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Data Analyst CRM Job Description

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The key takeaways are that Alshaya is seeking talented CRM and digital specialists to help drive sales and customer retention through loyalty programs and data-driven insights. The roles involve analyzing customer data and transaction patterns to inform marketing strategies.

The main responsibilities of the Data Analyst include interrogating and interpreting sales data to identify trends and target customers, advising brands on initiatives, recommending new campaigns, exploiting competitor analysis, and managing data flows.

For the Digital Marketing Manager role, qualifications desired include experience managing digital campaigns across social media, passion for leveraging technology to engage customers, experience delivering results for international brands, strong project and communication skills, and technical understanding.


Job description
The Role: Alshaya one of the world's largest retail brand franchisee is growing at pace and has a multi-million international customer base. This growth requires a team of highly committed CRM digital specialists. Integrating brand offers and customer incenti es into a loyalty scheme to dri e sales and build customer retention is a primary goal. !eli ering world class insight into an e er changing and highly demanding customer will discern the winners of tomorrow's retail mar"et. Alshaya intends to lead in that inno ation and is see"ing the right talent to be a part of that success. The !ata Analyst within the Customer Relationship Management Team analyses historical and real time customer information and trading data to support the brands' ob#ecti es in dri ing increased profitable sales. $ou will loo" for patterns in sales data in order to identify trends that can help pro ide insight into future customer beha ior. %pecific responsibilities include&

Interrogating and interpreting sales 'bas"et and table( transaction data for the purpose of targeting customers for more profitable sales. Ad ising brands and di isions on e)isting trends* recommending new sales initiati es that should be simple* easy to understand* easy to implement and ery effecti e on shop floor. Recommending new mar"et tools and sales campaigns based on intelligent research to promote and e)pand mar"et share and brand contribution. +)ploiting competitor analysis for mar"eting ad antage. ,orecasting future sales effecti eness and campaigns based on historical data. spend. Managing the flow of clean and accurate data from the Alshaya -oyalty program into the data warehouses Aligning sales forecast and budgeting data with sales and mar"eting acti ity Identifying product gaps and ad ise brands as to the type and quantity of goods.promotions that will entice higher customer.

Quali ications ! Re"uire#ents:

/-0 years' e)perience in managing CRM analytics in an ,MC1 retail en ironment. +)pert understanding of customer data analysis and shopper habits and trends. 2ighly analytical with specific "nowledge of ,MC1 sales campaigns and data interpretation with the ability to interpret comple) data streams and ability to apply to commercial campaigns. +)perience of multi-channel* multi-customer mar"eting campaigns. %trong organisational and pro#ect management s"ills

Desired S$ills and %&perience

3 /-0 years' e)perience in managing CRM analytics in an ,MC1 retail en ironment. 3 +)pert understanding of customer data analysis and shopper habits and trends. 3 2ighly analytical with specific "nowledge of ,MC1 sales campaigns and data interpretation with the ability to interpret comple) data streams and ability to apply to commercial campaigns. 3 +)perience of multi-channel* multi-customer mar"eting campaigns. 3 %trong organisational and pro#ect management s"ills ............................................................................................................. D'('TAL MAR)%T'N( MANA(%R CRM

Alshaya's corporate communications team is e)panding to reflect the company's dynamic growth. 4ith opportunities for communicators at senior* manager and e)ecuti e le el* we are loo"ing for talented indi iduals who want to play a role in shaping and building the reputation of one of the world's leading retail franchise operators. Internal and e)ternal communications roles are both on the agenda* and successful candidates will be part of a strategic team that understands what content and channels will build sta"eholder and customer awareness* both about Alshaya and our brands. The Role& $ou will be responsible for the mar"eting strategy across all digital platforms 'web* social and mobile( for a defined group of brands5 supporting the achie ement of their business goals. %pecific responsibilities include&

Managing the digital mar"eting wor" streams from conception to e)ecution* results deli ery and reporting. !eli ering best in class customer engagement and a healthy return on in estment -e eraging strong management s"ills to regulate content production* research* analysis as well as deli ering an outstanding on line customer e)perience. Translating mar"eting plans into online acti ities and build engagement with consumers both e)isting and potential. ,eeding bac" campaign effecti eness to the !igital Mar"eting !irector to help build continuous impro ement.

Responsiblity for deli ering the online 67I's for building brand loyalty and awareness* as well as deli ering commercial sales benefits to the in-store tills* e-commerce sites.

8ualifications 9 Requirements&

+)pert understanding of all digital platforms and their best practice utilisation with 0-: years' industry e)perience managing digital campaigns across social media channels. 7assionate about le eraging technology and digital media to dri e customer engagement. +)perience managing international brands with demonstrated ability to deli er results across multiple brands and sta"eholders. Ability to effecti ely communicate information and ideas in written and erbal format* and build and maintain relationships %trong pro#ect management* budget management and organisational s"ills. Team player* with the confidence to ta"e the lead and guide other departments when necessary. 1ood technical understanding - an indi idual who can pic" up new tools and concepts quic"ly.

M.2. Alshaya Co. is a leading international franchise operator for o er ;< of the world's most recogni=ed retail brands* including %tarbuc"s* 29M* Mothercare* !ebenhams* American +agle >utfitters* 7.,. Chang's* The Cheeseca"e ,actory* ?ictoria's %ecret* @oots* 7ottery @arn* >ffice !epot and 6idAania. The company operates o er B*:<< stores across C di isions& ,ashion 9 ,ootwear* 2ealth 9 @eauty* ,ood %er ice* >ptics* 7harmacy* 2ome ,urnishings* >ffice %upplies and -eisure 9 +ntertainment. Alshaya's stores can currently be found in /D mar"ets across the Middle +ast and Eorth Africa* Russia* Tur"ey and +urope and the company employs more than 0F*<<< people from o er //< nationalities. 8ualifications 9 Requirements& 3 +)pert understanding of all digital platforms and their best practice utilisation with 0-: years' industry e)perience managing digital campaigns across social media channels. 3 7assionate about le eraging technology and digital media to dri e customer engagement. 3 +)perience managing international brands with demonstrated ability to deli er results across multiple brands and sta"eholders. 3 Ability to effecti ely communicate information and ideas in written and erbal format* and build and maintain relationships 3 %trong pro#ect management* budget management and organisational s"ills. 3 Team player* with the confidence to ta"e the lead and guide other departments when necessary. 3 1ood technical understanding - an indi idual who can pic" up new tools and concepts quic"ly.

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