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Fullmetal Heart: Powered by The Apocalypse

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Fullmetal Heart

Powered by the Apocalypse

3. Introduction
4. Playing the Game
8. Character Creation
9. Advanced Characters
11. Basic Moves
12. Special Moves
13. Advanced Moves
14. Transmutations
15. Amestris
18. Gamemastering
23. First Session
25. Sample Quests
26. Character Sheet
Fullmetal Heart by Aidan Sawyer
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain
View, California, 94041, USA.

Fullmetal Heart is using the following products:

Fullmetal Alchemist (鋼の錬金術師): written and illustrated by Hiromu Arakawa.
Dungeon World: based on the work of Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel.
Celtic Hand: font made by Typographer Mediengestaltung.
This work uses material from the “Alchemy”, “Alkahestry”, “Amestris”, “Chimera”, “Homunculus”, and “State Military”
articles on the Fullmetal Alchemist wiki at Fandom and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
What is Fullmetal Heart? What’s Fullmetal Heart Like to Play?
Fullmetal Heart is a world of fantastic adventure, inspired Playing Fullmetal Heart is all about finding out what
by the Japanese manga and anime series Fullmetal happens when your characters encounter dangerous and
Alchemist. A world of alchemy, chimeras and Homunculi, exciting lore, strange cultures, and unusual people on
of ancient secrets and corrupted rulers, and the brave their quest for glory. It’s a conversation between the
heroes facing them relentlessly. players and the GM – the GM tells the players what they
see and hear in the world around them and the players
Why Play Fullmetal Heart? say what their characters are thinking, feeling, and doing.
First, to see the characters do amazing things. To see Sometimes those descriptions will trigger a move –
them explore the unexplored, slay the evil, and travel something that’ll cause everyone to stop and say “time to
from the rural town of Resembool to the northern frost of roll the dice to see what happens”. For a moment
Fort Briggs. To see them caught up in momentous events everyone hangs on the edges of their seats as the dice
and grand tragedies. clatter to a stop. Tension and excitement are always the
Second, to see them struggle together. To gather as a result, no matter how the dice land.
party despite their differences and stand united against As you play your characters they’ll change from their
their foes, or to argue over treasure, debate battle plans, adventures and gain experience while learning about the
and join in righteous celebration over a victory hard-won. world, overcoming monstrous chimeras, and gathering
Third, because the world still has so many places to riches. You’ll discover how they feel about each other and
explore. There are unlooted Xerxesian tombs and the where their moral compass points them. When they
vast Xingese monarchy just waiting for quick-fingered and accrue enough experience they’ll gain levels, becoming
strong-armed adventurers to discover them. That more powerful and having more options to explore.
unexplored world has plans of its own. Play to see what You can play Fullmetal Heart with the same group,
they are and how they’ll change the lives of our session to session, over a long series of adventures,
characters. watching your characters change and grow together. You
can play it as a self-contained game in a single-session,
Setting Up too. Whether a long campaign or a one-shot, Fullmetal
To play Fullmetal Heart, you’ll need to gather yourself Heart’s rules are here to guide you and help you create a
and 2-6 friends. A group of 4 to 6, including you, is best. world of fantasy adventure. Time to get out there and
Choose one person to be the Game Master (GM). explore it!
Everyone else will be players, taking the role of the
characters in the game (we call these the player Adventurers
characters or PCs). As you play, the players say what their Adventurers take many shapes in the country of Amestris.
characters say, think, and do. The GM describes The cultures of Central, Dublith, Briggs, and Ishval all have
everything else in the world. their heroes. Some are near-invincible alchemists of
You can play a single session or string together multiple battle encased in metallic automail. Others are more
sessions into a campaign. Plan accordingly if you plan on mysterious, conjuring up and wielding the mighty forces
playing a campaign, maybe setting aside a night of the of the Homunculi. Mystery and glory are sought by a
week to play. Each session will usually be a few hours and brilliant alchemist, a brave officer, a brute chimera, and
you’ll be able to start playing right away within the first more.
session. It isn’t all easy heroics and noble bravery, though. Every
You’ll need to print some materials or make sure time the alchemist guides her friends to the library there
everyone has access to this source. Before you start a are a hundred things waiting to bite her head off. A gang
new game, find or print off at least: of thieves, maybe. Or is she a State Alchemist, and the
 A few copies of the basic and special moves superior she’s currently avoiding is in the area? Or did
 One copy for each character sheet Scar, the serial killer, just return to the city? Scary, sure,
 One copy each of the transmutation sheets but there’s reward, too. More gold and secrets and
 Miscellanea such as: pens and pencils, scrap knowledge lost to man have fallen between the cracks in
paper for maps and notes, maybe some index the world than you can imagine. Who better to retrieve it
cards than a band of stalwart heroes?
Everyone at the table will need something to write with You and your friends are those heroes. You go where
and some six-sided dice. Two dice is the minimum but others can’t or won’t. There are monstrous things lurking
two dice per player is a good idea. in the world. Are you ready to face them?
Playing the Game
Playing Fullmetal Heart means having a conversation; characters we’re describing. In the move above the
somebody says something, then you reply, maybe trigger is “When you attack an enemy in close combat.”
someone else chimes in. We talk about the fiction – the The effect is what follows: a roll to be made and differing
world of the characters and the things that happen fictional effects based on the outcome of the roll. When a
around them. As we play, the rules will chime in, too. player describes their character doing something that
They have something to say about the world. triggers a move, that move happens and its rules apply. If
There are no turns or rounds in Fullmetal Heart, no rules the move requires a roll, its description will tell you what
to say whose turn it is to talk. Instead players take turns dice to roll and how to read their results. A character
in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has can’t take the fictional action that triggers a move
some back-and-forth. A player says something, another without that move occurring.
responds. The players ask questions or make statements, For example, if Edward tells the GM that his character
the GM tells them what happens next. Fullmetal Heart is dashes past a crazed sharp-toothed Chimera to the open
never a monologue; it’s always a conversation. The rules door, he makes the Defy Danger move because its trigger
help shape the conversation of play. is “when you act despite an imminent threat.” Edward
While the GM and the players are talking, the rules and can’t just describe his character running past the chimera
the fiction are talking, too. Every rule has an explicit without making the Defy Danger move and he can’t make
fictional trigger that tells you when it is meant to come the Defy Danger move without acting despite an
into the conversation. Like any conversation, the time you imminent threat or suffering a calamity.
spend listening is just as important as the time you spend The moves and the fiction go hand-in-hand. Everyone at
talking. The details established by the other people at the the table should listen for when moves apply. If it’s ever
table (the GM and the other players) are important to unclear if a move has been triggered, everyone should
you: they might change what moves you can make, set up work together to clarify what’s happening. Ask questions
an opportunity for you, or create a challenge you have to of everyone involved until everyone sees the situation the
face. The conversation works best when we all listen, ask same way and then roll the dice, or don’t, as the situation
questions, and build on each other’s contributions. requires. The GM’s NPCs, beasts, and other assorted
This chapter is all about how to play Fullmetal Heart. creatures also have moves, but they work differently.
Here, you’ll find information about the rules—how they
arise from and contribute to the game. We’ll cover both Moves and Dice
general rules, like making moves, and more specific rules, Most moves include the phrase “roll +X” where “X” is one
like those for dealing with damage and bonds. of your character’s stats (Willpower for example). Unless
the move tells you otherwise, that “roll” always means
Stats that you roll two six-sided dice and add their results to
Many of the rules discussed in this chapter rely on a the value of the modifier. Some moves will have you add
player character’s stats. The stats are Strength, Dexterity, some other value to your roll instead of an ability
Intelligence, Willpower, and Health. They measure a modifier.
player character’s raw ability in each of those areas on a For example, Roy is making a move that asks him to roll
scale from –2 to +3, where +3 is the peak of mortal +Strength and his Strength modifier is +1. He rolled two
ability. six-sided dice, got a one and a four. His total is six.
The results always fall into three basic categories. A total
Making Moves of 10 or higher (written 10+) is the best outcome. A total
The most basic unit of rules in Fullmetal Heart is the of 7-9 is still a success but it comes with compromises or
move. A move looks like this: cost. A 6 or lower is trouble, but you also get to mark XP.
 When you attack an enemy in close combat, roll Each move will tell you what happens on a 10+ and a 7-9.
+Strength. On a 10+, you deal 1 damage to the Most moves won’t say what happens on a 6 or lower,
enemy and avoid their attack. On a 7-9, at your that’s up to the GM but you also always mark XP.
option, you may choose to deal 1 damage to the
enemy and the enemy makes an attack against The Effects of Moves
you immediately. The effects of moves are always about the fictional world
Moves are rules that tell you when they trigger and what the characters inhabit. A 10+ on Melee doesn’t just mean
effect they have. A move depends on a fictional action the mechanical effects, it means you successfully
and always has some fictional effect. “Fictional” means attacked something and did some harm to it. Once you’ve
that the action and effect come from the world of the figured out what the effects of the move are, apply them
to the fiction and go back to the conversation. Always  Special Damage: Damage is dealt based on the
return to what’s going on in the game. Some moves have fiction. Moves that deal damage, like Melee, are just
immediate mechanical effects, like dealing damage or a special case of this: the move establishes that
giving someone a bonus to their next roll. These effects damage is being dealt in the fiction. Damage can be
are always a reflection of the fictional world the assigned even when no move is made, if it follows
characters are in; make sure to use the fiction when from the fiction. Damage is often only part of the
describing the effects of the move. effect. If the harm is generalized, like falling into a pit,
 Some moves say “take +1 forward”. That means to taking damage is probably all there is to it. When the
take +1 to your next move roll. The bonus can be harm is specific, like a chimera pulling your arm from
greater than +1, or even a penalty, like –2. There also its socket, damage should be part of the effect but
might be a condition, such as “take +1 forward to not the entirety of it. The bigger issue is dealing with
Persuasion”, in which case the bonus applies only to the newly busted arm: how do you carry a rifle or
the next time you roll Persuasion, not any other transmute? Likewise having your head chopped off is
move. not normal damage, it’s just you being dead.
 Some moves say “take +1 ongoing”. That means to  Healing: There are two sources of healing in Fullmetal
take +1 to all move rolls. The bonus can be larger Heart: medical aid and the passage of time. Medical
than +1, or it can be a penalty, like –2. There also aid, both alchemical and mundane, heals damage
might be a condition, such as “take +1 ongoing to according to the move or item used. Some moves
Volley”. An ongoing bonus also says what causes it to may fully recover all damage while others recover
end, like “until you dismiss the effect” or “as long as just enough to keep someone standing through a
enemies are in sight”. fight. Whenever you do nothing but rest in comfort
 Some moves present a choice. The choice you make, and safety, after a day of rest you recover 1 damage.
like all move effects, dictates things that happen in If you’re under the care of a healer, you recover 2
the fiction in addition to any more mechanical damage instead.
effects. The choice you make on the 7-9 result of  Death: Death stalks the edges of every battle.
Melee to deal damage at the cost of opening yourself Characters that take more damage than their Health
up is exactly what’s happening to your character: immediately take their last breath. Death comes for
they have enough advantage that they can stay safe commoner and king alike – no one knows what lies
or push their luck. Give you a chance to say beyond the white infinity of Truth, but it is said that
something about your character and their history. many secrets of the mortal plane are laid bare in the
When you spout Lore you may get asked how you land of Truth’s dominion. When you die, you might
know the information that the GM reveals. Take that just see them.
opportunity to contribute to the game and show who  After Death: Using various experimental theories and
your character really is. Just keep in mind the methods, multiple alchemists have endeavored to
established facts and don’t contradict anything that’s resurrect dead loved ones, but such pursuits are
already been described. always failures, forbidden by the flow of the universe
and alchemy itself. Sooner or later, you’re going to
Harm and Healing face the Truth and make a new character. Maybe a
Cuts, bruises, and mortal wounds are common dangers hireling becomes a full-fledged adventurer worthy of
for adventurers to face in Amestris. In the course of play, a whole share and a part in the real action. Maybe
characters will take damage, heal, and maybe even die. A the characters in the party find a new friend in a
character’s health is measured by their Health stat. In the steading, willing to join them. Maybe your character
right conditions, or with medical or alchemical help, had a vengeful family member who now seeks to take
damage is healed and the health is restored. up their blades and rifle to make right what
 Health: A character’s Health is a measure of their happened. In any case, make your new character as
stamina and ability to take damage. Higher Health you normally would at level 1.
means the character can fight longer and endure
more trauma before facing Truth’s faceless stare.
Health is a special stat that is never rolled.
 Damage: When a character takes damage they add 1
damage to their character sheet. Some sources of
damage – like being struck by a chunk of a collapsing
tower, or falling into a pit – may deal more damage at
the GM's discretion.
Alchemy Bonds
Amestris is a fantastic place: there’s more to it than mud, Bonds are what make you a party of adventurers, not just
blood, and steel. Fire and wind conjured from the pure a random assortment of people. They’re the feelings,
elements. Knowledge is formed to health, might, and thoughts, and shared history that tie you together. You
retribution. Alchemy, it is the scientific technique of will always have at least one bond, and you’ll often have
understanding the structure of matter, decomposing it, more. Each bond is a simple statement that relates your
and then reconstructing it. If performed skillfully, it is character to another player character. Your character
even possible to create gold out of lead. However, as it is gives you a few to start with, you’ll replace your starting
a science, there are some natural principles in place. Only bonds and gain new ones through play.
one thing can be created from something else of a certain  Resolving Bonds: At the end of each session you may
mass. This is the Principle of Equivalent Exchange. resolve one bond. Resolution of a bond depends on
both you and the player of the character you share
Character Change the bond with: you suggest that the bond has been
Fullmetal Heart is ever-changing. The characters change, resolved and, if they agree, it is. When you resolve a
too. As their adventures progress, player characters gain bond, you get to mark XP. A bond is resolved when it
experience (XP), which lets them level up. This prepares no longer describes how you relate to that person.
them for greater danger, bigger adventures, and mightier That may be because circumstances have changed –
deeds. Advancement, like everything else in Fullmetal Ling used to have your back but after he succumbed
Heart, is both prescriptive and descriptive. Prescriptive to Greed, you’re not so sure. Or it could be because
means that when a player changes their character sheet that’s no longer a question – Russell Tringham
the character changes in the fiction. Descriptive means shammed you before and he owed you, but he paid
that when the character changes in the fiction the player that debt when he saved your lives with a well-timed
should change the character sheet to match. This isn’t a transmutation. Any time you look at a bond and think
benefit or detriment to the players or the GM; it’s not an “that’s not a big factor in how we relate anymore”
excuse to gain more powers or take them away. It’s just a the bond is at a good place to resolve. If you have a
reflection of life in Amestris. blank bond left over from character creation you can
Descriptive changes only happen when the character has assign a name to it or write a new bond in its place
clearly gained access to an ability. It’s not up to any one whenever you like. You don’t get an XP for doing so,
player to decide this—if you think a character qualifies for but you do get more defined bonds to resolve in the
a new ability, discuss it as a group. future.
 Writing New Bonds: You write a new bond whenever
Level Up you resolve an old one. Your new bond may be with
As you play Fullmetal Heart, you’ll be doing three things the same character, but it doesn’t have to be. When
most of all: exploring, fighting dangerous foes, and you write a new bond choose another character. Pick
reaching goals. For each of these things you’ll be something relevant to the last session – maybe a
rewarded XP at the end of the session. Any time you roll a place you traveled together or a piece of lore you
6 or lower you get XP right away. The GM may have discovered. Choose a thought or belief your character
special conditions that you can fulfill to earn XP or might holds that ties the two together and an action,
change the core ones to reflect the world. They’ll let you something you’re going to do about it. You’ll end up
know before you play. When your characters have safety with something like this: Winry’s quick thinking saved
and a chance to rest, they’ll be able to make the Level Up the lives of a laboring mother and her baby. I
move to level up and gain new moves. suddenly see her in a whole new light. These new
bonds are just like the old ones—use them, resolve
them, replace them.
Friends and Enemies The World
You’re an adventurer, so people will pay attention to you. You’re an adventurer; you’re a big deal. But there are
Not all of that attention is going to be positive. You’ll find other forces at work too. The world will go on without
that, especially once you’re laden down with ancient you. If you don’t deal with the red waters in the sewers
treasure, all manner of hangers-on will appear from the maybe someone else will. Or maybe the disease will take
woodwork. Sure, you can get leverage on these people over the city. Do you really want to find out? A world in
and parley them to get what you want, but the way to motion is a world waiting to be changed. Your choices of
build a lasting connection is to do right by them. Forcing who to kill (or not), where to go, what bargains to make –
the emperor of Xing to give you a castle in return for his it all changes the world you’re in. Changing the world
daughter will get you the land, but the reputation that requires acting on it – making moves and pursuing
comes along with your shady dealing won’t do you many treasure and exploration. Change comes in many forms,
favors. Coercion isn’t mind control, so play it nice if you including XP used to level up and gain new abilities. Those
want to make friends. It’s worth keeping track of who’s abilities are then used to go back out into the world and
got your back and who’d sooner stab you in it. The GM stir things up. It’s a cycle of change and growth for both
will be doing the same, and the worst enemy is the one you and the world you live in.
you don’t know. You’re not the only ones in Amestris with
grand designs.
While you live the adventurer’s life, with no fixed address
to give, other folks are likely to be more settled. Knowing
where is the automail technician that does the best work,
or which town’s inns will put you up free of charge, is a
fine thing indeed. Keep in mind that not all power is
physical. Even if you could take down King Bradley in a
fight you’ll just be inviting retribution from his kin, allies,
and court. Station is its own kind of power apart from
alchemy and might.
Character Creation
Making Fullmetal Heart characters is quick and easy. You This is also the time for the GM to ask questions. The
should all create your first characters together at the GM’s questions should help establish the relationships
beginning of your first session. Character creation is, just between characters (“What do you think about that?”)
like play, a kind of conversation – everyone should be and draw the group into the adventure (“Does that mean
there for it. you’ve met Riza before?”). The GM should listen to
You may need to make another character during play, if everything in the description and ask about anything that
yours gets killed for example. If so, no worries, the stands out. Establish where they’re from, who they are,
character creation process helps you make a new how they came together, or anything else that seems
character that fits into the group in just a few minutes. All relevant or interesting.
characters, even replacement characters, start at level 1. 9. Choose Bonds
These steps will walk you through filling out a character Once everyone has described their characters you can
sheet: choose your bonds. You must fill in one bond but it’s in
1. Choose Personality your best interest to fill in more. For each blank fill in the
Before you dive into any other step below, think about name of one character. You can use the same character
the kind of adventurer you want to play. You might be a for more than one statement.
courageous soldier, a skulking urchin, a fervent acolyte, Take some time to discuss the bonds and let the GM ask
or a flamboyant entertainer. Or you might be more questions about them as they come up. You’ll want to go
interested in an unconventional character, such as a back and forth and make sure everyone is happy and
chimera who embraced her inner beast, or even a comfortable with how the bonds have come out. Leave
friendly Homunculus. If you don't know where else to space to discover what each one might mean in play, too:
begin, think about which characters do you like in the don’t pre-determine everything at the start. Once
series to see what catches your interest. everyone’s filled in their bonds read them out to the
2. Choose a Name group. When a move has you roll +Bond you’ll count the
Choose your character’s name. number of bonds you have with the character in question
3. Choose Look and add that to the roll.
Your look is your physical appearance. Choose your 10. Get Ready to Play
character’s look. Take a little break: grab a drink, stretch your legs and let
4. Choose Stats the GM brainstorm for a little bit about what they’ve
Assign scores to each of your stats between –1 to +2. learned about your characters. Once you’re all ready,
Your Health must be at least +1, and the total sum of all grab your dice and your sheet and get ready to take on
five stats should be 3. Amestris!
5. Choose Background Once you’re ready the GM will get things started as
Your character’s background describes where they came described in the First Session chapter.
from, their original occupation, and the character’s place
in Amestris. Take +1 to Lore relevant to your birthplace Starting Gear
and profession. Write your personal goal. Choose your clothing:
6. Choose Advanced Moves  Cold-weather outfit
The next chapters list the character moves. Some moves  Soldier’s uniform
are called advanced moves and require special training.  Traveling clothes
Choose three of them now and gain them. Choose your armament:
7. Choose Gear  Automail prosthetic (heavy)
Each character has choices to make for starting gear. You  Dueling sword (finesse)
may also start with any gear to flavor up your character,  Pistol and a bullet cartridge
such as family tokens or musical instruments. Keep your  Rifle and 2 bullet cartridges (heavy)
load in mind – you can carry a number of heavy gear up Choose two:
to your Strength +1.  Notebook, pens and chalk set
8. Introduce Your Character  First aid kit
Now that you know who your character is, it’s time to  Technician’s tools (heavy)
introduce them to everyone else. Wait until everyone’s  2 bullet cartridges (pistol or rifle)
finished choosing their name. Then go around the table;  10,000 Cens (currency)
when it’s your turn, share your look, background and
anything else pertinent about your character.
Advanced Characters
These advanced character options allow characters to Officer
become truly exceptional, gaining powers beyond the ken Since its inception, Amestris has been a powerful country,
of their peers. Unlike other character options, characters promoting conflicts with its neighbor states and
must meet specific requirements before they can become maintaining an extremely authoritarian, centralized
advanced characters, but you may decide that all player government. Due to the basis of the country's political
characters have already gone through a severe change in and economic stability became strongly connected to
their past – discuss it as a group. war, the military has boosted its influence to the highest
At level 1, advanced characters start with one advanced ranks and prestige positions within the government,
move rather than three, in addition to the following effectively becoming a military-controlled state. Upon
features. If a character becomes advanced during play, King Bradley's election as Führer, the military has been
immediately increase their level by 2. the country's primary focus, and has cemented its power
over every aspect of Amestrian life.
Loremaster Prospective recruits of the military must attend the
Attempts to bring deceased human beings back to life are Military Academy to be fully instated as a member of the
the most common practices to be called Human military where they will undergo training that tests their
Transmutation. For having trespassed in Truth's domain, mental acuity and physical ability on military matters.
the initiating alchemists are essentially called into The Membership does not discriminate sex, gender, or race as
Gate of Truth to face Truth itself. Being pulled through groups of multiple ethnic backgrounds are seen as part of
the gate grants alchemists great alchemical and universal the military's ranks and fields.
knowledge – in exchange for paying a physical toll which
usually takes the shape of the body parts “taken” by the Gain the Authority move and choose one:
rebound – and the ability to perform transmutations  Take +1 to Volley.
without a circle.  Increase one of your stats by 1, up to +3.
The body organ you lose can be external or internal. Add the following bond options to your character sheet:
Automail prosthetics can help you function without some  has stood by me in battle and can be
external organs, but don’t make up for your weaknesses. trusted completely.
 is soft, but I will make them hard like me.
Choose three:
 Take +1 to Alchemy. Authority: When a GM character you outrank is in play,
 Increase your intelligence by 1, up to +3. you may order them. The move uses the loyalty of the
 Gain the Truesight move. character that triggered the move: Characters do what
 Choose an alchemy-related advanced move. you tell them to, so long as it isn’t obviously dangerous,
The GM will choose one: degrading, or stupid. When a character find themselves
 The GM chooses one of your senses (hearing, in a dangerous, degrading, or just flat-out crazy situation
sight, smell, taste, or touch) and you lose it. due to your orders roll +Willpower. On a 10+ they stand
 The GM decreases either your Strength or firm and carry out the order. On a 7-9 they do it for now,
Dexterity by 1. but come back with serious demands later. Meet them or
 The GM decreases both your Strength and the character rebels on the worst terms.
Dexterity by 1. Choose an additional alchemy- When you gain this move, your rank is Second Lieutenant.
related advanced move. Keep in mind that other characters still outrank you, and
Add the following bond options to your character sheet: refusal to carry out their order may have severe
 I will teach the true meaning of sacrifice. consequences.
 is woefully misinformed about the world;
I will teach them all that I can.

Truesight: You can create a circle of transmutation out of

your own body, never needing to draw another circle to
activate your known Transmutations. When you use the
Alchemy move this way, choose one less option.
Chimera Homunculus
While the synthesis of the chimera is an accepted, albeit Though a common concept, well known and understood
rare and elusive branch of alchemy, the concept of by alchemists in Amestris, the idea of the Homunculus is
extending its mutative hand to the realm of human regarded as no more than a farce or faraway fantasy as
characteristics and abilities falls under Human no individual or group of alchemists has come anywhere
Transmutation and is therefore strictly banned as a close to successfully creating such a being in officially
practice under the authority of the military. On the other recorded history. Even so, alchemists have been
hand, though there are alchemists who flout this decree forbidden by the Amestrian government to attempt or
and step across the threshold into monstrous research the transmutation of humans and State
experimentation, it has been publicly stated that all illicit Alchemists have such a restriction as part of their creed.
attempts to create a human-animal hybrid have failed. However, off the official record, not only one but several
This is untrue. of these creatures have been created in arcane, sinister
Even though mostly human outward form, your internal secrecy. Some Homunculi are human-based, and they can
makeups have incorporated increased senses, versatile retains their original sense of self, at least partially.
physical structures, and abilities identical to the animals
with which you have been alchemically spliced, granting Gain:
you superhuman traits while maintaining an  Gain the Evocation and Regenerate moves.
inconspicuous shape. You may even be capable of  You can never use the Alchemy move, except
transforming from full human form to that of a man- when using Evocation.
beast hybrid and back at will.  You may lose any alchemy-related advanced
moves you know. For each move you lose, choose
Take –1 to Persuasion and choose three: a new advanced move.
 Take +1 to one move: Endurance, Insight, Melee,  You have an imprint of the Ouroboros – a
or Stealth. mystical symbol representing a dragon devouring
 Increase your Strength by 1, up to +3. its own tail – somewhere on your body.
 Increase your Dexterity by 1, up to +3. Add the following bond options to your character sheet:
 Increase your Health by 1, up to +3.  has felt the hellish touch of fire, now
 Gain the Mobility move. they know my strength.
 Gain the Draw First, Escape Artist, or Indomitable  will play an important role in the events
advanced moves. You may choose another move to come. I have foreseen it!
if you already have these moves.
Add the following bond options to your character sheet: Evocation: Choose one transmutation. You can use the
 smells more like prey than a hunter. Alchemy move to create its effect without a circle of
 The animals within me and knew each other transmutation. When you do, roll +Willpower instead of
before. +Intelligence.
Regenerate: When you do nothing else, you recover 1
Mobility: Choose a type of movement: flying as a bird, damage each time you use this move. Your severed body
swimming as a fish, climbing as a lizard, or burrowing as a organs (fingers, legs, tails, and even head), if any, are
snake. You gain this movement, as well as any additional restored as well. Regenerate is also triggered
body organs necessary for it. automatically whenever you should die, but that
decreases your maximum Health by 1. When your Health
becomes 0, you die.
Basic Moves
These pages contain the moves that are available to all Lore
characters. These moves fall into two categories: basic, When you consult your accumulated knowledge about
special and advanced. something, roll +Intelligence. On a 10+, the GM will tell
Basic moves are the basis of the adventurer’s life. They you something interesting and useful about the subject
cover situations likely to come up in fights, tense relevant to your situation. On a 7-9, you know where and
negotiations, and dangerous areas. from whom you can obtain it – the GM will offer you two
All player characters have all the basic and special moves. options between the cost of time, money, or access to
Each player character also has some advanced moves. unauthorized information. The GM might ask you “How
do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now.
When you activate an available circle of transmutation, Melee
roll +Intelligence. On a 10+, choose one. On a 7-9, choose When you attack an enemy in close combat, roll
two: +Strength. On a 10+, you deal 1 damage to the enemy
 The circle is destroyed. and avoid their attack. On a 7-9, at your option, you may
 The transmutation has an unexpected effect. choose to deal 1 damage to the enemy and the enemy
 You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in strikes back immediately.
a spot. The GM will tell you how.  A finesse weapon rewards careful strikes. You roll
Additional options during battle: +Dexterity to Melee with this weapon, not
 The effect is out of control: you miss the target or +Strength.
the GM will choose an additional target nearby.
 The enemy strikes back immediately. Persuasion
When you have leverage on a GM Character and
Endurance manipulate them, roll +Willpower. Leverage is something
When your current damage is equal to your Health, roll they need or want. On a 10+, they do what you ask if you
+Strength. On a 10+ you take –2 ongoing. On a 7-9, you first promise what they ask of you. On a 7-9, they will do
become helpless and can’t take any moves, but you are what you ask, but need some concrete assurance of your
still conscious. On a 6 or lower, you become helpless and promise, right now.
unconscious. The effect lasts until you recover damage.
If your damage is greater than your Health, you die. Stealth
When you enter a place you aren’t supposed to be in,
Insight roll +Dexterity. On a 10+, you can explore the place
When you closely study a situation or person, roll undetected. On a 7-9, choose one:
+Willpower. On a 10+, ask the GM three questions from  You are spotted, but you have the drop on them.
the list below. On a 7-9, ask one. Either way, take +1  There’s something here that you didn’t plan for.
forward when acting on the answers.
 What happened here recently? Volley
 What is about to happen? When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll
 What should I be on the lookout for? +Dexterity. On a 10+, you have a clear shot. You hit and
 What here is useful or valuable to me? deal 1 damage. On a 7-9, at your option, you may choose
 Who’s really in control here? to deal 1 damage and choose one:
 What here is not what it appears to be?  You have to move to get the shot, placing you in
danger as described by the GM.
 You draw unwelcome attention. The GM will tell
you how.
 You have to take several shots, wasting the
Special Moves
Special moves are moves that come up less often or in End of Session
more specific situations. They’re still the basis of what When you reach the end of a session, choose one of your
characters do in Fullmetal Heart. bonds that you feel is resolved (completely explored, no
longer relevant, or otherwise). Ask the player of the
Defy Danger character you have the bond with if they agree. If they
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a do, mark XP and write a new bond with whomever you
calamity, say how you deal with it and roll. If you do it: wish.
 by powering through, +Strength. Once bonds have been updated look at your goal. If
 by getting out of the way or acting fast, you’ve achieved it this session, mark XP. You may choose
+Dexterity. a new one whether you’ve achieved it or not. Then
 with quick thinking, +Intelligence. answer these three questions as a group:
 using charm and social grace, +Willpower.  Did we learn something new and important about
On a 10+, you do what you set out to, the threat doesn’t the world?
come to bear. On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch:  Did we overcome a notable enemy?
the GM will offer you a worse outcome, hard bargain, or  Did we complete a group mission?
ugly choice. For each “yes” answer everyone marks XP.

Aid or Interfere Level Up

When you help or hinder someone you have a bond When you have downtime (hours or days) and XP equal
with, roll +Bond with them. On a 10+ they take +1 or –2 to (or greater than) your current level +3, you can reflect
forward, your choice. On a 7-9 you also expose yourself on your experiences and hone your skills.
to danger, retribution, or cost.  Subtract your current level +3 from your XP.
 Increase your level by 1.
Outstanding Warrants  Choose a new advanced move. Some moves
When you return to a civilized place in which you’ve present a choice when you choose them, and you
caused trouble before, roll + no stat. On a 10+, word has can choose them multiple times.
spread of your deeds and everyone recognizes you. On a
7-9, as above, and the GM chooses a complication:
 The local constabulary has a warrant out for your
 Someone has put a price on your head.
 Someone important to you has been put in a bad
spot as a result of your actions.
This move is only for places where you’ve caused trouble,
not every patch of civilization you enter. Being publicly
caught up in someone else’s trouble still triggers this

When you make a move while carrying weight you may
be encumbered. If your number of heavy gear carried is:
 Equal to or lower than your Strength +1, you
suffer no penalty.
 Equal to your Strength +2, you take –2 ongoing
until you lighten your burden.
 Greater than your Strength +2, you automatically
fail until you lighten your burden.

When you do nothing but rest in comfort and safety,
after a day of rest you recover 1 damage. If you’re under
the care of a healer, you recover 2 damage instead.
Advanced Moves
When creating your character in level 1, and whenever Escape Artist
you gain a level afterwards, choose from these moves. When you’re in too deep and need a way out, name your
escape route and roll +Dexterity. On a 10+ you’re gone.
Alchemist On a 7-9 you can stay or go, but if you go it costs you:
Choose and learn one Transmutation (see next chapter). leave something behind or take something with you, the
When you draw a circle of this Transmutation, you may GM will tell you what.
activate it with haste, immediately using the Alchemy
move with it and choosing one more option this time. Improvement
Increase one of your stats by 1, up to +3.
Alkahestrist You can’t choose this move at level 1.
Whereas alchemy claims to have its roots in the energy of
tectonic shifts and practices manipulation of matter Indomitable
toward scientifically practical ends, Alkahestry is centered At the beginning of each day, you recover 1 damage.
on a concept called the “Dragon's Pulse” which speaks of
the earth itself having a constant flow of life energy which Logical
flows metaphorically from the tops of mountains down to When you use Insight with strict deduction to analyze
the land, nourishing everything it passes with that energy your surroundings, you may roll +Intelligence instead of
as does blood coursing through the veins. +Willpower.
Whenever you use the Alchemy move, you can activate
any identical circle of transmutation you’re aware of Medic
within a radius of up to 1 kilometer. All activated circles When you tend to a character using a first aid kit, roll
have the same effects. +Willpower. On a 10+, the character recovers 1 damage.
You may only choose this move if you have at least three On a 7-9, as above, but only after a night of rest. Either
other alchemy-related advanced moves. way, that character can’t benefit from this move again
during the same day.
Automail Technician
Technician’s tools allow you to work automotive armored Mousquetaire
prostheses that are used in Amestris. Heat automail to When you use Volley with a rifle, on a 10+ you have the
alter its shape, repair damage, or work raw ingots into option to choose from the 7-9 list and deal 2 damage.
useful items.
If you choose this move an additional time, choose one: Prodigy
 Master Technician: You can construct a new automail You are naturally skilled and already got to experience
prosthetic from 1 million Cens worth of raw some different lifestyles in Amestris, maybe even the
materials. surrounding lands. Choose any combination of 3 places
 Rush Valley Style: You can combine an automail and/or professions and add them to your background.
prosthetic and a weapon. Automail combined with a You may only choose this move once and only at level 1.
heavy weapon only counts as one heavy gear.
 Briggs Style: You are familiar with all special automail Sleight of Hand
materials and their uses, such as non-conducting When you pick locks or pockets or disable traps, roll
metals in extreme conditions of heat and cold. +Dexterity. On a 10+, you do it with no problem. On a 7-9,
you still do it, but the GM will offer you two options
Connections between suspicion, danger, or cost.
When you put out word to the high command or criminal
underbelly about something you want or need, roll Transmutation Master
+Willpower. On a 10+, someone has it, just for you. On a Choose a Transmutation you know and choose one:
7-9, you’ll have to settle for something close or it comes  Expert: When you use the Alchemy move with it,
with strings attached, your call. choose one less option.
 Savant: When you use the Alchemy move with it, on
Draw First a 12+ you can use its supreme option (marked with a
You’re never caught by surprise. When an enemy would Ø letter).
get the drop on you, you get to act first instead. You can’t use this move when you activate a circle of
transmutation drawn by someone else.
Alchemy is the ancient metaphysical science/mystical art When you learn a new Transmutation, choose one. You
of manipulating and altering matter by using natural can’t use its supreme option (marked with a Ø letter)
energy. This act is known as transmutation and its unless otherwise noted.
sequence is usually described as:
1. Comprehension: Understanding the inherent Alimentation
structure and properties of the atomic or molecular Create food out of an equal mass of inedible carbon
makeup of a particular material to be transmuted, within the area (such as coal or wood). The food is bland
including the flow and balance of potential and but nourishing, and spoils if uneaten during the same day.
kinetic energy within. ø The food has the taste of your choice. You can
2. Deconstruction: Using energy to break down the emulate a simple dish, but not a complex meal.
physical structure of the identified material into a
more malleable state so as to be easily reshaped into Amplification
a new form. Deal 1 damage to one character you can see. Determine
3. Reconstruction: Continuing the flow of energy so as the source of damaging energy, such as fire or electricity,
to reform the material into a new shape. when you draw the circle of transmutation.
The proper application of this craft requires not only a full ø You also impress, dismay, or frighten the enemy.
understanding of chemistry and ancient alchemical
theory, but also a sort of natural talent towards Construction
recognizing and manipulating the physical objects with Reshape a mass of a single matter within the area into a
energy, which require uncommon levels of intelligence solid wall. The wall can have any shape you desire, it
and aptitude. Those remarkable individuals capable of doesn't need to be vertical or rest on any firm
studying and practicing alchemy are known as Alchemists. foundation. It must, however, merge with and be solidly
supported by existing environment.
The mystical practice of alchemy to create objects out of ø You can shape the wall to trap or injure a
raw matter or turn one object into another is widely character in the area.
believed to be capable of anything - indeed alchemy is
often viewed as magical or miraculous by those Fabrication
unfamiliar with the craft - but it is a science and as such is Craft a simple tool, including a finesse weapon, out of raw
subject to certain laws and limitations, all of which fall materials within the area.
under the concept of Equivalent Exchange: In order to ø You can craft a complex mechanical device,
obtain or create something, something of equal value including a pistol or a rifle with one cartridge.
must be lost or destroyed.
In standard practice, Equivalent Exchange is separated Hydration
into two parts: Change water to ice or steam within the area and vice
 The Law of Conservation of Mass, which states that versa, and reshape it in any manner you choose.
energy and matter can neither be created from ø You can shape the ice to trap or injure a character
nothing nor destroyed to the point of elemental in the area (as in Construction).
nonexistence. In other words, to create an object
with the mass of one kilogram, at least one kilogram Intensification
of material is necessary; destroying an object with the Ignore the next damage dealt to you within the area.
mass of one kilogram would reduce it to a set of ø Ignore the next additional damage dealt to you.
parts, the sum of which would have the mass of one
kilogram. Solvation
 The Law of Natural Providence, which states that an One character within the area recovers 1 damage. That
object or material made of a particular substance or character can’t benefit from this transmutation again
element can only be transmuted into another object during the same day.
with the same basic makeup and properties of that ø That character can benefit from this
initial material. In other words, an object or material transmutation again during the same day.
made mostly of water can only be transmuted into
another object with the attributes of water.
Amestris is the country that serves as the principal setting and power in the region. After the foundation of the
of Fullmetal Heart. It is a unitary state under the rule of a country, Amestris began expanding its territory by
parliamentary republic, with a population of about 50 invading neighboring countries and subduing them.
million. The Head of State is the Führer who is the Since its inception, Amestris has been a powerful country,
Commander-in-Chief of the Military, who also promoting conflicts with its neighbor states and
consecrates the role of Head of Government. maintaining an extremely authoritarian, centralized
It seems the country was composed of several former government. The basis of the country’s political and
nations, quite diverse in culture and religion, but economic stability has become strongly connected to
incorporated by the expanding state of Amestris. The war, boosting the military to the highest ranks and
administrative regions of the country seem to reflect prestige positions within the government.
those differences. The country has five administrative As each war was fought and the neighboring countries
divisions: South Area, West Area, North Area, East Area conquered, Amestris took their enemies’ land and
and Central Area. integrated it and their peoples into its own. The country
The East Area is the most diverse, sheltering a nation of a eventually grew into a large circle, save for one piece at
different ethnicity called Ishval. The province of Ishval is the northern border, with the capital in the center.
ethnically and culturally different of the rest of the
country: the people there being religious; most of them By around the year 1894, the prominent general King
renounce alchemy, which brought many conflicts with the Bradley (considered a war hero) was appointed as
Central Government in the past and has culminated in the Commander-in-Chief, or Führer, of the country. Since
Ishvalan Civil War. Führer Bradley's appointment, there have been conflicts
in most borders of the country, resulting in many
Government massacres and heavy civil wars, always under the
Amestris is a unitary state under the rule of a command of Central's Army.
parliamentary republic. Since the formation of Amestris, In the year 1901, in the province of Ishval – known to be
the parliament has been used as a mere facade to distract a rogue and unstable area and, at the time, occupied by
from a more authoritarian regime, as the government the military – an Ishvalan girl was shot by an Amestrian
appears to be almost completely centralized by the soldier, instigating revolt from the locals and thus
military. The Central Command, located at Central City, beginning the Ishval Civil War. The war lasted until 1908,
allocates the regional governments at its own accord, when Führer Bradley issued Executive Order No. 3066,
with no known elections to speak of. It appears that the sending the military's most feared special division, the
only elections held in Amestris are for legislative positions State Alchemists, to Ishval's front, enacting the
within the parliament, but its power is irrelevant to the extermination of the Ishvalan people. The area was
decision making process. In practice, the government is devastated and its population massacred by 1909.
composed of nominated positions. The conflicts escalated thereon, with bloody struggles in
Its authoritarian regime makes it hard to distinguish the East, South, West and North Areas in the following
between regular government institutions and the years. The main battles were at Liore against the
military, but that domain is constantly questioned and followers of Letoism (1914) and at Briggs against
confronted by the general population, which is rarely Drachman forces (1914-18).
friendly and even belligerent towards the military regime.
The regional offices of the government are directly By late winter 1915, Amestris faced its greatest crisis
subordinated to the Central Command and have little since its founding, with a civil war in the heart of the
freedom of action. However, politics are common among country, resulting in Führer Bradley's death and the rise
the leaders of each region within their own level of to power of Führer Grumman, formerly the Commanding
hierarchy, bringing a lot of competition between regions. Officer of the Eastern Headquarters.
Grumman's ascendance to power changed the country's
History policy drastically, promoting peace treaties with
Amestris was officially founded around 1550, though the neighboring countries and removing military forces from
country existed prior to that date, without much the borders, concentrating efforts on building
organization or government to speak of. The coming of cooperation with other nations, especially Xing, a country
the “Philosopher of the East” changed that nation's formerly isolated and distant from Amestris, that has
history by providing them knowledge in the practice of improved its relations thanks to the efforts of General
Alchemy, which led to an uprising of Amestris’ influence Roy Mustang and the new Emperor of Xing, Ling Yao.
Geography State Military
The geography of Amestris is quite diverse, varying from The only armed force of Amestris is the army since the
desert areas in the East to an icy mountain range in the nonexistence of aerial vehicles and the landlocked nature
North and plains to the West and South. Amestris is a of the country preclude the need for marine or navy.
land-locked nation, with no access to any known sea, and Ever since King Bradley was elected Führer, the military
is bordered completely by the countries of Creta, Aerugo, has been the country's primary focus, and has cemented
and Drachma, as well as the East Desert, with the country its power over every aspect of Amestrian life. Its most
of Xing on the other side. There are many unknown well-known conflict is the Ishval Civil War which
countries East of Xing. It is told that there is a water route ultimately decimated the Ishval race. The military is also
from Amestris to Xing (considered to be “the long way engaged in border skirmishes with its neighbors Creta and
around”) and it seems to be accessed by traveling South Aerugo.
from Amestris through Aerugo. The military administration has its General Headquarters
Amestris is a relatively extensive country with a large based in Central City and four others which garrison the
countryside population and low, but growing, urban units across the country in the capital of their respective
concentration. regions. The army from the Eastern Headquarters as well
The biggest city is the capital, Central City, that also has as the army from the fortress of Briggs is considered the
the largest buildings and busiest urban life. Each province best divisions of the army. Briggs specializes in defense,
has its own capital as their main city – East City in East while the Eastern Army specializes in attacking.
Area, South City in the South Area and so forth. The It appears as if the infantry is the main branch of the
population seems to concentrate in the east, south and army. They are supported by artillery, tanks, along with
central areas, being the north quite isolated and the west their most important and prominent weapon: the State
with very sparse cities. Alchemists.
The highly diverse climate can vary from a typical The division of State Alchemists is parallel to the normal
Mediterranean climate near the southern border to near- ranks of the army. They are automatically assigned the
glacial in the region of Briggs. However, most of the rank of major upon recruitment. They have their own
country varies between a temperate and a subtropical symbols, titles, and undergo different treatment and
climate. supervision from other military personnel.

Technology Notable Places

Amestris appears to have recently undergone an  Central City: The bustling capital of the country and
industrial revolution of sorts, with steam engines and seat of power of the Führer. From here, Central
automobiles beginning to overtake horse-drawn carriages Command also runs the political affairs of the nation.
as the most prominent mode of transportation (though  Rush Valley: The automail hub of Amestris.
the horse-and-buggy is by no means uncommon). Electric  East City: Located in a backwater region near the
power, while abundant, has not completely replaced gas- desert, East City was the home base of Colonel Roy
lights in some of the more rural areas and coal remains a Mustang.
major fuel source. However, automail exists as a clear  South City: Hub for all southern regions. Currently at
outlier from the standard technological fare of the age, war with the bordering nation of Aerugo.
existing as sophisticated robotic prostheses that not only  West City: Rocky, dry, territory at war with Creta.
function with the precision of machinery roughly a  North City: The quiet, snowy locale at the foot of the
century ahead of its time, but is compatible with Briggs Mountains. Medical and supply center for the
biological forms in a manner that transcends our own Briggs Fortress.
understanding of bio-robotics. Due perhaps to the  Briggs: Located in the northernmost corner of
nation's high level of Alchemical prominence, great Amestris. This fortress guards the country’s borders
strides have been made in the fields of chemistry and from Drachman invaders.
metallurgy, allowing for a rapidly evolving technological  Liore: A small eastern town whose citizens has a
identity. strong religious sense. Moreover, it's the home of
In terms of weaponry, firearms range from simple pistols Leto's Church.
to Woodstock rifles and machine guns but the Amestrian  Youswell: The “last town in the East”, abundant with
State Military has developed a new type of weapon called coal mines.
a “tank” at the Research and Development department of
their Briggs Fort.
There are many different fantasy genres, each with their can leverage a lack of information, too. The sound of
own style or advice for GMing. Fullmetal Heart is reloading guns and shuffling feet, for instance.
designed for one of those styles in particular – The world The situation around them is rarely “everything’s great,
of Fullmetal Alchemist, styled after the European nothing to worry about.” They’re adventurers going on
Industrial Revolution and set in a fictional universe in adventures – give them something to react to.
which alchemy is one of the most advanced scientific When you describe the situation, always end with “What
techniques. do you do?” Fullmetal Heart is about action and
The characters have rules to follow when they roll dice adventure! Portray a situation that demands a response.
and take actions. The GM has rules to follow, too. You’ll From the get-go make sure to follow the rules. This
be refereeing, adjudicating, and describing the world as means your GM rules, sure, but also keep an eye on the
you go – Fullmetal Heart provides a framework to guide players’ moves. It’s everyone’s responsibility to watch for
you in doing so. when a move has been triggered, including you. Stop the
This section isn’t about advice for the GM or optional tips players and ask if they mean to trigger the rules when it
and tricks on how best to play Fullmetal Heart. It’s a sounds like that’s what they’re doing.
section with procedures and rules for whoever takes on Part of following the rules is making moves. Your moves
the role of GM. are different than player moves and we’ll describe them
in detail in a bit. Your moves are specific things you can
GMing Fullmetal Heart: A Framework do to change the flow of the game.
Running a game of Fullmetal Heart is built on these: the In all of these things, exploit your prep. At times you’ll
GM’s agenda, principles, and moves. The agenda is what know something the players don’t yet know. You can use
you set out to do when you sit down at the table. The that knowledge to help you make moves. Maybe the
principles are the guides that keep you focused on that alchemist tries to rebind a transmutation and draws
agenda. The GM’s moves are the concrete, moment-to- unwanted attention. They don’t know that the attention
moment things you do to move the game forward. You’ll that just fell on them was the ominous gaze of a
make moves when players miss their rolls, when the rules Homunculus waiting two levels below, but you do.
call for it, and whenever the players look to you to see
what happens. Your moves keep the fiction consistent Agenda
and the game’s action moving forward. Your agenda makes up the things you aim to do at all
The GM’s agenda, principles, and moves are rules just like times while GMing a game of Fullmetal Heart:
damage or stats. You should take the same care in  Portray a fantastic world
altering them or ignoring them that you would with any  Fill the characters’ lives with adventure
other rule.  Play to find out what happens
Everything you say and do at the table (and away from
How to GM the table, too) exists to accomplish these three goals and
When you sit down at the table as a GM you do these no others. Things that aren’t on this list aren’t your goals.
things: You’re not trying to beat the players or test their ability to
 Describe the situation solve complex traps. You’re not here to give the players a
 Follow the rules chance to explore your finely crafted setting. You’re not
 Make moves trying to kill the players (though your characters might
 Exploit your prep be). You’re most certainly not here to tell everyone a
The players have it easy – they just say what their planned-out story.
characters say, think, and do. You have it a bit harder. Your first agenda is to portray a fantastic world.
You have to say everything else. What does that entail? Fullmetal Heart is all about guts, guile, and bravery
First and foremost, you describe the immediate situation against darkness and doom. It’s about characters who
around the players at all times. This is how you start a have decided to take up a life of adventure in the hopes
session, how you get things rolling after a snack break, of some glorious reward. It’s your job to participate in
get back on track after a great joke: tell them what the that by showing the players a world in which their
situation is in concrete terms. characters can find that adventure. Without the player
Use detail and senses to draw them in. The situation isn’t characters the world would fall into chaos or destruction
just an chimera charging you, it’s an chimera painted in – it might still even with them. It’s up to you to portray
blood swinging a hammer and yelling bloody murder. You the fantastic elements of that world. Show the players
the wonders of the world they’re in and encourage them the flow of the game, too. If you talk to the players
to react to it. you may leave out details that are important to what
Filling the characters’ lives with adventure means moves the characters make. Since moves are always
working with the players to create a world that’s based on the actions of the character you need to
engaging and dynamic. Adventurers are always caught up think about what’s happening in terms of those
in some world-threatening danger or another – characters – not the players portraying them.
encourage and foster that kind of action in the game.  Embrace the fantastic: Alchemy, strange vistas,
Fullmetal Heart adventures never presume player automail, chimeras, and Homunculi: the world is full
actions. A Fullmetal Heart adventure portrays a setting in of mystery and magic. Embrace that in your prep and
motion – someplace significant with creatures big and in play. Think about “the fantastic” on various scales.
small pursuing their own goals. As the players come into Think about advanced cities or islands prospering
conflict with that setting and its denizens, action is solely on alchemy. Think about village wise-men and
inevitable. You’ll honestly portray the repercussions of their ancient religions or the statue that the local
that action. bandits touch to give them luck. The characters are
This is how you play to find out what happens. You’re interesting people, empowered by their knowledge,
sharing in the fun of finding out how the characters react their skill at arms, or by mystical training. The world
to and change the world you’re portraying. You’re all should be just as engaging.
participants in a great adventure that’s unfolding. So  Make a move that follows: When you make a move
really, don’t plan too hard. The rules of the game will what you’re actually doing is taking an element of the
fight you. It’s fun to see how things unfold, trust us. fiction and bringing it to bear against the characters.
Your move should always follow from the fiction.
Principles They help you focus on one aspect of the current
 Draw maps, leave blanks situation and do something interesting with it. What’s
 Address the characters, not the players going on? What move makes sense here?
 Embrace the fantastic  Never speak the name of your move: There is no
 Make a move that follows quicker way to ruin the consistency of Fullmetal Heart
 Never speak the name of your move than to tell the players what move you’re making.
 Give every character life Your moves are prompts to you, not things you say
 Name every person directly.
 Ask questions and use the answers You never show the players that you’re picking a
 Be a fan of the player characters move from a list. You know the reason the Ishvalans
 Think dangerous dragged off Edward was because you made the “put
 Begin and end with the fiction someone in a spot” move, but you show it to the
 Think offscreen, too players as a straightforward outcome of their actions,
Your principles are your guides. Often, when it’s time to since it is.
make a move, you’ll already have an idea of what makes  Give every character life: GM characters are also
sense. Consider it in light of your principles and go with it, fantastic creatures with their own motivations
if it fits. (simple or complex). Give each person details that
 Draw maps, leave blanks: Fullmetal Heart exists bring it to life: smells, sights, sounds. Give each one
mostly in the imaginations of the people playing it; enough to make it real, but don’t cry when it gets
maps help everyone stay on the same page. You beat up or overthrown. That’s what player characters
won’t always be drawing them yourself, but any time do!
there’s a new location described make sure it gets  Name every person: Anyone that the players speak
added to a map. with has a name. They probably have a personality
When you draw a map don’t try to make it complete. and some goals or opinions too, but you can figure
Leave room for the unknown. As you play you’ll get that out as you go. Start with a name. The rest can
more ideas and the players will give you inspiration to flow from there.
work with. Let the maps expand and change.  Ask questions and use the answers: Part of playing to
 Address the characters, not the players: Addressing find out what happens is explicitly not knowing
the characters, not the players, means that you don’t everything, and being curious. If you don’t know
say, “is Greed doing something about that thief?” something, or you don’t have an idea, ask the players
Instead you say, “Greed, what are you doing about and use what they say.
the thief?” Speaking this way keeps the game focused The easiest question to use is “What do you do?”
on the fiction and not on the table. It’s important to Whenever you make a move, end with “What do you
do?” You don’t even have to ask the person you Never speak the name of your move (that’s one of your
made the move against. Take that chance to shift the principles). Make it a real thing that happens to them: “As
focus elsewhere: “Edward’s transmutation is torn you dodge the bully’s automail chainsaw, you slip and
apart with a touch of Scar’s destructive arm. land hard. Your sword goes sliding away into the
Alphonse, that transmutation was aiding you. What darkness. You think you saw where it went but the bully is
are you doing now that it’s gone?” lumbering your way. What do you do?”
 Be a fan of the player characters: Think of the No matter what move you make, always follow up with
players’ characters as protagonists in a story you “What do you do?” Your moves are a way of fulfilling your
might see on the series. Cheer for their victories and agenda – part of which is to fill the characters’ lives with
lament their defeats. You’re not here to push them in adventure. When a transmutation goes wild or the floor
any particular direction, merely to participate in drops out from under them adventurers react or suffer
fiction that features them and their action. the consequences of inaction.
 Think dangerous: Everything in the world is a target.
You’re thinking like an evil overlord: no single life is When to Make a Move
worth anything and there is nothing sacrosanct. You make a move:
Everything can be put in danger, everything can be  When everyone looks to you to find out what
destroyed. Nothing you create is ever protected. happens
Whenever your eye falls on something you’ve  When the players give you a golden opportunity
created, think how it can be put in danger, fall apart  When they roll a 6 or lower
or crumble. The world changes. Without the Generally when the players are just looking at you to find
characters’ intervention, it changes for the worse. out what happens you make a soft move, otherwise you
 Begin and end with the fiction: Everything you and make a hard move.
the players do in Fullmetal Heart comes from and A soft move is one without immediate, irrevocable
leads to fictional events. When the players make a consequences. That usually means it’s something not all
move, they take a fictional action to trigger it, apply that bad, like revealing that there’s more treasure if they
the rules, and get a fictional effect. When you make a can just find a way past the bully (offer an opportunity
move it always comes from the fiction. with cost). It can also mean that it’s something bad, but
 Think offscreen too: Just because you’re a fan of the they have time to avoid it, like having the guerilla archers
characters doesn’t mean everything happens right in loose their arrows (show signs of an approaching threat)
front of them. Sometimes your best move is in the with a chance for them to dodge out of danger.
next room, or another part of the town, or even back A soft move ignored becomes a golden opportunity for a
in Central. Make your move elsewhere and show its hard move. If the players do nothing about the hail of
effects when they come into the spotlight. arrows flying towards them it’s a golden opportunity to
use the deal damage move.
Moves Hard moves, on the other hand, have immediate
Whenever everyone looks to you to see what happens consequences. Dealing damage is almost always a hard
choose one of these. Each move is something that occurs move, since it means a loss of stamina that won’t be
in the fiction of the game – they aren’t code words or recovered without some action from the players.
special terms. “Use up their resources” literally means to When you have a chance to make a hard move you can
expend the resources of the characters, for example. opt for a soft one instead if it better fits the situation.
 Use a NPC, danger, or location move Sometimes things just work out for the best.
 Reveal an unwelcome truth
 Show signs of an approaching threat Choosing a Move
 Deal damage To choose a move, start by looking at the obvious
 Use up their resources consequences of the action that triggered it. If you
 Turn their move back on them already have an idea, think on it for a second to make
 Separate them sure it fits your agenda and principles and then do it. Let
 Give an opportunity that fits a character’s abilities your moves snowball. Build on the success or failure of
 Show a downside to their choices the characters’ moves and on your own previous moves.
 Offer an opportunity, with or without cost If your first instinct is that this won’t hurt them now, but
 Put someone in a spot it’ll come back to bite them later, great! That’s part of
 Tell them the requirements or consequences and your principles (think offscreen too). Make a note of and
ask reveal it when the time is right.
Making your Move characters. If Olivier has learned of Drachma’s
When making a move, keep your principles in mind. In soldiers approaching from the east, maybe a scout
particular, never speak the name of your move and has spotted her, too.
address the characters, not the players. Your moves are  Separate Them: There are few things worse than
not mechanical actions happening around the table. They being in the middle of a raging battle with blood-
are concrete events happening to the characters in the thirsty mannequin soldiers on all sides – one of those
fictional world you are describing. things is being in the middle of that battle with no
Note that “deal damage” is a move, but other moves may one at your back.
include damage as well. When a chimera flings you Separating the characters can mean anything from
against a wall you take damage as surely as if he had being pushed apart in the heat of battle to being
smashed you with his fists. kidnapped to the far end of the dungeon. Whatever
After every move you make, always ask “What do you way it occurs, it’s bound to cause problems.
do?”  Give an opportunity that fits a character’s abilities:
 Use a NPC, danger, or location move: Every character The Sleight of Hand move disables traps, sneaks, and
in an adventure has moves associated with it, as do picks locks. The Hydration transmutation manipulates
many locations. A NPC or location move is just a water. Every character has things that they shine at –
description of what that location or NPC does, maybe present an opportunity that plays to what one class
“hurl someone away” or “create the Philosopher’s shines at.
Stone”. If a player move (like Melee) says that an It doesn’t have to be a move that’s in play right now
enemy gets to make an attack, make an aggressive though. Sometimes a locked door stands between
move with that enemy. you and treasure and there’s no locksmith in sight.
The overarching dangers of the adventure also have This is an invitation for invention, bargaining, and
moves associated with them. Use these moves to creativity. If all you’ve got is a rifle doesn’t every
bring that danger into play, which may mean more problem look like a target?
enemies.  Show a downside to their choices: Just as every
 Reveal an unwelcome truth: An unwelcome truth is a character shines, they all have their weaknesses too.
fact the players wish wasn’t true: that the room’s Do chimeras have a special thirst for Ishvalan blood?
been trapped, maybe, or that the helpful Ranger is Is the alchemist’s transmutations disturbing
actually a spy. Reveal to the players just how much dangerous forces? The torch that lights the way also
trouble they’re in. draws attention from eyes in the dark.
 Show signs of an approaching threat: This is one of  Offer an opportunity, with or without cost: Show
your most versatile moves. “Threat” means anything them something they want: riches, power, glory. If
bad that’s on the way. With this move, you just show you want, you can associate some cost with it too, of
them that something’s going to happen unless they course.
do something about it. Remember to lead with the fiction. You don’t say,
 Deal damage: When you deal damage, choose one “This city isn’t dangerous so you can stay here for the
source of damage that’s fictionally threatening a night, if you’re willing to take the time”. You make it a
character and apply it. In combat with a lizard man? It solid fictional thing and say, “Leto’s blessings still
stabs you. Triggered a trap? Rocks fall on you. hang around the shattered altar. It’s a nice safe inn,
Most damage is 1. Special amount of damage is but the chanting from the ritual chamber is getting
decided by the source. In some cases, this move louder. What do you do?”
might involve trading damage both ways, with the  Put someone in a spot: A spot is someplace where a
character also dealing damage. character needs to make tough choices. Put them, or
 Use up their resources: Surviving out of civilization something they care about, in the path of
often comes down to supplies. With this move, destruction. The harder the choice, the tougher the
something happens to use up some resource: spot.
weapons, ammunition, healing, repairing tools. You  Tell them the requirements or consequences and
don’t always have to use it up permanently. A sword ask: This move is particularly good when they want
might just be flung to the other side of the room, not something that’s not covered by a move, or they’ve
shattered. failed a move. They can do it, sure, but they’ll have to
 Turn Their Move Back On Them: Think about the pay the price. Or, they can do it, but there will be
benefits a move might grant a character and turn consequences. Maybe they can swim through the
them around in a negative way. Alternately, grant the shark-infested moat before being devoured, but
same advantage to someone who has it out for the they’ll need a distraction. Of course, this is made
clear to the characters, not just the players: the hide it from them. Traps aren’t allowed to break the
sharks are in a starved frenzy, for example. rules.
 People: Smiths, sages, humans of all shapes and sizes
Dealing With Common Situations occupy the world around the characters. They’re not
There are some common situations that come up in mindless stooges to be pushed around but they’re
Fullmetal Heart. Here’s how to deal with them. not what we’re playing to find out about either. The
 Fights: Sooner or later weapons are drawn and blood NPCs are people: they have goals and the tools to
is shed. When this happens the players are likely to struggle towards those goals. Use them to illustrate
start transmuting, volleying, and evading. Think about what the world is like. Show your players the
more than just the exchange of damage. Enemies common people struggling for recognition or the
might be trying to capture the characters or protect upper classes seeking to uplift their people. Some
something from them. Understand what the fight is characters are adept at manipulating and using
about; what each side wants and how that might people as resources. Don’t shy away from these
affect the tide of battle. situations. Be a fan of these characters, giving them
No self-respecting character just stands still for their interesting, nuanced people to interact with.
beating. Combat is a dynamic thing with creatures People, just like player characters, change over time.
moving in and out of range, taking cover, and The passing of the characters through their lives
retreating. Sometimes the battlefield itself shifts. might inspire or enrage them. The characters’ actions
Determine your GM characters’ Health and have will cause the world to change, for good or ill, and the
them take action that the players will react to. Make people they meet with will remember these changes.
sure you’re making use of moves beyond deal When the characters roll back through a town they
damage, even in a fight. were less-than-kind to on their previous visit, show
Make sure everyone has a chance to act, and that you them how the people are different now. Are they
know where each player is during the chaos of more cautious? Have they taken up a new religion?
combat. Make a map of a complex battle location so Are they hungry for revenge?
that everyone knows just what’s happening and can Relationships between characters are represented by
describe their actions appropriately. the bonds but relationships with NPCs are more
 Traps: Traps may come from your prep, or you can tenuous. If the players want to make real, lasting
improvise them based on your moves. If nothing has connections with the people of the world, they need
established that the location is safe, traps are always to act. Remember, “what do you do?” is as valid a
an option. question when faced with the hopes and fears of a
The players may find traps through Insight. If a potential new ally or enemy as it is when staring
character describes an action that doesn’t trigger a down the business end of a dueling sword.
move, but the action would still discover a trap, don’t
First Session
The first session of a game of Fullmetal Heart begins with characters as people – skilled adventurers delving into
character creation. Character creation is also world dangerous places, but real people.
creation, the details on the character sheets and the Your role is to play the rest of the world as a dynamic,
questions that you ask establish what Amestris is like – changing place. Some questions commonly come up
who lives in it and what’s going on. This section is for the during character creation. You should be ready to answer
GM so it’s addressed to you – the GM. For the players, them: Are the characters friends? No, not necessarily, but
the first session is just like every other. They just have to they do work together as a team for common goals. Their
play their characters like real people and explore reasons for pursuing those goals may be different, but
Amestris. You have to do a little more in the first session. they manage to work together. Are there other heroes?
You establish the world and the threats the players will Not really. There are other adventurers, and the common
face. folk may call them heroes, but they’re not like you. They
don’t have the same abilities, though they may be similar.
Prep What’s Cens? Cenz is the currency of Amestris. It’s good
Before the first session, you’ll need to print some stuff. pretty much everywhere. It is equal to about one
Print off: Japanese Yen, or one US Cent, in the real world. Is the GM
 A few copies of the basic moves trying to kill us? No. The GM’s job is to portray the world
 One copy for each character sheet and the things in it and the world is a very dangerous
 One copy each of the transmutation sheets place. You might die. That doesn’t mean the GM is out to
 The GM sheet get you.
You’ll also need to read this whole book, especially the During this entire process, especially character creation,
sections on GMing (GM moves) and the basic moves. It’s ask questions. Look for interesting facts established by
a good idea to be acquainted with the advanced moves the characters’ bonds, moves, classes, and descriptions
too, so you can be prepared for them. Think about and ask about those things. Be curious! When someone
fantastic worlds, strange alchemy, and foul play. mentions the bandits that plundering their village find out
Remember the games you played and the stories you more about them. After all, you don’t have anything
told. Watch the series, read some other stories; get (except maybe a general plot) and everything they give
heroic fantasy into your brain. What you bring to the first you is fuel for future adventures. Also pay attention to
session, ideas-wise, is up to you. At the very least bring the players’ questions. When mechanical questions come
your head full of ideas. That’s the bare minimum. If you up answer them. When questions of setting or fiction
like you can plan a little more. Maybe think of an evil plot come up your best bet is to turn those questions around.
and who’s behind it, or some new set of deadly sins you’d When a player says, “Who is the Ruler of Drachma,” say,
like to use. If you’ve got some spare time on your hands “I don’t know. Who is it? What is she like?”
you can even draw some maps (but remember, from your Collaborate with your players. Asking a question means
principles: leave blanks) and imagine specific locations. it’s something that interests them so work with them to
The one thing you absolutely can’t bring to the table is a make the answers interesting. Don’t be afraid to say, “I
planned storyline or plot. You don’t know the heroes or don’t know” and ask them the same questions. Work
the world before you sit down to play so planning together to find a fantastic and interesting answer. If
anything concrete is just going to frustrate you. It also you’ve come to the table with some ideas about stuff
conflicts with your agenda: play to find out what you’d like to see in the world, share them with the
happens. players. Their characters are their responsibility and the
world is yours – you’ve got a lot of say in what lives in it. If
Getting Started you want the game to be about a hunt for the lost
When everyone shows up for the first session briefly Xerxesian race of aeons past, say so! If the players aren’t
introduce Fullmetal Heart to anyone who hasn’t played interested or they’re sick to death of ancient civilizations,
before. Cover the mechanical basis of moves. Introduce they’ll let you know and you can work together to find
the character moves, help players make their characters, some other way. You don’t need pre-approval for
and walk them through character creation. Your role everything but making sure everyone is excited about the
during character creation is threefold: help everyone, ask broad strokes of the world is a great start.
questions, and take notes. When a player makes a choice Once everyone has their characters created you can take
– particularly for their bonds – ask them about it. Get a deep breath. Look back over the questions you’ve asked
more detail. Think about what these details mean. You and answered so far. You should have some notes that
should also set expectations: the players are to play their will point you towards what the game might look like.
Look at what the players have brought to the table. Look think about that?” “Is Denny doing something about
to the ideas that’ve been stewing away in your head. It’s it?” If you ever find yourself at a loss, pause for a
time for the adventure to begin! second and ask a question. Ask one character a
question about another. When a character does
The First Adventure something, ask how a different character feels or
The first adventure is really about discovering the reacts. Questions will power your game and make it
direction that future sessions will take. Throughout the feel real and exciting. Use the answers you find to fill
first adventure keep your eye out for unresolved threats; in what might happen next.
note dangerous things that are mentioned but not dealt  Leave blanks: This is one of your principles, but it’s
with. These will be fuel for sessions to come. Start the especially true during the first session. Every blank is
session with a group of player characters (maybe all of another cool thing waiting to happen; leave yourself a
them) in a tense situation. Use anything that demands stock of them.
action: outside the entrance to a hostile city, ambushed  Look for interesting facts: There are some ideas that,
on the road, peeking through the crack in a door at the when you hear them, just jump out at you. When you
chimera guards, or being sentenced before King Bradley. hear one of those ideas, just write it down. When a
Ask questions right away – “who is leading the ambush player mentions a Xingese princess being his sensei,
against you?” or “what did you do to make King Bradley note it. That little fact is the seed for a whole world.
so mad?” If the situation stems directly from the  Help the players understand the moves: You’ve
characters and your questions, all the better. already read the game, the players may not have, so
Here’s where the game starts. The players will start it’s up to you to help them if they need it. The fact is,
saying and doing things, which means they’ll start making they likely won’t need it much. All they have to do is
moves. For the first session you should watch especially describe what their character does, the rules take
carefully for when moves apply, until the players get the care of the rest. The one place they may need some
hang of it. Often, in the early sessions, the players will be help is remembering the triggers for the moves. Keep
most comfortable just narrating their actions – this is fine. an ear out for actions that trigger moves, like
When a move triggers let them know. Say, “It sounds like attacking in close combat or consulting their
you’re trying to…” and then walk them through the move. knowledge. After a few moves the players will likely
Players looking for direction will look to the character remember them on their own.
sheet. When a player just says “I use Melee” be quick to  Give each character a chance to shine: As a fan of the
ask, “so what are you actually doing?” Ask “How?”, “With heroes (remember your agenda?) you want to see
what?” For the first session, you have a few specific goals: them do what they do best. Give them a chance at
 Establish details, describe: All the ideas and visions in this, not by tailoring every room to their skills, but by
your head don’t really exist in the fiction of the game portraying a fantastic world (agenda again) where
until you share them, describe them, and detail them. there are many solutions to every challenge.
The first session is the time to establish the basics of  Introduce NPCs: NPCs bring the world to life. If every
what things look like, who’s in charge, what they bandit does nothing more than attack and every
wear, what the world is like, what the immediate technician sets out their wares for simple payment
location is like. Describe everything but keep it brief the world is dead. Instead give your characters,
enough to expand on later. Use a detail or two to especially those that the players show an interest in,
make a description really stand out as real. life (principles, remember?). Introduce NPCs but
 Use what they give you: The best part of the first don’t protect them. The recently deceased Brigadier
session is you don’t have to come with anything General is just as useful for future adventures as the
concrete. You might have a building sketched out but one who’s still alive.
the players provide the real deal – use it. They’ll
emerge from the darkness of that first adventure and After the First Session
when they do and their eyes adjust to the light, you’ll Once you’re done with the first session take some time to
have built up an exciting world to explore with their relax. Let ideas ferment. Don’t rush into the next session.
help. Look at their bonds, their moves, how they Once you’ve had some time to relax and think over the
answer your questions and use what you find to fill in first session it’s time to prepare for the next session.
the world around the characters. Preparing for the second session takes a few minutes,
 Ask questions: You’re using what they give you, maybe an hour if this is your first time. You’ll create evil
right? What if you need more? That’s when you draw organizations and cults, maybe make some special
it out by asking questions. Poke and prod about enemies or custom moves, and generally get an idea of
specific things. Ask for reactions: “What does Maria what is going on in the world.
Sample Quests
The Lost Jewels of Ishval Nature has reclaimed Xerxes, and now the structures
Unlike adventures set in medieval-inspired epic fantasy inhabit wild desert animals. But these animals are the
worlds, Fullmetal Heart offers a vast urban society, which least of your worries, because they don’t get near the
means more social interaction and knowledge seeking mysterious beings created centuries ago and still lurk
and less dark, creepy dungeons. Treasure hunting takes within the ruins.
form of historic research, and most enemies would not be  Failed experiments to create Homunculi may not
monsters, but people who want to keep their secrets to be as much potent, but has evolved over the
themselves. centuries and don’t like strangers.
That doesn’t mean no treasure of course. You do know of  The massive transmutation is still active and
a once-rich Ishvalan family who were probably looted by changing the most prosperous creatures, in a
a ruthless State Alchemist during the Ishval Civil War. process called Alchemical Radiation.
There are some places you can start from:  Another effect of the radiation are Living
 Travel to Ishval. Look for the family estate and Transmutations – not quite living, but certainly
search for clues there. If your campaign is set not dead.
after the death of Führer King Bradley, the Studying Alchemical Radiation is a quest of its own. It is
Ishvalan people have returned there. obviously inspired by the real term of radioactivity, but
 If your campaign is set earlier, travel to the east more in the ways it is portrayed in fiction than actual
and seek for Ishvalan refugees. science. Let your imagination run wild with it.
 Search the libraries for the names of State
Alchemists who served in Ishval, and find out The White Ouroboros
whom of them got rich soon after the war. Some Fanatic religious cults are not scarce, even in Amestris. If
of this information should be restricted. you’re not interested in a mere treasure hunt, you may
In any case you should answer to yourself: why do you send the characters on a mission of investigating a new
think you deserve this treasure? It is possible that have cult founded in a distant province. The locals say they
Ishvalan blood that makes you entitled for it. Perhaps you give them hope, but you still remember Liore.
see no ethical problem with stealing from bad people. Soon you find out the cult is headed by Homunculi. But
And maybe you don’t want the jewels for yourself, but not the ones you know: these seven beings are called
want to return them to their rightful owner, out of pure Charity, Chastity, Diligence, Humility, Kindness, Patience,
good will or for future renown within the people of Ishval. and Temperance – the seven virtues opposing the capital
sins. Seems harmless still, but that is just the beginning.
The Tombs of Xerxes  Religious wars are soon to follow. It may be just
If you’re looking for some classic dungeon delving, Xerxes the people with no direct orders from their
is the place to start. This ancient civilization was leaders, but blood is shed nevertheless.
destroyed overnight, abandoning temples, laboratories,  One Homunculus has abandoned their brothers
and even the king’s castle – just as they were. and sisters yet again. It could be Chastity who fell
Xerxes is located in the middle of the Great Desert to the in love, it might be Diligence who found a better
east, which would make it difficult to rest and resupply purpose. And they want something from you.
comfortably. Only the toughest ones can survive this  Remember that creating a Homunculus still
quest. Alternatively, you may establish a village of requires a Philosopher’s Stone, which demands
Ishvalan refugees nearby, even though they would have human sacrifice. Whoever created these
no sympathy to the Amestrian characters – they should Homunculi can’t be all pure and innocent.
make sure the Ishvalans would want to help them. What else will the heroes find out?
Fullmetal Heart Character Sheet
Charactre’s Name: Birthplace: Profession:
Health Damage Experience Level

Strength Dexterity Intelligence Willpower

Advanced Moves:
⃝ Alkahestrist ⃝ +1 Alchemy ⃝ Alimentation
⃝ Automail Technician ⃝ +1 Endurance ⃝ expert
⃝ master technician ⃝ +1 Insight ⃝ savant
⃝ rush valley style ⃝ +1 Melee ⃝ Amplification
⃝ briggs style ⃝ +1 Stealth ⃝ expert
⃝ Connections ⃝ +1 Volley ⃝ savant
⃝ Draw First ⃝ –1 Persuasion ⃝ Construction
⃝ Escape Artist ⃝ expert
⃝ Indomitable ⃝ savant
⃝ Logical ⃝ Fabrication
⃝ Medic ⃝ expert
⃝ Mousquetaire ⃝ savant
⃝ Sleight of Hand ⃝ Authority ⃝ Hydration
⃝ Evocation ⃝ expert
⃝ Prodigy ⃝ Mobility ⃝ savant
⃝ burrowing ⃝ Intensification
⃝ climbing ⃝ expert
⃝ flying ⃝ savant
⃝ swimming ⃝ Solvation
⃝ Regenerate ⃝ expert
⃝ Truesight ⃝ savant
Gear (maximum heavy gear = strength +1):
⃝ Cold-Weather Outfit Cartridges Cens (currency), automail prosthetics (heavy), and other gear
⃝ Dueling Sword (finesse) ⃝ pistol
⃝ First Aid Kit ⃝ pistol
⃝ Notebook, Pens and Chalk Set ⃝ pistol
⃝ Pistol ⃝ pistol
⃝ Rifle (heavy) ⃝ rifle
⃝ Soldier’s Uniform ⃝ rifle
⃝ Technician’s Tools (heavy) ⃝ rifle
⃝ Traveling Clothes ⃝ rifle ¢
does not trust me, and for good reason.
has my back when things go wrong.
I have guided before and they owe me for it.
is a brave soul, I have much to learn from them.
is in constant danger, I will keep them safe.
is keeping an important secret from me.
is puny and foolish, but amusing to me.
is often the butt of my jokes.
I stole something from .
knows incriminating details about me.
owes me their life, whether they admit it or not.
trusted me with a secret.

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