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Law of Sowing and Reaping Is Secret of Wealth

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The Five Laws of Sowing and Reaping :

Important Principles to Guide Life
1. Sowing is a Choice. The farmer chooses his crop. It is intentional and the farmer expects to reap from his efforts. 2. The farmer knows his crop. Sowing is an investment, so the farmer is careful. He is equipped to sow and reap in accordance with the nature of his crop. He has the land, has the right equipment, understands the calendar, knows the cultivation schedule, and knows the water and nutrients necessary for the crop to yield its intended result. If he is careless, if his stewardship falters, he stands to lose everything. 3. You reap what you sow. Simple enough, you wont get bananas if you plant wheat, no matter how hard you wish for them. 4. You reap much more than you sow. One single seed yields hundreds to thousands of its kind. 5. You reap in a different season than you sow. Millet crops in Butaleja are sown in January or February for harvest in June. Plants dont germinate overnight and consequences are often delayed. From the early days of creation, God set laws in effect that govern life on earth, regulating our choices and actions. It is called CAUSE and EFFECT. There are consequences to everything; a sovereign God has declared it to be so. In our youth we tend to make choices without considering the consequences. Sometimes this sets a life-long pattern and we live our lives as if there are no consequences. The deception is in thinking that there are no consequences when, in fact, they are just delayed. It is not until our later years that the truths inherent in laws 3-5 come home to roost and we discover just how true they are. Carelessness with decisions abounds in our culture today with little thought of the future. Today is all that matters. We are all paying a price for this disregard; God will not be mocked. These laws grant us insight into the future by enabling us to consider what kind of consequences we can expect from our actions. It is then a matter of faith to believe God for what He has promised. How many of us are willing to wait on God for His timing and His provision?

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There is great hope in knowing how things work. God has not hidden it from us. He has revealed it. It is seen in nature, in physics, in our relationships with other people, and in the Word of God. The only question is whether we are looking for it or blinded by the pursuit of our own desires. This hope is found in Galatians 6:8 and in law 1. We have a choice. The bad news is that we will surely reap corruption if we sow to the flesh (if we want our own way). The good news is that we will reap eternal life, Gods presence and the hope of His Glory as we sow unto righteousness (Gods way). The choice is ours. Those of us among the household of faith, the believers in Christ, those who are called by His name, would all do well to ask ourselves this most basic question as we stand at the door of decision: Do I want Gods blessing? Our choices often tell the world how much of God we really want in our lives. These laws should sober us and at the same time give those who choose righteousness great cause for rejoicing. Its never too late to begin doing the right things, to begin a legacy of righteousness that will impact generations to come. As children of God it is our heritage and ours to choose.

Understanding the Law of Sowing and Reaping

Other than having wealth consciousness, what is the reason why some people prosper more than others? The answer is one word: Sowing The real secret is this, it is not just sowing anywhere, but it is sowing specifically into the Kingdom of God. Matthew 19:29 Jesus said Every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for MY NAMES SAKE, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. Whatever you give for the sake of Jesus, and for the Gospel, you will receive a multiplied return. It is because you are helping further the work of the Lord God in this world. Of course, you might say that the universal law of giving and receiving would mean that you could give to anywhere and receive a return. But this is DIFFERENT. Jesus himself said whatever you give for His Names Sake. It has a much greater effect when you give specifically to places that minister the Gospel of salvation. Whether you are a believer in Jesus Christ or not, you can sow into His Kingdom and be blessed. The LORD said Them that honour me I will honour. 1 Samuel 2:30 Wherefore the LORD God of Israel saith, I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever: but now the LORD saith, Be

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it far from me; for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed. Once you have sown, expect to receive a harvest . If you practice Gods Law of Sowing and Reaping by sowing and expecting to reap a harvest, and then sowing out of that harvest and reaping from it, and sowing again, etc, you will experience a life of more and more abundance! The act of sowing and the EXPECTATION of receiving a harvest is the important thing. You must sow and you must mentally reap, in order to reap. The tithe is one tenth of all your increase. Give a tenth of your income this month to a spiritual cause with a consciousness of receiving much more, and see what happens. Malachi 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. If you have been giving your tithe, then give an offering beyond that and see what happens. 2 Corinthians 9:6 He who sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully. There are TWO Criteria to determine the PLACE or the PERSON you sow into. 1. The first criterion is internal: You must sow where God inspires you to sow, meaning you would have an inner feeling of wanting to sow to this place or this person. 2. The second criterion is external: You must sow into GOOD GROUND. Good ground is a place that vibrates positive energies of love, joy, peace and spiritual inspiration and fulfillment. Good Ground is a place that is already fruitful with the signs of abundance and contributing to the good of others and itself. If you can see that place or that person in a position where good things are working in that area, then sow into that abundance and you will receive from that same abundance that place or person is having. So to sum it up: 1. Give to God which is sowing into His Kingdom for His Names Sake and for the Gospels Sake. 2. Give especially to places and people that are Good Ground where the fruits of abundance and greater good are showing. 3. Give one tenth of your income as the tithe, give beyond the tithe as an offering.

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4. Get into reaping mode and expect a harvest of multiplied return to come your way. Why is it good to sow more than 10 percent of your income? It is because some of the financial increase that comes into your life may not be in the form of money, but in other things such as receiving a car, house, jewelry or some other asset as a gift from someone else. When you convert those things into money later on, you could also tithe on that money. But if you already tithe on it beforehand, then that giving becomes an offering instead of a tithe. Either way, it is always better to sow more than 10 percent; 20 percent would be a good figure; and also to even give on top of that. Try the combination of tithing 10 percent for tangible monetary increase, giving another 10 percent for intangible monetary increase, and giving another 10 percent as an offering or seeding. That makes a total combination of 30 percent of your income. Also only give when you have the faith or can feel good with the amount you are giving. You can increase the percentage as you become more able. Sowing and Reaping is the reason why many people prosper greatly in this world, even though they might give you many other reasons for their wealth. UNDERLYING it all, it is their sowing, whether they mention it or not.

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