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B. Tech. Ordinances and Regulations (Effective From 2008 Admissions) Ordinances

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B. Tech. ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS (Effective from 2008 admissions) ORDINANCES 0.1.

Eligibility for admission, admission policy and procedure shall be decided from time to time by the Board of Governors (BOG) of the Institute, following guidelines issued by MHRD, Government of India. 0.2. The duration of the B. Tech. programme will normally be 8 semesters. 0.3. Award of Institute merit and merit cum means scholarships to the B. Tech. students will be governed by the regulations framed by the Senate from time to time. 0.4. Award of B. Tech. degree shall be in accordance with the regulations of the Senate of the Institute. 0.5. Notwithstanding any that are stated in the regulations, the Senate has the right to modify any of those from time to time.

Ordinance and Regulations of B. Tech.

REGULATIONS R1. Admission R1.1. The number of seats in each branch of the B. Tech. programme will be decided by the Senate following the instructions from MHRD, Government of India. Reservation of seats to different states, castes, tribes and other categories shall be as per the directives from MHRD, Government of India. Some seats shall be made available for Non Resident Indians and a few seats for foreign nationals. R1.2. At the time of admission the candidates should have passed/appeared and awaiting results of the final examination of the 10+2 system or its equivalent with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as subjects of study. R1.3. Candidates have to fulfill the medical standards required for admission as set out in the information brochure of AIEEE/or by the Central Counseling Board (CCB). R1.4. The selected candidates will be admitted to the B. Tech. programme after he/she fulfills all the admission requirements set by CCB/Institute after payment of the prescribed fees. R1.5. In all matters relating to admission to the B. Tech. programme, the decision of the CCB and its interpretation given by the Chairman of the Senate shall be final. R1.6. If at any time after admission, it is found that a candidate has not fulfilled any of the requirements stipulated by CCB/Institute, the Dean (UG) may revoke the admission of the candidate and report the matter to the Senate. R2. Structure of the B. Tech. programme R2.1. The programme of instruction will consist of the following: i) a general (common) core programme comprising basic sciences, engineering sciences, humanities, technical arts and mathematics; ii) an engineering core programme introducing the student to the foundations of engineering in the respective branch; iii) an elective programme enabling the student to opt and undergo a set of courses of interest to him/ her; iv) professional practice including project, seminar and industrial training and v) courses on Environmental Studies, Physical Education, Value Education and National Service Scheme. R2.2. The complete programme will consist of 8 categories: Humanities & Languages, Basic Sciences, Basic Engineering Sciences, Technical Arts, Professional Core & Electives, Professional Practice, Global/Free Electives and Others, distributed over eight semesters with two semesters per academic year. Professional Core courses will commence from the third semester onwards. The Elective Courses will be offered from the Fifth Semester onwards. R2.3. Every branch of the B. Tech. programme will have a curriculum and syllabi for the courses approved by the Senate.

Ordinance and Regulations of B. Tech.

R2.4. The academic programmes of the Institute follow the credit system. The general pattern is: One credit for each lecture hour per week per semester; One credit for each tutorial hour per week per semester; One (two) credit for each laboratory practical of two (three) hours per week per semester. Two (or three) credits for Drawing courses of one Lecture plus two (or three) hours of drawing. No credit will be attached to G type contact hours, which are meant for tutorials, home assignments, term paper, seminar etc., if necessary. R2.5. The curriculum of any branch of the B. Tech. programme shall have a minimum total of 175 credits. R2.6. No semester shall have more than six lecture-based courses and two laboratory and/or Drawing courses as prescribed in the curriculum (excluding OT). R2.7. Every course of the B. Tech. programme will be placed in one of the 8 categories as listed in Table.1 Table 1. Credits for CGPA Sl. No. for Pass/Fail


Category Basic Sciences (BS) Basic Engineering Sciences (ES) Humanities & Languages (HL) Technical Arts (TA) Professional Theory& Laboratory Practical (Core &Electives) (PT) Professional Practice (PR) Global Electives (Free) (GE) Others (Environment, Physical Education, Value Education, NSS) (OT) Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

21 15 9 7 101 10 (11) 6 0 169 (170)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6

MA12, PH6, CH3 EM6, BEE/ BELE6, CS3 PC3, ECO3, MGT3 EG3, W/S4

Project 8, Seminar 1 Mini Project 1 (Industrial Training 1) Environmental Studies3, Ph.Ed.1, Value. Ed. 1, NSS1.

Minimum credits to be earned for the award of B. Tech. Degree are 175 (of which 6 credits of course work done under the Pass/Fail option are not counted towards CGPA calculation). R2.8. A student who has earned the minimum number of credits required for the award of the degree including the minimum prescribed for each category will not be permitted to register for more courses to improve his CGPA. R2.9. The medium of instruction, examination and project reports will be in English. Ordinance and Regulations of B. Tech.

R3. Faculty Advisor R3.1. To help the students in planning their courses of study and for getting general advice on the academic programme, the concerned Department will assign a certain number of students to a Faculty member who will be called as their Faculty Advisor. R4. Class Committee R4.1. Every class of the B. Tech. programme shall have a Class Committee consisting of Faculty and students. For the first/second semester of the B. Tech. programme, there will be a common class committee constituted by the Dean (UG). For every other class of the B. Tech. programme, a semester wise, branch wise Class Committee shall be constituted by the respective HoD. R4.2. The constitution of the first/second semester Class Committee is as follows: i) One Professor or a senior Faculty not associated with teaching the class to be nominated by the Dean (UG) to act as the Chairman, ii) Course coordinator of each of the lecture based courses, iii) Course coordinator or main instructor of the practical courses, iv) One student from each batch nominated by the chairman of the class committee/elected with representation from all streams/braches v) Faculty advisors of all the first/second semester students. R4.3. For every third or higher semester class there will be a class committee. The constitution is as follows: i) One Professor or a senior Faculty of the Department, not engaging the class to be nominated by the respective HoD to act as the Chairman, ii) Course coordinator of each of the lecture based courses, iii) Course coordinator or main instructor of the practical courses, iv) Two students of the class nominated by the HoD/elected, v) Faculty advisors of the class. R4.4. Term of the Class Committee shall be one semester. The committee shall meet at least thrice during the semester. The Director and Dean (UG) shall have the right to be present in any meeting of any class committee. The Chairman of the committee shall record the proceedings of each meeting and communicate a copy of each meeting to the concerned HOD and Dean (UG) within three days after the meeting. R4.5. The responsibilities of the Class Committees include the following: i) Review periodically the progress of the classes, ii) Discuss problems concerning curriculum and syllabi and the conduct of the classes, iii) The Class Committee without the student members is responsible for the finalization of the semester results, iv) The method of assessment on any course will be decided by the teacher in consultation with the class committee and announced to the students in the beginning of the semester.

Ordinance and Regulations of B. Tech.

R5. Change of Branch R5.1. If the number of students in any branch of B. Tech. class as on the last instructional day of the Second Semester is less than the sanctioned strength, then the vacancies in the branches of higher order preference among the students will be filled by transferring students from other branches. All such transfers will be allowed on the basis of merit of the students as reckoned for admission to the programme, adhering to other reservations of state wise quota and reservation rules. R5.2. In addition to the above, as an incentive for excellent academic performance in the first two semesters, a limited number of students will be allowed transfer to branches of their choice. R5.3. All students who have successfully completed the first two semesters of the course will be eligible for consideration for change of branch subject to the availability of vacancies. R5.4. Maximum number of inward transfers allowed to a branch is two while the maximum number of outward transfers from a branch is five, as per R5.2 above. R5.5. However, a minimum of one student will be eligible for consideration for change of branch from each discipline irrespective of R5.4. R5.6. If a student with a higher CGPA is not offered a particular branch because of other constraints, this should not be offered to any other students with a lower CGPA even if he/she is eligible on the basis of existing norms. R5.7. Pass/Fail courses will not be considered for change of branch under R5.2 above. R6. Registration & Enrolment R6.1. Except for the first and second semesters, registration and enrolment will be done in the beginning of the semester as per the schedule announced by the Dean (UG). A student will be eligible for enrolment only if he/she satisfies R.11 and will be permitted to enroll only if (i) he/she has cleared all dues in the Institute, Hostel & Library up to the end of the previous semester and (ii) he/she is not debarred from enrolment by a disciplinary action of the Institute. R6.2. Students are required to submit registration form duly filled in, in consultation with his/her Faculty Advisor. R7. Registration requirement R7.1. B.Tech. students up to 6th Semester are allowed to register for a maximum of 24 credits, and 7th and 8th Semester students up to a maximum of 28 credits. If a student finds his/her load heavy in any semester, or for any other valid reason, he/she may drop courses within three weeks of the commencement of the semester or as mentioned in the academic calendar, whichever is earlier, with the written approval of his/her Faculty Advisor and HOD. However the student should ensure that the total number of credits registered for in any semester should enable him/her to earn the minimum number of credits per semester for the completed semesters.

Ordinance and Regulations of B. Tech.

R8. Summer Term Course R8.1. Summer term courses shall be offered for first level common courses only and for those students who got F grade in an earlier attempt. Those who have got W grade in an earlier attempt or those who have undergone Summer Term Courses earlier for the same subject are not eligible to register for Summer Term Courses. The maximum number of summer term courses that a student is allowed to register is 3. R8.2. Summer Term Courses will be announced by the Dean (UG), after the publication of results of the winter semester, if a minimum of 10% of the total registered regular students fail in a course. A student will have to register within the time stipulated in the announcement by paying the prescribed fees. A summer term course may be offered by a department on the recommendation of the DCC and with the approval of the Dean (UG). It is mandatory on the part of a Department to offer a course during a summer term if the number of students registered for a summer course is at least 50. R8.3. The number of contact hours in any summer term course will be the same as in the regular semester course. The assessment procedure and grading policy in a summer term course will also be similar to that for a regular semester course. R8.4. Withdrawal from a summer term course is not permitted. No make up examination will be given for summer term course. Also, there is no condonation for shortage of attendance. R9. Contact courses R9.1. A contact course shall be offered to a student who has completed his/her programme of study and has failed in only one subject. It shall be offered during the summer vacation which follows immediately after. The course will be offered only on the recommendation of DCC and with the consent of the teacher. R9.2. The assessment procedure for a contact course will be similar to the procedure for the regular semester course. R9.3. Withdrawal from a contact course is not permissible. R10. Minimum requirement to continue the programme R10.1. A student should earn not less than 10 credits in the first semester and 25 credits including summer term courses, at the end of the second semester. Thereafter, he/she must earn credits at a rate of 15 or more per semester. The credit requirements mentioned above does not include OT courses, which are Pass/ Fail courses and are not considered for CGPA calculations. If any student does not satisfy the above requirement he/she has to earn the required number of credits by registering for courses in lower semesters. However if the shortage can be made up with 3 credits, Dean UG with specific recommendations of DCC may provisionally permit the student to register for next higher semester. Registration for courses in higher semester is permitted only after earning credits as specified above Ordinance and Regulations of B. Tech.

R10.2 Registration for higher semester courses is permissible only after registering for all the lower semester courses being offered subject to the maximum number of credits as stipulated in the curriculum for the semester. R10.3 The credit requirement specified in the curriculum at first level has to be earned before a student reaches 3rd level and that at second level to be earned before reaching 4th level, failing which provisions of R27 will be applicable R11. Maximum duration of the programme R11.1. The normal duration of the programme is eight semesters. However a student may complete the programme at a slower pace by taking more time, but in any case not more than 12 semesters excluding the semesters withdrawn on medical grounds etc. However, the students have to satisfy R10.1, failing which action will be initiated to cancel the registration. R12. Temporary discontinuation R12.1. A student may be permitted by the Dean (UG) to discontinue temporarily from the programme for a semester or a longer period for reasons of ill health or other valid reasons. Normally a student will be permitted to discontinue from the programme only for a maximum duration of two semesters. R13. Discipline R13.1. Every student is required to observe discipline and decorous behavior both inside and outside the campus and not to indulge in any activity, which will tend to bring down the prestige of the Institute. R13.2. Any act of indiscipline of a student reported to the Dean (UG) will be referred to a Discipline & Welfare Committee constituted by the Senate. The Committee will enquire into the charges and decide suitable punishment if the charges are substantiated. The committee will also authorize the Dean (UG) to implement the decision. R13.3. The student may appeal to the Chairman, Senate whose decision will be final. The Dean (UG) will report the action taken at the next meeting of the Senate. R14. Attendance R14.1. Every member of the Faculty handling a class shall record attendance on all days of instruction. The main instructor of the course is required to finalize the attendance 3 calendar days before the last instructional day of the course in the semester. R14.2. The percentage of attendance calculated 3 calendar days before the last instructional day will be indicated by a letter code as given below and will be reported to the class committee. Attendance rounded to Code 90% and above H 80% and above but less than 90% N Less than 80% L R14.3. A student whose attendance is less than 80% for a course is not eligible to appear for the end semester examination for that course. Ordinance and Regulations of B. Tech.

R14.4. The details of all students who have attendance less than 80% in a course will be announced by the teacher in the class. These details will be sent to the concerned HODs and Dean (UG). R14.5. Those who have 80% or more attendance for the period other than their medical leave be considered for condonation of shortage of attendance provided the overall attendance in the course including the period of illness does not fall below 50%. Application for condonation recommended by the Faculty Advisor, concerned faculty and the HOD is to be submitted to the Dean (UG) on or before the last instructional day of the semester. The Dean (UG), depending on the merit of the case may permit the student to appear for the end semester exam. A student will be eligible for this concession at most in two semesters during the entire degree programme. Application for medical leave, supported by medical certificate with endorsement by the Institute Medical Officer, should reach the HOD within seven days after returning from leave or, on or before the last instructional day of the semester, whichever is earlier. R.14.6 As an incentive to those students who are involved in extra curricular activities such as Tathva and Ragam, and those who represent the institute in Sports & Games, Cultural Festivals, and Technical Festivals outside the institute, a relaxation of up to 5% attendance will be given subject to the condition that these students take prior approval from the following faculty 1. Tathva - Convener Tathva 2. Ragam- Staff Advisor 3. Presenting Technical Papers/ Attending Technical Festival- Concerned Faculty Advisor 4. Sports & Games- Faculty in charge of Sports & Games The students who wish to apply for this condonation are required to fill up the necessary form and get it signed by the appropriate authority. All such applications should be recommended by the concerned HOD and forwarded to Dean (UG) within seven instructional days after the programme/activity. R15. Assessment Procedure R15.1. The Senate will decide from time to time the system of tests and examinations in each subject in each semester. R.16. System of tests & Assignments R16.1. For Lecture/Tutorial based/theory component of Lecture cum Practical courses, two tests will be conducted. The details of weights of marks for the tests and assignments will be decided by the coordinator of the course in consultation with the class committee. These details will be announced to the students in the beginning of the semester. The Dean (UG) should be informed of these details in the beginning of the semester. For Laboratory Practical the main instructor, in consultation with the class committee decides the number of tests. R17. End - Semester examination R17.1. There will be one end semester examination of three hours duration on each lecture based or lecture cum practical course. Ordinance and Regulations of B. Tech.

R18. Weights R.18.1. For all Lecture based courses, two tests and assignments together carry 50% weight and the end semester examination carries 50% weight. For Laboratory Practical, end semester exam is not mandatory. If end semester exam is planned for a practical course, it should be conducted before the last instructional day and the weight for it should not exceed 40%. For Lecture cum Practical courses assessment procedure is to be a properly weighted combination of those for Lecture and those for Practical components, and is to be decided in consultation with the class committee. For courses on Physical Education, Value Education and NSS, the concerned coordinators (main instructors), in consultation with the Dean (UG) shall decide the assessment procedure. R19. Make up examination R19.1. Students who miss the tests or the end-semester examinations for valid reasons are eligible for a make-up examination. Students who missed end semester examination and one or more tests will be permitted to write one make- up exam only, and no marks will be awarded for the missed tests. Those who miss the tests can also appear for the make up examination and answer the relevant portions of the question paper with appropriate weight as attached to the test/s. R19.2. Those who miss test/s and/or end-semester exam should apply to the Head of the concerned Department (in the case of third and higher semesters) or to the Chairman of the Class Committee (in the case of first/second semester) within five days after the missed test/exam, giving the reasons for absence. Applications received after this period will not be entertained. R19.3. Permission to appear for make-up exam will be given under exceptional circumstances such as admission to a hospital due to illness. Students residing in the Hostels should produce a Medical Certificate issued by a Medical officer of the Institute certifying that he/she was admitted to hospital during the period of exam. Students residing outside the campus must produce a medical certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner and the same should be duly endorsed by parent/guardian and also by a medical officer of the institute, within 5 days. R19.4. A student who misses the make-up exam will not normally be given another make-up exam. However, in exceptional cases of prolonged illness resulting in the student missing a make-up exam, the Chairman of the Senate, in consultation with the Dean (UG) may permit the student to appear for a second make-up exam. R20. Project evaluation R20.1. On completion of the project, the student will submit a project report that will be evaluated by duly appointed examiners. The evaluation will be based on the report and a viva voce exam. R21. Grading R21.1 The Faculty will return Graded Assignments, Tutorials, Term Papers, etc., in reasonable time before the respective test/examination. Ordinance and Regulations of B. Tech.

R21.2. Only the final grades and attendance of all the students will be displayed by the Class Committee Chairman. Students may seek clarification regarding grades etc., from the concerned teacher, if required. R21.3. A Class Committee without the student members will be convened within seven days after the last day of the end-semester examination. The letter grades to be awarded to the students for different subjects will be finalized at the meeting. R21.4. Based on the semester performance, each student is awarded a final letter grade in each course. The letter grades and the grade points are as follows:

Grade Grade points S 10 A 9 B 8 C 7 D 6 E 5 F 0 (Failure) W 0 (Failure due to insufficient attendance) I 0 (Actual grade to be awarded later) R21.5. A student is considered to have credited a course or earned credits in respect of a course if he/she secures a grade other than F, W or I for that course. R22. Declaration of results R22.1.Two copies of the results sheets for the respective course containing the final grade and attendance code and two copies with the absolute marks, grades and attendance codes should be submitted to the concerned Class Committee Chairman. After finalization of the grades at the Class Committee meeting, hard and soft copies of consolidated copy with absolute marks and one without absolute marks but having the grades only and the attendance codes will be forwarded by the Class Committee Chairman to the Dean (UG). Another consolidated copy will be sent to the concerned HoD. R22.2. The Dean (UG) announces the results of all the first level courses and the concerned HODs announce the results of the other courses. R23. Repetition of a course. R23.1.A student who was awarded F or W grade in a core course has to repeat it compulsorily when it is offered next. If the course is an elective course, the student may repeat it if he/she so desires. R23.2.Attendance shall not be made mandatory for any student who repeats a course with a F grade. However the student has to register for the course and undergo all interims, assignments, end semester examination etc. as stipulated by the course faculty/class committee. R24. Grade Point Averages.

Ordinance and Regulations of B. Tech.

R24.1. The academic performance of a student in a semester is indicated by the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA). SGPA = (CGP) C where the summation is taken over all the courses registered for by the student in the semester, except Pass/Fail courses. The performance of a student up to and including a particular semester (and summer term) is indicated by the earned credits and the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). CGPA = (CGP) C where the summation is taken for all the courses registered for by the student except Pass/Fail courses, up to and including the current semester and the summer terms. R25. Grade Card R25.1. The Grade Card issued at the end of the semester to each student, will contain the following: a) the code, title, credit and category of each course registered in the semester, b) the letter grade obtained, c) the attendance code, d) the total number of credits earned by the student upto the end of that semester in each category and grand total, and e) SGPA & CGPA. R25.2. Class/Division Classification is based on CGPA and is as follows: CGPA 8 and above : First Class with distinction CGPA 6.5 and above, but less than 8 : First Class CGPA 5 and above, but less than 6.5 : Second Class. R26. Slow pace learning Courses to be registered normally are specified in the curriculum. However, a student may register for a lesser number of credits than specified in the curriculum.

R27. Permanent disqualification R27.1. A student who does not satisfy provisions of R10.3 is allowed to register only for lower level courses for a period of one year. At the end of one year if the student still does not satisfy provisions of R 10.3, he/she is not eligible to continue the programme in the Institute. All such candidates stand disqualified for the B. Tech. Degree of the Institute. Such extra period taken up is also counted in the maximum duration of the programme. Ordinance and Regulations of B. Tech.

R27.2. If a student neither gets permission for temporary discontinuation nor registers for any course during a semester before earning the minimum credit requirements for the award of the degree, then he/ she is deemed to have discontinued the programme permanently and will not be permitted to continue the programme.

R28. Courses under OT category R28.1. Courses on Environmental Studies, Physical Education, Value Education and National Service Scheme are to be credited during the programme. The courses belong to Pass/Fail category which will not be included in the computation of SGPA/CGPA.

R29. Lateral Entry/Transition Provision R29.1. B. Tech. students who were admitted to the Institute before the commencement of the academic year 2002-03 will be considered for lateral entry in to the B. Tech. Degree programme under these regulations. The concerned DCC will recommend he advance credits and the courses from which the candidate can be exempted. This recommendation will be examined by BUGS and forwarded to the Senate for approval. R30. Transfer of credits R30.1. Within the broad frame work of these regulations, the Senate, on the recommendation of the concerned DCC and BUGS may permit students to earn part of the credit requirement in other approved institutes of repute and status in the country or abroad. The Senate may, in other exceptional cases, approve admission with advance credit of candidates recommended by the DCC and BUGS. R31. Eligibility for the award of B. Tech. Degree R31.1. A student will be declared to be eligible for the award of the B.Tech. Degree if he/she has i) registered and successfully credited all the core courses; ii) successfully acquired the credits in the different categories as specified in the curriculum corresponding to the discipline (branch) of his/her study within the stipulated time; iii) has no dues to all sections of the Institute including Hostels, and iv) has no disciplinary action pending against him/her. The award of the degree must be recommended by the Senate and approved by the Board of Governors of the Institute. R32. Power to modify R32.1. Notwithstanding all that has been stated above, the Senate has the right to modify any of the above regulations from time to time. .................................

Ordinance and Regulations of B. Tech.

MISSION To develop high quality technical education and personnel with a sound footing on basic engineering principles, technical and managerial skills, innovative research capabilities, and exemplary professional conduct to lead and to use technology for the progress of mankind, adapting themselves to the changing technological environment with the highest ethical values as the inner strength.

VISION International standing of the highest calibre.

Ordinance and Regulations of B. Tech.

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