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प्रथमोध्यायः gheranda samhita

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प्रथमोध्यायः, -

Shadkarma (Ch.-1, V.-1)

घटस्थ योगकथनम्।

एकदा चण्डकापालिर्गत्वा घे रण्डकुट्टिरम्।

प्रणम्य विनयाद्भक्त्या घे रण्डं परिपृ च्छति ॥१॥

ghaṭastha yogakathanam।

ekadā caṇḍakāpālirgatvā gheraṇḍakuṭṭiram।

praṇamya vinayādbhaktyā gheraṇḍaṃ paripṛcchati ॥1॥

Chanda Kapali said


ghaṭastha = body yoga-

kathanam = yoga explanation
ekadā = once
caṇḍakāpāli-r-gatvā = Candakali went
gheraṇḍa-kuṭṭiram = (to) cottage of Gheranda
praṇamya = saluted
vinayādbhaktyā = with humility
gheraṇḍaṃ = to Gheranda
paripṛcchati = to know

Once Chanda Kapali going to the cottage of Ghenanda and saluted him with
reverence and devotion.

प्रथमोध्यायः-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-2)

घटस्थयोगं योगे श तत्वज्ञानस्य कारणम्।
इदानीं श्रोतु मिच्छामि योगे श्वर वद प्रभो ॥२॥


ghaṭasthayogaṃ yogeśa tatvajñānasya kāraṇam।

idānīṃ śrotumicchāmi yogeśvara vada prabho ॥2॥

śrī-caṇḍakāpāli-r-uvāca = candakali said

ghaṭastha-yogaṃ = yoga of the body
yogeśa = of Yoga
tatva-jñānasya = knowledge of essence
kāraṇam = due to
idānīṃ = for that reason
śrotumicchāmi = desire to listen y
ogeśvara = Master of Yoga
vada = to say
prabho = Lord

O Master of Yoga! O best of the Yogins! O Lord! I wish now to learn the
Physical Discipline (Yoga), which leads to the knowledge of truth (or Tattva-


प्रथमोध्यायः-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-3)

घे रण्ड उवाच
साधु साधु महावोहो यन्मान्त्वं परिपृ च्छसि।
कथयामि हि वत्स सावधानावधारय ॥३॥

gheraṇḍa uvāca

sādhu sādhu mahāvoho yanmāntvaṃ paripṛcchasi।

kathayāmi hi vatsa sāvadhānāvadhāraya ॥3॥

gheraṇḍa = Gheranda
uvāca = said
sādhu = saint
sādhu mahāvoho = with sainthood
yanmāntvaṃ = you are
paripṛcchasi = I let you know
kathayāmi = explanation
hi =O
vatsa = son
sāvadhānāva-dhāraya = pay attention

Well asked, indeed, O mighty armed, I shall tell thee, O child, what thou askest
me. Attend to it with diligence.


प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-4)

नास्ति मायासमः पाशो नास्ति योगत्परं बलम्।

नास्तिज्ञानत्परो बन्धु र्नाहङ्कारत् परो रिपु ः ॥४॥

nāsti māyāsamaḥ pāśo nāsti yogatparaṃ balam।

nāstijñānatparo bandhurnāhaṅkārat paro ripuḥ ॥4॥


nāsti = non exists

māyā-samaḥ = as Maya (material word)
pāśo = fetters
nāsti = non exists
yogatparaṃ = greater than yoga
balam = power
nāsti = non exists
jñānatparo = beyond knowledge
bandhu- = brother
r-nāhaṅkārat = and Ahamkar (ego)
paro = beyond
ripuḥ = enemy

There are no fetters like those of Illusion (MayA), no strength like that which
comes from discipline (Yoga), there is no friend higher than knowledge (Jnana)
and no greater enemy than Egoism (Ahankara).

प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-5)

अभ्यासात्कादिवर्णानि यथा शास्त्राणि बोधये त।्

तथा योगं समासाद्य तत्त्वज्ञानञ्च लभ्यते ॥५॥
abhyāsātkādivarṇāni yathā śāstrāṇi bodhayet।
tathā yogaṃ samāsādya tattvajñānañca labhyate ॥5॥


abhyāsātkādi-varṇāni = practise for learning alphabets

yathā = as (leads to)
śāstrāṇi = literature
bodhayet = to understand
tathā = as (similarly)
yogaṃ = (through) yoga
samāsādya = one attain, to make, to control,
tattvajñānañca = knowledge of essence
labhyate = available, get profit

As by learning the alphabets one can, through practice, master all the sciences,
so by thoroughly practising first the (physical) training, one acquires the
Knowledge of the True.

प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-6)

सु कृतै र्दुष्कृतै ः कार्यैर्जायते प्राणिनां घटः।

घटादुत्पद्यते कर्म्म घटियन्त्रं यथा भ्रमे त् ॥६॥

sukṛtairduṣkṛtaiḥ kāryairjāyate prāṇināṃ ghaṭaḥ।

ghaṭādutpadyate karmma ghaṭiyantraṃ yathā bhramet ॥6॥


On account of good and bad deeds, the bodies of all animated beings are
produced, and the bodies give rise to works (Karma which leads to rebirth) and
thus the circle continued like that of a Persian Wheel.

प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-7)

ऊर्ध्वाधो भ्रमते यद्वद्घटियन्त्रं गवां वशात्।

तद्वत्कर्म्मवशाज्जीवो भ्रमते जन्ममृ त्यु भिः ॥७॥

ūrdhvādho bhramate yadvadghaṭiyantraṃ gavāṃ vaśāt।

tadvatkarmmavaśājjīvo bhramate janmamṛtyubhiḥ ॥7॥

As the Persian Wheel in drawing water from a well goes up and down, mowed
by the bullocks (filling and exhausting the buckets again and again), so the soul
passes through life and death moved by its Deeds.

प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-8)

आमकुम्भ इवाम्भस्थो जीर्यमाणः सदा घटः।

् ं समाचरे त् ॥८॥
योगानले न सं दह्य घटशु दधि
āmakumbha ivāmbhastho jīryamāṇaḥ sadā ghaṭaḥ।
yogānalena saṃdahya ghaṭaśuddhiṃ samācaret ॥8॥


Like unto an unbaked earthen pot thrown in water, the body is soon decayed
(in this world). Bake it hard in the fire of Training in order to strengthen and
purify the body.

प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-9)

अथ सप्तसाधनम्।
शोधनं दृढता चै व स्थै र्य्यं धै र्य्यञ्च लाघवम्।
प्रत्यश्रढ्च निर्लिप्तञ्च घटस्य सप्तसाधनम् ॥९॥

atha saptasādhanam।
śodhanaṃ dṛḍhatā caiva sthairyyaṃ dhairyyañca lāghavam।
pratyaśraḍhca nirliptañca ghaṭasya saptasādhanam ॥9॥


The seven exercises which appertain to this Training of the body are the
following: – Purificatory, strengthening, steadying, calming, and those leading
to lightness, perception, and isolation.


प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-10)

अथ सप्तसाधनलक्षणम्।
षट् कर्मणां शोधनञ्च आसने न भवे दृढम्।
मु दर् या स्थिरता चै व प्रत्याहारे ण धीरता ॥१०॥
atha saptasādhanalakṣaṇam।
ṣaṭkarmaṇāṃ śodhanañca āsanena bhavedṛḍham।
mudrayā sthiratā caiva pratyāhāreṇa dhīratā ॥10॥


1st - The purification is acquired by the regular performance of six practices (to
be mentioned shortly); 2nd – Asana or posture gives Dridhata or strength; 3rd
– Mudra gives Sthirata or steadiness; 4th – Pratyahara gives Dhairyata or

थमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-11)

प्राणायामाल्लाघवञ्च ध्यानात्प्रत्यक्षमात्मनि।
समाधिना निर्लिप्तञ्च मु क्तिरे व न सं शयः ॥११॥

prāṇāyāmāllāghavañca dhyānātpratyakṣamātmani।
samādhinā nirliptañca muktireva na saṃśayaḥ ॥11॥

5th – Pranayama gives lightness or Laghima; 6th – Dhyana gives perception

(Pratyakshatwa) of Self; and 7th – Samadhi gives isolation (Nirliptata), which is
verily the Freedom.

प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-12)

अथ शोधनम्।
धै तिर्वस्तिस्तथा ने तिर्लौ लिकी त्राटकं तथा।
कपालभातिश्चै तानि षट् कर्म्माणि समाचरे त् ॥१२॥
atha śodhanam।
dhaitirvastistathā netirlaulikī trāṭakaṃ tathā।
kapālabhātiścaitāni ṣaṭkarmmāṇi samācaret ॥12॥


(1) Dauti; (2) Basti; (3) Neti; 4) Laukiki; (5) Trataka; (6) Kapalabhati are the
Shatkarmas or six practices, known as Sadhana.

प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-13)

प्रथमो भागः।
अथ धौतिः।
अन्तर्धौ तिर्दन्तधौतिर्हृद्धौतिर्मूलशोधनम्।
धौतिं चतु र्विधां कृत्वा घटं कुर्वन्तु निर्मलम् ॥१३॥
prathamo bhāgaḥ। atha dhautiḥ।
dhautiṃ caturvidhāṃ kṛtvā ghaṭaṃ kurvantu nirmalam ॥13॥



The Dhautis are of four kinds, and they clear away the impurities of the body.
They are: - (a) Antardhauti (internal washing); (b) Dantadhauti (cleaning the
teeth); (c) Hriddhauti (cleaning the heart); (d) Mulashodhana (cleaning the

प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-14)

अथ अन्तर्धौ तिः।
वातसारं वारिसारं वह्निसारं बहिष्कृतम्।
घटस्य निर्म्मलार्थाय अन्तर्धौ तिश्चतु र्विधा ॥१४॥

atha antardhautiḥ।

vātasāraṃ vārisāraṃ vahnisāraṃ bahiṣkṛtam।

ghaṭasya nirmmalārthāya antardhautiścaturvidhā ॥14॥


Antardhauti is again sub-divided into four parts: – Vatasara (wind purification),
Varisara (water purification), Vahnisara (fire purification), and Bahiskrita.

प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-15)

अथ वातसारः।
काकचञ्चूवदास्ये न पिने द्वायु ं शनै ः शनै ः।
चालये दुदरं पश्चाद्वर्त्माना रे चये च्छनै ः ॥१५॥
atha vātasāraḥ।
kākacañcūvadāsyena pinedvāyuṃ śanaiḥ śanaiḥ।
cālayedudaraṃ paścādvartmānā recayecchanaiḥ ॥15॥



Contract the mouth like beak of a crow and drink air slowly, and filling the
stomach slowly with it, move it therein, and then slowly force it out through
the lower passage.

प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-16)

वातसारं परं गोप्यं दे हनिर्म्म्लकारणम्।
सर्वरोगक्षयकरं दे हानलविवर्द्धकम् ॥१६॥

vātasāraṃ paraṃ gopyaṃ dehanirmmlakāraṇam।

sarvarogakṣayakaraṃ dehānalavivarddhakam ॥16॥


The Vatasara is a very secret process, it causes the purification of the body, it
destroys all diseases and increases the gastric-fire.


प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-17)

अथ वारिसारः। आकण्टं पूरये द्वारि वक्त्रेण च पिबे च्छनै ः।
चालये दुदरे णै व चोदराद्रेचये दधः ॥१७॥
atha vārisāraḥ।
ākaṇṭaṃ pūrayedvāri vaktreṇa ca pibecchanaiḥ।
cālayedudareṇaiva codarādrecayedadhaḥ ॥17॥


Fill the mouth with water down to the throat, and then drink it slowly; and
then move it through the stomach, forcing it downwards expelling it through
the rectum.

प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-18)

वारिसारं परं गोप्यं दे हनिर्म्मलकारकम्।
साधये त्तत्प्रयत्ने न दे वदे हं प्रपद्यते ॥१८॥
vārisāraṃ paraṃ gopyaṃ dehanirmmalakārakam।
sādhayettatprayatnena devadehaṃ prapadyate ॥18॥
This process should be kept very secret. It purifies the body. And by practising
it with care, one gets a luminous or shining body.
vārisāraṃ paraṃ gopyaṃ dehanirmmalakārakam। sādhayettatprayatnena
devadehaṃ prapadyate ॥18॥
प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-19)
वारिसारं परां धौतिं साधये द्यः प्रयत्नतः। मलदे हं शोधयित्वा दे वदे हं प्रपद्यते ॥१९॥
vārisāraṃ parāṃ dhautiṃ sādhayedyaḥ prayatnataḥ। maladehaṃ śodhayitvā
devadehaṃ prapadyate ॥19॥
The Varisara is the highest Dhauti. He who practises it with ease, purifies his
filthy body and turns it into a shining one.
vārisāraṃ parāṃ dhautiṃ sādhayedyaḥ prayatnataḥ। maladehaṃ śodhayitvā
devadehaṃ prapadyate ॥19॥

प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-20)

अथ अग्निसारः। नाभिग्रन्थिं मे रूपृ ष्ठे शतवारञ्च कारये त।् अग्निसारमे षा
धै तिर्योगिनां योगसिद्धिदा ॥२०॥
atha agnisāraḥ। nābhigranthiṃ merūpṛṣṭhe śatavārañca kārayet।
agnisārameṣā dhaitiryogināṃ yogasiddhidā ॥20॥
Press in the naval knot or intestines towards the spine for one hundred times.
This is Agnisara or fire process. This gives success in the practice of Yoga, it
cures all the diseases of the stomach (gastric juice) and increases the internal
atha agnisāraḥ। nābhigranthiṃ merūpṛṣṭhe śatavārañca kārayet।
agnisārameṣā dhaitiryogināṃ yogasiddhidā ॥20॥

प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-21)

उदरामयजत्यक्त्वा जठराग्निंविवर्धये त।् एषा धौतिः परा गोप्या दे वानामपि दुर्लभा।
केवलं धौतिमात्रेण दे वदे हो भवे द्धरुवम्
् ॥२१॥
udarāmayajatyaktvā jaṭharāgniṃvivardhayet। eṣā dhautiḥ parā gopyā
devānāmapi durlabhā। kevalaṃ dhautimātreṇa devadeho bhaveddhruvam ॥
This form of Dhauti should be kept very secret, and it is hardly to be attained
even by the gods. By this Dhauti alone one certainly gets a luminous body.

udarāmayajatyaktvā jaṭharāgniṃvivardhayet। eṣā dhautiḥ parā gopyā

devānāmapi durlabhā। kevalaṃ dhautimātreṇa devadeho bhaveddhruvam ॥
प्रथमोध्यायः,-Shadkarma, (Ch.-1, V.-22)
अथ वहिष्कृतधौतिः।
काकीमु दर् ं साधयित्वा पूरये दुदरं मरुत्।
धारये दर्द्धयामन्तु चालये दर्धवर्तत्मना।
एषा धौतिः परागोप्या न प्रकाश्या कदाचन ॥२२॥
atha vahiṣkṛtadhautiḥ।
kākīmudraṃ sādhayitvā pūrayedudaraṃ marut।
dhārayedarddhayāmantu cālayedardhavartatmanā।
eṣā dhautiḥ parāgopyā na prakāśyā kadācana ॥22॥


By Kakachanchu or crow-bill Mudra fill the stomach with air, hold it there for
one hour and a half, and then force it down towards the intestines. This Dhauti
must be kept a great secret, and must not be revealed to anybody.


atha vahiṣkṛtadhautiḥ।
kākīmudraṃ sādhayitvā pūrayedudaraṃ marut।
dhārayedarddhayāmantu cālayedardhavartatmanā।
eṣā dhautiḥ parāgopyā na prakāśyā kadācana ॥22॥

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