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Information Theory: 1 Random Variables and Probabilities X

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Information Theory

This is a brief tutorial on Information Theory, as formulated by Shannon [Shannon, 1948]. It

is well beyond the scope of this paper to engage in a comprehensive discussion of that field;
however, it is worthwhile to have a short reference of the relevant concepts. Readers interested
in a deeper discussion are referred to [Cover and Thomas, 1991], where much of this material
is derived.

1 Random Variables and Probabilities

A variable is an object, X, that can take on any value from a set of values Ωx (dubbed its
domain). These values may be discrete and finite, such as the letters of the alphabet or {0, 1},
or they may be continuous and infinite, such as any real number. A random variable is a vari-
able whose value is unpredictable. A particular value that a random variable has taken on a
some time is called a trial. A collection of trials is called a sample. A common example of a
random variable is one representing the flip of a coin. The random variable may take on one of
two values {H, T}. Each time we flip the coin, we have a trial. A series of coin flips is then a
Associated with every random variable is a (possibly unknown) probability distribu-
tion, P(X). The probability of a particular value is the proportion of the number of times you
expect to see that value over a very large sample. This distribution maps every possible value

of Ωx to a value in [0, 1]. As P(X) is a probability distribution, ∑ P ( x ) = 1 . In our coin

x ∈ Ωx

example, we might assume a fair coin, such that P(X=H)=P(X=T)=0.5. For a two-headed
coin, we might have P(X=H)=1 and P(X=T)=0.
For continuous random variables, there is a subtle problem. Because X can take on an
infinite number of values, the value of any given value will almost always be zero. Instead of
probability distributions, we use probability densities and integrate over ranges of possible
values; however, the distinction is not important for the purposes of this discussion.1
In addition to discussing a single random variable, we have a vocabulary for discuss-
ing several at once. This is useful because random variables may be dependent upon one
another. For example, we may define a new variable, Y=F(X), where F() is a deterministic
function. In this way, knowing X means that we always know the value of Y. On the other
hand, if X and Y represent two separate coin flips then we might expect that knowing the value
of one will not tell us anything about the other. If this is true, they are said to be independent.
Of course, there are states between complete dependence and complete independence. We
might have a noisy signal driving a noisy speaker. Knowing the original signal tells us some-
thing about the sound coming out, but not everything. There is still uncertainty that comes
from the noisy speaker itself.
We can formalize these notions using joint distributions. A joint distribution, P(X,Y),
tells us everything about the co-occurrence of events from X and Y. In fact, we can derive
P(X) (and P(Y)) from the joint by computing the marginal distribution:

P(X) = ∑ P ( X,Y=y ) .
y ∈ Ωy

Two variables are independent if and only if P(X,Y)=P(X)•P(Y).

Closely related to the joint distribution is the conditional distribution:
P ( X, Y )
P ( Y X ) = --------------------

1. This is very important in general, however. In particular, many of the theorems that hold for discrete random variables do
not hold for continuous variables. Where this is a problem, we will mention it; otherwise, when thinking of continuous
random variables use integrals instead of summations.
§2 Moments 3

which tells us the probability of Y if we already knew X. Note that this relationship gives us
another definition for the joint; namely, that P(X,Y) = P(Y | X)•P(X). Because joints are not
order dependent, this also means that P(X,Y) = P(X | Y)•P(Y). This observation leads us to
Bayes’ rule:
P ( X Y ) = P ( Y X ) ------------- .
This rule turns out to be quite useful, and allows us to invert conditional probabilities.
We can construct joint and conditional distributions over three random variables,

P(X,Y,Z), as well. We can also compute marginals, P ( X ) = ∑ P ( X,Y=y,Z=z ) .

z ∈ Ω z ,y ∈ Ω y

We can even define our joints in terms of conditionals: P(X,Y,Z)=P(X | Y,Z)•P(Y | Z)•P(Z). A
defintion of independence (P(X,Y,Z)=P(X)•P(Y)•P(Z)) follows naturally. Generally, we can
definte joints and conditionals for any number of random variables.

2 Moments

There are several statistics we might want to use to describe the behavior of our random vari-
ables. When our random variable ranges over numbers, one of the most common statistics is
the “average.” We can define the mean or expected value of a random variable as:

EX [ X ] = ∑ xP ( X=x ) .
x ∈ Ωx

In a common abuse of notation we will usually dismiss the subscript and refer to the expecta-
tion of X as simply E[X].
What do we do in the case where we do not know the distribution of X and so cannot
compute E[X]? If {…xi…} refers to a series of trials of X then we can compute a sample
mean instead:
E [ X ] = ---- ∑ x ,
Nx ∈ Ω

where N is the number of trials in the sample.

It is worth noting that the true mean is a deterministic function of the distribution of X
while the sample mean is not. Because the samples are themselves random, we might calcuate

a different sample mean each time we pick a sample. Therefore, the sample mean is also a ran-
dom variable. Luckily, the law of large numbers allows one to prove that as we take more and
more trials of X, we approach an estimation of the true distribution. Thus, in the limit, the
sample mean approaches the true expectation.
There are other statistics that we might compute when the mean is not enough. For
example, variance measures the variation of values about the mean:
2 2 2
Var ( X ) = E [ ( X – E [ X ] ) ] = E [ X ] – E [ X ] .
It is closely related to the standard deviation, σ(X), which is its square root.
The mean is the first moment of the random variable X. In general, there are k
moments, each denoted by E[Xk]. When you subtract the mean from X before taking the
expectation, E[(X - E[X])k], you have a central moment. The variance is therefore the second
central moment of X. Often, in order to control for scale, we compute a normalized central
E[(X – E[X]) ]
---------------------------------------- .
Each increasing moment can be used to further classify the behavior of a random vari-
able. In the work for which this tutorial was first written we often used kurtosis—the fourth
normalized central moment—as a convenient measure of the peakedness of a distribution.

3 Entropy

Although it is in principle a very old concept, entropy is generally credited to Shannon

because it is the fundamental measure in information theory. Entropy is often defined as an

H ( X ) = – E [ log P ( X ) ] = – ∑ P ( X=x ) log P ( X=x )

x ∈ Ωx

where 0 log(0) = 0. The base of the logarithm is generally 2. When this is the case, the units of
entropy are bits.
Entropy captures the amount of randomness or uncertainty in a variable. This, in turn,
is a measure of the average length of a message that would have to be sent to describe a sam-
§3 Entropy 5

ple. Recall our fair coin from § 1. It’s entropy is: – ( 0.5 log 0.5 + 0.5 log 0.5 ) = 1 ; that is, there
is one bit of information in the random variable.This means that on average we need to send
one bit per trial to describe a sample. This should fit your intuitions: if I flip a coin 100 times,
I’ll need 100 numbers to describe those flips, if order matters. By contrast, our two-headed
coin has entropy – ( 1 log 1 + 0 log 0 ) = 0 . Even if I flip this coin 100 times, it doesn’t matter
because the outcome is always heads. I don’t need to send any message to describe a sample.
There are other possibilities besides being completely random and completely deter-
mined. Imagine a weighted coin, such that heads occurr 75% of the time. The entropy would
be: – ( 0.75 log 0.75 + 0.25 log 0.25 ) = 0.8113 . After 100 trials, I’d only need a message of
about 82 bits on average to describe the sample. Shannon showed that there exists a coder that
can construct messages of length H(X)+1, nearly matching this ideal rate.
Just as with probabilities, we can compute joint and conditional entropies. Joint
entropy is the randomness contained in two variables, while conditional entropy is a measure
of the randomness of one variable given knowledge of another. Joint entropy is defined as:

H ( X, Y ) = – E X [ E Y [ log P ( X, Y ) ] ] = – ∑ P ( X=x,Y=y ) log P ( X=x,Y=y )

x ∈ Ω z ,y ∈ Ω y

while the condtional entropy is:

H ( Y X ) = – E X [ E Y [ log P ( Y X ) ] ] = – ∑ P ( X=x,Y=y ) log P ( Y=y X=x ) .

x ∈ Ω z ,y ∈ Ω y

There are several interesting facts that follow from these definitions. For example, two
random variables, X and Y, are considered independent if and only if H ( Y X ) = H ( Y ) or

H ( X, Y ) = H ( X ) + H ( Y ) . It is also the case that H ( Y X ) ≤ H ( Y ) (knowing more infor-

mation can never increase our uncertainty). Similarly, H ( X, Y ) ≤ H ( X ) + H ( Y ) . It is also

the case that H ( X, Y ) = H ( Y X ) + H ( X ) = H ( X Y ) + H ( Y ) .These relations hold in the

general case of more than two variables.
There are several facts about discrete entropy, H(), that do not hold for continuous or
differential entropy, h(). The most important is that while H ( X ) ≥ 0 , h() can actually be nega-

tive. Worse, even a distribution with an entropy of – ∞ can still have uncertainty. Luckily, for

us, even though differential entropy cannot provide us with an absolute measure of random-
ness, it is still that case that if h ( X ) ≥ h ( Y ) then X has more randomness than Y.

4 Mutual Information

Although conditional entropy can tell us when two variables are completely independent, it is
not an adequarte measure of dependence. A small value for H ( Y X ) may imply that X tells us
a great deal about Y or that H(Y) is small to begin with. Thus, we measure dependence using
mutual information:
I ( X, Y ) = H ( Y ) – H ( Y X ) .
Mutual information is a measure of the reduction of randomness of a variable given
knowledge of another variable. Using properties of logarithms, we can derive several equiva-
lent definitions:

I ( X, Y ) = H(Y) – H(Y X)
= H(X) – H(X Y)
= H ( X ) + H ( Y ) – H ( X, Y )
= I ( Y, X )
In addition to the definitions above, it is useful to realize that mutual information is a
particular case of the Kullback-Leibler divergence. The KL divergence is defined as:
D(p q) = ∫ p ( x ) log ----------

KL divergence measures the difference between two distributions. It is sometimes

called the relative entropy. It is always non-negative and zero only when p=q; however, it is
not a distance because it is not symmetic.
In terms of KL divergence, mutual information is:
P ( X, Y )
D ( P ( X, Y ) P ( X )P ( Y ) ) ) = ∫ P ( X, Y ) log -------------------------
P ( X )P ( Y )

In other words, mutual information is a measure of the difference between the joint
probability and product of the individual probabilities. These two distributions are equivalent
only when X and Y are independent, and diverge as X and Y become more dependent.
§4 Mutual Information 7


Bell, A. and Sejnowski, T. (1995). An Information-Maximization Approach to Blind Source

Separation and Blind Deconvolution. Neural Computation, 7, 1129-1159.

Cover, T. and Thomas, J. (1991). Elements of Information Theory. John Wiley and Sons.

Shannon, C. (1948). A Mathematical Theory of Communication. Bell Systems Technical Jour-

nal, 27.

Viola, P. (1995). Aligment by Maximization of Mutual Information. PhD Thesis. AI Technical

Report No. 1548. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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