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Project Work of Bigbazar

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umar INDUSTRY PROFILE: Intro !"t#on: Accounting for around 14-15 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP), the Indian retail industry is estimated to e !orth around "#$ 5%% illion currently& 'ome to one of the top fi(e retail mar)ets in the !orld, India offers immense scope of gro!th and opportunities in this arena& As of no!, almost *% per cent of the Indian retail sector is controlled y tiny family-run shops i&e& the unorganised segment& +hus, organised retailers ha(e a lot of room for further penetration in this flourishing economy& In ,%1%, larger format con(enience stores and supermar)ets accounted for a out 4 per cent of the industry, and these !ere present only in large ur an centres& -o! the trend is changing, and such concepts are mushrooming in smaller cities and to!ns as !ell& .rganised retail segment is e/panding at ,% per cent a year, dri(en y the emergence of shopping centers and malls and gro!ing middle class& India allo!ed o(erseas in(estment in its supermar)et sector in #eptem er ,%1,& #ince then, the retail landscape is !itnessing a flurry of foreign in(estments& #ome of the facts, recent statistics and de(elopments related to the same are discussed hereafter& COMPANY PROFILE: 0ig 0a1aar is a chain of hypermar)ets in India, !ith more than 1%% stores in operation& It is a su sidiary of 2uture Group 3enture 4td5s, and follo!s the usiness model of "nited #tatesased 6al-7art& 2acilities offered y 0ig 0a1aar .nline shopping8 0ig 0a1aar has an official !e site, 2uture0a1aar&com, !hich is one of the most fa(orite sites among people of India for online shopping& 2uture 0a1aar is an online usiness (enture of 2uture Group, !hich sells an assortment of products such as fashion, !hich includes merchandise for men and !omen, mo ile accessories, mo ile handsets and electronics li)e home theatres, (ideo cameras, digital camera, 49D +3s, )itchen appliances and many more& D#$"o!nt$: :'fte )a sa se sasta din !as introduced y the 0ig 0a1aar, !herein e/tra and special discounts !ere offered on 6ednesday e(ery !ee), to attract the potential uyers into their store& #ecurity chec)8 At each e/it of 0ig 0a1aar, they use alarm systems or ;lectronic Article #ur(eillance system, !hich detects the products that has attached tags or not& 1& 0ig 0a1aar is a chain of hypermar)et in India, !hich caters to e(ery family<s needs and re=uirements& ,& 0ig 0a1aar has released the doors for the fashion !orld, general merchandise li)e sports goods, cutlery, croc)ery, utensils, and home furnishings etc& at est economical prices& >& 0ig 0a1aar group offers more than 1%% stores all o(er the country !ith an amalgamation of Indian a1aars< feel and touch !ith a con(enience and choice of the modern retail facilities 4& +he !orld!ide country chain, 0ig 0a1aar, is formed y 9;. of 2uture Group, 7r& ?ishore 0iyani& +heir asic attraction associated !ith reasona le prices is their "ni=ue #elling Price& "nder the guidance of, 7r& ;& Poorna 9handra Prasad

5& 0ig 0a1aar has ecome a massi(e hit !ith lo!er middle-class and middle class people as a ma@or client ase& A& Beflect the loo) and feel of Indian a1aars at their modern outlets& GROUP VISION :+o deli(er ;(erything, ;(ery!here, ;(erytime to ;(ery Indian 9onsumer in the most profita le manner&C GROUP MISSION 1 6e share the (ision and elief that our customers and sta)eholders shall e ser(ed only y creating and e/ecuting future scenarios in the consumption space leading to economic de(elopment& , 6e !ill e the trendsetters in e(ol(ing deli(ery formats, creating retail realty, ma)ing consumption afforda le for all customer segments D for classes and for masses& > 6e shall infuse Indian rands !ith confused and rene!ed am ition 4 6e shall e efficient and cost-conscious and committed to =uality in !hate(er !e do& OB%ECTIVES : 1& +o analy1e ho! the mi/ influence the customer satisfaction le(el& ,& +o determine the current status of ig a1aar& >& +o study the satisfaction le(el of customers !ith regard of ig a1aar& 4& +o find out the uying eha(ior of the customers coming in to 0ig 0a1aar& 5& +o identify main competitors of 0ig 0a1aar !ith regard to ser(ices& IMPORTANCE OF STUDY : Its pro(ide guideline for further research in area for organi1ed retail& Besearch says a out customer uying eha(ior to!ards 0ig 0a1aar& +he research is also important to identify 7ar)et si1e, gro!th and 7ar)et Potential of 0ig 0a1aar& +he research sho!s future #cenario of 0ig 0a1aar in current perspecti(e& +he study sho!s .pportunities and challenges for 0ig 0a1aar respect of internal E e/ternal en(ironment& Besearch say a out main competitors in the field of organi1ed retail sectors& +he study pro(ide guideline to further e/tension of 0ig 0a1aar& +he study pro(ide help to )no! the customers satisfaction !ith 0ig 0a1aar stores& SCOPE OF STUDY : +he scope of this research is to identify the uying eha(ior of customers of 0ig 0a1aar& +his research is ased on primary data and secondary data& +his study only focuses on ur an uying eha(ior of customers& +he study does not say anything a out rural uying eha(ior of customer ecause rural normsFstatusFattitude E acceptance of the rural customers differs !ith ur an customers& It pro(ides help to further the research for organi1ed retail sector& It aim to understand the s)ill of the company in the area li)e technological ad(ancement, competition in management&

. RESEARCH METHODOGLY : M&t'o o(o)* + o,t& -or $t! * . ser(ing the !or)ing of (arious departments li)e finance& 'uman resource, mar)eting, purchasing, production& Discussion !ith the e/ecuti(es, managers, employees& 3isiting E surfing !e sites of company& MEANING: Besearch 7ethodology is a set of (arious methods to e follo!ed to find out (arious information<s regarding mar)et strata of different products& Besearch 7ethodology is re=uired in e(ery industry for ac=uiring )no!ledge of their products& AREA OF STUDY +he study is e/clusi(ely done in the area of mar)eting& It is a process re=uiring care, sophistication, e/perience, usiness @udgment, and imagination for !hich there can e no mechanical su stitutes& SOURCES OF DATA Primary #ource #econdary #ource Pr#.+r* So!r"&- +he primary data !as collected y means of a sur(ey& Guestionnaires !ere prepared and customers of the ig a1aar at t!o ranches !ere approached to fill up the =uestionnaires& +he =uestionnaire contains ,% =uestions !hich reflect on the type and =uality of ser(ices pro(ided y the 0ig a1aar to the customers& +he response of the customer is recorded on a grade scale of strongly disagree, disagree, uncertain, agree and strongly agree for each =uestion& +he filled up information !as later analy1ed to o tain the re=uired interpretation and the findings& S&"on +r* So!r"&- In order to ha(e a proper understanding of the customer ser(ice of 0ig 0a1aar a depth study !as done from the (arious sources such as oo)s, a lot of data is also collected from the official !e sites of the 0ig a1aar and the articles from (arious search engines li)e Google, yahoo search and ans!ers&com& RESEARCH DESIGN: +he research design is e/ploratory till identification of customer ser(ices parameters& 4ater it ecomes descripti(e !hen it comes to e(aluating customer perception of customer ser(ice of the ig a1aar& Descripti(e research, also )no!n as statistical research, descri es data and characteristics a out the population or phenomenon eing studied& Descripti(e research ans!ers the =uestions !ho, !hat, !here, !hen and ho!&

Although the data description is factual, accurate and systematic, the research cannot descri e !hat caused a situation& +hus, descripti(e research cannot e used to create a causal relationship, !here one (aria le affects another& In other !ords, descripti(e research can e said to ha(e a lo! re=uirement for internal (alidity& +he description is used for fre=uencies, a(erages and other statistical calculations& .ften the est approach, prior to !riting descripti(e research, is to conduct a sur(ey in(estigation& Gualitati(e research often has the aim of description and researchers may follo!-up !ith e/aminations of !hy the o ser(ations e/ist and !hat the implications of the findings are& RESEARCH SAMPLE SAMPLING PLAN: #ince it is not possi le to study !hole uni(erse, it ecomes necessary to ta)e sample from the uni(erse to )no! a out its characteristics& #ampling H "nits8 9ustomers of 0ig a1aar& #ample H +echni=ue8 Bandom #ampling& Besearch H Instrument8 #tructured Guestionnaire& 9ontact H 7ethod8 Personal Inter(ie!& SAMPLE SIZE: +he !or) is a case of 0ig a1aar one of the Betail #ector industry together representing great per cent of the mar)et share of Indian retail sector& +he sur(ey !as conducted in the city of Delhi !ith t!o ranches of ig a1aar, !ith 5% customers as respondent& DATA COLLECTION TOOL: Data is collected from (arious customers through personal interaction& #ome other information is collected through secondary data also& Data !as collected through a structured =uestionnaire, li)ert techni=ue is used& 4i)ert scale is simply a statement !hich the respondent is as)ed to e(aluate according to any )ind of su @ecti(e or o @ecti(e criteria, generally the le(el of agreement and disagreement is measured 4i)ert scaling is a ipolar scaling method, measuring either positi(e or negati(e response to a statement +he =uestionnaire consists of t!o parts& +he first part consists of three =uestions concerning the demographic information of the respondent such as the name, age, educational =ualifications and income& +he second part consisting of 1I =uestions e/ploring the respondent<s perception a out the customer ser(ices of ig a1aar& RESEARCH LIMITATIONS: +he study is only for the ig a1aar confined to a particular location and a (ery small sample of respondents& 'ence the findings cannot e treated as representati(e of the entire retail industry& Bespondents may gi(e iased ans!ers for the re=uired data& #ome of the respondents did not li)e to respond&

Bespondents tried to escape some statements y simply ans!ering :neither agree nor disagreeC to most of the statements& +his !as one of the most important limitation faced, as it !as difficult to analyse and come at a right conclusion& In our study !e ha(e included 5% customers ecause of time limit& FINDINGS OF THE REPORT: 2rom the ta le it is inferred that 5,J respondents income are a o(e >%%%%,,4J respondents age incomes are et!een ,%%%% to >%%%%,,%J respondents income are et!een 1%%%% to ,%%%%,4J respondents income are elo! 1%%%% 2rom the ta le it interpreted that 5,J of respondents are graduate, ,4J respondents are under graduate,,4J percent of respondents are post graduate It is inferred that 15J of them (isit during special offers, 1IJ !hen need arises, KJ t!ice in a month& I found that AAJ of people are happy !ith the location of ig a1aar as compare to other >4J& It means that ig a1aar is a(aila le at most preferred places&
+otal sample si1e !as 5%& 'ere analysis sho!s that among the total respondents 4IJ

people agreed !ith this statement& +hey thin) that 0ig 0a1aar staff !as a(aila le in a timely manner& >AJ people rate this statement as e/cellent& Also AJ E 1%J

respondents rate it as a(erage and fair& ;mployees in 0ig a1aar are !illing to help you& 6ith this statement more respondent gi(e !eightage to a(erage& Good !ere 1% people i&e& ,%J respondents, 1I people agreed i&e& >AJ respondents agreed 2rom my analysis I found that 4,J respondents agreed that employees of ig a1aar ha(e complete )no!ledge to ans!er their =uestions& ,AJ respondents rate it as a(erage to this statement and only 1AJ to e/cellent& 1%J to fair J AJ to poor ;mployees of ig a1aar understand specific needs and ha(e great )no!ledge of all product E ser(ices& 6ith this statement most of the respondents !ere rate this statement good i&e&, >4J&& Among the total respondents ,4J respondents agreed !ith a(erage and ,,J for e/cellent, 14J for fair and AJ for poor&

According to 4%J of people feel that ;mployees of ig a1aar are (ery much courteous throughout& .thers rate at it as >4J in fair, 1AJ as good , AJ as e/cellent& 7ost of the respondents agreed !ith this statement& According to my analysis, employees in ig a1aar gi(e prompt ser(ice& Among the total respondents agreed respondents rate 4AJ as a(erage, ,IJ as good, 1IJ fair E IJ e/cellent& 6hen you ha(e a pro lem, ig a1aar sho!s little interest in sol(ing it& After analysing this statement I found that most of the respondents agreed i&e& >,J respondents disagreed& Also I found that ,,J !ere neutral !ith this statement and ,%J !ere committed !ith disagree& +here !as 1% strongly disagreed& 'ence 0ig 0a1aar needs little impro(ement ;mployees in the ig a1aar tell you e/actly !hen the ser(ices !ill e performed& 7a@ority of the respondents are neutral or uncertain !ith this statement&1IJ respondents !ere agree& At the same time 14J disagreed According to sur(ey, it has een @udged that staff of ig a1aar communicate in a language, !hich can e easily understood y the customer& As 4IJ of respondent are strongly agree !ith this statement, >AJ are agree and IJ are uncertain +he employees of the an) are little trust!orthy +he eha(ior of employees in ig a1aar uilds confidence in you& 'ere analysis sho!s that most of the people that is 4,J are uncertain, >,J are disagree, 1IJ are strongly disagree and IJ are agree& 0ig a1aar has modern- loo)ing and hi- tech e=uipments system that clearly sho!s customer, the product they !ant& +hey ha(e !ell designed system& ,IJ of respondent are agree !ith this statement, ,4J are disagree, ,,J are uncertain, and ,%J are

strongly agree& According to research, it has een o ser(ed that store layout is not up to the mar) as desire y the customer& 0ecause >%J are strongly disagree, ,4J are uncertain, 1IJ are disagree and 1AJ are strongly agree& 2rom the a o(e data I interpret that there are more num er of four !heeler coming to 0ig 0a1aar than t!o !heeler& People prefer to (isit ig a1aar !ith their families& And people are not satisfied !ith the par)ing facility& #o par)ing facility should e good to attract large num er of custome According to research it has een pro(ed that 0ig 0a1aar accept most ma@or credit cards& 4AJ of respondents strongly agree this statement, !hereas >IJ agree and 1AJ are uncertain a out this statement

0ig 0a1aar is undou tedly num er one retailer in India& It has uild (ery emotional E cordial relationship !ith its customers& +hey are also intending to uild long term relationship !ith all its sta)eholders !hich is (ery essential for successful usiness (enture& In order to attract customer they should pro(ide good par)ing facility 9leanliness and hygienic en(ironment is also the ma@or concern for ig a1aar& 7anagement needs to e focus on it& #tore layout should also e de(eloped in an efficient manner so that customer can get things easily& According to research I found that most of the people !ere affected E attracted !ith offers and schemes& #o, 0ig 0a1aar should employ those people !ho are !ell trained to pro(ide information to customer regarding ne! things to enhance its customer ser(ices& 9onsumer choose malls to shop ecause they all !ant (ariety and rands& According to customers it is economical as compared to other places& 6e can also say that location, (ariety con(eniences and economical products are not the only thing !hich attract the customer ut good customer ser(ice is one of the crucial factor that attract customers& SUGGESTIONS: Ad(ertising is the asic and most prominent tool to increase the a!areness of product& #o, 0ig 0a1aar should use this tool to increase their share in the mar)et& Betail usiness is successful only !hen they ha(e a good customer ser(ices& 9ustomer loyalty can only e gain y pro(iding good or satisfied ser(ices to the customers& 7ost respondents ta)e on the spot decision of uying different products ecause of the (arious attracti(e products displays& #o pretty com ination !ith good ser(ices should e done to retain customers&

Guality play a ma@or role ecause most respondent said that they !ant a =uality product and that<s also the one of the reason for most of the respondents stic)ing to particular rand& 9ustomers are (ery price conscious they are ha(ing many options in the mar)et& +he follo!ing steps should opt 8#hould follo! more of high lo! pricing rather than e(eryday lo! pricing #hould go for a !ee)ly coupon system as it hold more of the loyal customers& #hould pro(ide good customer ser(ices so that customer li)e to (isit again& +here should e a proper assortment of (arious product categories& Proper training should e pro(ided to the customer so that they can deal !ith customer efficiently 3arious offers can e pro(ided to them to attract ne! customers& Guality in product should e reach up to mar)& CONCLUSION: As most of the retail industries did mar)et research efore entering into mar)et& #ame thing !as done y 0ig 0a1aar& 4ocation, mar)et, consumer perception analysis !as done y ig a1aar& In one year, much more di(ersification !as done in it& And to retain customers they use many loyalty programs E I+ techni=ues& 0ig a1aar, a part of future group is a hypermar)et offering a huge array of goods of good =uality for all at afforda le prices& 0ig a1aar !ith o(er 14% outlets in different part of India is present in oth the metro cities as !ell as in small to!ns& 0ig a1aar can attract more customers y different (ariety an d assortments& +hey can impro(e customer satisfaction y pro(iding home deli(ery ser(ices& 6e can conclude that 0ig 0a1aar has one of the ma@or retail industry in india& 6or)ing en(ironment is good and also the (arious facilities is pro(ided to increase the customer ser(ices& +here e/ist a healthy E strong relationship et!een employees and managers& +he employees accept their responsi ility !holeheartedly and perform the ser(ices in !ell manner that satisfied the customer

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