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Drunvalo Melchizedek
The free Book of News _____________________________This is confusing but Drunvalo want it that! __________________________________________________________ I regret that others have been misled by my false claims, and I strongly encourage Mr. Vincent Bridges my publisher, and Drunvalo Melchizadek, a/k/a/ Bernard Perona d/b/a Flower of Life, Inc., and all others who have repeated my false and hurtful reports, to stop doing so. Drunvalo Flower of Life talks all around the world against the Health and Wellness Systems that was all over control . By Drunvalo using his so called teaching he had his inner circle break the laws everyone on earth . Many never known the truth is a master at creating confusion . All occult leaders are ! Drunvalo today is talking about rights what rights . If anything Drunvalo stated about Perfect Science , Full-Circle Int and Terry Welch was true them we want our due process . Posted on Flower of Life Our day in court ! Where the fake report Kathy Barns said you had show us now . ( You know the so called one's that Linsey a so called biochemist did ! Back in 1999 . We been waiting or should we say our lawyer's are . docid=0Ad57f1ZjdUUaZGY0OXJuanRfNDk4aGhuODlqN3A&hl=en Were you and Linsey by making us water which it is not . Were you in fact after you failed in Istanbul really trying like hell to steal our ( IP) Intellectual property (IP) is a number of distinct types of legal monopolies over creations of the mind,

both artistic and commercial, and the corresponding fields of law.[1] Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types of intellectual property include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets in some jurisdictions. In fact Vital Earth Solutions , Full Circle , AD Perfect Inc , Perfect Aqu Inc , Ayterion , Pan_Thor and now Centrum in Poland rights are as you know In Anglo-Saxon law, an exclusive right is a de facto, nontangible prerogative existing in law (that is, the power or, in a wider sense, right) to perform an action or acquire a benefit and to permit or deny others the right to perform the same action or to acquire the same benefit. Which is a "prerogative" is in effect an exclusive right, the term is restricted for use for official state or sovereign (i.e., constitutional) powers. Exclusive rights are a form of monopoly.[nb 1] Exclusive rights can be established by law or by contractual obligation, but the scope of enforceability will depend upon the extent to which others are bound by the instrument establishing the exclusive right; thus in the case of contractual rights, only persons that are parties to a contract will be affected by the exclusivity. Exclusive rights may be granted in property law, copyright law, patent law, in relation to public utilities, or, in some jurisdictions, in other sui generis legislation. Many scholars argue that such rights form the basis for the concepts of property and ownership. Yes that what you were really about ! If not then have your law office call ours! Pseudoscience attempts to persuade with rhetoric, propaganda, and misrepresentation rather than valid evidence. This is where you live Drunvalo Flower of Life with all occult so called leaders of the new age ! Pseudoscience always achieves a reduction to absurdity if pursued far enough. The absurdity is of you, Dunvalo we have science behind our technology. We are not afraid of our science. Wanda Pratnicka and Zbyszek Ploszczyca centrum office have a whole book of the testing and results for the health and wellness formulas. Where is Drunvalo Flower of Life science? Or report as your slave said you had made three where the hell our they .

Discovery Time ! The principles of natural justice are two fundamental principles widely held to be legally necessary to a fair trial or valid decision in a legal system. These are: 1. nemo iudex in causa sua: "nobody shall be a judge in his own cause", invalidating any judgment where there is a bias or conflict of interest or duty; and 2. audi alteram partem: "hear the other side", giving at least a fair opportunity to present one's case (which may, for example, require access to counsel). The requirement of "reasonableness", as unusually defined in the Wednesbury case, is sometimes treated as a further principle of natural justice. Perfect Science asks you Drunvalo for natural justice . The truth and nothing but the truth Dru do you know what that is. This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. Please improve this article if you can. (January 2009) This article may be confusing or unclear to readers. Please help clarify the article; suggestions may be found on the talk page. (January 2009) Flower of Life Drunvalo Melchizedek (born Bernard Perona)a.k.a is a Vietnam veteran, author and spiritual teacher, who lives in Sedona, Arizona.[1] Drunvalo completed most of a BS in Physics and Mathematics before switching to a fine arts degree which he was awarded in 1970 [2]. His fine arts degree was from Kent State, obtained without finishing the course due to clerical errors by the university.[citation needed] He adopted the name Drunvalo Melchizedek after studying at the Alpha and Omega Order of Melchizedek in Vancouver, Canada [2]. He has written four books: The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume I, ISBN 1891824171 The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume II, ISBN 189182421X Living in the Heart, ISBN 1891824430 Serpent of Light - Beyond 2012, ISBN 1578634016

Aspects of Drunvalo's work can be referenced and have a long verifiable histories, such as: The flower of life which is a geometrical figure said to contain ancient, religious value depicting the fundamental forms of space and time. It is a form of Sacred Geometry which has been used in many civilizations in many periods around the world.[2][2] Merkaba meditation which is a form of meditation taught by Drunvalo, which shares common ground with the Hebrew concept of Merkabah, which means "the Throne-Chariot of God". This is what Dunvalo is really teaching path of the kabbalistic ! "They [the Kabbalah Centre] are degrading the Zohar (the central work of the Kabbalah). ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ___ Other areas of Drunvalos work in his books are more experiential, and extend beyond the experience of most of the population and may require suspension of judgment until the reader has sought to test what Drunvalo teaches through practice in their own life. For example: While Merkaba meditation is based in the ancient Hebrew concept of Merkabah which has some documented history, Drunvalo teaches Merkaba Meditation is a breathing and meditation technique which he tells allows the individual to soul travel to other dimensions and communicate with angels and other beings. . [2][2] Drunvalo writes that his life of spirituality began when he learned meditation, and after around four to five months alleges that he had two angels appear to him, who have been accessible to him by meditation ever since [1]. Since Drunvalo first claimed that the angels appeared to him, they have purportedly guided him to meet with more than seventy different teachers and mentors around the world, who have shared their knowledge of different areas of spirituality with him. One of Dunvalo Teacher is William Walter Baumgartner who Drunvalo also talks about at Wesak in 1999 . William Baumgartener worked with Perfect Science were brought together by James Sia ( Torrence , Calf )in LA after work shop in LA, Calf . William worked with James Sia on a special engine William created using his vortex knowlege . Helen Bumgertner wife of Walter William Bumgartner funded the Aqyatron research in Yelm , Washington ( J.Z. Knight Ramtha,Ram)

marketed work on research using Terry Health and Wellness systems in 1999-2002. Walter spoke in Ireland , Sarasota , and Yelm about vortex with Doctor Micheal Mickley PHD , and Andrew Nixon Pan_Thor Think Tank Inc Sharon , Ct and Terry Welch along with Ayhan Doyuk Perfect Science AD Inc Delware, Istanbul , Turkey and Joliet Ill. and their use's in nature . docid=0Ad57f1ZjdUUaZGY0OXJuanRfNDcyamM5N3ZoaHo&hl=en Walter Baumgartner of VortexScience : TRANSMUTATION Transmutation can be accomplished easily with pulsing electrostatic and rotating magnetic fields. The idea that heat has to be applied as proposed in alchemy or as in other catalytic processes is now a Stone Age concept which should be abandoned as quickly as possible. To change one element from the table of elements into another element, is done without the usual approach that heat has to be applied. Think in dimensions and bear in mind that there is an Ether or counter world from which everything is controlled, make a change in the counter world (the mirror imagine) and you have an instant change in the physical world. Start thinking big, leave the old behind. This knowledge is most vital for our survival on this planet. How about changing radioactive materials into a usable gas, a liquid or a solid for a starter. How about changing atmospheric nitrogen into Hydrogen meaning that all propelling vehicles would need no more fossil fuel, would operate fuelless and would never pollute again. Think of changing Silicon, an element of such abundance in our world into what? We let the readers think of the many possibilities of Transmutation by themselves and further more, we supply you with the know how of experimental Transmutation. Believe it or not, its done with magnetic fields.. In 2002 Drunvalo paid William a sum of 8,000 USD not to supporting Perfect Science work . Walter William Baumgartner called Terry Welch of Perfect Science and told her about it. Walter asked her what he should do . The occults over the years tried to ruin William work is he did not play their new age game. William did not go along with their game . William needed money! Ms Terry Welch told him to take it for the record . They are still friends today . Willaim and his wife were force out of Yelm , Washington reasons unknown .*/*/ Rick Ross is an internationally known expert regarding radical, extreme and often unsafe groups--some that have been called "cults". Since 1982 he has been involved in hundreds of interventions in an effort to help the victims of destructive groups. Mr. Ross has been qualified and accepted as an expert witness. He has testified in numerous court cases across the United States concerning destructive groups and their influence. The finest news organizations, from Newsweek to the ABC Evening News, have counted on Rick Ross to provide an understanding of many dangerous groups and the techniques they often use to recruit and retain members. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ___

1 The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volumes 1 and 2 1.1 ======================================================== ======================================================== ======================================================== ====== 2 Living in the Heart 3 Serpent of Light - Beyond 2012 3.1 ======================================================== ======================================================== ======================================================== ======================================================== ======================================================== ======================================================== ====================================================== 3.2 ======================================================== ======================================================== ======= 4 References

[edit] The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volumes 1 and 2

Merkaba Meditation

Also try to find original tape of Though the see of Child ( Drunvalo talk about Mothers Water -Perfect Science ) Anne Merrill These volumes were published in April 1999 and May 2000 respectively by Light Technology Publications. They encompass the materials that Drunvalo teaches in his flower of life workshops. The song 46 & 2 by Tool exercises Drunvalo's beliefs. The content takes in : An outline of Sacred geometry and the part it plays in the creation of everything in the universe Background and theories with respect to the ancient civilisations of Lemuria, Atlantis, and Ancient Egypt, including the sources of humanity including the Nephilim and the Sirius people Merkabah meditation The Five Levels of consciousness [2] [2] Drunvalo describes Merkaba meditation as creating a 55 foot wide energy field around the body with two counter-rotating tetrahedrons spinning at round 90% of the speed of light. Drunvalo writes that the energy from the Merkaba field is strong enough that it has routinely set off radars and electro magnetic monitoring equipment resulting in visits from helicopters sent to investigate in the middle of his workshops.[2]. He describes how he and groups he has worked with have been able to amplify intention through their Merkaba fields and for example create clean air for several miles around them, visible in the skies above them, by the ring of polluted air beyond.*/ docid=0Ad57f1ZjdUUaZGY0OXJuanRfMjY3Z2c5aHhzZGc&hl=en After Drunvalo talk many people worked on many research systems using the Perfect Science Formula's Drunvalo gave his talk about in 1999 This was posted in Flower Of Life And also in internet archive Message : For immediate release: November 4, 1999 A conference is being held in Sarasota, Florida on Nov 13, 1999 at the Helmsley Sandcastle Hotel(1-800-225-2181). If planning to attend, mention Perfect Science for room rate. This conference will update the new and exciting happenings at Perfect Science, including the introduction of Perfect Science/Aqua's new National Headquarters here in Sarasota, and the introduction of the "Aquatron 2000 AD", a computerized, bioenergetic testing device for use in conjunction with special

formulas from Perfect Science/Agua for health practitioners. The AquaTron works on acupuncture sites. It looks like now that Perfect Science will attend this conference in Sarasota. Another symposium is scheduled in Istanbul for January 15, 2000. This will replace the one that was interrupted by the earthquake in August 1999 . Over 100 people came to the conference in 1999 from the Flower of Life Talk at Wesak 1999 . Andrew Nixon Perfect Science , Terry Welch invited all of the Flower of Life there in Istanbul, Sarsota, Ireland, Chicago , Yelm , South America, Japan and all over the world they set research systems using Ayterion Perfect Science Wesal talk 1999 . This should to be both informative and exciting. Looking forward to seeing you at the conference. docid=0Ad57f1ZjdUUaZGY0OXJuanRfNDM1Z3o3ZG40ZDY&hl=en Post on Flower of Life gi-win/board.exe/viewall$science For more information concerning the Sarasota conference: Mr Jim Trider and David Morse tel-1-941-320-0002 The money raise by Full -Circle went to hire an FDA law firm /fda_regulations.htm] Full Circle work continued all over the word with Perfect Science after Wesak . Today still using spa methods . PLANET WATER NEWS UPDATE : January 2000 Welcome to the first news update for Super-Ionised Water which contains experiences from both UK and Belgium, with the water since September 1999 and interpretations of what the water does. News Sarasota - Full Circle Conference on Perfect Science 1999 Aquatron On November 13, 1999 an International Conference took place in Sarasota in 1999 , introducing Full Circle Technology and also informing about Perfect Science in general. Doctor Mickley Mickley PHD explained how the research was done using Aqatron and Perfect Science Formula's . This Conference was especially designed for medical doctors and health practitioners and their clients. Full Circle Technology presented the new Aquatron 2000. This computerized device can detect the energy system of a person on many levels This helps

document the health improvement from drinking the water over a period of time and leads to a better understanding of how the water works. Fully documented cases will therefore enable the water to be brought to a wider public. The Aquatron is similar to machines such as Bioresonance, Mora, Voll etc used in a number of countries already. It has a special programme which includes the Super- ionized Water, in order to find the best possible treatment for the patient. Personal experiences with the water The following effects have been reported: Drinking water : PHYSICAL EFFECTS - metallic taste in the mouth for a week or so after taking the water, release of metals ? - many - release of drugs injected recently eg. from dentists, or operations - Christine - worsening of symptoms before they get better - many - flu and other detoxification symptoms (tired, headache), without feeling 'sick' - many - release of energies round old wounds - eg. from appendicitis operation - Trevor - recovery from a year's paralyzed side of face - after 2 weeks on the water - Daniel - stopping of heavy snoring - after 2 days - a mother PSYCHO - EMOTIONAL EFFECTS - more energy -many - greater clarity in meditation -many - quicker release of old emotions and thought forms / patterns -many - more and clearer dreams -Christina - "waking up" symptoms - many Aloe - positive effects on eczema of 3 young children/babies - Wendy - restored lips and mouth from cold sore damage - Roger Soap - excellent for shaving Blossom - plants stayed green and continued to grow into December - many - cress seeds treated with Blossom sprouted within three days without heat in December, untreated seeds had not sprouted a month later -Marc - seeds generally sprout earlier and quicker - Carol Experiences of Christian Michiels - a Belgian Water therapist "Since August I have had the opportunity to experiment with groups and private sessions in a private pool heated to 36C. Let me specify that the water of the pool is unique - having the synergy of many different waters from all energetic places

around the world and now complete with super ionized water! In the pool, peoples' inner (body) water resonates with the water of the pool and the water they drink. What is now clear to me is that the water has an impact on everyone and the effect is for all at an emotional level. People are also releasing a lot of emotions and water too !! The doses we recommend are - at the beginning and for 8 to 21 days, 10 or 20 ml / day. Then following what is felt and observed, the person can continue and choose another programme : 40 ml / day up to 80 ml maximum. I had a group of 8 people for two days spending 3 hours a day in the pool. The quality of the energy obtained was equal to what was observed previously in at least 3 or 4 days. In private sessions, I observe a quicker resonance phenomenon since I invite the person to drink super-ionized water during the session. I am thinking about a woman who suffered from terrible migraines for 28 years. After two days coaching in the pool followed by 3 weeks drinking at home (2x 30 ml), she related a incredible improvement of her state and a reduction to half the amount of pain killer she used to take. Tonight, she confirms that her husband has never seen her as beautiful as she is now in the last three years ! There are so many transformations amongst our clients (witnessing on the phone we get daily) that I feel today with certainty that the more I am changing within me, the more the world and people are changing around me. What is definite is that the water really goes where needed and that the experience is as individual as the person is. When I personally drink the water I really can recognize that very small amounts of water have a quick and deep impact. Being a very sensitive person I can immediately measure the repercussions of many things...I have welcomed many different personalities and pathologies in the last few weeks and I must say that I am amazed by the speeding up of the processes, the quality of deep feelings and emotions and the release of mental and physical blocks. I wish to end here with a New Year's story about a new born grown up baby. After having spent New Year's Eve in the same pool with a group of friends and having meditated on ourselves, the planet and declared 2000 the year of the water, my love went to a rebirthing session a few hours later... that really led to a wonderful birth. The water that she had drunk for the last weeks was responding more than ever, clearing up the way to the new century". Why is the Perfect Science Formula here ? - a personal opinion

The water seems to affect everyone in a individual way, but I feel the following common connections : * It breaks the artificial, molecular chains that hold unnatural toxins together so that these can be washed out of the body by drinking more "ordinary" water. The toxins are generally herbicides and pesticides that we get from food, but also chemical additives and drugs from the pharmaceutical industry. That is why some people get back the smell or the taste of the dentists last injection etc. These toxins can be stored in fatty tissue so the super-ionized water (plus the extra water they drink) has helped certain people lose weight. * Emotions that have not been released are understood to be stored in the body as toxic chemicals thus leading to arthritis etc. My feeling is that the water helps to dissolve these chemicals so that trapped negative emotions can be released. My own experience is that these feelings flow out of the subconscious as if they were in a river flowing past an island, so they can be seen. Usually, they flow past quickly, (provided you dont give them any attention which magnetizes them to you) but occasionally they stay around for a while, especially if they are patterns of behaviour based on an underlying fear. In this case drinking a lot more water helps. In my experience , it is the patterns that are most difficult to recognize and release and here the feedback from friends and loved ones is invaluable. Thirdly, the formula's helps to clear the energy of unmanifest thoughts out of our cells quicker than normal so clearing our present and indeed our future of unwanted events. Our current reality is formed by our own thoughts, both past and present and those of all the people in the world - like a mass dream. In Anna Hayes book, Voyagers 2, The Secrets of Amenti, she says that these thoughts are held in our DNA, in our cellular memory, until they manifest or are changed or are released before we can move onto a higher level of consciousness. My feeling is that the water is just one way of taking control and clearing these un-manifest thoughts out of our cells quicker than normal, so clearing our past and indeed our future of unwanted events - before they control us. Important: This process will soon start to be accelerated. The Earth is entering an ascension cycle acceleration period progressively between now and 2017 and Anna Hayes also says "everyone on the planet will begin to have cellular activations directly through the Earth's grid, due to the incoming Stellar and Solar energies. These energy infusions will cause a rapid

release of the crystallized thought patterns stored in the cells and will trigger rapid DNA activation, assembly and expansion of consciousness. Your DNA and cellular memory will activate whether or not you are ready and regardless of whether your mind and body have prepared to synthesize these new frequencies of energy ".The first of the new energies will flow in from 5 May 2000, when a new solar spiral energy will flow into the Earth. This will mean that "those events stored in all our DNA on Earth will start to manifest quicker and quicker, causing potentially chaos for those who do not understand what is happening". So it is all the more important for lightworkers to clear their own lower DNA cellular memories so that they are centered and balanced and able to advise others. Hence the value of the water to rapidly clear our systems and ease the flow out of what we no longer require! * Finally, it helps those who wish to spiritualize their current DNA and assemble and light up their potential 12 strings of DNA consciousness structure as the water can be programmed by spiritual fervor and intent. Lighting a candle, tuning in to the water and meditating for a few minutes before or whilst mixing or drinking the water makes all the difference. Try it with friends. These impressions are based on my feelings. Please check them out against your own intuitive heart-logic. - hashirr Living Water Finally, a little about the importance of drinking the best quality water available. Tap water is forced down unnaturally straight pipes under high pressure and so the natural biomagnetism or life force is removed. The water is also chemically treated and as water has a memory, even though the chemicals have been physically removed, the water retains their negative vibrational imprint. Distilled water also has no life force. It also pays to check out the relative benefits of the many varieties of bottled water which are subject to less regulation than tap water. Many bottled mineral or spring waters have their life force removed in the treatment. A low "dry residue" and high "resistivity" are generally indicators of the best quality. Don't forget also that the body absorbs water from baths and showers as well as from drinks and food. Vortex harmonizers add the life force back into all your household water. Grahame Whitehead 013657 22902 , Northern Ireland, Con Connor 01 4578343 Eire and Dolly Knight 01752

345552 UK are suppliers. There are also other devices such as Grander machines from Austria which are similar. There appears to be some confusion about mixing the water. It is OK to first mix the super-ionized water with the 4 liters spring water in a supermarket plastic bottle as long as it is not stored in the plastic. As soon as it is mixed, transfer it into glass - say liters bottles. Or, just mix enough of the Perfect Science water to fit into the bottle you have eg. 25ml for a liter bottle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The articles are the views of the authors concerned and are based on their personal experiences and feelings and those of others reported to them The effects of the water on those who partake of it are individual to them and no health or other benefit is claimed. Roger John Lawson and Anna Ramser, 383a Loughshore Road, Tully Cottages, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, BT92 2BR source way back machine Ireland ...............................Flower of Life FLOWER OF LIFE DISCUSSION FORUM Posted by Chet on 08/03/2001 Message dont get me wrong,,,, I think the Perfect Science water is a very good product and I know the Aloe L gel is a wonderful product I will know more about the water formulas soon enoughsince I am starting the Clear 8oz in the morning and the breaker sipped throughout the day. As well as using the gel and flower essence which were prepared for me after the computer/physicians check up I will be on these for at least a couple of weeks probably I am ordering another 16 oz bottle of both Clear and Breaker then I will move up the Alpha and the Holy Grail if needed. The Balance is good after the cleansing is mostly finished. The bulk of it anyway in my case I have a build up of toxins caused from taking the poisonous medications to fight the notorious and illusive AIDS virus and hiv virus. I took the lethal cocktail for over a decade until I wished up about three years ago and refused to take them anymore.

I was diagnosed with AIDS in 1987 I am very healthy I have some knee trouble achy and some skin blemishes well I had skin blemishes the Aloe works wonders on all skin related issues. My skin is not only healing it is youthful remarkably so Sorry about the gab but I just wanted to share my experiences. Love to all Chet

Flower Of Life 11/1999 /Sarasota ,Florida This can be used by anyone as long as it is not changed in any form After Wesak 1999 / Flower of Life / The effects of New Age / Water of Life / Perfect Science / EAV Protocol for Use with Treatment By Nutritional Energy Super Ayterion Formulations Michael Mickley, PhD, Scientist, Perfect Science A.D.and Perfect Science Boulder Inc Doctor Joe Arm DC , Mr. Jim Trider and Mr. David Morse , Full Circle Technologies International, Inc. Introduction and Purpose source Perfect_Science.htm This presentation discusses 1) protocol developed for the treatment of a variety of disease states by nutritional formulations (formula's ) and 2) observations from extensive use of the protocol and waters. There are several unique aspects of the situation surrounding both the product and the interrelated protocol and product use. One is the wealth of experience and history of success in the use of this water in several countries over a broad range of patient conditions treated, including various forms of cancer, AIDS,Lupus, and MS. While, historically, most of this information has been anecdotal in form, it provided the basis for development of the subject protocol now in use with EAV machines. Other unique aspects include the degree of detail of the protocol that has evolved, the consistent treatment patterns that have occurred, and the interpretative theory that has emerged to explain the beneficial role of the formula's. Together these different aspects provide a good example of how enhanced energy supplement medicine (ip) coined by Terry Welch

is evolving as it integrates with science. The purpose of the presentation is to educate the audience and improve their understanding of a segment of energy medicine such that they can identify and describe differences between treatments based on symptoms and those based on energy patterns. Description of Treatment Product Full Circle Technologies, Inc. is manufacturing and distributing nutritional formulations developed by Perfect Sciences Ayterion Aqua AD Inc. group and marketing them to health care professionals and consumers. Their mission is to provide a safe and superior formula, as well as the technology to measure its effects accurately, for detoxification of human tissue. The products (Balance, Breaker, Clear, and Alpha) are designed to promote systemic balance and they contain an increasing level of saponins mixed with spring water. They are formulated as a concentrate and are available in the US only through licensed practitioners who have been certified by Full Circle and Perfect Science AD . The spirtual systems talked about at Wesak are now on the web . Available to anyone made in Poland , France , Sweden , Chicago , Sarasota , Croatia , and Norway . (tryfl2655) 1999 way back machine (22 country's in 2000 Mina Olen way back ) 2-2000 tryfl2655 Description of Subjects Treated Prototypes of the products were tested in several Middle Eastern countries during the early and mid 1990s. The products were originally envisioned as treating different symptoms or disease states. Several hundred successful treatments occurred with many different diseases. With few exceptions, these situations were not quantified or documented, although several testimonials exist. In an effort to place the use of the formulas on a more scientific basis, in 1999 the distribution and use of the formulas was tied into the use of an EAV machine called the Aquatron 2000 AD, marketed by Full Circle Technologies. Although data from EAV machines is still questioned by mainstream medicine, this data is providing insight and understanding in the use and effects of these products. Today, more formal clinical studies are being planned and research is ongoing in the US, Venezuela, Argentina, Turkey, Germany, and elsewhere. In cases where*e the products are used to treat indigenous populations, the sophistication of the available data is low. At the other extreme, clinical animal studies have been undertaken in Turkey. Description of Research Methods

The protocols below, all involving the use of the Aquatron 2000 AD EAV machine, are used in the sequence given. Determination and possible correction of the patients hypothalamic state to assure that the site-specific readings correspond to intended target organ sites. Determination of the baseline energy balance patterns in the patient Determination of the general environmental cause of the energy imbalance pattern Determination of the particular nutritional formulation and the particular dosage of use Determination of the effectiveness and tolerance of the proposed treatment to avoid unpleasant patient side effects and also to select a formula when it appears that multiple formulas or dosages are appropriate Periodic monitoring of the patients response to treatment and of changes indicated in the appropriate dose and particular water Ideally, a patient would be tested every 2 or 3 weeks for a period of up to 3 months. This permits monitoring of the changing energy patterns and changing of the treatment water and dosage as the monitoring indicates. After a period of time the monitoring schedule becomes less frequent and eventually the patient may be put on a maintenance water and dosage. Results Using the protocol described, data sets have been collected on over 50 patients covering a range of symptoms and, in some cases, previously diagnosed conditions. From examination of the data and from observations by practitioners, several consistent results may be noted. Patients with similar symptoms have different energy patterns. Patients with similar symptoms indicate need for different treatment schemes (different waters and different dosages). When the EAV machine is used to indicate treatment (water, dosage), treatment results are consistently good; when treatment was given according to symptoms, treatment results were much less consistent. Changes in energy patterns (patient response to treatment) are much quicker with the Perfect Science nutritional formulations than with homeopathic medicines. The most frequent causative factors affecting the energy patterns are pesticides, heavy metals, and other environmental hydrocarbons

The causative factors most frequently encountered vary according to geographic location (such as Florida, Texas, and Japan) Discussion of Results It is assumed that illnesses develop in definite sequences progressing in the following order: 1. 2. 3. 4. dysfunction at energy and cellular level biochemical abnormalities alterations in tissues and organs recognizable disease

Energy changes first due to some stressor agent, then blood chemistry changes. Ultimately, there are physical changes that produce symptoms. Such bio energetic changes can occur due to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. constitutional/genetic factors toxic load nutritional balance mental/emotional state Other factor spirtual

The focus of the work presented is on the role of environmental toxins, such as synthetic organic compounds and heavy metals. A premise of the Perfect Science AD organization that developed the technologies is that such toxins have compromised the immune systems of all forms of life, preventing the natural defense system from to effectively warding off viruses, bacteria, and other challenges to the bodys health. The effect of toxins may be viewed in terms of the bucket syndrome, where the bodys reservoir for toxins fills up and at a certain level the body becomes sick; when the bucket overflows, the body is very sick. The aim of the use of the treatments involving the EAV machine and the nutritional drinks is to remove toxins from the body. A general theory of what is happening to the patients is as follows: The waters do not heal; the patients immune system does the healing.Perfect Science Formula's transform toxic waste which is part of what we doing our study on with Aquatron ( Douglas Leber ) , I-Health , Dark Field , Mico-Current device and other biofeed devices in Chicago , with Vital Earth Solutions , Doctor Lennox PHD following both The Late Doctor Lennox PHD(Femi ) work with Sandy Funder RN systems and Perfect Science Ayterion system based on work done in Chicago Land , and all over the world . Late Doctor Lennox PHD/Vital Earth Solutions/BS/JS/PS/tryfl2655 The appropriate treatment of water is indicated by the EAV machine according to the major stressing agent compromising the patients immune system. The treatment water affects the various stressor agents and removes them from the body. The waters thus allow the immune system to operate at higher efficiency Changes in treatment water are indicated with time as a given stressor agent is successfully eliminated from the body and the next major stressing agent now controls the patients energy pattern. An appropriate level of more detailed description will be provided as a handout including various case studies showing how energy patterns change with time and increasingly reflect balance in the patients energy system. ================================================================ ================================================================ == 11-2000 Dear Matthew and Ian, ( Flower of the Flower of Life) Through various emails and conversations with others I have come to sense there are some distinctions about the Perfect Science products and aspects about our history that you do not understand. 1. Medical vs. household and environmental products research 1999/2000/2002 and on going The bio-health products that are taken internally, which we designate as nutritional supplements, are produced in the United States and only in the United States. Mr. Doyuk is not actively involved with these products. While all products have characteristics of what we call ionized water the healthrelated waters are significantly different from the household and environmental products that are produced in Turkey. As you know from the discussions captured on video in Istanbul, Mr. Doyuk has historically worked with some medical-related products and he has understanding of what they can do and how they can work. But for bio-health products, the manufacturing, management, shipping, distribution, development of new products, development of protocols and applications, and the research and study of results are done by the US group, not Mr. Doyuk. Consequently, if you have any questions concerning the healthrelated products please go to the source the US group. If you do not have contact information, we can get you this. Please

also, carry these distinctions between the bio-health products and the household/environmental products. 2. Use of the bio-health products Considerable work has gone into the development of use protocols for these bio-health products. The protocols (dose, dilution, frequency, etc.) have been standardized and the products should be used only according to these protocols. Any use of the waters at dilutions and other conditions not specified in the protocols is not warranted and is not condoned by Perfect Science. Please discount information coming from Susan Moore and others not working directly with Perfect Science. Susan and others have repeatedly used or recommended incorrect dilutions of products and have sold product at inflated prices. In a similar vein, please discount information appearing on the Flower of Life website. I was at the Washington D.C. meeting that Drunvalo M. attended. He misrepresented and sensationalized what happened at the meeting. The eventual result of this was the misinformation and rantings that continue in the Flower of Life discussions. 3. Istanbul video and your interests Lex can send you copies of the videos taken. It is evident from the videos that you had considerable interest in the bio-health products as well as the household/environmental products. I noticed that in your draft of a distributorship agreement sent to Dan OConnell for our consideration you did not make a distinction between the different types of products (which I am calling here bio-health, household, environmental). The wording was simply sales of Perfect Science A.D. products. We will need to be more specific in the agreement. My interpretation is that the agreement does not address the biohealth products. 4. Pool Cleaner I have talked with Mr. Doyuk about the need to specify the pool cleaner raw materials and sources. He is gathering this information. I hope to email you again soon with information on the pool cleaner. Regards, Mike

[edit] =================================================================================================== ===========================================================================

11.15.2000 Towards the end of the year we heard rumors at our office of a new kind of water, of something really revolutionary. Browsing the Internet, we found, among other things, articles on the lectures of a certain Melkizedek Drunvalo, a spiritual opinion leader living in the USA, who praises the new water without inhibitions. We did not, however, want to build our article on second-hand information but wished to get to the source of the knowledge. After various attempts, we managed to get into contact with the inventor, Mr. Ayhan Doyuk in Turkey. Actually the conference stretched over two days, nine hours in all, and we were able to cover a great amount of information on this revolutionary water invention, an invention by means of which, according to Mr. Doyuk, the whole of the earth can be cleaned and subsequently saved. It is a question of super ionized water, which immediately combines with oil, for example, breaking it into fatty and amino acids, fertilizers or fish nutriments. The development of the water has taken him approximately 18 years. A great number of chemists have tried to shake his belief in the work without results. Doyuk calls himself an inventor who has later left the product in the hands of professionals and scientists. /web/20010202132000/*/ All source archine way back machine*/ Talk given by Randall Miller ( Drunvalo did talk about at Wesak in 1999 ) and in Washington DC arranged by Eric Ekvall , The late Slim Spurling , Terry Welch (Perfect Science ) in Cocoa Beach Island Resort ) where Terry Welch lives 1999 .com/petition.htm/archive/internet The petition site over 900 people sign petition created by Ms Joanne Spreitzer Perfect Earth Vital Earth Solutions, Nancy O'Brien Welch ,Gerald Thomas Welch , and Ms Terry Anne Welch of Perfect Science AD Inc source way back machine on Habitat 11 Istanbul Andrew Nixon talk at Habitat 11,tryfl2655 transformations.html ///tryfl2655/transformtions Drunvalo talk 1999 what he seen in Washington DC arranged by Eric Ekvall/ com/ It is only the modern science that recognized the reality as the web of self-consistent interactions in multi-dimensional spacetime in which time and interactions are generically non-linear. This means that the reality we live is what we have created, and that we as humans (and that is valid for all entities that exist in the universe) are the result of mutual interactions. Thusly, to change the world in which we live we have to first cleanse our physical and energy bodies, in order that we will be able to help in cleaning the Planet and all what exist on it and was created during long painful history of the human fall, and align it with the New world.[1] The Ayterion Aqua - Perfect Science System is designed for wellness and abets in the balance of most conditions of health for humans and animals. The energetic dietary supplements from Ayterion Aqua - Perfect Science System assist in cleansing, detoxifying, energizing and balancing the body. When the body is in balance it will heal itself. com/

[edit] Living in the Heart

Living in the Heart was published in November 2003 by Light Technology Publications. In this book Drunvalo focuses on the sacred space in the heart, which through meditation and training the reader can access at will. He tells that when you access the sacred space of the heart, you are at one with all of life, connected to and sensing all energy. The proposition is that modern western humans are in their mind and see themselves as separate to everything in the world. Drunvalo teaches that by accessing the sacred space in your heart, you can create anything [3] gi-win/board.exe/viewall$science gi-win/board.exe/viewall$science

Perfect_Science.htm follow up on Dunvalo Talk of 1999 Wesak Any one may use this material but leave it in original context and also note that the formuala's were created by a team ( Perfect Science not a man ) and all reference to Doyuk as part of a team . The planet formula's and the meeting were arrange by Andrew Nixon, Charles Knox (Sharon , CT ), Randall Miller ( Oak Hurst , NJ) the late Slim Spurling , Terry Welch, Dan O'Connell (Joliet, Ill) ,Nancy O'Brien Welch, Theresa O'Brien Greboski , and Eric Ekvall in Cocoa Beach , Florida 3291 at the Beach Island Resort in 1999 . Ref( Wesak Talk Drunvalo 1999-2000-2001 ) Any one can use and Please Help Clean and Transform Our World ! The Good News! nixon welch Istanbul Habitat 11 Perfect Science Guide Lines were post on their internet address the follower of the Flower of Life Drunvalo by making Perfect Science a spirtual water, which it was not. Why Drunvalo made it a water which with his teachings and anothers he beleived that he could control Perfect Science . Which he found out in Aug of 1999 he could not do control Perfect Science nor can anyone control another systems this is what the west coast of the US new age tries to do . Control or spread rumors so their sheep or followers will not want this systems or others . It pay them or they will spread rumors their the inner circle they control. deprogramming7.html What a line of bull-sh-t. Terry Welch and Perfect Science told them what a load of bullsh-t they were in Istanbul at the Londra Hotel . [} [2]] The west coast new age to say the least dislike of Terry Welch that also in a meeeting Eric Ekvall . Eric and Terry fight went on and on all post on the archive of the Flower of Life . Terry Welch that the formula's took alot hard work on the ground sites all over Turkey for many years . Before she met Mr Doyuk in London and asked him to fund PanThor , Sharon , Ct for the clean up of the planet. United Planet Org. Andrew Nixon started is an org in Delware . [3] docID=0Ad57f1ZjdUUaZGY0OXJuanRfNDY4ZnNtcTZxY3c&revision=_latest After Drunvalo Talk 1999/Wesak. PERFECT SCIENCE A.D. GUIDELINES FOR ACCEPTING AND TESTING OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES PHASE I Submission and Study of Samples 1. Initial inquiries An initial communication between the outside party and Perfect Science A.D. (PS) will be used to screen inquiries. These communications will be made with Dr. Michael Mickley, where possible, and if not to Mr. Ayhan Doyuk. Conditions necessary for acceptance of samples and for development of treatment formula will be explained. These conditions include: Approval by Mr. Doyuk and Perfect Science AD Payment of $1000 per sample Submittal of information about the sample High level of responsibility of the inquiring party with regard to making decisions and approving funds. 2. Request for PS Consideration A description of the media to be sampled and treated will be given to PS and include: A description of the sample site (the environmental challenge, size, history, past remedial efforts, etc.) Available chemical and physical analyses of the sample site The treatment objectives Source of funding for the tests and for possible future larger-scale treatment projects This information will go to Dr. Mickley who will keep track of inquiries, applications, and communications as well as forward the information along with recommendations to Mr. Doyuk for his consideration/approval. 3. Review of Information and Decision to Accept Sample Mr. Doyuk will have final approval based on his schedule, priorities, and the attractiveness of the site for generating data, visibility, etc. Dr. Mickley will inform the inquiring party of the approval decision. If PS approves accepting a sample, the specifics on sampling, information, and other requirements will be provided to the inquiring party. 4. Submission of Samples and Information After the request for consideration is approved and the inquiring party is informed, a 5-liter (or less) sample will be sent to Mr. Doyuk along with any additional information PS might need. A similar sample and set of information will be sent to Dr. Mickley. Together this will be considered as one (1) sample. The charge of $1000 per sample will be paid in advance.

5. Study of sample Mr. Doyuk will study the sample and determine an appropriate treatment formula. Analytical results will demonstrate the treatment success (tests conducted by Dr. Mickley). The following items will be provided to the party submitting the sample: A brief report prepared by Dr. Mickley. A sample of the treated sample A small amount of the treatment formula. PS will retain part of the sample for future reference. The PS goal is to return a report to the interested party within 30 days of receipt of the sample and sample information. Note: Hazardous and toxic samples will not be considered or accepted by PS. Where possible, arrangements may be considered to conduct on-site small-scale tests in place of testing of samples at PS facilities. PHASE II: On-site Bench-scale Demonstration of Treatment Following Phase I study an on-site demonstration may be considered. 6. On-site bench-scale demonstration of the treatment Conditions for PS to conduct on-site demonstration include: * Individuals interacting with PS must be empowered to make decisions and to approve funding. * Verbal confirmation need be made that upon a successful demonstration PS would sign an agreement to provide treatment formula for a larger-scale project * All PS travel and lodging expenses would be paid for in advance. If possible, local government agents dealing with environmental issues would attend the demonstration test. Samples of the media to be treated would be taken and analyzed prior to and after treatment according to sampling and analysis procedures approved by PS. PHASE III Site Treatment After a suitable agreement is reached PS may take on a site treatment project. 7. Site Treatment Project The PS role will be that of consultant and provider of the treatment formula. A local company trained by PS will do any extensive treatment required. PS will train a local company to do the treatment work. This training may involve travel to Turkey to be paid by the client. The interested parties pay for all treatment costs including the treatment formula.

Liability issues need be waived or the interested parties need to purchase insurance such that PS does not carry any undue risk from sabotage or changing conditions. At least two independent laboratories need be engaged, one by PS and another by the interested party, to sample the treatment site before and after treatment. Other Comments 8. Availability of Treatment formula Treatment formula will not be given to anyone not following the above guidelines. PS policy is NOT to provide treatment chemicals to individuals or groups for research purposes. We many years of research already done and have approval for our formula's which is not water as stated at Weask . The health and wellness formula's creators and are made the USA . What Drunvalo stated is completely misleading to the point of disinformation . In other words many lie's A sample of the treated sample A small amount of the treatment formula. PS will retain part of the sample for future reference. The PS goal is to return a report to the interested party within 30 days of receipt of the sample and sample information. Note: Hazardous and toxic samples will not be considered or accepted by PS. Where possible, arrangements may be considered to conduct on-site small-scale tests in place of testing of samples at PS facilities. PHASE II: On-site Bench-scale Demonstration of Treatment Following Phase I study an on-site demonstration may be considered. 6. On-site bench-scale demonstration of the treatment Conditions for PS to conduct on-site demonstration include: * Individuals interacting with PS must be empowered to make decisions and to approve funding. * Verbal confirmation need be made that upon a successful demonstration PS would sign an agreement to provide treatment formula for a larger-scale project * All PS travel and lodging expenses would be paid for in advance. If possible, local government agents dealing with environmental issues would attend the demonstration test. Samples of the media to be treated would be taken and analyzed prior to and after treatment according to sampling and analysis procedures approved by PS. PHASE III Site Treatment After a suitable agreement is reached PS may take on a site treatment project.

7. Site Treatment Project The PS role will be that of consultant and provider of the treatment formula. A local company trained by PS will do any extensive treatment required. PS will train a local company to do the treatment work. This training may involve travel to Turkey to be paid by the client. The interested parties pay for all treatment costs including the treatment formula. Liability issues need be waived or the interested parties need to purchase insurance such that PS does not carry any undue risk from sabotage or changing conditions. At least two independent laboratories need be engaged, one by PS and another by the interested party, to sample the treatment site before and after treatment. Other Comments 8. Availability of Treatment formula Treatment formula will not be given to anyone not following the above guidelines. PS policy is NOT to provide treatment chemicals to individuals or groups for research purposes. 9. Exceptions As with any policy or set of guidelines, there exceptions can be made. However, exceptions are made or approved only by Mr. Doyuk and Perfect Science . Revision 11.08.00

9. Exceptions As with any policy or set of guidelines, there exceptions can be made. However, exceptions are made or approved only by Perfect Science and Mr. Doyuk. Revision 11.08.00 ref way back archive [4] ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _________ Mina Olen Magazine Finland si.htm Superionisoitu vesi Artikkeli Min Olen -lehdess n:o 2/2000

[edit] Serpent of Light - Beyond 2012

"Serpent of Light - Beyond 2012 was published in January 2008 by Weiser Books. This book is a diary of events beginning around the time the Dalai Lama left Tibet, at which time Drunvalo alleges an event began which only occurs once every 13,000 years, the movement of the Earth's Kundalini or Serpent of Light, which had run from the Earth's core to the surface of the earth in the Tibetan Mountains for 13,000 years. He tells of his involvement in a series of events with many Indigenous peoples in ceremonies that played a part in facilitating the successful movement of the Serpent of Light to its new home in the high Andes of Chile. The book describes the emergence of what he calls the Unity Consciousness Grid, and of the callings that drew he and others to play a part in completing it. This grid will play a part in the shift in consciousness that will occur at the end of the Maya Calendar in 2012. The Unity Consciousness Grid is said to be a network of energetic connections between sacred temples and sites around the globe and special crystals which link them, creating a grid which will support an increasing, shared, "unity consciousness". Through the years to 2012, the book prophesizes a movement to feminine-led consciousness which will last through to the end of the next 13,000 year cycle.[4]
[edit] =================================================================================================== =================================================================================================== =================================================================================================== =============================================================================================*/ back archive / t=44064//*/ docid=0Ad57f1ZjdUUaZGY0OXJuanRfNDM1Z3o3ZG40ZDY&hl=en ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________ ___________*/*/ Spirt Of Maat Drunvalo Think about why the Arabians betrayed the Turks The ( Ottoman ) and why the Arabian's in the beginning joined force with the English against the Turks Ottomen .[5] CC0A People were being moved around the world starting in 1860 and in 1917. Not just your Drunvalo point of view ! This is the world's story ! Really ! The letter Dear Sir, We are addressing you at this time because we believe that living in truth and justice is more then a fundamental part of divine rule. We adamantly take a stand to honor and revere this principle and believe that contributing to confusion of the truth is a serious crime. There are individuals propagating information attributed to Egyptian Antiquities who are very easy to find when you are researching on the Internet. Their information is confusing the general public who are seeking knowledge about the true history behind Egyptian heritage. These people are destroying history through the written word and conferences they hold. At any time in history it is now critical to have the truth be told not the spread of confusion. Insight and understanding are needed for awareness of cultural evolution. What they are doing is harmful to Egypt. Their teachings are facilitated in 60 different countries but Egypt is needed to legitimize them and is why they travel to your country on specific occasions. They create an illusion of a mystery school as if they were truly like the sacred ancient schools. Through myth they are using Egypt as an umbrella to discredit the existence of Palestine and justify who maybe where his wife is going to school .

The head of these teachings claim they are working in the spiritual realm and he uses as his name, Melchizedek that is truly Blasphemy. This organization is well constructed to give theories that appear legitimate. There is a heavily covered back up system so it is easy when researching this avenue for you to find the vicious spread of tainted information but presented in such as manner that the average individual would not perceive it was misdirected. They align to Gnostic schools,[6] Palestine, and Quaram that adds to the illusive process.[7] There are conspiracy theories and connections to Quantum physics that does not give any valid proof of their teachings , with no basis for validity . But that the reason the so called flower of Drunvalo lies uses quantum physics ,so they can play with their victims minds. ( He use a mythic science , according to Mr Gerald Thomas Welch expert on occults and mythic historical origins and author of Orgins of the Travelers of Historical Mythical History . Their theory or so called reason according to Drunvalo himself is to prove that they are so higher being so they can collect money and fill others minds with junk science based not on quantum any-thing but there so called teaching Drunvalo and his flower of lies .The Spirit of Ma'at . In which he Drunvalo claims he has trade marked . But we believe that this belong to the people of Egypt and of cause the Egypt government . These followers of Drunvalo and member of the Spirit of Ma'at with hundreds of thousand followers world wide , who are unknowing victims of mind control programs experts and charlatans extraordinaire . These charlatans who teach nothing, but Drunvalo makes sure that he or his wife collects money from them. He and his close follower visit Egypt quite a lot . Drunvalo Melchizedek, as he calls himself has been quoted as saying when referring to physics that he realized was no science at all. An also that physicists just like archeologist will turn their heads to the Truth if it means too much of a change too fast.

We know this highly developed program of misdirection because of personal experience when we were attacked. We sincerely share this information with you to join in an effort to stop this movement toward destroying true history. Drunvalo Melchizedek is a partner with Michael Rowan and Eric Ekvall ( Narco News). Websites: also see Flower of Life Research is not in charge of Drunvalo Melchizedek's personal schedule. For this reason we recommend that you visit the web site where his personal schedule for upcoming workshops and events around the world is posted. It is also important to say that the advanced workshops with Drunvalo are not a prerequisite for any of the advanced programs presented by Flower of Life Research, such as the Seed of Life and the FOL Facilitator Training. To see Drunvalo's personal schedule (for workshops and events around the world), click here This is his schedule where he is spreading more misfits information the world according to Drunvalo and his flower of lies no using the spirtit of ma'at and paying no royality to Eypgt for the trade marks names . ara mantenerte informado... Las oficinas de Flower of Life Research no estn a cargo de la agenda personal de Drunvalo. Por eso te recomendamos que visites el sitio web en donde se publica su calendario de talleres y eventos a presentarse alrededor del mundo. Tambin es importante que sepas que los talleres avanzados con Drunvalo no son requisito previo para ninguno de los programas avanzados presentados por Flower of Life Research, como La Semilla de la Vida y el Programa de Entrenamiento para Facilitadores. Para ver el calendario web con los talleres y eventos que Drunvalo ofrece a la familia de La Flor de la Vida y pblico en general, con y sin traduccin al espaol, haz clic aqu. Para visitar su sitio web oficial, Spirit of Ma'at, haz clic aqu Sincerely in best regards, Perfect Science AD, Inc. Terry Welch Joann Spreitzer Nancy O'Brien Welch The late Anne Dunleavy O'Brien

Jim Trider PS Is your'srunvalo and Ekvall dislike of Terry Welch because she was married to a Saudi Arabian a long time ago or because your front does not fool her . ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ______ This notice and others were post on the Flower of Life in the 1999 Perfect Science did not want nor ask for Drunvalo nor his talk at Wesak . Perfect Science is not nor was a occult nor wanted anything to do with Drunvalo nor his followers . They post that in 1999 ! On That Flower of Life ! Full Circle Int gi-win/board.exe/viewall$science Post on the Flower of Life ( No report was ever shown , because Perfect Science would bring them all into court that a fact ) Drunavlo aka Dru to the people close in his inner circle he is the teacher of hearsay Many people claim they done report of tests on our health formula's so lets see! The establishment of a fact by the use of evidence. Anything that can make a person believe that a fact or proposition is true or false. It is distinguishable from evidence in that proof is a broad term comprehending everything that may be adduced at a trial, whereas evidence is a narrow term describing certain types of proof that can be admitted at trial. The phrase burden of proof includes two distinct concepts, the Burden of Persuasion and the Burden of Going Forward. The burden of persuasion is the duty of a party to convince the trier of fact of all the elements of a Cause of Action. The burden of going forward refers to the need of a party to refute evidence introduced at trial that damages or discredits his or her position in the action. The burden of persuasion remains with the plaintiff or prosecutor throughout the action, whereas the burden of going forward can shift between the parties during the trial. In a civil action, the requisite degree of proof is a preponderance of the evidence.The plaintiff must show that more probably than not the defendant violated his or her rights. In a criminal action, the prosecutor has the burden of establishing guilt Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

Flower of Life send people to Istanbul before the earthquake in 1999 to live there and try to merge two tech together ,[8] also set up an office in the Istanbul . Flower of Life leader Drunvalo ]has his follower spread rumors afraid to lose his new age market . This is MO of all new age leaders or so called enlightened beings , their pockets. docid=0Ad57f1ZjdUUaZGY0OXJuanRfNDY2ZGo5aGNiaG4&hl=en Eric and Drunvalo work This including spreading rumor and out right lies. In 1999 when Perfect did not gave over their formula's to Drunvalo not the Flower of Life he send his followers to spread rumors the subject of many case case today in Germany and Poland . Which is still going in 1999 on the internet today by manly third hand information . docid=0Ad57f1ZjdUUaZGY0OXJuanRfNDY4ZnNtcTZxY3c&hl=en Doyuk has had many follwer join his groups and the lie's of Drunvalo still live on . Except now Doyuk is in court for Drunvalo lie's over Perfect Science in Poland and Germany . Doyuk was happy to follower Drunvalo story so he could get around science in Europe sp-su98/saponins.html . Bring them on show and tell . Word or Lies The hearsay rule is a rule of evidence which prohibits admitting testimony or documents into evidence when the statements contained therein are offered to prove their truth and the maker of the statements is not able to testify about it in court. Hearsay is "second-hand" information. Because the person who supposedly knew the facts is not in court to give testimony, the trier of fact cannot judge the demeanor and credibility of the alleged first-hand witness, and the other party's lawyer cannot cross-examine him or her. Therefore, there is a constitutional due process danger that it deprives the other side of an opportunity to confront and cross-examine the "real" witness who originally saw or heard something.

However, there are numerous exceptions to the hearsay rule. Drunvalo spread lies about the Health Formula and in the talk he claimed they were not to drink . This was total lie's . Drunvalo people then tried to scare people even claiming that Perfect Science should move to Mexico or Yelm . Occults Rules The reason is he wanted money and to take the formula away from mainline science into his strange world . Drunvalo and most new age follower of the Iam movement must claim many things The gnsis referred to in the term is a form of revealed, esoteric knowledge through which the spiritual elements of humanity are reminded of their true origins within the superior Godhead, being thus permitted to escape materiality.[5] Consequently, within the sects of gnosticism only the pneumatics or psychics obtain gnsis; the hylic or Somatics, though human, being incapable of perceiving the higher reality, are unlikely to attain the gnsis deemed by gnostic movements as necessary for salvation.[6][7] Jesus of Nazareth is identified by some Gnostic sects as an embodiment of the supreme being who became incarnate to bring gnsis to the earth.[8] In others (e.g. the Notzrim and Mandaeans) he is considered a miha kdaba or "false messiah" who perverted the teachings entrusted to him by John the Baptist.[9] Still other traditions identify Mani and Seth, third son of Adam and Eve, as salvific figures. To be the new age profit for his pockets not Doyuk's nor Perfect Science . All of the Flower of Life were told this in 1999 in Istanbul over 100 people . posted on Flower of Life Aug/1999 way back device August, 1999 Michael Mathias' ( Invitation to Symposium:Istanbul ) History of Perfect Science ( Terry Welch ) "Greetings from Istanbul! My name is Michael Mathias and I am working with Mr. Ayhan Doyuk of Perfect Science to form a worldwide organization aimed at cleaning the environment through the global distribution of Perfect Science products. Many of you recently emailed me inquiring about a symposium to be held in Turkey on August 7th and 8th. Apparently, there are many different accounts of the content and purpose of this symposium floating around cyberspace. So let me attempt to clarify the situation by telling what is known at this point. On August 7th and 8th, a symposium will be held at the Tarabya Hotel in Istanbul. The event will feature Mr. Doyuk demonstrating and explaining his technology particularly as it relates to its application in the cleaning of the interior and

exterior of buildings. (This comes on the heels of a recent contract with a government contractor to do this type of work.) The symposium is sponsored by the Turkish government and will be targeted to management-level government employees and employees of government contractors who may have an interest in utilizing Perfect Science technology within their organizations. { the factory Perfect Science in Turkey 1999 many of the Flower of Life had a tour given en by Andrew Nixon Pan_Thor Sharon Ct , Lex Hahn Natural Resource Systems ( Joliet , Illinois ) , Joanne and Bill Spreitzer (who also cash in their life insurance policies when the factory went into the ground in 1999 ) , Nancy Welch Perfect Science , Terry Welch Perfect Science AD , and Randall Miller of oak Hurst , NJ Pan_Thor After the earthquake the new age on the internet of spite and jealousy [9] or just unenlightened post was their a earthquake in Turkey in 1999 this is their way of putting down the information from Drunvalo talk at Wesak . The late Slim Spurling getting in on the act even claim that he Perfect Science had his silly tools that would have stop the earthquake in Turkey . The Follower of this new age movement have a God or Mother nature complex . [10] At this time, the agenda for the event has yet to be finalized. There are no fees to attend and no formal invitation is required. Understandably, given the target audience, the symposium will be conducted entirely in Turkish. Nonetheless, to those of you from abroad who are planning to come to Turkey for this event, we whole-heartedly welcome you and we will do everything we can to ensure that it's an informative and enjoyable experience. For those of you who are unable to attend this particular event but have an interest in coming to Turkey to better understand Perfect Science AD , I invite you to attend a very special event to be held in Istanbul from Saturday, September 18th through Tuesday, September 21st. This four-day event will mark the grand opening of the new Perfect Science manufacturing facility and the public launch of Perfect Science International, Mr. Doyuk's newly formed worldwide organization. There will be a number of demonstrations and talks given throughout the four-day event (including a world press conference on the 21st), all designed to provide a better understanding of the Perfect Science technology and the new organization. During your time in Turkey, you will be able to tour the new facility and hear directly from Mr. Doyuk and others involved in Perfect Science AD (Delware ) . In addition, participants of this event can take part in sightseeing trips through historic (and very charming) Istanbul during that weekend.

[One more added incentive for those who don't speak Turkish: this event will be conducted entirely in English, as the target audience and content will be of a much more international scope.] If you are interested in attending this special four-day Perfect Science event, please respond back to this message confirming your interest, and I will be sure to send you further details in the coming weeks. Also, please feel free to forward this message to friends and family who may also be interested in attending this special event. If you are planning to attend the symposium in early August, please respond with your planned arrival date and flight information and I will be happy to assist you with hotel arrangements or whatever else you may need in anticipation of that event. Your interest in these events and your underlying intent to help restore the Earth to its original, pristine state is sincerely appreciated. We look forward to continued interaction with you related to the Perfect Science mission and hope to welcome each you to Istanbul in the very near future. Sincerely, Michael J. Mathias Download Neoplanet at" Also this from archive org way back Flower of Life Discussion Forum [Announcements ] [Spirituality and Metaphysics ] [Sacred Geometry ] [Interdimensional Communication ] [Science & New Technology ] [Chat & Misc. ] [Earth & Environment ] Information about Perfect Science [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ Flower of Life Discussion Board ] Posted by : Daniel O'Connell on 11/5/99 3:21:57 PM Message : My name is Daniel O'Connell and I am the attorney for Perfect Science in Turkey and the United States, as well as its subsidiary companies. Recently, there have been many declarations published on the internet concerning Perfect Science. Some of what you have read is true and some of it is not[11]. I was in attendance at the Washington symposium with Dr. Mike Mickley PHD Dr. Mickley, does speak for Perfect Science, as well as, Mr. Randall Miller, Dr. John Makuzis, Mr. Lex Hahn, Ms. Sandra Blaine-Pacheco, Ms. Terry Welch, and myself. Should you receive any information that you cannot verify as coming from these people or my clients, who are Perfect Science, then you should hold it suspect and check out the source.

I understand the unbridled enthusiasm associated with the science and I understand the two aspects of this enthusiasm. The higher aspect, of course, is to attain a clean environment and free ourselves, our homes and our earth of the poisons we have heaped upon ourselves. The other aspect of this enthusiasm is quite obviously driven by fear, greed, and their misbegotten progeny, the lust for control. Do not be misled by misguided information that has been coming through non-Perfect Science sources that may mean well. Much good can happen especially if all of our personal egos can be kept out of the way. Daniel F. O'Connell Attorney at Law ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Drunvalo tries to take and claim other work . He uses many way's f I had known something about theology - if I had heard about Satanism, Lucifer, the "dark side", angelology, messianism, prophecy, miracles, and the like, I might not have been taken by surprise by Mr. Melchizedeks wild response when I telephoned him. "All hell broke loose", so to speak, when I asked Mr. Melchizedek to help to rein in Mr. Winter as he had promised, and as he wrote in his April 1992 letter to Mr. Winter. Because I was not well educated in Judaism (which puts no emphasis on these things) and because I was not educated at all about Christianity or Islam (which apparently take Satan and the "dark side" more seriously than does Judaism), I was not at all prepared for Mr. Melchizedeks weird theological arguments. I was certainly not prepared for Mr. Melchizedeks threats and his intervention to prevent Meru Foundation from defending the integrity (and usefulness) of our original work from Mr. Winter and his abuses and misrepresentations of it. I was not at all prepared when Mr. Melchizedek told me that he would not rein in Mr. Winter unless I joined with him and his multi-millionaire benefactor, Jirka Rysavy in "channeling Lucifer." I had previously heard that Mr. Winter was involved in satanism, but I had not taken it seriously or tried to confirm this. (Mr. Rysavy was then CEO of Corporate Express and Transecon in Broomfield, Colorado, and he is now CEO of Gaiam, the health food and exercise equipment mega-corporation that is currently taking over numerous independent businesses. As we know from the transcript of Mr. Winters first "confession" (posted at < [link to] >) Mr. Winter later

worked for Transecon, under a "front" company, set up by Mr. Rysavy, until Mr. Rysavy fired him for refusing to end his plagiarism of my work.) What followed was like a grade "B" horror or gangster movie. Mr. Melchizedek not only told me that he and Mr. Rysavy were channeling Lucifer, but that now that he had told me this, if I did not go alone with him and if I did not turn my work over to Mr. Winter, "they (I assume he and/or his Lucifer-channeling friends) would get me." I was taken completely by surprise. I expected Mr. Melchizedek to be reasonable and caring and to help me to rein in Mr. Winter. Instead I was told about something really sick and dangerous, and I was told if I did not acquiesce, he and/or the others involved with him in channeling Lucifer would actively try to destroy my work and my credibility, and see to it that Mr. Winter got the credit - and that they would support Mr. Winters wildly untrue version of events. At this point, completely blind-sided, I lost it and I got angry. I wish I had a recording of what I actually said, because that would put the lie to what Mr. Melchizedek went on to claim I said - but I dont. (It was incidents such as this that later prompted us to videotape Mr. Winters first confession.) I am sure I told him "to go to hell." I am sure I yelled something to the effect that it would be more effective to hire someone to get him and Mr. Winter than to use the courts. I was really angry. But, it never occurred to me (and obviously it could not be true) that Mr. Melchizedek, on hearing me tell him to "go to hell", actually, somehow, thought I had the power to make this so. Mr. Melchizedek then went on to fulfill his threat to harm me. This takes us to Mr. Melchizedeks letter to Mr. Winter and Mr. Winters attorney, Stephen Salai, Esq., and to Meru Foundations attorney, Brian Coyne, Esq. If anyone has questions or comments, or would like to see more evidence or whatever. Yours truly, Stan Tenen Director of Research, Meru Foundation FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, AND ORDER in re Tenen v. Winter Order signed by Plaintiffs and Defendant on July 24, 1998 Order signed by USDJ Charles J. Siragusa on September 9, 1998 Order filed with US District Court, Western District of New York at Rochester on September 11, 1998 Below is reproduced the exact text of the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order of July 24, 1998, as modified by a subsequent Order of Judge Siragusa with regard to Raymond Flowers signed on 27 February 2001. Locations of signatures of Plaintiffs, Defendant, and Judge Siragusa are indicated. A

graphic reproduction of the actual signature pages is available via a link at the end of this file. Return to List of Posted Douments UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK AT ROCHESTER STANLEY N. TENEN and CYNTHIA TENEN, ) husband and wife; and MERU FOUNDATION, ) a California non-profit corporation, ) NO. #6:94CV7934 ) Plaintiffs, ) ) v. ) ) DANIEL WINTER, individually and d/b/a ) DANIELWINTER AND FRIENDS and d/b/a ) CRYSTAL HILL INSTITUTE, ) ) Defendant. ) _________________________________________) ________________________________________________________________ ________ FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND ORDER ________________________________________________________________ ________ THIS MATTER having been scheduled for bench trial before the undersigned judge on July 27, 1998, for adjudication of the Complaint for Copyright Infringement and Disparagement filed herein by the plaintiffs and the Answer With Affirmative Defenses And Counterclaim filed herein by the defendant; and the plaintiffs appearing personally by their attorney, Brian J. Coyne, and the defendant appearing pro se, and the court having received and admitted certain documents and deposition testimony into evidence pursuant to the stipulation of the parties, now, therefore, the court enters the following FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Meru Foundation is a California non-profit corporation, with offices at 44 Pole Plain Road, Sharon, Massachusetts. Stanley N. Tenen and Cynthia Tenen are husband and wife and currently reside at the same address in Sharon, Massachusetts. Stanley N. Tenen is Research Director of Meru Foundation; Cynthia Tenen is also an employee of Meru Foundation. Prior to this action, Stanley N. Tenen and Cynthia Tenen were residents of the Northern District of California; during the pendency of this action they moved to their current residence in Massachusetts.

2. The defendant was born and raised in this judicial district, and has resided here for most of his life until May 1995 when he moved to Waynesville, North Carolina. He is currently a resident of North Carolina. 3. In March 1994, the plaintiffs filed a Summons and Complaint for Copyright Infringement and Disparagement in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington at Tacoma under cause number C94-5090B, and the defendant, who then resided at Eden, New York, was personally served with the same within the Western District of New York. 4. The defendant, by his then legal counsel, Michael Blue, moved the court in the Western District of Washington for change of venue to this judicial district, and that court ordered venue transferred to this district. Initially, this matter was assigned to Hon. William M. Skretny, USDJ., in the Western District of New York at Buffalo under cause number C94-934S, and was thereafter transferred to the above-named court in Rochester. 5. Stanley N. Tenen received a Bachelor of Science degree in physics from the Polytechnic University of New York in Brooklyn; his undergraduate minor was in mathematics. From 1963 to 1968 he worked as a physicist and engineer at Sylvania Corporation, Block Engineering, and Raytheon Corporation. From 1968 to the present, Stanley N. Tenen has been engaged in research on the traditional philosophical basis of geometric metaphor, including sacred alphabets. He, together with other interested persons, created Meru Foundation in 1983 to support original research regarding the philosophical and historical origins of the Hebrew alphabet and other sacred alphabets, geometric metaphor, autocorrelation patterns of the Hebrew letters of Genesis, and the religious and philosophical implications thereof, if any. Meru Foundation has qualified as a tax exempt educational foundation pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 501(c )(3). 6. Stanley N. Tenen created the following original works, which were registered in his name by the U.S. Copyright Office: Title Nature of Work US Copyright Registration No. Registration Date A Short Course in Time Monograph Txu35-092 Dec. 26, 1979 A Short Course in Time Monograph (revised) Txu72-910 April 24, 1981 A Short Course in Time Monograph (2nd rev.) Txu141-436 Oct. 4, 1983 Geometric Metaphors of Life Video recorded lecture PA467-566 Mar. 7, 1990 Module of Menorah Modular Sculpture VAu301-939 June 27, 1994 A Matrix of Meaning for Sacred Alphabets Video recorded lecture PA557-242 Jan. 27, 1992 Hand, Finger width (Left & Right) Sculpture VA487-381 Jan. 27, 1992 The Ideal Hand (Left & Right) Sculpture VA220-965 Jan. 27, 1992 The Light in the Meeting Tent Monograph Txu515-998 Jan. 27, 1992

7. Daniel Winter received a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from the University of Detroit. He discontinued graduate school at the University of Detroit after less than one semester, has had no other graduate school training, and holds no graduate school or professional degrees from any college or university. Mr. Winter holds no technical or medical degrees or academic credentials. While residing in a farm house at Eden, New York, between 1986 and May 1995, he did business as Daniel Winter And Friends and as Crystal Hill Farm (as well as other names); thereafter, he moved to Waynesville, North Carolina, where he did business as Circle of Life Health Center, Crystal Hill Multi-Media, San Graal School, and San Graal Educational Foundation, Inc.. His business included creating, advertising, distributing, and selling various works in his own name in print, computer and video media on a variety of topics. Topics treated in his works included, among others, his personal ideas on sacred geometry and sacred alphabets, the "wave nature of geometry and emotion," the "psychodynamics of ecstasy," and the "relationship of emotional coherence to the programming of the immune system," all copiously illustrated by his own computer graphics. These works included the following titles: Planet Heartworks -- A New Synthesis (book); Alphabet of the Heart (book); Sacred Geometry --The Unified Field (video tape); The Language of Geometry Animated (CD-ROM). After moving to Waynesville, North Carolina, he created a new version of Alphabet of the Heart with the assistance of his publisher, Vincent Bridges, of Aethyrea, Ltd. While there, he created The Sacred Geometry CD (CD-ROM) and Raymond Flowers, doing business as San Graal Bookstore, advertised, distributed and sold his works. 8. In September 1987, the defendant contacted Meru Foundation and expressed his interest in their research efforts. He visited their offices in California and sought information regarding their research. He expressed his desire to help them obtain funding for their work. Stanley N. Tenen provided to the defendant a copy of a preliminary draft of The Light in the Meeting Tent bearing on its front cover the legend: "Preliminary/Pre-Publication Confidential." This, together with copies of other unpublished research documents of Meru Foundation, he gave to the defendant on the express condition that dissemination of the research findings reported in those documents would only occur in coordination with the plaintiffs and on an item-by-item basis. The research findings reported in these documents included description of the design of philosophically meaningful three-dimensional vortex sculptures that were conceived by Stanley N. Tenen, referred to therein as "flame letter" vortices, and depicted in various spatial

orientations usually within a tetrahedral frame. The orientations of the "flame letter" vortex were chosen by Stanley N. Tenen to demonstrate that his philosophically designed "flame letter" vortex sculptures have the property that, depending upon the spatial orientation of the vortex, it can be made to resemble each of the letters of the Hebrew (Greek and Arabic) alphabet; that is, depending on the spatial orientation, the three-dimensional "flame letter" vortex casts "shadowgrams" or two-dimensional projections that resemble Hebrew (Greek and Arabic) letter forms. The same "flame letter" vortex depicted in these documents he modeled by metal sculptures, which he thereafter registered with the U.S. Copyright Office under the titles The Ideal Hand (Left & Right), Registration Number VAu220-965, and Hand, Finger Width (Left & Right), U.S. Copyright Registration Number VA487-381. 9. In early 1988, the defendant submitted written questions to Meru Foundation about the "flame letter" sculpture. At the defendant's request, Stanley N. Tenen stood before a video camera, demonstrated his "flame letter" sculptures on camera in a variety of spatial orientations, and responded to the defendant's questions read aloud to him by a person off camera. Soon thereafter, Meru Foundation sent a copy of the video tape so recorded to the defendant. At about the same time, a copy of the same video tape was also sent to Richard Hoagland who so identified it in his sworn deposition taken at the instance of the plaintiffs in this action. 10. In early 1988, without the plaintiffs' knowledge or permission, the defendant copied into his Planet Heartworks -- A New Synthesis at pages 132 through 134, and 136 through 143, the entire pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12 of the plaintiffs' The Light in the Meeting Tent. The same monograph also contained unauthorized copies of various pages from Torus, a journal published by Meru Foundation. 11. By letter of April 24, 1989, from attorney Kenneth R. Allen of the law offices of Townsend and Townsend, the plaintiffs demanded that the defendant cease and desist all use of the term "Meru" in connection with his work, omit from all his materials any reference to Meru or Mr. Tenen; cease and desist use of copyrighted materials obtained from Meru Foundation, from Mr. Tenen, or from other authorized Meru officials; cease and desist any further breach of an agreement with Meru Foundation regarding use of proprietary material; return to the Meru Foundation all proprietary materials and copyrighted materials of the Meru Foundation in his possession; and provide to Townsend and Townsend a list of individuals and organizations he contacted with any representation whatsoever referencing the

Meru Foundation or Mr. Tenen. Exhibit 6 annexed to the verified Complaint. 12. The defendant did not cease distributing the materials supplied to him by the plaintiffs. Instead, in early 1991, and in the presence of his house guest, Richard Leviton, he proceeded to model the "flame letter" vortex on his Macintosh computer using Aldus Super 3D computer graphics software. Deposition Transcript of Richard Leviton. In the succeeding months and years, he incorporated the computer graphical images so obtained into his Alphabet of the Heart, and following this, into his CD-ROM, The Language of Geometry Animated, wherein he also included working copies of Aldus Super 3D computer graphics software, copyright to Michael Martin, after being refused permission by Mr. Martin to do so. The defendant also reproduced his same computer graphics model of the "flame letter" vortex on his Website on the Internet and, together with Raymond Flowers, also posted it on the San Graal Website. The defendant's website also encouraged others to reproduce his computer graphics model of the "flame letter" vortex. 13. By letter of October 24, 1991, the defendant reassured the plaintiffs that he would "cease sharing the material related to the original alphabet both video and written, for the time necessary to resolve the issues between Stan and myself;" Exhibit 8 annexed to the verified Complaint . The defendant also telephoned Stanley N. Tenen on October 24, 1991, and agreed to "cease distributing printed material or videotapes as of today, until we settle this issue," and further agreed that, if he gives lectures, he will not lecture on this material. The defendant and Mr. Tenen further agreed to jointly write a cover letter to be attached to all future material that the defendant distributes acknowledging that all material on alphabets and Genesis was originated by Meru Foundation. Thereafter, by letter of November 4, 1991, to the defendant, Mr. Tenen reaffirmed his offer to write such a cover letter; Exhibit 10 annexed to verified Complaint. Contrary to his agreement to cease lecturing with these materials, the defendant continued to present these materials to lecture audiences throughout the United States and in foreign countries. 14. The defendant represented to his readers and to his audiences that the way to model the "flame letter" vortex by computer graphics is to project a Golden Mean spiral onto a torus, and that is the only way to do it. That was misleading because there are actually many ways to model the "flame letter" vortex on a computer; it is not necessary to use a Golden Mean spiral. Thus, the Golden Mean spiral is a false, technically discrediting, and irrelevant overspecification in this context. Furthermore, there is no mathematical basis for limiting the

number of turns of a Golden mean spiral (which winds an infinite number of turns around an origin point) to just the one the onehalf turns that appear in the "flame letter " vortex. Still further, no mathematical reason or requirement exists for choosing to depict the "flame letter" vortex, as the plaintiffs do in their above-listed works, within a tetrahedral frame. It is a purely aesthetic choice. 15. The copyrights for the works of Stanley N. Tenen listed in Finding Number 6 are valid, and they are enforceable against the defendant. The "flame letter" vortex is an original, artistic creation of Stanley N. Tenen; his copyright sculptures listed in Finding Number 6 are not merely non-copyrightable, mathematical objects as the defendant contended in his affirmative defenses. The laches, "fair use," and other affirmative defenses of the defendant fail for lack of substantial evidence to support them. The defendant has agreed to honor said copyrights in the future. 16. The defendant has infringed the copyrights of the plaintiffs as follows: a) copying of substantial portions of The Light in the Meeting Tent into his book entitled Planet Heartworks -- A New Synthesis;, and by distributing and publishing the same; and b) creating a computer graphics copy of the plaintiffs' copyright sculpture renditions of their "flame letter" vortex, i.e., the plaintiffs' sculptures listed in Finding of Fact Number 6, which constitutes an unauthorized derivative work based on said sculptures and based on the two-dimensional views thereof depicted within tetrahedral frames in the plaintiffs' Light in the Meeting Tent, and by distributing and publishing the same in a variety of media, including, in the following works: (1) Alphabet of the Heart; (2) Sacred Geometry -- The Unified Field; (3) The Interconnectedness of All things; (6) Physics of Consciousness ; (7) Feeling for Language, Anglish, Symmetry & Oneness (Parts 1 and 2); (8) The Language of Geometry Animated; (9) The Sacred Geometry CD; (10) reproductions of the "flame letter" on his website and on the website of San Graal; and (11) by publicly displaying his computer graphics version of the "flame letter" vortex in his lectures, workshops, and advertisements. These copyright infringements were willful and malicious. The infringements were willful in that they were done knowingly and intentionally, and despite the continuous and strenuous objections of the plaintiffs. The defendant stated that he

considers copyrights to be "childish" and that all information should be "shared." The infringements were malicious in that they were done, and continued to be done, even after the plaintiffs informed the defendant that his behavior was damaging them in the following ways: (1) it was usurping their exclusive right under copyright law to choose the time and manner of first publication of their copyright works (before publishing their results, they wanted review and comment from scholars in Judaism, mathematics and other academic disciplines); (2) it was confusing members of the public as to who was the originator of the "flame letter" vortex (see, for example, deposition of Richard Hoagland regarding members of his lecture audiences confusing the published works of Daniel Winter with the work of Stanley N. Tenen); (3) it was misrepresenting the nature of the work by misleading people to think that it had some strong or necessary link to the Golden Mean spiral; (4) it was combined and published with other materials created by the defendant that the plaintiffs considered to be pseudoscience and with which they did not want their names and reputations associated, which jeopardized the plaintiffs' ability to be treated as serious scholars;. and (5) it was interfering with the plaintiffs' ability to obtain research funding. Inasmuch as The Alphabet of the Heart includes materials that were not originated by the defendant and were used without permission, it is false and misleading for the defendant to claim to be the author of that work. 17. Through his various public statements in print and electronic media, the defendant disparaged the plaintiffs and their work in at least the following ways: (a) by falsely claiming that Stanley Tenen is a "Hibiru priest "and refuses to share the "flame letter" vortex; (b) by falsely claiming that the plaintiffs contend they own the shapes of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet even after they protested that they made no such claim; (c) by falsely claiming that Stanley N. Tenen was incapable of modeling the "flame letter" vortex by computer graphics; and (d) by falsely claiming that the only way to model the "flame letter" vortex is by projecting a Golden Mean spiral onto a torus. 18. The parties have stipulated that the court may receive and review the following documents in support of the foregoing Findings of Fact: (a) The copyright registration certificates listed in Finding of Fact 6;

(b) Deposition of Richard Leviton plaintiffs' Exhibit 109, specifically: page 11 lines 13 - 26 page 12 lines 1 - 26 page 13 lines 1 - 24 page 14 lines 12 - 26 page 26 lines 3 - 26 page 27 lines 1 - 27 page 28 lines 1 - 21 page 30 lines 10 - 24 page 32 lines 5 - 26 page 33 lines 1 -16 page 34 lines 1 - 13 page 35 lines 4 - 14 page 38 lines 19 - 26 page 39 lines 1 - 10 page 46 lines 23 - 26 page 47 lines 1 - 26 page 14 lines 1 - 19 page 50 lines 1 - 26 page 51 lines 1 - 4 page 51 lines 24 - 26 page 52 lines 1 - 25 (c) Deposition of Honora Finkelstein, specifically page 10 lines 7 - 24 page 11 lines 1 - 14 (d) Deposition of Susan Smily, specifically page 27 lines 19 - 24 page 28 lines 1 - 21 (e) Deposition of Daniel Winter, 24 October 1995, specifically pages 11 - 12 pages 15 - 20 page 23 lines 23 - 25 page 24 line 1 page 38 page 53 lines 8 - 11 page 54 lines 15 - 25 page 55 lines 1 - 9 (b) Deposition of Richard Hoagland, specifically page 62 lines 15 - 25 page 63 page 64 page 65 page 66 lines 1 - 5 (c) The Light in the Meeting Tent; (d) The Alphabet of the Heart;

(e) Each of the exhibits mentioned in the foregoing Findings of Fact that are attached to the verified Complaint; and (f) Deposition of James Fournier, specifically: page 30 lines 15 - 26 page 31 lines 1 - 26 page 32 lines 1 - 14. (g) Plaintiffs' Exhibit #132 (h) Plaintiffs' Exhibit #66 (i) Plaintiffs' Exhibit #67 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. This court has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter. 2. The plaintiffs' copyrights listed in Finding of Fact Number 6 are valid. 3. The plaintiffs' copyrights listed in Finding of Fact Number 6 are enforceable against the defendant, his employees and agents, and persons in privity with him. 4. The plaintiffs' copyrights listed in Finding of Fact Number 6 are infringed by works of the defendant listed in Finding of Fact Number 8. 5. The affirmative defenses of the defendant are invalid. 6. The Counterclaim of the defendant should be dismissed with prejudice. Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to an agreement of the parties reached while the defendant was represented, for settlement purpose only, by an attorney licensed for, and admitted to practice in this judicial district, the court enters the following : ORDER IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the defendant, as well as each of his employees and agents, whether he does business as Daniel Winter And Friends or Crystal Hill Farm or San Graal School or under any other name, and each person in privity with him, if any, is permanently enjoined from engaging in any of the following activities: 1. making, advertising, giving away, selling or publicly displaying any writing or visual presentation that contains or includes any copy or representation of any copyrightable written expression of the plaintiffs, whether text or image, that appears in any of the copyright works of the plaintiffs, including any writing that depicts either of the plaintiffs' copyright sculptures entitled The Ideal Hand (Left & Right ), U.S. copyright registration number VAu220-965, and Hand, Finger Width (Left & Right), U.S. copyright registration number VA487381, or depicts any two-dimensional or three-dimensional image derived from, based upon, or that appears substantially similar to either sculpture or to the examples attached hereto as

Exhibits A - K, whether or not used to project any alphabet letter form, whether or not created by computer computations or by any other method, and whether or not labeled or referred to as a "flame letter" vortex or by any other name or label [hereinafter referred to as "the original materials"]; 2. making copies of, advertising, giving away, or selling any of the works of the defendant that this court has found infringe the copyrighted works of the plaintiffs; 3. making any affirmative oral or written representation that he is the author of The Alphabet of the Heart, or condoning others in doing so; but, he may respond truthfully to inquiries so long as he provides the Corrective Notice to written inquiries and offers to provide it to all written inquiries, exclusively. 4. making any oral or written representation to any person or entity that he is or ever was a colleague or associate of Meru Foundation or of Stanley N. Tenen, or that he participated in or assisted them in any of their research efforts; 5. making any oral or written representation that could mislead or be misconstrued to any person or entity that his work or writings have been reviewed, or in any way validated, by Meru Foundation or any member of the Advisory Board of Meru Foundation, and from quoting from, distributing, or publishing any correspondence with any of them, or from representing that he is in any way associated with Meru Foundation or with them, without first obtaining the express written permission of said Advisory Board member(s) or of their estates (a partial listing is attached as Exhibit L); and 6. making or publishing any oral or written disparaging or unsubstantiated statement, or any statement inconsistent with these findings of fact, to any person or entity about the quality, originality, competence, motives or religious status of the plaintiffs or about their published or unpublished works. For purposes of this Order, the term "writing" means any bound or unbound book, monograph, magazine, "CAT-A-zine," catalogue, or other printed matter; any video-tape, CD-ROM, motion picture, photograph, or photocopy; any Internet, World Wide Web, computer E-mail or computer bulletin board posting; and any sculpture or three-dimensional model. The term "writing" includes, but is not limited to, Alphabet of the Heart (book); Sacred Geometry -- The Unified Field (video-tape); The Interconnectedness of All Things (video-tape); Physics of Consciousness (video-tape); Feeling for Language, Anglish, Symmetry & Oneness (Parts 1 and 2) (videotape); Flowforms and Living Water (video-tape); Starseed and the Sun Dance (video-tape); Animated Chakras, Braided Geometry in the Aura (video-tape); all video-tapes containing the "flameletter" vortex and derivatives that the defendant has created since the commencement of this action; and all CD-ROMs,

containing the "flame letter" vortex and derivatives directly or indirectly created by the defendant, including The Language of Geometry Animated and The Sacred Geometry CD. Examples of depictions of the "flame letter" vortex that the defendant is enjoined from copying, advertising, distributing, giving away, publicly displaying or selling are appended hereto as Exhibits A, through K, inclusive, which by this reference are incorporated into this Order. The scope of images that the defendant is enjoined from copying, advertising, distributing, giving away, publicly displaying or selling includes letter forms derived from, based upon, or projections from a "flame letter" vortex, including recursive and fractal configurations thereof, regardless to which alphabet the letter forms belong, and regardless of whether they may be part of the Roman, English, Greek, Hebrew or Arabic alphabet, or any other alphabet; but said scope also includes all two-dimensional views thereof, including all such views that do not resemble letter forms of any alphabet. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the defendant shall send to each person and entity on his E-mail mailing list and on his surface mail mailing list, and shall post on his Internet Website for a period of twelve (12) years, the following notice, in 10-point type, boxed, as formatted below: CORRECTIVE NOTICE Stanley N. Tenen, Research director of Meru Foundation, a California non-profit foundation, is the creator of original "flame letter' sculptures. Mr. Tenen owns the copyrights on these sculptures, which he has licensed to Meru Foundation. I am not now, and never have been, an associate or colleague of Meru Foundation or Mr. Tenen. I acknowledge Mr. Tenen's copyrights as valid and enforceable. There are many ways to model Mr. Tenen's "flame letter" sculpture on a personal computer by a spiral strip or a line that will cast letter-form shadows. One need not use a Golden Mean spiral to do it. Thus, the Golden Mean spiral is an irrelevant overspecification for creating Hebrew, Arabic, Roman, Greek, and English (or any other) letter-forms. Mr. Tenen's legally required notifications of my violations of his copyrights were not harassment and I refute and apologize for having made that false claim and for my other personal and technical untruths, personal disparagements, and anti-Semitic characterizations. * Mr. Tenen never refused to make his works available to others who asked first and honored his copyrights. * Mr. Tenen produced copyright computer graphics of his "flame letter" vortex sculptures in 1987, before I did.

* I hold no technical or medical degrees. * Mr. Tenen's scholarly concern for the integrity of his works is, and has been, fully warranted, and Mr. Tenen is neither greedy, a fanatic, nor secretive, nor a "Jewish or Hiburu priest." I regret that others have been misled by my false claims, and I strongly encourage Mr. Vincent Bridges my publisher, and Drunvalo Melchizadek, a/k/a/ Bernard Perona d/b/a Flower of Life, Inc., and all others who have repeated my false and hurtful reports, to stop doing so. I refute my misstatements and apologize for all of this, and I request that others now pass on, post, and report this Corrective Notice everywhere that false reports have appeared. For further information, contact: Meru Foundation P.O. Box 503 Sharon, MA 02067 Internet: Email: I want to be clear: I have posted this Corrective Notice because I believe it to be the complete and simple truth. I request that my friends support my efforts to end these matters by scrupulously honoring and defending Mr. Tenen's and Meru Foundation's copyrights and good reputation. Do not pass on and please do not make any further copies or derivations of the "flame letter" vortex and alphabet forms or their derivatives. SIGNATURE DATE: ______________________________ DANIEL WINTER This Corrective Notice shall remain posted prominently and directly on the Home Page of the defendant's Internet website, and on whatever website pages have advertised the infringing materials, including those on the websites maintained by Raymond Flowers, for a period of twelve (12) years, or for so long as the defendant or his agents maintain any website. The plaintiff may create and maintain a website displaying the above-recited Corrective Notice. If it comes to the attention of the defendant that any person or entity, without the express permission of the plaintiffs, is advertising, copying, distributing, giving away, or selling the enjoined materials, he shall promptly state in writing that he supports the plaintiffs' copyrights and request in writing that person or entity to cease and desist immediately, and provide a copy of the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order; if the person or entity does not comply within 10 days, he shall immediately post this written request to that person or entity on his website.

Although it shall be the duty of the defendant to send the corrective notice to his entire email and surface mail mailing list, in order to expedite the surface mailing the plaintiffs may assist in the surface mailing as requested, and have agreed to pay the costs therefor in view of defendant's apparent limited means. The corrective notice shall appear without comment, in every place and medium that the offensive materials appeared previously, and in response to all inquiries. The defendant shall post on the top of the home page of the website belonging to San Graal Bookstore and Crystal Hill Multimedia, or make written demand on Ray Flowers to do so, a link labeled: "Corrective Notice: Read This First", which link, when activated, accesses The Corrective Notice elsewhere on the San Graal website. The defendant shall also send, by certified mail, return receipt requested to the Plaintiffs' business address (postal box address listed above), a copy of the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, this Order, and the Stipulation and Judgment of even date to each of the parties and entities named in Exhibit M. The parties shall not publish the Findings, Conclusions, or Order nor post the same on the Internet, but these files shall be available to individuals and entities upon request, and shall be provided to the defendant's business associates, sponsors, and advisors as listed on the attached Exhibit M. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the defendant shall deliver over to the plaintiffs the entire inventory, wherever located, of each of the following works, and provide to them a sworn, written accounting as to all editions of each: a) The Alphabet of the Heart b) Sacred Geometry - The Unified Field c) The Physics of Consciousness d) The Interconnectedness of All Things e) Feeling for Language ,Anglish, Symmetry & Oneness (parts 1 and 2) f) The In-Phi-Knit Grail g) The Sacred Geometry CD h) Animated Geometry: The Language of Light (CD-ROM) i) The Sacred Geometry of Love said accounting to include: 1) names and addresses of manufacturers and publishers; 2) receipts for manufacture, printing, packaging, and publishing, as available; 3) number of each still in inventory; 4) location of inventory of each;

5) numbers distributed, by any means; and defendant shall provide permission to obtain receipts from manufacturers and publishers. IT IS ALSO ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the counterclaim of the defendant is hereby dismissed with prejudice. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the defendant shall pay the plaintiffs immediately TEN THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($10,000.00) and that the plaintiffs shall have a judgment for SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($75,000.00), payment of which shall be secured by the defendant's forthwith executing a UCC-1 form pledging certain computer and video equipment in his possession as listed on the attached Exhibit N, and the terms of payment of the judgment shall be as follows: (a) the judgment shall accrue postjudgment interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum; provided that postjudgment interest shall accrue at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum if the defendant shall fail to conform in any material way with the terms of this Order and shall fail to cure such failure within fourteen (14) calendar days; (b) the defendant shall make installment payments of no less than ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($1,750.00) per calendar quarter so long as his adjusted gross income as shown on his most recent federal income tax return does not exceed $40,000, but such minimum payments shall be increased pro rata when said income tax return shows his adjusted gross income exceeded $40,000.00, and the amount of the supplementary quarterly payment shall be calculated as TEN PERCENT (10%) of the excess of his adjusted gross income over $40,000.00, pro rata over the calendar year; (c) all payments shall be credited first to interest and the remainder to the unpaid balance; (d) installment payments shall be due on April 1, July 1, October 1, and January 1, provided that the first payment due by April 15, 1999, shall be no less than THIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($3,500.00); (e) until the judgment is paid in full, the defendant shall provide to the plaintiffs no later than May 1 of each year a true, legible and complete copy of his most recent federal income tax return; provided that for any year in which he is not legally required to file a federal income tax return he shall nevertheless provide to the plaintiffs, under oath, the written equivalent showing his gross income from all sources, income exclusions, adjusted gross income, and business expenses in no less detail than would be required on an individual U.S. federal income tax return; (f) until the judgment is paid in full, the defendant shall maintain business records for all his business activities, and,

for each person and entity who pays him money on an independent contractor basis in any calendar year, he shall provide to the plaintiffs a true, complete and legible IRS Form 1099 reciting the total amount of the payments as required by the Internal Revenue Code and Regulations. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that this court shall retain jurisdiction of the parties and the subject matter for the limited purpose of enforcement of this Order and without prejudice to the right of the plaintiffs to seek execution on the judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. DATED this _[9th]___ day of _____[September]____________, 1998. [Signature] ___________________________________________ CHARLES J. SIRAGUSA UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE Presented by: MILES WAY COYNE, PLLC By: _____[Signature]__________________ Brian J. Coyne, attorney for plaintiffs Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order approved for entry by: _______[Signature]__________________________ DANIEL WINTER, defendant State of North Carolina ) County of __[Buncombe]________) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this __[24th]__ day of July, 1998, by DANIEL WINTER, to me personally known, as his own act and deed for the uses and purposes mentioned in the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order. _____________[Notary's Signature]____________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the state of North Carolina, residing at _____[Notary's Address]______________________________. My commission expires : _____[09-29-2002]_______________________. To view a graphic reproduction of the three signature pages, click here: Charles J. Siragusa, USDJ Brian J. Coyne, Esq., for the Plaintiffs Daniel E. Winter and North Carolina Notary View the Exhibits Which are Part of this Order
[edit] =================================================================================================== ==================== com/water/Index.htm er/5phenomtalk.htm Drunvalo talk / also source of Drunvalo claims from a women who name is Linsey (see Ian Gregory site ) claims that she brought from Turkey what Drunvalo claimed was water . Which is not water that was Drunvalo claim not what Perfect Science claimed . Drunvalo using his followers tried to stop the research on Health because of Linsey and his right arm Kathy Barns who arranged meeting in Washington DC for Flower of Life .*/ Rumors spread a so called lab report done by Linsey ( Follower of Drunvalo's ) that as of 2009 no one has seen. In 2009 the rumor appeared on a rumor web site again with no proof . They believe because of Ayhan Doyuk dead beat dad site Flower of Life could sav Drunvalo name in the new age . Flower of Life using Ian Gregory as a disinformation site Flower of follower knows the the source of the web site does not check the facts . The site does allow reader to read the context just his version . (no e-mail address ect ) Drunvalo join venture did not go thu in 1999 Doyuk went on his own marketing and trying to raise fund for Russell , Larry Eastland Mickley tech . Legal action today in Germany and Poland royalties to Perfect Science against Doyuk to name a just a few . [12] click Read the whole story keep in ind that Dru is Drunvalo one of his many names . When Linsey was in Turkey she also had an ET tell that Perfect Science did not creatore the formula's ,no Linsey ET did and Drunvalo told her that in person. His two giant green angels did . But Linsey stated that angels are ET. It takes all kinds to be in the new age world. When on a tour with Nancy Welch , Ann Doyuk ,and Terry Welch of Perfect Science , the Flower of Life follower Linsy was ask to leave ahe Fatih Mosque (Turkish: 'Fatih Camii') or Conqueror's Mosque in English) is an Ottoman imperial mosque located in the Fatih district of Istanbul, Turkey. It was one of the largest examples of Turkish-Islamic architecture in Istanbul and represented an important stage in the development of classic Turkish architecture. Drunvalo The reason is Linsy claimed as a Flower of Drunvalo her ET told her that the architecture was build by ET .

The subject of many of Drunvalo talks wants Perfect Science wanted no part of this madness . It is a well known fact the occults leader's followers will do and say anything for their leader which is the case with the followers of Drunvalo now who are Doyuk's sheep . In the fall of 1999 Full- Circle Inc receive a tel-phone call from Mr Eric Ekvall right before Full -Circle research work shop in Nov of 1999. Mr Eric Ekvall( Narco News Fame claimed in 1999 a women named Monica who was a follower of Drunvalo Flower of Life called and did a lab report stated that their was soap in it. This alway happened around Drunvalo people , which was proven all lies . But Drunvalo still tries today Thu his sheep or followers of all his lies. Drunvalo play dirty games when you dont do what he say's . The Health and Wellness report on the research can be seen in Sarasota (1-941-320-0002 ) proof of Drunvalo working with Eric Ekvall , Linsey , and Peter Jackson lie's ) In 1999 Full Circle who just complete their own report's send copies and also worked with on FDA law firm out east gave copies to Eric Ekvall and also gave one to his wife who happened to be in Sarasota . Eric claim is like what he does best Monica Message went around the world also Eric Ekvall and Stella Zambrano t also went into some Spanish magazine . This letter is address Eric Ekvall , Drunvalo , and Stella Zambrano lie's . This was published and housed in the internet archive . The Letter ________________________________________________________________ ________ From: "elsalto2" <> > To: "Mikael Lund" <> > CC: "Terry Welch" <>, " "Jim Trider" <>, "Stella > Zambrano" <> > Subject: Monica's Message from Brazil > Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 14:11:24 -0300 > > Dear Mr. Lund: > We can share from Argentina, the experience we are > having at a scientific level with the ionized > waters. > > 1) The Laboratory results from the inonized Water Perfect Science > analisys shows: > > BC -Biocult Control (Food and Water Analisys) > Hab.Senasa n336 > Buenos Aires March 31/2000 > Perfect Science > protocol N : 132O5 > Extraction: Superionizated meditation Water > WATER PHYSIQUE-CHEMICAL > TEST > Result > Acceptable Value > ___________________________________ > colour............................. 1 > 5 >

pH................................ 7,5 > > total solid disolves......... 236 > 1500 > total alkaline.................. 114 > --- > total hardness................ < 0,1 > 400 > chloride............................18,6 > 350 > sulphate.......................... 41,5 > 400 > total Fe...........................< 0,3 > <0,3 > manganese.....................< 0,1 > <0,1 > ammoniaco....................< 0,2 > <0,2 > nitrito..............................< 0,1 > <0,1 > nitratos.............................5,0 > 45 > fluoride............................. -- > 0,0 - 1,7 > arsenic...............................-- > <0,05 > lead................................... -- > <0,05 > residual clorine...............0,0 > _____________________________________ > CONCLUSIONS > NA+ :22,9 mg/l sodium > K+ : 37,1 mg/l potassium > The sample analysed is considered DRINKABLE in > accordance with the Health and Safety Law for > Workers # 18587 art.58 on drinkable waters. > > As you can see on the above analisys made by an > Oficial Laboratory the ionizated waters does not > have the 3% of soap as Monica from Brasil says. I > would like to see or have this famous bottles or to > know who made the analisys, which Laboratory did it. > I feel that it is very risky to say an opinion or > make a judgement based only on a bottle of water > because it may be a lot of probabilidades on the > various results. In order to make a conclussion and > a serious judgement of this technology it is > necessary to make a deeper research to get to the > truth by means of scientific methods. > 2) A group of medical doctors here are working on > this technology's research with results more than > satisfactories. > 3) The results on environmental and agricultural > areas have been seen in Iztambul, Turkey. > I could enumerate hundreds of cases I have been with > my eyes. I myself work directly with this technology > and never before had humanity seen such > interrelationship between theory and practice > because it can produce structural changes in the > elements. > This kind of defamations is not serious to be taken > into account because it is based on the analisys of > only one bottle in Brazil, in a Lab that nobody > knows, made by someone who is unknown. > I say this from my own experience with this > technology that is unique and irrefutable. We have a > lot of persons cleaned and balanced in all their > systems from the clinical point of view and this is > real. The rest I cannot trust it is a fact. > Yours, > Dr Fernando Bergel > CC Jerry Mahone CC Gerald T Welch*/

Full -Circle Mr Jim Trider and David Morse and Perfect Science traveled to South America tested hundreds of people this was after the flood in Jan of 2000. In Angel Falls (indigenous name: "Parakupa-vena", which means "the fall from the highest point" or "Kerepakupai mer", which means "waterfall of the deepest place", in Pemon language; Spanish: Salto ngel) is the world's highest waterfall, with a height of 979 m (3,212 ft) and a plunge of 807 m (2,647 ft). It is located in the Canaima National Park (Spanish: Parque Nacional Canaima), a UNESCO World Heritage site in the Gran Sabana region of Bolivar State, ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____ Linsey is a follower of Drunvalo school of thought post more of Drunvalo's rumors on Ian Gregory . "Deprogramming--that is, providing members with information about the cult and showing them how their own decision-making power had been taken away from them." --Margaret Singer, Ph.D. psychologist author of "Cults in Our Midst" Gregory is the very person who ask Ayhan Doyuk child grandparents for money for a link from his site . The reason is so it would be on top of his . Gregory needs Perfect Science site to get people to read his views or jaded comments . It is really a front for Dunvalo group to play good guy / bad guy ! er/5phenomtalk.htm Post in archive Perfect Science web site sp-su98/saponins.html Did you believe Drunvalo or his followers , this week, even for a moment? If you did, it is time to inoculate yourself against this kind of manipulation-by-rumor so that you never get fooled again by this internet crap from so called self proclaims profits for their pockets (coined perfect science Terry Welch) .*/ Drunvalo also free down load of his talk

az=view_all&address=245x102944/// ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ __o____ Drunvalo Flower of Life tries to stop Perfect Science from being used by spreading rumors though many people not just Linsey in Ireland . After reading any west coast new age you can understand why the church did allow this manipulation -by rumor Post on Flower Of Life /fda_regulations.htm ( docid=0Ad57f1ZjdUUaZGY0OXJuanRfNDcyamM5N3ZoaHo&hl=en) Andrew Nixon's Pan_Thor ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ______ Habitat 11

[edit] References
1. ^ a b Drunvalo's own

website bio
2. ^ a b c d e f g h i The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life

Volume I, ISBN 1891824171

3. ^ Living in the heart, ISBN 1891824430 4. ^ Serpent of Light - Beyond 2012, ISBN 1578634016*/ Perfect_Science.htm (Mina Olen magazine Finland sacred waterps Perfect Science Drunvalo Wesak 1999 Talk follow up and also Finland Mina Olen Magazine in Finish The blog is emails between Erick Ekvall, Andrew Nixon and Ralph Hunginton and Terry Welch before talk in Mt Shasta , Calf Wesak 1999 and also the famous meeting in Cocoa Beach , Florida with Dan O'Connell ( Law Office Perfect Science , Terry Welch , Nancy O'Brien Welch , Theresa O'Brien Greboski , A Doyuk Welch , Charles Knox , the late Slim Spurling and read notes between Eric Ekvall ( South America and Florida ) and Andrew Nixon Cornwall ) New Age Wesak The Late Doctor Stone PHD founder of Wesak Mt Shasta reference to Wesak Talk 1999 Slim Spurling arranges with Eric Ekvall Wesak New Age Doyuk aelix/ After Drunvalo Talk Poland , Also Publisher of Drunvalo books in Poland Mickley Larry Eastland Cememt reference how Drunvalo talk help new age movement using Ayterion Perfect Science as Drunvalo 1999 Wesak IAM . In the Turkey the formula were called Pantor )that Charles Knox , the late Peter Brighman , Jake Bell , Randall Miller , Terry Welch , the late Maryanne Chapla ,Andrew Nison and Ayhan Doyuk work on was a system named Pan_Thor ( Pantor ) not water as Drunvalo claimed in 1999. That the clean -up formula name not aydo nor water ! Doyuk was given a mandate to fund the project only. Not become what Drunvalo create a new age leader at least not a fake one. Wesak 1999 after Drunvalo talk about Perfect Science Formula's Ekvall Wesak the effect on the new age deprogramming7.html Police report in Poland after Drunvalo talk This was added to links other reference at Drunvalo misleading people in other cases deprogramming7.html

Micheal Mickley letter cement/ Washington DC/ Meeting Drunvalo talk Wesak 1999 /Slim Spurling arranges to Larry Eastland arrange to meet Drunvalo in Washington /Mother's water talk 1999 / Anne Merril/ Slim Spurling/ Eastland Cement Russell Europe / / after Drunvalo talk Wesak 1999 // Weaver Cocoa Beach see mickley letter cement/ Wesak Drunvalo talk 1999 Nancy O'Brien and Terry Welch Welch famous meeeting with Dennis Weaver reference tml // way back archive internet / tryfl2655/add for reference

Panthor perfectscience earthquake 1999 terry Welch ayaterion/Iski gov in Istanbul water and sewer /*/ // tryfl265 reference /// Roshman misleading with Drunvalo's Doyuk W_O_W newsletter archive way back tro.html// trying to take from science by putting in mystery talk Wesak/tryfl2655 / wermed.html///Sewer Medcine/Terry Welch/PerfectScience/wayback archive/flower of life 1999/RoyalFlush /Pan-Thor/Panthor Istanbul way back tryfl2655/ .com/waterNEW/animals.html ///tryfl2655 //Perfect Science AD after Wesak 1999 Drunvalo , Spruling/Eric Ekvall Terry Welch ref also way back //Slim Spurling meeting for Flower of Life/Kevin Thomas Welch channel's in honor of the Aqua Drunvalo talk at Wesak {] Perfect_Science.htm/ / ref Wesak Drunvalo talk misleading follower of J.Z. Knight /Yelm , Washington / 1999New age fight over the following / World Water Day Inc , Yelm , Washington 1153315155////// ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ___________ In 1996 The United States Boycotted Habitat 11 Perfect Science was there for the record . This document which was prepared as input to the Habitat 2 conference in 1996 explains some of the various Perfect Science Technologies and how they work. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Istanbul, Turkey, January 3, 1996 The following statement is being addressed to Mikhail Gorbachev of

the International Green Cross, Dr. Wally N' Dow, Secretary General of The Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II), The World Bank, The World Health Organization, The White House and Ms. Carol Browner, Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. On January 3, 1996 Perfect Science received full approval from the Turkish Standards Institution for implementation of the Perfect Science Environmental Purification Technologies. Perfect Science took emergency action here today to halt to world-wide flood of hydrocarbon pollution by calling for geopolitical adoption and accelerated implementation of a global delivery system for its patented Environmental Cleansing Formulae and Technologies. The Perfect Science Chairman announced details of what he called a new "direct business" format. He said Perfect Science was prepared to grant each of the world's 216 independent states controlling interest in individual joint ventures and was prepared to accept payment from them in countertrade, with barter levels based on a sliding scale of energy use per capita, in order, he said, "to permit simultaneous adoption and participation by all the world's governments." The Perfect Science chairman described the Perfect Science Formulae as the master key for unlocking the entire complex of hydrocarbon substances, as well as all the other organic chemicals, that are currently laying siege to and disabling the earth's soil, water and atmosphere. "Having the passkey to organic chemistry means you can clean up all carbonaceous fuels and everything petrochemical from cradle to grave, " he added. "But in addition to neutralizing all the poisonous effects, the Perfect Science Formulae will renovate industrial processes at all levels and in all sectors, permitting continued economic expansion without environmental debacle." "The sudden and thoroughgoing revision of all organic chemistry," he continued, "will require similar revision of the industrial, financial and insurance matrices within each sovereign state. Moreover it is the responsibility, and it will become the duty, of each government to take effective measures locally for rescuing its people and region. This task will naturally include the proper co-ordination and regulation of the Perfect Science Formulae." The Perfect Science chairman stated further that the projected rescue of the planetary environment by the emergency implementation of the Perfect Science Formulae will simultaneously produce at least six other major stabilizations: of energy supply and demand of insurance markets of unfunded liabilities of soft currencies of international relations of national debts and revenues

Mikhail Gorbachev's speech delivered at the Fourth International Global Forum conference in Kyoto, Japan delineated the grave implications of a breakdown in the stability of the biosphere and the potential planetary catastrophe that might ensue. Mr. Gorbachev called for all nations and each individual to bring to bear all their efforts for the cause of human survival. It is now a well known fact that the severe disruption of global ecosystems is the direct result of 140 years of irresponsible industrialization resulting in the extensive contamination by hydrocarbons and petrochemicals of sovereign atmospheres, lands, surface waters and critical drinking water supplies.It is no understatement to say that these deadly industrial wastes have brought ecosystems around the world to the precarious state of potential collapse. As more and more third world countries enter into industrialization for the benefit of their economies, the added pressure of their industrial wastes, improperly dealt with, will most certainly result in the drastic destabilization of planetary ecosystems. Mr. Gorbachev clearly stated in his address that the foundations of human existence could be undermined, threatening life on earth. Although these issues of industrial and economic development are complex and are interwoven with cultural and social trends internationally, three major challenges can be identified for discussion. The first major challenge is the intensive remediation of global environments which have become supersaturated with toxic hydrocarbon and petrochemical wastes. This task will require the development of environmental purification technologies which must be applicable for wide scale, cost effective implementation. The second major challenge is the complete restructuring of industrial toxic waste stream management which to date is based upon the premise of irresponsible disposal and dumping of toxic wastes into the global environments. This task will require the development of broad based cost effective neutralization technologies which will eliminate the continuation of industrial toxic waste stream disposal into the environment. The third major challenge is the renovation of The Liquid Fuel Cycle which has been supplying global industry and commerce with fuels that cause massive and aggravated pollution of global atmospheres due to incomplete combustion. This task will require the development of technologies for the construction of new clean burning hydrocarbon eco-fuels, that will permit, through complete combustion, continued use of the vast stockpiles of hydrocarbons available for industry and commerce without the backlash of environmental degradation. It is the great pleasure of Perfect Science, at this time, to announce that Perfect Science has finalized historic research

and development in the above mentioned fields of environmental remediation, industrial toxic waste stream neutralization, and clean burning hydrocarbon eco-fuels. Perfect Science engineers have developed methodologies for the in situ destruction of toxic hydrocarbon and petrochemical wastes.These methodologies can be applied for macro-purification of polluted atmospheres, toxic soils, contaminated surface waters, poisoned drinking water supplies and urban sewage streams. The Perfect Science in situ Purification Technologies render all hydrocarbon and petrochemical pollutants into bio-nutrients. Toxic surface waters have been completely purified and restored for aquatic life. Toxic soils have been completely purified and restored for agricultural production. Toxic drinking water supplies have been completely purified and restored for human consumption. Through aerial application, polluted atmospheres have been completely cleansed. With regard to neutralization of industrial toxic waste streams Perfect Science has finalized research and development for technologies that thoroughly cleanse industrial waste streams by settling out all heavy metals and at the same time completely destroy in situ toxic chemicals, thereby rendering all industrial effluents suitable for disposal into the environment.Perfect Science has developed for industry advanced fire suppression and fire fighting technologies which make possible, for the first time in industrial history, the collapse of toxic explosive vapor domes prevalent wherever industrial chemicals are stored and utilized. The Perfect Science Technologies, by successfully collapsing volatile vapor domes of explosive chemicals, can effectively eliminate the threat of aggravated industrial disasters resulting from the use and storage of explosive chemicals. Thirdly, the renovation of the Liquid Fuel Cycle is a clear priority for mankind at this juncture in human history during which time all industry and commerce worldwide are dependent on a variety of hydrocarbon fuels for their diverse requirements. The simple tragedy of these hydrocarbon fuels is their inability to experience complete combustion during their use. Whether these hydrocarbons are in the form of heavy crudes, coal slurries or diesel fuels the inability for these fuels to completely combust on a molecular level renders vast devastation of global atmospheres. Perfect Science has finalized research and development for the construction of revolutionary clean burning hydrocarbon eco-fuels.Quite simply, The Perfect Science Technologies permit complete and total combustion of all liquid hydrocarbon fuels. The Perfect Science Technologies also purify these hydrocarbon fuels of unwanted sulphur and other minerals. As can be easily surmised regarding the above developments, this

process of complete combustion will render a vastly increased yield where each molecule of hydrocarbon fuel will now be utilized during the combustion process. n truth, Perfect Science has laid the foundation for a new global reality of petrochemistry where the science of hydrocarbons merges with the science of water. From time immemorial water has served as the primary medium for the innumerable complex chemical reactions needed to sustain all life. Within this aqueous medium, at ambient temperatures, chemical reactions are constantly supporting the simplest of micro-organisms to the most complex of species, Man himself. Most certainly, without the complex chemistry of water, all planetary life would cease to exist. Truly, then, the science of water is the chemistry for life. In the view of history the science of water and the science of hydrocarbons have been at odds. The science of hydrocarbons, with its man-made complex chemical reactions, has supplied much bounty to mankind. However, within aqueous mediums at ambient temperatures, hydrocarbon chemical reactions have been impossible. All that has now been changed forever. Today, I bring to you a new science of petrochemistry where the complex science of water and the complex science of hydrocarbons are joined as one. Here, within this new petrochemistry, unlimited chemical reactions, heretofore impossible, are now manifested easily, perfectly. Here, within this new petrochemistry, the true science of hydrocarbons will blossom forth and the blessings of Our Creator will be multiplied a thousandfold. Perfect Science is therefore pleased to announce that it has finalized research and development pertaining to historic scientific advancements in the field of petrochemistry. Perfect Science has developed Formulae, in the form of aqueous based phase transfer catalysts, which have the remarkable capability of reducing or increasing the molecular weight of hydrocarbons in aqueous mediums at ambient temperatures.This remarkable scientific accomplishment is made possible because The Perfect Science Phase Transfer Catalysts disrupt the hydrogen bonding attractive forces of water molecules. This disruption drastically collapses the interfacial tension of water molecules and transforms water in the True Universal Solvent. This new Universal Solvent now has the capacity, for the first time in history, to disrupt the inter-molecular attractive forces binding hydrocarbon molecules (van der Waals force) at ambient temperatures. As a result of this phenomenal action initiated by the Perfect Science Catalysts, the hydrocarbon molecules are place into micro-fine colloidal dispersions. The hydrocarbons are completely dissolved within this new Universal solvent.

Aqueous solutions are now created with hydrocarbons in which new and vastly accelerated chemical reactions can take place. Science has determined that the rates of the fastest chemical reactions in aqueous mediums are determined simply by the encounter frequency (frequency of collision) of the reactants or solute particles.By placing hydrocarbons into micro-fine colloidal dispersions the Perfect Science Phase Transfer Catalysts initiate an exponential increase in the frequency of collision of the solute particles within the transformed aqueous medium. This exponential increase in the frequency of collision of the solute particles will permit an unlimited number of accelerated chemical reactions whereby unprecedented oxidation reduction reactions (electron transfer) can take place at ambient temperatures. The historic capacity of the Perfect Science Phase Transfer Catalysts to reduce or increase the molecular weight of hydrocarbons at ambient temperatures will transform the Liquid Fuel Cycle from cradle to grave. Applied to current hydrocarbon related activities the Perfect Science Catalysts will streamline all phases of extraction, transportation, production, processing, distribution and utilization of hydrocarbons. Perfect Science has engineered specific Phase Transfer Catalysts for application throughout the following hydrocarbon Sciences: enhanced oil reservoir stimulation; viscosity reduction for pipeline transmission; desulphurization; cold cracking; low energy refining; new petrochemicals development; new plastics production; fire suppression and spontaneity inhibition; fuel additives for complete combustion; toxic materials clean-up and disposal; oil storage tank maintenance; by-product neutralization; waste water treatment and environmental remediation of polluted waters and polluted soils. In summary, clean energy, clean industry and a clean environment are the hallmarks of The Perfect Science Technologies. The advent of The Perfect Science Technologies truly satisfies the dual demands of continued worldwide industrial growth and environmentally sustainable development. In brotherhood, let us conjoin our mutual visions of peace, prosperity and ecological responsibility for the benefit of all nations, their peoples, and the planet that sustains us all. PERFECT SCIENCE ISTANBUL, TURKEY , and Delware Perfect Science AD Joliet , Illinois Pan_Thor Formula's a collection of energy many years in waiting Perfect Science Technologies - Options for Humanity Options for Humanity Written By Ms Terry Welch Ms Nancy Welch Mr Andrew Nixon Mr Randall Miller The Late Kevin Thomas Welch Mr Gerald Thomas Welch

Written In the home of K.Ericson Oreland Park , Illinois who Andrew stayed with in Chicago before Habitat 11 This was post on the Flower of Life Org in 1999 before the earthquake of 1999 by Andrew Nixon and Charles Knox of Sharon , Ct le-attack-on-wow-set-up-for-sales.html Retrieved from "" Categories: American writers October 2009

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