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Scalar Wave Devices

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Scalar Wave Technology
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy,
frequency, and vibration.

- Nikola Tesla

Through several years of research of historic documents, experiments, and

cooperation with other researchers, we have developed a line of Scalar Wave
based devices that harness the cosmic energy present all around us to our
benefit. Our products are effective in helping to improve your lifestyle, health,
general wellbeing and to help you fulfill your goals in life. All our devices are user
friendly and completely safe to use.

This brochure serves as a guideline on how to use various Scalar Wave Devices,
their capabilities, and some basic information about the Scalar Wave
technology. Further details are available on our website

We thank you for choosing our products and we are confident you will have an
amazing experience using them!

Scalar Wave field shapes
Scalar Waves can be manipulated into several different shapes using precise
geometric patterns. Such fields can then be used for several different
applications such as and not limited to the following;

• Neutralizing negative effects of EMF and 5G radiation.

• Increasing efficiency of manifestation.
• Helping to improve your immune system and general wellbeing.
• Helping to mitigate chronic pain and migraines.
• Energizing healing crystals and water.
• Helping to improve sleep quality.
• Scalar wave and bioenergy healing therapies.
• Helping to decrease depression and anxiety.

The most commonly used Scalar Wave field modifiers are vortex discs, torus
discs, and aetheric concentrators. These tools can be used in conjunction with
each other to achieve the desired effect.

Scalar Wave Torus field
A Scalar Wave torus field has the geometry that roughly resembles a donut.
Tours fields can be generated using Scalar Wave torus field discs. Tours fields are
moderately concentrated energy fields that are excellent for protecting
against EMF and providing harmonizing effects on a cellular level.

Torus field shape Torus field disc

Did you know that the shape of Earth’s magnetic field is in the shape of a torus?
Torus geometry is present all around us in nature. Even the human auric field is in
the shape of a torus. In a torus field, the energy flows in a closed-loop, which
makes it a very energetically efficient system.

We regularly implement torus field discs into our Scalar Wave based devices.

Scalar Wave vortex
Unlike Torus fields, the Scalar Wave vortex fields are not a closed-loop system
and are thus good at emitting energy which can be used for charging various
objects like water, healing crystals, etc.. In essence, a vortex field resembles an
inverted tornado in 3D space.

Vortex field shape Vortex field disc

Vortex fields are excellent at energizing items that are put on or above the
vortex field disc. However, they are not as suitable for EMF protection and
harmonization as the torus fields. We recommend using torus discs for energizing
water, healing crystals, and similar.

Aetheric concentrators - tesseracts
Tesseracts concentrate the scalar field to high intensity. Think of them as lenses
for scalar waves. When tesseract geometry is exposed to the Scalar Wave Field
it will concentrate it towards the center. Tesseracts are also known as ‘aetheric

The effect occurs regardless of the type of field the tesseract is exposed to. For
example, the tesseract will concentrate both torus, vortex, and non-modified
(linear) scalar wave field.

The most commonly used tesseracts are 12 and 24 pointed geometries. The
difference between them is that the 24 pointed tesseracts will generate a more
concentrated field compared to a 12 pointed one.

12 pointed tesseract 24 pointed tesseract

Scalar Wave devices
Aplicum scalar wave devices have been designed with different purposes in
mind. What they have in common is that they use Scalar Waves at their core. All
of them feature at least one of the Scalar Wave discs and an actively powered
emitter. These devices are more powerful than passively powered discs (discs
that harness the energy from the environment).

Aplicum Scalar Wave devices are designed to work with the Aplicum 65mm
diameter orgone energy discs. Our goal is to use a standardized system in order
to present you with the most effective and user-friendly experience.

Orgone Charging Stations
Orgone charging stations are primarily meant to recharge orgone energy discs.
With use, the orgone discs lose their energetic potential. This is especially true if
you are using them for protection against negative energy, EMF, or other types
of cleansing. An orgone charging station will recharge your orgone discs back
to its full potential.

Besides recharging orgone discs, the charging stations can also be used to
charger water, healing stones, orgone pyramids, and similar. An important thing
to note when using the Aplicum orgone charging stations is that the object you
are charging has to be as centered as possible to the tesseract geometry on
the upper part of the charger.

We have 3 different types of charging stations available.

Bifilar Coil Orgone Charging Orgone Charging

Charging Station Station Station with MWO

Bifilar Coil Charging Station

Bifilar coil charging stations are general-purpose scalar wave emitters without
any kind of field modifiers installed. They are most suitable for charging larger
objects over a longer period of time. Example use would be recharging a
‘tower buster’ orgone device or several liters of water.

When using the bifilar chargers please follow the following guidelines;

1) Insert 3x AA 1.5V batteries to the battery compartment on the bottom


2) Connect the charger to a frequency source via included 3.5mm

standard audio cable. A source of frequency can be a computer
running a frequency generating application or playing an audio file.
Other sources that support a 3.5mm standard audio connector can also
be used.

3) Please make sure no conductive object is in direct contact with the

bifilar coil.

4) Place the object you wish to charge directly on the bifilar coil. Try to
position it as close to the center as possible.

5) Maximum recommended amount of water you can charge at once

is 1.5l. When charging water try to avoid using plastic bottles.

6) Charging time for water is 15-30 minutes per 0.5l of water. Charging
time will depend on the quality of the water you are using.

Bifilar Coil Charging Station
7) Do not operate the device for more than 45 minutes at a time.

8) For selecting recommended frequencies please refer to the table on

page 17. The waveform of the input signal must always be ‘sine’. Square,
triangle, and sawtooth waves are of artificial nature and will not work.
These 3 waveforms are also the reason why EMF is so detrimental to our
health. Our bodies are only acclimated to ‘sine’ waveform which has no
violent transitions.

Orgone Charging Station

Aplicum orgone charging stations are an upgraded version of the Bifilar Coil
Charging Stations. They feature a Bifilar Tesla Coil emitter coupled with 12
pointed tesseracts aetheric pump and an opening at the top for 65mm orgone
energy discs. They are specifically designed to energize orgone energy discs
and can also be used as a manifestation device.

When using the Bifilar Chargers please follow the following guidelines;

1) Insert 3x AA 1.5V batteries to the battery compartment on the bottom


2) Connect the Charger to a frequency source via included 3.5mm

standard audio cable. A source of frequency can be a computer
running a frequency generating application or playing an audio file.
Other sources that support a 3.5mm standard audio connector can also
be used.

3) Please make sure no conductive object is in direct contact with the

tesseract aetheric pump.

4) Place the orgone energy disc in the opening at the top.

5) If charging water, please use a glass that fits into the opening.

6) Charging time for a regular glass of water is 10-15 minutes. There is no

need to charge water for longer than that.

Orgone Charging Station
7) When using the Orgone Charging Station as a manifestation machine,
place the picture or text related to the wish under the orgone energy
disc. It is advisable to use an orgone energy disc with chakra stones
related to your wish. Alternatively, you can also use clear quartz orgone
discs. Clear quartz will be suitable in most cases although it may not be
as effective compared to a specific stone that correlates with the nature
of your wish.

8) For selecting optimum frequencies, please refer to the frequency

table on page 17.

9) Performing manifestation during meditation will have a positive effect

on the outcome.

Orgone Charging Station with MWO

The ultimate version of Aplicum Orgone Charging Stations! These Chargers are
equipped with bifilar Tesla Coil Scalar Wave Emitters, Lakhovsky MWO antenna,
Scalar Wave torus field disc, and a tesseract aetheric pump. Orgone Charging
Stations with MWO produce a concentrated Scalar Wave torus field oscillating
at multiple harmonizing frequencies.

These devices can be used to harmonize and energize orgone energy discs
and healing crystals, as manifestation tools and for infusing homeopathic pellets
with aetheric energy.

When using the bifilar chargers please follow the following guidelines;
1) Insert 3x AA 1.5V batteries to the battery compartment on the bottom

2) Connect the Charger to a frequency source via included 3.5mm

standard audio cable. A source of frequency can be a computer
running a frequency generating application or playing an audio file.
Other sources that support a 3.5mm standard audio connector can also
be used.

3) Please make sure no conductive object is in direct contact with the

tesseract aetheric pump.

4) Place the orgone energy disc, glass of water, or healing crystals in the
opening at the top.

5) If charging water, please use a glass that fits into the opening.
Orgone Charging Station with MWO
6) When using the Orgone Charging Station with MWO as a
manifestation machine, place the picture or text related to the wish
under the orgone energy disc. It is advisable to use an orgone energy
disc with chakra stones related to your wish. Alternatively, you can also
use clear quartz orgone discs. Clear quartz will be suitable in most cases
although it may not be as effective compared to a specific stone that
correlates with the nature of your wish.

7) For selecting optimum frequency, please refer to the frequency table

on page 17.

8) Performing manifestation during meditation will have a positive effect

on the outcome.

9) When energizing homeopathic pellets, please use the ‘Homeopathic

Pellet Tool’. It is designed to perfectly align the pellet containers with the
field, in order to achieve the best possible results.

10) After charging the pellets, they should be placed in a Homeopathic

Shielded Container in order to avoid the charge to dissipate.

Charging homeopathic pellets

Orgone Charging Station with MWO has been designed to be able to charger
homeopathic pellets with aetheric energy. In order to properly charge the
pellets please follow these instructions carefully.
1) The charging station should be prepared according to the instructions
on pages 12 and 13.

2) Please insert the Homeopathic Pellet Charging Attachment to the top

of the Orgone Charging Station.

3) Pellets must be inserted into the glass vials. It is essential that you
sterilize glass vials and lids before starting the charging procedure. The
recommended way to sterilize the vials is to place them in boiling water
for 10 minutes. Vials should be dried before you put in the pellets. Please
make sure that you dry the vials in a sterile environment.

4) Fill the sterile glass vials with your homeopathic pellets and seal them
with lid. Vials should be inserted into the slots in the Homeopathic Pellet
Charging Attachment. There are 9 slots available, it is recommended
that you distribute the pellets equally between 9 vials.

5) Recommended charge frequency is 7.83Hz (Schumann frequency)

and its harmonics (14.10 Hz and 20.30 Hz) and Solfeggio note at 528 Hz.
You can also use other specific frequencies that are described in the
table on page 17.

7) After charging is complete, vials should be stored in shielded

Homeopathic Pellet Containers. These storage units will preserve the
charge for a long time.
Orgone Charging Station with MWO
The following picture indicates a correct setup of the Orgone Charging Station
with MWO in the homeopathic pellet charging mode of operation.

Charging homeopathic pellets
Energy charge retention estimates
The following graph and table indicate the estimated charge retention periods
for the homeopathic pellets. Values are given for pellets stored in Homeopathic
Pellet Storage Container. After the given time period, the energy level will drop
below 50% of the original level.

Charge time Duration of charge

5 minutes 8 days
10 minutes 21 days
15 minutes 42 days
20 minutes 73 days
25 minutes 105 days
30 minutes 154 days
45 minutes 231 days
60 minutes 365 days 16
Frequency selection table
You can refer to the table below for selecting the frequency input for your
Scalar Wave devices. These are the most commonly used frequencies, but you
are also encouraged to experiment with your own frequency choices.

The most important thing to note when feeding the signal to any of the Scalar
Wave devices is that the waveform should always be ‘sine’ (analog) and not
‘square’, ‘sawtooth’, ‘triangular’ or any other artificial signal waveform.

Frequency Effect / function

7.83 Hz Charging water, healing stones, pellets
176 Hz Pain relief, relaxation
285 Hz Sleep improvement, regeneration
386 Hz Body harmonization
417 Hz Negative energy neutralization
528 Hz Cleansing, healing, DNA repair
639 Hz Improved meditation experience
741 Hz Anxiety relief
825 Hz Boost to intuition and intellect
963 Hz Energization, awakeness
Frequency selection table

When using Schumann frequency (7.82 Hz), you can also use the second and
third harmonic (14.1 and 20.3 Hz). SWCC (Scalar Wave Cosmic Communicator)
has an onboard integrated Schumann frequency generator that cycles
between 7.83, 14.1, and 20.3 Hz.

Scalar Wave Modular Sytems
Aplicum Scalar Wave Modular Systems are a collection of different Scalar Wave
Coil Modules, electronic amplifiers, and Scalar Wave field modifiers. They are
designed to be as versatile as possible and can be used in a myriad of ways,
here are only a few examples;

• Providing Reiki / Scalar Wave / Crystal healing therapies.

• Scalar wave and bioenergy healing therapies.
• Increasing efficiency of manifestation.
• Helping to improve your immune system and general wellbeing.
• Helping to mitigate chronic pain and migraines.
• Energizing healing crystals and water.
• Helping to improve sleep quality.
• Use as a critical component in the radionics healing machine.
• Helping to decrease depression and anxiety.
• Generating large scale harmonization bubbles.
• Projecting pyramid energy field.

Orgone charging stations can also be used as nodes in Scalar Wave Systems.

Amplifiers for Scalar Wave Coils
Single Coil Amplifier Module
A basic amplifier module is suitable for powering a single Scalar Wave Coil
Module. The amplifier is powered by 3x AA batteries and accepts audio input
via a 3.5mm standard audio connector. It comes with a 10 green LED power
level indicator.

Scalar Wave Coil Module can be connected to it via 4mm banana connectors.
When a proper connection is established and no audio input is present all LEDs
will be off. If there is a problem in connection all LEDs will light up and indicate
an error.

Amplifiers for Scalar Wave Coils
Dual Coil Amplifier Module
Dual coil amplifier modules can have up to 2 Scalar Wave Coil Modules
connected at once or a single Dual Coil Module.

Power is provided by 3x AA batteries or optionally via USB type B cable. The

amplifier has a three-color LED power lever indication for each coil and two
3.5mm audio connector ports. Several Dual Coil Amplifier Modules can be
daisy-chain connected with a shared frequency signal. Using such a setup,
large scale energy fields can be established. This includes the possibility of
projecting the pyramid energy field over a larger area.

Scalar Wave Coil Modules
List of available Bifilar Coil Modules

Aplicum has several different Scalar Wave Coil Modules available. Each of
these modules can be connected to the output of either single or dual-channel
amplifier modules using 4mm banana plug connectors.

100mm Bifilar Scalar Wave 100mm Triangular Bifilar

Coil Module Scalar Wave Coil Module

Scalar Wave Coil Modules
List of available Bifilar Coil Modules

200mm Bifilar Scalar Wave Coil Module

Scalar Wave Coil Modules
List of available Bifilar Coil Modules

193mm x 229mm Double Triangular Scalar Wave Bifilar Coil Module

Scalar Wave Coil Modules
List of available Unifilar Coil Modules

200x100mm Double Unifilar Scalar Wave Coil Module

200x100mm Double Unifilar Octagonal Scalar Wave Coil Module

Unifilar Scalar Wave Coil Modules will also generate a magnetic field when
powered on. They are thus also suitable for providing magnetic therapies.
Scalar Wave Coil Modules
Connecting Single Coil Amplifier to Bifilar Coil Module

Please follow the diagram below when connecting the Single Coil Amplifier
module to a Single Scalar Wave Coil module.

Coil module Amplifier module

4mm banana connector cables

3.5mm audio cable

If a proper connection is established, the LED indicator on the Amplifier Module

will not light up when the module is powered and no signal is provided. If all LEDs
light up this is an indicator of error, in that case, please check connections.

This connection setup can be used for all single coil modules, including the
200mm Bifilar Coil and 200mm Double Triangular Bifilar Coil Modules.

Scalar Wave Coil Modules
Connecting Dual Coil Amplifier to Dual Unifilar Coil

4mm banana
connector cables

Dual Scalar Wave

Coil Module

Audio input port

Audio output port

To PC or phone 3.5mm audio cable

The ground terminals (gnd) are internally connected, thus you can use either of
the 2 on the Amplifier module.
The audio output port can be connected to an audio input port on another
Amplifier module.
Scalar Wave Coil Modules
Connecting Dual Coil Amplifier to 2 single Bifialar Coils

Witness plate
Broadcast plate

Audio input port

Setups with 2 Bifilar Scalar Wave Coil modules are excellent for providing healing
therapies with orgone energy discs or orgone pyramids. They can also be used
as radionics devices. Where the left coil serves as ‘witness plate’ and the right
one as ‘broadcast plate’.
Scalar Wave Coil Modules
Broad Area Field Projection
Broad area field projection is a technique where several Amplifier Modules and
Coil Modules are daisy-chained together to share the same frequency source.
This way we can project the Scalar Wave field over a larger area.

Usually, such setups are only used in therapy rooms due to the fact the precision
is of paramount importance when setting them up. Thus it is recommended that
such setups are permanently installed.

Sketch on page 29 depicts a Pyramid Energy Field Projector. Similar setups can
be used with more modules as well.

When Using more than 4 Bifilar Coil Modules it becomes necessary to add a
300mm Tesseract board in the middle. Tesseract serves as a field stabilizer.

Following guidelines should be followed when setting up field projectors;

1) Bifilar Coil Modules must be equally spaced apart from each other.
This is an essential part of the setup.

2) It is advisable that the Amplifier Modules are USB powered to ensure

each module is operating at the same power.

3) Bifilar Coil Modules should not be more than 1.5m (5ft) apart from
each other.

4) the Same type of Bifilar Coil Modules have to be used (you can not
combine a regular Bifilar Coil with a Triangular one).

5) Tesseract in the middle will stabilize the established field.

Scalar Wave Coil Modules
Pyramid Energy Field Projector

3.5mm audio cable

(connecting 2 Amplifier Modules)

3.5mm audio cable

(connected to signal source)
Scalar Wave Cosmic Communicator
Scalar Wave Cosmic Communicator (SWCC) is a Scalar Wave generating
device that connects with the Universe on an energetic level.

With an on-board Schumann Frequency Cycle Oscillator, 4 independent

amplifier modules, several Scalar Wave Field Modifiers, and 2 power level
indicators it is a strong radionics tool.

SWCC can be used in a number of ways and does not need to be connected
to an external signal source for basic operation since it has integrated
oscillators. It can also provide amplified outputs for external coil modules.

SWCC supports two 65mm diameter orgone energy, discs which can be
inserted into the orgone disc slots.

Scalar Wave Cosmic Communicator

Amplifier outputs
Power boost button

Slot for orgone

Power ON
energy disc

Audio input Audio output

Scalar Wave Cosmic Communicator
The basic operation of SWCC can be executed with SWCC in a standalone
configuration due to the onboard Schumann Frequency Cycle Oscillator.

For first time users it is recommended to start with the basic operation which is
described in the following guidelines;

1) SWCC is powered by 3x AA batteries (1.2 - 1.5V per cell). Insert

batteries into the battery holder in the bottom. Please make sure the
polarity of the batteries is correct. Polarity is marked on the black battery
holder on the bottom side of the SWCC. If batteries are properly inserted
and fully charged, the SWCC should power on automatically.

2) Insert orgone energy discs in the corresponding slots. If you are using it
as a manifestation device, you can place a picture or text related to the
wish bellow the orgone energy disc.

3) If you are using SWCC to charge water or healing crystals, there is no

need to use orgone energy discs. Just insert the glass of water or healing
crystals in the slots normally reserved for orgone discs.

4) Power boost button can be pressed in order to increase or decrease

the power of SWCC. By default, the power boost option is on.

5) SWCC has an onboard oscillator which will cycle between 7.83 Hz,
14.10 Hz, and 20.30 Hz. You can also connect the SWCC to an external
signal source. In that case, the external source will take priority over the
onboard oscillator.

Scalar Wave Cosmic Communicator
SWCC can be used to power up to 2 external Bifilar Scalar Wave Coil Modules.
Compatible are both 100mm and 200mm versions. The following diagram
represents how 2 external coils should be connected to the SWCC.
When external coils are attached, the coils on the SWCC will still work normally.

Scalar Wave Cosmic Communicator
If you are using an external frequency source, you can refer to the frequency
selection table on page 17. Choosing the right frequency will help you achieve
the desired results quicker.

Technical specifications;

• Power source: 3x AA batteries (1.2 - 1.5V)

• Signal source: Internal, 3.5mm audio port (external)
• Amplifier count: 4x
• Orgone disc slots: 2x
• Scalar Wave Emitters: 2x
• Amplified outputs: 2x

SWCC is a modular system at its core. Thus it can be upgraded with various
Scalar Wave Field Modifiers or Lakhovsky MWO discs. Such upgrades are
desired when the SWCC is being used for a specific purpose. For example
during Reiki sessions or crystal healing therapies.

An upgraded version of the SWCC with Lakhovsky MWO discs


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