Farzana Faiza - Internship File
Farzana Faiza - Internship File
Farzana Faiza - Internship File
Begumpur, Hotapara, Bhabanipur, Gazipur-1740, Bangladesh
Quality Head
Assistant Professor
Farzana Faiza
CLASS ID: 1803073
and ability to complete the internship and prepare the report; may your name be
It is glee to come to an end of this 3 month internship period and in this long
At the same time I would like to grab the opportunity to render my warmest
guidance has been the standing pillar in architecture of this internship program
and report. The thesis has also benefited from comments and suggestions made by
I would also wish to express my gratitude to Professor Dr. Engr. Mohammad Ali,
Director, EDC, BUTEX; Dr. Mohammad Forhad Hossain, Deputy Director, EDC,
BUTEX, Dr. Mohammad Abbas Uddin Shiyak, Assistant Director, EDC, BUTEX,
and Dr. Mohammad Rafiqur Rashid, Assistant Director, EDC, BUTEX for
Special thanks are due to my colleagues Mr. Solaiman Akhter, Ms. Shamanta
Islam, Ms. Faima Ibrahim, Mr. Nazmul Hasan, Mr. Azahar Ali and all the
Executive Summary
The internship program is the pre-requisite for the Post graduate Diploma in
Textile Management in BUTEX. It is an opportunity for the participants to gather
detail information about the professional work situation through this program. A
report is prepared based on the 3 months practical experience through this
internship program in EVER SMART BANGLADESH Ltd. The core research
area of this thesis was to study, analysis and evaluation of the five area of the
organization which were Quality Management, Total Production management,
Product Development, HRM and Compliance & CSR.
In this internship I have gathered the detailed knowledge about those five specific
department and I have enriched my evaluation ability in a bigger picture through
SWOT analysis of every section. The report also consist recommendations and
conclusion according to my point of view, which I think would improve the
organization in the following aspects.
Mustafijur Rahman
Academic Supervisor
Assistant Professor
This letter is to certify that all the information mentioned in this document is true
and not confidential to the company. The projects mentioned here have had
successful involvement of Farzana Faiza, Class ID: 1803073, Executive
Development Program, Bangladesh University of Textiles.
I wish him all the best and hope that he will lead a successful career.
Tushar Mukherjee
Industrial Supervisor
Quality Head
I the undersigned declare that this internship report is based on my own work
carried in Ever Smart Bangladesh Ltd. during the period: 3 rd March 2019 to 5th
May 2019.
I also confirm that the report is only prepared for my academic requirement not
for any other purpose. It might not be used with the interest of opposite party of
the corporation.
Farzana Faiza
3.4.4 Employee Care & Industrial Relation Activities 69
3.4.5 Training & Development 74
3.4.6 CARE Project 77
3.4.7 SWOT Analysis 79
3.5 Compliance 80
3.5.1 CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) 84
3.5.2 Environmental Activities in ESBL 88
3.5.3 Community Management 91
4.1 Five Year improvement plan in ESBL 96
6.1 Attendance Record 99
6.2.References 104
1. Introduction
Textile industry of Bangladesh is more than 500 years old. It is one of the oldest and most
successful industries with its rich history. There is a significant effect of globalization on
international textile and apparel trade. Today, the developed countries are hugely dependent
on the developing nations for textile and garment manufacturing. At present, Bangladesh
ranks second in the world as the largest apparel producers with a $20 billion business in
There are three fundamental factors which have boosted the growth of textile in Bangladesh.
The country has plenty of resources, opportunities, and beneficial government policies. In
Bangladesh large number of labor workers can be found. Also, natural gas and cost of energy
is cheap. With huge population, labor is abundant, and Bangladesh has an advantage in
producing labor intensive products. The main reason for the development of the textile
industry in Bangladesh is the hardworking labor force. They put in more working hours to
complete the target. Therefore, in recent times the per capita income of the country and the
standards of living of the people have improved. Secondly, the country acquired an
advantageous opportunity to trade with America and the European countries in readymade
These opportunities were supported by the government policies which sustained the growth
of textile in Bangladesh. The liberal government policies promoted investments from foreign
countries. The garment industry of Bangladesh is renowned and holds a major place in the
world market today. The textile industry of the country has specialized textile goods,
knitwear, and woven apparels. These products top in grabbing the export income for the
country [1].
It is a known fact that Bangladesh has a great future in textile and garment industries. In fact
a major chunk of national income is earned from the foreign currency received from textile
and readymade garment exports. The textile and garment sector contributes to 81.43% of the
total exports of Bangladesh. In this situation, it is easy to understand what will happen if there
Availability of abundant natural gas, cheap labor and energy has been the core reason due to
which the textile industry has sustained in Bangladesh over the years. However, in the recent
years all the abundant resources which have been the backbone of the textile industry have
turned hostile. The basic raw materials needed in the spinning sector are raw cotton and
The energy which was available in abundance has become insufficient. Water which was in
ample quantity has become scarce as it is being used quickly and made dirty. Also the huge
population which was available for the labor intensive industries have not being employed
and looked upon properly. Hence, the core strengths of the textile industry are becoming a
major setback for the industry. However, the government is looking forward to find solution
In this situation, Bangladesh cannot afford to waste these valuable resources or it cannot
On the other Hand, the recent collapse of the factory building near Dhaka; has questioned the
safety standards in the factories of Bangladesh at a global platform. As per the reports more
than 300 factories have been shut down in Ashulia after this fatal incident. Nearly 80% of the
factory workers have demanded increase in the salary and safety measures to be followed [1].
In response to this deadly accident, Bangladesh has requested European Union not to take
strict steps against them in this critical situation. If the EU or other buyers enforce any tough
measures on trade with Bangladesh it will badly affect the economy of the country. Also,
In this condition if Bangladesh is able to maintain its current growth in textile and readymade
garment industry, it can reach the target of $40 US dollar export by 2020. To achieve this
position, it needs significant development in this sector and reasonable access to the US and
In this scenario, Government of Bangladesh has taken several steps to optimize the human
resource of textile sector. A National Skills Development Policy (NSDP) was approved by
the Government in January 2012. The NSDP emphasizes the imperative need to improve the
supply of human resources with necessary skills and attitudes to meet the industry demand
for skilled workers. The NSDP emphasizes the importance of better alignment of Technical
and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) with skills development systems and
The ‘Skills for Employment Investment Program’ (SEIP) is being implemented by Finance
Division, Ministry of Finance. The project will support training providers to meet industry
skill requirements; finance skills training of 260,000 trainees with 182,000 job placements;
certification and quality assurance system. The project activities cover the whole of
Bangladesh through both public and private sector training providers. Date of
commencement of the Project was July 2014 and date of completion is December 2017. The
overall objective of the project is to qualitatively and quantitatively expand the skilling
operationalizing a responsive skill eco system and delivery mechanism through a
combination of well-defined set of funding triggers and targeted capacity support [2].
Thousands of graduates from different disciplines are working in executive position in textile
industry of Bangladesh. Survey findings reveal that majority of executives have serious skill
shortage in international business, market economy and managerial skills to lead the industry.
In this situation, Textile industry needs a large number of skilled technical and business
With the financial support of Asian Development Bank (ADB), under the Skills for
Development Center (EDC) at Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX) (the only public
university among all textile universities in Bangladesh established in order to meet the
growing need for advanced Textile Engineering education in Bangladesh as well as in the
world, it is also the only textile-based engineering university in South Asia. Though the
it has a long glorious history. This University has 11.67 acres land with large infrastructure
including 86,800 sq. ft. area for academic and administration, 15 Workshops, and 84,000 sq.
ft. area for laboratories. A development project to improve infrastructure is under process for
approval.) With a view to developing about 540 world class mid and higher-level managers
Managerial Program. The total cost of the EDP is BDT 2.10 lacks per executive which is
fully free those include course work, lunch, refreshment & conveyance and internship
allowance. The EDP is designed aiming to produce future leader and entrepreneurs for textile
industries of Bangladesh which will eventually reduce the dependency on foreign experts.
The curriculum of EDP is based on the identified deficient areas of local executives that
Product Development, 10. Compliance & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), 11.
14. Quality Management, 15. Supply Chain Management, 16. Textile Merchandising which
will be taught by academicians, MD, CEO, Director, GM and Plant Heads who are currently
working in our Textile industry. Classes have been held at BUTEX on Friday and Saturday
There is an Internship of 3 months at the industry where we are working. This is a significant
part of this program. This internship creates the scope to enhance our knowledge deeply
about different departments of the organization which is very rare in case of permanent job in
one department. At the same time this internship enriches our ability to critical thinking,
analyzing power and develops our managerial skills very effectively. This internship is an
opportunity to create new door of our life. Lastly all respected teachers and personnel of
BUTEX are very much committed, sincere and helpful to make this program successful.
1.1 Objectives of the internship
In general, the objectives of this internship are to complete the part of the Post Graduate
Diploma Program named EDP (Executive Development Program) under the Skills for
But in Root, the actual purpose of this internship is to make the trainees able to think
productively and do the analysis of each area he will cover during internship period. The
trainee will be able to match and apply the theoretical part of this program practically in
the organization. As most of the employees in textile sector are mostly related to their
This internship opens the opportunity to enhance their detailed knowledge on the sections
like HRM, Compliance and CSR, Quality Management, Finance, IE, Production and
2. Overview of the Organization:
Ever Smart Bangladesh Ltd. (ESBL) a subsidiary of Crystal International Group Ltd. is a
Bangladesh, operating cut sews & packs knit Garments. The Company’s customers
include UNIQLO, H & M and PUMA. It starts its journey on April, 2009 in Begumpur,
lines & 1329 work stations. Total number of employees is 3126. It produces 13 million
Production Unit 4 3
Sewing Line 18 15
Production Capacity
Production Floor Layout Block-2
Geographic Location
Our Corporate Values:
Ever Smart Bangladesh Ltd. a subsidiary of Crystal International Group Ltd has
2. Respect for people: Crystal believes in showing respect to all the employees
working here.
3. Integrity: Integrity is the one of the key value expecting from the employees.
5. Deliver Bottom line Result: Crystal believes in End result through targeting.
6. Delight our customer: Customer satisfaction is one of the core values of Crystal
2.3 Product lines: ESBL is a RMG factory. It produces both knit and woven products.
Main products are T-shirt, Woven Pajama Set, Flannel Pant, ¾ Pant, hoody, leggings etc.
It also produces fancy garments. Some of products are like Vincent top, Skirts etc.
2.4 Brief summary of all the departments including organization chart
Head Of
Department Department Section
Payroll Management
Human Resource Employee Care & Industrial
Training & Development
Administration & MTF
Facility & Maintenance
Niroshan Silva Warehouse
Quality Assurance Department
(Block 1)
Quality Assurance Department
Ricky Impass
Production Planning & Control
(Block 1)
Salauddin Merchandising (Block 1)
Fabrics (Block 1)
Material Consuming Department
(Block 1)
Sample Section
Ms KoKo Product design & Development
Din Islam IE
Mostofa Kamal Production (Block1)
Nazmul Hasan Production (Block2)
Jessica Yang Merchandising (Block2 )
Production Planning & Control
Imam Hasan (Block 2)
Ananda Sarker MES (Block2)
Human Resources Assistant General Manager
Department (Solaiman Akhter)
Assistant Manager
Production Department
(Nazmul Hasan)
General Manager (Operation)
Assistant Manager
Warehouse Department
(Riyazul Hasan)
Assistant Manager
Maintenance Departmentt
(Ananda Sarker)
Assistant Manager
Sample Department
(Azahar Ali)
Assistant Manager
Sustainibility Department
(Faima Ibrahim)
(Sales and Merchandising)
General Manager
Administration Department
(Monirul Kabir )
Assistant Manager
(Jessica Yang)
General Manager
3. Area of Studies
maintained by our company as well. For quality management, ESBL has a Quality Assurance
Department. It Follows the TQM (Total Quality Management) philosophy that is preventive
action rather than corrective action. The total organogram and headcount distribution is
illustrated below-
Senior Officer
Sr. Inspector Sr.
(Fabric quality)
Officer Officer Officer Jr. Officer (Finishing) Inspector
(Unit-F) (Unit-G) (Unit-H) Document
Jr. Officer
(Fabric &
Cutting Quality) Inspector Inspector Inspector checker
Clerk Inspector
(5) (5) (5) (7)
Auditor Auditor Auditor
(4) (4) (4)
3.1.2. Work Distribution:
Manager- He follows up the overall quality of the system. He develops the SOP and at the
same time instructed all to ensure quality through his continuous guidance and directions. He
Assistant Manager- Quality department consists of two separate assistant Managers. One is
looking after the fabric, cutting, sewing quality and another one is handling finishing quality
Senior Officer- One senior officer is allocated for fabric and cutting quality assurance.
Officer-Five officers are allocated for different units. Among them, 3 officers are assuring
sewing quality of 3 production floor/ Unit and 1 junior officer is handling fabric, cutting
quality and rest 1 junior officer is engaging in reporting and documentation of all data.
Inspector –Under Officers, there are 20 inspectors. Among them 15 inspectors are engaging
in 15 sewing lines under 3 officers. Their main purpose is assuring sewing quality in needle
point. The rest 4 inspectors are handling quality in fabric stage and Post cutting quality.1
Senior Inspector- One Senior Inspector is handling finishing quality and another one is
Auditor- 9 Auditor’s main task is to handle off line quality of 15 sewing lines. 3 Auditors are
Checker- In quality assurance department, there are 97 checkers whose main task is to check
3.1.3. Flow Chart
The purpose of this procedure is set the 4 point system (10% -20% fabric inspection) for
Store separately with identification (Passed, Rejected and Waiting for Inspection)
. Sample Size
4 Point System
S ≤ 3 inches 1 point
Calculation Method
deducted per 100 = Total length of the batch (yard) x Fabric width X 100
sq. yards (inch)
Acceptance Grading
23 to 28 points the Roll/ Batch Grade = C
Direct Person In
No Operation Description Responsible Charge
Person (PIC)
condition QA QA
1 Preparation
All the equipment ensure not only 5s Checker Officer
approved color range under required
light source
Keep record
poly inspection.
leaving leaving.
Most of the testing of Uniqlo buyer is done by nominated third party lab according to the
buyer requirements. So there are some testing done in our own Factory Lab facility.
2. Shrinkage: (60 x 60) cm Paper template, textile marker, scissor, measurement tape.
3. Rubbing: Crock meter, bloating paper, textile cloth, distil water, Gray Scale.
Person In
Operation Description Charge Responsibility
All the labor safety required is ready for
Preparation Laboratory Lab Officer
Cut the sample from two edge side and
G.S.M Test Laboratory Lab Officer
middle then weight and calculate average.
wise 1 yard.
Shrinkage right place both horizontal and vertical Laboratory Lab Officer
way. Technician
shrinkage both way.
cleaning used tools are clean and correct position. Laboratory Lab Officer
3.1.5 Cutting Quality
After completion of fabric Inspection, fabrics are sent to cutting if the result is pass. There
comes the part of cutting quality people. The cutting checker checks the cut panel 100% to
- One Cake of each component (front, back, sleeve, etc.) is selected from the every cutting
- Top, middle and bottom plies are checked against pattern to verify straight cut and
- Result is recorded in Cut Accuracy Inspection Report. (“P” means Pass; “F” means Fail)
- 4 Checker Assign for 100% Cut Panel Inspection. They do 100% Cut Panel Inspection
roving quality
QA Officer/
QA needs to take at least roving quality check of 5 Pcs on
Line Leader
each operator for every hour. Therefore, QA will do at least
eight inspections on each operator per day.
inspected lot.
rework. Re-inspection and 2 consecutive follow-up
Inspection Report.
The color filled the report must be accordant with the one
measurement on template and by measurement tape. Measurement
appearance check.
appearance like get up, skip, spot, broken, Tension, open seam,
label placement, size, care instruction, etc. and records the report.
QA Audit :
further processing.
must be corrected and then pass to QA auditor for re -
Packing Inspection:
that pallet.
3.1.7 SWOT Analysis of Quality Assurance Department
Strength Weakness
Opportunity Threat
3.2 Textile Production Management
Ever Smart Bangladesh Ltd. is a complete readymade garments factory which includes
the processes from fabric receiving to cutting, sewing, finishing to shipment. So the textile
Quality Check
Shipment Done
3.2.1. Cutting Department
1. Senior Supervisor – 01
2. Supervisor - 01
4. Cutting Leader- 01
5. Spreading Operator-02
6. Cutting Operator- 02
Data Entry Operator: Creating Mother tag for cutting, finishing & quality. In case of
Cutting, Size wise balance MO quantity is checked by data entry operator before creating
mother tag.
Cutting Leader:
1. Fabric receiving
5. Spreading sheet created for mother tag
Spreading Operator:
1. Lay spreading
2. Width measurement
Cutting Operator:
1. Cutting relaxation
2. Marker Setting
3. Numbering of lays
Senior Supervisor:
1. Cutting plan
2. Fabric Saving
Cutting Plan
Receive Fabric from Warehouse after Relaxation & Four Point System
Cutting Relaxation
Test Cutting
Before starting a new style, Test Cutting is run for first 1-2 rolls of first batch for every size -
2 pieces. After finishing test cutting, CMD department start calculation on consumption of
fabrics. Quality Comments about shrinkage test, wrap test, seam strength etc. are given after
finishing Test Cutting. It is done for size set sample. After that One Table Meeting-01 is held
for discussing about this & got permission for Initial Cutting.
Initial Cutting
After One Table Meeting (OTM) meeting, initial cutting is done for every color 100 -120 pcs.
Initial Cutting is done for Pilot Run. In Pilot run, garments are made in actual fabric,
accessories and checked by PQC. After that, One Table Meeting-02 is done for the approval
of color and size wise garment by buyer among the all color size wise garments. In OTM-2
buyer also gave comments for appearance & measurement comments on garments. After that
Bulk Cutting
2. The cutting plan is prepared according to the PPC MO Plan & availability of fabric.
3. After getting consumption of one garment piece from CMD department, Material
Requisition Form is prepared by cutting department to collect the fabric yards based on the
garment pieces.
4. Fabric Swatch is sent for GSM measurement to Warehouse Quality and Shrinkage
Measurement to Lab.
5. Fabric Relaxation is (Fabric Relaxation Time varies on fabric consumption) done after
7. Fabric Relax Information Card is maintained with every trolley prepared by warehouse
time with the information of relaxation time, sticker & physical width.
8. There are allocated hours for fabric relaxation according to fabric structure.
Warehouse Quality
3. Fabric Inspection Report (Up to 18, Roll is Passed for Cutting) is made.
4. Fabric was cut for 6/9 Square Panel from top, medium & end of Fabric Roll for checking
1. Calculation of Fabric Consumption for a required quantity after getting Yarn Yards
2. Marker Requisition Sent to CMD after getting same Width & same Shade of Roll
5. Material Handler Collects Rolls in a Trolley of Same Width & Same Shade
8. 10 inch Fabric Cutting from every roll before spreading as GSM Swatch is included there
10. Marker Setting with different size ratio Cross Width Marking for overlaying.
13. Lay Adjusting with a mechanism of keeping extra width of fabric so one side of fabrics
15. Every Roll Shade Checking with Shade Continuity Card during spreading
19. Writing in Spreading Sheet with attaching every roll sticker yards in back of the
spreading sheet (Balance yards calculation, Damaged pcs Calculation, Lay number counting
of every roll, cutting no, Batch No, Roll No, Sticker Yards)
21. Paper attaching with cutting No and number of lays spreading of every roll on the re-cut
4. Daily Marker Check report by quality Department (Size Wise Ratio, Cut Quantity, Fabric
Batch Number, Marker Batch, Shrinkage %) comparing with actual marker paper
8. CPI start during cutting (3 Angles- 180 degree angle- common, 90 degree angle, 45 degree
9. Cut Accuracy Inspection report by checking measurement of top, medium and Bottom of
any part (front, back & sleeve) of garment cake of every size cake
10. When checking any garments parts, measurement check is done for chest, bottom &
length measurement
11. Allowing garments part with 3 (length) % X 1 (Width) % tolerances comparing the cut
13. Front , back & sleeve part CPI of every size by checking Slub / Coarse yarn,
Contamination, Thick & Thin Yarn, Holes, Knots, Dyeing Spots, Cutting problem, Fine
Yarn, Yarn Missing, Crease Nark, Running Shade , stains/Dirty Spot, Oil Spots, Pen Mark,
14. Defects up to 3% is allowed
15. If any defect found/shade found in the Cut Panel, then it is replaced by recutting portion
16. After finishing the recut, same size of total parts of garments are kept on the same tray in
17. Lay Control Sheet (Updating Date wise total cut quantity of every size and color ratio
18. Another Spreading Sheet Creating for data entry operator for creating Mother tag
19. Before making mother tag, data entry operator are checking Size wise color wise quantity
of total MO order quantity to make sure cutting department are not cutting pieces more than
20. Mother tag creating on ratio basis means total 10 mother tag created by data entry
21. Yellow color mother tag for cutting production and Pink Color Mother tag for quality
22. Every mother Tag are attached with required mother tag information & sent to Cutting
23. For F081 Style, garments parts are sent for Fusing and Heat seal
24. Sewing Leader comes to cutting department for collecting total quantity of one size ratio
25. Kanban Card created for total quantity of one size ratio thus created for every size ratio
3.2.2. Sewing Department
ESBL is consisted of total 3 production floors which are known as unit. Those are Unit-F,
G&H. Each Unit has Cutting section and Sewing Section. Sewing section consists of 5lines.
Each line has 41sewing machines and 4ironing table and quality tables. The layout is like
He monitors the overall sewing floor, gives production target for example efficiency, SAH
He monitors his allocated lines and controls line leader, utility and ensures production target.
Line leader- Five person for five lines (1 person for each line)
He controls one line, utility, sewers and balances line. He reduces bottleneck in the line,
Utility -Ten persons for five lines (2 persons for each line)
His main purpose is to help line leader to balance line and for that reason he also fills the gap
Loading Operator-Ten persons for five lines (2 for each line)
She accumulates all the parts of the garments in a hanger and distributes Labels size wise in
Sewing Operator- Two Hundred persons for five Lines (40 sewers per line)
He/she operates his operation in sewing machine and obeys the instruction given.
He/she uses the sucking machine to clear the loose threads for each garments and segregates
He controls all the ironing operators and maintains the daily iron production target.
He/she turns the garments into top side after checking completion and kept size wise.
Finishing sending man- Two persons are allocated for each unit
He counts the garments size wise, country wise and makes a kanban, keeps in the trolley and
Sewing SOP:
Inline checking
Do the garments meet the quality?
Sewing the rest part
Do the garments meet the quality?
Removing sticker from the garments & size sorting
Sewing Line Layout: for sewing a garments layout of machineries is very much important.
Here the layout of knit & woven garments is different. Actually layout varies style wise. The
layout of a knit garment is given below where the numbers written side of each boxes mean
80 80
80 80
51 51
50 50
50 50
49 49
48 49
48 48
O/L Close Side seam with Label O/L Close Side seam with Label
48 48
O/L Close Side seam with Label O/L Close Side seam with Label
48 48
O/L Close Side seam with Label O/L Close Side seam with Label
47 47
47 47
47 47
46 46
45 46
45 45
45 45
44 44
42 43
42 43
41 41
The above layout is given for making below T-shirt. Total machine types and Numbers
Type Machine No
Needle 9
Over lock
machine 28
Flat lock
Machine 7
Total Machine
3.2.3. Finishing Section :
He monitors the full finishing section. He guides the supervisors to meet on time delivery.
Supervisor: 3 person
They monitor the entire finishing leader to meet the daily production target for finishing.
They follow up all the folding operators, packers to do their job properly.
Clerk: 1 person
He keeps the record of daily finishing, the quantity of garments sent to warehouse style
Helper: 3 person
They receive the garments from sewing floor and keeps the record and also transfers the
Hangtag operator attaches hangtag and Folding Man folds the garments. Packer packs
the garments into carton and provides a seal inside the carton.
ESBL has central finishing section. It is not in end of the sewing line. The special part of
central finishing is Dry Room. As UNIQLO buyer has a special requirement of mold
controlling that’s why factory established a separate dry room. After checking completion
the final good garments are sent to central finishing from sewing floor. Then the garments
are placed in a perforated rack in trolley.5 pieces of garments lot is kept in rack so that the
moisture in garments can be easily removed. After that the garments are transferred to
Transfer the rack from finishing to dry room. Dry Room has Dehumidifier.
Keep the dark/light garments into the dry room for two hours.
Moisture check. There is an auditor from quality side who used to keep record of
garments quantity of that rack, in time, temperature and humidity of that time in a
After two hour, the moisture is again checked by that Auditor. If humidity is
below 60% then Transfer garments for relaxation (Half hour). The auditor again
keeps the record of out time, temperature and Humidity of that time in the same
If humidity is above 60% then keep it on dry room for another half hour and again
check the moisture. If the humidity is okay then send for finishing work.
After Dry Room the garments are sent to finishing table. At first the hangtag operator
attaches hangtag, then folds the garments according to the buyer’s procedure, then packed the
garments in single poly. After that the garments are packed in each carton according to the
packing list. Some are solid carton which means one color, one size in one carton. Some are
assort carton which means different color, different size in one carton. After completion of
cartooning the finishing Senior Inspector used to do audit in AQL 1.0 for every PO (Purchase
Order). If the packing is okay and the goods are passed, then he allows Cartons to send to
Finished Good Warehouse for NDC. If any discrepancy found, the goods are failed and
rechecking is done.
3.2.4. Finished Goods Warehouse
Headcount of NDC & Finished Goods Warehouse Department and Job Responsibility
Officer: 1 person
He takes care of full Raw Material warehouse, Finished Goods warehouse, NDC.
Clerk: 3 persons
They keeps the record of all inventory, NDC completed Cartons quantity and finally
shipment Records.
1 leader monitors raw material warehouse and another one monitor’s finished goods
He monitors & follow ups the whole NDC section & supervises the operators.
They operate the NDC & SNP machines and do the needle detection of finished garments.
Check the plan and put RFID sticker to each Carton. A manual carton number is
also put on the carton to track cartons and then send to NDC room
After NDC completion, there is a DRAGON GATE in which the carton with NDC
completed passed garments is kept and it checks quantity, size, and colour of that
If the NDC & DRAGON GATE inspection is ok as per requirements then the
worker provides a stamp on that carton and seals it. After that all the completed
If the NDC is not ok or any garments do not pass through NDC, then the operator
uses a hand Detector to find the metal in that garment. Still if the metal is not
3.2.5. SWOT Analysis of Textile Production Management Department:
Strength Weakness
and staffs are well aware about it. orders of very critical styles to meet
Opportunity Threat
3.3 Sample
Though we are handling two buyers (PUMA & UNIQLO) and all the related departments
are separated for each buyer but the sample department is one for handling both of the
buyers. In case of PUMA we make development sample to all samples but for UNIQLO we
have to make according theirs development design. We do not offer our own development
Pattern Stage: Generally we have received pattern from buying office. Then we
have to make samples accordingly. Then the samples are sent to sample cutting
Fabric stage: Fabric received from Sales & Merchandising dept.(including fabric
color, Quality shade, inspection report, shrinkage report, GSM report & any others
requirement of fabric).
Cutting stage: Before cut the sample they (cutting people) will check fabric quality,
color, GSM, AOP, Stripe cut way, pp. Green line, updated M-chart Sample
&artwork, then they will cut the fabric, after that they will also check cutting part
cutting people will check size, color, quality & position. If print/Embroidery is ok
then send to sewing.
Sewing Stage: During sample making sewing will follow TCF (Technical check
file), updated A/W, updated M-Chart, Accessories and Others according to Buyer
requirement. They also check finish pattern &dummy fitting for all Q/S s/set, pp.
and Others with Technical sheet. If all are ok then send to finishing iron.
Finishing Stage: Sample QC will check the sample part by part with updated M-
chart, Artwork, Technical sheet, Dummy fitting. Then they will make sample report,
If the Sample Quality is ok then proceed to the next stage and if not okay then
Then Sample responsible will check the sample finally & send to merchandising
2. Insure the fabric & all are trims before make sample
3. Before make sample do proper review & analyses to make sample sweet able for
4. Develop subordinates for the sample review analyses, make pp& dummy fitting.
5. On time make sample as per MER/SAL requirement & target first time sample
6. Provide working process sheet to IE driving style & making review meeting
Reports Prepare Reports Review
Sample submission to buyer approval & rejection Per month
Sample defect analyses data Per month
Sample, dummy fitting & all record put in Per day
notification file
Style wise review meeting Per month
Supervisor: 1 person
2. Make sample as per buyer Artwork & reference sample with best quality.
4. Sample make & submit on time as per requirement of MER & SAL.
3. After completed sample ensure the checking as per the Tack Pack with quality buyer
Junior Officer: 1 person
He mainly checks the finished Sample’s quality with the Buyer’s technical Sheet. He
measures the sample to confirm the measurement and also inspects all the technical
Samples for different buyer like H&M, PUMA, UNIQLO made in ESBL are
illustrated below-
sample order. The DS request is given to several suitable suppliers for developments.
Buyer compares and evaluates the different DS before order is placed. Already at
this stage it is the supplier’s responsibility to consider and ensure that the product is
something like development sample of H&M Buyer. Here at first the sample
department receives a spec sheet from Buyer in mail and according to that artwork
they make app sample of different color UQ buyer mentioned. Then those samples
Director sealed on those samples and provides a comment if the making is okay and
need some small correction. Then those are called app sample and after getting that
A Quotation Sample must be approved by the Buying Office before order is placed.
It was used to make for H&M Buyer. To avoid delaying the start of the bulk
production, it is important that the QS resembles the bulk in all aspects. The QS
assembly details etc. must be correct .Size on all accessories must be correct. Print/
The Size Set Sample sometimes covers all the size and sometimes jumping sizes
according to the sample order. In case of jumping sizes, it is the smallest, base and
largest sizes. In Every size, one copy is kept for sample department and another one
is sent to Buying office. The SSS are grading samples to set the grading of the
product and the details. Requirements of Size set sample are Material/trims/labels
should be bulk when possible; second best is a material/ quality similar to bulk,
These samples are for UQ buyer and are not made by Sample Department. But these
samples are checked by Sample department QC. 6pcs Confirmed samples are taken
from Bulk production from each color of each style. After checking by Sample QC,
goods are submitted to UQBD Office. Then Buyer sends 1 copy to factory of each
color and that copy is used for final inspection. Without it we cannot offer final
audit to Buyer.
6. Counter sample (CS)
A Counter Sample is to provide to buying Office with a correct sample for final
approval, before the production can start. 10 pc counter samples are made.6pcs is
necessary tests on CS. The production may start only after receiving Counter
The duplicate Counter Sample is used as reference by all people involved during
bulk production. Measurement list and CS comments must be translated into native
language, placed in plastic pocket and attached to the duplicate. 2pcs DCS is sent to
production Floor and 1Pcs is sent to the inspection room for final inspection.
A Production Sample is taken from Buyer’s sample or from the actual production
line and therefore represents the finished product. This should be done when the
first production is completed. All labels, price tags, etc. must be attached.
5pc samples are made for different types of testing like chemical test, metal test,
physical tests and others. These test reports are sent to buyers later. These samples
Normally 4pcs Photo samples are made in sample department. 1 pcs of sample is
kept in the sample room and the rest 3pcs are sent to Buyer. The main purpose is
photo shoots for catalogue and web site and must therefore look like actual bulk
to color standard.
The purpose of making Monitoring sample of UQ buyer is to check the fitting and
appearance of product by wearing different people. 2pcs of all sizes are made for
this purpose and sent to buyer. Most importantly all the fabric, accessories, trims
Some Marketing Sample is made before Bulk in app sample making stage and some
are made after Bulk from production stage for UQ Buyer. The main purpose of this
sample is decoration of Store with the upcoming product. In case of before Bulk
Marketing Sample, sample department made MK sample 2pcs for Medium and 2pcs
for Small size of each color of each pattern. Normally UQ have 2 types of pattern
that is US and JP pattern. So during app sample making stage sample department
The purpose of Salesman samples is to be used to sell the collection for distributors
and agents and must therefore represent the coming bulk production. Material/trims
labels/accessories and assembly details etc. must be correct. Size on all accessories
must be correct. Print/ decorations must be correct • Shapes and measurements must
be correct.
3.3.4. SWOT Analysis of Sample Department
Sample Department is crucially important for any textile manufacturing company and the
Buying Office also. Sample is the reflection of artwork or technical sheet. So the
confirmation of order also depends on the right sample making and timely sample
Strength Weakness
Bangladesh factories.
Opportunity Threat
incorporate more buyers into section will make ESBL lag behind
3.4 Human Resource Management
Human Resource Department is one of the prime departments of any industry. ESBL also
consists of a strong human resource department which controls all the issues very sensitively.
There are different teams in HR department for maintaining different activities like-
1. Staffing
5. CARE Program
To maintain all these activities, this department establishes and follows standard operating
3.4.1. Organ gram of Human Resources Department
3.4.2. Staffing:
To fulfill the recruitment process effectively and efficiently attract, identify and Select the
most qualified and suitable candidate for the vacant position and placed to the existing job for
Ever Smart Bangladesh Ltd. (ESBL) does not support any kind of discrimination to staffing
its employee. No workers are required to pay fees, taxes, deposits bonds, incur debt for the
To ensure neutral hiring procedure in ESBL the overall recruitment & selection follows
below SOPs:
-To remediate Forced Labor ESBL is following the Forced Labor policy.
-For Accidental Child Labor recruitment ESBL follows Child Labor and Juvenile Worker
Working Hour:
To control & monitor working hour within legal limit (48 hours)
Working hours & breaks for ordinary employees, juvenile /pregnant workers/ breast feeding
• Suspensions of work are accordance with national Laws regulations & Procedures.
- This document applied for all workers, consisting of: operators in production line, direct and
indirect worker.
- This document is complied with relevant labor laws and regulations of Bangladesh and
2. The time keeping system for hours of work is recorded by ETS electronic to ensure
accuracy system.
3. Production planning/ capacity managing process that supports regular hours of work are
4. Workers can do OT voluntary basis.
- To control OT HR team weekly analyze the report with projection & inform the concern
5. Facility has approval process for urgent overtime. The process requires supervisors to
- If any breast feeding employees wants to take time for breast feeding.
Then employees are allowed to take gate pass & their payment procedure is full paid.
Responsible person:
Asst. Manager of HRD is a dedicated person for implementation of the working hour facility.
For compensation and benefits of all the employees recruited here, there is a payroll section
Goals of Compensation
- Employers are able to attract and retain employees who contribute to the organization's
- Employees feel they are compensated / rewarded fairly/ equitably for their efforts and
Wages Calculation:
Attendance Bonus:
- If the employee report to work full month, employees are allowed to take maximum of
2 days approved leave.one day approved leave will entitle only Tk150.Two days of
approved leave will entitle only tk100.If more than two days leave taken, no attendance
bonus is entitled.
Maternity Allowance:
Annual Leave / Earned Leave = 1 day leave for every 18 working days.
Leave Encashment Calculation: Gross Salary / 26 x E/L Balance = Payment
Festival Holiday:
Total Holiday= 12
ON standard Time
Total Time
d) Extra OT – 2 Hour
e) Efficiency – 83%
f) Attendance - 95%
Incentive System: ESBL has incentive system to add more benefits to income. It is applied
Keep employee More Efficient & More Productive >> High Production
Incentive Scheme
Factors of Incentive
QAD: Weight distribution of Base Amount (FPY 30%+FPYWHS 10% + IndEff 30% +
CFIR 30%)
Group Incentive:
Individual Incentive:
The Actual amount paid by the company for all staffs, employees is the subtotal of below-
No Details BDT
2 OT Payment ******
Total ******
3.4.4. Employee Care and Industrial Relation Activities
Main objectives are to be the employer of choice, Good Industrial relation through employee
2. Turnover Control
-Forced Labor
-Anti harassment
-Grievance handling
-Anti Discrimination
Team for Forced Labor Handling policy
Sr. Manager-ADM
Manager, HR
Officer, HR
Nurse, ADM Doctor, ADM Officer, ADM
Member Member Member
Grievance Handling Procedure
organization by resolving all kinds of complaints, misunderstanding and conflicts may arise
The base of this procedure is Section 33 of Bangladesh Labor Law, 2006, the International
Labor Organization’s Convention-135 and the Code of Conduct (COC) of the Crystal Group.
Ever Smart Bangladesh Ltd. is promised to follow Country’s local law, ILO Conventions &
Procedure. Our main motive is to make dynamic & effective communication between
an ‘Employees Choice’
Grievance Handling Committee
Sr. Manager-ADM
Anti-Discrimination SOP:
Ever Smart Bangladesh Ltd. believes in talent and skills. The company is committed to
ensure equality overall in employment decisions i.e. recruit, hire and promote are made on a
non-discriminatory basis, and without regard to sex, race, color, age, national origin,
religion, marital status, gender identity, citizenship, pregnancy or maternity, veteran status,
To recruit any female employee the authorities will not interfere about her pregnancy even
she is not forced to work hard against her wishes. All of the higher authorities are
This policy has been developed to ensure fairness & prevent discrimination in any sector at
any cost i.e. internal recruitment, increment, training, termination /retirement & also to
Implementation of the Anti- Discrimination policy:
Ever Smart Bangladesh Ltd. has developed a implementation committee to apply &
3.4.5. Training and Development:
Ever Smart Bd. Ltd. management plans for improving employees’ skill through Annual
Training Strategy. HR Department Head will prepare the Training Strategy with the help
of previous year data, role based training, annual performance appraisal record then
and detailed training training waiver and finalize
recorded. level).
Existing training plan of Ever Smart BD Ltd.
Training plan for 2019 (All employees of the organization)
Training Name (Hours) Total Seat
7 Habit training 24 25
Communication Skill-External 8 15
Team building 8 25
Decision analysis and resolution 4 5
Orientation for new employees 1 15
Internal audit training 4 6
Leadership-External 8 8
Negotiation – External 8 5
Self-management – External 8 5
Supplier management 16 5
Testing 4 24
Leadership-External 8 8
Negotiation – External 8 5
Self-management – External 8 5
Supplier management 16 5
Testing 4 24
1. Great Start
2. Being Healthy
3. Being Effective
4. Unlocking Potential
5. Breakthrough
The overall theme is summarized below for better understanding-
3.4.7. SWOT Analysis of Human Resources Department:
Strength Weakness
Opportunity Threat
3.5. Compliance
Compliance means compline the code of conduct of customer & local law. But it is not
confined only in a single definition. The Impact and area of compliance is vast. Every
Company needs to maintain compliance. The main function of compliance is to check that
not. Broader issues of compliance are sometimes categorized into social compliance,
compliance includes wages and benefits, hazards and safety, health and sanitations, human
complying with the environmental laws, etc. Occupational compliance includes reliability
regarding product quality, design, and other specifications, ensuring delivery lead time, etc.
engaged in most of the work in ESBL. Their function is listed here briefly –
Compliance assists in getting approval of the factory from buyer. In case of H&M
they submit Higg Index which is a business Evaluation tool where different questions
on social and environment issues. As previously in ESBL, H&M was the only buyer,
so they had to do work according to their wish. H&M at first followed ICOC (Index of
Code of Conduct) up to 2014. In 2015 they started the SIPP (SUSTAINABLE IMPACT
It encourages the self-reporting by self-assessment. At first monthly performance data
Then that data is verified by buyer through on site validation. For that, factory has to
So this rework data (i.e. how much rework is done) is also input in STEP which has
an impact on HIGG.
In STEP there is 604 questions, among them 594 is applicable for crystal. Higg
If the desktop validation criteria does not match with the onsite observation, then
reliability score reduced which has a negative impact on that factory. That’s why
The project of UNIQLO is Better Work Project which includes work employee
during VAP(value Added Process) like make printing, embroidery , washing in other
factory.in that case it is a matter of concern for compliance team that whether the
suppliers are maintaining standard or not.so Compliance team has to go for an audit
and make a report. For that a team containing 3 members (2 persons from compliance
and 1 from quality) goes for an audit. There is 2 types of audit – Internal and Follow
up Audit. Internal Audit is for new Suppliers and Follow up Audit is for old suppliers.
Compliance team have to be aligned with sales team in some cases. In case of a new
buyer/order , if there needs any certifications to be acquired ,sales team informs that
to the compliance team before and they started working on getting certifications.2
In case of any certifications, both manufacturer and the trading office EMCO
-Age verification
Another important issue for compliance is fire and safety which is a major concern for
compliance team. They do audit so that compliance could be maintained and safety
could be ensured for both worker and buyer. As different buyers have different
At the end of 2017, ESBL completed remediation on all structural issues identified in the
initial structural inspection by the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh. As for
our factory, remediation work has reached a 96% completion rate and we have continued our
efforts in 2018. In the starting of 2019 factory also arranged basic fire safety awareness
training for all employees including security guards to educate our staff about precautions and
ESBL Compliance team also monitors compensation and benefits of employee and
staffs strictly. ESBL pays total compensation required by local law, including all
mandated wages, allowances & benefits. ESBL ensures proper compensation for their
employees for all the work done, by providing in a timely manner all the wages and
benefits that are in compliance with the local and national laws of the jurisdiction in
which they are located. This includes any premiums for overtime work or work done
during holidays, as well as any other allowances or benefits, including any mandatory
Compliance Team follows the working hour of ESBL according to the law or not.
Hours worked each day, and days worked each week, should not exceed the
limitations of the country‘s law. ESBL ensures at least one day off in every seven-day
period, except as required to meet urgent business needs. ESBL sets limits on regular
Both for buyer and worker, it is said in code of conduct. The chemical components
Like what will be the first aid and what is PPE (personal protective equipment), how
3.5.1. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
CSR & Branding is one of the important parts of general administration. It refers to both
the factory, ensuring welfare of the workers so that all employees have an immense
satisfaction to our company and choose this company over others. It is also one type
of branding.
External CSR means performing different activities related to social work which at
the same time increasing social image of the company & itself assisting branding of
our company like tree plantation program, donating warm clothes to the helpless ,
resource less people, medical care to the disadvantaged people in rural areas.
- Hepatitis B day
Fig: Health related activities in ESBL
-Fire Fighting Training
Besides general first aid training a six months first aid certification course is going
on with 34 members
- Encouraging Workers
Fig: Cake Festival & Spring Festival celebration
In other cases Our CSR activities are classified in two categories.
1. Environmental Activities
2. Community Engagement
ESBL has formed an environmental committee for the better of our environment.
Environmental Activities:
Our environment activities are classified into three categories.
3. Green Initiative
Environmental Policy:
Crystal International Group Ltd has developed a corporate environmental policy. As a sister
World Environment Day Celebration:
Every Year ESBL celebrate world Environment Day on 5 th June by creating awareness about
environment among the workers and staffs through consultation, video sharing .
Tree Plantation program: In 2017 ESBL planted 16000 plants & in 2018, planted trees are
Earth Hour 2019: ESBL has celebrated Earth Hour to promote the message; “We Want a
Sustainable Future”. Connect to Earth is a challenge to switch off during earth hour and
Organization Of Earth Hour And Started Earth Hour With Teams And Partners In
Sydney, Australia Back In 2007. Earth Hour was started as a lights-off event in Sydney,
Australia in 2007. Since then it has grown to engage more than 180 countries and
territories worldwide.
ESBL performs different activities to engage local community like school bag distribution to
local schools, blanket distribution during winter, health commodities distribution etc.
Blanket Distribution to local poor people:
Every year ESBL distributes blankets among the cold victims. The blankets are distributed to
Participate at community people occasion:
4. Analysis And Evaluation
Different Software like ETS , CAPS, SAP, Dragon Gate, RFID etc. are fully
High Quality is maintained not only in product but also in the sub processes of
This Company is able to achieve High efficiency and SAH within a very short
attracts workers most. So management does not need to push for production.
Salary / wages are provided monthly on time which holds the trust and
Corporate values are circulated among the employees of this organization
4.1. Five Years Improvement Plan in Ever Smart Bangladesh Ltd.
my understanding and knowledge so far through EDP, 3 months details internship and
working experience I would like to provide a 5 year plan to improve current problems
1. ESBL should develop at least 2 more buyers besides focusing on only 2 buyers as
through developing internal factory QC within one year. For that ESBL need to start
8. Print facilities should be introduced very soon for smooth production of PUMA
10. Local Fabric mill should be sourced and convince buyer for approval.
5. Conclusion
I have been working in Ever Smart Bangladesh Ltd. for the last 2 years as a Production
Associate in Quality Assurance Department. During my working period, I had only the
(BUTEX), a 9-month long International Standard Real life professional Managerial Program
aiming to produce future leader and entrepreneurs for textile industries of Bangladesh with
the financial support of Asian Development Bank (ADB), under the Skills for Employment
People’s Republic of Bangladesh that helps to enhance detailed knowledge on the other
sector and enhance the practical knowledge. It enables us to think in a bigger picture
through management point of view. Through this internship we could do the SWOT
analysis of 5 areas of the company. This also increases my analytical ability and critical
thinking. The way I am now evaluated each area is quite educative and practical that I did
Though there were some limitations in making report as some information is confidential
which are not allowed to share. Some internal factory pictures are not allowed to
disclose. Besides the time of internship is not that much enough to study. In spite of this I
have tried my best to go into details of each area and do the analysis.
However, Ever Smart Bangladesh Ltd. is a wonderful organization to work in perspective
company in Bangladesh. It is totally different from the regular RMG factories here.
Especially the working environment, values and culture of this well-structured factory is
worth to praise. The compliance and social responsibility practices make it different from
others. I feel proud to be a part of this organization which helps to construct me well than
before. Like every manufacturing industry it has also some limitations and obstacles.
Currently it is facing some restructuring. But still it has huge opportunities to flourish in
6. Appendices
6.1.Attendance Record
Fig: Attendance record on Textile Production Area
Fig: Attendance record on Sample Department
Fig: Attendance record on Human Resources Department
Fig: Attendance Record on Compliance Department