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SPM PAPER 4 (Listening)

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Part 1

Questions 1 to 7

You will hear people talking in seven different situations. For questions 1 to 7, choose the
correct answer (A, B or C).
You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the questions.

1. What does the doctor think the woman might need?

A Medication
B Heart surgery
C New spectacles

2. Which country did chewing gum originate from?

A The United States
B Singapore
C Mexico

3. When are the two friends going on their trip?

A Wednesday
B Thursday
C Friday

4. Based on the evening news, Tobi the cat

A was kidnapped.
B went to find his owners.
C travelled to his original home.

5. Why doesn't the chef bake brownies very often?

A They are hard to bake.
B They are too addictive.
C They are expensive to make.

6. What did the actor say about preparing for the role?
A He had to master a new skill.
B He had to do plenty of research.
C He had to face physical challenges.

7. What is the student's opinion of her college accommodation?

A She doesn't think studying will be easy because of the noise.
B She isn't sure there will be enough room to study.
C She doesn't get along with her room-mates.

[7 marks]

Part 2

Questions 8 to 15

You will hear an educational podcast about human and animal communication. For
questions 1 to 8, circle the correct answer (A, B or C).
You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the questions.

8. What is one difference between humans and animals?

A Humans communicate through language
B Humans communicate to exchange information
C Humans communicate through biological signals

9. How do bees tell each other where to find food?

A They buzz through their wings.
B They carry out a particular dance.
C They leave traces of pollen and nectar

10. What is clear evidence that parrots do not understand human language?
A They copy the sounds that humans make.
B They use the human speech they know at the wrong time.
C They are unable to translate human language into their own.

11. Which is true about communication among primates?

A Primates can communicate complex ideas.
B Primate communication is not based on any grammar rules.
C Chimpanzees are capable of producing basic human language.

12. Communication can only be considered language when there is

A grammatical structure.
B meaning comprehension.
C a sense of community and purpose.

13. Why are dolphins unable to communicate with humans to a full extent?
A Dolphins are less intelligent than chimpanzees.
B Dolphins cannot pronounce consonants in the human language.
C Dophins only know one phrase in the human language, 'How are you?'

14. Where is information stored in the communication between whales?

A Underwater sound waves
B Individual clicks and squeaks
C Sustained patterns of sounds produced

15. Human language developed as a result of children

A getting taught the language rules of the community
B being exposed to the same language in many different ways
C growing up in a community where multiple languages are spoken
[8 marks]

Part 3
Questions 16 to 20
You will hear five short extracts in which teachers talk about their work. For questions 16 to
20, choose from the list (A to G) what each speaker says. Use the letters only once. There
are two extra letters which you do not need to use.

You will hear the recording twice. Answer all the questions.

A This teacher sometimes lacks confidence. Speaker 1 16

B Technology is not this teacher’s forte. Speaker 2 17

C This teacher’s students are very talented. Speaker 3 18

D This teacher advises colleagues on teaching Speaker 4 19

E This teacher keeps learning about the latest Speaker 5 20
methods of teaching.
F Chaperoning students on trips is a joy for this
G This teacher is everyone’s favourite.
[5 marks]

Part 4
Questions 21 to 30
You will hear an interview with a pianist named Colin. For questions 21 to 30, fill in the
missing information in each numbered space.
Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each space.
You will hear the interview twice. Answer all the questions.

The Pianist
Colin started playing the piano when he was four and gave his hint live performance in a
____________ (21) centre when he was six. He did not think about the ______________( 22)
of playing in front of a crowd. Instead, he enjoyed the audience's________________ (23)
and quiet but positive remarks.
His friends' ever-changing dreams were a stark contrast to his unwavering resolve to
become a pianist. In fact, he successfully ___________ (24) this childhood ambition. He
credits his sustained ______________ (25) in music to playing the piano daily after school
and feeling the same excitement every time he performed. Colin now holds a Masters in
accompaniment and more frequently does ______________ (26) or group performances.
These days, Colin practices for two hours in the morning before meetings clients who
hold ____________ (27) or offer contract work. On free afternoons, he practices some more
while evenings off are spent ______________ (28) with musicians he may get to perform
with. Becoming a musician is a less ______________(29) career pathway. Nevertheless,
Colin advises aspiring musicians to work hard for opportunities and cultivate
__________(30) mannerisms to find a mentor.
[10 marks]

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