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Teachers Go To School: Ph's Win

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of '48


No. 10 Tuesday, March 23, 1948- Harbor Springs, Michigan 5c A Copy
Teachers Go To School Fri.
So ph's Win Title
Of Class Champs
The Sophomores downed the
Seniors to win the annual class
tourn"ament, 14 to 8 . Johnston
led the winners with 8 points.
Bill Smith had 4. Kaltz 2, Muld-
er and Burt Lamkin 1 each.
Scoring for the losers were
Norm Linehan with 3 tallies, San-
erson with 2, Doug Smith, Jes-
sick, and Keith Lamkin with 1
The Class of '50 had a hard
time in the sem:i-finals, edging
out the Freshmen. 18 to 17. John-
ston led the Soph' s with 7 count-
ers. Kaltz and Wilcox had 4, a-
piece, Bill Smith 3 and Mulder 2.
P etoskey had 8 for the Fresh,
Haven 6, Snively 2 and Davert 1.
The Seniors defeated the Jun-
io-rs in the other semi-final game.
They won the low scoring con-
t est 9 to 7. Doug Smith and Chel-
lis led the winners, each scor ing
3 po;nts. Norm Linehan had 2,
Lamkin 1.
For the Junior Freq. Linehan
had 3 tallie, Smeltzer 2, Kruzell
ar. -1 Kishigo 1 each.
The F.i E' hth erade took the
Junior High title, taking the Sev-
.erade 15 to 7. Gary Hahn
hf' d 6 points for the Eighth grad-
Swiss 3. Wilson. Kruskie and
Stradling had 2 each. Ingraham,
Wagenschutz and Williams scored
2 points apiece for the seventh
grade. King had 1 point.
Hurrah For Johnston's!
Hey-Kids! In case you have-
n't heard-Johnston's have a
swell place to and dance. They
have it all repainted and the
floor refinished. The juke-box
has the latest in r ecords, too. We
have been griping about a place
to go, so now we've got it, let'5
t ake care of it and patronize it.
Faculty Flashes
Win Over Seniors
. r The Harbor High Band start-
Harbor Girls ed the Teachers Institute off
with a few snappy marches last
Win From Alanson Friday at about 9:30 in the morn-
1 ing. There were about 150 teach-
On March 11th the Harbor ers of Emmet County in attend-
Springs girls challenged the Al- ance.
anson girls to a basketball game The Chairman of the meeting
at Alanson. I was Mr. H. G. Hargett of Lever-
First and second teams were ing, and Tl).e Main Speaker was
or ganized, the second team Dr. Judson W. Foust of Central
sisting of 7th and 8th grades, Michigan College. Other speak-
and 1st team consisting of 8th j ers were:. McCarthy, Co_un-
graders on up. ty Comm1sswner of Consultation;
Alanson's 2nd team defeate.d
Floyd Bennett of Central Mich.
I with 4 pomts. W1lls, Central M1ch1gan; J. W.
Harbor's 2nd team by a score of I College; Russell Wilson, Supt. of
14-10. led the 2nd team I for . Dr. Mary
.H b
In playing our first team, Alan- Scoggin, Manager of Petoskey
The final game for aD or i
High saw the Faculty Flashes son never had a chance. They , P enney Store; George Depuy,
were skunked 45-12. Norma Bur- Central Michigan College; and
down the "fighting" Seni ors 25
. The first half and the gess led with 14 points. Gracie, Mrs. Melva Ludgin of Saginaw
final quarter were played accord- her sister, was second with 11 County.
points. (Incidentally they are two In the Elementary Grades,
ing to the Michigan High School
Athletic Association rules. The of our best players), and Demar- Arts and Crafts were emphasiz-
third quarter, which did not ice Warner was a close 3rd with ed by K C. Festerling, District
9 points. 4-H Club Leader.
count in the final scoring, was
A one act play was presented
played according to Faculty rules. by the Speech Class under the
The Senior s held a two point STUDENT COUNCIL NOTES direction of their instructor, Mrs.
first quarter, 12 to 10 lead. Both Class Officers to be Elected c. F. Erwin, entitled "Cleaned
t pams talli ed 8 times in the sec- In Spring and Pressed." The cast was as fol-
-- nd neri od. The half ended with At a recent meeting, the Stu-
1ows: Joel Ayers as Edward El-
the Cl ass of '48 ahead, 20 to 18. dent Council decid'ed to hold the ton, Constance Sagataw as Eliz-
The Faculty won in the final annual class elections this spr ing I a beth Elton, Arnold Kruzell as
ueriod by outscoring the Seniors, instead of neJ9; fall, as has been John Elton, Luanne Fowler as
7 to 3. the custom. This will give the Katy Satori and Rethal Silver-
Aft er the Flashes managed to students more time in selecting thorne as Mary Belle Sturgis.
-'!r ag their bodies back on the the right people for office, and A del icious lunch was served
floor at the half, they presented the classes will be able to start I at noon by the Sophomore Home
Ward Walstrom, the official, with right in with class activities when Economics Class.
a foot long cigar. In the wild school starts. Workshops" were held through-
third quarter, with the Faculty The date of the elections will! out the afternoon where teach-
shooting at any basket they I be announced at a later date. ers could solve general problems
"MY PET PEEVE" pleased, they outpointed the Sen- Tfle Student Council is spon- . of the scnool in general atti-
Demarice Warner-Snobs. iors 25 to 2. soring a poster campaign to stop tudes and practical problems.
Keith Lamkin-Overshoes dis- Griffeth headed the Flashes
the scratching- and writing on (Your reporter wonders if any
appearing. scoring with 10 points. Coach ' the desks by the students. Ar:y teachers attempted to skip
Ed Brubaker-Basketball ref- Derrickson had 9, Beery, Sonne- help from the student_ body m
ville and Vanderslik all had 2. making the posters w1ll be ap- -------- eree's at noon.
Margie Lamb-Others flirting
with mine. "What's mine is mine,
others leave it alone!"
Laubrich was .high for the predated. Grab your bats and clubs girls
Seniors with 12 tallies. Linehan -------- and get on the iball, only nine
had 7, Smith had 3 and Sander- Say, Bernie, is it true about more months to "'go! After all, it
P atsy Vivant-Teachers
pick favorites.
who son 1. you and charming Donna Lee S. will be four more painstaking
The Seniors were charged with wat ching the star lights fade? I years befor e we get another leap
Wayne Chellis-Schoo!. 6 fouls, the Faculty 19. Could be ! year.
Page Two SP01l.:IGHT OF '48 Tuesday, March 23, 1948

H Inquiring Reporter :i: t
Edlior ----------------------1-----------Audrey Standish :f: In our last issue, we let the Iva's
Assistant Editor ---- ------------ --.,------Nancy Magnussen :t boys tell us what they liked a-
Sports Writers ________________ John Canada, Keith Lamkin 4 bout the girls, so it seems only I
Reporters-Ethel Hawk, Demarice Warner, Flora Schlosser, :f: fair to let the girls tell us what Beauty
Patsy Vivant, Glenna Samules, Shirley Cruff, Leon Clancy :f: they like about the boys this
+ time (Your reporter is a.wfully
Special Grade Reporters-Sally Po'IJ!'E'rs, Garth Holiday, Arn- glad tljis task is done
old Kruzell + It took. them so long to think of Sh'
Typists-Delia Keway, Rethal Silverthorn, Patsy Vivant, De- * favorable of the male 0ppe :f:
marice Warner + species + :f:
+. +-H Sis.ter Smith-Height! t+-1-+++++++++-:.+++++++++++
Shir ley Cruff-I'll never tell! 1-- ... _ .. ......... .
Are you included in this list?
Most of us, at about this time, catch a familiar and
lingering disease, to which high school students are par-
ticularly allergic. It probably has a long medical name,
but around here it's known as "Spring Fever."
This disease carries on from the first signs of a thaw
in Spring until school lets out in june-usually. there is
an epidemic of it.
Teachers are not immune to this evil, although they
hide their suffering quite well! Only in their eyes do you
see evidence of it.
One form/ of relief for this alarming sickness is
"partir sans pe:r;mission," in plain Engloish, "to skip." This
cure, however, isn't to be recommended, for despite the
relief at the time, the after-effects are most dis-heart-
en mg.
The best thing to do when you feel this disease com-
ing on is to turn your thoughts to the subject of love.
This will keep you so busy, you'll be a,s immune to
spring fever as if you had been vaccinated!
Betty Lou
sonality, looks, \Vayne !"
Carol Herrick__;"There' s so
many of them."
Walrond, Friend
Sally Powers - "Personality
and they must ha_. a .sense of I
& Cassidy

Grace Burgess-"Not much of
Winona Standish-"Sense of
humor-personality, too!"
Marj orie Wilcox-" Sid."
Millie Tr oup- "Everything !"
Bonnie Orweller-"Personality
and they must be able to dance."
General Hardware

J Harbor J
l Electric Shop t
Famous Sayings i
1-Arnold Kruzell- I'm only Electrical Sales and i
+ +
13 ! :f: Service :t
2- Betty Lou- Maybe? + 4
3-Mr. Baker- You Seniors :i: REFRIGERATION :f:
act like brats! I :f: t
4-Dick Elliott-Golly! Gee -" I
whiz! . , ., . H .. H++++++++-+++._-+++++7+

f+++-t+++++++++++++++++-!t 5-Dorothy Schultz-' 'Gee, I ++++++-t++++++++++-t+l-++++-

:i: : :f: don' t know." t :f:
Hahn's + HOVi:Y'S + 6-Nellie Holland- Einee, mee- :f: +
! :f: nie, minie, mo. How much fur-
.,. t
d d ::= + ther can I go? R J '
' I I tan ar t* ' t* - DRUG . I 7-Delia Keway-"Just be- oyo a s ...
s . .. cause." l :1:
_. erVJCe S-Ellen Tippett-"Oh! Let me i -.-
j: !' I ! _.,. see!" . R :f:
I ::: STORE * 9- .Connie Sagat aw - "Well, l + estaurant +
f L. N. Hahn, .. Mgr. + t l- you got me!" "' ....
j: :f:
'f ? ..- ;i:
1 O-Leo nard Mann- "The new .f. :f:
I t j: + look takes all the fun out of the :f: :t -
f-l-l-14:-+++++++-.-++++++++++ ' H--14-t+++++?-!+++++++++?+++{ March wind!" + +
- - -- .. ---
+++++l-++++ .... ++++++-:""
_ t. SHOES FOR EASTER j The Graphic
t, Buy One Pair at the Regular Price and Get the t i POT A TQ E *
Second Pair for i Publishing Co. i t
+ j t
. I * J i
... '* t
- HARBOR BOOT SHOP ,jli For Choice, Unusual :!: t
.t. .... +
: ....
of o+ loo I I + oo I I I I o ooooo I o oo o fooo I I o H+++++ .... ++++++l-l'+-J-++++++
. $1.00
Sale Continues Throughout Easter
Tuesday, March 23, 1948 SPOTLIGHT OF '48 Page Three
- -- - ------ ----
Jewelry Shop
What Do Seniors Do
. In Sociology Class
We discuss anything under the
sun! We learn how the world is
r un, (or shoufd we say, isn't run)
j what civilization is, and why
there will always be wars. Noth-
ing is too tough for us to face
and solve, in our own way, to suit
ourselves. I suppose the Presi-
dent' and Congress would be as-
+++++++++++++++++++++++"" I tonished at the way we've solved
all the huge World problems in
. i such an easy and a quick man-
11 d
-i ner!
Ho ywoo :f; Mrs. Ewing encourages us to
i :t speak out and give our opinions.
S St t + In this manner everyo!lle feels
t erVICe a IOD t that they are taking an active
:.C +I Tlart in the class. We debate, dis-
;!: . f cuss, have round table discus-
J: Distributors of Texaco ! sions, oral and written tests and
+ p od
oral or written Contrary
t r ucts + () popular beli ef (in the minds
Chit Chat
What is it in the library 6th
hour that interests Warren Hay-
Could it be the books or EARL'S _:
Rumors are flying that a !
tain junior gil'l has a tall and I
handsome senior on his knees. Barber ShQp
Tell us more Mildred, tell us
'''Why does it happen to me"
sighns poor Bonnie K. as her left ..
handed junior basketball player
walks down the aisle. I +
Bonnie Orweller is again fac- +i
ing the friendly mob at school, I GAMBLES
after her absence of illness. It
is certainly nice to have you
back again Bonnie.
Mel, shame on you for taking pAINTS AND :f;
Garth's gal! A new, happy couple . :t
seen around are Lela and
Notice: If you want to play
Penny Annie or P edro carrie and
join the gang on Carpenter's

f i ' f no:- in
f<++++++++-H+-k'-:-:++H: ... "H m socwlogy Is en]oymg
themselves! Mr s. Ewing should Engagement Announced +++++++++++++-""" t t H+*
be congratulat ed as a fine teach-
Mr. and Mrs. Denton Ward an- I
- , nounce the engagement of their c G '
Hjnts About Chewing daughter Dorene to Jack Sommer- Ity rocery
Your Gum . . . ville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo
1-Don't chew gum in church. Sommerville of East Jordan. Mr.
2-People dread it when you Sommerville is attending college , , Allerding Bros.
it. Keep it to yourself. at Mt. Pleasant. No definite date l :f;
Super Service
3-No parking in public plac- has been set for the wedding. : __.- Free Delivery :f;
Wrap it before you flip it.
4-Nobody likes a "stuck up" Speech Class Takes
r id. Keep it off your face and
hands. Up Debating ++++++++++++++++++++++++
5-Dirty p_aws make dirty For the first time in over ten ----------
'aws. Don't rubble the bubble.
t vears, the Harbor Spring's Speech
6-Nobody swaps chewed-up Department is entering into de-
+ ')Otat oes so why swap chewed-up " t' E t d t 1 p t ' .
'S + bubble gum? I a mg.t' hs ' uh e er s
f 7-Time out! There are 366 .an ora wn, w IC WI ' e
.... 1 th' d 't t t bef-ore the Assembly on Apnl 15. Superette i
ot- + 3v s 1s year so on ry o .

:t h h d ff . d Those who Wish to enter the
T n eW YOUr ea 0 In One ay. S t d
+ + 8-Schools .are the plac-e to tate contes may
so. I
I learn-not chew-Put stoppers i Buy the Peter's way, '
for Harbor on your choppers. Hey Girls! - :f; save the family pay,
t s t Surely if you follow these few I Hey, Hey!"
+ ln'Ce 1880 -:- r ules you won't gum up the Wear your hair soft around
:f; t whole works! y. our face-avoid hard up-sweeps. . f
-Demarice Warner. The latest in j eans is wearing H-+foofuoof+lt of 1, 1 1 t H 1 1 1,1 1 Jo+
----- - ' them ''green." Everyone goes for
H{H+:: .. the new matching shades in lip- +++++++++t .. t H f I oofoooou t Ht
CALL and finger-nail polish-light ;
- pmks and oranges.
a strom- LYNN'S Sequin your name and that of I
i your current "hearthrob" on
Griffeth . Co. TAX( your new silk blouse.
:f; Wolves (four-legged)
+ 24-HOUR :f: been r eported coming into this :
. Complete Boating t j TAXI SiERVICE + part of the country. They have
i:f; beel\ seen around 5-mile creek.
:t i The biggest pack seen yet was 5
+ I Phone 43-Fl
at one time. They are hiding ou.t I,
News Stand
A Good Malted After
.,.. tl ' .to
in the swamp. looK: fofofoot: t fofoofoooooHoflll
Duets and Song
Hits ...
1-a-Just a Saturday Date-
Benita. b-Ask Anyone Who
ty Lou. b.-Dangerous Ground
3-a-Remember Me - Flor-
i ence Cetas. b-Youn're Not So
I Easy to For get - Johnny Kor-
ofl I I I tl t f mash.
1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I +i
4-a-Feuding and Fighting-
Kids and Teacher s. b - Hear t-
aches - P ersons Called Before
C. Wager i Student Cour t.
tl 1-So Sweet Am I - Joyce
i Stanton.
i 2-Let' s Be Sweethearts A-
AUTY MEATS o& gain-Garth Holiday.
3-Beg Your Pardon - Mel
t 4-I Only Want a Buddy, Not
'!=-II II I I I I I H I II I I I IIi H f a Sweetheart-John S.
+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 of I I I I I I I I I I I I Jool ++ 5-I'm a Lonely Little Petun-
- Photography i an Onion P atch-Francis
Excellent pl}oto-finisbing
and enlargements from
6-Slap Her Down Again Paw
-Pat Coleman.
7-I' m Content the . Way I Am
-Hal ]14:arsh.
8-I Told Ya That I Love Ya,
Now Get Out--Eric Thomas.
9-Manana (Tomorrow) -
Ber nie.
10-Gotta Guy Nam'ed Bill-
Sally Powers.
t 11- So Far-Seniors Still Sure
+!o I I I I I I I H I I I I I I 1+1 I I I I of Graduating.
. Your Negatives
t-++++ ol H H I loofootl I I I I I H + 12- N ow is the Hour- Leon
i Laubrich.
+ 13-How Soon-Donna Ben-
i nington.
JUILLERETS I 14-I'm My Own Gr andpaw-
Leon Cl ancy.
15-0h Johnny-Jeonne Rob-
i inson.
Senior Sketch
Don' t get the wrong idea kids,
his name may sound angelic but
names ar e so often mislea ding!
He is six feet tall and weighs
200 pounds and anyone can see
it's all muscle!
He likes all Spor ts, but is es-
pecially fond of football and bas-
He likes just about everyone,
but per sons who gossip. When
asked what he likes best, Buck
replied emphatically, "Women!"
And her e's how he likes them -to
Eyes-Allene Stolt
Personality-Millie Tr oup.
Legs-Betty Grable.
Hands-Shirley Cruff
Height-Five feet , four inches
Color of hair-Br own.
Demarice was born on Novem
be.r 24 and is now 18 years old.
She t ook a business course in
school. She wor ks at Matthews
lnsurance Agency after school,
and on Saturdays. She plans to
work here this summer .
Demarice is very active in all
both winter and summer.
Because of her excellent skating
abilities, she was chosen for the
Queen at the Senior Ice Carnival.
She owns her own horse- is an
accomplished rider.
Concerning her likes and dis-
r kes-She likes all foods, west-
er n movies, square dancing and
, Jay-acting. (She had a humor -
out part in the Junior play last
year " Faith, Hope and Flar ity,"
'l. nd the Senior play this year
" June Mad." She dislikes all
snobs-is very friendly herself.
Tuesday, March 23, 1948

Troups Studio
Portraits-Finest in the Land
o}ofo#++i-<Joolool I I

otot-t-++++++o! ..


GAA Attend Play-
i Day At Petoskey
r=- t
t +
"!: +++++++- I I I h 1 'i' I I I I I Hof
r I I I I >++++ I I+< 1+ .......
+ +
i Harbor Springs i
+ . l-
+ +

Happy Birthday! Jl .
On February 21st fifteen GAA Your reporter has searched ++++++oolooool ,

members from Harbor Springs ' iles for those persons born m I ------- . ------ -
boarded the bus to attend Play- ' he r emai nder of March, and the I
iay at P etoskey. Representatives following are his results: .
from Gaylor d, Alanson, Petoskey Mary Lou Jar dine-March 30.
and Harbor were present. Teams Tom Keller-March 26.
were mixed and tour naments Mary Ann. Radle-March 31.
were held between the t eams. Di ck Seaman-March 31 .
Everyone brought their own J er ry Smelt zer-March 20.
lunches and hot chocol ate . was Wallis Sabin- March ,29.
ser ved in t he sch ool cafet eria. Millie Tr oup- March 23.
Aft er lunch ever yone squ are- I Lorraine 23.
danced and sang. More basket bal-1. Dorothy Ward- Mar ch 31. 1
was played and at 3:30 fift een ti was noticed t hat we have
very ti red, but happy girls, re- just one April Fool : Bur ton Lam- 1
tur ned t o Harbor. ki n-Apr il 1 ! ilii

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