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2012-2013 Student Guidebook: What Time Is It? It's Manley Time!

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2012-2013 Student Guidebook

What Time Is It? Its Manley Time!

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Rules and Policies Wildcat Ways Student Entrance Dress Code ID Policy Electronic Device Policy Tardy Policy Locker Policy
Principal: Warren G. Morgan, II Assistant Principal: Morgan Gallagher Phone: 773-534-6900 Manley Quality Education Quality Life

Manley Rules and Policies

Students are to come to school dressed in their uniform, including their grade-level uniform shirt. Students are to visibly display ID badges at all times. Electronic equipment is NOT to be on and NOT to be seen within the school building (with the exception of the cafeteria) from the time of entry until 3:30pm. Students are to be on time to school and to all of their scheduled classes.

1. Students are encouraged to be in class on time for instruction. 2. Students are not permitted out of class during instructional time. Hall passes and restroom passes will not be permitted during instructional time. Students can only use the restroom during passing periods. 3. Students are not permitted to use offensive or abusive language toward other students or staff. 4. Students are not to engage in aggressive behavior in the hallways or in other public spaces in or around the school. 5. Students are not to engage in physical altercations with other students or Manley staff. 6. Students are not to bring any contraband into the building including, but not limited to: Guns, knives or any other weapons of any kind; Drugs, alcohol or tobacco or related paraphernalia; or Inappropriate images or media

7. Use of inappropriate websites, downloads, Internet bullying (Facebook/Twitter) and inappropriate text messaging is prohibited. **Students may be disciplined according to the Student Code of Conduct for Internet bullying and text messaging outside of the school (afternoons, weekends, and vacations) if it results in a disruption of instruction and/or school climate.

Please contact the main office at773-534-6900 if you have any questions regarding the school Rules and Policies.

Manley Quality Education

Quality Life

Wildcat Ways
1. Wildcats give and receive compliments. 2. Wildcats keep their hands to themselves. 3. Wildcats keep their school clean and free of graffiti.

4. Wildcats turn off their electronic devices and put them away before they enter the school building. 5. Wildcats stop bullying when it happens. 6. Wildcats stay away from arguments and fights. 7. Wildcats attend classes on time every day. 8. Wildcats abide by the dress code daily. 9. Wildcats do their best on all their work.

10. Wildcats ask themselves, How would someone else feel in this situation? 11.Wildcats identify one personal success and one area they can improve upon daily. 12.Wildcats identify at least one adult in the building with whom they connect. Manley Quality Education Quality Life

Manley Student Entrance

Effective September 4, 2012:

Manley students are to enter through the cafeteria doors on Arthington Street.
Students may begin entering the building at 7:00am. Students are encouraged to enjoy breakfast, which will be served every morning in the cafeteria. 1st period begins at 8:00am. Students are encouraged to arrive to school no later than 7:50am in order to be on time for 1st period. Students must come to school dressed in their grade-level uniform shirt and khaki pants in accordance with the uniform policy including the display of a visible school issued ID badge. Students will not be allowed to go to their lockers to get their ID badge and will be charged $1.00 for a temporary ID badge at the door if one is not presented at the time of entry.Students ID badge must be scanned by Manley Security staff to enter the building. Tardy students arriving after 8:20am will not be permitted to attend their 1st period class and will remain in the cafeteria until 2nd period. Students will remain in the cafeteria until the bell rings and will only be allowed to exit the cafeteria if theyre accompanied by a teacher or school partner for an activity approved by Mr. Morgan. All late and tardy students will earn a Lunch Time Intervention (LTI) to make up for lost instructional time. Students arriving to school after the morning announcements end, at 8:58am, will enter the building at the Polk Street entry door, also known as 1 East. Tardy students arriving after 2nd Period (9:54am or later) will go directly to the Attendance Office to meet with the Attendance Case Manager regarding their extreme late arrival to school.

Manley Quality Education

Quality Life

Please contact the main office at773-534-6900 if you have any questions regarding the Student Entrance Policy.

Manley Student Uniform

Effective September 4, 2012: Manley Career Academy High School is a uniform school, which will be followed as outlined by the guidelines below. Student uniform is define as: Manley Career Academy Crestedgrade level polo-shirt and Khaki color pants, shorts, skirts: Freshman polo-shirt: Beige Sophomore polo-shirt: Grey Junior polo-shirt: Black Senior polo-shirt: Red Uniform shirts may only be purchased through Manley Career Academy. Students will receive one free shirt at the beginning of the school year. Additional shirts will cost $10.00 and must be purchased through the Main Office. Uniform shirts are not to be altered (written on, cut, or discolored) in any way and may not be covered by any other article of clothing (hooded jacket/sweater, etc). Uniform shirts must be tucked-in to your khaki pants. Students may wear a long sleeve white shirt under their uniform shirt. Khaki pants and shortsmust be worn at a students natural waistline with a belt. Khaki skirts must extend tothe knees or below. Splits in skirts are not permitted unless they allowone to walk, bend-over, kneel and sit. No undergarments can be showing. The properly displayed school IDbadge is a part of your Manley uniform. FINAL DECISIONS REST WITH THE ADMINISTRATION.

JROTC students will wear the JROTC uniform when scheduled by the JROTC department. The JROTC uniform is not to be combined with the Manley School Uniform. Any clothing interpreted as symbolic of gang affiliation or gang activity is not permitted and is subject to arrest. No offensive words, logos, language or images may be displayed on clothing or accessories. No head-gear, including but not limited tohats, hoods, headscarves, bonnets, or shower caps may be worn by males or females in the building. The wearing of sunglasses and goggles areNOT permitted unless a medical exception is on file. All shoes must be closed toe shoes. Open toe or open foot shoes (flip-flops, thongs,and sandals)are not permitted. No headphones may be worn in the building.

Manley Quality Education

Quality Life

Please contact the main office at 773-534-6900 if you have any questions regarding the StudentUniform.

Manley Uniform Consequences _______________________________

Effective September 14, 2012:

Manley students are encouraged and expected to wear the school uniform, as outlined above, when they approach the school building and while they are in the school building. Students will be expected to REFLECT on their situation, take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions, and engage RESPECTFULLY.
Students who enter the school building without their Manley uniform will be directed to the uniform table where the infraction will be logged, the parent/guardian will be notified, and the student will be escorted to the ISPD room. Students whose uniform clears the school buildings check-point, upon entry, but then decide to change their clothes to be out of their Manley uniform will respond in one of two ways: 1. Student will be engaged in a Restorative Chat by the adult who notices the uniform infraction; Student will re-dress in Manleys uniform; Student will return to class; and Incident will be logged and the student will receive a Uniform Intervention (UI). Or 2. Student will be engaged in a Restorative Chat, by the adult who notices the uniform infraction; Student refuses to re-dress in Manleys uniform; Student will report to the ISPD room; and The engaging adult will notify the Parent/Guardian. Manley Quality Education

Quality Life

Please contact the main office at 773-534-6900 if you have any questions regarding the Uniform Consequences.

Manley ID Policy

Effective September 4, 2012:

Manley students must wear a visible ID Badge on a clip or lanyard at all times while in the school building. Students will be expected to REFLECT on their situation, take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions, and engage RESPECTFULLY.
Students entering theBUILDING without a visible ID badge will be directed to the ID table. After the student pays the required fine, a temporary or new ID badge will be issued. Students entering the CLASSROOM without a visible ID badge will be directed to the ID table and required to purchase a temporary ID badge for $1.00. Students enteringLUNCH without a visible ID badge will be immediately directed to the ID table. After the student pays the required fine, a temporary ID badge will be issued. STUDENTS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO EAT WITHOUT AN ID BADGE. REPLACEMENT ID BADGES NEW ID BADGE: $5.00 TEMPORARY ID BADGE: $1.00

Refusal to comply with any request from an adult in the building will result in an immediate referral to the Dean of Students.

Manley Quality Education

Quality Life

Please contact the main office at773-534-6900 if you have any questions regarding the ID Policy.

Manley Electronic Device Policy

Effective September 4, 2012: YOU ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED NOT TO BRING ELECTRONIC DEVICES TO SCHOOL. MANLEY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGED, LOST OR STOLEN DEVICES. Students will be expected to REFLECT on their situation, take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions, and engage RESPECTFULLY. Devices are NOT to be on and are NOT to be seen within the school building from the time of entry until 3:30pm, with the exception of the cafeteria only. Devices are defined as cell phones, IPOD/ MP3 players, cameras, video recording devices, netbooks, laptops, video games, headphones, ear buds, and Bluetooth accessories. Electronic devices may be usedresponsibly(no electronic bullying or electronic threats) in the cafeteria only.

NOTE: Should your device happen to be heard or seen in any instructional area or hallway, then you are strongly encouraged to surrender your device to the adult who asks for your device. If a student responds favorably to the Restorative Chat and surrenders the device to the noticing adult 1st time The device will be surrendered and the student can claim the device on Wednesday 2:30-3:00 or Friday 3:404:00. Parent/Guardian will be notified Student infraction will be logged by a Dean. 2nd time The device will be surrendered Parent/Guardian will be notified that they will need to claim the device on Wednesday 2:303:00 or Friday 3:40-4:00 Student will earn an Electronic Intervention (EI) 3rd time The device will be surrendered Parent/Guardian will be notified that they will need to claim the device on Wednesday from 2:30-3:00 or Friday 3:40-4:00at which time the Parent/Guardian must attend a conference with the student and a Dean in which all parties will sign an Electronic Device contract. 4th time On The device will be surrendered Parent/Guardian will be notified that their child has breached the signed contract Student willreceiveISPD Additional interventions to be determined on an individual basis.

NOTE: Should you decide not to surrender the electronic device, then you will receive an automatic ISPD
Refusal to comply with any request from an adult in the building will result in anautomaticreferral to the Dean.

Manley Quality Education

Quality Life


Please contact the main office at 773-534-6900 if you have any questions regarding the Electronic Device Policy.

Manley Tardy Policy

Effective September 4, 2012:

Be on time.When youre late, you OWE time.

Students will be expected to REFLECT on their situation, take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions, and engage RESPECTFULLY.

Students tardy to school between 8:00am and 8:58am Students tardy to school anytime after 8:58am

Enter the building through the cafeteria doors located on Arthington Street. Enter the building through the Polk Street entry door, also known as 1 East.
2nd Consequence In School Professional Development (ISPD) 3rd Consequence 4th Consequence

Cumulative 1st Consequence Consequences When a student is Lunch Time tardy to class Intervention (LTI)

Parent/Guardian To be determined must attend a by the Dean and conference with Grade Level the Student and a Intervention Teams Dean in which all on an individual parties will sign an basis. Attendance Contract. When a student is Student will be escorted to class by a Manley Security Guard or Administration and caught in a Hall will receive the appropriate consequence. Sweep

**Cumulative tardies reset each quarter**

Manley Quality Education

Quality Life

Refusal to comply with any request from an adult in the building will result in an immediate referral to the Dean of Students.
Please contact the main office at 773-534-6900 if you have any questions regarding the Tardy Policy.

Manley Locker Policy

Effective September 4, 2012: Each Manley student will be issued a locker for their personal use only, in their grade level hallway. o Seniors lockers: 3 West corridor o Junior lockers: 2 East corridor o Sophomore lockers: 2 West corridor o Freshman lockers: 3 East corridor Manley Career Academy will issue the locks for your person locker in your grade level hallway. Only the locks purchased from Manley are acceptable and other locks will be cut off. Students are in compliance with the Locker Policy when her/his Manley issued lock is attached to her/his Manley assigned locker in her/his grade level hallway. Replacement locks are available at a cost of $10.00 in the Library from Ms. Sayers Locker sharing is not permitted. LOCKER PROCEDURE
Week 1 Concerns Locker assignments will take place during extended division the first week of school. Advisory teachers will issue the locks. Students must sign for her/his lock. Advisory teachers will escort Advisory class to grade level lockers for students to become familiar with lock number and locker number

If you havent received your locker or you experience problems with your lock, then see Ms. Sayers in the Library during your grade level lunch period
LOCKER PASSES ARE NOT PERMITTED.Students are encouraged to become familiar with their class schedule and access their locker during the passing periods only.

Locker access after issuance

Manley Quality Education

Quality Life

Refusal to comply with any request from an adult in the building will result in an immediate referral to the Dean of Students.
Please contact the main office at 773-534-6900 if you have any questions regarding the Locker Policy.

Manley Quality Education

Quality Life

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