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Principles of Management by Schermerhorn

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The key takeaways from the document are that it discusses various topics related to management including different types of workers, roles and responsibilities of managers, and factors that influence decision making.

The different types of workers mentioned are knowledge workers, core workers, contract workers, part-time workers, and portfolio workers.

Managers have roles such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. They also have informational roles like monitoring, disseminating information, and being a spokesperson. They have interpersonal roles such as being a figurehead, leader, and liaison.

PRINMAN Chapter 1: Intellectual capital- the collective brainpower or shared knowledge of a workforce Knowledge worker- someone whose mind

is a critical asset to employers Workforce diversity- describes differences among workers in gender, race, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and able-bodiedness. Prejudice- the display of negative irrational attitudes toward members of diverse populations Discrimination- actively denies minority members the full benefits of organizational membership. Glass ceiling effect- is an invisible barrier limiting career advancement of women and minorities. Globalization- is the worldwide interdependence of resource flows, product markets, and business competition. Ethics- set moral standards of what is good and right in ones behavior. Core workers- full time employees pursue traditional career paths. They can advance within the organization and may remain employed for a long time. Contract workers- perform specific tasks as needed by the organization and are compensated on a fee-for-fee basis rather than continuing wage or salary. Part-time workers- hired only as needed and for as long as needed. Portfolio worker- has up-to-date skills that allow for job and career mobility. Organization- collection of people working together to achieve a common purpose Open system- transforms resource inputs from the environment into product outputs. External environment- both the supplier of resources and the source of customers Feedback- indicates how well the organization is doing Productivity- quantity and quality or work performance, with resource utilization considered. Performance effectiveness- output measure of task or goal accomplishment. Performance efficiency- input measure of resource cost associated with goal accomplishment. Manager- is a person who supports, activates, and is responsible for the work of others. Top managers- guide the performance of the organization as a whole or of one of its major parts. Middle managers- oversee the work of large departments or divisions. Team leaders- report to middle managers and supervise non managerial workers. Line managers- directly contribute to producing the organizations goods or services. Staff managers- use special technical expertise to advise and support line workers. Functional managers- are responsible for one area such as finance, marketing, production, personnel, accounting or sales. General managers- are responsible for complex, multifunctional units. Administrator- a manager in a public or nonprofit organization Accountability- the requirement to show performance results to a supervisor. Effective manager- helps others achieve high performance and satisfaction at work. Quality of work life- overall quality of human experiences In the workplace. Upside-down pyramid- operating workers are t the top serving customers while managers are at the bottom supporting them. Management- process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the use of resources to accomplish performance goals Planning-process of setting objectives and determining what should be done to accomplish them. Organizing- the process of assigning tasks, allocating resources and coordinating work activities. Leading- the process of arousing enthusiasm and inspiring efforts to achieve goals Controlling- process of measuring performance and taking action to ensure desired results Informational roles- involve giving, receiving and analyzing of information. Monitor- scanning for information Disseminator- sharing information Spokesperson- acting as official communicator Interpersonal roles- involve interactions with people inside and outside the work unit Figurehead- modeling and setting forth key principles and policies Leader- providing direction and instilling enthusiasm Liaison- coordinating with others

Agenda setting- develops action priorities for accomplishing goals and plans Networking- process of creating positive relationship with people who can help advance agendas Social capital- capacity to get things done with support and help of others Learning- change in behavior that results from experience Lifelong Learning- continuous learning from daily experiences Skill- ability to translate knowledge into action that results in desired performance Technical skill- ability to use expertise to perform a task with proficiency Human skill or Interpersonal skill- ability to work well in cooperation with other people Emotional intelligence- ability to manage ourselves and our relationships effectively Conceptual skill- ability to think analytically to diagnose and solve complex problems Managerial competency- skill-based capability for high performance in a management job Chapter 2: Scientific Management- emphasizes careful selection and training of workers and supervisory support. Motion study- science of reducing a task to its basic physical motions. Administrative Principles- identifies the following five rules or duties of management, which closely resembles the four functions of management- planning, organizing, leading and controlling. 1. Foresight to complete a plan of action for the future. 2. Organization- to provide and mobilize resources to implement the plan. 3. Command- to lead, select and evaluate workers to get the best work toward the plan 4. Coordination- to fit diverse efforts together and to ensure information is shared and problems solved. 5. Control- to make sure things happen according to plan and to take necessary corrective action. Scalar chain principle- there should be a clear and unbroken line of communication from the top to the bottom Unity of command principle-each position should receive orders from only one boss. Unity of direction principle- one person should be in charge of all activities that have the same performance objective. Bureaucracy- a rational and efficient form of organization founded on logic, order and legitimate authority. Characteristics of Webers Bureaucratic Organization: 1. Clear divisions of labor- jobs are well defined, and workers become highly skilled at performing them. 2. Clear hierarchy of authority- authority and responsibility are well defined for each position and each position reports to a higher-level one. 3. Formal rules and procedures- written guidelines direct behavior and decision in jobs and written files are kept for historical record. 4. Impersonality- rules and procedures are impartially & uniformly applied with no one receiving preferential treatment. 5. Careers based on merit- workers are selected and promoted on ability, competency, and performance and managers are career employees of the organization. Human resource approaches- people are rational and self-actualizing Organization as communities- managers and workers should labor in harmony without one party dominating the other, and with the freedom to talk over and truly reconcile conflicts and differences. Hawthorne studies- had a scientific management perspective and sought to determine economic incentives and physical conditions of workplace affected the output of workers. Hawthorne Effect- is the tendency of persons singled out for special attention to perform as expected. Human relations movement- suggested that managers using good human relations will achieve productivity. Organizational behavior- study of individuals and groups in organizations. Need- is a psychological deficiency that a person wants to satisfy. Deficit Principle- a satisfied need is not a motivator of behavior. Progression principle- the five needs exist in the hierarchy of prepotency. Theory X- assumes people dislike work, lack ambition, act irresponsibly, and prefer to be led. Theory Y- assumes people are willing to work, like responsibility and are self-directed and creative. Self-fulfilling prophecy- occurs when a person acts in ways that confirm anothers expectations. Management science and operations research- use quantitative analysis and applied mathematics to solve problems. Mathematical forecasting- helps make future projections for reserve sizes & depiction rates that are useful in the planning process. Network models- break large tasks into components.

Inventory analysis-helps control inventories by mathematically determining how much to automatically order and when. Queuing theory- helps allocate service personnel & workstations based on alternative workload demands and in a way that minimizes both customer waiting time and costs of service workers. Linear Programming- used to calculate how best to allocate production among different machines. Operations Management- study of how organizations produce goods and services. System- a collection of interrelated parts working together for a purpose Subsystem- smaller component of a larger system Open system- interacts with its environment and transforms resource inputs to outputs. Contingency thinking- tries to match management practices with situational demands. Total quality management- managing with an organization-wide commitment to continuous improvement, product quality and customer needs. Continuous improvement- involves always searching for new ways to improve work quality and performance. ISO certification- indicates conformance with a rigorous set of international quality standards. Knowledge management- is the process of using intellectual capital for competitive advantage. Learning organization- continuously changes and improves, using the lessons of experiences. High performance organization- consistently achieves excellence while creating a high-quality work environment. Evidence-based management- involves making decisions based on hard facts about what really works.

Chapter 4: General Environment- comprised of economic, legal-political, technological, sociocultural and natural environment conditions. Economic Conditions- influence customer spending, resource supplies and investment capital Legal-political Conditions- represented by existing and proposed laws and regulations, government policies and the philosophy and objectives of political parties. Technological Conditions- personal empowerment and social interactions Sociocultural conditions- norms, customs, and social values on such matter such as ethics, human rights Natural environment conditions- green. Reduce paper usage, recycle, use local produce and adopt energy saving practices. Offshoring- outsourcing of jobs to foreign locations Onshoring/Reshoring- the return of jobs from foreign locations as companies establish new domestic operations Unbranding- occurs when stores owned by major national and global chains are advertised with local nonbranded names. Internet censorship- deliberate blockage and denial of public access to information posted on the internet Enterprise 2.0- the use of social networking and blog technologies in the workplace Generational Cohorts- consists of people born within a few years of one another and who experience somewhat similar life events during their formative years. Sustainable business- both meets the needs of the customers and protect the natural environment for future generations Specific/Task Environment- includes the people and group with whom an organization interacts Stakeholders- are the persons, groups, and institutions directly affected by an organization Consumer relationship management- uses information technologies to communicate with customers and gather data tracking their needs and desires Supply chain management- involves management of all operations linking an organization & its suppliers Competitive advantage- something that an organization does extremely well, is difficult to copy and gives it an advantage over competitors Environmental uncertainty- lack of information regarding what exists in the environment and developments may occur Organizational effectiveness- measure of how well the organization performs while using resources to accomplish mission and objectives Triple bottom line- assesses the economic, social and environmental performance of an organization. 3 Ps of organization- Performance, Profit Planet

ISO 14001- an international quality standard requiring organizations to set environmental objectives and targets, account for environmental impact and continuously improve environmental performance Sustainable development- makes use of environmental resources to support societal needs today while also preserving and protecting the for future generations Environmental/Natural Capital- storehouse of natural resources Green Management- managing people and organizations in ways that achieve responsible stewardship of the natural environment Innovation- the process of taking a new idea and putting it into practice Product Innovations- results in new or improved products or services Process Innovations- results in better way of doing things Business and model Innovations- results in ways for firms to make money Sustainable Innovations/ Green Innovations- help reduce the carbon footprints and environmental impacts of organizations, their practices and products. Social business innovations- find way to use business models to address important social problems Reverse Innovation- recognizes the potential for valuable innovations to be launched from lower organizational levels and diverse locations, including emerging markets Commercializing Innovation- turns new ideas into actual products, services and processes to increase profits through greater sales or reduce costs. Chapter 4: Computer Competency- ability to understand computers and to use them to their best advantage Information Competency- ability to utilize technology to locate, retrieve, evaluate organize and analyze info for decision making Data- are raw facts and observations Information- data made useful for decision making Information that is truly useful in in management meets the test of these five criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Timely- the info is available when needed; it meets deadlines for decision making and action High Quality- the info is accurate and is reliable; it can be used with confidence. Complete- info is complete and sufficient for the task at hand; it is as current and up to date as possible Relevant- info is appropriate for task at hand; it is free from extraneous or irrelevant materials Understandable- info is clear and easily understood by user; it is free from unnecessary detail

Information technology- helps us acquire, store and process information Intelligence information- gathered from stakeholders and external environment Internal information- flows up, down, around and across organizations Public information- disseminated to stakeholders and environment Information systems- use IT to collect, organize and distribute data for use in decision making Management information systems (MIS)- meet the information needs of the managers in making daily decisions Problem solving- involves identifying and taking action to resolve problems Decision- a choice among possible alternative courses of action Performance Deficiency- actual performance is less than desired Performance Opportunity- actual situation either turns out better than anticipated or offers the potential to do so Problem avoiders- who ignore information that would otherwise signal the presence of a performance deficiency or opportunity Problem solvers- who are willing to make decisions and try to solve problems but only when forced to by the situation Problem seekers- actively process information and constantly look for problems to solve Systematic thinking- approaches problems in a rational and analytical fashion Intuitive thinking- approaches problems in a flexible and spontaneous fashion Multidimensional thinking- ability to address many problems at once Strategic Poisoning- focuses on long term objectives while being flexible in dealing with short term problems

Cognitive styles- describe the way people deal with information while making decisions Sensation thinkers- tend to emphasize the impersonal rather than the personal & take a realistic approach to problem solving Sensation feelers- tend to emphasize both analysis and human relations Intuitive thinkers- comfortable with abstraction and unstructured situations Intuitive feelers- prefer broad and global issues Structured problems- are straightforward and clear with respect to information needs Programmed decision- applies a solution from past experience to a routine problem Unstructured problems- have ambiguities and information deficiencies Nonprogrammed decision- applies a specific solution crafted for a unique problem Crisis decision- an unexpected problem that can lead to disaster if not resolved quickly and appropriately Crisis Management- preparation for the management of crises that threaten an organizations health and well-being Certain environment- offers complete information on possible action alternatives and their consequences Risk environment- lack information but offers probabilities of the likely outcomes for possible action alternatives Uncertain environment- lacks so much information that it is difficult to assign probabilities to the likely outcomes Decision making process- begins with identification of a problem and ends with evaluation implemented The decision making process 1. 2. 3. Identify and define the problem Generate and evaluate alternative courses of action Cost-benefit analysis- involves comparing the costs and benefits of each potential course action Decide on a preferred course of action Classical decision model- describes decision making with complete information Optimizing decision-chooses the alternative giving the absolute best solution to a problem Behavioral decision model- describes decision making with limited information and bounded rationality Bounded rationality- describes making decisions within the constraints of limited information & alternatives Satisfying decision- chooses the first satisfactory alternative that comes in ones attention Implement the decision Lack-of-participation error- failure to involve in a decision the persons whose support is needed to implement it Evaluate results

4. 5.

Heuristics- strategies for simplifying decision making Availability heuristics- bases a decision on recent information or events Representativeness heuristics- bases a decision on similarity to other situations Anchoring and adjustment- bases a decision on incremental adjustments from opinion decision point Framing error- trying to solve a problem in the context in which it is perceived Confirmation error- occurs when focusing only on information that confirms a decision already made Escalating commitment- continuation of course of action even though it is not working

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