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3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.
Instructions () All Questions are Compulsory.
(2) Answer cach next main Question on a new page.

(3) Illustrate your answer with neat sketches wherever


(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

(S) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.


1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) Draw L.S. symbol for :

i) /, D.C.V.
Scquence valve.
b) Definc
) Viscosity
Specific weight
State applications of Lincar and Rotary
selection of pump.
d) List various factors considering while
e) State the diflerent functions of
) State the different types of ilters used in fuid Pneumatie
be observed in
g) State the common laults that can
circuit. P.TO.
|2] Marks
of the following:
Atempt any THREE
limitations of hydraulic and pneumatic
advantages and
a) State the
working of Tandem cylinder with ncat sketch.
b) Explain the
with neat skctch.
c) Explain the working of check valve
rotary compressor.
d) Explain with neat sketch working of any onc

Atempt any THREE of the following: 12


a) Compare gear pumnp and vane pump on the basis of :

ii) Application
iv) Pressure.
b) Explain the working of sequence valve with neat skectch.
c) Compare between metcr in and meter out circuit.
d) A machine holds the steel sheet and then punches a hole. The
sheet is relcased when the punch goes back. Suggest and draw
the suitable circuit for this situation.

1. Attempt any THREE of the following:

a) Explain with neat sketch working of , DCV.
b) Give the classification of control valves.
c) Explain flexible hose.
State its material and
Construct Pneumatic circuit using scquence valve to
two applications performed in a control
its working proper sequence and descrnbe
c) Draw the neat labelled
explain its working. hydraulic cireuit of milling machinc and
5. Marks
Attempt any TWO of the
a) Draw and explain two pump
following: 12

unloading circuit.
b) Mention any two faults detected in pneumatic circuit and give
its causes and remedies.
C) Discuss the situations in which following type of centre
of DC valves are position
All ports open
ii) Tandem centre.
6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) It is required to delay the controlling action by some time after

the actuation of DC valve. Select the suitable valve for this
application and explain its working with neat sketch.
b) One application needs a single acting cylinder available capable of
space to
giving longer stroke strength. However, the comparatively
fit in that cylinder in retracted condition inis such condition less.
Suggest the type of actuator to be used sketch.
Explain its working with
and Pneumatic system.
c) Differentiate between Hydraulic
(Minimum six points.)
3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.
15 minutes extra for each hour

Instructions - () All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(3) Tllustrate your answers with neat skectches wherever

(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

(5) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.

Attempt any FIVE of the ollowing.

a) State two advantages and two disadvantages of oil hydraulic

b) Define term viscosity index

c) Draw ISO symbols of pressure compensated flow control

valve with reverse free tlow.
d) State two designs of fixed displacement pumps and
designs of variable displacement pumps. (namcs only)
c) Sketch a typical graph of performance characteristic
variable displacnent vane pump.
centre positions of
) Draw ISO symbols to showv [wo diflerent
DC valves.
a shuttle valve.
g) Sketch a cross sectional diugram of

22655 |21
Attempt any THREE of the following. 12

a) Sketch and explain working of unbalanced vane pump.

b) In mobile hydraulies application a single acting cyl1nder of
very long stroke length is required. Due to space limitation
it should occupy less space after refraction. Sketch and
explain suitable actuator required for given condition.
c) State any two methods of actuation of DC valve with ther

d) Draw a ncat sketeh and explain working of pressure and

temperate compensated flow control valve.

3. Attempt any TIHREE of the following.

a) Draw a cross sectional diagram of a tine delay valve and
explain its working.
b) Sketch and explain construction of pressure reducing valve.
c) Explain the construction of spring loaded accumulator with
neat sketch.
d) Draw ncat sketch of a lubricator uscd in Pneumatic
of cach
e) Classify air compressors, Write any onc application

Attempt any TWO off the following.
control valves on
Compare Relief and scquence pressure
following points
i) Symbol
ii) Outlet port
ii) Pilot conncction

iv Drain

v) Application
Hydraulie circuit used in
b) Explain with neat sketch of
shaping machine.
application two hydraulic cylinders are required lo move
c) In an
simultaeously with the sane speed and sane strok
forward circuit diagrm and esplain its workng
length. Sketch suitable
5. Attempt any TWO of the following 12

a) In a pneumatic application Piston has to move back und

forth continuously. Draw pneumatic circuits usng

1) Roller operated and pilot operaled DC valves.

Solenoid operated DC valve and limit switches.

b) Explain with neat sketch of pncumatic circuit used for speed
control of air motor.

c) Explain constructional details of Internal Gear type hydraulic

motor with neat sketch.
6, Attempt any THREE of the following.
in pneumatic systems but
a) i) List two components used
their symbols.
not uscd in Hydraulic system with
pipe used in Hydraulics
i) Draw a cross section of Hose
and name the layers
faults observed in Hydraulic and pneumatic
b) List common
systems and state their
suitable circuit diagram explain the use of shuttle
c) With a
(LLogic 'OR gate) in Pneumatic low cost automation,
State its application.
hydraulic circuit, name its
d) Sketch a counter balance
Sample Question Paper:

Progranmme Name Mechanical Engineering

Programme Code ME 22655
Semester :Sixth
Course Title :Industrial Hydraulies and Pneumaties
70 Time:3Hrs.

()Allquestions are compulsory.
(2)1llustrate your answers with neat sketehes wherever necessary.
(3)Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4)Assume suitable data if necessary.
(5)Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.
(10 Marks)
Q.1) Attempt any FIVE of the following.
a) Compare oil and air as a medium in fluid system
and ii) Heat xchanger
b) Dravw LS, symbols fori) Bi direetional variable discharge pump
displacement desipns
c) State different types of pumps which are available in variable
d) State two applications of double-acting evlinders
sequence valve
e) State the difTerence between pressure reliet valve and
) State the use of' twin pressure valve and shuttle valve
observed in pneumnatic cireuit
g) State the common faults that can be
(12 Marks)
the following.
Q.2) Attempt any THREE of
hundling Industrial hydraulics and
a) List difterent Safety precautions required for
pneumatics systems
b) Explain the working of vanc motor with a neat sketch
suitable diagram
c) Explain two applications of check valve with
d) Explain with neat sketch working of serew
following, (12 Marks)
Q.3) Attempt any THREE of the
a) Compare Geaur pump and Piston pump (4 imp point)
temperature compensation in tlow control salve
b) Explain the nced of pressure anxd and
select the suitable one for hvdraulic shaper
c) Out of the three speed control methods,
explain it with cieuit diagram
punches a hole. Ihe sheet is releascd when the
d) A mnachine holds the steel shcet and then
suitable circuit for this situation
punch poes back. Suggest nd druw the
Q.4) Atempt any Threc of the follow ing.
(12 Marks)
a) Give full classitication of control
valves used in tluid system
b) Explain with neat sketeh working of Pressure reducing valve
c) State any four types of accessories used in pneumatic system along
with their function
d) DraW and explain a suitable cireuit in which two actuators move forwurd simultaneous
with same specd

c) Draw and explain the circuit diagram to control speed of the single acting hydraulic
cvlinder using air-oil reservoir in hydro pneumatic system
Q.5) Attempt any TWO of the following. (12 Marks)

a) One application necds a single acting cylinder capable of giving longer stroke strength
However the space available to fit in that cylinder in retracted condition is comparatively
less. Suggest the type of actuator to be uscd in such condition with justitication. Explain
its working with sketch.
b) Discuss the situations in which following types of center positions of DC valves are
preferred i) All ports open and ii) Tandem center
c) It is required to delay the controlling action by sometime afier the actuation of DC valve
Select thc suitable valve for this application and explain itseworkingg with neat sketch

0.6) Attempt any TWO of the following. (12 Marks)

a) Draw and explain two pump unloading circuit

b) A hydraulic press machine can be operated from both the sides. Draw a pneumatic circuit
which ensures both hands safely of the worker while operating the machine trom an

c) Design and draw a hydraulic circuit to achieve following objcctives i) piston adv ances
with uniform spced in the first hall of forward stroke, ii) with reduced speed in the ne!
half of forward stroke and iii) return quickly

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