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E V I D E N C E -​B A S E D G U I D E L I N E S

Diagnosis and management of

Guillain–Barré syndrome in ten steps
Sonja E. Leonhard   1, Melissa R. Mandarakas1, Francisco A. A. Gondim   2,
Kathleen Bateman   3, Maria L. B. Ferreira4, David R. Cornblath5, Pieter A. van Doorn1,
Mario E. Dourado6, Richard A. C. Hughes7, Badrul Islam8, Susumu Kusunoki9,
Carlos A. Pardo5, Ricardo Reisin10, James J. Sejvar11, Nortina Shahrizaila12,
Cristiane Soares13, Thirugnanam Umapathi14, Yuzhong Wang15, Eppie M. Yiu   16,17,18,
Hugh J. Willison19 and Bart C. Jacobs   1,20*
Abstract | Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare, but potentially fatal, immune-​mediated disease
of the peripheral nerves and nerve roots that is usually triggered by infections. The incidence of
GBS can therefore increase during outbreaks of infectious diseases, as was seen during the
Zika virus epidemics in 2013 in French Polynesia and 2015 in Latin America. Diagnosis and
management of GBS can be complicated as its clinical presentation and disease course are
heterogeneous, and no international clinical guidelines are currently available. To support
clinicians, especially in the context of an outbreak , we have developed a globally applicable
guideline for the diagnosis and management of GBS. The guideline is based on current literature
and expert consensus, and has a ten-​step structure to facilitate its use in clinical practice. We first
provide an introduction to the diagnostic criteria, clinical variants and differential diagnoses of
GBS. The ten steps then cover early recognition and diagnosis of GBS, admission to the intensive
care unit, treatment indication and selection, monitoring and treatment of disease progression,
prediction of clinical course and outcome, and management of complications and sequelae.

Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) is an inflammatory patients with GBS develop respiratory failure and require
disease of the PNS and is the most common cause of mechanical ventilation. Cardiac arrhythmias and blood
acute flaccid paralysis, with an annual global incidence pressure instability can occur owing to involvement
of approximately 1–2 per 100,000 person-​years1. GBS of the autonomic nervous system6. This involvement of
occurs more frequently in males than in females and the autonomic nervous system contributes to mortal-
the incidence increases with age, although all age groups ity, which is estimated at 3–10% for patients with GBS
can be affected1. Patients with GBS typically present with even with the best medical care available7–9. After the
weakness and sensory signs in the legs that progress initial progressive phase, patients with GBS reach a pla-
to the arms and cranial muscles, although the clinical teau phase that can last from days to weeks or months,
presentation of the disease is heterogeneous and several after which they start to recover, and 60–80% of patients
distinct clinical variants exist. Diagnosis of GBS is based with GBS are able to walk independently 6 months after
on the patient history and neurological, electrophysio- disease onset, with or without treatment10,11. GBS is a
logical and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examinations2–4. monophasic illness, although some patients can deteri-
Other diseases that have a similar clinical picture to orate after first stabilizing or improving on therapy — a
GBS must be ruled out4. Electrophysiological studies phenomenon that is referred to as a treatment-​related
provide evidence of PNS dysfunction and can distin- fluctuation (TRF). Relapses of GBS can occur in 2–5%
guish between the subtypes of GBS: acute inflammatory of patients10,12–15.
demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP), acute GBS is thought to be caused by an aberrant immune
motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN) and acute motor response to infections that results in damage to periph-
*e-​mail: b.jacobs@ sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN)5. Disease pro- eral nerves, although the pathogenesis is not fully gression can be rapid, and most patients with GBS reach understood. In a subgroup of patients with GBS, serum
s41582-019-0250-9 their maximum disability within 2 weeks. About 20% of antibodies are found against gangliosides, which reside

Nature Reviews | Neurology

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

Key points and specific diagnostic tools or biomarkers. Guidance

for the treatment and care of patients with GBS is also
• Classic Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute-​onset ascending sensorimotor needed because disease progression can vary greatly
neuropathy, but the disease can present atypically or as a clinical variant. between patients, which complicates an entirely pre-
• Abnormal results in electrophysiological studies and a combination of an increased scriptive approach to management. In addition, treat-
protein level and normal cell count in cerebrospinal fluid are classic features of GBS, ment options are limited and costly, and many patients
but patients with GBS can have normal results in both tests, especially early in the experience residual disability and complaints that can be
disease course.
difficult to manage.
• Respiratory function should be monitored in all patients as respiratory failure can Availability of globally applicable clinical guide-
occur without symptoms of dyspnoea.
lines for GBS is especially important as new outbreaks
• Intravenous immunoglobulin and plasma exchange are equally effective in treating of pathogens that trigger GBS are likely to occur in
GBS; no other treatments have been proven to be effective.
the future. To generate this globally applicable clinical
• The efficacy of repeat treatment in patients who have shown insufficient clinical guideline for GBS, the ten most important steps in the
response is uncertain; nevertheless, this practice is common in patients who show
management of GBS, covering diagnosis, treatment,
deterioration after an initial treatment response.
monitoring, prognosis and long-​term management,
• Clinical improvement is usually most extensive in the first year after disease onset and
were identified by a group of international experts
can continue for >5 years.
on GBS (Fig. 1). For each step, recommendations were
provided on the basis of evidence from the literature
at high densities in the axolemma and other compo- and/or expert opinion, and consensus was sought for
nents of the peripheral nerves16,17. Complement activa- each recommendation to finalize the guideline. These
tion, infiltration of macrophages and oedema are typical recommendations are intended to assist providers in
characteristics of affected peripheral nerves and nerve clinical decision-​making; however, the use of the infor-
roots in patients with GBS16. mation in this article is voluntary. The authors assume
The incidence of GBS can increase during outbreaks no responsibility for any injury or damage to persons
of infectious illnesses that trigger the disease18. Most or property arising out of or related to any use of this
recently, the Zika virus epidemics in French Polynesia information, or for any errors or omissions.
in 2013 and in Latin America and the Caribbean in
2015–2016 were linked to an increase in individuals Methods
being diagnosed with GBS19–21. Following the outbreak of Zika virus and its associ-
The Zika virus outbreaks brought to light the lack ation with an increase in the incidence of GBS, the
of globally applicable guidelines for the diagnosis and European Union-​f unded Zika Preparedness Latin
management of GBS. Such guidelines are necessary American Network (ZikaPLAN) was established22. Our
because the diagnosis of GBS can be challenging owing new guideline was initially prepared by participants of
to heterogeneity in clinical presentation, an extensive the ZikaPLAN network, comprising experts on GBS
differential diagnosis, and the lack of highly sensitive from the Netherlands (S.E.L., M.R.M. and B.C.J.), Brazil
(F.d.A.A.G. and M.E.D.) and the United Kingdom
(H.J.W.). These members brought specific clinical and
Author addresses research expertise to the guideline from their leading
Department of Neurology, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands. roles in large international projects on GBS (such as the
Hospital Universitário Walter Cantidio, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, International GBS Outcome Study (IGOS)), along with
Ceará, Brazil. direct experience in managing the large increases in GBS
Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. cases in Zika virus-​affected regions of Latin America23.
Department of Neurology, Hospital da Restauração, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. To develop the preliminary guidelines, a series of in-​person
Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, meetings were held between lead authors on the writing
MD, USA. committee (S.E.L., M.R.M., B.C.J. and H.J.W.), along with
Department of Integrative Medicine, Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes, Universidade smaller individual meetings with colleagues in Latin
Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil.
America (S.E.L., F.d.A.A.G. and M.E.D.) and continuous
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, UK.
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. e-​mail correspondence to review drafts and receive
Kindai University Faculty of Medicine, Osaka, Japan. input. On the basis of their expert opinion and through
Hospital Británico, Buenos Aires, Argentina. consensus, this group identified ten of the most important
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA. steps in the diagnosis and management of GBS.
Department of Neurology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. For each step, structured literature searches were per-
Hospital Federal dos Servidores do Estado, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. formed in October 2018 by members of the writing com-
National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore, Singapore. mittee (S.E.L and M.R.M), using PubMed and Embase,
Department of Neurology, Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University, Jining, and the results of these searches provided the basis for
Shandong, China. the first draft of the guideline. The main inclusion crite-
Department of Neurology, The Royal Children′s Hospital Melbourne, Melbourne,
rion for the literature searches was any study, trial, review
VIC, Australia.
Neurosciences Research, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Melbourne, or case report published from 2015 onwards that pro-
VIC, Australia. vided detail on the diagnosis, treatment, manage­ment
Department of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. or prognosis of patients with GBS. Publications on the
College of Medicine, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK. pathogenesis of GBS, or those with a focus on diseases
Department of Immunology, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands. not related to GBS, along with publications written in
C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t


1 When to suspect GBS 2 How to diagnose GBS

• Rapidly progressive bilateral limb weakness • Check diagnostic criteria
and/or sensory deficits • Exclude other causes
• Hypo/areflexia • Consider:
• Facial or bulbar palsy • Routine laboratory tests
• Ophthalmoplegia and ataxia • CSF examination
• Electrophysiological studies

Acute care

3 When to admit to ICU 4 When to start treatment

One or more: One or more:
• Rapid progression of weakness • Inability to walk >10 m independently
• Severe autonomic or swallowing dysfunction • Rapid progression of weakness
• Evolving respiratory distress • Severe autonomic or swallowing dysfunction
• EGRIS >4 • Respiratory insufficiency

5 Treatment options 6 Monitoring

• Intravenous immunoglobulin (0.4 g/kg daily for 5 days) Regularly assess:* • Autonomic function
• Plasma exchange (200–250 ml/kg for 5 sessions) • Muscle strength • Blood pressure
• Respiratory function • Heart rate/rhythm
• Swallowing function • Bladder/bowel control
7 Early complications
• Choking • Constipation
• Cardiac arrhythmias • Corneal ulceration 8 Clinical progression
• Infections • Dietary deficiency Treatment-related fluctuation:
• Deep vein thrombosis • Hyponatraemia • Repeat same treatment
• Pain • Pressure ulcers No initial response or incomplete recovery:
• Delirium • Compression neuropathy • No evidence for repeating treatment
• Depression • Limb contractures
• Urinary retention

Long-term care

9 Predicting outcome 10 Rehabilitation

• Calculate mEGOS on admission • Start rehabilitation programme early
• Recovery can continue >3 years after onset • Manage long-term complaints: fatigue, pain and
• Recurrence is rare (2–5%) psychological distress
• Contact GBS patient organizations

Fig. 1 | Ten-​step approach to the diagnosis and management of guillain–Barré syndrome. This bullet point summary
provides an overview of each of the ten steps described in the guideline. *Frequency of monitoring is dependent on the
clinical picture and should be assessed in individual patients. CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EGRIS, Erasmus GBS Respiratory
Insufficiency Score (Box 3); GBS, Guillain-​Barré syndrome; ICU, intensive care unit; mEGOS, modified Erasmus GBS
Outcome Score (Supplementary Table 3).

a language other than English or Dutch were excluded evidence (for example, cohort studies or case–control
from the review. Keywords used in the search strategy studies) was available, for instance on topics regarding
included the following Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) the differential diagnosis or rehabilitation of GBS.
terms: “Guillain–Barré syndrome” AND [“diagno­sis” OR In consideration of the global variation in health-
“therapeutics” OR “treatment outcome” OR “pro­gnosis”]. care context and variants of GBS, this first draft was
To obtain literature for more specific topics, additional subsequently reviewed by an international group
MeSH terms were combined with primary search key- of experts on GBS from Argentina (R.R.), Australia
words, including “intravenous immuno­g lobulins”, (E.M.Y.), Bangladesh (B.I.), Brazil (M.L.B.F. and C.S.),
“plasma exchange”, “intensive care units”, “pregnancy”, China (Y.W.), Colombia (C.A.P.), Japan (S.K.), Malaysia
“Miller Fisher syndrome” and “HIV”. Following this (N.S.), the Netherlands (P.A.v.D.), Singapore (T.U.),
review of the most recent literature, landmark studies South Africa (K.B.), the United States (D.R.C. and J.J.S.)
published prior to 2015 were identified for inclusion and the United Kingdom (R.A.C.H). In total, seven
by the writing committee (S.E.L., M.R.M., B.C.J. and rounds of review were held to reach a consensus. To
H.J.W.), along with additional papers selected by screen- consider the perspective of patients with GBS on the
ing the reference lists of already included manuscripts management of the disease, the GBS/CIDP Foundation
and consultation with the authors. Where possible, our International, a non-​profit organization that provides
recommendations regarding treatment were based on support, education, research funding and advocacy to
systematic reviews. Expert opinion from the authors patients with GBS or chronic inflammatory demyelinat-
was sought for recommendations when more limited ing poly­neuropathy (CIDP) and their families, reviewed

Nature Reviews | Neurology

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Classic Pure motor Paraparetic Pharyngeal– Bilateral facial palsy Pure sensory Miller Fisher Bickerstaff brainstem
sensorimotor cervical–brachial with paraesthesias syndrome encephalitis

Motor symptoms Sensory symptoms Decreased consciousness Ataxia

Fig. 2 | Pattern of symptoms in variants of guillain–Barré syndrome. Graphic representation of the pattern of
symptoms typically observed in the different clinical variants of Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS). Symptoms can be
purely motor, purely sensory (rare) or a combination of motor and sensory. Ataxia can be present in patients with Miller
Fisher syndrome and both decreased consciousness and ataxia can be present in patients with Bickerstaff brainstem
encephalitis. Symptoms can be localized to specific regions of the body , and the pattern of symptoms differs between
variants of GBS. Although bilateral facial palsy with paraesthesias, the pure sensory variant and Miller Fisher syndrome
are included in the GBS spectrum, they do not fulfil the diagnostic criteria for GBS. Adapted with permission from ref.113,
©2019 BMJ Publishing Group Limited. All rights reserved.

the manuscript and provided comment during the features, such as poorly localized pain, refusal to bear
development of the guideline. weight, irritability, meningism, or an unsteady gait27,28.
Failure to recognize these signs as an early presentation of
Step 1: when to suspect GBS GBS might cause delay in diagnosis28. In a minority
Typical clinical features of patients with atypical GBS, particularly those with
GBS should be considered as a diagnosis in patients only motor signs (pure motor variant) and an AMAN
who have rapidly progressive bilateral weakness of the subtype on electrophysiological examination, normal or
legs and/or arms, in the absence of CNS involvement or even exaggerated reflexes might be observed throughout
other obvious causes. Patients with the classic sensori­ the disease course29.
motor form of GBS present with distal paraesthesias
or sensory loss, accompanied or followed by weakness Variants
that starts in the legs and progresses to the arms and Some patients have a distinct and persistent clinical var-
cranial muscles. Reflexes are decreased or absent in iant of GBS that does not progress to the classic pattern
most patients at presentation and in almost all patients of sensory loss and weakness. These variants include:
at nadir10,24. Dysautonomia is common and can include weak­ness without sensory signs (pure motor variant);
blood pressure or heart rate instability, pupillary dys- weakness limited to the cranial nerves (bilateral facial
function, and bowel or bladder dysfunction25. Pain is palsy with paraesthesias), upper limbs (pharyngeal–
frequently reported and can be muscular, radicular or cervical–brachial weakness) or lower limbs (paraparetic
neuropathic26. Disease onset is acute or subacute, and variant); and the Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS), which
patients typically reach maximum disability within in its full manifestation consists of ophthalmoplegia, are-
2 weeks11. In patients who reach maximum disability flexia and ataxia6,30,31 (Fig. 2 and Table 1). In general, GBS
within 24 h of disease onset or after 4 weeks, alternative variants are rarely ‘pure’ and often overlap in part with
diagnoses should be considered2,3. GBS has a mono­ the classic syndrome or show features that are typical of
phasic clinical course, although TRFs and relapses occur other variant forms32.
in a minority of patients12,13. Besides the variants listed above, pure sensory ataxia,
Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis (BBE) and a pure
Atypical clinical presentation sensory variant are often included in the GBS spectrum
GBS can also present in an atypical manner. Weakness because they share clinical or pathophysiological fea-
and sensory signs, though always bilateral, can be tures with GBS. However, the inclusion of these clinical
asymmetrical or predominantly proximal or distal, and variants is subject to debate as they do not fulfil the diag-
can start in the legs, the arms or simultaneously in all nostic criteria for GBS2,3,31 (Box 1). The pure sensory vari-
limbs6,26. Furthermore, severe and diffuse pain or iso- ant shares clinical features with the classic sensorimotor
lated cranial nerve dysfunction can precede the onset form of GBS, with the exception of the presence of motor
of weakness26. Young (<6 years old) children in par- symptoms and signs31,33; pure sensory ataxia and MFS
ticular can present with nonspecific or atypical clinical have overlapping clinical profiles, and patients with BBE
C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

Table 1 | Variants of guillain–Barré syndrome

Variant Frequency (% Clinical features refs
of gBS cases)a
Classic sensorimotor 30–85 Rapidly progressive symmetrical weakness and sensory signs 11,24,114,115

GBSb with absent or reduced tendon reflexes, usually reaching

nadir within 2 weeks
Pure motorc 5–70 Motor weakness without sensory signs 5,11,24

Paraparetic 5–10 Paresis restricted to the legs 10,24,115

Pharyngeal–cervical– <5 Weakness of pharyngeal, cervical and brachial muscles 10,114,115

brachial without lower limb weakness

Bilateral facial palsy <5 Bilateral facial weakness, paraesthesias and reduced reflexes 114–116

with paraesthesiasd
Pure sensoryd <1 Acute or subacute sensory neuropathy without other deficits 117,118

Miller Fisher syndrome 5–25 Ophthalmoplegia, ataxia and areflexia. Incomplete forms with 11,24,114,116–119

isolated ataxia (acute ataxic neuropathy) or ophthalmoplegia

(acute ophthalmoplegia) can occur31. Overlaps with classical
sensorimotor GBS in an estimated 15% of patients
Bickerstaff brainstem <5 Ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, areflexia, pyramidal tract signs 114,115

encephalitisd and impaired consciousness, often overlapping with

sensorimotor GBS
Estimated frequencies, with percentages displayed to the nearest 5%, based on nine (primarily adult) cohort studies in various
geographical regions10,11,24,114–119. Frequencies differ by region and study , contributing to the variability. Most studies are biased
owing to exclusion of some of the variants. bThe sensorimotor form is seen in an estimated 70% of patients with GBS in Europe and
the Americas, and in 30–40% of cases in Asia11. cThe pure motor variant is reported in 5–15% of patients with GBS in most studies,
but in 70% cases in Bangladesh11,120. dDoes not fulfil commonly used diagnostic criteria for GBS, which require the presence of
bilateral limb weakness or fulfilment of the criteria for Miller Fisher syndrome3,4. GBS, Guillain–Barré syndrome.

usually present with symptoms resembling MFS and further studies showed a relationship between GBS
subsequently develop signs of brainstem dysfunction, and influenza vaccines45,46. These studies suggested
including impaired consciousness and pyramidal tract an increase of approximately one additional GBS case
signs30–32,34–36. Similar to patients with MFS, individuals per one million vaccinations, which is several orders
with sensory ataxia or BBE can exhibit IgG antibodies to of magni­tude lower than that observed for the 1976
GQ1b or other gangliosides in their serum30,34. However, influenza vaccine47,48. No other vaccines have been
whether pure sensory GBS, pure sensory ataxia and convincingly linked to GBS15.
BBE are variants of GBS and/or an incomplete form of A relationship between administration of immuno­
MFS is subject to debate, and careful diagnostic work-​ biologicals (for example, tumour necrosis factor antago­
up is required when these variants are suspected31,33,35 nists, immune checkpoint inhibitors or type I interferons)
(Boxes 1 and 2). and GBS has been reported on the basis of case series
information and biological plausibility49. Other events,
Preceding events including but not limited to surgery and malignancy, have
About two-​thirds of patients who develop GBS report been temporally related to GBS, but these relationships
symptoms of an infection in the 6 weeks preceding the lack a clear biological rationale and the epidemiological
onset of the condition11. These infections are thought evidence is limited50,51.
to trigger the immune response that causes GBS6.
Six pathogens have been temporally associated with Step 2: how to diagnose GBS
GBS in case–control studies: Campylobacter jejuni, In the absence of sufficiently sensitive and specific
cytomegalovirus, hepatitis E virus, Mycoplasma pneu- disease biomarkers, the diagnosis of GBS is based on
moniae, Epstein–Barr virus and Zika virus18,20,37. It has clinical history and examination, and is supported by
been suggested that other pathogens are linked to GBS ancillary investigations such as CSF examination and
on the basis of evidence from case series or epidemio- electrodiagnostic studies. The two most commonly used
logical studies, but their role in the pathogenesis of GBS sets of diagnostic criteria for GBS were developed by the
is uncertain38–43. In general, the absence of an antecedent National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
illness does not exclude a diagnosis of GBS, as puta- (NINDS) in 1978 (revised in 1990)2,3 (Box 1) and the
tive infections or other immunological stimuli can be Brighton Collaboration in 2011 (ref4) (Supplementary
subclinical. Table 1). Both sets of criteria were designed to investi-
Vaccines were first linked to GBS in 1976 when gate the epidemiological association between GBS and
a 7.3-fold increase in the risk of GBS was observed vaccinations but have since been used in other clinical
among nonmilitary individuals in the United States studies and trials. We consider the NINDS criteria to be
who had received the ‘swine’ influenza vaccine44. The more suited to the clinician as they present the clinical
epidemi­ological link between other vaccines and GBS features of typical and atypical forms of GBS, although
has been examined many times since, but only two the criteria from the Brighton Collaboration are also

Nature Reviews | Neurology

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important, widely used, and can help the clinician to such as infections or metabolic or electrolyte dysfunc-
classify cases with (typical) GBS or MFS according tions (Box 2). Further specific tests may be carried out
to diagnostic certainty. Various differential diagnoses with the aim of excluding other diseases that can mimic
must also be kept in mind when GBS is suspected, and GBS (Box 2). Testing for preceding infections does not
some symptoms should raise suspicion of alternative usually contribute to the diagnosis of GBS, but can pro-
diagnoses (Boxes 1 and 2). The role of ancillary investi­ vide important epidemiological information during
gations in confirming a GBS diagnosis is described in outbreaks of infectious diseases, as was seen in previ-
more detail in the following section. ous outbreaks of Zika virus and C. jejuni infection19,52.
The diagnostic value of measuring serum levels of anti-​
Laboratory investigations ganglioside antibodies is limited and assay-​dependent.
Laboratory testing is guided by the differential diagno­ A positive test result can be helpful, especially when the
sis in individual patients, but in general all patients diagnosis is in doubt, but a negative test result does not
with suspected GBS will have complete blood counts rule out GBS53. Anti-​GQ1b antibodies are found in up to
and blood tests for glucose, electrolytes, kidney func- 90% of patients with MFS17,54 and therefore have greater
tion and liver enzymes. Results of these tests can be diagnostic value in patients with suspected MFS than in
used to exclude other causes of acute flaccid paralysis, patients with classic GBS or other variants. When GBS is
suspected, we advise not to wait for antibody test results
before starting treatment.
Box 1 | Diagnostic criteria for guillain–Barré syndrome
Cerebrospinal fluid examination
This box lists the diagnostic criteria for Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) developed by
CSF examination is mainly used to rule out causes of
the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)3 and subsequently
modified in a review paper6. We have added some features that cast doubt on the weakness other than GBS and should be performed
diagnosis, which were not mentioned in the original criteria2,3,6, and have made some during the initial evaluation of the patient. The classic
adaptations to improve readability. These criteria are not applicable to some of the finding in GBS is the combination of an elevated CSF
specific variants of GBS, as described in Table 1. protein level and a normal CSF cell count (known as
Features required for diagnosis albumino-​c ytological dissociation)55. However, pro-
tein levels are normal in 30–50% of patients in the
• Progressive bilateral weakness of arms and legs (initially only legs may be involved)a
first week after disease onset and 10–30% of patients
• Absent or decreased tendon reflexes in affected limbs (at some point in clinical course)a
in the second week10,11,24,56. Therefore, normal CSF pro-
Features that strongly support diagnosis tein levels do not rule out a diagnosis of GBS. Marked
• Progressive phase lasts from days to 4 weeks (usually <2 weeks) pleocytosis (>50 cells/μl) suggests other pathologies,
• Relative symmetry of symptoms and signs such as leptomeningeal malignancy or infectious or
• Relatively mild sensory symptoms and signs (absent in pure motor variant)a inflammatory diseases of the spinal cord or nerve roots.
Mild pleocytosis (10–50 cells/μl), though compatible
• Cranial nerve involvement, especially bilateral facial palsya
with GBS, should still prompt clinicians to consider
• Autonomic dysfunction
alternative diagnoses, such as infectious causes of
• Muscular or radicular back or limb painb polyradiculitis10,11 (Box 2).
• Increased protein level in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); normal protein levels do not rule
out the diagnosisb Electrodiagnostic studies
• Electrodiagnostic features of motor or sensorimotor neuropathy (normal Electrodiagnostic studies are not required to diagnose
electrophysiology in the early stages does not rule out the diagnosis)b GBS. However, we recommend that these studies are
Features that cast doubt on diagnosis performed wherever possible as they are helpful in sup-
• Increased numbers of mononuclear or polymorphonuclear cells in CSF (>50 × 106/l) porting the diagnosis, particularly in patients with an
• Marked, persistent asymmetry of weakness
atypical presentation. In general, electrophysiological
examination in patients with GBS will reveal a sensori­
• Bladder or bowel dysfunction at onset or persistent during disease courseb
motor polyradiculoneuropathy or polyneuropathy,
• Severe respiratory dysfunction with limited limb weakness at onsetb
indicated by reduced conduction velocities, reduced sen-
• Sensory signs with limited weakness at onseta sory and motor evoked amplitudes, abnormal temporal
• Fever at onset dispersion and/or partial motor conduction blocks6,57.
• Nadir <24 hb Typical for GBS is a ‘sural sparing pattern’ in which the
• Sharp sensory level indicating spinal cord injurya sural sensory nerve action potential is normal while
• Hyper-​reflexia or clonusb the median and ulnar sensory nerve action potentials are
• Extensor plantar responsesb abnormal or even absent6,57. However, electrophysiolog-
• Abdominal painb ical measurements might be normal when performed
• Slow progression with limited weakness without respiratory involvement
early in the disease course (within 1 week of symptom
onset) or in patients with initially proximal weakness,
• Continued progression for >4 weeks after start of symptomsb
mild disease, slow progression or clinical variants5,58,59.
• Alteration of consciousness (except in Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis)b
In these patients, a repeat electrodiagnostic study
Minor adaptations were made by the authors to a simplified version of the original NINDS 2–3 weeks later can be helpful. In patients with MFS,
criteria6. aStatements in NINDS criteria that were adapted by authors to improve readability. results of electrodiagnostic studies are usually normal or
Additional features which were not included in the NINDS. Note: for clarity, we have omitted demonstrate only a reduced amplitude of sensory nerve
‘Features that rule out the diagnosis’ from the original NINDS criteria for this adapted version.
action potentials4,60.
C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

Box 2 | Differential diagnosis of guillain–Barré syndrome

The differential diagnosis of Guillain–Barré syndrome is broad and highly • Metabolic or electrolyte disorders (for example, hypoglycaemia,
dependent on the clinical features of the individual patient. Here, hypothyroidism, porphyria or copper deficiency)
we present an overview of the most important differential diagnoses • Vitamin deficiency (for example, deficiency of vitamins B1 (also known
categorized by location in the nervous system. as beriberi), B12 or E)
CNS • Toxins (for example, drugs, alcohol, vitamin B6, lead, thallium, arsenic,
• Inflammation or infection of the brainstem (for example, sarcoidosis, organophosphate, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, methanol or
Sjögren syndrome, neuromyelitis optica or myelin oligodendrocyte N-​hexane)
glycoprotein antibody-​associated disorder)a • Critical illness polyneuropathy
• Inflammation or infection of the spinal cord (for example, sarcoidosis, • Neuralgic amyotrophy
Sjögren syndrome or acute transverse myelitis) • Vasculitis
• Malignancy (for example, leptomeningeal metastases or • Infection (for example, diphtheria or HIV)
Neuromuscular junction
• Compression of brainstem or spinal cord
• Myasthenia gravis
• Brainstem stroke
• Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome
• Vitamin deficiency (for example, Wernicke encephalopathya, caused
• Neurotoxins (for example, botulism, tetanus, tick paralysis or snakebite
by deficiency of vitamin B1, or subacute combined degeneration of
the spinal cord, caused by deficiency of vitamin B12)
• Organophosphate intoxication
Anterior horn cells
• Acute flaccid myelitis (for example, as a result of polio, enterovirus
• Metabolic or electrolyte disorders (for example, hypokalaemia,
D68 or A71, West Nile virus, Japanese encephalitis virus or rabies
thyrotoxic hypokalaemic periodic paralysis, hypomagnesaemia or
Nerve roots • Inflammatory myositis
• Infection (for example, Lyme disease, cytomegalovirus, HIV, Epstein– • Acute rhabdomyolysis
Barr virus or varicella zoster virus) • Drug-​induced toxic myopathy (for example, induced by colchicine,
• Compression chloroquine, emetine or statins)
• Leptomeningeal malignancy • Mitochondrial disease
Peripheral nerves other
• Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) • Conversion or functional disorder

Differential diagnosis for Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis.


Electrodiagnostic studies can also differentiate of GBS65 and can support a GBS diagnosis, especially
between the three electrophysiological subtypes of clas- in young children, in whom both clinical and electro-
sical GBS: AIDP, AMAN, and AMSAN. Several sets physiological assessment can be challenging66. In light
of electrodiagnostic criteria exist that aim to classify of recent outbreaks of acute flaccid myelitis in young
patients into these different electrophysiological sub- children, the clinical presentation of which can mimic
types on the basis of the presence of specific electro- GBS, the potential use of MRI to distinguish between
diagnostic characteristics in at least two motor nerves. these two diagnoses should be given special attention67,68.
International consensus is yet to be reached on which However, clinicians should be mindful that nerve root
set of criteria best defines the electrophysiological sub- enhancement can be found in a minority of individuals
types5,52,61. However, about one-​third of patients with with acute flaccid myelitis69.
GBS do not meet any of these criteria and are labelled A new potential diagnostic tool in GBS is ultrasound
‘equivocal’ or ‘inexcitable’. Studies have demonstrated imaging of the peripheral nerves, which has revealed
that repeating electrodiagnostic studies 3–8 weeks after enlarged cervical nerve roots early in the disease course,
disease onset might aid electrodiagnostic classification indicating the importance of spinal root inflammation
by allowing classification of cases that were initially as an early pathological mechanism70,71. This technique
unclassifiable, or reclassification of cases that were ini- might, therefore, help establish a diagnosis of GBS early in
tially classified as AIDP, AMAN or AMSAN, although the disease course, although further validation is required.
this practice is controversial62–64.
Step 3: when to admit to the ICU
Imaging Reasons to admit patients to the intensive care unit
MRI is not part of the routine diagnostic evaluation of (ICU) include the following: evolving respiratory dis-
GBS, but can be helpful, particularly for excluding differ- tress with imminent respiratory insufficiency, severe
ential diagnoses such as brainstem infection, stroke, spi- autonomic cardiovascular dysfunction (for example,
nal cord or anterior horn cell inflammation, nerve root arrhythmias or marked variation in blood pressure),
compression or leptomeningeal malignancy (Box 2). The severe swallowing dysfunction or diminished cough
presence of nerve root enhancement on gadolinium-​ reflex, and rapid progression of weakness72,73. A state of
enhanced MRI is a nonspecific but sensitive feature imminent respiratory insufficiency is defined as clinical

Nature Reviews | Neurology

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signs of respiratory distress, including breathlessness at display rapidly progressive weakness or other severe
rest or during talking, inability to count to 15 in a single symptoms such as autonomic dysfunction, bulbar
breath, use of accessory respiratory muscles, increased failure or respiratory insufficiency78–80. Clinical trials
respiratory or heart rate, vital capacity <15–20 ml/kg or have demonstrated a treatment effect for intravenous
<1 l, or abnormal arterial blood gas or pulse oximetry immunoglobu­lin (IVIg) when started within 2 weeks of
measurements. the onset of weakness and for plasma exchange when
As up to 22% of patients with GBS require mechanical started within 4 weeks76,77. Beyond these time periods,
ventilation within the first week of admission, patients at evidence on efficacy is lacking.
risk of respiratory failure must be identified as early as
possible74. The Erasmus GBS Respiratory Insufficiency Step 5: treatment options
Score (EGRIS) prognostic tool was developed for this Treatment strategies
purpose and calculates the probability (1–90%) that IVIg (0.4 g/kg body weight daily for 5 days) and plasma
a patient will require ventilation within 1 week of exchange (200–250 ml plasma/kg body weight in five
assessment74 (Box 3). sessions) are equally effective treatments for GBS76,80.
Risk factors for prolonged mechanical ventilation IVIg and plasma exchange carry comparable risks of
include the inability to lift the arms from the bed at adverse events, although early studies showed that
1 week after intubation, and an axonal subtype or unex- plasma exchange was more likely than IVIg to be dis-
citable nerves in electrophysiological studies75. Early tra- continued76,81. As IVIg is also easier to administer and
cheostomy should be considered in patients who have generally more widely available than plasma exchange,
these risk factors. it is usually the treatment of choice. Besides IVIg and
plasma exchange, no other procedures or drugs have
Step 4: when to start treatment been proven effective in the treatment of GBS. Although
Immunomodulatory therapy should be started if corticosteroids would be expected to be beneficial in
patients are unable to walk independently for 10 m reducing inflammation and, therefore, disease progres-
(refs76,77). Evidence on treatment efficacy in patients sion in GBS, eight randomized controlled trials on the
who can still walk independently is limited, but treat- efficacy of corticosteroids for GBS showed no signifi-
ment should be considered, especially if these patients cant benefit, and treatment with oral corticosteroids
was even shown to have a negative effect on outcome82.
Furthermore, plasma exchange followed by IVIg is no
Box 3 | erasmus gBS respiratory Insufficiency Score more effective than either treatment alone and insuf-
The Erasmus Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) Respiratory Insufficiency Score (EGRIS) ficient evidence is available for the efficacy of add-​on
calculates the probability that a patient with GBS will require mechanical ventilation treatment with intravenous methylprednisolone in IVIg-​
within 1 week of assessment and is based on three key measures. Each measure is treated patients82,83. In clinical settings where resources
categorized and assigned an individual score; the sum of these scores gives an overall are limited, small-​volume plasma exchange might be
EGRIS for that patient (between 0 and 7). An EGRIS of 0–2 indicates a low risk of an economical and relatively safe alternative to conven-
mechanical intervention (4%), 3–4 indicates an intermediate risk of mechanical tional plasma exchange, but this approach cannot be
intervention (24%) and ≥5 indicates a high risk of mechanical intervention (65%). This recommended for general use until its efficacy has been
model is based on a Dutch population of patients with GBS (aged >6 years) and has not
established in further trials84.
yet been validated internationally. Therefore, it may not be applicable in other age
groups or populations. An online resource that automatically calculates the EGRIS for a Antimicrobial or antiviral treatment can be consid-
patient based on answers to a series of questions has been made available by the ered in patients with GBS who have an ongoing infec-
International GBS Outcome Study (IGOS) consortium (see Related links). The Medical tion; however, preceding infections have usually resolved
Research Council (MRC) sum score is the sum of the score on the MRC scale for: muscle before the onset of weakness.
weakness of bilateral shoulder abduction; elbow flexion; wrist extension; hip flexion;
knee extension; and ankle dorsiflexion. A higher MRC sum score denotes increased Specific patient groups
disability, up to a maximum score of 60. GBS variants. Patients with pure MFS tend to have a
relatively mild disease course, and most recover com-
Measure Categories Score pletely without treatment within 6 months85. Therefore,
Days between onset of weakness and hospital admission >7 days 0 treatment is generally not recommended in this patient
4–7 days 1 group but patients should be monitored closely because
a subgroup can develop limb weakness, bulbar or facial
≤3 days 2
palsy, or respiratory failure32,80. The severity of the dis-
Facial and/or bulbar weakness at hospital admission Absent 0 ease course of BBE justifies treatment with IVIg or
Present 1 plasma exchange, although evidence for the efficacy
MRC sum score at hospital admission 60–51 0 of treatment in this context is limited34,85. For the other
clinical variants, no evidence regarding treatment is cur-
50–41 1 rently available, although many experts will administer
40–31 2 IVIg or plasma exchange86.
30–21 3
Pregnant women. Neither IVIg nor plasma exchange
≤20 4
is contraindicated during pregnancy. However, as
EGRIS NA 0–7 plasma exchange requires additional considerations
NA, not applicable. Adapted with permission from ref. , Wiley-​VCH.
and monitoring, IVIg might be preferred87–89.
C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

Table 2 | Important complications of guillain–Barré syndrome Third, patients should be monitored for swallowing
and coughing difficulties. Last, autonomic dysfunc-
Complication When to be alert tion should be assessed via electrocardiography and
Choking Bulbar palsy monitoring of heart rate, blood pressure, and bowel
Cardiac arrhythmias All patients and bladder function.
The nature and frequency of monitoring depends
Hospital-​acquired infections Bulbar and facial palsy , immobility , bladder
(e.g., pneumonia, sepsis or urinary dysfunction, mechanical ventilation on the rate of deterioration, the presence or absence of
tract infection) autonomic dysfunction, the phase of the disease, and the
Pain and tactile allodynia Limited communication healthcare setting, and should be carefully assessed in
each individual patient. Up to two-​thirds of the deaths
Delirium Limited communication of patients with GBS occur during the recovery phase
Depression Limited communication and are mostly caused by cardiovascular and respira-
Urinary retention All patients tory dysfunction6,7,11. We therefore advise clinicians to
Constipation Immobility
stay alert during this phase and monitor the patient for
potential arrhythmias, blood pressure shifts, or respira-
Corneal ulceration Facial palsy tory distress caused by mucus plugs. This monitoring is
Dietary deficiency Bulbar and facial palsy especially important in patients who have recently left
Hyponatraemia All patients the ICU and in those with cardiovascular risk factors.
Pressure ulcers Immobility
Step 7: managing early complications
Compression neuropathy Immobility Complications in GBS can cause severe morbidity and
Limb contractures and ossifications Severe weakness for prolonged period of time death95. Some of these complications, including pres-
Important complications of Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS)72. Most of these complications can sure ulcers, hospital-​acquired infections (for example,
occur in any patient with GBS, at any time, but the second column shows when they are most pneumonia or urinary tract infections) and deep vein
likely to occur and/or when to be especially alert.
thrombosis, can occur in any hospitalized bed-​bound
patient, and standard-​practice preventive measures and
Children. There is no indication that it is necessary to treatment are recommended. Other complications are
deviate from standard adult practice when treating chil- more specific to GBS, for example, the inability to swal-
dren with GBS76,78,90. Evidence on the relative efficacies low safely in patients with bulbar palsy; corneal ulcera-
of plasma exchange and IVIg in children is limited90. tion in patients with facial palsy; and limb contractures,
However, as plasma exchange is only available in centres ossification and pressure palsies in patients with limb
that are experienced with its use and seems to produce weakness (Table 2). Pain, hallucinations, anxiety and
greater discomfort and higher rates of complications than depression are also frequent in patients with GBS,
IVIg in children, IVIg is usually the first-​line therapy for and care­givers should specifically ask patients whether they
children with GBS91. Although some paediatric centres are experiencing these symptoms, especially if patients
administer IVIg as 2 g/kg (body weight) over 2 days, have limited communication abilities and/or are in the
rather than the standard adult regimen of 2 g/kg (body ICU. Recognition and adequate treatment of psycho-
weight) over 5 days, one study indicated that TRFs were logical symptoms and pain at an early stage is impor-
more frequent with a 2-day regimen (5 of 23 children) tant because these symptoms can have a major impact
than with the 5-day regimen (0 of 23 children)78. on the wellbeing of patients. Caregivers should also be
aware that patients with GBS, even those with complete
Step 6: monitoring disease progression paralysis, usually have intact consciousness, vision and
Regular assessment is required to monitor disease pro- hearing. It is important, therefore, to be mindful of
gression and the occurrence of complications. First, rou- what is said at the bedside, and to explain the nature
tine measurement of respiratory function is advised, as of procedures to patients to reduce anxiety. Adequate
not all patients with respiratory insufficiency will have management of complications is best undertaken by a
clinical signs of dyspnoea. These respiratory measure- multidisciplinary team, which might include nurses,
ments can include usage of accessory respiratory mus- physiotherapists, rehabilitation specialists, occupational
cles, counting during expiration of one full-​capacity therapists, speech therapists and dietitians.
inspiratory breath (a single breath count of ≤19 predicts
a requirement for mechanical ventilation), vital capacity, Step 8: managing clinical progression
and maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressure73,92. Insufficient response to treatment
Clinicians should consider using the ‘20/30/40 rule’, About 40% of patients treated with standard doses of
whereby the patient is deemed at risk of respiratory fail- plasma exchange or IVIg do not improve in the first
ure if the vital capacity is <20 ml/kg, the maximum inspir- 4 weeks following treatment80,82. Such disease progres-
atory pressure is <30 cmH2O or the maximum expiratory sion does not imply that the treatment is ineffective,
pressure is <40 cmH2O (ref93). Second, muscle strength as progression might have been worse without ther-
in the neck, arms and legs should be assessed using apy6. Clinicians may consider repeating the treatment
the Medical Research Council grading scale or a simi- or changing to an alternative treatment, but at present
lar scale, and functional disability should be assessed no evidence exists that this approach will improve the
on the GBS disability scale (Supplementary Table 2), a outcome96,97. A clinical trial investigating the effect of
widely used tool for documenting GBS disease course94. administering a second IVIg dose is ongoing98.

Nature Reviews | Neurology

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Treatment-​related fluctuations Physical function

TRFs are observed in 6–10% of patients with GBS and are Arranging a rehabilitation programme with a rehabili­
defined as disease progression occurring within 2 months tation specialist, physiotherapist and occupational thera­
following an initial treatment-​induced clinical improve- pist is a crucial step towards recovery. Programmes
ment or stabilization12,13. TRFs should be distinguished should aim to reduce disability in the early stages of
from clinical progression without any initial response recovery and later to restore motor and sensory function
to treatment. The general view is that a TRF indicates and physical condition to predisease levels106. Exercise
that the treatment effect has worn off while the inflam- programmes for patients with GBS, which include range-​
matory phase of the disease is still ongoing. Therefore, of-motion exercises, stationary cycling, and walking and
patients with GBS who display TRFs might benefit from strength training, have been shown to improve physical
further treatment, and repeating the full course of IVIg or fitness, walking ability and independence in activities of
plasma exchange in these patients is a common practice, daily living106. However, the intensity of exercise must
although evidence to support this approach is lacking80. be closely monitored as overwork can cause fatigue106.

CIDP Fatigue
In ~5% of patients with GBS, repeated clinical relapses Fatigue, unrelated to residual motor deficits, is found
suggest a more chronic disease process, and the diagno- in 60–80% of patients with GBS and is often one of the
sis is changed to acute-​onset CIDP12. Acute-​onset CIDP most disabling complaints107,108. Other causes should be
typi­cally presents with three or more TRFs and/or clinical considered before concluding that fatigue in a patient
deterioration ≥8 weeks after disease onset12. is a residual result of GBS. As with recovery of physical
function, a graded, supervised exercise programme has
Step 9: predicting outcome been shown to be useful in reducing fatigue109.
Most patients with GBS, even those who were tetraplegic
at nadir or required mechanical ventilation for a long Pain
period of time, show extensive recovery, especially in the Severe pain is reported in at least one-​third of patients
first year after disease onset11,99. About 80% of patients with GBS 1 year after disease onset and can persist for
with GBS regain the ability to walk independently at >10 years14,26. Chronic pain in GBS is characterized by
6 months after disease onset11. The probability of regain- muscle pain in the lower back and limbs, painful par-
ing walking ability can be calculated in individual aesthesias, arthralgia, and radicular pain. Although the
patients using the modified Erasmus GBS outcome score pathogenesis of this pain is not fully understood, muscle
(mEGOS) prognostic tool100 (Supplementary Table 3). pain and arthralgia might be attributable to immobil-
Despite the generally positive prospects for patients ity, and neuropathic pain might be caused by regener-
with GBS, death occurs in 3–10% of cases, most commonly ation of, or persistent damage to, small nerve fibres26.
owing to cardiovascular and respiratory compli­cations, Management strategies include encouraging mobi-
which can occur in both the acute and the recovery lization and administering drugs for neuropathic or
phase7–9. Risk factors for mortality include advanced age nociceptive pain104.
and severe disease at onset7. Long-term residual com-
plaints are also common and can include neuropathic Psychological distress
pain, weakness and fatigue101–103. However, recovery Rapid loss of physical function, often in previously
from these complaints may still occur >5 years after healthy individuals, can be severely traumatic and may
disease onset103. cause anxiety and/or depression. Early recognition and
Recurrent episodes of GBS are rare, affecting 2–5% management of psychological distress is important
of patients, but this percentage is still higher than the in patients with GBS, especially as mental status can
lifetime risk of GBS in the general population (0.1%)14,15. influence physical recovery and vice versa; referral to
Many vaccines carry a warning about GBS, although a psychologist or psychiatrist might be beneficial for
prior GBS is not a strict contraindication for vaccination. some patients110. Providing accurate information to
Discussion with experts might be useful for patients who patients on the relatively good chance of recovery and
were diagnosed with GBS <1 year before a planned vac- low recurrence risk (2–5%) can help reduce their fear11,14.
cination or who previously developed GBS shortly after Connecting patients with others who have had GBS can
receiving the same vaccination. In these patients, the also help guide them through the rehabilitation process.
benefits of vaccination for specific illnesses (for exam- The GBS/CIDP Foundation International — the interna-
ple, influenza in elderly individuals) must be weighed tional patient association for GBS — and other national
against the small and possibly only theoretical risk of a organizations can help establish these networks.
recurrent GBS episode14.
Step 10: planning rehabilitation GBS can be a complex disorder to diagnose and man-
Patients with GBS can experience a range of long-​term age as the clinical presentation is heterogeneous and the
residual problems, including incomplete recovery of prognosis varies widely between patients. Managing
motor and sensory function, as well as fatigue, pain and GBS can be especially challenging during outbreaks
psychological distress103. Before the patient is dis­charged, triggered by infectious disease, as was most recently
these possible long-​term effects of GBS should be seen during the Zika virus epidemic. In the absence
considered and managed104,105. of an international clinical guideline for GBS, we have
C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

developed this consensus guideline for the diagnosis and a second course of IVIg is being investigated78,111,112.
and management of GBS. This guideline was developed Little is known about how to measure and predict long-​
by a team of clinical neurologists from around the world term outcome in patients with GBS, and validation stud-
and is designed for general applicability in all clinical ies of known prognostic models (for example, mEGOS
environments, irrespective of specialist capabilities or and EGRIS) and research into new outcome measures
availability of resources. The step-​by-step design was are needed. We intend to seek feedback on this guide-
used to focus attention on the most important issues line and provide updates based on results from ongoing
in GBS and to make the guideline easy to use in clinical studies and future research.
practice. To further improve the worldwide management of
As the field of GBS research develops, and ongoing GBS, we aim to use this consensus report as a basis for
studies aim to improve diagnostics, treatment and prog- the development of online information resources, train-
nostic modelling, this guideline will need to be updated ing material and teaching courses. These resources will
regularly. For example, ultrasound imaging of the be directed towards healthcare workers, including
peripheral nerves is emerging as a potential diagnostic clinical neurologists, as well as patients with GBS and
tool and might require further comment in future ver- their relatives.
sions of this guideline. In relation to treatment, the effi-
cacy of complement inhibitors, IgG-​cleaving enzymes Published online xx xx xxxx

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Tecnológico. D.R.C. is on the Board of Directors for the CSL Behring, DP Clinical, Grifols, Hansa Biopharma, New Supplementary information
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