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Advanced Replication

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Advanced master-to-master replication in Oracle

A Technical White Paper By David Gornshtein Boris Tamarkin WisdomForce Technologies, Inc Revision 1.1

2006 WisdomForce Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Note*: The latest copy of this document is available at This topic contains hands-on for intermediate to advanced level Oracle DBA.

Oracle advanced replication limitation ....................................................................... 2 Approaches in advanced replication ........................................................................... 3 Hands on session......................................................................................................... 4 Monitoring and troubleshooting of Oracle advanced replication. ............................ 11 WisdomForce DatabaseSync .................................................................................... 13 Final .......................................................................................................................... 13

Oracle advanced replication limitation

When Oracle advanced replication is used, it always good idea to remember its limitations. Oracle advanced replication has error prone administration. has problems with high transaction rates more then 50 - 100 transactions per second, depending on platform or machine . not resistant to schema changes. has serious performance overhead on both sides. . significant part of replicated schema on non-primary master sites might bee required to rebuild in case of failure. Another well-known issue is that sequences could not be replicated. Although problem with sequences has no solution in Oracle advanced replication, you still can, for instance, create sequences with the same name on both instances, but with large gap for "START WITH" and "MINVALUE" between these sequences. For example if you have sequence NonReplicatedSequence defined as

On the first master instance, you may define it on the second master instance as

*Note: We received a lot of feedback on first draft of this article from many readers around the world. We will discuss an additional available strategy of using Oracle

2006 WisdomForce Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

sequences in the Oracle master-to-master replication environment. This strategy was originaly proposed by Thomas Kyte from Oracle in his AskTom forum on Oracle Technet. The idea is in having several sequences, created as in example below for three master sites:
create sequence s start with 1 increment by 3; create sequence s start with 2 increment by 3; create sequence s start with 3 increment by 3; <=== at site 1 <=== at site 2 <=== at site 3

In this case key values will be non intersected and almost sequential. In our opinion this particular idea has a lot of disadvantages comparing to creating several different ranges with large gap because of following reasons: 1. The sequence definitions are depended on number of master sites. If you are going to add a new site, then sequences on all other master sites needed to be recreated. Otherwise, sequences should be always created with bigger gap than actually need for it. For instance, if you have three master sites, use increment by 6, with option to add 3 additional sites without recreate sequences. However, in this case there will be gaps between each triple of keys, until three additional sites will be added. 2. Gaps can not be eliminated by simple update similar to if two dense sequences are used with large gap between starting values. 3. It is almost never happens that master-to-master replication is really symmetric. For instance there is a rare case when same or even similar amount of inserts is performed on each site. Lets say, you have 3 master sites. Most of insert operations performed on site 1 and sometimes on site 3. However inserts almost never performed on site 2. The example of the following sequence of key values is 1, 4, 7, 9, 10, etc. I will give simple example, where will be only one replication administrator, and the environment is build for TRUSTED replication. There is no reason to divide responsibilities of replication administrator.

Approaches in advanced replication

There are two approaches in using master-to-master advanced replication. These options are namely SYNCHRONOUS and ASYNCHRONOUS. Each one has its pros and cons. Pros of SYNCHRONOUS:

While SYNCHRONOUS approach guarantees full synchronization between two sides with each point in time, it may be a good solution for distributed applications. In distributed environment the validity of data is critical and there is relatively small amount of DML (insert/update/delete) operations performed on both sides. The DML response time is not an issue. There is no possibility for collisions (conflicts) happening. Due to the fact that SYNCHRONOUS approach uses two phase commit, it is

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impossible to change the same data on both sides at the time between each change will be propagated to the target. Cons of SYNCHRONOUS:

Due to the fact that SYNCHRONOUS approach uses two-phase commit if single side is not available the data on other side may not be updated, so this method could not be used for high availability. Have serious overhead on DML response time on both sides.


Using change queues and materialized queues snapshot logs to store changes and therefore even if single side is not available during some period of time the remained side may be used. Moreover, after detached side will be available again, data will be synchronized [last statement depends on purge period, the purge period constraint defends active master database via to be filled by not propagated changes.]


The main disadvantage is a possibility of DML conflicts. When conflict happened, then same data has be changed in two (or more) database in the interval between change propagation to other peer databases. There are several application and database specific techniques to conflict resolution. In the next topics we will look at these techniques, but anyway there is no technique that may resolve all kinds of conflicts to 100%. The second disadvantage of ASYNCHRONOUS approach is that replication works via dbms_job and dbms_job facility is well known as error prone and not so simple for administration. For example, after 16 unsuccessful attempts, job becomes broken and then you should restart it manually or via OEM if available and if you have XWindows connection to production site and if etc...

Hands on session
The first thing to know prior to start with advanced replication is that you should have primary key (or at least the alternative) for all tables you would like to replicate. For instance, you have two instances test1 and test2. On both instances you have created user REPTEST00 with default tablespace pool_data and temporary tablespace temp. The following statement describes database names and tnsnames aliases of the involved instances:
TEST1 = Global Database name of the Master Definition Site TEST2 = Global Database name of secondary Master Site test1 = Net alias to the Master Definition Site

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test2 = Net alias to the secondary Master Site

You may check your global database name by running:

select * from global_name

Net alias is an alias from $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora

*Note: Even all oracle documentation that describes advanced replication features, explicitly suggesting that you are using oracle domains However it is not really required. So if you have well designed set of database names, you do not need this feature.

During this session we will avoid to use oracle domains and our Net aliases will be named just test1 and test2 respectively. In order to work with the oracle advanced replication we should add GLOBAL_NAMES = true to our pfile (or spfile). Test1 creates user repadmin in both instances with appropriate permissions
CONNECT CREATE ALTER ALTER GRANT EXECUTE GRANT GRANT system/manager@test1 USER repadmin IDENTIFIED BY repadmin; USER repadmin DEFAULT TABLESPACE POOL_DATA; USER repadmin TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP; connect, resource TO repadmin; dbms_repcat_admin.grant_admin_any_schema('repadmin'); comment any table TO repadmin; lock any table TO repadmin;

EXECUTE dbms_defer_sys.register_propagator('repadmin'); GRANT execute any procedure TO repadmin; CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK TEST2 USING 'test2'; CONNECT repadmin/repadmin@test1 CREATE DATABASE LINK TEST2 CONNECT TO repadmin IDENTIFIED BY repadmin;

CONNECT system/manager@test2 CREATE USER repadmin IDENTIFIED BY repadmin; ALTER USER repadmin DEFAULT TABLESPACE POOL_DATA; ALTER USER repadmin TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP; GRANT EXECUTE GRANT GRANT connect, resource TO repadmin; dbms_repcat_admin.grant_admin_any_schema('repadmin'); comment any table TO repadmin; lock any table TO repadmin;

EXECUTE dbms_defer_sys.register_propagator('repadmin'); GRANT execute any procedure TO repadmin; CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK TEST1 USING 'test1'; CONNECT repadmin/repadmin@test2 CREATE DATABASE LINK TEST1 CONNECT TO repadmin IDENTIFIED BY repadmin;

2006 WisdomForce Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Test1 uses ASYNCHRONOUS replication. It tries pushing changes every 10 second, purge changes that not succeed to be propagated during 3 days
BEGIN dbms_defer_sys.schedule_push( destination => 'test2', interval => '/*10:Sec*/ sysdate + 10 / (3600*24)', next_date => sysdate, stop_on_error => FALSE, delay_seconds => 0, parallelism => 1); END; / BEGIN dbms_defer_sys.schedule_purge( next_date => sysdate, interval => '/*3 : days*/ sysdate + 3', delay_seconds => 0, rollback_segment => ''); END; /

Test2 uses ASYNCHRONOUS replication. It tries pushing changes each 10 second, purge changes that not succeed to be propagated during 3 days
BEGIN dbms_defer_sys.schedule_push( destination => 'test1', interval => '/*10:Sec*/ sysdate + 10 / (3600*24)', next_date => sysdate, stop_on_error => FALSE, delay_seconds => 0, parallelism => 1); END; / BEGIN dbms_defer_sys.schedule_purge( next_date => sysdate, interval => '/*3 : days*/ sysdate + 3', delay_seconds => 0, rollback_segment => ''); END; /

Create master replication group on test1 which is primary master:

CONNECT repadmin/repadmin@test1 BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_MASTER_REPGROUP( gname => '"REPTEST"', qualifier => '', group_comment => ''); END; /

2006 WisdomForce Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Add secondary master and suspend master activity. If this replication needed to be SYNCHRONOUS, then just change propagation_mode from ASYNCHRONOUS to SYNCHRONOUS but be aware that SYNCHRONOUS configuration may not be used for High Availability
BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.ADD_MASTER_DATABASE( gname => '"REPTEST"', master => 'TEST2', use_existing_objects => TRUE, copy_rows => TRUE, propagation_mode => 'ASYNCHRONOUS'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.SUSPEND_MASTER_ACTIVITY( gname => '"REPTEST"'); END; /

Let's assume you have tables XXXX with primary key XXXX_PK YYYY without primary key but with unique constraint YYYY_UX contains two columns YYYY_UX_COL1, YYYY_UX_COL2 and additional index YYYY_IX. Also assume there is a trigger on table XXXX namely XXXX_TRIGGER that will be replicated as well. On test1 which is primary master, create master replication objects:
CONNECT repadmin/repadmin@test1

Now creating master replication object for all tables

BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_MASTER_REPOBJECT( gname => '"REPTEST"', type => 'TABLE', '"XXXX"', sname => '"REPTEST00"', copy_rows => TRUE, use_existing_object => TRUE); END; / BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_MASTER_REPOBJECT( gname => '"REPTEST"', type => 'TABLE', '"YYYY"', sname => '"REPTEST00"', copy_rows => TRUE, use_existing_object => TRUE); END; /

Create master replication object for trigger:

2006 WisdomForce Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_MASTER_REPOBJECT( gname => '"REPTEST"', type => 'TRIGGER', '"XXXX_TRIGGER"', sname => '"REPTEST00"', copy_rows => TRUE, use_existing_object => TRUE); END; /

Create master replication object for all indexes:

BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_MASTER_REPOBJECT( gname => '"REPTEST"', type => 'INDEX', '"YYYY_IX"', sname => '"REPTEST00"', copy_rows => TRUE, use_existing_object => TRUE); END; / BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_MASTER_REPOBJECT( gname => '"REPTEST"', type => 'INDEX', '"YYYY_UX"', sname => '"REPTEST00"', copy_rows => TRUE, use_existing_object => TRUE); END; / BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_MASTER_REPOBJECT( gname => '"REPTEST"', type => 'INDEX', '"XXXX_PK"', sname => '"REPTEST00"', copy_rows => TRUE, use_existing_object => TRUE); END; /

Define alternative key for table that have no primary key:

BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.SET_COLUMNS( sname => '"REPTEST00"', '"YYYY"', column_list => '"YYYY_UX_COL1, YYYY_UX_COL2"'); END; /

Generate replication support for all the tables to be replicated:


2006 WisdomForce Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

DBMS_REPCAT.GENERATE_REPLICATION_SUPPORT( sname => '"REPTEST00"', '"XXXX"', type => 'TABLE', min_communication => TRUE, generate_80_compatible => FALSE); END; / BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.GENERATE_REPLICATION_SUPPORT( sname => '"REPTEST00"', '"YYYY"', type => 'TABLE', min_communication => TRUE, generate_80_compatible => FALSE); END; /

Now wait until all objects from primary master will be copied to secondary master. Afterwards replication can be started by issuing running following statement:

Oracle Advanced replication is not resistant to schema changes sincevery likely that schema change replication will fail with ORA-23474 afterwards. This is one of the worst possible cases. Replication may not continue to work until you drop all non-primary masters and recreate all replication support from the scratch.
23474, 0000, "definition of \"%s\".\"%s\" has changed since generation of replication support" *Cause: The current columns in the specified table and their column types do not match the columns and column types when replication support was last generated. *Action: Regenerate replication support for the affected table. All flavors that include the specified table should be checked for validity. Types for any UDT columns should also be checked for validity.

You can try to resolving ORA-23474 by regenerating replication support for invalidated objects on primary master:

2006 WisdomForce Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Next is regenerate replication support for all affected objects, for instance:
BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.GENERATE_REPLICATION_SUPPORT( sname => '"REPTEST00"', '"YYYY"', type => 'TABLE', min_communication => TRUE, generate_80_compatible => FALSE); END; /

Then you may resume replication by issuing the following statement:


The right way to change schema would be using DBMS_REPCAT.EXECUTE_DDL. Example:

BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.EXECUTE_DDL ( gname => 'REPTEST', master_list => 'test1, test2', DDL_TEXT => 'alter table REPTEST00.XXXX add (add_test number(8,0))'); END; /

If one of the master databases to be removed:

BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.REMOVE_MASTER_DATABASES ( gname => '"REPTEST"', master_list => 'test2'); END; /

If one of master objects to be removed:


2006 WisdomForce Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.



Monitoring and troubleshooting of Oracle advanced replication.

Oracle advanced replication uses tables with names such as def$_xxxx in the schema system. User schema sys holds several useful views on those tables named defxxxx respectively. For example, if one of the alternative keys that you set was not unique, then you may receive ORA-01422 error. All errors received during advanced replication activity and not yet purged can be identified from DEFERROR view. You may use the following script:

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SELECT deferred_tran_id, callno, SUBSTR (destination, 1, 10) destination, TO_CHAR (start_time, 'HH24:MI:SS DD/MM/YYYY') start_time, SUBSTR (error_msg, 1, 45) error_msg FROM deferror;

Example of inappropriate surrogate key usage result:

DEFERRED_TRAN_I CALLNO DESTINATIO START_TIME --------------- ------ ---------- -------------------------------------------------9.3.865 0 TEST1 08:10:09 14/03/2004 exact fetch returns more than requ 2.27.874 0 TEST1 08:10:10 14/03/2004 exact fetch returns more than requ 9.33.864 0 TEST1 08:10:16 14/03/2004 exact fetch returns more than requ 9.39.1073 0 TEST1 22:02:36 18/03/2004 exact fetch returns more than requ 1.15.1107 0 TEST1 22:02:48 18/03/2004 exact fetch returns more than requ 5.36.1089 0 TEST1 22:02:51 18/03/2004 exact fetch returns more than requ 9.30.1074 0 TEST1 22:10:58 18/03/2004 exact fetch returns more than requ ERROR_MSG --------------ORA-01422: ORA-01422: ORA-01422: ORA-01422: ORA-01422: ORA-01422: ORA-01422:

2006 WisdomForce Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.


The other useful view of this kind is DEFTRAN. Via this view you may see the currently queued transaction. Please note, transaction that are not propagated due to the error such as in the previous example will remain in this queue forever or until purged.
select DEFERRED_TRAN_ID, DELIVERY_ORDER, DESTINATION_LIST, START_TIME from DEFTRAN; DEFERRED_TRAN_I DELIVERY_ORDER D START_TIME --------------- -------------- - --------------------9.3.865 4183230 D 14-MAR-04 2.27.874 4183237 D 14-MAR-04 9.33.864 4183406 D 14-MAR-04 9.39.1073 5196085 D 18-MAR-04 1.15.1107 5196094 D 18-MAR-04 5.36.1089 5196100 D 18-MAR-04 9.30.1074 5198042 D 18-MAR-04

2006 WisdomForce Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.


WisdomForce DatabaseSync
WisdomForce Database Sync System is a High performance real-time change data capture, database replication and data warehouse feed from very large databases. DatabaseSync is a transactional data movement solution, which is designed to meet the needs of enterprise-wide, mission-critical systems. DatabaseSync allows users to share information across different systems in heterogeneous environment by replicating data between different hardware platforms and data sources without losing the transactional integrity of the data. DatabaseSync provides continuous and selective capture of immediately changed transactional data in heterogeneous database, operating system and hardware environment. It eliminates the batch window and delivers and loads the real-time information into operational data store or data warehouse. DatabaseSync enables distributing, migrating and synchronizing data in heterogeneous distributed enterprise environment in a non-intrusive way transparent to RDBMS systems and business applications. It has very low system overhead and can handle the transaction volumes required without compromising the performance of the source database. Database Sync is scalable and user-friendly software that in combination with WisdomForce FastReader provides with full data movement solution that enables high data quality and immediate access to most recent business data. For more information about WisdomForce DatabaseSync please see or download DatabaseSync datasheet

You have read the first article in series about Oracle master-to-master advanced replication, with hands on usage example. Later on we will add more topics about replication. These series will give you pretty complete picture of replication solutions available today on the market. You will be able to identify all pros and cons of modern log based replication solutions compared to conservative "trigger / per table change log" replication solutions. Please stay tuned.

2006 WisdomForce Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.


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