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1932 Yearbook

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The annual seems to aim to capture the spirit of Harbor High school and provide memories of students' time there.

The annual aims to be a reminder of the happy days students spent at Harbor High school.

Subjects mentioned include English, mathematics, languages, agriculture, home economics and band.


- 3 -
"When time, who steal s our years away,
Shall steal our pleasures, too ;
The memory of the past wi II stay
And half our joys renew."
-Thomas Moore.
-- 8 ~
- 9 ~

Editor-in-Chi ef
Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager
Literary Editor
Athl etic Editor
Art Editors
joke Editors
June Maeser
Louise Schwerdtfeger
Milford Schrader
Betty Graham
James Bradl ey
Ruth Bul ock, lyone Clocklin
George Norton, Joseph Juilleret

Frol ic /vchi tecture of t he
" Lake of t he Northl and keep t hy dower
Of beauty sti ll" Whit t ier.
-- 13-
- 17-

Mr. Dicki e has been aff il iated wi th the Harbor
Springs High School for six years. During that
time he has been our true fr iend and loyal
Mr. Sutton has the sincere appreciation of the
student body. He has worked whole-heartedly
for the advancement of the entire school.
Michi gan State Coll ege
East Lansing, Michi gan
Eng I ish, Mathemati cs
Harbor Springs 1 year
Cent ral Stat e Teachers Coll ege
Mt. Pl easant, Mi chigan
Junior Hi gh
Band Instructor
Harbor Springs 2 yea rs
Michi gan St ate Normal Coll ege
Ypsilanti , Michigan
Harbor Springs 6 years
Michi gan Sta te Coll ege
East Lansing, Mi chi gan
West ern St at e Teachers Coll ege
Ka lamazoo, Mi chi gan
Agr iculture
Harbor Spri ngs 6 Years
- - - - -----------
Central State Teachers Coll ege
Mt Pl easant , Mi chigan
Home Economics
Harbor Spri ngs 3 Years
Michigan State Normal Coll ege
Ypsilanti, Michi gan
Mathematics, Hi s tory
Athl et ic Coach
Harbor Springs 2 Years
Western State Teachers Coll ege
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Junior Hi gh
Harbor Spr ings 4 Years
Michigan State Normal College
Ypsilanti, Michi gan
Physical Education
Harbor Springs 2 years
- 21-

Mi chigan State Normal College
Ypsilanti, Michi gan
Engl ish, Speech
Harbor Spri ngs 4 Years
Western State Teachers College
Kalamazoo, Mich igan
Manual Training
Harbor Springs 5 Years
Michigan State Normal College
Ypsil ant i, Michigan
Harbor Springs 2 1 -2 yea rs
De Pauw University Music School
Greencastle, Indiana
Music, Art
Harbor Springs 2 years
- 22 -
"She is pretty to walk with and witty
to talk with, and pleasant tO- t hink on,
Commercial Course; G. A. A. 1-2-3-4;
President French Club 3 ; President
Band; President Senior Class; French
Club 1-2-3; Gl ee Club 1-2; "Path Across
the Hill" ; Pep Club; Business Manager
"Harborais," Love's Magic 4.
"The. world is sane enough. It's just the
peopl e who are silly."
Comm2 rci al Course ; V,ice-President
Senior class; Latin Club 1-2; G. A. A.
1; Glee Club 1-2.
"Tho high school days have their delight s
They can't compare with high school
ni ghts."
Coll ege Preparatory Course; Secretary
4; President, Pep Club; Glee, Club 1-2-
3-4 ; Gl ee Club, president; G. A. A. 1-2-
3-4; Latin Club 1-2-3-4; French Club
3-4; Orati ons 4.
-25 -
"A blush is beautiful, but often incon-
Commercial Course ; President Junior
Class ; Treasur er Senior Class; Declam-
ations 1-2; Oration 3 ; Debate 1; Edi-
tor-in -Chief "Harborai s"; French Club
1-2-3-4; G. A. A. 1. Love's Magic 4.
"Words are women, deeds are men."
College Preparatory Course; Latin
Club 1-2; President 1; "Love's Magic"
"A friend to everyone and everyone's
College Preparatory Course ; G. A. A.
1-2-3-4; French Club 1-2-3; Agr! cul-
tural Club 1.
"The greatest men in history have b-een
small; Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius
Caesar and 1."
College Preparatory Course; Agricul-
tural Club 1-2; Future Farmer's Club
3-4; French Club 1; Glee Club 1.
"Light headed? No, just a blonde."
Literary Course ; Latin Club 1-2-3-4;
G. A. A. 1-2; French Club 1-2.
" Hath he not an innocent look?"
College Preparatory Course; Latin
Club 1-2-3-4; President 2; "Path Across
the Hill"; Asst. Business Manager
"Harborais" ; "Her Husband's Wife";
Basket Ball 2-3-4; Football 2-3-4; Glee
Club 1-2; "Love's Magic" 4.
"It's nice to be natural when you are
naturally nice."
General Course; Glee Club 1-2-3; Latin
Club 1; G. A. A. 1-2-3; Assistant Art
Editor "Harborais."
"Haste makes waste. so why hurry?"
Agricultural Course; Agricultural Club,
President 1; Future Farmer's Associa-
"Sun-kissed, moon-kissed, nuff said."
General Course; "Path Across the Hill";
G. A. A. 1-2-3-4; Latin Club 1-2-3-4;
Glee, Club 1-2-3; G. A. A. Secretary-
Treasurer 4.
''She combines romance and work w:th
great success. "
Commercial Course; French Club 3-4 ;
G. A. A. 2-3-4 ; G. A. A. President .4;
Typi st "Harborais," Love's Magic 4.
"He loves but one and he l oves her well."
Coll ege Preparatory Course; French
Club 1-2 ; Football 1-2-3-4; Basket Ball
1-2-3-4; "Path 1\cross the Hill"; Tr2as-
urer 3; P.ep Club; J oke Editor "I-Iar-
" I forget all about studi es when th-:: re
is a man in the case."
Coll ege Preparatory Course; Debating
1; Latin Club 1-2-3; French Cl ub 3-4:
G. A. A. 1; "Path Across t he Hill."
Love' s Magic 4.
"She looks like an angel, but is she?",
Com'mercial Course; Glee Club 1-2-3;
G. A. A. 1-2-3-4; Latin Club 1-2-3. .
"I shall be. loved as quiet things are
loved. "
Commercial Course; Presi dent 1; G. A.
A. 1; Agricultural Club 1; Latin Club
"I must have been asleep! Ay, sound
College Preparatory Cours.e ; Lr.tin
Club 1-2; Secretary 3 ; Treasurer 2;
Basket Ball 2-3-4; Football 2-3-4;
Track 2-3; Vice President Latin Club;
"Path Across the Hill"; Joke Editor
"Happy-go-lucky, fair and free,
Nothing t here is that bothe r s me.''
College Pre.paratory Course; French
Club 3-4 ; G. A. A. 1-2-3-4; Glee Cl ub
1-2; "Path Across the Hill" ; Art Edi-
tor "Harborais."
"He is sure to be calm in any crisis."
Coll ege Preparatory Course Basket
Bal! 1-2-3-4; Football 2-3-4; 'Track 1;
Latm Club 1-2. .

tt f i
fldi j[ll,_
- =
5 6------
"A girl who to her business tends,
And careth not f or male friends."
College Preparatory Course; Latin Club
1 ; Agricultural Club 1.
"Life is just one bloomin' thing aft er
College Preparatory Course; Agricnl-
tural Club 1-2-3-4; Vice Ag-
ricultural Club 4; Glee Club 2-3-4;
French Club 2-3.
" Let ignorance talk as it will-
Learning has its value."
Commercial Course; French Club 1; G.
A. A. 1.
"Oh why should life, all labor be."
General Course; Agricultura.!_ Club 1-2-
3; Secretary Agricultural Chib 3.
"Oh. this learning, what a thing it is''
Preparatory Course; " Path
Across the Hill"; Basket Ball 2-3 ; Foot-
ball 2-3-4 ; Track 2-3; Glee Club 2; Vice
President 3 ; Vi ce President 2; Pres-
ident 2-3 ; Latin Club 2-3; Sports Edi-
tor "Harborais," "Love's Magic" 4.
" I'd rather be thin than dense."
General Course; G. A. A. 1-2-3-4; Latin
Club 1-2.
/(.)N a sunny morning in Septemb-er, 1928, the class of '32 became
\..:/a never-to-be-forgotten factor of the Harb?r Spring_s High
School. We, who are now aloof and self-satisfied Semors, do
not look back to that day as one of our "most embaras'Sing mo-
ments." We were not, at that time, a part of the general confusion
and chaos and we. never have. been. A sembla nce of order reigned
at our first class meeting and we emerged with Milford Schrader,
president, and Miss Ginman, sponsor.
In our Sophomore year, feeling infinitely superior to the Fresh-
men below us, we elected Aldwyn Wager, president and Mr. Mc-
Clain, sponsor. During both years our class was weii represented
in all school events- on the debating team, the declamatory plat-
form, in athletics, the classroom-and the halls as well. There were
those among us, of course. who felt study superfluous, and. no doubt
many teachers breath a sigh of relief as we leave these four walls
behind us.
As Juniors we awakened to find ourselves engaged in friendly
rivalry with the class above us. Our financial condition was sadly in
need of betterment and due to the average scholar' s lack of pecun-
iary interest in class affairs, our s>ponsor, Mr. Quinn, dug many times
into his veritable store of ideas and we emerged well able to afford
those entertainments expected of a Junior Class. The outstanding
events of that year in '31 were our Junior play, "The Path Across
the. Hill," our j-Hop and the annual Junior-Senior Banquet.
As Seniors we have attempted to merit that title. Our last
year we have with the production of a Minstrel show and
the Senior play, "Love's Magic," both successful.
publication of our annual "The Harborais, we the
of our high school career. That career we crown With graduatiOn.
Much and oft-times costly is the experience we have gleaned
within these four walls but innumerable are the things we have yet
to learn when we leave them. As we look back, we see clearly the
mistakes we have made, but as we go forward into the great world
awaiting us, may each of us profit by those some mi stakes.
-June Maeser.
A S I wa s :;.eated in my study there J:le.fore me. a gentleman
./'-1 w1th tre appearance of a lawyer or hgh offtcial. I asked h1m to be seated.
- After doing S'O he brought from his brief case an. important l ooki ng document.
"Look t his over," he. said, "and if you approve it please sign on the line at the bottom."
I unfolded the paper and read the following:
"\': e, the undersigned parties, do hereby bequeath to the here-written peopl e
as contmues:-
Marion Armstrong leaves her d:ats with the teachers to Laura Newman.
Dorothy Bester leaves to take up Home Ec with a purpose.
Audrey Bliss leaves her numerous boy friends to Effie Ward.
Gladys Bonter bequeaths her to Marie Taylor.
James Bradley leaves his All -Star athh:tic abilit y to Warren Joll s.
Audrey Brower leaves with Wayne.
Ruth Bulock leaves Jimmie to the highest bidder.
Robert Burton leaves his graceful walk to b-e remembered.
Kenneth Caskey bequeaths his quiet ways to Ronald Beniamin.
Iyone Clocklin leaves her pleasing plumpness to Dehra Hoover.
Betty Graham leaves these halls in si lence.
Frances Fleshman bequeaths her willowy slenderness to Wanda Cor ey,
Audrey Hahn leaves her perfect enunciation to Gladys Gregory.
Waunetta Hartung !eaves her popularity to Georgia Jones.
Hugh Heynig leaves>, glad he doem't have to come back.
Joseph Juilleret bequeaths his shi ekness to Glen Moore.
Lester Kruzell, smallest Senior, leaves hi s greatness to Bill Corey.
June Maeser leaves her way with the boys to Mildred Bifoss.
George Norton leaves Petoskey to anyone who wants a good time.
Marie Ransom leaves her personality-plus to Erma Gleason.
Sehtader leaves his poetical abi lity to Kress Bradley.
Lomse Schwertfeger leaves her good will to al l.
Irene T'nompson leaves her dignity to Lila Lauer.
Ruth Vivant leav2S he r friendly ways to Gertrude Catob.
Aldwyn Wager l eaves his dignified aloofness to Roland Moore.
Verne Williams leaves his magnetic personality to anyone who can use it.
Dan Young leaves. as silent as he came.
-Louise Schwertfeger.
- 33 -
WAS preparing for bed, the evening atmosphere was fille d with exultations. It
was quiet, dreary, suJI.en, dark and mysterious. Loneliness and fear embalme d
me. Suddenly a soft, sweet, musical voice whi spered slowly into my left ear, "Fear
not," it said, "Tonight in your s-l eep there will appear a vision of the future which
shall come to pass. " Then silence. I slid into the covers petrified. Slumber came,
then the dream. I saw a calendar-1950. It disappeared. Then fami liar faces took
form . . . my classmates.
Marion Armstrong was the first. I saw her wtiting letters to her teachers of
high schools days.
Dorothy Bester was next. She star s in the "Blonde Heart Breaker." Come and
see her roll her eyes.
Gladys Bonter is traveling from school to school, giving instructions on "How to
keep your tee th beautiful."
James Bradley has finished his latest book, "Girls I have Known and Passed By."
This was indeed sad. I saw Audrey Brower, beatjng her husband-in a game of
Iyon-e Clocklin is looking for the highe r things in life-she is a champion flag-
pole sitter.
Robert Burton is the coach at Stutsmanville high. He turned out a champion-
ship team last year.
Audrey Hahn has a select school , for children of pre-school age, in a wealthy
suburb of New York City.
Hugh Heynig is very busy hunting for e nough frog legs for the Junior-Senior
Banquet of 1950.
Waunetta Hartung is Dean of Women at Cow Coll ege at Pellston.
Joe .Juilleret is the dancing instructor of t he Boys Dancing School at Kegomic.
Betty Graham broadcasts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday over station
WXYZ. Her theme song is "Don't Worry."
Frances Fleshman has developed into a big woman. She is with the Ringling
Brother's Cil'cus as the fattest lady in the world.
June Maeser is the private stenographer of the great scientist, Ald.wyn Wager.
George Norton is a ve-ntriloquist. Students, who wish to annoy assembly room
teachers, come to him to learn the art.
Marie Ranson1, a collector of antiques, has just picked up a much bewhiskered
gentl-eman. worth a million dollars.
Milford Schrader's business will drive him to the walls. He is a paper-hanger.
Dan Young has also become a noted scientist. He has discovered a means of
living without bei ng hindered by the nonsense of the- feminine sex.
Audrey Bliss has finally settled down with one of her many admirers and they
plan to live scrappily ever after.
Lester Kruzell still plays for the square dances given by the F . F. A.
Ruth Vivant is manager of a dill pickle packing company.
Ruth Bul ock is kindergarten teacher in Nome, Alaska. In spare moments she
ski is, training for the Olympic games.
Irene Thompson, a lover of horses, is the owner of "Madcap," recent winner
of the "Kentucky Derby." Dr. Kenneth Caskey carefull y supervis-es the h'ealth of
the animals.
Louise Schwertfeger, a noted interior decorator, has been chosen, frorri a large
group, to aid in plans for redecorating the White House.
As I awoke the joy of the viewing my old friends and classmates filled me with
happiness. because of their good fortune, which has come to them since our high
ochool days.
~ 34 -
TAo O U ~ h n ~ ..d.s"
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- 35 -
fJ OVE' S MAGIC is the story of a rich old heiress, 1-i'ulda Stone, who wishes to
cJ- divide her money betwee n Gene Marson, an orphan, and Victoria Canterbury,
her housekeeper's daughter, but only on the condition that they marry each
other. Victor ia cares nothing for Gene but falls in love with Robert, son of Hulda's
twin sister, whom Hulda has hated for years.
In order t o settl-e the affairs of her estate, it is necessary for Hulda to go to
California taking Clementina with her. While west Clementina dies, after a recon-
ciliation witl1 Hulda. and Hulda returns imp-ersonating her twin s:ster. Therefore,
Robert never knows that it was his mother who died.
Hulda sees the hopelessness of Victoria's ever marrying Gene so she changes
her plans, making it possible for Victoria and Robert to marry, and for Gene to get
hi s share of her fortune.
Harriet Canterb11ry, housekeeper
Harry Canterbury, Harriet's husband
Victoria Canterbury, Harri-et's daughter
Hulda Stone, rich heiress . .
Gen-e Marson, Hulda's cousin and favorite
, Clementina Gray, Hulda' s twin
Robert Gray, Clementina's son
Susan, the help
Time-Early Summer.
-June Maeser.
Audrey BrowC?r
Milford Schrader
Louise Schwertfeger
June Maeser
James Bradley
June Maeser
Aldwyn Wager
Audrey Dliss
Place-Hulda's home in Philadelphi a, Pennsylvania.
Al l your hi gh school days are o'er
Passed away forevermore.
How the world about us plays I
Jus t as gamblers do we gaze
At the sea where I i fe runs deep
\Vaters there can never sleeo I
And 1o those whom at f-1. S H. S you met
Prorr11se thi s- you won't forget
Be our parting words to you,
_Keep your aim bot h high and true
Lest you fall beside the way '
And be naught but common 'clay
Pl ant your roots bot h firm and deep
Heal th and gladness seek to keep '
Just forget that you are you the world see what you do
And some day you wil l look back
On your worn and beaten track
Unto him who organized '
H. S H. S for you and supervi sed
To the teachers who worked so long
Listened to your prose and song,
CritiCized you by wit and praise,
Sunshine be m all the ir days.
Ei ghteen summers' suns 1 've seen
Ei ghteen winter winds so keen
So today I say to you
Remember your days at thi s school.
And as onward you go you will never forget
Nor will you have cause to regret
Of your studying, work and fun '
When your days at H. S. H. S are done.
- Orlando N. Rose.

First Row-Catherine Roe, Effie 'Vard, Mora Young, Rut,h Plummer, Edna
Lauer, Lila Lauer, Miss Pitts, advisor, Ila La Count, Mary Laughbaum,
Irma Gleason, Jauneta Weaver, Edith Burton.
Second Row-Mari e Taylor, Rolland 1\'Ioor-e , Clifford House, Clare Thomp-
son. Robert DeLaVergne, Willard Seaman, James Bassett, Kenneth
Ketchm,an, Helen Faunce.
Third Row-Elton Cole, Chester Meade, Frank Sorensen, Albert Cetas,
Woodrow Wagley, Robert Dominic, Orlando Rose.
Fourth Row-Charles Gillespie, Roy Bradl ey, Robert Lancto. Philip Hulett.
JUNIOR CLASS of 1931-32 el ected officers during the second week of
t9 school. The ones chosen were: Preside nt, Frank Sorensen; vice president,
Kenneth Ketchman; secretary, James Bassett; treasurer, Helen Faunce and
faculty advisor, Miss Harri et Pitts.
We sponsored "The Painted Desert" a movie, on the 30th of October. The busi-
ness men very kindly cooperated with us to make this movie the huge success that
it was by closing their stores that evening.
The Junior class play, "Her Husband' s Wife," was given on December 16. Miss
Pitts, our class advisor, directed the play.
On January 31, the annual J-Hop was given in the Gym, the room being decorated
as an outdoor winter scene with moon and star s in a dark blue sky. The music for
this occasion was furnished by Wexstaffs' Orchestra of Charlevoix. Mr. and !\'Irs.
Dickie were host and hostess of the evening. The grand march was led by the class
president, Frank Sorensen, and hi s guest, Miss Lila Lauer.
The Juniors will entertain the Seniors the evening of May 27th at Ramona Park
Hotel. The. faculty and members of the school board will also be guests of the class
of "' 33" at that time .
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Rtl--, .hons
bicyd e...
f1. a..vy"
C Y" oss? Alo I
Ju_st th e su.n
"Lo ve..
lJ he ve. i .S Pee
'fHE CAS'l'
. t R ndoloh a good young husban d
ual ,a ' b. th r-m-law
Richard Bel den, hb ..
ccle of Irene and Ricl: ar d
J ohn Belden, the a u n .
I r :me Randolph, wJfe_ of Stuait .
Emilv Ladew, her fr_J end . .
Non1, an -:e lderly maid-servant
Milford Schrader
Kenneth Ketchman
Jack Rose
Helen F:otunce
Marie Taylor
Edith Burton
(llNCE picni cs are rather conJ.mon and many people go to them, perhaps it would
CJ be interesting if some one would menti on a f-ew t hings about them. He would
help the people who have never been on picnics to understand what goes on at
on-e, and p-erhaps increase their desire t o go to one.
There are many things whi ch happen, even in the best organized of picnics. Some
of these things are pleasant; others a re not. The acci d-e nts which befall picnickers
a re generally divided into sev-en groups: fir st, th e things which happen on the way to
the picnic grounds; second, the things which happ-e n to the .food; third, accidents that
befall people's clothing; fourth, the things that ha ppen to humans themselves; fif t h,
the insect pest_; sixth, the vegetation around ; and sev:cmth, tt:-e scene of the picnic
ground as the happy people return home.
The first set of accidents, namel y, the accidents which one -e ncounters enroute
t o the grounds, consist mainly of punctures and blowouts. Somebody usually has
one or two of things, which cause him much sweat, hard labor, and perhaps
profanity, especially on a warm day. If the leading car is stalled in the middle of
a narrow road, and its occupants have to do lengthy repair work on it, other people
besides the unfortunate may mutt er, either loudly or inaudibly. Other things besid-es
ti r e. troubles may vex the pi cnic fan, such as rolling off a steep precipice, t ouching
another car with considerable force, or being hit by a train.
Things which happen to the eats are manifold in number. The lunch basket may
be broken and contents spill ed. The olive a nd pickle jars may br-eak. Sandwiches,
cake, and cooki-es are natural attractions for gnats and hosts of small bugs. Their
s hape may be altered and their fillings smeared about. Sand get s in the potato salad.
an instance where grit is not desired. Oranges, bananas, and apples, may be bruised
and crushed. Things are spilJ.ed and spoiled. The "weinies" are frightfully burned
and charred, or else still raw. Marshmallows share the same fate as the weinies.
Food is not the only item whi ch gets ruined. Clothing is generally horribly torn
and t attered. A bramble here, a briar there, and a thistle yond-er make l ife inter-
for silk bose a nd dresses. Wool sweat er s start to unravel, and are thereaft er
worn on Saturdays. If the pi cni cker f alls into the fire, or in the lake, hi s clothes are
sure t o suffer . Hats are thrown up in t rees, and the hatl ess owner is sure t o e ndure
pai n in r etri-eving it. Shoes get full of sand a nd debris, and the wearer has to empty
them at frequent interval s.
Besides being injured, more or less seriously, on the way to the picnic grounds,
t he pi cni cker may be harmed when he reaches the site. He may fall in a brook or
lake, a nd be drowned. He may f all out of a tree or a tree may fall on him. He may
be burned by the camp fire, or bitten by a wild denizen of th2 forest. He may
break his arm or sprain his ankle in one of numerous ways.
One realizes when he is on a picnic that there are more kinds of insects than all
the other sorts of vert ebrates combined. Mosquitoes ar e the worst ins-ect to infest
t he lunching grounds. A mosquito bas that charming hum of hi s own, and also a v-2ry
deligthful bite. A person may build a smudge fir e to drive him away, and then eat
in the smoke. There ar-e also myriads of tiny gnats to buzz for your entertainment.
Flies plan to be at hand to -examine the fo od, and in general, make life bli ssful.
Th-e vegetation around the pi cnic site may be beautiful, or may not . The beauty
depends on wh-eth-er or not the pi cnicker has discover ed it himself. If he has newly
dis-covered it, the. trees are growing, the flowers ar-e blooming, and everything looks
like nature desired it. However , if the pi cnic lover comes to a much frequente d
place, remnants of former picnics are easi ly noticeable. The shrubbery is cut and
broken, and the trees ar-e barked. One of the great evils of the so-called "Nature
Lovers" is that they ruthlessly pull up all the wild flowers that they see, roots and
all . They may be active in societi es for conservation and wild flower preservati on,
but they seem to forget a bout it when they are in the woods.
When peoplE;_ leav-e for home after spending a day in the great out of doors, they
usually have several boquets of wild flowe1s with them. They do not burn their
paper or rubbish, but leave it to beaut ify the grounds. A few tin cans scatter-2d
around, and a few bottles, broken or whol e, help to improve on nature. Their fir e
blay be left bur ning, and thus a serious conflagration may be started. Bushes are
roken an.d trees are stripped, and it takes nature weeks to r ecover from what a
carel ess PICnicker has done, in an hour's time. Only the sky and the sunset escape
man' s pleasure.
t Thi s picture, it is true, is per_haps painted bl acker than it r eally is. Picnics
of as clean, healthf ul outmgs, and most of them are. They afford spl2 nd1d
for anyone. The average American citizen loves picnics, a nd although a
ew mmor off enses are committ ed, him have his fun. - Curtis Erickson.
First Row-Sybil Powers. Lucy Mania, Laura Newman, Kirstine Sorensen, Arl ene
War d, Evelyn Clocklin, Mi ss Chanter, advisor, Marguerite McBride, Audrey
Freeland, Dorothy Jablinskey, Dehra Hoover, Mildred Bifoss, Yvonne Kindig,
Ethel Cosens. Second Row-John J esick, Karl Schwe.rtfeger, Anna Laughbaum, Ell a Loui se nose,
I sabelle Allport, Helen Bifoss, Gladys Gregory, Lucy Thompson, Catherine
Wright, Josephine Edelstein, Vera Moore, Marjorie Stutsman, John Young.
Third Row-William Powers, Paul Armento, Mahlon Herick, Victor Lane, Leon Mac-
Donald, Robert Mcintosh, Curtis Er ickson, Daniel Martin, Lawrence Allen, John
Melching, Alfred Shaw. Fomth Row-Jerry Rockwell, Leonard Carpenter, Elbert Davis, William Corey, .J ohn
Vivant, Kress Bradley.
/(.)UR Sophomore class met Se.ptember 12, 1931, with forty-three members. To
\..:/ our joy we did not have to sit in the embarrassing front seats thi s year but gave
those up to 41 Freshmen. The first few days were happy days. After having
regi stered and begun the routine of class work our minds were turned toward elect-
ing class officers and giving the "Freshies" a party.
The officers chosen were: President, Vera Mae Moore, vice president, Mahlon
Herrick; secr etary and treasurer, Paul Armento.
Our class colors are Brown and Gold and our flower is the Rose.
The Freshmen initiation party was more for our entertainment and the Fresh-
men's embarrassment. They were requested to dress in hideous clothes. The Freshies
were naturally shy and embarrassed, which mad-e the day all the more amusing. After
enjoying their antics all day we were kind enough to invit e them to a party in the
evening. After more initiation we danced and served refreshments.
Our party on November 20 was a pot-luck dinner. There were 38 attending.
The evening was spent by pl aying games and daneing, with Audrey Freeland playing
Our Sophomore class sponsored a Colonial Costume Ball . The gymnasium was
decorated in red, white and blue. Bill Powers was the only Sophomore winning a
prize. Mrs. Dickie and Mrs. Myers were judges. The school orchestra played for
the piano.
April 28, 1932, we had a picnic at 'Veimer's Lake. After roasting our meat we
did justice to the picnic lunch. . Jerrie Rockwell, William Corey, Mahlon Herrick, Leon McDonald, John VIVant,
Victor Lane, and Robert Mcintosh represented our class in athletics.
Ther e are fourteen sophomores in Glee Club and Latin Club.
We have 11 on the honor roll this year: Josephine Edelstein, Curti& Erickson,
Debra Hoover, Anna Laughbaum, Daniel Martin, Vera Mae Moore, Sybil Powers,
Ella Louise Rose, Karl Schwartfeger, Kirstine Sorensen and Catherine Wright.
This happy school year is nearly at an end and as we go forth, one more rung
of the "!"add" of Knowle dege" io behind uo. Let u> oaY w have enjoyed nu! ,chon!
Y'-' und" th guidance of y,, M" Mooo and Mi" Chant". We m lno>mg fo'
ward to many mo!e happy days together.
- -42-
Yo. t a. t '(L a_)lj 1 e:'
'too A
ou.t for
Bow LJoui'
First Row-Mae Burton, Pauline Garver, Mabel Atkinson, Gertrude Catob, Adeline
Ingram, Ruby Allen, Miss Bennett, advisor, Wanda Corey, Margaret Bradl ey,
Marjorie Armstrong, Lavina Robinson, Dorothy Doty, Mary Mallory.
Second Row-Robert Thompson, Eber Hurd, Ronald Benj ami n , Anita Cassidy, El sie
Lugibihl, Doris Doty, Nelda Hahn, Mary Ward, Arti e Davis, James Charles,
Robert Cassidy, Carl eton Cummings.
Third Row-Edward Meshekey, Doyle Brower, Francis Al er, Donald Smith, Vincent
Cooper, Da\' id J ohnston, Robert Cook, Francis Vivant, John Charles.
Fourth Row-Howard Stutsman, Glenn Moore, Floyd Heinz, Nelson All erding, Wl\her
/(.)N SEPTEMBER 14, 1931, a group of forty-six Freshmen gathered in the assembly
\..J hall to partake of the thrilling essence of high school. Although it seemed
strange at first, we soon became accustomed to the unfamiliar routine. At our
fir st class meeting we chose our class officers: Margaret Bradley, pr-esident; Adeline
Ingram, vice-president; Carleton Cummings, secretary and treasurer. Miss Bennett
is our class sponsor. We used good judgment in sel e-cting these officers, as they
have an filled their places satisfactorily.
We were royally entertained by the Sophomores at our initiation party wher e
they fed us castor oil and trick candy. We came to school that day dressed in what-
ever the sophisticated Sophomores demanded. We are now planning a return party
for the generous Sophomores. The- girls are to come dressed in cotton dresses. and
the boys are to come without vests or suit coats. We are hoping to have a beach
party just before summer vacation.
We Freshman can boast of the best basketball team of the s-eason. Doyle Brower
and Wilbur Grimes played on the first team in basketball. Donald Smith, Robert
Cook and Nelson Allerding also took active parts in athl etics. Much credit is due
Asa Allerding who helped our boys t o win five out of six games in the inter-class
tournament. The Freshmen girls also had a basket ball t eam but were beaten in nearl y
every game. Margaret Bradley and Robert Cassidy were chosen membe r s of t he P ep Club
with Carl eton Cummings as a yell l eader.
Wanda Cor ey represented our class in the Declamation Contest.
We like the Freshman class, but we hope to be out of it by the end of the
school year.
- bY Adeline. Ingram and Mae Burton.
H o w much.?"
'Ready! 1 ''
0 n.. 1: h e f e n.. c e ''
O ur-
Tumble -r"
.frLe ndo
a/Ja in."
Linderman, George flovey,
D l e Gl-eason, Nathan
. R Gerald DeLaVergne, a d. McDonald.
FJrst oW- J k Horrick vVoo lOW R emeir
Tom Graham, ac , . ' H 1 Terpening, Adeline osH . ,'
. M t' Hel ene Catob, aze . C k dvisor Carol emz,
Second Row-Harnet ar JG?bb Shirley Squier, 1\iJSS. oo G a Beak J ean Flesh-
Arlene Allen, H Clara Allerdmg, ene '
Helen Barbara e
an Mildre d Manhugn. . Helen Hartung, Irene
m ' . net Rockwell, Catherme Rosem.eir, Helen

ingalls, Zella BraJfield.

Aler, o1se . d! K thryn VanDeusen, M
Corey, Janette Km Jg, a . Charles Backus, Edward Lauer, r .
Vl'll' ms Ernest Shephetd, B'll Baker Joe Bradley, Ray
Fourth Al Ja Gordon Burns, 1 y '
Long adv1sor, sa
. d th officer s :
being members of Juni_or Ingalls, secretary
N the fall, . we, . dent. Jack Hernck, VICe lJI at arms.
Asa 'Rocl,well and George . ovey, . b l' t ball t eam
and treasurer, an . f . the Junior High as , e
began to practice or
In the boyber of pr-eliminaries.
which played qutte a num tt "The Toreadors. "
resented the opere a .
February lOth we p ssembly program
E' hth grades O'ave an a
Both Seventh an Jg "' . ll ed in the band and
. umber of the stud-ents are enro
Besides t 1s a n
Boys' Scouts. . havinO' a Junior Hi gh party.
t f M
ay we are plannmg on < "'
The las o
during the y 2ar.
Girls' and
Jack (a Junior High boy)--"This is the. forest primeval. Why couldn't Longfellow
have started the story instead of beginning with something dry like this. I know I'm
not going to like this poem. I'd rather read the "Ransom of the Red Chief."
Elizabeth (a Junior High girl)-"No, Jack. I think you're wrong. If you read
farther in the poem I think you'll like it, but I'm trying to read J ean Val jean and I'm
not very interested fn that either." (Both children read for awhile and then fall
asl-e ep.)
Enter Bill (a character from Ransom of the Red Chief)-"I'm never going to
kidnap anotl':er boy as long as I live. He's done nothing but pester me since we. got
him. He can ask more questions. Last night at dinn-er he wanted to know if the
trees moving made the wind blow or if the stars are hot and if there were any real
Indians in the woods and why are oranges round." (Enter kidnaped Kid.)
Bill-"Here comes the kid now, I guess I'll ask him if he'd like to go home?"
" \Vould you like to go home?"
Kid-"Aw, what for? I don't have any fun at home. I hate to go to school. I
like to camp out. You won't take me back home again will you Bill?''
Ellen-(Lady of Lake)-"Hello little boy, what are you doing?"
Kid-"Oh, hello. Say how did you get here, and what is your name? "
Ell.en-' 'My name is Ellen Douglas and I was banished away from the court
of Scotland."
Kid-"Say, who is that guy standing back there?"
Ellen-"He is Roderick Dhu, a Scottish soldier."
R. Dhu-"How would you like to go to Scotland with us ?"
Kid-"Not me. I don't wan't to wear a dress. Say, I read a story about you.
Will yon tell it to me?"
Ellen-"! don't think we have time to tell it now. It is a very long story. The
whole Douglas family was banished a few years ago to Ellen's Isl e where kind Rod-
crick here took charge of us. There I got to know Malcolm Greaeme. Roderick
wants us to join Clans, but we did not because we wanted to remain faithful to the
king. Finally the king found our hiding place. Then we had a t e.rrible war, but I
can't tell how terrible. I will let Roderick do that while I go and find Malcolm."
Roderick-"The story is too long to tell, but perhaps you would like to learn
how to make a fi ery cross."
Kid-"Oh, sure. Tell us about it. I've always heard that you a fi er c2
robber and were outlawed for killing a man."
Bill-"Be quiet kid."
Roderick-"First we killed a goat from a flock and then we made a wooden
cross. We scorch the e.nds of it and dip points of it in the blood of the goat. Thi s is
in relays as a fatal signal of war. Thi s is the way we gather the Clans. "
(Evangel ine Enter s )-"Hello little boy. I see you have been li stening to the
story of Roderick's life."
Kid-"What is your name Miss?"
Evangeline-"My name is Evangeline. I'm the daughter of Ben edict Belle Fon-
taine, who was once the richest man in Grand Pre. I was to marry Gabrail, son of
Basil the blacksmith, but on my wedding morn, t he people of Grand Pre w-ere called
to the church to h-ear the command of the King of England. The king's order s were
to deport every Acadian to different parts of North Ameri ca. The news saddened
my father, so that one night he died from a broken heart. Gabrial and I were put
on diff.erent ships and sent to America. When I reached the Ameri can shore I started
searching for my lover. After weary months I arrived at California, where a band of
exiled Acadians were said to be living. There I found Basil the Blacksmith.
After eating supper he told me Gabrial, tired of waiting for me to come, started
West. Next day Basil, Father F'elician, and I started after Gabrial, we could not
catch up with him, so Basil and Father Felician r eturned home. But I stayed to wait
for my lost lover. I waited one year and he did not come. When spring time came,
I heard rumors that he was in the north trapping beavers. I followed, never seeming
to catch up with him until I became an old woman. At a convent I became a Sister
of Mercy. A plague had come to thi s town where I was, which killed many poor
people. Every day I went to the Almshouse to care for the sickly, after weary weeks,
as I was going in the Almshouse one morning, I found my lover Gabrial, dying on
one of the beds. I knelt by him and spoke hi s name, but he was so weak, that he coul<;l
only form the words of my name with hi s lips. After he died I knelt and thanl,ed
God for granting me one more last look at my lover."
Kid-"Gee, but that was a dandy s ~ o r y . I fe-el sorry for you."
A. Lee-"Hello everyone."
Evangeline-" I believe you are Annie Lee. Aren't you?"
A. Lee-"Yes and you are Evangelin-e. Hello dear."
Evangeline-"We have. just been t elling our life's story to thi s gentl emen and
this boy."
Kid-"Say, would you tell us yours?"
A. Lee-"l would be delighted to. You see I used to play with Phillip Ray and
Enoch Arden. When they quarreled I said, "Do not quarrel boys, I will be a little
wife to both of you. Well, I was. I marr ied Enoch and had three children, a g ir l
and two boys. The youngest died shortly Enoch left on the boat. Enoch was
gone for ten years when I promised to marry Phillip. I opened the Bible and put
my finger on the page where it said, 'Under a palm tre-e resting.' So I knew then that
Enoch must be dead, well, I must stop for here comes some one and for chance it may
be my dau,ghter.' '
Kid-"Aw she is al ong way off, pl-e ase fini sh.''
A. Lee-"No, I shall run and meet her. Goodbye everyone.''
(Enter Jean Valjean).
Kid-"What are you doing here ?"
J. Valjean-"I'm Jean Valjean. I hav-e come to tell you of some of my ad-
Kid-"Alright l et's hear them.''
Bill-"Kid b ~ quiet for a whil e, will you?"
Kid-"No I won't. If you don't l et me alone, I will take your scalp.''
Evangeline-"Please don't be so noi sy and l et J ean Valj ean tell us his story."
J. Valjean-"My father and mother died when I was very young and I went
to live with my sister. After I had been there my brother-in-law died and t hen I
had to take care of the family, my sister and seven children. The winter was hard
and there was no work, so I stol e a l oaf of bread to f eed the family. For this i was
sent to the gall eys, where I was no longer J ean Valj ean but 24,601. I escaped \four
times and was caught. In all I spent 19 years in prison and if you want to kn ow how
my life turned out, read the story of J ean Valjean or Les Miserables by Victor Hugo.''
On February lOth, the Junior High presented the operetta "The Toreadors" in
the High School Auditorium under the dire.ction of Mi ss Tolbert, assisted by Mi ss
Pitts, Miss Chanter and Mrs. Di ckie.
CAST . . Dale Gl eason
Janet Rockwell and Gene Beak
Senor Dictorio, the Father
Benita and J au nita
Senor Swateo and Senor
His Twin Daughters
Whockes . . Jack Herrick and George Hovey
A Pair of Beggars
Hazel Terpenning and Shirl ey Squier
Dolores and Maria
Juan, Friend of Benita
Pablo, Friend of Juanita
Friends of Benita and J aunita Billy Baker
Daniel Martin'''
Dancing Girls and Chorus were pupil s from the Junior High.
The stage setting was very artistically arrang-ed in a Spanish Patio by the as-
sistance of Mr. Newman and Mr. Campbell.
*Member of High School Glee Club.
First Row-Robert Newman, Carleton Cummings, Thomas GTaham, Josephine Edel-
stein, Catherine Wright, Curtis Erickson, Nelson Allerding, Howard Stutsman,
Daniel Martin, Phyllis Ingalls, Billy Baker, Lawrence Allen, Dale Gleason, Georg-e
Hov-ey, Helen Armstrong.
E:ccond Row-Theresa Gibbs, Catherine VanDeusen, Ivan Williams, Ronald Be njamin,
Hazel Terpening, Margaret Bradley, Audrey Freeland, Kenneth Ketchman, Eloise
Coburn, Irene Aler, Helen Bricker, Carol Backus.
Third Row- Mr. Long, director, Dehra Hoover, Marjorie Armstrong, Gene Beak,
Wanda Corey, Catherine Roe, Asa Allerding, Francis Aler, Karl Schwertfeger,
Roy Bradley.
Cl I NCE the organization of th e band one and one-half years ago under the direc-
e.J tion of Mr. Long many achie vements have been made notable, among them the
purchase of new uniforms made possible by money earned from the village for
playing in the park.
I n September the band joumeyed t o Petoskey and played at the fair two days.
When the football season came the band played at all of t he games and some
of the pep meetings. The band also played at the. home basket ball games.
I n the spring about twenty of the band members played at the District Tourna-
ment at Charlevoix.
Recently the members of the band, who had attended band practice regularly
;eceived letters for their services. At graduation time they expect to receive stripes
The band wi shes to thank their able director Mr. Long; their president, Kenneth
Ket ch man ; vice president, Daniel Martin and secretary treasurer, Audrey Freeland.
First Row-William Corey, Frank Sorensen, Jerry Rockwell .
Second Row-Karl Schwertfeger, Daniel Martin, Hugh Heynig, Nelson Allerding,
John Vivant, Roy Bradley, Philip Hulett, Ronald Benjamin, Mahlon Herrick.
Third Row-Carleton Cumn-tings, Yvonne Kindig, Marjori e Stutsman, Vera Moore,
Dor is Doty, Dorothy Jablinskey, Lila Lauer, Dehra Hoover, Marie Taylor, Cath-
eri ne Wright, Edith Burton, Pauline Garver .
Fourth Row-Dorothy Doty, GPrtrude C'ltob, Ella LouisP Rose, Josephine Edelsteh,
Mabl e Atkinson, Adeline Ingram, Hele n Faunce, Mi ss Tolbert, direct or, Ruth
Plummer, Catherine Roe, Wanda Corey, Margaret Bradley, Marjorie Armst r ong.
In the f all of the year of 1()31, the members of the High School Gl ee club held
a mee ting and elected the following officers for t he school year of 19 31-1932:
Vice President
President .
Vice President
Secretar y
Frank Sorensen
Frank Francis
. Roy Bradley
Carleton Cummings
Karl Schwertfeger
Helen Faunce
Ella Louise Rose
Catherine Roe
Vera Mae Moore
Since the Glee club was not going to have an operetta this year, it was decid ed
to give a Musica!e , "Spring Echos," written by Betty Graham and Catherin<:! Wright,
t o rai se f unds to pay for the pi cture in the annual. Members of the Glee Club sol d
tickets, and the Musicale was a big success.
The Glee Club has favored with selections at Pep meetings and P . T. A. meeti ngs,
always receiving much applause. At t he. first of the year, the girl s were invited to
Petoskey to sing in a mi xed chorus, made up of girls from the surrounding towns, and
directe d by Mi ss Silver, the director of music in the Petoskey school s.
-Josephine Edelst ein.
(/=HE PEP CLUB h .. .
l9 year s it has finished its f omth Year of .
.. B-etty Graham, of Mr. .For last two
Th uung the season of h ' e en Faunce t us years offi cer s
yelfsse meetings are direct-ed soool, the last period' ;;s treasurer.
, songs, speeches from outside;;e member of the club. Most m o <1: pep meeti ng.
f t h' a nd members of the facultv meetings consist of
. 0 IS orga . t' '
Ions for new me b mza IOn are chosen b .
pep to the other show lots k e ll_lbers. The quali fica-
s h
ool. - a e mterest in promot'
ortly after b 1 mg
I?I ent. Great intere:ts ball the Pf: p Club ut
f r om their classmates. w games ana ball tourna-
The Pep Cl ub . t e tournament f ever will be of support
success. W 1 :Wishes t o tha nk all th contmued.
and games. e a so Wish to thank Mr. Lon"' .hehlpded to make the meetJ'n
"' ms e the band f gs a
or pep meet ings
The members of th . . .
e orgamzabon are:
Betty Graham
Joe Juill eret
Frank Sorensen
Hel en Faunce

I Iam Corey
Dehra HoovDr
Ma,ri e

Robert Cassidy
Margaret Bradley
Carleton Cummings
A ain we are in the
f . 1e like a dream. .g h ldiers when
<J?HE past rises be life. We are W1th .J e e them part
t:J great str.ugg;le fo reat army of freedom. time in quiet,
they enlist 111 the Sg me are walking for the last bending over
with those _Iov:he they adore. the bles3-
woody pla.ce?, that are asleep . . who hold them
cradles, lossmg 'Some are parting Wlt n:o nd say nothing. An
ings of old men.h ir hearts again and aga111 with brave words,
press them to .t e 'th wives, and ts the awful f ear.
some are tallong Wl to drive from thel!-' door with the
spoken in the old toWs, ee the wife stand111g At the turn
We se.e them in the g in her loving
babe m her armsd ves she answers by o 111
of the road and forever.
arms the chl . der the flaunt-
h proudly away un h h the
We sec wild clo
ing flags, the prairies, down to with them, one and all .. We
t owns he eternal right. We 11 the hospitals of pam:-
and to dle .for. t ll the gory fields, ln a d 'th them in the wild
are by thelr sld: We stand guar .t:\hem in ravines run-
on all the weaiY he auiet stars. We are Wl We are with
storm and undeJ the fur rows of old field\d with thirst, the hfe
ning with bloo , . m hosts unable to move, Wl We see them pierced
between contendmg the withered leaves. f rts. and in the
ebbing slowly away shells, in the trenches, o with nerves of
bv balls and where men beconw l\h;t thev are dead.
whirlwind of t et Chon1le 'when the neWS cofim.etssorroW. we S:;) e the
t 1 We are a h d of her rs .
sWee the maiden in the s aboo:;ed with the l ast gnef.
e d f the old man
silvered hea
d' d for
l"b rty-they le
. dead. They died for l e ade free, under
These heroes They sleep in the land they m red with other
us. They are at res" . d stainless. Earth may r:'n the roar of con-
the flag they In the midst of battle, m sentiment for
h are at peace. . d th I have one d
wars ; ey f d the serenity of ea 1. . tears for the dea .
flict, the . oun d d d. cheers for the lVmg,
ooldiers hvmg an ea . .
, -Mahlon Hcrnck.
T was in 1786 when delegates from five states, New York, Virginia, Maryland,
Delaware and Pennsylvania, met together to discuss commercial relations among
themselves. At this time Alexander Hamilton was 28 years old. He had gone
through the Revolutionary War at the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Con-
tinental Army and meanwhile had built up a strong friendship with George Wash-
ington, the acting general.
America had won her freedom. What would she do with it? The colonies were
facing the serious problem of forming a new government to preserve the liberty they
h<J.d won. Hundreds upon hundreds of American citizens had been born in Europe
where there were governments ruled by kings and monarchs, there was a great differ-
ence of opinion as to the type of government the colonies needed. Some wanted a
king with limited powers, some wanted an el ected ruler at the head of a strong central
r,ove.rnment with little or no powers given to the states and still others want:ed each
of the states to be a little individual nation.
Most of the serious disputes were among the coloni es themselves. Each thought
the other had wmething- that did not belong to him. TPey disouted over and
over boundary lines. M"ny of the colonies were. ag-ain&t the Continental Congress.
T'hey accu.sed their neighbors of taking trade :md not paying their share of National
debts and taxes. In addition to these problems of trade, taxes, state rights and
boundaries, the old war-day troubl es continued to be discussed.
Europe was laughing at the colonies< and believed that in time they would come
under the rule of some of the larger European powers.
It was true! The country did look lost! It aopears auite probable today that our
country would not be one great union now if it had not been that some of the wisest
and most intellectual men known to us were then the l eaders of the colonies. It had
a group of leaders who saved the day. such a g-roup as this we shall perhaps never
Pave again at one time. There was: George Washington. the first president of our
<"Otmtry; J ohn A dams, tJ..e second president; Thomas Jefferson, the third president;
Benjamin Franklin, our fir st minister to France; James Madi son, the fourth president;
James Livingston, our minister to England; John Jay. who negotiat-ed the treaty
wit.h Eng-land over our Northeast Boundary line; James Monroe. the fifth president
and Alexander Hamilton, who undoubtedly had the greatest influence of all these
men over the colonists concerning that tremendous question--the forming of the
It was Alexander Hamilton who suggested at the end of the Annapolis confer-
ence in 1786 that anothe.r convention be held in 1787 to dis,cuss a national govern-
ment. It was his writings that brought repn:sentatives from all the coloni es to Phil-
adelphia the next year. It was Hmnilton who influenced the people of the colonies
as to the necessity of a strong central government.
P erhaPs his most effective plan in bringing forth his ideas was presented to the
colonies through his publication "The Federalist Papers." It was his purpose in
these articles to bring out the follies of State Rights and the importance of one union
with a centralized government.
Believing as he did, Hamilton advocated an aristocratic republic and a balance
on authority. He proposed that land owners should elect the President and the- Sen-
ators; that these officers should hold their office during their lives, or at least while
they were satisfactorily fullfilling their duties ; that the Governors should be ap-
pointed by the President; and that the Governors should have power to veto the, acts
of the state legislatures. In this way Hamilton would have struck at democracy and
at State Rig-hts, and have established a system which John Fiske says could not have
endured. Then :why is he regarded as one of the great creators of the Constitution,
which has princiules of so diff.erent opinions.
The principal reason in hi s intense belief in the necessity of a sturdy union and a
well orga nized general government. I n t he lOth "Federali st paper" he wrote : "Let t he
13 States, bound together in a strict and di ssoluble Union, concur in erecting one
great American system superior to t he control of all trans-At lantic force or inf lu-
ence." In 1792 in a letter to Edward Carrington of Virginia, he placed first "The
necessity of Union to the respectabi lity a nd happiness of this country; and second, the
necessity of a n efficient general government to maintain the Union."
In his defense of the Constitution, Hamilton wrote : There are four t hings which
I humbly conceive ar e essential to the well-being-1 may say t he existence-of t he
United States as in dependent power. First and indissoluble Union of the States under
one Federal head; second, a sacred regard to public justice; third, t he adoption of a
proper peace establishment; and fourth, the prevalence of t hat pacific and fri endl y
disposition among the peopl e of the United States which will induce them to forget
their local prej udices and politics, to make those mutual concessions, which are re-
qui site. to t he gener al prosperity, and in some instances to sacrifice their individual
advantages to the interest of t he community.
Although the Constitution was not drafted in conformity with his political
theories, Hamilton gave it his constant support. It was infinitely preferable with all
shortcomings, to the Articles of Confederation, and he entered ent husiastically into the
campaign to secure its ratification. On hi s shoulders rested much of t he r espons-
ibility for the final decision in the State of New York. He knew well t hat the polit-
ical faction led by George Clinton would oppose ratificati on, basing its platform
upon popular prejudice against change more t han that, t he Clinton faction was
strengthened by r eason of the fact that Lansing and Yates, Hamilton's
in the Constitutional Conventi on, 'had refused to sign the document a nd were opposed
to its being ratified. In order to combat ignorance and misunder standing concern-
ing the Constitution, Hamilton wrote. a series of essays in New York newspapers in
hopes of reaching the influencial readers throughout the state .
Hamilton had one t hought constantly in mind as he worked for the establi sh-
ment of t he new republic. His chi ef concern was the welfare of the people. He
wanted a government that would protect the people in their homes, their business
and in the courts of justice. It was to be a gove-rnment built on principles of honor
and justice to other nations. But he was equall y anxious that it should have the
str ength to defend itself. His dreams we re not in va;n. Although not entirely
satisfied, he had the pleasure of seeing a new and independent nation take charge
of its own affairs. It was a great mment in his life when he signed that immortal
document. Thi s occurred on the seventeenth of September, 1787, only f ifteen years
before he had sailed into New York harbor f rom the West Indies. He was then a
boy fifteen years of age. In fifteen years t his lad from the counting house in t he
West Indi es took a foremost place in tl:e building of the world's. greatest democr acy.
I am not imolying that the credit for the writing of our Constitut ion belongs to
any one man. It i s the work of ma ny minds.
Some of it is borrowed from other governments. But in every great even t there
are a few l eaders who stand out above their fellows. As a student of government
and leader of men Alexander Hamilton ranks high among t hose who fou nded our
democracy. He was a leader in t he cause of freedom-a champion of great ideals.
As t he author of Cambridge Hi story states, "Every great undertaking has its
master spirit: the master spirit of the Convention that framed the Constitution and
all that led to it was Alexander Hamilton."
-Helen Faunce.

It takes a little courage
And a little self-control
And some grim determination
If you want to reach the goal;
It takes a deal of striving
And a firm and stern set chin,
No matter what the battle,
If you're really out to win.
There's no easy path to glory,
There's no rosy road to fame;
Life, however, we may view it,
Is no simple parlor game;
But its prizes call for fighting,
For endurance and for grit,
For a rugged disposition
And a " don't know when to quit. "
You must take a blow, or give one,
You must risk and you must lose,
And expect that in the struggle
You will suffer from a bruise.
But you mustn't wince or falter
If a fight you once begin,
Be a man and face the battle-
That's the only way to win.
- Anonymous.
- 59-
First Row-James Bassett, Mahlon
1 Armento, Leon
Herrick, Robert Cook, Pau
McDonald. N t J erry Rockwell, James Bradley,
d George or on, . .
Second Juilleret, Charles Gillispie. . William
captain, Verne I , "th Frank Francis, Frank Sorensen,
Victor Lane, Donald Smi , Doyle Brower.
Grimes, Kenneth Caskey, v t Robert Mcintosh, Kress
, . PhT Hulett, John lVan ,
Fourth Row-Mr. Qmnn, coach, I IP
Bradley, Robert Lancto.
Halfba cks- .
James Bradle?f, Captam
Frank Francis
Mahlon Herrick
Leon McDonald
Robert Dommie
Ends- . .
verne W Ilhams
Milford Sc_hrader
Wilbur Gnmes
Robert Mcintosh
Philip Hulett
Gu ards-
George Norton
Joe Juilleret
Victor Lane
Donald Smith
Tackles-- . .
Charles Gtllespie
J erry Rocbvell
John Vivant
Kenneth Caskey
Cent ers-
William Corey
Doyle Brower
Robert Cook
Kress Bradley
(.7 Coach Quinn called for the football volunteers on September 14, twenty-
- lJL/ five men reporte d for practice. Returning from last year's undefeated team
were only two veteran linemen and three backfieldmen. Juilleret, Corey,
Francis, Sorensen and Bradley. In e weeks of prparation before. the opening
game Coach Quinn had difficulty in picking the regular lineup from; the green, inex-
perienced squad, . but he succeeded after careful deliberation in selection a well-
balanced forward wall, which was composed of: e nds, Schrader and Williams; tackles,
Rockwell and Gillespie; guards, Juilleret and Norton; Center, Corey; backs, Sorensen,
Francis, Bassett and Bradley.
On October 3, Mancelona, boasting an all-veteran eleven came to Harbor Springs
in a blood thirsty attitude, but their thirst was not quenched for Harbor buried them
under an astounding 20 to 0 defeat.
October 10 marked a sorrowful gridiron day for Harbor. East Jordan, with a
powerful, inspired football array, dimmed the n sing sun of championship
hopes by squelching the Quinnites with the impressive score of 25 to 0.
The following Saturday, October 17, Harbor journeyed to Boyne City only to
be vanquished by the aggressive Boyne City f ootball warriors. Time after time Har-
bor would stage a desperate attempt to score, but all efforts were fruitless, and the
combat ended 13 to 0.
On the 24th of October, Harbor met its ancient and revered rival, Petoskey. The
Northmen, riding on the erest of a wave of stirring gridiron triumphs, conquered their
opponents by a lop-sid,ed score of 37 to 7. After .t'etoskey had chalked up most of
its points in the opening periods, the fighting Harbor team staged a determmed stand
during the last two periods and made a prosperous termination by going over the
hitherto uncrossed Petoskey goal line.
On the last day of October Harbor's battered line halted the mighty Charlevoix
giants in a ' hard fought battle that r esulted in a 6 to 6 deadlock. The two teams
fought desperately through four quarters oi gridiron competition waging a stirring
struggle amid a brilliant exhibition of sple ndid sportsmanship, and hard, clean playing.
The Harborites, on November 7, bowed in reverence to Gaylord, by a s.core of
19 to 6. Though the Harbor players iought with the valor and determination they
could not overcome the destiny tated for them. Unfortunate "breaks" confronted
them at every turn, while Gaylord was hi ghl y favored with valuable luck which con-
verted into three touchdowns.
On November 14, Harbor bade far ewell to their football season by playing the
undisputed Northern Michigan Champions from Cheboygan. Displaying the age old
tradition of Harbor Springs, the team fougnt persistently until the end. The game
was a more difficult battle than the 34 to IJ score indicated. The. yardage gained on
both sides was about equal ; only the difl"erence being that Harbor fai le d to profit.
From the standpoint of games won and lost Harbor's r ecord was one blemished
with defeat, but morally it shone forth.
Coach Quinn insisted that hi s men play the game fairly and squarely. He did
not coach from the sidelines; thereby giving the boys an opportunity to reason for
themselves. He demanded that every player who represented Harbor Springs be
clean physically and morally. This after all, is the sole purpose of high school
Six of the eleven players will be lost through graduation in June; they are:
Schrader; Norton, Juill eret, 'Villiams, Francis and Bradley.
S Frank Grimes, Frank orensen, Lane, Rob.ert Mcintosh, Wilbur
First Row-Vi ctor H r'ck Doyle Brower.
Francis, Joe Juilleret, Mahlon er I ' Orlando Rose, Milford
. nn coach Robert Cook, Paul Donald Smith, Leon
Second b D'ominic,' William Corey tton manager.
Schrader, o hei M 1 hing Rolland Moore, I. u '
McDonald, Jo n e c ' B tt Georo-e Norton.
Williams, James asse ' " Absent from picture-Verne
Verne Williams,
Robert Dommie
William Corey
Joe Juilleret
James Bassett
Rolland Moore
Orlando Rose
Victor Lane
Mahlon Hernck
Paul Armenta
Robert Cook
George Norton
Frank Francis
John Melching
Leon McDonald
Wilbur Grimes
Doyle Brower
Donald Smith
John Vivant
A WEEK after the football schedule was completed, Coach Quinn's call for
basketball candidates was answered by only one letterman from last year's
squad. and a green bunch of small, inexperienced Freshmen and Sophomores. The
team was handicapped throughout the season from lack of size and experience.
Although winning only two games in the entire season, opponents will admit that
they met a stubborn, persevering team that was defeated only after a definite struggle.
The varsity squad was composed of Captain Williams, Francis, Juilleret, Mcintosh,
Lane. Grimes, Brower, Herrick and Sorensen.
December 11
The Harborites initiated the season in Roger City, where they suffered a 32 to 18 set back.
December 18
The following week they invaded the Mancelona stronghold, but the enemy was
well prepared and handed the invaders a 27 to 6 beating.
January 6
Harbor turned the tables on the powerful East Jordan aggregation and pushed
them into the disastrous defeat of 19 to 14.
January 8
The mighty Avalanche from Cheboygan visited Harbor Springs and left our boys
standing in the ruins of a 36 to 18 defeat.
January 15
Charlevoix came here expectant of easy victory, but they won only after trailing
behind until the last minute, and after a sever e court battle witnessed on the local
floor. The game ended with the score 11 to 9.
January 22
Harbor journeyed to P etoskey, but apparently dismayed by the floor, lost 25 to 11, after a slow game.
January 29
The Harbor lads were the guests of the mighty veteran outfit of Boyne City
who commanded the game, looping 18 baskets to 2 for Harbor, for a total score of
37 to 9, charity shots balancing the count.
February 5
East Jordan came here with the purpose of avenging the set-back handed them
by Harbor in their first encounter, but again Coach Quinn snatched victory from their
mouths, and sent them back home nursing a 15 to 12 reverse .
February 12
Harbor, after leading until the final minute, succumbed a roughly fought tilt to
the Petoskey Northmen-15 to 12.
February 19
Charlevoix went on a rampage to give the Harbor boys a severe beating of 24 to 11.
February 26
The Boyne City veterans visited Harbor for the final pre-tournament court
match, and overpowered the lighter Harbor outfit 28 to 14.
The District Tournament was held in Charlevoix. Harbor Springs drew Charle-
voix for the opening night and were eliminated after a thrilling encounter by a score
of 20 to 15. Boyne City outclassed East Jordan in the second night by a 15 to 13
score. In the championship game, Boyne completely outclassed the Charlevoix team
28 to 11.
Charlevoix, however, won the Regional Tournament in P etoskey from Gaylord.
Gaylord caught the powerful Boyne team on an off night and by winning, they went
into the finals.
Harbor Springs-15
Boyne City-15
East Jordan-13
Boyne City-28
Boyne City
When Coach Quinn made his call for thin clads, five responded. Frank Francis,
Frank Sorensen, Paul Armento, Orlando Rose and Robert Cook. Francis and Sor-
ensen are veterans who are feared by opponents throughout the north. These two
boys competed in the state meet which was held at Michigan State College last year.
At the annual Petoskey invitational meet, Frank Francis easily won the 440
yard dash. Frank Sorensen spoiled his chance of winning the 220 yard dash by step-
ping into a hole which knocked him off balance. However, he unexpectedly fini shed
in third. Paul Armento placed fourth in the 100.
-by James Bradley.
Baseball is a new sport in the Harbor Springs High School. When Coach Quinn
introduced it this spring a large squad reported for practice. Only three games were
scheduled, two with East Jordan and one with Petoskey.
On May 13, East Jordan won the first game 10-3 after nine thrilling innings of
clever baseball displayed by both teams.
We have yet to play the strong Petoskey nine. The Harbor sluggers anticipate
a victory over their old rival.
The following men saw action on the diamond. Donald Smith, Robert Mcintosh,
Nelson Allerding, Robert Dominic, Robert DeLaVergne, James Bassett, Wilbur Grimes,
John Melching, Edward Meshekey, John Jesick, Doyle Brower, Victor Lane, Frank
Francis and Ebert Hurd.
AT the first meeting of the G A . .
_,"1_ wer e elected: President A d . A., m September tl'>e f ll .
fi t t!lry and treasurer u Rrey Brower; social directo; ;wmg, office:rs
rs social function of the' year . ansom and recorder, Sch atuf nee; secre-
members of the G. A' A . was a steak roast. It was wer . eger. The
because various The steak roast, however did than enjoyed by all
that the evening had b d rlolund dancing followed ' Each complete the eve.ning
een we spent one went home f
0 ee mg
n the Saturday followin Ch .
school and alumni 'I' g vacation, the G. A A
branches and trees which . he gymn!!SIUJ?l was beautifull . ' . sponsore? an all
dance reported a good t ' gave a splendid wmter scene. All lh decorated With pine
Ime. ose who attended th
The third and Ia . t ff . e
the gymnasium on Mges a air during the school ear "
School girls. T'he arc? 19 when our G. A. A. the Play Day" held in
Harbor Springs the ';as spent in playing four ga ned Charlevoix High
by the. members of th mner o all four. At noon a deli h mes o Volley Ball with
of basket ball both ol class. In the afternoon t:;;I Iunc_heon was served
everyone enjoyed da . . won by Charlevoix Aft s enjoyed two games
ncmg y music furni shed by our high her I our games were over
The last function of th sc oo Orchestra.
The seniors led the t e year was the annual girls B k
not so slow, they by! an overwhelming score Ballh Tournament.
Secon P ace, the juniors third the homores were
e G. A. A. antici t t . e Ies men fourth
make it a success. pa e a enms tournament in the near future .
The mem,hers of the Girl s Athletic
Audrey Brower
Helen Faunce
Marie. Ransom
Louise Schwertfeger
Marion Armstrong
Ruth Bulock
Ruth Vivant
Mary Ward
Artie Davis
Audrey Freeland
Bretty Graham
Waunetta Hartung
Marguerite McBride
Effie Ward
Frances Fleshman
Edith Burton
Edna Lauer
Lila Lauer
Ruth Plummer
Association are as follows:
Marie. Taylor
Catherine Roe
Catherine Wright
Mildred Bifoss
Evelyn Clocklin
Ethel Cosens
Josephine Edelstein
Gladys Gregory
Vera Mae Moore
Marjorie Stutsman
Marjorie Armstrong
Ruby Allen
Dorothy Jablinsky
Margaret Bradley
Nelda Hahn
Adeline Ingram
Gertrude Catob
Georgia Jones
and we hope to
We, as members of the G A .
made our social affai' r s . . A., Wi sh to thank Mi ss
a success. Chanter, who as one of us,
-Audrey Brower.

Sept. 14
Oct. 13
Oct. 19
Oct. 24
Nov. 11
Nov. 13
Nov. 14
Nov. 15
Nov. 15
Nov. 17
Nov. 18
Nov. 19
Nov. 25
Nov. 25
Nov. 30
Nov. 30
Dec. 2
Dec. 14
Dec. 18
Dec. 18
Jan. 4
Jan. 6
School once more. Back to work now.
Mr. Sutton make it understood that we slip from room to room.
Bob Lanctot forgot himself and supposed himself in the assembly.
Mr. Sutton must keep more pieces of chalk. They really do wake one very
Tough luck on the girls. Our crack end broke his arm.
School was out early so that we may see the American Legion Football
The. commercial law class had their promised mid-semester and all was still
well at 5 o'clock. Cod Live r Oil often causes such outbursts of energy.
Bookkeeping classes so brilliant they take their tests twice to impress the
No more football practice.
Mr. Sutton again must disturb the social groups in the assembly after
Dr. Frank entertained us with an excellent talk on infectious diseases.
Vern and Joe always went over big. Mr. Sutton loves them and now they
sit in front of him.
Our heros meet for basketball.
School out for Thanksgiving, thank goodness. Mr. Voorheis gave us all a
candy bar.
Big party in the gym. All the dignitaries are home from college.
Our Thanksgiving is over. We're back in school.
Seniors start their business as magazine salesmen.
Mr. Sutton's little brother sang for us the last fifteen mdnutes.
It is our second childhood? Anyway we still draw names at Christmas time.
Everybody is making whoopee. Parties everywhere and one big one in
the assembly.
Out of school for Christmas vacation.
Back to work just like we did when we went to school last year.
Basketball game at East Jordan. We won with the support of three spec-
Jan. 8 We see our first home basket ball game l ost.
Jan. 9 High school orchestra played for our G. A. A. party.
. Jan. 13 The Economics class start their reports and some people were pretty scared.
Jan. 15 Charlevoix shouldn't have beaten us 9 to 11.
Jan. 22 Hurray for Petoskey! We got beat in basket ball.
Jan. 27-28-29 Plenty of hardwork is expelled during exam days:.
Jan. 29 Boyne City still delights in beating us.
Jan. 30 Real credit goes to the Juniors. It was a swell J-Hop.
Feb. 3-4-5 Winter Sports in Petoskey prove of interest to Harbor students.
Feb. 6 The high school girls had a pep dance, eventually we beat East Jordan.
Feb. 8 Miss Balgooyen goes in for big game hunting at the Blaisdell home.
Feb. 10 Junior high gives their operetta "Toreadors."
Feb. 12 Once more Petoskey has achieved something and we lose in basket ball.
Feb. 13 But our good Independents really played basket ball against the Flint
Feb. 16 Mr. Quinn fails to function.
Feb. 18 We thought we'd h d
only a misintendecl fiaregcoi_oadckleui'ck and the school h
1 9 ouse exploded but it was
We lost to Boyne again
20 Washington Costume in th G
26 Another d . f I e ym.
. . own a I at Charlevoix's G
2 Big excitement with Decla t ym.
3 Th t rna JOn and Orat
e ournament began at Ch
. Ion contests.
Mar. 4 Some high school girls b r ar .but no luck for us.
Mar. 5 They tried to get a r be Ill Skipping.
Mar. 11 E s
P ut d1dn't worl . II
veryone enjoys the p t . ' so we .
Mar. 2() E b u Ui e Parmers da
very ody coming h f nces.
Mar. 30 w h orne rom college f
Apr. 1 e. ad a little vacation \Vhile th B . or sprmg vacation.
April Pool but we don't fool h e . and. received their letters
Apr. l The Minstrel Show with the Zea en Its tnne our Spring vacation. .
Apr. 11 Back to the Penitentiary a . P Year Polhes knocked them cold
Apr. 12 Sprin . h . gam. .
g JS ere and marbles w'th
crested. J it.
Prom now on we'll "' t
. ._e up early
YSICal Ed Dept .
Th . gave theJr Spring p t' I
e track t eam starts .t . . es Iva .
The second I s pracbcmg.
. year Prench class gets S rin '
The Puture Parmers hav I P g Fever and goes for a wall
Harbor will get theie yete a r e; honest-to-goodness banquet c
s -were g f
ophomo.res have a picnic after sch omg o have a baseball team..
Measles mfest the sch ool.
Those are what make Mr. Sutton in-
get them. ool. The teachers wish they
Apr. 29 were lucky enough to
Alumni dance with all
May 6 B S our measely friend th
oy couts do some "Arb . , s ere.
May 7 A "D
. . ormg.
e ICJous" Alumni show
May 9 The Civics class start th . .
May 12 B
k e1r reports
May 13 oo' eeping class meets in the Ph . . L
Hard times and how-but the ab .
May 13 Bookkeeping class is dance didn't show it.
May 13 BPJrst Harbor baseball game at ;n tdhe next room by the Speech Pupils
May 16 aseball proves too h f . < or an :fell down , .
May 18 s muc or the track t
emor Play "Love's Mao- " < eam so they transfer
May 20 Petoske "'.Ic.
May 24 S . y vs. Harbor Sprmgs. in baseball
enwrs aren't afraid t o k' .
May 25 s E s Ip and what a d
prmg choes in the G!e.e Cl b ay.
May 27 Up . u s.
J m society when we attend tl . J .
une 5 Baccalaureate comes on . u.nwr and Senior Banquet
June 9 Graduation-sh ce m a lifetime. .
June 10 A th ou!d we weep-not at all 1
June 11 no er year gone by. .
The last time 1
our c ass performs together.

James Bradley our High School P oet,
Not all the students know it,
But his feet sure show it,
They are longfellows.
- Milford: "Do you play the Sax by
Jerry: "No I play it by the willdow
to annoy the neighbors."
Miss Pitts: "Give me a sentence with
miniature in it."
Lester K. : "The miniature asleep you
begin to snore."
Nelson A.: "The more- I read the l ess
Paul A.: "You're well read aren't
you ?"
Voice over phone: "Louise says she
isn't in. I s there any message? "
Other end of line : "Yes, tell her
Verne didn't ring her up.
Student: "Are you in favor of women
topics put in Public Affairs."
Mr. Dickie : "It's all right if you real-
ly want the affairs public."
Verne: "Mr. Dickie claims that when
charity is needed he is always the first
to put his hand in his pocket."
Toody: "Yes, and he keeps it t here
till the danger is over."
Miss Smith: "Will that watch tell
t ime'? "
Joe J . : "No, you have to look at it."
Bob M.: "I've changed my mind."
Windy B.: "Does it work any better?"
Lucy Thompson: ''Isn't the fl oor slip-
pery. "
James Bassett: "No, I polished my
shoes tonight."
Miss Bennett: (sternly) "This essay
on " Our Dog" is word for word the
same as your brother' s."
Margaret B. : "Yes, mam, it' s the same
Mr. Sutton: "You've added that sum
t en times? What have you found t he
answer to be?"
Edith Burton: " Here' s all ten of them,
sir. "
She: "I still don't like companiorate
marriage-mine for the old-fashioned
He: "But they scratch me all over."
Some Runner-Lost : Child's sweat-
er with the colored stripes running
around between Crystal Beach and the
Peace Bridge.
Young girl who is having the airplane
explained to her : "How very intresting;
but tell me, where- to you stand to crank
it if it stalls while you are in the air ?"
Verne- W.: "Well, I guess I'll get out
and get a breath of fresh air.
Louise S. : "If it' s the same sort of
breath you brought back last night,
you'd better stay ho-me."
Mr. Sutton: "Didn't I tell you not to
l et me catch you doing that again ?"
Frank S. : "Yes, sir."
Mr. Sutton: "Then why did you do
Frank S. : "Because I didn't think you
would catch me."
Betty G.: "I'm bothered with a little
wart that I'd like to have removed."
Ruth B.: "The divo1ce lawyer is at
the second door to your l eft."
Mr. Sutton: (in Physics class) "There
is a boy in the back of the room maldng
a fool of himself, and when he gets
through I'll begin."
Vern : (to Louise who is gazing at
Vern's feet ) " \ Vhat are you looking at?"
Louise: " I like to watch your feet.
It l ooks just like a boat race."
Miss Pitts : "Chuck, give me a sentence
using the word ' Diadem.' "
Charles G. : "People who hurry across
The latest Scotch football joke:
Get that quarterback.
the r ailroad crossing diadem sight quick-
er than those who-stop, look and listen.''
G. E. Bulock
Beese & Porter
Booth's Lunch
Chicago Tail or Shop
Chattaway Company
Erwins' Drug Company
Fochtman's Department Store
Dr. F. A. Graham
Graphic Publishing Company
Hovey's Drug Store
Floyd A. Hoover, Florist
Harbor Springs Furniture Company
L. C. Hughes
Hollywood Filling Station
Ideal Grocery
J uilleret' s
Kahler & Friend
McCabe Hardware Company
Melson & Company
New Y ark Cigar Store
]. C. Penney Company
Polar Cub
Petoskey Housefurnishing Company
Peterson's Garage
Quality Shop
R & L Auto Electric
Squier Electric Shop
Sudman' s Barber Shop
Troup Studio
Walrond, Friend & Cassidy
White's Barber Shop
\Veiling's Department Store
C. Wager & Son
f............, ......................... ,.. ..................................... ...,. ..... ,,.,.., ..... ...,. ............. .,. ......... l
a JQntn I
... ...
i SINCE 1922 i
t t
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
;!: +Hl+++H+++++''H++++++++<l+l-!>++++H+<+++<++++++H+<<H+':\:
+ ..
+ l .;
i THE IDEAL GROCERY i ALFRED j . DAU, Mg. Phone 200 j:

+ 't .;.
:j: STAPLE AND FANCY :;_ l\Idlllikl'!J :j:
t i t
+ t +
:!: :; <!1nm"nn" x
+ o r a .;
+ + +
:!: Fresh and Smoked t :!: + +
:t eats :f t + Window Shades and Draperies t
+ +
+ .;. + + Furniture and Rugs
. . .;.
+ + +
+ + +
:!: Phone 188 :!: :j:
+ + +
+ + +
1 Hilderbrant Petokey, M;ch;gan :j:
+ t +
+ +
+ -
...... -:+++++++++++++++++++l-+:O+:O+++!-+++++++"..-++++++++i-++++++++++!<1
-73 -

+++++++++++++++" ......++-!++++!-!" .. ++-!-!!-+-!l-+-!+!-!" ...... .;..;..;.-:+-!-!-!--!--!--!--!-!-l--!--!-".. i
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ Distributor of +
i i
:\: 1 . Phillips 66 Petroleum Products. :\:
+ +
+ +
:\: 2. United States Tires. :i:
+ +
+ +
:i: 3. Quaker State Oil. :i:
+ +
:\: t
:\: Corner Bay and Howard Streets ;\:
+ +
:\: Petoskey :\:
:\: Phone 251 :\:
:\: t
+ +
:\: .t. 'l-H+++++++++++++++++++t
+ .... .t..-!-+.t.-!+'-!i-+i-+1--> .. ->l-+ ... .. +
+++H+++++..-........ . . t ""
+ ... \ R" ht .;.
t If you cannO-t get it in your Old :t Sty es 19 t
+ . to +
:\: Home Town ... You can get t at :\:
t t Prices Right t
+ .;. +
+ + +
+ t +
t l n : :\:
+ + +
+ + +
+ b .;. +
+ fl 11i n -: +
i .. \!JIU .r; i i
t .... t t
l Uiarl\wart l i
;!: :\: BUY HERE AND SAVE! :\:
+ PETOSKEY to .;.
_... + AT +
... + +
+ r +
\ . \ J. C. PENNEY CO. i
+ . J.. PETOSKEY, MICH. :\:
+l Spalding Athletic Goods + +
t ++++++++
, +++++++-' .. ++""""{+" .. r-t-t-t-t:O-t+-t++++++++++
,+++++++++++++++++ ...

- 75 --

.. r+++++++++++++++l+++++++!
li 1.11 . .quitr . i FURNISHINGS t
.?-. .,.t..
+ J ELECTRIC SH0 P !- :- .
t J . D: VIAU.' S + + Radio Headquarters + + .
+ OP !+ ,
+l Wiring .. . Supplies + MEN'S WEAR SH +.-
+' w h " !< + .
:f "lhor and Easy.. as ers :.. Hart-Schaffner & Marx Clot hes f
t - Hoover Sweepers + 1-
.-J + Harbor Springs
Fishing Tackle :!: :j.:.
' +
_;_ . + . .. . ....... 1- .. .......... i
:r ,. 1 ., , ,_ -..,.. . ....: : : ... ... : z... ..r ... ... .. .... ........ , .. ,....................... . ....... .. + .. ...
RINGS + Tasty Sandwiches i': .
+i HARBQR. Sf! :t Excellent Coffee
... ' ' ' ': 1-,
t FURNITURE CO. f Booth's Lunch l
+! Everything for +
+ + Buttered. Pop Corn - Corn Crisp +.
l' G'f Toys + +,
ts + Fountain Service
PHONE 109 + +
...,; t . . . +'
+' .' ' '- + . ........ ++1-+l.!+++++++r-."-tr++. +f, . +!+t} ..l .. ...... rr rT .. .
,..:....... ... . . . . , . . ... +'
Cigars Confectionery +:
l-loover :r.
:j:i FLORIST t {11' 1b1 11
f..' Cut Flowers and Landscape Work f. i!J. \!.it . 1 .lt!J Pll :r:.
oF Decorating t +
+ +
+!\ r Billiards Fountain !-
Teleplrone 107 Lock Box 194 +
:t1 h + Lunches I :0, Harbor Springs, M1c . + -:
+ +
,.,;:_ ..........
Ji I '- I ' ... .: .r .,: ... .. :.::.-: ...i .. *!,. . . . . . . . . . t
! r
John how do you keep your shop .!. N y k c St
so and clean? Use Rub- No- f eW Or , .Jgar Ore $
+l More and plenty of elbow grease. l+, +!
% s u DMA N 's j; S. w. BARKLEY $


JJ Bea\lty. Pa.rl or and Baths l+, .;..
Phone 9384' for' Appointment .i .i h t
... - Ice Cream - Candies - Lunc es ....
Harbor Springs +
-: ...... ... . _.. . -' . ...__.. . t'- . ... . ' !...: ... + T'i"T ' . . , , -t+++-.--.-.-,.- TTt T' T + + + .- +
- 76-
. .;., ..:. ..:.:.:. ...... ' . ' ... .. .
. ...................... , .................... ... ; .; ; . .; .. ; .. ; .;..; .;..; : .. ; .; .. ; .;.. .. ; .. ; ; .. !. ...... .............. ... . . . .. .
.;... .;. ' r.""+r.,.......... ,.
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.;. ..:... MAY W +
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+ .;. WEARABLE$ ....
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+ . or +
t Boosters for Harbor Springs f of Quality and Style? t
.;. Since 1880 :r -319-21 Mitchell +
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.;. r PETOSKEY +
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+ " 'I <''i'.-'1 ++ ... -.-.-.+.; .. .. +..;..:-.;.+++-t;:. :::
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Leading Grocers and Meat -i +
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+ ' Dealers EXCELLENT ....
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+ .;. ACADEMIC +
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No Curiosity
"In a barnyard lately were found two
fowls in the person of one bird."
"A phenomenon?"
"Not at all-Merely a crow in a
Vern: "Why do you call me Pilgrim?"
Betty: "Well, every time you call you
make a litt le progress."
The reason a Scotch bagpiper walks
up and down while playing is because
it is harder to hit a moving target.
The t e.acher was testing the know-
l edge of the kindergarten class.
Slapping a half dollar on the desk,
she said sharply : "What is that?"
Instantly, .a voice from the back row
said : "Tail s. "
Friend: "Was your uncle's mind vig.
orous and sane up to the very last?"
Heir: " I don't know. The will won't
be read until tomorrow."
Buck: " I think that I could go on
l oving you like this forever."
Dehra: "Oh, go on!"
Mountaineer (to three year old son) :
"Ezra. auit pointin' t hat there gun at
your littl e brother. It might go off and
kill one of them chickens he's playing
Jim B.: "What is this thing called
Betty: "The tenth word in a tele-

Miss Pitts : "How old do you think
I am?"
Milford S.: "You don't look it.
Student: "Can you tell me one of the
uses of cow hide. "
"Er, It keeps the cow to-
Mother: "Now, ' w!lfi e, ' I want you to
go in and get acquainted with the new
nursP- and kiss her nice. "
Willie: "Yes. and get my face <>lap-
ped li ke papa did."
Mi ss Bennett: "U I said you was lat e
at school today, would that be. right?"
Warren Jolls: "No, ma'am." .
Teacher: "Why?"
Wanen ,Tolls: "Because I wasn't."
Sid: "Have any of your childhood
hopes been realized?"
Alex: "Yes, I used to wish when my
mother pull ed my hair t hat I did not
have any."
J e-rry: "Get off my foot."
Chuck: "Your feet are to step on are
they not?"
Jerry: "Yes."
Chuck: "Well, that is what I am
"It is very hard to drive a bargain,"
said Robert Cook who has bought an
old flivver for $10.
Before his operation it is rumored
Mr. Long asked: "How soon will I. know
anything after I come. out of the ;:tn-
est h2ti c? ''
" Well," replied Doctor Burns, .'!.that's
expecting a good deal from an anes-
Mr. Quinn says. that most of : these
love triangles turn into wrectar.gles.
Joe : " I s she as sour as. she looks?"
Vern: "Sour? Why if that woman
gazed aloft on a . starry night, .Jhe 'd
curdle the Milky Way."
Dr. Graham: "Wher e is the aching
tooth located?"
June: (theatre usher) "Balcony, fi r st
row to the right."
Robert in hi s ancienJ automobi le
pai_nfully up to, the gates ot the
fair T'he. gatekeeper, demand-
ing the usual .fee, called, "A dollar for
the car." Robert looked up with a p.>t h-
etic smile of relief: "Sold," he said.
Hugh: 'Do you go in for neckil g?"
Verne: "No, I go out for it."
Prospective purchaser of Austin:
"How do you get into it?"
Salesman : "You don't get into it.
You put it on."
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