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Between Passive and Reflexive: The Vedic Presents With The Suffix - Ya

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BETWEEN PASSIVE AND REFLEXIVE: The Vedic presents with the suffix -yaLeonid KULIKOV

Leiden University

1. Passive, reflexive, anticausative: introductory remarks The distinguishing between closely related intransitive derivations, such as passive, reflexive, anticausative (decausative), is one of the most intricate semantic and syntactic issues in languages with polysemous intransitive markers. Both anticausative and passive derivations entail the promotion of the initial direct object (= Patient) and the demotion of the initial subject (= Agent). This common syntactic feature accounts for their similar morphological marking in many languages (see e.g. COMRIE 1985: 328ff.; HASPELMATH 1987: 29ff.). In the cases where the markers of the passive and anticausative (at least partly) overlap, passives without an overtly expressed agent can be distinguished from anticausatives only by semantic criteria. This semantic opposition is characterized, for instance, by COMRIE (1985: 326) as follows: "Passive and anticausative differ in that, even where the former has no agentive phrase, the existence of some person or thing bringing about the situation is implied, whereas the anticausative is consistent with the situation coming about spontaneously." This general definition is also relevant for a description of the system of intransitive derivations in a number of Ancient Indo-European languages, such as Ancient Greek or (Vedic) Sanskrit. 2. The Vedic -_ya-presents: jyate 'is born' In what follows I will focus on the Vedic verbs built with the suffix -ya-, which is one of the markers used to build present tense stems. Generally, the -va-presents with the accent on the suffix are passives (kriydte 'is made', ucydte 'is called', styte 'is praised', hanyte 'is killed'), whereas the -ya-presents with root accentuation behave as non-passive intransitives (cf. pdyate 'falls', bdhyate 'wakes', rlyate 'flows'). However, a few -ya-formations are generally said to be exceptions to this regularity. One of the parade examples is jyate 'is born', derived from the root jan. According to the opinion widely spread in earlier Indo-European and IndoIranian studies, jyate (as well as its Old-Iranian cognate, Avestan zaiieit) is the 13

original passive, with the secondary accent shift in Vedic. WHITNEY in his seminal Sanskrit grammar (1889: 273, 76lb) called it "altered passive"; likewise MACDONELL in his Vedic grammar (1910: 333, 444a) claims that the original passive has been "transferred to the radically accented ya-class": * jyate -* jyate. Similar statements can also be found in later studies.1 There is no sufficient evidence for such a hypothesis, however. Although a passive interpretation ('is born by smb.') is possible per se, it cannot be supported by the syntactic features of jan'. Witness the following examples from the Rgveda (RV), which is the most ancient Vedic text, and SatapathaBrhmana: (1) Rgveda 6.7.3a tvd vlpro j-ya-te vjy you:ABL poet:NOM.SG bear-YA-3SG.MED prize-winner:NOM.SG 'From you, o fire, is born the poet, the prize-winner.'


(2) Satapatha-Brhmana agnr vai dhm j-ya-te, fire:ABL.SG verily smoke:NOM.SG bear-YA-3SG.MED v dhmd abhrm abhrd fstih smoke:ABL.SG cloud:NOM.SG cloud:ABL.SG rain:NOM.SG 'Verily, from the fire the smoke arises, from the smoke the cloud, from the cloud the rain.' The most important piece of evidence for a non-passive analysis of jyate is the lack of constructions with the instrumental of the agent (= the one who begets), which would be typical for a true passive construction (see HOCK 1985-86: 90, fn. 5), as in (la): (la) * tvy vipro j-ya-te you:iNS poet:NOM.SG bear-PR-3SG.MED 'The poet is born by you (o fire).' Besides, there are no good phonological reasons which could explain the supposed accent shift * jay ate -> jyate. Most likely, jyate belonged with anticausatives, not with passives, from the very beginning, meaning 'come into being, arise'. Then, how the widely spread passive analysis of jyate can be explained? I presume it may have emerged under the influence of the passive morphology of its translations in European languages, such as Engl, is born, Germ, ist geboren, Fr. est n. Note, incidentally, that the Russian translation of this Vedic verb seems to be free of such dangerous side effects: Rus. rozdat'sja is a non-passive intransitive (anticausative), which cannot be

jyate is qualified as an original passive, e.g. in MAYRHOFER'S grammar (1965: 93), albeit not consistently; see HAUSCHILD 1965: 216; cf. also HARTMANN 1954: 186f.; ETTER 1985: 215, fn. 290; 245; KELLENS 1984: 126ff., note (15); WERBA 1997: 288 ("intr. Pr. [= Pass.]").


employed in a passive construction of the type 'X is born by smb.' 3. mriyte 'dies': a pseudo-passive Another Vedic -ya-formation which is relevant for our discussion is mriyte 'dies', which, in a sense, illustrates an opposite case. While jyate is regarded as a passive by meaning, non-passive by form, mriyte is taken as a passive by form, but non-passive by meaning, being quoted in all Vedic and Indo-European grammars as a handbook example of the non-passive usage of a -ya-present with suffix accentuation.2 A few attempts to analyse this present as a passive proved unsuccessful. For instance, NEGELEIN (1898: 38) treated it as the passive of the transitive mr ( < *melH-) 'crush, destroy' ["Der Inder mag sich den Hergang des Todes sehr wohl als ein Zermalmtwerden (mr malmen) vorgestellt haben"], which is etymologically impossible. HARTMANN in his book Das Passiv. Eine Studie zur Geistesgeschichte der Kelten, Italiker und Arier (1954: 186ff.) even assumed a particular passive conceptualisation of death in Ancient India. The fact that two verbs which belong to one and the same semantic domain, jyate 'is born' and mriyte 'dies', show such a striking dissimilarity in accentuation, which generally corresponds to the functional opposition "passive/nonpassive" did not escape his attention. But his conclusions from this remarkable fact in the vein of Geistesgeschichte are untenable: "Trotz gewisser bereinstimmungen im Gefhlswert beider Verba kann jedoch kein Zweifel darber bestehen, da das Ausma des .passiven' Einschlages j y a t e geringer gewesen sein mu als bei m r i y t e , da das Gefhl des Ausgeliefertseins an eine auerhalb des Subjektes liegende Macht bei einem Ausdruck fr das Zurweltkommen einer Seele nicht so gro gewesen kann wie beim Sterben." Needless to say that this explanation hardly deserves any serious discussion, mriyte never functions as a passive (see e.g. JAMISON 1983: 150, fn. 92) and, semantically, belongs with the root-accented '-ya-presents of change of state, together with its counterpart jyate 'is born'. An explanation of the abnormal suffix accentuation can be given in phonological terms: the -ya-presents of the structure Criya- could not bear the accent on the root and, hence, in some of them, the suffix accentuation is secondary (cf. also dhriyte 'stays', -driyte 'heeds'). 3 4. yabh 'copulate' and its -ya-present To conclude, I will discuss the -ya-present derived from the root yabh 'copulate'. Like jan 'be born' and mr 'die', this root is inherited from Proto-IndoEuropean, as the Greek and Slavic cognates show, but, in contrast to the first two verbal roots, it belongs to the tabooed lexical sphere and therefore has left much less traces in the modern Indo-European languages.

Cf. DELBRCK 1874: 167f.; WHITNEY 1896: 277, 277; MACDONELL 1910: 333, 444a. For details, see KULIKOV 1997.


Also in Vedic it was apparently considered vulgar, therefore we find very few attestations of this root. Its -ya-present yabhyate occurs only once, in a relatively old text, the RV-Khilani (RVKh.), also known as "Apocrypha of the Rgveda". The text of the RVKh. is badly preserved and quite often gives wrong accents, which is important for our discussion. The relevant verse runs as follows: (3) Rgveda-Khilni 5.22.3 + yd lpik svlpik karkandhukva +pcyate when little:NOM.SG very.little:NOM.SG ripens + vsantikam iva tjanam ybh-ya-mn- spring:ADJ like bamboo copulate-YA-PRTC.MED-NOM.SG.F vi nam-ya-te apart bend-PASS-3SG.MED The verse was translated and discussed by Karl HOFFMANN (1976: 570f.):4 'Wenn die Kleine, ganz Kleine wie eine Brustbeere reif wird, biegt sie sich wie ein Frhlingsschilfrohr beim Begatten hin und her.' (HOFFMANN) Relying upon the root accentuation, HOFFMANN suggested a non-passive translation for the participle ybhyamn ('sie begattet sich'). HOFFMANN believed that the non-passive ybhyate with root accentuation might develop on the model pacyte 'is cooked' ~ pcyate 'ripens'. As he explains: "Da z.B. neben dem Passiv pacyte 'wird gekocht' (RV.) mit anderem Akzent und intransitiver Bedeutung pcyate 'wird reif (RV.) steht, kann sich zu einem Passiv *yabhyte 'wird begattet' ein intransitives *ybhyate 'begattet sich (von einer Frau)' entwickelt haben, das in ybhyamn vorliegt" (HOFFMANN 1976: 571). This argumentation falters for a number of reasons, however: 1) Usually a root builds -ya-presents either only with the suffix accentuation or only with root accentuation (cf. examples in Section 2). 5 Thus the pair pacyte 'is cooked' ~ pcyate 'ripens' is the only clear example of the opposition between a suffix-accented -ya-passive and a non-passive intransitive -ya-present with root accentuation built on the same root and therefore could hardly serve as a productive derivational model. 2) The semantic difference between pacyte 'is cooked' and pcyate 'ripens'


I have greatly benefitted from discussing HOFFMANN'S translation with Werner ABRAHAM, Martin and Heinz VATER.

For less than 20 -ya-presents both accentuations are attested (e.g. mcyate I mucyte 'becomes free'), but the accent placement does not depend on their meaning. The suffix accentuation is secondarily introduced in certain Vedic texts/dialects, in particular, in the Atharvaveda and MaitryanT Samhit; for
details, see KULIKOV 1998.


does not amount to the passive/non-passive distinction. In other words, 'ripens' does not mean 'is cooked by itself' (anticausative) or 'cooks oneself', but results from some idiomatic semantic change, although 'is cooked' and 'ripens' certainly do have a common semantic denominator (which might be defined as 'becomes ready' or the like). I see no semantic development parallel to 'is cooked' - 'ripens', which might apply to the original passive meaning of *yabhyte 'is copulated, fucked'. 3) Even assuming that ybhyate may have been built as the non-passive counterpart of *yabhyte 'is fucked', we can hardly understand what this non-passive intransitive might mean; HOFFMANN'S translation 'sie begattet sich' barely clarifies its meaning. By virtue of its semantics (and leaving aside anatomical and biological curiosities), fuck and begatten (as well as the more vulgar quasi-synonym of the latter, ficken, which is a more exact translation of yabh) are fundamentally transitive verbs, which can be passivized (wird begattet wird gefickt), but not anticausativized or reflexivized. As for other intransitive derivations available in European languages, they cannot been merely expanded to the hypothetical ybhyate for several reasons: (a) The reflexive pronoun sich would be appropriate in a reflexive causative construction (sie lt sich begatten),6 which is nearly identical to simple passive. However, this meaning is usually expressed in Vedic by a causative with the suffix -ya- and middle inflexion, so that we might rather expect the form *ybhyamn in this sense. (b) GRIMM'S Deutsches Wrterbuch (1854, Bd. I, 1278) adduces the reflexive verb sich begatten, explained as "jungi, coire, von menschen undthieren" and illustrated by such examples as die tauben wollen sich nicht begatten; ungleiche thiere begatten sich nicht untereinander. Both examples suggest a reciprocal interpretation. However, as a number of native speakers of German pointed out to me, such an interpretation is higly unusual, if possible at all, for sich begatten, at least in Modern German. Reciprocal constructions are indeed possible, for instance, for the Russian cognate of ybha- (with the "reflexive" suffix -sja), i.e. ebat'-sja, but we certainly cannot expand this syntactic model to the Vedic middle yabhya-16 (whatever its accentuation), since the present suffix -ya- never expresses the reciprocal meaning. We rather might expect a middle form with the preverb sm or vi in this sense, i.e. *(sam-/vi-)ybhamn. (c) One more intransitive derivation which, at first glance, might be relevant for our discussion is the object deletion of the type John eats or She fucks (= Sie hat Geschlechtsverkehr),7 which indeed can be expressed with middle forms in some European languages, cf. the function of the Russian reflexive suffix -sja in (4b): (4) a. Sobaka kusaet dog:NOM.SG bite:3SG.PR 'The dog bites Ivan.' Ivana Ivan:ACC.SG

6 7

For this type, see, in particular, NEDJALKOV 1971: 10, 85-107 [= 1976: 16, 114-154]. Other terms are 'antipassive' or 'suppressif objectal' (MEL'CUK 1994).


b. Sobaka


'The dog bites.' The Vedic present suffix -ya- never has this function, however. Moreover, this syntactic type is quite uncommon for the Vedic middle in general. 4) Finally, the text of the RVKh. is too corrupt (in particular, as far as the accents are concerned) to uncritically deduce the non-passive meaning from the root accentuation of ybhyamn. Note, incidentally, that HOFFMANN emended accentuation in another -ya-present found in the very same stanza, 4'pcyate. To sum up, the hapax ybhyamn cannot be anything but the passive counterpart of the transitive present yabhati, and its accentuation should be emended correspondingly: + ybhyamn} 5. I hope to have drawn attention to some dangers with which a linguist is confronted when translating some forms or constructions (in my case, from Sanskrit) into his own native language, most often one of the modern European languages: Germanic, Romance or Slavic. In some cases such a translation perfectly makes sense in the target language, but its idiomatic character may be a reason of an inadequate analysis in the source language. This is the case with jyate, analyzed as a passive in spite of its non-passive morphology (root accentuation) and syntax in Sanskrit, most likely, because of the passive morphology of its English and German equivalents. By contrast, in some other cases a scholar may arrive at wrong conclusions when taking into account only formal features of a given form, disregarding the system-related considerations. This was probably the case of mriyte and ybhyate. Only in the case where our analysis or translation makes sense both in the source and target language, we have a chance to escape from these Scylla and Harybdis both in a philological study of ancient languages and in a field work.

REFERENCES Bernard 1985 Causative verb-formation and other verb-deriving morphology. In: Th. Shopen (ed.) Language typology and syntactic description. Vol. Ill: Grammatical categories and the lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 301-348. DELBRCK, Berthold 1874 Das altindische Verbum aus den Hymnen des Rgveda seinem Baue nach dargestellt. Halle a.S.: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses.

Thus hesitantly emended (with a question mark) by WERBA (1997: 221).


Annemarie 1985 Die Fragestze im Rgveda. Berlin New York: de Gruyter. HARTMANN, Hans 1954 Das Passiv. Eine Studie zur Geistesgeschichte der Kelten, Italiker und Arier. Heidelberg: Winter. HASPELMATH, Martin 1987 Transitivity alternations of the anticausative type. Kln: Institut fr Sprachwissenschaft. (Arbeitspapier 5 (N.F.)). HAUSCHILD, Richard 1965 Rev. of: MAYRHOFER 1965 [Sanskrit-Grammatik]. Indogermanische Forschungen 70, 215-216. HOCK, Hans Henrich 1985-86 Voice, mood, and the gerundive (krtya) in Sanskrit. Indologica taurinensia 13 (Proc. of the 6th World Sanskrit Conference; Philadelphia, October 13-20 1984), 81-102. HOFFMANN, Karl 1976 Ved. yabh. In: Aufstze zur Indoiranistik. Bd. 2. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 570-574. JAMISON, Stephanie W. 1983 Function and form in the -ky^-formations of the Rig Veda and Atharva Veda. Gttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. (KZ; Ergnzungsheft 31). KELLENS, Jean 1984 Le verbe avestique. Wiesbaden: Reichert. KULIKOV, Leonid I. 1997 Vedic mriyte and other pseudo-passives: notes on an accent shift. In: Hegeds, Irn et al. (eds.) Indo-European, Nostratic, and Beyond: Festschrift for V.V. Shevoroshkin. (JIES monograph series; 22). Washington: Institute for the Study of Man, 198-205. 1998 Vedic -ya-presents: semantics and the place of stress. In: Meid (ed.) Sprache und Kultur der Indogermanen. Akten der X. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft. Innsbruck, 22.-28. September 1996. Innsbruck: Institut fr Sprachwissenschaft der Universitt Innsbruck, 341-350. MACDONELL, Arthur Anthony 1910 Vedic grammar. Strassburg: Trbner. (Grundriss der Indo-Arischen Philologie und Altertumskunde; Bd. I, Heft 4). MAYRHOFER, Manfred 1965 Sanskrit-Grammatik mir sprachvergleichenden Erluterungen. 2. Aufl. Berlin: de Gruyter. (Sammlung Gschen; 1158/1158a) MEL'CUK, Igor A. 1994 Cours de morphologie gnrale (thorique et descriptive). Vol. II/2: Significations morphologiques. Montreal: Les Presses de 1'Universit de Montreal.



Vladimir P. 1971 Kauzativnye konstrukcii v nemeckom jazyke: Analiticeskij kauzativ. Leningrad: Nauka. (German translation: Kausativkonstruktionen. (Studien zur Deutschen Grammatik; 4). Tbingen: Narr, 1976). NEGELEIN, Julius von 1898 Zur Sprachgeschichte des Veda. Das Verbalsystem des Atharva-Veda sprachwissenschaftlich geordnet und dargestellt. Berlin: Mayer & Mller. WERBA, Chlodwig H. 1997 Verba Indoarica: die primren und sekundren Wurzeln der SanskritSprache. Pars I: Radices Primariae. Wien: Verlag der sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. WHITNEY, William Dwight 1889 Sanskrit grammar. 2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.


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