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Divine Strength For All Battles in Life.

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John 16: 33; Job 14: 1; Genesis 47: 9; Romans 8: 22-23
The world is a battle ground for all inhabitants of it whether they are believers or
unbelievers. Life is characterized by daily conflict. There is no running away from
it. The reason is because the devil is in the world. The devil is a trouble maker and
will, therefore, make trouble for people in the world (Isaiah 14: 5, 6, 12, 16-17;
Revelation 12:12; Job 1:1-3, 9-19; 2: 4-7). For the believer, there is the assurance
of victory through Christ Jesus (Romans 8: 37). The believer in Christ, particularly
the believer who knows who he is, never gets drowned in the ocean of life’s
vicissitudes because he knows his God, has His promises, and draws his strength
from Him (Daniel 11: 32b; Isaiah 40: 28-31). The first step towards victory is to
address yourself to the reality of a battle to fight (Ephesians 6: 11-13; Matthew
11: 12). You must take a decision to face it, and not run away from it. The undoing
of many is presuming that there is no battle to fight, or accepting that there is a
battle to fight but deciding to either avoid or run away from it. God has no promise
for those who avoid or run away from the battle. There is no armour for the back
in Ephesians Chapter Six. Running away from the battle then, means making
oneself vulnerable. His promise of victory is for those who will face the battle of life
(Isaiah 43: 1-2; Daniel 3: 14-28). We cannot fight life’s battles in our own
strength. Our strength for victory comes from the Lord, whom we must submit
ourselves and battles to in prayer and faith, and declare with Paul “I can do all
things through Christ which strengtheneth me”, because, “...the life which I
now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and
gave himself for me” (Philippians 4:13; Galatians 2: 20)


Romans 8: 35-39;

Life’s battles manifest in the many conditions, occasions, and experiences which
challenge our happiness on earth. Their original cause is man’s fall which ushered
in hard labour, pain, sorrow, sickness, and death (Genesis 3: 11-23). Sin,
therefore, is the root cause of man’s life’s battles. The conditions that constitute
life’s battles are usually held as weapons by the devil and his cohorts (demonic
forces and wicked men) to torment all men; and to particularly weaken believers
and rob them of their faith. On the other hand, happily, life’s battles are
instruments in God’s hands for the perfection of believers.

Life’s battles come in form:

(i) Sudden or long-standing illness/ill health in one’s life or in the life of a loved
one; (ii) Actual death of a loved one (2 Kings 4: 14-20); (iii)Poverty, lack, want (1
Chronicles 4: 10); (iv) Loss of something precious (job, missing child, missing
parent, missing car, lost opportunities, etc.) (Genesis 37: 23, 24, 28, 31-36);
(v)Delay and hindrances in life orchestrated by the devil, demons, or wicked men (I
Thessalonians 2: 18, Romans 15:22; Daniel 10: 11-14, 20; Zechariah 3: 1-4);
(vi) Barrenness/childlessness (Genesis 15: 2; 1 Samuel 1: 2, 5-7; Luke 1: 5-7);
(vii) Debt (2 Kings 4: 1-7); (viii)Circumstances, real or feared, which threaten the
achievement of life goals; (ix) Business failure and other failures in life; (x)Denial of
right, privileges, merited accruements and benefits; (xi) Family problems (wayward
children, frosty relationship between couples, demands of raising children); (xii)The
threats of an avowed enemy; (xiii) bad/sinful habit; (xiv) Persecution; (xv) Dwindling
ministry; (xvi) Chastisement/discipline from God (Jonah 1: 1-17). The list is
endless. We face these battles constantly in life. The question, therefore, is not
whether there is a battle to fight, but how to fight it. The Bible is replete with
strategies to effectively engage these lifes’s battles. And we are sure to win if we
adopt God’s strategies. Among the strategies are prayer and faith.


Ephesians 6: 10-13, 18; James 5: 13, 15-18; Jeremiah 33:3; 1Timothy 2:8;
Matthew 7:7-11

Prayer is God’s most precious provision to man after His son Jesus Christ. Prayer
places the believer on a pedestal of limitless opportunities and possibilities. Any
battle conceivable and even inconceivable (whether it be physical, spiritual,
psychological, social, etc.) has been and can be resoundingly won by the force of
prayer. Prayer is the greatest weapon ever in existence in human history. There are
innumerable numbers of cases, personal and public, in the Scripture where prayer
was effectively engaged to overcome life’s battles.

Abraham secured the deliverance of Lot from the fire of God’s judgments in Sodom
through prayer (Genesis...). Through prayer Moses released God’s judgments’ upon
Egypt and thereby secured Israel’s release from the Egyptian bondage. Through
prayer the Red Sea was divided to allow the children Israel escape the Egyptian
bondage for good. Through prayer Moses secured God’s provisions for them in the
wilderness, and also secured His pardon and prevented God from destroying them
when they sinned against Him in the wilderness (Exodus...). Through prayer
Joshua stopped the sun from going down until the children of Israel had won total
victory over their enemies (Joshua...). Through prayer Samuel secured victory for
Israel over the superior Philistines’ military without shooting a single arrow
(1Samuel...) Through prayer Jacob secured help from God and was delivered from
the wrath of his offended brother, Esau (Genesis...). Through prayer Isaac secured
God’s favour for his barren wife, who as a result became the mother of twins
(Genesis...) Through prayer Rebecca herself received help from God to go through
a painful/boisterous pregnancy session (Genesis...). Through prayer Hannah
overcame the daunting problem of barrenness (1Samuel...). Through prayer David,
on several occasions, received intelligence from God on how to hedge in and
conquer his enemies (2 Samuel...). Through prayer Jabez overcame the distressful
force of set-backs in life and became honourable and prosperous (2 Kings...).
Through prayer Daniel received the revelation of Nebuchadnezzar’s forgotten dream
from God and so saved his life and those of his friends (Daniel...). The story is the
same throughout the New Testament. Through prayer the Lord Jesus was able to
choose the right workers for His earthly ministry (...). Through prayer He received
strength from God through an angel to face the odious task of going the Calvary
road to the cross for mankind’s redemption (...). Through prayer He had strength
to face and overcome each day’s challenges during His earthly ministry (...).
Through prayer the hitherto timid and weak disciples received the power of the Holy
Ghost which transformed their lives and ushered them into all time glorious
ministry with great number of souls regularly ushered into the kingdom (Acts...).
Through prayer Peter was delivered from the prison and therefore from imminent
martyrdom in the hands of Herod (Acts...). Through prayer Paul and Silas were also
delivered from the jail (Acts...)

What, then, are the praying strategies that win over life’s battles?
(i) The prayer that wins is the prayer of the righteous. Therefore, settle the sin
problem first (James 5: 16b; Psalm 66: 18; Isaiah 59: 1-8; 1: 15-19; Mark 11:
25-26). (ii) Adopt the Operation PUSH (pray until something happens) or the Peniel
strategy (Genesis 32: 24-30). Don’t stop praying until you have what you want,
until your enemy is subdued and the victory won. Ask and continue to ask until
you receive (Matthew 7: 7). (iii) Be specific in your prayer and pray according to
God’s will. Define what you want and how you want the battle to end. Know exactly
what you want and ask for it (1 John 5: 14-15; 1 Samuel 1: 9-11). (iv) Constantly
pray over all your life’s situations. Don’t consider any situation too great or too
small to trust or bother God with. God cares about the little details of our life’s
battles (1 Peter 5: 7; Proverbs 3:5-6). (v) Pray with praise and thanksgiving (Acts
16: 25-26) (vi) Pray fervently and passionately (James 5: 16b-18) (vii) Pray
believing and with great expectation (Mark 11: 24; 1 Samuel 1:17-18).


Hebrews 11:6; Romans 4: 17-22

Faith has been defined in acronym terms as ‘Forsaking all I trust Him’. Faith is
absolute, unshakable confidence in God’s love, ability, and faithfulness. It is the
unfaltering resolve that God is who the Bible says He is; and can do all that the
Bible says He can do; and can keep all the promises the Bible has shown that he
made. Faith accepts that God cannot lie and acts in line with that understanding
(Numbers 23: 19; Hebrews 6: 13-18). God promised us His presence and help in
all of our life’s battles (Isaiah 43:1-7); winning faith accepts it and acts in that
consciousness. The faith that overcomes all life’s battles is exercised in the most
crucial areas of:
i) The thought of faith and the disposition of faith. Think your desires, and
nothing less than it (Matthew 9: 20-21)
ii) The sight of faith. Set the picture of your situation as painted by God before
you. In other words, see your condition from God’s own view point and also
see Him in your situation (Genesis 15: 5-7; Hebrews 11: 27).
Iii) The word of faith. Let your confessions be in agreement with God’s picture of
your situation and your own desires concerning it (Mark 11: 12-14, 20-23)
iv)The action of faith. Act in line with your faith (Matthew 9: 20-21)

The characteristics of the faith that wins life’s battles:

i) Unwavering faith
ii) Surrendering/submitting faith
iii) Persistent faith
iv) Obedient faith

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