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Ammonium Sulfate (ZA)

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The document describes a process to produce ammonium sulfate fertilizer from phosphogypsum waste using the merseberg process.

The merseberg process involves reacting phosphogypsum waste with ammonium carbonate to produce ammonium sulfate and calcium carbonate. The flow diagram and material balance of the process are presented.

The main products of the process are ammonium sulfate fertilizer and calcium carbonate byproduct.

Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol.29, No.

4, 2011

Study on The Production of Ammonium Sulfate Fertlizer From Phosphogypsum

Khalid K. Abbas*
Received on: 1/9/2010 Accepted on:3/2/2011

Abstract The production of ammonium sulfate fertilizer from phosphogypsum is studied. The phosphogypsum is considered by product from extraction process of sulphoric acid. The mereseberg process is used a waste of phosphogypsum with ammonium carbonate to produce ammonium sulfate as a main product and calcium carbonate as a byproduct. It is a process could be used as a successful method in phosphate industry (AL-Qauim).The flow diagram is drawn to illustrate the mersberg process then material balance is done. The carbonation process is one of the stage of mereseberg method, then carried out at constant temperature (44Co) because of the reaction is exothermic and high temperature causes decomposition of ammonium carbonate and low temperature causes precipitate different kind of salts. From results of laboratory experiments the temperature of ammonium sulfate preparation is done in 23Co and the ratio of phosphogypsum to ammonium carbonate (400ml /192 gm phosphogypsum ) at reaction time( 4 ) hours. The aim of this work focus on making a process flow diagram which is used in dealing with waste of phosphogypsum and production a useful product. Keywords: ammonium sulfate; phosphogypsum; fertilizer; meresberg

. ( meresberg . , (meresberg ) (44C o) ( meresberg ) . . (meresberg ) 32 C o 004( ml/192 gm) . 4 .

* Material Engineering Department, University of Technology / Baghdad


Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol.29, No.4, 2011

Introduction Statement of The Problem One of the most serious waste management problems in Al-Qauim concerns the huge stockpiles of byproduct gypsum produced by the phosphate industry. In fact, the phosphate industry, as it operates in Al-Qauim as well as in many other parts of the world, could more accurately be termed as " gypsum " industry. During the wet process manufacture of phosphoric acid, the basic raw material from which most phosphate fertilizers are made, concentrated phosphate rock is reacted with sulfuric acid which results in the production of substantial quantities of by-product gypsum known as "phosphogypsum" A simplified chemical reaction for this process may be shown as follows:

Since the mole ratio between

gypsum and phosphoric acid is 5:3, the mass ratio is about 3:1, i.e., about 3 tons of gypsum are produced for every ton of acid. Phosphogypsum produced during this process is filtered off and pumped as slurry to nearby storage areas, the so-called "gyp-stacks " [1]. The phosphate industry in Al-Qauim produces approximately (2) million metric tons of by-product gypsum per year, almost million metric tons are stored near the phosphate industrial. Although phosphogypsum is used in some countries for production of cement and other construction materials, its commercial use in the U.S. is currently limited to small quantities sold to farmers as a soil

amendment. One possibility for such a process is the large-scale conversion of phosphogypsum to the two end products (calcium carbonate and ammonium sulfate) of the so-called ammonocarbonation reaction. One of these products, ammonium sulfate, is an excellent fertilizer that adds both sulfur 60% and nitrogen 21% to the soil. The other reaction product, calcium carbonate, could be used for neutralizing acidic process water associated with the phosphate industry, or calcined to drive off the CO2 which could be recycled for the production of the ammonium carbonate needed in the ammono carbonation Process[2]. The Methods of Ammonium Sulfate Production There are certain methods to produce ammonium sulfate, as follows: 1. Production from ammonia and sulfuric acid. 2. Production from ammonia produced from gas coal and sulfuric acid. 3. Production from SO2 with organic solvent and converted to sulfur component then oxidized by air to sulfur and then treatment with ammonia to produce ammonia sulfate. 4. From calcium sulfate with ammonium carbonate and this method use the waste of phosphogypsum with ammonium carbonate to produce ammonium sulfate. This fertilizer was imported by Iraq and manufacturing by limited amount in fertilizer factory nitrogenation (urea) in Basrah and Bejie, then the production is stopped for a numbers of years and method of production was depended on sulfuric acid and ammonia [2]. Table (3) illustrated physical and

* Material Engineering Department, University of Technology / Baghdad


Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol.29, No.4, 2011

Study on The Production of Ammonium Sulfate Fertlizer From Phosphogypsum

chemical properties for production ammonium sulfate and comparative with Egyptian result. Description of The Merseberg Process

The manufacture of ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2S04, from gypsum (or anhydrite) is a very old technology, first developed by I.G. Farben Industries prior to 1914 [3]. According to Sacher (1968), it was actually used in Vienna as early as 1809 although not applied on an industrial scale until after the development of ammonia synthesis during World War II. Any type of gypsum, including by-product phosphogypsum, may be reacted with ammonium carbonate to form ammonium sulfate and calcium carbonate by the Merseberg process. Chemically, this process may be represented by the chemical reaction (2):

sources, see equation (3). This reaction is exothermic and the temperature must be controlled to avoid Decomposition of ammonium carbonate with the temperature rise. Ammonium carbonate begins decomposition at temperature higher than 50C and precipitates different kinds of salts and components of salts like ammonium bicarbonate with ammonium carbonate at temperatures lower than 40C

ammonocarbonation process excess of ammonium carbonate solution must be used to avoid side gypsum reaction [4], this problem is illustrated in the following equation;

When by-product gypsum is used in the ammono carbonation process, the gypsum from the wet- process of phosphoric acid plant is purified by washing with water then treated with ammonium carbonate solution which, results in slurry of calcium carbonate in an ammonium sulfate solution. The ammonium carbonate solution is made from liquid ammonia and carbon dioxide, which can be derived from a variety of

After separation the calcium carbonate and any excess ammonium carbonate is neutralized with sulfuric acid, the ammonium sulfate solution is concentrated and ammonium sulfate is crystallized. Several variations on this overall approach are possible and modifications have been made to suit the needs of a particular market. For example instead of crystallizing the ammonium sulfate it can be retained as a liquid for further processing into various mixed fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate phosphate. A flow chart for the industrial-scale Merseberg process,is shown in Figure (1) which illustrates some of the process factors which have been recognized as relating to the general quality and efficiency of ammonia carbonation[3]: (1) quality of the phosphogypsum (2) particle size (3) concentration of ammonium carbonate (4) conversion of calcium


Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol.29, No.4, 2011

Study on The Production of Ammonium Sulfate Fertlizer From Phosphogypsum

sulfate (5) filtration of CaCO3 and (6) evaporation and crystallization. The Experimental Work The experiments were conducted by treating phosphogypsum waste to produce ammonium sulfate fertilizer in multiple stages, as follows: 1- The Carbonation The Carbonation process is carried out by blowing (CO2) gas in the ammonia Solution (24% concentration) at 44C at constant flow rate. The (CO2) gas passed through plastic distributor, see Figure (2). In this process the reaction is exothermic and the temperature must be controlled by keeping the solution under 44C by cooling. For the optimum process, the following was studied: 2- Effect of Carbonation Time Carbonation experiment is done using different times by passing (CO2) gas through 500ml ammonia solution (24% concentration) . The flow rate of (CO2) gas is 70 liter/hr at constant temperature (44C). The results of experiments illustrated that, for the carbonation of solution by (CO2) gas for 1 hour is best time for this process .Any increase over 1 hour may cause precipitation carbonate and ammonium bicarbonate and this is undesired in other stage (reaction phosphogypsum with ammonium carbonate) on the other hand, the carbonation process is slow in time less than 1 hour (at constant flow rate of CO2 gas 70 liter / hr). The pH meter is used to know when the carbonation process is over. Figure (3) shows pH reading vs. carbonation time. Ammonium sulfate was prepared from ammonium carbonate solution, when it was shown that ammonium sulfate increased by increasing carbonation time until the amount of ammonium

sulfate is constant after 1 hour, see figure (4). 3- Phosphogypsum Reaction A numbers of experiments were carried out by reacting phosphogypsum with ammonium carbonate solution. Good mixing is obtained between the two materials by using mixer with suitable speed. The reacted amount of materials could be calculated by material balance on chemical equation eq. (2). Using (120%) excess amount of ammonium carbonate:

4- Reaction Time The reaction was carried out at different time (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ) hours. The optimum reaction time was 4 hours to insure complete reaction; Figure (5) shows the relation between the amounts of ammonium sulfate vs. time of reaction 5- Filtration and Washing After the reaction is complete, the solution is precipitated in order to separate calcium carbonate from filtrate ammonium sulfate solution. The Precipitate is washed and after first wash filtrate was taken to another stage while the precipitated (calcium carbonate) was washed well to remove sulfur residue. The calcium carbonate is considered as a side product and it could be used as a raw material in some other industry (paint industry, rubber industry, cement industry) [2]. Experiments were done to know amount of sulfur losses with washing water. After finishing every washing step a sample of solution was taken to measure percent of (SO3) in solution. The results are illustrated in table (1).


Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol.29, No.4, 2011

Study on The Production of Ammonium Sulfate Fertlizer From Phosphogypsum

carbonate because of fluorine and P2O5 percents (F2=0.4%, P2O5=0.6%) are not significant i.e: the poison and radon element is very low. 3. The carbonation process is carried out at a constant temperature (44C), because of the reaction is exothermic and at high temperature causes decomposition of ammonium carbonate and at low temperature causes precipitate different kind of salt. 4. The neutralization stage of Carbonation of ammonia solution 24% ammonium sulfate solution by Reaction temperature 44C sulfuric acid could be omitted, Carbonation time 1 hr where the removal of excess pH-meter 9.1 ammonia may be done by evaporation and recycled it to CO2 gas flow rate 70 liter / hr 2- Process preparation of ammonium carbonation stage. References sulfate Reaction temperature 23C [1]Arab Gulf, Scient. Res. The ratio of phosphogypsum to Math.Phys. A6 (l). PP77-83(1988), ammonium carbonate: 400 ml "Chemical Processing of ammonium carbonate / 192 gm Phosphoghypsum for Production phosphogypsum The reaction time: 4 of Ammonium Sulfate Fertilizer hour by Selim F. Estefan. 3- Filtration process: washing the [2]Wikkiam C. Burnett, Michael S., precipitate calcium carbonate to Carter H." Behavior of removal sulfur = 1 liter (washing with Radionuclides During water) Ammonocarbon of 4-The evaporation: Temperature = Phosphogypsum", Florida State Univ. 110C email:bumett@ocean. (1970) 5-Drying of crystals: Temperature = [3]Gopinath, N.D., 1968 Disposal or 120C use of gypsum in production of ammonium sulfate. In: Phosphoric 3-Conclusions 1. The preparation method of Acid, vol. l, Part II, (ed. A.V. ammonium sulfate fertilizer by Slack), Marcel Dekker, New York, ammonium carbonate with 541-566. phosphogypsum (waste product Chen, Jing-Yu, (1990). The trial from preparation of sulfuric production results from acid) could be used as successful demonstration plant for production method in phosphate industry of ammonium sulfate from (Al-Qauim). phosphogypsum. Phosphogypsum 2. The phosphogypsum used does Conference Proceedings, Orlando, not require to purification before 41-57 reacting with ammonium 6-The Neutralization Table (2) shows the effect of neutralization process on the amount of ammonium sulfate 7- Evaporation and Drying Evaporation is done until white crystals of ammonium sulfate is precipitated. Drying is conducted at temperature between 120-130C .After that milling can be conducted [4]. 8-The Results of Laboratory Experiments 1 Carbonation process (ammonocarbonation)


Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol.29, No.4, 2011

Study on The Production of Ammonium Sulfate Fertlizer From Phosphogypsum

Table (1): No. of washing and amount of (SO3) for every washing
No. of washing 1 2 3 4 SO3 ppm 46400 2600 400 200

Table (2): Amount of ammonium sulfate production with neutralized and with not neutralized solution.

(NH4)2 SO4 (gm) 188 132

Process method Neutralized Not- Neutralized

Raw material (gm) 192 192

Table (3): physical and chemical properties for Production and comparative with Egyptian result.

Component N CaO P 2 O5 S Purity pH value Solubility Grain density Grain size Mineralogy

( NH4 )2SO4 21% 0.06% 0.4% 24% 99% 4.8% Soluble ** 1.8gm/cm3 Amm-Sulfate

CaC03 50.34% 0.3% 0.24% 98% 50 Micron calc. carbonat

Results of Egyptian* Ammonium Sulfate 21% " 24% 98% 5.1 *** Soluble ** 1 .77 gm / Cm3 Amm. Sulfate * ReferenceNo. (1).

** 82gm (ammonium sulfate) / l00gm water ***10gm (ammonium sulfate)/gm wa


Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol.29, No.4, 2011

Study on The Production of Ammonium Sulfate Fertlizer From Phosphogypsum

Figure (1): Simplified flow chart of the industrialscale Merseberg process [4].

Figure (2): Carbonation Process [4]


Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol.29, No.4, 2011

Study on The Production of Ammonium Sulfate Fertlizer From Phosphogypsum


Figure (3): pH Vs. Carbonation time.

Figure (4): Production Behavior of Ammonium Sulfate

Figure ( 5): amount of ammonium sulfate Vs. Reaction time, Input Raw material (phosphgypsum =200 gm) and ml ammonia solution


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