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The Unification Theory: Volume One
The Unification Theory: Volume One
The Unification Theory: Volume One
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The Unification Theory: Volume One

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If youve ever wondered if Albert Einsteins famous E = mc2 theory is true, if the universe was really created from a big bang or about the nature of black holes, then youll want to read this book.

Kok Fah Chong explores the latest discoveries in astronomy and physics, including how the spinning-gravitational effects of a star suggests that the universe contains many exoplanetsand he also reveals why that is significant.

He examines topics such as:
how photons can travel across intergalactic distances;
why more block holes emerge as the universe expands;
why all galaxies will eventually slow down; and
how the light of the past universe is catching up with us.

He also reveals why all celestial bodies will eventually implode toward the center of the universe, which will result in a scene beyond our imagination.

Celebrate the wonders of our universe and stay up to date on some of sciences latest, most interesting discoveries with The Unification Theory.
Release dateMay 23, 2017
The Unification Theory: Volume One

Kok Fah Chong

Kok Fah Chong, a native of Batu Anam, Segamat, Johor, is a former student of SRJK Hwa Nan, Batu Anam, Sekolah Menengah Batu Anam, and Sekolah Tinggi Segamat. He studied at Cambridge International College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, before graduating with a bachelor of science in civil engineering from the University of Iowa in the United States of America and a master of business administration from the University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia. He is also the author of Super Logic: Modern Mathematics.

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    The Unification Theory - Kok Fah Chong








    Copyright © 2017 by Kok Fah Chong.

    ISBN:                        Hardcover                        978-1-5437-4121-6

                                      Softcover                          978-1-5437-4122-3

                                      eBook                               978-1-5437-4123-0

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    Chapter 1:   Universe

    Chapter 2:   Astronomy

    Chapter 3:   Electromagnetic Waves

    Chapter 4:   Electrons





    The universe began with a big explosion, the so-called Big Bang, in which all celestial bodies were flung out from the centre of the universe. If Einstein’s E = mc² turns out to be wrong, what caused the Big Bang? Why do all celestial bodies possess tremendous kinetic energy that has enabled them to propel the expansion of the entire universe, even until the present time?

    As the universe ages, it continues to expand, with the gravitational attraction among all celestial bodies getting weaker and weaker. At the same time, more and more monomegastars transform into black holes after they run out of nuclear fuel. Lack of fuel eventually leads to subsiding heat intensity, and thus a failure to keep all atoms at arm’s length from one another, especially in the cores of the monomegastars.

    Despite the universe’s continuing expansion, those dying monomegastars consolidate their mass further by transforming into black holes, exerting strong mutual attraction on nearby stars and pulling them closer. The nearby stars are consumed by the black holes, adding to the enlarging superstructure. The black holes become ever more massive.

    Basically, black holes are superstructures made out of preons. When dying, gigantic stars collapse under their own weight, their atoms, especially in the core, are crushed into quarks and reduce further to preons. Positively charged preons are surrounded by negatively charged preons, and vice versa, to form a superstructure.

    Unfortunately, only a handful of quantum scientists believe that a black hole consists of preons. This is because we can detect the presence of quarks only in a hadron collider, after collisions among hadrons. Therefore, preons are still pretty much a theoretical concept.

    Since all negative quarks and leptons can interact with photons, we are certain that negative quarks and leptons are not the finest forms of particle. We suspect they contain some positively charged preons. Photons adhere to them because the photon is a negatively charged particle.


    Before a dying, massive star transforms into a black hole, excess stationary photons are excreted from the newly formed superstructure in an explosive manner. This triggers a gigantic explosion that is recognized as a supernova.

    Of course, a more massive dying star has greater mass and crunches harder than a lighter dying star. A more massive dying star also possesses a larger stockpile of stationary photons than a lighter dying star. Therefore, a more massive dying star turns into a brighter supernova than a lighter dying star.

    The superstructure of black holes is very sturdy. When two black holes collide, they coalesce into one, more massive black hole. So far, according to astronomical observations, none of these black holes ever turns into a white hole. This author believes that black holes remain what they are, even after the universe has expanded to its maximum size before implosion takes place.

    As the universe ages, as it expands further, more black holes emerge. This increases the gravitational clout among black holes and facilitates the implosion process, which will take place in the future as the universe expands at ever-slowing rates. In other words, remnants of initial kinetic energy will work against the gravitational forces, with less and less kinetic energy being converted to gravitational potential energy. Therefore, we believe all galaxies will slow down as the universe expands.

    We can see the past of a segment of the universe, because the slowing of the universe’s expansion allows light from the past to catch up with us now. Celestial bodies were moving much faster than the speed of light during the Big Bang and shortly afterwards, as the universe expanded at a neck-breaking pace. But this expansion has slowed. Matter, such as our earth, is now moving far more slowly than light. This allows the light of the past universe to catch up with us. We can assess it through astronomical observations.

    Only after the universe has expanded to its maximum size will all celestial bodies at the brink of the universe have converted all their kinetic energy to universal gravitational potential energy. They will stop momentarily before they implode towards the centre of the universe, under the tugging of mutual gravitational forces.

    All black holes and other celestial bodies gradually increase their velocities as they drift farther away from the brink of the universe towards the centre, by converting more of their universal gravitational potential energy back to kinetic energy.

    Preons in the superstructure of a black hole will strengthen their magnetic energy after increasing their intrinsic spin. Preon spin will increase due to conversion of universal gravitational potential energy as the black hole moves away from the brink of the universe. Imploding black holes, to a certain extent, enable the preons in their superstructures to continue to spread apart. The strengthening of their magnetic energy disintegrates the entire superstructure. All negative preons become free from the grip of positively charged preons and vice versa.

    This allows the superstructure to transform from preons to quarks again. Subsequently, some negative quarks will transform into electrons that circulate around a nucleus. Some will bind with positively charged quarks to form neutrons. Other positive quarks will transform into protons. The drifting superstructure of the former black hole will disintegrate to allow the formation of massive atoms during implosion.

    Intense magnetic fields of electrons, neutrons, and protons allow them to amass more stationary photons if they ever make contact with photons. Freshly produced atoms are hungry for stationary photons. So the angular momentum of the electrons, neutrons, and protons in those atoms is very strong. Energetic neutrons and protons allow the formation of nuclei of very dense elements. The angular momentum of nucleons that results from saturation with stationary photons enables them to overcome the presence of more protons within the nucleus, facilitating the formation of very dense atoms.

    In short, all celestial bodies in the universe will eventually implode towards the centre of the universe. Once they implode, they will hardly change their course, provided they are colliding with one another. All celestial bodies will increase their velocities as they inch towards the centre of the universe. Their speeds could be several times faster than the speed of light. When those fast-moving celestial bodies collide near the centre of the universe, the scene is beyond our imagination.

    Since not all imploding celestial bodies would reach the centre of the universe at the same time, a Big Bang event could last for quite a while. The time lapse between the first and last implosions would be rather long. When the first, fast-moving imploding celestial bodies collide near the centre of the universe, they will fling matter out violently in an event recognized as a Big Bang. Thus, the Big Bang is definitely not a single, gigantic explosion, as widely believed.

    Initially, all celestial bodies drift radially from the centre of the universe after their collisions, due to their enormous kinetic energy. They fragment into smaller celestial bodies that are flung from the centre. The smaller bodies cluster to form galaxies as they move farther away from the centre. They transform their kinetic energy to universal gravitational potential energy as they move, allowing mutual gravitational attraction. This causes galaxies to drift sideways, as if in an outward spiral. Of course, any such description of their motion is relative, not absolute.

    This author believes that every monomegastar that emerged after the Big Bang is a big fragment of a former black hole. Therefore, monomegastars are humongous stars that are found at the heart of every gigantic galaxy. Monomegastars cause all celestial bodies in a galaxy to gyrate in tune with their movements. This indicates how massive monomegastars are. Monomegastars are likely candidates to transform back into black holes when their nuclear fuel has been completely depleted.

    The dust that formed as a result of collisions among celestial bodies during the Big Bang coalesced to form star systems like our solar system. Bigger clusters of dust consolidated to form small stars like our sun, and fine dust consolidated to form planets. Very refined dust formed dwarf planets like the ones in the Kuiper belt.

    The universe is in a late stage when its black holes and other celestial bodies have transformed all their kinetic energy to universal gravitational potential energy. At that point, the universe has inflated to its maximum size. Black holes and other celestial bodies will then stand still momentarily before imploding towards the centre of the universe to initiate the next round of the Big Bang cycle.

    The universe has neither beginning nor end, in keeping with the laws of conservation of energy and conservation of matter. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed; the universe is finite in terms of its mass and energy. Midway through the implosion, most black holes will disintegrate to form super monomegastars, which will fragment into monomegastars and dust after colliding during the Big Bang.

    In short, the Big Bang signifies the beginning of an expansion of the universe. The universe continues to expand until it reaches a maximum size determined by the complete transformation of kinetic energy to universal gravitational potential energy. At that point, implosion takes place. When imploding celestial bodies meet near the centre of the universe, the Big Bang takes place again. This dynamic cycle repeats endlessly.

    Newton’s Universal Gravitational Law May Be Flawed

    Newton realized that among matter, there exists a mutual attractive force between two objects. This attraction is called gravitational force. Gravitational force F is equal to G, the universal gravitational constant, multiplied by the mass of the first object, multiplied by the mass of the second object, divided by the square of the separated distance between these two objects. The equation for this relationship is:

    F = Gm1m2/r²

    Cavendish determined the value of G with an apparatus consisting of two small spheres, each of mass m, fixed to the ends of a light horizontal rod suspended by a fine fibre. Two larger spheres, each of mass M, were placed near the smaller spheres. The attractive force between the smaller and larger spheres caused the rod to rotate. The angle at which the suspended rod rotated was measured by the deflection of a light beam reflected from a mirror attached to the vertical suspension. The experiment was carefully repeated with different masses of M and m at various separations.

    In addition to providing a value for G, the results of Cavendish’s experiment showed that the force is attractive, proportional to the product of mM, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance r.

    The experiments carried out by Cavendish were not without flaws. The initial condition of the spheres was static. In addition, the earth exerted gravitational attraction upon all the spheres, especially the smaller spheres that were pinned. This made it harder for the horizontal rod to rotate freely.


    Let’s assume that there are two spheres, one small (Mass A) and one big (Mass B), in the entire universe. We can pull the smaller sphere away from the bigger one to a distance rmax, representing the maximum distance at which the smaller sphere will start to drift towards the bigger sphere if we release our grip on it. The gravitational energy between the smaller sphere and the bigger one is at its lowest effective level at this distance.

    If we let go the grip on Mass A, it will drift towards Mass B, moving faster as it gets closer. This increased speed occurs because as they get closer, the mutual attractive force between them gets stronger.

    Cavendish’s experiment eliminated the inertia energy, or the work done by Mass A to move from the theoretical maximum distance rmax to the actual initial distance rinitial at the beginning of the experiment, as shown in Figure 4. We need to find a way to estimate this inertia energy and to work out Mass A’s total lost kinetic energy. We also need to calculate the work done by Mass A to move from its maximum distance to the initial condition of Cavendish’s experiment.

    Only after including the inertia energy, lost kinetic energy, and work done by Mass A can we enhance the accuracy of Cavendish’s experimental results.

    Since Cavendish’s experiment was defective and inaccurate, any prediction of the amount of dark matter in the universe that is based on his computations may not be accurate. Newton’s universal gravitational law is defective in this manner. Therefore it fails to help us understand the current state of the dynamics of the universe in real time.

    The genesis of unification theory tells us where the kinetic energy of those celestial bodies originates and also predicts their tremendous velocities during the Big Bang. Apparently the prediction of the existence of dark matter has turned out to be untrue.

    Why Do Life Forms Exist in the Universe?

    Generally, the existence of life forms in the universe is due to the dynamic nature of the universe itself. In other words, the dynamics of the universe allow the transformation of one form of energy into other types of energy. An exchange of photons can take place. This leads to the emergence of life forms.

    During the Big Bang, the core of the universe became extremely hot and volatile. Kinetic energy was at its peak. Almost the entire stockpile of the universe’s dynamic photons saturated the centre. Therefore, no life forms existed during or shortly after the Big Bang.

    After the Big Bang, most celestial bodies that had strong kinetic energy drifted away from the core of the universe. Remnant bodies with low kinetic energy were trapped in the core. Even so, the angular momentum of the nucleons of their atoms could be considered somewhat strong, and was enveloped in a strong magnetic field too. The nucleons had an uncanny appetite for stationary photons and exchanged photons with their surroundings. As a result, the universe’s core rapidly became cool long and could hardly allow the existence of any life forms.

    When habitable planets drift in the middle portion of the universe, we reckon that nearly half of their total energy

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