Fullmetal Heart: Powered by The Apocalypse
Fullmetal Heart: Powered by The Apocalypse
Fullmetal Heart: Powered by The Apocalypse
When you make a move while carrying weight you may
be encumbered. If your number of heavy gear carried is:
Equal to or lower than your Strength +1, you
suffer no penalty.
Equal to your Strength +2, you take –2 ongoing
until you lighten your burden.
Greater than your Strength +2, you automatically
fail until you lighten your burden.
When you do nothing but rest in comfort and safety,
after a day of rest you recover 1 damage. If you’re under
the care of a healer, you recover 2 damage instead.
Advanced Moves
When creating your character in level 1, and whenever Escape Artist
you gain a level afterwards, choose from these moves. When you’re in too deep and need a way out, name your
escape route and roll +Dexterity. On a 10+ you’re gone.
Alchemist On a 7-9 you can stay or go, but if you go it costs you:
Choose and learn one Transmutation (see next chapter). leave something behind or take something with you, the
When you draw a circle of this Transmutation, you may GM will tell you what.
activate it with haste, immediately using the Alchemy
move with it and choosing one more option this time. Improvement
Increase one of your stats by 1, up to +3.
Alkahestrist You can’t choose this move at level 1.
Whereas alchemy claims to have its roots in the energy of
tectonic shifts and practices manipulation of matter Indomitable
toward scientifically practical ends, Alkahestry is centered At the beginning of each day, you recover 1 damage.
on a concept called the “Dragon's Pulse” which speaks of
the earth itself having a constant flow of life energy which Logical
flows metaphorically from the tops of mountains down to When you use Insight with strict deduction to analyze
the land, nourishing everything it passes with that energy your surroundings, you may roll +Intelligence instead of
as does blood coursing through the veins. +Willpower.
Whenever you use the Alchemy move, you can activate
any identical circle of transmutation you’re aware of Medic
within a radius of up to 1 kilometer. All activated circles When you tend to a character using a first aid kit, roll
have the same effects. +Willpower. On a 10+, the character recovers 1 damage.
You may only choose this move if you have at least three On a 7-9, as above, but only after a night of rest. Either
other alchemy-related advanced moves. way, that character can’t benefit from this move again
during the same day.
Automail Technician
Technician’s tools allow you to work automotive armored Mousquetaire
prostheses that are used in Amestris. Heat automail to When you use Volley with a rifle, on a 10+ you have the
alter its shape, repair damage, or work raw ingots into option to choose from the 7-9 list and deal 2 damage.
useful items.
If you choose this move an additional time, choose one: Prodigy
Master Technician: You can construct a new automail You are naturally skilled and already got to experience
prosthetic from 1 million Cens worth of raw some different lifestyles in Amestris, maybe even the
materials. surrounding lands. Choose any combination of 3 places
Rush Valley Style: You can combine an automail and/or professions and add them to your background.
prosthetic and a weapon. Automail combined with a You may only choose this move once and only at level 1.
heavy weapon only counts as one heavy gear.
Briggs Style: You are familiar with all special automail Sleight of Hand
materials and their uses, such as non-conducting When you pick locks or pockets or disable traps, roll
metals in extreme conditions of heat and cold. +Dexterity. On a 10+, you do it with no problem. On a 7-9,
you still do it, but the GM will offer you two options
Connections between suspicion, danger, or cost.
When you put out word to the high command or criminal
underbelly about something you want or need, roll Transmutation Master
+Willpower. On a 10+, someone has it, just for you. On a Choose a Transmutation you know and choose one:
7-9, you’ll have to settle for something close or it comes Expert: When you use the Alchemy move with it,
with strings attached, your call. choose one less option.
Savant: When you use the Alchemy move with it, on
Draw First a 12+ you can use its supreme option (marked with a
You’re never caught by surprise. When an enemy would Ø letter).
get the drop on you, you get to act first instead. You can’t use this move when you activate a circle of
transmutation drawn by someone else.
Alchemy is the ancient metaphysical science/mystical art When you learn a new Transmutation, choose one. You
of manipulating and altering matter by using natural can’t use its supreme option (marked with a Ø letter)
energy. This act is known as transmutation and its unless otherwise noted.
sequence is usually described as:
1. Comprehension: Understanding the inherent Alimentation
structure and properties of the atomic or molecular Create food out of an equal mass of inedible carbon
makeup of a particular material to be transmuted, within the area (such as coal or wood). The food is bland
including the flow and balance of potential and but nourishing, and spoils if uneaten during the same day.
kinetic energy within. ø The food has the taste of your choice. You can
2. Deconstruction: Using energy to break down the emulate a simple dish, but not a complex meal.
physical structure of the identified material into a
more malleable state so as to be easily reshaped into Amplification
a new form. Deal 1 damage to one character you can see. Determine
3. Reconstruction: Continuing the flow of energy so as the source of damaging energy, such as fire or electricity,
to reform the material into a new shape. when you draw the circle of transmutation.
The proper application of this craft requires not only a full ø You also impress, dismay, or frighten the enemy.
understanding of chemistry and ancient alchemical
theory, but also a sort of natural talent towards Construction
recognizing and manipulating the physical objects with Reshape a mass of a single matter within the area into a
energy, which require uncommon levels of intelligence solid wall. The wall can have any shape you desire, it
and aptitude. Those remarkable individuals capable of doesn't need to be vertical or rest on any firm
studying and practicing alchemy are known as Alchemists. foundation. It must, however, merge with and be solidly
supported by existing environment.
The mystical practice of alchemy to create objects out of ø You can shape the wall to trap or injure a
raw matter or turn one object into another is widely character in the area.
believed to be capable of anything - indeed alchemy is
often viewed as magical or miraculous by those Fabrication
unfamiliar with the craft - but it is a science and as such is Craft a simple tool, including a finesse weapon, out of raw
subject to certain laws and limitations, all of which fall materials within the area.
under the concept of Equivalent Exchange: In order to ø You can craft a complex mechanical device,
obtain or create something, something of equal value including a pistol or a rifle with one cartridge.
must be lost or destroyed.
In standard practice, Equivalent Exchange is separated Hydration
into two parts: Change water to ice or steam within the area and vice
The Law of Conservation of Mass, which states that versa, and reshape it in any manner you choose.
energy and matter can neither be created from ø You can shape the ice to trap or injure a character
nothing nor destroyed to the point of elemental in the area (as in Construction).
nonexistence. In other words, to create an object
with the mass of one kilogram, at least one kilogram Intensification
of material is necessary; destroying an object with the Ignore the next damage dealt to you within the area.
mass of one kilogram would reduce it to a set of ø Ignore the next additional damage dealt to you.
parts, the sum of which would have the mass of one
kilogram. Solvation
The Law of Natural Providence, which states that an One character within the area recovers 1 damage. That
object or material made of a particular substance or character can’t benefit from this transmutation again
element can only be transmuted into another object during the same day.
with the same basic makeup and properties of that ø That character can benefit from this
initial material. In other words, an object or material transmutation again during the same day.
made mostly of water can only be transmuted into
another object with the attributes of water.
Amestris is the country that serves as the principal setting and power in the region. After the foundation of the
of Fullmetal Heart. It is a unitary state under the rule of a country, Amestris began expanding its territory by
parliamentary republic, with a population of about 50 invading neighboring countries and subduing them.
million. The Head of State is the Führer who is the Since its inception, Amestris has been a powerful country,
Commander-in-Chief of the Military, who also promoting conflicts with its neighbor states and
consecrates the role of Head of Government. maintaining an extremely authoritarian, centralized
It seems the country was composed of several former government. The basis of the country’s political and
nations, quite diverse in culture and religion, but economic stability has become strongly connected to
incorporated by the expanding state of Amestris. The war, boosting the military to the highest ranks and
administrative regions of the country seem to reflect prestige positions within the government.
those differences. The country has five administrative As each war was fought and the neighboring countries
divisions: South Area, West Area, North Area, East Area conquered, Amestris took their enemies’ land and
and Central Area. integrated it and their peoples into its own. The country
The East Area is the most diverse, sheltering a nation of a eventually grew into a large circle, save for one piece at
different ethnicity called Ishval. The province of Ishval is the northern border, with the capital in the center.
ethnically and culturally different of the rest of the
country: the people there being religious; most of them By around the year 1894, the prominent general King
renounce alchemy, which brought many conflicts with the Bradley (considered a war hero) was appointed as
Central Government in the past and has culminated in the Commander-in-Chief, or Führer, of the country. Since
Ishvalan Civil War. Führer Bradley's appointment, there have been conflicts
in most borders of the country, resulting in many
Government massacres and heavy civil wars, always under the
Amestris is a unitary state under the rule of a command of Central's Army.
parliamentary republic. Since the formation of Amestris, In the year 1901, in the province of Ishval – known to be
the parliament has been used as a mere facade to distract a rogue and unstable area and, at the time, occupied by
from a more authoritarian regime, as the government the military – an Ishvalan girl was shot by an Amestrian
appears to be almost completely centralized by the soldier, instigating revolt from the locals and thus
military. The Central Command, located at Central City, beginning the Ishval Civil War. The war lasted until 1908,
allocates the regional governments at its own accord, when Führer Bradley issued Executive Order No. 3066,
with no known elections to speak of. It appears that the sending the military's most feared special division, the
only elections held in Amestris are for legislative positions State Alchemists, to Ishval's front, enacting the
within the parliament, but its power is irrelevant to the extermination of the Ishvalan people. The area was
decision making process. In practice, the government is devastated and its population massacred by 1909.
composed of nominated positions. The conflicts escalated thereon, with bloody struggles in
Its authoritarian regime makes it hard to distinguish the East, South, West and North Areas in the following
between regular government institutions and the years. The main battles were at Liore against the
military, but that domain is constantly questioned and followers of Letoism (1914) and at Briggs against
confronted by the general population, which is rarely Drachman forces (1914-18).
friendly and even belligerent towards the military regime.
The regional offices of the government are directly By late winter 1915, Amestris faced its greatest crisis
subordinated to the Central Command and have little since its founding, with a civil war in the heart of the
freedom of action. However, politics are common among country, resulting in Führer Bradley's death and the rise
the leaders of each region within their own level of to power of Führer Grumman, formerly the Commanding
hierarchy, bringing a lot of competition between regions. Officer of the Eastern Headquarters.
Grumman's ascendance to power changed the country's
History policy drastically, promoting peace treaties with
Amestris was officially founded around 1550, though the neighboring countries and removing military forces from
country existed prior to that date, without much the borders, concentrating efforts on building
organization or government to speak of. The coming of cooperation with other nations, especially Xing, a country
the “Philosopher of the East” changed that nation's formerly isolated and distant from Amestris, that has
history by providing them knowledge in the practice of improved its relations thanks to the efforts of General
Alchemy, which led to an uprising of Amestris’ influence Roy Mustang and the new Emperor of Xing, Ling Yao.
Geography State Military
The geography of Amestris is quite diverse, varying from The only armed force of Amestris is the army since the
desert areas in the East to an icy mountain range in the nonexistence of aerial vehicles and the landlocked nature
North and plains to the West and South. Amestris is a of the country preclude the need for marine or navy.
land-locked nation, with no access to any known sea, and Ever since King Bradley was elected Führer, the military
is bordered completely by the countries of Creta, Aerugo, has been the country's primary focus, and has cemented
and Drachma, as well as the East Desert, with the country its power over every aspect of Amestrian life. Its most
of Xing on the other side. There are many unknown well-known conflict is the Ishval Civil War which
countries East of Xing. It is told that there is a water route ultimately decimated the Ishval race. The military is also
from Amestris to Xing (considered to be “the long way engaged in border skirmishes with its neighbors Creta and
around”) and it seems to be accessed by traveling South Aerugo.
from Amestris through Aerugo. The military administration has its General Headquarters
Amestris is a relatively extensive country with a large based in Central City and four others which garrison the
countryside population and low, but growing, urban units across the country in the capital of their respective
concentration. regions. The army from the Eastern Headquarters as well
The biggest city is the capital, Central City, that also has as the army from the fortress of Briggs is considered the
the largest buildings and busiest urban life. Each province best divisions of the army. Briggs specializes in defense,
has its own capital as their main city – East City in East while the Eastern Army specializes in attacking.
Area, South City in the South Area and so forth. The It appears as if the infantry is the main branch of the
population seems to concentrate in the east, south and army. They are supported by artillery, tanks, along with
central areas, being the north quite isolated and the west their most important and prominent weapon: the State
with very sparse cities. Alchemists.
The highly diverse climate can vary from a typical The division of State Alchemists is parallel to the normal
Mediterranean climate near the southern border to near- ranks of the army. They are automatically assigned the
glacial in the region of Briggs. However, most of the rank of major upon recruitment. They have their own
country varies between a temperate and a subtropical symbols, titles, and undergo different treatment and
climate. supervision from other military personnel.