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Study On Consumer Behavior For Pest Control Management Services in Lucknow

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1. Introduction
2. Company profile
3. Objective of research
4. Research methodology
5. Data analysis & interpretation
6. Findings
7. Suggestions and recommendations
8. Limitations
9. Conclusions
10. Bibliography
11. Questionnaire
Consumer behaviour is comparatively a new field of study which evolved just after the Second
World War. The sellers market has disappeared and buyers market has come up. This led to
paradigm shift of the manufacturer‘s attention from product to consumer and specially focused
on the consumer behaviour. The evaluation of marketing concept from mere selling concept to
consumeroriented marketing has resulted in buyer behaviour becoming an independent
discipline. The growth of consumerism and consumer legislation emphasizes the importance that
is given to the consumer. Consumer behaviour is a study of how individuals make decision to
spend their available resources (time, money and effort) or consumption related aspects (What
they buy? When they buy?, How they buy? etc.). The heterogeneity among people makes
understanding consumer behaviour a challenging task to marketers. Hence marketers felt the
need to obtain an indepth knowledge of consumers buying behaviour. Finally this knowledge
acted as an imperative tool in the hands of marketers to forecast the future buying behavior of
customers and devise four marketing strategies in order to create long term customer

What Is Consumer Behaviour?

Consumer behaviour is the study of individuals’, groups’ and organizations’ decisions with
regard to the selection, purchase, use, and disposal of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to
satisfy their needs and wants. In simple words: Consumer behaviour is the study of how
consumers make decisions about what they need, want, and desire and how do they buy, use, and
dispose of goods.

Importance Of Consumer Behaviour

Consumer behaviour is very important to understand what influences the buying decisions of the
consumers and why does it so.

By understanding how consumers decide on a product it is possible for marketers to fill in the
gap and identify which product is needed and which products are obsolete in the market. It also
helps marketers decide how to present their products such that they have maximum impact on
Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour

Psychological factors

The perception of a particular problem is unique to every individual and so is the perception of
different products. Psychological factors can be influenced by the present situation, perception of
needs and problems, the ability to process information and their individual attitude. Thus,
marketers have to focus how they portray their product and what psychological effect it has on

Personal factors

Personal factors are governed by an individual’s personal choices and preferences, interests, likes
and dislikes. The sub-factor influencing personal factors can be age, gender and personal issues.

Socio-Cultural factors

Social influence is one of the major driving forces while making a decision. Social class, income,
living society, company an individual keeps; workplace, etc. can have a major effect on
consumer behaviour. Of course, influencers and other opinion leaders have a major role in an
individual’s decision-making process too. Other factors include religion, race and nationalities.

Freudian theory

Sigmund Freud’s theory states that behaviour is guided by subconscious needs. It is governed by
three factors namely Id, superego and ego.Id is the impulsive need of thirst, hunger and sex an
individual has. Superego is an individual’s expression of society’s morals. Thus it is what bounds
Id from impulsive behaviour such that an individual fulfils his needs in a manner that is accepted
by the society.
Maslow’s theory of hierarchy

Behaviour runs from bottom to top and is dependent upon the lowest unmet needs. The hierarchy
pyramid designed by Maslow is shown below:

Herzberg’s two-factor theory

Frederick Herzberg stated that behaviour is guided by two factors that go hand in hand. These
are motivation and hygiene. Hygiene can be stated as dissatisfaction and motivation can be
passed on as satisfaction. Consumer behaviour is in your favour when satisfaction is highest and
dissatisfaction is minimal.

How Consumer Behavior Works?

To understand how Consumer Behaviour works we need to understand how Perception works.

What Is Perception?

Perception is the process by which we select, interpret and organize data to create a logical
sequence which is meaningful. Perception can be dependent on the stimuli we receive, how we
respond to those stimuli and the conditions of our surroundings when we receive the stimuli.

Now, every marketer works on maximizing their gains through perception. This is an essential
topic of consumer behaviour as the perception of a product is the make it or break it deal for the
given product’s life cycle.

The four cornerstones of perception are:

Selective attention

Selective attention is when you select some particular inputs/stimuli and choose to ignore others
in a group of stimuli. Basically, in simpler terms, not all information reaches and connects to
you. You perceive the information you relate to.
Selective retention

Selective retention is when you remember the parts of the stimuli that support your personal
feelings and beliefs and forget the inputs that do not. In easier terms, you remember the
information that connects to you at a psychological level.

Selective distortion

Selective distortion is when you twist inconsistent information to abide by your personal beliefs
and feelings. When an ambiguous input is provided, you at times may bend the information as
per your will to fit in your existing set of values and beliefs. Thus there are chances that subtle
marketing tactics may backfire and thus most marketing strategies are much directed.

Subliminal perception

Subliminal perception is when sublime messages influence you without having a direct role in
the information provided. The basic example being: how deodorants use lifestyle marketing to
subconsciously associate the fragrance to leading a better life. Subliminal perception is basically
how you subconsciously associate to a particular product because of a stimulus that is not
directly provided.

Consumer Buying Process

Now consumer behaviour eventually boils down to this step. How a consumer decides on which
product he is going to buy. This is based on a set of steps each consumer follows:

Problem Recognition

When a consumer realizes that he has a problem with the existing products, needs replacement or
has to buy a new product because his demands require a purchase. He sets the chain in motion.
Information Search

The consumer looks for prospective replacements or products that will fit his requirement
perfectly. The sources of information are usually personal (based on personal research), public
(based on public opinion), commercial (information pushed in by the vendor), experiential (a
previously used product).

Evaluation Of Alternatives

Based on the consumer’s research, they decide which products are to be shortlisted. And which
one of the competition is to be eliminated. The two basic models of choice are:

Conjunctive: Where the minimum threshold acceptable quality of all attributes is the deciding

Lexicographic: When the most important attribute is preferred even if that means a slightly lesser
quality in other aspects.

For example: If you are buying a cell phone and you go for a model with a good overall
processor, RAM, camera and display. It is a conjunctive choice.

But if you require a really good camera and go for a model with an exceptional camera but sub-
par processor, it is a Lexicographic choice.

Purchase Decision

As it suggests, after factoring in all the pros and cons of a product, the consumer makes the
purchase decision at this step.

Post-Purchase Behaviour

Depending on the user experience, the consumer may recommend the product to people or slash
the product if their experience isn’t good. The post-purchase behaviour of social influencers is
very important to the initial market and this may be the most underrated point of influence that
your product creates.
Consumer Behaviour

It is broadly the study of individuals, or organisations and the processes consumers use to search,
select, use and dispose of products, services, experience, or ideas to satisfy needs and its impact
on the consumer and society.

Customers versus Consumers

The term ‗customer‘ is specific in terms of brand, company, or shop. It refers to person who
customarily or regularly purchases particular brand, purchases particular company‘s product, or
purchases from particular shop. Thus a person who shops at Bata Stores or who uses Raymonds
clothing is a customer of these firms. Whereas the ‗consumer‘ is a person who generally engages
in the activities - search, select, use and dispose of products, services, experience, or ideas.

Consumer Motives

Consumer has a motive for purchasing a particular product. Motive is a strong feeling, urge,
instinct, desire or emotion that makes the buyer to make a decision to buy. Buying motives thus
are defined as ‗those influences or considerations which provide the impulse to buy, induce
action or determine choice in the purchase of goods or service. These motives are generally
controlled by economic, social, psychological influences etc. Motives which Influence Purchase
Decision The buying motives may be classified into two: i. Product Motives ii Patronage
Motives i. Product Motives Product motives may be defined as those impulses, desires and
considerations which make the buyer purchase a product. These may still be classified on the
basis of nature of satisfaction: a) Emotional Product Motives b) Rational Product Motives
Emotional Product Motives are those impulses which persuade the consumer.

Consumer behaviour is the study of how individual customers, groups or organizations select,
buy, use, and dispose ideas, goods, and services to satisfy their needs and wants. It refers to the
actions of the consumers in the marketplace and the underlying motives for those actions.

Marketers expect that by understanding what causes the consumers to buy particular goods and
services, they will be able to determine—which products are needed in the marketplace, which
are obsolete, and how best to present the goods to the consumers.
The study of consumer behaviour assumes that the consumers are actors in the marketplace. The
per­spective of role theory assumes that consumers play various roles in the marketplace.
Starting from the information provider, from the user to the payer and to the disposer, consumers
play these roles in the decision process.

The roles also vary in different consumption situations; for example, a mother plays the role of
an influencer in a child’s purchase process, whereas she plays the role of a disposer for the
products consumed by the family.

Some selected definitions of consumer behaviour are as follows:

1. According to Engel, Blackwell, and Mansard, ‘consumer behaviour is the actions and decision
processes of people who purchase goods and services for personal consumption’.

2. According to Louden and Bitta, ‘consumer behaviour is the decision process and physical
activity, which individuals engage in when evaluating, acquiring, using or disposing of goods
and services’.

Nature of Consumer Behaviour:

1. Influenced by various factors:

The various factors that influence the consumer behaviour are as follows:

a. Marketing factors such as product design, price, promotion, packaging, positioning and

b. Personal factors such as age, gender, education and income level.

c. Psychological factors such as buying motives, perception of the product and attitudes towards
the product.

d. Situational factors such as physical surroundings at the time of purchase, social surroundings
and time factor.

e. Social factors such as social status, reference groups and family.

f. Cultural factors, such as religion, social class—caste and sub-castes.

2. Undergoes a constant change:

Consumer behaviour is not static. It undergoes a change over a period of time depending on the
nature of products. For example, kids prefer colourful and fancy footwear, but as they grow up as
teenagers and young adults, they prefer trendy footwear, and as middle-aged and senior citizens
they prefer more sober footwear. The change in buying behaviour may take place due to several
other factors such as increase in income level, education level and marketing factors.

3. Varies from consumer to consumer:

All consumers do not behave in the same manner. Differ­ent consumers behave differently. The
differences in consumer behaviour are due to individual factors such as the nature of the
consumers, lifestyle and culture. For example, some consumers are technoholics. They go on a
shopping and spend beyond their means.

They borrow money from friends, relatives, banks, and at times even adopt unethical means to
spend on shopping of advance technologies. But there are other consumers who, despite having
surplus money, do not go even for the regular purchases and avoid use and purchase of advance

4. Varies from region to region and country to county:

The consumer behaviour varies across states, regions and countries. For example, the behaviour
of the urban consumers is different from that of the rural consumers. A good number of rural
consumers are conservative in their buying behaviours.

The rich rural consumers may think twice to spend on luxuries despite hav­ing sufficient funds,
whereas the urban consumers may even take bank loans to buy luxury items such as cars and
household appliances. The consumer behaviour may also varies across the states, regions and
countries. It may differ depending on the upbringing, lifestyles and level of development.
5. Information on consumer behaviour is important to the marketers:

Marketers need to have a good knowledge of the consumer behaviour. They need to study the
various factors that influence the consumer behaviour of their target customers.

The knowledge of consumer behaviour enables them to take appropriate marketing decisions in
respect of the following factors:

a. Product design/model

b. Pricing of the product

c. Promotion of the product

d. Packaging

e. Positioning

f. Place of distribution

6. Leads to purchase decision:

A positive consumer behaviour leads to a purchase decision. A consumer may take the decision
of buying a product on the basis of different buying motives. The purchase decision leads to
higher demand, and the sales of the marketers increase. Therefore, marketers need to influence
consumer behaviour to increase their purchases.

7. Varies from product to product:

Consumer behaviour is different for different products. There are some consumers who may buy
more quantity of certain items and very low or no quantity of other items. For example, teenagers
may spend heavily on products such as cell phones and branded wears for snob appeal, but may
not spend on general and academic reading. A middle- aged person may spend less on clothing,
but may invest money in savings, insurance schemes, pension schemes, and so on.

8. Improves standard of living:

The buying behaviour of the consumers may lead to higher stan­dard of living. The more a
person buys the goods and services, the higher is the standard of living. But if a person spends
less on goods and services, despite having a good income, they deprives themselves of higher
standard of living.

9. Reflects status:

The consumer behaviour is not only influenced by the status of a consumer, but it also reflects it.
The consumers who own luxury cars, watches and other items are considered belonging to a
higher status. The luxury items also give a sense of pride to the owners.

Asia Pest Control Service has been Providing effective Pest Control Service to residential &
Commercial premises across Lucknow. Our pest control service are Safe Environment friendly
& incure no adverse effect on human life. We are a team of pest control Experts in Lucknow
Providing Herbal Pest Control to Home, Office, Industries, Hotel & Corporate Hubs of
Lucknow. Our Pest Control Service are effective & cost effective.

Welcome To Pestilent Services

Pestilent Pest Control the professionals in the Pest Management services. Pestilent Pest
Control offers a comprehensive range of Professional Pest Management Services and Quality
Products and Equipment through a countrywide network. We have got number of skilled and
highly paid Operators in our Offices. We also have our Offices at Lucknow, Kanpur, Bareilly,
Ghaziabad, NOIDA and Delhi NCR

The transition of Pestilent Pest Control :

From a proprietor-owned business to a professionally managed private limited company has

largely been made possible by the vision of the Managing Director – Mr.Sarvesh Singh. The
goal was to improve the health and environmental conditions of INDIA by providing
professional pest control service at competitive prices.

Pestilent Pest Control offers a comprehensive range of Professional Pest Management Services
and Quality Products and Equipment through a countrywide network. We have got number of
skilled and highly paid Operators in our Offices. We also have our Offices at Lucknow, Kanpur,
Bareilly, Ghaziabad, NOIDA and Delhi NCR.

Today, more than a decade in the business, our goals of maintaining highly skilled and ethical
standards have not changed. We are a member of the Pest Management Association (PMA).
With technical and educational materials based on research, we are kept up-to-date on latest
technologies, concepts, and philosophies affecting our industry.
Service technicians are trained in all aspects of Pest Control and we are experienced in servicing
residences, office buildings, BPO’s, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, universities, banks,
manufacturing facilities, restaurants, and warehouses.

Our company provides a wide range of Pest Control Services for residential and commercial
properties. We are one of the fastest growing Pest Control Company. We are known for
providing fast, reliable, on-time service for all our valued customers in this market area. Our
success can be contributed to our dedicated employees who have been committed to giving our
clients the best service they want… when they want it.

As a Quality of our company, we’re committed to providing customers like you with the highest
quality pest control services. Customer satisfaction is our primary goal.

Our Team :

The greatest asset of our organization is our employee. PPC concentrate its effort to growing
their value in the market place by continuous training and development. The core asset of our
services are our trained and experienced Pest Control Technicians, our qualified, trained and
motivated Executives who offer the most comprehensive service to the customers. We’re used to
developing close working relationships with our customers to help them overcome challenges
they face and achieve pest-free premises. Our success can be contributed to our dedicated
employees who have been committed to giving our clients the best service they want… when
they want it.
As a Quality of our company, we’re committed to providing customers like you with the highest
quality pest control services. Customer satisfaction is our primary goal.

Founder Message :

Founder of pestilent Pest Control is Mr. Sarvesh Singh. After working for more than 5 years in
India’s top Pest Control Company, he decided to follow his passion for creating more awareness
and improving the standards of Indian Pest Control Industry. Encourage and assist quality pest
control agencies, in addition, to provide pest control services in India through this company.

Mr. Sarvesh Singh

Founder of Pestilent Pest Control

Mission :

Pestilent Pest Control. Aspire to be one of the most respectable Pest Control Service Provider,
gain customer confidence and loyalty through satisfactory service execution. Our commitment to
service is guaranteed!! You can truly rely on us!!

100% Customer satisfaction is our primary goal.


For Services and Immediate Attention

 Free inspection.

 Customized pest control programs.

 Professional service execution with recommendations for improvement.

 Site inspection & service reports provided on time to fulfill your audit requirements.

 Regular updates on the infestation status at your premises.

 Rodent Bait Station Installation & Mapping.

 Insect collator Installation & Mapping.

 Pest Control Service Mapping.

 Pest Trend Analysis.

 Pest management audits / consultations.

 Use of Safe Insecticides approved for public health use by CIB / WHO / EU approved.

 Complaints if any, attended immediately or within 24 – 48 hours

 Herbal Pest Management Services available.

 Provision of Material Safety Data Sheet.

 Promote Safety, Follow Code of Integrity, Ethical Conduct

Pest Control in Lucknow

Pest control services are basically the process of termite insecticides that are carried out to
eliminate insects. These services are carried out by exterminators when a place has been infected
with large group of bugs. Various types of pest control services include elimination of breeding
grounds, trap cropping, field burning, etc. The man made trap catchers has pheromones that
attract the rats, moths and Indian meal moths and eventually captures them. As modes of
payments, they accept cash, cheques and all types of cards. Pest control treatments are carried
out in enclosed places such as basement car parking, undergrounds, lower ground banquet halls,
etc. The termite treatments can be used in schools and colleges or areas with lots of greenery
around. One can scroll up to choose from the exhaustive range of private pest control firms in

How can Justdial help in choosing the best Pest Control Services near you?

You can search Pest Control Services in Lucknow on the basis of your location, popularity,
ratings & reviews on Justdial. To get the best offers from business listed with Justdial, click on
the Best Deals tab beside listings and fillup the requirements. Businesses will contact with their
best offers. You can negotiate with them. You can now chat with businesses and get multiple
quotes in a jiffy on the JD Android and iOS app.

Say NO to pests! Pest control services in Lucknow have the best solutions!

Pests can pose serious risks to health and safety. These creatures can be found in both residential
as well as commercial buildings. Common pests include spiders, ants, cockroaches, rats and
bedbugs. Keeping your home/office pest-free is important for many reasons. Insects like termites
can cause a great amount of damage to the property. Cockroaches, rats and mice can spoil the
food making them unhealthy. It is, therefore, necessary to put an end to this issue once and for
all. You may seek help from one of the professional pest control services in Lucknow for
eliminating the problem from its root.

What is the procedure followed by the Pest control services Lucknow has to offer?

Pest control workers employ a combination of integrated pest management techniques to create a
pest-free environment. While the cockroaches, spiders and termites are some of the most
common targets for extermination, the pest control service providers also provide solutions to
properties that have been infested by bees and wasps. Occasionally, these residential and
commercial pest control services are known to eliminate the nesting of birds in buildings. They
follow a step-by-step process, as given below, to make a property bug-free.

1. The pest control services usually proceed by inspecting the property and identifying the places
of infestation.

2. Based on that, they outline their plan of action which may include spraying with chemicals or
natural compounds, blocking suspected points of entry, setting traps, and destroying suspected
breeding areas.

3. While some operations may take about a week to complete, some may need about two-three
months to show positive results.

What are the top reasons to hire a pest control company?

Hiring one of the credible pest control services comes with a large number of benefits than trying
to control pests on your own. You can always count on the training that they receive in the field.
They know how to manage infestations. Mentioned below are a few reasons that will help you
understand why the services of a pest control company are significant.

1. Eliminates health risks- The pests are known to be the carriers of harmful diseases and
bacteria which can expose your family to health issues. Bees or wasps can trigger off dangerous
allergic reactions, while ants can contaminate the food, and termites can damage the furniture.

2. Identifies the source- If you are looking for quality service, then the best thing that you can
do is call a professional who can locate the source of infestation and can maximize the effect of
the service. If the source is not eliminated, more infestations are likely.

3. Can stop damage- The investment you make to hire a pest control company can save your
money over time. Pests tend to cause damage to clothes, carpets, floors, walls, and foundations,
for which you may need to spend quite a good sum of money to get them fixed. By having a
professional beside you, you can quickly and effectively protect your property.
How much do the pest control companies charge?

Given below is an approximate rate.

Price Range Price Range Price Range Price Range for 4

Treatment Type
for 1 BHK for 2 BHK for 3 BHK & 5 BHK

Basic Treatment Rs. 600 – 800 Rs. 950 – 1150 Rs. 1200 – 1500 Rs. 1200 – 1500

Cockroach Treatment Rs. 550 – 750 Rs. 750 – 900 Rs. 950 – 1000 Rs. 1050 – 1200

Bedbug Treatment Rs. 900 – 1100 Rs. 1100 – 1300 Rs. 1200 – 1400 Rs. 1450 – 1650

Cockroach & Bedbug

Rs. 1100 – 1400 Rs. 1500 – 1800 Rs. 1850 – 2000 Rs. 2300 – 2500

Mosquito & Flies

Rs. 450 – 650 Rs. 650 – 800 Rs. 1850 – 2000 Rs. 1050 – 1200

Rat & Rodent

Rs. 400 – 600 Rs. 600 – 800 Rs. 800 – 950 Rs. 1000 – 1200

Please Note- The prices mentioned above are subject to change.

In Lucknow pest control services are doing a great job by helping their clients live in a healthy
and pest-free environment. If you are looking for a professional service too, Justdial is definitely
a great place to begin your search.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should I get my home serviced for pest infestations?

1-2 times a year. That’s how many times you should call for pest control services.

2. Should I clean my house before the pest control treatment?

No, you don’t have to clean anything before the procedure. However, the pest control agency can
instruct you on certain hygiene steps to take post-treatment.

3. How long does the treatment last?

The treatment duration depends on the type of infestation. Some pests are eradicated post a
single treatment while for pests like fleas or bed bugs, 2-3 treatment sessions are required.

4. Will I have to vacate my home during and after the treatment procedure?

Top Professional Pest Control Experts

Why Sulekha?

Sulekha helps users connect with top-rated and verified pest control experts that provide timely
effective pest services. Get complete business details such as about the company, type of pest
services offered, user reviews, photos, address and contact details. Browse through the listings
given below or opt for instant Sulekha expert assistance by simply filling the form given below.

Answer some basic questions for our experts to understand your needs better. Receive calls,
SMS, service quotes from the shortlisted experts for further assistance.

Everything you need to know about the Pest control services

Pest control services

Timely professional pest control services help to eliminate and get rid of various pests such as
termites, cockroaches, ants, lizards and more. With the right techniques and products, you can
avail effective and efficient services for a pest-free home.

Pest control experts

Pest experts are trained experts that are equipped with the right knowledge, techniques, and
products for the best results. Based on the pest situation at home, the experts will guide and
provide you specific services accordingly.
Pest control charges

Pest Control charges in Lucknow may vary with the type of service provided, type of property
and the area to be treated. Generally, basic pest treatments for a 1 BHK starts from
approximately Rs.700 and may go up to Rs.850 and more.

More queries?

Check out the FAQ section to know more about various pest control remedies, techniques,
services and more before you connect with an expert.

Professional pest control services:

Professionals are experienced, trained experts to deal with various types of pests and its
infestation. Here is a list of services provided by an expert pest control:

 Professional assessment and service

 Customized services to get rid of the pests completely

 Share precautionary guidelines

 Investigation of infestation

 Prevent further infestation

 Provide safe and chemical-free services

 Provision of maintenance products

Different types of pests:

Mosquitoes: Very commonly seen and can cause dengue, malaria and other health threats.

Cockroaches: Cockroaches nibble around almost everything causing bacterial diseases.

Bed Bugs: Can be found in wood, and beds and they multiply faster.

Termites: Wood eating insects. Generally found in wooden furniture.

Ants: They feed on food. Their bites cause skin irritation.

Rats: Rats can be very destructive and cause serious health threats.

Types of pest treatments:

Pest control experts offer a range of services that help to eradicate various pests such as rodents,
termites, bed bugs, mice, ants, cockroaches, etc. Depending on the situation, the application,
treatment, and products vary. Generally, gels, pastes, baits, granules, dust and mist sprays are
used. Reputed companies even provide chemical-free, organic pest services.

Frequency of pest services:

It is generally advised to get your house or office inspected for any pest infestation at least once a
year. Depending on your pest history, the experts will guide the frequency of services required
for long-lasting results.

Precautions to take after pest treatment:

Precautionary guidelines will be communicated by the experts post-inspection. Even if you opt
for a chemical-free pest service, clear your groceries before the service, keep children and pets
out of reach and also keep the space well ventilated for 24-48 hours. Follow the dos and don'ts
mentioned by the experts.

We are providing the best pest control services.


Cockroach control is achieved by simultaneous treatment to breeding places & harbourages.

Man-holes, kitchen trolleys, cupboards are the common places to them. Also effective chemicals
are treated for toilet, bathroom, sink, washbasin & other drainage outlet using special techniques.
Cockroaches are nocturnal in nature & hence an attractive gel treatment is carried out in all

Bedbug (or bed bugs) are small nocturnal insects of the family Cimicidae that live by
hematophagy, that is by feeding on the blood of humans & other warmblooded hosts. Adult
bedbugs are a reddish brown, flattned, oval, & wingless, with microscopic hairs that give them a
them a banded aooearance. White bedbug are not regarded as a vector of transmissible diseases.


Do you know that Rats’ front teeth (inches per year? Their teeth grow continuously throughout
their life. Naturally if they don’t gnaw on things. Their teeth will grow longer than their bodies.
This make them most destructive structural pest. It is an established fact that rats can cause great
destruction with their powerful teeth and jaws- jaws so powerful that they can bite through lead!.

The Termites commonly found are called subterranean termites because they live underground.
Termite colonies are highly organized societies of several hundred thousand to 1 million or more
individuals within a loose collection of underground tunnels & chambers.


Mosquitoare vectors of numerous diseases such as malaria, yellow fever,filariasis, dengue,

chikugunya. Most female mosquitos require a blood meal before they can produce a batch of
aggs. Anopleles, culex & Aedes are the most common species of mosuitoes

Ants are eusocial insects of the family Formicidae& along with the related families of waspa&
bees, belong to the order hymenoptera. They are a diverse group of more than 12,000 species.
They live in colonies or nests and may have million of individuals.


True files are insects of the Order Diptera ( Greek: di= two &peteron = wing) possessing a singal
pair of wings on the mesothorax& a pair of halters, derived from the hind wing, on the
metathorax and a pair of halters, derived from the hind wings, on the metathorax. The common
housefly is a true fly & is one of the most widely distributed of animals.

For inside the home, control insects with Core Pest Control Service. It comes with a crack and
crevice tip for getting deep into voids where insects and lizards hide. The treatment will kill
unwanted insects which serve as lizard food. The treatment will also irritate lizards so they won't
want to stay in treated areas. We are providing the best lizards control services.


We engaged in offering superior quality Fogging Service . We are providing Fogging Treatment
Services for all Commercial and Industrial spaces.Fogging can be either cold or warm (thermal)
and is used against flying insects.It is effective against adult insects when done with appropriate
pesticides and at a right time when the treated insects are active (flying).

 Our first priority is to be a successful business and that means investing

for growth and balancing short term and long term interests.

 To solve the problem of sales crises.

 Use all promotion medium according to the area wise those may
attractive of Pest control management services in lucknow .

 Our deep roots in local cultures and markets around the world give us
PEST CONTROL strong relationship with consumers and are the
foundation for our future growth.

 We conduct our project operations with honesty, integrity and openness,

and with respect for the human rights and interests of PEST CONTROL

 Building linkages between commercial sector, public sector and social


 Lowering costs of both supply and demand creation strategies.

 Building economies of scale through investment, regulatory

improvements and incentives.

 Document new experiments.


Here we covering two type of research methodology


 Search of secondary data

 Survey of expert

 Case study method


 Descriptive research

 Experimentation


Sample size- 100

Area- Lucknow

 My questioners is based on PURE it.

Closed-Ended Question

 Do you get on well with your water filter?

 What will you purchase for this year?

 Which filter you are using at now?

Open-Ended Question

 Tell me about your feedback of using cream.

 What do you think about the two cream NEVIA and

PONDS cold cream

 That's an interesting cream you are using.

Data Sources:

Primary:- Data was collected through Survey and direct interviews. Done with the,
those customers which benefit of Pest control .

The questionnaire is a good source of primary data.

Secondary Data: - several magazines, newspapers, internet and other secondary

sources of data were referred. The Manuals in the organization were also

1. Are u aware with the Pest control management services in

lucknow of Pest control ?


Yes 60

No 40





30 %age



Yes No

This analysis tell that 60% person know about Pest control in lucknow.
2. Do you use Pest control water purifier?

Response %ag

Yes 52

No 18

Other 30





30 %age



Yes No other

This analysis tells that 52% use Pest control water purifier & 30% person use
other brand.
3. Can you remember any current advertisement of Pest control ?

Response %ag

Yes 60

No 40



This analysis tells that 60% yes remember current advertisement Pest
control or 40% not.
4. Product promotions are very important for increasing sales in the


Yes 95

No 5



This analysis tells that promotions are very important for increasing sales.
5. Which is the most effective medium for promotion of the product?

Response %age

Advertising 60

Sales 30

Internet 10








Advertising Sales promotion Internet

Advertisements are the best method of product promotion

6. What come in your mind when you think about Pest control ?

Response %age

A technology 55

A type of 35

specific 10





30 %age



A technology A type of purifier Nothing specific

This analysis tells that Pest control are good technology for water Purifier.
7. What is the sales promotion schemes offered on Pest control ?

Response %age

Price off 35

Discount coupons 30

Product bundling 10

Contests 25


20 %age
Price off Discount Product Contests
coupons bundling

In this analysis 35% person think price off are best option for promotion,
30% discount coupons, 25% contest & 10% product bundling.
8. Comparisons of sales promotion scheme offered on Pest control

Response %age

Superior & more frequent 35

Superior & less frequent 30

Similar & more frequent 10

Superior & less frequent 25







Superior & more Superior & less Similar & more
frequent frequent frequent

 This analysis tell that 60% person know about Pest control in

 This analysis tells that 52% use Pest control water purifier & 30%
person use other brand.

 This analysis tells that 60% yes remember current advertisement Pest
control or 40% not.

 This analysis tells that promotions are very important for increasing

 Advertisements are the best method of product promotion

 This analysis tells that Pest control are good technology for water

 In this analysis 35% person think price off are best option for
promotion, 30% discount coupons, 25% contest & 10% product

 Company personnel must keep on visiting the outlets through the years
whether it is season or off-season.

 A survey would have to be done among the consumers to know their choice
and views

 Various commitments must be honoured and the services should be further


 Display stands should be constructed attractive.

 Company should be checked time to time by TDM himself for increasing

market supply.

 There should sufficient advertisement of the company and about product


 Some attractive schemes should be provided to the consumers directly.

 Schemes must be printed upon the billboard, newspaper and magazines in

order to make it useful for consumers.

 The schemes must be communicated properly and should be continued for a

longer period.

 Product brochure should be easy to understand.

 All terms and conditions should be written in easy language.


 Some consumer's were found to be unsatisfied with PEST CONTROL

hence they refused to keep its merchandise.

 Sample size was small so the result were biased.

 Most of the outlets have not all types of merchandise in the store.

 Retailers were often busy with their customers, so it was difficult to talk to
them and hence a lot of time was wasted in waiting.

 Footwear apparel is subject matter of solicitation. It is people's driven

industry. In case of footwear and appraisal, the intangibility of the product is
high. People see all immediate benefit out of it. It is very much like selling a
product to someone who never hopes to use it.

Although for the organization’s betterment its executives are working hard and
trying to serve in the best possible manner with their colleagues and they all are
very qualified and experienced so organization must extract optimum from them.
Because of its well framed working, the organization has unique position in the
country. As per the study because of short deviation it is very difficult to cover
infact one small topic as it has many diverse things to know. So as far as possible I
tried in a better way to know as much as possible. The observations and
suggestions are based on the queries and review of work procedure as much I came
to know. There may be some lack nesses in it, but as per knowledge it has been
dealt as such. As this is my first experience to get familiar with the organization
and due to matters being confidential, there may be some things that I couldn’t
extract. Although it is a very good experience for me, which will help me through
out my life.

 www.pest control .com




 Research Methodology

 Marketing Management “Philip Kotler”

 Case study



Age :-………………… Qualification:-………………………………

Contact No…………………….E-mail ID:-…………………………….


1) Are you aware with the Pest control management services in lucknow of
Pest control ?

a) Yes b) No

2) Do you use Pest control water purifier?

a) Yes b) No

3) Can you remember any current advertisement of Pest control ?

a) Yes b) No

4) Product promotions are very important for increasing sales in the market.
a) Yes b) No

5) Which is the most effective medium for promotion of the product?

a) Advertisement b) Sales promotion

c) Internet

6) What come in your mind when you think about Pest control ?

a) A technology b) A type of purifier

c) Nothing specific

7) What is the sales promotion schemes offered on Pest control ?

(a)Price off (b) Discount coupons

(c) Product bundling (d) Contests

8) Comparison of sales promotion scheme offered on Pest control with


(a)Superior and more frequent (b) Superior and less frequent

(c)Similar and more frequent (d) Similar and less frequent

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