical

toxicology studies. Ultimately, through the use of computational tools encompassed within

the comparative branch of toxicogenomics, environmental hazard identification may be

performed in a high-through put and efficient fashion. These achievements will be facilitated

through the development of gene, protein, or metabolite markers whose levels can be

monitored in samples derived from exposed populations. Compound profiling will also

improve our understanding of toxicant induced adverse endpoints in biological systems

(pathological lesions, cell cycle alterations) by providing information about the underlying

molecular pathways that are involved inresponse to compound exposure. This knowledge will

lead to a more informed and precise classification of compounds for their safety evaluation.

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