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Section 1 (P. 9-24) : The Old Man and The Sea Vocabulary

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The Old Man and the Sea Vocabulary Section 1 (p.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. skiff a small, light sailing boat gaff a handled hook for holding or lifting furled wrapped or rolled (as a sail or flag) close to or around something gaunt excessively thin or angular; lean benevolent suggestive of good will; kind resolution the act of being determined; the act of dealing with a situation confidently; having courage

Section 2 (p. 24-39)

7. phosphorescence luminescence (an emission of light produced at low temperatures, as in the firefly) caused by the absorption of radiations and continuing for a time after the radiations have stopped 8. bonito mediumsized tunas, intermediate between the smaller mackerels and the larger tunas 9. albacore a large oceanic tuna with long pectoral fins that is the source of most canned tuna 10. desperately hopelessly; despondently 11. ineffectual not producing the proper or usual effect; futile 12. iridescent having or exhibiting a play of colors producing a rainbow effect 13. filaments single threads or thin flexible objects or appendages 14. immune not susceptible; marked by protection 15. elegance a refined gracefulness; a richness of style or design 16. taut tightly drawn; not slack 17. commenced began; initiated; started Section 3 (p. 40-52) 18. myriad innumerable; countless; multitudinous 19. annulled obliterated; neutralized 20. imperceptible not known by a sense or by the mind; extremely slight; gradual 21. scythe a hand-held mowing implement with a long, curving blade fastened at an angle to a long handle 22. rapier a straight, two-edged sword with a narrow, pointed blade 23. treachery the state of being faithless or disloyal; treason 24. surge a sudden jerk or strain 25. coagulated clotted; thickened into a mass Section 4 (p. 53-66) 26. teetered moved unsteadily; wobbled 27. conscientiously meticulously; carefully 28. improvise to make, invert, or arrange out what is at hand 29. humiliates reduces to a lower position in ones own or others eyes; mortifies; shames 30. pilgrimage a journey to a shrine or place.

Section 5 31. burnished polished; lustrous; glossy 32. convulsively fitfully; spasmodically; agitatedly 33. sustenance food; nourishment 34. perils risks; dangers 35. devise invent; plan; plot Section 6 36. grudgingly unwillingly; reluctantly 37. interminable ceaseless; seemingly endless Section 7 38. splice to join; to unite 39. dispersed scattered; vanished 40. malignancy malice; ill will; desire to cause harm or injury 41. mutilated cut up or radically altered; maimed; destroyed Section 8 42. carcass a dead body; a corpse

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