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Devices For Various Applications: 7SV7220 Power Supply Unit

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Devices for Various Applications

7SV7220 Power supply unit

Charging module Battery trough

Fig. 1
7SV7220 power supply unit (not to scale)

Application Design Functions

The 7SV7220 power supply unit is used The 7SV7220–0 is installed in a 7XP20 The 7SV7220 power supply unit incorpo-
for stations without a central DC voltage housing (19 inch, 1/6 wide). It is available rates the following functions:
supply, i.e. stations where transformer- for surface and for flush mounting.  Automatic battery connection in the
fed units (e.g. 7SJ73) have to be replaced The power to be supplied to the numeri- event of a power failure (uninterrupt-
or stations too small to merit the use of a cal relays or to operate the circuit-breaker ible)
station battery. During normal operation, coils is drawn from two external mainte-  For battery fault detection, the battery
the power unit supplies the numerical nance-free lead batteries.
protection relays with energy from the medium voltage is fed to the monitor
power supply unit while keeping the bat- The series-connected batteries are via fuse F4
teries fully charged. This energy is drawn mounted in a separate battery trough.  Exhaustive discharge protection with
either from the 100 V voltage transformer This battery trough can be mounted on a battery disconnection on drop below
secondary circuit or from the 230 V sta- vertical wall and must be installed no fur- limit voltage
tion AC voltage. ther than 2 m from the charging module,
 Optical display with 6 LEDs on the
i.e. when the unit is mounted in a cabinet
In the event of a fault, the power unit the batteries must be installed in the cab- front panel on the charging module
7SV7220 is able to maintain an uninter- inet too. To prolong their service life, we  One alarm relay with the group indica-
ruptible supply to the protection relays recommend mounting the battery trough tion: battery operation and device fault
and at the same time operate circuit- as low as possible in the cabinet because  Three-position LED seven-segment
breaker coils, if necessary. This energy is of the temperature distribution. The three
provided by two series-connected batter- display.
connecting cables (L+, L– and the central
ies, i.e. all components must have a volt- pick-off for monitoring the capacity of the Because of the large battery capacity,
age input of VN = 24 V. batteries) from the charging module to several protection relays can be powered
the battery must contain 2.5 mm2 copper and several circuit-breakers operated at
wire. A charging module and a battery kit the same time. The output power given
are supplied with the 7SV7220 power in the technical data must be taken into
supply unit. The battery kit contains the account.
battery trough, two batteries and three
connectors for connecting the batteries.
The charging module contains all auto-
matic charging functions, incl. signal pro-
cessing, optical visualization and exhaus-
tive discharge protection.

Siemens LSA 2.7.9 . March 1997 1

Devices for Various Applications

7SV7220 Power supply unit

Method of operation
V [V]
The line input voltage for the 7SV7220
power supply unit is fed from the voltage 7SV7220
transformer secondary circuit or from the max. = 0.7 A
station AC voltage via an input fuse (F1)
to the switched-mode power supply.
Power of the Power that is avail-
A varistor protects the switched-mode loads connected able for charging
power supply unit from transient overvol- the batteries
tages. The input circuit in the charging
module is an extended-range input of 90
to 264 V, i.e. no switchover is necessary.
Its switched-mode power supply unit fea- Variable
tures a switch-on current limitation,  [A]
clocks with a switching frequency of load max
approximately 140 kHz and has a V/
charging characteristic. The output is Fig. 2
short-circuit-proof and stable at no load. Power output from the switched-mode power supply
The output voltage is permanently set to
27.3 V or charging operation. For servic-
ing, the charging module can also be op- Line voltage failure
V [V]
erated without a battery module because Battery operation
the harmonic component of the switch- 27
ed-mode power supply unit is well below
6 %, which means that the ripple of 25
6 % required for the protection input 24 Exhaustive dis-
voltage is adhered to. charge protection
The charging voltage for the two mainte-
nance-free batteries is displayed in the 19
7SV7220 with a three-position green LED
seven-segment display in the charging
module. The operating states, such as
operation, fault, battery failure, under-
voltage and exhaustive discharge, are
signalled by six LEDs. An alarm relay
with a group signal is available for remote t [min]
signalling of “fault” or “battery failure”.
Line operation Battery operation
In the event of a battery failure, under-
voltage or exhaustive discharge the left
red LED “Fault” also lights up. Fig. 3
Discharge curve of the 7SV7220 battery module
The “battery operation” signal is trig-
gered by line/module failure at approxi- Signalling on the charging module The right-hand LEDs 2, 3 and 4 indicate
mately 25 V after a delay. The monitoring The SV7220 has LEDs and alarm con- the type of fault to the user, i.e. each of
equipment of the charging module oper- tacts to signal the various operating these three LEDs is permanently com-
ates the exhaustive discharge protection states. Multiple signalling of failure dis- bined with the red “fault” LED.
relay K2 at a battery voltage of 19 V and plays is possible. LED 4 has been set in the factory so that
disconnects the batteries. the batteries are switched off immedi-
All LEDs go off after switch-off in the
The two series-connected batteries with event of exhaustive discharge. ately after it lights up for protection
VN = 12 V/6 Ah V/6 Ah each are loaded in against exhaustive discharge.
continuous battery power supply. The The front panel of the charging module
contains six LEDs that signal the follow- The two single indications “fault” and
switched-mode power supply unit in the
ing operating states: “battery operation” have been hardwired
7SV7220 charging module has a peak
to the alarm relay MR1.
power of 30 W (maximum 1 minute) and LED left
a continuous power of 20 W. It loads the above LED green “Operation”
batteries and powers the connected below LED red “Fault”
loads with a continuous current of up to LED right
0.7 A. It is important to note the continu- LED 1 red “Battery operation”
ous power output of the switched-mode LED 2 red “Battery failure”
power supply unit (20 W). If, for example, LED 3 red “Undervoltage”
so many loads are connected that a load LED 4 red “Exhaustive discharge”
current of 0.6 A is flowing, only a current
of 0.1 A would be available for charging
the batteries (see Fig. 2).
The current for the circuit-breaker coil is
provided by the two batteries. For a dura-
tion of up to 100 ms, a current pulse of
approximately 30 A is provided.

2 Siemens LSA 2.7.9 . March 1997

Devices for Various Applications

7SV7220 Power supply unit

Meaning and response to visualization Battery mounting

 Signal: “Battery operation”, output Perform the following steps one after the
voltage 25 V other.
Possible cause: The AC voltage supply 1. Carefully remove and isolate the plug
has failed and the terminal voltage of connections on the batteries.
the charging modules is falling from CAUTION!
the charging voltage (27.3 V) to the DANGER OF SHORT-CIRCUIT
battery voltage (approximately 24 V).
Check the following: Line voltage pres- 2. Lift each battery out of the battery
ent and within its limit values at the trough individually
input terminals of the charging mod- 3. Place the new batteries in the battery
ule? If not, ascertain the cause of the trough such that the connections face
line voltage failure and remove it im- the centre of the housing.
mediately. 4. Connect in series both batteries with
The power supply to the protection connecting cables from which the
must only be maintained for a limited central pick-off also departs.
time, depending on the power con- 5. Connect the remaining plug connec-
nected. The value given for the useful tors to the terminals on the batteries
life of the battery module in the techni- with correct polarity.
cal data is a guide.
If the voltage is present at the input
 Always replace defective lead batter-
terminals, check fuse F1 and replace it
by a fuse of the same type if neces- ies together!
sary! If the line voltage is present and  When connecting the new batteries,
fuse F1 is intact, return the charging make sure the polarity is correct. If
module for servicing. the polarity has accidentally been re-
 Signal: “Battery failure”
versed on the batteries during mount-
If the batteries are missing or dam- ing by the customer, the polarity re-
aged, the signal “battery failure” is versal protection diodes V2 and V3
displayed continuously; a battery fail- blow fuses F2 and F4 and thus pre-
ure is signalled with a time delay of vent destruction of the charging unit.
approximately one second. CAUTION!
Check the following: Check fuses F2, Defective batteries must be disposed
F3 or F4 in the charging module and of as special category waste.
replace them by the same type if nec-
essary! Servicing the battery
Otherwise, the batteries are damaged The charging module signals any faults
and must be replaced in accordance that might occur in the batteries.
with the service instructions (see be- We recommend replacing the batteries
low). approximately every four years, depend-
 Signal: “Undervoltage”, output volt- ing on the climatic stress.
age 22 V All batteries with the same technical and
Cause: The battery module has been in mechanical characteristics can be used.
battery operation for too long and
hardly has any energy stored in it (see Battery kit
“battery operation ” and “exhaustive
The battery kit is required for the
7SV7220 power supply unit for flush and
 Signal: “Exhaustive discharge”, out- surface mounting. It consists of a battery
put voltage 19 V. trough, two maintenance-free lead batter-
CAUTION! ies, one jumpering cable with additional
To avoid destruction of the batteries by plug connector and four Faston connec-
exhaustive discharge, the two batter- tors 2.5 mm2.
ies must be disconnected from all All the electronics, including the exhaus-
loads. tive discharge protection relay, are
Possible cause: Battery operation con- mounted in the charging module.
tinued too long or an overload due to
the loads connected. Check the follow-
ing: Examine the loads connected for
power consumption. Otherwise, the
same causes of error as for “battery

Siemens LSA 2.7.9 . March 1997 3

Devices for Various Applications

7SV7220 Power supply unit

Technical data
Line input Input voltage range 90 to 264 V AC (extended-range input)
Input power v1.25 x load,
38 W briefly during battery charging
Input frequency 45 to 400 Hz
Current waveform Peak factor v2

Output Output voltage 27.3 V DC , "1 %

(no distinction between protection relay/ Output power 20 W continuous, for 1 minute 30 W
Characteristic V /  charging characteristics
Ripple v200 mVPP
Decoupling diode for failure detection

Alarm contacts Number of relays (1 changeover contact) 1 relay

Make/break power 30 W/250 VA
Switching voltage (maximum) 128 V DC /250 V AC
Permissible continuous current 1A
Alarm function Group alarm with the functions, fault, battery operation 1

Displays Status LEDs (left): LED above “Unit ready” green 1

LED below “Fault” red 1
Monitoring LEDs (right): LED 1 “Battery operation” red 1 (permanently coupled with MR 1)
LED 2 “Battery failure” red 1 (permanently coupled with MR 1)
LED 3 “Undervoltage” red 1
LED 4 “Exhaustive discharge” red 1
LED seven-segment display, three-position Battery voltage/charging voltage
Battery Make Panasonic, LC R 12 V 6.5 PD
Number/type 2 batteries/12 V/6 Ah
Charging voltage 27.3 V DC
Output voltage range 19 to 27.3 V DC
Emergency supply time at 20 W Approx. 7 h
Perm. pulse load Max. 30 A for max. 100 ms

Monitoring Overvoltage protection w31 V DC

("2 % tolerance) Battery–operation v25 V DC
Undervoltage indication v22 V DC
Deep–discharge protection Control contact for battery switch-off at
v19 V DC
Supervision for symmetrical battery voltage Battery failure

Codes and standards, general IEC 255; DIN 57 435 Part 303

CE–conformity, standards This product is in conformity with the directives of the Council of Conformity is proved by tests performed
the European Communities on the approximation of the laws of by Siemens AG in line with article 10 of the
the Member States relating to the electromagnetic compatibility Council Directives in accordance with the
(EMC Council Directive 89/336/EEC) and concerning electrical generic standards EN 50081 and EN 50082
equipment for use within specified voltage limits (low–voltage for the EMC directive 89/336/EEC and
directive 73/23/EEC). The product conforms with the international standard 60255–6 for the low–voltage di-
standard IEC 255 and the national standard DIN 57 435 part 303 rective.
(corresponding to VDE 0435 part 303).

Insulation tests High–voltage test (routine test), except d.c. voltage supply input 2 kV (rms), 50 Hz
IEC 255–5, DIN 57 435 part 303 High–voltage test (routine test), only d.c. voltage supply input 2.8 kV DC
Impulse voltage test (type test), all circuits, class III 5 kV (peak), 1.2/50 s, 0.5 J,
3 positive and 3 negative shots at intervals
of 5 s

4 Siemens LSA 2.7.9 . March 1997

Devices for Various Applications

7SV7220 Power supply unit

Technical data (continued)

EMC–tests; immunity (type test) High–frequency test with 1 MHz interference 2.5 kV (peak), 1 MHz,  = 15 ms,
Standards: IEC 255–6, IEC 255–22 IEC 255–22–1, class III and VDE 0435 part 303, class III 400 shots/s, duration 2 s
(international product standard) Electrostatic discharge 4 / 6 kV contact discharge, 8 kV air dis-
EN 50082–2 (generic standard) IEC 255–22–2, class III and IEC 1000–4–2, class III charge, both polarities, 150 pF, Rl = 330 W
VDE 0435 part 303 (German Radio–frequency electromagnetic field, non–modulated 10 V/m, 27 to 500 MHz
product standard) report IEC 255–22–3, class III
Radio–frequency electromagnetic field, amplitude modulated 10 V/m, 80 to 1 000 MHz, AM 80 %, 1 kHz,
IEC 1000–4–3, class III
Radio–frequency electromagnetic field, puls modulated 10 V/m, 900 MHz, repetition frequency
ENV 50204, class III 200 Hz, duty cycle 50 %
Fast transients 2 kV, 5/50 ns, 5 kHz, burst length = 15 ms,
IEC 255–22–4 class III, IEC 1000–4–4 class III repetition rate 300 ms, both polarities,
Rl = 50 W, duration 1 min
Conducted disturbances induced by radio–frequency fields, 10 V, 150 kHz to 80 MHz, AM 80 %, 1 kHz
amplitude modulated
IEC 1000–4–6, class III
Power frequency magnetic field
IEC 1000–4–8, class IV 30 A /m, continuous, 300 A /m for 3 s, 50 Hz
IEC 255–6 0.5 mT; 50 Hz

EMC–tests; emission (type test) Conducted interference voltage, auxiliary voltage 150 kHz to 30 MHz
Standard: EN 50081–1 (European generic CISPR 22, EN 55022 and VDE 0878 part 22 class B
standard for use in residential Interference field strength 30 to 1 000 MHz
sector) CISPR 22, EN 55022 and VDE 0878 part 22 class B

Overload protection, fuses Line fuse F1 Slow 2.0 A

Output switched-mode power supply unit F2 Slow 2.0 A
Output batteries F3 Slow 15 A
Symmetry monitoring F4 Slow 0.1 A

Climatic stress tests (charging module) permissible ambient temperature during service 0 to + 50 _C
during storage –15 to +60 _C
during transport –15 to +60 _C
permissible humidity Annual average of  75 % relative humid-
ity; up to 95% relative humidity on 30 days
a year, condensation not permissible

Climatic stress tests (batteries) permissible ambient temperature during service 0 to +40 _C
during storage –15 to +40 _C
during transport –15 to +40 _C
permissible humidity Annual average of 75 % relative humid-
ity; up to 95% relative humidity on 30 days
a year, condensation not permissible

Mechanical test stress permissible mechanical stress during service 10 to 60 Hz, 0,035 mm amplitude
Standards: IEC 255–21–1, IEC IEC 68–2–6 60 to 500 Hz, 0,5 g acceleration
IEC 255–21–2, IEC IEC 68–2–27 during transport 5 to 8 Hz, 7,5 mm amplitude
IEC 255–21–3, IEC IEC 68–3–3 8 to 500 Hz, 2 g acceleration

Unit version (charging module) Housing 7XP20 1/6 x 19”

Weight Approx. 3 kg
Degree of protection to EN 60 529 IP 51
Housing/terminals IP 21

Battery trough Steel sheeting, Ral 7032, (W x H x D) 310 x 100 x 75

Weight with batteries 5.5 kg
Degree of protection to EN 60 529 IP 00

Mounting accessories Jumpering cables with additional plug connector 1 relay

Faston connectors, 2.5 mm2 4 relays

Maximum life for numerical protection Protection relays power consumption not energized energized 1 relay 2 relays Max. no. of relays
relays 7SJ60 2W 4W <60 h <30 h 8
The lives specified are basic values where 7SJ511 7W 11 W <20 h <10 h 2
the following has been assumed:
7SJ512 7W 13 W <20 h <10 h 2
– Battery operation
– Protection relays are not energized 7SA511 16 W 26 W <8 h – 1
continuously 7SD511/512 11 W 20 W <12 h – 1
– Constant temperature of 25 _C 7SD502/503 6W 8W <23 h <11 h 2
– Life expectancy of the batteries is 4 years
7UT512 10 W 13 W <14 h – 1
7UT513 14 W 22 W <10 h – 1

Circuit-breaker operation Simultaneously Max. 3 (otherwise F3 blown)

At 1-minute intervals (for CB inspection) Max. 12

Siemens LSA 2.7.9 . March 1997 5

Devices for Various Applications

7SV7220 Power supply unit

Selection and ordering data

Order no.
Power supply unit in 7XP20 housing 7SV7220 – 0 j A 0 0
Mechanical design (charging module)
for switchboard surface-mounting, terminal connection on side (available soon) B
for switchboard flush-mounting, cubicle mounting E

Battery set for replacement, two spare batteries (Panasonic, LC R 12V 6.5 PD) 7XV2200 – 2 A A 0 0

German: Katalogblatt LSA 2.7.9: Stromversorgungsgerät 7SV7220 E50001–K5772–A191–A1
English: Catalog LSA 2.7.9: 7SV7220 Power supply unit E50001–K5772–A191–A1–7600

M (Blue)

L– (Black)
L+ (Red)




Jumpering cable with additional plug connection

Fig. 4
Battery position in the battery trough in the 7SV7220 (all cable cross-sections = 2.5 mm2)

6 Siemens LSA 2.7.9 . March 1997

Devices for Various Applications

7SV7220 Power supply unit

F1 External
T2.0A PMA 30S27 F2 battery blocks
L V 2a T2.0A
1~ 20
31 =
N 14
K2 L+
PE +
MR1 with the group T15A

12 V/6 Ah
alarm, battery opera- V 2b
tion, fault
HF Operation LED 1 L F4
earth 9 Fault LED 2 L T0.1A
7 Battery operation LED 1 R AM M
k1 k2
Battery failure LED 2 R
Undervoltage LED 3 R

12 V/6 Ah
10 Exhaustive discharge LED 4 R

Battery –
operation 21

Fig. 5
Connection diagram of the 7SV7220 charging module

³ Maximum 20 W
External battery blocks
30 F3 14
1~ 20 +


= –
31 21

± Maximum 16 W
L+ Max. load: 27.3 V DC,
max. 16 W according to
L cont.: Max. 0.6 A, at
0.1 A charging power
Pulse current: 30 A,
max. 100 ms

Remote Re-


e.g. DMT protection

–Q0 –Q0

Infeed Circuit-breaker [ Other bays

Fig. 6
Example of a connected 7SV7220 (shown without signal processing)

Siemens LSA 2.7.9 . March 1997 7

Devices for Various Applications

Dimension drawings in mm

77 260

31 30

View A:



point for

2 1

100 55

View A
Front view Side view

Fig. 7
7XP2020 housing (for panel surface mounting with terminals on side)

75 29.5 172 37 71
70 7.3 56.5
Mounting plate

Diam. 5
or M4


Diam. 6
Connection Connection

terminals terminals

Rear view Side view Panel cut-out

Fig. 8
7XP2020 housing (for panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting)


Diam. 4


Diam. 10


Front view Side view Mounting holes

Fig. 9
Battery trough for 7SV7220

8 Siemens LSA 2.7.9 . March 1997

Devices for Various Applications

Conditions of Sale and Delivery S Export Regulations S Trademarks S Dimensions

Conditions of Sale and Delivery

Subject to the J
General Conditions of Supply and Delivery The technical data, dimensions and We reserve the right to adjust the prices
for Products and Services of the weights are subject to change unless and shall charge the price applying on
Electrical and Electronic Industry otherwise stated on the individual pages the date of delivery.
and to any other conditions agreed upon of this catalog.
with the recipients of catalogs.
The illustrations are for reference only.
A 9.91 a

Export Regulations
In accordance with present provisions of An export licence may however be requi- Relevant are the criteria stated in the de-
the German Export List and the US Com- red due to country–specific application of livery note and the invoice.
mercial Control List, export licences are the products.
not required for the products listed in this Subject to change without notice.

Trademarks Dimensions
All product designations used are trade- All dimensions in this catalog are given in
marks or product names of Siemens AG mm.
or of other suppliers.

Siemens online!
The Power Transmission and Distribution
Group can also be found in the Internet:

Responsible for
Technical contents: Ulf Melsa,
Siemens AG, EV S V14, Nürnberg
General editing: Roland Reichel/Claudia Kühn–Sutiono,
Siemens AG, EV S SUP22, Nürnberg/EV BK T, Erlangen

Siemens LSA 2.7.9 . March 1997 9

Devices for Various Applications

Energieübertragung und -verteilung Power
Geschäftsgebiet Sekundärsysteme
Postfach 48 06 Transmission
D-90026 Nürnberg and Distribution
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Order No.: E50001-K5772–A191-A1–7600
Siemens LSA 2.7.9 . March 1997
Printed in Germany
KGK 0397 1.0 SD 10 En 321522 6101/U533

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