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Journey To Self

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Helen is a gifted therapist who has been trained by some of the worlds most respected teachers and practitioners in the field of integrated health and healing. She is internationally renowned for her work. As one of the first students of former NASA physicist Barbara Brennan, Helen obtained a Diploma in Healing Studies in 1996 and is one of the few UK-based graduates of The Barbara Brennan School of Healing. She subsequently studied psychotherapy and counselling at the Eupsychia Institute (Jacquelyn Small), and also worked with traditional healing techniques at the Foundation of Shamanic Studies. Helen has developed a highly intuitive system of helping people towards better health. Through her extensive education and over 20 years of professional practice, Helen has acquired a deep understanding of how energy patterns that permeate the human body can be disrupted by emotional trauma. To help unlock the damage caused by emotional events held inside physical tissue (cellular memory), Helen practises and teaches a hands-on healing system that works with Human Energy Fields, sometimes known as Auric energy. I work with the connections between emotional issues and physical history how the body locks in traumatic experiences that can lead to further physical problems where the normally healthy body starts to shut down. The body wants to be healthy through the energy channelled through my hands Im helping to restore the body to its natural default state. I see myself as a conduit to help this happen, nothing more. As well as seeing individual clients, Helen organises and runs workshops and courses to help people explore their own self, develop their hidden potential to expand and transform their lives and experiences, and to obtain greater control over their own well-being. Over the last 20 years I have had the privilege to have held over 10,000 individual sessions, as well as running many groups, and have come to understand that many of us are seeking to become that which we already are. It seems that from very early on in our lives we can forget who we authentically re until at some point in our life we feel a growing need to rediscover our own innate blueprint. This is the core belief that forms all my work, whether with groups or individuals

Transformation and training JOURNEY TO SELF

A programme of self development and healing
We all know intuitively that there is more to life than whatever limited reality we now experience. We long to awaken to the depths of who we are and what life could be. Whatever temporary yearnings may preoccupy us for less pain and more joy, for a fulfilling relationship or for meaningful work there is something that calls us from deep within. We want to know the truth about life and we want to feel love in our hearts. Susan Thesenga The Undefended Self

For further information on this course, or about Helen, please phone 07720 782532 or contact on Please note website is currently being redesigned

Our journey to self is one of the most intimate and powerful journeys we can ever travel. From very early on in our lives we can forget who we authentically are, until at some point in our life we feel a growing need to rediscover our own innate blueprint. This is the core belief that forms all my work, whether with groups or individuals. This course is about helping people understand their own lives and how to move more fully into their authentic self. I feel that this journey to self is our true spiritual journey. The aim of these teachings is to enable each person to uncover their essential core qualities, and to help them to learn to deal with central life issues and create healthy, fulfilling relationships and balanced lives. The teachings explored in each module can be put into practical, everyday use from the beginning, and together provide a comprehensive exploration of personal development and healing. The first year of the Journey to Self consists of four, three-day modules over one year. Each module explores an aspect of self, and builds over the four modules. The three days can be a Sat/Sun/Mon or Fri/Sat/Sun, whichever falls more easily for each group. For those wishing to obtain the full accreditation there will be one extra day between the four modules, for focus on the energetic model, and learning to work with the energy field, towards healing. This option is also open to everyone. MODULE ONE Who were we at birth, what gifts and lessons did we incarnate with Exploring our stories and images Who am I, and who have I become? Acceptance of all of self MODULE TWO Understanding our defences, on both the psychological and energetic (auric) levels How have these defences affected our lives and relationships? How do we begin to allow our defences to transform? MODULE THREE Exploring our shadow or lower self Understanding and releasing the deep wisdom and personal gifts held with our shadow MODULE FOUR Meeting our higher self emerging into the fullness of who we are Welcoming ourselves back home

Firstly, we explore the messages, stories and experiences that have shaped our lives and overlaid our unique essence or voice. This exploration gives us the tools to unwind these patterns and the effect they have had on our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual lives. Secondly, having unwound these patterns how do we move into the unknown, and as of yet unfamiliar (or forgotten) journey back to self? This course is suitable for those wishing to begin this journey, or for seasoned travellers who wish to deepen their journey. It is also open to therapists who wish to explore this work for their own continuing development, or to assist with their professional work. The material and work is offered over three years, and for those who wish accreditation the three years are required. Those exploring this journey for their personal reasons can do as many years as desired. Accreditation means that, after their training, students are certified to run their own groups of Journey to Self and to practice energy healing, or bodywork.

The second year deepens the journey and knowledge explored in year one. It begins to teach healing techniques to assist with each students personal healing journey, and to offer these skills to those seeking to incorporate them into their own practice.

The third year continues with personal exploration and healing, but also assisting with the first year to enable students to start their own Journey to Self groups and to move into professional practice. 1200 per year, or 1400 per year for those wishing to do the extra days. Payment can be split over ten months, or paid per module. If you wish to pay in full at the beginning of the course. there is a 100 discount.


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