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Does Endosulfan Have An Alternative?

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Does Endosulfan have an alternative?

Thanal May 2009 1

Does Endosulfan have an alternative?

Does Endosulfan have an alternative?

Non Pesticidal Management –
A large-scale success story from Andhra Pradesh, India

Report and Photographs by : Shibu K. Nair

Published by : Thanal,
H-3, Jawaharnagar, Kawdiar P.O.
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India 695 003.
Tel / Fax: +91 471 2727150

May 2009

Published with the support of IPEN Pesticide Working Group

Thanal May 2009 2

Does Endosulfan have an alternative?

Does Endosulfan have an alternative ?

Non Pesticidal Management – A large-scale success story

from Andhra Pradesh, India

In the six years since 2002 there has been a silent revolution taking place in the
remote villages of Andhra Pradesh. Farmers who had suffered adverse effects from
modern agricultural practices turned to a system called ‘Non Pesticidal
Management’ (NPM). This has provided economic and social benefits, as well as an
understanding of the effects of pesticides like endosulfan and monocrotophos, and
knowledge of alternatives. This time it was not about substituting safer pesticides,
but about employing safer sustainable methods that remove the need for pesticides
altogether. And this is happening in 3,000 villages, over an area of 1.7 million

Andhra Pradesh was in the news in early 2000 for the large scale migration of farmers
following the agrarian crisis caused by drought in its central districts. The situation had
worsened by 2006 and a large number of farmer suicides were recorded in the state, as
with other states of India.

The farmers faced severe problems that compelled them to migrate or take their own
lives. The chemical intensive farming demanded intensive resource use, at the same time
diminishing the role of the farmers’ skills through the externalisation of knowledge and
tools. Huge input costs for pesticides and chemical fertilizers made production capital
intensive and, therefore, unaffordable for small and
marginal farmers. Yet even so, pest infestations
increased. Many farmers became indebted to pesticide
dealers, seed vendors and money lenders. An acute
water shortage coupled with continuous and diverse
pest attacks literally took away the hope of recouping
unprecedented losses. Loss of hope, money and
health were expressed through suicides.

But there were also the voices and deeds of people

who tried to practice, demonstrate, and take forward
the traditional farming practices. Many of these efforts
were successful. One such recent endeavour is the
Non Pesticidal Management (NPM) movement in the
chemically intensive farming corridors of Andhra
Pradesh. To date it involves 1.7 million acres of
cultivable land, accounting for 5 % of land under
cultivation in Andra Pradesh.

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Does Endosulfan have an alternative?

The Story of Enabavi

Enabavi is a small village in the Warangal district of Andra Pradesh, about 80 kilometres
north of Hyderabad, the capital city. Enabavi means ‘place of open wells and hillocks’.
Consisting of undulating dry land, this village is now in the limelight for being a ‘Pesticide
and GM free’ village. Enabavi is now more than just a village: it has turned into a learning
centre for NPM and organic farming. Fifty one families form this small hamlet and
together they own 282 acres of land. Of this, 182 acres is cultivable and the rest comprise
water reservoirs (‘tanks’) that are submerged during the rainy season.

The villagers grow many diverse crops, including paddy, red gram, ground nut, pulses,
sesame, cotton, tobacco, chillies, garlic, tomato, brinjal, onion, bhindi, cluster beans,
palak, portulaca, amaranthus (green), cucumber, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, ridge gourd,
and pigeon peas. Open wells provide the main sources of water.

Mr. Ettaboina Siddulu, a 31 year-old farmer, is the elected representative of Enabavi in

Manickapura Gram Panchayath. He has been a farmer for 15 years and owns 2 acres of
land, of which 0.5 acres is under paddy. For the past 6 years he has practised NPM, and
says, “I used to cultivate cotton which is a pesticide intensive crop. Aphids, whitefly, boll
worms and green leaf hopper created problems for me. I resorted to chemical pesticides
to protect my crops but found nothing is working for me. I even had to sell my buffalo to
buy fertilizers and pesticides.”

Mr. Siddulu used mainly endosulfan and monocrotophos to control pests. He observed
that each year pesticide consumption increased, but the yield decreased. Some times the
cost of pest management was as high as 40% of his returns and he was left with nothing.
On average he earned Rs.10,000/- from his 2 acres of land annually.

“After I turned to NPM, dependency on externalities has reduced considerably. There is

no yield reduction and so my revenue is the same, but expenditure came down from
Rs.3,000 to Rs.300.” This obviously increased his net income. Previously he used 2 litres
of endosulfan per year for 2 acres, which amounted to Rs.600, and now he is able to do
without endosulfan or other pesticides along with chemical fertilizers, which saves him
money and improves the soil health.

Mr. Siddulu commented that, under chemical management, pest incidence was high and
most of the time it was unmanageable. On the other hand, under NPM the pest incidence
is low and it is manageable using logical and
effective procedures. “NPM needs extra
manpower and care. But it gives confidence,
and freedom from external risks. Moreover it
creates more local economic opportunities
too”, he observed. “Since we are maintaining
the ecological balance through NPM practices
in the village, ours was the only village in this
region which was not affected by
Chikungunea [a viral fever] which is
supposed to be spread through mosquitoes”
he added.

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Does Endosulfan have an alternative?

Mr. Putta Siddulu, another farmer from the same village, has
a similar story. He stopped cultivating cotton as he did not
want to grow Bt cotton. He also said that the NPM process
involves additional labour but it is yielding results. He added
that people from cities visit the village during the harvest of
kharif season (autumn) paddy, and buy rice from farmers
directly, paying Rs.28/kg against Rs.20/kg for the same
variety in the market. This demand results from people
being prepared to pay a premium for rice grown without

Farmers turned to NPM following assistance, in 1986, by the

Centre for World Solidarity (CWS), a Hyderabad-based NGO
headed by Dr. M.S. Chari, in controlling red hairy caterpillars
which are a pest of rainfed crops like castor, groundnut,
cotton, etc. These used to invade farms in large numbers,
despite the use of chemical pesticides, and caused huge losses. The red hairy caterpillars
were brought under control, without using chemical pesticides, through effective
interventions such as bonfires, trap crops, etc. The successful practices were adopted by
other villages as well. Later CWS, with the help of local NGOs, started working in villages
to build capacity for Non Pesticidal Management of crops.

The Centre for Sustainable Agriculture (CSA), an offshoot of CWS, took the lead in
implementing NPM in a more organised manner through technical support, capacity
building programmes, research, campaigns, and marketing. CSA implemented NPM in 45
villages spread over 6 districts in Andra Pradesh, involving 6,000 acres. This was later
expanded by the Government of Andra Pradesh’s Department of Rural Development to
cover 3,000 villages (1.2 million acres) across 18 districts. As more land of the 3,000
villages was brought into the programme the area under NPM grew further to
approximately 1.7 million acres. This accounts for 5% of total land under agriculture in
the vast state of Andra Pradesh and now the government is targeting 50% coverage by

Non Pesticidal Management

Unlike many other community programmes, NPM gathered momentum with farmers
themselves taking interest in promoting the system through the sharing of experiences
and inputs. With confidence these farmers recommend NPM to neighbouring villages and
volunteer to train them. In every village the NGOs have provided technical support,
monitoring and follow up.

NPM has demystified pests, pest control and chemical management. It encourages
farmers to once again take control of plant protection, from crop planning to pest
management. NPM provides farmers with an understanding of the life cycle of different
pests, with reference to their crops, and thereby helps them to make timely interventions
to avoid crop damage and the use of chemical pesticides.

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Does Endosulfan have an alternative?


Non Pesticidal Management is based on the following principles:

• Ecological sustainability: NPM advocates no chemicals (since use of chemicals has

increased pest infestations), no use of genetically modified crops, and low use of
energy and water.

• Economic sustainability: local procurement of inputs eliminates external agencies

and allows the money to be circulated within the local economy, which generates
more employment and a fair price to farmers.

• Social empowerment: promotion of institutional mechanisms like cooperatives

empower local people in planning, decision making and managing markets.

• Safe food: NPM yields toxic free food for people and animals and thus reduces
incidence of health problems.

General Practices

The general practices are as follows, noting that there will be deviations based on crops
and seasons:

• Prevention
◦ deep summer ploughing of farms to expose the larvae/pupae of many pests to
the sun and birds
◦ biological treatment of seeds to avoid pests getting into the seed
◦ crop planning and spacing between crops to maintain balance of pests

• Precaution
◦ soil health is the key; it is reflected in improved productivity and resistance to
diseases and/or pest attacks
◦ application of tank silt, compost, vermicompost, poultry manure, green leaf
manure, and cowdung-based preparations like Panchagavya to improve soil
◦ growing of border crops such as Jowar (a variety of sorghum), the height of
which obstruct pest movement
◦ growing of pest trap plants, like marigold and castor, to help in pest control
◦ pheromone traps and bonfires to attract pests
◦ proper planning of crops to reduce the incidences of pest attack

• Management
◦ use of neem seed kernel extract, chilli-garlic extract, cowdung-cow urine
extract, buttermilk and asafoetida solutions, etc, to serve as pest repellents as
well as pesticides
◦ provision of bird perches in the farm to help pest control
◦ shaking of plants at times, which helps the pests to drop off or become exposed
to birds

Thanal May 2009 6

Does Endosulfan have an alternative?

Institutional Mechanisms

NGOs in the region facilitated farmer groups, such as Sri Rama Ryth Seva Sangam, Sri
Manjunatha Ryth Seva Sangam and Kakathiya Ryth Seva Sangam, to start saving bank
accounts to pool money for the initial investments needed for NPM.

A producer cooperative – Enabavi Sendriya Rythula Paraspara Sahayaka Sahakara

Parimitha Sangam (Ltd.) – has been formed, with 99 members, to support the farming
activities in the region.

The Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP), a network of women’s self help
groups supported by the Government of Andra Pradesh’s Department of Rural
Development, has decided to upscale the NPM efforts to other parts of the state. SERP
has created its own institutional mechanism with the support of local NGOs for
implementing NPM.

The Centre for Sustainable Agriculture is giving technical support and troubleshooting help
for the farmers, including the creation of a helpline. Now CSA is facilitating the formation
of consumer and producer cooperatives to provide better markets for farmers and better
prices for consumers. CSA is also examining possibilities for adding value to products to
improve incomes for farmers.

Endosulfan vs NPM
Telengana, the region within which Enabavi lies, was known for chemical intensive
farming, and endosulfan was used on almost all crops, especially cotton, paddy, red gram,
and some vegetables. It was not only used for pest control, but also for a hormonal effect
to induce flowering in plants. On average, one litre of endosulfan was being used per acre
of land per crop. In paddy fields, it was applied twice a year as paddy has two seasons,
at the rate of 0.5 litres/acre/crop.

The following economic comparisons of farms using NPM with farms using endosulfan
show that farmers are significantly increasing their net income, as much as 44%, through
reductions in input costs, with only minor reduction in yield.

Table 1: Endosulfan usage

Crop Area (acres) No. crops/year Quantity of endosulfan (litres)
paddy 50 2 50
cotton 6 1 12
pigeon pea 30 1 60
tomato 4 1 2
tobacco 40 1 40
Total 130 164
Money previously spent on endosulfan in Enabavi per year @ Rs.300/litre
(164 x Rs.300) = Rs.49,200.

Thanal May 2009 7

Does Endosulfan have an alternative?

Table 2: Crop protection expenditure

– a comparison from Mr. Venkataiah, Mahabubanagar District, Andra Pradesh
Before NPM Using NPM
Inputs Cost Inputs Cost
Endosulfan Rs.900.00 Neem Rs.140.00
Gamaxine (HCH) Rs.700.00 Pheromone traps Rs.30.00
Tracer (spinosad) Rs.1,060.00 Chilli powder Rs.20.00
Garlic Rs.20.00
Kerosene Rs.10.00
Miscellaneous Rs.80.00
Total Rs.2,660.00 Total Rs.300.00
Source: Down To Earth, May 31 2006

Table 3: Comparison of plant protection costs over whole area under NPM
Crop With pesticides Using NPM Savings
Cotton 5,000 1,000 4,000
Chilli 15,000 2,000 13,000
Red gram 1,500 300 1,200
Groundnut 1,500 300 1,200
Castor 2,000 400 1,600
Paddy 2,000 225 1,775
Source: Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty, Department of Rural Development,

Table 4: Comparison of profits in Warrangal, per acre of cotton

Uses pesticides, fertilisers (Jillela Uses organic methods (Ponnam
Reddy, Kallem Village) Mallaiah, Enabavi Village)
Input costs Rs.15,250.00 Rs.8,550.00
Yield 12 quintals 10 quintals
Gross income Rs.24,600.00 Rs.22,000.00
Net income Rs.9,350.00 Rs.13,450.00
Source: Down To Earth, January 1-15 2009

Thanal May 2009 8

Does Endosulfan have an alternative?

Over 1.7 million acres of land in Andhra Pradesh are now farmed under Non Pesticidal
Management. Almost all the important crops in Andra Pradesh grow in these villages.
Villagers are developing, with institutional mechanisms of their own, as service providers
and cooperatives, showing that NPM is economically sustainable and well accepted by
farmers. Their major achievement is that they are able to avoid the use of pesticides that
ate into their income, ruined their crops and soil, and destroyed their health and

Farmers realised from their own experiences that pesticides were increasing pest
infestations. They realised that maintaining ecological balance is important to managing
pests. The farmers in 3,000 villages in Andra Pradesh are no longer dependent on
external agencies for pesticides, other agriculture inputs, money, or decisions. They are
confident about what they are doing and have proven that farming without pesticides is
ecologically and economically sustainable, and that endosulfan is not necessary for
managing pests.

Like farmers in Enabavi village, many farmers in the other villages are also moving into
organic farming. NPM has proven not only to be an alternative to pesticides like
endosulfan, but also to be a low-risk stepping stone towards a total cost-effective organic
farming system. NPM is also opening up more economic and social opportunities for
farmers to rebuild their agriculture and livelihood.


1. Dr. Gangula Venkata Ramanjaneyulu and Dr. Vijay Rukmini Rao, Sustaining Agriculture-Based Livelihoods:
Experience with non-pesticidal management in Andhra Pradesh, Development (2008) 51(4), 541-546. doi:

2. Sopan Joshi, Inevitable Tragedy, Down To Earth July 15, 2004.

3. Sopan Joshi, No pesticides, Down To Earth May 31, 2006

4. Savvy Soumya Misra, Made It, Down To Earth January 1-15, 2009

5. Interviews with farmers, Dr. G.V. Ramanjeneyulu, Executive Director, Centre for Sustainable Agriculture
and Dr. T.A.V.S. Raghunath, Joint Director, Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, Secunderabad, Andhra
Pradesh, India. (

Thanal May 2009 9

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