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AHS Su1-30

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V (.)
rgdirogn satatnuaktn aeakyaprastn aen / (1.1)
rga-di-roga satata-anuaj aea-kya-pras aea
rga m. a musical note; a particular process in the preparation of quicksilver; a prince di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease
satata adj. constant; continual; perpetual M anuaj 1.. to adhere; to be attached to; to cling to
aea adj. all; entire; perfect kya m. a butt; a house; any object to be attained V pras 1.. to advance
("for" or "against"); to appear; to be protracted aea adj. all; entire; perfect.

* N W (.)
autsukyamohratid jaghna yo 'prvavaidyya namo 'stu tasmai// (1.2)
autsukya-moha-arati-da han yad aprva-vaidya namas as tad
* autsukya n. anxiety; desire; fervour moha m. (with Buddhists) ignorance (one of the three roots of
vice); a magical art employed to bewilder an enemy; a swoon arati f. a bilious disease; anger; anxiety
da adj. effecting; granting; offering han 1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to abandon; to avert yad
pron. what; which aprva adj. extraordinary; incomparable; not first N vaidya m. a learned man; a
physician (accounted a mixed caste); an expert (versed in his own profession) namas n. a thunderbolt;
adoration (by gesture or word); bow as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) tad pron. this.

` (.)
yu kmayamnena dharmrthasukhasdhanam / (2.1)
yus kmay dharma-artha-sukha-sdhana
yus n. active power; duration of life; efficacy kmay 10.P. to desire; to wish dharma mn. a
bow; a particular ceremony; a Soma-drinker artha mn. (in astron.) name of the second mansion; action;
advantage sukha n. atmosphere; comfort; delight in sdhana n. a means of summoning or conjuring
up a spirit (or deity); accomplishment; acquisition.

` (.)
yurvedopadeeu vidheya param dara // (2.2)
yurveda-upadea vidh para dara
yurveda m. the science of health or medicine (it is classed among sacred sciences) ` upadea m.
a name; advice; communication of the initiatory Mantra or formula vidh 3.. to appoint; to apportion;
to arrange para pron. ancient; best; better or worse than dara m. care; notice; regard.

Q W~ ` (.)
brahm smtvyuo veda prajpatim ajigrahat / (3.1)
brahman sm-yus veda prajpati grah
Q brahman m. (with Jainas) a particular Kalpa; brahmaa yu; Aurigae W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to
bear in mind; to hand down memoriter yus n. active power; duration of life; efficacy ` veda m.
feeling; knowledge; knowledge of ritual prajpati m. (in astrol.) 2. klanara; Aurigae; a divinity
presiding over procreation grah 6.P. (in astron.) to calculate; (in astron.) to observe; to abstract.

N (.)
so 'vinau tau sahasrka so 'triputrdikn munn // (3.2)
tad avin tad sahasrka tad atri-putra-dika muni
tad pron. this N avin m. a cavalier; a name of the Nakatra presided over by the Avins; horse-tamer
tad pron. this sahasrka m. a clear sky; name of a particular Mantra; name of Fire and Rudra
tad pron. this atri m. (in astron.) one of the seven stars of the Great Bear; a devourer putra m. (in
astrol.) name of the fifth house; a Bodhisattva; a son dika adj. and so on; beginning with muni m.
Agati Grandiflora; a Brhman of the heighest order; a saint.

` V` ` M ` ` (.)
te 'gnivediks te tu pthak tantri tenire / (4.1)
tad agnivea-dika tad tu pthak tantra tan
tad pron. this V` agnivea m. name of an ancient medical authority dika adj. and so on;
beginning with tad pron. this tu ind. and; but; do pthak ind. (with abl.) without; apart or
separately or differently from; differently M tantra n. a class of works teaching magical and mystical
formularies (mostly in the form of dialogues between iva and Durg and said to treat of 5 subjects); a drug;
a house tan 8.. to accomplish; to augment; to be diffused (as light) over.

`~ ` ~ V (.)
tebhyo 'tiviprakrebhya prya srataroccaya // (4.2)
tad ativiprakra pryas sratara-uccaya
tad pron. this ativiprakra adj. usserst ausgedehnt pryas ind. abundantly; as a general
rule; commonly sratara adj. better; more excellent; more precious V uccaya m. adding to;
annumeration; collection.

` T (.)
kriyate 'gahdaya ntisakepavistaram / (5.1)
k agahdaya na-ati-sakepa-vistara
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become T agahdaya n. Name eines medizinischen
Werks na ind. neither; no; nor ati ind. extremely; very sakepa m. abridgement; brief exposition;
compendium vistara m. a layer; a multitude; affectionate solicitation.

7 (.)
kyablagrahordhvgaalyadarjarvn // (5.2)
kya m. a butt; a house; any object to be attained bla m. a child; a colt; a five years old elephant
graha mn. a crocodile; a house; a planet (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men in a supernatural
manner) rdhvga n. the part above the collar-bone; the upper part of the body 7 alya mn. (in
med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault dara mfn. a large
tooth; fang; tusk jar f. a kind of date-tree; decrepitude; digestion va m. Adhatoda vasica Roxb.; a
bull (in older language only ifc.); a man.

V (.)
av agni tasyhu cikits yeu sarit / (6.1)
aan aga tad-ah cikits yad sari
aan adj. eight aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said
to be five) tad pron. this ah 1.P. to acknowledge; to adjugde anything; to call cikits f. medical
attendance; practice or science of medicine (esp. therapeutics) yad pron. what; which sari 1.. to
acquire; to approach; to approach for sexual union.

7 (.)
vyu pitta kapha ceti trayo do samsata // (6.2)
vyu pitta kapha ca-iti tri doa samsatas
vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5
are reckoned) 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas;
watery froth or foam in general ca ind. also; and; as well as iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original
signification iti refers to something that has been said or thought) tri nr. 3 MW doa mn. a calf;
accusation; affection samsatas ind. concisely; in a summary manner; succinctly.

TT ` V* ` * (.)
viktvikt deha ghnanti te vartayanti ca / (7.1)
vik-avikta deha han tad vartay ca
T vik 8.. to act in a hostile or unfriendly way towards (gen. or loc.); to act in various ways; to annihilate
T avikta adj. being in its natural condition (said of cloth); not changed by artificial means; not deformed
` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form han 1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to abandon; to
avert tad pron. this vartay 10.. to accomplish; to begin to instruct (dat.); to behave ca ind. also;
and; as well as.

` T~ W (.)
te vypino 'pi hnnbhyor adhomadhyordhvasaray // (7.2)
tad vypin api hd-nbhi adhas-madhya-rdhva-saraya
tad pron. this vypin adj. comprehensive; covering; diffusive api ind. also; assuredly; besides
T hd n. breast; chest; interior nbhi f. a near relation or friend; affinity; central point adhas ind.
below; beneath; down W madhya adj. central; impartial; intermediate rdhva adj. above; elevated;
erect saraya m. a piece or portion belonging to anything; a refuge; alliance.

` *W (.)
vayo'hortribhuktn te 'ntamadhydig kramt / (8.1)
vayas-ahar-rtri-bhukta tad anta-madhya-di-ga kramt
vayas n. age; any period of life; degree ahar n. a day rtri f. name of a river in Kraucadvpa;
night; the darkness or stillness of night (often personified) bhukta n. food; the act of eating; the place
where any person has eaten tad pron. this * anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border W madhya n.
abdomen; centre; cessation di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or
keeping the fifth place; being kramt ind. successively.

` W W V (.)
tair bhaved viamas tko manda cgni samai sama // (8.2)
tad bh viama tka manda ca-agni sama sama
tad pron. this bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being viama adj. bad; coarse; dangerous
W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot W manda adj. addicted to intoxication; apathetic; bad ca ind. also; and; as
well as V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty sama pron. common; constant; easy sama
pron. common; constant; easy.

W W (.)
koha krro mdur madhyo madhya syt tai samair api / (9.1)
koha krra mdu madhya madhya as tad sama api
koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding wall; an inner apartment krra adj. cruel; disagreeable;
ferocious mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) W madhya adj.
central; impartial; intermediate W madhya adj. central; impartial; intermediate as 2.P. to abide; to be;
to be equal to (dat.) tad pron. this sama pron. common; constant; easy api ind. also; assuredly;

" W ` (.)
ukrrtavasthair janmdau vieeva viakrime // (9.2)
ukra-rtava-stha janman-di via-iva via-krimi
" ukra n. a kind of prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid rtava n. a flower; fluid
discharged by the female of an animal at the time of rut; the menstrual discharge W stha adj. a place;
abiding; being situated in janman n. (in astrol.) name of the 1st lunar mansion; a creature; a progenitor
di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m;
a particular vegetable poison iva ind. a little; about; almost via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical
name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison krimi m. .

T W7 (.)
tai ca tisra praktayo hnamadhyottam pthak / (10.1)
tad ca tri prakti h-madhya-uttama pthak
tad pron. this ca ind. also; and; as well as tri nr. 3 MW T prakti f. (in anat.) temperament; (in
mythol.) a goddess; (in polit.) a king's ministers h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or wanting; to be
excluded from or bereft of W madhya adj. central; impartial; intermediate 7 uttama adj. best; chief;
excellent pthak ind. (with abl.) without; apart or separately or differently from; differently.

N ` (.)
samadhtu samastsu reh nindy dvidoaj // (10.2)
sama-dhtu samasta reha nind dvi-doa-ja
sama pron. common; constant; easy dhtu mn. a constituent element or essential ingredient of the
body; constituent part; element samasta adj. abridged; all; combined reha adj. most beautiful of
or among; most splendid or beautiful W

nind 1.. to blame; to censure; to despise dvi nr. two doa

mn. a calf; accusation; affection ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or
descended from.

W (.)
tatra rko laghu ta khara skma calo 'nila / (11.1)
tatra rka laghu ta khara skma cala anila
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech)
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief ta adj. boiled; cold; dull khara adj. acid; cruel; cutting
(as speech or word) W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant cala adj. confused; disturbed; fluctuating
anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons.

7 NW (.)
pitta sasnehatkoa laghu visra sara dravam // (11.2)
pitta sa-sneha-tka-ua laghu visra sara drava
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour sa ind. (ibc.) with N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any
oleaginous substance W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot ua adj. acrid; active; hot laghu adj. active;
beautiful; causing relief visra adj. musty; smelling of raw meat sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going
drava adj. liquid.

N^ ^ W HW * W (.)
snigdha to gurur manda lako mtsna sthira kapha /(12.1)
snigdha ta guru manda laka mtsna sthira kapha
N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable ta adj. boiled; cold; dull ^ guru adj. difficult;
hard; heavy W manda adj. addicted to intoxication; apathetic; bad HW laka adj. bland; even; fine *
mtsna adj. lubricous; slimy W sthira adj. ascertained; calm; certain kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of
the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general.

g (.)
sasarga sanipta ca taddvitrikayakopata // (12.2)
sasarga sanipta ca tad-dvi-tri-kaya-kopa
sasarga m. a partic. combination of two humours which produces diseases; a partic. conjunction of
celestial bodies; acquaintance sanipta m. a complicated derangement of the three humours or an
illness produced by it; a particular conjunction of planets; a particular manner of wrestling ca ind. also;
and; as well as tad pron. this dvi nr. two tri nr. 3 MW kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction
kopa m. anger; fury (of fire); incompatibleness with.

V_ W" (.)
rassmsamedo'sthimajjaukri dhtava / (13.1)
rasa-asj-msa-medas-asthi-majjan-ukra dhtu
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre V asj n. blood;
saffron msa n. flesh; meat medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness
W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit majjan m. scurf; the marrow of bones " ukra n. a kind of
prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid dhtu mn. a constituent element or essential
ingredient of the body; constituent part; element.

P { T* (.)
sapta dy mal mtraaktsveddayo 'pi ca // (13.2)
saptan dya mala mtra-akt-sveda-di api ca
P saptan adj. 7 MW { dya mn. (medic.) a subordinate element of the body that can be corrupted by
the tridoa; matter; poison mala mn. dirt; dust; filth mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine
T akt n. dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement; feces sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of
perspiration") di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning api ind. also; assuredly; besides ca ind. also;
and; as well as.

T (.)
vddhi samnai sarve vipartair viparyaya / (14.1)
vddhi samna sarva viparta viparyaya
T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground) samna adj. alike; equal; identical
sarva pron. all; completely; different viparta adj. acting in a contrary manner; adverse; being the
reverse of anything viparyaya m. alteration; avoiding; barter.

ras svdvamlalavaatiktoaakayak // (14.2)
rasa svdu-amla-lavaa-tikta-aa-kayaka
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre svdu adj.
agreeable; chirming; dainty amla adj. acid; sour lavaa adj. beautiful; briny; graceful tikta adj.
bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent aa adj. kauka kayaka adj. .

` (.)
a dravyam rits te ca yathprva balvah / (15.1)
a dravya ri tad ca bala-vaha
a adj. six dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake ri
1.. to adhere; to affix; to apply anything tad pron. this ca ind. also; and; as well as bala mn.
Balarma; an army; expertness in vaha adj. bringing; bringing to pass; producing.

N ^ V* (.)
tatrdy mruta ghnanti trayas tiktdaya kapham // (15.2)
tatra-dya mruta han tri tikta-di kapha
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent ^
mruta m. a chief of the Maruts; a son of the Maruts; air han 1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to abandon;
to avert tri nr. 3 MW tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent di
m. a firstling; and so on; beginning kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam
in general.

7 ~ ` (.)
kayatiktamadhur pittam anye tu kurvate / (16.1)
kaya-tikta-madhura pitta anya tu k
kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste);
fragrant; pungent madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
~ anya pron. anderer tu ind. and; but; do T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become.

W (.)
amana kopana svasthahita dravyam iti tridh // (16.2)
amana kopana svastha-hita dravya iti tridh
amana adj. allaying; calming; destroying kopana adj. angry; causing morbid irritation or disorder
of the humors; inclined to passion W svastha adj. at ease; being in one's natural state; confident hita
adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance;
a stake iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been said
or thought) tridh ind. in 3 parts; in 3 places; in 3 ways.

W W (.)
uataguotkart tatra vrya dvidh smtam / (17.1)
ua-ta-gua-utkara tatra vrya dvidh sm
ua adj. acrid; active; hot ta adj. boiled; cold; dull gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient
or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook W utkara m. abundance; boasting; delaying tatra ind. in
that; in that case; in that place vrya n. consequence; dignity; efficacy (of medicine) dvidh ind.
divided; in 2 ways or parts; twofold W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

M (.)
tridh vipko dravyasya svdvamlakauktmaka // (17.2)
tridh vipka dravya svdu-amla-kauka-tmaka
tridh ind. in 3 parts; in 3 places; in 3 ways vipka m. any change of form or state; bad digestion;
calamity dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake svdu adj.
agreeable; chirming; dainty amla adj. acid; sour kauka adj. bad; bitter; fierce M tmaka adj.
(ifc.) having the nature of.

^WN^HWW (.)
gurumandahimasnigdhalakasndramdusthir / (18.1)
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy W manda adj. addicted to intoxication; apathetic; bad hima adj. cold;
cool; [medic.] ta N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable HW laka adj. bland; even; fine
sndra adj. bland; compact; dense mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild
(Nahrung) W sthira adj. ascertained; calm; certain.

W ` (.)
gu saskmaviad viati saviparyay // (18.2)
gua saskma-viada viati saviparyaya
gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook W saskma
adj. viada adj. bright; calm; cheerful ` viati f. twenty saviparyaya adj. .

M (.)
klrthakarma yogo hnamithytimtraka / (19.1)
kla-artha-karman yoga h-mithy-atimtraka
kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time artha mn. (in astron.) name of the
second mansion; action; advantage karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third
among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy) yoga m. (in Skhya) the union of soul with
matter (one of the 10 Mlikrths or radical facts); a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or
aphorism; a follower of the Yoga system h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or wanting; to be excluded
from or bereft of M mithy ind. contrarily; deceitfully; falsely atimtraka adj. bermssig.

P~ ~ (.)
samyagyoga ca vijeyo rogrogyaikakraam // (19.2)
samyak-yoga ca vij roga-rogya-eka-kraa
P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig yoga m. (in Skhya) the union of soul with matter (one of the
10 Mlikrths or radical facts); a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or aphorism; a follower of
the Yoga system ca ind. also; and; as well as vij 9.. to ascertain; to declare; to discern roga mn.
a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease ~ rogya n. a particular ceremony; freedom from
disease; health eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once kraa n. a cause; a deity; a father.

P P (.)
rogas tu doavaiamya doasmyam arogat / (20.1)
roga tu doa-vaiamya doa-smya aroga-t
roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease tu ind. and; but; do doa mn. a
calf; accusation; affection P vaiamya n. an error; calamity; difficulty doa mn. a calf; accusation;
affection P smya n. equability towards; equal or normal state; equality aroga adj. free from disease;
healthy; well t f. ifc. abstracta.

*` W (.)
nijgantuvibhgena tatra rog dvidh smt // (20.2)
nija-gantu-vibhga tatra roga dvidh sm
nija adj. innate; native * gantu adj. accidental; adventitious; anything added or adhering
vibhga m. a share; apportionment; constituent part of anything tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that
place roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease dvidh ind. divided; in 2 ways
or parts; twofold W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

` (.)
te kyamanobhedd adhihnam api dvidh / (21.1)
tad kya-manas-bheda adhihna api dvidh
tad pron. this kya m. a butt; a house; any object to be attained manas n. affection; conscience;
desire bheda m. (in astron.) a particular crossing or conjunction of the planets; a cleft; alteration
adhihna n. a basis; a benediction; a position api ind. also; assuredly; besides dvidh ind. divided;
in 2 ways or parts; twofold.

` T (.)
rajas tama ca manaso dvau ca dov udhtau // (21.2)
rajas tamas ca manas dvi ca doa udh
` rajas n. a kind of plant; a kind of weight; affection tamas n. darkness; error; gloom ca ind. also;
and; as well as manas n. affection; conscience; desire dvi nr. two ca ind. also; and; as well as
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection T udh 2.P. to announce; to call; to cite.

WH (.)
daranasparanapranai parketa ca rogiam / (22.1)
darana-sparana-prana park ca rogin
darana n. audience; examination; inspection W sparana n. contact; donation; gift H prana m. a
question; a short section or paragraph (in books); a subject of inquiry park 1.P. to examine; to find
out; to inspect carefully ca ind. also; and; as well as rogin adj. diseased; ill; sick.

P (.)
roga nidnaprgrpalakaopaayptibhi // (22.2)
roga nidna-prgrpa-lakaa-upaaya-pti
roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease nidna n. a band; a first or primary
cause; any cause or motive prgrpa n. previous symptom (of disease) lakaa n. a designation; a
form; a lucky mark upaaya m. (in med.) the allaying (of diseases) by suitable remedies; a kind of hole
in the ground (placed near the track of wild animals); advantageous medicine P pti f. abundance;
acquisition; aptitude.

`` ` V (.)
bhmidehaprabhedena deam hur iha dvidh / (23.1)
bhmi-deha-prabheda dea ah iha dvidh
bhmi f. attitude; country; degree ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form prabheda m.
cutting through; division; kind ` dea m. country; institute; kingdom ah 1.P. to acknowledge; to
adjugde anything; to call iha ind. at this time; here; in this book or system dvidh ind. divided; in 2
ways or parts; twofold.

jgala vtabhyiham anpa tu kapholbaam // (23.2)
jgala vta-bhyiha anpa tu kapha-ulbaa
jgala adj. arid; coming from wild deer; covered with jungle vta m. air; flatulence; gout
bhyiha adj. chief; most numerous or abundant or great or important; principal anpa adj. situated
near the water; watery tu ind. and; but; do kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery
froth or foam in general ulbaa adj. reich an (??); strong (a poison).

` (.)
sdhraa samamala tridh bhdeam diet / (24.1)
sdhraa sama-mala tridh bh-dea di
sdhraa adj. behaving alike; belonging to all; general sama pron. common; constant; easy
mala mn. dirt; dust; filth tridh ind. in 3 parts; in 3 places; in 3 ways bh f. a sacrificial fire; a term for
the letter l; Erde ` dea m. country; institute; kingdom di 6.. to aim at; to announce; to assign.

WW `T (.)
kadir vydhyavasth ca klo bheajayogakt // (24.2)
kaa-di vydhi-avasth ca kla bheaja-yoga-kt
kaa m. a certain day of the fortnight; a festival; a fit or suitable moment di m. a firstling; and so
on; beginning vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus W avasth f. appearance (in a court of justice); circumstance of age; condition ca ind. also;
and; as well as kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time ` bheaja n. a remedy; a
spell or charm; drug yoga m. (in Skhya) the union of soul with matter (one of the 10 Mlikrths or
radical facts); a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or aphorism; a follower of the Yoga system T
kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

odhana amana ceti samsd auadha dvidh / (25.1)
odhana amana ca-iti samsa auadha dvidh
odhana adj. cleaning; cleansing; purgative amana adj. allaying; calming; destroying ca ind.
also; and; as well as iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that
has been said or thought) samsa m. (in astron.) a particular circle; a compound word; aggregation
auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively dvidh ind. divided; in 2 ways or parts; twofold.

` (.)
arrajn do kramea paramauadham // (25.2)
arra-ja doa parama-auadha
arra n. a dead body; any solid body (opp. to udaka etc.); bodily frame ja adj. born or produced in or
at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection parama
adj. (with abl.) superior or inferior to; best; better or worse than auadha n. drug; herb; herbs

` (.)
vastir vireko vamana tath taila ghta madhu / (26.1)
vasti vireka vamana tath taila ghta madhu
vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder ` vireka
m. a purgative; cathartic; evacuation of the bowels vamana n. an emetic; emission; emitting tath
ind. in like manner; in that manner; so taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil ghta n. cream; fat (as an
emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven) madhu n. a kind of
metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid).

M (.)
dhdhairytmdivijna manodoauadha param // (26.2)
dh-dhairya-tman-di-vijna manas-doa-auadha para
dh f. art; design; devotion dhairya n. forethought (opp. to mlvya); intelligence M tman m. a
son; abstract individual; Brahma di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning vijna n. art;
comprehending; doctrine manas n. affection; conscience; desire doa mn. a calf; accusation;
affection auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively para pron. ancient; best; better or worse than.

" W (.)
bhiag dravyy upastht rog pdacatuayam / (27.1)
bhiaj dravya upastht rogin pda-catuaya
` bhiaj m. a healer; a remedy; medicine dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary
substance; a stake W upastht m. an attendant; nurse; one who is near at hand rogin adj.
diseased; ill; sick pda m. a foot as a measure ( 12 Agulas); a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped
being one out of 4); a quarter catuaya fn. Vierzahl.

` * (.)
cikitsitasya nirdia pratyeka tac caturguam // (27.2)
cikitsita nirdi pratyeka tad caturgua
cikitsita n. (pl.) the chapters of the therapeutical section (of med.) ` nirdi 6.. to advise; to
announce; to assign anything to * pratyeka adj. each one; each single one; every one tad pron. this
caturgua adj. fourfold; tied with 4 strings (the upper garment).

7W [ " (.)
dakas trthttastrrtho dakarm ucir bhiak / (28.1)
daka trtha-d-stra-artha dakarman uci bhiaj
daka adj. able; adroit; clever trtha mn. a brhman; a channel; a passage d 4.. to accept; to
carry off; to grasp W stra n. (esp.) any religious or scientific treatise; a body of teaching (in general);
advice artha mn. (in astron.) name of the second mansion; action; advantage [ dakarman adj.
tried by practice; who has seen the practice of others; whose actions are seen or proved " uci adj. bright;
brilliantly white; clean ` bhiaj m. a healer; a remedy; medicine.

V7 V ~ (.)
bahukalpa bahugua sampanna yogyam auadham // (28.2)
bahu-kalpa bahu-gua sampanna yogya auadha
V bahu adj. abundant; great in quantity; many 7 kalpa mn. a fabulous period of time; alternative; law
V bahu adj. abundant; great in quantity; many gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent
of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook sampanna adj. accomplished; become; dainty ~ yogya adj. able or
equal to; belonging to a particular remedy; capable of auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively.

" T (.)
anurakta ucir dako buddhimn paricraka / (29.1)
anuraj uci daka buddhimant paricraka
M anuraj 4.. to be attached or devoted; to become red in imitation of; to find delight in " uci adj.
bright; brilliantly white; clean daka adj. able; adroit; clever T* buddhimant adj. docile; endowed
with understanding; famed paricraka m. a dra; an assistant or attendant; executor (of an order

* (.)
hyo rog bhiagvayo jpaka sattvavn api // (29.2)
hya rogin bhiaj-vaya jpaka sattvavant api
hya adj. opulent; rich; rich or abounding in rogin adj. diseased; ill; sick ` bhiaj m. a healer; a
remedy; medicine vaya adj. at the disposal of (gen. or comp.); being under control; docile
jpaka adj. causing to know; informing; suggesting ** sattvavant adj. a living being; abounding in the
quality Sattva; courageous api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

`` M (.)
sarvauadhakame dehe yna puso jittmana / (30.1)
sarva-auadha-kama deha yuvan pus ji-tman
sarva pron. all; completely; different auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively kama adj. able;
adequate; appropriate ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form yuvan m. a youth; an
elephant 60 years old; name of the ninth year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years pus m. a human being; a
male being; a man ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to exercise M tman m. a son; abstract
individual; Brahma.

7` ~ (.)
amarmago 'lpahetvagrarparpo 'nupadrava // (30.2)
amarmaga alpa-hetu-agrarpa-rpa anupadrava
amarmaga adj. (Krankheit:) keine marmans betreffend alpa adj. little; minute; small ` hetu m.
(with Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to pratyaya); (with Paupatas) that which causes the bondage of
the soul; a logical reason or dedaction or argument agrarpa n. [medic.] prgrpa, a prodrome
rpa n. a particular coin; a show; a single specimen anupadrava adj. [medic.] without upadravas.

7{`T (.)
atulyadyadeartuprakti pdasapadi / (31.1)
atulya-dya-dea-tu-prakti pda-sampad
7 atulya adj. unequalled { dya mn. (medic.) a subordinate element of the body that can be corrupted
by the tridoa; matter; poison ` dea m. country; institute; kingdom tu m. a particular mineral; an
epoch; any settled point of time T prakti f. (in anat.) temperament; (in mythol.) a goddess; (in polit.) a
king's ministers pda m. a foot as a measure ( 12 Agulas); a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped
being one out of 4); a quarter sampad f. a condition or requisite of success; a kind of medicinal plant; a
necklace of pearls.

`M M (.)
grahev anuguev ekadoamrgo nava sukha // (31.2)
graha anugua eka-doa-mrga nava sukha
graha mn. a crocodile; a house; a planet (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men in a supernatural
manner) anugua adj. according or suitable to; congenial to; having similar qualities eka pron.
alone; excellent; happening only once doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection mrga m. (in astrol.)
the 7th mansion; (in medic.) a way; a channel nava adj. fresh; modern; new sukha adj. agreeable;
comfortable; easy.

W T ` (.)
astrdisdhana kcchra sakare ca tato gada / (32.1)
astra-di-sdhana kcchra sakara ca tatas gada
W astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool di m. a firstling;
and so on; beginning sdhana n. a means of summoning or conjuring up a spirit (or deity);
accomplishment; acquisition T kcchra adj. attended with pain or labour; bad; being in a difficult or
painful situation sakara m. any action similar to the intermixture of castes; anything that may be
defiled by the touch of any unclean thing; commingling ca ind. also; and; as well as tatas ind. after
that; consequently; for that reason gada m. a sentence; Costus speciosus Sm.; disease.

~ M~ (.)
eatvd yuo ypya pathybhysd viparyaye // (32.2)
ea-tva yus ypay pathya-abhysa viparyaya
ea mn. balance; leavings; remainder ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) yus n. active
power; duration of life; efficacy ypay 10.P. to alleviate (a disease); to cause to depart; to cause to
elapse M pathya adj. containing elements or leading forms; fit; normal ~ abhysa m. (in later Vednta
phil.) inculcation of a truth conveyed in sacred writings by means of repeating the same word or the same
passage; (in Yoga phil.) the effort of the mind to remain in its unmodified condition of purity (sattva);
custom viparyaya m. alteration; avoiding; barter.

W ** (.)
anupakrama eva syt sthito 'tyantaviparyaye / (33.1)
anupakrama eva as sth atyanta-viparyaya
anupakrama adj. untreatable eva ind. alone; already; even as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal
to (dat.) W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand ** atyanta adj. absolute; beyond the proper end or
limit; endless viparyaya m. alteration; avoiding; barter.

*T [ (.)
autsukyamohratikd dario 'kanana // (33.2)
autsukya-moha-arati-kt d-ria aka-nana
* autsukya n. anxiety; desire; fervour moha m. (with Buddhists) ignorance (one of the three roots of
vice); a magical art employed to bewilder an enemy; a swoon arati f. a bilious disease; anger; anxiety
T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author [ d 4.. to appear; to appear as; to be seen ria n. a bad
omen; calamity; fortune aka n. the eye nana adj. destroying.

* ` (.)
tyajed rta bhiagbhpair dvia te dvia dviam / (34.1)
tyaj rta bhiaj-bhpa dvi tad dvi dvi
* tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge rta adj. afflicted; disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) `
bhiaj m. a healer; a remedy; medicine bhpa m. a king; a term for the number sixteen; prince dvi
6.. to be a rival or a match for; to be hostile or unfriendly; to hate tad pron. this dvi adj. disliking;
hating; hostile dvi adj. disliking; hating; hostile.

hnopakaraa vyagram avidheya gatyuam // (34.2)
h-upakaraa vyagra avidheya gam-yua
h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or wanting; to be excluded from or bereft of upakaraa n. any
object of art or science; anything added over and above; anything fabricated vyagra adj. being in motion;
bewildered; distracted avidheya adj. unartig gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move yua n.
duration of life; ifc. yus.

" ^ TV N (.)
caa oktura bhru ktaghna vaidyamninam / (35.1)
caa oka-tura bhru ktaghna vaidya-mnin
" caa adj. angry; ardent with passion; cruel oka m. affliction; anguish; flame tura adj.
desirous of (Inf.); diseased or pained by (in comp.); sick (in body or mind) ^ bhru adj. dreading the
beyond or the hereafter; fearful; timid TV ktaghna adj. defeating or rendering vain all previous measures;
ungrateful; unmindful of services rendered N vaidya m. a learned man; a physician (accounted a mixed
caste); an expert (versed in his own profession) mnin adj. being of opinion; haughty; high-minded.

M W` W (.)
tantrasysya para cto vakyate 'dhyyasagraha // (35.2)
tantra-idam para ca-atas vac adhyya-sagraha
M tantra n. a class of works teaching magical and mystical formularies (mostly in the form of dialogues
between iva and Durg and said to treat of 5 subjects); a drug; a house idam pron. this para pron.
ancient; best; better or worse than ca ind. also; and; as well as atas ind. from that time; from this;
from this or that cause or reason vac 2.P. to declare; to proclaim; to recite W adhyya m. a lesson; a
reader; chapter sagraha m. Agasagraha; a guardian; a place where anything is kept.

M~~ (.)
yukmadinartvhrognutpdanadrav / (36.1)
M yukma adj. wishing for long life or health dina mn. a day tu m. a particular mineral; an
epoch; any settled point of time h f. activity; desire; effort roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus
Speciosus or Arabicus; disease ~ anutpdana n. non-production; not producing drava mn. (medic.)
a kind of sveda; buttermilk (Takra); decoction.

TV (.)
dodijnatadbhedataccikitsd vyupakram / (37.1)
vyupakrama m. .

"7N`W (.)
uddhydisnehanasvedareksthpananvanam // (37.2)
"T uddhi f. accuracy; accurate knowledge regarding; acquittal di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
N snehana n. being or becoming oily; feeling affection; lubrication sveda m. a sudorific; heat;
perspiration ("drops of perspiration") ` reka m. emptying; loosening; purging W sthpana n. a
strengthening remedy; an enema of oil; causing to stay or remain nvana n. a sternutatory.

"[PMW (.)
dhmagaadksekatptiyantrakaastrakam / (38.1)
dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist " gaa mn. a mouthful of water; draught; filling or
rinsing the mouth [ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot; appearance; doctrine
seka m. a drop of anything; a libation; a shower-bath P tpti f. disgust; satisfaction M yantraka n. yantra;
a bandage (in medicine); a hand-mill W astraka n. a knife; iron.

7 WV (.)
sirvidhi alyavidhi astrakrgnikarmikau // (38.2)
sir-vidhi alya-vidhi astra-kra-agni-karmika
sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream vidhi m. a grammatical rule or precept; a means; a physician 7
alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault vidhi
m. a grammatical rule or precept; a means; a physician W astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or
wounding; any instrument or tool kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline
substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash) V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty
karmika adj. acting; active.

W W ` (.)
strasthnam ime 'dhyys triacchrram ucyate / (39.1)
strasthna idam adhyya triat-rra vac
W strasthna n. (in medic. wks.) the first general section idam pron. this W adhyya m. a
lesson; a reader; chapter triat f. 30 MW rra n. (in med.) the science of the body and its
parts; va (?); anatomy vac 2.P. to declare; to proclaim; to recite.

*H (.)
garbhvakrntitadvypadagamarmavibhgikam // (39.2)
* garbhvakrnti f. conception; name of Agahdayasahit, r. 1; name of Carakasahit, r.
4 tad pron. this vypad f. calamity; death; derangement aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb
or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five) marman n. any joint or articulation; any open or
exposed or weak or sensitive part of the body; any secret or mystery vibhgika adj. .

T {` (.)
viktir dtaja aha nidna srvarogikam / (40.1)
vikti dta-ja aha nidna srvarogika
T vikti f. (in Skhya) vikra; imba; a verse changed in a particular manner { dta m. a messenger;
ambassador; envoy ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from
aha adj. sixth nidna n. a band; a first or primary cause; any cause or motive srvarogika adj.
relating to or useful in diseases of every kind.

7VNWN (.)
jvarskvsayakmdimaddyaro'tisrim // (40.2)
7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to
be affected by it); fever of the soul V asj n. blood; saffron N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath;
asthma (of which there are five kinds) W yakman m. consumption; pulmonary consumption di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning mada m. a river; any beautiful object; any exhilarating or intoxicating
drink di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a
disease of the eyelid atisrin adj. afflicted with purging or dysentery.

WN (.)
mtrghtaprameh vidradhydyudarasya ca / (41.1)
mtrghta-prameha vidradhi-di-udara ca
mtrghta m. urinary disease prameha m. urinary disease (name applied to all urinary disease)
vidradhi mf. abscess; [medic.] a particular abscess (piaka) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) ca ind. also; and; as well

" (.)
pukuhnilrtn vtsrasya ca oaa // (41.2)
pu-kuha-anila-rta vtsra ca oaan
" pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a Ngarja kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy
anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons rta
adj. afflicted; disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) vtsra n. a particular class of diseases ca ind. also;
and; as well as oaan adj. sixteen.

7` N W (.)
cikitsita jvare rakte kse vse ca yakmai / (42.1)
cikitsita jvara rakta ksa vsa ca yakman
cikitsita n. (pl.) the chapters of the therapeutical section (of med.) 7 jvara m. affliction; fever
(differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the
soul rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem
nvana behandeln N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) ca
ind. also; and; as well as W yakman m. consumption; pulmonary consumption.

* ` (.)
vamau madtyaye 'rasu vii dvau dvau ca mtrite // (42.2)
vami madtyaya aras vi dvi dvi ca mtrita
vami f. an emetic; nausea; qualmishness * madtyaya m. disorder resulting from intoxication (as
head-ache etc.) aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid vi f. dirt;
excrement; feces dvi nr. two dvi nr. two ca ind. also; and; as well as mtrita n. the voiding of

7"` (.)
vidradhau gulmajaharapuophavisarpiu / (43.1)
vidradhi gulma-jahara-pu-opha-visarpi
vidradhi mf. abscess; [medic.] a particular abscess (piaka) 7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of
the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the
spleen jahara mn. abdomen; belly; bowels " pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a
Ngarja opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) ` visarpi m.
the disease Visarpa.

N (.)
kuhavitrnilavydhivtsreu cikitsitam // (43.2)
kuha-vitra-anila-vydhi-vtsra cikitsita
kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy N vitra mn. morbid whiteness of the skin; vitiligo; white leprosy
anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons
vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus
vtsra n. a particular class of diseases cikitsita n. (pl.) the chapters of the therapeutical section (of

` W 7T (.)
dvviatir ime 'dhyy kalpasiddhir ata param / (44.1)
dvviati idam adhyya kalpasiddhi atas para
` dvviati f. 22 MW idam pron. this W adhyya m. a lesson; a reader; chapter 7T
kalpasiddhi m. the Kalpasthna (of the AHS) atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause
or reason para pron. ancient; best; better or worse than.

7 ` T 7 (.)
kalpo vamer virekasya tatsiddhir vastikalpan // (44.2)
kalpa vami vireka tad-siddhi vasti-kalpan
7 kalpa mn. a fabulous period of time; alternative; law vami f. an emetic; nausea; qualmishness `
vireka m. a purgative; cathartic; evacuation of the bowels tad pron. this T siddhi f. (prob.) a work of art;
a kind of medicinal root; a magical shoe (supposed to convey the wearer wherever he likes) vasti mf.
abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder 7 kalpan f. a deed;
act; arranging.

T * 7 7 (.)
siddhir vastypad aho dravyakalpo 'ta uttaram / (45.1)
siddhi vasti-pad aha dravya-kalpa atas uttara
T siddhi f. (prob.) a work of art; a kind of medicinal root; a magical shoe (supposed to convey the wearer
wherever he likes) vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the
bladder pad f. calamity; distress; misfortune aha adj. sixth dravya n. (Gr.) single object or
person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake 7 kalpa mn. a fabulous period of time; alternative; law
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason 7 uttara adj. better; chief; concluding.

` H ` ` (.)
blopacre tadvydhau tadgrahe dvau ca bhtage // (45.2)
bla-upacra tad-vydhi tad-graha dvi ca bhta-ga
bla m. a child; a colt; a five years old elephant upacra m. a ceremony; a favourable
circumstance; a kind of Sandhi (substitution of s and in place of Visarga) tad pron. this vydhi m.
ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus tad pron. this
graha mn. a crocodile; a house; a planet (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men in a supernatural
manner) dvi nr. two ca ind. also; and; as well as bhta mn. a demon; a spirit (good or evil); an
element ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place; being.

` W M (.)
unmde 'tha smtibhrae dvau dvau vartmasu sadhiu / (46.1)
unmda atha dvi dvi vartman sadhi
unmda m. insanity; intoxication; madness atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not
easily expressed in English); but; certainly dvi nr. two dvi nr. two M vartman n. an edge; an eyelid
(as encircling the eye); basis sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold;
a joint.

[ ` (.)
dktamoliganeu trayo dvau dvau ca sarvage // (46.2)
d-tamas-ligana tri dvi dvi ca sarvaga
[ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot; appearance; doctrine tamas n. darkness;
error; gloom ligana m. a particular disease of the eyes (loss of vision from cataract etc) tri nr. 3
MW dvi nr. two dvi nr. two ca ind. also; and; as well as sarvaga adj. all-pervading.

W` (.)
karansmukhairovrae bhage bhagandare / (47.1)
kara-ns-mukha-iras-vraa bhaga bhagadara
kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle ns f. Gendarussa Vulgaris;
proboscis; the nose mukha n. a direction; beginning; best iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class)
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish bhaga m. a bend; a break or breach (lit. and fig.); a piece broken off
bhagadara mn. a fistula in the pudendum muliebre or in the anus etc. (5 to 8 forms enumerated);
Mastdarmfisteln; name of an ancient sage.

M ` Q` (.)
granthydau kudrarogeu guhyaroge pthag dvayam // (47.2)
granthi-di kudraroga guhyaroga pthak dvaya
* granthi m. a bell; a complaint; a joint of the body di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
kudraroga m. a class of minor diseases (of which forty-four are enumerated); especially exanthemas of
different kinds) Q guhyaroga m. a disease of the pudenda pthak ind. (with abl.) without; apart or
separately or differently from; differently dvaya n. both; double; falsehood.

` ` ` (.)
vie bhujage keu makeu rasyane / (48.1)
via bhujaga ka maka rasyana
via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison
bhujaga m. a lover; a serpent; a species of Daaka metre ka m. a worm; an expression of contempt;
insect maka m. a kind of metre; a particular part of the face; a rat rasyana n. rasyanakhaa-
the fourth part of the Rasaratnkara; a medicine supposed to prevent old age and prolong life; an elixir.

~` * W (.)
catvrio 'napatynm adhyyo bjapoaa // (48.2)
catvria anapatya adhyya bja-poaa
~` catvria adj. the 40th * anapatya adj. childless; [gramm.] not used as a patronymic W
adhyya m. a lesson; a reader; chapter bja mn. (Trika:) Vokal (<-> yoni); a runner (of the Indian fig-
tree); algebra poaa adj. cherishing; nourishing.

W W (.)
athto dinacarydhyya vykhysyma / (1.1)
atha-atas dinacary-adhyya vykhy
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason dinacary f. daily-
work; name of Agahdayasahit, S. 2 W adhyya m. a lesson; a reader; chapter W
vykhy 2.. to call; to communicate; to discuss.

WV (.)
iti ha smhurtreydayo maharaya / (1.2)
iti ha sma-ah-treya-di mah-i
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) ha ind. (particle); a kind of bja W sma ind. always; certainly; ever ah 1.P.
to acknowledge; to adjugde anything; to call treya m. a descendant of Atri; a priest who is
closely related to the Sadasya; chyle di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning mah ind.
(irreg.- *mahant) -> gross i m. a hymn or Mantra composed by a i; a ray of light; a saint
or sanctified sage in general.

Q 7 7 W (.)
brhme muhrta uttihet svastho rakrtham yua / (1.3)
brhma muhrta utth svastha rak-artha yus
Q brhma adj. divine; holy; prescribed by the Veda 7 muhrta mn. a moment; a particular
division of time; a period of 48 minutes (in personified as the children of Muhrta) M utth
1.. to appear; to arise; to be active or brave W svastha adj. at ease; being in one's natural state;
confident rak f. (esp.) a sort of bracelet or amulet; a guard; a tutelary divinity artha
mn. (in astron.) name of the second mansion; action; advantage yus n. active power;
duration of life; efficacy.

* * T (.)
arracint nirvartya ktaaucavidhis tata // (1.4)
arra-cint nirvartay k-auca-vidhi tatas
arra n. a dead body; any solid body (opp. to udaka etc.); bodily frame * cint f.
anxiety; anxious thought about; care nirvartay 10.P. to bring about; to bring out; to cause
to come forth T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become auca n. (with Buddhists)
self-purification (both external and internal); cleanness; evacuation of excrement vidhi m. a
grammatical rule or precept; a means; a physician tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that

~M (.)
arkanyagrodhakhadirakarajakakubhdijam / (2.1)
arka m. a learned man; a ray; a religious ceremony ~ nyagrodha m. a fathom (measured
by the arms extended); a monastery and a village; Ficus Indica khadira mn. Acacia catechu
Willd. (having very hard wood); Acacia pennata Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 548); Acacia
senegal Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 548) M karaja m. Caesalpinia bonducella Fleming
(G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 537); Caesalpinia crista Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 537);
Caesalpinia jayabo Maza (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 537) kakubha m. a kind of bird; a kind of
disease; a kind of evil spirit di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning ja adj. born or
produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

M (.)
prtar bhuktv ca mdvagra kayakautiktakam // (2.2)
prtar bhuj ca mdu-agra kaya-kau-tiktaka
prtar ind. at dawn; in the early morning; Morning personified bhuj 1.P. to consume; to
eat; to enjoy ca ind. also; and; as well as mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis;
gentle; mild (Nahrung) agra n. a measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala;
aim kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words)
tiktaka adj. anything having a bitter flavour; bitter.

~W7 (.)
kannyagrasamasthaulya pragua dvdagulam / (3.1)
kann-agra-sama-sthaulya pragua dvdaan-agula
kann f. little finger; pupil of the eye agra n. a measure of food given as alms; a weight
equal to a pala; aim sama pron. common; constant; easy W7 sthaulya n. bigness; denseness
(opp. to saukmya); density of intellect pragua adj. being in a good state or condition;
correct; excellent dvdaan adj. 12 MW agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a
finger's breadth.

* *~ (.)
bhakayed dantapavana dantamsny abdhayan // (3.2)
bhakay dantapavana dantamsa abdhayant
bhakay 10.. to eat; to feed someone; to make someone eat something * dantapavana
n. a small piece of wood * dantamsa n. the gums * abdhayant adj. not oppressing.

N N` (.)
ndyd ajravamathuvsaksajvarrdit / (4.1)
na-ad ajra-vamathu-vsa-ksa-jvara-arditin
na ind. neither; no; nor ad 2.. to consume; to devour; to eat ajra n. indigestion
vamathu m. a cough (?); nausea; qualmishness N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath;
asthma (of which there are five kinds) ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln
7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body
supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul ` arditin adj. having spasms of the jaw-

T (.)
tsyapkahnnetrairakarmay ca tat // (4.2)
t-sya-pka-hd-netra-iras-kara-mayin ca tad
t f. Avidity as mother of Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.); desire sya n. face; jaws;
mouth pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences T hd n. breast;
chest; interior ` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer iras n. acme; chief;
first (of a class) kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle
mayin adj. erkrankt ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this.

M * W (.)
sauvram ajana nitya hitam akos tato bhajet / (5.1)
sauvra ajana nityam hita aki tatas bhaj
sauvra mn. antimony; galena; sour gruel M ajana n. a special kind of this pigment; act
of applying an ointment or pigment; antimony * nityam ind. always hita adj. agreeable;
arranged; beneficial aki n. the eye tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason
bhaj 1.. to allot or apportion to (dat. or gen.); to assume (as a form); to bestow.

` P (.)
cakus tejomaya tasya viecchlemato bhayam // (5.2)
cakus tejas-maya tad viet-leman bhaya
cakus n. a look; aspect; faculty of seeing ` tejas n. (in Skhya phil.) rajas (passion);
(opposed to kam) impatience; a mystical name of the letter r maya adj. consisting or made
of tad pron. this viet ind. especially HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum
bhaya n. alarm; apprehension; danger.

P W M (.)
yojayet saptartre 'smt srvartha rasjanam / (6.1)
yojay saptartra idam srvaa-artha rasjana
yojay 10.. to accomplish; to add; to adjust P saptartra n. a period of 7 nights (or
days); a week idam pron. this srvaa n. bloodletting artha mn. (in astron.) name of
the second mansion; action; advantage M rasjana n. vitriol of copper or a sort of collyrium
prepared from it with the addition of Curcuma or from the calx of brass with Amomum
Anthorrhiza or from leadore.

"~ ` (.)
tato nvanagaadhmatmblabhg bhavet // (6.2)
tatas nvana-gaa-dhma-tmbla-bhj bh
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason nvana n. a sternutatory "
gaa mn. a mouthful of water; draught; filling or rinsing the mouth dhma mn. a kind of
incense; a saint; mist ~ tmbla n. betel; the areca-nut; the pungent and aromatic leaf of
betel (chewed with the areca-nut and catechu and sometimes caustic lime and spices as a
carminative and antacid tonic) bhj adj. belonging to; concern; duty bh 1.. to be; to
become; to come into being.

~ 7W (.)
tmbla katapittsrarkotkupitacakum / (7.1)
tmbla kata-pittsra-rka-utkup-cakus
~ tmbla n. betel; the areca-nut; the pungent and aromatic leaf of betel (chewed with the
areca-nut and catechu and sometimes caustic lime and spices as a carminative and antacid tonic)
kata n. a hurt; contusion; murder 7 pittsra n. rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a
person or speech) W utkup 4.P. cakus n. a look; aspect; faculty of seeing.

M (.)
viamrchmadrtnm apathya oim api // (7.2)
via-mrch-mada-rta apathya oin api
via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison
mrch f. (alchemy) one of the Saskras of mercury; a kind of kumbhaka; a swoon
mada m. a river; any beautiful object; any exhilarating or intoxicating drink rta adj. afflicted;
disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) M apathya adj. inconsistent; unfit; unsuitable oin
adj. absorbing; consumptive; desiccating api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

~ ` * (.)
abhyagam caren nitya sa jarramavtah / (8.1)
abhyaga car nityam tad jar-rama-vta-han
~ abhyaga m. inunction; rubbing with unctuous substances; unguent car 1.. to act;
to address; to apply * nityam ind. always tad pron. this jar f. a kind of date-tree;
decrepitude; digestion rama m. drill; effort either bodily or mental; exercise vta m. air;
flatulence; gout han adj. killing.

[WP~MT (.)
diprasdapuyyusvapnasutvaktvadrhyakt // (8.2)
[ di f. beholding; consideration; intelligence prasda m. a decoction; a propitiatory
offering or gift (of food); a residuum pui f. breeding; comfort; completeness yus n.
active power; duration of life; efficacy P svapna mn. a dream; dreaming; drowsiness ~M
sutvaktva n. (der Zustand,) schne Haut (zu besitzen) drhya n. corroboration; fixedness;
hardness T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

` ` (.)
iraravaapdeu ta vieea layet / (9.1)
iras-ravaa-pda tad vieea lay
iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) ravaa mn. the ear pda m. a foot as a
measure ( 12 Agulas); a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped being one out of 4); a quarter
tad pron. this ` vieea ind. especially lay Denom.. to be intent upon; to cultivate;
to do.

W ~ T "7 (.)
varjyo 'bhyaga kaphagrastaktasauddhyajribhi // (9.2)
varjay abhyaga kapha-gras-k-sauddhi-ajrin
varjay 10.. to avoid ~ abhyaga m. inunction; rubbing with unctuous substances;
unguent kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general
gras 1.. to cause to disappear; to eat; to eclipse T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to
become "T sauddhi f. acquittal; acquittance; cleaning (the body) ajrin adj. suffering
from indigestion.

M P V (.)
lghava karmasmarthya dpto 'gnir medasa kaya / (10.1)
lghava karman-smarthya dp agni medas kaya
lghava n. alacrity; brevity; conciseness karman n. act; action; action consisting in
motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy) M smarthya n.
ability to or capacity for; accordance; adequacy dp 4.P. to be luminous or illustrious; to
blaze; to burn V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty medas n. a mystical term for
the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction.

~ ` ` (.)
vibhaktaghanagtratva vyymd upajyate // (10.2)
vibhaj-ghana-gtra-tva vyyma upajan
vibhaj 1.. to apportion; to assign; to cut ghana adj. complete; dark; deep gtra n. a
limb or member of the body; the body; the forequarter of an elephant ~ tva n. (Marker fr
abstrakte Nomina) vyyma m. (with Buddhists) right exercise or training; a difficult
passage; a particular measure of length ` upajan 4.P. to appear; to be; to be added or put to.

7 T * (.)
vtapittmay blo vddho 'jra ca ta tyajet / (11.1)
vta-pitta-mayin bla vddha ajra ca tad tyaj
vta m. air; flatulence; gout 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour mayin adj. erkrankt
bla adj. childish; early (as the sun or its rays); foolish T vddha adj. (a vowel) increased (by
Vddhi); advanced in years; aged ajra adj. not cooked; raw; undigested ca ind. also;
and; as well as tad pron. this * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge.

` N^ (.)
ardhaakty nievyas tu balibhi snigdhabhojibhi // (11.2)
ardha-akti niev tu balin snigdha-bhojin
ardha adj. forming a half; half; halved akti f. (prob.) a flag-staff; a particular
configuration of stars and planets (when the latter are situated in the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th
astrological house); a spear ` niev 1.. (with acc.) to frequent; to abide or have intercourse
with; to approach tu ind. and; but; do balin adj. mighty; powerful; robust N^ snigdha
adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable bhojin adj. eating; enjoying; exploiting.

* W ~ (.)
takle vasante ca mandam eva tato 'nyad / (12.1)
ta-kla vasanta ca manda eva tatas anyad
ta n. Cassia bark; cold; cold water kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season
for; time * vasanta m. a particular metre (4 times); diarrhoea; name of a man ca ind. also;
and; as well as W manda adj. addicted to intoxication; apathetic; bad eva ind. alone;
already; even tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason ~ anyad ind. at another
time; in another case; once.

T~ ` * (.)
ta ktvnusukha deha mardayec ca samantata // (12.2)
tad k-anusukham deha marday ca samantata
tad pron. this T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become anusukham ind.
gemss dem sukha ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form marday 10.. to
break; to cause to be trampled down; to crush ca ind. also; and; as well as * samantata
ind. all around.

7 (.)
t kaya pratamako raktapitta rama klama / (13.1)
t kaya pratamaka raktapitta rama klama
t f. Avidity as mother of Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.); desire kaya m.
consumption; decay; destruction pratamaka m. a particular form of asthma ( vsa) 7
raktapitta n. a particular disturbance of the blood caused by bile; plethora; spontaneous
hemorrhage from the mouth or nose rama m. drill; effort either bodily or mental; exercise
klama m. exhaustion; fatigue; languor.

7 ` ` (.)
ativyymata kso jvara chardi ca jyate // (13.2)
ativyyma ksa jvara chardi ca jan
ativyyma m. bermssige Anstrengung ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem
nvana behandeln 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas or
humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul ` chardi f. expulsion (of
the breath); sickness; vomiting ca ind. also; and; as well as jan 4.P. to be; to be born; to be
born again.

W (.)
vyymajgardhvastrhsyabhydishasam / (14.1)
vyyma m. (with Buddhists) right exercise or training; a difficult passage; a particular
measure of length jgara m. vision in a waking state; wakefulness; waking adhvan m. a
journey; a place; a recension of the Vedas and the school upholding it W str f. a kind of metre; a
white ant; a woman hsya djan. amusement; comical; fun bhya n. a sort of house or
building; an explanatory work; any work in the common or vernacular speech di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning shasa n. adultery; aggression; any precipitate or reckless

` (.)
gaja siha ivkaran bhajann ati vinayati // (14.2)
gaja siha iva-k bhaj ati vina
` gaja m. a measure of length (commonly Ga); a mound of earth (sloping on both sides) on
which a house may be erected; an elephant siha m. a hero or eminent person; a lion; a
Moringa with red flowers iva ind. a little; about; almost T k 6.P. to attract; to bend (a
bow); to draw (a sword) bhaj 1.. to allot or apportion to (dat. or gen.); to assume (as a
form); to bestow ati ind. extremely; very vina 4.. to annihilate; to be deprived of
(abl.); to be frustrated or foiled.

udvartana kaphahara medasa pravilyanam / (15.1)
udvartana kapha-hara medas pravilyana
udvartana n. ascending; bad behaviour; bad conduct kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one
of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general hara adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing
medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness pravilyana adj. .

W ~ (.)
sthirkaraam agn tvakprasdakara param // (15.2)
sthirkaraa aga tvac-prasda-kara para
W sthirkaraa adj. making firm aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or
subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five) ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide
(used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag prasda m. a decoction; a propitiatory
offering or gift (of food); a residuum kara adj. causing; helping; making para pron.
ancient; best; better or worse than.

N (.)
dpana vyam yuya snnam rjbalapradam / (16.1)
dpana vya yuya snna rj-bala-prada
dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling vya adj. productive of sexual vigour;
stimulating yuya adj. for the sake of life; giving long life; preservative of life N snna n.
ablution; anything used in ablution (e.g. water); bathing rj f. name of a daughter of Daka
and wife of Vasiha; sap; strength bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in prada adj.
bestowing; causing; effecting.

" (.)
kamalaramasvedatandrtdhappmajit // (16.2)
" ka f. itch; itching; scratching mala mn. dirt; dust; filth rama m. drill; effort either
bodily or mental; exercise sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration")
tandr f. exhaustion; lassitude; Mattigkeit t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire;
thirst dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) ppman m. calamity; crime;
devil jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning.

~ ` (.)
umbundhakyasya parieko balvaha / (17.1)
ua-ambu-adhakya parieka bala-vaha
ua adj. acrid; active; hot ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting
of ninety syllables); the number four adhakya m. unterer Bereich des Krpers `
parieka m. a bath; bathing apparatus; moistening bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in
vaha adj. bringing; bringing to pass; producing.

` 7 T (.)
tenaiva tttamgasya balaht keacakum // (17.2)
tad-eva tu-uttamga bala-ht kea-cakus
tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even tu ind. and; but; do 7 uttamga n. the
head; the highest or chief part of the body bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in T ht
adj. (only ifc.) bringing; carrying; carrying away kea m. a kind of perfume; name of a Daitya;
name of a mineral cakus n. a look; aspect; faculty of seeing.

N `` (.)
snnam arditanetrsyakararogtisriu / (18.1)
snna ardita-netra-sya-kara-roga-atisrin
N snna n. ablution; anything used in ablution (e.g. water); bathing ` ardita n.
Gesichtslhmung; [medic.] name of a disease (spasm of the jaw-bones) ` netra mn. a carriage;
a kind of cloth; a kind of deer sya n. face; jaws; mouth kara m. Calotropis Gigantea;
Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus;
disease atisrin adj. afflicted with purging or dysentery.

W ` (.)
dhmnapnasjrabhuktavatsu ca garhitam // (18.2)
dhmna-pnasa-ajra-bhuj ca garh
W dhmna n. a bellows; blowing; boasting pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose)
ajra n. indigestion bhuj 1.P. to consume; to eat; to enjoy ca ind. also; and; as well as
garh 1.P. to accuse; to be sorry for; to blame.

` N ` (.)
jre hita mita cdyn na vegn rayed balt / (19.1)
j hita mita ca-ad na vega ray bala
j 4.. to be dissolved or digested; to decay; to grow old hita adj. agreeable; arranged;
beneficial mita adj. brief; consisting of (acc.); containing a particular measure ca ind. also;
and; as well as ad 2.. to consume; to devour; to eat na ind. neither; no; nor ` vega m. a
stream; agitation; attack ray 10.. to bring to life; to proclaim bala mn. Balarma; an
army; expertness in.

` ~ ~ W (.)
na vegito 'nyakrya syn njitv sdhyam mayam // (19.2)
na vegita anya-krya as na-ajitv sdhay maya
na ind. neither; no; nor ` vegita adj. agitated; fleet; hasty ~ anya pron. anderer krya
n. a religious action or performance; affair; conduct as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to
(dat.) na ind. neither; no; nor ~ ajitv ind. not having conquered sdhay 10.. to
accomplish; to acquire; to attain one's object maya m. disease; indigestion; sickness.

7 (.)
sukhrth sarvabhtn mat sarv pravttaya / (20.1)
sukha-artha sarva-bhta man sarva pravtti
sukha adj. agreeable; comfortable; easy artha mn. (in astron.) name of the second
mansion; action; advantage sarva pron. all; completely; different bhta mn. a demon; a
spirit (good or evil); an element man 8.P. to be of opinion; to believe; to conjecture sarva
pron. all; completely; different 7 pravtti f. activity; advance; appearance.

W ` (.)
sukha ca na vin dharmt tasmd dharmaparo bhavet // (20.2)
sukha ca na vin dharma tad dharma-para bh
sukha n. atmosphere; comfort; delight in ca ind. also; and; as well as na ind. neither;
no; nor vin ind. except; short or exclusive of; without dharma mn. a bow; a particular
ceremony; a Soma-drinker tad pron. this dharma mn. a bow; a particular ceremony; a
Soma-drinker para pron. ancient; best; better or worse than bh 1.. to be; to become; to
come into being.

7 ``{ (.)
bhakty kalyamitri sevetetaradraga / (21.1)
bhakti kalya-mitra
bhakti f. a division; a division of a Sman; a row 7 kalya adj. beautiful; beneficial;
happy mitra mn. a friend; companion; name of a Marut.

` " ~ ^` (.)
hissteyn yathkma paiunya parunte // (21.2)
his-steya yathkma paiunya parua-anta
` his f. Asteracantha Longifolia; harm (to life or property); hurt steya n. anything
clandestine or private; anything stolen or liable to be stolen; larceny yathkma adj.
acting according to wish; conformable to desire "~ paiunya n. calumny ^ parua n. a
species of Barleria with blue flowers; abuse; harsh and contumelious speech anta n.
agriculture; cheating; falsehood.

W [ (.)
sabhinnlpa vypdam abhidhy dgviparyayam / (22.1)
sambhinna-lpa vypda abhidhy d-viparyaya
~ sambhinna adj. abandoned; close; combined lpa m. a lesson; addressing;
communication vypda m. death; destruction; evil intent or design W abhidhy f.
desire; longing for; wish [ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot;
appearance; doctrine viparyaya m. alteration; avoiding; barter.

_ * (.)
ppa karmeti daadh kyavmnasais tyajet // (22.2)
ppa karman-iti daadh kya-vc-mnasa tyaj
ppa adj. bad; evil; inauspicious karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as
the third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy) iti ind. in this manner; thus
(in its original signification iti refers to something that has been said or thought) daadh
ind. in 10 parts; tenfold kya m. a butt; a house; any object to be attained vc f. a literary
work; a word; asseveration mnasa n. a kind of salt; heart; mind * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to
avoid; to discharge.

7 (.)
avttivydhiokrtn anuvarteta aktita / (23.1)
avtti-vydhi-oka-rta anuvt akti
7 avtti f. inadequate support vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or
thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus oka m. affliction; anguish; flame rta adj. afflicted;
disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) anuvt 1.. to assent; to attend; to be supplied from a
previous sentence akti f. (prob.) a flag-staff; a particular configuration of stars and planets
(when the latter are situated in the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th astrological house); a spear.

M (.)
tmavat satata payed api kapiplikam // (23.2)
tman-vat satatam pa api ka-piplika
M tman m. a son; abstract individual; Brahma vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) satatam
ind. always pa 4.. to compose; to consider; to examine api ind. also; assuredly; besides
ka m. a worm; an expression of contempt; insect piplika m. an ant.

` TN (.)
arcayed devagovipravddhavaidyanptithn / (24.1)
arcay deva-go-vipra-vddha-vaidya-npa-atithi
arcay 10.. to adore; to venerate; to worship ` deva m. (rarely applied to) evil demons; a
child; a deity go mf. a class of sunrays creating heat; a herd of cattle; a kind of medicial plant
vipra m. Acacia Sirissa; a Brhman; a poet T vddha adj. (a vowel) increased (by Vddhi);
advanced in years; aged N vaidya m. a learned man; a physician (accounted a mixed caste); an
expert (versed in his own profession) npa m. a Katriya; king; name of the numeral 16
atithi m. a guest; a person entitled to hospitality; name of Agni.

~ ` (.)
vimukhn nrthina kuryn nvamanyeta nkipet // (24.2)
vimukha na-arthin k na-avaman na-kip
vimukha adj. abstaining or desisting from; adverse; averse or opposed to na ind. neither;
no; nor arthin m. a beggar; a follower; a plaintiff T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause
to become na ind. neither; no; nor avaman 4.P. to despise; to repudiate; to treat
contemptuously na ind. neither; no; nor kip 4.P. to call to a dispute etc. (dat.); to cause
to tremble; to challenge.

` (.)
upakrapradhna syd apakrapare 'py arau / (25.1)
upakra-pradhna as apakra-para api ari
upakra m. advantage; assistance; benefit pradhna n. a chief thing or person; a
noble; an elephant-driver as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) apakra m.
despise; disdain; hurt para pron. ancient; best; better or worse than api ind. also;
assuredly; besides ari m. (in astron.) a hostile planet; a species of Khadira or Mimosa; a type
of mantra.

* `` (.)
sapadvipatsv ekaman hetvryet phale na tu // (25.2)
ekamanas hetu-ry phala na tu
ekamanas adj. attentive; concentrated; fixing the mind upon one object ` hetu m. (with
Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to pratyaya); (with Paupatas) that which causes the bondage
of the soul; a logical reason or dedaction or argument ry 1.P. phala n. a blade (of a
sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift na ind. neither; no; nor tu ind. and; but; do.

` (.)
kle hita mita bryd avisavdi pealam / (26.1)
kla hita mita br avisavdin peala
kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time hita adj. agreeable;
arranged; beneficial mita adj. brief; consisting of (acc.); containing a particular measure
br 2.. to answer (either intrans. with punar or trans. with pranam); to be told by itself; to call
or profess one's self to be avisavdin adj. agreeing; coinciding; not contradictory
` peala adj. adorned; artificially formed; beautiful.

^ (.)
prvbhibh sumukha sula karumdu // (26.2)
prva-abhibhin sumukha sula karu-mdu
prva pron. aforesaid; ancient; attended with abhibhin adj. addressing; speaking
to sumukha adj. (alchemy); cheerful; fair-faced sula adj. goodtempered; having an
amiable disposition; tractable (as a cow) ^ karu f. one of the four Brahmavihras;
particular tone; pity mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild

* _ (.)
naika sukh na sarvatra virabdho na ca akita / (27.1)
na-eka sukhin na sarvatra virabdha na ca ak
na ind. neither; no; nor eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once sukhin adj.
comfortable; easy; happy na ind. neither; no; nor sarvatra ind. always; at all times;
everywhere * virabdha adj. calm; confident; confiding na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind.
also; and; as well as _ ak 1.P. to assume; to be afraid of (abl.); to be anxious or apprehensive.

M M (.)
na kacid tmana atru ntmna kasyacid ripum // (27.2)
na kacid tman atru na-tman kacid ripu
na ind. neither; no; nor V kacid pron. someone M tman m. a son; abstract individual;
Brahma atru m. Asparagus Racemosus; a hostile king (esp. a neighbouring king as a natural
enemy); an enemy na ind. neither; no; nor M tman m. a son; abstract individual; Brahma
V kacid pron. someone ripu m. (in astrol.) a hostile planet; a deceiver; a gall-nut.

N (.)
prakayen npamna na ca nisnehat prabho / (28.1)
prakay na-apamna na ca nisnehat prabhu
prakay 10.. to cause to appear or shine; to display; to illumine na ind. neither; no;
nor apamna mn. contempt; disgrace; disrespect na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also;
and; as well as N nisnehat f. (Abstr.nomen nisneha) prabhu m. a master; a sound;

W (.)
janasyayam lakya yo yath parituyati // (28.2)
jana-aya lakay yad yath paritu
jana m. a common person; living being; man aya m. (in Yoga phil.) stock or the
balance of the fruits of previous works; a miser; a receptacle lakay 10.. to behold; to
descry yad pron. what; which yath ind. according; as; as paritu 4.P. to be much
pleased or very glad; to be quite satisfied with (gen. or loc. or instr.).

" (.)
ta tathaivnuvarteta parrdhanapaita / (29.1)
tad tath-eva-anuvt para-rdhana-paita
tad pron. this tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so eva ind. alone; already; even
anuvt 1.. to assent; to attend; to be supplied from a previous sentence para pron.
ancient; best; better or worse than rdhana n. accomplishment; acquirement; adoration
" paita adj. clever; conversant with; learned.

~ (.)
na payed indriyi na caitny atillayet // (29.2)
na pay indriya na ca-etad atillay
na ind. neither; no; nor pay 10.. (in astrol.) to cover (esp. with something
inauspicious); to break (a vow); to cause pain indriya n. bodily power; exhibition of
power; faculty of sense na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as etad pron.
this atillay 10.P. .

"~ ~ (.)
trivarganya nrambha bhajet ta cvirodhayan / (30.1)
trivarga-nya na-rambha bhaj tad ca-avirodhayant
trivarga m. the 3 conditions; the 3 higher castes; the three things "~ nya adj. empty; void
na ind. neither; no; nor ~ rambha m. a thing begun; beginning; beginning bhaj 1.. to
allot or apportion to (dat. or gen.); to assume (as a form); to bestow tad pron. this ca ind.
also; and; as well as * avirodhayant adj. not impeding.

W (.)
anuyyt pratipada sarvadharmeu madhyamm // (30.2)
anuy pratipad sarva-dharma madhyama
anuy 2.. to follow; to imitate pratipad f. a kettle-drum; access; an introductory
verse or stanza sarva pron. all; completely; different dharma mn. a bow; a particular
ceremony; a Soma-drinker W madhyama adj. (in astron.) mean; being or placed in the middle;

ncaromanakhamarur nirmalghrimalyana / (31.1)
nca-roman-nakha-maru nirmala-aghri-malyana
nca adj. base; deep; dwarfish roman n. (esp.) short hair; bristles; down nakha mn. a
finger-nail; claw; talon maru mn. (esp.) moustache; the beard; the hairs of the beard (pl.)
nirmala adj. bright; clean; shining aghri m. a foot; foot of a seat; one-fourth
malyana n. the path of the excretions; the rectum.

N ` 7 (.)
snnala susurabhi suveo 'nulbaojjvala // (31.2)
snna-la susurabhi anulbaa-ujjvala
N snna n. ablution; anything used in ablution (e.g. water); bathing la mn. a moral
precept; character; conduct susurabhi adj. sehr wohlriechend anulbaa adj. keeping
the regular measure; not excessive; not prominent 7 ujjvala adj. beautiful; blazing up;

TM (.)
dhrayet satata ratnasiddhamantramahauadh / (32.1)
dhray satatam ratna-siddhamantra-mahauadh
dhray 10.. to hold; to keep; to possess satatam ind. always ratna mn. a gift; a
jewel; a magnet TM siddhamantra m. a particular efficacious Mantra; name of a medical wk.
by Keavabhaa mahauadh f. Aconitum Ferox; a great or very efficacious medicinal
plant; Drv grass.

` [ (.)
stapatrapadatro vicared yugamtradk // (32.2)
stapatra-pada-tra vicar yuga-mtra-d
stapatra adj. having an umbrella pada mn. a business affair; a footing; a footstep
tra n. armour; defence; helmet vicar 1.. to accomplish; to act; to associate or have
intercourse with (instr.) yuga mn. a lustrum (esp. in the cycle of Jupiter); a measure of length
86 Agulas; a name for the number "twelve" mtra n. an element; duration; elementary
matter [ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot; appearance; doctrine.

* " (.)
nii ctyayike krye da maul sahyavn / (33.1)
ni ca-tyayika krya dain maulin sahyavant
ni f. night ca ind. also; and; as well as * tyayika adj. not suffering delay; requiring
immediate help (as a disease); urgent krya n. a religious action or performance; affair;
conduct " dain adj. carrying a stick maulin adj. being at the head; chief; crested
* sahyavant adj. accompanied or befriended or assisted by; having a companion or
assistant; provided with (comp.).

*WW" (.)
caityapjyadhvajastacchybhasmatuucn // (33.2)
* caitya mn. a funeral monument or Stpa or pyramidal column containing the ashes of
deceased persons; a Jain or Buddhist image; a sanctuary near a village pjay 10.. to
approve; to consecrate; to honour dhvaja mn. (in astrol.) name of a Yoga; (in pros.) an
iambic; a banner aasta adj. ineffable; unwished chy f. (like Saj) wife of the sun
and mother of the planet Saturn; a bribe; a copy (of a Ms.) W bhasman n. ashes; sacred ashes
(smeared on the body); one of the five effects of fixation of mercury tua mfn. Terminalia
Bellerica; the chaff of grain or corn or rice " auci adj. foul; impure.

N (.)
nkrmec charkarloabalisnnabhuvo na ca / (34.1)
na-kram arkar-loa-bali-snna-bh na ca
na ind. neither; no; nor kram 1.. (in astron.) to eclipse; to approach; to ascend
arkar f. a fragment or piece of broken earthenware; Gries; gravel loa mn. a lump of earth
or clay; a particular object serving as a mark; clod bali m. a victim (often a goat or buffalo)
offered to Durg; any offering or propitiatory oblation (esp. an offering of portions of food);
fragments of food at a meal N snna n. ablution; anything used in ablution (e.g. water);
bathing bh f. a sacrificial fire; a term for the letter l; Erde na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind.
also; and; as well as.

` V~ VW^ (.)
nad taren na bhubhy ngniskandham abhivrajet // (34.2)
nad t na bhu na-agni-skandha abhivraj
nad f. a river (commonly personified as a female); flowing water; name of 2 kinds of metre
t 4.P. to accomplish; to acquire; to attain an end or aim na ind. neither; no; nor V bhu mf.
the arm; the arm as a measure of length ( 12 Agulas); the arm between the elbow and the wrist
(opp. to pra-gaa) na ind. neither; no; nor V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty
W^ skandha m. (archit.) the support (part of a capital); samparya and bhadrdi; a chapter
abhivraj 1.P. to (ind. p. -vrajya) to pass through(acc.); to go up to (acc.).

^ ` (.)
sadigdhanva vka ca nrohed duaynavat / (35.1)
sadigdha-nau vka ca na-ruh dua-yna-vat
^ sadigdha adj. besmeared or covered with (instr. or comp.); confounded with; confused
nau f. vc; a ship; boat vka m. a coffin; a frame; a stimulant ca ind. also; and; as well as
na ind. neither; no; nor ^ ruh 6.. to arise; to ascend; to attain dua adj. bad; corrupted;
culpable yna n. (with Buddhists) the vehicle or method of arriving at knowledge; a journey;
a vehicle of any kind vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel).

~ (.)
nsavtamukha kuryt kutihsyavijmbhaam // (35.2)
na-asavta-mukha k kuti-hsya-vijmbhaa
na ind. neither; no; nor asavta adj. bare (as the ground); unconcealed; uncovered
mukha n. a direction; beginning; best T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become
kuti f. sneezing hsya djan. amusement; comical; fun ~ vijmbhaa n. bending;
blossoming; budding.

W (.)
nsik na vikuyn nkasmd vilikhed bhuvam / (36.1)
nsik na viku na-akasmt vilikh bh
nsik f. a false dormer-window; a nostril; name of Avin (mother of the two Avins)
na ind. neither; no; nor viku 9.P. na ind. neither; no; nor W akasmt ind.
accidentally; suddenly; without a why or a wherefore vilikh 6.P. (in medicine) to tear up;
to delineate; to lacerate bh f. a sacrificial fire; a term for the letter l; Erde.

W (.)
ngai ceeta vigua nstotkaaka ciram // (36.2)
na-aga ce vigua na-s-utkaaka ciram
na ind. neither; no; nor aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or subdivision of Mantra
or counsel (said to be five) ce 1.. to act; to be active; to be busy or occupied with (acc.)
vigua adj. adverse (as fortune); bad; corrupted (as the humours of the body) na ind.
neither; no; nor s 4.P. to abide; to be present; to cease W utkaaka adj. auf eine
bestimmte Art sitzend (?) ciram ind. for a long time.

`0 (.)
dehavkcetas ce prk ramd vinivartayet / (37.1)
deha-vc-cetas ce prk rama vinivartay
` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form vc f. a literary work; a word;
asseveration cetas n. consciousness; heart; intelligence ce f. action; activity;
behaving prk ind. before rama m. drill; effort either bodily or mental; exercise
vinivartay 10.P. to abandon; to annul (a curse); to avert.


nordhvajnu cira tihen nakta seveta na drumam // (37.2)
na-rdhvajnu ciram sth nakta sev na druma
na ind. neither; no; nor rdhvajnu adj. raising the knees (in sitting) ciram ind. for
a long time W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand nakta n. eating only at night (as a
sort of penance); night sev 1.. to cherish; to cultivate; to devote or apply one's self to na
ind. neither; no; nor

druma m. a tree (sometimes also any plant); a tree of Indra's paradise;

name of a prince of the Kimpuruas.

~**V (.)
tath catvaracaityntacatupathasurlayn / (38.1)
tath catvara-caitya-antar-catupatha-surlaya
tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so ~ catvara mn. a levelled spot of ground
prepared for a sacrifice; a quadrangular place * caitya mn. a funeral monument or Stpa or
pyramidal column containing the ashes of deceased persons; a Jain or Buddhist image; a
sanctuary near a village * antar ind. amongst; between; in the middle catupatha mn. a
place where 4 roads meet; cross-way; name of iva surlaya m. a god's abode; abode of the
gods; heaven.

"~ (.)
snavnyaghamanni divpi na // (38.2)
sn-aav-nya-gha-mana div-api na
sn f. a place for slaughtering animals; a stick fixed to an elephant's hook; a woven wicker-
work basket or vessel of anykind aav f. a forest "~ nya adj. empty; void gha mn. a
house; a house as containing several rooms; a wife mana n. an elevated place for
burning dead bodies; an oblation to deceased ancestors; cemetery or burial-place for the bones
of cremated corpses div ind. by day (often opposed to naktam) api ind. also; assuredly;
besides na ind. neither; no; nor.

* ` (.)
sarvatheketa nditya na bhra iras vahet / (39.1)
sarvath-k na-ditya na bhra iras vah
sarvath ind. altogether; at all times; by all means (often joined with sarvatra and sarvad)
k 4.P. to behold; to consider; to foretell for (dat) na ind. neither; no; nor * ditya m.
name of a constellation; name of a god in general; name of Srya (the sun) na ind. neither; no;
nor bhra m. a burden; a large quantity; a particular manner of beating a drum iras n.
acme; chief; first (of a class) vah 4.P. to be with child; to bear; to carry.

` W PW (.)
neketa pratata skma dptmedhypriyi ca // (39.2)
na-k pratatam skma dp-amedhya-apriya ca
na ind. neither; no; nor k 4.P. to behold; to consider; to foretell for (dat) pratatam
ind. continually W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant dp 4.P. to be luminous or
illustrious; to blaze; to burn W amedhya adj. foul; impure; nefarious apriya adj.
disagreeable; disliked; unfriendly ca ind. also; and; as well as.

N ` (.)
madyavikrayasadhnadndnni ncaret / (40.1)
madya-vikraya-sadhna-dna-dna na-car
N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine vikraya m. sale;
selling; vending sadhna n. a joint; a kind of relish eaten to excite thirst; alliance dna
n. adding; addition; bribery dna n. a cause of disease; drawing near to one's self; receipt
na ind. neither; no; nor car 1.. to act; to address; to apply.

`^ (.)
purovttaparajasturaparuniln // (40.2)
puras ind. (as prep.) before (of place and time); eastward; first vta m. air; flatulence;
gout tapa m. heat (especially of the sun); sunshine ` rajas n. a kind of plant; a kind of
weight; affection tura m. -kaa; camphor; cold ^ parua adj. dirty-coloured; hard; harsh
anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other

7P (.)
anju kavathdgraksasvapnnnamaithunam / (41.1)
anju kavathu-udgra-ksa-svapna-anna-maithuna
anju adj. crooked; not straight; perverse kavathu m. catarrh; cough; irritation of the
throat 7 udgra m. a loud sound; belching; Erbrochenes ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit
einem nvana behandeln P svapna mn. a dream; dreaming; drowsiness anna n. bread corn;
earth; especially boiled rice maithuna n. connection; copulation; marriage.

klacchy npadvia vyladariviina // (41.2)
kla-chy npa-dvi vyla-darin-viin
kla n. bank; declivity; shore chy f. (like Saj) wife of the sun and mother of the
planet Saturn; a bribe; a copy (of a Ms.) npa m. a Katriya; king; name of the numeral 16
dvi 6.. to be a rival or a match for; to be hostile or unfriendly; to hate vyla m. a beast of
prey; a hunting leopard; a kind of metre darin adj. possessing fangs viin adj.
having horns; having tusks.

7 (.)
hnnrytinipuasev vigraham uttamai / (42.1)
hna-anrya-ati-nipua-sev vigraha uttama
hna adj. abandoned; bad; base anrya adj. destitute of ryas; inferior; not honourable
or respectable ati ind. extremely; very nipua adj. absolute (as purity); acute; adroit
sev f. addiction to; attendance on; devotion to (gen. or comp.) vigraha m. (in
Skhya) an element; an ornament; analysis 7 uttama adj. best; chief; excellent.

W ~WPW* (.)
sadhysv abhyavahrastrsvapndhyayanacintanam // (42.2)
sadhy abhyavahra-str-svapna-adhyayana-cintana
W sadhy f. holding together; junction; juncture ~ abhyavahra m. taking food W str
f. a kind of metre; a white ant; a woman P svapna mn. a dream; dreaming; drowsiness W
adhyayana n. reading; studying * cintana n. anxious thought; consideration; reflecting upon.

7 (.)
atrusattragakragaikpaikanam / (43.1)
atru m. Asparagus Racemosus; a hostile king (esp. a neighbouring king as a natural enemy);
an enemy 7 sattra n. a great Soma sacrifice; a house; a tank gaa m. (in metre) a foot or
four instants; vc; a company T k 6.P. to give abundantly; to scatter or sprinkle over
gaik f. Aeschynomene Sesban; a female elephant; a harlot paika m. a merchant;
assize; dealer aana n. eating; food.

7 N (.)
gtravaktranakhair vdya hastakevadhnanam // (43.2)
gtra-vaktra-nakha vdya hasta-kea-avadhnana
gtra n. a limb or member of the body; the body; the forequarter of an elephant 7 vaktra n.
a sort of garment; beginning; face nakha mn. a finger-nail; claw; talon N vdya n. a speech;
instrumental music hasta mn. autograph; the hand; trunk (of an elephant) kea m. a kind
of perfume; name of a Daitya; name of a mineral avadhnana n. agitation; causing to
shake; shaking.

V WW (.)
toygnipjyamadhyena yna dhma avrayam / (44.1)
toya-agni-pjay-madhya yna dhma avraya
toya n. water; !! V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty pjay 10.. to approve;
to consecrate; to honour W madhya n. abdomen; centre; cessation yna n. (with Buddhists)
the vehicle or method of arriving at knowledge; a journey; a vehicle of any kind dhma mn. a
kind of incense; a saint; mist avraya m. cemetery.

N ~= W * (.)
madytisakti virambhasvtantrye stru ca tyajet // (44.2)
madya-atisakti virambha-svtantrya str ca tyaj
N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine atisakti f. excessive
attachment ~ virambha m. a playful or amorous quarrel; absence of restraint; cessation
= svtantrya n. freedom of the will; independence; the following one's own will W str f. a
kind of metre; a white ant; a woman ca ind. also; and; as well as * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to
avoid; to discharge.

crya sarvacesu loka eva hi dhmata / (45.1)
crya sarva-ce loka eva hi dhmant
crya m. a name of Droa; a spiritual guide or teacher sarva pron. all; completely;
different ce f. action; activity; behaving loka m. (pl.) men (as opp. to "women"); a
company; a tract eva ind. alone; already; even hi ind. because; for; on account of *
dhmant adj. intelligent; learned; sensible.

anukuryt tam evto laukike 'rthe parkaka // (45.2)
anuk tad eva-atas laukika artha parkaka
T anuk 8.. to adopt; to copy; to do afterwards tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already;
even atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason laukika adj.
belonging to or occurring in ordinary life; belonging to the world of; common artha mn. (in
astron.) name of the second mansion; action; advantage parkaka adj. examining; expert;

* 0 (.)
rdrasatnat tyga kyavkcetas dama / (46.1)
rdra-satnat tyga kya-vc-cetas dama
rdra adj. damp; flaccid; fresh satnat f. * tyga m. a sage; abandoning;
discharging kya m. a butt; a house; any object to be attained vc f. a literary work; a
word; asseveration cetas n. consciousness; heart; intelligence dama m. fine; name of a
brother of Damayant; name of a Maharshi.

T P (.)
svrthabuddhi parrtheu paryptam iti sadvratam // (46.2)
sva-artha-buddhi para-artha paryp iti as-vrata
sva adj. akin; one's own; own artha mn. (in astron.) name of the second mansion; action;
advantage T buddhi f. (in Skhya phil.) Intellect; a kind of metre; an opinion para pron.
ancient; best; better or worse than artha mn. (in astron.) name of the second mansion;
action; advantage paryp 5.. to attain; to be content; to gain iti ind. in this manner;
thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been said or thought) as 2.P.
to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) vrata n. a religious vow or practice; any pious
observance; any vow or firm purpose.

W * (.)
naktandinni me ynti kathabhtasya saprati / (47.1)
naktadina mad y kathabhta samprati
naktadina n. night and day mad pron. I; we y 2.. to flee; to go; to go to for any
purpose (inf.) kathabhta adj. how being; of what kind samprati ind. (with impf.)
immediately; against or opposite; at once.

* * W (.)
dukhabh na bhavaty eva nitya sanihitasmti // (47.2)
dukha-bhj na bh evam nityam sanidh-smti
dukha n. difficulty (personified as the son of Naraka and Vedan); pain; sorrow bhj
adj. belonging to; concern; duty na ind. neither; no; nor bh 1.. to be; to become; to come
into being evam ind. in such a manner; in this way; such * nityam ind. always
sanidh 3.. to be near or present or imminent; to deposit in; to direct towards W smti f. a
kind of metre; calling to mind; desire.

T* ~ ` ` (.)
eva ktsnadina ntv rtrau yme ghe gate / (48.1)
evam ktsna-dina n rtri yma gha gam
evam ind. in such a manner; in this way; such T* ktsna adj. all; entire; whole dina mn.
a day n 1.. to ascertain; to bring into any state or condition; to carry off for one's self
rtri f. name of a river in Kraucadvpa; night; the darkness or stillness of night (often
personified) yma m. a carriage; a night-watch; a road gha mn. a house; a house as
containing several rooms; a wife gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move.

` W~ ` (.)
devn n gurn smtv tata ayanam caret // (48.2)
deva i guru sm tatas ayana car
` deva m. (rarely applied to) evil demons; a child; a deity i m. a hymn or Mantra
composed by a i; a ray of light; a saint or sanctified sage in general ^ guru m. a spiritual
parent or preceptor (from whom a youth receives the initiatory Mantra or prayer); any venerable
or respectable person; the chief of (gen. or in comp.) W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in
mind; to hand down memoriter tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason
ayana n. a bed; copulation; couch car 1.. to act; to address; to apply.

* P (.)
ity cra samsena ya prpnoti samcaran / (49.1)
iti cra samsena yad prp samcar
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) cra m. a rule or line; an established rule of conduct; behaviour
samsena ind. collectively yad pron. what; which prp 1.P. to arrive at; to attain to; to be in
force samcar 1.. to accomplish; to act or behave or conduct one's self towards; to do.

~ N N (.)
yur rogyam aivarya yao lok ca vatn // (49.2)
yus rogya aivarya yaas loka ca vata
yus n. active power; duration of life; efficacy ~ rogya n. a particular ceremony;
freedom from disease; health N aivarya n. dominion; power; sovereignty yaas n. a
person of respectability; an object of honour; beautiful appearance loka m. (pl.) men (as
opp. to "women"); a company; a tract ca ind. also; and; as well as N vata adj. about to
happen; all; constant.

atha-atas tucary-adhyya vykhy
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason tucary f.
(medic.) the appropriate behaviour according to the actual season; name of
Agahdayasahit, S. 3; name of a work W adhyya m. a lesson; a reader; chapter
W vykhy 2.. to call; to communicate; to discuss.

WV (.)
iti ha smhurtreydayo maharaya / (1.2)
iti ha sma-ah-treya-di mah-i
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) ha ind. (particle); a kind of bja W sma ind. always; certainly; ever ah 1.P.
to acknowledge; to adjugde anything; to call treya m. a descendant of Atri; a priest who is
closely related to the Sadasya; chyle di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning mah ind.
(irreg.- *mahant) -> gross i m. a hymn or Mantra composed by a i; a ray of light; a saint
or sanctified sage in general.

W N W (.)
msair dvisakhyair mghdyai kramt a tava smt / (1.3)
msa dvi-sakhy mgha-dya krama a tu sm
msa mn. a month or the 12th part of the Hind year; the moon dvi nr. two W
sakhy f. a number; a numeral; a particular high number mgha m. name of a merchant;
name of a poet (son of Dattaka and grandson of Suprabhadeva); the month Mgha (which has
its full moon in the constellation Mgha) N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent
krama m. a particular kta tradition; a position taken (by an animal etc.) before making a spring
or attacking; a step a adj. six tu m. a particular mineral; an epoch; any settled point of
time W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

* P T (.)
iiro 'tha vasanta ca grmo vararaddhim // (1.4)
iira atha vasanta ca grma var-arad-hima
iira mn. cold; coolness; dew atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily
expressed in English); but; certainly * vasanta m. a particular metre (4 times); diarrhoea;
name of a man ca ind. also; and; as well as P grma m. the hot season var f.
(exceptionally sg.) the rains; Medicago Esculenta; monsoon arad f. a year; autumn (as the
time of ripening); the autumnal season (the sultry season of two months succeeding the rains)
hima m. camphor; cold; the cold season.

N N 7 (.)
iirdys tribhis tais tu vidyd ayanam uttaram / (2.1)
iira-dya tri tad tu vid ayana uttara
iira mn. cold; coolness; dew N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent tri nr. 3
MW tad pron. this tu ind. and; but; do vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to know; to learn
ayana n. (in astron.) advancing; a path; a road 7 uttara adj. better; chief; concluding.

7 (.)
dna ca tad datte n pratidina balam // (2.2)
dna ca tad d n pratidinam bala
dna n. a cause of disease; drawing near to one's self; receipt ca ind. also; and; as well
as tad pron. this d 4.. to accept; to carry off; to grasp n m. human being; man;
people pratidinam ind. daily; day by day; every day bala mn. Balarma; an army;
expertness in.


*W (.)
tasmin hy atyarthatkoark mrgasvabhvata / (3.1)
tad hi atyartha-tka-ua-rka mrga-svabhva
tad pron. this hi ind. because; for; on account of * atyartha adj. excessive; exorbitant
W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot ua adj. acrid; active; hot rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel
(as a person or speech) mrga m. (in astrol.) the 7th mansion; (in medic.) a way; a channel
svabhva m. impulse; innate or inherent disposition; native place.

* P * (.)
dityapavan saumyn kapayanti gun bhuva // (3.2)
ditya-pavana saumya kapay gua bh
* ditya m. name of a constellation; name of a god in general; name of Srya (the sun)
pavana m. a householder's sacred fire; a species of grass; air P saumya adj. auspicious; cheerful;
cool and moist kapay 10.. to destroy; to make an end of; to ruin gua mn. (in khya
phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook bh f. a sacrificial fire; a
term for the letter l; Erde.

tikta kaya kauko balino 'tra ras kramt / (4.1)
tikta kaya kauka balin atra rasa krama
tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent kaya adj.
astringent; dull red; fragrant kauka adj. bad; bitter; fierce balin adj. mighty; powerful;
robust atra ind. here at this time; in this matter; in this place rasa mn. amta; a
constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre krama m. a particular kta
tradition; a position taken (by an animal etc.) before making a spring or attacking; a step.

W V (.)
tasmd dnam gneyam tavo dakiyanam // (4.2)
tad dna gneya tu dakiyana
tad pron. this dna n. a cause of disease; drawing near to one's self; receipt V
gneya adj. belonging or consecrated to Agny (wife of Agni); belonging or relating or
consecrated to fire or its deity Agni; south-eastern tu m. a particular mineral; an epoch; any
settled point of time dakiyana n. the winter half-year; way to Yama's quarter.

V* (.)
vardayo visarga ca yad bala visjaty ayam / (5.1)
var-di visarga ca yad bala visj idam
var f. (exceptionally sg.) the rains; Medicago Esculenta; monsoon di m. a firstling;
and so on; beginning visarga m. bestowal; casting; cause ca ind. also; and; as well as
yad pron. what; which bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in V visj 4.. to abandon;
to bestow; to cast idam pron. this.

P~ ` (.)
saumyatvd atra somo hi balavn hyate ravi // (5.2)
saumya-tva atra soma hi balavant h ravi
P saumya adj. auspicious; cheerful; cool and moist ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina)
atra ind. here at this time; in this matter; in this place soma m. (esp.) the juice of the
Soma plant; a day destined for extracting the Soma-juice; a drug of supposed magical properties
hi ind. because; for; on account of * balavant adj. accompanied by an army; dense (as
darkness); intense h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or wanting; to be excluded from or
bereft of ravi m. a mountain; a particular form of the sun (sometimes regarded as one of the
12 dityas); Calotropis Gigantea.

W *` (.)
meghavyanilai tai ntatpe mahtale / (6.1)
megha-vi-anila ta am-tpa mah-tala
megha m. a mass; a Rkasa; Cyperus Rotundus vi f. (in Skhya) one of the four
forms of internal aquiescence; rain; [Skhya] one of the nine tuis anila m. air or wind;
any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons ta adj.
boiled; cold; dull am 1.P. to arrange; to be quiet; to cease tpa m. (medic.) a kind of
sveda; fever; glow mah f. a cow; a host; a kind of metre tala mn. base; bottom; flat roof
(of a house).

N^ (.)
snigdh cehmlalavaamadhur balino ras // (6.2)
snigdha ca-iha-amla-lavaa-madhura balin rasa
N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable ca ind. also; and; as well as iha ind. at
this time; here; in this book or system amla adj. acid; sour lavaa adj. beautiful; briny;
graceful madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous balin adj. mighty; powerful;
robust rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre.

` 7 W (.)
te 'grya vigharme 'lpa bala madhya tu eayo / (7.1)
ta agrya vi-gharma alpa bala madhya tu ea
ta n. Cassia bark; cold; cold water agrya adj. best; foremost; principal vi f. (in
Skhya) one of the four forms of internal aquiescence; rain; [Skhya] one of the nine tuis
gharma m. a cauldron; a cavity in the earth shaped like a cauldron (from which Atri was
rescued by the Avins); boiler 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small bala mn. Balarma; an army;
expertness in W madhya adj. central; impartial; intermediate tu ind. and; but; do ea adj.

T * (.)
balina tasarodhddhemante prabalo 'nala // (7.2)
balin ta-sarodha-hemanta prabala anala
balin adj. mighty; powerful; robust ta adj. boiled; cold; dull sarodha m.
blockade; complete obstruction or opposition; confinement `* hemanta mf. the cold season
(comprising the two months agrahyaa and Paua); winter prabala adj. abounding in;
dangerous; great anala m. (in astron.) the fiftieth year of; bile; digestive power.

* 7^ ` (.)
bhavaty alpendhano dhtn sa paced vyunerita / (8.1)
bh alpa-indhana dhtu tad pac vyu-ray
bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small ^ indhana
n. fuel; grass etc. used for kindling; kindling dhtu mn. a constituent element or essential
ingredient of the body; constituent part; element tad pron. this pac 1.. to bake; to become
ripe; to boil vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter
ya; a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned) ray 10.. to bring to life; to proclaim.

W ` (.)
ato hime 'smin seveta svdvamlalavan rasn // (8.2)
atas hima idam sev svdu-amla-lavaa rasa
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason hima m. camphor;
cold; the cold season idam pron. this sev 1.. to cherish; to cultivate; to devote or apply
one's self to svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty amla adj. acid; sour lavaa adj.
beautiful; briny; graceful rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a
kind of metre.

` (.)
dairghyn ninm etarhi prtar eva bubhukita / (9.1)
dairghya ni etarhi prtar eva bubhuk
dairghya n. length ni f. (Hahayoga:) \=\= kumbhaka; a vision; Curcuma (of 2
species) ` etarhi ind. at present; at this time; now prtar ind. at dawn; in the early
morning; Morning personified eva ind. alone; already; even bubhuk Denom.. to hunger;
to starve; to wish to eat.

avayakrya sabhvya yathokta layed anu // (9.2)
avayakrya sambhvay yathoktam lay anu
avayakrya adj. to be necessarily done ~ sambhvay 10.. to accomplish; to arrive
at (acc.); to be (thought) possible or probable or fitting or consistent yathoktam ind.
lay Denom.. to be intent upon; to cultivate; to do anu ind. danach; dementsprechend.

V ~ (.)
vtaghnatailair abhyaga mrdhni taila vimardanam / (10.1)
vta-ghna-taila abhyaga mrdhan taila vimardana
vta m. air; flatulence; gout V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing taila n. oil; olibanum;
sesamum oil ~ abhyaga m. inunction; rubbing with unctuous substances; unguent
mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning; chief (applied to persons)
taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil vimardana fn. an eclipse; battle; destruction.

T (.)
niyuddha kualai srdha pdghta ca yuktita // (10.2)
niyuddha kuala srdham pdghta ca yukti
T niyuddha n. close or personal struggle; fighting (esp. with fists); pugilistic combat
kuala adj. able; clever; competent srdham ind. together with; with pdghta m.
Kickboxen! eine mediz. Behandlung (?) ca ind. also; and; as well as yukti f. (in astron.)
conjunction; a sentence; adaptedness.

TN N (.)
kaypahtasnehas tata snto yathvidhi / (11.1)
kaya-apah-sneha tatas sn yathvidhi
kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant T apah 1.. to carry off; to plunder; to remove
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance tatas ind. after that;
consequently; for that reason N sn 2.. to bathe; to perform the ceremony of bathing or certain
prescribed oblations (esp. on returning home from the house of a religious preceptor); to smear
one's self with (instr.) yathvidhi ind. fitly; suitably.

_ ^ ^ (.)
kukumena sadarpea pradigdho 'gurudhpita // (11.2)
kukuma sa-darpa pradih aguru-dhpay
_ kukuma n. a kind of rice; saffron- Crocus sativus Linn. sa ind. (ibc.) with darpa m.
arrogance; conceit; haughtiness pradih 6.P. to anoint; to besmear; to smear over ^ aguru
mn. Amyris agallocha Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 522); Aquilaria Agallocha Roxb.; Aquilaria
malaccensis Lam. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 522) dhpay Denom.P. (astrol.) to obscure with
mist; to be about to eclipse; to fumigate.

N^ (.)
rasn snigdhn pala pua gauam acchasur surm / (12.1)
rasa snigdha pala pua gaua acchasur sur
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre N^
snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable pala mn. a particular fluid measure; a particular
measure of time ( 1/60 Gha); flesh pua adj. abundant; ample; blessed with (instr.)
gaua n. a kind of liquor; sweetmeats acchasur f. sur f. a drinking vessel; a snake; a

`MT " (.)
godhmapiamekukrotthavikt ubh // (12.2)
godhma-pia-ma-iku-kra-uttha-vikti ubha
godhma mn. a kind of Godhma; name of a medicinal plant; the orange tree pia n. a
kind of prameha; anything ground; flour ma m. a bean (the plant); a cutaneous eruption
resembling beans; a fool iku m. eyelash; name of a king; name of a river kra n. milk;
the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk M uttha adj. (generally ifc.) standing up; arising;
coming forth T vikti f. (in Skhya) vikra; imba; a verse changed in a particular manner
" ubha adj. agreeable; auspicious; beautiful.

navam anna vas taila aucakrye sukhodakam / (13.1)
nava anna vas taila auca-krya sukha-udaka
nava adj. fresh; modern; new anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice vas f.
a kind of prameha; any fatty or oily substance; fat taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil
auca n. (with Buddhists) self-purification (both external and internal); cleanness; evacuation of
excrement krya n. a religious action or performance; affair; conduct sukha adj.
agreeable; comfortable; easy udaka n. a particular metre; ablution (as a ceremony); the
ceremony of offering water to a dead person.

` (.)
prvrjinakaueyapravekaucavsttam // (13.2)
prvra m. name of a district ajina n. the hairy skin of a tiger; the hairy skin of an
antelope; the hairy skin of any animal kaueya n. a woman's lower garments of silk; name
of a locality; silk ` prave f. a braid of hair worn by widows and by wives in the absence of
their husbands(i ); a piece of coloured woollen cloth (used instead of a saddle); name of a
river kaucava n. eine tierische Substanz (Komm.: rkavavastrabheda bzw. tavaraka)
st 5.P. to bestrew; to cover; to scatter over.

uasvabhvair laghubhi prvta ayana bhajet / (14.1)
ua-svabhva laghu prv ayana bhaj
ua adj. acrid; active; hot svabhva m. impulse; innate or inherent disposition; native
place laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief prv 5.P. to conceal; to cover; to dress
one's self in (acc) ayana n. a bed; copulation; couch bhaj 1.. to allot or apportion to
(dat. or gen.); to assume (as a form); to bestow.

yuktyrkakiran sveda pdatra ca sarvad // (14.2)
yukti-arka-kiraa sveda pdatra ca sarvad
yukti f. (in astron.) conjunction; a sentence; adaptedness arka m. a learned man; a ray; a
religious ceremony kiraa m. a chapter; a ray or beam of light; a rein sveda m. a
sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") pdatra n. ca ind. also; and; as
well as sarvad ind. always; at all times (often joined with sarvatra and sarvath).

^" (.)
pvarorustanaroya samad pramad priy / (15.1)
pvara-ru-stana-ro samada pramad priya
pvara adj. dense; fat; full of or abounding with (comp.) ^ ru mf. name of a son of Manu
Ckua; name of an girasa and author of a Vedic hymn; shank stana mn. a kind of pin or
peg on a vessel shaped like a teat; dug; teat ro f. name of a river; the hips and loins; the
middle samada adj. excited with passion; intoxicated; ruttish pramad f. a young and
wanton woman; any woman; name of 2 kinds of metre priya adj. beloved; dear to; favourite.

* ~ _ (.)
haranti tam ugyo dhpakukumayauvanai // (15.2)
h ta ua-aga dhpa-kukuma-yauvana
T h 2.P. to annihilate; to appropriate (in a legitimate way); to avert (the face) ta n. Cassia
bark; cold; cold water ua adj. acrid; active; hot aga adj. contiguous; having members
or divisions dhpa m. aromatic vapour or smoke proceeding from gum or resin; incense; one
of the 16 acts of homage or offerings in the Pancyatara ceremony _ kukuma n. a kind of
rice; saffron- Crocus sativus Linn. yauvana n. a number of young people (esp. of young
women); adolescence; manhood.

P` (.)
agratpasataptagarbhabhvemacria / (16.1)
agra mn. charcoal tpa m. (medic.) a kind of sveda; fever; glow satap 4.. to
afflict; to dry up; to feel pain or remorse garbha m. a foetus or embryo; a foundation deposit;
a woman's courses ` bhveman m. crin adj. acting; being; doing.

^ ` (.)
tapruyajanito na doo jtu jyate // (16.2)
ta-pruya-janay na doa jtu jan
ta n. Cassia bark; cold; cold water ^ pruya n. aloe wood; dishevelled state (of the
hair); harshness (esp. of language) janay 10.. to create; to generate; to produce na ind.
neither; no; nor doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection jtu ind. at all; ever jan 4.P. to
be; to be born; to be born again.

` (.)
ayam eva vidhi krya iire 'pi vieata / (17.1)
idam eva vidhi k iira api vieata
idam pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even vidhi m. a grammatical rule or precept;
a means; a physician T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become iira mn. cold;
coolness; dew api ind. also; assuredly; besides vieata ind. especially.

W (.)
tad hi tam adhika raukya cdnaklajam // (17.2)
tad hi ta adhika raukya ca-dna-kla-ja
tad ind. at that time; in that case (often used redundantly); then hi ind. because; for; on
account of ta n. Cassia bark; cold; cold water adhika adj. abundant; additional;
excellent W raukya n. aridity; cruelty; dryness ca ind. also; and; as well as dna n. a
cause of disease; drawing near to one's self; receipt kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time
or season for; time ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended

` * " (.)
kapha cito hi iire vasante 'rkutpita / (18.1)
kapha ci hi iira vasanta arka-au-tpay
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general ci 5.. to
accumulate; to acquire for one's self; to arrange in order hi ind. because; for; on account of
iira mn. cold; coolness; dew * vasanta m. a particular metre (4 times); diarrhoea;
name of a man arka m. a learned man; a ray; a religious ceremony " au m. a kind of
Soma libation; array; cloth tpay 10.. to cause pain; to make warm or hot; to trouble.

~V ^` ~ * (.)
hatvgni kurute rogn atas ta tvaray tyajet // (18.2)
han-agni k roga atas tad tvar tyaj
han 1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to abandon; to avert V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida;
digestive faculty T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become roga mn. a diseased
spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or
that cause or reason tad pron. this ~ tvar f. haste; urgency * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid;
to discharge.

W N (.)
tkair vamananasydyair laghurkai ca bhojanai / (19.1)
tka vamana-nasya-dya laghu-rka ca bhojana
W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot vamana n. an emetic; emission; emitting nasya n. a
sternutatory; errhine; the hairs in the nose N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or
speech) ca ind. also; and; as well as bhojana n. a meal; any object of enjoyment or the
pleasure caused by it; anything enjoyed or used.

~ HP (.)
vyymodvartanghtair jitv lemam ulbaam // (19.2)
vyyma-udvartana-ghta ji leman ulbaa
vyyma m. (with Buddhists) right exercise or training; a difficult passage; a particular
measure of length udvartana n. ascending; bad behaviour; bad conduct ghta m. a
slaughter-house; a stroke; blow with or on (in comp.) ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to
defeat; to exercise HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum ulbaa adj. reich an (??); strong
(a poison).

N P W^_ (.)
snto 'nulipta karpracandangurukukumai / (20.1)
sn anulip karpra-candana-aguru-kukuma
N sn 2.. to bathe; to perform the ceremony of bathing or certain prescribed oblations (esp. on
returning home from the house of a religious preceptor); to smear one's self with (instr.)
anulip 6.. to anoint; to anoint one's self after (bathing); to besmear karpra mn. Blumea
balsamifera DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 540); Blumea densiflora DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld
(1974), 540); Blumea lacera DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 540) W candana mn. Berberis
asiatica Roxb. ex DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Caesalpinia sappan Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld
(1974), 552); Crocus sativus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 552) ^ aguru mn. Amyris
agallocha Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 522); Aquilaria Agallocha Roxb.; Aquilaria
malaccensis Lam. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 522) _ kukuma n. a kind of rice; saffron- Crocus
sativus Linn.

"7 (.)
purayavagodhmakaudrajgalalyabhuk // (20.2)
pura adj. ancient; old; traditional yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand
resembling a barley-corn (supposed to indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure
of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double
convex lens godhma mn. a kind of Godhma; name of a medicinal plant; the orange tree
kaudra n. a kind of prameha; honey; minuteness jgala adj. arid; coming from wild
deer; covered with jungle "7 lya n. roasted meat bhuj adj. consuming; eating; enjoying.

N ` (.)
sahakrarasonmirn svdya priyayrpitn / (21.1)
sahakra-rasa-unmira svday priy-arpay
sahakra m. a kind of fragrant mango tree; acting with; assistance rasa mn. amta; a
constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre unmira adj. ifc. mixed with;
variegated svday 10.. to eat with a relish; to taste priy f. Arabian jasmine; a
mistress; name of a daughter of Daka arpay 10.. to apply; to cast; to cast through.

`~_ (.)
priysyasagasurabhn priynetrotpalkitn // (21.2)
priy-sya-saga-surabhi priy-netra-utpala-akay
priy f. Arabian jasmine; a mistress; name of a daughter of Daka sya n. face; jaws;
mouth saga m. addiction or devotion to; association or intercourse with; clinging to
surabhi adj. best; charming; famous priy f. Arabian jasmine; a mistress; name of a daughter
of Daka ` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer ~ utpala mn. a particular hell;
a seed of the Nymphaea; any flower _ akay 10.P. to brand; to mark; to move in a curve.

T TN ` (.)
saumanasyakto hdyn vayasyai sahita pibet / (22.1)
saumanasya-kt hdya vayasya sahita p
saumanasya n. an offering of flowers placed in the hands of the priest at a rddha;
cheerfulness; gladness T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author TN hdya adj. being in the
heart; beloved; charming vayasya m. a contemporary; associate; companion sahita adj.
(in astron.) being in conjunction with; accompanied by; possessed of p 1.. to drink; to quaff;
to suck.

nirgadn savriasdhumrdvkamdhavn // (22.2)
nirgada sava-aria-sdhu-mrdvka-mdhava
nirgada adj. healthy sava m. decoction; distillation; distilling aria m.
Azadirachta Indica; a crow; a decoction sdhu mfn. a kind of liquor mrdvka n. wine
mdhava n. a particular intoxicating drink; sweetness.

"`~ ~ ~ ~ (.)
gavermbu srmbu madhvambu jaladmbu ca / (23.1)
gavera-ambu sra-ambu madhu-ambu jalada-ambu ca
"` gavera mn. dry ginger; ginger (undried); name of a serpent-demon ~ ambu n. a kind
of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the number four sra mn.
Acacia Catechu; a chief constituent of the body; a kind of venomous frog (maka) ~ ambu
n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the number four
madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid) ~ ambu
n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the number four
jalada m. a (rain-) cloud; a conch; Cyperus rotundus Linn. ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon;
name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the number four ca ind. also; and; as well as.

` (.)
dakinilateu parito jalavhiu // (23.2)
dakia-anila-ta paritas jala-vhin
dakia adj. able; candid; clever anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to
disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons ta adj. boiled; cold; dull
paritas ind. all around; everywhere; round jala n. a cow's embryo; a kind of Andropogon; any
fluid vhin adj. bearing; bearing along (said of rivers); bringing.

[ * (.)
adanaasryeu maikuimakntiu / (24.1)
ada-na-srya mai-kuima-knti
[ ada adj. invisible; not experienced; unforeseen na 1.P. to be frustrated or
unsuccessful; to be gone; to be lost srya m. arka; a symbolical expression for the number
"twelve" (in allusion to the sun in the 12 signs of the zodiac); epithet of iva mai m. a jewel;
a large water-jar; a magnet kuima mn. a cottage; an inlaid or paved floor; ground paved
with mosaic * knti f. a lovely colour; a lovely or desirable woman personified as wife of the
moon; beauty.

* (.)
parapuavighueu kmakarmntabhmiu // (24.2)
parapua-vighu kma-karmnta-bhmi
parapua m. the Kokila or Indian cuckoo vighu 1.. to cry or proclaim aloud
kma m. Artemisia vulgaris Linn.; a kind of bean; a particular form of temple * karmnta m.
action; administration (of an office); business bhmi f. attitude; country; degree.

` ^ (.)
vicitrapupavkeu knaneu sugandhiu / (25.1)
vicitra-pupa-vka knana sugandhin
vicitra adj. amusing; beautiful; charming pupa n. a flower; a kind of perfume; a
particular disease of the eye vka m. a coffin; a frame; a stimulant knana n. a forest; a
house; grove (sometimes in connection with vana) ^ sugandhin adj. fragrant; sweet-

W$ (.)
gohkathbhi citrbhir madhyhna gamayet sukh // (25.2)
goh-kath citra madhyhna gamay sukhin
goh f. a kind of dramatic entertainment in one act; an assembly; association kath f.
conversation; discussion; disputation citra adj. (to execute) with different tortures; agitated
(as the sea); bright W$ madhyhna m. midday; name of a pupil of akara; noon gamay
10.. to cause to go; to explain; to impart sukhin adj. comfortable; easy; happy.

^PN^ * (.)
gurutadivsvapnasnigdhmlamadhurs tyajet / (26.1)
guru-ta-divsvapna-snigdha-amla-madhura tyaj
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy ta adj. boiled; cold; dull P divsvapna mn. (n. only)
sleep by day N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable amla adj. acid; sour
madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge.

W" W" P (.)
tkur atitkur grme sakipatva yat // (26.2)
tku atitka-au grma sakip-iva yad
W" tku m. fire; the sun W atitka adj. very sharp " au m. a kind of Soma
libation; array; cloth P grma m. the hot season sakip 6.. to abridge; to compress; to
concentrate (the mind) iva ind. a little; about; almost yad pron. what; which.

* ` HP ` ` (.)
pratyaha kyate lem tena vyu ca vardhate / (27.1)
pratyaham ki leman tad vyu ca vdh
* pratyaham ind. daily ki 9.. to be diminished; to corrupt; to decrease HP leman m.
mucus; phlegm; rheum tad pron. this vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a
mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned) ca ind. also; and; as well as
vdh 1.. to ascend (as the scale in ordeals); to be exalted or elevated; to be filled or extended.

W * (.)
ato 'smin paukavamlavyymrkakars tyajet // (27.2)
atas idam pau-kau-amla-vyyma-arka-kara tyaj
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason idam pron. this
pau adj. acrid; clear; cruel kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) amla adj. acid; sour
vyyma m. (with Buddhists) right exercise or training; a difficult passage; a particular
measure of length arka m. a learned man; a ray; a religious ceremony kara m. duty; hail;
ray of light * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge.

N^ (.)
bhajen madhuram evnna laghu snigdha hima dravam / (28.1)
bhaj madhura eva-anna laghu snigdha hima drava
bhaj 1.. to allot or apportion to (dat. or gen.); to assume (as a form); to bestow
madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous eva ind. alone; already; even anna n. bread
corn; earth; especially boiled rice laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief N^ snigdha adj.
adhesive; affectionate; agreeable hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta drava adj. liquid.

Q (.)
sutatoyasiktgo lihyt saktn saarkarn // (28.2)
suta-toya-sic-aga lih saktu
suta adj. very cold or cooling toya n. water; !! sic 4.. to besprinkle or moisten
with (instr.); to cast or form anything out of molten metal etc.; to dip aga n. a limb; a limb
of the body; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five) lih 4.P. to destroy; to
lap; to lick saktu m. coarsely ground meal; grit; groats (esp. of barley-meal).

N ` ` V (.)
madya na peya peya v subahuvri v / (29.1)
madya na p p v v
N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine na ind. neither; no; nor
p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck v ind. either - or; on
the one side - on the other side; optionally v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other
side; optionally.

~ 7 (.)
anyath oaaithilyadhamohn karoti tat // (29.2)
anyath oa-aithilya-dha-moha k tad
~ anyath ind. erroneously; falsely; from another motive oa m. desiccation; dryness;
pulmonary consumption 7 aithilya n. decrease; depression (of the mind); dilatoriness
dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) moha m. (with Buddhists) ignorance
(one of the three roots of vice); a magical art employed to bewilder an enemy; a swoon T k 8..
to accomplish; to act; to cause to become tad pron. this.


H (.)
kundendudhavala lim anyj jgalai palai / (30.1)
kunda-indu-dhavala li a jgala pala
W kunda m. a turner's lathe; fragrant oleander (Nerium odorum); Jasminum multiflorum
(Burm. f.) Andrews (Surapla 1988: 433) W

indu m. a bright drop; a drop; a spark

dhavala adj. beautiful; dazzling white; handsome li m. any grain of a similar character to
rice; grains of rice; name of a Yaka (who was transformed into a lion) a 9.. to consume; to
eat jgala adj. arid; coming from wild deer; covered with jungle pala mn. a particular
fluid measure; a particular measure of time ( 1/60 Gha); flesh.

` " (.)
pibed rasa ntighana rasl rgakhavau // (30.2)
p rasa na-atighana rasl rga-khava
p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of
the body; a kind of metre na ind. neither; no; nor atighana adj. sehr ghana rasl
f. a vine or grape; curds mixed with sugar and spices; Desmodium Gangeticum rga m. a
musical note; a particular process in the preparation of quicksilver; a prince " khava mn.
name of a forest in Kuruketra (sacred to Indra and burnt by the god of fire aided by Arjuna and
Ka); sugar-candy; sugarplums.

B T` W (.)
pnaka pacasra v navamdbhjane sthitam / (31.1)
pnaka pacan-sra v nava-md-bhjana sth
pnaka mn. a draught; beverage; drink B pacan adj. fnf sra mn. Acacia Catechu; a
chief constituent of the body; a kind of venomous frog (maka) v ind. either - or; on the
one side - on the other side; optionally nava adj. fresh; modern; new md f. clay; earth;
loam bhjana n. a particular measure ( an haka 14 Palas); a place or person in which
anything is collected or in whom any quality is conspicuous; a recipient W sth 1.. to adhere to;
to be; to be at hand.

" (.)
mocacocadalair yukta smla mnmayauktibhi // (31.2)
moca-coca-dala yuj smla
moca n. a plantain; banana (the fruit) coca mn. a banana; a clove (the dried flower)
(G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 554); bark dala mn. a clump; a degree; a detachment yuj 4.P. (in
astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction
with (acc.); to accrue to smla adj. ein wenig amla.

~ (.)
palvsita cmbha sakarpra sutalam / (32.1)
pal-vsay ca-ambhas sakarpra sutala
pal f. a form of Durg; a kind of fresh water fish; a kind of rice vsay Denom.. to
fumigate; to incense; to make fragrant ca ind. also; and; as well as ~ ambhas n. collective
name for gods, men, Manes, and Asuras; fruit fulness; power sakarpra adj. mit karpra
sutala adj. frigid; very cold or cooling.

_ W `~ ` (.)
akakiran bhakyn rajany bhakayan pibet // (32.2)
akakiraa bhakya rajan bhakay p
_ akakiraa m. a kind of food W bhakya m. dish; food ` rajan f. a grape or
lac (drk or lk); Curcuma longa Roxb. ( -dvaya); name of a particular personification
bhakay 10.. to eat; to feed someone; to make someone eat something p 1.. to drink; to
quaff; to suck.

sasita mhia kra candranakatratalam / (33.1)
sasita mhia kra candra-nakatra-tala
sasita adj. with sugar mhia adj. coming from or belonging to a buffalo or buffalo-
cow kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk candra m. a kind of
reddish pearl; a lovely or agreeable phenomenon of any kind; a metre of 4 x 19 syllables
nakatra mn. a lunar mansion; a pearl; a star or any heavenly body tala adj. calm; cold; cold
i.e. free from passion.

_^T (.)
abhrakaamahlatlaruddhoaramiu // (33.2)
abhrakaa adj. very high mah ind. (irreg.- *mahant) -> gross la mn. Shorea
Robusta tla m. a cymbal; a dance; a goldsmith ^ rudh 1.. to arrest; to avert; to besiege
uarami m. the sun.

` H (.)
vaneu mdhavliadrkstabakaliu / (34.1)
vana mdhav-li-drk-stabaka-lin
vana n. a cloud (as the vessel in the sky); a foreign or distant land; a forest mdhav f.
Anethum Sowa; a kind of grass; a procuress H li 6.P. to adhere; to attach; to be implied or
intimated drk f. grape; Vitis vinifera Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 564); vine
stabaka mn. a chapter or section (in such books as contain in their titles the words); a cluster of
blossoms; a feather of a peacock's tail lin adj. abounding in; amply provided or furnished
with; conversant with.

^ (.)
sugandhihimapnyasicyamnapalike // (34.2)
^ sugandhin adj. fragrant; sweet-smelling hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta
pnya n. a beverage; drink; water sic 4.. to besprinkle or moisten with (instr.); to cast or
form anything out of molten metal etc.; to dip palika m. .

` ` ~ (.)
kyamne cite ctapravlaphalalumbibhi / (35.1)
kyamna ci cta-pravla-phala-lumbin
kyamna n. a hut made of grass or thatch ci 5.. to accumulate; to acquire for one's
self; to arrange in order cta m. the mango tree pravla mn. a young shoot; coral; new
leaf or branch (to which feet and lips are often compared) phala n. a blade (of a sword or
knife); a gaming board; a gift ~ lumbin adj. .

~ (.)
kadaldalakalhramlakamalotpalai // (35.2)
kadala mf. Musa sapientum Linn.; plantain or banana tree dala mn. a clump; a degree; a
detachment kalhra mn. a kind of lotus mla mn. a lotus-fibre; fibre attached to the
stalk of a water-lily; the edible fibrous root of some kinds of lotus kamala mn. lotus;
lotusflower; Nelumbium speciosum Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 536) ~ utpala mn. a
particular hell; a seed of the Nymphaea; any flower.

7` 7 W =` (.)
komalai kalpite talpe hasatkusumapallave / (36.1)
komala kalpay talpa has-kusuma-pallava
komala adj. agreeable (said of the style); bland; charming 7 kalpay 10.. to form; to
prescribe 7 talpa m. a couch; a raft; a wife has 1.. to deride; to excel; to expand
kusuma n. blossom; flower; fruit = pallava mn. a bracelet; a sprout; a strip of cloth.

WW` ` (.)
madhyandine 'rkatprta svapyd dhrghe 'thav // (36.2)
madhyadina arka-tpa-rta svap dhrgha athav
W madhyadina m. Bassia Latifolia; midday; name of a disciple of Yjavalkya arka m. a
learned man; a ray; a religious ceremony tpa m. (medic.) a kind of sveda; fever; glow
rta adj. afflicted; disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) svap 1.. to rest; to sleep
dhrgha n. a bath-room with flowing water; shower-bath athav ind. (when repeated)
either or; or; perhaps.

W 7 (.)
pustastrstanahastsyapravttoravrii / (37.1)
pusta mn. a manuscript; book; modelling W str f. a kind of metre; a white ant; a woman
stana mn. a kind of pin or peg on a vessel shaped like a teat; dug; teat hasta mn. autograph;
the hand; trunk (of an elephant) sya n. face; jaws; mouth pravt 1.. to act or proceed
according to or with (instr. or abl.); to arise; to be ura mn. the fragrant root of the plant
Andropogon Muricatus; Vetiveria zizanioides Nash. (Surapla 1988: 241) vri n. pond;
water; ????.

` (.)
nikarakarkre saudhaphe nisu ca // (37.2)
nikara-kara-k saudha-pha ni ca
nikara m. name of a i; name of the number 1; the moon (with div-kara among the
sons of Garua) kara m. duty; hail; ray of light T k 6.P. to give abundantly; to scatter or
sprinkle over saudha mn. a stuccoed mansion; any fine house; palace pha n. a page of a
book; height; name of particular arrangement of Smans (employed at the midday libation and
formed from the Rathatara) ni f. (Hahayoga:) \=\= kumbhaka; a vision; Curcuma (of
2 species) ca ind. also; and; as well as.

W7 W (.)
san svasthacittasya candanrdrasya mlina / (38.1)
san svastha-citta candana-rdra mlin
san f. abiding; stay W svastha adj. at ease; being in one's natural state; confident 7
citta n. (in astrol.) the 9th mansion; aim; attending W candana mn. Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex
DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Caesalpinia sappan Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552);
Crocus sativus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 552) rdra adj. damp; flaccid; fresh
mlin adj. crowned; encircled or surrounded by (instr. or comp.); garlanded.

7M W (.)
nivttakmatantrasya suskmatanuvsasa // (38.2)
nivt-kma-tantra su-skma-tanu-vsas
nivt 1.. to abstain or desist from; to be born again; to be ineffective or useless kma
m. Artemisia vulgaris Linn.; a kind of bean; a particular form of temple M tantra n. a class of
works teaching magical and mystical formularies (mostly in the form of dialogues between iva
and Durg and said to treat of 5 subjects); a drug; a house su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.]
very W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant tanu adj. accomplished (in metre); delicate;
emaciated vsas n. a cobweb; a garment; a pall.

* T (.)
jalrdrs tlavntni vistt padminpu / (39.1)
jalrdr tlavnta vistta padmin-pua
jalrdr f. a wet cloth (used for cooling); a wet garment * tlavnta n. a palm-leaf
used as a fan; fan (in general) vistta adj. ample; broad; developed T padmin f. a
female elephant; a lotus (the whole plant); a lotus-stalk pua mn. a fold; concavity; Hlle
(einer Lotusblte).

{ ` (.)
utkep ca mdtkep jalavarihimnil // (39.2)
utkepa ca mdu-utkepa jala-varin-hima-anila
utkepa m. bringing up; despatching; expanding (the wings) ca ind. also; and; as well as
mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) utkepa m.
bringing up; despatching; expanding (the wings) jala n. a cow's embryo; a kind of
Andropogon; any fluid ` varin adj. attended with a rain of; discharging like rain; distributing
(anything good or evil) hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta anila m. air or wind; any
affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons.

= W (.)
karpramallikml hr saharicandan / (40.1)
karpra-mallik-ml hra saharicandana
karpra mn. Blumea balsamifera DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 540); Blumea densiflora DC.
(G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 540); Blumea lacera DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 540) = mallik f.
In eastern Uttar Pradesh, mliy (.) is the name of a special type of container, which consists of
two boat-shaped bowls hinged together. When closed, these form a hollow casket.' (Sarma, S.R.
0: 121); a lamp; a lamp-stand ml f. (in astrol.) a particular Dala-yoga; a kind of
Kramaptha; a row hra mn. a carrier; a garland of pearls; battle W saharicandana adj.
mit haricandana.

" (.)
manoharakallp iava srik uk // (40.2)
manohara-kala-lpa iu srika uka
manohara adj. charming; fascinating kala adj. a kind of faulty pronunciation of vowels;
crude; dumb lpa m. a lesson; addressing; communication " iu adj. infantine;
matutinal; young srika m. name of a Muni; the bird Turdus Salica " uka m. Acacia
Sirissa; a parrot; a poet.

* ~=7 (.)
mlavalay knt protphullakamalojjval / (41.1)
mla-valaya knta protphulla-kamala-ujjvala
mla mn. a lotus-fibre; fibre attached to the stalk of a water-lily; the edible fibrous root of
some kinds of lotus valaya mn. a bracelet; a circle; a kind of round bone * knta adj.
agreeable; beautiful; dear ~= protphulla adj. full blown; widely expanded kamala mn.
lotus; lotusflower; Nelumbium speciosum Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 536) 7 ujjvala adj.
beautiful; blazing up; burning.

T~ * (.)
jagam iva padminyo haranti dayit klamam // (41.2)
jagama iva padmin h dayit klama
jagama adj. (venom) coming from living beings (opposed to poison); a living being; living
iva ind. a little; about; almost T padmin f. a female elephant; a lotus (the whole plant); a
lotus-stalk T h 2.P. to annihilate; to appropriate (in a legitimate way); to avert (the face)
dayit f. a wife; beloved woman klama m. exhaustion; fatigue; languor.

V (.)
dnaglnavapum agni sanno 'pi sdati / (42.1)
dna-gl-vapus agni sad api sad
dna n. a cause of disease; drawing near to one's self; receipt gl 4.. vapus n. a
beautiful form or figure; essence; figure V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty sad
1.. to become faint or wearied or dejected or low-spirited; to besiege; to despair api ind.
also; assuredly; besides sad 1.. to become faint or wearied or dejected or low-spirited; to
besiege; to despair.

* ` ~~~ ` ~` (.)
varsu doair duyanti te 'mbulambmbude 'mbare // (42.2)
var doa du tad ambu-lamba-ambuda ambara
var f. (exceptionally sg.) the rains; Medicago Esculenta; monsoon doa mn. a calf;
accusation; affection du 4.. to be defiled or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong tad pron.
this ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the
number four ~ lamba adj. dangling; hanging by or down to (comp.); hanging down ~
ambuda m. cloud; the plant Cyperus Hexastychius Communis ~ ambara n. a cipher; a perfume
(Ambra); apparel.

` ^ (.)
saturea marut sahas talena ca / (43.1)
satura marut sahas tala ca
satura adj. mit tura ^ marut m. a species of plant; air; beauty sahas adj.
mighty; powerful; victorious (superl. tama) tala adj. calm; cold; cold i.e. free from passion
ca ind. also; and; as well as.

` (.)
bhbpemlapkena malinena ca vri // (43.2)
bh-bpa-amla-pka malina ca vri
bh f. a sacrificial fire; a term for the letter l; Erde bpa mn. a kind of plant- bpik; a
kind of pot-herb; a tear amla adj. acid; sour pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any
act having consequences malina adj. black; dark gray; dirty ca ind. also; and; as well as
vri n. pond; water; ????.

$ W `M * ~~{ (.)
vahninaiva ca mandena tev ity anyonyadiu / (44.1)
vahni-eva ca manda tad iti anyonya-din
$ vahni m. a draught animal; a mystical name of the letter r; any animal that draws or bears
along eva ind. alone; already; even ca ind. also; and; as well as W manda adj. addicted to
intoxication; apathetic; bad tad pron. this iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original
signification iti refers to something that has been said or thought) ~~ anyonya adj. mutual;
one another; [gramm.] the word 'anyonya' { din adj. corrupting; polluting; violating.

P ` (.)
bhajet sdhraa sarvam maas tejana ca yat // (44.2)
bhaj sdhraa sarva man tejana ca yad
bhaj 1.. to allot or apportion to (dat. or gen.); to assume (as a form); to bestow
sdhraa adj. behaving alike; belonging to all; general sarva pron. all; completely; different
P man m. (medic.) a kind of sveda; ardour; glow ` tejana n. a reed; bamboo;
inflammation ca ind. also; and; as well as yad pron. what; which.

W "T ~ T (.)
sthpana uddhatanur jra dhnya rasn ktn / (45.1)
sthpana udh-tanu jra dhnya rasa k
W sthpana n. a strengthening remedy; an enema of oil; causing to stay or remain "
udh 4.. to be cleared or cleansed or purified; to be cleared or excused from blame; to be
excusable tanu f. tan; form; life jra adj. ancient (tradition); decayed; digested ~
dhnya n. a kind of house; a measure 4 sesamum seeds; Cyperus Rotundus rasa mn. amta; a
constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to
cause to become.

* (.)
jgala piita yn madhvaria cirantanam // (45.2)
jgala piita ya madhu-aria cirantana
jgala adj. arid; coming from wild deer; covered with jungle piita n. a small piece;
any flesh or meat; flesh which has been cut up or prepared ya mn. broth; pease-soup; soup
madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid)
aria m. Azadirachta Indica; a crow; a decoction * cirantana adj. ancient; existing from
ancient times.

B (.)
mastu sauvarcalhya v pacakolvacritam / (46.1)
mastu sauvarcala-hya v pacakola-avacray
mastu n. sour cream; the watery part of curds; whey sauvarcala mn. alkali; natron;
sochal salt (prepared by boiling down soda with emblic myrobolan) hya adj. opulent;
rich; rich or abounding in v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally
B pacakola n. the 5 spices avacray Denom.P. to sprinkle or cover with meal, dust etc.

" ~ ~ `` (.)
divya kaupa ta cmbho bhojana tv atidurdine // (46.2)
divya kaupa r ca-ambhas bhojana tu atidurdina
divya adj. agreeable; beautiful; celestial kaupa adj. coming from a well or cistern r
9.P. to cook; to mix ca ind. also; and; as well as ~ ambhas n. collective name for gods, men,
Manes, and Asuras; fruit fulness; power bhojana n. a meal; any object of enjoyment or the
pleasure caused by it; anything enjoyed or used tu ind. and; but; do ` atidurdina n. ein
usserst bler Tag.

N "M = (.)
vyaktmlalavaasneha sauka kaudravallaghu / (47.1)
vyakta-amla-lavaa-sneha sauka kaudra-vat-laghu
vyakta adj. adorned; apparent; beautiful amla adj. acid; sour lavaa adj. beautiful;
briny; graceful N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance "M
sauka adj. completely dried up or withered kaudra n. a kind of prameha; honey;
minuteness vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief.

~ (.)
apdacr surabhi satata dhpitmbara // (47.2)
apdacrin surabhi satatam dhpay-ambara
apdacrin adj. nicht gehend; ruhend surabhi adj. best; charming; famous
satatam ind. always dhpay Denom.P. (astrol.) to obscure with mist; to be about to eclipse; to
fumigate ~ ambara n. a cipher; a perfume (Ambra); apparel.

P ` (.)
harmyaphe vased bpataskaravarjite / (48.1)
harmya-pha vas bpa-ta-skara-varjay
P harmya n. a fiery pit; a large house; a stronghold pha n. a page of a book; height; name
of particular arrangement of Smans (employed at the midday libation and formed from the
Rathatara) vas 2.P. to abide with or in; to be dwelt; to dwell bpa mn. a kind of plant-
bpik; a kind of pot-herb; a tear ta n. Cassia bark; cold; cold water skara m. a drop
of water varjay 10.. to avoid.

*P * (.)
nadjalodamanthhasvapnystaps tyajet // (48.2)
nad-jala-udamantha-ahasvapna-ysa-tapa tyaj
nad f. a river (commonly personified as a female); flowing water; name of 2 kinds of metre
jala n. a cow's embryo; a kind of Andropogon; any fluid * udamantha m. a particular
mixture P ahasvapna m. ysa m. effort; exertion (of bodily or mental power);
fatigue tapa m. heat (especially of the sun); sunshine * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to

vartocitgn sahasaivrkaramibhi / (49.1)
var-ta-ucita-aga sahas-eva-arka-rami
var f. (exceptionally sg.) the rains; Medicago Esculenta; monsoon ta n. Cassia bark;
cold; cold water ucita adj. acceptable; accurate; adjusted aga adj. contiguous; having
members or divisions sahas n. force; power; strength eva ind. alone; already; even
arka m. a learned man; a ray; a religious ceremony rami mf. paka; a measuring cord; a ray
of light.

P 7 (.)
taptn sacita vau pitta aradi kupyati // (49.2)
tap saci vi pitta arad kup
tap 4.. to be hot; to destroy by heat; to give out heat saci 5.. to accumulate; to
acquire; to arrange vi f. (in Skhya) one of the four forms of internal aquiescence; rain;
[Skhya] one of the nine tuis 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour arad f. a year;
autumn (as the time of ripening); the autumnal season (the sultry season of two months
succeeding the rains) kup 4.. to be angry; to be angry with; to be moved or excited or

` ` (.)
tajjayya ghta tikta vireko raktamokaam / (50.1)
tad-jaya ghta tikta vireka raktamokaa
tad pron. this jaya m. (parox.) name of particular verses causing victory (personified as
deities); Arjuna; a kind of flute ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain
(considered as the fat which drops from heaven) tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications
of taste); fragrant; pungent ` vireka m. a purgative; cathartic; evacuation of the bowels
raktamokaa n. bleeding; bloodletting; venesection.

tikta svdu kaya ca kudhito 'nna bhajel laghu // (50.2)
tikta svdu kaya ca kudh anna bhaj laghu
tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent svdu adj.
agreeable; chirming; dainty kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant ca ind. also; and; as
well as kudh 4.P. to be hungry; to feel hungry anna n. bread corn; earth; especially
boiled rice bhaj 1.. to allot or apportion to (dat. or gen.); to assume (as a form); to bestow
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief.

7 (.)
limudgasitdhtrpaolamadhujgalam / (51.1)
li m. any grain of a similar character to rice; grains of rice; name of a Yaka (who was
transformed into a lion) 7 mudga m. a cover; a kind of seabird; covering sit f. Arabian
jasmine; a handsome woman; a species of Aparjit dhtr f. a nurse; Emblica officinalis
Gaertn.; midwife paola m. Trichosanthes bracteata Voigt (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 569);
Trichosanthes cordata Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 569); Trichosanthes cucumerina Linn.
(G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 569) madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink;
anything sweet (esp. if liquid) jgala n. meat; venison.

P P" " (.)
tapta taptukiraai ta turamibhi // (51.2)
tap taptu-kiraa ta tu-rami
tap 4.. to be hot; to destroy by heat; to give out heat P" taptu m. the sun kiraa
m. a chapter; a ray or beam of light; a rein ta adj. boiled; cold; dull " tu m.
camphor; the moon rami mf. paka; a measuring cord; a ray of light.

* *` (.)
samantd apy ahortram agastyodayanirviam / (52.1)
samantt api ahar-rtra agastya-udaya-nirvia
* samantt ind. all around api ind. also; assuredly; besides ahar n. a day rtra
mn. rtri * agastya mn. a kind of plant; name of a i; Sesbania grandiflora Linn. (Surapla
1988: 135) udaya m. a following word; appearance; becoming visible ` nirvia adj. non-
venomous (as a snake).

" (.)
uci hasodaka nma nirmala malajij jalam // (52.2)
uci hasodaka nma nirmala mala-jit jala
" uci adj. bright; brilliantly white; clean hasodaka n. a kind of cordial liquor
(described as a sort of infusion of cardamoms); a kind of water nma ind. by name i.e.
named; called; certainly nirmala adj. bright; clean; shining mala mn. dirt; dust; filth
jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning jala n. a cow's embryo; a kind of Andropogon; any fluid.

W M (.)
nbhiyandi na v rka pndiv amtopamam / (53.1)
na-abhiyandin na v rka pna-di amta-upama
na ind. neither; no; nor W abhiyandin adj. causing defluxions or serious effusions;
laxative; oozing na ind. neither; no; nor v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other
side; optionally rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) pna n. a canal;
a drink; a drinking-vessel di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning amta n. a particular
poison; a pear; a ray of light upama adj. equal; like; resembling.

W7 (.)
candanorakarpramuktsragvasanojjvala // (53.2)
W candana mn. Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Caesalpinia
sappan Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Crocus sativus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 552)
ura mn. the fragrant root of the plant Andropogon Muricatus; Vetiveria zizanioides Nash.
(Surapla 1988: 241) karpra mn. Blumea balsamifera DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 540);
Blumea densiflora DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 540); Blumea lacera DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld
1974: 540) mukt f. a pearl sraj f. a kind of metre; a kind of tree; a wreath of flowers
vasana n. a leaf of the cinnamon tree; an ornament worn by women round the loins; apparel
7 ujjvala adj. beautiful; blazing up; burning.

` (.)
saudheu saudhadhaval candrik rajanmukhe / (54.1)
saudha saudha-dhavala candrik rajan-mukha
saudha mn. a stuccoed mansion; any fine house; palace saudha n. opal; silver
dhavala adj. beautiful; dazzling white; handsome candrik f. candrara; a kind of white-
blossoming Kaakri; baldness ` rajan f. a grape or lac (drk or lk); Curcuma longa
Roxb. ( -dvaya); name of a particular personification mukha n. a direction; beginning; best.

* (.)
turakrasauhityadadhitailavastapn // (54.2)
tura m. -kaa; camphor; cold kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any corrosive or
acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash) * sauhitya n. amiableness;
completion; fulness dadhi n. coagulated milk; the resin of Shorea robusta; thick sour milk
(regarded as a remedy) taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil vas f. a kind of prameha;
any fatty or oily substance; fat tapa m. heat (especially of the sun); sunshine.

WNP * (.)
tkamadyadivsvapnapurovtn parityajet / (55.1)
tka-madya-divsvapna-puras-vta parityaj
W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor;
wine P divsvapna mn. (n. only) sleep by day puras ind. (as prep.) before (of place and
time); eastward; first vta m. air; flatulence; gout * parityaj 1.. to abandon; to
disembark; to disregard.

` N * 7 (.)
te varsu cdys trn vasante 'ntyn rasn bhajet // (55.2)
ta var ca-dya tri vasanta antya rasa bhaj
ta n. Cassia bark; cold; cold water var f. (exceptionally sg.) the rains; Medicago
Esculenta; monsoon ca ind. also; and; as well as N dya adj. being at the head; earlier;
excellent tri nr. 3 MW * vasanta m. a particular metre (4 times); diarrhoea; name of a man
7 antya adj. belonging to the lowest caste; immediately following; inferior rasa mn. amta; a
constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre bhaj 1.. to allot or apportion to
(dat. or gen.); to assume (as a form); to bestow.

svdu nidghe aradi svdutiktakayakn / (56.1)
svdu nidgha arad svdu-tikta-kayaka
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty nidgha m. heat; internal heat; name of a man
(of his descendants) arad f. a year; autumn (as the time of ripening); the autumnal season
(the sultry season of two months succeeding the rains) svdu adj. agreeable; chirming;
dainty tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent
kayaka adj. .

* * (.)
aradvasantayo rka ta gharmaghanntayo // (56.2)
rka ta gharma-ghana-anta
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) ta adj. boiled; cold; dull
gharma m. a cauldron; a cavity in the earth shaped like a cauldron (from which Atri was rescued
by the Avins); boiler ghana mn. a collection; a mode of dancing (neither quick nor slow); a
particular method of reciting the * anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border.

~ (.)
annapna samsena vipartam ato 'nyad / (57.1)
anna-pna samsena viparta atas anyad
anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-
vessel samsena ind. collectively viparta adj. acting in a contrary manner; adverse;
being the reverse of anything atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or
reason ~ anyad ind. at another time; in another case; once.

* ~ * (.)
nitya sarvarasbhysa svasvdhikyam tv tau // (57.2)
nityam sarva-rasa-abhysa sva-sva-dhikya tu tu
* nityam ind. always sarva pron. all; completely; different rasa mn. amta; a
constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre ~ abhysa m. (in later
Vednta phil.) inculcation of a truth conveyed in sacred writings by means of repeating the same
word or the same passage; (in Yoga phil.) the effort of the mind to remain in its unmodified
condition of purity (sattva); custom sva adj. akin; one's own; own sva adj. akin; one's own;
own * dhikya n. abundance; excess; high degree tu m. a particular mineral; an epoch;
any settled point of time tu m. a particular mineral; an epoch; any settled point of time.

~ 7P W (.)
tvor antydisapthv tusadhir iti smta / (58.1)
tu antya-di-saptha tusadhi iti sm
tu m. a particular mineral; an epoch; any settled point of time 7 antya adj. belonging to
the lowest caste; immediately following; inferior di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
P saptha m. a sacrificial performance lasting 7 days tusadhi m. junction of two
fortnights; junction of two seasons; the days of new and full moon (as the junction of the dark
and light half of the month) iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers
to something that has been said or thought) W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to
hand down memoriter.

*W (.)
tatra prvo vidhis tyjya sevanyo 'para kramt // (58.2)
tatra prva vidhi tyaj sev apara krama
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place prva pron. aforesaid; ancient; attended with
vidhi m. a grammatical rule or precept; a means; a physician * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to
avoid; to discharge sev 1.. to cherish; to cultivate; to devote or apply one's self to apara
pron. der andere krama m. a particular kta tradition; a position taken (by an animal etc.)
before making a spring or attacking; a step.

P * (.)
astmyaj hi rog syu sahas tygalant // (59.1)
astmya-ja hi roga as sahas tyga-lana
P astmya adj. disagreeing (as food); unwholesome ja adj. born or produced in or at or
upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from hi ind. because; for; on account of roga mn.
a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to
(dat.) sahas n. force; power; strength * tyga m. a sage; abandoning; discharging
lana n. constant study (of the stras etc.); frequent mentioning; honouring.

~W W (.)
athto rognutpdanydhyya vykhysyma / (1.1)
atha-atas rognutpdanya-adhyya vykhy
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason ~
rognutpdanya m. name of Agahdayasahit, S. 4 W adhyya m. a lesson; a reader;
chapter W vykhy 2.. to call; to communicate; to discuss.

WV (.)
iti ha smhur treydayo maharaya / (1.2)
iti ha sma-ah treya-di mah-i
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) ha ind. (particle); a kind of bja W sma ind. always; certainly; ever ah 1.P.
to acknowledge; to adjugde anything; to call treya m. a descendant of Atri; a priest who is
closely related to the Sadasya; chyle di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning mah ind.
(irreg.- *mahant) -> gross i m. a hymn or Mantra composed by a i; a ray of light; a saint
or sanctified sage in general.

` (.)
vegn na dhrayed vtavimtrakavatkudhm / (1.3)
vega na dhray vta-vi-mtra-kava-t-kudh
` vega m. a stream; agitation; attack na ind. neither; no; nor dhray 10.. to hold; to
keep; to possess vta m. air; flatulence; gout vi fn. feces mtra n. the fluid secreted by
the kidneys; urine kava m. black mustard (Sinapis dichotoma); catarrh; cough t f.
Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst kudh f. hunger.

N~`` (.)
nidrksaramavsajmbhrucchardiretasm // (1.4)
nidr f. a mystic. name of the letter bh; name of a blood vessel; sleep ksa m. cough;
[medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln rama m. drill; effort either bodily or mental; exercise
N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) ~ jmbh f.
blossoming; yawning aru mn. a tear ` chardi f. expulsion (of the breath); sickness;
vomiting ` retas n. a flow; current; descendants.

7^ (.)
adhovtasya rodhena gulmodvartarukklam / (2.1)
adhovta rodha gulma-udvarta-ruj-klama
adhovta m. nach unten strmender Krperwind; kindling a fire from below? rodha
m. a dam; a particular hell; an arrow 7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any
glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen
udvarta m. a class of diseases (marked by retention of the feces); a disease of the bowels;
iliac passion ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease klama m. exhaustion; fatigue;

T[WVT7 (.)
vtamtraaktsagadyagnivadhahdgad // (2.2)
vta m. air; flatulence; gout mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine T akt n.
dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement; feces saga m. addiction or devotion to; association or
intercourse with; clinging to [ di f. beholding; consideration; intelligence V agni m. bile;
Citrus Acida; digestive faculty vadha m. capital punishment; killing; murder T hd n. breast;
chest; interior gada m. a sentence; Costus speciosus Sm.; disease.

T "^ (.)
akta piikodveapratiyyairoruja / (3.1)
akt piik-udvea-pratiyya-iras-ruj
T akt n. dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement; feces " piik f. a base or pedestal for the
image of a deity or for a Liga; a bench for lying on; a globular fleshy swelling (in the shoulders)
udvea m. besieging or surrounding a town; enclosing; investing a town pratiyya m.
a cold iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease.

T (.)
rdhvavyu parkarto hdayasyoparodhanam // (3.2)
rdhvavyu hdaya-uparodhana
rdhvavyu m. nach oben strmender Krperwind T hdaya n. mind (as the seat of
mental operations); name of a Sman; science uparodhana n. impediment; obstruction;
the act of besieging or blockading.

7 W (.)
mukhena vipravtti ca prvokt cmay smt / (4.1)
mukha vi-pravtti ca prva-vac ca-maya sm
mukha n. a direction; beginning; best vi f. dirt; excrement; feces 7 pravtti f.
activity; advance; appearance ca ind. also; and; as well as prva pron. aforesaid; ancient;
attended with vac 2.P. to declare; to proclaim; to recite ca ind. also; and; as well as
maya m. disease; indigestion; sickness W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand
down memoriter.

` (.)
agabhagmarvastimehravakaavedan // (4.2)
aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be
five) bhaga m. a bend; a break or breach (lit. and fig.); a piece broken off amar mf.
stone or gravel (the disease); strangury vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of
bladder or the injection itself; the bladder mehra mn. Harnrhre; membrum virile; penis
vakaa mn. abdomen; Bauch; cavity ` vedan f. feeling; pain; sensation.

mtrasya rodht prve ca pryo rogs tadauadham / (5.1)
mtra rodha prva ca pryas roga tad-auadha
mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine rodha m. a dam; a particular hell; an
arrow prva pron. aforesaid; ancient; attended with ca ind. also; and; as well as
pryas ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus
Speciosus or Arabicus; disease tad pron. this auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively.

*~ (.)
vartyabhyagvagh ca svedana vastikarma ca // (5.2)
vart-abhyaga-avagha ca svedana vastikarman ca
vart f. a kind of bandage bound round a wound; a kind of fringe; a limp ~ abhyaga m.
inunction; rubbing with unctuous substances; unguent avagha m. a bucket; bathing;
plunging ca ind. also; and; as well as svedana mn. a diaphoretic; any instrument or
remedy for causing perspiration; fomenting vastikarman n. the application of an enema
or injection; [rel.] a kind of Yogic purification ca ind. also; and; as well as.

M W (.)
annapna ca vibhedi virodhottheu yakmasu / (6.1)
anna-pna ca vibhedin vi-rodha-uttha yakman
anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-
vessel ca ind. also; and; as well as vibhedin adj. laxative vi f. dirt; excrement;
feces rodha m. a dam; a particular hell; an arrow M uttha adj. (generally ifc.) standing up;
arising; coming forth W yakman m. consumption; pulmonary consumption.

` ` (.)
mtrajeu tu pne ca prgbhakta asyate ghtam // (6.2)
tu pna ca prc-bhaj as ghta
tu ind. and; but; do pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel ca ind. also; and; as well
as B prc adj. being in front; directed forwards; easterly bhaj 1.. to allot or apportion to
(dat. or gen.); to assume (as a form); to bestow as 2.. to approve; to calumniate; to
commend ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat
which drops from heaven).

* 7 (.)
jrntika cottamay mtray yojandvayam / (7.1)
jra-antika ca-uttama mtr yojana-dvaya
jra n. benjamin; decrepitude; digestion * antika adj. lasting till; reaching to; reaching
to the end of ca ind. also; and; as well as 7 uttama adj. best; chief; excellent mtr f. a
minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial instant yojana fn. application; arrangement;
building dvaya n. both; double; falsehood.

V (.)
avapakam etacca sajita dhrat puna // (7.2)
avapaka etad-ca sajita dhraa punar
avapaka mn. a sternutatory etad pron. this ca ind. also; and; as well as
sajita adj. apprised by a sign or gesture; called; communicated dhraa n. (Trika:) Name
der vier Halbvokale (Vc, 310); a kind of opium; bearing punar ind. again and again; back;

7^ ^ T (.)
udgrasyruci kampo vibandho hdayoraso / (8.1)
udgra-aruci kampa vibandha hdaya-uras
7 udgra m. a loud sound; belching; Erbrochenes ^ aruci f. aversion; disgust; dislike
kampa m. a dwarf-rafter; a pillar; a roofing strip ^ vibandha m. a circular bandage; a remedy
for promoting obstruction; constipation T hdaya n. mind (as the seat of mental operations);
name of a Sman; science uras n. bosom; breast; the best of its kind.

WW W ` (.)
dhmnaksahidhm ca hidhmvat tatra bheajam // (8.2)
dhmna-ksa-hidhm ca hidhm-vat tatra bheaja
W dhmna n. a bellows; blowing; boasting ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana
behandeln W hidhm mf. a kind of disease; Schlick [als Name einer Krankheit!] ca ind. also;
and; as well as W hidhm mf. a kind of disease; Schlick [als Name einer Krankheit!] vat ind.
(Vergleichspartikel) tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place ` bheaja n. a remedy; a
spell or charm; drug.

7~~` ` (.)
iro'rtndriyadaurbalyamanystambhrdita kute / (9.1)
iras-arti-indriya-daurbalya-many-stambha-ardita kuti
iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) ` arti f. artn; rti; pain indriya n. bodily
power; exhibition of power; faculty of sense 7 daurbalya n. impotence; weakness ~ many
f. name of two vessels at the sides of the trachea; the back or the nape of the neck (musculus
cucullaris or trapezius) ~ stambha m. a post; arrogance; becoming hard or solid ` ardita n.
Gesichtslhmung; [medic.] name of a disease (spasm of the jaw-bones) kuti f. sneezing.

WM (.)
tkadhmjanghranvanrkavilokanai // (9.2)
W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist M ajana n. a
special kind of this pigment; act of applying an ointment or pigment; antimony ghra n.
satiety; smelling (the scent of) nvana n. a sternutatory arka m. a learned man; a ray; a
religious ceremony vilokana n. becoming aware of; contemplating; finding out.

` N (.)
pravartayet kuti sakt snehasvedau ca layet / (10.1)
pravartay kuti saj sneha-sveda ca lay
pravartay 10.. to accomplish; to appoint; to begin kuti f. sneezing M saj 1.. to
adhere; to be attached or fastened; to be attached to or engaged in or occupied with N sneha
mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance sveda m. a sudorific; heat;
perspiration ("drops of perspiration") ca ind. also; and; as well as lay Denom.. to be
intent upon; to cultivate; to do.

T7 (.)
ogasdabdhiryasammohabhramahdgad // (10.2)


^" (.)
agabhagruciglnikryalabhram kudha // (11.2)
aga-bhaga-aruci-glni-krya-la-bhrama kudh
aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be
five) bhaga m. a bend; a break or breach (lit. and fig.); a piece broken off ^ aruci f.
aversion; disgust; dislike glni f. debility; decrease; depression of mind krya n.
thinness " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for impaling criminals bhrama
m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone kudh f. hunger.

W N^ 7 (.)
tatra yojya laghu snigdham uam alpa ca bhojanam / (12.1)
tatra yuj laghu snigdha ua alpa ca bhojana
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction
with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to laghu
adj. active; beautiful; causing relief N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable ua
adj. acrid; active; hot 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small ca ind. also; and; as well as
bhojana n. a meal; any object of enjoyment or the pleasure caused by it; anything enjoyed or used.

~ (.)
nidry mohamrdhkigauravlasyajmbhik // (12.2)
nidr moha-mrdhan-aki-gaurava-lasya-jmbhik
nidr f. a mystic. name of the letter bh; name of a blood vessel; sleep moha m. (with
Buddhists) ignorance (one of the three roots of vice); a magical art employed to bewilder an
enemy; a swoon mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning; chief
(applied to persons) aki n. the eye gaurava n. cumbrousness; difficulty; gravity
lasya n. idleness; sloth; want of energy ~ jmbhik f. yawning.

P (.)
agamarda ca tatrea svapna savhanni ca / (13.1)
agamarda ca tatra-i svapna savhana ca
agamarda m. a servant who shampoos his master's body; massage; rheumatism ca ind.
also; and; as well as tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place i 1.P. to assent; to choose;
to concede P svapna mn. a dream; dreaming; drowsiness savhana fn. massage ca
ind. also; and; as well as.

T N^T (.)
ksasya rodht tadvddhi vsrucihdmay // (13.2)
ksa rodha tad-vddhi vsa-aruci-hd-maya
ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln rodha m. a dam; a particular hell;
an arrow tad pron. this T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground) N
vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) ^ aruci f.
aversion; disgust; dislike T hd n. breast; chest; interior maya m. disease; indigestion;

W (.)
oo hidhm ca kryo 'tra ksah sutar vidhi / (14.1)
oa hidhm ca k atra ksa-han sutarm vidhi
oa m. desiccation; dryness; pulmonary consumption W hidhm mf. a kind of disease;
Schlick [als Name einer Krankheit!] ca ind. also; and; as well as T k 8.. to accomplish; to
act; to cause to become atra ind. here at this time; in this matter; in this place ksa m.
cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln han adj. killing sutarm ind. excessively;
in a higher degree; still more vidhi m. a grammatical rule or precept; a means; a physician.

7T N (.)
gulmahdrogasamoh ramavsd vidhritt // (14.2)
gulma-hd-roga-sammoha rama-vsa vidhray
7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the
abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen T hd n. breast; chest; interior
roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease sammoha m. (in astrol.)
a particular conjunction of planets; battle; bewilderment rama m. drill; effort either bodily
or mental; exercise N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five
kinds) vidhray 10.P. to arrange; to check; to contrive.

V (.)
hita viramaa tatra vtaghna ca kriykrama / (15.1)
hita viramaa tatra vta-ghna ca kriy-krama
hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial viramaa n. relaxation; resting tatra ind.
in that; in that case; in that place vta m. air; flatulence; gout V ghna adj. destroying; killer;
killing ca ind. also; and; as well as kriy f. a literary work; a noun of action; a religious
rite or ceremony krama m. a particular kta tradition; a position taken (by an animal etc.)
before making a spring or attacking; a step.

~ (.)
jmbhy kavavad rog sarva cnilajid vidhi // (15.2)
jmbh kava-vat roga sarva ca-anila-jit vidhi
~ jmbh f. blossoming; yawning kava m. black mustard (Sinapis dichotoma); catarrh;
cough vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus; disease sarva pron. all; completely; different ca ind. also; and; as well as
anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other
persons jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning vidhi m. a grammatical rule or precept; a means;
a physician.


_~~^ (.)
pnaskiirohdrumanystambhrucibhram / (16.1)


" (.)
visarpakohakuhkikapvmayajvar / (17.1)
visarpa m. a kind of kudrakuha; a particular disease [erysipelas or any similar spreading
eruption]; creeping along or about koha m. a species of leprosy with large round spots
(ringworm) kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy aki n. the eye " ka f. itch; itching;
scratching " pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a Ngarja maya m.
disease; indigestion; sickness 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different
Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul.

NT=N (.)
saksavsahllsavyagavayathavo vame // (17.2)
sa-ksa-vsa-hllsa-vyaga-vayathu vami
sa ind. (ibc.) with ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln N vsa m. a
sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) T= hllsa m. Herzklopfen;
palpitation of heart vyaga mn. a blot; a frog; blemish N vayathu m. Aufgedunsenheit;
intumescence; swelling vami f. an emetic; nausea; qualmishness.

" M (.)
gaadhmnhr rka bhuktv tadudvama / (18.1)
gaa-dhma-anhra rka bhuj tad-udvama
" gaa mn. a mouthful of water; draught; filling or rinsing the mouth dhma mn. a
kind of incense; a saint; mist anhra m. abstinence; non-production; non-seizure
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) bhuj 1.P. to consume; to eat; to enjoy
tad pron. this udvama m. .

` (.)
vyyma srutir asrasya asta ctra virecanam // (18.2)
vyyma sruti asra as ca-atra virecana
vyyma m. (with Buddhists) right exercise or training; a difficult passage; a particular
measure of length sruti f. a course; a line drawn round the Vedi; a stream asra n. a
corner; a tear; blood as 2.. to approve; to calumniate; to commend ca ind. also; and; as
well as atra ind. here at this time; in this matter; in this place ` virecana n. a means for
making the head clear; purging or any purging substance.

~ ` (.)
sakralavaa tailam abhyagrtha ca asyate / (19.1)
sakra-lavaa taila abhyaga-artha ca as
sakra adj. acrid; caustic; pungent lavaa adj. beautiful; briny; graceful taila n.
oil; olibanum; sesamum oil ~ abhyaga m. inunction; rubbing with unctuous substances;
unguent artha mn. (in astron.) name of the second mansion; action; advantage ca ind.
also; and; as well as as 2.. to approve; to calumniate; to commend.

" Q`N7 (.)
ukrt tatsravaa guhyavedanvayathujvar // (19.2)
ukra tad-sravaa guhya-vedan-vayathu-jvara
" ukra n. a kind of prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid tad pron. this
sravaa n. flowing; flowing off; perspiration Q guhya n. a secret; mystery; the anus `
vedan f. feeling; pain; sensation N vayathu m. Aufgedunsenheit; intumescence; swelling 7
jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body
supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul.

TH7 (.)
hdvyathmtrasaggabhagavddhyamaahat / (20.1)


"T T W (.)
vastiuddhikarai siddha bhajet kra priy striya / (21.1)
vasti-uddhi-kara sidh bhaj kra priya str
vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder
"T uddhi f. accuracy; accurate knowledge regarding; acquittal kara adj. causing; helping;
making sidh 4.. to (esp.) be healed or cured; to arise; to attain beatitude bhaj 1.. to allot
or apportion to (dat. or gen.); to assume (as a form); to bestow kra n. milk; the milky juice
or sap of plants; thickened milk priya adj. beloved; dear to; favourite W str f. a kind of
metre; a white ant; a woman.

" * ` (.)
tlrta tyajet ka vivama vegarodhinam // (21.2)
t-la-rta tyaj ki vi-vama vega-rodhin
t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or
stake; a stake for impaling criminals rta adj. afflicted; disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) *
tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge ki 9.. to be diminished; to corrupt; to decrease
vi f. dirt; excrement; feces vama adj. ejecting; giving out; vomiting ` vega m. a stream;
agitation; attack rodhin adj. covering; filling; obstructing.

* ` (.)
rog sarve 'pi jyante vegodraadhraai / (22.1)
roga sarva api jan vega-udraa-dhraa
roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease sarva pron. all;
completely; different api ind. also; assuredly; besides jan 4.P. to be; to be born; to be
born again ` vega m. a stream; agitation; attack udraa n. casting; communicating;
discharging (a missile) dhraa n. (Trika:) Name der vier Halbvokale (Vc, 310); a kind of
opium; bearing.

` (.)
nirdia sdhana tatra bhyiha ye tu tn prati // (22.2)
nirdi sdhana tatra bhyiha yad tu tad prati
` nirdi 6.. to advise; to announce; to assign anything to sdhana n. a means of
summoning or conjuring up a spirit (or deity); accomplishment; acquisition tatra ind. in that;
in that case; in that place bhyiha adj. chief; most numerous or abundant or great or
important; principal yad pron. what; which tu ind. and; but; do tad pron. this prati
ind. again; against; against.

` (.)
tata cnekadh prya pavano yat prakupyati / (23.1)
tatas ca-anekadh pryas pavana yat prakup
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason ca ind. also; and; as well as `
anekadh ind. in various ways; name often pryas ind. abundantly; as a general rule;
commonly pavana m. a householder's sacred fire; a species of grass; air yat ind. as many
as ( Lat. quot); as often; because prakup 4.P. to be moved or agitated; to become enraged; to
fly into a passion.

M (.)
annapnauadha tasya yujtto 'nulomanam // (23.2)
anna-pna-auadha tad yuj-atas anulomana
anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-
vessel auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively tad pron. this yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to
come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.);
to accrue to atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason
anulomana adj. regulating.

` * (.)
dhrayet tu sad vegn hitai pretya ceha ca / (24.1)
dhray tu sad vega hita-ein pre ca-iha ca
dhray 10.. to hold; to keep; to possess tu ind. and; but; do sad ind. always;
continually; ever ` vega m. a stream; agitation; attack hita n. advantage; anything useful or
salutary or suitable or proper; benefit ein adj. (generally ifc.) going after; desiring; seeking
pre 2.P. to advance (esp. as a sacrifice); to appear; to arrive at ca ind. also; and; as well as
iha ind. at this time; here; in this book or system ca ind. also; and; as well as.

` (.)
lobherydveamtsaryargdn jitendriya // (24.2)
lobha-ry-dvea-mtsarya-rga-di ji-indriya
lobha m. avarice (personified as a son of Pui or of Dambha and My); confusion;
covetousness ry f. envy or impatience of another's success; jealousy; malice dvea m.
dislike; enmity to (comp.); hatred mtsarya n. displeasure; dissatisfaction; envy rga
m. a musical note; a particular process in the preparation of quicksilver; a prince di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to exercise
indriya n. bodily power; exhibition of power; faculty of sense.

` (.)
yateta ca yathkla maln odhana prati / (25.1)
yat ca yathklam mala odhana prati
yat 1.P. to associate with (instr.); to be eager or anxious for; to be in line ca ind. also; and;
as well as yathklam ind. according to the time mala mn. dirt; dust; filth
odhana mn. a means of purification; acquittance; clearing up prati ind. again; against;

* ` T (.)
atyarthasacits te hi kruddh syur jvitacchida // (25.2)
atyartha-saci tad hi krudh as jvita-chid
* atyartha adj. excessive; exorbitant saci 5.. to accumulate; to acquire; to arrange
tad pron. this hi ind. because; for; on account of krudh 4.. to be angry with; to become
angry as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) jvita n. a living being; duration of
life; life chid adj. annihilating; cutting off; cutting through.

* (.)
do kadcit kupyanti jit laghanapcanai / (26.1)
doa kadcid kup ji laghana-pcana
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection kadcid ind. irgendwann kup 4.. to be
angry; to be angry with; to be moved or excited or agitated ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to
defeat; to exercise laghana n. ascending; attack; attaining pcana n. a cataplasm; a
dissolvent; a sort of drink.

"T ` ^T (.)
ye tu saodhanai uddh na te punarudbhava // (26.2)
yad tu saodhana udh na tad punar-udbhava
yad pron. what; which tu ind. and; but; do saodhana n. correcting; paying off;
purification or a means of purification " udh 4.. to be cleared or cleansed or purified; to be
cleared or excused from blame; to be excusable na ind. neither; no; nor tad pron. this
punar ind. again and again; back; besides T udbhava m. a sort of salt; becoming visible; birth.

yathkrama yathyogam ata rdhva prayojayet / (27.1)
yathkramam yathyogam atas rdhvam prayojay
yathkramam ind. according to order; in due succession; respectively
yathyogam ind. according to circumstances; according to requirements; as is fit atas ind.
from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason rdhvam ind. after;
furthermore; upward prayojay 10.P. to aim at; to appoint to; to be applicable.

T (.)
rasyanni siddhni vyayog ca klavit // (27.2)
rasyana sidh vya-yoga ca kla-vid
rasyana n. rasyanakhaa- the fourth part of the Rasaratnkara; a medicine supposed
to prevent old age and prolong life; an elixir sidh 4.. to (esp.) be healed or cured; to arise;
to attain beatitude vya n. an aphrodisiac yoga m. (in Skhya) the union of soul with
matter (one of the 10 Mlikrths or radical facts); a combined or concentrated grammatical
rule or aphorism; a follower of the Yoga system ca ind. also; and; as well as kla m. eine
Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time vid adj. a knower; knowing; understanding.

`` M (.)
bheajakapite pathyam hrair bhaa kramt / (28.1)
bheaja-kapay pathya hra bhaa krama
` bheaja n. a remedy; a spell or charm; drug kapay 10.. to destroy; to make an end of;
to ruin M pathya adj. containing elements or leading forms; fit; normal hra m. bringing
near; employing; fetching bhaa n. a means for making strong or firm; the act of making
big krama m. a particular kta tradition; a position taken (by an animal etc.) before making
a spring or attacking; a step.

7 (.)
liaikagodhmamudgamsaghtdibhi // (28.2)
li m. any grain of a similar character to rice; grains of rice; name of a Yaka (who was
transformed into a lion) aika mfn. a kind of rice of quick growth (ripening in about 60
days) godhma mn. a kind of Godhma; name of a medicinal plant; the orange tree 7
mudga m. a cover; a kind of seabird; covering msa n. flesh; meat ghta n. cream; fat (as
an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven) di
m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

TN` ^ (.)
hdyadpanabhaiajyasayogd rucipaktidai / (29.1)
hdya-dpana-bhaiajya-sayoga ruci-pakti-da
TN hdya adj. being in the heart; beloved; charming dpana adj. digestive; inflaming;
kindling ` bhaiajya n. a particular ceremony performed as a remedy for sickness; any
remedy; curativeness sayoga m. a kind of alliance or peace made between two kings with
a common object; absorption; being engaged in ^ ruci f. appetite; beauty; colour pakti f.
cooking; development; digesting da adj. effecting; granting; offering.

~NN (.)
sbhyagodvartanasnnanirhasnehavastibhi // (29.2)
~ sbhyaga adj. mit abhyagas udvartana n. ascending; bad behaviour; bad conduct
N snna n. ablution; anything used in ablution (e.g. water); bathing nirha m. a purging
clyster; an enema not of an oily kind N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any
oleaginous substance vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the
injection itself; the bladder.

` (.)
tath sa labhate arma sarvapvakapavam / (30.1)
tath tad labh arman sarva-pvaka-pava
tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so tad pron. this labh 1.P. to catch; to find;
to meet with arman n. a house; bliss; comfort sarva pron. all; completely; different
pvaka m. a saint; fire; name of a particular Agni (in the Puras said to be a son of Agni
Abhimnin and Svh or of Antardhna and ikhain) pava n. cleverness in; health;

`7 (.)
dhvarendriyavaimalya vat dairghyam yua // (30.2)
dh-vara-indriya-vaimalya vat dairghya yus
dh f. art; design; devotion vara mn. a co-efficient; a cover; a covering indriya n.
bodily power; exhibition of power; faculty of sense 7 vaimalya n. cleanness; clearness;
pureness vat f. virility generative power dairghya n. length yus n. active
power; duration of life; efficacy.

V (.)
ye bhtaviavyvagnikatabhagdisabhav / (31.1)
yad bhta-via-vyu-agni-kata-bhaga-di-sambhava
yad pron. what; which bhta mn. a demon; a spirit (good or evil); an element via n.
Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison vyu m.
(in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5
are reckoned) V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty kata n. a hurt; contusion;
murder bhaga m. a bend; a break or breach (lit. and fig.); a piece broken off di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning ~ sambhava m. ability; acquaintance; adequacy.

N ` * (.)
rgadveabhaydy ca te syur gantavo gad // (31.2)
rga-dvea-bhaya-dya ca tad as gantu gada
rga m. a musical note; a particular process in the preparation of quicksilver; a prince
dvea m. dislike; enmity to (comp.); hatred bhaya n. alarm; apprehension; danger N dya
adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this as 2.P.
to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) * gantu adj. accidental; adventitious; anything added or
adhering gada m. a sentence; Costus speciosus Sm.; disease.

* W (.)
tyga prajpardhnm indriyopaama smti / (32.1)
tyga prajpardha indriya-upaama smti
* tyga m. a sage; abandoning; discharging prajpardha m. moralisches Vergehen
indriya n. bodily power; exhibition of power; faculty of sense upaama m. (in astron.)
name of the twentieth Muhrta; alleviation; assuagement W smti f. a kind of metre; calling to
mind; desire.


7 (.)
deakltmavijna sadvttasynuvartanam // (32.2)
dea-kla-tman-vijna sadvtta-anuvartana
` dea m. country; institute; kingdom kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season
for; time M tman m. a son; abstract individual; Brahma vijna n. art; comprehending;
doctrine 7 sadvtta n. a well-rounded shape anuvartana n. attending; compliance;

* (.)
atharvavihit nti pratiklagrahrcanam / (33.1)
atharvan-vidh nti pratikla-graha-arcana
atharvan mn. the fourth or Atharvaveda (said to have been composed by Atharvan)
vidh 3.. to appoint; to apportion; to arrange * nti f. a pause; abatement; absence of
passion pratikla adj. contrary; in inverted order; inimical graha mn. a crocodile; a
house; a planet (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men in a supernatural manner)
arcana fn. homage paid to deities and to superiors.

NW ` (.)
bhtdyasparanopyo nirdia ca pthak pthak // (33.2)
bhta-di-asparana-upya nirdi ca pthak pthak
bhta mn. a demon; a spirit (good or evil); an element di m. a firstling; and so on;
beginning W asparana n. avoiding the contact of anything (especially of one who is
impure); non-contact upya m. a means of success against an enemy (four are usually
enumerated); a means or expedient (of any kind); approach ` nirdi 6.. to advise; to
announce; to assign anything to ca ind. also; and; as well as pthak ind. (with abl.)
without; apart or separately or differently from; differently pthak ind. (with abl.) without;
apart or separately or differently from; differently.

~7 (.)
anutpattyai samsena vidhir ea pradarita / (34.1)
anutpatti samsena vidhi etad pradaray
~7 anutpatti f. failure; non-production samsena ind. collectively vidhi m. a
grammatical rule or precept; a means; a physician etad pron. this pradaray 10.. to
describe; to explain; to indicate.

* ~ * (.)
nijgantuvikrm utpannn ca ntaye // (34.2)
nija-gantu-vikra utpad ca nti
nija adj. innate; native * gantu adj. accidental; adventitious; anything added or adhering
vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative from Prakti; a product; agitation ~
utpad 4.P. to appear; to arise; to be born or produced ca ind. also; and; as well as * nti f. a
pause; abatement; absence of passion.

T * P (.)
todbhava doacaya vasante viodhayan grmajam abhrakle /(35.1)
ta-udbhava doa-caya vasanta viodhay grma-ja abhrakla
ta n. Cassia bark; cold; cold water T udbhava adj. produced or coming from doa mn.
a calf; accusation; affection caya m. (in med.) accumulation of the humors; a cover; a heap
* vasanta m. a particular metre (4 times); diarrhoea; name of a man viodhay 10.. to
correct; to exculpate; to fix or determine accurately P grma m. the hot season ja adj. born
or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from abhrakla m. Name
einer Jahreszeit ( var?).

* ` " P P (.)
ghantyaye vrikam u samyak prpnoti rogn tujn na jtu //(35.2)
ghana-atyaya vrika u samyak prp roga tu-ja na jtu
ghana mn. a collection; a mode of dancing (neither quick nor slow); a particular method of
reciting the * atyaya m. a class; attacking; danger ` vrika adj. annual; belonging to the
rainy-season; growing in the rainy season " u ind. quickly P samyak ind. angemessen;
richtig prp 1.P. to arrive at; to attain to; to be in force roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus
Speciosus or Arabicus; disease tu m. a particular mineral; an epoch; any settled point of time
ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from na ind.
neither; no; nor jtu ind. at all; ever.

* W M (.)
nitya hithravihrasev samkyakr viayev asakta / (36.1)
nityam hita-hra-vihra-sevin samkyakrin viaya asakta
* nityam ind. always hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial hra m. bringing
near; employing; fetching vihra m. (with Buddhists or Jainas) a monastery or temple
(originally a hall where the monks met or walked about); vaijayanta; a particular bird
sevin adj. (only ifc.) going or resorting to; a servant; addicted to W samkyakrin adj.
careful viaya mn. (pl.) sensual enjoyments; a country with more than 100 villages; a fit or
suitable object asakta adj. detached from worldly feelings or passions; free from ties;

* P * (.)
dt sama satyapara kamvn ptopasev ca bhavaty aroga //(36.2)
dt sama satya-para kamvant pta-upasevin ca bh aroga
dt adj. giving sama pron. common; constant; easy * satya n. dogma; sincerity; the
first of the four yugas para pron. ancient; best; better or worse than * kamvant adj.
enduring; forbearing; patient P pta m. a credible or authoritative person; a fit person; a friend
upasevin adj. addicted or devoted to; doing homage; ifc. serving ca ind. also; and; as
well as bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being aroga adj. free from disease;
healthy; well.

W W (.)
athto dravadravyavijnyam adhyya vykhysyma / (1.1)
atha-atas dravadravyavijnyaadhyya vykhy
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason
dravadravyavijnya m. name of Agahdayasahit, S. 5 W adhyya m. a lesson; a
reader; chapter W vykhy 2.. to call; to communicate; to discuss.

WV (.)
iti ha smhur treydayo maharaya / (1.2)
iti ha sma-ah treya-di mah-i
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) ha ind. (particle); a kind of bja W sma ind. always; certainly; ever ah 1.P.
to acknowledge; to adjugde anything; to call treya m. a descendant of Atri; a priest who is
closely related to the Sadasya; chyle di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning mah ind.
(irreg.- *mahant) -> gross i m. a hymn or Mantra composed by a i; a ray of light; a saint
or sanctified sage in general.

TN @ T (.)
jvana tarpaa hdya hldi buddhiprabodhanam / (1.3)
jvana tarpaa hdya hldin buddhi-prabodhana
jvana adj. enlivening; giving life; vivifying tarpaa adj. satisfying TN hdya adj. being
in the heart; beloved; charming @ hldin adj. comforting; gladdening; refreshing T buddhi
f. (in Skhya phil.) Intellect; a kind of metre; an opinion prabodhana adj. arousing;

~ (.)
tanv avyaktarasa ma ta laghv amtopamam // (1.4)
tanu avyakta-rasa ma ta laghu amta-upama
tanu adj. accomplished (in metre); delicate; emaciated avyakta adj. imperceptible;
indistinct; invisible rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of
metre ma adj. agreeable; besmeared with (instr.); clean ta adj. boiled; cold; dull
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief amta n. a particular poison; a pear; a ray of light
upama adj. equal; like; resembling.

~ W ~ W

^ (.)
gagmbu nabhaso bhraa spa tv arkendumrutai / (2.1)
gagmbu nabhas bhra sp tu arka-indu-mruta
~ gagmbu n. pure rain-water (such as falls in the month vina) nabhas n. age;
clouds; ether (as an element) bhra 4.. to abandon (abl.); to be ruined or lost; to be
separated from or deprived of W sp 6.. to feel with the hand; to graze; to handle tu ind.
and; but; do arka m. a learned man; a ray; a religious ceremony W

indu m. a bright drop; a

drop; a spark ^ mruta m. a chief of the Maruts; a son of the Maruts; air.

~ ` `` (.)
hithitatve tad bhyo deaklv apekate // (2.2)
hita-ahita-tva tad bhyas dea-kla apek
hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial ahita adj. hostile; improper; noxious ~ tva n.
(Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) tad pron. this bhyas adj. abounding in; abundantly
furnished with (instr. or comp.); becoming (n. the act of becoming) ` dea m. country;
institute; kingdom kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time ` apek
1.. to expect; to have an eye to; to have regard to.

7 ` W (.)
yenbhivam amala lyanna rjate sthitam / (3.1)
yad-abhiv amala li-anna rjata sth
yad pron. what; which abhiv 1.. to rain upon amala adj. clean; pure; shining
li m. any grain of a similar character to rice; grains of rice; name of a Yaka (who was
transformed into a lion) anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice rjata adj.
made of silver; silver; silvery W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand.

` ~ (.)
aklinnam avivara ca tat peya ggam anyath // (3.2)
aklinna avivara ca tad p gga anyath
aklinna adj. avivara adj. unverfrbt ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this
p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck gga n. rain-water of a peculiar kind (supposed to be
from the heavenly Ganges) ~ anyath ind. erroneously; falsely; from another motive.

N (.)
smudra tan na ptavya msd vayujd vin / (4.1)
smudra tad na p msa vayuja vin
smudra mn. name of a peculiar kind of rainwater (which falls in the month vayuja or
vina) tad pron. this na ind. neither; no; nor p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck
msa mn. a month or the 12th part of the Hind year; the moon N vayuja m. the month
vina vin ind. except; short or exclusive of; without.

~ W ` (.)
aindram ambu suptrastham avipanna sad pibet // (4.2)
aindra ambu suptra-stha avipanna sad p
aindra adj. (Bezeichnung fr eine Art Wasser); belonging to or sacred to Indra; coming or
proceeding from Indra ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety
syllables); the number four suptra n. a beautiful cup or receptacle; a very fit or worthy
person (esp. to receive gifts) W stha adj. a place; abiding; being situated in avipanna adj.
unafflicted; without having an accident sad ind. always; continually; ever p 1.. to
drink; to quaff; to suck.

` * (.)
tadabhve ca bhmiham ntariknukri yat / (5.1)
tad-abhva ca bhmiha ntarika-anukrin yad
tad pron. this abhva m. absence; negation (the seventh category in Kada's system);
non-entity ca ind. also; and; as well as bhmiha adj. being or lying in; living or
remaining in one's own country; standing or remaining on the earth or on the ground *
ntarika adj. atmospherical; belonging to the intermediate space between heaven and earth;
proceeding from or produced in the atmosphere anukrin adj. acting; imitating;
mimicking yad pron. what; which.

"N ` ` (.)
ucipthvasitavete dee 'rkapavanhatam // (5.2)
uci-pthu-asita-veta dea arka-pavana-han
" uci adj. bright; brilliantly white; clean pthu adj. abundant; broad; clever asita adj.
black; dark-coloured N veta adj. bright; dressed in white; white ` dea m. country; institute;
kingdom arka m. a learned man; a ray; a religious ceremony pavana m. a householder's
sacred fire; a species of grass; air han 2.. to assault; to attack; to beat.

` _ (.)
na pibet pakaaivlataparvilsttam / (6.1)
na p paka-aivla-ta-para-vila-st
na ind. neither; no; nor p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck _ paka mn. clay; dirt; mire
aivla n. the aivala plant ta n. any gramineous plant; blade of grass; grass para
mn. a leaf (regarded as the plumage of a tree); a pinion; feather vila adj. confused; foul;
mixed with st 5.P. to bestrew; to cover; to scatter over.


[ ^ (.)
sryendupavandam abhiva ghana guru // (6.2)
srya-indu-pavana-ada abhiv ghana guru
srya m. arka; a symbolical expression for the number "twelve" (in allusion to the sun in the
12 signs of the zodiac); epithet of iva W

indu m. a bright drop; a drop; a spark pavana m. a

householder's sacred fire; a species of grass; air [ ada adj. invisible; not experienced;
unforeseen abhiv 1.. to rain upon ghana adj. complete; dark; deep ^ guru adj.
difficult; hard; heavy.

* P *Q

* (.)
phenila jantumat tapta dantagrhy atiaityata / (7.1)
phenila jantumant tap dantagrhin atiaitya
phenila adj. foamy; frothy; spumous ** jantumant adj. containing worms or insects
tap 4.. to be hot; to destroy by heat; to give out heat * dantagrhin adj. an den Zhnen
ziehend * atiaitya n. excessive coldness.

anrtava ca yad divyam rtava prathama ca yat // (7.2)
anrtava ca yad divya rtava prathama ca yad
anrtava adj. unseasonable ca ind. also; and; as well as yad pron. what; which
divya adj. agreeable; beautiful; celestial rtava adj. belonging or conforming to the seasons
or periods of time; menstrual; relating to or produced by this discharge prathama adj. chief;
earliest; first ca ind. also; and; as well as yad pron. what; which.

*H{ (.)
ltditantuvimtraviasaleaditam / (8.1)
lt f. a kind of cutaneous disease (said to be produced by the moisture from a spider); a
spider; an ant di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning * tantu m. a cobweb; a line of
descendants; a succession of sacrificial performances vi f. dirt; excrement; feces mtra n.
the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the
sound m; a particular vegetable poison H salea m. a bond; a joint; close contact with (instr.
or comp) { day 10.. (astrol.) to cause evil or misfortune; to accuse; to adulterate.

V (.)
pacimodadhig ghravah y cmalodak // (8.2)
pacima-udadhi-ga ghra-vaha yad ca-amala-udaka
V pacima adj. western udadhi m. cloud; river; sea ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or
keeping the fifth place; being ghra adj. quick; speedy; swift vaha adj. bearing; bearing (a
name); bearing along (said of rivers) yad pron. what; which ca ind. also; and; as well as
amala adj. clean; pure; shining udaka n. a particular metre; ablution (as a ceremony);
the ceremony of offering water to a dead person.

M N ~ ~ (.)
pathy samst t nadyo viparts tv ato 'nyath / (9.1)
pathya samst tad nad viparta tu atas anyath
M pathya adj. containing elements or leading forms; fit; normal samst ind. concisely;
succinctly tad pron. this nad f. a river (commonly personified as a female); flowing water;
name of 2 kinds of metre viparta adj. acting in a contrary manner; adverse; being the
reverse of anything tu ind. and; but; do atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or
that cause or reason ~ anyath ind. erroneously; falsely; from another motive.

W (.)
upalsphlankepavicchedai kheditodak // (9.2)
upala-sphlana-kepa-viccheda kheday-udaka
upala mn. a precious stone; a rock; chalk (? in manchen Texten Hind safed patthar)
W sphlana n. arrogance; clashing; colliding kepa m. abuse; applying; challenge
viccheda m. breaking; caesura; cessation kheday 10.P. to afflict; to grind; to torment
udaka n. a particular metre; ablution (as a ceremony); the ceremony of offering water to a
dead person.


M W (.)
himavanmalayodbht pathys t eva ca sthir / (10.1)
himavant-malaya-udbh pathya tad eva ca sthira
* himavant m. a snowy mountain; Kailsa; the Himlaya malaya m. a celestial grove; a
garden; name of a mountain range on the west of Malabar T

udbh 1.P. to arise; to be equal; to

come forth M pathya adj. containing elements or leading forms; fit; normal tad pron. this
eva ind. alone; already; even ca ind. also; and; as well as W sthira adj. ascertained; calm;

THTW" ` (.)
kmilpadahtkahairorogn prakurvate // (10.2)
kmi-lpada-hd-kaha-iras-roga prak
T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac H lpada n. elephantiasis; morbid enlargement of the leg;
swelled leg T hd n. breast; chest; interior " kaha m. Gefwand; immediate proximity;
name of a Maharshi iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) roga mn. a diseased spot;
Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease T prak 8.. to accomplish; to achieve; to appoint.

7*M ` (.)
prcyvantyaparntotth durnmni mahendraj / (11.1)
prcya-vantya-aparnta-uttha durnman mahendra-ja
prcya m. (pl.) the inhabitants of the east; name of a man; the ancients 7 vantya m. a
king or inhabitant of Avanti; belonging to Avanti * aparnta m. death; the country or the
inhabitants of the western border M uttha adj. (generally ifc.) standing up; arising; coming
forth durnman fn. a cockle; a kind of fish; hemorrhoids ` mahendra m. a particular
high number; a particular star; name of a mountain ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon;
growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

H_ QWT (.)
udaralpadtakn sahyavindhyodbhav puna // (11.2)
udara-lpada-taka sahya-vindhya-udbhava punar
udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) H lpada n.
elephantiasis; morbid enlargement of the leg; swelled leg _ taka m. apprehension; disease
or sickness of body; disquietude Q sahya m. name of a mountainous district (in which the
Godvar rises in the NW of the Deccan); name of a son of Vivasvat; name of one of the 7
principal ranges of mountains in India W vindhya m. a hunter; name of a low range of hills
connecting the Northern extremities of the Western and Eastern Ghauts; name of a prince T
udbhava adj. produced or coming from punar ind. again and again; back; besides.

" ~ (.)
kuhapuirorogn doaghnya priytraj / (12.1)
kuha-pu-iras-roga doa-ghna priytra-ja
kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy " pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a
Ngarja iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus
Speciosus or Arabicus; disease doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection V ghna adj. destroying;
killer; killing priytra m. name of a man (son of Ahnagu); name of a serpent which was
burnt in Janamejayas sarpasattra; name of the western Vindhya range ja adj. born or produced
in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

^" ~ T (.)
balapauruakriya sgarmbhas tridoakt // (12.2)
bala-paurua-krin sgara-ambhas tridoa-kt
bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in ^ paurua n. a generation; a man's length; a
sun-dial krin adj. acting; an actor; doing sgara m. a particular high number ( 10
Padmas); a sort of deer; a symbolical expression for the number four ~ ambhas n. collective
name for gods, men, Manes, and Asuras; fruit fulness; power tridoa mn. the tridoa T kt
adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

N (.)
vidyt kpatagdn jgalnpaailata / (13.1)
vid kpa-taga-di jgala-anpa-aila
vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to know; to learn kpa mn. cave; hole; hollow taga mn.
a pool; a tank; a trap di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning jgala adj. arid; coming
from wild deer; covered with jungle anpa adj. situated near the water; watery aila mn.
a dike; hill; mountain.

~ ` 7 7V7 (.)
nmbu peyam aakty v svalpam alpgnigulmibhi // (13.2)
na-ambu p aakti v alpa-agni-gulmin
na ind. neither; no; nor ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of
ninety syllables); the number four p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck aakti f. impotence;
inability; incapability v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally 7
alpa adj. little; minute; small V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty 7 gulmin adj.
bushy; composed of different divisions (as force etc.); growing in a clump or cluster.

" (.)
pdartisrrograhaoaothibhi / (14.1)
" pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a Ngarja udara n. a cavity; abdomen;
any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) atisra m. dysentery; name of a son of
Nitantu; purging aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid
graha f. an imaginary organ supposed to lie between the stomach and the intestines (the
small intestines or that part of the alimentary canal where the bile assists digestion and from
which vital warmth is said to be diffused) oa m. desiccation; dryness; pulmonary
consumption othin adj. von otha befallen.

` ~ ` W 7 (.)
te arannidghbhy pibet svastho 'pi clpaa // (14.2)
te arad-nidgha p svastha api ca-alpaas
` te ind. besides; excepting; under pain of arad f. a year; autumn (as the time of
ripening); the autumnal season (the sultry season of two months succeeding the rains)
nidgha m. heat; internal heat; name of a man (of his descendants) p 1.. to drink; to quaff;
to suck W svastha adj. at ease; being in one's natural state; confident api ind. also;
assuredly; besides ca ind. also; and; as well as 7 alpaas ind. a little; in a low degree; now
and then (opposed to prya-as).

WT W*~ (.)
samasthlak bhuktamadhyntaprathammbup / (15.1)
sama-sthla-ka bhukta-madhya-anta-prathama-ambupa
sama pron. common; constant; easy W sthla adj. big; coarse; dense T ka adj. emaciated;
feeble; insignificant bhukta n. food; the act of eating; the place where any person has eaten
W madhya n. abdomen; centre; cessation * anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border
prathama adj. chief; earliest; first ~ ambupa adj. Wasser trinkend.

*` (.)
ta madtyayaglnimrchchardiramabhramn // (15.2)
ta madtyaya-glni-mrch-chardi-rama-bhrama
ta adj. boiled; cold; dull * madtyaya m. disorder resulting from intoxication (as head-
ache etc.) glni f. debility; decrease; depression of mind mrch f. (alchemy) one of
the Saskras of mercury; a kind of kumbhaka; a swoon ` chardi f. expulsion (of the breath);
sickness; vomiting rama m. drill; effort either bodily or mental; exercise bhrama m. a
circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone.

7" ~ (.)
toadhapittsraviy ambu niyacchati / (16.1)
t-ua-dha-pittsra-via ambu niyam
t f. Avidity as mother of Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.); desire ua adj. acrid; active;
hot dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) 7 pittsra n. via n.
Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison ~ ambu
n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the number four
niyam 1.. to annihilate; to be wanting; to bestow.

dpana pcana kahya lagha vastiodhanam // (16.2)
dpana pcana kahya laghu-ua vasti-odhana
dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling pcana adj. causing to cook or boil;
digestive; softening kahya adj. being at or in the throat; belonging to the throat; guttural
(as sounds) laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief ua adj. acrid; active; hot
vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder
odhana adj. cleaning; cleansing; purgative.

WWHPN"T`` (.)
hidhmdhmnnilalemasadyauddhinavajvare / (17.1)
W hidhm mf. a kind of disease; Schlick [als Name einer Krankheit!] W dhmna n. a
bellows; blowing; boasting anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the
wind; name of a Ri and other persons HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum N sadyas ind.
daily; every day; in the very moment "T uddhi f. accuracy; accurate knowledge regarding;
acquittal ` navajvara m. [medic.] a kind of fever.

NN^ ` (.)
ksmapnasavsaprvaruku ca asyate // (17.2)
ksa-ma-pnasa-vsa-prva-ruj ca as
ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln ma mn. constipation; dysenterie;
passing hard and unhealthy excretions pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose) N
vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) N prva mn. a
curved knife; a side of any square figure; flank (either of animate or inanimate objects) ^ ruj
mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease ca ind. also; and; as well as as 2.. to approve; to
calumniate; to commend.

W (.)
anabhiyandi laghu ca toya kvathitatalam / (18.1)
anabhiyandin laghu ca toya kvath-tala
W anabhiyandin adj. nicht abhiyandin laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief
ca ind. also; and; as well as toya n. water; !! kvath 1.. to be hot (as the heart); to boil; to
digest tala adj. calm; cold; cold i.e. free from passion.

7 ` T (.)
pittayukte hita doe vyuita tat tridoakt // (18.2)
pitta-yuj hita doa vyuita tad tridoa-kt
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with
(instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to hita adj.
agreeable; arranged; beneficial doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection vyuita adj.
abgestanden; absent from home; inhabited by (comp.) tad pron. this tridoa mn. the
tridoa T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

N^ (.)
nrikelodaka snigdha svdu vya hima laghu / (19.1)
nrikela-udaka snigdha svdu vya hima laghu
nrikela mn. the cocoa-nut udaka n. a particular metre; ablution (as a ceremony);
the ceremony of offering water to a dead person N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate;
agreeable svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty vya adj. productive of sexual vigour;
stimulating hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief.

7 (.)
tpittnilahara dpana vastiodhanam // (19.2)
t-pitta-anila-hara dpana vasti-odhana
t f. Avidity as mother of Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.); desire 7 pitta n. bile; the
bilious humour anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of
a Ri and other persons hara adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing dpana adj. digestive;
inflaming; kindling vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection
itself; the bladder odhana adj. cleaning; cleansing; purgative.

` ` (.)
varsu divyandeye para toye varvare / (20.1)
var divya-ndeya para toya vara-avara
var f. (exceptionally sg.) the rains; Medicago Esculenta; monsoon divya adj.
agreeable; beautiful; celestial ` ndeya adj. aquatic; belonging to a river; coming from a river
para pron. ancient; best; better or worse than toya n. water; !! vara adj. best; better;
better than avara adj. below; hinder; last.

N^ (.)
svdupkarasa snigdham ojasya dhtuvardhanam // (20.2)
svdu-pka-rasa snigdha ojasya dhtu-vardhana
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act
having consequences rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind
of metre N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable ojasya adj. powerful; vigorous
dhtu mn. a constituent element or essential ingredient of the body; constituent part; element
vardhana adj. (mostly ifc.) animating; (often ifc.) causing to increase; exhilarating.

7 HP ^ (.)
vtapittahara vya lemala guru talam / (21.1)
vta-pitta-hara vya lemala guru tala
vta m. air; flatulence; gout 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour hara adj. bearing;
destroying; ravishing vya adj. productive of sexual vigour; stimulating HP lemala adj.
phlegmatic ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy tala adj. calm; cold; cold i.e. free from

prya payo 'tra gavya tu jvanya rasyanam // (21.2)
pryas payas atra gavya tu jvanya rasyana
pryas ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly payas n. (esp.) milk; (met.) vital
spirit; a species of Andropogon atra ind. here at this time; in this matter; in this place
gavya adj. coming from or belonging to a cow (as milk); consisting of cattle or cows; proper or fit
for cattle tu ind. and; but; do jvanya adj. prepared from Jvanya milk; vivifying (a
class of drugs) rasyana n. rasyanakhaa- the fourth part of the Rasaratnkara; a
medicine supposed to prevent old age and prolong life; an elixir.

W 7 ~ (.)
katakahita medhya balya stanyakara saram / (22.1)
kan-ki-hita medhya balya stanya-kara sara
kan 8.P. to break (a bow); to hurt; to injure ki 9.. to be diminished; to corrupt; to
decrease hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial W medhya adj. medhm arhati; clean; fit
for a sacrifice or oblation 7 balya adj. giving strength; powerful; strengthening ~ stanya mn.
milk; dugdhapa kara adj. causing; helping; making sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going.

WN (.)
ramabhramamadlakmvsakstitkudha // (22.2)


*~~ (.)
hitam atyagnyanidrebhyo garyo mhia himam // (23.2)
hita atyagni-anidr garyas mhia hima
hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial *V atyagni m. morbidly rapid digestion; too rapid
digestion anidr f. sleeplessness; [rel.] name of Dev garyas adj. dearer; dearer than
(abl.); dearer than (abl.) mhia adj. coming from or belonging to a buffalo or buffalo-cow
hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta.

7~ (.)
alpmbupnavyymakautiktanair laghu / (24.1)
alpa-ambu-pna-vyyma-kau-tikta-aana laghu
7 alpa adj. little; minute; small ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre
(consisting of ninety syllables); the number four pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel
vyyma m. (with Buddhists) right exercise or training; a difficult passage; a particular
measure of length kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6
modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent aana n. eating; food laghu adj. active;
beautiful; causing relief.

`N7` (.)
ja oajvaravsaraktapitttisrajit // (24.2)
ja oa-jvara-vsa-raktapitta-atisra-jit
ja adj. coming from or belonging to goats; produced by goats oa m. desiccation;
dryness; pulmonary consumption 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the
different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul N
vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) 7 raktapitta n.
a particular disturbance of the blood caused by bile; plethora; spontaneous hemorrhage from the
mouth or nose atisra m. dysentery; name of a son of Nitantu; purging jit adj.
acquiring; ifc. winning.

ad rkoalavaam auraka dpana laghu / (25.1)
at rka-ua-lavaa auraka dpana laghu
at ind. a little; little; slightly rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech)
ua adj. acrid; active; hot lavaa adj. beautiful; briny; graceful auraka adj.
coming from a camel dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling laghu adj. active;
beautiful; causing relief.

T (.)
asta vtakaphnhakmiophodarrasm // (25.2)
as vta-kapha-nha-kmi-opha-udara-aras
as 2.. to approve; to calumniate; to commend vta m. air; flatulence; gout kapha
m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general nha m.
constipation; epistasis; length T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac opha m. intumescence; morbid
swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid
abdominal affection (as of the liver) aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a
disease of the eyelid.

7V` (.)
mnua vtapittsgabhightkirogajit / (26.1)
mnua vta-pitta-asj-abhighta-aki-roga-jit
mnua adj. belonging to mankind; favourable or propitious to men; human vta m. air;
flatulence; gout 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour V asj n. blood; saffron abhighta
m. abrupt or vehement articulation (of Vedic text); attack; damage aki n. the eye roga
mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning.

TN (.)
tarpacyotanair nasyair ahdya tam vikam // (26.2)
tarpaa-cyotana nasya ahdya tu-ua vika
tarpaa n. a libation; filling the eyes; food cyotana n. applying (ghee etc.) to the
eyelids; aspersion; sprinkling nasya n. a sternutatory; errhine; the hairs in the nose TN
ahdya adj. not being to one's taste (as food); not pleasing tu ind. and; but; do ua adj.
acrid; active; hot vika adj. relating to or coming from sheep; woollen.

WN7 (.)
vtavydhihara hidhmvsapittakaphapradam / (27.1)
vta-vydhi-hara hidhm-vsa-pitta-kapha-prada
vta m. air; flatulence; gout vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or
thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus hara adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing W hidhm mf. a
kind of disease; Schlick [als Name einer Krankheit!] N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath;
asthma (of which there are five kinds) pitta n. bile; the bilious humour kapha m.
phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general prada adj. bestowing;
causing; effecting.

~ WT ~ (.)
hastiny sthairyakd bham ua tv aikaapha laghu // (27.2)
hastin sthairya-kt bha ua tu aikaapha laghu
hastin f. a female elephant; a kind of drug and perfume; a woman of a particular class
(one of the 4 classes into which women are divided) W sthairya n. calmness; constancy;
constant delight in T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author bha adj. excessive; strong
ua adj. acrid; active; hot tu ind. and; but; do aikaapha adj. coming from or
relating to an animal with uncloven hoofs laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief.

khvtahara smlalavaa jaatkaram / (28.1)
kh-vta-hara smla-lavaa jaat-kara
kh f. antika; pakntara; a branch (lit. and fig.) vta m. air; flatulence; gout hara
adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing smla adj. ein wenig amla lavaa adj. beautiful;
briny; graceful jaat f. jaabhva; apathy; despair kara adj. causing; helping; making.

W " ~ (.)
payo 'bhiyandi gurv ma yukty tam ato 'nyath // (28.2)
payas abhiyandin guru ma yukti r atas anyath
payas n. (esp.) milk; (met.) vital spirit; a species of Andropogon W abhiyandin adj.
causing defluxions or serious effusions; laxative; oozing ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy
ma adj. fine; immature; name of the cow (considered as the raw material which produces the
prepared milk) yukti f. (in astron.) conjunction; a sentence; adaptedness r 9.P. to cook;
to mix atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason ~ anyath
ind. erroneously; falsely; from another motive.

` " (.)
bhaved garyo 'tita dhroam amtopamam / (29.1)
bh garyas atita dhroa amta-upama
bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being garyas adj. dearer; dearer than (abl.);
dearer than (abl.) " atita adj. zu lange gekocht dhroa adj. warm from the cow
(milk) amta n. a particular poison; a pear; a ray of light upama adj. equal; like;

` (.)
amlapkarasa grhi gura dadhi vtajit // (29.2)
amla-pka-rasa grhin guru-ua dadhi vta-jit
amla adj. acid; sour pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre grhin
adj. holding; ifc. seizing; laying hold of ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy ua adj. acrid;
active; hot dadhi n. coagulated milk; the resin of Shorea robusta; thick sour milk (regarded
as a remedy) vta m. air; flatulence; gout jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning.

"HP7VT (.)
medaukrabalalemapittaraktgniophakt / (30.1)
medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness " ukra n. a kind of
prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid bala mn. Balarma; an army;
expertness in HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum 7 pittarakta n. plethora V agni m.
bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema
(Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

^ ` (.)
rociu astam arucau take viamajvare // (30.2)
rociu as aruci taka viamajvara
rociu adj. bright; brilliant; gay as 2.. to approve; to calumniate; to commend
^ aruci f. aversion; disgust; dislike taka adj. cool; healthy; lazy viamajvara m.
irregular fever.

T ` (.)
pnase mtrakcchre ca rka tu grahagade / (31.1)
pnasa mtrakcchra ca rka tu graha-gada
pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose) T mtrakcchra mn. a class of urinary
affections (of which 8 kinds are enumerated); painful discharge of urine ca ind. also; and; as
well as rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) tu ind. and; but; do
graha f. an imaginary organ supposed to lie between the stomach and the intestines (the small
intestines or that part of the alimentary canal where the bile assists digestion and from which
vital warmth is said to be diffused) gada m. a sentence; Costus speciosus Sm.; disease.

N * (.)
naivdyn nii naivoa vasantoaaratsu na // (31.2)
na-eva-ad ni na-eva-ua vasanta-ua-arad na
na ind. neither; no; nor eva ind. alone; already; even ad 2.. to consume; to devour; to
eat ni f. night na ind. neither; no; nor eva ind. alone; already; even ua adj. acrid;
active; hot * vasanta m. a particular metre (4 times); diarrhoea; name of a man ua mn.
any hot object; heat; name of a son of Dyutimat arad f. a year; autumn (as the time of
ripening); the autumnal season (the sultry season of two months succeeding the rains) na ind.
neither; no; nor.

7 (.)
nmudgaspa nkaudra tan nghtasitopalam / (32.1)
na-akaudra tad na-aghta-sitopal
na ind. neither; no; nor akaudra adj. without honey tad pron. this na ind. neither;
no; nor aghta adj. without Ghee sitopal f. sugar; white or refined sugar.

* W ~ (.)
na cnmalaka npi nitya no mandam anyath // (32.2)
na na-api nityam no manda anyath
na ind. neither; no; nor na ind. neither; no; nor api ind. also; assuredly; besides *
nityam ind. always no ind. na + u W manda adj. addicted to intoxication; apathetic; bad
~ anyath ind. erroneously; falsely; from another motive.

7V7 " (.)
jvarskpittavsarpakuhapubhramapradam / (33.1)
7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body
supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul V7 askpitta n. [medic.] raktapitta
vsarpa m. vi-s kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy " pu m. a species of shrub;
jaundice; name of a Ngarja bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone prada
adj. bestowing; causing; effecting.

` (.)
takra laghu kaymla dpana kaphavtajit // (33.2)
takra laghu kaya-amla dpana kapha-vta-jit
takra n. buttermilk mixed with water; buttermilk with a fourth part of water laghu adj.
active; beautiful; causing relief kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant amla adj. acid;
sour dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the
tridoas; watery froth or foam in general vta m. air; flatulence; gout jit adj. acquiring;
ifc. winning.

^ (.)
ophodarrograhadoamtragrahruc / (34.1)
opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) udara n. a
cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) aras mn. hemorrhoids;
piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid graha f. an imaginary organ supposed to lie
between the stomach and the intestines (the small intestines or that part of the alimentary canal
where the bile assists digestion and from which vital warmth is said to be diffused) doa mn. a
calf; accusation; affection mtragraha m. [medic.] mtrakcchra ^ aruci f. aversion;
disgust; dislike.

N77 (.)
plhagulmaghtavypadgarapvmay jayet // (34.2)
plhan-gulma-ghta-vypad-gara-pu-maya ji
N plhan m. disease of the spleen (said to be equally applied to enlargement of the mesenteric
glands etc.); the spleen (from which and from the liver the Hinds suppose the blood to flow)
7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen
(as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of
fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven) vypad f.
calamity; death; derangement gara m. a factitious poison; a noxious or poisonous beverage;
any drink " pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a Ngarja maya m. disease;
indigestion; sickness ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to exercise.

~ (.)
tadvan mastu sara srotaodhi viambhajil laghu / (35.1)
tadvat mastu sara srotas-odhin viambha-jit laghu
tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of yadvat); thus mastu n. sour cream; the watery
part of curds; whey sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going srotas n. a river; an aperture in the
human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of sense
odhin adj. cleansing; purifying; requiting ~ viambha m. a partic. disease of the fetus;
checking; constipation jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing

VT (.)
navanta nava vya ta varabalgnikt // (35.2)
navanta nava vya ta vara-bala-agni-kt
navanta n. fresh butter nava adj. fresh; modern; new vya adj. productive of
sexual vigour; stimulating ta adj. boiled; cold; dull vara mn. a co-efficient; a cover; a
covering bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive
faculty T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

7V` (.)
sagrhi vtapittskkayro'rditaksajit / (36.1)
sagrhin vtapitta-asj-kaya-aras-ardita-ksa-jit
sagrhin adj. accumulating; astringent; collecting 7 vtapitta n. a form of
rheumatism V asj n. blood; saffron kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction aras
mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid ` ardita n. Gesichtslhmung;
[medic.] name of a disease (spasm of the jaw-bones) ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem
nvana behandeln jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning.

T 7` (.)
krodbhava tu sagrhi raktapittkirogajit // (36.2)
kra-udbhava tu sagrhin raktapitta-aki-roga-jit
kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk T udbhava adj. produced or
coming from tu ind. and; but; do sagrhin adj. accumulating; astringent; collecting
7 raktapitta n. a particular disturbance of the blood caused by bile; plethora; spontaneous
hemorrhage from the mouth or nose aki n. the eye roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus
Speciosus or Arabicus; disease jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning.

WV" (.)
asta dhsmtimedhgnibalyuukracakum / (37.1)
as dh-smti-medh-agni-bala-yus-ukra-cakus
as 2.. to approve; to calumniate; to commend dh f. art; design; devotion W smti f.
a kind of metre; calling to mind; desire medh f. dhana; a form of Dkya in Kamra; a
form of Sarasvat V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty bala mn. Balarma; an
army; expertness in yus n. active power; duration of life; efficacy " ukra n. a kind of
prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid cakus n. a look; aspect; faculty of

T * (.)
blavddhaprajkntisaukumryasvarrthinm // (37.2)
bla adj. childish; early (as the sun or its rays); foolish T vddha adj. (a vowel) increased
(by Vddhi); advanced in years; aged praj f. a creature; aftergrowth (of plants); an era
* knti f. a lovely colour; a lovely or desirable woman personified as wife of the moon; beauty
saukumrya n. delicate; tenderness svara m. a note of the musical scale (of which seven
[rarely six or eight] are enumerated); a symbolical expression for the number "seven"; a vowel
arthin adj. active; industrious; libidinous.

WVM (.)
katakaparsarpaastrgniglapittmanm / (38.1)
kan 8.P. to break (a bow); to hurt; to injure ki 9.. to be diminished; to corrupt; to
decrease parsarpa m. a kind of leprosy; a species of worm causing leprosy W astra n. a
razor; an instrument for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool V agni m. bile; Citrus
Acida; digestive faculty glapay 10.P. to excel; to overcome; to subdue M tman m. a son;
abstract individual; Brahma.

7W7 (.)
vtapittavionmdaolakmjvarpaham // (38.2)
7 vtapitta n. a form of rheumatism via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the
sound m; a particular vegetable poison unmda m. insanity; intoxication; madness oa
m. desiccation; dryness; pulmonary consumption W alakm f. bad luck; distress; evil fortune
7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body
supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul apaha adj. destroying; keeping back;

N 7 W (.)
snehnm uttama ta vayasa sthpana param / (39.1)
sneha uttama ta vayas sthpana para
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance 7 uttama adj. best;
chief; excellent ta adj. boiled; cold; dull vayas n. age; any period of life; degree W
sthpana adj. causing to stand; determining; fixing para pron. ancient; best; better or worse

T (.)
sahasravrya vidhibhir ghta karmasahasrakt // (39.2)
sahasra-vrya vidhi ghta karman-sahasra-kt
sahasra mn. a thousandth; the thousandth vrya n. consequence; dignity; efficacy (of
medicine) vidhi m. a grammatical rule or precept; a means; a physician ghta n. cream;
fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven)
karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of
the Nyya philosophy) sahasra mn. a thousandth; the thousandth T kt adj. accomplishing;
acting; author.

W (.)
madpasmramrchyairakarkiyonijn / (40.1)
mada m. a river; any beautiful object; any exhilarating or intoxicating drink W apasmra
m. epilepsy; falling sickness mrchya m. a swoon; faintness iras n. acme; chief; first
(of a class) kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle aki n. the
eye yoni mf. a mine; a particular part of a fire-pit; abode ja adj. born or produced in or at
or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

pura jayati vydhn vraaodhanaropaam // (40.2)
pura ji vydhi vraa-odhana-ropaa
pura adj. ancient; old; traditional ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to exercise
vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish odhana adj. cleaning; cleansing; purgative
ropaa adj. causing to grow; causing to grow over or cicatrize; healing.

7 (.)
baly kilapyakrcikmoradaya / (41.1)
balya kila-pya-krcik-moraa-di
7 balya adj. giving strength; powerful; strengthening kila m. inspissated milk
pya n. ambrosia krcik f. blossom; bud; inspissated milk moraa m. sour
buttermilk di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

" ~^ (.)
ukranidrkaphakar viambhigurudoal // (41.2)
ukra-nidr-kapha-kara viambhin-guru-doala
" ukra n. a kind of prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid nidr f. a
mystic. name of the letter bh; name of a blood vessel; sleep kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one
of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general kara adj. causing; helping; making ~
viambhin adj. checking; chilling; making motionless ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy
doala adj. corrupt; defective; increasing the tridoa.

` W` ` (.)
gavye kraghte rehe nindite cvisabhave / (42.1)
gavya kra-ghta reha nind ca-avi-sambhava
gavya adj. coming from or belonging to a cow (as milk); consisting of cattle or cows; proper
or fit for cattle kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk ghta n.
cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from
heaven) reha adj. most beautiful of or among; most splendid or beautiful W

nind 1.. to
blame; to censure; to despise ca ind. also; and; as well as avi mf. a sheep; a woollen Soma
strainer ~ sambhava m. ability; acquaintance; adequacy.

^ N^ T (.)
iko saro guru snigdho bhaa kaphamtrakt // (42.2)
iku sara guru snigdha bhaa kapha-mtra-kt
iku m. eyelash; name of a king; name of a river sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going ^ guru
adj. difficult; hard; heavy N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable bhaa adj.
making big or fat or strong; nourishing kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas;
watery froth or foam in general mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine T kt adj.
accomplishing; acting; author.

7V (.)
vya to 'srapittaghna svdupkaraso rasa / (43.1)
vya ta asrapitta-ghna svdu-pka-rasa rasa
vya adj. productive of sexual vigour; stimulating ta adj. boiled; cold; dull 7
asrapitta n. V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty
pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences rasa mn. amta; a
constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre rasa mn. amta; a constituent
fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre.

* (.)
so 'gre salavao dantapita arkarsama // (43.2)
tad agra danta-pay arkar-sama
tad pron. this agra n. a measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim *
danta mn. a pin used in playing a lute; a tooth; an arbour pay 10.. (in astrol.) to cover
(esp. with something inauspicious); to break (a vow); to cause pain arkar f. a fragment or
piece of broken earthenware; Gries; gravel sama pron. common; constant; easy.

*^ (.)
mlgrajantujagdhdipann malasakart / (44.1)
mla-agra-jantu-jak-di-pana mala-sakara
mla mn. a chief or principal city; a corpse; a king's original or proper territory agra n. a
measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim * jantu m. a child; a creature; a
kinsman jak 1.P. to consume; to eat; to wish to eat di m. a firstling; and so on;
beginning pana n. afflicting; an instrument for pressing; calamity mala mn. dirt; dust;
filth sakara m. any action similar to the intermixture of castes; anything that may be
defiled by the touch of any unclean thing; commingling.

* T` M (.)
kicit kla vidhty ca vikti yti yntrika // (44.2)
kacid kla vidhti ca vikti y yntrika
V kacid pron. someone kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time
vidhti f. a boundary-line; anything that separates or divides; arrangement ca ind. also;
and; as well as T vikti f. (in Skhya) vikra; imba; a verse changed in a particular
manner y 2.. to flee; to go; to go to for any purpose (inf.) M yntrika adj. mechanically
refined (said of sugar); relating to instruments or to (blunt) surgical instruments.

^~ ` " (.)
vidh guruviambh tensau tatra pauraka / (45.1)
vidhin guru-viambhin tad-adas tatra pauraka
vidhin adj. acrid; burning; pungent ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy ~
viambhin adj. checking; chilling; making motionless tad pron. this adas pron. jener
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place " pauraka m. a prince or (pl.) the people of the
Pauras; name of a particular mixed caste of hereditary sugar-boilers (the son of a Vaiya by a
woman of the distiller class); the pale straw-coloured species of sugar-cane.

* (.)
aityaprasdamdhuryair varas tam anu vika // (45.2)
aitya-prasda-mdhurya vara tad anu vika
* aitya n. cold; coldness; frigidity prasda m. a decoction; a propitiatory offering or gift
(of food); a residuum mdhurya n. (with Vaiavas) a feeling of tender affection; charm;
exquisite beauty vara adj. best; better; better than tad pron. this anu ind. danach;
dementsprechend vika m. a bamboo-cutter; a flute-player; a kind of sugarcane.

*N (.)
ataparvakakntranaipldys tata kramt / (46.1)
ataparvaka-kntra-naipla-dya tatas krama
ataparvaka mn. a kind of sugarcane; white-flowering Drv grass * kntra m. a
bamboo; a red variety of the sugar-cane; the mountain ebony (Bauhinia variegata) naipla
m. a species of Nimba tree; a species of sugar-cane N dya adj. being at the head; earlier;
excellent tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason krama m. a particular kta
tradition; a position taken (by an animal etc.) before making a spring or attacking; a step.

sakr sakay ca so kicid vidhina // (46.2)
sakra sakaya ca soa kacid vidhin
sakra adj. acrid; caustic; pungent sakaya adj. dominated by passion; ein wenig
kaya ca ind. also; and; as well as soa adj. ein wenig ua V kacid pron. someone
vidhin adj. acrid; burning; pungent.

W T (.)
phita gurv abhiyandi cayakn mtraodhanam / (47.1)
phita guru abhiyandin caya-kt mtra-odhana
phita mn. the inspissated juice of the sugar cane and other plants ^ guru adj. difficult;
hard; heavy W abhiyandin adj. causing defluxions or serious effusions; laxative; oozing
caya m. (in med.) accumulation of the humors; a cover; a heap T kt adj. accomplishing;
acting; author mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine odhana adj. cleaning;
cleansing; purgative.

HP VT (.)
ntilemakaro dhauta samtraakd gua // (47.2)
na-ati-leman-kara dhauta sj-mtra-akt gua
na ind. neither; no; nor ati ind. extremely; very HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum
kara adj. causing; helping; making dhauta adj. bright; cleansed; destroyed V sj 1.P. to
acquire; to be let loose or emitted or created. etc.; to beget mtra n. the fluid secreted by the
kidneys; urine T akt n. dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement; feces gua mn. (pl.) name of a
people (in Madhyadea); a ball to play with; a bit.

TV_ (.)
prabhtakmimajjsmedomsakapho 'para / (48.1)
prabhta-kmi-majjan-asj-medas-msa-kapha apara
prabhta adj. able to (inf.); abounding in (comp.); abundant T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac
majjan m. scurf; the marrow of bones V asj n. blood; saffron medas n. a mystical term
for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness msa n. flesh; meat kapha m. phlegm;
phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general apara pron. der andere.

hdya pura pathya ca nava lemgnisdakt // (48.2)
hdya pura pathya ca nava leman-agnisda-kt
TN hdya adj. being in the heart; beloved; charming pura adj. ancient; old; traditional
M pathya adj. containing elements or leading forms; fit; normal ca ind. also; and; as well as
nava adj. fresh; modern; new HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum V agnisda m.
weakness of digestion T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

7 (.)
vy kakatahit raktapittnilpah / (49.1)
vya ki-kan-hita raktapitta-anila-apaha
vya adj. productive of sexual vigour; stimulating ki 9.. to be diminished; to corrupt; to
decrease kan 8.P. to break (a bow); to hurt; to injure hita adj. agreeable; arranged;
beneficial 7 raktapitta n. a particular disturbance of the blood caused by bile; plethora;
spontaneous hemorrhage from the mouth or nose anila m. air or wind; any affection
referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons apaha adj. destroying;
keeping back; removing.

"" 7 (.)
matsyaikkhaasit kramea guavattam // (49.2)
matsyaik-khaa-sit kramea guavattama
" matsyaik f. inspissated juice of the sugar-cane " khaa mn. a continent; a party;
a piece sit f. Arabian jasmine; a handsome woman; a species of Aparjit kramea
ind. successively 7 guavattama adj. best; most serious.


tadgu tiktamadhur kay ysaarkar / (50.1)
tad-gua tikta-madhura kaya ysa-arkar
tad pron. this gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-
string; a cook tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent
madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant
ysa m. Alhagi Maurorum; a kind of sugar arkar f. a fragment or piece of broken
earthenware; Gries; gravel.

`V7~ (.)
dhatchardimrchskpittaghnya sarvaarkar // (50.2)
dha-t-chardi-mrch-askpitta-ghna sarva-arkar
dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) t f. Desire as daughter of Love;
strong desire; thirst ` chardi f. expulsion (of the breath); sickness; vomiting mrch f.
(alchemy) one of the Saskras of mercury; a kind of kumbhaka; a swoon V7 askpitta n.
[medic.] raktapitta V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing sarva pron. all; completely; different
arkar f. a fragment or piece of broken earthenware; Gries; gravel.

` ` (.)
arkarekuvikr phita ca varvare / (51.1)
arkar-iku-vikra phita ca vara-avara
arkar f. a fragment or piece of broken earthenware; Gries; gravel iku m. eyelash;
name of a king; name of a river vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative from
Prakti; a product; agitation phita mn. the inspissated juice of the sugar cane and other
plants ca ind. also; and; as well as vara adj. best; better; better than avara adj. below;
hinder; last.

HPW7 (.)
cakuya chedi tlemaviahidhmsrapittanut // (51.2)
cakuya chedin t-leman-via-hidhm-asrapitta-nud
cakuya adj. agreeable to the eyes; beautiful; goodlooking chedin adj. ifc. cutting off;
removing; tearing asunder t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst HP
leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the
sound m; a particular vegetable poison W hidhm mf. a kind of disease; Schlick [als Name
einer Krankheit!] 7 asrapitta n. nud adj. driving away; impelling; removing.

T`N` (.)
mehakuhakmicchardivsakstisrajit / (52.1)
meha m. a ram; diabetes; excessive flow of urine kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy T
kmi m. an ant; insect; lac ` chardi f. expulsion (of the breath); sickness; vomiting N vsa m.
a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) ksa m. cough;
[medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln atisra m. dysentery; name of a son of Nitantu;
purging jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning.

vraaodhanasadhnaropaa vtala madhu // (52.2)
vraa-odhana-sadhna-ropaa vtala madhu
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish odhana mn. a means of purification; acquittance;
clearing up sadhna n. a joint; a kind of relish eaten to excite thirst; alliance ropaa
n. healing or a healing application (used for sores); raising; setting vtala adj. flatulent;
stormy; windy madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if

7 7 (.)
rka kayamadhura tattuly madhuarkar / (53.1)
rka kaya-madhura tad-tulya madhuarkar
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) kaya adj. astringent; dull
red; fragrant madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous tad pron. this 7 tulya adj.
comparable; equal to; even madhuarkar f. a kind of plant; honey-sugar.

* (.)
uam urtam ue ca yukta coair nihanti tat // (53.2)
ua ua-rta ua ca yuj ca-ua nihan tad
ua adj. acrid; active; hot ua mn. any hot object; heat; name of a son of Dyutimat
rta adj. afflicted; disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) ua mn. any hot object; heat; name of a
son of Dyutimat ca ind. also; and; as well as yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction
with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to ca ind.
also; and; as well as ua adj. acrid; active; hot nihan 2.. to afflict; to assail; to attach
to tad pron. this.

` ` ` (.)
pracchardane nirhe ca madha na nivryate / (54.1)
pracchardana nirha ca madhu-ua na nivray
pracchardana n. emitting; exhaling; vomiting nirha m. a purging clyster; an enema
not of an oily kind ca ind. also; and; as well as madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet
intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid) ua adj. acrid; active; hot na ind.
neither; no; nor nivray 10.. to destroy; to exclude or banish from (abl.); to forbid.

* N W ` (.)
alabdhapkam veva tayor yasmn nivartate // (54.2)
alabdha-pka u-eva tad yad nivt
* alabdha adj. unobtained pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having
consequences " u ind. quickly eva ind. alone; already; even tad pron. this yad pron.
what; which nivt 1.. to abstain or desist from; to be born again; to be ineffective or

W W (.)
taila svayonivat tatra mukhya tka vyavyi ca / (55.1)
taila sva-yoni-vat tatra mukhya tka vyavyin ca
taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil sva adj. akin; one's own; own yoni mf. a mine; a
particular part of a fire-pit; abode vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) tatra ind. in that; in that
case; in that place W mukhya adj. being at the head or at the beginning; being in or coming
from or belonging to the mouth or face; chief W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot vyavyin adj.
intervening; lascivious; lustful ca ind. also; and; as well as.

~T W T (.)
tvagdoakd acakuya skmoa kaphakn na ca // (55.2)
tvac-doa-kt acakuya skma-ua kapha-kt na ca
~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author acakuya
adj. nicht cakuya W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant ua adj. acrid; active; hot
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general T kt adj.
accomplishing; acting; author na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as.

T W (.)
kn bhayla sthln karanya ca / (56.1)
ka bhaa-alam sthla karana ca
T ka adj. emaciated; feeble; insignificant bhaa n. a means for making strong or firm;
the act of making big alam ind. able; adequate; competent W sthla adj. big; coarse; dense
karana n. causing emaciation; the act of rendering lean ca ind. also; and; as well as.

T TV W ` (.)
baddhavika kmighna ca saskrt sarvarogajit // (56.2)
bandh-vika kmi-ghna ca saskra sarva-roga-jit
^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience
vika m. feces T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing ca ind. also;
and; as well as W saskra m. (with Buddhists) a mental conformation or creation of the
mind (such as that of the external world); a polishing stone; a sacred or sanctifying ceremony
sarva pron. all; completely; different roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus; disease jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning.

" ^ (.)
satiktoaam airaa taila svdu sara guru / (57.1)
satikta-aa airaa taila svdu sara guru
satikta adj. ein wenig bitter aa adj. kauka " airaa adj. vom eraa
stammend taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty
sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy.

W7 (.)
vardhmagulmnilakaphn udara viamajvaram // (57.2)
vardhma-gulma-anila-kapha udara viamajvara
W vardhma mn. hernia; internal rupture 7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or
any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the
spleen anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri
and other persons kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in
general udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver)
viamajvara m. irregular fever.

^ Q (.)
rukophau ca kaguhyakohaphrayau jayet / (58.1)
ruj-opha ca kai-guhya-koha-pha-raya ji
^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling;
oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) ca ind. also; and; as well as kai f. an elephant's cheek;
buttocks; entrance of a temple Q guhya n. a secret; mystery; the anus koha mn. a kind of
pan; a surrounding wall; an inner apartment pha n. a page of a book; height; name of
particular arrangement of Smans (employed at the midday libation and formed from the
Rathatara) raya m. a plea; a recipient; appropriate act or one consistent with the
character of the agent ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to exercise.

W "T ~ (.)
tkoa picchila visra raktairaodbhava tv ati // (58.2)
tka-ua picchila visra raktairaa-udbhava tu ati
W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot ua adj. acrid; active; hot picchila adj. having a tail;
lubricous; slimy visra adj. musty; smelling of raw meat " raktairaa m. the red Ricinus
or castor-oil plant T udbhava adj. produced or coming from tu ind. and; but; do ati ind.
extremely; very.

W " (.)
kaa srapa tka kaphaukrnilpaham / (59.1)
kau-ua srapa tka kapha-ukra-anila-apaha
kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) ua adj. acrid; active; hot srapa adj.
made of or derived from mustard W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as
one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general " ukra n. a kind of prameha; a morbid
affection of the iris; any clear liquid anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder
of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons apaha adj. destroying; keeping back; removing.

7T * (.)
laghu pittsrakt kohakuhrovraajantujit // (59.2)
laghu pittsra-kt koha-kuha-aras-vraa-jantu-jit
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief 7 pittsra n. T kt adj. accomplishing;
acting; author koha m. a species of leprosy with large round spots (ringworm) kuha
mn. a sort of poison; leprosy aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the
eyelid vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish * jantu m. a child; a creature; a kinsman jit
adj. acquiring; ifc. winning.

^ 7 (.)
ka svdu hima keya guru pittnilpaham / (60.1)
ka svdu hima keya guru pitta-anila-apaha
ka adj. belonging or referring to terrestrial latitude; coming from the plant Aka
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta keya adj. being
in the hair; suitable to the hair ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious
humour anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri
and other persons apaha adj. destroying; keeping back; removing.

* ~ T (.)
ntyua nimbaja tikta kmikuhakaphapraut // (60.2)
nimba-ja tikta kmi-kuha-kapha-praud
~ nimba m. Azadirachta Indica (its fruit is bitter and its leaves are chewed at funeral
ceremonies); the Nimb or Neemb tree ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in;
ifc. born or descended from tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant;
pungent T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy kapha m.
phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general praud adj. next;
who or what enjoins or commands.

~ ~7T (.)
umkusumbhaja coa tvagdoakaphapittakt / (61.1)
um-kusumbha-ja ca-ua tvac-doa-kapha-pitta-kt
um f. fame; flax (Linum Usitatissimum); light ~ kusumbha mn. safflower- Carthamus
tinctorius Linn.; saffron ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or
descended from ca ind. also; and; as well as ua adj. acrid; active; hot ~ tvac f. a cover
(of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag doa mn. a calf;
accusation; affection kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam
in general 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

V 7 (.)
vas majj ca vtaghnau balapittakaphapradau // (61.2)
vas majjan ca vta-ghna bala-pitta-kapha-prada
vas f. a kind of prameha; any fatty or oily substance; fat majjan m. scurf; the marrow
of bones ca ind. also; and; as well as vta m. air; flatulence; gout V ghna adj. destroying;
killer; killing bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general prada adj.
bestowing; causing; effecting.

N (.)
msnugasvarpau ca vidyn medo 'pi tv iva / (62.1)
msa-anuga-svarpa ca vid medas api tad iva
msa n. flesh; meat anuga adj. adapted to; companion; followed by svarpa n.
character; character; event ca ind. also; and; as well as vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to
know; to learn medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness
api ind. also; assuredly; besides tad pron. this iva ind. a little; about; almost.

N W (.)
dpana rocana madya tkoa tuipuidam // (62.2)
dpana rocana madya tka-ua tui-pui-da
dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling rocana adj. bright; giving pleasure; lovely
N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine W tka adj. acid; fiery;
hot ua adj. acrid; active; hot tui f. contentment; name of a Kal of the moon;
satisfaction pui f. breeding; comfort; completeness da adj. effecting; granting; offering.

sasvdutiktakaukam amlapkarasa saram / (63.1)
sasvdu-tikta-kauka amla-pka-rasa sara
sasvdu adj. ein wenig svdu tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste);
fragrant; pungent kauka adj. bad; bitter; fierce amla adj. acid; sour pka m. a
cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid
or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going.

~T (.)
sakaya svarrogyapratibhvarakl laghu // (63.2)
sakaya svara-rogya-pratibh-vara-kt laghu
sakaya adj. dominated by passion; ein wenig kaya svara m. a note of the musical
scale (of which seven [rarely six or eight] are enumerated); a symbolical expression for the
number "seven"; a vowel ~ rogya n. a particular ceremony; freedom from disease; health
pratibh f. a founded supposition; a thought; an image vara mn. a co-efficient; a cover;
a covering T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing

~ 7{ (.)
naanidrtinidrebhyo hita pittsradaam / (64.1)
naanidra-atinidra hita pitta-asra-daa
naanidra adj. sleepless atinidra adj. given to excessive sleep hita adj.
agreeable; arranged; beneficial 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour asra n. a corner; a tear;
blood { daa adj. corrupting; counteracting; killing.

TW W (.)
kasthlahita rka skma srotoviodhanam // (64.2)
ka-sthla-hita rka skma srotas-viodhana
T ka adj. emaciated; feeble; insignificant W sthla adj. big; coarse; dense hita adj.
agreeable; arranged; beneficial rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) W
skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant srotas n. a river; an aperture in the human or animal
body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of sense viodhana adj.
cleansing; washing away.

H P ~ (.)
vtalemahara yukty pta viavad anyath / (65.1)
vta-leman-hara yukti p via-vat anyath
vta m. air; flatulence; gout HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum hara adj. bearing;
destroying; ravishing yukti f. (in astron.) conjunction; a sentence; adaptedness p 1.. to
drink; to quaff; to suck via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a
particular vegetable poison vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) ~ anyath ind. erroneously;
falsely; from another motive.

^ ` ~ (.)
guru tad doajanana nava jram ato 'nyath // (65.2)
guru tad doa-janana nava jra atas anyath
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy tad pron. this doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection
janana adj. begetting; causing; generating nava adj. fresh; modern; new jra adj. ancient
(tradition); decayed; digested atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or
reason ~ anyath ind. erroneously; falsely; from another motive.

` ` (.)
peya noopacrea na viriktakudhturai / (66.1)
p na-ua-upacra na viric-kudh-tura
p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck na ind. neither; no; nor ua adj. acrid; active; hot
upacra m. a ceremony; a favourable circumstance; a kind of Sandhi (substitution of s and
in place of Visarga) na ind. neither; no; nor viric 7.P. to be emptied or purged; to reach or
extend beyond kudh f. a mystical name of the letter y tura adj. desirous of (Inf.);
diseased or pained by (in comp.); sick (in body or mind).

*W7 (.)
ntyarthatkamdvalpasabhra kalua na ca // (66.2)
na-atyartha-tka-mdu-alpa-sambhra kalua na ca
na ind. neither; no; nor * atyartha adj. excessive; exorbitant W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot
mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) 7 alpa adj. little;
minute; small ~ sambhra mn. -yajus; bringing together; collecting kalua adj. dirty (lit.
and fig.); foul; hoarse (as the voice) na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as.

7T N ^ (.)
gulmodarrograhaoaht snehan guru / (67.1)
gulma-udara-aras-graha-oa-ht snehana guru
7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the
abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen udara n. a cavity; abdomen;
any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.]
name of a disease of the eyelid graha f. an imaginary organ supposed to lie between the
stomach and the intestines (the small intestines or that part of the alimentary canal where the
bile assists digestion and from which vital warmth is said to be diffused) oa m. desiccation;
dryness; pulmonary consumption T ht adj. (only ifc.) bringing; carrying; carrying away N
snehana adj. anointing; lubricating ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy.

V V~ (.)
surnilaghn medo'skstanyamtrakaphvah // (67.2)
sur-anila-ghna medas-asj-stanya-mtra-kapha-vaha
sur f. a drinking vessel; a snake; a tavern anila m. air or wind; any affection referred
to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing
medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness V asj n. blood;
saffron ~ stanya mn. milk; dugdhapa mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general vaha
adj. bringing; bringing to pass; producing.


^ TN W * (.)
tadgu vru hdy laghus tk nihanti ca / (68.1)
tad-gua vru hdya laghu tka nihan ca
tad pron. this gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-
string; a cook ^ vru f. a particular fast-day on the thirteenth of the dark half of Caitra; a
particular kind of spirit (prepared from hogweed mixed with the juice of the date or palm and
distilled); any spirituous liquor TN hdya adj. being in the heart; beloved; charming laghu
adj. active; beautiful; causing relief W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot nihan 2.. to afflict; to
assail; to attach to ca ind. also; and; as well as.

"N^W (.)
laksavamivsavibandhdhmnapnasn // (68.2)
" la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for impaling criminals ksa m. cough;
[medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln vami f. an emetic; nausea; qualmishness N vsa m.
a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) ^ vibandha m. a circular
bandage; a remedy for promoting obstruction; constipation W dhmna n. a bellows;
blowing; boasting pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose).

M (.)
ntitvramad laghv pathy vaibhtak sur / (69.1)
laghu pathya vaibhtaka sur
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief M pathya adj. containing elements or leading
forms; fit; normal vaibhtaka adj. vom vibhtaka stammend sur f. a drinking vessel; a
snake; a tavern.

* ^W` (.)
vrae pvmaye kuhe na ctyartha virudhyate // (69.2)
vraa pu-maya kuha na ca-atyartham virudh
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish " pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a
Ngarja maya m. disease; indigestion; sickness kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy
na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as * atyartham ind. excessively ^
virudh 7.. to be at variance with or contradictory to (instr.); to be impeded or checked or kept
back or withheld; to be opposed.

~ (.)
viambhin yavasur gurv rk tridoal / (70.1)
viambhin yava-sur guru rka tridoala
~ viambhin adj. checking; chilling; making motionless yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure
or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to indicate good fortune); a barley-corn
(either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2
Guj); a double convex lens sur f. a drinking vessel; a snake; a tavern ^ guru adj.
difficult; hard; heavy rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech)
tridoala adj. auf die tridoas wirkend.

N (.)
yathdravyaguo 'ria sarvamadyagudhika // (70.2)
yath-dravya-gua aria sarva-madya-gua-adhika
yath ind. according; as; as dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary
substance; a stake gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a
bow-string; a cook aria m. Azadirachta Indica; a crow; a decoction sarva pron. all;
completely; different N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine
gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook
adhika adj. abundant; additional; excellent.

"` (.)
grahapukuhraophaoodarajvarn / (71.1)
graha f. an imaginary organ supposed to lie between the stomach and the intestines (the
small intestines or that part of the alimentary canal where the bile assists digestion and from
which vital warmth is said to be diffused) " pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a
Ngarja kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.]
name of a disease of the eyelid opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema
(Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) oa m. desiccation; dryness; pulmonary consumption udara
n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) 7 jvara m. affliction;
fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected
by it); fever of the soul.

* 7TN$ (.)
hanti gulmakmiplhna kayakauvtala // (71.2)
han gulma-kmi-plhan kaya-kau-vtala
han 1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to abandon; to avert 7 gulma mn. a chronic
enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the
mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac N plhan m. disease of
the spleen (said to be equally applied to enlargement of the mesenteric glands etc.); the spleen
(from which and from the liver the Hinds suppose the blood to flow) kaya adj.
astringent; dull red; fragrant kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) vtala adj.
flatulent; stormy; windy.

TN * (.)
mrdvka lekhana hdya ntyua madhura saram / (72.1)
mrdvka lekhana hdya madhura sara
mrdvka n. wine lekhana adj. attenuating; exciting; lancing TN hdya adj. being in
the heart; beloved; charming madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous sara adj.
cathartic; fluid; going.

77 " T (.)
alpapittnila pumehrakminanam // (72.2)
alpa-pitta-anila pu-meha-aras-kmi-nana
7 alpa adj. little; minute; small 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour anila m. air or wind;
any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons " pu m. a
species of shrub; jaundice; name of a Ngarja meha m. a ram; diabetes; excessive flow of
urine aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid T kmi m. an
ant; insect; lac nana adj. destroying.

W 7* ^ (.)
asmd alpntaragua khrjra vtala guru / (73.1)
idam alpa-antara-gua khrjra vtala guru
idam pron. this 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small * antara adj. being in the interior;
different from; distant gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a
bow-string; a cook khrjra adj. coming from or made of Phoenix sylvestris vtala adj.
flatulent; stormy; windy ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy.

TN (.)
rkara surabhi svduhdyo ntimado laghu // (73.2)
rkara surabhi svdu-hdya na-atimada laghu
rkara adj. gravelly; made of sugar; stony surabhi adj. best; charming; famous
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty TN hdya adj. being in the heart; beloved; charming na
ind. neither; no; nor atimada adj. hochprozentig; stark berauschend laghu adj. active;
beautiful; causing relief.

VT (.)
samtraakdvto gauas tarpaadpana / (74.1)
sj-mtra-akt-vta gaua tarpaa-dpana
V sj 1.P. to acquire; to be let loose or emitted or created. etc.; to beget mtra n. the fluid
secreted by the kidneys; urine T akt n. dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement; feces vta m.
air; flatulence; gout gaua adj. prepared from sugar or molasses; relating or belonging to the
Gauas tarpaa adj. satisfying dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling.

7 NHP (.)
vtapittakara sdhu snehalemavikrah // (74.2)
vta-pitta-kara sdhu sneha-leman-vikra-han
vta m. air; flatulence; gout 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour kara adj. causing;
helping; making sdhu mfn. a kind of liquor N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent;
any oleaginous substance HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum vikra mn. (in Skhya)
a production or derivative from Prakti; a product; agitation han adj. killing.

V (.)
medaophodarroghnas tatra pakvaraso vara / (75.1)
medas-opha-udara-aras-ghna tatra pakva-rasa vara
medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness opha m.
intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) udara n. a cavity;
abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles;
[medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing tatra ind. in
that; in that case; in that place pakva adj. accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or
earthenware pots) rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of
metre vara adj. best; better; better than.

W (.)
ched madhvsavas tko mehapnasaksajit // (75.2)
chedin madhvsava tka meha-pnasa-ksa-jit
chedin adj. ifc. cutting off; removing; tearing asunder madhvsava m. a decoction of
honey or of the blosoms of the Bassia Latifolia; sweet spirituous liquor W tka adj. acid; fiery;
hot meha m. a ram; diabetes; excessive flow of urine pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting
the nose) ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln jit adj. acquiring; ifc.

7 " (.)
raktapittakaphotkledi ukta vtnulomanam / (76.1)
rakta-pitta-kapha-utkledin ukta vta-anulomana
rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general
utkledin adj. wet; wetting " ukta n. any sour liquor or gruel (esp. a kind of acid beverage
prepared from roots and fruits); anything fermented or become sour; flesh vta m. air;
flatulence; gout anulomana n. carrying off by the right channels; due regulation;

W TN ^ (.)
bhoatkarkmla hdya rucikara saram // (76.2)
bha-ua-tka-rka-amla hdya ruci-kara sara
bha adj. abundant; frequent; mighty ua adj. acrid; active; hot W tka adj. acid;
fiery; hot rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) amla adj. acid; sour
TN hdya adj. being in the heart; beloved; charming ^ ruci f. appetite; beauty; colour kara
adj. causing; helping; making sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going.

W "[d

dpana iiraspara pudkkminanam / (77.1)
dpana iira-spara pu-d-kmi-nana
dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling iira adj. chilly; cold; cool W spara m. a
gift; a kind of sexual union; a spy " pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a Ngarja
[ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot; appearance; doctrine T kmi m. an
ant; insect; lac nana adj. destroying.

N" 7 (.)
guekumadyamrdvkaukta laghu yathottaram // (77.2)
gua-iku-madya-mrdvka-ukta laghu yathottara
gua mn. (pl.) name of a people (in Madhyadea); a ball to play with; a bit iku m.
eyelash; name of a king; name of a river N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous
liquor; wine mrdvka n. wine " ukta n. any sour liquor or gruel (esp. a kind of acid
beverage prepared from roots and fruits); anything fermented or become sour; flesh laghu
adj. active; beautiful; causing relief 7 yathottara adj. following in regular order; succeeding
one another.

WN N (.)
kandamlaphaldya ca tadvad vidyt tadsutam / (78.1)
kanda-mla-phala-dya ca tadvat vid tad-suta
W kanda mn. an affection of the female organ; bulb; bulbous or tuberous root mla mn. a
chief or principal city; a corpse; a king's original or proper territory phala n. a blade (of a
sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent ca
ind. also; and; as well as tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of yadvat); thus vid 1.P. to be
conscious of; to know; to learn tad pron. this suta n. a manner of pressing the Soma; a

" ~ (.)
k csuta cnyat klmla rocana laghu // (78.2)
k ca-suta ca-anya kla-amla rocana laghu
" k f. a kind of animal ca ind. also; and; as well as suta n. a manner of
pressing the Soma; a mixture ca ind. also; and; as well as ~ anya pron. anderer kla m.
eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time amla adj. acid; sour rocana adj.
bright; giving pleasure; lovely laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief.

~ W 7T W (.)
dhnymla bhedi tkoa pittakt sparatalam / (79.1)
dhnymla bhedin tka-ua pitta-kt spara-tala
~ dhnymla n. sour rice-gruel bhedin adj. beating or knocking out; breaking;
breaking W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot ua adj. acrid; active; hot 7 pitta n. bile; the
bilious humour T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author W spara m. a gift; a kind of sexual
union; a spy tala adj. calm; cold; cold i.e. free from passion.

^ " (.)
ramaklamahara rucya dpana vastilanut // (79.2)
rama-klama-hara rucya dpana vasti-la-nud
rama m. drill; effort either bodily or mental; exercise klama m. exhaustion; fatigue;
languor hara adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing ^ rucya adj. beautiful; bright; giving an
appetite dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-
syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or
stake; a stake for impaling criminals nud adj. driving away; impelling; removing.

W` TN (.)
astam sthpane hdya laghu vtakaphpaham / (80.1)
as sthpana hdya laghu vta-kapha-apaha
as 2.. to approve; to calumniate; to commend W sthpana n. a strengthening
remedy; an enema of oil; causing to stay or remain TN hdya adj. being in the heart; beloved;
charming laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief vta m. air; flatulence; gout
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general apaha adj.
destroying; keeping back; removing.

ebhir eva guair yukte sauvrakatuodake // (80.2)
idam eva gua yuj sauvraka-tuodaka
idam pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even gua mn. (in khya phil.) an
ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into
conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to
sauvraka n. sauvrjana; Schwefelantimon; sour wheat gruel tuodaka n. sour rice-
or barley-gruel.

TT7" (.)
kmihdrogagulmrapuroganibarhae / (81.1)
T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac T hd n. breast; chest; interior roga mn. a diseased spot;
Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease 7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any
glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen
aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid " pu m. a
species of shrub; jaundice; name of a Ngarja roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus; disease nibarhaa n. annihilation; destruction.

` N T` (.)
te kramd vituair vidyt satuai ca yavai kte // (81.2)
tad kramt vitua vid satua ca yava k
tad pron. this kramt ind. successively vitua adj. unhusked vid 1.P. to be
conscious of; to know; to learn satua adj. having husk or chaff ca ind. also; and; as well as
yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to
indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a
weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens T k 8.. to accomplish; to act;
to cause to become.

`NT (.)
mtra go'jvimahigajvorakharodbhavam / (82.1)
mtra go-aja-avi-mahi-gaja-ava-ura-khara-udbhava
mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine go mf. a class of sunrays creating heat; a
herd of cattle; a kind of medicial plant aja m. a goat; Brahm; Kma avi mf. a sheep; a
woollen Soma strainer mahi f. a female buffalo; a species of plant; an unchaste woman or
money gained by a wife's prostitution ` gaja m. a measure of length (commonly Ga); a mound
of earth (sloping on both sides) on which a house may be erected; an elephant N ava m. a
horse; a particular kind of lover (horse-like in strength); horse (in the game of chess) ura m.
a buffalo; a camel; a cart khara m. a crow; a Daitya or demon; a donkey (so called from his
cry) T udbhava adj. produced or coming from.

7 W (.)
pittala rkatkoa lavanurasa kau // (82.2)
pittala rka-tka-ua lavaa-anurasa kau
7 pittala adj. bilious; secreting bile rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or
speech) W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot ua adj. acrid; active; hot lavaa adj. beautiful;
briny; graceful anurasa m. a secondary flavour (as a little sweetness in a sour fruit)
kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words).

T" " (.)
kmiophodarnhalapukaphniln / (83.1)
T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema
(Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as
of the liver) nha m. constipation; epistasis; length " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or
stake; a stake for impaling criminals " pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a
Ngarja kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general
anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other

7^N (.)
gulmruciviavitrakuhrsi jayel laghu // (83.2)
gulma-aruci-via-vitra-kuha-aras ji laghu
7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the
abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen ^ aruci f. aversion; disgust;
dislike via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable
poison N vitra mn. morbid whiteness of the skin; vitiligo; white leprosy kuha mn. a sort of
poison; leprosy aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid ji
2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to exercise laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief.

` N (.)
toyakrekutailn vargair madyasya ca kramt / (84.1)
toya-kra-iku-taila varga madya ca kramt
toya n. water; !! kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk iku m.
eyelash; name of a king; name of a river taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil varga m.
(esp.) a subdivision of an Adhy ya in the g
together; bala N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine ca ind.
also; and; as well as kramt ind. successively.

` W T (.)
iti dravaikadeo 'ya yathsthlam udhta // (84.2)
iti drava-ekadea idam yathsthlam udh
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) drava mn. (medic.) a kind of sveda; buttermilk (Takra); decoction `
ekadea m. a certain spot or passage; a part; one and the same place idam pron. this W
yathsthlam ind. entsprechend der Konsistenz; gemss der Festigkeit T udh 2.P. to
announce; to call; to cite.

T (.)
rakto mahn sakalamas traka akunhta / (1.1)
rakta mahant traka akunhta
rakta m. a kind of rice; a kind of venomous frog (maka); Barringtonia Acutangula *
mahant m. a camel; a great or noble man (opp. to nca); a particular class of deceased progenitors
traka m. a sort of rice T akunhta m. a kind of rice.

" " ^ (.)
srmukho drghako lodhraka sugandhika // (1.2)
srmukha drghaka lodhraka sugandhika
srmukha m. a kind of rice " drghaka m. a sort of rice " lodhraka m. a
kind of rice ^ sugandhika m. a kind of grain; a lion; olibanum.

" " " (.)
pura pu puarka pramodo gaurasrivau / (2.1)
pura pu puarka pramoda gaura-sriva
" pura mn. a kind of plant; a mark or line made on the forehead with ashes or colouring
substances to distinguish Vaiavas from aivas; a sectarian mark " pu m. a species of
shrub; jaundice; name of a Ngarja " puarka mn. Artemisia Indica; a kind of bird; a
kind of fragrant mango pramoda m. (with Jainas) joy as exhibited in the virtuous; a kind of
rice; a strong perfume gaura m. a kind of buffalo (Bos Gaurus); a kind of monkey; a species of
rice sriva m. a kind of grain (reckoned among the li).

B " { " (.)
kcano mahia ka daka kusumaka // (2.2)
kcana mahia ka daka kusumaka
B kcana m. a covenant binding for the whole life; a kind of rice; a particular form of
temple mahia m. a buffalo (considered as the emblem of Yama and of a Jaina saint); a
great priest; a kind of fish " ka m. abhi-ava; a species of grain; grief { daka m. a kind of
rice; offender; seducer " kusumaka m. a kind of rice.

W ^ (.)
lgal lohavlkhy kardam tabhruk / (3.1)
lgala lohavla-khy kardama tabhruka
lgala m. a kind of rice; name of a people; name of a school lohavla m. a kind of
rice W khy f. appearance; appellation; aspect kardama mn. a kind of poisonous bulb; a
kind of rice; clay ^ tabhruka m. a kind of rice.

~ " (.)
patags tapany ca ye cnye laya ubh // (3.2)
pataga tapanya ca yad ca-anya li ubha
pataga m. a ball for playing with; a bee; a grasshopper tapanya m. a sort of rice
ca ind. also; and; as well as yad pron. what; which ca ind. also; and; as well as ~ anya pron.
anderer li m. any grain of a similar character to rice; grains of rice; name of a Yaka (who
was transformed into a lion) " ubha adj. agreeable; auspicious; beautiful.

N^ T7 (.)
svdupkaras snigdh vy baddhlpavarcasa / (4.1)
svdu-pka-rasa snigdha vya
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act
having consequences rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind
of metre N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable vya adj. productive of sexual
vigour; stimulating.

M (.)
kaynuras pathy laghavo mtral him // (4.2)
kaya-anurasa pathya laghu mtrala hima
kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant anurasa m. a secondary flavour (as a little
sweetness in a sour fruit) M pathya adj. containing elements or leading forms; fit; normal
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief mtrala adj. diuretic hima adj. cold; cool;
[medic.] ta.

" (.)
kajeu varas tatra raktas ttridoah / (5.1)
kaja vara tatra rakta t-tridoa-han
" kaja m. [medic.] yavakra vara adj. best; better; better than tatra ind. in that; in
that case; in that place rakta adj. affected with passion or love; attached or devoted to;
beloved t f. Avidity as mother of Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.); desire tridoa mn.
the tridoa han adj. killing.

` (.)
mahs tam anu kalamas ta cpy anu tata pare // (5.2)
mahant tad anu kalama tad ca-api anu tatas para
* mahant m. a camel; a great or noble man (opp. to nca); a particular class of deceased
progenitors tad pron. this anu ind. danach; dementsprechend kalama m. a reed for
writing with; a sort of rice (sown in May and June and ripening in December or January); a thief
tad pron. this ca ind. also; and; as well as api ind. also; assuredly; besides anu ind.
danach; dementsprechend tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason para pron.
ancient; best; better or worse than.

yavak hyan psubpanaiadhakdaya / (6.1)
yavaka hyana psu-bpa-naiadhaka-di
yavaka m. barley hyana m. a flame; a sort of red rice (its grains); ray psu m.
(prob.) the menses; a kind of camphor; a species of plant bpa mn. a kind of plant- bpik;
a kind of pot-herb; a tear naiadhaka m. a kind of grain di m. a firstling; and so on;

{ N^ HP7 (.)
svd gurava snigdh pke 'ml lemapittal // (6.2)
svdu-ua guru snigdha pka amla leman-pittala
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty ua adj. acrid; active; hot ^ guru adj. difficult;
hard; heavy N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable pka m. a cooking utensil;
an abscess; any act having consequences amla adj. acid; sour HP leman m. mucus;
phlegm; rheum 7 pittala adj. bilious; secreting bile.

V W (.)
samtrapur ca prva prva ca nindit / (7.1)
ca prva prva ca
ca ind. also; and; as well as prva pron. aforesaid; ancient; attended with prva pron.
aforesaid; ancient; attended with ca ind. also; and; as well as.

N^ V W (.)
snigdho grh laghu svdus tridoaghna sthiro hima // (7.2)
snigdha grhin laghu svdu tridoa-ghna sthira hima
N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable grhin adj. holding; ifc. seizing; laying
hold of laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty
tridoa mn. the tridoa V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing W sthira adj. ascertained;
calm; certain hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta.

aiko vrhiu reho gaura csitagaurata / (8.1)
aika vrhi reha gaura ca-asita-gaura
aika mfn. a kind of rice of quick growth (ripening in about 60 days) vrhi m. rice
reha adj. most beautiful of or among; most splendid or beautiful gaura m. a kind of buffalo
(Bos Gaurus); a kind of monkey; a species of rice ca ind. also; and; as well as asita m. a
black snake; a Mantra (saving from snakes); a poisonous animal (said to be a kind of mouse)
gaura m. a kind of buffalo (Bos Gaurus); a kind of monkey; a species of rice.

T (.)
tata kramn mahvrhikavrhijatmukh // (8.2)
tatas krama mahvrhi-kavrhi-jatmukha
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason krama m. a particular kta tradition;
a position taken (by an animal etc.) before making a spring or attacking; a step
mahvrhi m. large rice T kavrhi m. a black sort of rice jatmukha m. a kind of


"W" (.)
kukkuakalvkhyaprvatakakar / (9.1)


^ ^W 7* W (.)
gandhan kuruvind ca guair alpntar smt / (10.1)
gandhana kuruvinda ca gua alpa-antara sm
^ gandhana m. a kind of rice ^W kuruvinda m. a kind of barley; Cyperus rotundus;
Phaseolus roxburghii ca ind. also; and; as well as gua mn. (in khya phil.) an
ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small *
antara adj. being in the interior; different from; distant W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in
mind; to hand down memoriter.

~ 7 ^ (.)
svdur amlavipko 'nyo vrhi pittakaro guru // (10.2)
svdu amla-vipka anya vrhi pitta-kara guru
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty amla adj. acid; sour vipka m. any change
of form or state; bad digestion; calamity ~ anya pron. anderer vrhi m. rice 7 pitta n.
bile; the bilious humour kara adj. causing; helping; making ^ guru adj. difficult; hard;

VP ~ (.)
bahumtrapurom tridoas tv eva pala / (11.1)
bahu-mtra-pura-uman tridoa tu eva pala
V bahu adj. abundant; great in quantity; many mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys;
urine pura n. (esp.) crumbling or loose earth; a disk; anything used to fill up interstices in
a wall P uman m. anger; ardour; heat tridoa mn. the tridoa tu ind. and; but; do
eva ind. alone; already; even pala m. a pale red hue; a species of rice ripening in the rains;
Bignonia Suaveolens (the tree bearing the trumpet-flower).

kagukodravanvraymkdi hima laghu // (11.2)
kagu-kodrava-nvra-ymka-di hima laghu
kagu f. a kind of Panic seed (several varieties are cultivated as food for the poor); Panicum
frumentaceum (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 533); Papaver dubium (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 533)
kodrava m. Paspalum scrobiculatum Linn.- a species of grain eaten by the poor nvra
m. Hygroryza aristata Nees (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 569); Oryza sativa Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld
(1974), 569); Setaria italica Beauv. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 569) ymka m. name of a
man; name of a people; Panicum Frumentaceum di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief.

~ T 7T (.)
tadhnya pavanakl lekhana kaphapittaht / (12.1)
tadhnya pavana-kt lekhana kapha-pitta-hd
~ tadhnya n. a class of grain; wild rice pavana m. a householder's sacred fire; a
species of grass; air T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author lekhana adj. attenuating;
exciting; lancing kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in
general 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour T hd n. breast; chest; interior.

VT ^ (.)
bhagnasadhnakt tatra priyagur bha guru // (12.2)
bhagna-sadhna-kt tatra priyagu bhaa guru
V bhagna n. the fracture of a leg sadhna n. a joint; a kind of relish eaten to excite thirst;
alliance T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place
priyagu mf. Aglaia diepenhorstii Miq. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 578); Aglaia Odorata;
Aglaia odorata Lour. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 578) bhaa adj. making big or fat or strong;
nourishing ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy.

{ W (.)
korada para grh spara to vipaha / (13.1)
korada para grhin spara ta via-apaha
{ korada m. Paspalum scrobiculatum Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 547) para pron.
ancient; best; better or worse than grhin adj. holding; ifc. seizing; laying hold of W
spara m. a gift; a kind of sexual union; a spy ta adj. boiled; cold; dull via n. Aconitum
ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison apaha adj.
destroying; keeping back; removing.

^ T (.)
rka to guru svdu saro vivtakd yava // (13.2)
rka ta guru svdu sara vi-vta-kt yava
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) ta adj. boiled; cold; dull ^
guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty sara adj. cathartic;
fluid; going vi f. dirt; excrement; feces vta m. air; flatulence; gout T kt adj.
accomplishing; acting; author yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand
resembling a barley-corn (supposed to indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure
of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double
convex lens.

W 7 (.)
vya sthairyakaro mtramedapittakaph jayet / (14.1)
vya sthairyakara mtra-medas-pitta-kapha ji
vya adj. productive of sexual vigour; stimulating W sthairyakara adj. causing firmness
or hardness mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine medas n. a mystical term for
the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour kapha m.
phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general ji 2.P. to conquer (in a
battle); to defeat; to exercise.

N^~"~ (.)
pnasavsaksorustambhakahatvagmayn // (14.2)
pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose) N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath;
asthma (of which there are five kinds) ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln
^ ru mf. name of a son of Manu Ckua; name of an girasa and author of a Vedic hymn;
shank ~ stambha m. a post; arrogance; becoming hard or solid " kaha m. Gefwand;
immediate proximity; name of a Maharshi ~ tvagmaya m. Hautkrankheit.

~ (.)
nyno yavd anuyavo rkoo vaajo yava / (15.1)
nyna yava anuyava rka-ua vaaja yava
~ nyna adj. base; defective; deficient yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand
resembling a barley-corn (supposed to indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure
of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double
convex lens anuyava m. a kind of barley rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person
or speech) ua adj. acrid; active; hot vaaja adj. belonging to the family of; belonging
to the same family (plur. with prktan forefathers); born in the family of yava mn. (in
palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to indicate good
fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a weight 6 or
12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens.

^ N^ 7 (.)
vya to guru snigdho jvano vtapittah // (15.2)
vya ta guru snigdha jvana vta-pitta-han
vya adj. productive of sexual vigour; stimulating ta adj. boiled; cold; dull ^ guru
adj. difficult; hard; heavy N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable jvana adj.
enlivening; giving life; vivifying vta m. air; flatulence; gout 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious
humour han adj. killing.

W T (.)
sadhnakr madhuro godhma sthairyakt sara / (16.1)
sadhna-krin madhura godhma sthairya-kt sara
sadhna n. a joint; a kind of relish eaten to excite thirst; alliance krin adj. acting;
an actor; doing madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous godhma mn. a kind of
Godhma; name of a medicinal plant; the orange tree W sthairya n. calmness; constancy;
constant delight in T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going.

M W (.)
pathy nandmukh t kayamadhur laghu // (16.2)
pathya nandmukh ta kaya-madhura laghu
M pathya adj. containing elements or leading forms; fit; normal W nandmukh f. a kind of
plant; sleep ta adj. boiled; cold; dull kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant
madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief.

7 ~~ ^T (.)
mudghakmasrdi imbdhnya vibandhakt / (17.1)
mudga-hak-masr-di imbdhnya vibandha-kt
7 mudga m. a cover; a kind of seabird; covering hak f. a kind of fragrant earth; a
measure of volume; the pulse Cajanus Indicus Spreng masr mf. a kind of smallpox; Ervum
lens Linn.; Ipomoea Turpethum di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning ~~
imbdhnya n. leguminous grain ^ vibandha m. a circular bandage; a remedy for promoting
obstruction; constipation T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

kaya svdu sagrhi kaupka hima laghu // (17.2)
kaya svdu sagrhin kau-pka hima laghu
kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty
sagrhin adj. accumulating; astringent; collecting kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as
words) pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences hima adj.
cold; cool; [medic.] ta laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief.

HP7 (.)
medalemsrapitteu hita lepopasekayo / (18.1)
medas-leman-asrapitta hita lepa-upaseka
medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness HP leman m.
mucus; phlegm; rheum 7 asrapitta n. hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial lepa
m. (esp.) particles or remnants wiped from the hand after offering oblations to three ancestors; a
coating of paint; a kind of disease upaseka m. infusion; sprinkling upon.

7 7 ~ (.)
varo 'tra mudgo 'lpacala kalyas tv ativtala // (18.2)
vara atra mudga alpa-cala kalya tu
vara adj. best; better; better than atra ind. here at this time; in this matter; in this place
7 mudga m. a cover; a kind of seabird; covering 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small cala m. a
sprout; quicksilver; shoot kalya mn. a kind of plant with darkcoloured flowers; a sort of
pea or pulse; Lathyrus sativus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 540) tu ind. and; but; do.

VT ^ (.)
rjamo 'nilakaro rko bahuakd guru / (19.1)
rjama anila-kara rka bahu-akt guru
rjama m. a kind of bean; Dolichos Catjang anila m. air or wind; any affection
referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons kara adj. causing; helping;
making rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) V bahu adj. abundant;
great in quantity; many T akt n. dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement; feces ^ guru adj.
difficult; hard; heavy.

M "N (.)
u kulatth pke 'ml ukrmavsapnasn // (19.2)
ua kulattha pka amla ukra-aman-vsa-pnasa
ua adj. acrid; active; hot M kulattha mn. Cassia absus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974:
545); Dolichos uniflorus Lam. (a kind of pulse); name of a people pka m. a cooking utensil;
an abscess; any act having consequences amla adj. acid; sour " ukra n. a kind of prameha;
a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid aman mn. a precious stone; a stone; any
instrument made of stone (as a hammer etc.) N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma
(of which there are five kinds) pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose).

V* 7 (.)
ksrakaphavt ca ghnanti pittsrad param / (20.1)
ksa-aras-kapha-vta ca han pittsra-da para
ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles;
[medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas;
watery froth or foam in general vta m. air; flatulence; gout ca ind. also; and; as well as
han 1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to abandon; to avert 7 pittsra n. da adj.
effecting; granting; offering para pron. ancient; best; better or worse than.

7~ ^ (.)
nipvo vtapittsrastanyamtrakaro guru // (20.2)
nipva vta-pittsra-stanya-mtra-kara guru
nipva m. a kind of weight unit; chaff; Dolichos lablab Linn. vta m. air; flatulence;
gout 7 pittsra n. ~ stanya mn. milk; dugdhapa mtra n. the fluid secreted by the
kidneys; urine kara adj. causing; helping; making ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy.

[" (.)
saro vidh dkukrakaphaophavipaha / (21.1)
sara vidhin d-ukra-kapha-opha-via-apaha
sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going vidhin adj. acrid; burning; pungent [ d f. (astrol.)
the aspect of a planet or the observed spot; appearance; doctrine " ukra n. a kind of prameha;
a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the
tridoas; watery froth or foam in general opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema
(Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a
particular vegetable poison apaha adj. destroying; keeping back; removing.

N^ H P7 (.)
ma snigdho balalemamalapittakara sara // (21.2)
ma snigdha bala-leman-mala-pitta-kara sara
ma m. a bean (the plant); a cutaneous eruption resembling beans; a fool N^ snigdha adj.
adhesive; affectionate; agreeable bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in HP leman m.
mucus; phlegm; rheum mala mn. dirt; dust; filth 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
kara adj. causing; helping; making sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going.

"T`T (.)
guro 'nilah svdu ukravddhivirekakt / (22.1)
guru-ua anila-han svdu ukra-vddhi-vireka-kt
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy ua adj. acrid; active; hot anila m. air or wind; any
affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons han adj. killing
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty " ukra n. a kind of prameha; a morbid affection of
the iris; any clear liquid T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground) `
vireka m. a purgative; cathartic; evacuation of the bowels T kt adj. accomplishing; acting;

N "MP (.)
phalni mavad vidyt kkoltmaguptayo // (22.2)
phala mavat vid kkol-tmagupt
phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift mavat ind. wie bei
ma vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to know; to learn " kkol f. a plant similar to
the Carpopogon pruriens MP tmagupt f. the plant Mucuna Pruritus Hook.

~ W 7 ^ (.)
uas tvacyo hima spare keyo balyas tilo guru / (23.1)
ua tvacya hima spara keya balya tila guru
ua adj. acrid; active; hot ~ tvacya adj. conducive to healthiness of skin hima adj.
cold; cool; [medic.] ta W spara m. a gift; a kind of sexual union; a spy keya adj. being in
the hair; suitable to the hair 7 balya adj. giving strength; powerful; strengthening tila mn.
a mole; a small particle; name of a chapter of PSarv. ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy.

7 V7T (.)
alpamtra kau pke medhgnikaphapittakt // (23.2)
alpa-mtra kau pka medh-agni-kapha-pitta-kt
7 alpa adj. little; minute; small mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine kau
adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having
consequences medh f. dhana; a form of Dkya in Kamra; a form of Sarasvat V agni
m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas;
watery froth or foam in general 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour T kt adj. accomplishing;
acting; author.

N^ 7 ^ (.)
snigdhom svdutikto kaphapittakar guru / (24.1)
snigdha-um svdu-tikta-ua kapha-pitta-kara guru
N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable um f. fame; flax (Linum
Usitatissimum); light svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6
modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent ua adj. acrid; active; hot kapha m. phlegm;
phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious
humour kara adj. causing; helping; making ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy.

["T ~ (.)
dkukraht kau pke tadvad bja kusumbhajam // (24.2)
d-ukra-ht kau pka tadvat bja kusumbha-ja
[ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot; appearance; doctrine " ukra n. a
kind of prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid T ht adj. (only ifc.) bringing;
carrying; carrying away kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) pka m. a cooking
utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of
yadvat); thus bja mn. (Trika:) Vokal (<-> yoni); a runner (of the Indian fig-tree); algebra
~ kusumbha mn. safflower- Carthamus tinctorius Linn.; saffron ja adj. born or produced in or
at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

M " (.)
mo 'tra sarvev avaro yavaka kajeu ca / (25.1)
ma atra sarva avara yavaka kaja ca
ma m. a bean (the plant); a cutaneous eruption resembling beans; a fool atra ind. here
at this time; in this matter; in this place sarva pron. all; completely; different avara adj.
below; hinder; last yavaka m. barley " kaja m. [medic.] yavakra ca ind. also; and;
as well as.

~ W (.)
nava dhnyam abhiyandi laghu savatsaroitam // (25.2)
nava dhnya abhiyandin laghu savatsara-uita
nava adj. fresh; modern; new ~ dhnya n. a kind of house; a measure 4 sesamum seeds;
Cyperus Rotundus W abhiyandin adj. causing defluxions or serious effusions; laxative;
oozing laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief savatsara mn. a full year; a year; a
year of the the first in a cycle of five or six years uita adj. one who has fasted; one who has
had sexual intercourse with (saha); one who has halted or stayed (esp. "overnight") or has been
absent or lived or remained or waited in any place or for any time (acc. or comp.).

ghrajanma tath spya nistua yuktibharjitam / (26.1)
ghrajanman tath spya nistua yukti-bharjita
ghrajanman n. a kind of plant tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so
spya n. food consisting of soup nistua adj. freed from tusk or chaff; purified; simplified
yukti f. (in astron.) conjunction; a sentence; adaptedness bharjita adj. annihilated;
destroyed; fried.

"` (.)
maapeyvilepnm odanasya ca lghavam // (26.2)
maa-pey-vilep odana ca lghava
" maa mn. cream; essence; pith ` pey f. a species of anise; rice gruel or any drink mixed
with a small quantity of boiled rice vilep f. rice-gruel odana mn. any pap or pulpy
substance; boiled rice; grain mashed and cooked with milk ca ind. also; and; as well as
lghava n. alacrity; brevity; conciseness.

" (.)
yathprva ivas tatra mao vtnulomana / (27.1)
yathprva iva tatra maa vta-anulomana
yathprva adj. being as before iva m. a kind of second iva; bdellium; final
emancipation tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place " maa mn. cream; essence; pith
vta m. air; flatulence; gout anulomana n. carrying off by the right channels; due
regulation; purging.

V PT (.)
tglnidoaeaghna pcano dhtusmyakt // (27.2)
t-glni-doa-ea-ghna pcana dhtusmya-kt
t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst glni f. debility; decrease;
depression of mind doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection ea mn. balance; leavings;
remainder V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing pcana adj. causing to cook or boil;
digestive; softening P dhtusmya n. equilibrium of the bodily humours; good health T
kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

T (.)
srotomrdavakt sved sadhukayati cnalam / (28.1)
srotas-mrdava-kt svedin sadhukay ca-anala
srotas n. a river; an aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11
in women); an organ of sense mrdava n. gentleness; kindness; leniency towards T kt
adj. accomplishing; acting; author svedin adj. perspiring; sweating sadhukay 10.P.
to animate; to inflame; to light up ca ind. also; and; as well as anala m. (in astron.) the
fiftieth year of; bile; digestive power.

77` (.)
kuttglnidaurbalyakukirogajvarpah // (28.2)
kut f. a sneeze t f. Avidity as mother of Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.); desire
glni f. debility; decrease; depression of mind 7 daurbalya n. impotence; weakness kuki
mf. a bay; a cavity in general; a valley roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus;
disease 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the
body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul apaha adj. destroying; keeping back;

M ` (.)
malnuloman pathy pey dpanapcan / (29.1)
mala-anulomana pathya peya dpana-pcana
mala mn. dirt; dust; filth anulomana adj. regulating M pathya adj. containing
elements or leading forms; fit; normal ` peya adj. drinkable; tastable; to be drunk in or enjoyed
by dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling pcana adj. causing to cook or boil;
digestive; softening.

TN V (.)
vilep grhi hdy tghn dpan hit // (29.2)
vilep grhin hdya t-ghna dpana hita
vilep f. rice-gruel grhin adj. holding; ifc. seizing; laying hold of TN hdya adj. being
in the heart; beloved; charming t f. Avidity as mother of Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.);
desire ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling
hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial.

"T N (.)
vrakirogasauddhadurbalasnehapyinm / (30.1)


" (.)
ya bhataula / (31.1)
yad pron. what; which.

^ N (.)
viparto guru kramsdyair ya ca sdhita // (31.2)
viparta guru kra-msa-dya yad ca
viparta adj. acting in a contrary manner; adverse; being the reverse of anything ^ guru
adj. difficult; hard; heavy kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk
msa n. flesh; meat N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent yad pron. what; which
ca ind. also; and; as well as.

N (.)
iti dravyakriyyogamndyai sarvam diet / (32.1)
iti dravya-kriyyoga-mna-dya sarva di
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake
kriyyoga m. name of a work; the connection with an action or verb; the employment of
expedients or instruments mna n. a particular measure or weight; appearance; dimension
N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent sarva pron. all; completely; different
di 6.. to aim at; to announce; to assign.

bhaa prano vya cakuyo vraah rasa // (32.2)
bhaa prana vya cakuya vraa-han rasa
bhaa adj. making big or fat or strong; nourishing prana adj. appeasing;
gratifying; pleasing vya adj. productive of sexual vigour; stimulating cakuya adj.
agreeable to the eyes; beautiful; goodlooking vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish han adj.
killing rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre.

7 M M 7 (.)
maudgas tu pathya vtnulom kaulattho gulmatpratijit //(33.2)
maudga tu-kaulattha pathya-gulma-t-prat-jit
7 maudga adj. consisting of beans; relating to a bean tu ind. and; but; do M kaulattha adj.
made or prepared with Dolichos uniflorus M pathya adj. containing elements or leading forms;
fit; normal 7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in
the abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen t f. a disease of the
anus and the bladder; a quiver; the Indigo plant prat f. a kind of disease (causing pain of
the nerves extending from the rectum and generative organs to the bowels) jit adj. acquiring;
ifc. winning.

"T "M (.)
tilapiykavikti ukaka virhakam / (34.1)
tila-piyka-vikti uka-ka virhaka
tila mn. a mole; a small particle; name of a chapter of PSarv. " piyka mn. Asa Foetida;
incense; oil-cake T vikti f. (in Skhya) vikra; imba; a verse changed in a particular
manner "M uka adj. arid; dried; dried up ka mn. a potherb; any vegetable food; greens
virhaka mn. grain that has begun to sprout.

" [V ^ (.)
kvaaka dgghna doala glapana guru // (34.2)
k-vaaka d-ghna doala glapana guru
" k f. a kind of animal vaaka mfn. a small lump or round mass; ball; globule [
d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot; appearance; doctrine V ghna adj.
destroying; killer; killing doala adj. corrupt; defective; increasing the tridoa glapana
n. fading; relaxation ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy.

N^ 7 ^ (.)
rasl bha vy snigdh baly ruciprad / (35.1)
rasl bhaa vya snigdha balya ruci-prada
rasl f. a vine or grape; curds mixed with sugar and spices; Desmodium Gangeticum
bhaa adj. making big or fat or strong; nourishing vya adj. productive of sexual
vigour; stimulating N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable 7 balya adj. giving
strength; powerful; strengthening ^ ruci f. appetite; beauty; colour prada adj. bestowing;
causing; effecting.

7 ^ (.)
ramakuttklamahara pnaka prana guru // (35.2)
rama-kut-t-klama-hara pnaka prana guru
rama m. drill; effort either bodily or mental; exercise kut f. a sneeze t f. Desire as
daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst klama m. exhaustion; fatigue; languor hara adj.
bearing; destroying; ravishing pnaka mn. a draught; beverage; drink prana adj.
appeasing; gratifying; pleasing ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy.

~ TN (.)
viambhi mtrala hdya yathdravyagua ca tat / (36.1)
viambhin mtrala hdya yathdravyagua ca tad
~ viambhin adj. checking; chilling; making motionless mtrala adj. diuretic TN
hdya adj. being in the heart; beloved; charming yathdravyagua adj. ca ind. also;
and; as well as tad pron. this.

N (.)
ljs tchardyatsramehamedakaphacchida // (36.2)
lja t-chardi-atsra-meha-medas-kapha-chid
lja mf. fried or parched grain (esp. rice grain) t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong
desire; thirst ` chardi f. expulsion (of the breath); sickness; vomiting atsra m.
dysentery; purging meha m. a ram; diabetes; excessive flow of urine medas n. a mystical
term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the
tridoas; watery froth or foam in general chid adj. annihilating; cutting off; cutting through.

7 (.)
ksapittopaaman dpan laghavo him / (37.1)
ksa-pitta-upaamana dpana laghu hima
ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
upaamana n. an anodyne; appeasing; calming dpana adj. digestive; inflaming;
kindling laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta.

7 ~ (.)
pthuk guravo baly kaphaviambhakria // (37.2)
pthuk guru balya kapha-viambha-krin
pthuk f. a girl; a species of plant ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy 7 balya adj. giving
strength; powerful; strengthening kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery
froth or foam in general ~ viambha m. a partic. disease of the fetus; checking; constipation
krin adj. acting; an actor; doing.

~ ^ (.)
dhn viambhin rk tarpa lekhan guru / (38.1)
dhn viambhin rka tarpaa lekhana guru
dhn f. bud; coriander; corn ~ viambhin adj. checking; chilling; making motionless
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) tarpaa adj. satisfying
lekhana adj. attenuating; exciting; lancing ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy.

7` (.)
saktavo laghava kuttramanetrmayavran // (38.2)
saktu laghu kut-t-rama-netrmaya-vraa
saktu m. coarsely ground meal; grit; groats (esp. of barley-meal) laghu adj. active;
beautiful; causing relief kut f. a sneeze t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire;
thirst rama m. drill; effort either bodily or mental; exercise ` netrmaya m. ophthalmia
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish.

V* N (.)
ghnanti satarpa pnt sadya eva balaprad / (39.1)
han satarpaa pna sadyas eva
han 1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to abandon; to avert satarpaa adj. invigorating
pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel N sadyas ind. daily; every day; in the very
moment eva ind. alone; already; even.

* (.)
nodakntaritn na dvir na niy na kevaln // (39.2)
na-udaka-antarita na dvis na ni na kevala
na ind. neither; no; nor udaka n. a particular metre; ablution (as a ceremony); the
ceremony of offering water to a dead person * antarita adj. concealed; departed;
disappeared na ind. neither; no; nor dvis ind. twice na ind. neither; no; nor ni f.
(Hahayoga:) \=\= kumbhaka; a vision; Curcuma (of 2 species) na ind. neither; no; nor
kevala adj. absolute; alone; entire.

M * N 7 (.)
na bhuktv na dvijai chittv saktn adyn na v bahn / (40.1)
na bhuj na dvija chid saktu ad na v bahu
na ind. neither; no; nor bhuj 1.P. to consume; to eat; to enjoy na ind. neither; no; nor
dvija m. a Brhman (re-born through investiture with the sacred thread); a bird or any
oviparous animal (appearing first as an egg); a man of any one of the first 3 classes chid 1.P.
to amputate; to chop; to cut off saktu m. coarsely ground meal; grit; groats (esp. of barley-
meal) ad 2.. to consume; to devour; to eat na ind. neither; no; nor v ind. either - or;
on the one side - on the other side; optionally V bahu adj. abundant; great in quantity; many.

" ~ [{ (.)
piyko glapano rko viambh didaa // (40.2)
piyka glapana rka viambhin di-daa
" piyka mn. Asa Foetida; incense; oil-cake glapana adj. making tired; wearying
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) ~ viambhin adj. checking; chilling;
making motionless [ di f. beholding; consideration; intelligence { daa adj. corrupting;
counteracting; killing.

` ^ N^ (.)
vesavro guru snigdho balopacayavardhana / (41.1)
vesavra guru snigdha bala-upacaya-vardhana
` vesavra m. a condiment (in general); a particular condiment or kind of seasoning ^
guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable bala mn.
Balarma; an army; expertness in upacaya m. accumulation; addition; elevation
vardhana adj. (mostly ifc.) animating; (often ifc.) causing to increase; exhilarating.

7 (.)
mudgdijs tu guravo yathdravyagunug // (41.2)
mudga-di-ja tu guru yathdravyagua-anuga
7 mudga m. a cover; a kind of seabird; covering di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from tu ind. and;
but; do ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy yathdravyagua adj. anuga adj. adapted
to; companion; followed by.

N 77 (.)
ekayon laghn vidyd appn uttarottaram // (42.2)
laghu vid appa uttarottara
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to know; to learn
appa mn. a kind of fine bread; cake of flour; honeycomb 77 uttarottara adj. always
following; always increasing; each following.

hariaiakuragarkagokaramgamtk / (43.1)
haria m. a deer; a goose; a minor division of the world ea mf. a species of deer or
antelope (described as being of a black colour with beautiful eyes and short legs) kuraga
m. a species of antelope; antelope or deer (in general); name of a mountain ka m. a bear (as
a ravenous beast); a species of ape; Bignonia Indica gokara mn. avagandh Physalis
flexuosa Roxb.; a cow's ear; a kind of plant- avagandh or pala mgamtk f. a kind
of red-coloured hare like deer.

~^MN W (.)
aaambaracrukaarabhdy mg smt // (43.2)
aa-ambara-cruka-arabha-di mga sm
aa m. a hare; a kind of meteor; a man of mild character and easily led (one of the four
classes into which men are divided by erotic writers) ~ ambara m. citraka; a fish or a kind of
fish; a kind of deer ^M cruka m. a kind of mga arabha m. a camel; a grasshopper; a
kind of deer or (in later times) a fabulous animal (supposed to have eight legs and to inhabit the
snowy mountains) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning mga m. a deer; a forest
animal or wild beast; a large soaring bird W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand
down memoriter.


lvavrtkavartraraktavartmakakukkubh / (44.1)
lva m. a kind of bird vrtka m. a kind of quail vartra m. a sort of quail or
partridge M raktavartmaka m. a kind of bird d

kukkubha m. oily gloss; the wild cock

(Phasianus gallus); varnish.

MW^ (.)
kapijalopacakrkhyacakorakurubhava // (44.2)


W` (.)
tmrackhyabakaragonardagirivartik // (45.2)


M* J" (.)
jvajvakadtyhabhghvaukasrik // (46.2)
M jvajvaka m. a kind of bird * dtyha m. a gallinule; Cuculus Melanoleucus; cloud
J bhghva m. a kind of bird; Eclipta Prostrata " uka m. Acacia Sirissa; a parrot; a poet
srika m. name of a Muni; the bird Turdus Salica.

lavkokilahrtakapotacaakdaya / (47.1)
lav f. vdya; a curl on the forehead; a game kokila m. a kind of mouse; a kind of
snake; a kind of sugar-cane hrta m. harta; name of a medical author; name of various
authors etc. (esp. of a lawyer often quoted) kapota mn. bird in general; cornice; dove
caaka m. a nickname of Vaiampyana's school; a sparrow; name of a poet di m. a firstling;
and so on; beginning.

NN (.)
pratud bhekagodhhivviddy bileay // (47.2)
pratuda bheka-godh-ahi-vvidh-di bileaya
pratuda m. eine bestimmte Klasse von Vgeln bheka m. a frog; a timid man; cloud
godh f. (term. techn. Hahayoga); a chord; a leathern fence wound round the left arm to prevent
injury from a bow-string ahi m. a name of Rhu; a snake; a traveller N vvidh m. a kind
of porcupine; a porcupine di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning bileaya m. an
animal that lives in holes; name of a teacher of the Hathavidy; nga lead (huhukantha
2000: 43).

NN (.)
gokharvatarorvadvpisiharkavnar / (48.1)


~* (.)
lopkajambukayenacavntdavyas / (49.1)
lopka m. a kind of jackal ~ jambuka m. a jackal; a kind of Bignonia; a low man
yena m. a hawk; a horse; a kind of array (in battle) ca m. sugar-cane; the blue jay *
vntda m. (prob.) a kind of bird; a dog vyasa m. (esp.) a large bird; Agallochum or fragrant
aloe; a bird.

V (.)
aaghnbhsakuraragdhrolkakuligak // (49.2)
V aaghn f. a kind of animal bhsa m. a bird of prey; a cow-shed; brightness (often ifc.)
kurara m. a species of eagle; an osprey; name of a mountain gdhra m. a vulture; name of
a i in the 14th Manvantara; name of a Rakas ulka m. an owl; name of a king of the
Ulkas; name of a Muni kuligaka m. a sparrow; name of a bird of prey.

dhmik madhuh ceti prasah mgapakia / (50.1)
dhmik madhuhan ca-iti prasaha mgapakin
dhmik f. a kind of prasaha (\= dhmya) madhuhan m. a kind of prasaha (
madhughtaka) ca ind. also; and; as well as iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original
signification iti refers to something that has been said or thought) prasaha m. a beast or bird
of prey; endurance; resistance mgapakin m. a bird of prey; beasts and birds.

~_ ^^ (.)
varhamahianyakurururohitavra // (50.2)
varha m. a boar; a bull; a particular measure mahia m. a buffalo (considered as the
emblem of Yama and of a Jaina saint); a great priest; a kind of fish ~_ nyaku m. a deer; a
particular part of a carriage; an antelope ^^ ruru m. a dog; a form of Bhairava; a kind of savage
animal rohita m. Andersonia Rohitaka; a kind of deer; a kind of fish vraa m. a kind
of ornament on an arch; an elephant; an elephant-hook.

V (.)
smara camara khago gavaya ca mahmg / (51.1)
smara camara khaga gavaya ca mahmga
V smara m. a kind of animal frequenting damp places; name of an Asura camara m. a
kind of ox called the Yak (Bos grunniens) khaga mn. a large sacrificial knife; a Pratyeka-
Buddha; a rhinoceros gavaya m. Bos gavaeus; name of a monkey-chief; the Gayal (a species
of ox) ca ind. also; and; as well as mahmga m. (esp.) any large wild animal; a large
animal; an elephant.


B (.)
balkotkroacakrhvamadgukraucdayo 'pcar / (52.1)
apcara m. an aquatic animal.

~ (.)
matsy rohitaphnakrmakumbhrakarka // (52.2)
matsya rohita-phna-krma-kumbhra-karkaa
matsya m. (in astron.) the figure of a figure; a fish; a king of the Matsyas rohita m.
Andersonia Rohitaka; a kind of deer; a kind of fish phna m. a species of Moringa with red
blossoms; Silurus Pelorius or Boalis (a kind of sheat-fish) krma m. name of the fourteenth
Adhyya of VarBS; one of the airs of the human body; the earth considered as a tortoise
swimming on the waters ~ kumbhra m. a crocodile of the Ganges (the long-nosed alligator);
name of a plant; name of a Yaka karkaa m. a kind of coitus; a kind of fever; a kind of

"]~ (.)
uktiakhodraambkaapharvarmicandrik / (53.1)
" ukti f. a bone; a curl or feather on a horse's neck or breast; a measure of weight ( 1/2 Pala
or 4 Karshas) ] akha mn. a particular high number (said to a hundred billions); a shell; the
conch-shell (used for making libations of water or as an ornament for the arms or for the temples
of an elephant) udra m. a kind of aquatic animal ~ ambka m. a bivalve shell; a kind of
animal; a snail aphar f. a fish or a kind of fish; Cyprinus pausius [ein kleiner, in Bengalen
sehr populrer Karpfen] (Surapla 1988: 209); ebony varmi m. a kind of fish (commonly
called vmi) candrik f. candrara; a kind of white-blossoming Kaakri; baldness.

" (.)
culknakramakaraiumratimigil // (53.2)


M ~ V` (.)
yoniv ajv vymiragocaratvd anicite // (54.2)
yoni aja-avi vymira-gocara-tva anicita
yoni mf. a mine; a particular part of a fire-pit; abode aja m. a goat; Brahm; Kma
avi m. a cover made of the skin of mice; a mountain; a protector vymira adj. accompanied
by; distracted; inattentive gocara adj. attainable for; being within the range of; having the
meaning of ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) V anicita adj. not certain;

N7 W W (.)
dynty jgalnp madhyau sdhraau smtau / (55.1)
dya-antya jgala-anpa madhya sdhraa sm
N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent 7 antya adj. belonging to the lowest caste;
immediately following; inferior jgala adj. arid; coming from wild deer; covered with
jungle anpa adj. situated near the water; watery W madhya adj. central; impartial;
intermediate sdhraa adj. behaving alike; belonging to all; general W sm 1.. to be
mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

T (.)
tatra baddhamal t laghavo jgal hit // (55.2)
tatra ta laghu jgala hita
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place ta adj. boiled; cold; dull laghu adj.
active; beautiful; causing relief jgala adj. arid; coming from wild deer; covered with
jungle hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial.

7 (.)
vtapittala // (99.2)


T (.)
kmiksakaphotkledn ksamardo jayet sara // (100.2)
kmi-ksa-kapha-utkleda ksamarda ji sara
T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general utkleda m.
the becoming wet or moist ksamarda mf. a remedy against cough (an acid preparation);
Cassia sophora Linn.; Senna sophora Roxb. ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to
exercise sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going.

~ ^ 7 (.)
rkoam amla kausumbha guru pittakara saram / (101.1)
rka-ua amla kausumbha guru pitta-kara sara
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) ua adj. acrid; active; hot
amla adj. acid; sour kausumbha n. anything dyed with safflower; safflower prepared as a
potherb; pupjana ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
kara adj. causing; helping; making sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going.

T T (.)
gura srapa baddhavimtra sarvadoakt // (101.2)
guru-ua srapa bandh-vi-mtra sarva-doa-kt
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy ua adj. acrid; active; hot srapa adj. made of or
derived from mustard ^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by
i.e. experience vi f. dirt; excrement; feces mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys;
urine sarva pron. all; completely; different doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection T kt adj.
accomplishing; acting; author.

yad blam avyaktarasa kicit kra satiktakam / (102.1)
yad bla avyaktarasa kacid kra
yad pron. what; which bla adj. childish; early (as the sun or its rays); foolish
avyaktarasa adj. V kacid pron. someone kra adj. acrid; biting; caustic.

tan mlaka doahara laghu soa niyacchati // (102.2)
tad mlaka doa-hara laghu soa niyam
tad pron. this mlaka mn. a radish; a sort of yam; Raphanus sativus Linn. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 591) doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection hara adj. bearing;
destroying; ravishing laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief soa adj. ein wenig
ua niyam 1.. to annihilate; to be wanting; to bestow.

7N` (.)
gulmaksakayavsavraanetragalmayn / (103.1)
7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the
abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen ksa m. cough; [medic.]
mit einem nvana behandeln kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction N vsa m. a sigh;
affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) vraa mn. a flaw; abscess;
blemish ` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer gala m. neck; the throat
maya m. disease; indigestion; sickness.

V (.)
svargnisdodvartapnas ca mahat puna // (103.2)
svara-agnisda-udvarta-pnasa ca mahant punar
svara m. a note of the musical scale (of which seven [rarely six or eight] are enumerated); a
symbolical expression for the number "seven"; a vowel V agnisda m. weakness of digestion
udvarta m. a class of diseases (marked by retention of the feces); a disease of the bowels;
iliac passion pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose) ca ind. also; and; as well as *
mahant adj. abounding on rich in (instr.); abundant; advanced (afternoon) punar ind. again
and again; back; besides.

T (.)
rase pke ca kaukam uavrya tridoakt / (104.1)
rasa pka ca kauka ua-vrya tridoa-kt
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre pka m.
a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences ca ind. also; and; as well as
kauka adj. bad; bitter; fierce ua adj. acrid; active; hot vrya n. consequence; dignity;
efficacy (of medicine) tridoa mn. the tridoa T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

W N^T ` (.)
gurv abhiyandi ca snigdhasiddha tad api vtajit // (104.2)
guru abhiyandin ca snigdha-sidh tad api
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy W abhiyandin adj. causing defluxions or serious
effusions; laxative; oozing ca ind. also; and; as well as N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate;
agreeable sidh 4.. to (esp.) be healed or cured; to arise; to attain beatitude tad pron. this
api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

H P "M (.)
vtalemahara uka sarvam ma tu doalam / (105.1)
vta-leman-hara uka sarva ma tu doala
vta m. air; flatulence; gout HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum hara adj. bearing;
destroying; ravishing "M uka adj. arid; dried; dried up sarva pron. all; completely; different
ma adj. fine; immature; name of the cow (considered as the raw material which produces
the prepared milk) tu ind. and; but; do doala adj. corrupt; defective; increasing the

" 7 (.)
kao vtakaphah pilu pittavardhana // (105.2)
kau-ua vta-kapha-han pilu pitta-vardhana
kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) ua adj. acrid; active; hot vta m. air;
flatulence; gout kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in
general han adj. killing " pilu m. a species of Cocculus; Dioscorea Globosa 7 pitta
n. bile; the bilious humour vardhana adj. (mostly ifc.) animating; (often ifc.) causing to
increase; exhilarating.

` (.)
kuheraigrusurasasumukhsuribhstam / (106.1)
` kuhera m. Cedrela toona Roxb. ex Rottl. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 544); fire; Ocimum
basilicum Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 543) igru n. any potherb or vegetable; the seed of
the above tree surasa m. Andropogon Schoenanthus Linn.; Cinnamomum tamala T. Nees et
Eberm. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 609); Cymbopogon citratus Stapf (?) (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974:
608) sumukha m. a kind of herb; a learned man or teacher; a particular gregarious bird
suri m. name of a teacher bhsta m. Andropogon schoenanthus Linn.; Cymbopogon
citratus Stapf (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 584); Cymbopogon flexuosus Stapf.

7~ (.)
phaijjrjakajambraprabhti grhi lanam // (106.2)
grhin lana
grhin adj. holding; ifc. seizing; laying hold of lana n. the resin of Vatica Robusta.

TN (.)
vidhi kau rkoa hdya dpanarocanam / (107.1)
vidhin kau rka-ua hdya dpana-rocana
vidhin adj. acrid; burning; pungent kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words)
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) ua adj. acrid; active; hot TN hdya
adj. being in the heart; beloved; charming dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling
rocana adj. bright; giving pleasure; lovely.

["TT W (.)
dkukrakmiht tka dootkleakara laghu // (107.2)
d-ukra-kmi-ht tka doa-utklea-kara laghu
[ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot; appearance; doctrine " ukra n. a
kind of prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac
T ht adj. (only ifc.) bringing; carrying; carrying away W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot doa
mn. a calf; accusation; affection utklea m. disorder or corruption of the humors (of the
body); disquietude; excitement kara adj. causing; helping; making laghu adj. active;
beautiful; causing relief.

WNN^^ (.)
hidhmksaviavsaprvarukptigandhah / (108.1)


7T (.)
rdrik tiktamadhur mtral na ca pittakt / (109.1)
rdrik tikta-madhura mtrala na ca pitta-kt
rdrik f. ginger in its undried state tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of
taste); fragrant; pungent madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous mtrala adj.
diuretic na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious
humour T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

" W (.)
launo bhatkoa kaupkarasa sara // (109.2)
launa bha-tka-ua kau-pka-rasa sara
" launa mn. garlic; one of the 10 kinds of onion bha adj. abundant; frequent; mighty
W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot ua adj. acrid; active; hot kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as
words) pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences rasa mn.
amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre sara adj. cathartic;
fluid; going.

TN ^ N^ (.)
hdya keyo gurur vya snigdho rocanadpana / (110.1)
hdya keya guru vya snigdha rocana-dpana
TN hdya adj. being in the heart; beloved; charming keya adj. being in the hair; suitable to
the hair ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy vya adj. productive of sexual vigour; stimulating
N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable rocana adj. bright; giving pleasure; lovely
dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling.

VT 7 7{ (.)
bhagnasadhnakd balyo raktapittapradaa // (110.2)
bhagna-sadhna-kt balya rakta-pitta-pradaa
V bhagna n. the fracture of a leg sadhna n. a joint; a kind of relish eaten to excite thirst;
alliance T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author 7 balya adj. giving strength; powerful;
strengthening rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood 7 pitta n. bile; the
bilious humour { pradaa adj. corrupting; defiling; impairing.

7 T (.)
kilsakuhagulmromehakmikaphniln / (111.1)
kilsa mn. a species of leprosy (resembling the so-called white leprosy in which the skin
becomes spotted without producing ulcers); a white leprous spot kuha mn. a sort of poison;
leprosy 7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the
abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen aras mn. hemorrhoids;
piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid meha m. a ram; diabetes; excessive flow of
urine T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery
froth or foam in general anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind;
name of a Ri and other persons.

WN * (.)
sahidhmpnasavsaksn hanti rasyanam // (111.2)
sahidhma-apnasa-vsa-ksa han rasyana
W sahidhma adj. apnasa m. cold; dryness of the nose; want of the pituitary secretion
and loss of smell N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five
kinds) ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln han 1.. (astron.) to come
in contact; to abandon; to avert rasyana adj. wie ein rasyana wirkend.

" 7

~ HP 7 (.)
palus tadguanyna lemalo ntipittala / (112.1)
palu tad-gua-nyna lemala na-ati-pittala
" palu mn. an onion tad pron. this gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or
constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook ~ nyna adj. base; defective; deficient HP
lemala adj. phlegmatic na ind. neither; no; nor ati ind. extremely; very 7 pittala adj.
bilious; secreting bile.

M ` ~T (.)
kaphavtras pathya svede 'bhyavahtau tath // (112.2)
kapha-vta-aras pathya sveda abhyavahti tath
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general vta m.
air; flatulence; gout aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid
M pathya adj. containing elements or leading forms; fit; normal sveda m. a sudorific; heat;
perspiration ("drops of perspiration") ~T abhyavahti f. Speiseaufnahme tath ind. in
like manner; in that manner; so.

W M 7 T (.)
tko gjanako grh pittin hitakn na sa / (113.1)
tka gjanaka grhin pittin hita-kt na tad
W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot M gjanaka m. a kind of onion or garlic grhin adj.
holding; ifc. seizing; laying hold of 7 pittin adj. hita n. advantage; anything useful or
salutary or suitable or proper; benefit T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author na ind.
neither; no; nor tad pron. this.

" ^ V (.)
dpana rao rucya kaphaghno viado laghu // (113.2)
dpana raa rucya kapha-ghna viada laghu
dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling " raa mn. Amorphophallus campanulatus
(Roxb.) Bl. ex Decne. (the Telinga potato); Arum campanulatum Roxb.; Bignonia Indica ^
rucya adj. beautiful; bright; giving an appetite kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the
tridoas; watery froth or foam in general V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing viada adj.
bright; calm; cheerful laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief.

M W ~ (.)
vied aras pathyo bhkandas tv atidoala / (114.1)
viet aras pathya bhkanda tu atidoala
viet ind. especially aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of
the eyelid M pathya adj. containing elements or leading forms; fit; normal W bhkanda m.
(Hind) zamnkand (Sharma, P.V. 0: 85); a particular medicinal plant tu ind. and; but; do
atidoala adj. .

7 W ^ (.)
pattre pupe phale nle kande ca gurut kramt // (114.2)
pattra pupa phala nla kanda ca guru-t kramt
7 pattra mn. a bird; a chariot; a knife pupa n. a flower; a kind of perfume; a particular
disease of the eye phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift nla mfn.
a hollow stalk; any tube or tubular vessel or vein etc. of the body; the hollow stalk of the lotus
W kanda mn. an affection of the female organ; bulb; bulbous or tuberous root ca ind. also;
and; as well as ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy t f. ifc. abstracta kramt ind.

* ~ (.)
var keu jvant srapa tv avara param / (115.1)
vara ka jvant srapa tu avara para
vara adj. best; better; better than ka mn. a potherb; any vegetable food; greens *
jvant f. a parasitical plant; Cocculus cordifolius; Mimosa Suma srapa n. mustard oil;
name of a poison tu ind. and; but; do avara adj. below; hinder; last para pron. ancient;
best; better or worse than.

7 V (.)
drk phalottam vy cakuy samtravi // (115.2)
drk phalottam vya cakuya sj-mtra-vi
drk f. grape; Vitis vinifera Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 564); vine 7 phalottam f.
a kind of grape without stones; a small sort of rope (?); the benefit arising from sacred study (?)
vya adj. productive of sexual vigour; stimulating cakuya adj. agreeable to the eyes;
beautiful; goodlooking V sj 1.P. to acquire; to be let loose or emitted or created. etc.; to beget
mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine vi f. dirt; excrement; feces.

N^ ^ (.)
svdupkaras snigdh sakay him guru / (116.1)
svdu-pka-rasa snigdha sa-kaya hima guru
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act
having consequences rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind
of metre N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable sa ind. (ibc.) with kaya adj.
astringent; dull red; fragrant hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta ^ guru adj. difficult; hard;

7 7~* (.)
nihanty anilapittsratiktsyatvamadtyayn // (116.2)
nihan anila-pittsra-tikta-sya-tva-madtyaya
nihan 2.. to afflict; to assail; to attach to anila m. air or wind; any affection referred
to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons 7 pittsra n. tikta adj. bitter
(one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent sya n. face; jaws; mouth ~ tva n.
(Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) madtyaya m. disorder resulting from intoxication (as
head-ache etc.).

N (.)
tksaramavsasvarabhedakatakayn / (117.1)
t f. Avidity as mother of Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.); desire ksa m. cough;
[medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln rama m. drill; effort either bodily or mental; exercise
N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) svara m. a
note of the musical scale (of which seven [rarely six or eight] are enumerated); a symbolical
expression for the number "seven"; a vowel bheda m. (in astron.) a particular crossing or
conjunction of the planets; a cleft; alteration kata n. a hurt; contusion; murder kaya m.
consumption; decay; destruction.

7 (.)
udriktapitt jayati trn don svdu dimam // (117.2)
udric-pitta ji tri doa svdu dima
udric 7.P. to abound in; to be prominent; to exceed 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to exercise tri nr. 3 MW doa mn. a calf;
accusation; affection svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty dima n. the fruit of the
pomegranate tree.

7 * (.)
pittvirodhi ntyuam amla vtakaphpaham / (118.1)
pitta-avirodhin na-ati-ua amla vta-kapha-apaha
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour avirodhin adj. not being obstructive to (gen. or in
comp.); not being out of harmony with na ind. neither; no; nor ati ind. extremely; very
ua adj. acrid; active; hot amla adj. acid; sour vta m. air; flatulence; gout kapha m.
phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general apaha adj.
destroying; keeping back; removing.

TN N^ (.)
sarva hdya laghu snigdha grhi rocanadpanam // (118.2)
sarva hdya laghu snigdha grhin rocana-dpana
sarva pron. all; completely; different TN hdya adj. being in the heart; beloved; charming
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable
grhin adj. holding; ifc. seizing; laying hold of rocana adj. bright; giving pleasure;
lovely dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling.

mocakharjrapanasanrikelaparakam / (119.1)
moca n. a plantain; banana (the fruit) kharjra n. khala; silver; the fruit of Phoenix
sylvestris panasa n. the bread-fruit nrikela mn. the cocoa-nut paraka n. the
fruit of the tree Grewia Asiatica.

mrtatlakmaryarjdanamadhkajam // (119.2)


vtmbhiukkoamuklakanikocakam // (120.2)
vtma m. the almond-tree abhiuka m. name of a plant akoa m. a walnut
(Pistacio nut?); the tree Aleurites Triloba; the tree Plu muklaka m. a species of plant
nikocaka m. Alangium Decapetalum.

^ ^ (.)
uruma priyla ca bhaa guru talam / (121.1)
uruma priyla ca bhaa guru tala
^ uruma m. Crataeva Religiosa priyla m. Buchanania Latifolia ca ind. also; and;
as well as bhaa adj. making big or fat or strong; nourishing ^ guru adj. difficult; hard;
heavy tala adj. calm; cold; cold i.e. free from passion.

7 (.)
dhakatakayahara raktapittaprasdanam // (121.2)
dha-kata-kaya-hara rakta-pitta-prasdana
dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) kata n. a hurt; contusion; murder
kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction hara adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing
rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
prasdana adj. calming; cheering; clearing.

N^ ~ "T (.)
svdupkarasa snigdha viambhi kaphaukrakt / (122.1)
svdu-pka-rasa snigdha viambhin kapha-ukra-kt
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act
having consequences rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind
of metre N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable ~ viambhin adj. checking;
chilling; making motionless kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or
foam in general " ukra n. a kind of prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid
T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

7 (.)
phala tu pittala tla sara kmaryaja himam // (122.2)
phala tu pittala tla sara kmarya-ja hima
phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift tu ind. and; but; do 7
pittala adj. bilious; secreting bile tla n. the nut of the fan-palm; the throne of Durg sara
adj. cathartic; fluid; going kmarya mfn. Gmelina arborea Roxb.; Gmelina asiatica Linn.
(G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 543); Myrica nagi Thunb. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 543) ja adj. born
or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from hima adj. cold; cool;
[medic.] ta.

T^V W (.)
aknmtravibandhaghna keya medhya rasyanam / (123.1)
akt-mtra-vibandha-ghna keya medhya rasyana
T akt n. dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement; feces mtra n. the fluid secreted by the
kidneys; urine ^ vibandha m. a circular bandage; a remedy for promoting obstruction;
constipation V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing keya adj. being in the hair; suitable to the
hair W medhya adj. medhm arhati; clean; fit for a sacrifice or oblation rasyana adj. wie
ein rasyana wirkend.

N 7 (.)
vtmdy uavrya tu kaphapittakara saram // (123.2)
vtma-di ua-vrya tu kapha-pitta-kara sara
vtma m. the almond-tree di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning ua adj. acrid;
active; hot vrya n. consequence; dignity; efficacy (of medicine) tu ind. and; but; do
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general 7 pitta n. bile;
the bilious humour kara adj. causing; helping; making sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going.

N^ (.)
para vtahara snigdham anua tu priylajam / (124.1)
para vta-hara snigdha anua tu priyla-ja
para pron. ancient; best; better or worse than vta m. air; flatulence; gout hara adj.
bearing; destroying; ravishing N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable anua
adj. apathetic; cold; lazy tu ind. and; but; do priyla m. Buchanania Latifolia ja adj.
born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

7 (.)
priylamajj madhuro vya pittnilpaha // (124.2)
priyla-majjan madhura vya pitta-anila-apaha
priyla m. Buchanania Latifolia majjan m. scurf; the marrow of bones madhura
adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous vya adj. productive of sexual vigour; stimulating 7
pitta n. bile; the bilious humour anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of
the wind; name of a Ri and other persons apaha adj. destroying; keeping back; removing.

` (.)
kolamajj guais tadvat tchardiksajic ca sa / (125.1)
kola-majjan gua tadvat t-chardi-ksa-jit ca tad
kola n. black pepper; Name mehrerer Zizyphus-Arten (Surapla 1988: 231); the fruit of the
jujube majjan m. scurf; the marrow of bones gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient
or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of yadvat);
thus t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst ` chardi f. expulsion (of the
breath); sickness; vomiting ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln jit adj.
acquiring; ifc. winning ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this.

7 ^ (.)
pakva sudurjara bilva doala ptimrutam // (125.2)
pakva sudurjara bilva doala pti-mruta
pakva adj. accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots)
sudurjara adj. schwer zu erhitzen (? . der se pacnevl hai) 7 bilva n. a kind of vegetable; a
particular weight- 1 Pala; a small pond doala adj. corrupt; defective; increasing the tridoa
pti adj. fetid; foul-smelling; ill-smelling (after a finite verb expressive of blame or censure)
^ mruta m. a chief of the Maruts; a son of the Maruts; air.


dpana kaphavtaghna bla grhy ubhaya ca tat / (126.1)
dpana kapha-vta-ghna bla grhin ubhaya ca tad
dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the
tridoas; watery froth or foam in general vta m. air; flatulence; gout V ghna adj. destroying;
killer; killing bla adj. childish; early (as the sun or its rays); foolish grhin adj.
holding; ifc. seizing; laying hold of ubhaya adj. both; in both manners; in both ways ca
ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this.

M "V (.)
kapittham ma kahaghna doala doaghti tu // (126.2)
kapittha ma kaha-ghna doala doa-ghtin tu
M kapittha n. fruit of Feronia Elephantum ma adj. fine; immature; name of the cow
(considered as the raw material which produces the prepared milk) " kaha m. Gefwand;
immediate proximity; name of a Maharshi V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing doala adj.
corrupt; defective; increasing the tridoa doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection ghtin
adj. destroying; destructive; killing tu ind. and; but; do.

W (.)
pakva hidhmvamathujit sarva grhi vipaham / (127.1)
pakva hidhm-vamathu-jit sarva grhin via-apaha
pakva adj. accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots) W
hidhm mf. a kind of disease; Schlick [als Name einer Krankheit!] vamathu m. a cough (?);
nausea; qualmishness jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning sarva pron. all; completely; different
grhin adj. holding; ifc. seizing; laying hold of via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical
name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison apaha adj. destroying; keeping back;

~ ^ ~ (.)
jmbava guru viambhi tala bhavtalam // (127.2)
jmbava guru viambhin tala bha-vtala
~ jmbava n. a Jamb fruit; gold; name of a town ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy ~
viambhin adj. checking; chilling; making motionless tala adj. calm; cold; cold i.e. free
from passion bha adj. abundant; frequent; mighty vtala adj. flatulent; stormy; windy.

T 7 (.)
sagrhi mtraaktor akahya kaphapittajit / (128.1)
sagrhin mtra-akt akahya kapha-pitta-jit
sagrhin adj. accumulating; astringent; collecting mtra n. the fluid secreted by the
kidneys; urine T akt n. dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement; feces akahya adj.
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general 7 pitta n. bile;
the bilious humour jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning.

7T TW 7T (.)
vtapittsrakd bla baddhsthi kaphapittakt // (128.2)
vta-pitta-asra-kt bla baddhsthi kapha-pitta-kt
vta m. air; flatulence; gout 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour asra n. a corner; a tear;
blood T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author bla adj. childish; early (as the sun or its
rays); foolish TW baddhsthi adj. kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery
froth or foam in general 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour T kt adj. accomplishing; acting;


"T (.)
gurv mra vtajit pakva svdv amla kaphaukrakt / (129.1)
guru mra vta-jit pakva svdu amla kapha-ukra-kt
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy mra n. a particular weight; the fruit of the mango tree
vta m. air; flatulence; gout jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning pakva adj. accomplished;
baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots) svdu adj. agreeable; chirming;
dainty amla adj. acid; sour kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth
or foam in general " ukra n. a kind of prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid
T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

HP (.)
vkmla grhi rkoa vtalemahara laghu // (129.2)
vkmla grhin rka-ua vta-leman-hara laghu
vkmla n. the fruit of the tamarind used as an acid seasoning grhin adj. holding;
ifc. seizing; laying hold of rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) ua
adj. acrid; active; hot vta m. air; flatulence; gout HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum
hara adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief.

P V 7 (.)
amy gura keaghna rka plu tu pittalam / (130.1)
am guru-ua kea-ghna rka plu tu pittala
am f. Acacia suma Kurz ex Brandis Mimosa Suma Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 602);
Acacia sundra DC. (Surapla 1988: 126); a legume ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy ua
adj. acrid; active; hot kea m. a kind of perfume; name of a Daitya; name of a mineral V ghna
adj. destroying; killer; killing rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech)
plu n. the fruit of the Pilu tree tu ind. and; but; do 7 pittala adj. bilious; secreting bile.

NT7 (.)
kaphavtahara bhedi plhrakmigulmanut // (130.2)
kapha-vta-hara bhedin plhan-aras-kmi-gulma-nud
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general vta m.
air; flatulence; gout hara adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing bhedin adj. beating or
knocking out; breaking; breaking N plhan m. disease of the spleen (said to be equally applied
to enlargement of the mesenteric glands etc.); the spleen (from which and from the liver the
Hinds suppose the blood to flow) aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease
of the eyelid T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac 7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or
any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the
spleen nud adj. driving away; impelling; removing.

* ` (.)
satikta svdu yat plu ntyua tat tridoajit / (131.1)
satikta svdu yad plu na-ati-ua tad tridoa-jit
satikta adj. ein wenig bitter svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty yad pron. what;
which plu n. the fruit of the Pilu tree na ind. neither; no; nor ati ind. extremely; very
ua adj. acrid; active; hot tad pron. this tridoa mn. the tridoa jit adj. acquiring;
ifc. winning.

~ N^ ` (.)
tvak tiktakauk snigdh mtulugasya vtajit // (131.2)
tvac tikta-kauka snigdha mtuluga vta-jit
~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag
tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent kauka adj. bad;
bitter; fierce N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable mtuluga mn. a citron;
Citrus decumana Murr. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 589) vta m. air; flatulence; gout jit adj.
acquiring; ifc. winning.

7 ^ (.)
bhaa madhura msa vtapittahara guru / (132.1)
bhaa madhura msa vta-pitta-hara guru
bhaa adj. making big or fat or strong; nourishing madhura adj. charming;
delightful; mellifluous msa n. flesh; meat vta m. air; flatulence; gout 7 pitta n.
bile; the bilious humour hara adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing ^ guru adj. difficult; hard;

W NW* (.)
laghu tatkesara ksavsahidhmmadtyayn // (132.2)
laghu tad-kesara ksa-vsa-hidhm-madtyaya
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief tad pron. this kesara mn. a fibre (as of a
Mango fruit); a kind of poison; Mesua ferrea Linn. ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem
nvana behandeln N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five
kinds) W hidhm mf. a kind of disease; Schlick [als Name einer Krankheit!] * madtyaya
m. disorder resulting from intoxication (as head-ache etc.).

HP^N (.)
syaonilalemavibandhacchardyarocakn / (133.1)
sya n. face; jaws; mouth oa m. desiccation; dryness; pulmonary consumption
anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other
persons HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum ^ vibandha m. a circular bandage; a remedy
for promoting obstruction; constipation ` chardi f. expulsion (of the breath); sickness;
vomiting arocaka m. disgust; indigestion; want or loss of appetite.

7 " WV~ (.)
gulmodarralni mandgnitva ca nayet // (133.2)
gulma-udara-aras-la mandgni-tva ca nay
7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the
abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen udara n. a cavity; abdomen;
any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.]
name of a disease of the eyelid " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for impaling
criminals WV mandgni m. auf kleiner Flamme (kochen, .); slowness of digestion ~ tva n.
(Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) ca ind. also; and; as well as nay 10.. to cause to be lost;
to destroy; to extinguish (a fire).

= ~_ (.)
bhalltakasya tvamsa bhaa svdu talam / (134.1)
bhalltaka tvac-msa bhaa svdu tala
= bhalltaka mfn. Semecarpus anacardium Linn. ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide
(used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag msa n. flesh; meat bhaa adj.
making big or fat or strong; nourishing svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty tala
adj. calm; cold; cold i.e. free from passion.

MV W (.)
tadasthyagnisama medhya kaphavtahara param // (134.2)
tad-asthi-agni-sama medhya kapha-vta-hara para
tad pron. this W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive
faculty sama pron. common; constant; easy W medhya adj. medhm arhati; clean; fit for a
sacrifice or oblation kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in
general vta m. air; flatulence; gout hara adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing para pron.
ancient; best; better or worse than.

^ (.)
svdv amla tam ua ca dvidh plevata guru / (135.1)
svdu amla ta ua ca dvidh guru
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty amla adj. acid; sour ta adj. boiled; cold;
dull ua adj. acrid; active; hot ca ind. also; and; as well as dvidh ind. divided; in 2
ways or parts; twofold ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy.

^ *V ^ ^ (.)
rucyam atyagniamana rucya madhuram rukam // (135.2)
rucya atyagni-amana rucya madhura ruka
^ rucya adj. beautiful; bright; giving an appetite *V atyagni m. morbidly rapid digestion; too
rapid digestion amana adj. allaying; calming; destroying ^ rucya adj. beautiful; bright;
giving an appetite madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous ^ ruka n. the fruit of
a medicinal plant growing on the Himlaya mountains.

" *^ (.)
pakvam u jar yti ntyuagurudoalam / (136.1)
pakva u jar y na-ati-ua-guru-doala
pakva adj. accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots) " u
adj. fast; going quickly; quick jar f. a kind of date-tree; decrepitude; digestion y 2.. to
flee; to go; to go to for any purpose (inf.) na ind. neither; no; nor ati ind. extremely; very
ua adj. acrid; active; hot ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy doala adj. corrupt;
defective; increasing the tridoa.

7 (.)
drkparaka crdram amla pittakaphapradam // (136.2)
drk-paraka ca-rdra amla pitta-kapha-prada
drk f. grape; Vitis vinifera Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 564); vine paraka n.
the fruit of the tree Grewia Asiatica ca ind. also; and; as well as rdra adj. damp; flaccid;
fresh amla adj. acid; sour 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour kapha m. phlegm; phlegm
as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general prada adj. bestowing; causing;

V (.)
guravrya vtaghna sara sakaramardakam / (137.1)
guru-ua-vrya vta-ghna sara sakaramardaka
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy ua adj. acrid; active; hot vrya n. consequence;
dignity; efficacy (of medicine) vta m. air; flatulence; gout V ghna adj. destroying; killer;
killing sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going sakaramardaka adj. along with karamardaka.

^^ (.)
tathmla kolakarkandhulikucmrtakrukam // (137.2)
tath-amla kola-karkandhu-likuca-mrtaka-ruka
tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so amla adj. acid; sour kola n. black
pepper; Name mehrerer Zizyphus-Arten (Surapla 1988: 231); the fruit of the jujube ^
karkandhu n. fruit of this tree; jujube berry likuca mn. lakuca; Artocarpus Lacucha
mrtaka mn. Buchanania latifolia Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 527); inspissated mango juice;
name of a mountain ^ ruka n. the fruit of a medicinal plant growing on the Himlaya

* " (.)
airvata dantaaha satda mgaliikam / (138.1)
dantaaha satda
* dantaaha adj. acid satda adj. together with tda.

7 "M (.)
ntipittakara pakva uka ca karamardakam // (138.2)
na-ati-pitta-kara pakva uka ca karamardaka
na ind. neither; no; nor ati ind. extremely; very 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
kara adj. causing; helping; making pakva adj. accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks
or earthenware pots) " M uka adj. arid; dried; dried up ca ind. also; and; as well as
karamardaka n. fruit of Carissa Carandas.

"M (.)
dpana bhedana ukam amlkkolayo phalam / (139.1)
dpana bhedana uka amlk-kola phala
dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling bhedana adj. breaking; cathartic; causing
pain in the joints or limbs "M uka adj. arid; dried; dried up amlk mf. acidity of
stomach; Tamarindus indica Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 526); wood sorrel kola n. black
pepper; Name mehrerer Zizyphus-Arten (Surapla 1988: 231); the fruit of the jujube phala
n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift.

tramaklamacchedi laghv ia kaphavtayo // (139.2)
t-rama-klama-chedin laghu i kapha-vta
t f. Avidity as mother of Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.); desire rama m. drill; effort
either bodily or mental; exercise klama m. exhaustion; fatigue; languor chedin adj. ifc.
cutting off; removing; tearing asunder laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief i 1.P. to
assent; to choose; to concede kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth
or foam in general vta m. air; flatulence; gout.

T (.)
phalnm avara tatra likuca sarvadoakt / (140.1)
phala avara tatra likuca sarva-doa-kt
phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift avara adj. below; hinder;
last tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place likuca mn. lakuca; Artocarpus Lacucha
sarva pron. all; completely; different doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection T kt adj.
accomplishing; acting; author.

{ (.)
himnaloadurvtavylalldiditam // (140.2)
hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta anala m. (in astron.) the fiftieth year of; bile;
digestive power ua adj. acrid; active; hot durvta m. a fart; name of a plant vyla
m. a beast of prey; a hunting leopard; a kind of metre ll f. a species of myrobolan; saliva;
slobber di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning { day 10.. (astrol.) to cause evil or
misfortune; to accuse; to adulterate.

* V (.)
jantujua jale magnam abhmijam anrtavam / (141.1)
jantu-ju jala majj abhmija anrtava
* jantu m. a child; a creature; a kinsman ju 6.. to approve of; to be fond of delight in (acc.
or gen.); to be pleased or satisfied or favourable jala n. a cow's embryo; a kind of
Andropogon; any fluid majj 1.. to drown; to sink down abhmija adj. produced in
unfit or unsuitable ground anrtava adj. unseasonable.

~~ (.)
anyadhnyayuta hnavrya jratayti ca // (141.2)
anya-dhnya-yuta h-vrya jra-t-ati ca
~ anya pron. anderer ~ dhnya n. a kind of house; a measure 4 sesamum seeds; Cyperus
Rotundus yuta adj. (with instr.) occupied in; accompanied by; added h 1.P. to abandon;
to be deficient or wanting; to be excluded from or bereft of vrya n. consequence; dignity;
efficacy (of medicine) jra adj. ancient (tradition); decayed; digested t f. ifc. abstracta
ati ind. extremely; very ca ind. also; and; as well as.

~ * T

M ~
dhnya tyajet tath ka rkasiddham asajtarasa tadvac chuka cnyatra mlakt
// (142.2)
dhnya tyaj-tadvat uka-tath ca-ka-anyatra mlaka-rka-sidh
~ dhnya n. a kind of house; a measure 4 sesamum seeds; Cyperus Rotundus * tyaj 1.. to
abandon; to avoid; to discharge tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of yadvat); thus "M
uka adj. arid; dried; dried up tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so ca ind. also;
and; as well as ka mn. a potherb; any vegetable food; greens ~ anyatra ind. at another
time than; elsewhere; except mlaka mn. a radish; a sort of yam; Raphanus sativus Linn.
(G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 591) rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech)
sidh 4.. to (esp.) be healed or cured; to arise; to attain beatitude.

7 (.)
pryea phalam apy eva tathma bilvavarjitam / (143.1)
prya phala api evam tath-ma bilva-varjay
prya m. a stage of life; age; anything prominent phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife);
a gaming board; a gift api ind. also; assuredly; besides evam ind. in such a manner; in
this way; such tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so ma mn. constipation;
dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy excretions 7 bilva m. Aegle marmelos Correa; the
wood-apple tree (commonly called Bel); [rel.] a form of iva varjay 10.. to avoid.

W W V (.)
viyandi lavaa sarva skma samala vidu // (143.2)
viyandin lavaa sarva skma sj-mala vid
W viyandin adj. liquid lavaa adj. beautiful; briny; graceful sarva pron. all;
completely; different W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant V sj 1.P. to acquire; to be let
loose or emitted or created. etc.; to beget mala mn. dirt; dust; filth vid 1.P. to be conscious
of; to know; to learn.

V W 7T (.)
vtaghna pki tkoa rocana kaphapittakt / (144.1)
vta-ghna pkin tka-ua rocana kapha-pitta-kt
vta m. air; flatulence; gout V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing pkin adj. becoming
mature; being digested; promoting digestion W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot ua adj. acrid;
active; hot rocana adj. bright; giving pleasure; lovely kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one
of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour T kt adj.
accomplishing; acting; author.

^ TN (.)
saindhava tatra sasvdu vya hdya tridoanut // (144.2)
saindhava tatra sasvdu vya hdya tridoa-nud
^ saindhava mn. a kind of rock-salt (found in Sindh); any salt tatra ind. in that; in that
case; in that place sasvdu adj. ein wenig svdu vya adj. productive of sexual vigour;
stimulating TN hdya adj. being in the heart; beloved; charming tridoa mn. the tridoa
nud adj. driving away; impelling; removing.

[ M Q

V (.)
laghv anua da pathyam avidhy agnidpanam / (145.1)
laghu anua d pathya avidhin agni-dpana
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief anua adj. apathetic; cold; lazy [ d f.
(astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot; appearance; doctrine M pathya adj.
containing elements or leading forms; fit; normal avidhin adj. not producing heartburn
(on account of being imperfectly digested) V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty
dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling.

TN W 7 (.)
laghu sauvarcala hdya sugandhy udgraodhanam // (145.2)
laghu sauvarcala hdya sugandhi udgra-odhana
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief sauvarcala mn. alkali; natron; sochal salt
(prepared by boiling down soda with emblic myrobolan) TN hdya adj. being in the heart;
beloved; charming ^ sugandhi adj. fragrant; pious; sweet-smelling 7 udgra m. a loud
sound; belching; Erbrochenes odhana adj. cleaning; cleansing; purgative.

^V ^ (.)
kaupka vibandhaghna dpanya rucipradam / (146.1)
kau-pka vibandha-ghna dpanya ruci-prada
kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act
having consequences ^ vibandha m. a circular bandage; a remedy for promoting obstruction;
constipation V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing dpanya adj. promoting digestion;
relating to tonic medicines; to be kindled or lighted or excited or stimulated ^ ruci f. appetite;
beauty; colour prada adj. bestowing; causing; effecting.

rdhvdhakaphavtnulomana dpana viam // (146.2)
rdhva-adhas-kapha-vta-anulomana dpana via
rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect adhas ind. below; beneath; down kapha m.
phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general vta m. air;
flatulence; gout anulomana adj. regulating dpana adj. digestive; inflaming;
kindling via mn. a collection of certain objects required in the calcination of mercury; a kind
of iron/steel; a kind of salt.

^~" (.)
vibandhnhaviambhalagauravananam / (147.1)
^ vibandha m. a circular bandage; a remedy for promoting obstruction; constipation
nha m. constipation; epistasis; length ~ viambha m. a partic. disease of the fetus; checking;
constipation " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for impaling criminals
gaurava n. cumbrousness; difficulty; gravity nana adj. destroying.

^ HP (.)
vipke svdu smudra guru lemavivardhanam // (147.2)
vipka svdu smudra guru leman-vivardhana
vipka m. any change of form or state; bad digestion; calamity svdu adj. agreeable;
chirming; dainty smudra n. a cuttle-fish bone; name of two Smans; sea-salt ^ guru adj.
difficult; hard; heavy HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum vivardhana adj. augmenting;
increasing; promoting.

W T (.)
satiktakaukakra tkam utkledi caudbhidam / (148.1)
satikta-kauka-kra tka utkledin ca-audbhida
satikta adj. ein wenig bitter kauka adj. bad; bitter; fierce kra adj. acrid; biting;
caustic W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot utkledin adj. wet; wetting ca ind. also; and; as
well as T audbhida n. fossil salt; water breaking through (the earth and collecting in a mine);

T ^ (.)
ke sauvarcalagu lavae gandhavarjit // (148.2)
ka sauvarcala-gua lavaa gandha-varjay
T ka n. a kind of demon or spirit of darkness; antimony; black Agallochum
sauvarcala mn. alkali; natron; sochal salt (prepared by boiling down soda with emblic myrobolan)
gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook
lavaa n. a kind of prameha; a particular mode of fighting; beauty ^ gandha mn. a fragrant
substance; a neighbour; a sectarial mark on the forehead (called so in the south of India)
varjay 10.. to avoid.

M HP ^ (.)
romaka laghu psttha sakra lemala guru / (149.1)
romaka laghu psu-uttha sakra lemala guru
romaka n. a kind of magnet; a kind of saline earth and the salt extracted from it; a kind of
knta laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief psu m. (prob.) the menses; a kind of
camphor; a species of plant M uttha adj. (generally ifc.) standing up; arising; coming forth
sakra adj. acrid; caustic; pungent HP lemala adj. phlegmatic ^ guru adj. difficult;
hard; heavy.

` ^ (.)
lavan prayoge tu saindhavdi prayojayet // (149.2)
lavaa prayoga tu saindhava-di prayojay
lavaa n. a kind of prameha; a particular mode of fighting; beauty prayoga m. a
design; addition (of a word); application tu ind. and; but; do ^ saindhava mn. a kind of
rock-salt (found in Sindh); any salt di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning prayojay
10.P. to aim at; to appoint to; to be applicable.

7T"N (.)
gulmahdgrahapuplhnhagalmayn / (150.1)
7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the
abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen T hd n. breast; chest; interior
graha f. an imaginary organ supposed to lie between the stomach and the intestines (the
small intestines or that part of the alimentary canal where the bile assists digestion and from
which vital warmth is said to be diffused) " pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a
Ngarja N plhan m. disease of the spleen (said to be equally applied to enlargement of the
mesenteric glands etc.); the spleen (from which and from the liver the Hinds suppose the blood
to flow) nha m. constipation; epistasis; length gala m. neck; the throat maya m.
disease; indigestion; sickness.

N " (.)
vsrakaphaks ca amayed yavakaja // (150.2)
vsa-aras-kapha-ksa ca amay yavakaja
N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) aras
mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as
one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem
nvana behandeln ca ind. also; and; as well as amay 10.. to calm; to make quiet; to
pacify " yavakaja m. [medic.] yavakra.

W T (.)
kra sarva ca parama tkoa kmijil laghu / (151.1)
kra sarva ca parama tka-ua kmi-jit laghu
kra adj. acrid; biting; caustic sarva pron. all; completely; different ca ind. also; and;
as well as parama adj. (with abl.) superior or inferior to; best; better or worse than W
tka adj. acid; fiery; hot ua adj. acrid; active; hot T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac jit
adj. acquiring; ifc. winning laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief.

7V{ N TN (.)
pittsgdaa pk chedy ahdyo vidraa // (151.2)
pitta-asj-daa pkin chedin ahdya vidraa
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour V asj n. blood; saffron { daa n. adverse argument;
detracting; dishonouring pkin adj. becoming mature; being digested; promoting digestion
chedin adj. ifc. cutting off; removing; tearing asunder TN ahdya adj. not being to one's
taste (as food); not pleasing vidraa adj. breaking; cleaving; lacerating.

M "

apathya kaulvayc chukraujakeacakum / (152.1)
apathya kau-lvaya ukra-ojas-kea-cakus
M apathya adj. inconsistent; unfit; unsuitable kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words)
" lvaya n. beauty; charm; loveliness " ukra n. a kind of prameha; a morbid affection of
the iris; any clear liquid ojas n. ability; appearance; bodily strength kea m. a kind of
perfume; name of a Daitya; name of a mineral cakus n. a look; aspect; faculty of seeing.

" V 7 (.)
higu vtakaphnhalaghna pittakopanam // (152.2)
higu vta-kapha-nha-la-ghna pitta-kopana
higu n. Asa foetida; a fluid or resinous substance prepared from the roots of the Asa
Foitida (used as a medicine or for seasoning) vta m. air; flatulence; gout kapha m.
phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general nha m.
constipation; epistasis; length " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for impaling
criminals V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour kopana
adj. angry; causing morbid irritation or disorder of the humors; inclined to passion.

^ (.)
kaupkarasa rucya dpana pcana laghu / (153.1)
kau-pka-rasa rucya dpana pcana laghu
kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act
having consequences rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind
of metre ^ rucya adj. beautiful; bright; giving an appetite dpana adj. digestive; inflaming;
kindling pcana adj. causing to cook or boil; digestive; softening laghu adj. active;
beautiful; causing relief.

kay madhur pke rk vilava laghu // (153.2)
kaya madhura pka rka laghu
kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant madhura adj. charming; delightful;
mellifluous pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences rka
adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief.

W W (.)
dpan pcan medhy vayasa sthpan param / (154.1)
dpana pcana medhya vayas sthpana para
dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling pcana adj. causing to cook or boil;
digestive; softening W medhya adj. medhm arhati; clean; fit for a sacrifice or oblation
vayas n. age; any period of life; degree W sthpana adj. causing to stand; determining; fixing
para pron. ancient; best; better or worse than.

T (.)
uavry saryuy buddhndriyabalaprad // (154.2)
ua-vrya sara-yuya buddhndriya-bala-prada
ua adj. acrid; active; hot vrya n. consequence; dignity; efficacy (of medicine) sara
adj. cathartic; fluid; going yuya adj. for the sake of life; giving long life; preservative of life
T buddhndriya n. an organ of sense or perception bala mn. Balarma; an army;
expertness in prada adj. bestowing; causing; effecting.

" (.)
kuhavaivaryavaisvaryapuraviamajvarn / (155.1)
kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy " vaivarya n. change of colour; diversity;
heterogeneousness vaisvarya n. different accentuation; loss of voice or language
pura adj. ancient; old; traditional viama adj. bad; coarse; dangerous 7 jvara m.
affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to
be affected by it); fever of the soul.

"T (.)
iro'kipuhdrogakmalgrahagadn // (155.2)
iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) aki n. the eye " pu m. a species of shrub;
jaundice; name of a Ngarja T hd n. breast; chest; interior roga mn. a diseased spot;
Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease kmal mfn. excessive secretion or obstruction of
bile; [medic.] a kind of puroga graha f. an imaginary organ supposed to lie between
the stomach and the intestines (the small intestines or that part of the alimentary canal where
the bile assists digestion and from which vital warmth is said to be diffused) gada m. a
sentence; Costus speciosus Sm.; disease.

T (.)
saoaophtsramedamohavamikmn / (156.1)
saoa adj. opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0:
101) atsra m. dysentery; purging meda m. a particular mixed caste (the son of a
Vaideha and a Krvara or a Nishda female); a species of plant; fat moha m. (with
Buddhists) ignorance (one of the three roots of vice); a magical art employed to bewilder an
enemy; a swoon vami f. an emetic; nausea; qualmishness T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac.

NN (.)
vsaksaprasekraplhnhagarodaram // (156.2)


` (.)
hartak jayed vydhs ts t ca kaphavtajn // (157.2)
hartak ji vydhi tad tad ca kapha-vta-ja
hartak f. Terminalia Chebula Retz.; Terminalia citrina Roxb. ex Flem. (G.J. Meulenbeld
1974: 611); the yellow Myrobalan tree ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to exercise
vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus tad pron. this tad pron. this ca ind. also; and; as well as kapha m. phlegm;
phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general vta m. air; flatulence; gout
ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

7 (.)
tadvad malaka tam amla pittakaphpaham / (158.1)
tadvat malaka ta amla pitta-kapha-apaha
tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of yadvat); thus malaka n. the fruit of the Emblic
Myrobalan ta adj. boiled; cold; dull amla adj. acid; sour 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious
humour kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general
apaha adj. destroying; keeping back; removing.


kau pke hima keyam akam ac ca tadguam // (158.2)
kau pka hima keya aka at ca tad-gua
kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act
having consequences hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta keya adj. being in the hair;
suitable to the hair aka n. blue vitriol (from its cube-like crystals); sochal salt; sauvarcala
at ind. a little; little; slightly ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this gua mn. (in
khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook.

W (.)
iya rasyanavar triphalkymaypah / (159.1)
idam rasyana-vara triphal-aki-maya-apaha
idam pron. this rasyana n. rasyanakhaa- the fourth part of the Rasaratnkara; a
medicine supposed to prevent old age and prolong life; an elixir vara adj. best; better; better
than triphal mf. the 3 fragrant fruits; the 3 Myrobalans; the 3 sweet fruits aki n. the
eye maya m. disease; indigestion; sickness apaha adj. destroying; keeping back;

~ (.)
ropa tvag gadakledamedomehakaphsrajit // (159.2)
ropaa tvac gada-kleda-medas-meha-kapha-asra-jit
ropaa adj. causing to grow; causing to grow over or cicatrize; healing ~ tvac f. a cover
(of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag gada m. a sentence;
Costus speciosus Sm.; disease kleda m. dampness; discharge (from a sore); moisture
medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness meha m. a ram;
diabetes; excessive flow of urine kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery
froth or foam in general asra n. a corner; a tear; blood jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning.

~7 (.)
sakesara caturjta tvakpattraila trijtakam / (160.1)
sakesara caturjta tvac-pattra-el tri-jtaka
sakesara adj. caturjta n. ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in
pressing out the Soma); a leather bag 7 pattra mn. a bird; a chariot; a knife el mf.
Amomum amarum F.P. Smith (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 532); Amomum aromaticum Roxb. (as a
substitute?) (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 532); Amomum kepulaga Sprague et Burkill (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 532) tri nr. 3 MW jtaka n. an aggregate of similar things; astrological
calculation of a nativity; nativity.

7 W (.)
pittaprakopi tkoa rka rocanadpanam // (160.2)
pitta-prakopin tka-ua rka rocana-dpana
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour prakopin adj. irritated; irritating; stimulating W
tka adj. acid; fiery; hot ua adj. acrid; active; hot rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as
a person or speech) rocana adj. bright; giving pleasure; lovely dpana adj. digestive;
inflaming; kindling.

V (.)
rase pke ca kauka kaphaghna marica laghu / (161.1)
rasa pka ca kauka kapha-ghna marica laghu
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre pka m.
a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences ca ind. also; and; as well as
kauka adj. bad; bitter; fierce kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or
foam in general V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing marica n. a particular fragrant
substance; black pepper; Capsicum frutescens Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 588) laghu adj.
active; beautiful; causing relief.

HP N^ (.)
lemal svdutrdr gurv snigdh ca pippal // (161.2)
lemala svdu-ta-rdra guru snigdha ca pippal
HP lemala adj. phlegmatic svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty ta adj. boiled;
cold; dull rdra adj. damp; flaccid; fresh ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy N^ snigdha adj.
adhesive; affectionate; agreeable ca ind. also; and; as well as pippal f. a berry; name of
a river flowing into the Narmad; Piper longum Linn. (both plant and berry).

"M N^ (.)
s uk vipartta snigdh vy rase kau / (162.1)
tad uka viparta-atas snigdha vya rasa kau
tad pron. this "M uka adj. arid; dried; dried up viparta adj. acting in a contrary
manner; adverse; being the reverse of anything atas ind. from that time; from this; from this
or that cause or reason N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable vya adj.
productive of sexual vigour; stimulating rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice
of the body; a kind of metre kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words).

HPN (.)
svdupknilalemavsakspah sar // (162.2)
svdu-pka-anila-leman-vsa-ksa-apaha sara
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act
having consequences anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind;
name of a Ri and other persons HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum N vsa m. a sigh;
affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit
einem nvana behandeln apaha adj. destroying; keeping back; removing sara adj.
cathartic; fluid; going.

* M (.)
na tm aty upayujta rasyanavidhi vin / (163.1)
na tad ati upayuj rasyana-vidhi vin
na ind. neither; no; nor tad pron. this ati ind. extremely; very upayuj 7.. to
apply; to appropriate; to attach one's self to rasyana n. rasyanakhaa- the fourth part of
the Rasaratnkara; a medicine supposed to prevent old age and prolong life; an elixir vidhi
m. a grammatical rule or precept; a means; a physician vin ind. except; short or exclusive of;

TN ^ (.)
ngara dpana vya grhi hdya vibandhanut // (163.2)
ngara dpana vya grhin hdya vibandha-nud
ngara n. a kind of coitus; a particular written character; a rectangular building
dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling vya adj. productive of sexual vigour; stimulating
grhin adj. holding; ifc. seizing; laying hold of TN hdya adj. being in the heart; beloved;
charming ^ vibandha m. a circular bandage; a remedy for promoting obstruction;
constipation nud adj. driving away; impelling; removing.

^ N^ ` (.)
rucya laghu svdupka snigdhoa kaphavtajit / (164.1)
rucya laghu svdu-pka snigdha-ua kapha-vta-jit
^ rucya adj. beautiful; bright; giving an appetite laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act
having consequences N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable ua adj. acrid;
active; hot kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general
vta m. air; flatulence; gout jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning.

tadvad rdrakam etac ca traya trikauka jayet // (164.2)
tadvat rdraka etad ca traya trikauka ji
tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of yadvat); thus rdraka n. ginger in its undried
state; Zingiber officinale Rosc. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 527) etad pron. this ca ind. also;
and; as well as traya n. a triad (chiefly ifc.); [medic.] sanipta trikauka n. ji 2.P.
to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to exercise.

W7VNH (.)
sthaulygnisadanavsaksalpadapnasn / (165.1)
W7 sthaulya n. bigness; denseness (opp. to saukmya); density of intellect V agni m. bile;
Citrus Acida; digestive faculty sadana n. a seat; coming to rest; dwelling N vsa m. a sigh;
affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit
einem nvana behandeln H lpada n. elephantiasis; morbid enlargement of the leg; swelled
leg pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose).

7* (.)
cavikpippalmla mariclpntara guai // (165.2)
cavik-pippal-mla marica-alpa-antara gua
cavik f. Piper Chaba pippal f. a berry; name of a river flowing into the Narmad;
Piper longum Linn. (both plant and berry) mla mn. a chief or principal city; a corpse; a
king's original or proper territory marica n. a particular fragrant substance; black pepper;
Capsicum frutescens Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 588) 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small *
antara adj. being in the interior; different from; distant gua mn. (in khya phil.) an
ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook.

V T (.)
citrako 'gnisama pke ophrakmikuhah / (166.1)
citraka agni-sama pka opha-aras-kmi-kuha-han
citraka mn. Amorphophallus campanulatus Blum ex Decne (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 553); a
kind of coin or weight; a kind of snake V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty sama
pron. common; constant; easy pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having
consequences opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101)
aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid T kmi m. an ant;
insect; lac kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy han adj. killing.

B W (.)
pacakolakam etac ca maricena vin smtam // (166.2)
pacakolaka etad ca marica vin sm
B pacakolaka n. the 5 spices etad pron. this ca ind. also; and; as well as
marica n. a particular fragrant substance; black pepper; Capsicum frutescens Linn. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 588) vin ind. except; short or exclusive of; without W sm 1.. to be
mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

7N"V (.)
gulmaplhodarnhalaghna dpana param / (167.1)
gulma-plhan-udara-nha-la-ghna dpana para
7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the
abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen N plhan m. disease of the
spleen (said to be equally applied to enlargement of the mesenteric glands etc.); the spleen
(from which and from the liver the Hinds suppose the blood to flow) udara n. a cavity;
abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) nha m. constipation;
epistasis; length " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for impaling criminals V
ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling para pron.
ancient; best; better or worse than.

7" (.)
bilvakmaryatarkrpaluukair mahat // (167.2)
bilva-kmarya-tarkr-pal-uuka mahant
7 bilva m. Aegle marmelos Correa; the wood-apple tree (commonly called Bel); [rel.] a form
of iva kmarya mfn. Gmelina arborea Roxb.; Gmelina asiatica Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld
(1974), 543); Myrica nagi Thunb. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 543) tarkr f. a kind of gourd;
Premna spinosa; Sesbania aegyptiaca pal f. kaabh and mukaka; Bignonia Suaveolens;
name of a city " uuka m. a kind of acacia; Calosanthes indica; the bird Sylvia sutoria *
mahant adj. abounding on rich in (instr.); abundant; advanced (afternoon).

B (.)
jayet kayatiktoa pacamla kaphnilau / (168.1)
ji kaya-tikta-ua pacamla kapha-anila
ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to exercise kaya adj. astringent; dull red;
fragrant tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent ua adj.
acrid; active; hot B pacamla fn. a class or group of 5 roots or plants with tuberous roots
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general anila m.
air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons.

*" W (.)
hrasva bhatyaumatdvayagokurakai smtam // (168.2)
hrasva bhat-aumat-dvaya-gokuraka sm
hrasva n. a kind of vegetable; a particular short measure; green or black sulphate of iron
bhat f. (du.) heaven and earth; (pl.) name of particular bricks forming part of the sacrificial
fire-altar; a mantle " aumat f. Hedysarum Gangeticum; name of a river (YamunA?)
dvaya n. both; double; falsehood gokuraka mn. a cow's hoof; Barleria longifolia Linn.F.
(G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 551); Hygrophila spinosa T. Anders (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 551) W
sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

` (.)
svdupkarasa ntitoa sarvadoajit / (169.1)
svdu-pka-rasa na-atita-ua sarva-doa-jit
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act
having consequences rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind
of metre na ind. neither; no; nor atita adj. sehr ta ua adj. acrid; active; hot
sarva pron. all; completely; different doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection jit adj.
acquiring; ifc. winning.

"" (.)
balpunarnavairaarpapardvayena tu // (169.2)
bal-punarnav-eraa-rpapar-dvaya tu
bal f. name of a daughter of Daka; name of a daughter of Raudrva; name of a female
divinity who executes the orders of the 17th Arhat of the present Avasarpi punarnav mf.
Boerhaavia diffusa; Boerhavia Procumbens; hog-weed " eraa m. Palma Christi; Ricinus
communis Linn.; the castor-oil plant " rpapar f. a sort of bean; Phaseolus Trilobus
dvaya n. both; double; falsehood tu ind. and; but; do.

W V 7 (.)
madhyama kaphavtaghna ntipittakara saram / (170.1)
madhyama kapha-vta-ghna na-ati-pitta-kara sara
W madhyama adj. (in astron.) mean; being or placed in the middle; central kapha m.
phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general vta m. air;
flatulence; gout V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing na ind. neither; no; nor ati ind.
extremely; very 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour kara adj. causing; helping; making
sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going.

^* W (.)
abhruvrjvantjvakarabhakai smtam // (170.2)
abhru-vr-jvant-jvaka-abhaka sm
^ abhru f. the plant Asparagus Racemosus vr f. vravall; a particular ruti; a wife
* jvant f. a parasitical plant; Cocculus cordifolius; Mimosa Suma jvaka m. a beggar; a
living being; a servant abhaka m. a bull; a kind of medicinal plant; name of a king W
sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

W 7 (.)
jvankhya tu cakuya vya pittnilpaham / (171.1)
jvana-khy tu cakuya vya pitta-anila-apaha
jvana m. a horse; a living being; a son W khy f. appearance; appellation; aspect tu
ind. and; but; do cakuya adj. agreeable to the eyes; beautiful; goodlooking vya adj.
productive of sexual vigour; stimulating 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour anila m. air or
wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons apaha
adj. destroying; keeping back; removing.

W 7 (.)
tkhya pittajid darbhakekuaralibhi // (171.2)
ta-khy pitta-jit darbha-ka-iku-ara-li
ta n. any gramineous plant; blade of grass; grass W khy f. appearance; appellation;
aspect 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning darbha m. a tuft
or bunch of grass (esp. of Kua grass); Cynodon dactylon (Linn.) Pers. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974:
561); Imperata arundinacea ka m. appearance; name of a man; name of a prince (the son
of Suhotra and father of Ksirja) iku m. eyelash; name of a king; name of a river ara m.
(in astron.) the versed sine of an arc; a particular configuration of stars; a sort of reed or grass
li m. any grain of a similar character to rice; grains of rice; name of a Yaka (who was
transformed into a lion).

"~ (.)
kaimbjapakvnnamsakaphalauadhai / (172.1)
"~ kaimb f. Mucuna Pruritus ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc.
born or descended from pakva adj. accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or
earthenware pots) anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice msa n. flesh; meat
ka mn. a potherb; any vegetable food; greens phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a
gaming board; a gift auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively.

` * (.)
vargitair annaleo 'yam ukto nityopayogika // (172.2)
anna-lea idam vac nitya-upayogika
anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice lea m. a figure of speech in which what
is usually considered as an advantage is represented as a disadvantage and vice versa; a kind of
song; a particular division or short space of time ( 2 or 12 Kals) idam pron. this vac 2.P.
to declare; to proclaim; to recite * nitya adj. continual; devoted or used to; eternal
upayogika adj. .

` (.)
rj rjaghsanne prcrya niveayet / (1.1)
rjan rjan-gha-sanna prcrya niveay
rjan m. a Katriya; a king; a man of the royal tribe or the military caste rjan m. a
Katriya; a king; a man of the royal tribe or the military caste gha mn. a house; a house as
containing several rooms; a wife sanna n. death; end; nearness prcrya m. a
physician to a king ` niveay 10.. to appoint to (an office); to bestow on; to build.

* (.)
sarvad sa bhavaty eva sarvatra pratijgvi // (1.2)
sarvad tad bh evam sarvatra pratijgvi
sarvad ind. always; at all times (often joined with sarvatra and sarvath) tad pron. this
bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being evam ind. in such a manner; in this way; such
sarvatra ind. always; at all times; everywhere pratijgvi adj. attentive; watchful.

` ` (.)
annapna vid raked vieea mahpate / (2.1)
anna-pna via rak viea mahpati
anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-
vessel via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable
poison rak 1.. to attend to; to beware of; to conceal viea m. (pl.) various objects; a
kind; a species of tree mahpati m. a kind of big lime; a king.

7 N ^ (.)
yogakemau tadyattau dharmdy yannibandhan // (2.2)
yoga-kema tad-yat dharma-dya yat-nibandhana
yoga m. (in Skhya) the union of soul with matter (one of the 10 Mlikrths or radical
facts); a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or aphorism; a follower of the Yoga system
kema mn. any secure or easy or comfortable state; final emancipation; happiness tad ind.
at that time; in that case (often used redundantly); then yat 1.. to abide; to adhere; to
arrive dharma mn. a bow; a particular ceremony; a Soma-drinker N dya adj. being at the
head; earlier; excellent yat ind. as many as ( Lat. quot); as often; because ^ nibandhana n.
a commentary; a grant; a literary composition or treatise.

* (.)
odano viavn sndro yty avisrvyatm iva / (3.1)
odana viavant sndra y avisrvyat iva
odana mn. any pap or pulpy substance; boiled rice; grain mashed and cooked with milk
* viavant adj. poisoned; poisonous sndra adj. bland; compact; dense y 2.. to flee;
to go; to go to for any purpose (inf.) avisrvyat f. iva ind. a little; about; almost.

` ` ` (.)
cirea pacyate pakvo bhavet paryuitopama // (3.2)
cira pac pakva bh paryuita-upama
cira adj. existing from ancient times; lasting long time; long pac 1.. to bake; to become
ripe; to boil pakva adj. accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots)
bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being paryuita adj. a word that has not been
strictly kept; having passed the night; having stood for a time or in some place upama adj.
equal; like; resembling.

"7P T (.)
mayrakahatulyom mohamrchprasekakt / (4.1)
mayra-kaha-tulya-man moha-mrch-praseka-kt
mayra m. Achyranthes aspera Linn.; a cock; a kind of gait " kaha m. Gefwand;
immediate proximity; name of a Maharshi 7 tulya adj. comparable; equal to; even P man
m. (medic.) a kind of sveda; ardour; glow moha m. (with Buddhists) ignorance (one of the
three roots of vice); a magical art employed to bewilder an enemy; a swoon mrch f.
(alchemy) one of the Saskras of mercury; a kind of kumbhaka; a swoon praseka m.
discharge; dropping; effusion T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

` ^N N` (.)
hyate varagandhdyai klidyate candrikcita // (4.2)
h vara-gandha-dya klid candrik-ci
h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or wanting; to be excluded from or bereft of vara mn.
a co-efficient; a cover; a covering ^ gandha mn. a fragrant substance; a neighbour; a sectarial
mark on the forehead (called so in the south of India) N dya adj. being at the head; earlier;
excellent klid 4.. to be or become wet or damp; to putrefy; to rot candrik f.
candrara; a kind of white-blossoming Kaakri; baldness ci 5.. to accumulate; to acquire
for one's self; to arrange in order.

M~ " "* W (.)
vyajanny u uyanti dhymakvthni tatra ca / (5.1)
vyajana u u dhyma-kvtha tatra ca
M vyajana n. a consonant; a day; a fan " u adj. fast; going quickly; quick " u 1.P. to
become dry or withered; to decay; to dry W dhyma n. Artemisia Indica; any or a particular
fragrant grass kvtha m. a decoction; any solution or infusion prepared with a continued or
gentle heat; boiling tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place ca ind. also; and; as well as.

T [ (.)
hntirikt vikt chy dyeta naiva v // (5.2)
h-atiric vik chy d na-eva v
h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or wanting; to be excluded from or bereft of atiric
4.. to be left with a surplus; to be superior; to predominate T vik 8.. to act in a hostile or
unfriendly way towards (gen. or loc.); to act in various ways; to annihilate chy f. (like
Saj) wife of the sun and mother of the planet Saturn; a bribe; a copy (of a Ms.) [ d 4.. to
appear; to appear as; to be seen na ind. neither; no; nor eva ind. alone; already; even v
ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally.


~ (.)
phenordhvarjismantatantubudbudasambhava / (6.1)
phena mn. a kind of prameha; foam; froth rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect rji f. a
field; a line parting the hair; a streak * smanta mn. a boundary; a line of separation on the
human body (14 are enumerated); limit * tantu m. a cobweb; a line of descendants; a
succession of sacrificial performances budbuda mn. a bubble (often as a symbol of anything
transitory); an embryo five days old; an ornament or decoration resembling a bubble ~
sambhava m. ability; acquaintance; adequacy.

" (.)
vicchinnaviras rg khav kam miam // (6.2)
vicchid-virasa rga khava ka mia
vicchid 7.. to be divided; to cut off; to cut or tear or cleave or break asunder virasa
adj. disagreeable; flavourless; having no taste for rga m. a musical note; a particular process
in the preparation of quicksilver; a prince " khava mn. name of a forest in Kuruketra
(sacred to Indra and burnt by the god of fire aided by Arjuna and Ka); sugar-candy;
sugarplums ka mn. a potherb; any vegetable food; greens mia n. a gift; a pleasing
or beautiful object; an object of enjoyment.

` [` (.)
nl rj rase tmr kre dadhni dyate / (7.1)
nla rj rasa tmra kra dadhi d
nla adj. black; dark-blue; dark-green rj f. rji; a kind of fish; a streak rasa mn.
amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre tmra adj. of a
coppery red colour kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk dadhi
n. coagulated milk; the resin of Shorea robusta; thick sour milk (regarded as a remedy) [ d
4.. to appear; to appear as; to be seen.

` (.)
yv pt sit takre ghte pnyasanibh // (7.2)
yva pta sita takra ghta pnya-sanibha
yva adj. brown; dark; darkbrown pta adj. yellow (the colour of the Vaiyas) sita
adj. bright; candid; light (said of a day in the light half of a month and of the waxing moon)
takra n. buttermilk mixed with water; buttermilk with a fourth part of water ghta n. cream;
fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven)
pnya n. a beverage; drink; water sanibha adj. like; resembling; similar.

T (.)
mastuni syt kapotbh rj k tuodake / (8.1)
mastu as kapota-bha rj ka tuodaka
mastu n. sour cream; the watery part of curds; whey as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal
to (dat.) kapota mn. bird in general; cornice; dove bha adj. appearing; ifc. like;
resembling rj f. rji; a kind of fish; a streak T ka adj. black; dark; dark-blue
tuodaka n. sour rice- or barley-gruel.

N~ ^ (.)
kl madymbhaso kaudre harit taile 'ruopam // (8.2)
kla madya-ambhas kaudra harit taila arua-upama
kla adj. black; dark-blue; of a dark colour N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or
spiritous liquor; wine ~ ambhas n. collective name for gods, men, Manes, and Asuras; fruit
fulness; power kaudra n. a kind of prameha; honey; minuteness harit adj. bay; fallow;
fawn-coloured taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil ^ arua adj. dumb; perplexed; red
upama adj. equal; like; resembling.

pka phalnm mn pakvn parikothanam / (9.1)
pka phala ma pakva parikothana
pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences phala n. a blade (of
a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift ma adj. fine; immature; name of the cow
(considered as the raw material which produces the prepared milk) pakva adj.
accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots) parikothana n. .

"M ` (.)
dravym rdrauk syt mlnivivarate // (9.2)
dravya rdra-uka as
dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake rdra adj.
damp; flaccid; fresh "M uka adj. arid; dried; dried up as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to

{ ` W (.)
mdn kahinn ca bhavet sparaviparyaya / (10.1)
mdu kahina ca bh spara-viparyaya
mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) kahina adj.
difficult; firm; hard ca ind. also; and; as well as bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into
being W spara m. a gift; a kind of sexual union; a spy viparyaya m. alteration; avoiding;

7 W~ ^*T (.)
mlyasya sphuitgratva mlnir gandhntarodbhava // (10.2)
mlya sphu-agra-tva mlni gandha-antara-udbhava
7 mlya n. a flower; a wreath; chaplet W sphu 6.. to burst open or into view; to burst or
become suddenly rent asunder; to burst or split open agra n. a measure of food given as alms;
a weight equal to a pala; aim ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) mlni f. blackness;
decay; depression ^ gandha mn. a fragrant substance; a neighbour; a sectarial mark on the
forehead (called so in the south of India) * antara adj. being in the interior; different from;
distant T udbhava adj. produced or coming from.

W" W *W (.)
dhymamaalat vastre adana tantupakmam / (11.1)
dhyma-maala-t vastra adana tantu-pakman
W dhyma adj. black; dark-coloured " maala mfn. a circle; a circular array of troops; a
circular bandage t f. ifc. abstracta W vastra mn. cloth; clothes; cover adana n. falling
* tantu m. a cobweb; a line of descendants; a succession of sacrificial performances W
pakman n. a thin thread; a whisker; a wing.

dhtumauktikakhmaratndiu malktat // (11.2)
dhtu-mauktika-kha-aman-ratna-di mala-aj-t
dhtu mn. a constituent element or essential ingredient of the body; constituent part;
element mauktika mn. a pearl (properly "a collection of properly") kha n. a kind of
measure; a piece of wood or timber; an instrument for measuring lengths aman mn. a
precious stone; a stone; any instrument made of stone (as a hammer etc.) ratna mn. a gift; a
jewel; a magnet di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning mala mn. dirt; dust; filth M aj
7.. (eine trockene Substanz mit einer Flssigkeit) binden; to anoint; to apply an ointment or
pigment t f. ifc. abstracta.

NW ~ (.)
snehasparaprabhhni saprabhatva tu mnmaye / (12.1)
sneha-spara-prabh-hni saprabha-tva tu md-maya
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance W spara m. a gift; a
kind of sexual union; a spy prabh f. beautiful appearance; light; name of a daughter of
Svarbhnu and mother of Nahua hni f. a minus; abandonment; damage saprabha adj.
brilliant; having the same lustre or appearance; possessing splendour ~ tva n. (Marker fr
abstrakte Nomina) tu ind. and; but; do md f. clay; earth; loam maya adj. consisting or
made of.

"M ` (.)
viada yvauksyo vilako vkate dia // (12.2)
viada yva-uka-sya vilaka vk di
viada adj. poisonous; yielding poison yva adj. brown; dark; darkbrown "M uka
adj. arid; dried; dried up sya n. face; jaws; mouth vilaka adj. abashed; ashamed;
astonished vk 1.P. to ascertain; to behold; to consider di f. a hint; abroad; cardinal
point (four in number).

` ~` (.)
svedavepathums trasto bhta skhalati jmbhate / (13.1)
sveda-vepathumant tras bh skhal jmbh
sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") `* vepathumant adj.
possessed of tremor; trembling tras 1.. to be afraid of; to quiver; to tremble bh 3.. to be
afraid of; to fear skhal 1.P. to fluctuate; to stumble; to totter ~ jmbh 1.P. to expand; to
feel at ease; to fly back or recoil (as a bow when unstrung).

~ V W* (.)
prpynna savia tv agnir ekvarta sphuaty ati // (13.2)
prp-anna savia tu agni eka-varta sphu ati
prp 1.P. to arrive at; to attain to; to be in force anna n. bread corn; earth; especially
boiled rice savia adj. poisoned; poisonous tu ind. and; but; do V agni m. bile; Citrus
Acida; digestive faculty eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once varta m. a
crowded place where many men live close together; a curl; a kind of jewel W sphu 6.. to burst
open or into view; to burst or become suddenly rent asunder; to burst or split open ati ind.
extremely; very.

" ^ (.)
ikhikahbhadhmrcir anarcir vogragandhavn / (14.1)
ikhikaha-bha-dhma-arcis v-ugra-gandhavant
" ikhikaha n. blue vitriol; mayratuttha; tuttha bha adj. appearing; ifc. like;
resembling dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist arcis n. flame; light; lustre v
ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally ugra adj. acrid; angry; cruel
^* gandhavant adj. endowed with fragrance; endowed with the quality of smell; odoriferous.

* ` (.)
mriyante makik prya kka kmasvaro bhavet // (14.2)
m makika pr kka kma-svara bh
m 4.. to calcine; to decease; to die makika m. a fly pr 9.. to consume; to
devour; to eat kka m. a cripple; a crow; a lame man kma adj. burning to ashes;
charring; debilitated svara m. a note of the musical scale (of which seven [rarely six or eight]
are enumerated); a symbolical expression for the number "seven"; a vowel bh 1.. to be; to
become; to come into being.

* [\

* (.)
utkroanti ca dvaitac chukadtyhasrik / (15.1)
utkru ca d-etad uka-dtyha-srika
utkru 1.. to call to (with acc.); to cry out; to exclaim ca ind. also; and; as well as [
d 4.. to appear; to appear as; to be seen etad pron. this " uka m. Acacia Sirissa; a parrot;
a poet * dtyha m. a gallinule; Cuculus Melanoleucus; cloud srika m. name of a
Muni; the bird Turdus Salica.

` (.)
hasa praskhalati glnir jvajvasya jyate // (15.2)
hasa praskhal glni jvajva jan
hasa m. a goose; a horse; a kind of ascetic praskhal 1.P. to reel; to stagger forwards;
to stumble glni f. debility; decrease; depression of mind jvajva m. -j; a
mythical bird with two heads; name of a tree jan 4.P. to be; to be born; to be born again.

~ B (.)
cakorasykivairgya kraucasya syn madodaya / (16.1)
cakora-aki-vairgya krauca as mada-udaya
cakora m. name of a people; name of a town; the Greek partridge (Perdix rufa) aki n.
the eye ~ vairgya mn. asceticism; aversion; change or loss of colour krauca m. a kind
of curlew; a patr. or metron. from kruc; an osprey as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to
(dat.) mada m. a river; any beautiful object; any exhilarating or intoxicating drink udaya
m. a following word; appearance; becoming visible.

q * (.)
kapotaparabhddakacakravk jahaty asn // (16.2)
kapota-parabht-daka-cakravka asu
kapota mn. bird in general; cornice; dove parabht m. a crow daka m. a cock; a
general lover; a law-giver cakravka m. the Cakra bird (Anas Casarca) asu m. (in
astron.) "respiration"; praj; animal life.

T B (.)
udvega yti mrjra akn mucati vnara / (17.1)
udvega y mrjra akt muc vnara
udvega m. admiration; agitation; anxiety y 2.. to flee; to go; to go to for any purpose
(inf.) mrjra m. Agati Grandiflora; a cat; a civet-cat T akt n. dung (esp. cow-dung);
excrement; feces muc 6.. to get rid of; to let loose; to liberate from vnara m. a kind of
incense; a monkey; ape.

T q

W W` ` (.)
hyen mayras taddy mandatejo bhaved viam // (17.2)
h mayra tad-di manda-tejas bh via
T h 1.. to be glad or pleased; to become erect or stiff or rigid; to become on edge (like the
teeth) mayra m. Achyranthes aspera Linn.; a cock; a kind of gait tad pron. this [ di
f. beholding; consideration; intelligence W manda adj. addicted to intoxication; apathetic; bad
` tejas n. (in Skhya phil.) rajas (passion); (opposed to kam) impatience; a mystical name
of the letter r bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a
mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison.

* ` ~ * (.)
ity anna viavaj jtv tyajed eva prayatnata / (18.1)
iti anna viavant j tyaj evam prayatna
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice * viavant adj.
poisoned; poisonous j 4.. to apprehend; to ascertain; to become acquainted with * tyaj
1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge evam ind. in such a manner; in this way; such
prayatna m. action; activity; caution.

` N * (.)
yath tena vipadyerann api na kudrajantava // (18.2)
yath tad vipad api na kudrajantu
yath ind. according; as; as tad pron. this vipad 4.P. to come between; to fail; to fall
asunder api ind. also; assuredly; besides na ind. neither; no; nor * kudrajantu m. a
kind of worm (Julus).

W "7`WP (.)
spe tu kadhojvarrtisphoasuptaya / (19.1)
sp tu ka-dha--jvara-rti-sphoa-supti
W sp 6.. to feel with the hand; to graze; to handle tu ind. and; but; do " ka f. itch;
itching; scratching dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) f. name of a
daughter of Ba and wife of Aniruddha 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the
different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul ` rti
f. injury; mischief; pain W sphoa m. a little bit or fragment; a swelling; boil P supti f. (esp.)
deep sleep; carelessness; confidence.

N (.)
nakharomacyuti opha sekdy vianan // (19.2)
nakha-roman-cyuti opha seka-dya via-nana
nakha mn. a finger-nail; claw; talon roman n. (esp.) short hair; bristles; down cyuti
f. degeneration; deviation from (abl.); dying opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling;
oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) seka m. a drop of anything; a libation; a shower-bath N
dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of
the sound m; a particular vegetable poison nana adj. destroying.

WT (.)
asts tatra pralep ca sevyacandanapadmakai / (20.1)
as tatra pralepa ca sevya-candana-padmaka
as 2.. to approve; to calumniate; to commend tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that
place pralepa m. a hectic or slow fever; an unguent; cleaving to (comp.) ca ind. also; and;
as well as sevya n. red sandal-wood; sea-salt; the root of Andropogon Muricatus W
candana mn. Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Caesalpinia sappan
Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Crocus sativus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 552) T
padmaka n. a particular posture in sitting; Costus Arabicus; Costus speciosus Sm.

77 (.)
sasomavalkatlapattrakuhmtnatai // (20.2)
7 sasomavalka adj. with somavalka 7 tlapattra n. Pinus Webbiana; the leaf of
Flacourtia cataphracta kuha mn. Aplotaxis auriculata D.C.; Costus arabicus Linn.; Costus
speciosus Sm. amt f. a class of sunrays; a goddess; Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn.
nata mn. Tabernaemontana Coronaria.

J 7 (.)
ll jihvauhayor jyam cimicimyanam / (21.1)
ll jihv-oha jya cimicim-ayana
ll f. a species of myrobolan; saliva; slobber J jihv f. speech; the root of
Tabernaemontana coronaria; the tongue oha m. the forepart of an Agnikua; the lip
(generally du.) 7 jya n. absence of intellect or soul; absence of power of taste (in the
tongue); chilliness f. soil impregnated with saline particles; sterile soil; [medic.] lokales
Brennen cimicim f. pricking ayana n. (in astron.) advancing; a path; a road.

* ~ ~ 7` (.)
dantaharo rasjatva hanustambha ca vaktrage // (21.2)
dantahara rasa-ajatva hanustambha ca vaktra-ga
* dantahara m. -gh; morbid sensitiveness of the teeth; [medic.] a kind of disease of the
teeth rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre ~
ajatva n. ignorance ~ hanustambha m. ca ind. also; and; as well as 7 vaktra n. a sort of
garment; beginning; face ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place; being.

N " `T (.)
sevydyais tatra ga sarva ca viajiddhitam / (22.1)
sevya-dya tatra gaa sarva ca via-jit-hita
sevya n. red sandal-wood; sea-salt; the root of Andropogon Muricatus N dya adj. being at
the head; earlier; excellent tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place " gaa mn. a
mouthful of water; draught; filling or rinsing the mouth sarva pron. all; completely; different
ca ind. also; and; as well as via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a
particular vegetable poison jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning hita adj. agreeable; arranged;

` W (.)
mayagate svedamrchdhmnamadabhram // (22.2)
maya-gam sveda-mrch-dhmna-mada-bhrama
maya m. [medic.] the maya gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move sveda m. a
sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") mrch f. (alchemy) one of the
Saskras of mercury; a kind of kumbhaka; a swoon W dhmna n. a bellows; blowing;
boasting mada m. a river; any beautiful object; any exhilarating or intoxicating drink
bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone.

T (.)
romaharo vamir dha cakurhdayarodhanam / (23.1)
romahara vami dha cakus-hdaya-rodhana
romahara m. the bristling of the hairs of the body; thrill (caused by joy) vami f. an
emetic; nausea; qualmishness dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound)
cakus n. a look; aspect; faculty of seeing T hdaya n. mind (as the seat of mental operations);
name of a Sman; science rodhana n. checking; confinement; impeding.


` (.)
bindubhi ccayo 'gn pakvayagate puna // (23.2)
bindu ca-caya aga pakvaya-gam punar

bindu mn. a coloured mark made on the forehead between the eyebrows; a detached
particle; a drop of water taken as a measure ca ind. also; and; as well as caya m.
collection; plenty aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or
counsel (said to be five) pakvaya m. [medic.] pakvaya gam 6.P. to approach; to
go; to move punar ind. again and again; back; besides.

` * ` (.)
anekavara vamati mtrayaty atisryate / (24.1)
aneka-vara vam mtray atisray
` aneka adj. many; much; not one vara mn. a co-efficient; a cover; a covering vam
1.. to eject (lit. and fig.); to emit; to give out mtray Denom.. to discharge urine; to make
water against (acc.) atisray 10.P. to cause to pass through.

"~ (.)
tandr putvam udara balasakaya // (24.2)
tandr udara bala-sakaya
tandr f. exhaustion; lassitude; Mattigkeit udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid
abdominal affection (as of the liver) bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in
sakaya m. complete destruction or consumption; decay; destruction of the world.

* (.)
tayor vntaviriktasya haridre kaabh guam / (25.1)
tad vam-viric haridr kaabh gua
tad pron. this vam 1.. to eject (lit. and fig.); to emit; to give out viric 7.P. to be
emptied or purged; to reach or extend beyond haridr f. a kind of prameha; Curcuma
amada Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 610); Curcuma aromatica Salisb. (G.J. Meulenbeld
1974: 610) kaabh f. Cardiospermum halicacabum; Clitoria ternatea Linn.; name of
several other plants gua mn. (pl.) name of a people (in Madhyadea); a ball to play with; a

^` (.)
sindhuvritanipvabpikataparvik // (25.2)
^ sindhuvrita m. Vitex Negundo nipva m. a kind of weight unit; chaff; Dolichos
lablab Linn. bpik f. a kind of vegetable; Carum roxburghianum ` ataparvik f. a
kind of root; barley; Drv grass.

" d

" 7 (.)
taulyakamlni kukkuam avalgujam / (26.1)
taulyaka-mla kukkua avalguja
" taulyaka mn. Embelia ribes Burm.; a kind of tpya mla mn. a chief or principal
city; a corpse; a king's original or proper territory d

" kukkua m. a species of rice 7

avalguja mfn. Serratula anthelmintica Roxb.; Vernonia anthelminthica Willd.

M` * (.)
nvanjanapneu yojayed viantaye // (26.2)
nvana-ajana-pna yojay via-nti
nvana n. a sternutatory M ajana n. a special kind of this pigment; act of applying an
ointment or pigment; antimony pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel yojay 10.. to
accomplish; to add; to adjust via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a
particular vegetable poison * nti f. a pause; abatement; absence of passion.

N "T (.)
viabhuktya dadyc ca uddhyordhvam adhas tath / (27.1)
via-bhuj d ca udh-rdhvam adhas tath
via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison
bhuj 1.P. to consume; to eat; to enjoy d 1.. to answer; to give; to give (a daughter) in
marriage ca ind. also; and; as well as " udh 4.. to be cleared or cleansed or purified; to be
cleared or excused from blame; to be excusable rdhvam ind. after; furthermore; upward
adhas ind. below; beneath; down tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so.

W ` T (.)
skma tmraraja kle sakaudra hdviodhanam // (27.2)
skma tmra-rajas kla sa-kaudra hd-viodhana
W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant tmra n. tmradru; a coppery receptacle; a variety
of brass ` rajas n. a kind of plant; a kind of weight; affection kla m. eine Essenszeit; the
proper time or season for; time sa ind. (ibc.) with kaudra n. a kind of prameha; honey;
minuteness T hd n. breast; chest; interior viodhana adj. cleansing; washing away.

"T T ` (.)
uddhe hdi tata a hemacrasya dpayet / (28.1)
uddha hd tatas a heman-cra dpay
"T uddha adj. admitted; authorised; clean T hd n. breast; chest; interior tatas ind. after
that; consequently; for that reason a m. a weight of four Mas ` heman n. a gold
piece; gold; golden ornaments cra mn. a powder prepared by pounding dry substances in a
mortar with a pestle, and passing it through cloth; aromatic powder; flour dpay 10.. to
cause to advance; to cause to give; to cause to perform.

` ` T7 ~ (.)
na sajjate hemapge padmapattre 'mbuvad viam // (28.2)
na saj padma-pattra ambu-vat via
na ind. neither; no; nor M saj 1.. to adhere; to be attached or fastened; to be attached to or
engaged in or occupied with T padma mn. a kind of coitus; a kind of temple; a lotus (esp. the
flower of the lotus-plant Nelumbium Speciosum which closes towards evening) 7 pattra mn. a
bird; a chariot; a knife ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety
syllables); the number four vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a
mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison.

` ` W (.)
jyate vipula cyur gare 'py ea vidhi smta / (29.1)
jan vipula ca-yus gara api etad vidhi sm
jan 4.P. to be; to be born; to be born again vipula adj. abundant; important; large ca
ind. also; and; as well as yus n. active power; duration of life; efficacy gara m. a
factitious poison; a noxious or poisonous beverage; any drink api ind. also; assuredly;
besides etad pron. this vidhi m. a grammatical rule or precept; a means; a physician W
sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

^T N (.)
viruddham api chra vidyd viagaropamam // (29.2)
virudh api ca-hra vid via-gara-upama
^ virudh 7.. to be at variance with or contradictory to (instr.); to be impeded or checked or
kept back or withheld; to be opposed api ind. also; assuredly; besides ca ind. also; and; as
well as hra m. bringing near; employing; fetching vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to
know; to learn via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular
vegetable poison gara m. a factitious poison; a noxious or poisonous beverage; any drink
upama adj. equal; like; resembling.

npam mia makaudrakravirhakai / (30.1)
npa mia ma-kaudra-kra-virhaka
npa adj. belonging to a watery place; marshy; watery mia n. a gift; a pleasing or
beautiful object; an object of enjoyment ma m. a bean (the plant); a cutaneous eruption
resembling beans; a fool kaudra n. a kind of prameha; honey; minuteness kra n. milk;
the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk virhaka mn. grain that has begun to

^W` (.)
virudhyate saha bisair mlakena guena v // (30.2)
virudh saha bisa mlaka gua v
^ virudh 7.. to be at variance with or contradictory to (instr.); to be impeded or checked or
kept back or withheld; to be opposed saha ind. along with; together with; with bisa mn.
bisapakman- a kind of disease of the eye; a shoot or sucker; the film or fibre of the water-lily or
lotus mlaka mn. a radish; a sort of yam; Raphanus sativus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974:
591) gua mn. (pl.) name of a people (in Madhyadea); a ball to play with; a bit v ind.
either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally.

M (.)
viet payas matsy matsyev api cilcima / (31.1)
viet payas matsya matsya api cilcima
viet ind. especially payas n. (esp.) milk; (met.) vital spirit; a species of
Andropogon matsya m. (in astron.) the figure of a figure; a fish; a king of the Matsyas
matsya m. (in astron.) the figure of a figure; a fish; a king of the Matsyas api ind. also;
assuredly; besides cilcima m. .

^T (.)
viruddham amla payas saha sarva phala tath // (31.2)
virudh amla payas saha sarva phala tath
^ virudh 7.. to be at variance with or contradictory to (instr.); to be impeded or checked or
kept back or withheld; to be opposed amla n. acid; acid substance; buttermilk (Takra)
payas n. (esp.) milk; (met.) vital spirit; a species of Andropogon saha ind. along with; together
with; with sarva pron. all; completely; different phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a
gaming board; a gift tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so.

M = (.)
tadvat kulatthacaakakaguvallamakuak / (32.1)
tadvat kulattha-caaka-kagu-valla-makuaka
tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of yadvat); thus M kulattha mn. Cassia absus Linn.
(G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 545); Dolichos uniflorus Lam. (a kind of pulse); name of a people
caaka m. Cicer arietinum Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 552); name of a village; the chick-pea
kagu f. a kind of Panic seed (several varieties are cultivated as food for the poor); Panicum
frumentaceum (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 533); Papaver dubium (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 533)
= valla mn. a kind of wheat; a particular weight (3 or 2 or 1 1/2 Gujas); covering
makuaka m. Phaseolus aconitifolius Jacq.

~ * (.)
bhakayitv haritaka mlakdi payas tyajet // (32.2)
bhakay haritaka mlaka-di payas tyaj
bhakay 10.. to eat; to feed someone; to make someone eat something haritaka mn.
a green herb mlaka mn. a radish; a sort of yam; Raphanus sativus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld
1974: 591) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning payas n. (esp.) milk; (met.) vital
spirit; a species of Andropogon * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge.

N N d

vrha vvidh ndyd dadhn patakukkuau / (33.1)
vrha vvidh na-ad dadhi pata-kukkua
vrha m. a banner with the representation of a boar; a kind of bulbous plant; Dioscorea
N vvidh m. a kind of porcupine; a porcupine na ind. neither; no; nor ad 2.. to
consume; to devour; to eat dadhi n. coagulated milk; the resin of Shorea robusta; thick sour
milk (regarded as a remedy) pata m. a drop of water; a kind of snake; a spot d

m. a cock; a firebrand; a whisp of lighted straw or grass.

7 ` (.)
mamsni pittena maspena mlakam // (33.2)
ma-msa pitta ma-spa mlaka
ma adj. fine; immature; name of the cow (considered as the raw material which produces
the prepared milk) msa n. flesh; meat 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour ma m. a
bean (the plant); a cutaneous eruption resembling beans; a fool spa m. a cook; a vessel; an
arrow mlaka mn. a radish; a sort of yam; Raphanus sativus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974:

` ~ (.)
avi kusumbhakena bisai saha virhakam / (34.1)
avi kusumbha-ka bisa saha virhaka
avi mf. a sheep; a woollen Soma strainer ~ kusumbha mn. safflower- Carthamus
tinctorius Linn.; saffron ka mn. a potherb; any vegetable food; greens bisa mn.
bisapakman- a kind of disease of the eye; a shoot or sucker; the film or fibre of the water-lily or
lotus saha ind. along with; together with; with virhaka mn. grain that has begun to

WW (.)
maspaguakradadhyjyair lkuca phalam // (34.2)
ma-spa-gua-kra-dadhi-jya lkuca phala
ma m. a bean (the plant); a cutaneous eruption resembling beans; a fool spa m. a
cook; a vessel; an arrow gua mn. (pl.) name of a people (in Madhyadea); a ball to play with;
a bit kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk dadhi n. coagulated
milk; the resin of Shorea robusta; thick sour milk (regarded as a remedy) W jya n. (in a wider
sense) oil and milk used instead of clarified butter at a sacrifice; melted or clarified butter; name
of a sort of chant (astra) connected with the morning sacrifice lkuca adj. belonging or
relating to the tree Arhocarpus Locucha phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming
board; a gift.

7 (.)
phala kadalys takrea dadhn tlaphalena v / (35.1)
phala kadala takra dadhi tla-phala v
phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift kadala mf. Musa
sapientum Linn.; plantain or banana tree takra n. buttermilk mixed with water; buttermilk
with a fourth part of water dadhi n. coagulated milk; the resin of Shorea robusta; thick sour
milk (regarded as a remedy) tla m. a cymbal; a dance; a goldsmith phala n. a blade (of a
sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side;

~ (.)
kaoabhy madhun kkamc guena v // (35.2)
ka-ua madhu kkamc gua v
ka f. atom; cummin seed; drop ua f. dried ginger; Piper Chaba; Piper Longum
madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid)
kkamc f. Solanum indicum (commonly Grkamai); Solanum nigrum Linn. gua
mn. (pl.) name of a people (in Madhyadea); a ball to play with; a bit v ind. either - or; on the
one side - on the other side; optionally.

T ` ` (.)
siddh v matsyapacane pacane ngarasya v / (36.1)
siddh v matsya-pacana pacana ngara v
T siddh f. vijay ( cannabis); a bottle; a kind of medicinal plant or root v ind. either - or;
on the one side - on the other side; optionally matsya m. (in astron.) the figure of a figure; a
fish; a king of the Matsyas pacana adj. cooking; maturing pacana n. a means or
instrument for cooking; becoming cooked or ripe; cooking ngara n. a kind of coitus; a
particular written character; a rectangular building v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the
other side; optionally.

T ~ (.)
siddhm anyatra v ptre kmt tm uit nim // (36.2)
sidh anyatra v ptra kma tad vas ni
sidh 4.. to (esp.) be healed or cured; to arise; to attain beatitude ~ anyatra ind. at
another time than; elsewhere; except v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side;
optionally ptra n. (met.) a capable or competent person; a drinking-vessel; a leaf kma
m. Artemisia vulgaris Linn.; a kind of bean; a particular form of temple tad pron. this vas
2.P. to abide with or in; to be dwelt; to dwell ni f. (Hahayoga:) \=\= kumbhaka; a vision;
Curcuma (of 2 species).

N` * (.)
matsyanistalanasnehe sdhit pippals tyajet / (37.1)
matsya-nistala-na-sneha sdhay pippal tyaj
matsya m. (in astron.) the figure of a figure; a fish; a king of the Matsyas nistala adj.
below; down; globular na ind. neither; no; nor N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent;
any oleaginous substance sdhay 10.. to accomplish; to acquire; to attain one's object
pippal f. a berry; name of a river flowing into the Narmad; Piper longum Linn. (both
plant and berry) * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge.

` ~ ^M` (.)
ksye daham uita sarpir ua tv arukare // (37.2)
ksya daan-aha vas sarpis ua tu arukara
ksya n. a drinking vessel of brass; a kind of musical instrument (a sort of gong or plate of
bell-metal struck with a stick or rod); a particular measure of capacity daan adj. ten aha
mn. (ifc.) day (e.g. tryaham) vas 2.P. to abide with or in; to be dwelt; to dwell ` sarpis n. a
kind of prameha; clarified butter ua adj. acrid; active; hot tu ind. and; but; do ^M
arukara n. the nut of the tree Semecarpus Anacardium.

^W` "7 = (.)
bhso virudhyate lya kampillas takrasdhita / (38.1)
bhsa virudh l kampilla takra-sdhay
bhsa m. a bird of prey; a cow-shed; brightness (often ifc.) ^ virudh 7.. to be at variance
with or contradictory to (instr.); to be impeded or checked or kept back or withheld; to be
opposed " l f. a kind of grass = kampilla m. Mallotus philippinesis (Somadeva (1999),
190); the red mealy powder covering the capsules of Rottleria tinctoria (Dutt, Udoy Chand 1877:
232); name of a sdhraarasa takra n. buttermilk mixed with water; buttermilk with a
fourth part of water sdhay 10.. to accomplish; to acquire; to attain one's object.

W T (.)
aikadhya pyasasurksar parivarjayet // (38.2)
aikadhya pyasa-sur-ksar parivarjay
W aikadhya n. singleness of time or occurrence pyasa mn. an oblation of milk and rice
and sugar; food prepared with milk; rice boiled in made sur f. a drinking vessel; a snake; a
tavern T ksar f. parivarjay 10.. to abandon; to avoid; to disregard.

` (.)
madhusarpirvastailapnyni dvias tria / (39.1)
madhu-sarpis-vas-taila-pnya dvias trias
madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid) `
sarpis n. a kind of prameha; clarified butter vas f. a kind of prameha; any fatty or oily
substance; fat taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil pnya n. a beverage; drink; water
dvias ind. in pairs trias ind. by threes.

^W* W (.)
ekatra v samni virudhyante parasparam // (39.2)
ekatra v sama virudh paraspara
ekatra ind. in a single spot (with the force of the locative); in one; in one and the same
v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally sama adj. containing
equal parts; entitled to or obtaining an equal share ^ virudh 7.. to be at variance with or
contradictory to (instr.); to be impeded or checked or kept back or withheld; to be opposed
W paraspara adj. each other's; like one another; mutual.

W (.)
bhinne api madhvjye divyavry anupnata / (40.1)
bhid-aa api madhu-jya divya-vri anupna
bhid 6.P. to be changed or altered (in mind); to be disclosed or betrayed; to be distinguished
aa m. day; degree of latitude or longitude; denominator of a fraction api ind. also;
assuredly; besides madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet
(esp. if liquid) W jya n. (in a wider sense) oil and milk used instead of clarified butter at a
sacrifice; melted or clarified butter; name of a sort of chant (astra) connected with the morning
sacrifice divya adj. agreeable; beautiful; celestial vri n. pond; water; ????
anupna n. a fluid vehicle in medicine; drink after eating; drink taken with or after medicine.

M ` (.)
madhupukarabja ca madhumaireyarkaram // (40.2)
madhu-pukara-bja ca madhumaireya-rkara
madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid) M
pukara n. a blue lotus-flower; a cage; a kind of cloud bja mn. (Trika:) Vokal (<-> yoni); a
runner (of the Indian fig-tree); algebra ca ind. also; and; as well as ` madhumaireya m.
an intoxicating drink made of honey rkara m. a kind of Maireya (liquor); a stony or
gravelly place; the froth or skim of milk.

* ` (.)
manthnupna kaireyo hridra kautailavn / (41.1)
mantha-anupna kaireya hridra kau-tailavant
* mantha m. a churning-stick; a drink in which other ingredients are mixed by stirring; a kind
of antelope anupna n. a fluid vehicle in medicine; drink after eating; drink taken with or
after medicine ` kaireya adj. milky; prepared with milk hridra adj. coloured with
turmeric; yellow kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) * tailavant adj. .

7 (.)
upodaktisrya tilakalkena sdhit // (41.2)
upodak-atisra tila-kalka sdhay
upodak fn. Basella Cordifolia atisra m. dysentery; name of a son of Nitantu;
purging tila mn. a mole; a small particle; name of a chapter of PSarv. 7 kalka mn.
(architect.) a kind of mortar/coating; a kind of tenacious paste; a viscous sediment deposited by
oily substances when ground sdhay 10.. to accomplish; to acquire; to attain one's object.

^ 7 ^W` (.)
balk vruyukt kulmai ca virudhyate / (42.1)
balk vru-yuj kulma ca virudh
balk f. a crane; a mistress; loved woman ^ vru f. a particular fast-day on the
thirteenth of the dark half of Caitra; a particular kind of spirit (prepared from hogweed mixed
with the juice of the date or palm and distilled); any spirituous liquor yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to
come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.);
to accrue to 7 kulma m. a kind of disease; an inferior kind of grain; half-ripe barley ca
ind. also; and; as well as ^ virudh 7.. to be at variance with or contradictory to (instr.); to be
impeded or checked or kept back or withheld; to be opposed.

N 7 (.)
bh varhavasay saiva sadyo nihanty asn // (42.2)
bhra varha-vas tad-eva sadyas nihan asu
bhra 4.. to abandon (abl.); to be ruined or lost; to be separated from or deprived of
varha m. a boar; a bull; a particular measure vas f. a kind of prameha; any fatty or oily
substance; fat tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even N sadyas ind. daily; every day;
in the very moment nihan 2.. to afflict; to assail; to attach to asu m. (in astron.)
"respiration"; praj; animal life.

77M (.)
tadvat tittiripattrhyagodhlvakapijal / (43.1)
tadvat tittiri-pattrhya-godh-lva-kapijala
tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of yadvat); thus 7 tittiri m. a kind of step (in
dancing); a partrigde; name of a Nga 7 pattrhya m. a peacock godh f. (term. techn.
Hahayoga); a chord; a leathern fence wound round the left arm to prevent injury from a bow-
string lva m. a kind of bird M kapijala m. Cuculus Melanoleucus; francoline partridge;

"V T 7 (.)
airaengnin siddhs tattailena vimrchit // (43.2)
airaa-agni sidh tad-taila vimrchita
" airaa adj. vom eraa stammend V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty
sidh 4.. to (esp.) be healed or cured; to arise; to attain beatitude tad pron. this taila n. oil;
olibanum; sesamum oil vimrchita adj. become solid; coagulated; full of.

" (.)
hrtamsa hridralakaprotapcitam / (44.1)
hrta-msa hridra-laka-prota-pcay
hrta m. harta; name of a medical author; name of various authors etc. (esp. of a lawyer
often quoted) msa n. flesh; meat hridra mn. a kind of fever; a kind of onion; a
yellow colour " laka m. a restive horse prota adj. contained in; fixed; fixed on or in
pcay 10.. to bring to completion or to an end; to cause to cook or be cooked; to cause to

$ N (.)
haridrvahnin sadyo vypdayati jvitam // (44.2)
haridr-vahni sadyas vypday jvita
haridr f. a kind of prameha; Curcuma amada Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 610);
Curcuma aromatica Salisb. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 610) $ vahni m. a draught animal; a
mystical name of the letter r; any animal that draws or bears along N sadyas ind. daily; every
day; in the very moment vypday 10.P. to cause to perish; to destroy; to hurt jvita
n. a living being; duration of life; life.

W (.)
bhasmapsuparidhvasta tad eva ca samkikam / (45.1)
bhasman-psu-paridhvas tad eva ca sa-mkika
W bhasman n. ashes; sacred ashes (smeared on the body); one of the five effects of fixation of
mercury psu m. (prob.) the menses; a kind of camphor; a species of plant
paridhvas 1.P. tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even ca ind. also; and; as well as
sa ind. (ibc.) with mkika mfn. a kind of honey-like mineral substance or pyrites; copper
pyrites (Ray, Mira 1991: 134); honey.

` (.)
yat kicid doam utkleya na haret tat samsata // (45.2)
yad kacid doa utkleay na h tad samsatas
yad pron. what; which V kacid pron. someone doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection
utkleay 10.P. na ind. neither; no; nor T h 2.P. to annihilate; to appropriate (in a
legitimate way); to avert (the face) tad pron. this samsatas ind. concisely; in a
summary manner; succinctly.

^T "T (.)
viruddha uddhir atre amo v tadvirodhibhi / (46.1)
virudh uddhi atra-i ama v tad-virodhin
^ virudh 7.. to be at variance with or contradictory to (instr.); to be impeded or checked or
kept back or withheld; to be opposed "T uddhi f. accuracy; accurate knowledge regarding;
acquittal atra ind. here at this time; in this matter; in this place i 1.P. to assent; to choose;
to concede ama m. abstraction; apathy; convalescence v ind. either - or; on the one side
- on the other side; optionally tad pron. this virodhin adj. besieging; blockading;

W (.)
dravyais tair eva v prva arrasybhisaskti // (46.2)
dravya tad eva v prvam arra-abhisaskti
dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake tad pron.
this eva ind. alone; already; even v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side;
optionally prvam ind. before; formerly; hitherto arra n. a dead body; any solid body
(opp. to udaka etc.); bodily frame W abhisaskti f. .

N^PVW (.)
vyymasnigdhadptgnivayasthabalalinm / (47.1)
vyyma m. (with Buddhists) right exercise or training; a difficult passage; a particular
measure of length N snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable dp 4.P. to be luminous
or illustrious; to blaze; to burn V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty vayas n. age;
any period of life; degree W stha adj. a place; abiding; being situated in bala mn. Balarma; an
army; expertness in lin adj. abounding in; amply provided or furnished with; conversant

W P 7 (.)
virodhy api na pyai stmyam alpa ca bhojanam // (47.2)
virodhin api na p stmya alpa ca bhojana
virodhin adj. besieging; blockading; dispelling api ind. also; assuredly; besides na
ind. neither; no; nor p f. a basket; a chaplet or garland for the head; annoyance P
stmya mn. community of essence or nature with (instr. or gen.); habit; habituation 7 alpa adj.
little; minute; small ca ind. also; and; as well as bhojana n. a meal; any object of
enjoyment or the pleasure caused by it; anything enjoyed or used.

`M ~ ` * (.)
pdenpathyam abhyasta pdapdena v tyajet / (48.1)
pda-apathya abhyas pda-pda v tyaj
pda m. a foot as a measure ( 12 Agulas); a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped being
one out of 4); a quarter M apathya adj. inconsistent; unfit; unsuitable ~ abhyas 1.. to
concentrate one's attention; to multiply; to practice pda m. a foot as a measure ( 12
Agulas); a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped being one out of 4); a quarter pda m. a
foot as a measure ( 12 Agulas); a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped being one out of 4); a
quarter v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally * tyaj 1.. to
abandon; to avoid; to discharge.

`` =*T (.)
nieveta hita tadvad ekadvitryantarktam // (48.2)
niev hita tadvat eka-dvi-tri-antark
` niev 1.. (with acc.) to frequent; to abide or have intercourse with; to approach hita n.
advantage; anything useful or salutary or suitable or proper; benefit tadvat ind. like that; so
(correlative of yadvat); thus eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once dvi nr. two
tri nr. 3 MW *T antark 8.P. .

M * M (.)
apathyam api hi tyakta lita pathyam eva v / (49.1)
apathya api hi tyaj lay pathya eva v
M apathya adj. inconsistent; unfit; unsuitable api ind. also; assuredly; besides hi ind.
because; for; on account of * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge lay Denom.. to
be intent upon; to cultivate; to do M pathya adj. containing elements or leading forms; fit;
normal eva ind. alone; already; even v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side;

PP ` ~ (.)
stmystmyavikrya jyate sahasnyath // (49.2)
stmya-astmya-vikra jan sahas-anyath
P stmya mn. community of essence or nature with (instr. or gen.); habit; habituation P
astmya n. non-stmya vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative from Prakti; a
product; agitation jan 4.P. to be; to be born; to be born again sahas n. force; power;
strength ~ anyath ind. erroneously; falsely; from another motive.

kramepacit do krameopacit gu / (50.1)
kramea-apaci doa kramea-upaci gua
kramea ind. successively apaci 5.. to collect; to extract; to gather doa mn. a
calf; accusation; affection kramea ind. successively upaci 5.. to accumulate; to
collect; to cover gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-
string; a cook.

* 7 * (.)
santo ynty apunarbhvam aprakampy bhavanti ca // (50.2)
as y apunarbhva aprakampya bh ca
as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) y 2.. to flee; to go; to go to for any purpose
(inf.) apunarbhva m. disappearance; final beatitude; nirutthna ? aprakampya
adj. bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being ca ind. also; and; as well as.

** {M (.)
atyantasanidhnn do datmanm / (51.1)
atyanta-sanidhna doa daa-tman
** atyanta adj. absolute; beyond the proper end or limit; endless sanidhna n. a place
of deposit; depositing; gathering-place doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection { daa n.
adverse argument; detracting; dishonouring M tman m. a son; abstract individual; Brahma.

{ (.)
ahitair daa bhyo na vidvn kartum arhati // (51.2)
ahita daa bhyas na vidvas k arh
ahita adj. hostile; improper; noxious { daa n. adverse argument; detracting;
dishonouring bhyas ind. again; further; furthermore na ind. neither; no; nor
vidvas adj. familiar with; knowing; learned T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become
arh 1.. to be able; to be allowed to; to be worthy of.

Q (.)
hraayanabrahmacaryair yukty prayojitai / (52.1)
hra-ayana-brahmacarya yukti prayojay
hra m. bringing near; employing; fetching ayana n. a bed; copulation; couch Q
brahmacarya n. a state of continence and chastity; study of the Veda; the state of an unmarried
religious student yukti f. (in astron.) conjunction; a sentence; adaptedness prayojay
10.P. to aim at; to appoint to; to be applicable.

` * (.)
arra dhryate nityam gram iva dhraai // (52.2)
arra dhray nityam gra iva dhraa
arra n. a dead body; any solid body (opp. to udaka etc.); bodily frame dhray 10..
to hold; to keep; to possess * nityam ind. always gra n. apartment; dwelling; house
iva ind. a little; about; almost dhraa n. (Trika:) Name der vier Halbvokale (Vc, 310); a
kind of opium; bearing.

W` (.)
hro varitas tatra tatra tatra ca vakyate / (53.1)
hra varay tatra tatra tatra ca vac
hra m. bringing near; employing; fetching varay Denom.. to be coloured or
described; to colour; to consider tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place tatra ind. in
that; in that case; in that place tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place ca ind. also; and;
as well as vac 2.P. to declare; to proclaim; to recite.

7 (.)
nidryatta sukha dukha pui krya balbalam // (53.2)
nidr-yat sukha dukha pui krya balbala
nidr f. a mystic. name of the letter bh; name of a blood vessel; sleep yat 1.. to
abide; to adhere; to arrive sukha n. atmosphere; comfort; delight in dukha n. difficulty
(personified as the son of Naraka and Vedan); pain; sorrow pui f. breeding; comfort;
completeness krya n. thinness balbala n. relative strength or power or weight or
highness or dignity or importance; strength and weakness.

vat klbat jnam ajna jvita na ca / (54.1)
vat klba-t jna ajna jvita na ca
vat f. virility generative power klba adj. a coward; a eunuch; having no water (as a
cloud) t f. ifc. abstracta jna n. (esp.) the higher knowledge (derived from meditation
on the one Universal spirit); becoming acquainted with; conscience ajna n. (in
philosophy) spiritual ignorance; Illusion; ignorance jvita n. a living being; duration of life;
life na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as.

` (.)
akle 'tiprasagc ca na ca nidr nievit // (54.2)
akla atiprasaga ca na ca nidr niev
akla m. a wrong or bad time atiprasaga m. excessive attachment;
unwarrantable stretch of a rule ca ind. also; and; as well as na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind.
also; and; as well as nidr f. a mystic. name of the letter bh; name of a blood vessel; sleep
` niev 1.. (with acc.) to frequent; to abide or have intercourse with; to approach.

sukhyu parkuryt klartrir ivpar / (55.1)
sukha-yus park klartri iva-apara
sukha n. atmosphere; comfort; delight in yus n. active power; duration of life; efficacy
T park 8.P. to disregard; to reject; to set aside klartri f. a dark night; a particular
night in the life of a man (on the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventy-seventh year);
name of a Brhman woman (skilled in magic) iva ind. a little; about; almost apara pron.
der andere.

N^ (.)
rtrau jgaraa rka snigdha prasvapana div // (55.2)
rtri jgaraa rka snigdha prasvapana div
rtri f. name of a river in Kraucadvpa; night; the darkness or stillness of night (often
personified) jgaraa n. (said of fire) going on burning; keeping watch; waking rka
adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate;
agreeable prasvapana n. sleeping div m. heaven; the sky.

W ~ (.)
arkam anabhiyandi tv snapracalyitam / (56.1)
arka anabhiyandin tu snapracalyita
arka adj. soft W anabhiyandin adj. nicht abhiyandin tu ind. and; but; do
snapracalyita n. falling asleep on a seat; nodding when seated.

P W=7 (.)
grme vyucaydnaraukyartryalpabhvata // (56.2)
P grma m. the hot season.

P ~W 7 (.)
divsvapno hito 'nyasmin kaphapittakaro hi sa / (57.1)
divsvapna hita anya kapha-pitta-kara hi tad
P divsvapna mn. (n. only) sleep by day hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial ~
anya pron. anderer kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in
general 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour kara adj. causing; helping; making hi ind.
because; for; on account of tad pron. this.

M NW (.)
muktv tu bhyayndhvamadyastrbhrakarmabhi // (57.2)
muc tu bhya-yna-adhvan-madya-str-bhra-karman
muc 6.. to get rid of; to let loose; to liberate from tu ind. and; but; do bhya n. a sort
of house or building; an explanatory work; any work in the common or vernacular speech
yna n. (with Buddhists) the vehicle or method of arriving at knowledge; a journey; a vehicle of
any kind adhvan m. a journey; a place; a recension of the Vedas and the school upholding it
N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine W str f. a kind of metre; a
white ant; a woman bhra m. a burden; a large quantity; a particular manner of beating a
drum karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven
categories of the Nyya philosophy).

* NW (.)
krodhaokabhayai klntn vsahidhmtisria / (58.1)
krodha-oka-bhaya klam vsa-hidhm-atisrin
krodha m. Anger (personified as a child of Lobha and Nikti); anger; name of a Dnava
oka m. affliction; anguish; flame bhaya n. alarm; apprehension; danger klam 4.P. to be or
become fatigued; to be weary or exhausted N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma
(of which there are five kinds) W hidhm mf. a kind of disease; Schlick [als Name einer
Krankheit!] atisrin adj. afflicted with purging or dysentery.

T" (.)
vddhablbalakakatatlapitn // (58.2)
T vddha adj. (a vowel) increased (by Vddhi); advanced in years; aged bla adj. childish;
early (as the sun or its rays); foolish abala adj. weak ki 9.. to be diminished; to corrupt;
to decrease kan 8.P. to break (a bow); to hurt; to injure t f. Desire as daughter of Love;
strong desire; thirst " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for impaling criminals
pay 10.. (in astrol.) to cover (esp. with something inauspicious); to break (a vow); to
cause pain.

"7 P (.)
ajryabhihatonmattn divsvapnocitn api / (59.1)
ajrin-abhihan-unmad divsvapna-ucita api
ajrin adj. suffering from indigestion abhihan 4.P. to afflict; to beat (as a drum); to
kill unmad 4.. to be or become mad or furious; to become disordered in intellect or
distracted; to rut P divsvapna mn. (n. only) sleep by day ucita adj. acceptable;
accurate; adjusted api ind. also; assuredly; besides.


HP (.)
dhtusmya tath hy e lem cgni puyati // (59.2)
dhtusmya tath hi idam leman ca-aga pu
P dhtusmya n. equilibrium of the bodily humours; good health tath ind. in like
manner; in that manner; so hi ind. because; for; on account of idam pron. this HP
leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum ca ind. also; and; as well as aga n. a limb; a limb of the
body; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five) pu 1.P. to augment; to be
nourished; to cause to thrive or prosper.

V N* (.)
bahumedakaph svapyu snehanity ca nhani / (60.1)
bahu-medas-kapha svap sneha-nitya ca
V bahu adj. abundant; great in quantity; many medas n. a mystical term for the letter v;
corpulence; excessive fatness kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth
or foam in general svap 1.. to rest; to sleep N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent;
any oleaginous substance * nitya adj. continual; devoted or used to; eternal ca ind. also;
and; as well as.

" (.)
virta kaharog ca naiva jtu nisv api // (60.2)
via-rta kaha-rogin ca na-eva jtu ni api
via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison
rta adj. afflicted; disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) " kaha m. Gefwand; immediate
proximity; name of a Maharshi rogin adj. diseased; ill; sick ca ind. also; and; as well as
na ind. neither; no; nor eva ind. alone; already; even jtu ind. at all; ever ni f.
(Hahayoga:) \=\= kumbhaka; a vision; Curcuma (of 2 species) api ind. also; assuredly;

` * (.)
aklaayann mohajvarastaimityapnas / (61.1)
akla-ayana moha-jvara-staimitya-pnasa
akla m. a wrong or bad time ayana n. a bed; copulation; couch moha m. (with
Buddhists) ignorance (one of the three roots of vice); a magical art employed to bewilder an
enemy; a swoon 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas or
humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul * staimitya n. fixedness;
immobility; numbness pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose).

^T=VW (.)
irorukophahllsasrotorodhgnimandat // (61.2)
iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease
opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) T= hllsa m.
Herzklopfen; palpitation of heart srotas n. a river; an aperture in the human or animal body
(reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of sense rodha m. a dam; a particular
hell; an arrow V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty W manda adj. addicted to
intoxication; apathetic; bad t f. ifc. abstracta.

tatropavsavamanasvedanvanam auadham / (62.1)
tatra-upavsa-vamana-sveda-nvana auadha
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place upavsa m. a fast; a fire altar; abstinence
from food etc. in general vamana n. an emetic; emission; emitting sveda m. a sudorific;
heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") nvana n. a sternutatory auadha n. drug;
herb; herbs collectively.

W M (.)
yojayed atinidry tka pracchardanjanam // (62.2)
yojay atinidr tka pracchardana-ajana
yojay 10.. to accomplish; to add; to adjust atinidr f. excessive sleep W tka
adj. acid; fiery; hot pracchardana n. emitting; exhaling; vomiting M ajana n. a special
kind of this pigment; act of applying an ointment or pigment; antimony.

* (.)
nvana laghana cint vyavya okabhkrudha / (63.1)
nvana laghana cint vyavya oka-bh-krudh
nvana n. a sternutatory laghana n. ascending; attack; attaining * cint f.
anxiety; anxious thought about; care vyavya m. an obstacle; being separated by (instr. or
comp.); change oka m. affliction; anguish; flame bh f. alarm; apprehension; dread of
krudh f. anger; wrath.

HP (.)
ebhir eva ca nidry na lemtisakayt // (63.2)
idam eva ca nidr na leman-ati-sakaya
idam pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even ca ind. also; and; as well as nidr f. a
mystic. name of the letter bh; name of a blood vessel; sleep na m. (arithm.) elimination;
annihilation; death HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum ati ind. extremely; very
sakaya m. complete destruction or consumption; decay; destruction of the world.

`~ (.)
nidrnd agamardairogauravajmbhik / (64.1)
nidr-na agamarda-irogaurava-jmbhik
nidr f. a mystic. name of the letter bh; name of a blood vessel; sleep na m. (arithm.)
elimination; annihilation; death agamarda m. a servant who shampoos his master's body;
massage; rheumatism irogaurava n. heaviness of head ~ jmbhik f. yawning.

7 ` (.)
jyaglnibhrampaktitandr rog ca vtaj // (64.2)
jya-glni-bhrama-apakti-tandr roga ca vta-ja
7 jya n. absence of intellect or soul; absence of power of taste (in the tongue); chilliness
glni f. debility; decrease; depression of mind bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a
grindstone apakti f. immaturity; indigestion tandr f. exhaustion; lassitude; Mattigkeit
roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease ca ind. also; and; as well as
vta m. air; flatulence; gout ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born
or descended from.

7 T

^W (.)
kapho 'lpo vyunoddhto dhaman sanirudhya tu / (65.1)
kapha alpa vyu-uddh dhamani sanirudh tu
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general 7 alpa
adj. little; minute; small vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of
the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned) T

uddh 5.P. to cause to rise (dust); to

disturb; to excite dhamani f. (esp.) a canal of the human body; a bellows; a pipe or tube
^ sanirudh 7.. to check; to confine; to hinder tu ind. and; but; do.

^ (.)
kuryt sajpah tandr dru mohakrim // (65.2)
k saj-apaha tandr drua moha-krin
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become saj f. (with Buddhists) perception
(one of the 5 Skandhas); a name; a sign apaha adj. destroying; keeping back; removing
tandr f. exhaustion; lassitude; Mattigkeit ^ drua adj. cruel; dreadful; hard moha m.
(with Buddhists) ignorance (one of the three roots of vice); a magical art employed to bewilder
an enemy; a swoon krin adj. acting; an actor; doing.

V ` (.)
unmlitavinirbhugne parivartitatrake / (66.1)
unml-vinirbhuj parivartay-traka
unml 1.P. to appear; to become visible; to come forth vinirbhuj 6.P. to bend or turn
on one side parivartay 10.. to annihilate; to barter; to cause one's self to be turned round
(in having one's head shaved all round) traka n. tra silver; a metre of 4x13 syllables; a

` ` W (.)
bhavatas tatra nayane srute lulitapakma // (66.2)
bh tatra nayana sru
bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place
nayana n. (klasya) fixing; bringing; carrying sru 1.. to arise from; to disappear; to drop.

` P (.)
yathklam ato nidr rtrau seveta stmyata / (67.1)
yathkla atas nidr rtri sev stmya
yathkla m. suitable moment; the proper time atas ind. from that time; from this;
from this or that cause or reason nidr f. a mystic. name of the letter bh; name of a blood
vessel; sleep rtri f. name of a river in Kraucadvpa; night; the darkness or stillness of night
(often personified) sev 1.. to cherish; to cultivate; to devote or apply one's self to P
stmya mn. community of essence or nature with (instr. or gen.); habit; habituation.

P (.)
astmyj jgard ardha prta svapyd abhuktavn // (67.2)
astmya jgara ardha prtar svap abhuktavant
P astmya n. non-stmya jgara m. vision in a waking state; wakefulness; waking
ardha mn. the half; [rel.] ardhsana prtar ind. at dawn; in the early morning; Morning
personified svap 1.. to rest; to sleep * abhuktavant adj. one who has not eaten.

W N (.)
layen mandanidras tu kramadyarasn dadhi / (68.1)
lay manda-nidr tu kra-madya-rasa dadhi
lay Denom.. to be intent upon; to cultivate; to do W manda adj. addicted to intoxication;
apathetic; bad nidr f. a mystic. name of the letter bh; name of a blood vessel; sleep tu
ind. and; but; do kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk N madya n.
any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or
essential juice of the body; a kind of metre dadhi n. coagulated milk; the resin of Shorea
robusta; thick sour milk (regarded as a remedy).

~N (.)
abhyagodvartanasnnamrdhakarkitarpaam // (68.2)
~ abhyaga m. inunction; rubbing with unctuous substances; unguent udvartana n.
ascending; bad behaviour; bad conduct N snna n. ablution; anything used in ablution (e.g.
water); bathing mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning; chief
(applied to persons) kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle
aki n. the eye tarpaa n. a libation; filling the eyes; food.

*VH TT* (.)
kntbhulatleo nirvti ktaktyat / (69.1)
knt-bhu-lat-lea nirvti ktaktyat
* knt f. Aglaia roxburghiana; a beloved or lovely woman; a charming wife V bhu mf. the
arm; the arm as a measure of length ( 12 Agulas); the arm between the elbow and the wrist
(opp. to pra-gaa) lat f. \= bhlat; a creeper; a kind of metre H lea m. adherence;
clinging to; contact nirvti f. attainment of rest; bliss; complete satisfaction or happiness
TT* ktaktyat f. accomplishment; full discharge of any duty or realisation of any object;

mano'nukl viay kma nidrsukhaprad // (69.2)
manas-anukla viaya kmam nidr-sukha-prada
manas n. affection; conscience; desire anukla adj. according to the current;
favourable; friendly viaya mn. (pl.) sensual enjoyments; a country with more than 100
villages; a fit or suitable object kmam ind. (as a particle of assent) well; according to
inclination; admitted that nidr f. a mystic. name of the letter bh; name of a blood vessel;
sleep sukha n. atmosphere; comfort; delight in prada adj. bestowing; causing; effecting.

Q` P W (.)
brahmacaryarater grmyasukhanisphacetasa / (70.1)
brahmacarya-rati grmya-sukha-nispha-cetas
Q brahmacarya n. a state of continence and chastity; study of the Veda; the state of an
unmarried religious student rati f. amorous enjoyment (often personified as one of the two
wives of Kmadeva); delight in; enjoyment P grmya n. food prepared in a village; rustic or
homely speech; sensual pleasure sukha n. atmosphere; comfort; delight in W nispha
adj. free from desire; not longing for cetas n. consciousness; heart; intelligence.

P ` (.)
nidr satoatptasya sva kla ntivartate // (70.2)
nidr satoa-tp sva kla na-ativt
nidr f. a mystic. name of the letter bh; name of a blood vessel; sleep satoa m.
Content (personified as a son of Dharma and Tui and reckoned among the Tuitas);
contentedness with; satisfaction tp 4.. to be pleased with; to become satiated or satisfied; to
enjoy sva adj. akin; one's own; own kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for;
time na ind. neither; no; nor ativt 1.. to cross; to delay; to get over.

P * 7 ` (.)
grmyadharme tyajen nrm anuttn rajasvalm / (71.1)
grmya-dharma tyaj nr anuttna rajasval
P grmya n. food prepared in a village; rustic or homely speech; sensual pleasure dharma
mn. a bow; a particular ceremony; a Soma-drinker * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge
nr f. a female or any object regarded as feminine; a wife; a woman 7 anuttna adj.
lying with the face towards; not flat; not supine ` rajasval f. a menstruating or
marriageable woman.

apriym apriycr duasakramehanm // (71.2)
apriya apriya-cra du-sak-mehana
apriya adj. disagreeable; disliked; unfriendly apriya adj. disagreeable; disliked;
unfriendly cra m. a rule or line; an established rule of conduct; behaviour du 4.. to
be defiled or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong T sak 6.P. to bestow liberally or abundantly;
to commingle; to mix or pour together mehana n. copulation; membrum virile; the act of
passing urine.

W T ~ (.)
atisthlakm st garbhim anyayoitam / (72.1)
atisthla-ka s garbhi anya-yoit
W atisthla adj. excessively big or clumsy; excessively stupid T ka adj. emaciated; feeble;
insignificant s 1.. to appoint or consecrate to; to bestow (esp. said of Savit); to create
garbhi f. a pregnant woman ~ anya pron. anderer yoit f. girl; maiden; wife.

~` ^` (.)
varinm anyayoni ca gurudevanplayam // (72.2)
varin anya-yoni ca guru-deva-npa-laya
varin adj. belonging to the caste of; having a particular colour; having the appearance of
~ anya pron. anderer yoni mf. a mine; a particular part of a fire-pit; abode ca ind. also;
and; as well as ^ guru m. a spiritual parent or preceptor (from whom a youth receives the
initiatory Mantra or prayer); any venerable or respectable person; the chief of (gen. or in comp.)
` deva m. (rarely applied to) evil demons; a child; a deity npa m. a Katriya; king; name of
the numeral 16 laya mn. a house; a receptacle; asylum.

*~~ (.)
caityamanyatanacatvarmbucatupatham / (73.1)


* W (.)
atyito 'dhti kudvn dusthitga pipsita / (74.1)
atyita adhti kudvant dusthita-aga pipsita
* atyita adj. too satiate adhti adj. unsteady * kudvant adj. hungry W
dusthita adj. aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel
(said to be five) pipsita adj. thirsty.

T ~` * (.)
blo vddho 'nyavegrtas tyajed rog ca maithunam // (74.2)
bla vddha anya-vega-rta tyaj rogin ca maithuna
bla adj. childish; early (as the sun or its rays); foolish T vddha adj. (a vowel) increased
(by Vddhi); advanced in years; aged ~ anya pron. anderer ` vega m. a stream; agitation;
attack rta adj. afflicted; disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid;
to discharge rogin adj. diseased; ill; sick ca ind. also; and; as well as maithuna n.
connection; copulation; marriage.

` P T (.)
seveta kmata kma tpto vjktm hime / (75.1)
sev kmatas kma tp vjk hima
sev 1.. to cherish; to cultivate; to devote or apply one's self to kmatas ind. according
to wish or affection; by consent; from passion or feeling (opposed to dharma-tas) kma m.
Artemisia vulgaris Linn.; a kind of bean; a particular form of temple tp 4.. to be pleased
with; to become satiated or satisfied; to enjoy T vjk 8.P. hima n. a lotus; a pearl; fresh

= * (.)
tryahd vasantaarado pakd varnidghayo // (75.2)
tri-aha vasanta-arad paka var-nidgha
tri nr. 3 MW aha mn. (ifc.) day (e.g. tryaham) * vasanta m. a particular metre (4
times); diarrhoea; name of a man arad f. a year; autumn (as the time of ripening); the
autumnal season (the sultry season of two months succeeding the rains) paka m. (in logic)
the proposition to be proved in a syllogism; a bracelet; a feather var f. (exceptionally sg.)
the rains; Medicago Esculenta; monsoon nidgha m. heat; internal heat; name of a man (of
his descendants).

^7~ (.)
bhramaklamorudaurbalyabaladhtvindriyakay / (76.1)
bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone klama m. exhaustion; fatigue; languor
^ ru mf. name of a son of Manu Ckua; name of an girasa and author of a Vedic hymn;
shank 7 daurbalya n. impotence; weakness bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in
dhtu mn. a constituent element or essential ingredient of the body; constituent part; element
indriya n. bodily power; exhibition of power; faculty of sense kaya m. consumption;
decay; destruction.

~ W (.)
aparvamaraa ca syd anyath gacchata striyam // (76.2)
aparvan-maraa ca as anyath gam str
aparvan n. a day which is not a parvan; not a point of junction maraa n. (in astrol.)
the 8th mansion; a kind of poison; a refuge ca ind. also; and; as well as as 2.P. to abide; to
be; to be equal to (dat.) ~ anyath ind. erroneously; falsely; from another motive gam
6.P. to approach; to go; to move W str f. a kind of metre; a white ant; a woman.

W~ (.)
smtimedhyurrogyapundriyayaobalai / (77.1)
W smti f. a kind of metre; calling to mind; desire medh f. dhana; a form of Dkya in
Kamra; a form of Sarasvat yus n. active power; duration of life; efficacy ~ rogya n.
a particular ceremony; freedom from disease; health pui f. breeding; comfort;
completeness indriya n. bodily power; exhibition of power; faculty of sense yaas n. a
person of respectability; an object of honour; beautiful appearance bala mn. Balarma; an
army; expertness in.

W * W (.)
adhik mandajaraso bhavanti stru sayat // (77.2)
adhika mandajaras bh str sayam
adhika adj. abundant; additional; excellent W mandajaras adj. slowly growing old
bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being W str f. a kind of metre; a white ant; a woman
sayam 6.P. to bind together (hair or a garment); to close (a door); to control.

N"N~^ (.)
snnnulepanahimnilakhaakhdyatmbudugdharasayasurprasann/ (78.1)


T ` ^ ` ` (.)
rutacaritasamddhe karmadake daylau bhiaji niranubandha deharak niveya /
ruta-carita-samdh karman-daka daylu bhiaj niranubandha deha-rak niveay
ruta n. anything heard; instruction; knowledge as heard by holy men and transmitted from
generation to generation carita n. a Mhtmya; acting; acts samdh 4.. to be amply
furnished with (instr.); to flourish; to increase or grow greatly karman n. act; action; action
consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy)
daka m. a cock; a general lover; a law-giver daylu adj. dayvat; miserable ` bhiaj m. a
healer; a remedy; medicine ^ niranubandha adj. showing no secondary or symptomatic
affection ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form rak f. (esp.) a sort of bracelet
or amulet; a guard; a tutelary divinity ` niveay 10.. to appoint to (an office); to bestow on;
to build.

bhavati vipulatejasvsthyakrtiprabhva svakualaphalabhog


,,, -,,` -,,M-



V ` (.)
mtr sarvakla syn mtr hy agne pravartik / (1.1)
mtr-in sarvaklam as mtr hi agni pravartaka
mtr f. a minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial instant in adj. consuming;
ifc. eating sarvaklam ind. always as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.)
mtr f. a minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial instant hi ind. because; for; on account
of V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty pravartaka adj. acting; advancing;

" `* " ~ (.)
mtr dravyy apekante gury api laghny api // (1.2)
mtr dravya apek guru api laghu api
mtr f. a minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial instant dravya n. (Gr.) single
object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake ` apek 1.. to expect; to have an eye
to; to have regard to ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy api ind. also; assuredly; besides
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

* P (.)
gurm ardhasauhitya laghn ntitptat / (2.1)
guru ardha-sauhitya laghu na-ati-tp-t
^ guru m. a spiritual parent or preceptor (from whom a youth receives the initiatory Mantra or
prayer); any venerable or respectable person; the chief of (gen. or in comp.) ardha mn. the
half; [rel.] ardhsana * sauhitya n. amiableness; completion; fulness laghu adj. active;
beautiful; causing relief na ind. neither; no; nor ati ind. extremely; very tp 4.. to be
pleased with; to become satiated or satisfied; to enjoy t f. ifc. abstracta.

` (.)
mtrprama nirdia sukha yvad vijryati // (2.2)
mtr-prama nirdi sukha yvat vij
mtr f. a minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial instant prama mn. nitya; a
correct notion; a means of acquiring Pram or certain knowledge ` nirdi 6.. to advise; to
announce; to assign anything to sukha adj. agreeable; comfortable; easy yvat ind. as
far as; as greatly as; as long as vij 4.P. to digest; to grow old.

bhojana hnamtra tu na balopacayaujase / (3.1)
bhojana h-mtr tu na bala-upacaya-ojas
bhojana n. a meal; any object of enjoyment or the pleasure caused by it; anything enjoyed
or used h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or wanting; to be excluded from or bereft of
mtr f. a minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial instant tu ind. and; but; do na ind.
neither; no; nor bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in upacaya m. accumulation;
addition; elevation ojas n. ability; appearance; bodily strength.

` N` (.)
sarve vtarog hetut ca prapadyate // (3.2)
sarva vta-roga hetut ca prapad
sarva pron. all; completely; different vta m. air; flatulence; gout roga mn. a diseased
spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease ` hetut f. causation; causativeness; existence of
cause or motive ca ind. also; and; as well as prapad 4.P. to admit (a claim); to adopt or
embrace (a doctrine); to appear.

" (.)
atimtra puna sarvn u don prakopayet / (4.1)
atimtra punar sarva u doa prakopay
atimtra adj. exceeding the proper measure punar ind. again and again; back;
besides sarva pron. all; completely; different " u adj. fast; going quickly; quick doa
mn. a calf; accusation; affection prakopay 10.P. to agitate; to excite; to provoke to anger.

7 N ` (.)
pyamn hi vtdy yugapat tena kopit // (4.2)
pay hi vta-dya yugapad tad kopay
pay 10.. (in astrol.) to cover (esp. with something inauspicious); to break (a vow); to
cause pain hi ind. because; for; on account of vta m. air; flatulence; gout N dya adj.
being at the head; earlier; excellent yugapad ind. at the same time; simultaneously;
together tad pron. this kopay 10.. to make angry.

` (.)
mennnena duena tad evviya kurvate / (5.1)
ma-anna du tad eva-vi k
ma adj. fine; immature; name of the cow (considered as the raw material which produces
the prepared milk) anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice du 4.. to be defiled
or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even vi
6.. to approach; to become; to enter T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become.

~* * (.)
viambhayanto 'lasaka cyvayanto vicikm // (5.2)
viambhay alasaka cyvay vicik
~ viambhay 10.P. to fix; to paralyse alasaka mn. flatulence; tympanitis cyvay
10.P. to agitate; to cause to fall; to cause to move vicik f. a particular disease
(indigestion attended with evacuation in both directions- Brechdurchfall!! aber Beschreibung in
Sur., Utt. 56: versetzte Blhungen!); wiederholte Entleerung nach oben und unten.

7~ M (.)
adharottaramrgbhy sahasaivjittmana / (6.1)
adhara-uttara-mrga sahas-eva-ajittman
adhara adj. inferior; low; lower 7 uttara adj. better; chief; concluding mrga m. (in
astrol.) the 7th mansion; (in medic.) a way; a channel sahas n. force; power; strength
eva ind. alone; already; even M ajittman adj. having an unsubdued self or spirit.

` (.)
prayti nordhva ndhastd hro na ca pacyate // (6.2)
pray na-rdhvam na-adhastt hra na ca pac
pray 2.. to advance towards or against; to be dispersed; to cause to go i.e. to lead into
(acc.) na ind. neither; no; nor rdhvam ind. after; furthermore; upward na ind. neither;
no; nor adhastt ind. below hra m. bringing near; employing; fetching na ind.
neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as pac 1.. to bake; to become ripe; to boil.

` W (.)
maye 'lasbhtas tena so 'lasaka smta / (7.1)
maya alasbh tad tad alasaka sm
maya m. [medic.] the maya alasbh 1.P. to become tired; [medic.] to show
the symptoms of alasaka tad pron. this tad pron. this alasaka mn. flatulence;
tympanitis W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

`T (.)
vividhair vedanodbhedair vyvdibhakopata // (7.2)
vividha vedan-udbheda vyu-di-bha-kopa
vividha adj. divers; manifold; of various sorts ` vedan f. feeling; pain; sensation T
udbheda m. a spring; a sprout or shoot of a plant; appearing vyu m. (in astron.) name of the
fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned) di m.
a firstling; and so on; beginning bha adj. abundant; frequent; mighty kopa m. anger;
fury (of fire); incompatibleness with.

W (.)
scbhir iva gtri vidhyatti vicik / (8.1)
sci iva gtra vyadh-iti vicik
sci f. (in astron) the earth's disc in computing eclipses (or "the corrected diameter of the
earth"); a cone; a kind of coitus iva ind. a little; about; almost gtra n. a limb or member
of the body; the body; the forequarter of an elephant vyadh 4.. (in astron.) to fix the
position of a heavenly body; to affect with (acc. of pers. and instr. of thing); to attach to iti
ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been said or
thought) vicik f. a particular disease (indigestion attended with evacuation in both
directions- Brechdurchfall!! aber Beschreibung in Sur., Utt. 56: versetzte Blhungen!);
wiederholte Entleerung nach oben und unten.

"~ (.)
tatra labhramnhakampastambhdayo 'nilt // (8.2)
tatra la-bhrama-nha-kampa-stambha-di anila
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a
stake for impaling criminals bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone nha
m. constipation; epistasis; length kampa m. a dwarf-rafter; a pillar; a roofing strip ~
stambha m. a post; arrogance; becoming hard or solid di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other

7 7* (.)
pittj jvartisrntardhatpralaydaya / (9.1)
pitta jvara-atisra-antardha-t-pralaya-di
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the
different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul
atisra m. dysentery; name of a son of Nitantu; purging * antardha m. fever; internal heat
t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst pralaya m. annihilation; cause of
dissolution; death di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

N^ (.)
kaphc chardyagagurutvksagahvandaya // (9.2)
kapha chardi-aga-gurut-vksaga-hvana-di
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general ` chardi
f. expulsion (of the breath); sickness; vomiting aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or
subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five) ^ gurut f. heaviness and "dignity"; burden;
heaviness vksaga m. impeded or slow speech (of aged persons); paralysis of speech;
sticking fast or impediment in speech hvana n. ejecting saliva; expectoration; saliva
di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

7$ ` (.)
vied durbalasylpavahner vegavidhria / (10.1)
viet durbala-alpa-vahni vega-vidhrin
viet ind. especially durbala adj. emaciated; feeble; lean (cow) 7 alpa adj. little;
minute; small $ vahni m. a draught animal; a mystical name of the letter r; any animal that
draws or bears along ` vega m. a stream; agitation; attack vidhrin adj. checking;

^` HP ^T * (.)
pita mrutennna lema ruddham antar // (10.2)
pay mruta-anna leman rudh antar
pay 10.. (in astrol.) to cover (esp. with something inauspicious); to break (a vow); to
cause pain ^ mruta m. a chief of the Maruts; a son of the Maruts; air anna n. bread corn;
earth; especially boiled rice HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum ^ rudh 1.. to arrest; to
avert; to besiege * antar ind. (with acc. and loc.) between; almost; among.

7~ W (.)
alasa kobhita doai alyatvenaiva sasthitam / (11.1)
alasa kobhay doa alya-tva-eva sasth
alasa m. a sore or ulcer between the toes; name of a small poisonous animal; tympanitis
kobhay 10.. to agitate; to shake doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection 7 alya mn. (in
med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault ~ tva n.
(Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) eva ind. alone; already; even W sasth 1.. to abide; to be
accomplished or completed (esp. applied to rites); to be lost.

" ^` N (.)
ldn kurute tvr chardyatsravarjitn // (11.2)
la-di k tvra chardi-atsra-varjay
" la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for impaling criminals di m. a firstling;
and so on; beginning T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become tvra adj. acute;
ardent; excessive ` chardi f. expulsion (of the breath); sickness; vomiting atsra m.
dysentery; purging varjay 10.. to avoid.

* T (.)
so 'laso 'tyarthadus tu do dumabaddhakh / (12.1)
tad alasa atyartha-du tu doa du-ma-bandh-kha
tad pron. this alasa m. a sore or ulcer between the toes; name of a small poisonous
animal; tympanitis * atyartha adj. excessive; exorbitant du 4.. to be defiled or impure; to
be ruined; to be wrong tu ind. and; but; do doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection du
4.. to be defiled or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong ma mn. constipation; dysenterie;
passing hard and unhealthy excretions ^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest;
to be affected by i.e. experience kha n. (in anat.) the glottis; a cavity; a city.

* " ~* (.)
yntas tiryak tanu sarv daavat stambhayanti cet // (12.2)
y tiryac tanu sarva daa-vat stambhay ced
y 2.. to flee; to go; to go to for any purpose (inf.) B tiryac adj. animal; horizontal
tanu f. tan; form; life sarva pron. all; completely; different " daa mn. (arch.) the width of
the top of a pillar (measurement for the elements of a building); a churning-stick; a form of
military array vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) ~ stambhay 10.. to arrest; to arrest; to check
ced ind. (never found at the beginning of a sentence or verse) ca; when.

" * " (.)
daaklasaka nma ta tyajed ukriam / (13.1)
daaklasaka nma tad tyaj u-krin
" daaklasaka m. a kind of dysentery nma ind. by name i.e. named; called;
certainly tad pron. this * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge " u adj. fast; going
quickly; quick krin adj. acting; an actor; doing.

^TW (.)
viruddhdhyaanjralino vialakaam // (13.2)
virudh-adhyaana-ajra-lin via-lakaa
^ virudh 7.. to be at variance with or contradictory to (instr.); to be impeded or checked or
kept back or withheld; to be opposed W adhyaana n. eating too soon after a meal (before the
last meal is digested) ajra n. indigestion lin adj. habituated or used to; having the
custom of; honest via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular
vegetable poison lakaa n. a designation; a form; a lucky mark.

madoa mahghora varjayed viasajakam / (14.1)
ma-doa mah-ghora varjay via-sajaka
ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy excretions doa mn. a
calf; accusation; affection mah ind. (irreg.- *mahant) -> gross ghora adj. awful;
dreadful; terrific varjay 10.. to avoid via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of
the sound m; a particular vegetable poison sajaka adj. . Namen besitzend; benannt nach.

"~ ^T~ (.)
viarpukritvd viruddhopakramatvata // (14.2)
via-rpa-ukrin-tva virudh-upakrama-tva
via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison
rpa n. a particular coin; a show; a single specimen " ukrin adj. (in med.) operating
speedily; active; doing anything quickly ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) ^ virudh 7..
to be at variance with or contradictory to (instr.); to be impeded or checked or kept back or
withheld; to be opposed upakrama m. a means; a particular ceremony preparatory to
reading the Vedas; anything leading to a result ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina).

W ~ = (.)
athmam alasbhta sdhya tvaritam ullikhet / (15.1)
atha-ma alasbh sdhay tvarita ullikh
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy excretions alasbh 1.P.
to become tired; [medic.] to show the symptoms of alasaka sdhay 10.. to accomplish; to
acquire; to attain one's object ~ tvarita adj. expeditious; hasty; quick = ullikh 6.. sich
erbrechen; to chip; to chisel.

~ (.)
ptv sogrpauphala vry ua yojayet tata // (15.2)
p tad-ugr-pau-phala vri ua yojay tatas
p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck tad pron. this ugr f. Artemisia Sternutatoria; a form
of Dev; a woman of the caste of Ugra pau m. a kind of perfume; a species of camphor; dhak
phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift vri n. pond; water; ????
ua adj. acrid; active; hot yojay 10.. to accomplish; to add; to adjust tatas ind. after
that; consequently; for that reason.

` (.)
svedana phalavarti ca malavtnulomanm / (16.1)
svedana phalavarti ca mala-vta-anulomana
svedana mn. a diaphoretic; any instrument or remedy for causing perspiration; fomenting
` phalavarti f. (in med.) a suppository ca ind. also; and; as well as mala mn. dirt; dust;
filth vta m. air; flatulence; gout anulomana adj. regulating.

P ` (.)
nmyamnni cgni bha svinnni veayet // (16.2)
nmay ca-aga bham svid veay
nmay 10.P. to aim at (gen.); to bend a bow; to cause to bow or sink ca ind. also; and; as
well as aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to
be five) bham ind. very svid 4.P. to sweat ` veay 10.. to beset; to cause to shrink
up; to cover.

T " ` (.)
vicym ativddhy pryor dha praasyate / (17.1)
vici ativddha pri dha praas
vici mf. manas T ativddha adj. very large; very old pri mf. a foolish or
licentious woman; a kick; asking dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound)
praas 1.. to approve; to declare; to esteem.

` (.)
tadaha copavsyaina viriktavad upcaret // (17.2)
tad-ahar ca-upavsay-enad viric-vat upcar
tad pron. this ahar n. a day ca ind. also; and; as well as upavsay 10.P. to cause
to fast enad pron. this viric 7.P. to be emptied or purged; to reach or extend beyond
vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) upcar 1.. to approach; to attend upon; to be obedient.

` `

V (.)
tvrrtir api njr pibec chlaghnam auadham / (18.1)
tvra-rti api na-ajrin p la-ghna auadha
tvra adj. acute; ardent; excessive ` rti f. injury; mischief; pain api ind. also;
assuredly; besides na ind. neither; no; nor ajrin adj. suffering from indigestion p
1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for impaling
criminals V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively.

masanno 'nalo nla paktu doauadhanam // (18.2)
ma-sad anala na-alam pac doa-auadha-aana
ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy excretions sad 1.. to
become faint or wearied or dejected or low-spirited; to besiege; to despair anala m. (in
astron.) the fiftieth year of; bile; digestive power na ind. neither; no; nor alam ind. able;
adequate; competent pac 1.. to bake; to become ripe; to boil doa mn. a calf; accusation;
affection auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively aana n. eating; food.

~ ` (.)
nihanyd api caite vibhrama sahasturam / (19.1)
nihan api ca-etad vibhrama sahas-tura
nihan 2.. to afflict; to assail; to attach to api ind. also; assuredly; besides ca ind.
also; and; as well as etad pron. this vibhrama m. agitation; blunder; confusion
sahas n. force; power; strength tura adj. desirous of (Inf.); diseased or pained by (in comp.);
sick (in body or mind).

` ` W *` (.)
jrane tu bhaiajya yujyt stabdhagurdare // (19.2)
j-aana tu bhaiajya yuj stambh-guru-udara
j 4.. to be dissolved or digested; to decay; to grow old aana n. eating; food tu ind.
and; but; do ` bhaiajya n. a particular ceremony performed as a remedy for sickness; any
remedy; curativeness yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.)
to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to ~ stambh 9.. to arrest; to be firmly
fixed or supported or propped; to become solid ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy udara n. a
cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver).

V (.)
doaeasya pkrtham agne sadhukaya ca / (20.1)
doa-ea pka-artha agni sadhukaa ca
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection ea mn. balance; leavings; remainder pka m. a
cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences artha mn. (in astron.) name of the
second mansion; action; advantage V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty
sadhukaa n. inflammation; the act of kindling ca ind. also; and; as well as.

* ~ (.)
ntir mavikr bhavati tv apatarpat // (20.2)
nti ma-vikra bh tu apatarpaa
* nti f. a pause; abatement; absence of passion ma mn. constipation; dysenterie;
passing hard and unhealthy excretions vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative
from Prakti; a product; agitation bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being tu ind. and;
but; do apatarpaa n. fasting.

` W (.)
trividha trividhe doe tat samkya prayojayet / (21.1)
trividha trividha doa tad samk prayojay
trividha adj. of 3 kinds; threefold; triple trividha adj. of 3 kinds; threefold; triple
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection tad pron. this samk 1.. to aim at; to bear in mind;
to become aware of prayojay 10.P. to aim at; to appoint to; to be applicable.

7 M W (.)
tatrlpe laghana pathya madhye laghanapcanam // (21.2)
tatra-alpa laghana pathya madhya laghana-pcana
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small laghana
n. ascending; attack; attaining M pathya adj. containing elements or leading forms; fit; normal
W madhya adj. central; impartial; intermediate laghana n. ascending; attack; attaining
pcana n. a cataplasm; a dissolvent; a sort of drink.

` T (.)
prabhte odhana taddhi mld unmlayen maln / (22.1)
prabh odhana mla unmlay mala
prabh 1.. to appear; to arise or originate from (abl.); to be before odhana mn. a
means of purification; acquittance; clearing up mla mn. a chief or principal city; a corpse; a
king's original or proper territory unmlay 10.P. to destroy; to eradicate; to extirpate
mala mn. dirt; dust; filth.

~ (.)
evam anyn api vydhn svanidnaviparyayt // (22.2)
evam anya api vydhi sva-nidna-viparyaya
evam ind. in such a manner; in this way; such ~ anya pron. anderer api ind. also;
assuredly; besides vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus
Speciosus or Arabicus sva adj. akin; one's own; own nidna n. a band; a first or primary
cause; any cause or motive viparyaya m. alteration; avoiding; barter.

^ ` (.)
cikitsed anubandhe tu sati hetuviparyayam / (23.1)
anubandha tu as hetu-viparyaya
^ anubandha m. a child or pupil who imitates an example set by a parent or preceptor; a
part; a small part tu ind. and; but; do as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) ` hetu
m. (with Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to pratyaya); (with Paupatas) that which causes the
bondage of the soul; a logical reason or dedaction or argument viparyaya m. alteration;
avoiding; barter.

*M N W (.)
tyaktv yathyatha vaidyo yujyd vydhiviparyayam // (23.2)
tyaj yathyatham vaidya yuj vydhi-viparyaya
* tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge yathyatham ind. as is fit or proper; by
degrees; fitly N vaidya m. a learned man; a physician (accounted a mixed caste); an expert
(versed in his own profession) yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in
astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to vydhi m. ailment; any
tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus viparyaya m.
alteration; avoiding; barter.

` ` ~ T (.)
tadarthakri v pakve doe tv iddhe ca pvake / (24.1)
tad-artha-krin v pakva doa tu indh ca pvaka
tad pron. this artha mn. (in astron.) name of the second mansion; action; advantage
krin adj. acting; an actor; doing v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side;
optionally pakva adj. accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots)
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection tu ind. and; but; do ^ indh 2.. to kindle; to light; to
set on fire ca ind. also; and; as well as pvaka m. a saint; fire; name of a particular Agni
(in the Puras said to be a son of Agni Abhimnin and Svh or of Antardhna and ikhain).

~MN* (.)
hitam abhyajanasnehapnavastydi yuktita // (24.2)
hita abhyajana-sneha-pna-vasti-di yukti
hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial ~M abhyajana n. embellishment; inunction
(especially of the feet); ornament N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous
substance pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-
syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder di m. a firstling; and so on;
beginning yukti f. (in astron.) conjunction; a sentence; adaptedness.

" (.)
ajra ca kaphd ma tatra opho 'kigaayo / (25.1)
ajra ca kapha ma tatra opha aki-gaa
ajra n. indigestion ca ind. also; and; as well as kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of
the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard
and unhealthy excretions tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place opha m.
intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) aki n. the eye "
gaa mn. a bubble; a goitre or any other excrescence of the neck; a hero.

N 7 (.)
sadyobhukta ivodgra prasekotkleagauravam // (25.2)
sadyas-bhuj iva-udgra praseka-utklea-gaurava
N sadyas ind. daily; every day; in the very moment bhuj 1.P. to consume; to eat; to enjoy
iva ind. a little; about; almost 7 udgra m. a loud sound; belching; Erbrochenes
praseka m. discharge; dropping; effusion utklea m. disorder or corruption of the humors (of
the body); disquietude; excitement gaurava n. cumbrousness; difficulty; gravity.


^WT (.)
viabdham anilc chlavibandhdhmnasdakt / (26.1)
viambh anila la-vibandha-dhmna-sda-kt
~ viambh 1.. to ascertain; to check; to encourage anila m. air or wind; any affection
referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron
pin or stake; a stake for impaling criminals ^ vibandha m. a circular bandage; a remedy for
promoting obstruction; constipation W dhmna n. a bellows; blowing; boasting sda m.
cleanness; clearness; decay T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

7 ^ 7 (.)
pittd vidagdha tmohabhrammlodgradhavat // (26.2)
pitta vidah t-moha-bhrama-amla-udgra-dhavant
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour vidah 4.. to be consumed by grief; to be inflamed (as
a wound); to be puffed up t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst moha m.
(with Buddhists) ignorance (one of the three roots of vice); a magical art employed to bewilder
an enemy; a swoon bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone amla adj. acid;
sour 7 udgra m. a loud sound; belching; Erbrochenes * dhavant adj. heated.

* (.)
laghana kryam me tu viabdhe svedana bham / (27.1)
laghana k ma tu viambh svedana bha
laghana n. ascending; attack; attaining T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to
become ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy excretions tu ind.
and; but; do ~ viambh 1.. to ascertain; to check; to encourage svedana mn. a
diaphoretic; any instrument or remedy for causing perspiration; fomenting bha adj.
abundant; frequent; mighty.

^ W ` (.)
vidagdhe vamana yad v yathvastha hita bhavet // (27.2)
vidagdha vamana yad v yathvastham hita bh
^ vidagdha adj. artful; burnt up; clever vamana n. an emetic; emission; emitting yad
pron. what; which v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally W
yathvastham ind. according to state or condition; whenever the same circumstances occur
hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being.

` ~ (.)
garyaso bhavel lnd md eva vilambik / (28.1)
garyas bh l ma eva vilambik
garyas adj. dearer; dearer than (abl.); dearer than (abl.) bh 1.. to be; to become; to
come into being l 1.P. to alight or settle on; to cling or press closely; to disappear ma
mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy excretions eva ind. alone; already;
even ~ vilambik f. a particular form of indigestion (with retardation of the feces).

T (.)
kaphavtnubaddhmalig tatsamasdhan // (28.2)
kapha-vta-anubandh-ma-liga tad-sama-sdhana
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general vta m.
air; flatulence; gout ^ anubandh 9.P. to adhere; to attach; to be followed by ma mn.
constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy excretions liga mn. (in logic) vypya;
(in Skhya) prakti or pradhna; prtipadika tad pron. this sama pron. common;
constant; easy sdhana adj. denoting; designating; effective.

T TH "T 7` (.)
araddh hdvyath uddhe 'py udgre rasaeata / (29.1)
araddh hd-vyath uddha api udgra rasa-ea
T araddh f. unbelief; want of trust T hd n. breast; chest; interior vyath f. agitation;
alarm; anguish "T uddha adj. admitted; authorised; clean api ind. also; assuredly; besides
7 udgra m. a loud sound; belching; Erbrochenes rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or
essential juice of the body; a kind of metre ea mn. balance; leavings; remainder.

ayta kicid evtra sarva cnito div // (29.2)
kacid eva-atra sarva ca-anita div
1.P. to fall asleep; to lay down V kacid pron. someone eva ind. alone; already; even
atra ind. here at this time; in this matter; in this place sarva pron. all; completely; different
ca ind. also; and; as well as anita adj. hungry div m. heaven; the sky.

N (.)
svapyd ajr sajtabubhuko 'dyn mita laghu / (30.1)
svap ajrin sajan-bubhuk ad mita laghu
svap 1.. to rest; to sleep ajrin adj. suffering from indigestion sajan 4.. to
appear; to arise or come forth from (abl.); to be bubhuk f. appetise; desire of enjoying
anything; hunger ad 2.. to consume; to devour; to eat mita adj. brief; consisting of
(acc.); containing a particular measure laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief.

^ 7 ^ (.)
vibandho 'tipravttir v glnir mrutamhat // (30.2)
vibandha atipravtti v glni mruta-muh-t
^ vibandha m. a circular bandage; a remedy for promoting obstruction; constipation
7 atipravtti f. issuing abundantly v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side;
optionally glni f. debility; decrease; depression of mind ^ mruta m. a chief of the
Maruts; a son of the Maruts; air muh 4.. to be bewildered or perplexed; to be mistaken; to
become confused t f. ifc. abstracta.

~ ~ (.)
ajraliga smnya viambho gaurava bhrama / (31.1)
ajra-liga smnya viambha gaurava bhrama
ajra n. indigestion liga mn. (in logic) vypya; (in Skhya) prakti or pradhna;
prtipadika ~ smnya adj. alike; common; common to (instr with and without saha) ~
viambha m. a partic. disease of the fetus; checking; constipation gaurava n. cumbrousness;
difficulty; gravity bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone.

na ctimtram evnnam madoya kevalam // (31.2)
na ca-atimtra eva-anna ma-doa kevala
na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as atimtra adj. exceeding the
proper measure eva ind. alone; already; even anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled
rice ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy excretions doa mn. a
calf; accusation; affection kevala adj. absolute; alone; entire.

~^^" (.)
dviaviambhidagdhmagururkahimuci / (32.1)
dvi 6.. to be a rival or a match for; to be hostile or unfriendly; to hate ~ viambhin
adj. checking; chilling; making motionless dah 1.. to be in flames; to burn; to cauterise
ma adj. fine; immature; name of the cow (considered as the raw material which produces the
prepared milk) ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a
person or speech) hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta " auci adj. foul; impure.

"M *~N (.)
vidhi ukam atyambupluta cnna na jryati // (32.2)
vidhin uka ati-ambu-plu ca-anna na j
vidhin adj. acrid; burning; pungent "M uka adj. arid; dried; dried up ati ind.
extremely; very ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety
syllables); the number four N plu 1.P. to bathe; to blow (as the wind); to float ca ind. also;
and; as well as anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice na ind. neither; no; nor
j 4.. to be dissolved or digested; to decay; to grow old.

P (.)
upataptena bhukta ca okakrodhakuddibhi / (33.1)
upatap bhuj ca oka-krodha-kudh-di
upatap 4.. to afflict (as an illness); to become sick; to feel pain bhuj 1.P. to consume;
to eat; to enjoy ca ind. also; and; as well as oka m. affliction; anguish; flame krodha
m. Anger (personified as a child of Lobha and Nikti); anger; name of a Dnava kudh f.
hunger di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

M M (.)
mira pathyam apathya ca bhukta samaana matam // (33.2)
mira pathya apathya ca bhuj samaana man
mira adj. adulterating; connected with; diverse M pathya adj. containing elements or
leading forms; fit; normal M apathya adj. inconsistent; unfit; unsuitable ca ind. also; and; as
well as bhuj 1.P. to consume; to eat; to enjoy samaana n. eating in general; eating
promiscuously; eating together man 8.P. to be of opinion; to believe; to conjecture.

N W (.)
vidyd adhyaana bhyo bhuktasyopari bhojanam / (34.1)
vid adhyaana bhyas bhuj-upari bhojana
vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to know; to learn W adhyaana n. eating too soon after a
meal (before the last meal is digested) bhyas ind. again; further; furthermore bhuj 1.P.
to consume; to eat; to enjoy upari ind. (as a separable adverb) above; on; towards the upper
side of (opposed to adhas) bhojana n. a meal; any object of enjoyment or the pleasure
caused by it; anything enjoyed or used.

V 7 (.)
akle bahu clpa v bhukta tu viamanam // (34.2)
akla bahu ca-alpa v bhuj tu viama-aana
akla m. a wrong or bad time V bahu adj. abundant; great in quantity; many ca ind.
also; and; as well as 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small v ind. either - or; on the one side - on
the other side; optionally bhuj 1.P. to consume; to eat; to enjoy tu ind. and; but; do
viama adj. bad; coarse; dangerous aana n. eating; food.

" * V* (.)
try apy etni mtyu v ghorn vydhn sjanti v / (35.1)
tri api etad mtyu v ghora vydhi sj v
tri nr. 3 MW api ind. also; assuredly; besides etad pron. this * mtyu m. Death
personified; death; dying v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally
ghora adj. awful; dreadful; terrific vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or
thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus V sj 1.P. to acquire; to be let loose or emitted or created.
etc.; to beget v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally.

P " N^ (.)
kle stmya uci hita snigdhoa laghu tanman // (35.2)
kla stmya uci hita snigdha-ua laghu tanmanas
kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time P stmya adj. agreeable to
nature or natural constitution; wholesome " uci adj. bright; brilliantly white; clean hita
adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable ua
adj. acrid; active; hot laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief tanmanas adj. absorbed
in mind by that.

~ (.)
arasa madhuraprya ntidrutavilambitam / (36.1)
a-rasa madhura-prya na-atidru-vilamb
a adj. six rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of
metre madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous prya m. a stage of life; age;
anything prominent na ind. neither; no; nor

atidru 1.P. to pass hastily; to pass over; to run

by ~ vilamb 1.P. to be attached to; to continue hanging; to decline.

N W (.)
snta kudvn viviktastho dhautapdakarnana // (36.2)
sn kudvant vivikta-stha dhv-pda-kara-nana
N sn 2.. to bathe; to perform the ceremony of bathing or certain prescribed oblations (esp. on
returning home from the house of a religious preceptor); to smear one's self with (instr.) *
kudvant adj. hungry vivikta n. a lonely place; clearness; purity W stha adj. a place; abiding;
being situated in dhv 1.. to cleanse; to make bright; to polish pda m. a foot as a
measure ( 12 Agulas); a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped being one out of 4); a quarter
kara m. act of doing; an elephant's trunk; claws of a crab nana n. door; entrance; the

~ ` (.)
tarpayitv pitn devn atithn blakn gurn / (37.1)
tarpay pit deva atithi blaka guru
tarpay 10.. to become satiated or satisfied; to gladden; to kindle pit m. (esp.) the Pits
or deceased ancestors; a father; a father and his brothers ` deva m. (rarely applied to) evil
demons; a child; a deity atithi m. a guest; a person entitled to hospitality; name of Agni
blaka m. a child; a fool; a kind of fish ^ guru m. a spiritual parent or preceptor (from
whom a youth receives the initiatory Mantra or prayer); any venerable or respectable person; the
chief of (gen. or in comp.).

*`W V (.)
pratyavekya tiraco 'pi pratipannaparigrahn // (37.2)
pratyavek api pratipad-parigraha
*` pratyavek 4.P. to consider; to examine; to have regard for (acc.) api ind. also;
assuredly; besides pratipad 4.P. to accomplish; to acknowledge; to act or proceed or behave
towards or against parigraha m. a curse; a house; a wife.

W P M W (.)
samkya samyag tmnam anindann abruvan dravam / (38.1)
samk samyak tman anindant abruvant drava
samk 1.. to aim at; to bear in mind; to become aware of P samyak ind. angemessen;
richtig M tman m. a son; abstract individual; Brahma W* anindant adj. without reproach
* abruvant adj. not talking drava adj. liquid.


T (.)
iam iai sahnyc chucibhaktajanhtam // (38.2)
i i saha-a uci-bhakta-jana-h
i 1.P. to assent; to choose; to concede i 1.P. to assent; to choose; to concede saha ind.
along with; together with; with a 9.. to consume; to eat " uci adj. bright; brilliantly
white; clean bhakta m. a worshipper; votary (esp. as name of a division of the ktas)
jana m. a common person; living being; man T h 1.. to bring; to bring home (a bride); to
bring near.

T (.)
bhojana takedijuam ukta puna / (39.1)
bhojana ta-kea-di-ju ukta punar
bhojana n. a meal; any object of enjoyment or the pleasure caused by it; anything enjoyed
or used ta n. any gramineous plant; blade of grass; grass kea m. a kind of perfume;
name of a Daitya; name of a mineral di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning ju 6.. to
approve of; to be fond of delight in (acc. or gen.); to be pleased or satisfied or favourable T
ukta adj. boiled; heated; hot punar ind. again and again; back; besides.

* * (.)
kvarnnabhyiham atyualavaa tyajet // (39.2)
ka-avara-anna-bhyiha ati-ua-lavaa tyaj
ka mn. a potherb; any vegetable food; greens avara adj. below; hinder; last anna n.
bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice bhyiha adj. chief; most numerous or abundant
or great or important; principal ati ind. extremely; very ua adj. acrid; active; hot
lavaa n. a kind of prameha; a particular mode of fighting; beauty * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to
avoid; to discharge.

" (.)
kiladadhikckkrauktmamlakam / (40.1)


manipvalkabisapiavirhakam / (41.1)
ma m. a bean (the plant); a cutaneous eruption resembling beans; a fool nipva m.
a kind of weight unit; chaff; Dolichos lablab Linn. lka n. a nut-meg; a tumour in the
throat; name of a poet bisa mn. bisapakman- a kind of disease of the eye; a shoot or sucker;
the film or fibre of the water-lily or lotus pia n. a kind of prameha; anything ground; flour
virhaka mn. grain that has begun to sprout.

"M (.)
ukakni yavakn phita ca na layet // (41.2)
uka-ka yavaka phita ca na lay
"M uka adj. arid; dried; dried up ka mn. a potherb; any vegetable food; greens
yavaka m. barley phita mn. the inspissated juice of the sugar cane and other plants ca
ind. also; and; as well as na ind. neither; no; nor lay Denom.. to be intent upon; to
cultivate; to do.

layec chligodhmayavaaikajgalam / (42.1)
lay li-godhma-yava-aika-jgala
lay Denom.. to be intent upon; to cultivate; to do li m. any grain of a similar
character to rice; grains of rice; name of a Yaka (who was transformed into a lion)
godhma mn. a kind of Godhma; name of a medicinal plant; the orange tree yava mn. (in
palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to indicate good
fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a weight 6 or
12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens aika mfn. a kind of rice of quick
growth (ripening in about 60 days) jgala adj. arid; coming from wild deer; covered with

H* (.)
suniaakajvantblamlakavstukam // (42.2)
H suniaaka mn. Marsilea minuta Linn. (Sharma, P.V. 0: 84); Marsilea quadrifolia Linn.
* jvant f. a parasitical plant; Cocculus cordifolius; Mimosa Suma blamlaka m. a
species of plant vstuka mn. a house; a palace; Chenopodium album.

M7 (.)
pathymalakamdvkpaolmudgaarkar / (43.1)
M pathy f. a path; name of a woman; name of several metres malaka mf. Adhatoda
vasica Nees (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 527); Emblic Myrobalan- Phyllanthus emblica Linn.;
Emblica Officinalis Gaertn. mdvk f. a bunch of grapes (esp. a reddish one); a vine; the
fruit of Vitis vinifera Linn. (grapes) (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 591) paol f. a species of small
cucumber; Trichosanthes dioica Roxb. 7 mudga m. a cover; a kind of seabird; covering
arkar f. a fragment or piece of broken earthenware; Gries; gravel.

^ (.)
ghtadivyodakakrakaudradimasaindhavam // (43.2)
ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which
drops from heaven) divyodaka n. rainwater kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of
plants; thickened milk kaudra n. a kind of prameha; honey; minuteness dima mfn.
Punica granatum Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 562); small cardamoms; the pomegranate tree
^ saindhava mn. a kind of rock-salt (found in Sindh); any salt.

`~ ` (.)
triphal madhusarpirbhy nii netrabalya ca / (44.1)
triphal madhu-sarpis ni netra-bala ca
triphal mf. the 3 fragrant fruits; the 3 Myrobalans; the 3 sweet fruits madhu n. a kind
of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid) ` sarpis n. a kind of
prameha; clarified butter ni f. night ` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer
bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in ca ind. also; and; as well as.

M 7T (.)
svsthynuvttikd yac ca rogocchedakara ca yat // (44.2)
svsthya-anuvtti-kt yad ca roga-uccheda-kara ca yad
M svsthya n. comfort; contentment; ease 7 anuvtti f. acting suitably to; complying
with; continued course or influence of a preceding rule on what follows T kt adj.
accomplishing; acting; author yad pron. what; which ca ind. also; and; as well as roga
mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease uccheda m. cutting off or out;
cutting short; destruction kara adj. causing; helping; making ca ind. also; and; as well as
yad pron. what; which.

W (.)
bisekumocacocmramodakotkrikdikam / (45.1)
bisa mn. bisapakman- a kind of disease of the eye; a shoot or sucker; the film or fibre of the
water-lily or lotus iku m. eyelash; name of a king; name of a river moca n. a plantain;
banana (the fruit) coca mn. a banana; a clove (the dried flower) (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974:
554); bark mra m. Mangifera Indica Linn.; the mango tree modaka mn. (in medicine) a
kind of pill; a small round sweetmeat; any sweetmeat W utkrik f. a poultice dika
adj. and so on; beginning with.

N ^ N^ W W (.)
adyd dravya guru snigdha svdu manda sthira pura // (45.2)
ad dravya guru snigdha svdu manda sthira puras
ad 2.. to consume; to devour; to eat dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.)
elementary substance; a stake ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy N^ snigdha adj. adhesive;
affectionate; agreeable svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty W manda adj. addicted to
intoxication; apathetic; bad W sthira adj. ascertained; calm; certain puras ind. (as prep.)
before (of place and time); eastward; first.

* W W (.)
vipartam ata cnte madhye 'mlalavaotkaam / (46.1)
viparta atas ca-anta madhya amla-lavaotkaa
viparta adj. acting in a contrary manner; adverse; being the reverse of anything atas
ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason ca ind. also; and; as well as *
anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border W madhya n. abdomen; centre; cessation amla adj.
acid; sour W lavaotkaa mfn. oversalted food.

` (.)
annena kuker dvv aau pnenaika praprayet // (46.2)
anna kuki dvi aa pna-eka prapray
anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice kuki mf. a bay; a cavity in general; a
valley dvi nr. two aa m. day; degree of latitude or longitude; denominator of a fraction
pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once
prapray 10.P. to fill up; to make rich.

raya pavandn caturtham avaeayet / (47.1)
raya pavana-di caturtha avaeay
raya m. a plea; a recipient; appropriate act or one consistent with the character of the
agent pavana m. a householder's sacred fire; a species of grass; air di m. a firstling; and
so on; beginning caturtha adj. the fourth avaeay 10.P. to leave as a remnant.

anupna hima vri yavagodhmayor hitam // (47.2)
anupna hima vri yava-godhma hita
anupna n. a fluid vehicle in medicine; drink after eating; drink taken with or after
medicine hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta vri n. pond; water; ???? yava mn. (in
palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to indicate good
fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a weight 6 or
12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens godhma mn. a kind of Godhma;
name of a medicinal plant; the orange tree hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial.

N ` (.)
dadhni madye vie kaudre koa piamayeu tu / (48.1)
dadhi madya via kaudra koa piamaya tu
dadhi n. coagulated milk; the resin of Shorea robusta; thick sour milk (regarded as a
remedy) N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine via n.
Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison
kaudra n. a kind of prameha; honey; minuteness koa adj. moderately warm; tepid
piamaya n. water sprinkled with flour tu ind. and; but; do.

7T M (.)
kamudgdiviktau mastutakrmlakjikam // (48.2)
ka-mudga-di-vikti mastu-takra-amla-kjika
ka mn. a potherb; any vegetable food; greens 7 mudga m. a cover; a kind of seabird;
covering di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning T vikti f. (in Skhya) vikra; imba;
a verse changed in a particular manner mastu n. sour cream; the watery part of curds; whey
takra n. buttermilk mixed with water; buttermilk with a fourth part of water amla adj.
acid; sour M kjika n. a sour gruel prepared from the acetous fermentation of powdered
paddy and other substances; sour gruel; water of boiled rice in a state of spontaneous

T W W (.)
sur kn puyartha sthln tu madhdakam / (49.1)
sur ka pui-artha sthla tu madhdaka
sur f. a drinking vessel; a snake; a tavern T ka adj. emaciated; feeble; insignificant
pui f. breeding; comfort; completeness artha mn. (in astron.) name of the second mansion;
action; advantage W sthla adj. big; coarse; dense tu ind. and; but; do madhdaka n.
honey diluted in water.

` N 7 (.)
oe msaraso madya mse svalpe ca pvake // (49.2)
oa msa-rasa madya msa su-alpa ca pvaka
oa m. desiccation; dryness; pulmonary consumption msa n. flesh; meat rasa
mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre N madya n. any
intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine msa n. flesh; meat su ind. quite;
[ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small ca ind. also; and; as well as
pvaka m. a saint; fire; name of a particular Agni (in the Puras said to be a son of Agni
Abhimnin and Svh or of Antardhna and ikhain).

WW (.)
vydhyauadhdhvabhyastrlaghantapakarmabhi / (50.1)
vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively adhvan m. a journey; a place; a
recension of the Vedas and the school upholding it bhya n. a sort of house or building; an
explanatory work; any work in the common or vernacular speech W str f. a kind of metre; a
white ant; a woman laghana n. ascending; attack; attaining tapa m. heat (especially
of the sun); sunshine karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among
the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy).

T M (.)
ke vddhe ca ble ca paya pathya yathmtam // (50.2)
ki vddha ca bla ca payas pathya yath-amta
ki 9.. to be diminished; to corrupt; to decrease T vddha adj. (a vowel) increased (by
Vddhi); advanced in years; aged ca ind. also; and; as well as bla adj. childish; early (as
the sun or its rays); foolish ca ind. also; and; as well as payas n. (esp.) milk; (met.) vital
spirit; a species of Andropogon M pathya adj. containing elements or leading forms; fit; normal
yath ind. according; as; as amta n. a particular poison; a pear; a ray of light.

viparta yad annasya guai syd avirodhi ca / (51.1)
viparta yad anna gua as avirodhin ca
viparta adj. acting in a contrary manner; adverse; being the reverse of anything yad
pron. what; which anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice gua mn. (in khya
phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook as 2.P. to abide; to be; to
be equal to (dat.) avirodhin adj. not being obstructive to (gen. or in comp.); not being
out of harmony with ca ind. also; and; as well as.

` (.)
anupna samsena sarvad tat praasyate // (51.2)
anupna samsa sarvad tad praas
anupna n. a fluid vehicle in medicine; drink after eating; drink taken with or after
medicine samsa m. (in astron.) a particular circle; a compound word; aggregation
sarvad ind. always; at all times (often joined with sarvatra and sarvath) tad pron. this
praas 1.. to approve; to declare; to esteem.

* P P [ (.)
anupna karoty rj tpti vypti dhgatm / (52.1)
anupna k rj tpti vypti dha-agat
anupna n. a fluid vehicle in medicine; drink after eating; drink taken with or after
medicine T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become rj f. name of a daughter of
Daka and wife of Vasiha; sap; strength P tpti f. disgust; satisfaction P vypti f.
accomplishment; acquisition; attainment [ dha adj. certain; close (e.g. ship); complete (opp.
to bhinna) agat f. a state of subordination or dependance; the being of secondary
importance; the being unessential.

77 (.)
annasaghtaaithilyaviklittijarani ca // (52.2)
anna-saghta-aithilya-viklitti-jaraa ca
anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice saghta mn. a bone; a collection of
mucus; a company of fellow-travellers 7 aithilya n. decrease; depression (of the mind);
dilatoriness 7 viklitti f. becoming soft or moist jaraa mn. Asa foetida; a kind of salt;
cumin ca ind. also; and; as well as.

N (.)
nordhvajatrugadavsaksorakatapnase / (53.1)
na ind. neither; no; nor rdhvajatru adj. being above the collar-bone gada m. a
sentence; Costus speciosus Sm.; disease N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of
which there are five kinds) ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln
urakata adj. suffering from disease of the lungs pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the

` T (.)
gtabhyaprasage ca svarabhede ca taddhitam // (53.2)
gta-bhya-prasaga ca svarabheda ca tad-hita
gta n. name of four hymns addressed to Ka; singing; song bhya n. a sort of house
or building; an explanatory work; any work in the common or vernacular speech prasaga
m. (pl.) all that is connected with or results from anything; adherence; an occasion ca ind. also;
and; as well as svarabheda m. difference of accent; difference of musical tones; hoarseness
ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial.

` (.)
praklinnadehamehkigalarogavratur / (54.1)
praklid 4.. to become moist or humid; to become wet ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of
a cloud); form meha m. a ram; diabetes; excessive flow of urine aki n. the eye gala m.
neck; the throat roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease vraa mn.
a flaw; abscess; blemish tura adj. desirous of (Inf.); diseased or pained by (in comp.); sick
(in body or mind).

* * (.)
pna tyajeyu sarva ca bhydhvaayana tyajet // (54.2)
pna tyaj sarva ca bhya-adhvan-ayana tyaj
pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge
sarva pron. all; completely; different ca ind. also; and; as well as bhya n. a sort of house or
building; an explanatory work; any work in the common or vernacular speech adhvan m. a
journey; a place; a recension of the Vedas and the school upholding it ayana n. a bed;
copulation; couch * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge.

~ M $ N (.)
ptv bhuktvtapa vahni yna plavanavhanam / (55.1)
p bhuj-tapa vahni yna plavana-vhana
p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck bhuj 1.P. to consume; to eat; to enjoy tapa m. heat
(especially of the sun); sunshine $ vahni m. a draught animal; a mystical name of the letter r;
any animal that draws or bears along yna n. (with Buddhists) the vehicle or method of
arriving at knowledge; a journey; a vehicle of any kind N plavana n. a kind of water Cyperus;
capering (one of a horse's paces); flying vhana n. any animal; any vehicle or conveyance or
draught-animal; bearing.

V T ` ` (.)
prase vimtre hdi suvimale doe svapathage / (55.2)
prasa vi-mtra hd suvimala doa sva-patha-ga
V prasa adj. dismissed; given up; having free course vi f. dirt; excrement; feces
mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine T hd n. breast; chest; interior suvimala
adj. perfectly clear or pure doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection sva adj. akin; one's own;
own patha m. a way; course; path ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place;

"T 7` ` ` (.)
viuddhe codgre kudupagamane vte 'nusarati / (55.3)
viudh ca-udgra kudh-upagamana vta anus
" viudh 4.P. to become clear (said of the senses); to become perfectly pure (esp. in ritual
sense) ca ind. also; and; as well as 7 udgra m. a loud sound; belching; Erbrochenes
kudh f. hunger upagamana n. addicting one's self to; approaching; attaining vta m.
air; flatulence; gout V anus 1.. to conform to; to follow; to go after.

V `` (.)
tathgnv udrikte viadakarae dehe ca sulaghau // (55.4)
tath-agni udric viada-karaa deha ca sulaghu
tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty
udric 7.P. to abound in; to be prominent; to exceed viada adj. bright; calm; cheerful
karaa n. a sound or word as an independent part of speech; act of making; an act ` deha
mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form ca ind. also; and; as well as sulaghu adj. .

M (.)
prayujthra vidhiniyamita kla sa hi mata // (56.1)
prayuj-hra vidhi-niyam kla tad hi man
prayuj 7.. to accomplish; to act; to begin hra m. bringing near; employing; fetching
vidhi m. a grammatical rule or precept; a means; a physician niyam 1.. to annihilate; to
be wanting; to bestow kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time tad
pron. this hi ind. because; for; on account of man 8.P. to be of opinion; to believe; to

` (.)
dravyam eva rasdn reha te hi tadray / (1.1)
dravya eva rasa-di reha tad hi tad-raya
dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake eva ind.
alone; already; even rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind
of metre di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning reha adj. most beautiful of or among;
most splendid or beautiful tad pron. this hi ind. because; for; on account of tad pron. this
raya m. a plea; a recipient; appropriate act or one consistent with the character of the

BM W ` (.)
pacabhttmaka tat tu kmm adhihya jyate // (1.2)
pacan-bhta-tmaka tad tu km adhih jan
B pacan adj. fnf bhta mn. a demon; a spirit (good or evil); an element M tmaka adj.
(ifc.) having the nature of tad pron. this tu ind. and; but; do W km f. the earth
adhih 1.. to abide; to arrive at; to ascend jan 4.P. to be; to be born; to be born again.

~~V (.)
ambuyonyagnipavananabhasm samavyata / (2.1)
ambu-yoni-agni-pavana-nabhas samavya
~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the number
four yoni mf. a mine; a particular part of a fire-pit; abode V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida;
digestive faculty pavana m. a householder's sacred fire; a species of grass; air nabhas n.
age; clouds; ether (as an element) samavya m. aggregate; assemblage; collection.

7 ` (.)
tannirvttir viea ca vyapadeas tu bhyas // (2.2)
tad-nirvtti viea ca vyapadea tu bhyas
tad pron. this 7 nirvtti f. completion; development; growth viea m. (pl.) various
objects; a kind; a species of tree ca ind. also; and; as well as ` vyapadea m. a family; a
name; a particular form of speech tu ind. and; but; do bhyas adj. abounding in;
abundantly furnished with (instr. or comp.); becoming (n. the act of becoming).

W ~ (.)
tasmn naikarasa dravya bhtasaghtasambhavt / (3.1)
tasmt na-eka-rasa dravya bhta-saghta-sambhava
W tasmt ind. therefore na ind. neither; no; nor eka pron. alone; excellent; happening
only once rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre
dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake bhta mn. a
demon; a spirit (good or evil); an element saghta mn. a bone; a collection of mucus; a
company of fellow-travellers ~ sambhava m. ability; acquaintance; adequacy.

W (.)
naikados tato rogs tatra vyakto rasa smta // (3.2)
na-eka-doa tatas roga tatra vyakta rasa sm
na ind. neither; no; nor eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once doa mn. a calf;
accusation; affection tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason roga mn. a
diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that
place vyakta adj. adorned; apparent; beautiful rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or
essential juice of the body; a kind of metre W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand
down memoriter.

* ` (.)
avyakto 'nurasa kicid ante vyakto 'pi ceyate / (4.1)
avyakta anurasa kacid anta vyakta api ca-i
avyakta adj. imperceptible; indistinct; invisible anurasa m. a secondary flavour (as a
little sweetness in a sour fruit) V kacid pron. someone * anta m. a final syllable; a shore;
border vyakta adj. adorned; apparent; beautiful api ind. also; assuredly; besides ca ind.
also; and; as well as i 1.P. to assent; to choose; to concede.

gurvdayo gu dravye pthivydau rasraye // (4.2)
guru-di gua dravya pthiv-di rasa-raya
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning gua mn. (in
khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook dravya n. (Gr.)
single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake pthiv f. earth regarded as
one of the elements; ground; land di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning rasa mn.
amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre raya m. a plea; a
recipient; appropriate act or one consistent with the character of the agent.

* (.)
raseu vyapadiyante shacaryopacrata / (5.1)
rasa vyapadi shacarya-upacra
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre
vyapadi 6.. to designate; to feign; to indicate shacarya n. association with (instr. or
comp.); companionship; fellowship upacra m. a ceremony; a favourable circumstance; a
kind of Sandhi (substitution of s and in place of Visarga).

^WW^ (.)
tatra dravya gurusthlasthiragandhaguolbaam // (5.2)
tatra dravya guru-sthla-sthira-gandha-gua-ulbaa
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.)
elementary substance; a stake ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy W sthla adj. big; coarse;
dense W sthira adj. ascertained; calm; certain ^ gandha mn. a fragrant substance; a
neighbour; a sectarial mark on the forehead (called so in the south of India) gua mn. (in
khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook ulbaa adj.
reich an (??); strong (a poison).

W (.)
prthiva gauravasthairyasaghtopacayvaham / (6.1)
prthiva gaurava-sthairya-saghta-upacaya-vaha
prthiva adj. earthen; earthly; earthy gaurava n. cumbrousness; difficulty; gravity
W sthairya n. calmness; constancy; constant delight in saghta mn. a bone; a collection of
mucus; a company of fellow-travellers upacaya m. accumulation; addition; elevation
vaha adj. bringing; bringing to pass; producing.

^N^W (.)
dravatagurusnigdhamandasndrarasolbaam // (6.2)
drava adj. liquid ta adj. boiled; cold; dull ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy N^
snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable W manda adj. addicted to intoxication; apathetic;
bad sndra adj. bland; compact; dense rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential
juice of the body; a kind of metre ulbaa adj. reich an (??); strong (a poison).

NW @^T (.)
pya snehanaviyandakledaprahldabandhakt / (7.1)
pya snehana-viyanda-kleda-prahlda-bandha-kt
pya adj. belonging or relating to water; consisting of water; liquid N snehana n. being or
becoming oily; feeling affection; lubrication W viyanda m. a drop; flowing; issuing forth
kleda m. dampness; discharge (from a sore); moisture @ prahlda m. a species of rice; delight;
happiness ^ bandha m. a bond; a border; a collar beam T kt adj. accomplishing; acting;

W W (.)
rkatkoaviadaskmarpaguolbaam // (7.2)
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot
ua adj. acrid; active; hot viada adj. bright; calm; cheerful W skma adj. feeble; fine;
insignificant rpa n. a particular coin; a show; a single specimen gua mn. (in khya
phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook ulbaa adj. reich an (??);
strong (a poison).

V M (.)
gneya dhabhvaraprakapavantmakam / (8.1)
gneya dha-bh-vara-praka-pavana-tmaka
V gneya adj. belonging or consecrated to Agny (wife of Agni); belonging or relating or
consecrated to fire or its deity Agni; south-eastern dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a
wound) bh f. appearance; beauty; looks vara mn. a co-efficient; a cover; a covering
praka m. (fig.) light; (pl.) the messengers of Viu; a chapter pavana m. a
householder's sacred fire; a species of grass; air M tmaka adj. (ifc.) having the nature of.

W (.)
vyavya rkaviadalaghusparaguolbaam // (8.2)
vyavya rka-viada-laghu-spara-gua-ulbaa
vyavya adj. belonging to Vyu; windy rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or
speech) viada adj. bright; calm; cheerful laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief W
spara m. a gift; a kind of sexual union; a spy gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or
constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook ulbaa adj. reich an (??); strong (a poison).

WN (.)
raukyalghavavaiadyavicraglnikrakam / (9.1)
W raukya n. aridity; cruelty; dryness lghava n. alacrity; brevity; conciseness N
vaiadya n. brightness; clearness; distinctness vicra m. a probable conjecture; change of
place; consideration glni f. debility; decrease; depression of mind kraka adj.
intending to act or do; making.

W (.)
nbhasa skmaviadalaghuabdaguolbaam // (9.2)
nbhasa skma-viada-laghu-abda-gua-ulbaa
nbhasa adj. appearing in the sky; celestial; heavenly W skma adj. feeble; fine;
insignificant viada adj. bright; calm; cheerful laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief
abda m. a name; a sound; a technical term gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or
constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook ulbaa adj. reich an (??); strong (a poison).

* (.)
sauiryalghavakara jagaty evam anauadham / (10.1)
sauirya-lghava-kara jagant evam anauadha
sauirya n. hollowness; porosity lghava n. alacrity; brevity; conciseness kara adj.
causing; helping; making * jagant n. men and animals; people; that which is alive evam
ind. in such a manner; in this way; such anauadha n. not a medicine.

N` (.)
na kicid vidyate dravya van nnrthayogayo // (10.2)
na kacid vid dravya vaa nn-artha-yoga
na ind. neither; no; nor V kacid pron. someone vid 6.. to acquire; to discover; to find
dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake vaa m. a
brothel; authority; birth nn ind. differently; distinctly; separately artha mn. (in astron.)
name of the second mansion; action; advantage yoga m. (in Skhya) the union of soul with
matter (one of the 10 Mlikrths or radical facts); a combined or concentrated grammatical
rule or aphorism; a follower of the Yoga system.

VW (.)
dravyam rdhvagama tatra pryo 'gnipavanotkaam / (11.1)
dravya rdhva-gama tatra pryas agni-pavana-utkaa
dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake rdhva adj.
above; elevated; erect gama adj. ifc. going; riding on (in comp.) tatra ind. in that; in that
case; in that place pryas ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly V agni m. bile;
Citrus Acida; digestive faculty pavana m. a householder's sacred fire; a species of grass; air
W utkaa adj. abounding in; difficult; drunk.

adhogmi ca bhyiha bhmitoyagudhikam // (11.2)
adhas-gmin ca bhyiha bhmi-toya-gua-adhika
adhas ind. below; beneath; down gmin adj. going anywhere ca ind. also; and; as
well as bhyiha adj. chief; most numerous or abundant or great or important; principal
bhmi f. attitude; country; degree toya n. water; !! gua mn. (in khya phil.) an
ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook adhika adj. abundant; additional;

7`W` (.)
iti dravya rasn bhedair uttaratropadekyate / (12.1)
iti dravya rasa bheda uttaratra-upadi
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre bheda m.
(in astron.) a particular crossing or conjunction of the planets; a cleft; alteration 7 uttaratra
ind. after; below (in a work); beyond upadi 6.. to admonish; to advise; to call.

7 ^ N^ (.)
vrya punar vadanty eke guru snigdha hima mdu // (12.2)
vrya punar vad eka guru snigdha hima mdu
vrya n. consequence; dignity; efficacy (of medicine) punar ind. again and again; back;
besides vad 1.. to address; to adjudge; to affirm eka pron. alone; excellent; happening
only once ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable
hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle;
mild (Nahrung).

W (.)
laghu rkoatka ca tad eva matam aadh / (13.1)
laghu rka-ua-tka ca tad evam man aadh
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or
speech) ua adj. acrid; active; hot W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot ca ind. also; and; as well
as tad pron. this evam ind. in such a manner; in this way; such man 8.P. to be of
opinion; to believe; to conjecture aadh ind. eight-fold; in eight parts or sections.

~ ` (.)
carakas tv ha vrya tat kriyate yena y kriy // (13.2)
caraka tu ah vrya tad k yad yad kriy
caraka m. a kind of ascetic; a kind of medicinal plant; a spy tu ind. and; but; do ah
1.P. to acknowledge; to adjugde anything; to call vrya n. consequence; dignity; efficacy (of
medicine) tad pron. this T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become yad pron.
what; which yad pron. what; which kriy f. a literary work; a noun of action; a religious
rite or ceremony.

^` T (.)
nvrya kurute kicit sarv vryakt hi s / (14.1)
na-avrya k kacid sarva vrya-k hi tad
na ind. neither; no; nor avrya adj. ineffective; weak T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to
cause to become V kacid pron. someone sarva pron. all; completely; different vrya n.
consequence; dignity; efficacy (of medicine) T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become
hi ind. because; for; on account of tad pron. this.

M W `~ "` (.)
gurvdiv eva vrykhy tennvartheti varyate // (14.2)
guru-di eva vrya-khy tad-anvartha-iti varay
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning eva ind. alone;
already; even vrya n. consequence; dignity; efficacy (of medicine) W khy f.
appearance; appellation; aspect tad pron. this ~ anvartha adj. agreeing with the true
meaning; clear; conformable to the meaning iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original
signification iti refers to something that has been said or thought) varay Denom.. to be
coloured or described; to colour; to consider.

` W` (.)
samagraguasreu aktyutkaravivartiu / (15.1)
samagra-gua-sra akti-utkara-vivartin
samagra adj. all; complete; each gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or
constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook sra mn. Acacia Catechu; a chief constituent of
the body; a kind of venomous frog (maka) akti f. (prob.) a flag-staff; a particular
configuration of stars and planets (when the latter are situated in the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th
astrological house); a spear W utkara m. abundance; boasting; delaying ` vivartin adj.
abiding; changing; dwelling.

W~ J (.)
vyavahrya mukhyatvd bahvagragrahad api // (15.2)
vyavahra mukhya-tva bahu-agra-grahaa api
vyavahra m. (fig.) punishment; a contract; a sort of tree W mukhya adj. being at the
head or at the beginning; being in or coming from or belonging to the mouth or face; chief ~ tva
n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) V bahu adj. abundant; great in quantity; many agra n. a
measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim grahaa n. a prisoner; a word
mentioned or employed; acceptance api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

~ ~* (.)
ata ca vipartatvt sambhavaty api naiva s / (16.1)
atas ca viparta-tva sambh api na-eva tad
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason ca ind. also; and; as
well as viparta adj. acting in a contrary manner; adverse; being the reverse of anything ~
tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) ~ sambh 1.. to accrue to; to arise; to assemble api
ind. also; assuredly; besides na ind. neither; no; nor eva ind. alone; already; even tad pron.

W` N Q

vivakyate rasdyeu vrya gurvdayo hy ata // (16.2)
vivac rasa-dya vrya guru-di hi atas
vivac 3.. to announce; to decide; to declare rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or
essential juice of the body; a kind of metre N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent
vrya n. consequence; dignity; efficacy (of medicine) ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy di
m. a firstling; and so on; beginning hi ind. because; for; on account of atas ind. from that
time; from this; from this or that cause or reason.

~ ` (.)
ua ta dvidhaivnye vryam cakate 'pi ca / (17.1)
ua ta dvidh-eva-anya vrya cak api ca
ua adj. acrid; active; hot ta adj. boiled; cold; dull dvidh ind. divided; in 2 ways
or parts; twofold eva ind. alone; already; even ~ anya pron. anderer vrya n.
consequence; dignity; efficacy (of medicine) cak 1.P. to acquaint; to address any one
(acc.); to announce api ind. also; assuredly; besides ca ind. also; and; as well as.

M V (.)
nntmakam api dravyam agnomau mahbalau // (17.2)
nn-tmaka api dravya agnoma mah-bala
nn ind. differently; distinctly; separately M tmaka adj. (ifc.) having the nature of
api ind. also; assuredly; besides dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary
substance; a stake V agnoma m. a kind of alchemical apparatus mah ind. (irreg.-
*mahant) -> gross bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in.

vyaktvyakta jagad iva ntikrmati jtucit / (18.1)
vyakta-avyakta jagant iva na-atikram jtucit
vyakta adj. adorned; apparent; beautiful avyakta adj. imperceptible; indistinct; invisible
* jagant n. men and animals; people; that which is alive iva ind. a little; about; almost na
ind. neither; no; nor atikram 4.P. to cross; to excel; to lose jtucit ind. ever.

" (.)
tatroa bhramatglnisvedadhupkit // (18.2)
tatra-ua bhrama-t-glni-sveda-dha-u-pkin-t
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place ua adj. acrid; active; hot bhrama m. a
circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst
glni f. debility; decrease; depression of mind sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration
("drops of perspiration") dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) " u adj.
fast; going quickly; quick pkin adj. becoming mature; being digested; promoting digestion
t f. ifc. abstracta.

ama ca vtakaphayo karoti iira puna / (19.1)
ama ca vta-kapha k iira punar
ama m. abstraction; apathy; convalescence ca ind. also; and; as well as vta m. air;
flatulence; gout kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in
general T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become iira adj. chilly; cold; cool
punar ind. again and again; back; besides.

@ ~ 7 (.)
hldana jvana stambha prasda raktapittayo // (19.2)
hldana jvana stambha prasda rakta-pitta
@ hldana adj. rich in refreshments or enjoyments jvana adj. enlivening; giving life;
vivifying ~ stambha m. a post; arrogance; becoming hard or solid prasda m. a decoction;
a propitiatory offering or gift (of food); a residuum rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of
the eyes; blood 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour.

`V ` * (.)
jharegnin yogd yad udeti rasntaram / (20.1)
jhara-agni yoga yad udi rasa-antara
jhara adj. being on or in or relating to the stomach or womb V agni m. bile; Citrus
Acida; digestive faculty yoga m. (in Skhya) the union of soul with matter (one of the 10
Mlikrths or radical facts); a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or aphorism; a
follower of the Yoga system yad pron. what; which udi 1.P. to be conceited or proud; to be
enhanced; to come out or arise from rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of
the body; a kind of metre * antara adj. being in the interior; different from; distant.

* W (.)
rasn parimnte sa vipka iti smta // (20.2)
rasa parima-anta tad vipka iti sm
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre
parima m. a figure of speech by which the properties of any object are transferred to that with
which it is compared; alteration; alteration of food * anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border
tad pron. this vipka m. any change of form or state; bad digestion; calamity iti ind. in
this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been said or
thought) W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

` (.)
svdu pau ca madhuram amlo 'mla pacyate rasa / (21.1)
svdu pau ca madhura amla amla pac rasa
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty pau adj. acrid; clear; cruel ca ind. also; and; as
well as madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous amla adj. acid; sour amla
adj. acid; sour pac 1.. to bake; to become ripe; to boil rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid
or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre.

tiktoakay vipka pryaa kau // (21.2)
tikta-ua-kaya vipka pryaas kau
tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent ua adj. acrid;
active; hot kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant vipka m. any change of form or
state; bad digestion; calamity pryaas ind. as a rule; for the most part; generally kau
adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words).

7 "" (.)
rasair asau tulyaphalas tatra dravya ubhubham / (22.1)
rasa adas tulya-phala tatra dravya ubha-aubha
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre adas
pron. jener 7 tulya adj. comparable; equal to; even phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a
gaming board; a gift tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place dravya n. (Gr.) single
object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake " ubha adj. agreeable; auspicious;
beautiful " aubha adj. bad; disagreeable; inauspicious.

^` (.)
kicid rasena kurute karma pkena cparam // (22.2)
kacid rasa k karman pka ca-apara
V kacid pron. someone rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a
kind of metre T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become karman n. act; action;
action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy)
pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences ca ind. also; and; as
well as apara pron. der andere.

*` ` (.)
guntarea vryea prabhveaiva kicana / (23.1)
gua-antara vrya prabhva-eva kacana
gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook
* antara adj. being in the interior; different from; distant vrya n. consequence; dignity;
efficacy (of medicine) prabhva m. beauty; conciliation (?); dignity eva ind. alone;
already; even V kacana pron. anything; something.

* ` (.)
yad yad dravye rasdn balavattvena vartate // (23.2)
yad yad dravya rasa-di balavant-tva vt
yad pron. what; which yad pron. what; which dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person;
(phil.) elementary substance; a stake rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of
the body; a kind of metre di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning * balavant adj.
accompanied by an army; dense (as darkness); intense ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina)
vt 1.P. to act in any way (instr. or acc.) towards; to advance; to be alive or present.

~ N` (.)
abhibhyetars tat tat kraatva prapadyate / (24.1)
abhibh-itara tad tad kraa-tva prapad
abhibh 1.P. to approach; to attack; to be victorious or prospering in itara pron.
another; the other (of two) tad pron. this tad pron. this kraa n. a cause; a deity; a
father ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) prapad 4.P. to admit (a claim); to adopt or
embrace (a doctrine); to appear.

^T` 7 ` (.)
viruddhaguasayoge bhyaslpa hi jyate // (24.2)
virudh-gua-sayoga bhyas-alpa hi ji
^ virudh 7.. to be at variance with or contradictory to (instr.); to be impeded or checked or
kept back or withheld; to be opposed gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or
constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook sayoga m. a kind of alliance or peace made
between two kings with a common object; absorption; being engaged in bhyas adj.
abounding in; abundantly furnished with (instr. or comp.); becoming (n. the act of becoming)
7 alpa adj. little; minute; small hi ind. because; for; on account of ji 2.P. to conquer (in a
battle); to defeat; to exercise.

~ (.)
rasa vipkas tau vrya prabhvas tny apohati / (25.1)
rasa vipka tad vrya prabhva tad apoh
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre
vipka m. any change of form or state; bad digestion; calamity tad pron. this vrya n.
consequence; dignity; efficacy (of medicine) prabhva m. beauty; conciliation (?); dignity
tad pron. this apoh 1.. (in disputation) to object; to avoid; to deny.

P ` (.)
balasmye rasdnm iti naisargika balam // (25.2)
bala-smya rasa-di iti naisargika bala
bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in P smya n. equability towards; equal or normal
state; equality rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of
metre di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original
signification iti refers to something that has been said or thought) ` naisargika adj. natural
bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in.

P ` (.)
rasdismye yat karma viia tat prabhvajam / (26.1)
rasa-di-smya yad karman vii tad prabhva-ja
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning P smya n. equability towards; equal or normal state; equality
yad pron. what; which karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third
among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy) vii 7.P. to augment; to be better
than (abl. or instr.) or best among (gen. or loc.); to be pre-eminent tad pron. this
prabhva m. beauty; conciliation (?); dignity ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing
in; ifc. born or descended from.

* N 7 ` (.)
dant rasdyais tulypi citrakasya virecan // (26.2)
dant rasa-dya tulya-api citraka virecana
* dant f. Baliospermum axillare Blume (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 561); Baliospermum
montanum Muell. Arg.; Croton polyandrum Roxb. rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or
essential juice of the body; a kind of metre N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent 7
tulya adj. comparable; equal to; even api ind. also; assuredly; besides citraka mn.
Amorphophallus campanulatus Blum ex Decne (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 553); a kind of coin or
weight; a kind of snake ` virecana adj. abfhrend; opening.

madhukasya ca mdvk ghta krasya dpanam / (27.1)
madhuka ca mdvk ghta kra dpana
madhuka n. Bassia latifolia Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 587); beeswax; Cynometra
ramiflora Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 587) ca ind. also; and; as well as mdvk f. a
bunch of grapes (esp. a reddish one); a vine; the fruit of Vitis vinifera Linn. (grapes) (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 591) ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain
(considered as the fat which drops from heaven) kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of
plants; thickened milk dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling.

~ (.)
iti smnyata karma dravydn puna ca tat // (27.2)
iti smnyatas karman dravya-di punar ca tad
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) ~ smnyatas ind. according to analogy; equally; generally karman
n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyya
philosophy) dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake
di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning punar ind. again and again; back; besides ca
ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this.

**` N` (.)
vicitrapratyayrabdhadravyabhedena bhidyate / (28.1)
vicitra-pratyaya-rabh-dravya-bheda bhid
vicitra adj. amusing; beautiful; charming * pratyaya m. analysis; ascertainment;
assumption rabh 1.P. to attain; to begin; to cling to dravya n. (Gr.) single object or
person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake bheda m. (in astron.) a particular crossing or
conjunction of the planets; a cleft; alteration bhid 6.P. to be changed or altered (in mind); to
be disclosed or betrayed; to be distinguished.

^ ` T (.)
svdur guru ca godhmo vtajid vtakd yava // (28.2)
svdu guru ca godhma vta-jit vta-kt yava
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy ca ind. also;
and; as well as godhma mn. a kind of Godhma; name of a medicinal plant; the orange
tree vta m. air; flatulence; gout jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning vta m. air; flatulence;
gout T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the
hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a
measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a
double convex lens.

" (.)
u matsy paya ta kau siho na kara // (29.0)
ua matsya payas ta kau siha na kara
ua adj. acrid; active; hot matsya m. (in astron.) the figure of a figure; a fish; a king of
the Matsyas payas n. (esp.) milk; (met.) vital spirit; a species of Andropogon ta adj.
boiled; cold; dull kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) siha m. a hero or eminent
person; a lion; a Moringa with red flowers na ind. neither; no; nor " kara m. a boar; hog;

W~VW~`~ (.)
kmmbho'gnikmmbutejakhavyvagnyanilago'nilai / (1.1)
W km f. the earth ~ ambhas n. collective name for gods, men, Manes, and Asuras; fruit
fulness; power V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty W km f. the earth ~ ambu n.
a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the number four `
tejas n. (in Skhya phil.) rajas (passion); (opposed to kam) impatience; a mystical name of
the letter r kha n. (in anat.) the glottis; a cavity; a city vyu m. (in astron.) name of the
fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned) V agni
m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to
disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or keeping
the fifth place; being anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind;
name of a Ri and other persons.

T (.)
dvayolbaai kramd bhtair madhurdirasodbhava // (1.2)
dvaya-ulbaa kramt bhta madhura-di-rasa-udbhava
dvaya n. both; double; falsehood ulbaa adj. reich an (??); strong (a poison)
kramt ind. successively bhta mn. a demon; a spirit (good or evil); an element madhura
adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning rasa mn.
amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre T udbhava m. a sort of
salt; becoming visible; birth.

` N 7 (.)
te vidyd rasa svdu yo vaktram anulimpati / (2.1)
tad vid rasa svdu yad vaktra anulip
tad pron. this vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to know; to learn rasa mn. amta; a
constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre svdu adj. agreeable;
chirming; dainty yad pron. what; which 7 vaktra n. a sort of garment; beginning; face
anulip 6.. to anoint; to anoint one's self after (bathing); to besmear.

N ` @ (.)
svdyamno dehasya hldano 'kaprasdana // (2.2)
svday deha hldana aka-prasdana
svday 10.. to eat with a relish; to taste ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud);
form @ hldana adj. rich in refreshments or enjoyments aka n. the eye prasdana
adj. calming; cheering; clearing.

` (.)
priya piplikdnm amla klayate mukham / (3.1)
priya piplika-di amla klay mukha
priya adj. beloved; dear to; favourite piplika m. an ant di m. a firstling; and so
on; beginning amla adj. acid; sour klay 10.. to clean; to cleanse; to purify
mukha n. a direction; beginning; best.

* (.)
harao romadantnm akibhruvanikocana // (3.2)
haraa roman-danta akibhruva-nikocana
haraa adj. causing the hair of the body to stand erect; delightful; gladdening roman
n. (esp.) short hair; bristles; down * danta mn. a pin used in playing a lute; a tooth; an arbour
akibhruva n. the eyes and eyebrows together nikocana adj. .

W* T (.)
lavaa syandayaty sya kapolagaladhakt / (4.1)
lavaa syanday sya kapola-gala-dha-kt
lavaa adj. beautiful; briny; graceful W syanday 10.P. sya n. face; jaws; mouth
kapola mn. cheek; name of a school belonging to the white Yajurveda; kahin, kha gala
m. neck; the throat dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) T kt adj.
accomplishing; acting; author.

* * (.)
tikto viadayaty sya rasana pratihanti ca // (4.2)
tikta viaday sya rasana pratihan ca
tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent viaday
Denom.P. to clarify; to describe sya n. face; jaws; mouth rasana n. apprehension;
flavour; perception pratihan 4.. to assail; to attack; to beat against (gen.) ca ind. also;
and; as well as.

J (.)
udvejayati jihvgra kurva cimicim kau / (5.1)
udvejay jihv-agra k cimicim kau
udvejay 10.P. to cause to shudder; to molest; to revive a fainting person (by sprinkling
water) J jihv f. speech; the root of Tabernaemontana coronaria; the tongue agra n. a
measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to
cause to become cimicim f. pricking kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words).

* (.)
srvayaty akinssya kapola dahatva ca // (5.2)
srvay aki-ns-sya kapola dah-iva ca
srvay 10.. aki n. the eye ns f. Gendarussa Vulgaris; proboscis; the nose
sya n. face; jaws; mouth kapola mn. cheek; name of a school belonging to the white
Yajurveda; kahin, kha dah 1.. to be in flames; to burn; to cauterise iva ind. a little;
about; almost ca ind. also; and; as well as.

J "^T (.)
kayo jaayej jihv kahasrotovibandhakt / (6.1)
kaya jaay jihv kaha-srotas-vibandha-kt
kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant jaay Denom.P. to render lifeless J jihv f.
speech; the root of Tabernaemontana coronaria; the tongue " kaha m. Gefwand;
immediate proximity; name of a Maharshi srotas n. a river; an aperture in the human or
animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of sense ^ vibandha m. a
circular bandage; a remedy for promoting obstruction; constipation T kt adj. accomplishing;
acting; author.

rasnm iti rpi karmi madhuro rasa // (6.2)
rasa iti rpa karman madhura rasa
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre iti ind.
in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been said or
thought) rpa n. a particular coin; a show; a single specimen karman n. act; action;
action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy)
madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or
essential juice of the body; a kind of metre.

P ^` (.)
janmastmyt kurute dhtn prabala balam / (7.1)
janma-stmya k dhtu prabala bala
janma ind. (generally in comp.) from birth; since birth P stmya mn. community of
essence or nature with (instr. or gen.); habit; habituation T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to
cause to become dhtu mn. a constituent element or essential ingredient of the body;
constituent part; element prabala adj. abounding in; dangerous; great bala mn.
Balarma; an army; expertness in.

T (.)
blavddhakatakavarakeendriyaujasm // (7.2)
bla adj. childish; early (as the sun or its rays); foolish T vddha adj. (a vowel) increased
(by Vddhi); advanced in years; aged kan 8.P. to break (a bow); to hurt; to injure ki 9..
to be diminished; to corrupt; to decrease vara mn. a co-efficient; a cover; a covering kea
m. a kind of perfume; name of a Daitya; name of a mineral indriya n. bodily power;
exhibition of power; faculty of sense ojas n. ability; appearance; bodily strength.

~T ^ (.)
praasto bhaa kahya stanyasadhnakd guru / (8.1)
praas bhaa kahya stanya-sadhna-kt guru
praas 1.. to approve; to declare; to esteem bhaa adj. making big or fat or
strong; nourishing kahya adj. being at or in the throat; belonging to the throat; guttural
(as sounds) ~ stanya mn. milk; dugdhapa sadhna n. a joint; a kind of relish eaten
to excite thirst; alliance T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author ^ guru m. a spiritual parent
or preceptor (from whom a youth receives the initiatory Mantra or prayer); any venerable or
respectable person; the chief of (gen. or in comp.).

N^ 7 (.)
yuyo jvana snigdha pittnilavipaha // (8.2)
yuya jvana snigdha pitta-anila-via-apaha
yuya adj. for the sake of life; giving long life; preservative of life jvana adj.
enlivening; giving life; vivifying N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable 7 pitta n.
bile; the bilious humour anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind;
name of a Ri and other persons via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound
m; a particular vegetable poison apaha adj. destroying; keeping back; removing.

^` *` HP (.)
kurute 'tyupayogena sa medalemajn gadn / (9.1)
k ati-upayoga tad medas-leman-ja gada
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become ati ind. extremely; very upayoga m.
acquisition (of knowledge); agreement; an engagement tad pron. this medas n. a mystical
term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum ja
adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from gada m. a
sentence; Costus speciosus Sm.; disease.

W7V~" (.)
sthaulygnisdasanysamehagarbuddikn // (9.2)
W7 sthaulya n. bigness; denseness (opp. to saukmya); density of intellect V agnisda m.
weakness of digestion ~ sanysa m. abandonment of (gen. or comp.); abstinence from
food; agreement meha m. a ram; diabetes; excessive flow of urine " gaa mn. a bubble; a
goitre or any other excrescence of the neck; a hero arbuda mn. a long round mass (said
especially of the shape of the foetus in the second half of the first month); a really large number;
a swelling dika adj. and so on; beginning with.

VPT N^ TN (.)
amlo 'gnidptikt snigdho hdya pcanarocana / (10.1)
amla agnidpti-kt snigdha hdya pcana-rocana
amla adj. acid; sour VP agnidpti f. active state of digestion T kt adj. accomplishing;
acting; author N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable TN hdya adj. being in the
heart; beloved; charming pcana adj. causing to cook or boil; digestive; softening
rocana adj. bright; giving pleasure; lovely.

W (.)
uavryo himaspara prana kledano laghu // (10.2)
ua-vrya hima-spara prana kledana laghu
ua adj. acrid; active; hot vrya n. consequence; dignity; efficacy (of medicine)
hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta W spara m. a gift; a kind of sexual union; a spy prana
adj. appeasing; gratifying; pleasing kledana adj. making wet; moistening laghu adj.
active; beautiful; causing relief.

7 (.)
karoti kaphapittsra mhavtnulomana / (11.1)
k kapha-pitta-asra muh-vta-anulomana
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the
tridoas; watery froth or foam in general 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour asra n. a
corner; a tear; blood muh 4.. to be bewildered or perplexed; to be mistaken; to become
confused vta m. air; flatulence; gout anulomana adj. regulating.

*~ 7 (.)
so 'tyabhyastas tano kuryc chaithilya timira bhramam //(11.2)
tad ati-abhyas tanu k aithilya timira bhrama
tad pron. this ati ind. extremely; very ~ abhyas 1.. to concentrate one's attention; to
multiply; to practice tanu f. tan; form; life T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to
become 7 aithilya n. decrease; depression (of the mind); dilatoriness timira n.
darkness; darkness of the eyes; iron-rust bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone.

""~W7 (.)
kaputvavsarpaophavisphoatjvarn / (12.1)
" ka f. itch; itching; scratching " pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a
Ngarja ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) vsarpa m. vi-s opha m.
intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) W visphoa m. a blister;
boil; cracking t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst 7 jvara m. affliction;
fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected
by it); fever of the soul.

~^W VT (.)
lavaa stambhasaghtabandhavidhmpano 'gnikt // (12.2)
lavaa stambha-saghta-bandha-vidhmpana agni-kt
lavaa adj. beautiful; briny; graceful ~ stambha m. a post; arrogance; becoming hard or
solid saghta mn. a bone; a collection of mucus; a company of fellow-travellers ^
bandha m. a bond; a border; a collar beam W vidhmpana adj. dispersing; scattering V
agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

N W T (.)
snehana svedanas tko rocana chedabhedakt / (13.1)
snehana svedana tka rocana cheda-bheda-kt
N snehana adj. anointing; lubricating svedana adj. causing to perspire; inclined to
perspire; perspiring W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot rocana adj. bright; giving pleasure;
lovely cheda m. a cut; an incision; cessation bheda m. (in astron.) a particular crossing or
conjunction of the planets; a cleft; alteration T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

` (.)
so 'tiyukto 'srapavana khalati palita valm // (13.2)
tad ati-yuj asra-pavana khalati palita val
tad pron. this ati ind. extremely; very yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction
with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to asra n. a
corner; a tear; blood pavana n. an instrument for purifying grain; blowing; sieve
khalati m. baldness palita n. a tuft of hair; benzoin; burning val f. vali; a fold; a wave.

tkuhaviavsarpn janayet kapayed balam / (14.1)
t-kuha-via-vsarpa janay kapay bala
t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy
via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison
vsarpa m. vi-s janay 10.. to create; to generate; to produce kapay 10.. to
destroy; to make an end of; to ruin bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in.

^ T (.)
tikta svayam arociur aruci kmitviam // (14.2)
tikta svayam arociu aruci kmi-t-via
tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent svayam ind. of
one's own accord; of or by one's self spontaneously; one's self (applicable to all persons)
arociu adj. dark; disagreeable ^ aruci f. aversion; disgust; dislike T kmi m. an ant; insect;
lac t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a
mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison.

77 (.)
kuhamrchjvarotkleadhapittakaph jayet / (15.1)
kuha-mrch-jvara-utklea-dha-pitta-kapha ji
kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy mrch f. (alchemy) one of the Saskras of
mercury; a kind of kumbhaka; a swoon 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the
different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul
utklea m. disorder or corruption of the humors (of the body); disquietude; excitement dha
m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) pitta n. bile; the bilious humour kapha m.
phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general ji 2.P. to conquer (in a
battle); to defeat; to exercise.

T (.)
kledamedovasmajjaaknmtropaoaa // (15.2)
kleda m. dampness; discharge (from a sore); moisture medas n. a mystical term for the
letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness vas f. a kind of prameha; any fatty or oily substance;
fat majjan m. scurf; the marrow of bones T akt n. dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement;
feces mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine upaoaa adj. the act of
causing to dry up or shrink.

W ~" (.)
laghur medhyo himo rka stanyakahaviodhana / (16.1)
laghu medhya hima rka stanya-kaha-viodhana
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief W medhya adj. medhm arhati; clean; fit for a
sacrifice or oblation hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel
(as a person or speech) ~ stanya mn. milk; dugdhapa " kaha m. Gefwand;
immediate proximity; name of a Maharshi viodhana adj. cleansing; washing away.

dhtukaynilavydhn atiyogt karoti sa // (16.2)
dhtukaya-anila-vydhi atiyoga k tad
dhtukaya m. consumption; waste of the humours anila m. air or wind; any
affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons vydhi m.
ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus
atiyoga m. excess; excessive union T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become tad pron.

kaur galmayodardakuhlasakaophajit / (17.1)
kau gala-maya-udarda-kuha-alasaka-opha-jit
kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) gala m. neck; the throat maya m. disease;
indigestion; sickness udarda m. (in medic.) erysipelas; Rotlauf; Wundrose kuha mn. a
sort of poison; leprosy alasaka mn. flatulence; tympanitis opha m. intumescence;
morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning.

N (.)
vravasdana snehamedakledopaoaa // (17.2)
vraa-avasdana sneha-medas-kleda-upaoaa
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish avasdana n. an escharotic; disheartening;
oppressing N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance medas
n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness kleda m. dampness; discharge
(from a sore); moisture upaoaa adj. the act of causing to dry up or shrink.

^ (.)
dpana pcano rucya odhano 'nnasya oaa / (18.1)
dpana pcana rucya odhana anna oaa
dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling pcana adj. causing to cook or boil;
digestive; softening ^ rucya adj. beautiful; bright; giving an appetite odhana adj.
cleaning; cleansing; purgative anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice oaa
adj. destroying; draining; drying up.

7 ^ (.)
chinatti bandhn srotsi vivoti kaphpaha // (18.2)
chid bandha srotas viv kapha-apaha
chid 1.P. to amputate; to chop; to cut off ^ bandha m. a bond; a border; a collar beam
srotas n. a river; an aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11
in women); an organ of sense viv 9.P. to comb (hair); to comment upon; to cover kapha
m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general apaha adj.
destroying; keeping back; removing.

^` ` " (.)
kurute so 'tiyogena t ukrabalakayam / (19.1)
k tad atiyoga t ukra-bala-kaya
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become tad pron. this atiyoga m. excess;
excessive union t f. Avidity as mother of Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.); desire " ukra
n. a kind of prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid bala mn. Balarma; an
army; expertness in kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction.

B (.)
mrchm kucana kampa kaphdiu vyathm // (19.2)
mrch kucana kampa kai-pha-di vyath
mrch f. (alchemy) one of the Saskras of mercury; a kind of kumbhaka; a swoon B
kucana n. bending (of a limb) kampa m. a dwarf-rafter; a pillar; a roofing strip kai f.
an elephant's cheek; buttocks; entrance of a temple pha n. a page of a book; height; name
of particular arrangement of Smans (employed at the midday libation and formed from the
Rathatara) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning vyath f. agitation; alarm; anguish.

7 ^ (.)
kaya pittakaphah gurur asraviodhana / (20.1)
kaya pitta-kapha-han guru asra-viodhana
kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour kapha m.
phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general han adj. killing ^
guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy asra n. a corner; a tear; blood viodhana adj. cleansing;
washing away.

pano ropaa ta kledamedovioaa // (20.2)
pana ropaa ta kleda-medas-vioaa
pana adj. afflicting; molesting; paining ropaa adj. causing to grow; causing to grow
over or cicatrize; healing ta adj. boiled; cold; dull kleda m. dampness; discharge (from a
sore); moisture medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness
vioaa adj. desiccative; drying; healing (a wound).

~ ~ (.)
masastambhano grh rko 'ti tvakprasdana / (21.1)
ma-sastambhana grhin rka ati tvac-prasdana
ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy excretions ~
sastambhana adj. constipating; obstructive grhin adj. holding; ifc. seizing; laying hold of
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) ati ind. extremely; very ~ tvac f.
a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag prasdana
adj. calming; cheering; clearing.


karoti lita so 'ti viambhdhmnahdruja // (21.2)
k lay tad ati viambha-dhmna-hdruj
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become lay Denom.. to be intent upon; to
cultivate; to do tad pron. this ati ind. extremely; very ~ viambha m. a partic. disease
of the fetus; checking; constipation W dhmna n. a bellows; blowing; boasting T

hdruj f.
a kind of disease; grief; heart-ache (lit. and fig.).

^ (.)
tkryapauruabhraasrotorodhamalagrahn / (22.1)
t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst krya n. thinness ^ paurua n. a
generation; a man's length; a sun-dial bhraa m. abandonment of (abl. or comp.);
cessation; decay srotas n. a river; an aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be
9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of sense rodha m. a dam; a particular hell; an arrow
mala mn. dirt; dust; filth graha mn. a crocodile; a house; a planet (as seizing or influencing
the destinies of men in a supernatural manner).

` (.)
ghtahemagukoamocacocaparakam // (22.2)
ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which
drops from heaven) ` heman n. a gold piece; gold; golden ornaments gua mn. (pl.) name
of a people (in Madhyadea); a ball to play with; a bit akoa m. a walnut (Pistacio nut?);
the tree Aleurites Triloba; the tree Plu moca n. a plantain; banana (the fruit) coca mn. a
banana; a clove (the dried flower) (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 554); bark paraka n. the fruit
of the tree Grewia Asiatica.

^ (.)
abhruvrpanasarjdanabaltrayam / (23.1)


~ (.)
madhka madhuka bimb vidr rvayugam / (24.1)
madhka madhuka bimb vidr rva-yuga
madhka n. bees-wax; liquorice; the blossoms or fruit of Bassia Latifolia madhuka n.
Bassia latifolia Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 587); beeswax; Cynometra ramiflora Linn. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 587) ~ bimb f. a kind of rice; Cephalandra indica Naud.; Momordica
monadelpha Roxb. vidr f. vidrgandh or vidrgandhik; Adenia hondala (Gaertn.) de
Wilde (Surapla (1988), 452); Adenia palmata Engl. (Surapla 1988: 451) rva f.
name of various plants; Sphaeranthus hirtus yuga mn. a lustrum (esp. in the cycle of Jupiter);
a measure of length 86 Agulas; a name for the number "twelve".

" " ` (.)
kraukl tugkr kriyau kmar sahe // (24.2)
kraukl tugkr kri kmar sah
" kraukl f. tugkr f. Tabshr (bamboo manna) kri f. gmbhr-
Beng. gmr, khirui-plant; snuh Euphorbia neriifolia L.; a dish prepared with milk
kmar f. Gmelina arborea Roxb. (Gambhr); Gmelina asiatica Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974),
543); Myrica nagi Thunb. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 543) sah f. (with Buddhists) name of a
division of the world; daopat; Aloe Perfoliata.

` (.)
krekugokurakaudradrkdir madhuro gaa / (25.1)
kra-iku-gokura-kaudra-drk-di madhura gaa
kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk iku m. eyelash; name of a
king; name of a river gokura m. Asteracantha longifolia; Barleria longifolia Linn.F. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 551); Hygrophila spinosa T. Anders (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 551)
kaudra n. a kind of prameha; honey; minuteness drk f. grape; Vitis vinifera Linn. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 564); vine di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning madhura adj.
charming; delightful; mellifluous gaa m. (in metre) a foot or four instants; vc; a company.

` (.)
amlo dhtrphalmlkmtulugmlavetasam // (25.2)
amla adj. acid; sour.

` (.)
dima rajata takra cukra plevata dadhi / (26.1)
dima rajata takra cukra dadhi
dima mfn. Punica granatum Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 562); small cardamoms; the
pomegranate tree ` rajata n. a pearl ornament; an asterism; blood takra n. buttermilk
mixed with water; buttermilk with a fourth part of water cukra mn. Chenopodium album
Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 554); Oxalis corniculata Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 554);
Rumex acetosella Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 554) dadhi n. coagulated milk; the resin of
Shorea robusta; thick sour milk (regarded as a remedy).

M (.)
mram mrtaka bhavya kapittha karamardakam // (26.2)
mra mrtaka bhavya kapittha karamardaka
mra n. a particular weight; the fruit of the mango tree mrtaka mn. Buchanania
latifolia Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 527); inspissated mango juice; name of a mountain
bhavya n. a bone; being; existing M kapittha n. fruit of Feronia Elephantum
karamardaka n. fruit of Carissa Carandas.

T T (.)
vara sauvarcala ka via smudram audbhidam / (27.1)
vara sauvarcala ka via smudra audbhida
vara n. green ginger; saffron; saindhava sauvarcala mn. alkali; natron; sochal salt
(prepared by boiling down soda with emblic myrobolan) T ka n. a kind of demon or spirit
of darkness; antimony; black Agallochum via mn. a collection of certain objects required in
the calcination of mercury; a kind of iron/steel; a kind of salt smudra n. a cuttle-fish bone;
name of two Smans; sea-salt T audbhida n. fossil salt; water breaking through (the earth
and collecting in a mine); romaka.

romaka psuja ssa kra ca lavao gaa // (27.2)
romaka psuja ssa kra ca lavaa gaa
romaka n. a kind of magnet; a kind of saline earth and the salt extracted from it; a kind of
knta psuja n. rock or fossil salt ssa n. lead; the leaden weight used by weavers
kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali
such as soda or potash) ca ind. also; and; as well as lavaa adj. beautiful; briny; graceful
gaa m. (in metre) a foot or four instants; vc; a company.

* W (.)
tikta paol tryant vlakoracandanam / (28.1)
tikta paol tryant vlaka-ura-candana
tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent paol f. a
species of small cucumber; Trichosanthes dioica Roxb. * tryant f. Ficus heterophylla
vlaka mn. a bracelet; a kind of Andropogon ura mn. the fragrant root of the plant
Andropogon Muricatus; Vetiveria zizanioides Nash. (Surapla 1988: 241) W candana mn.
Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Caesalpinia sappan Linn. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Crocus sativus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 552).

~~^ (.)
bhnimbanimbakauktagarguruvatsakam // (28.2)
~ bhnimba mn. Gentiana Chirata ~ nimba m. Azadirachta Indica (its fruit is bitter and its
leaves are chewed at funeral ceremonies); the Nimb or Neemb tree kauk f. Coccinia
indica Wight et Arn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 534); Corchorus antichorus Raeusch. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 534); Gentiana kurroo Royle (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 534) tagara mn.
Ervatamia coronaria Stapf; Ervatamia divaricata Burkill (Surapla (1988), 137); Ervatamia
heyneana Cooke (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 557) ^ aguru mn. Amyris agallocha Roxb. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 522); Aquilaria Agallocha Roxb.; Aquilaria malaccensis Lam. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 522) vatsaka m. a little calf; any calf or young animal (in voc. as a term
of endearment); name of a son of Sra.

` (.)
naktamladvirajanmustamrvarakam / (29.1)
naktamla m. Galedupa indica Lamp.; Pongamia glabra Vent. dvi nr. two ` rajan f.
a grape or lac (drk or lk); Curcuma longa Roxb. ( -dvaya); name of a particular
personification must fn. a species of grass; Cyperus Rotundus Linn.; Cyperus scariosus R.
Br. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 590) mrv f. Bauhinia vahlii Wight et Arn. (G.J. Meulenbeld
(1974), 591); Chonemorpha macrophylla G. Don (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 591); Clematis
gouriana Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 591) araka m. a walnut; Justicia adhatoda.

~ (.)
phpmrgaksyyogucdhanvaysakam // (29.2)
ph f. Cisampelos hernandifolia Willd.; Clypea hernandifolia W. & A.; Stephania
hernandifolia Walp. apmrga m. Achyranthes aspera Linn.; Achyranthes bidentata
Blume (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 525); Achyranthes heptapetalum Roxb. ksya n. a drinking
vessel of brass; a kind of musical instrument (a sort of gong or plate of bell-metal struck with a
stick or rod); a particular measure of capacity ayas n. an iron weapon (as an axe); gold; iron
guc f. Cocculus cordifolius DC.; Menispermum cordifolium Willd.; Tinospora cordifolia
Miers ~ dhanvaysaka m. dhanvaysa.

B (.)
pacamla mahad vyghryau viltivi vac / (30.1)
pacamla mahant vyghr vil-ativi vac
B pacamla fn. a class or group of 5 roots or plants with tuberous roots * mahant adj.
abounding on rich in (instr.); abundant; advanced (afternoon) vyghr f. (with Buddhists)
name of a goddess; a tigress; Solanum jacquini vil f. Basella Cordifolia; Citrullus
colocynthis Schrad.; Cucumis colocynthis Linn. ativi f. Aconitum heterophyllum Wall.
(Surapla 1988: 295); the plant Aconitum Ferox vac f. Acorus calamus Linn.; a kind of
aromatic root; Turdus salica.

T~B (.)
kauko higumaricakmijitpacakolakam // (30.2)
kauka higu-marica-kmijit-pacakolaka
kauka adj. bad; bitter; fierce higu n. Asa foetida; a fluid or resinous substance
prepared from the roots of the Asa Foitida (used as a medicine or for seasoning) marica n. a
particular fragrant substance; black pepper; Capsicum frutescens Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974:
588) T kmijit n. Embelia Ribes B pacakolaka n. the 5 spices.

`N 7 ^M (.)
kuherdy haritak pitta mtram arukaram / (31.1)
kuhera-dya haritaka pitta mtra arukara
` kuhera m. Cedrela toona Roxb. ex Rottl. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 544); fire; Ocimum
basilicum Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 543) N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent
haritaka mn. a green herb 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour mtra n. the fluid
secreted by the kidneys; urine ^M arukara n. the nut of the tree Semecarpus Anacardium.

M (.)
varga kaya pathyka ira khadiro madhu // (31.2)
varga kaya pathy-aka ira khadira madhu
varga m. (esp.) a subdivision of an Adhy ya in th
classified together; bala kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant M pathy f. a path; name
of a woman; name of several metres aka m. a cube; a die for gambling; a name of the
number ira mn. Acacia sirissa Buch.-Ham.; Albizzia odoratissima Benth. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 603); name of a village khadira mn. Acacia catechu Willd. (having very
hard wood); Acacia pennata Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 548); Acacia senegal Willd. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 548) madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything
sweet (esp. if liquid).

~~ M (.)
kadambodumbara muktpravljanagairikam / (32.1)
kadamba-udumbara mukt-pravla-ajana-gairika
~ kadamba mn. Adina cordifolia Benth. et Hook.F. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 535);
Andropogon caricosus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 536); Andropogon Serratus ~
udumbara mn. 1 kara; a kind of mahkuha; copper mukt f. a pearl pravla mn. a
young shoot; coral; new leaf or branch (to which feet and lips are often compared) M ajana
n. a special kind of this pigment; act of applying an ointment or pigment; antimony gairika
mfn. chalk of reddish brown colour (Kumar, Damodaran Suresh (0), 55); gelber Ocker (Garbe,
Richard 1974: 47); gold.

M T~ (.)
bla kapittha kharjra bisapadmotpaldi ca // (32.2)
bla kapittha kharjra bisa-padma-utpala-di ca
bla n. Andropogon Muricatus; childhood; heat M kapittha n. fruit of Feronia
Elephantum kharjra n. khala; silver; the fruit of Phoenix sylvestris bisa mn.
bisapakman- a kind of disease of the eye; a shoot or sucker; the film or fibre of the water-lily or
lotus T padma mn. a kind of coitus; a kind of temple; a lotus (esp. the flower of the lotus-plant
Nelumbium Speciosum which closes towards evening) ~ utpala mn. a particular hell; a seed of
the Nymphaea; any flower di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning ca ind. also; and; as
well as.

HP ` (.)
madhura lemala pryo jrc chliyavd te / (33.1)
madhura lemala pryas j li-yava te
madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous HP lemala adj. phlegmatic pryas
ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly j 4.. to be dissolved or digested; to decay; to
grow old li m. any grain of a similar character to rice; grains of rice; name of a Yaka (who
was transformed into a lion) yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling
a barley-corn (supposed to indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length
1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens
` te ind. besides; excepting; under pain of.

7 (.)
mudgd godhmata kaudrt sity jgalmit // (33.2)
mudga godhma kaudra sit jgala-mia
7 mudga m. a cover; a kind of seabird; covering godhma mn. a kind of Godhma; name
of a medicinal plant; the orange tree kaudra n. a kind of prameha; honey; minuteness
sit f. Arabian jasmine; a handsome woman; a species of Aparjit jgala adj. arid; coming
from wild deer; covered with jungle mia n. a gift; a pleasing or beautiful object; an object
of enjoyment.

7 ` (.)
pryo 'mla pittajanana dimmalakd te / (34.1)
pryas amla pitta-janana dima-malaka te
pryas ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly amla adj. acid; sour 7 pitta n.
bile; the bilious humour janana adj. begetting; causing; generating dima mfn. Punica
granatum Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 562); small cardamoms; the pomegranate tree
malaka mf. Adhatoda vasica Nees (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 527); Emblic Myrobalan- Phyllanthus
emblica Linn.; Emblica Officinalis Gaertn. ` te ind. besides; excepting; under pain of.

M ~ ^ (.)
apathya lavaa prya cakuo 'nyatra saindhavt // (34.2)
apathya lavaa pryas cakus anyatra saindhava
M apathya adj. inconsistent; unfit; unsuitable lavaa adj. beautiful; briny; graceful
pryas ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly cakus n. a look; aspect; faculty of
seeing ~ anyatra ind. at another time than; elsewhere; except ^ saindhava mn. a kind of
rock-salt (found in Sindh); any salt.

tikta kau ca bhyiham avya vtakopanam / (35.1)
tikta kau ca bhyiha avya vta-kopana
tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent kau adj. acrid;
bitter; caustic (as words) ca ind. also; and; as well as bhyiha adj. chief; most numerous
or abundant or great or important; principal avya adj. nicht vya vta m. air;
flatulence; gout kopana adj. angry; causing morbid irritation or disorder of the humors;
inclined to passion.

` ~ ""T (.)
te 'mtpaolbhy uhkrasonata // (35.2)
te amt-paol uh-k-rasona
` te ind. besides; excepting; under pain of amt f. a class of sunrays; a goddess;
Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. paol f. a species of small cucumber; Trichosanthes
dioica Roxb. "" uh f. dry ginger T k f. a kind of leech; a kind of perfume; a kind of
venomous insect rasona mn. Allium Ascalonicum; Allium sativum Linn.; garlic.

~ (.)
kaya pryaa ta stambhana cbhay vin / (36.1)
kaya pryaas ta stambhana ca-abhay vin
kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant pryaas ind. as a rule; for the most part;
generally ta adj. boiled; cold; dull ~ stambhana adj. arresting; astringent; checking ca
ind. also; and; as well as abhay f. name of Dev at Uatrtha; Terminalia Chebula Retz.
vin ind. except; short or exclusive of; without.

7 (.)
ras kavamlalava vryeo yathottaram // (36.2)
rasa kau-amla-lavaa vrya-ua yathottara
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre kau adj.
acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) amla adj. acid; sour lavaa adj. beautiful; briny;
graceful vrya n. consequence; dignity; efficacy (of medicine) ua adj. acrid; active; hot
7 yathottara adj. following in regular order; succeeding one another.

tikta kayo madhuras tadvad eva ca tal / (37.1)
tikta kaya madhura tadvat eva ca tala
tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent kaya adj.
astringent; dull red; fragrant madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous tadvat ind.
like that; so (correlative of yadvat); thus eva ind. alone; already; even ca ind. also; and; as
well as tala adj. calm; cold; cold i.e. free from passion.

T (.)
tikta kau kaya ca rk baddhamals tath // (37.2)
tikta kau kaya ca rka bandh-mala tath
tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent kau adj. acrid;
bitter; caustic (as words) kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant ca ind. also; and; as
well as rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) ^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach
to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience mala mn. dirt; dust; filth
tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so.

N^ V^ (.)
pavamlamadhur snigdh savimtramrut / (38.1)
pau-amla-madhura snigdha sj-vi-mtra-mruta
pau m. a kind of perfume; a species of camphor; dhak amla adj. acid; sour madhura
adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous N snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable V sj
1.P. to acquire; to be let loose or emitted or created. etc.; to beget vi f. dirt; excrement; feces
mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine ^ mruta m. a chief of the Maruts; a son of
the Maruts; air.

W ^ (.)
pao kayas tasmc ca madhura parama guru // (38.2)
pau kaya tad ca madhura parama guru
pau adj. acrid; clear; cruel kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant tad pron. this
ca ind. also; and; as well as madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous parama adj.
(with abl.) superior or inferior to; best; better or worse than ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy.

W W (.)
laghur amla kaus tasmt tasmd api ca tiktaka / (39.1)
laghu amla kau tad tad api ca tiktaka
laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief amla adj. acid; sour kau adj. acrid; bitter;
caustic (as words) tad pron. this tad pron. this api ind. also; assuredly; besides ca
ind. also; and; as well as tiktaka adj. anything having a bitter flavour; bitter.

PB 7 (.)
sayog saptapacat kalpan tu triaidh // (39.2)
sayoga saptapacat kalpan tu tri-aidh
sayoga m. a kind of alliance or peace made between two kings with a common object;
absorption; being engaged in PB saptapacat f. 57 MW 7 kalpan f. a deed; act;
arranging tu ind. and; but; do tri nr. 3 MW aidh ind. in 60 ways or parts; sixtyfold.

~ W ` (.)
rasn yaugikatvena yathsthla vibhajyate / (40.1)
rasa yaugikatva yathsthlam vibhaj
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre ~
yaugikatva n. accordance (of the meaning of a word) with its derivation or etymology W
yathsthlam ind. entsprechend der Konsistenz; gemss der Festigkeit vibhaj 1.. to apportion;
to assign; to cut.

B * (.)
ekaikahns tn pacadaa ynti ras dvike // (40.2)
ekaika-h tad pacadaan y rasa dvika
ekaika adj. every single one; one by one; single h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or
wanting; to be excluded from or bereft of tad pron. this B pacadaan adj. 15 MW y
2.. to flee; to go; to go to for any purpose (inf.) rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or
essential juice of the body; a kind of metre dvika adj. consisting of two; happening the 2nd
time; increased by 2.

trike svdur damla a trn paus tikta ekakam / (41.1)
trika svdu daan-amla a tri pau tikta ekaka
trika n. a triad; das Kreuz [ Rcken]; hips svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty
daan adj. ten amla adj. acid; sour a adj. six tri nr. 3 MW pau m. a kind of
perfume; a species of camphor; dhak tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste);
fragrant; pungent ekaka adj. alone; single; solitary.

M T (.)
catukeu daa svdu caturo 'mla pau sakt // (41.2)
catuka daan svdu catur amla pau sakt
M catuka m. -veman; a crossway; a necklace of 4 strings daan adj. ten svdu adj.
agreeable; chirming; dainty catur nr. four amla adj. acid; sour pau m. a kind of
perfume; a species of camphor; dhak T sakt ind. at once; ever; for ever.

BM B ` (.)
pacakev ekam evmlo madhura paca sevate / (42.1)
pacaka eka eva-amla madhura pacan sev
B pacaka n. a field of battle; a pentad; an aggregate of 5 eka pron. alone; excellent;
happening only once eva ind. alone; already; even amla adj. acid; sour madhura adj.
charming; delightful; mellifluous B pacan adj. fnf sev 1.. to cherish; to cultivate; to
devote or apply one's self to.

dravyam eka asvdam asayukt ca a ras // (42.2)
dravya eka a-svda asayukta ca a rasa
dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake eka pron.
alone; excellent; happening only once a adj. six svda m. eating with a relish;
enjoying; flavour asayukta adj. uncombined (as vowels in hiatus); unconnected ca ind.
also; and; as well as a adj. six rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the
body; a kind of metre.

B B (.)
a pacak a ca pthag ras syu caturdvikau pacadaaprakrau / (43.1)
a pacaka a ca pthak rasa as catur-dvika pacadaan-prakra
a adj. six B pacaka adj. 5 days old; bought with 5; consisting of 5 a adj. six ca
ind. also; and; as well as pthak ind. (with abl.) without; apart or separately or differently
from; differently rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of
metre as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) catur nr. four dvika adj. consisting
of two; happening the 2nd time; increased by 2 B pacadaan adj. 15 MW prakra m.
class; kind; manner.

` (.)
bheds trik viatir ekam eva dravya asvdam iti triai// (43.2)
bheda trika viati eka eva dravya a-svda iti triai
bheda m. (in astron.) a particular crossing or conjunction of the planets; a cleft; alteration
trika adj. 3 per cent; forming a triad; happening the 3rd time ` viati f. twenty eka
pron. alone; excellent; happening only once eva ind. alone; already; even dravya n. (Gr.)
single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake a adj. six svda m.
eating with a relish; enjoying; flavour iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification
iti refers to something that has been said or thought) triai f. 63 MW.

` P7 (.)
te rasnurasato rasabheds tratamyaparikalpanay ca / (44.1)
tad rasa-anurasa rasa-bheda tratamya-parikalpan ca
tad pron. this rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of
metre anurasa m. a secondary flavour (as a little sweetness in a sour fruit) rasa mn.
amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre bheda m. (in astron.)
a particular crossing or conjunction of the planets; a cleft; alteration P tratamya n.
difference; gradation; proportion 7 parikalpan f. assuming; calculation; forming ca
ind. also; and; as well as.

~* ` W (.)
sambhavanti gaan samatt doabheajavad upayojy //(44.2)
sambh gaan samat doa-bheaja-vaa upayuj
~ sambh 1.. to accrue to; to arise; to assemble gaan f. calculation; consideration;
considering samat 2.P. to cross over; to excel; to go or pass by entirely doa mn. a calf;
accusation; affection ` bheaja n. a remedy; a spell or charm; drug vaa m. a brothel;
authority; birth upayuj 7.. to apply; to appropriate; to attach one's self to.

` (.)
doadhtumal mla sad dehasya ta cala / (1.1)
doa-dhtu-mala mla sad deha tad cala
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection dhtu mn. a constituent element or essential
ingredient of the body; constituent part; element mala mn. dirt; dust; filth mla mn. a
chief or principal city; a corpse; a king's original or proper territory sad ind. always;
continually; ever ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form tad pron. this cala m.
a sprout; quicksilver; shoot.

N` (.)
utshocchvsanivsacevegapravartanai // (1.2)
utsha m. a thread; effort; energy ucchvsa m. an air-hole; breath; breathing out
N nivsa m. a sigh; expiration or inspiration ce f. action; activity; behaving ` vega m.
a stream; agitation; attack pravartana n. activity; advance; advancing.

P* ` (.)
samyaggaty ca dhtnm ak pavena ca / (2.1)
samyak-gati ca dhtu aka pava ca
P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig gati f. Motion (personified as a daughter of Kardama
and wife of Pulaha); a certain division of the moon's path and the position of the planet in it (the
diurnal motion of a planet in its orbit?); a happy issue ca ind. also; and; as well as dhtu
mn. a constituent element or essential ingredient of the body; constituent part; element aka
n. the eye pava n. cleverness in; health; intensity ca ind. also; and; as well as.

* T 7 P (.)
anughty avikta pitta paktymadaranai // (2.2)
anugrah avikta pitta pakti-man-darana
anugrah 9.. to favour; to follow in taking or plundering; to foster T avikta adj. being
in its natural condition (said of cloth); not changed by artificial means; not deformed 7 pitta
n. bile; the bilious humour pakti f. cooking; development; digesting P man m. (medic.)
a kind of sveda; ardour; glow darana n. audience; examination; inspection.

7 (.)
kuttruciprabhmedhdhauryatanumrdavai / (3.1)
kut f. a sneeze t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst ^ ruci f. appetite;
beauty; colour prabh f. beautiful appearance; light; name of a daughter of Svarbhnu and
mother of Nahua medh f. dhana; a form of Dkya in Kamra; a form of Sarasvat
dh f. art; design; devotion aurya n. heroism; might; name of a village tanu f. tan; form;
life mrdava n. gentleness; kindness; leniency towards.

HP W~N^~^ (.)
lem sthiratvasnigdhatvasadhibandhakamdibhi // (3.2)
leman sthiratva-snigdhatva-sadhibandha-kam-di
HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum W~ sthiratva n. constancy; hardness; immovableness
N^~ snigdhatva n. attachment to; blandness; fondness for ^ sadhibandha m. cement or
lime; the ligaments or sinews of the joints; the plant Kaempferia Rotunda kam f.
forbearance; indulgence (one of the smnyadharms i.e. an obligation to all castes); name of a
metre di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

N (.)
prana jvana lepa sneho dhraaprae / (4.1)
prana jvana lepa sneha dhraa-praa
prana adj. appeasing; gratifying; pleasing jvana adj. enlivening; giving life;
vivifying lepa m. (esp.) particles or remnants wiped from the hand after offering oblations to
three ancestors; a coating of paint; a kind of disease N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an
unguent; any oleaginous substance dhraa n. (Trika:) Name der vier Halbvokale (Vc,
310); a kind of opium; bearing praa n. (in astron.) the revolution of a heavenly body
through its orbit; (in medic.) injection of fluids or supplying with food; a sort of cake.

~ W (.)
garbhotpda ca dhtn reha karma kramt smtam // (4.2)
garbhotpda ca dhtu reha karman kramt sm
~ garbhotpda m. ca ind. also; and; as well as dhtu mn. a constituent element or
essential ingredient of the body; constituent part; element reha adj. most beautiful of or
among; most splendid or beautiful karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the
third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy) kramt ind. successively W sm
1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

~ (.)
avaambha purasya mtrasya kledavhanam / (5.1)
avaambha pura mtra kleda-vhana
~ avaambha m. applying; beginning; gold pura n. (esp.) crumbling or loose earth; a
disk; anything used to fill up interstices in a wall mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys;
urine kleda m. dampness; discharge (from a sore); moisture vhana n. any animal; any
vehicle or conveyance or draught-animal; bearing.

T ^` (.)
svedasya kledavidhtir vddhas tu kurute 'nila // (5.2)
sveda kleda-vidhti vdh tu k anila
sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") kleda m. dampness;
discharge (from a sore); moisture vidhti m. a particular Sattra; name of a king; name of a
particular divine being vdh 1.. to ascend (as the scale in ordeals); to be exalted or elevated;
to be filled or extended tu ind. and; but; do T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become
anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other

"~T (.)
kryakryoakmatvakampnhaakdgrahn / (6.1)
krya n. thinness " krya n. black colour; blackness; darkness ua adj. acrid;
active; hot kma m. Artemisia vulgaris Linn.; a kind of bean; a particular form of temple ~
tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) kampa m. a dwarf-rafter; a pillar; a roofing strip
nha m. constipation; epistasis; length T akt n. dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement; feces
graha mn. a crocodile; a house; a planet (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men in a
supernatural manner).

balanidrendriyabhraapralpabhramadnat // (6.2)
bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in nidr f. a mystic. name of the letter bh; name
of a blood vessel; sleep indriya n. bodily power; exhibition of power; faculty of sense
bhraa m. abandonment of (abl. or comp.); cessation; decay pralpa m. chattering;
discourse; incoherent or delirious speech bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone
dna adj. afflicted; depressed; miserable t f. ifc. abstracta.

`~ 77 (.)
ptavimtranetratvakkuttdhlpanidrat / (7.1)
pta adj. yellow (the colour of the Vaiyas) vi f. dirt; excrement; feces mtra n. the
fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine ` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer ~
tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag kudh
f. hunger t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst dha m. burning;
cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) 7 alpanidrat f. insomnia.

7 HPV (.)
pitta lemgnisadanapraseklasyagauravam // (7.2)
pitta leman-agni-sadana-praseka-lasya-gaurava
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum V agni m. bile;
Citrus Acida; digestive faculty sadana n. a seat; coming to rest; dwelling praseka m.
discharge; dropping; effusion lasya n. idleness; sloth; want of energy gaurava n.
cumbrousness; difficulty; gravity.

N**H~ N (.)
vaityaaityalathgatva vsakstinidrat / (8.1)
vaitya-aitya-lathga-tva vsa-ksa-atinidrat
N* vaitya n. vitiligo; white leprosy; whiteness * aitya n. cold; coldness; frigidity H
lathga adj. having relaxed or languid limbs ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) N vsa
m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) ksa m. cough;
[medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln atinidrat f. excessive sleeping.

HP N (.)
raso 'pi lemavad rakta visarpaplhavidradhn // (8.2)
rasa api leman-vat rakta visarpa-plhan-vidradhi
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre api ind.
also; assuredly; besides HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel)
rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood visarpa m. a kind of
kudrakuha; a particular disease [erysipelas or any similar spreading eruption]; creeping along
or about N plhan m. disease of the spleen (said to be equally applied to enlargement of the
mesenteric glands etc.); the spleen (from which and from the liver the Hinds suppose the blood
to flow) vidradhi mf. abscess; [medic.] a particular abscess (piaka).

7 7 (.)
kuhavtsrapittsragulmopakuakmal / (9.1)
kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy vta m. air; flatulence; gout asra n. a corner; a
tear; blood 7 pittsra n. 7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular
enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen
upakua m. a gum-boil (Aru. on AHS 11.9: dantarogajti- Hemdri on ibid.:
dantamsajaroga); name of a son of Kua kmal mfn. excessive secretion or obstruction
of bile; [medic.] a kind of puroga.

V~` (.)
vyaggninasammoharaktatvanetramtrat // (9.2)
vyaga adj. bodiless; crippled; deficient in limb V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive
faculty na m. (arithm.) elimination; annihilation; death sammoha m. (in astrol.) a
particular conjunction of planets; battle; bewilderment rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease
of the eyes; blood ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a
leather bag ` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer mtra n. the fluid secreted
by the kidneys; urine tad pron. this.

"*"T (.)
msa garbudagranthigaordaravddhit / (10.1)
msa gaa-arbuda-granthi-gaa-ru-udara-vddhit
msa n. flesh; meat " gaa mn. a bubble; a goitre or any other excrescence of the neck;
a hero arbuda mn. a long round mass (said especially of the shape of the foetus in the second
half of the first month); a really large number; a swelling * granthi m. a bell; a complaint; a
joint of the body " gaa mn. a bubble; a goitre or any other excrescence of the neck; a hero
^ ru mf. name of a son of Manu Ckua; name of an girasa and author of a Vedic hymn;
shank udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) T
vddhit f. .

"M (.)
kahdiv adhimsa ca tadvan medas tath ramam // (10.2)
kaha-di adhimsa ca tadvat medas tath rama
" kaha m. Gefwand; immediate proximity; name of a Maharshi di m. a firstling; and
so on; beginning adhimsa mn. cancer (especially in the eyes or the back part of the
gums); proud flesh ca ind. also; and; as well as tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of
yadvat); thus medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness
tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so rama m. drill; effort either bodily or mental;

7 ` N W~ (.)
alpe 'pi ceite vsa sphikstanodaralambanam / (11.1)
alpa api ce vsa sphic-stana-udara-lambana
7 alpa adj. little; minute; small api ind. also; assuredly; besides ce 1.. to act; to be
active; to be busy or occupied with (acc.) N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of
which there are five kinds) W sphic f. a buttock; hip stana mn. a kind of pin or peg on a
vessel shaped like a teat; dug; teat udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal
affection (as of the liver) ~ lambana adj. hanging down or causing to hang down (said of

M WM * ` (.)
asthy adhyasthy adhidant ca majj netrgagauravam // (11.2)
asthi adhyasthi adhidanta ca majjan netra-aga-gaurava
W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit WW adhyasthi n. * adhidanta m. a redundant
tooth ca ind. also; and; as well as majjan m. scurf; the marrow of bones ` netra mn. a
carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or
subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five) gaurava n. cumbrousness; difficulty;

W T" (.)
parvasu sthlamlni kuryt kcchry ari ca / (12.1)
parvan sthlamla k kcchra arus ca
parvan n. (esp.) the Cturmsya festival; a break; a day (360) W sthlamla n. a kind of
radish; a kind of wound T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become T kcchra adj.
attended with pain or labour; bad; being in a difficult or painful situation ^ arus n. a sore or
wound; the sun ca ind. also; and; as well as.

W T " " (.)
atistrkmat vddha ukta ukrmarm api // (12.2)
atistrkmat vddha uc ukra-amar api
W atistrkmat f. T vddha adj. (a vowel) increased (by Vddhi); advanced in years;
aged " uc 6.P. to be absorbed in deep meditation; to be bright or pure; to be putrid " ukra
n. a kind of prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid amar mf. stone or
gravel (the disease); strangury api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

W ` T (.)
kukv dhmnam opa gaurava vedan akt / (13.1)
kuki dhmna opa gaurava vedan akt
kuki mf. a bay; a cavity in general; a valley W dhmna n. a bellows; blowing; boasting
opa m. a multitude; borborygmi; flatulence gaurava n. cumbrousness; difficulty;
gravity ` vedan f. feeling; pain; sensation T akt n. dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement;

T` T (.)
mtra tu vastinistoda kte 'py aktasajatm // (13.2)
mtra tu vasti-nistoda k api akta-sajat
mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine tu ind. and; but; do vasti mf.
abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder nistoda
m. T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become api ind. also; assuredly; besides T
akta adj. incomplete; not committed; not made sajat f. .

W" (.)
svedo 'tisvedadaurgandhyakar eva ca lakayet / (14.1)
sveda atisveda-daurgandhya-ka evam ca lakay
sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") atisveda m. W
daurgandhya n. bler Geruch " ka f. itch; itching; scratching evam ind. in such a
manner; in this way; such ca ind. also; and; as well as lakay 10.. to aim; to characterize;
to consider or regard any one (acc.) as (acc. with or without iva).

{ V7^ (.)
dikdn api maln bhulyagurutdibhi // (14.2)
dik-di api mala bhulya-gurut-di
{ dik f. a kind of rice; impurity or impure secretion of the eyes; pencil or paint-brush
di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning api ind. also; assuredly; besides mala mn. dirt;
dust; filth V7 bhulya n. abundance; multitude; plenty ^ gurut f. heaviness and "dignity";
burden; heaviness di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

7 ` (.)
liga ke 'nile 'gasya sdo 'lpa bhitehitam / (15.1)
liga ki anila aga sda alpa bhita-hita
liga mn. (in logic) vypya; (in Skhya) prakti or pradhna; prtipadika ki 9.. to be
diminished; to corrupt; to decrease anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder
of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or
subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five) sda m. cleanness; clearness; decay 7
alpa adj. little; minute; small bhita n. language; speech; talk hita n. desire; request;

HP7~ (.)
sajmohas tath lemavddhyuktmayasambhava // (15.2)
saj-moha tath leman-vddhi-vac-maya-sambhava
saj f. (with Buddhists) perception (one of the 5 Skandhas); a name; a sign moha m.
(with Buddhists) ignorance (one of the three roots of vice); a magical art employed to bewilder
an enemy; a swoon tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so HP leman m. mucus;
phlegm; rheum T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground) vac 2.P. to
declare; to proclaim; to recite maya m. disease; indigestion; sickness ~ sambhava m.
ability; acquaintance; adequacy.

7 W (.)
pitte mando 'nala ta prabhhni kaphe bhrama / (16.1)
pitta manda anala ta prabh-hni kapha bhrama
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour W manda adj. addicted to intoxication; apathetic; bad
anala m. (in astron.) the fiftieth year of; bile; digestive power ta adj. boiled; cold; dull
prabh f. beautiful appearance; light; name of a daughter of Svarbhnu and mother of Nahua
hni f. a minus; abandonment; damage kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas;
watery froth or foam in general bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone.

HP "~~ T H (.)
lemayn nyatva hddrava lathasadhit // (16.2)
leman-aya nya-tva hd-drava latha-sadhi-t
HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum aya m. (in Yoga phil.) stock or the balance of the
fruits of previous works; a miser; a receptacle "~ nya adj. empty; void ~ tva n. (Marker fr
abstrakte Nomina) T hd n. breast; chest; interior drava mn. (medic.) a kind of sveda;
buttermilk (Takra); decoction H latha adj. dishevelled (as hair); feeble; flaccid sadhi mf.
(in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint t f. ifc. abstracta.

W (.)
rase raukya rama oo glni abdsahiut / (17.1)
rasa raukya rama oa glni abda-asahiu-t
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre W
raukya n. aridity; cruelty; dryness rama m. drill; effort either bodily or mental; exercise
oa m. desiccation; dryness; pulmonary consumption glni f. debility; decrease; depression
of mind abda m. a name; a sound; a technical term asahiu adj. envious; impatient;
quarrelsome t f. ifc. abstracta.

7 (.)
rakte 'mlaiiraprtisiraithilyarkat // (17.2)
rakta amla-iira-prti-sir-aithilya-rka-tad
rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood amla adj. acid; sour
iira adj. chilly; cold; cool prti f. any pleasurable sensation; friendliness; gladness sir
f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream 7 aithilya n. decrease; depression (of the mind); dilatoriness
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) tad pron. this.

"W"M ` (.)
mse 'kaglnigaasphikukatsadhivedan / (18.1)
msa aka-glni-gaa-sphic-ukat-sadhi-vedan
msa n. flesh; meat aka n. the eye glni f. debility; decrease; depression of mind
" gaa mn. a bubble; a goitre or any other excrescence of the neck; a hero W sphic f. a
buttock; hip "M ukat f. aridity; dryness sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link
of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint ` vedan f. feeling; pain; sensation.

N$ T T (.)
medasi svapana kay plhno vddhi kgat // (18.2)
medas svapana kai plhan vddhi ka-agat
medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness svapana n.
dreaming; numbness (of the skin); sleep kai f. an elephant's cheek; buttocks; entrance of a
temple N plhan m. disease of the spleen (said to be equally applied to enlargement of the
mesenteric glands etc.); the spleen (from which and from the liver the Hinds suppose the blood
to flow) T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground) T ka adj.
emaciated; feeble; insignificant agat f. a state of subordination or dependance; the being
of secondary importance; the being unessential.

~ W * (.)
asthny asthitoda adana dantakeanakhdiu / (19.1)
asthi asthi-toda adana danta-kea-nakha-di
W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit toda m. a
driver (of horses etc.); name of a Sman; pricking pain adana n. falling * danta mn. a pin
used in playing a lute; a tooth; an arbour kea m. a kind of perfume; name of a Daitya; name
of a mineral nakha mn. a finger-nail; claw; talon di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

asthn majjani sauirya bhramas timiradaranam // (19.2)
asthi majjan sauirya bhrama timira-darana
W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit majjan m. scurf; the marrow of bones
sauirya n. hollowness; porosity bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone
timira n. darkness; darkness of the eyes; iron-rust darana n. audience; examination;

" " (.)
ukre cirt prasicyeta ukra oitam eva v / (20.1)
ukra cirt prasic ukra oita eva v
" ukra n. a kind of prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid cirt ind.
prasic 4.P. to be watered i.e. refreshed; to emit; to fill (a vessel) " ukra n. a kind of
prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid oita n. a kind of prameha-
onitameha; blood; resin eva ind. alone; already; even v ind. either - or; on the one side -
on the other side; optionally.

* (.)
todo 'tyartha vaayor mehra dhmyatva ca // (20.2)
toda atyartha vaa mehra dhmy-iva ca
toda m. a driver (of horses etc.); name of a Sman; pricking pain * atyartha adj.
excessive; exorbitant vaa mn. (du.) the testicles; fruit (of a plant); the scrotum
mehra mn. Harnrhre; membrum virile; penis dhmy Denom.P. qualmen; to smoke; to
smudge iva ind. a little; about; almost ca ind. also; and; as well as.

` M ` (.)
pure vyur antri saabdo veayann iva / (21.1)
pura vyu antra sa-abda veay iva
pura n. (esp.) crumbling or loose earth; a disk; anything used to fill up interstices in a
wall vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a
vital air (of which 5 are reckoned) M antra n. entrail; intestine sa ind. (ibc.) with abda
m. a name; a sound; a technical term ` veay 10.. to beset; to cause to shrink up; to cover
iva ind. a little; about; almost.

* T~N (.)
kukau bhramati yty rdhva htprve payan bham // (21.2)
kuki bhram y rdhvam hd-prva pay bham
kuki mf. a bay; a cavity in general; a valley bhram 4.. to agitate; to brandish; to cause
to err y 2.. to flee; to go; to go to for any purpose (inf.) rdhvam ind. after;
furthermore; upward T hd n. breast; chest; interior N prva mn. a curved knife; a side of
any square figure; flank (either of animate or inanimate objects) pay 10.. (in astrol.) to
cover (esp. with something inauspicious); to break (a vow); to cause pain bham ind. very.

7 T (.)
mtre 'lpa mtrayet kcchrd vivara ssram eva v / (22.1)
mtra alpa mtray kcchra vivara ssra eva v
mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small
mtray Denom.. to discharge urine; to make water against (acc.) T kcchra mn. austerity;
bodily mortification; calamity vivara adj. belonging to a mixed caste; colourless; low
ssra adj. having angles or corners eva ind. alone; already; even v ind. either - or; on the
one side - on the other side; optionally.

` * W ~ (.)
svede romacyuti stabdharomat sphuana tvaca // (22.2)
sveda roman-cyuti stabdharomat sphuana tvac
sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") roman n. (esp.) short
hair; bristles; down cyuti f. degeneration; deviation from (abl.); dying *
stabdharomat f. W sphuana n. bursting; cracking (of the joints etc.); expanding ~ tvac f. a
cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag.

W W (.)
malnm atiskm durlakya lakayet kayam / (23.1)
mala ati-skma durlakya lakay kaya
mala mn. dirt; dust; filth ati ind. extremely; very W skma adj. feeble; fine;
insignificant W durlakya n. a bad aim lakay 10.. to aim; to characterize; to consider or
regard any one (acc.) as (acc. with or without iva) kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction.

"~~ (.)
svamalyanasaoatodanyatvalghavai // (23.2)
sva adj. akin; one's own; own malyana n. the path of the excretions; the rectum
saoa m. complete drying; drying up toda m. a driver (of horses etc.); name of a Sman;
pricking pain "~ nyatva n. lghava n. alacrity; brevity; conciseness.

N T (.)
dodn yathsva ca vidyd vddhikayau bhiak / (24.1)
doa-di yathsva ca vid vddhi-kaya bhiaj
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
yathsva adj. each acc. to (his, her, their) own; every one possessing his own ca ind. also; and;
as well as vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to know; to learn T vddhi f. advancement;
augmentation; elevation (of ground) kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction ` bhiaj m.
a healer; a remedy; medicine.

` (.)
kayea vipartn gun vardhanena ca // (24.2)
kaya viparta gua vardhana ca
kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction viparta adj. acting in a contrary manner;
adverse; being the reverse of anything gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or
constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook vardhana n. the act of cutting or cutting off ca
ind. also; and; as well as.

T (.)
vddhi maln sagc ca kaya ctivisargata / (25.1)
vddhi mala saga ca kaya ca-ativisarga
T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground) mala mn. dirt; dust; filth
saga m. addiction or devotion to; association or intercourse with; clinging to ca ind. also;
and; as well as kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction ca ind. also; and; as well as
ativisarga m. .

~ ` T (.)
malocitatvd dehasya kayo vddhes tu pana // (25.2)
mala-ucitatva deha kaya vddhi tu pana
mala mn. dirt; dust; filth ~ ucitatva n. fitness ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a
cloud); form kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction T vddhi f. advancement;
augmentation; elevation (of ground) tu ind. and; but; do pana adj. afflicting; molesting;

W 7 (.)
tatrsthni sthito vyu pitta tu svedaraktayo / (26.1)
sth vyu pitta tu sveda-rakta
W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth
Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned) 7 pitta n. bile;
the bilious humour tu ind. and; but; do sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of
perspiration") rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood.

HP ` ` (.)
lem eeu tenaim rayrayi mitha // (26.2)
leman ea tad-idam raya-rayin mithas
HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum ea mn. balance; leavings; remainder tad pron.
this idam pron. this raya m. a plea; a recipient; appropriate act or one consistent with
the character of the agent rayin adj. attaching one's self to; dwelling in; following
mithas ind. alternately; by contest or dispute; in secret.

~ (.)
yad ekasya tad anyasya vardhanakapaauadham / (27.1)
yad eka tad anya vardhana-kapaa-auadha
yad pron. what; which eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once tad pron. this
~ anya pron. anderer vardhana adj. (mostly ifc.) animating; (often ifc.) causing to increase;
exhilarating kapaa adj. destructive; ifc. one who destroys auadha n. drug; herb;
herbs collectively.

W^ T (.)
asthimrutayor naiva pryo vddhir hi tarpat // (27.2)
asthi-mruta na-evam pryas vddhi hi tarpaa
W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit ^ mruta m. a chief of the Maruts; a son of the
Maruts; air na ind. neither; no; nor evam ind. in such a manner; in this way; such
pryas ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation;
elevation (of ground) hi ind. because; for; on account of tarpaa n. a libation; filling the
eyes; food.

HP W (.)
lemanugat tasmt sakayas tadviparyayt / (28.1)
leman-anugam tad sakaya tad-viparyaya
HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum anugam 1.. to approach; to arrive; to be
extinguished tad pron. this sakaya m. complete destruction or consumption; decay;
destruction of the world tad pron. this viparyaya m. alteration; avoiding; barter.

W TT (.)
vyunnugato 'smc ca vddhikayasamudbhavn // (28.2)
vyu-anugam idam ca vddhi-kaya-samudbhava
vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air
(of which 5 are reckoned) anugam 1.. to approach; to arrive; to be extinguished
idam pron. this ca ind. also; and; as well as T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation
(of ground) kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction T samudbhava m. coming to life
again; existence; name of Agni at the Vratdea.

vikrn sdhayec chghra kraml laghanabhaai / (29.1)
vikra sdhay ghra kramt laghana-bhaa
vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative from Prakti; a product; agitation
sdhay 10.. to accomplish; to acquire; to attain one's object ghra adj. quick; speedy;
swift kramt ind. successively laghana n. ascending; attack; attaining bhaa
n. a means for making strong or firm; the act of making big.

~ ` (.)
vyor anyatra tajjs tu tair evotkramayojitai // (29.2)
vyu anyatra tad-ja tu tad eva-utkrama-yojay
vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air
(of which 5 are reckoned) ~ anyatra ind. at another time than; elsewhere; except tad pron.
this ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from tu ind.
and; but; do tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even utkrama m. acting
improperly; deviation; going astray yojay 10.. to accomplish; to add; to adjust.

7M ` (.)
vied raktavddhyutthn raktasrutivirecanai / (30.1)
viet rakta-vddhi-uttha rakta-sruti-virecana
viet ind. especially rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood T
vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground) M uttha adj. (generally ifc.)
standing up; arising; coming forth rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood
sruti f. a course; a line drawn round the Vedi; a stream ` virecana n. a means for making
the head clear; purging or any purging substance.

T WV (.)
msavddhibhavn rogn astrakrgnikarmabhi // (30.2)
msa-vddhi-bhava roga astra-kra-agnikarman
msa n. flesh; meat T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground)
bhava m. (with Buddhists) continuity of becoming (a link in the twelvefold chain of causation); a
god; acquisition roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease W astra n.
a razor; an instrument for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool kra n. a factitious
or medicinal salt (commonly black salt); alkali; alkaline substance V agnikarman n. action
of Agni; cauterization; piling up the wood etc.

W7` W (.)
sthaulyakryopacrea medojn asthisakayt / (31.1)
sthaulya-krya-upacra medas-ja asthi-sakaya
W7 sthaulya n. bigness; denseness (opp. to saukmya); density of intellect krya n.
thinness upacra m. a ceremony; a favourable circumstance; a kind of Sandhi
(substitution of s and in place of Visarga) medas n. a mystical term for the letter v;
corpulence; excessive fatness ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or
descended from W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit sakaya m. complete destruction
or consumption; decay; destruction of the world.

jtn kraghtais tiktasayutair vastibhis tath // (31.2)
jan kra-ghta tikta-sayuta vasti tath
jan 4.P. to be; to be born; to be born again kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants;
thickened milk ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as
the fat which drops from heaven) tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste);
fragrant; pungent sayuta adj. accumulated; added to (instr. or comp.); being in
conjunction with vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection
itself; the bladder tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so.

T T (.)
vivddhijn atsrakriyay vikayodbhavn / (32.1)
vi-vddhi-ja atsra-kriy vi-kaya-udbhava
vi f. dirt; excrement; feces T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground)
ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from
atsra m. dysentery; purging kriy f. a literary work; a noun of action; a religious rite or
ceremony vi f. dirt; excrement; feces kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction T
udbhava adj. produced or coming from.

W7 (.)
mejamadhyakulmayavamadvaydibhi // (32.2)
mea m. a ram; a species of plant; name of a particular demon aja m. a goat; Brahm;
Kma W madhya adj. central; impartial; intermediate 7 kulma m. a kind of disease; an
inferior kind of grain; half-ripe barley yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand
resembling a barley-corn (supposed to indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure
of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double
convex lens ma m. a bean (the plant); a cutaneous eruption resembling beans; a fool
dvaya n. both; double; falsehood di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

TM T (.)
mtravddhikayotth ca mehakcchracikitsay / (33.1)
mtra-vddhi-kaya-uttha ca meha-kcchra-cikits
mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation;
elevation (of ground) kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction M uttha adj. (generally ifc.)
standing up; arising; coming forth ca ind. also; and; as well as meha m. a ram; diabetes;
excessive flow of urine T kcchra mn. austerity; bodily mortification; calamity cikits f.
medical attendance; practice or science of medicine (esp. therapeutics).

~MN T (.)
vyymbhyajanasvedamadyai svedakayodbhavn // (33.2)
vyyma-abhyajana-sveda-madya sveda-kaya-udbhava
vyyma m. (with Buddhists) right exercise or training; a difficult passage; a particular
measure of length ~M abhyajana n. embellishment; inunction (especially of the feet);
ornament sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") N madya n. any
intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration
("drops of perspiration") kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction T udbhava adj.
produced or coming from.

WW V (.)
svasthnasthasya kygner a dhtuu sarit / (34.1)
sva-sthna-stha kya-agni aa dhtu sari
sva adj. akin; one's own; own W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a stronghold;
abiding W stha adj. a place; abiding; being situated in kya m. a butt; a house; any object to
be attained V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty aa m. day; degree of latitude
or longitude; denominator of a fraction dhtu mn. a constituent element or essential
ingredient of the body; constituent part; element sari 1.. to acquire; to approach; to
approach for sexual union.

` P~ TT (.)
te sdtidptibhy dhtuvddhikayodbhava // (34.2)
tad sda-atidpti dhtu-vddhi-kaya-udbhava
tad pron. this sda m. cleanness; clearness; decay P atidpti f. dhtu mn. a
constituent element or essential ingredient of the body; constituent part; element T vddhi f.
advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground) kaya m. consumption; decay;
destruction T udbhava m. a sort of salt; becoming visible; birth.

T (.)
prvo dhtu para kuryd vddha ka ca tadvidham / (35.1)
prva dhtu para k vdh ki ca tadvidha
prva pron. aforesaid; ancient; attended with dhtu mn. a constituent element or
essential ingredient of the body; constituent part; element para pron. ancient; best; better or
worse than T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become vdh 1.. to ascend (as the
scale in ordeals); to be exalted or elevated; to be filled or extended ki 9.. to be diminished;
to corrupt; to decrease ca ind. also; and; as well as tadvidha adj. conformable to that; his
(or their) like; of that kind.

{7 (.)
do du rasair dhtn dayanty ubhaye maln // (35.2)
doa du rasa dhtu day ubhaya mala
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection du 4.. to be defiled or impure; to be ruined; to be
wrong rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre
dhtu mn. a constituent element or essential ingredient of the body; constituent part; element
{ day 10.. (astrol.) to cause evil or misfortune; to accuse; to adulterate ubhaya adj.
both; in both manners; in both ways mala mn. dirt; dust; filth.

P (.)
adho dve sapta irasi khni svedavahni ca / (36.1)
adhas dvi saptan iras kha sveda-vaha ca
adhas ind. below; beneath; down dvi nr. two P saptan adj. 7 MW iras n. acme;
chief; first (of a class) kha n. (in anat.) the glottis; a cavity; a city sveda m. a sudorific;
heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") vaha adj. bearing; bearing (a name); bearing
along (said of rivers) ca ind. also; and; as well as.

`M (.)
mal malyanni syur yathsva tev ato gad // (36.2)
mala malyana as yathsva tad atas gada
mala mn. dirt; dust; filth malyana n. the path of the excretions; the rectum as
2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) yathsva adj. each acc. to (his, her, their) own;
every one possessing his own tad pron. this atas ind. from that time; from this; from this
or that cause or reason gada m. a sentence; Costus speciosus Sm.; disease.

` "* W (.)
ojas tu tejo dhtn ukrntn para smtam / (37.1)
ojas tu tejas dhtu ukra-anta para sm
ojas n. ability; appearance; bodily strength tu ind. and; but; do ` tejas n. (in Skhya
phil.) rajas (passion); (opposed to kam) impatience; a mystical name of the letter r dhtu
mn. a constituent element or essential ingredient of the body; constituent part; element " ukra
n. a kind of prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid * anta m. a final syllable; a
shore; border para pron. ancient; best; better or worse than W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to
bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

TW `W^ (.)
hdayastham api vypi dehasthitinibandhanam // (37.2)
hdaya-stha api vypin deha-sthiti-nibandhana
T hdaya n. mind (as the seat of mental operations); name of a Sman; science W stha adj. a
place; abiding; being situated in api ind. also; assuredly; besides vypin adj.
comprehensive; covering; diffusive ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form W
sthiti f. (in astron.) duration of an eclipse; (in Vedic gram.) the standing of a word by itself;
abiding ^ nibandhana n. a commentary; a grant; a literary composition or treatise.

N^ M "T = (.)
snigdha somtmaka uddham allohitaptakam / (38.1)
snigdha soma-tmaka uddha at-lohita-ptaka
N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable soma m. (esp.) the juice of the Soma
plant; a day destined for extracting the Soma-juice; a drug of supposed magical properties M
tmaka adj. (ifc.) having the nature of "T uddha adj. admitted; authorised; clean at ind. a
little; little; slightly lohita adj. made of copper; metal; red ptaka adj. yellow.

W (.)
yanne niyata no yasmis tihati tihati // (38.2)
yad-na niyata na yad sth sth
yad pron. what; which na m. (arithm.) elimination; annihilation; death niyata adj.
abstemious; checked; connected with na m. (arithm.) elimination; annihilation; death
yad pron. what; which W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand W sth 1.. to adhere to; to
be; to be at hand.

N* ` (.)
nipadyante yato bhv vividh dehasaray / (39.1)
nipad yatas bhva vividha deha-saraya
nipad 4.. to arise; to be brought about or effected; to become ripe yatas ind. as; as
soon as; because bhva m. (in astron.) the state or condition of a planet; advice; affection
vividha adj. divers; manifold; of various sorts ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud);
form saraya m. a piece or portion belonging to anything; a refuge; alliance.

7 (.)
oja kyeta kopakuddhynaokaramdibhi // (39.2)
ojas kopa-kudh-dhyna-oka-rama-di
ojas n. ability; appearance; bodily strength kopa m. anger; fury (of fire);
incompatibleness with kudh f. hunger W dhyna mn. (esp.) profound and abstract religious
meditation; meditation; reflection oka m. affliction; anguish; flame rama m. drill; effort
either bodily or mental; exercise di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

W W ` (.)
bibheti durbalo 'bhka dhyyati vyathitendriya / (40.1)
bh durbala abhka dhy vyath-indriya
bh 3.. to be afraid of; to fear durbala adj. emaciated; feeble; lean (cow) W
abhka adj. constant; perpetual W dhy 2.P. to be thoughtful or meditative; to brood mischief
against (acc.); to call to mind vyath 1.P. to come to naught; to fail; to go astray indriya
n. bodily power; exhibition of power; faculty of sense.

" ` (.)
duchyo durman rko bhavet kma ca tatkaye // (40.2)
duchya durmanas rka bh kma ca tad-kaya
" duchya adj. having a bad complexion; looking unwell durmanas adj. in bad or low
spirits; sad rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) bh 1.. to be; to
become; to come into being kma adj. burning to ashes; charring; debilitated ca ind. also;
and; as well as tad pron. this kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction.

N ` (.)
jvanyauadhakrarasdys tatra bheajam / (41.1)
jvanya-auadha-kra-rasa-dya tatra bheaja
jvanya adj. prepared from Jvanya milk; vivifying (a class of drugs) auadha n.
drug; herb; herbs collectively kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre N dya adj.
being at the head; earlier; excellent tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place ` bheaja
n. a remedy; a spell or charm; drug.

T ` (.)
ojovddhau hi dehasya tuipuibalodaya // (41.2)
ojas-vddhi hi deha tui-pui-bala-udaya
ojas n. ability; appearance; bodily strength T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation;
elevation (of ground) hi ind. because; for; on account of ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of
a cloud); form tui f. contentment; name of a Kal of the moon; satisfaction pui f.
breeding; comfort; completeness bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in udaya m. a
following word; appearance; becoming visible.

yad anna dvei yad api prrthayetvirodhi tu / (42.1)
yad anna dvi yad api prrthay-avirodhin tu
yad pron. what; which anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice dvi 6.. to be
a rival or a match for; to be hostile or unfriendly; to hate yad pron. what; which api ind.
also; assuredly; besides prrthay Denom.. to ask a person (acc.) for (acc. or loc.) or ask
anything (acc.) from (abl.); to assail; to attack avirodhin adj. not being obstructive to
(gen. or in comp.); not being out of harmony with tu ind. and; but; do.

* H T (.)
tat tat tyajan samana ca tau tau vddhikayau jayet // (42.2)
tad tad tyaj sama ca tad tad vddhi-kaya ji
tad pron. this tad pron. this * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge sama 9.P.
to eat; to enjoy (lit. and fig.); to taste ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this tad pron.
this T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground) kaya m. consumption;
decay; destruction ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to exercise.

` ^ (.)
kurvate hi ruci do vipartasamnayo / (43.1)
k hi ruci doa viparta-samna
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become hi ind. because; for; on account of ^
ruci f. appetite; beauty; colour doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection viparta adj. acting
in a contrary manner; adverse; being the reverse of anything samna adj. alike; equal;

T 7 (.)
vddh k ca bhyiha lakayanty abudhs tu na // (43.2)
vdh ki ca bhyiha lakay abudha tu na
vdh 1.. to ascend (as the scale in ordeals); to be exalted or elevated; to be filled or
extended ki 9.. to be diminished; to corrupt; to decrease ca ind. also; and; as well as
bhyiha adj. chief; most numerous or abundant or great or important; principal
lakay 10.. to aim; to characterize; to consider or regard any one (acc.) as (acc. with or without
iva) abudha adj. foolish; stupid tu ind. and; but; do na ind. neither; no; nor.

T ~` (.)
yathbala yathsva ca do vddh vitanvate / (44.1)
yathbalam yathsva ca doa vdh vitan
yathbalam ind. according to power; according to the (condition of the) army; according
to the (number of) forces yathsva adj. each acc. to (his, her, their) own; every one
possessing his own ca ind. also; and; as well as doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection
vdh 1.. to ascend (as the scale in ordeals); to be exalted or elevated; to be filled or extended
vitan 8.. to accomplish (esp. a rite or ceremony); to apply (ointment); to carry out.

` (.)
rpi jahati k sam sva karma kurvate // (44.2)
rpa h ki sama sva karman k
rpa n. a particular coin; a show; a single specimen h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or
wanting; to be excluded from or bereft of ki 9.. to be diminished; to corrupt; to decrease
sama pron. common; constant; easy sva adj. akin; one's own; own karman n. act;
action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyya
philosophy) T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become.

` 7 (.)
ya eva dehasya sam vivddhyai ta eva do viam vadhya /(45.1)
yad eva deha sama vivddhi tad eva doa viama vadha
yad pron. what; which eva ind. alone; already; even ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a
cloud); form sama pron. common; constant; easy T vivddhi f. augmentation;
enlargement; furthering tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even doa mn. a calf;
accusation; affection viama adj. bad; coarse; dangerous vadha m. capital punishment;
killing; murder.

W ` T (.)
yasmd atas te hitacaryayaiva kayd vivddher iva rakay //(45.2)
yad atas tad hita-cary-eva kaya vivddhi iva rak
yad pron. what; which atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or
reason tad pron. this hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial cary f. (often ifc)
proceeding; a religious mendicant's life; behaviour eva ind. alone; already; even kaya m.
consumption; decay; destruction T vivddhi f. augmentation; enlargement; furthering
iva ind. a little; about; almost rak 1.. to attend to; to beware of; to conceal.

WW` (.)
pakvayakasakthirotrsthisparanendriyam / (1.1)
pakvaya m. [medic.] pakvaya kai f. an elephant's cheek; buttocks; entrance of a
temple sakthi n. the pole or shafts of a cart; thigh; thigh-bone rotra n. auricle;
conversancy with the Veda or sacred knowledge itself; ear W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a
fruit W sparana n. contact; donation; gift indriya n. bodily power; exhibition of power;
faculty of sense.

W (.)
sthna vtasya tatrpi pakvdhna vieata // (1.2)
sthna vta tatra-api pakvdhna vieata
W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a stronghold; abiding vta m. air; flatulence;
gout tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place api ind. also; assuredly; besides
pakvdhna n. abdomen; the receptacle for digested food; the stomach vieata ind.

^ (.)
nbhir maya svedo lask rudhira rasa / (2.1)
nbhi maya sveda lask rudhira rasa
nbhi f. a near relation or friend; affinity; central point maya m. [medic.] the
maya sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") lask f. a
tendon; lymph; muscle ^ rudhira n. blood; name of a city; saffron rasa mn. amta; a
constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre.

[ W 7 (.)
dk sparana ca pittasya nbhir atra vieata // (2.2)
d sparana ca pitta nbhi atra vieata
[ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot; appearance; doctrine W
sparana n. contact; donation; gift ca ind. also; and; as well as 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious
humour nbhi f. a near relation or friend; affinity; central point atra ind. here at this
time; in this matter; in this place vieata ind. especially.

"" (.)
urakahairaklomaparvy mayo rasa / (3.1)
uras-kaha-iras-kloman-parvan maya rasa
uras n. bosom; breast; the best of its kind " kaha m. Gefwand; immediate proximity;
name of a Maharshi iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) kloman mn. the right lung
parvan n. (esp.) the Cturmsya festival; a break; a day (360) maya m. [medic.]
the maya rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre.

J (.)
medo ghra ca jihv ca kaphasya sutarm ura // (3.2)
medas ghra ca jihv ca kapha sutarm uras
medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness ghra mn.
odour; perception of odour; smell ca ind. also; and; as well as J jihv f. speech; the root of
Tabernaemontana coronaria; the tongue ca ind. also; and; as well as kapha m. phlegm;
phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general sutarm ind. excessively; in
a higher degree; still more uras n. bosom; breast; the best of its kind.

BM (.)
prdibhedt pactm vyu pro 'tra mrdhaga / (4.1)
pra-di-bheda pacan-tman vyu pra atra mrdhan-ga
pra m. (in Skhya) the spirit; (in Vednts) the spirit identified with the totality of
dreaming spirits; a breath (as a measure of time) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
bheda m. (in astron.) a particular crossing or conjunction of the planets; a cleft; alteration B
pacan adj. fnf M tman m. a son; abstract individual; Brahma vyu m. (in astron.) name
of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned)
pra m. (in Skhya) the spirit; (in Vednts) the spirit identified with the totality of dreaming
spirits; a breath (as a measure of time) atra ind. here at this time; in this matter; in this place
mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning; chief (applied to persons)
ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place; being.

" TT7 (.)
urakahacaro buddhihdayendriyacittadhk // (4.2)
uras n. bosom; breast; the best of its kind " kaha m. Gefwand; immediate proximity;
name of a Maharshi cara adj. being; forming the retinue of any one; ifc. having been formerly.

7N`T (.)
hvanakavathdgranivsnnapraveakt / (5.1)
hvana n. ejecting saliva; expectoration; saliva kavathu m. catarrh; cough; irritation
of the throat 7 udgra m. a loud sound; belching; Erbrochenes N nivsa m. breath
anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice ` pravea m. a place of entrance; coming or
setting in (of night); door T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

W ` (.)
ura sthnam udnasya nsnbhigal caret // (5.2)
uras sthna udna ns-nbhi-gala car
uras n. bosom; breast; the best of its kind W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a
stronghold; abiding udna m. a kind of snake; an eyelash; breathing upwards ns f.
Gendarussa Vulgaris; proboscis; the nose nbhi f. a near relation or friend; affinity; central
point gala m. neck; the throat car 1..; grs karn.

7W (.)
vkpravttiprayatnorjbalavarasmtikriya / (6.1)
vc f. a literary work; a word; asseveration 7 pravtti f. activity; advance; appearance
prayatna m. action; activity; caution rj f. name of a daughter of Daka and wife of
Vasiha; sap; strength bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in vara mn. a co-efficient;
a cover; a covering W smti f. a kind of metre; calling to mind; desire kriy f. a literary
work; a noun of action; a religious rite or ceremony.

T W T*` (.)
vyno hdi sthita ktsnadehacr mahjava // (6.2)
vyna hd sth ktsna-deha-crin mah-java
vyna m. one of the five vital airs (that which circulates or is diffused through the body) T
hd n. breast; chest; interior W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand T* ktsna adj. all;
entire; whole ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form crin adj. acting; being;
doing mah ind. (irreg.- *mahant) -> gross java m. (parox.) speed; impulse (of the mind);

* (.)
gatyapakepaotkepanimeonmeadik / (7.1)
gati f. Motion (personified as a daughter of Kardama and wife of Pulaha); a certain division
of the moon's path and the position of the planet in it (the diurnal motion of a planet in its
orbit?); a happy issue apakepaa n. throwing down utkepa m. bringing up;
despatching; expanding (the wings) nimea m. name of a Yaka; shutting the eye; twinkling
unmeaa n. appearing; becoming visible; the coming forth dika adj. and so on;
beginning with.

W T (.)
prya sarv kriys tasmin pratibaddh arrim // (7.2)
pryas sarva kriy tad pratibandh arrin
pryas ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly sarva pron. all; completely;
different kriy f. a literary work; a noun of action; a religious rite or ceremony tad pron.
this ^ pratibandh 9.P. to cut off; to enchase; to exclude arrin m. a man; an
embodied being; an embodied spirit.

VW (.)
samno 'gnisampastha kohe carati sarvata / (8.1)
samna agni-sampa-stha koha car sarvatas
samna m. one of the five vital airs (that which circulates about the navel and is essential
to digestion) V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty sampa n. imminence;
nearness; presence W stha adj. a place; abiding; being situated in koha mn. a kind of pan; a
surrounding wall; an inner apartment car 1..; grs karn sarvatas ind. sarvasmt or
sarvebhyas; around (acc.); completely.

` B (.)
anna ghti pacati vivecayati mucati // (8.2)
anna grah pac vivecay muc
anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice grah 6.P. (in astron.) to calculate; (in
astron.) to observe; to abstract pac 1.. to bake; to become ripe; to boil ` vivecay 10.P. to
break down (an aggregate etc.); to distinguish; to examine muc 6.. to get rid of; to let loose;
to liberate from.

^ (.)
apno 'pnaga roivastimehrorugocara / (9.1)
apna apna-ga roi-vasti-mehra-ru-gocara
apna m. name of a Sman; that of the five vital airs which goes downwards and out at the
anus; the anus apna m. name of a Sman; that of the five vital airs which goes downwards
and out at the anus; the anus ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place; being
roi mf. a road; buttocks; the hip and loins vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe
made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder mehra m. a ram ^ ru mf. name of a son
of Manu Ckua; name of an girasa and author of a Vedic hymn; shank gocara adj.
attainable for; being within the range of; having the meaning of.

" T (.)
ukrrtavaaknmtragarbhanikramaakriya // (9.2)
" ukra n. a kind of prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid rtava n. a
flower; fluid discharged by the female of an animal at the time of rut; the menstrual discharge
T akt n. dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement; feces mtra n. the fluid secreted by the
kidneys; urine garbha m. a foetus or embryo; a foundation deposit; a woman's courses
nikramaa n. ceasing; departing; disappearing kriy f. a literary work; a noun of
action; a religious rite or ceremony.

7 BM W (.)
pitta pactmaka tatra pakvmayamadhyagam / (10.1)
pitta pacan-tmaka tatra pakva-ma-aya-madhyaga
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour B pacan adj. fnf M tmaka adj. (ifc.) having the
nature of tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place pakva adj. accomplished; baked;
baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots) ma adj. fine; immature; name of the cow
(considered as the raw material which produces the prepared milk) aya m. (in Yoga phil.)
stock or the balance of the fruits of previous works; a miser; a receptacle W madhyaga adj.
going or being in the middle or among (with gen. or ifc.).

BM~ (.)
pacabhttmakatve 'pi yat taijasaguodayt // (10.2)
pacabhta-tmaka-tva api yad taijasa-gua-udaya
B pacabhta n. the 5 elements M tmaka adj. (ifc.) having the nature of ~ tva n. (Marker
fr abstrakte Nomina) api ind. also; assuredly; besides yad pron. what; which
taijasa adj. bright; consisting of any shining substance (as metal); consisting of light gua mn.
(in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook udaya m. a
following word; appearance; becoming visible.

*~ (.)
tyaktadravyatva pkdikarmanalaabditam / (11.1)
tyaj-dravya-tva pka-di-karman-anala-abday
* tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.)
elementary substance; a stake ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) pka m. a cooking
utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of
the Nyya philosophy) anala m. (in astron.) the fiftieth year of; bile; digestive power
abday Denom.P. to call; to describe; to name.

* ` (.)
pacaty anna vibhajate srakiau pthak tath // (11.2)
pac anna vibhaj sra-kia pthak tath
pac 1.. to bake; to become ripe; to boil anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice
vibhaj 1.. to apportion; to assign; to cut sra mn. Acacia Catechu; a chief constituent of
the body; a kind of venomous frog (maka) kia mfn. a rust of iron called mandura; dirt;
excretion pthak ind. (with abl.) without; apart or separately or differently from; differently
tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so.

W 7 (.)
tatrastham eva pittn em apy anugraham / (12.1)
tatrastha eva pitta ea api anugraha
W tatrastha adj. belonging to that place; dwelling there; situated there eva ind. alone;
already; even 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour ea mn. balance; leavings; remainder
api ind. also; assuredly; besides anugraha m. assistance; conferring benefits; facilitating
by incantations.

` W (.)
karoti baladnena pcaka nma tat smtam // (12.2)
k bala-dna pcaka nma tad sm
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness
in dna n. adding; addition; bribery pcaka adj. bringing to maturity; causing
digestion; cooking nma ind. by name i.e. named; called; certainly tad pron. this W sm
1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

7 M M (.)
mayraya pitta rajaka rasarajant / (13.1)
maya-raya pitta rajaka rasa-rajana
maya m. [medic.] the maya raya m. a plea; a recipient; appropriate act or
one consistent with the character of the agent 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour M rajaka
adj. colouring; dyeing; exciting passion rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of
the body; a kind of metre M rajana n. (alchemy) one of the Saskras of mercury; a
particular game; cinnabar.

TN (.)
buddhimedhbhimndyair abhipretrthasdhant // (13.2)
buddhi-medh-abhimna-dya abhipre-artha-sdhana
T buddhi f. (in Skhya phil.) Intellect; a kind of metre; an opinion medh f. dhana; a
form of Dkya in Kamra; a form of Sarasvat abhimna m. affection; conception
(especially an erroneous one regarding one's self); desire N dya adj. being at the head; earlier;
excellent abhipre 2.P. to aim at; to approach; to approach with one's mind artha mn. (in
astron.) name of the second mansion; action; advantage sdhana n. a means of summoning
or conjuring up a spirit (or deity); accomplishment; acquisition.

T7 7 W (.)
sdhaka hdgata pitta rplocanata smtam / (14.1)
sdhaka hd-gam pitta rpa-locan sm
sdhaka adj. accomplishing; completing; demonstrating T hd n. breast; chest; interior
gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour rpa n. a
particular coin; a show; a single specimen locan fn. considering; reflecting; reflection
W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

[W ~W ~ (.)
dkstham locaka tvakstha bhrjaka bhrjant tvaca // (14.2)
d-stha locaka tvac-stha bhrjaka bhrjana tvac
[ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot; appearance; doctrine W stha adj. a
place; abiding; being situated in locaka adj. causing to see ~ tvac f. a cover (of a
horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag W stha adj. a place; abiding;
being situated in bhrjaka adj. causing to shine; making bright (said of the digestive fire
and bile as brightening the skin) bhrjana n. brightening; illuminating; the act of causing to
shine ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag.

HP BW (.)
lem tu pacadhorastha sa trikasya svavryata / (15.1)
leman tu pacadh-uras-stha tad trika sva-vrya
HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum tu ind. and; but; do B pacadh ind. fivefold; in 5
ways or parts uras n. bosom; breast; the best of its kind W stha adj. a place; abiding; being
situated in tad pron. this trika n. a triad; das Kreuz [ Rcken]; hips sva adj. akin; one's
own; own vrya n. consequence; dignity; efficacy (of medicine).

T W ~ (.)
hdayasynnavryc ca tatstha evmbukarma // (15.2)
hdaya-anna-vrya ca tad-stha eva-ambu-karman
T hdaya n. mind (as the seat of mental operations); name of a Sman; science anna n.
bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice vrya n. consequence; dignity; efficacy (of medicine)
ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this W stha adj. a place; abiding; being situated in
eva ind. alone; already; even ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of
ninety syllables); the number four karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the
third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy).

= * ~ (.)
kaphadhmn ca e yat karoty avalambanam / (16.1)
kapha-dhman ca ea yad k avalambana
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general
dhman n. abode; appearance (esp. in sacrifice); band ca ind. also; and; as well as ea mn.
balance; leavings; remainder yad pron. what; which T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause
to become ~ avalambana n. dependance; depending upon; hanging down.

~ HP ~ W (.)
ato 'valambaka lem yas tv mayasasthita // (16.2)
atas avalambaka leman yad tu maya-sasth
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason ~ avalambaka m.
a kind of phlegm HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum yad pron. what; which tu ind.
and; but; do maya m. [medic.] the maya W sasth 1.. to abide; to be
accomplished or completed (esp. applied to rites); to be lost.

kledaka so 'nnasaghtakledand rasabodhant / (17.1)
kledaka tad anna-saghta-kledana rasa-bodhana
kledaka m. excess of saliva; phlegm in the stomach tad pron. this anna n. bread corn;
earth; especially boiled rice saghta mn. a bone; a collection of mucus; a company of
fellow-travellers kledana n. moistening; trickling; wetting rasa mn. amta; a constituent
fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre bodhana n. arousing; awakening; being

W W (.)
bodhako rasansthy irasastho 'katarpat // (17.2)
bodhaka rasan-sthyin iras-sastha aka-tarpaa
bodhaka adj. awakening; denoting; explaining rasan f. name of two plants; the
tongue as organ of taste W sthyin adj. being in a particular place; being in a particular state
or condition; being or situated in or on (comp.) iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) W
sastha adj. based or resting or dependent on; being in or with; belonging to aka n. the eye
tarpaa n. a libation; filling the eyes; food.

H W (.)
tarpaka sadhisalec chleaka sadhiu sthita / (18.1)
tarpaka sadhi-salea leaka sadhi sth
tarpaka adj. ifc. satiating; satisfying sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of
a perpendicular; a fold; a joint H salea m. a bond; a joint; close contact with (instr. or
comp) H leaka adj. attaching; connecting sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting
link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand.

W~ TM (.)
iti pryea do sthnny avikttmanm // (18.2)
iti prya doa sthna avikta-tman
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) prya m. a stage of life; age; anything prominent doa mn. a calf;
accusation; affection W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a stronghold; abiding T
avikta adj. being in its natural condition (said of cloth); not changed by artificial means; not
deformed M tman m. a son; abstract individual; Brahma.

vypinm api jnyt karmi ca pthak pthak / (19.1)
vypin api j karman ca pthak pthak
vypin adj. comprehensive; covering; diffusive api ind. also; assuredly; besides j
4.. to apprehend; to ascertain; to become acquainted with karman n. act; action; action
consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy) ca ind.
also; and; as well as pthak ind. (with abl.) without; apart or separately or differently from;
differently pthak ind. (with abl.) without; apart or separately or differently from;

N * (.)
uena yukt rkdy vyo kurvanti sacayam // (19.2)
ua yuj rka-dya vyu k sacaya
ua adj. acrid; active; hot yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in
astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to rka adj. arid;
astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent
vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of
which 5 are reckoned) T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become sacaya m.
accumulation; collecting the bones of a burnt body; collection.

` N^ (.)
tena kopam uena ama snigdhdayo gu / (20.1)
ta kopa ua ama snigdha-di gua
ta adj. boiled; cold; dull kopa m. anger; fury (of fire); incompatibleness with ua
adj. acrid; active; hot ama m. abstraction; apathy; convalescence N^ snigdha adj. adhesive;
affectionate; agreeable di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning gua mn. (in khya
phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook.

` WN 7 ` (.)
tena yukts tkdy caya pittasya kurvate // (20.2)
ta yuj tka-dya caya pitta k
ta adj. boiled; cold; dull yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in
astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to W tka adj. acid; fiery;
hot N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent caya m. (in med.) accumulation of the
humors; a cover; a heap 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to
cause to become.

WN (.)
uena kopa manddy ama topasahit / (21.1)
ua kopa manda-dya ama ta-upasadh
ua adj. acrid; active; hot kopa m. anger; fury (of fire); incompatibleness with W
manda adj. addicted to intoxication; apathetic; bad N dya adj. being at the head; earlier;
excellent ama m. abstraction; apathy; convalescence ta adj. boiled; cold; dull
upasadh 3.P. to add; to aim at; to annex.

` N^N ` HP (.)
tena yukt snigdhdy kurvate lemaa cayam // (21.2)
ta yuj snigdha-dya k leman caya
ta adj. boiled; cold; dull yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in
astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to N^ snigdha adj. adhesive;
affectionate; agreeable N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent T k 8.. to
accomplish; to act; to cause to become HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum caya m. (in
med.) accumulation of the humors; a cover; a heap.

` (.)
uena kopa tenaiva gu rkdaya amam / (22.1)
ua kopa tad-eva gua rka-di ama
ua adj. acrid; active; hot kopa m. anger; fury (of fire); incompatibleness with tad
pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or
constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or
speech) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning ama m. abstraction; apathy;

T ~ T` (.)
cayo vddhi svadhmny eva pradveo vddhihetuu // (22.2)
caya vddhi sva-dhman eva pradvea vddhi-hetu
caya m. (in med.) accumulation of the humors; a cover; a heap T vddhi f. advancement;
augmentation; elevation (of ground) sva adj. akin; one's own; own dhman n. abode;
appearance (esp. in sacrifice); band eva ind. alone; already; even pradvea m. aversion;
dislike; hatred T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground) ` hetu m. (with
Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to pratyaya); (with Paupatas) that which causes the bondage
of the soul; a logical reason or dedaction or argument.

vipartaguecch ca kopas tnmrgagamit / (23.1)
viparta-gua-icch ca kopa tu-unmrga-gamit
viparta adj. acting in a contrary manner; adverse; being the reverse of anything gua
mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook icch f.
(Trika:) precognitive impulse; desire; inclination ca ind. also; and; as well as kopa m.
anger; fury (of fire); incompatibleness with tu ind. and; but; do unmrga adj. going wrong
or astray; overflowing; taking a wrong way gamit f. .

M ~ (.)
lign darana svem asvsthya rogasambhava // (23.2)
liga darana sva asvsthya roga-sambhava
liga mn. (in logic) vypya; (in Skhya) prakti or pradhna; prtipadika darana n.
audience; examination; inspection sva adj. akin; one's own; own M asvsthya n.
discomfort; indisposition; sickness roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus;
disease ~ sambhava m. ability; acquaintance; adequacy.

WW (.)
svasthnasthasya samat vikrsabhava ama / (24.1)
sva-sthna-stha samat vikra-asabhava ama
sva adj. akin; one's own; own W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a stronghold;
abiding W stha adj. a place; abiding; being situated in samat f. benevolence; equableness;
equality vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative from Prakti; a product;
agitation asabhava m. absence of; cessation; destruction ama m. abstraction; apathy;

P (.)
cayaprakopapraam vyor grmdiu triu // (24.2)
caya-prakopa-praama vyu grma-di tri
caya m. (in med.) accumulation of the humors; a cover; a heap prakopa m. (in med.)
excess; effervescence; excitement praama m. abatement; calmness; cessation vyu m.
(in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5
are reckoned) P grma m. the hot season di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning tri nr.
3 MW.

7 HP (.)
vardiu tu pittasya lemaa iirdiu / (25.1)
var-di tu pitta leman iira-di
var f. (exceptionally sg.) the rains; Medicago Esculenta; monsoon di m. a firstling;
and so on; beginning tu ind. and; but; do 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour HP leman m.
mucus; phlegm; rheum iira mn. cold; coolness; dew di m. a firstling; and so on;

` (.)
cyate laghurkbhir oadhibhi samraa // (25.2)
ci laghu-rka oadhi samraa
ci 5.. to accumulate; to acquire for one's self; to arrange in order laghu adj. active;
beautiful; causing relief rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech)
oadhi mf. a herb; a remedy in general; an annual plant or herb (which dies after becoming ripe)
samraa m. a traveller; air; breath.

`` " (.)
tadvidhas tadvidhe dehe klasyauyn na kupyati / (26.1)
tadvidha tadvidha deha kla-auya na kup
tadvidha adj. conformable to that; his (or their) like; of that kind tadvidha adj.
conformable to that; his (or their) like; of that kind ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a
cloud); form kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time " auya n.
burning; heat; warmth na ind. neither; no; nor kup 4.. to be angry; to be angry with; to be
moved or excited or agitated.

T [ (.)
adbhir amlavipkbhir oadhibhi ca tdam // (26.2)
p amla-vipka oadhi ca tda
p m. water amla adj. acid; sour vipka m. any change of form or state; bad
digestion; calamity oadhi mf. a herb; a remedy in general; an annual plant or herb (which
dies after becoming ripe) ca ind. also; and; as well as [ tda adj. .

7 * (.)
pitta yti caya kopa na tu klasya aityata / (27.1)
pitta y caya kopa na tu kla aitya
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour y 2.. to flee; to go; to go to for any purpose (inf.)
caya m. (in med.) accumulation of the humors; a cover; a heap kopa m. anger; fury (of fire);
incompatibleness with na ind. neither; no; nor tu ind. and; but; do kla m. eine
Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time * aitya n. cold; coldness; frigidity.

` N^ (.)
cyate snigdhatbhir udakauadhibhi kapha // (27.2)
ci snigdha-ta udaka-oadhi kapha
ci 5.. to accumulate; to acquire for one's self; to arrange in order N^ snigdha adj. adhesive;
affectionate; agreeable ta adj. boiled; cold; dull udaka n. a particular metre; ablution
(as a ceremony); the ceremony of offering water to a dead person oadhi mf. a herb; a
remedy in general; an annual plant or herb (which dies after becoming ripe) kapha m.
phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general.

7 `` W~ (.)
tulye 'pi kle dehe ca skannatvn na prakupyati / (28.1)
tulya api kla deha ca skannatva na prakup
7 tulya adj. comparable; equal to; even api ind. also; assuredly; besides kla m. eine
Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud);
form ca ind. also; and; as well as W~ skannatva n. the clotting or thickening of blood na
ind. neither; no; nor prakup 4.P. to be moved or agitated; to become enraged; to fly into a

iti klasvabhvo 'yam hrdivat puna // (28.2)
iti kla-svabhva idam hra-di-vaa punar
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time svabhva
m. impulse; innate or inherent disposition; native place idam pron. this hra m.
bringing near; employing; fetching di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning vaa m. a
brothel; authority; birth punar ind. again and again; back; besides.

* N (.)
caydn ynti sadyo 'pi do kle 'pi v na tu / (29.1)
caya-di y sadyas api doa kla api v na tu
caya m. (in med.) accumulation of the humors; a cover; a heap di m. a firstling; and so
on; beginning y 2.. to flee; to go; to go to for any purpose (inf.) N sadyas ind. daily; every
day; in the very moment api ind. also; assuredly; besides doa mn. a calf; accusation;
affection kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time api ind. also;
assuredly; besides v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally na ind.
neither; no; nor tu ind. and; but; do.

P ` (.)
vypnoti sahas deham pdatalamastakam // (29.2)
vyp sahas deha pdatalamastakam
vyp 5.. to cover; to extend to; to fill sahas n. force; power; strength ` deha mn.
appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form pdatalamastakam ind. von Kopf bis Fuss.

` 77 (.)
nivartate tu kupito malo 'lplpa jalaughavat / (30.1)
nivt tu kup mala alpa-alpa jala-ogha-vat
nivt 1.. to abstain or desist from; to be born again; to be ineffective or useless tu ind.
and; but; do kup 4.. to be angry; to be angry with; to be moved or excited or agitated
mala mn. dirt; dust; filth 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small
jala n. a cow's embryo; a kind of Andropogon; any fluid ogha m. abundance; flock; flood
vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel).

W (.)
nnrpair asakhyeyair vikrai kupit mal // (30.2)
nnrpa asakhyeya vikra kup mala
nnrpa adj. multiform W asakhyeya adj. innumerable vikra mn. (in
Skhya) a production or derivative from Prakti; a product; agitation kup 4.. to be angry;
to be angry with; to be moved or excited or agitated mala mn. dirt; dust; filth.

* W T~T (.)
tpayanti tanu tasmt taddhetvktisdhanam / (31.1)
tpay tanu tad tad-hetu-kti-sdhana
tpay 10.. to cause pain; to make warm or hot; to trouble tanu f. tan; form; life
tad pron. this tad pron. this ` hetu m. (with Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to pratyaya);
(with Paupatas) that which causes the bondage of the soul; a logical reason or dedaction or
argument T kti f. a constituent part; a metre (consisting of four lines with twenty-two
syllables each); a well-formed shape sdhana n. a means of summoning or conjuring up a
spirit (or deity); accomplishment; acquisition.

* ~ ` (.)
akya naikaikao vaktum ata smnyam ucyate // (31.2)
akya na-eka-ekaas vac atas smnya vac
* akya adj. able; capable of being; possible na ind. neither; no; nor eka pron. alone;
excellent; happening only once ekaas ind. one by one; singly vac 2.P. to declare; to
proclaim; to recite atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason
~ smnya adj. alike; common; common to (instr with and without saha) vac 2.P. to
declare; to proclaim; to recite.

do eva hi sarve rogm ekakraam / (32.1)
doa eva hi sarva roga eka-kraa
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection eva ind. alone; already; even hi ind. because; for;
on account of sarva pron. all; completely; different roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus
Speciosus or Arabicus; disease eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once kraa n.
injury; killing.

yath pak paripatan sarvata sarvam apy aha // (32.2)
yath pakin paripat sarvatas sarva api ahar
yath ind. according; as; as pakin m. a bird or any winged animal; a day with the 2
nights enclosing it; a particular sacrificial act paripat 1.P. to attack (with loc.); to fly or run
about; to leap down from (abl.) sarvatas ind. sarvasmt or sarvebhyas; around (acc.);
completely sarva pron. all; completely; different api ind. also; assuredly; besides
ahar n. a day.

* M T* (.)
chym atyeti ntmy yath v ktsnam apy ada / (33.1)
chy at na-tmya yath v ktsna api adas
chy f. (like Saj) wife of the sun and mother of the planet Saturn; a bribe; a copy (of a
Ms.) at 2.P. to be redundant; to defer; to die na ind. neither; no; nor M tmya adj.
one's own yath ind. according; as; as v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other
side; optionally T* ktsna adj. all; entire; whole api ind. also; assuredly; besides adas
pron. jener.

` ` (.)
vikrajta vividha trn gun ntivartate // (33.2)
vikra-jan vividha tri gua na-ativt
vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative from Prakti; a product; agitation
jan 4.P. to be; to be born; to be born again vividha adj. divers; manifold; of various sorts
tri nr. 3 MW gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-
string; a cook na ind. neither; no; nor ativt 1.. to cross; to delay; to get over.

P7 (.)
tath svadhtuvaiamyanimittam api sarvad / (34.1)
tath sva-dhtu-vaiamya-nimitta api sarvad
tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so sva adj. akin; one's own; own dhtu mn. a
constituent element or essential ingredient of the body; constituent part; element P
vaiamya n. an error; calamity; difficulty 7 nimitta n. a butt; cause; ground api ind. also;
assuredly; besides sarvad ind. always; at all times (often joined with sarvatra and

` ` ` (.)
vikrajta trn don te kope tu kraam // (34.2)
vikra-jan tri doa tad kopa tu kraa
vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative from Prakti; a product; agitation
jan 4.P. to be; to be born; to be born again tri nr. 3 MW doa mn. a calf; accusation;
affection tad pron. this kopa m. anger; fury (of fire); incompatibleness with tu ind. and;
but; do kraa n. a cause; a deity; a father.

P M (.)
arthair astmyai sayoga kla karma ca duktam / (35.1)
artha astmya sayoga kla karman ca dukta
artha mn. (in astron.) name of the second mansion; action; advantage P astmya adj.
disagreeing (as food); unwholesome sayoga m. a kind of alliance or peace made between
two kings with a common object; absorption; being engaged in kla m. eine Essenszeit; the
proper time or season for; time karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the
third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy) ca ind. also; and; as well as M
dukta adj. badly arranged or organized or applied; wrongly or wickedly done.

M` N` (.)
hntimithyyogena bhidyate tat punas tridh // (35.2)
h-ati-mithy-yoga bhid tad punar tridh
h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or wanting; to be excluded from or bereft of ati ind.
extremely; very M mithy ind. contrarily; deceitfully; falsely yoga m. (in Skhya) the
union of soul with matter (one of the 10 Mlikrths or radical facts); a combined or
concentrated grammatical rule or aphorism; a follower of the Yoga system bhid 6.P. to be
changed or altered (in mind); to be disclosed or betrayed; to be distinguished tad pron. this
punar ind. again and again; back; besides tridh ind. in 3 parts; in 3 places; in 3 ways.

`7 (.)
hno 'rthenendriyasylpa sayoga svena naiva v / (36.1)
h artha-indriya-alpa sayoga sva na-eva v
h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or wanting; to be excluded from or bereft of artha mn.
(in astron.) name of the second mansion; action; advantage indriya n. bodily power;
exhibition of power; faculty of sense 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small sayoga m. a kind
of alliance or peace made between two kings with a common object; absorption; being engaged
in sva adj. akin; one's own; own na ind. neither; no; nor eva ind. alone; already; even
v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally.

W (.)
atiyogo 'tisasarga skmabhsurabhairavam // (36.2)
atiyoga atisasarga skma-bhsura-bhairava
atiyoga m. excess; excessive union atisasarga m. W skma adj. feeble; fine;
insignificant bhsura adj. bright; distinguished by; excellent in bhairava adj. horrible;

*{W T (.)
atysanntidrastha vipriya viktdi ca / (37.1)
ati-sanna-ati-dra-stha vipriya vik-di ca
ati ind. extremely; very sanna adj. near; obtained; occupied ati ind. extremely;
very { dra adj. distant; far; long (away) W stha adj. a place; abiding; being situated in
vipriya adj. disaffected; disagreeable; estranged T vik 8.. to act in a hostile or unfriendly way
towards (gen. or loc.); to act in various ways; to annihilate di m. a firstling; and so on;
beginning ca ind. also; and; as well as.

W W` M ^ (.)
yad ak vkyate rpa mithyyoga sa drua // (37.2)
yad aki vk rpa mithyyoga tad drua
yad pron. what; which aki n. the eye vk 1.P. to ascertain; to behold; to consider
rpa n. a particular coin; a show; a single specimen M mithyyoga m. wrong use or
employment tad pron. this ^ drua adj. cruel; dreadful; hard.

*V* (.)
evam atyuccaptydn indriyrthn yathyatham / (38.1)
evam atyucca-pti-di indriya-artha yathyatham
evam ind. in such a manner; in this way; such *V atyucca adj. sehr ucca pti m. a kind
of insect (ka); civet; Guilandina Bonduc di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
indriya n. bodily power; exhibition of power; faculty of sense artha mn. (in astron.) name of
the second mansion; action; advantage yathyatham ind. as is fit or proper; by degrees;

N (.)
vidyt klas tu toavarbhedt tridh mata // (38.2)
vid kla tu ta-ua-var-bheda tridh man
vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to know; to learn kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or
season for; time tu ind. and; but; do ta n. Cassia bark; cold; cold water ua mn. any
hot object; heat; name of a son of Dyutimat var f. (exceptionally sg.) the rains; Medicago
Esculenta; monsoon bheda m. (in astron.) a particular crossing or conjunction of the planets;
a cleft; alteration tridh ind. in 3 parts; in 3 places; in 3 ways man 8.P. to be of opinion;
to believe; to conjecture.

sa hno hnatdir atiyogo 'tilakaa / (39.1)
tad h h-ta-di atiyoga atilakaa
tad pron. this h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or wanting; to be excluded from or bereft
of h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or wanting; to be excluded from or bereft of ta n.
Cassia bark; cold; cold water di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning atiyoga m.
excess; excessive union atilakaa adj. .

M ` (.)
mithyyogas tu nirdio vipartasvalakaa // (39.2)
mithyyoga tu nirdi viparta-sva-lakaa
M mithyyoga m. wrong use or employment tu ind. and; but; do ` nirdi 6.. to
advise; to announce; to assign anything to viparta adj. acting in a contrary manner;
adverse; being the reverse of anything sva adj. akin; one's own; own lakaa n. a
designation; a form; a lucky mark.

07 ` (.)
kyavkcittabhedena karmpi vibhajet tridh / (40.1)
kya-vc-citta-bheda karman-api vibhaj tridh
kya m. a butt; a house; any object to be attained vc f. a literary work; a word;
asseveration 7 citta n. (in astrol.) the 9th mansion; aim; attending bheda m. (in astron.) a
particular crossing or conjunction of the planets; a cleft; alteration karman n. act; action;
action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy)
api ind. also; assuredly; besides vibhaj 1.. to apportion; to assign; to cut tridh ind.
in 3 parts; in 3 places; in 3 ways.

7 (.)
kydikarmao hn pravttir hnasajaka // (40.2)
kya-di-karman h pravtti h-sajaka
kya m. a butt; a house; any object to be attained di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of
the Nyya philosophy) h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or wanting; to be excluded from or
bereft of 7 pravtti f. activity; advance; appearance h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or
wanting; to be excluded from or bereft of sajaka adj. . Namen besitzend; benannt nach.

7 ` (.)
atiyogo 'tivttis tu vegodraadhraam / (41.1)
atiyoga ativtti tu vega-udraa-dhraa
atiyoga m. excess; excessive union 7 ativtti f. (in med.) excessive action;
hyperbolical meaning; surpassing tu ind. and; but; do ` vega m. a stream; agitation; attack
udraa n. casting; communicating; discharging (a missile) dhraa n. (Trika:) Name
der vier Halbvokale (Vc, 310); a kind of opium; bearing.

~ (.)
viamgakriyrambhapatanaskhalandikam // (41.2)
viama adj. bad; coarse; dangerous agakriy f. a supplementary sacrificial act
~ rambha m. a thing begun; beginning; beginning patana n. (in astron.) the latitude of a
planet; alighting; apostasy skhalana n. being deprived of (abl.); blundering in (comp.);
collision dika adj. and so on; beginning with.

bhaa smibhuktasya rgadveabhaydi ca / (42.1)
bhaa smibhukta rga-dvea-bhaya-di ca
bhaa n. (with a sect of Pupatas) name of a silly kind of speech; kind words; kindness
smibhukta adj. half-eaten rga m. a musical note; a particular process in the
preparation of quicksilver; a prince dvea m. dislike; enmity to (comp.); hatred bhaya n.
alarm; apprehension; danger di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning ca ind. also; and; as
well as.

W (.)
karma prtiptdi daadh yac ca ninditam // (42.2)
karman pra-atipta-di daadh yad ca nind
karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories
of the Nyya philosophy) pra m. (in Skhya) the spirit; (in Vednts) the spirit identified
with the totality of dreaming spirits; a breath (as a measure of time) atipta m.
contrariety; delay; ill-usage di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning daadh ind. in 10
parts; tenfold yad pron. what; which ca ind. also; and; as well as W

nind 1.. to blame; to

censure; to despise.

M T (.)
mithyyoga samasto 'sv iha vmutra v ktam / (43.1)
mithyyoga samasta adas iha v-amutra v k
M mithyyoga m. wrong use or employment samasta adj. abridged; all; combined
adas pron. jener iha ind. at this time; here; in this book or system v ind. either - or; on
the one side - on the other side; optionally amutra ind. here; in the life to come; in the other
world v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally T k 8.. to
accomplish; to act; to cause to become.

` (.)
nidnam etad do kupits tena naikadh // (43.2)
nidna etad doa kup tad na-ekadh
nidna n. a band; a first or primary cause; any cause or motive etad pron. this doa
mn. a calf; accusation; affection kup 4.. to be angry; to be angry with; to be moved or excited
or agitated tad pron. this na ind. neither; no; nor ekadh ind. at once; in one way;

* W (.)
kurvanti vividhn vydhn khkohsthisadhiu / (44.1)
k vividha vydhi kh-koha-asthi-sadhi
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become vividha adj. divers; manifold; of various
sorts vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus kh f. antika; pakntara; a branch (lit. and fig.) koha mn. a kind of pan; a
surrounding wall; an inner apartment W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit sadhi mf.
(in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint.

~ Q (.)
kh raktdayas tvak ca bhyarogyana hi tat // (44.2)
kh rakta-di tvac ca bhya-roga-ayana hi tad
kh f. antika; pakntara; a branch (lit. and fig.) rakta n. padmaka; a particular
disease of the eyes; blood di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning ~ tvac f. a cover (of a
horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag ca ind. also; and; as well as
Q bhya adj. an out-caste; being outside (a door); conflicting with roga mn. a diseased spot;
Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease ayana n. (in astron.) advancing; a path; a road hi
ind. because; for; on account of tad pron. this.

" (.)
tadray maavyagagalajyarbuddaya / (45.1)
tad-raya maa-vyaga-gaa-alaj-arbuda-di
tad pron. this raya m. a plea; a recipient; appropriate act or one consistent with the
character of the agent maa m. a kind of Kudraroga vyaga m. a cripple " gaa mn. a
bubble; a goitre or any other excrescence of the neck; a hero alaj f. inflammation of the eye
(at the edge of the cornea); [medic.] a particular abscess/pustule (piaka) arbuda mn. a
long round mass (said especially of the shape of the foetus in the second half of the first month);
a really large number; a swelling di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

7 (.)
bahirbhg ca durnmagulmaophdayo gad // (45.2)
bahirbhga ca durnman-gulma-opha-di gada
bahirbhga m. exterior; the outer side or part ca ind. also; and; as well as
durnman fn. a cockle; a kind of fish; hemorrhoids 7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the
spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.);
Gha; the spleen opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0:
101) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning gada m. a sentence; Costus speciosus Sm.;

* (.)
anta koho mahsrota mapakvayraya / (46.1)
antar koha mahsrotas ma-pakvaya-raya
* antar ind. amongst; between; in the middle koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding
wall; an inner apartment mahsrotas n. Magen und Darmtraktus; the bowels ma
adj. fine; immature; name of the cow (considered as the raw material which produces the
prepared milk) pakvaya m. [medic.] pakvaya raya m. a plea; a recipient;
appropriate act or one consistent with the character of the agent.

W NN` (.)
tatsthn chardyatsraksavsodarajvar // (46.2)
tad-sthna chardi-atsra-ksa-vsa-udara-jvara
tad pron. this W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a stronghold; abiding ` chardi f.
expulsion (of the breath); sickness; vomiting atsra m. dysentery; purging ksa m.
cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath;
asthma (of which there are five kinds) udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal
affection (as of the liver) 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas
or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul.

* 7 (.)
antarbhga ca ophrogulmavisarpavidradhi / (47.1)
antar-bhga ca opha-aras-gulma-visarpa-vidradhi
* antar ind. amongst; between; in the middle bhga m. a degree or 360th part of the
circumference of a great circle; a division of time; a fraction (often with an ordinal number)
ca ind. also; and; as well as opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld,
G.J. 0: 101) aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid 7
gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as
that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen visarpa m. a kind of kudrakuha; a
particular disease [erysipelas or any similar spreading eruption]; creeping along or about
vidradhi mf. abscess; [medic.] a particular abscess (piaka).

T*" (.)
irohdayavastydimarmy asthn ca sadhaya // (47.2)
iras-hdaya-vasti-di-marman asthi ca sadhi
iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) T hdaya n. mind (as the seat of mental operations);
name of a Sman; science vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the
injection itself; the bladder di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning marman n. any joint
or articulation; any open or exposed or weak or sensitive part of the body; any secret or mystery
W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit ca ind. also; and; as well as sadhi mf. (in
mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint.

T N "N W (.)
tannibaddh sirsnyukaardy ca madhyama / (48.1)
tad-nibandh sir-snyu-kaar-dya ca madhyama
tad pron. this ^ nibandh 9.. to acquire; to begin; to bind on sir f. a bucket; a nerve;
a stream N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle; tendon " kaar f. large artery; principal vessel of
the body; Sehne N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent ca ind. also; and; as well as
W madhyama adj. (in astron.) mean; being or placed in the middle; central.

W W` (.)
rogamrga sthits tatra yakmapakavadhrdit // (48.2)
roga-mrga sth tatra yakman-pakavadha-arday
roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease mrga m. (in astrol.) the
7th mansion; (in medic.) a way; a channel W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place W yakman m. consumption; pulmonary
consumption pakavadha m. a paralysis of one side; Hemiplegie arday 10.P. to afflict
(with a disease).

WW" (.)
mrdhdirog sadhyasthitrikalagrahdaya / (49.1)
mrdhan-di-roga sadhi-asthi-trika-la-graha-di
mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning; chief (applied to persons)
di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus; disease sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold;
a joint W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit trika n. a triad; das Kreuz [ Rcken]; hips
" la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for impaling criminals graha mn. a
crocodile; a house; a planet (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men in a supernatural
manner) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

^ (.)
srasavysavyadhasvpasdaruktodabhedanam // (49.2)
srasa m. Durchfall; [medic.] Schwche der Kiefermuskulatur (Aru.: hanvdisadher
bhraa- Hem.: aithilya) vysa m. a Brhman who recites or expounds the Puras etc. in
public; a kind of drawl (as a fault in pronunciation); a short name of Vysatrtha vyadha m. a
stroke; cutting; hitting svpa m. a dream; dreaming; ignorance sda m. cleanness;
clearness; decay ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease toda m. a driver (of horses
etc.); name of a Sman; pricking pain bhedana n. Asa Foetida; a purgative; betrayal (of a

saggabhagasakocavartaharaatarpaam / (50.1)
saga m. addiction or devotion to; association or intercourse with; clinging to
agabhaga m. sakoca m. a sort of skate fish; abridgement; binding varta mn.
livelihood; subsistence; the urethra haraa n. bristling; delight; erection tarpaa n. a
libation; filling the eyes; food.

^WW` (.)
kampapruyasauiryaoaspandanaveanam // (50.2)
kampa m. a dwarf-rafter; a pillar; a roofing strip ^ pruya n. aloe wood; dishevelled
state (of the hair); harshness (esp. of language) sauirya n. hollowness; porosity oa
m. desiccation; dryness; pulmonary consumption WW spandana n. agitation; motion; palpitation
` veana n. gati (?); a bandage; a covering.

~ ^ (.)
stambha kayarasat vara yvo 'ruo 'pi v / (51.1)
stambha kayarasat vara yva arua api v
~ stambha m. a post; arrogance; becoming hard or solid kayarasat f. (med.:)
kaya-Geschmack im Mund (??) vara mn. a co-efficient; a cover; a covering yva adj.
brown; dark; darkbrown ^ arua adj. dumb; perplexed; red api ind. also; assuredly;
besides v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally.

7 P (.)
karmi vyo pittasya dhargomapkit // (51.2)
karman vyu pitta dha-rga-man-pkit
karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories
of the Nyya philosophy) vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name
of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned) 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) rga m. a musical note; a particular
process in the preparation of quicksilver; a prince P man m. (medic.) a kind of sveda;
ardour; glow pkit f. pcakatva.

sveda kleda sruti kotha sadana mrchana mada / (52.1)
sveda kleda sruti kotha sadana mrchana mada
sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") kleda m. dampness;
discharge (from a sore); moisture sruti f. a course; a line drawn round the Vedi; a stream
kotha m. a disease of the eyes (inflammation and ulceration of the angles of the eyelids); a
sore; churning sadana n. a seat; coming to rest; dwelling mrchana fn. a regulated rise
or fall of sounds through the Grma or musical scale; fainting; melody mada m. a river; any
beautiful object; any exhilarating or intoxicating drink.

" ^ (.)
kaukmlau rasau vara purruavarjita // (52.2)
kauka-amla rasa vara pura-arua-varjay
kauka adj. bad; bitter; fierce amla adj. acid; sour rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid
or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre vara mn. a co-efficient; a cover; a covering
" pura adj. pale; white; whitish ^ arua adj. dumb; perplexed; red varjay 10.. to

HP N~"~ (.)
lemaa snehakhinyakatatvagauravam / (53.1)
leman sneha-khinya-ka-ta-tva-gaurava
HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any
oleaginous substance ~ khinya n. difficulty; firmness of character; hardness " ka f.
itch; itching; scratching ta adj. boiled; cold; dull ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina)
gaurava n. cumbrousness; difficulty; gravity.

^* (.)
bandhopalepastaimityaophpaktyatinidrat // (53.2)
^ bandha m. a bond; a border; a collar beam upalepa m. bluntness; dullness; obstruction
(by phlegm) * staimitya n. fixedness; immobility; numbness opha m. intumescence;
morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) apakti f. immaturity; indigestion
atinidrat f. excessive sleeping.

N (.)
vara veto rasau svdulavaau cirakrit / (54.1)
vara veta rasa svdu-lavaa cirakrin-t
vara mn. a co-efficient; a cover; a covering N veta adj. bright; dressed in white; white
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre svdu adj.
agreeable; chirming; dainty lavaa n. a kind of prameha; a particular mode of fighting;
beauty cirakrin adj. making slow progress; working slowly t f. ifc. abstracta.

* (.)
ity aemayavypi yad ukta doalakaam // (54.2)
iti aea-maya-vypin yad vac doa-lakaa
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) aea m. non-remainder maya m. disease; indigestion; sickness
vypin adj. comprehensive; covering; diffusive yad pron. what; which vac 2.P. to
declare; to proclaim; to recite doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection lakaa n. a
designation; a form; a lucky mark.

N P (.)
darandyair avahitas tat samyag upalakayet / (55.1)
darana-dya avadh tad samyak upalakay
darana n. audience; examination; inspection N dya adj. being at the head; earlier;
excellent avadh 3.. to deposit; to place down; to place or turn aside tad pron. this
P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig upalakay 10.. to behold; to designate implicitly; to

WW` (.)
vydhyavasthvibhgaja payann rtn pratikaam // (55.2)
vydhi-avasth-avibhgaja d rta pratikaam
vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus W avasth f. appearance (in a court of justice); circumstance of age; condition
` avibhgaja adj. not knowing the difference [ d 4.. to appear; to appear as; to be
seen rta adj. afflicted; disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) pratikaam ind. at every
moment; continually.

~ ` [ T (.)
abhyst prpyate di karmasiddhiprakin / (56.1)
abhysa prp di karman-siddhi-prakin
~ abhysa m. (in later Vednta phil.) inculcation of a truth conveyed in sacred writings by
means of repeating the same word or the same passage; (in Yoga phil.) the effort of the mind to
remain in its unmodified condition of purity (sattva); custom prp 1.P. to arrive at; to attain
to; to be in force [ di f. beholding; consideration; intelligence karman n. act; action;
action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy)
T siddhi f. (prob.) a work of art; a kind of medicinal root; a magical shoe (supposed to convey
the wearer wherever he likes) prakin adj. bright; clear; making visible or manifest.

W ` (.)
ratndisadasajjna na strd eva jyate // (56.2)
ratna-di-sadasant-jna na stra eva jan
ratna mn. a gift; a jewel; a magnet di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning * sadasant
adj. being and not being; good and bad; real and unreal jna n. (esp.) the higher knowledge
(derived from meditation on the one Universal spirit); becoming acquainted with; conscience
na ind. neither; no; nor W stra n. (esp.) any religious or scientific treatise; a body of teaching
(in general); advice eva ind. alone; already; even jan 4.P. to be; to be born; to be born

[` V V (.)
dpacraja kacit kacit prvpardhaja / (57.1)
d-apacra-ja kacid kacid prva-apardha-ja
[ d 4.. to appear; to appear as; to be seen apacra m. absence; defect; fault ja adj.
born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from V kacid pron.
someone V kacid pron. someone prva pron. aforesaid; ancient; attended with
apardha m. fault; mistake; offence ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc.
born or descended from.

* ~ W (.)
tatsakard bhavaty anyo vydhir eva tridh smta // (57.2)
tad-sakara bh anya vydhi evam tridh sm
tad pron. this sakara m. any action similar to the intermixture of castes; anything that
may be defiled by the touch of any unclean thing; commingling bh 1.. to be; to become; to
come into being ~ anya pron. anderer vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious
person or thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus evam ind. in such a manner; in this way; such
tridh ind. in 3 parts; in 3 places; in 3 ways W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to
hand down memoriter.

M ` (.)
yathnidna doottha karmajo hetubhir vin / (58.1)
yath-nidna doa-uttha karman-ja hetu vin
yath ind. according; as; as nidna n. a band; a first or primary cause; any cause or
motive doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection M uttha adj. (generally ifc.) standing up;
arising; coming forth karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among
the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy) ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon;
growing in; ifc. born or descended from ` hetu m. (with Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to
pratyaya); (with Paupatas) that which causes the bondage of the soul; a logical reason or
dedaction or argument vin ind. except; short or exclusive of; without.

~ 7 ` _ (.)
mahrambho 'lpake hetv tako doakarmaja // (58.2)
mah-rambha alpaka hetu taka doa-karman-ja
mah ind. (irreg.- *mahant) -> gross ~ rambha m. a thing begun; beginning; beginning
7 alpaka adj. minute; small; trifling ` hetu m. (with Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to
pratyaya); (with Paupatas) that which causes the bondage of the soul; a logical reason or
dedaction or argument _ taka m. apprehension; disease or sickness of body; disquietude
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion
(as the third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy) ja adj. born or produced in
or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

vipakalant prva karmaja karmasakayt / (59.1)
vipaka-lana prva karman-ja karman-sakaya
vipaka m. (in logic) a counter-statement; a disputant; a female rival lana n.
constant study (of the stras etc.); frequent mentioning; honouring prva pron. aforesaid;
ancient; attended with karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third
among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy) ja adj. born or produced in or at or
upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from karman n. act; action; action consisting in
motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy) sakaya m.
complete destruction or consumption; decay; destruction of the world.

* (.)
gacchaty ubhayajanm tu doakarmakayt kayam // (59.2)
gam ubhayajanman tu doa-karman-kaya kaya
gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move ubhayajanman adj. produced from two . tu
ind. and; but; do doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection karman n. act; action; action
consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy)
kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction.

M~ 7 (.)
dvidh svaparatantratvd vydhayo 'nty punar dvidh / (60.1)
dvidh sva-para-tantratva vydhi antya punar dvidh
dvidh ind. divided; in 2 ways or parts; twofold sva adj. akin; one's own; own para
pron. ancient; best; better or worse than M~ tantratva n. dependance on (in comp.) vydhi
m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus 7 antya
adj. belonging to the lowest caste; immediately following; inferior punar ind. again and
again; back; besides dvidh ind. divided; in 2 ways or parts; twofold.

W V (.)
prvaj prvarpkhy jt pacd upadrav // (60.2)
prva-ja prvarpa-khy jan pact upadrava
prva pron. aforesaid; ancient; attended with ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon;
growing in; ifc. born or descended from prvarpa n. an omen; indication of something
approaching; the first of two concurrent vowels or consonants W khy f. appearance;
appellation; aspect jan 4.P. to be; to be born; to be born again V pact ind. afterwards;
backwards; behind upadrava m. a supervenient disease or one brought on whilst a person
labours under another; any grievous accident; calamity.

M W (.)
yathsvajanmopaay svatantr spaalaka / (61.1)
yath-sva-janman-upaaya svatantra pa-lakaa
yath ind. according; as; as sva adj. akin; one's own; own janman n. (in astrol.) name
of the 1st lunar mansion; a creature; a progenitor upaaya m. (in med.) the allaying (of
diseases) by suitable remedies; a kind of hole in the ground (placed near the track of wild
animals); advantageous medicine M svatantra adj. free; full grown; independent pa 4..
to compose; to consider; to examine lakaa n. a designation; a form; a lucky mark.

~ N (.)
viparts tato 'nye tu vidyd eva maln api // (61.2)
viparta tatas anya tu vid evam mala api
viparta adj. acting in a contrary manner; adverse; being the reverse of anything
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason ~ anya pron. anderer tu ind. and; but; do
vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to know; to learn evam ind. in such a manner; in this way;
such mala mn. dirt; dust; filth api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

7 (.)
tn lakayed avahito vikurvn pratijvaram / (62.1)
tad lakay avadh vik prati-jvara
tad pron. this lakay 10.. to aim; to characterize; to consider or regard any one (acc.) as
(acc. with or without iva) avadh 3.. to deposit; to place down; to place or turn aside T
vik 8.. to act in a hostile or unfriendly way towards (gen. or loc.); to act in various ways; to
annihilate prati ind. again; against; against 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according
to the different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul.

` P (.)
te pradhnapraame praamo 'myatas tath // (62.2)
tad pradhna-praama praama amyant tath
tad pron. this pradhna n. a chief thing or person; a noble; an elephant-driver
praama m. abatement; calmness; cessation praama m. abatement; calmness; cessation
P* amyant adj. tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so.

V * (.)
pacc cikitset tra v balavantam upadravam / (63.1)
pact cikits tram v balavant upadrava
V pact ind. afterwards; backwards; behind cikits Desid.P. to heal tram ind.
quickly; rapidly v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally *
balavant adj. accompanied by an army; dense (as darkness); intense upadrava m. a
supervenient disease or one brought on whilst a person labours under another; any grievous
accident; calamity.

vydhikliaarrasya pkarataro hi sa // (63.2)
vydhi-kli-arra pkaratara hi tad
vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus kli 4.. to afflict; to be tormented or molested; to cause pain arra n. a dead
body; any solid body (opp. to udaka etc.); bodily frame pkaratara adj. causing more
pain hi ind. because; for; on account of tad pron. this.

vikranmkualo na jihryt kadcana / (64.1)
vikra-nman-akuala na hr kadcana
vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative from Prakti; a product; agitation
nman n. a characteristic mark or sign; a good or great name; a noun (as opp. to a verb)
akuala adj. evil; inauspicious; not clever na ind. neither; no; nor hr 3.P. to be
ashamed kadcana ind. at any time; ever; sometimes.

W (.)
na hi sarvavikr nmato 'sti dhruv sthiti // (64.2)
na hi sarva-vikra nman as dhruva sthiti
na ind. neither; no; nor hi ind. because; for; on account of sarva pron. all; completely;
different vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative from Prakti; a product;
agitation nman n. a characteristic mark or sign; a good or great name; a noun (as opp. to a
verb) as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) dhruva adj. certain; constant; eternal
W sthiti f. (in astron.) duration of an eclipse; (in Vedic gram.) the standing of a word by itself;

M (.)
sa eva kupito doa samutthnavieata / (65.1)
tad eva kup doa samutthna-viea
tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even kup 4.. to be angry; to be angry with; to be
moved or excited or agitated doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection M samutthna n.
active operation; augmentation; cure viea m. (pl.) various objects; a kind; a species of

W* ^` 7 (.)
sthnntari ca prpya vikrn kurute bahn // (65.2)
sthna-antara ca prp vikra k bahu
W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a stronghold; abiding * antara adj. being in the
interior; different from; distant ca ind. also; and; as well as prp 1.P. to arrive at; to attain
to; to be in force vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative from Prakti; a
product; agitation T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become V bahu adj. abundant;
great in quantity; many.

W T * (.)
tasmd vikrapraktr adhihnntari ca / (66.1)
tasmt vikra-prakti adhihna-antara ca
W tasmt ind. therefore vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative from
Prakti; a product; agitation T prakti f. (in anat.) temperament; (in mythol.) a goddess; (in
polit.) a king's ministers adhihna n. a basis; a benediction; a position * antara adj.
being in the interior; different from; distant ca ind. also; and; as well as.

Q ` (.)
buddhv hetuvie ca ghra kuryd upakramam // (66.2)
budh hetu-viea ca ghram k upakrama
budh 1.. to attend to; to be awake; to be awakened or restored to consciousness ` hetu m.
(with Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to pratyaya); (with Paupatas) that which causes the
bondage of the soul; a logical reason or dedaction or argument viea m. (pl.) various
objects; a kind; a species of tree ca ind. also; and; as well as ghram ind. quickly T k
8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become upakrama m. a means; a particular ceremony
preparatory to reading the Vedas; anything leading to a result.

{ ` T` (.)
dya dea bala klam anala prakti vaya / (67.1)
dya dea bala kla anala prakti vayas
{ dya mn. (medic.) a subordinate element of the body that can be corrupted by the tridoa;
matter; poison ` dea m. country; institute; kingdom bala mn. Balarma; an army;
expertness in kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time anala m. (in
astron.) the fiftieth year of; bile; digestive power T prakti f. (in anat.) temperament; (in
mythol.) a goddess; (in polit.) a king's ministers vayas n. age; any period of life; degree.

* P W (.)
sattva stmya tathhram avasth ca pthagvidh // (67.2)
sattva stmya tath-hra avasth ca pthagvidha
* sattva n. a substantive; a thing; being P stmya mn. community of essence or nature with
(instr. or gen.); habit; habituation tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so hra
m. bringing near; employing; fetching W avasth f. appearance (in a court of justice);
circumstance of age; condition ca ind. also; and; as well as pthagvidha adj. distinct
from (abl.); manifold; of distinct kinds.

WW W (.)
skmaskm samkyai doauadhanirpae / (68.1)
skma-skma samk-idam doa-auadha-nirpaa
W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant
samk 1.. to aim at; to bear in mind; to become aware of idam pron. this doa mn. a calf;
accusation; affection auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively nirpaa n.
appearance; examination; form.

` (.)
yo vartate cikitsy na sa skhalati jtucit // (68.2)
yad vt cikits na tad skhal jtucit
yad pron. what; which vt 1.P. to act in any way (instr. or acc.) towards; to advance; to be
alive or present cikits f. medical attendance; practice or science of medicine (esp.
therapeutics) na ind. neither; no; nor tad pron. this skhal 1.P. to fluctuate; to stumble;
to totter jtucit ind. ever.

7W *` (.)
gurvalpavydhisasthna sattvadehabalbalt / (69.1)
guru-alpa-vydhi-sasthna sattva-deha-balbala
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small vydhi m. ailment; any
tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus W sasthna n. a
public place (in a town); abiding by; abode * sattva n. a substantive; a thing; being ` deha
mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form balbala n. relative strength or power or weight
or highness or dignity or importance; strength and weakness.

[` ~ W ` (.)
dyate 'py anyathkra tasminn avahito bhavet // (69.2)
d api anyathkra tad avadh bh
[ d 4.. to appear; to appear as; to be seen api ind. also; assuredly; besides ~
anyathkra m. doing otherwise tad pron. this avadh 3.. to deposit; to place down; to
place or turn aside bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being.

^ 7 (.)
guru laghum iti vydhi kalpayas tu bhiagbruva / (70.1)
guru laghu iti vydhi kalpay tu bhiaj-bruva
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief iti ind. in
this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been said or
thought) vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus
or Arabicus 7 kalpay 10.. to form; to prescribe tu ind. and; but; do ` bhiaj m. a healer; a
remedy; medicine bruva adj. being merely nominally; calling one's self by a name without any
real title to it.

7 M N` (.)
alpadokalanay pathye vipratipadyate // (70.2)
alpa-doa-akalan pathya vipratipad
7 alpa adj. little; minute; small doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection akalan f. M
pathya adj. containing elements or leading forms; fit; normal vipratipad 4.. to be
mistaken; to be mutually opposed; to be perplexed or confounded.

7 7 ^ (.)
tato 'lpam alpavrya v guruvydhau prayojitam / (71.1)
tatas alpa alpa-vrya v guru-vydhi prayojay
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small 7
alpa adj. little; minute; small vrya n. consequence; dignity; efficacy (of medicine) v ind.
either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy
vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus
prayojay 10.P. to aim at; to appoint to; to be applicable.

7 (.)
udrayettar rogn saodhanam ayogata // (71.2)
udray-tarm roga saodhana ayoga
udray 10.P. to bring or fetch out of; to cast; to cause tarm ind. (ifc.) very roga
mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease saodhana n. correcting;
paying off; purification or a means of purification ayoga m. disjunction; exertion;

~ ` (.)
odhana tv atiyogena viparta viparyaye / (72.1)
odhana tu atiyoga viparta viparyaya
odhana mn. a means of purification; acquittance; clearing up tu ind. and; but; do
atiyoga m. excess; excessive union viparta adj. acting in a contrary manner;
adverse; being the reverse of anything viparyaya m. alteration; avoiding; barter.

kiuyn na maln eva kevala vapur asyati // (72.2)
ki na mala eva kevala vapus as
ki 9.. to be diminished; to corrupt; to decrease na ind. neither; no; nor mala mn. dirt;
dust; filth eva ind. alone; already; even kevala adj. absolute; alone; entire vapus n. a
beautiful form or figure; essence; figure as 2.P. to cast; to drive or frighten away; to shoot at.

ato 'bhiyukta satata sarvam locya sarvath / (73.1)
atas abhiyuj satatam sarva locay sarvath
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason abhiyuj 7.. to
accuse of (acc.); to apply to; to assail satatam ind. always sarva pron. all; completely;
different locay 10.. to behold; to consider; to make visible sarvath ind.
altogether; at all times; by all means (often joined with sarvatra and sarvad).

M ` ~ (.)
tath yujta bhaiajyam rogyya yath dhruvam // (73.2)
tath yuj bhaiajya rogya yath dhruvam
tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into
conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to
` bhaiajya n. a particular ceremony performed as a remedy for sickness; any remedy;
curativeness ~ rogya n. a particular ceremony; freedom from disease; health yath ind.
according; as; as dhruvam ind. certainly.

W* T (.)
vakyante 'ta para do vddhikayavibhedata / (74.1)
vac atas para doa vddhi-kaya-vibheda
vac 2.P. to declare; to proclaim; to recite atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or
that cause or reason para pron. ancient; best; better or worse than doa mn. a calf;
accusation; affection T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground) kaya
m. consumption; decay; destruction vibheda m. alteration; breaking asunder; change.

T (.)
pthak trn viddhi sasargas tridh tatra tu tn nava // (74.2)
pthak tri vid sasarga tridh tatra tu tad navan
pthak ind. (with abl.) without; apart or separately or differently from; differently tri nr.
3 MW vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to know; to learn sasarga m. a partic. combination
of two humours which produces diseases; a partic. conjunction of celestial bodies; acquaintance
tridh ind. in 3 parts; in 3 places; in 3 ways tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place
tu ind. and; but; do tad pron. this navan adj. 9 MW.

7 ` (.)
trn eva samay vddhy a ekasytiyane / (75.1)
tri eva samaya vddhi a eka-atiyana
tri nr. 3 MW eva ind. alone; already; even samaya m. (with ktas) name of the
author of a Mantra; agreement; an ordeal T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation
(of ground) a adj. six eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once atiyana
n. excelling; excessiveness.

H (.)
trayodaa samasteu a dvyektiayena tu // (75.2)
trayodaan samasta a dvi-eka-atiaya tu
trayodaan adj. 13 MW samasta adj. abridged; all; combined a adj. six dvi
nr. two eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once atiaya m. advantageous result;
eminence; one of the superhuman qualities attributed to Jaina Arhats tu ind. and; but; do.

7 P7 (.)
eka tulydhikai a ca tratamyavikalpant / (76.1)
eka tulya-adhika a ca tratamya-vikalpana
eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once 7 tulya adj. comparable; equal to; even
adhika adj. abundant; additional; excellent a adj. six ca ind. also; and; as well as
P tratamya n. difference; gradation; proportion 7 vikalpana fn. allowing an option or
alternative; distinction ( different opinions); false notion or assumption.

B` * T (.)
pacaviatim ity eva vddhai kai ca tvata // (76.2)
pacaviati iti evam vdh ki ca tvant
B` pacaviati f. 25 MW iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti
refers to something that has been said or thought) evam ind. in such a manner; in this way;
such vdh 1.. to ascend (as the scale in ordeals); to be exalted or elevated; to be filled or
extended ki 9.. to be diminished; to corrupt; to decrease ca ind. also; and; as well as
* tvant adj. so far; so great; so many.

T ` (.)
ekaikavddhisamatkayai a te puna ca a / (77.1)
eka-eka-vddhi-samat-kaya a tad punar ca a
eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only
once T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground) samat f.
benevolence; equableness; equality kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction a adj. six
tad pron. this punar ind. again and again; back; besides ca ind. also; and; as well as
a adj. six.

7 ` (.)
ekakayadvadvavddhy saviparyayaypi te // (77.2)
eka-kaya-dvadva-vddhi saviparyaya-api tad
eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction
dvadva mn. a pair of opposites (e.g. heat and cold); contest; couple T vddhi f.
advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground) saviparyaya adj. api ind. also;
assuredly; besides tad pron. this.

` M (.)
bhed dviair nirdis triai svsthyakraam / (78.1)
bheda dviai nirdi triai svsthya-kraa
bheda m. (in astron.) a particular crossing or conjunction of the planets; a cleft; alteration
dviai f. 62 MW ` nirdi 6.. to advise; to announce; to assign anything to
triai f. 63 MW M svsthya n. comfort; contentment; ease kraa n. a cause; a deity; a

^ T (.)
sasargd rasarudhirdibhis tathai dos tu kayasamatvivddhibhedai / (78.2)
sasarga rasa-rudhira-di tath-idam doa tu kaya-samat-vivddhi-bheda
sasarga m. a partic. combination of two humours which produces diseases; a partic.
conjunction of celestial bodies; acquaintance rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential
juice of the body; a kind of metre ^ rudhira n. blood; name of a city; saffron di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so idam pron.
this doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection tu ind. and; but; do kaya m. consumption;
decay; destruction samat f. benevolence; equableness; equality T vivddhi f.
augmentation; enlargement; furthering bheda m. (in astron.) a particular crossing or
conjunction of the planets; a cleft; alteration.

nantya taratamayogata ca ytn jnyd avahitamnaso yathsvam // (78.3)
nantya taratama-yoga ca y j avadh-mnasa yathsva
7 nantya n. eternity; future happiness; immortality taratama m. (die beiden
Steigerungsformen Komp. und Superlativ) yoga m. (in Skhya) the union of soul with
matter (one of the 10 Mlikrths or radical facts); a combined or concentrated grammatical
rule or aphorism; a follower of the Yoga system ca ind. also; and; as well as y 2.. to flee;
to go; to go to for any purpose (inf.) j 4.. to apprehend; to ascertain; to become
acquainted with avadh 3.. to deposit; to place down; to place or turn aside mnasa
n. a kind of salt; heart; mind yathsva adj. each acc. to (his, her, their) own; every one
possessing his own.

N (.)
vtasyopakrama sneha sveda saodhana mdu / (1.1)
vta-upakrama sneha sveda saodhana mdu
vta m. air; flatulence; gout upakrama m. a means; a particular ceremony preparatory
to reading the Vedas; anything leading to a result N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent;
any oleaginous substance sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration")
saodhana n. correcting; paying off; purification or a means of purification mdu adj.
(in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung).

W~ ~ (.)
svdvamlalavaoni bhojyny abhyagamardanam // (1.2)
svdu-amla-lavaa-ua bhojya abhyaga-mardana
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty amla adj. acid; sour lavaa adj. beautiful;
briny; graceful ua adj. acrid; active; hot W bhojya n. a dainty; a feast a store of
provisions; a festive dinner ~ abhyaga m. inunction; rubbing with unctuous substances;
unguent mardana mn. cleaning or combing (the hair); friction i.e. opposition (of planets);

` N (.)
veana trsana seko madya paiikagauikam / (2.1)
veana trsana seka madya paiika-gauika
` veana n. gati (?); a bandage; a covering trsana n. alarming; cause of alarm or
fright; frightening seka m. a drop of anything; a libation; a shower-bath N madya n. any
intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine paiika n. a quantity of cakes
gauika n. rum (prepared with sugar).

N^ (.)
snigdho vastayo vastiniyama sukhalat // (2.2)
snigdha-ua vasti vasti-niyama sukha-la-t
N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable ua adj. acrid; active; hot vasti mf.
abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder vasti mf.
abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder niyama
m. (in Mm. phil.) a rule or precept (laying down or specifying something otherwise optional); a
particular process applied to minerals (esp. to quicksilver); agreement sukha n. atmosphere;
comfort; delight in la mn. a moral precept; character; conduct t f. ifc. abstracta.

N^ N ` (.)
dpanai pcanai snigdh sneh cnekayonaya / (3.1)
dpana pcana snigdha sneha ca-aneka-yoni
dpana adj. digestive; inflaming; kindling pcana adj. causing to cook or boil;
digestive; softening N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable N sneha mn. a fluid of
the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance ca ind. also; and; as well as ` aneka adj.
many; much; not one yoni mf. a mine; a particular part of a fire-pit; abode.

N (.)
vien medyapiitarasatailnuvsanam // (3.2)
viet medya-piita-rasa-taila-anuvsana
viet ind. especially N medya adj. consistent; fat; thick piita n. a small piece; any
flesh or meat; flesh which has been cut up or prepared rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or
essential juice of the body; a kind of metre taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil
anuvsana mn. administering oily enemata; oily enema; one of the saskras of mercury.

7 ` ` (.)
pittasya sarpia pna svdutair virecanam / (4.1)
pitta sarpis pna svdu-ta virecana
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour ` sarpis n. a kind of prameha; clarified butter pna
n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty ta adj.
boiled; cold; dull ` virecana n. a means for making the head clear; purging or any purging

~ (.)
svdutiktakayi bhojanny auadhni ca // (4.2)
svdu-tikta-kaya bhojana auadha ca
svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of
taste); fragrant; pungent kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant bhojana n. a meal;
any object of enjoyment or the pleasure caused by it; anything enjoyed or used auadha n.
drug; herb; herbs collectively ca ind. also; and; as well as.

^TN ^ (.)
sugandhitahdyn gandhnm upasevanam / (5.1)
sugandhi-ta-hdya gandha upasevana
^ sugandhi adj. fragrant; pious; sweet-smelling ta adj. boiled; cold; dull TN hdya adj.
being in the heart; beloved; charming ^ gandha mn. a fragrant substance; a neighbour; a
sectarial mark on the forehead (called so in the south of India) upasevana n. addiction to;
courting (e.g. the wife of another); enjoying.

" (.)
kahe gun hr manm uras dhti // (5.2)
kaha gua hra mai uras dhti
" kaha m. Gefwand; immediate proximity; name of a Maharshi gua mn. (in
khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook hra mn. a
carrier; a garland of pearls; battle mai m. a jewel; a large water-jar; a magnet uras n.
bosom; breast; the best of its kind dhti f. any offering or sacrifice; command; constancy.

W (.)
karpracandanorair anulepa kae kae / (6.1)
karpra-candana-ura anulepa kaa kaa
karpra mn. Blumea balsamifera DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 540); Blumea densiflora DC.
(G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 540); Blumea lacera DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 540) W candana
mn. Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Caesalpinia sappan Linn. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Crocus sativus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 552) ura mn. the
fragrant root of the plant Andropogon Muricatus; Vetiveria zizanioides Nash. (Surapla 1988:
241) anulepa m. anointing; bedaubing; unction kaa m. a certain day of the fortnight;
a festival; a fit or suitable moment kaa m. a certain day of the fortnight; a festival; a fit or
suitable moment.

pradoa candram saudha hri gta himo 'nila // (6.2)
pradoa candramas saudha hrin gta hima anila
pradoa m. evening; the first part of the night candramas m. a kind of Soma; name of
a hero; the deity of the moon saudha mn. a stuccoed mansion; any fine house; palace
hrin adj. appropriating; attracting; captivating gta n. name of four hymns addressed to
Ka; singing; song hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta anila m. air or wind; any
affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons.

M ^^ (.)
ayantraasukha mitra putra sadigdhamugdhavk / (7.1)
ayantraa-sukha mitra putra sadigdha-muh-vc
M ayantraa adj. sukha n. atmosphere; comfort; delight in mitra mn. a friend;
companion; name of a Marut putra m. (in astrol.) name of the fifth house; a Bodhisattva; a
son ^ sadigdha adj. besmeared or covered with (instr. or comp.); confounded with;
confused muh 4.. to be bewildered or perplexed; to be mistaken; to become confused
vc f. a literary work; a word; asseveration.

W` (.)
chandnuvartino dr priy lavibhit // (7.2)
chanda-anuvartin dra priya la-vibhay
W chanda m. appearance; appetite; delight ` anuvartin adj. compliant; following;
obedient dra mn. a wife priya adj. beloved; dear to; favourite la mn. a moral
precept; character; conduct vibhay 10.P. to beautify; to decorate.

~ " N (.)
tmbudhrgarbhi ghy udynadrghik / (8.1)
ta-ambu-dhr-garbha gha udyna-drghik
ta adj. boiled; cold; dull ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of
ninety syllables); the number four dhr f. a leak or hole in a pitcher; continuous line or
series; custom garbha m. a foetus or embryo; a foundation deposit; a woman's courses
gha mn. a house; a house as containing several rooms; a wife N udyna n. a park; garden;
motive drghik f. a kind of plant; a large oblong pond; name of an attendant of Dev (K.R.
von Kooji 1972: 50).

` (.)
sutrthavipulasvacchasalilayasaikate // (8.2)
su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very trtha mn. a brhman; a channel; a passage
vipula adj. abundant; important; large svaccha adj. bright-coloured; clear; convalescent (in
this sense perhaps Prkt ) salilaya m. a pond; lake saikata n. a sandbank; any
bank or shore; sandy shore or soil.

~* `

smbhojajalatrnte kyamne drumkule / (9.1)
sa-ambhoja-jala-tra-anta kyamna druma-kula
sa ind. (ibc.) with ~ ambhoja n. the day lotus; the plant Calamus Rotang; the Srasa or
Indian crane jala n. a cow's embryo; a kind of Andropogon; any fluid tra n. a shore; bank;
the brim of a vessel * anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border kyamna n. a hut made
of grass or thatch

druma m. a tree (sometimes also any plant); a tree of Indra's paradise;

name of a prince of the Kimpuruas kula adj. agitated; confounded; confused.

P ` ` (.)
saumy bhv paya sarpir vireka ca vieata // (9.2)
saumya bhva payas sarpis vireka ca vieata
P saumya adj. auspicious; cheerful; cool and moist bhva m. (in astron.) the state or
condition of a planet; advice; affection payas n. (esp.) milk; (met.) vital spirit; a species of
Andropogon ` sarpis n. a kind of prameha; clarified butter ` vireka m. a purgative;
cathartic; evacuation of the bowels ca ind. also; and; as well as vieata ind. especially.

HP W ` (.)
lemao vidhin yukta tka vamanarecanam / (10.1)
leman vidhi yuj tka vamana-recana
HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum vidhi m. a grammatical rule or precept; a means; a
physician yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into
union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot vamana n. an
emetic; emission; emitting ` recana n. a kind of earth; clearing (the head); emission of breath.

7W (.)
anna rklpatkoa kautiktakayakam // (10.2)
anna rka-alpa-tka-ua kau-tikta-kayaka
anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a
person or speech) 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot ua adj.
acrid; active; hot kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6
modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent kayaka adj. .

W N (.)
drghaklasthita madya ratiprti prajgara / (11.1)
drgha-kla-sth madya rati-prti prajgara
drgha adj. deep; high; lofty kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time
W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or
spiritous liquor; wine rati f. amorous enjoyment (often personified as one of the two wives of
Kmadeva); delight in; enjoyment prti f. any pleasurable sensation; friendliness; gladness
prajgara m. a watchman; attention; care.

` * (.)
anekarpo vyyma cint rka vimardanam // (11.2)
aneka-rpa vyyma cint rka vimardana
` aneka adj. many; much; not one rpa n. a particular coin; a show; a single specimen
vyyma m. (with Buddhists) right exercise or training; a difficult passage; a particular
measure of length * cint f. anxiety; anxious thought about; care rka adj. arid;
astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) vimardana fn. an eclipse; battle; destruction.

V (.)
vied vamana ya kaudra medoghnam auadham / (12.1)
viet vamana ya kaudra medas-ghna auadha
viet ind. especially vamana n. an emetic; emission; emitting ya mn. broth;
pease-soup; soup kaudra n. a kind of prameha; honey; minuteness medas n. a mystical
term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing
auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively.

" ~ (.)
dhmopavsaga nisukhatva sukhya ca // (12.2)
dhma-upavsa-gaa nisukha-tva sukha ca
dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist upavsa m. a fast; a fire altar; abstinence
from food etc. in general " gaa mn. a mouthful of water; draught; filling or rinsing the
mouth nisukha adj. disagreeable; distressing; joyless ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte
Nomina) sukha n. atmosphere; comfort; delight in ca ind. also; and; as well as.

q ` (.)
upakrama pthag don yo 'yam uddiya krtita / (13.1)
upakrama pthak doa yad idam uddi krtay
upakrama m. a means; a particular ceremony preparatory to reading the Vedas; anything
leading to a result pthak ind. (with abl.) without; apart or separately or differently from;
differently doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection yad pron. what; which idam pron. this
q uddi 6.P. to aim at; to declare; to destine krtay 10.. to call; to celebrate; to

` 7 (.)
sasargasanipteu ta yathsva vikalpayet // (13.2)
sasarga-sanipta tad yathsva vikalpay
sasarga m. a partic. combination of two humours which produces diseases; a partic.
conjunction of celestial bodies; acquaintance sanipta m. a complicated derangement of
the three humours or an illness produced by it; a particular conjunction of planets; a particular
manner of wrestling tad pron. this yathsva adj. each acc. to (his, her, their) own; every
one possessing his own 7 vikalpay 10.P. to call in question; to choose one of two
alternatives; to combine variously.

P ^~7 * ^` (.)
graima pryo marutpitte vsanta kaphamrute / (14.1)
graima pryas marut-pitta vsanta kapha-mruta
P graima adj. relating to the summer; sown in summer pryas ind. abundantly; as a
general rule; commonly ^ marut m. a species of plant; air; beauty 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious
humour * vsanta adj. relating to the spring season; vernal; young kapha m. phlegm;
phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general ^ mruta m. a chief of the
Maruts; a son of the Maruts; air.

^ ~ 7 (.)
maruto yogavhitvt kaphapitte tu rada // (14.2)
marut yogavhin-tva kapha-pitta tu rada
^ marut m. a species of plant; air; beauty yogavhin adj. contriving artifices; receiving
into or assimilating to one's self; serving as medium for mixing medicines ~ tva n. (Marker fr
abstrakte Nomina) kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in
general 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour tu ind. and; but; do rada adj. diffident;
mature; modest.

~ (.)
caya eva jayed doa kupita tv avirodhayan / (15.1)
caya eva ji doa kup tu avirodhayant
caya m. (in med.) accumulation of the humors; a cover; a heap eva ind. alone; already;
even ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to exercise doa mn. a calf; accusation;
affection kup 4.. to be angry; to be angry with; to be moved or excited or agitated tu ind.
and; but; do * avirodhayant adj. not impeding.

` (.)
sarvakope balysa eadovirodhata // (15.2)
sarva-kopa balyas ea-doa-avirodha
sarva pron. all; completely; different kopa m. anger; fury (of fire); incompatibleness with
balyas adj. mighty or strong or important or efficacious; more or most powerful ea
mn. balance; leavings; remainder doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection avirodha m.
consistency; harmony; living or being in agreement with (in comp. or inst.).

~ (.)
prayoga amayed vydhim eka yo 'nyam udrayet / (16.1)
prayoga amay vydhi eka yad anya udray
prayoga m. a design; addition (of a word); application amay 10.. to calm; to make
quiet; to pacify vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus
Speciosus or Arabicus eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once yad pron. what;
which ~ anya pron. anderer udray 10.P. to bring or fetch out of; to cast; to cause.

"T "T (.)
nsau viuddha uddhas tu amayed yo na kopayet // (16.2)
na-adas viudh uddha tu amay yad na kopay
na ind. neither; no; nor adas pron. jener " viudh 4.P. to become clear (said of the
senses); to become perfectly pure (esp. in ritual sense) "T uddha adj. admitted; authorised;
clean tu ind. and; but; do amay 10.. to calm; to make quiet; to pacify yad pron. what;
which na ind. neither; no; nor kopay 10.. to make angry.

P =" (.)
vyymd maas taikyd ahitcarad api / (17.1)
vyyma man taikya ahita-caraa api
vyyma m. (with Buddhists) right exercise or training; a difficult passage; a particular
measure of length P man m. (medic.) a kind of sveda; ardour; glow =" taikya n.
fierceness; pain; pungency (of drugs) ahita adj. hostile; improper; noxious caraa n.
a cart; approaching; arrival (as of the dawn) api ind. also; assuredly; besides.


~ ^ (.)
kohc chkhsthimarmi drutatvn mrutasya ca // (17.2)
koha kh-asthi-marman dru-tva mruta ca
koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding wall; an inner apartment kh f. antika;
pakntara; a branch (lit. and fig.) W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit marman n. any
joint or articulation; any open or exposed or weak or sensitive part of the body; any secret or

dru 1.. to attack; to dissolve; to flee ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) ^

mruta m. a chief of the Maruts; a son of the Maruts; air ca ind. also; and; as well as.

* ` ~ (.)
do ynti tath tebhya srotomukhaviodhant / (18.1)
doa y tath tad srotas-mukha-viodhana
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection y 2.. to flee; to go; to go to for any purpose (inf.)
tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so tad pron. this srotas n. a river; an
aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of
sense mukha n. a direction; beginning; best viodhana n. a laxative; cleansing; lopping
(of trees).

7W (.)
vddhybhiyandant pkt koha vyo ca nigraht // (18.2)
vddhi-abhiyandana pka koha vyu ca nigraha
T vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground) W abhiyandana n.
liquid state (dravbhva) pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences
koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding wall; an inner apartment vyu m. (in astron.)
name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5 are
reckoned) ca ind. also; and; as well as nigraha m. (esp. in Nyya phil.) an occasion for
refutation; a boundary; a place or occasion for being caught hold of.

W ~ ` (.)
tatrasth ca vilamberan bhyo hetupratkia / (19.1)
tatrastha ca vilamb bhyas hetu-pratkin
W tatrastha adj. belonging to that place; dwelling there; situated there ca ind. also; and; as
well as ~ vilamb 1.P. to be attached to; to continue hanging; to decline bhyas ind.
again; further; furthermore ` hetu m. (with Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to pratyaya);
(with Paupatas) that which causes the bondage of the soul; a logical reason or dedaction or
argument pratkin adj. expecting; looking or waiting for.

` 7 ~ M (.)
te kldibala labdhv kupyanty anyrayev api // (19.2)
tad kla-di-bala labh kup anya-raya api
tad pron. this kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in labh 1.P. to
catch; to find; to meet with kup 4.. to be angry; to be angry with; to be moved or excited or
agitated ~ anya pron. anderer raya m. a plea; a recipient; appropriate act or one
consistent with the character of the agent api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

~WW (.)
tatrnyasthnasastheu tadym abaleu tu / (20.1)
tatra-anya-sthna-sastha tadya abala tu
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place ~ anya pron. anderer W sthna n. a state of
perfect tranquillity; a stronghold; abiding W sastha adj. based or resting or dependent on;
being in or with; belonging to tadya adj. belonging or relating to or coming from him or her
or that or them; hers; his abala adj. weak tu ind. and; but; do.

~ (.)
kuryc cikits svm eva balennybhibhviu // (20.2)
k cikits sva eva bala-anya-abhibhvin
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become cikits f. medical attendance;
practice or science of medicine (esp. therapeutics) sva adj. akin; one's own; own eva ind.
alone; already; even bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in ~ anya pron. anderer
abhibhvin adj. overpowering.

* W T* (.)
gantu amayed doa sthnina pratiktya v / (21.1)
gantu amay doa sthnin pratik v
* gantu adj. accidental; adventitious; anything added or adhering amay 10.. to calm;
to make quiet; to pacify doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection W sthnin adj. abiding;
appropriate; being in the right place T pratik 8.. to attend to; to counteract; to cure (a
disease) v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally.

7 (.)
pryas tiryaggat do kleayanty tur ciram // (21.2)
pryas tiryac-gam doa kleay tura ciram
pryas ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly B tiryac adj. animal; horizontal
gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection kleay
10.. to afflict; to distress; to pain tura adj. desirous of (Inf.); diseased or pained by (in
comp.); sick (in body or mind) ciram ind. for a long time.

` ~ `V (.)
kuryn na teu tvaray dehgnibalavit kriym / (22.1)
k na tad tvar deha-agni-bala-vid kriy
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become na ind. neither; no; nor tad pron. this
~ tvar f. haste; urgency ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form V agni m. bile;
Citrus Acida; digestive faculty bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in vid adj. a
knower; knowing; understanding kriy f. a literary work; a noun of action; a religious rite or

` (.)
amayet tn prayogea sukha v koham nayet // (22.2)
amay tad prayoga sukham v koha n
amay 10.. to calm; to make quiet; to pacify tad pron. this prayoga m. a design;
addition (of a word); application sukham ind. easily; pleasantly; well v ind. either - or;
on the one side - on the other side; optionally koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding wall;
an inner apartment n 1.. to bring; to carry to a place (acc. or loc.); to fetch.

~ ` (.)
jtv kohaprapann ca yathsanna vinirharet / (23.1)
j koha-prapad ca yathsannam vinirh
j 4.. to apprehend; to ascertain; to become acquainted with koha mn. a kind of pan;
a surrounding wall; an inner apartment prapad 4.P. to admit (a claim); to adopt or embrace
(a doctrine); to appear ca ind. also; and; as well as yathsannam ind. according as any
one approaches T vinirh 1.P. to destroy; to extract; to remove.

srotorodhabalabhraagauravnilamhat // (23.2)
srotas n. a river; an aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11
in women); an organ of sense rodha m. a dam; a particular hell; an arrow bala mn.
Balarma; an army; expertness in bhraa m. abandonment of (abl. or comp.); cessation;
decay gaurava n. cumbrousness; difficulty; gravity anila m. air or wind; any affection
referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons muh 4.. to be bewildered
or perplexed; to be mistaken; to become confused tad pron. this.

^ (.)
lasypaktinihvamalasagruciklam / (24.1)
lasya n. idleness; sloth; want of energy apakti f. immaturity; indigestion
nihva mn. spitting; spitting out mala mn. dirt; dust; filth saga m. addiction or devotion
to; association or intercourse with; clinging to ^ aruci f. aversion; disgust; dislike klama
m. exhaustion; fatigue; languor.

liga maln smn nirm viparyaya // (24.2)
liga mala sa-ma nirma viparyaya
liga mn. (in logic) vypya; (in Skhya) prakti or pradhna; prtipadika mala mn.
dirt; dust; filth sa ind. (ibc.) with ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and
unhealthy excretions nirma adj. not ma ( cooked/digested); von nicht Verdautem
begleitet [z.B. Durchfall] viparyaya m. alteration; avoiding; barter.

P 7~ N (.)
mao 'lpabalatvena dhtum dyam apcitam / (25.1)
man alpa-bala-tva dhtu dya apcita
P man m. (medic.) a kind of sveda; ardour; glow 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small bala
mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) dhtu mn. a
constituent element or essential ingredient of the body; constituent part; element N dya adj.
being at the head; earlier; excellent apcita adj. not cooked/digested.

` (.)
duam mayagata rasam ma pracakate // (25.2)
du maya-gam rasa ma pracak
du 4.. to be defiled or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong maya m. [medic.] the
maya gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or
essential juice of the body; a kind of metre ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard
and unhealthy excretions pracak 2.. to call; to declare; to name.

~ `~ ~ ~~ (.)
anye doebhya evtiduebhyo 'nyonyamrchant / (26.1)
anya doa eva-ati-du anyonya-mrchana
~ anya pron. anderer doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection eva ind. alone; already; even
ati ind. extremely; very du 4.. to be defiled or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong ~~
anyonya adj. mutual; one another; [gramm.] the word 'anyonya' mrchana fn. a regulated
rise or fall of sounds through the Grma or musical scale; fainting; melody.

`~ 7 ~ (.)
kodravebhyo viasyeva vadanty masya sambhavam // (26.2)
kodrava via-iva vad ma sambhava
kodrava m. Paspalum scrobiculatum Linn.- a species of grain eaten by the poor via n.
Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison iva ind.
a little; about; almost vad 1.. to address; to adjudge; to affirm ma mn. constipation;
dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy excretions ~ sambhava m. ability; acquaintance;

` { { (.)
mena tena sapkt do dy ca dit / (27.1)
ma tad sampc doa dya ca day
ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy excretions tad pron. this
sampc 7.P. to bring into contact; to commingle; to connect doa mn. a calf; accusation;
affection { dya mn. (medic.) a subordinate element of the body that can be corrupted by the
tridoa; matter; poison ca ind. also; and; as well as { day 10.. (astrol.) to cause evil or
misfortune; to accuse; to adulterate.

* * T (.)
sm ity upadiyante ye ca rogs tadudbhav // (27.2)
sa-ma iti upadi yad ca roga tad-udbhava
sa ind. (ibc.) with ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy
excretions iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that
has been said or thought) upadi 6.. to admonish; to advise; to call yad pron. what;
which ca ind. also; and; as well as roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus;
disease tad pron. this T udbhava adj. produced or coming from.

`V ` (.)
sarvadehapravistn smn don na nirharet / (28.1)
sarva-deha-pravis sma doa na nirh
sarva pron. all; completely; different ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form
V pravis 3.P. sma adj. crude; not sufficiently prepared or matured (a morbid state of the
humours); undigested doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection na ind. neither; no; nor T
nirh 1.. to carry out (a dead body); to change or interchange (clothes); to destroy.

M (.)
lnn dhtuv anutklin phald md rasn iva // (28.2)
l dhtu anutklia phala ma rasa iva
l 1.P. to alight or settle on; to cling or press closely; to disappear dhtu mn. a constituent
element or essential ingredient of the body; constituent part; element anutklia adj.
phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift ma adj. fine; immature; name
of the cow (considered as the raw material which produces the prepared milk) rasa mn.
amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre iva ind. a little; about;

` `~ (.)
rayasya hi nya te syur durnirharatvata / (29.1)
raya hi na tad as durnirhara-tva
raya m. a plea; a recipient; appropriate act or one consistent with the character of the
agent hi ind. because; for; on account of na m. (arithm.) elimination; annihilation;
death tad pron. this as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) ` durnirhara adj. ~
tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina).

N M (.)
pcanair dpanai snehais tn svedai ca pariktn // (29.2)
pcana dpana sneha tad sveda ca parik
pcana n. a cataplasm; a dissolvent; a sort of drink dpana n. a digestive or tonic; a
particular procedure with a magic formula; a particular process to which minerals are subjected-
(alchemy) one of the Saskras of mercury N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any
oleaginous substance tad pron. this sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of
perspiration") ca ind. also; and; as well as M parik 8.. to adorn; to embellish.

odhayec chodhanai kle yathsanna yathbalam / (30.1)
odhay odhana kla yathsannam yathbalam
odhay 10.. to acquit; to clear; to clear off odhana mn. a means of purification;
acquittance; clearing up kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time
yathsannam ind. according as any one approaches yathbalam ind. according to power;
according to the (condition of the) army; according to the (number of) forces.

7 " 7 (.)
hanty u yukta vaktrea dravyam mayn maln // (30.2)
han u yuj vaktra dravya maya mala
han 1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to abandon; to avert " u ind. quickly yuj 4.P.
(in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction
with (acc.); to accrue to 7 vaktra n. a sort of garment; beginning; face dravya n. (Gr.)
single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake maya m. [medic.] the
maya mala mn. dirt; dust; filth.

M ` (.)
ghrena cordhvajatrtthn pakvdhnd gudena ca / (31.1)
ghra ca-rdhva-jatru-uttha pakvdhna guda ca
ghra mn. odour; perception of odour; smell ca ind. also; and; as well as rdhva adj.
above; elevated; erect jatru mn. the collar-bone M uttha adj. (generally ifc.) standing up;
arising; coming forth pakvdhna n. abdomen; the receptacle for digested food; the
stomach guda mn. an intestine; anus; entrail ca ind. also; and; as well as.

utklin adha rdhva v na cmn vahata svayam // (31.2)
utkli adhas rdhvam v na ca-ma vah svayam
utkli 9.P. to be uncomfortable; to feel uneasy adhas ind. below; beneath; down
rdhvam ind. after; furthermore; upward v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other
side; optionally na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as ma mn.
constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy excretions vah 4.P. to be with child; to
bear; to carry svayam ind. of one's own accord; of or by one's self spontaneously; one's self
(applicable to all persons).

` (.)
dhrayed auadhair don vidhts te hi rogad / (32.1)
dhray auadha doa vidh tad hi roga-da
dhray 10.. to hold; to keep; to possess auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection vidh 1.P. to bear; to carry; to hold tad pron. this
hi ind. because; for; on account of roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus;
disease da adj. effecting; granting; offering.

7 ` (.)
pravttn prg ato don upeketa hitina // (32.2)
pravt prk atas doa upek hita-in
pravt 1.. to act or proceed according to or with (instr. or abl.); to arise; to be prk ind.
before atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason doa mn. a
calf; accusation; affection ` upek 1.P. to abandon; to allow; to connive at hita adj.
agreeable; arranged; beneficial in adj. consuming; ifc. eating.

T ` (.)
vibaddhn pcanais tais tai pcayen nirhareta v / (33.1)
vibandh pcana tad tad pcay nirh v
^ vibandh 9.P. to bind or fasten on different sides; to extend; to obstruct (faeces)
pcana n. a cataplasm; a dissolvent; a sort of drink tad pron. this tad pron. this pcay
10.. to bring to completion or to an end; to cause to cook or be cooked; to cause to ripen T
nirh 1.. to carry out (a dead body); to change or interchange (clothes); to destroy v ind.
either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally.

7 (.)
rvae krttike caitre msi sdhrae kramt // (33.2)
rvaa krttika caitra ms sdhraa kramt
rvaa m. name of one of the twelve Hind months (generally rainy and corresponding to
July-ugust) 7 krttika m. name of a medical author; name of a month corresponding to
part of October and November (the twelfth month of the year); name of a Varsha caitra m. a
Buddhist or Jain religious mendicant; a common name for any man (like Deva-datta); name of a
son of Budha and grand father of Suratha ms m. a month; the moon sdhraa adj.
behaving alike; belonging to all; general kramt ind. successively.

P " ` (.)
grmavarhimacitn vyvdn u nirharet / (34.1)
grma-var-hima-ci vyu-di u nirh
P grma m. the hot season var f. (exceptionally sg.) the rains; Medicago Esculenta;
monsoon hima m. camphor; cold; the cold season ci 5.. to accumulate; to acquire for
one's self; to arrange in order vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical
name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned) di m. a firstling; and so on;
beginning " u ind. quickly T nirh 1.. to carry out (a dead body); to change or
interchange (clothes); to destroy.

* P (.)
atyuavarat hi grmavarhimgam // (34.2)
ati-ua-vara-ta hi grma-var-hima-gama
ati ind. extremely; very ua adj. acrid; active; hot vara mn. (pl.) the rains; a day (?);
a division of the earth as separated off by certain mountain ranges (9 such divisions are
enumerated) ta adj. boiled; cold; dull hi ind. because; for; on account of P grma m.
the hot season var f. (exceptionally sg.) the rains; Medicago Esculenta; monsoon hima
m. camphor; cold; the cold season gama m. a grammatical augment; a meaningless syllable
or letter inserted in any part of the radical word; a traditional doctrine or precept.

` (.)
sadhau sdhrae te dun don viodhayet / (35.1)
sadhi sdhraa tad du doa viodhay
sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint
sdhraa adj. behaving alike; belonging to all; general tad pron. this du 4.. to be defiled
or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection viodhay
10.. to correct; to exculpate; to fix or determine accurately.

W7 * (.)
svasthavttam abhipretya vydhau vydhivaena tu // (35.2)
svastha-vtta abhipre vydhi vydhi-vaa tu
W svastha adj. at ease; being in one's natural state; confident 7 vtta n. act; acting; behavior
abhipre 2.P. to aim at; to approach; to approach with one's mind vydhi m. ailment;
any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus vydhi m.
ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus vaa m. a
brothel; authority; birth tu ind. and; but; do.

T~ (.)
ktv toavn pratkra yathyatham / (36.1)
k ta-ua-vi pratkra yathyatham
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become ta n. Cassia bark; cold; cold water
ua mn. any hot object; heat; name of a son of Dyutimat vi f. (in Skhya) one of the four
forms of internal aquiescence; rain; [Skhya] one of the nine tuis pratkra m. an
alliance resting on the requital of former services yathyatham ind. as is fit or proper; by
degrees; fitly.

P (.)
prayojayet kriy prpt kriykla na hpayet // (36.2)
prayojay kriy prpta kriy-kla na hpay
prayojay 10.P. to aim at; to appoint to; to be applicable kriy f. a literary work; a
noun of action; a religious rite or ceremony P prpta adj. (in med.) indicated; accomplished;
acquired kriy f. a literary work; a noun of action; a religious rite or ceremony kla m.
eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time na ind. neither; no; nor hpay 10.P. to
neglect; to omit.

W W * *` (.)
yujyd anannam anndau madhye 'nte kavalntare / (37.1)
yuj ananna anna-di madhya anta kavala-antara
yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or
conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to ananna adj. without food anna n. bread corn; earth;
especially boiled rice di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning W madhya n. abdomen;
centre; cessation * anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border kavala mn. a kind of fish
(commonly Baliya); a morsel; a mouthful (as of water etc.) * antara n. a hole; absence;

V 7 (.)
grse grse muhu snna smudga nii cauadham // (37.2)
grsa grsa muhur sa-anna smudga ni ca-auadha
grsa m. a mouthful; amount of obscuration; an eclipse grsa m. a mouthful; amount of
obscuration; an eclipse V muhur ind. a while; at every moment; at once sa ind. (ibc.) with
anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice 7 smudga n. medicine taken before and
after a meal ni f. night ca ind. also; and; as well as auadha n. drug; herb; herbs

` (.)
kaphodreke gade 'nanna balino rogarogio / (38.1)
kapha-udreka gada ananna balin roga-rogin
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general
udreka m. abundance; excess; overplus gada m. a sentence; Costus speciosus Sm.; disease
ananna adj. without food balin adj. mighty; powerful; robust roga mn. a diseased
spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease rogin adj. diseased; ill; sick.

` ` W ` (.)
anndau vigue 'pne samne madhya iyate // (38.2)
anna-di vigua apna samna madhya i
anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
vigua adj. adverse (as fortune); bad; corrupted (as the humours of the body) apna
m. name of a Sman; that of the five vital airs which goes downwards and out at the anus; the
anus samna m. one of the five vital airs (that which circulates about the navel and is
essential to digestion) W madhya n. abdomen; centre; cessation i 1.P. to assent; to choose;
to concede.

` * 7` (.)
vyne 'nte prtarasya syamasya tttare / (39.1)
vyna anta prtara syama tu-uttara
vyna m. one of the five vital airs (that which circulates or is diffused through the body)
* anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border prtara m. a morning meal syama
m. an evening meal tu ind. and; but; do 7 uttara n. a defensive measure; a particular figure in
rhetoric; a wall plate.

* N (.)
grsagrsntayo pre pradue mtarivani // (39.2)
grsa-grsa-anta pra pradu mtarivan
grsa m. a mouthful; amount of obscuration; an eclipse grsa m. a mouthful; amount of
obscuration; an eclipse * anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border pra m. (in Skhya)
the spirit; (in Vednts) the spirit identified with the totality of dreaming spirits; a breath (as a
measure of time) pradu 4.. to be defiled or polluted; to become faithless; to become worse
N mtarivan m. (doubtful for) air; breeze; name of Agni or of a divine being closely
connected with him (the messenger of Vivasvat).

V V `WN (.)
muhur muhur viacchardihidhmtvsaksiu / (40.1)
muhur muhur via-chardi-hidhm-t-vsa-ksin
V muhur ind. a while; at every moment; at once V muhur ind. a while; at every moment; at
once via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable
poison ` chardi f. expulsion (of the breath); sickness; vomiting W hidhm mf. a kind of
disease; Schlick [als Name einer Krankheit!] t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire;
thirst N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds)
ksin adj. having a cough.

W W ` W (.)
yojya sabhojya bhaiajya bhojyai citrair arocake // (40.2)
yuj sa-bhojya bhaiajya bhojya citra arocaka
yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or
conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to sa ind. (ibc.) with W bhojya n. a dainty; a feast a store
of provisions; a festive dinner ` bhaiajya n. a particular ceremony performed as a remedy
for sickness; any remedy; curativeness W bhojya n. a dainty; a feast a store of provisions; a
festive dinner citra adj. (to execute) with different tortures; agitated (as the sea); bright
arocaka m. disgust; indigestion; want or loss of appetite.

W 7 (.)
kampkepakahidhmsu smudga laghubhojinm / (41.1)
kampa-kepaka-hidhm smudga laghu-bhojin
kampa m. a dwarf-rafter; a pillar; a roofing strip kepaka m. convulsion; spasm W
hidhm mf. a kind of disease; Schlick [als Name einer Krankheit!] 7 smudga n. medicine
taken before and after a meal laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief bhojin adj.
eating; enjoying; exploiting.

` P ` (.)
rdhvajatruvikreu svapnakle praasyate // (41.2)
rdhva-jatru-vikra svapna-kla praas
rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect jatru mn. the collar-bone vikra mn. (in
Skhya) a production or derivative from Prakti; a product; agitation P svapna mn. a dream;
dreaming; drowsiness kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time
praas 1.. to approve; to declare; to esteem.

P ~ (.)
upakramyasya hi dvitvd dvidhaivopakramo mata / (1.1)
upakram hi dvi-tva dvidh-eva-upakrama man
upakram 1.. to approach; to approach with any object; to attack hi ind. because; for;
on account of dvi nr. two ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) dvidh ind. divided; in 2
ways or parts; twofold eva ind. alone; already; even upakrama m. a means; a particular
ceremony preparatory to reading the Vedas; anything leading to a result man 8.P. to be of
opinion; to believe; to conjecture.

eka satarpaas tatra dvitya cpatarpaa // (1.2)
eka satarpaa tatra dvitya ca-apatarpaa
eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once satarpaa adj. invigorating tatra
ind. in that; in that case; in that place dvitya adj. forming the 2nd part or half of anything;
second ca ind. also; and; as well as apatarpaa adj. .

~ T (.)
bhao laghana ceti tatparyyv udhtau / (2.1)
bhaa laghana ca-iti tad-paryya udh
bhaa adj. making big or fat or strong; nourishing laghana adj. ca ind. also;
and; as well as iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something
that has been said or thought) tad pron. this paryya m. a convertible term; a synonym;
course T udh 2.P. to announce; to call; to cite.

* (.)
bhaa yad bhattvya laghana lghavya yat // (2.2)
bhaa yad bhant-tva laghana lghava yad
bhaa n. a means for making strong or firm; the act of making big yad pron. what;
which * bhant adj. abundant; big; bright ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina)
laghana n. ascending; attack; attaining lghava n. alacrity; brevity; conciseness yad
pron. what; which.

` ` (.)
dehasya bhavata pryo bhaumpyam itarac ca te / (3.1)
deha bh pryas bhauma-pya itara ca tad
` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into
being pryas ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly bhauma adj. earthly;
produced or coming from the earth; relating or dedicated to the earth pya adj. belonging or
relating to water; consisting of water; liquid itara pron. another; the other (of two) ca ind.
also; and; as well as tad pron. this.

N ~ (.)
snehana rkaa karma svedana stambhana ca yat // (3.2)
snehana rkaa karman svedana stambhana ca yad
N snehana n. being or becoming oily; feeling affection; lubrication rkaa n. the act of
making thin; [medic.] medical treatment for reducing fat or corpulence karman n. act;
action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyya
philosophy) svedana mn. a diaphoretic; any instrument or remedy for causing perspiration;
fomenting ~ stambhana n. a means of making stiff or rigid; a particular magical art or faculty;
a styptic or astringent ca ind. also; and; as well as yad pron. what; which.

W ` (.)
bhtn tad api dvaidhyd dvitaya ntivartate / (4.1)
bhta tad api dvaidhya dvitaya na-ativt
bhta mn. a demon; a spirit (good or evil); an element tad pron. this api ind. also;
assuredly; besides W dvaidhya n. discrepancy; diversity; duplicity dvitaya n. a pair or
couple na ind. neither; no; nor ativt 1.. to cross; to delay; to get over.

odhana amana ceti dvidh tatrpi laghanam // (4.2)
odhana amana ca-iti dvidh tatra-api laghana
odhana mn. a means of purification; acquittance; clearing up amana n. a mode of
sipping water; allaying; appeasing ca ind. also; and; as well as iti ind. in this manner; thus
(in its original signification iti refers to something that has been said or thought) dvidh ind.
divided; in 2 ways or parts; twofold tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place api ind.
also; assuredly; besides laghana n. ascending; attack; attaining.

B (.)
yad rayed bahir don pacadh odhana ca tat / (5.1)
yad ray bahis doa pacadh odhana ca tad
yad pron. what; which ray 10.. to bring to life; to proclaim bahis ind. apart from;
except; forth doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection B pacadh ind. fivefold; in 5 ways or
parts odhana mn. a means of purification; acquittance; clearing up ca ind. also; and; as
well as tad pron. this.

` (.)
nirho vamana kyairoreko 'sravisruti // (5.2)
nirha vamana kya-iras-reka asra-visruti
nirha m. a purging clyster; an enema not of an oily kind vamana n. an emetic;
emission; emitting kya m. a butt; a house; any object to be attained iras n. acme;
chief; first (of a class) ` reka m. emptying; loosening; purging asra n. a corner; a tear;
blood visruti f. flowing forth; issuing from (abl.).

* (.)
na odhayati yad don samn nodrayaty api / (6.1)
na odhay yad doa sama na-udray api
na ind. neither; no; nor odhay 10.. to acquit; to clear; to clear off yad pron. what;
which doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection sama pron. common; constant; easy na ind.
neither; no; nor udray 10.P. to bring or fetch out of; to cast; to cause api ind. also;
assuredly; besides.

P (.)
samkaroti viamn amana tac ca saptadh // (6.2)
samk viama amana tad ca saptadh
T samk 8.. to compensate (a bad deed); to mix ? (glattrhren) viama adj. bad;
coarse; dangerous amana n. a mode of sipping water; allaying; appeasing tad pron. this
ca ind. also; and; as well as P saptadh ind. in 7 parts.

7^ (.)
pcana dpana kuttvyymtapamrut / (7.1)
pcana dpana kut-t-vyyma-tapa-mruta
pcana n. a cataplasm; a dissolvent; a sort of drink dpana n. a digestive or tonic; a
particular procedure with a magic formula; a particular process to which minerals are subjected-
(alchemy) one of the Saskras of mercury kut f. a sneeze t f. Desire as daughter of
Love; strong desire; thirst vyyma m. (with Buddhists) right exercise or training; a
difficult passage; a particular measure of length tapa m. heat (especially of the sun);
sunshine ^ mruta m. a chief of the Maruts; a son of the Maruts; air.

~ 7 (.)
bhaa amana tv eva vyo pittnilasya ca // (7.2)
bhaa amana tu eva vyu pitta-anila ca
bhaa n. a means for making strong or firm; the act of making big amana n. a
mode of sipping water; allaying; appeasing tu ind. and; but; do eva ind. alone; already;
even vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a
vital air (of which 5 are reckoned) 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour anila m. air or
wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons ca ind.
also; and; as well as.

`NW (.)
bhayed vydhibhaiajyamadyastrokakaritn / (8.1)
bhay vydhi-bhaiajya-madya-str-oka-karay
bhay 10.. to expand; to further; to increase vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or
vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus ` bhaiajya n. a particular ceremony
performed as a remedy for sickness; any remedy; curativeness N madya n. any intoxicating
drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine W str f. a kind of metre; a white ant; a woman oka
m. affliction; anguish; flame karay 10.P. qulen; schlecht behandeln; to emaciate.

bhrdhvorakatakarkadurbalavtaln // (8.2)
bhra m. a burden; a large quantity; a particular manner of beating a drum adhvan m. a
journey; a place; a recension of the Vedas and the school upholding it uras n. bosom; breast;
the best of its kind kan 8.P. to break (a bow); to hurt; to injure ki 9.. to be diminished;
to corrupt; to decrease rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) durbala
adj. emaciated; feeble; lean (cow) vtala adj. flatulent; stormy; windy.

T P (.)
garbhistikblavddhn grme 'parn api / (9.1)
garbhi-stik-bla-vddha grma apara api
garbhi f. a pregnant woman stik f. a cow that has recently calved; a woman who
has recently brought forth a child; lying-in woman bla adj. childish; early (as the sun or its
rays); foolish T vddha adj. (a vowel) increased (by Vddhi); advanced in years; aged P
grma m. the hot season apara pron. der andere api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

` N^ (.)
msakrasitsarpirmadhurasnigdhavastibhi // (9.2)
msa n. flesh; meat kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk
sit f. Arabian jasmine; a handsome woman; a species of Aparjit ` sarpis n. a kind of
prameha; clarified butter madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous N^ snigdha adj.
adhesive; affectionate; agreeable vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or
the injection itself; the bladder.

PM~N (.)
svapnaayysukhbhyagasnnanirvtiharaai / (10.1)
P svapna mn. a dream; dreaming; drowsiness M ayy f. a bed; couch; lying sukha n.
atmosphere; comfort; delight in ~ abhyaga m. inunction; rubbing with unctuous substances;
unguent N snna n. ablution; anything used in ablution (e.g. water); bathing nirvti f.
attainment of rest; bliss; complete satisfaction or happiness haraa n. bristling; delight;

N^^~ (.)
mehmadotisnigdhajvarorustambhakuhina // (10.2)


W * ` ~ (.)
sthl ca laghayen nitya iire tv aparn api // (11.2)
sthla ca laghay nityam iira tu apara api
W sthla adj. big; coarse; dense ca ind. also; and; as well as laghay 10.. to ascend; to
avert; to avoid * nityam ind. always iira mn. cold; coolness; dew tu ind. and; but;
do apara pron. der andere api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

W77 (.)
tatra saodhanai sthaulyabalapittakaphdhikn / (12.1)
tatra saodhana sthaulya-bala-pitta-kapha-adhika
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place saodhana n. correcting; paying off;
purification or a means of purification W7 sthaulya n. bigness; denseness (opp. to saukmya);
density of intellect bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious
humour kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general
adhika adj. abundant; additional; excellent.

``T (.)
madoajvaracchardiratsrahdmayai // (12.2)
ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy excretions doa mn. a calf;
accusation; affection 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas or
humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul ` chardis n. vomition
atsra m. dysentery; purging T hd n. breast; chest; interior maya m. disease;
indigestion; sickness.

^7T= (.)
vibandhagauravodgrahllsdibhir turn / (13.1)
vibandha-gaurava-udgra-hllsa-di tura
^ vibandha m. a circular bandage; a remedy for promoting obstruction; constipation
gaurava n. cumbrousness; difficulty; gravity 7 udgra m. a loud sound; belching; Erbrochenes
T= hllsa m. Herzklopfen; palpitation of heart di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
tura adj. desirous of (Inf.); diseased or pained by (in comp.); sick (in body or mind).

WW7 (.)
madhyasthaulydikn prya prva pcanadpanai // (13.2)
madhya-sthaulya-dika pryas prvam pcana-dpana
W madhya adj. central; impartial; intermediate W7 sthaulya n. bigness; denseness (opp. to
saukmya); density of intellect dika adj. and so on; beginning with pryas ind.
abundantly; as a general rule; commonly prvam ind. before; formerly; hitherto
pcana n. a cataplasm; a dissolvent; a sort of drink dpana n. a digestive or tonic; a particular
procedure with a magic formula; a particular process to which minerals are subjected- (alchemy)
one of the Saskras of mercury.

W7 (.)
ebhir evmayair rtn hnasthaulyabaldikn / (14.1)
idam eva-maya rta h-sthaulya-bala-dika
idam pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even maya m. disease; indigestion; sickness
rta adj. afflicted; disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or
wanting; to be excluded from or bereft of W7 sthaulya n. bigness; denseness (opp. to
saukmya); density of intellect bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in dika adj. and
so on; beginning with.

7 ~ W [ (.)
kuttnigrahair doais tv rtn madhyabalair dhn // (14.2)
kut-t-nigraha doa tu rta madhya-bala dha
kut f. a sneeze t f. Avidity as mother of Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.); desire
nigraha m. (esp. in Nyya phil.) an occasion for refutation; a boundary; a place or occasion for
being caught hold of doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection tu ind. and; but; do rta adj.
afflicted; disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) W madhya adj. central; impartial; intermediate
bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in [ dha adj. certain; close (e.g. ship); complete (opp.
to bhinna).

7 (.)
samratapysai kim utlpabalair narn / (15.1)
samraa-tapa-ysa ka uta-alpa-bala nara
samraa m. a traveller; air; breath tapa m. heat (especially of the sun); sunshine
ysa m. effort; exertion (of bodily or mental power); fatigue ka pron. what?; who?
uta ind. also; and; even 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small bala mn. Balarma; an army;
expertness in nara m. a class of myth. beings allied to the Gandharvas and Kinaras; a male;
a man.

Q (.)
na bhayel laghanyn bhys tu mdu laghayet // (15.2)
na bhay lagh bh tu mdu laghay
na ind. neither; no; nor bhay 10.. to expand; to further; to increase lagh 1.. to
ascend; to leap over bh 1.P. to grow great or strong; to increase (the finite verb only with a
prep.) tu ind. and; but; do mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild
(Nahrung) laghay 10.. to ascend; to avert; to avoid.

` ` (.)
yukty v deakldibalatas tn upcaret / (16.1)
yukti v dea-kla-di-bala tad upcar
yukti f. (in astron.) conjunction; a sentence; adaptedness v ind. either - or; on the one
side - on the other side; optionally ` dea m. country; institute; kingdom kla m. eine
Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in tad pron. this upcar 1.. to approach; to
attend upon; to be obedient.

` W (.)
bhite syd bala puis tatsdhymayasakaya // (16.2)
bhay as bala pui tad-sdhay-maya-sakaya
bhay 10.. to expand; to further; to increase as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to
(dat.) bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in pui f. breeding; comfort;
completeness tad pron. this sdhay 10.. to accomplish; to acquire; to attain one's object
maya m. disease; indigestion; sickness sakaya m. complete destruction or
consumption; decay; destruction of the world.

^ (.)
vimalendriyat sargo maln lghava ruci / (17.1)
vimala-indriya-t sarga mala lghava ruci
vimala adj. bright; clear; pure indriya n. bodily power; exhibition of power; faculty of
sense t f. ifc. abstracta sarga m. a child; a created being; a dart mala mn. dirt; dust;
filth lghava n. alacrity; brevity; conciseness ^ ruci f. appetite; beauty; colour.

7 "TT7" (.)
kuttsahodaya uddhahdayodgrakahat // (17.2)
kudh f. hunger t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst saha ind. along
with; together with; with udaya m. a following word; appearance; becoming visible.

` (.)
vydhimrdavam utshas tandrna ca laghite / (18.1)
vydhi-mrdava utsha tandr-na ca laghay
vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus mrdava n. gentleness; kindness; leniency towards utsha m. a thread;
effort; energy tandr f. exhaustion; lassitude; Mattigkeit na m. (arithm.) elimination;
annihilation; death ca ind. also; and; as well as laghay 10.. to ascend; to avert; to

` ` ^ ` (.)
anapekitamtrdisevite kurutas tu te // (18.2)
anapekita-mtra-di-sev k tu tad
` anapekita adj. disregarded; unexpected; unheeded mtra n. an element; duration;
elementary matter di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning sev 1.. to cherish; to
cultivate; to devote or apply one's self to T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become
tu ind. and; but; do tad pron. this.

W7 W* ` (.)
atisthaulytikrydn vakyante te ca sauadh / (19.1)
ati-sthaulya-ati-krya-di vac tad ca sa-auadha
ati ind. extremely; very W sthaulya n. bigness; denseness (opp. to saukmya); density of
intellect ati ind. extremely; very krya n. thinness di m. a firstling; and so on;
beginning vac 2.P. to declare; to proclaim; to recite tad pron. this ca ind. also; and; as
well as sa ind. (ibc.) with auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively.

` (.)
rpa tair eva ca jeyam atibhitalaghite // (19.2)
rpa tad eva ca j ati-bhay-laghay
rpa n. a particular coin; a show; a single specimen tad pron. this eva ind. alone;
already; even ca ind. also; and; as well as j 4.. to apprehend; to ascertain; to become
acquainted with ati ind. extremely; very bhay 10.. to expand; to further; to increase
laghay 10.. to ascend; to avert; to avoid.

W7 `W (.)
atisthaulypacmehajvarodarabhagandarn / (20.1)
ati ind. extremely; very W7 sthaulya n. bigness; denseness (opp. to saukmya); density of
intellect apac f. a disease consisting in an enlargement of the glands of the neck; skrofulse
Knoten am Nacken meha m. a ram; diabetes; excessive flow of urine 7 jvara m. affliction;
fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected
by it); fever of the soul udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of
the liver) bhagadara mn. a fistula in the pudendum muliebre or in the anus etc. (5 to 8
forms enumerated); Mastdarmfisteln; name of an ancient sage.

~T ^ (.)
ksasanysakcchrmakuhdn atidrun // (20.2)
ksa-sanysa-kcchra-ma-kuha-di ati-drua
ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln ~ sanysa m. abandonment of
(gen. or comp.); abstinence from food; agreement T kcchra mn. austerity; bodily
mortification; calamity ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy
excretions kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
ati ind. extremely; very ^ drua adj. cruel; dreadful; hard.

HP ` (.)
tatra medo'nilalemanana sarvam iyate / (21.1)
tatra medas-anila-leman-nana sarva i
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place medas n. a mystical term for the letter v;
corpulence; excessive fatness anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the
wind; name of a Ri and other persons HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum nana adj.
destroying sarva pron. all; completely; different i 1.P. to assent; to choose; to concede.

M7 (.)
kulatthajraymkayavamudgamadhdakam // (21.2)
M kulattha mn. Cassia absus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 545); Dolichos uniflorus Lam. (a
kind of pulse); name of a people jra n. yvanla; a kind of plant (from S-India- also called
jondhalaka) ymka m. name of a man; name of a people; Panicum Frumentaceum
yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to
indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a
weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens 7 mudga m. a cover; a kind of
seabird; covering madhdaka n. honey diluted in water.

"*` (.)
mastudahatriacintodhanajgaram / (22.1)
mastu n. sour cream; the watery part of curds; whey " dahata n. butter-milk
aria m. Azadirachta Indica; a crow; a decoction * cint f. anxiety; anxious thought about;
care odhana mn. a means of purification; acquittance; clearing up jgara m. vision in a
waking state; wakefulness; waking.

Q (.)
madhun triphal lihyd gucm abhay ghanam // (22.2)
madhu triphal lih guc abhay ghana
madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid)
triphal mf. the 3 fragrant fruits; the 3 Myrobalans; the 3 sweet fruits lih 4.P. to
destroy; to lap; to lick guc f. Cocculus cordifolius DC.; Menispermum cordifolium
Willd.; Tinospora cordifolia Miers abhay f. name of Dev at Uatrtha; Terminalia
Chebula Retz. ghana mn. a collection; a mode of dancing (neither quick nor slow); a
particular method of reciting the.

M B (.)
rasjanasya mahata pacamlasya guggulo / (23.1)
rasjana mahant pacamla guggulu
M rasjana n. vitriol of copper or a sort of collyrium prepared from it with the addition of
Curcuma or from the calx of brass with Amomum Anthorrhiza or from leadore * mahant adj.
abounding on rich in (instr.); abundant; advanced (afternoon) B pacamla fn. a class or
group of 5 roots or plants with tuberous roots guggulu mn. Balsamodendron mukul Hooker;
bdellium or the exudation of Amyris Agallochum (a fragrant gum resin).

V* (.)
iljatuprayoga ca sgnimantharaso hita // (23.2)
iljatu-prayoga ca sa-agnimantha-rasa hita
iljatu mn. bitumen; black bitumen (Somadeva (1999), 156); mineral pitch (Somadeva
1999: 156) prayoga m. a design; addition (of a word); application ca ind. also; and; as
well as sa ind. (ibc.) with V* agnimantha m. Clerodendrum inerme Gaertn. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 523); Clerodendrum nereifolium Wall. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 523);
Clerodendrum phlomoides Linn.F. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 523) rasa mn. amta; a
constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre hita adj. agreeable; arranged;

` (.)
viaga ngara kra klaloharajo madhu / (24.1)
viaga ngara kra klaloha-rajas madhu
viaga n. the fruit of Embelia Ribes (a vermifuge) ngara n. a kind of coitus; a
particular written character; a rectangular building kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any
corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash) klaloha n. a
kind of iron/steel; iron; kntaloha ` rajas n. a kind of plant; a kind of weight; affection
madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid).

W7` (.)
yavmalakacra ca yogo 'tisthaulyadoajit // (24.2)
yava-malaka-cra ca yoga atisthaulya-doa-jit
yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to
indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a
weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens malaka mf. Adhatoda
vasica Nees (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 527); Emblic Myrobalan- Phyllanthus emblica Linn.;
Emblica Officinalis Gaertn. cra mn. a powder prepared by pounding dry substances in a
mortar with a pestle, and passing it through cloth; aromatic powder; flour ca ind. also; and; as
well as yoga m. (in Skhya) the union of soul with matter (one of the 10 Mlikrths or
radical facts); a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or aphorism; a follower of the Yoga
system W7 atisthaulya n. extreme body volume doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection
jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning.

W (.)
vyoakavvarigruviagtivisthir / (25.1)
vyoa mn. the three hot substances trikau kav f. name of several plants var f.
brhrn and reuk; Asparagus racemosus Willd.; a root similar to ginger igru mfn. Moringa
concanensis Nimmo ex Dalz. et Gibs. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 603); Moringa moringa Millsp.
(G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 603); Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn. (a kind of horse-radish
obhjana) viaga n. the fruit of Embelia Ribes (a vermifuge) ativi f. Aconitum
heterophyllum Wall. (Surapla 1988: 295); the plant Aconitum Ferox W sthir f. -kkol; a
strong-minded woman; Desmodium Gangeticum.

~ (.)
higusauvarcaljjyavndhnyacitrak // (25.2)
higu n. Asa foetida; a fluid or resinous substance prepared from the roots of the Asa Foitida
(used as a medicine or for seasoning) sauvarcala mn. alkali; natron; sochal salt (prepared
by boiling down soda with emblic myrobolan) ajji f. Carum carvi Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld
(1974), 524); Cuminum cyminum Linn.; Ficus hispida Linn.F. [ Ficus oppositifolia] (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 524) yavn f. a kind of bad barley; Carum petroselinum Benth. et
Hook.F. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 593); Hyoscyamus albus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 593)
~ dhnya n. a kind of house; a measure 4 sesamum seeds; Cyperus Rotundus citraka mn.
Amorphophallus campanulatus Blum ex Decne (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 553); a kind of coin or
weight; a kind of snake.

* ~ (.)
nie bhatyau hapu ph mla ca kembukt / (26.1)
ni bhat hapu ph mla ca kembuka
ni f. (Hahayoga:) \=\= kumbhaka; a vision; Curcuma (of 2 species) bhat f. (du.)
heaven and earth; (pl.) name of particular bricks forming part of the sacrificial fire-altar; a
mantle hapu f. a kind of plant; Fluggea leucopyrus Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 610);
Juniperus communis Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 610) ph f. Cisampelos hernandifolia
Willd.; Clypea hernandifolia W. & A.; Stephania hernandifolia Walp. mla mn. a chief or
principal city; a corpse; a king's original or proper territory ca ind. also; and; as well as ~
kembuka n. cabbage; the kernel of the Areca nut.

[ (.)
e cra madhu ghta taila ca sadakam // (26.2)
idam cra madhu ghta taila ca sada-aaka
idam pron. this cra mn. a powder prepared by pounding dry substances in a mortar
with a pestle, and passing it through cloth; aromatic powder; flour madhu n. a kind of metre;
any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid) ghta n. cream; fat (as an
emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven) taila n.
oil; olibanum; sesamum oil ca ind. also; and; as well as [ sada adj. like; resembling
aaka m. co-heir; degree of latitude or longitude; share.

* (.)
saktubhi oaaguair yukta pta nihanti tat / (27.1)
saktu oaagua yuj p nihan tad
saktu m. coarsely ground meal; grit; groats (esp. of barley-meal) oaagua adj.
16fold yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into
union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck nihan
2.. to afflict; to assail; to attach to tad pron. this.

W7 ~ (.)
atisthaulydikn sarvn rogn any ca tadvidhn // (27.2)
atisthaulya-dika sarva roga anya ca tadvidha
W7 atisthaulya n. extreme body volume dika adj. and so on; beginning with
sarva pron. all; completely; different roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus;
disease ~ anya pron. anderer ca ind. also; and; as well as tadvidha adj. conformable to
that; his (or their) like; of that kind.

TNN (.)
hdrogakmalvitravsaksagalagrahn / (28.1)
T hd n. breast; chest; interior roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus;
disease kmal mfn. excessive secretion or obstruction of bile; [medic.] a kind of
puroga N vitra mn. morbid whiteness of the skin; vitiligo; white leprosy N vsa m. a
sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) ksa m. cough; [medic.]
mit einem nvana behandeln galagraha m. a fish-sauce; begun but immediately interrupted
study; compression of the throat (a kind of disease).

TW V (.)
buddhimedhsmtikara sanasygne ca dpanam // (28.2)
buddhi-medh-smti-kara ca dpana
T buddhi f. (in Skhya phil.) Intellect; a kind of metre; an opinion medh f. dhana; a
form of Dkya in Kamra; a form of Sarasvat W smti f. a kind of metre; calling to mind;
desire kara adj. causing; helping; making ca ind. also; and; as well as dpana adj.
digestive; inflaming; kindling.

* (.)
atikrya bhrama ksas tdhikyam arocaka / (29.1)
atikrya bhrama ksa t-dhikya arocaka
atikrya n. extremely low body volume bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a
grindstone ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln t f. Avidity as
mother of Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.); desire * dhikya n. abundance; excess; high
degree arocaka m. disgust; indigestion; want or loss of appetite.

NV["* (.)
snehgninidrdkrotraukraujakutsvarakaya // (29.2)


` W (.)
pralpordhvnilaglnicchardiparvsthibhedanam // (30.2)
pralpa m. chattering; discourse; incoherent or delirious speech rdhvnila m.
[medic.] rdhvavta glni f. debility; decrease; depression of mind ` chardi f. expulsion
(of the breath); sickness; vomiting parvan n. (esp.) the Cturmsya festival; a break; a day
(360) W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit bhedana n. Asa Foetida; a purgative; betrayal
(of a secret).

N * (.)
varcomtragrahdy ca jyante 'tivilaghant / (31.1)
varcas-mtra-graha-dya ca jan ati-vilaghana
varcas n. (esp.) the illuminating power of fire or the sun; activity; brilliance mtra n. the
fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine graha mn. a crocodile; a house; a planet (as seizing or
influencing the destinies of men in a supernatural manner) N dya adj. being at the head;
earlier; excellent ca ind. also; and; as well as jan 4.P. to be; to be born; to be born again
ati ind. extremely; very vilaghana n. abstention from food; crossing; fasting.

W7 W ` (.)
kryam eva vara sthaulyn na hi sthlasya bheajam // (31.2)
krya eva vara sthaulya na hi sthla bheaja
krya n. thinness eva ind. alone; already; even vara adj. best; better; better than
W7 sthaulya n. bigness; denseness (opp. to saukmya); density of intellect na ind. neither; no;
nor hi ind. because; for; on account of W sthla adj. big; coarse; dense ` bheaja n. a
remedy; a spell or charm; drug.

V` (.)
bhaa laghana vlam atimedo'gnivtajit / (32.1)
bhaa laghana v-alam ati-medas-agni-vta-jit
bhaa n. a means for making strong or firm; the act of making big laghana n.
ascending; attack; attaining v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally
alam ind. able; adequate; competent ati ind. extremely; very medas n. a mystical
term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive
faculty vta m. air; flatulence; gout jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning.

N^* W (.)
madhurasnigdhasauhityair yat saukhyena ca nayati // (32.2)
madhura-snigdha-sauhitya yad saukhya ca na
madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate;
agreeable * sauhitya n. amiableness; completion; fulness yad pron. what; which W
saukhya n. comfort; enjoyment; felicity ca ind. also; and; as well as na 1.P. to be frustrated
or unsuccessful; to be gone; to be lost.

W**` (.)
kraim sthavimtyantavipartanievaai / (33.1)
kraiman sthaviman-atyanta-viparta-nievaa
kraiman m. emaciation; leanness; shallowness (of a river) W sthaviman m. breadth;
broad part; the thick end ** atyanta adj. absolute; beyond the proper end or limit; endless
viparta adj. acting in a contrary manner; adverse; being the reverse of anything `
nievaa n. adherence or devotion to; employment; frequenting.

` (.)
yojayed bhaa tatra sarva pnnnabheajam // (33.2)
yojay bhaa tatra sarva pna-anna-bheaja
yojay 10.. to accomplish; to add; to adjust bhaa n. a means for making strong or
firm; the act of making big tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place sarva pron. all;
completely; different pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel anna n. bread corn;
earth; especially boiled rice ` bheaja n. a remedy; a spell or charm; drug.

* (.)
acintay haraena dhruva satarpaena ca / (34.1)
acint haraa dhruvam satarpaa ca
* acint f. name of a female demon; thoughtlessness haraa n. bristling; delight;
erection dhruvam ind. certainly satarpaa n. a means of strengthening; a particular
luscious dish; overeating ca ind. also; and; as well as.

P T (.)
svapnaprasagc ca ko varha iva puyati // (34.2)
svapna-prasaga ca ka varha iva pu
P svapna mn. a dream; dreaming; drowsiness prasaga m. (pl.) all that is connected with
or results from anything; adherence; an occasion ca ind. also; and; as well as T ka adj.
emaciated; feeble; insignificant varha m. a boar; a bull; a particular measure iva ind. a
little; about; almost pu 1.P. to augment; to be nourished; to cause to thrive or prosper.

~ ` *T (.)
na hi msasama kicid anyad dehabhattvakt / (35.1)
na hi msa-sama kacid anya deha-bhattva-kt
na ind. neither; no; nor hi ind. because; for; on account of msa n. flesh; meat
sama pron. common; constant; easy V kacid pron. someone ~ anya pron. anderer ` deha
mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form * bhattva n. greatness; large extent; largeness T
kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

~ (.)
msdamsa msena sabhtatvd vieata // (35.2)
msda-msa msa sambh-tva vieata
msda adj. flesh-eating msa n. flesh; meat msa n. flesh; meat ~
sambh 3.. to arrange; to bring together; to cherish ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina)
vieata ind. especially.

^ W T (.)
guru ctarpaa sthle viparta hita ke / (36.1)
guru ca-tarpaa sthla viparta hita ka
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy ca ind. also; and; as well as tarpaa n. pigment used
for this purpose; satisfying; whitening the wall or floor or seat on festive occasions W sthla
adj. big; coarse; dense viparta adj. acting in a contrary manner; adverse; being the reverse
of anything hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial T ka adj. emaciated; feeble;

N~7 (.)
yavagodhmam ubhayos tadyogyhitakalpanam // (36.2)
yava-godhma ubhaya tad-yogya-ahita-kalpana
yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to
indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a
weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens godhma mn. a kind of
Godhma; name of a medicinal plant; the orange tree ubhaya adj. both; in both manners; in
both ways tad pron. this ~ yogya adj. able or equal to; belonging to a particular remedy;
capable of ahita adj. hostile; improper; noxious 7 kalpana n. anything put on for
ornament; clipping; composition of a poem.

** N (.)
doagatytiricyante grhibhedydibhedata / (37.1)
doa-gati-atiric grhin-bhedin-di-bheda
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection gati f. Motion (personified as a daughter of
Kardama and wife of Pulaha); a certain division of the moon's path and the position of the planet
in it (the diurnal motion of a planet in its orbit?); a happy issue atiric 4.. to be left with a
surplus; to be superior; to predominate grhin adj. holding; ifc. seizing; laying hold of
bhedin adj. beating or knocking out; breaking; breaking di m. a firstling; and so on;
beginning bheda m. (in astron.) a particular crossing or conjunction of the planets; a cleft;

` ~ (.)
upakram na te dvitvd bhinn api gad iva // (37.2)
upakrama na tad dvi-tva bhid api gada iva
upakrama m. a means; a particular ceremony preparatory to reading the Vedas; anything
leading to a result na ind. neither; no; nor tad pron. this dvi nr. two ~ tva n. (Marker fr
abstrakte Nomina) bhid 6.P. to be changed or altered (in mind); to be disclosed or betrayed;
to be distinguished api ind. also; assuredly; besides gada m. a sentence; Costus speciosus
Sm.; disease iva ind. a little; about; almost.

~~~ ``TV (.)
madanamadhukalambnimbabimbviltrapusakuajamrvdevadlkmighnam/ (1.1)


~~N]7 (.)
nikumbhakumbhatriphalgavksnukakhinnlintilvakni /(2.1)


``^N (.)
madanakuajakuhadevadlmadhukavacdaamladrursn / (3.1)
madana mn. (in astrol.) name of the 7th mansion; Acacia catechu Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld
(1974), 586); Alangium decapetalum Lam. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 586) ` kuaja mn.
Cleistanthus collinus Benth. et Hook.F. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 543); Holarrhena pubescens
Wall. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 543); name of Droa kuha mn. Aplotaxis auriculata D.C.;
Costus arabicus Linn.; Costus speciosus Sm. ` devadl f. Andropogon caricosus Linn.;
Andropogon serratus Retz.; a kind of pumpkin madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet
intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid) kavaca m. a kettle-drum; a war-drum; the
tree Hibiscus Populneoides daamla fn. a tonic medicine prepared from 10 roots ^ dru
n. ore; Pinus Devadru N rsn f. Acampe papillosa Lindl.; a girdle; bdellium.

T` M (.)
yavamiiktavedhana kulatth madhu lavaa trivt nirhani// (3.2)
yava-mii-ktavedhana kulattha madhu lavaa trivt nirhaa
yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to
indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a
weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens mii f. Anethum Panmori
and Anethum Sowa; a species of sugar-cane; Nardostachys Jatamansi T` ktavedhana mn.
sort of Ghosh with white flowers M kulattha mn. Cassia absus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974:
545); Dolichos uniflorus Lam. (a kind of pulse); name of a people madhu n. a kind of metre;
any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid) lavaa n. a kind of prameha; a
particular mode of fighting; beauty trivt f. Ipomoea turpethum R.Br. nirhaa mn.
a purging clyster; causing to purge with a clyster.

`= (.)
vellpmrgavyoadrvsurl bja aira brhata aigrava ca / (4.1)
vella-apmrga-vyoa-drv-surl bja aira brhata aigrava ca
`= vella n. Embelia ribes Burm.; name of a town (the modern Vellore) apmrga m.
Achyranthes aspera Linn.; Achyranthes bidentata Blume (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 525);
Achyranthes heptapetalum Roxb. vyoa mn. the three hot substances trikau drv f. a
kind of collyrium extracted from it; Berberis aristata DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 562);
Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 562) surl f. rehasarjarasa
bja mn. (Trika:) Vokal (<-> yoni); a runner (of the Indian fig-tree); algebra aira adj.
coming from the Acacia Sirissa; having the colour of Acacia Sirissa brhata n. the fruit of the
Bhat (a variety of the Solanum) aigrava n. the fruit of Moringa Pterygosperma ca ind.
also; and; as well as.

^ W 7 7
sro mdhka saindhava trkyaaila truyau pthvk odhayanty uttamgam // (4.2)
sra mdhka saindhava trkyaaila tru pthvk odhay uttamga
sra mn. Acacia Catechu; a chief constituent of the body; a kind of venomous frog
(maka) mdhka adj. made from Bassia Latifolia; sweet-voiced (said of the
Maitreyakas) ^ saindhava mn. a kind of rock-salt (found in Sindh); any salt W
trkyaaila n. Erdharz; the collyrium called Rasjana; rasjana tru f. i pthvk
mf. large or small cardamoms; Nigella Indica odhay 10.. to acquit; to clear; to clear off
7 uttamga n. the head; the highest or chief part of the body.

^ (.)
bhadradru nata kuha daamla baldvayam / (5.1)
bhadradru nata kuha daamla bal-dvaya
^ bhadradru mn. Pinus Deodora; Pinus Longifulia nata mn. Tabernaemontana
Coronaria kuha mn. Aplotaxis auriculata D.C.; Costus arabicus Linn.; Costus speciosus Sm.
daamla fn. a tonic medicine prepared from 10 roots bal f. name of a daughter of
Daka; name of a daughter of Raudrva; name of a female divinity who executes the orders of
the 17th Arhat of the present Avasarpi dvaya n. both; double; falsehood.

vyu vratardi ca vidrydi ca nayet // (5.2)
vyu vratardi ca vidrydi ca nay
vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air
(of which 5 are reckoned) vratardi m. [medic.] name of a pharmacological varga ca
ind. also; and; as well as vidrydi m. name of a pharmacological varga ca ind. also;
and; as well as nay 10.. to cause to be lost; to destroy; to extinguish (a fire).

{* ~MP ^ (.)
drvnant nimbavstmagupt gundrbhru tapk priyagu /(6.1)
drv-anant nimba-vs-tmagupt gundr-abhru tapk priyagu
{ drv f. bent grass; Cynodon dactylon Pers.; Drb grass * anant f. Asclepias
Pseudosarsa or Asthmatica (the root of which supplies a valuable medicine); Hemidesmus
indicus R. Br.; name of Prvat and of various females ~ nimba m. Azadirachta Indica (its fruit
is bitter and its leaves are chewed at funeral ceremonies); the Nimb or Neemb tree vs f.
Gendarussa Vulgaris; a kind of plant MP tmagupt f. the plant Mucuna Pruritus Hook
gundr f. priyagu; Coix barbata (gavedhuk); Cyperus rotundus ^ abhru f. the plant
Asparagus Racemosus tapk f. kkol; Abrus Precatorius; a kind of potherb (Sida
Cordifolia) priyagu mf. Aglaia diepenhorstii Miq. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 578); Aglaia
Odorata; Aglaia odorata Lour. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 578).

~ T W` T ~ 7 (.)
nyagrodhdi padmakdi sthire dve padma vanya srivdi ca pittam // (6.2)
nyagrodha-di padmaka-di sthir dvi padma vanya sriv-di ca pitta
~ nyagrodha m. a fathom (measured by the arms extended); a monastery and a village; Ficus
Indica di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning T padmaka n. a particular posture in
sitting; Costus Arabicus; Costus speciosus Sm. di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning W
sthir f. -kkol; a strong-minded woman; Desmodium Gangeticum dvi nr. two T padma mn.
a kind of coitus; a kind of temple; a lotus (esp. the flower of the lotus-plant Nelumbium
Speciosum which closes towards evening) ~ vanya n. anything grown in a wood; the fruit or
roots of wild plants; kaivartamustaka (Cakrapidatta 0: 28) sriv f. Cryptolepsis
buchananii Roem. et Schult. (Surapla (1988), 453); Decalepis hamiltonii Wight et Arn.
(Surapla 1988: 453); Hemidesmus indicus R.Br. di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
ca ind. also; and; as well as 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour.

MN (.)
ragvadhdir arkdir mukakdyo 'sandika / (7.1)
ragvadha-di arka-di mukaka-dya asana-dika
ragvadha m. Cassia fistula Linn.; Cathartocarpus fistula Pers. di m. a firstling; and
so on; beginning arka m. a learned man; a ray; a religious ceremony di m. a firstling;
and so on; beginning M mukaka m. a species of tree (the ashes of which are used as a
cautery); Elaeodendron glaucum Pers. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Schrebera swietenioides
Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 552) N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent asana
mn. a kind of rice (aika) (?); Bridelia tomentosa Blume (Surapla (1988), 430); Pterocarpus
marsupium Roxb. (Surapla 1988: 430) dika adj. and so on; beginning with.

surasdi samustdir vatsakdir balsajit // (7.2)
surasa-di vatsaka-di balsa-jit
surasa m. Andropogon Schoenanthus Linn.; Cinnamomum tamala T. Nees et Eberm. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 609); Cymbopogon citratus Stapf (?) (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 608) di
m. a firstling; and so on; beginning vatsaka m. a little calf; any calf or young animal (in voc.
as a term of endearment); name of a son of Sra di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
balsa m. a particular disease; consumption or phthisis; the phlegmatic humour jit adj.
acquiring; ifc. winning.

*7 ` 7" (.)
jvantkkolyau mede dve mudgamaparyau ca / (8.1)
jvant-kkol med dvi mudga-mapar ca
* jvant f. a parasitical plant; Cocculus cordifolius; Mimosa Suma kkol f. a
medicinal plant med f. Asparagus racemosus Willd. (Surapla (1988), 449); a root
resembling ginger (said to be one of the 8 principal medicines); Leptadenia reticulata Wight et
Arn. (Surapla 1988: 448) dvi nr. two 7 mudga m. a cover; a kind of seabird; covering
mapar f. Atylosia goensis Dalz. (Surapla (1988), 464); Calopogonium mucunoides
Desv. (Surapla 1988: 464); Glycine debilis Roxb. ca ind. also; and; as well as.

W (.)
abhakajvakamadhuka ceti gao jvanykhya // (8.2)
abhaka-jvaka-madhuka ca-iti gaa jvanya-khy
abhaka m. a bull; a kind of medicinal plant; name of a king jvaka m. a beggar; a
living being; a servant madhuka n. Bassia latifolia Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 587);
beeswax; Cynometra ramiflora Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 587) ca ind. also; and; as well as
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) gaa m. (in metre) a foot or four instants; vc; a company jvanya
adj. prepared from Jvanya milk; vivifying (a class of drugs) W khy f. appearance;
appellation; aspect.

B VV`J"" (.)
vidripacgulavciklvcvadevhvayarpaparya / (9.1)
vidri f. Hedysarum Gangeticum; name of a female demon B pacgula m. Ricinus
communis Linn. (which has 5-lobed leaves) V vcikl f. a line of scorpions; Tragia
involucrata Linn. V vcva m. a Punar-nav with white flowers `J devhvaya m. a kind of
plant ( suradru); name of a prince " rpapar f. a sort of bean; Phaseolus Trilobus.

" B (.)
kakar jvanahrasvasaje dve pacake gopasut tripd //(9.2)
kakar jvana-hrasva-saj dvi pacaka gopasut tripd
" kakar f. Mucuna Pruritus jvana m. a horse; a living being; a son hrasva n. a
kind of vegetable; a particular short measure; green or black sulphate of iron saj f. (with
Buddhists) perception (one of the 5 Skandhas); a name; a sign dvi nr. two B pacaka n. a
field of battle; a pentad; an aggregate of 5 gopasut f. Name einer Pflanze tripd f.
a kind of Mimosa.

TN 7 (.)
vidrydir aya hdyo bhao vtapittah / (10.1)
vidr-di idam hdya bhaa vta-pitta-han
vidr f. vidrgandh or vidrgandhik; Adenia hondala (Gaertn.) de Wilde (Surapla
(1988), 452); Adenia palmata Engl. (Surapla 1988: 451) di m. a firstling; and so on;
beginning idam pron. this TN hdya adj. being in the heart; beloved; charming bhaa
adj. making big or fat or strong; nourishing vta m. air; flatulence; gout 7 pitta n. bile; the
bilious humour han adj. killing.

7N (.)
oagulmgamardordhvavsaksaharo gaa // (10.2)
oa-gulma-agamarda-rdhvavsa-ksa-hara gaa
oa m. desiccation; dryness; pulmonary consumption 7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement
of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland
etc.); Gha; the spleen agamarda m. a servant who shampoos his master's body; massage;
rheumatism N rdhvavsa m. a kind of asthma; shortness of breath ksa m. cough;
[medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln hara adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing gaa m. (in
metre) a foot or four instants; vc; a company.

srivorakmaryamadhkaiiradvayam / (11.1)
sriv f. Cryptolepsis buchananii Roem. et Schult. (Surapla (1988), 453); Decalepis
hamiltonii Wight et Arn. (Surapla 1988: 453); Hemidesmus indicus R.Br. ura mn. the
fragrant root of the plant Andropogon Muricatus; Vetiveria zizanioides Nash. (Surapla 1988:
241) kmarya mfn. Gmelina arborea Roxb.; Gmelina asiatica Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld
(1974), 543); Myrica nagi Thunb. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 543) madhka mn. a bee; Bassia
Latifolia Roxb. (from the blossoms and seeds of which arrac is distilled and oil extracted);
Diploknema butyracea H.J. Lam. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 587) iira n. a particular
mythical weapon; name of a Varsha in Plakadvpa; sea-salt dvaya n. both; double; falsehood.

* 7 7 (.)
ya paraka hanti dhapittsratjvarn // (11.2)
ya paraka han dha-pitta-asra-t-jvara
ya f. yai; Glycyrrhiza glabra Boiss.; Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (Surapla 1988: 449)
paraka n. the fruit of the tree Grewia Asiatica han 1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to
abandon; to avert dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) 7 pitta n. bile; the
bilious humour asra n. a corner; a tear; blood t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong
desire; thirst 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors
of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul.

T" T7 "~ (.)
padmakapurau vddhitugarddhya gy amt daa jvanasaj/ (12.1)
padmaka-pura g amt daan jvana-saj
T padmaka n. a particular posture in sitting; Costus Arabicus; Costus speciosus Sm. "
pura m. a white lotus-flower; a worm; Clerodendrum Phlomoides " g f. a kind of vessel
(?); a sort of Silurus or sheat fish; Ficus indica amt f. a class of sunrays; a goddess;
Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. daan adj. ten jvana n. enlivening; enlivening a
magical formula; fresh butter saj f. (with Buddhists) perception (one of the 5
Skandhas); a name; a sign.

~ V*7 ` (.)
stanyakar ghnantraapitta pranajvanabhaavy //(12.2)
stanya-kara han-raa-pitta prana-jvana-bhaa-vya
~ stanya mn. milk; dugdhapa kara adj. causing; helping; making han 1.. (astron.)
to come in contact; to abandon; to avert raa m. the wind 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious
humour prana adj. appeasing; gratifying; pleasing jvana adj. enlivening; giving life;
vivifying bhaa adj. making big or fat or strong; nourishing vya adj. productive of
sexual vigour; stimulating.

paraka var drk kaphala katakt phalam / (13.1)
paraka var drk kaphala kataka phala
paraka n. the fruit of the tree Grewia Asiatica var f. brhrn and reuk; Asparagus
racemosus Willd.; a root similar to ginger drk f. grape; Vitis vinifera Linn. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 564); vine kaphala mn. Myrica nagi Thunb.; Myrica sapida Wall.; name
of a small tree (found in the north-west of Hindustan) kataka mn. name of a commentator
on the Rmyaa; Strychnos Potatorum Linn.f.- the clearing nut plant phala n. a blade (of a
sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift.

J ` (.)
rjhva dima ka tmtrmayavtajit // (13.2)
rjhva dima ka t-mtra-maya-vta-jit
J rjhva n. a kind of plant dima mfn. Punica granatum Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld
1974: 562); small cardamoms; the pomegranate tree ka mn. a potherb; any vegetable
food; greens t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst mtra n. the fluid
secreted by the kidneys; urine maya m. disease; indigestion; sickness vta m. air;
flatulence; gout jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning.

M T~M (.)
ajana phalin ms padmotpalarasjanam / (14.1)
ajana phalin ms padma-utpala-rasjana
M ajana n. a special kind of this pigment; act of applying an ointment or pigment; antimony
phalin f. Aglaia odorata Lour.; Aglaia roxburghiana Miq.; a species of plant ms f.
Nardostachys jatamansi D.C. T padma mn. a kind of coitus; a kind of temple; a lotus (esp. the
flower of the lotus-plant Nelumbium Speciosum which closes towards evening) ~ utpala mn. a
particular hell; a seed of the Nymphaea; any flower M rasjana n. vitriol of copper or a sort
of collyrium prepared from it with the addition of Curcuma or from the calx of brass with
Amomum Anthorrhiza or from leadore.

J *7 (.)
sailmadhukanghva vintardhapittanut // (14.2)
tad-el-madhuka-nghv via-antardha-pitta-nud
tad pron. this el mf. Amomum amarum F.P. Smith (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 532);
Amomum aromaticum Roxb. (as a substitute?) (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 532); Amomum
kepulaga Sprague et Burkill (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 532) madhuka n. Bassia latifolia Roxb.
(G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 587); beeswax; Cynometra ramiflora Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974:
587) J nghv f. a kind of bulbous plant; a kind of Champaka; Mesua Roxburghii via
n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison *
antardha m. fever; internal heat 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour nud adj. driving away;
impelling; removing.

W ~ (.)
paolakaurohicandana madhusravagucphnvitam / (15.1)
paola-kaurohi-candana madhusrava-guc-ph-anvita
paola m. Trichosanthes bracteata Voigt (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 569); Trichosanthes
cordata Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 569); Trichosanthes cucumerina Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld
1974: 569) kaurohi f. Helleborus niger Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 534);
Helleborus viridis Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 534); Picrorrhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 534) W candana mn. Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld
(1974), 552); Caesalpinia sappan Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Crocus sativus Linn.
(G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 552) madhusrava m. Bassia Latifolia; Sanseviera Zeylanica
guc f. Cocculus cordifolius DC.; Menispermum cordifolium Willd.; Tinospora cordifolia Miers
ph f. Cisampelos hernandifolia Willd.; Clypea hernandifolia W. & A.; Stephania
hernandifolia Walp. ~ anvita adj. accompanied by; acquired; attended.

* 7 (.)
nihanti kaphapittakuhajvarn via vamim arocaka kmalm //(15.2)
nihan kapha-pitta-kuha-jvara via vami arocaka kmal
nihan 2.. to afflict; to assail; to attach to kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the
tridoas; watery froth or foam in general 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour kuha mn. a
sort of poison; leprosy 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas
or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul via n. Aconitum ferox
Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison vami f. an emetic;
nausea; qualmishness arocaka m. disgust; indigestion; want or loss of appetite
kmal mfn. excessive secretion or obstruction of bile; [medic.] a kind of puroga.

TW (.)
gucpadmakriadhnakraktacandanam / (16.1)
guc f. Cocculus cordifolius DC.; Menispermum cordifolium Willd.; Tinospora cordifolia
Miers T padmaka n. a particular posture in sitting; Costus Arabicus; Costus speciosus Sm.
aria m. Azadirachta Indica; a crow; a decoction dhnak f. dhnyaka W
raktacandana n. Caesalpina Sappan; Pterocarpus santalinus Linn.f.; red sandal.

7H P`V VT (.)
pittalemajvaracchardidhatghnam agnikt // (16.2)
pitta-lemajvara-chardi-dha-t-ghna agni-kt
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour HP lemajvara m. a fever caused by phlegm ` chardi f.
expulsion (of the breath); sickness; vomiting dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a
wound) t f. Avidity as mother of Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.); desire V ghna adj.
destroying; killer; killing V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty T kt adj.
accomplishing; acting; author.

~ (.)
ragvadhendrayavapalkkatiktnimbmtmadhurassruvavkaph /(17.1)


`` (.)
ragvadhdir jayati chardikuhaviajvarn / (18.1)
ragvadha-di ji chardi-kuha-via-jvara
ragvadha m. Cassia fistula Linn.; Cathartocarpus fistula Pers. di m. a firstling; and
so on; beginning ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to exercise ` chardi f. expulsion
(of the breath); sickness; vomiting kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy via n. Aconitum
ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison 7 jvara m. affliction;
fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected
by it); fever of the soul.

" (.)
kapha ka prameha ca duavraaviodhana // (18.2)
kapha ka prameha ca du-vraa-viodhana
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general " ka
f. itch; itching; scratching prameha m. urinary disease (name applied to all urinary disease)
ca ind. also; and; as well as du 4.. to be defiled or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish viodhana adj. cleansing; washing away.

N "" ~ (.)
asanatiniabhrjavetavhaprakry khadirakadarabhaiapmeagya / (19.1)
asana-tinia-bhrja-vetavha-prakrya khadira-kadara-bha-iap-meag
asana mn. a kind of rice (aika) (?); Bridelia tomentosa Blume (Surapla (1988), 430);
Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. (Surapla 1988: 430) tinia m. Dalbergia Ujjeinensis
bhrja m. a species of birch (the Bhoj tree); Betula Bhojpatra N vetavha m. name of Arjuna;
name of Indra; the tree Terminalia Arjuna prakrya mf. a species of Karaja; Guilandina
Bonduc khadira mn. Acacia catechu Willd. (having very hard wood); Acacia pennata Willd.
(G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 548); Acacia senegal Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 548) kadara
mn. a species of Mimosa; an iron goad (for guiding an elephant); callosity of the feet (caused by
external friction) " bha f. Rubia Munjista iap mf. the Aoka tree; the tree
Dalbergia Sissoo " meag f. Gymnema Sylvestre R.Br. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 591);
Helicteres isora Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 591); Odina Pinnata Rottl.

trihimatalapal jogaka kalau


,, -,,N
trihima-tala-pala jogaka ka-la kramuka-dhava-kaliga-chgakara-avakara
trihima n. three kinds of candana tala mn. base; bottom; flat roof (of a house)
pala m. a Rkasa; Butea frondosa Roxb.; Cinnamomum tamala T. Nees et Eberm. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 573) jogaka mn. aloe wood ka m. Acacia Sirissa; name of a Dvpa
(the sixth of the seven Dvpas); Tectona grandis Linn. f. la m. Artocarpus Locucha; a kind
of fish; an enclosure kramuka mn. Areca catechu Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 547); a red
variety of the Lodhra tree; a variety of Cyperus dhava m. Anogeissus latifolia Wall.;
Conocarpus latifolia DC.; Grislea Tomentosa kaliga mn. Acacia Sirissa; an inhabitant of
Kaliga; Caesalpina Bonducella chgakara m. Tectona grandis N avakara m.
Dipterocarpus alatus Roxb. (Surapla (1988), 429); Dipterocarpus turbinatus Gaertn.f.
(Surapla 1988: 429); name of a mountain.

asana-di viji vitra-kuha-kapha-krimi
asana mn. a kind of rice (aika) (?); Bridelia tomentosa Blume (Surapla (1988), 430);
Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. (Surapla 1988: 430) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
viji 1.. to be about to conquer; to be victorious or superior; to conquer N vitra mn. morbid
whiteness of the skin; vitiligo; white leprosy kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy kapha m.
phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general krimi m. .

," -,,,,,,,,-
pu-roga prameha ca medas-doa-nibarhaa
" pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a Ngarja roga mn. a diseased spot;
Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease prameha m. urinary disease (name applied to all
urinary disease) ca ind. also; and; as well as medas n. a mystical term for the letter v;
corpulence; excessive fatness doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection nibarhaa adj.
crushing; destroying; removing.

^ varua m. (prob.) the gods generally; a warder off or dispeller; barley sairyaka m. a
kind of plant yugma n. (in astron.) the sign of the zodiac Gemini; a double loka; a pair
atvar f. Asparagus racemosus; a kind of plant; name of the wife of Indra dahana m.
Agni; Anacardium officinarum; a pigeon moraa m. Alangium decapetalum Lam. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 592); a kind of Acacia catechu Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 592); a
species of plant with sweet juice 7 bilva m. Aegle marmelos Correa; the wood-apple tree
(commonly called Bel); [rel.] a form of iva viik f. karkaa-g; Asclepias
Geminata; Odina Pinnata.

dvi-bhat-dvi-karaja-jay-dvaya bahalapallava-darbha-rujkara
dvi nr. two bhat f. (du.) heaven and earth; (pl.) name of particular bricks forming part
of the sacrificial fire-altar; a mantle dvi nr. two M karaja m. Caesalpinia bonducella
Fleming (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 537); Caesalpinia crista Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 537);
Caesalpinia jayabo Maza (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 537) jay f. vijay bhag- Beng. siddhi;
cannabis; name of a daughter of Daka (wife of iva) dvaya n. both; double; falsehood
= bahalapallava m. Moringa Pterygosperma darbha m. a tuft or bunch of grass (esp. of
Kua grass); Cynodon dactylon (Linn.) Pers. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 561); Imperata
arundinacea ^ rujkara m. disease; sickness; sickness induced by passion or love (said to be
one of the Bhvas).

varudi kapha medas mandgni-tva niyam
^ varudi m. name of a pharmacological varga kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the
tridoas; watery froth or foam in general medas n. a mystical term for the letter v;
corpulence; excessive fatness WV mandgni m. auf kleiner Flamme (kochen, .); slowness of
digestion ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) niyam 1.. to annihilate; to be wanting;
to bestow.

,,, -,,",,7,,-
hyavta iras-la gulma ca-antar sa-vidradhi
hyavta m. a convulsive or rheumatic palsy of the loins iras n. acme; chief; first
(of a class) " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for impaling criminals 7
gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as
that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen ca ind. also; and; as well as * antar ind.
amongst; between; in the middle sa ind. (ibc.) with vidradhi mf. abscess; [medic.] a
particular abscess (piaka).

,,,M,, ,,-,,-
aka tutthaka higu kssa-dvaya-saindhava
aka mn. dawn; daybreak; salt or pepper M tutthaka n. blue vitriol; kharpartuttha;
mayratuttha higu n. Asa foetida; a fluid or resinous substance prepared from the roots of
the Asa Foitida (used as a medicine or for seasoning) kssa n. Eisenvitriol; ferrous
sulphate; green sulphate of iron dvaya n. both; double; falsehood ^ saindhava mn. a kind
of rock-salt (found in Sindh); any salt.

,-,, ,,T-,,-
sa-iljatu kcchra-aman-gulma-medas-kapha-apaha
sa ind. (ibc.) with iljatu mn. bitumen; black bitumen (Somadeva (1999), 156);
mineral pitch (Somadeva 1999: 156) T kcchra mn. austerity; bodily mortification; calamity
aman mn. a precious stone; a stone; any instrument made of stone (as a hammer etc.) 7
gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as
that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen medas n. a mystical term for the letter v;
corpulence; excessive fatness kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth
or foam in general apaha adj. destroying; keeping back; removing.

`=* vellantara m. a particular tree araik mf. the plant Premna Spinosa bka m. a
kind of plant- varamallik- cmp. buka (Aruadatta 0: 237) va m. Adhatoda vasica Roxb.; a
bull (in older language only ifc.); a man amabheda m. the plant Coleus Scutellarioides
(supposed to dissolve stone in the bladder) " gokaaka m. Asteracantha longifolia; a cow's
hoof; the print of a cow's hoof or a spot so marked W itkaa m. a kind of reed or grass
sahcara m. a Baeleria with yellow flowers ba m. a mark for arrows; a particular part of an
arrow; a reed-shaft ka m. appearance; name of a man; name of a prince (the son of
Suhotra and father of Ksirja).

vkdan f. Hedysarum Gangeticum; Vanda Roxburghii nala mn. Arundo Tibialis; a
species of reed; name of a Nga kua mn. grass; name of a son of Balkva; name of a son of
St and Rma- brother of Lava dvaya n. both; double; falsehood " guha m. a kind of
plant gundr f. priyagu; Coix barbata (gavedhuk); Cyperus rotundus = bhallka m. a
bear; a dog; a jackal moraa m. Alangium decapetalum Lam. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974),
592); a kind of Acacia catechu Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 592); a species of plant with sweet
juice " kuraa m. Barleria prionitis Linn. (Surapla (1988), 255); Celosia argentea Linn.
(Surapla 1988: 255); Marsilea quadrifolia Linn. ~ karambha m. cake or flour or meal mixed
with curds; dish of parched grain; groats or coarsely-ground oats prtha m. metron. of
Arjuna; metron. of Bhmasena; metron. of Yudhihira.

varga vratardya idam han vta-k gada
varga m. (esp.) a subdivision of an Adhy ya in th
classified together; bala N vratardya m. [medic.] vratardi idam pron. this han
1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to abandon; to avert vta m. air; flatulence; gout T k 8..
to accomplish; to act; to cause to become gada m. a sentence; Costus speciosus Sm.; disease.

,-,, -,,T-,,-
amar mf. stone or gravel (the disease); strangury arkar f. a fragment or piece of
broken earthenware; Gries; gravel T mtrakcchra mn. a class of urinary affections (of
which 8 kinds are enumerated); painful discharge of urine ghta m. a slaughter-house; a
stroke; blow with or on (in comp.) ^ ruj f. an ewe; breaking; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus
hara adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing.

lodhra-baraka-lodhra-pala jigin-sarala-kaphala-yukt
lodhra mn. Symplocos racemosa Roxb. baraka m. Symplocos Racemosa lodhra
mn. Symplocos racemosa Roxb. pala m. a Rkasa; Butea frondosa Roxb.; Cinnamomum
tamala T. Nees et Eberm. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 573) jigin f. Odina Wodier sarala
m. a Buddha; a kind of bird; a species of pine tree kaphala mn. Myrica nagi Thunb.; Myrica
sapida Wall.; name of a small tree (found in the north-west of Hindustan) yukt f.
girikarik; name of a plant.

,~-,,-,,,, -
kutsitmba-kadala-gataoka sailavlu-paripelava-moc
~ kutsitmba m. a kind of plant kadala mf. Musa sapientum Linn.; plantain or banana
tree gataoka m. Name einer Pflanze (wahrsch. aoka) sailavlu adj. with elavlu
` paripelava n. a kind of grass similar to Cyperus rotundus; Cyperus rotundus moc f.
Musa Sapientum; the cotton shrub; the indigo plant.

etad lodhra-dika nma medas-kapha-hara gaa
etad pron. this lodhra mn. Symplocos racemosa Roxb. dika adj. and so on;
beginning with nma ind. by name i.e. named; called; certainly medas n. a mystical term
for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the
tridoas; watery froth or foam in general hara adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing gaa m.
(in metre) a foot or four instants; vc; a company.

,,,,~ ,," ,,-
yoni-doa-hara stambhin varya via-vinana
yoni mf. a mine; a particular part of a fire-pit; abode doa mn. a calf; accusation;
affection hara adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing ~ stambhin adj. arrogant; obstipating;
provided with pillars or columns " varya adj. relating to or useful for or giving colour via
n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison
vinana adj. destroying.

, -
,, ,,*,,7,,,
arka-alarka ngadant vialy bhrg rsn vcikl prakrya
arka m. a learned man; a ray; a religious ceremony alarka m. a fabulous animal (like a
hog with eight legs); a mad dog or one rendered furious; Calotropis gigantea alba *
ngadant f. Heliotropium Indicum; Tiaridium Indicum 7 vialy f. agniikh; a sort of fruit; a
sort of pot-herb bhrg f. a queen of the Bhargas; Clerodendrum siphonantus Br.; Piper
Chaba N rsn f. Acampe papillosa Lindl.; a girdle; bdellium V vcikl f. a line of
scorpions; Tragia involucrata Linn. prakrya mf. a species of Karaja; Guilandina Bonduc.

,*,,-,, ,,N-
pratyakpup ptatail-udakry vet-yugma tpasa ca vka
* pratyakpup f. Achyranthes Aspera ptatail f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum
udakry f. a species of the Karaja tree N vet f. Achyranthes Atropurpurea; a kind of
venomous insect (ka); a kind of venomous spider (lt) yugma n. (in astron.) the sign of
the zodiac Gemini; a double loka; a pair tpasa m. Ardea nivea; an ascetic; Calotropis
Gigantea Alba ca ind. also; and; as well as vka m. a coffin; a frame; a stimulant.

,,, -,,,,,,-
,, -,,-,,
idam arka-dika varga kapha-medas-via-apaha
idam pron. this arka m. a learned man; a ray; a religious ceremony dika adj. and
so on; beginning with varga m. (esp.) a subdivision of an Adhy ya in the g
series or group of words classified together; bala kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the
tridoas; watery froth or foam in general medas n. a mystical term for the letter v;
corpulence; excessive fatness via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m;
a particular vegetable poison apaha adj. destroying; keeping back; removing.

,T-,,-,,,, ,,-


kharabusavakarkaphala ksamarda / (30.1)
surasa-yuga-phaijja klaml viaga khara-busa-vakar-kaphala ksamarda
surasa m. Andropogon Schoenanthus Linn.; Cinnamomum tamala T. Nees et Eberm. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 609); Cymbopogon citratus Stapf (?) (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 608) yuga
mn. a lustrum (esp. in the cycle of Jupiter); a measure of length 86 Agulas; a name for the
number "twelve" 7 phaijja m. a kind of plant ( phaijjha??); Majorana hortensis Moench.
(G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 579); Pogostemon parviflorus Benth. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 579)
klaml f. Ocimum sanctum Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 542) viaga n. the
fruit of Embelia Ribes (a vermifuge) khara m. a crow; a Daitya or demon; a donkey (so called
from his cry) busa n. any refuse or rubbish; chaff and other refuse of grain; dry cow-dung
vakar f. Cocculus Tomentosus kaphala mn. Myrica nagi Thunb.; Myrica sapida
Wall.; name of a small tree (found in the north-west of Hindustan) ksamarda mf. a
remedy against cough (an acid preparation); Cassia sophora Linn.; Senna sophora Roxb.

kavakasarasbhrgkrmuk kkamc kulahalaviamu bhsto bhtake // (30.2)
kavaka-saras-bhrg-krmuka kkamc kulahala-viamui bhsta bhtake
kavaka m. Achyranthes aspera Linn.; black mustard; Centipeda orbicularis Lour. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 547) saras f. a pool; lake; name of a metre bhrg f. a queen of the
Bhargas; Clerodendrum siphonantus Br.; Piper Chaba krmuka m. a bamboo; a kind of
honey; Smilax China kkamc f. Solanum indicum (commonly Grkamai); Solanum
nigrum Linn. kulahala m. a kind of plant viamui mf. a kind of shrub possessing
medicinal properties (commonly called Bishdori or Karsinh); Strychnos nux-vomica Linn.
bhsta m. Andropogon schoenanthus Linn.; Cymbopogon citratus Stapf (G.J. Meulenbeld
1974: 584); Cymbopogon flexuosus Stapf bhtake f. a blue-flowered Vitex negundo; a
species of plant.

HPT (.)
surasdir gaa lemamedakminidana / (31.1)
surasa-di gaa leman-medas-kmi-nidana
surasa m. Andropogon Schoenanthus Linn.; Cinnamomum tamala T. Nees et Eberm. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 609); Cymbopogon citratus Stapf (?) (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 608) di
m. a firstling; and so on; beginning gaa m. (in metre) a foot or four instants; vc; a company
HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence;
excessive fatness T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac nidana m. destroyer; destroying;

^NV (.)
pratiyyrucivsaksaghno vraaodhana // (31.2)
pratiyya-aruci-vsa-ksa-ghna vraa-odhana
pratiyya m. a cold ^ aruci f. aversion; disgust; dislike N vsa m. a sigh; affection
of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem
nvana behandeln V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish
odhana adj. cleaning; cleansing; purgative.

MN (.)
mukakasnugvardvpipaladhavaiip / (32.1)


" (.)
vatsakamrvbhrgkauk marca ghuapriy ca garam / (33.1)
vatsaka-mrv-bhrg-kauk marca ghuapriy ca gara
vatsaka n. green or black sulphate of iron; the seed of Wrightia Antidysenterica;
pupakssa mrv f. Bauhinia vahlii Wight et Arn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 591);
Chonemorpha macrophylla G. Don (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 591); Clematis gouriana Roxb.
(G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 591) bhrg f. a queen of the Bhargas; Clerodendrum siphonantus
Br.; Piper Chaba kauk f. Coccinia indica Wight et Arn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 534);
Corchorus antichorus Raeusch. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 534); Gentiana kurroo Royle (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 534) marca n. black pepper ghuapriy f. a kind of Ipomoea
ca ind. also; and; as well as " gara mn. a hero; a kind of pot-herb (described as growing in
watery ground); Euphorbia antiquorum Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 549).

T (.)
el phjj kavagaphaljamodasiddhrthavac // (33.2)
el ph-ajji kavaga-phala-ajamoda-siddhrtha-vac
el mf. Amomum amarum F.P. Smith (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 532); Amomum
aromaticum Roxb. (as a substitute?) (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 532); Amomum kepulaga
Sprague et Burkill (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 532) ph f. Cisampelos hernandifolia Willd.;
Clypea hernandifolia W. & A.; Stephania hernandifolia Walp. ajji f. Carum carvi Linn.
(G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 524); Cuminum cyminum Linn.; Ficus hispida Linn.F. [ Ficus
oppositifolia] (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 524) kavaga mn. Calosanthes indica phala n. a
blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift ajamoda mn. Apium Involucratum; a
species of Parsley; name of various plants T siddhrtha n. a building with two halls; a kind of
salt / medicinal substance vac f. Acorus calamus Linn.; a kind of aromatic root; Turdus

"^ B * (.)
jrakahiguviaga paugandh pacakolaka hanti / (34.1)
jraka-higu-viaga paugandh pacakolaka han
jraka mn. a kind of rice; Carum carvi Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 556); cumin higu
mn. Ferula Asa Foetida Linn.; Ferula alliacea Boiss. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 611); Ferula foetida
Regel (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 611) viaga n. the fruit of Embelia Ribes (a vermifuge)
"^ paugandh f. Name einer Pflanze B pacakolaka n. the 5 spices han 1.. (astron.)
to come in contact; to abandon; to avert.

7" = (.)
calakaphamedapnasagulmajvaraladurnmna // (34.2)
cala m. a sprout; quicksilver; shoot kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas;
watery froth or foam in general medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence;
excessive fatness pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose) 7 gulma mn. a chronic
enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the
mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the
different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul " la
mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for impaling criminals durnman fn. a cockle; a
kind of fish; hemorrhoids.

`J (.)
vacjaladadevhvangartivibhay / (35.1)


vacharidrdigav mtsrananau / (36.1)
vac-haridr-di-gaa ma-atsra-nana
vac f. Acorus calamus Linn.; a kind of aromatic root; Turdus salica haridr f. a kind of
prameha; Curcuma amada Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 610); Curcuma aromatica Salisb.
(G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 610) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning gaa m. (in metre)
a foot or four instants; vc; a company ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and
unhealthy excretions atsra m. dysentery; purging nana adj. destroying.

~ (.)
medakaphhyapavanastanyadoanibarhaau // (36.2)
medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness kapha m. phlegm;
phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general hya adj. opulent; rich; rich
or abounding in pavana m. a householder's sacred fire; a species of grass; air ~ stanya mn.
milk; dugdhapa doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection nibarhaa adj. crushing;
destroying; removing.

MT T ` 7 * (.)
priyagupupjanayugmapadm padmd rajo yojanavally anant /(37.1)
priyagu-pupjana-yugma-padma padma rajas yojanavall anant
priyagu mf. Aglaia diepenhorstii Miq. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 578); Aglaia Odorata;
Aglaia odorata Lour. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 578) M pupjana n. calx of brass employed
as a collyrium yugma n. (in astron.) the sign of the zodiac Gemini; a double loka; a pair T
padma mn. a kind of coitus; a kind of temple; a lotus (esp. the flower of the lotus-plant
Nelumbium Speciosum which closes towards evening) T padma mn. a kind of coitus; a kind of
temple; a lotus (esp. the flower of the lotus-plant Nelumbium Speciosum which closes towards
evening) ` rajas n. a kind of plant; a kind of weight; affection = yojanavall f. Rubia
Munjista * anant f. Asclepias Pseudosarsa or Asthmatica (the root of which supplies a
valuable medicine); Hemidesmus indicus R. Br.; name of Prvat and of various females.

` (.)
mnadrumo mocarasa samag pungata madanyahetu // (37.2)
mnadruma mocarasa samag punga-ta madanyahetu

mnadruma m. Name einer Pflanze mocarasa mn. the resin of Gossampinus

Rumphii samag f. Mimosa pudica Linn.; name of a river; name of various plants
punga m. a nutmeg; a white elephant; a white lotus ta n. Cassia bark; cold; cold water
` madanyahetu m. Name einer Pflanze (vgl. madahetu).

~ W W

ambah madhuka namaskar nandvkapalakacchur / (38.1)
ambah madhuka namaskar nandvka-pala-kacchur
~ ambah f. an Ambaha woman; Clypea Hernandifolia; Oxalis Corniculata
madhuka n. Bassia latifolia Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 587); beeswax; Cynometra ramiflora
Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 587) W namaskar f. Name einer Pflanze W nandvka m.
Bignonia suaveolens Roxb.; Cedrela toona Roxb. ex Rottl.; Ervatamia coronaria Stapf (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 565) pala m. a Rkasa; Butea frondosa Roxb.; Cinnamomum tamala
T. Nees et Eberm. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 573)

kacchur f. Alhagi Maurorum; Carpopogon

Pruriens; species of turmeric.

7` T ` (.)
lodhra dhtakbilvapeike kavaga kamalodbhava raja //(38.2)
lodhra dhtak-bilva-peik kavaga kamala-udbhava rajas
lodhra mn. Symplocos racemosa Roxb. dhtak f. Anogeissus latifolia Wall. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 564); Calycopteris floribunda Lam. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 564); Grislea
tomentosa Buch.-Ham. 7 bilva m. Aegle marmelos Correa; the wood-apple tree (commonly
called Bel); [rel.] a form of iva ` peik f. rind; shell (of fruit) kavaga mn.
Calosanthes indica kamala mn. lotus; lotusflower; Nelumbium speciosum Willd. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 536) T udbhava adj. produced or coming from ` rajas n. a kind of plant;
a kind of weight; affection.

~ (.)
gaau priyagvambahd pakvtsrananau / (39.1)
gaa priyagu-ambah-di pakvtsra-nana
gaa m. (in metre) a foot or four instants; vc; a company priyagu mf. Aglaia
diepenhorstii Miq. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 578); Aglaia Odorata; Aglaia odorata Lour. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 578) ~ ambah f. an Ambaha woman; Clypea Hernandifolia; Oxalis
Corniculata di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning pakvtsra m. chronic
dysentery nana adj. destroying.

7 (.)
sadhnyau hitau pitte vranm api ropaau // (39.2)
sadhnya hita pitta vraa api ropaa
sadhnya adj. causing to grow together; fit for an alliance; healing hita adj.
agreeable; arranged; beneficial 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour vraa mn. a flaw;
abscess; blemish api ind. also; assuredly; besides ropaa adj. causing to grow; causing
to grow over or cicatrize; healing.

V=W (.)
mustvacgnidvinidvitiktbhalltaphtriphalvikhy /(40.1)
must fn. a species of grass; Cyperus Rotundus Linn.; Cyperus scariosus R. Br. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 590) vac f. Acorus calamus Linn.; a kind of aromatic root; Turdus salica
V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty dvi nr. two ni f. (Hahayoga:) \=\=
kumbhaka; a vision; Curcuma (of 2 species) dvi nr. two tikt f. Artemisia sternutatoria; a
water-melon; Clypea hernandifolia = bhallta m. Semecarpus anacardium Linn.f.; the
marking-nut plant ph f. Cisampelos hernandifolia Willd.; Clypea hernandifolia W. & A.;
Stephania hernandifolia Walp. triphal mf. the 3 fragrant fruits; the 3 Myrobalans; the 3
sweet fruits via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular
vegetable poison W khy f. appearance; appellation; aspect.

~V (.)
kuha tru haimavat ca yonistanymayaghn malapcan ca //(40.2)
kuha tru haimavat ca yoni-stanya-maya-ghna mala-pcana ca
kuha mn. Aplotaxis auriculata D.C.; Costus arabicus Linn.; Costus speciosus Sm. tru f.
i haimavat f. a kind of drug or perfume; Linum Usitatissimum; name of Prvat or Um
ca ind. also; and; as well as yoni mf. a mine; a particular part of a fire-pit; abode ~ stanya
mn. milk; dugdhapa maya m. disease; indigestion; sickness V ghna adj. destroying;
killer; killing mala mn. dirt; dust; filth pcana adj. causing to cook or boil; digestive;
softening ca ind. also; and; as well as.

~ ~7 (.)
nyagrodhapippalasadphalalodhrayugma jambdvayrjunakaptanasomavalk / (41.1)
nyagrodha-pippala-sadphala-lodhra-yugma jambu-dvaya-arjuna-kaptana-somavalka
~ nyagrodha m. a fathom (measured by the arms extended); a monastery and a village; Ficus
Indica pippala m. nirauka; a kind of bird; a nipple sadphala mn. Aegle Marmelos;
Artocarpus Integrifolia; a particular kind of fruit tree lodhra mn. Symplocos racemosa Roxb.
yugma n. (in astron.) the sign of the zodiac Gemini; a double loka; a pair ~ jambu f.
Jambudvpa; Ardisia humilis Vahl (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 556); Eugenia Jambolana Lam. (the
rose apple tree) dvaya n. both; double; falsehood arjuna m. a peacock; cutaneous
disease; name of a man kaptana m. Acacia Sirissa; Aegle Marmelos; Areca Faufel 7
somavalka m. Acacia Arabica; a sort of the Karaja.

NM W~ (.)
plakmravajulapiylapalanandkolkadambaviralmadhuka madhkam // (41.2)
plaka-mra-vajula-piyla-pala-nand-kol-kadamba-viral-madhuka madhka
N plaka m. -prasravaa; dvpa; a side door or the space at the space of a door mra m.
Mangifera Indica Linn.; the mango tree M vajula m. a sort of bird; Calamus Rotang; Dalbergia
Ougeinensis piyla m. the tree Buchanania Latifolia (in Bengal commonly called Piyal)
pala m. a Rkasa; Butea frondosa Roxb.; Cinnamomum tamala T. Nees et Eberm. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 573) W nand f. a kind of song or musical instrument; Cedrela Toona; name
of Durg kol f. the jujube tree ~ kadamba mn. Adina cordifolia Benth. et Hook.F. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 535); Andropogon caricosus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 536);
Andropogon Serratus viral f. a kind of plant madhuka n. Bassia latifolia Roxb. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 587); beeswax; Cynometra ramiflora Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 587)
madhka n. bees-wax; liquorice; the blossoms or fruit of Bassia Latifolia.

~ " V (.)
nyagrodhdir gao vraya sagrh bhagnasdhana / (42.1)
nyagrodha-di gaa vraya sagrhin bhagna-sdhana
~ nyagrodha m. a fathom (measured by the arms extended); a monastery and a village; Ficus
Indica di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning gaa m. (in metre) a foot or four instants;
vc; a company " vraya adj. beneficial for wounds or sores sagrhin adj.
accumulating; astringent; collecting V bhagna n. the fracture of a leg sdhana adj.
denoting; designating; effective.

7 (.)
medapittsratdhayoniroganibarhaa // (42.2)
medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness 7 pitta n. bile; the
bilious humour asra n. a corner; a tear; blood t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong
desire; thirst dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) yoniroga m. disease
of the female organs of generation nibarhaa adj. crushing; destroying; removing.



,-,,-,, ^M-,,-,,-


" ` J (.)
cagugguludevadhpakhapur punganghvayam / (43.2)
ukti vyghranakha amarhva aguru rvsaka kukuma ca-guggulu-devadhpa-khapura
" ukti f. a bone; a curl or feather on a horse's neck or breast; a measure of weight ( 1/2 Pala
or 4 Karshas) vyghranakha mfn. next; a kind of perfume; a root or a particular root
J amarhva n. devadru ^ aguru mn. Amyris agallocha Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974),
522); Aquilaria Agallocha Roxb.; Aquilaria malaccensis Lam. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 522)
rvsaka m. the resin of Pinus Longifolia _ kukuma n. a kind of rice; saffron- Crocus
sativus Linn. " ca f. a kind of perfume (commonly Chor); ligin; Mucuna pruritus
guggulu mn. Balsamodendron mukul Hooker; bdellium or the exudation of Amyris Agallochum (a
fragrant gum resin) ` devadhpa m. bdellium; Shorea Robusta khapura m. a kind of
perfume (vylanakha); Cyperus pertenuis; the betel-nut tree punga m. a nutmeg; a white
elephant; a white lotus J nghvaya m. a kind of plant; name of Tathgatabhadra.

eldiko vtakaphau via ca viniyacchati / (43.3)
el-dika vta-kapha via ca viniyam
el mf. Amomum amarum F.P. Smith (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 532); Amomum aromaticum
Roxb. (as a substitute?) (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 532); Amomum kepulaga Sprague et Burkill
(G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 532) dika adj. and so on; beginning with vta m. air;
flatulence; gout kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in
general via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable
poison ca ind. also; and; as well as viniyam 1.P. to check; to control; to draw in.

" (.)
varaprasdana kapiikkohanana // (43.4)
vara-prasdana ka-piik-koha-nana
vara mn. a co-efficient; a cover; a covering prasdana adj. calming; cheering; clearing
" ka f. itch; itching; scratching piik fn. [medic.] Pustel koha m. a species of
leprosy with large round spots (ringworm) nana adj. destroying.

** ]J (.)
ymdantdravantkramukakuaraakhincarmashv / (44.1)
ym f. gorocan; a kind of bird (either "the female of the Indian cuckoo" or "a hen-
sparrow"); a name or form of Durg (worshipped by the Tntrikas) * dant f. Baliospermum
axillare Blume (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 561); Baliospermum montanum Muell. Arg.; Croton
polyandrum Roxb. * dravant f. Anthericum tuberosum Roxb.; a river; Ipomoea reniformis
Choisy. kramuka mn. Areca catechu Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 547); a red variety of the
Lodhra tree; a variety of Cyperus kuara f. a kind of plant ] akhin f. a kind of
semidivine being or fairy; a particular plant; a particular vein (n) J carmashv f. .

`M (.)
svarakrgavkikharirajanakacchinnarohkaraj /(44.2)


N * 7 ^ T

T (.)
ymdyo hanti gulma viamarucikaphau hdruja mtrakcchram //(44.4)
ym-dya han gulma viama-ruci-kapha hdruj mtrakcchra
ym f. gorocan; a kind of bird (either "the female of the Indian cuckoo" or "a hen-
sparrow"); a name or form of Durg (worshipped by the Tntrikas) N dya adj. being at the
head; earlier; excellent han 1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to abandon; to avert 7 gulma
mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of
the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen viama adj. bad; coarse; dangerous ^ ruci f.
appetite; beauty; colour kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or
foam in general T

hdruj f. a kind of disease; grief; heart-ache (lit. and fig.) T

mtrakcchra mn. a class of urinary affections (of which 8 kinds are enumerated); painful
discharge of urine.

W ` ~ (.)
trayastriad iti prokt vargs teu tv albhata / (45.1)
trayastriat iti pravac varga tad tu albha
W trayastriat f. 33 MW iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti
refers to something that has been said or thought) pravac 2.P. to announce; to commend; to
explain varga m. (esp.) a subdivision of an Adhy ya in the
of words classified together; bala tad pron. this tu ind. and; but; do albha m.
deficiency; loss (in selling goods); loss (of life).

W ~ Q (.)
yujyt tadvidham anyac ca dravya jahyd ayaugikam // (45.2)
yuj tadvidha anya ca dravya h ayaugika
yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or
conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to tadvidha adj. conformable to that; his (or their) like; of
that kind ~ anya pron. anderer ca ind. also; and; as well as dravya n. (Gr.) single object
or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or
wanting; to be excluded from or bereft of ayaugika adj. having no regular derivation.

` {N `W 7N (.)
ete varg doadydy apekya kalkakvthasnehalehdiyukt /(46.1)
etad varga doa-dya-di apek kalka-kvtha-sneha-leha-di-yuj
etad pron. this varga m. (esp.) a subdivision of an Adhy ya in th
or group of words classified together; bala doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection { dya mn.
(medic.) a subordinate element of the body that can be corrupted by the tridoa; matter; poison
di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning ` apek 1.. to expect; to have an eye to; to have
regard to 7 kalka mn. (architect.) a kind of mortar/coating; a kind of tenacious paste; a
viscous sediment deposited by oily substances when ground kvtha m. a decoction; any
solution or infusion prepared with a continued or gentle heat; boiling N sneha mn. a fluid of the
body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance leha m. a licker; an electuary; food di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in
astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to.

` ~` * ~ V* T
pne nasye 'nvsane 'ntar bahir v lepbhyagair ghnanti rogn sukcchrn // (46.2)
pna nasya anvsana antar bahis v lepa-abhyaga han roga sukcchra
pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel nasya n. a sternutatory; errhine; the hairs in
the nose ~ anvsana n. a place where work is done; affliction; an unctuous or cooling
enema ( anuvsana) * antar ind. amongst; between; in the middle bahis ind. apart from;
except; forth v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally lepa m.
(esp.) particles or remnants wiped from the hand after offering oblations to three ancestors; a
coating of paint; a kind of disease ~ abhyaga m. inunction; rubbing with unctuous
substances; unguent han 1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to abandon; to avert roga mn.
a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease T sukcchra m. .

N W W (.)
athta snehavidhim adhyya vykhysyma / (1.1)
atha-atas snehavidhi adhyya vykhy
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason N snehavidhi m.
name of Agahdayasahit, S. 16 W adhyya m. a lesson; a reader; chapter W
vykhy 2.. to call; to communicate; to discuss.

WV (.)
iti ha smhur treydayo maharaya / (1.2)
iti ha sma-ah treya-di mah-i
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) ha ind. (particle); a kind of bja W sma ind. always; certainly; ever ah 1.P.
to acknowledge; to adjugde anything; to call treya m. a descendant of Atri; a priest who is
closely related to the Sadasya; chyle di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning mah ind.
(irreg.- *mahant) -> gross i m. a hymn or Mantra composed by a i; a ray of light; a saint
or sanctified sage in general.

^N^WW (.)
gurutasarasnigdhamandaskmamdudravam / (1.3)
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy ta adj. boiled; cold; dull sara adj. cathartic; fluid;
going N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable W manda adj. addicted to intoxication;
apathetic; bad W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the
upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) drava adj. liquid.

N (.)
auadha snehana pryo viparta virkaam // (1.4)
auadha snehana pryas viparta virkaa
auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively N snehana n. being or becoming oily; feeling
affection; lubrication pryas ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly viparta
adj. acting in a contrary manner; adverse; being the reverse of anything virkaa n.
roughening; [medic.] snehana.

` N` (.)
sarpir majj vas taila sneheu pravara matam / (2.1)
sarpis majjan vas taila sneha pravara man
` sarpis n. a kind of prameha; clarified butter majjan m. scurf; the marrow of bones
vas f. a kind of prameha; any fatty or oily substance; fat taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum
oil N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance pravara adj.
best; better than (abl.); chief man 8.P. to be of opinion; to believe; to conjecture.

7 ` W (.)
tatrpi cottama sarpi saskrasynuvartant // (2.2)
tatra-api ca-uttama sarpis saskra-anuvartana
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place api ind. also; assuredly; besides ca ind. also;
and; as well as 7 uttama adj. best; chief; excellent ` sarpis n. a kind of prameha; clarified
butter W saskra m. (with Buddhists) a mental conformation or creation of the mind (such
as that of the external world); a polishing stone; a sacred or sanctifying ceremony
anuvartana n. attending; compliance; concurring.

~7N (.)
mdhuryd avidhitvjjanmdyeva ca lant / (3.1)
mdhurya avidhin-tva-janman-di-eva ca lana
mdhurya n. (with Vaiavas) a feeling of tender affection; charm; exquisite beauty
avidhin adj. not producing heartburn (on account of being imperfectly digested) ~ tva n.
(Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) janman n. (in astrol.) name of the 1st lunar mansion; a
creature; a progenitor di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning eva ind. alone; already;
even ca ind. also; and; as well as lana n. constant study (of the stras etc.); frequent
mentioning; honouring.

7V ` V 7 (.)
pittaghns te yathprvam itaraghn yathottaram // (3.2)
pitta-ghna tad yathprvam itara-ghna yathottaram
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing tad pron. this
yathprvam ind. itara pron. another; the other (of two) V ghna adj. destroying; killer;
killing 7 yathottaram ind. successively.

^ (.)
ghtt taila guru vas tailn majj tato 'pi ca / (4.1)
ghta taila guru vas taila majjan tatas api ca
ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which
drops from heaven) taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy
vas f. a kind of prameha; any fatty or oily substance; fat taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum
oil majjan m. scurf; the marrow of bones tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that
reason api ind. also; assuredly; besides ca ind. also; and; as well as.

~ (.)
dvbhy tribhi caturbhis tair yamakas trivto mahn // (4.2)
dvi tri catur tad yamaka trivta mahant
dvi nr. two tri nr. 3 MW catur nr. four tad pron. this yamaka m. a religious
obligation or observance; oil and ghee; two similar greasy substances trivta m. name of a
Vysa; [medic.] a combination of three kinds of fat * mahant m. a camel; a great or noble man
(opp. to nca); a particular class of deceased progenitors.

NWNW* (.)
svedyasaodhyamadyastrvyymsaktacintak / (5.1)
sveday 10.. (eine Substanz im Feuer) schwiten lassen saodhay 10.P. to clear; to
clear (expenses); to divide N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine
W str f. a kind of metre; a white ant; a woman vyyma m. (with Buddhists) right exercise
or training; a difficult passage; a particular measure of length M saj 1.. to adhere to; to
armour; to attach * cintaka adj. familiar with; ifc. one who thinks or reflects upon.

T ` (.)
blbalak rk ksraretasa // (5.2)
bla-abala-ka rka ki-asra-retas
bla adj. childish; early (as the sun or its rays); foolish abala adj. weak T ka adj.
emaciated; feeble; insignificant rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech)
ki 9.. to be diminished; to corrupt; to decrease asra n. a corner; a tear; blood ` retas n. a
flow; current; descendants.

W^ (.)
vtrtasyandatimiradruapratibodhina / (6.1)
vta m. air; flatulence; gout rta adj. afflicted; disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) W
syanda m. a particular disease of the eyes; flowing; fluxion timira n. darkness; darkness of
the eyes; iron-rust ^ drua adj. cruel; dreadful; hard pratibodhin adj. about to
awake; awaking.

NQ ~ WVWVW (.)
snehy na tv atimandgnitkgnisthladurbal // (6.2)
snehay na tu ati-manda-agni-tka-agni-sthla-durbala
N snehay 10.P. to kill; to make unctuous or greasy or moist; to render pliant or subject na
ind. neither; no; nor tu ind. and; but; do ati ind. extremely; very W manda adj. addicted to
intoxication; apathetic; bad V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty W tka adj. acid;
fiery; hot V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty W sthla adj. big; coarse; dense
durbala adj. emaciated; feeble; lean (cow).

^~ (.)
rustambhtisrmagalarogagarodarai / (7.1)
^~ rustambha m. paralysis of the thigh atisra m. dysentery; name of a son of
Nitantu; purging ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy excretions
gala m. neck; the throat roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease
gara m. a factitious poison; a noxious or poisonous beverage; any drink udara n. a cavity;
abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver).

N^H P N (.)
mrcchchardyarucilematmadyai ca pit // (7.2)
mrch-chardi-aruci-leman-t-madya ca pay
mrch f. (alchemy) one of the Saskras of mercury; a kind of kumbhaka; a swoon `
chardi f. expulsion (of the breath); sickness; vomiting ^ aruci f. aversion; disgust; dislike
HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum t f. Avidity as mother of Dambha; avidity
(chiefly ifc.); desire N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine ca
ind. also; and; as well as pay 10.. (in astrol.) to cover (esp. with something inauspicious);
to break (a vow); to cause pain.

`` (.)
apaprast yukte ca nasye bastau virecane / (8.1)
apapras yuj ca nasya vasti virecana
apapras 6.P. [medic.] to miscarry yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with
(instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to ca ind. also;
and; as well as nasya n. a sternutatory; errhine; the hairs in the nose vasti mf. abdomen;
an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder ` virecana n. a
means for making the head clear; purging or any purging substance.

W ` (.)
tatra dhsmtimedhdikki asyate ghtam // (8.2)
tatra dh-smti-medh-di-kkin as ghta
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place dh f. art; design; devotion W smti f. a kind
of metre; calling to mind; desire medh f. dhana; a form of Dkya in Kamra; a form of
Sarasvat di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning kkin adj. desiring; expecting;
longing for as 2.. to approve; to calumniate; to commend ghta n. cream; fat (as an
emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven).

*THP ^ (.)
granthinkmilemamedomrutarogiu / (9.1)
* granthi m. a bell; a complaint; a joint of the body n f. a fistulous sore; a flute; a
juggling trick T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum medas
n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness ^ mruta m. a chief of the
Maruts; a son of the Maruts; air rogin adj. diseased; ill; sick.

` (.)
taila lghavadrhyrthikrrakoheu dehiu // (9.2)
taila lghava-drhya-arthin-krra-koha dehin
taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil lghava n. alacrity; brevity; conciseness
drhya n. corroboration; fixedness; hardness arthin adj. active; industrious; libidinous
krra adj. cruel; disagreeable; ferocious koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding wall; an
inner apartment ` dehin m. a living creature; man; soul (enveloped in the body).

W (.)
vttapdhvabhrastrvyymakadhtuu / (10.1)
vta m. air; flatulence; gout tapa m. heat (especially of the sun); sunshine adhvan
m. a journey; a place; a recension of the Vedas and the school upholding it bhra m. a burden;
a large quantity; a particular manner of beating a drum W str f. a kind of metre; a white ant; a
woman vyyma m. (with Buddhists) right exercise or training; a difficult passage; a
particular measure of length ki 9.. to be diminished; to corrupt; to decrease dhtu mn. a
constituent element or essential ingredient of the body; constituent part; element.

*V (.)
rkakleakamtyagnivtvtapatheu ca // (10.2)
rka-klea-kama-ati-agni-vta-v-patha ca
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) klea m. affliction; anger;
anguish kama adj. able; adequate; appropriate ati ind. extremely; very V agni m. bile;
Citrus Acida; digestive faculty vta m. air; flatulence; gout v 5.. to comprehend; to
conceal; to cover patha m. a way; course; path ca ind. also; and; as well as.

WW^ (.)
eau vas tu sandhyasthimarmakoharujsu ca / (11.1)
ea vas tu sadhi-asthi-marman-koha-ruj ca
ea adj. remaining vas f. a kind of prameha; any fatty or oily substance; fat tu ind.
and; but; do sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a
joint W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit marman n. any joint or articulation; any open
or exposed or weak or sensitive part of the body; any secret or mystery koha mn. a kind of
pan; a surrounding wall; an inner apartment ^ ruj f. an ewe; breaking; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus ca ind. also; and; as well as.

^^ (.)
tath dagdhhatabhraayonikarairoruji // (11.2)
tath dah-han-bhra-yoni-kara-iras-ruj
tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so dah 1.. to be in flames; to burn; to cauterise
han 2.. to assault; to attack; to beat bhra 4.. to abandon (abl.); to be ruined or lost;
to be separated from or deprived of yoni mf. a mine; a particular part of a fire-pit; abode
kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle iras n. acme; chief; first
(of a class) ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease.

* ` ~ ` (.)
taila prvi varnte sarpir anyau tu mdhave / (12.1)
taila prv var-anta sarpis anya tu mdhava
taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil prv f. rains (the months shha and ravaa);
the rainy season; wet season var f. (exceptionally sg.) the rains; Medicago Esculenta;
monsoon * anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border ` sarpis n. a kind of prameha; clarified
butter ~ anya pron. anderer tu ind. and; but; do mdhava m. a man of the race of Yadu
(esp. name of Ka-Viu or of Paraurma as an incarnation of this god); a son or descendant
of Madhu; Bassia Latifolia.

N $ (.)
tau sdhrae sneha asto 'hni vimale ravau // (12.2)
tu sdhraa sneha as ahar vimala ravi
tu m. a particular mineral; an epoch; any settled point of time sdhraa adj.
behaving alike; belonging to all; general N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any
oleaginous substance as 2.. to approve; to calumniate; to commend ahar n. a day
vimala adj. bright; clear; pure ravi m. a mountain; a particular form of the sun
(sometimes regarded as one of the 12 dityas); Calotropis Gigantea.

~ ` (.)
taila tvary te 'pi gharme 'pi ca ghta nii / (13.1)
taila tvar ta api gharma api ca ghta ni
taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil ~ tvar f. haste; urgency ta n. Cassia bark; cold;
cold water api ind. also; assuredly; besides gharma m. a cauldron; a cavity in the earth
shaped like a cauldron (from which Atri was rescued by the Avins); boiler api ind. also;
assuredly; besides ca ind. also; and; as well as ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of
fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven) ni f. night.

7 ` 7* (.)
niy eva pitte pavane sasarge pittavaty api // (13.2)
ni eva pitta pavana sasarga pittavant api
ni f. night eva ind. alone; already; even 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
pavana m. a householder's sacred fire; a species of grass; air sasarga m. a partic.
combination of two humours which produces diseases; a partic. conjunction of celestial bodies;
acquaintance 7* pittavant adj. bilious api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

~ 7 (.)
niyanyath vtakaphd rog syu pittato div / (14.1)
ni-anyath vta-kapha roga as pitta div
ni f. night ~ anyath ind. erroneously; falsely; from another motive vta m. air;
flatulence; gout kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in
general roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease as 2.P. to abide;
to be; to be equal to (dat.) 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour div ind. by day (often
opposed to naktam).

N WN (.)
yuktyvacrayet sneha bhakydyannena bastibhi // (14.2)
yukti-avacray sneha bhakya-di-anna vasti
yukti f. (in astron.) conjunction; a sentence; adaptedness avacray 10.. to apply (in
med.) N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance W bhakya n.
anything eaten; food (esp. such as requires mastication) di m. a firstling; and so on;
beginning anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice vasti mf. abdomen; an
injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder.

~M" (.)
nasybhyajanagaamrdhakarkitarpaai / (15.1)
nasya n. a sternutatory; errhine; the hairs in the nose ~M abhyajana n. embellishment;
inunction (especially of the feet); ornament " gaa mn. a mouthful of water; draught;
filling or rinsing the mouth mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything;
beginning; chief (applied to persons) kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter
of a circle aki n. the eye tarpaa n. a libation; filling the eyes; food.

~~ ` (.)
rasabhedaikakatvbhy catuairvicra // (15.2)
rasa-bheda-ekaka-tva catuai-vicra
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre bheda m.
(in astron.) a particular crossing or conjunction of the planets; a cleft; alteration ekaka adj.
alone; single; solitary ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) catuai f. 64; name of
RV (consisting of 64 Adhyyas); the 64 Kals vicra f. distinction; kind; name of the
Mms system of philosophy.

N~~7~V W (.)
snehasynybhibhtatvdalpatvcca kramtsmt / (16.1)
sneha-anya-abhibh-tva-alpa-tva-ca kramt-sm
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance ~ anya pron. anderer
abhibh 1.P. to approach; to attack; to be victorious or prospering in ~ tva n. (Marker fr
abstrakte Nomina) 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina)
ca ind. also; and; as well as kramt ind. successively W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in
mind; to hand down memoriter.

`~V ` (.)
yathoktahetvabhvcca ncchapeyo vicra // (16.2)
yath-vac-hetu-abhva-ca na-accha-p vicra
yath ind. according; as; as vac 2.P. to declare; to proclaim; to recite ` hetu m. (with
Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to pratyaya); (with Paupatas) that which causes the bondage
of the soul; a logical reason or dedaction or argument abhva m. absence; negation (the
seventh category in Kada's system); non-entity ca ind. also; and; as well as na ind. neither;
no; nor accha adj. clear; pellucid; transparent p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck
vicra f. distinction; kind; name of the Mms system of philosophy.

N 7 N" (.)
snehasya kalpa sa reha snehakarmusdhant / (17.1)
sneha kalpa tad reha sneha-karman-u-sdhana
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance 7 kalpa mn. a
fabulous period of time; alternative; law tad pron. this reha adj. most beautiful of or
among; most splendid or beautiful N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous
substance karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven
categories of the Nyya philosophy) " u adj. fast; going quickly; quick sdhana n. a
means of summoning or conjuring up a spirit (or deity); accomplishment; acquisition.

~ * (.)
dvbhy caturbhirabhirymairjryanti y kramt // (17.2)
dvi catur-aan-yma-j yad kramt
dvi nr. two catur nr. four aan adj. eight yma m. a carriage; a night-watch; a
road j 4.. to be dissolved or digested; to decay; to grow old yad pron. what; which
kramt ind. successively.

W7 ~V (.)
hrasvamadhyottam mtrststbhyaca hrasyasm / (18.1)
hrasva-madhya-uttama mtr-tad-tad-ca hrasyas
hrasva adj. dwarfish; insignificant; less by (abl.) W madhya adj. central; impartial;
intermediate 7 uttama adj. best; chief; excellent mtr f. a minute portion; a mirror; a
mora or prosodial instant tad pron. this tad pron. this ca ind. also; and; as well as
hrasyas adj. shorter or smaller; very short or small.

7W ~` (.)
kalpayedvkya dodnprgeva tu hrasyasm // (18.2)
kalpay-vk doa-di-prk-eva tu hrasyas
7 kalpay 10.. to form; to prescribe vk 1.P. to ascertain; to behold; to consider doa
mn. a calf; accusation; affection di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning prk ind. before
eva ind. alone; already; even tu ind. and; but; do hrasyas adj. shorter or smaller; very
short or small.

Q` N "T V (.)
hyastane jra evnne sneho'ccha uddhaye bahu / (19.1)
hyastana j eva-anna sneha-accha uddhi bahu
Q hyastana adj. belonging to or produced or occurred yesterday; hesternal j 4.. to be
dissolved or digested; to decay; to grow old eva ind. alone; already; even anna n. bread
corn; earth; especially boiled rice N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous
substance accha adj. clear; pellucid; transparent "T uddhi f. accuracy; accurate
knowledge regarding; acquittal V bahu adj. abundant; great in quantity; many.

WV ` (.)
amana kudvato'nanno madhyamtraca asyate // (19.2)
amana kudvant-ananna madhya-mtr-ca as
amana adj. allaying; calming; destroying * kudvant adj. hungry ananna adj.
without food W madhya adj. central; impartial; intermediate mtr f. a minute portion; a
mirror; a mora or prosodial instant ca ind. also; and; as well as as 2.. to approve; to
calumniate; to commend.

NN 7 (.)
bhao rasamadydyai sabhakto'lpa hita sa ca / (20.1)
bhaa rasa-madya-dya sa-bhakta-alpa hita tad ca
bhaa adj. making big or fat or strong; nourishing rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid
or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or
spiritous liquor; wine N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent sa ind. (ibc.) with
bhakta n. a share; a vessel; any eatable grain boiled with water 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small
hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial tad pron. this ca ind. also; and; as well as.

TNN (.)
blavddhapipsrtasnehadvimadyaliu // (20.2)
bla adj. childish; early (as the sun or its rays); foolish T vddha adj. (a vowel) increased
(by Vddhi); advanced in years; aged pips f. thirst rta adj. afflicted; disturbed;
fallen into (misfortune) N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance
dvi adj. disliking; hating; hostile N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous
liquor; wine lin adj. habituated or used to; having the custom of; honest.

WN*WV^ (.)
strsnehanityamandgnisukhitakleabhruu / (21.1)
W str f. a kind of metre; a white ant; a woman N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent;
any oleaginous substance * nitya adj. continual; devoted or used to; eternal W manda adj.
addicted to intoxication; apathetic; bad V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty
sukhita adj. comforted; delighted; pleased klea m. affliction; anger; anguish ^ bhru adj.
dreading the beyond or the hereafter; fearful; timid.

7` T (.)
mdukohlpadoeu kle coe keu ca // (21.2)
mdu-koha-alpa-doa kla ca-ua ka ca
mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) koha mn. a
kind of pan; a surrounding wall; an inner apartment 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small doa
mn. a calf; accusation; affection kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time
ca ind. also; and; as well as ua adj. acrid; active; hot T ka adj. emaciated; feeble;
insignificant ca ind. also; and; as well as.

_W7W`` (.)
prmadhyottarabhakto'svadhomadhyordhvadehajn / (22.1)
B prc adj. being in front; directed forwards; easterly W madhya n. abdomen; centre;
cessation 7 uttara adj. better; chief; concluding bhakta n. a share; a vessel; any eatable
grain boiled with water adas pron. jener adhas ind. below; beneath; down W madhya
adj. central; impartial; intermediate rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect ` deha mn.
appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in;
ifc. born or descended from.

M (.)
vydhjayed bala kurydagn ca yathkramam // (22.2)
vydhi-ji bala k-aga ca yathkramam
vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to exercise bala mn. Balarma; an army;
expertness in T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become aga n. a limb; a limb of the
body; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five) ca ind. also; and; as well as
yathkramam ind. according to order; in due succession; respectively.

P ` (.)
svedas tpopanhomadravabhedc caturvidha / (1.1)
sveda tpa-upanha-man-drava-bheda caturvidha
sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") tpa m. (medic.) a kind
of sveda; fever; glow upanha m. a bundle; a cover; a kind of disease of the joint of the eye
(sadhi) P man m. (medic.) a kind of sveda; ardour; glow drava mn. (medic.) a kind of
sveda; buttermilk (Takra); decoction bheda m. (in astron.) a particular crossing or
conjunction of the planets; a cleft; alteration ` caturvidha adj. fourfold; of 4 sorts or kinds.

VP (.)
tpo 'gnitaptavasanaphlahastataldibhi // (1.2)
tpa agni-tap-vasana-phla-hasta-tala-di
tpa m. (medic.) a kind of sveda; fever; glow V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty
tap 4.. to be hot; to destroy by heat; to give out heat vasana n. a leaf of the cinnamon tree;
an ornament worn by women round the loins; apparel phla n. a garment of cotton; a
ploughed field; the forehead hasta mn. autograph; the hand; trunk (of an elephant) tala
mn. base; bottom; flat roof (of a house) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

"J`^ (.)
upanho vackivaathvdevadrubhi / (2.1)
upanha vac-kiva-athv-devadru
upanha m. a bundle; a cover; a kind of disease of the joint of the eye (sadhi) vac f.
Acorus calamus Linn.; a kind of aromatic root; Turdus salica " kiva mn. bassia; drug or seed
used to produce fermentation in the manufacture of spirits from sugar; ferment J athv mf.
Anethum Sowa; Asparagus Racemosus; name of a river and Trtha `^ devadru mn. Pinus
Devadru or Deodar.

~ ^ N" (.)
dhnyai samastair gandhai ca rsnairaajamiai // (2.2)
dhnya samasta gandha ca rsn-eraa-ja-mia
~ dhnya n. a kind of house; a measure 4 sesamum seeds; Cyperus Rotundus samasta
adj. abridged; all; combined ^ gandha mn. a fragrant substance; a neighbour; a sectarial mark
on the forehead (called so in the south of India) ca ind. also; and; as well as N rsn f.
Acampe papillosa Lindl.; a girdle; bdellium eraa m. Palma Christi; Ricinus communis
Linn.; the castor-oil plant ja f. a fibrous root; Flacourtia cataphracta; Mucuna pruritus
mia n. a gift; a pleasing or beautiful object; an object of enjoyment.

N N (.)
udriktalavaai snehacukratakrapayaplutai / (3.1)
udric-lavaa sneha-cukra-takra-payas-plu
udric 7.P. to abound in; to be prominent; to exceed lavaa n. a kind of prameha; a
particular mode of fighting; beauty N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous
substance cukra mn. Chenopodium album Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 554); Oxalis
corniculata Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 554); Rumex acetosella Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld
1974: 554) takra n. buttermilk mixed with water; buttermilk with a fourth part of water
payas n. (esp.) milk; (met.) vital spirit; a species of Andropogon N plu 1.P. to bathe; to blow (as
the wind); to float.

` HPV (.)
kevale pavane lemasase surasdibhi // (3.2)
kevala pavana leman-sasj surasa-di
kevala adj. absolute; alone; entire pavana m. a householder's sacred fire; a species of
grass; air HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum V sasj 6.. to (A. or Pass.) to join one's
self. be joined or united or mingled or confused; to come into contact with; to create surasa
m. Andropogon Schoenanthus Linn.; Cinnamomum tamala T. Nees et Eberm. (G.J. Meulenbeld
(1974), 609); Cymbopogon citratus Stapf (?) (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 608) di m. a firstling;
and so on; beginning.

7 TN 7W (.)
pittena padmakdyais tu lvakhyai puna puna / (4.1)
pitta padmaka-dya tu lvaa-khy punar punar
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour T padmaka n. a particular posture in sitting; Costus
Arabicus; Costus speciosus Sm. N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent tu ind. and;
but; do 7 lvaa n. a poultice; Breiumschlag; cataplasm W khy f. appearance;
appellation; aspect punar ind. again and again; back; besides punar ind. again and
again; back; besides.

N^ (.)
snigdhoavryair mdubhi carmapaair aptibhi // (4.2)
snigdha-ua-vrya mdu carmapaa apti
N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable ua adj. acrid; active; hot vrya n.
consequence; dignity; efficacy (of medicine) mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper
apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) carmapaa m. a flat thong; name of a place apti adj.
not fetid.

` ~7 (.)
albhe vtajitpattrakaueyvikaakai / (5.1)
albha vta-jit-pattra-kaueya-vik-aka
albha m. deficiency; loss (in selling goods); loss (of life) vta m. air; flatulence; gout
jit adj. acquiring; ifc. winning 7 pattra mn. a bird; a chariot; a knife kaueya n. a
woman's lower garments of silk; name of a locality; silk vik fn. a sheepskin aka
mn. a; a strip of cloth.

T B B T (.)
baddha rtrau div mucen muced rtrau divktam // (5.2)
bandh rtri div muc muc rtri divkta
^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience
rtri f. name of a river in Kraucadvpa; night; the darkness or stillness of night (often
personified) div m. heaven; the sky muc 6.. to get rid of; to let loose; to liberate from
muc 6.. to get rid of; to let loose; to liberate from rtri f. name of a river in
Kraucadvpa; night; the darkness or stillness of night (often personified) T divkta adj.
done by day.

P W (.)
m ttkrikloakaplopalapsubhi / (6.1)
man tu-utkrik-loa-kapla-upala-psu
P man m. (medic.) a kind of sveda; ardour; glow tu ind. and; but; do W utkrik f.
a poultice loa mn. a lump of earth or clay; a particular object serving as a mark; clod
kapla mn. a fragment of brick; alms-bowl of a beggar; any flat bone upala mn. a precious
stone; a rock; chalk (? in manchen Texten Hind safed patthar) psu m. (prob.) the
menses; a kind of camphor; a species of plant.

7 ~ (.)
pattrabhagena dhnyena karasikattuai // (6.2)
pattrabhaga dhnya kara-sikat-tua
7 pattrabhaga m. a bud [? cmp. comm. ad Sur., Utt. 14.10]; a kind of plant ~ dhnya n.
a kind of house; a measure 4 sesamum seeds; Cyperus Rotundus kara mn. dry cow-dung;
dung; name of a mountain sikat mf. a kind of prameha; gravel; gravel or stone (as a
disease) tua mfn. Terminalia Bellerica; the chaff of grain or corn or rice.

`P W ` (.)
anekopyasataptai prayojyo deaklata / (7.1)
aneka-upya-satap prayuj dea-klatas
` aneka adj. many; much; not one upya m. a means of success against an enemy (four
are usually enumerated); a means or expedient (of any kind); approach satap 4.. to
afflict; to dry up; to feel pain or remorse prayuj 7.. to accomplish; to act; to begin ` dea
m. country; institute; kingdom klatas ind. in the course of time.

"M (.)
igruvraakairaakarajasurasrjakt // (7.2)
igru mfn. Moringa concanensis Nimmo ex Dalz. et Gibs. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 603);
Moringa moringa Millsp. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 603); Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn. (a kind
of horse-radish obhjana) vraaka m. kaakikaraja " eraa m. Palma Christi;
Ricinus communis Linn.; the castor-oil plant M karaja m. Caesalpinia bonducella Fleming
(G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 537); Caesalpinia crista Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 537);
Caesalpinia jayabo Maza (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 537) surasa m. Andropogon Schoenanthus
Linn.; Cinnamomum tamala T. Nees et Eberm. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 609); Cymbopogon
citratus Stapf (?) (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 608) arjaka m. Ocimum basilicum Linn. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 526); Ocimum canum Sims (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 526); Ocimum
Gratissimum Linn.

* (.)
iravsvarkamlatdrghavntata / (8.1)
ira mn. Acacia sirissa Buch.-Ham.; Albizzia odoratissima Benth. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974:
603); name of a village vs f. Gendarussa Vulgaris; a kind of plant vaa m. (architect.)
a ridge beam; a cross-beam; a dynasty of kings arka m. a learned man; a ray; a religious
ceremony mlat f. Aganosma calycina A. DC. (Surapla (1988), 448); Aganosma
dichotoma K. Schum. (Surapla 1988: 448); a bud drghavnta m. Calosanthes Indica.

7 N (.)
pattrabhagair vacdyai ca msai cnpavrijai // (8.2)
pattrabhaga vac-dya ca msa ca-anpa-vri-ja
7 pattrabhaga m. a bud [? cmp. comm. ad Sur., Utt. 14.10]; a kind of plant vac f.
Acorus calamus Linn.; a kind of aromatic root; Turdus salica N dya adj. being at the head;
earlier; excellent ca ind. also; and; as well as msa n. flesh; meat ca ind. also; and; as
well as anpa adj. situated near the water; watery vri n. pond; water; ???? ja adj.
born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

daamlena ca pthak sahitair v yathmalam / (9.1)
daamla ca pthak sahita v yath-mala
daamla fn. a tonic medicine prepared from 10 roots ca ind. also; and; as well as
pthak ind. (with abl.) without; apart or separately or differently from; differently sahita adj.
(in astron.) being in conjunction with; accompanied by; possessed of v ind. either - or; on the
one side - on the other side; optionally yath ind. according; as; as mala mn. dirt; dust;

NT " (.)
snehavadbhi suruktavrikrdisdhitai // (9.2)
snehavant sur-ukta-vri-kra-di-sdhay
N* snehavant adj. fat; full of affection; loving sur f. a drinking vessel; a snake; a tavern
" ukta n. any sour liquor or gruel (esp. a kind of acid beverage prepared from roots and fruits);
anything fermented or become sour; flesh vri n. pond; water; ???? kra n. milk; the
milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
sdhay 10.. to accomplish; to acquire; to attain one's object.

~ * ~ ^` (.)
kumbhr galantr nr v prayitv rujrditam / (10.1)
kumbh gal n v pray ruj-arday
~ kumbh f. a small jar or pot; a small pitcher (Kashikar, Chintamani Ganesh 0: 24); a small
tree (the seeds of which are used in medicine) gal 1.P. to distil; to drip; to drop n f. a
fistulous sore; a flute; a juggling trick v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side;
optionally pray 10.. to bestrew; to blow (a conch); to complete ^ ruj f. an ewe;
breaking; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus arday 10.P. to afflict (with a disease).

N^ B (.)
vsascchdita gtra snigdha siced yathsukham // (10.2)
vsas-cchday gtra snigdha sic yathsukham
vsas n. a cobweb; a garment; a pall cchday 10.. to clothe; to cover; to dress
gtra n. a limb or member of the body; the body; the forequarter of an elephant N^ snigdha
adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable sic 4.. to besprinkle or moisten with (instr.); to cast or
form anything out of molten metal etc.; to dip yathsukham ind. nach Lust und Laune.

" ` (.)
tair eva v dravai pra kua sarvgage 'nile / (11.1)
tad eva v drava pra kua sarva-aga-ga anila
tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the
other side; optionally drava mn. (medic.) a kind of sveda; buttermilk (Takra); decoction
pra adj. (in augury) fullsounding; able; abundant " kua mn. a bowlshaped vessel; a round
hole in the ground; a vessel for coals sarva pron. all; completely; different aga n. a limb;
a limb of the body; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five) ga adj. abiding
in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place; being anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to
disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons.

Q T^ (.)
avaghyturas tihed arakcchrdiruku ca // (11.2)
avagh-tura sth ca
avagh 1.P. to bathe in; to be absorbed in; to go deep into tura adj. desirous of
(Inf.); diseased or pained by (in comp.); sick (in body or mind) W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be;
to be at hand ca ind. also; and; as well as.

` *N^ ` (.)
nivte 'ntarbahisnigdho jrnna svedam caret / (12.1)
nivta antar-bahis-snigdha j-anna sveda car
nivta adj. compact; dense; safe * antar ind. amongst; between; in the middle
bahis ind. apart from; except; forth N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable j 4.. to
be dissolved or digested; to decay; to grow old anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled
rice sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") car 1.. to act; to
address; to apply.

` W (.)
vydhivydhitadeartuvan madhyavarvaram // (12.2)
vydhi-vydhita-dea-tu-vaa madhya-vara-avara
vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus vydhita adj. afflicted with disease; diseased; sick ` dea m. country; institute;
kingdom tu m. a particular mineral; an epoch; any settled point of time vaa m. a
brothel; authority; birth W madhya n. abdomen; centre; cessation vara adj. best; better;
better than avara adj. below; hinder; last.

N^ (.)
kaphrto rkaa rko rka snigdha kaphnile / (13.1)
kapha-rta rkaa rka rka snigdha kapha-anila
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general rta adj.
afflicted; disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) rkaa n. the act of making thin; [medic.]
medical treatment for reducing fat or corpulence rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a
person or speech) rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) N^ snigdha adj.
adhesive; affectionate; agreeable kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery
froth or foam in general anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind;
name of a Ri and other persons.

` ` (.)
mayagate vyau kaphe pakvayrite // (13.2)
maya-gam vyu kapha pakvaya-ri
maya m. [medic.] the maya gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move vyu m.
(in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5
are reckoned) kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in
general pakvaya m. [medic.] pakvaya ri 1.. to adhere; to affix; to apply

N W (.)
rkaprva tath snehaprva sthnnurodhata / (14.1)
rka-prva tath sneha-prva sthna-anurodha
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) prva pron. aforesaid; ancient;
attended with tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so N sneha mn. a fluid of the body;
an unguent; any oleaginous substance prva pron. aforesaid; ancient; attended with W
sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a stronghold; abiding anurodha m. compliance;
consideration; obliging or fulfilling the wishes (of any one).

7 7 [_ MT (.)
alpa vakaayo svalpa dmukahdaye na v // (14.2)
alpa vakaa su-alpa d-muka-hdaya na v
7 alpa adj. little; minute; small vakaa mn. abdomen; Bauch; cavity su ind. quite;
[ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small [ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet
or the observed spot; appearance; doctrine M muka m. a crowd; a muscular or stout person; a
testicle T hdaya n. mind (as the seat of mental operations); name of a Sman; science na
ind. neither; no; nor v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally.

" ` ` (.)
talakaye svinno jte 'gn ca mrdave / (15.1)
ta-la-kaya svid jan aga ca mrdava
ta n. Cassia bark; cold; cold water " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for
impaling criminals kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction svid 4.P. to sweat jan
4.P. to be; to be born; to be born again aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or
subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five) ca ind. also; and; as well as mrdava n.
gentleness; kindness; leniency towards.

N N (.)
syc chanair mdita sntas tata snehavidhi bhajet // (15.2)
as anais md sn tatas sneha-vidhi bhaj
as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) anais ind. alternately; gently; gradually
md 9.. to crush; to destroy; to kill N sn 2.. to bathe; to perform the ceremony of bathing
or certain prescribed oblations (esp. on returning home from the house of a religious preceptor);
to smear one's self with (instr.) tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason N sneha
mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance vidhi m. a grammatical rule or
precept; a means; a physician bhaj 1.. to allot or apportion to (dat. or gen.); to assume (as a
form); to bestow.

7 (.)
pittsrakopatmrchsvargasadanabhram / (16.1)
7 pittsra n. kopa m. anger; fury (of fire); incompatibleness with t f. Desire as
daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst mrch f. (alchemy) one of the Saskras of mercury;
a kind of kumbhaka; a swoon svara m. a note of the musical scale (of which seven [rarely six
or eight] are enumerated); a symbolical expression for the number "seven"; a vowel aga n. a
limb; a limb of the body; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five) sadana
n. a seat; coming to rest; dwelling bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone.

7 " (.)
sadhip jvara yvaraktamaaladaranam // (16.2)
sadhi-p jvara yva-raktamaala-darana
sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint p
f. a basket; a chaplet or garland for the head; annoyance 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing
according to the different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of
the soul yva m. a brown horse; a particular disease of the outer ear; brown (the colour)
" raktamaala m. a species of red-spotted or red-ringed snake; Name einer Krankheit
darana n. audience; examination; inspection.

` ~ (.)
svedtiyogc chardi ca tatra stambhanam auadham / (17.1)
sveda-atiyoga chardi ca tatra stambhana auadha
sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") atiyoga m. excess;
excessive union ` chardi f. expulsion (of the breath); sickness; vomiting ca ind. also; and; as
well as tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place ~ stambhana n. a means of making stiff
or rigid; a particular magical art or faculty; a styptic or astringent auadha n. drug; herb;
herbs collectively.

~`` (.)
viakrgnyatsracchardimohtureu ca // (17.2)
via-kra-agni-atsra-chardi-moha-tura ca
via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison
kra n. a factitious or medicinal salt (commonly black salt); alkali; alkaline substance V
agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty atsra m. dysentery; purging ` chardi f.
expulsion (of the breath); sickness; vomiting moha m. (with Buddhists) ignorance (one of
the three roots of vice); a magical art employed to bewilder an enemy; a swoon tura adj.
desirous of (Inf.); diseased or pained by (in comp.); sick (in body or mind) ca ind. also; and; as
well as.

^ W ~ ~ (.)
svedana guru tkoa prya stambhanam anyath / (18.1)
svedana guru tka-ua pryas stambhana anyath
svedana mn. a diaphoretic; any instrument or remedy for causing perspiration; fomenting
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot ua adj. acrid; active; hot
pryas ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly ~ stambhana n. a means of making
stiff or rigid; a particular magical art or faculty; a styptic or astringent ~ anyath ind.
erroneously; falsely; from another motive.

WN^W ` (.)
dravasthirasarasnigdharkaskma ca bheajam // (18.2)
drava-sthira-sara-snigdha-rka-skma ca bheaja
drava adj. liquid W sthira adj. ascertained; calm; certain sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going
N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a
person or speech) W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant ca ind. also; and; as well as `
bheaja n. a remedy; a spell or charm; drug.

~ HW W (.)
svedana stambhana laka rkaskmasaradravam / (19.1)
svedana stambhana laka rka-skma-sara-drava
svedana mn. a diaphoretic; any instrument or remedy for causing perspiration; fomenting
~ stambhana n. a means of making stiff or rigid; a particular magical art or faculty; a styptic or
astringent HW laka adj. bland; even; fine rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or
speech) W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant sara adj. cathartic; fluid; going drava
adj. liquid.

pryas tikta kaya ca madhura ca samsata // (19.2)
pryas tikta kaya ca madhura ca samsatas
pryas ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6
modifications of taste); fragrant; pungent kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant ca
ind. also; and; as well as madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous ca ind. also; and;
as well as samsatas ind. concisely; in a summary manner; succinctly.

~ * (.)
stambhita syd bale labdhe yathoktmayasakayt / (20.1)
stambhay as bala labh yath-vac-maya-sakaya
~ stambhay 10.. to arrest; to arrest; to check as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.)
bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in labh 1.P. to catch; to find; to meet with
yath ind. according; as; as vac 2.P. to declare; to proclaim; to recite maya m. disease;
indigestion; sickness sakaya m. complete destruction or consumption; decay; destruction
of the world.

~~NT (.)
stambhatvaksnyusakocakampahdvgghanugrahai // (20.2)
~ stambha m. a post; arrogance; becoming hard or solid ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's
hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle; tendon
sakoca m. a sort of skate fish; abridgement; binding kampa m. a dwarf-rafter; a pillar; a
roofing strip T hd n. breast; chest; interior vc f. a literary work; a word; asseveration
hanugraha m. lock-jaw.

~d ~ (.)
pdauhatvakkarai yvair atistambhitam diet / (21.1)
pda-oha-tvac-kara yva ati-stambhay di
pda m. a foot as a measure ( 12 Agulas); a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped being
one out of 4); a quarter oha m. the forepart of an Agnikua; the lip (generally du.) ~
tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag kara m.
act of doing; an elephant's trunk; claws of a crab yva adj. brown; dark; darkbrown ati
ind. extremely; very ~ stambhay 10.. to arrest; to arrest; to check di 6.. to aim at; to
announce; to assign.

W (.)
na svedayed atisthlarkadurbalamrchitn // (21.2)
na sveday atisthla-rka-durbala-mrchay
na ind. neither; no; nor sveday 10.. (eine Substanz im Feuer) schwiten lassen W
atisthla adj. excessively big or clumsy; excessively stupid rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as
a person or speech) durbala adj. emaciated; feeble; lean (cow) mrchay 10.P. to cause
to settle into a fixed or solid form; to cause to sound loudly; to cause to thicken or coagulate

~N (.)
stambhanyakatakakmamadyavikria / (22.1)
~ stambh 9.. to arrest; to be firmly fixed or supported or propped; to become solid kan
8.P. to break (a bow); to hurt; to injure ki 9.. to be diminished; to corrupt; to decrease
kma adj. burning to ashes; charring; debilitated N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or
spiritous liquor; wine vikrin adj. altered or changed for the worse; changeable; changed
into (comp.).

timirodaravsarpakuhaohyarogia // (22.2)
timira n. darkness; darkness of the eyes; iron-rust udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any
morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) vsarpa m. vi-s kuha mn. a sort of poison;
leprosy oa m. desiccation; dryness; pulmonary consumption hyarogin adj. ill
with rheumatism or with gout.

^N T` (.)
ptadugdhadadhisnehamadhn ktavirecann / (23.1)
p-dugdha-dadhi-sneha-madhu k-virecana
p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck ^ dugdha n. milk; sap; the milky juice of plants dadhi
n. coagulated milk; the resin of Shorea robusta; thick sour milk (regarded as a remedy) N sneha
mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance madhu n. a kind of metre; any
sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid) T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause
to become ` virecana n. a means for making the head clear; purging or any purging

^` (.)
bhraadagdhagudaglnikrodhaokabhayrditn // (23.2)
bhra 4.. to abandon (abl.); to be ruined or lost; to be separated from or deprived of
dah 1.. to be in flames; to burn; to cauterise guda mn. an intestine; anus; entrail glni f.
debility; decrease; depression of mind krodha m. Anger (personified as a child of Lobha and
Nikti); anger; name of a Dnava oka m. affliction; anguish; flame bhaya n. alarm;
apprehension; danger arday 10.P. to afflict (with a disease).

7" 7 (.)
kuttkmalpumehina pittapitn / (24.1)
kut-t-kmal-pu-mehin pitta-pay
kut f. a sneeze t f. Avidity as mother of Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.); desire
kmal mfn. excessive secretion or obstruction of bile; [medic.] a kind of puroga " pu
m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a Ngarja mehin adj. (only ifc.) voiding urine;
making water; suffering from a particular urinary disease 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
pay 10.. (in astrol.) to cover (esp. with something inauspicious); to break (a vow); to
cause pain.

* ` (.)
garbhi pupit st mdu ctyayike gade // (24.2)
garbhi pupit st mdu ca-tyayika gada
garbhi f. a pregnant woman pupit f. a menstruous woman st f. a woman
who has given birth to a child; a young quadruped mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the
upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) ca ind. also; and; as well as * tyayika adj. not
suffering delay; requiring immediate help (as a disease); urgent gada m. a sentence; Costus
speciosus Sm.; disease.

NWW^ (.)
vsaksapratiyyahidhmdhmnavibandhiu / (25.1)


N` (.)
agamardakaprvaphakukihanugrahe / (26.1)
agamarda m. a servant who shampoos his master's body; massage; rheumatism kai f.
an elephant's cheek; buttocks; entrance of a temple N prva mn. a curved knife; a side of any
square figure; flank (either of animate or inanimate objects) pha n. a page of a book;
height; name of particular arrangement of Smans (employed at the midday libation and formed
from the Rathatara) kuki mf. a bay; a cavity in general; a valley hanugraha m. lock-

* M 7 " (.)
mahattve mukayo khalym yme vtakaake // (26.2)
mahattva muka khal yma vtakaaka
* mahattva n. great size or extent; high rank or position; intensity M muka m. a crowd; a
muscular or stout person; a testicle khal mf. hastapdvamoana; sediment or deposit of
oil; khalidruma yma m. breadth (in mensuration); expansion; extending "
vtakaaka m. a particular pain in the ankle.

T*"^` (.)
mtrakcchrrbudagranthiukrghthyamrute / (27.1)
T mtrakcchra mn. a class of urinary affections (of which 8 kinds are enumerated); painful
discharge of urine arbuda mn. a long round mass (said especially of the shape of the foetus
in the second half of the first month); a really large number; a swelling * granthi m. a bell; a
complaint; a joint of the body " ukra n. a kind of prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any
clear liquid ghta m. a slaughter-house; a stroke; blow with or on (in comp.) hya
adj. opulent; rich; rich or abounding in ^ mruta m. a chief of the Maruts; a son of the Maruts;

sveda yathyatha kuryt tadauadhavibhgata // (27.2)
sveda yathyatham k tad-auadha-vibhga
sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") yathyatham ind. as
is fit or proper; by degrees; fitly T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become tad pron.
this auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively vibhga m. a share; apportionment;
constituent part of anything.

~ V ` ` (.)
svedo hitas tv angneyo vte medakaphvte / (28.1)
sveda hita tu angneya vta medas-kapha-v
sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") hita adj. agreeable;
arranged; beneficial tu ind. and; but; do V angneya adj. (medic.) a kind of sveda without
using external heat vta m. air; flatulence; gout medas n. a mystical term for the letter v;
corpulence; excessive fatness kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth
or foam in general v 5.. to comprehend; to conceal; to cover.

^ (.)
nivta gham yso guruprvaraa bhayam // (28.2)
nivta gha ysa guru-prvaraa bhaya
nivta adj. compact; dense; safe gha mn. a house; a house as containing several rooms;
a wife ysa m. effort; exertion (of bodily or mental power); fatigue ^ guru adj. difficult;
hard; heavy prvaraa n. a cover; cloak; covering bhaya n. alarm; apprehension;

N W W (.)
snehaklinn kohag dhtug v srotoln ye ca khsthisasth / (29.1)
sneha-klid koha-ga dhtu-ga v srotas-l yad ca kh-asthi-sastha
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance klid 4.. to be or
become wet or damp; to putrefy; to rot koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding wall; an
inner apartment ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place; being dhtu mn. a
constituent element or essential ingredient of the body; constituent part; element ga adj.
abiding in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place; being v ind. either - or; on the one side - on
the other side; optionally srotas n. a river; an aperture in the human or animal body
(reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of sense l 1.P. to alight or settle on; to
cling or press closely; to disappear yad pron. what; which ca ind. also; and; as well as
kh f. antika; pakntara; a branch (lit. and fig.) W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit W
sastha adj. based or resting or dependent on; being in or with; belonging to.

` T* P "T * (.)
do svedais te dravktya koha nt samyak uddhibhir nirhriyante // (29.2)
doa sveda tad dravk koha n samyak uddhi nirh
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of
perspiration") tad pron. this T dravk 8.P. flssig machen; to melt koha mn. a kind of
pan; a surrounding wall; an inner apartment n 1.. to ascertain; to bring into any state or
condition; to carry off for one's self P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig "T uddhi f.
accuracy; accurate knowledge regarding; acquittal T nirh 1.. to carry out (a dead body); to
change or interchange (clothes); to destroy.

W ` (.)
kaphe vidadhyd vamana sayoge v kapholbae / (1.1)
kapha vidh vamana sayoga v kapha-ulbaa
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general vidh
3.. to appoint; to apportion; to arrange vamana n. an emetic; emission; emitting
sayoga m. a kind of alliance or peace made between two kings with a common object;
absorption; being engaged in v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general ulbaa
adj. reich an (??); strong (a poison).

` 7 ` (.)
tadvad virecana pitte vieea tu vmayet // (1.2)
tadvat virecana pitta viea tu vmay
tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of yadvat); thus ` virecana n. a means for making
the head clear; purging or any purging substance 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
viea m. (pl.) various objects; a kind; a species of tree tu ind. and; but; do vmay 10.P. to
cause to vomit.

`7VW (.)
navajvartisrdhapittsgrjayakmia / (2.1)
` navajvara m. [medic.] a kind of fever atisra m. dysentery; name of a son of Nitantu;
purging adhas ind. below; beneath; down 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour V asj n.
blood; saffron W rjayakmin adj. suffering from Rjayakman.

*H (.)
kuhamehpacgranthilpadonmdaksina // (2.2)
kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy meha m. a ram; diabetes; excessive flow of urine
apac f. a disease consisting in an enlargement of the glands of the neck; skrofulse Knoten
am Nacken * granthi m. a bell; a complaint; a joint of the body H lpada n. elephantiasis;
morbid enlargement of the leg; swelled leg unmda m. insanity; intoxication; madness
ksin adj. having a cough.

NT=~ (.)
vsahllsavsarpastanyadoordhvarogia / (3.1)
N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) T= hllsa
m. Herzklopfen; palpitation of heart vsarpa m. vi-s ~ stanya mn. milk; dugdhapa
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection rdhvarogin adj. .

P * (.)
avmy garbhi rka kudhito nityadukhita // (3.2)
avmya garbhi rka kudh nitya-dukhita
P avmya adj. not to be treated with vamanas garbhi f. a pregnant woman
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) kudh 4.P. to be hungry; to feel
hungry * nitya adj. continual; devoted or used to; eternal dukhita adj. afflicted;
distressed; pained.

TTW T (.)
blavddhakasthlahdrogikatadurbal / (4.1)
bla adj. childish; early (as the sun or its rays); foolish T vddha adj. (a vowel) increased
(by Vddhi); advanced in years; aged T ka adj. emaciated; feeble; insignificant W sthla adj.
big; coarse; dense T hd n. breast; chest; interior rogin adj. diseased; ill; sick kata n. a
hurt; contusion; murder durbala adj. emaciated; feeble; lean (cow).

NT (.)
prasaktavamathuplhatimirakmikohina // (4.2)
M prasaj 1.. to be attached to the world; to cling to; to hang on vamathu m. a cough
(?); nausea; qualmishness N plhan m. disease of the spleen (said to be equally applied to
enlargement of the mesenteric glands etc.); the spleen (from which and from the liver the
Hinds suppose the blood to flow) timira n. darkness; darkness of the eyes; iron-rust
T kmikohin adj. suffering from worms in the intestines.

77 (.)
rdhvapravttavyvasradattavastihatasvar / (5.1)
rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect pravt 1.. to act or proceed according to or with
(instr. or abl.); to arise; to be vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical
name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned) asra n. a corner; a tear; blood
d 1.. to answer; to give; to give (a daughter) in marriage vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-
syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder hatasvara adj. hoarse; one who
has lost his voice.

* 7 *V (.)
mtrghty udar gulm durvamo 'tyagnir arasa // (5.2)
mtrghtin udarin gulmin durvama atyagni arasa
mtrghtin adj. udarin adj. having a large belly; having a large belly (from
flatulence); [medic.] suffering from udara 7 gulmin adj. bushy; composed of different
divisions (as force etc.); growing in a clump or cluster durvama adj. *V atyagni adj.
having a too strong digestion; surpassing fire arasa adj. afflicted with hemorrhoids.

N^ (.)
udvartabhramhlprvarugvtarogia / (6.1)
udvarta m. a class of diseases (marked by retention of the feces); a disease of the bowels;
iliac passion bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone ahl mf. a globular
swelling below the navel; a round pebble or stone; the knees N prva mn. a curved knife; a
side of any square figure; flank (either of animate or inanimate objects) ^ ruj mf. Costus
Speciosus; crushing; disease vta m. air; flatulence; gout rogin adj. diseased; ill; sick.

` ^T~ (.)
te viagarjraviruddhbhyavahrata // (6.2)
te via-gara-ajra-virudh-abhyavahra
` te ind. besides; excepting; under pain of via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name
of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison gara m. a factitious poison; a noxious or
poisonous beverage; any drink ajra n. indigestion ^ virudh 7.. to be at variance with or
contradictory to (instr.); to be impeded or checked or kept back or withheld; to be opposed
~ abhyavahra m. taking food.

prasaktavamatho prve pryemajvaro 'pi ca / (7.1)
prasaj-vamathu prva prya-majvara api ca
M prasaj 1.. to be attached to the world; to cling to; to hang on vamathu m. a cough
(?); nausea; qualmishness prva pron. aforesaid; ancient; attended with prya m. a stage
of life; age; anything prominent majvara m. fever produced by indigestion api ind.
also; assuredly; besides ca ind. also; and; as well as.

* W ~ (.)
dhmntai karmabhir varjy sarvair eva tv ajrina // (7.2)
dhma-anta karman varjay sarva eva tu ajrin
dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist * anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border
karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the
Nyya philosophy) varjay 10.. to avoid sarva pron. all; completely; different eva ind.
alone; already; even tu ind. and; but; do ajrin adj. suffering from indigestion.

`W 7W (.)
virekasdhy gulmrovisphoavyagakmal / (8.1)
vireka-sdhay gulma-aras-visphoa-vyaga-kmal
` vireka m. a purgative; cathartic; evacuation of the bowels sdhay 10.. to accomplish;
to acquire; to attain one's object 7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any
glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen
aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid W visphoa m. a
blister; boil; cracking vyaga m. a cripple kmal mfn. excessive secretion or
obstruction of bile; [medic.] a kind of puroga.

``N (.)
jrajvarodaragaracchardiplhahalmak // (8.2)
` jrajvara m. a lingering fever with diminishing intensity udara n. a cavity; abdomen;
any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) gara m. a factitious poison; a noxious or
poisonous beverage; any drink ` chardi f. expulsion (of the breath); sickness; vomiting N
plhan m. disease of the spleen (said to be equally applied to enlargement of the mesenteric
glands etc.); the spleen (from which and from the liver the Hinds suppose the blood to flow)
halmaka mf. a particular form of jaundice (in this sense prob. connected with hariman);
name of a serpent-demon; Pandanus Odoratissimus.

W (.)
vidradhis timira kca syanda pakvayavyath / (9.1)
vidradhi timira kca syanda pakvaya-vyath
vidradhi mf. abscess; [medic.] a particular abscess (piaka) timira n. darkness;
darkness of the eyes; iron-rust kca mn. a class of diseases of the eye (especially an affection
of the optic nerve or gutta serena); a Dvilaka having one room on the north side and another
on the south; a loop W syanda m. a particular disease of the eyes; flowing; fluxion
pakvaya m. [medic.] pakvaya vyath f. agitation; alarm; anguish.

" T (.)
yoniukrray rog kohag kmayo vra // (9.2)
yoni-ukra-raya roga koha-ga kmi vraa
yoni mf. a mine; a particular part of a fire-pit; abode " ukra n. a kind of prameha; a
morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid raya m. a plea; a recipient; appropriate act or
one consistent with the character of the agent roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus; disease koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding wall; an inner apartment ga adj.
abiding in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place; being T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac vraa
mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish.

T (.)
vtsram rdhvaga rakta mtrghta akdgraha / (10.1)
vta-asra rdhva-ga rakta mtrghta akt-graha
vta m. air; flatulence; gout asra n. a corner; a tear; blood rdhva adj. above;
elevated; erect ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place; being rakta n.
padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood mtrghta m. urinary disease T akt
n. dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement; feces graha mn. a crocodile; a house; a planet (as seizing
or influencing the destinies of men in a supernatural manner).

P N ` ` (.)
vmya ca kuhamehdy na tu recy navajvar // (10.2)
vmay ca kuha-meha-dya na tu ric navajvarin
vmay 10.P. to cause to vomit ca ind. also; and; as well as kuha mn. a sort of
poison; leprosy meha m. a ram; diabetes; excessive flow of urine N dya adj. being at the
head; earlier; excellent na ind. neither; no; nor tu ind. and; but; do ric 4.. to empty; to
leave; to resign ` navajvarin adj. affected with Navajvara.

7~7 (.)
alpgnyadhogapittsrakatapyvatisria / (11.1)
7 alpa adj. little; minute; small V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty adhas ind.
below; beneath; down ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place; being 7 pitta
n. bile; the bilious humour asra n. a corner; a tear; blood kata n. a hurt; contusion;
murder pyu mn. the anus atisrin adj. afflicted with purging or dysentery.

7WN^ (.)
saalysthpitakrrakohtisnigdhaoia // (11.2)
sa ind. (ibc.) with alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and
causing pain; a dart; a fault W sthpay 10.P. to arrest; to cause to ascend; to cause to stay or
stop krra adj. cruel; disagreeable; ferocious koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding
wall; an inner apartment N atisnih 4.P. [medic.] to treat excessively with snehana
oin adj. absorbing; consumptive; desiccating.

N^ (.)
atha sdhrae kle snigdhasvinna yathvidhi / (12.1)
atha sdhraa kla snigdha-svid yathvidhi
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
sdhraa adj. behaving alike; belonging to all; general kla m. eine Essenszeit; the
proper time or season for; time N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable svid 4.P.
to sweat yathvidhi ind. fitly; suitably.

NP (.)
vovamyam utkliakapha matsyamatildibhi // (12.2)
vas-vam utkli-kapha matsya-ma-tila-di
N vas ind. a particle implying auspiciousness; in the future; on the following day vam 1..
to eject (lit. and fig.); to emit; to give out utkli 9.P. to be uncomfortable; to feel uneasy
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general matsya
m. (in astron.) the figure of a figure; a fish; a king of the Matsyas ma m. a bean (the plant);
a cutaneous eruption resembling beans; a fool tila mn. a mole; a small particle; name of a
chapter of PSarv. di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

P T (.)
ni supta sujrnna prvhe ktamagalam / (13.1)
ni svap sujra-anna prvha k-magala
ni f. (Hahayoga:) \=\= kumbhaka; a vision; Curcuma (of 2 species) svap 1.. to
rest; to sleep sujra adj. decayed; ragged; well digested anna n. bread corn; earth;
especially boiled rice prvha m. forenoon; the earlier part of the day T k 8.. to
accomplish; to act; to cause to become magala n. a good old custom; a good work; a

*^ ` ` (.)
nirannam atsnigdha v peyay ptasarpiam // (13.2)
niranna at-snigdha v pey
niranna adj. giving or yielding no food; starving; wanting food at ind. a little; little;
slightly N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable v ind. either - or; on the one side -
on the other side; optionally ` pey f. a species of anise; rice gruel or any drink mixed with a
small quantity of boiled rice.

T (.)
vddhablbalaklbabhrn rognurodhata / (14.1)
vddha-bla-abala-klba-bhru roga-anurodha
T vddha adj. (a vowel) increased (by Vddhi); advanced in years; aged bla adj. childish;
early (as the sun or its rays); foolish abala adj. weak klba adj. a coward; a eunuch;
having no water (as a cloud) ^ bhru adj. dreading the beyond or the hereafter; fearful; timid
roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease anurodha m.
compliance; consideration; obliging or fulfilling the wishes (of any one).

" N (.)
kaha pyitn madya kram ikurasa rasam // (14.2)
kaham pyay madya kra ikurasa rasa
" kaham ind. up to the throat pyay 10.. (eine erhitzte Substanz) eintauchen; to
make someone drink; to temper N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor;
wine kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk ikurasa m.
molasses; the cane Saccharum Spontaneum; the juice of the sugar-cane rasa mn. amta; a
constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre.

^ (.)
yathvikravihit madhusaindhavasayutm / (15.1)
yath-vikra-vidh madhu-saindhava-sayuta
yath ind. according; as; as vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative from
Prakti; a product; agitation vidh 3.. to appoint; to apportion; to arrange madhu n. a
kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid) ^ saindhava mn. a
kind of rock-salt (found in Sindh); any salt sayuta adj. accumulated; added to (instr. or
comp.); being in conjunction with.

` MM (.)
koha vibhajya bhaiajyamtr mantrbhimantritm // (15.2)
koha vibhaj bhaiajya-mtra mantra-abhimantray
koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding wall; an inner apartment vibhaj 1.. to
apportion; to assign; to cut ` bhaiajya n. a particular ceremony performed as a remedy for
sickness; any remedy; curativeness mtra n. an element; duration; elementary matter M
mantra mn. a magical formula; a prayer; a Vedic hymn M abhimantray Denom.. to address
or consecrate with a Mantra.

QN^ (.)
brahmadakvirudrendrabhcandrrknilnal / (16.1)


rasyanam ivarm amarm ivmtam / (17.1)
rasyana iva-i amara iva-amta
rasyana n. rasyanakhaa- the fourth part of the Rasaratnkara; a medicine supposed
to prevent old age and prolong life; an elixir iva ind. a little; about; almost i m. a hymn
or Mantra composed by a i; a ray of light; a saint or sanctified sage in general amara m. a
deity; a god; a species of pine iva ind. a little; about; almost amta n. a particular poison;
a pear; a ray of light.

7 ` ` (.)
sudhevottamangn bhaiajyam idam astu te // (17.2)
sudh-iva-uttama-nga bhaiajya idam as tad
sudh f. a brick; a kind of metre; cement iva ind. a little; about; almost 7 uttama adj.
best; chief; excellent nga m. a cruel man; a Nga or serpent-demon (the race of Kadru or
Suras inhabiting the waters or the city Bhogavat under the earth); a snake ` bhaiajya n. a
particular ceremony performed as a remedy for sickness; any remedy; curativeness idam
pron. this as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) tad pron. this.

_ 7 (.)
prmukha pyayet pto muhrtam anuplayet / (18.1)
prmukha pyay p muhrta anuplay
_ prmukha adj. facing eastwards; inclined towards pyay 10.. (eine erhitzte
Substanz) eintauchen; to make someone drink; to temper p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck
7 muhrta mn. a moment; a particular division of time; a period of 48 minutes (in personified
as the children of Muhrta) anuplay 10.. to cherish; to expect; to keep.

T= (.)
tanman jtahllsapraseka chardayet tata // (18.2)
tanmanas jan-hllsa-praseka charday tatas
tanmanas adj. absorbed in mind by that jan 4.P. to be; to be born; to be born again
T= hllsa m. Herzklopfen; palpitation of heart praseka m. discharge; dropping; effusion
charday 10.P. to cause to flow over; to cause to vomit; to vomit tatas ind. after that;
consequently; for that reason.

~ (.)
agulbhym anyasto nlena mdunthav / (19.1)
aguli anyasta nla mdu-athav
aguli mf. a finger; a kind of plant; a toe anyasta adj. nicht forciert (anysena)
nla mfn. a hollow stalk; any tube or tubular vessel or vein etc. of the body; the hollow stalk of
the lotus mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung)
athav ind. (when repeated) either or; or; perhaps.

7 ^ ` 7 (.)
galatlv arujan vegn apravttn pravartayan // (19.2)
gala-tlu arujant vega apravtta pravartay
gala m. neck; the throat tlu mn. the palate ^* arujant adj. not hurting ` vega m. a
stream; agitation; attack 7 apravtta adj. not acting; not commenced; not engaged in
pravartay 10.. to accomplish; to appoint; to begin.

7 7` W (.)
pravartayan pravtt ca jnutulysane sthita / (20.1)
pravartay pravt ca jnu-tulya-sana sth
pravartay 10.. to accomplish; to appoint; to begin pravt 1.. to act or proceed
according to or with (instr. or abl.); to arise; to be ca ind. also; and; as well as jnu mn. (as
a measure of length) 32 Agulas; the knee 7 tulya adj. comparable; equal to; even sana
n. abiding; dwelling; encamping W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand.

N (.)
ubhe prve lala ca vamata csya dhrayet // (20.2)
ubh prva lala ca vam ca-idam dhray
ubh pron. both N prva mn. a curved knife; a side of any square figure; flank (either of
animate or inanimate objects) lala mn. a gable; name of the location where Viu married
Lakm; the forehead ca ind. also; and; as well as vam 1.. to eject (lit. and fig.); to emit; to
give out ca ind. also; and; as well as idam pron. this dhray 10.. to hold; to keep; to

prapayet tath nbhi pha ca pratilomata / (21.1)
prapay tath nbhi pha ca pratiloma
prapay 10.P. to afflict; to harass; to press tath ind. in like manner; in that manner;
so nbhi f. a near relation or friend; affinity; central point pha n. a page of a book;
height; name of particular arrangement of Smans (employed at the midday libation and formed
from the Rathatara) ca ind. also; and; as well as pratiloma adj. against the hair;
contrary to caste; contrary to nature.

W 7 (.)
kaphe tkoakaukai pitte svduhimair iti // (21.2)
kapha tka-ua-kauka pitta svdu-hima iti
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general W tka
adj. acid; fiery; hot ua adj. acrid; active; hot kauka adj. bad; bitter; fierce 7 pitta n.
bile; the bilious humour svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty hima adj. cold; cool;
[medic.] ta iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something
that has been said or thought).

N^ V ^ (.)
vamet snigdhmlalavaai sase marut kaphe / (22.1)
vam snigdha-amla-lavaa sasj marut kapha
vam 1.. to eject (lit. and fig.); to emit; to give out N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate;
agreeable amla adj. acid; sour lavaa adj. beautiful; briny; graceful V sasj 6.. to
(A. or Pass.) to join one's self. be joined or united or mingled or confused; to come into contact
with; to create ^ marut m. a species of plant; air; beauty kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one
of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general.

7 HP ` (.)
pittasya darana yvac chedo v lemao bhavet // (22.2)
pitta darana yvat cheda v leman bh
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour darana n. audience; examination; inspection
yvat ind. as far as; as greatly as; as long as cheda m. a cut; an incision; cessation v ind.
either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally HP leman m. mucus; phlegm;
rheum bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being.

` T (.)
hnavega kadhtrsiddhrthalavaodakai / (23.1)
h-vega ka-dhtr-siddhrtha-lavaa-udaka
h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or wanting; to be excluded from or bereft of ` vega m. a
stream; agitation; attack ka f. atom; cummin seed; drop dhtr f. a nurse; Emblica
officinalis Gaertn.; midwife T siddhrtha m. Brassica campestris Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld
(1974), 607); Brassica juncea Coss. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 607); Brassica nigra Koch (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 607) lavaa n. a kind of prameha; a particular mode of fighting; beauty
udaka n. a particular metre; ablution (as a ceremony); the ceremony of offering water to a
dead person.

` (.)
vamet puna punas tatra vegnm apravartanam // (23.2)
vam punar punar tatra vega apravartana
vam 1.. to eject (lit. and fig.); to emit; to give out punar ind. again and again; back;
besides punar ind. again and again; back; besides tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that
place ` vega m. a stream; agitation; attack apravartana n. not engaging in; not exciting
to any action; the act of refraining from.

7 ^ (.)
pravtti savibandh v kevalasyauadhasya v / (24.1)
pravtti savibandha v kevala-auadha v
7 pravtti f. activity; advance; appearance ^ savibandha adj. v ind. either - or; on
the one side - on the other side; optionally kevala adj. absolute; alone; entire auadha
n. drug; herb; herbs collectively v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side;

` "` (.)
ayogas tena nihvakakohajvardaya // (24.2)
ayoga tad nihva-ka-koha-jvara-di
ayoga m. disjunction; exertion; impossibility tad pron. this nihva mn. spitting;
spitting out " ka f. itch; itching; scratching koha m. a species of leprosy with large
round spots (ringworm) 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas
or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul di m. a firstling; and
so on; beginning.

`^ * 7 (.)
nirvibandha pravartante kaphapittnil kramt / (25.1)
nirvibandha pravt kapha-pitta-anila kramt
`^ nirvibandha adj. harmless; inoffensive; offering no obstacles pravt 1.. to act or
proceed according to or with (instr. or abl.); to arise; to be kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one
of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour anila
m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons
kramt ind. successively.

P~` ` (.)
samyagyoge 'tiyoge tu phenacandrakaraktavat // (25.2)
samyak-yoga atiyoga tu phena-candraka-rakta-vat
P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig yoga m. (in Skhya) the union of soul with matter
(one of the 10 Mlikrths or radical facts); a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or
aphorism; a follower of the Yoga system atiyoga m. excess; excessive union tu ind. and;
but; do phena mn. a kind of prameha; foam; froth candraka n. white pepper rakta n.
padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel).

" (.)
vamita kmat dha kahaoas tamo bhrama / (26.1)
vamay kma-t dha kahaoa tamas bhrama
vamay 10.P. to vomit kma adj. burning to ashes; charring; debilitated t f. ifc.
abstracta dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) " kahaoa m. dry
throat; dryness of the throat tamas n. darkness; error; gloom bhrama m. a circle; a
gimlet or auger; a grindstone.

* (.)
ghor vyvmay mtyur jvaoitanirgamt // (26.2)
ghora vyu-maya mtyu jva-oita-nirgama
ghora adj. awful; dreadful; terrific vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a
mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned) maya m. disease;
indigestion; sickness * mtyu m. Death personified; death; dying jva m. Kara; name of a
plant; name of Bhaspati oita n. a kind of prameha- onitameha; blood; resin
nirgama m. a door; cessation; departure.

P~` N (.)
samyagyogena vamita kaam vsya pyayet / (27.1)
samyak-yoga vamay kaa vsay pyay
P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig yoga m. (in Skhya) the union of soul with matter
(one of the 10 Mlikrths or radical facts); a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or
aphorism; a follower of the Yoga system vamay 10.P. to vomit kaa m. a certain day of
the fortnight; a festival; a fit or suitable moment N vsay 10.. to calm; to cheer up; to
comfort pyay 10.. (eine erhitzte Substanz) eintauchen; to make someone drink; to

~ N (.)
dhmatrayasynyatama snehcram athdiet // (27.2)
dhma-traya-anyatama sneha-cra atha-di
dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist traya n. a triad (chiefly ifc.); [medic.]
sanipta ~ anyatama adj. any; any one of many; either N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an
unguent; any oleaginous substance cra m. a rule or line; an established rule of conduct;
behaviour atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English);
but; certainly di 6.. to aim at; to announce; to assign.

` N ~ (.)
tata sya prabhte v kudvn snta sukhmbun / (28.1)
tatas sya prabhta v kudvant sn sukhmbu
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason sya n. evening; the close of day
prabhta n. dawn; daybreak; morning v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other
side; optionally * kudvant adj. hungry N sn 2.. to bathe; to perform the ceremony of
bathing or certain prescribed oblations (esp. on returning home from the house of a religious
preceptor); to smear one's self with (instr.) ~ sukhmbu n. .

M 7 ` (.)
bhujno raktalyanna bhajet peydika kramam // (28.2)
bhuj raktali-anna bhaj pey-dika krama
bhuj 1.P. to consume; to eat; to enjoy raktali mn. Oryza Sativa; red rice anna n.
bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice bhaj 1.. to allot or apportion to (dat. or gen.); to
assume (as a form); to bestow ` pey f. a species of anise; rice gruel or any drink mixed with a
small quantity of boiled rice dika adj. and so on; beginning with krama m. a particular
kta tradition; a position taken (by an animal etc.) before making a spring or attacking; a step.

` T T (.)
pey vilepm akta kta ca ya rasa trn ubhaya tathaikam/ (29.1)
pey vilep akta k ca ya rasa tri ubhaya tath-eka
` pey f. a species of anise; rice gruel or any drink mixed with a small quantity of boiled rice
vilep f. rice-gruel T akta adj. incomplete; not committed; not made T k 8.. to
accomplish; to act; to cause to become ca ind. also; and; as well as ya mn. broth; pease-
soup; soup rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre
tri nr. 3 MW ubhaya adj. both; in both manners; in both ways tath ind. in like manner;
in that manner; so eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once.

` W"T"T (.)
kramea seveta naro 'nnakln pradhnamadhyvarauddhiuddha //(29.2)
kramea sev nara anna-kla pradhna-madhya-avara-uddhi-udh
kramea ind. successively sev 1.. to cherish; to cultivate; to devote or apply one's self
to nara m. a class of myth. beings allied to the Gandharvas and Kinaras; a male; a man
anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or
season for; time pradhna adj. better than or superior to (abl.); chief; main W madhya adj.
central; impartial; intermediate avara adj. below; hinder; last "T uddhi f. accuracy;
accurate knowledge regarding; acquittal " udh 4.. to be cleared or cleansed or purified; to be
cleared or excused from blame; to be excusable.

V N W (.)
yathur agnis tagomaydyai sadhukyamo bhavati kramea /(30.1)
yath-au agni ta-gomaya-dya sadhuk bh kramea
yath ind. according; as; as au adj. fine; minute V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive
faculty ta n. any gramineous plant; blade of grass; grass gomaya mn. cow-dung; dung
N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent sadhuk 1.. to inflame; to kindle;
[medic.] to activate the digestion bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being kramea
ind. successively.

W "T ` *V (.)
mahn sthira sarvapacas tathaiva uddhasya peydibhir antargni // (30.2)
mahant sthira sarva-paca tath-eva udh pey-di antara-agni
* mahant adj. abounding on rich in (instr.); abundant; advanced (afternoon) W sthira adj.
ascertained; calm; certain sarva pron. all; completely; different paca adj. cooking tath
ind. in like manner; in that manner; so eva ind. alone; already; even " udh 4.. to be cleared
or cleansed or purified; to be cleared or excused from blame; to be excusable ` pey f. a
species of anise; rice gruel or any drink mixed with a small quantity of boiled rice di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning * antara adj. being in the interior; different from; distant V
agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty.

~W` ` ~ ` (.)
jaghanyamadhyapravare tu veg catvra i vamane a aau /(31.1)
jaghanya-madhya-pravara tu vega catur i vamana a aan
~ jaghanya adj. hindmost; last; latest W madhya adj. central; impartial; intermediate
pravara adj. best; better than (abl.); chief tu ind. and; but; do ` vega m. a stream; agitation;
attack catur nr. four i 1.P. to assent; to choose; to concede vamana n. an emetic;
emission; emitting a adj. six aan adj. eight.

` ` W (.)
daaiva te dvitrigu vireke prasthas tath syd dvicaturgua ca // (31.2)
daan-eva tad dvi-tri-gua vireka prastha tath as dvi-catur-gua ca
daan adj. ten eva ind. alone; already; even tad pron. this dvi nr. two tri nr. 3 MW
gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook
` vireka m. a purgative; cathartic; evacuation of the bowels W prastha mn. a level expanse; a
particular weight and measure of capacity ( 32 Palas or 1/4 of an haka); plain (esp. at the end
of names of towns and villages) tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so as 2.P. to
abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) dvi nr. two catur nr. four gua mn. (in khya
phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook ca ind. also; and; as well as.

7 ` * ` V (.)
pittvasna vamana virekd ardha kaphnta ca virekam hu /(32.1)
pitta-avasna vamana vireka ardha kapha-anta ca vireka ah
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour avasna n. a place chosen or selected for being built
upon; boundary; cessation vamana n. an emetic; emission; emitting ` vireka m. a
purgative; cathartic; evacuation of the bowels ardha adj. forming a half; half; halved
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general * anta m. a
final syllable; a shore; border ca ind. also; and; as well as ` vireka m. a purgative;
cathartic; evacuation of the bowels ah 1.P. to acknowledge; to adjugde anything; to call.

` ` ` (.)
dvitrn savikn apanya vegn meya vireke vamane tu ptam //(32.2)
dvitra savika apan vega m vireka vamana tu p
dvitra adj. 2 or 3 savika adj. apan 1.. to deny; to except; to exclude from a
rule ` vega m. a stream; agitation; attack m 3.P. to apportion; to build; to compare with
` vireka m. a purgative; cathartic; evacuation of the bowels vamana n. an emetic;
emission; emitting tu ind. and; but; do p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck.

N (.)
athaina vmita bhya snehasvedopapditam / (33.1)
atha-enad vmay bhyas sneha-sveda-upapday
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
enad pron. this vmay 10.P. to cause to vomit bhyas ind. again; further;
furthermore N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance sveda
m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") upapday 10.. to accomplish;
to ascertain; to attend on a patient.

HP ` ~ P ` (.)
lemakle gate jtv koha samyag virecayet // (33.2)
leman-kla gam j koha samyak virecay
HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season
for; time gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move j 4.. to apprehend; to ascertain; to
become acquainted with koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding wall; an inner apartment
P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig ` virecay 10.P. to drain; to emit; to empty.

V7 ` ` (.)
bahupitto mdu koha krepi viricyate / (34.1)
bahu-pitta mdu koha kra-api viric
V bahu adj. abundant; great in quantity; many 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour mdu
adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) koha mn. a kind of pan;
a surrounding wall; an inner apartment kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants;
thickened milk api ind. also; assuredly; besides viric 7.P. to be emptied or purged; to
reach or extend beyond.

^ T (.)
prabhtamruta krra kcchrc chymdikair api // (34.2)
prabh-mruta krra kcchra ym-dika api
prabh 1.. to appear; to arise or originate from (abl.); to be before ^ mruta m. a chief of
the Maruts; a son of the Maruts; air krra adj. cruel; disagreeable; ferocious T kcchra mn.
austerity; bodily mortification; calamity ym f. gorocan; a kind of bird (either "the
female of the Indian cuckoo" or "a hen-sparrow"); a name or form of Durg (worshipped by the
Tntrikas) dika adj. and so on; beginning with api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

7 ` (.)
kayamadhurai pitte vireka kaukai kaphe / (35.1)
kaya-madhura pitta vireka kauka kapha
kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant madhura adj. charming; delightful;
mellifluous 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour ` vireka m. a purgative; cathartic;
evacuation of the bowels kauka adj. bad; bitter; fierce kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one
of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general.

N^ 7 (.)
snigdhoalavaair vyv apravttau tu pyayet // (35.2)
snigdha-ua-lavaa vyu apravtti tu pyay
N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable ua adj. acrid; active; hot lavaa
adj. beautiful; briny; graceful vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical
name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned) 7 apravtti f. (in med.)
suppression of the natural evacuations; abstaining from action; constipation tu ind. and; but;
do pyay 10.. (eine erhitzte Substanz) eintauchen; to make someone drink; to temper.

~ ` (.)
umbu svedayed asya pitpena codaram / (36.1)
ua-ambu sveday idam pi-tpa ca-udara
ua adj. acrid; active; hot ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting
of ninety syllables); the number four sveday 10.. (eine Substanz im Feuer) schwiten lassen
idam pron. this pi m. a hoof; the hand tpa m. (medic.) a kind of sveda; fever; glow
ca ind. also; and; as well as udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as
of the liver).

M` 7 ` W M~N ` (.)
utthne 'lpe dine tasmin bhuktvnyedyu puna pibet // (36.2)
utthna alpa dina tad bhuj-anyedyus punar p
M utthna n. a book; a court-yard; a shed where sacrifices are offered 7 alpa adj. little;
minute; small dina mn. a day tad pron. this bhuj 1.P. to consume; to eat; to enjoy
~N anyedyus ind. on the following day; on the other day; once punar ind. again and again;
back; besides p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck.

[N ` (.)
adhasnehakohas tu pibed rdhva dahata / (37.1)
adha-sneha-koha tu p rdhvam daan-aha
[ adha adj. not decided; not firm N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any
oleaginous substance koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding wall; an inner apartment tu
ind. and; but; do p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck rdhvam ind. after; furthermore;
upward daan adj. ten aha mn. (ifc.) day (e.g. tryaham).

W N ` (.)
bhyo 'py upasktatanu snehasvedair virecanam // (37.2)
bhyas api upask-tanu sneha-sveda virecana
bhyas ind. again; further; furthermore api ind. also; assuredly; besides W upask
8.P. to add; to adorn; to arrange tanu f. tan; form; life N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an
unguent; any oleaginous substance sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of
perspiration") ` virecana n. a means for making the head clear; purging or any purging

P W (.)
yaugika samyag locya smaran prvam atikramam / (38.1)
yaugika samyak locay sm prva atikrama
yaugika adj. belonging to a remedy; connected with the derivation; having an
etymological meaning P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig locay 10.. to behold; to
consider; to make visible W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter
prva pron. aforesaid; ancient; attended with atikrama m. conquering; determined
onset; excess.

TWW"T ^ HP7 (.)
htkukyauddhir arucir utklea lemapittayo // (38.2)
hd-kuki-auddhi aruci utklea leman-pitta
T hd n. breast; chest; interior kuki mf. a bay; a cavity in general; a valley "T auddhi f.
impurity ^ aruci f. aversion; disgust; dislike utklea m. disorder or corruption of the
humors (of the body); disquietude; excitement HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum 7
pitta n. bile; the bilious humour.

" (.)
kavidha piik pnaso vtavigraha / (39.1)
ka-vidha piik pnasa vta-vigraha
" ka f. itch; itching; scratching vidha m. burning; heat; inflammation piik
fn. [medic.] Pustel pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose) vta m. air; flatulence;
gout vigraha m. constipation; stoppage or obstruction of the feces.

* (.)
ayogalakaa yogo vaipartye yathoditt // (39.2)
ayoga-lakaa yoga vaipartya yath-vad
ayoga m. disjunction; exertion; impossibility lakaa n. a designation; a form; a lucky
mark yoga m. (in Skhya) the union of soul with matter (one of the 10 Mlikrths or
radical facts); a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or aphorism; a follower of the Yoga
system * vaipartya n. contrariety; counterpart; inconsistency yath ind. according; as;
as vad 1.. to address; to adjudge; to affirm.

7` V` ` (.)
vipittakaphavteu nisteu kramt sravet / (40.1)
vi-pitta-kapha-vta nis kramt sru
vi f. dirt; excrement; feces 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour kapha m. phlegm;
phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general vta m. air; flatulence; gout
V nis 1.. to come forth; to depart; to go out kramt ind. successively sru 1.. to arise
from; to disappear; to drop.

HP7 N T (.)
nilemapittam udaka veta ka salohitam // (40.2)
nileman-pitta udaka veta ka salohita
HP nileman adj. without phlegm 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour udaka n. a
particular metre; ablution (as a ceremony); the ceremony of offering water to a dead person N
veta adj. bright; dressed in white; white T ka adj. black; dark; dark-blue salohita adj.
coloured blood-red; having the same blood.

7 " (.)
msadhvanatulya v medakhabham eva v / (41.1)
msadhvana-tulya v medas-khaa-bha eva v
msadhvana n. water in which flesh has been washed tulya adj. comparable;
equal to; even v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally medas n. a
mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness " khaa mn. a continent; a party;
a piece bha adj. appearing; ifc. like; resembling eva ind. alone; already; even v ind.
either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally.

`` (.)
gudanisaraa t bhramo netrapraveanam // (41.2)
guda-nisaraa t bhrama netra-praveana
guda mn. an intestine; anus; entrail nisaraa n. death; departure; egress t f.
Avidity as mother of Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.); desire bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or
auger; a grindstone ` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer ` praveana n. a
principal door or gate; conducting or leading into; driving home (cattle).

7 (.)
bhavanty ativiriktasya tathtivamanmay / (42.1)
bh ativirikta tath-ativamana-maya
bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being ativirikta adj. tath ind. in like
manner; in that manner; so ativamana n. maya m. disease; indigestion; sickness.

P (.)
samyagviriktam ena ca vamanoktena yojayet // (42.2)
samyak-viric enad ca vamana-vac yojay
P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig viric 7.P. to be emptied or purged; to reach or
extend beyond enad pron. this ca ind. also; and; as well as vamana n. an emetic;
emission; emitting vac 2.P. to declare; to proclaim; to recite yojay 10.. to accomplish; to
add; to adjust.

W (.)
dhmavarjyena vidhin tato vamitavn iva / (43.1)
dhma-varjay vidhi tatas vamay iva
dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist varjay 10.. to avoid vidhi m. a
grammatical rule or precept; a means; a physician tatas ind. after that; consequently; for
that reason vamay 10.P. to vomit iva ind. a little; about; almost.

M T (.)
kramennni bhujno bhajet praktibhojanam // (43.2)
kramea-anna bhuj bhaj prakti-bhojana
kramea ind. successively anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice bhuj 1.P.
to consume; to eat; to enjoy bhaj 1.. to allot or apportion to (dat. or gen.); to assume (as a
form); to bestow T prakti f. (in anat.) temperament; (in mythol.) a goddess; (in polit.) a
king's ministers bhojana n. a meal; any object of enjoyment or the pleasure caused by it;
anything enjoyed or used.

W$ "T (.)
mandavahnim asauddham akma doadurbalam / (44.1)
manda-vahni asauddha akma doa-durbala
W manda adj. addicted to intoxication; apathetic; bad $ vahni m. a draught animal; a
mystical name of the letter r; any animal that draws or bears along "T asauddha adj.
akma adj. doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection durbala adj. emaciated; feeble; lean

[ ` (.)
adajraliga ca laghayet ptabheajam // (44.2)
ada-j-liga ca laghay p-bheaja
[ ada adj. invisible; not experienced; unforeseen j 4.. to be dissolved or digested; to
decay; to grow old liga mn. (in logic) vypya; (in Skhya) prakti or pradhna;
prtipadika ca ind. also; and; as well as laghay 10.. to ascend; to avert; to avoid p
1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck ` bheaja n. a remedy; a spell or charm; drug.

N W` (.)
snehasvedauadhotkleasagair iti na bdhyate / (45.1)
sneha-sveda-auadha-utklea-saga iti na bdh
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance sveda m. a sudorific;
heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively
utklea m. disorder or corruption of the humors (of the body); disquietude; excitement saga
m. addiction or devotion to; association or intercourse with; clinging to iti ind. in this manner;
thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been said or thought) na ind.
neither; no; nor bdh 1.P. to annul; to be acted upon; to check.

N (.)
saodhansravisrvasnehayojanalaghanai // (45.2)
saodhana n. correcting; paying off; purification or a means of purification asra n. a
corner; a tear; blood visrva m. flowing forth; issuing N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an
unguent; any oleaginous substance yojana fn. a finger; a stage or Yojana; a team
laghana n. ascending; attack; attaining.

* V W W ` ` (.)
yty agnir mandat tasmt krama peydim caret / (46.1)
y agni manda-t tasmt krama pey-di car
y 2.. to flee; to go; to go to for any purpose (inf.) V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive
faculty W manda adj. addicted to intoxication; apathetic; bad t f. ifc. abstracta W tasmt
ind. therefore krama m. a particular kta tradition; a position taken (by an animal etc.)
before making a spring or attacking; a step ` pey f. a species of anise; rice gruel or any drink
mixed with a small quantity of boiled rice di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning car
1.. to act; to address; to apply.

77HP N 7 (.)
srutlpapittalema madyapa vtapaittikam // (46.2)
sru-alpa-pitta-leman madyapa vta-paittika
sru 1.. to arise from; to disappear; to drop 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small 7 pitta n. bile;
the bilious humour HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum N madyapa adj. a drunkard;
drinking intoxicating liquor vta m. air; flatulence; gout 7 paittika adj. of a bilious

` ` (.)
pey na pyayet te tarpadikramo hita / (47.1)
pey na pyay tad tarpaa-di-krama hita
` pey f. a species of anise; rice gruel or any drink mixed with a small quantity of boiled rice
na ind. neither; no; nor pyay 10.. (eine erhitzte Substanz) eintauchen; to make someone
drink; to temper tad pron. this tarpaa n. a libation; filling the eyes; food di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning krama m. a particular kta tradition; a position taken (by an
animal etc.) before making a spring or attacking; a step hita adj. agreeable; arranged;

` (.)
apakva vamana don pacyamna virecanam // (47.2)
apakva vamana doa pac virecana
apakva adj. immature; undigested; unripe vamana n. an emetic; emission; emitting
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection pac 1.. to bake; to become ripe; to boil `
virecana n. a means for making the head clear; purging or any purging substance.

` (.)
nirhared vamanasyta pka na pratiplayet / (48.1)
nirh vamana-atas pka na pratiplay
T nirh 1.. to carry out (a dead body); to change or interchange (clothes); to destroy
vamana n. an emetic; emission; emitting atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that
cause or reason pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences na
ind. neither; no; nor pratiplay 10.. to defend; to expect; to guard.

V (.)
durbalo bahudoa ca doapkena ya svayam // (48.2)
durbala bahu-doa ca doa-pka yad svayam
durbala adj. emaciated; feeble; lean (cow) V bahu adj. abundant; great in quantity; many
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection ca ind. also; and; as well as doa mn. a calf;
accusation; affection pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences
yad pron. what; which svayam ind. of one's own accord; of or by one's self spontaneously;
one's self (applicable to all persons).

` W (.)
viricyate bhedanyair bhojyais tam upapdayet / (49.1)
viric bhid bhojya tad upapday
viric 7.P. to be emptied or purged; to reach or extend beyond bhid 6.P. to be changed
or altered (in mind); to be disclosed or betrayed; to be distinguished W bhojya n. a dainty; a
feast a store of provisions; a festive dinner tad pron. this upapday 10.. to accomplish;
to ascertain; to attend on a patient.

7 T (.)
durbala odhita prvam alpadoa ko nara // (49.2)
durbala odhay prva alpa-doa ka nara
durbala adj. emaciated; feeble; lean (cow) odhay 10.. to acquit; to clear; to clear off
prva pron. aforesaid; ancient; attended with 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small doa mn. a
calf; accusation; affection T ka adj. emaciated; feeble; insignificant nara m. a class of
myth. beings allied to the Gandharvas and Kinaras; a male; a man.


7 (.)
aparijtakoha ca piben mdv alpam auadham / (50.1)
aparijta-koha ca p mdu alpa auadha
aparijta adj. koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding wall; an inner apartment
ca ind. also; and; as well as p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck mdu adj. (in astron.) situated
in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small auadha n.
drug; herb; herbs collectively.

T~ ~ (.)
vara tad asaktptam anyath saayvaham // (50.2)
vara tad asakt-p anyath saaya-vaha
vara adj. best; better; better than tad pron. this T asakt ind. not (only) once; often;
repeatedly p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck ~ anyath ind. erroneously; falsely; from
another motive saaya m. hesitation; irresolution; lying down to rest or sleep vaha
adj. bringing; bringing to pass; producing.

` 7 7 7 (.)
hared bah caln don alpn alpn puna puna / (51.1)
h bahu cala doa alpa alpa punar punar
T h 2.P. to annihilate; to appropriate (in a legitimate way); to avert (the face) V bahu adj.
abundant; great in quantity; many cala adj. confused; disturbed; fluctuating doa mn. a
calf; accusation; affection 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small
punar ind. again and again; back; besides punar ind. again and again; back; besides.

7 (.)
durbalasya mdudravyair alpn saamayet tu tn // (51.2)
durbala mdu-dravya alpa saamay tu tad
durbala adj. emaciated; feeble; lean (cow) mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper
apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary
substance; a stake 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small saamay 10.. to kill; to put out (a
fire) tu ind. and; but; do tad pron. this.

* ` ~ T (.)
kleayanti cira te hi hanyur vainam anirht / (52.1)
kleay ciram tad hi han v-enad anirhta
kleay 10.. to afflict; to distress; to pain ciram ind. for a long time tad pron. this
hi ind. because; for; on account of han 1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to abandon; to avert
v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally enad pron. this T
anirhta adj. .

WV (.)
mandgni krrakoha ca sakralavaair ghtai // (52.2)
mandgni krra-koha ca sakra-lavaa ghta
WV mandgni adj. dyspeptic; having weak digestion krra adj. cruel; disagreeable;
ferocious koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding wall; an inner apartment ca ind. also;
and; as well as sakra adj. acrid; caustic; pungent lavaa n. a kind of prameha; a
particular mode of fighting; beauty ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing
rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven).

V (.)
sadhukitgni vijitakaphavta ca odhayet / (53.1)
sadhukay-agni viji-kapha-vta ca odhay
sadhukay 10.P. to animate; to inflame; to light up V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida;
digestive faculty viji 1.. to be about to conquer; to be victorious or superior; to conquer
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general vta m. air;
flatulence; gout ca ind. also; and; as well as odhay 10.. to acquit; to clear; to clear off.

J (.)
rkabahvanilakrrakohavyymalinm // (53.2)
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) V bahu adj. abundant; great in
quantity; many anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of
a Ri and other persons krra adj. cruel; disagreeable; ferocious koha mn. a kind of pan;
a surrounding wall; an inner apartment vyyma m. (with Buddhists) right exercise or
training; a difficult passage; a particular measure of length lin adj. habituated or used to;
having the custom of; honest.

PV ` ` (.)
dptgnn ca bhaiajyam avirecyaiva jryati / (54.1)
dp-agni ca bhaiajya avirecya-eva j
dp 4.P. to be luminous or illustrious; to blaze; to burn V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida;
digestive faculty ca ind. also; and; as well as ` bhaiajya n. a particular ceremony
performed as a remedy for sickness; any remedy; curativeness ` avirecya ind. eva ind.
alone; already; even j 4.. to be dissolved or digested; to decay; to grow old.

`~ N N^ ` (.)
tebhyo vasti pur dadyt tata snigdha virecanam // (54.2)
tad vasti pur d tatas snigdha virecana
tad pron. this vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection
itself; the bladder pur ind. before; formerly; of old d 1.. to answer; to give; to give (a
daughter) in marriage tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason N^ snigdha adj.
adhesive; affectionate; agreeable ` virecana n. a means for making the head clear; purging
or any purging substance.

T T* W ` (.)
akn nirhtya v kicit tkbhi phalavartibhi / (55.1)
akt nirh v kacid tka phalavarti
T akt n. dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement; feces T nirh 1.. to carry out (a dead body);
to change or interchange (clothes); to destroy v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other
side; optionally V kacid pron. someone W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot ` phalavarti f. (in
med.) a suppository.

7 N^ ` ` (.)
pravtta hi mala snigdho vireko nirharet sukham // (55.2)
pravt hi mala snigdha vireka nirh sukha
pravt 1.. to act or proceed according to or with (instr. or abl.); to arise; to be hi ind.
because; for; on account of mala mn. dirt; dust; filth N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate;
agreeable ` vireka m. a purgative; cathartic; evacuation of the bowels T nirh 1.. to carry
out (a dead body); to change or interchange (clothes); to destroy sukha n. atmosphere;
comfort; delight in.

` (.)
vibhightapiikkuhaophavisarpia / (56.1)
via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison
abhighta m. abrupt or vehement articulation (of Vedic text); attack; damage piik
fn. [medic.] Pustel kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy opha m. intumescence; morbid
swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) ` visarpin adj. creeping or shooting forth;
gliding or roaming or swimming or winding about; growing.

" N^ (.)
kmalpumehrtn ntisnigdhn viodhayet // (56.2)
kmal-pu-meha-rta na-atisnih viodhay
kmal mfn. excessive secretion or obstruction of bile; [medic.] a kind of puroga "
pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a Ngarja meha m. a ram; diabetes; excessive
flow of urine rta adj. afflicted; disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) na ind. neither; no; nor
N atisnih 4.P. [medic.] to treat excessively with snehana viodhay 10.. to correct; to
exculpate; to fix or determine accurately.

N` N (.)
sarvn snehavirekai ca rkais tu snehabhvitn / (57.1)
sarva sneha-vireka ca rka tu sneha-bhvay
sarva pron. all; completely; different N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any
oleaginous substance ` vireka m. a purgative; cathartic; evacuation of the bowels ca ind.
also; and; as well as rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) tu ind. and;
but; do N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance bhvay
10.. einweichen; to addict or devote one's self to; to animate.

*` *` (.)
karma vamandn punar apy antare 'ntare // (57.2)
karman vamana-di punar api antara antara
karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories
of the Nyya philosophy) vamana n. an emetic; emission; emitting di m. a firstling;
and so on; beginning punar ind. again and again; back; besides api ind. also; assuredly;
besides * antara adj. being in the interior; different from; distant * antara adj. being in the
interior; different from; distant.

N M N * (.)
snehasvedau prayujta sneham ante balya ca / (58.1)
sneha-sveda prayuj sneha anta bala ca
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance sveda m. a
sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") prayuj 7.. to accomplish; to act; to
begin N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance * anta m. a
final syllable; a shore; border bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in ca ind. also; and;
as well as.

` ` (.)
malo hi dehd utkleya hriyate vsaso yath // (58.2)
mala hi deha utkleay h vsas yath
mala mn. dirt; dust; filth hi ind. because; for; on account of ` deha mn. appearance; bulk
(as of a cloud); form utkleay 10.P. T h 2.P. to annihilate; to appropriate (in a legitimate
way); to avert (the face) vsas n. a cobweb; a garment; a pall yath ind. according; as;

N W` (.)
snehasvedais tathotklia odhyate odhanair mala / (59.1)
sneha-sveda tath-utkli odhay odhana mala
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance sveda m. a
sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") tath ind. in like manner; in that
manner; so utkli 9.P. to be uncomfortable; to feel uneasy odhay 10.. to acquit; to
clear; to clear off odhana mn. a means of purification; acquittance; clearing up mala
mn. dirt; dust; filth.

N ~ (.)
snehasvedv anabhyasya kuryt saodhana tu ya // (59.2)
sneha-sveda anabhyasya k saodhana tu yad
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance sveda m. a
sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") ~ anabhyasya ind. not having practised
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become saodhana n. correcting; paying off;
purification or a means of purification tu ind. and; but; do yad pron. what; which.

T W~ 7 P (.)
buddhiprasda balam indriy dhtusthiratva jvalanasya dptim / (60.1)
buddhi-prasda bala indriya dhtu-sthiratva jvalana dpti
T buddhi f. (in Skhya phil.) Intellect; a kind of metre; an opinion prasda m. a
decoction; a propitiatory offering or gift (of food); a residuum bala mn. Balarma; an army;
expertness in indriya n. bodily power; exhibition of power; faculty of sense dhtu mn. a
constituent element or essential ingredient of the body; constituent part; element W~
sthiratva n. constancy; hardness; immovableness 7 jvalana m. corrosive alkali; fire; Plumbago
zeylanica P dpti f. beauty; brass; brightness.

P (.)
circ ca pka vayasa karoti saodhana samyagupsyamnam //(60.2)
cirt ca pka vayas k saodhana samyak-ups
cirt ind. ca ind. also; and; as well as pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act
having consequences vayas n. age; any period of life; degree T k 8.. to accomplish; to act;
to cause to become saodhana n. correcting; paying off; purification or a means of
purification P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig ups 4.P. to approach; to approach
respectfully; to employ.

` ` (.)
rdhvajatruvikreu vien nasyam iyate / (1.1)
rdhva-jatru-vikra viet nasya i
rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect jatru m. the continuations of the vertebrae, collar-
bones and cartilages of the breast-bone (16 are named) vikra mn. (in Skhya) a
production or derivative from Prakti; a product; agitation viet ind. especially
nasya n. a sternutatory; errhine; the hairs in the nose i 1.P. to assent; to choose; to concede.

` * (.)
ns hi iraso dvra tena tad vypya hanti tn // (1.2)
ns hi iras dvra tad tad vyp han tad
ns f. Gendarussa Vulgaris; proboscis; the nose hi ind. because; for; on account of
iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) dvra n. a pass (in the mountains); a way; aperture (esp.
of the human body) tad pron. this tad pron. this vyp 5.. to cover; to extend to; to fill
han 1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to abandon; to avert tad pron. this.

` (.)
virecana bhaa ca amana ca tridhpi tat / (2.1)
virecana bhaa ca amana ca tridh-api tad
` virecana n. a means for making the head clear; purging or any purging substance
bhaa n. a means for making strong or firm; the act of making big ca ind. also; and; as well
as amana n. a mode of sipping water; allaying; appeasing ca ind. also; and; as well as
tridh ind. in 3 parts; in 3 places; in 3 ways api ind. also; assuredly; besides tad pron.

` " 7W (.)
virecana iralajyasyandagalmaye // (2.2)
virecana iras-la-jya-syanda-gala-maya
` virecana n. a means for making the head clear; purging or any purging substance
iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for
impaling criminals 7 jya n. absence of intellect or soul; absence of power of taste (in the
tongue); chilliness W syanda m. a particular disease of the eyes; flowing; fluxion gala m.
neck; the throat maya m. disease; indigestion; sickness.

"T*W (.)
ophagaakmigranthikuhpasmrapnase / (3.1)
opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) " gaa mn.
a bubble; a goitre or any other excrescence of the neck; a hero T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac
* granthi m. a bell; a complaint; a joint of the body kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy
W apasmra m. epilepsy; falling sickness pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose).

` " (.)
bhaa vtaje le sryvarte svarakaye // (3.2)
bhaa vta-ja la sryvarta svara-kaya
bhaa n. a means for making strong or firm; the act of making big vta m. air;
flatulence; gout ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended
from " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for impaling criminals
sryvarta mn. a kind of Samdhi; a kind of sunflower; Cleome pentaphylla (Linn.) DC. Cleome
gynadra Linn. Cleome pentaphylla Linn. Gynandropsis gynandra (Linn.) Briq. svara m. a note
of the musical scale (of which seven [rarely six or eight] are enumerated); a symbolical
expression for the number "seven"; a vowel kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction.

` T V (.)
nssyaoe vksage kcchrabodhe 'vabhuke / (4.1)
ns-sya-oa vksaga kcchra-bodha avabhuka
ns f. Gendarussa Vulgaris; proboscis; the nose sya n. face; jaws; mouth oa m.
desiccation; dryness; pulmonary consumption vksaga m. impeded or slow speech (of
aged persons); paralysis of speech; sticking fast or impediment in speech T kcchra adj.
attended with pain or labour; bad; being in a difficult or painful situation bodha m.
apprehension; arousing; awakening V avabhuka m. spasm in the arm.

amana nlikvyagakeadokirjiu // (4.2)
amana nlik-vyaga-kea-doa-aki-rji
amana n. a mode of sipping water; allaying; appeasing nlik f. a blue-flowered
Vitex negundo; a kind of malady (black and blue marks in the face); a particular disease of the
lens of the eye vyaga m. a cripple kea m. a kind of perfume; name of a Daitya; name of
a mineral doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection aki n. the eye rji f. a field; a line
parting the hair; a streak.

N (.)
yathsva yaugikai snehair yathsva ca prasdhitai / (5.1)
yathsva yaugika sneha yathsva ca prasdhay
yathsva adj. each acc. to (his, her, their) own; every one possessing his own
yaugika adj. belonging to a remedy; connected with the derivation; having an etymological
meaning N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance
yathsva adj. each acc. to (his, her, their) own; every one possessing his own ca ind. also; and;
as well as prasdhay 10.. to accomplish; to acquire; to adorn.

7 N (.)
kalkakvthdibhi cdya madhupavsavair api // (5.2)
kalka-kvtha-di ca-dya madhu-pau-sava api
7 kalka mn. (architect.) a kind of mortar/coating; a kind of tenacious paste; a viscous
sediment deposited by oily substances when ground kvtha m. a decoction; any solution or
infusion prepared with a continued or gentle heat; boiling di m. a firstling; and so on;
beginning ca ind. also; and; as well as N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent
madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid) pau
adj. acrid; clear; cruel sava m. decoction; distillation; distilling api ind. also; assuredly;

~MV (.)
bhaa dhanvamsottharasskkhapurair api / (6.1)
bhaa dhanvan-msa-uttha-rasa-asj-khapura api
bhaa n. a means for making strong or firm; the act of making big ~ dhanvan n. a
bow. (esp. ifc); a desert; a waster msa n. flesh; meat M uttha adj. (generally ifc.)
standing up; arising; coming forth rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the
body; a kind of metre V asj n. blood; saffron khapura m. a kind of perfume
(vylanakha); Cyperus pertenuis; the betel-nut tree api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

` (.)
amana yojayet prvai krea salilena v // (6.2)
amana yojay prva kra salila v
amana n. a mode of sipping water; allaying; appeasing yojay 10.. to accomplish; to
add; to adjust prva pron. aforesaid; ancient; attended with kra n. milk; the milky juice
or sap of plants; thickened milk salila n. a kind of metre; a kind of wind; a particular high
number v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally.

N (.)
mara ca pratimara ca dvidh sneho 'tra mtray / (7.1)
mara ca pratimara ca dvidh sneha atra mtr
mara m. a sternutatory; advice; any substance used to excite sneezing ca ind. also; and;
as well as pratimara m. a kind of powder used as a sternutatory ca ind. also; and; as
well as dvidh ind. divided; in 2 ways or parts; twofold N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an
unguent; any oleaginous substance atra ind. here at this time; in this matter; in this place
mtr f. a minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial instant.

7N W ` (.)
kalkdyair avapas tu sa tkair mrdharecana // (7.2)
kalka-dya avapa tu tad tka mrdhan-recana
7 kalka mn. (architect.) a kind of mortar/coating; a kind of tenacious paste; a viscous
sediment deposited by oily substances when ground N dya adj. being at the head; earlier;
excellent avapa m. one of the five sternutatories or drugs producing sneezing; pressing
down tu ind. and; but; do tad pron. this W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot mrdhan m.
(fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning; chief (applied to persons) ` recana adj.
aperient; cathartic; clearing (the head).

W ` V W (.)
dhmna virecanacro yujyt ta mukhavyun / (8.1)
dhmna virecana-carv yuj tad mukha-vyu
W dhmna n. blowing; puffing; strong heat ` virecana adj. abfhrend; opening carv
1.. to chew; to grind with the teeth; to masticate yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into
conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to
tad pron. this mukha n. a direction; beginning; best vyu m. (in astron.) name of the
fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned).

7 ` (.)
aaguladvimukhay ny bheajagarbhay // (8.2)
a-agula-dvi-mukha n bheaja-garbha
a adj. six agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth dvi nr. two
mukha n. a direction; beginning; best n f. a fistulous sore; a flute; a juggling trick `
bheaja n. a remedy; a spell or charm; drug garbha m. a foetus or embryo; a foundation
deposit; a woman's courses.

~ (.)
sa hi bhritara doa cratvd apakarati / (9.1)
tad hi bhritara doa cratva apak
tad pron. this hi ind. because; for; on account of bhritara adj. more; more abundant
or numerous doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection ~ cratva n. the state of dust or
powder T apak 1.. to anticipate a word etc. which occurs later (in a sentence); to bend (a
bow); to carry away.

`~ VT

pradeinyagulparvadvayn magnasamuddhtt // (9.2)
pradein-aguli-parvan-dvaya majj-samuddh
` pradein f. the forefinger (or the corresponding toe) aguli mf. a finger; a kind of
plant; a toe parvan n. (esp.) the Cturmsya festival; a break; a day (360) dvaya n. both;
double; falsehood majj 1.. to drown; to sink down T

samuddh 1.P. to deliver from (abl.);

to destroy utterly; to divide.

* W

` (.)
yvat patatyasau bindur daau a kramea te / (10.1)
yvat pat-adas bindu daan-aan a kramea tad
yvat ind. as far as; as greatly as; as long as pat 1.. to descend; to fall down; to fly
adas pron. jener W

bindu mn. a coloured mark made on the forehead between the eyebrows; a
detached particle; a drop of water taken as a measure daan adj. ten aan adj. eight
a adj. six kramea ind. successively tad pron. this.

WW (.)
marasyotkamadhyon mtrs t eva ca kramt // (10.2)
mara-utka-madhya-na mtr tad eva ca kramt
mara m. a sternutatory; advice; any substance used to excite sneezing W utka adj.
attracted; best; drawn up or out W madhya adj. central; impartial; intermediate na adj.
defective; deficient; fewer mtr f. a minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial instant
tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even ca ind. also; and; as well as kramt ind.


7` (.)
bindudvayon kalkder yojayen na tu nvanam / (11.1)
bindu-dvaya-na kalka-di yojay na tu nvana

bindu mn. a coloured mark made on the forehead between the eyebrows; a detached
particle; a drop of water taken as a measure dvaya n. both; double; falsehood na adj.
defective; deficient; fewer 7 kalka mn. (architect.) a kind of mortar/coating; a kind of
tenacious paste; a viscous sediment deposited by oily substances when ground di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning yojay 10.. to accomplish; to add; to adjust na ind. neither;
no; nor tu ind. and; but; do nvana n. a sternutatory.

NN (.)
toyamadyagarasnehaptn ptum icchatm // (11.2)
toya-madya-gara-sneha-p p i
toya n. water; !! N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine gara
m. a factitious poison; a noxious or poisonous beverage; any drink N sneha mn. a fluid of the
body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck p 1.. to
drink; to quaff; to suck i 1.P. to assent; to choose; to concede.

NNV (.)
bhuktabhaktairasntasntukmasrutsjm / (12.1)


"T 7 `` (.)
uddhn dattavastn tathnrtavadurdine / (13.1)
uddha d-vasti tath-anrtava-durdina
"T uddha adj. admitted; authorised; clean d 1.. to answer; to give; to give (a daughter) in
marriage vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the
bladder tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so anrtava adj. unseasonable `
durdina n. a rainy or cloudy day; bad weather.

~* (.)
anyatrtyayikd vydher atha nasya prayojayet // (13.2)
anyatra-tyayika vydhi atha nasya prayojay
~ anyatra ind. at another time than; elsewhere; except * tyayika adj. not suffering
delay; requiring immediate help (as a disease); urgent vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting
or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus atha ind. an auspicious and
inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly nasya n. a sternutatory;
errhine; the hairs in the nose prayojay 10.P. to aim at; to appoint to; to be applicable.

HP W$ 7 V (.)
prta lemai madhyhne pitte sya niocale / (14.1)
prtar leman madhyhna pitta sya ni-cala
prtar ind. at dawn; in the early morning; Morning personified HP leman m. mucus;
phlegm; rheum W$ madhyhna m. midday; name of a pupil of akara; noon 7 pitta n. bile;
the bilious humour sya n. evening; the close of day ni f. night cala m. a sprout;
quicksilver; shoot.

W7 W* (.)
svasthavtte tu prvhe aratklavasantayo // (14.2)
svastha-vt tu prvha arad-kla-vasanta
W svastha adj. at ease; being in one's natural state; confident vt 1.P. to act in any way
(instr. or acc.) towards; to advance; to be alive or present tu ind. and; but; do prvha
m. forenoon; the earlier part of the day arad f. a year; autumn (as the time of ripening); the
autumnal season (the sultry season of two months succeeding the rains) kla m. eine
Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time * vasanta m. a particular metre (4 times);
diarrhoea; name of a man.

` W` P ` (.)
te madhyadine grme sya varsu stape / (15.1)
ta madhyadina grma sya var sa-tapa
ta n. Cassia bark; cold; cold water W madhyadina m. Bassia Latifolia; midday; name
of a disciple of Yjavalkya P grma m. the hot season sya n. evening; the close of day
var f. (exceptionally sg.) the rains; Medicago Esculenta; monsoon sa ind. (ibc.) with
tapa m. heat (especially of the sun); sunshine.

` W (.)
vtbhibhte irasi hidhmym apatnake // (15.2)
vta-abhibh iras hidhm apatnaka
vta m. air; flatulence; gout abhibh 1.P. to approach; to attack; to be victorious or
prospering in iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) W hidhm mf. a kind of disease;
Schlick [als Name einer Krankheit!] apatnaka m. emprosthotonos; Starrkrampf.

~~ ` ` (.)
manystambhe svarabhrae sya prtar dine dine / (16.1)
manystambha svara-bhraa sya prtar dina dina
~~ manystambha m. stiffness or rigidity of the neck svara m. a note of the musical scale
(of which seven [rarely six or eight] are enumerated); a symbolical expression for the number
"seven"; a vowel bhraa m. abandonment of (abl. or comp.); cessation; decay sya n.
evening; the close of day prtar ind. at dawn; in the early morning; Morning personified
dina mn. a day dina mn. a day.

* ~ P ` (.)
ekhntaram anyatra saptha ca tad caret // (16.2)
ekha-antara anyatra saptha ca tad car
ekha m. a ceremony or religious festival lasting one day; a Soma sacrifice in which Soma is
prepared during one day only (as the Agnioma etc.); the period or duration of one day *
antara n. a hole; absence; another ~ anyatra ind. at another time than; elsewhere; except P
saptha m. a sacrificial performance lasting 7 days ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this
car 1.. to act; to address; to apply.

N^7 d

snigdhasvinnottamgasya prkktvayakasya ca / (17.1)
snigdha-svid-uttamga prc-k-vayaka ca
N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable svid 4.P. to sweat 7 uttamga n.
the head; the highest or chief part of the body B prc adj. being in front; directed forwards;
easterly T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become vayaka n. a call of nature;
inevitable act or conclusion; necessity ca ind. also; and; as well as.

W (.)
nivtaayanasthasya jatrrdhva svedayet puna // (17.2)
nivta-ayana-stha jatru-rdhvam sveday punar
nivta m. an impenetrable coat of mail; asylum; refuge ayana n. a bed; copulation;
couch W stha adj. a place; abiding; being situated in jatru m. the continuations of the
vertebrae, collar-bones and cartilages of the breast-bone (16 are named) rdhvam ind.
after; furthermore; upward sveday 10.. (eine Substanz im Feuer) schwiten lassen
punar ind. again and again; back; besides.

7` ` ` (.)
athottnarjudehasya pipde prasrite / (18.1)
atha-uttna-ju-deha pi-pda prasray
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
7 uttna adj. concave; flchenhaft [wie die Verteilung eines Ausschlags auf der Haut]; lying on
the back ju adj. honest; sincere; upright ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form
pi m. a hoof; the hand pda m. a foot as a measure ( 12 Agulas); a fourth Part (the
fourth of a quadruped being one out of 4); a quarter prasray 10.P. to exhibit; to extend; to
open wide.

` (.)
kicidunnatapdasya kicinmrdhani nmite // (18.2)
kacid-unnam-pda kacid-mrdhan nmay
V kacid pron. someone unnam 1.P. to ascend; to bend upwards; to lift up pda m. a
foot as a measure ( 12 Agulas); a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped being one out of 4); a
quarter V kacid pron. someone mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything;
beginning; chief (applied to persons) nmay 10.P. to aim at (gen.); to bend a bow; to cause
to bow or sink.

` (.)
nspua pidhyaika paryyea niecayet / (19.1)
nspua pidh-eka paryya niecay
nspua m. nostril; wing of the nose pidh 3.. to close; to conceal; to hide eka
pron. alone; excellent; happening only once paryya m. a convertible term; a synonym;
course ` niecay 10.P. .

~P ` 7 (.)
umbutapta bhaiajya pray picunthav // (19.2)
ua-ambu-tap bhaiajya pra picu-athav
ua adj. acrid; active; hot ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting
of ninety syllables); the number four tap 4.. to be hot; to destroy by heat; to give out heat
` bhaiajya n. a particular ceremony performed as a remedy for sickness; any remedy;
curativeness pra f. picu m. a Karsha or weight of 2 Tolas; a kind of leprosy; a sort
of grain athav ind. (when repeated) either or; or; perhaps.

7 W^ (.)
datte pdatalaskandhahastakardi mardayet / (20.1)
d pda-tala-skandha-hasta-kara-di marday
d 1.. to answer; to give; to give (a daughter) in marriage pda m. a foot as a measure (
12 Agulas); a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped being one out of 4); a quarter tala mn.
base; bottom; flat roof (of a house) W^ skandha m. (archit.) the support (part of a capital);
samparya and bhadrdi; a chapter hasta mn. autograph; the hand; trunk (of an elephant)
kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle di m. a firstling; and so
on; beginning marday 10.. to break; to cause to be trampled down; to crush.

N ` N (.)
anair ucchidya nihvet prvayor ubhayos tata // (20.2)
anais ucchid nihv prva ubhaya tatas
anais ind. alternately; gently; gradually ucchid 7.P. to analyze; to cut out or off; to
destroy nihv 1.P. to eject from the mouth; to spit; to spit out N prva mn. a curved
knife; a side of any square figure; flank (either of animate or inanimate objects) ubhaya adj.
both; in both manners; in both ways tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason.

` ` (.)
bheajakayd eva dvis trir v nasyam caret / (21.1)
bheaja-kaya evam dvis tris v nasya car
` bheaja n. a remedy; a spell or charm; drug kaya m. consumption; decay; destruction
evam ind. in such a manner; in this way; such dvis ind. twice tris ind. 3 times; before
gutturals and palatals; thrice v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally
nasya n. a sternutatory; errhine; the hairs in the nose car 1.. to act; to address; to

B (.)
mrchy tatoyena sicet pariharan ira // (21.2)
mrch ta-toya sic parih iras
mrch f. (alchemy) one of the Saskras of mercury; a kind of kumbhaka; a swoon
ta adj. boiled; cold; dull toya n. water; !! sic 4.. to besprinkle or moisten with (instr.);
to cast or form anything out of molten metal etc.; to dip T parih 1.P. to leave; to neglect; to
nourish iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class).

N `* N N` (.)
sneha virecanasynte dadyd dodyapekay / (22.1)
sneha virecana-anta d doa-di-apek
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance ` virecana n. a
means for making the head clear; purging or any purging substance * anta m. a final syllable; a
shore; border d 1.. to answer; to give; to give (a daughter) in marriage doa mn. a calf;
accusation; affection di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning ` apek f. connection of
cause with effect or of individual with species; consideration of; dependence on.

* 7 (.)
nasynte vkata tihed uttno dhrayet tata // (22.2)
nasya-anta vc-ata sth uttna dhray tatas
nasya n. a sternutatory; errhine; the hairs in the nose * anta m. a final syllable; a shore;
border vc f. a literary work; a word; asseveration ata mn. a hundred; any very large
number W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand 7 uttna adj. concave; flchenhaft [wie
die Verteilung eines Ausschlags auf der Haut]; lying on the back dhray 10.. to hold; to
keep; to possess tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason.

~ ~ ""T (.)
dhma ptv kavombukavan kahauddhaye / (23.1)
dhma p kavoa-ambu-kavaa kaha-uddhi
dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck kavoa
adj. slightly warm; tepid ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of
ninety syllables); the number four kavaa m. a mouthful of water; Mundwasser; water for
rinsing the mouth " kaha m. Gefwand; immediate proximity; name of a Maharshi "T
uddhi f. accuracy; accurate knowledge regarding; acquittal.

PN^ P (.)
samyaksnigdhe sukhocchvsasvapnabodhkapavam // (23.2)
samyak-snigdha sukha-ucchvsa-svapna-bodha-aka-pava
P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable
sukha n. atmosphere; comfort; delight in ucchvsa m. an air-hole; breath; breathing out
P svapna mn. a dream; dreaming; drowsiness bodha m. apprehension; arousing; awakening
aka n. the eye pava n. cleverness in; health; intensity.

* "~ (.)
rke 'kistabdhat oo nssye mrdhanyat / (24.1)
rka aki-stabdhat oa ns-sya mrdhan-nyat
rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) aki n. the eye * stabdhat
f. arrogance; fixedness; pretentiousness oa m. desiccation; dryness; pulmonary
consumption ns f. Gendarussa Vulgaris; proboscis; the nose sya n. face; jaws;
mouth mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning; chief (applied to
persons) "~ nyat f. absence of mind; absence or want of; desolateness.

N^ "^^ (.)
snigdhe 'ti kagurutprasekrucipnas // (24.2)
snigdha ati ka-gurut-praseka-aruci-pnasa
N snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable ati ind. extremely; very " ka f.
itch; itching; scratching ^ gurut f. heaviness and "dignity"; burden; heaviness praseka
m. discharge; dropping; effusion ^ aruci f. aversion; disgust; dislike pnasa m. catarrh;
cold (affecting the nose).

7"T (.)
suvirikte 'kilaghutvaktrasvaraviuddhaya / (25.1)
suvirikta aki-laghut-vaktra-svara-viuddhi
suvirikta adj. aki n. the eye laghut f. agility; dexterity; disregard 7 vaktra n.
a sort of garment; beginning; face svara m. a note of the musical scale (of which seven [rarely
six or eight] are enumerated); a symbolical expression for the number "seven"; a vowel "T
viuddhi f. sama; complete purification; perfect knowledge.

` ` ` (.)
durvirikte gadodreka kmattivirecite // (25.2)
durvirikta gada-udreka kma-t-ativirecay
` durvirikta adj. gada m. a sentence; Costus speciosus Sm.; disease udreka m.
abundance; excess; overplus kma adj. burning to ashes; charring; debilitated t f. ifc.
abstracta ` ativirecay 10.P. [medic.] to treat someone excessively with virecanas.

TM (.)
pratimara katakmablavddhasukhtmasu / (26.1)
pratimara kata-kma-bla-vddha-sukha-tman
pratimara m. a kind of powder used as a sternutatory kata n. a hurt; contusion;
murder kma adj. burning to ashes; charring; debilitated bla m. a child; a colt; a five
years old elephant T vddha m. Argyreia Speciosa or Argentea; a religious mendicant; an
elephant eighty years old sukha n. atmosphere; comfort; delight in M tman m. a son;
abstract individual; Brahma.

W ~ (.)
prayojyo 'klavare 'pi na tvio duapnase // (26.2)
prayuj akla-vara api na tu-i du-pnasa
prayuj 7.. to accomplish; to act; to begin akla m. a wrong or bad time vara mn.
(pl.) the rains; a day (?); a division of the earth as separated off by certain mountain ranges (9
such divisions are enumerated) api ind. also; assuredly; besides na ind. neither; no; nor
tu ind. and; but; do i 1.P. to assent; to choose; to concede du 4.. to be defiled or impure;
to be ruined; to be wrong pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose).

N` T{ (.)
madyapte 'balarotre kmiditamrdhani / (27.1)
madya-p abala-rotra kmi-day-mrdhan
N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine p 1.. to drink; to quaff;
to suck abala adj. weak rotra n. auricle; conversancy with the Veda or sacred
knowledge itself; ear T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac { day 10.. (astrol.) to cause evil or
misfortune; to accuse; to adulterate mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything;
beginning; chief (applied to persons).

W` (.)
utkotkliadoe ca hnamtratay hi sa // (27.2)
utk-utkli-doa ca h-mtra-t hi tad
W utk 1.P. to bend (a bow); to delay; to draw or drag or pull up utkli 9.P. to be
uncomfortable; to feel uneasy doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection ca ind. also; and; as
well as h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or wanting; to be excluded from or bereft of
mtra n. an element; duration; elementary matter t f. ifc. abstracta hi ind. because; for; on
account of tad pron. this.

*P` (.)
niharbhuktavnthasvapndhvaramaretasm / (28.1)


* W * W

dantakhasya hsasya yojyo 'nte 'sau dvibinduka / (29.1)
dantakha hsa yuj anta adas dvi-binduka
* dantakha n. a small piece of the wood (of particular trees) used for cleaning the teeth;
cleaning the teeth with the danta-kha hsa m. a jest; dazzling whiteness; derision of
(gen.) yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into
union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to * anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border
adas pron. jener dvi nr. two W

binduka mn. a drop; a kind of poison; name of a Tirtha.

B "T (.)
pacasu srotas uddhi klamanas triu kramt // (29.2)
pacan srotas uddhi klama-na tri kramt
B pacan adj. fnf srotas n. a river; an aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned
to be 9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of sense "T uddhi f. accuracy; accurate knowledge
regarding; acquittal klama m. exhaustion; fatigue; languor na m. (arithm.)
elimination; annihilation; death tri nr. 3 MW kramt ind. successively.

[ B * ^ (.)
dgbala pacasu tato dantadrhya marucchama / (30.1)
d-bala pacan tatas danta-drhya marut-ama
[ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot; appearance; doctrine bala mn.
Balarma; an army; expertness in B pacan adj. fnf tatas ind. after that; consequently;
for that reason * danta mn. a pin used in playing a lute; a tooth; an arbour drhya n.
corroboration; fixedness; hardness ^ marut m. a species of plant; air; beauty ama m.
abstraction; apathy; convalescence.

P ` (.)
na nasyam nasaptbde ntttivatsare // (30.2)
na nasya na-saptan-abda na-at-ati-vatsara
na ind. neither; no; nor nasya n. a sternutatory; errhine; the hairs in the nose na adj.
defective; deficient; fewer P saptan adj. 7 MW abda mn. must (Surapla 1988: 428); a
year; Cyperus hexastachyus Nees. na ind. neither; no; nor at 2.P. to be redundant; to
defer; to die ati f. eighty; the eightieth vatsara m. a year; name of a Sdhya; name of
a son of Kayapa.

B (.)
na condae dhma kavao nonapacame / (31.1)
na ca-na-adaa dhma kavaa na-na-pacama
na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as na adj. defective; deficient; fewer
adaa adj. connected with an eighteen fold Stoma; eighteen (adj.); the eighteenth
dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist kavaa m. a mouthful of water; Mundwasser;
water for rinsing the mouth na ind. neither; no; nor na adj. defective; deficient; fewer
B pacama adj. forming the 5th part; the fifth.

"T *P (.)
na uddhir nadaame na ctikrntasaptatau // (31.2)
na uddhi na-daama na ca-atikram-saptati
na ind. neither; no; nor "T uddhi f. accuracy; accurate knowledge regarding; acquittal
na adj. defective; deficient; fewer daama adj. (proparox.) a 10th part; the 10th na ind.
neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as atikram 4.P. to cross; to excel; to lose P
saptati f. 70; 70 years; many seventies.

janmamaraa asta pratimaras tu vastivat / (32.1)
janma-maraa as pratimara tu vasti-vat
janma ind. (generally in comp.) from birth; since birth maraa n. (in astrol.) the 8th
mansion; a kind of poison; a refuge as 2.. to approve; to calumniate; to commend
pratimara m. a kind of powder used as a sternutatory tu ind. and; but; do vasti mf.
abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder vat ind.

V * (.)
maravacca gun kuryt sa hi nityopasevant // (32.2)
mara-vat-ca gua k tad hi nitya-upasevana
mara m. a sternutatory; advice; any substance used to excite sneezing vat ind.
(Vergleichspartikel) ca ind. also; and; as well as gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient
or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become
tad pron. this hi ind. because; for; on account of * nitya adj. continual; devoted or used to;
eternal upasevana n. addiction to; courting (e.g. the wife of another); enjoying.

M 7 (.)
na ctra yantra npi vypadbhyo maravad bhayam / (33.1)
na ca-atra yantraa na-api vypad mara-vat bhaya
na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as atra ind. here at this time; in this
matter; in this place M yantraa fn. affliction; anguish; compulsion (often ifc.) na ind.
neither; no; nor api ind. also; assuredly; besides vypad f. calamity; death;
derangement mara m. a sternutatory; advice; any substance used to excite sneezing vat
ind. (Vergleichspartikel) bhaya n. alarm; apprehension; danger.

*~ ` (.)
tailam eva ca nasyrthe nitybhysena asyate // (33.2)
taila eva ca nasya-artha nitya-abhysa as
taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil eva ind. alone; already; even ca ind. also; and; as
well as nasya n. a sternutatory; errhine; the hairs in the nose artha mn. (in astron.) name
of the second mansion; action; advantage * nitya adj. continual; devoted or used to; eternal
~ abhysa m. (in later Vednta phil.) inculcation of a truth conveyed in sacred writings by
means of repeating the same word or the same passage; (in Yoga phil.) the effort of the mind to
remain in its unmodified condition of purity (sattva); custom as 2.. to approve; to
calumniate; to commend.

HP~ N W `` (.)
irasa lemadhmatvt sneh svasthasya netare / (34.1)
iras leman-dhman-tva sneha svastha na-itara
iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum dhman
n. abode; appearance (esp. in sacrifice); band ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) N sneha
mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance svastha adj. at ease; being in
one's natural state; confident na ind. neither; no; nor itara pron. another; the other (of

"TV~ WT (.)
ukccirakritva guotkarpakat // (34.2)
u-kt-cira-kritva gua-utkara-apakat
" u adj. fast; going quickly; quick T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author cira adj.
existing from ancient times; lasting long time; long ~ kritva n. the being an actor gua
mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook W utkara
m. abundance; boasting; delaying T apakat f. inferiority; vileness.

` (.)
mare ca pratimare ca vieo na bhaved yadi / (35.1)
mara ca pratimara ca viea na bh yadi
mara m. a sternutatory; advice; any substance used to excite sneezing ca ind. also; and;
as well as pratimara m. a kind of powder used as a sternutatory ca ind. also; and; as
well as viea m. (pl.) various objects; a kind; a species of tree na ind. neither; no; nor
bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being yadi ind. if; in case that.

ko mara saparhra spada ca bhajet tata // (35.2)
ka mara sa-parhra sa-pad ca bhaj tatas
ka pron. what?; who? mara m. a sternutatory; advice; any substance used to excite
sneezing sa ind. (ibc.) with parhra m. avoiding; caution; disrespect sa ind. (ibc.)
with pad f. calamity; distress; misfortune ca ind. also; and; as well as bhaj 1.. to allot
or apportion to (dat. or gen.); to assume (as a form); to bestow tatas ind. after that;
consequently; for that reason.

W W (.)
acchapnavicrkhyau kuvttapasthit / (36.1)
accha-pna-vicra-khy ku-vta-tapa-sthiti
accha adj. clear; pellucid; transparent pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel
vicra m. a probable conjecture; change of place; consideration W khy f. appearance;
appellation; aspect ku f. a bawd; a curvature; a hut vta m. air; flatulence; gout
tapa m. heat (especially of the sun); sunshine W sthiti f. (in astron.) duration of an eclipse; (in
Vedic gram.) the standing of a word by itself; abiding.

~ ` (.)
anvsamtrvast ca tadvad eva vinirdiet // (36.2)
ca tadvat eva vinirdi
ca ind. also; and; as well as tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of yadvat); thus eva
ind. alone; already; even ` vinirdi 6.P. to announce; to assign; to declare.

7 (.)
paolamudgavrtkahrasvamlakajgalai / (37.1)
paola m. Trichosanthes bracteata Voigt (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 569); Trichosanthes
cordata Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 569); Trichosanthes cucumerina Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld
1974: 569) 7 mudga m. a cover; a kind of seabird; covering vrtka mn. a kind of bird; a
kind of plant; Solanum indicum Linn. hrasva n. a kind of vegetable; a particular short
measure; green or black sulphate of iron mlaka mn. a radish; a sort of yam; Raphanus
sativus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 591) jgala n. meat; venison.

N (.)
rasai liyavn adyn nasyakarmai avidhe // (37.2)
rasa li-yava ad nasya-karman avidha
rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre li m.
any grain of a similar character to rice; grains of rice; name of a Yaka (who was transformed
into a lion) yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn
(supposed to indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of
an Agula as a weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens ad 2.. to
consume; to devour; to eat nasya n. a sternutatory; errhine; the hairs in the nose
karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the
Nyya philosophy) avidha adj. of six sorts; sixfold.

*`^~ (.)
jvantjaladevadrujaladatvaksevyagophimam / (38.1)
* jvant f. a parasitical plant; Cocculus cordifolius; Mimosa Suma jala n. a cow's embryo;
a kind of Andropogon; any fluid `^ devadru mn. Pinus Devadru or Deodar jalada m. a
(rain-) cloud; a conch; Cyperus rotundus Linn. ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used
in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag sevya n. red sandal-wood; sea-salt; the root of
Andropogon Muricatus gop f. Abrus precatorius; a cow-herdess; a cowherd's wife hima
n. a lotus; a pearl; fresh butter.

~_N ^"J7~ (.)
drvtvamadhukaplavguruvarpurhvabilvotpalam / (38.2)
drv f. a kind of collyrium extracted from it; Berberis aristata DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974),
562); Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 562) ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse);
a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag madhuka n. Bassia latifolia
Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 587); beeswax; Cynometra ramiflora Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld
1974: 587) N plava m. (in astrol.) plava-tva; a Cala; a flood ^ aguru mn. Amyris
agallocha Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 522); Aquilaria Agallocha Roxb.; Aquilaria
malaccensis Lam. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 522) var f. Asparagus racemosus Linn.; name of
Chya (the wife of Srya) " pura m. a white lotus-flower; a worm; Clerodendrum
Phlomoides J hva adj. a caller; called; crier 7 bilva m. Aegle marmelos Correa; the wood-
apple tree (commonly called Bel); [rel.] a form of iva ~ utpala mn. a particular hell; a seed of
the Nymphaea; any flower.

~ W` T 7 ` (.)
dhvanyau surabhi sthire kmihara pattra tru reukm /(38.3)
dhvan surabhi sthir kmi-hara pattra tru reuk
dhvan f. Grislea Tomentosa; Solanum indicum Linn.; Solanum jacquini Linn. Solanum
xanthocarpum Schrad. & Wendl. surabhi m. a fire lighted at the fixing of the sacrificial
post; a kind of jasmine; a kind of rice W sthir f. -kkol; a strong-minded woman;
Desmodium Gangeticum T kmi m. an ant; insect; lac hara adj. bearing; destroying;
ravishing 7 pattra mn. a bird; a chariot; a knife tru f. i ` reuk f. a particular drug
or medicinal substance (said to be fragrant); name of a Krik (composed by Harihara); name of
a river.

M7 ~ (.)
kijalka kamald bal atague divye 'mbhasi kvthayet //(38.4)
kijalka kamala bal atagua divya ambhas kvthay
M7 kijalka mn. the filament of a plant (especially of a lotus) kamala mn. lotus;
lotusflower; Nelumbium speciosum Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 536) bal f. name of a
daughter of Daka; name of a daughter of Raudrva; name of a female divinity who executes
the orders of the 17th Arhat of the present Avasarpi atagua adj. a hundred; a hundred
times; a hundred-fold divya adj. agreeable; beautiful; celestial ~ ambhas n. collective
name for gods, men, Manes, and Asuras; fruit fulness; power kvthay 10.P. to boil down;
to cook; [medic.] to create a kvtha.

taild rasa daagua parieya tena taila paceta salilena daaiva vrn / (39.1)
taila rasa daagua parieay tad taila pac salila daan-eva vra
taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice
of the body; a kind of metre daagua adj. tenfold; times larger or more parieay
10.P. to leave over; to quit or leave; to spare tad pron. this taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum
oil pac 1.. to bake; to become ripe; to boil salila n. a kind of metre; a kind of wind; a
particular high number daan adj. ten eva ind. alone; already; even vra mn.
Achyranthes Aspera; a cover; a day of the week.

`V ^ 7
pke kipecca daame samam jadugdha nasya mahguam uantyautailam etat // (39.2)
pka kip-ca daama sama ja-dugdha nasya mah-gua va-autaila etad
pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences kip 6.. to cast; to
despatch; to lose (time) ca ind. also; and; as well as daama adj. (proparox.) a 10th part;
the 10th sama pron. common; constant; easy ja adj. coming from or belonging to goats;
produced by goats ^ dugdha n. milk; sap; the milky juice of plants nasya n. a sternutatory;
errhine; the hairs in the nose mah ind. (irreg.- *mahant) -> gross gua mn. (in khya
phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook va 1.P. to affirm; to aver;
to be fond of autaila n. name of a medical oil etad pron. this.

~W^ (.)
ghanonnataprasannatvakskandhagrvsyavakasa / (40.1)
ghana adj. complete; dark; deep unnam 1.P. to ascend; to bend upwards; to lift up
prasad 1.. to be gracious or kind; to become clear or distinct; to become placid or tranquil (as the
sea or sky) ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather
bag W^ skandha m. (archit.) the support (part of a capital); samparya and bhadrdi; a chapter
grv f. nape; neck; the back part of the neck sya n. face; jaws; mouth vakas n.
bosom; chest; the breast.

[` ` (.)
dhendriystapalit bhaveyur nasyalina // (40.2)
dha-indriya-as-palita bh nasya-lin
[ dha adj. certain; close (e.g. ship); complete (opp. to bhinna) indriya n. bodily power;
exhibition of power; faculty of sense as 2.P. to cast; to drive or frighten away; to shoot at
palita n. a tuft of hair; benzoin; burning bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being
nasya n. a sternutatory; errhine; the hairs in the nose lin adj. habituated or used to; having
the custom of; honest.

M ` (.)
jatrrdhvakaphavtotthavikrm ajanmane / (1.1)
jatru-rdhva-kapha-vta-uttha-vikra ajanman
jatru m. the continuations of the vertebrae, collar-bones and cartilages of the breast-bone (16
are named) rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the
tridoas; watery froth or foam in general vta m. air; flatulence; gout M uttha adj. (generally
ifc.) standing up; arising; coming forth vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative
from Prakti; a product; agitation ajanman n. .

` M (.)
ucchedya ca jtn pibed dhma sadtmavn // (1.2)
uccheda ca jan p dhma sad-tmavant
uccheda m. cutting off or out; cutting short; destruction ca ind. also; and; as well as
jan 4.P. to be; to be born; to be born again p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck dhma mn. a
kind of incense; a saint; mist sad ind. always; continually; ever M* tmavant adj.
composed; having a soul; prudent.

N^ W WV ` (.)
snigdho madhya sa tkaca vte vtakaphe kaphe / (2.1)
snigdha madhya tad tka-ca vta vta-kapha kapha
N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable W madhya adj. central; impartial;
intermediate tad pron. this W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot ca ind. also; and; as well as
vta m. air; flatulence; gout vta m. air; flatulence; gout kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one
of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the
tridoas; watery froth or foam in general.

W 7` (.)
yojyo na raktapittrtiviriktodaramehiu // (2.2)
yuj na rakta-pitta-rti-viric-udara-mehin
yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or
conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to na ind. neither; no; nor rakta n. padmaka; a particular
disease of the eyes; blood 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour ` rti f. injury; mischief; pain
viric 7.P. to be emptied or purged; to reach or extend beyond udara n. a cavity;
abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) mehin adj. (only ifc.) voiding
urine; making water; suffering from a particular urinary disease.

W7 (.)
timirordhvnildhmnarohidattavastiu / (3.1)
timira n. darkness; darkness of the eyes; iron-rust rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect
anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other
persons W dhmna n. a bellows; blowing; boasting rohi f. Acacia Arabica; a cow
(represented as a daughter of Surabhi and mother of cattle); a kind of steel d 1.. to answer;
to give; to give (a daughter) in marriage vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of
bladder or the injection itself; the bladder.

NN (.)
matsyamadyadadhikrakaudrasnehaviiu // (3.2)
matsya m. (in astron.) the figure of a figure; a fish; a king of the Matsyas N madya n. any
intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine dadhi n. coagulated milk; the resin of
Shorea robusta; thick sour milk (regarded as a remedy) kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap
of plants; thickened milk kaudra n. a kind of prameha; honey; minuteness N sneha mn. a
fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a
mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison in adj. consuming; ifc.

` " ` ` (.)
irasyabhihate puroge jgarite nii / (4.1)
iras-abhihan pu-roga jgaray ni
iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) abhihan 4.P. to afflict; to beat (as a drum); to
kill " pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a Ngarja roga mn. a diseased spot;
Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease jgaray 10.P. ni f. night.

7W T (.)
raktapittndhyabdhiryatmrchmadamohakt // (4.2)
rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
W ndhya n. blindness; darkness bdhirya n. deafness t f. Desire as daughter of Love;
strong desire; thirst mrch f. (alchemy) one of the Saskras of mercury; a kind of
kumbhaka; a swoon mada m. a river; any beautiful object; any exhilarating or intoxicating
drink moha m. (with Buddhists) ignorance (one of the three roots of vice); a magical art
employed to bewilder an enemy; a swoon T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

dhmo 'kle 'tipto v tatra to vidhir hita / (5.1)
dhma akla ati-p v tatra ta vidhi hita
dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist akla m. a wrong or bad time ati ind.
extremely; very p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the
other side; optionally tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place ta adj. boiled; cold;
dull vidhi m. a grammatical rule or precept; a means; a physician hita adj. agreeable;
arranged; beneficial.

`~WW (.)
kutajmbhitavimtrastrsevastrakarmam // (5.2)
kuta n. a sneeze ~ jmbhita n. a kind of coitus; bursting; developing vi f. dirt;
excrement; feces mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine W str f. a kind of metre; a
white ant; a woman sev f. addiction to; attendance on; devotion to (gen. or comp.) W
astrakarman n. any surgical operation.

* * ` (.)
hsasya dantakhasya dhmam ante piben mdum / (6.1)
hsa dantakha dhma anta p mdu
hsa m. a jest; dazzling whiteness; derision of (gen.) * dantakha n. a small piece of
the wood (of particular trees) used for cleaning the teeth; cleaning the teeth with the danta-
kha dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist * anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border
p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle;
mild (Nahrung).

M * W (.)
kleveu nihranvannte ca madhyamam // (6.2)
kla-idam ni-hra-nvana-anta ca madhyama
kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time idam pron. this ni f.
(Hahayoga:) \=\= kumbhaka; a vision; Curcuma (of 2 species) hra m. bringing near;
employing; fetching nvana n. a sternutatory * anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border
ca ind. also; and; as well as W madhyama adj. (in astron.) mean; being or placed in the middle;

MN`* ` (.)
nidrnasyjanasnnaccharditnte virecanam / (7.1)
nidr-nasya-ajana-snna-charday-anta virecana
nidr f. a mystic. name of the letter bh; name of a blood vessel; sleep nasya n. a
sternutatory; errhine; the hairs in the nose M ajana n. a special kind of this pigment; act of
applying an ointment or pigment; antimony N snna n. ablution; anything used in ablution
(e.g. water); bathing charday 10.P. to cause to flow over; to cause to vomit; to vomit *
anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border ` virecana n. a means for making the head clear;
purging or any purging substance.

` (.)
vastinetrasamadravya trikoa krayed ju // (7.2)
vasti-netra-sama-dravya tri-koa kray ju
vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder
` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer sama pron. common; constant; easy
dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake tri nr. 3 MW
koa mn. (in surg.) a kind of bandage; (metaphorically) cloud; a box kray 10.. to make
someone do something ju adj. honest; sincere; upright.

W` ` (.)
mlgre 'guhakolsthipravea dhmanetrakam / (8.1)
mla-agra aguha-kola-asthi-pravea
mla mn. a chief or principal city; a corpse; a king's original or proper territory agra n. a
measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim aguha m. a thumb's
breadth; the great toe; the thumb kola n. black pepper; Name mehrerer Zizyphus-Arten
(Surapla 1988: 231); the fruit of the jujube W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit `
pravea m. a place of entrance; coming or setting in (of night); door.

WNW ~ B (.)
tkasnehanamadhyeu tri catvri paca ca // (8.2)
tka-snehana-madhya tri catur pacan ca
W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot N snehana n. being or becoming oily; feeling affection;
lubrication W madhya n. abdomen; centre; cessation tri nr. 3 MW catur nr. four B
pacan adj. fnf ca ind. also; and; as well as.

aguln kramt ptu pramenakni tat / (9.1)
agula kramt pt prama-aaka tad
agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth kramt ind. successively
pt adj. drinking prama mn. nitya; a correct notion; a means of acquiring Pram or
certain knowledge aaka n. a whole consisting of eight parts tad pron. this.

V (.)
jpavias taccet vivtsyas triparyayam // (9.2)
ju-upavi tad-cetas viv-sya tri-paryaya
ju adj. honest; sincere; upright upavi 6.P. to apply or devote one's self to; to
approach; to cultivate tad pron. this cetas n. consciousness; heart; intelligence viv
9.P. to comb (hair); to comment upon; to cover sya n. face; jaws; mouth tri nr. 3 MW
paryaya m. alteration; change; confusion with (comp.).

` (.)
pidhya chidram ekaika dhma nsikay pibet / (10.1)
pidh chidra ekaika dhma nsik p
pidh 3.. to close; to conceal; to hide chidra n. (in astrol.) the 8th lunar mansion; a
hole; blemish ekaika adj. every single one; one by one; single dhma mn. a kind of
incense; a saint; mist nsik f. a false dormer-window; a nostril; name of Avin (mother
of the two Avins) p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck.

` ` ` (.)
prk piben nsayotklie doe ghrairogate // (10.2)
prc p ns-utkli doa ghra-iras-gam
B prc adj. being in front; directed forwards; easterly p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck
ns f. Gendarussa Vulgaris; proboscis; the nose utkli 9.P. to be uncomfortable; to feel
uneasy doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection ghra mn. odour; perception of odour;
smell iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move.

7 "` (.)
utkleanrtha vaktrea viparta tu kahage / (11.1)
utkleana-artha vaktra viparta tu kaha-ga
utkleana adj. causing disorder; exciting; stirring up artha mn. (in astron.) name of the
second mansion; action; advantage vaktra n. a sort of garment; beginning; face
viparta adj. acting in a contrary manner; adverse; being the reverse of anything tu ind. and;
but; do " kaha m. Gefwand; immediate proximity; name of a Maharshi ga adj. abiding
in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place; being.

[T (.)
mukhenaivodvamed dhma nsay dgvightakt // (11.2)
mukha-eva-udvam dhma ns d-vighta-kt
mukha n. a direction; beginning; best eva ind. alone; already; even udvam 1.P. to
emit; to give out; to shed (tears) dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist ns f.
Gendarussa Vulgaris; proboscis; the nose [ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed
spot; appearance; doctrine vighta m. a stroke; blow with (comp.); breaking off or in pieces
T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

kepamokai ptavyo dhmas tu tris tribhis tribhi / (12.1)
kepa-moka p dhma tu tris tri tri
kepa m. abuse; applying; challenge moka m. (in astron.) the liberation of an
eclipsed or occulted planet; abandonment; acquittance of an obligation p 1.. to drink; to
quaff; to suck dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist tu ind. and; but; do tris ind. 3
times; before gutturals and palatals; thrice tri nr. 3 MW tri nr. 3 MW.

$ ` T N^ W (.)
ahna pibet sakt snigdha dvir madhya odhana param // (12.2)
ahar p sakt snigdha dvis madhya odhana para
ahar n. a day p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck T sakt ind. at once; ever; for ever
N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable dvis ind. twice W madhya adj. central;
impartial; intermediate odhana mn. a means of purification; acquittance; clearing up
para pron. ancient; best; better or worse than.

V "^ (.)
tricatur v mdau tatra dravyyaguru guggulu / (13.1)
tris-catu v mdu tatra dravya-aguru guggulu
tris ind. 3 times; before gutturals and palatals; thrice catu adj. catur; caturtha v ind.
either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the
upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place dravya n.
(Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a stake ^ aguru mn. Amyris
agallocha Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 522); Aquilaria Agallocha Roxb.; Aquilaria
malaccensis Lam. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 522) guggulu mn. Balsamodendron mukul
Hooker; bdellium or the exudation of Amyris Agallochum (a fragrant gum resin).

W (.)
mustasthaueyaaileyanaladoravlakam // (13.2)
must fn. a species of grass; Cyperus Rotundus Linn.; Cyperus scariosus R. Br. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 590) W sthaueya n. a kind of perfume aileya mn. a kind of lichen;
benzoin; bitumen nalada mn. Indian spikenard; Nardostachys Jatamansi; the blossom of
Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis ura mn. the fragrant root of the plant Andropogon Muricatus;
Vetiveria zizanioides Nash. (Surapla 1988: 241) vlaka mn. a bracelet; a kind of

*7 (.)
vargakauntmadhukabilvamajjailavlukam / (14.1)
varga n. Cassia bark; green cinnamon; sorrel * kaunt f. a sort of perfume; name of a
river madhuka n. Bassia latifolia Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 587); beeswax; Cynometra
ramiflora Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 587) 7 bilva m. Aegle marmelos Correa; the wood-
apple tree (commonly called Bel); [rel.] a form of iva majjan m. scurf; the marrow of bones
elavluka n. a kind of red powder (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 531); Gisekia pharnacioides
Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 531); name of a perfume (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 531).

` W N (.)
rveaka sarjaraso dhymaka madana plavam // (14.2)
rveaka sarjarasa dhymaka madana plava
` rveaka mn. the resin of the Pinus Longifolia sarjarasa mn. a kind of tree; a
particular musical instrument; Shorea Robusta W dhymaka n. a part. kind of grass
madana mn. (in astrol.) name of the 7th mansion; Acacia catechu Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974),
586); Alangium decapetalum Lam. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 586) N plava n. Cyperus Rotundus
or a species of fragrant grass.

= _ W

^ (.)
allak kukuma m yav kundurukas til / (15.1)
allak kukuma ma yava kunduruka tila
= allak f. a porcupine; Boswellia Thurifera; incense _ kukuma n. a kind of rice;
saffron- Crocus sativus Linn. ma m. a bean (the plant); a cutaneous eruption resembling
beans; a fool yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn
(supposed to indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of
an Agula as a weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens W

kunduruka m. Olibanum tila mn. a mole; a small particle; name of a chapter of PSarv.

N (.)
sneha phaln sr medo majj vas ghtam // (15.2)
sneha phala sra medas majjan vas ghta
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance phala n. a blade (of
a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift sra mn. Acacia Catechu; a chief constituent of the
body; a kind of venomous frog (maka) medas n. a mystical term for the letter v;
corpulence; excessive fatness majjan m. scurf; the marrow of bones vas f. a kind of
prameha; any fatty or oily substance; fat ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility);
fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven).

` = ~ (.)
amane allak lk pthvk kamalotpalam / (16.1)
amana allak lk pthvk kamala-utpala
amana n. a mode of sipping water; allaying; appeasing = allak f. a porcupine;
Boswellia Thurifera; incense lk f. a kind of red dye; a species of plant; lac (obtained
from the cochineal or a similar insect as well as from the resin of a particular tree)
pthvk mf. large or small cardamoms; Nigella Indica kamala mn. lotus; lotusflower;
Nelumbium speciosum Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 536) ~ utpala mn. a particular hell; a
seed of the Nymphaea; any flower.

~~NMN~ (.)
nyagrodhodumbarvatthaplakalodhratvaca sit // (16.2)
nyagrodha-udumbara-avattha-plaka-lodhra-tvac sit
~ nyagrodha m. a fathom (measured by the arms extended); a monastery and a village; Ficus
Indica ~ udumbara mn. 1 kara; a kind of mahkuha; copper NM avattha m. a vessel made
of the wood of avattha; Ficus Religiosa Linn.; name of a Nakatra N plaka m. -prasravaa;
dvpa; a side door or the space at the space of a door lodhra mn. Symplocos racemosa Roxb.
~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag
sit f. Arabian jasmine; a handsome woman; a species of Aparjit.

~ T (.)
yamadhu suvaratvak padmaka raktayaik / (17.1)
yamadhu suvara-tvac padmaka raktayaik
yamadhu mn. liquorice suvara n. a kind of vegetable; a sort of yellow sandal-
wood; gold (of which 57 synonyms are given) ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used
in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag T padmaka n. a particular posture in sitting; Costus
Arabicus; Costus speciosus Sm. raktayaik f. Rubia Munjista.

^ W WP (.)
gandh ckuhatagars tke jyotimat ni // (17.2)
gandha tk jyotimat ni
^ gandha mn. a fragrant substance; a neighbour; a sectarial mark on the forehead (called so in
the south of India) W tk f. a leech; a mystical name of the letter p; black mustard
WP jyotimat f. jyotik; a kind of sacrificial brick; a kind of Triubh ni f.
(Hahayoga:) \=\= kumbhaka; a vision; Curcuma (of 2 species).

J N (.)
daamlamanohvla lk vet phalatrayam / (18.1)
lk vet phalatraya
lk f. a kind of red dye; a species of plant; lac (obtained from the cochineal or a similar
insect as well as from the resin of a particular tree) N vet f. Achyranthes Atropurpurea; a
kind of venomous insect (ka); a kind of venomous spider (lt) phalatraya n. 3 sorts of
fruit collectively (the fruit of the vine); Gmelina Arborea; Grewia Asiatica.

^ W ` (.)
gandhadravyi tkni gao mrdhavirecana // (18.2)
gandha-dravya tka gaa mrdhan-virecana
^ gandha mn. a fragrant substance; a neighbour; a sectarial mark on the forehead (called so in
the south of India) dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.) elementary substance; a
stake W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot gaa m. (in metre) a foot or four instants; vc; a
company mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning; chief (applied to
persons) ` virecana adj. abfhrend; opening.

W (.)
jale sthitm ahortram ik dvdagulm / (19.1)
jala sth ahortra ik dvdaan-agula
jala n. a cow's embryo; a kind of Andropogon; any fluid W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to
be at hand ahortra mn. a day and a night (having twenty-four hours or thirty Muhrtas)
ik f. a brush; a reed; a small stick of wood or iron (used for trying whether the gold in a
crucible is melted) dvdaan adj. 12 MW agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a
finger's breadth.

BT~ (.)
piair dhmauadhair eva pacaktva pralepayet // (19.2)
pi dhma-auadha evam pacan-ktvas pralepay
pi 7.. to bruise; to crush; to destroy (fig. also with gen.) dhma mn. a kind of incense; a
saint; mist auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively evam ind. in such a manner; in this
way; such B pacan adj. fnf T~ ktvas ind. at the end of a numeral or numeral adjective: -
fold pralepay 10.P. to besmear; to smear.

` W W ` (.)
vartir aguhakasthl yavamadhy yath bhavet / (20.1)
vart aguhaka-sthl yava-madhya yath bh
vart f. a kind of bandage bound round a wound; a kind of fringe; a limp aguhaka
n. aguha thumb; finger W sthl f. Cucumis Utilissimus; large cardamoms; Scindapsus
Officinalis yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn
(supposed to indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of
an Agula as a weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens W madhya adj.
central; impartial; intermediate yath ind. according; as; as bh 1.. to be; to become; to
come into being.

"M N~ (.)
chyuk vigarbh t snehbhyakt yathyatham // (20.2)
chyuka vigarbh tad sneha-abhyaj yathyatham
"M chyuka adj. im Schatten getrocknet vigarbh f. delivered of a living child or
fetus tad pron. this N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance
~M abhyaj 7.P. to anoint; to smear yathyatham ind. as is fit or proper; by degrees; fitly.

`` VN (.)
dhmanetrrpit ptum agniplu prayojayet / (21.1)
dhma-netra-arpay p agni-plu prayojay
dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist ` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of
deer arpay 10.. to apply; to cast; to cast through p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck V
agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty N plu 1.P. to burn prayojay 10.P. to aim at; to
appoint to; to be applicable.

~ (.)
arvasampuacchidre n nyasya dagulm // (21.2)
arva-sampua-chidra n nyas daan-agula
arva mn. a bowl (Kashikar, Chintamani Ganesh 0: 24); a measure equal to two Prasthas
or one Kuava; a shallow cup sampua mn. a hemisphere; a hemispherical bowl or anything
so shaped; a kind of coitus chidra n. (in astrol.) the 8th lunar mansion; a hole; blemish
n f. a fistulous sore; a flute; a juggling trick ~ nyas 2.P. to arrange; to intrust; to plant
daan adj. ten agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

N ~ ^ " (.)
ksa vsa pnaso visvaratva ptir gandha put keadoa/ (22.1)
ksa vsa pnasa visvara-tva pti gandha put kea-doa
ksa m. cough; [medic.] mit einem nvana behandeln N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the
breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose)
visvara adj. discordant; dissonant; having no sound ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina)
pti adj. fetid; foul-smelling; ill-smelling (after a finite verb expressive of blame or censure)
^ gandha mn. a fragrant substance; a neighbour; a sectarial mark on the forehead (called so in
the south of India) " put f. paleness; whitish-yellow colour kea m. a kind of
perfume; name of a Daitya; name of a mineral doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection.

`7 W W* (.)
karsykisrvakavartijya tandr hidhm dhmapa na spanti // (22.2)
kara-sya-aki-srva-ka-arti-jya tandr hidhm dhmapa na sp
kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle sya n. face; jaws;
mouth aki n. the eye srva m. (esp.) morbid flow or issue of (comp.); flow; miscarriage
" ka f. itch; itching; scratching ` arti f. artn; rti; pain 7 jya n. absence of intellect
or soul; absence of power of taste (in the tongue); chilliness tandr f. exhaustion; lassitude;
Mattigkeit W hidhm mf. a kind of disease; Schlick [als Name einer Krankheit!] dhmapa
adj. drinking or inhaling (only) smoke na ind. neither; no; nor W sp 6.. to feel with the
hand; to graze; to handle.

" N^ (.)
catuprakro gaa snigdha amanaodhanau / (1.1)
catur-prakra gaa snigdha amana-odhana
catur nr. four prakra m. class; kind; manner " gaa mn. a mouthful of water;
draught; filling or rinsing the mouth N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable
amana adj. allaying; calming; destroying odhana adj. cleaning; cleansing; purgative.

V WV (.)
ropaaca trayas tatra triu yojycaldiu // (1.2)
ropaa-ca tri tatra tri yuj-cala-di
ropaa adj. causing to grow; causing to grow over or cicatrize; healing ca ind. also; and;
as well as tri nr. 3 MW tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place tri nr. 3 MW yuj
4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or
conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to cala m. a sprout; quicksilver; shoot di m. a firstling;
and so on; beginning.

7 V N^ (.)
antyo vraaghna snigdho 'tra svdvamlapausdhitai / (2.1)
antya vraa-ghna snigdha atra svdu-amla-pau-sdhay
7 antya adj. belonging to the lowest caste; immediately following; inferior vraa mn. a
flaw; abscess; blemish V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing N^ snigdha adj. adhesive;
affectionate; agreeable atra ind. here at this time; in this matter; in this place svdu adj.
agreeable; chirming; dainty amla adj. acid; sour pau adj. acrid; clear; cruel sdhay
10.. to accomplish; to acquire; to attain one's object.

N (.)
snehai saamanas tiktakayamadhurauadhai // (2.2)
sneha saamana tikta-kaya-madhura-auadha
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance saamana adj.
allaying; destroying; removing tikta adj. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste); fragrant;
pungent kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant madhura adj. charming; delightful;
mellifluous auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively.

odhanas tiktakavamlapaai ropaa puna / (3.1)
odhana ropaa punar
odhana adj. cleaning; cleansing; purgative ropaa adj. causing to grow; causing to
grow over or cicatrize; healing punar ind. again and again; back; besides.

N (.)
kayatiktakais tatra sneha kra madhdakam // (3.2)
kaya-tiktaka tatra sneha kra madhdaka
kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant tiktaka adj. anything having a bitter flavour;
bitter tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an
unguent; any oleaginous substance kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened
milk madhdaka n. honey diluted in water.

" N ~ (.)
ukta madya raso mtra dhnymla ca yathyatham / (4.1)
ukta madya rasa mtra dhnymla ca yathyatham
" ukta n. any sour liquor or gruel (esp. a kind of acid beverage prepared from roots and
fruits); anything fermented or become sour; flesh N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or
spiritous liquor; wine rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind
of metre mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine ~ dhnymla n. sour rice-
gruel ca ind. also; and; as well as yathyatham ind. as is fit or proper; by degrees; fitly.

7 W (.)
kalkair yukta vipakva v yathspara prayojayet // (4.2)
kalka yuj vipakva v yath-spara prayojay
7 kalka mn. (architect.) a kind of mortar/coating; a kind of tenacious paste; a viscous
sediment deposited by oily substances when ground yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into
conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to
vipakva adj. fully developed; matured; not burnt v ind. either - or; on the one side - on
the other side; optionally yath ind. according; as; as W spara m. a gift; a kind of sexual
union; a spy prayojay 10.P. to aim at; to appoint to; to be applicable.

* * ` (.)
dantahare dantacle mukharoge ca vtike / (5.1)
dantahara dantacla mukha-roga ca vtika
* dantahara m. -gh; morbid sensitiveness of the teeth; [medic.] a kind of disease of the
teeth * dantacla m. looseness of the teeth mukha n. a direction; beginning; best
roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease ca ind. also; and; as well as
vtika adj. affected by wind-disease; exciting or allaying wind (in the body); mad.

7 (.)
sukhoam athav ta tilakalkodaka hitam // (5.2)
sukha-ua athav ta tila-kalka-udaka hita
sukha n. atmosphere; comfort; delight in ua adj. acrid; active; hot athav ind.
(when repeated) either or; or; perhaps ta adj. boiled; cold; dull tila mn. a mole; a small
particle; name of a chapter of PSarv. 7 kalka mn. (architect.) a kind of mortar/coating; a kind
of tenacious paste; a viscous sediment deposited by oily substances when ground udaka n. a
particular metre; ablution (as a ceremony); the ceremony of offering water to a dead person
hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial.

" * (.)
gaadhrae nitya taila msaraso 'thav / (6.1)
gaa-dhraa nityam taila msa-rasa athav
" gaa mn. a mouthful of water; draught; filling or rinsing the mouth dhraa n.
(Trika:) Name der vier Halbvokale (Vc, 310); a kind of opium; bearing * nityam ind. always
taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil msa n. flesh; meat rasa mn. amta; a
constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre athav ind. (when repeated)
either or; or; perhaps.

~` ` * ~` (.)
dhnvite pke kate cgantusambhave // (6.2)
-dha-anvita pka kata ca-gantu-sambhava
f. soil impregnated with saline particles; sterile soil; [medic.] lokales Brennen dha
m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) ~ anvita adj. accompanied by; acquired;
attended pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences kata n. a
hurt; contusion; murder ca ind. also; and; as well as * gantu adj. accidental; adventitious;
anything added or adhering ~ sambhava m. ability; acquaintance; adequacy.

` V^ ` (.)
vie krgnidagdhe ca sarpir dhrya payo 'thav / (7.1)
via kra-agni-dah ca sarpis dhray payas athav
via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison
kra n. a factitious or medicinal salt (commonly black salt); alkali; alkaline substance V
agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty dah 1.. to be in flames; to burn; to cauterise ca
ind. also; and; as well as ` sarpis n. a kind of prameha; clarified butter dhray 10.. to
hold; to keep; to possess payas n. (esp.) milk; (met.) vital spirit; a species of Andropogon
athav ind. (when repeated) either or; or; perhaps.

N *" (.)
vaiadya janayatyu sadadhti mukhe vran // (7.2)
vaiadya janay-u sadh mukha vraa
N vaiadya n. brightness; clearness; distinctness janay 10.. to create; to generate; to
produce " u adj. fast; going quickly; quick sadh 3.. to aim at (?); to be a match for;
to be placed or held in mukha n. a direction; beginning; best vraa mn. a flaw; abscess;

" (.)
dhatpraamana madhugaadhraam / (8.1)
dha-t-praamana madhu-gaa-dhraa
dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) t f. Avidity as mother of
Dambha; avidity (chiefly ifc.); desire praamana adj. curing; healing; pacifying madhu
n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid) " gaa mn.
a mouthful of water; draught; filling or rinsing the mouth dhraa n. (Trika:) Name der vier
Halbvokale (Vc, 310); a kind of opium; bearing.

~ W (.)
dhnymlam syavairasyamaladaurgandhyananam // (8.2)
dhnymla sya-vairasya-mala-daurgandhya-nana
~ dhnymla n. sour rice-gruel sya n. face; jaws; mouth vairasya n. bad taste;
disagreeableness; disgust of mala mn. dirt; dust; filth W daurgandhya n. bler Geruch
nana adj. destroying.

tad evlavaa ta mukhaoahara param / (9.1)
tad eva-alavaa ta mukha-oa-hara para
tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even alavaa adj. not salty ta adj. boiled;
cold; dull mukha n. a direction; beginning; best oa m. desiccation; dryness; pulmonary
consumption hara adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing para pron. ancient; best; better or
worse than.

" ~" 7 HP (.)
u krmbugao bhinatti lemaa cayam // (9.2)
u kra-ambu-gaa bhid leman caya
" u adj. fast; going quickly; quick kra adj. acrid; biting; caustic ~ ambu n. a kind of
Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the number four " gaa
mn. a mouthful of water; draught; filling or rinsing the mouth bhid 6.P. to be changed or
altered (in mind); to be disclosed or betrayed; to be distinguished HP leman m. mucus;
phlegm; rheum caya m. (in med.) accumulation of the humors; a cover; a heap.

" ` 7 (.)
sukhoodakagaair jyate vaktralghavam / (10.1)
sukha-ua-udaka-gaa jan vaktra-lghava
sukha n. atmosphere; comfort; delight in ua adj. acrid; active; hot udaka n. a
particular metre; ablution (as a ceremony); the ceremony of offering water to a dead person
" gaa mn. a mouthful of water; draught; filling or rinsing the mouth jan 4.P. to be; to
be born; to be born again 7 vaktra n. a sort of garment; beginning; face lghava n.
alacrity; brevity; conciseness.

` ` W^^ (.)
nivte stape svinnamditaskandhakandhara // (10.2)
nivta sa-tapa svid-md-skandha-kadhara
nivta adj. calm; sheltered from the wind sa ind. (ibc.) with tapa m. heat
(especially of the sun); sunshine svid 4.P. to sweat md 9.. to crush; to destroy; to kill
W^ skandha m. (archit.) the support (part of a capital); samparya and bhadrdi; a chapter
kadhara mf. neck.

" (.)
gaam apiban kicidunnatsyo vidhrayet / (11.1)
gaa apibant kacid-unnam-sya vidhray
" gaa mn. a mouthful of water; draught; filling or rinsing the mouth * apibant adj.
not drinking V kacid pron. someone unnam 1.P. to ascend; to bend upwards; to lift up
sya n. face; jaws; mouth vidhray 10.P. to arrange; to check; to contrive.

kaphaprsyat yvat sravadghrkatthav // (11.2)
kapha-p-sya-t yvat sru-ghra-akat-athav
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general p 3.. to
be filled with; to be sated; to become complete (as a number) sya n. face; jaws; mouth
t f. ifc. abstracta yvat ind. as far as; as greatly as; as long as sru 1.. to arise from; to
disappear; to drop ghra mn. odour; perception of odour; smell akat f. . Zustand des
Auges athav ind. (when repeated) either or; or; perhaps.

~ "7 (.)
manyirakaramukhkirog prasekakahmayavaktrao /(12.1)
many-iras-kara-mukha-akiroga praseka-kaha-maya-vaktra-oa
~ many f. name of two vessels at the sides of the trachea; the back or the nape of the neck
(musculus cucullaris or trapezius) iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) kara m.
Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle mukha n. a direction; beginning; best
akiroga m. Augenkrankheit praseka m. discharge; dropping; effusion " kaha m.
Gefwand; immediate proximity; name of a Maharshi maya m. disease; indigestion;
sickness 7 vaktra n. a sort of garment; beginning; face oa m. desiccation; dryness;
pulmonary consumption.

T=^V W ` (.)
hllsatandrrucipnasca sdhy viet kavaagrahea //(12.2)
hllsa-tandr-aruci-pnasa-ca sdhay viet kavaa-graha
T= hllsa m. Herzklopfen; palpitation of heart tandr f. exhaustion; lassitude; Mattigkeit
^ aruci f. aversion; disgust; dislike pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose) ca ind.
also; and; as well as sdhay 10.. to accomplish; to acquire; to attain one's object
viet ind. especially kavaa m. a mouthful of water; Mundwasser; water for rinsing the
mouth graha mn. a crocodile; a house; a planet (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men
in a supernatural manner).

7 (.)
kalko rasakriy cras trividha pratisraam // (13.1)
kalka rasakriy cra trividha pratisraa
7 kalka mn. (architect.) a kind of mortar/coating; a kind of tenacious paste; a viscous
sediment deposited by oily substances when ground rasakriy f. dick eingekochter Saft;
Salbe; the inspissation and application of fluid remedies or fomentations cra mn. a powder
prepared by pounding dry substances in a mortar with a pestle, and passing it through cloth;
aromatic powder; flour trividha adj. of 3 kinds; threefold; triple pratisraa mfn.
Betupfen; dressing and anointing the edges of a wound (or an instrument for doing so); name of
a particular process to which minerals (esp. quicksilver) are subjected.

W ` " (.)
yujyt tat kapharogeu gaavihitauadhai / (14.1)
yuj tad kapha-roga gaa-vidh-auadha
yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or
conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to tad pron. this kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the
tridoas; watery froth or foam in general roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus; disease " gaa mn. a mouthful of water; draught; filling or rinsing the mouth
vidh 3.. to appoint; to apportion; to arrange auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively.

TV (.)
mukhlepas tridh doaviah varakcca sa // (14.2)
mukha-lepa tridh doa-via-han vara-kt-ca tad
mukha n. a direction; beginning; best lepa m. anointing; liniment; ointment
tridh ind. in 3 parts; in 3 places; in 3 ways doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection via n.
Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison han adj.
killing vara mn. a co-efficient; a cover; a covering T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author
ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this.

`M* (.)
uo vtakaphe asta eevatyarthatala / (15.1)
ua vta-kapha as ea-atyartha-tala
ua adj. acrid; active; hot vta m. air; flatulence; gout kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as
one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general as 2.. to approve; to calumniate; to
commend ea mn. balance; leavings; remainder * atyartha adj. excessive; exorbitant
tala adj. calm; cold; cold i.e. free from passion.

triprama caturbhgatribhgrdhgulonnati // (15.2)
tri-prama catur-bhga-tri-bhga-ardha-agula-unnati
tri nr. 3 MW prama mn. nitya; a correct notion; a means of acquiring Pram or certain
knowledge catur nr. four bhga m. a degree or 360th part of the circumference of a great
circle; a division of time; a fraction (often with an ordinal number) tri nr. 3 MW bhga m.
a degree or 360th part of the circumference of a great circle; a division of time; a fraction (often
with an ordinal number) ardha mn. the half; [rel.] ardhsana agula mn. (in astron.) a
digit; a finger; a finger's breadth unnati f. advancement; ascending; elevation.

"M W "M { (.)
aukasya sthitis tasya uko dayati chavim / (16.1)
auka sthiti tad uka day chavi
"M auka adj. fresh; moist; not dry W sthiti f. (in astron.) duration of an eclipse; (in Vedic
gram.) the standing of a word by itself; abiding tad pron. this "M uka adj. arid; dried; dried
up { day 10.. (astrol.) to cause evil or misfortune; to accuse; to adulterate chavi f. a ray
of light; beauty; colour.

~ * ~ ` (.)
tam rdrayitvpanayet tadante 'bhyagam caret // (16.2)
tad rdray-apan tad-anta abhyaga car
tad pron. this rdray Denom.P. to make wet; to moisten; to move apan 1.. to deny;
to except; to exclude from a rule tad pron. this * anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border
~ abhyaga m. inunction; rubbing with unctuous substances; unguent car 1.. to act; to
address; to apply.

P~" (.)
vivarjayed divsvapnabhygnytapaukkrudha / (17.1)
vivarjay 10.. to abandon; to avoid; to distribute.

W ` 7 ` (.)
na yojya pnase 'jre dattanasye hanugrahe // (17.2)
na yuj pnasa ajra d-nasya hanugraha
na ind. neither; no; nor yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in
astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to pnasa m. catarrh; cold
(affecting the nose) ajra n. indigestion d 1.. to answer; to give; to give (a daughter) in
marriage nasya n. a sternutatory; errhine; the hairs in the nose hanugraha m. lock-jaw.

` * (.)
arocake jgarite sa tu hanti suyojita / (18.1)
arocaka jgarita tad tu han suyojita
arocaka m. disgust; indigestion; want or loss of appetite jgarita n. waking tad
pron. this tu ind. and; but; do han 1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to abandon; to avert
suyojita adj. well combined or prepared (as food).

aklapalitavyagavaltimiranlik // (18.2)
akla m. a wrong or bad time palita n. a tuft of hair; benzoin; burning vyaga adj.
speckled; spotted val f. vali; a fold; a wave timira n. darkness; darkness of the eyes;
iron-rust nlik f. a blue-flowered Vitex negundo; a kind of malady (black and blue marks
in the face); a particular disease of the lens of the eye.

kolamajj vn mla bara gaurasarap / (19.1)
kola-majjan va mla bara gaurasarapa
kola n. black pepper; Name mehrerer Zizyphus-Arten (Surapla 1988: 231); the fruit of the
jujube majjan m. scurf; the marrow of bones va m. Adhatoda vasica Roxb.; a bull (in
older language only ifc.); a man mla mn. a chief or principal city; a corpse; a king's original
or proper territory bara n. a kind of sandal; copper; darkness gaurasarapa m. a
kind of weight- 3 rjasarapas; white mustard- Sinapis glauca.

T ~ (.)
sihmla til k drvtva nistu yav // (19.2)
sih-mla tila ka drv-tvac nistua yava
sih f. a lioness; a vein; Gendarussa Vulgaris mla mn. a chief or principal city; a
corpse; a king's original or proper territory tila mn. a mole; a small particle; name of a
chapter of PSarv. T ka adj. black; dark; dark-blue drv f. a kind of collyrium extracted
from it; Berberis aristata DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 562); Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex DC. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 562) ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the
Soma); a leather bag nistua adj. freed from tusk or chaff; purified; simplified yava mn.
(in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to indicate good
fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a weight 6 or
12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens.

" (.)
darbhamlahimorairamiitaul / (20.1)
darbha m. a tuft or bunch of grass (esp. of Kua grass); Cynodon dactylon (Linn.) Pers. (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 561); Imperata arundinacea mla mn. a chief or principal city; a corpse; a
king's original or proper territory hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta ura mn. the
fragrant root of the plant Andropogon Muricatus; Vetiveria zizanioides Nash. (Surapla 1988:
241) ira mn. Acacia sirissa Buch.-Ham.; Albizzia odoratissima Benth. (G.J. Meulenbeld
1974: 603); name of a village mii f. Anethum Panmori and Anethum Sowa; a species of
sugar-cane; Nardostachys Jatamansi " taula mfn. Embelia ribes Burm.F. (G.J. Meulenbeld
(1974), 558); grain (after threshing and winnowing); Oryza sativa Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974:

~{ W (.)
kumudotpalakalhradrvmadhukacandanam // (20.2)
kumuda mn. Nymphaea lotus Linn.; the esculent white water-lily- Nymphaea esculenta; the
red lotus- Nymphaea rubra ~ utpala mn. a particular hell; a seed of the Nymphaea; any flower
kalhra mn. a kind of lotus { drv f. bent grass; Cynodon dactylon Pers.; Drb grass
madhuka n. Bassia latifolia Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 587); beeswax; Cynometra ramiflora
Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 587) W candana mn. Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex DC. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Caesalpinia sappan Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Crocus
sativus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 552).

T (.)
klyakatiloramstagarapadmakam / (21.1)
klyaka mn. Aquilaria agallocha; name of a Nga; yellow sandal tila mn. a mole; a
small particle; name of a chapter of PSarv. ura mn. the fragrant root of the plant
Andropogon Muricatus; Vetiveria zizanioides Nash. (Surapla 1988: 241) ms f.
Nardostachys jatamansi D.C. tagara mn. Ervatamia coronaria Stapf; Ervatamia divaricata
Burkill (Surapla (1988), 137); Ervatamia heyneana Cooke (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 557) T
padmaka n. a particular posture in sitting; Costus Arabicus; Costus speciosus Sm.

"J^ (.)
tlagundrpurhvayakanatguru // (21.2)


[ (.)
mukhlepanaln dha bhavati daranam // (22.2)
mukha-lepana-la dha bh darana
mukha n. a direction; beginning; best lepana n. anointing; liniment; ointment
la mn. a moral precept; character; conduct [ dha adj. certain; close (e.g. ship); complete
(opp. to bhinna) bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being darana n. audience;
examination; inspection.

HW (.)
vadana cparimlna laka tmarasopamam / (23.1)
vadana ca-aparimlna laka tmarasa-upama
vadana n. countenance; face; initial quantity or term of a progression ca ind. also; and; as
well as aparimlna adj. HW laka adj. bland; even; fine tmarasa n. a day-
lotus; a metre of 4x12 syllables; copper upama adj. equal; like; resembling.

~ ` (.)
abhyagasekapicavo vasti ceti caturvidham // (23.2)
abhyaga-seka-picu vasti ca-iti caturvidha
~ abhyaga m. inunction; rubbing with unctuous substances; unguent seka m. a drop of
anything; a libation; a shower-bath picu m. a Karsha or weight of 2 Tolas; a kind of leprosy;
a sort of grain vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection
itself; the bladder ca ind. also; and; as well as iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original
signification iti refers to something that has been said or thought) ` caturvidha adj. fourfold;
of 4 sorts or kinds.

V N 77 (.)
mrdhataila bahugua tad vidyd uttarottaram / (24.1)
mrdhan-taila bahu-gua tad vid uttarottara
mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning; chief (applied to persons)
taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil V bahu adj. abundant; great in quantity; many gua
mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook tad pron.
this vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to know; to learn 77 uttarottara adj. always following;
always increasing; each following.

~ W" (.)
tatrbhyaga prayoktavyo raukyakamaldiu // (24.2)
tatra-abhyaga prayuj raukya-ka-mala-di
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place ~ abhyaga m. inunction; rubbing with
unctuous substances; unguent prayuj 7.. to accomplish; to act; to begin W raukya n.
aridity; cruelty; dryness " ka f. itch; itching; scratching mala mn. dirt; dust; filth
di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

arikirastodadhapkavraeu tu / (25.1)
arik-iras-toda-dha-pka-vraa tu
arik f. [medic.] pustules on the head iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class)
toda m. a driver (of horses etc.); name of a Sman; pricking pain dha m. burning;
cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having
consequences vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish tu ind. and; but; do.

` W` (.)
parieka picu keatasphuanadhpane // (25.2)
parieka picu kea-ta-sphuana-dhpana
` parieka m. a bath; bathing apparatus; moistening picu m. a Karsha or weight of 2
Tolas; a kind of leprosy; a sort of grain kea m. a kind of perfume; name of a Daitya; name of
a mineral ta m. falling out or decaying (of nails) W sphuana n. bursting; cracking (of the
joints etc.); expanding dhpana n. (in astrol.) the obscuration of a conset; fumigation;

`~ *`` ` (.)
netrastambhe ca vastis tu prasuptyarditajgare / (26.1)
netra-stambha ca vasti tu prasupti-arday-jgara
` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer ~ stambha m. a post; arrogance;
becoming hard or solid ca ind. also; and; as well as vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-
syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder tu ind. and; but; do P prasupti f.
sleepiness (paralysis) arday 10.P. to afflict (with a disease) jgara adj. awake.

` ` ` ^ (.)
nssyaoe timire iroroge ca drue // (26.2)
ns-sya-oa timira iras-roga ca drua
ns f. Gendarussa Vulgaris; proboscis; the nose sya n. face; jaws; mouth oa m.
desiccation; dryness; pulmonary consumption timira n. darkness; darkness of the eyes;
iron-rust iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus
Speciosus or Arabicus; disease ca ind. also; and; as well as ^ drua adj. cruel; dreadful;

H ` (.)
vidhis tasya niaasya phe jnusame mdau / (27.1)
vidhi tad niad pha jnu-sama mdu
vidhi m. a grammatical rule or precept; a means; a physician tad pron. this niad
1.. to appoint; to be afflicted; to establish pha n. a district; a particular posture in sitting; a
religious student's seat (made properly of Kua grass) jnu mn. (as a measure of length) 32
Agulas; the knee sama pron. common; constant; easy mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in
the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung).

"T` * (.)
uddhktasvinnadehasya dinnte gavyamhiam // (27.2)
uddha-aj-svid-deha dina-anta gavya-mhia
"T uddha adj. admitted; authorised; clean M aj 7.. (eine trockene Substanz mit einer
Flssigkeit) binden; to anoint; to apply an ointment or pigment svid 4.P. to sweat ` deha
mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form dina mn. a day * anta m. a final syllable; a shore;
border gavya adj. coming from or belonging to a cow (as milk); consisting of cattle or cows;
proper or fit for cattle mhia adj. coming from or belonging to a buffalo or buffalo-cow.

dvdagulavistra carmapaa irasamam / (28.1)
dvdaan-agula-vist carman-paa iras-sama
dvdaan adj. 12 MW agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth
vist 9.P. to be explained; to be spread abroad or widely diffused; to converse with (instr.)
carman n. carmkhya; a shield; bark paa m. (esp.) a copper plate for inscribing royal grants
or orders; a bandage; a frontlet iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) sama pron.
common; constant; easy.

^W ` W` ` (.)
karabandhanasthna lale vastraveite // (28.2)
kara-bandhana-sthna lala vastra-veay
kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle ^ bandhana n. a
bandage; a bond; a sinew W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a stronghold; abiding
lala mn. a gable; name of the location where Viu married Lakm; the forehead W
vastra mn. cloth; clothes; cover ` veay 10.. to beset; to cause to shrink up; to cover.

` Q 7 (.)
cailaveikay baddhv makalkena lepayet / (29.1)
caila-veik bandh ma-kalka lepay
caila n. cela; a piece of cloth; clothes ` veik f. (met.) a continuous line; vei; a braid
of hair ^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience
ma m. a bean (the plant); a cutaneous eruption resembling beans; a fool 7 kalka mn.
(architect.) a kind of mortar/coating; a kind of tenacious paste; a viscous sediment deposited by
oily substances when ground lepay 10.P. to cast blame on any one; to cause to smear; to

" N ` (.)
tato yathvydhi ta sneha koa niecayet // (29.2)
tatas yathvydhi r sneha koa niecay
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason yathvydhi ind. according to the
(nature of a) disease Malamsat r 9.P. to cook; to mix N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an
unguent; any oleaginous substance koa adj. moderately warm; tepid ` niecay 10.P. .

V (.)
rdhva keabhuvo yvad agula dhrayecca tam / (30.1)
rdhvam keabh yvat agula dhray-ca tad
rdhvam ind. after; furthermore; upward keabh f. head yvat ind. as far as; as
greatly as; as long as agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth
dhray 10.. to hold; to keep; to possess ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this.

7 (.)
vaktransikotkledd daau a caldiu // (30.2)
vaktra-nsik-utkleda daan-aan a cala-di
7 vaktra n. a sort of garment; beginning; face nsik f. a false dormer-window; a nostril;
name of Avin (mother of the two Avins) utkleda m. the becoming wet or moist
daan adj. ten aan adj. eight a adj. six cala m. a sprout; quicksilver; shoot di
m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

"^ ~ W^ (.)
mtrsahasryaruje tveka skandhdi mardayet / (31.1)
mtr-sahasra-aruja tu-eka skandha-di marday
mtr f. a minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial instant sahasra mn. a
thousandth; the thousandth ^ aruja adj. brisk; free from disease; gay tu ind. and; but; do
eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once W^ skandha m. (archit.) the support (part of a
capital); samparya and bhadrdi; a chapter di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
marday 10.. to break; to cause to be trampled down; to crush.

N P (.)
muktasnehasya parama saptha tasya sevanam // (31.2)
muc-sneha parama saptha tad sevana
muc 6.. to get rid of; to let loose; to liberate from N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an
unguent; any oleaginous substance parama adj. (with abl.) superior or inferior to; best;
better or worse than P saptha m. a sacrificial performance lasting 7 days tad pron. this
sevana n. adoration; attendance; devotion or addiction to.

` (.)
dhrayet praa kare karamla vimardayan / (32.1)
dhray praa kara kara-mla vimarday
dhray 10.. to hold; to keep; to possess praa n. (in astron.) the revolution of a
heavenly body through its orbit; (in medic.) injection of fluids or supplying with food; a sort of
cake kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle kara m.
Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle mla mn. a chief or principal city; a
corpse; a king's original or proper territory vimarday 10.P. to bruise; to rub.

^ `` (.)
ruja syn mrdava yvan mtratam avedane // (32.2)
ruj as mrdava yvat mtr-ata avedana
^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.)
mrdava n. gentleness; kindness; leniency towards yvat ind. as far as; as greatly as; as
long as mtr f. a minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial instant ata mn. a
hundred; any very large number ` avedana n. not knowing.

" (.)
yvat paryeti hastgra dakia jnumaalam / (33.1)
yvat par hasta-agra dakia jnu-maala
yvat ind. as far as; as greatly as; as long as par 2.P. (trans.) to go or flow round (acc.);
to attain; to circumambulate hasta mn. autograph; the hand; trunk (of an elephant) agra
n. a measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim dakia adj. able; candid;
clever jnu mn. (as a measure of length) 32 Agulas; the knee " maala mfn. a circle; a
circular array of troops; a circular bandage.

W (.)
nimeonmeaklena sama mtr tu s smt // (33.2)
nimea-unmea-kla sama mtr tu tad sm
nimea m. name of a Yaka; shutting the eye; twinkling unmea m. appearing;
becoming visible; blowing or blossoming (of a flower) kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper
time or season for; time sama pron. common; constant; easy mtr f. a minute portion; a
mirror; a mora or prosodial instant tu ind. and; but; do tad pron. this W sm 1.. to be
mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

~M~ (.)
kacasadanasitatvapijaratva pariphuana irasa samrarogn /(34.1)
kaca-sadana-sita-tva-pijara-tva pariphuana iras samra-roga
kaca m. band; cicatrix; cloud sadana n. a seat; coming to rest; dwelling sita adj.
bright; candid; light (said of a day in the light half of a month and of the waxing moon) ~ tva n.
(Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) M pijara adj. of a golden colour; reddish-yellow; yellow or
tawny ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) pariphuana n. iras n. acme; chief;
first (of a class) samra m. air; breeze; name of a people roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus
Speciosus or Arabicus; disease.

jayati janayatndriyaprasda svarahanumrdhabala ca mrdhatailam // (34.2)
ji janay-indriya-prasda svara-hanu-mrdhan-bala ca mrdhan-taila
ji 2.P. to conquer (in a battle); to defeat; to exercise janay 10.. to create; to generate; to
produce indriya n. bodily power; exhibition of power; faculty of sense prasda m. a
decoction; a propitiatory offering or gift (of food); a residuum svara m. a note of the musical
scale (of which seven [rarely six or eight] are enumerated); a symbolical expression for the
number "seven"; a vowel hanu mf. a jaw mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of
anything; beginning; chief (applied to persons) bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in
ca ind. also; and; as well as mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning;
chief (applied to persons) taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil.

sarvem akirogm dvcyotana hitam / (1.1)
sarva aki-roga di-cyotana hita
sarva pron. all; completely; different aki n. the eye roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus
Speciosus or Arabicus; disease di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning cyotana n.
applying (ghee etc.) to the eyelids; aspersion; sprinkling hita adj. agreeable; arranged;

^" (.)
ruktodakaugharrudharganibarhaam // (1.2)
^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease toda m. a driver (of horses etc.); name of a
Sman; pricking pain " kau f. itch; itching; scratching ghara m. a pestle; friction;
rubbing aru mn. a tear dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) rga m. a
musical note; a particular process in the preparation of quicksilver; a prince nibarhaa adj.
crushing; destroying; removing.

` 7 (.)
ua vte kaphe koa tacchta raktapittayo / (2.1)
ua vta kapha koa tad-ta rakta-pitta
ua adj. acrid; active; hot vta m. air; flatulence; gout kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as
one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general koa adj. moderately warm; tepid
tad pron. this ta adj. boiled; cold; dull rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes;
blood 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour.

W 7 (.)
nivtasthasya vmena pinonmlya locanam // (2.2)
nivta-stha vma pi-unml locana
nivta adj. calm; sheltered from the wind W stha adj. a place; abiding; being situated in
vma adj. acting in the opposite way or differently; adverse; bad pi m. a hoof; the hand
unml 1.P. to appear; to become visible; to come forth locana n. a kind of plant; cumin;
name of a work.

" ~~ * (.)
uktau pralambaynyena picuvarty kannike / (3.1)
ukti pralamb-anya picu-vart kannik
" ukti f. a bone; a curl or feather on a horse's neck or breast; a measure of weight ( 1/2 Pala
or 4 Karshas) ~ pralamb f. name of a Rkas ~ anya pron. anderer picu m. a Karsha or
weight of 2 Tolas; a kind of leprosy; a sort of grain vart f. a kind of bandage bound round a
wound; a kind of fringe; a limp kannik f. pupil (of the eye); the little finger.


H (.)
daa dvdaa v bindn dvyaguld avasecayet // (3.2)
daan dvdaan v bindu dvi-agula avasecay
daan adj. ten dvdaan adj. 12 MW v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the
other side; optionally W

bindu mn. a coloured mark made on the forehead between the

eyebrows; a detached particle; a drop of water taken as a measure dvi nr. two agula
mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth avasecay 10.. .

tata pramjya mdun cailena kaphavtayo / (4.1)
tatas pramj mdu caila kapha-vta
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason pramj 2.. to clean; to cleanse; to
destroy mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) caila
n. cela; a piece of cloth; clothes kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth
or foam in general vta m. air; flatulence; gout.

~ N` (.)
anyena koapnyaplutena svedayen mdu // (4.2)
anya koa-pnya-plu sveday mdu
~ anya pron. anderer koa adj. moderately warm; tepid pnya n. a beverage; drink;
water N plu 1.P. to bathe; to blow (as the wind); to float sveday 10.. (eine Substanz im
Feuer) schwiten lassen mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild

*W ^[ (.)
atyuatka rugrgadnykisecanam / (5.1)
ati-ua-tka ruj-rga-d-na-aki-secana
ati ind. extremely; very ua adj. acrid; active; hot W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot ^ ruj
mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease rga m. a musical note; a particular process in the
preparation of quicksilver; a prince [ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot;
appearance; doctrine na m. (arithm.) elimination; annihilation; death aki n. the eye
secana n. a bucket; a shower-bath; baling-vessel.

^` ~` (.)
atita tu kurute nistodastambhavedan // (5.2)
atita tu k nistoda-stambha-vedan
atita adj. sehr ta tu ind. and; but; do T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to
become nistoda m. ~ stambha m. a post; arrogance; becoming hard or solid ` vedan
f. feeling; pain; sensation.

M T V (.)
kayavartmat ghara kcchrd unmeaa bahu / (6.1)
kaya-vartmat ghara kcchra unmeaa bahu
kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant M vartmat f. ghara m. a pestle; friction;
rubbing T kcchra mn. austerity; bodily mortification; calamity unmeaa n. appearing;
becoming visible; the coming forth V bahu adj. abundant; great in quantity; many.

T *7 ~ (.)
vikravddhim atyalpa sarambham aparisrutam // (6.2)
vikra-vddhi ati-alpa sarambha aparisruta
vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative from Prakti; a product; agitation T
vddhi f. advancement; augmentation; elevation (of ground) ati ind. extremely; very 7
alpa adj. little; minute; small ~ sarambha m. agitation; anger; angriness aparisruta
adj. .

~ ` (.)
gatv sadhiiroghramukhasrotsi bheajam / (7.1)
gam sadhi-iras-ghra-mukha-srotas bheaja
gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of
a perpendicular; a fold; a joint iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) ghra mn. odour;
perception of odour; smell mukha n. a direction; beginning; best srotas n. a river; an
aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of
sense ` bheaja n. a remedy; a spell or charm; drug.

` ~ ` (.)
rdhvagn nayane nyastam apavartayate maln // (7.2)
rdhva-ga nayana nyas apavartay mala
rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place;
being nayana n. (klasya) fixing; bringing; carrying ~ nyas 2.P. to arrange; to intrust; to
plant apavartay 10.. to reduce to a common measure; to turn or drive away from
mala mn. dirt; dust; filth.

M "T ` (.)
athjana uddhatanor netramtrraye male / (8.1)
atha-ajana uddha-tanu netra-mtra-raya mala
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
M ajana n. a special kind of this pigment; act of applying an ointment or pigment; antimony
"T uddha adj. admitted; authorised; clean tanu f. tan; form; life ` netra mn. a carriage; a
kind of cloth; a kind of deer mtra n. an element; duration; elementary matter raya
m. a plea; a recipient; appropriate act or one consistent with the character of the agent mala
mn. dirt; dust; filth.

7"7` (.)
pakvalige 'lpaophtikapaicchilyalakite // (8.2)
pakva-liga alpa-opha-ati-ka-paicchilya-lakay
pakva adj. accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots) liga
mn. (in logic) vypya; (in Skhya) prakti or pradhna; prtipadika 7 alpa adj. little; minute;
small opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) ati
ind. extremely; very " ka f. itch; itching; scratching 7 paicchilya n. mucilaginousness;
sliminess lakay 10.. to aim; to characterize; to consider or regard any one (acc.) as (acc.
with or without iva).

W` W W { (.)
mandagharrurge 'ki prayojya ghanadike / (9.1)
manda-ghara-aru-rga aki prayuj ghana-dik
W manda adj. addicted to intoxication; apathetic; bad ghara m. a pestle; friction; rubbing
aru mn. a tear rga m. a musical note; a particular process in the preparation of
quicksilver; a prince aki n. the eye prayuj 7.. to accomplish; to act; to begin ghana
adj. complete; dark; deep { dik f. a kind of rice; impurity or impure secretion of the eyes;
pencil or paint-brush.

7V ^` (.)
rte pittakaphsgbhir mrutena vieata // (9.2)
rta pitta-kapha-asj mruta vieata
rta adj. afflicted; disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general V asj n.
blood; saffron ^ mruta m. a chief of the Maruts; a son of the Maruts; air vieata ind.

[ (.)
lekhana ropaa diprasdanam iti tridh / (10.1)
lekhana ropaa di-prasdana iti tridh
lekhana adj. attenuating; exciting; lancing ropaa adj. causing to grow; causing to
grow over or cicatrize; healing [ di f. beholding; consideration; intelligence
prasdana adj. calming; cheering; clearing iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original
signification iti refers to something that has been said or thought) tridh ind. in 3 parts; in 3
places; in 3 ways.

M (.)
ajana lekhana tatra kaymlapaaai // (10.2)
ajana lekhana tatra kaya-amla-pau-aa
M ajana n. a special kind of this pigment; act of applying an ointment or pigment; antimony
lekhana adj. attenuating; exciting; lancing tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place
kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant amla adj. acid; sour pau adj. acrid; clear;
cruel aa adj. kauka.

ropaa tiktakair dravyai svdutai prasdanam / (11.1)
ropaa tiktaka dravya svdu-ta prasdana
ropaa adj. causing to grow; causing to grow over or cicatrize; healing tiktaka adj.
anything having a bitter flavour; bitter dravya n. (Gr.) single object or person; (phil.)
elementary substance; a stake svdu adj. agreeable; chirming; dainty ta adj. boiled;
cold; dull prasdana adj. calming; cheering; clearing.

WMP ` (.)
tkjanbhisatapte nayane tat prasdanam // (11.2)
tka-ajana-abhisatap nayana tad prasdana
W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot M ajana n. a special kind of this pigment; act of applying an
ointment or pigment; antimony abhisatap 1.P. to press hard on all sides nayana n.
(klasya) fixing; bringing; carrying tad pron. this prasdana adj. calming; cheering;

W ` *MJ (.)
prayujyamna labhate pratyajanasamhvayam / (12.1)
prayuj labh pratyajana-samhvaya
prayuj 7.. to accomplish; to act; to begin labh 1.P. to catch; to find; to meet with *M
pratyajana n. anointing; smearing J samhvaya m. an appellation; betting (esp. betting on
animals); challenge.

W (.)
dagul tanur madhye alk mukulnan // (12.2)
daan-agula tanu madhya alk mukula-nana
daan adj. ten agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth tanu adj.
accomplished (in metre); delicate; emaciated W madhya n. abdomen; centre; cessation
alk mf. a bone; a finger; a match or thin piece of wood (used for ignition by friction)
mukula mn. a bud; name of a man (?) nana n. door; entrance; the face.

` ` (.)
praast lekhane tmr ropae klalohaj / (13.1)
praas lekhana tmra ropaa klaloha-ja
praas 1.. to approve; to declare; to esteem lekhana n. an instrument for scraping
or furrowing; attenuating; Betula Bhojpatra (the bark of which is used for writing) tmra
adj. made of copper ropaa n. healing or a healing application (used for sores); raising;
setting klaloha n. a kind of iron/steel; iron; kntaloha ja adj. born or produced in or at
or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

M ` (.)
agul ca suvarotth rpyaj ca prasdane // (13.2)
aguli ca suvara-uttha rpya-ja ca prasdana
aguli mf. a finger; a kind of plant; a toe ca ind. also; and; as well as suvara n. a
kind of vegetable; a sort of yellow sandal-wood; gold (of which 57 synonyms are given) M
uttha adj. (generally ifc.) standing up; arising; coming forth rpya n. collyrium; rupee; silver
ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from ca ind. also;
and; as well as prasdana n. boiled rice; calming; cheering.

" M7 (.)
pio rasakriy cras tridhaivjanakalpan / (14.1)
pia rasakriy cra tridh-eva-ajana-kalpan
" pia mn. (esp.) a ball of rice or flour etc. offered to the Pits or deceased ancestors; a ball;
a bite rasakriy f. dick eingekochter Saft; Salbe; the inspissation and application of fluid
remedies or fomentations cra mn. a powder prepared by pounding dry substances in a
mortar with a pestle, and passing it through cloth; aromatic powder; flour tridh ind. in 3
parts; in 3 places; in 3 ways eva ind. alone; already; even M ajana n. a special kind of this
pigment; act of applying an ointment or pigment; antimony 7 kalpan f. a deed; act;

W ` (.)
gurau madhye laghau doe t kramea prayojayet // (14.2)
guru madhya laghu doa tad kramea prayojay
^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy W madhya adj. central; impartial; intermediate laghu
adj. active; beautiful; causing relief doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection tad pron. this
kramea ind. successively prayojay 10.P. to aim at; to appoint to; to be applicable.

` " `= (.)
hareumtr piasya vellamtr rasakriy / (15.1)
hareu-mtr pia vella-mtr rasakriy
` hareu m. a creeper marking the boundary of a village; a kind of pea or pulse (with slightly
globular seeds); name of Lak mtr f. a minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial
instant " pia mn. (esp.) a ball of rice or flour etc. offered to the Pits or deceased ancestors;
a ball; a bite `= vella n. Embelia ribes Burm.; name of a town (the modern Vellore) mtr f.
a minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial instant rasakriy f. dick eingekochter
Saft; Salbe; the inspissation and application of fluid remedies or fomentations.

W (.)
tkasya dvigua tasya mduna critasya ca // (15.2)
tka dvigua tad mdu cray ca
W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot dvigua adj. double; doubled; folded (garment) tad pron.
this mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) cray
Denom.P. to bruise; to crush; to grind ca ind. also; and; as well as.

W (.)
dve alke tu tkasya tisras taditarasya ca / (16.1)
dvi alk tu tka tri tad-itara ca
dvi nr. two alk mf. a bone; a finger; a match or thin piece of wood (used for ignition
by friction) tu ind. and; but; do W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot tri nr. 3 MW tad pron. this
itara pron. another; the other (of two) ca ind. also; and; as well as.

P W$ ` (.)
nii svapne na madhyhne mlne noagabhastibhi // (16.2)
ni svapna na madhyhna ml na-ua-gabhasti
ni f. night P svapna mn. a dream; dreaming; drowsiness na ind. neither; no; nor W$
madhyhna m. midday; name of a pupil of akara; noon ml 4.. to be languid or exhausted
or dejected; to decay; to fade na ind. neither; no; nor ua adj. acrid; active; hot
gabhasti m. a ray of light; arm; hand.


akirogya do syur vardhitotpitadrut / (17.1)
aki-roga doa as vardhay-utpay-dru
aki n. the eye roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease doa
mn. a calf; accusation; affection as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) vardhay 10..
to augment; to be joyful; to bring up ~ utpay 10.P. to press out of; to press upwards or
against; to squeeze

dru 1.. to attack; to dissolve; to flee.

7 M (.)
prta sya ca tacchntyai vyabhre 'rke 'to 'jayet sad //(17.2)
prtar sya ca tad-nti vyabhra arka atas ajay sad
prtar ind. at dawn; in the early morning; Morning personified sya n. evening; the
close of day ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this * nti f. a pause; abatement;
absence of passion vyabhra adj. cloudless arka m. a learned man; a ray; a religious
ceremony atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason M ajay
10.P. to cause to go; to shine; to smear with sad ind. always; continually; ever.

7~ W W M (.)
vadantyanye tu na div prayojya tkam ajanam / (18.1)
vad-anya tu na div prayuj tka ajana
vad 1.. to address; to adjudge; to affirm ~ anya pron. anderer tu ind. and; but; do na
ind. neither; no; nor div ind. by day (often opposed to naktam) prayuj 7.. to
accomplish; to act; to begin W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot M ajana n. a special kind of this
pigment; act of applying an ointment or pigment; antimony.

` * (.)
virekadurbala cakur ditya prpya sdati // (18.2)
vireka-durbala cakus ditya prp sad
` vireka m. a purgative; cathartic; evacuation of the bowels durbala adj. emaciated;
feeble; lean (cow) cakus n. a look; aspect; faculty of seeing * ditya m. name of a
constellation; name of a god in general; name of Srya (the sun) prp 1.P. to arrive at; to
attain to; to be in force sad 1.. to become faint or wearied or dejected or low-spirited; to
besiege; to despair.

P P~ ` (.)
svapnena rtrau klasya saumyatvena ca tarpit / (19.1)
svapna rtri kla saumya-tva ca tarpay
P svapna mn. a dream; dreaming; drowsiness rtri f. name of a river in Kraucadvpa;
night; the darkness or stillness of night (often personified) kla m. eine Essenszeit; the
proper time or season for; time P saumya adj. auspicious; cheerful; cool and moist ~ tva n.
(Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) ca ind. also; and; as well as tarpay 10.. to become satiated
or satisfied; to gladden; to kindle.

P [ V W ` (.)
tastmy dg gney sthirat labhate puna // (19.2)
ta-stmya d gneya sthirat labh punar
ta adj. boiled; cold; dull P stmya mn. community of essence or nature with (instr. or
gen.); habit; habituation [ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot;
appearance; doctrine V gneya adj. belonging or consecrated to Agny (wife of Agni);
belonging or relating or consecrated to fire or its deity Agni; south-eastern W sthirat f.
constancy; hardness; moral firmness labh 1.P. to catch; to find; to meet with punar ind.
again and again; back; besides.

* ` (.)
atyudrikte balse tu lekhanye 'thav gade / (20.1)
ati-udric balsa tu likh athav gada
ati ind. extremely; very udric 7.P. to abound in; to be prominent; to exceed
balsa m. a particular disease; consumption or phthisis; the phlegmatic humour tu ind. and;
but; do likh 6.. to copy; to delineate; to draw a line athav ind. (when repeated)
either or; or; perhaps gada m. a sentence; Costus speciosus Sm.; disease.

~ * W W (.)
kmam ahnyapi ntyue tkam aki prayojayet // (20.2)
kmam ahar-api na-ati-ua tka aki prayojay
kmam ind. (as a particle of assent) well; according to inclination; admitted that ahar
n. a day api ind. also; assuredly; besides na ind. neither; no; nor ati ind. extremely; very
ua adj. acrid; active; hot W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot aki n. the eye prayojay
10.P. to aim at; to appoint to; to be applicable.

W (.)
amano janma lohasya tata eva ca tkat / (21.1)
aman janman loha tatas eva ca tka-t
aman mn. a precious stone; a stone; any instrument made of stone (as a hammer etc.)
janman n. (in astrol.) name of the 1st lunar mansion; a creature; a progenitor loha mn.
(in later language) iron (either crude or wrought) or steel or gold or any metal; a fish-hook; a
weapon tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason eva ind. alone; already; even
ca ind. also; and; as well as W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot t f. ifc. abstracta.

` ` ` (.)
upaghto 'pi tenaiva tath netrasya tejasa // (21.2)
upaghta api tad-eva tath netra tejas
upaghta m. a kind of oblation or sacrifice; a stroke; damage api ind. also; assuredly;
besides tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even tath ind. in like manner; in that
manner; so ` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer ` tejas n. (in Skhya
phil.) rajas (passion); (opposed to kam) impatience; a mystical name of the letter r.

` ` WM (.)
na rtrvapi te 'ti netre tkjana hitam / (22.1)
na rtri-api ta ati netra tka-ajana hita
na ind. neither; no; nor rtri f. name of a river in Kraucadvpa; night; the darkness or
stillness of night (often personified) api ind. also; assuredly; besides ta n. Cassia bark;
cold; cold water ati ind. extremely; very ` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of
deer W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot M ajana n. a special kind of this pigment; act of applying
an ointment or pigment; antimony hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial.

* "7 (.)
doam asrvayet stabdha kajydikri tat // (22.2)
doa stambh ka-jya-di-krin tad
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection ~ stambh 9.. to arrest; to be firmly fixed or
supported or propped; to become solid " ka f. itch; itching; scratching jya n.
absence of intellect or soul; absence of power of taste (in the tongue); chilliness di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning krin adj. acting; an actor; doing tad pron. this.

M `` (.)
njayed bhtavamitaviriktitavegite / (23.1)
na-ajay bh-vamay-viric-a-vegita
na ind. neither; no; nor M ajay 10.P. to cause to go; to shine; to smear with bh 3.. to be
afraid of; to fear vamay 10.P. to vomit viric 7.P. to be emptied or purged; to reach or
extend beyond a 9.. to consume; to eat ` vegita adj. agitated; fleet; hasty.

T*^` (.)
kruddhajvaritatntkiirorukokajgare // (23.2)
krudh 4.. to be angry with; to become angry 7 jvaray 10.P. tam 4.. to be distressed or
disturbed or perplexed; to be exhausted; to be suffocated aki n. the eye iras n. acme;
chief; first (of a class) ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease oka m. affliction;
anguish; flame jgara adj. awake.

[ N` N (.)
ade 'rke irasnte ptayor dhmamadyayo / (24.1)
ada arka iras-sn p dhma-madya
[ ada adj. invisible; not experienced; unforeseen arka m. a learned man; a ray; a
religious ceremony iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) N sn 2.. to bathe; to perform
the ceremony of bathing or certain prescribed oblations (esp. on returning home from the house
of a religious preceptor); to smear one's self with (instr.) p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck
dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous
liquor; wine.

` ~ P P ` (.)
ajre 'gnyarkasatapte divsupte pipsite // (24.2)
ajra agni-arka-satap divsupta pipsita
ajra n. indigestion V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty arka m. a learned
man; a ray; a religious ceremony satap 4.. to afflict; to dry up; to feel pain or remorse
P divsupta adj. asleep by day pipsita adj. thirsty.

WJ (.)
atitkamdustokabahvacchaghanakarkaam / (25.1)
ati ind. extremely; very W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in
the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) stoka mn. a drop (of water); a spark; myrrh V
bahu adj. abundant; great in quantity; many accha adj. clear; pellucid; transparent ghana
adj. complete; dark; deep karkaa adj. firm; hard; harsh.

* P M (.)
atyarthatala taptam ajana nvacrayet // (25.2)
atyartha-tala tap ajana na-avacray
* atyartha adj. excessive; exorbitant tala adj. calm; cold; cold i.e. free from passion
tap 4.. to be hot; to destroy by heat; to give out heat M ajana n. a special kind of this
pigment; act of applying an ointment or pigment; antimony na ind. neither; no; nor
avacray 10.. to apply (in med.).

[ * (.)
athnumlayan dim anta sacrayecchanai / (26.1)
atha-anumlay di antar sacray-anais
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
anumlay 10.. [ di f. beholding; consideration; intelligence * antar ind.
amongst; between; in the middle sacray 10.P. to cause to go; to cause to pass through;
to hand round anais ind. alternately; gently; gradually.

M` M V M (.)
ajite vartman kicic clayeccaivam ajanam // (26.2)
ajay vartman kacid clay-ca-evam ajana
M ajay 10.P. to cause to go; to shine; to smear with M vartman n. an edge; an eyelid (as
encircling the eye); basis V kacid pron. someone clay 10.. to agitate; to cause to
deviate from; to cause to move ca ind. also; and; as well as evam ind. in such a manner; in
this way; such M ajana n. a special kind of this pigment; act of applying an ointment or
pigment; antimony.

W P (.)
tka vypnoti sahas na conmeanimeaam / (27.1)
tka vyp sahas na ca-unmea-nimeaa
W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot vyp 5.. to cover; to extend to; to fill sahas n. force;
power; strength na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as unmea m.
appearing; becoming visible; blowing or blossoming (of a flower) nimeaa n. shutting the
eyes; twinkling.

M~ ` (.)
nipana ca vartmabhy klana v samcaret // (27.2)
nipana ca vartman klana v samcar
nipana n. pressing; wringing out (of a cloth) ca ind. also; and; as well as M
vartman n. an edge; an eyelid (as encircling the eye); basis klana n. cleansing with water;
sprinkling; washing v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally
samcar 1.. to accomplish; to act or behave or conduct one's self towards; to do.

`~ (.)
apetauadhasarambha nirvta nayana yad / (28.1)
ape-auadha-sarambha nirvta nayana yad
` ape 2.P. to disappear; to escape; to go away auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively
~ sarambha m. agitation; anger; angriness nirvta adj. at ease; at rest; ceased
nayana n. (klasya) fixing; bringing; carrying yad ind. at what time; when; whenever.

~ T (.)
vydhidoartuyogybhir adbhi praklayet tad // (28.2)
vydhi-doa-tu-yogya p praklay tad
vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection tu m. a particular mineral; an epoch; any
settled point of time ~ yogya adj. able or equal to; belonging to a particular remedy; capable of
p m. water praklay 10.. to cleanse; to purify; to rinse tad ind. at that time; in
that case (often used redundantly); then.

dakiguhakenki tato vma savsas / (29.1)
dakia-aguhaka-aki tatas vma sa-vsas
dakia adj. able; candid; clever aguhaka n. aguha thumb; finger aki n.
the eye tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason vma adj. acting in the
opposite way or differently; adverse; bad sa ind. (ibc.) with vsas n. a cobweb; a
garment; a pall.

M Q W (.)
rdhvavartmani saghya odhya vmena cetarat // (29.2)
rdhva-vartman sagrah odhay vma ca-itara
rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect M vartman n. an edge; an eyelid (as encircling the eye);
basis sagrah 6.P. to abridge; to apprehend; to assemble odhay 10.. to acquit; to
clear; to clear off vma adj. acting in the opposite way or differently; adverse; bad ca ind.
also; and; as well as itara pron. another; the other (of two).

MP M ~ (.)
vartmaprpto 'jand doo rogn kuryd ato 'nyath / (30.1)
vartman-prp ajana doa roga k atas anyath
M vartman n. an edge; an eyelid (as encircling the eye); basis prp 1.P. to arrive at; to
attain to; to be in force M ajana n. a special kind of this pigment; act of applying an ointment
or pigment; antimony doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection roga mn. a diseased spot;
Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason ~ anyath ind.
erroneously; falsely; from another motive.

"7 M W (.)
kajye 'jana tka dhma v yojayet puna // (30.2)
ka-jya ajana tka dhma v yojay punar
" ka f. itch; itching; scratching 7 jya n. absence of intellect or soul; absence of power
of taste (in the tongue); chilliness M ajana n. a special kind of this pigment; act of applying
an ointment or pigment; antimony W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot dhma mn. a kind of
incense; a saint; mist v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally
yojay 10.. to accomplish; to add; to adjust punar ind. again and again; back; besides.

` P * "M ` (.)
nayane tmyati stabdhe uke rke 'bhightite / (1.1)
nayana tam stambh uka rka abhightay
nayana n. (klasya) fixing; bringing; carrying tam 4.. to be distressed or disturbed or
perplexed; to be exhausted; to be suffocated ~ stambh 9.. to arrest; to be firmly fixed or
supported or propped; to become solid "M uka adj. arid; dried; dried up rka adj. arid;
astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) abhightay 10.. to kill.

7` Q W (.)
vtapittture jihme rapakmvilekae // (1.2)
vta-pitta-tura jihma -pakman-vila-kaa
vta m. air; flatulence; gout 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour tura adj. desirous of
(Inf.); diseased or pained by (in comp.); sick (in body or mind) Q jihma adj. crooked; curved;
deceitful " 9.. to break; to crush; to kill (game) W pakman n. a thin thread; a whisker; a
wing vila adj. confused; foul; mixed with kaa n. a look; aspect sight; caring for.

T~ (.)
kcchronmlasirharasirotptatamo'rjunai / (2.1)
T kcchronmla m. [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid sirhara m. an
intensified form of sirotpta; flow of discoloured tears; thrill of the nerves ~ sirotpta m. a
disease of the white of the eyes; redness of the veins tamas n. darkness; error; gloom
arjuna m. a peacock; cutaneous disease; name of a man.

W*~" (.)
syandamanthnyatovtavtaparyyaukrakai // (2.2)
W syanda m. a particular disease of the eyes; flowing; fluxion * mantha m. a churning-stick; a
drink in which other ingredients are mixed by stirring; a kind of antelope ~ anyatovta m.
a disease of the eye vtaparyya m. a particular inflammation of the eyes " ukraka n.
[medic.] a class of diseases of the eye- ukra.

` * " ~{ (.)
ture ntargrulasarambhadike / (3.1)
tura am-rga-aru-la-sarambha-dik
tura adj. desirous of (Inf.); diseased or pained by (in comp.); sick (in body or mind)
am 1.P. to arrange; to be quiet; to cease rga m. a musical note; a particular process in the
preparation of quicksilver; a prince aru mn. a tear " la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or
stake; a stake for impaling criminals ~ sarambha m. agitation; anger; angriness { dik
f. a kind of rice; impurity or impure secretion of the eyes; pencil or paint-brush.

` W "T (.)
nivte tarpaa yojya uddhayor mrdhakyayo // (3.2)
nivta tarpaa yuj uddha mrdhan-kya
nivta adj. calm; sheltered from the wind tarpaa n. a libation; filling the eyes; food
yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or
conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to "T uddha adj. admitted; authorised; clean mrdhan
m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning; chief (applied to persons) kya m. a
butt; a house; any object to be attained.

7 (.)
kle sdhrae prta sya vottnayina / (4.1)
kla sdhraa prtar sya v-uttna-yin
kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time sdhraa adj. behaving
alike; belonging to all; general prtar ind. at dawn; in the early morning; Morning
personified sya n. evening; the close of day v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the
other side; optionally 7 uttna adj. concave; flchenhaft [wie die Verteilung eines Ausschlags
auf der Haut]; lying on the back yin adj. abiding; lying down; reclining.

` (.)
yavamamay pl netrakod bahi samm // (4.2)
yava-ma-maya pl netrakoa bahis sama
yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to
indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a
weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens ma m. a bean (the plant);
a cutaneous eruption resembling beans; a fool maya adj. consisting or made of pl f. a
herdsman's wife; an oblong pond (as "receptacle" of water?) ` netrakoa m. the eyeball or
the bud of a flower bahis ind. apart from; except; forth sama pron. common; constant;

H V [ T~ T ` (.)
dvyagulocc dh ktv yathsva siddham vapet / (5.1)
dvi-agula-ucca dha k yathsva sidh vap
dvi nr. two agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth V ucca adj. deep;
elevated; high [ dha adj. certain; close (e.g. ship); complete (opp. to bhinna) T k 8.. to
accomplish; to act; to cause to become yathsva adj. each acc. to (his, her, their) own;
every one possessing his own sidh 4.. to (esp.) be healed or cured; to arise; to attain
beatitude vap 1.P. to afford; to fill up; to insert.

` ` ` P~ (.)
sarpir nimlite netre taptmbupravilyitam // (5.2)
sarpis nimlay netra tap-ambu-pravilyita
` sarpis n. a kind of prameha; clarified butter nimlay 10.. to close (the eyes) `
netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer tap 4.. to be hot; to destroy by heat; to
give out heat ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety
syllables); the number four pravilyita adj. .

WT (.)
naktndhyavtatimirakcchrabodhdike vasm / (6.1)
nakta-ndhya-vta-timira-kcchra-bodha-dika vas
nakta n. eating only at night (as a sort of penance); night W ndhya n. blindness; darkness
vta m. air; flatulence; gout timira n. darkness; darkness of the eyes; iron-rust T
kcchra adj. attended with pain or labour; bad; being in a difficult or painful situation bodha
m. apprehension; arousing; awakening dika adj. and so on; beginning with vas f. a
kind of prameha; any fatty or oily substance; fat.

W (.)
pakmgrd athonmea anakais tasya kurvata // (6.2)
pakman-agra atha-unmea anakais tad k
W pakman n. a thin thread; a whisker; a wing agra n. a measure of food given as alms; a
weight equal to a pala; aim atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily
expressed in English); but; certainly unmea m. appearing; becoming visible; blowing or
blossoming (of a flower) anakais ind. (dimin. of anais) quietly; alternately; by degrees
tad pron. this T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become.

M` (.)
mtr vigaayet tatra vartmasadhisitsite / (7.1)
mtr vigaay t vartman-sadhi-sita-asita
mtr f. a minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial instant vigaay 10.P. to
calculate; to compute; to consider t 4.P. to accomplish; to acquire; to attain an end or aim
M vartman n. an edge; an eyelid (as encircling the eye); basis sadhi mf. (in mensuration)
the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint sita adj. bright; candid; light (said of a
day in the light half of a month and of the waxing moon) asita adj. black; dark-coloured.

[ B (.)
dau ca kramao vydhau ata tri ca paca ca // (7.2)
di ca kramaas vydhi ata tri ca pacan ca
[ di f. beholding; consideration; intelligence ca ind. also; and; as well as kramaas
ind. by degrees; gradually; regularly vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person
or thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus ata mn. a hundred; any very large number tri nr. 3
MW ca ind. also; and; as well as B pacan adj. fnf ca ind. also; and; as well as.

P * (.)
atni sapta cau ca daa manthe danile / (8.1)
ata saptan ca-aan ca daan mantha daan-anila
ata mn. a hundred; any very large number P saptan adj. 7 MW ca ind. also; and; as well
as aan adj. eight ca ind. also; and; as well as daan adj. ten * mantha m. a
churning-stick; a drink in which other ingredients are mixed by stirring; a kind of antelope
daan adj. ten anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a
Ri and other persons.

7 W7 B (.)
pitte a svasthavtte ca balse paca dhrayet // (8.2)
pitta a svastha-vt ca balsa pacan dhray
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour a adj. six W svastha adj. at ease; being in one's
natural state; confident vt 1.P. to act in any way (instr. or acc.) towards; to advance; to be
alive or present ca ind. also; and; as well as balsa m. a particular disease; consumption
or phthisis; the phlegmatic humour B pacan adj. fnf dhray 10.. to hold; to keep; to

T~ N (.)
ktvpge tato dvra sneha ptre niglayet / (9.1)
k-apga tatas dvra sneha ptra niglay
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become apga m. a sectarial mark or circlet on
the forehead; name of Kma (the god of love); the outer corner of the eye tatas ind. after
that; consequently; for that reason dvra n. a pass (in the mountains); a way; aperture (esp.
of the human body) N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance
ptra n. (met.) a capable or competent person; a drinking-vessel; a leaf niglay 10.P. .

`V ` (.)
pibecca dhma neketa vyoma rpa ca bhsvaram // (9.2)
p-ca dhma na-k vyoman rpa ca bhsvara
p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck ca ind. also; and; as well as dhma mn. a kind of
incense; a saint; mist na ind. neither; no; nor k 4.P. to behold; to consider; to foretell for
(dat) vyoman mn. a particular Ekha; a particular high number; a temple sacred to the sun
rpa n. a particular coin; a show; a single specimen ca ind. also; and; as well as
bhsvara adj. bright; brilliant; resplendent.

M 7 ~* (.)
ittha pratidina vyau pitte tvekntara kaphe / (10.1)
ittham pratidinam vyu pitta tu-ekntara kapha
M ittham ind. in this manner; thus pratidinam ind. daily; day by day; every day
vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of
which 5 are reckoned) 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour tu ind. and; but; do *
ekntara adj. next but one; one removed from; separated by one intermediate (caste) kapha m.
phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general.

W H* N P (.)
svasthe tu dvyantara dadyd tpter iti yojayet // (10.2)
svastha tu dvi-antara d tpti iti yojay
W svastha adj. at ease; being in one's natural state; confident tu ind. and; but; do dvi nr.
two antara n. a hole; absence; another d 1.. to answer; to give; to give (a daughter) in
marriage P tpti f. disgust; satisfaction iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original
signification iti refers to something that has been said or thought) yojay 10.. to accomplish;
to add; to adjust.

M (.)
prakakamat svsthya viada laghu locanam / (11.1)
praka-kamat svsthya viada laghu locana
praka m. (fig.) light; (pl.) the messengers of Viu; a chapter kamat f. ability;
capability; fitness M svsthya n. comfort; contentment; ease viada adj. bright; calm;
cheerful laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief locana n. a kind of plant; cumin;
name of a work.

P P P HP ^ (.)
tpte viparyayo 'tpte 'titpte lemaj ruja // (11.2)
tp viparyaya atpta atitp leman-ja ruj
tp 4.. to be pleased with; to become satiated or satisfied; to enjoy viparyaya m.
alteration; avoiding; barter P atpta adj. eager; insatiable; unsatisfied atitp 4.P. to be
satiated HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon;
growing in; ifc. born or descended from ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease.

N * [ (.)
snehapt tanur iva klnt dir hi sdati / (12.1)
sneha-p tanu iva klam di hi sad
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance p 1.. to drink; to
quaff; to suck tanu f. tan; form; life iva ind. a little; about; almost klam 4.P. to be or
become fatigued; to be weary or exhausted [ di f. beholding; consideration; intelligence
hi ind. because; for; on account of sad 1.. to become faint or wearied or dejected or low-
spirited; to besiege; to despair.

* W [ (.)
tarpanantara tasmd dgbaldhnakriam // (12.2)
tarpaa-anantara tad d-bala-dhna-krin
tarpaa n. a libation; filling the eyes; food * anantara adj. compact; continuous; having
no interior tad pron. this [ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot;
appearance; doctrine bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in dhna n. a ceremony
performed before coition; adding; assigning krin adj. acting; an actor; doing.

M M W (.)
puapka prayujta prvokteveva yakmasu / (13.1)
puapka prayuj prva-vac-eva yakman
puapka m. a particular method of preparing drugs; digesting; subliming prayuj 7..
to accomplish; to act; to begin prva pron. aforesaid; ancient; attended with vac 2.P. to
declare; to proclaim; to recite eva ind. alone; already; even W yakman m. consumption;
pulmonary consumption.

` N HP` (.)
sa vte snehana lemasahite lekhano hita // (13.2)
tad vta snehana leman-sahita lekhana hita
tad pron. this vta m. air; flatulence; gout N snehana adj. anointing; lubricating HP
leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum sahita adj. (in astron.) being in conjunction with;
accompanied by; possessed of lekhana adj. attenuating; exciting; lancing hita adj.
agreeable; arranged; beneficial.

[7 7 W (.)
dgdaurbalye 'nile pitte rakte svasthe prasdana / (14.1)
d-daurbalya anila pitta rakta svastha prasdana
[ d f. (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot; appearance; doctrine 7
daurbalya n. impotence; weakness anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of
the wind; name of a Ri and other persons 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour rakta n.
padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood W svastha adj. at ease; being in one's natural
state; confident prasdana adj. calming; cheering; clearing.

bhayaprasahnpamedomajjavasmiai // (14.2)
bhaya m. any animal living in the earth; name of Viu; [rel.] name of iva prasaha
m. a beast or bird of prey; endurance; resistance anpa m. a buffalo; a watery country; bank
of a river medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness majjan
m. scurf; the marrow of bones vas f. a kind of prameha; any fatty or oily substance; fat
mia n. a gift; a pleasing or beautiful object; an object of enjoyment.

N V 7 (.)
snehana payas piair jvanyaica kalpayet / (15.1)
snehana payas pi jvanya-ca kalpay
N snehana n. being or becoming oily; feeling affection; lubrication payas n. (esp.) milk;
(met.) vital spirit; a species of Andropogon pi 7.. to bruise; to crush; to destroy (fig. also
with gen.) jvanya adj. prepared from Jvanya milk; vivifying (a class of drugs) ca ind.
also; and; as well as 7 kalpay 10.. to form; to prescribe.

T^ (.)
mgapakiyaknmsamuktyastmrasaindhavai // (15.2)
mga m. a deer; a forest animal or wild beast; a large soaring bird pakin m. a bird or
any winged animal; a day with the 2 nights enclosing it; a particular sacrificial act T yakt n.
the liver msa n. flesh; meat mukt f. a pearl ayas n. an iron weapon (as an axe);
gold; iron tmra n. tmradru; a coppery receptacle; a variety of brass ^ saindhava mn. a
kind of rock-salt (found in Sindh); any salt.

] 7 (.)
srotojaakhaphenlair lekhana mastukalkitai / (16.1)
srotoja-akha-phena-la lekhana mastu-kalkay
srotoja n. antimony; ajana; sauvrjana ] akha mn. a particular high number (said to
a hundred billions); a shell; the conch-shell (used for making libations of water or as an
ornament for the arms or for the temples of an elephant) phena mn. a kind of prameha; foam;
froth la n. any discharge of poisonous matter from venomous animals; orpiment; spawn
lekhana n. an instrument for scraping or furrowing; attenuating; Betula Bhojpatra (the bark
of which is used for writing) mastu n. sour cream; the watery part of curds; whey 7
kalkay Denom.P. .

TMT (.)
mgapakiyaknmajjavasntrahdaymiai // (16.2)
mga m. a deer; a forest animal or wild beast; a large soaring bird pakin m. a bird or
any winged animal; a day with the 2 nights enclosing it; a particular sacrificial act T yakt n.
the liver majjan m. scurf; the marrow of bones vas f. a kind of prameha; any fatty or
oily substance; fat M antra n. entrail; intestine T hdaya n. mind (as the seat of mental
operations); name of a Sman; science mia n. a gift; a pleasing or beautiful object; an
object of enjoyment.

~ (.)
madhurai saghtai stanyakrapiai prasdanam / (17.1)
madhura sa-ghta stanya-kra-pi prasdana
madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous sa ind. (ibc.) with ghta n. cream; fat
(as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven) ~
stanya mn. milk; dugdhapa kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk
pi 7.. to bruise; to crush; to destroy (fig. also with gen.) prasdana n. boiled rice;
calming; cheering.

7 " `7 (.)
bilvamtra pthak pia msabheajakalkayo // (17.2)
bilva-mtra pthak pia msa-bheaja-kalka
7 bilva m. Aegle marmelos Correa; the wood-apple tree (commonly called Bel); [rel.] a form
of iva mtra n. an element; duration; elementary matter pthak ind. (with abl.)
without; apart or separately or differently from; differently " pia mn. (esp.) a ball of rice or
flour etc. offered to the Pits or deceased ancestors; a ball; a bite msa n. flesh; meat `
bheaja n. a remedy; a spell or charm; drug 7 kalka mn. (architect.) a kind of mortar/coating; a
kind of tenacious paste; a viscous sediment deposited by oily substances when ground.

^~7 N (.)
uruvkavambhojapattrai snehdiu kramt / (18.1)
uruvka-vaa-ambhoja-pattra sneha-di kramt
^ uruvka m. Ricinus communis Linn. vaa m. a pawn (in chess); a small lump; a small
shell ~ ambhoja n. the day lotus; the plant Calamus Rotang; the Srasa or Indian crane 7
pattra mn. a bird; a chariot; a knife N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous
substance di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning kramt ind. successively.

`~ P ~ (.)
veayitv md lipta dhavadhanvanagomayai // (18.2)
veay md lip dhava-dhanvana-gomaya
` veay 10.. to beset; to cause to shrink up; to cover md f. clay; earth; loam lip 4..
to adhere; to anoint with (instr.); to besmear dhava m. Anogeissus latifolia Wall.; Conocarpus
latifolia DC.; Grislea Tomentosa ~ dhanvana m. a kind of plant gomaya mn. cow-dung;

P ~ 7 (.)
pacet pradptair agnybha pakva nipya tadrasam / (19.1)
pac pradp agni-bha pakva nipay tad-rasa
pac 1.. to bake; to become ripe; to boil pradp 4.. to burst into flames; to flame forth
V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty bha adj. appearing; ifc. like; resembling
pakva adj. accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots) nipay
10.P. to contract; to press or squeeze out; to press together or against tad pron. this rasa mn.
amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre.

` W (.)
netre tarpaavad yujycchata dve tri dhrayet // (19.2)
netra tarpaa-vat yuj-ata dvi tri dhray
` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer tarpaa n. a libation; filling the eyes;
food vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with
(instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to ata mn. a
hundred; any very large number dvi nr. two tri nr. 3 MW dhray 10.. to hold; to
keep; to possess.

N 7 (.)
lekhanasnehanntyeu koau prvau himo 'para / (20.1)
lekhana-snehana-antya koa prva hima apara
lekhana n. an instrument for scraping or furrowing; attenuating; Betula Bhojpatra (the bark
of which is used for writing) N snehana n. being or becoming oily; feeling affection;
lubrication 7 antya adj. belonging to the lowest caste; immediately following; inferior
koa adj. moderately warm; tepid prva pron. aforesaid; ancient; attended with hima adj.
cold; cool; [medic.] ta apara pron. der andere.

* P (.)
dhmapo 'nte tayor eva yogs tatra ca tptivat // (20.2)
dhmapa anta tad eva yoga tatra ca tpti-vat
dhmapa adj. drinking or inhaling (only) smoke * anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border
tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even yoga m. (in Skhya) the union of soul with
matter (one of the 10 Mlikrths or radical facts); a combined or concentrated grammatical
rule or aphorism; a follower of the Yoga system tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place
ca ind. also; and; as well as P tpti f. disgust; satisfaction vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel).

tarpaa puapka ca nasynarhe na yojayet / (21.1)
tarpaa puapka ca nasya-anarha na yojay
tarpaa n. a libation; filling the eyes; food puapka m. a particular method of
preparing drugs; digesting; subliming ca ind. also; and; as well as nasya n. a sternutatory;
errhine; the hairs in the nose anarha adj. inadequate; undeserving of punishment or of
reward; unsuitable na ind. neither; no; nor yojay 10.. to accomplish; to add; to adjust.

7 M ` (.)
yvantyahni yujta dvistato hitabhgbhavet // (21.2)
yvant-ahar yuj dvis-tatas hita-bhj-bh
* yvant adj. as frequent; as great; as long ahar n. a day yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come
into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to
accrue to dvis ind. twice tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason hita adj.
agreeable; arranged; beneficial bhj adj. belonging to; concern; duty bh 1.. to be; to
become; to come into being.

= T (.)
mlatmallikpupair baddhko nivasen nim // (22.1)
mlat-mallik-pupa bandh-aka nivas ni
mlat f. Aganosma calycina A. DC. (Surapla (1988), 448); Aganosma dichotoma K.
Schum. (Surapla 1988: 448); a bud = mallik f. In eastern Uttar Pradesh, mliy (.) is the
name of a special type of container, which consists of two boat-shaped bowls hinged together.
When closed, these form a hollow casket.' (Sarma, S.R. 0: 121); a lamp; a lamp-stand pupa
n. a flower; a kind of perfume; a particular disease of the eye ^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to
world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience aka n. the eye nivas 1.. to
approach sexually; to cohabit; to dwell or live or be in ni f. (Hahayoga:) \=\=
kumbhaka; a vision; Curcuma (of 2 species).

M ` MN (.)
sarvtman netrabalya yatna kurvta nasyjanatarpadyai /(23.1)
sarva-tman netra-bala yatna k nasya-ajana-tarpaa-dya
sarva pron. all; completely; different M tman m. a son; abstract individual; Brahma `
netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in
yatna m. a special or express remark or statement; activity of will; aspiring after T k 8.. to
accomplish; to act; to cause to become nasya n. a sternutatory; errhine; the hairs in the nose
M ajana n. a special kind of this pigment; act of applying an ointment or pigment; antimony
tarpaa n. a libation; filling the eyes; food N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent.

[ V (.)
di ca na vividha jagacca tamomaya jyata ekarpam //(23.2)
di ca na vividha jagant-ca tamas-maya jan eka-rpa
[ di f. beholding; consideration; intelligence ca ind. also; and; as well as na 1.P. to
be frustrated or unsuccessful; to be gone; to be lost vividha adj. divers; manifold; of various
sorts * jagant n. men and animals; people; that which is alive ca ind. also; and; as well as
tamas n. darkness; error; gloom maya adj. consisting or made of jan 4.P. to be; to be
born; to be born again eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once rpa n. a particular
coin; a show; a single specimen.

7 ` (.)
nnvidhn alyn nndeaprabodhinm / (1.1)
nnvidha alya nn-dea-prabodhin
nnvidha adj. manifold; multiform; of various sorts 7 alya mn. (in med.) any
extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault nn ind.
differently; distinctly; separately ` dea m. country; institute; kingdom prabodhin adj.
awaking; coming forth from (abl.).

~ M V ` (.)
hartum abhyupyo yastad yantra yacca darane // (1.2)
h abhyupya yad-tad yantra yad-ca darana
T h 1.. to bring; to bring home (a bride); to bring near ~ abhyupya m. a means; an
agreement; an expedient yad pron. what; which tad pron. this M yantra mn. a fetter; a
prop; a surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one) yad pron. what; which ca ind. also; and; as
well as darana n. audience; examination; inspection.

W WV` (.)
arobhagandardn astrakrgniyojane / (2.1)
aras-bhagadara-di astra-kra-agni-yojana
aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid bhagadara
mn. a fistula in the pudendum muliebre or in the anus etc. (5 to 8 forms enumerated);
Mastdarmfisteln; name of an ancient sage di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning W astra
n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool kra n. a factitious
or medicinal salt (commonly black salt); alkali; alkaline substance V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida;
digestive faculty yojana fn. a finger; a stage or Yojana; a team.

* (.)
egapariraky tath vastydikarmai // (2.2)
ea-aga-parirak tath vasti-di-karman
ea mn. balance; leavings; remainder aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or
subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five) parirak f. guarding; keeping;
protection tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-
syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder di m. a firstling; and so on;
beginning karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven
categories of the Nyya philosophy).

" ~ (.)
ghaiklbuga ca jmbavauhdikni ca / (3.1)
ghaik-albu-ga ca jmbavauha-dika ca
ghaik f. a kind of plant; a water-jar; eine Art Zollhaus- seit den Pallavas in Sdindien von
Brahmanen betrieben (Tieken, Herman- Sato, Katsuhiko 0: 214) albu f. the bottle-gourd-
Lagenaria Vulgaris Ser. " ga n. aaga; a cusp or horn of the moon; a horn used for
various purposes (as in drinking) ca ind. also; and; as well as ~ jmbavauha n. a kind of
surgical instrument (varti); [medic.] a probe (Sonde) dika adj. and so on; beginning with
ca ind. also; and; as well as.

` M ~ (.)
anekarpakryi yantri vividhnyata // (3.2)
aneka-rpa-krya yantra vividha-atas
` aneka adj. many; much; not one rpa n. a particular coin; a show; a single specimen
krya n. a religious action or performance; affair; conduct M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a
surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one) vividha adj. divers; manifold; of various sorts
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason.

7 7 W W` (.)
vikalpya kalpayet buddhy yathsthla tu vakyate / (4.1)
vikalpay kalpay buddhi yathsthlam tu vac
7 vikalpay 10.P. to call in question; to choose one of two alternatives; to combine variously
7 kalpay 10.. to form; to prescribe T buddhi f. (in Skhya phil.) Intellect; a kind of metre;
an opinion W yathsthlam ind. entsprechend der Konsistenz; gemss der Festigkeit tu
ind. and; but; do vac 2.P. to declare; to proclaim; to recite.

7 _ (.)
tulyni kakasiharkakkdimgapakim // (4.2)
tulya kaka-siha-ka-kka-di-mga-pakin
7 tulya adj. comparable; equal to; even _ kaka m. a form of iva; a kind of mango; false or
pretended Brhman siha m. a hero or eminent person; a lion; a Moringa with red flowers
ka m. a bear (as a ravenous beast); a species of ape; Bignonia Indica kka m. a cripple; a
crow; a lame man di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning mga m. a deer; a forest animal
or wild beast; a large soaring bird pakin m. a bird or any winged animal; a day with the 2
nights enclosing it; a particular sacrificial act.

M (.)
mukhair mukhni yantr kuryt tatsajakni ca / (5.1)
mukha mukha yantra k tad-sajaka ca
mukha n. a direction; beginning; best mukha n. a direction; beginning; best M yantra
mn. a fetter; a prop; a surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one) T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to
cause to become tad pron. this sajaka adj. . Namen besitzend; benannt nach ca ind.
also; and; as well as.

~ (.)
adagulymnyyasni ca bhria // (5.2)
adaan-agula-yma-yasa ca bhrias
adaan adj. eighteen agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth
yma m. breadth (in mensuration); expansion; extending yasa adj. armed with an
iron weapon; iron-coloured; made of iron or metal ca ind. also; and; as well as bhrias
ind. manifoldly; variously.

* " T (.)
masrkraparyantai kahe baddhni klakai / (6.1)
masr-kra-paryanta kaha bandh klaka
masr mf. a kind of smallpox; Ervum lens Linn.; Ipomoea Turpethum kra m.
appearance; expression of the face (as furnishing a clue to the disposition of mind); external
gesture or aspect of the body * paryanta m. border; circuit; edge " kaha m. Gefwand;
immediate proximity; name of a Maharshi ^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to
arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience klaka m. a kind of pillar for cows etc. to rub
themselves against; a kind of tumour (having the form of a pin); a pin.

N M _ (.)
vidyt svastikayantri mle 'kuanatni ca // (6.2)
vid svastikayantra mla akua-nam ca
vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to know; to learn M svastikayantra n. a surgical instrument
of a particular form mla mn. a chief or principal city; a corpse; a king's original or proper
territory _ akua mn. a hook; especially an elephant-driver's hook nam 1.. to aim at
(gen.) with (instr.); to bend or bow; to keep aside ca ind. also; and; as well as.

[ W V7 ` (.)
tair dhair asthisalagnaalyharaam iyate / (7.1)
tad dha asthi-salag-alya-haraa i
tad pron. this [ dha adj. certain; close (e.g. ship); complete (opp. to bhinna) W asthi n. a
bone; the kernel of a fruit salag 1.P. to adhere; to cling to 7 alya mn. (in med.) any
extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault haraa n.
accomplishing; battle; bringing i 1.P. to assent; to choose; to concede.

T (.)
klabaddhavimuktgrau sadaau oagulau // (7.2)
kla-bandh-vimuc-agra sadaa oaan-agula
kla m. a blow with the elbow; a gnomon; a kind of tumour (having the form of a stake) ^
bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience vimuc
6.. to abandon; to assume (a shape); to avoid agra n. a measure of food given as alms; a
weight equal to a pala; aim sadaa m. a pair of tongs or pincers or nippers; a particular
Ekha; a particular Naraka or hell (where the flesh of the wicked is tortured with pincers)
oaan adj. sixteen agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

~NV7 (.)
tvaksirsnyupiitalagnaalypakaraau / (8.1)
~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag
sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle; tendon piita n. a small
piece; any flesh or meat; flesh which has been cut up or prepared lag 1.P. to adhere; to cling
or attach one's self to; to meet 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the
body and causing pain; a dart; a fault apakaraa adj. diminishing; forcing away;

~ W7W (.)
aagulo 'nyo harae skmaalyopapakmam // (8.2)
a-agula anya haraa skma-alya-upapakman
a adj. six agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth ~ anya pron.
anderer haraa n. a gift to a student at his initiation; a nuptial present; abduction W
skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in
the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault W upapakman m. .

" W* ^ (.)
mucu skmadantarjur mle rucakabha / (9.1)
mucu skma-danta-ju mla rucaka-bhaa
" mucu f. a kind of surgical instrument W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant *
danta mn. a pin used in playing a lute; a tooth; an arbour ju adj. honest; sincere; upright
mla mn. a chief or principal city; a corpse; a king's original or proper territory ^ rucaka mn. a
citron; a kind of golden ornament or necklace; a ring bhaa n. decoration; embellishment;
name of various wks.

~ (.)
gambhravraamsnm armaa eitasya ca // (9.2)
gambhra-vraa-msa arman eay ca
~ gambhra adj. gabhra vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish msa n. flesh; meat
arman n. a disease of the eyes eay 10.. to cause or allow to remain; to leave; to spare
ca ind. also; and; as well as.

H (.)
dve dvdagule matsyatlavat dvyekatlake / (10.1)
dvi dvdaan-agula matsya-tla-vat dvi-eka-tlaka
dvi nr. two dvdaan adj. 12 MW agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's
breadth matsya m. (in astron.) the figure of a figure; a fish; a king of the Matsyas tla m.
a cymbal; a dance; a goldsmith vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) dvi nr. two eka pron. alone;
excellent; happening only once tlaka mn. a fragrant earth; a kind of ornament; a lock.

M W` 7 (.)
tlayantre smte karanalypahri // (10.2)
tlayantra sm kara-n-alya-apahrin
M tlayantra n. a lock; a particular surgical instrument; lock and key W sm 1.. to be
mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia
Fistula; diameter of a circle n f. a fistulous sore; a flute; a juggling trick 7 alya mn. (in
med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault
apahrin adj. curative; removing.

M " ` (.)
nyantri suiry eknekamukhni ca / (11.1)
nyantra suira eka-aneka-mukha ca
M nyantra n. any tubular instrument (in surgery) suira adj. having spaces; hollow;
perforated eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once ` aneka adj. many; much; not
one mukha n. a direction; beginning; best ca ind. also; and; as well as.

7 ` (.)
srotogatn alynm mayn ca darane // (11.2)
srotas-gam alya maya ca darana
srotas n. a river; an aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11
in women); an organ of sense gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move 7 alya mn. (in med.)
any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault maya m.
disease; indigestion; sickness ca ind. also; and; as well as darana n. audience;
examination; inspection.

~ (.)
kriy sukaratvya kuryd caya ca / (12.1)
kriy sukara-tva k caa ca
kriy f. a literary work; a noun of action; a religious rite or ceremony sukara adj. easily
achieving; easy for (gen.) or to (inf.); easy to be done ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) T
k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become caa n. sucking out; suction ca ind.
also; and; as well as.

tadvistraparhadairghya sroto'nurodhata // (12.2)
tad-vistra-parha-dairghya srotas-anurodha
tad pron. this vistra m. a shrub; becoming large or great (met. said of the heart);
detailed enumeration or description parha m. a piece of common land encircling a
village; circumference; name of iva dairghya n. length srotas n. a river; an aperture
in the human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of sense
anurodha m. compliance; consideration; obliging or fulfilling the wishes (of any one).

*"7 (.)
dagulrdhanhntakahaalyvalokin / (13.1)
daan adj. ten agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth ardha mn.
the half; [rel.] ardhsana nha m. binding; obstruction; trap or snare for catching deer *
antar ind. amongst; between; in the middle " kaha m. Gefwand; immediate proximity;
name of a Maharshi 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and
causing pain; a dart; a fault avalokin adj. beholding; looking; looking at.

B M ` (.)
n pacamukhacchidr catukarasya sagrahe // (13.2)
n pacan-mukha-chidra catukara sagraha
n f. a fistulous sore; a flute; a juggling trick B pacan adj. fnf mukha n. a
direction; beginning; best chidra n. (in astrol.) the 8th lunar mansion; a hole; blemish
M catukara adj. four-eared; heard by 4 ears only sagraha m. Agasagraha; a
guardian; a place where anything is kept.

~ (.)
vragasya dvikarasya tricchidr tatpramata / (14.1)
vraga dvi-kara tri-chidra tad-pramatas
vraga m. the handle of a sword or knife dvi nr. two kara m. Calotropis Gigantea;
Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle tri nr. 3 MW chidra n. (in astrol.) the 8th lunar
mansion; a hole; blemish tad pron. this pramatas ind. according to measure or
weight; according to proof or authority.

W (.)
vragakarasasthnnhadairghynurodhata // (14.2)


T [ (.)
padmakarikay mrdhni sad dvdagul // (15.2)
padma-karik mrdhan sada dvdaan-agula
T padma mn. a kind of coitus; a kind of temple; a lotus (esp. the flower of the lotus-plant
Nelumbium Speciosum which closes towards evening) karik f. a bawd; a knot-like
tubercle; a pen mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning; chief
(applied to persons) [ sada adj. like; resembling dvdaan adj. 12 MW agula
mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

7 (.)
caturthasuir n alyanirghtin mat / (16.1)
caturtha-suira n alya-nirghtin man
caturtha adj. the fourth suira adj. having spaces; hollow; perforated n f. a
fistulous sore; a flute; a juggling trick 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in
the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault nirghtin adj. destroying man 8.P. to be of
opinion; to believe; to conjecture.

M (.)
aras gostankra yantraka caturagulam // (16.2)
aras gostana-kra yantraka catur-agula
aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid gostana m. a
cluster of blossoms; a cow's dug; a kind of fort kra m. appearance; expression of the face
(as furnishing a clue to the disposition of mind); external gesture or aspect of the body M
yantraka n. yantra; a bandage (in medicine); a hand-mill catur nr. four agula mn. (in
astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

` B (.)
nhe pacgula pus pramadn aagulam / (17.1)
nha pacan-agula pus pramad a-agula
nha m. binding; obstruction; trap or snare for catching deer B pacan adj. fnf
agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth pus m. a human being; a male
being; a man pramad f. a young and wanton woman; any woman; name of 2 kinds of
metre a adj. six agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

` (.)
dvicchidra darane vydher ekacchidra tu karmai // (17.2)
dvi-chidra darana vydhi eka-chidra tu karman
dvi nr. two chidra n. (in astrol.) the 8th lunar mansion; a hole; blemish darana n.
audience; examination; inspection vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or vexatious person
or thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once
chidra n. (in astrol.) the 8th lunar mansion; a hole; blemish tu ind. and; but; do karman n.
act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyya

W = (.)
madhye 'sya tryagula chidram aguhodaravisttam / (18.1)
madhya idam tri-agula chidra aguha-udara-vist
W madhya n. abdomen; centre; cessation idam pron. this tri nr. 3 MW agula mn.
(in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth chidra n. (in astrol.) the 8th lunar mansion; a
hole; blemish aguha m. a thumb's breadth; the great toe; the thumb udara n. a
cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) vist 9.P. to be explained;
to be spread abroad or widely diffused; to converse with (instr.).

7 { (.)
ardhgulocchritodvttakarika ca tadrdhvata // (18.2)
ardha-agula-ucchri-udvt-karik ca tad-rdhvatas
ardha mn. the half; [rel.] ardhsana agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's
breadth ucchri 1.. to erect; to extol; to raise udvt 1.. to be puffed up with pride; to
become arrogant or extravagant; to bubble up karik f. a bawd; a knot-like tubercle; a
pen ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this rdhvatas ind. upwards.

PW [ M (.)
amykhya tdg acchidra yantram araprapanam / (19.1)
amy-khy td acchidra yantra aras-prapana
P amy f. (esp.) a wooden pin or peg; a kind of cymbal or other musical instrument; a
particular instrument used in the treatment of hemorrhoids W khy f. appearance;
appellation; aspect [ td adj. such like acchidra adj. free from clefts or flaws;
unbroken; uninjured M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one)
aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid prapana n. an
astringent; pressing; squeezing.

W` (.)
sarvathpanayed oha chidrd rdhva bhagandare // (19.2)
sarvath-apan oha chidra rdhvam bhagadara
sarvath ind. altogether; at all times; by all means (often joined with sarvatra and sarvad)
apan 1.. to deny; to except; to exclude from a rule oha m. the forepart of an
Agnikua; the lip (generally du.) chidra n. (in astrol.) the 8th lunar mansion; a hole;
blemish rdhvam ind. after; furthermore; upward bhagadara mn. a fistula in the
pudendum muliebre or in the anus etc. (5 to 8 forms enumerated); Mastdarmfisteln; name of an
ancient sage.

7 (.)
ghrrbudrasm ekacchidr nyaguladvay / (20.1)
ghra-arbuda-aras eka-chidra n-agula-dvaya
ghra mn. odour; perception of odour; smell arbuda mn. a long round mass (said
especially of the shape of the foetus in the second half of the first month); a really large number;
a swelling aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid eka
pron. alone; excellent; happening only once chidra n. (in astrol.) the 8th lunar mansion; a
hole; blemish n f. a fistulous sore; a flute; a juggling trick agula mn. (in astron.) a
digit; a finger; a finger's breadth dvaya n. both; double; falsehood.

` WM (.)
pradeinparh syd bhagandarayantravat // (20.2)
pradein-parha as bhagadara-yantra-vat
` pradein f. the forefinger (or the corresponding toe) parha m. a piece of
common land encircling a village; circumference; name of iva as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be
equal to (dat.) bhagadara mn. a fistula in the pudendum muliebre or in the anus etc. (5 to
8 forms enumerated); Mastdarmfisteln; name of an ancient sage M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a
surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one) vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel).

* (.)
agultraka dnta vrka v caturagulam / (21.1)
aguli-traka dnta vrka v catur-agula
aguli mf. a finger; a kind of plant; a toe traka n. a protecting implement *
dnta adj. made of ivory vrka adj. arboreous; coming from or growing on trees; consisting
or made of trees v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally catur nr.
four agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

7 (.)
dvicchidra gostankra tadvaktravivtau sukham // (21.2)
dvi-chidra gostana-kra tad-vaktra-vivti sukha
dvi nr. two chidra n. (in astrol.) the 8th lunar mansion; a hole; blemish gostana m. a
cluster of blossoms; a cow's dug; a kind of fort kra m. appearance; expression of the face
(as furnishing a clue to the disposition of mind); external gesture or aspect of the body tad
pron. this 7 vaktra n. a sort of garment; beginning; face vivti f. comment; discovery;
explanation sukha adj. agreeable; comfortable; easy.

W (.)
yonivraekaa madhye suira oagulam / (22.1)
yoni-vraa-kaa madhya suira oaan-agula
yoni mf. a mine; a particular part of a fire-pit; abode vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish
kaa n. a look; aspect sight; caring for W madhya n. abdomen; centre; cessation
suira n. a hollow; a wind instrument; atmosphere oaan adj. sixteen agula mn. (in
astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

T 7 ~ (.)
mudrbaddha caturbhittam ambhojamukulnanam // (22.2)
mudr-bandh catur-bhitta ambhoja-mukula-nana
mudr f. a lock; a mystery; a pass ^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest;
to be affected by i.e. experience catur nr. four 7 bhitta n. a fragment; a partition; section
~ ambhoja n. the day lotus; the plant Calamus Rotang; the Srasa or Indian crane
mukula mn. a bud; name of a man (?) nana n. door; entrance; the face.

* (.)
catualkam krnta mle tad vikasen mukhe / (23.1)
catur-alk kram mla tad vikas mukha
catur nr. four alk mf. a bone; a finger; a match or thin piece of wood (used for
ignition by friction) kram 1.. (in astron.) to eclipse; to approach; to ascend mla mn.
a chief or principal city; a corpse; a king's original or proper territory tad pron. this vikas
1.P. to become split; to blossom; to burst mukha n. a direction; beginning; best.

M ~ (.)
yantre nvrabhyagaklanya aagule // (23.2)
yantra n-vraa-abhyaga-klana a-agula
M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one) n f. a fistulous
sore; a flute; a juggling trick vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish ~ abhyaga m. inunction;
rubbing with unctuous substances; unguent klana n. cleansing with water; sprinkling;
washing a adj. six agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

MT (.)
vastiyantrkt mle mukhe 'guhakalyakhe / (24.1)
vasti-yantra-kti mla mukha
vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder
M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one) T kti f. a constituent
part; a metre (consisting of four lines with twenty-two syllables each); a well-formed shape
mla mn. a chief or principal city; a corpse; a king's original or proper territory mukha n. a
direction; beginning; best.

T (.)
agrato 'karike mle nibaddhamducarma // (24.2)
agratas akarika mla nibandh-mdu-carman
agratas ind. (with gen.) before; before; first akarika adj. earless; without
helmsman mla mn. a chief or principal city; a corpse; a king's original or proper territory
^ nibandh 9.. to acquire; to begin; to bind on mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper
apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) carman n. carmkhya; a shield; bark.

` (.)
dvidvr nalik picchanalik vodakodare / (25.1)
dvi-dvra nalik piccha-nalik v-udakodara
dvi nr. two dvra n. a pass (in the mountains); a way; aperture (esp. of the human body)
nalik f. a kind of fragrant substance; a quiver; a tube or tubular organ of the body
piccha n. a crest; a feather of a tail (esp. of a peacock); a tail nalik f. a kind of fragrant
substance; a quiver; a tube or tubular organ of the body v ind. either - or; on the one side - on
the other side; optionally udakodara n. dropsy.

*M ` (.)
dhmavastydiyantri nirdini yathyatham // (25.2)
dhma-vasti-di-yantra nirdi yathyatham
dhma mn. a kind of incense; a saint; mist vasti mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made
of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning M
yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one) ` nirdi 6.. to advise; to
announce; to assign anything to yathyatham ind. as is fit or proper; by degrees; fitly.

= `

tryagulsya bhavecchga cae 'dagulam / (26.1)
tri-agula-sya bh-ga caa adaan-agula
tri nr. 3 MW agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth sya n. face;
jaws; mouth bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being " ga n. aaga; a cusp or
horn of the moon; a horn used for various purposes (as in drinking) caa n. sucking (of a
leech) adaan adj. eighteen agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's

T T T (.)
agre siddhrthakacchidra sunaddha ccukkti // (26.2)
agra siddhrthaka-chidra sunaddha ccuka-kti
agra n. a measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim T siddhrthaka
mn. Brassica campestris Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 607); Brassica juncea Coss. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 607); Brassica nigra Koch (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 607) chidra n. (in
astrol.) the 8th lunar mansion; a hole; blemish T sunaddha adj. ccuka mn. a nipple;
name of a mixed caste; name of a people T kti f. a constituent part; a metre (consisting of
four lines with twenty-two syllables each); a well-formed shape.

` ~ (.)
syd dvdagulo 'lbur nhe tvadagula / (27.1)
as dvdaan-agula albu nha tu-adaan-agula
as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) dvdaan adj. 12 MW agula mn. (in
astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth albu mn. a vessel made of the bottle-gourd
nha m. binding; obstruction; trap or snare for catching deer tu ind. and; but; do
adaan adj. eighteen agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

= 7 P * HPT (.)
catustryagulavttsyo dpto 'nta lemaraktaht // (27.2)
catur-tri-agula-vtta-sya dp antar leman-rakta-ht
catur nr. four tri nr. 3 MW agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth
7 vtta adj. absolved; circular; completed sya n. face; jaws; mouth dp 4.P. to be
luminous or illustrious; to blaze; to burn * antar ind. amongst; between; in the middle HP
leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood
T ht adj. (only ifc.) bringing; carrying; carrying away.

7` (.)
tadvad gha hit gulmavilayonnamane ca s / (28.1)
tadvat gha hita gulma-vilaya-unnamana ca tad
tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of yadvat); thus gha f. a particular procession; a
period of time- 24 minutes; a waterjar hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial 7 gulma
mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of
the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen vilaya m. death; destruction (esp. destruction
of the world); disappearance unnamana n. increase; lifting up; prosperity ca ind. also;
and; as well as tad pron. this.

W M T (.)
alkkhyni yantri nnkarmktni ca // (28.2)
alk-khy yantra nn-karman-kti ca
alk mf. a bone; a finger; a match or thin piece of wood (used for ignition by friction)
W khy f. appearance; appellation; aspect M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a surgical
instrument (esp. a blunt one) nn ind. differently; distinctly; separately karman n. act;
action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyya
philosophy) T kti f. a constituent part; a metre (consisting of four lines with twenty-two
syllables each); a well-formed shape ca ind. also; and; as well as.

` (.)
yathyogapramni tem eaakarma / (29.1)
yath-yoga-prama tad eaa-karman
yath ind. according; as; as yoga m. (in Skhya) the union of soul with matter (one of
the 10 Mlikrths or radical facts); a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or aphorism;
a follower of the Yoga system prama mn. nitya; a correct notion; a means of acquiring
Pram or certain knowledge tad pron. this eaa n. begging; medical examination;
probing karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven
categories of the Nyya philosophy).

" ~ 7 (.)
ubhe gapadamukhe srotobhya alyahri // (29.2)
ubh gapada-mukha srotas alya-hrin
ubh pron. both " gapada m. a kind of worm; earth-worm mukha n. a direction;
beginning; best srotas n. a river; an aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be
9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of sense 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance
lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault hrin adj. appropriating; attracting;

7 (.)
masradalavaktre dve sytm aanavgule / (30.1)
masr-dala-vaktra dvi as aan-navan-agula
masr mf. a kind of smallpox; Ervum lens Linn.; Ipomoea Turpethum dala mn. a clump;
a degree; a detachment 7 vaktra n. a sort of garment; beginning; face dvi nr. two as 2.P.
to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) aan adj. eight navan adj. 9 MW agula mn.
(in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

_ ` (.)
akava a ubhau te oaadvdagulau // (30.2)
aku a ubh tad oaan-dvdaan-agula
_ aku m. (in astron.) the sine of altitude; a goose; a kind of forceps (used for the extraction
of a dead fetus) a adj. six ubh pron. both tad pron. this oaan adj. sixteen
dvdaan adj. 12 MW agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

` 7 (.)
vyhane 'hiphavaktrau dvau daadvdagulau / (31.1)
vyhana ahi-pha-vaktra dvi daan-dvdaan-agula
vyhana n. arrangement; array (of an army); development (of the fetus) ahi m. a name
of Rhu; a snake; a traveller pha f. a snake's hood 7 vaktra n. a sort of garment;
beginning; face dvi nr. two daan adj. ten dvdaan adj. 12 MW agula mn. (in
astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

` ] T (.)
clane arapukhsyvhrye baikt // (31.2)
clana arapukha-sya-hrya baia-kti
clana n. a strainer; a term in astron.; causing to move ] arapukha mf. a kind of
plant; Galega purpurea Linn.; Tephrosia purpurea (Linn.) Pers. sya n. face; jaws; mouth
hrya n. a vessel; any disease to be treated by the operation of extracting; the decorative
part of a drama baia mfn. a hook; a particular surgical instrument in the form of a hook;
fish-hook T kti f. a constituent part; a metre (consisting of four lines with twenty-two
syllables each); a well-formed shape.

_ 7 _ W (.)
nato 'gre akun tulyo garbhaakur iti smta / (32.1)
nam agra aku tulya garbhaaku iti sm
nam 1.. to aim at (gen.) with (instr.); to bend or bow; to keep aside agra n. a measure
of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim _ aku m. (in astron.) the sine of altitude;
a goose; a kind of forceps (used for the extraction of a dead fetus) 7 tulya adj. comparable;
equal to; even _ garbhaaku m. [medic.] an instrument for extracting the dead foetus
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been said
or thought) W sm 1.. to be mindful of; to bear in mind; to hand down memoriter.

` ` W (.)
agulyatas tena mhagarbha haret striy // (32.2)
aan-agula-yam tad mhagarbha h str
aan adj. eight agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth yam
6.P. to bring hither; to draw back; to draw near tad pron. this mhagarbha m. a dead
fetus; difficult delivery T h 2.P. to annihilate; to appropriate (in a legitimate way); to avert (the
face) W str f. a kind of metre; a white ant; a woman.

amaryharaa sarpaphavad vakram agrata / (33.1)
amar-haraa sarpa-pha-vat vakra agratas
amar mf. stone or gravel (the disease); strangury haraa n. accomplishing;
battle; bringing sarpa m. (pl.) name of a particular tribe of Mlecchas; a particular
constellation (when only the three unfavourable planets are situated in the three Kendras); a
snake pha f. a snake's hood vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) vakra adj. ambiguous;
bent; crooked agratas ind. (with gen.) before; before; first.

] * (.)
arapukhamukha dantaptana caturagulam // (33.2)
arapukha-mukha danta-ptana catur-agula
] arapukha mf. a kind of plant; Galega purpurea Linn.; Tephrosia purpurea (Linn.) Pers.
mukha n. a direction; beginning; best * danta mn. a pin used in playing a lute; a tooth; an
arbour ptana mfn. application of leeches; bringing away; causing the fall of the fetus or
abortion catur nr. four agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

` (.)
krpsavihito alk a pramrjane / (34.1)
krpsa-vidh-ua alk a pramrjana
krpsa mn. cotton cloth; Gossypium herbaceum Linn.; paper vidh 3.. to appoint; to
apportion; to arrange ua mn. a diadem; a kind of excrescence on the head of Buddha;
anything wound round the head alk mf. a bone; a finger; a match or thin piece of wood
(used for ignition by friction) a adj. six pramrjana n. causing to disappear;
removing; the act of rubbing off.

{ (.)
pyvsannadrrthe dve daadvdagule // (34.2)
pyu-sad-dra-artha dvi daan-dvdaan-agula
pyu mn. the anus sad 1.P. to approach; to attack; to commence { dra adj. distant;
far; long (away) artha mn. (in astron.) name of the second mansion; action; advantage
dvi nr. two daan adj. ten dvdaan adj. 12 MW agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a
finger; a finger's breadth.

P ` (.)
dve asaptgule ghre dve kare 'anavgule / (35.1)
dvi a-saptan-agula ghra dvi kara aan-navan-agula
dvi nr. two a adj. six P saptan adj. 7 MW agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger;
a finger's breadth ghra mn. odour; perception of odour; smell dvi nr. two kara m.
Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle aan adj. eight navan adj. 9 MW
agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

NM7* (.)
karaodhanam avatthapattraprnta sruvnanam // (35.2)
kara-odhana avattha-pattra-prnta sruva-nana
kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle odhana mn. a means
of purification; acquittance; clearing up NM avattha m. a vessel made of the wood of avattha;
Ficus Religiosa Linn.; name of a Nakatra 7 pattra mn. a bird; a chariot; a knife * prnta mn.
a point; back part (of a carriage); border sruva m. a small wooden ladle nana n. door;
entrance; the face.

~ ` V (.)
alkjmbavauhn kre 'gnau ca pthak trayam / (36.1)
alk-jmbavauha kra agni ca pthak traya
alk mf. a bone; a finger; a match or thin piece of wood (used for ignition by friction)
~ jmbavauha n. a kind of surgical instrument (varti); [medic.] a probe (Sonde) kra
n. a factitious or medicinal salt (commonly black salt); alkali; alkaline substance V agni m.
bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty ca ind. also; and; as well as pthak ind. (with abl.)
without; apart or separately or differently from; differently traya n. a triad (chiefly ifc.);
[medic.] sanipta.

W W MW (.)
yujyt sthludrgh alkm antravardhmani // (36.2)
yuj sthla-au-drgha alk antravardhman
yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or
conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to W sthla adj. big; coarse; dense au adj. fine; minute
drgha adj. deep; high; lofty alk mf. a bone; a finger; a match or thin piece of wood
(used for ignition by friction) MW antravardhman n. inguinal hernia; rupture.

W7" W

madhyordhvavttada ca mle crdhendusanibhm / (37.1)
madhya-rdhva-vtta-daa ca mla ca-ardha-indu-sanibha
W madhya n. abdomen; centre; cessation rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect 7 vtta adj.
absolved; circular; completed " daa mn. (arch.) the width of the top of a pillar
(measurement for the elements of a building); a churning-stick; a form of military array ca
ind. also; and; as well as mla mn. a chief or principal city; a corpse; a king's original or proper
territory ca ind. also; and; as well as ardha adj. forming a half; half; halved W

indu m. a
bright drop; a drop; a spark sanibha adj. like; resembling; similar.

W7 T (.)
kolsthidalatulysy nsro'rbudadhakt // (37.2)
kola-asthi-dala-tulya-sya ns-aras-arbuda-dha-kt
kola n. black pepper; Name mehrerer Zizyphus-Arten (Surapla 1988: 231); the fruit of the
jujube W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit dala mn. a clump; a degree; a detachment 7
tulya adj. comparable; equal to; even sya n. face; jaws; mouth ns f. Gendarussa
Vulgaris; proboscis; the nose aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of
the eyelid arbuda mn. a long round mass (said especially of the shape of the foetus in the
second half of the first month); a really large number; a swelling dha m. burning;
cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

= (.)
agul nimnamukhs tisra krauadhakrame / (38.1)
aan-agula nimna-mukha tri kra-auadha-krama
aan adj. eight agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth = nimna
adj. deep (lit. and fig.); depressed; inclined towards mukha n. a direction; beginning; best
tri nr. 3 MW kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline substance
(esp. an alkali such as soda or potash) auadha n. drug; herb; herbs collectively krama
m. a particular kta tradition; a position taken (by an animal etc.) before making a spring or
attacking; a step.

W (.)
kannmadhyamnmnakhamnasamair mukhai // (38.2)
kann-madhyam-anman-nakha-mna-sama mukha
kann f. little finger; pupil of the eye W madhyam f. a central blossom; a girl arrived at
puberty; a kind of metre anman mf. the ring-finger nakha mn. a finger-nail; claw;
talon mna n. a particular measure or weight; appearance; dimension sama pron.
common; constant; easy mukha n. a direction; beginning; best.

M "7M (.)
sva svam uktni yantri mehrauddhyajandiu / (39.1)
sva sva vac yantra mehra-uddhi-ajana-di
sva adj. akin; one's own; own sva adj. akin; one's own; own vac 2.P. to declare; to
proclaim; to recite M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one)
mehra mn. Harnrhre; membrum virile; penis "T uddhi f. accuracy; accurate knowledge
regarding; acquittal M ajana n. a special kind of this pigment; act of applying an ointment or
pigment; antimony di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

M"W*` W7 (.)
anuyantryayaskntarajjvastrmamudgar // (39.2)
M anuyantra n. a minor surgical instrument W* ayasknta mn. Magneteisen (Garbe,
Richard 1974: 41); magnetic oxide of iron; the loadstone ` rajju f. a lock of braided hair; a
measure of 8 Hastas or 192 inches; a rope W vastra mn. cloth; clothes; cover aman mn. a
precious stone; a stone; any instrument made of stone (as a hammer etc.) 7 mudgara m. a bud;
a hammer; a kind of jasmine.

MJV (.)
vadhrntrajihvvlca khnakhamukhadvij / (40.1)
vadhra-antra-jihv-vla-ca kh-nakha-mukha-dvija
vadhra mn. a leathern strap or thong M antra n. entrail; intestine J jihv f. speech; the
root of Tabernaemontana coronaria; the tongue vla m. a hair-sieve; any tail or hair; bristle
ca ind. also; and; as well as kh f. antika; pakntara; a branch (lit. and fig.) nakha
mn. a finger-nail; claw; talon mukha n. a direction; beginning; best dvija m. a Brhman
(re-born through investiture with the sacred thread); a bird or any oviparous animal (appearing
first as an egg); a man of any one of the first 3 classes.

kla pka kara pdo bhaya hara ca tatkriy // (40.2)
kla pka kara pda bhaya hara ca tad-kriy
kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time pka m. a cooking utensil;
an abscess; any act having consequences kara m. act of doing; an elephant's trunk; claws of a
crab pda m. a foot as a measure ( 12 Agulas); a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped
being one out of 4); a quarter bhaya n. alarm; apprehension; danger hara m. ardent
desire; bristling; erection (esp. of the hair in a thrill of rapture or delight) ca ind. also; and; as
well as tad pron. this kriy f. a literary work; a noun of action; a religious rite or

upyavit pravibhajed locya nipua dhiy // (41.1)
upya-vid pravibhaj locay nipua dh
upya m. a means of success against an enemy (four are usually enumerated); a means or
expedient (of any kind); approach vid adj. a knower; knowing; understanding
pravibhaj 1.P. to apportion; to distribute; to divide locay 10.. to behold; to consider; to
make visible nipua adj. absolute (as purity); acute; adroit dh f. art; design; devotion.

"T ^ (.)
nirghtanonmathanapraamrgauddhisavyhanharaabandhanapanni/ (42.1)
nirghtana n. bringing out; forcing out; [medic.] wrenching out (G.J. Meulenbeld 0: 206)
unmathana n. churning; rubbing open; slaughter praa n. (in astron.) the revolution
of a heavenly body through its orbit; (in medic.) injection of fluids or supplying with food; a sort
of cake mrga m. (in astrol.) the 7th mansion; (in medic.) a way; a channel "T uddhi f.
accuracy; accurate knowledge regarding; acquittal savyhana n. haraa n.
accomplishing; battle; bringing ^ bandhana n. a bandage; a bond; a sinew pana n.
afflicting; an instrument for pressing; calamity.

caonnamananmanaclabhagavyvartanarjukarani ca


ca yantra-karman
ca ind. also; and; as well as M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a surgical instrument (esp. a blunt
one) karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven
categories of the Nyya philosophy).

, ,, -



V (.)
yacca // (43.2)
yantra-atas kaka-mukha pradhna sthna sarva-adhikrin yad-ca
M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one) atas ind. from that
time; from this; from this or that cause or reason _ kaka m. a form of iva; a kind of mango;
false or pretended Brhman mukha n. a direction; beginning; best pradhna adj. better
than or superior to (abl.); chief; main W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a stronghold;
abiding sarva pron. all; completely; different adhikrin adj. entitled to; fit for;
possessing authority yad pron. what; which ca ind. also; and; as well as.

aviati sukarmrair ghaitni yathvidhi / (1.1)
aviati su-karmra gha yathvidhi
aviati f. 26 MW su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very karmra m. Averrhoa
Carambola; a bamboo; a blacksmith gha 1.. to be busy with; to be in connection with; to be
intently occupied with yathvidhi ind. fitly; suitably.

W V7 (.)
astri romavhni bhulyengulni a // (1.2)
astra roman-vhin bhulya-agula a
W astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool roman
n. (esp.) short hair; bristles; down vhin adj. bearing; bearing along (said of rivers);
bringing V7 bhulya n. abundance; multitude; plenty agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a
finger; a finger's breadth a adj. six.

surpi sudhri sugrahi ca krayet / (2.1)
surpa su-dhr su-graha ca kray
surpa adj. handsome; learned; well-formed su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very
dhr mf. a kind of surgical instrument; blade (esp. of a sword); excellence su ind. quite; [ibc.]
good-; [ibc.] very graha mn. a crocodile; a house; a planet (as seizing or influencing the
destinies of men in a supernatural manner) ca ind. also; and; as well as kray 10.. to
make someone do something.

WW`` (.)
akarlni sudhmtasutkvartite 'yasi // (2.2)
akarla su-dham-su-tka-vartay ayas
akarla adj. su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very dham 1.. to blow; to blow into;
to blow or cast away su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot
vartay 10.. to bring back; to cause to turn; to draw or turn towards ayas n. an iron
weapon (as an axe); gold; iron.

~ (.)
samhitamukhgri nlmbhojacchavni ca / (3.1)
samdh-mukha-agra nla-ambhoja-chavi ca
samdh 1.P. etw. rechtfertigen (Richard Garbe 1891: 25); to add; to adjust mukha n. a
direction; beginning; best agra n. a measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala;
aim nla adj. black; dark-blue; dark-green ~ ambhoja n. the day lotus; the plant Calamus
Rotang; the Srasa or Indian crane chavi f. a ray of light; beauty; colour ca ind. also; and;
as well as.

nmnugatarpi sad sanihitni ca // (3.2)
nman-anugam-rpa sad sanidh ca
nman n. a characteristic mark or sign; a good or great name; a noun (as opp. to a verb)
anugam 1.. to approach; to arrive; to be extinguished rpa n. a particular coin; a show;
a single specimen sad ind. always; continually; ever sanidh 3.. to be near or
present or imminent; to deposit in; to direct towards ca ind. also; and; as well as.

~ (.)
svonmnrdhacaturthaphalnyekaikao 'pi ca / (4.1)
sva-unmna-ardhacaturtha-aa-phala-ekaikaas api ca
sva adj. akin; one's own; own unmna n. measure; measure of altitude or longitude;
price ardhacaturtha adj. three and a half aa m. day; degree of latitude or longitude;
denominator of a fraction phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift
ekaikaas ind. api ind. also; assuredly; besides ca ind. also; and; as well as.

M W (.)
pryo dvitri yujta tni sthnavieata // (4.2)
pryas dvitra yuj tad sthna-viea
pryas ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly dvitra adj. 2 or 3 yuj 4.P. (in
astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction
with (acc.); to accrue to tad pron. this W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a
stronghold; abiding viea m. (pl.) various objects; a kind; a species of tree.

" ` ~*T (.)
maalgra phale te tarjanyantarnakhkti / (5.1)
maalgra phala tad tarjan-antar-nakha-kti
" maalgra n. a bent or rounded sword; a surgeon's circular knife; scimitar phala n.
a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift tad pron. this tarjan f. the fore-
finger * antar ind. amongst; between; in the middle nakha mn. a finger-nail; claw; talon
T kti f. a constituent part; a metre (consisting of four lines with twenty-two syllables each);
a well-formed shape.

` ` W "" (.)
lekhane chedane yojya pothakuikdiu // (5.2)
lekhana chedana yuj pothak-uik-di
lekhana n. an instrument for scraping or furrowing; attenuating; Betula Bhojpatra (the
bark of which is used for writing) chedana n. (chiefly ifc.) cutting; a graver [Grabstichel]; a
medicine for removing the humors of the body yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction
with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to
pothak f. a kind of ulcer on the eyelids "" uik f. Anschwellung der Mandeln; swelling of
the uvula (gala); the uvula (in the throat) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

T7 ` (.)
vddhipattra kurkra chedabhedanapane / (6.1)
vddhipattra kura-kra cheda-bhedana-pana
T7 vddhipattra n. a kind of lancet kura m. Asteracantha longifolia; a horse's hoof; a
razor kra m. appearance; expression of the face (as furnishing a clue to the disposition of
mind); external gesture or aspect of the body cheda m. a cut; an incision; cessation
bhedana n. Asa Foetida; a purgative; betrayal (of a secret) pana n. cutting to pieces;
destroying; dividing.

7 ` ~` ~ (.)
jvagram unnate ophe gambhre ca tad anyath // (6.2)
ju-agra unnata opha gambhra ca tad anyath
ju adj. honest; sincere; upright agra n. a measure of food given as alms; a weight equal
to a pala; aim unnata adj. (figuratively) high; bent or turned upwards; elevated opha
m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) ~ gambhra adj.
gabhra ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this ~ anyath ind. erroneously; falsely;
from another motive.

7 (.)
natgra phato drghahrasvavaktra yathrayam / (7.1)
nam-agra phatas drgha-hrasva-vaktra yathrayam
nam 1.. to aim at (gen.) with (instr.); to bend or bow; to keep aside agra n. a measure of
food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim phatas ind. backwards; behind (with
gen. or ifc.); covertly drgha adj. deep; high; lofty hrasva adj. dwarfish; insignificant; less
by (abl.) 7 vaktra n. a sort of garment; beginning; face yathrayam ind. in respect of or
in regard to the connection.

~WW ` ` (.)
utpaldhyardhadhrkhye bhedane chedane tath // (7.2)
utpala-adhyardhadhra-khy bhedana chedana tath
~ utpala mn. a particular hell; a seed of the Nymphaea; any flower W adhyardhadhra n.
a kind of surgical knife W khy f. appearance; appellation; aspect bhedana n. Asa
Foetida; a purgative; betrayal (of a secret) chedana n. (chiefly ifc.) cutting; a graver
[Grabstichel]; a medicine for removing the humors of the body tath ind. in like manner; in
that manner; so.

" ` (.)
sarpsya ghrakarrachedane 'rdhgula phale / (8.1)
sarpsya ghra-kara-aras-chedana ardha-agula phala
sarpsya n. a kind of surgical knife ghra n. the nose kara m. Calotropis
Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name
of a disease of the eyelid chedana n. (chiefly ifc.) cutting; a graver [Grabstichel]; a medicine
for removing the humors of the body ardha adj. forming a half; half; halved agula mn.
(in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a
gaming board; a gift.

`~ HW " (.)
gateranveae lak gapadamukhaia // (8.2)
gati-anveaa laka gapada-mukha-ea
gati f. Motion (personified as a daughter of Kardama and wife of Pulaha); a certain division
of the moon's path and the position of the planet in it (the diurnal motion of a planet in its
orbit?); a happy issue ~ anveaa fn. investigating; searching; seeking for HW laka adj.
bland; even; fine " gapada m. a kind of worm; earth-worm mukha n. a direction;
beginning; best ea f. a goldsmith's scale; a kind of knife used in surgery; an iron or steel

bhedanrthe 'par scmukh mlaniviakh / (9.1)
bhedana-artha apara sci-mukha mla-nivi-kha
bhedana n. Asa Foetida; a purgative; betrayal (of a secret) artha mn. (in astron.) name of
the second mansion; action; advantage apara pron. der andere sci f. (in astron) the
earth's disc in computing eclipses (or "the corrected diameter of the earth"); a cone; a kind of
coitus mukha n. a direction; beginning; best mla mn. a chief or principal city; a corpse; a
king's original or proper territory nivi 6.. to alight; to be fixed or intent on; to be founded
(said of a town) kha n. (in anat.) the glottis; a cavity; a city.

` ` (.)
vetasa vyadhane srvye arrysyatrikrcake // (9.2)
vetasa vyadhana srvya arrysya-trikrcaka
` vetasa n. a lancet shaped like a pointed leaf of the ratan; name of a city vyadhana n. an
instrument for piercing; chase; hunting srvya n. [medic.] bloodletting arrysya n.
a kind of surgical knife trikrcaka n. a sort of knife with 3 edges.

` H (.)
ku vadane srvye dvyagula syt tayo phalam / (10.1)
ku vadana srvya dvi-agula as tad phala
ku f. a kind of surgical knife vadana n. countenance; face; initial quantity or term
of a progression srvya n. [medic.] bloodletting dvi nr. two agula mn. (in astron.)
a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) tad pron.
this phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift.

* W (.)
tadvad antarmukha tasya phalam adhyardham agulam // (10.2)
tadvat antarmukha tad phala adhyardha agula
tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of yadvat); thus * antarmukha n. a kind of scissors
used in surgery tad pron. this phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift
W adhyardha adj. one and a half agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's

W (.)
ardhacandrnana caitat tathdhyardhgula phale / (11.1)
ardhacandrnana ca-etad tath-adhyardha-agula phala
ardhacandrnana n. a kind of surgical knife ca ind. also; and; as well as etad
pron. this tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so W adhyardha adj. one and a half
agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth phala n. a blade (of a sword or
knife); a gaming board; a gift.

7 W (.)
vrhivaktra prayojya ca tat sirodarayor vyadhe // (11.2)
vrhivaktra prayojay ca tad sir-udara vyadha
7 vrhivaktra n. a kind of surgical knife prayojay 10.P. to aim at; to appoint to; to be
applicable ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream
udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) vyadha m. a
stroke; cutting; hitting.

*[ (.)
pthu kuhr godantasadrdhgulnan / (12.1)
pthu kuhr go-danta-sada-ardha-agula-nana
pthu adj. abundant; broad; clever kuhr f. an axe go mf. a class of sunrays creating
heat; a herd of cattle; a kind of medicial plant * danta mn. a pin used in playing a lute; a tooth;
an arbour [ sada adj. like; resembling ardha adj. forming a half; half; halved agula
mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth nana n. door; entrance; the face.

" W W (.)
tayordhvadaay vidhyed uparyasthn sthit sirm // (12.2)
tad-rdhva-daa vyadh upari-asthi sth sir
tad pron. this rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect " daa mn. (arch.) the width of the
top of a pillar (measurement for the elements of a building); a churning-stick; a form of military
array vyadh 4.. (in astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly body; to affect with (acc. of
pers. and instr. of thing); to attach to upari ind. (as a separable adverb) above; on; towards
the upper side of (opposed to adhas) W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit W sth 1.. to
adhere to; to be; to be at hand sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream.

^T (.)
tmr alk dvimukh mukhe kuruvakkti / (13.1)
tmra alk dvi-mukha mukha kuravaka-kti
tmra adj. made of copper alk mf. a bone; a finger; a match or thin piece of wood
(used for ignition by friction) dvi nr. two mukha adj. having a . face mukha n. a
direction; beginning; best kuravaka m. a kind of plant; a kind of rice (aika); Barleria
cristata Linn. T kti f. a constituent part; a metre (consisting of four lines with twenty-two
syllables each); a well-formed shape.

W W (.)
ligana tay vidhyet kuryd aguliastrakam // (13.2)
ligana tad vyadh k aguliastraka
ligana m. a particular disease of the eyes (loss of vision from cataract etc) tad pron.
this vyadh 4.. (in astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly body; to affect with (acc. of pers.
and instr. of thing); to attach to T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become W
aguliastraka n. [medic.] aguliastra.

~ (.)
mudriknirgatamukha phale tvardhgulyatam / (14.1)
mudrik-nirgam-mukha phala tu-ardha-agula-yam
mudrik f. a little seal; a particular surgical instrument; a sealed or signed paper
nirgam 6.P. to come forth (often with bahis); to come out or appear (as a bud); to depart from
(abl.) mukha n. a direction; beginning; best phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a
gaming board; a gift tu ind. and; but; do ardha adj. forming a half; half; halved agula
mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth yam 6.P. to bring hither; to draw back;
to draw near.

T7 " (.)
yogato vddhipattrea maalgrea v samam // (14.2)
yogatas vddhipattra maalgra v sama
yogatas ind. by means of; by the power of magic; conformably to T7 vddhipattra n. a
kind of lancet " maalgra n. a bent or rounded sword; a surgeon's circular knife;
scimitar v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally sama pron.
common; constant; easy.

`~ (.)
tat pradeinyagraparvapramrpaamudrikam / (15.1)
tad pradein-agra-parvan-prama-arpaa-mudrik
tad pron. this ` pradein f. the forefinger (or the corresponding toe) agra n. a
measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim parvan n. (esp.) the
Cturmsya festival; a break; a day (360) prama mn. nitya; a correct notion; a means of
acquiring Pram or certain knowledge arpaa adj. consigning; entrusting; procuring
mudrik f. a little seal; a particular surgical instrument; a sealed or signed paper.

T ` (.)
strabaddha galasrotorogacchedanabhedane // (15.2)
stra-bandh gala-srotas-roga-chedana-bhedana
stra n. a fibre; a girdle; a kind of tree ^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to
arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience gala m. neck; the throat srotas n. a river; an
aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of
sense roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease chedana n. (chiefly
ifc.) cutting; a graver [Grabstichel]; a medicine for removing the humors of the body
bhedana n. Asa Foetida; a purgative; betrayal (of a secret).

"" ` (.)
grahae uikrmder baia sunatnanam / (16.1)
grahaa uik-arman-di baia sunata-nana
grahaa n. a prisoner; a word mentioned or employed; acceptance "" uik f.
Anschwellung der Mandeln; swelling of the uvula (gala); the uvula (in the throat) arman
n. a disease of the eyes di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning baia mfn. a hook; a
particular surgical instrument in the form of a hook; fish-hook sunata adj. hanging down
very deep nana n. door; entrance; the face.

` 7 (.)
chede 'sthn karapattra tu kharadhra dagulam // (16.2)
cheda asthi karapattra tu khara-dhr daan-agula
cheda m. a cut; an incision; cessation W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit 7
karapattra n. a kind of knife used in surgery; playing or gambling in water; saw tu ind. and; but;
do khara adj. acid; cruel; cutting (as speech or word) dhr mf. a kind of surgical
instrument; blade (esp. of a sword); excellence daan adj. ten agula mn. (in astron.) a
digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

` H W* ^^ (.)
vistre dvyagula skmadanta sutsarubandhanam / (17.1)
vistra dvi-agula skma-danta su-tsaru-bandhana
vistra m. a shrub; becoming large or great (met. said of the heart); detailed enumeration
or description dvi nr. two agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth W
skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant * danta mn. a pin used in playing a lute; a tooth; an arbour
su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very ^ tsaru m. a crawling animal; the handle of a vessel; the
hilt of a sword ^ bandhana n. a bandage; a bond; a sinew.

N` (.)
snyustrakacachede kartar kartarnibh // (17.2)
snyu-stra-kaca-cheda kartar kartar-nibha
N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle; tendon stra n. a fibre; a girdle; a kind of tree kaca m.
band; cicatrix; cloud cheda m. a cut; an incision; cessation kartar f. a kind of dance; a
knife; any instrument for cutting kartar f. a kind of dance; a knife; any instrument for
cutting nibha adj. like; resembling; similar.

W (.)
vakrarjudhra dvimukha nakhaastra navgulam / (18.1)
vakra-ju-dhr dvi-mukha nakhaastra navan-agula
vakra adj. ambiguous; bent; crooked ju adj. honest; sincere; upright dhr mf. a
kind of surgical instrument; blade (esp. of a sword); excellence dvi nr. two mukha n. a
direction; beginning; best W nakhaastra n. a kind of lancet navan adj. 9 MW
agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.


` (.)
skmaalyoddhticchedabhedapracchnalekhane // (18.2)
W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance
lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault T

uddhti f. abstract; delivering; extract

cheda m. a cut; an incision; cessation bheda m. (in astron.) a particular crossing or
conjunction of the planets; a cleft; alteration pracchna n. [medic.] a kind of visrvaa
("Schrpfen") lekhana n. an instrument for scraping or furrowing; attenuating; Betula
Bhojpatra (the bark of which is used for writing).

M TT (.)
ekadhra catukoa prabaddhkti caikata / (19.1)
eka-dhr catukoa prabandh-kti ca-ekatas
eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once dhr mf. a kind of surgical instrument;
blade (esp. of a sword); excellence M catukoa adj. quadrangular ^ prabandh 9.P. to
bind on; to check; to fasten T kti f. a constituent part; a metre (consisting of four lines with
twenty-two syllables each); a well-formed shape ca ind. also; and; as well as ekatas ind.
from one; from one and the same; from one side.

* ` * (.)
dantalekhanaka tena odhayed dantaarkarm // (19.2)
dantalekhanaka tad odhay dantaarkar
* dantalekhanaka n. a kind of surgical instrument (for removing tartar) tad pron. this
odhay 10.. to acquit; to clear; to clear off * dantaarkar f. tartar of the teeth.

7 [ ` (.)
vtt ghadh pe tisra scyo 'tra svane / (20.1)
vtta guh-dha pa tri sci atra svana
7 vtta adj. absolved; circular; completed guh 1.. to conceal; to cover; to hide [ dha
adj. certain; close (e.g. ship); complete (opp. to bhinna) pa m. a snare; bond; chain tri
nr. 3 MW sci f. (in astron) the earth's disc in computing eclipses (or "the corrected diameter
of the earth"); a cone; a kind of coitus atra ind. here at this time; in this matter; in this place
svana n. a seam; sewing; stitching.

` = = (.)
msaln praden tryar tryagulam yat // (20.2)
msala pradea tryara tri-agula yam
msala adj. bulky; fleshy; powerful ` pradea m. (with Jainas) one of the obstacles to
liberation; a short span (measured from the tip of the thumb to that of the forefinger); a short
while = tryara adj. triangular tri nr. 3 MW agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a
finger's breadth yam 6.P. to bring hither; to draw back; to draw near.

7WW H (.)
alpamssthisadhisthavran dvyagulyat / (21.1)
alpa-msa-asthi-sadhi-stha-vraa dvi-agula-yam
7 alpa adj. little; minute; small msa n. flesh; meat W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a
fruit sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint W
stha adj. a place; abiding; being situated in vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish dvi nr. two
agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth yam 6.P. to bring hither; to
draw back; to draw near.

7 (.)
vrhivaktr dhanurvakr pakvmayamarmasu // (21.2)
vrhi-vaktra dhanus-vakra pakva-maya-marman
vrhi m. rice 7 vaktra n. a sort of garment; beginning; face dhanus n. (astron.) an are
or quadrant for ascertaining the sun's altitude and enith-distance; (geom.) an Arc or past of a
circle; a bow vakra adj. ambiguous; bent; crooked pakva n. pakvaya; cooked food; dish
maya m. [medic.] the maya marman n. any joint or articulation; any open or
exposed or weak or sensitive part of the body; any secret or mystery.

H 7 V (.)
s srdhadvyagul sarvavtts tcaturagul / (22.1)
tad srdha-dvi-agula sarva-vtta tad-catur-agula
tad pron. this srdha adj. increased by one half; joined wilh a half; plus one half dvi nr.
two agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth sarva pron. all;
completely; different 7 vtta adj. absolved; circular; completed tad pron. this catur nr.
four agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

7W P ^ (.)
krco vttaikaphasth saptau v subandhan // (22.2)
krca vtta-eka-pha-stha saptan-aan v su-bandhana
krca mn. a bunch of anything; a handful of Kua grass or peacock's feathersh; a kind of
surgical instrument 7 vtta adj. absolved; circular; completed eka pron. alone; excellent;
happening only once pha n. a district; a particular posture in sitting; a religious student's
seat (made properly of Kua grass) W stha adj. a place; abiding; being situated in P saptan adj.
7 MW aan adj. eight v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally
su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very ^ bandhana n. a bandage; a bond; a sinew.

W ` ` (.)
sa yojyo nlikvyagakeateu kuane / (23.1)
tad yuj nlik-vyaga-kea-ta kuana
tad pron. this yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to
come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to nlik f. a blue-flowered Vitex
negundo; a kind of malady (black and blue marks in the face); a particular disease of the lens of
the eye vyaga mn. a blot; a frog; blemish kea m. a kind of perfume; name of a Daitya;
name of a mineral ta m. falling out or decaying (of nails) kuana n. abusing; beating;

7 " (.)
ardhgulamukhair vttairabhi kaakai khaja // (23.2)
ardha-agula-mukha vtta-aan kaaka khaja
ardha adj. forming a half; half; halved agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's
breadth mukha n. a direction; beginning; best 7 vtta adj. absolved; circular; completed
aan adj. eight " kaaka mn. any annoyance or source of vexation; any troublesome
seditious person; anything pointed khaja m. a churning stick; a ladle; agitating.

~ M` ` ` V (.)
pibhy mathyamnena ghrt tena hared ask / (24.1)
pi math ghra tad h
pi m. a hoof; the hand math 4.. to churn; to produce fire; to stir or whirl round
ghra n. the nose tad pron. this T h 2.P. to annihilate; to appropriate (in a legitimate way); to
avert (the face).

vyadhana karapln ythikmukulnanam // (24.2)
vyadhana kara-pli ythik-mukula-nana
vyadhana n. an instrument for piercing; chase; hunting kara m. Calotropis Gigantea;
Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle pli f. prabedha; a boundary; a circumference
ythik f. a kind of jasmine; a kind of surgical instrument; Clypea Hernandifolia mukula mn.
a bud; name of a man (?) nana n. door; entrance; the face.

7 ~` (.)
rrdhgulavttsy tatprave tathordhvata / (25.1)
r-ardha-agula-vtta-sya tad-pravea tath-rdhvatas
r f. a bore; a kind of surgical instrument; a probe ardha adj. forming a half; half;
halved agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth 7 vtta adj. absolved;
circular; completed sya n. face; jaws; mouth tad pron. this ` pravea m. a place of
entrance; coming or setting in (of night); door tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so
rdhvatas ind. upwards.

W (.)
caturar tay vidhyecchopha pakvmasaaye // (25.2)
caturara tad vyadh-opha pakva-ma-saaya
caturara adj. four-cornered; regular tad pron. this vyadh 4.. (in astron.) to fix the
position of a heavenly body; to affect with (acc. of pers. and instr. of thing); to attach to
opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) pakva n.
pakvaya; cooked food; dish ma mn. constipation; dysenterie; passing hard and unhealthy
excretions saaya m. hesitation; irresolution; lying down to rest or sleep.

V ` (.)
karapl ca bahal bahalyca asyate / (26.1)
kara-pli ca bahala bahala-ca as
kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle pli f. prabedha; a
boundary; a circumference ca ind. also; and; as well as bahala adj. abundant; busy;
compact bahala adj. abundant; busy; compact ca ind. also; and; as well as as 2.. to
approve; to calumniate; to commend.

= ` (.)
sc tribhgasuir tryagul karavedhan // (26.2)
sci tri-bhga-suira tri-agula karavedhan
sci f. (in astron) the earth's disc in computing eclipses (or "the corrected diameter of the
earth"); a cone; a kind of coitus tri nr. 3 MW bhga m. a degree or 360th part of the
circumference of a great circle; a division of time; a fraction (often with an ordinal number)
suira adj. having spaces; hollow; perforated tri nr. 3 MW agula mn. (in astron.) a
digit; a finger; a finger's breadth ` karavedhan f. an instrument for piercing the ear of an

jalaukakradahanakcopalanakhdaya / (27.1)
jalaukas m. a leech; aquatic animal; inhabitant of water kra m. a kind of prameha;
alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash)
dahana n. burning; cauterising; consuming by fire kca n. kcalavaa; alkaline salt; block salt
upala mn. a precious stone; a rock; chalk (? in manchen Texten Hind safed patthar)
nakha mn. a finger-nail; claw; talon di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

~W ~ 7 (.)
alauhnyanuastri tnyeva ca vikalpayet // (27.2)
alauha-anuastra tad-evam ca vikalpay
alauha adj. not made of metal W anuastra n. any subsidiary weapon or instrument;
anything used in place of a regular surgical instrument (as a finger-nail) tad pron. this
evam ind. in such a manner; in this way; such ca ind. also; and; as well as 7 vikalpay 10.P.
to call in question; to choose one of two alternatives; to combine variously.

" M~ (.)
aparyapi yantrdnyupayoga ca yaugikam / (28.1)
apara-api yantra-di-upayoga ca yaugika
apara pron. der andere api ind. also; assuredly; besides M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a
surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
upayoga m. acquisition (of knowledge); agreement; an engagement ca ind. also; and; as well as
yaugika adj. belonging to a remedy; connected with the derivation; having an etymological

~W (.)
utpyapyasvyaiyalekhyapracchnakuanam // (28.2)
~ utpay 10.P. to banish; to break out; to dethrone pay 10.. to tear svya n.
[medic.] suturing (G.J. Meulenbeld 0: 204) eya n. [medic.] probing (G.J. Meulenbeld 0:
204) W lekhya n. a (written) document; [medic.] scarification (G.J. Meulenbeld 0: 204)
pracchna n. [medic.] a kind of visrvaa ("Schrpfen") kuana n. abusing; beating; cutting.

N N * V (.)
chedya bhedya vyadho mantho graho dhaca tatkriy / (29.1)
chedya bhedya vyadha mantha graha dha-ca tad-kriy
N chedya n. cutting; cutting off; tearing (with teeth or nails) N bhedya n. a substantive;
[medic.] incision (G.J. Meulenbeld 0: 204) vyadha m. a stroke; cutting; hitting mantha
m. a churning-stick; a drink in which other ingredients are mixed by stirring; a kind of antelope
graha mn. a crocodile; a house; a planet (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men in a
supernatural manner) dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) ca ind. also;
and; as well as tad pron. this kriy f. a literary work; a noun of action; a religious rite or

""W ~ (.)
kuhakhaatanusthlahrasvadrghatvavakrat // (29.2)
" kuha adj. blunt; dull; foolish " khaa adj. broken; crippled; defective tanu f. tan;
form; life W sthla adj. big; coarse; dense hrasva adj. dwarfish; insignificant; less by (abl.)
drgha adj. deep; high; lofty ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) vakra adj. ambiguous;
bent; crooked t f. ifc. abstracta.

W ~ ` (.)
astr kharadhratvam aau do prakrtit / (30.1)
astra khara-dhr-tva aan doa prakrtay
W astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool khara
adj. acid; cruel; cutting (as speech or word) dhr mf. a kind of surgical instrument; blade
(esp. of a sword); excellence ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) aan adj. eight
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection prakrtay 10.P. to announce; to approve; to call.

W W **` (.)
chedabhedanalekhyrtha astra vntaphalntare // (30.2)
cheda-bhedana-lekhya-artha astra vnta-phala-antara
cheda m. a cut; an incision; cessation bhedana n. Asa Foetida; a purgative; betrayal (of a
secret) W lekhya n. a (written) document; [medic.] scarification (G.J. Meulenbeld 0: 204)
artha mn. (in astron.) name of the second mansion; action; advantage W astra n. a razor; an
instrument for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool * vnta m. a kind of small crawling
animal; caterpillar; the egg-plant phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a
gift * antara n. a hole; absence; another.

W (.)
tarjanmadhyamguhair ghyt susamhita / (31.1)
tarjan-madhyam-aguha grah su-samhita
tarjan f. the fore-finger W madhyam f. a central blossom; a girl arrived at puberty; a
kind of metre aguha m. a thumb's breadth; the great toe; the thumb grah 6.P. (in
astron.) to calculate; (in astron.) to observe; to abstract su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very
samhita adj. added (as fuel to fire); applied; collected.

* ~ (.)
visrvani vntgre tarjanyaguhakena ca // (31.2)
visrvaa vnta-agra tarjan-aguhaka ca
visrvaa n. bleeding; causing to flow (blood) * vnta n. a nipple; any stalk; the
footstalk of a leaf or flower or fruit agra n. a measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to
a pala; aim tarjan f. the fore-finger aguhaka n. aguha thumb; finger ca ind.
also; and; as well as.

* Q (.)
talapracchannavntgra grhya vrhimukha mukhe / (32.1)
tala-pracchad-vnta-agra grah vrhimukha mukha
tala mn. base; bottom; flat roof (of a house) pracchad 1.P. to conceal; to hide * vnta n.
a nipple; any stalk; the footstalk of a leaf or flower or fruit agra n. a measure of food given as
alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim grah 6.P. (in astron.) to calculate; (in astron.) to observe;
to abstract vrhimukha n. a kind of knife used in surgery mukha n. a direction;
beginning; best.

M (.)
mlevhararthni kriysaukaryato 'param // (32.2)
mla-haraa-artha kriy-saukarya apara
mla mn. a chief or principal city; a corpse; a king's original or proper territory
haraa n. accomplishing; battle; bringing artha mn. (in astron.) name of the second
mansion; action; advantage kriy f. a literary work; a noun of action; a religious rite or
ceremony saukarya n. adroitness; easiness of performance; easy preparation of food or
medicine apara pron. der andere.

syn navgulavistra sughano dvdagula / (33.1)
as navan-agula-vistra su-ghana dvdaan-agula
as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) navan adj. 9 MW agula mn. (in astron.)
a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth vistra m. a shrub; becoming large or great (met. said of
the heart); detailed enumeration or description su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very
ghana adj. complete; dark; deep dvdaan adj. 12 MW agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a
finger; a finger's breadth.

7 (.)
kaumapattrorakaueyaduklamducarmaja // (33.2)
kauma n. linen cloth or garment; linseed; the flower of flax 7 pattrora m. Calosanthes
Indica; name of a people; wove silk or a silk-garment kaueya n. a woman's lower garments
of silk; name of a locality; silk dukla n. very fine cloth or raiment made of the inner bark of
this plant (different from kauma) mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle;
mild (Nahrung) carman n. carmkhya; a shield; bark ja adj. born or produced in or at or
upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

~ *WW (.)
vinyastapa susyta sntarorsthaastraka / (34.1)
vinyas-pa su-sv sa-antara-r-stha-astraka
~ vinyas 4.P. to apply to; to arrange; to deposit pa m. a snare; bond; chain su ind.
quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very sv 4.P. (fig.) to join; to darn; to sew sa ind. (ibc.) with *
antara n. a hole; absence; another r f. a circle of hair between the eyebrows; a woollen
thread; cobweb W stha adj. a place; abiding; being situated in W astraka n. a knife; iron.

V W (.)
alkpihitsyaca astrakoa susacaya // (34.2)
alk-pidh-sya-ca astra-koa su-sacaya
alk mf. a bone; a finger; a match or thin piece of wood (used for ignition by friction)
pidh 3.. to close; to conceal; to hide sya n. face; jaws; mouth ca ind. also; and; as
well as W astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool
koa mn. (in surg.) a kind of bandage; (metaphorically) cloud; a box su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-;
[ibc.] very sacaya m. accumulation; collecting the bones of a burnt body; collection.

jalaukasas tu sukhin raktasrvya yojayet / (35.1)
jalaukas tu sukhin rakta-srva yojay
jalaukas m. a leech; aquatic animal; inhabitant of water tu ind. and; but; do
sukhin adj. comfortable; easy; happy rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood
srva m. (esp.) morbid flow or issue of (comp.); flow; miscarriage yojay 10.. to
accomplish; to add; to adjust.

~T (.)
dumbumatsyabhekhiavakothamalodbhav // (35.2)
du 4.. to be defiled or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong ~ ambu n. a kind of
Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the number four matsya m.
(in astron.) the figure of a figure; a fish; a king of the Matsyas bheka m. a frog; a timid man;
cloud ahi m. a name of Rhu; a snake; a traveller ava mn. a corpse; dead body; the
mango tree kotha m. a disease of the eyes (inflammation and ulceration of the angles of the
eyelids); a sore; churning mala mn. dirt; dust; filth T udbhava adj. produced or coming

N TV W (.)
rakt vet bha kcapal sthlapicchil / (36.1)
rakta veta bham ka-capala sthla-picchila
rakta adj. affected with passion or love; attached or devoted to; beloved N veta adj. bright;
dressed in white; white bham ind. very T ka adj. black; dark; dark-blue capala
adj. fickle; inconsiderate; momentary W sthla adj. big; coarse; dense picchila adj. having
a tail; lubricous; slimy.

V (.)
indryudhavicitrordhvarjayo romaca t // (36.2)
indryudha-vicitra-rdhva-rji romaa-ca tad
indryudha n. diamond; the rainbow; vajra vicitra adj. amusing; beautiful; charming
rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect rji f. a field; a line parting the hair; a streak
romaa adj. hairy; having thick hair or wool; shaggy ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron.

" (.)
savi varjayet tbhi kapkajvarabhram / (37.1)
sa-via varjay tad ka-pka-jvara-bhrama
sa ind. (ibc.) with via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a
particular vegetable poison varjay 10.. to avoid tad pron. this " ka f. itch; itching;
scratching pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences 7 jvara m.
affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to
be affected by it); fever of the soul bhrama m. a circle; a gimlet or auger; a grindstone.

7 "T~ (.)
viapittsranut krya tatra uddhmbuj puna // (37.2)
via-pitta-asra-nud k tatra uddha-ambu-ja punar
via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour asra n. a corner; a tear; blood nud adj. driving away;
impelling; removing T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become tatra ind. in that; in
that case; in that place " T uddha adj. admitted; authorised; clean ~ ambu n. a kind of
Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the number four ja adj. born or
produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from punar ind. again and
again; back; besides.

` 7 (.)
nirvi aivalayv vtt nlordhvarjaya / (38.1)
nirvia aivala-yva vtta nla-rdhva-rji
` nirvia adj. non-venomous (as a snake) aivala mn. Blyxa Octandra (a kind of duck-
weed or green moss-like plant growing in pools and often alluded to in poetry) yva adj.
brown; dark; darkbrown 7 vtta adj. absolved; circular; completed nla adj. black; dark-
blue; dark-green rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect rji f. a field; a line parting the hair;
a streak.

~~ ~V (.)
kayaphs tanvagya kicitptodarca y // (38.2)
kaya-pha tanu-aga kacid-pta-udara-ca yad
kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant pha n. a page of a book; height; name of
particular arrangement of Smans (employed at the midday libation and formed from the
Rathatara) tanu adj. accomplished (in metre); delicate; emaciated aga adj. contiguous;
having members or divisions V kacid pron. someone pta adj. yellow (the colour of the
Vaiyas) udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver) ca
ind. also; and; as well as yad pron. what; which.

P (.)
t apyasamyagvamant pratata ca niptant / (39.1)
tad api-asamyak-vamana pratatam ca niptana
tad pron. this api ind. also; assuredly; besides P asamyak ind. incorrectly; wrongly
vamana n. an emetic; emission; emitting pratatam ind. continually ca ind. also; and;
as well as niptana n. alighting (said of a bird); an irregular form or exception; applying
(as a knife).

* 7 * (.)
sdant salila prpya raktamatt iti tyajet // (39.2)
sad salila prp rakta-mad iti tyaj
sad 1.. to become faint or wearied or dejected or low-spirited; to besiege; to despair
salila n. a kind of metre; a kind of wind; a particular high number prp 1.P. to arrive at; to
attain to; to be in force rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood mad 4..
to be drunk; to delight in; to exult iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti
refers to something that has been said or thought) * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge.

7 ~ N (.)
athetar nikalkayukte 'mbhasi pariplut / (40.1)
atha-itara ni-kalka-yuj ambhas pariplu
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
itara pron. another; the other (of two) ni f. (Hahayoga:) \=\= kumbhaka; a vision;
Curcuma (of 2 species) 7 kalka mn. (architect.) a kind of mortar/coating; a kind of tenacious
paste; a viscous sediment deposited by oily substances when ground yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to
come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.);
to accrue to ~ ambhas n. collective name for gods, men, Manes, and Asuras; fruit fulness;
power N pariplu 1.. to go astray; to hasten forward or near; to move in a circle.

* VN (.)
avantisome takre v punacvsit jale // (40.2)
avantisoma takra v punar-ca-vsay jala
* avantisoma m. sour gruel (prepared from the fermentation of rice-water) takra n.
buttermilk mixed with water; buttermilk with a fourth part of water v ind. either - or; on the
one side - on the other side; optionally punar ind. again and again; back; besides ca ind.
also; and; as well as N vsay 10.. to calm; to cheer up; to comfort jala n. a cow's
embryo; a kind of Andropogon; any fluid.

~W (.)
lgayed ghtamtstanyaraktaastraniptanai / (41.1)
lgay ghta-md-stanya-rakta-astra-niptana
lgay 10.P. ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as
the fat which drops from heaven) md f. clay; earth; loam ~ stanya mn. milk; dugdhapa
rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood W astra n. a razor; an instrument
for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool niptana n. alighting (said of a bird); an
irregular form or exception; applying (as a knife).

*^W^" (.)
pibantrunnataskandhchdayen mduvsas // (41.2)
p-unnam-skandha-chday mdu-vsas
p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck unnam 1.P. to ascend; to bend upwards; to lift up W^
skandha m. (archit.) the support (part of a capital); samparya and bhadrdi; a chapter
chday 10.. to cover; to hide; to protect mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis;
gentle; mild (Nahrung) vsas n. a cobweb; a garment; a pall.

"T (.)
sapktd duauddhsrj jalauk duaoitam / (42.1)
sampc du-udh-asra jalaukas du-oita
sampc 7.P. to bring into contact; to commingle; to connect du 4.. to be defiled or
impure; to be ruined; to be wrong " udh 4.. to be cleared or cleansed or purified; to be
cleared or excused from blame; to be excusable asra n. a corner; a tear; blood
jalaukas m. a leech; aquatic animal; inhabitant of water du 4.. to be defiled or impure; to be
ruined; to be wrong oita n. a kind of prameha- onitameha; blood; resin.

7 (.)
datte prathama hasa kra krodakd iva // (42.2)
d prathamam hasa kra kra-udaka iva
d 4.. to accept; to carry off; to grasp prathamam ind. first hasa m. a goose; a
horse; a kind of ascetic kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk
kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk udaka n. a particular metre;
ablution (as a ceremony); the ceremony of offering water to a dead person iva ind. a little;
about; almost.

7 (.)
gulmrovidradhn kuhavtaraktagalmayn / (43.1)
gulma-aras-vidradhi kuha-vta-rakta-gala-maya
7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the
abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen aras mn. hemorrhoids;
piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid vidradhi mf. abscess; [medic.] a particular
abscess (piaka) kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy vta m. air; flatulence; gout
rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood gala m. neck; the throat maya
m. disease; indigestion; sickness.

`^ * (.)
netrarugviavsarpn amayanti jalaukasa // (43.2)
netra-ruj-via-vsarpa amay jalaukas
` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing;
disease via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable
poison vsarpa m. vi-s amay 10.. to calm; to make quiet; to pacify jalaukas m.
a leech; aquatic animal; inhabitant of water.

` V (.)
daasya tode kav v mokayed vmayecca tm / (44.1)
daa toda ka v mokay vmay-ca tad
daa m. a bite; a flaw (in a jewel); a joint of the body toda m. a driver (of horses etc.);
name of a Sman; pricking pain " ka f. itch; itching; scratching v ind. either - or; on
the one side - on the other side; optionally mokay 10.. to free; to liberate; to remove
vmay 10.P. to cause to vomit ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron. this.

HW" (.)
pautailktavadan lakakaanaritm // (44.2)
pau-taila-aj-vadana laka-kaana-rita
pau mn. a mushroom; pulverized salt; salt taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil M aj
7.. (eine trockene Substanz mit einer Flssigkeit) binden; to anoint; to apply an ointment or
pigment vadana n. countenance; face; initial quantity or term of a progression HW laka
adj. bland; even; fine " kaana n. act of threshing; separating the chaff from the grain in a
mortar; that which is separated from the grain rita adj. adhering to (comp.); adorned;

P (.)
rakan raktamadd bhya saptha t na ptayet / (45.1)
rak rakta-mada bhyas saptan-aha tad na ptay
rak 1.. to attend to; to beware of; to conceal rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of
the eyes; blood mada m. a river; any beautiful object; any exhilarating or intoxicating drink
bhyas ind. again; further; furthermore P saptan adj. 7 MW aha mn. (ifc.) day (e.g.
tryaham) tad pron. this na ind. neither; no; nor ptay 10.. to bring down; to cast
(dice); to cut off (a head).

P* (.)
prvavat paut drhya samyagvnte jalaukasm // (45.2)
prvavat pau-t drhya samyak-vam jalaukas
prvavat ind. according to something previous (applied in the Nyya to a kind of inference
such as inferring from the previous appearance of a cloud that rain will fall); as aforesaid; as
before pau mn. a mushroom; pulverized salt; salt t f. ifc. abstracta drhya n.
corroboration; fixedness; hardness P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig vam 1.. to eject
(lit. and fig.); to emit; to give out jalaukas m. a leech; aquatic animal; inhabitant of water.

* * * (.)
klamo 'tiyogn mtyur v durvnte stabdhat mada / (46.1)
klama atiyoga mtyu v durvnta stambh-t mada
klama m. exhaustion; fatigue; languor atiyoga m. excess; excessive union * mtyu
m. Death personified; death; dying v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side;
optionally * durvnta adj. having badly vomited ~ stambh 9.. to arrest; to be firmly fixed
or supported or propped; to become solid t f. ifc. abstracta mada m. a river; any beautiful
object; any exhilarating or intoxicating drink.

~~ W ` *~ (.)
anyatrnyatra t sthpy ghae mtsnmbugarbhii // (46.2)
anyatra-anyatra tad sthpay ghaa mtsn-ambu-garbhin
~ anyatra ind. at another time than; elsewhere; except ~ anyatra ind. at another time than;
elsewhere; except tad pron. this W sthpay 10.. to affirm; to appoint (to any office); to
appoint or employ as ghaa m. a border; a jar; a measure 1 Droa (or 20 Droas) * mtsn
f. a kind of fragrant excellent; aluminous slate; clay ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of
a metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the number four garbhin adj. impregnated or filled
with; pregnant.

~ (.)
lldikothanrtha savi syus tadanvayt / (47.1)
ll-di-kotha-na-artha sa-via as tad-anvaya
ll f. a species of myrobolan; saliva; slobber di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
kotha m. a disease of the eyes (inflammation and ulceration of the angles of the eyelids); a
sore; churning na m. (arithm.) elimination; annihilation; death artha mn. (in astron.)
name of the second mansion; action; advantage sa ind. (ibc.) with via n. Aconitum ferox
Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison as 2.P. to abide; to be;
to be equal to (dat.) tad pron. this ~ anvaya m. association; being linked to or concerned
with; connection.

"T (.)
auddhau srvayed dan haridrguamkikai // (47.2)
auddhi srvay daa haridr-gua-mkika
"T auddhi f. impurity srvay 10.. daa m. a bite; a flaw (in a jewel); a joint of the
body haridr f. a kind of prameha; Curcuma amada Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 610);
Curcuma aromatica Salisb. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 610) gua mn. (pl.) name of a people (in
Madhyadea); a ball to play with; a bit mkika mfn. a kind of honey-like mineral
substance or pyrites; copper pyrites (Ray, Mira 1991: 134); honey.

W V (.)
atadhautjyapicavas tato lepca tal / (48.1)
atadhauta-jya-picu tatas lepa-ca tala
atadhauta adj. cleansed a hundred-fold; perfectly clean W jya n. (in a wider sense) oil
and milk used instead of clarified butter at a sacrifice; melted or clarified butter; name of a sort
of chant (astra) connected with the morning sacrifice picu m. a Karsha or weight of 2 Tolas;
a kind of leprosy; a sort of grain tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason lepa
m. (esp.) particles or remnants wiped from the hand after offering oblations to three ancestors; a
coating of paint; a kind of disease ca ind. also; and; as well as tala adj. calm; cold; cold
i.e. free from passion.

N ^ (.)
duaraktpagamant sadyo rgaruj ama // (48.2)
du-rakta-apagamana sadya rga-ruj ama
du 4.. to be defiled or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong rakta n. padmaka; a particular
disease of the eyes; blood apagamana n. death; departure N sadya m. a form of iva;
name of a son of Vininda rga m. a musical note; a particular process in the preparation of
quicksilver; a prince ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease ama m. abstraction;
apathy; convalescence.

"T W W (.)
auddha calita sthnt sthita rakta vraaye / (49.1)
auddha cal sthna sth rakta vraa-aya
"T auddha adj. impure; inaccurate; unascertained cal 1.. to be agitated; to be disturbed;
to be moved W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a stronghold; abiding W sth 1.. to
adhere to; to be; to be at hand rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish aya m. (in Yoga phil.) stock or the balance of the fruits
of previous works; a miser; a receptacle.

` W (.)
vyamlbhavet paryuita tasmt tat srvayet puna // (49.2)
vyamlbh paryuita tasmt tad srvay punar
vyamlbh 1.. paryuita adj. a word that has not been strictly kept; having passed
the night; having stood for a time or in some place W tasmt ind. therefore tad pron. this
srvay 10.. punar ind. again and again; back; besides.

W 7 {` (.)
yujyn nlbughaik rakte pittena dite / (50.1)
yuj na-albu-ghaik rakta pitta day
yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or
conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to na ind. neither; no; nor albu f. the bottle-gourd-
Lagenaria Vulgaris Ser. ghaik f. a kind of plant; a water-jar; eine Art Zollhaus- seit den
Pallavas in Sdindien von Brahmanen betrieben (Tieken, Herman- Sato, Katsuhiko 0: 214)
rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour
{ day 10.. (astrol.) to cause evil or misfortune; to accuse; to adulterate.

W (.)
tsm analasayogd yujyt tu kaphavyun // (50.2)
tad anala-sayoga yuj tu kapha-vyu
tad pron. this anala m. (in astron.) the fiftieth year of; bile; digestive power
sayoga m. a kind of alliance or peace made between two kings with a common object;
absorption; being engaged in yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in
astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to tu ind. and; but; do
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general vyu m. (in
astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which 5 are

^ " ` (.)
kaphena dua rudhira na gea vinirharet / (51.1)
kapha du rudhira na ga vinirh
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general du 4..
to be defiled or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong ^ rudhira n. blood; name of a city; saffron
na ind. neither; no; nor " ga n. aaga; a cusp or horn of the moon; a horn used for
various purposes (as in drinking) T vinirh 1.P. to destroy; to extract; to remove.

W~ 7~ " ` (.)
skannatvd vtapittbhy dua gea nirharet // (51.2)
skand-tva vta-pitta du ga nirh

skand 1.. to be lost; to be spilt or effused (esp. said of semen); to cover (said of animals)
~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) vta m. air; flatulence; gout 7 pitta n. bile; the
bilious humour du 4.. to be defiled or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong " ga n.
aaga; a cusp or horn of the moon; a horn used for various purposes (as in drinking) T
nirh 1.. to carry out (a dead body); to change or interchange (clothes); to destroy.

Q [ `7 (.)
gtra baddhvopari dha rajjv paena v samam / (52.1)
gtra bandh-upari dha rajju paa v sama
gtra n. a limb or member of the body; the body; the forequarter of an elephant ^ bandh
4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience upari ind. (as
a separable adverb) above; on; towards the upper side of (opposed to adhas) [ dha adj.
certain; close (e.g. ship); complete (opp. to bhinna) ` rajju f. a lock of braided hair; a measure
of 8 Hastas or 192 inches; a rope paa m. (esp.) a copper plate for inscribing royal grants or
orders; a bandage; a frontlet v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally
sama pron. common; constant; easy.

NWW * ` (.)
snyusadhyasthimarmi tyajan pracchnam caret // (52.2)
snyu-sadhi-asthi-marman tyaj pracchna car
N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle; tendon sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a
perpendicular; a fold; a joint W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit marman n. any joint
or articulation; any open or exposed or weak or sensitive part of the body; any secret or mystery
* tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge pracchna n. [medic.] a kind of visrvaa
("Schrpfen") car 1.. to act; to address; to apply.

` V ^ (.)
adhodea pravistai padairuparigmibhi / (53.1)
adhodea pravis pada-upari-gmin
` adhodea m. the lower or lowest part (especially of the body) V pravis 3.P. pada
mn. a business affair; a footing; a footstep upari ind. (as a separable adverb) above; on;
towards the upper side of (opposed to adhas) gmin adj. going anywhere.

` (.)
na ghaghanatiryagbhir na pade padam caran // (53.2)
na na pada pada car
na ind. neither; no; nor na ind. neither; no; nor pada mn. a business affair; a footing; a
footstep pada mn. a business affair; a footing; a footstep car 1.. to act; to address; to

``W (.)
pracchnenaikadeastha grathita jalajanmabhi / (54.1)
pracchna-eka-dea-stha granth jalajanman
pracchna n. [medic.] a kind of visrvaa ("Schrpfen") eka pron. alone; excellent;
happening only once ` dea m. country; institute; kingdom W stha adj. a place; abiding; being
situated in * granth 1.P. to arrange; to be strung together or composed (a literary work); to
compose (a literary work) jalajanman n. jalaukas leech; a lotus.


P V (.)
harecchgdibhi suptam asg vypi sirvyadhai // (54.2)
h-ga-di svap asj vypin sirvyadha
T h 2.P. to annihilate; to appropriate (in a legitimate way); to avert (the face) " ga n.
aaga; a cusp or horn of the moon; a horn used for various purposes (as in drinking)
di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning svap 1.. to rest; to sleep V asj n. blood; saffron
vypin adj. comprehensive; covering; diffusive sirvyadha m. piercing the veins;

"` ` (.)
pracchna piite v syd avaghe jalaukasa / (55.1)
pracchna piay v as avagh jalaukas
pracchna n. [medic.] a kind of visrvaa ("Schrpfen") " piay Denom.P. to fixate; to
solidify v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally as 2.P. to abide;
to be; to be equal to (dat.) avagh 1.P. to bathe in; to be absorbed in; to go deep into
jalaukas m. a leech; aquatic animal; inhabitant of water.

~W " V (.)
tvaksthe 'lbughaga siraiva vypake 'sji // (55.2)
tvac-stha albu-gha-ga sir-eva vypaka asj
~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag W
stha adj. a place; abiding; being situated in albu f. the bottle-gourd- Lagenaria Vulgaris Ser.
gha f. a particular procession; a period of time- 24 minutes; a waterjar " ga n.
aaga; a cusp or horn of the moon; a horn used for various purposes (as in drinking)
sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream eva ind. alone; already; even vypaka adj. (in logic)
invariably inherent; comprehensive; pervading V asj n. blood; saffron.

" (.)
vtdidhma v gajalauko'lbubhi kramt / (56.1)
vta-di-dhman v ga-jalaukas-albu kramt
vta m. air; flatulence; gout di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning dhman n.
abode; appearance (esp. in sacrifice); band v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other
side; optionally " ga n. aaga; a cusp or horn of the moon; a horn used for various
purposes (as in drinking) jalaukas m. a leech; aquatic animal; inhabitant of water
albu n. the fruit of the bottle-gourd kramt ind. successively.

V `N (.)
srutsja pradehdyai tai syd vyukopata // (56.2)
sru-asj pradeha-dya ta as vyu-kopa
sru 1.. to arise from; to disappear; to drop V asj n. blood; saffron ` pradeha m. a
plaster; a thick or viscid ointment; applying a plaster N dya adj. being at the head; earlier;
excellent ta adj. boiled; cold; dull as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) vyu
m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air (of which
5 are reckoned) kopa m. anger; fury (of fire); incompatibleness with.

" ` (.)
satodakau ophas ta sarpioena secayet // (57.1)
sa-toda-kau opha tad sarpis-ua secay
sa ind. (ibc.) with toda m. a driver (of horses etc.); name of a Sman; pricking pain "
kau f. itch; itching; scratching opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema
(Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) tad pron. this ` sarpis n. a kind of prameha; clarified butter
ua adj. acrid; active; hot secay 10.. .

W W (.)
athta sirvyadhavidhim adhyya vykhysyma / (1.1)
atha-atas sirvyadhavidhi adhyya vykhy
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason
sirvyadhavidhi m. name of AHS, S. 27; name of Surutasahit, r. 8 W adhyya m. a
lesson; a reader; chapter W vykhy 2.. to call; to communicate; to discuss.

WV (.)
iti ha smhur treydayo maharaya / (1.2)
iti ha sma-ah treya-di mah-i
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) ha ind. (particle); a kind of bja W sma ind. always; certainly; ever ah 1.P.
to acknowledge; to adjugde anything; to call treya m. a descendant of Atri; a priest who is
closely related to the Sadasya; chyle di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning mah ind.
(irreg.- *mahant) -> gross i m. a hymn or Mantra composed by a i; a ray of light; a saint
or sanctified sage in general.

madhura lavaa kicid atoam asahatam / (1.3)
madhura lavaa kacid ata-ua asahata
madhura adj. charming; delightful; mellifluous lavaa adj. beautiful; briny; graceful
V kacid pron. someone ata adj. hot; not cold; warm ua adj. acrid; active; hot
asahata adj. disagreeing; disunited; having no acquaintances or relations.

T` (.)
padmendragopahemviaalohitalohitam // (1.4)
T padma mn. a kind of coitus; a kind of temple; a lotus (esp. the flower of the lotus-plant
Nelumbium Speciosum which closes towards evening) indragopa mn. a fire-fly; the insect
cochineal of various kinds ` heman n. a gold piece; gold; golden ornaments avi mf. a
sheep; a woollen Soma strainer aa m. a hare; a kind of meteor; a man of mild character and
easily led (one of the four classes into which men are divided by erotic writers) lohita n. a
battle; a kind of Agallochum; a kind of sandal-wood lohita adj. made of copper; metal; red.

"T ` W (.)
lohita prabhava uddha tanos tenaiva ca sthita / (2.1)
lohita prabhava uddha tanu tad-eva ca sth
lohita n. a battle; a kind of Agallochum; a kind of sandal-wood prabhava m.
birthplace; cause of existence (as father or mother); might "T uddha adj. admitted; authorised;
clean tanu f. tan; form; life tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even ca ind. also;
and; as well as W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand.

7HP {` ^` (.)
tat pittalemalai pryo dyate kurute tata // (2.2)
tad pitta-lemala pryas day k tatas
tad pron. this 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour HP lemala adj. phlegmatic pryas
ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly { day 10.. (astrol.) to cause evil or
misfortune; to accuse; to adulterate T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason.

N 7V` (.)
visarpavidradhiplhagulmgnisadanajvarn / (3.1)
visarpa m. a kind of kudrakuha; a particular disease [erysipelas or any similar spreading
eruption]; creeping along or about vidradhi mf. abscess; [medic.] a particular abscess
(piaka) N plhan m. disease of the spleen (said to be equally applied to enlargement of the
mesenteric glands etc.); the spleen (from which and from the liver the Hinds suppose the blood
to flow) 7 gulma mn. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the
abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.); Gha; the spleen V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida;
digestive faculty sadana n. a seat; coming to rest; dwelling 7 jvara m. affliction; fever
(differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it);
fever of the soul.

` (.)
mukhanetrairorogamadatlavasyat // (3.2)
mukha n. a direction; beginning; best ` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer
iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus; disease mada m. a river; any beautiful object; any exhilarating or intoxicating drink
t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst lavaa adj. beautiful; briny; graceful
sya n. face; jaws; mouth t f. ifc. abstracta.

77 (.)
kuhavtsrapittsrakavamlodgiraabhramn / (4.1)
kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy vta m. air; flatulence; gout asra n. a corner; a
tear; blood 7 pittsra n. kau adj. acrid; bitter; caustic (as words) amla adj. acid; sour
7 udgiraa n. ejecting (from the mouth); slavering; slobbering bhrama m. a circle; a
gimlet or auger; a grindstone.

N^N^*V (.)
toasnigdharkdyairupakrntca ye gad // (4.2)
ta-ua-snigdha-rka-dya-upakram-ca yad gada
ta adj. boiled; cold; dull ua adj. acrid; active; hot N^ snigdha adj. adhesive;
affectionate; agreeable rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) N dya adj.
being at the head; earlier; excellent upakram 1.. to approach; to approach with any
object; to attack ca ind. also; and; as well as yad pron. what; which gada m. a sentence;
Costus speciosus Sm.; disease.

P W W* ` ` (.)
samyak sdhy na sidhyanti te ca raktaprakopaj / (5.1)
samyak sdh na sidh tad ca rakta-prakopa-ja
P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig sdh 1.P. to accomplish; to advance; to attain an
object na ind. neither; no; nor sidh 4.. to (esp.) be healed or cured; to arise; to attain
beatitude tad pron. this ca ind. also; and; as well as rakta n. padmaka; a particular
disease of the eyes; blood prakopa m. (in med.) excess; effervescence; excitement ja adj.
born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

` (.)
teu srvayitu raktam udrikta vyadhayet sirm // (5.2)
tad srvay rakta udric vyadhay sir
tad pron. this srvay 10.. rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood
udric 7.P. to abound in; to be prominent; to exceed vyadhay 10.P. sir f. a bucket;
a nerve; a stream.

P*V (.)
na tnaoattasaptatyabdasrutsjm / (6.1)
na tu-na-oaan-at-saptati-abda-sru-asj
na ind. neither; no; nor tu ind. and; but; do na adj. defective; deficient; fewer
oaan adj. sixteen at 2.P. to be redundant; to defer; to die P saptati f. 70; 70 years; many
seventies abda mn. must (Surapla 1988: 428); a year; Cyperus hexastachyus Nees. sru
1.. to arise from; to disappear; to drop V asj n. blood; saffron.

N^* (.)
asnigdhsvedittyarthasveditnilarogim // (6.2)
N^ asnigdha adj. hard; harsh; not smooth asvedita adj. * atyartha adj. excessive;
exorbitant sveday 10.. (eine Substanz im Feuer) schwiten lassen anila m. air or wind;
any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons rogin adj.
diseased; ill; sick.

7N (.)
garbhistikjrapittsravsaksinm / (7.1)
garbhi f. a pregnant woman stik f. a cow that has recently calved; a woman who
has recently brought forth a child; lying-in woman ajra n. indigestion 7 pittsra n.
N vsa m. a sigh; affection of the breath; asthma (of which there are five kinds) ksin adj.
having a cough.

`" (.)
atsrodaracchardipusarvgaophinm // (7.2)
atsra m. dysentery; purging udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal
affection (as of the liver) ` chardi f. expulsion (of the breath); sickness; vomiting " pu
m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a Ngarja sarva pron. all; completely; different
aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five)
ophin adj. having tumours; subject to swellings.

N` B (.)
snehapte prayukteu tath pacasu karmasu / (8.1)
sneha-p prayuj tath pacan karman
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance p 1.. to drink; to
quaff; to suck prayuj 7.. to accomplish; to act; to begin tath ind. in like manner; in
that manner; so B pacan adj. fnf karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as
the third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy).

M W M (.)
nyantrit sir vidhyen na tirya npyanutthitm // (8.2)
na-ayantrita sir vyadh na tiryac n-api-anutthita
na ind. neither; no; nor M ayantrita adj. selfwilled; unhindered; unrestrained sir f. a
bucket; a nerve; a stream vyadh 4.. (in astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly body; to
affect with (acc. of pers. and instr. of thing); to attach to na ind. neither; no; nor B tiryac
adj. animal; horizontal n m. human being; man; people api ind. also; assuredly; besides
M anutthita adj. not grown up (as grain); not risen.

M~* (.)
ntitoavtbhrevanyatrtyayikd gadt / (9.1)
na-atita-ua-vta-abhra-anyatra-tyayika gada
na ind. neither; no; nor atita adj. sehr ta ua adj. acrid; active; hot vta m.
air; flatulence; gout abhra mn. (in med.) talc; atmosphere; Cyperus Rotundus ~ anyatra
ind. at another time than; elsewhere; except * tyayika adj. not suffering delay; requiring
immediate help (as a disease); urgent gada m. a sentence; Costus speciosus Sm.; disease.

`` (.)
ironetravikreu laly mokayet sirm // (9.2)
iras-netra-vikra lalya mokay sir
iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) ` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer
vikra mn. (in Skhya) a production or derivative from Prakti; a product; agitation
lalya adj. belonging to the forehead; frontal; suitable for the forehead mokay 10..
to free; to liberate; to remove sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream.

~ ` ` (.)
apgym upansy v kararogeu karajm / (10.1)
apga upansya v kara-roga kara-ja
apga adj. relating to the corner of the eye (apga); without limbs or without a body
upansya adj. being at the nose v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side;
optionally kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle roga mn. a
diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia
Fistula; diameter of a circle ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or
descended from.

` W (.)
nsrogeu nsgre sthit nslalayo // (10.2)
ns-roga ns-agra sth ns-lala
ns f. Gendarussa Vulgaris; proboscis; the nose roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus
Speciosus or Arabicus; disease ns f. Gendarussa Vulgaris; proboscis; the nose agra n. a
measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to
be at hand ns f. Gendarussa Vulgaris; proboscis; the nose lala mn. a gable; name of
the location where Viu married Lakm; the forehead.

` J (.)
pnase mukharogeu jihvauhahanutlug / (11.1)
pnasa mukha-roga jihv-oha-hanu-tlu-ga
pnasa m. catarrh; cold (affecting the nose) mukha n. a direction; beginning; best
roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease J jihv f. speech; the root of
Tabernaemontana coronaria; the tongue oha m. the forepart of an Agnikua; the lip
(generally du.) hanu mf. a jaw tlu mn. the palate ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or
keeping the fifth place; being.

* ] (.)
jatrrdhvagranthiu grvkaraakhairarit // (11.2)
jatru-rdhva-granthi grv-kara-akha-iras-ri
jatru mn. the collar-bone rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect * granthi m. a bell; a
complaint; a joint of the body grv f. nape; neck; the back part of the neck kara m.
Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle ] akha m. a kind of metre; a military
drum; a particular Mantra iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) ri 1.. to abide in; to
approach; to attain.

W ` W (.)
uro'pgalalasth unmde 'pasmtau puna / (12.1)
uras-apga-lala-stha unmda apasmti punar
uras n. bosom; breast; the best of its kind apga m. a sectarial mark or circlet on the
forehead; name of Kma (the god of love); the outer corner of the eye lala mn. a gable;
name of the location where Viu married Lakm; the forehead W stha adj. a place; abiding;
being situated in unmda m. insanity; intoxication; madness W apasmti f. punar
ind. again and again; back; besides.

W (.)
hanusadhau samaste v sir bhrmadhyagminm // (12.2)
hanu-sadhi samasta v sir bhr-madhya-gmin
hanu mf. a jaw sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a
fold; a joint samasta adj. abridged; all; combined v ind. either - or; on the one side - on
the other side; optionally sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream bhr f. an eyebrow W
madhya n. abdomen; centre; cessation gmin adj. going anywhere.

N" N*` (.)
vidradhau prvale ca prvakakstanntare / (13.1)
vidradhi prvala ca prva-kaka-stana-antara
vidradhi mf. abscess; [medic.] a particular abscess (piaka) N" prvala m. a
shooting pain in the side; pleurisy; stitch ca ind. also; and; as well as N prva mn. a curved
knife; a side of any square figure; flank (either of animate or inanimate objects) kaka mf.
arm-pit (as the most concealed part of the human body); belt; border stana mn. a kind of pin
or peg on a vessel shaped like a teat; dug; teat * antara n. a hole; absence; another.

W W^V (.)
ttyake 'sayor madhye skandhasydhacaturthake // (13.2)
ttyaka asa madhya skandha-adhas-caturthaka
ttyaka adj. occurring for the 3rd time; recurring every 3rd day; tertian (fever) asa
m. the shoulder W madhya n. abdomen; centre; cessation W^ skandha m. (archit.) the support
(part of a capital); samparya and bhadrdi; a chapter adhas ind. below; beneath; down
caturthaka adj. quartan; returning every 4th day (a fever); the 4th.

"~ H W (.)
pravhiky liny roito dvyagule sthitm / (14.1)
pravhik lin roi dvi-agula sth
pravhik f. a sudden desire to evacuate; pltzlicher Durchfall " lin adj. armed
with a spear; having a dart or pike; one who suffers from sharp internal pain or from colic
roi mf. a road; buttocks; the hip and loins dvi nr. two agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a
finger; a finger's breadth W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand.

" ^ " (.)
ukramehrmaye mehra rug galagaayo // (14.2)
ukra-mehra-maya mehra ru-ga galagaa
" ukra n. a kind of prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid mehra mn.
Harnrhre; membrum virile; penis maya m. disease; indigestion; sickness mehra mn.
Harnrhre; membrum virile; penis ^ ru mf. name of a son of Manu Ckua; name of an
girasa and author of a Vedic hymn; shank ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or keeping the fifth
place; being " galagaa m. goitre.

gdhrasy jnuno 'dhastd rdhva v caturagule / (15.1)
gdhras jnu adhastt rdhvam v catur-agula
gdhras f. Ischias; rheumatism affecting the loins jnu mn. (as a measure of length) 32
Agulas; the knee adhastt ind. below rdhvam ind. after; furthermore; upward
v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally catur nr. four agula
mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

H (.)
indravasteradho 'pacy dvyagule caturagule // (15.2)
indravasti-adhas apac dvi-agula catur-agula
indravasti m. the calf (of the leg) adhas ind. below; beneath; down apac f. a
disease consisting in an enlargement of the glands of the neck; skrofulse Knoten am Nacken
dvi nr. two agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth catur nr. four
agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth.

M (.)
rdhva gulphasya sakthyartau tath kroukarake / (16.1)
rdhvam gulpha sakthi-arti tath kroukaraka
rdhvam ind. after; furthermore; upward gulpha m. the ancle; [medic.] name of a
marman sakthi n. the pole or shafts of a cart; thigh; thigh-bone ` arti f. artn; rti; pain
tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so kroukaraka n. [medic.]

` N " (.)
pdadhe khue hare vipdy vtakaake // (16.2)
pda-dha khua hara vipd vtakaaka
pda m. a foot as a measure ( 12 Agulas); a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped being
one out of 4); a quarter dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) khua m.
rheumatism hara m. ardent desire; bristling; erection (esp. of the hair in a thrill of rapture or
delight) vipd f. a kind of Mimosa " vtakaaka m. a particular pain in the ankle.

H W (.)
cipye ca dvyagule vidhyed upari kipramarmaa / (17.1)
cipya ca dvi-agula vyadh upari kipra-marman
cipya m. a kind of worm ca ind. also; and; as well as dvi nr. two agula mn. (in
astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's breadth vyadh 4.. (in astron.) to fix the position of a
heavenly body; to affect with (acc. of pers. and instr. of thing); to attach to upari ind. (as a
separable adverb) above; on; towards the upper side of (opposed to adhas) kipra n. a
measure of time ( 1/15 Muhrta or 15 Etarhis); [medic.] name of a marman- the part of the
hand between the thumb and forefinger and the corresponding part of the foot marman n.
any joint or articulation; any open or exposed or weak or sensitive part of the body; any secret or

N ` (.)
gdhrasym iva vivcy yathoktnm adarane // (17.2)
gdhras iva vivci yath-vac adarana
gdhras f. Ischias; rheumatism affecting the loins iva ind. a little; about; almost N
vivci f. a particular personification; name of an Apsaras; paralysis of the arms and the back
yath ind. according; as; as vac 2.P. to declare; to proclaim; to recite adarana n.
disregard; latent condition disappearance; neglect.

` ` ~ (.)
marmahne yathsanne dee 'ny vyadhayet sirm / (18.1)
marman-h yath-sanna dea anya vyadhay sir
marman n. any joint or articulation; any open or exposed or weak or sensitive part of the
body; any secret or mystery h 1.P. to abandon; to be deficient or wanting; to be excluded
from or bereft of yath ind. according; as; as sanna adj. near; obtained; occupied `
dea m. country; institute; kingdom ~ anya pron. anderer vyadhay 10.P. sir f. a
bucket; a nerve; a stream.

N^ (.)
atha snigdhatanu sajjasarvopakarao bal // (18.2)
atha snih-tanu sajja-sarva-upakaraa balin
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
N snih 4.P. to be adhesive; to be attached to tanu f. tan; form; life sajja adj. armed;
dressed in armour; equipped sarva pron. all; completely; different upakaraa n. any
object of art or science; anything added over and above; anything fabricated balin adj.
mighty; powerful; robust.

T* N^ (.)
ktasvastyayana snigdharasnnapratibhojita / (19.1)
k-svastyayana snigdha-rasa-anna-pratibhojay
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become * svastyayana n. auspicious progress;
benediction; blessing N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable rasa mn. amta; a
constituent fluid or essential juice of the body; a kind of metre anna n. bread corn; earth;
especially boiled rice pratibhojay 10.. to allow to eat food besides the prescribed diet.

V VW (.)
agnitptapasvinno jnccsanasasthita // (19.2)
agni-tpa-tapa-svid jnu-ucca-sana-sasth
V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty tpa m. (medic.) a kind of sveda; fever; glow
tapa m. heat (especially of the sun); sunshine svid 4.P. to sweat jnu mn. (as a
measure of length) 32 Agulas; the knee V ucca adj. deep; elevated; high sana n. abiding;
dwelling; encamping W sasth 1.. to abide; to be accomplished or completed (esp. applied
to rites); to be lost.

7* W (.)
mdupattakento jnusthpitakrpara / (20.1)
mdu-paa-d-kenta jnu-sthpay-krpara
mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) paa m. (esp.) a
copper plate for inscribing royal grants or orders; a bandage; a frontlet d 4.. to accept; to
carry off; to grasp * kenta m. lock of hair; the border of the hear on the forehead jnu
mn. (as a measure of length) 32 Agulas; the knee W sthpay 10.. to affirm; to appoint (to any
office); to appoint or employ as krpara m. elbow; name of a village.

~ W~ ~ (.)
muibhy vastragarbhbhy manye gha nipayet // (20.2)
mui vastra-garbha many gham nipay
mui mf. a compendium; a handful; a hilt or handle (of a sword etc.) W vastra mn. cloth;
clothes; cover garbha m. a foetus or embryo; a foundation deposit; a woman's courses ~
many f. name of two vessels at the sides of the trachea; the back or the nape of the neck
(musculus cucullaris or trapezius) gham ind. exceedingly; excessively nipay 10.P.
(in astron.) to eclipse; to afflict; to impress.

*W"W ` (.)
dantaprapanotksagadhmnni ccaret / (21.1)
danta-prapana-utksa-gaa-dhmna ca-car
* danta mn. a pin used in playing a lute; a tooth; an arbour prapana n. an astringent;
pressing; squeezing W utksa m. name of a man; the descendants of the above " gaa mn.
a bubble; a goitre or any other excrescence of the neck; a hero W dhmna n. a bellows;
blowing; boasting ca ind. also; and; as well as car 1.. to act; to address; to apply.

MV W ` (.)
phato yantrayeccaina vastram veayan nara // (21.2)
pha yantray-ca-enad vastra veay nara
pha n. a page of a book; height; name of particular arrangement of Smans (employed at
the midday libation and formed from the Rathatara) M yantray Denom.P. to bandage; to bind;
to curb ca ind. also; and; as well as enad pron. this W vastra mn. cloth; clothes; cover
` veay 10.. to close (the hand); to envelop; to keep together nara m. a class of myth.
beings allied to the Gandharvas and Kinaras; a male; a man.

^ ~* (.)
kandhary parikipya nyasyntar vmatarjanm / (22.1)
kadhara parikip nyas-antar vma-tarjan
kadhara mf. neck parikip 6.P. to embrace; to encircle; to put or lay or wind round
~ nyas 2.P. to arrange; to intrust; to plant * antar ind. amongst; between; in the middle
vma adj. acting in the opposite way or differently; adverse; bad tarjan f. the fore-finger.

*W M (.)
eo 'ntarmukhavarjyn sir yantrae vidhi // (22.2)
etad antar-mukha-varjay sir yantraa vidhi
etad pron. this * antar ind. amongst; between; in the middle mukha n. a direction;
beginning; best varjay 10.. to avoid sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream M yantraa
fn. affliction; anguish; compulsion (often ifc.) vidhi m. a grammatical rule or precept; a
means; a physician.

W 7 N (.)
tato madhyamayguly vaidyo 'guhavimuktay / (23.1)
tatas madhyam-aguli vaidya aguha-vimuc
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason W madhyam f. a central blossom; a
girl arrived at puberty; a kind of metre aguli mf. a finger; a kind of plant; a toe N
vaidya m. a learned man; a physician (accounted a mixed caste); an expert (versed in his own
profession) aguha m. a thumb's breadth; the great toe; the thumb vimuc 6.. to
abandon; to assume (a shape); to avoid.

M ~ W (.)
tayed utthit jtv spard vguhapanai // (23.2)
tay utth j spara v-aguha-pana
tay 10.P. (in astron.) to obscure or eclipse partially; to beat; to knock M utth 1.. to
appear; to arise; to be active or brave j 4.. to apprehend; to ascertain; to become
acquainted with W spara m. a gift; a kind of sexual union; a spy v ind. either - or; on the
one side - on the other side; optionally aguha m. a thumb's breadth; the great toe; the
thumb pana n. afflicting; an instrument for pressing; calamity.

W (.)
kuhry lakayen madhye vmahastaghtay / (24.1)
kuhr lakay madhya vma-hasta-grah
kuhr f. an axe lakay 10.. to aim; to characterize; to consider or regard any one
(acc.) as (acc. with or without iva) W madhya n. abdomen; centre; cessation vma adj.
acting in the opposite way or differently; adverse; bad hasta mn. autograph; the hand; trunk
(of an elephant) grah 6.P. (in astron.) to calculate; (in astron.) to observe; to abstract.

q M V (.)
phaloddee sunikampa sir tadvacca mokayet // (24.2)
phala-uddea su-nikampa sir tadvat-ca mokay
phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift q uddea m. (in Nyya phil.)
enunciation of a topic (that is to be further discussed and elucidated); a motive; an object su
ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very M nikampa adj. immovable; motionless; not shaking or
tremulous sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of
yadvat); thus ca ind. also; and; as well as mokay 10.. to free; to liberate; to remove.

V W (.)
tayan payacain vidhyed vrhimukhena tu / (25.1)
tay pay-ca-enad vyadh vrhimukha tu
tay 10.P. (in astron.) to obscure or eclipse partially; to beat; to knock pay 10.. (in
astrol.) to cover (esp. with something inauspicious); to break (a vow); to cause pain ca ind.
also; and; as well as enad pron. this vyadh 4.. (in astron.) to fix the position of a
heavenly body; to affect with (acc. of pers. and instr. of thing); to attach to vrhimukha n.
a kind of knife used in surgery tu ind. and; but; do.

M (.)
aguhenonnamayygre nsikm upansikm // (25.2)
aguha-unnamay-agra nsik upansika
aguha m. a thumb's breadth; the great toe; the thumb unnamay 10.P. to raise
agra n. a measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim nsik f. a false
dormer-window; a nostril; name of Avin (mother of the two Avins) upansika adj.
close to (tip of) the nose.

~J (.)
abhyunnatavidagrajihvasydhas tadraym / (26.1)
abhyunnam-vida-agra-jihv-adhas tad-raya
~ abhyunnam 1.. to raise vida 1.P. to bite asunder; to bite to pieces agra n. a
measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim J jihv f. speech; the root of
Tabernaemontana coronaria; the tongue adhas ind. below; beneath; down tad pron. this
raya m. a plea; a recipient; appropriate act or one consistent with the character of the

M (.)
yantrayet stanayorrdhva grvritasirvyadhe // (26.2)
yantray stana-rdhvam grv-ri-sir-vyadha
M yantray Denom.P. to bandage; to bind; to curb stana mn. a kind of pin or peg on a vessel
shaped like a teat; dug; teat rdhvam ind. after; furthermore; upward grv f. nape;
neck; the back part of the neck ri 1.. to adhere; to affix; to apply anything sir f. a
bucket; a nerve; a stream vyadha m. a stroke; cutting; hitting.

W V` (.)
pagarbhahastasya jnusthe praste bhuje / (27.1)
pa-garbha-hasta jnu-stha pras bhuja
pa m. a stone; adrikacuka; name of a plant garbha m. a foetus or embryo; a
foundation deposit; a woman's courses hasta mn. autograph; the hand; trunk (of an
elephant) jnu mn. (as a measure of length) 32 Agulas; the knee W stha adj. a place;
abiding; being situated in V pras 1.. to advance ("for" or "against"); to appear; to be
protracted bhuja m. a bending; a branch; bough.

~ ` W T (.)
kukerrabhya mdite vidhyed baddhordhvapaake // (27.2)
kuki-rabh md vyadh bandh-rdhva-paaka
kuki mf. a bay; a cavity in general; a valley rabh 1.P. to attain; to begin; to cling to
md 9.. to crush; to destroy; to kill vyadh 4.. (in astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly
body; to affect with (acc. of pers. and instr. of thing); to attach to ^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to
world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect
paaka n. a bandage; a document on a plate; piece of cloth.

WT B` (.)
vidhyeddhastasir bhvankucitakrpare / (28.1)
vyadh-hasta-sir bhu-ankucita-krpara
vyadh 4.. (in astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly body; to affect with (acc. of pers. and
instr. of thing); to attach to hasta mn. autograph; the hand; trunk (of an elephant) sir f.
a bucket; a nerve; a stream V bhu mf. the arm; the arm as a measure of length ( 12 Agulas);
the arm between the elbow and the wrist (opp. to pra-gaa) B ankucita adj. (Gelenk)
durchgedrckt krpara m. elbow; name of a village.

Q (.)
baddhv sukhopaviasya muim aguhagarbhiam // (28.2)
bandh sukha-upavi mui aguha-garbhin
^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience
sukha n. atmosphere; comfort; delight in upavi 6.P. to apply or devote one's self to; to
approach; to cultivate mui mf. a compendium; a handful; a hilt or handle (of a sword etc.)
aguha m. a thumb's breadth; the great toe; the thumb garbhin adj. impregnated or
filled with; pregnant.

`W`V (.)
rdhva vedhyapradecca paik caturagule / (29.1)
rdhvam vedhay-pradea-ca paik catur-agula
rdhvam ind. after; furthermore; upward ` vedhay 10.. to puncture (G.J. Meulenbeld
0: 217); to transform [base into valuable metals] ` pradea m. (with Jainas) one of the
obstacles to liberation; a short span (measured from the tip of the thumb to that of the
forefinger); a short while ca ind. also; and; as well as paik f. a bandage; a species of
Lodhra; a tablet catur nr. four agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's

W ~ V~ N (.)
vidhyed lambamnasya bhubhy prvayo sirm // (29.2)
vyadh lamb bhu prva sir
vyadh 4.. (in astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly body; to affect with (acc. of pers. and
instr. of thing); to attach to ~ lamb 1.P. to appropriate; to bring near; to cling to V bhu
mf. the arm; the arm as a measure of length ( 12 Agulas); the arm between the elbow and the
wrist (opp. to pra-gaa) N prva mn. a curved knife; a side of any square figure; flank (either
of animate or inanimate objects) sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream.

T ` ~B` (.)
prahe mehane jaghsir jnunyakucite / (30.1)
prah mehana jagh-sir jnu-akucita
T prah 4.. to be glad or cheerful; to exult; to rejoice mehana n. copulation; membrum
virile; the act of passing urine jagh f. a part of a bedstead; a pillar; name of a carriage
sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream jnu mn. (as a measure of length) 32 Agulas; the knee
B akucita adj. .

` W` 7 ` (.)
pde tu susthite 'dhastjjnusadher nipite // (30.2)
pda tu susthita adhastt-jnu-sadhi nipay
pda m. a foot as a measure ( 12 Agulas); a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped being
one out of 4); a quarter tu ind. and; but; do W susthita adj. being on the right path; easy;
firm adhastt ind. below jnu mn. (as a measure of length) 32 Agulas; the knee
sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint nipay
10.P. (in astron.) to eclipse; to afflict; to impress.

~ (.)
gha karbhym gulpha carae tasya copari / (31.1)
gham kara gulpha caraa tad ca-upari
gham ind. exceedingly; excessively kara m. act of doing; an elephant's trunk; claws of
a crab gulpha m. the ancle; [medic.] name of a marman caraa mn. a 4th part (pda)
(Monier-Williams, Sir M. 1988: 70); a dactyl; a foot tad pron. this ca ind. also; and; as well
as upari ind. (as a separable adverb) above; on; towards the upper side of (opposed to

B` ` (.)
dvitye kucite kicidrhe hastavat tata // (31.2)
dvitya kucay kacid-ruh hasta-vat tatas
dvitya adj. forming the 2nd part or half of anything; second B kucay 10.P. to bend; to
contract; to curl V kacid pron. someone ^ ruh 6.. to arise; to ascend; to attain hasta
mn. autograph; the hand; trunk (of an elephant) vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) tatas ind.
after that; consequently; for that reason.

Q W M M 7 (.)
baddhv vidhyet sirm ittham anuktevapi kalpayet / (32.1)
bandh vyadh sir ittham anukta-api kalpay
^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience
vyadh 4.. (in astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly body; to affect with (acc. of pers. and instr.
of thing); to attach to sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream M ittham ind. in this manner;
thus anukta adj. extraordinary; unheard of; unsaid api ind. also; assuredly; besides
7 kalpay 10.. to form; to prescribe.

` ` ` M (.)
teu teu pradeeu tat tad yantram upyavit // (32.2)
tad tad pradea tad tad yantra upya-vid
tad pron. this tad pron. this ` pradea m. (with Jainas) one of the obstacles to liberation;
a short span (measured from the tip of the thumb to that of the forefinger); a short while tad
pron. this tad pron. this M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one)
upya m. a means of success against an enemy (four are usually enumerated); a means or
expedient (of any kind); approach vid adj. a knower; knowing; understanding.

` ` Q (.)
msale nikiped dee vrhysya vrhimtrakam / (33.1)
msala nikip dea vrhysya vrhi-mtraka
msala adj. bulky; fleshy; powerful nikip 6.. to abandon; to appoint to; to cast off
` dea m. country; institute; kingdom Q vrhysya n. [medic.] vrhimukha vrhi m. rice
mtraka n. .

W (.)
yavrdham asthnm upari sir vidhyan kuhrikm // (33.2)
yava-ardha asthi upari sir vyadh kuhrik
yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to
indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a
weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens ardha adj. forming a half;
half; halved W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit upari ind. (as a separable adverb)
above; on; towards the upper side of (opposed to adhas) sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream
vyadh 4.. (in astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly body; to affect with (acc. of pers. and
instr. of thing); to attach to kuhrik f. a similarly shaped instrument (used in surgery
for scarification); a small axe; name of a woman.

PT `T M ` (.)
samyagviddh sraveddhr yantre mukte tu na sravet / (34.1)
samyak-vyadh sru-dhr yantra muc tu na sru
P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig vyadh 4.. (in astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly
body; to affect with (acc. of pers. and instr. of thing); to attach to sru 1.. to arise from; to
disappear; to drop dhr f. a leak or hole in a pitcher; continuous line or series; custom *
yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one) muc 6.. to get rid of; to
let loose; to liberate from tu ind. and; but; do na ind. neither; no; nor sru 1.. to arise
from; to disappear; to drop.

7 *7 `T (.)
alpakla vahatyalpa durviddh tailacranai // (34.2)
alpa-kla vah-alpa durviddha taila-crana
7 alpa adj. little; minute; small kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for;
time vah 4.P. to be with child; to bear; to carry 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small `T
durviddha adj. badly pierced taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil crana n. pounding.

T ` ` (.)
saabdam atividdh tu sraved dukhena dhryate / (35.1)
sa-abda ativyadh tu sru dukha dhray
sa ind. (ibc.) with abda m. a name; a sound; a technical term ativyadh 4.P. to
pierce through; to wound tu ind. and; but; do sru 1.. to arise from; to disappear; to drop
dukha n. difficulty (personified as the son of Naraka and Vedan); pain; sorrow dhray
10.. to hold; to keep; to possess.

M7"WP (.)
bhmrchyantraaithilyakuhaastrtitptaya // (35.2)
bh f. alarm; apprehension; dread of mrch f. (alchemy) one of the Saskras of
mercury; a kind of kumbhaka; a swoon M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a surgical instrument
(esp. a blunt one) 7 aithilya n. decrease; depression (of the mind); dilatoriness " kuha
adj. blunt; dull; foolish W astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or wounding; any
instrument or tool P atitpti f. too great satiety.

~` ` (.)
kmatvavegitsved raktasysrutihetava / (36.1)
kma-tva-vegin-t-sveda rakta-asruti-hetu
kma adj. burning to ashes; charring; debilitated ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina)
` vegin adj. having velocity; impetuous; rapid t f. ifc. abstracta sveda m. a sudorific;
heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes;
blood asruti f. ` hetu m. (with Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to pratyaya); (with
Paupatas) that which causes the bondage of the soul; a logical reason or dedaction or argument.

P ` = (.)
asamyag asre sravati vellavyoaninatai // (36.2)
asamyak asra sru vella-vyoa-ni-nata
P asamyak ind. incorrectly; wrongly asra n. a corner; a tear; blood sru 1.. to arise
from; to disappear; to drop `= vella n. Embelia ribes Burm.; name of a town (the modern
Vellore) vyoa mn. the three hot substances trikau ni f. (Hahayoga:) \=\=
kumbhaka; a vision; Curcuma (of 2 species) nata mn. Tabernaemontana Coronaria.

Q (.)
sgradhmalavaatailair dihyt sirmukham / (37.1)
sa-gradhma-lavaa-taila dih sir-mukha
sa ind. (ibc.) with gradhma m. name of a plant; soot lavaa n. a kind of
prameha; a particular mode of fighting; beauty taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil dih
2.. to accumulate; to anoint; to increase sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream mukha n. a
direction; beginning; best.

P7 (.)
samyakpravtte koena tailena lavaena ca // (37.2)
samyak-pravt koa taila lavaa ca
P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig pravt 1.. to act or proceed according to or with
(instr. or abl.); to arise; to be koa adj. moderately warm; tepid taila n. oil; olibanum;
sesamum oil lavaa n. a kind of prameha; a particular mode of fighting; beauty ca ind.
also; and; as well as.

~ (.)
agre sravati dusra kusumbhd iva ptik / (38.1)
agra sru du-asra kusumbha iva ptik
agra n. a measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim sru 1.. to arise
from; to disappear; to drop du 4.. to be defiled or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong
asra n. a corner; a tear; blood ~ kusumbha mn. safflower- Carthamus tinctorius Linn.; saffron
iva ind. a little; about; almost ptik f. a kind of venomous insect (ka); a kind of
venomous spider (lt); saffron.

P ~

T ` (.)
samyak srutv svaya tihecchuddha tad iti nharet // (38.2)
samyak sru svayam sth-uddha tad iti na-h
P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig sru 1.. to arise from; to disappear; to drop
svayam ind. of one's own accord; of or by one's self spontaneously; one's self (applicable to all
persons) W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand "T uddha adj. admitted; authorised;
clean tad pron. this iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to
something that has been said or thought) na ind. neither; no; nor T h 1.. to bring; to bring
home (a bride); to bring near.

M ` (.)
yantra vimucya mrchy vjite vyajanai puna / (39.1)
yantra vimuc mrch vjay vyajana punar
M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one) vimuc 6.. to
abandon; to assume (a shape); to avoid mrch f. (alchemy) one of the Saskras of
mercury; a kind of kumbhaka; a swoon vjay 10.P. to fan vyajana n. a palmleaf or other
article used for fanning; fan; fanning punar ind. again and again; back; besides.

~`N =` (.)
srvayen mrchati punas tvaparedyus tryahe 'pi v // (39.2)
srvay mrch punar tu-aparedyus tri-aha api v
srvay 10..

mrch 1.. to assume shape or substance or consistency; to become or be

vehement or intense or strong; to become senseless or stupid or unconscious punar ind.
again and again; back; besides tu ind. and; but; do `N aparedyus ind. on the following day
tri nr. 3 MW aha mn. (ifc.) day (e.g. tryaham) api ind. also; assuredly; besides v ind.
either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally.

^ ` (.)
vtcchyvrua rka vegasrvyacchaphenilam / (40.1)
vta-yva-arua rka vega-srvin-accha-phenila
vta m. air; flatulence; gout yva adj. brown; dark; darkbrown ^ arua adj. dumb;
perplexed; red rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech) ` vega m. a stream;
agitation; attack srvin adj. distilling; dripping; flowing accha adj. clear; pellucid;
transparent phenila adj. foamy; frothy; spumous.

7 WN" (.)
pittt ptsita visram askandyauyt sacandrikam // (40.2)
pitta pta-asita visra askandin-auya sa-candrik
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour pta adj. yellow (the colour of the Vaiyas) asita
adj. black; dark-coloured visra adj. musty; smelling of raw meat WW askandin adj. not
coagulating " auya n. burning; heat; warmth sa ind. (ibc.) with candrik f.
candrara; a kind of white-blossoming Kaakri; baldness.

N^ V " * (.)
kapht snigdham ask pu tantumat picchila ghanam / (41.1)
kapha snigdha asj pu tantumant picchila ghana
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general N^
snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable V asj n. blood; saffron " pu adj. pale;
white; yellowish white ** tantumant adj. roping (as a liquid); mit Fden durchzogen
picchila adj. having a tail; lubricous; slimy ghana adj. complete; dark; deep.

V (.)
sasaliga sasargt tridoa malinvilam // (41.2)
sasj-liga sasarga tridoa malina-vila
V sasj 6.. to (A. or Pass.) to join one's self. be joined or united or mingled or confused; to
come into contact with; to create liga mn. (in logic) vypya; (in Skhya) prakti or
pradhna; prtipadika sasarga m. a partic. combination of two humours which produces
diseases; a partic. conjunction of celestial bodies; acquaintance tridoa adj. causing the
tridoa malina adj. black; dark gray; dirty vila adj. confused; foul; mixed with.

"T W (.)
auddhau balino 'pyasra na prastht srvayet param / (42.1)
auddhi balin api-asra na prastha srvay param
"T auddhi f. impurity balin adj. mighty; powerful; robust api ind. also; assuredly;
besides asra n. a corner; a tear; blood na ind. neither; no; nor W prastha mn. a level
expanse; a particular weight and measure of capacity ( 32 Palas or 1/4 of an haka); plain
(esp. at the end of names of towns and villages) srvay 10.. param ind. afterwards;

* ^ (.)
atisrutau hi mtyu syd dru v calmay // (42.2)
atisruti hi mtyu as drua v cala-maya
atisruti f. [medic.] excessive bloodletting hi ind. because; for; on account of *
mtyu m. Death personified; death; dying as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) ^
drua adj. cruel; dreadful; hard v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side;
optionally cala m. a sprout; quicksilver; shoot maya m. disease; indigestion; sickness.

~ ` (.)
tatrbhyagarasakraraktapnni bheajam / (43.1)
tatra-abhyaga-rasa-kra-rakta-pna bheaja
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place ~ abhyaga m. inunction; rubbing with
unctuous substances; unguent rasa mn. amta; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the
body; a kind of metre kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk rakta
n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel
` bheaja n. a remedy; a spell or charm; drug.

` M ~ (.)
srute rakte anair yantram apanya himmbun // (43.2)
sru rakta anais yantra apan hima-ambu
sru 1.. to arise from; to disappear; to drop rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the
eyes; blood anais ind. alternately; gently; gradually M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a
surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one) apan 1.. to deny; to except; to exclude from a rule
hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre
(consisting of ninety syllables); the number four.

7 N ^ (.)
praklya tailaplotkta bandhanya sirmukham / (44.1)
praklay taila-plota-aj bandh sir-mukha
praklay 10.. to cleanse; to purify; to rinse taila n. oil; olibanum; sesamum oil N
plota mn. (?) cloth; a bandage; stuff M aj 7.. (eine trockene Substanz mit einer Flssigkeit)
binden; to anoint; to apply an ointment or pigment ^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to
sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream mukha
n. a direction; beginning; best.

"T ~` (.)
auddha srvayed bhya syam ahnyapare 'pi v // (44.2)
auddha srvay bhyas syam ahar-apara api v
"T auddha adj. impure; inaccurate; unascertained srvay 10.. bhyas ind. again;
further; furthermore syam ind. in the evening ahar n. a day apara pron. der
andere api ind. also; assuredly; besides v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other
side; optionally.

NW ` { (.)
snehopasktadehasya pakd v bhaditam / (45.1)
sneha-upask-deha paka v bha-day
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance W upask 8.P. to add;
to adorn; to arrange ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form paka m. (in logic)
the proposition to be proved in a syllogism; a bracelet; a feather v ind. either - or; on the one
side - on the other side; optionally bha adj. abundant; frequent; mighty { day 10..
(astrol.) to cause evil or misfortune; to accuse; to adulterate.

T ` ` (.)
kiciddhi ee dusre naiva rogo 'tivartate // (45.2)
kacid-hi ea du-asra na-eva roga ativt
V kacid pron. someone hi ind. because; for; on account of ea adj. remaining du
4.. to be defiled or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong asra n. a corner; a tear; blood na ind.
neither; no; nor eva ind. alone; already; even roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus
or Arabicus; disease ativt 1.. to cross; to delay; to get over.

` (.)
saeam apyato dhrya na ctisrutim caret / (46.1)
sa-ea api-atas dhray na ca-atisruti car
sa ind. (ibc.) with ea adj. remaining api ind. also; assuredly; besides atas ind.
from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason dhray 10.. to hold; to keep; to
possess na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as atisruti f. [medic.]
excessive bloodletting car 1.. to act; to address; to apply.


harecchgdibhi ea prasdam athav nayet // (46.2)
h-ga-di ea prasda athav n
T h 2.P. to annihilate; to appropriate (in a legitimate way); to avert (the face) " ga n.
aaga; a cusp or horn of the moon; a horn used for various purposes (as in drinking)
di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning ea adj. remaining prasda m. a decoction; a
propitiatory offering or gift (of food); a residuum athav ind. (when repeated) either or; or;
perhaps n 1.. to ascertain; to bring into any state or condition; to carry off for one's self.

7"T (.)
topacrapittsrakriyuddhivioaai / (47.1)
ta adj. boiled; cold; dull upacra m. a ceremony; a favourable circumstance; a kind of
Sandhi (substitution of s and in place of Visarga) 7 pittsra n. kriy f. a literary work;
a noun of action; a religious rite or ceremony "T uddhi f. accuracy; accurate knowledge
regarding; acquittal vioaa n. desiccation; Trocknungs-, d.h. Fastenkur; the act of
drying up.

dua raktam anudriktam evam eva prasdayet // (47.2)
du rakta anudrikta evam eva prasday
du 4.. to be defiled or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong rakta n. padmaka; a particular
disease of the eyes; blood anudrikta adj. evam ind. in such a manner; in this way;
such eva ind. alone; already; even prasday 10.. to appease; to ask a person (acc.) to or
for; to gladden (the heart).

~ ~ ` (.)
rakte tvatihati kipra stambhanm caret kriym / (48.1)
rakta tu-atihant kipram stambhana car kriy
rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood tu ind. and; but; do *
atihant adj. not staying kipram ind. quickly ~ stambhana adj. arresting; astringent;
checking car 1.. to act; to address; to apply kriy f. a literary work; a noun of action;
a religious rite or ceremony.

7WJ (.)
lodhrapriyagupattagamayayhvagairikai // (48.2)
lodhra mn. Symplocos racemosa Roxb. priyagu mf. Aglaia diepenhorstii Miq. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 578); Aglaia Odorata; Aglaia odorata Lour. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 578)
7 pattaga n. Caesalpina Sappan ma m. a bean (the plant); a cutaneous eruption
resembling beans; a fool WJ yayhva mfn. liquorice gairika mfn. chalk of reddish brown
colour (Kumar, Damodaran Suresh (0), 55); gelber Ocker (Garbe, Richard 1974: 47); gold.

WM~_ (.)
mtkapljanakaumamakritvagakurai / (49.1)
md f. clay; earth; loam kapla mn. a fragment of brick; alms-bowl of a beggar; any flat
bone M ajana n. a special kind of this pigment; act of applying an ointment or pigment;
antimony kauma n. linen cloth or garment; linseed; the flower of flax mai mf.
Aschenpulver; a black powder used to paint the eyes; ein Pulver [aus einer verbrannten
organischen Substanz] krin m. calcareous spar; Ficus Indica; name of several plants
containing a milky sap ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the
Soma); a leather bag _ akura mn. a hair; a sprout; a swelling.

T ` (.)
vicrayed vraamukha padmakdihima pibet // (49.2)
vicray vraa-mukha padmaka-di-hima p
vicray Denom.P. to grind to pieces; to pound; to pulverize vraa mn. a flaw; abscess;
blemish mukha n. a direction; beginning; best T padmaka n. a particular posture in sitting;
Costus Arabicus; Costus speciosus Sm. di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning hima adj.
cold; cool; [medic.] ta p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck.

W W * (.)
tm eva v sir vidhyed vyadht tasmd anantaram / (50.1)
tad eva v sir vyadh vyadha tad anantaram
tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the
other side; optionally sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream vyadh 4.. (in astron.) to fix the
position of a heavenly body; to affect with (acc. of pers. and instr. of thing); to attach to
vyadha m. a stroke; cutting; hitting tad pron. this * anantaram ind. right after ..

~ ` P (.)
sirmukha v tvarita dahet taptaalkay // (50.2)
sir-mukha v tvaritam dah tap-alk
sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream mukha n. a direction; beginning; best v ind. either
- or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally ~ tvaritam ind. quickly dah 1.. to be
in flames; to burn; to cauterise tap 4.. to be hot; to destroy by heat; to give out heat
alk mf. a bone; a finger; a match or thin piece of wood (used for ignition by friction).

M` W * (.)
unmrgag yantranipanena svasthnam ynti punar na yvat /(51.1)
unmrga-ga yantra-nipana sva-sthna y punar na yvat
unmrga m. deviation from the right way; wrong way (lit. and fig.) ga adj. abiding in;
abiding in or keeping the fifth place; being M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a surgical instrument
(esp. a blunt one) nipana n. giving pain; hurting; pressing sva adj. akin; one's own;
own W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a stronghold; abiding y 2.. to approach;
to arrive; to attain punar ind. again and again; back; besides na ind. neither; no; nor
yvat ind. as far as; as greatly as; as long as.

^ T (.)
do pradu rudhira prapanns tvaddhithravihrabhk syt// (51.2)
doa pradu rudhira prapad tvat-hita-hra-vihra-bhj as
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection pradu 4.. to be defiled or polluted; to become
faithless; to become worse ^ rudhira n. blood; name of a city; saffron prapad 4.P. to
admit (a claim); to adopt or embrace (a doctrine); to appear tvat ind. in such a number; so
greatly; so much hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial hra m. bringing near;
employing; fetching vihra m. (with Buddhists or Jainas) a monastery or temple (originally
a hall where the monks met or walked about); vaijayanta; a particular bird bhj adj.
belonging to; concern; duty as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.).

* ` (.)
ntyuata laghu dpanya rakte 'pante hitam annapnam /(52.1)
na-ati-ua-ta laghu dpanya rakta apan hita anna-pna
na ind. neither; no; nor ati ind. extremely; very ua adj. acrid; active; hot ta adj.
boiled; cold; dull laghu adj. active; beautiful; causing relief dpanya adj. promoting
digestion; relating to tonic medicines; to be kindled or lighted or excited or stimulated rakta
n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood apan 1.. to deny; to except; to exclude
from a rule hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial anna n. bread corn; earth; especially
boiled rice pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel.

QWV V (.)
tad arra hyanavasthitsg agnir vied iti rakitavya //(52.2)
tad arra hi-anavasthita-asj agni viet iti rak
tad ind. at that time; in that case (often used redundantly); then arra n. a dead body;
any solid body (opp. to udaka etc.); bodily frame hi ind. because; for; on account of W
anavasthita adj. loose in conduct; unsettled; unsteady V asj n. blood; saffron V agni m. bile;
Citrus Acida; digestive faculty viet ind. especially iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its
original signification iti refers to something that has been said or thought) rak 1.. to attend
to; to beware of; to conceal.

` * ` (.)
prasannavarendriyam indriyrthn icchantam avyhatapaktvegam /(53.1)
prasad-vara-indriya indriya-artha i avyhata-pakt-vega
prasad 1.. to be gracious or kind; to become clear or distinct; to become placid or tranquil
(as the sea or sky) vara mn. a co-efficient; a cover; a covering indriya n. bodily power;
exhibition of power; faculty of sense indriya n. bodily power; exhibition of power; faculty
of sense artha mn. (in astron.) name of the second mansion; action; advantage i 1.P. to
assent; to choose; to concede avyhata adj. not contradictory; not disappointed;
unimpeded pakt mn. the digestive fire ` vega m. a stream; agitation; attack.

~ "T ^ * (.)
sukhnvita puibalopapanna viuddharakta purua vadanti //(53.2)
sukha-anvita pui-bala-upapad viudh-rakta purua vad
sukha n. atmosphere; comfort; delight in ~ anvita adj. accompanied by; acquired;
attended pui f. breeding; comfort; completeness bala mn. Balarma; an army;
expertness in upapad 4.P. to appear; to approach; to approach for succour or protection
" viudh 4.P. to become clear (said of the senses); to become perfectly pure (esp. in ritual
sense) rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood ^ purua m. a friend; a
man; a member of a race or generation vad 1.. to address; to adjudge; to affirm.

7 W W (.)
athta alyharaavidhim adhyya vykhysyma / (1.1)
atha-atas alyharaavidhi adhyya vykhy
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason 7
alyharaavidhi m. name of Agahdayasahit, S. 28 W adhyya m. a lesson; a reader;
chapter W vykhy 2.. to call; to communicate; to discuss.

WV (.)
iti ha smhur treydayo maharaya / (1.2)
iti ha sma-ah treya-di mah-i
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) ha ind. (particle); a kind of bja W sma ind. always; certainly; ever ah 1.P.
to acknowledge; to adjugde anything; to call treya m. a descendant of Atri; a priest who is
closely related to the Sadasya; chyle di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning mah ind.
(irreg.- *mahant) -> gross i m. a hymn or Mantra composed by a i; a ray of light; a saint
or sanctified sage in general.

7 B (.)
vakrarjutiryagrdhvdha alyn pacadh gati / (1.3)
vakra-ju-tiryac-rdhva-adhas alya pacadh gati
vakra adj. ambiguous; bent; crooked ju adj. honest; sincere; upright B tiryac adj.
animal; horizontal rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect adhas ind. below; beneath; down
7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a
fault B pacadh ind. fivefold; in 5 ways or parts gati f. Motion (personified as a daughter
of Kardama and wife of Pulaha); a certain division of the moon's path and the position of the
planet in it (the diurnal motion of a planet in its orbit?); a happy issue.

W ^* * V (.)
dhyma opharujvanta sravanta oita muhu // (1.4)
dhyma opha-rujvant sru oita muhur
W dhyma adj. black; dark-coloured opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema
(Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) ^* rujvant adj. irritating; painful sru 1.. to arise from; to
disappear; to drop oita n. a kind of prameha- onitameha; blood; resin V muhur ind. a
while; at every moment; at once.


abhyudgata budbudavat piikopacita vraam / (2.1)
abhyudgam budbuda-vat piik-upaci vraa
~7 abhyudgam 1.P. budbuda mn. a bubble (often as a symbol of anything transitory); an
embryo five days old; an ornament or decoration resembling a bubble vat ind.
(Vergleichspartikel) piik fn. [medic.] Pustel upaci 5.. to accumulate; to collect; to
cover vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish.

*7 (.)
mdumsa ca jnyd antaalya samsata // (2.2)
mdu-msa ca j antaalya samsatas
mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) msa n.
flesh; meat ca ind. also; and; as well as j 4.. to apprehend; to ascertain; to become
acquainted with *7 antaalya adj. having a pin or extraneous body sticking inside
samsatas ind. concisely; in a summary manner; succinctly.

~` 7 (.)
viet tvaggate alye vivara kahinyata / (3.1)
viet tvac-gam alya vivara kahina-yata
viet ind. especially ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out
the Soma); a leather bag gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move 7 alya mn. (in med.) any
extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault vivara adj.
belonging to a mixed caste; colourless; low kahina adj. difficult; firm; hard yata adj.
aiming at; directed towards; extended.

W ` (.)
opho bhavati msasthe coa opho vivardhate // (3.2)
opha bh msa-stha coa opha vivdh
opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) bh 1.. to
be; to become; to come into being msa n. flesh; meat W stha adj. a place; abiding; being
situated in coa m. aa; drying up or burning (of the skin); dryness (as a disease)
opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) vivdh 1.. to
arise; to be lengthened; to be lucky or fortunate.

7 (.)
pankamat pka alyamrgo na rohati / (4.1)
pana-akama-t pka alya-mrga na ruh
pana n. afflicting; an instrument for pressing; calamity akama adj. impatient;
incompetent; unable to endure t f. ifc. abstracta pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess;
any act having consequences 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the
body and causing pain; a dart; a fault mrga m. (in astrol.) the 7th mansion; (in medic.) a
way; a channel na ind. neither; no; nor ^ ruh 6.. to ascend; to attain (a desire); to cause to

`*` P (.)
peyantaragate msaprptavacchvayathu vin // (4.2)
pe-antara-gam msa-prp-vat-vayathu vin
` pe f. a blown bud; a kind of drum; a muscle (of which there are said to be 500 in the
human body) * antara n. a hole; absence; another gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move
msa n. flesh; meat prp 1.P. to arrive at; to attain to; to be in force vat ind.
(Vergleichspartikel) N vayathu m. Aufgedunsenheit; intumescence; swelling vin ind.
except; short or exclusive of; without.

N ~~` (.)
kepa snyujlasya sarambhastambhavedan / (5.1)
kepa snyu-jla sarambha-stambha-vedan
kepa m. abuse; applying; challenge N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle; tendon jla n.
(chiefly ifc.) collection; (in anat.) the omentum; a bundle of buds ~ sarambha m. agitation;
anger; angriness ~ stambha m. a post; arrogance; becoming hard or solid ` vedan f.
feeling; pain; sensation.

N` W ` (.)
snyuge durhara caitat sirdhmna sirrite // (5.2)
snyu-ga durhara ca-etad sir-dhmna sir-ri
N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle; tendon ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place;
being durhara adj. difficult to remove ca ind. also; and; as well as etad pron. this
sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream W dhmna n. a bellows; blowing; boasting sir f. a
bucket; a nerve; a stream ri 1.. to adhere; to affix; to apply anything.

W` (.)
svakarmaguahni syt srotas srotasi sthite / (6.1)
sva-karman-gua-hni as srotas srotas sth
sva adj. akin; one's own; own karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the
third among the seven categories of the Nyya philosophy) gua mn. (in khya phil.) an
ingredient or constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook hni f. a minus; abandonment;
damage as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) srotas n. a river; an aperture in the
human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of sense
srotas n. a river; an aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in
women); an organ of sense W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand.

W (.)
dhamansthe 'nilo rakta phenayuktam udrayet // (6.2)
dhamani-stha anila rakta phena-yuj udray
dhamani f. (esp.) a canal of the human body; a bellows; a pipe or tube W stha adj. a place;
abiding; being situated in anila m. air or wind; any affection referred to disorder of the
wind; name of a Ri and other persons rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes;
blood phena mn. a kind of prameha; foam; froth yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into
conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to
udray 10.P. to bring or fetch out of; to cast; to cause.

V T= ` (.)
niryti abdavn sycca hllsa sgavedana / (7.1)
niry abdavant as-ca hllsa sa-aga-vedan
niry 2.P. to come forth; to depart from life; to die * abdavant adj. crackling (as
flame); endowed with sound (as wind); noisy as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.)
ca ind. also; and; as well as T= hllsa m. Herzklopfen; palpitation of heart sa ind. (ibc.) with
aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five)
` vedan f. feeling; pain; sensation.

WP W (.)
sagharo balavn asthisadhiprpte 'sthiprat // (7.2)
saghara balavant asthi-sadhi-prp asthi-pra-t
saghara m. envy; friction; gliding * balavant adj. accompanied by an army; dense (as
darkness); intense W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the
connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint prp 1.P. to arrive at; to attain to; to be in
force W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit pra adj. (in augury) fullsounding; able;
abundant t f. ifc. abstracta.

^ WW V ` (.)
naikarp rujo 'sthisthe ophas tadvacca sadhige / (8.1)
na-eka-rpa ruj asthi-stha opha tadvat-ca sadhi-ga
na ind. neither; no; nor eka pron. alone; excellent; happening only once rpa n. a
particular coin; a show; a single specimen ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease W
asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit W stha adj. a place; abiding; being situated in opha m.
intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) tadvat ind. like that; so
(correlative of yadvat); thus ca ind. also; and; as well as sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the
connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or keeping the
fifth place; being.

7V ` ` (.)
cenivttica bhaved opa kohasarite // (8.2)
ce-nivtti-ca bh opa koha-sari
ce f. action; activity; behaving 7 nivtti f. abolition; abstaining or desisting from
(abl.); ceasing ca ind. also; and; as well as bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being
opa m. a multitude; borborygmi; flatulence koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding
wall; an inner apartment sari 1.. to acquire; to approach; to approach for sexual union.

T ` (.)
nho 'nnaaknmtradarana ca vranane / (9.1)
nha anna-akt-mtra-darana ca vraa-nana
nha m. constipation; epistasis; length anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled
rice T akt n. dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement; feces mtra n. the fluid secreted by the
kidneys; urine darana n. audience; examination; inspection ca ind. also; and; as well as
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish nana n. door; entrance; the face.

N 7 T (.)
vidyn marmagata alya marmaviddhopalakaai // (9.2)
vid marman-gam alya marman-vyadh-upalakaa
vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to know; to learn marman n. any joint or articulation; any
open or exposed or weak or sensitive part of the body; any secret or mystery gam 6.P. to
approach; to go; to move 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body
and causing pain; a dart; a fault marman n. any joint or articulation; any open or exposed or
weak or sensitive part of the body; any secret or mystery vyadh 4.. (in astron.) to fix the
position of a heavenly body; to affect with (acc. of pers. and instr. of thing); to attach to
upalakaa n. a mark; designation; implying any analogous object where only one is specified.

~ (.)
yathsva ca parisrvais tvagdiu vibhvayet / (10.1)
yathsvam ca parisrva tvac-di vibhvay
yathsvam ind. accordingly; appropriately ca ind. also; and; as well as parisrva
m. efflux; effluxion; flowing ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the
Soma); a leather bag di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning vibhvay 10.P. to
acknowledge; to ascertain; to cause to arise.

^Q` "T` W (.)
ruhyate uddhadehnm anulomasthita tu tat // (10.2)
ruh udh-deha anuloma-sth tu tad
^ ruh 6.. to ascend; to attain (a desire); to cause to ascend " udh 4.. to be cleared or
cleansed or purified; to be cleared or excused from blame; to be excusable ` deha mn.
appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form anuloma adj. conformable; in a natural direction;
in order W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand tu ind. and; but; do tad pron. this.

` (.)
doakopbhightdikobhd bhyo 'pi bdhate / (11.1)
doa-kopa-abhighta-di-kobha bhyas api bdh
doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection kopa m. anger; fury (of fire); incompatibleness with
abhighta m. abrupt or vehement articulation (of Vedic text); attack; damage di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning kobha m. agitation; disturbance; emotion bhyas ind.
again; further; furthermore api ind. also; assuredly; besides bdh 1.P. to annul; to be
acted upon; to check.

~ ~ (.)
tvanae yatra tatra syurabhyagasvedamardanai // (11.2)
tvac-na yatra tatra as-abhyaga-sveda-mardana
~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag
na 1.P. to be frustrated or unsuccessful; to be gone; to be lost yatra ind. where; wherein;
wherever tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to
(dat.) ~ abhyaga m. inunction; rubbing with unctuous substances; unguent sveda m. a
sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") mardana mn. cleaning or combing (the
hair); friction i.e. opposition (of planets); rubbing.

^~ W ` (.)
rgarugdhasarambh yatra cjya vilyate / (12.1)
rga-ruj-dha-sarambha yatra ca-jya vil
rga m. a musical note; a particular process in the preparation of quicksilver; a prince ^ ruj
mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound)
~ sarambha m. agitation; anger; angriness yatra ind. where; wherein; wherever ca ind.
also; and; as well as W jya n. (in a wider sense) oil and milk used instead of clarified butter at
a sacrifice; melted or clarified butter; name of a sort of chant (astra) connected with the
morning sacrifice vil 4.P. to be dissolved; to cling or cleave or adhere to; to disappear.

" " W 7 ` (.)
u uyati lepo v tatsthna alyavad vadet // (12.2)
u u lepa v tad-sthna alyavant vad
" u ind. quickly " u 1.P. to become dry or withered; to decay; to dry lepa m. (esp.)
particles or remnants wiped from the hand after offering oblations to three ancestors; a coating
of paint; a kind of disease v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally
tad pron. this W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a stronghold; abiding 7* alyavant
adj. hampered or harassed with difficulties; having an arrow-head sticking in it (as a deer);
owning the arrow-head (and so owning the animal killed by the arrow) vad 1.. to address; to
adjudge; to affirm.

"7 (.)
msapraaa sauddhy karancchlathat gatam / (13.1)
msa-praa sauddhi karana-latha-t gam
msa n. flesh; meat praa 4.. to be lost; to disappear; to escape "T sauddhi f.
acquittal; acquittance; cleaning (the body) karana n. causing emaciation; the act of
rendering lean H latha adj. dishevelled (as hair); feeble; flaccid t f. ifc. abstracta gam
6.P. to approach; to go; to move.

7 (.)
kobhd rgdibhi alya lakayet tadvad eva ca // (13.2)
kobha rga-di alya lakay tadvat eva ca
kobha m. agitation; disturbance; emotion rga m. a musical note; a particular process
in the preparation of quicksilver; a prince di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning 7 alya
mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault
lakay 10.. to aim; to characterize; to consider or regard any one (acc.) as (acc. with or without
iva) tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of yadvat); thus eva ind. alone; already; even
ca ind. also; and; as well as.

`W W (.)
peyasthisadhikoheu naam asthiu lakayet / (14.1)
pe-asthi-sadhi-koha na asthi lakay
` pe f. a blown bud; a kind of drum; a muscle (of which there are said to be 500 in the
human body) W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the
connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding
wall; an inner apartment na 1.P. to be frustrated or unsuccessful; to be gone; to be lost W
asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit lakay 10.. to aim; to characterize; to consider or regard
any one (acc.) as (acc. with or without iva).

~M ^ (.)
asthnm abhyajanasvedabandhapanamardanai // (14.2)
asthi abhyajana-sveda-bandha-pana-mardana
W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit ~M abhyajana n. embellishment; inunction
(especially of the feet); ornament sveda m. a sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of
perspiration") ^ bandha m. a bond; a border; a collar beam pana n. afflicting; an
instrument for pressing; calamity mardana mn. cleaning or combing (the hair); friction i.e.
opposition (of planets); rubbing.

B W (.)
prasrakucanata sadhinaa tathsthivat / (15.1)
prasraa-kucana sadhi-na tath-asthi-vat
prasraa n. augmentation; changing a semivowel into a vowel; developing B
kucana n. bending (of a limb) sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a
perpendicular; a fold; a joint na 1.P. to be frustrated or unsuccessful; to be gone; to be lost
tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit vat
ind. (Vergleichspartikel).

NM (.)
nae snyusirsrotodhamanvasame pathi // (15.2)
na snyu-sir-srotas-dhamani-asama path
na 1.P. to be frustrated or unsuccessful; to be gone; to be lost N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle;
tendon sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream srotas n. a river; an aperture in the human or
animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of sense dhamani f.
(esp.) a canal of the human body; a bellows; a pipe or tube asama adj. odd; unequal (either
by birth or in surface or number); uneven path m. a road; a way.

N " (.)
avayukta ratha khaacakram ropya rogiam / (16.1)
ava-yuj ratha khaa-cakra ropay rogin
N ava m. a horse; a particular kind of lover (horse-like in strength); horse (in the game of
chess) yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into
union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to ratha m. paurua; a chariot; a limb " khaa
adj. broken; crippled; defective cakra n. a cycle; a depression in the body; a diagram
ropay 10.. to attribute; to cause; to cause to grow rogin adj. diseased; ill; sick.

~7 (.)
ghra nayet tatas tasya sarambhcchalyam diet // (16.2)
ghram n tatas tad sarambha-alya di
ghram ind. quickly n 1.. to ascertain; to bring into any state or condition; to carry off
for one's self tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason tad pron. this ~
sarambha m. agitation; anger; angriness 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance
lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault di 6.. to aim at; to announce; to

` (.)
marmanaa ptha nokta te msdisarayt / (17.1)
marman-na pthak na-vac tad msa-di-saraya
marman n. any joint or articulation; any open or exposed or weak or sensitive part of the
body; any secret or mystery na 1.P. to be frustrated or unsuccessful; to be gone; to be lost
pthak ind. (with abl.) without; apart or separately or differently from; differently na ind.
neither; no; nor vac 2.P. to declare; to proclaim; to recite tad pron. this msa n.
flesh; meat di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning saraya m. a piece or portion
belonging to anything; a refuge; alliance.

~ 7 " ^ (.)
smnyena saalya tu kobhiy kriyay saruk // (17.2)
smnyena sa-alya tu kobhin kriy sa-ruj
~ smnyena ind. generally sa ind. (ibc.) with 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous
substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault tu ind. and; but; do
kobhin adj. rocking; shaking kriy f. a literary work; a noun of action; a religious rite or
ceremony sa ind. (ibc.) with ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease.

7 M (.)
vtta pthu catukoa tripua ca samsata / (18.1)
vtta pthu catukoa tripua ca samsatas
7 vtta adj. absolved; circular; completed pthu adj. abundant; broad; clever M
catukoa adj. quadrangular tripua adj. threefold; triangular ca ind. also; and; as well as
samsatas ind. concisely; in a summary manner; succinctly.

[7W T* (.)
adyaalyasasthna vrakty vibhvayet // (18.2)
adya-alya-sasthna vraa-kti vibhvay
[ adya adj. invisible; latent; not fit to be seen 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous
substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault W sasthna n. a public place
(in a town); abiding by; abode vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish T kti f. a constituent
part; a metre (consisting of four lines with twenty-two syllables each); a well-formed shape
vibhvay 10.P. to acknowledge; to ascertain; to cause to arise.

` (.)
tem haraopyau pratilomnulomakau / (19.1)
tad haraa-upya pratiloma-anulomaka
tad pron. this haraa n. accomplishing; battle; bringing upya m. a means of
success against an enemy (four are usually enumerated); a means or expedient (of any kind);
approach pratiloma adj. against the hair; contrary to caste; contrary to nature
anulomaka adj. anuloma.

` ` (.)
arvcnaparcne nirharet tadviparyayt // (19.2)
arvcna-parcna nirh tad-viparyaya
arvcna adj. favouring; turned towards parcna adj. averted; being opposite or
beyond or outside of; improper T nirh 1.. to carry out (a dead body); to change or
interchange (clothes); to destroy tad pron. this viparyaya m. alteration; avoiding; barter.

"* ` (.)
sukhhrya yatachittv tatas tiryaggata haret / (20.1)
sukha-h yatas-chid tatas tiryac-gam h
sukha n. atmosphere; comfort; delight in T h 1.. to bring; to bring home (a bride); to
bring near yatas ind. as; as soon as; because chid 1.P. to amputate; to chop; to cut off
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason B tiryac adj. animal; horizontal
gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move T h 2.P. to annihilate; to appropriate (in a legitimate way);
to avert (the face).

7 * N (.)
alya na nirghtyam urakakvakaaprvagam // (20.2)
alya na nirghtay uras-kaka-vakaa-prva-ga
7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a
fault na ind. neither; no; nor nirghtay 10.P. to cause to be destroyed or killed; to draw
or force out uras n. bosom; breast; the best of its kind kaka mf. arm-pit (as the most
concealed part of the human body); belt; border vakaa mn. abdomen; Bauch; cavity
N prva mn. a curved knife; a side of any square figure; flank (either of animate or inanimate
objects) ga adj. abiding in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place; being.

7" N (.)
pratilomam anuttua chedya pthumukha ca yat / (21.1)
pratiloma anuttua chid pthu-mukha ca yad
pratiloma adj. against the hair; contrary to caste; contrary to nature 7" anuttua
adj. not raised chid 1.P. to amputate; to chop; to cut off pthu adj. abundant; broad; clever
mukha n. a direction; beginning; best ca ind. also; and; as well as yad pron. what; which.

` 7V ^ (.)
naivhared vialyaghna naa v nirupadravam // (21.2)
na-eva-h vialya-ghna na v nirupadrava
na ind. neither; no; nor eva ind. alone; already; even T h 1.. to bring; to bring home (a
bride); to bring near 7 vialya adj. free from thorns or darts; freed from an arrow-head; freed
from an extraneous substance in the body V ghna adj. destroying; killer; killing na 1.P. to be
frustrated or unsuccessful; to be gone; to be lost v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the
other side; optionally ^ nirupadrava adj. free from affliction or danger; happy; harmless.

` `` (.)
athharet karaprpya kareaivetarat puna / (22.1)
atha-h kara-prp kara-eva-itara punar
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
T h 1.. to bring; to bring home (a bride); to bring near kara m. act of doing; an elephant's
trunk; claws of a crab prp 1.P. to arrive at; to attain to; to be in force kara adj. causing;
helping; making eva ind. alone; already; even itara pron. another; the other (of two)
punar ind. again and again; back; besides.

[ (.)
dya sihhimakaravarmikarkaaknanai // (22.2)
d siha-ahi-makara-varmi-karkaaka-nana
[ d 4.. to appear; to appear as; to be seen siha m. a hero or eminent person; a lion; a
Moringa with red flowers ahi m. a name of Rhu; a snake; a traveller makara m. a kind
of sea-monster; a particular magical spell recited over weapons; a particular species of insect or
other small animal varmi m. a kind of fish (commonly called vmi) karkaaka m. a kind
of plant; a pair of compasses; a pair of tongs nana n. door; entrance; the face.

[ W *` (.)
adya vraasasthnd grahtu akyate yata / (23.1)
adya vraa-sasthna grah ak yatas
[ adya adj. invisible; latent; not fit to be seen vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish W
sasthna n. a public place (in a town); abiding by; abode grah 6.P. (in astron.) to calculate;
(in astron.) to observe; to abstract ak 4.P. to be able to or capable of or competent for; to be
compelled or caused by any one (instr.) to (inf.); to be overcome or subdued yatas ind. as; as
soon as; because.

_J (.)
kakabhghvakuraraarrivyasnanai // (23.2)
_ kaka m. a form of iva; a kind of mango; false or pretended Brhman J bhghva m. a
kind of bird; Eclipta Prostrata kurara m. a species of eagle; an osprey; name of a mountain
arri f. name of a monkey; the arli bird vyasa m. (esp.) a large bird; Agallochum or
fragrant aloe; a bird nana n. door; entrance; the face.

~ ~W ~ ` (.)
sadabhy tvagdistha tlbhy suira haret / (24.1)
sadaa tvac-di-stha tla suira h
sadaa m. a pair of tongs or pincers or nippers; a particular Ekha; a particular Naraka
or hell (where the flesh of the wicked is tortured with pincers) ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a
cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag di m. a firstling; and so on;
beginning W stha adj. a place; abiding; being situated in tla m. a cymbal; a dance; a
goldsmith suira adj. having spaces; hollow; perforated T h 2.P. to annihilate; to
appropriate (in a legitimate way); to avert (the face).

W (.)
suirastha tu nalakai ea eair yathyatham // (24.2)
suira-stha tu nalaka ea ea yathyatham
suira n. a hollow; a wind instrument; atmosphere W stha adj. a place; abiding; being
situated in tu ind. and; but; do nalaka n. a bone (hollow like a reed); a particular
ornament for the nose; any long bone of the body ea adj. remaining ea adj. remaining
yathyatham ind. as is fit or proper; by degrees; fitly.

W (.)
astrea v viasydau tato nirlohita vraam / (25.1)
astra v vias-di tatas nirlohita vraa
W astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool v ind.
either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally vias 1.P. to comprise in words;
to divide in parts for recitation; to recite di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning tatas
ind. after that; consequently; for that reason nirlohita adj. vraa mn. a flaw; abscess;

T~ ` N T (.)
ktv ghtena sasvedya baddhcrikam diet // (25.2)
k ghta sasveday bandh-crika di
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of
fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven) sasveday 10.P.
to cause to sweat or perspire; to treat with sudorifics ^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to
sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience crika n. diet; habit of life; regimen
di 6.. to aim at; to announce; to assign.

NV ~ (.)
sirsnyuvilagna tu clayitv alkay / (26.1)
sir-snyu-vilag tu clay alk
sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle; tendon vilag 1.P. to
cling to; to hang to; to hold on to tu ind. and; but; do clay 10.. to agitate; to cause to
deviate from; to cause to move alk mf. a bone; a finger; a match or thin piece of wood
(used for ignition by friction).

T W 7 ~ (.)
hdaye sasthita alya trsitasya himmbun // (26.2)
hdaya sasth alya trsay hima-ambu
T hdaya n. mind (as the seat of mental operations); name of a Sman; science W sasth
1.. to abide; to be accomplished or completed (esp. applied to rites); to be lost 7 alya mn. (in
med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault trsay
10.. to cause to tremble; to frighten; to scare hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta ~ ambu n. a
kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the number four.

W* P ` (.)
tata sthnntara prptam haret tad yathyatham / (27.1)
tatas sthna-antara prp h tad yathyatham
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason W sthna n. a state of perfect
tranquillity; a stronghold; abiding * antara n. a hole; absence; another prp 1.P. to arrive
at; to attain to; to be in force T h 1.. to bring; to bring home (a bride); to bring near tad
pron. this yathyatham ind. as is fit or proper; by degrees; fitly.

~ ` (.)
yathmrga durkaram anyato 'pyevam haret // (27.2)
yathmrgam durkara anyatas api-evam h
yathmrgam ind. durkara adj. difficult to extract ~ anyatas ind. elsewhere;
from another; from another motive api ind. also; assuredly; besides evam ind. in such a
manner; in this way; such T h 1.. to bring; to bring home (a bride); to bring near.

W 7 ~ ` (.)
asthidae nara padbhy payitv vinirharet / (28.1)
asthi-da nara pad pay vinirh
W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit da 1.P. to bite; to show nara m. a class of
myth. beings allied to the Gandharvas and Kinaras; a male; a man pad m. foot pay
10.. (in astrol.) to cover (esp. with something inauspicious); to break (a vow); to cause pain
T vinirh 1.P. to destroy; to extract; to remove.

** _ (.)
ityaakye subalibhi sughtasya kikarai // (28.2)
iti-aakya su-balin su-grah kikara
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) * aakya adj. impossible; impossible to be composed (as a book) or to be
executed (as an order); impracticable su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very balin adj.
mighty; powerful; robust su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very grah 6.P. (in astron.) to
calculate; (in astron.) to observe; to abstract kikara m. (probably) a particular part of a
carriage; a kind of Rkasa; a servant.

* T* W (.)
tathpyaakye vraga vakrktya dhanurjyay / (29.1)
tath-api-aakya vraga vakrk dhanus-jy
tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so api ind. also; assuredly; besides *
aakya adj. impossible; impossible to be composed (as a book) or to be executed (as an order);
impracticable vraga m. the handle of a sword or knife T vakrk 8.. entstellen; to
bend dhanus n. (astron.) an are or quadrant for ascertaining the sun's altitude and enith-
distance; (geom.) an Arc or past of a circle; a bow W jy f. a bow-string; [gramm.] the root jy.

T 7 (.)
subaddha vaktrakaake badhnyt susamhita // (29.2)
su-bandh vaktra-kaaka bandh su-samhita
su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very ^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest;
to be affected by i.e. experience 7 vaktra n. a sort of garment; beginning; face kaaka mn.
an army; bracelet of gold or shell; caravan ^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to
arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very samhita
adj. added (as fuel to fire); applied; collected.

B~ (.)
susayatasya pacgy vjina kaaytha tam / (30.1)
su-sayam pacg vjin ka-atha tad
su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very sayam 6.P. to bind together (hair or a garment);
to close (a door); to control B pacg f. a bit for horses; a kind of bandage vjin m.
Adhatoda Vasika; a bird; a bridle ka f. a rein; a string; a whip atha ind. an auspicious
and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly tad pron. this.

`` (.)
tayed iti mrdhna vegenonnamayan yath // (30.2)
tay iti mrdhan vega-unnamay yath
tay 10.P. (in astron.) to obscure or eclipse partially; to beat; to knock iti ind. in this
manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been said or thought)
mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning; chief (applied to persons)
` vega m. a stream; agitation; attack unnamay 10.P. to raise yath ind. according; as;

T` 7 7 (.)
uddharecchalyam eva v khy kalpayet taro / (31.1)
uddh-alya evam v kh kalpay taru

uddh 1.. to bring or tear out; to bring out of; to choose 7 alya mn. (in med.) any
extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault evam ind. in such a
manner; in this way; such v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally
kh f. antika; pakntara; a branch (lit. and fig.) 7 kalpay 10.. to form; to prescribe
^ taru m. a tree; name of a son of Manu Ckua.

Q 7 ` (.)
baddhv durbalavraga kubhi alyam haret // (31.2)
bandh durbala-vraga ku alya h
^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience
durbala adj. emaciated; feeble; lean (cow) vraga m. the handle of a sword or knife
ku f. cord; horse's bridle; name of a plant 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance
lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault T h 1.. to bring; to bring home (a
bride); to bring near.

N ~7 (.)
vayathugrastavraga opham utpya yuktita / (32.1)
vayathu-gras-vraga opha utpay yukti
N vayathu m. Aufgedunsenheit; intumescence; swelling gras 1.. to cause to disappear; to
eat; to eclipse vraga m. the handle of a sword or knife opha m. intumescence;
morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) ~ utpay 10.P. to press out of; to press
upwards or against; to squeeze yukti f. (in astron.) conjunction; a sentence; adaptedness.

7 7 *7" ` (.)
mudgarhatay ny nirghtyottuita haret // (32.2)
mudgara-han n nirghtay-uttuita h
7 mudgara m. a bud; a hammer; a kind of jasmine han 2.. to assault; to attack; to beat
n f. a fistulous sore; a flute; a juggling trick nirghtay 10.P. to cause to be destroyed
or killed; to draw or force out 7" uttuita n. the head of a thorn etc. which has entered the
skin T h 2.P. to annihilate; to appropriate (in a legitimate way); to avert (the face).

` 7" (.)
taireva cnayen mrgam amrgottuita tu yat / (33.1)
tad-eva ca-n mrga amrga-uttuita tu yad
tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even ca ind. also; and; as well as n 1.. to
bring; to carry to a place (acc. or loc.); to fetch mrga m. (in astrol.) the 7th mansion; (in
medic.) a way; a channel amrga m. a bad road; an evil path 7" uttuita n. the head
of a thorn etc. which has entered the skin tu ind. and; but; do yad pron. what; which.

~ 7 Q (.)
mditv karin kara nysyena nighya v // (33.2)
md karin kara n-sya nigrah v
md 9.. to crush; to destroy; to kill karin adj. barbed; furnished with flaps or
anything similar (said of shoes); furnished with knots etc. (as a missile) kara m. Calotropis
Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle n f. a fistulous sore; a flute; a juggling trick
sya n. face; jaws; mouth nigrah 9.. to attract; to catch; to close (as the eyes) v ind.
either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally.

W* M W (.)
ayaskntena nikara vivtsyam justhitam / (34.1)
ayasknta nikara viv-sya ju-sth
W* ayasknta mn. Magneteisen (Garbe, Richard 1974: 41); magnetic oxide of iron; the
loadstone M nikara adj. not curved (gad); without ears viv 9.P. to comb (hair); to
comment upon; to cover sya n. face; jaws; mouth ju adj. honest; sincere; upright W
sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand.

7 ` ` (.)
pakvayagata alya virekea vinirharet // (34.2)
pakvaya-gam alya vireka vinirh
pakvaya m. [medic.] pakvaya gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move 7 alya mn.
(in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault `
vireka m. a purgative; cathartic; evacuation of the bowels T vinirh 1.P. to destroy; to extract;
to remove.

~ (.)
duavtaviastanyaraktatoydi caai / (35.1)
du-vta-via-stanya-rakta-toya-di caa
du 4.. to be defiled or impure; to be ruined; to be wrong vta m. air; flatulence; gout
via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison
~ stanya mn. milk; dugdhapa rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood
toya n. water; !! di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning caa n. sucking (of a

"` 7 " ` (.)
kahasrotogate alye stra kahe praveayet // (35.2)
kaha-srotas-gam alya stra kaha praveay
" kaha m. Gefwand; immediate proximity; name of a Maharshi srotas n. a river; an
aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of
sense gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance
lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault stra n. a fibre; a girdle; a kind of tree
" kaha m. Gefwand; immediate proximity; name of a Maharshi ` praveay 10.. to
come or be brought into (acc.); to enter; to enter i.e. commit to paper.

7 7 ` (.)
bisentte tata alye bisa stra sama haret / (36.1)
bisa-d tatas alya bisa stra sama h
bisa mn. bisapakman- a kind of disease of the eye; a shoot or sucker; the film or fibre of the
water-lily or lotus d 4.. to accept; to carry off; to grasp tatas ind. after that;
consequently; for that reason 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the
body and causing pain; a dart; a fault bisa mn. bisapakman- a kind of disease of the eye; a
shoot or sucker; the film or fibre of the water-lily or lotus stra n. a fibre; a girdle; a kind of
tree sama pron. common; constant; easy T h 2.P. to annihilate; to appropriate (in a
legitimate way); to avert (the face).

7V ~ WT (.)
nygnitpit kiptv alkm apsthirktm // (36.2)
n-agni-tpay kip alk p-sthirk
n f. a fistulous sore; a flute; a juggling trick V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive
faculty tpay 10.. to cause pain; to make warm or hot; to trouble kip 6.. to cast; to
despatch; to lose (time) alk mf. a bone; a finger; a match or thin piece of wood (used
for ignition by friction) p m. water WT sthirk 8.P. .

7 "7^ (.)
nayejjtua kahjjatudigdhm ajtuam / (37.1)
n-jtua kaha-jatu-dih ajtua
n 1.. to bring; to carry to a place (acc. or loc.); to fetch jtua adj. adhesive; made of
or covered with lac or gum (jatu) " kaha m. Gefwand; immediate proximity; name of a
Maharshi jatu mn. bitumen; gum; lac dih 2.. to accumulate; to anoint; to increase
ajtua adj. .


` " ` (.)
keondukena ptena dravai kaakam kipet // (37.2)
keouka p drava kaaka kip
" keouka mn. a sling or knot of hair; net-like apparitions seen while the eyes are shut
p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck drava mn. (medic.) a kind of sveda; buttermilk (Takra);
decoction " kaaka mn. any annoyance or source of vexation; any troublesome seditious
person; anything pointed kip 4.P. to call to a dispute etc. (dat.); to cause to tremble; to

T ` (.)
sahas strabaddhena vamatas tena cetarat / (38.1)
sahas stra-bandh vam tad ca-itara
sahas ind. by force; forcibly; suddenly stra n. a fibre; a girdle; a kind of tree ^
bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience vam 1..
to eject (lit. and fig.); to emit; to give out tad pron. this ca ind. also; and; as well as itara
pron. another; the other (of two).

* ~ ` (.)
aakya mukhansbhym hartu parato nudet // (38.2)
aakya mukha-ns h paratas nud
* aakya adj. impossible; impossible to be composed (as a book) or to be executed (as an
order); impracticable mukha n. a direction; beginning; best ns f. Gendarussa Vulgaris;
proboscis; the nose T h 1.. to bring; to bring home (a bride); to bring near paratas ind.
(with prec. abl.) after (in time); above (in rank); afterwards nud 2.P. to impel; to move; to

W^~ 7 ` (.)
appnaskandhaghtbhy grsaalya praveayet / (39.1)
p-pna-skandha-ghta grsa-alya praveay
p m. water pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel W^ skandha m. (archit.) the
support (part of a capital); samparya and bhadrdi; a chapter ghta m. killing; stroke
grsa m. a mouthful; amount of obscuration; an eclipse 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous
substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault ` praveay 10.. to come or be
brought into (acc.); to enter; to enter i.e. commit to paper.

W7 ` (.)
skmkivraaalyni kaumavlajalair haret // (39.2)
skma-aki-vraa-alya kauma-vla-jala h
W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant aki n. the eye vraa mn. a flaw; abscess;
blemish 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain;
a dart; a fault kauma n. linen cloth or garment; linseed; the flower of flax vla m. a hair-
sieve; any tail or hair; bristle jala n. a cow's embryo; a kind of Andropogon; any fluid T h
2.P. to annihilate; to appropriate (in a legitimate way); to avert (the face).

ap pra vidhunuyd avkirasam yatam / (40.1)
p p vidh avkiras yam
p m. water p 3.. to be filled with; to be sated; to become complete (as a number)
vidh 4.P. to abandon; to agitate; to destroy avkiras adj. having its upper end turned
downwards; having the head downwards; headlong yam 6.P. to bring hither; to draw
back; to draw near.

V W ` (.)
vmayeccmukha bhasmarau v nikhanen naram // (40.2)
vmay-ca-mukham bhasman-ri v nikhan nara
vmay 10.P. to cause to vomit ca ind. also; and; as well as mukham ind. up to the
mouth W bhasman n. ashes; sacred ashes (smeared on the body); one of the five effects of
fixation of mercury ri mf. a heap; a heap of corn; a measure of quantity v ind. either -
or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally nikhan 2.P. to bury; to dig into (the
ground); to dig or root up nara m. a class of myth. beings allied to the Gandharvas and
Kinaras; a male; a man.

` ~` ~ (.)
kare 'mbupre hastena mathitv tailavri / (41.1)
kara ambu-p hasta math taila-vri
kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle ~ ambu n. a kind of
Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the number four p 3.. to be
filled with; to be sated; to become complete (as a number) hasta mn. autograph; the hand;
trunk (of an elephant) math 4.. to churn; to produce fire; to stir or whirl round taila n.
oil; olibanum; sesamum oil vri n. pond; water; ????.

` ~ (.)
kiped adhomukha kara hanyd v cayeta v // (41.2)
kip adhomukha kara han v cay v
kip 6.. to cast; to despatch; to lose (time) adhomukha adj. having the face
downwards; headlong; upside down kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter
of a circle han 1.. (astron.) to come in contact; to abandon; to avert v ind. either - or; on
the one side - on the other side; optionally cay 10.. v ind. either - or; on the one side -
on the other side; optionally.

` ` =~ (.)
ke srotogate kara prayellavambun / (42.1)
ka srotas-gam kara pray-lavaa-ambu
ka m. a worm; an expression of contempt; insect srotas n. a river; an aperture in the
human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of sense gam
6.P. to approach; to go; to move kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a
circle pray 10.. to bestrew; to blow (a conch); to complete lavaa adj. beautiful; briny;
graceful ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the
number four.

" ` (.)
uktena v sukhoena mte kledaharo vidhi // (42.2)
ukta v sukha-ua m kleda-hara vidhi
" ukta n. any sour liquor or gruel (esp. a kind of acid beverage prepared from roots and
fruits); anything fermented or become sour; flesh v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the
other side; optionally sukha adj. agreeable; comfortable; easy ua adj. acrid; active; hot
m 4.. to calcine; to decease; to die kleda m. dampness; discharge (from a sore); moisture
hara adj. bearing; destroying; ravishing vidhi m. a grammatical rule or precept; a means; a

` W (.)
jtua hemarpydidhtuja ca cirasthitam / (43.1)
jtua heman-rpya-di-dhtuja ca cira-sth
jtua adj. adhesive; made of or covered with lac or gum (jatu) ` heman n. a gold piece;
gold; golden ornaments rpya n. collyrium; rupee; silver di m. a firstling; and so on;
beginning dhtuja mn. bitumen ca ind. also; and; as well as cira adj. existing from
ancient times; lasting long time; long W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand.

P 7 `` ` (.)
ma pryaa alya dehajena vilyate // (43.2)
man pryaas alya deha-ja vil
P man m. (medic.) a kind of sveda; ardour; glow pryaas ind. as a rule; for the
most part; generally 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and
causing pain; a dart; a fault ` deha mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form ja adj. born or
produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from vil 4.P. to be dissolved;
to cling or cleave or adhere to; to disappear.

^"W* (.)
mdveudrugsthidantavlopalni na / (44.1)
md-veu-dru-ga-asthi-danta-vla-upala na
md f. clay; earth; loam ` veu m. a bamboo; a flute; a kind of alchemical apparatus (
veuyantra) ^ dru mn. a piece of wood; name of a man; wood " ga n. aaga; a cusp
or horn of the moon; a horn used for various purposes (as in drinking) W asthi n. a bone; the
kernel of a fruit * danta mn. a pin used in playing a lute; a tooth; an arbour vla m. a hair-
sieve; any tail or hair; bristle upala mn. a precious stone; a rock; chalk (? in manchen Texten
Hind safed patthar) na ind. neither; no; nor.

`"^7 (.)
viavevayastladrualya cird api // (44.2)
via-veu-ayas-tla-dru-alya cirt api
via n. a horn; a horn (wind-instrument); a peak ` veu m. a bamboo; a flute; a kind
of alchemical apparatus ( veuyantra) ayas n. an iron weapon (as an axe); gold; iron
tla m. a cymbal; a dance; a goldsmith ^ dru mn. a piece of wood; name of a man; wood 7
alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault
cirt ind. api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

W` T *" V (.)
pryo nirbhujyate taddhi pacatyu palsj / (45.1)
pryas nirbhuj tad-hi pac-u pala-asj
pryas ind. abundantly; as a general rule; commonly nirbhuj 6.P. to bend awry; to
distort (mouth) tad pron. this hi ind. because; for; on account of pac 1.. to bake; to
become ripe; to boil " u ind. quickly pala mn. a particular fluid measure; a particular
measure of time ( 1/60 Gha); flesh V asj n. blood; saffron.

7 ` ` Q` (.)
alye msvaghe cet sa deo na vidahyate // (45.2)
alya msa-avagh ced tad dea na vidah
7 alya m. Aegle Marmelos; a fence; a kind of fish msa n. flesh; meat avagh 1.P.
to bathe in; to be absorbed in; to go deep into ced ind. (never found at the beginning of a
sentence or verse) ca; when tad pron. this ` dea m. country; institute; kingdom na ind.
neither; no; nor vidah 4.. to be consumed by grief; to be inflamed (as a wound); to be
puffed up.

"T (.)
tatas ta mardanasvedauddhikaraabhaai / (46.1)
tatas tad mardana-sveda-uddhi-karaa-bhaa
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason tad pron. this mardana mn.
cleaning or combing (the hair); friction i.e. opposition (of planets); rubbing sveda m. a
sudorific; heat; perspiration ("drops of perspiration") "T uddhi f. accuracy; accurate knowledge
regarding; acquittal karaa n. agriculture; plowing; Ziehen bhaa n. a means for
making strong or firm; the act of making big.

WW_ (.)
tkopanhapnnnaghanaastrapadkanai // (46.2)
W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot upanha m. a bundle; a cover; a kind of disease of the joint
of the eye (sadhi) pna n. a canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel anna n. bread corn; earth;
especially boiled rice ghana mn. a collection; a mode of dancing (neither quick nor slow); a
particular method of reciting the W astrapada n. incision _ akana n. branding;
ciphering; stamping.

~ ` 7 (.)
pcayitv harecchalya panaiaabhedanai / (47.1)
pcay h-alya pana-eaa-bhedana
pcay 10.. to bring to completion or to an end; to cause to cook or be cooked; to cause to
ripen T h 2.P. to annihilate; to appropriate (in a legitimate way); to avert (the face) 7 alya
mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault
pana n. cutting to pieces; destroying; dividing eaa n. begging; medical examination;
probing bhedana n. Asa Foetida; a purgative; betrayal (of a secret).

7`M `W V (.)
alyapradeayantrm avekya bahurpatm / (47.2)
alya-pradea-yantra avek bahu-rpa-t
7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a
fault ` pradea m. (with Jainas) one of the obstacles to liberation; a short span (measured
from the tip of the thumb to that of the forefinger); a short while M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop;
a surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one) ` avek 1.P. to behold; to experience; to have in view
V bahu adj. abundant; great in quantity; many rpa n. a particular coin; a show; a single
specimen t f. ifc. abstracta.

^ 7 N ` (.)
tais tairupyair matimn alya vidyt tathharet // (47.3)
tad tad-upya matimant alya vid tath-h
tad pron. this tad pron. this upya m. a means of success against an enemy (four are
usually enumerated); a means or expedient (of any kind); approach * matimant adj. clever;
intelligent; wise 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and
causing pain; a dart; a fault vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to know; to learn tath ind. in like
manner; in that manner; so T h 1.. to bring; to bring home (a bride); to bring near.

W W W (.)
athta astrakarmavidhim adhyya vykhysyma / (1.1)
atha-atas astrakarmavidhi adhyya vykhy
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason W
astrakarmavidhi m. name of Agahdayasahit, S. 29 W adhyya m. a lesson; a reader;
chapter W vykhy 2.. to call; to communicate; to discuss.

WV (.)
iti ha smhur treydayo maharaya / (1.2)
iti ha sma-ah treya-di mah-i
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) ha ind. (particle); a kind of bja W sma ind. always; certainly; ever ah 1.P.
to acknowledge; to adjugde anything; to call treya m. a descendant of Atri; a priest who is
closely related to the Sadasya; chyle di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning mah ind.
(irreg.- *mahant) -> gross i m. a hymn or Mantra composed by a i; a ray of light; a saint
or sanctified sage in general.

` (.)
vraa sajyate prya pkcchvayathuprvakt / (1.3)
vraa sajan prya pka-vayathu-prvaka
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish sajan 4.. to appear; to arise or come forth from
(abl.); to be prya m. a stage of life; age; anything prominent pka m. a cooking utensil;
an abscess; any act having consequences N vayathu m. Aufgedunsenheit; intumescence;
swelling prvaka adj. .

` W (.)
tam evopacaret tasmd rakan pka prayatnata // (1.4)
tad eva-upacar tasmt rak pka prayatna
tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even upacar 1.. to apply figuratively; to
approach; to approach W tasmt ind. therefore rak 1.. to attend to; to beware of; to
conceal pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences prayatna m.
action; activity; caution.

sutalepaseksramokasaodhandibhi / (2.1)
su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very ta adj. boiled; cold; dull lepa m. (esp.) particles
or remnants wiped from the hand after offering oblations to three ancestors; a coating of paint; a
kind of disease seka m. a drop of anything; a libation; a shower-bath asra n. a corner; a
tear; blood moka m. (in astron.) the liberation of an eclipsed or occulted planet;
abandonment; acquittance of an obligation saodhana n. correcting; paying off;
purification or a means of purification di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

7 7P^ W (.)
opho 'lpo 'lpomaruk sma savara kahina sthira // (2.2)
opha alpa alpa-man-ruj sa-ma sa-vara kahina sthira
opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) 7 alpa adj.
little; minute; small 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small P man m. (medic.) a kind of sveda;
ardour; glow ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease sa ind. (ibc.) with ma adj.
fine; immature; name of the cow (considered as the raw material which produces the prepared
milk) sa ind. (ibc.) with vara mn. a co-efficient; a cover; a covering kahina adj.
difficult; firm; hard W sthira adj. ascertained; calm; certain.

pacyamno vivaras tu rg vastirivtata / (3.1)
pac vivara tu rgin vasti-iva-tan
pac 1.. to bake; to become ripe; to boil vivara adj. belonging to a mixed caste;
colourless; low tu ind. and; but; do rgin adj. affectionate; coloured; colouring vasti
mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder iva ind. a
little; about; almost tan 8.. to be ready for; to bestow upon; to effect.

W ~ (.)
sphuatva sanistoda sgamardavijmbhika // (3.2)
sphu-iva sa-nistoda sa-agamarda-vijmbhik
W sphu 6.. to burst open or into view; to burst or become suddenly rent asunder; to burst or
split open iva ind. a little; about; almost sa ind. (ibc.) with nistoda m. sa ind. (ibc.)
with agamarda m. a servant who shampoos his master's body; massage; rheumatism
~ vijmbhik f. gasping for breath; yawning.

~^ 7~ (.)
sarambhrucidhotjvarnidratnvita / (4.1)
~ sarambha m. agitation; anger; angriness ^ aruci f. aversion; disgust; dislike dha
m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) u f. a cow; burning; dawn t f. Desire as
daughter of Love; strong desire; thirst 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the
different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul
anidra adj. awake; sleepless t f. ifc. abstracta ~ anvita adj. accompanied by; acquired;

* W*W W (.)
styna viyandayatyjya vraavat sparansaha // (4.2)
styna viyanday-jya vraa-vat sparana-asaha
* styna n. apathy; density; echo W viyanday 10.P. W jya n. (in a wider sense) oil
and milk used instead of clarified butter at a sacrifice; melted or clarified butter; name of a sort
of chant (astra) connected with the morning sacrifice vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish
vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) W sparana n. contact; donation; gift asaha adj. impatient;
incapable of bearing (or producing young ones); intolerant.

` 7` " (.)
pakve 'lpavegat mlni put valisabhava / (5.1)
pakva alpa-vega-t mlni pu-t vali-sambhava
pakva adj. accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots) 7 alpa
adj. little; minute; small ` vega m. a stream; agitation; attack t f. ifc. abstracta mlni f.
blackness; decay; depression " pu adj. pale; white; yellowish white t f. ifc. abstracta
vali mf. a fold of the skin; a line or stroke made with fragrant unguents on the person; a
particular musical instrument ~ sambhava m. ability; acquaintance; adequacy.

* W " (.)
nmo 'ntennatir madhye kaophdimrdavam // (5.2)
na-ma anta-unnati madhya ka-opha-di-mrdava
na ind. neither; no; nor ma adj. fine; immature; name of the cow (considered as the raw
material which produces the prepared milk) * anta m. a final syllable; a shore; border
unnati f. advancement; ascending; elevation W madhya n. abdomen; centre; cessation "
ka f. itch; itching; scratching opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema
(Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning mrdava n.
gentleness; kindness; leniency towards.

W ` ~ (.)
spe pyasya sacro bhaved vastvivmbhasa / (6.1)
sp pya sacra bh vasti-iva-ambhas
W sp 6.. to feel with the hand; to graze; to handle pya mn. discharge from an ulcer or
wound; purulent matter; pus sacra m. a gem supposed to be in the head of a serpent; a
particular class of spies; any motion bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being vasti
mf. abdomen; an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself; the bladder iva ind. a
little; about; almost ~ ambhas n. collective name for gods, men, Manes, and Asuras; fruit
fulness; power.

" 7 (.)
la narte 'nild dha pittcchopha kaphodayt // (6.2)
la na-te anila dha pitta-opha kapha-udaya
" la mn. a flag; a sharp iron pin or stake; a stake for impaling criminals na ind. neither; no;
nor ` te ind. besides; excepting; under pain of anila m. air or wind; any affection
referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons dha m. burning;
cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour opha m.
intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) kapha m. phlegm;
phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general udaya m. a following word;
appearance; becoming visible.

V (.)
rgo raktcca pka syd ato doai saoitai / (7.1)
rga rakta-ca pka as atas doa sa-oita
rga m. a musical note; a particular process in the preparation of quicksilver; a prince
rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood ca ind. also; and; as well as pka
m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be
equal to (dat.) atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason doa
mn. a calf; accusation; affection sa ind. (ibc.) with oita n. a kind of prameha-
onitameha; blood; resin.

7 ~ (.)
pke 'tivtte suiras tanutvagdoabhakita // (7.2)
pka ativt suira tanu-tvac-doa-bhakay
pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences ativt 1.. to
cross; to delay; to get over suira adj. having spaces; hollow; perforated tanu adj.
accomplished (in metre); delicate; emaciated ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used
in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection bhakay
10.. to eat; to feed someone; to make someone eat something.

^ (.)
valbhircita yva ryamatanruha / (8.1)
val-ci yva -tanruha
val f. vali; a fold; a wave ci 5.. to accumulate; to cover with (instr.) yva adj.
brown; dark; darkbrown " 9.. to break; to crush; to kill (game) ^ tanruha n. a feather;

~ *V (.)
kaphajeu tu opheu gambhra pkam etyask // (8.2)
kapha-ja tu opha gambhra pka i-asj
kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth or foam in general ja adj.
born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from tu ind. and; but; do
opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) ~ gambhra
adj. gabhra pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences i 1.P. to
advance; to appear; to approach any one with requests (with two acc.) V asj n. blood;

W (.)
pakvaliga tato 'spaa yatra sycchtaophat / (9.1)
pakva-liga tatas aspaa yatra as-ta-opha-t
pakva adj. accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots) liga
mn. (in logic) vypya; (in Skhya) prakti or pradhna; prtipadika tatas ind. after that;
consequently; for that reason W aspaa adj. indistinct yatra ind. where; wherein;
wherever as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) ta adj. boiled; cold; dull opha
m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) t f. ifc. abstracta.

~" ^ 7~ W~ (.)
tvaksvarya rujo 'lpatva ghanasparatvam amavat // (9.2)
tvac-svarya ruj alpa-tva ghana-spara-tva aman-vat
~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag "
svarya n. homogeneousness (of sounds); identity of caste or class; identity of colour ^ ruj mf.
Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small ~ tva n. (Marker fr
abstrakte Nomina) ghana adj. complete; dark; deep W spara m. a gift; a kind of sexual
union; a spy ~ tva n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) aman mn. a precious stone; a stone;
any instrument made of stone (as a hammer etc.) vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel).

raktapkam iti bryt ta prjo muktasaaya / (10.1)
rakta-pka iti br tad prja muc-saaya
rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood pka m. a cooking utensil; an
abscess; any act having consequences iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification
iti refers to something that has been said or thought) br 2.. to answer (either intrans. with
punar or trans. with pranam); to be told by itself; to call or profess one's self to be tad pron.
this prja adj. intellectual; intelligent muc 6.. to get rid of; to let loose; to liberate from
saaya m. hesitation; irresolution; lying down to rest or sleep.

7* * T` (.)
alpasattve 'bale ble pkd vtyartham uddhate // (10.2)
alpa-sattva abala bla pka v-atyartham uddhan
7 alpa adj. little; minute; small * sattva n. a substantive; a thing; being abala adj. weak
bla adj. childish; early (as the sun or its rays); foolish pka m. a cooking utensil; an
abscess; any act having consequences v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side;
optionally * atyartham ind. excessively T uddhan 2.P. to dig; to hang one's self; to lift up.

WW` ~ (.)
draa marmasadhydisthite cnyatra panam / (11.1)
draa marman-sadhi-di-sth ca-anyatra pana
draa n. a means of opening; bursting; flying open marman n. any joint or
articulation; any open or exposed or weak or sensitive part of the body; any secret or mystery
sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint di m.
a firstling; and so on; beginning W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand ca ind. also;
and; as well as ~ anyatra ind. at another time than; elsewhere; except pana n. cutting
to pieces; destroying; dividing.

` N V (.)
macchede sirsnyuvypado 'sgatisruti // (11.2)
ma-cheda sir-snyu-vypad asj-atisruti
ma adj. fine; immature; name of the cow (considered as the raw material which produces
the prepared milk) cheda m. a cut; an incision; cessation sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a
stream N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle; tendon vypad f. calamity; death; derangement
V asj n. blood; saffron atisruti f. [medic.] excessive bloodletting.

^ T T (.)
rujo 'tivddhir daraa visarpo v katodbhava / (12.1)
ruj ativddhi daraa visarpa v kata-udbhava
^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease T ativddhi f. extraordinary growth
daraa n. breaking; cleaving; falling away (of flesh) visarpa m. a kind of kudrakuha; a
particular disease [erysipelas or any similar spreading eruption]; creeping along or about v
ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally kata n. a hurt; contusion;
murder T udbhava adj. produced or coming from.

* NV (.)
tihann anta puna pya sirsnyvasgmiam // (12.2)
sth antar punar pya sir-snyu-asj-mia
W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand * antar ind. amongst; between; in the middle
punar ind. again and again; back; besides pya mn. discharge from an ulcer or wound;
purulent matter; pus sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle;
tendon V asj n. blood; saffron mia n. a gift; a pleasing or beautiful object; an object
of enjoyment.

T (.)
vivddho dahati kipra tolapam ivnala / (13.1)
vivdh dah kipram ta-ulapa iva-anala
vivdh 1.. to arise; to be lengthened; to be lucky or fortunate dah 1.. to be in flames;
to burn; to cauterise kipram ind. quickly ta n. any gramineous plant; blade of grass;
grass ulapa m. a species of soft grass; name of a pupil of Kalpin iva ind. a little; about;
almost anala m. (in astron.) the fiftieth year of; bile; digestive power.

"7 V `` (.)
yachinattymam ajnd yaca pakvam upekate // (13.2)
yad-chid-ma ajna yad-ca pakva upek
yad pron. what; which chid 1.P. to amputate; to chop; to cut off ma adj. fine;
immature; name of the cow (considered as the raw material which produces the prepared milk)
ajna n. (in philosophy) spiritual ignorance; Illusion; ignorance yad pron. what; which
ca ind. also; and; as well as pakva adj. accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or
earthenware pots) ` upek 1.P. to abandon; to allow; to connive at.

N V (.)
vapacviva vijeyau tvanicitakriau / (14.1)
vapaca-iva vij tad-anicita-krin
N vapaca mf. a dog-feeder; a man or woman of a low and outcaste tribe (the son of a Cala
and a Brhma); dog-keeper iva ind. a little; about; almost vij 9.. to ascertain; to
declare; to discern tad pron. this V anicita adj. not certain; unascertained krin adj.
acting; an actor; doing.

WV (.)
prk astrakarmaacea bhojayed annam turam // (14.2)
prk astrakarman-ca-i bhojay anna tura
prk ind. before W astrakarman n. any surgical operation ca ind. also; and; as well
as i 1.P. to assent; to choose; to concede bhojay 10.. to cause to enjoy or eat; to feed
with (two acc. or acc. of pers. and instr. of thing); to use as food anna n. bread corn; earth;
especially boiled rice tura adj. desirous of (Inf.); diseased or pained by (in comp.); sick (in
body or mind).

N W ` (.)
pnapa pyayen madya tka yo vedankama / (15.1)
pnapa pyay madya tka yad vedan-kama
pnapa adj. drinking spirituous liquors pyay 10.. (eine erhitzte Substanz)
eintauchen; to make someone drink; to temper N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or
spiritous liquor; wine W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot yad pron. what; which ` vedan f.
feeling; pain; sensation kama adj. able; adequate; appropriate.

* 7 W W` (.)
na mrchatyannasayogn matta astra na budhyate // (15.2)
na mrch-anna-sayoga mad astra na budh
na ind. neither; no; nor

mrch 1.. to assume shape or substance or consistency; to become

or be vehement or intense or strong; to become senseless or stupid or unconscious anna n.
bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice sayoga m. a kind of alliance or peace made
between two kings with a common object; absorption; being engaged in mad 4.. to be
drunk; to delight in; to exult W astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or wounding; any
instrument or tool na ind. neither; no; nor budh 1.. to attend to; to be awake; to be
awakened or restored to consciousness.

~ (.)
anyatra mhagarbhmamukharogodarturt / (16.1)
anyatra mhagarbha-aman-mukha-roga-udara-tura
~ anyatra ind. at another time than; elsewhere; except mhagarbha m. a dead fetus;
difficult delivery aman mn. a precious stone; a stone; any instrument made of stone (as a
hammer etc.) mukha n. a direction; beginning; best roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus
Speciosus or Arabicus; disease udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection
(as of the liver) tura adj. desirous of (Inf.); diseased or pained by (in comp.); sick (in body
or mind).

T N _ (.)
athhtopakaraa vaidya prmukham turam // (16.2)
atha-h-upakaraa vaidya prmukha tura
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
T h 1.. to bring; to bring home (a bride); to bring near upakaraa n. any object of art
or science; anything added over and above; anything fabricated N vaidya m. a learned man; a
physician (accounted a mixed caste); an expert (versed in his own profession) _ prmukha
adj. facing eastwards; inclined towards tura adj. desirous of (Inf.); diseased or pained by (in
comp.); sick (in body or mind).

M~" ~ (.)
samukho yantrayitvu nyasyen marmdi varjayan / (17.1)
sammukha yantray-u nyas marman-di varjay
sammukha adj. adapted to circumstances; before; before the eyes M yantray Denom.P. to
bandage; to bind; to curb " u ind. quickly ~ nyas 2.P. to arrange; to intrust; to plant
marman n. any joint or articulation; any open or exposed or weak or sensitive part of the body;
any secret or mystery di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning varjay 10.. to avoid.

W (.)
anuloma suniita astram pyadarant // (17.2)
anuloma su-ni astra pya-darana
anuloma adj. conformable; in a natural direction; in order su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-;
[ibc.] very ni 3.P. to excite; to prepare or present (food etc.) for strengthening; to sharpen
W astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool pya mn.
discharge from an ulcer or wound; purulent matter; pus darana n. audience; examination;

T `7V * (.)
sakd evharettacca pke tu sumahatyapi / (18.1)
sakt eva-h-tad-ca pka tu su-mahant-api
T sakt ind. at once; ever; for ever eva ind. alone; already; even T h 1.. to bring; to
bring home (a bride); to bring near tad pron. this ca ind. also; and; as well as pka m. a
cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences tu ind. and; but; do su ind. quite;
[ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very * mahant adj. abounding on rich in (instr.); abundant; advanced
(afternoon) api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

H P H = * (.)
payed dvyagula samyag dvyagulatryagulntaram // (18.2)
pay dvi-agula samyak dvi-agula-tri-agula-antara
pay 10.. to tear dvi nr. two agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's
breadth P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig dvi nr. two agula mn. (in astron.) a digit;
a finger; a finger's breadth tri nr. 3 MW agula mn. (in astron.) a digit; a finger; a finger's
breadth * antara n. a hole; absence; another.

~ P " (.)
eitv samyag eiy parita sunirpitam / (19.1)
eay samyak ea paritas su-nirpay
eay 10.. [medic.] to probe (G.J. Meulenbeld 0: 217) P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig
ea f. a goldsmith's scale; a kind of knife used in surgery; an iron or steel probe
paritas ind. all around; everywhere; round su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very nirpay
Denom.P. to act; to appoint to; to choose.

` (.)
agulnlavlair v yathdea yathayam // (19.2)
aguli-nla-vla v yathdeam yathayam
aguli mf. a finger; a kind of plant; a toe nla mfn. a hollow stalk; any tube or tubular
vessel or vein etc. of the body; the hollow stalk of the lotus vla m. a hair-sieve; any tail or
hair; bristle v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally `
yathdeam ind. according to direction or injunction yathayam ind. according to
intention or wish; according to stipulation or presumption.

` N (.)
yato gat gati vidyd utsago yatra yatra ca / (20.1)
yatas gam gati vid utsaga yatra yatra ca
yatas ind. as; as soon as; because gam 6.P. to approach; to go; to move gati f. Motion
(personified as a daughter of Kardama and wife of Pulaha); a certain division of the moon's path
and the position of the planet in it (the diurnal motion of a planet in its orbit?); a happy issue
vid 1.P. to be conscious of; to know; to learn utsaga m. a particular position of the
hands; any horizontal area or level (as a roof of a house etc.); association yatra ind. where;
wherein; wherever yatra ind. where; wherein; wherever ca ind. also; and; as well as.

tatra tatra vraa kuryt suvibhakta nirayam // (20.2)
tatra tatra vraa k su-vibhaj niraya
tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become su ind.
quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very vibhaj 1.. to apportion; to assign; to cut niraya adj.
(wound) not deep.

yata ca vila ca yath doo na tihati / (21.1)
yam ca vila ca yath doa na sth
yam 6.P. to bring hither; to draw back; to draw near ca ind. also; and; as well as
vila adj. abundant in; broad; eminent ca ind. also; and; as well as yath ind. according;
as; as doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection na ind. neither; no; nor W sth 1.. to adhere
to; to be; to be at hand.

" W W ` (.)
auryam ukriy tka astram asvedavepath // (21.2)
aurya u-kriy tka astra asveda-vepathu
aurya n. heroism; might; name of a village " u adj. fast; going quickly; quick
kriy f. a literary work; a noun of action; a religious rite or ceremony W tka adj. acid; fiery;
hot W astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool
asveda m. suppressed perspiration ` vepathu m. quivering; trembling; tremor.

V N W ` (.)
asamohaca vaidyasya astrakarmai asyate / (22.1)
asamoha-ca vaidya astrakarman as
asamoha m. calmness; composure; deliberateness ca ind. also; and; as well as N
vaidya m. a learned man; a physician (accounted a mixed caste); an expert (versed in his own
profession) W astrakarman n. any surgical operation as 2.. to approve; to
calumniate; to commend.

N=*` (.)
tiryak chindyllalabhrdantaveakajatrui // (22.2)
tiryac chid-lala-bhr-dantaveaka-jatru
B tiryac adj. animal; horizontal chid 1.P. to amputate; to chop; to cut off lala mn.
a gable; name of the location where Viu married Lakm; the forehead bhr f. an eyebrow
*` dantaveaka m. the gums; the gums of the upper and lower jatru mn. the collar-bone.

kukikakkikauhakapolagalavakae / (23.1)
kuki mf. a bay; a cavity in general; a valley kaka mf. arm-pit (as the most concealed
part of the human body); belt; border akika n. the prominent part of the forehead
above the eye oha m. the forepart of an Agnikua; the lip (generally du.) kapola mn.
cheek; name of a school belonging to the white Yajurveda; kahin, kha gala m. neck; the
throat vakaa mn. abdomen; Bauch; cavity.

~ N (.)
anyatra chedant tiryak sirsnyuvipanam // (23.2)
anyatra chedana tiryac sir-snyu-vipana
~ anyatra ind. at another time than; elsewhere; except chedana n. (chiefly ifc.) cutting; a
graver [Grabstichel]; a medicine for removing the humors of the body B tiryac adj. animal;
horizontal sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle; tendon
vipana n. acute pain; destruction; eradication.

W ` ~V (.)
astre 'vacrite vgbhi tmbhobhica rogiam / (24.1)
astra avacray vc ta-ambhas-ca rogin
W astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool
avacray 10.. to apply (in med.) vc f. a literary work; a word; asseveration ta adj.
boiled; cold; dull ~ ambhas n. collective name for gods, men, Manes, and Asuras; fruit
fulness; power ca ind. also; and; as well as rogin adj. diseased; ill; sick.

N 7 7 (.)
vsya parito 'guly paripya vraa tata // (24.2)
vsay paritas aguli paripay vraa tatas
N vsay 10.. to calm; to cheer up; to comfort paritas ind. all around; everywhere;
round aguli mf. a finger; a kind of plant; a toe paripay 10.P. (in augury) to
cover; to cover up; to harass vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish tatas ind. after that;
consequently; for that reason.

~ N`~ (.)
klayitv kayea plotenmbho 'panya ca / (25.1)
klay kaya plota-ambhas apan ca
klay 10.. to clean; to cleanse; to purify kaya adj. astringent; dull red; fragrant
N plota mn. (?) cloth; a bandage; stuff ~ ambhas n. collective name for gods, men, Manes,
and Asuras; fruit fulness; power apan 1.. to deny; to except; to exclude from a rule ca
ind. also; and; as well as.

7^T ~ (.)
guggulvagurusiddhrthahigusarjarasnvitai // (25.2)
guggulu mn. Balsamodendron mukul Hooker; bdellium or the exudation of Amyris
Agallochum (a fragrant gum resin) ^ aguru mn. Amyris agallocha Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld
(1974), 522); Aquilaria Agallocha Roxb.; Aquilaria malaccensis Lam. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974:
522) T siddhrtha adj. efficient; one who has accomplished an aim; one whose aim is known
higu n. Asa foetida; a fluid or resinous substance prepared from the roots of the Asa Foitida
(used as a medicine or for seasoning) sarjarasa mn. a kind of tree; a particular musical
instrument; Shorea Robusta ~ anvita adj. accompanied by; acquired; attended.

*~7 N (.)
dhpayet pauagranthnimbapattrair ghtaplutai / (26.1)
dhpay pau-agranth-nimba-pattra ghta-plu
dhpay Denom.P. (astrol.) to obscure with mist; to be about to eclipse; to fumigate pau
mn. a mushroom; pulverized salt; salt * agranth f. a kind of aromatic root; Curcuma
Zedoaria; Galedupa Piscidia ~ nimba m. Azadirachta Indica (its fruit is bitter and its leaves are
chewed at funeral ceremonies); the Nimb or Neemb tree 7 pattra mn. a bird; a chariot; a knife
ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which
drops from heaven) N plu 1.P. to bathe; to blow (as the wind); to float.

7W ` (.)
tilakalkjyamadhubhir yathsva bheajena ca // (26.2)
tila-kalka-jya-madhu yathsvam bheaja ca
tila mn. a mole; a small particle; name of a chapter of PSarv. 7 kalka mn. (architect.) a
kind of mortar/coating; a kind of tenacious paste; a viscous sediment deposited by oily
substances when ground W jya n. (in a wider sense) oil and milk used instead of clarified
butter at a sacrifice; melted or clarified butter; name of a sort of chant (astra) connected with
the morning sacrifice madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet
(esp. if liquid) yathsvam ind. accordingly; appropriately ` bheaja n. a remedy; a spell
or charm; drug ca ind. also; and; as well as.

^ ` N ` V (.)
digdh varti tato dadyt tairevcchdayecca tm / (27.1)
dih vart tatas d tad-eva-cchday-ca tad
dih 2.. to accumulate; to anoint; to increase vart f. a kind of bandage bound round a
wound; a kind of fringe; a limp tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason d 1..
to answer; to give; to give (a daughter) in marriage tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already;
even cchday 10.. to clothe; to cover; to dress ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron.

V (.)
ghtktai saktubhicordhva ghan kavalik tata // (27.2)
ghta-aj saktu-ca-rdhvam ghana kavalik tatas
ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which
drops from heaven) M aj 7.. (eine trockene Substanz mit einer Flssigkeit) binden; to
anoint; to apply an ointment or pigment saktu m. coarsely ground meal; grit; groats (esp. of
barley-meal) ca ind. also; and; as well as rdhvam ind. after; furthermore; upward
ghana adj. complete; dark; deep kavalik f. a bandage; a piece of cloth over a sore or
wound tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason.

nidhya yukty badhnyt paena susamhitam / (28.1)
nidh yukti bandh paa su-samhita
nidh 3.. to appoint a person to a work; to be contained or situated or absorbed in; to bear
in mind yukti f. (in astron.) conjunction; a sentence; adaptedness ^ bandh 4.P. met. to
attach to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience paa m. (esp.) a copper
plate for inscribing royal grants or orders; a bandage; a frontlet su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-;
[ibc.] very samhita adj. added (as fuel to fire); applied; collected.

N (.)
prve savye 'pasavye v ndhastn naiva copari // (28.2)
prva savya apasavya v na-adhastt na-eva ca-upari
N prva mn. a curved knife; a side of any square figure; flank (either of animate or inanimate
objects) savya adj. backward; contrary; left apasavya adj. not on the left side; right
v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally na ind. neither; no; nor
adhastt ind. below na ind. neither; no; nor eva ind. alone; already; even ca ind. also; and;
as well as upari ind. (as a separable adverb) above; on; towards the upper side of (opposed
to adhas).

"W[ 7 (.)
uciskmadh pa kavalya savikeik / (29.1)
uci-skma-dha paa kaval sa-vikeik
" uci adj. bright; brilliantly white; clean W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant [ dha
adj. certain; close (e.g. ship); complete (opp. to bhinna) paa m. (esp.) a copper plate for
inscribing royal grants or orders; a bandage; a frontlet kaval f. [medic.] kavalik sa ind.
(ibc.) with vikeik f. [medic.] (Watte-)Bausch (wad?).

HW (.)
dhpit mdava lak nirvalk vrae hit // (29.2)
dhpay mdu laka nirvalka vraa hita
dhpay Denom.P. (astrol.) to obscure with mist; to be about to eclipse; to fumigate mdu
adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) HW laka adj. bland; even;
fine nirvalka adj. free from folds vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish hita adj.
agreeable; arranged; beneficial.

* T (.)
kurvtnantara tasya rak rakoniiddhaye / (30.1)
k-anantaram tad rak rakas-niiddhi
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become * anantaram ind. right after . tad
pron. this rak f. (esp.) a sort of bracelet or amulet; a guard; a tutelary divinity rakas n.
a Rkasa; an evil being or demon; damage T niiddhi f. defence; prohibition; warding off.

` `~ (.)
bali copaharet tebhya sad mrdhn ca dhrayet // (30.2)
bali ca-upah tad sad mrdhan ca dhray
bali m. a victim (often a goat or buffalo) offered to Durg; any offering or propitiatory
oblation (esp. an offering of portions of food); fragments of food at a meal ca ind. also; and; as
well as T upah 2.P. to accept; to apply (medicine); to bring near tad pron. this sad
ind. always; continually; ever mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything;
beginning; chief (applied to persons) ca ind. also; and; as well as dhray 10.. to hold; to
keep; to possess.

W Q (.)
lakm guhm atiguh jail brahmacrim / (31.1)
lakm guh atiguh jail brahmacri
W lakm f. dravya; ddhi; a bad sign guh f. (fig.) the heart; a hiding-place; cave
atiguh f. the plant Hemionites Cordifolia jail f. Acorus Calamus; a kind of Artemisia; long
pepper Q brahmacri f. a woman who observes the vow of chastity; Clerodendrum
Siphonantus; name of Durg.

7 7 { T (.)
vac chattrm aticchattr drv siddhrthakn api // (31.2)
vac chattr aticchatr drv siddhrthaka api
vac f. Acorus calamus Linn.; a kind of aromatic root; Turdus salica 7 chattr f. Anethum
Sowa; Asteracantha longifolia; a mushroom aticchatr f. a kind of plant { drv f.
bent grass; Cynodon dactylon Pers.; Drb grass T siddhrthaka mn. Brassica campestris
Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 607); Brassica juncea Coss. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 607);
Brassica nigra Koch (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 607) api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

N` (.)
tata snehadinehokta tasycra samdiet / (32.1)
tatas sneha-dina-h-vac tad-cra samdis
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an
unguent; any oleaginous substance dina mn. a day h f. activity; desire; effort vac 2.P.
to declare; to proclaim; to recite tad pron. this cra m. a rule or line; an established rule
of conduct; behaviour samdis 6.. to advise; to allot; to announce.

P "^T (.)
divsvapno vrae kargarukophapyakt // (32.2)
divsvapna vraa ka-rga-ruj-opha-pya-kt
P divsvapna mn. (n. only) sleep by day vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish " ka
f. itch; itching; scratching rga m. a musical note; a particular process in the preparation of
quicksilver; a prince ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease opha m. intumescence;
morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) pya mn. discharge from an ulcer or
wound; purulent matter; pus T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

W WWV` (.)
str tu smtisasparadaranaicalitasrute / (33.1)
str tu smti-saspara-darana-cal-sru
W str f. a kind of metre; a white ant; a woman tu ind. and; but; do W smti f. a kind of
metre; calling to mind; desire W saspara m. close or mutual contact; conjunction; mixture
darana n. audience; examination; inspection cal 1.. to be agitated; to be disturbed; to be
moved sru 1.. to arise from; to disappear; to drop.

" P (.)
ukre vyavyajn don asasarge 'pyavpnuyt // (33.2)
ukra vyavya-ja doa asasarga api-avp
" ukra n. a kind of prameha; a morbid affection of the iris; any clear liquid vyavya m.
an obstacle; being separated by (instr. or comp.); change ja adj. born or produced in or at or
upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection
asasarga m. fehlender Umgang; Nicht-Berhrung api ind. also; assuredly; besides
avp 5.. to attain; to gain; to get.

P (.)
bhojana ca yathstmya yavagodhmaaik / (34.1)
bhojana ca yath-stmya yava-godhma-aika
bhojana n. a meal; any object of enjoyment or the pleasure caused by it; anything enjoyed
or used ca ind. also; and; as well as yath ind. according; as; as P stmya mn.
community of essence or nature with (instr. or gen.); habit; habituation yava mn. (in
palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to indicate good
fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a weight 6 or
12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens godhma mn. a kind of Godhma; name
of a medicinal plant; the orange tree aika mfn. a kind of rice of quick growth (ripening in
about 60 days).

7*H (.)
masramudgatubarjvantsuniaak // (34.2)
masr mf. a kind of smallpox; Ervum lens Linn.; Ipomoea Turpethum 7 mudga m. a
cover; a kind of seabird; covering tubar f. a bitch; alum or alum earth; Cajanus indicus
* jvant f. a parasitical plant; Cocculus cordifolius; Mimosa Suma H suniaaka mn.
Marsilea minuta Linn. (Sharma, P.V. 0: 84); Marsilea quadrifolia Linn.

" (.)
blamlakavrtkataulyakavstukam / (35.1)
blamlaka m. a species of plant vrtka mn. a kind of bird; a kind of plant;
Solanum indicum Linn. " taulyaka mn. Embelia ribes Burm.; a kind of tpya
vstuka mn. a house; a palace; Chenopodium album.

`= (.)
kravellakakarkoapaolakaukphalam // (35.2)
`= kravellaka m. Momordica charantia Linn. [a kind of gourd]; Momordica
cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng. (Surapla 1988: 336); a kind of rasaka karkoa n. Aegle
marmelos Correa (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 539); a particular poisonous fruit (G.J. Meulenbeld
(1974), 539); Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 539) paola m.
Trichosanthes bracteata Voigt (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 569); Trichosanthes cordata Roxb. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 569); Trichosanthes cucumerina Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 569)
kauk f. Coccinia indica Wight et Arn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 534); Corchorus antichorus
Raeusch. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 534); Gentiana kurroo Royle (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 534)
phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift.

^ P (.)
saindhava dima dhtr ghta taptahima jalam / (36.1)
saindhava dima dhtr ghta tap-hima jala
^ saindhava mn. a kind of rock-salt (found in Sindh); any salt dima mfn. Punica
granatum Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 562); small cardamoms; the pomegranate tree
dhtr f. a nurse; Emblica officinalis Gaertn.; midwife ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of
fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven) tap 4.. to be hot; to
destroy by heat; to give out heat hima adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta jala n. a cow's
embryo; a kind of Andropogon; any fluid.

7 N^ 7 7 (.)
jralyodana snigdham alpam uodakottaram // (36.2)
j-li-odana snigdha alpa ua-udaka-uttara
j 4.. to be dissolved or digested; to decay; to grow old li m. any grain of a similar
character to rice; grains of rice; name of a Yaka (who was transformed into a lion) odana
mn. any pap or pulpy substance; boiled rice; grain mashed and cooked with milk N^ snigdha
adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small ua adj. acrid;
active; hot udaka n. a particular metre; ablution (as a ceremony); the ceremony of offering
water to a dead person 7 uttara adj. better; chief; concluding.

M (.)
bhujno jgalair msai ghra vraam apohati / (37.1)
bhuj jgala msa ghram vraa apoh
bhuj 1.P. to consume; to eat; to enjoy jgala adj. arid; coming from wild deer; covered
with jungle msa n. flesh; meat ghram ind. quickly vraa mn. a flaw; abscess;
blemish apoh 1.. (in disputation) to object; to avoid; to deny.

M (.)
aita mtray kle pathya yti jar sukham // (37.2)
a mtr kla pathya y jar sukha
a 9.. to consume; to eat mtr f. a minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial
instant kla m. eine Essenszeit; the proper time or season for; time M pathya adj.
containing elements or leading forms; fit; normal y 2.. to flee; to go; to go to for any
purpose (inf.) jar f. a kind of date-tree; decrepitude; digestion sukha adj. agreeable;
comfortable; easy.

~ ` (.)
ajrt tvanildn vibhramo balavn bhavet / (38.1)
ajra tu-anila-di vibhrama balavant bh
ajra adj. not cooked; raw; undigested tu ind. and; but; do anila m. air or wind; any
affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons di m. a firstling;
and so on; beginning vibhrama m. agitation; blunder; confusion * balavant adj.
accompanied by an army; dense (as darkness); intense bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into

^ P (.)
tata opharujpkadhnhn avpnuyt // (38.2)
tatas opha-ruj-pka-dha-nha avp
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason opha m. intumescence; morbid
swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) ^ ruj f. an ewe; breaking; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences dha m.
burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) nha m. constipation; epistasis; length
avp 5.. to attain; to gain; to get.

~ N (.)
nava dhnya tiln mn madya msam ajgalam / (39.1)
nava dhnya tila ma madya msa ajgala
nava adj. fresh; modern; new ~ dhnya n. a kind of house; a measure 4 sesamum seeds;
Cyperus Rotundus tila mn. a mole; a small particle; name of a chapter of PSarv. ma m.
a bean (the plant); a cutaneous eruption resembling beans; a fool N madya n. any intoxicating
drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine msa n. flesh; meat ajgala adj. npa.

`T * (.)
krekuviktramla lavaa kauka tyajet // (39.2)
kra-iku-vikti-amla lavaa kauka tyaj
kra n. milk; the milky juice or sap of plants; thickened milk iku m. eyelash; name of a
king; name of a river T vikti f. (in Skhya) vikra; imba; a verse changed in a particular
manner amla adj. acid; sour lavaa adj. beautiful; briny; graceful kauka adj. bad;
bitter; fierce * tyaj 1.. to abandon; to avoid; to discharge.

V~ ~ ^ (.)
yaccnyad api viambhi vidhi guru talam / (40.1)
yad-ca-anya api viambhin vidhin guru tala
yad pron. what; which ca ind. also; and; as well as ~ anya pron. anderer api ind. also;
assuredly; besides ~ viambhin adj. checking; chilling; making motionless vidhin
adj. acrid; burning; pungent ^ guru adj. difficult; hard; heavy tala adj. calm; cold; cold
i.e. free from passion.

~ T (.)
vargo 'ya navadhnydir vraina sarvadoakt // (40.2)
varga idam navadhnydi vrain sarva-doa-kt
varga m. (esp.) a subdivision of an Adhy ya in th
classified together; bala idam pron. this ~ navadhnydi m. name of a
pharmacological varga vrain adj. having a sore or wound; ulcerated sarva pron. all;
completely; different doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection T kt adj. accomplishing; acting;

N W " (.)
madya tkoarkmlam u vypdayed vraam / (41.1)
madya tka-ua-rka-amla u vypday vraa
N madya n. any intoxicating drink; vinous or spiritous liquor; wine W tka adj. acid; fiery;
hot ua adj. acrid; active; hot rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a person or speech)
amla adj. acid; sour " u ind. quickly vypday 10.P. to cause to perish; to destroy;
to hurt vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish.

V W (.)
vloraica vjyeta na caina parighaayet // (41.2)
vla-ura-ca vjay na ca-enad parighaay
vla m. a hair-sieve; any tail or hair; bristle ura mn. the fragrant root of the plant
Andropogon Muricatus; Vetiveria zizanioides Nash. (Surapla 1988: 241) ca ind. also; and; as
well as vjay 10.P. to fan na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as enad
pron. this parighaay 10.P. to affect (as the ear with a tale); to excite; to press or rub on all

` " VV (.)
na tuden na ca kayecceamnaca playet / (42.1)
na tud na ca kay-ce-ca play
na ind. neither; no; nor tud 1.P. to bruise; to pain (said of a wound); to push na ind.
neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as " kay Denom.. to itch; to rub; to scrape
ce 1.. to act; to be active; to be busy or occupied with (acc.) ca ind. also; and; as well as
play 10.. to defend; to govern; to guard.

N^T "" (.)
snigdhavddhadvijtn kath van manapriy // (42.2)
snigdha-vddha-dvijti kath ru manas-priya
N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable T vddha adj. (a vowel) increased (by
Vddhi); advanced in years; aged dvijti m. a Brhman; a bird or snake; an ryan
kath f. conversation; discussion; disputation ru 4.P. to hear; to listen to; to study manas
n. affection; conscience; desire priya adj. beloved; dear to; favourite.

vn vydhimokya kipra vraam apohati / (43.1)
vant vydhi-moka kipram vraa apoh
* vant adj. having hope; hoping; trusting vydhi m. ailment; any tormenting or
vexatious person or thing; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus moka m. (in astron.) the liberation
of an eclipsed or occulted planet; abandonment; acquittance of an obligation kipram ind.
quickly vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish apoh 1.. (in disputation) to object; to avoid;
to deny.

$ (.)
ttye 'hni puna kuryd vraakarma ca prvavat // (43.2)
ttya ahar punar k vraa-karman ca prvavat
ttya adj. homosexual; neuter; the 3rd ahar n. a day punar ind. again and again;
back; besides T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become vraa mn. a flaw; abscess;
blemish karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven
categories of the Nyya philosophy) ca ind. also; and; as well as prvavat ind. according
to something previous (applied in the Nyya to a kind of inference such as inferring from the
previous appearance of a cloud that rain will fall); as aforesaid; as before.

` (.)
praklandi divase dvitye ncaret tath / (44.1)
praklana-di divasa dvitya na-car tath
praklana n. a means of cleaning; anything used for purifying; bathing di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning divasa mn. a day; heaven dvitya adj. forming the 2nd
part or half of anything; second na ind. neither; no; nor car 1.. to act; to address; to
apply tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so.

V (.)
tvravyatho vigrathitacirt sarohati vraa // (44.2)
tvra-vyath vigranth-cirt saruh vraa
tvra adj. acute; ardent; excessive vyath f. agitation; alarm; anguish * vigranth 9.P.
to connect; to tie or bind together; to wind round cirt ind. ^ saruh 1.P. to appear; to
be cicatrized; to break forth vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish.

N^ H ~ (.)
snigdh rk lath gh durnyast ca vikeikm / (45.1)
snigdha rka latha gha durnyasta ca vikeik
N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a
person or speech) H latha adj. dishevelled (as hair); feeble; flaccid gha adj. bathed in;
close; closely fastened ~ durnyasta adj. badly arranged; badly used (said of a spell) ca ind.
also; and; as well as vikeik f. [medic.] (Watte-)Bausch (wad?).

N 7 N ` (.)
vrae na dadyt kalka v sneht kledo vivardhate // (45.2)
vraa na d kalka v sneha kleda vivdh
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish na ind. neither; no; nor d 1.. to answer; to give; to
give (a daughter) in marriage 7 kalka mn. (architect.) a kind of mortar/coating; a kind of
tenacious paste; a viscous sediment deposited by oily substances when ground v ind. either -
or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent;
any oleaginous substance kleda m. dampness; discharge (from a sore); moisture vivdh
1.. to arise; to be lengthened; to be lucky or fortunate.

^W (.)
msacchedo 'tirugraukyd daraa oitgama / (46.1)
msa-cheda ati-ruj-raukya daraa oita-gama
msa n. flesh; meat cheda m. a cut; an incision; cessation ati ind. extremely; very
^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease W raukya n. aridity; cruelty; dryness
daraa n. breaking; cleaving; falling away (of flesh) oita n. a kind of prameha-
onitameha; blood; resin gama m. a grammatical augment; a meaningless syllable or letter
inserted in any part of the radical word; a traditional doctrine or precept.

H~ M (.)
lathtighadurnysair vraavartmvagharaam // (46.2)
latha-ati-gha-durnysa vraavartman-avagharaa
H latha adj. dishevelled (as hair); feeble; flaccid ati ind. extremely; very gha adj.
bathed in; close; closely fastened ~ durnysa m. M vraavartman n. a kind of disease
[nssender Wundrand] avagharaa n. rubbing off; scrubbing.

` (.)
saptimsa sotsaga sagati pyagarbhiam / (47.1)
sa-pti-msa sa-utsaga sa-gati pya-garbhin
sa ind. (ibc.) with pti adj. fetid; foul-smelling; ill-smelling (after a finite verb expressive of
blame or censure) msa n. flesh; meat sa ind. (ibc.) with utsaga m. a particular
position of the hands; any horizontal area or level (as a roof of a house etc.); association sa
ind. (ibc.) with gati f. Motion (personified as a daughter of Kardama and wife of Pulaha); a
certain division of the moon's path and the position of the planet in it (the diurnal motion of a
planet in its orbit?); a happy issue pya mn. discharge from an ulcer or wound; purulent
matter; pus garbhin adj. impregnated or filled with; pregnant.

W Q* (.)
vraa viodhayecchghra sthit hyantar vikeik // (47.2)
vraa viodhay-ghram sth hi-antar vikeik
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish viodhay 10.. to correct; to exculpate; to fix or
determine accurately ghram ind. quickly W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand
hi ind. because; for; on account of * antar ind. amongst; between; in the middle
vikeik f. [medic.] (Watte-)Bausch (wad?).

` (.)
vyamla tu pita opha pcanai samupcaret / (48.1)
vyamla tu pay opha pcana samupcar
vyamla adj. free from acidity tu ind. and; but; do pay 10.. to tear opha m.
intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) pcana n. a cataplasm;
a dissolvent; a sort of drink samupcar 1.. to attend; to attend to; to be intent upon

^V (.)
bhojanairupanhaica ntivraavirodhibhi // (48.2)
bhojana-upanha-ca na-ati-vraa-virodhin
bhojana n. a meal; any object of enjoyment or the pleasure caused by it; anything enjoyed
or used upanha m. a bundle; a cover; a kind of disease of the joint of the eye (sadhi)
ca ind. also; and; as well as na ind. neither; no; nor ati ind. extremely; very vraa mn. a
flaw; abscess; blemish virodhin adj. besieging; blockading; dispelling.

N N ` (.)
sadya sadyovran svyed vivtn abhightajn / (49.1)
sadyas sadyovraa sv viv abhighta-ja
N sadyas ind. daily; every day; in the very moment N sadyovraa m. a suddenly caused
wound; eine frische Wunde; name of Surutasahit, Cik. 2 sv 4.P. (fig.) to join; to darn; to
sew viv 9.P. to comb (hair); to comment upon; to cover abhighta m. abrupt or
vehement articulation (of Vedic text); attack; damage ja adj. born or produced in or at or
upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

= * V (.)
medojllikhitn granthn hrasv plca karayo // (49.2)
medas-ja-likh granthi hrasva pli-ca kara
medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive fatness ja adj. born or
produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from likh 6.. to copy; to
delineate; to draw a line * granthi m. a bell; a complaint; a joint of the body hrasva adj.
dwarfish; insignificant; less by (abl.) pli f. prabedha; a boundary; a circumference ca
ind. also; and; as well as kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle.

"^V (.)
iro'kikansauhagaakarorubhuu / (50.1)
iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) akika n. the prominent part of the forehead
above the eye ns f. Gendarussa Vulgaris; proboscis; the nose oha m. the forepart of
an Agnikua; the lip (generally du.) " gaa mn. a bubble; a goitre or any other excrescence
of the neck; a hero kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle ^ ru
mf. name of a son of Manu Ckua; name of an girasa and author of a Vedic hymn; shank V
bhu mf. the arm; the arm as a measure of length ( 12 Agulas); the arm between the elbow and
the wrist (opp. to pra-gaa).

MW_ (.)
grvlalamukasphimehrapydardiu // (50.2)
grv f. nape; neck; the back part of the neck lala mn. a gable; name of the location
where Viu married Lakm; the forehead M muka m. a crowd; a muscular or stout person; a
testicle W sphic f. a buttock; hip mehra mn. Harnrhre; membrum virile; penis pyu
mn. the anus udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver)
di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

~` ` M (.)
gambhreu pradeeu msalevacaleu ca / (51.1)
gambhra pradea msala-acala ca
~ gambhra adj. gabhra ` pradea m. (with Jainas) one of the obstacles to liberation; a
short span (measured from the tip of the thumb to that of the forefinger); a short while
msala adj. bulky; fleshy; powerful acala adj. immovable; not moving ca ind. also; and;
as well as.

7 (.)
na tu vakaakakdvalpamse cale vran // (51.2)
na tu vakaa-kaka-di-alpa-msa cala vraa
na ind. neither; no; nor tu ind. and; but; do vakaa mn. abdomen; Bauch; cavity
kaka mf. arm-pit (as the most concealed part of the human body); belt; border di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small msa n. flesh; meat
cala adj. confused; disturbed; fluctuating vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish.

7 V (.)
vyunirvhia alyagarbhn kravignijn / (52.1)
vyu-nirvhin alya-garbha kra-via-agni-ja
vyu m. (in astron.) name of the fourth Muhrta; a mystical name of the letter ya; a vital air
(of which 5 are reckoned) nirvhin adj. discharging (as a wound); leading or carrying out
7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a
fault garbha m. a foetus or embryo; a foundation deposit; a woman's courses kra m. a
kind of prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or
potash) via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable
poison V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty ja adj. born or produced in or at or
upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

VW"M (.)
svyeccalsthiuksratarompanya tu // (52.2)
sv-cala-asthi-uka-asra-ta-roman-apan tu
sv 4.P. (fig.) to join; to darn; to sew cala adj. confused; disturbed; fluctuating W asthi
n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit "M uka adj. arid; dried; dried up asra n. a corner; a tear;
blood ta n. any gramineous plant; blade of grass; grass roman n. (esp.) short hair;
bristles; down apan 1.. to deny; to except; to exclude from a rule tu ind. and; but; do.

~ ` ` ` (.)
pralambi msa vicchinna niveya svaniveane / (53.1)
pralambin msa vicchid niveay sva-niveana
~ pralambin adj. depending; hanging down msa n. flesh; meat vicchid 7.. to
be divided; to cut off; to cut or tear or cleave or break asunder ` niveay 10.. to appoint to
(an office); to bestow on; to build sva adj. akin; one's own; own ` niveana n. camp;
cultivating; employing.

WW W` N 7 (.)
sadhyasthi ca sthite rakte snyv strea valkalai // (53.2)
sadhi-asthi ca sth rakta snyu stra valkala
sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint W
asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit ca ind. also; and; as well as W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be;
to be at hand rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood N snyu fn. a sinew;
muscle; tendon stra n. a fibre; a girdle; a kind of tree 7 valkala mn. a garment made of
bark (worn by ascetics etc.); the bark of a tree.

{` 7 V (.)
svyen na dre nsanne ghan nlpa na v bahu / (54.1)
sv na dra na-sanna grah na-alpa na v bahu
sv 4.P. (fig.) to join; to darn; to sew na ind. neither; no; nor { dra n. a long way;
distance; remoteness (in space and time) na ind. neither; no; nor sanna n. death; end;
nearness grah 6.P. (in astron.) to calculate; (in astron.) to observe; to abstract na ind.
neither; no; nor 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small na ind. neither; no; nor v ind. either - or;
on the one side - on the other side; optionally V bahu adj. abundant; great in quantity; many.

~~ V

sntvayitv tatacrta vrae madhughtadrutai // (54.2)
sntvay tatas-ca-rta vraa madhu-ghta-dru
~ sntvay Denom.. to address kindly or gently; to comfort; to conciliate tatas ind. after
that; consequently; for that reason ca ind. also; and; as well as rta adj. afflicted;
disturbed; fallen into (misfortune) vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish madhu n. a kind of
metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid) ghta n. cream; fat (as an
emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven)

dru 1..
to attack; to dissolve; to flee.

M= (.)
ajanakaumajamaphalinallakphalai / (55.1)
M ajana n. a special kind of this pigment; act of applying an ointment or pigment; antimony
kauma n. linen cloth or garment; linseed; the flower of flax ja adj. born or produced in or
at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from mai mf. Aschenpulver; a black powder
used to paint the eyes; ein Pulver [aus einer verbrannten organischen Substanz] phalin f.
Aglaia odorata Lour.; Aglaia roxburghiana Miq.; a species of plant = allak f. a porcupine;
Boswellia Thurifera; incense phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift.

^ W ^ (.)
salodhramadhukair digdhe yujyd bandhdi prvavat // (55.2)
sa-lodhra-madhuka dih yuj bandha-di prvavat
sa ind. (ibc.) with lodhra mn. Symplocos racemosa Roxb. madhuka n. Bassia latifolia
Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 587); beeswax; Cynometra ramiflora Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld
1974: 587) dih 2.. to accumulate; to anoint; to increase yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come
into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to
accrue to ^ bandha m. a bond; a border; a collar beam di m. a firstling; and so on;
beginning prvavat ind. according to something previous (applied in the Nyya to a kind of
inference such as inferring from the previous appearance of a cloud that rain will fall); as
aforesaid; as before.

W (.)
vrao nioitauho ya kicid evvalikhya tam / (56.1)
vraa nioita-oha yad kacid eva-avalikh tad
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish nioita adj. bloodless oha m. the forepart
of an Agnikua; the lip (generally du.) yad pron. what; which V kacid pron. someone
eva ind. alone; already; even avalikh 6.P. to graze; to scratch tad pron. this.

^ Q (.)
sajtarudhira svyet sadhna hyasya oitam // (56.2)
sajan-rudhira sv sadhna hi-idam oita
sajan 4.. to appear; to arise or come forth from (abl.); to be ^ rudhira n. blood; name
of a city; saffron sv 4.P. (fig.) to join; to darn; to sew sadhna n. a joint; a kind of
relish eaten to excite thirst; alliance hi ind. because; for; on account of idam pron. this
oita n. a kind of prameha- onitameha; blood; resin.

^ ` W M ` (.)
bandhanni tu dedn vkya yujta teu ca / (57.1)
bandhana tu dea-di vk yuj tad ca
^ bandhana n. a bandage; a bond; a sinew tu ind. and; but; do ` dea m. country;
institute; kingdom di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning vk 1.P. to ascertain; to
behold; to consider yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to
come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to tad pron. this ca ind. also; and; as
well as.

vikjinakaueyam ua kauma tu talam // (57.2)
vika-ajina-kaueya ua kauma tu tala
vika adj. relating to or coming from sheep; woollen ajina n. the hairy skin of a tiger;
the hairy skin of an antelope; the hairy skin of any animal kaueya n. a woman's lower
garments of silk; name of a locality; silk ua adj. acrid; active; hot kauma n. linen
cloth or garment; linseed; the flower of flax tu ind. and; but; do tala adj. calm; cold; cold
i.e. free from passion.

N7 (.)
toa tulsatnakrpsasnyuvalkajam / (58.1)
ta-ua tul-satna-krpsa-snyu-valka-ja
ta adj. boiled; cold; dull ua adj. acrid; active; hot tul f. a balance; a kind of beam
in the roof of a house; equal measure satna m. (pl.) name of a particular class of worlds;
a continuous train of thought; a kind of peacy treaty krpsa mn. cotton cloth; Gossypium
herbaceum Linn.; paper N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle; tendon 7 valka mn. the bark of a tree
ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

W (.)
tmryastrapussni vrae medakaphdhike // (58.2)
tmra-ayas-trapu-ssa vraa medas-kapha-adhika
tmra n. tmradru; a coppery receptacle; a variety of brass ayas n. an iron weapon (as
an axe); gold; iron trapu n. tin; vagakacuka ssa n. lead; the leaden weight used by
weavers vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish medas n. a mystical term for the letter v;
corpulence; excessive fatness kapha m. phlegm; phlegm as one of the tridoas; watery froth
or foam in general adhika adj. abundant; additional; excellent.

W 7 (.)
bhage ca yujyt phalaka carmavalkakudi ca / (59.1)
bhaga ca yuj phalaka carman-valka-kua-di ca
bhaga m. a bend; a break or breach (lit. and fig.); a piece broken off ca ind. also; and; as
well as yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into
union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to phalaka n. a board; a gamingboard; a layer
carman n. carmkhya; a shield; bark 7 valka mn. the bark of a tree kua mn. grass; name
of a son of Balkva; name of a son of St and Rma- brother of Lava di m. a firstling; and
so on; beginning ca ind. also; and; as well as.

^ B (.)
svanmnugatkr bandhs tu daa paca ca // (59.2)
sva-nman-anugam-kra bandha tu daan pacan ca
sva adj. akin; one's own; own nman n. a characteristic mark or sign; a good or great
name; a noun (as opp. to a verb) anugam 1.. to approach; to arrive; to be extinguished
kra m. appearance; expression of the face (as furnishing a clue to the disposition of
mind); external gesture or aspect of the body ^ bandha m. a bond; a border; a collar beam
tu ind. and; but; do daan adj. ten B pacan adj. fnf ca ind. also; and; as well as.

7`= (.)
koasvastikamuttolcnadmnuvellitam / (60.1)
koa mn. (in surg.) a kind of bandage; (metaphorically) cloud; a box svastika m. a
cock; a dish of a particular form; a kind of bard (who utters words of welcome or eulogy) 7
muttol f. a basket cna n. a bandage for the corners of the eyes; a banner; lead dman
mn. a particular constellation; chaplet; cord `= anuvellita n. a kind of bandage applied to the
extremities; bandaging; securing with bandages (in surgery).

^W (.)
khavvibandhasthagikvitnotsagagopha // (60.2)
khav f. a bedstead; a kind of bandage; a swing ^ vibandha m. a circular bandage; a
remedy for promoting obstruction; constipation W sthagik f. a box; a courtesan (?); a kind
of bandage vitna mn. a particular bandage for the head; abundance; accomplishment
utsaga m. a particular position of the hands; any horizontal area or level (as a roof of a
house etc.); association gopha mf. a bandage hollowed out to fit the chin or nose.

"W B (.)
yamaka maalkhya ca pacg ceti yojayet / (61.1)
yamaka maala-khy ca pacg ca-iti yojay
yamaka n. a kind of metre; paronomasia (of which various kinds are enumerated); [medic.]
a double band or bandage " maala mfn. a circle; a circular array of troops; a circular
bandage W khy f. appearance; appellation; aspect ca ind. also; and; as well as B
pacg f. a bit for horses; a kind of bandage ca ind. also; and; as well as iti ind. in this
manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been said or thought)
yojay 10.. to accomplish; to add; to adjust.

W ` `M (.)
vidadhyt teu teveva koam aguliparvasu / (61.2)
vidh tad tad-eva koa aguli-parvan
vidh 3.. to appoint; to apportion; to arrange tad pron. this tad pron. this eva ind.
alone; already; even koa mn. (in surg.) a kind of bandage; (metaphorically) cloud; a box
aguli mf. a finger; a kind of plant; a toe parvan n. (esp.) the Cturmsya festival; a
break; a day (360).

` (.)
svastika karakakdistanekta ca sadhiu / (61.3)
svastika kara-kaka-di-stana-vac ca sadhi
svastika m. a cock; a dish of a particular form; a kind of bard (who utters words of
welcome or eulogy) kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle
kaka mf. arm-pit (as the most concealed part of the human body); belt; border di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning stana mn. a kind of pin or peg on a vessel shaped like a teat;
dug; teat vac 2.P. to declare; to proclaim; to recite ca ind. also; and; as well as sadhi
mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint.

7 WV (.)
muttol mehragrvdau yujyccnam apgayo / (61.4)
muttol mehra-grv-di yuj-cna apga
7 muttol f. a basket mehra mn. Harnrhre; membrum virile; penis grv f. nape;
neck; the back part of the neck di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning yuj 4.P. (in
astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction
with (acc.); to accrue to cna n. a bandage for the corners of the eyes; a banner; lead
apga m. a sectarial mark or circlet on the forehead; name of Kma (the god of love); the outer
corner of the eye.

`= (.)
sabdhe 'ge tath dma khsvevnuvellitam / (61.5)
sambdha aga tath dman kh-eva-anuvellita
~ sambdha m. a throng; affliction; annoy aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or
subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five) tath ind. in like manner; in that manner;
so dman mn. a particular constellation; chaplet; cord kh f. antika; pakntara; a
branch (lit. and fig.) eva ind. alone; already; even `= anuvellita n. a kind of bandage
applied to the extremities; bandaging; securing with bandages (in surgery).

" ] ^ ` (.)
khav gae hanau akhe vibandha phakodare / (61.6)
khav gaa hanu akha vibandha phaka-udara
khav f. a bedstead; a kind of bandage; a swing " gaa mn. a bubble; a goitre or any
other excrescence of the neck; a hero hanu mf. a jaw ] akha m. a kind of metre; a military
drum; a particular Mantra ^ vibandha m. a circular bandage; a remedy for promoting
obstruction; constipation phaka n. the back udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid
abdominal affection (as of the liver).

W MT (.)
aguhgulimehrgre sthagikm antravddhiu / (61.7)
aguha-aguli-mehra-agra sthagik antravddhi
aguha m. a thumb's breadth; the great toe; the thumb aguli mf. a finger; a kind
of plant; a toe mehra mn. Harnrhre; membrum virile; penis agra n. a measure of food
given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim W sthagik f. a box; a courtesan (?); a kind of
bandage MT antravddhi f. inguinal hernia; Leistenbruch; rupture.

vitna pthulgdau tath irasi cerayet / (61.8)
vitna pthula-aga-di tath iras ca-ray
vitna mn. a particular bandage for the head; abundance; accomplishment pthula adj.
broad; great; large aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or
counsel (said to be five) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning tath ind. in like
manner; in that manner; so iras n. acme; chief; first (of a class) ca ind. also; and; as well
as ray 10.. to bring to life; to proclaim.

~ (.)
vilambini tathotsaga nsauhacibukdiu / (61.9)
vilambin tath-utsaga ns-oha-cibuka-di
~ vilambin adj. delaying; hanging down; hanging to or from tath ind. in like manner;
in that manner; so utsaga m. a particular position of the hands; any horizontal area or
level (as a roof of a house etc.); association ns f. Gendarussa Vulgaris; proboscis; the nose
oha m. the forepart of an Agnikua; the lip (generally du.) cibuka n. the chin di
m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

gophaa sadhiu tath yamaka yamike vrae / (61.10)
sadhi tath yamaka yamika vraa
sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint tath
ind. in like manner; in that manner; so yamaka n. a kind of metre; paronomasia (of which
various kinds are enumerated); [medic.] a double band or bandage yamika adj. double
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish.

7 "W B (.)
vtte 'ge maalkhya ca pacg cordhvajatruu / (61.11)
vtta aga maala-khy ca pacg ca-rdhva-jatru
7 vtta adj. absolved; circular; completed aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or
subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five) " maala mfn. a circle; a circular array of
troops; a circular bandage W khy f. appearance; appellation; aspect ca ind. also; and; as
well as B pacg f. a bit for horses; a kind of bandage ca ind. also; and; as well as
rdhva adj. above; elevated; erect jatru mn. the collar-bone.

7 ` T (.)
yo yatra sunivia sytta te tatra buddhimn // (61.12)
yad yatra su-nivi as-tad tad tatra buddhimant
yad pron. what; which yatra ind. where; wherein; wherever su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-;
[ibc.] very nivi 6.. to alight; to be fixed or intent on; to be founded (said of a town)
as 2.P. to abide; to be; to be equal to (dat.) tad pron. this tad pron. this tatra ind. in that;
in that case; in that place T* buddhimant adj. docile; endowed with understanding; famed.

^Wd (.)
badhnyd gham rusphikkakvakaamrdhasu / (62.1)
bandh gham ru-sphic-kaka-vakaa-mrdhan
^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience
gham ind. exceedingly; excessively ^ ru mf. name of a son of Manu Ckua; name of an
girasa and author of a Vedic hymn; shank W sphic f. a buttock; hip kaka mf. arm-pit (as
the most concealed part of the human body); belt; border vakaa mn. abdomen; Bauch;
cavity mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning; chief (applied to

N` (.)
khvadanakaroraphaprvagalodare // (62.2)
kh f. antika; pakntara; a branch (lit. and fig.) vadana n. countenance; face; initial
quantity or term of a progression kara m. Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a
circle uras n. bosom; breast; the best of its kind pha n. a page of a book; height; name
of particular arrangement of Smans (employed at the midday libation and formed from the
Rathatara) N prva mn. a curved knife; a side of any square figure; flank (either of animate
or inanimate objects) gala m. neck; the throat udara n. a cavity; abdomen; any morbid
abdominal affection (as of the liver).

M ` H (.)
sama mehanamuke ca netre sadhiu ca latham / (63.1)
sama mehana-muka ca netra sadhi ca latha
sama pron. common; constant; easy mehana n. copulation; membrum virile; the act of
passing urine M muka m. a crowd; a muscular or stout person; a testicle ca ind. also; and; as
well as ` netra mn. a carriage; a kind of cloth; a kind of deer sadhi mf. (in mensuration)
the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint ca ind. also; and; as well as H latha adj.
dishevelled (as hair); feeble; flaccid.

W` H PT` (.)
badhnycchithilasthne vtalemodbhave samam // (63.2)
bandh-ithila-sthna vta-leman-udbhava sama
^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience
ithila adj. abandoned; careless in; feeble W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a
stronghold; abiding vta m. air; flatulence; gout HP leman m. mucus; phlegm; rheum
T udbhava adj. produced or coming from sama pron. common; constant; easy.

W` (.)
gham eva samasthne bha gha tadaye / (64.1)
gham eva sama-sthna bham gham tad-aya
gham ind. exceedingly; excessively eva ind. alone; already; even sama pron.
common; constant; easy W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a stronghold; abiding
bham ind. very gham ind. exceedingly; excessively tad pron. this aya m. (in
Yoga phil.) stock or the balance of the fruits of previous works; a miser; a receptacle.

` * = = (.)
te vasante 'pi ca tau mokayau tryaht tryaht // (64.2)
ta vasanta api ca tad mokay tri-aha tri-aha
ta n. Cassia bark; cold; cold water * vasanta m. a particular metre (4 times); diarrhoea;
name of a man api ind. also; assuredly; besides ca ind. also; and; as well as tad pron.
this mokay 10.. to free; to liberate; to remove tri nr. 3 MW aha mn. (ifc.) day (e.g.
tryaham) tri nr. 3 MW aha mn. (ifc.) day (e.g. tryaham).

7M ^ W` (.)
pittaraktotthayor bandho ghasthne samo mata / (65.1)
pitta-rakta-uttha bandha gha-sthna sama man
7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood
M uttha adj. (generally ifc.) standing up; arising; coming forth ^ bandha m. a bond; a border; a
collar beam gha adj. bathed in; close; closely fastened W sthna n. a state of perfect
tranquillity; a stronghold; abiding sama pron. common; constant; easy man 8.P. to be of
opinion; to believe; to conjecture.

W` H (.)
samasthne latho naiva ithilasyaye tath // (65.2)
sama-sthna latha na-eva ithila-aya tath
sama pron. common; constant; easy W sthna n. a state of perfect tranquillity; a
stronghold; abiding H latha adj. dishevelled (as hair); feeble; flaccid na ind. neither; no; nor
eva ind. alone; already; even ithila adj. abandoned; careless in; feeble aya m. (in
Yoga phil.) stock or the balance of the fruits of previous works; a miser; a receptacle tath
ind. in like manner; in that manner; so.

P ` (.)
sya prtas tayor moko grme aradi ceyate / (66.1)
syam prtar tad moka grma arad ca-i
syam ind. in the evening prtar ind. at dawn; in the early morning; Morning
personified tad pron. this moka m. (in astron.) the liberation of an eclipsed or occulted
planet; abandonment; acquittance of an obligation P grma m. the hot season arad f. a
year; autumn (as the time of ripening); the autumnal season (the sultry season of two months
succeeding the rains) ca ind. also; and; as well as i 1.P. to assent; to choose; to concede.

T (.)
abaddho daamaakatavtdipita // (66.2)
abaddha daa-maaka-ta-vta-di-pay
T abaddha adj. at liberty; nonsensical; unbound daa m. a bite; a flaw (in a jewel); a joint
of the body maaka m. a leather water-bag; a mosquito; a particular skin disease (causing
dark bean-like pustules or eruptions) ta adj. boiled; cold; dull vta m. air; flatulence;
gout di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning pay 10.. (in astrol.) to cover (esp. with
something inauspicious); to break (a vow); to cause pain.

`V N` (.)
dubhaveccira ctra na tihet snehabheajam / (67.1)
dubh-ciram ca-atra na sth sneha-bheaja
dubh 1.. to become corrupted or bad ciram ind. for a long time ca ind. also;
and; as well as atra ind. here at this time; in this matter; in this place na ind. neither; no;
nor W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent;
any oleaginous substance ` bheaja n. a remedy; a spell or charm; drug.

T "T ` (.)
kcchrea uddhi rhi v yti rho vivaratm // (67.2)
kcchra uddhi rhi v y ruh vivara-t
T kcchra mn. austerity; bodily mortification; calamity "T uddhi f. accuracy; accurate
knowledge regarding; acquittal rhi f. ascent (lit. and fig.); birth; celebrity v ind. either
- or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally y 2.. to flee; to go; to go to for any
purpose (inf.) ^ ruh 6.. to ascend; to attain (a desire); to cause to ascend vivara adj.
belonging to a mixed caste; colourless; low t f. ifc. abstracta.

T V H (.)
baddhas tu crito bhagno vilia pito 'pi v / (68.1)
bandh tu cray bhaj vili pay api v
^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience tu
ind. and; but; do cray Denom.P. to bruise; to crush; to grind M bhaj 4.P. to arrest; to be
broken or break (intr.); to bend H vili 4.P. to be divided or separated; to be loosened or
dissolved or relaxed; to divide pay 10.. to tear api ind. also; assuredly; besides v
ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally.

N " (.)
chinnasnyusiro 'pyu sukha sarohati vraa // (68.2)
chid-snyu-sir api-u sukha saruh vraa
chid 1.P. to amputate; to chop; to cut off N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle; tendon sir f. a
bucket; a nerve; a stream api ind. also; assuredly; besides " u ind. quickly sukha adj.
agreeable; comfortable; easy ^ saruh 1.P. to appear; to be cicatrized; to break forth
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish.

MN 7` (.)
utthnaayandysu sarvehsu na pyate / (69.1)
utthna-ayana-dya sarva-h na pay
M utthna n. a book; a court-yard; a shed where sacrifices are offered ayana n. a bed;
copulation; couch N dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent sarva pron. all;
completely; different h f. activity; desire; effort na ind. neither; no; nor pay 10..
(in astrol.) to cover (esp. with something inauspicious); to break (a vow); to cause pain.

7 ^ (.)
udvttauha samutsanno viama kahino 'tiruk // (69.2)
udvt-oha samutsad viama kahina ati-ruj
udvt 1.. to be puffed up with pride; to become arrogant or extravagant; to bubble up
oha m. the forepart of an Agnikua; the lip (generally du.) samutsad 2.P. to destroy
completely viama adj. bad; coarse; dangerous kahina adj. difficult; firm; hard ati
ind. extremely; very ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease.

^ "W (.)
samo mduraruk ghra vraa udhyati rohati / (70.1)
sama mdu-aruj ghram vraa udh ruh
sama pron. common; constant; easy mdu adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis;
gentle; mild (Nahrung) ^ aruj adj. free from disease; healthy; painless (as a tumour)
ghram ind. quickly vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish " udh 4.. to be cleared or cleansed
or purified; to be cleared or excused from blame; to be excusable ^ ruh 6.. to ascend; to attain
(a desire); to cause to ascend.

W 7 W (.)
sthirm alpamsn raukyd anuparohatm // (70.2)
sthira alpa-msa raukya anuparohant
W sthira adj. ascertained; calm; certain 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small msa n. flesh;
meat W raukya n. aridity; cruelty; dryness * anuparohant adj. not healing.

N 7 (.)
pracchdyam auadha pattrair yathdoa yathartu ca / (71.1)
pracchday auadha pattra yathdoam yathartu ca
pracchday 10.P. to be an obstacle to (acc.); to be in the way; to conceal auadha n.
drug; herb; herbs collectively 7 pattra mn. a bird; a chariot; a knife yathdoam ind.
according to damage; according to the afflicted doa yathartu ind. according to the season or
any fixed time ca ind. also; and; as well as.

^ * ` (.)
ajratarucchidrai samantt suniveitai // (71.2)
ajra-tarua-acchidra samantt su-niveay
ajra adj. not cooked; raw; undigested ^ tarua adj. fresh; just begun (disease); just risen
acchidra adj. free from clefts or flaws; unbroken; uninjured * samantt ind. all around
su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very ` niveay 10.. to appoint to (an office); to bestow
on; to build.

~ (.)
dhautairakarkaai kribhrjrjunakadambajai / (72.1)
dhauta-akarkaa krin-bhrja-arjuna-kadamba-ja
dhauta adj. bright; cleansed; destroyed akarkaa adj. not hard; tender krin m.
calcareous spar; Ficus Indica; name of several plants containing a milky sap bhrja m. a
species of birch (the Bhoj tree); Betula Bhojpatra arjuna m. a peacock; cutaneous disease;
name of a man ~ kadamba mn. Adina cordifolia Benth. et Hook.F. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974),
535); Andropogon caricosus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 536); Andropogon Serratus ja adj.
born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

V^ (.)
kuhinm agnidagdhn piik madhumehinm // (72.2)
kuhin agni-dah piik madhumehin
kuhin adj. [med.] suffering from kuha V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty
dah 1.. to be in flames; to burn; to cauterise piik fn. [medic.] Pustel
madhumehin adj. suffering from saccharine urine.


^` ^ ~ (.)
karikconduruvie kradagdh vinvit / (73.1)
karik-ca-unduru-via kra-dah via-anvita
karik f. a bawd; a knot-like tubercle; a pen ca ind. also; and; as well as W

^ unduru
m. a rat; mouse via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular
vegetable poison kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline
substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash) dah 1.. to be in flames; to burn; to cauterise
via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison
~ anvita adj. accompanied by; acquired; attended.

^ W ^ (.)
bandhany na mspke gudapke ca drue // (73.2)
bandh na mspka guda-pka ca drua
^ bandh 4.P. met. to attach to world or to sin; to arrest; to be affected by i.e. experience na
ind. neither; no; nor W mspka m. msapka guda mn. an intestine; anus; entrail
pka m. a cooking utensil; an abscess; any act having consequences ca ind. also; and; as well as
^ drua adj. cruel; dreadful; hard.

^ W` (.)
ryam sarugdh ophvasthvisarpia / (74.1)
sa-ruj-dha opha-avasth-visarpin
" 9.. to break; to crush; to kill (game) sa ind. (ibc.) with ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus;
crushing; disease dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) opha m.
intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101) W avasth f. appearance
(in a court of justice); circumstance of age; condition ` visarpin adj. creeping or shooting
forth; gliding or roaming or swimming or winding about; growing.

W ` T (.)
arakay vrae yasmin makik nikipet kmn // (74.2)
araka vraa yad makik nikip kmi
araka adj. ungeschtzt ? vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish yad pron. what; which
makik f. a fly; bee nikip 6.. to abandon; to appoint to; to cast off T kmi m. an
ant; insect; lac.

` * * ^ (.)
te bhakayanta kurvanti rujophsrasasravn / (75.1)
tad bhakay k ruj-opha-asra-sasrava
tad pron. this bhakay 10.. to eat; to feed someone; to make someone eat something T
k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become ^ ruj f. an ewe; breaking; Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus opha m. intumescence; morbid swelling; oedema (Meulenbeld, G.J. 0: 101)
asra n. a corner; a tear; blood sasrava m. a chip or piece of anything; a kind of offering or
libation; any remainder.

` M (.)
surasdi prayujta tatra dhvanaprae // (75.2)
surasdi prayuj tatra dhvana-praa
surasdi m. name of a varga prayuj 7.. to accomplish; to act; to begin tatra ind.
in that; in that case; in that place dhvana n. cleansing; having a garment washed by a man
that is not one's kin; rubbing off or in praa n. (in astron.) the revolution of a heavenly
body through its orbit; (in medic.) injection of fluids or supplying with food; a sort of cake.

PM ~~ (.)
saptaparakarajrkanimbarjdanatvaca / (76.1)
P saptapara m. Alstonia scholaris (Linn.) R.Br. M karaja m. Caesalpinia bonducella
Fleming (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 537); Caesalpinia crista Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 537);
Caesalpinia jayabo Maza (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 537) arka m. a learned man; a ray; a
religious ceremony ~ nimba m. Azadirachta Indica (its fruit is bitter and its leaves are chewed
at funeral ceremonies); the Nimb or Neemb tree rjdana mfn. Buchanania Latifolia; Butea
Frondosa; Mimusops Kauki ~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the
Soma); a leather bag.

7 ~ (.)
gomtrakalkito lepa seka krmbun hita // (76.2)
go-mtra-kalkay lepa seka kra-ambu hita
go mf. a class of sunrays creating heat; a herd of cattle; a kind of medicial plant mtra n.
the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine 7 kalkay Denom.P. lepa m. (esp.) particles or
remnants wiped from the hand after offering oblations to three ancestors; a coating of paint; a
kind of disease seka m. a drop of anything; a libation; a shower-bath kra adj. acrid;
biting; caustic ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a metre (consisting of ninety
syllables); the number four hita adj. agreeable; arranged; beneficial.

N ` " ` (.)
pracchdya msapey v vraa tn u nirharet / (77.1)
pracchday msa-pe v vraa tad u nirh
pracchday 10.P. to be an obstacle to (acc.); to be in the way; to conceal msa n.
flesh; meat ` pe f. a blown bud; a kind of drum; a muscle (of which there are said to be 500
in the human body) v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish tad pron. this " u ind. quickly T nirh 1.. to carry out
(a dead body); to change or interchange (clothes); to destroy.

~ * (.)
na caina tvaramo 'nta sadoam uparohayet // (77.2)
na ca-enad tvar antar sa-doa uparohay
na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as enad pron. this ~ tvar 1.P. to hurry;
to make haste; to move with speed * antar ind. amongst; between; in the middle sa ind.
(ibc.) with doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection uparohay 10.P. [medic.] (Wunde)
verwachsen lassen.

7` ^` (.)
so 'lpenpyapacrea bhyo vikurute yata / (78.1)
tad alpa-api-apacra bhyas vik yatas
tad pron. this 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small api ind. also; assuredly; besides
apacra m. absence; defect; fault bhyas ind. again; further; furthermore T vik 8.. to act
in a hostile or unfriendly way towards (gen. or loc.); to act in various ways; to annihilate
yatas ind. as; as soon as; because.

` (.)
rhe 'pyajravyymavyavydn vivarjayet // (78.2)
ruh api-ajra-vyyma-vyavya-di vivarjay
^ ruh 6.. to ascend; to attain (a desire); to cause to ascend api ind. also; assuredly;
besides ajra n. indigestion vyyma m. (with Buddhists) right exercise or training; a
difficult passage; a particular measure of length vyavya m. an obstacle; being separated by
(instr. or comp.); change di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning vivarjay 10.. to
abandon; to avoid; to distribute.

W (.)
hara krodha bhaya cpi yvad sthairyasabhavt / (79.1)
hara krodha bhaya ca-api yvat sthairya-sambhava
hara m. ardent desire; bristling; erection (esp. of the hair in a thrill of rapture or delight)
krodha m. Anger (personified as a child of Lobha and Nikti); anger; name of a Dnava
bhaya n. alarm; apprehension; danger ca ind. also; and; as well as api ind. also; assuredly;
besides yvat ind. as far as; as greatly as; as long as W sthairya n. calmness; constancy;
constant delight in ~ sambhava m. ability; acquaintance; adequacy.

`* P (.)
darenuvartyo 'ya msn a sapta v vidhi // (79.2)
dara-anuvt idam msa a saptan v vidhi
dara m. care; notice; regard anuvt 1.. to assent; to attend; to be supplied from a
previous sentence idam pron. this msa mn. a month or the 12th part of the Hind year;
the moon a adj. six P saptan adj. 7 MW v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the
other side; optionally vidhi m. a grammatical rule or precept; a means; a physician.

~N 7 (.)
utpadyamnsu ca tsu tsu vrttsu dodibalnusr / (80.1)
utpad ca tad tad vrtt doa-di-bala-anusrin
~ utpad 4.P. to appear; to arise; to be born or produced ca ind. also; and; as well as tad
pron. this tad pron. this 7 vrtt f. (sometimes pl.) an account of anything that has
happened; a female monster; abiding doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in anusrin
adj. according or conformable to; attendant on; following.

^ V 7 (.)
tais tairupyai prayatacikitsed locayan vistaram uttaroktam// (80.2)
tad tad-upya prayam-cikits locay vistara uttara-vac
tad pron. this tad pron. this upya m. a means of success against an enemy (four are
usually enumerated); a means or expedient (of any kind); approach prayam 1.. to answer;
to bestow; to cause cikits Desid.P. to heal locay 10.. to behold; to consider; to
make visible vistara m. a layer; a multitude; affectionate solicitation 7 uttara n. a
defensive measure; a particular figure in rhetoric; a wall plate vac 2.P. to declare; to
proclaim; to recite.

V W W (.)
athta krgnikarmavidhim adhyya vykhysyma / (1.1)
atha-atas krgnikarmavidhi adhyya vykhy
atha ind. an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); but; certainly
atas ind. from that time; from this; from this or that cause or reason V
krgnikarmavidhi m. name of Agahdayasahit, S. 30 W adhyya m. a lesson; a
reader; chapter W vykhy 2.. to call; to communicate; to discuss.

WV (.)
iti ha smhur treydayo maharaya / (1.2)
iti ha sma-ah treya-di mah-i
iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something that has been
said or thought) ha ind. (particle); a kind of bja W sma ind. always; certainly; ever ah 1.P.
to acknowledge; to adjugde anything; to call treya m. a descendant of Atri; a priest who is
closely related to the Sadasya; chyle di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning mah ind.
(irreg.- *mahant) -> gross i m. a hymn or Mantra composed by a i; a ray of light; a saint
or sanctified sage in general.

WW 7 (.)
sarvaastrnuastr kra reho bahni yat / (1.3)
sarva-astra-anuastra kra reha bahu yat
sarva pron. all; completely; different W astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or
wounding; any instrument or tool W anuastra n. any subsidiary weapon or instrument;
anything used in place of a regular surgical instrument (as a finger-nail) kra m. a kind of
prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash)
reha adj. most beautiful of or among; most splendid or beautiful V bahu adj. abundant;
great in quantity; many yat ind. as many as ( Lat. quot); as often; because.

NN ^` M (.)
chedyabhedydikarmi kurute viamevapi // (1.4)
chedya-bhedya-di-karman k viama-api
N chedya n. cutting; cutting off; tearing (with teeth or nails) N bhedya n. a substantive;
[medic.] incision (G.J. Meulenbeld 0: 204) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning
karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the
Nyya philosophy) T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become viama adj. bad;
coarse; dangerous api ind. also; assuredly; besides.

W ` T (.)
dukhvacryaastreu tena siddhim aytsu ca / (2.1)
dukha-avacray-astra tad siddhi y-su ca
dukha adj. difficult; uncomfortable; uneasy avacray 10.. to apply (in med.) W
astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool tad pron. this
T siddhi f. (prob.) a work of art; a kind of medicinal root; a magical shoe (supposed to convey
the wearer wherever he likes) y 2.. to flee; to go; to go to for any purpose (inf.) su ind.
quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very ca ind. also; and; as well as.

T ` V ` W` (.)
atikcchreu rogeu yacca pne 'pi yujyate // (2.2)
ati-kcchra roga yat-ca pna api yuj
ati ind. extremely; very T kcchra adj. attended with pain or labour; bad; being in a
difficult or painful situation roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease
yat ind. as many as ( Lat. quot); as often; because ca ind. also; and; as well as pna n. a
canal; a drink; a drinking-vessel api ind. also; assuredly; besides yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to
come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.);
to accrue to.

` V7 (.)
sa peyo 'ro'gnisdmagulmodaragardiu / (3.1)
tad p aras-agni-sda-aman-gulmodara-gara-di
tad pron. this p 1.. to drink; to quaff; to suck aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.]
name of a disease of the eyelid V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty sda m.
cleanness; clearness; decay aman mn. a precious stone; a stone; any instrument made of
stone (as a hammer etc.) 7 gulmodara n. a disease of the spleen gara m. a factitious
poison; a noxious or poisonous beverage; any drink di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

W NQ P (.)
yojya skn maavitrabhyrakuhasuptiu // (3.2)
yuj skt maa-vitra-bhya-aras-kuha-supti
yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or
conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to skt ind. actually; before one's eyes; clearly
maa m. a kind of Kudraroga N vitra mn. morbid whiteness of the skin; vitiligo; white leprosy
Q bhya adj. an out-caste; being outside (a door); conflicting with aras mn. hemorrhoids;
piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid kuha mn. a sort of poison; leprosy P supti f.
(esp.) deep sleep; carelessness; confidence.

W* (.)
bhagandarrbudagranthiduanvradiu / (4.1)
bhagadara mn. a fistula in the pudendum muliebre or in the anus etc. (5 to 8 forms
enumerated); Mastdarmfisteln; name of an ancient sage arbuda mn. a long round mass (said
especially of the shape of the foetus in the second half of the first month); a really large number;
a swelling * granthi m. a bell; a complaint; a joint of the body du 4.. to be defiled or
impure; to be ruined; to be wrong n f. a fistulous sore; a flute; a juggling trick vraa
mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

7 (.)
na tbhayo 'pi yoktavya pitte rakte cale 'bale // (4.2)
na tu-ubhaya api yuj pitta rakta cala abala
na ind. neither; no; nor tu ind. and; but; do ubhaya adj. both; in both manners; in both
ways api ind. also; assuredly; besides yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with
(instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to 7 pitta n. bile;
the bilious humour rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood cala m. a
sprout; quicksilver; shoot abala adj. weak.

7` ` T` ^ (.)
jvare 'tsre hnmrdharoge pvmaye 'rucau / (5.1)
jvara atsra hd-mrdhan-roga pu-maya aruci
7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body
supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul atsra m. dysentery; purging T hd n.
breast; chest; interior mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning;
chief (applied to persons) roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease
" pu m. a species of shrub; jaundice; name of a Ngarja maya m. disease;
indigestion; sickness ^ aruci f. aversion; disgust; dislike.

` T "T N ` (.)
timire ktasauddhau vayathau sarvagtrage // (5.2)
timira k-sauddhi vayathu sarva-gtra-ga
timira n. darkness; darkness of the eyes; iron-rust T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause
to become "T sauddhi f. acquittal; acquittance; cleaning (the body) N vayathu m.
Aufgedunsenheit; intumescence; swelling sarva pron. all; completely; different gtra n. a
limb or member of the body; the body; the forequarter of an elephant ga adj. abiding in;
abiding in or keeping the fifth place; being.


7 (.)
bhrugarbhiytumatprodvttaphalayoniu / (6.1)
^ bhru adj. dreading the beyond or the hereafter; fearful; timid garbhi f. a pregnant
woman tumat f. a girl at the age of puberty; a woman during her courses or just after
them (during the period favourable for procreation); marriageable girl prodvt 1..
phala n. a blade (of a sword or knife); a gaming board; a gift yoni mf. a mine; a particular
part of a fire-pit; abode.

` T (.)
ajre 'nne iau vddhe dhamansadhimarmasu // (6.2)
ajra anna iu vddha dhamani-sadhi-marman
ajra adj. not cooked; raw; undigested anna n. bread corn; earth; especially boiled rice
" iu m. a boy under eight years of age; a child; a lad under sixteen T vddha adj. (a vowel)
increased (by Vddhi); advanced in years; aged dhamani f. (esp.) a canal of the human
body; a bellows; a pipe or tube sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a
perpendicular; a fold; a joint marman n. any joint or articulation; any open or exposed or
weak or sensitive part of the body; any secret or mystery.

^WN (.)
tarusthisirsnyusevangalanbhiu / (7.1)
^ tarua adj. fresh; just begun (disease); just risen W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit
sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle; tendon sevan f. a kind
of small jasmine; a needle; a seam gala m. neck; the throat nbhi f. a near relation or
friend; affinity; central point.

` 7 *` (.)
dee 'lpamse vaamehrasrotonakhntare // (7.2)
dea alpa-msa vaa-mehra-srotas-nakha-antara
` dea m. country; institute; kingdom 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small msa n. flesh;
meat vaa mn. (du.) the testicles; fruit (of a plant); the scrotum mehra mn.
Harnrhre; membrum virile; penis srotas n. a river; an aperture in the human or animal
body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women); an organ of sense nakha mn. a finger-nail;
claw; talon * antara n. a hole; absence; another.

M ` WV `` (.)
vartmarogd te 'koca tavaroadurdine / (8.1)
vartman-roga te aki-ca ta-vara-ua-durdina
M vartman n. an edge; an eyelid (as encircling the eye); basis roga mn. a diseased spot;
Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease ` te ind. besides; excepting; under pain of aki n.
the eye ca ind. also; and; as well as ta adj. boiled; cold; dull vara mn. (pl.) the rains; a
day (?); a division of the earth as separated off by certain mountain ranges (9 such divisions are
enumerated) ua adj. acrid; active; hot ` durdina n. a rainy or cloudy day; bad weather.

MP (.)
klamukakaamykakadalpribhadrakn // (8.2)
M klamukaka m. name of a plant P amyka m. Cathartocarpus Fistula; name of a
Brahmin kadala mf. Musa sapientum Linn.; plantain or banana tree pribhadraka m.
Azadirachta indica Juss.; Erythrina Fulgens Indica; name of a son of Yajabhu.

NW (.)
avakaramahvkapalsphotavkakn / (9.1)
N avakara m. Dipterocarpus alatus Roxb. (Surapla (1988), 429); Dipterocarpus
turbinatus Gaertn.f. (Surapla 1988: 429); name of a mountain mahvka m. a species of
Euphorbia pala m. a Rkasa; Butea frondosa Roxb.; Cinnamomum tamala T. Nees et
Eberm. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 573) W sphota m. Bahinia Variegata; Calotropis Gigantea;
Echites Dichotoma vkaka m. a little tree; any tree; Wrightia Antidysenterica.

N (.)
indravkrkaptkanaktamlvamrakn // (9.2)
indravka m. Echites antidysenterica Roxb.; Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall.; Wrightia
antidysenterica Grah. arka m. a learned man; a ray; a religious ceremony ptka m. a
species of plant serving as a substitute for the Soma plant (often explained by rohia); Basella
cordifolia Lambk.; Basella rubra Linn. naktamla m. Galedupa indica Lamp.; Pongamia
glabra Vent. N avamraka m. Nerium odorum Soland.

V*V7 (.)
kkajaghm apmrgam agnimanthgnitilvakn / (10.1)
kkajagh apmrga agnimantha-agni-tilvaka
kkajagh f. Abrus precatorius; Coccolus suberosus DC.; Leea Hirta Roxb.
apmrga m. Achyranthes aspera Linn.; Achyranthes bidentata Blume (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974:
525); Achyranthes heptapetalum Roxb. V* agnimantha m. Clerodendrum inerme Gaertn.
(G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 523); Clerodendrum nereifolium Wall. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974),
523); Clerodendrum phlomoides Linn.F. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 523) V agni m. bile; Citrus
Acida; digestive faculty 7 tilvaka m. Symplocos racemosa Roxb.; Terminalia Catappa.

" 7 (.)
srdrn samlakhdn khaaa parikalpitn // (10.2)
srdra sa-mla-kh-di khaaas parikalpay
srdra adj. damp; moist; wet sa ind. (ibc.) with mla mn. a chief or principal city; a
corpse; a king's original or proper territory kh f. antika; pakntara; a branch (lit. and
fig.) di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning " khaaas ind. bit by bit; by pieces; in
pieces 7 parikalpay 10.. to accomplish; to admit or invite to; to arrange.

VV " (.)
kotakcatasraca ka nla yavasya ca / (11.1)
kotak-catur-ca ka nla yava ca
kotak f. Luffa acutangula Roxb.; Luffa amara Roxb.; Luffa pentandra catur nr.
four ca ind. also; and; as well as " ka mn. a bristle; compassion; pity nla mfn. a
hollow stalk; any tube or tubular vessel or vein etc. of the body; the hollow stalk of the lotus
yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to
indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of an Agula as a
weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens ca ind. also; and; as well as.

` T* (.)
nivte nicayktya pthak tni iltale // (11.2)
nivta nicayk pthak tad il-tala
nivta adj. calm; sheltered from the wind T nicayk 8.. pthak ind. (with abl.)
without; apart or separately or differently from; differently tad pron. this il f. a stone; a
vein; camphor tala mn. base; bottom; flat roof (of a house).

M (.)
prakipya mukakacaye sudhmni ca dpayet / (12.1)
prakip mukaka-caya sudh-aman ca dpay
prakip 6.. (eine Substanz einer anderen) zusetzen; to add; to cast M mukaka m. a
species of tree (the ashes of which are used as a cautery); Elaeodendron glaucum Pers. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Schrebera swietenioides Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 552) caya
m. (in med.) accumulation of the humors; a cover; a heap sudh f. a brick; a kind of metre;
cement aman mn. a precious stone; a stone; any instrument made of stone (as a hammer
etc.) ca ind. also; and; as well as dpay 10.. to excite; to illuminate; to inflame.

V ` (.)
tatas tiln kutalair dagdhvgnau vigate pthak // (12.2)
tatas tila kutala dah-agni vigam pthak
tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason tila mn. a mole; a small particle;
name of a chapter of PSarv. kutala n. getrocknete Sesampflanzen mit Wurzel und Stengeln
dah 1.. to be in flames; to burn; to cauterise V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty
vigam 6.P. to cease; to depart; to die pthak ind. (with abl.) without; apart or separately
or differently from; differently.

T~ W ~W (.)
ktv sudhman bhasma droa tvitarabhasmana / (13.1)
k sudh-aman bhasman droa tu-itara-bhasman
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become sudh f. a brick; a kind of metre; cement
aman mn. a precious stone; a stone; any instrument made of stone (as a hammer etc.) W
bhasman n. ashes; sacred ashes (smeared on the body); one of the five effects of fixation of
mercury droa mn. a measure for measuring fields (as much land as is sown with a Droa of
corn); a measure of capacity- 4 hakas 16 Pukalas 128 Kucis 1024 Muis tu ind. and; but;
do itara pron. another; the other (of two) W bhasman n. ashes; sacred ashes (smeared on
the body); one of the five effects of fixation of mercury.

M7 * (.)
mukakottaram dya pratyeka jalamtrayo // (13.2)
mukaka-uttara d pratyekam jala-mtra
M mukaka m. a species of tree (the ashes of which are used as a cautery); Elaeodendron
glaucum Pers. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Schrebera swietenioides Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld
1974: 552) 7 uttara adj. better; chief; concluding d 4.. to accept; to carry off; to grasp
* pratyekam ind. each; singly jala n. a cow's embryo; a kind of Andropogon; any fluid
mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine.

` (.)
glayed ardhabhrea mahat vsas ca tat / (14.1)
glay ardha-bhra mahant vsas ca tad
glay 10.P. etw. auflsen ardha adj. forming a half; half; halved bhra m. a burden;
a large quantity; a particular manner of beating a drum * mahant adj. abounding on rich in
(instr.); abundant; advanced (afternoon) vsas n. a cobweb; a garment; a pall ca ind.
also; and; as well as tad pron. this.

W (.)
yvat picchilaraktcchas tko jtas tad ca tam // (14.2)
yvat picchila-rakta-accha tka jan tad ca tad
yvat ind. as far as; as greatly as; as long as picchila adj. having a tail; lubricous;
slimy rakta adj. affected with passion or love; attached or devoted to; beloved accha adj.
clear; pellucid; transparent W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot jan 4.P. to be; to be born; to be
born again tad ind. at that time; in that case (often used redundantly); then ca ind. also;
and; as well as tad pron. this.

~ W Q (.)
ghtv kraniyanda pacel lauhy vighaayan / (15.1)
grah kra-nisyanda pac lauh vighaay
grah 6.P. (in astron.) to calculate; (in astron.) to observe; to abstract kra m. a kind of
prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash)
W nisyanda m. a discharge (of any fluid); a flowing or trickling down or forth; gush pac
1.. to bake; to become ripe; to boil lauh f. a metal or iron cooking-pot; kettle; pan
vighaay 10.P. to disperse; to open (a door); to pound.

` W W (.)
pacyamne tatas tasmis t sudhbhasmaarkar // (15.2)
pac tatas tad tad sudh-bhasman-arkar
pac 1.. to bake; to become ripe; to boil tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that
reason tad pron. this tad pron. this sudh f. a brick; a kind of metre; cement W
bhasman n. ashes; sacred ashes (smeared on the body); one of the five effects of fixation of
mercury arkar f. a fragment or piece of broken earthenware; Gries; gravel.

" ]V` (.)
ukt krapaka akhanbhcyasabhjane / (16.1)
ukti krapaka akhanbhi-ca-yasa-bhjana
" ukti f. a bone; a curl or feather on a horse's neck or breast; a measure of weight ( 1/2 Pala
or 4 Karshas) krapaka n. chalk ] akhanbhi f. a conch; a kind of mineral ?; a kind
of shell ca ind. also; and; as well as yasa adj. armed with an iron weapon; iron-coloured;
made of iron or metal bhjana n. a particular measure ( an haka 14 Palas); a place or
person in which anything is collected or in whom any quality is conspicuous; a recipient.

T~V V M ` (.)
ktvgnivarn bahua krotthe kuavonmite // (16.2)
k-agnivara bahuas kra-uttha kuava-unm
T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become V agnivara adj. fiery (said of liquors);
having the colour of fire; hot V bahuas ind. manifoldly; much; often kra m. a kind of
prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash)
M uttha adj. (generally ifc.) standing up; arising; coming forth kuava mn. a measure of
grain or of wood or of iron etc. (4th part of a Prastha) unm 3.. to measure; to weigh.

\ ` ` (.)
nirvpya piv tenaiva pratvpa vinikipet / (17.1)
nirvpay pi tad-eva pratvpa vinikip
nirvpay 10.P. to extinguish; to quench; perform nirvpa: throwing a heated metal into a
liquid pi 7.. to bruise; to crush; to destroy (fig. also with gen.) tad pron. this eva ind.
alone; already; even pratvpa m. a disease; admixture; Beimischung vinikip 6.P.
to appoint to; to charge with; to deposit.

HW T _` (.)
laka akd dakaikhigdhrakakakapotajam // (17.2)
laka akt daka-ikhin-gdhra-kaka-kapota-ja
HW laka adj. bland; even; fine T akt n. dung (esp. cow-dung); excrement; feces
daka m. a cock; a general lover; a law-giver ikhin m. Ardea Nivea (a kind of heron or
crane); a Brhman; a bull gdhra m. a vulture; name of a i in the 14th Manvantara; name of
a Rakas _ kaka m. a form of iva; a kind of mango; false or pretended Brhman kapota
mn. bird in general; cornice; dove ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc.
born or descended from.

~7J (.)
catuptpakipittlamanohvlavani ca / (18.1)
catupd-pakin-pitta-la-manohv-lavaa ca
catupd m. quadruped pakin m. a bird or any winged animal; a day with the 2
nights enclosing it; a particular sacrificial act 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour la n. any
discharge of poisonous matter from venomous animals; orpiment; spawn J manohv f. red
arsenic lavaa n. a kind of prameha; a particular mode of fighting; beauty ca ind. also;
and; as well as.

parita sutar cto darvy tam avaghaayet // (18.2)
paritas sutarm ca-atas darv tad avaghaay
paritas ind. all around; everywhere; round sutarm ind. excessively; in a higher
degree; still more ca ind. also; and; as well as atas ind. from that time; from this; from this
or that cause or reason darv f. vi; a ladle; name of a country tad pron. this
avaghaay 10.P. to push away; to push open; to push together.

V 7

sabpaica yadottihed budbudair lehavad ghana / (19.1)
sa-bpa-ca yad-utth budbuda leha-vat ghana
sa ind. (ibc.) with bpa mn. a kind of plant- bpik; a kind of pot-herb; a tear ca ind.
also; and; as well as yad ind. at what time; when; whenever M utth 1.. to appear; to
arise; to be active or brave budbuda mn. a bubble (often as a symbol of anything transitory);
an embryo five days old; an ornament or decoration resembling a bubble leha m. a licker; an
electuary; food vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) ghana adj. complete; dark; deep.

avatrya tad to yavarvayomaye // (19.2)
avatray tad ta yava-ri-ayas-maya
avatray 10.P. to bring or fetch down (acc. or loc.) from (abl.); to make one descend; to
remove tad ind. at that time; in that case (often used redundantly); then ta adj. boiled;
cold; dull yava mn. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn
(supposed to indicate good fortune); a barley-corn (either as a measure of length 1/6 or 1/8 of
an Agula as a weight 6 or 12 mustard seeds 1/2 Guj); a double convex lens ri mf. a
heap; a heap of corn; a measure of quantity ayas n. an iron weapon (as an axe); gold; iron
maya adj. consisting or made of.

W W \ ` (.)
sthpyo 'ya madhyama kro na tu piv kipen mdau / (20.1)
sthpay idam madhyama kra na tu pi kip mdu
W sthpay 10.. to affirm; to appoint (to any office); to appoint or employ as idam pron.
this W madhyama adj. (in astron.) mean; being or placed in the middle; central kra m. a
kind of prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or
potash) na ind. neither; no; nor tu ind. and; but; do pi 7.. to bruise; to crush; to
destroy (fig. also with gen.) kip 6.. to cast; to despatch; to lose (time) mdu adj. (in
astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung).

W (.)
nirvpypanayet tke prvavat prativpanam // (20.2)
nirvpay-apan tka prvavat prativpana
nirvpay 10.P. to extinguish; to quench; perform nirvpa: throwing a heated metal into a
liquid apan 1.. to deny; to except; to exclude from a rule W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot
prvavat ind. according to something previous (applied in the Nyya to a kind of inference
such as inferring from the previous appearance of a cloud that rain will fall); as aforesaid; as
before prativpana n. admixture; pratvpa.

* (.)
tath lgalikdantcitraktivivac / (21.1)
tath lgalik-dant-citraka-ativi-vac
tath ind. in like manner; in that manner; so lgalik f. Jussiaea Repens;
Methonica superba * dant f. Baliospermum axillare Blume (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 561);
Baliospermum montanum Muell. Arg.; Croton polyandrum Roxb. citraka mn.
Amorphophallus campanulatus Blum ex Decne (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 553); a kind of coin or
weight; a kind of snake ativi f. Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. (Surapla 1988: 295);
the plant Aconitum Ferox vac f. Acorus calamus Linn.; a kind of aromatic root; Turdus

= (.)
svarjikkanakakrhiguptikapallav // (21.2)
svarjik mf. salpetre kanakakr f. Cleome Felina higu mn. Ferula Asa
Foetida Linn.; Ferula alliacea Boiss. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 611); Ferula foetida Regel (G.J.
Meulenbeld 1974: 611) ptika m. Guilandina Bonduc = pallava mn. a bracelet; a sprout; a
strip of cloth.

7 P (.)
tlapattr via ceti saptartrt para tu sa / (22.1)
tlapattr via ca-iti saptan-rtra param tu tad
7 tlapattr f. Anethum graveolens; Salvinia cucullata via mn. a collection of certain
objects required in the calcination of mercury; a kind of iron/steel; a kind of salt ca ind. also;
and; as well as iti ind. in this manner; thus (in its original signification iti refers to something
that has been said or thought) P saptan adj. 7 MW rtra mn. rtri param ind.
afterwards; extremely tu ind. and; but; do tad pron. this.

W W HPM (.)
yojyas tko 'nilalemamedojevarbuddiu // (22.2)
yuj tka anila-leman-medas-ja-arbuda-di
yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or
conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot anila m. air or wind;
any affection referred to disorder of the wind; name of a Ri and other persons HP leman m.
mucus; phlegm; rheum medas n. a mystical term for the letter v; corpulence; excessive
fatness ja adj. born or produced in or at or upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from
arbuda mn. a long round mass (said especially of the shape of the foetus in the second half of the
first month); a really large number; a swelling di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

WMM W ~ 7 ` (.)
madhyeveveva madhyo 'nya pittsragudajanmasu / (23.1)
madhya-idam-eva madhya anya pitta-asra-gudajanman
W madhya adj. central; impartial; intermediate idam pron. this eva ind. alone; already;
even W madhya adj. central; impartial; intermediate ~ anya pron. anderer 7 pitta n. bile;
the bilious humour asra n. a corner; a tear; blood ` gudajanman n. piles.

~ ` (.)
balrtha kapnye krmbu punarvapet // (23.2)
bala-artha ki-pnya kra-ambu punar-vap
bala mn. Balarma; an army; expertness in artha mn. (in astron.) name of the second
mansion; action; advantage ki 9.. to be diminished; to corrupt; to decrease pnya n. a
beverage; drink; water kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline
substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash) ~ ambu n. a kind of Andropogon; name of a
metre (consisting of ninety syllables); the number four punar ind. again and again; back;
besides vap 1.P. to afford; to fill up; to insert.

W HW (.)
ntitkamdu laka picchila ghraga sita / (24.1)
na-ati-tka-mdu laka picchila ghra-ga sita
na ind. neither; no; nor ati ind. extremely; very W tka adj. acid; fiery; hot mdu
adj. (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis; gentle; mild (Nahrung) HW laka adj. bland; even;
fine picchila adj. having a tail; lubricous; slimy ghra adj. quick; speedy; swift ga
adj. abiding in; abiding in or keeping the fifth place; being sita adj. bright; candid; light (said
of a day in the light half of a month and of the waxing moon).

W ^ (.)
ikhar sukhanirvpyo na viyand na ctiruk // (24.2)
ikharin sukha-nirvpay na viyandin na ca-ati-ruj
ikharin adj. crested; peaked; pointed sukha adj. agreeable; comfortable; easy
nirvpay 10.P. to extinguish; to quench; perform nirvpa: throwing a heated metal into a liquid
na ind. neither; no; nor W viyandin adj. liquid na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and;
as well as ati ind. extremely; very ^ ruj mf. Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease.

W` T (.)
kro daagua astratejasorapi karmakt / (25.1)
kra daan-gua astra-tejas-api karman-kt
kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali
such as soda or potash) daan adj. ten gua mn. (in khya phil.) an ingredient or
constituent of Prakti; a bow-string; a cook W astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or
wounding; any instrument or tool ` tejas n. (in Skhya phil.) rajas (passion); (opposed to
kam) impatience; a mystical name of the letter r api ind. also; assuredly; besides
karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the
Nyya philosophy) T kt adj. accomplishing; acting; author.

~ (.)
cann iva sarambhd gtram payann iva // (25.2)
c iva sarambha gtra pay iva
c 1.P. iva ind. a little; about; almost ~ sarambha m. agitation; anger; angriness
gtra n. a limb or member of the body; the body; the forequarter of an elephant
pay 10.P. to crush; to give pain; to perplex iva ind. a little; about; almost.

sarvato 'nusaran don unmlayati mlata / (26.1)
sarvatas anus doa unmlay mla
sarvatas ind. sarvasmt or sarvebhyas; around (acc.); completely V anus 1.. to
conform to; to follow; to go after doa mn. a calf; accusation; affection unmlay 10.P.
to destroy; to eradicate; to extirpate mla mn. a chief or principal city; a corpse; a king's
original or proper territory.

T~ ^ P (.)
karma ktv gataruja svayam evopamyati // (26.2)
karman k gam-ruj svayam eva-upaam
karman n. act; action; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories
of the Nyya philosophy) T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become gam 6.P. to
approach; to go; to move ^ ruj f. an ewe; breaking; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus
svayam ind. of one's own accord; of or by one's self spontaneously; one's self (applicable to all
persons) eva ind. alone; already; even upaam 4.. to become calm or quiet; to become
extinct; to cease.

W ` ` ` (.)
krasdhye gade chinne likhite srvite 'thav / (27.1)
kra-sdhay gada chid likh srvay athav
kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali
such as soda or potash) sdhay 10.. to accomplish; to acquire; to attain one's object
gada m. a sentence; Costus speciosus Sm.; disease chid 1.P. to amputate; to chop; to cut off
likh 6.. to copy; to delineate; to draw a line srvay 10.. athav ind. (when
repeated) either or; or; perhaps.

* N` (.)
kra alkay dattv plotaprvtadehay // (27.2)
kra alk d plota-prv-deha
kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali
such as soda or potash) alk mf. a bone; a finger; a match or thin piece of wood (used for
ignition by friction) d 1.. to answer; to give; to give (a daughter) in marriage N plota mn.
(?) cloth; a bandage; stuff prv 5.P. to conceal; to cover; to dress one's self in (acc) ` deha
mn. appearance; bulk (as of a cloud); form.

` (.)
mtratam upeketa tatrrasvvtnanam / (28.1)
mtr-ata upek tatra-aras-v-nana
mtr f. a minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial instant ata mn. a hundred; any
very large number ` upek 1.P. to abandon; to allow; to connive at tatra ind. in that; in that
case; in that place aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid
v 5.. to comprehend; to conceal; to cover nana n. door; entrance; the face.

M M` M (.)
hastena yantra kurvta vartmarogeu vartman // (28.2)
hasta yantra k vartman-roga vartman
hasta mn. autograph; the hand; trunk (of an elephant) M yantra mn. a fetter; a prop; a
surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one) T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become M
vartman n. an edge; an eyelid (as encircling the eye); basis roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus
Speciosus or Arabicus; disease M vartman n. an edge; an eyelid (as encircling the eye); basis.

W N T ` (.)
nirbhujya picuncchdya kabhga vinikipet / (29.1)
nirbhuj picu-cchday ka-bhga vinikip
nirbhuj 6.P. to bend awry; to distort (mouth) picu m. a Karsha or weight of 2 Tolas; a
kind of leprosy; a sort of grain cchday 10.. to clothe; to cover; to dress T ka adj.
black; dark; dark-blue bhga m. a degree or 360th part of the circumference of a great circle;
a division of time; a fraction (often with an ordinal number) vinikip 6.P. to appoint to; to
charge with; to deposit.

T7 ` (.)
padmapattratanu kralepo ghrrbudeu ca // (29.2)
padma-pattra-tanu kra-lepa ghra-arbuda ca
T padma mn. a kind of coitus; a kind of temple; a lotus (esp. the flower of the lotus-plant
Nelumbium Speciosum which closes towards evening) 7 pattra mn. a bird; a chariot; a knife
tanu adj. accomplished (in metre); delicate; emaciated kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any
corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash) lepa m. (esp.)
particles or remnants wiped from the hand after offering oblations to three ancestors; a coating
of paint; a kind of disease ghra n. the nose arbuda mn. a long round mass (said
especially of the shape of the foetus in the second half of the first month); a really large number;
a swelling ca ind. also; and; as well as.

** H P (.)
pratyditya niaasya samunnamygransikm / (30.1)
prati-ditya niad samunnamay-agra-nsik
prati ind. again; against; against * ditya m. name of a constellation; name of a god in
general; name of Srya (the sun) niad 1.. to appoint; to be afflicted; to establish
samunnamay 10.P. agra n. a measure of food given as alms; a weight equal to a pala; aim
nsik f. a false dormer-window; a nostril; name of Avin (mother of the two Avins).

B ` (.)
mtr vidhrya pacat tadvad arasi karaje // (30.2)
mtr vidh pacat tadvat aras kara-ja
mtr f. a minute portion; a mirror; a mora or prosodial instant vidh 1.P. to bear; to
carry; to hold B pacat f. 50 MW tadvat ind. like that; so (correlative of yadvat); thus
aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid kara m.
Calotropis Gigantea; Cassia Fistula; diameter of a circle ja adj. born or produced in or at or
upon; growing in; ifc. born or descended from.

` WP (.)
kra pramrjanennu parimjyvagamya ca / (31.1)
kra pramrjana-anu parimj-avagam ca
kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali
such as soda or potash) pramrjana n. causing to disappear; removing; the act of rubbing
off anu ind. danach; dementsprechend parimj 6.. to cleanse; to cleanse or rinse the
mouth; to efface avagam 6.P. to assure one's self; to be convinced; to come to ca ind.
also; and; as well as.

^ M (.)
sudagdha ghtamadhvakta tat payomastukjikai // (31.2)
su-dah ghta-madhu-aj tad payas-mastu-kjika
su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very dah 1.. to be in flames; to burn; to cauterise
ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops
from heaven) madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if
liquid) M aj 7.. (eine trockene Substanz mit einer Flssigkeit) binden; to anoint; to apply an
ointment or pigment tad pron. this payas n. (esp.) milk; (met.) vital spirit; a species of
Andropogon mastu n. sour cream; the watery part of curds; whey M kjika n. a sour
gruel prepared from the acetous fermentation of powdered paddy and other substances; sour
gruel; water of boiled rice in a state of spontaneous fermentation.

W ` (.)
nirvpayet tata sjyai svdutai pradehayet / (32.1)
nirvpay tatas sa-jya svdu-ta pradehay
nirvpay 10.P. to extinguish; to quench; perform nirvpa: throwing a heated metal into a
liquid tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason sa ind. (ibc.) with W jya n. (in
a wider sense) oil and milk used instead of clarified butter at a sacrifice; melted or clarified
butter; name of a sort of chant (astra) connected with the morning sacrifice svdu adj.
agreeable; chirming; dainty ta adj. boiled; cold; dull ` pradehay 10.P. to smear.

W W W (.)
abhiyandni bhojyni bhojyni kledanya ca // (32.2)
abhiyandin bhojya bhuj kledana ca
W abhiyandin adj. causing defluxions or serious effusions; laxative; oozing W bhojya n.
a dainty; a feast a store of provisions; a festive dinner bhuj 1.P. to consume; to eat; to enjoy
kledana n. moistening; trickling; wetting ca ind. also; and; as well as.

W~ ^ ` (.)
yadi ca sthiramlatvt kradagdha na ryate / (33.1)
yadi ca sthira-mla-tva kra-dah na
yadi ind. if; in case that ca ind. also; and; as well as W sthira adj. ascertained; calm;
certain mla mn. a chief or principal city; a corpse; a king's original or proper territory ~ tva
n. (Marker fr abstrakte Nomina) kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid
or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash) dah 1.. to be in flames; to burn; to
cauterise na ind. neither; no; nor " 9.. to break; to crush; to kill (game).

~WJ (.)
dhnymlabjayayhvatilairlepayet tata // (33.2)
dhnymla-bja-yayhva-tila-lepay tatas
~ dhnymla n. sour rice-gruel bja mn. (Trika:) Vokal (<-> yoni); a runner (of the
Indian fig-tree); algebra W yayhva mfn. liquorice tila mn. a mole; a small particle;
name of a chapter of PSarv. lepay 10.P. tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that

7 (.)
tilakalka samadhuko ghtkto vraaropaa / (34.1)
tila-kalka sa-madhuka ghta-aj vraa-ropaa
tila mn. a mole; a small particle; name of a chapter of PSarv. 7 kalka mn. (architect.) a
kind of mortar/coating; a kind of tenacious paste; a viscous sediment deposited by oily
substances when ground sa ind. (ibc.) with madhuka n. Bassia latifolia Roxb. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 587); beeswax; Cynometra ramiflora Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 587)
ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which
drops from heaven) M aj 7.. (eine trockene Substanz mit einer Flssigkeit) binden; to
anoint; to apply an ointment or pigment vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish ropaa adj.
causing to grow; causing to grow over or cicatrize; healing.

` P^ (.)
pakvajambvasita sanna samyagdagdha viparyaye // (34.2)
pakva-jambu-asita sanna samyak-dah viparyaya
pakva adj. accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots) ~ jambu f.
Jambudvpa; Ardisia humilis Vahl (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 556); Eugenia Jambolana Lam. (the
rose apple tree) asita adj. black; dark-coloured sanna adj. appeased; contracted; dead
P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig dah 1.. to be in flames; to burn; to cauterise
viparyaya m. alteration; avoiding; barter.

N ^ ` (.)
tmrattodakavdyair durdagdha ta punar dahet / (35.1)
tmra-t-toda-ka-dya durdagdha tad punar dah
tmra n. tmradru; a coppery receptacle; a variety of brass t f. ifc. abstracta toda m. a
driver (of horses etc.); name of a Sman; pricking pain " ka f. itch; itching; scratching N
dya adj. being at the head; earlier; excellent ^ durdagdha n. [medic.] a kind of burn tad
pron. this punar ind. again and again; back; besides dah 1.. to be in flames; to burn; to

^ ` ` (.)
atidagdhe sraved rakta mrchdhajvardaya // (35.2)
atidagdha sru rakta mrch-dha-jvara-di
^ atidagdha n. name of a bad kind of burn sru 1.. to arise from; to disappear; to drop
rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the eyes; blood mrch f. (alchemy) one of the
Saskras of mercury; a kind of kumbhaka; a swoon dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery
(of a wound) 7 jvara m. affliction; fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors
of the body supposed to be affected by it); fever of the soul di m. a firstling; and so on;

` (.)
gude vied vimtrasarodho 'tipravartanam / (36.1)
guda viet vi-mtra-sarodha ati-pravartana
guda mn. an intestine; anus; entrail viet ind. especially vi f. dirt; excrement;
feces mtra n. the fluid secreted by the kidneys; urine sarodha m. blockade; complete
obstruction or opposition; confinement ati ind. extremely; very pravartana n. activity;
advance; advancing.

* (.)
pustvopaghto mtyur v gudasya tanddhruvam // (36.2)
pustva-upaghta mtyu v guda tana-dhruvam
pustva n. manhood; semen virile; the being a man (opp. to str-bhva) upaghta m. a
kind of oblation or sacrifice; a stroke; damage * mtyu m. Death personified; death; dying
v ind. either - or; on the one side - on the other side; optionally guda mn. an intestine; anus;
entrail tana n. a means of removing or destroying; cutting or plucking off; destroying
dhruvam ind. certainly.

BT (.)
nsy nsikvaadarakucanodbhava / (37.1)
ns nsik-vaa-daraa-kucana-udbhava
ns f. Gendarussa Vulgaris; proboscis; the nose nsik f. a false dormer-window; a
nostril; name of Avin (mother of the two Avins) vaa m. (architect.) a ridge beam; a
cross-beam; a dynasty of kings daraa n. breaking; cleaving; falling away (of flesh) B
kucana n. bending (of a limb) T udbhava adj. produced or coming from.

`V M (.)
bhavecca viayjna tadvacchrotrdikevapi // (37.2)
bh-ca viaya-ajna tadvat-rotra-dika-api
bh 1.. to be; to become; to come into being ca ind. also; and; as well as viaya mn.
(pl.) sensual enjoyments; a country with more than 100 villages; a fit or suitable object
ajna n. (in philosophy) spiritual ignorance; Illusion; ignorance tadvat ind. like that; so
(correlative of yadvat); thus rotra n. auricle; conversancy with the Veda or sacred
knowledge itself; ear dika adj. and so on; beginning with api ind. also; assuredly;

vied atra seko 'mlair lepo madhu ghta til / (38.1)
viet atra seka amla lepa madhu ghta tila
viet ind. especially atra ind. here at this time; in this matter; in this place seka
m. a drop of anything; a libation; a shower-bath amla adj. acid; sour lepa m. (esp.)
particles or remnants wiped from the hand after offering oblations to three ancestors; a coating
of paint; a kind of disease madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything
sweet (esp. if liquid) ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain
(considered as the fat which drops from heaven) tila mn. a mole; a small particle; name of a
chapter of PSarv.

7 (.)
vtapittahar ce sarvaiva iir kriy // (38.2)
vta-pitta-hara ce sarva-eva iira kriy
vta m. air; flatulence; gout 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour hara adj. bearing;
destroying; ravishing ce f. action; activity; behaving sarva pron. all; completely;
different eva ind. alone; already; even iira adj. chilly; cold; cool kriy f. a literary
work; a noun of action; a religious rite or ceremony.

W ` (.)
amlo hi ta sparena kras tenopasahita / (39.1)
amla hi ta spara kra tad-upasadh
amla adj. acid; sour hi ind. because; for; on account of ta adj. boiled; cold; dull W
spara m. a gift; a kind of sexual union; a spy kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any
corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash) tad pron. this
upasadh 3.P. to add; to aim at; to annex.

*" W 7 (.)
ytyu svdut tasmd amlair nirvpayettarm / (39.2)
y-u svdu-t tasmt amla nirvpay
y 2.. to flee; to go; to go to for any purpose (inf.) " u ind. quickly svdu adj.
agreeable; chirming; dainty t f. ifc. abstracta W tasmt ind. therefore amla adj. acid;
sour nirvpay 10.P. to extinguish; to quench; perform nirvpa: throwing a heated metal
into a liquid.

VW* 7 ` 7 (.)
vigniastranimtyutulya kro bhaved alpam atiprayukta /(39.3)
via-agni-astra-aani-mtyu-tulya kra bh alpa ati-prayuj
via n. Aconitum ferox Wall.; a mystical name of the sound m; a particular vegetable poison
V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty W astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or
wounding; any instrument or tool aani mf. (in astronomy) a subdivision of the phenomena
called Ulks; a flash of lightning; the thunderbolt * mtyu m. Death personified; death; dying
7 tulya adj. comparable; equal to; even kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any corrosive or
acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash) bh 1.. to be; to become; to
come into being 7 alpa adj. little; minute; small ati ind. extremely; very prayuj 7.. to
accomplish; to act; to begin.

~ ` P (.)
rogn nihanyd acirea ghorn sa dhmat samyag anuprayukta //(39.4)
roga nihan acirea ghora tad dhmant samyak anuprayuj
roga mn. a diseased spot; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus; disease nihan 2.. to afflict; to
assail; to attach to ` acirea ind. soon ghora adj. awful; dreadful; terrific tad pron.
this * dhmant adj. intelligent; learned; sensible P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig
anuprayuj 7.. to add after (abl.); to employ after.

V q^ (.)
agni krd api rehas taddagdhnm asabhavt / (40.1)
agni kra api reha tad-dah asabhava
V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any
corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash) api ind. also;
assuredly; besides reha adj. most beautiful of or among; most splendid or beautiful tad
pron. this dah 1.. to be in flames; to burn; to cauterise asabhava m. absence of;
cessation; destruction.

`WV T (.)
bheajakraastraica na siddhn prasdhant // (40.2)
bheaja-kra-astra-ca na sidh prasdhana
` bheaja n. a remedy; a spell or charm; drug kra m. a kind of prameha; alkali; any
corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash) W astra n. a razor;
an instrument for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool ca ind. also; and; as well as
na ind. neither; no; nor sidh 4.. to (esp.) be healed or cured; to arise; to attain beatitude
prasdhana n. arranging; bringing about; decoration.

~ NWW W` (.)
tvaci mse sirsnyusadhyasthiu sa yujyate / (41.1)
tvac msa sir-snyu-sadhi-asthi tad yuj
~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag
msa n. flesh; meat sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream N snyu fn. a sinew; muscle;
tendon sadhi mf. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular; a fold; a joint
W asthi n. a bone; the kernel of a fruit tad pron. this yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into
conjunction with (instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to.

`* (.)
magaglnimrdhrtimanthaklatildiu // (41.2)
maa m. a kind of Kudraroga aga n. a limb; a limb of the body; a limb or subdivision of
Mantra or counsel (said to be five) glni f. debility; decrease; depression of mind
mrdhan m. (fig.) the highest or first part of anything; beginning; chief (applied to persons) `
rti f. injury; mischief; pain * mantha m. a churning-stick; a drink in which other ingredients
are mixed by stirring; a kind of antelope kla m. a blow with the elbow; a gnomon; a kind of
tumour (having the form of a stake) tila mn. a mole; a small particle; name of a chapter of
PSarv. di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

~ `* * (.)
tvagdho vartigodantasryakntaardibhi / (42.1)
tvac-dha vart-godanta-sryaknta-ara-di
~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag
dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) vart f. a kind of bandage bound round a
wound; a kind of fringe; a limp * godanta mfn. a cow's tooth; a white mineral substance
(apparently an earthy salt); name of a Dnava * sryaknta mn. a kind of flower;
Bergkristall; crystal ara m. (in astron.) the versed sine of an arc; a particular configuration of
stars; a sort of reed or grass di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

W* (.)
arobhagandaragranthinduavradiu // (42.2)
aras mn. hemorrhoids; piles; [medic.] name of a disease of the eyelid bhagadara
mn. a fistula in the pudendum muliebre or in the anus etc. (5 to 8 forms enumerated);
Mastdarmfisteln; name of an ancient sage * granthi m. a bell; a complaint; a joint of the body
n f. a fistulous sore; a flute; a juggling trick duavraa m. a dull boil or sore; a sinus
di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

N`~ (.)
msadho madhusnehajmbavauhagudibhi / (43.1)
msa-dha madhu-sneha-jmbavauha-gua-di
msa n. flesh; meat dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) madhu n. a
kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if liquid) N sneha mn. a fluid
of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance ~ jmbavauha n. a kind of surgical
instrument (varti); [medic.] a probe (Sonde) gua mn. (pl.) name of a people (in
Madhyadea); a ball to play with; a bit di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning.

HM~V7P (.)
liavartmanyasksrvanlyasamyagvyadhdiu // (43.2)
H li 6.P. to adhere; to attach; to be implied or intimated M vartman n. an edge; an eyelid
(as encircling the eye); basis V asksrva adj. bleeding; letting blood nl f. a kind of
disease; a species of blue fly; Indigofera angustifolia (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 569) P
asamyak ind. incorrectly; wrongly vyadha m. a stroke; cutting; hitting di m. a firstling;
and so on; beginning.

` ` (.)
sirdidhas taireva na dahet kravritn / (44.1)
sir-di-dha tad-eva na dah kra-vray
sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning dha m.
burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) tad pron. this eva ind. alone; already; even
na ind. neither; no; nor dah 1.. to be in flames; to burn; to cauterise kra m. a kind of
prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash)
vray 10.. abhalten; hindern; to hinder.

*7V (.)
antaalysjo bhinnakohn bhrivraturn // (44.2)
antar-alya-asj bhid-koha bhri-vraa-tura
* antar ind. amongst; between; in the middle 7 alya mn. (in med.) any extraneous
substance lodged in the body and causing pain; a dart; a fault V asj n. blood; saffron
bhid 6.P. to be changed or altered (in mind); to be disclosed or betrayed; to be distinguished
koha mn. a kind of pan; a surrounding wall; an inner apartment bhri adj. abundant;
frequent; great vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish tura adj. desirous of (Inf.); diseased
or pained by (in comp.); sick (in body or mind).

^ N^ ` (.)
sudagdha ghtamadhvakta snigdhatai pradehayet / (45.1)
su-dah ghta-madhu-aj snigdha-ta pradehay
su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very dah 1.. to be in flames; to burn; to cauterise
ghta n. cream; fat (as an emblem of fertility); fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops
from heaven) madhu n. a kind of metre; any sweet intoxicating drink; anything sweet (esp. if
liquid) M aj 7.. (eine trockene Substanz mit einer Flssigkeit) binden; to anoint; to apply an
ointment or pigment N^ snigdha adj. adhesive; affectionate; agreeable ta adj. boiled;
cold; dull ` pradehay 10.P. to smear.

W` =~ (.)
tasya liga sthite rakte abdavallasiknvitam // (45.2)
tad liga sth rakta abdavant-lasik-anvita
tad pron. this liga mn. (in logic) vypya; (in Skhya) prakti or pradhna; prtipadika
W sth 1.. to adhere to; to be; to be at hand rakta n. padmaka; a particular disease of the
eyes; blood * abdavant adj. crackling (as flame); endowed with sound (as wind); noisy
lasik f. a tendon; muscle; saliva ~ anvita adj. accompanied by; acquired; attended.

` (.)
pakvatlakapotbha suroha ntivedanam / (46.1)
pakva-tla-kapota-bha su-roha na-ativedana
pakva adj. accomplished; baked; baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots) tla n.
the nut of the fan-palm; the throne of Durg kapota mn. bird in general; cornice; dove
bha adj. appearing; ifc. like; resembling su ind. quite; [ibc.] good-; [ibc.] very roha adj.
ascending; ifc. riding on; mounting na ind. neither; no; nor ` ativedana adj. .

^ ^*^ (.)
pramdadagdhavat sarva durdagdhtyarthadagdhayo // (46.2)
pramda-dah-vat sarva durdagdha-atyartha-dagdha
pramda m. a particular high number; an error; carelessness about (abl. or comp.) dah
1.. to be in flames; to burn; to cauterise vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) sarva pron. all;
completely; different ^ durdagdha n. [medic.] a kind of burn * atyartha adj. excessive;
exorbitant ^ dagdha n. ash; burn; cauterisation.

caturdh tat tu tucchena saha tucchasya lakaam / (47.1)
caturdh tad tu tuccha saha tuccha lakaa
caturdh ind. fourfold; in 4 parts tad pron. this tu ind. and; but; do tuccha n.
anything trifling; blauer Vitriol; chaff saha ind. along with; together with; with tuccha n.
anything trifling; blauer Vitriol; chaff lakaa n. a designation; a form; a lucky mark.

~ ` * WT (.)
tvag vivaroyate 'tyartha na ca sphoasamudbhava // (47.2)
tvac vivara-u atyartham na ca sphoa-samudbhava
~ tvac f. a cover (of a horse); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma); a leather bag
vivara adj. belonging to a mixed caste; colourless; low u 4.P. to burn; to chastise; to punish
* atyartham ind. excessively na ind. neither; no; nor ca ind. also; and; as well as W
sphoa m. a little bit or fragment; a swelling; boil T samudbhava m. coming to life again;
existence; name of Agni at the Vratdea.

W ^ (.)
sasphoadhatvroa durdagdham atidhata / (48.1)
sa-sphoa-dha-tvra- durdagdha ati-dha
sa ind. (ibc.) with W sphoa m. a little bit or fragment; a swelling; boil dha m. burning;
cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) tvra adj. acute; ardent; excessive f. soil
impregnated with saline particles; sterile soil; [medic.] lokales Brennen ^ durdagdha n.
[medic.] a kind of burn ati ind. extremely; very dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of
a wound).

~` (.)
msalambanasakocadhadhpanavedan // (48.2)
msa n. flesh; meat ~ lambana n. a fringe; a long necklace (depending from the neck to
the navel); a particular mode of fighting sakoca m. a sort of skate fish; abridgement;
binding dha m. burning; cauterizing; cautery (of a wound) dhpana n. (in astrol.) the
obscuration of a conset; fumigation; incense ` vedan f. feeling; pain; sensation.

~* (.)
sirdinas tmrchvraagmbhryamtyava / (49.1)
sir-di-na t-mrch-vraa-gmbhrya-mtyu
sir f. a bucket; a nerve; a stream di m. a firstling; and so on; beginning na m.
(arithm.) elimination; annihilation; death t f. Desire as daughter of Love; strong desire;
thirst mrch f. (alchemy) one of the Saskras of mercury; a kind of kumbhaka; a swoon
vraa mn. a flaw; abscess; blemish ~ gmbhrya n. calmness; composure; deep recondite
sense * mtyu m. Death personified; death; dying.

V ` (.)
tucchasygnipratapana kryam ua ca bheajam // (49.2)
tuccha-agni-pratapana k ua ca bheaja
tuccha n. anything trifling; blauer Vitriol; chaff V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive
faculty pratapana n. heating T k 8.. to accomplish; to act; to cause to become ua
adj. acrid; active; hot ca ind. also; and; as well as ` bheaja n. a remedy; a spell or charm;

*` `* ` W ^ (.)
styne 'sre vedantyartha vilne mandat ruja / (50.1)
styai asra vedan-atyartham vil manda-t ruj
* styai 1.P. asra n. a corner; a tear; blood ` vedan f. feeling; pain; sensation *
atyartham ind. excessively vil 4.P. to be dissolved; to cling or cleave or adhere to; to
disappear W manda adj. addicted to intoxication; apathetic; bad t f. ifc. abstracta ^ ruj mf.
Costus Speciosus; crushing; disease.

^ W (.)
durdagdhe tam ua ca yujyd dau tato himam // (50.2)
durdagdha ta ua ca yuj di tatas hima
^ durdagdha n. [medic.] a kind of burn ta adj. boiled; cold; dull ua adj. acrid;
active; hot ca ind. also; and; as well as yuj 4.P. (in astron.) to come into conjunction with
(instr.); (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.); to accrue to di m. a
firstling; and so on; beginning tatas ind. after that; consequently; for that reason hima
adj. cold; cool; [medic.] ta.

P^ NW (.)
samyagdagdhe tavakrplakacandanagairikai / (51.1)
samyagdagdha tavakr-plaka-candana-gairika
P^ samyagdagdha n. (in surgery) right burning or cauterizing; [medic.] a kind of burn
tavakr f. a kind of Curcuma; bamboo-manna N plaka m. -prasravaa; dvpa; a side
door or the space at the space of a door W candana mn. Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex DC. (G.J.
Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Caesalpinia sappan Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552); Crocus
sativus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld 1974: 552) gairika mfn. chalk of reddish brown colour
(Kumar, Damodaran Suresh (0), 55); gelber Ocker (Garbe, Richard 1974: 47); gold.

W 7 (.)
limpet sjymtairrdhva pittavidradhivat kriy // (51.2)
lip sa-jya-amt-rdhvam pitta-vidradhi-vat kriy
lip 4.. to adhere; to anoint with (instr.); to besmear sa ind. (ibc.) with W jya n. (in a
wider sense) oil and milk used instead of clarified butter at a sacrifice; melted or clarified butter;
name of a sort of chant (astra) connected with the morning sacrifice amt f. a class of
sunrays; a goddess; Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. rdhvam ind. after; furthermore;
upward 7 pitta n. bile; the bilious humour vidradhi mf. abscess; [medic.] a particular
abscess (piaka) vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel) kriy f. a literary work; a noun of action; a
religious rite or ceremony.


7 (.)
atidagdhe druta kuryt sarva pittavisarpavat / (52.1)
atidagdha drutam k sarva pitta-visarpa-vat
^ atidagdha n. name of a bad kind of burn

drutam ind. quickly; soon T k 8.. to

accomplish; to act; to cause to become sarva pron. all; completely; different 7 pitta n. bile;
the bilious humour visarpa m. a kind of kudrakuha; a particular disease [erysipelas or
any similar spreading eruption]; creeping along or about vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel).

N^ (.)
snehadagdhe bhatara rka tatra tu yojayet / (52.2)
sneha-dagdha bhatara rka tatra tu yojay
N sneha mn. a fluid of the body; an unguent; any oleaginous substance ^ dagdha n. ash;
burn; cauterisation bhatara adj. more intense rka adj. arid; astringent; cruel (as a
person or speech) tatra ind. in that; in that case; in that place tu ind. and; but; do
yojay 10.. to accomplish; to add; to adjust.

WV W * (.)
astrakrgnayo yasmn mtyo paramam yudham / (52.3)
astra-kra-agni yasmt mtyu parama yudha
W astra n. a razor; an instrument for cutting or wounding; any instrument or tool kra m.
a kind of prameha; alkali; any corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda
or potash) V agni m. bile; Citrus Acida; digestive faculty W yasmt ind. because * mtyu
m. Death personified; death; dying parama adj. (with abl.) superior or inferior to; best; better
or worse than yudha mn. a weapon; gold used for ornaments; implement.

7 W P (.)
apramatto bhiak tasmt tn samyag avacrayet // (52.4)
apramatta bhiaj tasmt tad samyak avacray
7 apramatta adj. attentive; careful; not careless ` bhiaj m. a healer; a remedy; medicine
W tasmt ind. therefore tad pron. this P samyak ind. angemessen; richtig
avacray 10.. to apply (in med.).

` W T (.)
sampyate sthnam ida hdayasya rahasyavat / (53.1)
samp sthna idam hdaya rahasya-vat
samp 5.. to accomplish; to acquire or obtain completely; to fulfil W sthna n. a state of
perfect tranquillity; a stronghold; abiding idam pron. this T hdaya n. mind (as the seat of
mental operations); name of a Sman; science rahasya n. a secret; an Upanishad; any secret
doctrine or mystery vat ind. (Vergleichspartikel).

W ~* (.)
atrrth strit skm pratanyante hi sarvata // (53.2)
atra-artha strita skma pratan hi sarvatas
atra ind. here at this time; in this matter; in this place artha mn. (in astron.) name of the
second mansion; action; advantage strita adj. arranged; directed or declared in a Stra;
prescribed or delivered in aphorisms or axioms W skma adj. feeble; fine; insignificant
pratan 8.. to begin; to branch off; to cause hi ind. because; for; on account of sarvatas
ind. sarvasmt or sarvebhyas; around (acc.); completely.

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