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GURPS Spelljammer Fanmod

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GURPS Spelljammer
One day I put this message on the rec.games.frp.gurps newsgroup:

"Has anyone ever thought of doing a great deed of rescuing Spelljammer, one of the most original
settings in the gaming universe, from the evil claws od AD&D system and converting it to GURPS?

I intended to do it myself, but I don't have much time lately, and I have also realized that in all those
years of being a GURPS-worshiper I have lost my (once extensive) AD&D knowledge."

Pretty soon I was answered by Winterchilde, who said:

"Well, pardon the length, but here are the conversions I used years ago when I ran a GURPSJammer
campaign. I enjoyed taking my (almost) AD&D-exclusive players into a new system along with a new

These do require the SJ rules, though most could be used "on the fly" (no pun intended). I've left some
skills and such I created for the game here as well. I also have some misc notes and a ship chart.
E-mail me and I'll send them (or post them if I get enough requests). Have Fun!


I asked him for permission to put his text to the Web, and he said OK. So, here it is:

Spelljamming and the GURPS System

Spelljamming is the ability to "bend" the magical flow of power in such a way as to make a vessel "fly". Unlike
normal flight, however, Spelljamming is very fast "in atmosphere", and provides capabilities to bridge the
vastness between the Stars. The skill Spelljamming reflects the magi's ability to control this magical flow,
moving the ship as though an extension of his own body. The skill is exercised upon initial control of an
unknown vessel, when maneuvering in atmosphere, for movement in combat, in gravitational "warp" situations,
to warm up a vessel prior to take off, and any time a strenuous, delicate or unusual move is called for.

Skill alone is not enough, however, as the Mage must also employ a device called a Spelljamming Helm to
correctly channel the flow of magic. The type of Spelljamming Helm can effect use of the Spelljamming skill, as
can prior success/failure with a particular Helm.

The amount of control and flexibility a particular individual has with a vessel is the Ship's Rating or SR. High
skill ratings in the Spelljamming skill will improve the ship's SR regardless of device used, as shown on the
chart following this article.

Upon the initial Spelljamming attempt for a particular vessel -- usually in the "warm-up phase" -- the
Spelljammer should make note of the amount of points that he succeeds by (but only if this first attempt is a
success). These points raise the SR of the ship by this amount -- at a ratio of 2 "success points" to 1 SR point --
every time the Jammer "Helms" that vessel. A critical success doubles the Jammer's SR with that vessel forever,
but a critical failure on the first roll penalizes the Jammer with a -5 to SpellJammer skill every time it's called
for, plus a -2 to SR forevermore with that vessel.

In Wildspace, the way in which a vessel changes facing is a function of it's Maneuverability class. See the Charts
section for details. A successful Spelljamming roll can improve the maneuverability rating by one class for the
following turn only. Further attempts cost 1 Fatigue point and are made at -2 to the Skill roll. This skill penalty
is cumulative.

In Atmosphere, use the GURPS rules for movement and maneuvering.

As with all magic in GURPS, both skill and power are necessary to create a functioning Spelljammer. Because
the Jammer acts as a conduit for magical flow, Magery is a prerequisite to "take the helm" (in most cases).

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The SR rating of a ship is based on the maximum Fatigue of the Jammer, with better Helms and instruments
converting greater ratios of Power to Control. The actual fatigue drain for Spelljamming is but 1 point per hour.
Fatigue drain from Jamming the ship, while making those points unavailable for spell casting, does not lower
the Fatigue rating for SR. Spells cannot be used to supplement fatigue while the Spelljammer is in contact with
the Helm.

Spell Casting "in the Helm"

Spells can be thrown by an active Spelljammer if certain conditions are met. The Spelljammer:

1. must have at least Magery 1.

2. must know the spell being cast at a minimum skill level of 21.
3. cannot be engaged in maneuvers requiring concentration (as expressed by skill rolls, see below).

Any spell cast from the Spelljamming Helm is "thrown" at a -6 to the skill roll. Fatigue drained for casting &
maintaining a spell drops the maximum Fatigue of the caster when calculating SR. No more then one spell may
be maintained while actively Spelljamming, and any time a situation calls for a Spelljamming Skill roll, the
maintenance is broken. Power from a Powerstone can be used to fuel & maintain cast spells, circumnavigating
most of these restrictions.

Spelljamming Helms
To use a Minor Spelljamming Helm requires Magery 1, and training in the Spelljamming skill. A Minor Helm
converts fatigue points at a 3 to 1 ratio, 2:1 on a critical success roll of the Spelljammer skill made during the
warming up procedures. Cost is $100,000.

To use a Major Spelljamming Helm requires Magery 2, and training in the Spelljamming skill at least to level 12.
A Major Helm converts fatigue points at a 2 to 1 ratio, 1:1 on a critical success roll of the Spelljammer skill
made during the warming up procedures. Cost is $250,000

A Crown of Stars, while a rare item, is mentioned here because it allows anyone to Spelljam, as long as they
have at least minimum training in any Magical area -- regardless of what area that is. Only with this item is
there a Default for the Spelljamming skill, equal to IQ-4 or Ship Piloting -2. The conversion ratio with the Crown
is 2:1. A trained Spelljammer with this item has x2 SR, and unlimited fatigue. Cost is Priceless.

A Series Helm is used by Psionic creatures to form a Gestalt (Psi37) capable of Spelljamming. Generally the
strongest Psi amongst a given group is designated the Coordinator, and the rest of the group simple
Contributors. A Series Helm functions as a Minor Helm for power conversion.

The Series Helm is similar to a Gestalt Web, and grants the ability to communicate as if gifted with Telesend &
Telereceive, with no skill roll required. No being linked in a Series Helm may attempt an "extra-effort" to modify
their abilities.

There are rumors of a Slaver (Pool) Helm, used by the Illithid, in which the Controller can mentally "access"
beings who are forced into the Helm (which often looks like a large cage, or other "holding area") tapping their
very life force (Fatigue, then HT) and converting it into power to fuel the ship. Each being "contributes" 3
Fatigue/HT per hour, use Gestalt formula to calculate power gained (3 x number of contributors / hour).

Those "contributing" through a Pool Helm must be sentient, though they may not realize what is happening to
them. To actually use Telepathy or other Psionics on these contributors, the Controller must follow normal
Psionic procedures. The drain of the Pool is dangerous to those contributing, and is often fatal, as the Helm will
not stop draining Fatigue -- then Health -- unless the Controller stops to grant a respite or to replace a deceased

Anti-Psi which are placed in either of these Helms Drain away power at a ratio of 5 levels of Controller /
Contributor's Power per 1 level of Anti-Psi. Thus, a level 5 Anti-Psi could effectively counter 25 levels of Psionic
energy directed towards Spelljamming. Needless to say, Anti-Psi are anathema to races dependent on Series

Movement Values
Each SR point grants a movement speed of 17 mph "in atmosphere". In GURPS movement, a flying object
determines it's turn radius using the formula {Speed 2/10*G}. In Spelljammer, G (gravitational force) is almost

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always 1.

Translated into yard/second speed, 17 mph equals 8.31 yd/second -- a GURPS Move Speed of 8.3. Thus, at
maximum speed, the turn radius is 7 per SR point (8.32 / 10 = 6.889 rounded to 7).

Wildspace speed is 100 million miles per standard "day" (24 hours) regardless of SR. Tactical speed is attained
automatically upon approaching other bodies in Wildspace. Tactical speed is 1 (500yd) hex per SR point. Facing
changes are discussed under maneuverability above.

Speed is meaningless in the Flow. Generally, Spheres are 10 to 100 days travel apart although a specific Sphere
may be closer or further. Upon approaching other bodies, tactical speed is attained.

An "approach" in either Wildspace or the Flow occurs if objects get within 20 hexes (10,000 yd. or a little over
3/4 of a mile).

Warm up Time
To ready a vessel for Spelljamming, a period of "warming up" time must be spent. To initiate this, a successful
Spelljamming skill roll must be made. The time a vessel takes to warm up is 2d seconds for a Major Helm, 3d
seconds for a Minor Helm. A failed roll indicates an additional 1d seconds before another attempt can be made.
A critical success halves the warm-up time, a critical failure doubles warm-up time (plus 1d for the failure).

Powerstones can be used by a Spelljammer to supplement the fatigue drain caused by active Jamming, but not
to fuel the ship directly or to artificially raise the Jammer's fatigue/SR. There are items named Stone Mountings
which drain power permanently from a stone and allow it to fuel a vessel. As Power Stones are expensive, these
are rare and a "last-ditch" way of getting about.

When supplementing fatigue with a Stone, a Spelljamming skill roll must be made to bring the Stone "online".
On a failed roll, any Stone quirks become ship-wide for the duration the Stone is used, on a critical failure, the
quirks actually mutate to become permanent ship quirks.

Spelljamming (Mental / Very Hard) -- Defaults to IQ-6

This is the skill required to "bend" a ship's power flow to the will of the Jammer. It is exercised upon initial
control of an unknown vessel, when maneuvering in atmosphere, for movement in combat situations, in
gravitational "warp" situations, to warm up a vessel prior to take off, and any time a strenuous, delicate or
unusual move is called for. The type of Spelljamming Helm can effect use of this skill, as can prior
success/failure with a particular Helm.

Specific Area Knowledge: Planet (Mental / Hard)

Unlike a normal campaign, Spelljammer encompasses the entire universe. To have intimate knowledge of a
specific planet is a rare thing. Therefore, a character must have Specific Area Knowledge of a Planet to answer
question authoritatively. In terms of what is known, this skill is the same as Area Knowledge (B62).

Area Knowledge: Crystal Sphere (Mental / Average)

In the vastness of Space, an "Area" is a much larger chunk of real estate then normal. Therefore, Area
Knowledge generally pertains to an entire Crystal Sphere. To gain intimate knowledge of a given area of a planet
therein, a character must purchase Specific Area Knowledge (above). In terms of what is known, this skill is the
same as Area Knowledge (B62).

Astrology (Mental/Hard) -- Defaults to Astronomy -3 or IQ -6

This is the ability to determine the effects of a Sphere's constellations' positions upon the inhabitants of, and
those currently in, that Sphere. These often help determine the nature of those born under a particular "sign",
and have an effect upon a day's events (particularly those of an occult nature).

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Rappelling (Physical/Hard) -- Defaults to Climbing -6

This is the ability to use a series of ropes to descend vertical surfaces. If possible a second person should be
anchoring the rappeller‚s line. If this can be arranged, then upon a failed roll by the rappeler the anchor can roll
against ST. A success engages a safety catch. This allows the rappeler to fall only 10' then "catches" him. On a
Critical Failure (by either rapeller or anchor) the safety equipment has failed as well, or is tangled, and the
rappeler falls the full distance to the ground. If no anchor is used, this feature is useless.

Rope Use (Mental/Average) -- Defaults to Seamanship -2 or IQ-4

Grants the ability to recognize, tie, and untie any of a myriad of useful knots, create and use rigging aboard
ships, and other "mundane" skills involving ropes. This skill also grants the ability to throw a line with a
Grapple attached, and to get that grapple to hold. (Default for grapple use is DX -3). Rope Use can be used as
Defaults for Escape (Rope Use -3); Lasso (Rope Use -4); and Survival (Various areas, for snare building only)
(Rope Use -3).

Spelunking (Physical/Hard) -- Defaults to Climbing -6

The ability to go "Caving". Allows the user to determine footholds, where to best lie lines, drives pitons, to locate
water, and avoid foul air pockets, in an underground setting. This ability can be used as defaults for Geology
(Spelunking -6); Climbing (Spelunking -4); or Survival, Underground (Spelunking -3).

"Flux" Combat -- 5 Points

This advantage grants the character the ability to Fight without penalty in Partial Gravity, Cross-Gravity, or Zero
Gravity ("Flux") situations.

Accuracy -- 3 pts/level (Max 4)

Each level adds +1 to the Accuracy of the user if using missile weapons, and has aimed.

3D Spatial Sense Advantage -- 10 points

Improved G-Tolerance Advantage -- 5-25 pts

Handy for Unusual Planets.

Charts for GURPS Spelljamming

SJG1 Effects of High Skill on Ship's
Spelljammer Skill SR Improvement
15-17 1
18-20 2
21+ 3, warm up time is halved
The Spelljamming skill suffers a flat -1 modifier for every 10 tons or increment thereof that the vessel weighs.
This applies to all but the "warm up" roll.

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SJG2 Take Off / Landing

Planet Size Class Escape Time
A 10 minutes
B&C 20 minutes
D 30 minutes
E 40 minutes
F 1 Hour
G 2 Hours
H 4 Hours
I 8 Hours
J 16 Hours
SJG2 Atmospheric Conditions
Atmospheric Conditions Take Off/Landing Time Tactical Speed
Becalmed Normal x1
Light Breeze Normal x1
Favorable Normal x1
Strong Winds x2 x 1/2
Rain or Snow x2 x 1/2
Storm or Gale x4 x 1/4
Hurricane Impossible Speed of 1*
SJG3 Maneuverability Classifications in Wildspace
Classification Maneuvers Available
Change one hex face per movement. They cannot change facing as first action, must move into
hex they are facing before turning.
Cannot change facing by more then one hex side in any given hex. They can change facing as a
first action.
B&C Can change facing by two hex sides per hex.
Can change facing at will in any direction, up to 180 degrees. Does not expend SR to change
Note: Facing Changes cost one SR point per hex side changed.

Each of the Churches that travel in Spelljammer space operate in basically the same way. Because of the
varying nature of Mana from Sphere to Sphere, each Church has learned not to become wholly dependent upon
spell-casting Priests to be their power base. Most Churches have at least three branches of service within their
ranks, each with it's own "Priesthood".


These are the spell casters amongst the Church, and most often constitute it's leadership. They almost always
possess Magery of some level, are often Blessed or Very Blessed, and have an impressive array of spells at their
disposal. Most, but not all, churches insist that Magi-Priests are born and raised to the miracles of their Gods.
Few who serve in the other branches, regardless of how powerful they become in that branch or in magic, can
"transfer" into the Magi-Priest "caste".

Most Churches have limited access to but a few of the Colleges of Magic (usually those that have a direct bearing
upon the nature of their deity, or which mirror that deity's powers). Most Churches can access the newly created
"Divine" College, and use spells freely from that school.

Clerics are the "mundane" Priests who often lay the groundwork in a new sphere to bring their Deity there. They
often have limited magics, strong weapon skills, and high Charisma. Clerics must be very self-reliant, and are
often the "characters" of a given Church. Their enforced independence from the ritual and rigors placed by their

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Deities upon the other Branches make them "loose cannons" in many respects, often including their
personalities. However, in a Sphere where your Deity holds no sway, not being dependent upon that Deity can
be an asset. Clerics are often the most faithful of a Church, because it is Faith alone that drives them.

Though a quick glance may reveal Clerics as being the weakest of the three Branches, they enjoy much respect
from their Church and Deity in that they are the backbone of expansion of the Church and the primary
"gatherers" of new power for their Deity.

Holy Warriors

Are the fighting arm of the Church. Holy Warriors often exhibit magical abilities granted by their deity, rather
then using magical spells. This simultaneously makes them amongst the most powerful and least flexible of
their God's followers. In areas where their deity holds little or no sway, the Holy Warrior's powers are
proportionally weaker.

The real strength of the Holy Warrior is their martial skills, however. Ever vigilant, whether it is to Defend or
Conquer in the name of his God, the Holy Warrior hones and seeks to ever increase his ability in battle.

As mentioned above, the three branches outlined above are common to most all Churches. Others do exist,
dependent upon the nature of the Deity involved. Other branches, or priesthoods, include:

Sages -- Learned men and keepers of the dogma of the Church. Most respected in Knowledge and Information
oriented Churches. Also Churches dealing with Merchants.

Monks -- An unusual branch, often quite small. Monks dedicate themselves almost exclusively to the pursuit of
one or two ideals, always in the name of their Deity -- even if what they are pursuing has little or nothing to do
with their Deity. Everything from the Martial Arts to Wine making has been pursued by Monks' Orders (called
Brotherhoods) in the "real" world.

Inquisitors / Judges / etc. -- Enforcers of the Church's doctrines within the Church, often to lethal limits. Men
of this branch usually carry some weight within the hierarchy, and are fanatical in their "devotion". Abuse of
such positions are common. Can bring Church Law to bear upon any within the Church from Lay person to the
Church Head (if done carefully).

Spellcasting and "Holy Folks"

Note that for Priests, Clerics and the like, the Advantages Blessed and Very Blessed can be substituted for
Magery in Colleges common to the Church they serve. Blessed will "cover" spells requiring Magery 1, while Very
Blessed will cover Magery 2 and most Magery 3 spells.

If a character wishes to serve as a Holy professional and cast spells from more then just the Church's college
list, then they must buy at least Magery to do so. Magery of appropriate level for a desired spell is required
regardless of other advantages if outside the proscribed Church colleges.

Ships of Wildspace
Vessel Race Wt. Material Min. Crew Max. Crew MC Classification
Skeletal Ships Undead Var Bone 1 12 C Warship
Locust Human >1 Lt Wood 2 3 A Kamakasi Warship
Flitter Elves 1 Ceramic 1 1 B Personal Vehicle
Kobold Arrow Kobold 2 Lt Metal 1 2 A Light Warship
Skybourne Elf 2 Crystal 1 2 A Light Warship
Thorn Ship Tandu 3 Ceramic 1 6 B Light Warship / Scout
Wreck Boat Human 4 Hvy Wood 1 4 A Escape Craft
Mosquito Human 6 Lt Wood 1 6 C Stealth / Shuttle
Caravel Groundling 10 Wood 8 10 F Light Vehicle
Dragonfly Human 10 Wood 3 10 C Trader
Damselfly Human 10 Hvy Wood 2 10 D Trader
Drakker Viking 15 Wood 8 15 E Warship

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Wasp Saurian 18 Hvy Wood 8 18 D General Utility

Eel Ship ? 20 Lt Wood 4 20 C Light Warship / G.U.
Tyrant Ship Beholder 23 Stone 15 23 C Various
Cargo Barge Varies 25 Hvy Wood 0 0 Sp Cargo Shuttles
Tradesman Human 25 Hvy Wood 10 25 D Trader
Lamprey ? 26 Wood 8 26 B Warship
Vipership Human 29 Lt Metal 1 29 A General Utility
Mind Spider Neogi 30 Hvy Metal 12 45 C Warship
Porcupine Ship Goblyn 30 Lt Wood 8 30 D General Utility
Shrikeship Human 30 Wood 14 30 B General Utility / Scout
Sidewheeler Tinker Gnome 30? Varies 20 30 E Various
Swan Ship Human 32 Lt Wood 12 32 C Trader / G.U.
Angelship Kobold 33 Wood 8 33 C General Utility
Nautiloid Illithid 35 Lt Armour 10 35 D General Utility
Galleon Groundling 40 Hvy Wood 20 40 E Trader / G.U.
Turtle Ship Saurian 40 Lt Armour 12 40 D Trader / Warship
Batship Human 45 Crystal 1 45 Sp Unique General Utility
Squid Ship Human 45 Wood 12 45 D General Utility
Dragonship Human 45 Hvy Wood 20 45 D Exploration / Warship
Bloatfly Saurian 48 Hvy Metal 6 40 E Bases / Hatcheries
Barge of Ptah Ptah Faithful 60 Lt Wood 24 60 F Warship
Hammership Human/Saurian 60 Lt Armour 24 60 D Warship / G.U.
Man-O-War Elves 60 Ceramic 10 60 C Warship / G.U.
Scorpion Orc 60 Hvy Metal 6 60 C Warship / Trader
DeathGlory Tinker Gnome 70 Lt Armour 18 70 D Warship
Leaf-ship Tandu 70 Ceramic 20 65 D General Utility
Flying Pyramid Undead 90 Masonry 6 90 F Various
Ogre Mammoth Ogre 90 Lt Armour 27 90 E Warship / Base
Deathspider Neogi 100 Crystal 30 100 E Warship
Armada Elves 100 Ceramic 40 100 D War Base
Tsunami Human 200 Hvy Armour 75 200 C Warship / Carrier
Citadel Dwarves 300 Stone 100 300 E Home / Base
Stoneship Xorn 300 Stone 54 300 E General Utility / Base
Space Leviathan ? 400 Hvy Metal ? 400 F Special
Mindflayer Illithid 500 Crystal/Hvy Metal 20 500 F Base / Carrier
Tree Star Elf 900 Crystal / Stone 60 900 F Armada Carrier
Listings under "type" are the primary materials used in construction/armoring a vessel. These materials share
common statistics for Hit Points & Damage Resistance. Also listed is the Passive Defense rating for a ship made
of that material.
Material Hp DR PD
Lt Wood 10 1 1
Wood 20 2 2
Hvy Wood 30 4 3
Bone 8 1 0
Ceramics 15 3 4
Masonry 40 6 5
Crystal 65 7 7
Stone 100 8 8

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Lt Metal 20 4 4
Hvy Metal 40 8 5
Lt Armoured 45 5 5
Hvy Armoured 80 10 7
Each listing is for a 10' square area of the material in question.

Languages of Inter-Reality Space

The following was inspired by the Language breakdown in GURPS Uplift. Credits then to David Brin and Stefan

Galactic One (Mental/Very Hard) Mage's Tongue

A language of pure arcane and magical nature, to speak it requires a rating of Magery 2! Beings of purely
mystic origin, or which are comprised of magical energy are common users. Often, otherwise "dumb"
magical creations (Golems, Homocolunus, et al) can understand if not speak Galactic One.
Galactic Two (Mental/Easy) Celestrial
Amongst all the Human tongues to be heard in Wildspace, this is one of the most common, beyond
Common itself. It is favored by the forces of "Good", Light, the Creator, Ptah, etc.
Galactic Three (Mental/Hard) Saurian
Spoken by the intelligent Lizard/Reptile/Dinosaurid races, difficult for non-species to pronounce.
Galactic Four (Mental/Hard) Avian
Used by Avian and Air-Elemental races. Racial tongue of the Dohwer.
Galactic Five (Mental/Hard) Goblinoid
Actually used by a number of races, Goblinoid is the primary tongue of Goblins, Hobgoblins, Kobolds,
Syllix, and several others.
Galactic Six (Mental/Average) Machek Aurk
Used by all the Tribes of the Machek Aurk, often by lesser humanoid races.
Galactic Seven (Mental/Average) Infernal
Favored by the scum of the spaceways, tongue of the forces of "Evil", Darkness, the Destroyer, et al. Used
by all Beholder Clans.
Galactic Eight (Mental/Very Hard) "Screecher"
Used by beings with high-pitched vocal speech. Favored by Neogi.
Galactic Nine (Mental/Hard) Faerie
The Elvian tongue, favored by all Faerie creatures, as well as the Tymbrimi. Lilting, almost musical to most
races, humans have a great difficulty speaking it. A "higher" form is said to exist, being the tongue used by
the Reigar.
Galactic Ten (Mental/Very Hard) Illithid
An alternately gurgling / raspy language, favored by the Mind Flayers and their former minions, the
Githyanki & Githzeri.
Galactic Eleven (Mental/Average) Dwarven
Used by the Dwarven "family" of Dwarves, Tinkerer Gnomes, and Halflings. True Gnomes use the Faerie
Tongue. Though "different", Synthians use GalEleven.
Galactic Twelve (Mental/Very Hard) Thri-Kreen
Insectivore communication, often uses pheromones, clicks, scrapes, et al as much as "spoken" language.
Thus difficult for most "outsiders".
Galactic Thirteen (Mental/Average) Giff
At it's base, Giff is the closet thing to a "Beast-Tongue" in the Multi-verse. However, the Giff have
incorporated so many other languages' phrases into their own (especially military) that GalThirteen is often
refered to as "Warrior Common".
Common (Mental/Easy) Merchants' Tongue
So common, in fact, that it's not assigned a Galactic number. The most often found language in Space.
Many races have embraced Common as their "native" tongue. Amazingly, the Common of space is often
(95%) the Common of non-spelljamming worlds. (Just a note -- I called this the "Starfleet Phenomena).
Beast (Mental/Hard) Bastian, Were, Centaur
This is the language used by the various clans of "Beast People". Some modifications (accents) exist as each
race "personalizes" it's usage.

Spelljammer Spells
The following spells are from two sources -- TSRs Spelljammer and from Different Worlds, a RPG magazine

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published years ago. (Specifically the articles on Specialty Mages by Mike Gunderloy.) As stated with the original
conversion notes -- no TM or copyright infringement is intended, no profit is made by the use of this material.

The Elemental Crystal college is new. [It could be treated as a subcollege of Earth Elemental college, just like
there are Elemental Water subcolleges of Acid and Ice -- see GURPS Grimoire. -- Incanus] Spells do not have
prerequisites listed, due to the fact that I don't use them.

Bones to Crystal, R-HT -- Regular

Requires the Mage's Touch to determine location. This spell turns the target's bones in that location into a
fragile crystal substance which shatters under the stress and weight put upon it by muscles, gravity, and
movement. Each second, the target suffers 1 point of damage until the area is crippled completely, or the
target dies. Any pressure applied to the area (touching, bandaging, or the like) increases the damage to one
full die of damage. Crystallized bones cannot support any weight.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: 10 sec
Time to Cast: 2 seconds
Cost: 3 / 2

Censor Sphere -- Regular

Puts a 1 foot radius transparent sphere about the head of one person. It selectively opaques out all visual
hazards including symbols, lasers, gaze weapons, blinding flashes, etc.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: 10 minutes
Time to Cast: 1 second
Cost: 2 / h

Collapse Portal (VH) -- Missile

This spell creates a crystalline, spherical missile which, upon contact with a portal through a crystal
sphere, causes that portal to instantly close. Vessels passing through such a portal at this time require the
Helmsman to make a Spelljamming skill roll. Upon a critical success, the Helmsman avoids contact with
the sphere altogether. Upon a regular success, the ship collides with the sphere taking ramming damage.
Upon a normal failure, the ship automatically crashes into the sphere. A critical failure results in the ship
being torn asunder as it is halved by the closing portal.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: instant
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Cost: 10

Create Crystal Ball -- Regular

This allows the caster to create a flawless, 2 inch crystal ball for use with the Enchantment college spell
Crystal Ball. A 3 inch ball requires 45 points and adds 50% to casting time; a 4 inch ball costs 60 points,
and doubles the casting time. Every inch further adds 25 points to the cost, and doubles the casting time.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: Perm.
Time to Cast: 1 hour
Cost: 30

Create Portal (VH) -- Area

Through use of this spell, the caster can create a portal through a given Crystal Sphere, either from the
phlogiston or from Wildspace. It cannot be maintained. Even if the vessel in question is smaller then 10
yards in diameter, a minimum of 1 point must be spent on the spell. It cannot be used to enlarge or add on
to an existing portal.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: 1 day
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Cost: (1/5)/s 2

Crystal Filaments -- Area

Fills the affected area with web-like crystalline filaments which solidify as they are created. These can be
used to blockade passageways, entangle opponents, or to bind them. At the casting of the spell the user

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must designate it's use, as this determines it's elasticity - solid or flexible. Solid, the filaments have a DR of
3, and 8 hp per cubic foot. The amount created is 3 cubic feet per hex, though this fills the hex to 4 yards
high (due to the "fluffiness" of the spun filaments).

Opponents caught within an area filled with these "crystal webs" can breathe, but must either wait out the
duration of the spell to be freed or roll versus ST-3 to damage the "web" and break free. Other physical
attacks are impossible due to the restrictive interior of the web. Flexible (DR 8, hp 4), the filaments can be
used to bind, engulfing opponents in a cocoon of Crystal fibers. The restrictive nature of these cocoons
disallow unaided escape from within.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: 1 minute
Time to Cast: 2 seconds
Cost: 3 / 1

Crystal Glaze -- Area

Covers the affected area with highly slippery crystal. Those within the area must roll vs. DX -- (success roll)
to move, though standing in place for the duration will not force a roll. The surface is highly reflective, and
if maintained under strong light can become exceptionally hot within 2 minutes. Every minute thereafter,
temperature can rise by as much as 10 degrees per 30 seconds. This would be only under direct, intense
sunlight. Game masters decide this on a case-by-case basis.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: 30 seconds
Time to Cast: 2 seconds
Cost: 1 / (1/2)

Crystal Growth -- Regular

Allows the caster to create up to one pound of crystal. This is of little value, generally being a form of milky
quartz. If clear crystal is required, then the amount created is halved.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: perm
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Cost: 1

Crystal Immunity -- Regular

Target becomes completely immune to all crystal-based, crystallizing, or paralysis attacks.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: 1 minute
Time to Cast: 1 secon
Cost: 2 /h

Crystal Spheres -- Area

Within each hex affected, three glowing, 6 inch diameter balls float. They have the same density as air, but
will not leave the hex "assigned" to. Anyone attempting to pass through a protected hex must roll thrice vs.
their DX to avoid collision with a Crystal Sphere. If touched, each sphere will shatter causing 1d+2 points
of cutting damage within a 2 hex radius. Shards from a sphere will not cause the others to explode, unless
Linked to do so.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: 5 minutes
Time to Cast: 5 seconds
Cost: 3 / 1

Crystallize -- Regular
Causes any object of natural origin to turn to eternal crystal, in colors resembling the object as it once was,
although translucent. The time to cast & energy requirement listed is per every five pounds of non-living
material or portion thereof. If a living creature is targeted, then casting time and point cost is increased by
50% and the affected "increment" becomes 3 pounds or portion thereof. The spell never affects
magical/enchanted items or creatures. College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: perm
Time to Cast: 1 minute

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Cost: 3

Crystallize Form -- Regular

When cast upon any object or being, this spell locks the target in it's present form. This prevents all
transformation, shapechanging, and the like.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: 1 hour
Time to Cast: 2 seconds
Cost: 3 / 2

Empower Crystal -- Regular

This spell manifests the innate magical properties of crystals and gemstones. When cast upon a stone, it
enables the stones possessor to benefit from the mystic properties ascribed to that type of stone. Amethysts
stave off drunkenness, Bloodstones aid healing, etc...

Such magical manifestation is reflected by bonuses to resistance rolls, magical awareness, and the like,
with no bonus to exceed a +1.

Note that an empowered crystal glows with the power instilled within it.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: 30 Minutes
Time to Cast: 1 Minute
Cost: 25 to cast, same to maintain

Encase -- Regular
This encases the target in a cube of crystal which dissipates at the spell's end leaving the target unharmed.
When encased, the target is placed into a state of suspended animation.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: 1 hour
Time to Cast: 3 seconds
Cost: 4 / h

Locate Portal -- Information

This spell indicates to the caster the general direction of the nearest portal into/out of a given crystal. On a
critical failure, true portals will be overlooked, and false information should be given the caster.

Item: a 1 foot diameter crystal or glass globe, engraved with longitude and latitude lines. minimum cost $

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: 1 hour
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Cost: 2 / s

Purify Crystal -- Regular

This spell removes impurities from crystals, be they common or rare. Note that this will often increase the
value of some gemstones, but the spell is not very selective as to what an "impurity" is. Many a gem has
been ruined by unknowing apprentices.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: perm
Time to Cast: 3 seconds
Cost: 5

Refraction Shield -- Regular

Covers one target only. Causes all light-based attacks to refract into hundreds of harmless "pieces".

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: 1 minute
Time to Cast: 1 second
Cost: 2 / 2

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Sand to Crystal -- Regular

Sand to crystal converts such substances at a cost equal to the Earth to Stone spell. Precious Crystal
cannot be created.

Item: It is said a huge Ruby of great value and renowned exists, and is the only known item with this

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: Perm
Time to Cast: 1 sec
Cost: 5 / hex

Shape Crystal -- Regular

This spell allows the caster to shape up to 10 pounds of crystal. The crystal affected can also be made to
flow freely (as water) and can be "molded" in such a manner. If such crystal flows into a porous surface, it
will hardened upon the spell's end and merge with the substance. The only way to remove such crystal is to
recast this spell.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: 1 minute
Time to Cast: 1 second
Cost: 2/ h

Shield Eater -- Missile

Creates a "spark" of crystal essence that crystallizes shields into a fragile crystal shell. Point cost is 2 plus a
1/2 point per DR of the shield. The next blow will shatter an affected shield. This works only on metal
shields, wood is immune. For three times the cost, the essence created seeks out blocking/shield spells
instead, causing them to materialize in a crystalline form, then shatter. The shards do no damage,
dissolving as they fly away. The shield spells can resist this effect, requiring a QC between the shielding
spell and the Shield Eater.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: perm
Time to Cast: 2 seconds
Cost: 2

Splinter -- Missile
Creates a bolt of blue crystal, which explodes upon impact with it's target. The Bolt causes 1d-2 of cutting
damage per point of energy imbibed. This spell has SS 14, Acc +3, 1/2D 30, Max 70.

College: Elemental / Crystal

Duration: instant
Time to Cast: 1 to 3 seconds
Cost: 1 to 3

Tempered Touch -- Regular

Protects any one crystalline object from sonic, electrical, or impact attack. If absolutely required, use a DR
of 12, PD (if applicable) of 4, and increase hp by 10.

College: Elemental / Crystal/Crystal

Duration: 1 hour
Time to Cast: 2 seconds
Cost: 3 / 1

Contact Home Plane -- Area

By means of this spell, the Mage can "bring" an area of their home "plane" (sphere) to their current location,
in the form of Mana present, and the orientation of that mana. If, for example, the caster's home sphere
has strong Plant mana but low Animal mana, and their current location the opposite, they could create an
area which is the same as their home plane for the duration of the spell -- Plant mana would be stronger,
Animal mana weakened. If used in a no mana area, then mana cannot be raised beyond normal level,
regardless of the Home Plane's level of mana.

College: Meta-Spells
Duration: 1 hour
Time to Cast: 10 seconds

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Cost: 1 / (1/2)

Create Major Helm (VH) -- Regular

By casting this spell, the caster may transform a normal chair or seat into a Major Spelljamming Helm. On
a critical success, the helm functions normally; on a regular success the Helm functions at a less efficient
ratio then a normal helm (3:1 instead of 2:1). In addition, regardless of critical or no, all SpellJammerr skill
rolls are made at -5 using this helm. This spell may not be maintained.

College: Enchantment
Duration: 1 week
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Cost: 7 / kWh

Create Minor Helm (VH) -- Regular

By casting this spell, the caster may transform a normal chair or seat into a Minor Spelljamming Helm. On
a critical success, the helm functions normally; on a regular success the Helm functions at a less efficient
ratio then a normal helm (4:1 instead of 3:1). In addition, regardless of critical or no, all SpellJammer skill
rolls are made at -4 using this helm. This spell may not be maintained.

College: Enchantment
Duration: 1 week
Time to Cast: 30 seconds
Cost: 5 / kWh

Destroy Major Helm (VH) -- Regular/R-HT

This spell destroys utterly any major helm, as well as death helms and furnaces. A Helmsman operating a
helm at the time of it's destruction suffers 4d points of fatigue damage, plus 1d+2 of physical damage. A
successful resistance roll vs. HT halves this damage. Any being within a 3 hex radius takes 1d of electrical
damage when the helm is destroyed.

College: Meta-Spell
Duration: Instant
Time to Cast: 30 seconds
Cost: 10

Destroy Minor Helm (VH) -- Regular/R-HT

This spell destroys utterly any minor helm, as well as series helms and life jammers. A Helmsman
operating a helm at the time of it's destruction suffers 3d points of fatigue damage, plus 1d of physical
damage. A successful resistance roll vs. HT halves this damage. Any being within a 3 hex radius takes 1d-2
of electrical damage when the helm is destroyed.

College: Meta-Spell
Duration: Instant
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Cost: 5

Disable Helm -- Regular

This spell temporarily scrambles an operating Helm. The affected helm instantly ceases operating, and
cannot begin operating for the duration. The helmsmen makes a resistance roll vs. IQ, or takes 1d fatigue
damage and 1 point of real damage. Although maintaining the spell costs but 1 point, if a helmsman tries
to "restart" the helm when the duration is up, then quick contest of IQs should be rolled. If the Helmsmen
wins then the spell must be recast, if the caster wins, the scrambling continues.

College: Meta-Spell
Duration: 1 hour
Time to Cast: 2 seconds
Cost: 3 / 1

Fly Field -- Regular

This allows the caster to cause a powerless, drifting ship to suddenly lunge through space in a desired
direction and distance, up to (success roll x 10) hexes. It is commonly used to move ships away from a ram
attack or collision, to escape missiles in combat, or dart through a crystal sphere portal. This spell cannot
be used if the ship is "under power", but can be used in Wildspace, phlogiston, or atmosphere. It cannot
effect a ship of more then 40 tons.

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College: Enchantment
Duration: instant
Time to Cast: 1 second
Cost: 7

Obviously, most of this stuff is TM, owned and operated by the fine folks at T$R, and no infringement of those
rights is intended. Note no profit is made by the distribution of this conversion (you can hear the Ferengi weep).

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