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Pyramid Texts Mercer

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The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer. This web edition created and published by Global Grey 2013.





The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

The Pyramid Texts of Ancient Egypt are the oldest large body of written material in the world. They are incised on limestone in thousands of lines of hieroglyphics, containing fragments of myths and legends, historical references and astronomical lore, geography and cosmology, religion and rituals, systems of theology, festivals, magic and morals, and with a literary technique capable of expressing the finest religious and ethical thoughts.

The purpose of this work is to furnish in English a translation and commentary of these texts--a translation and commentary which make use of all the texts at present extant and known to the author, and which is designed to be a standard but interim work in this subject until such time in the future as all remaining pyramid texts will have been discovered, which will then, it is hoped, make possible the writing of a complete and definitive work. The contribution of this publication will be the first translation in English of the ancient Pyramid Texts; the first complete translation and full commentary of the Texts in any language; and an addition to the hieroglyphic text of Sethe of over four hundred lines (in translation) from the pyramids of Neit and Pepi II, in addition to the filling of many lacunae in the body of his text from Neit, Pepi II, and other pyramids, tombs and sarcophagi, discovered since the publication of Sethe's unfinished translation and commentary in German after his death in 1934. Fuller details of these texts, their discovery, nature, extent, and value are given in the introduction.

There still remains the pleasant duty of acknowledging here the immediate help in the preparation of this publication given by the author's colleagues and friends. And first I would mention the kind aid and assistance given me by Dr. Ludlow Bull of the Metropolitan Museum of New York who with the consent of Charles Breasted allowed me to read the late Professor J. H. Breasted's penciled copy of translated portions of the Pyramid Texts, and who with his colleague in the Museum, Dr. William C. Hayes, aided me in many ways. I would also thank Dr. John D. Cooney and Mrs. Elizabeth Riefstahl of the Brooklyn Museum for their many kindnesses, as well as Dr. Drioton of Cairo, Dr. Grapow of Berlin and Professor Garnot of Paris. The memory of the help of others, such as the late Professors Sethe, Gunn, and

The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Breasted, will always remain with me. And the published works of these three scholars, together with those especially of Professor Kees, have been my daily companions. I have an especially deep sense of gratitude to express to the writers of Excursuses, Professors Drioton, Kees, Garnot, Schott, van de Walle, M. Lacau, and Mr. Robert Briggs, in whose essays I have followed as closely as possible the form in which they were submitted to me. The assistance of the Reverend Father Keller, a former pupil of mine, not only in many details in the preparation of this work, but also and especially in the full and complete indexes to the translation which he has contributed, has been a great help and a priceless contribution. Also his map, made especially for the Pyramid Texts, will be found to serve its purpose well. In reading proof, Father Keller and Mr. Briggs have not only avoided many an error in detail, but have also made valuable contributions to the interpretation and illustration of many a difficult passage. Finally, Miss Seville Marshall, who has typed these hundreds of pages, has accomplished, as an expert in her art, a first-class task. But this work could not have been published had it not had the good fortune of receiving a substantial grant from the Zion Research Foundation, who have already on other occasions shown their enlightened interest in the publication of works in the realm of Biblical and religious research. To this Foundation, and especially to their secretary, Mr. Wilfred B. Wells, and board, the author expresses his most cordial thanks. Nor could the work of printing and publishing have been so efficiently and satisfactorily done without the cordial cooperation of Messrs. Longmans, Green and Company, who have done everything in their power to satisfy us. SAMUEL A. B. MERCER Worcester, Massachusetts August, 1952

The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

The famous Pyramid Texts herein translated for the first time in English with commentary were found inscribed on the walls of five pyramids at Sareh, the ancient necropolis of Memphis in Egypt. These pyramids are those of the kings Unis of the Fifth Dynasty, and Teti, Pepi I, Merenr and Pepi II of the Sixth Dynasty. To this translation has been added that of recently discovered additional texts, parallel and complementary, in the pyramids of Oudjebten, Neit, and Apouit, queens of Pepi II, and of Ibi, a king of the Seventh Dynasty, of whom little historically is known. Thus, according to the present generally accepted chronology, these pyramids were constructed, and apparently inscribed, between the years about 2350 to 2175 B.C. It is, however, certain that many of these texts came into existence before the final union of Upper and Lower Egypt, and perhaps long before that date, which is now put at about 3000 B.C. Indeed, some of them possibly existed in oral form before the art of writing was developed. These inscriptions together with others were after that probably written on papyrus and potsherds, many of which in time perished, the rest remaining in various forms until they were collected and incised on the walls of the Sareh h pyramids. Evidence of a date previous to about 3000 B.C. is seen in passages which reflect events and conditions previous to the union of the two Lands, for example, the hostility between North and South, before the time of the first king, Menes; in the mode of burying bodies of the dead in the sand; in the pre-civilized era reflected in the so-called Cannibal Hymn; and in the many references to the assembling of the bones of the deceased, passages which indicate a pre-mummification period. And in the historic period various chronological points can be established with fair certainty, such as the time of the Second Dynasty, when both Horus and Set were in favour in royal circles; references to previously written material such as the "Chapter of those who ascend" and the "Chapter of those who raise themselves up," 1245d-e, indicating a time in the historic period in which writing became common; and the formulae for the protection of pyramids, such as, Uts. 600-601, which represent a date after the time of the construction of pyramids. So that the myths and legends, the history and philosophy, the hopes and fears of people (subjects as well as monarchs) of many hundreds of years were finally inscribed in enduring stone, which over four thousand years removed from our time, may now be read with comparative ease and certainty, thanks to the modern discipline of archaeological research and philology. The extent of this written material may be

The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

appreciated in saying that it takes well over a thousand pages of two quarto volumes to contain it. In the standard modern edition of the original text, together with parallels and additions from the pyramids of Pepi II, Neit, and others, there are about 7000 lines, most of which are parallels, of more or less completeness of the estimated 2500 lines, which occur in one or other of the pyramids; for most of the utterances occur in more than one pyramid, but very few are repeated in all these pyramids. Thus, the pyramid of Unis has only two hundred and eight utterances out of a total of over seven hundred and thirty; and they with those of the pyramid of Teti are among the oldest in the collection. A general idea of the contents of this mass of literary material may be seen in the detailed list of Contents preceding this Introduction; but that does not mean that these texts present a coherent whole, for they do not; and while there are clearly three outstanding elements in them, namely, Solar Theology, Religion and Myths of Osiris, and the Political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, yet the following seven points may be taken to represent the whole collection with fair general accuracy: 1) A funerary ritual of mortuary offerings, connected with the corporeal reconstitution and resurrection of the deceased king, 2) Magical formulae to ward against harm and evil, 3) A ritual of worship, 4) Religious hymns, 5) Mythical formulae, identifying the deceased king with certain deities, 6) Prayers and petitions on behalf of the deceased king, and 7) The greatness and power of the deceased king in heaven. These pyramid texts were royal texts, and during the Old Kingdom there is no evidence that the people ever took them to themselves and used them in their own tombs. However, at the end of the Sixth Dynasty, Neit, one of the queens of Pepi II, had them applied to herself, though the second person and third person masculine singular were often used and applied to her; but during the Middle Kingdom the use of them spread to the nobles, and in the New Kingdom parts of them were incorporated in the popular Theban Book of the Dead. And doubtless because of their sanctity little attempt was made to put them in accord with changed circumstances. When these small pyramids were built and inscribed the age of the great pyramids, like those at Giza, had passed, and with it the sense of royal security after this life. The great pyramids had been entered in spite of their thousands of tons of masonry, and kings came to look

The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

In the earliest of these texts two very ancient doctrines may be discerned: that of the old heaven-god, perhaps Horus the elder, in which the deceased king as a star was prominent, and that of the sungod where the deceased as the sun-god was contemplated. But the two were harmonized doubtless at a very early period, when the celestial abode of the heaven- and star-gods became identified with that of the solar deities. But what we do see more clearly in the Pyramid Texts are the two opposing systems of theological thought, that of R of Heliopolis and that of Osiris. The Pyramid Texts were largely solar, but long before the texts were inscribed in the pyramids of Sareh, there existed Osirian texts as well as Solar ones, though there is reason to believe that the learned men and scribes of Heliopolis were the first to make collections of their texts. And gradually as such collections were being made, there was a tendency to include Osirian texts, as well as, an effort on the part of Osirians to facilitate the entrance of their texts into the great Solar collections (cf. Excursus XXVII), with the result that there was a redaction continually going on, in which not only was the name of Osiris introduced into the collections, especially as an epithet of the king, such as Osiris Teti, but also the name of the solar king was introduced into original Osirian texts. However, the great bulk of the texts remained solar and celestial with comparatively little trace of the underworld character of the Osirian faith. There are also traces in these texts of other systems of theological thought than the Heliopolitan and Osirian, namely, those of Memphis and Hermopolis. As one reads these ancient texts, there is a primitiveness about them which is not unexpected, though they are never naive. There is much repetition, not much order, contradictions, errors, and sometimes

elsewhere for the assurance of a happy and glorious hereafter. They turned to religion and magic. By mortuary offerings and funerary rites the deceased king was armed for his future life; and by magic he was endowed with physical and spiritual power, becoming a great god and associating with the gods, to avoid whatever in the world to come might otherwise compromise his destiny. The purpose of these royal texts then was to guarantee the deceased king's resurrection and newbirth, his transfiguration and divinity, his successful journey to heaven, and his immortality there with the other gods. There in heaven as a great god, sometimes as the greatest of all the, gods, the deceased king was believed to be able to overcome all difficulties by his own might, or by identifying himself with other gods.

The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

what appear to be ridiculous statements, but in spite of all that, real poetic passages and consistent reasoning are not lacking. There is the art to create images, figures of speech, and metaphores in beautiful and choice language. There are paronomasiae, parallelisms, litanies, and hymns. There are poetic expressions, such as 567a-c; real lyrics, like Ut. 362; symbolical expressions, such as 681d; and really fine bits, like 307a-c. There are proverbs, such as 396d; and adages, such as 444e. The most symmetrically and mechanically arranged utterance in the whole collection is Ut. 575, which reminds one of Ps. 119. But the overall characteristic of these texts is their religious and funerary, their magical, mythological, and astronomic expressions, interpretations, and predispositions. Auguste Mariette had the distinction, in the later part of his life, of being the modern discoverer of the inscribed pyramids at Sareh,, but it was Maspero in 1880 working under Mariette's direction, who discovered the first set of Pyramid Texts. They were those inscribed on the walls of the sarcophagus chamber of the pyramid of Pepi I. Following that, he found texts in the pyramids of Unis of the Fifth Dynasty, as well as in the pyramids of Teti, Merenr, and Pepi II, in addition to Pepi I, all of the Sixth Dynasty. This work of discovery of pyramid texts did not find a continuation until the years 1920 and 1936, when the Swiss Egyptologist, Jquier, discovered texts in the pyramids of Oudjebten, Neit, and Apouit, queens of Pepi II, and in that of Ibi, an obscure king of the Seventh Dynasty, besides clearing that of Pepi II, whom Sethe records as N. (Neferkar).

As Maspero was the discoverer of the Pyramid Texts, so be was the first to make an edition and translation of them. These were all the pyramid texts which were known at the time of their publication in 1894. And in view of what we now know about the difficulties of the Pyramid Texts, this edition and translation were evidence of the genius of the great master. Even today many of his translations accord

These texts usually occupy the walls of the sarcophagus chamber except the west side, and are so disposed that the deceased king in his sarcophagus might spiritually see and read them. Texts are also on the walls of the antechamber, on the horizontal passages, and some are on the walls of the vestibule and even on those of the ramp. They are normally in vertical columns, incised on the limestone walls, some excellently done as in the pyramids of Unis and Pepi II, others very crudely done as in that of Ibi.

The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

For years before the beginning of this century Kurt Sethe, whose name will be forever associated with the Pyramid Texts, was deeply interested in everything which concerned them. He as well as other trained Egyptologists realized that the earlier copy of the texts was often incorrect, and that a new and scientifically copied edition was a necessity. Accordingly, taking advantage of the work of Dr. Heintze and Ludwig Borchardt, who were in Egypt taking impressions and photographs of the Pyramid Texts for slips in preparation for the making of the great Berlin Wrterbuch der Aegyptischen Sprache, Sethe made use of their material in preparing a new edition of the Pyramid Texts. And no Egyptologist was more thoroughly prepared for such an undertaking than Kurt Sethe. And so he began the critical and exacting task of constructing a text principally on the basis of the five versions Unis, Teti, Pepi I, Merenr, and Pepi II, which was finished and published in 1908-1910 in two great quarto volumes of over a thousand pages of hieroglyphic text, which is now the standard text. To accompany the text, he followed them with a third volume of critical apparatus in 1922 and a fourth of epigraphy in the same year. Thus the great work of giving to the world the text of the oldest collection of mythical, religious, and literary material in existence was finished. However, the text was marred by one blemish, but not due to the science of Sethe. It was due to the fact that a considerable Portion of the texts in the five pyramids was broken, damaged and destroyed-a condition which may never be completely remedied. It is along this line that Egyptologists who were specialists in these texts have been working since the time of Sethe. Already considerable progress has been made in the discovery of texts, anciently copied from the texts in these five pyramids, before they were damaged, and recorded elsewhere; in a further study of the walls of the five pyramids themselves; and in the discovery and publishing of new pyramids and tombs with parallel and additional texts, all which will be used in the future, but not till after many years of archaeological research in Egypt, in the construction of a more complete text. Already between 1920 and 1936 Jquier discovered at Sareh similar texts in the pyramids of Oudjebten, Neit, and Apouit of the Sixth Dynasty and of Ibi of the Seventh Dynasty; in 1932 the Egyptian Expedition of the Metropolitan Museum of Art discovered in the cemetery surrounding the pyramid of Sen-Wosret I at Lisht the tomb of an official of the Twelfth Dynasty named Sen-Wosret-Ankh, containing a long series of

with the best that is known on those passages, which is an indication of his great learning and insight.

The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Sethe's translation and commentary on Uts. 213-506 was not ready for the printer. It needed revising, especially in the later portions, and writing. The Commission received the material left by Sethe and published it much as it was. Before the beginning of the war in 1939 four volumes of translation and commentary were published, which included Uts. 213-506, or between one-third and one-half of the whole. A fifth volume is said to be in preparation.

After the publication of his text, Sethe's next concern was to prepare a translation with a commentary. The central thought in his busy years of research as soon as the text was published was directed towards that purpose, and by 1929 he was ready to begin. He was master of an immense accumulation of philological, historical, and religious facts in the field of ancient Egyptian literature, and with him were associated co-workers and colleagues, such as Lange, Grapow, and SanderHansen. He began with Ut. 2 13 and by the time of his death in 1934 had finished up to and including Ut. 506, or less than one half of the text as he had published it. It remained for a commission of his associates to carry on the work. This they began to do immediately after the great master's death.

inscriptions drawn from the Pyramid Texts, and published in 1937; and in 1935 William C. Hayes published the "Royal Sarcophagi of the Eighteenth Dynasty," containing parts of the Pyramid Texts, which are useful in filling some lacunae in the Sareh texts. Then older publications are useful, such as that of de Morgan in 1894-1895 of similar texts in a private tomb at Dahshr; that of Firth and Gunn in 1926 of texts in the Teti Pyramid Cemeteries at Sareh; and that of Borchardt in 1913 of similar texts in the mortuary temple of Sahur at Abur. Then there are the Coffin Texts of the Middle Kingdom and the Theban Book of the Dead of the New Kingdom, which contain Pyramid Texts in modified and further modified form; as well as tombs of kings, such as that of Seti I, and of private individuals, which contain Pyramid Texts sometimes in quite exact quotation. All these and others may be drawn upon in the future construction of a still more perfect version of the famous ancient Pyramid Texts of Sareh. Quite recently T. G. Allen of the University of Chicago has published a most useful guide to all parallel and illustrative Egyptian texts at present known in his valuable book, Occurrences of Pyramid Texts with cross Indexes of these and other Egyptian Mortuary Texts, Chicago, 1950.

The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

The present translation is thus, the only complete one with full commentary in any language. It is not as full as that part of Sethe's which is finished, but it has been planned to be more concise in its comments, leaving longer comments on important points for a series of Excursuses, so as not to interfere with the proportioned flow of comment on the current text. But it has been able to make use of large portions of the pyramids of Pepi II and Neit as well as of publications of other pyramids, tombs, and sarcophagi brought to light since Sethe's day. It has thus added over four hundred lines to the text, besides, filling some smaller lacunae here and there.

Not counting the early and tentative translation by Maspero in 1894, Sethe's is the only translation--itself only between one-third and onehalf of the whole--in any language of the Pyramid Texts, except one made in French by L. Speleers, a Belgian Egyptologist in 1923-1924, remade in 1934, but without a commentary. No translation in any other language has so far been published. Individual scholars have translated portions here and there for their use in works on various aspects of ancient Egyptian religion and thought, philology and literature, customs and history, such as Kees, Junker, Drioton, Weill, Breasted, Gardiner, Gunn, Sander-Hansen, etc.

It is not claimed to be a definitive translation, because we have not yet a definitive text. Such a text and translation may never be able to be made, because of quite natural causes. But with the further discovery of new texts and a complete comparison with all extant later parallels in texts already published as well as yet unpublished a future text and translation will be called for. For that reason, in this present translation use has been made of material later than the time of the Pyramid Texts themselves only when it was thought to have some light to throw upon a problem difficult of solution, or when it gave a new meaning to a passage. In other words, this is an interim translation and commentary of the Pyramid Texts for the use not only of Egyptologists but likewise of students of religions and comparative religions, of literature and comparative literature, of the history of ideas and customs, and of culture and civilization in general. There is published with it a complete apparatus for general use such as an analysis of each utterance with a discussion of its date, a series of Excursuses on important subjects, a full glossary of useful terms, phrases, and subjects, and a full index to the translation.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

In translating and interpreting these texts many things have had to be taken into consideration and many allowances have had to be made. It must he remembered that many of these old utterances or discourses are veritable magic formulae to procure for the deceased king all kinds of material satisfaction, to protect him against any enemies he may meet on his way to the other world, and to procure for him an eternal life; and that very often place names refer to celestial locations and not to ancient places in Egypt. In keeping with their general magical character, most if not all of these utterances begin with the expression dd mdw, which is a rubrical direction "to say," that is, the words are to be spoken or recited by someone, often a lector-priest, sometimes the deceased king himself, and sometimes by him in the first person. The rubric sometimes directs that the petition be repeated four times. There is evidence that some of the utterances were written in the first person singular, and were later changed to the third person singular. Ut. 506 is a good example of a text which was surely in the first person singular originally, but in general in translations the third person has been used unless the form of the first person has been reproduced in the hieroglyphic text. It has been useful to notice when the first person is used, for it is one of the signs of an early date for the text in which it is found, for example, Uts. 325 and 563 are late, and one of the indications is that the third person singular is always used. On the whole, the determination of the date of a text is rather uncertain, and sometimes impossible. There can be no systematic ordering of the dates as J. E. D. P. of Old Testament criticism. Nor is n, the sign of the genitive, a sure guide of date, its presence indicating a late and its absence an early date, as the occurrence and the absence of the n in the same sentence or compound sentence proves, Cf. 2056c. Among the texts of the Sareh pyramids there is evidence of redaction of some of them, thus, Ut. 55 is a re-writing for kings of the historic period of an older text, composed for the predynastic kings of Buto; and some long utterances are made up of independent short parts, with some changes added by the redactor, e.g. Ut. 468. Indeed the Pyramid Texts are to a large extent a composition, compiling, and joining of earlier texts. Moreover, there are corruptions in the texts, mistakes in writing, errors in grammar and syntax, contradictions and confusions, expressions which seem ridiculous, and illogical expressions, most of which have been referred to in the Commentary on the text where they occur. There are numerous paronomasiae and words of double meaning; and superstition led to the mutilation of


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

As there is a minimum of classification and order in the sequence of the texts, a list of Contents of the Pyramid Texts precedes this Introduction. Therein an attempt has been made to find groups of texts without disturbing the sequence of the text in Sethe's edition. Consequently it often happens that we are obliged to group some texts under the heading "Texts of Miscellaneous Contents." However, there are many instances where texts grouped in Sethe's edition form a natural and often perfect group, e.g. the Serpent Charms of Uts. 226244, or the Ferryman Texts, Uts. 300-337. In translations an honest effort has been made to express the sense of the original in English, with the result that many translations are literal instead of free, thus in 1004d the original is translated "at the voice of lamentation" instead of "at the sound of lamentation," so that the English will be apt to be stilted instead of elegant. As in all ancient languages, particles, such as adverbs, and conjunctions are rare, with the result that it is often not easy to make the correct sequence or dependence, rendering the sense of the sentence or passage uncertain. Again the same word in different contexts may require varied renderings, such as the word gb which means "flood," "abundance," or "violence," in accordance with the context. To save as much space as possible, very few alternative translations have been introduced, where in many cases the same phrase or sentence could be rendered in different ways. In most lines of the Pyramid Texts the line as it appears in two or more pyramids is given; in other words, in Sethe's edition every line is given in as many pyramids as it occurs; so as a rule the earliest text is the one followed in translating the line unless one of the other pyramids has decidedly the best text. Where important differences occur, they are pointed out in the commentary; but where differences are not helpful in interpretation they are not always noted. Nor are variants in other texts not in the Sethe edition referred to unless they are useful in a better understanding of the meaning of the text. Whenever "to say" occurs if in only one of the parallel pyramids, it is used in the translation. In the Commentary on Uts. 213-506, Sethe's discussions were ever before me, and I felt myself constrained by his logic and learning to follow him, but wherever I felt that another solution to a problem of interpretation

hieroglyphic signs of creatures which were thought, if left whole, may be capable of injuring the deceased king, and the fish for the same reason was used only once (218c, N.) in the inscriptions in his burial chamber.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

was better though different from his I have not hesitated to use it. In other words, in those utterances, Sethe became my standard unless I could improve on it, as I often did, I believe, in the light of additional Nt. or N. texts, or still later texts, or comparative literature or religion. In all my comments, I have felt free to draw upon any sources, especially ancient ones, whenever I felt the need of an illustrative idea or custom. But I have been unable to take advantage of some of the new points made by my colleagues in their Excursuses, due to a difference of date in the completion of the earlier parts of this work and the arrival of their manuscript. At the same time, obvious remarks have been avoided as much as possible, and only important differences and similarities between lines, paragraphs, and utterances have been noted. Minor errors, whether in the original hieroglyphics, or in Sethe's text, are not always noted, neither are the presence or absence of an i prosthetic, or a genitival n always mentioned, nor has the analysis of the utterances been too meticulous in unessential matters, for as the German proverb has it: "Wer auf jede Feder acht, Nie das Bette fertig macht."

The abbreviations of the pyramids in which texts so far have been found are: W. = Unis, T. = Teti, P. = Pepi I, M. = Merenr, N. = Pepi II (Neferkar), Nt. = Neit, Ip. = Apouit, Wd. = Oudjebten, Ib. = Aba, Sen = Sen-Wosret-Ankh. In the translations of the texts of these pyramids, instead of using the different abbreviations for the different sovereigns, the letter N. (nomen) is used throughout. Other abbreviations may be seen in the "List of Abbreviations" of literature. The square brackets [ ] are used to designate a conjecture made by Sethe, or by me, which has not with satisfaction been textually verified; the round brackets ( ) are used for explanatory words or phrases or for alternative translations. Capitalization is used as sparingly as possible in the translation and commentary, but when common nouns referring to things are personified, or deified, or both, they are written with a capital letter; but punctuation marks are used somewhat excessively, especially where they aid the meaning. I have always made a slight departure from the orthodox method of transliterating hieroglyphics, in the interest of simplicity, in that I have used the accepted i when it is initial, but i otherwise; and I use the grammatical word "gentilic" instead of the word "nisb." In case of the two words usually translated, the first "soul" and the other "double," I use the transliterated forms b and k, or ba and ka, to avoid


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

misunderstanding in the supposed English equivalents. In the case of the plural of ka, I use the form ka's or kas, which others also use. Any differences in the transliteration of words, in abbreviations, and in modes of reference, etc., in the Excursuses of authors other than myself are ordinarily retained. In broken passages, the approximate length of the broken line is indicated by ------------

The Excursuses are meant to treat subjects ordinarily too large for the Commentary, but the discussion is confined to the Pyramid Texts, except for parallel and illustrative matter. The Glossary is meant to give a brief description or definition of important words, names, phrases, and subjects which occur in the Translation and Commentary, with as a rule only one reference, usually the most important one. Other references may be found in the Commentary, in the Index, or in Speleers' excellent Vocabulary. The List of Abbreviations applies to the chief works actually used in this book; and the Index which follows is that to the Translation alone, but which naturally serves the Commentary as well. On account of the lack of hieroglyphic type only a few hieroglyphs, considered essential in the comments, have been used, and are collected together on three plates at the end of the work, but referred to in the Commentary by plate and number. With a few exceptions of names of a general character, only those found in the Translation and Commentary are entered in the map, which appears at the end of the last volume. As noted above, the only scientific edition of the hieroglyphic texts of the inscribed pyramids was made by Sethe in 1908-1910. The texts form a collection of 714 utterances or chapters, and although most of the utterances occur in more than one pyramid and very few are repeated in all the pyramids in which the texts are found, many of them are damaged and incomplete wherever they are found in the texts published by Sethe. However, since the time of Sethe's publication similar texts have been found in other pyramids at Sareh of the Sixth and Seventh Dynasties as well as in private tombs of the Middle Kingdom, and which have been published, and are specified above. A study of these additional texts has made it possible for me to add in translation 386 lines to the approximately 6500 lines in Sethe's hieroglyphic edition, and to make 57 larger restorations, besides many smaller ones, amounting to about 40 additional lines, making in all an addition of about 426 lines, in translation, to Sethe's original edition. The confirmation from texts not available to Sethe of his restorations are not recorded in these lists, but they are given in


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

the Commentary (e.g. that in 130, while emendations and restorations as well as all substantial additions are mentioned in the comments on the lines where they occur. Therefore, for convenience of reference to the published hieroglyphic texts, there follow here two lists, the first a list of the added lines, and the second a list of the larger restorations. The additions as well as the restorations, larger and smaller, are also recorded, at their appropriate places in the Commentary: ADDED LINES

40c-40u, 41a-43b, 45a-1 to 49 + 12, 68i-q,

Nt. " " N.

Jquier, " " "

XII " " V

283301 302308 309328 392+ I to 392 + 9 1055 + 47-52, and Jquier, XXVI 700XXVII. 706 1055 +

1059b + 1 to 1059b + 5,




1060 + 1,





The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

49 1061a + f to 1061a + 2, 704, and N. Jquier, XIV 1055 + 50 1055 + 5, and Nt. Jquier, XXVII 705706 235 VIII VII VII VII




1061c + 1 to 1061c + 4,




1063c-e, 1582a1586, 1675a-b, 1676c, 1676c +

Teti, Nt. N. " "

Firth and Gunn, Jquier, " " "

14-17 709 + 40 709 + 41 709 +


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1, 1757, 1758b, 1761c, 1763a, 1764a, 1785a, 1792, 1793a + 1, 1793b, 1824f-g 1825a-1 and Nt. " " " " N. " N. " Nt. " " " " " " " " Jquier, " " " VIII VIII VIII XXXI " I V V " XIII "

42 1 1 4 806 807 171 474 475 475476 361363 358-


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1825a-2, 1828a, 1831a + 1 to 1831a + 5, 1832a + 1, 1832b + 1 to 1832b + 14, 1845a, 1845c, 1846b, 1854b, 1857a, " " "

359 363364 366368 370 371375 576 577 577 580 582







" N. " " " "

" " " " " "

" I " " VII "


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1859, 1859 + 1 to 1859 + 11, 1882a-1 to 1882d,

" "

" "

" "

583 583 to 583 + 3 709 + 20 to 709 + 21 709 + 2 1 to 709 + 22 583 + 4 to 583 + 10 719 + 20, and Nt. Jquier, XXV 658 719 + 20 to 719 +21, and Nt. Jquier, XXV




1883a-d, 18841897,
















The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

659660 1900a-b, 1901a, 1901b, 1902a, 1902b, 1902e, 1903b, 1903c, Nt. N. Nt. " " " " " Jquier, " " " " " " " XXV IX XXV " " " " " 660 719 + 21 661 661662 662 663 663664 664 719 +23, and Nt. Jquier, XXV 664






The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1904b, 1905a, 1905b, 1906a-e, 1907a-e, 1908d-e, 1909a, 1909b, 1909c, 1910b-c, 1911-1 to 1911-

N. " Nt. " " " " " Nt. " "

Jquier, " " " " " " " Jquier, " "


719 + 23 219+23 665 665667 667668 729730 480 130 731 731732 732


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2, 1911, 1912b, N. 1912c-d, 1913-1, 1913a, 1914a-c, 1914d-f, 1916-1, 1916-2, 1916-3, " " Nt. " " N. Nt. " N. Nt. " " " " " " " " " " " IX XXVIII " " VI XXVIII " VI XXVIII 732733 719 + 27 733734 734 734 709 + 2 735736 737 709 + 4 738


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1916a-b, 1917, 1818, 1919a, 1919b, 1919c, 1920a-b, 1921-1, 1921-2, 1921-3, 1921,

" " " " N. Nt. " " " " "

" " " " " " " " " " "

" " " " VI XXVIII " " " " XXVIII

738739 739 739 739740 709 + 6 740 740 741 741 741 741742


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1921 + 1 to 192 1 + 6, 1922, 1922 + 1 to 1922 + 7, 1924 + 1 to 1924 + 3, 1924+4, 1925, 1926a +1 to 1926a + 2,

" " "

" " "

" " "

742743 743 744745 746 747 747 747748 709 + 16 and Nt. Jquier, XXIX 749

" " " "

" " " "

" " " "

1926a. + 3,





The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1927a-1 to 192 7a-2, 1927a-3, 1927a, 1927c + 1 to 1927c + 5, 1927c + 6 to 1927c + 7, 1929, 1930-1, 1930-2, 1930-3 to 19305,

N. Nt. "

Jquier, " "


709 + 16 750 750751 752754




N. Nt. " N. Nt.

" " " Jquier, "


709 + 18 757 758 709 +19 759760


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1930+ 1,




709 + 2, Nt. Jquier, XXIX 761 761762 763 763

1931-1 to 19313, 1932, 1932 + 4 1933a (differs from Sethe 1933a), 1933b (differs from Sethe 1933a), 1933b + 1 to 1933b + 4,

Nt. " "

Jquier " "

XXIX " "














The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1934a, 1934 + 1 to 1934 + 3, 1935-1 to 1935, 1936b, 1936 + 1 to 1936b + 5, 1938b, 1938b + 1, 1939-1 to 19394, 1939+ 1, 1940,

" " " " " " " " " "

" " " " " " " " " "

" XXX " " " " " " " "

765 766 766767 XXX 767 768769 769 769 769770 771 771


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1940 + 1 to 1940 +6, 1941b + 1 to 1941b + 3, 1942b + 1, 1943a-1 to 1943a-3, 1943a, 1944a + 1 to 1944a-4, 1945c + 1, 1946a-1 to 1946a-3,




771772 773774 774775 775 775776 776778 778779 779




" " " " " "

" " " " " "

" " " " " "


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1946a, 1947b + 1 to 1947b + 6, 1948c + 1 to 1948c + 3, 1948c + 4 to 1948c + 7, 1949-1, 1950c + 1, 1950C + 2, 1951-1 to 19512,




779780 780781








" " " " "

" " " " "

" XXX " " "

491492 783 784 784 784


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1952 + 1 to 1952 + 6, 1955a-i, 1958b+1, 1960a-1 to 1960a-2, 1962a + 1 to 1962a + 2, 1966c, 2120a, 2123a, 2126a-1 to 2126a-6,

" " N. "

" " Jquier, "

" " X "

785786 787 744 750

" " Nt. " "

" " " " "

" " XXXII " "

755 756 819 822823 822828


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2126a, 2126b + 1 to 2126b + 2, 2127a-1 to 2127a-2, 2127a, 2127b + 1 to 2127b +4, 2128a-1, 2128a, 2128b + 1 to 2128b +4,




828829 829830




" " "

" " "

" " "

830 831 832833 833834 834 834835

" " "

" " "

" " "


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2130 + 3 to 2130 + 4, 2131 + 5, 2133 +4, 2136 + 1 to 2136 + 2, 2136 + 4 to 2136 + 6, 2136b + 1, 2066b, 2168 + 1 to 2168 + 6, 2176a + 2,

N. " " "

" " " "

XI " " "

1013 1014 1016 1016 + 1 1016 + 2 1050 1051 10541055 + 4 1309

" " " " "

" " " " "

" XII " " XX


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


12b, 16e, 1062, 1739a + 1, 1745b, 1757, 1761a, 1855c, 1859 + 1 to 1859

N. Nt. Nt. N. " Nt. Nt. N. "

Jquier " Jquier, " " " Jquier, " "


213, and Ib. Jquier, III 27 68; cf. Hayes Sen-WosretAnkh, IV 293 706 1350 + 74-75 1315 1 3 581 583 to 583 + 3


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

+ 11, 1902c, 1902d, 1923, 1924, 1927b, 1927c, 1929c, 1930 (Sethe 19390a), 1913a-b, 1942a, N. Nt. " " " " " " " " Jquier, Jquier, " " " " " " " " IX XXV XXIX " " " " " " XXX 719 + 22, and Nt. Jquier, XXV 662 662 745 745 751 752 757 760 762 774


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1943b, 1945c, 1947b, 1948a, 1949, 1950c, 1951a, 1964c, 1966b, 1969a, 1970b, 1970d,

" " " " " " " N. " " " "

" " " " " " " " " " " "

" " " " " " " X " " " "

776 778 780 781 783 783 785 756 756 758 759 759


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1994a, 2083b, 2118c, 2121a, 2121b, 2122b, 2123b, 2124a, 2124b, 2125b, 2126b, 2127b,

Nt. " " " " " " " " " " "

" " " " " " " " " " " "

XXII VII XXII XXXII " " " " " " " "

601-602 28 600-601 820 820-821 821-822 823 824 824 825 829 831


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2128b, 2134, 2136, 2156b, 2163b, 2163c, 2168, 2176b,

" N. " " N. " " "

" " " " Jquier, " " "


834 1016 1016 + 1 1039 1047 1048 1053 1309

For reasons given in the Commentary at the points under consideration a few changes in the numbering of lines and utterances have had to be made, a list of which follows: CHANGES IN NUMBERING OF LINES





The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1760a 1760b 1825a 1845b 1857a 1886a (in part) 1887b (in part) 1902c 1902d 1903a 1906f-g 1909c

= = = = = = = = = = = =

" " " " " " " " " " " "

1760b 1760c 1825a-b 1845 1857 1886 1887 1902b 1902c 1908a 1906c-d 1909b


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1909d 1928a-b 1930 1939 1943b +1 2160b + 1 2161b to 2161b + 1

= = = = = =

" " " " " "

1909c 1928b 1930a 1939b 1943b (end) 2160b




Ut. 665 ( 1898-1907) " 665A ( 1908-1918) " 665B ( 1919-1930 +

Sethe 665A ( 18981916) Sethe, Ut. 666 (1917-1933)


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1) " 666 (19311 to 1934) Ut. 667 ( 1934 + 1 to 1942b + 1) " 667A ( 1943a-1 to 1948c + 3) " 667B ( 1948c + 4 to 1948c + 7) " 667C ( 1949-1 to 1958b + 1) Ut. 691 ( 2120-2125) " 691A ( 2126a-1 to 2126b + 2) " 691B ( 2127a-1 to 2128b + 4) " 691C ( 2129-1 to 2136+6) Ut. 696 ( 2163 to 2168 + 6)

Sethe, Ut. 667 ( 1934-1958)

Sethe, Ut. 691 ( 2120- 2136)

Sethe, Ut. 696 ( 2163-2168)


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 1.

1a. To say by Nut, the brilliant, the great: This is (my) son, (my) first born, N., opener of (my) womb; 1b. this is (my) beloved, with whom I have been satisfied. Utterance 2. 1d. -------1c. To say by Geb: This is (my) son, N., of (my) body -----

Utterance 3.

2a. To say by Nut, the great, who is within the lower mansion: This is (my) son, N., (my) beloved,

2b. (my) eldest (son), (who is) upon the throne of Geb, with whom he has been satisfied, 2c. to whom he gave his inheritance in the presence of the Great Ennead.

3a. All the gods are in exultation; they say: "How beautiful is N., with whom his father Geb is satisfied! Utterance 4. A To say by Nut: N., I have given to thee thy sister Isis,

3c. that she may take hold of thee, that she may give thy heart to thee which belongs to thy body. Utterance 5. 3d. To say by Nut: N., I have given to thee thy sister Nephthys,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

3e. that she may take hold of thee, that she may give thy heart to thee which belongs to thy body. 4a. To say by Nut-Nekhbet, the great: This is (my) beloved, N., (my) son; 4b. I have given the horizons to him, that he may be powerful over them like Harachte. Utterance 6.

4c. All the gods say: "It is a truth that thy beloved among thy children is N., 4d. to whom one will do service of courtier for ever." Utterance 7.

5a. To say by Nut, the great, (who is) within the encircled mansion: This is (my) son N., of (my) heart. 5b. I have given to him the D.t, that he may be chief therein, like Horus, chief of the D.t. 5c. All the gods say (to Nut):

5d. "Thy father Shu knows that thou lovest N. more than thy mother Tefnut." Utterance 8. 6. He lives, king of Upper and Lower Egypt, beloved of R, living for ever. Utterance 9. 7a. Horus [lives], beloved of the two lands, N., king of Upper and Lower Egypt, N., of the two goddesses beloved bodily, N., lords of Ombos, N.

7b. Heir of Geb, whom he loves, N., beloved of all the gods, N., given life, endurance, joy, health, all happiness, like R.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Utterance 10.

8a. Horus lives, living apparition of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, N., 8b. (of the land of) the two goddesses, living apparition, N., 8c. (of the land of) the two lords (of Ombos), N., 8e. the beloved son of Geb, N., 8d. Osiris, lord of the D.t, N.,

8f. son of Nut, opener of her body (womb), N., Utterance 11.

8g. endowed with life, endurance, joy, health, like R, eternally. 8h. To say by Nut: I unite thy beauty with this body (and with) this ba, for life, endurance, joy, health 8i. of Horus, divine apparition, king of Upper and Lower Egypt, N. (of the land of) the two goddesses, divine apparition, N., 8j. powerful lord (of Ombos), N., living eter[nally].


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterances 12-19. 12. 13. 9a. -------------------------------------------9b. To say: I give to thee thy head; I fasten for thee thy head to (thy) bones. 14. 9c. To say: I give to him his eyes, that he may be satisfied. Offering of food and drink. 15. 9d. To say: Geb has given to thee thine eyes, that thou mayest be satisfied ----16. 10a. eye of Horus. One nm.t--jar of water. 17. 18. 19. 10b. To say: Thot, he has given his head to him. A pitcher of water. 10c. To say: He has caused it to be brought to him. One drink of water.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Utterance 20.

10d. --------------------------------------------

11a. [To say: O] N., I have come in search of thee; I am Horus.

11b. I have pressed for thee thy mouth. I am thy son, thy beloved. I have opened for thee thy mouth.

12a. [He is the defender of his mother when she weeps for him, the defender of her who is united with him].

12b. [How good is the condition (?) of thy mouth after] I have adjusted for thee thy mouth to thy bones! 12c. To say four times: Osiris N., I open for thee thy mouth with the thigh, the eye of Horus. One thigh. Utterance 21.

13c. I open for thee thy mouth with the nw, the mtiw-hook of copper (or, iron), which opens the mouth of the gods.

13b. I open for thee thy mouth; I open for thee thine eyes, O N.

13a. [To say: How good is the condition (?) of thy mouth after] . I have adjusted for thee thy mouth to thy bones!

13d. Horus opens the mouth of this N.; [Horus opens the mouth of this N.]. 13e. [Horus has opened] the mouth of this N.; Horus has opened the mouth of this N.

13f. with that wherewith he opened the mouth of his father; with that wherewith he opened the mouth of Osiris; 14a. with the copper, (or, iron) which comes forth from Set, the mtiw-hook of copper (or, iron), which opens the mouth of the gods.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

14b. He opens the mouth of N. therewith, that he may go,

14d. that he may carry off the wrr.t-crown (which is) with Horus, lord of men. 15. To say: Osiris N., I bring to thee thy ba, whom thou lovest. I open thy mouth. Utterance 23. Utterance 22.

14c. that he himself may speak before the Great Ennead in the house of the prince, which is in Heliopolis,

16a. Osiris, carry off all those who hate N., who speak evilly against his name. 16b. Thot, go, carry off him who has injured Osiris. Bring him who speaks evilly against the name of N.

16c. Get him into thy hand. To say four times: Do not separate thyself from him. 16d. Take care that thou be not separated from him. A libation. Utterance 24.

16e. (Nt. Jquier, IX 68). To say: Thot, hurry, carry off the enemy of this N. 16f. ----- N. to Osiris. Utterance 25.

17a. He who goes, goes with his ka: Horus goes with his ka; Set goes with his ka;

17b. Thot goes with his ka; the god goes with his ka; Osiris goes with his ka;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

17c. Mnti-irti goes with his ka; thou also goest with thy ka.

18a. O N., the hands of thy ka are before thee; O N., the hands of thy ka are behind thee;

18b. O N., the feet of thy ka are before thee; O N., the feet of thy ka are behind thee. 18c. Osiris N., I have given to thee the eye of Horus, so that thy face may be equipped with it.

18d. Let the odour of the eye of Horus adhere to thee. To be said four times: Fire of incense. Utterances 26-28. 26.

19a. Horus who art in Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus for thou art as the eye of Horus which (lit. who) has extended with its odour. 27. 19b. To say: Osiris N., take the eye of Horus, equip thyself with its odour. 28. 19c. Osiris N., Horus has given to thee his eye that thou mayest equip thy face with it. One pellet of incense (1644a). Utterance 29. 20a. To say: O N., I have come, I have brought to thee the eye of Horus, 20b. that thou mayest equip thy face with it, that it may purify thee, that its odour may (come) to thee.

20c. The odour of the eye of Horus is for N.; it drives away thy sweat.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

20d. It defends thee against the violence (?) of the arm of Set.

21a. O N., the eye of Horus, is pleasing to thee; it is sound for thee. The eye of Horus is sound; thou art sound. Three pellets of incense (1644b). Utterance 30. 21b. To say: Horus, dweller in Osiris N., equip thee with the eye of Horus; take it to thee. Utterance 31. Utterance 32. 21c. To say: Osiris N., Horus has completely filled thee with his eye. 22a. This is thy cool water, Osiris; this is thy cool water, O N., which went forth from thy son, which went forth from Horus.

22b. I have come; I have brought to thee the eye of Horus, that thy heart may be refreshed by it. I have brought it to thee. It is under thy soles.

23a. Take to thyself the efflux (sweat), which goes forth from thee; thy heart shall not be weary thereby. 23b. To say four times, when thou goest forth justified: Libation; two pellets of natron. Utterance 33.

24a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself this thy libation, which is offered to thee by Horus,

24c. Horus has made me assemble for thee the gods from every place to which thou goest.

24b. in thy name of "He who is come from the Cataract"; take to thyself the efflux (sweat) which goes forth from thee.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

24d. Horus has made me count (for) thee the children of Horus even to the place where thou wast drowned. 25a. Osiris N., take to thyself thy natron, that thou mayest be divine. 25b. Nut has made thee to be as a god to thine enemy (or, in spite of thee) in thy name of "god."

25c. rnp.wi recognizes thee, for thou art made young in thy name of "Fresh water." Utterance 34. 26a. Smin, smin opens thy mouth. One pellet of natron.

26b. O N., thou shalt taste its taste in front of the s-ntr-chapels. One pellet of natron. 26d. That which Set spits out is smin. One pellet of natron. 26c. That which Horus spits out is smin. One pellet of natron.

26e. That which the two harmonious gods (spit out) is smin. One pellet of natron.

26f. To say four times: Thou hast purified thyself with natron, together with Horus (and) the Followers of Horus. Five pellets of natron from Nekheb, Upper Egypt. Utterance 35. 27a. Thou purifiest (thyself); Horus purifies (himself). One pellet of natron. Thou purifiest (thyself); Set purifies (himself). One pellet of natron.

27b. Thou purifiest (thyself); Thot purifies (himself). One pellet of natron. Thou purifiest (thyself); the god purifies (himself). One pellet of natron. 27c. Thou also purifiest (thyself)--thou who art among them. One pellet of natron.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

27d. Thy mouth is the mouth of a sucking calf on the day of his birth. Utterance 36. 27e. Five pellets of natron of the North, Wadi Natrn (t-p.t)

28a. Thou purifiest (thyself); Horus purifies (himself). Thou purifiest (thyself); Set purifies (himself). Thou purifiest (thyself); Thot purifies (himself).

28b. Thou purifiest (thyself); the god purifies (himself). Thou purifiest (thyself); thy ka purifies (himself). Thou purifiest (thyself); thy god purifies (himself). 28c. Thou also purifiest (thyself); it is thou who art among thy brothers, the gods.

29a. Thy natron is on thy mouth; thou purifiest thy bones, (and) all. Equip thyself with that which belongs to thee. 29b. Osiris, I have given to thee the eye of Horus to equip thy face therewith; adhere (to it). 29c. One pellet of natron. Utterance 37.

Utterances 38-42. 38.

30a. O N., shut now thy two jaws which were divided. P-kfinstrument (or, -bread).

30b. Osiris N., I open for thee thy mouth. A sacred copper (or, iron) (instrument) of South and North. 39. 31a. N., Take to thyself the eye of Horus, towards which he (Horus) runs; he brings it to thee; put it in thy mouth.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

31b. Three pellets of incense of the South; three pellets of incense of the North. 40. 41. 31c. O N., take to thyself the ik of Osiris. ik-pellets. 32a. Take the tip of the bodily breast of Horus; take it in thy mouth. A jug of milk (or, one jug of fine milk). 42. 32b. Take the breast of thy sister Isis, which is protected(?); take this in thy mouth. An empty mns-jar.

Utterance 43.

33a. Take the two eyes of Horus, the black and the white; take them to thyself to be in thy face, that they may illuminate thy face. 33b. A white jar, a black jar, for carrying. N. has white mnw-stone and black mnw-stone ht-jars (which are) the right eye and the left eye. Utterance 44. 34a. May the sun in heaven be favourable to thee; may he cause the two lords to be favourable to thee. 34b. May the night be favourable to thee; may the two ladies be favourable to thee.

34c. The offering which is brought to thee is an offering which thou seest, an offering which thou hearest.

34d. An offering is before thee, an offering is behind thee, an offering which is with thee. A wd.t-cake. Utterances 45-48.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


35a. Osiris N., take to thyself the white teeth of Horus which equip thy mouth. Five white cakes. 46. 35b. To say four times: A royal offering to the ka of N. Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus. 35c. (It is) thy cake; eat thou. A cake of offering, a wd.t-cake. 47.

36b. and with which thou shalt open thy mouth. Wine; one white mnwstone ht-jar. 48. 36c. Osiris N., open thy mouth with that with which thou art full. Wine; one black mnw-stone ht-jar. Utterances 49-52. 49. 37a. Osiris N., take to thyself the liquid going forth from thee. Beer; one black mnw-stone nw.t-bowl.

36a. Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which is free from Set, and which thou shalt take to thy mouth,


37b. R thou adorest; (he who is) in heaven thou adorest. To N., the lord (belong) all things.

37c. To thy body (belong) all things; to the ka of N. (belong) all things; to his body (belong) all things. 37d. To lift up before his face a splendid offering table.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


38a. N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which thou tastest. One dp.tloaf. 52. 38b. Darkness increases (?). One -cake.

Utterances 53-57. 53.

38c. N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which thou shalt embrace. One joint of meat. 54. 39a. N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, wrested from Set, which was taken from thee, with which thou openest thy mouth. 55. 39b. One white mnw-stone bowl of wine.

39c. N., take to thyself the liquid which went forth from Osiris. One black mnw-stone bowl of beer. 56. 40a. N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which was taken from thee; it is not far from thee. One copper (or, iron) bowl of beer. 40b. N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; equip thyself with it. One tmbowl of beer. 57.



The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

40c (Nt. Jquier, XII 2 83). To say: I bring two eyes of Horus. An iwn.tbow. 57B. 57C. 40d (Nt. 284). To say: From (or "in") the place where they fell. r.t-sea.

40e (Nt. 285). To say: Take them which I give to thee. A bowstring. 57D. 57E. 40f (Nt. 286). To say: He cast them to the ground. A rwd-whip. 40g (Nt. 287). To say: Osiris N., I bring to thee two eyes of Horus. An iwn.t-bow. 57F. 40h (Nt. 288). [To] say: [I gave to thee] ----- Set. A pd.t-bow. 57G. 40i (Nt. 289). To say: I gave [to thee] ---- heart of Set. A [d ---]. 57H. 57I. 57J. 40i (Nt. 290). [To say] ----------- n [b]. ---- rwd. 40k (Nt. 291). [To say] ------------- thou (?) hast seized them. ----40l (Nt. 292). [To say] ---- [Osir]is N. I bring to thee the two eyes of Horus, [thy] joy (?)


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


40m (Nt. 293). To say: Osiris N., take (?) to thyself the eye of Horus; protect it; let it not cease (to be). 57L. 40n (Nt. 294). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, as it was returned to him. 57K-L. 57M. 40m-n (Nt. 293-294). Like dry fruit (?) of Horus 40o (Nt. 295). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; protect (it), for it is given (back) to him. The idr-tail.

40p (Nt. 296). To say: Osiris N., take one eye of Horus. One tail. 57O. 40q (Nt. 297). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of this Horus, which was taken by him from Set--he had robbed it. One tail. 40r (Nt. 298). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which is guarded by Geb. One bs-block. 57P.



40S (Nt. 299). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus over which Set enjoyed himself. Mi (?) pn mr. 57R.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

40t (Nt. 300). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus. which he saw side (by side) with Set. A dagger. 57S. 40u (Nt. 300. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of this Horus, which was taken by him from Set--[he] had robbed it. One tail. Utterances 58-71. 58.

41a (Nt. 302). To say: Osiris, N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, and the ointment for him, which [he] put in it. A trimmed garment. 59. 41b (Nt. 303). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; be like it (in) its wisdom. A .t-garment (?). 41c (Nt. 304). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of this Horus, which was taken by him from Set--he had robbed it. A tail. 60.

42a-b (Nt. 305). To say: Osiris N., I have given him to thee; take him, envelop his heart (to thee). A royal garment of ntri-stuff. 61. 42c (Nt. 306). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the thigh of Set torn out by Horus. A royal garment of ntri-stuff. 62. 43a (Nt. 307). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the water in the eye of Horus. Do not separate thyself from it. A r--club.

43b (Nt. 308). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, whose water Thot saw therein. A trimmed (garment); one mdw-club; one sword.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


44a. [To say: Osiris N., present thyself to thy son, Horus]; 44c. -------------------- One r--club. 63A. 64.

44b. put him in thyself (lit. thy body). A mhn-club; an isr-club.

45a-i (Nt. 309). To say: Osiris N., make thyself great over him. 45a-b (Nt. 309). To say: Behold, take it to thyself. A dr-club. 65 (Sethe 65). 45C (Nt. 310). To say: Osiris N., he whom thou lovest is Horus. A r-club. 66. 46a (Nt. 311). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus. One club of .t-wood.


46b (Nt. 312). To say: Osiris N., put nhhw upon thee, put it in thy hand, ndd w-water. An iwnw-r--club. 68. 47a (Nt. 313). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the water which is in the eye of Horus, O N. 68A.

47b (Nt. 314). To say: Fill thy hand with a r--club; equip thyself with a r--club.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


47c (Nt. 3 15). To say: It equips thee like a god; do not separate thyself from it, that it may protect thee; do not separate thyself from it. 68C. 69. 47d (Nt. 313-315). One r--club.


48a (Nt. 316). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the finger of Set, which causes the white eye of Horus to see. A m-club. 48b (Nt. 317). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus that it may shine upon the finger of Set. A dm-sceptre. 71. 49 (Nt. 318). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself his hand--the hand of thine enemy. A dm-sceptre. 71A. 49 + 1 (Nt. 3 19). To say: Osiris N., take his w in thy hand. A w-n(sceptre). 71B. 49 + 2 (Nt. 320). To say: Osiris N., thou art mighty, thou art mighty against his two fingers. An b.t-tool.



49 + 3 (Nt. 32 1). To say: Osiris N., thou livest, thou livest. Rn; Ann.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


49 + 5 (Nt. 323). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the hand of t (?) that he may give it to them. An w.t-sceptre. 49 + 6 (Nt. 3 2 4). To say: Slay that (?). A pd-w-weapon. 71G.


49 + 4 (Nt. 322). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, protected by his sons. One n-whip.

71H. 71I.

49 + 7 (Nt. 324). To say: Thot, bring it. A nw-weapon

49 + 8 (Nt. 32 5). To say: Thot, bring it. A sacred decorated (weapon?). 49 + 9 (Nt. 325). To say: Have I not given it to thee? Take it to thyself (as) thy nw. A rwd-nw-whip 71J. 49 + 10 (Nt. 3 2 6). To say: Thou belongest to him. To say: Osiris N., seize it for thyself; hasten to Osiris N. A sacred ir-weapon (?). 49 + 'I (Nt. 327). To say: Said Geb, Thot, bring him that bow. A pd-hwweapon. 71L. 49 + 12 (Nt. 328) --------- this -bow, in the presence of N., the of N. A pd-w-weapon. 71K.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Heading to Utterances 72-78. Utterances 72-76. 72.

50a. Pouring a libation of oil.

50b. Osiris N., I fill thine eye for thee with ointment. To say four times. t-b-oil. 73. 50c. Osiris N., take to thyself that with which a liquid offering is made. knw-oil. 74. 51a. Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, on account of which he was punished. ft-oil. 75. 51b. Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which is united with him. Nhnm-oil. 76. 51c. Osiris, N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, with which he brought and carried the gods. Tw.t-oil. Utterance 77. 52a. Oil, Oil, arise, open thou; (thou) who art on the brow of Horus, arise, open thou.

52b. Thou who art on the brow of Horus, put thyself on the brow of this N. 52c. Make him sweet with thyself; glorify him with thyself.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

53a. Make him to have power over his body (himself); put his fear in the eyes of all spirits 53b. who shall look at him, and of everyone who shall hear his name through thee. t.t . Utterance 78.

54a. Osiris N., I bring to thee the eye of Horus, which he took from thy brow. t.t Tnw. Heading to Utterances 79-80. Utterance 79. 54b. Bring (an offering) before his face. 54c. To say four times: Osiris N., join thou the sound eye of Horus to thy face. Utterances 79-80. Utterance 80. 54d. Two bags of green cosmetic. 55a. To say: Horus, who is in Osiris N., take to thyself the sound eye of Horus. 55b. Horus, who is in Osiris N., join thou it to thy face 55c. (as) Horus joined his sound eye (to his face).

55d. O N., I join for thee thy sound eyes to thy face that thou mayest see with them. Utterance 81. 56a. Awake thou in peace, (as) Ti.t awakes, in peace, (as) Tit.t (she of Ti.t) awakes in peace,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

56b. (as) the eye of Horus in Buto (awakes) in peace, (as) the eye of Horus which is in the houses of the Lower Egyptian crown (awakes) in peace, 56c. (the eye) which the weavers wove (?), (the eye) which the sedanchairman planned (?). 57a. Cause thou (0 Eye) the two lands to bow to N., as they bow to Horus,. 57b. Cause the two lands to fear N., as they fear Set.

57c. Sit thou before N., as his god; open thou his way before the spirits, 57d. that be may stand before the spirits like Anubis, "First of the Westerners." Heading to Utterances 82-84. 58a. To say. 82.

57e. To say four times: Forward, forward to Osiris. Two rolls of linen.

58b. To say: It is Thot who brings himself (here) with it. He comes forth with the eye of Horus. One table of offerings. To make a mortuary offering. 83. 58c. To say: The eye of Horus is given to him. He is satisfied with it. O come with the royal offering. 84. 59a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus. He was satisfied with it. Royal offering, twice. Heading to Utterances 85-92.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

59b. Place on the ground the table of offerings. 85. 59c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; be satisfied with it. Two offerings of the broad-hall. 86. 59d. To say: Make it return to thee; sit in silence. A royal mortuary offering. 87. 60a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; unite it with thy mouth. Food: One loaf; one beer. 88. 60b. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; take care lest he trample it. One ttw (?)-bread.


60c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which intimidates him. One t-rt-loaf. 61a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; what Set has eaten of it is little. One mug of dr.t-beer. 91. 61b. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which they put out for him. One mug of nm-beer. 92. 90.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

61c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, put it to thy face. To lift up one bread, one beer. Utterance 93. 62a. To lift up before his face. To say: Lift up thy face, Osiris; lift up thy face, O N., whose spirit hastens. 62b. Lift up thy face, N., be mighty, be sharp (pre-eminent?), 62c. that thou mayest see that which cometh forth from thee. Praise it (?); partake in it. 63a. Wash thyself, N.; open thy mouth with the eye of Horus. 63b. Summons, thy ka, like Osiris, that he may protect thee from all anger of the dead. 63c. N., receive thy bread, even the eye of Horus. To deposit (an offering) on the ground before him. Heading to Utterances 94-96. 94. 64a. To give food for offering; offering: One loaf, one beer.

64b. To say: O Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, on which thou mayest live. One n-cake. 95. 64c. To say: Equip thyself with the liquid which goes forth from theefour times. One mug of beer. 96. 64d. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus-a joint of (w.t.t)- meat. One joint of (w.t-) meat.

Utterances 97-99. Heading.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

65a. Placed in the left hand. 97. 65b. To say: Osiris N., this eye of Horus is that which he demanded from Set. 98. 99. 65c. To say: Osiris N., Horus has given his eye to thee in thy hand. 66a. To say: Osiris N., O, I give to thee the eye of Horus; give me thy hand, that I may give it to thee. Postscript. 66b. Go thou there (?). Utterances 100-102. Heading.

67a. Placed in his left hand. 100. 67b. To say: Osiris N., he has fought a little; (but) I have loved thee; (I have?) avenged (thee?) ----101. 67c. To say: Osiris N., I who avenge thee am come; seize the eye of Horus -------102. 68a. To say: I am Horus, Osiris, N


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

68b. Give (me) thy hand ------------------------68c. Seize --------------------------------Postscript. 68d ----------

Heading to Utterances 103-105. 68e. Placed in his left [hand]. 103.

68f. To say: Osiris [N.] --------------- [to] thee 104. 68g. Tosay: Osiris [N.] ------------- thy left ---


68h. [To say]: ------------------------ in it 105A. 68i (N. Jquier, V 392 + I) ----------------- thou 68j (N. V392 + 2) ----- thou ---------------- thou 68k (N. V392 + 3). To say: He who lives is living, lived(?) --to them [life] 105D. 681 (N. V392 + 4). To say: Father, Osiris N

105B. 105C.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


68m (N. V392 + 5). To say: He intimidates thee, (but) hinder (take care) lest thou yield; fill thyself, Osiris N. ----


68n (N. V392 + 6). [To say]: N., I am come to av[enge] ------68c, (N. V392 + 7). [To say]: N., given (?) ---------105G.

105H. 105I.

68p (N. V392 + 8) -------- to thee, Osiris, I give ----- to thee.

69a. To say: O N., I am thy son; I am Horus. 69c. Take them; unite them to thyself.

Utterance 106.

68q (N. V392 + 9) -------- thee, to thee, to thee.

69b. I am come; I have brought to thee the two bodily eyes of Horus. 70a. I have collected them for thee; I have united them for thee--they are whole (?). 70c. that they may lead N. [to b.w, to Horus, to heaven to the] Great [God], 70d. [that they may avenge] N. of a[ll] his enemies. 70b. Horus [has placed?] them before N.,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

71a. [O N., I bring to thee the two eyes of] Horus, which make his heart glad. 71b. I col[lect them for thee; take them for thyself]. Utterances 108-110. 108. 71c. ---------------------------------Utterance 107.

72a. To say: Osiris N., unite to thyself the water which is in it (the eye). 72b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two cups of water. 109.

72c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which purifies his mouth. 72d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two pots of natron. 110. 72e. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; unite it to thy mouth. 72f. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Food: One loaf, one beer. Utterances 111-113. 111.

73a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which Set trampled.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

73b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One (or two) loaves. 112. 73c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which intimidates him (Set).


73d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One t-rt-loaf.

73e. To say: Osiris N., take (it) upon thee.

73f. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two t-loaves. Utterances 114-116. 114.

74a. To say: Osiris N., I bring to thee that which is befitting to thy f ace. 74b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two nr-loaves. 115. 74c. To say: Osiris N., I put in place thine eye.

74d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Four dp.t-loaves. 74e. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus. Prevent him (Horus) from suffering because of it. 116.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

74f. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Four psn-cakes. Utterances 117-119. 117.

75a. To say: Osiris N., receive thy head.

75b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Four n-loaves. 118. 75c. To say: Osiris N., take thine eye; seize it (or, take it to thyself).


75d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Four im-t-loaves.

76a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which he swallowed

76b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Four cake-baskets. Utterances 120-122. 120.

76c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus,; come, cause it to be respected. 76d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Four bnn.t-baskets.



The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

77a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which intimidates him (Set).


77b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Four m-loaves.

77c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which thou shalt put in thy mouth. 77d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Four id.t-cakes of thy North


Utterances 123-125.

78a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; (it is) thy cake; eat thou. 78b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Four p.t-cakes. 124. 78c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which intimidates him.


78d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Four baskets of t-r-bread.

79a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself his teeth, white, sound.

79b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Four bunches of garlic. Utterances 126-128.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


79c. To say: Osiris N., take the joint of meat, the eye of Horus.

79d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One joint of meat. 127. 80a. To say: Osiris N., dance (for joy), Geb is not angry with his legitimate heir.

80b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One joint of meat. 128. 80c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which thou shalt embrace. 80d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One joint of nw-meat. Utterances 129-131. 129.

81a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the w.t.t, the eye of Horus.

81b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One joint of w.t-meat. 130. 81c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself those who rebel against thee.


81d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Four ribs of meat.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

82a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the iwk.

82b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One pot of roast, one liver (?), one spleen, one limb, one breast of meat. Utterances 132-134. 132.

82c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; mayest .thou go to it. 82d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One liver (?). 133. 83a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, to which he goes.

83b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One spleen. 134. 83c. To say: Osiris, N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which is on his brow. 83d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One limb. Utterances 135-137. 135.

84b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One breast of meat.

84a. To say: Osiris N., take the eye of Horus, which is on the brow of Set.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


84c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the severed heads of the Followers of Set.

84d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One goose. 137. 85a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself as much as the heart desires.

85b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One goose. Utterances 138-140. 138.

85c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which he brought.

85d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One goose. 139. 86a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself those who come when they are faint (?). 86b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One goose. 140. 86c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, prevent him from sickening on it.

86d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One pigeon.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

86e. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which intimidates him.

Utterance 141.

86f. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. One t-sif-bread. Utterances 142-143. 142.

87b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two .t-loaves. 143. 87c. To say: Osiris, N., the eye of Horus is assigned to thee. Utterances 143-145. End of 143.

87a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; it shall not be sundered from thee.

87d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two baskets of np.t. 144. 88a. To say: Osiris N., take the eye of Horus, out of which he poured (?) the water. 88b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two pots of liver.



The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

88c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; what Set has eaten of it is little.

88d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two bowls of dr.t-beer. Utterances 146-148. 146.

89b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two bowls of dr.t-Theban (beer?) 147.

89a, To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; the inw come by means of it.

89c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which they put out for him. 89d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two bowls of nm-beer. 148.

90a. To say: Osiris N., equip thyself with the liquid, which goes forth from thee. Utterances 148-150. End of 148.

90b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two bowls of beer. 90c. To say: Osiris N., equip thyself with the liquid, which goes forth from thee.



The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

90d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering four times. Two bowls of p-t. 150. 90e. To say: Osiris N., equip thyself with the liquid, which goes forth from thee. 90f. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two bowls of p. Utterances 151-153. 151.

91a. To say: Osiris N., equip thyself with the liquid, which goes forth from thee.

91b. To say four times,: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two mugs of Nubian beer. 152. 91c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the breast of Horus, which they taste. 91d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two baskets of figs. 153. 92a. To say: Osiris N., open thy mouth with it. Utterances 153-155. End of 153.

92b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two jars of wine of the North. Wine: Two bowls of the North; two jars of b; two bowls of Buto; two bowls of (wine) Of mw; two bowls of Pelusium.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer



92d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two jars of wine of b.

92c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which they spat out. Prevent him from swallowing it.

93a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the damsel who is in the eye of Horus; open thy mouth with her. Utterances 155-157. End of 155.


93b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two jars of wine of Buto.

93c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which he fished up. Open thy mouth with it. 93d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two jars of wine of mw. 157.

94a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus. It shall not again be separated from thee. 94b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two jars of wine of Pelusium. 158. Utterances 158-160.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

94c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; honour it.

94d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two baskets of bnn.t-(fruit?). 159. 95a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which he carried about with him (?), (or, which he swallowed?). 95b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two baskets of nfw-cakes (fruit ?). 160.

95c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which he took from Set. Utterances 160-162. End of 160.

95d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two baskets of id-fruit. 161. 96a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the white eye of Horus; prevent him from tearing it out.

96b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two baskets of h.t-fruit. 162.

96c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the green eye of Horus; prevent him from tearing it out. 96d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two baskets of h.t-fruit.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Utterances 163-165. 163. 97a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; prevent him from carrying it off.

97b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two baskets of sw.t-g.t-corn. 164. 97c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; prevent him from carrying it off.

97d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two baskets of g.t-corn. 165. 98a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which is like nbb. Utterances 165-167. End of 165.

98b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two baskets, of bb.t-seedy-fruit. 166. 98c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which they swallowed.


98d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two baskets of nb-fruit.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

99a. To say: Osiris N., open thine eyes that thou mayest see with them. 99b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two baskets of t-nb-fruit. 168.

Utterances 168-170.

99c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; prevent him from seizing it.


99d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times,. Two baskets of w-fruit.

100a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the sweet eye of Horus; cause it to stay with thee. 100b. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two baskets of every sweet thing (fruit ?). 170. 100c. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; reclaim it for thyself. Utterances 170-171. End of 170.

100e. To say: Osiris N., O may it be pleasing to thee, for thee, with thee.


100d. To say four times: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. Two baskets of all fresh plants.


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Utterance 172.

100f. To say four times,: For N., a lifting up of the offering, four times. A nk.t-offering.

101a. To say four times: An offering of a meal to N. 101b. To say: May Geb make an offering to N. 101c. I give to thee every festal offering, every oblation of food and drink, which thou canst desire, Utterance 173.

101d. wherewith thou shalt be happy with the god for ever and ever. 101e. To say: Osiris N., Horus is come to take care of thee; thou art his father. 101f. b.t-barley. 174. 175. Utterances 174-176. 101g. To say: Betake thee to Geb. Two pots of natron. 102a. Geb has given to thee thy two eyes, that thou mayest be satisfied. One table of offerings. 176. 102b. To say: Osiris N., thou art his ka. One k-loaf. Utterances 177-186.


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177. 178.

103a. To say: Take the two eyes, Great One, Osiris N. Two wr.t-loaves. 103b. To say: Be satisfied with them. Two tables of offerings of the broad-hall.


103c. To say: Be thou satisfied with Horus; thou art his father. One offering of bread. 180. 104a. To say: Nekhbet takes the eye of Horus, nbb.; Horus. has given (it) to thee. Two baskets of bb.t-fruit.



104b. To say: Nekhbet takes the eye of Horus which they swallow. Horus has given (it) to thee. Two baskets of nb-fruit.


105a. To say: Take the eye of Horus, which he seized; [Horus] has given (it) to thee. One basket of w-fruit.

105b. To say: Take to thyself the liquid which goes out of Osiris. Two jugs of bi.t. 184. 106a. To say: Osiris N., take the water which is in thee; Horus has given (it) to thee. ---- of tnm. 185.


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106b. To say: Take to thyself the eye of Horus; open thy mouth with it. Two bowls of wine of the North. 186. 107a. To say: Osiris N., take the green eye of Horus, which he carried off: Horus has given (it) to thee. Two dishes of fresh bread. Utterances 187-196. 187.

107b. To say: Take the eye of Horus; honour (?) it; Horus has given (it) to thee. Two baskets of bn.t-fruit 108a. To say: Take the eye of Horus, which he possesses; Horus has given (it) to thee. Two baskets of hrnf, or, nfw-fruit-cake. 189. 108b. To say: Take the white eye of Horus, which he tore out; Horus has given (it) to thee. Two baskets of white h.t-fruit. 190. 108c. To say: Take the green eye of Horus, which he tore out; Horus has given (it) to thee. Two baskets of green h.t-fruit. 191. 109a. To say: Take the eye of Horus, which he recognized; Horus has given (it) to thee. Two np.t-cakes. 109b. To say: Take the eye of Horus, which he hastily carried off; Horus has given (it) to thee. Two pots of corn. 188.



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110. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; regale thyself with (it). Two baskets of figs. 194. 111a. To say: O Osiris N., this eye of Horus which is sweet, cause it to stay with thee. Two baskets of every sweet fruit, 195. 196. 111b. To say: Reclaim it for thyself. Two baskets of all fresh (fruit?). 112. To say: O may it be pleasing to thee. Two libations. Utterances 197-198. 197.

113a. To say: Osiris N., this hard eye of Horus, take it for thyself, in thyself, in thyself,

113b. that thine enemy may fear thee--he who carried (thee), during his time. 198. 114. To say: Osiris N., Horus has completely filled thee with his eye, as an offering. 115a. To say: O Osiris N., turn thyself towards this thy bread; Utterance 199.

115b. receive it from (my) hand. To say four times: May the eye of Horus flourish (?) for thee.


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115c. A wdb offering-which-the-god-gives of bread, cake and liquid. 116a. Homage to thee, Incense; greetings to thee, Divine Brother; greetings to thee mnwr (incense), in the limbs of Horus. Utterance 200.

116b. Be great, my father; propagate thyself in thy name of pd (pellet of incense). 116c. Thine odour is for N.; thy perfume is f or N. Utterances 201-203. 201. 116d. Eye of Horus, thou art higher, thou art greater than N. Incense.

117a. To say: Father N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, the bread of the gods with which they nourish themselves. 202. 117b. To say: Father N., take to thyself the liquid (?) which comes from Osiris. 203. 117c. To say: Osiris N., take it; the eye of Horus belongs to thee.


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Utterance 204.

118b. They have swallowed the 'bright eye of Horus which is in Heliopolis.

118a. Rejoice, O hoers; let the heart in the breasts of men be lifted up.

118c. The little finger of N. draws out that which is in the navel of Osiris. 119a. N. thirsts not, he hungers not; the heart of N. faints (?) not, 119b. for it is in the hands of : which hold off his hunger. O fill (him), O fillers of hearts. 120a. To say: O ye who preside over food, ye who are attached to plentifulness (gb) Utterance 205.

120b. commend N. to Ftk.t, the cup-bearer of R, that he may commend him to R himself,

120c. that R may commend him to the chiefs of the provisions of this year, 120d. that they may seize and give him, that they may take and give him barley, spelt, bread, beer.

121 a. For as to N., it is his father who gives, to him; it is R who gives to him barley, spelt, bread, beer. 121b. For he (N.) is indeed the great bull which smote Kns.t. 121c. For to N. indeed belong the five portions of bread, liquid, cake, in the mansion,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

121d. of which three are in heaven with R, and two on earth with the Ennead. 122a. For he is one who is unbound, he is indeed set free; for he is one who is seen, he is one who is indeed observed. 123a. N. has copulated with Mw.t; N. has kissed w-.t; 123c. N. has copulated with his beloved, deprived of tbtb (grain?, seed?) and of . 123d. But as to the beloved of N., she gives bread to N.; 123e. she did well by him in that day. Utterance 206. 122b. O R, he (N.) is better to-day than yesterday.

123b. N. has united with Nbw.t.

123f. To say: O ye who preside over food, ye who are attached to plentifulness, 1239. commend N. to Ftk.t, the cup-bearer of R, that he may commend N. to R himself,

123h. that R may commend N. to the chiefs of the provisions.

123i. That which he (R) bites, he gives to N.; that which he nibbles, he gives to N., Utterance 207. 123k. that N. may sleep and be well every day.

124a. To say: An offering of the butcher; an offering of the butcher; an offering of that which is in the eye of R;


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124b. an offering of the bird-catcher, who is in the eye of the god. the cup-bearer who offers water. 124c. Let the fire be hot; let the joint (of meat) be with the pastry', 124d. four hands (full) of water. A Variant of Utterance 207. Utterance 208.

124e. To say: An offering to Atum; an offering to Atum; an offering of that which is in the eye of the boat of the god. 124f. Let the joint (of meat) be with pastry; 124g. four hands (full) of water. Utterance 209.

125b. N. is well (green); Shu has not taken his food (meal). Utterance 210.

125a. Shu is well (green); N. has not taken his food (meal).

125c. Let the eastern messengers repeat (double) thy bread. 126a. To say: The judge is awake; Thot is up;

126b. the sleepers are awake; they that are in Kns.t bestir themselves

126c. before the great bittern, which comes forth from the marsh and Wepwawet who comes forth from the tamarisk-bush. 127a. The mouth of N. is pure; the Two Enneads purify N.; 127b. pure is this tongue which is in his mouth. 127c. The abomination of N. is dung; N. rejects urine.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

127d. N. loathes his abomination.

128a. The abomination of N., it is dung; he eateth not that abomination,

128b. just as at the same time Set shrinks from these two companions who voyage over the sky. 128c. R and Thot, take N. with you, 129a. that he may eat of that which ye eat, that he may drink of that which ye drink, 129b. that he may live on that which ye live, that he may sit on that which ye sit,

129c. that he may be mighty by that whereby ye are mighty, that he may voyage in that wherein ye voyage. 130a. The booth of N. is an arbour among the reeds; 130b. the abundance of N. is in the Marsh of Offerings;

130c. his food is among you, ye gods; the water of N. consists of wine like that of R, 130d. N. compasses the sky like R; N. traverses the sky like Thot. 131a. To say: The abomination of N. is hunger; he does not eat it; Utterance 211.

131b. the abomination of N. is thirst; he does not drink it. 131c. It is N. who gives food to those who exist. 131d. His nurse is i.t;

131e. it is she who makes his life (through nourishment?); it is she who gave birth to N.


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132a. N. was conceived in the night; N. was born in the night.

132b. He belongs, to the Followers of R, who are before the morning star. 132c. N. was conceived in Nun; he was born in Nun. 132d. He has come; he has brought to you (some) bread of that which he found there. Utterance 212. 133a. To say: The eye of Horus drips on the tuft of the dn.w-plant. 133c. he brought food to him, an offering of Horus who is chief of the houses, 133e. he eats that which N. eats, he drinks, that which N. drinks. 133f. One joint of meat and pastry, that is his meal. 133d. (for) he lives on that on which N. lives, 133b. nti-imntiw came to him;


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Utterance 213.

134a. O N., thou didst not depart dead; thou didst depart living,

134b. (so) thou sittest upon the throne of Osiris, thy b-sceptre in thy hand, thou commandest the living; 134c. (thy) mk-sceptre and thy nb.t-sceptre in thy hand, commanding those of secret places.

135a. Thine arm is like that of Atum; thy shoulders are like those of Atum; thy body is like that of Atum; thy back is like that of Atum;

135b. thy seat is like that of Atum; thy legs are like those of Atum; thy face is like that of Anubis.

135c. Thou travelest over the regions of Horus; thou travelest over the regions of Set (or, the regions of Horus serve thee; the regions of Set serve thee). 136a. O N., beware of the ocean (sea?). To say four times. Utterance 214.

136b. The messengers of thy ka are come for thee; the messengers of thy father are come for thee; the messengers of R are come for thee. 137b. (for) thy bones are (those of) female-falcons, goddesses, who are in heaven, 137c. that thou mayest be at the side of the god; that thou mayest leave thy house to thy son 137a. Go after (pursue) thy sun (days); purify thyself,

137d. who is thine heir. Everyone who speaks, evil against the name of N.,


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138a. when he ascends, Geb reckons him as an evil-doer in his own city,

138b. so that he weakens, he falters. Thou purifiest thyself in the dew of the stars; 138c. thou descendest on firm (copper?) cables, on the shoulders of Horus in his name of "He who is in the nw-boat."

139a. The blessed dead (?) lament for thee (after) the imperishable stars bore thee (away). 139b. Enter the abode of thy father, to the abode of Geb,

139c. that he may give to thee that which is on the brow of Horus, that thou mayest be a ba thereby, that thou mayest be a m thereby, 139d. that thou mayest be a nti-imntiw thereby. 140a. O N., Utterance 215.

140b. let thy messengers go; let thine envoys hasten to thy father, to Atum. 140c. Atum, let him ascend to thee; enfold him in thine embrace, 141a. (for) there is no god, (who has become) a star, who has not his companion. Shall I be thy companion?

146. Look (at me); thou hast regarded the form of the children of their fathers, 141c. who know their speech. (They are now) imperishable stars. 141d. (So) shalt thou see those who are in the palace, (that is) Horus and Set.

142a. Mayest thou spit in the face of Horus; mayest thou drive away the injury from him.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

142b. Mayest thou catch the testicles of Set; mayest thou drive away his mutilation. 142c. That one was born to thee; this one was conceived by thee. 143a. Thou art born, O Horus, as one whose name is "Him at whom the earth quakes." [Thou art conceived, O Set, as one whose name is] "Him at whom heaven trembles." 143b. That one (Horus) has not a mutilation; this one (Set) has not an injury; this one (Set) has not an injury; that one (Horus) has not a mutilation. 144a. Thou art born, Horus, of Osiris; thou art more ba than he, thou art more m than he.

144b. Thou art conceived, Set by Geb; thou art more ba than he, thou art more m than he. 145a. No seed of a god, which belongs to him, goes to ruin; so thou who belongest to him wilt not go to ruin. 145b. R-Atum does not surrender thee to Osiris. He judges (lit. numbers) not thy heart; he gains not power over thy heart.

145c. R-Atum does not surrender thee to Horus. He judges (lit. numbers) not thy heart; he gains not power over thy heart.

146a. Osiris, thou dost not gain power over him (Set); thy son gains not power over him.

146b. Horus, thou dost not gain power over him (Set); thy father gains not power over him. 147a. Thou belongest, O mn, to that god, of whom the twin-children of Atum said (to him):

148a. Thy head is (that of) Horus of the D.t, O Imperishable.

147b. "Arise," said they, "in thy name of god"--and so thou becomest an Atum to (of) every god:


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

148c. Thine ears are the twin-children of Atum, O Imperishable. Thine eyes are the twin-children of Atum, O Imperishable. 148d. Thy nose is (that of) Anubis, O Imperishable. Thy teeth are (those of) Sopdu, O Imperishable. 149a. Thine arms are Hp and Dw-mw.t.f, which thou needest to ascend to heaven, when thou ascendest;

148b. Thy face is that of Mnti-irti, O Imperishable.

149c. Thy (other) members are the twin-children of Atum, O Imperishable. Utterance 216.

149b. thy legs are Im.ti and b-n.w.f, which thou needest to descend to the lower heaven (underworld) when thou descendest.

149d. Thou perishest not, thy ka perishes not, (for) thou art a ka. 150a. To say: I had come to thee Nephthys; I am come to thee Boat of the Evening (mkt.t-boat); 150b. I am come to thee M-ri-tr.wt; 150c. I am come to thee M.t-k.w; remember him--N.

151a. is enveloped by the D.t, pure and living, in the horizon; 151c. N. is enveloped by the D.t, pure and living, in the horizon. 151d. He is content because of them; he is cool because of them, 151e. in the arms of his father, in the arms of Atum. Utterance 217.

151b. So this is enveloped by the D.t, pure and living, in the horizon;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

152a. To say: R-Atum, N. comes to thee, an imperishable spirit, lord (by) decree of the places of the four papyrus-pillars. 152b. Thy son comes to thee; N. comes to thee, 152c. that ye may stride over the sky (way), reunited in obscurity;

152d. that ye may arise in the horizon, in a place which is pleasing to you.

153a. Set and Nephthys, hasten, announce to the gods of Upper Egypt and their spirits: 153b. "N. comes, an imperishable spirit; 153c. if he wills that ye die, you will die; if he wills that ye live, you will live." 155a. Osiris and Isis, hasten, announce to the gods of Lower Egypt and their spirits: 155b. "N. comes, an imperishable spirit, like the morning star over the Nile; 155d. whom he wills that he live, be lives; whom he wills that be die, he dies." 157a. Thot, hasten, announce to the gods of the West and their spirits: 157b. "N. comes, an imperishable spirit, masked to the neck like an Anubis, chief of the western highland, 156a-d = 152a-d. 155c. the spirits in the waters adore him; 154a-d == 1152a-d.

157c. that he may count hearts, that he may be powerful over the best of the hearts;


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157d. whom he wills that he live, he lives; whom he wills that he die, he dies." 1158a-d = 152a-d. 159a. Horus, hasten, announce to the Souls of the East and their spirits: 159b. "N. comes, an imperishable spirit; 159c. whom he wills that he live, he lives; whom he wills that he die, he dies,." 160a. R-Atum, thy son comes to thee; N. comes to thee; 160b. let him ascend to thee, enfold him in thy embrace; 160c. he is thy bodily son for ever. Utterance 218.

161a. To say: Osiris, N. comes; he is displeased (?) with the Nine (Bows?), an imperishable spirit,

161b. to count hearts, to seize kas, to subdue kas. Each of his functions 161c. obliges him whom he (himself) protected, (as well as him who) asked him (to help him). There is no one who withdraws162a. (such) would have no bread, his ka would have no bread, his bread would be withheld from him. 162b. Geb has said, and it comes out of the mouth of the Ennead:

162c. "Falcon, m-t-iti.f," said they, "behold, thou art ba, thou art m." 163a. N. comes, he is displeased (?) with the Nine (Bows?), an imperishable spirit,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

163b. who surpasses thee, who is more like thee, who is more weary than thou, who is greater than thou, who is fresher than thou,

163c. who is more praised than thou. Thy time of silence about it is no more. 163d. Behold what Set and Thot have done, thy two brothers, who knew not how to weep for thee. 164a. Isis and Nephthys embrace ye, embrace ye; 164b. unite ye, unite ye.

164c. N. comes, he is displeased (?) with the Nine (Bows?), an imperishable spirit. 164d. The Westerners, who are on the earth belong to N. 164e. N. comes, he is displeased (?) with the Nine (Bows?) an imperishable spirit. 165a. The Easterners who are on the earth belong to N. 165b. N. comes, he is displeased (?) with the Nine (Bows?) an imperishable spirit. 165c. The Southerners who are on the earth belong to N. 165d. N. comes, he is displeased (?) with the Nine (Bows?), an imperishable spirit. 166a. The Northerners who are on the earth belong to N. 166b. N. comes, he is displeased (?) with the Nine (Bows?), an imperishable spirit. 166c. Those who are in the underworld belong to N. 166d. N. comes, he is displeased (?) with the Nine (Bows?), an imperishable spirit.


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167a. To say: Atum, this thy son is this one here, Osiris, whom thou hast made to endure and to live. 167c. he perishes not, N. (also) perishes not, he is not judged, N. (also) is not judged; 167d. he judges, N. (also) judges. 168a. Shu, this thy son is this one here, Osiris, whom thou hast made to endure and to live. 168b-168d = 167b-167d. 169a. Tefnut, this thy son is this one here, Osiris, whom thou hast made to endure and to live. 169b-169d = 167b-167d. 170a. Geb, this thy son is this one here, Osiris, whom thou hast made to endure and to live. 170b-170d = 167b-167d. 171a. Nut, this thy son is this one here, Osiris, whom thou hast made to endure and to live. 172a. Isis, this thy brother is this one here, Osiris, whom thou hast made to endure and to live. 172b-172d = 167b-07d. 173a. Set, this thy brother is this one here, Osiris, who is made to endure and to live, that he may punish thee. 171b-171d = 07b-167d. 167b. He lives, N. (also) lives; he dies not, N. (also) dies not;

Utterance 219.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

173b-173d = 167b-167d.

174a. Nephthys, this thy brother is this one here, Osiris, whom thou hast made to endure and to live. 174b-174d = 167b-167d. 175a. Thot, this thy brother is this one here, Osiris, who is made to endure and to live, that he may punish thee.

175b-175d = 167b-167d.

176a. Horus, this thy father is this one here, Osiris., whom thou hast made to endure and to live. 176b-176d = 167b-167d. 177a. Great Ennead, this one here is Osiris, whom ye have made to endure and to live. 177b-177d = 167b-167d. 178a. Little Ennead, this one here is Osiris, whom ye have made to endure and to live. 178b-178d = 167b-167d. 179a. Nut, this thy son is this one here, Osiris, of whom thou hast said: "One born to your father." 179b. Thou hast wiped for him his mouth; his mouth was opened by his son, Horus, whom he loves; 179c. his limbs are counted by the gods. 180a-180c = 167b-167d.

181a. In thy name, "He who is in Heliopolis, while he remains everlastingly in his necropolis":


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181b-181d = 167b-167d. 182b-182d = 167b-167d. 183b-183d = 167b-167d.

182a. In thy name, "He who is in Busiris, chief of his nomes": 183a. In thy name, "He who is in the House of eret, the satisfied ka": 184a. In thy name, "He who is in the Divine Hall, who is in fumigation, 184b. (who is in the) chest, (who is in the) portable chest, (who is in the) sack": 185a. In thy name, "He who is in the White Chapel of pr-wood": 186a. In thy name, "He who is in ": Thou sojournest in heaven; thou sojournest on earth. 185b-185d = 167b-167d. 184c-184e = 167b-167d.

186b. Osiris, turn thy face around, that thou mayest see N., 187a-187c = 167b-167d.

186c. thy seed which came forth from thee, the pointed (pd.t). 188a. In thy name, "He who is in Buto":

188b. Let thine arms be about "provisions", thy daughter; equip thyself with her. 188c-188e = 167b-167d. 189a. In thy name, "He who is in the House of the Great Ox":


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

189b. Let thine arms be about "provisions", thy daughter; equip thyself with her. 190a. In thy name, "He who is in Hermopolis of the South": 189c-189e = 167b-167d.

190b. Let thine arms be about "provisions", thy daughter; equip thyself with her. 190c-190e = 167b-167d. 191a. In thy name, "He who is in Hermopolis of the North":

191b. Let thine arms be about "provisions", thy daughter, equip thyself with her. 191c-191d = 167b-167d. 192a. In thy name, "He who is in the City of Waters":

192b. That which thou hast eaten is an eye; thy body is full of it; thy son, Horus, parts with it for thee, that thou mayest live by it. 192c-192d = 167b-167d. 193a. Thy body is the body of N.; thy flesh is the flesh of N.; 193b. thy bones are the bones of N. Utterance 220. 193c. Thou goest, N. goes; N. goes, thou goest. 194a. The two doors of the horizon are open; its bolts slide.

I 94b. He has come to thee, N.t (Crown of Lower Egypt); he has come to thee, Nsr.t (Uraeus);


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194c. he has, come to thee, Great One; he has come to thee, Great-inmagic (Crown of Lower Egypt). 194d. He is pure for thee; he is in awe of thee. 195a. Mayest thou be satisfied with him; mayest thou be satisfied with his purity; 195c. "How beautiful is thy face, when it is peaceful, new, young, for a god, father of the gods, has begotten thee!" 195e. It is Horus, who has fought in protection of his eye, Great-inmagic. Utterance 221. 195d. He has come to thee, Great-in-magic (Crown of Lower Egypt).

195b. mayest thou be satisfied with his word, which he speaks to thee:

196a. To say: O N.t (Crown of Lower Egypt), O Inw (Crown of Lower Egypt), O Great One (Crown of Lower Egypt), 197a. make thou the terror of N. to be like the terror of thee; 197b. make thou the awe of N. to be like the awe of thee; 196b. O Great-in-magic (Crown of Lower Egypt), O Nsr.t (Uraeus),

197c. make thou the respect for N. to be like the respect for thee; 197d. make thou the love for N. to be like the love for thee; 197e. make thou that his b-sceptre be at the head of the living; make thou that his m-sceptre be at the head of the spirits; 198a. O Inw-Crown, thou has come forth from him as he came forth from thee.

197f. make thou that his blade be firm against his enemies.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

198c. the I.t-wt.t has given birth to thee, the great I.t has adorned thee,

198b. The great I.t has given birth to thee, the I.t-wt.t has adorned thee;

198d. for as for thee, thou art like Horus, who fought in protection of his eye. 199a. To say: Stand thou upon it, this earth, which comes forth from Atum, the saliva which comes forth from prr; Utterance 222.

199b. be thou above it; he thou high above it,

199c. that thou mayest see thy father; that thou mayest see R. 200a. He has come to thee, his father; he has come to thee, R. 200b. He has come to thee, his father; he has come to thee, Ndi.

200d. He has come to thee, his father; he has come to thee, Dndn.

200c. He has come to thee, his father; he has come to thee, Pndn.

201a. He has come to thee, his father; he has come to thee, m-wr.

201c. He has come to thee, his father; he has come to thee, Sopdu.

201b. He has, come to thee, his father; he has come to thee, Sn-wr.

201d. He has come to thee, his father; he has come to thee, Sharp of Teeth. 202a. Cause thou that N. seize b.w, that he take the horizon; 202b. cause thou that N. govern the Nine Bows, that he equip the Ennead;


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202c. cause thou that the shepherd's crook be in the hand of N., so that Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt may bow (before him). 203a. He accepts ("takes on") his opponent and stands up, the great chief, in his great kingdom; 203b. Nephthys praised him when he seized his opponent:

204a. "Thou hast equipped thyself as the Great-in-magic, Set, who is in Ombos, lord of the land of the South; 204b. nothing is lacking in thee; nothing ceases with thee, 204c. for behold thou art more glorious, more powerful than the gods of Upper Egypt and their spirits.

205a. Thou whom the pregnant brought forth, as thou didst cleave the night, 205b. thou art equipped like Set, who mightily broke forth". Fortunate is he whom Isis has praised: 206a. "Thou hast equipped thyself like Horus, the youthful, 206b. nor is there anything lacking in thee, nor anything ceases with thee, 206c. for behold thou art more glorious, more powerful than the northern gods and their spirits.

207a. Thou puttest away thine uncleanness for Atum in Heliopolis, thou ascendest with him;

207b. thou judgest distress in the underworld,. thou standest above the places of the abyss; 207c. thou art (king) with thy father Atum, thou art high with thy father Atum; 207d. thou appearest with thy father Atum, distress disappears.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

207e. The midwife of Heliopolis (holds) thy head.

208b. thou envelopest thyself in the embrace of thy mother Nut;

208a. Thou ascendest, thou openest thy way through the bones of Shu;

208c. thou purifiest thyself in the horizon, thou puttest away thine impurity in the lakes of Shu. 209a. Thou risest, thou settest, thou settest with R, in obscurity with Ndi; 209b. thou risest, thou settest, thou risest with R, 209c. thou appearest with Sn-wr;

210a. thou risest, thou settest, thou settest with Nephthys, in obscurity with the mkt.t-boat; 210b. thou risest, thou settest, thou risest with Isis; 210c. thou appearest with the mnd.t-boat.

211a. Thou art master of thyself; there is no one in thy way.

211c. Thou didst purify thyself in the Falcon-nome; thou didst receive thy purification in the Nome of the Integral Ruler, from thy father, from Atum. 212a. Thou hast come into being, thou hast become high, thou hast become content; 212b. thou hast become well in the embrace of thy father, in the embrace of Atum. 213a. Atum, let N. ascend to thee, enfold him in thine embrace,

211b. Thou art born because of (like) Horus; thou art conceived because of (like) Set;


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213b. for he is thy bodily son for ever".


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Utterance 223.

214b. O N., up, be seated before a thousand. loaves, a thousand mugs of beer; 214c. the roast, thy double-rib piece (comes) from the slaughteringbench, the rt-bread from the broad-hall (w.t).

214a. To say: Awake. Turn around. O! O!

25a. As a god is provided with divine offerings, so N. is provided with his bread.

215b. Thou art come to thy ba, Osiris, a ba among the spirits, mighty in his domains, 216a. O N., betake thyself to me, approach thyself to me, 215c. protected by the Ennead in the house of the prince.

216b. be not far from the tomb, be not separated from me.

216c. I have given thee the eye of Horus; I have reckoned it to thee. O may it be pleasing to thee, with thee. 217a. O N., up, receive thy bread from (my) hand. Heading and postscript to Utterance 224. 217b. To say four times: O N., I will be to thee a door-keeper.

218a. To say four times: An offering to him in all his dignities, in all his places. 218b. May Geb give an offering in all thy dignities, in all thy places.


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218d. Thou hast come that thou mayest command in the regions of Horus; 218f. thou hast come that thou mayest command in the regions of Osiris. 219a. May the king make an offering: "in all thy dignities". 219c. thou goest in sandals; thou slaughterest an ox;

218c. To say: Awake, N. Turn around, N.

Utterance 224.

218e. thou hast come that thou mayest command in the regions of Set;

219b. Thy garment is a b-loin-cloth; thy garment is a hdd-loincloth; 220a. thou goest in the wd-'n-boat, in all thy dignities, in all thy places.

220c. like Anubis, First of the Westerners; like nd.ti, First of the Eastern nomes.

220b. Thy nb.t-sceptre is at the head of the living, thy staff is at the head of the spirits,

221a. How fortunate is thy condition! Thou art a spirit, O N., among thy brothers, the gods. 221b. How changed it is! How changed it is! (So) protect thy children; beware of 221c. thy border (limitation) which is in the earth. To say four times: Clothe thy body (and) come into their presence. Utterance 225. A Variant of Utterance 224.


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222a. To say: Awake, N.! Turn around, N.!

222b. Thou hast come that thou mayest command in the regions of Horus; (thou hast come) that thou mayest command in the regions of Set; 222c. that thou mayest speak in the regions of Osiris. 223a. May the king make an offering: Thy son is upon thy throne; thy garment is the p.ti; thy garment is a dd-loincloth; 223b. thou goest in sandals; thou slaughterest an ox; 224a. thou goest in the wd-n-boat, in all thy places, in all thy dignities 224b. Thy nb.t-sceptre is at the head of the living, thy staff is at the head of the spirits. 224c. The aged is come; he protects his son.

224d. May thy body be clothed, so that thou mayest come to [me]; and may [the eye of Horus] be pleasing to thee.


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Utterance 226.

225b. when a toothless (?) calf born on pasture-land is encircled.

225a. To say: One serpent is encircled by another serpent,

225c. Earth, devour that which has come forth from thee. Monster (beast), lie down, glide away.

226a. A servant (holy person) who belongs to the Ennead (pelican) is fallen in water. 226b. Serpent, turn over that R may see thee. Utterance 227.

227a. To say: The head of the great black bull was cut off.

227b. Hpn.w-serpent, this is said to thee. r?-ntr-scorpion, this is said to thee: 227c. Turn over, glide into the ground. I have said this to thee. Utterance 228.

228a. To say: Face falls on face; face sees face.

228b. A knife, coloured black and green, goes out against it, until it has swallowed that which it has licked. 229a. To say: This is the finger-nail of Atum, Utterance 229.

229b. which is upon the dorsal vertebra of the Nb.w-k.w (serpent) and which caused the strife in Wn.w to cease.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

229c. Fall, glide away. 230a. To say: Be thy two poison-glands in the ground; be thy two rows of ribs in the hole. 230b. Pour out the liquid. The two kites stand there. 230c. Thy mouth is closed by the hangman's tool; the mouth of the hangman's tool is closed by the mfd.t (lynx). Utterance 230.

230d. The one made tired is bitten by a serpent.

231a. O R, N. has bitten the earth; N. has bitten Geb. 231b. N. has bitten the father of him who bit him. 231c. This is the being who has bitten N., (though) N. did not bite him. 232a. It is he who is come against N., (though) N. does not go against him;

232b. the second moment after he saw N., the second moment after he perceived N. 232c. If thou bitest N., he will make one (piece) of thee; if thou regardest N., he will make two of thee.

233b. Heaven is protected magically; earth is protected magically; the "manly" who is behind mankind is protected magically.

233a. The nw-serpent (male) is bitten by the n.t-serpent (female); the n.t-serpent is bitten by the nw-serpent.

234a. The god whose head is blind is protected magically; thou thyself, scorpion, art protected magically.

234b. These are the two knots (charm) of Elephantin which are in the mouth of Osiris,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

234c. which Horus knotted concerning the backbone. 235a. To say: Thy bone is a harpoon-point by which thou wilt be harpooned. Hearts are checked; the nomads are in the place of the spear, Utterance 232. 235b. they are cast down. That is, the god mn. Utterance 231.

236a. To say: Mti, Mti, Mti, Mti;

236c. Be thou watered (washed), O desert; (let there be) water, not sand. 237a. To say: The serpent which came forth from the earth is fallen; the flame which came forth from Nun is fallen. Utterance 233.

236b. Tiw, his mother, Tiw, his mother; Miti, Miti.

237b. Fall; glide away. Utterance 234.

238b. Give away before the serpent who is provided with her two heads. 239a. To say: Kwtiw, Imw, Imw. Utterance 235.

238a. To say: A face is upon thee; thou who art on thy belly. Descend on thy backbone, thou who art in thy nw.t-bush.

239b. Thou hast raped the two keepers of the stone door-jamb of It-tii-i-i.


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241a. To say: Spittle, which is not dried up (in dust?), (which has not) disappeared (flown) into the house of his mother, Utterance 238. 241b. serpent (beast), lie down.

Utterance 237.

240. To say: Kbbhititibiti , son of ifg.t, that is thy name.

Utterance 236.

242a. To say: The bread of thy father belongs to thee, Iki-nhii;

242b. thine own bread belongs to thy father and to thee, Ik(i)-nhii.

242c. jewelry, oil, i-tw, that is thine ox, the renowned, for whose deed this is being done. 243a. To say: The white crown is gone forth; she has devoured the Great. Utterance 239.

243b. The tongue of the white crown has devoured the Great, yet the tongue was not seen. 244a. To say: The uraeus-serpent belongs to heaven; the centipede of Horus, belongs in the earth. Utterance 240.

244c. while N. knows not him who is not known.

244b. Horus was an ox-herd when he trod on (things). N. treads upon the walk (gliding-place) of Horus, 245a. A face is, upon thee, thou who art in his (thy) nw.t-bush; mayest thou be lain on thy back, thou who art in his (thy) hole.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

245b. Meat-cooker of Horus, escape into the earth. O let the beast, O desert, glide away. 246a. To say: "Spitting of the wall"; "Vomiting of the brick," Utterance 241.

246b. that which comes out of thy mouth is thrown back against thyself. Utterance 242.

247a. To say: Extinguished is the flame. The flame-serpent is not found in the house of him who possesses Ombos. 247b. It is a serpent, which will bite, which has slipped back into the house of him whom it will bite, that it may remain in it. Utterance 243.

248a. To say: Two t-sceptres and two t-sceptres are for both dmcords, (to say) twice, as bread which is withheld from thee. 248b. Art thou then really here, art thou then really there? O slave, go away.


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Utterance 244.

249a. To say: O Osiris N., this here is the [hard] eye of Horus.

249b. Take it to thee that thou mayest be strong, (and) that he (Set) may fear thee. Utterance 245. Rubric. Breaking of two red jars.

250b. He has thrown his father to the ground; he has left Horus behind him. 250c. His two wings are grown as (those of) a falcon; (his) two feathers as (those of) a gmw-falcon.

250a. This N. comes to thee Nut; this N. comes to thee Nut.

250d. His ba has brought him (here); his magic power has equipped him. 251a. Thou openest thy place in heaven, among the stars of heaven; 251b. thou art the only star, the companion of w; thou lookest down on Osiris, 251c. as he commands the spirits. Thou standest there far from him. 251d. Thou are not of them; thou shalt not be of them. Utterance 246.

252a. See, how N. stands there among (you), the two horns on him (like) two wild-bulls,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

252b. for thou art the black ram, son of a black sheep. 253a. The blue-eyed Horus comes against you; guard yourselves against the red-eyed Horus, 253c. His messengers go; his runner hastens. 253b. furious in wrath, whose might no one withstands. 252c. born of a white sheep, nursed by four sheep.

253d. They announce to him who lifts up his arm in the East

254a. that this One passes in thee of whom Dwn-n.wi said: "He shall command my (?) fathers, the gods."

254b. The gods are silent before thee; the Ennead lay their hands upon their mouth, 254c. before this One in thee (of whom) Dwn-n.wi said: "He shall command my (?) fathers, the gods."

255a. Stand at the doorway of the horizon; open the double doors of b.w,

255b. that thou mayest stand at their (the gods') head, as Geb at the head of his Ennead-255c. they (the gods) enter, they are smitten with fear; they depart, they lift up their head. 256a. They see thee like Min, chief of the two itr.t-palaces. 256b. He stands, he stands behind thee, thy brother stands behind thee, thy relative (n) stands behind thee. 256c. Thou perishest not; thou art not destroyed. 256d. Thy name remains among men; thy name has its being among the gods.


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257a. To say: Thy son Horus has done (this) for thee.

Utterance 247.

257b. The great tremble when they have seen the sword which is in thy hand, 257c. as thou comest forth from the Dw-t. 258a. Greetings to thee, wise one.

258b. Geb has created thee; the Ennead have engendered thee.

258c. Horus is satisfied with his father, (as) Atum is satisfied with his years. 258d. The gods of the East and West are satisfied with the great (thing) which is come to pass in the embrace of the divine mother (Nut). 259a. N., O. N., (thou) who hast seen; N., O. N., (thou) who hast regarded;

259b. N, O (thou) who hast heard; N., O N., (thou) who hast been there; 260a. N., O N., lift thee up upon thy side, (thou) doer of command; 260b. (thou) who hatest sleep, (thou) who art made tired, stand up, (thou) who art in Ndi.t.

260c. Thy fine bread is made (i.e. offered, cf. CT, I Spell 67, 286b) in Buto; take thy power in Heliopolis.

261a. This Horus commanded to do (this) for his father. The lord of tempest prevented the saliva of Set,

261b. when he (Set) should carry thee. It is he who will carry the one who is (again) complete. Utterance 248.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

262a. To say; N. is great. N. has come forth from between the thighs of the Ennead. 262b. N. was, conceived by Sekhmet, it is smt.t who gave birth to N., 263a. (as) the star with piercing front (glance) and wide of stride, who brings provisions for (his) journey to R every day. 263b. N. has come to his throne, which is higher than (or, over, above) the two protective goddesses of Upper and Lower Egypt; N. appears (or, shines) as a star. 264a. To say: O ye two contestants, announce now to the honourable one in this his name: Utterance 249.

264b. N. is this ss-plant which springs from the earth.

264c. The hand of N. is cleansed by him who has prepared his throne. 265a. N. it is who is at the nose of the powerful Great One. 265b. N. comes out of the Isle of Flame,

265c. (after) he, N., had set truth therein in the place of error.

265d. N. it is who is the guardian of laundry, who protects the uraeusserpents, 265e. in the night of the great flood, which proceeds from the Great. 266a. N. appears as Nefertem, as the flower of the lotus at the nose of R; 266b. as he comes forth from the horizon every day, the gods purify themselves, when they see him. Utterance 250.


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267a. To say: "It is N. who is chief of the kas, who unites the hearts," so says be (or she) who is chief of the wise, the Great One, 267b. "he who is in possession of the divine book, who knows, who is at the right of R."

267c. N. comes to his throne, he is chief of the kas, N. unites the hearts, (so says she) who is chief of the wise, the Great One, 267d. N. comes into being, he who knows, being in possession of the divine book, he who is at the right of R. 268a. O thou who art vindicated by N.,

268b. it is N. who says (is saying) what is in the heart of the Great One (Nut), at the Feast of Red Clothes, 268c. (for) it is N., it is N., who knows, who is at the right of R; 268d. (thus) the heart of the chief of the abyss of Nun is vexed. Utterance 251.

269b. that N. may pass through in the midst of the border guard of hostile mien. 270a. N. is on the way to his throne, (like) one whose places are in front, who is behind the god, with bowed head, 270b. adorned with a sharp (and) strong antelope's horn,

269a. To say: O ye, who are (set) over the hours, who are (go) before R, make (ready) the way for N.,

270d. The driver-away (?) of suffering from the bull, the punisher of those in darkness,

270c. like one in possession of a sharp knife, which cuts the throat.

270e. (is) the strong antelope's horn, which is behind the Great God.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

271a. N. has reduced them to punishment; N. has crushed their head. 271b. The arm of N. will not be resisted in the horizon. Utterance 252.

272a. To say: Lift up your head, ye gods, who are in the Dw.t, 272c. Introduce N. with trembling; adorn N.,

272b. for N. is come. Ye see him (how) he becomes as, a great god. 273a. who has honoured ye all, (as) he commanded mankind (also to do). 273b. N. judges those who live in the midst of the land of R, 273c. as N. speaks to this pure land, wherein he has established his residence, with the judge of the two gods,

274a. N. is mighty in his presence; N. bears the m-sceptre, when he (Thot) would reject N. 274b. N. sits with those who row R. 274c. N. commands the good, and he (Thot) does it, (for) N. is the Great God. 275a. To say: He is pure, who was purified in the Marsh of Reeds. 275c. He is pure, who was purified in the Marsh of Reeds. 275d. This N. is purified in the Marsh of Reeds. 275e. The hand of N. is in the hand of R; Nut takes his arm;

Utterance 253.

275b. R is purified in the Marsh of Reeds.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

275f. Shu lifts him up; Shu lifts him up. 276a. The Great (Uraeus) burns incense to the bull of Nn. Utterance 254.

276b. The heat of a flaming breath is against ye, who surround the chapel.

276c. O Great God, whose name is unknown, an offering is on the place (i.e. in place) for the One-lord. 277a. O lord of the horizon, make place for N. 277b. If thou makest not place for N., N. will put a curse on his father Geb: 277c. The earth will no more speak; Geb will no more be able to defend himself.

278b. The n.t-pelican announces, the pd.ti-pelican comes forth; the Great One arises, 279a. both boundaries-of-the-cultivation shall be united, both riverbanks shall be joined, 279b. roads shall be closed against passengers, 279c. stairs for those who would ascend shall be destroyed. 278c. the (Three) Enneads speak: A dam shall dam up the earth,

278a. Whom N. finds on his way, him he eats for himself bit by bit.

279d. Adjust the cable, traverse the m.t, hit the ball on the meadow of pi. 280a. O, thy fields tremble, O, id-star, at the column of the stars, 280b. when they see the column of Kns.t, the ox (or, bull) of heaven,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

281a. O, be afraid, tremble, ye criminals, before the tempest of heaven; 281b. he opened the earth with that which he knew, on the day he loved to come;

280c. and how the ox-herd is terrified (overwhelmed) at him.

282a. so said, he--he who is rich in arable-land, he who inhabits the Dt.

282b. Behold, she comes to meet thee, the "Beautiful West," to meet thee, 232c. with her beautiful tresses, she says: "He comes whom I have borne,

283a. whose horn shines, the varnished column, the ox (or, bull) of heaven. 283b. Thy figure is, exalted, pass in peace. 284a. I have protected thee, says she, the "Beautiful West," to N. 284b. Go, voyage to the Marsh of Offerings; 284c. bring the oar to ri-.t.f.

285a. So said he who is chief of his department (or, thigh offering). Thou decayest in the earth 285b. as to thy thickness, as to thy girt, as to thy length

285c. (but as spirit) thou seest R in his bonds, thou adorest R in-his freedom (from) his bonds, 285d. through the great protection which is in his red robes. 286b. O ye, his she-monkeys, who cut off heads,

286a. The lord of peace gives to thee his (with W.) arm.


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286c. may N. pass by you in peace, (for) he has attached (again) his, head to his neck, 286d. (for) the neck of N. is on his trunk, in his name of "Headattacher,"

286e. (as) he attached the head of the Apis in it (that is, in his name), the day the bull was caught with a lasso.

287a. Those whom N. has made to eat (they eat of their food); (and) in their drinking, 287b. they drink of their abundance. 287c. O that N. be respected there by those who see him.

288a. The kn-wt.t-serpent is on her dm-sceptre, the sister (?) of N. who holds Shu aloft.

288b. She makes his place wide in Busiris, in Mendes, in the necropolis of Heliopolis; 288c. she erects two standards before the Great Ones; 289a. she digs a pool (?) for N. in the Marsh of Reeds;

289b. she establishes his field in the two Marshes of Offerings. 290a. for his strength is the strength of the eye of Tbi (R), 290b. his might is the might of the eye of Tbi. 290d. who took from him his dinner,

289c. N. judges in the M.t-wr.t-cow between the two wrestlers,

290c. N. has freed himself from those who did this against him, 291a. when it was there, who took his supper from him,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

291b. when it was there, who took the breath from his nose, 291c. who brought to an end the days of his life. 292a. Their hearts fall into his fingers, 291d. N. is mightier than they, appearing upon his shore. 292b. their entrails to the inhabitants of heaven (birds), their blood to the inhabitants of earth (beasts), 292c. their inheritance to the poor, 292d. their houses to fire, their farms to high Nile (inundation). 293a. Let the heart of N. be glad; let the heart of N. be glad! 293b. N. is Unique, the ox (or, bull) of heaven.

295a. To say: The Horizon burns incense to Horus of Nn; provisions for the lords. 295c. the heat of its flaming breath is against you who surrounded the chapel, 295d. the poison of its flaming breath is against you who wear the Great (Lower Egyptian crown). 295b. The horizon burns incense to Horus of Nn,

Utterance 255.

294a-c. Belonging to his throne, what he will take, what he will lift up, is that which his father Shu has given him in the presence of Set.

293c. He has exterminated those who have done this against him, he has destroyed those who are on the earth.

296a. The horizon burns incense to Horus of Nn; provisions for the lords.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

296b. O the ugly, the ugly of form (speech?), the ugly of form,

297a. remove thyself from thy place, lay down on the ground the dignity for N.

297b. If thou removest not thyself from thy place and layest (not) down on the ground thy dignity for N.; 297c. then will N. come, his face like the Great One, lord of the .thelmet, 297d. mighty through that in which he is, injured;

298a. then will he impart heat to his eye, which will surround you, 298b. and will let go a tempest on those who did wrong, 298c. and will let loose an inundation over the Ancients;

299a. then will he strike away the arms of Shu under Nut,

299b. and then will N. put his arm on the wall (protection) on which thou leanest. 300a. The Great (R) stands tip in the interior of his chapel, 300b. and lays down to the ground his dignity for N.,

300c, after N. had taken command (w) and had laid hold of knowledge (i). 301a. To say: N. has inherited Geb; N. has inherited Geb. Utterance 256.

301c. His eye is his might; his protection consists in that which was done to him.

301b. He has inherited Atum; he is upon the throne of Horus, the eldest.


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302a. The heat of the flaming breath of his uraeus-serpent 302c. N. has put his fear in their heart, 303a. The gods saw (it) disrobed, 302b. is like that of the Rnn-wt.t-serpent on his forehead.

302d. in making a massacre among them. 303b. and they bowed themselves before N. in homage (saying): 303d. Hai, let go thy rope." Utterance 257. 303c. "His mother conducts him; his home-town tows him;

304a. To say: There is a clamour in heaven.

304b. "We see a new thing," say the primordial gods. 304c. O Ennead, a Horus is in the rays of the sun. 304d. The lords of form serve him, 304e. the Two Enneads entire serve him,

305a. as he sits in place of the All-lord. N. wins heaven, he cleaves its firmness. 306a. N. rests from life in the West, the dwellers in the D.t following him. 306b. (Then) N. rises renewed in the East, 306c. (and) he who judged the quarrel comes to him with obeisance.

305b. N. is led along the ways of Khepri;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

306d. "Serve N., ye gods, as he who is elder than the Great (R) ";

306e. so says he, "(him) who has made himself mighty in his place." 307a. N. layeth hold on command (w), eternity is brought to him 307b. and knowledge (i) is placed at his feet. Utterance 258. 307c. Shout for joy to N.; be hath won the horizon. 308a. To say: N. is Osiris in a dust-storm.

308b. His abomination is the earth; N. has not entered into Geb,

308c. that he might be destroyed; nor has he slept in his house on earth, 308d. that his bones might be broken. His wounds are effaced: 308e. N. has purified himself with the eye of Horus; his wound is effaced by the two mourners of Osiris;

309a. It is his sister, the lady of P, who wept for him.

308f. N. has let the running (of his wound) flow to the ground at u.

309b. N. is on his way to heaven; N. is on his way to heaven; on the wind; on the wind. 309c. He is not hindered; there is no one by whom he is hindered. 309d. N., he is "on his own," the eldest of the gods. 310a. His bread comes on high with (that of) R; 310b. his offering comes out of Nun. 310c. N. is one who comes again;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

310d. he goes, he comes with R. 311a. N. seizes kas; he frees kas;

310e. His houses are visited by him. 311b. he covers up evil; he abolishes evil.

311c. N. spends the day; he spends, the night, while he appeases the two choppers in Wn.w. 311d. Nothing opposes his foot; nothing restrains his heart. Utterance 259.

312a. To say: N. is Osiris in a dust-storm.

3112b. The abomination of N. is the earth; he has, not entered into Geb, 312c. that N. might perish; nor has he slept in his house on earth, 312e. N. has purified himself with the eye of Horus; his wound is effaced by the two mourners of Osiris; 312d. that the bones of N. might be broken. His wounds are effaced;

313a. It is the sister of N., the lady P, who wept for him.

312f. N. has let the running (of his wound) flow to the ground at u.

313b. The two nurses (or, attendants), who wept for Osiris, wept for him.

313c. N. is on his way to heaven; N. is on his way to heaven, with Shu and R. 313e. N. is upon his feet, the eldest of the gods.

313d. N. is not hindered; there is no one who hinders him.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

313f. N. has no session in the divine court. 314b. his offering comes out of Nun. 314c. N. is one who comes again;

314a. The bread of N. comes on high with (that of) R;

314d. N. goes with R; N. comes with R. 3,4e. His houses are visited by him. 315b. He seizes kas; he frees kas. 3,5a. He covers up evil; he abolishes evil. 315c. N. spends the day; he spends the night; N. frees the two choppers in Wn.w. 315d. Nothing opposes the feet of N.; nothing restrains the heart of N.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Utterance 260.

316a. To say: O Geb, bull of Nut, N. is a Horus, heir of his father. 316b. N. is the goer, the comer, the fourth of these four gods, 316c. who have brought water (and) made themselves clean, who rejoice over the "power" of their fathers.

316d. He desires that he be justified by that which he has done.

317a. Since Tfn and Tefnut have judged N.; since the Two Truths have heard (him); 317b. since Shu has been advocate (tongue); since the Two Truths have given verdict;

317c. he has encompassed the thrones of Geb, he has raised himself to that which he wished. 318a. (So now that) his limbs are united, which were hidden (in the grave),

318b. he unites himself with those who are in Nun. He puts an end to his words in Heliopolis, 319a. N. destroys battle; he punishes revolt. 318c. as N. goes forth on that day in the true form of an .

319b. N. goes forth (as) the protector of truth; he brings her, for she is with him. 319c. Those who were furious, (now) busy themselves for him; those who are in Nun, (now) give life over to him.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

320a. The refuge of N. is in his eye; the protection of N. is in his eye; 320b. the power of N. is in his eye; the strength of N. is in his eye. 321a. O gods of South, North, West, East, respect N., fear him; 321b. he has sat in the t of the two courts.

321c. That uraeus-serpent dnn-wt.t might have burned you, for she attained your heart,

322a. you (they) who might have come to N. as an adversary; come to him (as a friend), come to him. 322b. N. is the dd of his father, the nb of his mother. 323a. The abomination of N. is to walk in darkness, 323b. lest he see those who are upside down.

323c. N. will come forth in this day; he will bring truth with him. 323d. N. will not be delivered up to your flame, O gods. 324a. To say: N. is a heart-beat, son of the heart of Shu, 324c. It is N. who is a flame (moving) before the wind to the ends of heaven and to the end of the earth, Utterance 261.

324b. wide-outstretched, a blinding light.

324d. as soon as the arms of the lightning are emptied of N. 325b. he kisses the red crown, the divinely created. 325a. He travels through Shu and strides through kr;

326a. Those who are in the arbour (heaven?) open for him their arms.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

326b. N. stands on the eastern side of heaven; 326d. N. makes a separation of the tempest. Utterance 262.

326c. (where) there is brought to him that which ascends to heaven.

327a. To say: Disown not N., O god; for thou knowest him and he knows thee. 327b. Disown not N., O god; for he knows thee. 327c. To (thee) it is said: "The transitory."

328a. Disown not N., O R; for thou knowest him and he knows thee. 328b. Disown not N., O R; for he knows thee. 328c. To thee it is said: "The Great (One) is altogether destroyed." 329b. Disown not N., O Thot; for he knows thee. 329c. To thee it is said: "He rests, the solitary."

329a. Disown not N., O Thot; for thou knowest him and he knows thee.

330a. Disown not N., O Horus, the pre-eminent (pointed); for thou knowest him and he knows thee.

330b. Disown not N., O Horus, the pre-eminent (pointed); for he knows thee. 330c. To thee it is said: "The unfortunate." 331a. Disown not N., O thou who art in the D.t; for thou knowest him and he knows thee. 336. Disown not N., O thou who art in the D.t; for he knows thee.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

331c. To thee it is said: "The damaged."

332a. Disown not N., O bull of heaven; for thou knowest him and he knows thee. 332b. Disown not N., O bull of heaven; for he knows thee. 332c. To thee it is said: "This n-star."

333a. Behold, N. comes; behold, N. comes; behold, N. is ascended. 333b. N. is not come of himself. 333c. It is a messenger who is come to him; it is a divine word which will cause him to arise.

334a. N. has passed by his broad-house; the fury of the great sea has avoided him. 334b. His fare is not accepted in the great ship; 334c. the palace of the Great cannot ward him off from the way of the d.w-stars.

335c. He has recognized (his) uraeus-serpent in the boat of the morning sun, it is N. who has bailed it out. 336a. The blessed dead (?) have witnessed to him;

335b. He has seen his uraeus-serpent in the boat of the evening sun; it is N. who has journeyed in it.

335a. Behold, therefore, N. has attained the heights of heaven.

336b. the hail-storm of heaven has taken him away, it (lit. they cause) causes N. to approach to R.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 263.

337a. To say: The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for R, that he may ferry over therewith to the horizon. 337b. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for Harachte that Harachte may ferry over therewith to R.

337c. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for N. that he may ferry over therewith to the horizon, to R.

337d. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for N. that he may ferry over therewith to Harachte, to R. 338b. His b-loin-cloth is on him; his Horus-weapon is on his arm; his sceptre is in his hands. 339a. He makes himself serviceable to those who have passed on. 339b. They bring to him those four spirits, the eldest, the first of the wearers of side-locks, 339c. who stand on the eastern side of the sky and lean upon their dm-sceptres, 340a. that they may speak the good name of N. to R 340b. and proclaim N. to Nb-k.w, 338a. It is good for N. (to be) with his ka; N. lives with his ka.

340c. so that the entrance of N. may be greeted (or protected). The Marshes of Reeds were filled (with water), 340d. so that N. might ferry over the Winding Watercourse. 341a. N. will certainly ferry over to the eastern side of the horizon;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

341b. N. will certainly ferry over to the eastern side of heaven. Utterance 264.

341c. His sister is Sothis; his mother is the Dw.t (morning star). 342a. To say: The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for Horus that he may ferry over therewith to the horizon, to Harachte.

342b. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for N. that he may ferry over therewith to the horizon, to Harachte. 342c. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for sm.ti that he may ferry over therewith to the horizon, to Harachte.

342d. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for N. that he may ferry over therewith to the horizon, to Harachte. 343a. The mn-canal is open; the Winding Watercourse is inundated; 343b. the Marshes of Reeds are filled (with water). 344a. N. will certainly ferry over to yonder eastern side of heaven,

344b. to the place where the gods will give him birth, where he will certainly be born, new and young,

345a. when this hour of the morrow comes--the hour of the fifth -day,

345b. the hour of the sixth day, the hour of the seventh day, the hour of the eighth day. 346a. N. will be summoned by R, he will be given something (to eat) by Nb-k.w, 346b. like Horus, like him of the horizon, 346c. when this hour of the morrow comes, the hour of the third day, the hour of the fourth day.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

347a. When N. stands there like this star which is on the under (side) of the body of the sky; 347b. he judges as a god after he has listened like a prince. 348b. who stand on the dm-sceptres of heaven, 348a. N. calls to them and they bring to him those four gods, 348c. that they may speak the name of N. to R and announce his name to Horus who inhabits the horizon. 349a. He has come to thee; he has come to thee, 349b. that he may be loosed from the bands and unbound from the fastenings. 350b. N. has not died the death;

350a. He (R) has freed N. from Hrti; he has not given him to Osiris. 350c. he has become an w (or, 3) in the horizon; he has become everlasting in the Ddw.t. 351a. To say: The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for R that he may ferry over therewith to the horizon, to Harachte. Utterance 265.

351b. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for Harachte that he may ferry over therewith to the horizon to R. 351c. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for N. himself 351d. that he may ferry over therewith to the horizon, to R, to Harachte. 352b. the Marshes of Reeds are filled (with water).

352a. The mn-canal is open; the Winding Watercourse is inundated;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

353a. N. will certainly ferry over to the eastern side of heaven, 353b. to the place where the gods will be born, 353c. where N. will certainly be born with them, like Horus, like him of the horizon. 354a. N. is justified. 354b. Praise be to N.; praise be to the ka of N.! 355a. Let them be called to N.; 355b. let them be brought to N., those four traffic-guards, the wearers of side-locks, 355c. who stand on their dm-sceptres, on the eastern side of the sky, 356a. that they may speak the name of N., the good, to R, 356b. (and) that they may proclaim the name of N., the good, to Nbk.w. 356c. N. is justified. 356d. Praise be to N.; praise be to the ka of N.!

357a. The sister of N. is Sothis; the mother of N. is the morning star.

357b. N. is that (star) which is with R on the under (side) of the body of the sky. 357c. N. is justified. Utterance 266. 357d. Praise be to N.; praise be to the ka of N.! 358a. To say: The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for R,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

358b. that R may ferry over with them to the horizon, to Harachte. 358c. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for N., 358d. that he may ferry over with them to the horizon, to Harachte. 358f. that Harachte may ferry over with them to the Horizon, to R. 358g. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for N., 358h. that N. may ferry over with them to the horizon, to R. 359b. the Winding Watercourse is inundated. 358e. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for Harachte,

359a. The mn-canal is open; the Marsh of Reeds is filled with water; 360a. N. will certainly ferry over to the horizon, to Harachte. 360b. Let there be brought to N. these four friendly ones, 360c. the traffic-guards, the wearers of side-locks,

360d. who sit on their d'm-sceptres on the eastern side of heaven. 361a. Ye shall say it (namely) the good name of N. to Nb-k.w. 361b. Praise be to N.; praise be to his ka! 361c. N. is justified; the ka of N. is justified by the god.

362a. R has [taken] N. to himself to heaven, on the eastern side of heaven;

363a. The sister of N. is Sothis; [the mother of N. is the morning star];

362b. he is like Horus, of the D.t; he is like that star which radiates heaven.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

363b. [N. sits between] them.

363c. Heaven will never be void of N.; never shall the earth be void of N. 363e. ------------------------, bring this (boat) to N. 363d. By command -----------------------------

363f. he will be your third in Heliopolis (or, as a Heliopolitan). 364a. Thy heart belonged to thee, Osiris; thy legs belonged to thee, Osiris; thine arm(s) belonged to thee, Osiris. Utterance 267.

364b. The heart of N. belongs to himself; his legs belong to himself; his arm(s) belong(s) to himself. 365a. A stairway to heaven shall be laid down for him, that he may ascend to heaven thereon; 365b. he ascends on the smoke (incense) of the great censing. 366a. N. flies, as a goose; he alights as a scarab; 366b. he flies as a goose; he alights as a scarab

366c. upon the empty throne which is in thy boat, O R.

367a. Stand up, remove thyself, thou who knowest not the reedthicket,

367b. that N. may sit in thy place and row (around) in heaven in thy boat, O Re. 368a. N. pushes off from the earth in thy boat, O R; 368b. so when thou goest forth from the horizon, he (N.) has his sceptre in his hand,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

368c. as navigator of thy boat, O R,

369. Thou (N.) mountest up to heaven; thou separatest thyself from the earth, a separation from wife and office (royal-apron). 370a. To say: N. washes himself, R appears, the Great Ennead sparkles; 371a. N. puts humanity off from him as a limb; 371c. Isis nurses him, Nephthys suckles him, 372b. he purifies N. in the lake of the jackal, 370b. the Ombite is high as chief of the itr.t-palace; Utterance 268.

371b. N. seizes the wrr.t-crown from the hand of the Ennead.

372a. Horus takes him by his fingers (to his side), 372c. he makes, the ka of N. clean in the lake of the D.t.

372d. He rubs down the flesh of the ka of N. and his own

372e. with that which is near R in the horizon, that which he (R) took,

373a. when the two lands beamed and when he bared the face of the gods. 373b. He brings the ka of N. and himself to the great palace, 373c. after offices (?) were made for him and the mtt was knotted for him. 374a. N. leads the imperishable stars, 374b. he ferries over to the Marshes of Reeds,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

374c. the inhabitants of the horizon row him, the inhabitants of b.w navigate him.

375a. N. is very capable (mighty), his arms will not desert him; Utterance 269.

375b. N. is very excellent (foremost), his ka comes to him (to his aid). 376a. To say: The fire is laid, the fire shines;

376b. the incense is laid on the fire, the incense shines.

376c. Thy fragrance comes to N., O Incense; the fragrance of N. comes to thee, O Incense.

377a. Your fragrance comes to N., O ye gods; the fragrance of N. comes to you, O ye gods. 377b. May N. be with you, O ye gods; may you be with N., O ye gods. 378a. May N. love you, O ye gods; love him, O ye gods. 377c. May N. live with you, O ye gods; may you live with N., O ye gods. 378b. The p-pellet (of incense) comes, the pd-pellet (of incense) comes, (they) come forth from the thigh (or lap, m3.t) of Horus.

379a. Those who have ascended are come, those who have ascended are come; those who have climbed are come, those who have climbed are come. 379b. Those who lifted themselves up like Shu are come; those who have lifted themselves up like Shu are come. 379c. N. ascends on the hips of Isis; N. climbs up on the hips of Nephthys.

380a. The father of N., Atum, lays hold of the arm of N.; he assigns N.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

380b. to those gods, who are the nimble, the wise, the imperishable stars. 381a. Mother of N., Ipii, 381b. give to N. thy breast,

381c. that N. may pass it over his mouth (taste it),

381d. and that N. may suck thy milk, which is white, light and sweet. 382a. That (yonder) land in which (where) N. goes, Utterance 270. 382b. N. will not thirst in it, N. will not hunger in it for ever. 383a. To say: Awake thou in peace, (thou) whose face is behind him in peace, (thou) who seest behind him in peace, 383b. ferryman of heaven in peace, ferryman of Nut in peace, 383c. ferryman of the gods in peace. 384a. N. comes to thee,

384b. that thou mayest ferry him over in that ferry in which thou ferriest the gods over. 385a. N. comes to his side as a god comes to his side, 385b. he comes to his temple as a god comes to his side,

385c. N. comes to his temple as a god comes to his temple.

386a. There is no accuser of the living who is against N., there is no accuser of the dead who is against N.; 386b. there is no accuser of a goose who is against N., there is no accuser of an ox who is against N.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

387a. If thou dost not ferry N. over, he will spring up 387b. and set himself upon the wing of Thot. Utterance 271. 387c. He it is who will ferry N. over to yonder side. 388a. It is N. who inundated the land after it had come out of the ocean; it is N. who pulled up the papyrus;

388b. it is N. who reconciled the two lands; it is N. who united the two lands;

389a. Mother of N., thou wild-cow, who is upon the herb (-overgrown) hill, who is upon the hill of the ss-bird. 389b. the two dd-pillars are standing, the broken steps are falling down.

388c. it is N. with whom his mother, the great wild-cow, will be united.

390a. N. ascends on the ladder which his father R made for him,

391a. He (Horus) to whom it was signalled (winked): "Guard thyself against him to whom (this) is ordered";

390b. Horus and Set lay hold of the arm of N.; they take him to the D.t.

391b. he (Set) to whom it was ordered: "Guard thyself against him to whom (this) is signalled (winked)."

391c. The face of god is open (revealed) to N.; N. sits (takes his place) upon the great throne at the side of the god.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 272.

392b. N. comes to thee. Cause this (door) to be opened for him. 392c. N., he is small,

392a. To say: O Lofty-one, which is not sharpened, thou Door of Nun,

392d. (yet) N. is chief of the Followers of R; he is not chief of the evil gods (demons). Utterances 273-274. 393a. To say: The sky is overcast, the stars are darkened, 393c. The agitations cease

393b. the bows are agitated, the bones of the earth-gods quake. 394a. after they have seen N. dawning (as) a ba,

394b. as a god, who lives on his fathers and feeds on his mothers. 394c. N. is lord of craftiness, whose name his mother knows not. 395a. The honour of N. is in heaven, his might is in the horizon, 395b. like his father, Atum, who begat him. He has begotten him mightier than he.

396a. The kas of N. are behind him, his maid-servants are under his feet,

396c. the leader-serpent of N. is on his forehead, she who perceives the soul (of the enemy), (as) a diadem, a flame of fire;

396b. his gods are over him, his uraeus-serpents are upon his brow;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

396d. the might of N. is for his protection.

397a. N. is the bull of heaven, who (once) suffered want and decided (lit. gave in his heart) to live on the being of every god,

397b. who ate their entrails (?) when it came (to pass) that their belly was full of magic 397c. from the Isle of Flame. 398a. N. is equipped, he who has incorporated his spirits. 398c. He sits, his side towards Geb (the earth).

398b. N. dawns as the Great One, lord of those with (ready) hands. 399a. It is N. who judges with him whose name is hidden, 399b. (on) this day of slaying the eldest (gods). 399d. who himself prepares his meal. 399c. N. is lord of offerings, who knots the cord, 400a. N. is he who eats men and lives on gods,

401a. It is "Grasper-of-the-top-knot" who is in k.w who lassoes them for N. 401b. It is "The serpent with raised head (dr-tp)" who watches them (the gods) for N., who repels them for him. 401c. It is "He who is upon the willows" who binds them for N. 402a. It is "Khonsu who slaughters the lords (gods)," in that he beheads them for N., 402b. and takes out for him what is in their body.

400b. lords of messengers, who distributes orders.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

402c. He (Khonsu?) is the messenger whom he (N.) sends forth to punish. 403b. cooking for him a meal of them in his evening cooking-pots. 403c. It is N. who eats their magic and swallows their spirits; 404a. their Great Ones are for his morning meal, 404c. their little ones are for his night meal, 404b. their middle-sized ones are for his evening meal, 404d. their old men and old women are for his incense-burning (or, fire). 405a. It is "The Great Ones in the north side of heaven" who lay for him the fire 403a. It is sm.w who cuts them up for N.,

405b. to the kettles containing them, with the thighs of their eldest (as fuel). 406a. The inhabitants of heaven wait on N., 406b. when the hearth was constructed for him with (out of) the legs of their women. 406c. He has completely encircled the two heavens; he has revolved about the two lands. 407b. N. is the hm-falcon, who surpasses the hm-falcons--the great falcon. 407c. Whom he finds on his way, he eats for himself bit by bit.

407a. N. is the great mighty one, who has power over the mighty ones.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

407d. The respect of N. is before (first of) all noble ones, who are in the horizon. 408a. N. is a god older than the eldest. 408b. Thousands serve him; hundreds make offering to him.

408c. A certificate as (of) a mighty, great one is given to him by , father of the gods.

409a. N. has dawned again in heaven; he is crowned with the Upper Egyptian crown as lord of the horizon. 409b. He has smashed the dorsal vertebra; 409c. he has carried off the hearts of the gods; 410b. N. feeds on the lungs of the wise ones;

410a. he has eaten the red crown, he has swallowed the green one; 410c. he is satisfied by living on hearts as well as their magic.

411a. N. is disgusted when he licks the emetics which are in the red crown, 411b. (but) he is delighted when their magic is in his belly. 411'c. The dignities of N. shall not be taken from him, 411d. (for) he has swallowed the intelligence of every god.

412a. The lifetime of N. is eternity, its limit is everlastingness

412b. in this his dignity of "If he wishes he does, if he wishes not he does not," 412c. who is within the boundary of the horizon for ever and ever.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

413a. Behold, their soul (of the gods) is in the belly of N., their spirits are with N., 413b. as his soup la ntr.w, cooked for N. from their bones, 413c. Behold, their soul is, with N., their shadows are taken away from the hand of those to whom they belong. 414a. N. is as that which dawns, which dawns, which endures, which endures. 414b. The doers of evil shall not be able to destroy 414c. the favourite place of N. among the living in this land for ever and ever.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 275.

415a. To say: N. comes to you, ye falcons,

415b. since (?) your houses are barred off for N., 416a. N. opens the double doors (of heaven); N. goes to the boundary of the horizon; 40b. N. laid down the md.t-garment on the ground; Utterance 276. 416c. N. became like the Great One who is in Crocodilopolis. 417a. To say: Thy act is against thee, what thou doest is against thee, 417b. O sksk-serpent, which is in his (thy) hole?, the opponent. Utterance 277. 415c. his mr-garment of ape-skin on his back.

418a. To say: Horus falls because of his eye; the bull (Set) collapses because of his testicles. 418b. Fall, collapse! Utterances 278.

419a. To say: Bbi is arisen, he is against the chief of Letopolis,

419b. whom that spittle protected; this (spittle) protects every one beloved of me. 419c. Thou art loosed, O wfi-serpent. Cause N. to be protected. Utterance 279.


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420a. To say: N., I have trampled the mud of the water-courses. Thot is the protector of N., 420b. when it is dark, when it is dark. Utterance 280.

421b. thy face behind thee; guard thyself against the great door, 422a. To say: Punish the serpent, Kbbhrwbi, Utterance 281.

421a. To say: Doer, doer; passer, passer;

422b. O lion of phti, O lion of ptti, the phti (and) ptti. 422c. Give to me now, rwtwb, meat, now, one pot. 422d. Go, go, serpent, serpent. Utterance 282.

423a. To say: Lo, this foreign country of the mouth of the river, this is thy complaint: 423b. "This foreign country of the mouth of the river belongs to me, the lord of knw."

423c. It is i-tw of knw, this thine ox-god, the renowned, against whom this has been done. 424a. To say: Truly, N. wags his thumb, the left one, against thee. Utterance 283.

424b. He gives a sign with it to Min (with his) thunderbolt. O robber, rob not. Utterance 284.


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425a. To say: He (serpent) whom Atum has bitten has filled the mouth of N., 425b. while he wound himself up (lit. wound a winding). 425c. The centipede was smitten by the householder, the householder was smitten by the centipede. 425d. That lion is inside this lion. Utterance 285. 425e. Two bulls fight inside the ibis. 426a. Thy two drops of poison are on the way to thy two poisonvessels. Spit both out now,

426c. rain, that the serpent may become cowardly and the throat (canal) of my heart may be safe;

426b. for they two are rich in water. O thou who winkest, thou . who art (adorned with) a head-band, O .w,

426d. storm, that the lion may drown himself in water and the throat of the heart of the king (?) may be wide. Utterance 286. 427a. To say: O ye, who gurgle like the young of a "water-pest" (crocodile), tmti, thn.w,

427c. the tiw-ii; the tiw-ii belong to him who has elevated the red crowns. 427d. Hail, we two! Utterance 287.

427b. kbnw, those who glide away! The red crowns (i.e. water-flowers) praise


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428b. Art thou really here, art thou really here? Lion, get away. 429a. To say: Hki-serpent or hkr.t-serpent, go away 429c. Thou shalt not do thy will with N. Get away. Utterance 289. Utterance 288.

428a. To say: Nni, his mother; Nni, his mother.

429b. (with) face on the road. Eye of N., look not at him.

430a. To say: A bull is fallen because of the d-serpent; the dserpent is fallen because of the bull. 430b. Fall, glide away. Utterance 290.

43m. To say: Face falls on face; a knife coloured and black, goes out against it, until it has swallowed that 431b. which it has seized. Utterance 291.

432a. To say: Thine honour is effaced, O white hole, by him who has escaped the fnt-worm.

432b. Thine honour is robbed, O white hole, by him who has escaped the fnt-worm. 433a. To say: Thou art seized, thou, O iknhi-serpent; Utterance 292.

433b. thy neighbour (?) has seized thee, iknhi-serpent.


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Utterance 293.

434a. To say: Back, hidden serpent; hide thyself, 434b. and let N. not see thee. 434c. Back, hidden serpent; hide thyself,

434d. and come not to the place where N. is,

434e. lest he pronounce against thee that name of thine, Nmi son of Nmi.t.

435a. A servant (holy person) as the Ennead's pelican (once) fell into the Nile, (so) flee, flee. 435b. Serpent (beast), lie down. Utterance 294.

436a. To say: N. is Horus who comes forth from the acacia, who comes forth from the acacia, 436b. to whom it was, commanded: "Be thou aware of the lion," he comes forth to whom it was commanded: "Be thou aware of the lion."

437a. N. has come forth from his dni.t-jar, after he had passed the night in his dni.t-jar, 437b. and N. appears in the morning.

43 7c. He has come forth from his dni.t-jar, after he had passed the night in his dni.t-jar, 437d. and N. appears in the morning. Utterance 295.

438a. To say: The mfd.t-lynx springs on the neck of the in-di-fserpent.


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438b. It repeats it on the neck of the serpent with the raised head (drtp). 438c. Who is it who will remain? It is N. who will remain. Utterance 296.

439a. To say: Tt.w-serpent, where to? Thou shalt not go. Stand by N. 439b. N. is Geb. Hmt-serpent, brother of hmt.t-serpent, 439c. should thy father, the dmiw, die? Utterance 297.

440b. it is a violent one which is come upon thee,

440a. The hand of N. which is come upon thee--

440d. She strikes thee in thy face; she scratches thee in thine eyes, 441a. so that thou fallest in thy dung and glidest in thy urine. Utterance 298. 441b. Fall, lie down, glide away, so that thy mother Nut may see thee. 442a. To say: R dawns, his uraeus on his head,

440c. it is the mfd.t-lynx, which is in the house of life.

442b. against this serpent, which is come out of the earth, (and) which is under the fingers of N.

442c. He (N.) cuts off thy head with this knife, which was in the hand of the mfd.t-lynx, [which lives in the house of life]; 443a. he draws, (the teeth) which are upon (in) thy mouth; he saps thy poison


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443b. with those four strings, which were in the service of the sandals of Osiris. 443c. Serpent (beast), lie down; bull, glide away. Utterance, 299.

444a. To say: The uraeus-serpent is for heaven; the centipede of Horus is for the earth. 444b. Horus had a sandal as he advanced (towards) the master of the house, the bull of the hole, 444c. the combat-serpent. N. will not be beaten, 444d. (for) his protective sycamore is the protective sycamore of N., his refuge is the refuge of N. 444e. Whom N. finds in his way, him he eats for himself bit by bit.


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Utterance 300.

445a. To say: O Hrti of Ns.t, ferryman of the Ih.t-boat, made by Khnum, 445b. bring this (boat) to N. N. is Seker of R-t.w. 445c. N. is on the way to the place of Seker, chief of Pdw-.

445d. It is our brother who is bringing this (boat) for these bridgegirderers (?) of the desert. 446a. To say: Thy established-offering is thine, O Niw (Nun) together with Nn.t (Naunet), Utterance 301.

446b. ye two sources of the gods, protecting the gods with their (your) shade.

446d. ye two sources of the gods, protecting the gods with their (your) shade. 447a. Thy established-offering is thine, O Atum together with the two lions, ye double power of the gods, yourselves, who created yourselves,

446c. Thy established-offering is thine, O Amn together with Amnet,

447b. that is, Shu together with Tefnut, (who) created the gods, begat the gods, established the gods. 448a. Say ye to your father (Pta) 448b. that N. has given to you your established-offering, that N. has satisfied you with your due.


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449a. N. knows him, knows his name. Ni is, his name, Ni lord of the year is his name; 449b. he with the warrior's arm, Horus who is over the hd.w of heaven, who causes R to live every day. 450a. He will rebuild N.; he will cause N. to live every day. 450c. N. comes to thee, Horus of the East.

448c. Ye shall (or, should) not hinder N. when he ferries to the horizon to him.

450b. N. comes to thee, Horus of H.t; N. comes to thee, Horus of sm.t; 451a. Behold, N. brings to thee thy great left eye as healer.

451b. Take it, the intact (one), to thyself from N.; its water is in it, being intact; 451c. its blood is in it, being intact; its breath is in it, being intact. 452a. Enter into it; take possession of it, in this thy name of "Sacred 3" (a god), 453a. Put it on thy brow, in this, its name of "choice oil",

452b. that thou mayest approach to it in this thy name of "R"'. 453b. that thou mayest rejoice in it, in this its name of "willow-tree", 454a. that thou mayest sparkle thereby among the gods, in this its name of "that which sparkles", (or, "tnw.t-oil"),

454c. (Then) will the Rnn-wt.t-serpent love thee.

454b. that thou mayest be pleased with it in this its name of "oil of pleasure", (or, "kn.w-oil"). 455a. Stand there, great reed-float, like Wp-w.wt,


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455b. filled with thy splendour, come forth from the horizon,

455c. after thou hast taken possession of the white crown in the water-springs, great and mighty, which are in the south of Libya, 456b. Thou journeyest to thy fields, thou passest through thy kb.twoods, 456d. Thou causest the ka of N. to approach his side, 457a. Purify N., make N. bright 456c. thy nose breathes the fragrance of the smt.t-land. 456a. (like) Sebek, lord of Bh.w.

456e. like as thy Wig (deified) approaches thee.

457b. in this thy jackal-lake, O jackal, where thou purifiest the gods.

457c. Thou art become a soul, thou art become pre-eminent (sharp), (like.) Horus lord of the green-stone--(to say) four times--(like) the two green falcons. 458a. To say: Heaven is serene (?); Sothis lives, for it is N. who lives, the son of Sothis. 458b. The Two Enneads have purified themselves for him 458c. as (in the form of) the mtiw-hook-star, the imperishable. Utterance 302.

458d. The house of N. in heaven will not go under, the throne of N. on earth will never be destroyed. 459a. Men bury themselves (in their grave (?); the gods fly up. 449b. Sothis caused N. to fly to heaven among his brothers the gods.


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449c. Nut, the great, uncovered her arms for N.

460a. The two souls who are at the head of the souls of Heliopolis, who genuflected at sun-rise, 460b. passed the night, while they did this, weeping for the god. 460c. The throne of N. is by thee, O R; he will not give it to anyone else. 461a. N. ascends to heaven, to thee, O R; 461b. the face of N. is as (that of) falcons;

461c. the wings of N. are as (those of) geese;

461d. his claws are as the fangs of the god of the Dw.f-nome. 462b. there is no condemnation of him among the gods in heaven. 462a. There is not a word among men on earth against N.;

462c. N. has removed the word against him; N. has destroyed (it) so as to mount up to heaven. 463a. Wp-w.wt has caused N. to fly to heaven among his brothers, the gods. 463b. N. moved (flapped) his arms like a mn-goose; 463c. N. flaps his wings like a kite. Utterance 303.

463d. He flies who flies, O men; N. also flies away from you. 464a. To say: Gods of the West, gods of the East, gods of the South, gods of the North-464b. these four pure reed-floats, which ye placed for Osiris,


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465a. that he might ferry over to b.w, while his son Horus was at hand (at his fingers),

464c. for his ascension to heaven,

465b. (whom) he reared and whom he caused to dawn as a great god in b.w, 465c. place them for N. 466a. Art thou Horus, son of Osiris? Art thou, O N., the god, the eldest, son of Hathor? 466b. Art thou the seed of Geb? 467a. Osiris has ordained that N. dawn as a second Horus.

467b. Those four souls (spirits), who are in Heliopolis, have written it 467c. in the register of the two Great Gods who are in b.w. Utterance 304.

468a. To say: Greetings to thee, O daughter of Anubis, who is at the windows, of heaven, 468c. Open the way for N., that N. may pass.

468b. thou friend of Thot, who is at the double rail (end) of the ladder. 469a. Greetings to thee, O ostrich, who is on the shore of the Winding Watercourse. 469b. Open the way for N., that N. may pass. 470a. Greetings to thee, O ox of R, with four horns,

470b. thy horn in the West, thy horn in the East, thy horn in the South, thy horn in the North.


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470c. Incline thy western horn for N., that N. may pass.

47m. Art thou a pure westerner? I come from the falcon city.

471b. Greetings to thee, O Marsh of my Offerings (or, O Marsh of my Peace);

471c. greetings to the honourable ones (dead?) who are in thee. N. will honour those who are there. 471d. Comfortable are the pure who are in me. Utterance 305.

472a. To say: The ladder is fastened by R in the presence of Osiris; 472b. the ladder is fastened by Horus in the presence of his father Osiris, 472c. as he goes to his (spirit).

472d. One of them is on this side, one of them is on this side, while N. is between them. 473a. Art thou then a god, pure in dwellings (places)? (I am) come from a pure (place). 473b. Stand (here), O N., says Horus; sit (here), O N., says Set; 473c. Take his arm (certificate), says R.

474a. The spirit belongs to heaven; the body belongs to the earth. 474b. That which men receive when they are buried 474c. are their thousand loaves of bread, their thousand mugs of beer from the offering-table of nti-imnti.w. 475a. If the heir is poor because he has no testament,


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475b. then shall N. (really, "he") write with his great finger; 475c. but he shall not write with his little finger, Utterance 306.

476b. "'the ascension of this god to heaven, the ascension of N. to heaven, 477a. his renown over him, his terror on both sides of him, 477b. his magic preceding him!" 477c. Geb has done for him as was done for himself; (and)

476a. To say: "How beautiful indeed is the sight, how pleasant indeed is the view," say they, say the gods,

478a. the gods, the Souls of Buto come to him, (and) the gods, the Souls of Hierakonpolis, the gods who are in heaven, the gods who are on the earth; 478b. they make for thee (they serve thee as), N., supports of their arms,

479a. and thou ascendest, N., to heaven, and thou climbest on it in this its name of "ladder." 479b. "Let heaven be given to N.; let the earth be given to him," said Atum. 480a. He who had spoken (with Atum) about it was Geb.

480b. The regions of the kingdom, the kingdom of Horus, the kingdom of Set, (and) 480c. the Marshes of Reeds, they adore thee 480d. in this thy name of Dw.m, as Sopdu, (who lives) under his kb.ttrees.


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481a. Has he killed thee after his heart had said that thou shouldst die for him? 481b. But, behold, thou for thy part become in spite of him as the remaining bull of the wild-bulls.

481c. There remains, there remains the remaining bull,

481d. (so) thou art remaining, O N., as their chief, as chief of the spirits, eternally. 482a. To say: A Heliopolitan is in N., O god; a Heliopolitan as thou (art) is in N. O god; 482b. a Heliopolitan is in N., O R; a Heliopolitan as thou (art) is in N. O R. 482c. The mother of N. is a Heliopolitan; the father of N. is a Heliopolitan. Utterance 307.

483a. N. himself is a Heliopolitan, who was born in Heliopolis, 483c. (as) one without an equal, the heir of his father Geb. 484a. Any god who puts out his arm (menacingly), 484b. when the face of N. turns to thee to adore thee,

483b. when R ruled the Two Enneads, (when) Nefertem ruled men,

484c. (and) when N. calls to thee on behalf of his person, O god, on behalf of his nose, O god, 484d. he shall have no bread, he shall have no cake among his brothers, the gods;

485a. he shall send no message, he shall not cover in heat among his brothers, the gods;


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485b. the double doors of the mkt.t-boat shall not be opened for him, the double doors of the mnd.t-boat shall not be opened for him; 485c. his speech shall not be judged as (that of one) in his city; the double doors of the destroyer ("Hell") shall not be open (again) for him. 486a. N. comes to thee.

486b. N. is the wild-bull of the highlands, the bull with the large head, which comes from Heliopolis. 486c. N., wild-bull of the highlands, comes to thee.

486d. Henceforth N. is he who has given birth to thee and who gives birth to thee. 487a. To say: Greetings to thee, O Horus, in the regions of Horus; 487b. greetings to thee, O Set, in the regions of Set; 487c. greetings to thee, O Ir.w, in the Marshes of Reeds; Utterance 308.

488a. greetings to you, ye two harmonius (goddesses), daughters of the four gods, who dwell in the great palace (Heliopolis), 488b. ye who are come forth at the voice of N., naked. 489a. N. has looked to you, as Horus looked to Isis;

489b. N. has looked to you, as the Nb.w-k.w (serpent) looked to r.ttw; 489c. N. has looked to you, as Sebek looked to Neit; 489d. N. has looked to you, as Set looked to the two harmonius (goddesses).


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Utterance 309.

490a. To say: N. is the d.i of the gods, who is behind the house of R, 490b. born of the wish of the gods, which is in the prow of the boat of R. 490c. N. sits before him; 491a. N. opens his boxes; N. breaks open his edicts; 491b. N. seals his rolls (of papyrus); 491c. N. sends forth his messengers, the indefatigables. 491d. N. does, that which he (R) says to N. Utterance 310.

492a. To say: If N. should be bewitched, so will Atum be bewitched. 492b. If N. should be slandered, so will Atum be slandered. 492c. If N. should be beaten, so will Atum be beaten.

492d. If N. should be hindered on this road, so will Atum be hindered. 493a. N, is Horus. N. comes after his father (in time); N. comes after Osiris. 493b. O thou, whose face is before him, whose face is behind him, 494b. Bring to N. that which flies up and alights. Utterance 311. 494a. bring this (boat) to N. Which boat shall I bring to thee, O N.?

495a. To say: Look at N., O R; recognize N., O R.


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495b. He belongs to those who know thee. He knows (that)

495c. when his lord (R) goes forth, he should not forget the tp-di,

496a. so that she "who excludes whom she will exclude" may open the doors of the horizon for the going forth of the boat of the morning-sun. 496b. (N.) knows the hall of the royal throne, which is in the midst of the platform of iskn, whence thou goest forth,

497a. that thou mayest enter (step down into) the boat of the eveningsun. 497b. Commend N.; commend him, commend him--to say four times one after another--to those four raging ones (winds), 497c. who are around thee (R) who see with two faces, who speak with two mouths (?), 498a. who are evil with those who are unfortunate, with those who would destroy them (the winds?),

498b. that they put not out their arm, when N. turns to thee, when N. comes to thee, 499a. as one who says to thee this thy name of "great flood," which proceeds from the great (one). 499b. N. will not be blind when thou leavest him in darkness; 499c. he will not be deaf when he does not hear thy voice. 500a. Mayest thou take N. with thee, with thee;

500b. he who drives away the storm for thee; be who chases off the clouds for thee; he who breaks up the hail for thee. 500c, N. will do homage (upon) homage to thee; he will cause acclamation (upon) acclamation to thee.

500d. Mayest thou set N. over dt3.t.


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Utterance 312.

502a. To say: The phallus of B-bii is drawn; the double doors of heaven are opened.

Utterance 313.

501. To say: The bread flies, the bread flies to my houses, the houses of the Lower Egyptian crown.

502b. The double doors of heaven are locked; the way goes over the flames under that which the gods create,

503a. which allows each Horus to glide through, in which N. will glide through, in this flame under that which the gods create. 503b. They make a way for N., that N. may pass by it. N. is a Horus. Utterance 314.

504a. To say: Back, thou ox, which shall be killed, on whose horns the fingers of the earth-god shall be. 504b. Fall, glide away. Utterance 315.

505a. It is N., O in-ape, O htt-ape, O ptt-ape.

505c. N. will do homage, the same homage (which ye do); he will sit among you, O ye .tiw. Utterance 316.

505b. The death (?) of N. is upon the desire of N.; the beatitude of N. (has come) on N. (of himself).


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

506a. O mi; O d, N. has not given to you his magic. 506c. Take N. with (you) to heaven.

506b. N. will sit on the side of him who is revered in Heliopolis.


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Utterance 317.

507a. To say: N. is come forth to-day at the head of the inundation of the flood. 507b. N. is a crocodile god, with green feather, with vigilant countenance, with forehead erect;

507c. effervescent, proceeding from leg and tail of the Great (One) who is in splendour. 508a. N. is come to his watercourses, which are in the land of the flood, in M.t-wr.t, 508b. to the places of satisfaction, with green fields, which are in the horizon,

509a. that N. may make green the herbs in both lands of the horizon,

509b. (and) that N. may bring the green to the great eye which is in the midst of the field. 509c. N. takes his throne which is in the horizon; 510a. N. appears as Sebek, son of Neit;

510b. N. eats with his mouth, N. urinates, N. cohabits with his phallus; 510c. N. is lord of semen, which women receive from their husband. 510d. wherever N. wishes, according to the desire of his heart, Utterance 318.


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511a. To say: N. is the nw-serpent, the bull which leadeth, which swallowed its seven uraeus-serpents, 511c. which commands its Seven Enneads who hear the words of the king. 511d. And the mother of N. is nw.t; N. is her son. 512a. N. has come that he may swallow myrrh, 511b. through which came into being its seven neck-vertebrae,

512d. Serve N. who will confer (upon you) your valour. 513a. To say: N. is the bull of the two splendours which are in the middle of his eye. Utterance 319.

512c. N. has taken away your neck, O gods;

512b. that N. may take myrrh, his nostrils (?) being full of myrrh; the finger-nail of N. being full of myrrh.

513c. N. leads the god; N. rules over the Ennead.

513b. The mouth of N. is immune because of a flaming breath, the head of N. because of horns, (as) lord of the South (Haroris of u).

5 1 3d. N. makes the lapis lazuli grow; N. causes the Upper Egyptian twn-plant to sprout. 514a. N. has tied the cords of the mm.t-plant. 514b. N. has united the heavens; N. rules over the lands, the southern and the northern, 514c. (as) the gods who were before. 514d. N. built a divine city, according to its merits.


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514e. N. is the third in his dawning. Utterance 320.

515a. To say: N. has regulated the night; N. has sent the hours on their way. 515b. The powers (stars) dawn; they proclaim N. as B-bii. 515c. N. is that son of her who knew not that

515d. she had borne N., to him of powerful visage, as lord of nights.

516a. Humble (?) yourselves, ye lords; hide yourselves, ye subjects, in the presence of N., 516b. (for) N. is B-bii, lord of night, Utterance 321. 516c. the bull, without whom life would cease.

517a. To say: O Thou-whose-back-is-behind-him, bring to N. the fr.ttp.t, which was upon the back of Osiris, 517b. that N. may ascend to heaven upon it; that N. may do service of courtier to R in heaven. 518a. To say: Heaven is open; earth is open. Utterance 322.

518b. The double doors of t are open to Horus; the double doors of b.wt are open to Set.

518c. Turn thou for him as he who is in his fortress; N. has passed over you (b.wt) as Atum. 518d. N. is ii-tw, who is (lives?) in the midst of the Ng-mountains.


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519a. To say: N. has purified himself with R in the sea of reeds. 519b. Horus dries thy skin, O N.; Thot dries thy feet, O N. 519c. Shu, lift N. up on high; Nut, give thine arm to N. Utterance 324.

Utterance 323.

520a. To say: Greetings to thee, doorkeeper of Horus, who art at the portal of Osiris, 520b. announce now the name of N. there to Horus, 521a. (for) he is come with temple-saliva for this his temple (of the head), 521b. which is painful at the [beginning] of the months, which becomes bald at the beginning of half months.

521c. Wilt thou cool it with the magic, [which thou didst make for the Great One] among the gods, 521d. in his former state, which is come upon him? 522a. Greetings to thee, O hippopotamus, from everlasting.

522c. after he had brandished one of the two m-clubs of Horus against thee and slain thee therewith? 523a. Greetings to thee, [braying] ass.

522b. [Art] thou [come] to N. as hippopotamus from everlasting,

522d. Greetings to thee in his former state, which is come upon him. 523b. Art thou come to N. as a braying ass,


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523c. after he had slain thee with the ----- tail, [which grows] in the sea of Osiris? 524a. Greetings to thee, O Khnum, who was made harmless though he built N. 524b. Thou art his m-plant, which his foot [trod upon], 524c. which cannot straighten up under his toes. Utterance 325.

524d. Thou art one of the two iwn-pillars of the great palace. 525a. To say: The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of b.w are open 525b. for Horus of the gods, at daybreak, 525c. that he may ascend in the Marsh of Reeds and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 526a. The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of b.w are open 526b. for Harachte at daybreak,

526c. that he may ascend in the Marsh of Reeds and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 527a. The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of b.w are open 527b. for Horus of the East at daybreak,

527c. that he may ascend in the Marsh of Reeds and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 528a. The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of b.w are open


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528c. that he may ascend in the Marsh of Reeds, and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 529a. The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of b.w are open 529b. for N. himself at daybreak

528b. for Horus of the sm.t-land at daybreak,

529c. that he may ascend in the Marsh of Reeds and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 530a. N. is clean; he takes his lasting (copper?) bones; 530b. he has stretched out his imperishable limbs, which were (or, are) in the body of his mother Nut. 531a. R, give thine arm to N. 531b. Shu will draw him up to the "Companions of Shu,"

532a. O Hpt, it is grevious for the body of Nut, because of the fury of the divine seed, which shall be in her. 532b. Behold also N.--N. is a divine seed which shall be in her. 533a. Hpt, Hnn, Smnn.w, 533b. N. is purified. He has taken his divine w-vestment, 533d. Hpt, Hnn, Smnn.w,

531c. after he has caused N. to be nourished with the milk of two black cows, the two nurses of the Souls of Heliopolis.

533c. that N. may establish himself there as a god like them.

533e. Take N. away; let him remain with you.


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534a. To say: Collar, beloved of Horus, good-looking, which is on the neck of R. 534b. If thou goest to heaven; so will N. go to heaven. Utterance 327.

Utterance 326.

535a. To say: The messenger of Horus, whom he loves, was N., who has brought back to him his eye. 535b. The messenger of Set, whom he loves, was N., who has brought back to him his testicles.

535c. The messenger of Thot, whom he loves, was N., who has brought back to him his arm. 536a. The Two Enneads tremble for themselves, 536b. for they are the messengers, whom N. loves, who should bring N. to food. 536c. They bring N. to food. Utterance 328.

537a. To say: N. is the exalted, who is in the forefront, who lifts up the brow; 537b. the star before which the gods bow, before which the Two Enneads tremble. 537c. It is the hand of N. which will lift him (N.) up. Utterance 329.

538a. N. is the exalted, who is in the forefront; who lifts up the brow;


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538b. the star before which the gods bow, before which the Two Enneads tremble. 538c. The face of N. is the face which sees his elevation. 538d. N. is a nose which breathes. Utterance 330.

539a. To say: N. ascends to heaven on (or, above, or, through) the dd, which was at the separation, 539b. after its (the heaven's) sole (of the foot) was seized by the upreached hand. Utterance 331. 540a. To say: N. ascends to heaven on the dd, which was at the separation, 540b. after its sole (of the foot) was seized. 540c. N. is a nose which breathes; Utterance 332.

540d. the face of N. is the face which sees his elevation. 541a. To say: this N. is he who comes forth from the mn-jar.

541b. N. has ascended as his warm breath and has returned.

541c. N. has gone, O heaven, O heaven; N. has returned, O earth, O earth. 541e. he treads (again) upon the paths of Nut. Utterance 333.

541d. N. has walked upon the green d-herb under the feet of Geb;


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542a. To say: N. purified himself upon that appearing (-mound) of the earth, on which R purified himself; 542b. he placed a b-ib-stand and he set up the ladder. Utterance 334. 542c. Those who are in the great (heaven), they will take the arm of N. 543a. To say: Greetings to thee, O R, traverser of heaven, voyager through Nut. 543b. Thou hast traversed the Winding Watercourse. 543c. N. has grasped thy tail; as to N., he is indeed a god, the son of a god. 544a. N. is a flower, which comes out of the ka, 544b. a golden flower, which comes out of Ntr.w.

544c. N. has traversed Buto; he has voyaged through Knm.wt. 545b. He has voyaged through Knm.wt as sm.w, who is in his ship of the oil-press. May the god be pleased 545a. N. has traversed Buto as Hrti, ruler of Ns.t.

546a. To say: How beautiful is, the sight of N., adorned with the horns of R, 546b. his apron on him like Hathor, his feather like the feather of a falcon, 546c. when (or, as) he ascends to heaven among his brothers, the gods!

Utterance 335.

545c. that N. live as Ftk.t lives!


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547a. To say: Greeting to thee, ox of the oxen, when thou makest the ascension. 547c. When thou makest the ascension, a Great One is behind thee, a Great One is before thee. 547b. N. seizes thee by thy tail; N. takes thee by thy buttocks.

Utterance 336.

548a. Greetings to thee, Great One among the gods, take N. to thee, he belongs to thee. 548b. Thy heart is whole; as to the parts of the corpse of N., they are young. Utterance 337.

549a. To say: Heaven speaks, the earth quakes on account of thy fear, Osiris, 549b. when thou makest the ascension. 550a. O ye milk-cows there, O ye nurse-cows there,

550b. go around him, weep for him, praise him, lament for him,

550c. when he makes the ascension. He goes forth to heaven among his brothers, the gods.


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Utterance 338.

551 a. To say: Hunger, come not to N., 551c. N. is sated;

551b. go away to Nun, be off (begging) to the gbi-flood. 551d. N. hungers not by reason of that bread of Horus which he has eaten,

551e. which his head-maid made for him, with which he is satisfied, (and) whereby he wins back his (normal) condition. 552a. N. thirsts not by reason of Shu; N. hungers not by reason of Tefnut. 552b. pi, Dw-mw.t.f, b-n.w.f, Im.ti,

552c. they will expel this hunger, which is in the body of N., 552d. and this thirst which is on the lips of N. Utterance 339.

553a. To say: The hunger of N. is from the hand of Shu; the thirst of N. is from the hand of Tefnut. 553b. N. lives on the morning bread, which comes at its (appointed) time. 553d. N. eats, that which Tefnut eats. Utterance 340. 553c. N. lives on that on which Shu lives;


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554b. mayest thou fall back before N., as the east wind falls back before (behind?) the west wind;

554a. N. comes to thee, N;

554c. mayest thou come behind N., as the north wind comes behind the south wind. 554d. To say: Deposit (an offering?). Utterance 341.

555a. To say: The face of Horus is opened by kr; the face of kr is opened by Horus. 555b. Abundance has extended her arm to N.; 555c. The arms of N. have embraced fowling. 555e. N. has eaten with him to-day. Utterance 342.

555d. All which the marsh produces belongs to her son, b.

556b. Come, see thy son.

556a. To say: It is N., O Isis; it is N., O b.t; it is N., O Nephthys.

557c. N. comes; he brings what is desired and what is given. 557b. the basket of N. is of nn.t-plant. Utterance 343.

557a. The handbag of N. is of twn-plant;

556c. He has passed through the nome of Athribis, after he has passed through the (region of the) wrr.t-crown.


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558b. Those with (ready) hands stand to give an offering to N. 559a. To say: Greetings to thee, O Great Flood (gb-wr), Utterance 344.

558a. To say: Bd.t comes; the fire-pan burns.

559c. mayest thou make men and gods favourable to N., that they may give an offering to him. 560a. To say: O Wr-k.f, Utterance 345.

559b. cup-bearer of the gods, leader of men,

560b. cup-bearer of Horus, chief of the dining-pavillion of R, chef of Pta, Utterance 346. 560c. give generously to N.; N. eats as much as thou givest.

561a. To say: Kas are in Buto; kas were in Buto as of old. 561b. Kas will be in Buto; the ka of N. is in Buto, 561c. red as a flame, living as Khepri.

561d. Be cheerful, be cheerful. A meal (fit) for butchers.

562a. It is now thou givest, my lady, love to N., veneration to N.; 562c. in the body of all gods. Utterance 347.

562b. it is now thou givest, my lady, veneration to N., liking to N.,


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563a. To say: The mouth of N. is in incense; the lips of N. are in myrrh. 563b. Descend, O N., from the field of thy ka to the Marsh of Offerings. 563c. of N. is from the nr.t; the meal of N. is like (that of) the divine boat.

564b. O ka of N., bring (food) that N. may eat with thee. 565a. To say: Greeting to thee, O Great Flood, Utterance 348.

564a. The life of N. will be more than that of Rnp.t; the food of N. will be more than (that of) pi (the inundation).

565c. mayest thou make the gods favourable to N., that they may . refresh N., 565d. that they may love N., that they may render N. well. 566a. To say: O Wr-k.f. Utterance 349.

565b. cup-bearer of the gods, leader of men,

566b. cup-bearer of Horus, chief of the dining-pavillion of R, chef of Pta,

566c. give generously to N.; N. eats as much as thou givest, a generous portion of his meat.


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Utterance 350.

567a. To say: O thou who stridest very wide,

567b. as she sows the emerald, the malachite, the turquoise (as) stars, 567c. if thou art green (well), N. will be green, green as living plants (?). 568a. To say: A vulture is become pregnant with N. in the night; Utterance 351.

568b. (he is) on thy horn, O pregnant cow.

568c. If thou art green (well), N. will be green, green as living plants (?). 569a. To say: A vulture has become pregnant with N. in the night; Utterance 352.

569d. (He is) green as living plants (?); N. is green with thee. Utterance 353.

569c. (He is) thy papyrus-sprout, green as the turquoise of stars; thy green papyrus-sprout is N.

569b. (he is) on thy horn, O pregnant cow.

570. To say: N. has come out of Buto, red as fire, living as Khepri. Utterance 354. 571a. To say: An offering of the butcher; an offering of the cupbearer, [iwn-nw.t.f];


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571b. [cup-bearer], bring the water -------------572a. The double doors of heaven open. 572b. O N., 572c. thy head is joined for thee to thy bones; thy bones are joined for thee to thy head. 572d. The double doors of heaven are open for thee; the great bolts are drawn back for thee; Utterance 355.

573a. Thy face is that of a jackal; thy tail is that of a lion;

572e. a brick is drawn out of the great tomb for thee.

573b. thou sittest upon this thy throne; thou commandest the spirits. 573c. Thou comest to me, thou comest to me, thou comest indeed to me, 573d. like (to) Horus after he had avenged his father, Osiris. 574a. I am thine Anubis-priest.

574b. Thou puttest thy hand on the land; thy warrior-arm is over the great region, 574c. wherein thou goest (or, passest through) among the spirits. 574d. Rise, lift up thyself like Osiris. Utterance 356.

575a. To say: O Osiris N., Horus has come that he may seek thee.

575b. He has caused that Thot turn back for thee the Followers of Set,


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575c. and that he bring them to thee all together.

576a. He has made the heart of Set timid. Thou art greater (or, elder) than he; 576b. thou didst come forth (from the womb) before him; thy qualifications are better than his.

577a. Geb has brought to thee thy two sisters, to thy side, Isis and Nephthys. 577b. Horus has caused the gods to unite with thee, 577c. to fraternize with thee in thy name of "He of the two nw.tpalaces,"

576f. Geb has seen thy qualifications; he has put thee in thy place.

577d. but not to reject thee in thy name of "He of the two itr.tpalaces." 578a. He has caused the gods to avenge thee.

578b. Geb has put the sole of his foot on the head of thine enemy, who is afraid of thee. 578d. he has snatched back his eye from him; he has given it to thee, 579a. that thou mayest become glorious thereby, that thou mayest become mighty before the spirits. 578c. Thy son Horus has smitten him;

579b. Horus has caused thee to seize thine enemy, that there should be none escaping among them from thee. 580a. Horus was indeed ingenious in that be recognized in thee his father, in thy name of b-iti-rp.t.

580b. Nut has established thee as god, in spite of Set, in thy name of "god";


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

580c. thy mother Nut has, spread herself over thee in her name of "She of t-p.t." 581a. Horus has seized Set; he has placed him under thee 581b. that be may carry thee and that he may quake under thee like the quaking of the earth, 581c. for thou art more exalted than he, in thy name of "He of the exalted land." 582a. Horus has caused that thou recognize him (Set) in himself without his getting away from thee;

582b. he has caused that thou seize him with thy hand without his escaping from thee. 582c. O Osiris N., Horus has avenged thee;

582d. he has done (it) for his ka in thee, that thou mayest be satisfied in thy name of "Satisfied ka." 583a. To say by Horus: May Geb make an offering to Osiris N., O Osiris N., Utterance 357.

583b. Geb has given to thee thy two eyes that thou mayest be satisfied. Take in thee the two eyes of this Great One. 583c. Geb has caused Horus to give them to thee that thou mayest be satisfied with them. 584a. Isis and Nephthys have seen thee; they have found thee. 584b. Horus has taken care of thee; Horus has caused Isis and Nephthys to protect thee.

584c. They have given thee to Horus that he may be satisfied with thee.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

585a. It is pleasing to Horus (to be) with thee in thy name of "He of the horizon, whence R goes forth," 585b. in thine arms in thy name of "He from within the palace." 585c. Thou hast closed thine arms about him, about him, 585d. so that his bones stretch and he become proud. 586a. O Osiris N., betake thyself to Horus,

586b. approach thyself to him, do not go far from him. 587a. Horus has come, he recognizes thee; 587b. he has smitten (and) bound Set for thee, for thou art his ka.

587c. Horus has made him afraid of thee, for thou art greater than he; 588a. he swims under thee; he carries in thee one greater than he. 588b. His followers have noticed thee how thy strength is greater 588c. so that they dare not resist thee. than his,

589a. Horus comes; he recognizes his father in thee, for thou art young in thy name of "He of the fresh water." 589b. Horus has opened for thee thy mouth. 590a. O Osiris N., be not in distress, groan not.

590b. Geb has brought Horus to thee, that he may count for thee their hearts. 590c. He has brought to thee all the gods together; there is not one among them who escapes him.

591a. Horus has avenged thee; it was not long till he avenged thee.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

591b. Horus has snatched back his eye from Set; he has given it to thee.

591c. This his eye, the sweet one, cause it to stay with thee, reclaim it for thyself. O may it be pleasing to thee. 592a. Isis has taken care of thee. 592b. The heart of Horus is glad because of thee in thy name of "He who is First of the Westerners." 592c. It is Horus who will avenge what Set has done to thee. 593a. To say: N. thou art the eldest (son) of Shu. Utterance 359. Utterance 358.

593b. Thy fetters are loosed by the two lords of Nun. 594a. To say: Horus has moaned because of his eye; Set has moaned because of his testicles. 594b. The eye of Horus sprang up as he fell on yonder side of the Winding Watercourse, 594c. to protect itself against (or, free itself from) Set. 594d. Thot saw it on yonder side of the Winding Watercourse.

594e. The eye of Horus sprang up on yonder side of the Winding Watercourse,

594f. and fell upon the wing of Thot on yonder side of the Winding Watercourse. 595a. O ye gods, ye who ferry over on the wing of Thot


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

595b. to yonder side of the Winding Watercourse, to the eastern side of heaven, 595c. to speak with Set about that eye of Horus, 596a. may N. ferry over with you on the wing of Thot

596b. to yonder side of the Winding Watercourse, to the eastern side of heaven, 596c. that he, N., may speak with Set about that eye of Horus. 597a. Mayest thou awake in peace, thou "face-behind", in peace;

597b. mayest thou awake in peace, thou who art within Nut, in peace, ferryman of the Winding Watercourse. 597c. Speak the name of N. to R; announce N. to R. 598a. N. is on the way to yonder far-off palace of the lords of kas,

598b. where R is adored in the morning in the regions of Horus and in the regions of Set, 598c. as the god of those who are gone to their kas. 599a. R recommends N. to the "face-behind," the ferryman of the Winding Watercourse, 599c. in which he ferries the gods

599b. that he may bring to N. that ferry of the Winding Watercourse, 599d. to yonder side of the Winding Watercourse, to the eastern side of heaven, 600b. to yonder side of the Winding Watercourse, to the eastern side of heaven.

600a. and ferry N.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

600e. N. is in search of the eye of Horus which is injured. 601a. N. is on the way to the numbering of fingers. 601c. Im.ti, p.wi, Dw-mu.t.f, b-n.w.f, 601b. The face of N. is washed by the gods, male as well as female; 601d. at the right side of N., which is Horus, 601f. at the left side of N., which is Set. 602b. N. has found his seat empty, Utterance 360.

601e. w-dndr.w, nti-wd.wi.f, Nephthys, Mnti-n-irti, 602a. N. is known by his seat; his helm remembers him. 602c. in the bottom (hold) of the boat of gold, of R.

603a. To say: O lofty one, which is not sharpened (rubbed, or touched), thou Gate of Nut, 603b. N. is Shu who came forth from Atum. 603c. Nun (Nw), cause this (gate) to be opened for N.;

604b. Pg has recommended N. to Shu,

604a. To say: Nun has recommended N. to Atum. 604c. that he may cause those double doors of heaven to be opened for N., in spite of men,

Utterance 361.

603d. behold, N. comes; he is spiritual (i.e. "soul-like"), he is divine.


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604d. who have no name (or, because they have no name). 604e. Seize N. by his arm; take N. to heaven, 604f. that he die not on earth among men. Utterance 362.

605b. father of N., Atum, in darkness, bring N. to thy side, 606b. as Nun protected these four goddesses, 606c. the day they protected the throne (bed 606d. Isis, Nephthys, Neit, rt-tw. Utterance 363. 607a. To say: Way of Horus,

605a. To say: Father of N., father of N. in darkness,

606a. that he may kindle the light for thee and protect thee,

607b. make ready thy tent for N., make ready thy arms for N. 607c. R comes, ferry N. over to yonder side, 607d. as thou ferriest thy follower over, the wng-plant, which thou lovest.

608a. If thou stretchest out thine arm towards the West, so wilt thou stretch out thine arm to N.; 608b. if thou stretchest out thine arm toward the East, so wilt thou . stretch out thine arm to N., Utterance 364.

608c. as that which thou hast done to the bnti (-ape), thine eldest son.


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609a. To say: O Osiris N., arise.

609b. Horus comes; he reclaims thee from the gods. Horus has loved thee,

609c. he has equipped thee with his eye; Horus has adapted to thee his eye. 610a. Horus has opened for thee thine eye that thou mayest see with it. 610b. The gods have bound to thee thy face; they have loved thee. 610c. Isis and Nephthys have healed thee. 610d. Horus is not far from thee; thou art his ka.

611a. Thy face is gracious unto him; hasten, accept the word of Horus and be satisfied with it. 611b. Hearken unto Horus, it will not be harmful to thee; he has caused the gods to follow thee. 612a. Osiris N., awake. Geb has brought Horus to thee, and he recognizes thee; 612b. Horus has found thee; he rejoices over thee.

613a. Horus has caused the gods to ascend to thee; he has given them to thee that they may illuminate thy face (cheer thee). 613b. Horus has placed thee at the head of the gods; he has caused thee to take the wrr.t-crown, the lady. 64a. Horus has caused thee to live in this thy name of nd.ti. 614b. Horus has given thee his eye, the hard (one);

613c. Horus has accustomed himself to thee; he cannot part from thee.


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614c. (he) has placed it to thee (i.e. in thy hand), that thou mayest be strong, and that all thine enemies may fear thee.

614d. Horus has completely filled thee with his eye, in this its name of "Fullness of god." 615a. Horus has corralled the gods for thee, 615b. so that they cannot get away from thee, from the place where thou hast gone. 615c. Horus has counted the gods for thee, 615d. so that they cannot get away from thee, from the place where thou wast drowned. 616a. Nephthys has assembled for thee all thy limbs, 616c. She has made them well for thee. 616b. in her name of ".t, lady of builders."

616d. Thou art given over to thy mother Nut, in her name of "Grave"; 616e. she has embraced thee, in her name of "Grave"; 616f. thou art brought to her, in her name of Maaba."

617a. Horus has united for thee thy limbs and does not allow thee to be sick;

617b. he has put thee together, so that there is no disorder in thee (or, without anything being disordered in thee). 617c. Horus has set thee up without staggering. 618a. O Osiris N., let thy heart be glad for him (Horus); thy heart is great, thy mouth is opened.

618b. Horus has avenged thee; it was not long till he avenged thee.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

619a. O Osiris N., thou art the mightiest god; there is no god like thee. 619b. Horus has given to thee his children, that they may carry thee; 620a. he has given to thee all gods that they may follow thee and that thou mayest have power over them. 620b. Horus has set thee up, in his name of "nw-boat" 620c. he carries thee, in thy name of "Seker." 621a. Thou livest; thou movest every day;

621b. thou art glorious, in thy name of "Horizon whence R goes forth";

621c. thou art honoured, thou art pre-eminent, thou art a soul, thou art mighty for ever and ever. 622a. To say: Lift thyself up N., hurry, thou great of power; Utterance 365.

622b. sit at the head of the gods and do what Osiris did in the princely house, which is in Heliopolis, 622c. after thou hast received thy dignity. 622d. Thy foot (step) will not be hindered in heaven; thou shalt not be restrained on earth, 623b. they unite with thee. 623a. for thou art verily a spirit, born of Nut, nursed by Nephthys;

623c. Thou shalt stand in thy place, that thou mayest do what thou . wast accustomed to do before. 624a. Thou shalt be spirit more than all spirits.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

624b. Thou goest to Buto; thou findest him there whom thou hast to resist; 624c. thou comest to Hierakonpolis; thou findest him there whom thou hast to resist. 625a. Thou doest what Osiris does, for thou art he who is on his throne,

625c. Thou wilt not be resisted at any place where thou goest;

625b. who stands there (as) this great and mighty spirit, N., bedecked as the great wild-bull.

625d. thy foot will not be hindered at any place where thou desirest (to be). 626a. To say: O Osiris N., stand up, lift thyself up; Utterance 366.

626b. thy mother Nut has brought thee forth; Geb has wiped thy mouth for thee. 626d. they put for thee thine enemy under thee. 626c. The Great Ennead avenge thee;

627b. Lift (him up who is) greater than thou, said they, in thy name of "He of the Great Land Nome." 628a. Thy two sisters Isis and Nephthys come to thee; they heal thee 628b. complete and great, in thy name of "Great Black," 628c. fresh and great, in thy name of "Great Green."

627a. Carry thou (him who is) greater than thou, said they to him, in thy name of "He of the Great Saw Palace."


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

629a. Behold, thou art great and round like the "Great Round";

629b. behold, thou are bent around, and art round like the "Circle which encircles the nb.wt";

629c. behold, thou art round and great like the "Great Circle which sets." 630a. Isis and Nephthys protected thee in Sit, 630b. even their lord in thee, in thy name of "Lord of Sit"; 630c. even their god in thee, in thy name of "God." 631 a. They adore thee, so that thou shalt not (again) withdraw from them, in thy name of "Dw-ntr" (or, "divine Dw");

631b. they take care of thee, so that thou mayest not (again) be angry, in thy name of "Dndr.w-boat." 632a. Thy sister comes to thee, rejoicing for love of thee. 632b. Thou hast placed her on thy phallus,

632c. that thy seed may go into her, (while) it is pointed like Sothis.

632d. Horus the pointed has come forth from thee as Horus who was in Sothis. 633a. Thou art pleased with him, in his name of "Spirit who was in the Dndr.w-boat";

633b. he avenges thee, in his name of "Horus, the son, who avenges his father." Utterance 367. 634a. To say: O Osiris N., Geb has brought Horus to thee that he may avenge thee


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

634b. and bring the hearts of the gods to thee,

634c. that thou mayest not be in need, that thou mayest not groan. 634d. Horus has given his eye to thee, that thou mayest take by it the wrr.t-crown before the gods (i.e. as chief of the gods). 635b. without any disorder in thee (or, without anything being disordered in thee).

635a. Horus has collected thy limbs for thee; he has put thee together,

635c. Thot has seized thine enemy for thee; so that he is beheaded with his followers; 635d. there is not one whom he has spared. Utterance 368.

636a. To say: O Osiris N., this is Horus who is in thine arms; 636b. he will avenge thee. 636c. It is pleasing to him to be again with thee, in thy name of "He of the horizon whence R goes forth." 636d. Thou hast closed thine arms round and round him;, he will not depart from thee. 637a. Horus does not allow thee to be sick; Horus, has placed thine enemy under thy feet, 637b. that thou mayest live. Horus has given his children to thee,

638d. Thy mother Nut has spread herself over thee, in her name of "She of t-p.t";

637c. that they may put themselves under thee, without one of them withdrawing, and that they may carry thee.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

638b. she has caused thee to be as a god, in spite of thee, in thy name of "God", 638c. she protects thee against all evil things, in her name of "Great Sieve" (protectress). 638d. Thou art the greatest among her children.

639a. Geb is satisfied with thee; he has loved thee; he has protected thee;

639b. he has given (back) to thee thy head; he has caused Thot to take care of thee, so that what was against thee ceased. 640a. To say: O Osiris N., stand up. Horus has caused thee to stand up. 640b. Geb has caused Horus to see his father in thee, in thy name of "He of the royal castle." Utterance 369.

641b. Horus has given his eye to thee, that thou mayest see with it. 642a. Horus has placed thine enemy under thee, 642b. that he may carry thee, that thou be not far from him,

641a. Horus has given the gods to thee; he has brought them to thee, so that they may illuminate thy face.

642c. and that thou mayest come (again) in thy (former) state. The gods have bound (again) thy face to thee.

643b. Thine enemy is smitten by the children of Horus; they made his smiting red (bloody); 643c. they have punished him; he is severely punished, so that his smell is evil.

643a. Horus has opened thine eye for thee, that thou mayest see with it, in her (the eye) name of "Opener of the way."


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

644a. Horus has fitted thy mouth to thee; he has adjusted for thee thy mouth to thy bones. 644b. Horus has opened thy mouth for thee; 644c. thy beloved son has re-instated thy two eyes for thee. 644e. in thy name of "Horus chief of his subjects." Utterance 370.

644d. Horus does not permit thy face to be without the power to see,

645a. To say: O Osiris N., Horus has caused the gods to unite with thee, 645b. to fraternize with thee, in thy name of "He of the two nw.tpalaces." 645c. Betake thyself to Horus, repair to him;

645d. withdraw not thyself from him, in thy name of "He of heaven." 646b. he has caused thee to live.

646a. Horus has accustomed himself to thee; he cannot part from thee; 646c. Hasten, accept his word and be satisfied with it. 646d. Hearken to him; it will not be harmful to thee. 647a. He has brought to thee the gods together; there is not one among them who escapes him.

647b. Horus has accustomed himself to his children; thou hast united thyself with those of his body (his children); 647c. they have loved thee. 647d. Horus has done it for his ka in thee, that thou mayest be satisfied, in thy name of "Satisfied ka."


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648a. To say: O Osiris N., Horus has placed thee in the heart of the gods; 648b. he has caused thee to take the white crown, the lady. 648c. Horus has found thee; he rejoices over thee.

Utterance 371.

649a. Horus has caused him to carry thee, in thy name of "Great carried one." 649b. He has delivered thee from thine enemy. 649c. He has avenged thee, as "He who is avenged in his time." 649d. Geb has seen thy character; he has put thee in thy place.

648d. Go forth against thine enemy; thou art greater than he, in thy name of "He of the great house, the itr.t-palace."

650a. Horus has stretched thine enemy under thee; thou art older than he, for thou wast born before him. 650h. Thou art the father of Horus, who begat him, in thy name of "Bird-begetter."

650c. The heart of Horus is glad because of thee, in thy name of "First of the Westerners." Utterances 372. 651a. To say: O Osiris N., awake.

651b. Horus has caused Thot to bring thine enemy to thee; 651d. Sit down upon him.

651c. he has placed thee upon his back, so that he dare not resist thee.


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652a. Mount; sit upon him, so that he may not escape thee. 653a. Horus has loosed the hips (legs) of thine enemies; 653b. Horus has brought them to thee, cut up. 653c. Horus has chased their ka from them.

652b. Dismount, for thou art mightier than he; do thou evil to him.

653d. (So then) thou mayest be powerful by means of that which thy heart will do to them, in thy name of "Powerful over the sea" (as bull god). Utterance 373.

654a. To say: O, O, raise thyself up, N.; 654c. collect thy limbs,

654b. receive thy head, unite thy bones to thee, 654d. shake the earth (dust of the earth) from thy flesh.

655a. Receive thy bread which cannot mould, thy beer which cannot sour. 655b. Thou standest at the doors, which hold people back. 655c. He who is chief of his department (or, thigh offering) comes out to thee, he lays hold of thine arm, 655d. and takes thee to heaven to thy father Geb. 656b. he kisses thee; he embraces thee; 656a. He rejoices at thy approach; he gives his arm to thee; 656c. he places thee at the head of the spirits, the imperishable stars;


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656d. they of secret places adore thee;

656e. the great assemble for thee; the watchers stand before thee. 657a. Barley is threshed for thee; spelt is reaped for thee; 657b. some is offered for the beginning of thy monthly feasts;

657c. some is offered for the beginning of thy half-monthly feasts, 657e. Lift thyself up, N., thou shalt not die. Utterance 374.

657d. as something commanded to thee to be done by thy father Geb.

658b. thy name is announced to Osiris.

658a. To say: Thou art great, N.; thou art ferried over, N.;

658c. Thy foot (step) is great, thy foot is great, that it may traverse the great couch (sky). 658d. Thou art not seized by kr.w (earth-gods); 658e. thou art not rejected by the d.w (planets).

659a. The two doors of heaven are open for thee, that thou mayest go forth through them,

659b. like Horus, like the jackal, on his side (belly), who concealed his forms from his enemies, 659c. thou who hast no father, among men, who conceived thee; 659d. thou who hast no mother, among mankind, who bore thee.


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Utterance 375.

660b. Bring thy message, messenger of Tii; bring thy message while it is fresh, messenger of Tii. 660c. Mayest thou not come against N., son of a Great One, (as) a knife which castrates. Utterance 376.

660a. To say: N. is he whom TW will protect; N. is he whom Tii will deliver.

661b. Brilliant, brilliant; triumphant, triumphant.

661a. To say: The knife which castrates!

661c. Let the seaman cast off his garments (as a sail) for the boat of the sun! 662a. To say: Thou shalt land, in thy name of "Fortress"; Utterance 377.

662b. thou shalt capsize, in thy name of "Igi,"

662d. who lives on the hearts of those gods who are in Heliopolis. 662e. Give way; also, go away. Utterance 378.

662c. for thou art indeed the Hpi.w-serpent, which is on his belly,

663a. To say: The uraeus-serpent belongs to heaven; the centipede of Horus belongs in the earth.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

663b. It is the sandal (or, sole of the foot) of Horus which has trod upon the (dangerous) serpent,

663c. the serpent (dangerous) for Horus, a young child, his finger in his mouth. 664a. N. is also a Horus, a little child, his finger in his mouth. 664c. be wise for N., so will he not tread upon thee, 664b. If it is dangerous for N., he will tread upon thee (serpent); 665a. for thou art indeed the mysterious, the hidden, as the gods call thee, 665b. because thou hast no legs, because thou hast no arms, 665c. with which thou mayest go in the following of thy brothers, thy gods. 666a. O ye both who are unlucky, O ye both who are unlucky; O ye both who arise, O ye both who arise,

666b. ye who make the mti-knot of the god, protect N. that he may protect you. 667. To say: Thy water is in heaven; thy thousands are on earth; O iii! Utterance 379.

668a. To say: Doer, doer; passer, passer; Utterance 381.

Utterance 380.

668b. thy foot, behind thee; guard thyself against the "great Great,"


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

669a. To say: The great centipede descends after he has charmed the householder; 669b. the householder is charmed by the centipede. Utterance 382.

670a. To say: Ir.w-serpent or ir.t-serpent, go away from N. who is in the dmiw. 670b. Horus circulates behind his eye. Utterance 383. 670c. Reverse-serpent, make ruin (in) the earth (decay (in) the earth). 671a. To say: Tt.w-serpent, tt.w-serpent, where to?, where wilt thou go?

671c. A servant (holy person), who belonged to the Ennead (pelican), (once) fell into this Nile. Thou who art in hpnn, come here. 672a. To say: This hand of N., which is come against thee, Utterance 384.

671b. Stand by N.; he is the dmiw, should thy father, the dmiw, die?

672b. is the hand of tt.t, the great, who is in the "house of life."

672c. He who was seized by her has lived no longer; he who was struck by her has not fastened on his head (again). 672d. Fall, glide away. Utterance 385.

673a. To say: R dawns against thee;


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673b. Horus bends his Nine Bows against this spirit which comes out of the earth, 673c. with severed head and clipped tail. 673d. Dr-serpent, Ddi, son of r.t-tw,

674a. turn around, turn over, that one may forgive (?) thee in respect of him (the dead). 674b. fn.w-serpent, fnn.t-serpent, 675a. pay attention to him, pay attention to the earth, pay attention to thy father Geb.

675b. If thou payest not attention to him, his. branding-iron which is on (over) thy head will pay attention to thee. 676a. Spring up, kr (earth), seize him; Hole-in-the-earth, straighten thy tail. 676b. If N. moves his arm against thee thou shalt die; 676c. if the arm of N. lets thee go thou shalt not live. 677b. Shu stands on thy fetters. 677c. Turn around, turn over. 675c. ri.w-serpent, lie down.

677a. The (my) watercourse is thy watercourse, says Shu.

678a. that thou mayest spit out. Fall, flee, turn over.

677d. The fingers of N. which are upon thee are the fingers of the mfd.t-lynx, who lives in the "house of life," 678b. Horus would have struck thee down, and thou wouldst not be alive;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

678c. Set would have cut thee to pieces, and thou wouldst not rise (again). 679a. To say: N. comes to thee, iwti.w. Utterance 386.

679b. Mayest thou let N. pass by through "the divided opening." 679c. If thou drivest N. back, he will drive thee, back. 679d. Horus fell because of his eye; Set suffered because of his testicles.

679e. Serpent with raised head (dr-tp), who is in the nw.t-bush, fall, glide away. Utterance 387.

680b. Monster (beast), lie down. Utterance 388.

680a. To say: A Great One is fallen: a servant (holy person) who belongs to the Ennead (pelican) is fallen.

681a. To say: Horus is risen; he escaped the combat-serpent. Behold N., 681b. N. is Horus, who escaped the combat-serpent. Hurry; 681c. --(as) no messenger is given to him, (and) his "boy" is taken away from him--(and say): 681d. The serpent, "Fowling-with-the-phallus," Utterance 389. 681e. Horus has smashed its mouth with his foot (or, sole of his foot).


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

682a. To say: A face is upon thee, thou who art in his (thy) hole. 682c. N. is the great mistress (or, damsel). 682d. He whom N. sees will not live;

682b. Lay thee on thy back, thou god, who art in it (the hole), before N.

682f. ri.w-serpent, glide away, thou who art in the nw.t-bush, turn over. 683a. To say: N. is pure, his ka is pure. Utterance 390.

682e. upon whom the face of N. falls, his head will not (again) be attached.

683b. How well is N., how well is N.--the bodily health of Horus! 683c. How well is N., how well is, N.--the bodily health of Set! 683d. The bodily health of N. is (to be) between you.

684a. It is N. who stretched the cord (of a bow) as Horus, who draw the string as Osiris.

684b. It is that one (the dead) who has gone; it is this one (Osiris) who comes (again). 685a. Art thou Horus? A face is upon thee; thou shalt be set on thy head. 685c. This foot of N. [which he has placed upon thee is the] foot of Mfd.t;

685b. Art thou Set? A face is upon thee; thou shalt be laid on thy back.

685d. [that] hand of N., which he has placed upon thee, is the hand of Mfd.t, who lives in the "house of life."


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686a. N. strikes thee in thy face,

686b. so that thy saliva runs away. [He ------- so that] thy cheek ---. Utterance 391. 686c. iw-serpent, lie down; nw-serpent, glide away.

687a. To say twice: On [thy] side! Thou shalt lie down. 687b. Escape, escape; hence, hence -------------687c. [Deliv]er N.; protect N.

687d. Thy message is ready; thy testament is received; that which is before thee is restful. 688. To say: The water of N. is in heaven; the people of N. are on earth. The heart is sad (?) Utterance 392.

689d. S-t-serpent, protect thyself against the earth; s-t-serpent, protect thyself against Geb Utterance 394. 690. To say: A lion is behind a lion because of life. Two bulls are in (inside) the ibis.

669c. ----- his (?) --- the Great escaped from him whom he had charmed.

689b. Thy tail shall be in thy mouth, combat-serpent. Turn thyself . around thy turning, great bull.

689a. To say: Thy protective -sycamore is thy corn; thy corn is thy protective-sycamore.

Utterance 393.


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691a. To say twice: Earth, protect thyself against the earth; s-tserpent, protect thyself against Geb (?).

Utterance 395.

691b. Protect thyself against thy father who begat Osiris; s-t-serpent, protect thyself against Geb Utterance 396. 692a. To say: Tirf-serpent, (there is a) smell of the drawing (of the plough through) the earth. Utterance 397. 692b. To say: Art thou the dmw -----------?

692c. He is effervescent; he is effervescent; Shu, let thy arms be about N. 693a. To say: Hoer, thou who hoest the earth, hoe not the earth. 693b. Protect thyself from the enemy. 693c. N. is conceived of dmw N. is born to dmw. Utterance 399. Utterance 398.

693d. It is dmw who went to his mother with him. 694. To say: Thy water is in heaven; thy people are on earth; O isii-hii! Utterance 400. 695a. To say: The eye of Horus drips on the tuft of the dn.w-plant.

695b. Ye two Horuses who are chief of the houses, great lord of food in Heliopolis,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

695c. mayest thou give bread to N., mayest thou give beer to N.; mayest thou refresh N., 696a. while thou refreshest the dining-table (?) of N., 696c. If N. is hungry, so will the two lions hunger; 696e. Hdnw.t, Hdnw.t, 696d. if N. is thirsty, so will she of el-Kb thirst. 696b. while thou refreshest the slaughtering-bench of N.

696g. thou shalt not bring the smell of thy hdn to N.

696f. bring not the smell of thy hdn to N.;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 401.

697b. N. has seen the great uraeus-serpent; N. has perceived the great uraeus-serpent. 697c. The face of N. is fallen upon the great uraeus-serpent. 697d. w bowed his temples to N.,

697a. To say: N. is come from Buto, red as a flame, living as Khepri.

697e. when N. ferried over his lake, his uraeus-serpent in his following. 698a. To say: The place of N. with Geb is enlarged; Utterance 402.

698c. that N. may promenade in the Marshes of Offering.

698b. the d-star of N. with R will be made high,

698d. N. is the eye of R, which was conceived in the night and born each day. Utterance 403.

699a. To say: O thou whose b-tree becomes green, who is over his field; 699b. O thou flower-opener, who is on his sycamore; 700a. O lord of the green fields, rejoice to-day. 699c. O thou with the green lands, who is over his im-tree;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

700b. N. will henceforth be among you; N. will go forth in your neighbourhood; 700c. N. will live on that on which you live. 701a. O bulls of Atum,

701b. make N. fresh, refresh N. more than the red crown which is upon his head; 701c. more than the inundation which is up to his breast (or, lap, or knee), more than the dates, which are in his fist. 702a. To say: N. juggles about with thee, O juggler--further (to say) four times--he who was over the officials of Buto. Utterance 404.

702c. The green eye-paint of N. consists in the papyrus-umbel of thine eye, which is aflame; 702d. N. is green (fresh) with (or, like) thee. Utterance 405.

702b. N. is greater than the Horus adorned with red, the red crown which was (once) on the head of R.

703a. To say: O R, O w-ti, O w-ti, O pnd.ti, O pnd.ti, 703b. N. is thou, thou art N. 704a. Praise be to N.; praise be to the ka of N.

704b. Cause N. to be well, f or N. causes thee to be well; 704c. cause N. to be well, for N. causes thee to be well.

704d. Cause N. to be refreshed, for N. causes thee to be refreshed.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

705a. N. is that eye of thine which was on the horn of Hathor, 705c. while N. is conceived in the night and born every day. Utterance 406.

705b. which repeats the repeating (successive) years for (or, upon) N.,

706a. To say: Greetings to thee R in thy beauty, in thy beauties, 707a. Mayest thou bring the milk of Isis to N., and the flood of Nephthys, 707c. life, prosperity, health, happiness, 706b. in thy places, in thy two-thirds gold.

707b. the swishing of the lake, the primaeval flood of the ocean, 707d. bread, beer, clothing, food, that N. may live thereof.

708a. May the brewers listen to (come to terms with) him!

708b. As they are long in days (patient at work), as they are satisfied in the nights, 708c. so he (the deceased) takes his place at the table (partakes of his meal), since they are satisfied with their nourishment (contentment). 709a. May N. behold thee when thou goest forth as Thot, 709b. when the course is set for the boat of R, 709c. to his fields which are in the i.w-part of heaven,

709d. and when thou stormest forth as he who is at the head of his icarriers. Utterance 407.


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710a. To say: N. is pure, so that he can receive for himself his pure place which is in heaven. 710b. N. will remain, the beautiful places, of N. will remain. 710c. N. receives for himself his pure place which is in the bow of the boat of R. 711a. And the sailors who row R, 711b. they also will row N.;

711c. and the sailors will take R round about the horizon., 711d. they also will take N. round about the horizon. 712b. N.'s ears are opened for him, 712a. N.'s mouth is opened for him, N.'s nose is opened for him, 712c. that N. may judge words, that he may separate the two contenders,

713a. that he may command words to him who is greater than he.

713b. R purifies N.; R protects N. against the evil which is done against him. 714a. To say: "Born-in-the-night," come ye; N. is born. Utterance 408.

714b. Ye two women, ye who conceived by day, that ye may be patient and bear him who dwells in the egg-city, 715a. since ye have given birth to N., ye must also nourish N. 715b. The heart of N. is glad as he who is chief of the D.t;


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715c. the heart of the gods rejoices over N., as soon as they see N. how rejuvenated he is. 716a. Now the banquet of the sixth day of the month shall be for the breakfast of N.; 716b. the banquet of the seventh day of the month shall be for the supper of N. 716c. Cows shall be slaughtered for N. (at) the wg-feast. 716e. for N. is indeed the bull of Heliopolis. 717a. To say: N. is the bull of the Ennead, Utterance 409.

716d. The desideratum, that which is given of it, that is the gift for N.,

717b. lord of the five meals, three in heaven, two on earth.

718a. The abomination of N. is offal; he rejects urine; 718b. he drinks it not.

717d. which convey this to N. from the nn-house of the god.

717c. It is the boat of the evening sun and the boat of the morning sun,

718c. N. lives on sweet-wood (i.e. sweets), and from fumigations which are in the earth. Utterance 410. 719a. To say: O Busirite, thou dd, he who is in his Grg.w-b.f, 719b. N. is a wrw.t.k; N. will be a wrw.t.k. 719c. N. finds thee, sitting on that fortress of ti,


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719d. in which the gods sit (live), to which the lords of kas are drawn. 719e. Comes -----------------Utterance 411.

720a. -------------------------------Utterance 412.

720b. bring it to N.; put N. [on that side of life and joy]. 721a. To say: The Great One is fallen on his side; 721c. his head is lifted up by R; 722a. Flesh of N., 721b. he who is in Ndi.t stirs;

721d. his abomination is to sleep, he hates to be tired. 722b. rot not, decay not, let not thy smell be bad.

722c. Thy foot shall not pass over, thy step shall not stride through, 723a. Thou shalt tiptoe heaven like (the toe-star); thy soul shall be pointed like Sothis (the pointed-star). 723b. Soul shalt thou be and soul thou art; honoured shalt thou be and honoured thou art. 722d. thou shalt not tread upon the (corpse)-secretion of Osiris.

723c. Thy soul stands there (like a king(?)) among the gods, like Horus who lives in Irw. 724a. Thy dread gets into the heart of the gods,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

724b. like (the dread) of the red crown which is on the head of the king of Lower Egypt, like the white crown which is on the head of the king of Upper Egypt, 724c. like the lock (of hair) which is upon the head of Mnti.w. 724d. Thou layest hold of the hand (lit. arm) of the imperishable stars. 725a. Thy bones will not be destroyed; thy flesh will not sicken, N.; 725b. thy limbs will not be distant from thee, 725c. for thou art as one among the gods.

726a. the mnt.t-woman mourns for thee; the imi-nt-priest robes himself for thee.

725d. Buto ferries up to thee; Hierakonpolis ferries down to thee,

726b. A welcome comes out for thee, O N., on the part of thy father; a welcome comes out for thee on the part of R.

727a. The double doors of heaven are open for thee; the double doors of the d.w-stars are open for thee, 727b. after thou art descended (in the grave) as the jackal of Upper Egypt, 727c. as Anubis on his belly, as Wpi.w who resides in Heliopolis.

728a. The great damsel who lives in Heliopolis has given her arm to thee, 728b. for thou hast no mother among mankind who has borne thee, 728c. for thou hast no father among men who has conceived thee.

729a. Thy mother is the great wild-cow who lives in el-Kb, the white crown, the royal head-dress,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

729b. she with the long feathers, she with the two hanging breasts; 729c. she will nurse thee; she will not wean thee. 730a. Get up (from) on thy left side, sit (put thyself) on thy right side, O N. 730b. Thy places among the gods will remain, while R leans upon thee with his arm; 730c. thy fragrance is as their fragrance; 730d. thy sweetness is as the sweetness of the Two Enneads.

731a. Thou appearest, N., in the royal head-dress (the things of the forehead),

731b. thy hand seizes the Horus-weapon (m), thy fist grasps the dmace, 731c. thou standest, N., as he who is in (or, who is chief of) the two itr.t-palaces, who judges the words of the gods.

732a. Thou belongest to the n.w (-stars), the servants, of R, who are before the morning star. 732b. Thou wilt be born (again) at thy new moons (feasts) like the moon 732c. while R leans upon thee in the horizon, N., 733b. Command thyself until R comes, N.; 733c. purify thyself; ascend to R. Utterance 413. 733a. and the imperishable stars serve (follow) thee.

733d. Heaven will not be empty of thee, N., for ever.


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734a. To say: Raise thyself up, O king. Thy water belongs to thee., thine abundance belongs to thee, 734b. thy milk belongs to thee, which is in the breasts of thy mother, Isis.

734c. The children of Horus raise thee up; the children of him who is in Db.wt-P (Buto), 734d. like Set who is in n.t (Hypselis, or Ombos). 735a. This Great One slept, after he had fallen to sleep. 735c. unite to thee thy bones; shake off thy dust. 736a. Sit thou upon thy firm throne,

735b. Awake, N., raise thyself up, take to thee thy head;

736b. that thou mayest eat the leg of meat, that thou mayest pass the cutlet (over thy mouth), 736c. that thou mayest nourish thyself with thy double-rib piece in heaven among the gods. 737a. To say: O N., Utterance 414.

737b. take thy garment of light, take thy veil upon thee,

737c. clothe thyself with the eye of Horus, which was in Ti.t,

737e. that thou mayest take the wrr.t-crown by means of it among the gods,

737d. that it may gain thy respect among the gods, that it make for thee a sign of recognition among the gods,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

737f. that thou mayest take the wrr.t-crown by means of it with Horus lord of men. 738a. To say: Greetings to thee Ti.t, Utterance 415.

738b. thou wast on the edge of the great nest which united the god with his brother. 738c. Thou wilt be or not be; thou wilt be or not be.

739a. Protect the head of N., that it may not detach itself; 739b. collect the bones of N., that they may not separate. 739c. Mayest thou put the love for N. in the body of every god who will see him. 740. To say: This is a sound garment which Horus has made for his father, Osiris. 741a. To say: A Great One slept on his mother, Nut. 741c. she carried thee to heaven, in her name of "Kite," 741d. the fondling whom she found, her Horus. 741e. Thy Horus is this one, O Isis; mayest thou bring his certificate (lit. arm) to R, to the horizon. Utterance 418. 742a. To say: Greetings to thee, Fine Oil.

Utterance 416.

Utterance 417.

741b. Thy mother Ti.t clothed thee;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

742b. Greetings to thee which was on the brow of Horus, which Horus put on the head (horns) of his father, Osiris. 742c. N. put thee on his head (horns), as Horus put thee on the head (horns) of his father, Osiris. Utterance 419. 743a. To say: Greetings to thee, N., on this thy day,

743b. as thou standest before R, when he ariseth in the east, 743c. adorned with this thy dignity among the spirits. 743d. The arms interlace for thee; the feet agitate for thee; the hands wave for thee. 744a. Isis laid hold of thine arm; she caused thee to enter into the min.w.

744b. The earth is adorned; thy mourners lament.

745a. May Anubis First of the Westerners give an offering:

745b. thy thousands of loaves of bread, thy thousands of mugs of beer, thy thousands of jars of ointment, 745c. thy thousands of alabaster vases (of perfume), thy thousands of garments,

746a. The mn-goose will be beheaded for thee; the trp-goose will be killed for thee.

745d. thy thousands of heads of oxen.

746b. Horus has exterminated the evil which was in N. in his four day (term); 746c. Set has annulled that which he did against N. in his eight day (term).


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

747a. The doors are open for those in secret places. 748a. voyage thou with the spirits.

747b. Stand up, remove thy earth, shake off thy dust, raise thyself up, 748b. Thy wings are those of a falcon; thy brightness is that of a star. 748c. No enemy (?) will bend over N.; 748d. the heart of N. will not be taken; his heart will not be carried off.

749b. N. equips himself with his firm (or, iron, shining) limbs. 749c. N. voyages, over the sky to the Marsh of Reeds; 249d. N. makes his abode in the Marsh of Offerings, Utterance 420.

749a. N. is a great one with an uninjured wrr.t-crown.

749e. among the imperishable stars in the following of Osiris. 750a. To say: O N., be pure, cense thyself for R. 750c. To-day, establish thyself among the gods, to-day. 750b. How beautiful is thy purity to-day!

750d. To-day, establish thyself among those who are in the s-ntr, today. Utterance 421.

751a. To say: N., thou climbest up, thou reachest the radiance.

751b. Thou art the brilliance which is upon the eastern(?)-quarter of the sky.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

752a. To say: O N.,

Utterance 422.

752b. thou art departed that thou mayest become a spirit, that thou mayest become mighty as a god, an enthroned one like Osiris,

753b. since thou hast thy wrr.t-crown on thy head, since thou hast thy misw.t-crown before thee (at hand). 753c. Thy face is before thee, thy homage is before thee;

753a. since thou hast thy soul in thy body, since thou hast thy might behind thee,

754a. the followers of a god are behind thee, the nobles of a god are before thee;

754b. they recite: "A god comes, a god comes, N. comes (who shall be) on the throne of Osiris, 754c. that spirit comes who is in Ndi.t, that power which is in the Thinite nome." 755a. Isis speaks to thee; Nephthys laments for thee.

755b. The spirits come to thee, bowing down; they kiss the earth at thy feet, 756a. Thou ascendest to thy mother Nut; she lays hold of thine arm; 756c. The double doors of heaven are opened for thee, the double doors of b.w are opened for thee. 757a. Thou findest R standing, while he waits for thee. 755c. because the terror of thee, N., is in the cities of i.

756b. she shows thee the way to the horizon, to the place where R is.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

757b. He lays hold of thy hand, he leads thee into the double itr.tpalace of heaven, 757c. he places thee on the throne of Osiris. 758a. O N., the eye of Horus comes to thee, it addresses thee:

758b. "Thy soul which is among the gods comes to thee; thy might which is among the spirits comes to thee. 758c. A son has avenged his father; Horus has avenged Osiris." 758d. Horus has avenged N. on his enemies. 759a. Thou standest, N., avenged, equipped as a god,

759b. endued with the form of Osiris; on the throne of him who is First of the Westerners, 759c. and doest what he was accustomed to do among the spirits, the imperishable stars. 760a. Thy son stands on thy throne endued with thy form; 760b. he does what thou wast accustomed to do formerly at the head of the living 760c. by the command of R, the Great God. 761. He tills barley, he tills spelt, that he may present thee therewith. 762a. O N., all life and health are given to thee, eternity is thine, saith R to thee,

762b. that thou thyself mayest speak after thou hast taken the form of a god,

762c. wherewith thou shalt be great among the gods who are over the lake (nti.w-).


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

763a. O N., thy soul. stands among the gods, among the spirits, 763b. it is thus that thy fear is in their hearts. 763c. O N., N. stands upon thy throne at the head of the living, 763d. it is thus that thy terror is in their hearts. 764a. Thy name which is upon the earth lives; thy name which is upon the earth endures; 764b. thou wilt not perish; thou wilt not pass, away for ever and ever. 765a. To say: O Osiris N., take to thyself this thy libation, which is offered to thee by Horus, Utterance 423.

765b. in thy name of "He who is come from the cataract"; take to thyself thy natron that thou mayest be divine.

765c. Thy mother Nut has made thee to be as a god to thine enemy (or, in spite of thee), in thy name of "God." 766a. Take to thyself the efflux which goes forth from thee. 766b. Horus has made me assemble for thee the gods from every place to which thou hast gone. 766c. Take to thyself the efflux which goes forth from thee. 766d. Horus has made me count for thee his children even to the place where thou wast drowned. 767a. r-rnp.wi recognizes thee, for thou art made young again, ill this thy name of "Fresh water."

767b. Horus is indeed a soul, for he recognizes his father in thee, in his name of "r-b-iti-rp.t."


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

768a. To say: O N., this thy going, these thy goings;

Utterance 424.

768b. is that going of Horus, by this his going, by these his goings, 769a. as his runners hastened, so his envoys rushed on behind, 769b. so that they might announce him to him who lifts up the arm in the East. 769c. Rejoice, N., 769d. thine arms are like those of Wpi.w, thy face like that of Wp-wwt. 770a. O N., may the king make an offering, 770b. that thou mayest occupy thy Horite regions, that thou mayest pass through thy Setite regions. 770c. Thou sittest on thy firm throne, 770d. thou directest their words to him who is at the head of the Great Ennead, who are in Heliopolis. 771a. O N., Mnti-n-irti protects thee, 771b. thy herdsman, who is behind thy calves. 772a. O N., know

771c. O N., r--- protects thee against the spirits. 772b. that thou shalt take for thyself this thy divine offering, that thou mayest be satisfied with it every day:

773a. thousands of loaves of bread, thousands of mugs of beer, thousands of heads of oxen, thousands of geese,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

773b. thousands of all sweet things, thousands of all textures.

7 74a. O N., thy water belongs to thee, thy abundance belongs to thee,

774b. thy natron belongs to thee, (all) which is brought to thee by thy brother, N. 775a. To say: Osiris N., thou art avenged; I have given all gods to thee, 775b. together with their inheritance, together with their food, 775c. together with all their things. Thou shalt not die. Utterance 426. Utterance 425.

776a. To say: Osiris N., thou hast dawned as king of Upper and Lower Egypt, 776b. for thou hast gained power over the gods together with their kas (attributes).


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 427.

777b. hide him from Set; protect him, Nut.

777a. To say: Nut, spread thyself over thy son, Osiris N.;

777c. Thou art come, that thou mayest protect (lit. hide) thy son; come now, protect this Great One. 778a. To say: Nut, fall upon thy son, Osiris N.; Utterance 428.

778b. protect him, Great Sieve (protectress), this Great One among thy children. 779a. To say by Geb: Nut, thou art become (spiritually) mighty: Utterance 429.

779b. thou wast (already physically) mighty in the womb of thy mother, Tefnut, before thou wast born. Utterance 430. 779c. Protect N. with life and well-being. He shall not die.

780a. To say: Mighty was, thy heart, Utterance 431.

780b. when thou wast in the body of thy mother, in thy name of "Nut". 781a. (To say:) Thou art the daughter, who has gained (physical) power over her mother, who dawned as king of Lower Egypt. 781b. Make N. (spiritually) mighty in thy womb. He shall not die.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

782a. To say: Great lady, who didst become heaven, thou didst become (physically) mighty, 782b. thou art become victorious, thou hast filled every place with thy beauty. 782c. The whole earth lies (lit. is) under thee; thou hast taken possession of it;

Utterance 432.

782d. thou encompassest the earth and all things (therein) in thine arms; Utterance 433. 782e. mayest thou establish this N. in thee as an imperishable star.

783a. To say: I have fertilized thee as Geb, in thy name of "Heaven"; Utterance 434. 783b. I have united to thee the whole earth in every place.

784a. To say: High one over the earth, thou art above thy father Shu, who hast the mastery over him.

784b. He has loved thee in that he has set himself under thee; all things are thine. 785a. Thou hast taken each god to thyself with his boat; 785b. thou hast educated them as "She of a thousand souls,"

785c. so that they will not disappear from thee like stars.

785d. So let not N. leave thee, in thy name of "Far off one" (or, "High one"). Utterance 435.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

786a. To say: I am Nut, "the Granary." I have proclaimed the name of Osiris N., 786b. namely, "Horus, beloved of the two lands, N."; "King of Upper and Lower Egypt, N."; 787a. "heir of Geb, his beloved N.", "beloved of all the gods, N."; 786c. "nb.ti, beloved of the Corporation, N."; "falcon over gold, N. ";

787b. given all life, stability, prosperity, health, joy like R, thou livest for ever.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 436.

788b. the efflux goes forth from the god, the secretion which comes out of Osiris, 788c. so that thy hands may be washed, so that thine ears may be open. 789a. This power is spiritualized by means of its soul. 789b. Wash thyself for thy ka washes itself. Let thy ka be seated, 789c. that it may eat bread with thee, without ceasing eternally. 790a. Thy going is as a successor of Osiris; 790b. thy face is before thee; thine homage is before thee.

788a. To make a libation. To say: Thy water belongs to thee; thine abundance belongs to thee;

791b. for thy feet when they hit thy feast (carry thee to thy feast); 791c. for thy teeth, for thy finger-nails when thy bread is broken.

791a. It is agreeable to thy nose on account of the smell of I.t-wt.t;

792a. Thou ferriest over as the great bull, the pillar (or, column) of the Serpent nome, 792b. to the fields of R which he loves. Utterance 437. 792c. Raise thyself up, N. Thou shalt not die. 793a. To say: Wake up for Horus; stand up against Set;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

793b. raise thyself up as Osiris, like the spirit, son of Geb, his first (born); 794a. before whom the Ennead tremble. The three beginnings (of the divisions of the year) will be celebrated for thee; 793c. and stand up as Anubis, who is on the min-w (-shrine),

794b. thou purifiest thyself on the day of the new-moon, thou dawnest on the first of the month. 794c. The great min.t (-stake) mourns for thee 794d. as for "Him who stands without being tired," who resides in Abydos. 795a. Earth, hear that which the gods have spoken, 795b. what R says as he spiritualizes N.,

795c. that he may receive his spirituality as one at the head of the gods, like Horus, son of Osiris, 795e. while he dignifies him as a god among the watchers of Hierakonpolis. 796a. The earth speaks:

795d. while he gives him his spirituality among the watchers Of Buto,

796b. The double doors of Aker are open for thee; the double doors of Geb are open for thee. 796c. Thou goest forth at the voice of Anubis, while he has spiritualized thee, like Thot,

797a. that thou mayest judge the gods, that thou mayest set a boundary to the Bows, 797b. between the two sceptres, in this thy dignity of spirit, commanded by Anubis.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

798a. If thou goest, Horus, goes; if thou speakest, Set speaks.

798b. Thou approachest the sea (lake); thou advancest to the Thinite nome; 798c. thou passest through Abydos. 799a. A portal is open for thee in heaven, towards the horizon; 799b. the heart of the gods rejoices at thy approach. 799c. They take thee to heaven in thy (capacity as) soul; thou art a soul (mighty) among them. 800a. Thou ascendest to heaven like Horus, who is over the dd of heaven, 800c. as Horus among the spirits, 800b. in this thy dignity issuing from the mouth of R,

800d. whilst thou sittest on thy firm throne. 801a. Thou withdrawest thyself to heaven; 801b. the ways, of the Bows, which lead up to Horus, are made firm for thee; 801c. the heart of Set fraternizes with thee as (with) the Great One of Heliopolis. 802a. Thou hast voyaged over the Winding Watercourse in the north of Nut

802b. as a star, which ferries over the ocean, which is under the body of Nut. 802c. The D.t strikes (takes) thy hand, towards the place of , 803a. after the bull of heaven had given thee his arm.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

803c. The odour of Ddwn is on thee, the Upper Egyptian youth, who is come from Nubia;

803b. Thou nourishest thyself with the food of the gods, with which they nourish themselves.

803d. he gives thee the incense wherewith the gods cense themselves.

804a. The two children (twin?) of the king of Lower Egypt, who are on his head, the possessors of the great (crown), have given birth to thee. 804b. R has called thee out of the iskn of heaven, 804c. as Horus who is chief of his department (or, presides over his thigh-offering) he of tw-t, lord of bw.t (the rebel city), 804d. as the jackal god, nome-governor of the Bows, as Anubis who presides over the pure (holy) land.

805a. He appoints thee as the morning star (god of the morning) in the midst of the Marsh of Reeds, 805b. and thou sittest upon thy throne. 805c. Thy dismembered limbs are collected by the two mighty ones, the crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt, as lord of the Bows.

805d. Thine abundance is in the field of the gods where they nourish themselves. 806a. Thou hast thy spiritualization; thou hast thy messengers; 806b. thou hast thine understanding; thou hast thine earthly servants. 806c. May the king give an offering, may Anubis give an offering (of) thy thousand of the young of antelopes 806d. from the desert, as they come to thee with bowed head.

807a. May the king give an offering, may Anubis give an offering (of) thy thousand loaves of bread, thy thousand mugs of beer,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

807b. thy thousand large loaves, which come from the broad-hall, thy thousand of all sweet things, 807c. thy thousand of oxen, thy thousand of all things which thou eatest, on which thy heart is set. 808b. such as Anubis will do for thee. Utterance 438.

808a. The im-tree serves thee, the nb-tree bows its head to thee,

809a. To say: O, O, I will do it for thee, O, my father,

809b. for thou hast no father among men, thou hast no mother among mankind;

809c. thy father is the great wild bull, thy mother is the young cow (lit. girl, or damsel). 810a. Live a life, and thou shalt certainly not die a death, 810b. like Horus lived, who dwelt in Letopolis,

811b. they give thee water on the beginning of the month and on the beginning of the half-month, 811c. that thou mayest give to the great and lead the small. 811d. Thou hast thy double-rib piece (bti.w) from the slaughteringbench of nti-imn.tiw, 811e. in accordance with thy dignity among the lords of the im. Utterance 439.

811a. The great one of the t.t-sedan-chair-man and the great one of the -sedan-chair-man of nti-imn.tiw,

810c. after the great grave (hole) of Heliopolis was opened for him.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

812a. To say: N. is Satis who has taken possession of both lands, 812b. the burning one who has seized her two lands. 812c. N. has ascended to heaven; 813a. he sits down beside him;

812d. he has found R standing; he approaches him; 813b. R allows him not to throw himself on the ground, 813d. N. is more spiritual than the spirits,

813c. knowing that he (the king) is indeed greater than he (R). 813e. more excellent than the excellent ones;

813f. N. is more enduring than the enduring ones. 814a. N. has triumphed over the lady of the tp.t; 814b. N. has taken his stand with him in the north of the sky;

814c. N. has taken possession of both lands as king of the gods. 815a. To say: If thou desirest to live, Horus, who is in charge of his lifestaff (?) of truth, 815b. then shalt thou not shut the double doors of heaven, then shalt thou not binder (with) its (the heaven's) hindrances, 815c. as soon as thou hast taken the ka of N. to heaven, Utterance 440.

815d. among the august-ones of the god, unto the beloved ones of the god,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

816a. who lean upon their dm-sceptres, who guard the land of Upper Egypt, 816b. who clothe themselves in purple (?), who live on figs, 816c. who drink wine, who anoint themselves with t.t-oil,

816d. that he (the ka) may speak for N. to the Great God, and cause N. to climb up to the Great God. 817a. To say: The earth has been hoed for thee; the wdn.t-offering before thee has been made for thee, 817b. as thou goest on that way whereon the gods go. 818a. Turn thou and see this offering, Utterance 441.

818b. which the king has made for thee, which the First of the Westerners has made for thee, Utterance 442.

818c. as thou goest to those gods in the north, the imperishable stars. 819a. To say: That Great One is certainly fallen on his side; be who is in Ndi.t is thrown down. 819b. Thine arm is seized by R; thy head is lifted up by the Two Enneads. 820a. lord of the wine-cellar at the Wg-feast, 820c. conceived by heaven, born of the Dw.t.

819c. Behold, he is come (again) as ; behold, Osiris is come as . 820b. "good," as his mother said; "heir," as his father said,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

820d. Heaven conceives thee together with S'; 820e. N. is born in the Dw.t together with S'. 821a. He lives who lives at the command of the gods; so wilt thou live. 821b. Thou ascendest with S' on the eastern side of the sky; 822a. Your third is Sothis of the pure places, 821c. thou descendest with S' on the western side of the sky.

822b. she is your leader (or, who will lead you) by the beautiful ways in heaven, 822c. in the Marsh of Reeds.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterances 443.

823a. To say: Nut, two eyes are come forth from thy head.

823e. Thou shalt reclaim N. also for life; he shall not perish. Utterances 444-445.

823d. Nut, thou hast numbered thy children, in thy name of "rp.tsedan-chair of Heliopolis."

823c. thou hast taken possession of Set and his Great-in-charms.

823b. Thou hast taken possession of Horus and his Great-in-charms;

824a. To say: Nut, thou hast dawned as king of Lower Egypt, because thou hast gained power over the gods, 824b. together with their kas, together with their heritage, 824d. Nut, him thou causest to endure, he will live. 824e. Nut, if thou livest, N. will live. Utterance 446. 824c. together with their food, together with all their possessions.

825a. To say: Osiris N., thy mother, Nut, has spread herself over thee, 825b. that she may hide thee from all evil things. 825c. Nut has guarded thee from all evil; 825d. thou art the greatest among her children.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

826a. To say: He is gone who went to his ka; Osiris is gone to his ka; Set is gone to his ka; 826b. Mnti-irti is gone to his ka; thou thyself art gone to thy ka. 827a. O N., he who comes, comes, thou shalt not be in need;

Utterance 447.

827b. thy mother comes, thou shalt not be in need; Nut, thou shalt not be in need;

827c. protectress of the great, thou shalt not be in need; protectress of the fearful, thou shalt not be in need. 828a. She protects thee, she prevents thy need, she gives back thy head to thee; 828b. she collects thy bones for thee; 828c. she brings thy heart into thy body for thee.

829a. Thou art (henceforth?) chief of those who were before thee; 829b. thou commandest those who will be after thee. 829c. Thou causest thy house to prosper after thee; thou protectest thy children from sorrow.

829d. Thy purity is the purity of the gods, who have gone to their kas; 829e. thy purity is the purity of the gods who have passed on, and so do not suffer hardship. Utterance 448.

830a. To say: Thot, heal N., that he may live,

830b. that what is against him may cease. Thot, give him the eye of Horus.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

831. To say: Horus, who art in Osiris N., take the eye of Horus to thyself. 832a. To say: He is gone, who went to his ka; Osiris is gone to his ka; Set is gone to his ka; 833a. O N., thou art gone, that thou mayest live; thou art gone, that thou mayest not die; Utterance 450.

Utterance 449.

832b. Mnti-irti is gone to his ka; N. is gone to his ka.

833b. thou art gone, that thy spirit may be at the head of the spirits, that thou mayest be powerful at the head of the living; 833c. that thou mayest be mighty (a soul), and thou art mighty (a soul); that thou mayest be honoured, and thou art honoured. 834a. He who comes, comes; thou shalt not be in need.

834b. Thy mother comes to thee, thou shalt not be in need; Nut comes to thee, thou shalt not be in need; 834c. the protectress of the great comes to thee, thou shalt not be in need. 835a. She protects thee, she prevents thy need, she gives back thy head to thee; 835c. she brings thy heart into thy body for thee.

835b. she assembles thy bones for thee, she unites thy limbs for thee; 836a. Thou art (henceforth?) chief of those who were before thee; 836b. thou commandest those who were before thee;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

836c. thou protectest thy children from sorrow. 836d. Thy purity is the purity of the gods, Utterance 451. 836e. the lords of want, who have gone to their kas. 837a. To say: O N., awake, raise thyself up,

837b. stand up, that thou mayest be pure, that thy ka may be pure, 837c. that thy soul may be pure, that thy might may be pure. 838a. Thy mother comes to thee, Nut comes to thee, the great protectress comes to thee; 838b. she purifies thee, N., she protects thee, N., 838c. she prevents thy need. 839a. O N., thou art pure, thy ka is pure,

839b. thy might which is among the spirits is pure, thy soul which is among the gods is pure. 840a. O N., 840b. "Thy bones are united for thee; take to thee thy head," says Geb. 840c. Let him efface the evil which is in thee, N., says Atum. Utterance 452.

841b. Horus purifies thee in b.w.

841a. To say: O N., stand up, that thou mayest be pure, that thy ka may be pure.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

842a. Thy purification is the purification of Shu, thy purification is the purification of Tefnut, 842b. thy purification is the purification of the four spirits of the houses, 842 C. when they rejoice in Buto because thou art pure.

842d. Thy mother Nut purifies thee, the great protectress, she protects thee. 843a. "Take to thee thy head; thy bones are united for thee," says Geb. 843b. "Effaced be the evil which is with N., destroyed shall be the evil which is with him," says Atum.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 453.

844a. To say: O N., stand up,

844b. put on thee the eye of Horus, take it to thyself,

844c. that it may stick to thee, that it may stick to thy flesh,

845b. that thou mayest take the great wrr.t-crown among the Great Ennead of Heliopolis. 846a. O N., live, 846b. for the eye of Horus is brought to thee; it will not depart from thee for ever and ever. 847a. To say: Osiris N., thou hast encircled every god in thine arms, Utterance 454.

845a. that thou mayest go out in it, and that the gods may see thee adorned with it,

847b. their lands, all their possessions.

848a. To say: The watercourses are full, the canals are inundated

Utterance 455.

847c. Osiris N., thou art great, thou art bent around like the circle which encircles the nb.wt.

848b. on account of the purification (which) comes forth from Osiris.

848c. Sm-priest, hereditary-prince, ye ten great ones of the palace, ye ten great ones of Heliopolis,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

849a. Great Ennead, be seated,

849b. behold this purification of the king, this Osiris N.,

849c. who is being purified by smn (-natron) and by bd (-natron),

850a. the spittle which went out of the mouth of Horus, the sputum which went out of the mouth of Set, 850b. whereby Horus was purified, 850c. whereby the evil, which was in him, was poured to the ground, after Set had done (it) to him, 850d. whereby Set was purified, 850e. (whereby) the evil, which was in him, was poured to the ground, after Horus had done (it) to him. 851a. N. is thereby purified, and the evil which was in him is poured to the ground, 851b. which Nwtknw has done to thee, together with thy spirits. Utterance 456.

852a. To say: Greetings to thee, Great One, son of a Great One! 852b. The w of the pri-wr run for thee; 852c. the pri-nsr work for thee;

852d. the apertures of the (heavenly) windows are open for thee; 852e. the steps of light are revealed for thee. 853a. Greetings to thee, sole one, of whom it is said, he will live always!

853b. Horus comes, he with the long stride comes;


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853c. he comes, he who wins power over the horizon, who wins power over the gods. 854a. Greetings to thee, soul, who is in his red blood, 854b. sole one, as his father named him, wise one, as the gods called him,

854c. who took his place, as the sky was separated (from the earth), at the place where thy heart was satisfied, 854d. that thou mayest stride over the sky according to thy stride, 854e. that thou mayest traverse Lower and Upper Egypt in the midst of that which thou stridest! 855a. He who really knows it--this saying of R, 855c. he shall be indeed an intimate of R, 855d. he shall be a friend of Harachte. 856a. N. knows this saying of R; 855b. he who uses them--those charms of Harachte,

856b. N. uses them--these charms of Harachte. 856c. N. shall be an intimate of R, 856d. N. shall be a friend of Harachte. Utterance 497.

856e. The arm of N. will be taken to heaven in the following of R. 857a. To say: The watered fields are satisfied, the canals are inundated 857b. for N. on this day,


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857c. when his spirit is given to him, when his might is given to him.

858a. Raise thyself up, N., take to thyself thy water; gather to thee thy bones. 858b. Stand up upon thy feet; spirit art thou at the head of the spirits. 859a. Raise thyself up for this thy bread, which cannot mould, 859b. for thy beer, which cannot become sour,

859c. by which thou shalt become spiritually mighty, by which thou shalt become pre-eminent, by which thou shalt become physically mighty,

859d. by which thou shalt give thereof to him who was, before thee. O N., thou art glorious and thy successor is glorious. 860a. -------------------------------------Utterance 458.

860b. --------------------------------------

861a. The keeper (min.w) stands up before thee, so that the feast of the new-moon may be celebrated for thee, 861b. so that the feast of the month may be celebrated for thee, so that the feast of the half-month may take place for thee, 861c. so that the feast of the sixth day may be celebrated for thee, so that [the feast of ---- ] may take place [for thee].

862a. -------------------------------------862c. -----------------.

862b. -------------------------------------863a. Arms are given to thee, the dance comes down to thee,


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863b. the great mni.t speaks to thee -------------------863c. ---------------------------------------864a. To say: O N., Utterance 459.

864b. take to thyself this thy pure water, which is come forth out of Elephantin, 864c. thy water from Elephantin, thy natron from Irw, 864d. thy smn (natron) from the Oxyrhynchus nome, thine incense from Nubia. 865a. Thou sittest upon thy firm throne, 865b. thy forepart being as, that of a jackal, thy hinderpart as that of a falcon;

866b. Thou strikest with the b-sceptre, thou directest with the i.tsceptre; 866c. thou commandest the gods; 866d. thou layest hold for thyself of the arm of the imperishable stars. 867a. Thou ascendest in the Thinite nome; thou descendest in the great valley. 867b. Stand up, raise thyself up. Utterance 460.

866a. thy bread is the bread of the god out of the broad-hall (w.thall).

865c. thou consumest the meat of the slaughtering-bench of Osiris and the double-rib piece of the slaughtering-bench of Set;


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868b. thy water, thy cool water-libation is the inundation of the Great One (who) which is come forth from thee. 868c. Now be still, hear it, this word which is said: "N., 869a. he shall be a spirit at the head of the spirits, he shall be mighty at the head of the living, 869b. be shall sit at the side (temple, of the head) of the nti-imnti.w." 869c. Thy two psn-cakes come out of the broad-hall; thy two ribs from the slaughtering-bench of the god.

868a. To say: O N.,

870a. O N., raise thyself up.

871a. To say: O N.,

Utterance 461.

870c. which is come from thy house, which is given to thee.

870b. Receive for thyself this thy fresh bread, this thy fresh beer,

871b. thou ascendest (or, goest forth) as the morning star, and voyagest as the nti (master of the heavenly ocean). 871d. thou commandest the spirits. 871c. Those who are in Nun fear thee;

872c. as for Osiris in his suffering.

872b. the great mni.t smites evil for thee,

872a. Isis laments for thee, Nephthys bemoans thee,

872d. "Nunite," "Nunite," guard thee against the great sea.


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873a. Be seated on this thy firm throne,

873b. that thou mayest command those of secret places.

873c. The double doors of heaven are open for thee, the double doors of b.w are open for thee, 874a. and till the barley and reap the spelt,

873d. that thou mayest ferry over (pull the oar) to the Marsh of Reeds, 874b. that thy livelihood may be secured thereby, like Horus, son of Atum. 875a. To say: O N., thou who wast great in waking and who art great in sleep, 875c. Raise thyself up, N., thou shalt not die. 876a. To say: The double doors of heaven are open for thee, the double doors of b.w are open for thee, 876b. those which hold people back. 876c. The mni.t laments for thee, nmm.wt bemoan thee; Utterance 463. 875b. sweetness is too sweet for thee. Utterance 462.

876d. the imperishable stars stand up for thee. 877b. Thou art great in the Thinite nome;

877a. Thine air is incense, thy north-wind is (incense-) smoke. 877c. thou art the only star, which comes forth in the eastern side of heaven,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

877d. which does not surrender himself to Horus of the D.t. 878a. Further, to say: Thou who art very high among the stars, the imperishable stars, 878b. thou wilt not perish (go down), eternally. Utterance 465. Utterance 464.

879a. To say: O ye gods of the horizon, who (live) at the end of the sky, 879b. as true as ye wish that Atum lives, 879c. that ye anoint yourselves with ointment, that ye clothe yourselves in linen, 879d. that ye receive your offering-cakes, 880a. so shall ye take (lit. to yourselves) the arm of N. 880b. and put him in the Marsh of Offerings, 880c. after ye have caused him to be a spirit among the spirits, 880e. that he may prepare for you a great meal and a great offering. 881a. He voyages over the sky; N. leads those who are in the "settlements" ("colonies"); Utterance 466. 880d. after ye have caused him to be mighty among the gods,

881b. N. takes possession of the wrr.t-crown as Horus, son of Atum. 882a. To say: O N.,

882b. thou art the great star, the companion of ,


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882c. who traverses the sky with , who voyages over the D.t with Osiris. 883a. Thou, N., ascendest on the eastern side of the sky, 883b. renewed in thy time, rejuvenated in thine hour. 883c. Nut has borne thee, N., together with ; 883d. the year has adorned thee together with Osiris.

884a. Arms are given to thee, the dance comes down to thee, a meal is given to thee. 885. O N., sail, arrive, protect thyself against the great sea. Utterance 467. 884b. The great mni.t laments for thee, as for Osiris in his suffering.

886a. To say: O R concerning these things which thou hast said (about it), R, "O that I had a son," as thou wast king, R, 886c. with carrying arms, with wide stride."

886b. "who is (spiritually) mighty, (physically) mighty, honoured, 887a. Behold N., R, N. is thy son;

887b. N. is (spiritually) mighty, N. is honoured, N. is, (physically) mighty; 887c. the arms of N. are carrying, the stride of N. is long. 888a. N. shines in the East like R; 888b. he goes in the West like Khepri.

888c. N. lives on that which Horus, lord of heaven, lives, by the command of Horus, lord of heaven.


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888d. N. purifies R;

889a. N. mounts upon his throne; 889b. N. takes his helm (oar). 889c. N. sails (rows) R, as him who strides over the sky,

889e. the bifork (brother) of gold, the companion of him who strides over the sky. 890a. He flies, who flies; N. also flies away from you, O men. 890b. He belongs not to the earth; N. belongs to heaven. 891b. N. has flown as a cloud to heaven like the heron; 891c. N. has kissed the sky like a falcon; 891a. O thou his city-god, may the ka of N. be at thy fingers.

889d. the d-star of gold, the adornment of the bull of light,

891d. N. has reached the sky as the grasshopper, which makes the sun invisible. 892a. N. has not reviled the king, 892b. he has not respected Bastet.

892c. There is not an ihb.w, which N. has done as chief of the sedanchairmen. 893a. If it is the son of R, for whom he will prepare his place, then will he prepare a place for N.; 893b. if it is the son of R who will be well, then N. will be well, 893c. who will hunger, then N. will hunger.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

894a. To say: A Great One is awake beside his ka, after this Great One had fallen asleep by his ka; 894c. this Great One is awake; N. is awake; 895a. O N., raise thyself up, stand up.

Utterance 468.

894b. N. is awake beside his ka, after this N. had fallen asleep by his ka; 894d. the gods are awake, awakened are the mighty ones. 895b. The Great Ennead, who are in Heliopolis, have assigned thee to thy great position, 895c. that thou mayest sit, N., at the head of the Ennead, 895d. like Geb, the hereditary prince of the gods, like Osiris at the head of the mighty ones, as Horus lord of men and gods. 896a. O N., who keeps secret his form like Anubis, 896b. take to thee thy face as jackal.

896c. The keeper, who presides in the two itr.t-palaces, stands up before thee, as before Anubis, who presides in s-ntr. 897a. Thou causest the Followers of Horus to be satisfied. 897b. Horus avenges thee, N.; Horus causes thee to be satisfied, N., with the offering which he hath, 897c. that thy heart, N., may be satisfied with it, on the feast of the month and on the feast of the half-month.

897d. The joyful rejoices for thee, as for Anubis, who presides in s-ntr. 898a. Isis laments for thee, Nephthys bemoans thee, as Horus who avenged his father, Osiris.


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898b. A son who avenged his father, Horus has avenged N. 899a. Osiris lives, the spirit who is in Ndi.t lives, N. lives. 899b. O N., thy name lives among the living;

899c. thou wilt be a spirit, N., among the spirits; thou wilt be mighty among the mighty. 900b. that white crown, (which is) the wt.t-uraeus, which is in el-Kb (Nb). 900c. She puts thy fear, N., in the eyes of all gods, 900d. in the eyes of the spirits, the imperishable stars, those of secret places, 900a. O N., thy fear (i.e. the fear of thee) is the sound eye of Horus,

900e. in the eyes of all things (beings), who will see thee and who will hear thy name. 901a. O N., equip thyself with the red eye of Horus, the red crown, 901b. which is great in fame (spirits), which is rich in appearances (beings), 901c. that it may protect thee, N., as it protected Horus. 902a. It gives thee fame, N., among the Two Enneads, 902c. They lift thee up, N.;

902b. through the two wt.t-uraeuses, which are on thy forehead. 902d. they lead thee to thy mother Nut; it (the uraeus of the North) lays hold of thine arm,

903a. that thou be not in need, that thou mayest not moan (like a cedar), that thou perish not.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

903b. Horus has caused thee to be a spirit at the head of the spirits, that thou mayest be mighty at the head of the living. 903c. How beautiful is that which Horus has done for N., 903d. for this spirit, who was conceived by a god, who was conceived by two gods! 904b. thou wilt be a soul like the Souls of Hierakonpolis; thou wilt be a soul like the Souls of Buto; 904c. thou wilt be a soul like the star of life, which is at the bead of his brothers.

904a. O N., thou wilt be a soul like the Souls of Heliopolis;

905b. these are thy two pd-cakes, which are delivered by Horus, which are in the broad-hall,

905a. O N., I am Thot. May the king give an offering: Thy bread and thy beer are given to thee;

905c. that he may cause thy heart to be satisfied thereby, N., for ever and ever. Utterance 469.

906a. N. purifies himself;

906c. N. seats himself in the bow of the boat of the Two Enneads; 906d. N. rows R to the West. 906e. He (R) establishes the seat of N. ever the lords of kas; 906f. he writes (the name) of N. over the living. 907a. The double doors of the b-k, which is in b.w, are open for N.;

906b. N. has taken his helm (oar); he occupies his seat;


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907b. the double doors of bi, which is in d.w, are open for N. 907d. with his panther-skin loin-cloth on, and the m-sceptre of N. in his hand. 907c. This N. goes through,

906a. N. is unhurt (well) with his flesh; N. is pleased (is good) with his name. 906b. N. lives with his ka; 908c. it (the ka) expels the evil which is before N.;

908d. it drives away the evil which is behind N.;

908e. like the boomerangs of him who presides over Letopolis, 908f. which drove away the evil which was before him, 908g. which expelled the evil which was behind him.

909a. N. sees what the n.w (-stars) do, because (to be) on their side is so good; 909c. I am a (n.w)-star, the side-locks of a (n.w)-star; N. is a (n.w)-star, a (n.w)-star indeed. 909b. N. is pleased (to be) with them; they are pleased.

909d. This N. will not suffer eternally. Utterance 470.

910b. the white crown, the shining, the broad, which dwells in el-Kb, the lady of the great house,

910a. To say: N. knows his mother; N. forgets not his mother;

910c. the lady of the land worthy of honour, the lady of the secret land,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

910d. the lady of the marsh of fishermen, the lady of the valley of tp.tiw, 911b. "Mother of N.," so said I,

911a. the red-coloured, the red crown, the lady of the lands of Buto.

912a. "(My) son N.," so said she, "take to thee my breast; that thou mayest suck it" said she,

911c. "give thy breast to N., that N. may suck therewith."

912b. "that thou mayest live again," so said she, "that thou mayest be (again) small," so said she. 913a. "Thou shalt ascend to heaven as a falcon, 913c. Hdhd, bring this to N.; 913b. thy feathers shall be as those of a goose," so said she. 913d. he is the great wild-bull. 914b. let N. pass by; it is N."

914a. "Bull of offerings, bow thy horn, 914c. "Where goest thou?" "N. goes to heaven, in possession of life and joy, 915a. that N. may see his, father; that N. may see R." 915b. "Thou are on the way to the high places, to the places of Set." 916a. The high places will put him on the places of Set; 916b. (even) on that high sycamore cast of the sky, it having bent down, on which the gods sit; 917a. for N. is indeed the living falcon, who has explored b.w;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

917b. for N. is indeed the great helmsman, who has voyaged over the two t-parts of heaven; 917c. for N. is indeed he of the great foot, with long stride. 918a. N. purifies himself in the Marsh of Reeds; 918c. N. finds R there. 918b. N. dresses himself in the field of Khepri;

919a. If R comes forth in the East, he finds N. in the horizon;

919c. every beautiful place where R goes, he finds N. there. Utterance 471.

919b. if R comes to the West, he finds N. in the possession of life and endurance;

920a. To say: N. is the being of a god, the son of a god, the messenger of a god. 920b. N. comes, and N. purifies himself in the Marsh of Reeds, 920c. N. comes down to the field of Kns.t. 921a. The Followers of Horus purify N. 921b. they bathe N., they dry N.,

921c. they recite for N. the chapter of the right way,

921d. they recite for N. the chapter of those who ascend for life and joy. 922a. N. ascends to heaven for life and joy. 922b. N. embarks (descends) for life and joy into the boat of R;


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922c. N. commands for him those gods who transport him. 923a. Every god shall rejoice at the approach of N., 923b. as they rejoice at the approach of R,

923c. when he comes forth on the eastern side of the sky, in peace, in peace. 924a. To say: Heaven thunders, the earth trembles before N. Utterance 472.

924b. N. is a magician; N. is he who is possessed of magic. 925a. N. comes that he may glorify ,

925b. that he may cause Osiris to be at the head, that he may put the gods in their places. 925d. set N. on that side for life and joy. Utterance 473. 925c. M-.f, bull of the gods,, bring this (boat?) to N.,

926a. To say: The two reed-floats of heaven are placed by the morning-boat for R,

926b. that R may ferry over on them to Horus who inhabits the horizon, to the horizon.

926c. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed by the evening-boat for Horus who inhabits the horizon, 926d. that Horus who inhabits the horizon may ferry over on them to R, to the horizon. 927a. The two reed-floats of heaven are caused to descend for N. by the morning-boat,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

927b. that N. may mount on them to R, to the horizon.

927c. The two reed-floats of heaven are caused to descend for N. by the evening-boat,

927d. that N. may mount on them to Horus, who inhabits the horizon, to the horizon.

928a. N. mounts on high on this eastern side of heaven where the gods are born; 928b. N. will be born (anew there) like Horus, like him of the horizon. 929b. the sister of N. is Sothis; the mother of N. is the morning star. 929a. N. is justified; the ka of N. is justified;

930a. N. hath found the spirits well-equipped by reason of their mouth, 930b. sitting on the two shores of the -lake,

930c. the drinking-bowl of each spirit well-equipped by reason of his mouth. 930d. "Hast thou no eyes?", so said they to N., 930e. the spirits well-equipped by reason of their mouth.

930f. Said he, "a spirit well-equipped by reason of his mouth." 931a. "How has this happened to thee?", so said they to N., 931b. the spirits well-equipped by reason of their mouth,

931c. "that thou art come to this place which is more august than any place?" 931d. N. is come to this place which is more august than any place.


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932a. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed by the morning-boat for R, 932b. that R may ferry over on them to Horus who inhabits the horizon, to the horizon.

932c. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed by the evening-boat for Horus who inhabits the horizon, 932d. that Horus who inhabits the horizon may ferry over on them to R, to the horizon,

933a. because the two reed-floats of heaven were caused to descend for N. by the morning-boat, 933c. because the two reed-floats of heaven were caused to descend for N. by the evening-boat,

933b. that N. may mount on them for life and joy to R, to the horizon;

933d. that N. may mount on them to Horus who inhabits the horizon, to the horizon.

934a. N. mounts on high on this eastern side of heaven, where the gods are born; 934b. N. was born (anew there) like Horus, like him of the horizon. 935a. N. is justified; the ka of N. is justified. 935b. Praise be to N.; praise be to the ka of N. 936a. N. comes (to be) with you:

935c. The sister of N. is Sothis; the mother of N. is the morning star. 936b. N. walks with you in the Marsh of Reeds;

936c. he pastures as you pasture in the field of malachite;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

937a. N. eats of that which you eat;

937b. N.. lives on that on which you live;

937d. N. anoints himself with that wherewith you anoint yourselves; 937e. N. takes water with you out of the mn-canal (or, lake of the nurse) of N.,

937c. N. clothes himself with that wherewith you clothe yourselves;

937f. the drinking-bowl of each spirit well-equipped by reason of his mouth. 938b. N. commands (each) spirit well-equipped by reason of his mouth; 938d. N. commands (each) spirit well-equipped by reason of his mouth. 939a. To say: "How beautiful indeed it is to see," says she, said Isis; Utterance 474. 938c. N. sits on the two shores of the -lake; 938a. N. sits as he who lives in the great itr.t-palace;

939b. "how fortunate indeed it is to see," says she, said Nephthys 939c. to the king, to this Osiris N., 940a. as he ascends to heaven among the stars, among the imperishable stars, 940b. the lion-helmet (renown) of N. on his head, 941a. N. goes therewith to his mother Nut;

940c. his terror on both sides of him, his magic preceding him!


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

941c. The gods who inhabit heaven are brought to thee; they unite for thee with the gods who inhabit the earth, 941d. that thou mayest be with them, that thou mayest go on their arms.

941b. N. climbs upon her, in this her name of "Ladder."

942a. The Souls of Buto are brought to thee; the Souls of Hierakonpolis are united for thee. 942b. "All belongs to N.," 942c. so said Geb, who has spoken thereof with Atum. So it was done for him. 943a. "The Marshes of Reeds, 943c. all belongs to N.," 943b. the Horite regions, the regions of Set 943d. so said Geb, who has spoken thereof with Atum. So it was done for him. 944a. He came against thee; he said he would kill thee. 944b. He has not killed thee; it is thou who wilt kill him.

945a. Further, to say four times: N., thou remainest in life and joy; 945b. N., thou shalt certainly remain in life and joy. Utterance 475. 946a. To say: O ferryman,

944c. Thou holdest thine own against him, as the surviving bull of the wild-bulls.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

946b. who has brought this (boat) to Horus, that his, eye may be brought back,

946c. who has brought this to Set, that his testicles may be brought back,

947a. the eye of Horus sprang up as he fell on the eastern side of the sky. 947b. Dost thou spring up with it, that thou mayest fall on (come to) the eastern side of the sky?

948b. in the place of the gods, who are gone to their kas,

948a. N. goes that he may do service of courtier to R

948c. who have lived in the places of Horus, who have lived in the places of Set. 949a. Behold N. is come, behold N. is ascended for life and joy; 949b. N. has attained the heights of heaven;

950a. The morning-boat calls N.; it is, N. who bails it out. Utterance 476. 950b. R appoints N. as lord of life and joy.

949c. N. is not warded off by the palace of the Great Ones, from the way of the d.w-stars.

951a. To say: Heaven purifies itself for R; the earth purifies itself for Horus. 951b. Every god who is between them purifies N.; 951c. N. adores the god.

952a. O thou keeper of the way of N., who art at the great gate,


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952b. certify N. to these two great and powerful gods, 952d. which supports, the sky, which leads (governs) the earth, which will judge the gods. 953a. N. will sit among you, ye stars who inhabit the D.tiw. 953b. You shall carry N. like R, you shall serve N. like Horus; 952c. for N. is indeed the wng-plant, the son of R,

953c. You shall cause N. to be high like Wp-w.wt, you shall love N. like Min. 954a. Scribe, scribe, break thy writing-kit, 954b. break thy two pens, tear up thy papyrus-rolls.

955a. R, expel him from his post, put N. in his place, living eternally, 955b. that N. may be happy in possession of the staff of office. 955c. R, expel him from his post, put N. in his place. 955d. It is N., for life. Utterance 477.

956a. To say: The sky shakes, the earth quakes.

956b. Horus comes; Thot appears. They raise Osiris from on his side; 956c. they cause him to stand (as chief) among the Two Enneads. 957a. Remember, Set, put in thy heart

957b. this word which Geb spoke, this threat which the gods made against thee


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

957c. in the house of the prince, in Heliopolis, because thou didst strike Osiris to the ground, 958a. as thou, Set, didst say: "I have not done this against him," 958b. that thou mayest prevail thereby, having been acquitted, that thou mayest prevail in spite of Horus. 959a. As thou, Set, didst say: "It is he who defied me" 959b. --and so arose his name of "Ik-w-t"; 959d. --and so arose his name of ""

959c. as thou, Set, didst say: "It is he who came too near to me"

959e. he with outstretched leg, with long stride, who inhabits the land of Upper Egypt. 960a. Raise thyself up, Osiris; Set raised himself up, 960b. after he had heard the threat of the gods, who spoke concerning the father of the god. 960c. Isis has thine arm, Osiris; Nephthys has thy hand; thou goest between them. 961a. Heaven is given to thee, earth is given to thee, the Marsh of Reeds, 961b. the Horite regions, the Setite regions,

961c. the cities are given to thee, the nomes are united for thee, saith Atum. 961d. It is Geb who has spoken about it. 962a. Whet thy knife, Thot, the sharp, the cutting,

962b. which removes heads, which cuts out hearts.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

963a. It shall remove the heads, it shall cut the hearts

963b. of those who would place themselves in the way of N., when he goes to thee, Osiris; 963c. of those who would restrain N., when he goes to thee, Osiris. 963d. Give him life and joy. 964a. N. comes to thee, lord of heaven; N. comes to thee, Osiris,

964b. that N. may wipe thy face, that he may clothe thee with the clothes of a god, 964c. serving as priest to thee in the Ddi.t (necropolis). 965a. It is Sothis, thy daughter, who loves thee,

965b. who secures thy livelihood (or, makes thy yearly offerings), in this her name of "Year", 965c. who conducts N., when N. comes to thee. 966a. N. comes to thee, lord of heaven; N. comes to thee, Osiris,

966b. that N. may wipe thy face, that N. may clothe thee with the clothes of a god, 966c. while N. serves as a priest to thee in the Idi, 966d. that he may eat a limb of thine enemy,

966e. that he may cut it in pieces for Osiris, so that he may make him as he who is at the head of the butchers. 967b. that N. may wipe thy face, that N. may clothe thee with the clothes of a god, 967a. N. comes to thee, lord of heaven; N. comes to thee, Osiris,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

967c. that N. may do for thee that which Geb commanded that he should do for thee,

968a. N. comes to thee, lord of heaven; N. comes to thee, Osiris,

967d. that he fasten thine arm on the nh-sceptre, that he lift up thine arm on the w-sceptre. 968b. that N. may wipe thy face, that N. may clothe thee with the clothes of a god, 968c. while N. serves as priest to thee. 969a. It is Horus thy son, whom thou hast conceived; he has not put N. over the dead, 969b. he puts him among the gods, for he is divine. 970a. Their water is the water of N., their bread is the bread of N.,

970b. their purification is the purification of N. Utterance 478.

970c. What Horus has done for Osiris, he has done for N. 971a. To say: Greetings to thee, Ladder of god; 971b. greetings to thee, Ladder of Set. 971c. Stand up Ladder of god;

971d. stand up Ladder of Set; stand up Ladder of Horus

971e. which was made for Osiris, that he may ascend upon it to heaven and do service of courtier to R. 972b. after his brother Set had cast him on his side,

972a. Thou art come in search of thy brother, Osiris,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

973a. Horus comes, his lion-helmet on his head; his face he turns towards his father, Geb. 973b. N. is thy son, N. is Horus. 974a. Thou hast conceived N. as thou hast conceived the god, lord of the ladder, 974b. to whom thou hast given the ladder of the god, to whom thou hast given the ladder of Set,

972c. on yonder side of G.ti.

974c. that N. may ascend to heaven on it and do service of courtier to R. 975a. Let also the ladder of god be given to N., let the ladder of Set be given to N.

975b. that N. may ascend to heaven on it, and do service of courtier to R, 975c. just like gods who are gone to their kas. 976b. on the left side of the ladder of the god. 976a. The eye of Horus glowers (?) on the wing of Thot, 976c. O men, a uraeus-serpent (goes) to heaven. N. is the eye of Horus. 976d. After its foot has been stopped at every place where it was, N. goes as the eye of Horus goes. 977a. Be pleased that N. come among you, ye his brothers, the gods; 977b. rejoice at the approach of N., ye his brothers, the gods, 977c. as Horus rejoiced at the approach of his eye,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

977d. after his eye was given (back) to him in the presence of his father, Geb. 978a. Every spirit, every god, who shall oppose his arm to N., 978b. when he ascends to heaven on the ladder of the god,

978c. the earth shall not be hoed for him, the wdn.t-offering shall not be made for him, 978d. he shall not ferry over to the evening meal in Heliopolis, 978e. he shall not ferry over to the morning meal in Heliopolis.

979a. He shall guard himself, he has obligated himself, (he) who will see, (he) who will hear, 979b. that he (the deceased) ascends to heaven on the ladder of the god,

979c. appearing like the uraeus-serpent which was on the forehead of Set.

980a. Every spirit, every god who shall open his arms to N. (will be) on the ladder of the god. 980b. United for N. are his bones, assembled for him are his limbs; 980c. N. has sprung up to heaven on the fingers of the god, lord of the ladder. 981a. To say: The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of b.w are open for Horus of the gods, Utterance 479.

981b. that he may ascend at daybreak and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 982a. The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of b.w are open for Horus of the East,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

982b. that he may ascend at daybreak and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 983a. The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of b.w are open for Horus of the sm.t-land,

983b. that he may ascend at daybreak and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 984a. The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of b.w are open for Osiris,

984b. that he may ascend at daybreak and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 985a. The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of b.w are open for N.,

985b. that he may ascend at daybreak and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 956a. Truly, 986b. he Who ascended, ascended at daybreak and he has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds, 986c. Horus of the gods ascended at daybreak and he has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

987b. Horus of the sm.t-land ascended at daybreak and be has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

987a. He who ascended, ascended at daybreak and he has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds,

988a. He who ascended, ascended at daybreak and he has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

988b. Osiris ascended at daybreak and be has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

989a. He who ascended, ascended at daybreak and he has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds,

989b. N. ascended at the beginning of day and has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

990a. R, impregnate the body of Nut with the seed of the spirit, which shall be in her. 990b. The earth shall rise under the feet of N.; Tefnut shall lay bold of the arm of N.

990c. It is Seker who will purify N.; it is R who will give his certificate (lit. arm) to N. 991a. N. will be more at the head than he who is at the head of the Ennead. 991b. N. takes his place-he is in b.w. 991c. Hnni, Hnni, Ipti, Ipti, Utterance 480.

991d. Take N. with you, living eternally. 992a. To say: How beautiful indeed is the sight; how elevating indeed is the sight, 992b. the ascension of this god, N., to heaven, like the ascension of father Atum to heaven,

992c. his renown over him, his magic on both sides of him, his terror before him,

993a. after he (Atum) has brought to N. the cities, assembled for N. the nomes, 993b. united for N. the mm.w-lands!


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

993c. He who had spoken concerning it is Geb, hereditary prince of the gods. 994b. they praise N., as Dw.w, 994a. The regions of Horus, the regions of Set, the Marsh of Reeds--

994e. as Sopdu, (who lives) under his kb.t-trees. 995a. They bring the ladder for N.; 995b. they set up the ladder for N.;

994d. as Ddwn, who is chief of the land of Nubia,

994c. as I, who is chief of the land of Upper Egypt,

995c. they raise up the ladder for N.

995d. The m.t-ladder comes; the p.t-ladder comes, thy name comes (as) the gods named (it).

996a. Those who have ascended are come, those who have ascended are come; those who have climbed up are come, those who have climbed' up are come; 996b. those who have lifted themselves up like Shu are come, those who have lifted themselves up like Shu are come. 996c. N. ascends on the hips of Isis; N. climbs up on the hips of Nephthys. 997a. The father of N., Atum, lays bold of the arm of N.; 997b. he appoints N. as, chief of those gods, 997c. the nimble, the wise, the imperishables.

998a. Behold this which you have said, ye gods, that N. would not again be at your head.


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998b. Behold, N. remains as he who is at your head, as the surviving bull of the wild bulls. 999a. To say: Look-out, His-face-behind-him, ferry N. over. Utterance 481.

999b. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed, that N. may ferry over therewith to R, to the horizon.

999c. The two reed-floats of heaven were placed for R, that he might ferry over therewith to Horus of the gods, to the horizon. 1000a. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for N.,

1000b. that N. may ferry over therewith to R, to the horizon. 1000d. in its northern region, among the imperishable stars,

1000c. N. will ferry over to his station on the eastern side of the sky, 1000e. who stand on (by?) their dm-sceptres, who stand (?) on their eastern standard. 1001a. N. will stand among them. 1001b. The brother of N. is the moon, the mother (mtw) of N. is the morning star. 1001c. Give thine arm to N., that he may live. 1002a. To say: O father, Osiris N., Utterance 482.

1002b. raise thyself from thy left side, put thyself on thy right side, 1002c. toward this fresh water, which I have given to thee. 1003a. O father, Osiris N.,


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1003b. raise thyself from thy left side, put thyself on thy right side, 1003c. toward this warm bread, which I have made for thee. 1004a. O father, Osiris N.,

1004b. the double doors of heaven are open for thee; the double doors of the bows are open for thee. 1004c. The gods of Buto are filled with compassion 1004d. when they come to Osiris at the voice of lamentation of Isis and Nephthys. 1005a. The Souls of Buto dance for thee; 1005c. they dishevel their hair for thee; 1005d. they say to Osiris: 1005b. they beat their flesh for thee; they smite their arms for thee;

1006. "Thou art gone, thou art come; thou art awake, thou wast asleep; thou remainest alive. 1007a. Stand up, see this; stand up, hear this, 1007b. what thy son has done for thee, what Horus has done for thee. 1007c. He beats him who beats thee; he binds him who binds thee; 1008a. he puts him under his great daughter who is in dm.

1008b. (it is) thy great sister who collected thy flesh, who gathered thy hands, 1008c. who sought thee, who found thee upon thy side on the shore of Ndi.t,

1009a. so that mourning ceased in the two itr.t-palaces."


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1009b. Ye gods, speak to him, bring him to you.

1009c. But thou shalt ascend to heaven; thou shalt become Wp.w.wt. 1010a. Thy son Horus leads thee on the ways of heaven. 1010b. Heaven is given to thee; earth is given to thee; the Marsh of Reeds is given to thee, Utterance 483.

1010c. together with those two great gods who come from Heliopolis. 1011a. To say: The libation is poured which should be poured. Wp.w.wt is up.

1011b. The sleeping ones are awake, awakened are those who should awake; Horus is awake. 1012a. Raise thyself up, Osiris N., son of Geb, his, first(-born),

1012b. before whom the Great Ennead tremble.

1012c. Thou purifiest thyself on the first of the month, thou dawnest on the day of the new moon, for thee will be celebrated the three beginnings (of the divisions of the year).

1012d. The great min.t mourns for thee, as for "Him who stands there without being tired," who resides at Abydos. 1013a. Earth, hear that which Geb said, that he spiritualized Osiris as god, 1013b. as the watchers of Buto appointed him, and the watchers of Hierakonpolis proclaimed him,

1013c. like Seker, who is at the head of Pdw-, 1013b. (like) Horus-, and (like) mn.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1014a. The earth speaks: "The portal of the D.t (var. kr) is open."

1014b. The double doors of Geb are open for thee, before thee. Thy speech goes forth before Anubis;

1015b. he of tw.t, the lord of S'bw.t (the rebel city),

1015a. thy dignity, which is come out of the mouth of Anubis, is Horus, who is chief of his department (or, thigh-offering),

1015c. the Upper Egyptian jackal god, nome-governor of the Great Ennead. 1016a. Thou withdrawest thyself to heaven on thy firm throne; 1016b. thou ferriest over the Winding Watercourse, while thy face is in the north of Nut. 1016c. R calls thee out of the 'iskn of heaven; 1016d. thou approachest the god; Set fraternizes with thee.

1017a. The odour of Ddwn is on thee, the Upper Egyptian youth;

1017b. he gives thee his pure incense wherewith he censes the gods, 1017c. at the birth of the two children (twins?) of the king of Lower Egypt, who are on the head of the lord of the great (crown). 1018a. Thou hast abundance in the green herb, 1018b. where abundance came to the children of Geb.

1019a. May Anubis give an offering: The im-tree serves thee; the nbtree turns its head to thee; 1019b. thou encirclest the sky like Swntw (or, Swnt).

1018c. Thy dismembered limbs are collected, thou who hast might over the Bows.


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1020b. ---------------------------------

1020a. To say: N. is the Great One who is ascended to heaven

Utterance 484.

1021a. ------------- [a god is come] in peace, so says she, 1021b. my son, N., is come in peace, so says she, Nut, 1021c. he on whose back no strap (?) has fallen; he on whose hands nothing evil has fallen.

1021d. I will also not permit him to fall; I will also not permit him to leave me. 1022a. N. is the appearing (-mound) of the earth in the midst of the sea, whose hand the inhabitants of the earth have not grasped; 1022c. -------------------- the inhabitants of the earth. 1022e. -----------------------------------

1022b. the inhabitants of the earth have not grasped the hand [of N]. 1022d. Shu bends the earth under the feet ---------------1023a. Also that which he has done is that

1023b. he separates N. from his brother n.ti; he unites him with my brother f.ti.

1024c. It is N. who has transgressed the order; it is N. who has transgressed the order, who is at your feet, ye gods.

1024b. N. lives also on that which he lives, on the wr.t-loaf, behind the god.

1024a. His name lives on account of natron-offerings and he is divine.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1025a. To say: [The two doors of heaven] are open, [the two doors of bw are open]. 1025c. -------------------------------------------1025b. --------------------------------------------

Utterance 485.

1025d. [take N. to heaven to the house] of Horus, which is in heaven. 1026a. Each god who will take N. to heaven, living, enduring, 1026b. for him oxen shall be slaughtered, to him legs shall be offered, 1026c. and he shall ascend to the house of Horus, which is in heaven. 1027a. Each god who will not take him to heaven,

1027b. he shall not be respected, he shall have no ba-loin-cloth, he shall smell (taste) no p-cake,

1027c. he shall not ascend to the house of Horus, which is in heaven, on the day of the hearing of the word (trial). 1028a. -------------------------------------------1028c. -------------------------------------------1029a. [N. has come] to thee, R, 1029b. calf of gold, born of heaven, 1028b. --------------------------------------------

1030b. Horus, let not N. be without a boat.

1030a. Horus, take N. with thee, living, enduring;

1029c. fattened (calf) of gold, created by the s.t-cow.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1030c. N. comes to thee, father; N. comes to thee, Geb.

1030d. Give thine arm to N., that N. may ascend to heaven to his mother Nut. 1031a. -------------------------------------------1031c. -------------------------------------------1031b. -------------------------------------------1032a. that we, the Two Enneads, may find an avenger beside him (lit. at his hand), 1032b. although we, the Two Enneads, did not find him who (seized him) from behind (lit. on his hinder part).

1032c. Geb comes, (his) lion-helmet on his head, his two (angry) eyes (lit. yellow eyes) in his face, 1033a. that he may smite you and count (search) foreign lands in search of Osiris. 1033b. He found him lying on his side in G.ti.

1033c. Osiris, stand up for thy father, Geb, that he may protect thee against Set. 1034a. Nun ---------------------------------------1034b. --------------------------------------------

1035a. -------------- [I have protected] Osiris against his brother, Set. 1035b. I am that which bound his feet, bound his hands, 1035c. which laid him on his side in T-rw.

1036a. Horus who is over the dd of heaven, give thou thine arm to N.,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1036b. that N. may ascend to heaven to Nut; (Nut) give thine arm to N., in life and satisfaction, 1036c. that thou mayest unite his bones and collect his limbs. 1037a. Thou unitest his bones [to] ----------------------1037b. --------------------------------------------1037c. --------------------------------------------

1037d. [There is not a limb to N] which is without a god,

1038. when he ascends, when he lifts himself up to the sky as the great star which is in the east. 1039a. To say: Greetings to you, Waters, which were brought by Shu and lifted up by the two sources, 1039b. in which Geb bathed his limbs, 1039c. so that hearts were in the following of fear and hearts were in the following of terror. 1040a. N. was born in Nun, 1040b. when the sky had not yet come into being, when the earth had not yet come into being, 1040c. when the two supports (of the sky) had not yet come into being, when unrest had not yet come into being, Utterance 486.

1041a. N. is one of that great corporation who was born before (all others) in Heliopolis,

1040d. when fear had not yet come into being, which came into being on account of the eye of Horus.


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1041b. who will not be taken away for (on account of?) a king

1041c. who (lit. they) will (not) be confiscated for (on account of?) high officials, 1042a. N. is such as has not been executed;

1041d. who will not be executed, who will not be pronounced guilty. 1042b. he has not been taken away for (on account of?) a king, 1042d. his enemy has not been justified against him; 1043b. no bones of N. have been broken. 1044a. If N. descends into the water,

1042c. he has not been confiscated for (on account of?) high officials, 1043a. N. has not become poor, his fingernails have not become long,

1044b. Osiris raises him up and the Two Enneads bear him up; 1045a. If N. descends into the earth,

1044c. R gives his arm to N. to the place where a god should be. 1045b. Geb raises him up and the Two Enneads bear him up;

1045c. R gives his arm to N. to every place where a god should be.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 487.

1046a. To say: O my father, Osiris N.,

1046b. thou art spiritualized on the horizon, thou endurest in the Ddi.t;

1046c. thou commandest (with) words as he who is at the head of the living, eternally. 1047a. Get (lit. stand up) from thy left side, put thyself on thy right side;

1047b. take this thy bread, which I am giving thee; I am thy son and thine heir. 1048a. To say: O N., (free) course is given to thee by Horus; Utterance 488.

1048b. thou art adorned as the only (unique) star in the sky.

1048c. Thy two wings are grown as (those of) a falcon; great of breast 1048d. like the gnw-falcon, whose descent was seen, after he had traversed the sky. 1049b. Nut gives [to thee] her arm -------------1049c. -------------------------------------------Utterance 489.

1049a. Thou voyagest the b.w by the watercourse of R-Harachte.

1050a. To say: If thou desirest that N. say ------- who sees the tribute of the land,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1050b. then mayest thou be ---------------------------1051 .see, order -----------------------------------1052. To say: ------------------------------------Utterance 490.

1053. N. is the bull-herd -----------------------------Utterance 491.

1054. Since you two have given birth to ------------------

1055a. To say: When N. dies [his] ka will gain power --------1055b. -------------------------------------------1056a. [who descend into the earth] as two serpents, and I descend on [their] coi[ls]. 1056b. -------------------------------------------1057a. It is N. who knelt in Nun; it is N. who sat in M [-------] 1057b. -------------------------------------------1058a. [Horus gives me this his bread], with which he has satisfied his subjects, 1058b. and I eat of it with them. Utterance 492.

Utterance 493.

1058c. To say: ------------------------------------1059a. To say: Greetings to you, who rule over abundance,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1059b. who look after food, who reside as ruler of the green field, 1059b + 1 (N. XIV 1055 + 47). near the lord of splendour. 1059b + 2 (Nt. XXVII 701-702). Cause N. to eat of the corn which originates there,

1059b + 3 (N. 1055 + 48). like the equipment which was made in Mtwr.t 1059b + 4 (N. 1055 + 48). by him who sees with his face.

1059b + 5 (N. 1055 + 48). It (the corn) will be brought in for N. and for him who eats with his mouth. 1059c-1060a. Those who are attached to the offerings of the oldest gods--

1060a-b. they introduce me to abundance, they introduce me to food,

1061a (Nt. XXVII 704). and drop with my (or, his) anus like eret. 1061a + 1 (Nt. 704). I give offerings and distribute food

1060b + 1 (N. 1055 + 49). that N. may eat with his mouth like him who separates Wp-n.wi (the two tuffs (of hair),

1061a + 2 (N. 1055 + 50). like him with the long wings who lives in the Marsh of Reeds. 1061b. Wind is in my nose; seed is in my phallus, 1061c. as (seed is in the phallus) of him of mysterious form, who lives in splendour. 1061c + 1 (N. 1055 + 50. N. sees Nun, 1061c + 2 (Nt. 705). when she appears on her way.

1061c + 3 (N. 1055 + 51). Honour will be given to N.;


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1061c + 4 (Nt. 706). N. will be great because of her power; there will be a six days' feast in Hri-; 1062. (Nt. 706). N. will eat of the pregnant cow like those who are in Heliopolis. 1063a. He sat, who was seated to eat bread; R sat to eat bread. Utterance 494.

1063b. Water was given by the Two Enneads. 1063c. [The flood] stood [on the bank].

1063e. (Firth-Gunn, 235, 19-20; Lacau TR 4). that thou mayest give me bread when I am hungry; that thou mayest give me beer when I am thirsty. 1064a. To say: O Great Ennead in Heliopolis, 1064b. lady of the (Three) Enneads, 1064c. his meal (shall be) as his who is chief of the itr.t-palace 1064d. Two of N.'s meals (shall be) in the Ddi.t; Utterance 496. 1064e. [three of his meals (shall be) in the horizon -------] 1065a. To say: Greetings to thee, O Food; greetings to thee, O Abundance; 1065b. greetings to thee, O Corn; greetings to thee, O Flour. 1065c. Greetings to you, ye gods, who put the meal before R,

1063d. (Firth-Gunn, 235, 19; Lacau TR 4). I come to thee, O Flood,

Utterance 495.


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1065e. I will eat of the morsel of R, sitting on the throne of splendour. 1066a. I am she of Tentyra; I am come from Tentyra; 1066b. Shu is behind N.; Tefnut is before him;

1065d. who --------- with w, who are at the M.t-wr.t;

1066d. They cause this field-of-food of R to keep me alive so that I may eat, 1066e. after it is collected for me, as for him who rules over the Ennead, who lives at (or, on) M.t-wr.t. Utterance 497.

1066c. it is Wp-w.wt, who serves as a protection (?) on the right of N.

1067a. [To say: O N., stand up], be seated, shake the earth (i.e. dust of the earth) from thee; 1067b. remove the two arms from behind thee, as (those of) Set. 1067c. The eye of Horus will come to thee at the beginning of the decade, because thou art eager for it. 1067d. -------------------------------------------Utterance 498. 1068a. To say: Awake, Osiris, awake.

1068b. O N., stand up, be seated, shake the earth (i.e. the dust of the earth) from thee.

1068c. I come, I give [the eye] of Horus to thee; it will be lasting with thee (or, it will be pleasing to thee). 1068d. --------------------------------------------


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1069b. O Osiris N., I am thy son, conceived of thee; 1069c. I am come with ------------------------------Utterance 499.

1069a. [Stand up] for this joint of (w.t-) meat, which is from the broad-hall; come out, receive this thy bread from my hand.

1070a. To say: Back, O Spittle, which is not fallen (discharged).

1070b. It (the serpent) is lying outstretched. Protect thyself. Stand (firm). Smite. 1071a. To say: A heart is there, a heart is there, one who will lock himself in, one who will lock himself in is there. Utterance 500.

1071b. Back, thou great hidden one, who has come out of a hidden member. Utterance 501. 1071c. A man sees it. Protect thyself. Bar the way (?).

1072b. one in heaven, two on earth. Utterance 502.

1072a. To say: -------------------- for me three meals,

1072c. A lion-helmet -------- green --------------------

1074. --------------- a point ----------------------

1073 ----------------- four ------------------------

1075. --------------- darkness


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1076. --------------- be not ----------------------1077. come ---------------------------------------


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Utterance 503.

1078b. apertures of the (heavenly) windows are open, 1078c. the steps of Nun are open, 1078d. the steps of light are revealed

1078a. To say: The door of heaven is open, the door of earth is open,

1078e. by that one who endures always.

1079a. I say this to myself when I ascend to heaven,

1079b. that I may anoint myself with the best ointment and clothe myself with the best linen, 1079c. and seat myself upon (the throne) of "Truth which makes alive";

1080a. while my side is against the side of those gods who are in the north of the sky, 1080b. the imperishable stars, and I will not set, 1080c. the untiring (in swimming), and I will not tire (in swimming),

1080d. the one not drawn out of the water, and I will not be drawn out of the water. 1081a. If Mnt.w (a star?) is high, I will be high with him, Utterance 504. 1081b. If Mnt.w hastens away, I will hasten away with him. 1082a. To say: The sky is pregnant with the wine juice of the vine;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1082b. Nut has given birth to (it) as her daughter, the morning star. 1082c. I also arise; 1082d. the third is Sothis of the pure places.

1083a. I have purified myself in the lakes of the dancers(?) singers(?) or, panegyrists(?), 1083b. I have cleansed myself in the lakes of the jackal. 1083c. Thorn-bush, remove thyself from my way,

1084a. that I may take the south side of the Marsh of Reeds.

1084b. The m3'-canal is opened, the Winding Watercourse is inundated. 1084c. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for Horus, 1084d. that he may ferry over to R, to the horizon. 1085b. that he may ferry over to R, to the horizon.

1085a. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for him of the horizon,

1085d. that he may ferry over to R, to the horizon. 1085f. that he may ferry over to R, to the horizon,

1085c. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for Horus sm.t,

1085e. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for Horus of the East,

1086a. The two reed-floats of heaven shall be placed for me, I, Horus of the gods, 1086b. that I also may ferry over to R, to the horizon, 1086c. and that I may take my throne, which is in the Marsh of Reeds.


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1087a. I descend to the south side of the Marsh of Offerings. 1087b. I am a Great One, son of a Great One; 1087c. I am come forth from between the thighs of the Two Enneads. 1087d. I have adored R; I have adored Horus of the East; 1087e. I have adored Horus of the horizon, 1088a. as he girded himself with the apron,

1088c. that he might be gracious to "Horus-on-his-throne(?)," that he might be gracious to me. 1089a. To say: I am come forth from Buto, to the Souls of Buto, Utterance 505.

1088b. that he might be gracious to me, that he might be gracious to "Horus-on-his-throne(?),"

1089b. adorned with the adornment of Horus, 1089c. clothed with the clothes of Thot.

1089d. Isis is before me; Nephthys is behind me; 1090a. Wp-w-wt opens the way for me; 1090b. Shu lifts me up;

1090c. the Souls of Heliopolis construct a stairway for me, 1090d. to unite with the Above (i.e. to reach the top); 1090e. Nut gives her arm to me as she did for Osiris 1090f. the day that he landed there.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1091a. O thou whose face is behind thee, ferry me over to the Marsh of Reeds. 1091b. Whence art thou come here? I am come from wr.t; 1091c. my companion is the uraeus-serpent, who comes forth from the god, the ir.t-serpent, who comes forth from R.

1092a. Ferry me over; put me in the Marsh of Reeds-1092b. those four spirits who are with me-1092c. pi, Dw-mw-t-f, Im.ti, b-n.w.f-1092d. two on this side, two on that side 1093b. It is, they who give me their arm;

1093a. (and) I will be the rudder. I find the Two Enneads. 1093c. I sit between them to give judgment; 1093d. I command those whom I find there. Utterance 506. 1094a. To say: I am St.ti, I am Sti-sti; 1094b. I am the Sw-sw-lake;

1094c. I am Swnt, the chest of heaven;

1095a. I am Ir-k, the most spiritual of the kings of Lower Egypt; 1095c. I am he who made (?) the two lands; 1095d. I am rr; I am rrw; 1095b. I am "he who shall remain hidden," the Imn of this land;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1096a. I am Praise; I am Appearance;

1096c. I am he who is to be delivered; I have delivered myself from all evil things. 1097a. Further, to say: I am Wn.t (the female wolf); I am he who belongs to the female wolf; 1097b. I am Hpi; I am Dw-mu.t.f.; 1097c. I am Im.ti, I am b-n.w.f.;

1096b. I am Hathor-symbol-of-the-female-soul, who has two faces;

1098a. I am (Dwn-n.wi) he who stretches out the wings; 1098b. I am those great gods who rule over the lake. 1098c. I am the B-n (living soul) with bearded (?) face,

1098d. who has stretched his head high, who has freed himself, who has removed himself, 1099a. (by) the interruption of the action of him who would act, 1099b. (by) putting to sleep the action of him who would act, the command of him who would command.

1099c. I do (good) to him who does what is good; I command (good) to him who commands what is good; 1100a. my lips are as the Two Enneads; 1100b. I am the great spoken word;

1100c. I am a delivered one; I am one worthy of deliverance; 1100d. I am delivered from all evil things. 1101a. Further, to say: Men and gods, your arms under me,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1101b. while you raise me and lift me up to heaven,

1101c. as the arms of Shu (were) under the sky as he lifted her up-1101d. to heaven, to heaven, to the great seat, among the gods! Utterance 507.

1102a. To say: Imti, say to him who had what is, and to him who has it not: "The entrance of 1102b. the bn-canal is open, 1102c. the Marsh of Reeds is inundated,

1103a. the two reed-floats of heaven are placed for Horus that he may ferry over therewith to R; 1103b. the two reed-floats of heaven are placed for R that he may ferry over therewith to Horus who inhabits the horizon." 1104a. He (Imti) commends N. to his father, the moon,

1102d. the Winding Watercourse is full of water;

1104b. (and to) the mother of N., the morning star; 1104c. he commends N. to those four youths, 1104d. who sit on the eastern side of the sky; 1105a. he commends N. to those four youths, 1105b. who sit on the eastern side of the sky;

1105c. to those four youths with hair black as coal,

1105d. who sit in the shade (shadow) of the fortress ti.

1106a. Further, to say: Great is the father of N.; great is the father of N.;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1106b. N. is great like his father (or, in the greatness of his father). 1107a. To say: He ascends, who ascends; N. ascends. Utterance 508.

1107b. Let the lady of Buto rejoice; let the heart of her who dwells in el-Kb be glad 1107c. the day that N. ascends there in the place of (or, as representative of) R.

1108a. N. has trodden down for himself thy splendour, 1108b. as stairs under his feet,

1108c. that N. may ascend thereon to his mother, the living uraeus which is on the head of R.

1109a. Her heart has pity for him; she gives her breast to him, that he may suck it. 1109b. "My son," says she, "take to thee my breast, that thou mayest suck it," says she, 1109c. "since thou comest not on every one of thy days." 1110a. Heaven speaks, the earth quakes; the gods, of Heliopolis shudder 1110b. at the voice of the wdn.t-offering (made) before N. 1111a. His mother has nourished him-she of Bubastis; 1111b. she who dwells in el-Kb has reared him; 1112a. Behold, he is come; behold, he is come; 1111c. she who dwells in Buto has given him her arm.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1112b. behold, N. is come, for life and joy, 1112c. and he makes his repast on figs 1112d. and on wine which is in the divine vineyard. 1113b. N. runs; his herdsman runs;

1113a. The chef who is beside him, he prepares a repast of it for him. 1113c. his sweetness is the sweetness of Horus; his fragrance is the fragrance of Horus.

1114a. To heaven, to heaven, together with the gods of the house of the lion and the falcon;

1114b. to heaven, together with the gods of the house of the lion and the falcon, 1114c. those at my side accompanying me! 1115a. So says Geb, as he seizes N. by his arm,

1115b. and as, he guides him through the portals of heaven. 1116a. Satis has washed him

1115c. The god is on his throne; it is well that the god is on his throne. 1116b. with her four bt-pitchers from Elephantin.

1116c. Ho, whence, pray, art thou come, my son, O king?

1116d. He is come to the Ennead, to heaven, that he may eat of its bread. 1117b. He is come to the Ennead, to the earth, that he may eat of its bread.

1117a. Ho, whence, pray, art thou come, my son, O king?


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1117c. Ho, whence, pray, art thou come, my son, O king? 1117d. He is come to the dnddndr-boat. 1118a. Ho, whence, pray, art thou come, my son, O king? 1118c. They of the long hair and hanging breasts, 1118d. who are on the hill of .

1118b. He is come to these his two mothers, the two vultures,

1119a. They draw their breasts over the mouth of N., 1119b. but they do not wean him for ever. Utterance 509.

1120b. Geb trembles; the two nomes of the god shout;

1120a. To say: Heaven speaks; the earth quakes:

1120c. the ground is hoed; the wdn.t-offering is made before N., living, enduring, 1121a. when he ascends to heaven, when he ferries over the vault, for life and joy:

1121b. also when he traverses the foaming sea, destroying the walls of Shu. 1122a. He ascends to heaven, 1122b. the tip of his wings being like (that of ) a great bird, 1122c. his entrails having been washed by Anubis; 1122d. the services of Horus having been rendered (lit. served) in Abydos, (even) the embalming of Osiris.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1123a. He ascends to heaven among the imperishable stars; 1123b. his sister is Sothis; his guide is the morning star; 1124a. He sits upon that (his) firm throne, 1124b. whose knobs are lions, 1123c. they two take his arm as far as the Marsh of Offerings.

1125a. He stands (or, he is erect) upon his elevated throne, which is between the two great gods, 1126a. When he lifts his arm toward the blessed dead (?) 1126b. the gods come to him bowing, 1126c. and the two great gods watch at their side. 1125b. with his sceptre b, the mni, in his hand.

1124c. whose feet are the hoofs of a great wild-bull.

1127a. They find him between the Two Enneads in giving judgment: 1127c. (and) they appointed N. among the gods. Utterance 510. 1127b. "A prince of all princes this is," they say of him;

1128a. To say: It is certainly not N. who asks to see thee 1128c. Osiris asks to see thee in the form which has become thine; 1128b. in the form which has become thine;

1129a. it is thy son who asks to see thee in the form which has become thine;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1129b. it is Horus who asks to see thee in the form which has become thine. 1130a. When thou sayest, "statues", in respect to these stones, 1130b. which are like fledglings of swallows under the river-bank; 1130c. when thou sayest, "his beloved son is coming," in the form which had become that of "his beloved son"

1131b. as Horus ascends (lit. in. the ascent of Horus) in the Mt-wr.tcow. 1132a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of b.w are open for Horus of the East,

1131a. they (the "statues") transport Horus; they row Horus over,

1133a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of b.w are open for N.,

1132b. at day-break, that he may descend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1133b. at daybreak, that N. may descend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 1134a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of b.w are open for Horus of the D.t,

1134b. at daybreak, that he may descend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 1135a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of b.w are open for N.,

1135b. at daybreak, that be may descend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 1136a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of b.w are open for Horus. of the sm.t-land,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1136b. at daybreak, that he may descend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 1137a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of b.w are open for N.,

1137b. at daybreak, that N. may descend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 1138b. when he dawns as king and takes charge of his throne. 1138c. He ferries over the ptr.ti-sea; 1138d. he traverses the Winding Watercourse. 1139a. Imt.t lays hold of the arm of N.,

1138a. The ground is hoed for him; the wdn.t-offering is made for him,

1139c. for N. is pure (a priest), the son of a pure one (a priest). 1140b. filled at the divine-lake in Ntr.w; 1140a. N. is purified with these four nm.t-jars,

1139b. beginning with her chapel, beginning with her hidden place, which the god made for her,

1140c. (he is dried) by the wind of the great Isis, together with (which) the great Isis dried (him) like Horus. 1141a. Let him come, he is pure, 1141b. so said the priest of R concerning N. to the door-keeper of b.w,

1142a. They recite: "How just is N. to his father, Geb!"

1141c. (who) was to announce him to these four gods, who are over the lake of Kns.t.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1142b. They recite: "How just is N. to R! "

1142c. His frontiers exist not; his boundary stones are not to be found.

1142d. Also, Geb, whose (one) arm (reaches) to heaven, whose (other) arm is on earth, 1142e. announces N. to R. 1143a. N. leads the gods; N. directs the divine boat; 1143b. N. seizes heaven, its pillars and its stars. 1144b. the spirits escort N. to his ba; 1144a. The gods come to him bowing;

1144d. they destroy their weapons;

1144c. they reckon (gather up) their war-clubs;

1145a. for behold N. is a great one, the son of a great one, whom Nut has borne; 1145c. This N. is the great wild-bull, who comes forth like nti'imnti.w. 1145b. the power of N. is the power of Set of Ombos.

1146a. N. is the pouring down of rain; he came forth as the coming into being of water; 1146b. for he is the Nb-k.w-serpent with the many coils; 1146c. N. is the scribe of the divine book, who says what is and causes to exist what is not; 1147a. N. is the red bandage, who comes forth from the great I.t; 1147b. N. is that eye of Horus,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1147c. stronger than men, mightier than the gods. 1148a. Horus carries N., Set lifts him up. 1148b. Let N. make an offering which a star gives;

1148c. he satisfies the two gods, let them be satisfied; he satisfies the two gods, and so they are satisfied. 1149a. To say: Geb laughs, Nut smiles Utterance 511.

1149b. before him, (when) N. ascends to heaven. 1150b. the tempest roars (lit. drives) for him. 1150c. He howls (or, roars) like Set;

1150a. Heaven rejoices for him; the earth quakes for him;

1151 a. the guardians of the parts (?) of heaven open the doors of heaven for him. 1151b. He stands on Shu; 1151c. he upholds the stars, in the shadow of the walls of god. 1152a. He crosses the sky like Swnt; 1152b. the third (with him) is Sothis of the pure places, 1152c. for he purifies himself in the lakes of the Dw.t. 1153a. The nmt--cow will make his ways pleasant;

1153b. she will guide him to the great seat, which the gods made, which Horus made, which Thot begat. 1154a. Isis will conceive him; Nephthys will bear him.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

154b. Then he will take his seat on the great throne which the gods made. 1155b. the gods of the horizon will come to him on their face, 1155c. and the imperishable stars, bowing.

1155a. Dw-w in jubilation and the gods in homage will come to him;

1156a. He takes the offering table; he directs the mouth of the gods; 1156b. he supports the sky in life; he sustains the earth in joy; 1156c. his right arm, it supports the sky in satisfaction (might 1157a. He finds tt, 1156d. his left arm, it sustains the earth in joy.

1157b. the crier, the door-keeper of Osiris.

1157c. His abomination is ferrying over without doing isnw.t. 1158a. He receives the wind of life, he breathes joy, 1158b. and he abounds in divine offerings; 1158d. he prospers among the gods.

1158c. he inhales wind and breathes out the wind of the North; 1158a. He is sharp like the great pd;

1159c. he strikes with the b-sceptre and directs with the i.tsceptre.

1159b. he advances towards the two itr.t-palaces;

1160a. He puts his record among men, and his love among the gods,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1160b. saying: "Say what is; do not say what is not;

1161a. the abomination of a god is a deceitful word." 1161c. This N. is thy son; this N. is thine heir. Utterance 512.

1161b. Let him be tested! Thou shalt not speak (thus of) him.

1162a. To say: My father made for himself his heart, after the other (heart) was taken from him, since it was opposed thereto, 1162b. as he ascended to heaven, 1162c. and traversed the billows of the Winding Watercourse. 1162d. Anubis comes, meeting thee, 1163a. Geb gives thee his arm, father N.

1164a. O, raise thyself up, N.;

1163c. he mourns him, who was mourned, his father--,

1163b. Guardian of the earth, leader of spirits--

1164c. purify thyself in the Lake of the jackal; purify thyself by incense in the Lake of the D.t; 1165a. Thou voyagest over the sky; 1164d. purify thyself before thy b.t-bush in the Marsh of Reeds.

1164b. receive these thy four nm.wt-jars and b.wt-jars;

1165b. thou makest thy abode in the Marsh of Offerings, among the gods who are gone to their kas. 1165c. Seat thyself upon thy firm throne;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1166a. take thy mace and thy sceptre,

1166b. that thou mayest lead those who are in Nun, that thou mayest command the gods, 1166c. and that thou mayest put a spirit in his spirit. 1167b. like R on the shores (or, lands) of the sky. 1107c. N. lift thyself up; hasten to thy spirit. Utterance 513. 1167a. Take thy walk; voyage over thy nti-ocean,

1168a. To say: When father N. ascends to heaven among the gods who are in heaven; 1168b. and when he stands by the great wr.t; 1168c. he hears the words of the blessed dead

1169a. R finds thee on the shores (or, lands) of the sky, in the ntiocean, in Nut. 1169b. "He comes, who should come," say the gods. 1170a. He gives thee his arm on (at) the iskn of the sky. 1170b. "He comes who knows his place," say the gods. 1171a. Pure one, assume thy throne in the boat of R,

1171c. that thou mayest sail with the imperishable stars;

1171b. that thou mayest sail the sky, that thou mayest mount above the ways (or, the far-off ways); 1171d. and that thou mayest voyage with the indefatigable (stars).


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1172a. Thou receivest the tribute of the evening boat; 1172b. thou becomest a spirit in the D.t; 1172c. thou livest in this sweet life in which the lord of the horizon lives. 1173a. "Great Flood dwelling in Nut, who indeed has done this for thee?", 1173b. say the gods who follow Atum.

1174b. He has heard his appeal; 'he has done for him what he said. 1174c. He has received his, body in the court of the prince of Nun, 1174d. before the Great Ennead. Utterance 514.

1174a. A greater than he hath done that for him, he who is north of the nti-ocean of Nut.

1175b. ------------ who is before Letopolis; his living ones are at his neck. 1175d. Geb has called -----------Utterance 515. 1175c. Thy place is for thy son; thy (?) place is for thy (?) son.

1175a. To say: Ni ------ Ni, serpent ------

1176a. To say: Two legs of Horus, two wings of Thot, 1176b. ferry N. over; leave him not without a boat! 1177a. Give thou bread to N.; give thou beer to N.,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1177b. from thy eternal bread, this thy everlasting beer.

1178a. N. is by these two obelisks of R, which are on earth;

1178b. N. is by these two holy signs of R, which are in heaven;

1179a. N. goes on these two reed-floats of the sky which are before R; 1179b. he brings this jar of the libation of R, 1179c. which purifies the land of the south before R, when he ascends in his horizon.

1180a. (When) N. comes to the field of life, to the birthplace of R in b.w, 1180b. N. finds b.wt, daughter of Anubis; 1180c. she approaches him with these her four nm.t-jars,

1180d. with which she refreshes the heart of the Great God, on the day of awakening. 1181a. She (also) refreshes the heart of N. therewith to life, 1181b. she purifies N., she censes N.

1182a. N. receives his provision from that which is in the granary of the Great God; 1182b. N. is clothed with imperishable stars; 1182c. N. presides over the two itr.t-palaces, Utterance 516.

1182d. he sits at the place of him equipped with the form (of a man). 1183a. Further, to say: O Nwrw, ferryman of the marsh of Pt,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1183b. N. is the herdsman of thy cattle, who is over thy Birthplace; 1184a. N. is thy potter who is on earth, 1184b. who will break the jar, the child of Nut.

1185a. N. is come; he brought to thee this thy house here which he made for thee 1185b. on the night of thy birth, on the day of thy M'n.t; 1185c. it is a jar.

1186a. Thou art Bes who knows not his father; thou knowest not thy mother.

1186b. Let him not announce thee to those who do not know thee that they may know thee. 1187a. Ferry him over rapidly 1187b. to the land of sm, to this field where the gods were be gotten,

1187c. over which the gods rejoice on these their New Year's days. 1188a. Further, to say: O thou who ferriest over the just, who is without a boat, 1188b. ferryman of the Marsh of Reeds, 1188c. N. is just before heaven, before the earth; 1188d. N. is just before this isle of the earth, 1188e. to which he has been swimming, and has arrived there, 1188f. and which is between the two thighs of Nut.

Utterance 517.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1189a. It is N., a pygmy, a dancer of the god,

1189b. who makes glad the heart of the god, before his great throne. 1189c. This is what thou hast heard in the houses, 1189d. and what thou hast learned in the streets, 1189e. that day when N. was summoned to life, 1189f. to hear the sentence.

1190a. Behold, the two who are on the throne of the Great God, 1190b. they summon N. to life and joy for ever, 1190c. they are prosperity and health.

1191a. (So) ferry N. over to the field, the beautiful seat of the Great God, 1191b. where he does the things to be done among the imw.w (venerable ones), 1191c. appoints them to food and assigns them to fowling. 1192a. It is N., 1192b. whom he appoints to food and assigns to fowling. 1193a. Further, to say: O Iw, ferryman of the Marsh of Offerings, Utterance 518.

1193b. bring for N. this (boat); N. goes, N. should come,

1194a. the son of the Morning Boat whom she bore before the earth, his happy birth, 1194b. whereby the Two Lands live, on the right side of Osiris.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1195a. N. is the annual messenger of Osiris.

1195b. Behold, he is come with a message from thy father Geb:

1195c. "If the year's yield is welcome, how welcome is the year's yield; the year's yield is good, how good is the year's yield!" 1196b. N. is the measuring line of the Two Enneads, 1197a. N. found the gods standing, 1196a. N. has descended with the Two Enneads in b.w;

1196c. by which the Marsh of Offerings is established. 1197b. wrapped in their garments,

1197c. their white sandals on their feet. 1197e. they cast off their garments.

1197d. Then they threw their white sandals on the ground, 1198a. "Our heart was not joyful until thou didst descend," say they; 11199a. Stand up, Osiris,

1198b. "may that which was said of you be that which you now are." 1199b. commend N. to those who are on "m is joyous" north of the Marsh of Offerings, 1199c. like as thou didst commend Horus to Isis the day that thou didst impregnate her, 1200a. that they may give food to N. in the fields, 1200c. in the Marsh of Offerings. 1200b. and that he may drink at the sources


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1201b. Osiris has said: "Let this thy boat be brought for N., 1201c. in which thy pure ones ferry, 1201d. that thou mayest receive a libation in this eastern (?) quarter of the imperishable stars 1202a. that N. may ferry in it 1202b. with that band of green tissue, 1202c. woven, as an eye of Horus, 1203a. N. arrives, w, w. 1202d. to bandage with it that finger of Osiris which became affected." 1203b. The shoals of the great sea protect him.

1201a. Further, to say: O r.f-.f, doorkeeper of Osiris,

Utterance 519.

1203c. The double doors with windows (of heaven) are open; the double doors of the lower region are open. 1203d. Ye Two Enneads, take N. with you 1203e. to the Marsh of Offerings, in accordance with the dignity (quality) of N., (of the) lord of the imw.w. 1204b. N. conducts the servants of R.

1204a. N. strikes with the b-sceptre; N. directs with the i-t-sceptre; 1204c. The earth has been refreshed; Geb has been censed 1204d. the Two Enneads have been ndd (?); 1205a. N. is a ba which passes among you, O gods.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1205b. The pt-pool (?) has been opened up; the pt-pool has been filled with water; 1205c. the Marsh of Reeds has been inundated; 1205d. the Marsh of Offerings has been filled with water. 1206a. They come to these four long-haired youths, 1206b. who stand on the eastern side of the sky, 1206d. that R may go thereby to his horizon.

1206c. and who prepare the two reed-floats for R, 1206e. They prepare the two reed-floats for N.,

1207a. O morning star, Horus of the D.t, the divine falcon, the great green (?), 1207b. children of heaven, greetings to thee in these thy four faces, which are satisfied 1207c. when they see those who are in Kns.t, 1208a. Give thou these thy two fingers to N., 1207d. who drive away the storm from those who are satisfied. 1208b. which-thou gavest to the beautiful one (Nfr.t), daughter of the Great God,

1206f. that N. may go thereby to the horizon, to R.

1208c. when the sky was separated from the earth, and when the gods ascended to heaven, 1209a. whilst thou was a soul appearing in the bow of thy boat of 770 cubits (long),


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1209b. which the gods of Buto constructed for thee, which the eastern gods shaped for thee. 1210a. N. is son of Khepri, born from the vulva, 1210b. under the curls of Iw.-., north of Heliopolis, out of the forehead of Geb. 1211b. that night when be made the bread plain, 1211a. N. is he who was between the legs of Mnti-irti,

1211c. that day when the heads of the mottled serpents were cut off. 1212a. Take thou to thyself thy favourite mb-harpoon, 1212b. thy spear which seizes the canals, 1212c. whose two points are the rays of the sun, 1212d. whose two barbs are the claws of Mfd.t, 1212e. with which N. cuts off the heads

1212f. of the adversaries, who are in the Marsh of Offerings, 1213a. when he descended to the ocean (great green). 1214b. Bow thy head, decline thine arms (bow in humility), great green. 1213c. The children of Nut are those who descend to thee, 1213d. their garlands on their heads, 1213e. their garlands of leaves on their necks;

1214a. (those) who cause to flourish the crowns (of the North) of the canals of the Marsh of Offerings


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1214b. for the great Isis, who fastened on the girdle in Chemmis,

1214c. when she brought her garment and burned incense before her son, Horus, the young child, 1215a. when he was journeying through the land in his two white sandals, 1215b. and went to see his father, Osiris. 1215c. N. opened his way like fowlers;

1215d. N. exchanged greetings with the lords of kas;

1216a. N. went to the great island in the midst of the Marsh of Offerings, 1216b. on which the gods cause the swallows to alight. 1216c. The swallows are the imperishable stars.

1216d. They give to N. the tree of life whereof they live, 1216e. that N. may, at the same time, live thereof. 1217a. (Morning Star), cause thou N. to ferry over with thee,

1217b. to this thy great field, which thou didst subdue with the aid of the gods, 1217c. (where) thou eatest at evening and at dawn, which is full of food. 1218a. N. eats of that which thou eatest; 1218c. Put thou the back of N. 12 18b. N. drinks of that which thou drinkest. 1218d. against the post, against it who is before its sisters.


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1219a. Thou (Morning Star) makest N. to sit down because of his truth 1219c. N. stands; he has taken (his) venerableness in thy presence, 1219b. (and) to stand up because of his venerableness.

1219d. like Horus who took the house (heritage) of his father from the brother of his father, Set, in the presence of Geb. 1220a. Put thou N. as a prince among the spirits, 1220b. the imperishable stars of the north of the sky, 1220c. who direct the offerings and protect the gifts, 1220d. who cause to come those things (offerings and gifts) for those who preside over the kas in heaven. 1221a. Further, to say: O ye four who are in possession of curls, 1221b. your curls are in front of you (or, on your forehead), 1221c. your curls are at your temples, 1221d. your curls are at the back of your head, Utterance 520.

1221e. (and that which is) in the middle of your head are braids. 1222a. Bring this boat to N.; bring this boat to N. 1222b. It is rr and Sees-behind-him who will ferry N. over,

1222c. (when) N. ferries over to that side where the imperishable stars are, 1222d. that N. may be with them. 1223a. If you do not at once ferry over in the ferry-boat of N.,


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1223b. then N. will tell this your name to the people whom he knows, 1223d. so then N. will pluck out those braids, which are in the middle of your head, Utterance 521. 1223e. like lotus flowers in-the lotus pond. 1223c. to the "wicked-men";

1224b. it is a r-gander, who brings himself; it is a st-goose, who brings herself; 1224c. it is a ng-bull, who brings himself. 1225a. N. flies, as a cloud, like a heron; 1225c. N. goes off

1224a. To say: He who journeys over the sea, the messenger; he who journeys over the sea, the messenger

1225b. thou fliest low (?) like the father of a -heron. 1225d. to these his fathers, who are over (chief of) Pdw-; 1226a. N. brings his bread which cannot mould, 1226b. his beer which cannot sour. 1226c. N. eats this his one bread alone;

1226d. N. gives it not to one at his back; Utterance 522.

1226e. he rescues it from the knm.t-bird. 1227a. To say: Sees-behind-him, His-face-behind-him,


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1227b. behold thou, N. is come to life.

1227c. He has brought to thee this eye of Horus, bound in the field of wrestlers. 1227d, Bring it to N., namely, the "work of Khnum." 1228a. O pi, Im.ti, Dw-mut.f, b-n.w.f, 1228b. bring it to N., namely, the "work of Khnum," 1228c. which is in the Winding Watercourse. 1229a. O devourer, open the way to N.; 1229c. O Nekhbet, open the way to N. 1230b. Love N. as N. loves thee. 1229b. O rr-serpent, open the way to N.; 1230a. Greetings to thee, good one, (come) in peace. 1230c. Unwanted (?) art thou, evil one;

1230d. if thou avoidest N., N. will avoid thee.


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Utterance 523.

1231b. that N. may lift himself to heaven as the eye of R, 1231c. and that N. may stand at this left eye of Horus 1231d. where the word of the gods is heard.

1231a. To say: The sky has strengthened the radiance for N.,

1232a. Thou shalt stand in the presence of the spirits, 1232b. as Horus stood in the presence of the living. 1232c. N. shall stand in the presence of the spirits, the imperishable stars, 1232d. as Osiris stands in the presence of the spirits. Utterance 524.

1233a. To say: N. is pure with the purification which Horus did to his eye.

1233b. N. is Thot who avenges thee (the eye); N. is not Set who seizes it. 1233c. Rejoice, O gods; rejoice, O Two Enneads. 1234a. Let Horus approach N.

1234b. N. is crowned with the white crown, the eye of Horus wherewith he is powerful. 1234c. The gods rejoice for him who ascends.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1235a. The face of N. is as that of a jackal; the two arms of N. are as those of a falcon; 1235b. the extremities of the wings of N. are as those of Thot. 1235c. May Geb let N. fly to heaven, 1235d. that this N. may take the eye of Horus, to himself! 1236a. N. has penetrated your frontier, ye dead; 1236b. N. has overturned your boundary stones, ye who are before and with Osiris; 1236c. N. has conjured the paths of Set; 1237a. No god can hold N.; 1236d. N. has passed by the messengers of Osiris. 1237b. no opponent stands in the way of N. 1237c. N. is Thot, the strongest of the gods; 1237d. Atum calls N. to heaven for life.

1237e. N. has taken the eye of Horus to himself! 1238b. Weighty is this word before thee, O R. 1238c. Hear it, bull of the Ennead.

1238a. N. is the son of Khnum; there is nothing evil which N. has done.

1239a. Open the way of N.; enlarge the place of N. before the gods.

1239b. N. has taken the eye of Horus to himself; N. has attached to himself that which went forth from his head. 1240a. N. has caused him to see with both his eyes complete,


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1240b. that he may punish his enemies therewith.

1240c. Horus has taken his eye and has given it to N.

1241a. His odour is the odour of a god; the odour of the eye of Horus appertains to the flesh of N. 1241b. N. is in front with it; N. sits upon your great throne, O gods; 1241c. N. is side by side with Atum, between the two sceptres.

1242a. N. is the wnnw (messenger?) of the gods in search of the eye of Horus; 1242b. N. searched for it at Buto; he found it at Heliopolis; 1242c. N. snatched it from the head of Set, at the place where they fought.

1243a. Horus, give thine arm to N.; Horus take to thyself thine eye;

1243b. it mounts up to thee; it ascends to thee; it comes to thee, N., for life; 1243c. the eye of Horus comes to thee with N., before N., for ever. Utterance 525.

1244a. To say: R purified himself for thee; Horus adorned himself for thee, 1244b. so that blindness (?) might cease and that sleeplessness might be repelled, 1245a. N. descends in the lake of Kns.t; 1244c. before there existed a god, a son of god, a messenger of god. 1245b. N. purifies himself in the Marsh of Reeds;


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1245c. N. is purified by the Followers of Horus,

1245d. who recite for N. "the chapter of those who ascend,"

1245e. who recite for N. "the chapter of those who raise themselves up." 1246a. Descend, N., into this thy boat of R which the gods row. 1246c. as they rejoice at the approach of R, Utterance 526. 1246b. When N. rises they (the gods) rejoice at the approach of N., 1246d. when he comes forth in the East, mounting, mounting. 1247a. To say: N. has purified himself in the Lake of Reeds, 1247b. wherein R was purified. 1247c. Horus dries the back of N., the back of Thot, the legs of N., the legs of Shu. 1247d. Shu, take N. to heaven; Nut, give thine arm to N. Utterance 527.

1248a. To say: Atum created by his masturbation in Heliopolis. 1248b. He put his phallus in his fist, 1248c. to excite desire thereby.

1248d. The twins were born, Shu and Tefnut. 1249a. They put N. between them; 1249b. they put N. among the gods in the Marsh of Offerings.


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1249c. To say four times: N. mounts to heaven; Utterance 528.

1249d. N. descends to the earth; for life everlasting. 1250a. Further, to say: O Swnt, who traverses the sky nine times in the night, 1250b. lay hold of the arm of N. for life; 1250c. ferry him on this sea.

1250d. (So) N. descends into this boat of the god, 1250f. to row N. in it.

1250e. in which the corporation of the Ennead rows, 1251a. "The chapter of Bdw" is recited for thee;

1251b. "the chapter of natron" is recited for thee.

1251c. Incense stands (as chief) before the Great Ennead, Utterance 529.

1251d. while Bdw is seated before (or, in) the great itr.t-palace. 1252a. Further, to say: O this Doorkeeper of heaven,

1252b. pay attention to this messenger of a god, ascending. 1252d. bring him to the southern portal of the sky; 1252f. bring him to the northern portal of the sky.

1252c. When he goes forth by the western portal of the sky, 1252e. when he ascends by the eastern portal of the sky,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1253a. To say: Greetings to thee, Ladder, which the Souls of Buto and the Souls, of Nekhen have set up and built: 1253b. Give thou thine arm to N.; 1253c. that N. may sit between the two great gods;

Utterance 530.

1253d. that the places of N. be in front; and that his arm be held as far as the Marsh of Offerings, 1253e. so that he may sit among the stars which are in the sky. 1254a. To say: O ye two Kites who are on the wing of Thot, 1254b. who are Whnnw.ti and Dndnw.ti, 1254c. bring this (message) to N.; put him on that side. Utterance 531.

1254d. N. comes for life as messenger of Horus, the rapid one (or, in (his) service). 1255a. To say: O Mooring-post of the morning-boat of its lord; Utterance 532.

1255c. Isis comes, Nephthys comes, one of them on the right, one of them on the left, 1256a. They found Osiris, 1255d. one of them as a .t-bird, one of them (Nephthys) as a kite. 1256b. after his brother Set had felled him to the earth in Ndi.t,

1255b. O Mooring-post of the morning-boat of him who is in it,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1256c. when Osiris (N.) said, "come to me," hence comes his name as "Seker." 1257a. They prevent thee from rotting, in accordance with this thy name of "Anubis"; 1257b. they prevent thy putrefaction from flowing to the ground, 1257c. in accordance with this thy name of "jackal of the South"; 1257d. they prevent the smell of thy corpse from being bad, in accordance with this thy name of "r-h.ti."

1258a. They prevent Horus of the East from rotting; they prevent Horus, lord of men, from rotting; 125 8b. they prevent Horus of the D.t from rotting; they prevent Horus, lord of the Two Lands from rotting. 1259a. Wake up for Horus; stand up against Set;

1258c. And Set will not ever free himself from carrying thee, Osiris N.

1259c. before whom the Two Enneads tremble.

1259b. raise thyself up, Osiris N., son of Geb, his first (-born),

1260a. The keeper (min.w) stands up before thee, so that (the feast) of the New Moon may be celebrated for thee; thou appearest for (the feast of) the month; 1260b. thou advancest to the sea (of N.); thou traversest to the Great Green; 1261a. for thou art "he who stands without being tired" in Abydos; 1261b. thou art spiritualized on the horizon; thou endurest in Dd.t (Mendes);

1261c. thine arm is taken by the Souls of Heliopolis; thine arm is seized by R.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1262a. Thy head, N., is raised up by the Two Enneads;

1262b. they have put thee, Osiris N., as chief of the double itr.t-palace of the Souls of Heliopolis. 1262c. Thou livest, thou livest, raise thyself up. 1263a. To say: ----------------------------Utterance 533.

1263b. ----------------- which goes forth ----

1263c. N. is the blood, which goes forth from R; the sweat which goes forth from Isis.


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Utterance 534.

1264b. Be gone, flee (thou) whom Horus guards, whom Set protects; 1265a. be gone, flee, (thou) whom Isis guards, whom Nephthys protects; 1265b. flee, chief, (thou) whom Mnti-irti guards, whom Thot protects;

1264a. To say by Horus: May Geb make an offering.

1264c. be gone, flee, (thou) whom Osiris guards, whom Hrti protects;

1265c. be gone, flee (thou) whom the .tiw guard, whom the imi.wiw.w protect. 1266a. I have come; I have dedicated this house to N.; 1266b. purer is this broad-hall than b.w;

1267a. Let not Osiris come in this his evil coming; 1267b. do not open to him thine arms.

12 66c. at its door (or, entrance) is an obelisk; the door is double (i.e. with two leaves), and is sealed with two evil eyes.

1267c. Let him be gone; let (him) go to Ndi.t; at once; let him be gone to d. 1268a. Let not Horus come in this his evil coming; 1268b. do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him is his name of p-iri--.w.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1268c. Let him go to np.t; at once; let him go to Ntr. 1269a. Let not Set come in this his evil coming; 1269b. do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him is his name of . 1269c. Let him go to dw.t; at once; let him go to n.t. 1270a. If Mnti-irti comes in this his evil coming;

1270b. do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him is his name of n (driveller). 1270c. Let him go to Ddnw-(him whom) they found in (the condition of) quaking; 1270d. at once; let him go to m. 1271a. If Thot comes in this his evil coming;

1271b. do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him is his name of "thou hast no mother." 1271c. Let him go; let him be gone to his (?) two int.wi; let him go to Buto, to Hri-Dwti. 1272a. If Isis comes in this her evil coming;

1272b. do not open to her thine arms; that which is said to her is her name (of) "wide of w-t (evil-smelling)." 1272d. at once; let her go to db.t, to the place where thou hast (she has) been struck. 1273a. If Nephthys comes in this her evil coming; 1272c. Let her (lit. him) be gone; let her go to the houses of Mnw;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1273b. that which. is said to her is this her name of "substitute without vulva." 1273c. Go thou to the house of eret, to the place where thou didst strike thy two nn.twi (thighs?). 1274a. If enemies come with those who are among the elders

1274c. Go to ---- tw.t.

1274b. that which is said to them (lit. her) is this their (lit. her) name of p-.w.

1275a. If N. comes with his ka;

1275b. the mouth of his gods opens: "(If) he desires to descend to the [underworld, let him descend] 1275c. to the place where there are gods." 1276a. If N. comes with his ka, open thou thine arms to him;

1276b. the mouth of his gods opens: "(If) he desires to ascend to heaven, let him ascend." 1277a. I am come as judge; may Geb make offerings, and Atum. 1277b. I consecrate this pyramid, this temple, to N. and to his ka;

1277c. that which this pyramid, this temple, contains is for N. and for his ka; 1277d. pure is this eye (pyramid enclosure) of Horus, 1278a. O may it be pleasing to thee. He who puts his finger against this pyramid, this temple of N. and of his ka;

1278c. may Nephthys and Isis go against him -------- Geb.

1278b. he who will put his finger against the house of Horus in b.w,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1279a. His case will be heard by the Ennead,

1279b. he will be without support, his house will be without support; 1279c. he is accursed; he is one who eats his (own) body.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 535.

1280b. The .t-bird comes, the kite comes; they are Isis and Nephthys. 1280c. They are come in search of their brother Osiris; 1280d. (They are come) in search of their brother N.

1280a. To say by Isis and Nephthys:

1281a. Thou who art (here), thou who art (there), weep for thy brother; Isis, weep for thy brother; Nephthys, weep for thy brother. 1281b. Isis sits, her hands upon her head; 1282a. Nephthys has indeed seized the tip of (her) two breasts because of her brother, N.;

1282b. Anubis being on his belly; Osiris being wounded; Anubis being before the fist (?). 1283a. Thy putrefaction, N., is not; thy sweat, N., is not; 12 83b. thy outflowing, N., is not; thy dust, N., is not. 1284a. .ti son of .ti (is) at Mnii, coming as Mn.ti, 1285a. The stars follow thy beloved b.wt,

1284b. to divide in three these your four days and your eight nights. 1285b. who is chief of thy nm (attendants); thou art chief of those who are chief of the nm.w (attendants); thou hast made nm the nm.w.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1285c. Loose Horus from his bonds, that he may punish the Followers of Set; 1286a. that he may seize them; that he may remove their heads; that he may take off their legs. 1286b. Cut thou them up, take thou out their hearts; 1286c. drink thou of their blood;

1287a. count their hearts, in this thy name of "Anubis counter of hearts." 1287b. Thy two eyes have been given to thee as thy two uraeusserpents, 1287c. for thou art like Wepwawet on his standard, Anubis who presides in s-ntr.

1288a. O N., the houses of the great who are in Heliopolis make thee "first"; 1288b. the spirits and even the imperishable stars fear thee. 1288c. The dead fall on their face before thee; the blessed dead(?) care for thee. 1289a. "Eldest (son), Im is for N.," say the Souls of Heliopolis, 1289b. who furnish thee with life and satisfaction. 1289c. He lives with the living as Seker lives with the living; 1289d. he lives with the living as N. lives with the living. 1290a. O N., come, live thy life there, in thy name, in thy time,

1290b. in these years, which are to be peaceful, according to (?) thy wish.


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1291b. The double doors of heaven are open for thee; the double doors of Nut are open for thee;

1291a. To say: Thy water belongs to thee, thine abundance belongs to thee, thine efflux comes out of Osiris to thee.

Utterance 536.

1291c. the double doors of heaven are open for thee; the double doors of b.w are open for thee. 1292a. "Welcome," says Isis; "(come) in peace," says Nephthys, when they see their brother. 1292b. Raise thyself up; 1292c. untie thy bandages; shake off thy dust.

1293a. Sit thou upon this thy firm throne.

1293b. Thou art pure with thy four nm.t-jars and thy four b.t-jars, 1293c. which come for thee out of thy chapel of natron, which were filled for thee in the natron lake, 1293d. and which Horus of Nekhen has given thee. 1294a. He has given to thee his spirits, the jackals,

1294b. like (to) Horus who is in his house, like (to) nti (Osiris) chief of the mighty. 1294c. A durable offering is made for thee. 1295a. Anubis, chief of the s-ntr, has commanded that thou come in as a star, as god of the morning (or, as god of the morning star), 1295b. that thou pass through the region of Horus of the South and that thou pass through the region of Horus of the North.


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1296a. (And) men will construct with their arms a stairway to thy throne. 1296b. He comes to thee his father; he comes to thee Geb. 1297a. Do for him that which thou hast done for his brother, Osiris,

1297b. on this day of thy feast, the water being full (i. e. at inundation), 1297c. when (his) bones are counted, when (his) sandals are repaired, 1297d. when his nails, upper and lower, are cleaned for him, 1297e. There will come to him (people of) the Upper Egyptian itr.tpalace and of the northern itr.t-palace, bowing --. 11298a. To say: O N., arise, sit thou on the throne of Osiris; Utterance 537.

1298b. thy flesh is complete like (that of) Atum; thy face like (that of) a jackal. 1299a. Give thou thy mouth to R. 1299b. He congratulates thee on what thou hast said; he praises thy words. 1299c. Arise; thou ceasest not to be; thou perishest not. 1300a. Live, N., thy mother Nut lays hold of thee, she unites her. self with thee;

1300b. Geb seizes thine arm. "Thou comest in peace," say thy fathers. 1300c. Thou art possessed of thy body; thou art clothed in thy body. 1301a. Thou ascendest like Horus of the D.t, chief of the imperishable stars;


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1301c. thou livest as the coleoptera (lives); thou endurest as the dd, eternally. 1302a. To say: Back, thou lowing ox. Utterance 538.

1301b. thou sittest upon thy firm throne at the head of thy canal of b.w;

1302c. the fingers of Atum are at thy horns.

1302b. Thy head is in the hand of Horus; thy tail is in the hand of Isis;


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Utterance 539.

1303a. To say: The head of N. is like that of the vulture, 1303c. The skull of N. is like that of divine stars, 1303b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1303d. when it ascends and [lifts itself to the sky]. 1304b. when it ascends and lifts itself to the sky. 1304c. The face of N. is like that of Wepwawet,

1304a. [The forehead of N. is like that of] ---- and Nu,

1305a. The eyes of N. (are like those of) the Great One who is chief of the Souls of Heliopolis, 1305b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1305c. The nose of N. is like that of Thot,

1304d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1305d. when he ascends [and lifts himself to the sky].

1306a. [The mouth of] N. is like that of him who traverses the great lake, 1306b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1306c. The tongue of N. is like that of truth in the boat of truth, 1306d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1307a. The teeth of N. are (like those of) spirits,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1307b. when he ascends and lifts, himself to the sky. 1307c. The lips of N. are like those of -----) 1307d. [when he ascends and lifts] himself to the sky. 1308a. The chin of N. is like that of Hrti-nti-m, 1308b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1308d. when he ascends, and lifts himself to the sky. 1309a. The arms of N. are like those of Set, 1309c. --------------------1309b. when he ascends and lifts himself [to the sky]. 1309d. [when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky]. 1310a. ----- like -- Bibw, 1310b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1310c. The heart of N. is like that of Bastet, 1311a. The belly of N. is like that of Nut, 1311c. ----------------1310d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1311b. when he ascends and lifts himself [to the sky]. 1311d. [when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky]. 1308c. The back of N. is like that of the wild-bull,

1312a. ----- of N. -- like --- of the Two Enneads,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1312b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1312 C. The seat of N. is like that of eet, 1312d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1313a. The buttocks of N. are like those of the boat of the evening, and the boat of the morning, 1313b. when he ascends and lifts, himself to the sky. 1313d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1314b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1313c. The phallus of N. is like that of api,

1314a. The thighs of N. are like those of Neit and eret, 1314c. The legs of N. are like those of the two souls who are before the field dr, 1314d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1315a. The feet of N. are like those of the two morning boats of the sun, 1315b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1315c. The toes of N. are like those of the Souls of Heliopolis, 1315d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1316b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1316c. N. is the son of R, his beloved, 1316a. N. is he who belongs to a god, the son of a god,

1316d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1317a. N. is begotten of R,

1317b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1317c. N. is conceived of R, 131 8a. N. is born of R, 1317d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1318b. when he ascends, and lifts himself to the sky. 1318c. This magic is in the body of N., 1318d. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1319b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1320a. (He is) Hnnw,

1319a. N. is the great sceptre in the great court in Heliopolis,

1320b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1320c. (He is) Horus, the child, the youth, 1320d. when this N. ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1321a. Nut (is) she who cannot be fertilized without putting (down) her arms, 1321b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1321c. Geb is not diverted from his way, 1321d. when N. ascends and lifts himself to the sky.

1322a. Each god who constructs not a stairway for N., 1322b. when he ascends and lifts himself to the sky,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1323b. he shall not smell (taste) a leg (of meat); he shall not pass a cutlet (over the mouth) (i.e., he shall not taste a cutlet),

1323a. he shall not wash himself in the w-bowl,

1322c. he shall have no p-cake, he shall have no shade,

1323c. the earth shall not be hoed for him; the wdn.t-offerings shall not be made for him, 1323d. when this N. ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1324b. it is magic which says that against you, O gods. 1324c. N. belongs to a region under magic. 1324a. It is certainly not N. who says that against you, O gods;

1325a. Each god who constructs stairs (or, stairway) for N., 1325b. when N. ascends and lifts himself to the sky; 1325c. each god who vacates his throne in his boat, 1325d. when this N. ascends, and lifts himself to the sky,

1326a. the earth shall be hoed for him, the wdn.t-offering shall be made for him, 1326b. a nmt.t-bowl shall be made for him,

1326c. he shall smell a leg (of meat), he shall pass a cutlet (over the mouth), 1326d. when this N. ascends and lifts himself to the sky. 1327a. Each god who takes the arm of N. to the sky, 1327b. when he comes to the house of Horus which is in b.w, 1327c. his ka shall be justified before Geb.


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Utterance 540.

1328b. He has brought to thee this thy ka; how wonderful it is! 1329a. tmw.t has raised thee up;

1328a. To say: N. comes to thee, his father; he comes to thee, Osiris.

1328c. His mother Nut has punished him who shines on her forehead. 1329b. thy mouth is opened by , chief of the city of n.t;

1329d. [thy mouth] is opened by the tt.wi which are before the house of natron; 1330a. thy mouth is opened by Horus with his little finger, 1330b. with which he opened the mouth of his father, with which he opened the mouth of Osiris. 1331a. N. is thy son; N. is Horus; 1331b. N. is the beloved son of his father, in this his name of "Son whom he loves." 1332a. Thou art purified: thou art dried. Thy clothing is given (to thee), 1332c. which N. has brought to thee, that he might clothe thee therewith. Utterance 541.

1329c. thy mouth is opened by Dw-wr in the house of gold;

1332b. thy thousand of alabaster (vessels), thy thousand of garments,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1333a. To say: Children of Horus,

1333b. pi, Dw-mu.t.f, Im.ti, b-n.w.f,

1333c. protect life for your father, Osiris N.

1333d. from the time that he is given his endurance (or, that he endure) among the gods.

1334a. Smite Set, protect this Osiris N. from him before the earth is brightened.

1334b. Horus is powerful; he himself will avenge this his father, Osiris N. 1334c. The father has caused that you honour him. Utterance 542.

1335b. he has proclaimed a royal (death) decree in the places of Anubis--everyone recognizing it, he shall not live. 1336a. Thot, spare not any among those who wronged the king;

1335a. To say: It is Horus; he is come to reclaim his father, Osiris N.;

1336b. Thot, hasten that thou mayest see (grasp) this; O father (Thot), announce to him his (death) decree. 1337a. To say: Bring (him) to this Osiris N. Utterance 543.

1337b. Osiris N., he who killed thee is brought to thee; let him not escape from thee.

1337c. Osiris N., he who killed thee is brought to thee; perform his execution.


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1337d. Osiris N., he who killed thee is brought to thee, cut (him) in three. 1338a. To say: Children of Horus, go to this Osiris N.; Utterance 544.

1338b. Children of Horus, hurry, put yourselves under this Osiris N.; let there be none among you who shall withdraw. 1338c. Carry him. Utterance 545.

1339a. To say: Osiris N., he who killed thee is brought to thee; cut (him) up; perform his execution. 1339b. Children of Horus, 1339c. pi, Dw-mu.t.f, Im.ti, b-n.w.f,

1340a. carry your father, this Osiris N.; lead him. Utterance 546.

1340b. Osiris, N., make thy endurance; open thy mouth; stand up. 1341a. To say: I am Nut; bring to (me) Osiris N.,

1341b. give him to (me), that I may embrace him. 1342a. To say: O father, Osiris N., I betake myself to thee; Utterance 548. Utterance 547.

1342b. Osiris N., approach thyself to (me).


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1343a. To say: The mouth of the earth opens for Osiris N.; Geb said to him: 1343b. "N. is great like a king, mighty like R." 1343c. "Come in peace," say the Two Enneads to N.

1343d. The eastern door of heaven is open for him, to the abode of kas. 1344a. The great Nut gives her arms to him, she of the long horn, she of the protruding breast. 1344b. She will nurse N.; she will not wean him.

1345a. She takes him to herself to heaven, she does not cast him down to the earth. 1345b. She makes this N. remain as chief of the two itr.t-palaces. 1345c. He descends into the boat like R, on the shores of the Winding Watercourse. 1346a. N. rows in the nbw-boat,

1346b. where he takes the helm, towards the field of the two lower heavens, 1346c. to the beginning of this land of the Marsh of Reeds. 1347a. His arm is taken by R; his head is raised up by Atum;

1347b. his forward cable is taken by Isis; his stern cable is seized by Nephthys.

Utterance 549.

1348b. as the herdsmen of (his) calves.

1348a. b.w.t places him at her side, and puts him among the nti.w-,


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1349b. pass thou the cutlet, from thy chapel (or, of thy lady), over thy mouth. 1350a. To say: Back, Km-wr, Utterance 550.

1349a. To say: Back, Bbwi, red-eared, with coloured hind-quarters,

1350b. glide away in Babylon (Hri-), in the place where they glided (i.e. fell). Utterance 551.

1351c. let thou (me) pass by, the passing by of a god. 1352. To say: I am alive, says N., for ever. Utterance 552.

1351b. back, Rw-.t; retreat P.wi,

1351a. To say: Open, Frontier (?), open --- as its (?) barrier inclines;


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Utterance 553.

1353a. To say: Geb has raised thee up; this thy spirit has been guarded for thee. 1353c. Thou art more exalted than Shu and Tefnut in the house of tmw.t (the destroyer), N., 1353b. Thy mns-jar remains; thy mns-jar is caused to remain.

1354a. for thou art verily a spirit who wast nursed by Nephthys with her left breast. 1354b. Osiris has given to thee the spirits; take the eye of Horus to thee. 1355a. These thy four ways which are before the grave of Horus

1355b. are those whereon one goes (lit. goes a going) to the god as soon as the sun sets (or, as far as the setting of the sun).

1356a. He takes hold of thine arm, after Seker, chief of Pdw- purified thee, 1356b. (and he conducted thee) to thy throne which is in b.w.

1357a. Raise thyself up, spirit of N.; sit, eat thou;

1357b. let thy ka be seated, that he may eat bread and beer with thee without ceasing for ever and ever. 1358a. Thy going is as a representative of Osiris; 1358b. thy feet hit thine arms; 1358c. they bring thee to thy feasts,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1358d. to thy white teeth, (to) thy fingernails, (to) the Dw.f-nome. 1359a. Thou ferriest over as the great bull to the green fields, 1359b. to the pure places of R.

1360a. Raise thyself up, spirit of N.; thy water belongs to thee, thine abundance belongs to thee;

1360b. thine efflux belongs to thee, which issued from the secretion of Osiris.

1361a. The double doors of heaven are open for thee; the double doors of b.w are undone for thee; 1361b. the double doors of the tomb are open for thee; the double doors of Nut are unfastened for thee. 1362a. "Greeting," says Isis; "ferry on in peace," says Nephthys,

1362c. Elevated is the ddb.t-chapel of the double itr.t-palace of the North, thy Grg.w-b. 1363a. Raise thyself up; shake off thy dust; 1363b. remove the dirt which is on thy face; loose thy bandages.

1362b. after she had seen thy father, Osiris, on the day of the mm.tfeast (or, of feasting him who is in need ?).

1363c. They are indeed not bandages; they are the locks of Nephthys. 13 64a. Travel over the southern regions; travel over the northern regions; 1364b. be seated on thy firm throne.

1364c. Anubis, who is chief of the s-ntr, commands that thy spirit be behind thee, that thy might be in thy body,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1364d. that thou remain Chief of the mighty ones (or, spirits). 1365a. Thou purifiest thyself with these thy four nm.t-jars, 1365b. (with) the pn.t and t-jar, which come from the s-ntr for thee, that thou mayest become divine. 1365c. The sky weeps for thee; the earth trembles for thee; 1366a. the mnt.t-woman laments for thee; the great min.t mourns for thee; 1366b. the feet agitate for thee; the hands wave for thee, 1366c. when thou ascendest to heaven as a star, as the morning star. 1367a. N. is come to thee, his father; he is come to thee, Geb; 1367b. he is united with your dead, O gods.

1367c. Let him sit on the great throne, on the lap of his father Mnti'irti; 1368a. let him purify his mouth with incense and natron; let him purify his nails upper and lower.

1368b. Let one do for him what was done for his father, Osiris, on the day of assembling the bones, 1368c. of making firm (or, adjusting) the sandals, of crossing the feet (i.e. when ferrying over). 1369a. To thee come the wise and the understanding; 1369b. to thee comes the southern itr.t-palace,

1369d. (thou) who endurest eternally at the head of the mighty ones.

1369c. to thee comes the northern itr.t-palace, with a salutation,


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The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 554.

1370a. To say: N. is verily a son of the great wild-cow; she conceived him and gave him birth; 1370b. they place him in the interior of her wing; 1370c. she ferries over the lake with thee (i.e. him); she traverses the ~iw-canal with thee (i.e. him). 1371a. Thy fillet as chief of the house is at thy back; 1371b. thy b-mni-sceptre is, in thy hand,

1371c. that thou mayest strike, that thou mayest rule, in accordance with thy dignity, which appertains to lords of the im3,

1372a. for indeed thou art of the Followers of R, who are behind the morning star (Dw). 1372b. Let no evil be to thee; let no evil be to thy name, the first on earth. Utterance 555. 1373a. To say: N. is come forth from Buto, to the gods of Buto; 1374a. N. dawns as king (of Upper Egypt); he is elevated as Wepwawet, 1374c. his d-mace on his arm, his sceptre in his hand. 1375a. The mother of N. is Isis; his nurse is Nephthys;

1373b. N. is adorned as a falcon, bedecked as the Two Enneads.

1374b. (after) he has taken the white crown and the green crown,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1375b. she who suckles N. is .t-r.

1376a. The ropes are knotted; the boats of N. are tied together 1376c. on the southern shore of the Winding Watercourse. 1377a. Thot, who is in the shade of his bush, 1377b. put N. upon the tip of thy wing.,

1375c. Neit is behind him; rt-tw is before him.

1376b. for the son of Atum--hungry and thirsty, thirsty and hungry--

1377c. on the northern shore of the Winding Watercourse. 1378b. (as) he ascends to heaven like Montu, Utterance 556.

1378a. N. is well, his flesh is sound; N. is well, his garments are sound, 1378c. (as) he descends as B-ibt.f, as B-m.f.

1379b. ------- the great to the places of the gods. 1380a. ------------------------ father, Osiris N.

1379a. To say: He hastens, who hastens ----------------

1379c. Elevated is father, Osiris N., like Wepwawet. 1380b. Let him raise himself up, Anubis, he who is in the mnwi-shrine. 1380c. Thy feet are like those of a jackal; stand up. 1381a. ------------------------------------1380d. Thine arms are like those of a jackal; stand up.


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1381b. ------ to row before him; he brings to thee alone the double crown, 1381c. that he may fer[ry thee over] --------1382b. Father Osiris N. calls to m; 1382a. father, Osiris N., the Winding Watercourse is inundated.

1382d. that they may [certainly] ferry over father Osiris. N.

1382c. father N. calls to mti,

1382e. to yonder eastern side of heaven, [to the birthplace of the gods],

1382f. [when this hour of the morrow comes--this hour of the third day (comes)],

1383a. where [father Osiris N.] will be born, [at the place] where the gods are born; 1383b. when this hour of the morrow comes,--this hour of the third day,

1384a. [when father Osiris N. stands. there] like this star which is on the under (side) of the body of the sky 1384b. --------------- like Horus of the horizon. 1385a. [O ye four gods, who stand upon the dm-sceptres] of heaven, 1385c. but father Osiris N. has become a spirit (w) a glorified one. 1386a. [Father Osiris N.] has come to you 1386b. -------------------------------------

1385b. father Osiris N. verily has not died the death (i.e. really died);


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1387a. --------------------------------------

Utterance 557.

1387b. Return thou to thy house; return thou. 1388b. --------------------------------------

1388a. Thine heir is on thy throne; he [tills the barley for thee] 1389. ----------------------------------------

1390a. To say: O N., greetings to thee, . 1390b. Km-wr sets the course for thee; 1390c. thou alightest an alighting of the eldest god;

Utterance 558.

1390d. he of the long curls offers incense in Heliopolis for thee.

1391. Thou livest, thou livest; thou art satisfied, thou art satisfied, pouring out life as thou goest (lit. behind thee); thou livest. 1392a. To say: "Come in peace," says Osiris; "come in peace," says Osiris to thee. Utterance 559.

1392b. The marshes are filled for thee; the river-banks are inundated for thee, 1392c. on account of the royal offering. 1393a. The chief of the west lays hold of thy arm at the border of mount b.t.

1393b. Let Osiris be recompensed, for he gives thee (to be) in the presence of princes, as supports.


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1394b. the wdn.t-offering is made; the earth of Tbi is broken up; 1394c. the two nomes of the god shout before [the king] as he descends into the earth.

1394a. To say: The earth is hacked by the hoe;

Utterance 560.

1395a. Further, to say: Geb, open thy mouth for thy son, Osiris;

1395b. that which is behind him belongs to (i.e. has to do with) food; that which is before him belongs to snared fowl (or, the snaring of fowl). 1396a. -------------------------------------1397. -------------------------------------Utterance 561.

1396b. command ----------------------------------

1398a. -------------- of the boat of the evening ----1398b. ------------------------------------1399. ----------------------------------------

1400. Thy face is like --------------------------1402. --------------------------------------1404. ---------------------------------------Utterance 562. 1403. -------------------------------------1401. --------------------------------------


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1405a. To say: The earth is high under the sky by (means of) thine arms, Tefnut.

1405b. Lay hold of the two hands of N., lay not hold of the arm of N., for life, satisfaction, eternity. 1405c. Put him in ---------- as a distinguished one. 1405d. N. is seated as chief of the Two Enneads; 1406a. he judges the gods

1406b. as a king, (and) as deputy of Horus, who avenges his father, Osiris.

1406c. Thy body, N., is as that of a god; as your body, O gods, is like that of N. 1407a. N. is come in peace to thee, Horus. 1407b. The eye of Horus is young with you; it is not given over to the anger of Set.


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Utterance 563.

1408b. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1408a. To say: The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of b.w are open for Horus of the Gods,

1408c. The double doors of heaven are open for N., the double doors of b.w are open for N., 1408d. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 1409a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of b.w are open for Horus sm.t-land,

1409b. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1409c. The double doors of heaven are open for N., the double doors of b.w are open for N., 1409d. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 1410a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of b.w are open for Horus of the East,

1410b. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1410c. The double doors of heaven are open for N., the double doors of b.w are open for N., 1410d. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 1411a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of b.w are open for Horus of the Horizon,

1411b. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.


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1411c. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of b.w are open for N.,

1411d. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1412a. He who ascended, ascended, Horus of the Gods, that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1412b. He who ascended, ascended, N., that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 1413a. He who ascended, ascended, Horus, of the sm.t-land, that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1413b. He who ascended, ascended, N., that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 1414a. He who ascended, ascended, Horus of the East, that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1414b. He who ascended, ascended, N., that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 1415a. He who ascended, ascended, Horus of the Horizon, that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1415b. He who ascended, ascended, N., that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds. 1416a. N. is purified; N. has taken the w-vestment. 1416b. N. truly ascends to heaven, permanent like the earth.

1416c. It is grievous (?) for thy body, O Nut, because of the divine seed, which shall be in thee (or, in thy mother). 1417a. N., this one, he is the divine seed, which shall be in thy mother, Nut. 1417b. Receive him, this N., as thou didst receive thy divine son.


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1418a. Hpt, Hpt, Hnni, Hnni,

1418b. take him with you; let N. be established among you. 1419a. ftn.t, mother of the gods, 1419b. give thy hand to N.; take his hand (or, take to thee the hand of N.), for life;

1419c. draw him to heaven, like as, thou hast drawn this one, Osiris, to heaven. 1420a. Hnni, Hnni, Hpt, Hpt, 1420b. take N. with you; let N. be established among you.


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Utterance 564.

1421a. To say: He is pure who purifies himself in the sea of reeds; 1421b. R purifies himself in the sea of reeds; 1421c. N. himself purifies himself in the sea of reeds.

1421d. Shu purifies, himself in the sea of reeds; 1422a. Shu, Shu, lift N. up to heaven; 1422b. Nut, give thine arms to N.;

1421e. N. himself purifies himself in the sea of reeds.

1422c. let him fly, let him fly, rejoicing, rejoicing, rejoicing, let him fly, let him fly. 1423a. To say: N. be thou purified, (when) thou comest to heaven. 1423c. N. dawned with R at his dawning. 1424a. Their third is he who is with him; 1423b. N. lasts longer than men; he dawns for the gods. Utterance 565.

1424b. one is behind N.; the other is before N.; 1424c. one gives, water; the other gives sand. 1425a. N. leans upon thy two arms, Shu, just as R leans upon thine arm.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

142 5b. N. found them, sitting, at his approach 1425c. the two spirits, mistresses of this land. 1426a. Let Nut rejoice at the approach of N.; 1426b. Npnp.t has received him;

1426c. she who is in her , for life and joy, and she who wears her Nttn-garment. 1427a. they gave birth, for themselves, to N. 1427c. Nephthys gave her arms to N.; 1428a. Dw-wr shaved N.; 1427b. N. is loosed from the evil which (was) in him. 1427d. she passed her breast over the mouth of N. 1428b. Sothis washed the hands of N.,

1428c. at his birth, on that day, O gods.

1428d. N. knows (remembers?) not his first mother whom he knew; 1428e. it is Nut who has borne N., with Osiris. Utterance 566.

1429a. To say: Take N. away with thee, Horus; 1429c. like Seker who is in the m.t-boat.

1429b. transport him, Thot, on the tip of thy wing, 1429d. Horus does not pass the night (lit. go to bed) behind the canal; nor is Thot without a boat (lit. boatless);


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1429e. and N. is not without a boat, for he has the eye of Horus. 1430a. To say: R is purified in the Marsh of Reeds; 1430c. N. is purified in the Marsh of Reeds, 1430e. Rejoice, rejoice, he flies, he flies! Utterance 568. 1430b. Horus is purified in the Marsh of Reeds; Utterance 567.

1430d. that he may arise with him. Nut give him thine arm.

1431a. To say: He is gone who went to his ka; Mnti-irti is gone to his ka; 1431b. N. is gone to his ka, to heaven. 1431c. A ladder is made for him, upon which he mounts, in its name of "That which mounts to heaven."

1432a. His boat is brought to him by the dm-sceptres of the imperishable stars.

1433a. O N., thou dost not fall to the ground.

1432b. The bull (or, ox) of heaven lowers its horn, so that he may pass thereon to the lakes of D.t.

1433b. N. lays hold of the two sycamores, which are in the middle of yonder side of the sky, 1433c. which ferry him over, and they set him on the eastern side of the sky. Utterance 569.


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1434a. To say: N. knows thy name; N. forgets not thy name.

1434b. "Limitless" is thy name. The name of thy father is "Thou art great." 1434c. Thy mother is "Satisfaction," who bears thee morning by morning.

1435a. The birth of "Limitless" in the horizon shall be prevented, 1435c. The birth of eret shall be prevented,

1435b. if thou preventest N. from coming to the place where thou art. 1435d. if thou preventest N. from coming to the place where thou art. 1436a. The two regions shall be forbidden to Horus, 1436c. The birth of shall be prevented, 1436b. if thou preventest N. from coming to the place where thou art. 436d. if thou preventest N. from coming to the place where thou art. 1437a. The birth of Sothis shall be prevented, 1437b. if thou preventest N. from coming to the place where thou art. 1437c. The (coming of) the two apes (bnt.wi) to R, his two beloved sons, shall be prevented,

1437d. if thou preventest N. from coming to the place where thou art. 1438b. if thou preventest N. from coming to the place where thou art. 1438c. The (coming of) men to the king, son of a god, shall be prevented,

1438a. The birth of Wepwawet in the pr-nw-palace shall be prevented,


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1438d. if thou prevents N. from coming to the place where thou art.

1439a. The (coming of) thy crew of the imperishable stars to row thee over shall be prevented, 1439b. if thou preventest them from letting N. descend into thy boat. 1439c. The (coming of) men to death shall be prevented, 1440a. Men's eating of bread shall be prevented, 1440c. N. is kn, the messenger of R; 1439d. if thou preventest N. from descending into thy boat. 1440b. if thou preventest N. from descending into thy boat. 1440d. N. shall not be prevented from (entering) heaven.

1440e. The mt.t-tree, which is at the door of heaven, has stretched out its arms to N. 1441a. His-face-behind-him, the ferryman of the Winding Watercourse, is united to him. 1441c. for N. is one of you, O gods. 1442a. N. is come to thee, O R;

1441b. N. is not prevented; an obstacle is not opposed to N.,

1442c. that he may row thee over, that he may do service of a courtier to thee. 1442d. N. loves thee in his body; N. loves thee in his heart.

1442b. N. is come to thee, "Limitless,"


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Utterance 570.

1443a. To say: The face of heaven is washed; the vault of heaven is bright;

1443b. a god is brought to birth by the sky upon the arms of Shu and Tefnut, upon the arms of N. 1444b. "hear it, this word which N. says to thee; 1444a. "Great wbn," say the gods;

1444c. let thy heart be glad for this N., for this N. is a Great One, the son of a Great One; 1445a. "Khepri, hear it, this word, which is spoken to thee by N.;

1444d. N. is with thee; take this N. for life, joy, and eternity, with thee." 1445b. let thy heart be glad for N., for N. is a Great One, the son of a Great One; 1445c. N. is with thee; take him with thee." 1446a. "Nun, hear it, this word, which is spoken to thee by N.;

1446b. let thy heart be glad for N., for N. is a Great One, the son of a Great One; 1446c. N. is with thee; take him with thee." 1447a. "Atum, hear it, this word, which is spoken to thee by N.;

1447b. let thy heart be glad for N., for N. is a Great One, the son of a Great One; 1447c. N. is with thee; take him with thee."


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1448b. hear it, this word is spoken to thee by N.;

1448a. "W, son of Geb; m, son of Osiris,

1448c. let thy heart be glad for N., for N. is a Great One, the son of a Great One; 1448d. N. is with thee; take him with thee." 1449a. Mayest thou be near to N., in thy name of "R"; drive thou away the garments (darkness) of the sky.

1449b. May Horus of the Horizon cause him to hear his glory and his praise 1449c. out of the mouth of the Two Enneads. 1450a. "How beautiful art thou," said his mother; "(mine) heir," said Osiris. 1450b. N. has not swallowed the eye of Horus, 1450d. N. has not swallowed a limb of Osiris, 1450c. so that men might say, "he will die for that." 1450e. so that the gods might say, "he will die for that."

1451a. N. lives on the isnw (bread of offering) of his father Atum; protect him, Nb.t;

1451b. thou hast protected N., Nb.t, in the princely house which is in Heliopolis.

1452a. Thou hast commended him to him who is within his n.ti (two limits), 1452b. that N. may be expedited.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1452c. He who is within his n.ti (two limits) has recommended N. to him who is on his carrying litter, 1452d. that N. may be expedited. 1453a. N. has escaped his day of death,

1453b. even as Set escaped his day of death;

1453c. N. has escaped the half-months of death, 1453e. N. has escaped his months of death, 14539. N. has escaped the year of death,

1453d. even as Set escaped his half-months of death; 1453f. even as Set escaped his months of death; 1453h. even as Set escaped his year of death,

1454a. by ploughing the earth. The hands of N. support Nut, like Shu,

1454b. even the bones of N. which are firm (or, iron; or, copper), and his imperishable limbs; 1455a. for N. is a star, the light-scatterer of the sky. 1455b. Let N. ascend to the god; let N. be avenged,

1455c. so that heaven may not be void of N., so that earth (lit. this land, i.e. Egypt) may not be void of N., for ever. 1456a. N. lives a life in accordance with your rule, 1456b. O gods of the lower sky, imperishable stars,

1456c. which traverse the land of Libya, which are supported by their dm-sceptres;


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1456d. just as N. is supported, with you, by a w-sceptre and a dmsceptre. 1457a. N. is your fourth, 1457b. O gods of the lower sky, imperishable stars,

1457d. just as N. is supported, with you, by a w-sceptre and a dmsceptre. 1458a. N. is your fourth, 1458b. O gods of the lower sky, imperishable stars,

1457c. which traverse the land of Libya, which are supported by their dm-sceptres;

1458d. just as N. is supported, with you, by a w-sceptre and a dmsceptre, 1459a. N. seizes the white crown; that upon which is the wire of the green crown.

11458c. which traverse the land of Libya, which are supported by their d'm-sceptres;

1458e. by command of Horus, hereditary prince and king of the gods.

11459b. N. is the ir.t-serpent, which comes forth from Set, which was robbed, but which was returned. 1460a. N. is this (kind of) colour which comes out of Nun. 1460c. he is not chewed nor spit out. 1459c. N. was robbed; he is returned; he is made alive.

1460b. N. is the eye of Horus, which was not chewed, nor spit out; 1461a. Hear it, this word, O R, said by N. to thee:


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1461b. "Thy body is in N., O R; let thy body live in N., O R." 11462a. "The baboon is a wild-ox," so said knm.wt; 1462b. "knm.wt is a wild-ox," so said the baboon.

11462c. O that castrated one! O this man! O he who hurries him who hurries (?), among you two! 11463a. was born before there was any anger; 1463c. was born before there was any strife., 11462d. These-this first corporation of the company of the justified

11463b. was born before there was any clamour (lit. voice); 11463d. was born before there was any conflict;

1463e. was born before the eye of Horus was plucked out; before the testicles of Set were torn away. 1464a. N. is blood' which came from Isis; N. is red blood which came from Nephthys.

1464b. N. does dw3 against his bnw; there is nothing which the gods can do against N.; 1464c. N. is the deputy of R; N. shall not die. 1465a. Hear, O Geb, hereditary prince of all the gods, endue him with his form. 1465b. Hear, O Thot, who art among the peaceful ones of the gods, 1465d. N. appears in the eastern side of the sky, 1465c. let a door for N. be opened by Horus; let N. be protected by Set. 1465e. like R who shines in the eastern side of the sky.


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Utterance 571.

1466b. N. was given birth by his father Atum,

1466a. To say: The mother of N., dweller in the lower sky, became pregnant with him;

1466c. before the sky came into being, before the earth came into being,

1466d. before men came into being, before the gods were born, before death came into being. 1467a. N. escapes the day of death, as Set escaped his day of death. 1467b. N. belongs to your company (?), O gods of the lower sky, 1468a. who cannot perish for their enemies. 1468b. N. perishes not for his enemies.

1468c. O ye who die not for a king--N. does not die for a king.

1469a. N. is an imperishable star, the great ---- of heaven in the house of erset. 1469b. R has taken N. to heaven, that N. may live, 1469c. as he lives who enters into the west of the sky and goes forth at the east of the sky.

1468d. O ye who die not for any death--N. does not die for any death.

1470a. He who is within his n.ti (two limits) has commended N. to him who is in his carrying-litter; 1470b. they acclaim N., for N. is a star,


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1470c. The protection of R is upon N. R will not abandon the protection of N. 1471a. Horus has set N. on his shoulders; 1471b. he has assigned N. to Shu (who says): "My arms are exalted under Nut." 1471c. R, give thine arm to N.; Great God, give thy staff to N., 1471d. that he may live for ever. Utterance 572.

1472a. To say: "How beautiful indeed is the sight, how pleasant indeed is the view," says Isis, 1472b. "that this god ascends to heaven, his renown over him, 1472c. his terror on both sides of him, his magic before him!"

1473a. It was done for him, for N., by Atum, like that which one did for him (Atum). 1473b. He brought to N. the gods belonging to heaven; 1474a. They put their arms under him. 1473c. he assembled to him the gods belonging to the earth. 1474b. They made a ladder for N., that he might ascend to heaven on it. 1474c. The double doors of heaven are open for N.; the double doors of d.w are open for him. 1475b. Geb gave him the cities, that is to say (lit. in speaking of it), 1475a. Atum united the nomes for N.;


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1475c. the regions, the regions of Horus; the regions of Set, 1475d. the Marsh of Reeds. 1476a. N. is I, chief of the land of Upper Egypt;

1476b. N. is Ddwn, chief of the land of Nubia;

1477a. Have you acted against him? Have you said that he would die? 1477b. He will not die. N. will live a life for ever. 1477c. N. is become in spite of them as the surviving bull of the wildbulls; 1477d. N. is at their head; he will live and last for ever. 1478a. To say: Awake in peace, smnw, in peace. Utterance 573.

1476c. N. is Sopdu, (who lives) under his kb.t-trees.

1478b. Awake in peace, Eastern Horus, in peace. 1478c. Awake in peace, Eastern Soul, in peace. 1478d. Awake in peace, Harachte, in peace.

1479a. Thou sleepest in the evening boat; thou wakest in the morning boat, 1479c. Father of N., R, take N. with thee, for life, to thy mother, Nut. 1480a. The double doors of heaven shall be open for N.; the double doors of b.w shall be open for N. 1480b. When N. comes to thee, that thou mayest make him live,

1479b. for thou art as he who oversees the gods; no god oversees thee.


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1480c. command N. to sit by thy side,

1481a. Father of N., R, commend N. to M.t, she who is at thy side, 1481b. to cause to designate a place for N. near the Rd-wr-lake under b.w. 1482b. to establish a throne for N. in heaven. 1482d. to speak for N., 1482a. Commend N. to Ni-'nh, son of Sothis, to speak for N.,

1480d. near the dw-canal on the horizon.

1482c. Commend N. to Wr-p.f, the beloved Ptah, the son of Ptah,

1482e. to cause food to grow for his dining pavillion on earth, 1483a. for N. is one of those four gods, 1483b. Im.ti, pi, Dw-mw.t.f, b-n.w.f,

1483c. who live on truth, who lean upon their d'm-sceptres, 1483d. who guard the land of Upper Egypt. 1484a. He flies, he flies from you, O men, as birds;

1484b. he takes his flight from you (lit., he takes his arms from you) like a falcon; 1484c. he takes his body from you like a kite; 1484d. he is delivered from that which shackles his feet on earth, Utterance 574. 1484e. he is freed from that which ties his hands.


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1485a. To say: Greetings to thee, Sycamore, who protects the god, under which the gods of the underworld stand, 1485b. whose tips are seared, whose inside is burned, (whose) suffering is real.

1486a. Assemble those who dwell in Nun; collect those who are among the bows. 1486b. Thy forehead is upon thine arm (in mourning) for Osiris, O Great Mooring-post, 1486c. who art like her who is chief of the offering (to), and of the worship (?) of the lord of the East. 1487a. Thou art standing, Osiris; thy shadow is over thee, Osiris; 1487b. thy diadem repels Set, 1487d. thy shadow, Osiris. 1487c. the generous damsel who acted for this spirit of G.ti is 1488a. Thy dread is among those in heaven; thy fear among those on earth. 1488b. Thou hast hurled thy terror into the heart of the wings of Lower Egypt, dwelling in Buto.

1489b. "all belongs to thee," say the Two Enneads; "all belongs to thee," thou sayest. 1490a. It is even N. among them-the gods who are in heaven.

1489a. N. is come [to thee], Horus, heir of Geb, of whom Atum speaks;

1491a. N. rejoices; N. rejoices, O, 0.

1490b. Collect those who are among the bows; assemble those who are among the imperishable stars.


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1491b. Day is day; night is night; R is R; Utterance 979. 1491c. --------------- he is for ever.

1492a. To say: "Behold, he comes; behold, he comes," says Spw; 1492b. "behold, the son of R comes; the beloved of R comes," says Spw; 1493a. "Behold, he comes; behold, he comes," says Spw;

1492c. "I caused him to come; I caused him to come," says Horus.

1493b. "behold, the son of R comes; the beloved of Re, comes," says Spw. 1493c. "I caused him to come; I caused him to come," says Set. 1494a. "Behold, he comes; behold, he comes," says Spw;

1494b. "behold, the son of R comes; the beloved of R comes," says Spw; 1494c. "I caused him to come; I caused him to come," says Geb. 1495a. "Behold, he comes; behold, he comes," says Spw;

1495b. "behold, the son of R comes; the beloved of R comes," says Spw;

1495c. "I caused him to come; I caused him to come," say the Souls of Heliopolis and the Souls of Buto.

1496b. while thou dawnest on the east of the sky, "give thy hand . to N.;

1496a. "O R," say men, when they stand by the side of N. on the earth,


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1496c. take him with thee to the eastern side of the sky."

1497a. "O Re," say men, when they stand by the side of N. on the earth, 1497b. while thou dawnest on the southern side of the sky, "give thy hand to N.; 1497c. take him with thee to the southern side of the sky."

1498a. "O R," say men, when they stand by the side of N. on the earth, 1498b. while thou dawnest at the centre of the sky, "give thy hand to N., 1498c. take him with thee to the centre of the sky." 1499. One hastens with thy message; the runners are before thee.


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Utterance 576.

1500b. he who is in Ndi.t stirs; his head is raised up by R; 1500c. his abomination is to sleep; he hates to be tired; 1501a. N. rots not; he stinks not; 1502a. Awake thou in peace;

1500a. To say: Osiris was placed upon his side by his brother Set;

1501b. N. is not bound (bewitched) by your wrath, O gods. 1502b. Osiris awakes in peace; he who is in Ndi.t awakes in peace.

1503a. His head is lifted up by R; his odour is [as] that of the I.twt.t-serpent.

1504a. He rots not; he stinks not,

1503b. The head of N. also is lifted up by R; the odour of N. is as that of I.t-wt.t-serpent.

1504b. N. is not bound (bewitched) by your wrath, O gods. 1505a. N. is thy seed, Osiris, the pointed, 1505b. in his name of "Horus in the great green"; "Horus chief of spirits." 1506a. N. rots not; he stinks not; 1506b. he is not bound (bewitched) by your wrath, O gods.

1507a. N. goes forth from his house, adorned like Horus, bedecked like Thot;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1507b. the mother of N. is thy Heliopolitan, O god; the father of N. is a Heliopolitan; 1507c. N. himself is thy Heliopolitan, O god. 1508b. N. is thy seed, O R, the pointed, 1508a. N. is conceived by R; he is born of R. 1508c. in his name of "Horus, chief of spirits, star which ferries over the "great green." 1509a. N. rots not; he stinks not; 1509b. he is not bound (bewitched) by your wrath, O gods. 1510a. N. is one of those four gods, born of Geb, 1510b. who travelled over the South, who travelled over the land of [the North], 1511a. anointed with the best ointment, clothed in [purple], 1511b. living on figs, drinking wine. 1512 a. N. anoints himself with that with which you anoint yourselves; 1512b. N. clothes himself with that with which you clothe yourselves; 1512c. N. lives on that on which you live; 1512d. N. drinks that of which you [drink]. 1510c. who leaned upon their dm-sceptres,

1513a. N. is safe with you, he lives on that on which you live.

1513b. May you give him of those possessions which your father Geb gave you,


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1513c. (so that) because of which none of you may hunger, because of which none of you may rot. 1514a. Lay hold of the arm of N. for life before the sweet-smelling ones, 1514b. unite the bones of N., assemble his limbs, 1514c. that N. may sit upon his throne. 1515a. He rots not; he stinks not;

1515b. N. is not bound (bewitched) by your wrath, O gods. 1516a. N. is come to thee, mother of N.; he is come to Nut. 150b. Make the sky mount for N.; place the stars upside down for him. 1516c. Let his odour be like the odour of thy son, who is come forth from thee;

1516d. let the odour of N. be like that of Osiris, thy son, who is come forth from thee.

1517a. Nun, lift up the arm of N. towards the sky, that he may support himself (on) the earth which he has given to thee, 151 7b. that he may ascend, that he may rise to the sky, 1517c. that he may do service of a courtier to R.

1518a. Horus chief of the spirits, who is before the sweet-smelling ones, 1518b. awake thou in peace, as R awakes, in peace; 1518c. awake in peace, as Mdi awakes in peace.

1519. Let him put the writing of N. in his register before the sweetsmelling ones.


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The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Utterance 577.

1520b. on the first of the year; lord of the year.

1520a. To say: Osiris dawns, pure, mighty; high, lord of truth

1521a. Atum father of the gods is satisfied; Shu and Tefnut are satisfied; Geb and Nut are satisfied;

1521b. Osiris and [Isis] are satisfied; Set and [Neit] (Nephthys?) are satisfied;

1522a. all the gods who are in heaven are satisfied; all the gods who are on earth and in the lands are satisfied; 1522b. all the southern and northern gods are satisfied; all the western and eastern gods are satisfied;

1522c. all the nome gods are satisfied; all the city gods are satisfied

1523a. with the great and mighty word, which comes forth from the mouth of Thot, concerning Osiris, 1523b. the seal of life, the seal of the gods. 1523c. Anubis, the counter of hearts, deducts Osiris N. from the gods who belong to the earth, (and assigns him) to the gods who are in heaven, 1524a. lord of wine at the inundation. 1524b. His year is calculated for him; his hour knows him. 1524c. N. is known by his year which is with him;


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1524d. his hour which is with him knows him.

1525. "Come, my child," says Atum, "come to us," say they, say the gods to thee, Osiris. 1526a. ("Our) brother is come to us, the eldest, the first (begotten) of his father, the first (born) of his mother," 152 6b. say they, say the gods. 1527a. Heaven conceived him: Dw.t gave him birth; 152 7b. N. was conceived with him by heaven; 1527c. N. was given birth with him by D.t.

152 8a. Thou supported the sky on thy right side, having life; 1528b. thou livest, because the gods ordained that thou live. 1528c. N. supports the sky on his right side, having life;

1528d. he lives, his life, because the gods have ordained that he live. 1529a. Thou leanest on the earth on thy left side, having joy; 1529b. thou livest thy life, because the gods have ordained that thou live. 1529c. N. leans on the [earth] on his left side, having life (or joy?); 1530a. N. ascended on the eastern side of the sky; 1530b. he descends as a green bird; 1530c. he descends ---- lord of the D.t-lakes. 1529d. he lives his life, because (the gods) have ordained that he live.

1530d. N. is purified in the lakes of the mn-goose.


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Utterance 578.

1531a. To say: Osiris N., thou shalt not hasten to those lands of the East;

1531b. thou shalt hasten to these lands of the West by the way of the Followers of R. 1532b. those who are before thee rush on, 1532a. Thy messengers hasten; thy runners go;

1532c. that they may announce thee to R, to him who lifts up (his) arm in the East. 1533a. Thou dost not know them; thou art astonished at them; 1533b. thou hast laid them in thine arms like herdsmen of thy calves.

1534a. Thou art as he who prevents them from slipping out from thine arms. 1534b. Thou goest forth to them; thou art glorified, by birth; preeminent, by birth, 534c. in thy name of "pd.w";

1535a. A (thy?) whip in thy hand; and thy sceptre on thine arm. 1535b. Enemies fall on their face before thee; 1535c. the imperishable stars kneel before thee.

1536a. Thou art as he who prevents them from falling out of thine arms,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1536b. and (who prevents) that thou be sick because of them, in thy name of "mi.t." 1537a. They recognize thee, in thy name of "Anubis." 1537b. The gods do not descend to thee, in thy name of i.t. 1538a. Thou standest as chief of the gods, eldest son, 1538b. as heir on the throne of Geb. Utterance 579.

1539a. To say: Thy going from thy house, Osiris N.,

1539c. Thy messengers hasten; thy runners run; thine envoys hurry. 1540a. They announce to R, 1540b. that thou, N., art come, as son of Geb, from upon the throne of Amn;

1539b. is the going of Horus in search of thee, Osiris N.

1541a. that thou hast ferried over the Winding Watercourse; that thou hast traversed the canal of [Knsi.t]. 1541b. Thou settlest down on the eastern side of the sky; thou sittest in the double itr.t-palace of the horizon;

1541c. thou givest to them thine arm; thou givest thine arm to the gods. 1542a. They praise thee; they come to thee with salutations, Utterance 580.

1542b. as they do homage to R, as they come to him with salutations.


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1543a. To say: Thou who hast smitten (my) father; he who has killed (one) greater than he;

1543b. thou hast smitten (my) father, thou hast killed one greater than thou. 1544a. Father Osiris N. I have smitten for thee him who smote thee as an ox; 1544b. I have killed for thee him who killed thee as a wild-bull. 1544c. I have overpowered for thee him who overpowered thee as an ox; 1544d. thou art upon his back as he who is upon the back of an ox. 1545a. He who stretched thee out as the stretched out ox; he who slaughtered thee as the slaughtered ox; 1545b. he who stunned thee as the stunned ox-1545c. I have cut off his head; I have cut off his tail;

1546a. His upper fore-legs including (lit. "being to") his lower forelegs belong t[o Atum], father of the gods; 1546b. his two thighs belong to Shu and Tefnut; 1546c. his two sides belong to Geb and Nut;

1545d. I have cut off his two hands; I have cut off his two feet.

1547a. his two shoulder blades belong to Isis and Nephthys; 1547c. his spinal column belongs to Neit and eret; his heart belongs to Sekhmet, the great; 1547b. his two shoulders belong to Mnti-irti and Hrti,--


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1548a. that which is in the back part of his body belongs to those four gods, the sons of Horus, his beloved, 1548b. pi, Im.ti, Dw-mw.t.f, b-n.w.f. 1549a. His head, his tail, his two hands, his two feet

1549c. That which the gods leave belongs to the Souls of Nekhen and the Souls of Buto. 1550a. Eat, eat the red ox, for the voyage by sea, 1550b. which Horus did for his father, Osiris N. Utterance 581.

1549b. belong to Anubis, who is upon his mountain; to Osiris who is chief of his department (or, thigh-offering).

1551b. which brings the wind. The north wind refreshes; 1551c. it raises thee as Osiris N. 1552a. sm.w comes to thee, bearing water and wine;

1551a. To say: This thy cavern there is the broad-hall of Osiris N..

1552b. nti-mnwt.f (comes) bearing the vases which are before the two itr.t-palaces. 1553a. Aker stands up for thee; Shu dries (lit. something like. "lies down," Wb. V 366) for thee. 1554a. (but) the marshes laugh; the shores are become green;

1552c. Thou standest, thou sittest like Anubis, chief of the necropolis.

1553b. They tremble who see the inundation (when) it tosses;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1554b. the divine offerings descend; the face of men brightens; the heart of the gods rejoices.

1555a. "Deliver N. from his bandages, which restrain (?) the living, O gods,"

1555b. (is) in the mouth of those who run to them on the good day of running (while running is good). 1556a. "Set is guilty; Osiris is justified," 1556b. (is) in the mouth of the gods, on the good day of the going upon the mountain. 1557a. (When) inundations are upon the land, 1557b. he who hastens with his soul goes to his cave; 1557d. like the successor of Hrti, chief of [Ns].t. 1558a. To say: N. is come to thee, Horus, Utterance 582.

1557c. (but) thou marchest behind thy spirit towards Knm-iwnw,

1558b. that thou mayest recite for him this great and good word, which thou didst recite for Osiris, 1559a. His hm is within him; his ba is behind him; 1558c. by which N. may be great; by which he may be powerful.

1559b. his pd is upon him, which Horus gave to Osiris, 1560a. He shall fly as a cloud to heaven, like a heron; 1560b. he shall pass by the side-locks of the sky;

1559c. that N. may rest in heaven, as a mountain, as a support.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1560c. the feathers on the two arms of N. shall be like knives. 1561a. shall give him his arm, 1561b. Sothis shall take his hand;

1561c. the ground shall be hoed for N.; an offering shall be made for N.; 1561d. the two nomes of the god shall shout for N. 1562a. He will be more at the head than he who is at the head of the Two Enneads; 1562b. he sits upon his firm throne, 1562c. his sceptre glittering in his hand. 1563b. they stand up for N.;

1563a. If N. raises his hand towards the children of their fathers, 1563c. if N. lowers his hand towards them, they sit down.

1564a. The face of N. is like that of a jackal; the middle (of his body) is like that of b.wt; 1564b. N. judges like Sebek in Crocodilopolis, 1564c. like Anubis in Tb.t (Hypselis?).

1565a. When N. calls for a thousand,

1565b. there come to him the blessed dead (?) with salutations,

1565c. while they say to him: "Who is it who has done this to thee?"

1566a. It is the mother of N., the great wild cow, she with the two long feathers,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1566d. among the glorious gods,

1566c. who has lifted N. up to heaven--she did not leave N. on the earth--

1566b. with the brilliant head-dress, with the two hanging breasts,

1567a. that N. may see their spirit and that he may be a spirit likewise. 1567b. N. [is protected] by his, father Osiris (just as) the blessed dead (?) protect N. 1568a. To say: R, turn thou, that N. may see 1568b. ------- N. Thy red (crown) is that of N. 1568c. ------- N. of R, the uraeus-serpent, which is on the forehead of R. 1569a. Thou art Shu; thou art height, O father; 1569b. thou art the ns; thou art the nss.t; 1569c. thou art -----------------------1570a. --------------Utterance 583.

1570b. The arm of Horus is behind thee; the arm of Thot [is before thee]. 1571a. The two Great Gods support thee; 1572a. --------------------------------------1571b. they prepare thy place which is in [heaven] ----------1572b.


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1572c. Arisen, arisen, on thy feet -----------------------1573a. To say: N. [has occupied] his seat; Utterance 584.

1573b. [N. has taken] his helm (oar);

1573c. [N. seats himself in the bow] of the boat of the Two Enneads.

15 74a. [N. rows R to the west. He writes (the name) of N. over the living]; 1574b. he establishes the seat of N. [over the lords of the kas] 1574d. he puts N. over the n.w (-stars). 1574c. [he puts N. on the shores of the Winding Watercourse];

1575a. [The double doors of the b-k, which are in b.w are open for N.]; 1575c. ---------------------------------------1575d. [N. is pleased] with his name. Utterance 585. 1575b. [the double doors of] bi, which are in d.w [are open for NJ.

1575e. ---------------------------------------1576a. ------------------- [star] s

1576b. they [prepare] ------------------------

1578a. ----------------- lakes

1577. ----------- upon the forehead (or, to judge) ----


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1578b. great --------------------1580. ------------------- truth

1579. It is N ------------------------------1581. ----------------- this Utterance 586.

1582a (Nt. Jquier, VIII 14). To say: N. shines like R, expelling the dawn, establishing Truth behind R,

1582b (Nt. VIII 14). shining every day for all of those who are on the horizon of the sky. 1583a (Nt. VIII 15). The upper gates of heaven (?) are open. 1583b (Nt. VIII 15). To say: Great is Atum; the son of a great one is Atum; N. is the d-star in the sky among the gods.

1584a (Nt. VIII 16). Thy mother says to thee that , like N., weeps for thee; 1584b (Nt. VIII 16). like N. he mourns for thee. 1585a (Nt. VIII 16). To say --- wash, give thou (thine) arm to N. while thou causest her to come.

1585b (Nt. VIII 16). Ho! His-back-behind-him, bring the [d-tp]ladder to N.,

1586 (Nt. VIII 17). made by Khnum, that N. may ascend to heaven upon it, to do service of a courtier to R in heaven.


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Utterance 587.

1587a. To say: Greetings to thee, Atum.

1587c. Thou art high, in this thy name of "."

1587b. Greetings to thee, Khepri, who created himself. 1587d. Thou comest into being, in thy name of "Khepri."

1588a. Greetings to thee, eye of Horus, which he adorned with his two hands completely. 1588b. He does not make thee hearken to the West; 1588c. he does not make thee hearken to the East;

1588d. he does not make thee hearken to the South; 1588e. he does not make thee hearken to the North; 1588f. he does not make thee hearken to those who are in the middle of the land; 1589a. (but) thou harkenest to Horus. 1589b. It is he who adorned thee; it is he who built thee; it is he who settled thee;

1590a. thou doest for him everything which he says unto thee, in every place whither he goes. 1590c. thou carriest to him the fowl-bearing waters which are to be in thee;

1590b. Thou carriest to him the fowl-bearing waters which are in thee;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1591a. thou carriest to him the gifts which are in thee; 1591c. thou carriest to him the food which is in thee;

1591b. thou carriest to him every tree which is to be in thee; 1591d. thou carriest to him the food (in thee) which is to be in thee; 1592a. thou carriest to him the gifts which are in thee; 1592b. thou carriest to him the gifts which are to be in thee; 1592c. thou carriest to him everything which is in thee; 1592d. thou carriest to him everything which is to be in thee;

1592e. thou carriest (it) to him to every place wherein his heart desires to be. 1593a. The doors stand fast upon thee like Inmutef; 1593b. they open not to the West; they open not to the East;

1593c. they open not to the North; they open not to the South;

1593d. they open not to those who are in the middle of the land;

1594a. (but) they are open to Horus. It was, he who made them; it was he who made them stand fast; 1594b. it was he who rescued them from every evil which Set did to them; 1595a. it was he who settled thee, in this thy name of "Settlements" ("Colonies"); 1595b. it was he who went, doing obeisance; after thee, in this thy name of "City";


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1595c. it was he who rescued thee from every evil which Set did to thee. 1596a. Go, go, Nut. 1596b. Geb commanded that thou go, in thy name of "City."

1596c. N. is Horus, who adorned his eye with his two hands completely. 1597a. N. adorned thee with an adornment; 1597c. N. built thee (as) a city of N., 1597b. N. settled for thee these his settlements; 1597d. that thou mayest do for N. every good thing which the heart of N. loves, 1597e. that thou mayest do (it) for N., in every place where he goes. 1598a. Thou shalt not hearken to the West; thou shalt not hearken to the East;

1598b. thou shalt not hearken to the North; thou shalt not hearken to the South; 1598c. thou shalt not hearken to those who are in the middle of the land; 1599a. (but) thou shalt hearken to N.; it is N. who adorned thee; 1599b. it is N. who built thee; it is he who settled thee.

1600a. Thou doest for him everything which he says unto thee in every place whither N. goes.

1600b. Thou carriest to him the fowl-bearing waters which are in thee;


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1600c. thou carriest to him the fowl-bearing waters which are to be in thee; 1601a. thou carriest to him every tree which is in thee; 1601c. thou carriest to him the food which is in thee; 1602a. thou carriest to N. the gifts which are in thee; 1601b. thou carriest to him every tree which is to be in thee; 1601d. thou carriest to him all food which is to be in thee; 1602b. thou carriest to N. the gifts which are to be in thee; 1602c. thou carriest to him everything which is in thee; 1602d. thou carriest (it) to N. to the place wherein the heart of N. desires to be. 1603a. The doors stand fast upon thee like Inmutef; 1603b. they open not to the West; they open not to the East;

1603c. they open not to the North; they open not to the South; 1604a. (but) [they are open to] N.

1603d. they open not to those who are in the middle of the land; 1604b. It was he who made them; it was he who made them fast;

1604c. it was he who rescued them from all the evil which men did to them; 1605a. it was N. who [settled thee], in this thy name of "Settlements" ("Colonies");

1605b. it was N. who went, doing obeisance, after thee, in this thy name of "City";


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1605c. it was N. who rescued thee from all the [evil which men did] to thee. 1606a. Hearken to N. alone; it is N. who made thee. 1606b. Thou shalt not hearken to the malefactor.


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Utterance 588.

1607b. she has caused thee to be as a god, in spite of thee, in thy name of "God"; 1608a. she has protected thee against all evil things, in her name of "Great Sieve" (protectress). Utterance 589. 1608b. Thou art the greatest among her children.

1607a. To say: Osiris N., thy mother Nut has spread herself over thee, in her name of "She of t-p.t";

1609a. To say: Osiris N., thou art the ka of all the gods; Utterance 590.

1609b. Horus has avenged thee; thou art become his ka.

1610a. To say: Osiris N., behold, thou art avenged; thou livest;

1610b. thou movest daily, without anything being disordered in thee (or, there is no disorder in thee).

1611a. Thou hast settled for (thy) father, so (thy) father did the same for thee, 1611b. like the vulture which places herself over her son. Utterance 591.

1612a. To say: Horus adorns himself with his smt-apron, (when he) moves (about) on his land like tiwti;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1614b. Horus, take to thyself thine eye, which was recognized as thine in the house of the prince of Heliopolis. 1614c. O N., thy ka has recognized thee in spite of thine enemies. 1615a. To say: Geb, son of Shu, this is Osiris N.; Utterance 592.

1614a. N. also adorns himself with his smt-apron, (when he) moves, (about) on his land like tiwti.

1613b. the god adorns himself with his smt-apron, (when he) moves (about) on his land like tiwti;

1613a. Thot adorns himself with his smt-apron, (when he) moves (about) on his land like tiwti;

1612b. Set adorns himself with his smt-apron, (when he) moves (about) on his land like tiwti;

1615b. the heart of thy mother trembles for thee, in thy name of "Geb." 1615c. Thou art the eldest son of Shu, his primogeniture.

1616a. O Geb, Osiris N. is this one here;

1616b. heal him, that [what is the matter with him] may cease; 1616c. thou art the Great God, the only one. 1617a. Atum has given thee his heritage; he has given thee the whole Ennead; 1617b. even Atum himself together with them. The son of his eldest son (Shu) is united with thee (Geb), 1618a. (when) he sees thee, that thou art glorified, that thy heart is great (proud).


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1618b. Thou art pn, in thy name of "wise mouth," "Hereditary prince of the gods."

1619a. Thou art standing on the earth; thou judgest at the head of the Ennead; 1619b.. thy fathers and thy mothers are at their head; thou art More powerful than any god;

1619c. thou art come to Osiris N., that thou mayest protect him against his enemy. 1620a. O Geb, wise-mouth, hereditary prince of the gods, it is thy son, Osiris N. 1620b. Thou causest thy son to live with him; make thy son prosperous with him; 1621a. Thou art lord of the entire earth;

1621b. thou art powerful over the Ennead and even (over) every god. 1622a.. Thou art mighty; thou turnest away every evil from Osiris N.; 1622b. thou shalt not cause it to return to him, in thy name of "Horus who repeats not his work." 1623a. Thou art the ka of all the gods; 1623b. thou hast brought them; thou nourishest them; thou causest them to live. 1623c. Make Osiris N. live. 1624a. Thou art a god; thou art powerful over all gods.

1624c. an eye goes forth from thy head, like the one Great-in-charms, the Lower Egyptian red crown.

1624b. An eye goes forth from thy head, like the one Great-in-charms, the Upper Egyptian white crown;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1625. Horus has followed thee for he loves thee;

1627a. To say: Stand up, give thine arm to Horus; he causes thee to stand up. 1627b. Geb has wiped thy mouth for thee. 1628a. The Great Ennead avenged thee;

Utterance 593.

1626. thou dawnest as king of Lower Egypt; thou art powerful over all the gods together with their kas.

1628b. they placed Set under thee, that he may serve under thee; 1628c. they prevented his spittle from spilling on thee. 1629a. Nut throws herself upon her son, who is in thee; she protects thee; 1629b. she defends thee; she embraces thee; she raises thee up, 162 91c. for thou art the greatest among her children. 1630b. they hasten to the place in which thou art. 1630a. Two sisters, Isis and Nephthys, come to thee;

1630c. Thy sister Isis laid hold of thee, when she found thee 1630d. complete and great, in thy name of "Great black." 1631a. Encircle all things in thine arms, in thy name of "Circle which encircles the nb.wt"; 1631b. thou art great, in thy name of "Great circle which sets." 1632a. Horus has brought Set to thee; he has given him to thee; he bends (him) under thee;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1632b. thy strength is greater than his.

1632c. Horus has caused thee to encircle all the gods, in thine arms.

1633a. Horus has loved his father, in thee; Horus has not suffered thee to go away; 1633b. Horus has not gone away from thee; Horus has avenged his father, in thee. 1634a. Isis and Nephthys protected thee in Sit,

1633c. Thou livest as the coleoptera (lives); thou endures, in Mendes.

1634b. even their lord in thee, in thy name of "Lord of Sit"; 1634c. even their god in thee, in thy name of "Divine canal"; 1635a. they adored thee, so that thou shalt not (again) withdraw from them. 1635b. Isis comes to thee rejoicing for love of thee; 1636a. thy semen goes into her, while it is pointed like Sothis.

1636b. Horus the pointed has come forth from thee, in his name of "Horus who was in Sothis."

1637a. Thou art pleased with him, in his name of "Spirit who was in the dndr.w-boat";

1637b. Horus has avenged thee, in his name of "Horus, the son, who avenges his father." 1638a. To say: N. has ascended to the portal, Utterance 594.

1638b. dawning as king, and being high as Wepwawet;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1638c. he supports himself, he is not tired. 1639a. To say: Greetings to thee, N., Utterance 595.

1639b. I am come to thee on thy day, since night, 1639c. I have given to thee Nwtknw. 1640a. I have brought to thee thy heart and have put it in thy body, 1640b. as Horus brought the heart to his mother Isis, 1640c. as (she) brought the heart to her son Horus. Utterance 596.

1641a. To say: They have raised themselves up, those who reside in graves, 1641b. in secret places; Utterance 597. 1641c. Awake, raise thyself up; thine arms are to thy good.

1642. To say: O N., come, clothe thyself with the sound eye of Horus, which was in Ti.t. 1643a. To say: This is this eye of Horus which he gave to Osiris, Utterance 598.

1643b. thou hast given it (back) to him, that he may equip his face with it; 1643c. but this is this (eye) of sweet odour--concerning which Horus spoke in the presence of


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1643d. of incense and flame.

1644a. One pellet of incense; 1644c. a bow.

1644b. three pellets of incense; Utterance 599.

1645b. whom Atum has placed at the head of the Ennead, with whose words the gods, are satisfied; 1645c. and all the gods are satisfied with all which N. has said-everything wherewith it goes well with him for ever and ever. 1646b. he greets us; let us unite for him."

1645a. To say: N. is Geb, the wise-mouth, hereditary prince of the gods,

1646a. Atum said to N.: "Behold, the wise-mouth, who is among us; 1647a. O all ye gods, come, assemble; come, unite, 1648a. that N. might greet you. Come ye,

1647b. as ye assembled and united for Atum in Heliopolis, 1648b. do everything wherewith it might go well with N. for ever and ever. 1649a. May Geb give an offering; may he give an offering of these joints of meat, an offering of bread, drink, cakes, fowl,

1649b. to all the gods, who will cause every good thing to happen to N.; 1649c. who will cause this pyramid of N. to endure, 1649d. who will cause this temple to endure


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1649e. just as (in the condition in which) N. loved it to be, for ever and ever. 1650a. All gods, who shall cause this pyramid and this temple of N. to be good and to endure 1650c. they shall become b (spiritually strong), they shall become m (physically strong); 1650b. they shall be pre-eminent, they shall be in honour,

1651a. to them shall be given royal offerings of bread, drink, cakes, meat, fowl, linen, oil; 1651b. they shall receive their divine offerings;

1651c. to them their joints of meat shall be presented; 1651d. to them oblations shall be made; 1651f. among the Two Enneads. Utterance 600. 1651e. they shall bear off the white crown;

1652b. and didst shine as bnw of the ben (or, benben) in the temple of the "phoenix" in Heliopolis, 1652c. and didst spew out as Shu, and did spit out as Tefnut, 1653a. (then) thou didst put thine arms about them, as the arm(s) of a ka, that thy ka might be in them. 1653c. about this temple, about this pyramid, as the arm (s) of a ka, 1653b. Atum, so put thine arms about N.,

1652a. To say: O Atum-Khepri, when thou didst mount as a hill,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1653d. that the ka of N. may be in it, enduring for ever and ever. 1654a. O Atum, put thy protection upon N., 1654b. upon this his pyramid, (upon) this temple of N.;

1654c. prevent any evil thing happening to him for ever and ever; 1654d. just as thy protection was put upon Shu and Tefnut. 1655a. O Great Ennead who are in Heliopolis,

1655c. children of Atum--his heart is broad (glad) because of his children, in your name of "Nine [Bows]."

1655b. Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys,

1656a. no one among you separates himself from Atum, (when) he protects N.,

1656b. (when) he protects this pyramid of N., (when) he protects this his temple, 1656c. against all the gods, against all the dead. 1656d. He prevents any evil thing from happening to him for ever and ever. 1657a. O Horus, this N. is Osiris; 1657c. approach thyself to N.; 1657b. this pyramid of N. is Osiris; this his temple is Osiris; 1657d. be not far from him, in his name of "Pyramid."

1658a. Thou wast complete, thou wast great, in thy name of "House of the Great black."


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1658b. Thot has put the gods under thee, because they are intact and just, 1658c. in the dd-fortress, in the dm-fortress. 1658d. O Horus, like thy father, Osiris, in his name of, "He of the royal castle,"

1659b. that they may illuminate thy face (cheer thee) as temples.

1659a. Horus has given the gods to thee; he has caused them to ascend to thee, as (reed)-pens,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Utterance 601.

1660b. make this pyramid of N. endure, and this his temple, for ever and ever, 1660c. as the name of Atum, chief of the Great Ennead, endures. 1661a. As the name of Shu, lord of the upper mn.t in Heliopolis, endures, 1661b. so may the name of N. endure,

1660a. To say: O Great Ennead, who are in Heliopolis, make N. endure;

1661c. so may this his pyramid endure, and this his temple, likewise, for ever and ever.

1662a. As the name of Tefnut, lady of the lower mn.t in Heliopolis, is established, 1662b. so may the name of N. be established, 1662c. so may this pyramid be established, likewise, for ever and ever. 1663a. As the name of Geb, even the soul of the earth, endures, 1663b. so may the name of N. endure, 1663c. so may this pyramid of N. endure,

1663d. so may this his temple endure, likewise, even for ever and ever. 1664a. As the name of Nut, in the encircled mansion in Heliopolis, endures,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1664b. so may the name of N. endure,

1664c. so may this his pyramid endure,

1664d. so may this his temple endure, likewise, for ever and ever. 1665a. As the name of Osiris, in Abydos, endures, 1665b. so may the name of N. endure, 1665c. so may this pyramid of N. endure,

1665d. so may this his temple endure, likewise, even for ever and ever. 1666a. As the name of Osiris, as First of the Westerners, endures, 1666b. so may the name of N. endure, 1666c. so may this pyramid of N. endure,

1666d. so may this his temple endure, likewise, for ever and ever. 1667a. As the name of Set, in Ombos, endures, 1667b. so may the name of N. endure, 1667c. so may this pyramid of N. endure,

1667d. so may this his temple endure, likewise, for ever and ever. 1668a. As the name of Horus endures, in Buto, 1668b. so may the name of N. endure, 1668c. so may this pyramid of N. endure,

1668d. so may this his temple endure, likewise, for ever and ever. 1669a. As the name of R, on the horizon, endures,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1669b. so may the name of N. endure,

1669c. so may this pyramid of N. endure,

1669d. so may this his temple endure, likewise, for ever and ever. 1670b. so may the name of N. endure, 1670a. As the name of Mnti-irti, of Letopolis, is established,

1670d. so may this temple of N. endure, likewise, for ever and ever. 1671a. As the name of Wd.t, in Buto, endures, 1671b. so may the name of N. endure, 1671c. so may this pyramid of N. endure,

1670c. so may this his pyramid endure,

1671d. so may this his temple endure, likewise, for ever and ever.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 602.

1672b. Make N. festive at the Feast of Horus.

1672a. To say by the Earth, by Geb, by Osiris, by Anubis, by Wr-b:

1672c. Let him who is among the falcons hasten to the ka of N., who is mmi. 1673a. Open for N. his eyes, open for him his nose; 1673c. make prosperous for N. his two plumes. 1674a. Let N. be allowed to pass, by the god, 1674b. filled with the force of the winds. 1673b. open for N. his mouth, open for him his ears;

1674c. After you have eaten this, N. will find what is left by you. 1674d. Give the remainder to N.; behold, he is come. Utterance 603.

1675b. (N. VII 709 + 40). lift thyself up upon thy feet; follow thy heart. 1675c. Thy runners hasten; thy messengers rush on behind; 1676a. thy herald of the horizon comes; Anubis approaches thee; 1676b. tp gives his arm to thee; the gods desire (or, rejoice) ----

1675a. (N. Jquier, VII 709 + 40). To say: Lift thyself up, father N.; fasten to thee thy head; take to thee thy limbs;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1676c (N. VII 709 + 40: Thot comes in his dignity of spirit to the Two Enneads. 1676c + 1 (N. VII 709 + 42). He ferried over the lake; h[e] avoided the D.t 1677a. -----------------------------------

1678a. He comes that he may govern the cities, that he may rule over the settlements, 1678b. that he may command those who are in Nun 1678c. sitting, to him -------------1679a. -------------------------------------

1677b. ----------------------- with this mighty one who endures each day.

1679b. ---------------- he rests alive in the West (or, he is satisfied in living in the West), 1679c. among the Followers of R, who make the way of twilight mount up. Utterance 604.

1680a. To say: Raise thyself up, father, N., the great; sit before them; 1680b. the apertures of the (heavenly) windows are open for thee; 1680c. broad are thy steps of light; Utterance 605. 1680d. this is said to thee, father N. To say: O! Ho!' 1681a. To say: Father N., I am come; I bring to thee the green cosmetic;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1681b. I am come; I bring to thee the green cosmetic, which Horus put on Osiris. 1682a. I put thee on my father N., as Horus put thee on his father Osiris, 1682b. when (or, as) Horus filled his empty eye with his full eye.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Utterance 606.

1683a. To say: Arise for me, father; stand up for me, Osiris N. 1684a. I have come to thee, that I may purify thee, that I may cleanse thee, 1684c. that I may collect for thee thy flesh, that I may assemble for thee thy dismembered limbs, 1683b. It is I; I am thy son; I am Horus.

1684b. that I may revivify thee, that I may assemble for thee thy bones,

1685a. for I am as Horus his avenger, I have smitten for thee him who smote thee; 1686a. I have come to thee by order of rw;

1685b. I have avenged thee, father Osiris N., on him who did thee evil. 1686b. (for) he has appointed thee, father Osiris N., (to be) upon the throne of R-Atum, 1686c. that thou mayest lead the blessed dead(?). 1687a. Thou shalt embark into the boat of R, in which the gods love to ascend,

1687b. in which the gods love to descend, in which R is rowed to the horizon; 1687c. N. shall embark into it, like R.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1688a. Thou shalt seat thyself upon this throne of R, that thou mayest command the gods,

1688b. for thou art indeed R, who comes forth from Nut, who gives birth to R every day. 1688c. N. is born every day like R. 1689a. Take to thyself the heritage of thy father Geb before the corporation of the Ennead in Heliopolis. 1689b. "Who is equal to him?", 1689c. say the Two great and mighty Enneads who are at the head of the Souls of Heliopolis. 1690a. These two great and mighty gods have appointed thee 1690b. --those who are chiefs of the Marsh of Reeds--upon the throne of rw, 1690c. as their eldest son; 1691a. they placed Shu at thy left (east side), Tefnut at thy right (west side), 1691b. Nun before thee (at thy south side), Nnt behind thee (at thy north side); 1692a. they lead thee to these their places, beautiful and pure, 1692b. which they made for R when they placed him upon their thrones (his throne). 1693a. N., they make thee live, 1693b. so that thou mayest surpass the years of Horus of the horizon,

1693c. when they make thy (for "his") name, "Withdraw not thyself from the gods."


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1694a. They recite for thee this chapter, which they recited for RAtum who shines every day; 1694b. they have appointed N. to their thrones (his throne) 1694c. at the head of every Ennead, as R and as his deputy.

1695a. They cause N. to come into being as R, in this, his name of "Khepri." 1695b. Thou mountest to them as R, in this his name of "R"; 1695c. thou turnest back again from their face as R, in this his name of "Atum." 1696a. The Two Enneads shall rejoice, O father; 1696c. "Our; brother is come to us." 1697a. one of us is come to us." 1696b. when thou approachest, O father, Osiris N., they say: 1696d. The Two Enneads say to Osiris N.: "King, Osiris N., 1697b. The Two Enneads say to thee: "King, Osiris N., 1698a. the eldest son of his father is come to us." 1698c. he is the eldest son of his mother." 1698b. The Two Enneads say to thee: "King, Osiris N., 1698d. The Two Enneads say to thee: "King, Osiris N., 1699b. The Two Enneads say:

1699a. he to whom evil was done by his brother Set comes to us."


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1699c. "And we shall not permit that Set be delivered from carrying thee for ever, king, Osiris N." 1699d. The Two Enneads say to thee: "King, Osiris N., 1700. raise thyself up, king, Osiris N.; thou livest."


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 607.

1701b. a child; the intelligence of N. is not. 1701c. N. is freed from the evil gods; Utterance 608. 1701d. N. is not given to the evil gods.

1701a. To say: Nun has begotten N. on his left hand

1702a. To say: N., stand up for thy father, the Great One; be seated for thy mother, Nut. 1702b. Give thy hand to thy son, Horus; behold, he is come; he approaches thee. Utterance 609.

1703a. To say: N., thy mother Nut has given birth to thee in the West; 1703b. thou hast descended in the West in company with the lord of veneration (?); 1703c. thy mother Isis has given birth to thee at Chemmis;

1703d. thy hand which is (full of) the north wind takes (Possession) of thee 1704a. The Lake of Reeds is full; the Winding Watercourse is inundated; 1704b. the mn-canal of N. is open, 1703e. overflowing thee, behind the north wind, father N.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1704c. whereby he may ferry over to the horizon, to the place where the gods will be born, 1704d. and where thou wilt be born with them. 1705a. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for R,

1705b. that he may ferry over therewith to the horizon to the place where the gods will be born, 1705c. and where he will be born with them. 1706a. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for N.,

1706b. that he may ferry over therewith to the horizon to the place where they will be born, 1706c. and where he will be born with them. 1707a. Thy sister is Sothis; thy mother (bearer) is the morning star; 1707b. thou sittest between them on the great throne, 1707c. which is at the side of the Two Enneads.

1708a. Behold, let these four dwellers of the region (or, height) be brought,

1708b. who sit upon their db-sceptres, who come forth on (or, from) the eastern side of the sky, 1708c. that they may proclaim this thy goodly utterance to Nb-k.w, 1708d. which thy daughter, (m.t), said to thee, and 1708e. Nb-k.w shall proclaim this thy goodly utterance

1708f. to the Two Enneads.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1709a. It is Hpnti, he who lays hold of thy hand when thou descendest into the boat of R,

1709b. descending into the boat with an offering which the king gives; descending and ferrying over.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 610.

1710b. raise thyself up, eldest son of Geb,

1710a. To say: Wake up for Horus; stand up before Set;

1710c. before whom the Two Enneads tremble.

1711a. (The keeper) of the palace stands up before thee, so that the three beginnings (of the divisions of the year) may be celebrated for thee.

1711c. The great mni.t (-stake) mourns for him,

1711b. Thou dawnest on the (first of the) month; thou purifiest thyself on the day of the new-moon.

1711d. as for "Thee who standest without being tired," who resides in Abydos. 1712a. Earth, hear that which the gods have spoken, what Horus says as he spiritualizes his father, 1712b. like Horus- and like Min (or, Amn), 1712c. like Seker who is at the head of Pdw-.

1713a. The earth speaks to thee: "The door of Aker is open for thee; the double doors of Geb are open for thee. 1713b. Thou goest forth at the voice (of Anubis), for he has spiritualized thee,

1713c. like Thot, (or) like Anubis, prince of the court of justice (or, divine court),


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1714a. that thou mayest judge, that thou mayest lean upon the Two Enneads,

1714b. who are between the two sceptres, in this thy dignity of spirit, commanded by the gods to be in thee. 1715a. If thou goest, Horus goes; if thou speakest, Set speaks; 1715b. if thy step be hindered, the step of the gods will be hindered.

1716a. Thou approachest the lake; thou advancest to the t wr, the Thinite nome; 1716b. thou passest through Abydos, in this thy dignity of spirit., commanded by the gods to be in thee. 1717b. The ox of heaven seizes thine arm;

1717a. A ramp is trodden for thee to the D.t to the place where is. 1717c. thou nourishest thyself with the food of the gods.

1718a. The odour of Ddwn is on thee, the Upper Egyptian Youth, who is come from Nubia; 1718b. he gives thee the incense wherewith the gods cense themselves.

1719a. The two children (twins?) of the king of Lower Egypt have given birth to thee-1719c. R calls to thee out of the iskn of heaven,

1719b. (they) who are on (his) head, (he) the lord of the great crown. 1719d. as the jackal (god), nome-governor (of the Bows), the Two Enneads,

1719e. as Horus who presides over his, abode (or thigh-offering).


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1719f. He appoints thee as the morning star (lit. god of the morning) in the midst of the Marsh of Reeds. 1720a. The portal of heaven is open for thee towards the horizon; 1720b. the heart of the gods rejoice at thy approach, 1720c. as a star which ferries over the ocean which is under the underpart of Nut, 1720d. in this, thy dignity issuing from the mouth of R. 1721a. Thou sittest upon this thy firm throne, like the Great One who is in Heliopolis;

1721b. thou leadest the spirits (spiritualized ones); thou satisfiest the imperishable stars. 1722a. Thine abundance is in that herb in which the gods, abound, 1722b. and on which the spirits nourish themselves;

1722c. thine eyes are opened by the earth, thy limbs are gathered up by the lord of (bw.t) the rebel city. 1723a. Raise thyself up (like) nti-m (chief of Letopolis), 1723b. when the great bread and this wine-like water were given to him.

1723d. a royal offering will be given to thee, such as Anubis will do for thee.

1723c. The im-trees serve thee, the nb-tree, bows its head to thee;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 611.

1724a. To say: Thou who livest art living, father, in this thy name of "With the gods"; 1724c. that mighty one at the head of the spirits.

1724b. thou shalt dawn as Wepwawet, a soul at the head of the living, 1725a. The king N. is a d-wr, who is at your head, spirits;

1725c. the king N. is a Thot among you, gods. 1726a. The bolt is drawn for thee,

1725b. the king N. is the great mighty-one, who is at your head, spirits;

1726b. (the bolt) to the two ram-portals, which hold people back. 1726c. Thou countest enemies; thou takest the hand of the imperishable stars. 1727a. Thine eyes are open; thine ears are open;

1727b. enter into the house of the guardian; let thy father Geb guard thee. 1728a. The water-holes are united for thee; the lakes are brought together for thee, 1728b. for Horus who will avenge his father, for king N. who will avenge his body. 1729a. A vulture greater than thou (does) triple homage to thee.

1729b. It is agreeable to thy nose on account of the smell of the i.twt.t-crown.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1730a. Further, to say: Let this thy going, king N., be like the going of Horus to his father, Osiris,

Utterance 612.

1730b. that he may be a spiritualized one thereby, that he may be a soul thereby, that he may be an honoured one thereby, that he may be a mighty one thereby. 1731a. Thy spirit is behind thee -------------------------1732a. Collect thy bones; take to thee thy limbs;

1731b. ---------------- king N.

1732b. shake off this earth (dust of the earth) from thy flesh;

1733a. take to thee these thy four nm.t-jars [filled at the divine-lake in Ntr.w], 1733b. (and) [the wind of the great Isis, together with (which) the great Isis dried (him)] like Horus.

1734a. Raise thyself towards the eye of R; and according to this thy name so will the gods do 1734b. to Horus of the D.t, even to Horus-kn, 1734c. to Horus -----------------------------------1734d. ------------------------------------

1735a. Raise thyself up, be seated on thy firm throne; 1735c. Thou travellest over the regions of Horus; thou travellest over the regions of Set. 1735d. ------------------------------------1735b. thy finger-nails scratch the castle (-door?).


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Utterance 613.

1736a. ------------------------------------1736c. ------------ N., father ----------

1736b. -------------------------------------

1736d. Hdhd ----------------------------

1736f - ------------ to the Marsh of Offerings. 1737b. -----------------------------------------1738a. -------------

1736e - --------------------------------------

1737a. Hdhd, the ferryman of the Winding Watercourse, comes

1738c. that N. may hear what they say -------------------

173 8b. [Osiris] N. [comes] on the right side of the Marsh of Offerings, behind the two Great Gods,

1739a. ----- coming forth (?) like Osiris to wash thy hands ----1739b. If Tefnut seizes thee; if Shu grasps thee,

1739a + 1 (N. Jquier, XXIV 1350 + 74-75). ear -----------Tefnut.

1739c. then the majesty of R will shine no more (?) in the horizon, that every god may see him. 1740a. To say: -----------------------Utterance 614.

1740b. Thou [goest] to the portal of the house of B;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1740c. thou givest thy hand to them, when they come to thee with salutations; 1741a. but thou smitest them with ----------------------1741b. -------------- in accordance with thy dignity which appertains to the lords of the im.

1742a. To say: The eye of Horus is mounted (or, is placed upon) the wing of his brother Set. 1742b. The ropes are tied, the boats are assembled, 1742c. so that the son of Atum be not without a boat. Utterance 616.

Utterance 615.

1742 d. N. is with the son of Atum who is not without a boat. 1743a. To say: O thou who art in the fist of the ferryman of the Marsh of Reeds, Utterance 617. 1743b. bring this (boat) to N.; ferry N. over.

1744a. To say: Hasten, hasten -------------------------1744c. ----------- unite thyself with the gods in Heliopolis. 1744b. --------------------------------------------

1745a. May the king make an offering: "in all thy places"; may the king make an offering: "in all thy dignities." 1745b (N. Jquier, XX 1315). Thou goest in thy sandals; [thou slaughterest an ox]


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1745c. -------------------------------------------1746a. To say: Now be still, men, hear -------------------1746c. -------------------------------------------Utterance 619. 1746b. -------------------------------------------Utterance 618.

1746d. --------- with the First of the Westerners.

1747b. raise thyself up from (lit. on) thy left side, place thyself on thy right side.

1747a. To say: Raise thyself up, N.; raise thyself up, great nw;

1748a. Wash thy hands with this fresh water which I have given thee, my (lit. thy) father Osiris. 1748b. I have tilled the barley; I have reaped the spelt, 1748c. with which I made (an offering) for thy feasts, which the First of the Westerners offered for thee.

1749b. A stairway to heaven is built (for thee), that thou mayest ascend. 1750a. Thou judgest between the two great gods, 1750b. who support the Two Enneads. 1750c. Isis weeps for thee; Nephthys calls thee;

1749a. Thy face is like that of a jackal; thy heart is like that of, b.t, thy seat is like that of a broad-hall.

1751a. as for Imt.t she sits at the feet of thy throne.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1751b. Thou seizest thy two oars

1751c. of which one is of pine, the other of id;

1752a. thou ferriest over the lake of thy house, the sea;

1752b. and thou avengest thyself against him who did this against thee. 1752c. O, Ho, may the great lake protect thee! Utterance 620.

1753a. To say: I am Horus, Osiris N., I will not let thee sicken. Utterance 621. 1753b. Come forth, awake, I will avenge thee.

1755b. (which is) that Rnn-wt.t of whom the gods have fear. Utterance 623.

1755a. To say: Osiris N., I have adorned thee with the eye of Horus, 1755c. The gods fear thee, as they have fear of the eye of Horus.

Utterance 622.

1754. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the odour of the eye of Horus, like the eye of Horus, which he traced by its odour.

Utterance 624.

1756. Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which made its tnf. 1757 (Nt. Jquier, VIII 1). To say: N. has gone forth on the sea of Iw (the ferryman); N. has ascended with the help of the wing of Khepri.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1758a. It is Nut who takes the hand of N.; it is Nut who prepares the way for N. 1758b. (Nt. VIII 1). The falcon defends thee against these, 1759a. who are in this boat of R, who transport the boat of R to the east. 1759b. Carry N.; lift him up. 1760a. Set this N. among these gods, the imperishable stars; fallen among them. 1760b. He does not perish; he is not destroyed. 1761a. N. is --- among the great gods; he is judge among the gods. 1761b. He who supplies (or, fills) N., supplies N., for his brother 1761c (Nt. VIII 4). ------ this N., Iri.f ascends like R. Utterance 625. 1761d. N. is Osiris, who is come forth out of the night.

1762a. To say: N. is the dm-sceptre which is in Grg.w-b (.f).

1762b. N. has descended upon the perch; N. has ascended among the great ones. 1763b. N. has ascended upon the ladder,

1763a (Nt. XXXI 806). I have descended into the field of royal women; 1763c. his foot on the arm of N. in its.

1764a. I took hold of the reins of him who is chief of his department, (and) 1764b. he takes the arm of N. to the great place,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1764c. (where) N. has seized his throne in the divine boat. 1765a. --------------------------1765b. N. as prince of heaven; 1766a. -------------------

1765c. the house of N. is there among the lords of names. 1766b. ----- the men and his two boats.

1766c. The name of N. is in the horizon; the hm.w fear him 1767a. -----------------------1767b. ----- the great game-board, at the side of him who is with Nhdf. 1768a. Every god who gives to N. his power to carry off ------1768b. ----------------- N. truth.

1768c. He causes those to live who ceased in the fight at the side of Db. 1769b. [Ho!] He-who-sees-behind-him, bring to N. the d-tp, made by Khmun, 1769c. that N. may ascend to heaven upon it; that N. may do service of a courtier to R in heaven. 1770a. To say: N. has ascended like a swallow; N. has alighted like a falcon. 1770b. The face of N --------------Utterance 626. 1769a. N ----------------------------


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1770c. That fortress of his, every one, all of them [have been given to him]; the two nomes of the god have been given to him.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Utterance 627.

1771b. heaven is agitated; the earth quakes 1771c. ----------------------------

1771a. To say: N. is a well-equipped spirit, who asks to be;

1772b. (for) he came forth with the dorsal carapace of a grasshopper, 1772c. as among that (of) which the wasp bore. 1773a. The two wings --------------------

1772a. N. was born on (the day of the feast) of the month; N. was conceived on (the day of the feast) of the half-month;

1773b. --------- two uraeuses. N. was conceived in the night and ascends to R each day. 1773c. The chapel is open for him (when) R appears. 1774b. -------------------- truth is before R 1774a. N. has ascended on the rain-cloud; he has descended -----

1775a. Heaven was in satisfaction; the earth was, in joy,

1774c. on the day of (the feast) of each first-of-the-year.

1775b. (after) they heard that N. had put truth [in the place of error]. 1776a. ------ protect (or, avenge) ----- N. in his divine court 1776b. with the true decision, which comes forth from his mouth,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1776c. demanded his installation as chief: Two acres 1776d. ----------------1777a. N. is the great falcon who asks to be;

1777b. N. ferries over the sky on four geese (?). 1777d. -------------------

1777c. N. has ascended on the rain-cloud; he has descended ---1778a. N: is the great falcon, who is upon the battlements (or, cornice blocks) of the house of "him of the hidden name,"

1778b. who will seize the (possessions, or) provisions of Atum for him who separates the sky from the earth and Nun 1779a. His two lips are like those of the male of the divine falcons; 1779c. his claws are like those of the bull of the evening; 1779b. his neck is like that of the mistress of the nbi-flame; 1778c. -- this N. in all (?) ---- shines.

1780b. The w (taste) of N. is like the swnw-r.f-wr, who is at the side of him who is, in Nun. 1780c. N. was born at (or, on) the hand of eternity. 1781a. -------------------1781b. N. [went?] to the field of the glorified;

1780a. his wings are like those of him who presides over (his) abode within the lake of his chapel.

1781c. his hands fell upon Dbn-wp.wt (him of the twisted horns), north of the island of Elephantin (bw);


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1781d. he has illuminated the earth with his first divine being. 1782a (N. I 168). To the side ---------1782b. ------------ the [urae]us, the gu[ide], in his first birth. 1782d. It goes well with N. because of his ba. 1783a. -----------------1783b. ------------------- w irmn.wt nfr. 1782c. He is busying himself with pd.w nw.t;

1783c. The name of N. is made like that of a divine falcon, through which he who passes by it fears; 1784b. ------1784a. because like N. mw is older than nhd ---

1784c. N. goes to his seat (place?) of (in) the sm.t-land; 1784e. and from the lakes of malachite ------------1785b. N. conducts R into his two boats of m.t

1784d. that which N. eats comes from the Marshes, of Offerings 1785a (N. I 171). He --- a ka in the body of a hundred thousand ----

1785c. on the day (of the feast) of the end of the year,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 628.

1786a. To say: O thou N.; O thou N.,

1786b. I am Nephthys; I am come, I lay hold of thee; I have put thy heart into thy body for thee. 1787. To say: Osiris N., I am come, rejoicing for love of thee, N. 1788a. To say: Osiris N., this source is in thee; Utterance 631. Utterance 630. Utterance 629.

1788b. I am the water-hole; I am the flowing (or, overflowing).

1790b. how harmful is thine odour, how bad is thine odour, how great is thine odour! 1791. To say: Thou art she who weeps for him. 1792 (N. V 474). To say: Osiris N., I have brought to thee ---Utterance 633.

1790a. To say: My heart is full of the place where thou art;

Utterance 632.

1789. To say: I have assembled my brother; I have united his limbs.

Utterance 634.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1793a + 1 (N. 475). Osiris N., I have brought to thee -------1793b (N. 475-476). thou livest in ------- thy, with her. Utterance 635.

1793a (N. 474-475) -------------- thee, in which are spirits.

1794a. To say: Osiris N., I have brought thee the eye of Horus which was in Ti.t, 1794c. The gods fear thee as they have fear of Horus. 1794b. this Rn(n)-wt.t, of whom the gods have fear.

1795a. Osiris N., Horus has put his eye in thy forehead, in its name of "Great-in-charms," (and so), 1795b. Osiris N., thou shalt dawn as king of Upper and Lower Egypt. Utterance 636.

796. To say: Great Watcher, give me thine arm that I may cause thee to stand. 1797b. I have avenged thee; I have not delayed to avenge thee. 1797c. Thou art alive; thou livest a life, 1798a. for thou art -------- thou art healthier than they. 1797a. I have come [to seek thee]; I have come to protect thee;

1798b. The father of Osiris N. lives. Thou hast put the eye of Horus to thyself. Utterance 637. 1799a. To say: Horus comes; filled [with ointment], he sought his father, Osiris;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1799b. he found him on his side in G.ti. 1800b. O N., I have come to thee also,

1800a. Osiris filled himself with the eye of him whom he begat. 1800c. that I may fill thee with the ointment that came forth from the eye of Horus. 1801a. Fill thyself with it. 1801b. It will assemble thy bones; it will unite thy limbs;

1801c. it will collect thy flesh; it will let thy evil sweat flow to the ground.

1802a. Take its odour to thee, that thy odour may be sweet like that of R, 1802b. when he ascends in the horizon, and the gods of the horizon delight in him. 1803a. O N., the odour of the eye of Horus is upon thee; 1803b. the gods who follow Osiris delight in thee.

1804a. Thou hast borne off their white crown, while thou art endued with the form of Osiris, 1804b. whereby thou art a spirit, more than the spirits, as Horus himself, lord of men, commanded. 1805a. To say: Osiris N., the gods have bound thy face to thee; Utterance 638.

1805b. Horus has given his eye to thee, that thou mayest see [with it].

1806a. Osiris N., Horus has opened thine eye for thee, that thou mayest see with it,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1806b. in its name of "She who opens the ways of god." 1807a. To say [Osiris N.], take the eye of Horus, being alive, that thou mayest see with it. 1807b. Osiris N., thy face is opened by the light. 1807c. Osiris N., thy [face is illuminated] as the earth is illuminated. Utterance 639.

1808a. Osiris N., I have given the eye of Horus to thee, as R gives it (the light).

1808b. Osiris N., [put the eye] of Horus to thyself, that thou mayest see with it. 1809a. Osiris N., I have opened thine eye that thou mayest see with it. 1809b. Osiris N. [I have given to thee] the ointment. Utterance 640. 1810a. To say: O Geb, thy son is Osiris N.;

1810b. make thy son live in himself; make thy son well in himself, 1810c. that he may not die, that he may not die. 1811a. If he lives, thou livest; if he is well, thou art well.

1811c. Geb, [be a soul for thyself]; Geb, be mighty for thyself.

181b. Geb, be pre-eminent for thyself; Geb, be honoured for thyself.

1812a. Thou art mighty; thou drivest out every evil thing which . pertains to Osiris N.;

1812b. thou [doest service of courtier] for life for (or, behind) Osiris N.,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1812c. that he may not die, that he may not perish. 1813a. To say: Osiris N., I have come with -------- I am Horus. Utterance 641.

1813b. I have come, that I may speak for thee; I am thy son. 1814a. Osiris N., thou art the eldest son of Geb, 1814b. his primogeniture, his heir.

1814c. Osiris N., thou art he who dawnest after him;

1815a. the inheritance was given to thee by the Ennead; 1816a. -------------------------------------------1816c. ----------------------------Utterance 642.

1815b. thou art powerful over the Ennead, and even (over) every god. 1816b. --- [an eye which goes] forth from thy head

1817a. To say: Shu, thou envelopest all things within thine arms. 1818a. ------------ of Atum who masturbated for thee.

1817b. ----------- Osiris N., thou preventest that he escape [from thee]

1818b. Thou art ---------------------- his ka. Utterance 643.

1818c. Protect him from --------------------1819a. To say: Osiris N


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1820a. [An eye has gone forth from thy head, like] the Great-incharms, the Upper Egyptian white crown. 1820c. ---------------------- a thing gone out from him. 1821a. ------------------ thy 1820b. -------------------- great

1819b. ------- he lives. Thou art a god; [thou art powerful over the gods].

1821b. Thy ka stands among the gods ------------ thy ---- on earth. 1822a. O N -------------------1822b. draw the ka after thee; [draw life after thee] 1822c. draw joy after thee; Osiris N -------------Utterance 644.

1823b. carry him lest he escape from you; Utterance 645.

1823a. [To say: Children of ] Horus, put yourselves under N.;

1823c. carry him [like Horus in the nw-boat].

1824a. To say: Osiris, N., Horus has carried thee in the nw -boat; 1824b. he carries thee as a god, in thy name of "Seker," 1824c. as he carries his father. 1824d. Osiris N., [he unites himself with thee];

1824e (Nt. XIII 361). thou shalt be powerful over Upper Egypt as Horus, over whom thou art powerful;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1824f (Nt. XIII 361-362). thou shalt be powerful over Lower Egypt as Horus, over whom thou art powerful; 1824g. thou shalt be powerful, thou shalt be protected (in) thy body from thine enemy. 1825a-1 (Nt. 358). The Ennead has put thine enemy under thee, Utterance 646.

1826b. [he lifts thee up into] the nw-boat, in thy name of "Seker." 1827a. -------------- thou art equipped with him; 1827b. thou shalt be powerful [over Lower Egypt as Horus], over whom [thou art powerful]. Utterance 648.

1826a. To say: Osiris N., Horus has carried thee;

Utterance 647.

1825a (Nt. 359). Horus has made (thee) great in thy charms in thy name of "Great-in-charms."

1825a-2 (Nt. 358-359). as he spoke to (thee) in thy name of "Osiris N."

1828a. To say: Osiris N., Horus has given thee these four children of his, 1828b. that thou mayest be powerful over them. 1829b. carry [him; not one of you shall escape]." 1829c. They came to thee; 1829a. [He said to them: "Put yourselves] under N.;

1829d. they carried [thee; not one of them escaped].


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1830b. that they may unite with thee. Thou hast power over them; 1830c. and they fraternize with thee, in their name of "n.wt"; 1830d. they have not rejected thee in their name of ["The two itr.tpalaces"]. 1831a. Osiris N., Horus has assigned them to thee, united (them). 1831a + 1. He has encircled for thee all the gods in the embrace of thy two arms, 1831a + 2. together with their lands, together with all their possessions, 1831a + 4. O N., thou art a great god;

1830a. To say: Osiris N., Geb has given thee all the gods,

Utterance 649.

1831a + 3. that they may do service of courtier, as thy "bodyguard." 1831a + 5. thou art great, thou art bent around like the "Circle which encircles the nb.wt."

1831b. Osiris N., behold, thou art avenged, thou livest; thou movest daily. 1831 d. Osiris, N., thou art the ka of all the gods. 1831c. Osiris N., there is no discord in thee.

1832a. Horus has avenged thee; thou art become his ka.

1832a + 1. O Osiris N., thou art a god, the power of all the gods.

1832b. An eye has gone forth from thy head like the "Great-in-charms" of Upper Egypt.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1832b + 1. He has given to thee as his eye in thy forehead as the "Great-in-charms" of Upper Egypt.

1832b + 3. Thou dawnest as Horus, king of Lower Egypt; they are fraternizing with thee, 1832b + 4. in alliance with Horus, king of Lower Egypt. 1832b + 5. Thou dawnest as king of Upper and Lower Egypt. 1832b + 6. Thou art powerful over the gods, also their kas. 1832b + 7. O Osiris N., thou art the two souls, thou shalt not die; 1832b + 9. Thou hast a ba, Osiris N.; thou hast life, Osiris N.;

1832b + 2. An eye has gone forth from thy head (in) Lower Egypt.

1832b + 8. Osiris N., thou hast spoken; thou hast rejoiced, Osiris N. 1832b + 10. thou art powerful; thou destroyest thine enemies, Osiris N. 1832b + 11. Horus, thou hast made peace (to be) with Osiris N.1832b + 12. peace be upon her. 1832b + 13. Thou hast put thy regard upon her.

1832b + 14. May peace be to thee, which he gives to thee, (to) thy head. 1833a. [To say]: ------- it is Osiris N., son of [Nut]. Utterance 650.

1833b. She caused him to appear as king of Upper and Lower Egypt in all his dignity.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1833c. [She caused him to appear as] Anubis, First of the Westerners, as Osiris son of Geb. 1834a. The earth [produces] N.; he shall be chief of the gods who are in heaven, 1834b. as Geb, chief of the Ennead. 1835a. His mother, heaven, bears him, living, each day, beloved of R, 1835b. with whom he dawns in the east, with whom he sets in the west. 1835c. His mother Nut is not void of him, daily. 1836a. He equips N. with life; 1833d. --------- gods, as nd.ti, chief of the eastern nomes.

1836b. he makes his heart rejoice; he makes his heart sweet.

1837a. He settles for him the South; he settles for him the land of the North; 1837b. he destroys for him the fortresses of Asia; Utterance 651. 1837c. he quells for him all the people, rebels, under his fingers. 1838. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, [to thy forehead] ----1839a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which I have taken from Set, (after) he had ravaged it. 1839b. ------Utterance 652.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1841b. ------------------- braids of hair, Utterance 655.

1841a. [To s]ay: O N --------------------------------1841c. that he may pass when he comes.

Utterance 654.

1840. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus -----[a libation].

Utterance 653.

1842a. To say: N --------------------1842b. --- thighs of the gods ----1843-1. -------------------- N.

1843a (N. pl. 1575). Says smtt, N. as a falcon comes forth as the eye of Horus; 1844. ------------------------------------------1843b. (N. pl. 1575). an ir.t-serpent is coming forth like a falcon --

1845a. birds to the sky; birds to the earth, a feather of (?) N. a bird (?) 1845c. the great uninjured star. 1945b. he reaches heaven like divine falcons --- [Marsh of Reed],

1846a (N. 577). To [slay ----------------

1846b (N. 577). gp of N., gp of the boat of Seker,

1847a (N. 577). going (?)--[in] the [lakes] of the jackal;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1847b (N. 577). N. makes (his) way towards you. 1848. To say: N ------------------------------------Utterance 656.

1850. To say: N. came ------------------------------1852. N -----------------------------------------

Utterance 657.

1849. ------------------ to a message of the Ennead.

1851. --------- N ------ [First of the West]erners, upon his throne.

1854a. The gods [caused] thee to prosper; they love thee.

1853. [To say]: -----------------------------------

Utterance 658.

1854b (N. VII 580). The gods wish these things for thee in thy name of "Ceaseless." 1854c. thou hast done -----------------1855a. [He quakes under thee] as the quaking of the earth; he does not escape thee.

1855b. O, thou art more exalted I than he, in thy name of "He of the exalted land"]. 1856a (N. 582) ---------------------- lifted up --1855c (N. 581). Spring thou upon him --- [life?] ---- bh n.k ----

1856b. ----------- [without thy separating] from him, without his getting away from thee.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1857a. Horus has placed for thee thine enemies under thee; health and wealth he has accounted for thee. 1857b. ------ he has cast down ----1857c. -------------- this his eye --------------------

1858. Horus has filled thee with his eye in its name of "The enduring one." 1859 (N. 583). Horus delivered his eye from Set; he gave --1859 + 1 ----------1859 + 2 ------------ in thy name of "Inundation."

1859+ 3 ---------- like -------------------1859 + 4. --- in thee -----------

1859+ 5 --------- thou art powerful over ---1859 + 6 ------- to thee -------------1859 + 8 -----1859 + 7 -----------------------------------1859 + 9. To say: Osiris N ------------------ in thee 1859 + 10 ----------------------------------------1859 + 1,. in (or, with) the eye ---


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Utterance 659.

1860b. He is assembled: These thy goings,

1860a. To say: He is assembled: This thy going;

1860c. are the goings of Horus in search of his father, Osiris. 1861a. His messengers go; his runners hasten, 1861b. his envoys rush on.

1862b. that he is coming as a god, that N. stands in the double itr.tpalace of the horizon. 1863a. Thou hearest the words of R, as a god, as Horus mti: 1863b. "I am thy brother, like Sopdu." 1864a. Behold, he comes; behold, he comes;

1862a. Hasten to R; say to R, to him who lifts up his arm in the East,

1864b. behold, thy brother comes; behold, Mnti-n-irti comes.

1865a. Thou recognizest him not, though thou spendest the night in his arms-1865b. thy putrefaction being avoided1865c. like thy calf, like thy herdsman.

1866b. they go around like an arrow, in their name of "Arrow;"

1866a. Thou hast taken these thy white teeth of this mn;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1867a. thy leg of beef is in the nome of Abydos, thy (lit. his) piece of meat is in the land of Nubia; 1867b. thou hast descended like the jackal of the South, like Anubis who is over (i.e. protects) the (southern) itr.t-palace; 1868b. like Geb, at the head of his Ennead.

1868a. thou standest before the Rd-wr-lake,

1869a. Thou hast thy heart; thou hast thy ka, N.;

1869b. thou furnishest thy house, N.; thou fastenest thy door, N.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 660.

1870b. Thou art the great son of Atum, his eldest son.

1870a. [To say]: Shu. son of Atum is Osiris N.

1871a. Atum has spit thee out of his mouth, in thy name of "Shu."

1871b. He said: "Count my children, in thy name of 'Upper Mn.t"

1872a. O Shu, this is Osiris N. whom thou hast made to endure and to live. 1872b. If thou livest, he lives; thou art lord of the entire earth. Utterance 661.

1873a. To say: O father N., take to thyself this thy liquid, the protected (?) (milk), 1873b. which is in the breasts of thy mother, Isis. 1873c. Nephthys, give him thy hand. Utterance 662.

1874a. O brilliant, brilliant; Khepri, Khepri,

1874b. thou art on the way to N.; N. is on the way to thee; 1875a. O papyrus, going forth from Wd.t,

1874c. thy life is on the way to N.; the life of N. is on the way to thee. 1875b. thou art gone forth as N.; N. is gone forth as thou.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1875c. N. is strong through thine appearance. 1876b. plenty belongs to the supper of N. 1876d. fire is far from N.

1876a. Appetite belongs to the breakfast of N.; 1876c. Hunger is not powerful in the life of N.; 1877a. N. lives from thy plenty; 1877c. Father N., arise,

1877b. N. abounds in the abundance of thy food, O R, every day. 1877d. take this thy first libation, coming out of Chemmis.

1878a. Let them who are in their graves, arise; let them undo their bandages. 1878b. Shake off the sand from thy face; 1878c. raise thyself up (from) on thy left side, support thyself on thy right side (upright).

1879a. Raise thy face, that thou mayest see that which I have done for thee. 1879b. I am thy son, I am thine heir. 1880a. I have hoed wheat (or spelt) for thee; I have tilled barley for thee-

1880b. barley for thy wg-feast, wheat for thy yearly feast.

1881a. The eye of Horus is offered to thee; it is young with thee; it is large with thee, 1881b. O lord of the house; thy hand is upon thy property.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1882a-1. -------------------------------------

Utterance 663.

1882a-2. Thy bread is for every day, I said to thee it is.

1882c. thy thousand of figs; thy thousand of (jars?) of wine;

1882b. Thine ox ---------------------- red;

1822a. I have said to thee, build ---- thine arm before thee, Osiris.

1883a. thy thousand of ground corn. Geb was begotten for thee. The name to thee --1883b. ----------- Hail, to thee, father N.; 1883c. thy water is to thee; thine inundation is to thee; Utterance 664.

1882d. thy thousand of nb-fruit bread; thy thousand of [b] --;

1883d. thy milk is to thee, in the bre[asts] of thy mother Isis.

1885. I have come to take thee; I give thy heart to thee; I am thy servant.

1884. To say: O thou N., greetings to thee N., to thee Osiris,

1886a. To say: Osiris N., I am Isis; I have come, the beloved of the earth, to the place where thou dwellest; 1886b. I have come to set thy name in thee. 1887a. To say: --- in thine arms; he avenges thee.

1887b. He has shone beautifully upon thee, in thy name of "Horizon whence R goes forth."


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1887c. Thine arms have embraced him; he does not withdraw himself from thee. 1888. To s[a]y: Osiris N., joi[ned]? ----1890. Osiris N., in (?), or, as (?) -----1889. 1 have united thy limbs for thee; I have put thy heart in its place. 1891. [Osiris] N. I have brought thy heart for thee into thy body; I have put it for thee [in] its place. 1892. He has need of thee m s --------------1893. Osiris N., I am Horus; I have come to thee ------- for (or, concerning) that which he has done for thee.

1895. Osiris N., Nut comes, protecting thee; [she] ha[s] embraced [thee]. 1897. To say: Osiris N., I am Nut, born of this nw.t-palace, like thee. Chapter of Osiris N. 1898a. To say: Awake, awake, N., for me, thy son; 1898b. awake for me, Horus; aw[ake thou]. 1899a. He lives, who lives, Osiris N., in this thy name of "He who is with the spirits." 1899b. Thou dawnest as Wpi.w; 1899c (N. Jquier, IX 719 + 20). as Spirit, chief of the living; as powerful, chief of the spirits;

1894. Osiris N., thou hast commanded ----- she [rai]se thee up.

1896. Nut [has,] raised [thee] up --------

Utterance 665.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1899d (Nt. Jquier, XXV 559). as the first star, he ate with him. 1899e (N. 719 + 21). [0. N.], thou art Thot in his palace, 1899f (Nt. Jquier, XXV 660). in thy name of "r-wir--Dhwti."

1900a (N. Jquier, IX 719 + 21). [I am] in thy hand like mud; I am [like?] thousands. 1900b (Nt. Jquier, XXV 660). Thy hand carries thee to the imperishable stars.

1901b (N. Jquier, IX 719 + 21). The great stand for thee; watchmen sit for thee, 1902a (Nt. Jquier, XXV 661-662). like Horus, avenger of his father. The smell of the im-tree is to thee, (thy) nose.

1901a. O. N., rise up [from] sleep, distant one, transfigured, Horus-n.

1902b (Nt. Jquier, XXV 662). The perfume, N., is (that of) the 'im3-tree to thee, (thy) nose. 1902c (N. Jquier, IX 719 + 22). Raise thyself up, N.; take to thyself these thy four nm'.t-pitchers,

1902e (N. IX 719 + 22). which thy mother Nekhbet has given thee; it shall not be taken away from its sheath (?). 1903a (=: 1908a in Sethe's order). Raise thyself up, N. 1903b (Nt. Jquier, XXV 663-664). Thou seest thy regions, the Horite, also their great houses;

1902d (N. IX 719 + 22). which have been filled for thee in the divine lake; take to thyself this thy nb.t-sceptre,

1903c (Nt. XXV 664) thou seest thy regions, the Setite, also their great houses.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1904a (Nt. XV 664). Thou hast released thy bands, like Horus who is in his house; 1904b (Nt. 664-665). thou hast drawn thy bonds, like Set who is in n.t.

1905a (Nt. 66S ). I have freed thee from Hr.ti; he lives on the hearts of men; 1905b (Nt. 665). 1 have not given (permitted) thee to return to the desert.

1906b (Nt. 666). greetings to thee, mnd.t.t, like Nephthys;

1906a (Nt. 665-666). Thou hast said, "Hail, this my protector, like Isis;

1906c (Nt. 666). thou hast shaken the earth; thou hast brought an offering; 1906e (Nt. 666-667). Thot comes to thee like a knife; he comes like Set. 1906f (N. IX 719 + 24). He finds thee sitting upon thy throne of ebony, 1906g (N. IX 719 + 24). like R, chief of the Ennead. 1906d (Nt. 666). thou hast certainly escaped (evil)."

1907a (N. Jquier, IX 719 + 24). Thou speakest to the spirits; thou hast united their heads. 1907b (Nt. Jquier, XXV 668). Thou hast brought their runners; thou livest in their hearts; 1907c (Nt. 668). thou standest upon --- foot --- sea; 1907d (Nt. 668). thou hast given thy name to the jackal; thou hast taken thy name to Wpi.w. 1907e (Nt. 668). O N., thy great name is "nti-r.k."


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1908b (N. IX 719 + 25). Thy bones have been collected for thee; thy limbs have been assembled for thee; 1908c (N. IX 719 + 25). thy water comes forth from Elephantin; 1908d (N. IX 7 19 + 2 5 ). thy natron is in the temple; thou standest as chief of the itr.t-palaces,

1908a (N. Jquier, IX 7 19 + 25). To say: Raise thyself up, N.

Utterance 665 A.

1908e (Nt. Jquier, XXVIII 730). as chief of the gods, lord of the jackals.

1909a (Nt. XXVIII 730). Thy hand smites thine enemies, whom Anubis, chief of the temple, gave to thee. 1909b. (Nt. XXVIII 730). Thou art in his hand, N., as Horus, First of the Westerners.

1909c (Nt. 731). The Seret-temple is open for thee; the double doors of the necropolis are open for thee.

1909d (N. 719 + 26). Thou findest thine abundance, which approaches thee. 1910a (N. IX 719 + 26). Raise thyself up, N., 1910b (N. 719 + 26). for thy thousand of bread, thy thousand of beer, thy thousand of cattle, thy thousand of fowl,

1910c (Nt. XXVIII 732). thy thousand of clothes, thy thousand of every (kind of) bag. 1911-1 (Nt. XXVIII 732). Thou hast come to the house of this N.; thou inheritest the leadership as lord of the gods,

1911-2 (Nt. 732). Thou givest commands (lit., "commands words") to the Horus-gods of the West, likewise to thee, great and mighty spirit.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1911 (N. IX 719 + 27). Thou hast united with the dead in every place in which thou desirest to be. 1912a (N. 719 + 27). N. thou art powerful there. 1912b (N. 719 + 27). The gods command that thou protect thyself against the words of thine enemy.

1912c (Nt. 733). This N., like thee, sacrifices to Osiris on his throne.

1912d (Nt. 733-734). Thou followest the Horus-gods of the West, thy spirit (being) chief of the gods. 1913-1 (Nt. 734). To say: O N., he lives, who lives; he lives, who lives, 1913a (N. 719 + 28). in thy name of ri-ntr.w. 1913b (N. 719 + 28). Thou dawnest as Wpi.w,

1913C (N. 719 + 28). as a soul, chief of the living; as powerful, chief of the spirits. 1914a (N. 7 19 + 28). Thot is this N. (1914a (N. VI 709 + 2). -- together with you, O gods); (1914b (N. 709 + 2). offer a sacrifice with thy hand).

1914b (Nt. 735). unite ye, O gods, who are in the temple, 1914c (Nt. 735). This is this N. (for whom) thou, Osiris, shalt open the six doors. (1914c (N. 709 + 2). Thou openest doors), 1914d (Nt. 735-736). which hold Libya back.

1914e (Nt. 736). Offer a sacrifice with thy hand;

1914f (Nt. 736). take a thousand Mw.w; lead the Nine Bows;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1915a (Nt. 736). grasp the hand of the imperishable stars.

1915b (Nt. 7,36-737). The great unite for thee; the watchers stand for thee; 1915c (N. 719 + 29). also Horus avenges his father. 1916-1 (N. 719 + 29). O N., great is sleep; it is great to sleep.

1916-2 (N. 709 + 4). This great one sleeps, he sleeps; wake up, raise thyself up.

1916a (Nt. 738). O N., thou hast collected thy bones; thou hast collected thy limbs;

1916-3 (Nt. 738). Great is thine odour, pleasant to the nose, the odour of I.t-wt.t.

1916b (Nt. 738-739). Thou hast assigned (left in legacy) thy teeth; thou hast taken thy heart to thy body;

1917 (Nt. 739). thou hast shaken the dust (lit. earth) from thy flesh;

1918 (N. 719 + 30). thou hast received this thy purification, these thy four b.t-jars. Utterance 665 B. 1919a (Nt. 739). Draw fully from the divine lake, the lake in which [they] purify thee, as a god.

1919b (N. 709 + 6). Thou comest with them as an eye, thou dawnest; thou [comest] (as) chief of the imperishable stars, 1919c (Nt. 740). like Geb, chief of the corporation of the Ennead of Heliopolis. 1920a (Nt. 740). He gives commands to the gods;

1920b (N. 720). he gives commands while sitting as a living god.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1921-1 (Nt. 741). Thou hast carried off the wrr.t-crown, like a star, the unique; 1921-2 (Nt. 741). its enemies are no more. Thy death is gone (from) thee, 1921-3 (Nt. 741). N. says to Horus, to his father, Osiris.

1921 (Nt. 741). O N., thine Endurance says to thee, "thy death is gone (from) thee." 1921 + 2 (Nt. 742). in thy power (as a digger?), in thy might. 1921 + 3 (Nt. 742). O N., thou hast thy spirit in thy body;

1921 + 1 (Nt. 742). Thy spirit consists in thy greatness, in thy respect,

1921 + 4 (Nt. 742-743). thy spirit is behind thee; thy heart is in thy body;

1921 + 5 (Nt. 743). thy judgment is thy protection, like Horus who is in his house; 1921 + 6 Wt. 743). thine evil is in thy wickedness, like Set who is in his nb.t-city.

1922 (Nt. 743). Thou enterest when thy father Geb is protecting thee. 1922 + 2 (Nt. 744). if (thy) father calls thee "I.t," retreat, such is not thy name. 1922 + 3 (Nt. 744). O N., take the eye of Horus; thy hand is upon thy bread; 1922 + 4 (Nt. 744). O N., present thyself as thy bread, 1922 + 5 (Nt. XXIX 745). like as Horus presents it as his, eye. 1922 + 1 (Nt. 744). If (thy) father does not know thee, he is not alive;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1922 + 6 (Nt. 745). Thy name is that of an offering.

1922 + 7 (Nt. 745). Thy wg-feast is as this thy bread, 1924 (Nt. 745). Thy name is that of thy wg-offering.

1923 (Nt. 745). just as the wg-feast is king Horus with his eye.

1924 + 1 (Nt. 746). Raise thyself up to heaven together with the stars which are in heaven; 1924 + 2 (Nt. 746). throw down those who are before thee; protect thyself from those who are behind thee,

1924 + 3 (Nt. 746). because of this thy name, which thy father Osiris made for thee, of "Horus of the D.t." 1924 + 4 (Nt. 747). ]Because they smite their b-star, and because they destroy (him),

1925 (Nt. 747). thou shalt smite them, because of their b-star, and thou shalt destroy them at the lake, at the sea ("great green"). 1926 (Nt. 747). Thou standest before the imperishable stars; 1926a + 1 (Nt. 747). thou sittest upon thy firm throne, keeping the dead far from him-1926a + 3 (N. VI 709 + 16). [N]wtknw.

1926a + 2 (Nt. 748). thou who seest the hacking up of the house (by)

1927a-1 (Nt. 749). O N., behold that which was done to thee,

192 7a-3 (Nt. 750). it is not done on account of thee, nor on account of thy hand.

1927a-2 (N. 709 + 16). king N., and not only to thee, but, behold, against thy foot;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1927a (Nt. 750-751). Protect thyself against Nwtknw.

1927b (Nt. XXIX 751). Behold the evil (?) which is done to thee, sleeper.

1927c (Nt. 752). The double doors of heaven are open for thee; the double! doors of b.w are open for thee. 192 7c + 1 (Nt. 752). Thou goest forth through them like Wpi.w; 1927C + 3 (Nt. 753). Behold, their evil (?) goes forth like Set. 1927c + 4 (Nt. 753-754). He did thee damage, in thine eyes. 192 7c + 2 (Nt. 753). the white crown upon thine arms like Thot.

192 7c + 6 (N. 709 + 18). the min.t (-stake) mentions it to thee like Nephthys. 192 7c + 7 (N. 709 + 18). [Thou] dawnest on the Rd-wr-lake.

192 7c + 5 (Nt. 754). The min.t (-stake) mourns (lit. calls) thee like Isis;

1928a (Nt. 755-756). Thou journeyest through thy regions of Horus; 1928b (Nt. 756). thou journeyest through thy regions of Set, 1928c (Nt. 757). like Min before the corporation of the Ennead.

1930-1 (Nt. 758). O N., behold that which was done to thee;

1929 (Nt. 757). Thou hast opened the door of the house of him . who is chief of his department (or, thigh-offering).

1930-3 (Nt. XXIX 759). Guard thyself; it is thou who art strong as chief of thy door;

1930-2 (Nt. 758). thou has been transfigured; thou hast not decayed.


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1930-4 (Nt. 759). thy bread, thy bread is for its year, thy morning bread is for its year; 1930-5 (Nt. 760). thy bread, it is likewise for N. every day. 1930 (Nt. 760). O N., thou knowest that also, without (i.e. not) being ignorant, that one may voyage from the boundary to thee.

1930 + 1 (Nt. 761). Whether not speaking, or speaking--thy shoulder before thee, Osiris! 1931-1(Nt. Jquier, XXIX 761). To say: O N. [pass?] the great lake (?), even this, to the spirits, 1931-3 (Nt. 762). Guard thyself against these its people, whose house (home) is that bush, 1931a (Nt. 762). the heavenly (?) d.t, in its name of "Dt.t," 1931b (Nt. 762). where they take not thy hand to that house (home) of the bush. 1932 (Nt. 763). He, he is a pyramid, he protects; 1932 + 1 (Nt. 763). he is the east, he is thy protector, he protects; a father, thy east, he is the Easterner. 1933a (Nt. 763). Go to D.w-ib, brother of Seker, whom he loves; 1933b (Nt. 764). he will make a way for thee with them, 1933b + 1 (Nt. 764). where thou mayest eat bread with them, 1931-2 (Nt. 762). this water (n) to the dead. Utterance 666.

1933b + 2 (Nt. 764). where thou mayest row the wd with them,


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1933b + 3 (Nt. 764). where the sky trembles for thee, the earth quakes for thee, 1933b + 4 (Nt. 764-765). and the imperishable stars come to thee. 1934a (Nt. 763). And so, behold, he seized thy hand (at) the Nb-k.wfeast, at (in) the Marsh of Reeds (or, at inundation time?), 1934b (Nt. 765). (while thou) sittest upon thy firm throne, 1934c (Nt. 765). and judgest with the Two Enneads. Utterance 667.

1934 + 2 (Nt. 766). to thee thy teeth, to thee thy hair;

1934 + 1 (Nt. Jquier, XXX 766). O N., take to thee thy head,

1934 + 3 (Nt. 766). thou has opened the neighbouring doors of the people, enduring for ever and ever. 1935-2 (Nt. 766). thou sittest chief of the great ones, with thee; 1935-1 (Nt. 766). O N., thou goest forth, thy face towards the sea;

1935 (Nt. 767). thou hast preserved the sky, thou hast caused the earth to tremble, thou hast protected the imperishable stars.

1936a (N. IX 730). I am come to thee (in) secret places, seeking thee (even) to heaven, 11936b (Nt. 768). but (in) the secret (place) there is no spirit there, 1936b + 2 (Nt. 768). the peace of the two lords (Horus and Set), the peace of high (heaven), the peace of peace. 11936b + 3 (Nt. 768). The mowing of corn (is) for thy wg-feast, 1936b + 1 (Nt. 768). from the peace of heaven to, the peace of earth,


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11936b + 4 (Nt. 768). the nri-corn (?) for thy years (livelihood, cf. 1950b); thy white bread, Anubis, for (thy) flat-cakes, and this its dough,

1936b + 5 (Nt. 768-769). thy drink, First of the Westerners, thy warm bread, 1937 (Nt. 769). N., (are) before the gods. 1938a (Nt. 769). O N., raise thyself up,

1938b (Nt. 769). raise thyself from thy left side, put thyself (lit. sit) on thy right side, 1938b + 1 (Nt. 769). sit thou on the seats of R. 1939-1 (Nt. 769). Purify thy back, even to the vertebrae; let thy hand be upon thine altar, 1939-2 (Nt. 770). thy thousand of bread, thy thousand of beer, thy thousand of cattle, thy thousand of birds,

1939-3 (Nt. 770). thy thousand of all (kinds) of linen, thy thousand of every thing, which the god eats, 1939-4 (Nt. 770). thy thousand of clean (things), also within the dwelling,

1939 (Nt. 771). that thou mayest eat the leg (of meat), that thou mayest pass the cutlet (over thy mouth), that thou mayest devour the double rib, 1939+ 1 (Nt. 771). at the place of slaughter for ever and ever. 1940 (Nt. 771). O N., they defend thy name, with thee. 1940+ 1 (Nt. 771). Thou shalt not speak to them, crying out, 1940+3 (Nt. 772). by "the throne" it was done, sayest thou,

1940+ 2 (Nt. XXX 771). what, say they, is done to thee,


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1940+4 (Nt. 772). , his grave, ruling his brick, sayest thou.

1940+ 5 (Nt. 772). An offering of his cake (?) in the castle (?). 1941a (Nt. 772). O N., eat this for thyself alone;

1940+ 6 (Nt. 772). Hail, he himself (i.e. she herself, the queen)! 1941b (Nt. 773). thou shalt not give (it) to those people; these by thy side. 1946 + 1 (Nt. 773). O N., this hour of the morning, of this third day, is come,

1941b + 2 (Nt. 773). when thou surely passest on to heaven, together with the stars, the imperishable stars. 1941b + 3 (Nt. 774). O N., be it said to thee: "in peace; 1942a (Nt. 774), thou art beautiful; great is that which thy position does for thee as First of the Westerners." 1942b + 1 (Nt. 774-775). Thou choosest among (?) the first of thy land those who will make thy halls. 1943a-1 (Nt. 775). To say: It is beautiful to see, it is peaceful to hear that Osiris stands at the door of the gods. 1943a-3 (Nt. 775). is to thee as (?) a heart of secret places; 1943a-2 (Nt. 775). Thy sanctuary, N., Utterance 667 A. 1942b (Nt. 774). The seated one is put near the king.

1943a (Nt. 775-776). it opens for thee the double doors of heaven, it opens for thee the double doors of the way;


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1943b (Nt. 776). it makes for thee a way, that thou mayest enter there among the gods, 1943b + 1 (Nt. 776). that thou mayest live as thy soul. 1944a (Nt. 776). O N., thou art not like the dead, who art dead,

1944a + 1 (Nt. 776-777). thou art living, thou art alive, together with them, the spirits, the imperishable stars. 1944a. + 2 (Nt. 777). The time of inundation comes, the wg-festival comes, to the uplands, it comes as Osiris. 1944a + 4 (Nt. 777-778). Set is purified with the eye of his brother Horus; 1945b (Nt. 778). N. is purified from every evil thing;

1944a + 3 (Nt. 777). Horus is purified with the eye of his brother Set;

1945c (N. X 736). the Watchers of Horus are purified in his reed-float. 1945c + 1 (Nt. XVII 487). Father Osiris dawned over the sea, upon his throne, named "brilliant" for him, like his spirit;

1946a-1 (Nt. XXX 779). he was warned against Hr.ti lest he be not given to Osiris, (so) 1946a-2 (Nt. 779). there was opened for him the opposing door;

1946a (Nt. 779). among them, the gods, thou who sittest upon thy great seat.

1946a-3 (Nt. 779). there was done for him that which was done (for him) as an only (unique) star without its equal

1946b (N. X 737). Thy bread is t-wr (bread); thy bread is in the broadhall (temple hall). 1947a (N. X 737). The Watchers dance for thee,


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1947b (Nt. XXX 780). as the mourning-women of Osiris call for thee. 1947b + 1 (Nt. 780). Raise thyself up, N.; 11947b + 2 (Nt. XVII 489). collect to thee thy bones;

1947b + 3 (Nt. XXX 781). take to thee thy head--a command of the Ennead, 1947b + 4 (Nt. XVII 490). sit thou for thy great bread; 1947b + 5 (Nt. XXX 781). choose thou the leg of meat on the great place of slaughter;

1947b + 6 (N. X 738). let there be given to thee the double-rib piece on the place of slaughter of Osiris. 1948a (Nt. XVII 490). O N., raise thyself up like Min. 1948c (N. X 738). thou causest thy wings to grow; 1948b (N. X 738). Thou fliest up to heaven; thou livest with them; 1948c + 1 (Nt. XVII 491). thy feathers on thy head; thy feathers on thy two arms. 1948c + 2 (Nt. XXX 782). Thou hast made the sky clear; thou givest light to them, like a god;

1948c + 3 (Nt. XVII 491). thou remainest chief of heaven like Horus of the D.t. Utterance 667 B. 1948c + 4 (Nt. XVII 491-492). Vigilant (?) is this eye of Horus, which he gave to Osiris; 1948c + 6 (Nt. 492) -------------- smell 1948c + 5 (Nt. 492). he gave (it) to thee, that it may destroy thy face.


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1948c + 7 (Nt. 492). this word of Horus is, for it, says Geb. Utterance 667 C. 1949-1 (Nt. XXX 783). To say: I am N. of secret places;

1949 (Nt. 783). I ascend (as) thy good messenger from b.w; 1950b (N. 739). that thy livelihood may be secured thereby. 1950c (Nt. 783). Thou ascendest; thou art complete, N. 1950c + 1 (Nt. 784). Thou art powerful in -----

1950a (N. X 739). I have threshed the barley, I have reaped the spelt,

1950c + 2 (Nt. 784). I did not see thee, (it is) thou who seest me.

1951-1 (Nt. 784). This Great One has seen the face of that Great Onethe seeing of two eyes. 1951a (Nt. 785). he stands, like Horus, who is on the shores, 1952 (Nt. XXX 785). Raise thyself up, N., 1951-2 (Nt. 784). Iw who binds hair is his avenger;

1951b (N. X 740). his two sisters, at his side--Isis and Nephthys. 1952 + 1 (Nt. 785). unite thy bones, collect thy limbs. 1952 + 2 (Nt. 785-786). Raise thyself up, N., 1952 + 3 (Nt. 786). receive thy head ---

1952 +4 (Nt. 786) ------- thy face ------- born of Nwn.t,

1952 + 5 (Nt. 786). thy mother, who makes thee glad.


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1953b (N. 741). he outdistances the walls, 1954. ---------------------------------------------

1953a (N. X MI). Shu, Shu, he passes by the walls,

1952 + 6 (Nt. 786). She cleanses thee like a papyrus roll of the flesh (skin?) of Mrw.

1953c (Nt. 787). N. is enclosed in secret places. 1955a-1 (Nt. 787). when she does not pass you by, (when) she does not outdistance you. 1955a-3 (N. 742) ----------- mw.t 1955a-2 (N. 742) ------------------

1955a (N. 742). four ----------

1955b (N. 742). they pass by the walls; they outdistance the walls; 1955c (N. 742). thou, N., art enclosed in secret places. 1956 + 1 (N. 742) -----------------------------------1956 + 2 (N. 742) ------------- nn.wt 1957a (N. 742). thy thousand of -------- of stone vessels, 1957b (N. 743). thy thousand of all (kinds) of linen, 1957c (N. 743). thy thousand of cattle, thy thousand of birds, thy thousand of all sweet things, 1956 (N. 742) ---------------------------------------

1958a (N. 743). that thou mayest carry thyself in a festive manner as a god


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1958b (N. 744) ---------------- by thee, w ------------1958b + 1 (N. 744) --------------------- to Pdw-. Utterance 668.

1959a (N. X 749). To say: N. is the crying falcon, encircling the eye of Horus in the D.t. 1959b (N. 750) --------------------------------------1959b + 1 (N. 750) ------ N. ---------------------1960a-1 (N. 750). N. is a sacrificing falcon; 1960a-2 (N. 750). N. has put you there.

1960a (N. 750). N. goes to the eastern side of the sky, Utterance 669.

1960b (N. 750). where N. was conceived, where N. was born. 1961a. To say: A prince ascends --- a great burnt-offering on the interior of the horizon;

1961b. he has seen the preparation of the feast, and the preparation of the fire-pan, 1961c. at the birth of the gods, on the five epagomenal days, who are before thee, 1961d. "Great-his-breast," thou who art before the Bstw.w. 1962a. -------------------------------------------1962a + 1 (N. X 755) ----------- N. of his mother; Twt,

1962a + 2 (N. 755). he who was born, a double, in the nest ---- Thot


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1962b. in the interior of the field of the tamarisk, at the source of the gods, 1963a. for N. is my brother, proceeding from the thigh, 1963b. who separated the two brothers, put apart the two fighters, who split your heads, O gods. 1964a. -------- of --------------------1964b (N. 756) ---------- her fillet, N.,

1964c (N. 756). as Nwrw, who is great among you, O gods, you who come to him, O gods; 1964d. as Isis said to Nun: 1965a. "I have given birth to him for thee; I have deposited him for thee; 1 have certainly spit him out for thee." 1965b. He has no feet; he has no arms, 1965c. and how shall he be assembled?

1966b (N. 756). [Come ye] with him, nourished, with him in your arms, say they, the gods. 1966c (N. 756). Behold, he is born. 1966d. Behold, he is assembled; behold he exists.

1966a. Then let this copper be brought ------ the nw-boat --- with it.

1967. Wherewith shall we break that which appertains to his egg, say they, the gods. 1968a. Let then Seker of pdw come, 1968b. that he may mould (smelt) his bones, that he may construct his skeleton


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1968d. It is he who shall break the e[gg], and [loose] the copper,

1968c. ----------

1969a (N. 758). so that the two followers of the gods, with sharp teeth and long claws, may bring the god forth by his hands. 1969b. Behold, N. exists; behold, N. is assembled; 1969c. behold N. has broken (his) egg. 1970a. Wherewith shall N. be caused to fly?

1970b (N. 758-759). Then let there be brought to thee ------ nw-boat, built by Mw-n, 1970d (N. 759). the south-wind for thy foster-mother, the north-wind for thy nurse. 1971. N. flies; N. alights on the two wings (lit. feathers) of his father, Geb. 1970c. that thou mayest fly therewith, that thou mayest fly therewith,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Utterance 670.

1973a. The gods in Buto were filled with compassion, when they came to Osiris N., 1973b. [at the voice of we]eping of Isis and at the lamentation of Nephthys, 1973c. at the wailing of these two spirits 1974a. The Souls of Buto dance for thee; 1974c. they dishevel their hair for thee; 1974d. they smite their legs for thee. 1973d. [for this Great One who comes forth] from the D.t.

1972. To say: The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of the bows are open.

1974b. they beat their flesh for thee; they hit their arms for thee;

1975a. They say to thee, Osiris N., "thou art gone, thou art come;

1975b. thou art asleep, [thou art awake]; thou art [dead (lit. thou landest)], thou art alive. 1976a. Stand up, see that which thy son has done for thee; 1976b. awake, hear [that which] Horus [has done for] thee.

1977a. He has beaten for thee him who beats thee, li[ke an ox];

1977b. he has killed for thee him who kills thee, like a wild-bull;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1977c. he has bound for thee him who binds thee;

1977d. he has put him under thy great daughter who is in dm, 1978b. Osiris speaks to Horus:

1978a. so that mourning ceased in the two itr.t-palaces of the gods." 1978c. After he had exterminated the evil [which was in N. on] his fourth day, 1978d. after he had annulled that which he did against him on his eighth [day].

1979a. [Thou hast come forth] from the lake of life; [thou art] purified [in the lake of] b.w, 1979b. and art become Wepwawet; and thy son Horus conducts thee, 1979c. when he has given to thee the gods, thine enemies, and Thot has brought them to thee.

1980a. How beautiful indeed is the sight, how agreeable is the view, the sight of Horus,

1980b. in that he gave life to his father, [in that he offered] satisfaction to Osiris, 1980c. before the gods of the west! 1981a. Thy libation is poured by Isis, [Nephthys has purified thee]--

1981c. who bound together thy limbs, who made thy two eyes to appear in thy face-11982a. the boat of the evening and the boat of the morning,

1981b. [thy two sisters] great and powerful, who collected thy flesh,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

1982b. Atum has given to thee, and the Two Enneads have made for thee. 1983b. pi, Im.ti, Dw-mu.t-f, b-n.w.f, 1983a. The children of thy child have raised thee up, perfect-1983c. who made for thee [their] names [into tt.wi],

1983d. [who washed thy face], [who dried] thy tears,

1983e. who opened thy mouth with their copper (or, iron) fingers. 1984a. Thou mountest, thou mountest towards the broad-hall of Atum; 1984b. thou marchest towards the Marsh of Reeds; 1984c. thou voyagest over the places of the great god.

1985a. To thee heaven is given, to thee the earth is given, to thee the Marsh of Reeds is given, 1985b. [by] the two great gods who row thee over1985c. Shu and Tefnut, the two great gods of Heliopolis.

1986b. [for this spirit, who ascends from] the D.t, (even) Osiris N. who ascends from Geb.

1986a. The awakening [of the god], [the rising of the god],


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Utterance 671.

1987b. thou art purified in the lake, D.ti; Utterance 672.

1987a. To say: O N., thou art the son of a Great One; 1987c. thou takest thy throne in the Marsh of Reeds.

1988a. To say: The truth of Horus is the truth of this N., O N. 1988b. Thou art come, N., clothed; thou comest vested. 1989a. N. has inherited him who is not mourned any more, him who comes into being smiling. 1989b. Greetings to thee N.; thou comest in peace. 1990a. To say: O father N., Utterance 673.

1991a. Thy messengers hasten; thy runners run;

1990b. thou comest, that is, thou hast come like a god, thou who art come (in boat) like b.w.

1992a. that thou standest in the double itr.t-palace of the horizon, upon Shu of Nut;

1991b. they ascend to heaven; they announce to R

1992b. that thou art seated upon the throne of thy father, Geb, as chief of the itr.t-palace, 1992c. upon this throne of copper (or, iron), the wonder of the gods.


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1993a. The Two Enneads come to thee with salutations; 1993b. thou commandest men 1993c. like Min, who is in his house, and like Horus of Db.wt. 1993d. And Set was not free from bearing thy weight. Utterance 674.

1994b. I give to thee thy mdw-staff before the spirits and thy nb.tsceptre before the imperishable stars.

1994a. To say: I have come to thee, I am thy son; I have come to thee, I am Horus;

1995b. she refreshes thy heart in thy body, in the house of her (lit. thy) father Anubis. 1996a. Be pure and sit at the head of those greater than thou. 1996b. Thou art seated on thy firm throne, on the throne of the First of the Westerners; 1996c. thy ti.w, they are young. 1997. mnt.t salutes thee, like Isis; Hn.t acclaims thee like Nephthys.

1995a. [I have found thee assembled], [thy (lit. his) face] like (that of) a jackal, thy (lit. his) seat like (that of) b.wt;

1998a. Thou standest at the head of the n.wt, of the double palace, like Min; 1998b. thou standest at the head of Egyptians (km.tiw), like api; 1998c. thou standest at Pdw-, like Seker. 1999a. Thou standest before the Rd-wr-lake.


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1999b. Thou hast thy 'b-sceptre, thy wire, thy fingernails; which are at hand (lit. "at thy fingers");

1999c. those who are before Thot are slain with the knife, coming from Set. 1999d. Thou givest thine arm to the dead, to the spirits, who will take thine arm to the First of the Westerners.

2000b. messenger of the Great God, "come in peace," says the Great God to thee. 2001a. The double doors of heaven are open for thee; the (double doors of the) d.w-stars are open for thee,

2000a. To say: O N., "come in peace," says Osiris to thee;

Utterance 675.

2001b. after thou art descended (into the grave) as the jackal of Upper Egypt, 2002a. The great damsel who lives in Heliopolis has given her arm to thee. 2002b. O N., thou hast [no] father, among men, who conceived thee; 2002c. thou hast no mother, among mankind, who bore thee. 2003a. Thy mother is the great wild-cow who lives in el-Kb,

2001c. as Anubis on his belly (side), as Hpi.w who resides in Heliopolis.

2003b. the white crown, the royal head-dress, she with the long feathers (hair?), she with the two hanging breasts, 2003c. she will nurse thee; she will not wean thee. 2004a. Raise thyself up, N., dress thyself in thy fringed-vestment, the first (best) in the house,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2004b. thy d-mace on thine arm, thy Horus-weapon (m) in thy hand, thine m-sceptre on thine arm, thy d-mace in thy hand.

2005b. O N., thou belongest to the n.w (-stars), when R shines behind the morning star. 2006a. Lo, no god escapes from what he has said;

2005a. Thou standest as he who is chief of the double itr.t-palace, who, judges the words of the gods.

2006b. he will offer thee thy thousand (loaves) of bread, thy thou sand (mugs) of beer, thy thousand of oxen, thy thousand of geese, 2006c. thy thousand of everything on which a god lives.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

Utterance 676.

2007a. To say: Thy water belongs to thee, thine abundance belongs to thee, thine efflux belongs to thee, 2007b. which issues from Osiris. 2008a. Collect thy bones; arrange thy limbs;

2008b. shake off thy dust; untie thy bandages.

2009a. The tomb is open for thee; the double doors of the coffin are undone for thee; 2009b. the double doors of heaven are open for thee. 2009c. "Hail," says Isis; "(come) in peace," says Nephthys, 2009d. when they see their brother at the feast of Atum. 2010a. These thy libations, Osiris, are in Busiris, in Grg.w-b(.f );

2010b. thy soul is in thy body; thy might is behind thee; remain chief of (or, master of) thy powers. 2011a. Raise thyself up, N., 2011b. travel over the southern regions; travel over the northern regions; 2011c. be thou powerful over the powers that are in thee. 2011d. Thy spirits, the jackals, are given thee which Horus of Hierakonpolis has given to thee.


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2012a. Raise thyself up, N., be seated on thy firm (or, copper) throne. 2012b. Anubis, who is chief of the divine pavillion (s-ntr), has commanded

2012c. thy purification with thy eight nm.t-jars and (thy) eight b.tjars, which come from the s-ntr.

2013a. Thou art a god who supports the sky, who beautifies the earth.

2013b. The mnt.t-woman laments for thee; the great min.t mourns for thee; 2014a. arms agitate for thee; feet tremble for thee, 2014b. when thou ascendest as a star, as the morning star. 2014c. He comes to thee, his father; he comes to thee, Geb; 2015a. take his hand, let him sit upon the great seat; 2015b. let him unite with the two mt-lakes of b.w; 2015d. purify his nails, upper and lower.

2015c. purify his mouth with natron on the lap of Mnti-irti; 2016a. Let one do for him what thou didst do for his brother, Osiris, . on the day of counting the bones,

2017a. To thee come the wise and the understanding; 2017b. thou art called to the southern itr.t-palace;

2016b. of making firm the sandals, of ferrying over the lake Rd-wr.

2017c. to thee come (the gods of) the full northern itr.t-palace, with a salutation.


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The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 677.

2018b. his m-sceptre is with him; his white crown is upon him. 2019a. N. is fallen on his side; N. is up like a god;

2018a. To say: A Great One is fallen on his side; he is up like a god;

2019b. his m-sceptre is with him; his white crown is upon him, like the white crown of R, 2019c. when he ascends in the horizon, and when he is greeted by Horus in the horizon. 2020a. O N., raise thyself up;

2020b. receive thy dignity, which the Two Enneads made for thee (e.g. "conferred upon thee"). 2021a. Thou art on the throne of Osiris, in the place of the First of the Westerners.

2021b. Thou hast taken his m-sceptre; thou hast carried off his great white crown. 2022a. O N., how beautiful is this, how great is this which thy father, Osiris, has, done for thee! 2022b. He gave thee his throne,

2023a. that thou mayest rule those of secret places, that thou mayest lead their venerable ones, 2023b. and that all the glorified ones may follow thee in this their name of "Secret places." 2024a. O N., thou art happy; thou art proud;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2024b. thou art an Atum; thou wilt not depart from his destiny.

2025a. R calls thee, in thy name of "Him whom all the glorified ones fear." 2025b. Thy dread is in the hearts of the gods, like the dread of R of the horizon. 2026a. O N., who keeps secret his form, like Anubis on his belly, 2026b. receive thy face of a jackal; raise thyself up; stand up.

2027a. Sit down to thy thousand (loaves) of bread, thy thousand (mugs) of beer, thy thousand of oxen, thy thousand of geese, 2027b. thy thousand of every good thing whereon a god lives. 2028b. she leads thee on the ways of the horizon, 2028a. O N., pure one, R finds thee standing with thy mother Nut; 2028c. where thou makest thine abode. How beautiful it is (to be) with thy ka, for ever and ever. 2029a. To say: Imti, dmti, Utterance 678.

2029b. do not hearken to N.; do not listen to N.; 2029c. do not demand the magic of N.; 2029d. do not ask for the magic of N. from N.

2030a. Thou hast thy magic; N. has his magic. 2030c. May N. have (his) offering!

2030b. May N. not break thy pen; may he not crack thy palette!


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2032a. Thou makest them d like Horus; thou openest them like Wepwawet, 2032b. for thou art the Wr, the Eldest Son. Utterance 680.

2031b. issuing from Osiris.

2031a. To say: Thy water belongs to thee; thine efflux belongs, to thee; thine inundation belongs to thee,

Utterance 679.

2033. To say: Osiris N., take to thee the eye of Horus; it is thine. 2034a. To say: Great heaven, give thy hand to N.; Utterance 681.

2034b. great Nut, give thy hand to N.; 2034c. it is N. thy divine falcon. 2035b. N. greets his father, R.

2035a. N. is come; he ascends to heaven; N. opens b.w;

2036a. He crowned him as a Horus, in which (form) N. comes; 2036b. he gives to N. two real crowns; 2036c. (and) he establishes for N. his two divine eyes.

2037a. N. ascends to him, great, as Horus of the sky, at the zenith of heaven;

2037b. he who smites the crowns of the North, who gives commands to the Wtn.w.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2038a. N. is followed by the fti.w.

2038b. Those in heaven and on earth come to him with salutations, 2038c. as well as jackals, as (lit. (in) place of) Setite spirits, 2038d. superiors and inferiors.

2039. He is anointed with perfume, clothed with p-t, living on offerings. 2040a. N. commands; N. confers distinctions; 2040b. N. awards places;

2040c. N. makes offerings; N. conducts the presentations. Utterance 682.

2041. It is N.; N., is the one of heaven; he exercises power before Nut. 2042a. To say: Greetings to thee from Seker, N. 2042b. Thy face is washed by Dw-wr. 2042c. N. flies as a cloud (or, high) like a divine falcon;

2042d. N. is cool like the heron; N. flies low (?) like a mn-goose. 2043a. The wings of N. are like (those of) a divine falcon; 2043b. the tips of the wings of N. are like (those of) a divine falcon. 2043c. The bones of N. are fastened together; N. is purified. 2044b. his girdle is of np. 2044a. The fillet of N. is at his back; the bodice of N. is upon him; 2045a. N. descends with R into his great boat,


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2045b. in which he transports him to the horizon to judge the gods with him. 2046a. Horus voyages in it with him to the horizon; 2046b. N. judges the gods with him in the horizon, 2046c. for N. is one of them. Utterance 683.

2047a. To say: Behold, this, is what they said to N., what the gods said to N. 2047b. The word of the gods is fallen upon N.: 2047c. "It is Horus, who comes forth from the Nile; it is the bull, which comes forth from the fortress; 2047d. it is the d.t-serpent which comes forth from R; it is the ir.tserpent which comes forth from Set.

2048a. Everything which will happen to N. happens likewise to Mdd.tit, 2048b. daughter of R, who is on his two legs; 2048d. daughter of R, who is on his two legs, 2048c. everything which happens to N. happens likewise to Md, 2049. for N. is Wd, son of Wd, who comes forth from Wd-t.

2050a. N. is intact; N. is intact; (as true as) the eye of Horus is intact in Heliopolis; 2050b. N. lives; N. lives; (as true as) the eye of Horus lives in Heliopolis."


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Utterance 684.

2051b. N. has spoken (with) his ka in heaven.

2051a. To say: N. ascended at thy ascension, Osiris; 2051c. The bones of N. are firm (or, copper), and the limbs of N. 2051d. are like the stars, the imperishable stars. 2052a. Given that N. be encompassed, then a great one falls into the hands of N. 2052b. The mother of N. is Nut; 2053a. the father of N. is Shu; the mother of N. is Tefnut.

2054. N. is purified; N. lives; N. makes his seat like Osiris;

2053b. They take N. to heaven, to heaven-on the smoke of incense. 2055a. N. sits at thy side (lit. shoulder), Osiris; N. spits on thy hair, Osiris;

2055b. he will not let him become diseased; N. will not permit him to be bald, 2055c. at the mouth of N. daily, at the beginnings (of the feast) of the half months, at the beginnings (of the feast) of the months. 2056a. N. sits at thy side (lit. shoulder), Horus; N. spits on thy hair, Horus;

2056b. he will not let it become diseased; N. will not permit himself to be bald,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2056c. at the mouth of N. daily, at the beginnings (of the feast) of the half months, at the beginnings (or the feast) of the months. 2057. N. is one of these four beings, sons of Atum, sons of Nut, 2058a. who do not rot; N. does not rot; 2058b. who do not decay; N. does not decay;

2058c. who do not fall upon earth from heaven; 2059a. N. was sought; N. is found with them;

2058d. N. does not fall upon the earth from heaven. 2059b. N. is one of them, praised by the bull of heaven. 2061a. the good companion makes his ka arise, returns (?), strides. 2060. N. makes his ka arise; N. returns (?); N. strides--

2061c. at the meanderings of the Winding Watercourse.

2061b. N. rests at home, on the under (side) of the body of the sky, like a nfr.t-star,

2062a. When N. ascends to heaven, give him this formula: "R is good each day." 2062b. N. put himself on thy way, Horus of sm.t, on which thou leadest the gods

2062c. to the beautiful ways of heaven and of the Marsh of Offerings.


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Utterance 685.

2063a. To say: The waters of life which are in the sky, the waters of life which are in the earth come. 2063b. The sky burns for thee, the earth trembles for thee, before the birth of the god.

2064a. The two mountains divide, a god comes into being, the god has power over his body. 2064b. The two mountains divide, N. comes into being, N. has power over his body. 2065a. Behold N., his feet shall be kissed by the pure waters,

2065b. which come into being through Atum, which the phallus of Shu makes, which the vulva of Tefnut brings into being. 2066a. They have come to thee, they have brought to thee the pure waters which issue from their father; 2066b. they purify thee, they fumigate thee, N., with incense.

2067a. Thou liftest up the sky with thy hand; thou treadest (lit. layest) down the earth with thy foot. 2067b. A libation is poured out at the gate of N.; the face of every god is washed. 2068a. Thou washest thine arms, Osiris; thou washest thine arms N. 2068b. Thy rejuvenescence is a god. Your third is a wd-offering. 2068c. The perfume of an I.t-wt.t-serpent is on N.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2069a. A bnbn-bread is in the house of Seker; a leg of meat is in the house of Anubis. 2069b. N. is intact; the itr.t-palace is standing; the month (i.e. the moon) is born; the nome lives,

2070a. which measurements have traced. Thou tillest the barley; thou tillest the spelt, 2070b. with which N. will be presented for ever.

2071a. To say: Horus has ointment; Set has ointment. 2071c. without Set being a gainer thereby. 2072a. Horus fills himself with ointment;

Utterance 686.

2071b. Horus has taken his eye; he has taken it away from his enemies,

2072b. Horus is satisfied with his eye; Horus is furnished with his w.tplant (?). 2072c. The eye of Horus is united with him; its perfume belongs to him. 2073a. N. has ointment; N. fills himself with it; 2073b. its perfume unites with him; Utterance 687. 2073c. its anger falls upon his enemies. 2074a. To say: O N., I have come; I have brought the eye of Horus which is in its heat; 2072d. Its anger falls upon his enemies.


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2074b. its perfume belongs to thee, N.;

2075a. its perfume belongs to thee; the perfume of the eye of Horus belongs to thee, N. 2075b. Thou art a ba thereby; thou art a m thereby; thou art honoured thereby. 2076a. Horus comes rejoicing at thy approach,

2075c. Thou conquerest the wrr.t-crown thereby, among the gods. 2076b. as he rejoices at the approach of his eye which is upon thee.

2076c. Behold N., who is before the gods, equipped as a god, his bones assembled, is like Osiris. 2077a. The gods do homage at the approach of N., 2077b. as the gods do homage at the approach of the dawning of R when he ascends in the horizon. 2078a. To say: These four grandsons stand up for N., 2078b. Ims.ti, pi, Dw-mu.t.f, b-n.w.f, 2078c. the offspring of Horus of Letopolis. 2079a. They bind a ladder for N.; 2079b. they make firm a ladder for N. Utterance 688.

2079c. They cause N. to ascend to Khepri, 2080a. Its rungs are hewn by ;

2079d. he who exists on the eastern side of the sky.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2080b. the ropes which are on it are made solid 2080d. the uprights at its sides are fastened, 2080e. like the skin of Imi-wt, son of s.t;

2080c. by means of sinews of Gw.ti, the bull of heaven;

2080f. the "supporter of the Great One" is set under it by p-wr.t. 2081a. Cause ye the ka of N. to ascend to the god; 2081b. lead ye him to the two lions; cause him to ascend to Atum. 2082a. Atum has done that which he said he would do for N., 2082b. (for) he binds the ladder for him, he makes the ladder firm for N. 2082c. (Thus) N. is removed from the horror of mankind; 2082d. the arms of N. are not a horror to the gods.

2083a. N. has not eaten the d3-plant;

2083b. N. has not chewed bd-goose on the first of the month;

2083c. he has not slept during the night, (though) he did not keep watch; 2083d. he ignores his body in one of these two seasons of Khepri. 2084a. The inhabitants of the D.t have counted their bodies; 2084b. they opened their ears, to the voice of N., 2084c. when he descends among them. 2085a. "Heavy-is-his-sceptre" has said to them


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2085b. that N. is one of them.

2085c. The might of N. is among them like "Great mighty one," who will lead to the Great West. 2086a. The dignity of N. is great in the house of the two lions, 2086b. for the wrong which appertains to N. is driven off by him who drives off evil (Idr-isf.t) 2086c. from before Mnti-irti in Letopolis. Utterance 689.

2087b. which is over his great kas, which is first of his ordinary kas.

2087a. To say: Geb has raised the eye of Horus, which is K (or, K.t),

2088a. Thy head (O Eye of Horus) is given (to thee), that thou mayest see Horus who has caused to sit -----2088b. so that the judgment may take place. 2089a. Isis comes; she has laid hold of her breasts for her son Horus, justified. 2089b. N. has found the eye of Horus. 2090a. (Thou), who has found that eye of Horus,

2090b. to which its head is given, for which a front is made, like the forehead of R, furious like a crocodile, 2090c. thou hast followed the eye of Horus to heaven, to the d.wstars of the sky, 2090d. go thou, as one who shall row Horus, with his eye. 2091a. O Shu, thou who bearest up Nut,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2091b. thou hast borne up the eye of Horus to heaven, to the d.wstars of the sky, 2091c. because Horus sits upon his firm (or, copper; or, brilliant) throne. 2091d. Go thou, as one who shall row Horus, with his eye.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 690.

2092a. To say: Wake up, Osiris; let the weary god awake. 2093a. Wake up, N.; let the weary god awake.

2092b. The god stands up; the god is powerful over his body. 2093b. The god stands up; the god is powerful over his body.

2094b. N. is equipped as a god, standing in the pr.wr-palace, sitting with the Two Enneads.

2094a. Horus stands up; he clothes N. with linen--him who came forth from him.

2095a. "O N., stand up, come in peace," says R to thee; "messenger of the great god,

2095b. thou goest to heaven; thou goest forth through the doors of the horizon; 2096a. Geb sends thee; thou art a soul like a [god, respected like a god]; 2096b. [thou art powerful] over thy body, like a god, 2096d. like m, chief of spirits." 2096c. like Ba, chief of the living,

2097a. N. comes; he is equipped like a god; his bones are assembled like [Osiris]; 2097b. [he comes behind his uraeus].


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2097c. Thou hast come, O N., out of Heliopolis; thou art avenged; thy heart is placed in thy body; 2098b. thy b is in thy body; thy m is behind thee; Isis is before thee; Nephthys is behind thee. 2099a. Thou journeyest through the regions of Horus; thou travelest through the regions of Set. 2098a. Thy face is like that of a jackal; thy flesh is like that of Atum;

2099b. It is Shu and Tefnut who lead thee, when thou ascendest from Heliopolis. 2100b. Set has stretched out thy canopy; 2100a. O N., Horus has woven his tent over thy head;

2100c. be enclosed, O father, by the divine tent; thou art brought there in thy beloved places. 2101a. O N., Horus comes to thee provided with his souls, 2101b. pi, Dw-mw.t.f, Im.ti, b-n.w.f. 2102b. thou perishest not; thou diest not. 2103b. in Rd-wr chief of the lakes. 2102 a. They bring to thee thy name of "Imperishable"; 2103a. O N., thy sister b.wt has purified [thee] 2103c. Thou appearest to them like a jackal, like Horus chief of the living, 2104. Thou commandest spirits; thou leadest the [imperishable stars]. 2103d. like Geb chief of the Ennead, like Osiris chief of spirits.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2105a. The evil of Osiris--the evil of N.--the evil of the bull of the Two Enneads-2105c. N. is loosed (from it); N. has power over his body. 2106a. O N., Horus, is standing, he glorifies thee; 2105b. the god is loosed (from it), N. has power over his body.

2106b. he conducts thee, when thou ascendest to heaven.

2107a. Thy mother Nut receives thee; she lays hold of thine arm,

2107b. that thou mayest not be in need, that thou mayest not moan (like a cedar), 2107c. (but) that thou mayest live like the coleoptera (lives) and endure in [Mendes].

2108a. O N., thou art adorned like a god; thy face is like (that of) a jackal, as Osiris, 2108b. that soul in Ndi.t, that mighty one in the great city. 2110a. N. [is not enveloped] by the earth; 2109. The sky trembles, the earth quakes before the god, before N. 2110b. I.t-wt.t, thou art not enveloped by the earth.

2110c. Thy fame is by day; thy fear is by night, as a god, lord of f ear. 2110d. Thou commandest the gods like the mighty one, chief of the mighty. 2111. [O] Osiris, the overflow comes, the inundation hastens, Geb groans.

2112a. I have pitied thee with pity; I have smitten him who acted with evil (intent) against thee;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2112b. that thou mayest live, that thou mayest raise thyself up because of thy strength. 2113. O N., [the inundation comes 1, [the overflow hastens], Geb [groans].

2114a. Exult in the divine efflux which is in thee; let thy heart live; 214b. thy divine limbs are in good condition; loosen thy bindings. 2115a. Horus comes to thee, N.; he does for thee that which he did for his father Osiris,

2115b. that thou mayest live like unto the life of those in heaven, and [that thou mayest come into being] more (truly) than those who are on earth. 2116a. Raise thyself up because of thy strength; ascend thou to heaven. 2116c. thou defendest thyself against thine enemy.

2116b. The sky bears thee like 3; thou hast power over thy body;

2117. [O N.] [I have wept for thee], I have mourned for thee;

2118b. at the (feast of the) month, at the (feast of the) half month, at the (feast of) covering the fire-pan, at the (feast of) Thot, at the wgfeast,

2118a. I shall not forget thee; my heart will not weary to give thee offerings every day,

2118c. at the (feast of) slaughtering, (at) the (feast of) thy years, (at) (the feast of) thy birth, at the beginnings of thy months, during which thou livest as a god. 2119. O N., may thy body be clothed, that thou mayest come to me.


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The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


Utterance 691.

2120b (Nt. 819). "O that I had a son who is glorified, who dawns, who is a soul, is honoured, is mighty, 2120c (Nt. 820). whose arm is stretched out, whose stride is wide." 2121a (Nt. 820). Behold me, I am thy son, behold I am N.;

2120a (Nt. XXXII 819). To say: O my father, O R, concerning these things which thou hast said:

2121b (Nt. 820-821). I am glorified, I dawn (or, am crowned), I am a soul, I am honoured, I am mighty; 2121c (Nt. 821). mine arm is stretched out, my stride is wide. 2122a. O N., he is purified;

2122b (Nt. 821-822). I take the rudder, I am glad of my seat on the shoulder of the sky; 2122c. N. voyages on the shoulder of the sky; 2122d. N. directs his rudder on the shoulder of the sky.

2123a. O my father, O R, concerning these things which thou hast said:

2123b. "O that I had a son who is glorified, who dawns, who is a soul, is honoured, is mighty, 2123c. whose arm is stretched out, whose stride is wide." 2124a. Behold me, I am thy son, behold I am N.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2124b. I am glorified, I dawn (or, am crowned), I am a soul, I am honoured, I am mighty; 2125a. I am purified; 2125b (Nt. 825). I take my rudder, I am glad of my seat in company with the Ennead; 2125c (Nt. 826). I voyage with the Ennead; Utterance 691 A. 2125d (Nt. 826). I direct my rudder in company with the Ennead. 2126a-1 (Nt. Jquier, XXXII 826). To say: The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for R;

212 6a-3 (Nt. 827). that he may be high from east to west at the side of his brothers, the gods. 212 6a-4 (Nt. 827-828). His, brother is , his sister is Sothis; 2126a-5 (Nt. 828). he is seated between them above (lit. in) this earth for ever.

2126a-2 (Nt. 826-827). the two reed-floats of heaven are placed for R,

2126a (Nt. 828-829). the two reed-floats of heaven are placed for this N.;

212 6a-6 (Nt. 828). The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for this N.;

212 6b (Nt. 829). that she (lit. he) may be high from east to west at the side of her (lit. his) brothers, the gods. 2126b + 1 (Nt. 829). Her (lit. his) brother is her (lit. his) sister is Sothis;


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

212 6b + 2 (Nt. 830). she (lit. he) is seated between them above (lit. in) this earth for ever. Utterance 691 B. 2127a-1 (Nt. Jquier, XXXII 830). Awake, awake, father Osiris,

2127a-2 (Nt. 83 0). I am thy son, who loves thee, I am thy son, who loves thee.

2127a (Nt. 831). Behold me, enter, I am come, I have brought to thee that which he carried off belonging to thee. 2127b (Nt. SP). He rejoiced over thee; he exulted (?) over thee. 2127b + 1 (Nt. 832). Set exulted over thee, at the side of thy two mourning sisters,

2127b + 2 (Nt. 83 2 ). the two sisters who love thee, Isis and Nephthys; they are pleasing to thee. 2127b + 3 (Nt. 883). Thou shalt not pass me by, for I am entrusting myself to thee; 2127b + 4 (Nt. 833). thou shalt not pass by the bread of judgment; thou shalt be satisfied with r-imi-pr.f. 2128a-1 (Nt. 833-834). I have rowed (thee) as Set, like Geb;

212 8a, (Nt. 834). like the remains (of a corpse) (in) jars of viscera;

2128b (Nt. 834). thy forepart being like that of a jackal, thy hinderpart like b.wt. 2128b + 1 (Nt. 834). It is clear that thou receivest a man of god. 212 8b + 2 (Nt. 83 5). 1 have ploughed barley; I have reaped the spelt,

2128b + 3 (Nt. 835). which I have done (given) for thy years (festivals?).


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

212 8b + 4 (Nt. 83 5). Awake, awake, father, for this thy bread. Utterance 691 C. 2129-1 (N. Jquier, XI 1011) -------- N. he 2129-2 (N. 1011) -------------- m --- --2129 (N. 1011-1012) ------ the might of N. ----------------2129 + 2 (N. 1012) ----------------------------------2129 + 1 (N. 1012) ----------- they see (?) -------

2129 + 4 (N. 1012). --- this N. on the head of R dm ----2129 + 5 (N. 1012) ------- m (?) --------2130+ 1 (N. 1013) --------------- m(?) 2130 (N. 1012-1013) ------- in heaven strong --------------2130 + 2 (N. 1013). N ---------------------------------

2129 + 3 (N. 1012). the throne of N. m -----

2130 + 3 (N. 1013). he smote (?) with the b-sceptre; he led with the i.t-sceptre 2130+ 5 (N. 1013). not -------2130+4 (N. 1013). this N -------- with (?) a voice

2131 (N. 1013-1014). ----------- his? names

2131 + 1 (N. 1014). ----------------------------------

2131 + 2 (N. 1014). ----------- rw -------------------

2131 + 3 (N. 1014). ----------------- with braids of hair


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2132 (N. 1014-1015). ------------- Geb ------------2132 + 1 (N. Jquier, XI 1015). -------------

2131 + 5 (N. 1014). praise was given, rejoicing ------

2131 +4 (N. 1014). -------------

2132 + 2 (N. 1015). --------- his two arms guarded before N. 2132 + 3 (N. 1015). ---------------------------------2132 + 4 (N. 1015). --------------------------- r

2133 (N. 1015-1016). --------------------------------2133 + 1 (N. 1016). ----------2133 + 2 (N. 1016). N. purified --------------- in -2133 + 4 (N. 1016) ------ N., he withdraws by it

2132 + 5 (N. 1015). N. shines --------------------------

2133 + 3 (N. 1016). comes as his soul inw ------------2134 (N. 1016). the hand of N. took ----------------2135 (N. 1016 + 1). ------------2136 (N. 1016 + 1). ------- N. the northern way of the boat of the morning sun --2136 + 2 (N. 1016 + 1). Khepri --- gods, clothes laid aside 2136+4 (N. 1016 + 2) ------------- lake of the jackals

2136 + 1 (N. 1016 + 1). Harachte commanded thee, N -------- pw.t ntr 2136+ 3 (N. 1016 + 2). -------------


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2136 + 5 (N. Jquier, XI 1016 + 2). N. sat ------------[Dw] 2136+ 6 (N. 1016 + 2). -----------------Utterance 692.

2138. i -------------- in -------------------Utterance 693.

2137 ----------------------------------------------

2139b (N. 1021). -------------------------------------

2139a. (N. Jquier, XII 1021). To say: Awa[ke] -------- nti n.k[m?] -----

2140a (N. 1022). the bows bend their head to thee, go[ing] from thee between (?) ----2140b (N. 1022) -------------------------------2141a (N. 1023). the gods rejoiced; exult ---------2141a + 1 (N. 1923). ------ [he?] sees ------2141b (N. 1023-1024). ------------- [Geb], prince of the gods 2142b (N. 1024). ---N ------------------------------

2142a (N. 1024). he has taken the heritage; [he has] carried off 2143a. (N. 1025). Equip thyself with his white crown; eat bread

2143b (N. Jquier, XII 1025). ------- [wi]th a presentation Utterance 694.

2144a (N. Jquier, XII 1028-1029). ------ says Isis; "I have found (him)," says Nephthys,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2144b (N. 1029). when they saw Osiris on his side on the shore [of Ndi.t] 2145b (N. 1029-1030). --------- my brother, I sought thee; 2145a (N. 1029). -------- rise up -----------------------

2145c (N. 1030). raise thyself up, spirit." Geb said: 2146a. --------------------- for thy father Atum,

2145d (N. 1030). "I have smitten -------------- the [Enn]ead 2146b. that he may cause thee to be (on) the nti-ocean among the gods, 2146c. as the Great One who is before ----------------2146d. -----------------------------------------

2147a. Those who are in Nun come to thee; mankind (the blessed dead (?)) circulate for thee; 2148a ---------------------- with him, in thy time. 2148c. by order of ---------------2147b. thou art like Horus -----------------------------

2148b. Thine annual (offerings) are made with him, in his hour, 2149a. ------------------------------------------

2149b. The way of N. is open for N.; the way of N. is made (prepared?). 2150a. N -----------------------------------------2150b ---------------------- chief of the two lands.

2150c. N. is Thot chief of heaven; N. is Anubis chief of the house.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2151a. It was brought, open --------------------------2151b. ----------------------------- to N., before N. 2152b. ------------------------------------------2153a. ------------------------------------------2154a. N ----------2152 a. He is the bittern (d-bird), which comes from the marsh

2153b. who is in tnw of the four tnw, depart from N. 2154b. N -----------------------------------------

2154c. pure is the tongue which is in the mouth of N. 2155a. Protect N -----------2155a + 1 (N. Jquier, XII 1038). ---- N -------

2155b. ---------------- that N. may not be upside down. 2156a. N. is the bull ---------2156b. N. is the bull ------------------------------Utterance 695. 2156c. three in heaven; two on earth.

2157b. tm ---------------------------------------

2157a. To say: The diadem comes into being; inundated ------- ti

2158a. Seat thyself on the throne of R, which Horus, removed to the south of the sky. 2158b. removed ---------------- f (?)


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2158c. ------------------ he removed the secret (places) of the Nine (Bows?). 2159a. N. is seated ---------------------------------2159a + 1 (N. Jquier, XII 1042). ------ n.f nb ------

2159b. ------------------------ N. upon the sky. 2160a. ----------- rd.wi [N.] ------------------2160b. ------------ ir.

2159c. The two hands of N. are on Heliopolis.

2160b + 1 (N. 1044). the head of N. is above; the legs of N. [are below]. 2161a. [N.] --------------2161b. --------- more long than wide;

2161b + 1 (N. 1045). behold N. w t[?] ----2162a. ----- m ----------------------------------2162b. like to her following of Set; like to her foll[owing] ----Utterance 696. 2162c. ----- m ------- i -----------------------------

2163a (N. Jquier, XII 1047). O, strong one, jackal, D, bring these to [this] N.; 2163b. bring with these to N -------------------2164a. ----------------------------------2163c (N. 1048). messenger of Atum, O N., with linen of T(?)i.t


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2164b (N. 1049). O! O! come; O! O! come; bring these to N.; 2165a. bring with (these) to N ---------------2165b. lift him up -------

2166a. -------------- the eye of Horus there

2165b + 1 (N. 1050). messenger of Atum, O N., with linen of T(?)i.t

2166b (N. 10511). hurry against the fingers of Set 21607a. (N. 1051-1052) ------ N. earth in peace

2166b + 1 (N. 1951). d (or, wd) ----------- in(f) m---2167b (N. 1052). the two hands of N. ------------- to the heart 2168 (N. 1053). Raise thyself up N., tsi ---------------2168 + 2 (N. 1055). n these of N --------------------2168 + 1 (N. 1054). N. raised himself up in this night --------

2168 + 3 (N. 1055 + 1 to 1055 + 2). tm (?) --- --------belonging to the god 2168 + 5 (N. 1055 + 3). 63 ------- im-n.n -----------2168 + 6 (N. 1055 + 5) ------ he[aven] -------------(Following 2168 + 6, there are in N. Jquier, XII, eight additional columns, 1055 + 5 to 1055 + 12, the text of which is entirely destroyed). 2168 + 4 (N. 1055 + 2). O N. ---------------------

Utterance 697.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2169a. To say: O N., the mouth of the earth opens for thee; Geb speaks to thee: 2169b. "Thou art great like a king; thou art mighty like R. 2170a. Thou purifiest thyself in the lake of the jackal; thou cleansest thyself in the lake of the Dt." 2170c. The eastern door of heaven is open for thee by Imn-km.

2170b. "Come in peace," say the Two Enneads to thee.

2171a . Nut has given her arms to thee, N., she of the long hair, she of the hanging breasts;

2171b. she lifts thee high to herself to heaven; she did not cast N. down to the earth. 2172a. She gives thee birth, N., like S'h; 2172b. she makes thee remain as chief of the two itr.t-palaces." 21 72c. N. descends into the boat like R, on the shores, of the Winding Watercourse. 2173a. N. is transported by the indefatigables; 2173b. N. commands the imperishable stars; 2173c. N. is transported on the nti-ocean;

2173d. N. takes the helm to the fields of .

2174a. Thy messengers go; thy runners hasten.

2175a. Do not go by these water-courses of the west;

2174b. They say to R: "Behold, N. is come; behold, N. is come in peace."


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2175b. those who go there, they do not come back. 2175d. among the Followers of [R] 2175f. -----------------------------------Utterance 698.

2175c. Go thou, N., by these water-courses of the east,

2175e. ------ him who lifts up the arm in the east.

(This cannot be the beginning of this utterance)

21 76a + 1 (N. 1300). N -------- N. pw ------------------217 6a + 2 (N. 1309). md ntr.w m -----------------2177a (N. 1309). -------------- ki Utterance 699.

2177b (N. 1309-1310). flesh; protect thyself; give way from behind N.

2178b. ------- Anubis, he lays hold of thine arm; Nut, she gives to thee thy heart. 2179a. Thou fleest cloudlike as a falcon; thou drawest thyself out of the water like a nwr-bird;

2178a. -----------------------------------------

2180a. ----------------------------------------

2179b. thou goest towards the west -----------------

2180b. ------ [thou livest], thou livest; thou art young, thou art young; 2180c. to the side of thy father, to the side of , to heaven.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2181a. Thou livest ----------------------------------2181b. ------------------------------------------2181c. ----Utterance 700.

2182a. To say: Father N.,

2182b. raise thyself up on thy right side; support thyself on thy left side. 2182c. Thy flesh has been collected for thee -----------2182d. --------------------------------------

2183b. The messengers of R come forth for thee; the imperishable stars take thine arm. 2183c. [Thou] diest not -----------------------------2184a. -------------------------------------2184b. [like Anubis] who is in Tb.t.

2183a. ---------------- with which thou art pure as a god.

2185a. Thy wg (offering) is of bread; wg is like the eye of Horus, 2185c. Thy presentation ----------------------------2185b. in (his) name of "Wg-(offering)."

2186a. ----- thine enemies are destroyed; they perish;

2185d. --------------------------------------

2186b. they foam in opposing thee; throw them in the lake; throw them in the sea.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2187a. Men come to thee ----------------------------2187b. -------------------------------------Utterance 701. 2187c. -------

2188a. To say: The Great One is fallen in Ndi.t; Isis is loosed from her burden (tn). 2188b. Raise thyself up, thou who art in Ntrw; raise thyself up 2189a. -------------------------------------2189b. ------------------------ the god is loosed. 2190a. Horus comes forth from Chemmis; 2190b. Buto arises for Horus; he purifies himself there. 2191b. --------------------------------------

2191a. Horus comes purified, that he may avenge [his father] 2192a. [I am thy sister], who loves thee, says Isis, says Nephthys. 2192b. They weep for thee; they awake for thee. 2193b. -------------------------------------2193a. O N., raise [thyself] up ------------------------2 194a. ---------------------------------------

2194c. a roast, a double-rib piece from the slaughtering-bench of the god; the great bread and the rt-bread from the broad-hall.

2194b. [(receive) thy thousand (loaves) of bread], [thy thousand (mugs) of beer], thy thousand cattle, thy thousand geese,


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2195a. Provide thyself, N., with -----------------------2195b. -------------------------------------2196a. Thou hast thy wrr.t-crown; the wrr.t-crown is on thy head;

2196c. Thou art a spirit among [thy] brothers ------------2197a. --------------------------------------2197b. ----------- spirits. 2198a. O N., stand up;

2196b. thou hast taken the wrr.t-crown before the Two Enneads

2199a. Thou art come (again) to [thy] (right) state --------2199b. --------------------------------------Utterance 702. 2199c. -------

2198b. sit thou before thy heart like Anubis First of the Westerners.

2200a. To say: N. is come to you,

2200b. ye great and powerful pair of goddesses, who are on the eastern side of heaven,

2200c. that you both may carry N. and set him on the eastern side of heaven. 2201a. To say: O. N., thy soul is with thee 2201b. ---------------- as Osiris. Utterance 703.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2201c. O N., live, thou shalt not die.

2202a. Horus comes to thee; he separates thy bandages; he casts off thy bonds. 2202b. Horus has expelled thy rivals, 2202c. the earth-gods seize thee not.

2203a. O N., [thy] ka is mighty --------------------

2203b. Thy father is not among men; thy mother is not among mankind.

2204b. she with variegated feather, she with the two hanging (and shaking) breasts. Utterance 704. 2205. N. is not seized by ------------------------------

2204a. Thy mother is the great wr.t-uraeus, the white (crown), the royal head-dress, resident in el-Kb,

2206b. N. has come forth from between the thighs of the Ennead; 2206c. sm.t.t conceived him; sm.t.t gave him birth; 2206d. N. is a falcon coming forth from R;

2206a. To say: N. [is a male], coming forth from R;

2206e. [N. is the living ir.t-serpent], which came forth from the eye of R; 2206f. he flies, he hovers over the throne of Khepri, in the bow of his boat in the sky.


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


705. 706.

2207. thy father -------------------------------2208a. ---------------------- [in his name] of R. 2208c. ---------------------------- your arm. 707.

2208b. N. was nursed on the milk (of) ------------------

2209b. his mother is 3.t-ti.t (Satis); guide -------------2209c. ---------------------------------------708. 2210a. ------------ one --------------------2210b. ------------- N ---------------------709. 2210c. ------------ with the b-sceptre ----------------2211a. ------------ the Name of N ---------------------

2209a. --------------------------- his mother;

2211c. ---------------- N. being --------------------

2211b. ---------- his beloved son, coming forth from ---


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer


2211d. ---------------- to exist ---------------------

2212a. ------------- these gods --------------------2212b. ----- says the priest of R to [N.] 2212c. ------------- of the gods, he satisfies the spirits. 2212e ---------- his pellet of incense is broken ------2212d. ------------- N. the sky with -------------------

2213a. Horus has put his arm around [N.] --------------2213b. ------- before N. N ---------------------2213c. ----- N. with natron --------------------------

2213d. Thou art Thot who avenges it; thou art not [ like Set who took it]. 2213e. -----------------------------------------711.

2214a. ------------------------------------------

2214b. Thou has seen the Delta -------------------2214d. ----------- N. separates --------------------2214e. -----------------------------------------712.

2214c. N. voyages there to the shore (of) ----------------

2215a. ------------ behind N


The Pyramid Texts Translated By Samuel A. B. Mercer

2215b. ------------------------------------------713. 2216a. ------------ to attack -------------------2216b. --------------- N ---------------------2216c. -------------- N ---------------------714.

2217a ------------------------------------------2217b ---------------N ---------------------

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