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R/C Soaring Digest - Nov 2002

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November, 2002

Vol. 19, No. 11 U.S.A. $3.50

November 2002

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/C Soaring Digest (RCSD) is a readerwritten monthly publication for the R/C sailplane enthusiast and has been published since January, 1984. It is dedicated to sharing technical and educational information. All material contributed must be exclusive and original and not infringe upon the copyrights of others. It is the policy of RCSD to provide accurate information. Please let us know of any error that significantly affects the meaning of a story. Because we encourage new ideas, the content of all articles, model designs, press & news releases, etc., are the opinion of the author and may not necessarily reflect those of RCSD. We encourage anyone who wishes to obtain additional information to contact the author. RCSD was founded by Jim Gray, lecturer and technical consultant. RCSD should not be considered to endorse any advertised products or messages pertaining hereto. An advertising rate card is available for businesses, and clubs. R/C Soaring Digest 556 Funston Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95407 phone: (707) 578-7871 e-mail: RCSD Staff Jerry Slates - Editor/Technical Editor Judy Slates - Managing Editor, Subscriptions Lee Murray - RCSD Index/Database (available on-line) Bill & Bunny Kuhlman - RCSD Web Masters PayPal Coordinators Feature Columnists Bill & Bunny Kuhlman (B2), Lee Murray, Tom Nagel, Mark Nankivil, Dave Register, Steve Savoie, Jerry Slates, Greg Smith, Gordy Stahl Artwork Gene Zika is the graphic artist who designs the unique ZIKA clip art.

3 "Soaring Site" ....................................................................................... Judy Slates Editorial .................................................................................................. Special Event Schedules ................................................................................................................................ B2Streamlines 4 "Tech Topics" .................................................................................... Dave Register Technical Analysis & Design ..................................................................................... The Problem ............................................................................................................................Planform Results 8 "Gordy's Travels" .................................................................................. Gordy Stahl Sailplane Design ............................................................. A Return to the Land of Trim & Balance 10 "Have Sailplane Will Travel!" ................................................................ Tom Nagel Travel Saga ................................................................................................................ Hawaii 2002 ............................................................................................................................... by Kurt Dumas 13 "Gordy's Travels" .................................................................................. Gordy Stahl Why Are Sailplanes So Addicting? ......................................... RC Soaring... It's Not About Flying 14 Aerodynamics ................................................................................. Gregory Ciurpita .............................................................................................................. Center of Pressure, Again

12 12 3 7 9 19 19 19 19 19 19

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Advertiser Index

Special Interest Groups Eastern Soaring League (ESL) International Scale Soaring Assoc. League of Silent Flight Sailplane Homebuilders Association T.W.I.T.T. Vintage Sailplane Association


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Copyright 2002 R/C Soaring Digest. All rights reserved.

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Monthly Feature Photography & Web Version of the Printed Article (where appropriate) Highlights & Mailing Status of the Current Issue About RCSD ..................................................................................... Subscription Information ................................................... Advertising Rate Card (Adobe Acrobat PDF format) ............................................. RCSD Feature Columnists, Reporters, and Editors ....................... (E-mail/web addresses, plus general information about their areas of interest) "Getting Started in RC Soaring" ........ Getting started guide - Adobe Acrobat PDF format Links to Organizations, Special Interest Groups & Clubs On-Line Articles - Great articles originally written for the printed version of RCSD. ........................................ "Trimming Your Sailplane for Optimum Performance" by Brian Agnew .................................................................................................. "Flys Faster" by Dr. Michael Selig .............................. "The Square-Cube Law and Scaling for RC Sailplanes" by Dr. Michael Selig .................................. "Modifying & Building the MB Raven (Parts 1-4)" by Bill & Bunny Kuhlman ............................................................. "Butterfly and Moth Airbrushing Tutorial" by Joedy Drulia Bookshelf Listings - A listing of recently published books of interest to aeromodelers. Complete RCSD Index, 1984-2001

R/C Soaring Digest

The Soaring Site

Special Event Schedules continue the web site work that they started several years ago, which includes the RCSD pages. Our thanks to them for all they do! And, for all of you, Happy New Year, 2003!
Happy Flying! Judy Slates

or those of you that have club schedules in hand for 2003, wed sure like to hear from you so that we can add them to the listing in RCSD. B2Streamlines Bill & Bunny Kuhlman have been providing fellow modellers with information and the results of their indepth research for many years, now, and we really appreciate their efforts! Regretfully, as Im sure most of you have noted with their new ad, they will no longer be offering their speciality books commencing with the New Year. The good news is that they will continue to write their On the wing... column for us and plan to


February 1-2, 2003 Southwest Classic Phoenix, AZ March 15-16, 2003 The Classic Mid-Winter Southern California Torrey Pines Vintage Sailplane Regatta October 10-11, 2003 Texas National Tournament (TNT) Dallas, TX

Lunch or Launch?

he cover of this issue was created by Phil Bauer, Fremont, California.

Please send in your scheduled 2003 events as they become available!

November 2002

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Dave Register Bartlesville, Oklahoma Its funny how a random conversation can trigger a Tech Topics column. Especially one that didnt really sink in at the time. Whats changed lately that could affect the planform optimization? Well, with Dr. Drelas X-Foil code we now have higher performance airfoils that are thinner with lower camber. The strength requirement for DLG has added structure (and weight) to the wings. The larger vertical stabilizer/ sub-rudder requirement has also added mass. And even if youre flying a two channel radio, youre probably now using a piezogyro. Bottom line weight is up and low speed capability (due to the lower Cl-max of the airfoils) is not as favorable. So a lower wing loading (more area for a given flying weight) seems like a reasonable outcome. With that in mind, lets re-optimize a DLG planform taking into account the structural changes and additional weight requirements of todays equipment. Lets also try and see how airfoil evolution may have affected the optimized planform results. X-FOIL CALCULATIONS To carry out this analysis, well use synthetic airfoil data. For the most recent Drela airfoils, wind tunnel data is not yet available. Wed also like to have lower Reynolds number data than is currently available experimentally. Since X-Foil will be the information source for the Drela airfoils, well put the older section through the same analysis. Once those analyses are complete, we can use the planform model developed in this column to compare planform changes with these airfoils. Given the demands of modern DLG structures, lets see if a suggested optimal configuration is different from what we learned a few years ago. The assumptions for the planform analysis will be provided in next months column. For now, well calculate the required coefficient data


hile wrapping up the HLG event at our Last Fling of Summer this year, a couple of the contestants commented that the planes they were flying just didnt carry enough wing area to be able to compete successfully. Those comments were made by good pilots who are capable of winning on any given day. Based on the evolution of the airfoils and structures needed for DLG, do these fellows have a point we might have missed? About two years back, we ran a series of articles looking at optimizing the planform for a 2 channel HLG using the SD7080 as the reference airfoil. The MH82 and several other sections were also evaluated. These sections are all around 8.5% to 9.5% thick with camber in the range of 2% or so. This was fairly typical of the airfoils being used at that time for HLG (the S6063 was identified in that analysis as a section of potential interest and had been flown successfully at the IHLGF about that same time). The overall conclusion was that an aspect ratio in the 8 to 10 range looked advantageous. Based on those results, a 2 channel polyhedral HLG (later converted to DLG) was developed. This plane, called the Tahlequah, pushed the AR to the high end of the proposed range (~10). Ive had a lot of fun with this design for the past several years. 50 second dead air flights with DLGs are pretty common and its not at all difficult to ride even very light thermals to fairly decent times. Im not sure this ship would be highly competitive but some of that is limited by the age and vigor of the pilot. Not too long after that work was complete, I noticed several commercial HLG designs had moved to the higher AR range. So I think the trend was valid.
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R/C Soaring Digest

and see what it tells us about the evolution of airfoil performance over the past several years. Recall that we compared X-foil output against wind tunnel data in this column earlier in the year and the agreement was remarkably good. Our first question is the Rn range well need for the analysis. Assuming a limiting average chord ~ 5" (12:1 AR) at a low speed of ~ 15 ft/sec, our lower Rn limit will be ~ 35,000. For the high speed end, well allow a maximum launch velocity of 90 ft/sec for an upper Rn limit of around 200,000. The polar analysis code requires a range of Rn curves so well calculate results in X-Foil for Rn of 35k, 50k, 100k, 150k, 200k and 300k. The sections chosen for comparison are the SA7035 (a re-optimized version of the original SD7080) and Prof Drelas AG12. These represent the big airplane airfoils originally applied to HLG and then the general class of low routines and then re-paneled with default values (140 surface points). In Rn optimized sections that Prof Drela (and others) have developed for DLG. both sections stable solutions were found throughout the Rn and angle of For general considerations, the AG12 is attack (AoA) range of interest. In certain regimes (near transitions) small 6.2% thick with 1.84% camber. The maximum thickness occurs at 21.4% of step sizes in the solution were required the chord while the maximum camber but no other problems were encountered. For the SA7035 at 35k, a slight is found at 43.1%. The same numbers for the SA7035 are 9.2% thick at 29% of numerical instability is found in the solution. Consequently, this one data chord and 2.55% camber at 40.4% of set uses a 5 point smoothing average chord. for the final results. For the X-foil users, the AG12 was run Its important to note that the data with default parameters throughout. ranges of keen interest for this type of Ncrit was set to 9 (default). No addianalysis are high AoA for low Rn tional paneling of the section was (flying near minimum sink) and low made from the original coordinates. AoA for high Rn (launch and high The SA7035 coordinates were too speed cruise). The latter case does not coarse for reliable convergence so it present a problem but the former does. was run through the GDES/CADD
November 2002

At high AoA and low Rn, the AG12 solutions are noticeably more difficult to converge than the SA7035. When converged above stall, the drop off in Cl is noticeable. Since the low Rn sections are optimized for extended laminar flow, a sharp onset of stall is the price you pay for laminar separation at high AoA. The older sections (SA7035) are aimed at turbulent separation and the stall characteristics are less abrupt. This tells us that the overall wing planform (not just the aspect ratio but the lift distribution) is critical for a good DLG using modern airfoils. The last thing you want is a tip stall due to poor load distribution. A root stall is far more desirable. Tools such as the Lift-Roll spreadsheet and the
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Schuemann-Ellipse planform fitting routine developed in this column are necessary to optimize the spanwise wing load profile. Airfoil blending is another approach, which is why you see the most recent designs using sections like the AG12 but blending to the AG13 and AG14 for appropriate spanwise load distribution. A particularly graphic example of a transition effect was reported at a conference at the former Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) I attended about 7 years ago. A wind power generator airfoil had been developed for low drag at high AoA and had been installed in the Golden, CO area. To achieve low drag, the section was designed for extended laminar flow. After being in service for ~ 2 weeks, the generator efficiency dropped off ~ 30%. Being a model airplane guy, it was immediately obvious what had happened. Bug splats on the LE of the airfoil caused an early trip of the boundary layer which quickly pushed the blades to turbulent flow. In this mode the airfoil had much higher drag. I cant recall the appropriate academic term used to describe bugsplats but that was acknowledged to be the problem. The solution (short term) was to send a graduate student out to clean the blades every few days. The long term solution was to redesign for a low drag turbulent flow section. This was not as efficient overall as the laminar flow design but almost no change in efficiency was noted with time and the graduate students went on to less mundane tasks. Those are the tradeoffs the real world sometimes forces us to deal with. So much for serendipity. Lets take a look at our X-Foil results. LIFT AND DRAG COEFFICIENTS The calculated lift coefficients for both sections are shown in Figures 1 and 2. As expected, the SA7035 has a higher maximum lift coefficient throughout the Rn range of this study. The curves also suggest a somewhat more gentle stall than the AG12. However, the response to Rn change of the slope and offset - Cl(Alpha=0) - is much more sensitive with the SA7035, especially at low Rn. This is where the optimization for low Rn using X-Foil has created a
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significant advantage with the newly designed sections. When we look at the drag coefficients (Figures 3 and 4), Comparable conclusions can be made. The low Rn drag is lower but the width of the drag bucket is narrower with the AG12 as compared to the SA7035. The SA7035 also shows a pronounced excursion in the middle of the drag range at low Rn

presumably due to poor transition stability and re-attachment. At 100k and above, the differences drag values are not significantly different. This suggests that the SA7035 has an advantage with a larger planform (3 meter range) while the AG12 carries the advantage for smaller airframes such as DLG. Obviously these are the design principles behind both of these
R/C Soaring Digest

envelope, (low Cl at high Rn) the Cd of the AG12 may be slightly lower but the advantage here seems pretty subtle. Without running the polar calculation, my suspicion would be that launch heights would be quite comparable with these two airfoils but the AG12, with an optimized planform (probably lower AR), should have better minimum sink. Thus the complete flight envelope (launch and glide) should be more favorable. Next time, well run the planform and polar calculations in detail and see if the gut feel pans out.

sections but its reassuring to infer these results from the calculated data. In Figures 5 and 6 we plot the more conventional Cd vs Cl plot and again the overall drag bucket for the SA7035 is typically wider but the AG12 has a significant drag advantage at low Rn values. As originally suggested, the AG12 will
November 2002

be a much cleaner airfoil at low speeds but not as capable of generating high Cl under AoA conditions. Which is precisely where we need to be for low speed (minimum sink) flight. The high drag of the SA7035 under these conditions suggests a somewhat poorer minimum sink even though the Cl capability is a bit higher. For the launch phase of the flight


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Gordy Stahl Louisville, Kentucky

A Return to the Land of Trim and Balance

the phrase, trimmed for a particular speed. And THAT was it, whether consciously or unconsciously, or maybe as a result of task. Kits prior to full house planes (lets say pre-1980ish) were (for the most part) all set up with some decalage and lead in the nose to balance the crookedness of the wing to stab alignment. Setting those planes up like that made them very difficult to fly fast for one thing, plus pilots learned which speed was optimum for their setup. Diving them down from a thermal caused their destruction. Often, when at cloud base, its near impossible to tell if your plane is flying across the sky or speeding down from the sky, down being the bad thing. Keep in mind that very few modelers alive actually know why they did what they did in designing a model for Thermal Duration flying, mostly they did what was the norm for the day. We actually still see it in many of the EuroMoldy V-tails (fixed stabs) which, if balanced like a full flying stab plane, have to be either flown with 1/16 down elevator trim or have the stab assemblies leading edge shimmed up that amount. Try to forget applying judgment terms like good thing or bad thing. There are lots of ways to skin a cat but there are some that are faster than others... The cat is skinned in the end in either case. Now heres the reasons its been a dumb idea for years! With mass quantities of lead in the nose of a sailplane, once airspeed is lost, so is the stabs ability to support the nose against gravity. Thats why, on a hand toss, sailplanes that are set up crooked first balloon, then drop their noses like javelins... With a really nice glide in the middle. shredding their way to the turnaround. It explains the REALITY of what some call the deadly down wind turn. A sailplane balanced at 30% of root chord has lots of lead in the nose. Only the elevator can make that nose lift. The more lead, the more strength (or authority) the elevator needs to get that nose to come up in a turn. So, when a newbie gets down low and slow, lets say he decides to try to bring his plane around in that down wind turn; but, since his airspeed is reduced, his sailplanes elevator has lost its strength to pull the nose through the turn. Centrifugal force, mass and inertial come into play, forcing the nose to drop or fade down, away from the turn. Same as a piece of lead swung at the end of a string wants to fly away from the center, the lead in a sailplanes nose wants to fly out and away from the direction of the turn! When a newbie sees his plane is not responding (coming around), he pulls more elevator. Since there was barely enough air on the elevator as it was, raising it more causes the air, that was passing over it, to baffle against it, rendering the elevator gone... And a SNAP ROLL results NOT A TIP STALL (Dont get me started on that topic!!) that lead to the nose rushing toward the earth... And we have planes in trees, or with a crumbled wing tip first into Terra-firma. So, why dont poly ship guys get it? Because they dont understand what IT is. When they see a newbies plane porpoising, they advise him to, Add some lead to the nose!Not taking into account that it takes real thumb experience to learn to fly a crooked airplane. If the newbie had mastered flying his crooked airplane at its specific speed, it wouldnt be porpoising in the first place.

n my previous trip to the land of trim and balance, I talked about the fact that terms like CG are the arch enemy to getting our planes optimized. As I have said many times in my column, I am fortunate because I get to meet and discuss stuff like this with guys who really know things. Recently, I chatted with one of the youngest, foremost brilliant free flight modelers (and RC Sailplaner) Russ Whitford of the Whitfords in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Russ and I go way back, and while we seldom see each other or even talk, when we do, its like we were just together yesterday. Russ had read my article on trim and balance, and pointed out that where I stated that Rudder Elevator ships of the past were always balanced at 30% with lots of up decalage in the horizontal stabilizer, because the kits were designed by ex-free flight guys who had added radio control to their planes, in fact, the opposite was true that free flight planes were actually balanced way back to sometimes 50% of root chord. So as we discussed that line, an epiphany came to me as to why poly ships had evolved in such a goofy manner. It was actually something Russ said as he was discussing the rationale of free flight trim and balance, where he used
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AND THATS WHY poly flyers have so much trouble transitioning to full house planes. Anyone who flys full Its why so many newbies end up in trees or watch their planes heal over on house will always argue that they are sooo much easier to fly, fly being the launch, crashing into ground and
R/C Soaring Digest

operative word. As in, the pilot controls every movement of the ship, every attitude change, where the crooked planes resist most input control and hate, to the point of getting crazy, speed request changes. Poly guys are told, by other poly guys, that full house ships are for experts thumbs. So, they learn to fly their particular crooked-unbalanced poly ships. Since no other model flies like their personalized speed-specific poly ships, they have lots of trouble flying anyone elses sailplanes, crooked poly or full house balanced ships. When asked to help a newbie with his poly ship, that guy will always start adding lead to get the newbies ship to fly like the plane he is used to his own. Now the same is true for a full house sailplaner who understands trim and balance. He will always start pulling lead and adjusting the full flying stab until all the decalage is out, so that at any speed the plane flies the same attitude. That way it allows the pilot to be able to range further away and not wonder what his plane is doing. It

allows him to spend more time reading air, and less correcting attitude for speed. Too often, those club experts flying crooked-unbalanced planes will hold their trophies up, or proclaim their hours long flights, as a justification of their set up. In spite of the fact that houses fly in the right air. That they have mastered their model well enough to beat guys with full house ships is a testament to their skills, but also a condemnation to only being able to enjoy that particular model. A balanced plane doesnt need lots of elevator in that low, slow downwind turn, to get its nose to come around, so you seldom see them tip first into the ground (dont confuse balanced and trimmed with full house, a crookedunbalanced model still has to fight the same physical forces). Its why so many of the pros are seen hand tossing 120+ full house composite models, circling and catching, or putting then up into the clouds from the same toss. A trimmed and balanced plane doesnt waste what little

energy is available. They land slower, not because of flaps, or computer radios, but rather because they are not following the masses of lead found in unbalanced models noses. They need less of all control surfaces to make them do what we want and are set-up to fly the same at any speed, under any pilots thumb. Our sailplanes have to fall forward to fly right. Trim & Balance is a trip that is tremendously interesting once you get your head beyond the aerodynamic jargon that causes us to dismiss the common sense factors. Ill be on this road for awhile; hope you can come along!




R/C Soaring Digest (RCSD) is a reader-written monthly publication for the R/C sailplane enthusiast. Published since 1984, RCSD is dedicated to the sharing of technical and educational information related to R/C soaring. RCSD encourages new ideas, thereby creating a forum where modelers can exchange concepts and share findings, from theory to practical application. Article topics include design and construction of RC sailplanes, kit reviews, airfoil data, sources of hard to find items, and discussions of various flying techniques, to name just a few. Photos and illustrations are always in abundance. There are RCSD subscribers worldwide.
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November 2002



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By Tom H. Nagel 904 Neil Ave. Columbus, OH 43215 This months travel saga is written by Kurt Dumas. Kurt lives in Burbank, California and works for Warner Bros Animation as a story artist. He is a private pilot as well as a hang glider pilot. This was his second trip to Maui to fly sailplanes.

Suitcase with 2 travel planes and gear. The Nomad MP is circled and the arrow points to the small box it fits into. This photo shows 2 travel planes, radio, charging gear and repair supplies. There was still space left in the suitcase.

Hawaii 2002
by Kurt Dumas Burbank, California

any things led to the develop ment of a practical RC travel glider but I believe that my trip to Venezuela was the proverbial last straw. I was traveling to an island off of the coast of Venezuela for a friends wedding and learned that the conditions might well be favorable for flying RC sailplanes. Not certain of the wind or landing conditions, I decided to take two planes, a foam Zagi and a CR Fun1 with a two-piece wing. Taking these two planes required a 14x11x37.5 inch box for transporting. I emphasize, BOX. And it just so happened, unbeknownst to me, there was a box embargo. I dont know why there was an embargo on the container rather than the contents, but the Venezuelan security officers decided that my box must be opened and searched, perhaps for more boxes. For me this was a huge
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inconvenience. I dont speak Spanish save for Dos huervos por favor. Donde esta les banos? and Cervesa con manzanas, gracias. You cant hold a discussion of RC sailplanes with said vocabulary. Thankfully, they understood hand waving and looks of confusion and eventually I was allowed to repack my airplanes and underwear to search for my bilingual friends that had long since vanished. The trip itself is the subject of another travel article but for now I will focus on the convenience or lack thereof when traveling with sailplanes and how to make things a whole lot easier on yourself when flying for fun by building a plane that will fit in your regular suitcase. There are several ways one might travel with model sailplanes, each of which has its advantages and, unfortunately, its disadvantages, as well. Shipping ahead: Shipping ahead makes things simple at the airport but adds expense and time at the post office. It also requires more planning. You do, after all, need a place to ship this large peculiar box to, some place where it will be held for you safely and out of the rain. You really dont know for sure. Then at the end of the trip of course you need to ship it back.

Packing in an over size luggage container: Some pilots pack their planes in golf or bow cases and claim it costs no more than flying with regular luggage. Its possible to get it past the steward but it is oversized and therefore subject to added airline charges, if the airline feels like it. The golf or bow cases are bulky and you need to consider this when hiring a car, train or rickshaw. Custom making a box for your planes that doesnt look like a standard piece of luggage can lead to problems when theres a crazy box embargo, even if the box fits within the size restrictions. Silly. If youre thinking of packing your radio as a carry-on consider the added security at airports these days. Taking your radio and odd shaped battery packs through the x-ray machines and metal detectors often will subject your bag to search more often than before. If youre entering an international contest and must have that 20 foot span scale sailplane that requires shipping then deal with it, but if youre a sport flyer that is taking the airplane along as an afterthought than my vote is a portable/packable travel plane that is designed to be flown in a variety of conditions.
R/C Soaring Digest

Voila, the Nomad Sailplanes MP. The MP stands for multi-purpose. It is a 2 in 1 travel plane. The MP is a super-modified 55" Dynaflite Skeeter. When disassembled it will fit into a box with dimensions of 5"x7" x22". The tail is removable, the fuselage separates into two pieces, and the wing into three. Each outer panel of the wing has an aileron with its own servo. When assembled the pilot has the option of flying the plane with the wings center section in place as a thermal sailplane or without the center section for sloping.

The Travel plane in its box easily fits into a medium sized suitcase, with room for radio gear and charger and still extra room for enough clothing for a week on the islands. It was with this new sailplane that I traveled to Maui to fly once again with members of the Maui Island Soaring Organization. FLYING IN POLY CONFIGURATION FOR HLG GOLF

heavier than the Skeeter recommends. In addition, the cg may have been off. But over all it flew great. FLYING THE SLOPE CONFIGURATION AT MALUHIA With a successful day of flying at Poli Poli complete, the next test was to fly the travel plane in its slope configuration at Maluhia, an exceptional thermal and slope lift flying site about twenty five minutes from the Kahului airport.

It was about 4:30 p.m. and the wind was averaging 15 miles per hour. I held the travel plane up to feel the wind and it was obvious I was going to need lead to keep control as I flew out past the turbulent air and to penetrate into the wind. I added three ounces to the belly and gently tossed it his column is dedicated to into the wind. With a few unsettling soaring vacations. If you have a dips she was above the tree line and favorite sailplane saga, consider climbing. Six ounces would have been writing it down for RCSD. If you The flying conditions had been poor at better but even with it being a bit too are planning a vacation that includes your plane and transmitbest during the previous week. The light it was solid in flight. I was used ter, consider making notes as you day before the contest the site was to the slow roll rate of the thermal go, and working up an article later. completely socked in. Apparently most wing, which requires a generous up Take photos. Collect maps. And of the regular pilots were apprehensive aileron differential throw to counteract send your story to Tom Nagel at about the possibility of flying in the adverse yaw, so the roll rate of the for gentle instrument conditions so there was a shortened wing with full aileron along editing and suggestions. low turnout as the sky cleared on the the span was quick to say the least. The Tom day of the contest. The pilots that did landing was relatively uneventful in show up were good. Really good. They the field of freshly mowed grass behind the ridge. had many more hours of flying time Over all I was pleased with the perforthan I had. One mance. The short wing doesnt provide claimed to fly over much of a silhouette at great distance six hours a week at but it flies great and is very responsive this spot. Yet, still to control inputs. Overall, the plane I with my little travel designed and built flew great. The plane, I managed to overwhelming response to the Nomad place third with a score of a 19, just one MP was, Man, youve got too much time on your hands. stroke behind the first and second Heres an abridged explanation of the place pilots whom structural modifications beginning both scored 18. with the fuselage: Poly config. and slope config. The travel plane performed very well. Fuselage: The ailerons allowed me adequate control There are a number of planes with removable tail designs and wings built in the turns as long in multiple sections are common. as I kept the speed These features help make a model up and the plane easier to transport but, to make it truly clearly indicated portable, the fuselage must also pack what little lift there small. The fuse on the MP breaks was. I was flying faster than I expected down. but the plane is 2 oz. I contacted Duane Asami through the MISO web site and made plans to meet him at the Glider Golf contest they have once a year. It was held on the foothills of the Haleakala volcano at Poli Poli. (For directions to the Maui flying sites go to http:// and click on FLYING SITES.)
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November 2002

Building the removable tail over the modified plans.

Packing tape may be used to hold the wing tips on. However, I chose to bolt them to the center section by screwing a nylon bolt horizontally through the end ribs. This requires an access hatch that can be covered with tape prior to flight. For more photos and information on how to order the 32 page detailed construction manual with complete plan modifications, photos and step by step instructions for building the Nomad MP (AKA 2 in 1 travel plane), go to:

The fuselage is built similar to the original except that it separates just aft of the wings trailing edge. Brass and aluminum tubes glued into the lower longerons form connecting rods which provide lateral support and keep the fuselage from twisting. Strips of plywood bolted into the upper longerons keep the fuselage from separating in flight. Tail: The original Skeeter is designed with a solid balsa tail. To keep the weight down I cut the stock into strips and built the tail over its planform. Adding ailerons meant adding weight. I eliminated the rudder to help offset this weight. To counteract adverse yaw, I added the aileron differential adjusted to provide greater throw in the up position. There is an option to add a rudder servo under the trailing edge of the wing. Wing: The wing is built into three sections. Ailerons, each with its own servo, are added to the outer port and starboard wing sections and aileron servo wires with connectors run through the center section. The basic idea of this modification is that the outer wing thirds, or wing tip sections of the full thermal wing, are built to remove from the center section and then connect to each other forming
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a wing suitable for slope soaring. The wing is aligned using a basic male/ female tube system at the spars. The 3/ 8-inch thick ribs at the ends provide strength for the connection.

R/C Soaring Digest

Gordy Stahl Louisville, Kentucky

The answer? Simple... Or maybe I should say, it is now, after all these years in the hobby. The difference between flying power planes and sailplanes is that one is about building and flying, and one is about building and HUNTING... with the emphasis on HUNTING. It really came to me the other day while flying with Bruce in Nashville at the Percy Priest Dam site. The wind was slightly sideways to the dam; Bruce had one of Daves Aircrafts amazing 60 EPP Schweizer 1-26s, a foamy suited for rough landing sites. But I only had my Fred Sage 126 Compulsion Thermal Duration contest ship so, needless to say, I wanted to make sure conditions would warrant launching. I watched Bruces launch closely, but it was his comment that gave me that sort of Zen realization. He tossed the plane and headed out along the dam face, but what he said was,I think the lift will be right over that corner. THAT WAS IT! Thinking back over every launch I made or watched with sailplanes, slope or thermal, it was always about

finding air... It was about the HUNT. When we step on a field, we scour the area for clues signaling lift. When we come off the winch our thoughts are, Where is the air, which way to turn? Never about the flying. RC soaring is about the hunt for lift, because we dont have a motor. Sure we can do rolls and loops and virtually all the stuff the powered planes can do, but because there is no motor or fuel tank, finding more energy to fly is a huge part and in fact the primary goal of each flight. We all can think back (and remember vividly!) to that first huge thermal that skyd us out... And its that memory that drives our yearning each morning of a flying day, and our day dreams on those rainy days. The Hunt, thats what separates RC soaring from all the other variations of RC (well maybe not so different than RC sailboats)! Good luck on your next hunting trip! Im off on another of mine...

RC Soaring Its Not About Flying!

o often I get asked,Why sailplanes versus helicopters or powered planes, or even electrics? To start at the beginning, I started with glow powered planes like so many of us. I had a ball with it but it always left me just a little bit short of being satisfied with my hobby. I did build a new model, fly it and began looking for something faster, bigger or fancier. When I got into RC soaring, it was the same thing all over again; before I had the latest and greatest model finished and flown Id be looking and lusting after the next new sailplane. From balsa to bagged to molded, from E214, 3021, 7037, 7035, to MH32, it was a mistaken quest. It took a lot of miles of soaring in order to understand the answer to the question, and that it was misguided to think that some new gimmick would give me an edge toward enjoying my hobby.


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Center-of-Pressure, Again
Greg Ciurpita Somerset, New Jersey As the forces approach zero, the center of pressure moves to infinity. For this reason, the center of pressure is not always a convenient concept in aerodynamics. forces affecting pitch. The wing is shown on the left, with an upward arrow indicating lift, represented by CLw in the equation. The lift is shown originating at the aerodynamic center - Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, (AC) of the airfoil. An arc is shown at John Anderson Jr the AC indicating the moment created by the wing in the direction caused by he total pitching moment about the a negative CM. The stabiliser is shown on the right, with a downward arrow center of gravity (CG) is indicating the force it creates, due to a negative CLt. The circle with a cross in CMg = CM + CLw it indicates the center of gravity (CG). x wg - CLt x tg S t / (S w c) Both moment arms between the CG and the lift generated by the wing, where Xlw, and lift created by the stabiliser Xlt , are shown. CMg is the total moment of the aircraft about the CG, The total moment of the aircraft, CMg, CM is the moment coefficient of the must be zero for an aircraft to remain wing (nose-up is positive), CLw is the lift coefficient of the wing, in level flight, otherwise the aircraft will either nose up or nose down. The x wg is the distance between the aerodynamic center of the wing elevator setting affects the lift produced by the tail, defined by Clt, and is and the center of gravity, adjusted to neutralize the total moCLt is the lift coefficient of the stabiliser, ment, making it zero. x tg is the distance between the aerodynamic center of the This equation is fundamental to stabiliser and the center of understanding pitch stability. It gravity. identifies the key forces and moments St is the area of the tail. of the aircraft. Inherent in this explanaSw is the area of the wing. tion is the fact that the lift is stationary c is the average wing chord at the location described by xwg. This length. equation accounts for the fact that a wing produces lift and a moment, and Figure-1 illustrates the primary because the moment is separate from the lift, the location of the lift (center of pressure) is stationary and does not move as the lift changes. Pitch stability is determined by the location of the CG. I continue to be impressed by experienced flyers that can so easily see that my model is nose heavy by the way it flies. Ive seen them use various methods: the dive test, flying upside down and seeing how much elevator is required, observing how the plane turns, and observing that a plane is thrown out of a thermal. (I sincerely wish someone would write an article on these.) In the 3rd edition of Aerodynamics for Model Airplanes, Martin Simons shows two polar diagrams for the Clark-Y airfoil. The first, from 1924, shows a center of pressure measurement. The second, from 1931, shows separate lift and moment measurements. In this article I show the equations that relate the center of pressure curve from the 1924 measurement, to the CM curve in the 1931 measurement. This is not an article on pitch stability. Ive shown the equation above to emphasis that a wing can produce both a pure moment, CM, and lift which also produces a moment around the CG. A review of moments seems an

Figure 1 - Primary forces affecting pitch.

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appropriate place to start. A moment, or torque, is a twisting force such as that created by a wrench twisting a bolt. The magnitude or size of the moment is the force times the length of the moment-arm. The moment can be increased by either increasing the force or moment arm. M=F*d where M is the moment, F is the force, and d is the moment arm.

Most cambered, or non-symmetrical airfoils produce both a translational force, lift, as well as a rotational force described by CM, as shown in figure-1. The exception being those with a reflexed trailing edge used for flying wings. The aerodynamic center (AC) of the airfoil, typically 1/4 chord location, defines the center of lift.

that as the effective AOA and the lift becomes small, a point is reached where the lift is actually behind the trailing edge, and ultimately goes to infinity as the lift becomes zero. Then, as the lift decreases infinitesimally and becomes negative, the center-ofpressure moves an infinite distance in front of the leading edge. Center-of-Presure vs. Moment Measurements The center-of-pressure curve on the 1924 airfoil plots from Simons indicate a most forward chord position at maximum lift, and more rearward chord position as the lift decreases. Figure-2 illustrates typical curves for a moving center-of-pressure as in the 1924 plot from Simons. A typical curve is close to the 1/4 chord location when the lift is near its maximum on the right hand side of the plot. Moving to the left, the lift decreases. The centerof-pressure decreases slowly, at first, but then falls very quickly. The center-of-pressure, on all three curves, has moved to ~60% of the chord as the lift decreases to 0.25. Consider using the previous equation, to calculate the center-ofpressure (CP) on an airfoil knowing the aerodynamic center and a constant moment coefficient, CM. The CP location must be some distance from the aerodynamics center (AC) so that the moment arm, d, is sufficiently large to produce the required moment for the available lift, L. CP = AC + d The moment arm can be determined by dividing the moment by the lift

The moving center-of-pressure concept assumes that an airfoil produces a single force, lift, and that the moment is the result of the lift force. But since A translational force, F, would normally the moment of many airfoils is fairly push an object in the direction of the constant even though the lift changes, force. But if the force is applied off this concept implies that the momentcenter of the center of gravity of an arm, d, changes, as the lift changes. To object, the object rotates, due to the maintain a constant moment, the resulting moment. A translational moment arm must increase as the lift force can create a moment, but a decreases, moving the center of common rotational motor is an expressure rearward. ample of a device that only produces a moment and no translational force. What becomes difficult to believe is

Figure 2 - Center-of-pressure curve for a few Cm values.

November 2002

CP = AC + M / L

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We should all be familiar with the lift equation where r is air density, V is airspeed, S is the area of the wing, and CL is the lift coefficient. A similar equation is used to calculate the total moment, given a moment coefficient, CM, as indicated on the more modern 1931 plot from Simons L = 1/2 r V 2 S CL

illustrates this by reproducing the center-of-pressure measurement for three constant moment coefficients, assuming an aerodynamic center at the 1/4 chord position.

While both the lift and moment depend on airspeed, it is very common for the moment coefficient to be relatively constant while the lift coefficient varies with AOA. It appears to be standard practice for airfoil measurements to be made and plotted with respect to the 1/4 chord location. M = 1/2 r V2 S CM A moment coefficient that is not constant but varies linearly (in a These two equations provide values straight line) with AOA indicates an for the moment and lift produced by the wing, and can be used to replace M airfoil where the aerodynamic center is slightly different from the 1/4 chord and L location. In these cases, the measureCP = AC + (1/2 r V2 S CM ) / (1/2 r V2 S ments account for the aerodynamic center not being at the standard 1/4 CL ) chord location, that the moment arm Fortunately, since the lift and moment between the actual aerodynamic center and standard 1/4 locations is not zero, equations are so similar, many terms and therefore that the lift contributes cancel out, and the result is simply to the moment that determines CM. There are, however, (less desirable) CP = AC + CM / CL airfoils where the moment coefficient varies non-linearly with AOA similar This equation relates the moment coefficient on modern airfoil measure- to the way lift varies non-linearly near stall. ments to center-of-pressure on pre1930 airfoil measurements. Figure-2

Working out these equations and seeing the resulting plots helps me see that ... the center of pressure is not always a convenient concept in aerodynamics. With this understanding, I can understand why some people would say the center of pressure is behind the wing, but I dont think this helps me understand pitch stability. My sincere thanks to Dave Register and Lee Murray for their review on this article. Their comments very significantly shaped and improved this article. Thanks to Dave for help with the graphics. References: Anderson Jr, John D., Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, 2nd ed., (New York: McGraw-Hill) 1985. Gale, Ing Ferdinando, Aerodynamic Design of Radioguided Sailplanes, (Olalla, Washington: B2Streamlines) 1996. Simons, Martin, Aerodynamics for Model Airplanes, 3rd ed. (Great Britain: Nexus Special Interests), 1994.

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T.W.I.T.T. is a non-profit organization whose membership seeks to promote the research and development of flying wings and other tailless aircraft by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences on an international basis. T.W.I.T.T. is affiliated with The Hunsaker Foundation which is dedicated to furthering education and research in a variety of disciplines. Full information package including one back issue of newsletter is $2.50 US ($3.00 foreign). Subscription rates are $20.00 (US) or $30.00 (Foreign) per year for 12 issues. T.W.I.T.T., P.O. Box 20430 El Cajon, CA 92021

T.W.I.T.T. (The Wing Is The Thing)

The League of Silent Flight (LSF) is an international fraternity of RC Soaring pilots who have earned the right to become members by achieving specific goals in soaring flight. There are no dues. Once you qualify for membership you are in for life. The LSF program consists of five Achievement Levels. These levels contain specific soaring tasks to be completed prior to advancement to the next level. Send for your aspirant form, today: League of Silent Flight c/o AMA P.O. Box 3028 Muncie, IN 47302-1028 U.S.A.

Sailplane Homebuilders Association (SHA) A Division of the Soaring Society of America The purpose of the Sailplane Homebuilders Association is to stimulate interest in full-size sailplane design and construction by homebuilders. To establish classes, standards, categories, where applicable. To desiminate information relating to construction techniques, materials, theory and related topics. To give recognition for noteworthy designs and accomplishments. SHA publishes the bi-monthly Sailplane Builder newsletter. Membership cost: $15 U.S. Student (3rd Class Mail), $21 U.S. Regular Membership (3rd Class Mail), $30 U.S. Regular Membership (1st Class Mail), $29 for All Other Countries (Surface Mail). Sailplane Homebuilders Association Dan Armstrong, Sec./Treas. 21100 Angel Street Tehachapi, CA 93561 U.S.A.

International Scale Soaring Association

There is a growing interest in scale soaring in the U.S. We are dedicated to all aspects of scale soaring. Scale soaring festivals and competitions all year. Source for information on plans, kits, accessories and other people interested in scale. For more information: web site: The Eastern Soaring League (ESL) is a confederation of Soaring Clubs, spread across the MidAtlantic and New England areas, committed to high-quality R/C Soaring competition. AMA Sanctioned soaring competitions provide the basis for ESL contests. Further guidelines are continuously developed and applied in a drive to achieve the highest quality competitions possible. Typical ESL competition weekends feature 7, or more, rounds per day with separate contests on Saturday and Sunday. Year-end champions are crowned in a two-class pilot skill structure providing competition opportunities for a large spectrum of pilots. Additionally, the ESL offers a Rookie Of The Year program for introduction of new flyers to the joys of R/C Soaring competition. Continuing with the 20+ year tradition of extremely enjoyable flying, the 1999 season will include 14 weekend competitions in HLG, 2-M, F3J, F3B, and Unlimited soaring events. Come on out and try the ESL, make some new friends and enjoy camaraderie that can only be found amongst R/C Soaring enthusiasts! ESL Web Site: ESL President (99-00): Tom Kiesling (814) 255-7418 or

Books by Martin Simons: "World's Vintage Sailplanes, 1908-45", "Slingsby Sailplanes", "German Air Attach", "Sailplanes by Schweizer". Send inquiries to: Raul Blacksten, P.O. Box 307, Maywood, CA 90270, <>. To view summary of book info.:

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