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Field Guide To Non-Chemical Pest Management in String Bean Production

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Field Guide to

Pest Management

in String bean
Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Field Guide to

Pest Management
in String bean

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Hamburg, 2005
This publication is prepared by PAN Germany
for PAN UK.

Pesticide Action Network (PAN)

Founded in 1982, the Pesticide Action Network is an
international coalition of over 600 citizens groups in more
than 60 countries, working to oppose the misuse of
pesticides and to promote sustainable agriculture and
ecologically sound pest management.
PAN Germany was established in 1984 as part of this
global network and has continually been involved in
initiatives to reduce the use of hazardous pesticides and to
promote sustainable pest management systems on national,
European and global levels.

First, we want to express our gratitude to the univer-
sities and organisations that have given the permission to
use their photos for the OISAT project. (For more details
see p. 33)
We also wish to thank all the individuals, groups and
organizations that have prepared the bases for the most
control measures presented in this Field guide, may it have
been by preserving traditional experience, on field trials, on
field research or in the lab.

© Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany

Nernstweg 32, 22765 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 40 – 399 19 10-0
Fax: + 49 (0) 40 – 390 75 20

Prepared by: Dr. Jewel Bissdorf

Editor: Carina Weber
Layout: Reginald Bruhn

Hamburg, August 2005

Apart from the photos, permission is granted to reproduce

any and all portions of this publication, provided the
publisher, title, and editor are acknowledged.
How to use this Field guide ..............................................................................................................8
General recommendations ...............................................................................................................9
Insects/Mites ...................................................................................................................................10
Aphids ..........................................................................................................................................11
Bean flies......................................................................................................................................12
Cabbage looper ............................................................................................................................13
Corn earworm...............................................................................................................................14
Cutworm .......................................................................................................................................15
Seedcorn maggots........................................................................................................................17
Spider mites .................................................................................................................................18
Stink bugs.....................................................................................................................................19
Nematodes ......................................................................................................................................21
Root knot nematodes....................................................................................................................21
Diseases ..........................................................................................................................................21
Diseases ..........................................................................................................................................22
Anthracnose .................................................................................................................................22
Bacterial leaf blight .......................................................................................................................22
Bacterial leaf blight .......................................................................................................................23
Bacterial leaf spot .........................................................................................................................23
Bean rust ......................................................................................................................................24
Mosaic virus..................................................................................................................................24
Powdery mildew............................................................................................................................25
Natural enemies ..............................................................................................................................26
Braconids .....................................................................................................................................26
Damsel bugs.................................................................................................................................26
Ground beetle...............................................................................................................................27
Hoverfly ........................................................................................................................................28
Lacewing ......................................................................................................................................28
Ladybird beetles ...........................................................................................................................29
Rove beetles.................................................................................................................................30
Tachinid fly ...................................................................................................................................31
Photo credits...................................................................................................................................32
Alphabetical list of the mentioned control methods ....................................................................33
References ......................................................................................................................................34
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Pesticides worth more than 32 million US dollar are intentionally released into the global
environment every year. A high proportion of these is highly toxic and has immediate
adverse effects on human health, wildlife, local food sources such as cattle or fish, beneficial
insects and biodiversity. Some of them have chronic effects including cancers, reproductive
problems, birth defects, hormonal disruption and damage to the immune system. Impacts
come from direct exposure in use, spray drift, washing work clothes used while spraying,
home pesticide storage, pesticide dumps, and persistence in the environment.

Overall aim of the international Pesticide Action Network (PAN) is to eliminate the use of
hazardous pesticides, reduce overall use, risk and dependence on pesticides, and increase
support for community-based control over a sustainably produced food supply. PAN is
committed, in its projects, strategies and campaigns to place pesticide concerns in the broad
political and economic context in ways that will advance the fight against rural poverty and
enhance pro-poor development and ethical trade. PAN aims to help local communities use
the initiatives to benefit their day-to-day lives.

PAN Germany is part of the international Pesticide Action Network. It is supporting non-
chemical pest management on tropical crops that are commonly grown by small landholder
farmers through the project: Online Information Service for Non-chemical Pest Management
in the Tropics, OISAT (

OISAT is a web-based system to distribute information on non-chemical pest

management that is easy to read and easy to understand. Information provided via is relevant to small-scale farmers who intend to produce crops using safer and
more affordable non-chemical pest management practices. It provides varied information on
how to lower the cost of production based on recommended insect/mites pests, disease, and
weeds control methods.

This “Field guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production”, is an

excerpt taken from the website, It enables to provide farmers with practical
guides and alternatives to eliminate the use and their dependence on synthetic pesticides for
the management of string beans pests. The recommended practices are safer, more
affordable, and easy to follow. Most of the farm practices, the farmers can do by themselves
and the materials that are needed are found in their backyards or in their kitchens or can be
purchased in the local agricultural suppliers.

Carina Weber
(Executive Director PAN Germany)

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany 7
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

How to use this field guide

This field guide is designed to make the control of pests as easy as possible. Each pest
included has a brief description of its lifecycle, damage it causes, and the control measures.
It is very important to know how the insect/mite pest develops because the adult does not
always cause the damage and sometimes it is not even found where the damage occurred.
Also, as not to confuse you with the beneficial ones, a separate description of the natural
enemies and their conservation and management are discussed at the last part. Included in
the control measures are cultural practices, physical control, plant extracts, other homemade
solutions, and other practical methods.
For example, you notice that the leaves are having brownish spots when you’re out in the
field. What would you do? First, have a closer and careful examination of your plant. If you
find the pest and can’t identify it, turn the following pages and look at the illustration of an
insect and/or the damage or symptom in each pest entry. Once you have identified the pest,
look into the corresponding control measures on how to lessen its population density. You
have various options like: cultural practices (e.g. removal of weeds); physical control (e.g.
handpicking); plant extract (e.g. neem spray); other homemade solution (e.g. soap spray);
other method (use of baits).
However, with every effort made to provide you with complete information on the natural
pest control in string bean production, the recommendations may vary from every location. It
is highly recommended that you have to try the various control practices in small scale
especially for the plant extracts and other homemade solutions, in order to make adjustments
that are adaptable to your local farm conditions before going into large scale application. And
best of all, always keep farm records to have a list of successes and failures in each time you
grow a crop!

8 Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

General recommendations
Throughout this field guide you will find suggestions for lessening the pests’ population
before they have control over your plants. To make a plan for you to grow a healthy crop, the
following tips are the steps you ought to take:
1. Learn to identify the pests and other causal agents and the natural enemies
2. Select the proper variety that is well adapted to your local conditions
3. Always select good and diseased-free seeds. If possible, treat seeds to kill seed
borne pathogens and insect pests
4. Have a healthy soil, and always keep in mind that over-fertilizing isn’t necessarily
5. Practice crop rotation by planting on the next cropping season- crops of different
family group
6. If possible practice intercropping to improve the field’s diversity and to encourage
natural enemies
7. Follow the recommended planting distances
8. Prepare the soil thoroughly by appropriate tillage
9. Always practice proper field sanitation by removing and pruning infested plant parts,
keeping the area free of weeds and other plant residues, and cleaning regularly all
farm tools and implements
10. Monitor your plants regularly
11. When in doubt, always ask for assistance from your local agriculturists

When controlling pests using the plant extracts and other homemade solutions, the
following are the standard procedures for their preparation and application;
1. Select plants/plant parts that are pests-free.
2. When storing the plants/plant parts for future usage, make sure that they are properly
dried and are stored in an airy container (never use plastic container), away from
direct sunlight and moisture. Make sure that they are free from molds before using
3. Use utensils for the extract preparation that are not used for your food preparation
and for drinking and cooking water containers. Clean properly all the utensils every
time after using them.
4. Do not have a direct contact with the crude extract while in the process of the
preparation and during the application.
5. Make sure that you place the plant extract out of reach of children and house pets
while leaving it overnight.
6. Always test the plant extract formulation on a few infested plants first before going
into large scale spraying.
7. Wear protective clothing while applying the extract.
8. Wash your hands after handling the plant extract.

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany 9
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Ants take the sown seeds back to their colony,
feed on germinating seeds and on young seedlings.
They tend insect pests like aphids, scales, white-
flies, mealybugs, and other honeydew producing
insects. These actions result in missing hills, thus
loss of plant stand, uneven growth distribution in the
field, and an increased incidence of diseases
caused by the abovementioned insects.

Eggs are delicate, soft, white, and are laid in and if it is winged, the hind wings are smaller than
clusters of 75-125 eggs. the front wings and have few veins.
The larva is grub-liked, legless, very soft, and Ants are also beneficial insects because they
whitish in color. It inflicts no damage as it depends prey on termites, eggs, pupa, and caterpillars of
on the worker ant (older sibling) for care and food. other insect pests. Nevertheless, ants should not be
The pupa is whitish and develops inside the introduced into vegetable gardens for insect pest
ant's nest. It has visible legs and in some cases, control.
wings. The pupal stage is the transitional stage
between the larva and the adult which emerges
during the final molt. Neem leaf extract
An adult ant varies in color, from blackish to
Method of preparation
reddish-brown depending on its species. It has
robust mandibles with strong teeth that could inflict Pound gently 1-2 kg of
painful bites. It has elbowed- antennae, a thin waist, neem leaves.
Soap spray Place in a pot. Add 2-4
liters of water.
Control measures Method of preparation Cover the mouth of the
pot securely with the
Mix 2½ tbsp of liquid cloth and leave it as
Cultural practices soap to a gallon of such for 3 days.
water. Strain to get clear
1. Increase the seeding/seedling rate. This practice turns out Stir well. extract.
cheaper than with the use of insecticide. Dilute 1 liter of neem
Another method is to leaf extract with 9 liters
2. Control mealybug, aphid, whitefly, and other insects that mix 1 tbsp of of water.
excrete honeydew. The ants are likely to be found in dishwashing detergent Add 100 ml of soap. Stir
with 1 cup of cooking oil, well.
plants infested by these insects because they protect
to make a stock solution.
them for their food. For a gallon of spray, Pests controlled
add 5-8 tbsp of stock
solution to a gallon of Aphids
Other solutions water. Colorado potato beetles
Ant oil spray Pests controlled Grubs
Mix 2 tbsp dish washing soap, 2 tsp vegetable oil, 2 tbsp salt, Ants Japanese beetles
and few drops of vinegar into 4 liters of water Leafhoppers Leafhoppers
Mealybugs Locusts
Soap spray Psyllids Plant hoppers
Scales Scales
Spider mites Snails
Thrips Thrips
Whiteflies and Weevils
Plant diseases Whiteflies

10 Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Both the nymphs and the adults pierce the plant
tissues to feed on plant sap. The infected leaves
become severely distorted when the saliva of aphids
are injected into them. Heavily infested ones will
turn yellow and eventually wilt because of excessive
sap removal. The aphids’ feeding on the plant
causes crinkling and cupping of leaves, defoliation,
and stunted growth.
Aphids produce large amounts of a sugary
liquid waste called honeydew. A fungus, called and branches black. The appearance of a sooty
sooty mold, grows on honeydew deposits that mold on plants is an indication of an aphid
accumulate on leaves and branches, turning leaves infestation.

The eggs are very tiny, shiny black, and are live nymphs as well as can lay eggs. However, the
found in the crevices of bud, stems, and barks of the primary means of reproduction for most aphid
plant. species is asexual, with eggs hatching inside their
The nymphs look like the young adults, mature bodies, and then giving birth to living young. Winged
within 7-10 days, and are then ready to reproduce. adults, black in color, are produced only when it is
The adults are small, 3-4 mm long, soft-bodied necessary for the colony to migrate, or there is
insects with two projections on the rear end and two either overcrowding in colonies, or unfavorable
long antennae. Their body color varies from yellow, climatic conditions.
green, brown, to purple. Females can give birth to

Control measures

Cultural practices This spray also controls plant hoppers and

1. Control and kill ants. Cultivate and flood the
field. This will destroy ant colonies and expose Custard apple leaf extract
eggs and larvae to predators and sunlight. Ants Boil 500 g of leaves in 2 liters of water until the
use the aphids to gain access to nutrients from remaining liquid is about ½ liter. Strain. Dilute filtrate
the plants. with 10 -15 liters of water. This spray also controls
2. Avoid using heavy doses of highly soluble other caterpillars.
nitrogen fertilizers. Aphids love tender, juicy
Neem leaf extract (refer to p. 10)
leaves. Instead apply fertilizer into 3 phases:
during seedling, vegetative, and reproductive Neem seed extract (refer to p. 12)
stages of plant growth.
Other solutions
Physical control Ammonia spray
Yellow basin trap Mix 1 part ammonia with 7 parts water. This
spray also controls flea beetles, scales, thrips, and
Half-fill yellow pan or basin with soapy water.
Place the pan close to the plant but exposed
Flour spray (refer to p. 20)
enough so that aphids will see it.
Soap spray (refer to p. 10)
Yellow sticky board traps (refer to p. 19 )

Plant extracts
Ginger rhizome extract
Grind 50 g of ginger and make into paste. Mix
with 3 liters of water. Strain. Add 12 ml of soap. Mix
well. Ten (10) kg of ginger in needed for 1 ha.
Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany 11
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Bean flies
Larva feeds on leaves, stems, and taproots that
lead to wilting and sometimes death of affected
parts. There may be wilted or dead seedlings, and
the leaves of older plants may become yellow and
stunted. In case of heavy infestation, many plants
will die in the scattered areas of the field.
Insect damage on young plants is confined
mostly on the main stem of the young plant just
above the soil line. Plants will wilt or will eventually
die if damage is severe.
The larval feeding on leaves causes holes with
corresponding light-yellow spots and larval mines
with silvery curved stripes. At the later stage, the
damage is clearly visible as the holes and the larval
mines turned dark-brown. In cases of severe attack,
infested leaves become blotchy and later hang
down. Infested leaves may dry-out and may
eventually shed. When larva is about to pupate, it feeds down-
ward into the taproot and pupates inside the stem
Insect damage on mature plants is confined to
close to the soil surface. The damaged stems are
the leaf petioles which become swollen and at times
thicker than normal and they cracked lengthwise
the leaves may wilt.
just above the soil.

The eggs are oval, clear, and milky-white in well-defined segments with black anterior and
color. These are laid in holes of leaves near the posterior breathing organs. It becomes dark-brown
petiole. before the adult emergence.
The maggot is small and white in color with The adult has metallic-black color about ¼ in
brown head. size than that of a common housefly.
The pupa is barrel-shaped, yellow with a
brownish-tinge and distinctly darker ends. It has
Neem seeds
Control measures
Method of preparation
Cultural practices Pound gently 3-5 kg of
Mulch plants with rice straw and cut grasses de-shelled neem seeds.
Place pounded seeds in
a clay pot. Add 10 liters
of water.
Cover the mouth of the
pot securely with the
cloth and leave it as
such for 3 days.
Strain to get clear
Dilute 1 liter of neem
seed extract with 9 liters
of water.
Add 100 ml of soap. Stir

Pests controlled

Most agricultural pests

12 Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Cabbage looper
Larvae feed primarily on leaves causing
irregular, rugged holes, bore through the pods, and
contaminate pods and leaves with their frass
(excreta). Plants can be severely defoliated and
stunted. Sometimes, they damage the seedlings,
but heavy injury usually occurs during pod stage.

The egg is very small and bowl-shaped with a cocoon. Pupation occurs in a folded webbed leaf or
flat side, yellowish to greenish-white in color, and between two webbed leaves.
found singly lying on the leaves. An adult is a greyish-brown moth and has a
The larva is light green and about 3-4 cm long wingspan of about 3.3-3.8 cm. Each of the mottled
when fully developed. It has 3 pairs of slender legs and brown front wings which bears a small and
near the head and 3 pairs of thickened prolegs on silvery-spot that resembles like a figure 8. The hind
the abdomen. It moves by arching its back to form a wings are paler-brown. Adults are strong fliers and
loop and then projecting the front section of the are primarily nocturnal. During the day the adults
body forward. It usually feeds on the leaves and into can be found resting in foliage or in crop debris.
the cabbage head. Moths feed on various wild and cultivated hosts
The pupa is green or brown in color and is where they obtain water and dissolved nutrients. A
nearly 2 cm long. It is enclosed in a flimsy, silken female moth can produce 300-1600 eggs.

Control measures

Plant extracts
Gliricidia (Madre de cacao) leaf extract
Grind or pound ½ kg of Gliricidia leaves. Soak
overnight in water. Strain. Add 20 liters of water to
the filtrate.

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany 13
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Corn earworm
Larvae feed on leaves, flowers, and pods. The
pods are the preferred sites for attack. The damage
is characterized by extensive excrement. They
remain feeding inside the pods until they leave to
pupate in the soil.

Eggs are pinhead-sized and yellow-green in to pupate. The larval stage lasts from 12-24 days.
color. These are found singly laid on the silk and Pupae are yellowish green and turn brown as they
occasionally on the husks of the corn ear. Hatching mature. Pupation takes place under the soil. Pupal
occurs within about 2-5 days. period is 12-24 days.
Larvae vary in color from bright green, pink, An adult male is yellow-brown while a female is
brown, to black, with lighter undersides. Alternating orange-brown in color. It has a wingspread size of
light and dark bands run lengthwise along their about 3.8cm. Each female may deposit 200 - 2,000
bodies, the heads are yellow and the legs are eggs in her entire lifetime. Total development period
almost black. Mature larvae vary in length about 3-5 from egg to adult is 34-45.
cm. They drop to the ground to burrow into the soil

Control measures

Plant extracts
Ginger, garlic, and chilli extract attracts the pests you want to control. Read the
Tomato leaf spray label and follow the instructions properly.

Finely chop 1-2 cups of tomato leaves. Soak To make your own traps, make 10-12 holes into
overnight in 2 cups of water. Strain and add 2 more an old plastic bottle or 3
holes on each side of a
cups of water. This spray controls also aphids. Ginger, garlic, and
used 1 liter ice cream chilli extract
Physical methods container to allow
moths to enter. Place a Method of preparation
Light traps
wire to suspend the
Install the light trap near or within the field Soak 50 g of peeled
bait. Half-fill the con- garlic overnight in 10 ml
where you want to trap the flying insects. Secure the
tainer with soapy water. mineral oil.
poles firmly on the ground. Mount the lamp or the Combine garlic, 25 g of
Hang the phero-
bulb on the frame, five meters from the ground. green chilies, and 25 g
mone capsule using a of ginger.
When using electric bulb, make sure that the bulb
string or wire. Attach Add 50 ml of water to
and wiring are not in contact with water to avoid the mixture.
the trap to a stake or
electrocution. Place the shallow basin with soapy Grind them.
hang it on branch of a Add 3 liters of water.
water or the jute sack underneath the light. Put the
light trap from early evening until early morning. Pests controlled
Collect the trapped insects daily and dispose them
properly. Aphids
Pheromone traps Cotton bollworm
Place pheromone traps at a distance of 3 Corn earworm
meters. If use to monitor the pest, place 2-3 traps in Fruit borers
a hectare field area. Buy the pheromone that Leafminers
Shoot borers
Tomato fruitworm

14 Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Cutworms feed on seedlings. The seedlings are
often cut off at ground level. The larvae can be
found in the soil (up to a depth of about 5 cm) near
the plant. They always curl-up when disturbed.
Cutworms feed only at night. Generally, they are not
found on plants or on the soil surface during the
day. The newly hatched larvae feed from the base
towards the tip of the leaf. At this stage, they first
feed on the epidermis and may discolor the entire of the plant. The full grown caterpillars are capable
leaf surface. Young caterpillars eat the soft leaves of eating the entire plant.

The eggs are tiny pearl white, round, and have broken lines composed of velvet semi-crescent
a ridged surface. patches that vary in color among cutworms.
The newly hatched larvae are greenish and The pupa is black or brown in color and
about 1 mm long. The full-grown larva has a measures about 22.5 mm long and 9.2 mm wide.
cylindrical body, brown or brownish-black with a The adult has dark brown forewings with
tinge of orange. The thoracic segments have one to distinctive black spots and white and yellow wavy
two dark spots near the base of the legs. The stripes. The hind wings are whitish with grayish
abdominal segments generally have two light margins. The total developmental period from egg to
brownish lateral lines on each side, one above and adult is about 35-40 days.
one below the spiracles. Above the top lines are

Control measures

Cultural practices Basil plant extract

Interplant tomato with onion, garlic, peppermint, Pound or grind of 50 g of basil leaves. Soak it
coriander, or garlic every 10-20 rows to repel cut- overnight in 2-3 liters of water. Add 8 - 12 ml of
worms and attract natural enemies. Sunflowers and soap. Stir well.
cosmos can also be planted as a trap crop in or
around fields.
Other method
Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) / bran bait
Plant extracts Moisten bran with a diluted solution of BT.
Finger euphorbia plant extract Sprinkle the moist bran on the planting plots'
Cut a branch and collect the oozing sap. Add 1 surfaces 2 weeks before planting. Buy BT at your
liter of water to every 10 drops of the sap. Another local agricultural suppliers.
method is to cut a mature branch and pound it finely
to make it into a paste. Add this to 10 liters of water.
Leave it for sometime then strain.

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany 15
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

The larvae make long, slender, winding, white
tunnels in leaves. Severely mined leaves may turn
yellow, disfigured, and drop. Severely mined
seedlings are stunted and eventual death occurs.

The eggs are laid under the surface of leaf days. When the larva is ready to pupate, it cuts a
epidermis, are ovate, creamy-white in color, and hole where it stays and feeds and usually drops to
tiny- about 0.10-0.15 mm in diameter. The eggs the soil to pupate.
hatch after 2-5 days. The pupa varies in color, from yellowish-brown
The larva is legless, whitish to yellow green with to almost black, and distinctly segmented. It is oval-
a darker head. It has a mouth hook structure that is shaped, becoming narrow at the end. The pupal
retractable into the body. A newly hatched larva stage lasts for 10-12 days.
tunnels through the mid-leaf tissues leaving its Adult is a small fly, about 2.5 mm long. It is
characteristic wavy lines that are visible on top of grayish to black with yellow markings. Female flies
the leaf. It undergoes 3 larval stages that last for 4-7 are slightly larger than males.

Control measures

Cultural practices Yellow plastic drinking cups

Conservation of the natural enemies is an Coat cups with adhesive (used motor oil) and
important aspect of leafminer management. stapled on stakes above plant canopies to trap flies.
Maintain flowering grasses around field margins to Yellow plastic trapping sheets
provide habitat and food for natural enemies.
A 2 m long x 75 cm wide yellow plastic sheet
Physical methods coated with motor oil,
both ends attached to Neem powdered
Kitchen funnel seed extract
bamboo or wooden
Inverted kitchen funnel capped with a plastic poles and carried by 2
vial to monitor adults' emergence from the Method of preparation
persons through the
seedbeds. field to mass capture Add 50 grams of
adult flies. powdered kernel in 1
Plastic trays liter of water.
Place the trays under the plants to monitor and Let it stand for 6 hours
Plant extracts but not more than 16
catch pupating larvae as they leave the plants to
Ginger, garlic, and hours.
pupate in the soil. Add soap and stir.
chili extract (refer to p. Constantly shake the
Yellow plastic gallon containers 14) container or stir the
Mount containers upside down on sticks coated extract while on the
Neem powdered process of application.
with transparent automobile grease or used motor
seed extract
oil. These should be placed in and around the field Pests controlled
at about 10 cm above the foliage. Clean and re-oil
when traps are covered with flies. Aphids
American bollworms
Cotton leaf rollers
Diamondback moths
Red locusts
Mexican bean beetles

16 Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Seedcorn maggots
The maggot burrows into the seeds and the
seedlings, proceeds into the lateral roots, then
tunnels into the taproot, and sometimes bores into
the base of the stem. Damaged plants will wilt,
stunt, and/or eventually die. The damaged seedlings
do not have primary leaves and/or severely
damaged primary leaves.

Eggs are elongate and pearly white with a Pupae are tan to brown in color. They are
diagonal pattern. They are deposited near the seeds situated near the host plant. The pupal stage is
or seedlings, especially those grown in soil with about 7-20 days.
abundant organic matter. The adult flies are grayish brown and look like
Larvae are small maggots, yellowish white to small houseflies. The female adults prefer to lay
dirty yellow, and legless. They undergo three larval their eggs in newly harrowed fields. They can lay
stages. Larval development lasts for about 12-16 about 100 eggs over a 3-4 week period. Life span is
days. about 1-2 ½ months.

Control measures

Cultural practices
3. Sowing shallow in a well prepared soil to
ensure quick germination of seeds.
4. Allow plant residues to decompose properly for
a moist heavy-textured soil is very attractive to
the pests.

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany 17
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Spider mites
Generally, mites feed on the undersides of webbing. Heavy
leaves. They use their sucking mouthparts to infestation will
remove plant saps. The upper leaf surface has a result in a fine
speckled or mottled appearance while the cobwebby
underneath appears tan or yellow and has a crusty appearance on
texture. Infested leaves may turn yellow, dry up, and the leaves.
drop in a few weeks. Mites produce large amount of Plants die when infestation is severe.

The eggs are tiny, spherical, pale-white, and species. It looks like a tiny moving dot. It has an
are laid on the undersides of leaves often under the oval body with 8 legs and with 2 red eyespots near
webbings. Eggs hatch in 4 or 5 days. the head of the body. The male is smaller than the
Nymph looks similar to the adult but is only the female with a more pointed abdomen. A female
size of an egg. It has only 6 legs. It molts 3 times usually has a large, dark blotch on each side with
before becoming an adult. numerous bristles covering her legs and body.
The adult is also very tiny, maybe yellowish, Spider mite is not an insect.
greenish, pinkish, or reddish depending on the

Control measures

Cultural practices gallon of water. Horticultural oil is concentrated and

must be mixed with water.
1. Provide plants with adequate water. Water-
stressed plants are prone to damage by mites. Other methods
2. Avoid the use of broad spectrum insecticide for Basil leaf extract (refer to p. 21)
this may cause a mites' outbreak. This practice
Milk spray
kills the natural enemies of mites and stimulates
mites' reproduction.

Physical control
1. Hosing with a strong jet of water knocks off
mites and destroys their webs. Be sure to
include the underneath of the leaves.
2. Apply water to pathways and other dusty areas
Milk spray
at regular intervals.
Method of preparation
Plant extracts
Mix ½ liter of milk to 4.5
Coriander seed extract
liters of water (Milk and
Pound or crush 200 grams of coriander seeds. water ratio is 1 part milk
Boil in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. Cool and to 9 parts water). Spray
strain. Dilute extract with 2 liters of water. This at weekly interval as a
preventive control
extract also prevents fungal diseases. measure.

Other solutions Pests controlled

Horticultural oil Spider mites
Spray 2% solution against mites. To make a 2% Mildews
solution, pour 1/3 cup oil into a 1 gallon container, Mosaic virus
Leaf blights
and then fill with water to make a 1 gallon solution. Fungal diseases
For a 3% solution, start with ½ cup of oil. Apply
successive sprays at least 6 weeks apart. You can
apply 1% oil solution by mixing 2.5 tbsp of oil in 1

18 Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Stink bugs
Adults and nymphs suck plant sap from leaves,
flowers, bolls, buds, fruits, and from the seeds of a
wide array of crops. Feeding on fruits causes
scarring and dimpling known as cat-facing. Feeding
on the developing grains of rice at the milking stage
causes shriveling and empty seeds with brown
spots. Feeding on cotton bolls prevents bolls to
open or stains the lint or causes bolls to drop.

The eggs are yellow and barrel-shaped. These sensitive to day length, which also causes the adults
are laid on the lower surface of the leaves in to begin diapauses. The nymphal development lasts
clusters of 20-130 in 5-8 parallel rows. for about 8 weeks.
The nymph has heterogeneous colors (green, The adult is shield-shaped and green, tan,
tan, brown or gray). It is oval-shaped, wingless but brown or gray in color. Most of the adults are shiny,
looks similar to an adult counterpart. The first but other species are spiny and rough-textured. The
nymphal instars do not feed. The nymphs form female starts mating one week after emergence and
clusters at the natal site. The second and third lives for about 30 days.
instars are also found in clusters but they disperse Stinkbug emits a foul odor when disturbed,
when disturbed. The fifth nymphal instars are hence the name.

Control measures Sticky board trap

Plant extract To use, place 1-4 sticky

cards per 300 sq m field
Yam bean seed extract area. Replace traps at
least once a week. To
Grind ½ kg of yam seeds. Soak in 20 liters of make your own sticky
water for 1-2 days. Strain. trap, spread petroleum
jelly or used motor oil on
painted plywood of
desired color, 6 cm x 15
cm in size or up. Place
traps near the plants but
faraway enough to
prevent the leaves from
sticking to the board.
Traps when hung should
be positioned 61 cm
zone above the plants.


Blue sticky cards


White sticky cards

Flea beetles, tarnished
plant bugs

Yellow sticky cards

Aphids, cabbage root
maggots, carrot rust
flies, cabbage white
butterflies, gnats,

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany 19
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Both the larvae and adults pierce and suck the
sap of the leaves. This causes the weakening and
early wilting of the plant resulting in reduced plant
growth. Their feeding may also cause yellowing,
drying, premature dropping of leaves that result in
plant death.
Whiteflies produce honeydews that serve as the
substrates for the growth of black sooty molds on
leaves and fruit. The mold reduces photosynthesis
causing the poor plant growth of the plant. They are
the most important carriers of plant viruses that cause diseases of fiber crops, vegetables, fruit
trees, and ornamentals.

The eggs are tiny, oval-shaped, about 0.25 mm The adults are about 1 mm long with two pairs
in diameter, and stand vertically on the leaf surface. of white wings and light yellow bodies. Their bodies
Newly laid eggs are white then turn brownish. They are covered with waxy powdery materials. They are
are deposited on the underside of leaves, some- found feeding on top of the plants. A female can
times in a circle or oval-shaped patterns. produce as many as 200 eggs in her lifetime and
The larvae are transparent, ovate, and about mating is not necessary. It takes about 40 days to
0.3-0.7 mm in size and they move around on the develop from egg to adult.
plants looking for a feeding site upon hatching.
The pupae are dirty-white and surrounded by
wax and honeydews. During this stage, the red eyes
of the emerging adults are visible.

Control measures

Cultural practices This spray also controls aphids, armyworm,

termites, and white grubs.
1. Do not plant near crops that have whitefly
infestation. This would lead to early infestation Neem oil extract
of your crop and could ruin the whole field crop. Add 15 ml of neem oil into 1 liter of soapy
2. Plant Nicotania as a trap crop. Whiteflies are water. Constantly shake the container or stir the
attracted to Nicotiana, a flowering tobacco plant extract while in the process of application to prevent
variety. oil from separating.
Flour spray
Plant extract Other methods
Method of preparation
Garlic oil spray Ammonia spray
(refer to p. 11) Add 2-4 tbsp of wheat or
Chop finely 100 g of garlic. Soak the chopped
Flour spray potato or any baking
garlic in mineral oil for a day. Add ½ liter and 10 ml flour into 4 cups of warm
of soap. Dilute filtrate with 10 liters of water. Soap spray water. Add 1 tsp of soap
Constantly shake the container or stir the extract (refer to p. 10) as sticker. Stir the filtrate
prior to application.
while in the process of the application to prevent oil Sticky board trap
from separating. (refer to p. 19) Pests controlled

Madre de cacao & neem Aphids

Spider mites
Shred 1 kg of Madre de cacao leaves and 1 kg Thrips
of neem leaves. Soak leaves in 5 liters of water for 3 Whiteflies
days. Strain. Add water to make up 20 liters of
filtrate. Spraying interval is 4-5 days.

20 Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Root knot nematodes
Infected plants have swollen, impaired roots. egg masses are found. A closer look with a
Nematode's feeding stimulates the production of magnifier may show the adults, but mostly they are
galls (root knots). Galls are found on the root not seen with the naked eye.
system both on the primary and secondary roots. Severe infestation results in stunted growth,
Their sizes vary from .02 to 20 cm in diameter. yellowing of leaves, wilting, and poor yield because
The gall is characterized by smaller swellings the galls disturb the roots ability to absorb water and
and more uniformly distributed infection on the nutrients. They also serve as openings for
lateral feeding roots. Inside the gall are shiny white pathogens, such as fungi and bacteria, which cause
bodies of the female nematodes (about the size of a plant diseases.
pinhead). At the root surface, shiny white to yellow

Prevention and control

Basil leaf extract
Fermented marigold extract

Basil leaf extract

Fermented Method of preparation
marigold extract
Grind leaves 50 g of
Method of preparation basil leaves
Soak overnight in 2-3
Fill-in container with ½ - liters of water
¾ of flowering plants Strain
Leave to stand for 5-10 Add 8-12 ml soap
days. Stir well
Stir occasionally
Strain Pests controlled
Dilute filtrate with water
at a ratio of 1:2 Caterpillars
Fruit flies
Diseases controlled Red spider mites
Red scales
Tomato blights Spotted leaf beetles
Rice blast Fungal diseases
Coffee berry disease Nematodes

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany 21
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production


Anthracnose on beans appears on leaves at all whole affected

the growth stages of a plant but often appears in the area. The color of
early reproductive stages on stems, petioles, and the infected part
pods. It generally appears first as small and darkens as it ages. The disease can also produce
irregular yellow, brown, dark-brown, or black spots. cankers on petioles and on stems, causeing severe
The spots can expand and merge to cover the defoliation.

Prevention and control

1. Baking soda 6. Garlic bulb spray.
2. Basil leaf extract (refer to p. 21) Finely chop 85 g of garlic. Soak chopped garlic
3. Compost tea spray (refer to p. 23) in 50 ml of mineral oil for 1 day. Add 10 ml of
soap to the soaked garlic. Dilute with water to
4. Seed treatment (refer to p. 23)
make a liter of spray material. Stir well. This
5. Onion bulb extract. spray also controls corn earworm / cotton
Finely chop 50 g bulb onion. Add to 1 liter of bollworm / tomato fruitworm and bacterial and
rain water. Strain. fungal diseases.

Copper spray
(Bordeaux mix)
Baking soda Method of preparation
Mix 3 ½ tbsp of copper
Method 1 sulphate, 10 tbsp of
Mix 1 tbsp of baking hydrated lime and 1
soda and 1 tbsp of gallon of water (4 liters
dormant oil or vegetable of water) in a plastic
oil bucket
Add 4 liters of water Stir using wooden stick
Stir well
Add ½ tbsp of dish Pests controlled
washing liquid soap Flea beetles
Stir it again Anthracnose
Bacterial blight
Method 2 Bacterial wilt
Dissolve 1 tbsp of Black spot
baking soda in 4 cups of Downy mildew
warm water Late blight
Add 1 tsp of liquid soap Powdery mildew
Stir well Rust
Method 3 and many other disease
Mix 1 tbsp of baking causing pathogens
soda and 2 ½ tbsp of Cautions
vegetable oil Use only plastic or any
Add 4 liters of water non-corrosive containers
Stir well Shake or stir to prevent
Diseases controlled extract from clogging
Powdery mildew, Spray only on dry and
black spot, and other sunny day, preferably
fungal diseases. early morning.

22 Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Bacterial leaf blight

Infected tomato leaf has dark watersoaked may drop prematurely. Infected young fruit has
circular spots which are about 3 mm in sizes but small black spots. As the bacteria further develop,
may become larger when the temperature is right. the spots turn brown, slightly sunken, scabby, and
The spots become angular and turn brown-black. sometimes surrounded by rings. Severe infestation
Eventually, the centre of the spots may dry and leaf gives the plant the appearance of blight.

1. Compost tea 4. Lemongrass extract
2. Copper spray / Bordeaux mix (refer to p. 24) Soak 50 g of ground lemongrass in 2 liters of
3. Garlic bulb extract water for a few hours. Strain.
Grind 2 garlic bulbs. Add to 4 cups of water and 5. Mint leaf extract
stir in few drops of soap. Dilute 1 part of this Grind 250 g of mint leaves. Make into a paste.
filtrate with 9 parts of water. Add 2 liters of water. Stir well and ready for use
or strain it to have a clear extract.

Bacterial leaf spot

Infected leaf has ovate-shaped spots of dead days. Later, the infec-
tissues surrounded with yellow-green to lemon- ted area turns brown
yellow margins. As the spots enlarge, they may join and dies causing the
together often having torn out dead tissues, pod to twist or bend. For seed
developing a shot-hole appearance. An infected pod
has initially tiny water-soaked spots that later Sweetflag rhizome
Pound or grind dried
enlarge and join together, become sticky, and
sweetflag rhizome. Take
develop tiny crusty area on its center during rainy 10 g sweetflag rhizome
powder and add 60 ml
of water.
Prevention and control Soak seeds for 30
Sow treated seeds
1. Make sure to select and sow only good seeds immediately
2. Treat seeds with sweetflag (Acorus calamus) Compost tea
Vinegar solution
rhizome extract spray Mix 1 tbsp of vinegar
Method of preparation and 4 cups of water
3. Mint leaves extract
Place the seeds on a
Grind 250 g of mint leaves. Make into a paste. Put a gallon (4 liters) of small cotton bag
Add 2 liters of water. Stir well and ready for use well-matured compost Dip the bag into the
into a 5 gallon (20 liters) vinegar and water
or strain it to have a clear extract. container. solution
Add water until the Dry dipped seeds on old
container is full. newspapers before
Stir well. sowing and make sure
Place in warm place for that seeds are
3 days to ferment. completely dry before
Strain. storing
Diseases controlled Pests controlled
Fungal diseases Seed borne pathogens

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany 23
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Bean rust
The initial symptom is a yellow mosaic dis-
coloration on the undersides of the lower leaves on
the onset or during the flowering stage. The small
lesions gradually increase in size and become tan
or brown in color. The lesions are slightly raised and
consist of small pustules, with a small hole on top
where the spores emerge. The pustules become
plentiful and eventually coalesce to form larger
pustules that break open, releasing masses of
spores. During pod formation, the disease spreads
rapidly to the middle and upper parts of the plant.
Lesions are found on petioles, pods, and stems but
are most abundant on leaves.

Prevention and control

1. Baking soda (refer to p. 22) 4. Papaya leaf extract
2. Compost tea spray (refer to p. 23) Soak 50 g of finely shredded leaves in 1 liter of
3. Copper spray / Bordeaux Mix (refer to p. 22) water. Let it stand for 1 night. Squeeze the
extract and strain. Add 2-3 liters and 10 ml
soap as adhesive.

Mosaic virus
The common symptom of an infected plant is blister-like appearance. Other symptoms include
alternating spots of yellowish and light or dark green curling and yellowing of the leaves, stunted growth,
(mottle) leaves. The mottled areas often appear and malformed fruits.
thicker and somewhat elevated giving the leaves a

1. Control aphids and other sucking insects as
they carry the virus.
2. Milk spray (refer to p. 18 )

24 Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Powdery mildew
Powdery mildew is characterized by a dusty- surface of the leaf, young stem, bud, flower, and
white to gray coating and talcum powder-liked young fruit. The infected leaf becomes distorted,
growth commonly infecting plant's leaves. It begins turns yellow with small patches of green, and falls
as circular, powdery-white spots that turn yellow- off prematurely. Infected buds fail to open. Other
brown and finally black. In most cases, the fungal injuries include stunting and distortion of leaves,
growth can be partially removed by rubbing the buds, growing tips, and fruits. Infected seedlings will
leaves. eventually die.
Powdery mildew is commonly found on the
upper side of the leaf. It also infects the underneath

1. Baking soda (refer to p. 22) 6. Milk spray (refer to p. 18)
2. Basil leaf extract (refer to p. 21) 7. Papaya extract.
3. Copper Spray / Bordeaux mix (refer to p. 22) Soak 50 g of finely shredded leaves in 1 liter of
4. Compost tea spray (refer to p. 23) water. Let it stand for 1 night. Squeeze the
extract and strain. Add 2-3 liters and 10 ml
5. Ginger powder extract.
soap as adhesive.
Add 20 g of ginger powder to 1 liter of water.
Mix thoroughly.

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany 25
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Natural enemies
Ants, aphids, armyworms, beetle's larvae,
bollworms, cabbageworms, caterpillars, codling
moths, corn borers, cutworms, imported tent
caterpillars, leafhoppers, leafminers, maggots,
midges, plant bugs, scales, tomato hornworms,
weevils, and many more.

Eggs and larvae of Bracons are found inside
the hosts' bodies. Female wasps lay eggs into the eggs of hosts' pests
but prefer caterpillars' bodies.
The larvae are tiny, cream-colored grubs that
feed in or on other insects. Larvae molt five times In cases where aphids are the host pests,
and undergo 5 instars. aphids are not killed instantly. Aphids continue to
feed on plants tissues until the Braconid larvae
Pupae of some species live and pupate within
inside their bodies completely consume them. The
the host until they mature; others pupate in silken
fully-grown Braconid larvae cement the dead aphids
cocoons on the outside of the body of the host,
to the leaf surface making aphids' shells black and
while others spin silken cocoons away from the
mummified. About a week later, the adult Bracon
wasps cut round holes in the mummies and emerge.
Adult wasps are tiny, about 2.5 mm in size,
The empty mummies remain on the leaf. The
slender black or brown with threadlike waists.
presence of mummies in a colony of aphids is a sign
that Bracons are present.

Adult Bracons feed on nectar, honeydew, or and marigold are flowering crops that attract the
pollen before laying eggs. Dill, parsley, yarrow, native braconid populations and provide good
zinnia, clover, alfalfa, parsley, cosmos, sunflower, habitats for them.

Damsel bugs
Aphids, armyworms, asparagus beetle,
Colorado potato beetle eggs and nymphs, corn
earworm, corn borer, imported cabbageworm,
leafhoppers, mites, moth eggs, sawfly larvae, and
tarnished plant bug nymphs. Although they can
survive for about two weeks without food, they will
eat each other if no other prey is available.

26 Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Eggs are deposited in soft plant tissues where segmented beak, elongated heads, and 4 long
they are so difficult to find. segmented antennae. They are fast runners with
Nymphs resemble adults and develop through 5 long slender back legs and enlarged forelegs for
nymphal stages in about 50 days. grasping prey. They are commonly found in most
Adults are tiny, about 2-4 mm long, with slender agricultural crops, especially legumes, throughout
bodies and are yellowish or gray or reddish-brown in the year. Adults begin laying eggs soon after
color. They have piercing-sucking mouthparts, a 4- emergence.

They prefer to live in soybeans, grassy fields,
and alfalfa. You can collect damsel bugs in alfalfa
fields and release them around your garden.

Ground beetle
Slugs, snails, cutworms, cabbage root maggots,
grubs and insect pupae, and small caterpillars

Eggs are normally laid singly in the soil. day in soil
Larva is elongated and tapered toward the end, crevices, un-
worm-like in appearance and have a large head der rocks
directed forward. and stones,
Pupa is brownish black, small and found in the decaying
soil. logs, leaf lit-
ter, or com-
Adult ground beetles or Carabids are about 2-
posting ma-
6cm long, dark shiny brown to metallic black, blue,
terials. When disturbed or when other vertebrates
green, purple, or multi-colored. They vary in
prey upon them, they emit an odor or gas, as a type
shapes,- from elongated to heavy-bodied, - tapered
of defense mechanism, preventing them from being
head end with threadlike antennae, and have a
eaten by other predators. Ground beetles live on or
ringed wing cover. Their heads are usually smaller
below the ground, hence the name. Development
than their thorax. Both adults and larvae have
from the egg to the adult stage takes about a year,
strong pincher-like mandibles. They have prominent
although adults may live 2 to 3 years or longer.
long legs, which make them fast moving insects.
Most species are nocturnal and they hide during the

1. Practice mulching in some sections of your field 3. Plant white clover and/or amaranth as ground
to provide a habitat for the ground beetles. covers.
2. Provide permanent beds and perennial
plantings to protect population.

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany 27
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Aphids, thrips, psyllids, scale insects, small
caterpillars, and larvae of Heliotes

Eggs are tiny, about 1mm in size, ovate- Pupae
shaped, and glistening white. These are found laid are teardrops shaped and are found in the soil
singly and close to the developing aphid colony in surface or in the plant's foliage.
the leaves, shoots, or stems of the plants. They Adult hoverflies are true flies with only two
hatch within 2-3 days. wings instead of four which most insects have.
The larvae, known as Syrphids, are legless slug Adults are large and beautiful insects about 13 mm
like maggots, about 1-13mm in length depending on long. They have a dark head, a dark thorax, and a
their larval stages. They usually have a mottled banded yellow and black abdomen. They closely
gray, beige, or light green color. They lift their resemble bees or wasps rather than flies. Their
pointed heads to look for preys. Once preys are habit of hovering like humming birds gave them the
located, their mouthparts suck out the contents of names hoverflies or flower flies. They feed on
the preys. Larvae are frequently found feeding on pollen, nectar, and honeydew. They are good
aphids in the sheltered and curled portion of leaves. pollinators.
They blend well with their habitat and therefore they
must be looked for closely to locate them.

Hoverflies are attracted to all flowering plants advisable to allow flowering weeds such as wild
but even more so to small-flowered herbs like wild carrot and yarrow to grow between crop plants.
mustard, coriander, dill, lupines, sunflower, and Hoverflies' larvae are most noticeable in the latter
fennel. It is advisable to have multiple crops as half of the growing season when aphids are
adults basically feed on pollen and nectar and it is established.

Aphids, leafminer, mealybugs, thrips, whitefly,
armyworms, bollworms, cabbage worm, codling
moths, corn borer, cutworm, DBM, fruitworm,
leafhopper nymphs and eggs, potato beetle, scale
insects, spider mites, and caterpillars of most pest
moths. If given the chance, they can also prey on
adult pests.

Eggs are found on slender stalks or on the emerging, larvae immediately look for food. They
underside of leaves. Each egg is attached to the top grow to about 1 cm in length. They attack their prey
of a hair-like filament. Eggs are pale green in color. by taking them with their large sucking jaws and
Larvae are known as aphid lions. Newly injecting paralyzing poison, and then sucking out the
hatched, they are grayish-brown in color. Upon body fluids of the pest. A larva can eat 200 or more

28 Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

pests or pest eggs a week. An older larva can Adults are green to yellowish-green with four,
consume 30-50 aphids per day. It can consume delicate transparent wings that have many veins
more than 400 aphids during its development. The and cross veins. Adults are about 18 mm long, with
larvae resemble alligators with pincers like jaw. long hair-like antennae and red-gold eyes. Each
However, they become cannibalistic if no other prey adult female may deposit more than 100 eggs.
is available. They feed for 3 to 4 weeks and molt Many species of adult lacewings do not prey on
three times before pupation. They cover their bodies pests. They feed on nectar, pollen, and honeydew.
with prey debris. An adult will live for about four to six weeks
Pupae are cocoons with silken threads. These depending on the climatic conditions.
are found in cracks and crevices. The pupal stage
lasts for approximately 5 days.

Flowering plants such as dill, cosmos, of pollen and nectar for adults. Provide source of
sunflower, carrots, and dandelions are good source water during dry season.

Ladybird beetles
Aphids, mealybugs, scale insects, spider mites,

Eggs are yellow to orange in color, football- Adults are oval to hemispherical and strongly
shaped, and are laid in circular clusters of 10 -50 convex with short legs and antennae. Most species
eggs on the underside of leaves or near the aphid are brightly colored. Body length ranges from 0.8-16
colony. mm. Their colors tell other predators that they are
Newly hatched larvae are gray or black and less tasteless and toxic. When disturbed, some of them
than 4 mm long. They emerge as dark alligator-like emit a strong smelling yellow liquid as a protection
flightless creatures with orange spots. Adult larvae against other predators. Their colors vary from red,
can be gray, black, or blue with bright yellow or orange, steel blue, yellow-brown, or yellow elytra,
orange markings on the body. The larvae are frequently spotted or striped with black. They feed
elongate and slightly oblong in shape. They undergo on pollen, nectar, water, and honeydew but aphids
four instars before pupating. or other prey are necessary for egg production.
The pupae are usually brightly patterned and They are the best-known predators of aphids and
can be found attached to the leaves and stems of are capable of eating up to 50-60 per day and about
plants where larvae have fed and developed. 5000 aphids in their lifetime.

Lady bird beetles are found in most agricultural sources. When food is not available, they tend to
and garden habitats. Their presence indicates that eat each other. Their beneficial predatory behavior
natural biological control is occurring. It is important and activities are continuous when there is no
to maintain habitats planted with several flowering indiscriminate use of synthetic pesticides.
crops. These give the ladybird beetles varied food

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany 29
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Rove beetles
Both adults and larvae are predators of root
maggots' eggs and larvae, mites, worms, nema-
todes, and other small insects. Adults tend to be
cannibalistic, eating their own eggs and attacking
other adults when food supply is low.

Eggs are tiny, about 0.5 mm long and 0.4 mm weeks before emerging as an adult. It is possible
wide, pear-shaped, pale green in color, and are that two or more larvae enter into one maggot pupa
covered with a gelatin-like material. These are laid but only one will survive and mature.
by female adults in the soil among the roots of the Adult rove beetles are brown, reddish-brown, or
root-maggot infested plants. The eggs hatch 5-10 black or have gray markings on the wings and
days later. abdomen, with slender elongate bodies. Their wing
The first instar larvae are pale brown, about 1.5 covers are shorter than the abdomen where most
mm long, slender, segmented, and tapered toward part of the abdomen is exposed. Both adults and
the anterior. They have large heads. The parasitic larvae have well-developed 'jaws' cross in front of
second and third instar larvae are white, have the head. They live mostly in decaying organic
rudimentary legs, and are found within the host matter but are also found in moist agricultural soils
puparium. Before pupating, a larva will actively or in habitats where large numbers of fly larvae live.
search for a host (pupa of maggot) in the When disturbed, they run very fast, with their
surrounding soil. It will pupate in the pupa of the abdomen lifted upward, like that of scorpions. Adults
maggot by entering into its cocoon and feeding its are good fliers as well.
contents, and then pupate itself inside for about 3-4

Provide ground covers or mulches within and hedges, and other perennial habitats as a source of
around fields for rove beetles love to stay in moist food and shelter; and provide protection by not
decaying organic matter; provide hiding sites and spraying broad spectrum pesticides.
alternative habitats and plant flowering borders,

Moths and caterpillars

Some spiders' eggs are laid in a cluster in silken
sacs, while some species lay their egg masses
covered with silks within folded leaves. Some of
these sacs are attached to the mother spiders or
mothers stay nearby to guard their egg sacs. Eggs species they are left on their own.
usually hatch into spiderlings within three weeks. Spiders are not insects. They have 8 legs while
The spiderlings may remain attached to the mother insects have 6. They do not have wings whereas
for several days on some species, but for some insects do. They have two body sections; a united

30 Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

head and thorax and abdomen, while insects have can survive 2-3 months. In some species, females
three; head, thorax, and abdomen. die after laying eggs.
A female can produce 200-400 eggs but only All spiders are poisonous to insects but only a
60-80 spiderlings can hatch from these. Females few species are poisonous to humans, like the Black
widow and the Brown recluse.

Conservation and management

Mulching along some sections in dikes of rice Cover crops are also important to provide over-
paddies, in field corners, or a portion of the fields wintering sites of spiders’ sacs.
can increase the number of spiders. They can hide A spider population depends on the availability
in the layer of mulch that serves as their alternate of food, the habitat, and the environmental
habitat. They can also prey on other small insects conditions. Avoid use of pesticides as much as
inside the mulch. possible, for broad-spectrum insecticides can easily
Remember, that the more food the spiders can kill them.
eat, the faster their population build-up will become.

Tachinid fly
Aphids, armyworm, beetles, bollworm, bugs,
cabbage looper, cotton stainer, cutworm, grass-
hoppers, hornworm, leafhoppers, mole crickets,
moths, sawflies, scale insects, stem borers, stick

Eggs are ovate-shaped and white in color. They
are found in the skin of the host insect or in leaves Adults measure between 3 and 10 mm and
near the host and are hatched when the host have very stout bristles at the tips of their
ingests them. abdomens. They look very similar to the common
housefly but are larger with stocky and soft bodies.
The larvae or maggots are worm-like and lack
They vary in appearance from gray black to brightly
appendages like all other fly larvae. They are
colored, or sometimes looking like bees. Adult
greenish-white in color. They have three larval
Tachinid flies have only 1 pair of wings. They feed
instars and then leave the hosts to pupate in the
on honeydews and flower pollen. Different species
soil. Before pupation, some mature maggots
have varied modified sucking type mouthparts: the
produce hard cocoons. The larval stage takes about
cutting sponging, the piercing-sucking, and lapping-
4 days to 2 weeks depending on the climatic
sponging. Adult flies are found in almost all crop
conditions. The newly hatched larvae enter into its
habitats, either resting on foliage or feeding on
host and feed on the content before pupating into
nectars and pollen. Additionally for females, they
the soil. Some tachinid species are hosts' specific,
search for hosts to lay their eggs. The female adult
for example for a certain species; it is parasitic only
lays her eggs near or into the larvae, or on another
on leaf rolling caterpillars, or only on sugarcane
insect. She can lay as many as 1000-2000 eggs in
stem borer.
her lifetime. Adults can live from 3 days to 2 months
Pupae are oblong, yellowish and turn dark- depending on the species.
reddish as they mature.

Providing sources of food like dills, parsley, conserve Trachinid flies in the agricultural eco-
clover and other herbs are the most efficient ways to systems.

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany 31
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Photo credits
01 Stringbeans.
10 Ants. Takumasa Kondo
11 Aphids. University of Florida.
12 Bean fly. Arnie Larsen
13 Cabbage looper. Ric Besin. University of Kentucky Entomology.
14 Corn earworm. R. Coutin.
15 Cutworm. Clemson University.
16 Leafminers. Koppert Biological Systems.
17 Seedcorn maggot. R. Coutin.
18 Spider mite. Texas A&M University. guide/cimg371.html
19 Stink bug. IRRI & Queensland University.
20 Whiteflies. Photo courtesy of Clemsom University - Department of Entomology
22 Bean anthracnose. Plant Disease Clinic, University of Minnesota.
24 Bean rust. North Dakota State University.
26 Braconid. IRRI & Queensland University. IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines
26 Damsel bug. University of Georgia.
27 Ground beetle. IRRI & Queensland University. IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines
28 Hoverfly. Canola Council of Canada
28 Lacewing. Photo courtesy of Clemsom University - Department of Entomology
29 Ladybird beetles. Kok, L.; Kok, V.
30 Rove beetles. Jim Kalisch & Barry Pawson
30 Spider. IRRI & Queensland University. IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines
31 Tachinid fly. IRRI & Queensland University. IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines

32 Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

Alphabetical list
of the mentioned control methods

Extract, spray or physical method page .

Baking soda 22
Basil leaf extract 21
Compost tea spray 23
Copper spray (Bordeaux Mix) 22
Fermented marigold extract 21
Flour spray 20
Ginger, garlic & chilli extract 14
Milk spray 18
Neem leaf extract 10
Neem powdered seed extract 16
Neem seed extract 12
Seed treatment (Sweetflag rhizome / Vinegar solution) 23
Soap spray 10
Sticky board trap 19

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany 33
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

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34 Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management in String bean Production

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Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany 35

For more information

on non-chemical pest management see:
Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany
Nernstweg 32 • 22765 Hamburg • Germany
Phone: +49 (0)40 - 399 19 10-0 • Email:
Internet: •


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