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Frostgrave: The Wizards’ Conclave
Frostgrave: The Wizards’ Conclave
Frostgrave: The Wizards’ Conclave
Ebook137 pages1 hour

Frostgrave: The Wizards’ Conclave

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Wizards tend to be secretive and solitary, rarely sharing their knowledge, and associating with only a select few apprentices, followers, and henchmen. It is rare that they spend time in the company of other spellcasters, and rarer still that they work together. Now, however, something is about to take place that has not occurred since the great days of Felstad – a gathering of wizards.

In this new supplement for Frostgrave, some of the biggest names in gaming turn their creative powers towards the Frozen City, each contributing a scenario and adding their own flair to the game. Featuring scenarios by Alessio Cavatore, Alex Buchel, Andy Chambers, Gav Thorpe, Chris Pramas, Daniel Mersey, Andrea Sfiligoi, and many more, this tome provides a collection of adventures that will pit players against unimaginable foes and challenges, pushing their wizards and warbands to new limits.
Release dateFeb 21, 2019
Frostgrave: The Wizards’ Conclave

Joseph A. McCullough

Joseph A. McCullough's first brush with writing for games was as co-author of The Grey Mountains supplement for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing Game, and he has remained passionate about Fantasy gaming since, going on to become an award-winning game designer. He is the creator of the “Frostgrave Family” of skirmish wargames (the Fantasy titles Frostgrave, Ghost Archipelago, Rangers of Shadow Deep, and the Sci-Fi evolution, Stargrave) and of the Oathmark Fantasy battle game and The Silver Bayonet, a game of Napoleonic Gothic Horror. The latest information on his game design and other writing can be found at:

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    Book preview

    Frostgrave - Joseph A. McCullough



    Catch Me If You Can

    By Alex Buchel


    Escape from the Tower of Sargosh

    By Joseph McGuire

    The Boon of Sargosh

    The Abandoned Workshop

    By Andy Chambers

    The Workshop’s Potions

    The Guardian Construct

    The Blade of Barael

    By Ash Barker

    Scenario One: The Lair of the Crow-Mage

    Scenario Two: The Howling Half-Breed

    Scenario Three: Behold! The Bastard’s Blade

    The Half-Breed

    The Blade of Barael

    The Alchemical Canal

    By Alessio Cavatore and Chris Cæsar

    The Stone Deep

    By Philip Smith

    The Ice Palace

    By Levi Bridges

    A Maze of Mirrors

    By Andrea Sfiligoi

    The Mirrors

    The House of Tempests

    By Gav Thorpe

    The Cabinet of Calixia Malus

    By Matthew Ward

    Old Scores

    By Nick Eyre

    The Armour of Redwar

    The Cult of a Thousand Eyes

    By Chris Pramas

    New Kid on the Chopping Block

    By Joel Eddy

    The Betrayer’s Blade

    By Sean Sutter

    The Betrayer’s Blade

    The Betrayer Prince

    They Mostly Come at Night

    By Daniel Mersey

    Strange Alliances

    By Joseph A. McCullough

    A Four-Player Campaign of Temporary Partnerships

    Scenario One: The Bank

    Scenario Two: The Hunting Ground

    Scenario Three: The Slaughter House


    To my knowledge, the book you hold in your hands is something unique in the world of wargaming. The idea behind it grew out of a conversation I had a couple of years ago with Duncan Molloy, the man tasked with developing Osprey Games’ board and card game line. Duncan was telling me about a company that had assembled an ‘all-star team’ of designers to work on a new expansion. I soon forgot about the game, but the underlying idea stuck with me. I began to wonder what an all-star team of wargame designers would look like.

    Soon thereafter, I pulled out my notebook and jotted down a list of all of the industry’s biggest designers and those whose works I personally found exceptional. When I had finished, I realized that years of working at Osprey had given me links to almost all of them. What if I could assemble this amazing team of designers to work on Frostgrave? After discussing the idea with my editor and receiving his blessing, I sent out a flurry of emails, asking everyone on my list if they would be interested in writing a scenario set in the Frozen City. Most had already played – or, at least, were aware of – Frostgrave, and responded with enthusiasm!

    A few months later and the scenarios began trickling in. The variety was staggering. I received scenarios set in frozen sewer tunnels, destroyed multidimensional towers, a lost prison, an ice palace and a hall of mirrors; scenarios that featured magic swords, a magic casket, and animated furniture; solo scenarios; multi-part scenarios. I went through all of them, occasionally suggesting minor tweaks or revisions, usually just to bring the scenarios into the familiar Frostgrave format. One thing I did learn – most wargame designers are a lot less forgiving than I am. In several cases I did ask the designers to tone down the lethality of their scenario, pointing out that players do actually get attached to their wizards!

    Now that the book is complete, I don’t think there has ever been a greater gathering of wargame design talent in one work, and I am incredibly honoured that all of these creators have come together to work on Frostgrave. Many of these designers are a major influence on my own creative output, and to see my name side-by-side with theirs is something I will always treasure. If you have a chance to speak with one of the writers in this book, please thank them for their contribution. Most of them, I know, did it purely for the love and fun of creation.

    The scenarios in this book really do run the gamut in terms of style, complexity, and lethality. Not all of them are suitable for new players or new wizards. In most cases, this will be obvious from reading the scenario. Also, a couple of the scenarios feature new and powerful magic items which can be seized by the wizards for use in later games. Make sure you discuss this with your gaming group, or opponents, before using any of these unique treasures outside of the original scenario.

    Hopefully, this book demonstrates the huge range and variety of games that can be played in the Frozen City and will get your own creativity fired up. Although this book contains some of the best writers in the business, it doesn’t take a professional with years of writing experience to create fun scenarios. If you design a fun scenario, please share it with the rest of us – either at the Frostgrave: Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City Facebook page, or on the Frostgrave forum on Lead Adventure.

    One final note, all of the little rumour boxes that accompany each scenario are written by myself, inspired by the scenario.

    As always, if you want to keep up with me, my various writing projects, and what is coming up for Frostgrave, you can find me at


    By Alex Buchel

    It was supposed to be a simple, uncomplicated expedition. Entering the abandoned laboratory of an old wizard, stealing some old scrolls, one or two dusty grimoires, some potions preserved from the ravages of time, and leaving as quickly as possible. So, when the air began to crackle as soon as the door of the workshop opened, you suspected that the whole mission was going out of control. This was quickly confirmed by the screaming crates, chests, and bags that were running around on small legs or floating in the air. The strange receptacles started to run throughout the complex, shouting out ancient magic. Getting your hands on these treasures isn’t going to be easy...


    Set up the scenery as per a standard game of Frostgrave. Place 6 treasures tokens within 6 of the centre of the table, with at least 2 between each token. This scenario will always feature 6 treasure tokens, regardless of the number of players.

    Special Rules

    Each treasure token is actually a mimic (see here) – inanimate objects brought to life by a powerful wizard through long-forgotten enchantments. These objects are programmed to avoid being caught and are able to defend themselves.

    Treasure and Experience

    Treasure is gained as normal for this scenario, except that each player’s first roll must be re-rolled unless it granted a scroll or grimoire. Experience is gained as normal with the following addition:

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