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adder - snake
2. affable - friendly
3. all over it - In the control
4. anywise - in any way whatever; at all. .
5. arsonist - A person who burns property for malicious reasons
6. Astir - in a state of excited movement
7. avalanche - great mass of falling snow and ice
8. bliss - perfect happiness
9. bole - trunk of a tree
10.brutish - savage and stupid; like a cruel, insensitive person
11.busy-body - a meddlesome person, a mischief-maker
12.can get by - Can do
13.Canvas - a piece of cloth on which an artist paints
14.carnivorous - flesh-eating nap - a short sleep
16.Cease - come to an end or bring to an end
17.cherish - to feel or show affection toward something
18.chummy - on friendly terms; friendly
19.clasp - to grasp or hold tightly
20.conceal - to hide or keep secret, to place out of sight
21.concussion - violent shaking up or jarring of the brain
22.Conscious - aware
23.convocation - a group united for a particular purpose
24.Cu - Copper
25.Cork - the outer layer of bark
26.councel - advice
27.crackpot - crazy person
28.crimson - Deep red
29.Crouch - to stoop with bent knees
30.curve - a smooth, rounded line, shape, path, etc.
31.Descend - to go down
32.dodgy - dishonest or unreliable
33.dopy - idiotic
34.Elated - in high spirits, jubilant; extremely pleased
35.eyepiece - Contains the ocular lens
36.feign - to pretend
37.flatly - without emotion
38.flier - an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended
for wide distribution
39.flimsy - weak; thin
40.flue - an outlet for smoke or heat
41.funk - one who is afraid; a coward
42.grimy - very dirty, covered with dirt or soot
43.haggle - (v.) to argue in a petty way, especially about a price
44.hangover - The physical aftereffects of using drugs or alcohol
45.Harbor - a sheltered place along a shoreline where ships can anchor safely
46.harness - to use
47.heft - lift or carry something heavy
48.hiccup - sudden catching of breath with a spasmodic contraction of the
49.hilarious - very funny
50.hive - box for bees; V: cause to go in a hive
51.Hole - an opening into or through something
52.Hollow - empty
53.hustle and bustle - busy and noisy activity
54.inquisitive - curious
55.invigorate - to fill with strength and energy
56.jowl - external throat, especially when fat or loose skin is present
57.lummox - clumsy person
58.lured - To tempt or attract with the promise of something good
59.marsh - a wetland typically covered with grasses
60.moat - a deep, wide ditch, often filled with water
61.moss - tiny leafy-stemmed flowerless plants
62.Mournful - feeling, expressing, or inducing sadness, regret, or grief.
63.nag - 1. (disapproving) to keep complaining to someone about their
behavior or keep asking them to do something
64.2. to worry or irritate you continuously
65.nettles - prickly plants
66.oilskin - heavy cotton cloth waterproofed with oil
67.pagan - A follower of a polytheistic religion in ancient times.
68.pail - bucket
69.pearlescent - having a luster resembling that of mother-of-pearl.
70.persuasion - A kind of speaking or writing that is intended to influence
people's actions.
71.pit - hole in the ground
72.Possess - to have; to take possession; having the power
73.pratfall - Stupid joke
74.prattle - (v.) to talk in an aimless, foolish, or simple way; to babble; (n.)
baby talk; babble
75.preciscly - Exactly
76.promiscuous - No strong pair bonds or lasting relationships.
77.prudence - wisdom, caution, or restraint
78.quench - to put out, extinguish, end
79.rate - a measure, quantity, or frequency, typically one measured against
some other quantity or measure.
80.rebut - (v.) to offer arguments or evidence that contradicts an assertion; to
81.refugee - A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to
escape war, persecution, or natural disaster
82.renaissance - rebirth
83.ripe - fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used
84.Rod - Any of the long rod-shaped photosensitive receptors in the retina
responsive to faint light.
85.rookie - beginner
86.rummage - (v.) to search through, investigate the contents of; (n.) an
active search; a collection of odd items
87.saw - 1. tool for cutting; 2. wise saying
88.scape-goat - person or group blamed for the mistakes or crimes of others
89.scruffy - dirty and untidy
90.sentiment - a feeling about something
91.shed - To lose; to give up.
92.sheer - absolute
93.shoo away - get rid of somebody
94.Slope - The steepness of a line on a graph
95.slum - a heavily populated urban area characterized by substandard
housing and squalor
96.snuggle - hug and cuddle
97.soot - black powder in smoke
98.sophisticated - complex or intricate
99.spank - to hit a child with the hand, usually several times on the bottom
as a punishment
100. Squat - short and thick
101. suffocation - when breathing stops from the lack of oxygen
102. summon - to call together, to send for or to request to appear
103. Surpass - to exceed or go beyond
104. tartly - sharply
105. tendon - Connects muscle to bone
106. the man's off - get mad
107. throughfare - a main road or public highway
108. tinkerer - a person who enjoys fixing and experimenting with
machines and their parts
109. to shin - Climb
110. translucent - Allowing light to pass through
111. tray - an open receptacle for holding or displaying or serving
articles or food
112. Umpteen - countless
113. vanity - feelings of excessive pride
114. veer - to change direction
115. violate - to break, as a law or a promise
116. wad - a small mass of soft material squeezed into a ball
117. waft - be driven or carried along, as by the air
118. wary - cautious
119. Wire - a thin, flexible thread of metal
120. wistful - having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing
121. witty - Clever or amusing

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