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Micro Lite 20 Skills and Feats

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Brew Potion (M/C) (Pre: Must be 3rd Level or Improved Two-Weapon Fighting: (F) (Pre: Dex Quick Draw:

e: Dex Quick Draw: (F/C/R) You can draw and strike in

above) May brew potion for personal effect spells 17, Two-Weapon Fighting) You get a second the same round.
(i.e. Bless, Resistance, Feather Fall, Mage Armor) attack at –5 Penalty with off-hand weapon. (Three Rapid Reload: (F/C/R) You can reload a crossbow Microlite20
Cleave: (F/C) (Pre: Str. 13, Power Attack) If Attacks Total) and fire in a single round, instead of reload one
you kill a creature and have a second opponent Investigator: (A) You get a +2 to Gather round, and fire the next.
within 5’, you may make a free attack. Information and Search Checks Rapid Shot: (F/C/R) (Pre: Dex 13, Point Blank Skills and Feats
Deceitful: (R) +2 to Forgery or Disguise Lightning Reflexes: (F/R/C) +2 to Phys + STR or Shot) One extra shot per round, second shot at –2 to
Dodge: (F/R/C) +1 AC against any opponent DEX bonus hit.
you choose. Magical Aptitude: (M/C) You take 1HP less Ride-By Attack: (F) (Pre: Ride, Mounted
Extra Turning: (C) Turn undead four times more per damage when you cast a spell, or 2HP less when Combat) You can move, attack, and move again in a
day (no HP against Character) casting signature spell. round.
Far Shot: (A/F/R) (Pre: Point Blank Shot) Manyshot: (F/C/R) (Pre: Dex 17, Point Run: (A) You can outrun almost any
Any projectile weapon’s range increases by ½ again. Blank Shot, Rapid Shot) You may fire two arrows opponent. Roll at +4 to escape any opponent that
Great Cleave: (F/C) (Pre: Str. 13, Power Attack, at any single opponent, at –4 Penalty to hit. Damage can match Character’s normal speed.
Cleave) If you kill one creature, you can continue remains the same. Gain one additional arrow at same Scribe Scroll: (M/C) May create a scroll of any spell Player:
using Cleave as long as each successive attacks Penalty every time you take this Feat. you know, and Cast without loss of HP.
results in a kill. Mounted Archery: (F) (Pre: Ride Skill, Cost: Spell Level X Caster Level X 25gp.
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting: (F) (Pre: Dex. Mounted Combat) Penalty for Ranged Weapon is Stealthy: (A/R) +2 Bonus to Move Silently
19, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two- halved, from –4 to –2. and Hide Skills.
Weapon Fighting) You get a second attack with Mounted Combat: (F) (Pre: Ride Skill) Once per Track: (F/R) You can Track creatures and
offhand weapon at no penalty, and a third attack at a round, of your mount is hit, you can negate the hit. characters across most terrain.
–5 penalty. (Four Attacks total) The Ride check must be higher than opponent’s Surface Track DC Surface Track DC
Improved Bull Rush: (F/C) (Pre: Str. 13, Power Attack Roll. V. Soft Ground 5 Firm Ground 15
Attack) Push an opponent back 5’, without Negotiator: (A) +2 to Diplomacy and Sense Soft Ground 10 Hard Ground 20
provoking an attack of opportunity. Motive Checks. GMs may modify DC as conditions require. Things to
Improved Critical: (A) Any character now gets a Nimble Fingers: (R) +2 to Open Locks and Disable consider: Size of target, time, weather, time of day.
Critical Hit on any roll of 19-20, doing Max Damage. Device Trample: (F) (Pre: Ride, Mounted Character:
Improved Initiative: (A) Any character gets a +4 Persuasive: (A) +2 to Bluff and Intimidate Combat) When you overrun an opponent, it cannot
to Initiative Point Blank Shot: (F/C/R) +1 Attack and Damage if avoid the attack. Mount may attack with hoof or paw,
Improved Turning: (C) Clerics can turn undead target is within 30 Ft. rider’s next attack is at +4 as target is prone.
as if they were one level higher. Power Attack: (F/C) (Pre: Str. 13) Subtract Two-Weapon Fighting: (F/C/R) (Pre: Dex. 15) You
up to 4 from your “To Hit” Roll. Add this to your get to attack with two weapons, with no penalty for
Damage, if you hit. second weapon (Two attacks total)
Other Feats: Discuss with your DM/GM.
Use Rope: (Dex) Use Know. Bonus Heal: (Mind) Use Know Bonus Sloped or Angled +2
darkness Tumble: (Dex) Use Phys. Bonus Handle Animal: (Mind, Trained Only) (Icy Surface)
Blind Fight: (F/R) No penalty vs. invisible or in Swim: (Str) Use Phys. Bonus Forgery: (Mind) Use Sub. Bonus Sever. Slippery +5
Athletic: (A/R) +2 Climb and Swim Checks Spot: (Mind) Use Sub. Bonus Res. (Wet floor)
Animal Affinity: (A) +2 Handle Animal Base=DC10 Grappler Grappler’s Grap. Check Lightly Slippery +2
Alertness: (A/F/R) +2 Spot and Listen Checks Sense Motive: (Mind) Base=DC10, vs. Bluff Manacles/Tight Space 30 (Rough floor/H. Rubble)
Artist Search: (Mind) Use Sub. Bonus Net 20 Sever. Obstructed+5
Agile: (A/R)+2 Bonus on Balance and Escape Soft Fall 15 Ropes Binder’s “Use Rope” +10 (Light rubble, etc)
Checks Cover 15 Fast Mount/Dismnt. 20 Restraint Escape Artist DC Lightly Obstructed +2
Acrobatic: (A/R)+2 Bonus on Jump and Tumble Fight w/ Warhorse10 Cont. Mount/Battle 20 Escape Artist: (Dex; Armor Penalty) Surface Modifiers DC Modifier
(Pre:)=Prerequisite Required for Feat Stay in Saddle 5 Spur Mount 15 Disguise: Use Com. Bonus Less than 2 In. 20
(M)=Magi Bonus, (C)=Cleric Bonus Guide w/ Knees 5 Leap 15 Disable Device: Use Sub. Bonus 2-6 In. Wide 15
(A)=Any, (F)=Fighter Bonus, (R)=Rogue Bonus, Task Ride DC Task Ride DC Diplomacy: Use Com. Bonus. 7-12 In. Wide 10
selected. Ride: (Dex) Use Phys. Bonus languages, break codes, etc. Narrow Surface BalanceDC
Feat may be taken each time a Feat/Bonus Feat is Open Locks: (Dex, Trained Only) Use Sub. Bonus Decipher Script (Mind, Trained Only) Read other Balance: (Dex; Armor Penalty)
and Clerics may take “Cleric” feats. Only 1 Bonus Move Silently: (Dex, Armor Penalty) Use Sub. Bonus +5 Surface is slippery 15, 20 or higher.
take “Magi” feats, Rogues may take “Rogue” Feats, Listen: (Mind) Use Com. Bonus can brace against perpendicular walls. Appraise: (Mind) Common DC12, Rare or Exotic DC
if the bonus feat is a “Fighter” Feat, as Magi may double DC. -5 Climbing a corner where character Skills:
18th levels). Fighters may take a bonus “fighter” feat 32 against opposite surface.
again every third level (1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th and running start. W/O a run. start 8 Ft. location where character can brace 4+Know. Mod (4+Know. Mod)x4 Magi:
simply select 1(or 2) feat(s) at 1st Level, and then Note: All jumps require a 20 ft. 7 Ft. 28 Climb Modifier -10 Climbing a Chimney or other 4+Know. Mod (4+Know. Mod)x4 Cleric:
Acquiring Feats: Characters do not “buy” feats, they 30 Ft. 30 6 Ft. 24 handholds but not footholds 8+Know. Mod (8+Know. Mod)x4 Rogue:
25 Ft. 25 5 Ft. 20 with 2+Know. Mod (2+Know. Mod)x4 Fighter:
20 Ft. 20 4 Ft. 16 25 Natural Rock Wall, Brick Wall, Overhang Higher Level 1st Level Class
15 Ft. 15 3 Ft. 12 20 Typical Dungeon Wall
10 Ft. 10 2 Ft. 8 15 Rough Rock, Tree, Unknotted Rope MUST be selected by player Characters to be used.
5 Ft. 5 1 Ft. 4 10 Rough Wall, Ships Rigging skill attempted, except “Trained Only.” T-O Skills
Bind a character Base 10 vs. Escape Artist Long Jump Dist. JumpDC High Jump Dist. JumpDC 5 Rope and wall, Knotted Rope Any character has a base DC5 (25%) chance for any
Splice two ropes together 15 Jump: (Dex; Armor Penalty) 0 Steep Slope, Knotted Rope and wall add +1 to any skill to a maximum of +4 to any skill.
Tie rope one handed 15 Climb DC Example formula listed by each character; any character can
Tie a “special” knot 15 Climb: (Str; Armor Penalty) character. 1st level characters get skills based on the
Secure a grappling hook 10 Base=DC10 This is an addition to the four basic skills of the
Tie a firm knot 10 Use Sub. Bonus Intimidate: (Mind) Bluff: (Mind) Base=DC10, vs. Sense Motive
Task Use Rope DC Use Sub. Bonus Hide: (Dex; Armor Penalty) Note: Modifiers are cumulative.

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