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7 Day Cure

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The document claims that a new pill called Metaphenol 27 containing S.P.A.R. technology can reverse the aging process and make people feel and function like they are much younger within 7 days.

S.P.A.R. technology is claimed to 'slam down the rewind button' on the mind and body, reversing aging effects and making people feel like they did decades ago in their youth. It is claimed to improve health markers like joint strength, brain power, energy levels significantly.

Studies on mice are cited that extended lifespan by 35% and made mice more energetic. A case study of a woman reversing 20 years of aging is also mentioned. However, no details are provided about these studies.

Doctor reveals new pill’s S.P.A.R.

technology is…

The 7-Day Cure For Old Age

Clinical studies show this astounding new discovery RESTORES your joints,
body fat, blood pressure, triglycerides, skin, and blood sugar to the younger you.
Brain power boosts and you’ll feel your energy skyrocket 359%.
Results start in as little as 7 days.

Interviewer: “A miracle pill that cures old age?

“That’s better for your blood pressure than exercise?

“Lowers triglycerides without changing your diet… gives you better blood sugar… restores
younger joints… creates an almost 40% improvement in memory… boosts your decision-
making brain power 72%... replaces wrinkles with smooth new skin… makes you feel an
incredible 359% more energized… and even makes you feel 432% better overall?

“Verified by science?

“It sounds more like science fiction… but one doctor says one astonishing breakthrough for
seniors is doing all that… and more.

It’s simply the most powerful solution ever developed for resetting the physical, mental,
emotional and even sexual health of anyone between the ages of 50 and 90.

And it starts reversing your current age in as little as 7 days.”

Dr. Gerhauser: “I’ve been practicing medicine for over three decades. So, yes, I was skeptical
too. But the science is undeniable.”

Interviewer: “His name is Dr. Richard Gerhauser. And thanks to a real-life ‘age-reversing’
capsule he’s developed, he’s defying the laws of biology… and raising a few eyebrows.”

Dr. Gerhauser: “I’m 65 years old. My son is a 24-year-old college athlete. But I could go out
right now and beat him in a footrace. I hunt elk in the Colorado wilderness and I can carry
back my 200-pound prize, by myself. I lift weights, have the energy of a teenager. And I still
run my busy medical center here in Tucson.”

Interviewer: “Some might say Dr. Gerhauser hit the genetic lottery. But cutting-edge science
shows this unusual pill can reset anyone’s age. And it’s based on a new technology called

Dr. Gerhauser: “It doesn’t slow down your aging. It’s much more powerful than that.
S.P.A.R. slams down the ‘rewind’ button on your mind and body. Think back to when your
joints felt twice as strong and healthy as they are now. Or when your brain felt like a
supercomputer, ready to remember new information each day. How young were you? That’s
what this solution could do for you.”
Interviewer: “Worldwide scientific research centers agree. Their tests confirm this pill
contains the cure for old age. Today, Dr. Gerhauser has agreed to show you the science
behind this pill… and why it’s not just for his patients anymore! For the first time, it’s
available to a select group of Americans. And now, here’s Dr. Gerhauser.”

Listen to this report from a cutting-edge clinic called The Institute for Molecular Medicine:

“One of the things we’ve done with the aging process is we’ve taken people that were
fatigued, 90 years old plus, we’ve improved [them] to a 30 year old.”

Think about that. 90 years old… to 30 years old.

They described how part of a simple treatment now called S.P.A.R.… in just a few weeks…
caused total age reversal in people: “Mental function, physical function, you name it.”

It sounds like something from a movie. But it’s real…

You’ve probably seen reports from The New York Times, Scientific American, and
Newsweek on how scientists can now extend the life of mice a full 35%.

Not only that, but the mice run around as if they were young again.

It’s the equivalent of you taking a simple treatment… pulling on a pair of sneakers…
running a marathon at age 86…

…and keeping neck-and-neck with the 20-year-olds as you cross the finish line.

You might ask, “But that’s just mice, right?”

Even though the marathon example is just a metaphor, that’s a great point to bring up.
It’s a point I always consider as a doctor and researcher. Because…

For a brief time, we saw these results

only in animals… Until recently

Scientists have begun tests with humans. And they’re working…

Two years ago, scientists tested a treatment to reverse a woman’s aging. It was a wild success
– reversing 20 years of aging from her body.

Scientists at the Department of Biomedical Sciences in an Italian University saw similar


They gave a certain compound to volunteers and, by one scientific measurement for decision-
making, their brains became 72% more powerful. They reported their memory, decision-
making, and focus all improved.

They also found this compound lowers pain from overworked joints to just half of what it
was before!

Again, in just a few short weeks.

My friend, I’ll cut to the chase.

These treatments are reversing age.

Let me repeat that…

These treatments are NOT just making people “feel better” or helping them “age better.”

They are reversing aging at a biological level

It’s finally come true…

As professor of genetics Dr. David Sinclair at Harvard Medical School has said, “There is no
maximum human life span. Anyone who says that, doesn’t know what they are talking

Better brain power and overworked joints becoming free from pain, however, are just the
beginning. As you’ll soon see, scientists have figured out a way to reverse aging in every
single cell of your body.

We’ve given it the acronym S.P.A.R.

I’ll reveal what it stands for in a moment. But the important thing for you to know is, this
technology has been assembled…

…into this new pill.

I’ve been quietly using it. So have my patients. But it’s time for the rest of America to know
about S.P.A.R.

I predict, in just a couple years, the way we visit

the doctor will completely change

Instead of facing more and more worries, those using S.P.A.R. will get more and more good

If you get to test this revolutionary treatment, you’ll get to stride into the doctor’s office…

…and try your best to hide your Cheshire cat grin as your doctor starts running tests and
asking how you feel…

You admit your knees, lower back, and knuckles feel brand-new because your overworked
joints will feel their pain VANISHING…

Just for fun, you might ask your doctor about something he mentioned the year before, just to
see if he notices your sharper memory…

…but the best part might be when he says, “You’re looking thinner – are you finally
exercising like I’ve recommended?”

…or when he does a double-take, seeing your smoother skin.

You shrug your shoulders, wondering how to explain you’re now biologically younger than
your last visit.

Then he wraps a cuff around your arm, reads your blood pressure… smiles and nods… and all
he can say is…

“Keep up the good work! These are the best blood pressure numbers I’ve seen from you in

years… maybe, ever.

We’ll get your HbA1c results soon. But, seeing how much weight you’ve lost, I bet they’ll
come back spic and span.”

Finally, he shakes his head with a smile.

No bad news.

No concerned looks.

No ordering more tests.

Nothing more you need to do.

Instead, he just shrugs and shakes your hand. “You’re looking great. Whatever you’ve been
doing… It’s like you’re getting younger. See you next year!”

“Well, that was easy!” you think.

As you walk back outside, you realize this is your new life with “young again” cells. All
thanks to the S.P.A.R. process.

In this presentation, I’m going to show you

how this breakthrough works

I’ll show you the exact pill I’ve been taking myself and giving to my older patients.

I’ll show you everything that’s in it.

And most importantly, I’ll show you how you can get it for yourself.

This is something every American over 50 needs to know.

My name’s Dr. Richard Gerhauser.

I’ve always been obsessed with studying the latest health science, even before I began my 30+
year career practicing medicine. My focus has always been stopping and reversing aging.
It’s how I discovered S.P.A.R. and how it’s now available in a single pill.

As you heard, this new breakthrough could help give you better blood pressure than exercise.
Better blood sugar without changing your diet. Lower triglycerides. Perfect heart health.

You’ll feel three times more energy

You might wonder how something this powerful was discovered… and why haven’t you
heard about S.P.A.R. until now?

Pay close attention to this story…

It might sound like something out of a Hollywood movie. But it’s documented fact.

In the early 1940s, a brilliant young scientist named Dr. Eikermann tinkered away in his

Although he didn’t realize it at the time, he was inching closer to discovering something

…a health breakthrough that’s redefining how we see human aging today…

But then, tragedy struck…

World War 2 erupted and bombs blasted half his laboratory into rubble.

The genius scientist didn’t give up. After the war ended, he returned to his research. Alone.
He didn’t have any kind of staff.

But that didn’t stop him from making the discovery of the century…

He found something that FLOODS your body with life-giving energy. Not a stimulant. Not
something that only makes you feel better – even though it does.


This breakthrough – a part of what’s now called S.P.A.R. – turns back time in
your cells

Dr. Eikermann lived to age 95. But you won’t find him in standard history books. He didn’t
win the scientific awards he deserved.

Why? Because he never got S.P.A.R. to work beyond his lab. Plus, in the chaos and carnage
of the war, the significance of his work was forgotten. Perhaps even covered up.

The world almost missed out on this breakthrough…

For decades, it seemed as if mankind would never benefit from his life’s devotion…

Fortunately, a select group of researchers carried the torch.

In 1985, two scientists used part of S.P.A.R. to restore old mouse cells to youth. They even
patented their breakthrough.

Then, scientists in Italy stumbled upon the same secret while studying 100-year-olds. They
were searching to see if these super-healthy people had anything in common…

…and they did.

Finally, after decades of worldwide research, the puzzle was solved.

S.P.A.R. has become a reality for humans.

It stands for Spontaneous Age Reversal…

…and it’s now working in humans. The Institute for Molecular Medicine reported they were
able to restore 90-year-olds to the same health, vibrancy, and energy as 30-year-olds.


90-year-olds… to 30-year-olds.

What’s S.P.A.R.’s secret?

It alters something in the human body called mitochondrial function.

Mitochondrial function is the key
to curing old age

I’ll share the science in a moment. Even though it took a small army of Medical Doctors to
crack the code, you don’t need a PhD to understand how S.P.A.R. works.

In fact, even if you don’t understand this treatment at all… as long as you use it… it’s
impossible to NOT get younger. The bottom-line is…

YOU can reset your age… because of how S.P.A.R. helps reverse aging in your

Perhaps you’ve heard of “mitochondria” before. They’re little parts of your cells. Your body
contains about 37.2 TRILLION (37,200,000,000,000) of them!

Even though mitochondria are tiny, they are absolutely CRUCIAL for your health and energy.

That’s because your mitochondria work inside your cells like teeny-tiny energy generators.

In fact, 95% of all the energy in your body is made by these tiny power plants…

They provide the raw energy for every vital process in your body…

They keep your heart beating…

Your immune system strong…

Your brain humming along…

Your skin tight and healthy…

…and thousands and thousands of other things your body’s doing 24/7 to keep you alive and

In fact, they’re so powerful, some people even call them “God’s Fingerprints”… that’s how
important they are to your good health and longevity.

And because they supply 95% of your body’s energy, you can imagine what a disaster it
would be if your mitochondria were to stop working…

Just think back to the last time the electricity went out in your home!

All of a sudden, the simplest things – that you normally wouldn’t even think about – become
major hassles or even impossible.

Your body works the same way.

When your mitochondria become sluggish

and slow… you get older
This is exactly what happens as the years go by.

Researchers found your mitochondria’s power gets cut in half from the time you’re 38 to 68.

It gets worse…

As a senior, you have only a tiny fraction of the healthy mitochondria compared to when
you were 10 years old.

Ever see how a young child can run around and around the house for hours, laughing and
yelling… while her parents can barely keep up… and you can only watch?

Instead of enjoying the things you love, you feel tired. Fatigued. Run down. Exhausted.

Mitochondria make the difference.

And it’s not just energy. The science is clear…

Harvard researchers now agree:

Failing mitochondria does NOT just

“come with” old age… it causes old age

That’s right, when your mitochondria die… you get older. It’s the actual biological reason

However, it’s not your fault… and today, in 2018, all this is actually good news.


Because of S.P.A.R., it’s now fixable.

Yes, not only preventable but actually reversible.

When you revive your mitochondria… your energy floods back…

Your zest for life…

That “certain something” you had as a fearless, silly, stubborn youngster.

Remember that?

Remember when you ran around, just for fun? Remember when worries and aches and
pains didn’t weigh you down?

Those wild days and nights don’t have to be a fading memory.

Your focus, memory, energy…

Your heart, your blood sugar…

Even your skin and your joints – your knees and lower back… all young again.

With this breakthrough, as the days and weeks

go by, your body and mind reverse their
aging automatically

Just like flipping the circuit breakers in your house:

The lights come on, your refrigerator starts humming again, and you know everything’s going
to be okay.

Of course, getting your mitochondria “flipped on” isn’t nearly as simple as flicking a switch
with your hand. In the past, the medical community didn’t even think it was possible.

But the S.P.A.R. revolution started with Dr. Eikermann’s discovery in his half-destroyed

He found tiny things inside your mitochondria called phospholipids. They’re like the brick
and mortar for mitochondria. They maintain their healthy, young structure and shape.


As time goes on,

phospholipids get worn down

When this happens, the mitochondria "leak."

Think of what happens when a battery's shell gets cracked and you've got the right idea.

When your mitochondria start leaking, they DIE.

Now, your phospholipids break down all the time. When you were young, your body simply
replaced them.

But as you got older, your body fell behind.

Just a little at first. But over the years… it got worse and worse…

If you’ve ever wondered why simple tasks tire you out … even things you could do just a
year ago…

Now you know why.

When your phospholipids break down and aren’t replaced, your mitochondria die, and your
whole body slows down.

Even though scientists discovered the truth about mitochondria, phospholipids, and aging…

…they were still stuck.

They knew the key to eternal youth
was replacing those phospholipids…

…but how?

Very recently, The Institute for Molecular Medicine experimented with a way to replace these

Little did they realize they were bucking the trend of medicine…

…and completely disrupting an entire industry…

It all started with a simple, little experiment.

The scientists who created a new treatment, recruited volunteers to test it out…

Which would soon become known as the first phase of S.P.A.R.

The scientists made sure ALL of the volunteers were older than 60. ALL of them felt tired
and worn down.

They gave the volunteers this special new phospholipid treatment.

They didn’t make any changes in their exercise routine…

They didn’t eat any differently…

…or change their life in any other way.

Within a few weeks, the treatment powered up the volunteers’ mitochondria

How much?

To find out, the scientists did something that was absolutely genius. They also recruited a
healthy 29-year-old…

Then, they compared this 29-year-old’s mitochondria to the older volunteers, after they got
the treatment. And guess what?

Just a few weeks of this special treatment completely restored the 60… 70… and 90-year-
olds’ mitochondria to the same youthful power as the 29-year-old.

Yes… 100% age reversal.

They also felt over 35% less tired and their mood improved a full 37%. I’m not surprised.
Wouldn’t YOU be overjoyed and energized if you felt like a 29-year-old in just a few weeks?

That’s why the doctor in charge of the study reported:

“We’ve taken people that were fatigued, 90 years old plus, we’ve improved [them] to a 30
year old.”

My friend, you’ve got your entire life ahead of you. This study shows it can be full of vim and
vitality… just like when you were younger.

And you feel the changes FAST…

In a follow-up study on their treatment, the Institute found you could get a huge surge of new
energy in as little as 7 days.

Just think about what you could do in just a week, when you properly replace
your phospholipids and power up your mitochondria…

You could feel mentally sharp, like your brain’s just woken up in a whole new way…

You might grab your bike and go for a fun ride around the block…

Sit down and start writing the book you’ve always wanted to…

Or plan a camping trip, get back to tending your garden… anything you want!

One thing’s for sure. With this kind of energy, you’ll figure something out!

Of course, as you learned, replacing your phospholipids isn’t so simple…

You can’t just “take” a bunch of them by food or drink. Your stomach acid will destroy them
before they have a chance to repair your mitochondria.

For decades, scientists were stumped…

…until this group of chemists came up with an idea.

First, they theorized the phospholipids could reach the mitochondria… if they had some

In other words, something to protect the phospholipids from stomach acid…

Second, they worked with a specific kind of phospholipid that’s essential for human energy.

So here’s what the chemists did…

They combined these specific phospholipids with two special compounds.

Basically, these compounds could create a safe passageway for the phospholipids through
your stomach and intestines.

Once they get through, the phospholipids race through your bloodstream, and flood around
your mitochondria.

As soon as this happens, the scientists explain a process called Spontaneous Incorporation
takes place. Basically, this means…

Your mitochondria soak up the fresh,

new phospholipids… and they churn out
life-giving energy like they did years and years ago

Because of this, you can feel half your age.

Actually, science shows the way your body changes go far beyond what you feel…

As you’re about to see, your blood pressure… blood sugar… joint health… heart health…
even your brain health all improve. The S.P.A.R. process is, quite simply, unstoppable.

This is the next stage of medicine and you’re getting first access.

At this point in history, the general population hasn’t heard about this breakthrough. Of
course, that’s because S.P.A.R. is brand-new. Plus, let’s face it:

The mainstream media is controlled by Big Pharma. I’m sure you’ve noticed how every other
ad on TV is for one of their products.

This discovery is light-years

beyond Big Pharma’s domain

Fortunately, I uncovered the cutting-edge research. That’s when I began using S.P.A.R. for
myself and my patients here at my Arizona clinic.

The results have been nothing short of astonishing…

As you heard before, I’m in my mid 60s but I have the energy of a teenager. My son is a 24-
year-old college athlete, but I can still beat him in a footrace. People think I’m years and
years younger than I really am.

Take a moment and consider what it’ll mean for you, when your age begins reversing.

What’s worrying you about your health right now?

How much of a relief is it going to be, when all that fades away?

How much fun are you going to finally have, when you get to enjoy fishing, gardening, a
round of golf… all in one weekend?

As you consider the possibilities, it’s important for you to know…

Replacing phospholipids in your mitochondria

is just Phase 1 of S.P.A.R.

There are 3 phases. And when you properly go through all 3…

You could get BRAND-NEW joints, a young-again memory, you could shred away your
body fat… even erase your wrinkles. More on that in a moment…

But the bottom line is, you can complete all 3 phases by taking a single miraculous pill. It
works so well, I can’t restrict it to my patients anymore…
As a doctor who took the Hippocratic Oath, it is my sworn duty to spread the word about this
new technology.

This is the next generation of medicine and you deserve to know about it.

This pill is called Metaphenol 27™.

Metaphenol 27 is my own private patient formula – using S.P.A.R. technology – for

reversing aging.

Before we go on, I need to be clear. Metaphenol 27 is NOT for everyone.

Even though it’s easy to use – just 3 capsules in the morning – Metaphenol 27 is not like any
pill you’ve taken or heard about.

The pills may look the same as others you’ve taken before… but they’re in a completely
different class.

A whole different category… simply because of what they do to your body.

To be clear, Metaphenol 27 is not a cheap compound to create.

The formula is made up of dozens of complex, cutting-edge scientific nutrients.

Someday, the science that is the foundation behind Metaphenol 27 (and S.P.A.R.) may
become cheap and readily available – but that is decades away.

This is brand-new… and…

Metaphenol 27 is currently the only way to experience the S.P.A.R. miracle for

And to be frank, the S.P.A.R. technology in Metaphenol 27 is a complete age-reversal

system. When you use Metaphenol 27, you don’t need anything else…
It will replace the dozens of supplement pills in your medicine cabinet.

So if you are ready to biologically reverse your age – and perhaps help your family do the
same – then keep watching.

And for reasons I’ll discuss in a moment, Metaphenol 27 is available only through this
presentation. Beware of imposters claiming they possess this combination.

The good news is, you don’t need a prescription for it. But for a long time, the bad news
was… only my patients at my medical center could get this formula.

However, I came up with a way for seniors across America to biologically reverse their aging.
Yes, without flying to my Tucson practice for an appointment with me.

That’s because I’ve decided to release this formula on a limited basis to men and women over
the age of 50, who are ready to use the future of medicine to get younger.

So let’s dive into exactly how it works:

It contains everything you need to complete

all 3 phases of S.P.A.R.

As you know, the first phase is to replace the phospholipids in your mitochondria.

You do this by taking the S.P.A.R. Phase 1 Compound.

It’s a specific kind of glycophospholipid that’s essential for your energy, powering up every
system in your body. It’s protected by United States Patent #8,877,239. (And don’t worry,
there’s no need to memorize all these medical terms.)

Now, that’s Phase 1. And it’s included in my Metaphenol 27 formula.

…but if you want to help reverse your aging at a biological level and stay young, you need
Phase 2.

Here’s how it works…

Your aging mitochondria face another threat, beyond wear and tear to their phospholipids.
They’re also under attack by dangerous things called free radicals.

You can’t see, taste, or hear these free radicals when they surround you…

But you can see their destruction everywhere.

Think of the last time you bit into an apple and put it down. After a while, you saw how the
exposed portion turned brown and mushy.

That’s because, on a microscopic level, the apple was invaded by free radicals. They tore
apart its insides.

When a car’s paint gets scraped, the same thing happens. The metal gets exposed and you
know what happens next – especially if it gets drenched in water.

The metal begins to… rust.

You’ve seen it all the time. On a microscopic level, invisible to the naked eye, the rust is
actually damage from free radicals.

Unfortunately, humans also fall victim to this threat.

We’re constantly attacked

by all kinds of free radicals
They’re in our air, food, drink, indoor spaces…

They attack our skin… our organs…

…and they’re like absolute poison for our mitochondria.

Because of modern pollution, their damage is just getting worse.

For decades, researchers scrambled to find some kind of nutrient that could defeat these free

…but nothing worked.

Sure, some vitamins and “superfoods” can fight against free radicals. You may know them as
“antioxidant-rich foods.”

I’m not bashing them…

…but taking antioxidants and hoping they’ll protect you from the worst free radicals…

…is part of the old way to try to “age gracefully.”

It was the best we could do… until now.

See, these scientists finally realized they were trying to solve the puzzle the wrong way.

So they changed their strategy and studied how young bodies defend themselves against free

They found the answer… and it wasn’t some magic food…

Or fancy exercise…

…and it isn’t just genetics or luck!

It turns out, the most powerful weapon you have against age-causing free radicals… is
already inside your body.

And it has to do with the 2nd Phase of S.P.A.R.

Here’s exactly what they found:

When you were young,

your body gushed out plenty of something
called superoxide dismutase, or SOD

SOD has one job:

Clobber free radicals… so your mitochondria stay protected… so you stay energized,
pain-free, and feeling and looking young.
Unfortunately, your SOD levels plummet as you age. It’s just the way nature goes – unless
science intervenes.

Once researchers discovered this, they chose a new mission: Create something that restores
the SOD you had when you were young.

This wasn’t easy. Unfortunately, you can’t just take SOD as a pill. The closest you could
come, was getting injections…

…until the 2nd phase of S.P.A.R. was discovered.

It’s a compound that commands your SOD levels up. Way up.

Here’s proof of how powerful this compound is:

Scientists recruited volunteers to confirm its age-reversing power

All the volunteers were overweight, with a slow-as-molasses metabolism.

The researchers asked them to eat a “standard” diet – so they couldn’t splurge on a couple
pizzas every day… but they also didn’t need to deprive themselves. The scientists also asked
them to get 30 minutes of physical activity per week.

Yes, just 30 minutes per week. You could probably exercise that much just by parking
farther from the store when you run errands!

Half of the volunteers got a mere placebo. The other half… got a daily dose of the S.P.A.R.
Phase 2 compound – which these scientists developed.

Now, the scientists measured all kinds of things. They wanted to see dramatic results. After
all, if something truly makes you biologically younger, you should see and feel the changes.

What happened after 12 weeks?

For those who got the placebo… not much.

They remained overweight, with all the health worries that come with it.


Those who got the S.P.A.R. Phase 2 compound?

Biologically, it was like they received a whole
new body…

First, their LDL cholesterol improved over 10%...

Their HDL (good) cholesterol even went up 8%.

Down a full 14%. Same with their HbA1c – a crucial marker for blood sugar.

Then there’s inflammation. TIME Magazine, WebMD, and Harvard Medical School have
written about what a dangerous villain it is, when it gets out of balance.

Scientists in Italy even published a report where they dubbed inflammation as inflamm-aging
because of how it prevents you from the young, energized, pain-free body you deserve.

Naturally, the researchers wondered how the Phase 2 compound changed the volunteers’

I hope you’re sitting down…

It improved a full 61%.

But that’s nothing…

The volunteers even lost 15 pounds

That’s right, 15 pounds in just 12 weeks… with just half an hour of physical activity per

And it was pure fat. Straight from their belly – which shrank like magic.

Perhaps most astounding of all, was how they felt.

Remember the last time you tried to lose some extra weight? If you’re like millions of other
Americans over the age of 50, you got hit with a wave of exhaustion. You didn’t get any
results… and you gave up.

And why wouldn’t you? Who wants to turn their life upside-down with exercises and diets
that don’t even work?

These volunteers had a different experience…

They felt 359% more energy… practically bouncing off the walls!

It wasn’t just some jittery energy either. They felt wonderful…

The scientists even measured how much better they felt with a survey.

The volunteers said they felt 432% better than before getting this compound

Take a moment and imagine…

You sign up for a cutting-edge experiment… take a simple pill for 12 weeks… and you feel so

…you tell the researchers you feel over four times better than when you started.
Not to mention this treatment shrinks your belly. And blasts your energy through the roof.

Seems a little crazy, right?

Especially when the scientists report your triglycerides and HbA1c have dropped too…

…and your cholesterol’s better than ever.

You might ask, “What the heck is going on?”

Well here’s the thing…

See, the researchers who created this amazing compound took another measurement at the
end of those 12 weeks…

Remember earlier, when you learned about free radicals? And how your body fights them by
making SOD?

I think you know where I’m going with this…

The scientists measured the volunteers’ SOD, as well.

They ended up with levels 30% higher.

It’s true –
Their bodies were pulsating with 30% more of the chemical your body makes

…no wonder they were getting younger!

What kind of a rush of excitement will you feel when all your checkup numbers come back
spic-and-span? Especially when you’re already feeling the surge of new energy.

30% higher SOD…for better cholesterol, blood sugar, triglycerides…lower belly fat and an
incredible increase in energy…

Because of these amazing results, I made sure to include the S.P.A.R. Phase 2 Compound in
my Metaphenol 27 formula.

Before we move on, I need to give a little warning…

I’ll go into more detail in a bit, but let me caution you upfront:

When your body goes through the changes that S.P.A.R. delivers… things might get a little
awkward between you and your friends.

After all, if your buddies – or at least the folk you see at the club or church – all complain
about how tired they are, or how worried they are about their health… it’s going to be strange
when they see you getting younger.

Even as a doctor… I’ve had to deal with this. There’s simply no way I can relate to my baby
boomer-aged colleagues. At least, those who don’t take advantage of S.P.A.R.

With that said, let’s finish the breakdown of how S.P.A.R. works.

We’ve covered the first 2 Phases of reversing your biological age.

First, you flood your mitochondria with new phospholipids, so they stay solid and churn out
maximum life-giving energy…

…then raise your SOD levels to protect your mitochondria from dangerous free radical

At this point,
you’re ready for Phase 3 – the final phase

It’s time to flip a specific switch in your body…

The switch that commands your body to build more and more mitochondria.

Earlier, you learned you lose mitochondria as you age. The average 80-year-old is practically
drained, compared to a 5-year-old. Practically wasted away.

But thanks to Nobel Prize-winning research, it’s now possible to grow them back.
Here’s the secret:

Inside your body is a molecule called nitric oxide. It’s so powerful, the medical journal
Science named nitric oxide Molecule of the Year.

Nitric oxide does many things. First, it signals your blood to flow like an oxygen-rich, life-
giving river everywhere in your body.

Without nitric oxide, your blood vessels constrict. The flow slows down.

This is bad enough. But here’s another important aspect of nitric oxide:

It controls your body’s creation of mitochondria.

When you have plenty of nitric oxide, your body makes plenty of
mitochondria, giving you constant energy and radiant health

But when your nitric oxide levels go down, your body shuts down mitochondria production.

When your old mitochondria get worn out… it’s a horrible train wreck. Think of how much
more tired you’ve gotten in the last few years…

Now here’s the thing:

When you were young, your body gushed out nitric oxide like a firehose.

But that changes as you age…

Unfortunately, from the time you’re a fit, healthy 20-year-old to a 70-year-old… your nitric
oxide levels plummet 75%… from a raging river to a sad trickle.

From a medical standpoint, it’s no wonder your mitochondria shrivel and die:
It’s easy to see the correlation here.

Here’s the good news:

When you ramp your nitric oxide levels back up… your body generates fresh, new

It’s just like switching all the factory equipment back ON.


With a supply of phospholipids and protection from free radicals, your

mitochondria will be
like brand-new

Scientifically-speaking, they will be brand-new.

When this happens, you’ll complete all 3 S.P.A.R. phases of reversing your biological age.

Now, as you’ve learned with the other molecules that keep you young, nitric oxide isn’t
something you can “take.”

Even though the founder of the Nobel Prize himself, Alfred Nobel, understood the power of
nitric oxide… medical science had no idea how to raise your levels.

However, 20 years after Dr. Eikermann made his breakthrough, another German scientist
solved this piece of the puzzle.

He found that... even if you can’t “take” nitric oxide… you CAN trigger your body to release


This scientist discovered a compound that… once you ingest it… commands
your body to gush out nitric oxide like you were 20-years-old again!

You simply need it in the proper form and the proper amount.

It’s certainly not cheap. But the peer-reviewed clinical evidence of its ability to reset your
biological age… is astonishing.

First, it helps enhance blood flow. Because of this, you’ll get perfect blood pressure in 12

French and German researchers found it helps make your vision clearer, as well.

Next, it helps reverse aging in your joints. Here’s proof:

156 men and women suffering from overworked, painful joints, were given either this
compound or a placebo for 12 weeks.

As expected, the group taking the placebo didn’t feel much of any relief.
But for the other group, within mere weeks…

Their stiff joints felt twice as loose and relaxed…

Their pain dropped in half – actually, more than half – a full 56%...

As a bonus, even their digestive health and how they felt overall improved over 60%.

Life with their younger body was truly better

But this isn’t about just a younger body…

…what about your brain? Let’s take a quick look at that, before revealing how YOU can take
advantage of this 3-phase protocol.

Australian scientists discovered your mitochondria are crucial for a young mind too.

Here’s a fact which should have made front-page news:

Scientists at the Emory University School of Medicine discovered that as you age, important
parts of your mitochondria get “deleted” in your brain!

It’s true…

They disappear from your brain just like when a computer crashes.

But a recent study on this compound is giving American seniors hope… and changing how
science sees our own brains…

Volunteers up to 70-years-old, were recruited to take this compound for a full year. Others got
a placebo.

After a year, those who got the placebo were not fortunate. Some suffered from…

Less focus…

Worse mental performance…

A tougher time making decisions…

…and a weaker memory (tested almost 10% worse – yikes!) …

No wonder their mood also went down. It’s no fun realizing your sharpest, most vibrant
days are behind you…

As depressing as this may seem – it is the fate of most people, after all…

…there is a better way.

Thanks to new science,
you don’t have to accept getting old

Not even your brain power. See for yourself…

The group who took this compound for a year enjoyed…

33% BETTER mental performance…

37% STRONGER memory…

41% SHARPER focus…

A whopping 72% greater decision-making ability…

…and, of course, their mood improved over 55%. Wouldn’t yours?

Imagine you make one simple change and then… one year from today… scientific tests
confirm you’re smarter, you have better focus, and you possess a superior memory.

I’m sure that’d give your mood a boost…

Especially when you’re already solving crossword puzzles with ease, becoming a star trivia
player… and even finally working on writing that book…

…and I don’t blame you if you’d like to discover your true potential for yourself.

Now you can, with this S.P.A.R. Phase 3 Compound. It’s the final part of my Metaphenol
27 formula.

To be frank, I’m amazed this kind of formula is available in 2018.

I predicted it would be another 10-20 years before age-reversing science
reached this stage

But I’m glad to admit I was wrong. And in just a moment, you’ll have your opportunity to try
the whole thing.

First, there’s something else you might be wondering…

We’ve already covered how the 3-Phase age-reversing S.P.A.R. breakthrough could…

Improve your blood pressure better than exercise…

Lower your triglycerides more than cutting fat out of your diet…

Give you perfect blood sugar…

Boost your decision-making brain power 72%...

Make you feel 359% more energized…

…and even make you feel 432% better head to toe…

…all starting in as little as 7 days.

It could even melt 15 pounds of fat from your body – especially your belly – in just 12 weeks.

I understand that, even if you want to reverse your age… not everyone is interested in looking
younger. Maybe you don’t want extra attention, especially from younger members of the
opposite sex.

With that said, let me briefly cover how S.P.A.R. will tighten and smooth your skin.

Because scientists have already completed the clinical tests.

In one, they recruited women up to 68-years-old and gave them 12 weeks of this Phase 3

The scientists measured how their skin improved. But they also went deeper…

They wanted to see if the Phase 3 Compound reverses your skin’s age at the
genetic level

What they discovered is changing what we know about biology…

First, because this compound raises levels of something called hyaluronic acid. Plastic
surgeons use hyaluronic acid to make your skin – especially your lips – look young.

It works only if you inject it or…

…if your levels are naturally high.

And guess what? This compound is the only substance shown to make your body naturally
produce hyaluronic acid.

That’s not all…

When you take a tiny dose of the Phase 3 Compound, it powers up your COL1A1 and
COL1A2 genes 29% and 41%.

Now, to a skin scientist, this is amazing.

Because these genes control how much collagen your body makes. You’ve probably read
about collagen in the magazines or heard about it on daytime news.

Here’s all you need to know about collagen:

Look at the difference between the woman on the left and the right. Same eyes, same

…but you can instantly tell which woman is vibrant and young… and which is near the end
of her life.

You see the difference between her smooth skin… and her wrinkles. The tightness… and the
sagging and bagging. But here’s what nobody sees with their naked eye…

ALL these differences come down to only one thing. And it’s hidden beneath your skin’s

…your collagen.
Your body uses collagen like a delicate fabric.

This fabric holds your skin up and keeps it in place.

In other words,

This collagen fabric keeps… your skin tight, smooth, lifted, and looking young

As you age, your collagen dries up and breaks down. As a result, your skin gets treated like an
old shirt with a stretched-out neckline.

But unlike a shirt, your skin can regenerate… if… you know the secret how.

See for yourself:

Okay, let’s take another look at the women who took this compound for 12 weeks…

You already know their skin genetics changed – literally getting younger.

So it’s no surprise their skin got tighter, smoother… more hydrated… and their wrinkles

Without any trip to a spa or clinic.

Instead, their skin got transformed from the inside out. Their skin got younger.

Like I said, not everyone’s interested in extra attention. So consider yourself warned…

…because that’s simply how all three phases of S.P.A.R. work inside your body.

Younger skin is an unstoppable side-effect.

Now, it’s just about time for you to discover how much S.P.A.R. reverses your
biological aging…

There’s one last thing you need to know… and it’s “adults only.” My apologies in advance if
you’re easily offended.

As you learned, the Phase 3 Compound works by raising nitric oxide levels, which improves
your blood flow.

Now imagine what happens to a certain part of your body when this blood flow trickle
transforms into a strong raging river.

You don’t have to guess, because Bulgarian researchers found out. They designed a unique
experiment where they gave male volunteers something called l-arginine. This is a simple
amino acid – anyone can get it by eating a piece of steak or a hamburger.

After a month of huge doses of l-arginine, only a measly 5% of the men experienced
improvements to their erections. Nothing worth planning a romantic evening around.

Then the researchers added a little bit of the S.P.A.R. Phase 3 Compound – less than what I

…and a whopping 80% of the men sprang to life.

When they received 120 mg of it, over 92% of them sported rock-hard erections like they
were teenagers again.

Whether you’re interested in adding heat to your sex life or not, it’s fun to know you could get
this side-benefit from this formula.

After all,

When your blood flow improves, and your mitochondria get younger… every
part of your mind and body must get younger

The process is simply unstoppable.

That’s how the final phase in S.P.A.R.’s age-reversal works.

Here’s the great news…

Even though these compounds are not cheap to create, I managed to get my hands on ALL 3
to complete the Metaphenol 27 S.P.A.R. formula.

Okay, we’ve covered a lot here today, so I’ll recap:

After decades of research, scientists have finally cracked the code on reversing your
biological age.
It’s the next step in medicine,
and you’re first in line to try it

Finally, you don’t have to worry about embarrassing “senior moments.” You don’t have to
live another moment with aching joints ruining the things you used to love. You don’t have to
fear slowing down.

Instead, you can enjoy the best years of your life now and for decades to come. You get to
feel like your life’s just beginning. The party’s getting started and you can finally join in…

The scientific secret comes down to your mitochondria. When they stay strong, protected, and
keep growing… you remain biologically young.

By using the compounds that make this 3-Phase S.P.A.R. formula, real people have

Better blood sugar…

Perfect blood pressure…

Smoother skin…

Joints that go from overworked to brand-new and pain-free…

72% boosted decision-making Brain power...

Feeling 359% more energy…

…and they feel 432% better.

The age-reversal starts in as little as 7 days.

Now it’s decision-time.

This groundbreaking formula is completely unique… and not available anywhere else.

It took me over 30 years of practicing medicine before I was able to assemble

all the pieces
of S.P.A.R....

But now, this new technology is finally ready.

Are you sick of how much your joints ache?

Do you want to feel smarter, more focused, and enjoy a better memory as time goes on?

Do you want to feel confident about your heart health?

And never drag through the afternoon because you’re so tired?

How would you like people to think you’re 10… 20… 30 years younger than
you really are?

Is this something you’re satisfied just fantasizing about… or do you want it to come true for

Are you ready to step aboard this train, before it leaves the station?

The fact is, you can’t un-know what you learned today.

Now, you’re standing at a crossroads. You have only 2 choices.

1. You can do nothing. You can accept that your mitochondria are breaking down,
causing your fatigue and making you older by the day.
2. Or… you can get your hands on the 3-Phase Metaphenol 27 breakthrough… and use
the S.P.A.R. process to help give your mitochondria exactly what they need to become
biologically younger.

I hope the choice for you is clear. However, if you delay, there’s no guarantee you’ll even be
able to get a supply.

Again, Metaphenol 27 is not cheap. A breakthrough of this caliber never is. And it includes
dozens of cutting-edge scientific ingredients taken daily in 3 small pills.

There’s nothing else like Metaphenol 27 out there

For the first time, science has come together, and these three compounds can join forces for
all 3 phases of S.P.A.R. so you become young again.

If you’re concerned about the investment to reverse your biological age, consider this:
Metaphenol 27 is still more affordable than “standard treatments” that merely hide your

If you get some “work done” for your skin, you’re looking at $15,000. And you’re still not
getting the life-giving energy or mental focus you can with Metaphenol 27.

If you hire a personal trainer for just 2 sessions per week, you might end up spending $960.
Every single month.

Yet you can get Metaphenol 27 for just a fraction of all the prices you’ve just heard. For a
short period of time, I’m going to give you the same access and pricing I give my patients
here in my Tucson, Arizona clinic.

With the help of a temporary rebate offer, we’ve broken things down so your age-reversing
investment is less than purchasing a daily fancy coffee. Here’s how:

A one-month supply of Metaphenol 27 normally retails for $399. It’s the bargain of a
lifetime… but that’s not what you have to invest on this page’s special offer.

First, as part of my initial release of Metaphenol 27, you’ll get $200 off, as an instant rebate.
That’s just $199 for a full 1-month supply.

Plus, if you chose a 3 or 6 bottle option, you save up to an additional 45% off the normal
retail price.

Whatever option you’ll choose, as long as you reserve your supply from this page, you’ll see
the $200 rebate has already been applied.

I understand if this is a bit of a stretch for some. But consider – what is restoring your young
body and mind worth to you? You can’t find a formula of this caliber on the discount shelves.
S.P.A.R. is the future of medicine. We’re lucky to even have access to something like this,


Metaphenol 27 holds the power to replace every pill you’re taking now… and
save you hundreds or thousands on your medical bills

And not only that, in a moment from now I’ll explain how you can try Metaphenol 27 with
ZERO risk. More details on that shortly…

With Metaphenol 27, your body will become biologically younger from the inside out.

Imagine a retirement where you enjoy decade after decade of excitement and adventure…

…where doctor’s appointments and trips to the pharmacy are the last thing you’re concerned

This can be your future, as long as you have the 3-phase S.P.A.R. formula your
mitochondria are starving for.
With that said, here’s the complete breakdown of what you’ll receive in this groundbreaking
3-phase solution:

You get 2,600 mg of United States Patented S.P.A.R. Phase 1 Compound – the NT Factor
glycophospholipid to supply your mitochondria with strengthening phospholipids…

900 mg of S.P.A.R. Phase 2 Compound – which is called FIIT-Metabolic – to protect your

mitochondria against the dangerous, destructive free radicals that cause your aches and
pains and make you older…

…and 100 mg of our S.P.A.R. Phase 3 Compound – called pycnogenol – which is patented
and will trigger your body to make more mitochondria…

…which helps give you a better memory, more focus, smoother skin, sharper vision, and a
healthier heart.

I worked with my team at Solaire Nutraceuticals to carefully combine this complete 3-phase
S.P.A.R. formula into a single, convenient capsule.

Now, with Metaphenol 27’s unrivaled 3-phase S.P.A.R. formula…

You’ll enjoy a younger, stronger mind and body for decades to come

But there is one thing…

The only way to get my exclusive formula is right here, right now.

Please understand, this biological age-reversing combination doesn’t exist anywhere else.

Before I decided to release this formula, your only chance to get it was if you were a patient
at my Arizona clinic.

Today, however, for the first time… you can get it delivered straight to your door.
As you’ve learned, S.P.A.R. is the next leap forward in medicinal technology. It addresses
every single concern you have about your health today… by biologically reversing your age.

It’s completely unique and unrivaled.

Because it helps reverse your age by revitalizing your mitochondria, you feel
the benefits all
over your body

It’s better for your blood pressure than exercise…

Lowers triglycerides without changing your diet…

Gives you better blood sugar…

Boosts your decision-making brain power 72%...

Makes you feel 359% more energized…

…and even makes you feel 432% better.

It’s verified by science and your body begins transforming in as little as 7 days.

That’s how my breakthrough 3-phase S.P.A.R. Metaphenol 27 formula works.

And it will work for you.

Yes, even if you’ve tried remedies in the past but you never felt a difference. This is
completely different and new.

Like all my Solaire Nutraceutical formulas, Metaphenol 27 is created in a certified facility

right here in the United States. And it’s also non-GMO.

Metaphenol 27 is absolutely top-notch, with the perfect levels of these rare

S.P.A.R. compounds to ensure you reverse your biological age…

In addition, taking Metaphenol 27 is easy – just 3 tiny capsules with breakfast.

When the formula enters your system, you’ll flood your mitochondria with EXACTLY what
they need to reverse your aging. It will happen just as you’ve learned about in this

It’s the exact formula your body is begging for… so you can stop feeling tired, aching, or
old… and enjoy your young life again.

Now that you’ve been presented with your choice, it’s time for you to make the right
You can continue along the same path you’re on now. You already know how exhausted you
are. How much you hurt. You know where this path is going to lead.

Unless you use S.P.A.R. to reverse the aging in your mitochondria, you’re just going to feel
more pain. Your vision will get worse. So will your blood pressure, blood sugar, fatigue, and
brain fog.

Consider the path your parents took. They didn’t have the opportunity you have now.

Instead of denying yourself, make the decision to test out Metaphenol 27.

For a small investment, you get to feel young again…

…like you’ve returned to your 30s… with energy, strength, and a younger look.

How would it feel to fly through your day with the confidence you enjoyed back then?

With Metaphenol 27, you won’t have to worry about slowing down and
missing out on life…

You won’t have to “take things easy” or stop doing the fun things you love…

…and you won’t have to feel old, stressed and worried!

Once you start using the technology in Metaphenol 27…

The phospholipids will race to your mitochondria to strengthen them…

Your mitochondria will be protected from free radicals…

…and your body will get the signal to release a flood of brand new mitochondria, pumping
them to teenage levels.

And very soon, you’ll get what I like to call

“the best doctor’s appointment of your life”

It’s when you stride into the doctor’s office and, while he runs some tests…

You admit your knees, lower back, and knuckles feel brand-new because your joint pain is

Just for fun, you might ask your doctor about something he mentioned the year before, just to
see if he notices your sharper memory…

He looks at you with wide eyes and says, “Yeah he’s doing great… wow your memory’s
sharp as a tack! Plus, you’re looking trimmer – you must be getting plenty of activity these
You shrug your shoulders, wondering how to explain you’re now biologically younger than
your last visit.

Then he wraps a cuff around your arm, reads your blood pressure… gives you the thumbs up
and says…

“You’re the picture of health! Heck I’m a little jealous of your blood pressure numbers. And
based on your trimmer tummy, I’m betting your HbA1c results will be just as impressive.”

Finally, he shakes his head and admits your stress must be down because you even look
younger. Of course, you know it’s S.P.A.R.’s 3rd Phase, turning back time in your skin.

As you wrap up your appointment with zero bad news, you realize this is your new life with
“young again” cells. All thanks to S.P.A.R. and Metaphenol 27.

And it’s certainly a nice bonus, when you add up how much money you could save, with your
newfound youthful health.

Instead, you’re enjoying your life again, like you’ve always been meaning to. Without
thinking about your health.

You have the energy for hiking, fishing, working in your garden…

Going on vacations you’ve been putting off, or even projects around the house…

Don’t be surprised if a few friends give you a double-take, wondering what’s gotten into you.

Actually, that brings up a warning I tell my patients, and I’m only half-joking:

When the biological reversal of aging begins, you might find a little friction develop between
you and your friends. After all, it’ll be tough for them to keep up with someone who’s looking
younger and feeling 3X as energized.
They won’t know the reason why, but you will.

It’ll be important for you to keep in mind…

Everyone else may be getting older… but you’re loving life… like a young
person again

But you don’t have to take my word for it. You don’t even need to trust the confirmed science
about S.P.A.R.

I’m so confident this formula is going to reverse your biological age, I want you to try
Metaphenol 27 with ZERO risk.

That’s right… you have an unlimited guarantee when you try Metaphenol 27 today.

Here’s how it works…

Reserve your own supply of Metaphenol 27 today.

Then, when it arrives in a week or so, open it immediately.

Follow the instructions and start taking Metaphenol 27 daily.

Then… do absolutely nothing else. That’s right…

You don’t have to change your routine, or stop doing the activities you love, or avoid your
favorite foods. No exhausting yourself with exercise.

Just take Metaphenol 27 every day

and let S.P.A.R. get to work
In as little as 7 days, you’ll notice your energy rocketing up. Way up.

As the weeks go by, you’ll start getting up every morning and wonder, “Where’d my pain
go?” Because joints will feel smooth, strong, and pain-free.

Your focus will sharpen, like a super computer, and you’ll remember everything you need.

Plus, every time you’re near a mirror, you’ll get a fun reminder of how much younger you

If for any reason, you aren’t 100% satisfied with your age-reversal, simply give us a call or
send us an email and we’ll give you back every penny, no questions asked.

Let me repeat that… for any reason at all, simply request a refund and we’ll be happy to

And your guarantee NEVER expires.

You can request a refund any time in the future — it could be 6 months from now… a year…
there is no limit or expiration.

This way,

There’s no pressure… and no risk…

when you try Metaphenol 27 today

That’s how I run things at my clinic and I’m extending that courtesy to you.

In a few moments, you’ll have the opportunity to reserve your supply.

When the button appears below, click on it with your mouse and fill out your shipping
information on the next page.

If you do so today, you’ll notice your $200 rebate already applied.

Once you complete your reservation, we’ll begin packing your shipment of Metaphenol 27
and we’ll rush it your way.

Just a few short days from now, you’ll receive a plain, brown box from USPS.

The return address will simply say “Solaire Nutraceuticals.” Don’t worry – we keep things

Carefully packed inside will be your initial supply of Metaphenol 27.

I recommend you immediately bring your Metaphenol 27 supply into your kitchen, open it

…and take your first three capsules with water or the beverage of your choice.
Don’t make any other changes to your life…

…because you won’t have to.

Day by day, S.P.A.R. will make your mitochondria biologically younger

The benefits will happen on their own…

If you’re ready for new technology to help give you better blood pressure, lower triglycerides,
and better blood sugar…

BRAND-NEW joints…

72% more decision-making BRAIN POWER…

Feel 359% more ENERGY…

…and make you flat-out feel 432% better…

…starting in as little as 7 days…

…then go ahead and click the button below now.

It will take you to our secure reservation page, where you can select your supply of
Metaphenol 27.

Do click the button now. I’ll see you on the other side…

For Metaphenol 27 and Solaire Nutraceuticals, I’m Dr. Richard Gerhauser.

Click the “Add to Cart” button below to get your risk-free supply of Metaphenol 27 now.

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