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Wake Up! Awakening Through Reflection
Wake Up! Awakening Through Reflection
Wake Up! Awakening Through Reflection
Ebook358 pages6 hours

Wake Up! Awakening Through Reflection

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Have you ever wondered, "Why was I put on this earth?" Have you ever found yourself searching for more meaning and purpose in your life beyond the daily grind? Have you ever fantasized about pursuing your life's passion as your "true calling?"


In this life-changing 10-day workshop, Suzanne Ross will help you awaken to your ful

Release dateSep 27, 2021
Wake Up! Awakening Through Reflection

Suzanne Ross

In December 1995, Suzanne Ross experienced a profound miracle that she describes as a divine intervention. In her first book, Wake Up! Awakening through Reflection, she vividly shares this remarkable blessing and how it awakened her ability to channel higher intelligence and align with the authenticity of her highest self. In this second book in the Up! Trilogy, Rise Up! Awakening through Revelation, Suzanne shares how 15 years later, in 2010, during her walking meditations, she found herself shifting into higher dimensional experiences and moving through them as a crystalline light being. Soon after, she became a disciple in the Vedantic Tradition after receiving a powerful initiation that propelled her into a profound sense of oneness. In one transcendent moment, she became fully aware of the infinite source illuminating all the realms with the divine light of pure love. At the same time, the life force of her own kundalini energy activated her third eye and fully ignited her crown chakra. In that moment beyond time, she was braided with the divine blueprint of her eternal soul essence and ecstatic bliss became her new normal. She was instantly overwhelmed by a strong desire to share this pure bliss state with all others. From that moment on, Suzanne has dedicated her life to bringing the higher teachings of divine enlightenment to all of humanity through her inspirational books, group workshops, live events, energetic sessions, and internet television series. Suzanne is building a unity community in Sedona, Arizona, the spiritual mecca of North America, where spiritually-inspired teachers and seekers can come together. Here, they will be free to live and learn and to rejoice and ascend into a higher state of awareness. Together, they will inspire unity and harmony so that pure love and joy can prevail. Suzanne was born in Shasta County, California, where she grew up in the mystical forests of the sacred Mount Shasta playing with fairies, elementals, and trolls. She was visited regularly by galactic beings who would come at dawn and bless her with celestial love and healing light. She grew into her ego identity as a teen and young adult, falling asleep in the illusion, until her profound awakening at the age of 31 when she was braided with her higher self. Since then, she has been dedicated to enhancing the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of her clients, friends and followers. Suzanne is the President of Lighten Up! Enterprises and the CEO of Awakening, a 501c3 nonprofit. Learn more at, &

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    Wake Up! Awakening Through Reflection - Suzanne Ross



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    Workshop Format

    Awakening through Reflection

    The VIS-MED Method

    DAY ONE Transformation

    DAY TWO Transition

    DAY THREE Reflection

    DAY FOUR New Beginnings

    DAY FIVE Harmony

    DAY SIX Healing

    DAY SEVEN Reawakening

    DAY EIGHT Synchronicity

    DAY NINE Suffering

    DAY TEN Death & Dying



    About the Author


    I want to express deep gratitude to my mother for her never-ending faith in my strength and courage. Growing up, she would wake me up every morning by saying, You are the bravest, smartest and prettiest girl there ever was! I am also grateful for her absolute love of books which inspired me to read, read some more and now write!

    And to my big sister who taught me how to read and write while I was still in diapers! After school, she would prop me up and teach me everything she learned that day. As an adult, she introduced me to the beautiful teachings of Buddhism which awakened my soul and inspired my spiritual quest.

    And finally to Scott, the love of my life, my true knight in shining armor, who has supported me with pure love and devotion for the last 20 years. He has truly been there for me in the most transformational moments of my life. For that, I express my eternal gratitude and infinite love.

    I am driven by one singular motivation

    ~ To encourage others to explore

    The true breadth and depth of their existence.

    If I can inspire one person to

    Expand the breadth of their consciousness

    And peer into the depth of their soul,

    I will have served my divine purpose.


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    Meaning: To Create

    Purpose: To Evolve

    I am blessed to have found my true calling in the field of wellness. It has given me the opportunity to improve the lives of hundreds of people over the last twenty years. Helping others realize what they are truly capable of has been extremely gratifying. For most of my career, I have been primarily focused on the physical well-being of my clients but have always made a sincere effort to uplift them on an emotional level as well. Giving positive feedback and helping my clients have a brighter and more optimistic perspective, especially when faced with difficult challenges, has been the most fulfilling aspect of my career. Over the last five years, I have taken this to a whole new level. I began a spiritual quest as the result of a life-changing experience and as I did, my clients began to notice a marked change in my attitude and outlook on life. I gradually became more calm, patient and joyful and as they watched my transformation, they took an interest in my journey.

    Responding to their inquiries, I shared with them how my spiritual practice was bringing me a profound sense of peace. Several of them asked if I would consider guiding a weekly meditation. Due to their enthusiastic response and heightened interest in spirituality, I became inspired to share my personal revelations with others. I wanted everyone, my clients, friends and family, to experience the same feelings of pure joy and inner peace that I had discovered along my path. When you start to see the world from a more enlightened perspective, you want to share it with everyone! It comes from a place of love and compassion for all of humanity. The bliss is so profound that you want others to realize it as well. I was inspired by a powerful motivation to bring this full realization forth so others could benefit from it as well.

    It had become clear to me over the last few years that the path toward reaching one’s full potential had to include comprehensive, or integrative, wellness. In a state of total well-being, revelations about human potential and spirituality could be fully realized. So I put together a program of integrative wellness where participants could discover a profound sense of physical, mental and spiritual well-being. This would enable them to realize their full potential!

    For the body aspect of the program, I incorporated a nutritional detoxification with a clean-eating program. I designed Metabolic Empowerments that offered participants a more intuitive approach to eating. For the mind, I designed Thought Awareness Workshops that would challenge students to expand their consciousness and open to the greater possibilities of life. The workshops were designed to help participants harness the power of their thoughts so they could turn their dreams into reality. I taught them how to use the emotional force of their intentions to manifest their desires. I encouraged them to embrace their lives by expressing more joy, love and compassion.

    I would open the workshops with Dynamic Movement which included a series of bending, reaching, opening and expanding exercises culminating in an awe-inspiring nature visualization. The visualization would incorporate their five senses and encourage them to express gratitude and love for all of the blessings in their life. For the soul, my dear friend, Janet Myatt, who is a Spiritual Counselor, agreed to teach meditation classes. In addition to guiding deep meditation, she would teach the students special techniques so they could learn to meditate on their own. We also co-created the content for the Thought Awareness Workshops and decided to teach it together. This turned out to be a powerful approach. It was an exciting time for me and I knew that I had been blessed with this manifestation of my desire to share my joy and inspiration with the world! In the process, I had realized my own potential!!

    The program is a success! Each participant had their own unique story but the overriding theme was the desire to find more meaning and purpose in their lives. Most were business people trying to survive in the corporate world. They wanted to reduce their stress, improve their health and explore their spirituality. In general, they wanted to enhance the quality of their life! I had planned to start out with a presentation about the importance of open-mindedness but as each of the participants shared their stories, it became apparent to me that they were already wide open to thinking about life in a new and more inspired way. They were ready to expand their consciousness and attain new insight. As it turned out, the program had such a profound impact on the lives of the participants that they wanted to continue beyond the 30-days! We actually stayed together as a group for the next four months! We explored the power of the mind on a deeper level and I was amazed at the profound impact these workshops and classes were having on the lives of the students, both personally and professionally. Here are a couple of the testimonials they shared:

    The mindfulness that started with food choices has carried over to all aspects of my life. I’ve learned to accept myself and let go of past negative thoughts. I want to continue to bring calm and light into my life.

    This program has given me the tools I need to continue on a healthy path. It was an incredible experience to work with such caring and knowledgeable women. So many seeds were planted – I will continue to grow in the light!

    The more research I did to prepare for the weekly presentations, the more I became inspired to write. What took place over the course of that incredible four month period encouraged me to write this book. I began to think, If I can help this group in such a powerful way, maybe I can reach out and inspire many others! I realized that I enjoyed writing and people complimented my work. So I began compiling as much research as I could. I read everything I could get my hands on from spirituality and religion to quantum physics and ancient philosophy. During meditation, I would get insights about the best way to inspire others, Share your journey! was the message I kept hearing over and over. I started to ask myself: How did I go from being engulfed in the distractions of life’s pressures and demands to living from a place of pure joy and inner peace? How did I start living a life so full of love and compassion, meaning and purpose?

    On my nature walks, I would have epiphanies about the design and structure of the book. I knew I wanted to present it as a 30-day program of progressive evolution. Then the idea of three 10-day books unfolded into a nutritional program for detoxifying the body, a life-lessons workshop for liberating the mind and an outdoor adventure for unveiling the spirit. These books for the mind, body, and spirit would be called Wake Up!, Lighten Up!, and Rise Up! The Up! Trilogy was falling into place and as it did, I became more enlightened and empowered. All along I knew I was being guided by a higher source of knowledge and pure wisdom.

    For me, there is a process and it is a joyful path. First, there is the research and practice. Second, there is contemplation. Third, a personal interpretation develops which represents the truths that resonate from within. Fourth, a strong belief begins to flourish as fragmented truths fall into place beautifully and become one unified whole. Then finally, a knowing occurs deep within your soul that is profound and complete. You have an experience of becoming one with the truth as it resonates within the very core of your being. The spiritual essence, or true nature, of your reality begins to permeate your body, mind and soul. As you come into this self-realization, your whole perspective becomes enlightened and you are naturally compelled to bring forth your highest self in every thought, word and action. You are also compelled to share this realization with others out of love, compassion and a true desire to enhance their well-being. You are inspired to treat yourself, others and Mother Earth with a great deal of consideration and respect. Compassion and patience, as well as peace and joy, radiate from your being and are expressed in every moment of every day with this enhanced appreciation for life! You come to find that you are eternally grateful for this precious opportunity to create and evolve, which is after all, the meaning and purpose of life.

    It’s both simple and miraculous at the same time.

    Workshop Format

    Awakening through Reflection

    First of all, you are already perfect in every way. Each of us is inherently perfect, regardless of the apparently imperfect conditions of our body or mind. Regardless of what we have been told or led to believe, inside each and every one of us is a faultless being just waiting to be revealed in all of its glory, power, and unlimited potential. Have faith that there are no limitations, physical or mental, that can prevent this perfection from manifesting. All you need is a strong desire to bring forth the creative potential that lies within you. You also have to be willing to make the effort, of course, but I can tell you that it’s much easier than you might think!

    When you come to realize that all creation is perfection in motion and you are a created being, then you can recognize that you are perfection in motion as well. To reinforce this belief, all you have to do is look at the natural creation around you. Look at a rose in full bloom: so perfect, so beautiful. And the rose is compelled to become just that! From the moment it springs forth from the earth, it is determined to become a perfect work of art! It reaches for its source of life, the sun, knowing with certainty that all it will ever need to survive will be provided for. The rose has only one purpose: to manifest itself for the benefit of others. All that is required is that nothing interferes with its natural process of divine expression. Interference is the only thing that could possibly stand in the way of nature expressing its pure and perfect potential. The potential for perfection is there from the beginning, just like it is in you.

    This pure and unlimited potential to create lies within each and every one of us, here and now. It is just waiting to be realized and set into motion. Once it is, the possibilities are endless! But it’s natural to ask: Why all the interference? Why is it so challenging to realize our full potential? Why do so many obstacles have to be overcome before we are free to fully express ourselves as perfectly created beings? I believe it’s because the world is a kind of classroom in which our obstacles teach us important life lessons on our way to a realizing a higher way of being. Without interference or diversity, there would be no comparative, no learning experience. In order to experience and appreciate happiness, one must know sadness. In order to experience and appreciate health, one must have sickness.

    Fortunately, we can choose happiness instead of sadness, and we can choose to improve and sustain our health. In the face of interference, we can choose to surrender and transcend, or we can choose to become a victim of our circumstance. Whether we realize it or not, we are manifesting all of our experiences for the purpose of evolution. Our soul’s mandate is to progressively evolve toward perfection. We arrange for difficult beings and challenging circumstances to appear so that we can develop divine traits like patience, compassion, and forgiveness. In essence, they give us the opportunity to develop the highest traits of our true nature.

    The divine spirit within us is inherently perfect but our human ego is intrinsically imperfect. We can and do identify with both our spiritual nature and our human ego. Our divine spirit fills us with the radiant light of our true self and breathes life into our being. Our human ego gives us a form and an identity that allows us to interact with the world around us. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. The purpose of incarnating is simply to give us the unique experiences we need for our progressive evolution toward perfection. Within each of our earthly experiences, there are important lessons that we’ve been sent here to learn. Fortunately, we receive guidance from our higher self and our spiritual guides who know what lessons we need to learn. Because we have a strong connection to our higher self, as an aspect of it, we intuitively know what we have come here to learn as well. On a subconscious level, we are attracting the people and experiences that will teach us these lessons. When we become more enlightened and aware of our life lessons, we can consciously create the experiences that are necessary for us to learn and grow.

    With this mindset, we can begin to reflect on our life knowing that all of our experiences have served a divine purpose: the progressive evolution of our soul. This will help us approach these reflections with a broader and more enlightened perspective. I want you to have fun with this process and although it may be difficult at times, it is a very effective way of embracing the precious moments forever and letting go of the more painful ones for good!


    You are about to embark on a cathartic and introspective examination of your life. For this 10-day workshop, we will be focusing on the memories from your past that stand out as transformational or transitional. For the purposes of this book, I am focused primarily on adulthood however this is your reflective experience to consciously create in the way that is most beneficial for you. If you feel you would like to begin your experience with events or turning points in your childhood, I encourage you to do so. I recommend that you stay focused on specific experiences within which you can identify a cause and effect relationship — that is, vivid turning points that influenced the choices you have made in your adult life.

    As an example, let’s take a story from my mother’s life that she has openly shared. When she was growing up and going to school, she was one of the tougher girls brave enough to stand up to the bullies. She would always defend the girls who were afraid of them, especially against the most aggressive males who would constantly tease them. In her adult life, she became very dedicated to defending women’s rights in the workplace. This is an obvious cause-and-effect pattern for her in this lifetime.

    To begin your reflection each day, you will be asked to close your eyes and scan the memories that mark different time periods in your life. As you do this, related personality characteristics may stand out. There may also be significant events or periods in your life that have left a strong impression on you and influenced the decisions you have made or the path you have chosen. It is important to identify these in order so that you can reveal your authentic nature and identify patterns within your life experiences. There may be some childhood memories that require a greater understanding of yourself before you can reconcile them with your adult experience. Therefore, it may be more beneficial for you to begin your reflection within the parameters of your adult experience and then as you do so, the developmental years of your childhood may make more sense to you. Once it does, this opportunity to harmonize your childhood with your adult life will reveal the synchronicity of events and allow you to see more clearly why they had to happen just as they did. This will open the door to forgiving yourself and others for things you might regret or still resent. It will also help you recognize the heroes and angels that you have been blessed with along the way.

    The main focus of this workshop is to identify the major transformational stages of your life and find the lessons hidden within them. You will also have the opportunity to take a closer look at your relationships and uncover the significance they have had for you on your evolutionary path. Important choices you have made regarding education, career choices and personal relationships will be examined to see if they align with your authentic nature and true calling.

    It will also be necessary for you to think deeply about the mistakes you have made and any regrets you may have so you can reconcile them and forgive yourself. Maybe you have deep–seated resentment or anger toward others in your life that you need to resolve. By taking a closer look at the true nature of these conflicts, you can determine what their underlying purposes might be. Often times, the more challenging people and circumstances are the best teachers of all and that’s why it’s so important to identify the lessons they are teaching you. I know for myself, that this process has allowed me to transform resentment into gratitude as I realize the valuable lessons I learned from each experience. This transformative process of identifying patterns and reconciling experiences with their true cause and effect nature is liberating and empowering. It will give you a whole new perspective on your life and you will welcome challenges and embrace opportunities in a much more enlightened way!

    If you participate fully and consciously commit to the interactive nature of this workshop, I am confident that your perceptions of reality and your place within it will be dramatically enhanced. The level of consciousness within which you view your reality will be significantly elevated! In this higher state of consciousness, the deeper meaning and greater purpose of your existence will become crystal clear. From this higher perspective, you will be better equipped to see the exquisite synchronicity of the symphony of your life. Once you see that even the most difficult experiences were necessary to balance karma, and therefore help you progress on your evolutionary path, you will see them in a whole new way. You will find that the easy experiences and the neutral people didn’t help you to progress and build character nearly as much as the difficult and more challenging ones.

    After I began to recognize the divinity within the experiences of my life, I developed a strong faith that everything happens just as it should and for a good reason. Trusting in the divine plan has made me feel much more at peace with the events that unfold around me. I know that I have projected these experiences in order to learn the lessons I need for my soul’s evolution and refinement. Also, now that I am more capable of taming my mind and controlling the emotions of fear, anger and resentment, I am not experiencing those emotions reflected back to me. As a result, I naturally create more harmony and encounter less difficulty. This perspective has made my life so much smoother and more enjoyable. I’ve also become acutely aware that, as I project compassion and kindness, these divine traits are reflected back to me. This is true across the board and rarely does it fail me. When it does, I am able to see the symbolic nature of the experience and then identify my own personal emotions that, left unguarded, created conflict. Negative feelings, or trapped emotions, that still need my attention and repair are exposed. From this perspective, I am then grateful for the conflict because it revealed lessons I still need to learn. I can commit to learning those important life-lessons right then and there and avoid re-creating another experience just like it! It’s really that easy. All you have to do is be introspective about the things that take place in your life, contemplate their meanings and apply it to a greater understanding of yourself. Once you know yourself better through this process of self-exploration, it will get much easier and come more naturally.

    My spiritual journey has exposed many personal truths and revealed even more human truths about the nature of creation and evolution itself. My sincere intention is that this adventure through reflection, exploration, and realization will bring you much closer to your own personal truths as well. I am confident that they will be revealed to you as you reflect upon the synchronistic nature of your experiences. Along the way, you will see how they parallel with the collective experience of life. As you begin to appreciate the harmonious rhythm of all of creation, you can tune in to the true symphony of life and bring more peace, happiness, abundance and joy into it!

    Let’s get started by taking a quick look at the workshop format.

    Life Experiences

    I will be your trail guide for this part of the adventure and as such, I will lead you down my path first by sharing personal stories that will move and inspire you. My joys and sorrows will become your own as you find echoes of those things that parallel your experiences or trigger important memories. As I climb out of distressful times and rejoice in better ones, I hope you will do the same. I want to go on this adventure together and that’s why I have made it interactive. We are having much more of a collective experience on this planet, through the shared field of consciousness, than we are an individual one. As I uncover my own strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures, you will find yours reflected in them.

    Cause & Effect / Lesson Analysis

    By applying the cause and effect analysis to our mutual reflection, we can identify the lessons we have come here to learn. This brings us one step closer to actually mastering them and then we can move on to more advanced ones. This is how we create with purpose and evolve with intention! While we do not want to dwell on the past, and we most certainly want to live in the present moment and look toward a brighter future, the past may hold the keys to our greater happiness here and now. Sometimes it’s better to open up an old wound if it was never fully healed. We can treat it with the proper cleansing so that it can heal perfectly. Then we can just forget about it and move forward unscarred by the past. We can consciously evolve and that’s what we’re here to do – evolve toward a higher consciousness where we can unleash our

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