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Specification For Testing & Commissioning

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The scope of this General Technical Specification (GTS) on Testing & Commissioning covers the following areas: Testing & Commissioning of HT Switchgear comprising of HT Isolators, HT Boards, Vacuum Contactors etc. Testing & Commissioning of Transformers, Busducts, etc Testing & Commissioning of LT Switchgear including Power Control Centres (PCC), Power Distribution Boards (PDB), Motor Control Centres (MCC) etc. Testing & Commissioning of Thyristor Panel, VVVF Convertors, Soft Starters etc. Testing & Commissioning of PLC, Control Desks, Mimic Panels etc. Testing & Commissioning of Motors & accessories, Field devices like brake, limit switch etc. Testing & Commissioning of Cables


Integrated System commissioning The scope excludes Testing & Commissioning of Illumination, Earthing, Lightning protection etc which are covered in exclusive CET's GTS on those areas. Further this specification also excludes the testing and commissioning of Cranes, Stackers, Reclaimers, other specialised mobile equipment which shall be tested and commissioned on the basis of manufacturers instructions. The GTS describes the Testing & Commissioning work qualitatively only giving the salient procedures and for specific other details, the tenderer shall refer to the `Tender specification' issued by the Purchaser. If there is any contradiction between the GTS and `Tender specification', the specific clauses of `Tender specification' shall prevail upon. If any special Testing & Commissioning (as may be essential depending on the nature of the project) being offered by the tenderer is not being covered by this GTS, the tenderer shall draw the attention of the Purchaser by bringing out such aspects clearly in the Tender offer. The specification applicable to such special purpose Testing & Commissioning shall be got frozen by the tenderer during the tender scrutiny / evaluation stage, failing which the successful tenderer shall be liable to carryout the Testing & Commissioning of such works, taking care of all specific requirement of the Purchaser at Testing & Commissioning stage, without any additional cost to the Purchaser. The Testing & Commissioning shall be complete in all respects and any activity not included in this specification but essential for proper commissioning operation of the system shall be deemed to be within the scope of the specification whether
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General Technical Specification Testing and Commissioning


specifically mentioned or not in this GTS and `Tender specification' of the Purchaser. 1.6 All electrical equipment shall be tested, installed and commissioned in accordance with the latest relevant standards and codes of practices published by Indian Standards Institution wherever available and stipulations made in relevant general specifications. In case where Indian Standards are not available these shall be carried out in accordance with the latest standards and codes of practice published by any other recognised National Standards Institution or latest publications of International Electrotechnical commission (IEC). 1.7 1.8 All tests shall be carried out by the successful Tenderer using his own instruments, testing equipment as well as qualified testing personnel. At site all equipment shall be energised only after certification by the commissioning personnel regarding readiness of the equipment for energising under concurrence of the Purchaser.


Testing and commissioning of all electrical equipment and system as a whole shall be done under the following groupings. Tests at manufacturers works Testing at site for commissioning Integrated System commissioning The Tests at manufacturers works is covered under the CET's GTS on respective equipment. However, some of those tests and other specific tests as listed equipment wise in subsequent sections of this specification shall form the basis for testing & commissioning of electrical equipment at site. Further the tenderer shall comply to the Integrated system commissioning procedure drawn up in this specification for successful commissioning of the package/plant.


All Testing & Commissioning work shall also conform to the latest Indian Electricity Rules as regards safety and other essential provisions specified therein for installation and operation. All Testing & Commissioning work shall also comply with the statutory requirement of the Government of India and the state government in which the plant is located as given in the Purchasers `Tender specification'.




Testing of all electrical equipment shall be carried out to ensure that the equipment and its components are in satisfactory condition and will successfully meet its functional requirements during individual/ integrated operation. The results of all tests shall conform to the specification requirements including specific performance data, if any, guaranteed during finalisation of the contract. A composite report of test for all items to be prepared and submitted by the contractor.


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Testing & Commissioning shall be done taking into consideration the fact that the plant is called upon to operate continuously and hence all activity to be undertaken shall be such that the package/plant can be tested and commissioned in the shortest possible time following a well drawn out sequence with the Purchaser. If testing & Commissioning of a package/plant in the scope of the Tenderer is interfering with the working of an existing unit of the Steel plant ,the tenderer shall take all precaution so as not to disrupt the existing process / operations. The Testing & Commissioning material/works shall be complete with approved safety devices wherever a potential hazard to personnel exists.


4.1 4.1.1


TESTS AT MANUFACTURER'S WORKS All equipment shall be fully tested in accordance with the relevant clause of applicable standards/ CET's GTS on respective equipment. All components and devices shall be checked for correct operation before despatch. For tests classified as `Type test' as per relevant standards, certificates shall be submitted to Purchaser/Consultant. All routine tests shall be conducted in the presence of the purchaser/consultant and test results submitted. The type tests which are called for is indicated against each of them in CET's GTS on respective equipment, which shall be carried out by the successful tenderer. SITE TESTS FOR COMMISSIONING After completion of installation at site, checking and testing of all equipment and installation shall be carried out in accordance with the specified standards, codes of practices of Indian Standards Institution and specific instructions furnished by the particular equipment manufacturer. The checking required to be made on the equipment after installation at site shall generally comprise but not be limited to the following : Physical inspection to verify that the equipment are in proper condition. Check for liquid levels and leakages e.g. battery, water, lubricating oil as applicable. Check for free movement of mechanisms viz. circuit-breakers, rotating parts of rotating machine etc. Check for tightness of all cables, busbars, earth connections etc. Check for clearance of exposed busbars/conductors from metal enclosure, if any. Check for proper alignment of all drawout devices like drawout type circuitbreakers, if any. Continuity check of all control circuits. Checking of all mechanical and electrical interlocks with manual actuation of relays as necessary. Checking of alarm and annunciation circuits by manual actuation of relays like buchholtz relay in case of transformers.


4.2 4.2.1


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Checking and calibration of device requiring field adjustment/calibration. Tests to be carried out on the individual electrical equipment shall generally include in addition to the manufacturers instructions but not be limited to the followings: Insulation resistance test with 2500 V megger for main circuit. Insulation resistance test with 500 V megger for control, metering and relaying circuits. Relay operation test by secondary injection method. Functional test of the control circuits. For HT switchgear

Checking of settings of all relays/releases as per drawings. For LT switchgear Insulation resistance test with 1000 V megger for main circuit. Insulation resistance test with 500 V megger for control, metering and relaying circuits. Relay operation test by secondary injection method. Functional test of the control circuits. Checking of settings of all relays/releases as per drawings. For Transformers Insulation resistance test with 2500 V megger for 11 kV & 6.6 kV windings and 1000 V megger for voltage lower than 6.6 kV. Insulation resistance test with 500 V megger for control circuits. Tests to ensure proper dielectric strength of insulating oil. Tests to ensure proper operation of buchholtz relay by injecting compressed air. Phasing out test of the transformers which are required to be operated in parallel. DC winding resistance test for various taps. Acidity test of transformer oil. Tangent delta test for condenser type bushings for EHT transformers. For Bus-Duct Insulation resistance test with 2500 V megger for bus-ducts rated above 1.1 kV grade and 1000 V megger for bus-ducts rated up to 1.1 kV. Power frequency AC high voltage test subject to limitation on duration on test voltage as per IS:10118 (Part-III)-1982 clause A-1.1. Alternatively, DC high voltage test as per IS:10118 (Part-III)-1982 clause No. A-3.1. For MCC, Control Panel etc. Insulation resistance test with 1000 V megger for main circuits. Insulation resistance test with 500 V megger for control circuits.
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Sequential operation test by application of control voltage only. Checking of settings of all relays/releases as per drawings. For Thyristor Convertor/VVVF Convertors Insulation resistance test with 1000/500 V megger for power circuits of thyristor converters. Tests to ensure proper operation of individual regulation blocks as per approved schematic diagram and adjustments required for proper functioning of the same. Integrated functional test to ensure proper operation of regulation system by simulating desired input conditions and adjustments required, if any. Checking and adjustment of trigger circuits of thyristor convertors and the system as a whole. For Cables Insulation resistance test with 2500 V megger for high voltage power cables rated above 1.1 kV grade and 1000 V megger for cables rated up to 1.1 kV grade. DC high voltage test shall be carried out on all 11 kV , 6.6 kV & 3.3 kV XLPE cables in accordance with IS:1255-1983 clause no. 14.2.4. For Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Verification of hardware as per System configuration Insulation test with 500 V megger Downloading of Application software and checking of all I/O channels, interposing relays etc for proper functioning Checking of field inputs, operation from local/ remote stations, sequencing, interlocking, reference generation and all other mathematical calculation functions etc. Cold run test, Hot run test, Complex trial, Performance guarantee test, Final acceptance test as per the description given under Integrated System commissioning described subsequently in this specification Calculation of Uptime efficiency as given under Integrated System Commissioning With the completion of the above tests, the electrical equipment can be declared ready for Unit Tests as further described below. INTEGRATED SYSTEM COMMISSIONING The following stages of Integrated System Commissioning are described below which shall be followed by the successful tenderer unless otherwise redefined in the tender specification/GCC, the definition and meaning of the various terminology of the integrated commissioning test shall be as detailed below under the relevant subheadings: 4.3.1 Unit Tests:After the completion of erection of all equipment pertaining to the package `unit
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4.2.4 4.3


tests' of equipment shall be undertaken. The unit tests are physical inspection of the equipment erected to ensure the following: Totality of the technological structures associated with the packages and process which is being achieved by it. Completeness of supply & erection as per relevant drawings and specification. Confirmation of the totality of the mechanical, electrical, hydraulics, lubrication, utility parts of the mechanism including the electrical drive. Provision of safety features as envisaged including limit switches etc. Completion of earthing as per relevant standards. Correctness of cable laid. Availability of special tools and tackles and commissioning spares for the packages. Satisfactory result of insulation resistance by meggering. 4.3.2 Checking of the foundation and final adjustment of alignment. Preliminary Acceptance Tests (PAT):Once all defects and shortcoming noted/observed/detailed noted during Unit Tests are rectified and the package is made ready in every respect for cold run test, Purchaser shall issue a certificate called Preliminary acceptance certificate (PAC) to the successful tenderer for taking up further commissioning. 4.3.3 Cold run tests: Within the limitations of the characteristics of installation, every unit of electric drive and auxiliaries, without being coupled to the mechanical equipment, shall be run and tested to prove satisfactorily functioning. All the rotating machines shall be put to running test in the whole range of speeds applicable. During the cold run tests, the following points are to be ensured: Satisfactory operation of motor, contactor, breakers, relays, indications etc. Working of interlocking in circuits Operation and tripping due to safety, limit switches. All defects so noticed shall be rectified and the equipment is made ready for the Hot run tests. 4.3.4 Hot run test:In these tests, the drives are coupled to the mechanisms and the mechanism run preferably with the process materials like gas/water/raw material in the circuit. Every effort has to be done to test all the equipment of a package with its process material so as to establish completeness of supply. satisfactory performance of the integrated system within the package. ruggedness and reliability of system. These tests are envisaged to be conducted for 72 hours continuously unless
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otherwise specified in the `Tender Specification'. Defects if any shall be rectified, modifications as may be required carried out and tests repeated till a 72 hours continuous run is achieved. Some of the equipment within a package may not be suitable/ possible to be tested with their process material because of their linkage with the other packages or with the complex process of the plant. The performances of such specific equipment shall be tested during complex trial run. 4.3.6 Complex Trial Run:After completion of hot-run tests, trial run of the entire plant on zone basis shall be taken up. The following aspects shall be checked during the complex trial run: Interlocking between equipment of different packages. Sequential operation of equipment. 4.3.7 Performance matching between equipment of different packages. Commissioning:After completion of complex trial run, the plant shall be declared commissioned and commercial production started. All settings required to match the various equipment shall be carried out as may be required. 4.3.8 Finer settings shall be carried out during full scale commercial production as may be necessary to achieve the correct quality and envisaged quantity of production as per contract. Performance Guarantee Tests (PGT):PGT are conducted for each individual packages as envisaged in the 'Tender specifications'/contracts. On successful completion of these tests, PGT certificate is issued by the purchaser. The suppliers of turnkey packages shall be responsible for carrying out performance test in the presence of the Purchaser's representatives. The PGT shall be deemed to have been concluded satisfactorily, if during the entire duration of test, the plant and equipment shall have delivered the guaranteed specified output or operated at the guaranteed specified capacity. 4.3.10 Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC):Final acceptance certificate is issued by the purchaser to various packages after observing guaranteed performance over the stipulated period of time which may be different for different packages. However for PLC, colour graphic system FAC shall be issued by the purchaser after successfully completing Final acceptance test for 15 consecutive days for 24 hours a day with an uptime efficiency of not less than 95% (uptime efficiency is defined as uptime * 100 /Total time available, the total time shall not include time lost due to external power failure, environmental condition, recovery time of equipment etc.)


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