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Pavan Kumar Resume

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T.Pavan Kumar
+91-7680863054 (India)

Around 7.6 years of IT experience in the Development Implementation and Testing o!
Data "ase#Data $are %ousing in &lient#'erver#(egac) applications for Financial,
Electrical, Consumer goods industries using Data Extraction, Transformation, oading and
Data Analysis.
Arround 7 years of Data !arehousing experience "ith *scential Data 'tage In!ormatica
Parallel +,tender -(TP and -(*P. #a$ing good Data %odeling Exposure.
Experience in integration of $arious data sources li&e -racle '.( 'erver and D/2.
Acti$ely in$ol$ed in using Pro!ile stage
'ood Experience in scheduling Data (tage )o*s using *uto ')s and Data 'tage Director
De$eloped *utos)s 0ill1s and 2un &alendars
In$ol$ed in pro$iding production support to $arious Data (tage ET )o*s.
In$ol$ed in %igration of the "hole II( +ro)ect to ne" ser$ers li&e $a,apiis--..
#ired peers for +ro)ect and 'i$en /T for them.
#ighly adapti$e to a team en$ironment and pro$en a*ility to "or& in a
Fast paced teaming en$ironment "ith excellent communication s&ills
0achelor of Technology in %echanical Engineering,1.2.(iddhartha Engg college,1i)aya"ada
%asters in Information Technology from 8ni$ersity of (ydney, Australia. 3,..96,..57
Technical Skills
+T( Tools I/3In!osp%ereDatastage,Informatica,+:
3%anager,Designer,Director7,Ascential +rofile stage 7.x,
Data /ases ;racle 4i<=i<=..<7.., (> (er$er ,..., D0,, %( Access 47<,...
(anguages +<(>, (hell (cript, C.
-t%er 'o!t4are T;AD for D0,, T;AD for ;racle, Tectia, +utty, %( ;ffice, ,
-perating ')stems I0% 8@I: AI:A.-, #+ 8@I: -..,, !indo"s ,...<@T.

Uniglobal Technologies Inc;
Bank Of America
!heoni"# A$# USA
ET% &e'elo(er

Aug)*+) ,Aug )*+-
+ro)ect B ';2 AD2
Client B CITI '2;8+(,CA

2ole B ET De$eloper
Duration B ;ct,.-, to Till Date
En$ironment B Informatica +o"er Center 4.5, 4.-, ;racle --g, (> De$eloper, 8@I:, Autosys,
!indo"s 7,Disco$ery,>uality Center.
Citi 0an& is a in$estment *an&, All the customers Information is stored in Data
!arehouse i.e Atomic Data 2epository 3AD27. It consists of A areas anding Cone,su*)ect Area
Initial (tage,(u*)ect Area Clean (tage,(u*)ect Area oad 2eady and AD2.There are a*out -5
2egions "here "e get the data from. All these data gets processed on daily *asis. Type , %appings
are used to store the #istory of Customers Data, Demand Deposits in the oad 2eady (tage.
Finally Data flo"s from these A ayers on Daily 0asis.
-7 %ainly In$ol$ed in ET De$eloping.
,7 8sing Informatica +o"er Center as an ET tool to pull data from source systems, transforms,
and load data into targets in $arious ayers.
97 Creating the mappings *ased on the mapping specification document and creates sessions and
"or&flo"s for respecti$e %appings.
A7 !or&ing on +o"er Center client tools li&e (ource AnalyCer, Target designer, %apping Designer.
57Importing (ources and Targets from (hared Folder and used (hortcuts in %appings.
67+repared +re and +ost (> >ueries used in the (ession e$el.
77!or&ing on the transformations such as (ource >ualifier, Expression, oo&ups, Filter, 2outer,
(orter, Doiner, (eEuence 'enerators, Aggregators, 8nion, and 2an&.
=7 Chec&ed and tuned the performance of Informatica %appings and In$ol$ed in Defect Fixing.

47 Create (essions and !or&flo"s and run the !or&flo"s through Third +arty tool Autosys.
-.7 After (uccessful the "or&flo"s, Execute the 2o" Count $alidatation Eueries to chec& the
count match *et"een (ource and Target.
--7 Creating mapplets, reusa*le transformations and using them in mapping.
-,7 Import data from $arious (ources transformed and loaded them into Targets in each ayer.
-97 +erform the 8nit testing "hether the data is loading *ased on the *usiness logic or not.
Bank Of America Aug )*++ , Aug )*+)
SrAnal0st 1 IIS2
This is a enterprise le$el Data "are house pro)ect "here I "as in$ol$ed in many of the Acti$ities
li&e De$elopment, Implementation, +roduction (upport and %igration to ne" en$ironments and
ser$ers. Apart from these also inter$ie"ed peers for the pro)ect and gi$en /T for ne" peers in the
#a$e good experience in designing the o" le$el and high le$el design documents along "ith
%igration and I6plan Document also In$ol$ed in CA0 meetings for migration acti$ities.
Designed 'eneric Data stage seEuence and parallel Do*s for >%( +ro)ect for #eterogeneous
sources li&e ;racle,D0,,cs$ files
Designed Autosys Dills for >%( +ro)ect
%odified D(D;028@./(# (hell scripts for customiCed @otification acti$ity exampleB @oB of
records loaded for the i<p loads.
In$ol$ed in 8pdating the isolation le$el to un committed read no" it is in cursor sta*ility
"hich "ill pre$ent the Dead loc& situation for all the D0, select Eueries in II( )o*s
In$ol$ed in 2egression Testing to ensure . impacts on other trac&s of the II( pro)ect.
In$ol$ed in +roduction migration acti$ities for the de$eloped code and also in$ol$ed in
%igration of II( pro)ect to ne" 8AT and +roduction ser$ers.
8sed %aximo and @exus the tic&eting tool to raise any change reEuests in the pro)ect
In$ol$ed in +roduction support for the >%( system "hich I ha$e de$eloped
Uniglobal Technologies Inc;
B& !harmacuticals# 3ranklin %akes# 4514orth2
&ata stage &e'elo(er

Ma0)**6 ,Mar)*++
This is a enterprise le$el Data "are housing pro)ect .In this Data %igration +ro)ect
Data stage is used to extract data from different (ources, legacy, oracle. And loaded into ;racle.
for de$eloping of customiCed reports. and also used 0I tools Cognos=.
0ecton Dic&enson is the ,
largest pharmaceutical company in the 8nited (tates. !hich has
*ranches across the "orldF
1. 8ploaded and do"nloaded the metadata information from the 3eta 'tage ser$er.
2. 8sed the &ata stage &esigner to de$elop ser$er )o*s for extracting, cleansing,
transforming the data that "as extracted from different legacy systems *ased on the
5. In$ol$ed in de$elopment phase meetings for 0usiness Analysis and 2eEuirements
6. oaded data from Flat files to target system "hich is -racle
7. 8sed Transformer stage in many of the complex Do* Designs
6. 8sed Data 'tage 3anager to create custom transforms and ta*le definitions.
8. After loading the data into ;racle created customiCed reports using complex >uarries ;f
9. !or&ed closely "ith clients and also in$ol$ed in Client %eetings starting from the 0lue
+rint (tage.
B& !harmacuticals# 3ranklin %akes# 45
&ata stage &e'elo(er

5an )**8 ,5an)**6
This is a enterprise le$el Data "are housing pro)ect .In this Data %igration +ro)ect
Data stage is used to extract data from different (ources, legacy, oracle. And loaded into ;racle.
for de$eloping of customiCed reports. And also used 0I tools Cognos=.
0ecton Dic&enson is the ,
largest pharmaceutical company in the 8nited (tates. This has
*ranches across the "orld.
1. 8ploaded and do"nloaded the metadata information from the 3eta 'tage ser$er.
2. 8sed the &ata stage &esigner to de$elop ser$er )o*s for extracting, cleansing,
transforming the data that "as extracted from different legacy systems *ased on the
5. In$ol$ed in de$elopment phase meetings for 0usiness Analysis and 2eEuirements
6. oaded data from Flat files to target system "hich is -racle
7. 8sed Transformer stage in many of the complex Do* Designs
6. 8sed Data 'tage 3anager to create custom transforms and ta*le definitions.
8. After loading the data into ;racle created customiCed reports using complex >uarries ;f
9. !or&ed closely "ith clients and also in$ol$ed in Client %eetings starting from the 0lue
+rint (tage.

+ 3irst 4ational Bank# 9ilmington# &E
&ata stage &e'elo(er
This is an Enterprise e$el Data "arehousing pro)ect. In This pro)ect ET Data stage is used to
extract the data from 'lo*al system and populate the ;D( ta*les, "hich are used *y end users for
o*taining the rele$ant data. Data is extracted from multiple data feeds and transformed through the
processes of Translation, Formatting, and (taging and then loaded into the ;D( ta*les 3;racle7.
Res( >- Analysis of high6le$el design specifications into simple ET coding and mapping
, Extensi$ely "or&ed "ith Data (tage Designer de$eloping )o*s to load and integrate data
from flat files and source data*ase to target 3-racle7 "arehouse data*ase.
9 8sed (>?oader, to import Data into Data (taging Area.
A De$eloped :*': file stages to impro$e the performance *y reducing the reference loo&up
5 De$eloped )o*s in Parallel +,tender using different stages li&e Transformer, Aggregator,
loo&up, (ource dataset, external filter, 2o" generator, column generator and $ector stage.
6 Created Data (tage )o*s, *atches and )o* seEuences and tuned them for *etter performance.
7 2esponsi*le for creating and testing ET processes 3multiple data stage )o*s7 using Data
(tage Do* (eEuencer.
= 8sed sort stage for sorting files *efore the data loading process.
4 De$eloped &ustomi;ed shell (cripts for @otification alerts.

En'ironment= Ascential Data stage 7.x<6.., ;racle 4i, (>?oader, D0,, (hell (cripting 3&orn,
0ash7, (>, +<(>, 8@I:, Er"in 9.5.

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