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Human Development Across The Lifespan: Chapter 5 (2008)

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DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition III. Infancy 5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy The McGrawHill Companies, 2009

Part Three Infancy



Chapter Outline
Physical Development in Infancy 106 Developmental Milestones of Infancy 106 Nutrition 107 Brain Development 108 An Infants Brain, Neurons, and Communication 111 Neonatal Reflexes 113 Neonatal Assessment Techniques 115 Motor Development 117 Neonatal Problems 118 Perceptual Development 122 The Meaning of Perception 122 Visual Perception 123 Visual Adaptation 123 Auditory Perception 124 Cognitive Development 125 Piagets Sensorimotor Period 125 Criticisms of Piaget 127 Information Processing in Infancy 128 Language Development 131 Acquiring Their Language 132 The Pace of Language Acquisition 133 Key Signs of Language Development 135 Conclusion & Summary 138 Key Terms 138 What Do You Think? 138 Chapter Review Test 139

Chapter Objectives
After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions.

What are the major physical accomplishments of the infancy period? How do infants acquire information about their world? What are the differences between Piagets view of cognitive development in infancy and that of information processing? How do infants acquire their language?


DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009


Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


o you think you know what an infant is: small, helpless, appealing. Right? Lets see if the experts agree with you. John Watson an early and famous behaviorist thought he knew: Infants are a source of potential stimulusresponse connections. He believed that if you turn your attention to an infant early enough, you can make that infant into anything you wantits all a matter of conditioning! For example, One of Watsons most famous statements was this: Give me a dozen healthy infants well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and Ill guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might selectdoctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief, and yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors. (Watson, 1930, p. 104) Or consider Freuds interpretation of infancy. Freud believed that, from the first days of life, infants lead a stimulating sexual life: Sexual life does not begin only at puberty, but starts with plain manifestations soon after birth. (Freud, 1949, p. 26) One of the most famous names in developmental psychology has been that of Jean Piaget. Discussing the origins of intelligence from a psychological perspective, he argues that we (humans) have a rich mental life from birth, if not sooner. He states: In effect, if, as is probable, states of awareness accompany a reflex mechanism as complicated as that of the sucking mechanism these states of awareness have an internal history. (Piaget, 1952b, p. 39) Rather than seeing children as small sponges waiting for something to be poured into them (as Watson did), Piaget believed that children actively construct their own views of the world during these early years. Piaget was one of the first psychologists to question the apparently passive state of infants; he argued that infants are much more competent than originally thought, and during infancy they build the cognitive structures that are the foundation of their intelligence. The well-known T. Berry Brazelton, one of Americas most distinguished pediatricians, has formulated a concept of infancy that has led to a completely new vision of infant competence and behavior. The Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale is based on the assumption that the newborn infant is both competent and complexly organized. In developing the scale, we were impressed by the newborn infants ability to interact with the environment and by her capacity to deal selectively with environmental stimuli. (Brazelton & Nugent, 1995, p. 7) With his belief that infants are both competent and complex,

Why do the early interactions between parents and children have a powerful effect on all aspects of development?

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009




Brazelton, in his practice, his writings, and in television appearances, has been one of the leaders in changing our views of infancy. Thanks to his work and that of his colleagues (see Brazelton & Nugent, 1995), we now recognize how much infants contribute to their own development in these early years. This chapter will help you to understand how infants are viewed in the 21st century. Youll first trace the infants physical development and then examine the methods used to assess the well-being of infants following birth. Next youll follow various paths of infant development: motor, perceptual, cognitive, and language. Youll also begin to discern the issues and themes discussed in Chapter 1. For example, the issue of stability is particularly important in any discussion of infancy; that is, do the events that occur in infancy leave an indelible mark that lasts a lifetime?


Newborn babies are beautifully programmed to fit their parents fantasies and to reward the work of pregnancy. T. Berry Brazelton

By their very coming into existence, infants forever alter the sleeping, eating, and working habits of their parents; they change who parents are and how parents define themselves . . . Parenting an infant is a 24/7 job. (Bornstein, 2002, p. 3) Infancy is a time of rapid physical and nervous system development, accomplishments that ensure an infants survival and ability to cope with its world. The typical newborn weighs about 7 1y2 pounds and is about 20 inches in length. In one year after its birth, an infants length increases by one half, and its weight almost triples. Infancy sees exciting changes in psychomotor development as well as potential danger. For example, the National Center For Health Statistics reported that the infant mortality rate in 2005 was 6.8 deaths per 1,000 live births.

Developmental Milestones of Infancy

To visualize the rapid growth that occurs during infancy, see Table 5.1. Growing children experience changes in shape and body composition, in the distribution of tissues, and in their developing motor skills, and these changes

T A B L E 5.1

Physical Development in Infancy

Age (mos.) 3 6 9 12 18 24

Height (in.) 24 26 28 30 32 34

Weight (lbs.) 1314 1718 2022 2224 2526 2729

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009


Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


then influence cognitive, psychosocial, and emotional development. For example, the infants head at birth is about a quarter of the bodys total length, but in the adult it is about one-seventh of body length. Different tissues (muscles, nerves) also grow at different rates, and total growth represents a complex series of changes. Underlying this rapidly unfolding and complex process is, of course, proper nutrition.

Considering the rapid growth and development that occurs during the first year of life, its little wonder that appropriate nutrition is a key element for a healthy infant. In the first year, infants are expected to triple their birth weight and increase their length by about 50% (Grodner, Long, & DeYoung, 2004). To support this growth, infants require an ideal balance of all needed nutrients. But meeting these nutritional needs can be difficult because of an infants small stomach and an immature digestive system (Ball & Bindler, 2006). To give you an idea of the delicate mix desired, think of the nutritional needs of the furiously developing nervous system and cells of the bodily organs. These energy requirements demand an individualized combination of carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and vitamins that should enable the infant to regain birth weight by 2 weeks after birth (Arenson & Drake, 2007; Farrell & Nicoteri, 2007). From birth to 6 months, infants display an amazing ability to assimilate and digest food, beginning with a few ounces of breast milk or formula to digesting pureed food at 6 months (Ball & Bindler, 2006). From 6 to 12 months infants continue to consume a wide variety of foods to satisfy increasing nutritional needs.

Breast Feeding
Doctors, nurses, and most mothers agree that human milk is the ideal food for infants under 6 months (Leifer, 2003). Breast milk contains a balance of nutrients that is typically digestible and the process itself (breast feeding) encourages motherinfant bonding. Among the various forms of infant nourishment, breast milk is widely considered to be the most nutritionally beneficial during the postpartum period. Breast milk contains immunologic agents that protect infants against infectious diseases such as bacterial meningitis, diarrhea, respiratory ailments, and urinary tract infections. (Jackowitz, Nobvillo, & Tiehen, 2007) Breast feeding leads to two advantages that cant be duplicated by formula feeding. First is the protection against disease offered by a mothers milk. Breastfed babies seem to have a lesser degree of illness than formula-fed babies, an important consideration in developing countries. Second, breast-fed babies are less at risk for allergic reactions than are formula-fed babies. What conditions affect a womans decision to breast feed? Farrell and Nicoteri (2007. p. 45) believe that a woman should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of breast feeding. Among the influences she should consider are her sense of body image, sexuality concerns, cultural practices, family traditions, lifestyle (economics and the need to return to work), and drug and alcohol use. One of the advantages of formula feeding is that others, including the father, can feed the baby. Commercial formulas are good, containing more proteins than breast milk. Assuming that the formula is appropriate, nutritional problems should not arise. In the United States, infants are usually well-nourished, either through breast or formula feeding

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009




T A B L E 5.2 Introducing Solid Foods

Age 04 months 46 months 67 months 89 months 1012 months

Foods Breast milk or formula Iron-fortified cereals made with rice or barley Strained fruits and vegetables Fruit juices, teething foods Pureed meats, potatoes, rice, and pasta Finger foods, toast strips, yogurt, and an increased variety of foods

Table 5.2 presents a recommended schedule for the introduction of solid food (Tamborlane, 1997). In the course of one year, then, infants progress from either breast or bottle feeding to a variety of table foods. Lets turn now to the remarkable role of the brain in development.

Brain Development
From the beginnings of the nervous system that we discussed in Chapter 4, a picture of the brain appears with which youre familiar. The top of the neural tube leads to the formation of the two cerebral hemispheres and the four lobes of the

F I G U R E 5.1a
Shown here are the brains lobes and functional areas.

Motor area

Somatosensory area

Speaking language (Brocas area) Understanding language (Wernickes area) Visual area

Auditory area

Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Occipital lobe Temporal lobe

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009


Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


F I G U R E 5.1b
The human brain (continued )

Language areas Parietal lobe (Body Senses) Frontal lobe Occipital lobe (Vision)

Temporal lobe

Brain stem (Regulation) Cerebellum (Muscle Coordination)

cerebral cortex. The rest of the tube turns into the spinal cord. Figure 5.1a and Figure 5.1b illustrate these features and suggest the functions of each. What can we make of all this remarkable activity? Nature has taken breathtaking steps to insure that a baby will be able to adapt to its challenging environment at birth.

Building the Brain Structures
Tracing the evolutionary pathway of the brain leads to the conclusion that our brains developed in a bottom to top direction, starting with the brain stem and steadily moving to the more recent appearance of the cortical areas. The older areas of the brain (brain stem, hypothalamus) are closely linked to the urges and expression of rage, passion, and fear, whereas the cortical areas, devoted to thinking and problem solving, act as a brake on the limbic system. Figure 5.2 illustrates the appearance of several important brain structures that influence your childs life, from crying, regulating body temperature, eating habits, impulses, and thought processes.

Starting in the lower regions of the brain (the cerebrum seems to sit on the spinal area), you can see the brain stem, which controls critical bodily functions such as breathing, states of sleep and wakefulness, and automatic muscular activities such as standing. In Figure 5.2, locate the limbic system, which includes the amygdala, hippocampus, and hypothalmus. The limbic system is deeply involved in emotional behavior and memory. The amygdala, which sits just above the brain stem, is a center for our emotional learning and remembering.

Studies of individuals with damaged amygdalas testify to the inability of these individuals to judge the emotional significance of events. In his popular book, Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman notes that life without the amygdala is a life stripped of personal meanings. The hypothalamus, often called the brain center connects with many of the other brain areas and is particularly concerned with maintaining the bodys internal conditions. For example, the hypothalamus seems to control thirst, hunger, body temperature, sex, and emotions, a fulltime job by any standards! The thalamus acts as the main coordinator of input information. For example, as a child looks around, listens to sounds, and reacts emotionally, the thalamus acts to send this information to the proper brain areas. In Figure 5.2, you can see that attached to the brain stem is the cerebellum, whose major duty is to coordinate muscular movements. For example, if the cerebellum is damaged, control of fine movement is lost so that we cannot reach out and pick up an object. Finally, the hippocampus acts as a storage space for shortterm memory until it can transmit its content to the frontal cortex.

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009




F I G U R E 5.2

The human brainside and midline views

Neocortex Limbic cortex
Limbic system (Emotions, Learning)

Midline View
Thalamus (Sensory Relay)


Hypothalamus Amygdala Hippocampus Cerebellum

Pituitary (Gland) Brain stem


Reticular formation (Arousal) Spinal cord

Brain Stem

With these ideas in mind, we can now turn our attention to the unfolding story of how were continuing to build our knowledge of brain development. As we have seen, nervous system development begins during the embryonic period, when neurons reproduce at the rate of about 250,000 per minute. During infancy, connections among the neurons begin to increase notably (as much as 100 to 1,000 connections for each of the billions of neurons). This growth rate translates into a brain size of about pound at birth to about 1 pounds at the end of the first year and then to about 3 pounds by five years (which is adult size) (Eliot, 2000). Figure 5.3 shows the developmental pattern.

How Were Learning about the Brain

Todays brain researchers rely heavily on tools such as the following (Bear, Connors, & Paradiso, 2001; Gazzaniga, Ivry, & Mangun, 1998; Restak, 2001).

Electroencephalogram. The nerve impulse is electrical, and when large numbers of neurons are active they produce enough electrical signals to be measured by electrodes placed on the scalp to identify different behavioral states for example, deep sleep. Computed Axial Tomography. The Commonly used CAT scan is an advanced version of X-ray techniques, which presents three-dimensional pictures of the brain. Positron Emission Tomography. PET scans measure the amount of blood flow associated with brain activity. Tiny radioactive elements (about the same amount of radioactivity you would receive from a chest X ray) are injected into the blood stream and become tracers that the PET scan can detect. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The increasingly popular MRI depends on the magnetic quality of blood to measure internal structures.

Another example of startling new breakthroughs in brain research is the ability to grow new brain cells to replace damaged brain cells (in mice). It was long thought that brain cells, once damaged, could never be replaced. However, recent research (Saltus, 2000) has discovered that neural brain cells migrate through the brain, attach to damaged nerves and transform themselves into the appropriate nerve cells. As a result, the future looks brighter for sufferers of such diseases as Parkinsons and Lou Gehrigs disease.

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009


Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


F I G U R E 5.3
Brain development

(a) 2 weeks

(b) 7 weeks

(c) 4 months

(d) birth

Unfortunately, some babies experience Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome puts the number of SBS babies at about 1,300 per year. Frustrated caregivers can shake babies so vigorously that enormous brain damage occurs, with the results that the babys brain loses control over such vital functions as heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and temperature.

An Infants Brain, Neurons, and Communication

From your previous reading about neurons, you probably recall their importance in brain action. As a refresher, Figure 5.4 illustrates what they look like. In this figure, you can see that the communication process in the nervous system consists of the following steps.

The messages (called nerve impulses) that travel along the neurons are electrical. For neurons to communicate with one another, the dendrites of one cell receive a message from the axon of another cell. To cross the space (called a synapse) between the axon and the dendrite, the nerve impulse needs the help of a chemical transmitter (called a neurotransmitter). Once the message has crossed the synapse, it resumes its journey as an electrical signal.

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009




F I G U R E 5.4

How neurons connect

Dendrites Cell body Dendrites

Nucleus Axon

Direction of nerve impulse

Axon Axon

Myelin sheath surrounding the axon

Sending Neuron

Receiving Neuron

Youll recall that nature has manufactured billions of brain cellsmore than will be needed to insure that the brain will be able to form enough connections for all the needed abilities and skills that demand new connections. The neurons that dont make connections simply die. Andand this may startle youthis exercise in survival (some connections die, some connections survive) continues throughout our lives, giving new and critical meaning to the expression use it or lose it. The fittest of our neurons are those that make connections and survive. So the lesson here is not only for our children but also for all of us: Keep busy, seek challenges, stay alert.

Making Connections
Thanks to the prodigious research of the neuroscientists for the past two decades, we now know that infants absorb their experiences and use them to continually shape their brains. It happens this way: An infant gobbles up information from the outside world through its eyes, ears, nose, hands, and so on and translates it into nerve impulses that travel along neurons (axon of one cell to dendrites of another), making connection with the dendrites of other neurons along their pathways. The brain cells that receive this information survive; those that dont, die. Its as simple as that. Environmental stimulationteachers, parents, and other people and events affect all parts of the brain. Well stress throughout our work how important it is to talk to a baby. The language areas of the brain respond, resulting in superior language skills for the child. Its also important to surround an infant with a warm, emotionally supportive environment, which results in more connections in those parts of the brain responsible for developing emotions. The result? A child who is blessed with feelings of security and an emotional well-being that spreads throughout all aspects of her life.

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009


Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


Music and Your Brain
Are you a music lover? Arent we all, to a greater or lesser extent, appreciative of music and pleased by its sounds? To help us understand why we derive such pleasure from music, recent brain research has begun to unravel the secrets of music appreciation. Most modern neuroscientists believe that our love of music has deep roots. For example, Weinberger (2004) argues that we have been making music since the dawn of culture. More than 30,000 years ago, humans were already playing bone flutes, percussion instruments, and jaw harps. David Levitin (2006, p. 8), a product of todays rock world and currently a cognitive psychologist at McGill University, Laboratory for Music Perception, Cognition, and Expertise, argues that researchers are convinced that the secrets of human behavior will be unlocked by tracing the evolution of mind. Levitins ideas are based on his belief that as our brains have evolved, so has the music we make with them. Levitins research points to findings suggesting music processing is distributed throughout the brain and is not confined to the right hemisphere. Agreeing with these research findings, Weinberger (2006) notes that music has a biological basis in a brain that is functionally organized for music. The inevitable conclusion is that many regions are involved in music processing. For example, (Levitin, 2006, pp. 8485):

Listening to music begins with subcortical activity that leads to activity in the auditory cortical areas on both sides of the brain. As you follow the music, the hippocampus (memory) and parts of the frontal lobe become engaged. If you react to the music with movementtapping your feetor even in your mind, the cerebellum contributes to the processing. If you perform music, the frontal lobe helps you in planning how to do it; the motor cortex guides any needed movements in your performance; and the sensory cortex gives you the needed feedback for a correct performance (for instance, pressing the right key). If you are reading music, the visual cortex becomes active, and if you are attempting to recall lyrics the language areas are stimulated. Any emotions you feel trigger activity in the amygdala.

Neuroscientific discoveries about the brain and music will continue to help us comprehend how both brain and mind evolved. Stay tuned!

Neonatal Reflexes
reflex When a stimulus repeatedly elicits the same response.

apnea Brief periods when breathing is suspended.

neonate Term for an infant in the first days and weeks after birth.

Think of a reflex as an automatic response to certain stimuli and, as Rose (2005) notes, the previously unused reflexes now must be brought into play and under control. Popular examples include the eye blink and the knee jerk. All the activities needed to sustain lifes functions are present at birth (breathing, sucking, swallowing, elimination). These reflexes serve a definite purpose: The gag reflex enables infants to spit up mucus; the eye blink protects the eyes from excessive light; an anti-smothering reflex facilitates breathing. Infants must learn to breathe, adjust to feeding patterns, regulate their temperatures, and react to the stimuli of their new world (Rose, 2005). Breathing patterns are not fully established at birth, and sometimes infants briefly stop breathing. These periods are called apnea, and although there is some concern that apnea may be associated with sudden infant death, these periods are quite common in all infants. Usually they last for about 2 to 5 seconds; episodes that extend from about 10 to 20 seconds may suggest the possibility of a problem. Sneezing and coughing are both reflexes that help to clear air passages. Next in importance are reflexes associated with feeding. Infants suck and swallow during the prenatal period and continue at birth. They also demonstrate the rooting reflex, in which theyll turn toward a nipple or a finger placed on the cheek and attempt to get it into the mouth. Table 5.3 describes some of the more important neonatal reflexes. In the days immediately following birth until about two weeks to one month, the infant is called a neonate. During this period, babies immediately begin to use

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009




T A B L E 5.3 Neonatal Reflexes

Name of Reflex Plantar grasp Babinski Babkin Rooting Sucking Moro Grasping Tonic neck Stepping

How Elicited Press thumbs against the balls of the infants foot Gently stroke lateral side of sole of foot Press palm of hand while infant lies on back Gently touch cheek of infant with light finger pressure Mouth contacts nipple of breast or bottle Loud noise or sudden dropping of infant Object or finger is placed in infants palm Place infant flat on back Support infant in upright position; soles of feet brush surface

Description of Response Toes tend to curl Toes spread in an outward and upward manner Mouth opens; eyes close Head turns toward finger in effort to suck Mouth and tongue used to manipulate (suck) nipple Stretches arms and legs and then hugs self; cries Fingers curl around object Infant assumes fencer position: turns head and extends arm and leg in same direction as head Infant attempts regular progression of steps

their abilities to adapt to their environment. Among the most significant of these are the following:

Infants display clear signs of imitative behavior at 7 to 10 days. (Try this: Stick out your tongue at a baby who is about 10 days old. What happens? The baby will stick its tongue out at you!) Here neonates are telling us that they have the ability to imitate almost immediately after birth, an ability that should alert parents to immediately demonstrate desirable behavior for their children to learn and imitate. Infants imitation of such tongue movements is well established in babies as young as a few hours to more than 6 weeks of age (Gopnik, Meltzoff, & Kuhl, 1999; Jones, 1996). Infants can see at birth, and, if you capture their attention with an appropriate object (such as a small, red rubber ball held at about 10 inches from the face), they will track it as you move the ball from side to side. Infants react to color at between 2 and 4 months; depth perception appears at about 4 to 5 months (Brazelton & Nugent, 1995). Infants not only can hear at birth (and prenatally), but they also can perceive the direction of the sound. In a famous yet simple experiment, Michael Wertheimer (1962) sounded a clicker (similar to those children play with) from different sides of a delivery room only 10 minutes after an infants birth. The infant not only reacted to the noise but also attempted to turn in the direction of the sound, indicating that children immediately tune into their environment. Infants are active seekers of stimulation. Infants wantactually needpeople, sounds, and physical contact to stimulate their cognitive development and to give them a feeling of security in their world. Remember that infants are engaged in a subtle, though powerful battle to establish control over their bodies. For example, they are struggling to regulate their bodily functions, such as eating, breathing, and heart rate. But for brief moments, perhaps for only

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009


Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


Sample photographs of a models happy, surprised, and sad expressions, and an infants corresponding expressions. How would you describe the effects on development that a mothers facial expressions have on a child?
Courtesy of Dr. Tiffany Field and Science. From Field et al., model and infant expressions from Discrimination and Imitation of Facial Express by Neonates in Science, Fig. 2, Vol. 218, pp. 179181, October 8, 1982. Reprinted by permission of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

15 or 20 seconds, they stop these efforts and pay close attention to the environment in a search for stimulation. This happens even when they are hungry. One of the authors takes students to Childrens Hospital of Boston for observation visits and finds a nurse bottle feeding an infant. Watching what happens when someone moves into the babys field of vision, observers are surprised at the babys reaction. The baby stops sucking and stares intently at that persons face! Not for long, but long enough to interrupt feeding. Now you may not be too impressed with this, but think about it. An infants hunger drive is extremely powerful, yet, momentarily, the need for stimulation is even stronger, indicating that infants show a willingness, even a need, to interact with other human beings. Infants, using these abilities, begin their efforts to master the developmental tasks of the first two years: learning to take solid foods, learning to talk, learning to walk.

Neonatal Assessment Techniques

Although all infants are born with these reflexes and abilities, not all possess them to the same degree. For example, some neonates demonstrate much weaker reflex action than others, a condition that affects their chances of surviving. Consequently, efforts to develop reliable measures of early behavior, called neonatal assessment, have increased sharply. Three basic classifications of neonatal tests are used to assess infant reflexes and behavior: the Apgar scale, neurological assessment, and behavioral assessment. 1. Apgar Scale: In 1953, Virginia Apgar proposed a scale to evaluate a newborns basic life signs. The Apgar is administered 1 minute and again 5 minutes after

apgar A scale to evaluate a newborns basic life signs administered 1 minute after birth and repeated at 3-, 5-, and 10-minute intervals; it uses five life signsheart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, skin color.

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009




Neonates: Competent or Helpless?
Before continuing your reading, try to decide how competent you think a newborn baby is. In one view, infants are empty, unresponsive beings merely waiting for things to be done to and for them. They become active, healthy babies only because of maturation and the actions of those around them. In another view, newborns are seen as amazingly competent and capable of much more than is now expected of them. Adherents of this belief view infants as superbabies, capable of prodigious accomplishments from birth, if not before. Consequently, from the first months of an infants life, infants need some form of education. In a third view, infants are seen as neither passive objects nor as superbabies, designed for instant greatness. Newborn babies are seen as bringing abilities with them into the world, a cluster of competencies that enables them to survive but also permits them to engage in a wider range of activities than was previously suspected (Brazelton & Nugent, 1995). The expectations that parents have for their babies determine how they treat them, and these expectations have important physical, cognitive, and psychosocial consequences. Babies tune into their environmentsthey react to the tone of an adults voice, they sense how theyre being handled (gently or roughly)and are quite skillful in detecting the moods of those around them. Ask your parents to think back on their childbearing days and to try to recall how competent they thought babies were. Ask them if it made any difference in how they treated you. If you have brothers or sisters or friends with children, ask them what they expected a newborn baby would be like? Combining their practical outlook on infancy with what you have read, decide which of these three views of infancy seems most realistic. Which will most help infants to fulfill their potential? If you would like to have a more informed view on this issue, you may want to read one or more of the references in this chapter, such as Brazelton and Nugents account of newborn behavior. You may also wish to learn more about it by going to our website at

neurological assessment Identifies any neurological problem, suggests means of monitoring the problem, and offers a prognosis about the problem.

Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale Device to assess an infants behavior; examines both neurological and psychological responses.

birth. Using five life signsheart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and skin color; an observer evaluates the infant by a 3-point scale. Each of the five dimensions receives a score of 0, 1, or 2. (0 indicates severe problems, whereas 2 suggests an absence of major difficulties.) A total of 8 or above indicates a successful transition to life outside the womb (Arenson & Drake, 2007). 2. Neurological Assessment. Neurological assessment is used for three purposes: Identification of any neurological problem Constant monitoring of a neurological problem Prognosis about some neurological problem Each of these purposes requires testing the infants reflexes, which is critical for neurological evaluation and basic for all infant tests. 3. Behavioral Assessment. The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (named after T. Berry Brazelton) has become a significant worldwide tool for infant assessment. Brazelton and Nugent (1995) believe that the babys state of consciousness (sleepy, drowsy, alert, fussy) is the single most important element in the examination. The Brazelton test also permits us to examine the infants behavior, which, as we have mentioned, is sensitive to cultural differences. For example, during the administration of the Brazelton, one of the tests involves gently placing a piece of cheesecloth over the eyes and nose of the baby. This is intended to measure the babys defensive reactions, so important for survival. Most African- and Anglo-American babies quickly turn their heads away or try to push the cloth away. Chinese-American babies, however, remain still and breath through their mouths (Brazelton & Nugent, 1995; Kagan, 1994). (For an excellent discussion of the role of culture in

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009


Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


the origins of individual differences in neonatal behavior, see Nugent, Lester, & Brazelton, 1995). All three of these assessment techniques provide clues about the infants ability to function on its own and have proved to be invaluable tools in diagnosing problems in the early days of infancy. Tests such as these, plus careful observation, have given us much greater insight into infant development. These tests have also helped us to realize that infants are much more competent than we previously suspected. Given the rapid development of the brain and the survival value of the reflexes, we should expect motor development to proceed rapidly, which is just what happens.

Motor Development
Parents are fascinated by their childs motor development: Is she sitting up on time? Shouldnt she be crawling by now? I wonder if shell ever walk. Why cant she hold her head steady? Motor development occurs in both head-to-feet direction (called cephalocaudal), as well as a proximodistal direction (from the center of the body to the extremities). For many years, research into infant locomotion has been at a standstill mainly because of the belief that neuromuscular maturation was the primary agent of motor development. Recently, however, modern investigators using high-speed film, computerized video recordings, and infrared emitting diodes have provided new insights into changes in coordination, balance, and strength in infants locomotion. Continuity of walking movements in the first year may be masked by underlying changes in the infants muscle distribution, body fat, and the differential effect of gravity. For example, newborns with chubby legs stepped less than did slenderlegged infants. Here are several important characteristics of motor control.
Note the steady development of body control in this picture, especially the head and upper body. Control of the lower body and legs follows by several months. Why is it important that control of the upper body appears early in development?

Head Control
The most obvious initial head movements are from side to side, although the 1month-old infant occasionally lifts its head when in a prone position. Four-monthold infants can hold their heads steady while sitting and will lift their head and shoulders to a 90-degree angle when on their abdomens. By the age of 6 months, most youngsters can balance their heads quite well.

Locomotion: Crawling and Creeping

crawling Locomotion whereby the infants abdomen touches the floor and the weight of the head and shoulders rests on the elbows. creeping Movement on hands and knees; the trunk does not touch the ground; creeping appears from 9 months in most youngsters.

Crawling and creeping are two distinct developmental phases. In crawling, the infants abdomen touches the floor, and the weight of the head and shoulders rests on the elbows. Locomotion is mainly by arm action. The legs usually drag, although some youngsters push with their legs. Most youngsters can crawl after age 7 months. Creeping is more advanced than crawling, since movement is on hands and knees and the trunk does not touch the ground. After age 9 months, most youngsters can creep. Most descriptions of crawling and creeping are quite uniform. The progression is from propulsion on the abdomen to quick, accurate movements on hands and knees, but the sequence is endlessly varied. Youngsters adopt a bewildering diversity of positions and movements that can only loosely be grouped together.

Locomotion: Standing and Walking

After about age 7 months, infants when held support most of their weight on their legs. Coordination of arm and leg movements enables babies to pull themselves up

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and grope toward control of leg movements. The first steps are a propulsive, lunging forward. Gradually a smooth, speedy, and versatile gait emerges. The world now belongs to the infant. Once babies begin to walk, their attention darts from one thing to another, thus quickening their perceptual development (our next topic). Tremendous energy and mobility, coupled with a growing curiosity, push infants to search for the boundaries of their world. It is an exciting time for youngsters but a watchful time for parents, since they must draw the line between encouraging curiosity and initiative and protecting the child from injury. The task is not easy. It is, however, a problem for all aspects of development: What separates unreasonable restraint from reasonable freedom? Finally, we want to call your attention to changes in theorizing about and research into motor development. Reflecting current thinking about development (see Chapters 1 and 2), recent studies have incorporated a multicausal explanation of motor development (Lockman & Thelen, 1993; Thelen, 1995; Thelen & Smith, 2006). For example, in analyzing the stepping reflex previously discussed (see p. 114), Thelen (1995) commented on the disappearance of this behavior by 2 or 3 months. Yet kicking, which has the same movement pattern as stepping, is not lost. How can these differences be explained? Thelen (1995) pointed to a change of posture, plus weight gain (the legs get heavier), plus the pull of gravity as the multicausal answer. Table 5.4 summarizes milestones in motor development.
Most youngsters somewhere in the 7- to 9-month period begin to pull themselves up to a standing position.Their legs are now strong enough to support them while standing. Explain how locomotion contributes to other forms of development.

Neonatal Problems
Not all infants enter the world unscathed. Occasionally the developmental sequence that we have just discussed does not run smoothly. Among the most prominent of possible problems are the following.

T A B L E 5.4

Milestones in Motor Development

Age 13 months

Head Control Can lift head and chest while prone

Grasping Grasps objects, briefly holds objects, carries objects to mouth Develops skillful use of thumb

Sitting Sits awkwardly with support

Creeping, Crawling

Standing, Walking

48 months

Holds head steady while sitting, balances head

Transition from sitting with slight support to brief periods without support Good trunk control, sits alone steadily

Crawling movements appear at about 7 months (trunk touches floor) Creeping (trunk raised from floor) begins at 910 months and continues until steady walking Can stand and take steps holding on to something; by 12 months will pull self up Stands alone; begins to walk alone Begins to run

812 months

Has established head control

Coordinates hand activities, handedness begins to appear

1214 months

Handedness pronounced, holds crayon, marks lines

Can sit from standing position

18 months

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Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


Toilet TrainingEasy or Difficult?
By the end of their childs infancy period, most parents begin to think about toilet training. One important fact to remember is that voluntary control of the sphincter muscles, which are the muscles that control elimination, does not occur until about the 18th month. For some children, however, control is not possible until about 30 months. Evidence suggests that children are ready to participate in toilet training at about 18 months of age and may be be completely trained between 2 and 3 years of age. Attempting to train children before they are ready can only cause anxiety and stress for the child and frustration for the parents (Brazelton & others, 1999). Children really cant be trained; they learn when to use the toilet. Certain signs of readiness can alert parents when they can initiate the process. For example, necessary muscle control does not occur until well into the second year, and a child must be able to communicate, either by words or gesture, the need to use the bathroom. At about 2 years, almost all children want to use the toilet, to become more grown up, and to rid themselves of the discomfort of wet or soiled diapers. Parents should try to obtain equipment that the child feels most comfortable witheither a chair that sits on the floor or one that fits over the toilet seat. Most parents expect their children to be toilet trained by the end of infancy, usually sometime between 2 and 3 years of age. Physiologically, most children are ready to learn control; socially it is desirable; psychologically it may be traumatic unless parents are careful. Here are several suggestions that can help parents (Gorski, 1999).

Toilet training should commence when bladder control and rectal muscles are sufficiently mature.

Recognize the time of day and childrens moods when they are most approachable. Work with childrens attention span; plan distractions that will keep them comfortable on a potty chair. Accept a childs frustration level and work within those limits. Provide as much support and encouragement as a particular child needs.

Failure to Thrive
failure-to-thrive (FTT) Condition in which the weight and height of infants consistently remain far below normal (the bottom 3% of height and weight measures).

There is general agreement today that failure to thrive should be defined on the basis of growth alone (Wolke, Skuse, & Reilly, 2007). The weight and height of failure-to-thrive (FTT) infants consistently remain far below normal. They are estimated to be in the bottom 3% of height and weight measures and account for about 3% of pediatric hospital admissions. There are two types of FTT, organic and nonorganic. Organic FTT accounts for 30% of FTT cases, and the problem is usually some gastrointestinal disease, occasionally a problem with the nervous system. Nonorganic FTT, much more difficult to diagnose and treat, lacks a physical cause. Consequently, researchers have looked to the environment and identified problems such as poverty, neglect, abuse, and often ignorance of good parenting practices (Block et al., 2005). The seriousness of this problem is evident from the outlook for FTT infants: Almost 50% of these infants will continue to experience physical, cognitive, and behavioral problems (Blackman, 1997). A recent follow-up study of FTT children at age 8 (Black et al., 2007) indicated that FTT increased vulnerability to short stature, poor arithmetic performance, and poor work habits. Home intervention helped by promoting maternal sensitivity and aiding children with their study habits.

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Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Discussion of the survival value of reflexes introduces one of the most perplexing problems facing both parents and researchers, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). An estimated 2,500 infants 2 to 4 months old die each year from SIDS. There is little warning, although almost all cases are preceded by mild cold symptoms and usually occur in late winter or early spring (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2000a; American SIDS Institute, 2007). SIDS rarely occurs before age 1 month or after age 1 year; most victims are between 2 and 4 months old. Deaths peak between November and March. Boys are more vulnerable than girls, by a 3-to-2 margin (Stein & Barnes, 2002). SIDS is particularly devastating for parents because of the lack of warning. These infants are apparently normal. Parents put them in a crib for a nap or for the night and return later to find them dead (hence the common name, crib death). You can imagine the effect this has on parents, particularly the feelings of guilt: What did I do wrong? Why didnt I look in earlier? Why didnt I see that something was wrong? Today, special centers have been established to counsel grieving parents. (One disturbing recent statistic has raised concern: There is a larger proportion of SIDS deaths in daycare centers than in parent care. For an analysis of this research, see Moon, Patel, & Shaefer, 2000.) Although no definite answers to the SIDS dilemma have yet been found, current research points to a respiratory problem. Control of breathing resides in the brain stem, and autopsies have indicated that the SIDS infant may not have received sufficient oxygen while in the womb, a condition known as fetal hypoxia. Consequently, parents are being urged to be extremely cautious when their babies are sleeping: Keep them on their back as much as possible, be alert to overheating, and avoid soft, loose bedding (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2000; KlonofCohen, 1997; Stein & Barnes, 2002). These cautionary practices have resulted in a decrease in postneonatal SIDS mortality (Malloy & Freeman, 2000). A startling twist in the analysis of SIDS deaths has recently led researchers to attribute some of these deaths to child abuse. One possible cause is called Munchausen by proxy: a parent deliberately injures or kills a child to attract attention. Munchausen by proxy is a variant of adult Munchausen, whereby victims inflict harm on themselves, again to seek attention and sympathy. In a bizarre episode, researchers, baffled by unexplained illnesses in children who were being treated at an Atlanta hospital, hid video cameras in 41 rooms. In more than half of the cases mothers were inflicting injury on the child. One mother injected her child with her own urine; another gagged herself to vomit and then said the vomit was the childs; another injected chemicals into her childs feeding tube, causing chronic fatigue (Hall & others, 2000). Remember, however, in the vast majority of SIDS cases (estimates range from 95% to 98%), the parents are blameless. This bizarre finding will undoubtedly lead to more detailed studies.

sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Death of an apparently healthy infant, usually between 2 and 4 months of age; thought to be a brain-related respiratory problem.

Sleeping Disorders
Most sleeping disorders are less serious than FTT or SIDS. Nevertheless, infant sleeping problems negatively affect growth and trouble parents. As Ferber (2006, p. 3) stated: The most frequent calls I receive at the Center for Pediatric Sleep Disorders at Childrens Hospital in Boston are from a parent or parents whose children are sleeping poorly. When the parent on the phone begins by telling me I am at the end of my rope or We are at our wits end I can almost predict what will be said next. Ferber went on to explain that typically the parent has a child between the ages of 5 months and 4 years who does not sleep readily at night and wakes repeatedly. Parents become tired, frustrated, and often angry. Frequently the relationship between the parents becomes tense.

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Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


Usually a sleeping disorder has nothing to do with parenting. Also, usually nothing is wrong with the child, either physically or mentally. Occasionally problems do exist; for example, a bladder infection or, with an older child, emotional factors causing night terrors. A sleep problem is not normal and should not be waited out. Neonates sleep more than they do anything else (usually from 14 to 15 hours per day) and have three sleep patterns: light or restless, periodic, and deep. Little if any activity occurs during deep sleep (about 25% of sleep). Neonates are mostly light sleepers and have the brain wave patterns associated with dreaming (although infants probably do not dream). Some internal clock seems to regulate sleep patterns, with most deep sleep spells lasting approximately 20 minutes. At the end of the second week, a consistent and predictable pattern emerges. Neonates sleep in short stretches, about 7 or 8 hours per day. The pattern soon reverses itself, and infants assume an adults sleep schedule. Sleep patterns in infants range from about 16 to 17 hours in the first week to 13 hours at age 2. Adults also need to exercise caution when they take children into their own beds (called cosleeping). Agreement between the parents, safety considerations for the child, and a decision when cosleeping is to be discontinued all need to be considered (Ferber, 2006). (Almost all child specialist agree that cosleeping should cease by the age of 3 years.) The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following procedures.

Place infants on their backs on a firm mattress that meets current safety standards. Remove all pillows, quilts, and comforters, and any soft toys from the crib. If using a blanket, tuck it around the mattress and be sure it reaches only to the babys chest.

Respiratory Distress Syndrome

respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) Problem common with premature babies that is caused by the lack of a substance called surfactant, which keeps the air sacs in the lungs open.
T. Field (1990). Infancy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. A clear, simple, and carefully written account of infancy by a well-known commentator on these years.

The last of the disorders to be discussed is RDSrespiratory distress syndrome (also called hyaline membrane disease). Although this problem is most common with prematures, it may strike full-term infants whose lungs are particularly immature. RDS is caused by the lack of a substance called surfactant, which keeps open the air sacs in the lungs. When surfactant is inadequate, the lung can collapse. Since most babies do not produce sufficient surfactant until the 35th prenatal week, you can see why it is a serious problem for premature infants. (Only 10% of a babys lung tissue is developed at full-term birth.) Full-term newborns whose mothers are diabetic seem especially vulnerable to RDS. Babies whose delivery has been particularly difficult also are more susceptible. The good news is that today 90% of these youngsters survive, and, given early detection and treatment, the outlook for them is excellent.

Guided Review
1. About 2. A response. % of the brain develops outside of the womb. is a behavior in which a repeated stimulus elicits the same

is a neonatal assessment technique that measures how an 3. The infant interacts with the environment. 4. Motor development occurs in 5. The weight and height of and directions. infants consistently remain below normal.


1. 75 2. reflex 3. Brazelton 4. cephalocaudal, proximodistal 5. FTT

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III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

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If you stop your reading for a moment and look around, youll see some things that you recognize immediately: this text, a television set, shoes, paper, and so on. But you may also notice something that seems new or unfamiliar: for example, a new textbook or an unsolicited magazine. Our ability to recognize the familiar and to realize what we dont know depends on perception. Perceiving something means that:

perception Obtaining and interpreting information from stimuli.

You can recall past experiences with a person, an object, or an event. You experience meaning. You have certain expectations about the person, object, or event.

Perception, then, implies more than a mere reaction to something; considerable processing is needed to obtain information from stimuli and to integrate multiple sources of information. Putting these ideas together defines perception: getting and interpreting information from stimuli. We know now that babies not only receive stimuli, they interpret them. Perception begins our experience and interpretation of the world. It is also our basis for the growth of thought, the regulation of emotions, interactions in social relationships, and for progress in almost all aspects of development (Bornstein & Arterberry, 1999). Before attempting to trace perceptual development, lets explore the meaning of perception in more detail.

The Meaning of Perception

Infants are particularly ingenious at obtaining information from the stimuli around them. During infancy the capacity to take in information through the major sensory channels, to make sense of the environment, and to attribute meaning to information improve dramatically (Bornstein, 2002). Seeking information leads to meaning. Objects roll, bounce, or squeakin this way infants learn what objects are and what they do. In the first year of life, infants discern patterns, depth, orientation, location, movement, and color (Bornstein & Arterberry, 1999). During infancy, babies also discover what they can do with objects, which furthers their perceptual development. Infants are born ready to attend to changes in physical stimulation. Stimuli presented frequently cause a decrease in an infants attention (habituation). If the stimuli are altered, the infant again attends, indicating awareness of the difference. For example, if you show an infant a picture (flower, birds, anything attractive), the child is first fascinated, then becomes bored; the child has habituated. If you now change the picture, you again capture the childs attention. In a classic study, Brooks and Lewis (1976) studied how infants responded to four different types of strangers: a male child and a female child, a female adult, and a female midget. In this way, facial configurations and height were varied. The

habituation Process in which stimuli that are presented frequently cause a decrease in an infants attention.
Infants quickly begin to attend to the objects in their environments, thus constructing their views about how the world works. Can you describe how motor development contributes to perceptual development?

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infants reacted to the children by continuous looking and some smiling. They reacted to the midget with considerable puzzlement but no positive response such as smiling or movement toward her. They reacted to the adult by sporadic looking, averting their eyes, frowning, and even crying. Thus the infants used size and facial configuration cues. We may conclude, then, that perception depends on both learning and maturation. An infants perceptual system undergoes considerable development following birth, resulting from greater familiarity with objects and events in the world as well as from growth. Most of the research on infant perceptual development has concentrated on vision and hearing because of their importance and rapid development.

Visual Perception
Infants are born able to see and quickly exhibit a preference for patterns. Do infants prefer looking at some objects more than others? In a pioneering series of experiments, Robert Fantz provided dramatic documentation of an infants perceptual ability. Fantz (1961) stated that the best indicator of an infants visual ability is eye activity. Infants who consistently gaze at some forms more than others show perceptual discrimination; that is, something in one form holds their attention. Using a looking chamber, in which an infant lies in a crib at the bottom of the chamber and looks at objects placed on the ceiling, Fantz could determine the amount of time that infants fixated on different objects. In one of his experiments, Fantz tested pattern perception by using six objects, all flat discs 6 inches in diameter: face, bulls-eye, newsprint, red disc, yellow disc, and white disc. The face attracted the greatest attention (human faces are remarkably complex), followed by the newsprint, the bullseye, and then the three plain-colored discs (none of which received much attention). Infants, then, show definite preferences based on as much complexity as they can handle (Gibson & Pick, 2000, pp. 3334).

Fantzs looking chamber was an arrangement in which infants placed at the bottom of the chamber looked at objects placed at the ceiling above them. A researcher observed the infants eyes by looking though a peephole at the top of the chamber.

A childs depth perception is tested on the visual cliff. The apparatus consists of a board laid across a sheet of heavy glass, with a patterned material directly beneath the glass on one side and several feet below it on the other. Can you integrate aspects of development to explain an infants visual adaptation?

Visual Adaptation
Studying visual development spurs speculation about how growing visual skill helps infants to adjust to their environment. In their famous visual cliff experiment, Gibson and Walk (1960) reasoned that infants would use visual stimuli to discriminate both depth and distance. The visual cliff is a board dividing a large sheet of heavy glass. A checkerboard pattern is attached flush to one half of the bottom of the glass, giving the impression of

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solidity. The investigators then placed a similar sheet on the floor under the other half, creating a sense of depththe visual cliff. Thirty-six infants from ages 6 to 14 months were tested. After each infant was placed on the center board, the mother called the child from the shallow side and then the cliff side. Twenty-seven of the youngsters moved onto the shallow side toward the mother. When called from the cliff side, only three infants ventured over the depth. The experiment suggests that infants discriminate depth when they begin crawling. To conclude, we can state that by 2 to 4 months of age, infant perception is fairly sophisticated. Infants perceive figures as organized wholes; they react to the relationship among elements rather than single elements; they perceive color; and complex rather than simple patterns fascinate them. They scan the environment, pick up information, encode and process information (Gibson & Pick, 2000).

Auditory Perception
Infants display remarkable auditory abilities in the uterus and at birth (Siegler & Alibali, 2005). Hearing and auditory discrimination is well developed at birth since sounds are carried to the fetus through the amniotic fluid as a series of vibrations. Infants display a remarkable sensitivity to differences in the quality of sounds. For example, some babies may prefer music to other sounds and one type of music to another; they can discriminate their mothers voices from those of other women. They also can locate where a sound comes from. In his classic study (1961), Michael Wertheimer reported on his daughters ability to localize sound at birth. On entering the delivery room, he first sounded a clicker on one side of the room and then the other. On first hearing the sound, his daughter turned her head in that direction, and then when Wertheimer moved to the other side, she turned in that direction. Infants are more attentive to some sounds than others, especially speechlike sounds (Siegler & Alibali, 2005). Although significant in itself, this perceptual sensitivity underscores the importance of auditory perception in language development. For example, infants begin to differentiate the sounds of their language and tune into the speech they hear around them, suggesting a readiness to perceive the phonemes of their language (Bjorklund, 2005). Its as if nature has determined that infants must immediately attend efficiently to the important information in the speech surrounding them. Infants enter the world with substantial auditory capabilities, which develop rapidly. They attend to sounds, discriminate sounds, and they can localize these sounds.

Guided Review
6. The decrease in an infants attention to stimuli presented frequently is called . 7. Newborn infants show a preference for . 8. A childs depth perception is tested on an apparatus called a . 9. Neonates require about 10. Perception depends on hours of sleep per day. and information.


6. habituation 7. patterns 8. visual cliff 9. 14 10. getting, interpreting

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Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


As we witness the rapidly emerging scientific and theoretical breakthroughs of the 21st century, we also note that many of these recent discoveries apply to human cognitive development. To include these findings in our work, we have increased our discussion of the biological basis of cognition and its role in many human behaviors we were previously unaware of: genetic influences on behavior, the role of the brain in music processing, current biological insights into language development. These accomplishments have led to two major changes in studying cognitive development: an intensified examination of the brains role in development and the sociocultural basis of cognitive development (Bjorklund, 2005). Consequently, well present these views throughout our discussion of cognitive development. For example, we have enlarged our evaluation of brain development across all phases of development, and we formulated a larger role for the sociocultural view, one that begins with the seminal work of Lev Vygotsky. In this chapter, we begin with the compelling ideas of Jean Piaget. (Many of Piagets conclusions about cognitive development were derived from observation of his own three children: Jacqueline, Lucianne, and Laurent.)

Piagets Sensorimotor Period

Did you ever wonder what infants think about as they lie in their cribs, as they are carried to exciting new worlds, as they try to make sense of strange sounds directed at them? Probably not, but Piaget did, and his research made a lasting impression on studies of cognitive development. For the next few minutes consider the way that infants make sense of their world: how they react to all these wonderful sights, how they learn to understand the multitude of words that now surround them, how they interpret the manner in which theyre handledroughly or gently, lovingly or carelessly. What an incredible task! And yet, you did it, your parents did it, your friends did it, we all did. Piaget (1967) believed that the period from birth to language acquisition is marked by extraordinary mental growth and influences the entire course of development. Egocentrism describes the initial world of children. Everything centers on them; they see the world only from their point of view. Very young children lack social orientation. They speak at and not to each other, and two children in conversation may be discussing utterly unrelated topics. (Likewise, egocentric adults know that other viewpoints exist, but they disregard them.) The egocentric child simply is unaware of any other viewpoint. The remarkable changes of the sensorimotor period (about the first two years of life) occur within a sequence of six stages.

egocentrism Child focuses on self in early phases of cognitive development; term associated with Piaget.

sensorimotor period Piagets term for the first of his cognitive stages of development (02 years).

Stage 1
During the first stage, children do little more than exercise the reflexes with which they were born. For example, Piaget (1952b) stated that the sucking reflex is hereditary and functions from birth. At first infants suck anything that touches their lips; they suck when nothing touches their lips; then they actively search for the nipple. What we see here is the steady development of the coordination of arm, eye, hand, and mouth. Through these activities, the baby is building a foundation for forming cognitive structures (For a more extended discussion of the antecedents of these behaviors, see Smotherman & Robinson, 1996.)

primary circular reactions Infants repeat some act involving their bodies; term associated with Piagets theory.

Stage 2
Piaget referred to stage 2 (from about 1 to 4 months) as the stage of first habits. During stage 2, primary circular reactions appear, in which infants repeat some

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5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

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act involving their bodies. For example, they continue to suck when nothing is present. They continue to open and close their hands. Infants seem to have no external goal, no intent in these actions other than the pleasure of self-exploration. But they are learning something about that primary object in their world: their own bodies.

Stage 3
secondary circular reactions Infants direct their activities toward objects and events outside themselves; term associated with Piagets theory. coordination of secondary schemes Infants combine secondary schemes to obtain a goal; term associated with Piagets theory. tertiary circular reaction Repetition with variation; the infant is exploring the worlds possibilities; term associated with Piagets theory. object permanence Refers to children gradually realizing that there are permanent objects around them, even when these objects are out of sight.

Secondary circular reactions emerge during the third stage, which extends from about 4 to 8 months. During this stage, infants direct their activities toward objects and events outside themselves. Secondary circular reactions thus produce results in the environment, and not, as with the primary circular reactions, on the childs own body. For example, Piagets son, Laurent, continued to shake and kick his crib to produce movement and sound. He also discovered that pulling a chain attached to some balls produced an interesting noise, and he kept doing it. In this way, babies learn about the world out there and feed this information into their developing cognitive structures.

Stage 4
From about 8 to 12 months of age, infants coordinate secondary schemes to form new kinds of behavior. Now more complete acts of intelligence are evident (Piaget & Inhelder, 1969). The baby first decides on a goal (finding an object that is hidden behind a cushion). The infant attempts to move objects to reach the goal. In stage 4, part of the goal object must be visible behind the obstacle. Here we see the first signs of intentional behavior.

Stage 5
Tertiary circular reactions appear from 12 to 18 months of age. In the tertiary circular reaction, repetition occurs again, but it is repetition with variation. The infant is exploring the worlds possibilities. Piaget thought that the infant deliberately attempts to provoke new results instead of merely reproducing activities. Tertiary circular reactions indicate an interest in novelty for its own sake. How many times have you seen a baby standing in a crib and dropping everything on the floor? But listen to Piaget: Watch how the baby drops things, from different locations and different heights. Does it sound the same when it hits the floor as the rug? Is it as loud dropped from here or higher? Each repetition is actually a chance to learn. Thanks to Piaget, you will be a lot more patient when you see this behavior.

Stage 6
During stage 6, the sensorimotor period ends, and children develop a basic kind of internal representation. A good example is the behavior of Piagets daughter, Jacqueline. At age 20 months, she approached a door that she wished to close, but she was carrying some grass in each hand. She put down the grass by the threshold, preparing to close the door. But then she stopped and looked at the grass and the door, realizing that if she closed the door the grass would blow away. She then moved the grass away from the doors movement and then closed it. She had obviously planned and thought carefully about the event before acting. Table 5.5 summarizes the accomplishments of the sensorimotor period. Progress through the sensorimotor period leads to four major accomplishments:

When infants begin to move things to get what they want, they are coordinating secondary schemata. This is a clear signal of advancing cognitive development. Using data from Chapter 2 with this information, describe how Piagets ideas explain a childs ability to coordinate secondary schemata.

Object permanence: Children realize that permanent objects exist around them; something out of sight is not gone forever. Sense of space: Children realize environmental objects have a spatial relationship.

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Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


T A B L E 5.5 Outstanding Characteristics of the Sensorimotor Period

THE SIX SUBDIVISIONS OF THIS PERIOD Stage 1 During the first month the child exercises the native reflexes, for example, the sucking reflex. Here is the origin of mental development, because states of awareness accompany the reflex mechanisms. Stage 2 Piaget referred to stage 2 (from 1 to 4 months) as the stage of primary circular reactions. Infants repeat some act involving the body, for example, finger sucking. (Primary means first; circular reaction means repeating the act.) Stage 3 From 4 to 8 months, secondary circular reactions appear; that is, the children repeat acts involving external objects. For example, infants continue to shake or kick the crib.

Stage 4 From 8 to 12 months, the child coordinates secondary schemes. Recall the meaning of schemabehavior plus mental structure. During stage 4, infants combine several related schemata to achieve some objective. For example, they will remove an obstacle that blocks some desired object. Stage 5 From 12 to 18 months, tertiary circular reactions appear. Now children repeat acts, but not only for repetitions sake; now they search for novelty. For example, children of this age continually drop things. Piaget interpreted such behavior as expressing their uncertainty about what will happen to the object when they release it. Stage 6 At about 18 months or 2 years, a primitive type of representation appears. For example, one of Piagets daughters wished to open a door but had grass in her hands. She put the grass on the floor and then moved it back from the doors movement so that it would not blow away.

Causality: Children realize a relationship exists between actions and their consequences. Time sequences: Children realize that one thing comes after another.

By the end of the sensorimotor period, children move from purely sensory and motor functioning (hence the name sensorimotor) to a more symbolic kind of activity.

Criticisms of Piaget
Although Piaget has left a monumental legacy, his ideas have not been unchallenged. Piaget was a believer in the stage theory of development; that is, development is seen as a sequence of distinct stages, each of which entails important changes in the way a child thinks, feels, and behaves. However, the acquisition of cognitive structures may be gradual rather than abrupt and is not a matter of all or nothing; for example, a child is not completely in the sensorimotor or preoperational stage. A childs level of cognitive development seems to depend more on the nature of the task than on a rigid classification system. In one of the first important challenges to Piaget, Gelman & Baillargeon (1983), changed the nature of the task as follows:

As infants acquire the ability to form representations of objects, they begin to move through their environments more skillfully. Can you specify how the pertinent parts of Piagets theory explain how children form representations of objects?

By reducing the number of objects children must manipulate. By allowing children to practice (for example, teaching children conservation tasks). By using materials familiar to children.

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III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

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These researchers found that children can accomplish specific tasks at earlier ages than Piaget believed. Such criticisms have led to a more searching examination of the times during which children acquire certain cognitive abilities. For example, Piaget believed that infants will retrieve an object that is hidden from them in stage 4, from 8 to 12 months. Before this age, if a blanket is thrown over a toy that the infant is looking at, the child stops reaching for it as if it doesnt exist. To trace the ages at which object permanence appears, Baillargeon (1987) devised an experiment in which infants between 3 1y2 and 4 1y2 months old were seated at a table where a cardboard screen could be moved back and forth, either forward (toward the baby) until it was flat on the table or backward (away from the baby) until the back of the cardboard touched the table. Baillargeon then placed a painted wooden block behind the cardboard screen so that the infant could see the block when the screen was in a forward, flat position. But when the screen was moved backward, it came to rest on the block, removing it from the infants sight. Occasionally Baillargeon secretly removed the block so that the screen continued backward until it rested flat on the table. The 4-1y2-month-old infants looked surprised at the change (they looked at the screen longer); even some of the 3-1y2-month-olds seemed to notice the impossible event. These findings suggest that infants may develop the object permanence concept earlier than Piaget originally thought.

Information Processing in Infancy

Piaget, as we have seen, argued forcefully that cognitive development proceeds by progression through discrete stages. Information-processing theorists, however, argue just as strongly that cognitive development occurs by the gradual improvement of such cognitive processes as attention and memory. Information processing theorists share several assumptions (Munakata, 2006).

The first assumption relates to limited capacitywe can process only so much information at any one time (Borklund, 2005). The second assumption refers to the belief that all thinking is information processing. The major focus of these theories is on such functions as attention and memory, not on stages of development (Siegler & Alibali, 2005). Recent research (Chen & Siegler, 2000; Siegler, 1996, 1998; Siegler & Alibali, 2005) indicates that most children devise a wide variety of thinking strategies, and they select what they think is the most appropriate strategy. (This is the adaptive strategy choice model of Robert Siegler, 1996.) Those strategies that produce successful solutions increase in frequency, whereas those that do not decrease in frequency.

Figure 5.5 shows how these processes work in information-processing theory. Now lets examine how infants use these processes.

Infants and Attention

Attention enables children to decide what is important, what is needed, and what is dangerous. But it also helps them to gradually ignore everything else. Infants attend to different stimuli for a variety of reasons: intensity, complexity of the stimuli, visual ability, and novelty. Consequently, they find human faces, voices, and movements particularly fascinating.

F I G U R E 5.5
An information-processing model
Stimuli from the Environment (Hearing, Seeing, etc.) Sensory Registers Short-Term Memory (Briefly holds information from the environment) Long-Term Memory (Our permanent storage base)

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009


Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


Infants quickly become skilled at discriminating facial expressions and responding accordingly (Flavell, 1999), which is why attention is often referred to as the spotlight of the brain (Andreasen, 2001). How do infants acquire this ability? What are the physiological and psychological mechanisms at work? We should briefly mention the role of the brain since it is the biological basis of attention. When infants attend to something a series of interconnecting brain activities commences. For example, auditory receptors pick up the sound of the mothers voice, and the brains reticular activating system brings the baby to a higher state of alertness. The limbic system now swings into action, which involves memory and emotion. Finally, cortical areas interpret what was said and how it was said. Was it directed at something? Was it soothing? Was it pleasant? Psychologically, think about what attention means for the developing infant.

Their attention becomes selective; that is, people (especially infants) cant attend to everything. Their attention involves cognitive processing; that is, infants dont just passively accept stimulithey actively process incoming information. Their attention is limited; that is, infants especially can attend only to a limited number of things at the same time (Flavell, 1999).

When we consider these limitations during the infancy years, we realize that babies simply lack the cognitive maturitycall it an adequate gate-keeping mechanismthat permits them to control all the stimuli that assault them. A good rule of thumb to remember is that infants are drawn to stimuli of moderate intensity. The adults around them must assume responsibility for monitoring the sights and sounds that their infants experience to shield them from too intense stimulation. Most mothers intuitively read their babies signals and react appropriately, which reflects sensitive responsiveness to a childs needs. (See Brazelton & Nugent, 1995, for an analysis of an infants ability to attend to and control stimuli.)

Infants and Memory

How important is memory in a persons life? Nobel Prize winner Eric Kandel has flatly stated that without memory were really nothingno sense of self, no sense of a personal history, no sense of certainty (Squire & Kandel, 2000). Here are four important discoveries that should guide your thinking about infant memory (Gazzaniga, Ivry, & Mangun, 1998; Squire & Kandel, 2000). 1. The brain as a whole is involved in memory; memories dont reside in one particular location. 2. Memories are reproduced (psychologists refer to this as retrieval) in the same manner as they were formed. 3. Memories are stored in the brains synapses, which are the connections between neurons. 4. These synaptic connections can be strengthened through use, and new synaptic processes can be formed by learning. Obviously, infants must have some ability to remember; otherwise, they could never learn about their world. They love to repeat actions that bring them pleasure. When does an infant begin to store information? To answer this question, we must first search our own memories and recall that the neurological basis must first be in place for permanent storage and conscious recall (Andreasen, 2001; Ratey, 2001; Squire & Kandel, 2001). Psychologists have typically used habituation/dishabituation studies to analyze infant memory. For example, an infant sees a toy clown that is repeatedly placed before hernow she sees it, now she doesntuntil shes bored. Her attention shifts, and she looks away, which indicates habituation. Now a brightly colored toy monkey is presented to her. Immediately her attention centers on the novel toy.

R. Siegler and M. Alibali (2005). Childrens Thinking (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. An excellent, welldocumented account of how children develop their thinking skills during infancy.

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III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009




Infantile Amnesia
If memory seems to develop early in our lives, why do we have difficulty in remembering most of our experiences in infancy? You undoubtedly look with considerable skepticism at those individuals who claim to remember events from the first days of their lives. More common is a phenomenon called infantile amnesia, which refers to an inability to recall events from early in life. Infantile amnesia refers to our inability to remember much before the age of 4. Memories much before the age of 6 or 7 years are rare (Schneider & Bjorklund, 1998; Schneider & Pressley, 1997). How do we explain this phenomenon? The passage of time is an inadequate explanation, as is a psychoanalytic interpretation that we tend to repress infant sexual experiences. Recent explanations point to the gradual maturation of the brains frontal lobes, which seem to be involved in memory. A second explanation relates to language development. For example, you and I try to remember the names of people and events, but infants do not encode such information verbally. As infants listen to and begin to comprehend the stories they hear around them, they impose a logical construction on them that they tend to remember. Another explanation may lie in the way that infants encode information compared to older children and adults. That is, do infants encode information in a way that they can later retrieve? Children often fail to encode important features of objects and events (Siegler & Alibali, 2005). The general knowledge we acquire as we mature helps us to encode information more precisely and clearly, thus making retrieval that much easier. Finally, neuroscientists point out that neural circuits take several years to develop; thus infantile amnesia becomes a matter of storage not of retrieval. If the neural circuits, plus their synaptic junctions, arent sufficiently mature, then memory, as we are coming to understand it, isnt yet functional (Eliot, 2000; Kandel, 2006; Squire & Kandel, 2000). You can see that these recent explanations are not mutually exclusive, given that information storage is a fundamental property of neurons (Eliot, 2000, p. 334). For example, brain maturation is a must for healthy cognitive development; hearing others explain whats happening around them helps infants to encode information more meaningfully; improved coding helps children to retrieve information more rapidly and accurately.

infantile amnesia Our inability to recall events from early in life.

This is one of those behavioral clues that tells us an infant can distinguish the new toy from the one that is now stored in memory. After reviewing many studies of infant memory, the developmental psychologists Wolfgang Schneider and David Bjorklund conclude that infants demonstrate this type of memory (habituation) after the first few months following birth. By the end of the second year, an infants memory more closely resembles that of older children. The habituation and novelty studies have also shown that a faster rate of habituation and a strong preference for novelty are related to higher IQs in childhood (For excellent discussions of current research into memory, see Kuhn, 2000; Samuelson & Smith, 2000).

Guided Review
11. Piagets first stage of cognitive development is known as the 12. 13. period. describes a phase of child development in which children perceive the world only from their point of view. is achieved when a child realizes that an object out of sight is not gone forever.

14. A major assumption of information-processing theory is that children are not recipients of stimuli. 15. Two important information-processes of infancy are . and


11. sensorimotor 12. Egocentrism 13. Object permanence 14. passive 15. attention, memory

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009


Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


When people speak in a language that is totally unfamiliar to us, we have no way of understanding what they are trying to say. Prelinguistic infants are in an even worse situation. Not only do they not know what adults are trying to say, they do not even know that adults are trying to say something. They do not even know what saying something is. Without an understanding of linguistic symbols and how they work, it is all just noise. (Tomasello, 2003, p. 19) A friend of one of us recently expressed amazement at the way his grandson was talking. You know, he said, it seems like only the other day that he was just making noises. But when I asked him today if we were still pals, he said, No, were firefighters. And hes not quite two. Here we see an excellent example of the tremendous growth of language during infancy.

The Brains Language Areas
Understanding the brains role in language seems to be a simple matter, probably because were still learning about it! Beginning in 1864, we confidently identified certain parts of the brain as performing specific language functions. It was then that the French neurologist Paul Broca, working with stroke victims whose speech had been impaired and who suffered from paralysis of the right side of the body, determined that we speak with the left hemisphere. Brocas area (in the left frontal lobe), as it came to be known, is thought to be responsible for the production of speech. In 1876, the German psychiatrist Karl Wernicke described a section of the brain that receives incoming speech sounds. Called Wernickes area (in the temporal lobe), it is responsible for interpreting and translating the speech sounds just heard and putting together the words for a reply. This composition is then passed on to Brocas area through a bundle of nerve fibers. The part of the brain identified as Wernickes area (associated with interpretation and comprehension) seems to develop more rapidly than Brocas area does. The neural pathway connecting Wernickes area to Brocas area develops even more slowly. Children simply cant put their ideas into words because their brain wont let them. This makes practical sense if you think about that old saying: He knows more than hes saying. Parents, psychologists, and linguists have long believed that childrens speech doesnt accurately reflect what they know. Children know many more words and meanings than they can actually say. (So be careful what you say around them!) But that isnt the end of it. The motor area of the brain now becomes involved and causes movements of the face, tongue, jaw, and throat. And, of course, our speech is often quite emotional. Putting it all together we have long thought that language production seemed to look like the diagram in Figure 5.6. Think of it this way. Your child says something to you, which is immediately transferred to Wernickes area. You understand what was said and think about a reply. When you decide to respond, your message is transferred to Brocas area along a pathway of nerve fibers where a plan for vocalizing your ideas is formed. Parts of the motor cortex are now alerted, and the appropriate muscles of the mouth, lips, tongue, and the larynx swing into action, and you answer your child. You can see from Figure 5.6 that language seems to be a function of the left cerebral hemisphere. John Ratey (2001), a clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, believes that language mainly resides in the left hemisphere for about 90% of the population. About 5% have their main language in the right hemishere, and another 5% split their language functions between both hemispheres. Remember, however, that both hemispheres are connected by the corpus callosum and both hemispheres are involved in language production. For example, the right hemisphere, mainly responsible for our emotional state, determines the emotional reactions of the speaker. This so-called classical model of the brain-language relationship, however, has been challenged by recent research, so today no one is quite sure what Brocas area or Wernickes area specifically does. Although we still accept the general idea that certain brain areas are responsible for certain behaviors, current studies have made us uncomfortable with the neat answer that Brocas area does this or Wernickes area does that. Thanks to data supplied by EEG studies, PET scans, CAT scans, and MRIs, a different picture is emerging. We now think that language functions are spread throughout the brain much more than we originally thought. Possible solutions to the problem of how these brain areas work together in our language world remain elusive. Questions of how the brain organizes movement and emotions as we listen, read, speak, and write still remain unanswered. Finally, what can we make of all this? First, we are more certain than ever of the brains critical role in language. Second, our belief in the accepted knowledge of the function of Brocas and Wernickes areas persists, but in a more limited manner. Third, new data about the brains role in language testify to an even greater complexity than we originally suspected.

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009




F I G U R E 5.6
Source: A. R. Damasio and H. Damasio, Scientific American, September, 1992.

Arcuate fasciculus

Brocas area (syntax) Sylvian fissure Primary auditory cortex

Wernickes area


ry mo

tor co


The path of language production

Posterior language area (word meaning)

One of the most amazing accomplishments of an infant is the beginning of actual speech. The sounds, the words, the two- and three-word sentences, and the tremendous explosion of vocabulary are stunning achievements that we are still hard-pressed to explain. Think of it this way: With no formal trainingin fact, often exposed to dramatically faulty language modelschildren learn words and meanings, and how to combine them in a logical, purposeful manner. Given this drive toward language and given that all children acquire their own language in a remarkably similar manner, we begin to suspect that nature plays a critical role, which leads us to consider the brains function.

Acquiring Their Language

Children in all parts of the world go through a process in which they first emit sounds, then single words, two words, and finally fairly complex sentences. By the time they are about 5 years of age, they have acquired the basics of their language, an astonishing accomplishment. Here is an example, using English. If I said to you, Will you please park your car in the driveway? Im sure you would know exactly what I mean. When you leave I tell you that the quickest way home is to drive on the parkway. Again, you understand exactly what Im getting at here. Think about it for a minute, and youll realize that in spite of the switch in words, children easily master such intricacies. Or consider this. After you finish reading this section, why dont you take a break and have dinner. I suggest that you eat some ghotti, its always so tasty and its good for you. If you follow my advice, what will you be having for dinner? (Put it all togethergh as in tough, o as in women, ti as in nationand youll have a delicious fish dinner.) To guide you through the complexity of language development, here are several transitions that help to explain childrens amazing accomplishments (Bloom, 1998).

The first transition occurs at the end of the first year and continues in the second year with the appearance of words and the acquisition of a basic vocabulary. The second transition occurs when children change from saying only one word at a time to combining words into phrases and simple sentences about the end of the second year.

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009


Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy



Infants and Their Language Development

language and reading seem obvious. Far from being an exercise in futility, reading to the fetus during the last weeks of pregnancy becomes an exercise in learning. (For an excellent discussion of the consequences of prenatal taste, smell, and hearing see Eliot, 2000). The second conclusion we can reach concerns the effect that early exposure to literature has on memory. Obviously, the fetus and then the infant remembered the cadence of The Cat in the Hat, which then affected its behavior. As difficult as it may be to believe, by birth the fetus has 100 billion neurons in its brain. Does this imply that we bathe the fetus in a sea of literature? Of course not, but what it does imply is a recognition of how connections between and among neurons can be furthered by reading to the fetus and then the infant.

The amazing competence of infants leads to some fascinating speculation, especially about language and reading. Reading? Yes, reading. Heres a question wed like you to consider: Do children respond to certain books even before theyre born? Although our concern in this chapter is with children from birth to two years of age, recent developmental research reaches from the womb into the world of childrens literature. Beginning in the 1980s, Anthony De Casper at the University of North Carolina began experiments by having mothers read to fetuses in utero. Realizing that fetuses can hear sounds in the last months of pregnancy, De Casper and Spence (1986) determined to discover if listening to The Cat in the Hat (Dr. Seuss) in the womb would cause them to prefer this story after birth. He had 16 pregnant women read selections from The Cat in the Hat twice a day for the last six weeks of their pregnancies. Approximately 52 hours after birth, the mothers read their babies the selections from The Cat in the Hat or different selections from The King, the Mice, and the Cheese, which had a different rhythm and pace. The infants reacted quite differently to the readings from The Cat in the Hat. (They sucked on a nipple at a significantly different rate to produce their mothers voices reading The Cat in the Hat.) What does this tell us? Two clues to development emerge from this study. 1. The human brain is programmed to learn before birth. If this is true, and research continually supports these findings, then the implications for those of us concerned with


For example, an infant who is developing object permanence thinks an object is gone for good when it disappears and is surprised when it reappears. Janet and Allan Ahlbergs Peek a Boo Book, the board edition, is fascinating for children at this developmental stage. The baby peeks through die-cut holes to see members of the family: grandmother, daddy, mommy, and sister performing familiar chores. Jan Ormerods Peek a Boo! also plays this ancient game by illustrating on each page a baby holding objects (such as mittens) up to its face. When the small child pulls open the flap, the baby appears in full.

The final transition occurs when children move beyond using simple sentences to express one idea to complex sentences expressing multiple ideas and the relations between them.

Recall our previous comments about the number of brain connection formed in the early months and the powerful influence of the environment. Here we see the relationship between the environment and brain growth come to life in language development.

The Pace of Language Acquisition

How does this uniquely human achievement occur? Students of language, attempting to explain the richness and complexity of childrens language, are convinced that this feat is possible because of two accomplishments. First, children learn the rules of their language, which they then apply in a wide variety of situations. Then, by the end of the second year, children begin to fast map; that is, they learn to apply a label to an object without anyone telling them. Even when children dont understand a word, they acquire information about it from the surrounding context (Bjorklund, 2005). The process of acquiring language goes on at a furious pace until, at about the age of 5 for most children, they have acquired the fundamentals of their language. By the time children enter elementary school, they are sophisticated language users. After that its a matter of expanding and refining language skills, a task that can often define success or failure.

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009




Context and Language
The Russian psychologist, Lev Vygotsky, whose ideas we discussed in Chapter 2 proposed a contextual view of language development that attracted considerable attention. Vygotsky (1978) believed that speech is one of the most powerful tools humans use to progress developmentally. Speech, especially inner speech, plays a critical role in Vygotskys interpretation of cognitive development. In Thought and Language (1962), he clearly presented his views about the four stages of language development. 1. The first stage, which he called preintellectual speech, refers to such elementary processes as crying, cooing, babbling, and bodily movements that gradually develop into more sophisticated forms of speech and behavior. Although human beings have an inborn ability to develop language, they must then interact with the environment if language development is to fulfill its potential. Michael Cole (1996) employs a garden metaphor to help explain these issues: Think of a seed planted in damp earth in a jar and then placed in a shed for two weeks. The seed sprouts, a stem emerges, and then leaves appear. But for further development the plant must now interact with sunlight. Vygotsky referred to the second stage of language development as naive psychology, in which children explore the concrete objects in their world. At this stage, children begin to label the objects around them and acquire the grammar of their speech. At about 3 years of age, egocentric speech emerges, that form of speech in which children carry on lively conversations, whether anyone is present or listening to them. Finally, speech turns inward (inner speech) and serves an important function in guiding and planning behavior. For example, think of a 5-year-old girl asked to get a book from a library shelf. The book is just out of her reach, and as she tries to reach it, she mutters to herself, Need a chair. After dragging a chair over, she climbs up and reaches for the book. Is that the one? Just a little more. OK. Note how speech accompanies her physical movements, guiding her behavior. In two or three years, the same girl, asked to do the same thing, will probably act the same way, with one major exception: she wont be talking aloud. Vygotsky believed she would be talking to herself, using inner speech to guide her behavior, and for difficult tasks she undoubtedly would use inner speech to plan her behavior.




In many cases, children who arent permitted these vocalizations cant accomplish the task! In fact, the more complex the task, the greater the need for egocentric speech. Note how Vygotsky and Piaget disagreed about the function of egocentric speech: Piaget believed it simply vanishes; Vygosky believed its an important transitional stage in the formation of inner speech.

preintellectual speech Vygotskys expression for crying, cooing, and babbling, which lead to more sophisticated forms of speech. egocentric speech Piagets term to describe childrens speech when they do not care to whom they speak or whether a listener is even present. inner speech Serves to guide and plan behavior; plays a critical role in Vygotskys interpretation of cognitive development.

With this brief background, lets turn our attention to what we know about language development. All children learn their native language at about the same time and in a similar manner. During the infancy period, children at about 3 months use sounds in a similar manner to adults, and at about 1 year they begin to use recognizable words. The specific sequence of language development during infancy appears in Table 5.6.

T A B L E 5.6 Language Development During Infancy

Language Crying Cooing Babbling Single words Two words Phrases

Age From birth 25 months 57 months 12 months 18 months 2 years

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009


Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


Key Signs of Language Development

To begin our discussion, heres a question for you to think about: Since the fetus responds to sound, do you think its possible that language acquisition begins before birth? When a newborn baby is presented with something new, its heart rate slows. Researchers asked several pregnant women to repeat the sentences Hello, baby. How are you today? while they rested. Each time the mother asked the question, the fetal heart rate slowed (Golinkoff & Hirsh-Pasek, 2000). It seems indeed that fetuses listen to their mothers voices. During the first two months, babies seem to develop sounds that are associated with breathing, feeding, and crying. Cooing (sounds like vowels) appears during the second month. Between 5 and 7 months, babies play with the sounds they can make, and this output begins to take on the sounds of consonants and syllables, the beginning of babbling. Babbling probably appears initially because of biological maturation. At 7 and 8 months, sounds like syllables appearda-da-da, ba-ba-ba (a phenomenon occurring in all languages), a pattern that continues for the remainder of the first year (Pinker, 1994). Late in the babbling period, children use consistent sound patterns to refer to objects and events. These are called vocables and suggest childrens discovery that meaning is associated with sound. For example, a lingering L sound may mean that someone is at the door. The use of vocables is a possible link between babbling and the first intelligible words.

cooing Early language sounds that resemble vowels. babbling Infant produces sounds approximating speech between 5 and 6 months. vocables Consistent sound patterns referring to objects and events. phonology Sounds of a language. semantics Meaning of words and sentences. syntax Grammatical ability to construct sentences. pragmatics Ability to communicate with others. word spurt Rapid increase of vocabulary from 18 months to 3 years.

First Words
Around their first birthday, babies produce single words, about half of which are for objects (food, clothing, toys). Throughout the world childrens first words express similar meanings. These words refer to people, animals, toys, vehicles, and other objects that fascinate children (Siegler, 1998). Children quickly learn the sounds of their language (phonology), the meanings of words (semantics), how to construct sentences (syntax), and how to communicate (pragmatics). At 18 months, children acquire words at the rate of 40 per week (Woodward & Markman, 1998). This rapid increase in vocabulary lasts until about 3 years of age and is frequently referred to as the word spurt. Vocabulary constantly expands, but estimating the extent of a childs vocabulary is difficult because youngsters know more words than they articulate.

Babblingproducing vowel and consonant soundsencourages parents to interact verbally with their children. Why is a linguistic environment the richest environment a child can experience?

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009




Estimates are that a 1-year-old child may use from two to six words, and a 2-year-old has a vocabulary ranging from 50 to 250 words. Children at this stage also begin to combine two words (Pinker, 1994). By first grade, children may understand 10,000 words, and by fifth grade they understand about 40,000 words (Woodward & Markman, 1998).

If you have the opportunity, listen to a childs speech when single words begin to appear. You will notice a subtle change before the two-word stage. Children begin to use one word to convey multiple meanings. For example, youngsters say ball meaning give me the ball, throw the ball, or watch the ball roll. They have now gone far beyond merely labeling this round object as a ball. Often called holophrastic speech (one word to communicate many meanings and ideas), it is difficult to analyze. These first words, or holophrases, are usually nouns, adjectives, or self-inventive words and often contain multiple meanings. As mentioned previously, ball may mean not only the ball itself but throw the ball to me. When the two-word stage appears (anytime from 18 to 24 months), children initially struggle to convey tense (past and present) and number (singular and plural). They also experience difficulty with grammatical correctness. Children usually employ word order (me go) for meaning, only gradually mastering inflections (plurals, tenses, possessives) as they begin to form three-word sentences. They use nouns and verbs initially and their sentences demonstrate grammatical structure. (Although the nouns, verbs, and adjectives of childrens sentences differ from those of adults, the same organizational principles are present.) Children begin to use multiple words to refer to the things that they previously named with single words. Rather than learning rules of word combination to express new ideas, children learn to use new word forms. Later, combining words in phrases and sentences suggests that children are learning the structure of their language.

holophrastic speech Use of one word to communicate many meanings and ideas. holophrase Childrens first words, which usually carry multiple meanings.

Telegraphic Speech
At about 18 to 24 months of age, childrens vocabularies begin to expand rapidly, and simple two-word sentences appear. Children primarily use nouns and verbs (not adverbs, conjunctions, or prepositions), and their sentences demonstrate grammatical structure. These initial multiple-word utterances (usually two or three words: mommy milkgive me the milk) are called telegraphic speech. Telegraphic speech contains considerably more meaning than superficially appears in the two or three words. Word order and inflection (changing word form: for example, word/words) now become increasingly important. During the first stages of language acquisition, word order is paramount. At first, children combine words without concern for inflections, and it is word order that provides clues as to their level of syntactic (grammatical) development. Once two-word sentences are used, inflection soon appears, usually with three-word sentences. The appearance of inflections seems to follow a pattern: first the plural of nouns, then tense and person of verbs, and then possessives. A youngsters effort to inject grammatical order into language is a good sign of normal language development. Several things, however, signal delay or difficulty in language acquisition. When children begin to babble beyond 1 year, problems may be present. For example, deaf children continue to babble past the age when other children begin to use words (Cole & Cole, 1996). As we complete this initial phase of examining infant development, remember that all phases of development come together in an integrated manner. Motor

telegraphic speech Initial multiple-word utterances, usually two or three words.

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009


Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


T A B L E 5.7

Developmental Characteristics of Infancy

Age (months) 3 6 9 12 18

Height (in.) 24 26 26 29.5 32

Weight (lbs.) 1314 1718 2022 2224 2526

Language Development Cooing Babbling: single syllable sounds Repetition of sounds signals emotions Single words: mama, dada 350 words

Motor Development Supports head in prone position Sits erect when supported Stands with support Walks when held by hand Grasps objects accurately, walks steadily Walks and runs up and down stairs

Cognitive (Piaget) Primary circular reactions Secondary circular reactions Coordinate secondary schemata Same Tertiary circular reaction Representation




50250 words, 23-word sentences

S. Pinker (1994). The Language Instinct. New York: Morrow. You would enjoy this fascinating, well-written account of the nature of language and how humans acquire their language.

development is involved when a child moves excitedly toward its mother on her return. Language development is involved when infants intensify their relationships with their mothers by words that are now directed toward her. Cognitive development is probably less obvious but just as significant: Children are excited by their mothers return because they remember their mothers. Consequently, a sound principle of development remainsall development is integrated. Finally, its important to remember that about 5% of children under the age of 3 in the United States are diagnosed each year with a developmental delay. That is, they fall behind the normal child of the same age in one or more aspects of development: physical, cognitive, language, social, or emotional (Meltz, 2004). Table 5.7 summarizes several of the developmental highlights we have discussed in this chapter.

Guided Review
16. refers to sounds that approximate speech. speech. view of language development. 17. One word used to communicate many meanings is called 18. Vygotskys work reflects a

19. A good sign of normal language development is a childs attempt to build order into language. 20. For Vygotsky, plays a key role in cognitive development.


16. Babbling 17. holophrastic 18. cultural 19. grammatical 20. inner speech

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009






Our view of an infant today is of an individual of enormous potential, one whose activity and competence are much greater than originally suspected. It is as if a newborn enters the world with all its systems ready to function and eager for growth. What happens during the first two years has important implications for future development. Setbacksboth physical and psychologicalwill occur, but they need not cause permanent damage. From your reading in Chapter 1, you realize that human infants show remarkable resiliency. Motor development follows a welldocumented schedule. Infants can develop problems such as SIDS and FTT for a variety of reasons. complex and sophisticated forms throughout their lives. One of the first tasks that infants must master is an understanding of the objects around them. Piagets theory of cognitive development has shed considerable light on the ways that children grow mentally. A key element in understanding an infants cognitive development is the role of memory.

How do infants acquire information about their world?

Infants are born with the ability to detect changes in their environment. Infants are capable of acquiring and interpreting information from their immediate surroundings. Infants from birth show preferences for certain types of stimuli.

chapter 5

What are the major physical accomplishments of the infancy period?

Newborns display clear signs of their competence: movement, seeing, hearing, interacting. Infants physical and motor abilities influence all aspects of development. Techniques to assess infant competence and well-being are widely used today.

How do infants acquire their language?

Infants show rapid growth in their language development. Language acquisition follows a definite sequence. Language behaviors in infancy range from crying to the use of words and phrases.

What are the differences between Piagets view of cognitive development in infancy and that of information processing?
Infants, even at this early age, attempt to answer questions about their world, questions that will continue to occupy them in more

Apgar apnea babbling binocular coordination Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Scale cooing coordination of secondary schemes crawling creeping egocentric speech egocentrism failure to thrive habituation holophrases holophrastic speech infantile amnesia inner speech neonate neurological assessment object permanence perception phonology pragmatics preintellectual speech primary circular reactions reflex respiratory distress syndrome secondary circular reactions semantics sensorimotor period sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) syntax telegraphic speech tertiary circular reactions vocables word spurt


1. The shift from considering an infant as nothing more than a passive sponge to seeing infants as amazingly competent carries with it certain responsibilities. We cant be overly optimistic about a babys abilities. Why? What are some of the more common dangers of this viewpoint? 2. Testing infants has grown in popularity these past years. You should consider some cautions, however. Remembering what you have read about infants in this chapter, mention several facts you would be careful about. 3. You have been asked to babysit your sisters 14-month-old baby. When you arrive, the mother is upset because she has been repeatedly picking up things that the baby

DaceyTraversFiore: Human Development Across the Lifespan, Seventh Edition

III. Infancy

5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

The McGrawHill Companies, 2009


Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


has thrown out of the crib. With your new knowledge, you calm her down by explaining the babys behavior. What do you tell her?

4. After reviewing the infancy work, what do you think about this period as preparation for the future? Select one phase of development (for

example, cognitive development) and show how a stimulating environment can help to lay the foundation for future cognitive growth.

chapter 5 Review


1. Which of the following is not a reflex? a. breathing b. sucking c. swallowing d. laughing 2. A reflex is elicited by gently touching the infants cheek. a. Moro b. rooting c. Babkin d. Babinski 3. is a brief period when an infant stops breathing. a. Apnea b. Rooting c. Babbling d. Primary circular reactions c. visual area. d. auditory area. 8. is a disorder caused by the lack of a substance called surfactant. a. SIDS b. RDS c. AIDS d. FTT c. phrases. d. sentences. 15. According to Piaget, the acquisition of language in children depends on a. cognitive structures. b. biology. c. reinforcement. d. language acquisition devices. 16. By begins to run. a. 9 b 12 c. 24 d. 18 months a child

9. When infants demonstrate a decrease in attention, this is called . a. repression. b. habituation. c. egocentrism. d. permanence. 10. The Brazelton test is a type of a. survival assessment. b. motor assessment. c. play assessment. d. behavioral assessment. 11. Infants from show preferences for certain types of stimuli. a. birth b. 10 days c. 2 months d. 6 months 12. An infants search for novelty during the sensorimotor period is seen in a. object permanence. b. secondary circular reactions. c. coordination of secondary schemes. d. tertiary circular reactions. 13. Infants initially show memory ability during a. weeks 2 and 3. b. months 1 to 3. c. months 3 to 6. d. months 6 to 12. 14. In the development of language, children about 1 year of age begin to use recognizable a. vocables. b. holophrases.

4. Depth perception in infants appears at a. birth. b. 7 to 10 days. c. 2 to 4 months. d. 4 to 5 months. 5. The Brazelton test assesses an infants a. interaction with the environment. b. respiratory effort. c. reflex irritability. d. hearing. 6. Neurological assessment is not used for which of the following purposes? a. identification of a neurological problem b. treatment of a neurological problem c. monitoring a neurological problem d. prognosis about a neurological problem 7. The final area of the brain to develop is the a. sensory region. b. motor area. Answers

17. Which of the following is not a major accomplishment of the sensorimotor period? a. reversibility b. sense of space c. causality d. time sequence 18. argue that cognitive development occurs by the gradual improvement of such cognitive processes as attention and memory. a. Psychoanalysts b. Behaviorists c. humanists d. Information processing theorists

19. A 2-year-old child may have a vocabulary of as many as words. a. 250 b. 500 c. 1,000 d. 2,000 20. believed the roots of language and thought were separate and become linked only through development. a. Chomsky b. Lenneberg c. Vygotsky d. Piaget

1. d 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. a 6. b 7. c 8. b 9. b 10. d 11. a 12. d 13. d 14. c 15. a 16. d 17. a 18. d 19. a 20. c

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