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Rectal Cancer Grossing Guideline

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The key takeaways are the importance of assessing the radial resection margin in rectal cancer specimens and performing a total mesorectal excision to improve patient outcomes.

Assessing the radial resection margin is critical because it is the single most important factor for predicting the risk of local recurrence, distant metastases and mortality in patients with rectal cancer.

A mesorectal excision is the surgical removal of the fatty connective tissue layer surrounding the rectum. Performing a total mesorectal excision is important because it is directly related to patient outcome - the more complete the excision, the lower the recurrence rates and margin positivity rates.

Rectal Cancer

Grossing Guideline

Reproduced with permission from:
David Driman MBChB FRCPC
Department of Pathology
London Health Sciences Centre
Background Information
This document describes the optimal method for grossing rectal cancer
resection specimens. It differs from other methods in that the bowel segment
with tumor is not opened prior to sectioning, the rationale being that this
optimizes the assessment of the radial resection margin, by not cutting
through this margin. Because the specimen is left intact, longer fixation is
required, prior to grossing.

Radial margin status is the single most important factor for predicting the risk
of local recurrence, distant metastases and mortality in patients with rectal

This method also requires the prosector to assess the quality of the surgical
mesorectal excision, in either low anterior or abdominoperineal resections.
Quality is directly related to patient outcome; the more complete the
mesorectal resection procedure, the lower the overall recurrence rate and the
lower the incidence of radial margin positivity.

The macroscopic assessment of a colorectal resection specimen is
of the utmost importance - no amount of clever microscopy can
redeem a poorly dissected specimen.

Ludeman L, Shepherd NA. Curr Diagn Pathol 06;12:220
What is a Mesorectal Excision?
Mesorectum = fatty connective tissue layer,
measuring 2-3 cm in thickness, with
associated vessels, lymphatics and lymph
nodes, which surrounds the rectum and is
enveloped by fascia
Mesorectal excision = surgical removal of this
soft tissue envelope using sharp instruments
under direct vision, dissecting the potential
space (holy plane) between the visceral and
parietal pelvic fascia
Total mesorectal excision (TME) =
complete excision of the mesorectum down
to the pelvic floor (tumor: middle and lower
third rectum)
Partial mesorectal excision (PME) =
circumferentially the same as TME, but
mesorectum transected at a right angle to the
rectal wall at a distance of 5 cm beyond the
gross distal edge of tumor (tumor: upper third

Step 1 = Define Anatomical Landmarks

This is best done in the fresh state. These images show the anterior and posterior surfaces of a
mesorectal excision (anterior resection) specimen. The peritoneal reflection is low anteriorly, and
high posteriorly, imparting a triangular appearance to the bare area of the mesorectum. The bare
area is the resection margin; above the anterior peritoneal reflection, it is non-circumferential
while below it, it is circumferential (the CRM).
bare area
of mesorectum
= radial
Identify Serosa and Radial Margins
Whether or not a rectal cancer has a circumferential resection margin (CRM) or a non-circumferential resection
margin, depends on its location relative to the peritoneal reflections. Those cancers beneath the anterior
peritoneal reflection have a CRM while those that are not entirely beneath the anterior peritoneal reflection
have a non-circumferential radial margin in addition to a serosal surface that needs to be evaluated.
Anterior Posterior
radial margin (posterior)
+ serosal surface
CRM + serosal
surface (anterior)
radial margin

Serosa and Radial Margins
Anterior Posterior
With all rectal cancers that are above the anterior peritoneal reflection, the serosa must be
assessed, as well as the radial margin. As one proceeds from superior to inferior, the extent of
serosal covering decreases, and the bare area (radial margin) increases in extent, extending from
posterior, to posterior and lateral, eventually becoming circumferential.
Types of Abdominoperineal Resection
There are 2 principal types of AP resection: the traditional type does not include the internal sphincter
muscle and produces a waisted specimen; the extra-sphincteric type produces a more cylindrical
specimen and has a lower rate of margin positivity.
Images courtesy Prof. P. Quirke, University of Leeds, UK
extrasphincteric traditional
Note: The presence of a
waist should not be
misinterpreted as a defect in
the specimen. It is a normal
finding that indicates the
site of insertion of the
levator muscles.
Step 2 = Grade Quality of Surgery
Mesorectal Bulk
and Surface
Defects Coning
Complete bulky,
no deeper than 5 mm none smooth,
moderate bulk,
deeper than 5 mm,
no visible muscularis
(except where levator muscles
Incomplete little bulk,
down to muscularis
unopened fresh specimen assessed on
grade the quality of the mesorectal excision procedure
initial assessment is best done prior to fixation and inking, but can be done after
fixation if necessary
Examples of Mesorectal Excisions
intact, bulky mesorectum
B has normal rectal buttocks
no defects deeper then 5 mm
no coning of the specimen
wisps of fascia on surface indicate an intact mesorectum
little bulk to mesorectum
irregular, ragged mesorectum
defects down to visible
muscularis propria (arrow)
Images courtesy Dr. R. McLean, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta
complete complete incomplete
Anterior Posterior
Step 3 = Ink Prior to Fixation
ink the bare areas (non-peritonealized margins) below the peritoneal reflections
open the specimen along the anterior
aspect from the top and the bottom,
leaving the bowel intact at a level just
above and just below the tumor

place loose gauze (not paper towel)
wicks soaked in formalin into the
unopened ends of the bowel

fix specimen for at least 72 hours (96
hours is ideal)

Image courtesy Dr. R. McLean, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta
Step 4 = Partially Open Specimen
after at least 72 hours fixation, slice
through the unopened bowel at 3-5
mm intervals (section thickness)

lay slices down on the work surface

consider photographing the slices,
with a scale and labels to designate
anterior/posterior and
proximal/distal, for subsequent
correlation with the pre-operative
MRI images

Step 5 = Section
Image courtesy Prof. P. Quirke, University of Leeds, UK
radial margin: smooth, regular vs moderately irregular vs very irregular
extent of tumor and the closest distance of tumor to the radial margin
obviously positive nodes (see arrow) and distance of any positive node to margin
record whether the closest tumor to radial margin is anterior, posterior or lateral
examine fat away from tumor for lymph nodes
inspect bowel away from tumor for polyps, other lesions
Image courtesy Dr. R. McLean, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta
Step 6 = Inspect
distance of +ve node to
radial margin may
represent the closest
distance of tumor to
margin submit the node
with the margin and
record distance
Images courtesy Prof. P. Quirke, University of Leeds, UK
Serosal vs Radial Margin Involvement
When examining the slices, differentiate between tumor extending to the serosal
surface and tumor extending to the radial margin. This relies on correlation of the
location of the slice relative to the peritoneal reflection. Note that involvement of
the serosa does NOT represent a positive margin.
+ radial margin due to surgical
tumor extending to serosa
(not a positive margin)
This example: surgical impingement
into the intramesorectal plane
Examples of Incomplete Specimens
This example: surgical impingement
into the muscularis propria plane
Images courtesy Prof. P. Quirke, University of Leeds, UK
example of blocks taken
note: - tumor extension close to anterior radial margin
- positive lymph node (arrow)
Image courtesy Dr. R. McLean, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta
3 blocks - closest radial margin
2 blocks - luminal aspect
lymph nodes
be careful not to double-count nodes
present in more than one slice
fat away from the tumor must also be
examined to detect lymph nodes
any polyps
proximal and distal resection margins
(NB: include both mucosa and
mesorectum in the distal margin)
if tumor is present above the peritoneal
reflection, the serosa overlying the tumor
must be sampled

Step 7 = Block
1. Fixing the specimen for 4 days is too long and will negatively affect turnaround time.
Given the required post-op recovery, and time required prior to starting adjuvant
therapy, if required, this should have no negative impact on patient care.
2. If I cant open the specimen, I cant assess whether the tumor is polypoid, fungating
or ulcerating.
It is more difficult to assess this, but this descriptor has little if any significance,
especially when compared with the benefits of a properly grossed specimen.
3. If I cant open the specimen, I cant properly assess the size of the tumor.
The response is similar to #2. Exact measurements are more difficult to make, but the
extent of tumor will be visualized on the cut bowel rings and allow for proper
sectioning to be done.
4. Its more difficult to find and count lymph nodes.
Finding nodes should not be more difficult; in fact, nodes often stand out better after
prolonged fixation and are easier to palpate. But counting nodes is more difficult and
the prosector does have to be careful not to double or triple count nodes that are
present in more than one bowel ring.
Potential Issues with the Quirke Method

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