Adobe Scan May 09, 2023
Adobe Scan May 09, 2023
Adobe Scan May 09, 2023
3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.
Instructions () All Questions are Compulsory.
(2) Answer cach next main Question on a new page.
unloading circuit.
b) Mention any two faults detected in pneumatic circuit and give
its causes and remedies.
C) Discuss the situations in which following type of centre
of DC valves are position
All ports open
ii) Tandem centre.
6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12
22655 |21
Attempt any THREE of the following. 12
Attempt any TWO off the following.
control valves on
Compare Relief and scquence pressure
following points
i) Symbol
ii) Outlet port
ii) Pilot conncction
iv Drain
v) Application
Hydraulie circuit used in
b) Explain with neat sketch of
shaping machine.
application two hydraulic cylinders are required lo move
c) In an
simultaeously with the sane speed and sane strok
forward circuit diagrm and esplain its workng
length. Sketch suitable
5. Attempt any TWO of the following 12
()Allquestions are compulsory.
(2)1llustrate your answers with neat sketehes wherever necessary.
(3)Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4)Assume suitable data if necessary.
(5)Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.
(10 Marks)
Q.1) Attempt any FIVE of the following.
a) Compare oil and air as a medium in fluid system
and ii) Heat xchanger
b) Dravw LS, symbols fori) Bi direetional variable discharge pump
displacement desipns
c) State different types of pumps which are available in variable
d) State two applications of double-acting evlinders
sequence valve
e) State the difTerence between pressure reliet valve and
) State the use of' twin pressure valve and shuttle valve
observed in pneumnatic cireuit
g) State the common faults that can be
(12 Marks)
the following.
Q.2) Attempt any THREE of
hundling Industrial hydraulics and
a) List difterent Safety precautions required for
pneumatics systems
b) Explain the working of vanc motor with a neat sketch
suitable diagram
c) Explain two applications of check valve with
d) Explain with neat sketch working of serew
following, (12 Marks)
Q.3) Attempt any THREE of the
a) Compare Geaur pump and Piston pump (4 imp point)
temperature compensation in tlow control salve
b) Explain the nced of pressure anxd and
select the suitable one for hvdraulic shaper
c) Out of the three speed control methods,
explain it with cieuit diagram
punches a hole. Ihe sheet is releascd when the
d) A mnachine holds the steel shcet and then
suitable circuit for this situation
punch poes back. Suggest nd druw the
Q.4) Atempt any Threc of the follow ing.
(12 Marks)
a) Give full classitication of control
valves used in tluid system
b) Explain with neat sketeh working of Pressure reducing valve
c) State any four types of accessories used in pneumatic system along
with their function
d) DraW and explain a suitable cireuit in which two actuators move forwurd simultaneous
with same specd
c) Draw and explain the circuit diagram to control speed of the single acting hydraulic
cvlinder using air-oil reservoir in hydro pneumatic system
Q.5) Attempt any TWO of the following. (12 Marks)
a) One application necds a single acting cylinder capable of giving longer stroke strength
However the space available to fit in that cylinder in retracted condition is comparatively
less. Suggest the type of actuator to be uscd in such condition with justitication. Explain
its working with sketch.
b) Discuss the situations in which following types of center positions of DC valves are
preferred i) All ports open and ii) Tandem center
c) It is required to delay the controlling action by sometime afier the actuation of DC valve
Select thc suitable valve for this application and explain itseworkingg with neat sketch
c) Design and draw a hydraulic circuit to achieve following objcctives i) piston adv ances
with uniform spced in the first hall of forward stroke, ii) with reduced speed in the ne!
half of forward stroke and iii) return quickly