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Hadoop Admin 171103e Exercise Manual

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The document outlines hands-on exercises for configuring and managing a Hadoop cluster using Cloudera Manager and CDH. It covers topics such as installing Cloudera Manager, creating and configuring a Hadoop cluster, working with HDFS and YARN, data ingestion with Flume and Sqoop, querying data with Hive and Impala, user access management with Hue, high availability, scheduling, and troubleshooting.

The main hands-on exercises covered include: installing Cloudera Manager and CDH, creating and managing a Hadoop cluster, working with HDFS, running YARN applications, exploring Hadoop configurations and logs, ingesting data with Flume and Sqoop, querying data with Hive and Impala, managing user access with Hue, configuring HDFS high availability, using the fair scheduler, breaking and verifying self-healing of the cluster, taking HDFS snapshots, configuring email alerts, and a troubleshooting challenge.

The script automates the restart of services on the cluster machines in the correct order to restore the cluster to a healthy state after the machines have been stopped and restarted.


Cloudera Administrator Training for

Apache Hadoop: Hands-On Exercises

Table of Contents
General Notes ............................................................................................................. 1
Hands-On Exercise: Configuring Networking ......................................................... 5
Hands-On Exercise: Installing Cloudera Manager Server ...................................... 9
Hands-on Exercise: Creating a Hadoop Cluster .................................................... 15
Hands-On Exercise: Working with HDFS .............................................................. 27
Hands-On Exercise: Running YARN Applications ................................................. 32
Hands-On Exercise: Explore Hadoop Configurations and Daemon Logs ............ 41
Hands-On Exercise: Using Flume to Put Data into HDFS ..................................... 46
Hands-On Exercise: Importing Data with Sqoop .................................................. 53
Hands-On Exercise: Querying HDFS with Hive and Impala ................................. 57
Hands-On Exercise: Using Hue to Control Hadoop User Access .......................... 66
Hands-On Exercise: Configuring HDFS High Availability ..................................... 76
Hands-On Exercise: Using the Fair Scheduler ....................................................... 83
Hands-On Exercise: Breaking the Cluster ............................................................. 88
Hands-On Exercise: Verifying the Cluster’s Self-Healing Features ...................... 90
Hands-On Exercise: Taking HDFS Snapshots ........................................................ 93
Hands-On Exercise: Configuring Email Alerts ...................................................... 95
Troubleshooting Challenge: Heap O’ Trouble ....................................................... 97
Appendix: Continuing Exercises After Class ....................................................... 100

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General Notes

Exercise Environment Overview

In this course, you will install Cloudera Manager and CDH on five virtual machines
(VMs) running in the cloud. These are referred to as the “cluster VMs” or “cluster
In addition, you will have another machine, called ConnectToCluster, which is cloud-
hosted with the desktop accessible via web browser.
The ConnectToCluster machine provides a desktop interface, as well as scripts to make
SSH connections to the cluster machines, and a SOCKS proxy to access the web UIs.
The diagram below shows the setup for this course.

• All the machines use the CentOS 6.6 Linux distribution.

• Use the training user account to do your work on any of the machines. You should
not need to enter passwords for the training user.

• Should you need superuser access, you can use sudo as the training user without
entering a password. The training user has unlimited, passwordless sudo

• The cluster machines have been configured so that you can make SSH connections to
them from the ConnectToCluster machine without entering a password.

• The hostnames of the five cluster machines are elephant, tiger, horse, monkey,
and lion.

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Points to Note During the Exercises

The main directory for the exercises is ~/training_materials/admin/.
Data files used in the exercises are in ~/training_materials/admin/data.

Fewer Step-by-Step Instructions as You Work Through These Exercises

As the exercises progress, and you gain more familiarity with the tools and
environment, we may provide fewer step-by-step instructions; as in the real world, we
merely give you a requirement and it’s up to you to solve the problem! You should feel
free to refer to the hints or solutions provided, ask your instructor for assistance, or
consult with your fellow students.

Bonus Exercises
There are additional challenges for some of the exercises. If you finish the main
exercise, please attempt the additional steps.

Notational Convention
In some command-line steps in the exercises, you will see lines like this:

$ hdfs dfs -put shakespeare \


The backslash at the end of the first line signifies that the command is not completed,
and continues on the next line. You can enter the code exactly as shown (on two lines),
or you can enter it on a single line. If you do the latter, you should not type in the

Copying and Pasting from the Hands-On Exercise Manual

If you wish, you can usually copy commands and strings from this Hands-On Exercise
Manual and paste them into your terminal sessions. However, please note important
If you copy and paste table entries that exceed a single line, a space may be inserted at the
end of each line.
Dash (-) characters are especially problematic and do not always copy correctly. Be sure
to delete any pasted dash characters and key them in manually after pasting in text that
contains them.
Please use caution when copying and pasting when performing the exercises.

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TIP: If you are using a Mac and you want to copy and paste text from a document
on your laptop to a terminal window in the desktop through the Browser, try this

• command+C to copy the text (from the document on your laptop)

• Click in the terminal window in the GNOME desktop in the browser

• command+V, then command+V again

• Finally, shift+control+V to paste what was copied.

Catch Up Scripts—Resetting Your Cluster

You can use the script to change the state of your cluster so that
you can start with a fresh, correct environment for performing any exercise. Use the
script in situations such as the following:

• While attempting one of the exercises, you misconfigure your machines so badly that
attempting to do the next exercise is no longer possible.

• You have successfully completed several exercises, but then you receive an
emergency call from work and you must miss some time in class. When you return,
you realize that you have missed two or three exercises. But you want to do the
same exercise everyone else is doing so that you can benefit from the post-exercise

The script is destructive: any work that you have done is overwritten when the script
runs. If you want to save files before running the script, you can copy the files you want
to save to a subdirectory under /home/training.
Before you attempt to run the script, verify that networking among the five hosts in
your cluster is working. If networking has not been configured correctly, you can rerun
the script to reset the networking configuration prior to
running the script.
Run the script on elephant only. You do not need to change to a directory to run the
script; it is in your shell’s executable PATH.
The script starts by prompting you to enter the number of an exercise. Specify the
exercise you want to perform after the script has run. Then confirm that you want to
reset the cluster (thus overwriting any work you have done).
The script will further prompt you to specify if you want to run only the steps that
simulate the previous exercise, or if you want to completely uninstall and reinstall the
cluster and then catch up to the specified exercise. Note that choosing to only complete

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the previous exercise does not offer as strong an assurance of properly configuring your
cluster as a full reset would do. It is however a more expedient option.
After you have responded to the initial prompts, the script begins by cleaning up your
cluster—terminating Hadoop processes, removing Hadoop software, deleting Hadoop-
related files, and reverting other changes you might have made to the hosts in your
cluster. Once you have answered the initial questions, you do not need to answer any
more questions that you may see in the terminal (the scripts answers those questions
itself). Please note that as this system cleanup phase is running, you will see errors such
as “unrecognized service” and “No packages marked for removal.” These errors are
expected. They occur because the script attempts to remove anything pertinent that
might be on your cluster. The number of error messages that appear during this phase
of script execution depends on the state the cluster is in when you start the script.
Next, the script simulates steps for each exercise up to the one you want to perform.
Script completion time varies from five minutes to almost an hour depending on how
many exercise steps need to be simulated by the script.

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Hands-On Exercise: Configuring Networking

In this exercise, you will build a cluster in an online environment, on which you
will do the remaining exercises.
You will verify that networking has been configured correctly and add the cluster
machines as known hosts for SSH connections. Finally, you will run a script that starts a
SOCKS5 proxy server on the ConnectToCluster machine.

Exercise Instructions
1. Connect to the ConnectToCluster machine.

• Open a browser (such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or

Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or more recent), and go to the “Access URL”
provided by your instructor.

• If any of the six machines (ConnectToCluster, elephant, tiger, horse,

monkey, and lion) are not already in a Running state, click the play icon at the
top of the screen to start them.

• Click on the desktop thumbnail of the ConnectToCluster machine to connect

to the GNOME desktop.

2. Log in to the elephant machine as the training user.

• On the ConnectToCluster machine, open a terminal window and run the

following command:


• When prompted to confirm that you want to continue connecting, type yes and
then press the Enter key.

• You should now see a training@elephant:~$ prompt.

3. Start SSH sessions to connect to the other four cluster machines, logging in as the
training user.

• Open four more terminal windows (or tabs) on your ConnectToCluster

machine, so that a total of five terminal windows are open.

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• In one of the new terminal windows, connect to the tiger machine.


• When the script prompts you to confirm that you want to continue connecting,
type yes and then press the Enter key. (You will also need to do this when you
connect to horse, monkey, and lion.)

• In another terminal window, connect to the horse machine.


• In another terminal window, connect to the monkey machine.


• In the remaining terminal window, connect to the lion machine.


4. Verify that you can communicate with all the hosts in your cluster from elephant
by using the hostnames.
On elephant:

$ ping elephant
$ ping tiger
$ ping horse
$ ping monkey
$ ping lion

5. Verify that passwordless SSH works by running the ip addr command on tiger,
horse, monkey, and lion from a session on elephant.
On elephant:

$ ssh training@tiger ip addr

$ ssh training@horse ip addr
$ ssh training@monkey ip addr
$ ssh training@lion ip addr

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The ip addr command shows you IP addresses and properties.

Note: Your environment is set up to allow you to use

passwordless SSH to submit commands from a session on
elephant to the root and training users on tiger, horse,
monkey, and lion and to allow you to use the scp command to
copy files from elephant to the other four hosts. Passwordless
SSH and scp are not required to deploy a Hadoop cluster.
We make these tools available in the classroom environment as a

6. Start a SOCKS5 proxy server on the ConnectToCluster machine. The browser

on this machine will use the proxy to communicate with your cluster machines.
Open a new terminal window on the ConnectToCluster machine—not a tab in
an existing window—and enter the following command:


When the script prompts you to confirm that you want to continue connecting,
enter yes and then press the Enter key.

7. Title the proxy terminal window.

Choose Terminal> Set Title. Name it “proxy” and click OK.

8. Minimize the terminal window in which you started the SOCKS5 proxy server.
Important: Do not close this terminal window or exit the SSH session running
in it while you are working on exercises. If you accidentally terminate the
proxy server, restart it by opening a new terminal window and rerunning the script.
If when attempting to start the proxy again, you see an error indicating that, "one or
more SOCKS5 proxies are already running," note the Process ID(s) returned in the
error message, and issue the following command to kill the stale process:

$ sudo kill -9 pid

where pid is the actual process id. Then execute the start script again.


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This time it should succeed.

Optional: Download and View the Exercise Manual on Your Remote

In order to be able to copy and paste more easily from the Exercise Manual (the
document you are currently viewing) to your remote desktop in the browser, you may
want to view the document on your ConnectToCluster remote machine rather than
on your local machine.

9. Download the Exercise Manual

a. On your ConnectToCluster remote desktop, start the Firefox browser using

the shortcut icon in the menu bar.

b. Browse to

c. Log in to your Cloudera University account by clicking Returning Student

Login. Then from the Dashboard, find this course under Current.

d. Select the course title, then click to download the Exercise Manual under
Materials. This will save the Exercise Manual PDF file in the Downloads folder
in the training user’s home directory.

10. View the Exercise Manual on Your Remote Host

a. Open a terminal window using the shortcut on the ConnectToCluster

remote desktop, and then start the Evince PDF viewer:

$ evince &

b. In Evince, select menu item File > Open and browse to and open the exercise
manual PDF file in the Downloads directory.

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Hands-On Exercise: Installing Cloudera Manager

For this installation, you will use Installation Path B to install Cloudera Manager Server
on the lion machine. Before installing Cloudera Manager, you will configure an
external database (MySQL) to be used by Cloudera Manager and CDH, which you will
install in the next exercise.
IMPORTANT: Complete all steps in this exercise on lion.

Verify Existing Environment

1. Verify the Oracle JDK is installed and that JAVA_HOME is defined and referenced in
the system PATH.
Tip: Open a terminal window on the ConnectToCluster desktop and run
the script to SSH to the lion machine. The rest of
the instructions in the exercise should then be run from this terminal session
(connected to lion)
On lion:

$ java -version
$ echo $JAVA_HOME
$ env | grep PATH

2. Verify Python is installed. It is a requirement for Hue, which you will install later in
the course.
On lion:

$ sudo rpm -qa | grep python-2.6

3. Verify Oracle MySQL Server is installed and running on lion.

On lion:

$ chkconfig | grep mysqld

$ sudo service mysqld status

Note that in a true production deployment you would also modify the
/etc/my.cnf MySQL configurations and move the InnoDB log files to a backup

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4. Verify the MySQL JDBC Connector is installed. Sqoop (a part of CDH that you will
install in this course) does not ship with a JDBC connector, but does require one.
On lion:

$ ls -l /usr/share/java

Configure the External Database

In keeping with the approach to installation that is appropriate for a production cluster
environment, you will use an external database rather than the embedded PostgreSQL
database option.

5. Create the required databases in MySQL.

On lion, view the contents of the
~/training_materials/admin/scripts/mysql-setup.sql file (for
example, using cat or vi) and observe the script details. This script creates
databases for Cloudera Manager, the Hive Metastore, the Oozie service, the Hue
service, the Activity Monitor, and the Reports Manager.
Note that if you were going to add the Sentry Server CDH service or install Cloudera
Navigator, additional databases would also need to be created.
On lion:

$ mysql -u root < \

$ mysql -u root

Now, at the mysql> prompt on lion, issue the following commands:

show databases;

The show databases command should show that the six databases (amon,
cmserver, hue, metastore, oozie, and rman) were created.
Note: In a true production deployment, you would also regularly backup your

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6. Make your MySQL installation secure and set the root user password.
On lion:

$ sudo /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation
Enter current password for root (enter for none)
OK, successfully used password, moving on..
Set root password? [Y/n] Y
New password: training
Re-enter new password: training
Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] Y
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] Y
Remove test database and access to it [Y/n] Y
Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] Y
All done!

7. Verify the Cloudera Manager local software repository.

Your instances contain a local yum repository of Cloudera Manager 5 software to
save download time in this course.
CentOS (and Red Hat) store software repository references in
/etc/yum.repos.d. Issue the command below to view the settings.
On lion:

$ cat /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudera-cm5.repo

View the software packages in a subfolder of the referenced directory.

On lion:

$ ls ~/software/cloudera-cm5/RPMS/x86_64

Note that these two locations exist on each of the five machines in your
environment and have also been made available on HTTP ports 8050 and 8000
respectively via a Linux service. This setup is specific to the course environment
and is not required for Cloudera Manager or CDH installations, however it is
common to configure a similar setup in secure environments where Cloudera
Manager does not have internet access.

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If you wanted to install from the online repository, you would create a reference to
the Cloudera repository in your /etc/yum.repos.d directory.

Install Cloudera Manager Server

8. Install Cloudera Manager Server.
On lion:

$ sudo yum install -y cloudera-manager-daemons \


Note: The -y option provides an answer of yes in response to an expected

confirmation prompt.

9. Set the Cloudera Manager Server service to not start on boot.

On lion:

$ sudo chkconfig cloudera-scm-server off

10. Run the script to prepare the Cloudera Manager database.

On lion:

$ sudo /usr/share/cmf/schema/ \
mysql cmserver cmserveruser password

After running the command above you should see the message, “All done, your SCM
database is configured correctly!”

11. Verify the local software repositories.

Run the following two commands to verify the URLs are working.
On lion:

$ curl lion:8000
$ curl lion:8050/RPMS/x86_64/

Each command should show hyperlinks (<a href ="…"> code) to software
repositories. If either command did not successfully contact the web server, discuss
with the instructor before continuing.

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12. Start the Cloudera Manager Server.

On lion:

$ sudo service cloudera-scm-server start

13. Review the processes started by the Cloudera Manager Server.

On lion:

$ top

Cloudera Manager Server runs as a java process that you can view by using the
top Linux utility. Notice the CPU usage is in the 90th percentile or above for a few
seconds while the server starts. Once the CPU usage drops, the Cloudera Manager
browser interface will become available.
On lion:

$ ps wax | grep cloudera-scm-server

The results of the ps command above show that Cloudera Manager Server is using
the JDBC MySQL connector to connect to MySQL. It also shows logging configuration
and other details.

14. Review the Cloudera Manager Server log file.

The path to the log file is /var/log/cloudera-scm-server/cloudera-
scm-server.log. Note that you must use sudo to access Cloudera Manager logs
because of restricted permissions on the Cloudera Manager log file directories.
On lion:

$ sudo less /var/log/cloudera-scm-server/cloudera-scm-\


Note: You will login to Cloudera Manager in the next exercise.

This is the end of the exercise.

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Hands-on Exercise: Creating a Hadoop Cluster

In this task, you will log in to the Cloudera Manager Admin Console and use the
Cloudera Manager services wizard to create a Hadoop cluster. The wizard will
prompt you to identify the machines to be managed by Cloudera Manager. It will
then install the Cloudera Manager Agent on each machine. At that point, your
environment will be ready for the CDH software to be installed.

You will then be prompted to choose which CDH services you want to add in the cluster
and to which machines you would like to add each service.
At the end of this exercise, you will have Hadoop daemons deployed across your cluster
as depicted here (daemons added in this exercise shown in blue).

In subsequent Exercises, you will add more Hadoop services to your cluster.
Because you have only five hosts to work with, you must run multiple Hadoop daemons
on all the hosts except lion, which will be used for Cloudera Manager services
only. For example, the NameNode, a DataNode and a NodeManager will all run on
elephant. Having a very limited number of hosts is not unusual when deploying

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Hadoop for a proof-of-concept project. Please follow the best practices in the “Planning
Your Hadoop Cluster” chapter when sizing and deploying your production clusters.
After completing the installation steps, you will review a Cloudera Manager Agent log
file and review processes running on a machine in the cluster. Finally, there is a section
at the end of this exercise that provides a brief tour of the Cloudera Manager Admin UI.
IMPORTANT: This exercise builds on the previous one. If you were unable to
complete the previous exercise or think you may have made a mistake, run the
following command and follow the prompts to prepare for this exercise before
You must run the command on elephant. (NOTE: this script will take several
minutes to run and an increasingly longer amount of time the further you are into the

$ ~/training_materials/admin/scripts/

Login to Cloudera Manager Admin UI

1. Verify the SOCKS5 proxy server you started earlier with the script is still running. The proxy server should be
running in a separate terminal window on the ConnectToCluster VM.

2. Load the Cloudera Manager Admin Console in browser on the

ConnectToCluster VM. The URL is http://lion:7180.
If an “Unable to Connect” message appears, the Cloudera Manager server has not
yet fully started. Wait several moments, and then attempt to connect again.

3. Log in with the username admin. The password is admin.

The “Welcome to Cloudera Manager” page appears with “End User License Terms
and Conditions.”
Add a checkmark in the box next to “Yes, I accept the End User License Terms and
Conditions” at the bottom of the page, and click Continue.

4. A “Which edition to you want to deploy?” with a green box highlighting a product
edition column should appear.
Select the “Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub Edition Trial.”
Click Continue.

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5. The “Thank you for choosing Cloudera Manager and CDH” page appears.
Click Continue.

Install Cloudera Manager Agents

6. The “Specify hosts for your CDH cluster installation” page appears.
Type in the names of all five machines: elephant tiger horse monkey
Click Search. All five machines should be found. Ensure they are all selected.

Click Continue.

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7. The “Cluster Installation – Select Repository” page appears.

In this screen, you will identify the location of the CDH parcel as well as the location
of the Cloudera Manager Agent software installer.

In the “Choose Method” section of the page, where “Use Parcels (Recommended)” is
selected, click the More Options button.

In the “Remote Parcel Repository URLs” area, click on each of the minus ( - ) icons
to remove all the current repository references.
Once the existing entries are all removed, click on the plus ( + ) icon to add a new
Remote Parcel Repository URL.

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In the blank field that appears, type in http://lion:8000

Click Save Changes to return to the Select Repository page.

The ‘Select Repository’ page should now show that a single version of CDH-5.x.x-
x.cdh5.x.x.px.x (where each x is a number) is available. Select this version of
Next, in the “Select the specific release of the Cloudera Manager Agent you want to
install on your hosts” area choose Custom Repository.

• In the blank field that appears, type in http://lion:8050

IMPORTANT: carefully verify that the details in your browser match the settings
shown in the screenshot above before proceeding. If an incorrect repository is
chosen, it can take several minutes to reset your environment correctly.
Click Continue.

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8. The “Cluster Installation – JDK Installation Options” page appears.

A supported version of the Oracle JDK is already installed.
Verify the box is unchecked so that the installation of JDK will be skipped.
Click Continue.

9. The “Cluster Installation – Enable Single User Mode” page appears.

Keep the default setting (Single User Mode not enabled).
Click Continue.

10. The “Cluster Installation – Provide SSH login credentials” page appears.
Keep “Login To All Hosts As” set to root.
For “Authentication Method: choose “All hosts accept same private key”
Click the Browse button. In the “Places” column choose training. Then, in the
“Name” area, right-click (or on a Mac Ctrl-click or two finger-tap on the trackpad),
and select Show Hidden Files. Finally, click into the .ssh directory, select the
id_rsa file and click Open.
Leave the passphrase fields blank fields and click Continue.
When prompted to continue with no passphrase click OK.

11. The “Cluster Installation – Installation in progress” page appears.

Cloudera Manager installs the Cloudera Manager Agent on each machine.

Once the Cloudera Manager Agent installations successfully complete on all

machines, click Continue.

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Install Hadoop Cluster

12. The “Cluster Installation – Installing Selected Parcels” page appears.
The CDH parcel is downloaded, distributed, and activated on all hosts in the cluster.
The “distributing” action may take a few minutes since this involves copying the
large CDH parcel file from the lion machine to all the other machines in the cluster.
When it completes, click Continue.

13. The “Cluster Installation – Inspect hosts for correctness” page appears.
After a moment, output from the Host Inspector appears.
Click Finish.

14. The “Cluster Setup—Choose the CDH 5 services that you want to install on your
cluster” page appears.
Click Custom Services.
A table appears with a list of CDH service types.

15. Select the HDFS and YARN (MR2 Included) service types.
You will add additional services in later exercises.
Click Continue.

16. The “Cluster Setup—Customize Role Assignments” page appears.

Assign the following roles.
  Role Node(s)
  NameNode elephant
  SecondaryNameNode tiger
  Balancer horse
  HttpFS Do not specify any hosts
  NFS Gateway Do not specify any hosts
  DataNode elephant, horse, monkey, tiger,
but not lion; the order in which the
hosts are specified is not significant
Cloudera Management Service
  Service Monitor lion
  Activity Monitor lion

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  Role Node(s)
  Host Monitor lion
  Reports Manager lion
  Event Server lion
  Alert Publisher lion
YARN (MR2 Included)
  ResourceManager horse
  JobHistoryServer monkey
  NodeManager Same as DataNode (elephant, tiger,
horse, monkey, but not lion)
To assign a role, click the fields with one or more hostnames in them. For example,
the field under SecondaryNameNode might initially have the value elephant. To
change the role assignment for the SecondaryNameNode to tiger, click the field
under SecondaryNameNode. A list of hosts appears. Select tiger, and then click
OK. The field under SecondaryNameNode now has the value tiger in it.
When you have finished assigning roles, compare your role assignments to the role
assignments in the screen shot below.
Verify that your role assignments are correct.

When you are certain that you have the correct role assignments, click Continue.

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17. The “Cluster Setup – Database Setup” page appears.

Fill in the details as show here.
Database Database Database Username Password
Hostname Type Name
lion MySQL amon amonuser password
lion MySQL rman rmanuser password
Click Test Connection to verify that Cloudera Manager can connect to the MySQL
databases you created in an earlier Exercise in this course.
After you have verified that all connections are successful, click Continue.

18. The “Cluster Setup – Review Changes” page appears.

Specify the following values (change lib to log):

• Host Monitor Storage Directory: /var/log/cloudera-host-monitor

• Service Monitor Storage Directory: /var/log/cloudera-service-


Click Continue.

19. The “Cluster Setup- First Run Command” page appears.

Progress messages appear while cluster services are being created and starting.
The following is a summary of what Cloudera Manager’s Cluster Setup wizard does
for you:
• Formats the HDFS NameNode
• Starts the HDFS service
• Creates a /tmp directory in HDFS
• Creates a MR2 Job History directory in HDFS
• Creates a YARN NodeManager remote application log directory in HDFS
• Starts the YARN service

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• Starts the Cloudera Manager Service service

• Deploys all client configurations
When all the cluster services have started, click Continue.

20. The “Cluster Setup – Congratulations!” page appears.

The page indicates that services have been added and are now configured and
running. Click Finish.
The Cloudera Manager Home page appears. Cluster installation is now complete.

21. A note regarding the configuration warnings.

The configuration warnings—highlighted in red in the screen shot below—are
expected, and indicate that although the services are in good health, they are
operating in low memory conditions. In a production deployment, you would want
to ensure these warnings were addressed. However, in our training environment
these warnings can be safely ignored.

Examine Running Processes on a Cluster Node

22. Review operating system services on a host in the cluster.
On elephant:

$ chkconfig | grep cloudera

$ sudo service cloudera-scm-agent status

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You have already added YARN (Including MR2) and HDFS services, yet the only
service registered with init scripts at the operating system level is the cloudera-
scm-agent service.
With Cloudera Manager managed clusters, the cloudera-manager-agent
service on each cluster node manages starting and stopping the deployed Hadoop

23. Review the running Java processes on a host in the cluster.

On elephant:

$ sudo jps

The Hadoop daemons run as Java processes. You should see the NodeManager,
NameNode, and DataNode processes running.
Examine the details of one of the running CDH daemons.

$ sudo ps -ef | grep NAMENODE

You will see details about the process.

If you grep for DATANODE or NODEMANAGER you will see details on those
processes. Grep for “cloudera” to see all CDH and Cloudera Manager processes
currently running on the machine.

Testing Your Hadoop Installation

We will now test the Hadoop installation by uploading some data. The hdfs dfs
command you use in this step will be explored in greater detail in the next exercise.

24. Upload some data to the cluster.

The commands below have you unzip a file on the local drive and then upload it to
HDFS’ /tmp directory.
On elephant:

$ cd ~/training_materials/admin/data
$ gunzip shakespeare.txt.gz
$ hdfs dfs -put shakespeare.txt /tmp

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25. Verify that the file is now in HDFS.

In Cloudera Manager choose Clusters > HDFS. Then click on File Browser.
Browse into tmp and confirm that shakespeare.txt appears.

A Brief Tour of Cloudera Manager

Now that you have the Cloudera Manager managed cluster running, let’s briefly explore
a few areas in the Admin console.
On the Home page, you will see the cluster named Cluster 1 that you created.

26. Click on the drop-down menu to the right of Cluster 1 to see many of the actions
you can perform on the cluster, such as Add Service, Stop, and Restart.

27. Choose Hosts > All Hosts to view the current status of each managed host in the
cluster. Clicking on the > icon in the Roles column for a host will reveal which roles
are deployed on that host.

In the exercises that follow, you will discover many other areas of Cloudera
Manager that will prove useful for administering your Hadoop cluster(s).

This is the end of the exercise.

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Hands-On Exercise: Working with HDFS

In this hands-on exercise you will copy a large Web server log file into HDFS and
explore the results in the Hadoop NameNode Web UI and the Linux file system.
IMPORTANT: This exercise builds on the previous one. If you were unable to complete
the previous exercise or think you may have made a mistake, run the following
command and follow the prompts to prepare for this exercise before continuing:

$ ~/training_materials/admin/scripts/

Perform all Command Line steps in this exercise on elephant.

Confirm HDFS Processes and Settings

1. Confirm that all HDFS processes are running.
From the Cloudera Manager Home page click on HDFS and then click into the
Instances page.
Notice that the three daemons that support HDFS—the NameNode,
SecondaryNameNode, and DataNode daemons—are running. In fact, there are
DataNodes running on four hosts.

2. Determine the current HDFS replication factor.

From the Cloudera Manager Home page click into the Search box and type
Choose HDFS: Replication Factor which should be one of the search results.
You are taken to the HDFS Configuration page where you will find the
dfs.replication setting that has the default value of 3.

3. Similarly, use the search box in the HDFS configuration page, and search for “block
size” to discover the HDFS Block Size setting which defaults to 128MB.

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Add Directories and Files to HDFS

4. As the hdfs user, create a home directory for the training user on HDFS and give the
training user ownership of it.
On elephant:

$ sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/training/

$ sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chown training /user/training

5. Create an HDFS directory called /user/training/weblog, in which you will

store the access log.
On elephant:

$ hdfs dfs -mkdir weblog

6. Extract the access_log.gz file and upload it to HDFS.

On elephant:

$ cd ~/training_materials/admin/data
$ gunzip access_log.gz
$ hdfs dfs -put access_log weblog

The put command uploaded the file to HDFS. Since the file size is 504MB, HDFS will
have split it into multiple blocks. Let’s explore how the file was stored.

7. Run the hdfs dfs -ls command to review the file’s permissions in HDFS.
On elephant:

$ hdfs dfs -ls /user/training/weblog

Analyze File Storage in HDFS and On Disk

8. Locate information about the access_log file in the NameNode Web UI.

a. From the Cloudera Manager Clusters menu, choose HDFS for your cluster.

b. Click on the NameNode Web UI link. This will open the NameNode Web UI at

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c. Choose Utilities > Browse the file system then navigate into the
/user/training/weblog directory.

d. Notice that the permissions shown for the access_log file are identical to the
permissions you observed when you ran the hdfs dfs -ls command.

e. Now select the access_log file in the NameNode Web UI file browser to bring
up the “File information – access_log” window.
Notice that the Block Information drop-down list has four entries, Block 0,
Block 1, Block 2, and Block 3. This makes sense because as you discovered, the
HDFS Block Size on your cluster is 128 MB. The extracted access_log file is
559 MB.
Blocks 0, 1, and 2 all show a size of 134217728 (or 128MB) in accordance with
the size specified in the HDFS block size setting you observed earlier in this
exercise. Block 3 is smaller than the others as you can observe in the “Size”
details if you choose it.
Notice also that each block is available on three different hosts in the cluster.
This is what you would expect since three is the current (and default)
replication factor in HDFS. Also, notice that each block may be replicated to
different data nodes than the other blocks that make up the file.

f. Choose Block 0 and write down the value that appears in the Size field. If Block
0 is not replicated on elephant, then chose another block that is replicated on
You will need this value when you examine the Linux file that contains this

g. Select the value of the “Block ID” field and copy it (Edit menu > Copy). You will
need this value for the next step in this exercise.

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9. Locate the HDFS block on the elephant Linux file system.

a. In Cloudera Manager’s HDFS Configuration page, conduct a search for “Data

Directory”. You will see that the Data Node Data Directory is /dfs/dn.

b. Let’s find the blocks stored in that directory.

On elephant:

$ sudo find /dfs/dn -name '*BLKID*' -ls

where BLKID is the actual Block ID you copied from the NameNode Web UI. Be
sure to keep the * characters in each side of the BLKID in your find command.

c. Verify that two files with the Block ID you copied appear in the find command
output—one file with an extension, .meta, and another file without this
extension. The .meta file is a metadata file and contains checksums for
sections of the block.

d. Verify in the results of the find command output that the size of the file
containing the HDFS block is exactly the size that was reported in the
NameNode Web UI.

10. Start any Linux editor with sudo; open the file containing the HDFS block. Verify
that the first few lines of the file match the first chunk of the access_log file
Note: You must start your editor with sudo because you are logged in to Linux as
the training user, and this user does not have privileges to access the Linux file
that contains the HDFS block.

$ sudo head /dfs/dn/path/to/block

Note: Replace /path/to/block in the command above with the actual path to
the block as shown in the results of the find command you ran in the previous step.
You can review the access_log file content on HDFS as follows:

$ hdfs dfs -cat weblog/access_log | head -

The results returned by the last two commands should match exactly.

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This is the end of the exercise.

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Hands-On Exercise: Running YARN Applications

In this exercise, you will run two YARN applications on your cluster. The first
application is a MapReduce job. The second is an Apache Spark application. You
will add the Spark service on your cluster before running the Spark application.
After completing this exercise, your cluster will have the following components
installed (items installed in this exercise highlighted in blue):

IMPORTANT: This exercise builds on the previous one. If you were unable to complete
the previous exercise or think you may have made a mistake, run the following
command and follow the prompts to prepare for this exercise before continuing:

$ ~/training_materials/admin/scripts/

Perform all steps in this exercise on elephant.

Submitting a MapReduce Application to Your Cluster

We will now test the Hadoop installation by running a sample Hadoop application that
ships with the Hadoop source code. This is WordCount, a classic MapReduce program.
We’ll run the WordCount program against the Shakespeare data added to HDFS in a
previous exercise.

1. Since the code for the application we want to execute is in a Java Archive (JAR)
file, we’ll use the hadoop jar command to submit it to the cluster. Like many
MapReduce programs, WordCount accepts two additional arguments: the HDFS

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directory path containing input and the HDFS directory path into which output
should be placed. Therefore, we can run the WordCount program with the following
On elephant:

$ hadoop jar /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hadoop-\

mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar wordcount \
/tmp/shakespeare.txt counts

Verifying MapReduce Job Output

2. Once the program has completed you can inspect the output by listing the contents
of the output (counts) directory.
On elephant:

$ hdfs dfs -ls counts

3. This directory should show all the data output for the job. Job output will include
a _SUCCESS flag and one file created by each Reducer that ran. You can view the
output by using the hdfs dfs -cat command.
On elephant:

$ hdfs dfs -cat counts/part-r-00000

Review the MapReduce Application Details and Logs

In this task, you will start by looking at details in the YARN Applications area of
Cloudera Manager. The Application Details link in Cloudera Manager will then take you
to the HistoryServer Web UI at http://monkey:19888.
As you go through the steps below, see if you can reconstruct what occurred where
when you ran the MapReduce job, by creating a chart like the one below.
Application Master  
Map Task(s)  
Reduce Task(s)  

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4. Locate your MapReduce application in Cloudera Manager.

In Cloudera Manager, choose Clusters > YARN Applications.
In the Results tab that displays, find the MapReduce application that just ran.
Note: There will be an entry for each completed MapReduce job that you have
run on your cluster within the timeframe of your search. The default search is for
applications run within the last 30 minutes.

5. Access the HistoryServer Web UI to discover where the Application Master ran.
From the drop-down menu for the “word count” application, choose Application

This action will open a page in the HistoryServer Web UI with details about the job.

6. Locate where the ApplicationMaster ran and view the log.

Notice the ApplicationMaster section shows which cluster node ran the MapReduce
Application Master. Click the “logs” link to view the ApplicationMaster log. Click the
browser’s back button when done viewing the log.
Notice also the number of map and reduce tasks that ran to complete the word
count job. The number of reducers run by the job should correspond to the number
of part-r-##### files you saw when you ran the hdfs dfs -ls command
earlier. There are no part-m-##### files because the job ran at least one reducer.

7. Locate where the mapper task ran and view the log.
From the HistoryServer Web UI’s Job menu choose Map tasks.
From the Map Tasks table, click on the link in the Name column for the task.
The Attempts table displays. Notice the “Node” column shows you where the map
task attempt ran.
Click the logs link and review the contents of the mapper task log. When done, click
the browser back button to return to the previous page.

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8. Locate where the reduce tasks ran and view the logs.
From the HistoryServer Web UI’s Job menu choose Reduce tasks.
From the Reduce Tasks table, click on the link in the Name column for one of the
The Attempts table displays. Notice the “Node” column shows you where this
reducer task ran.
Click the logs link and review the contents of the log. Observe the amount of output
in the Reducer task log. When done, click the browser back button to return to the
previous page.

9. Determine the log level for Reducer tasks for the word count job.
Expand the Job menu and choose Configuration.
Twenty entries from the job configuration that were in effect when the word
count job ran appear.
In the Search field, enter log.level.
Locate the mapreduce.reduce.log.level property. Its value should be INFO.
Note: INFO is default value for the “JobHistory Server Logging Threshold” which can
be found in the Cloudera Manager YARN Configuration page for your cluster.

Run the MapReduce Application with a Custom Log Level Setting

10. Remove the counts directory from HDFS and rerun the WordCount program, this
time passing it a log level argument.
On elephant:

$ hdfs dfs -rm -r counts

$ hadoop jar /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hadoop-\
mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar wordcount \
-D mapreduce.reduce.log.level=DEBUG \
/tmp/shakespeare.txt counts

Note: You must delete the counts directory before running the WordCount
program a second time because MapReduce will not run if you specify an output
path which already exists.
MapReduce programs coded to take advantage of the Hadoop ToolRunner allow
you to pass several types of arguments to Hadoop, including run-time configuration
parameters. The hadoop jar command shown above sets the log level for reduce
tasks to DEBUG.

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Note: The -D option, as used in the hadoop jar command above, allows you
override a default property setting by specifying the property and the value you
want to assign.
When your job is running, look for a line in standard output like the following:

16/10/19 16:50:02 INFO mapreduce.Job: Running job:


11. After the job completes, locate and view one of the reducer logs.
From Cloudera Manager’s YARN Applications page for your cluster, locate the entry
for the application that you just ran.
Click on the ID link, and use the information available under the Job menu’s
“Configuration” and “Reduce tasks” links to verify the following:

• The value of the mapreduce.reduce.log.level configuration attribute is


• The Reducer task’s logs for this job contain DEBUG log records and the logs are
larger than the number of records written to the Reducer task’s logs during the
previous WordCount job execution.

12. Verify the results of the word count job were written to HDFS using any of the
following three methods.
Option 1: In Cloudera Manager, browse to the HDFS page for your cluster, then
choose File Browser. Drill down into /user/training/counts.
Option 2: Access the HDFS NameNode Web UI at http://elephant:50070.
Choose Utilities > Browse the file system, and navigate to the
/user/training/counts directory.
Option 3: on any machine in the cluster that has the DataNode installed
(elephant, tiger, monkey, or horse) run the following command in a terminal:

$ hdfs dfs -tail counts/part-r-00000

Add the Apache Spark Service

In this task, you will add the Spark service to your cluster using Cloudera Manager. You
will then run a Spark application.

13. In Cloudera Manager, navigate to the Home page.

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14. Select the Add Service option from the drop-down menu for Cluster 1.

The “Add Service to Cluster 1” wizard appears.

15. Select Spark and click Continue.

16. The “Customize Role Assignments for Spark” page appears.

Specify host assignments as follows:
• History Server: monkey only
• Gateway: monkey only
Click Continue.

17. Progress messages appear on the “Add Spark Service to Cluster 1” page.
When the adding of the service has completed, click Continue.

18. The Congratulations page appears.

Click Finish.

19. The Home page appears.

A status indicator shows you that the Spark service is in good health.

Adjust Spark Memory Settings

20. In Cloudera Manager, navigate to the YARN Configuration page.

21. Search for yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb. Change the container

memory to 1.5GB and click Save Changes.

22. Also, search for and change yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb for

both the “NodeManager Default Group” and “NodeManager Group 1” to 1.5GB and
Save Changes.

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23. Notice (just to the right “Actions” menu), the icons indicating “Stale Configuration
– restart needed” and “Stale Configuration – client configuration redeployment
needed” are displayed.

24. Click on the “Stale Configuration – restart needed” icon.

The “State Configurations” page displays.
Cloudera Manager shows the changes that will be made in the YARN configuration
files. Note that in addition to the changes you just manually configured, there are
some additional configuration changes that will be propagated as a result of the fact
that you added the Spark service.
Click on Restart Stale Services.

25. In the “Restart Stale Services” page, ensure “Re-deploy client configuration” is
selected, and click Restart Now.
When the restart has completed, click Finish.
Note: you may notice a new configuration warning that appears next to “Hosts” on
the Cloudera Manager home page. If you look into it, Cloudera Manager indicates
that memory is overcommitted on four of the hosts. These configuration issues,
along with the other configuration warnings that appeared after the initial cluster
installation, would need to be addressed in a true production cluster, however they
can be safely ignored in the classroom environment.

Run Spark as a YARN Application

You should complete these steps on monkey since monkey is where you just added the
Spark gateway role.

26. Start the Spark shell and connect to the yarn-client spark context on monkey.
Recall that the Spark Gateway service was installed on monkey so the Spark shell
should be run from monkey.
On monkey:

$ spark-shell --master yarn-client

The Scala Spark shell will launch. You should eventually see the message, “SQL
context available as sqlContext.” If necessary, click the Enter key on your keyboard
to see the scala> prompt.

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27. Type in the commands below to run a word count application using the
shakespeare.txt file that is already in HDFS.
This accomplishes something very similar to the job you ran in the MapReduce
exercise, but this time the computational framework being used is Spark.

scala> val file = sc.textFile("hdfs://elephant:8020/tmp/

scala> val counts = file.flatMap(line => line.split("
")).map(word => (word, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _).sortByKey()
scala> counts.saveAsTextFile("hdfs://elephant:8020/tmp/
scala> sc.stop()
scala> sys.exit()

28. View the application results written to HDFS by Spark.

On elephant:

$ hdfs dfs -cat /tmp/sparkcount/part-00000 | less

Review Application Details in the Spark History Server

View the Spark application details in Cloudera Manager and the Spark History Server
Web UI.

29. In Cloudera Manager, go to the YARN Applications page for your cluster.
You will see a “Spark shell” application.

30. Click on the link in the ID field.

A page in the YARN Resource Manager Web UI opens with details about the

31. Click on the History link.

A Spark Jobs page in the Spark History Server Web UI opens.
Notice that this Spark Application consisted of two jobs that are now completed.

32. In the Completed Jobs area, click on the “sortByKey…” link for the first job that ran
(Job Id 0).
Notice that this first job consisted of two stages.

33. Click on the “map at… “ link for the first stage (Stage 0).

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The “Details for Stage 0” page appears.

Here you can see that there were two tasks in this stage and you can see on which
executor and on which host each task ran. You can also see tasks details such
as duration, input data size, the amount of data written to disk during shuffle

34. Click on the Executors tab to see a summary of all the executors used by the Spark

Review the Spark Application Logs

35. Access the Spark application logs from the command line.
First locate the application ID.
On elephant:

$ yarn application -list -appStates FINISHED

Copy the application ID for the Spark application returned by the command above.
Now run this command (where appId is the actual application ID).
On elephant:

$ yarn logs -applicationId appId | less

Scroll through the logs returned by the shell. Notice that the logs for all the
containers that ran the Spark executors are included in the results.
These Spark application logs are stored in HDFS under /user/spark/\

This is the end of the exercise.

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Hands-On Exercise: Explore Hadoop Configurations

and Daemon Logs
IMPORTANT: This exercise builds on the previous one. If you were unable to complete
the previous exercise or think you may have made a mistake, run the following
command and follow the prompts to prepare for this exercise before continuing:

$ ~/training_materials/admin/scripts/

Exploring Hadoop Configuration Settings

In this task, you will explore some of the Hadoop configuration files auto-generated by
Cloudera Manager.

1. Go to the directory that contains the Hadoop configuration for Cloudera Manager-
managed daemons running on elephant and then view the contents.
On elephant:

$ cd /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process
$ sudo tree

Notice how there are separate directories for each role instance running on
elephant: DataNode, NameNode, and NodeManager. Notice also that some files,
such as hdfs-site.xml and core-site.xml, exist in more than one daemon’s
configuration directory.

2. Compare the first 20 lines of the NameNode’s copy of hdfs-site.xml to the

NodeManager’s copy of the same file.
On elephant:

$ sudo ls | grep NODE

$ sudo head -20 nn-hdfs-NAMENODE/core-site.xml
$ sudo head -20 nn-yarn-NODEMANAGER/core-site.xml

In the commands above, replace each nn with the actual numbers generated
by Cloudera Manager. In the third command above, choose the nn-yarn-
NODEMANAGER directory with the highest nn value. There are two directories for
yarn-NODEMANAGER because you make a settings change in the previous exercise
and the agent retained a copy of the previous revision.

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The entries in these core-site.xml files reflect the settings configured in

Cloudera Manager for these role instances. Some of the settings reflect choices you
made when you ran the Cloudera Manager installation wizard. Other entries are
optimal initial or default values chosen by Cloudera Manager.

3. Make a configuration change in Cloudera Manager.

In Cloudera Manager, browse to the HDFS Configuration page for your cluster.
Conduct a search for the word “trash”. The NameNode Default Group “Filesystem
Trash Interval” setting appears.
Double-click into the Value area where it currently reads “1 day(s)”.
Change this value to 2 day(s). Click Save Changes.
Notice the “Stale Configuration – Restart needed” icon that appears on the screen.
Click on it.
The “Stale Configurations” screen appears, showing the changes to core-site.xml
that will be made.
Click Restart Stale Services. The “Restart Stale Services” screen appears.
Click Restart Now. The “Restart Stale Services” screen appears. Wait for the child
commands to complete successfully. Click Finish.

4. Return to the elephant terminal window and list the contents of the
/var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process directory.

$ sudo ls -l /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process

Notice now how there are now two directories each for NameNode, DataNode, and
NodeManager. The old settings have been retained, however the new settings have
also been deployed and will now be used. The directory with the higher number in
the name is the newer one.

5. Find the difference between the old NameNode core-site.xml file and the new
On elephant:

$ sudo diff -C 2 nn-hdfs-NAMENODE/core-site.xml \


The nn values above should be replaced with the actual numbers with which the
configuration directories are named.

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You should see that the fs.trash.interval property value change has been
deployed to the new NameNode configuration file.

6. Revert the configuration change and restart the cluster.

In Cloudera Manager, go to the HDFS Configuration page for your cluster.
Click the History and Rollback button.
The “Configuration and Role Group History” page displays.

Under Current Revision click Details.

The “Revision Details” screen displays. Notice the Filesystem Trash Interval
property value that you just modified is listed. Choose Revert Configuration
A message appears indicating that the revision was reverted. Click onto the HDFS
Status page and notice the “Stale Configuration – Restart needed” icon.
Click on the icon and follow the steps to restart the stale services.

Examining Hadoop Daemon Log Files

In the previous Exercise, you reviewed the application logs from MapReduce and Spark
running as YARN applications. Here you will review Hadoop daemon log files, including
the HDFS NameNode and YARN ResourceManager log files.
With Cloudera Manager, Hadoop daemons generate a .log.out file, a standard error
log (stderr.log), and a standard output log (stdout.log).
In this task, you will examine Hadoop daemon log files using the NameNode Web UI,
Cloudera Manager, the ResourceManager Web UI and the NodeManager Web UI.

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7. View the NameNode log file using the NameNode Web UI.
From the Cloudera Manager HDFS page, click the NameNode Web UI link.
From the NameNode Web UI, select Utilities > Logs.
The list of directories and files in the /var/log/hadoop-hdfs directory on
elephant appears.
Open the NameNode log file and review the file.

8. Access the daemon logs directly from Cloudera Manager.

In Cloudera Manager, choose Hosts > All Hosts from the top navigation bar.
Select elephant and then choose the Processes tab.
Locate the row for the NameNode and click Full log file.
The Log Details page opens at the tail end of the NameNode log file. Scroll up to
view earlier log messages.
Note: If the log file is very large, and you want to see messages near the top,
scrolling in the Cloudera Manager UI will be slow. Other tools provide quick access
to the entire log file.
Click Download Full Log to download the entire log.

9. Review the NameNode daemons standard error and standard output logs using
Cloudera Manager.
Return to the Processes page for elephant.
Click the Stdout link for the NameNode instance. The standard output log appears.
Review the file, then return to the Processes page.
Click the Stderr link for the NameNode instance. The standard error log appears.
Review the file.
Note: if you want to locate these log files on disk, they can be found on elephant
in the /var/log/hadoop-hdfs and /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/
process/nn-hdfs-NAMENODE/logs directories.

10. Using Cloudera Manager, review recent entries in the SecondaryNameNode logs.
To find the log, go to the HDFS Instances page for your cluster, then locate the
SecondaryNameNode role type and click the tiger link in the Host column.
In the Status page for the tiger host, scroll down to the Roles area and click Role
Log File in the SecondaryNameNode column.

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11. Access the ResourceManager log file using the ResourceManager Web UI.
Navigate to the ResourceManager Web UI (from the Cloudera Manager YARN
page’s Web UI menu or by specifying the URL http://horse:8088 in your
Choose Nodes from the Cluster menu on the left side of the page.
Click the horse:8042 link to be taken to the NodeManager Web UI.
Expand the Tools menu on the left side of the page.
Click Local logs.
Finally, click the entry for the ResourceManager log file and review the file.

This is the end of the exercise.

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Hands-On Exercise: Using Flume to Put Data into

In this exercise, you will use Flume to import dynamically generated data into
HDFS. A very common use case for Flume is to collect access logs from many
Web servers on your network; we will simulate a simple version of this in the
following exercise.
The diagram below shows the data flow that will occur once you complete the Exercise.

IMPORTANT: This exercise builds on the previous one. If you were unable to complete
the previous exercise or think you may have made a mistake, run the following
command and follow the prompts to prepare for this exercise before continuing:

$ ~/training_materials/admin/scripts/

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Adding the Flume Service

1. Add the Flume service on elephant and horse.
From the Cloudera Manager Home page, click the down arrow next to your cluster
and choose Add Service.

Select Flume and click Continue.

Note that HDFS is a dependency, however the HDFS service is already added.
Use the Select hosts button to add the Flume Agent on both elephant and horse
then click OK and Continue. At the Congratulations screen click Finish.

2. Update the configuration for the Flume agent on elephant.

In Cloudera Manager, navigate to the Flume Instances page.
Select the Agent that resides on elephant, then click Configuration.
Delete the default contents of the two properties listed in the table below entirely
and replace with the lines shown below.
Note: The Configuration File lines are also available in
Tip: You can expand the Configuration File text area to make it easier to edit in by
dragging out the bottom right corner of the text box.

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Property Value
Agent Name tail1
Configuration tail1.sources = src1
File tail1.channels = ch1
tail1.sinks = sink1
tail1.sources.src1.type = exec
tail1.sources.src1.command = tail -F /tmp/access_log
tail1.sources.src1.channels = ch1
tail1.channels.ch1.type = memory
tail1.channels.ch1.capacity = 500
tail1.sinks.sink1.type = avro
tail1.sinks.sink1.hostname = horse
tail1.sinks.sink1.port = 6000
tail1.sinks.sink1.batch-size = 1 = ch1

Tip: Ensure that each property defined in the configuration file text box is on a
single and separate line.
Click Save Changes.

3. Update the configuration for the Flume agent on horse.

Return to the Cloudera Manager Flume Instances page.
Select the Agent that resides on horse, then click Configuration.
Delete the default contents of the two properties listed in the table below entirely
and replace with the lines shown below.
Note: The Configuration File lines are also available in

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Property Value
Agent Name collector1
Configuration collector1.sources = src1
File collector1.channels = ch1
collector1.sinks = sink1
collector1.sources.src1.type = avro
collector1.sources.src1.bind = horse
collector1.sources.src1.port = 6000
collector1.sources.src1.channels = ch1
collector1.channels.ch1.type = memory
collector1.channels.ch1.capacity = 500
collector1.sinks.sink1.type = hdfs
collector1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.path =
collector1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.filePrefix = access_log = ch1

Click Save changes.

4. Create the /user/flume/collector1 directory in HDFS to store the files.

On elephant:

$ sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir -p \

$ sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chown -R flume /user/flume

Starting the Data Generator

5. Open a new terminal window on elephant (or an ssh connection to elephant).
In this terminal window, run the accesslog-gen.bash shell script, which
simulates a Web server creating log files. This shell script also rotates the log files
On elephant:

$ /tmp/access_log

Note: The script is specific to the training environment and

is not part of CDH. Leave the script running for now.

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6. Open a second new terminal window on elephant (or an ssh connection to

elephant). Verify that the log file has been created. Notice that the log file is
rotated periodically.
On elephant:

$ ls -l /tmp/access*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 training training 498 Nov 15 15:12 /tmp/access_log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 training training 997 Nov 15 15:12 /tmp/access_log.0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 training training 1005 Nov 15 15:11 /tmp/access_log.1

Starting the Flume Collector Agent

Here you start the Flume agent that will insert the data into HDFS. This agent receives
data from the source Flume agent.

7. Start the collector1 Flume Agent on horse.

In Cloudera Manager, go to the Flume Instances page. Tick the checkbox next to
the Agent hosted on horse.
From the Actions for Selected (1) menu choose Start. In the window that appears,
click Start.
In the “Command Details: Start” screen wait for confirmation that the agent started
successfully. Click Close.

Starting the Flume Source Agent

Here you start the agent that reads the source log files and passes the data along to the
collector agent you have already started.

8. Start the tail1 Flume Agent on elephant.

From the Cloudera Manager Flume Instances page, tick the checkbox next to the
Agent hosted on elephant.
From the Actions for Selected (1) menu choose Start. In the window that appears,
click Start.
In the “Command Details: Start” screen wait for confirmation that the agent started
successfully. Click Close.

Viewing Data in HDFS

9. Confirm the data is being written into HDFS.

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In Cloudera Manager browse to the HDFS page for your cluster and click on File
Drill down into /user/flume/collector1. You should see many
access_log files.

10. View Metric Details.

Return to the Flume page and click on the Metric Details tab. Here you can
see details related to the Channels, Sinks, and Sources of your running Flume
agents. If you are interested, an explanation of the metrics available is at

Increase the File Size in HDFS (Optional)

These two steps are optional, but may be of interest to some students.

11. Edit the Collector1 agent configuration settings on horse by adding these three
additional name value pairs:

collector1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.rollSize = 2048
collector1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.rollCount = 100
collector1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.rollInterval = 60

Click Save Changes.

12. From the Flume Status page, click on the ”Stale Configuration – refresh
needed” icon and follow the prompts to refresh the cluster.

13. Execute hdfs dfs -ls /user/flume/collector1 in a terminal window and

note the larger file size of the more recent content posted by Flume to HDFS. You
may need to wait a few moments before new files are written.

Viewing the Logs

14. Check the log files to see messages.
In Cloudera Manager choose Diagnostics > Logs.
Click Select Sources and configure as follows:
• Uncheck all sources except Flume
• Set the Minimum Log Level to INFO
• Leave the timeframe of your search set to 30 minutes

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Click Search.
Browse through the logged actions from both Flume agents.

Cleaning Up
15. Stop the log generator by hitting Ctrl+C in the first terminal window.

16. Stop both Flume agents from the Flume Instances page in Cloudera Manager.

17. Remove the generated access log files from the /tmp directory to clear up space on
your virtual machine.
On elephant:

$ rm -rf /tmp/access_log*

This is the end of the exercise.

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Hands-On Exercise: Importing Data with Sqoop

In this exercise, you will import data from a relational database using Sqoop. The
data you load here will be used in a subsequent exercise.
Consider the MySQL database movielens, derived from the MovieLens project from
University of Minnesota. (See note at the end of this exercise.) The database consists
of several related tables, but we will import only two of these: movie, which contains
about 3,900 movies; and movierating, which has about 1,000,000 ratings of those
IMPORTANT: This exercise builds on the previous one. If you were unable to complete
the previous exercise or think you may have made a mistake, run the following
command and follow the prompts to prepare for this exercise before continuing:

$ ~/training_materials/admin/scripts/

Perform all steps done in a terminal in this exercise on elephant.

Reviewing the Database Tables

First, review the database tables to be loaded into Hadoop.

1. Log on to MySQL.
On elephant:

$ mysql -ptraining movielens

2. Review the structure and contents of the movie table.

On elephant:

mysql> DESCRIBE movie;

. . .
mysql> SELECT * FROM movie LIMIT 5;

3. Review the structure and contents of the movierating table.

On elephant:

mysql> DESCRIBE movierating;

. . .
mysql> SELECT * FROM movierating LIMIT 5;

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4. Exit MySQL.
On elephant:

mysql> quit;

Adding the Sqoop 1 Client

5. Add the Sqoop 1 Client gateway on elephant.
From the Home page in Cloudera Manager, click the down arrow icon next to
Cluster 1 and choose Add Service.
Select Sqoop 1 Client and click Continue.
In the “Custom Role Assignments” page, click in the Select hosts box to add the
Gateway on elephant. Click Continue.
The “Add Sqoop 1 Client Service to Cluster 1” page appears. Once the
client configuration has been deployed successfully, click Continue. At the
“Congratulations” screen click Finish.

6. Using sudo, create a symlink to the MySQL JDBC driver.

On elephant:

$ sudo ln -s /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar \

Now run the command below to confirm the symlink was properly created.
On elephant:

$ readlink /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/\

If the symlink was properly defined, the command should return the
/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar path.

Importing with Sqoop

You invoke Sqoop on the command line to perform several commands. With it you
can connect to your database server to list the databases (schemas) to which you have
access, and list the tables available for loading. For database access, you provide a
connect string to identify the server, and your username and password.

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7. Show the commands available in Sqoop.

On elephant:

$ sqoop help

You can safely ignore the warning that Accumulo does not exist since this course
does not use Accumulo.

8. List the databases (schemas) in your database server.

On elephant:

$ sqoop list-databases \
--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost \
--username training --password training

(Note: Instead of entering --password training on your command line, you

may prefer to enter -P, and let Sqoop prompt you for the password, which is then
not visible when you type it.)

9. List the tables in the movielens database.

On elephant:

$ sqoop list-tables \
--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/movielens \
--username training --password training

10. Import the movie table into Hadoop.

On elephant:

$ sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/movielens \
--table movie --fields-terminated-by '\t' \
--username training --password training

The --fields-terminated-by '\t' option separates the fields in the HDFS

file with the tab character, which is sometimes useful if users will be working with
Hive and Pig.
Warnings that packages such as hbase, hive-hcatalog, and accumulo are not
installed are expected. It is not a problem that these packages are not installed on
your system.

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Notice how the INFO messages that appear show that a MapReduce job consisting
of four map tasks was completed.

11. Verify that the command has worked.

On elephant:

$ hdfs dfs -ls movie

$ hdfs dfs -tail movie/part-m-00000

12. Import the movierating table into Hadoop using the command in step 10 as an
Verify that the movierating table was imported by using the command in step 11
above as an example, or by using the Cloudera Manager HDFS page’s File Browser.

13. Optionally observe the results in Cloudera Manager’s YARN Applications page.
Navigate to the YARN Applications page.
Notice the last two YARN applications that ran (movie.jar and
Explore the job details for either or both of these jobs.

This exercise uses the MovieLens data set, or subsets thereof. This
data is freely available for academic purposes, and is used and
distributed by Cloudera with the express permission of the UMN
GroupLens Research Group. If you would like to use this data for
your own research purposes, you are free to do so, as long as you
cite the GroupLens Research Group in any resulting publications. If
you would like to use this data for commercial purposes, you must
obtain explicit permission. You may find the full dataset, as well
as detailed license terms, at [

This is the end of the exercise.

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Hands-On Exercise: Querying HDFS with Hive and

In this exercise, you will add Hive and Apache Impala (incubating) services to
your cluster, enabling you to query data stored in HDFS.
You will start by adding the ZooKeeper service to your cluster. ZooKeeper is a
prerequisite for HiveServer2, which you will deploy when you add the Hive service.
Then you will add the Hive service, including a Hive Metastore Server and HiveServer2,
to your Hadoop cluster, and configure the service.
Next, you will add the Impala service to your cluster and configure the service.
Then you will populate HDFS with data from the movierating table and run queries
against it using both Hive and Impala.
At the end of this exercise, you should have daemons deployed on your five hosts as
follows (new services added in this exercise are highlighted in blue):

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IMPORTANT: This exercise builds on the previous one. If you were unable to complete
the previous exercise or think you may have made a mistake, run the following
command and follow the prompts to prepare for this exercise before continuing:

$ ~/training_materials/admin/scripts/

Adding the ZooKeeper Service

In this task, you will add a ZooKeeper service to your cluster. A running ZooKeeper
service is a prerequisite for many other services so you will add this service now. When
you add additional services later in the class, you may notice the Exercise instructions
have you select ZooKeeper as part of the set of dependencies for the new service to use.

1. From the Cloudera Manager Home page, select the Add Service menu option from
the drop-down menu to the right of Cluster 1.
The Add Service wizard appears.

2. Select ZooKeeper and click Continue.

The Customize Role Assignments page appears.

3. Specify the following host assignments:

• Server: elephant, horse, and tiger but not lion or monkey

Click OK and then click Continue.

4. The Review Changes page appears.

Review the default values specified on this page and click Continue.

5. Progress messages appear on the “First Run Command” page.

When the adding of the service has completed, click Continue.

6. The Congratulations page appears.

Click Finish.

7. The Cloudera Manager Home page appears.

The ZooKeeper service now appears in the list of services.
A health issue icon may appear next to the new ZooKeeper service temporarily,
however this should go away momentarily and the status should change to Good

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Adding the Hive Service to Your Cluster

In this task, you will add the Hive service to your cluster using Cloudera Manager.
You will configure the Hive Metastore to use the MySQL metastore database and to
have a HiveServer2 instance.
Hive and Impala can both make use of a single, common Hive metastore. Recall that you
created a few databases by running a SQL script prior to installing your CDH cluster.
One of the databases you created is named metastore, which will be used by Hive and
Impala as a common metastore for storing table definitions.
At the end of the task, you will run a simple Hive command to verify that the Hive
service has been added.

8. From the Cloudera Manager Home page, select the Add Service option for
Cluster 1.
The Add Service wizard appears.

9. Select Hive and click Continue.

The “Select the set of dependencies for your new service” page appears.

10. Select the row containing the hdfs, yarn, and zookeeper services (but not the
Spark service), then click Continue.
The Customize Role Assignments page appears.

11. Specify host assignments as follows:

• Gateway: elephant only
• Hive Metastore Server: elephant only
• WebHCat Server: Do not select any hosts
• HiveServer2: elephant only
Verify that you have selected only elephant and not any additional hosts for the
Gateway, Hive Metastore Server, and HiveServer2 roles.
Click Continue.

12. The “Database Setup” page appears.

Specify values for the database as follows:
• Database Hostname: lion
• Database Type: MySQL
• Database Name: metastore
• User Name: hiveuser
• Password: password

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Click Test Connection and verify that connection to the MySQL database is
successful (indicated by the “Continue” button turning blue and becoming active).
Click Continue.

13. The Review Changes page appears.

Review the default values specified on this page and click Continue.

14. Progress messages appear on the First Run Command page.

When the adding of the service has completed, click Continue.

15. The Congratulations page appears.

Click Finish.

16. The Home page appears.

A status indicator shows you that the Hive service is in good health.
The Hive service shows two configuration issues, related to Spark on YARN Service
and Spark Executor Cores, however these can be safely ignored on the training

17. Install the Spark client configuration on elephant.

Previously you ran the Spark shell on monkey. Here you will add the Spark
Gateway role on elephant so that you can run the Spark shell from elephant.
Navigate to the Spark Instances page for your cluster and click Add Role
Add the Gateway role to elephant and click Continue.
Click on the “Stale configuration: Client configuration redeployment needed” icon.
In the Stale Configurations page click Deploy Client Configuration.
Wait for the commands to complete, then click Finish.

18. Verify that you can run a Hive command from the Beeline shell.
On elephant:

$ beeline -u jdbc:hive2://elephant:10000/default \
-n training

If you see a warning about hbase-prefix-tree, you can safely ignore it.

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In the Beeline shell, type the following command:


No tables should appear, because you haven’t defined any Hive tables yet, but you
should not see any error messages.

19. Exit the Beeline shell.

> !quit

Adding the Impala Service

In this task, you will add the Impala service to your cluster.
Cloudera Manager will automatically configure Impala to use the Hive Metastore
service that you created earlier in this exercise.

20. From the Cloudera Manager Home page, select the Add Service option for
Cluster 1.
The Add Service wizard appears.

21. Select Impala and click Continue.

22. Specify host assignments as follows:

• Impala Catalog Server: horse
• Impala StateStore: horse
• Impala Daemon: elephant, horse, monkey, and tiger
Click Continue.

23. The Review Changes page appears.

Review the default values specified for the Impala Daemon Scratch Directories on
this page and click Continue.

24. Progress messages appear on the First Run Command page.

When the adding of the service has completed, click Continue.

25. The Congratulations page appears.

Click Finish.

26. Restart the HDFS service.

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After adding Impala, on the Cloudera Manager home page you will notice that the
HDFS service has stale configurations as indicated by the icon that appears.
Click on the “Stale Configuration – Restart needed” icon. The “Stale
Configurations” page appears.
Click Restart Stale Services.
Check the box to “Re-deploy client configuration”, then click Restart Now.
When the action completes click Finish.

27. Confirm the Impala services started.

Browse to the Impala page for your cluster and click on Instances.
You should see that the Impala Catalog Server, Impala Daemon, and Impala
StateStore services have all started successfully.

Running Hive Queries

In this task, you will define the movierating table in Hive and run a simple query
against the table. Then you will change Hive’s execution engine from MapReduce to
Spark and run the same query.
Note: You already imported the movierating table into HDFS in the Importing Data
with Sqoop exercise.

28. Review the movierating table data imported into HDFS during the Sqoop
On elephant:

$ hdfs dfs -cat movierating/part-m-00000 | head

29. Start the Beeline shell and connect to HiveServer2.

On elephant:

$ beeline -u jdbc:hive2://elephant:10000 -n training

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30. Define the movierating table in Hive.


(userid INT, movieid STRING, rating TINYINT)
LOCATION '/user/training/movierating';

31. Verify that you created the movierating table in the Hive metastore.
On elephant:


You should see an entry for the movierating table.

32. Run a simple Hive test query that counts the number of rows in the
movieratings table.
On elephant:

> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM movierating;

Browse to Cloudera Manager’s YARN Applications page to view the MapReduce

job that was run when you executed the Hive query. In the Results tab, make note
of the amount of time the query takes to execute when running in Hive.

Running Hive on Spark

33. Set Spark as the execution engine to be used by Hive for this Beeline session and
run the same query again.
Still in the Beeline shell on elephant:

> set hive.execution.engine;

The command above should show that the current execution engine is MapReduce

> set hive.execution.engine=spark;

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The above command changes the execution engine for Hive to Spark.

> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM movierating;

Observe the results in the Beeline shell.

In Cloudera Manager, navigate to the YARN Applications page. Notice the Hive on
Spark application. Assuming you have not yet exited the Beeline shell, it will still be

34. Terminate the Beeline shell.

On elephant:

> !quit

Running Impala Queries

In this task, you will run Impala queries against the movierating table you defined

35. Start the Impala shell.

On elephant:

$ impala-shell

36. Since you defined a new table after starting the Impala server on horse, you must
now refresh that server’s copy of the Hive metadata.


37. In Impala, run the same query against the movierating table that you ran in Hive.

> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM movierating;

Compare the amount of time it took to run the query in Impala to the amount of
time it took in Hive on MapReduce and Hive on Spark.

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38. Exit the Impala shell.

> quit;

39. Explore Impala queries in Cloudera Manager

In Cloudera Manager, from the Clusters menu, choose Impala Queries.
Notice that both queries you ran from the impala-shell appear in the Results panel.
For the SELECT query that you ran, choose Query Details from the drop-down
menu on the right. Browse through the query details noting the information about
the query that is available to you.

This is the end of the exercise.

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Hands-On Exercise: Using Hue to Control Hadoop User

In this exercise, you will configure a Hue environment that provides business
analysts with the following capabilities:

• Submitting Pig, Hive, and Impala queries

• Managing definitions in the Hive Metastore
• Browsing the HDFS file system
• Browsing YARN applications

Users will be able to access their environments by using a Web browser, eliminating the
need for administrators to install Hadoop client environments on the analysts’ systems.
At the end of this exercise, you should have daemons deployed on your five hosts as
follows (new daemons shown in blue):

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The Hue server will be deployed on monkey. The HttpFS and Oozie servers on monkey
will support several Hue applications.
IMPORTANT: This exercise builds on the previous one. If you were unable to complete
the previous exercise or think you may have made a mistake, run the following
command and follow the prompts to prepare for this exercise before continuing:

$ ~/training_materials/admin/scripts/

Adding an HttpFS Role Instance to the hdfs Service

In this task, you will use the Cloudera Manager wizard to add an HttpFS role instance to
the hdfs service. The HttpFS role instance will reside on monkey. After adding the role
instance, you will run a curl command from the command line to verify that HttpFS
works correctly.

1. In Cloudera Manager, navigate to the HDFS Instances page.

2. Click Add Role Instances.

The “Add Role Instances to HDFS – Customize Role Assignments” page

3. For HttpFS, specify monkey.

Click Continue.

4. The hdfs Role Instances page reappears. The HttpFS(monkey) role instance
now appears in the list of role instances.
Notice that the status for this role instance is Stopped.

5. Start the HttpFS role instance.

In the HDFS Instances page, check the box next to HttpFs and from the Actions for
Selected (1) menu choose Start.
In the Start dialog window click Start. When the Command Details window shows
that the command completed successfully click Close.

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6. To verify HttpFS operation, run the HttpFS LISTSTATUS operation to examine the
content in the /user/training directory in HDFS.
On elephant:

$ ssh training@monkey netstat -tan | grep :14000

$ curl -s "http://monkey:14000/webhdfs/v1/\
user/training?op=LISTSTATUS&" \
| python -m json.tool

Note: The HttpFS REST API returns JSON objects. Piping the JSON objects to
python -m json.tool makes the objects easier to read in standard output.

Adding the Oozie Service

In this task, you will add the Oozie service to your cluster. With Cloudera Manager,
Oozie is a prerequisite for adding the Hue service. We won’t use this service in this
exercise, but feel free to explore the Oozie service on your own if you like.
You will configure the Oozie instance to reside on monkey.

7. In Cloudera Manager, navigate to the Home page.

8. Select the Add Service option for Cluster 1.

The Add Service Wizard appears.

9. Select Oozie and click Continue.

The “Select the set of dependencies for your new service” page appears.

10. Select the row containing the hdfs, yarn, and zookeeper services, then click
The Customize Role Assignments page appears.

11. Specify host assignments as follows:

• Oozie Server: monkey
Click Continue.

12. The Database Setup page appears. Specify the settings as shown here:
• Database Host Name: lion
• Database Type: MySQL
• Database Name: oozie
• Username: oozieuser

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• Password: password
Click “Test Connection” and verify the connection is successful. Click Continue.

13. The Review Changes page appears.

Review the default values specified on this page and click Continue.

14. Progress messages appear on the First Run Command page.

When the adding of the service has completed, click Continue.

15. The Congratulations page appears.

Click Finish.

16. The Home page appears.

A status indicator shows you that the Oozie service is in good health.

Adding the Hue Service

In this task, you will add a Hue service to your cluster, configuring the Hue instance to
run on monkey.

17. From the Cloudera Manager Home page, select the Add Service option for
Cluster 1.
The Add Service wizard appears.

18. Select Hue and click Continue.

The “Select the set of dependencies for your new Hue” page appears.

19. Select the row containing the hdfs, hive, impala, oozie, yarn, and zookeeper
services, then click Continue.
The Customize Role Assignments page appears.

20. Specify host assignments as follows:

• Hue Server: monkey
Click Continue.

21. The Database Setup page appears. Fill in the details as shown here:
• Database Host Name: lion
• Database Type: MySQL
• Database Name: hue

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• Username: hueuser
• Password: password
22. Click Test Connection and verify the connection is successful. Click Continue.

23. Progress messages appear on the “First Run Command” page.

When the adding of the service has completed, click Continue.

24. The Congratulations page appears.

Click Finish.

25. The Home page appears.

A status indicator shows you that the Hue service is in good health.

26. Submit a Hadoop WordCount job so that there will be a MapReduce job entry that
you can browse in Hue after you start the Hue UI.
On elephant:

$ hadoop jar /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/\

examples.jar wordcount /tmp/shakespeare.txt test_output

Exploring the Hue User Interface

In this task, you will log in to the Hue UI as an administrative user and briefly explore
the following applications: Hue Home page, Hive UI, Impala Query UI, Pig Editor, File
Browser, Metastore Manager, Job Browser, Hue Shell, User Admin, and Help.

Logging into Hue

27. Maximize the browser window to give Hue enough space to display as many
options as possible on its top menu.

28. View the Hue UI.

Access the Hue Web UI from the Cloudera Manager Hue page for your cluster or
just browse to http://monkey:8888

29. Login to Hue.

Note: that as the message box in the browser indicates, as the first person to login
to this Hue service, you are actually defining the Hue superuser credentials in this

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Type in admin as the user, with the password training, then click Create

30. The Quick Start Wizard displays.

Click the Home icon.
At the “Did you know?” dialog, click Got it!
The “My documents” page appears.

Access Hive Using Hue

31. If you completed the “Querying HDFS with Hive and Impala” exercise, start the Hive
Query Editor by selecting Query Editors > Hive.
Enter the following query to verify that Hive is working in Hue:


Click the Execute icon (play button). The result of the query should be the
movierating table.
Enter another query to count the number of records in the movierating table:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM movierating;

Give it some time to complete. The UI will first show the Log tab contents, then it
should eventually show the Results tab. The query should run successfully.

Access Impala Using Hue

32. If you completed the “Querying HDFS with Hive and Impala” exercise, start the
Impala Query Editor by selecting Query Editors > Impala.
Enter the following query to verify that Impala is working in Hue:


Click the Execute icon. The result of the query should show the movierating
Enter another query to count the number of records in the movierating table:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM movierating;

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The query should run successfully.

Access the Metastore Using Hue

33. Click on the Metastore Manager link.
The Metastore Manager appears showing the movierating table.
In the ‘TABLES’ area, in the Table Name column, click on the movierating table
The schema for the Hive movierating table, which you created in the Hive
exercise, appears.
Notice the icons in the top right of the screen that provide options such as import
data, browse data, and view file location.

Access Pig Using Hue

34. Start the Pig UI by selecting Query Editors > Pig.
The Pig Editor appears.
You can edit and save Pig scripts using Hue’s Pig Editor in your current Hue

Access HDFS Using Hue

35. In Hue, click on the HDFS Browser (document icon) towards the top right of the
Hue UI.
This opens the File Browser application.
Browse the HDFS file system. If you wish, execute some hdfs dfs commands from
the command line to verify that you obtain the same results from the command line
and the Hue File Browser.
Note the Upload menu as well. You could upload files to HDFS through Hue.
There are also Actions available giving the Hue user options to Rename, Move,
Download or change permissions on HDFS files (assuming the user has the
permissions to do so).

36. In the File Browser, navigate to the /user/admin directory.

On the first Hue login, Hue created a superuser—in this case, the admin user—and
an HDFS path for that user—in this case, the /user/admin path.

37. In the File Browser, navigate to the /user/training/test_output directory

—the output directory of the WordCount job that you ran the before starting the
Hue UI.

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38. Click the entry for the part-r-00000 file—the output file from the WordCount
A read-only editor showing the contents of the part-r-00000 file appears.

Browse YARN Applications Using Hue

39. In Hue, select the Job Browser (list icon) option.

An entry for the Hive job that you ran earlier appears in the Hue Job Browser.
Specify training in the Username field.
An entry for the MapReduce word count job you ran in the previous step appears
with the status “SUCCEEDED.”
Browse the completed “word count” job details by clicking on the link in the ID
column and then looking through the details in the Attempts, Tasks, Metadata,
and Counters tabs.
If you are interested, look in Cloudera Manager’s YARN Applications page for your
cluster, locate the entry for the same word count job, and follow the Application
Details link which takes you to the HistoryServer Web UI. Compare the details you
find there with the information available in the Hue Job Browser.

Browse Users, Documentation, Settings, and Logs of Hue

40. Access the Hue User Admin tool by selecting the Administration menu (cog and
wheels icon) and then choosing Manage Users.
The User Admin screen appears where you can define Hue users and groups and set
Notice the automatically created entry for the admin user.
You will create another user and a group in the next task.

41. Click the Documentation (question mark) icon:

Hue UI user documentation appears.

42. Click the About Hue icon (to the left of the Home icon).
The Quick Start Wizard’s Check Configuration tab shows “All OK. Configuration
check passed.”
Click into the Configuration tab (to the right of the About Hue link) to examine
Hue’s configuration.
Click the Server Logs tab to examine Hue’s logs.

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Setting up the Hue Environment for Business Analysts

Consider a scenario where you have been given a requirement to set up a Hue
environment for business analysts. The environment will allow analysts to submit Hive
and Impala queries, edit and save Pig queries, browse HDFS, manage table definitions
in the Hive Metastore, and browse Hadoop jobs. Analysts who have this environment
will not need Hadoop installed on their systems. Instead, they will access all the Hadoop
functionality that they need through a Web browser.
You will use the User Admin application to set up the analysts’ Hue environment.

43. Verify that you are still logged in to Hue as the admin user.

44. Activate the Hue User Management tool by selecting Administration > Manage

45. Select Groups.

46. Click Add group and name the new group analysts.
Configure the permissions by selecting the ones listed below:
• about.access
• beeswax.access
• filebrowser.access
• help.access
• impala.access
• jobbrowser.access
• metastore.write
• metastore.access
• pig.access
Click Add group.

47. Select Users.

48. Click Add user.

In the Step 1: Credentials tab, create a user named fred with the password
training. Click Next.
In the Step 2: Profile and Groups tab, make fred a member of the analysts
group. However, make sure that fred is not a member of the default group.
Click Add User.

49. Sign out of the Hue UI (using the arrow icon in the top right of the screen).

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50. Log back in to the Hue UI as user fred with password training.
Verify that in the session for fred, only the Hue applications configured for the
analysts group appear. For example, the Administration menu does not allow
fred to manage users. Fred also has no access to the Workflows, Search, and
Security menus that are available to the admin user.

This is the end of the exercise.

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Hands-On Exercise: Configuring HDFS High Availability

In this exercise, you will reconfigure HDFS, eliminating the NameNode as a single
point of failure for your Hadoop cluster.
You will start by modifying the hdfs service’s configuration to enable HDFS high
You will then shut down services that you will no longer use in this exercise or other
subsequent exercises.
Next, you will enable automatic failover for the NameNode. Automatic failover uses the
ZooKeeper service that you added to your cluster in an earlier exercise. ZooKeeper is a
prerequisite for HDFS HA automatic failover.
Once you have enabled HDFS high availability with automatic failover, you will
intentionally bring one of the servers down as a test. HDFS services should still be
available, but it will be served by a NameNode running on a different host.
At the end of this exercise, you should have daemons deployed and running on your five
hosts as follows (new daemons shown in blue):

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IMPORTANT: This exercise builds on the previous one. If you were unable to complete
the previous exercise or think you may have made a mistake, run the following
command and follow the prompts to prepare for this exercise before continuing:

$ ~/training_materials/admin/scripts/

Bringing Down Unneeded Services

Since you will no longer use Hue, Oozie, Impala, or Hive for the remaining exercises, you
can stop their services to improve your cluster’s performance.

1. In Cloudera Manager, navigate to the Home page.

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2. Stop the Hue service as follows:

In the row for the Hue service, chose Stop from the drop-down menu.
Click Stop in the confirmation window.
Click Close after messages in the Stop Command page indicate that the Hue service
has stopped.
The Home page reappears. The status of the Hue service should have changed to

3. Using steps like the ones you followed to stop the Hue service, stop the Oozie

4. Stop the Impala service.

5. Stop the Hive service.

6. Stop the Flume service if it is running.

Verify that the only services that are still up and running on your cluster are the Hosts,
HDFS, Spark, YARN (MR2 Included), ZooKeeper, and Cloudera Manager Service
services. All these services should have good health.

Enabling HDFS High Availability

In this task, you will configure your Hadoop configuration to use HDFS high availability.

7. In Cloudera Manager, browse to the HDFS Instances page.

Observe that the HDFS service comprises the following role instances:
• Balancer on horse
• DataNodes on horse, tiger, elephant, and monkey
• An HttpFS server on monkey
• The active NameNode on elephant
• The SecondaryNameNode on tiger
The list of role instances will change after you enable high availability.

8. From the Actions menu, choose Enable High Availability.

9. The “Getting Started” page appears.

Change the Nameservice Name to mycluster.
Click Continue.

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10. The “Assign Roles” page appears.

Specify the following:

• NameNode Hosts
◦ elephant(Current)
◦ tiger

• JournalNode Hosts
◦ elephant, horse, tiger
Click Continue.

11. The “Review Changes” page appears.

Specify the value /dfs/jn in all three JournalNode Edits Directory fields.

Click Continue.
The “Enable High Availability Command___” page appears. The messages shown in
the screen shot below appear as Cloudera Manager enables HDFS high availability.
Note: Formatting the name directories of the current NameNode will fail. As
described in the Cloudera Manager interface, this is expected.

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When the process of enabling high availability has finished, click Continue.
An informational message appears informing you of post-setup steps regarding the
Hive Metastore. You will not perform the post-setup steps because you will not be
using Hive for any remaining exercises.
Click Finish.

12. The HDFS service’s Status page appears. Click into the Instances page.
Observe that the HDFS service now comprises the following role instances:
• Balancer on horse
• DataNodes on tiger, elephant, monkey, and horse
• Failover Controllers on tiger and elephant
• An HttpFS server on monkey
• JournalNodes on elephant, tiger, and horse
• The active NameNode on elephant
• The standby NameNode on tiger
• No SecondaryNameNode

Verifying Automatic NameNode Failover

In this task, you will restart the active NameNode, bringing it down and then up. The
standby NameNode will transition to the active state when the active NameNode goes
down, and the formerly active NameNode will transition to the standby state.
Then you will restart the new active NameNode to restore the original states of the two

13. From the HDFS Instances page, click on Federation and High Availability and
observe that the state of one of the NameNodes is active and the state of the other
NameNode is standby.

14. Click the Instances link again to return to the previous page view.

15. Select the check box to the left of the entry for the active NameNode.

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16. Choose Actions for Selected (1) > Restart.

Click Restart to confirm that you want to restart the instance

17. Wait for the restart operation to complete. When it has successfully completed click
Verify that the states of the NameNodes have changed—the NameNode that was
originally active (elephant) is now the standby, and the NameNode that was
originally the standby (tiger) is now active. If the Cloudera Manager UI does not
immediately reflect this change, give it a few seconds and it will.

18. Go to Diagnostics > Events and notice the many recent event entries related to the
restarting of the NameNode.

19. Back in the HDFS Instances tab, restart the NameNode that is currently the active
After the restart has completed, verify that the states of the NameNodes have again

This is the end of the exercise.

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Hands-On Exercise: Using the Fair Scheduler

In this exercise, you will submit some jobs to the cluster and observe the behavior
of the Fair Scheduler.
IMPORTANT: This exercise builds on the previous one. If you were unable to complete
the previous exercise or think you may have made a mistake, run the following
command and follow the prompts to prepare for this exercise before continuing:

$ ~/training_materials/admin/scripts/

1. Adjust YARN memory setting and restart the cluster.

To demonstrate the Fair Scheduler, you will need to increase the amount of
memory that YARN containers are permitted to use on your cluster.
In Cloudera Manager, go to the YARN Configuration page.
In the search box, search for yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb
Change the value of this parameter to 3GB in both Role Groups where it appears (by
default the UI shows one textbox to edit both Role Groups).

Click Save Changes.

Click on the “Stale Configuration – Restart needed” icon and follow the steps to
restart the cluster. In the Review Changes screen, uncheck “Rolling Restart” and
check “Re-deploy client configuration.”
When the restart has completed, click Finish.

2. Analyze the script you will run in this exercise.

To make it easier to start and stop MapReduce jobs during this exercise, a script has
been provided. View the script to gain an understanding of what it does.

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On elephant:

$ cd ~/training_materials/admin/scripts
$ cat

The script will start or stop a job in the pool you specify. It takes two parameters.
The first is the pool name and the second is the action to take (start or stop). Each
job it will run will be relatively long running and consist of 10 mappers and 10
Note: Remember, we use the terms pool and queue interchangeably.

3. Start three Hadoop jobs, each in a different pool.

On elephant:

$ ./ pool1 start

$ ./ pool2 start
$ ./ pool3 start

It is recommended that you attempt to go through this exercise by only starting

jobs when prompted in the instructions. However, depending on how quickly
you complete the steps, a job may have completed earlier than the instructions
anticipated. Therefore, please note that at any time during this exercise you can
start additional jobs in any pool using any of the three commands you ran in this

4. Verify the jobs started.

In Cloudera Manager, browse to Clusters > YARN Applications.
You should notice that the three jobs have started. If the jobs do not yet display in
the page, wait a moment and then refresh the page.
Note: Cloudera Manager does refresh pages automatically, however in this exercise
you may find it useful to refresh the pages manually to more quickly observe the
latest status of pools and jobs running in the pools.
Leave this browser tab open.

5. Observe the status of the pools.

Open another browser tab, and in Cloudera Manager, browse to the YARN service’s
Resource Pools page.
Analyze the details in the “Resource Pools Usage” table.
If pool1, pool2, and pool3 do not yet display, refresh the browser tab.

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The table displays the pools in the cluster. The pools you submitted jobs to should
have pending containers and allocated containers.
The table also shows the amount of memory and vcores that have been allocated to
each pool.

6. Analyze the Per Pool charts.

On the same page in Cloudera Manager, notice the “Per Pool Shares” charts. There
is another chart for “Per Pool Allocations (Allocated Memory)” and another for “Per
Pool Allocations (Allocated VCores).”
If nothing is displaying in these charts yet, wait a moment and they will. Optionally
refresh the browser page.
Leave this browser tab open.

7. Start another job in another pool.

In the same shell session on elephant:

$ ./ pool4 start

8. Back in Cloudera Manager, observe the resource allocation effect of starting a new
job in a new pool.
Occasionally refresh the YARN Resource Pools page.
Some pools may be initially over their fair share because the first jobs to run will
take all available cluster resources.
However, over time, notice that the jobs running over fair share begin to shed
resources, which are reallocated to other pools to approach fair share allocation for
all pools.
Tip: Mouse over any one of the “Per Pool” charts and then click the double-arrow
icon to expand the chart size.

9. Conduct further experiments.

Stop the job running in pool1.

$ ./ pool1 stop

Wait a minute or two, then observe the results in the charts on the Dynamic
Resource Pools page.

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Start a second job in pool3.

$ ./ pool3 start

Again, observe the results.

10. Configure a Dynamic Resource Pool for pool2.

Browse to the Clusters > Dynamic Resource Pool Configuration page.
From the Resource Pools tab, click on Create Resource Pool.
Set the Resource Pool Name to pool2.
In the Configuration Sets tab, configure the following settings:
• Weight: 2
• Virtual Cores Min: 1
• Virtual Cores Max: 2
• Memory Min: 2400
• Memory Max: 5000
In the Scheduling Policy tab, keep DRF as the scheduling policy.
Click Create to create the new resource pool.

11. Observe the effect of the new Dynamic Resource Pool on the resource allocations
within the cluster.
In the YARN Applications page, check how many jobs are still running and in
which pools they are running.
Use the script to start or stop jobs so that there is one job running in
each of the four pools.
Return to the YARN Resource Pools page to observe the affect of the pool settings
you defined.
As you continue to observe the “Per Pool Shares – Fair Share Memory” chart, you
should soon see that pool2 is given a greater share of resources.

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12. Clean up.

When you are done observing the behavior of the Fair Scheduler, stop all running
jobs either by using the script or kill the applications from the YARN
Applications page in Cloudera Manager.

This is the end of the exercise.

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Hands-On Exercise: Breaking the Cluster

In this exercise, you will see what happens during failures of portions of the
Hadoop cluster.
IMPORTANT: This exercise builds on the previous one. If you were unable to complete
the previous exercise or think you may have made a mistake, run the following
command and follow the prompts to prepare for this exercise before continuing:

$ ~/training_materials/admin/scripts/

1. Verify the existence of a large file in HDFS.

In a previous exercise, you placed the weblog files in HDFS. Verify the files are
On elephant:

$ hdfs dfs -ls weblog

Only if you do not see the access_log file in HDFS, place it there now.
On elephant:

$ cd ~/training_materials/admin/data
$ hdfs dfs -mkdir weblog
$ gunzip -c access_log.gz \
| hdfs dfs -put - weblog/access_log

2. Locate a block that has been replicated on elephant as follows:

In the NameNode Web UI for your active NameNode, navigate to the
/user/training/weblog/access_log file. The File Information window
Locate the Availability section in the File Information window for Block 0. You
should see three hosts on which Block 0 is available. If one of the replicas is on
elephant, note its Block ID. You will need to refer to the Block ID in the next
If none of Block 0’s replicas are on elephant, view the replication information
for other blocks in the file until you locate a block that has been replicated on
elephant. Once you have located a block that has been replicated on elephant,
note its block ID.

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We will revisit this block when the NameNode recognizes that one of the DataNodes
is a “dead node” (after 10 minutes).

3. Now, intentionally cause a failure and observe what happens.

Using Cloudera Manager, from the HDFS Instances page, stop the DataNode
running on elephant.

4. Visit the NameNode Web UI again and click on Datanodes. Refresh the browser
several times and notice that the “Last contact” value for the elephant DataNode
stays the same, while the “Last contact” values for the other DataNodes continue to
update with more recent timestamps.

5. Run the HDFS file system consistency check to see that the NameNode
currently thinks there are no problems.
On elephant:

$ sudo -u hdfs hdfs fsck /

6. Wait for at least ten minutes to pass before starting the next exercise.
(optional) in any terminal:

$ sleep 600 && echo "10 minutes have passed."

This is the end of the exercise.

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Hands-On Exercise: Verifying the Cluster’s Self-

Healing Features
In this exercise, you will see what has happened to the data on the dead
IMPORTANT: This exercise builds on the previous one. If you were unable to complete
the previous exercise or think you may have made a mistake, run the following
command and follow the prompts to prepare for this exercise before continuing:

$ ~/training_materials/admin/scripts/

1. In the NameNode Web UI, click on Datanodes and confirm that you now have one
“dead node.”

2. View the location of the block from the access_log file you investigated in the
previous exercise. Notice that Hadoop has automatically re-replicated the data to
another host to retain three-fold replication.

3. In Cloudera Manager, navigate to the HDFS Charts Library page and click on the
Blocks and Files chart filter.
Scroll down and view the charts which show evidence of what occurred. For
example, view the “Under-replicated Blocks” chart, the “Pending Replication
Blocks” chart, and the “Scheduled Replication Blocks” chart.
Note the spike in activity that occurred after the DataNode went down.

4. View the audit and log trails in Cloudera Manager.

In Cloudera Manager, click on Audits.
Note the timestamp for when the HDFS service was stopped.
Choose Diagnostics > Logs, select sources HDFS only, set the Minimum Log Level
to INFO, and enter the search term “replicate”.

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Click Search.
Scroll down to the log entries that occurred just over 10 minutes after the DataNode
was stopped. Notice the log messages related blocks being replicated. You can also
find these log entries by searching for “blockstatechange”.

5. Run the hdfs fsck command again to observe that the filesystem is still healthy.
On elephant:

$ sudo -u hdfs hdfs fsck /

6. Run the hdfs dfsadmin -report command to see that one dead DataNode is
now reported.
On elephant:

$ sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfsadmin -report

7. Use Cloudera Manager to restart the DataNode on elephant, bringing your cluster
back to full strength.

8. Run the hdfs fsck command again to observe the temporary over replication of
On elephant:

$ sudo -u hdfs hdfs fsck /

Note that the over replication situation will resolve itself (if it has not already) now
that the previously unavailable DataNode is once again running.

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If the command above did not show any over replicated blocks, go to Diagnostics >
Logs in Cloudera Manager and search the HDFS source for “replica”. You should
find evidence of the temporary over-replication in the log entries corresponding to
the time range just after the DataNode was started again.

This is the end of the exercise.

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Hands-On Exercise: Taking HDFS Snapshots

In this exercise, you will enable HDFS snapshots on a directory and then practice
restoring data from a snapshot.
IMPORTANT: This exercise builds on the previous one. If you were unable to complete
the previous exercise or think you may have made a mistake, run the following
command and follow the prompts to prepare for this exercise before continuing:

$ ~/training_materials/admin/scripts/

1. Enable snapshots on a directory in HDFS.

In Cloudera Manager, go to the HDFS page for your cluster and click File Browser.
Browse to /user/training, then click Enable Snapshots.
In the “Enable Snapshots” window, keep the Snapshottable Path set to
/user/training and click Enable Snapshots.
The command completes. Notice in the message displayed in the Details panel
showing a command that could be run in a terminal window to accomplish the
same action using the hdfs dfsadmin tool.
Click Close. Notice that there is now a “Take Snapshot” button.

2. Take a snapshot.
Still in the Cloudera Manager File Browser at /user/training, Click Take
Snapshot. Give it the name snap1 and click OK.
After the snapshot completes click Close.
The snapshot section should now show your “snap1” listing.

3. Delete data from /user/training then restore data from the snapshot.
Now let’s see what happens if we delete some data.
On elephant:

$ hdfs dfs -rm -r weblog

$ hdfs dfs -ls /user/training

The second command should show that the weblog directory is now gone.

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However, your weblog data is still available, which you can see by running the
commands here:

$ hdfs dfs -ls /user/training/.snapshot/snap1

$ hdfs dfs -tail .snapshot/snap1/weblog/access_log

Restore a copy of the weblog directory to the original location and then verify it is
back in place.

$ hdfs dfs -cp .snapshot/snap1/weblog weblog

$ hdfs dfs -ls /user/training

This is the end of the exercise.

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Hands-On Exercise: Configuring Email Alerts

In this exercise, you will configure Cloudera Manager to use an email server to
send alerts.
IMPORTANT: This exercise builds on the previous one. If you were unable to complete
the previous exercise or think you may have made a mistake, run the following
command and follow the prompts to prepare for this exercise before continuing:

$ ~/training_materials/admin/scripts/

1. Configure Cloudera Manager to send email alerts using the email server on lion.
In Cloudera Manager, choose Clusters > Cloudera Management Service.
Click on Configuration and then choose the Alert Publisher filter.
Confirm the Alerts: Enable Email Alerts property is checked.
• Alerts: Mail Server Username: training
• Alerts: Mail Server Password: training
• Alerts: Mail Message Recipients: training@localhost
• Alerts: Mail Message Format: text
Save the changes.

2. Restart the Cloudera Management Service.

3. Send a test alert from Cloudera Manager.

In Cloudera Manager, go to Administration > Alerts. You should see that the
recipient(s) of alerts is now set to training@localhost.
Click on the Send Test Alert link at the top of the page.

4. Confirm emails are being received from Cloudera Manager.

The postfix email server is running on lion. Here you can use the mail command
line client to access the training user’s inbox.
On lion:

$ mail

The “Test Alert” email should show as new (N).

At the & prompt, type in the number that appears to the right of the N and hit the
Enter key so you can read the email.

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After you are done reading the email, type q and again hit the Enter key to exit the
mail client.

This is the end of the exercise.

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Troubleshooting Challenge: Heap O’ Trouble

It’s 8:30 AM and you are enjoying your first cup of coffee. Keri, who is making the
transition from writing RDBMS stored procedures to coding Java MapReduce, shows up
in your doorway before you’re even halfway through that first cup.
“I just tried to run a MapReduce job and I got an out of memory exception. I heard that
there was 32GB on those new machines you bought. But when I run this stupid job, I
keep getting out of memory errors. Isn’t 32GB enough memory? If I don’t fix this thing,
I’m going to be in a heap of trouble. I told my manager I was 99% complete with my
project but now I’m not even sure if I can do what I want to do with Hadoop.”
Put down your coffee and see if you can help Keri get her job running.
IMPORTANT: This exercise builds on the previous one. If you were unable to complete
the previous exercise or think you may have made a mistake, run the following
command and follow the prompts to prepare for this exercise before continuing:

$ ~/training_materials/admin/scripts/

Recreating the Problem

1. Confirm files in HDFS.
On elephant:

$ hdfs dfs -ls /tmp/shakespeare.txt

The command above should show that shakespeare.txt is in HDFS.

Only if shakespeare.txt was not found, run these commands to place the file in HDFS.
On elephant:

$ cd ~/training_materials/admin/data
$ gunzip shakespeare.txt.gz
$ hdfs dfs -put shakespeare.txt /tmp

On elephant:

$ hdfs dfs -ls weblog/access_log

The command above should confirm that the access_log file exists.

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Only if access_log was not found, run these commands to place the file in HDFS.
On elephant:

$ cd ~/training_materials/admin/data
$ hdfs dfs -mkdir weblog
$ gunzip -c access_log.gz \
| hdfs dfs -put - weblog/access_log

2. Run the Heap of Trouble program.

On elephant:

$ cd ~/training_materials/admin/java
$ hadoop jar EvilJobs.jar HeapOfTrouble \
/tmp/shakespeare.txt heapOfTrouble

Attacking the Problem

The primary goal of this troubleshooting exercise is to start to become more
comfortable analyzing problem scenarios by using Hadoop’s log files and Web UIs.
Although you might be able to determine the source of the problem and fix it,
doing so successfully is not the primary goal here.
Take as many actions as you can think of to troubleshoot this problem. Please write
down the actions that you take while performing this challenge so that you can share
them with other members of the class when you discuss this exercise later.
Fix the problem if you can.
Do not turn to the next page unless you are ready for some hints.

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Some Questions to Ask While Troubleshooting a Problem

This list of questions provides some steps that you could follow while troubleshooting a
Hadoop problem. All the steps do not necessarily apply to all Hadoop issues, but this list
is a good place to start.

• What is there that is different in the environment that was not there before the
problem started occurring?

• Is there a pattern to the failure? Is it repeatable?

• If a specific job seems to be the cause of the problem, locate the task logs for the job,
including the ApplicationMaster logs, and review them. Does anything stand out?

• Are there any unexpected messages in the NameNode, ResourceManager, and

NodeManager logs?

• How is the health of your cluster?

◦ Is there adequate disk space?
◦ More specifically, does the /var/log directory have adequate disk space?
◦ Might this be a swapping issue?
◦ Is network utilization extraordinarily high?
◦ Is CPU utilization extraordinarily high?

• Can you correlate this event with any of the issues?

• If it seems like a Hadoop MapReduce job is the cause of the problem, is it possible to
get the source code for the job?

• Does searching the Web for the error provide any useful hints?

Fixing the Problem

If you have time and are able to, fix the problem so that Keri can run her job.

Post-Exercise Discussion
After some time has passed, your instructor will ask you to stop troubleshooting and
will lead the class in a discussion of troubleshooting techniques.

This is the end of the exercise.

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Appendix: Continuing Exercises After Class

Exercise Environment
After class has finished, you can continue working on the exercises or practice the skills
you have learned.
The cloud-based exercise environment you were provided as part of the class
will continue to be available after the class is over. You can continue to use that
environment for up to ten hours within 30 days after the class is complete. If you
require additional flexibility, please contact Cloudera.
Note: Be sure to bookmark or make a note of the Access URL you used during class to
access it.

Restoring the Cluster to Good Health After Machines are Stopped

At the end of class, the environment will be configured to auto-shutdown whenever 30
minutes or more of inactivity is detected. This helps preserve the time you have left for
future access. However, you are encouraged to shut down the machines manually when
you are done using them, to maximize remaining time.
Note: In a production deployment, machines would never be stopped and then later
restarted. However, in the training environment, when you restart the machines,
services will also need to be restarted in a particular order to restore the cluster to good
health. Please follow the steps below to start up your cluster.

1. Go to the cluster Access URL.

2. Click on the play icon (triangle icon) at the top of the browser page that shows the
thumbnail views of your machines. Give the machines one or two minutes to start.

3. Open the ConnectToCluster desktop and open a terminal window.

4. Run these commands in the terminal the first time to get the

$ wget
$ chmod +x

5. Run the script in the terminal every time you restart your

$ ./

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Note: The above will not work if Cloudera Manager has not yet been installed. If this
hasn’t happened, please perform the hands-on exercise titled: “Installing Cloudera
Manager Server” before doing this step.

6. Wait for the script to complete.

7. Start the SOCKS proxy by running in a separate

terminal window. Keep this process running but minimize the window.

8. Log in to the Cloudera Manager web UI at http://lion:7180 with admin as the

username and admin as the password.

9. Wait for any commands that are still running to complete, as shown in the All
Recent Commands page. The cluster should return to good health after a minute or

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