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Summer Project Report On

The Impact of Human Resource Planning on Organizational Performance

In partial fulfillment of award of

Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Human Resource Management)

(Ankit Kumar Singh)
(Roll no. 121)

Under the guidance of

(Dr.Premashish Roy, Assistant Dean)

PGDM (Human Resource Management)

Entrepreneurship and Management Processes International
New Delhi – 74
July 2021

Entrepreneurship and Management Processes International New Delhi.

Internship Certificate-
Table of Contents Topics Page no.

1) Chapter one:
1.1 Introduction 07
1.2 Introduction of the study 08-12
1.3 Significance of the study 13
1.4 scope of the study 14
2) Literature Review 15-22
3) Research Methodology :
3.1 Research Design 23
3.2 Objective of the study 24-26
3.3 Scope of the Study 27
3.4 Data Collection methods and 28
4) Findings & Analysis 29-32
5.1 Brief Summary of the project 33
5.2 Major findings 34
5.3 Conclusion & 35
6) Bibliography 36
Appendix 37
Student Declaration

I hereby declare that the presented report of internship titled ―THE IMPACT OF HUMAN RESOURCE
PLANNING ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE‖ is prepared by me under the guidance of
Mrs Shweta Sharma after the completion of three months of internship at ―Captain Sales‖.

The information and data given in the report is authentic and to the best of my knowledge.

This Summer Training Project is not being submitted to any other university for award of any other
Degree, Diploma and fellowship.


ROLL NO- 121,
BATCH- 2020-22.

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my faculty guide Dr. Premashish Roy sir who
gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic ―THE IMPACT OF HUMAN
doing a lot of research and I came to know about so many new things.

I express my deepest due to Mrs Shweta Sharma, corporate guide (HR manager) of mine for
participating in useful decision & giving necessary advices and guidance and arranged all facilities to
form life easier. I select this moment to acknowledge her contribution gratefully. It is my radiant
sentiment to put on record my best regards, deepest sense of gratitude to Mr Amit Trivedi, for his
careful and precious guidance which were extremely valuable for my study both theoretically and

This research is designed to cover Human Resources Planning in relation to Performance in Private
Sector. As a Human Resource Manager, Human Resources Planning is relevant function of
management in an organization for the purpose of actualizing set goals and objectives. Human
Resources planning is a process to analyze an organization‘s Human Resources needs under changing
condition and developing the activities necessary to satisfy this needs. HRP aids to find out actual
problem affecting management of Captain Sales Limited using primary and secondary data as a source
of information. The data was collected from top managers, middle level managers, HR managers and
support staff through the use of questionnaires.Good human resources planning is responsible for
higher productivity in the private section. There should be regular and adequate personnel planning in
organization to cater lapses or inadequacies wherever it exist. Here an attempt has been made to study
the impact of HRP on organizational performance in private organizations.

1.1 About the Organization-

Captain$ales is a sales consulting and hacking agency offering sales focused Strategic Advisory &
Growth Solutions as key services to help its clients build a better sales funnel followed by optimum
conversions. We have a simple proposition of propelling your sales function with a clear vision of
enabling higher top & bottom line profits in a while letting you focus on what is most important for you
- delighting your customers!

Our expert advisory ,implementation and management programs cover whatever it takes to
launch/expand the business into target markets to enable effective sales or overcome the go-to-market
challenges to boost the sales figures OR optimize the existing sales funnel to contribute higher revenues
or simply to grow the boundaries & penetrate into new & cross market opportunities. In short, we do it
all and even more that impacts your sales, directly or indirectly.

So, if you are looking for go-to-market solutions/strategies/execution to launch your product/services
OR facing challenges to boost your sales figures OR looking to expand your business into new markets.
Captain$ales is a one-stop shop for all your sales related requirements!


 Building Right Sales force (Staffing, Recruiting & Induction)
 Sales force Performance Optimization (Training & Skills Development basis on-field
 Sales force Performance Management (Productivity management via Pipeline Tracking/Closures
 Sales Funnel Management (Database services/Lead Generation/Appointment Fixing/Pipeline
 Sales Tools Creation (Brochure, Videos, Decks & Presentations)
 Sales Process Excellence (Ensuring a productive & robust sales process)
 Sales Promotions Management (Website, Ads, Videos, E-mailers/SMS & Blogs etc.)
 Sales Diagnosis & Hacking
 And Much More...
1.2 Introduction of the study

The history of planning is as old as man himself planning had started from the ancient era during the
primitive period when there were no industries or firms. Planning is a basic function of management
thus therefore means that planning pervades all the functional area of management which include
personnel, production, research and development, marketing and finance. Through planning
organization goals and objective are determined; the resources available must be strategies to achieve
the goals and objectives. Planning provide answers to what? How? When? And their relationship to
organization activities.

In personnel management function, human resources planning is a basic function. Human resources
planning is sometime referred to as workforce planning, which is defined as the process of the right
number of qualified people into the right job at the right time. To ensure adequate workforce in the
organization, management must plan properly, proper planning in this respect involves accurate
projection of the future, taking inventory of existing workforce, comparing the force with the existing
one and take corrective measure.

Productivity means rate of output, degree of result and success which is directly related to profitability
and turnover. This research study concentrates on the possible impact of human resources planning on
workers‘ productivity. The human resources mean the human that are in the organization. Without them,
there would be no production. So there is need for the organization to plan well for its human resource.
Proper planning enhances the productivity of an organization. How?

Planning helps to resolve problem of shortage of staff in organization. It also helps in determining and
planning whatever capital, material, equipment and personnel required in an organization in order to
achieve organization objectives. Human resource planning defining the duties and responsibilities of the
personnel employed and determining the manner in which their activities are to be interrelated. Human
resource use planning to assess external forces to help the firm deal with environmental uncertainty by
mobilizing scare or limited resources to neutralize potential threats. Planning make control possible,
which is, comparing actual outcome with performance standards and taking corrective action if variance
exists. Human resource planning management development by helping managers to take proactive role
in moving the organization toward a future desired state.

Lastly, human resource planning function include staffing, that is acquiring qualified and appropriate
number of workers for an organization, to determining and acquiring other resources and proper
allocation of these resources. In addition, co-ordination of activities of all members and parts of an
organization is another major purpose of human resource planning in order to boost production.

Human resource planning (HRP) is the continuous process of systematic planning ahead to achieve
optimum use of an organization's most valuable asset—quality employees. Human resources planning
ensures the best fit between employees and jobs while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses.

There are four key steps to the HRP process. They include analyzing present labor supply, forecasting
labour demand, balancing projected labour demand with supply, and supporting organizational goals.
HRP is an important investment for any business as it allows companies to remain both productive and

 Human resource planning (HRP) is a strategy used by a company to maintain a steady stream of
skilled employees while avoiding employee shortages or surpluses.

 Having a good HRP strategy in place can mean productivity and profitability for a company.

 There are four general steps in the HRP process: identifying the current supply of
employees, determining the future of the workforce, balancing between labour supply and
demand, and developing plans that support the company's goals.

Significance of HR Planning

Planning is a process that has to be commenced from somewhere and completed for a particular
purpose. It involves gathering information that ensures managers are able to make sound decisions. The
obtained information is also utilized in order to achieve it‘s the goals. If HR planning is applied
properly, it can help in answering the four important questions:

 What is the strength of the organization?

 As far as skill sets are required what kind of employees does the organization have?

 How should the organization function in order to be able to utilize all its resources properly?

 How can the company retain its employees?

Effective HR planning helps the organization work smoothly and also achieves success in the present
times. HR professionals working towards developing HR planning for an organization, assists the
organization to manage its staff strategically. Apart from that HR planning can also ensure a proper
career planning for employees and help them in achieving their goals. It will also ensure augmentation
and eventually make the organization a better place to work in. The major steps involved in HR
planning include the following:

 Forecasting

 Inventory

 Audit

 HR Resource Plan

 Actioning of Plan

 Monitoring and Control

From forecasting to Actioning of planning requires a lot of concentrated effort. The HR department
of any organization has an enormous task – that of keeping pace with all the changes and ensure that
the organization has the right kind of employees at the right time.
Ineffective HR Planning
On the other hand, poor HR planning or the absence of the same in an organization can result in huge
loss or financial crisis. It may take a long time for vacancies to be filled. Needless to say it hampers
work and has an adverse effect on the organization in the long run.

One of the most important reasons as to why HR planning should be implemented and effectively
managed is the costs that are involved. Since budget forms an integral part of any business organization,
proper planning can ensure provision costs related to HR.

HR planning must be taken seriously and it should involve creating a path for advancement for both—
the organization and the employee.

Understanding Human Resource Planning

Human resource planning allows companies to plan ahead so they can maintain a steady supply of
skilled employees. That's why it is also referred to as workforce planning. The process is used to help
companies evaluate their needs and to plan ahead to meet those needs.

What Is Human Resource Planning (HRP)?

Human resource planning (HRP) is the continuous process of systematic planning ahead to achieve
optimum use of an organization's most valuable asset—quality employees. Human resources planning
ensures the best fit between employees and jobs while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses.

There are four key steps to the HRP process. They include analyzing present labor
supply, forecasting labor demand, balancing projected labor demand with supply, and supporting
organizational goals. HRP is an important investment for any business as it allows companies to remain
both productive and profitable.


 Human resource planning (HRP) is a strategy used by a company to maintain a steady stream
of skilled employees while avoiding employee shortages or surpluses.

 Having a good HRP strategy in place can mean productivity and profitability for a company.

 There are four general steps in the HRP process: identifying the current supply of
employees, determining the future of the workforce, balancing between labor supply and
demand, and developing plans that support the company's goals.
Human Resource Planning
Understanding Human Resource Planning

Human resource planning allows companies to plan ahead so they can maintain a steady supply of
skilled employees. That's why it is also referred to as workforce planning. The process is used to help
companies evaluate their needs and to plan ahead to meet those needs.

Human resource planning needs to be flexible enough to meet short-term staffing challenges while
adapting to changing conditions in the business environment over the longer term. HRP starts by
assessing and auditing the current capacity of human resources.

Challenges of Human Resource Planning

The challenges to HRP include forces that are always changing, such as employees getting sick, getting
promoted, or going on vacation. HRP ensures there is the best fit between workers and jobs, avoiding
shortages and surpluses in the employee pool.

To satisfy their objectives, HR managers have to make plans to do the following:

 Find and attract skilled employees.

 Select, train, and reward the best candidates.

 Cope with absences and deal with conflicts.

 Promote employees or let some of them go.

Investing in HRP is one of the most important decisions a company can make. After all, a company is
only as good as its employees, and a high level of employee engagement can be essential for a
company's success. If a company has the best employees and the best practices in place, it can mean the
difference between sluggishness and productivity, helping to lead a company to profitability.

Steps to Human Resource Planning

There are four general, broad steps involved in the human resource planning process. Each step needs to
be taken in sequence in order to arrive at the end goal, which is to develop a strategy that enables the
company to successfully find and retain enough qualified employees to meet the company's needs.

 Analyzing Labour Supply-

The first step of human resource planning is to identify the company's current human resources supply.
In this step, the HR department studies the strength of the organization based on the number of
employees, their skills, qualifications, positions, benefits, and performance levels.

 Forecasting Labour Demand

The second step requires the company to outline the future of its workforce. Here, the HR department
can consider certain issues like promotions, retirements, layoffs, and transfers—anything that factors
into the future needs of a company. The HR department can also look at external conditions
impacting labour demand, such as new technology that might increase or decrease the need for workers.
Balancing Labour Demand With Supply

The third step in the HRP process is forecasting the employment demand. HR creates a gap analysis
that lays out specific needs to narrow the supply of the company's labour versus future demand. This
analysis will often generate a series of questions, such as:

 Should employees learn new skills?

 Does the company need more managers?

 Do all employees play to their strengths in their current

roles? Developing and Implementing a Plan

The answers to questions from the gap analysis help HR determine how to proceed, which is the final
phase of the HRP process. HR must now take practical steps to integrate its plan with the rest of the
company. The department needs a budget, the ability to implement the plan, and a collaborative effort
with all departments to execute that plan.

Common HR policies put in place after this fourth step may include policies regarding vacation,
holidays, sick days, overtime compensation, and termination.

Special Considerations

The goal of HR planning is to have the optimal number of staff to make the most money for the
company. Because the goals and strategies of a company change over time, human resource planning is
a regular occurrence. Additionally, as globalization increases, HR departments will face the need to
implement new practices to accommodate government labor regulations that vary from country to

The increased use of remote workers by many corporations will also impact human resource planning
and will require HR departments to use new methods and tools to recruit, train, and retain workers.
1.3 Significance of the study

This study is necessitated to understand the impact of human resource planning on organizational
effectiveness and performance at Captain Sales.

The following are the significance of study-

 This study will help the management of Captain Sales to understand the importance and
relevance of having a robust HRP.
 This study would bring out the relationship between HRP and Organizational Performance at
Captain Sales.
 This research will enable Captain Sales to focus on the relevant dimensions of HRP and
Organizational Performance.
Scope of the Study

The study is restricted to the impact of human resource in productivity in captain sales as source of data
and it will cover period from 2016 to 2020.

The study was with constrained, some of these constraints are:

Finance: It was no doubt a great limited of factors for this project considering the world-wide economic
recession and the particular financial squeeze within the country. All these combined together or bear on

Time Limit: There is also limited amount of time in the course of investigation. This based in the fact
that the researcher will have other task to perform, these include often assignment in the school going
for lecturer, preparation for test, examination and other to maintained but few. The school authority
imposed a time limit in the submission of the complete work. Base on the submission of the completed
work. Based on these the project will cover those areas that are very crucial to the problems under
Literature Review

In this assignment, the research reviews the contributions of previous studies and theories of previous
authors, in this project topic.

Nature and meaning of human resource planning

It is generally agreed the key factors in developing a smoothly functioning and efficient organization in
the full utilization of its human resources. A manager of the workforce is not different from other areas
of operation. Effective policies cannot be formulated nor effective action taken without first making
reliable and relevant planning.

Human resource planning is any business organization over the years attracted a lot of opinions, ideas
and theories as to best modalities for its administration in a bid to achieve organizational objectives and
also improve efficiency in production. Management in business organization are now at the point in the
procurement process where the types which have been designed must now be analysed to determine the
types of person who can best perform the assigned duties. The study of job content to determine human
requirement is formed as job analysis. Job analysis is defined as the process of studying and collection
information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job. It is the process of obtaining
relevant information about jobs. Job analysis is partly of basic data in any human resource planning .it
enables existing jobs in the organization. Job analysis involves the systematic examination of jobs in
order to uncover the nature of tasks performed, the working conditions responsibilities and skills
required. In practice therefore, the main purpose of job analysis is to collect data for job evaluation. This
information is recorded in two forms to provide permanent record. One is called job description and the
second is called job specifications.

Job description
JOB DESCRIPTION: is an aspect of job analysis, which focuses on the content of the job. It is a
statement showing what the job entails or contents goods examples of job description are job duties
materials and equipment used working condition.

Job specification
Job specification: is a statement of human qualities necessary to the job , cit usually contains such items
like education and experience, training initiatives and age physical skills, responsibilities and

In this study therefore, job analysis in determining the number and kinds of jobs and the qualification
needed to fill the jobs. It is an effective element of human resource planning.

Human resource definition

Human resource refers to the manpower or labour force that is directly available, capable and willing to
work. Manpower simply means human resource who are available capable and who have at their
disposal knowledge, skills attitude experience and qualification towards the achievement of
organizations objectives.

Agu (2002) said human resource implies the total work force of a highly committed indigenous person
with entrepreneurial technical and skilled abilities person who can render selfless services. This kind of
human resource is considered as the most strategic and critical factor in every development.


Said human resource is referred to all the worker in a business or organization considered as a group.

Types of human resources

There are three types of human resources

1 Skilled human resource

2. Semi-skilled human resource.

3. Non- skilled human resource.

Skilled human resource: these are labour force that one graduates and highly intelligent the business

Semi- skilled human resource: these are labour force made up of non-graduate but had acquired enough
knowledge and experience eg. W.A.S.C, N.E.C.O.

Non skilled human resource: these are non graduates and also they don‘t have WASC.but are holder of
F.S.I.C.and majority cleaners and security men etc. in the industry

Human resource planning -

Human resources are one of the important resources in any organization. It forms a greater and
reasonable partion of organization resources.

The first step in the human resource process is determined the steps needed to fulfil those needs. The
purpose of human resource planning is to ensure that a certain desired number of persons with the
correct skill will be available at some specific time in the future.

It is directly connected to the success of an organization and therefore must be planned. They provide
for its human resources to accomplish it task this is called manpower planning
APPLE by (1977) said resource planning seeks to maintain and improve an organization ability to
achieve co-operate objective by developing strategies which are designed to increase the present and
future contribution of manpower.

Lyncle (1972) define human resource planning as a strategies by which organization ensure that the risk
level talent and skill, in the right job at the right time who are performing the right activities to achieve
the right objective to fulfil the co-operate purpose.

The encyclopaedias of management (1923) defined human resource planning as that aspect of an
organization which deals with anticipating human resource requirement taking into account current and
likely future demands for skill and probably availability it explain that the adopting of human resource
planning in an organization. Should not be based on a desirable social goal.

It should be facilitated the organization economic goals related to

 Need for greater more creative contribution to productivity in the face of using cost and stiffer
 status work and relationship of employees
 The need for more broadly skilled managers at the top of the organization and stable executive

P.U Akananwa and Aham Anyanwu said the human resource is endowed with national allegiance which
as enhanced through education training and experience it further explained. people are however not
endowed with intelligence equally and this translates to high, medium and hour achievers or performed
therefore the human resources goal of any organization would be to attract the intelligence people who
are likely to be high achievers.

This can only be achieved through an articulated and systematic human resource planning policy.

Sufficient human resource must exist to ensure healthy operations of any organization. To achieve
planning enable you to identity. The areas where a shortage or excess of manpower is likely to occur in
future or where there is insufficient use of people.

Human Resource Management Now a day‘s the Human Resource management is considering one of the
most important tools for all HR specialists and to gain high performance and achievement. In past HRM
there was not much value that employees treated as labor only, and then managers realized that by
proper management of staff they can gain efficient control on staffing progress. But as the businesses
changed their thinking of taking into considering employees as an expense and find out that if Human
Resource practices are follow than those employees can bring a positive change in the organization in
terms of profitability, success and growth in the market (Steven J. 2008).

Human Resource Management Practices:- The management of human resources is a process of

managing and controlling the workforce of an organization which helps in enhancing the performance
and efficiency of an organization. The effective and appropriate resources help in attaining a smoother
way of business operation and provide a sustainable way of business development. The main objective
or purpose of this report is to provide an overview how effective and successful management of human
resources influence the overall process of business development. In this context, the analysis of the
management of the human resources in the organization of Saudi Arabia helps in understanding the facts
and influential elements in the process of resource management. An organization develops and acquires
their resources according to the needs and requirements of the business process. However, there are
several limitations in the management of the resources which will describe later in this report.

Recruitment and Selection:- The job opportunity within an organization includes a large variety of job
option for the peoples. In general, an HRM recruits employs according to the merit and skill of the
candidates. Apart from operational process, an organization has several activities like marketing,
maintenance, and financial activities. Furthermore, an organization involves several different positions
such as in security, parking and housekeeping. HRMplays essential role in recruiting technical and
nontechnical candidates for the different positions in an organization. The recruitment process is a vital
aspect in any organization which mainly drives the output and efficiency of the organization. The
recruitment process of any organization mainly controls by the human management department of the
organization. In general, the process of recruitment is dependent on the merit and talent of the applicant.
In this process, the CVs are sorted according to requirements of the vacant position(Meagher, 2015).
Then the selected candidates have to face a face to face interview, where the merit, talent experience and
knowledge of the candidate are checked. The face to face interview is controlled and structured by the
human resources department. After, the rounds of interview, the selected candidate have to pass a
written round. In the written phase of the test, the general ability and knowledge about the specific job
are checked. The final round involves on job test which involves mainly the criteria like problem-
solving ability, adaptability and flexibility of the candidates in the workplace which is mainly managed
by the managers of the specific departments. The employment contract is an important aspect of Human
resource management. The main objective of the employment agreement is to balance and safeguard the
position of the organization and their employees. It helps in maintain certain laws and regulation within
the organization. The organization and their employees are bound to follow the sets rules or guidelines
in the agreement. The structure and the quantities of the employment agreement are designed according
to essential needs of the employees(Eng, 2000). The agreement balances the requirements from both the
side's employees and organization. The process helps in establishing a productive outline without any
obligation and doubts in the workplace. The employment agreement also provides information about the
job, responsibilities, and rights of the employees. It is very difficult for any organization to design
agreements which are fruitful for everyone. It offers several other information like what to do and what
to avoid in a productive approach. Therefore, the employment agreement is very vital in securing the
position of the organization and the employees. 2.3.2 Employability skills:- In order achieve the desired
goal and objective there are employability skills oriented with the position in an organization. An
organization in Saudi Arabia is much concern about their recruitment process for selecting the right
candidate for the right position with effective employability skill to enhance the process performance of
the organization. The major employability skills are as follow.

 The supervisor must have effective communication skills to coordinates with the other working staffs
of the organization(Green, 2003).

 The position must have the ability to work in a team to motivate other staffs for productive outcome
The ability to analyze the situation is essential for solving any issue in the organization.

 The supervisor must be respectable and have the ability of control the working staffs
 The position must aware about the technical thing and computer in order manage the technical
resources in the restaurant.

 The most vital thing is the decision-making capability and the supervisor must be confident enough to
manage the vital decisions within the organization Apart from the employability skill, personal skills are
also vital to managing the responsibilities and duties oriented HRM. The candidates must be aware of
the different cultures of the working peoples and should respect all cultural values.

 Should be self-managed and well organization to take the job load of the position

 Should have creative and innovative approaches in managing any issues within the restaurant.

 The candidates must develop professionalism in order to repay maximum for the organization or to
achieve the goal of profitable business

 Must have the tolerating power to work in the pressure environment.

 Must have leadership quality, disciplined and knows time management. 2.3.3 Compensation:- The
compensation and benefits processes are among the most vital human resource processes that are crucial
for the modern Human Resource Management system and organizations. This process is about
managing the budget of personnel expenses, introducing attractive competitive benefits for the
employees, setting compensation policies that are transparent and setting the standards of performance.
Effective compensation and benefit helps an organization to manage the performance of its employees,
drive its personnel costs and to reward the excellent and extraordinary performances. In this aspect
transparency plays the key role, another factor that can make this process successful is rewarding
employees for their achievements and good performance. This department is responsible for the
transparency in the compensation practices followed in the organization and in keeping a clear record of
the total cash. This department is also responsible for the budget of the personnel expenses of the
organization. The Compensation and benefit department monitors the external job market for setting the
correct compensation policy. It always develops new compensation components to support the
performance of the organization. It also modifies and designs new adjustments to the compensation
strategy and policy, so that the organization remains in its competitive advantageous position in the
global job market. Some of the best practices related to this system are, determining salary levels and
other benefits that meets the local law requirements, and also seeking legal advice regarding this, if
required, documenting all system of salary determination and increment, total confidentiality about each
individual employees regarding their salaries, documented systems also reduces the legal risks to the
firm, consistency in offering compensations and benefits and maintaining confidentiality about health
related information. 2.3.4 Appraisal/Performance Management:- According to Varna et al (2008);
performance management is the process that determines the standards, set the goals, evaluate and assign
the works and distributes the rewards for achievements. Performance management effectively is used to
improve the individual as well as team performance of an organization responsible for achieving the
goals and objectives of the organization. It is one of the most important characteristics of effective and
successful organizations in today's world. According to Armstrong (2009:9) performance management
is a process or system for improving the performance of an organization by developing the performance
of individuals as well as teams. As per Grind and Sliwa's (2007) review, performance management or
appraisal is effective for various important purposes. It reviews the performance of employees, so that to
learn from experience, it assists the employees in analyzing their strengths and understanding the need
and area of development. 2.3.5 Creativity and Innovation:- There are several factors which facilitate or
inhibit creativity and innovation at the organizational levels; some of the major factors are size and
structure of the organization, culture and climate, resources and reward. According to Burns & Stalker
(1961), the three major aspect of organizational structure which influence innovation within the
organization are centralization, formalization and complexity. The decision making segments of an
organization needs to effective and supportive innovation approaches. Centralization of an organization
obstructs the flow of information which resists innovation and creativity. However on other context
centralization is essential for promoting innovation. Similarly high formalization can obstruct innovation
as it prevents new sources of information or ideas. The complexity or the degree of occupational
specialization enhances innovation however restricts new idea implementation. Therefore, the
innovation and creativity is a multi- faceted approach and fluctuates with several variables. The size of
the organization can greatly vary the process of promoting innovation (Loewenberger, 2013). As greater
size means greater access to resources hence it can amplify innovation process. The organizational
climate and culture are the potential factors which can inhibit or promote innovation. According to
Amabile (2005), the HRM encouragements plays essential role in developing innovation and creativity.
The organizational encouragements in risk taking, fair evaluation of thoughts, recognition and
rewarding, flow of collaborative idea and effective decision making of the HRM. 2.3.6 Involvement and
Participation:- The other potential contribution of HRM for innovation such as effective work design,
job demand and physical resources need to be effectively synchronized to enhance innovation and
creativity. The effective synchronization of work design with innovation and creativity can influence the
intrinsic motivating attitude and self-efficiency aspect of an employee. This process directly or
indirectly empowers the proactive behavior and flexible orientation of the workforce. According to
Parker (2006), the proactive attitude can positively influence the motivation to innovation. The
motivating attitude and self-efficiency aspect increases the tendency to be creative while performing a
task. The HRM helps in establishing effective internal communication system which improves the
overall operational process on innovation. Through creativity and innovation, HRM can help in
sustaining a significant equilibrium between preference, intricacy, and cooperation. According to
researches an organization should be flexible and malleable to manage the associated challenges to
innovation and creativity. Although, the priority for freedom to opt new knowledge, experimentation
and search in work design provides necessary thrust for promoting creativity and innovation. 2.4.7
Information Sharing and Knowledge Management:- The Information Sharing and Knowledge
Management are recognized way to success and increases overall productivity or outcome. An HRM
requires exploration and exploitation characteristics for enhancing shared vision, enriched jobs, trust,
culture, discipline and supportive leaders which are the essential elements requires for promoting
innovation and creativity within the organization (Abernathy and Clark, 1985). The effective human
management, constructive evaluation, successful leadership approach, effective feedback system and
supportive co-workers effectively contribute in promoting creativity and innovation across
organizational business operation. According to researches an organization should be flexible and
malleable to manage the associated challenges to innovation and creativity. Although, the priority for
freedom to opt new knowledge, experimentation and search in work design provides necessary thrust for
promoting creativity and innovation. The increased competition and extensive globalization have
effectively changed the existing process of business operation. The organizations in this competitive
platform requires more effective and advanced Knowledge Management to earn profitable outcome and
for sustainable growth. In this regard, Knowledge Management plays major role and helps in attaining
more advanced and effective strategic implementations. The innovation can be defined as the process of
implementing novel ideas and creativity is the process of conversion of ideas into useful operational
implementations (AMABILE et al., 1996). The Knowledge Management in business process helps in
the transformation ideas and thoughts to provide unique combination and strategic implementation. The
main intension of this report is to investigate and analyze the scope of creativity and innovation over the
organizational platform. Apart from this, the report will provide extensive analysis of promoting
Knowledge Management over organizational context and how the approaches will influence the overall
organizational development process and sustainable growth. 2.3.8 Organizational Implementation:- If
we consider the approaches undertaken by the HRM, the strategies or structured methodology employed
mainly for promoting long term sustainable growth. An organization employs comprehensive programs
to improve or enhance the quality of management and implementation for sustainable growth. The
organization has considered innovation and creativity at every level of operational process such as
individual level, employee level, team level and organizational level. Trained HRM champions at
individual level helps in developing skills and generation of innovative ideas. The trained HR managers
takes the responsibility at the team level and takes the effective leadership approach to guide the team
member for innovative idea generation and helps to be more creative in completion of a task. The
supportive management and encouraging management practices of HRM ensures the process of
promoting innovation within the organization. The structure and size of the organization perfectly
accompanies innovative work.

Human Resource Management – Performance Linkage:- Human resource management is set to control
the segment of managing the employees of the organization. Human resource management helps the
organization in selecting the employees for the organization according to the demands of the business
organization. It monitored the behavior of the employees in the organization and helps them to adopt the
working atmosphere of the organization. Human resource management performs functions from
selecting the effective employees for the organization to maintain the work ethics in the business
organization(Pratoom, 2010). Human resource management of an organization plays an important role
in the business activities. The HRM of an organization makes a suitable working environment for the
organization. The selection of the employees in the pizza hut is done through the Human resource
management. The HRM follows ethical approach on selecting or promoting any employee in the
organization. It helps the employees to understand their roles in the organization and clears the
organization goals and perspective. Human resource management of an organization enhances the
performance of the employee. The HRM of an organization plays vital role in designing structured
methodology in order to eliminate the challenges oriented with the human resource management
approaches. The HRM considers both elements exploration and exploitation which enables the
organization to support effective human resource management for sustainable growth. The effective
HRM practice at organizational level requires effective management, leadership approach of managers,
constructive evaluation, effective feedback system and supportive co-workers. The HRM helps in
making effective strategic implementations and supportive work culture of an organization enables the
organization which helps in gaining enhanced revenue with cost saving and improved performance.
Therefore, effective HRM is a potential factors which can inhibit or enhance performance of an
organization. Apart from this, HRM encouragement plays essential role in developing innovation and
creativity. The advanced feedback system through which employees can directly communicate with the
management for their concern and ideas. It will also help in developing trust and definite vision for
HRM within the organization.
According to Dale Yoder, the special objectives of human resource planning are:
(i) Establishment and recognition of future job requirements
(ii) Assure supplies of qualified participants
(iii) Development of available manpower
(iv) Effective utilization of current and prospective workforce members (including reduction of labour
cost per unit and sound recruitment and selection policy).
Thus, human resource planning can be seen as an attempt to balance the demand for employees with the
numbers available. However, it is not merely concerned with numbers or the ―quantity‖ but also the
―quality‖ of human resources. At a broader level, manpower planning seeks to accomplish individual,
organizational and national objectives.
Human resource planning helps an individual to improve his skills and utilize his abilities and potentials
to the maximum possible extent. It helps the organization to improve its efficiency and productivity. It
also helps the nation to achieve the desired economic and social advancement.
Accordingly, A. F. Sikula rightly observes that ―The ultimate mission or purpose is to relate future
human resource to future enterprise needs so as to maximize the future return on investment in human
In effect, the primary aim of manpower planning revolves around attempts at ―matching or fitting
employee abilities to enterprise requirements with an emphasis on future instead of present
This process of matching jobs with individuals is undertaken in short and long runs in different ways.
Obviously, there are two main forms of manpower planning on the basis of time-span, i.e., short-term
manpower planning and long-term manpower planning.
Human resource planning is a continuous process. It cannot be rigid or static; it is amenable to
modifications, review and adjustments in accordance with the needs of the organization or the changing

Research design is the framework of research methods and techniques chosen by a
researcher. The design allows researchers to home in on research methods that are suitable
for the subject matter and set up their studies up for success . The research design adopted
for this study is Analytical Design. Research Design We have design this research by
conducting a questionnaire in which we include HRP‘s some constructive information and
off course the organizational performance which can help to prove the hypothesis of this
Secondly we also conducted interviews with t

op and middle level managers, in which we ask some questions about implementation of
human resource planning and some questions based on likert scale as the determinants of

 Employee motivation

 Job satisfaction Organizational Performance

 Technology

 Efficiency Information and Knowledge Management

Objective of the Study

This study is of the view that human resources is very important factor in the production,
management and government as a whole. Human resources will not be of any value if it is
not productive. Therefore, to identify factor which hamper the effective and efficient
operation of Captain Sales, the management of Captain Sales must strategize using the all
resources available in their care to make sure that their objective is achieved at the long run.
In order to guide the study, the following objectives are put forward:
 To determine how employees are being compensated as well as the fringe benefit
 To ascertain whether the service rendering to customer are of optimum quality.
 To find out the actual problem affecting the management of Captain sales Association
Business Management Limited.
 To find out the level of the labour turnover and how it effect on the productivity in the

Planning is a process of developing a set of decisions for action in future. Human resource (HR)
planning is also termed ‗manpower planning‘ by many authors. It is the process of preparing a set of
decisions with regard to HR development and deployment. The actions required to be initiated are
exogenous to HR planning and are generally categorized as – (a) employment opportunity and (b)
economic development.

HR planning comprises putting the right number and kind of people at the right place, at the right time,
and making them do things for which they are suited, to achieve business goals. In the era of
industrialization, structured HR planning has become a really important aspect. It is carried out in a
particular sequence of steps which begins with analysing the current inventory of manpower available.
The managers need to suitably make plans for future requirements, by forecasting along with developing
employment and training programmes.
Employment opportunity originates from technology up-gradation, innovation, and continuous search
for newer scope and ideas. For example, after launching CNC machines, the use of old conventional
machines has mostly been discontinued in large companies. The new generation machines have opened
up opportunities for employment for software engineers, growth of air conditioner manufacturers, etc.
In fact, modern technology explosion has made our lives hassle-free. This is directly related to economic
development. Obviously, employment opportunity and technology advancement are interdependent.
HR planning also calls for deciding the position to be filled based on the workload for a considerable
period of time by means of personnel planning and forecasting, building a pool of potential candidates
who are capable of performing the required tasks through internal and external recruitment, using the
most suitable selection tools tailor-made for the position, and populating the HR inventory/information
While negotiating during an interview, the financial as well as the non-financial offers must be
discussed openly to prevent attrition at a later stage. HR planning manifests its importance as the key to
managerial functions, efficient utilization, motivation, better industrial relations, and higher
Human Resource planning is an important aspect of manpower management and administration. A large
pool of manpower exists, but utilizing them for the right job at the right time is a major managerial task.
Manpower is the quantity of productive people who can be used in any organization as human capital
and as assets to achieve the common goal.
Human Resource planning is a process that comprises forecasting, developing, and controlling by an
organization to ensure that it has the right number and kind of people with regard to their skills and
The objectives of HR planning in an organization are as follows:
Objective # 1. Provide Information:
The information obtained through HRP is highly important for identifying surplus and unutilised human
resources. It also renders a comprehensive skill inventory, which facilitates decision making, like, in
promotions. In this way HRP provides information which can be used for other management functions.

Objective # 2. Effective Utilisation of Human Resource:

Planning for human resources is the main responsibility of management to ensure effective utilisation of
present and future manpower. Manpower planning is complementary to organisation planning.

Objective # 3. Economic Development:

At the national level, manpower planning is required for economic development. It is particularly
helpful in the creating employment in educational reforms and in geographical mobility of talent.

Objective # 4. Determine Manpower Gap:

Manpower planning examine the gaps in existing manpower so that suitable training programmes may
be developed for building specific skills, required in future.

Objective # 5. To Forecast Human Resource Requirements:

HRP to determine the future human resource needed in an organisation. In the absence of such a plan, it
would be difficult to have the services of the right kind of people at the right time.

Objective # 6. Analyse Current Workforce:

HRP volunteers to assist in analysing the competency of present workforce. It determines the current
workforce strengths and abilities.

Objective # 7. Effective Management of Change:

Proper HR planning aims at coping with severed changes in market conditions, technology products and
government regulations in an effective way. These changes call for continuous allocation or reallocation
of skills evidently in the absence of planning there might be underutilisation of human resource.

Objective # 8. Realising Organisational Goals:

HRP helps the organisation in its effectively meeting the needs of expansion, diversification and other
growth strategies.
Objectives of HR planning-
The term HR planning has gained popularity and is also used by academicians and people from orga-
nizations all over the world. Let us discuss the term human resource, its rate of growth, quantitative and
qualitative dimensions, and other facets.
Resource refers to the productive power of natural goods. Human resource means human beings with
productive power. Human beings are both participants and beneficiaries of economic development of a
country. The demographic profile, migration, mobility, and participation patterns in economic activity
determine the quantitative aspects of actual and potential human resources.
The rate of growth of HR has two dimensions—quantity and quality.
Scope of the Study-

The study is restricted to the impact of human resource in productivity in captain sales as source of data
and it will cover period from 2016 to 2020.

The study was with constrained, some of these constraints are:

Finance: It was no doubt a great limited of factors for this project considering the world-wide economic
recession and the particular financial squeeze within the country. All these combined together or bear on

Time Limit: There is also limited amount of time in the course of investigation. This based in the fact
that the researcher will have other task to perform, these include often assignment in the school going
for lecturer, preparation for test, examination and other to maintained but few. The school authority
imposed a time limit in the submission of the complete work. Base on the submission of the completed
work. Based on these the project will cover those areas that are very crucial to the problems under
Data Collection methods & Instruments-


 Review of previous report related topic.

 Research Via Web


Data collection- primary and secondary data

Sample area-Captain Sales

Research Technique- Empirical Research


Sample unit –Sample unit consists of the employees in Captain Sales

Sample Area- Captain Sales

CHAPTER 4: Findings And Analysis

The analysis of the data collected can be categorised under two heads-

1) Number of employees Vs. Clients added every year.

2) Number of employees Vs. Revenue generated every year.

Now, going for the trend analysis for the 1st head based on Number of employees vs. number of clients.

Number of employees Vs. Clients added every year

In, 2018-19 it started with 7 employees at With a client base of only 2 client‘s
the commencement of the organization. captain sales started their journey.
In, 2019-20, Captain sales pushed Having client based of only 5.
themselves high and contributed to around
30 employees to the workforce.
In the year of 2020-21, captain sales have Client base of 12.
around 42 employees.

Graphical representation-

No. of Employees Vs. No. of Clients

employees clients




2018-19 2019-20 2020-21


From, the above graphical representation we can draw a conclusion that in the commencement of the
organisation it started with 7 employees and with 2 clients which is a sound step for the organisation to
begin with it was a ratio of (No.of employees) 7:2 (clients) after that in the second business year of
captain sales in 2019-20 the number of employees increased substantially to 30 which is as compared to
the ratio was not the expected number the organization should had achieved, it should be 8 clients in the
year 2019-20. Again, we can see in the year 2020-21 there were 42 employees and 12 clients now the
ratio which was during the commencement of the organization of 7:2 is now maintained. Hence we can
say that only in the year 2019-2020 the ratio of employees vs. clients was not up to the mark after that
they have managed the ratio in between.
2) Number of employees Vs. Revenue generated every year.

Now, going for the trend analysis for the 2 head based on Number of employees vs. revenue generated.

Number of employees Vs. Revenue generated

In, 2018-19 it started with 7 employees at With a revenue generation of 3

the commencement of the organization. lac/p.a Captain Sales started its
In,2019-20, Captain sales pushed In the second phase captain sales got
themselves high and contributed to around its sales figure to 5 lac/p.a.
30 employees to the workforce.
In the year of 2020-21, captain sales have Revenue generation of 10 lac/p.a
around 42 employees.

Graphical Representation-

Number of employees vs. Revenue generated

40 42

No. of Employees
Revenue in lac p.a


7 7
5 3
2018-19 2019-20 2020-22

From the above graphical representation we can see at the commencement of the organization captain
sales started with 7 employees and managed to generate 3 lac/p.a in its first year. In the year 2019-20
with 30 employees captain sales pushed their sales figure to 5 lac/p.a but according to the ratio of 1 st
year the revenue for the second year should be 12.85 lac. Now, we can see in the third year the sales
figure is 10 lac/p.a but according to the ratio it should be 18 lac/p.a. We can suggest that captain sales
should improvise their graph between revenue generation and the hiring of new employees.
CHAPTER 5: Conclusion & Recommendations

Brief summary of the project-

Human resource planning (HRP) is the continuous process of systematic planning ahead to achieve
optimum use of an organization's most valuable asset—quality employees. Human resources
planning ensures the best fit between employees and jobs while avoiding manpower shortages or
surpluses. The project is concern about the effect of HRP on organizational performance here the
organization is Captain Sales.

Strategic human resource planning (SHRP) is an essential business activity to ensure an organisation has
the right talent and skills needed to deliver its objectives both in the short- and the long-term. It attempts
to predict both the demand for and supply of human resources in order to identify either shortfalls or
surpluses and thus deal with them more effectively.

SHRP needs to take into account wider contextual issues alongside specific organisational
circumstances which will impact on the organisation‘s ability to achieve sustainable performance.
SHRP should not be a one-off project but should be threaded throughout all business activities. This
might be led by HR or the line depending on the organisation‘s resources, but must be owned by the
entire business.
This topic examines the benefits, problems and limitations of SHRP, factors in deciding the scope
of SHRP and how to deal with shortfalls and surpluses.
Major Findings

we can draw a conclusion that in the commencement of the organisation it started with 7 employees and
with 2 clients which is a sound step for the organisation to begin with it was a ratio of (No.of
employees) 7:2 (clients) after that in the second business year of captain sales in 2019-20 the number of
employees increased substantially to 30 which is as compared to the ratio was not the expected number
the organization should had achieved, it should be 8 clients in the year 2019-20. Again, we can see in
the year 2020-21 there were 42 employees and 12 clients now the ratio which was during the
commencement of the organization of 7:2 is now maintained. Hence we can say that only in the year
2019-2020 the ratio of employees vs. clients was not up to the mark after that they have managed the
ratio in between. And in the second case we can also find that at the commencement of the organization
captain sales started with 7 employees and managed to generate 3 lac/p.a in its first year. In the year
2019-20 with 30 employees captain sales pushed their sales figure to 5 lac/p.a but according to the ratio
of 1st year the revenue for the second year should be 12.85 lac. Now, we can see in the third year the
sales figure is 10 lac/p.a but according to the ratio it should be 18 lac/p.a. We can suggest that captain
sales should improvise their graph between revenue generation and the hiring of new employees.

Organizations typically plan their future needs for supplies, equipment, building capacity, and
financing. Organizations must also plan to ensure that their human resource needs are satisfied. Human
Resource Planning involves identifying staffing needs, forecasting available personnel, and
determining what additions or replacements are required to maintain a staff of the desired quantity and
quality to achieve the organization‘s goals. The Human Resource Planning function involves at
least three different elements: job analysis, forecasting demand and supply, and legal restraints. HRP
is an important function for the growth and success of any business. It is an integral part of the business
and is directly related to the formulation and implementation of business strategy. HRP is about
determining the future scope and nature of the work that needs to be done in the organization and
putting plans in place to ensure that the organization meets these staff requirements.

Human Resource planning is all of about Quantity of people that we need, Quality (Skill set required to
meet the demand), Room (which territory), Time requirements of the organisation.

I have tried to explain the important aspects of human resource planning

 How HR plan supports the strategic objectives.

 Legal frame work which is influencing HR plan.
 Recruitment and selection of new staff.
 Organisation culture and retention of staff.

According to me Captain Sales should revise its recruitment policies and implement better recruitment
strategy as compared to what it is now. It should focus that the number of clients and the revenue
generated till now is not up to the mark. They should improvise the overall talent acquisition part and
also do several activities to engage employees in a sound way.

While making this SIP report the following sources which contributed or helped me towards
successfully completing this project are-

 One to one telephonic interaction with HR manager captain sales

 Benjamin C. O. and Hilda E. O. (2009). Management Practice, 5th Edition Binon Press, Jos
 Braham A. O. (2000). A Practical Manpower Planning, 5th Edition, Olakun Press, Lagos.
 Isah Hashim (2000). Issue in Public Sector Management in Nigeria, 8th Edition (MA
Press, Kano)
 Joseph P. Y. (2004). Personnel Management, 4th Edition, Kingsport Press, London.
 John A. Pearce II and Richard B. Robinson (2005). Strategic Management
Formulation Implementation and Control, 8th Edition Moore Press, New York
 Lee and Johnson (2006). Practical Manpower Planning, 6th Edition Marshal Press
 Mohammed B. A. (2004). Introduction to Human Resource Planning, 7th Edition S and Y Press,
 Stonner S. F. (2001). Fundamental Human Resources Planning, 4th Edition, Honey Press, Paris.


1) Employees at the commencement of the organization?

2) Clients at the commencement of the organization?
3) How many employees are added every year after the commencement?
4) How many clients are added every after the commencement of the organization?
5) Total revenue generated in all the financial years after the commencement?
6) Initiatives added to review the HR policies.

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