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Project Maruti TextileS

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The key takeaways are that the report discusses the company profile of Maruti Textiles, incentives provided to employees like loans and advances, attendance procedures, recruitment notices and a SWOT analysis of the company.

Maruti Textiles is located in GIDC Pandesara, Surat. It has latest machinery imported from Korea and a reputation for high quality products. It provides a good work culture and effective quality control systems.

Maruti Textiles provides monetary incentives like loans which have criteria for eligibility. It also provides non-monetary incentives like advances which are to be repaid within 2 months. The attendance procedures involve filling attendance sheets and making entries in muster books.







DECLARATION FORM I hereby declare that the Project work entitled on report of maruti textiles (write the

title in Block Letters) submitted by me for the Summer Internship

Place :surat
Date : Signature of Student

Name of Student





SUMMER INTERNSHIP 2011 Initial Report

(To be submitted by the summer interns to their Faculty Mentors)

Name of the Student Address Name of the Faculty Mentor Name of the Company Address of the Company Name of the Company Mentor Designation of the Company Mentor Contact Details of Company Mentor


Phone (Off) Mobile Reporting Date Email ID

0261- 2897718 9824151293

Current Status of the Training a) What is going right? b) What is going wrong?

Date: Signature of the Student


(To be submitted by the student intern to the faculty mentor)

Name of the Student: Name of the Company: Location: Name of Faculty Mentor: Name of Company Mentor:



Progress of the training:

Description of tasks:

Learning from experience:




Enrolment No.:

Name of Student:

Name of the Company:


Name of Faculty Mentor:

Name of Company Mentor:

Sl. No.

Description Project completion: Initial project specifications; planning efficiency; meeting deadlines; variance with respect to the project report. Quality of Report Structure: Adequate report writing; formatting; conformity to guidelines; contours of project; proper spelling, grammar, appropriate language. Content: Description of project; accuracy of facts; relevance; research undertaken; approach; data collection; analysis, technical details; objectives achieved; illustrations. Choice of tools and techniques. Competence: Approach to the project; overcoming complications; management and organization; reliability and punctuality; individual contribution to the project; identifying and valuing learning outcomes; developing

Max Marks

Marks Awarded











strategies to meet the contingencies. Achievements/Recommendations: Objectivity of recommendations; logical conclusion; practical implications of the findings. Reading/Referencing of literature (Book & Web based): Details of resources; cross reference to other research studies/Project Works; acknowledgement of citations. TOTAL Date:










Enrolment No.:

Name of Student:

Name of the Company:


Name of Faculty Mentor:

Name of Company Mentor:

Sl. No. 1.

Description Quality of Presentation: Scope, objective & structure of

Max Marks 20

Marks Awarded

presentation, use of supporting material for presentation Content: Logical sequencing of ideas, application of 2. managerial tools to business Communication ability: Clarity of thought & expression, correct usage of language, transforming ideas into proper 3. presentation, delivery style, eye-contact, body-language and confidence 20 20

Findings/ Recommendations: Focused analysis of the 4. findings, substantiating with practical applications, stimulating further work in the area Handling Question Answers session: Preparedness for 5. questions, convincing and precise response to questions TOTAL 100 15 25






Acknowledgement It is fact behind that behind every successful work there is a valuable contribution, so it gives me immense pleasure to thank to all dignities who made it possible for me to get along with this wonderful project.

The success of any task lies in the root of effective input. The task can never be accomplished without any teamwork & co-operation from others. I heartily acknowledge those, whose continuous guidance has led our project to a successful one.

I wish to record my deep debt of gratitude to Shri Anil Chaudary & Mr. Vidyut Jain for granting me permission to carry out my summer internship at MARUTI TEXTILES and providing me with such precious times and resources. They have been to us a constant source of inspiration. Their encouragement, advice and timely help have enabled us to shape the present work. I would be missing the opportunity if I do not show my heartiest gratitude towards other department members for expressing their kind views in front of me.

My thanks are due to my esteemed teachers who have guided our research work with scholarly advice and meticulous care. In-spite of heavy academic and administrative responsibilities, they has spared countless hours of his valuable time and wined keen interest and personal care throughout my research work.

I would also like to thank specially to my family members for supporting me and my encouraging me all throughout the course of my project.

Finally, my thank goes to the respective college(iilm gsm) that gave me a chance to brighten qualification that provided me this opportunity to have a practical knowledge about the practical field.


A project is one of the highly effective means of learning means of learning and acquiring worldwide knowledge. It generates a concerted effort by students to acquire in-depth knowledge on a subject and present the same in a systematic manner.

This project is based on MARUTI TEXTILES. We have taken care with the prescribed topics in depths and in a very lucid language. This project contains exhaustive material information for the familiarization of the prescribed topics. At the end, conclusion is added separately to gain an overall knowledge of the entire term paper.

All in all, we would like to mention that it was really a very good opportunity provided to us to study a well known and reputated company like MARUTI TEXTILES which helped us in understanding how things work in real life and what practical implications of our knowledge due to this practice it has been really worthwhile and has enhanced our learning to a great deal.

Along with the topics, theoretical data has been added accordingly, so that the reader can have a good idea of the theoretical data and its practical application accordingly, at the end of every department, a separate section called clues for the company have been added which contains various analysis done regarding that department and provides some valuable information about the company.; I am happy that i have gone through the practical study related to the various fields of study at MARUTI TEXTILES, PANDESARA, G.I.D.C. the present project is relevant and has a contemporary value as it throws lights on the moist significant problems faced at different levels of organization.


Chapter1 Introduction History of printing History of dyeing Textiles industry scenario Background MARUTI TEXTILES Social Responsibility Company details Achievements Company executive summary Organization structure Future plans Financial highlights

Chapter2 marketing management Industrial marketing Classification of project Sales & sales forecasting Unique features of product Customer order processing Competitors Pricing Policy Promotional & Advertisement Document yard

Chapter3 Production management Production Production dept. structure Suppliers & customers Preparation of sale plan & material requirement plan Plant & process layout Production process Term related to production process Colour kitchen Designing process

Development of design No. of machine & utilities Material handling equipments Selective inventory control Material codification Receipts & issue procedure Purchase process Maintenance schedule Records & control Quality control Document yard Chapter 4 Financial management Financial management Budgeting Cost structure Working capital structure Accounting policies Inventory valuation Calculation of depreciation Balance sheet Profit & loss account Ratio Analysis Trend Analysis Common size statement Document yard Chapter 5 Personnel management Personnel management Basis of departmentation Human resource planning Recruitment, selection, & induction Job description & job specification Personnel appraisal Employee welfare Training Motivation policy Wages & salary Incentive system Attendance records Document yard Swot analysis Bibiliography

History of printing Textiles printing, the various processes by which fabrics are printed in colored design. Is an ancient art although the time and place of origin are uncertain, examples of Greek fabrics from the 4 cent b.c. and Indian chintz was imported into Europe during the renaissance and widely imitated. France became a leading center and was noted especially for the toile de jouy manufactured at jouy from 1760 to 1811. Early forms of textile printing are stencil work, highly developed by Japanese artists, and block printing. In the latter method a block of woods, copper or other material bearing a design in intaglio with the dye paste applied with the dye paste applied to the surface is pressed is pressed on the fabric and struck with a mallet. A separate block is used for each color, and pitch pins at the corners guide the placing of the placing blocks to accurate repeating of the pattern. In cylinder or roller printing. Developed c.1785, the fabric is carried on a rotating central cylinder and pressed by a series of rollers each bearing one color box, the color being scraped off the smooth portion of the rollers with knives.

More recent printing processes include screen printing, a hand method specially suitable for large patterns with soft outlines, in which screens, one for each color, are placed on the fabric and the color paste pressed through by a wooden squeegee, spray printing, in which a spray guns forces the color through a screen; and electro coating, used to apply a patterned pile. The various processes may apply color directly; by the discharge method, which uses to destroy a portion of a previously dyed ground; or by resist, or reserve method which prevents the development of a subsequently applied color to a portion of the fabric treated with a chemical or with mechanical resist.

History of dyeing According to websters dictionary, dyeing is the process of coloring fibers, yarns or fabrics by using a liquid containing coloring matter for imparting particular hue to an substance. The first is by staining an item, a temporary means of coloration where the color is rubbed or soaked onto an item without the benefits of some sort of chemical fixative to preserve the col. The next is the use of pigmentation, wherein color of a substance is deposited on another. Substance in an insoluble form from a solution containing the colorant. Dyeing was practiced in Egypt, Persia, china and India thousands of years ago. Before 1856, Natural materials derived from insect6s, plants, shellfish and minerals were the only known source of dyestuffs . these sources included the root of her madder for red dye and the indigo plant for the blue dye in the early days of the roman empire garment colored with tyrian purple. A dye derived from a shellfish of the Mediterranean sea, was worn by the impartial family and the nobility. As late as the 4th century ad, cloth colored with tyrian purple was the symbol of royalty.

The art of dyeing was stimulated in the 13th century by the discovery of achit, a purple dye made from species of lichen. Northern Italy, where the discovery was made, became the jhcenter of dyeing in Europe. In 16th century explorers brought back from the Americas such dyestuffs as cochineal and iogwood. Other important sources of natural dyes included quercitron, weld, fudstic, brazilwodd, safflower and indigo plants.

In 1856 the first synthetic dye, mauve, was derived from coal tar. Was developed by British chemist William henry perkin so that it could be produced easily on a large scale. Since then a great number of synthetic dyes have been developed, the use of natural dyes has almost ceased.

Textile industry scenario The textile industry occupies a unique place in the economy of the country by virtue of its contribution to the industrial output, employment generation and foreign exchange earnings terms of installed spindle age, production of yarn; output of cloth and its per capita availability as also exports. The number of cotton/man made fiber textile mills roles from about 700 in the beginning of 1980s to 1782 by the end of March 1998. The growth has been more significant in the case of spinning mills, which rolls form 4000 in 1980 to 1504 units by March 1998, with the spinning capacity increased from 21 million spindles to above 34 million spindles per annum. One of the main contributing factors in the growth of the spinning sector is the installation of more rotors, which now number about 313000. Another factor has been the setting up of the export- oriented mills The weaving capacity of the organized mill sector had, however stagnated for a number of years because then government policy permitted only a marginal expansion in the weaving capacity of the organized mill sector. Even with the removal of the restrictions on the creation of capacities, with the textile policy of June 1985, the weaving capacity has consistently has declaiming since 1988. Thus between 1980 and 1998. Thus between 1980 and 1998the weaving capacity has declined by about 84000 looms. This was however, compensated by the emergency of the decentralized power loom and hosiery sectors in a big way. The scenario of the Indian textile industry during the last two decades reveals that the industry has been growing from year to year both in terms of capacity and volume of production. However, the industry still remains predominantly cotton based though the manmade fibers and yarn sector has been expanding and in capable of meetings the increase in the demand for fibers and yarn. The cloth production has been taken over by the decentralized sectors of the textile industry has been able to keep pace with the international technological trends a fair degree through its own efforts, and also by taking advantage of the confessional loans under the textile modernization fund scheme (TMFS). Which was in vogue during the 7th plan period? However, downstream sectors i.e. weaving, finishing, garmenting and processing etc. suffer from a seer lack of technological up gradation. This disadvantage results in the predominance of low value items in or textile export basket. In order to incentives the downstream processes of the industry, to upgrade their technology the Govt. of India has approved a technology up gradation fund to be made operative from 1-4-99 to provide loans at 99 to provide loan at 5% confessional rate of interest to these sectors. It is expected that with the liberisation of the economy a globalization of the trade coupled with technological up gradation; of downstream segments

of the textile industry, the growth of textile exports in the coming years will accelerate. Thus, notwithstanding the occasion setbacks the industry appears to be firmly in saddle to meet the growth and competitive challenges of the future, both in the domestic as well as external fields.

Background Group is own and run by the chaudary family of Bahl(Haryana). The starting of this group was in year 1969 when a small engineering enterprise was setup in Calcutta(Kolkata) west Bengal dealing with the components of tea processing machinery. After initial success. H.K. Chaudary the eldest among four brothers setup the first organization in the name and style VIKRAM FORGING AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES PVT LTD. In the year 1974 this company started manufacturing tea processing tea processing machinery this was the first step of this group not only to save the values foreign exchange but also it starting exporting foreign exchange. The company has achieved so many awards /shields in the engineering section this company is now known as Vikram India ltd. TEXTILE After engineering, the group decided to diversify in the textile sector another promising sector and MARUTI TEXTILES unit modern machineries and state of the art technology was established. Group is one of the leading in the synthetic textile field. it started it business in the year 1982 under the dynamic leadership of Shri h.k. chaudary and within a period of two decades it is now one of the five leading manufacturer of surat and exporter group of surat, the biggest center of producing synthetic fabrics. At the beginning the policy of the group was to achieve SLOW BUT STEADY progress. After takeoff it has started building empire on a solid ground, which is evident forms, its group companies and associates. Since beginning the aim and target of the group was to earn and fetch valuable foreign currency, which was the need of that time. It has a very good hold and command over export business in about 15 countries situated in Europe, middle east, USA etc. export awards has studded in its crown in one field or the other in most of the years since 1992.

MARUTI TEXTILES Maruti Textiles Pvt. Ltd, incorporated in the year 1984, was taken over by Vikram Group promoted by the Chauary family in the year 1989.The group is led by vastly experienced self made & dynamic Chairman H K Chaudary. Vikram group is a diversified entity having business interests in Engineering, Biotechnology, Renewable Energy - Solar PV and Textiles representing a strong organization backed with leadership, competence and passion for excellence.

Maruti (Synonym for Lord Hanuman, the son of God Pawan), resonates our corporate values. As today Maruti Textiles is a foremost house of textile processing and relishes its broad process capacity. We are engaged in the textile processing with offering of value addition for all types of fabric, together with cotton, polyester, poly-cotton, poly-viscose, glazed cotton and other types of fabrics. We present ground-breaking textile process solutions in pre-treatment, dyeing, finishing, and printing. With more than 3 decades of existence having clear commitment to employment with empowerment and has keen focus on customer satisfaction treading a professional approach towards innovative process developments. Maruti is capable of understanding any large prize of production plan & can execute the same within time execute because of its highly maintained machineries.

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The group is having a large footprint on Society as part of its CSR initiatives and extensively undertakes a number of welfare programs aimed at improving the quality of life of communities it embraces and have actively contributed to personal development projects relating to Meditation & Yoga, Naturopathy, Devotional discourses and rural sport tournaments. The group is active in social awareness projects like Friend of Tribal Socirty,Conservation of public parks, temples & playgrounds, Providing affordable tertiary health care facilities(A 30 bed hospital at Manav Kalyan Hospital), Conducting special eye care, health check-up and blood donation camps, co-operating with CAPART in rural sanitation projects, spreading environmental awareness by facilitating major tree plantation drives, promoting use of renewable energy and spreading awareness about water conservation & rain water harvesting along with use of drip irrigation systems. The trust has also tied up with NABARD to informally train unemployed local area youth for self employment and also undertakes Nursing & Tailoring training camps for village women under this scheme.

All these activities are managed through Ballaram Hanumandas Charitable Trust (BHCT 1977) and HKC Foundation (2005) personally set by the Vikram Group Chairman Shri H.K.Chaudary to fulfill his desire and obligation of social responsibility. From very beginning he believed that providing quality education will result in overall growth of the society. The trust started with basic objective of providing non formal education to students around 100 villages in vicinity of Bahal, (Mr. Chaudarys ancestral village in South Western Haryana in North India). A small but visionary effort has now turned this remote part of desert into an Oasis of Learning spread over a 100 acre Campus with more than 4000 students covering a Day School, a Residential School and an Engineering College, all three managed by BRCM Education Society, pursuing to impart value-based education to its students, providing a very objective and well facilitated learning environment.

BRCM Public School (Gyan kunj) BRCM Public School (Vidya gram) -

BRCM college of Engg. & Technology Tapti Valley International School -

Company details Particulars Name Size of organization Managing director Director Executive director General Manager C.F.O. Chartered accountant Banks Transportation source Area of company Incorporation Year Annual turnover Registration office Factory Email Phone no. Fax Website Information MARUTI TEXTILES Middle Scale Industry Anil kumar chaudary (B.E. ) Gyanesh chaudary(M.B.A.) Vidyut jain (M.Sc.) Kanhiram Chandla Raj Kumar Tripathi(M.Com.,I.C.W.A) DSI & Company, Surat Bank of Baroda Canara Bank Own Transportation Vehicles 9000 Sq.Mtr 1984 Rs.4298 Lacs 391,GIDC,Pandesara, Surat 268-70, GIDC, Pandesara, Surat-394221 0261-2897711-14 0261-2897716


Balika Shiksha Sadan 2004

Special Export Award 82 - 83

Highest Exporter Award 97-98 - EEPC

Special Sheild Eastern Region 1983 - 84

Eastern Region Star Performer 04 - 05

EEPC - 88-89 -Capital Goods Exporter - SSI


Vikram India Ltd. has been awarded various export excellence awards almost every year from the Engineering Export Promotion Council of India. Vikram India Ltd. ISO 9001: 2000 certification.

Company executive summary

Mr. H.k. chaudary Mr. Anil chaudary Mr. Gyanesh chaudary Mr. vidyut kumar jain Raj kumar tripathi Kanhi ram chandla

Chairman Managing director Director Executive director Chief financial officer General manager (production department)

Nand kishor parikh Balbir singh

Marketing department Collection

Raj Sharma

purchase department

Mr.Javed Khan Mr. Kalpesh Desai Mr. Shakir Malek Mr. Manish Shah

Maintanence & engineering Saree Department Dress department Dyeing

Mr. Biswaranjan Das

Excise department

Organization structure of MARUTI TEXTILES





















FUTURE PLANS Increasing the production with latest machinery Technology up gradation Improvement in quality Reduction in quality Setting of new cotton plant

Different management theorists have defined marketing in many different ways in the words of mr. Philip kotler, marketing is a socialist process by which indivisuals and groups attain what they need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. While the basic tenants of consumer marketing are equally applicable to industrial marketing the compoisition of the industrial market is uniquely different, as there are different forces that affect industrioal demand. Thus industrial marketing consist of all activities involved in the marketing of products and services to organization that use products and services in the production of consumer or industrial goods and services and to facilitate the operations of their enterprises. Industrial marketing committee review board Hence industrial marketing managers must react differently to changing markets, develop products to made those changes and market them in a uniquely in a specialized ways to sophisticated customers while maintaining corporate objectives and profits. Thus, industrial marketers face man unique market situations not normally encountered to the consumer market.




MARUTI TEXTILES does job work. Its customers give them grey. Grey can be a saree or dress material. Then on grey they either do printing or dyeing or both. GREY



MARUTI TEXTILES does dyeing and printing on following types of saree:

100% Polyester Dyed & Printed Fabrics 100% Polyester Jacquard Dyed Fabrics Polyester Viscose (Brasso) blended Dyed and Printed Fabrics

100% Viscose Dyed & Printed Fabrics 100% Cotton Dyed & Printed Fabrics Polyester/Cotton blended Fabrics Dyed & Printed Pigment, Spray, Shaded Padding, Discharge and Hand&Prism Prints with Appliques Computerized Sifly & Hand Embroidered Fabrics with Sequins A variety of Hot Stamping Foils printed on both Polyester & Cotton Fabrics

Sales volume and sales forecasting sales are anything that company offers for the purpose of selling or in exchange for a specified value, generally in monetary terms the sales volume tends to be the total worth the good that a company sells in a financial year the sales tends to be one of the most supportive tool in order to achieve any of the organizational goals hence, sale volume if any company is very important part. The sales volume of MARUTI TEXTILES has increased compelled to its previous years. Thus, It can be said that to some extent the company has been able to move towards its goals more accurately (achievements of better profits). But only sales itself is not important. Important along with is also its forecasting. Sales can tell the current position of the business but without forecasting the company wont be able to tell if it will be secured equally in the future also or not. Forecasting is a prediction of what will happen in the future a forecast of product demand is a basis of most important planning decision however, forecast is an uncertain process. Management generally tries to forecast demand/sales with as much accuracy as possible, which is becoming increasingly difficult to do. Forecast of any product is generally done taking in mind two components: Time frame Demand behavior

In time frame the forecast on the basis of the time consideration, whether we want the forecast to be short range, medium one or long. In demand behavior the forecast keeping in mind the various demand situations like the trend followed, any random varieties, cyclic patterns, seasonal patterns etc. MARUTI TEXTILES processes 1.5 lac meters per day now they are planning to2.5 lakhs per day.

Unique features of product MARUTI TEXTILES enjoys a very good market reputation MARUTI TEXTILES is known for its quality and price. MARUTI TEXTILES is known for over print, padding discharge, khari print, saari print, hand print, tie and dyeing, spray print on velvet and line & dyeing. MARUTI TEXTILES is also known for its color combination, designs and matchings they keep a sharp eye on market trend.

CONSUMER SEGMENTATION & TARGET MARKET Consumer segmentation is the practice of dividing a customer base into groups of individuals that are similar in specific ways relevant to marketing. Such as age, gender, interests, spending habits and soon. Using segmentation allows companies to target groups effectively, and allocate marketing recourses to best effect. According to an article by in griffin for cisco systems, traditional segments focuses on identifying customers group based on demographics and attributes such as attitude and psychological profiles. Value base segmentation, on the other hand, looks at groups of customers in terms of the revenue they generate and the costs of estabilishing and maintaining relationships with them. MARUTI TEXTILES does dyeing & printing only on sarees & dress materials. It means the market is female. MARUTI TEXTILES change its design, color combination & matching according to the season, festival, state where the fabric will be use etc. but design, color combination & matching upon the party to which GREY belongs. The party only selects the design, color combination & matching rate. Example:1. For summer season basically light colours are used. 2. For festival like durga pooja red & white colours are used & market in west Bengal.





















DEMOGRAPHIC: (a) Age:-Different people have different taste and preference. MARUTI TEXTILES cater to all needs of all age of female. (b) gender LADIES






(c) OCCUPATION:Students, housewife, professional etc. (d) INCOME & SOCIAL CLASS:Upper middle class & upper class

PHYHOGRAPHIC: Lifestyle: culture oriented Personality: Decent

Occasion: Regular User status: Regular user Usage user: Heavy user

1. 2. 3. 4. Over print Discharge Spray Hand print

spray Brush work

SALES PROCEDURE AT MARUTI TEXTILES MARUTI TEXTILES is a reputated name in the dyeing & printing industry it is able to build a very healthy position for itself. Due to this MARUTI TEXTILES has reached at such a stage now that it doesnt need to find any customers for itself now but customers contact it and ask whether the company can do their work or not.

Thus, the sales procedure of MARUTI TEXTILES as follows: Receiving query.

Sending quotation. MARUTI TEXTILES check whether it can process the required quantity or not. If no response received, try to communicate the answer. If the quotation is accepted, grey is received by MARUTI TEXTILES. Processing is done on the fabric. It can be either dyeing or printing only or both. Dispatching the fabric









COMPETITORS include all the actual and potential rival offering and substitutes that a buyer might offer. However, the market approach to competition states that, competitors are companies that satisfy the same customer need. MARUTI TEXTILES is known for its quality as well as its price. It caters only to domestic needs. Being a part of growing market MARUTI TEXTILES faces a tough competition in the market. With the large number of competitors some of the major competitors are: Sankalp J.R. fashion Suprabhat Priyanka Gupta

Rachna Sneha Vipul etc. These companies tend to compete with MARUTI TEXTILES in almost all of its products.


The 4ps namely: product, price place & promotion, are a set of marketing tools that any company uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market. Each p, if used successfully can deliver a special customer benefit, which can be very beneficial in a highly competitive environment. To these 4ps a new p(packaging) has also been added and is said to be the 5th p , which affect market also now a days to a great extent.

As seen earlier, in the current situation, the greatest direct competitor of MARUTI TEXTILES tends to be jr fashion thus it would be better if comparisons were made with respect to JR fashions only. The comparison of ths 5ps reveal several good as well as some negative aspects of MARUTI TEXTILES thus, showing the fields where it can improve itself and have a better market share for itself.

Competitor valuation on the basis of ps


Good quality with higher product mix. They believe in use of new technology Comparatively slightly higher than jr fashion Pandesara is better for dyeing & printing house Spends higher comparatively More flexible

Good quality Slightly lower than MARUTI TEXTILES Pandesara Large variety serves it indirectly Flexible

MARUTI TEXTILESS pricing policy depends on: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Manufacturing cost Marginal cost Competitors rates Competitors quality Market requirement Customer focus cash discount Pricelist



PRINTED FABRICS Leon/liza/liza pattern/ 30 x 30/American/ polo/ booby crepe/micro/ Russian/ dani/ kimaya Laser/ kimaya shadow/ butter silk/ kimaya plain French/ kamas/ china crepe/ blossom/ hi multi Pasmina/ p.v. spun Lizi bizi/ long slub cotton/ cool cool/ pc dupta(60 x 60/ 72 x 72) leon cotton/ liza cotton with deca Leon cotton/ loza cotton/ pc dupta (60 x 60/ 72 x 72) without deca Spray print Hand print Brasso cut and print Brasso cut only Foil charges (extra) 100% cotton print DYED FABRICS

10.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 10.50 10.00 12.50 14.50 18.50 12.50 10.00 16.00

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14




60gm/ French crepe/ kamus/ nathaniya jqd./ 3d jqd./ antra/ chanderi/ diamond/ weight less/ hi- multi ggt./ koshibo Laser/ kimaya/ orient/ turkey/ orange chiffon/ simmer



Double entry 1 Maharani nett/ ntt/ sq. nett PxP 6.00

2 3

Cx N/ nylon butti/ N x C catonic butta/ silky jqd./ ipl butti Mono x Mono/ organza/ tissue plain

7.00 5.00

Nylon base 1 Chanderi jqd./ banglore silk/ B.S.Y./ catonic x nylon x cotton jqd./ santton viscos 6.00

Cotton base 1 Cotton butti/ cotton jqd./ dilhi 6/ icon plain/ Kohinoor/ levies/ mayuri jqd./ anchal jqd./ mono jqd. Leon cotton/ lecozee PV/ lizi bizi/ Pc x Pc/ malai cotton/ a-star/ cool cool Indonesia with deca 6.00

2 3

5.00 4.00

Single pass 1 70 x 68 (6.2 kg)/ japan cepe/ orange chiffon/ peach yoryo/ alfino chiffon/ ultra satin/ satin/ franch crape 10 kg./ obama jqd. 30 x 30 Ggt.american/ micro/ russion/ liza/ leon/ raw silk/ simran/ melba/ crape silk/ 30 x 30 chiffon/ martina/ silver chiffon/ poonam dani/ sonica. Jhankar/ sofia chiffon 5.50


Tapestry 1 2 3 4 Knitted jersy/ raising (18-20 kg.) Leather touch (sued) 44 (16-18 kg.) Leather touch (sued) 54- 58 (22 kg.) Leather touch (sued) 58 (28 kg.) 7.50 14.00 16.00 17.50



QUALITY DISCOUNT 1. Quality discount is applicable on the basis of receipt of grey fabric under following inward meter age. Meter per month Discount/Mtr Above 25,001 but less than 50000 rs. 0.25 Above 50,001 rs. 0.50

2. Customer a/c will be credited on the 15th of the following month for net grey receipt.

Competitors Average PRICE LIST SR. NO.

1 2

Dani/ Russian- computer pallu Orient- computer pallu


2.05 pm 2.50 pm

3 4 5 6 7

Dani/ Russian Orient- Rich pallu Padding finish All quality (without drum) Shibori (without drum)

2.55 pm 3.00 pm 5.00 pm 5.50 pm 5.75 pm

Quality Discount
Above 50000mts. Rs 0.25 pm

Off season Discount

Above 50000mts. - Rs 0.25 pm Above 100000mts. Rs0.40 pm


Advertising is any paid form of non- personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor. Advertisement is used to lay a foundation for the sale by providing information on the company and its products and by reaching unknown and inaccessible buying factor. Among these the types of mdia proffered by MARUTI TEXTILES are:

Directory Advertisement: the company also advertises about itself in some of wellknown directories of internet like and Textiles Journals Trade Shows: The company also participates in various trade shows. Fashion shows

Sales promotion Sales promotion consists of adverse collection of adverse collection of incentive tools designed to stimulated quicker or greater purchase of products. The difference between advertisement and sale promotion is that advertisement offers a reason to buy while sales promotion offers impulse to buy. The company uses incentive type promotions to attract new tires to reward loyal customers and to occasional tires. The types of sales promotion tools used by MARUTI TEXTILES: Samples: Samples are offered to the customers so that they can get an exact idea of the design, color combination and range of cloth. Price off: During slack season special discounts are given to the customers.

Discount: Usually quantity discount is offered to customers who purchase in bulks, discount varies from customer to customer.

Meter per month

Above 25,001 but less than 50000 Above 50,001

Rs.0.25 Rs. 0.50

Frequency programmers: Those customers who frequently transact with the company and who gives order of more than 80000 meters of processing are given special gifts on diwali and sometimes they are also given holiday package.

Buyback guarantee The company give full buyback guarantee to its customers so that defected goods are purchased back by the company.


Tax is the sum of money to be paid by people or business forms to government, to be used for Public purposes -(oxford paperback dictionary)

MARUTI TEXTILES comes under textile industry so no CST & GST is applicable. Only income tax is Applicable.


Daily grey inward report Daily dispatch report Daily payment collection etc. Queries with the customers

Design development New sledge/ quality development


Challan Gate pass Invoice Dispatch order Price rate list Packing list etc.


Professor William graham of Yale University made the following statement wealth comes only from production. The meaning of production follows from foregoing definition of wealth. With reference to goods we should say the production is the fabrication of physical objects through the use of men, material and equipments whereas with reference to services it can be said, Reduction is some discharge of the function which gives some utility. Unfortunately many individual and organization continue to apply the term production solely to the manufacturing activity. But a fairly recent one is ton substitute the word operation for production.

Management refers to the establishment and attainment of objectives. Goals are stated. Mans talent and material are available. The basic production resources, which are commonly referred to as SIX Ms men, materials, machinery, methods, money and market are brought together to achieve the stated goals. These resources are processed, planned, organized, co-ordinate and harmoniously related and controlled with a view to achieving the end result. Both directly and indirectly management keeps a close watch over the materials with the help of which people who are at work, accomplish their assigned job and thus help in attaining goals of the enterprise.

Production Hod



New Dyeing

Dyeing Master

Printing master

Assistant dyeing master

Assistant printing master




Asst. supervisor



Incharge Floor Jet Stender Padding Drumming






Hp silk mills Sweety fashion pvt. Ltd. Shivam tex. Shri sagar synthesis Shri bharti fabrics


Shraddha enterprise Spectrum dyes & chemicals ltd. Colourtex pvt. Ltd. Shree balaji auxi- chem. Pvt. ltd. Harsha tex chem. Pvt. Ltd.

SPARE PARTS Shri rang sales corporation Shreeji traders M.k. fasteners Hawa control international Lathia industrial roller pvt. Ltd.


In MARUTI TEXTILES the sales plan is prepared on the basis of last year sales. Once, the reasonably accurate sales plan is prepared. The actual production planning starts. Once the sales plan is prepared it is conveyed to the planning department. On the basis of this sales plan. Planning department checks out the availability of raw material., tools and resources. Required for the production. Here the resent stcks of finished goods are also taken into consideration. After the available stock level of finished goods is checked, planning department issues program from to the production department issues program from to the production department. This program form consists of te description of various articles to be produced on different machines.

As soon as program form is received from the planning department, the various materials in the stock are checked by the production department head. He then breaks the final requirement into various raw materials. He ensure the availability of various raw material which are required plan is prepared, the present stock level of the raw material is also taken into consideration. Thereafter, the list of unavailable raw materials which are required in the production of final product is prepared and it is sent to the purchase department. On the basis of this list sent by the production department, the purchase carries out its further planning and prepares purchase plan out of it.

Plant layout is the physical arrangement of main production departments, technical utilities, personnel utilities, offices & location of various machines within different departments.

Selection of plant location considering various productions: Depending upon area availability Availability of raw materials Water supply availability Gas supply availability Cost of land Taxes liberalization Government other incentives Nature of production operation


1. Organization: MARUTI TEXTILES 2. Area table:


A process is a group of related tasks with specific inputs and outputs. Processes exist to create value for the customer, the shareholder, or society. Process design defines what tasks need to be done and how they are to be coordinated among functions, people and organizations. a process design depends on the type of production system the company wants to follow. MARUTI TEXTILES has a combination of two type of production system. I. II. Job shop type Batch processing systems

Job shop type production systems, each product is totally unique. Each customer orders a special product to suit his or her application. Hence it can be said that as MARUTI TEXTILES provides totally customized products as per the customer specifications, it follows an IPS and have a job shop type one. Once the process system has been formed, now production design can be discussed. As the company doesnt produce a single product it must adopt a layout in which the maximum products can be created with minimum changes in the layout. Hence the company created a layout for itself in which the company needed to changes in the layout. Hence the company created a layout for itself in which the company needed to change only its material input and the duration of processing them but not any change in the pattern of machinery usage or the usage of any extra machinery.













Woven or knitted fabrics as they leave the loom or knitting machine. I.e. before any bleaching, dyeing or finishing treatments has been given to them. Some of these fabrics, however, may contain dyed or finished yarns. Note: in some countries particularly in the north America continent. The term greige is used. For woven goods the term loom state is frequently used as an alternative. In the linen and lace trades the term brown goods is used.

It is a twist relaxation process given to highly twisted material in which fabrics is beaten into machine. Drumming is done to take shortage and to swell the fabric. In swelling expanding of a fiber caused by the influence of a chemical, solvent or agent. A property often used to facilitate dyeing. Swelling (1) migration of dye into the angles of folds and increases during fabric dyeing. (2) Partial transfer of colour, dirt or grease into the surrounding fabric, caused by unsatisfactory removal of stains by hand from a fabric when using an aqueous or caused by unsatisfactory removal of removal of stains by hand from a fabric when using an aqueous or solvent treatment. Shrinkage is (1) the reduction in length (or width) of a fiber, yarn or fabric. It may b induced by e.g. wetting, streaming, alkali treatment, wet treatment as in laundering or dry heat. Drumming is done at particular temperature and pressure. Drumming requires steam, water, electricity, chemical, labour and operators. Simple drumming machine requires bags also. Swelling agents are requiring for swelling. Example:- SBA100 According to the machine capacity and the result required would decide the fabric quantity, which will be put into machine.

Process time of drumming can be divided into three steps: I. Fabric preparation time: Before the fabric is put into to 1 hour time is required for preparation. E.g. time required for putting the fabric into the bags. Setting the machines etc. Actual process time: 2 to 3 hours of time is required for actual processing of fabric into the drumming machine. Process time also depends upon the quality of fabrics. Out time: 1/2 to 1 hour of time is required for taking out the bags in which fabrics is there and taking out the fabrics from the bags etc.


For taking more shortage and swelling more process time is required.




Rotary drumming machine gives better results in comparison to old style machine and processing cost are also low as extra bags are not required companies like Sridhar, devrekha. Sun engineerings and laxmi, etc. manufacture drumming machine.

On jet fabric that is on the grey stage or after drumming is scoured, bleaching and white or dyed. Jet is (1) a machine for dyeing fabric in rope form in which the fabric is carried through a narrow throat be dyeliquor circulated at a high velocity. (2) A machine for dyeing garments in which the garments are circulated by jets of liquid rather by mechanical means. Sourcing an operation to remove the sizing and tint used on the warp yarn on in weaving and, in general, to clean the fabric prior to dying. Mostly 70 to 80% fabric required jet process. Very delicate quantity of fabric nylon does not go on jet. CHEMICAL: For scouring and bleaching chemical are reuired for whitening process white R is used.



Vertical jet

Horizontal jet

Vertical and horizontal type of machine differs in water liquor quantity. Process will be different that is results will differ, colour chemical consumption also differs. For quality like laser that require highly weight reduction process for that a latest machine called softleena is used. For shiffon-based clothes, which require more wrinkle effects, horizontal jet machine is required costing is less in vertical jet and it requires less water liquor ratio and chemical. Companies like Sridhar, devrekha, sun engineerings, laxmi and anjali etc manufacturer jet machine.

STENTER Stenter is an open-width fabric-finishing machine in which a pair of endless travelling chains maintaining weft tension holds the selvedges of a textile fabric. Note2: attachment may be by pins(pin stenter or clips (clip stenter). Note 2 : such machines are used for: (a)drying (b) heatsetting of thermoplastic material, (c) fixation of chemical finishes. Heat setting is the process of conferring dimensional stability and other desirable properties (wrinkle resistance and improved heat resistance) by means of either moist or dry heat. This process acid is used. e.g. for dani material if 4 chamber stenter machine is used and if the temperature is 170 degree Celsius then the speed is 50 metres per minute. After washing process the fabric is done for getting soft and stiff feeling. Using finishing chemical at particular temperature and speed does finishing. Chemical like ultra soft, lax soft is used for getting soft finishing on dani type of fabric. Stenter machine differ in number of chambers different type of fabric required different number of chambers. Generally in surat for synthetic material like nylon and polyster, which is used for making sarees and dress materials 3 to 5 chamber stenter are used for heavy material like cotton and shirting and suiting etc. 8 to 10 chambers stenter machine are used. For chemical application mangle device is required which is one part of stenter machine. Mangle is one type of roll through which fabric is passed so that it gets chemical penetration for finishing effects. A machine whose purpose is to express liquid from moving textiles by passage through a nip. The textile may be in rope from or in open width, and the mangle may consist of two or more rollers (bowls) running in contact.

PADDING Impregnation of a substrate with liquor or a paste followed by squeezing. Usually by passage through a nip, to leave a specific quantity of liquor or paste is required. It is a process in which the grey could be dyed. It could be died in 2-3 different colours at the same time. Dyeing station & colour spreader: when the grey reaches dyeing station one person continuously spreads & pours to the color spreaders, which further spreads it on the cloth.


The production of a design or motif on fabric by application of a color or other reagent, usually in a paste or ink, in a predetermined pattern. When the entire preliminary processes on the grey such as singeing, designing, scouring and bleaching has been done, ten fabric is ready for printing. But before actual printing process design selection and some other preparation like color making etc. is necessary.

After printing has been done on the fabric, the fabric is pass through printing machine dryer, so that the colour gets dried up.




Rotary printing is highly productive, which is completely different from fully automatic and manual printing machine. Its speed is 50 to 70 meters/ min. rotary is best suitable for dress materials, as pallu on sarees cannot be printed.

Main things required for printing: 1. Printing basket on which fabric moves. 2. Screens: 8 to 12screens can be used if required. 3. Different colours are used according to designs. Colours are prepared in colour kitchen. Some finishing chemicals are necessary to prepare colour paste, without them colour will not penetrate on fabric from screen.

ROTARY PRINTING MACHINE In screen printing a separate screen is created for each color. The open much part of the screen corresponds to the area to be printed in that color. The areas where color is not to pass through are blocked. Dye paste is forced through the open mesh area with a squeegee. In rotary screen printing the squeegees are contained within cylindrical screens aligned one after the other, and the fabric moves continuously. Rotary printing is a much faster process than flat screenprinting but the circumference of the cylinders limits the pattern repeat. FLAT SCREEN-PRINTING In screen printing a separate screen is created for each color. The open mesh part of the screen to corresponds to the area to be printed in that color. The areas where color is not to pass through are blocked. Dye paste is forced through the open mesh area with a squeegee. The fabric is then moved or the screen replaced to allow printing of the next color. In flat screen

Printing the screens are in front of flat screens are in form of flat panels, the width of which is the same as the repeat of the pattern. Flat screen-printing allows for greater flexibility than rotary printing as the panel size can often be adjusted to various repeat sizes.

HAND PRINTING It is totally manual process. The printing table is very huge. The grey is spread properly on the printing table. The number of artists working on the table depends on the segment of designs & total meters if cloths to be printed. It is a traditional method not much in used these days. But MARUTI TEXTILES uses this method & it specializes in this type of printing. LOOP Loop is required for fixation of colour, which printed on the printing machine for fixation of colour. For fixation of colour stream is required. Earlier pressure ager was used for colour fixation but now loop streamer machine is used. This gives best result. For light colour print fabric, steam at a lesser temperature is used and the contact time on machine is lesser& vice versa for dark colour. For light colour fabric 150 to 160 degree Celsius and for dark colour temperature is 160- 170 degree Celsius. Contact time & speed of machine capacity. It is totally a mechanical process. No chemicals are used.

WASHING TANK Washing is required to remove the excess colours are unfixed. Colour clarity & brilliancy can be seen after washing. For washing chemicals are used like hydro. Pure soap (non ironic detergent) acetic acid & soda. Sometime viscose dyeing is also in washing kundlis.

Washing is done on washing kundli. This is popular & old method. MARUTI TEXTILES the old method. And in some places washing machines are also used but its costlier so its popular in very big dyeing & printing mills. WATER DRAINER After cloth has passed through the washing tank is kept in water drainer to remove water from the clothes to dry it. ZERO ZERO After washing finishing is given to fabric, which is done on stenter. For better feel & softness is taken on zero zero machines. This is one type of ironing process. Its a mechanical process. Main parts of zero zero machines are cylinder & rubber blanket that are heated with steam. FOLDING After fabric has passed through all the process it is folded on the folding machine basically folding machines which are used in surat are local made.

PACKING Packing is done so that fabric doesnt get spoiled after all the process is complete the fabric is packed in a polythene bags. No other packing is done. And on the polythene bags the MARUTI TEXTILES names is printed.

COLOUR KITCHEN For printing colour is required. Colours are prepared in colour kitchen. Colour is prepared using dyes & chemicals which have to be necessarily be used to fix the colour. Chemicals that are necessarily to use are: H.E. 4 P.E.G. 400 A. Acid C. Acid P.B.I. K.B.I. White R

For making colour C.T.R.T. gum paste is also used.

DEVELOPMENT OF COLOUR SHADES 1. There is a separate laboratory for the preparation of colour shades. 2. New shades of each colour continuously prepared in laboratory through experience, knowledge and market demand or customer sample. 3. New shades are sent to the master/ ask for new shades. 4. Master selects few shades & prepares a range of shades or colour and gives a name to it. 5. Shade selected by master are dyed on 5- meter cloth each in the breaker dyeing machine. 6. The 5 meter cloth is sent to the master who cuts a piece from each cloth and puts it in the colour album of MARUTI TEXTILES and each colour is given a number and range name. 7. Customer selects the colour from colour album and the number of colour is sent to the laboratory to provide the formula / receipt of that colour. Customer can also choose from the shade card provide by dye manufacturing companies.

Designing process










Computerized & hand printing

Self knowledge creativity & experience Interaction with makers

Interaction with dyeing & printing master Self created design Design purchased from designer Adopted from sample

Dyeing & printing master

Customer preference

Current market taste

Send back for analysis


Screen Making Approval from customers Sample prepared on sample design table




2 5 18 2 3 6 14 1 1 14 6


2 2 2

5 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 6

PERSONNEL UTILITIES NO. 1 2 3 4 NAME Canteen & mess Urinals Visitors lobby Rest Room 1 6 1 2 NOS.

OFFICE UTILITIES NO. 1 2 3 Excise office General administration office Operator NAME 1 1 1 NOS.

UTILITY Utility department is what a respiratory system is to a human body. Without utility, the plant cannot operate. It include EFFLUENT TREATMENT PLANT(ETP) DM WATER- SOFT PLANT,AIR COOLING PLANT N2 PLANT, POWER GENERATION PLANT, COOLING TOWER, BOILERES, AIR COMPRESSOR, DISICANT DRYER and CHILLERS. DM WATER: DM water totally dematerialized water is free from any cautions or anions. Hence the conductivity if the water should be zero. In this plant it is 0.5 micro semens. Finally this water is used mainly I chemical lab and textile lab. SOFT WATER PLANT: Soft water is essentially free from carbonates and sulphates. this plant mainly consist of an activated carbon filter in which carbon beads with sands are packed in a tower through which the raw water is pumped, this carbon essentially absorbs any undisclosed solids, impurities from water. The soft water is used for drinking purposes, dyeing preparation. EFFLUENT TRATMENT PLANT: This plant is used to treat chemical water, which comes from dyeing and poly plant. The treated water is the used for gardening purpose or released in the Dhahran river. POWER GENERATION PLANT: The company has its own Thermal Captive Power Plant. The plant uses sets of diesel generator each of 500 kva as standby. These generators are used to generate power in the plant. Modern petrifies takes only 5%of the electricity from the government rest is generated by thermal power plant. AIR COOLING SYSTEM: The unit supply conditioned air for the auxiliary areas. It consists of six AHU (air handling unit) each unit consists of chilled water control loop, piping. Supply air fan, filter of 25 micro size, cooling coil, supply and return ducting & dampers, exhaust fan.

COOLING TOWER: It is natural draft cooling tower of cross- flow type. The purpose of cooling tower is to supply cool water to in chillers, compressors, dryers for the processes, plant in poly and spinning department, spinning department, dyeing. BOILERS: This plant uses three boilers to supply steam at different pressure for process requirement. It supplies generated steam to poly department, spinning department, dyeing.

AIR COMPRESSOR: Air compressor is required to increase the pressure of the air used. It is used to supply the compressed air required process.

MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENTS The final phase of the plant layout analysis, as related to production departments, call for the analysts making two decisions simultaneously. First, he must decide where the physical facilities are to be located. At the same time, he must decide what kind of materials handling equipments is to be used. So that space can be provided for this equipment. The method of handling materials can be decided upon only after two things are known. One is the kinds and amounts of materials are to be transported. The second is the locations from and to which materials are to be transported. These locations, however, will be determined by the locations of the respective workstations. Although there are hundreds of different kinds and types of handling equipments, all can be placed in three major categories: 1. Conveyers 2. Industrial trucks 3. Cranes and hoists The most common used material handling material in MARUTI TEXTILES is divided into: 1. For transfer of fabric from one machine to another: Big batching trolley & basket trolley. 2. Transfer of water & gas: Steel drums, Plastic drums, Buckets 3. Storage of spare part: Cupboards, Containers, Polythene bags, Cans, Drum.

SELECTIVE INVENTORY CONTROL Large organizations are keeping few thousands of items in inventory. It is not possible to have very strict control and supervision on stock levels, order quantity and price of all the items. Even it is not possible to do inventory control of all items and apply very systematic and very frequent inventory controls. It is therefore necessary to have some classification of inventories and apply inventory control measures selectively.

Three methods are used for classification of inventory: ABC Analysis FSN Analysis VED Analysis ABC ANALYSIS In the ABC analysis inventories are divided into three different categories according to their consumption value of various items. CATEGORY A B C % OF TOTAL VALUE % OF TOTAL QUANTITY

ITEMS ACCORDING TO DIFFERENT CATEGORY: A- CLASS Acrylic acid Hydro Caustic B- CLASS FeS04 Stain Remover Lime (soda ash) C- CLASS Micro Metallic Trolley Setting Handle

FSN ANALYSIS FAST Citric Acid Acetic Acid Golden yellow GG Navy Blue 3G Blue SR, Red F3 BS SLOW Dis, Blue 2RX Dis, blue D2D Brasso Solution Pure NID NON- MOVING No item is there which is non moving

VED ANALYSIS VITAL Bearing Electronic parts ESSENTIAL Oil Lubricants DESIRABLE Sponge Conveyer Belt

MATERIAL CODIFICATION Large number items are generally held in the store of an undertaking. If proper arrangement is not made for there is identification there may be confusion and time consuming storeroom operation in this competitive age. Thus, some system of identification of the items carried in a storehouse is to be evolved that may help in making the storehouse and effective and successful organ of undertaking. After the broad classification of materials, according to their nature and use a code or symbol is assigned is each of the items. It is a material control department, which formulated the basis of codification, retains the complete schedule and supplies the entire sets to each of the department use. The following are the principles of codification in common use now days. Alphabetical system Numerical system Decimal system Combined system Brisch system Kodak system

In MARUTI TEXTILES alphabets & numbers both are used for codification. For staff code are assigned as E.g. APM001 the APM stands for assistant printing manager. PSP001 the PSP stands for printing sarees print. For machines also code are give in similar manner E.g. JODI the JOD jet old dyeing m/c 1. Codes for spare parts are given according to computer at MARUTI TEXTILES.

RECEIPT AND ISSUE PROCEDURE It is considered as a central function of production department in the organization a separate store department is allocated for the receipt and issue of various materials. Step 1 Supervisor of jet or drum or any other machinery requires various material inputs to carry out their functions. The supervisor prepares a material issue slip that is sent through operator of machine under supervisor to the storekeeper. Step 2 the operator hands over the receipt to storekeeper who in turn issues various quantities of materials as stated in the slip to the operator who is also asked to sign in the storekeepers daily issue registers. Step 3 The stock book is maintained on a daily basis. At the end of the day storekeeper along with his assistance feeds the data of various materials issue and its quantity in the computer. At the same time data is also entered for different quantities of materials received as purchase on these bases at the end of the day the storekeeper finds out stock of different items by adding total quantity of receipts and deducting the issues. Step 4 The storekeeper prepares a purchase request on the basis of above data , which is handed over to purchase department.

PURCHASE PROCESS MARUTI TEXTILES has separate purchase department to handle various matters. It satisfies the availability of color, chemical, spare parts etc. 1. Color store & maintenance store prepares a daily indent on the basis of that the quantity of material to be ordered is decided. 2. Then the indent is sent to the HOD for his approval. 3. The order quantity is determined on the basis of lead time, pending order quantity etc. 4. Then the order is placed with purchase order 5. When the order of chemical, dye and engineering items is placed for the for the time to a new supplier then quality checking is done to ensure that they meet the companys requirement. 6. If they meet the required standards then the order is placed. 7. When the order is received whether from the new or old supplier then gain quality checking is done in lab to ensure that the received material is of IT standard. 8. If the order is accepted then challan is sent to the finance department for bill payment. 9. If the order is rejected then the goods are sent back to supplier.

MAINTANANCE SCHEDULE The mechanical department looks after the maintenance of the various machines, its parts & components. Modern petrifies maintain the schedule for each component in advance. Maintenance schedule is of three types: Preventive maintenance: is one in which the machine part/ component is check for operation/ condition before its actual break own occurs. Breakdown maintenance: is one in which the part/ components is checked on site/ field and if possible repaired at site or field only. Online maintenance: is one in which machine part/ components is checked and repaired only after its breakdown.


RECORDS AND CONTROL SYSTEM OF DIFFERENT PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT First of all when the grey cloth is recovered by MARUTI TEXTILES, it is counted and kept in a grey storehouse. Each bundle of 4 takas is piled up in the storehouse after giving a lot no. it is embossed on the cloth using a special kind of tube known as mark a pen, which cannot be removed circumstances. The store in charge prepares his registered in which he writes the date on which grey is received. The store in charge also fills up a JOB CARD, which moves along with the grey in whichever. He enters the same particulars in the JOB CARD, which he has entered in his grey, cloth register and keeps the card ready. When the grey goes for processed and then the job card move along with grey in which ever department it goes. All the details regarding the processing which has are done on the cloth it is written in the job card.

QUALITY CHECKING MARUTI TEXTILES do quality checking for chemical, dye and for machine parts. The company has its own laboratory where quality checking is done. Quality is based on standard specification for the product E.g. Sulphuric acid 70%, Caustic Soda 98% etc quality checking is done at various levels: 1. Quality checking is done for chemical analysis and chemical testing report is prepared. 2. When the colour and chemical is purchased: this is done to ensure that the order received is of same standards. 3. In between and after the production process quality checking is done.

Inspection- The process of examining textiles for defects at any stage of manufacturing and finishing.

OBJECTIVES OF QUALITY CONTROL 1. The production process will suffer due to the poor quality of raw material. 2. If the supplier does not maintain the standards parameters the consumption of item will increase. 3. Goodwill of the company will suffer.

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Financial management is a wide term encompassing aspects of management funds. The physical operations of a firm are reflected to the financial inflows & outflows. The matching of these flows and use of funds for inputs and for financing outputs are part of the financial management. The efficiency of management of funds is reflected in the minimization of cost and maximization of profits. The overall objective of any firm is maximization of profits, which is the difference between income and expenditure. Thus, financial management refers to the management of these finance functions, Namely, Investment decision: funds for long term investment in gross block Finance function: funds for financing capital budget long term & short term requirement of funds Dividend decision or profit: among various claimants namely, depreciation, taxation, reserves and dividends to investors etc.

In order to maintain a sound financial position of the firm, each and every company must maintain a sound working capital system and must also follow a budgetary policy, but the company must have sufficient fund for it earlier, else it wont be in a position to work out the customers need/ requirement.




Legal Advisor

Tax Consultants

Collection officer

BUDGETING As the expenditure is of large amount and it is planned in advance, this plan is known as capital budget. The process of taking decision of which asst is to be purchased and how to spent funds for this purpose is called capital budgeting. Capital budgeting may be defined the terms decisions to invest its current funds effectively in the long run activities and in anticipation of an expected flow of future benefits over series of year. Capital budgeting is concerned with the allocation of the firm scarce financial resources among the devisable market the consideration of investment opportunities involves the comparison of the expected future streams of earnings from a project with the immediate and subsequent expenses for it. In MARUTI TEXTILES budgeting is done on the basis of expenses of government like GEB, EXCISE, GAS etc. they also considered the salary and wages of the employees. They also considered payment of color chemicals; they also make arrangement of capital for purchasing some new machines and spare parts. So the do budgeting in a very careful manner, so that all these payments will pay easily and smoothly. In this unit whenever the new machinery is installed, so that all these payments will pay easily and smoothly. In this unit whenever the new machinery is installed, so at that time the process of budgeting prepares all the future plans. There are many parts where are huge investment is to be done and many times happen that profit is done, so all the investment is to be done and many times happen that profit is done, so all the investment is to be calculated because if any changes has to be made it can be done easily. Every time budgeting works under the future estimation and the condition prevailing during that time. Note: - Audit policies are general, accounting policies.

WORKING CAPITAL MANGEMENT Working capital as concept means the total of gross current assets of the firm, employed in its operations. This is a going concern concept, as the management of these assets is necessary for day to day operations. As per another school of thought, net working capital is more relevant and it means the excess of current assets over current liabilities. The working capital thus involves the management of both current assets and current liabilities. The goal of finance manager is optimization of value o the form, which can be achieved by maximization of profits and maximization of costs. Maintaining the optimal level of working capital funds is necessary for this objective. The finance manager has to keep various alternative contingency plans for meeting the deficiency in the requirements and lineup alternative avenues of using the excess funds, if there is a surplus. This particular temporary component is thus crux of working capital management.

ACCOUNTING POLICIES FOLLOWED Accounting policies are various accounting rules that are followed by an organization / company. Each selects certain set of rules that it finds suitable for itself and follows them. During auditing of the accounts, the company to the editor specifies these rules and hence they are noted at the end of the audited report. The policies followed by MARUTI TEXTILES are: 1. Accounting Convention: the financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices. All items of material nature as regards financial statements have been accounted ongoing concern and accrual basis.

2. Fixed Assets: Fixed assets have been stated at cost plus all expenses directly related to bring the assets into working condition less depreciation on DBM method. 3. Inventories: Inventories have been valued at cost. 4. Investments: Investments have been stated at cost. 5. Confirmation: Balances of advances, debtors and creditors are subject to confirmation, however, the partner has certified the respective balances. 6. Previous year figures are regroup / rearranged whenever to make them comparable with the current years figures.

INVENTORY VALUATION & CONTROLLING The subject of inventory control is an integral part of production planning. The area of inventory control is one in which the firm must decide what levels of inventory can be economically maintained. These inventories consist of raw materials component parts, which the company procures from external sources and component parts, which the company procures from external sources and component parts and finished assembles, which the company manufactures itself. For a given item, there will be some level of inventory, which will yield a total cost generated, by any other level. What the firm must do is determine what this most economical level is for each purchased and manufactured item and then maintain the inventory at this level.

METHODS OF PRICING OF ISSUES: Each company adopts a suitable method of pricing issues, some of which are given below. FIFO method LIFO method Weighted average method Above three methods are for recording issue of goods. Once a particular method is adopted it should not be changed frequently. Receipts of goods are at price actually paid for it but when goods from different lots purchased are issued or sold then the question of adopting one of the above methods arises. MARUTI TEXTILES has adopted FIFO method for its valuation of stock.

CALCULATION OF DEPRICIATION At some point of time, assets become useless and are disposed off and possibly replaced. The economic potential so consumed represents the expired cost of these assets and must be recovered from the revenue of the business in order to determine the income earned by the business. Depreciation may, therefore, be defined as that portion of the cost of the asset is deducted from revenue for assets services used in the operation of a business. Thus, from the above definition, it can be concluded that depreciation is a gradual decrease in the value of an asset from any cause like; Wear and Tear Exhaustion Obsolescence Accident etc. There are various methods on basis of which depreciation can be provided in any organization. Some of them are: 1) Uniform charge methods 2) Declining charge or accelerated depreciation method 3) Group depreciation method 4) Inventory system of depreciation 5) Annuity method 6) Depreciation fund method

7) Insurance policy method etc. The one followed at MARUTI TEXTILES is Diminishing balance method (DBM). Under this method, depreciation is written off at a fixed percentage rate every year. The depreciation keeps on reducing every year as the balance or the fixed asset also keeps on reducing simultaneously. In such a method the positive feedback received is at that the value of fixed asset never reaches zero, hence a scrap value of its asset at the end of its life.

RATIO ANALYSIS Ratio analysis aims at assessing the financial soundness and viability. Ratios are percentages or relationship of two variables. Gross figures or absolute data of any company at a point has no meaning. A comparison of the same company at two different time periods will reveal improvement or deterioration. Similarly two department of the same company for two or more years also called intra firm comparison may reveal discernible trend or weaknesses.

Ratio analysis provides the valuable insights into the companies compared, their performance and overall efficiency. Their comparative picture gives guidance of corrective measures necessary for any one of them. The investment and disinvestments decisions on these companies can be based on such comparison. Some of the most common generated ratios in any organization/ company are: 1. STOCK TURNOVER RATIO: Highest the ratio is better it is. Since it indicates that a unit of investment in stocks is producing more sales. 2. DEBTORS TURNOVER RATIO If this ratio is high, it indicates economy and efficiency in collection of amounts due.

3. FIXED ASSETS TURNOVER RATIO If there is increase in the ratio it will indicate that there is improvement in the utilization of fixed. If there is a fall in the ratio, it is a case for the management to 9nvestigate the fall. Net sales Fixed asset

4. CURRENT RATIO A current asset is divided by current liabilities. An indication of a companys ability to meet short- term obligations; the higher the ratio, the more liquid the company is. Current asset Current liabilities An ideal ratio is 1.33 : 1. A much higher ratio indicates poor investment policies management.

5. LIQUID RATIO The ratio of current assets less inventories to total current liabilities. This ratio is the most stringent measure of how well the company is covering that part of current assets which can be turned into cash immediately (thus the exclusion of inventories). The ratio tells creditors how much of the companys short term debt can be met b selling all the companys liquid assets at very short notice. Also called acid- test ratio. Liquid assets Current liabilities If a quick ratio is of 1: 1 has usually considered favorable.

6. NET PROFIT RATIO Also known as sales ratio, it is determined by dividing net profit from the net sales of the company. This ratio is of great importance to those inside as well as those interested in the company situated outside, as it show the overall profitability of the company, thus, showing its final position. Net profit * 100 Net sales Higher the ratio the better it is. MARUTI TEXTILES net profit is increasing which is a good sign.

7. DEBT EQUITY RATIO A measure of a companys leverage, calculated by dividing long- term debt by common shareholders equity. Usually using the data from the previous fiscal year . Sometimes, long- term debt plus preferred shareholders equity is divided by common shareholders equity, since preferred stock can be viewed as a form of debt. A company with a higher debt/ equity ratio can offer greater returns to shareholders but be riskier.

8. RETURN INVESTMENT Return on investment. A measure of a corporations profitability, equal to a fiscal years income divided by common stock and preferred stock equity plus long- term debt. ROI measures how effectively the firm uses its capital to generate its profit; the higher the ROI, the better.

COMMON SIZE STATEMENTS Common size financial statements are those in which figures reported are converted into percentage to some common base, In profit and loss account, sales figure is assumed to be equal to 100 and all other figures are expressed as percentage of sales. Similarly in balance sheet the total of assets or liabilities is taken to be equal to 100 and all the figures are expressed as percentage of the total. The statement so prepared are called common size statement.

TREND ANALYSIS In simple words, trend means any general tendency. Analysis of these general tendencies is called trend analysis. In interpretation of financial statements, trend analysis has major importance. The main purpose of trend analysis is to know the trend of available financial data. With the help of this analysis, forecasting of future trend can be done easily.

Personnel management Personnel management is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement development, compensation, integration, maintenance& separation of human resources to the end that individual, organizational and societal objectives are accompli shed. Personnel management is one of our most complex and challenging fields of Endeavour. Not only must the requirement for an effective work force be met, the personnel manager must be greatly concern with the expectation of the both employees and society in journal. The purpose of the entire activity outline above, both managerial and operative is to assist in the accomplishment of basic objectives. Consequently, the starting point of personnel management, as of all management, must be a specification of the objectives and the determination of the sub- objectives of the personnel function.

Personnel management at MARUTI TEXTILES A company can be no better than the people who make it. MARUTI TEXTILES has learnt to acknowledge that in the progress of its people, lies the progress of the company. Good as individuals, better as individuals, better as a team, these people are essentially the strength of MARUTI TEXTILES. The management at MARUTI TEXTILES also encourages participative management. Where every individuals ideas put together counts in total development of the company.

To achieve the highest level of self- motivation among its employees. MARUTI TEXTILES leaves no stone unturned in ensuring that it goes a step beyond to assure excellent living and working conditions. Congenial housing facilities, best of investigation and curative medical facilities, subsidized food and entertainment facilities for the employees and their family, regular get together are some of the basic steps towards the employee welfare. By cultivating a strong feeling of belonging amidst employees, MARUTI TEXTILES ensures that each employee blossoms to the fullest of his talent potential, and the result: a committed and a productive company. The importance of personnel management is being felt increasingly in each and every company now days. Hence, even MARUTI TEXTILES pays a great attention to it. MARUTI TEXTILES has specialized personnel department, Mr. Anil Chaudary with the respective HOD carries out all personal activities. They have a total work force of 150 administrative and 35 permanent workers. They require temporary workers also depending upon the work requirement.

MARUTI TEXTILES H.R.D Objectives 1. To build a culture of excellence through various industrial relation interventions, this will add to the group image. 2. To create an environment for healthy inter- personal relationship.

3. To inculcate for healthy inter- personal relationship.

4. To place the right candidate in the right job, through an effective and selective process.

5. To plan implement and monitor individual performance through an objective

performance appraisal system.

6. To promote an environment of recognizing and rewarding process.

7. To analyze development needs design and conduct relevant training programs.

8. To improve quality of employees work life through various welfare activities.















HUMAN RESOURSE PLANNING Human resource planning may be defined as, the process of forecasting the future manpower requirement, analyzing the present manpower resources to determine their adequacy both quantitatively and qualitatively and planning the necessary programs of recruitment, selection, training, development, motivation, and compensation to meet the future manpower requirement.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES OF H.R. TRAINING The major activities involved in manpower planning of the company include the following: 1. Forecasting: The management forecasts the future manpower requirement on the basis of specific future plans. 2. Inventorying: The management prepares a comprehensive account to present manpower resources. 3. Analyzing: The management anticipates the manpower problems by projecting present resources into the future.

4. Anticipating: The management anticipates the manpower problems by projecting present resources into the future. 5. Planning: The management prepares the necessary programme of recruitment, selection, training, development, motivation and compensation to meet the future manpower requirements. In MARUTI TEXTILES the human resource planning is due to importance. There are various role performed by the manager:-

As staff advisor: the personnel manager of the company performs the role of the staff official and specialist advisor by assisting and advising line managers on all personnel matters.

As counselor: The personnel manager of the company act as a consoler by attending the mental, physical and career problems of employees and giving them appropriate advice. As mediator: He acts remind the management of its moral and ethical obligations towards employees. As problem solver: He acts as a problem solver in respect of issues involving human resource management and overall long range organizational planning. As change agent: He acts as a change agent with respect to the introduction of major institutional changes.

Factor Influencing the preparation of forecast Human Resource Requirements

The factors, which influence the preparation of forecast of human resource requirement of the company, include the following: Future plans of expansion of operation, products, services and facilities.

Changes in organizational structure(e.g. likely extent of decentralization, creation of new staff unit) Changes in technology to be adopted for production activities e.g., extent to mechanization and automation. Likely turnover to present manpower. Likely retirement and termination of services. Likely promotion and transfers of its present personnel.

RECUITMENT, SELECTION & INDUCTION Once the determination of human resource requirement has been made, the recruitment and hiring processes begins. Recruitment is a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. It is often termed positive in that their objectives are to increase the selection ratio, that is, the number of applicants per job opening. Selection is negative process because its eliminating the applicants, leaving only the best to be placed in the firm.

RECRUITMENT Recruitment is the means by which an organization establishes contact with potential candidates provides necessary information and encourages them to supply for job. A company can adopt many ways to recruit employees in their organization. There are two sources of recruitment external and internal.

MARUTI TEXTILES uses external sources for recruitment. External sources of recruitment includes:-

Advertisement Contractors Past applicants Employees recommendation Through above mention sources the company gets the applications. After that Mr. anil chaudary with respective HOD weed out the unsuitable candidates.

SELECTION PROCESS Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable persons out of all the applicants. In this process relevant information about applicants is collected through a series of step so as to evaluate their suitability for the job to be filled. Selection is a process of matching the qualifications of applicants with the job requirements. It is a process of weeding out unsuitable candidates and finally identifies the most suitable candidate. The Selection process followed at MARUTI TEXTILES is as follows: 1. Application Blank: Candidates are required to fill a form. MARUTI TEXTILES has a defined format for application form so that comparison of information is easier. These for m are kept for future reference 2. Interviewing: When an application is received (either formal or informal, but generally formal) from an applicant, an interview is done of the candidate so that the general condition of the candidate can be known. The candidate is checked for his knowledge about the job he is going to do, sincerity etc.

3. Reference check: Incase if the candidate has been selected as an internal source on reference from any other staff, then his relations with the staffs are checked so that in case if the newly employed staff is found involved in some anti social activity later , either towards the company or anyone else, then some action can be taken. If the reference is not found strong enough, then the worker is eliminated from the selection process. 4. Job offer: The last and the most important stage of the selection process tend to be the job offer stage. In this stage, if the candidate has passed all the previous stages successfully, then he is offered the job for which he had applied. If the candidate accepts the job, his name is finally entered in the books of accounts as a new worker or administrative staff.

Once an employee has been selected, he should be placed on a suitable job. Placement is the process of assigning a specific job to each one of the selected candidates. It involves assigning a specific rank and responsibility to an individual. It implies matching the requirements of a job with the qualifications of a candidate. Proper placement helps to improve morale. It also helps to reduce employee turnover, absenteeism an accident rates. If a candidate adjusts himself to the job and continuous to perform as per expectations, it might mean that the candidate is properly placed. However, if the candidate has problems in adjusting him to the job and he continuous to perform in adjusting himself to the job and he continues to perform below expectations, he might be misplaced. Thus, placement is also as important as recruitment or selection.

SELECTION & RECUIRTMENT OF LABOURS STEPS: 1. Need identification for filing vacancies

2. Information passed to contractor 3. Candidate brought in by the contractor 4. Filling of application blank 5. Candidate work is observed for 10 15 days 6. Offer the job

INDUCTION Induction is concerned with the problem of introducing or orienting a new employee to the organization. The staff personnel unit usually conducts the induction. Subjects covered include products of the company, employee benefits, salary schedules, safety, probationary period, time recording and absences, holidays, equal employment opportunity programs and the grievance procedure. In MARUTI TEXTILES, as there is no special personnel department, induction is provided to the new worker HOD as hi is one who handles the personnel functioning. He provides through

Information to the worker about his co- workers, his job positioning, his salary, his safety equipments etc.

JOB DESCRIPTION & SPECIFICATION A detailed knowledge of the nature and requirements of jobs to be filled is essential for determining the kind or quality of personnel required. Such knowledge can be obtained through the process of job analysis. Job analysis has been defined as the process of determining by observation And study the tasks, which comprise the job, the methods & equipments, used and the skills and attitudes required for successful performance of the job.

JOB DESCRIPTION It is factual and organized statement the job in terms of its title, location, duties and responsibilities, working conditions, hazards and relationship with other jobs. It tells us what is to be done, how it is to be done and why. The main object of a job description os to differentiate it from other jobs and to set out its outer limits.

MARUTI TEXTILES through being a small scale industry, understand its importance, hence it provides a job description to its worker but on an informal basis, i.e. in verbal form as the job positions in it are not very complex in nature. The employee, right at the time of the induction itself is made aware of the duties he has to perform, what are his rights, what is the job, how should he work, where he should he go where not, etc.

DYEING TECHNICIAN Dyeing is a highly technical process, due in part to the wide range of different fabrics now used in the textile industry. Technical dyeing technicians work out the chemical recipes for dyes and decide on the correct treatment for different sorts of fabrics. The fabric may need a special finish such as waterproofing and the technician will need to work out if it will affect the dyeing process. They carry out tests to ensure that the colour matches exactly, that the fabric takes the dye, is colorfast when washed.

Technician adjusts the make-up of the dye and changes the machine setting if necessary. They supervise the dyeing process, keeping eye recipes and processes can be easily traced if necessary. Technicians need good knowledge of other finishing processes, such as bleaching and printing. They work with suppliers, other technicians, technologies and sometimes designers.

WORKER 1. To operate different machines. 2. To inform plant manager about production out quality when batch is finished. 3. To pack the material in plastic bags and load them on tempos.

HOURS AND ENVIROMENT Hours of work vary between 37 and 40 hours a week. Some companies operate a shioft system, and overtime is often between.

MARUTI TEXTILES dyeing process is light and spacious with ventilation- but the atmosphere may still be humid. When in the dyeing area, they wear protective clothing including overalls and safety footwear and possibly headgear and possibly headgear and a mask. Technicians also work inn laboratories carrying out tests, and at a desk writing reports or recording details on computer. A great deal of their time is spent standing. Supervising both machinery and operatives, or walking around the processing area.

JOB SPECIFICATION Job specification or man specification is a statement of the minimum acceptable human qualities required for the proper performance on a job. It is a written record of the physical, mental, psychological and behavioral characteristics, which a person should possess I oreder to perform the job effectively. All these traits may be classified into three categories: 1. Essential attributes, which a person must possess. 2. Desirable attributes which a person out of possess. 3. Contra- indicators, which will become a handicap to successful job performance.

DYEING TECHNICIAN 1. A high level of scientific and technical knowledge 2.Good practical skills 3.A logical analytical approach 4.Problem- solving skills

5.The ability to work under pressure 6.A keep eye for detail 7.An organized and methodical approach to working 8.A keen eye under pressure 9.A keen eye for detail 10.An organized and methodical approach to working 11.Good communication skills- both written and verbal 12.The ability to get on with a wide range of people anymore

WORKER 1. Should have the knowledge about the working of various equipments and working on them. 2.Should be free from any type of allergy from chemical or any sort of prior diseases.

PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL According to flippo. Performance appraisal ids the systematic, periodic and an impartial of an employees excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for a better job. It is the process of obtaining, analyzing and recording info rmation about the relative worth of an employee. Hence, in order to maintain the high quality of the worker, he needs to be appraised from time to time in order for the company to keep achieving its goals. The main objective for which performance appraisal is carried out in MARUTI TEXTILES is: 1.To provide feedback to employees so that they come to know where they stand and can improve their job performance. 2.To provide a valid database for personnel; decisions concerning placements, pay, punishments, etc. 3.To diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of individuals so as to subordinates. 4.To test the effectiveness of recruitment, selection, placements and induction programme etc.

All employees are appraised on their job performance in some manner or another. In general it can be said that the choice lies among three possible approaches: 1.A casual, unsystematic and often haphazard appraisal. 2.The traditional and highly systematic measurement of (a) employee characteristics (b) employee contributions, or (c)both. 3.Mutual goal setting through a management by objectives program (MBO). MARUTI TEXTILES majorly follows a casual appraisal method. The company doesnt follow any systematic means for performance appraisal but on basis of the worker performance MARUTI TEXTILES appraise it workers & staff. HOD or immediate supervisor solves the problem directly.

EMPLOYEE WELFARE Rapid industrialization and urbanization have made employees dependent on capitalists. Inflation has made their lot poor and they find it to difficult to maintain their standard of life. In such situation, employee welfare facilities enable workers to live a richer and more satisfactory life. According to I.L.O. report, workers welfare may be understood as including such services facilities and amenities, which may be established in, or in the vicinity of undertakings, toperform their work in healthy and congenial surroundings and to avail of facilities, which improve their health and bring high morale. The various welfare services is done by MARUTI TEXTILES can be divided into two broad categories: a) intra- mural. Some the intra- mural and extra- mural services provided by the organization.


Training is the process of increasing the knowledge and skills for doing a particular job. It is an organized procedure by which people learn knowledge by which people learn knowledge and skill for a definite purpose. The purpose of training is basically to bridge the gap between job requirements and present competence of an employee. Training is aimed at improving the behavior and performance of a person. It is a never ending or continuous process. Though training is closely related with development. Yet it needs to be differentiated from this term. Individual skills are synchronized with the corporate with the corporate objectives and this makes it possible for common people to attain uncommon results. Extensive training, workshops, seminars are organized for administrative staff & workers by MARUTI TEXTILES. On the job training is give for production site which include: For boiler: 3 years training is given for boiler. 6 months training is given at ITI office 2 years training is given MARUTI TEXTILES. Printing m/c: 6 months training


Cubin has defined motivation as follows: motivation is the complex forces starting and keeping a person at work in an organization. Motivation is something what urges, drives, desires, aspirations, strivings or needs direct, control or explain the behavior of human beings. The company in order to maintain the interest of the worker in the organization. Follows various policies and provides incentives and other appraisal benefits also. To achieve the highest level of self- motivation among its employees. MARUTI TEXTILES leaves no stone unturned in ensuring that it goes a step beyond to assure excellent living and working conditions. Congenial housing facilities, best of investigation and curative medical facilities, subsidized food and clothing, education, sports and entertainment facilities for the employees and their family, regular get together, are some of the basic steps towards the employee welfare.

WAGE & SALARY ADMINISTRATION Employee compensation is a vital part of human resource management. Wages, salaries and other forms of employee compensation constitute a very large component of operating costs. One of the biggest factors affecting industrial relations is the salary or wage- the compensation an employee receives for a fair days work. No organization can expect to attract and retain qualified and motivated employees unless it pays them fair compensation. Employee compensation therefore influences vitally the growth and profitability of the company. For employees, pay is more than a means of satisfying their physical needs. It provides them a sense of recognition and determines their social status. Remuneration is directly or indirectly one of the mainsprings of motivation in our society. In MARUTI TEXTILES, the wage payment system followed is Time wage system. Under this system, wages are paid on the basis of time spent on the basis o time spent on the job irrespective of the amount of work done. The unit of time may be a day, a week, a fortnight or a month (generally a month). But at MARUTI TEXTILES salary & wages are given on monthly basis. Complete salary of administrative staff is given on 1st or 2nd of every month.

Wages to labour is given into two parts: a) 15 days advance 22nd of every month. b) 15 days wages on 7th of every month. However, the compensation or pay structure consists of the following components and hence, are also paid by MARUTI TEXTILES: 1.Basic wage: it means the basic monetary wage of pay provided by the company to the worker. The basic wage provides the foundation of pay pocket. It is a price for services rendered. It varies according to mental and physical requirement of the job as measured through job evaluation. Though the standard or basic wage is what but to suffers from shortage that it doesnt delight them but only satisfies them. Hence, the other components are to be provided. 2.Dearness Allowance (DA): this allowance is given to protect the real wages of workers during inflation. Dearness has now become an integral part of the wage system in India and considered as an integral part of the basic wage also. 3.Bonus: Bonus may also be regarded as an incentive to higher productivity. In the case of low paid workers such sharing in the prosperity augments their earnings and helps to bridge the gap between the actual wage and the need- based wage. MARUTI TEXTILES gives days or one month salary as bonus. 4.E.S.I.C.(EMPLOYEE STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION) 4.75% EMPLOYER + 1.75% EMPLOYEE 6.50% P.M. ESIC provides financial safety both to employer & employee against accidents contribution. It is a mandatory provision under law (both for wages & salary people) wages is paid normally on 15 days basis & salaries are paid on a monthly basis. 5.Provident Fund: Employer & Employee contribute 12% towards P.F.out of total monthly salary. 6.L.W.F: Employer & Employee pays Rs 2 & Rs 1 respectively twice in a year towards labour welfare funds. 7.P.T.(professional tax) Salary range/ month Rs.0 Rs. 2999 Rs.3000 Rs.5999 Tax Rs.20/-month

Rs.6000 Rs.8999 Rs.9000 Rs.11999 Above Rs. 12000 8.T.D.S.(Tax deduction at source)

Rs.40/-month Rs.60/-month Rs.80/-month

Those employees whose salary is more than 50000 per annum are under the legal provision of T.D.S. & 5% of their salary is to be paid to income tax.

INCENTIVE SYSTEM Incentive wages refer to performance paid to improve motivation and productivity of employees. It is directly or indirectly to productivity and profitability of the enterprise. According to the national commission labour, wage incentives are extra financial motivation. They are designed to stimulate human effort by rewarding the person, over and above rated remuneration, for improvements in the present or targeted results. The type of incentive provided by the company to the workers can be divided into two broad categories, namely: Monetary incentive Non- monetary incentive

Loans and Advances

Loans: loans are provided to the employees only after the employee has filled the application for loan. The employees only after the employee have filled the application for loan. The employees should have worked at least 3 years with the organization. The management decides maximum amount of loan.

Advances: An employee can get an advance for maximum of 15 days of next months salary or wages. This is to be repaid in next 2 months.

ATTENDENCE RECORD STEPS: 1. The time office prepares attendance sheet. The sheet contains employees designation, checking time, ID no. & signature. 2. Every day employees fill the sheet & the timekeeper collects it.

3. Timekeeper makes entry in a muster book. 4. Data is entered in computer For labour, attendance sheet is with contractor & for salaried people the attendance remains with the security counter at the main gate.


WANTED Following staff is urgently required by a reputed process house

POST Assistant engineer Wireman engineer Filter Burner socialist


Applicants must have minimum five years practical experience in any process house. Salary will be no more bar for deserving candidates. Please apply p.b. no. within 7 days. 1. 2. 3. 4. Sandesh Gujrat mitra Herald Samachar

SWOT ANALYSIS MARUTI TEXTILES STRENGTH Latest machinery: MARUTI TEXTILES has got latest and upgraded technology imported from korea etc. which helps the MARUTI TEXTILES to go for mass and qualitative production. Highly qualified and experience holder manpower: MARUTI TEXTILES top- level management persons are experience holder, which are beneficial to take strategy-planning decision. High quality product: MARUTI TEXTILES has acquired a strong reputation regarding the quality of product. MARUTI TEXTILES customers are satisfied. Excellent quality of work life: The work culture of the company is undoubtedly a unique one and the working atmosphere too. The adequate precautions were taken for the company according to factory act took the protection of worker against any mishap and all prevention. High awareness: MARUTI TEXTILES has become a renowned name in the field of dyeing & printing just because superior quality. Effective quality control system: Company is well considered about quality. In any step of production quality is checked. So there is no chance of fault in quality.

WEAKNESS Credit policy: MARUTI TEXTILES is rigid about credit policy. Company credit policy is same, in all the situation of the market. Technical staff: Technical staff is not fixed.

OPPORTUNITIES Technology up gradation: MARUTI TEXTILES is going for technology up gradation which will be very help full to achieve it future production target, improving the quality & reducing the wastage. I.S.O. 9001 certificate: MARUTI TEXTILES is going planning to go for I.S.O. 9001 certificate. Diversification plans.

THREATS Upward & download market trend is biggest threat for MARUTI TEXTILES & other dyeing & printing industry. Unusual labour is also a big problem.

BIBILIOGRAPHY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Human resource management 10. Analysis of financial statement 11. Accountancy

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