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August 4 Shabbat Announcements

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Parshat Vaeschanan Torah Artscroll, 958 Hertz, 755 Haftorah Artscroll, 1196 Hertz, 776

The Easy Commandment

August 4, 2012 16 Av, 5772

Rabbi Frand on Parshas Vaeschanan

a moral obligation to repay his debt of gratitude to his Honor your father and parents. After all, the cost of mother, as the L-rd your raising a child must be at least G-d has commanded between $100,000 and you, so that you may $200,000. Not to mention the live long. (Devarim 5:16) time, effort and energy parents invest in their children. Why should we honor Therefore, the least people can our fathers and mothers? do is honor their parents. It is The Torah gives us one not a hard thing to make such reason in Parashas a small payment on such a Shemos (20:12), "So large debt. that you may live long." In Parashas The Torah tells us here that Vaes'chanan, however, this is not the proper the Torah gives an motivation for honoring additional reason, "As parents. It is not the selfthe L-rd your G-d has evident obligation to make at commanded you." What least a small payment on a is the significance of this debt owed the parents. It is an additional phrase? obligation incumbent on us solely because "the L-rd your The Meshech Chachmah G-d has commanded you" to refers to the Talmud do so. Yerushalmi that considers honoring The Torah waited until parents an "easy Parashas Vaes'chanan to make commandment." Every this point, because it becomes person understands that most clear after forty years in debts have to be repaid. the desert. During those years, If someone lends you raising children was easier $100,000 when you need than it ever was, before or it, you would be only too since. They did not have to be happy to repay the fed. There was manna from money once you have heaven. They did not need to enough of your own. It be given to drink. There was would not be a hard water from Miriam's Well. They thing to do. did not need new shoes and clothing all the time. Nothing By the same token, ever wore out. Most likely they every person also didn't need orthodontic braces understands that he has either, because life in the desert was paradise. And still, the Torah demanded that parents be honored. Clearly, the obligation was to obey Hashem's commandment rather than repay a debt of gratitude. By the time the Jewish people had lived through the era of the desert, they could relate to the mitzvah of honoring parents as an independent obligation. How far does this go? How much do you have to do for your parents? The Talmud responds (Kiddushin 31a) to this question with the famous story about a nonJew from Ashkelon by the name of Dama bar Nesinah. The Sages once needed a stone for the Urim v'Tumim, and they heard that Dama had exactly the stone they needed. A delegation came to see him and offer to pay him a princely sum for the stone. The stone was in a strongbox, with the key under his father's pillow. Dama did not disturb him. "I cannot help you," he told the Sages. "My father is sleeping, and I wouldn't disturb his sleep." The Sages left. A year later, a perfect red


Candle Lighting Friday Mincha Hashkama Main Minyan Beit Midrash Teen Minyan Gemorah Shiur Mincha Shabbat Ends Sunday August 5 Mon., Thurs. Tues., Wed,. Fri. Mincha

7:50 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:15 am 9:30 am 6:40 pm 7:40 pm 8:57 pm 7:30/8:30 am 6:35/7:45 am 6:45/7:45 am 7:45 pm

Latest Times for Shema/ Shmoneh Esrei August 4 August 11 9:28/10:39 am 9:31/10:41 am Next Shabbat Eikev Candle Lighting Mincha 7:41 pm 7:00 pm

Kiddush is sponsored by Great neck Synagogue

Bima Flowers are sponsored by Shulamit & Moussa Soleimani in honor of the marriage of their son Jacob to Jacklyn Saxe, daughter of Gila & Keith Saxe.

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100

habbat Announcements Parshat Vaeschanan 5772

heifer, suitable for a parah adumah, was born in Dama's herd. The Sages came to purchase it. "How much do you want for it?" "I know that you would give me any price I ask," he replied. "But I only want the amount of money I lost by not waking my father last year." This story establishes the parameters of the mitzvah of honoring parents. The Talmud uses this story to establish the parameters of human nature. As parents get older, they can become querulous and demanding. They can test the patience of their children. Sometimes, honoring parents under such circumstances can take a lot of patience and forbearance. Is there a limit to such patience? How much patience can be expected of a person? Is there a point where a person is allowed to run out of patience and be exempt from this mitzvah? This is what the story about Dama bar Nesinah teaches us. The Sages were offering him a huge sum of money for the single stone they needed for the Urim v'Tumim. He knew that if he could only get the key, the money would be his. What thoughts must have gone through his mind? Maybe I'll make a little noise and he'll wake up. Maybe I'll slide my hand under the pillow very slowly so that I'll be able to get the key without waking him up. He must have been very tempted. But he didn't give in. He was able to honor his father even under such circumstances. This was the extent of what human nature is capable. It follows, therefore, that if Dama bar Nesinah could have the forbearance to forgo such a huge sum of money and allow his father to sleep, certainly a descendant of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov can find it in himself to honor his parents under any and all circumstances.

SALLY & SEYMOUR OLSHIN ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM GreatNeckSynagogue 2012SummerLearningProgram JewishProfessionalLectureSeries
Reservationsrequiredfordinner. CallSynagogueoffice4876100

Tuesday, July 31
Dinner 7:15pm | Mincha 7:55pm Maariv following lecture

Rabbi Baruch Simon

Col. Jehiel R. Elyacher Chair in Talmud, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary Yeshiva University

Reflections on the Siyum Ha-Shas: The Role and Value of the Oral Law

Tuesday, August 7
Dinner 7:15pm | Mincha 7:45pm Maariv following lecture

Rabbi Dovid Hirsch

Eva, Morris, and Jack K. Rubin Memorial Chair in Rabbinics, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary Yeshiva University
Great Neck Synagogue Shabbat Activities Program

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Ian Lichter, Assistant Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,zl, Rabbi Emeritus Daniel Schwechter, Rabbinic Intern Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, zl, Cantor Emeritus Rabbi Sholom Jensen, Youth Director Mark Twersky, Executive Director Rabbi Avraham Bronstein, Program Director Dr. Scott Danoff, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board

The Procedure of Chalitzah: The Lessons of Emotionally Fraught Halakhot

YoucametohearCongressmanSteveIsrael Nowcomeandhearhisopponent

arepleasedtohostLt.Col.StephenLabate(R),thecandidate opposingCongressmanSteveIsraelinthe3rddistrict(which includesGreatNeck)onAugust8,at8pm.Hewillspeakon Israel,theMidEastandforeign/defensepolicy.
StephenLabateattendedSt.JohnsUniversitywherehereceivedhis B.A.inPoliticalScienceandwascommissionedaSecondLieutenant intheU.S.Army.Stepheniscurrentlyanactivememberofthe GotShoes?GotGlasses?GotCellPhones? ArmyReserve.Havingaccomplishedhismissionasanofficerinthe UnitedStatesArmyandArmyReserve,Stephenhasnowsethis sightsonservinghiscountryasamemberofCongress,representing Wewillbecollectinggentlyusedshoesthatwillbedonatedto NewYorksThirdCongressionalDistrict. Soles4Souls( StephenservedasaForceProtectionOfficerinoneofthemost Eyeglassesandsunglasseswillbegivento heavilyattackedinstallationsinNorthernIraq.Insupportof NewEyes( OperationNobleEagleII,Stephenhadthedistincthonorto needy. commandthesoldiersofthe306thMilitaryPoliceBattalionfora yearlongmission. Cellphoneswillbedistributedtosoldiersthrough AsamemberoftheArmyReserve,Stephenhasbeencalledto CellPhonesforSoldiers( ActiveDutythreetimessincetheattacksof911.Hismostrecent servicewastwelvemonthsatthePentagonasamemberofthe BringyourdonationseverydaythroughJuly31stto: Army'sCrisisActionTeam,regularlyparticipatinginthecreationof SteveBlumner88OldPondRoad5166398941 highlevelbriefingstotheSecretaryoftheArmyandtheViceChief orto:EricaZuckerHeisler71BayviewAvenue ofStaffoftheArmy. pleaseleaveitemsbythegarage)5168294072 Stephenscivilianexperienceisinthefinancialservicessectorwhere heholdsaCertifiedRetirementCounselordesignationfromthe InternationalFoundationofRetirementEducation.Stephenandhis COMMUNITY UPCOMING EVENTS wife,Leticia,resideinSuffolkCountywiththeiryoungtwins. SPECIAL VISIT TO GREAT NECK For the first time ever, Hagaon Rav Yisrael Meir Druck Shlita will be Refreshmentswillbeserved.

seeing people in Great Neck, at the home of Helen and David Wolf, 20 Strathmore Road on August 6th from 6-9 PM. Rav Druck is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Tiferet Yisrael in Jerusalem, the Rav of the Romema community, and a student of Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievesky, Shlita with whom Rav Druk still has a bi-weekly chevrusa. People from all over the world seek out Rav Druck for brachot and personal guidance. Anyone nterested in taking advantage of this unique opportunity to meet with the Rav should contact Gregory Rhine at 516-317-3444 to set up an appt.

VOLUNTEERS WANTED TO DO A SEWING MITZVAH PROJECT Volunteers are needed to sew beautiful ribbons around challah covers that will be donated to Jewish patients at North Shore University Hospital to use on Shabbat and Yom Tov. Kindly contact Rabbi Daniel Coleman at or (516) 562-4011 if you are interested in helping in this mitzvah. Thank you! NORTH SHORE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NEEDS MUSIC CDS AND TOILETRIES North Shore University Hospital is about to launch a program that offers music (of all varieties) to patients. Kindly drop off donations of music CDs in the synagogue office. Also, the hospital hosts over 250 guests/ year in their Shabbat accommodations. Please drop off unused sample size toiletries (e.g. shampoo, soap, toothbrush, mouthwash etc.) in the synagogue office. Please contact Rabbi Daniel Coleman for further Information at (516) 562-4011 or at

SALLY & SEYMOUR OLSHIN ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM Our Annual Summer Learning Program is enabled only through the generosity of our sponsors. It is to their credit that the voice of Torah is strengthened each summer in our community. Sponsorship is one hundred eighty dollars ($180). Please call the Synagogue office at (516) 487-6100 to be included in this noble effort. We will recognize and honor all of our sponsors in a special Shabbat Announcements listing. (See page 2 for information about this weeks lecture). To sponsor a Day of Learning at an additional cost in honor or in memory of a loved one, please contact Mark Twersky. Summer Learning Sponsors: Erika & Josh Olshin Gil Aronowitz In memory of Danit Esther bat Binyamin Avraham. Israel & Sydelle Slochowsky Sharon & Mark Twersky In memory of Danit Esther bat Binyamin Avraham Ruth & Milton Mitzner In fond memory of our distinguished Mechutan, Rabbi Dr. Aaron Levine A'H. He was a much-admired and eagerly -awaited lecturer at our Roshei Yeshiva summer programs of recent years. A renowned and leading authority on the interface between economics and Jewish law, Dr. Levine was also a prolific writer, whose books were published all over the world. Alisa & Michael Hoenig Lillian & Gary Chubak Lorraine & Harold Domnitch Karen & Robert Spitalnick In memory of her father Jonas Steigman,zl. Jolanta & Frank Rosenstein In honor of their parents, zl Carol Buckmann In memory of Mayer Siegel, zl Pam & Baruch Toledano In memory of Harold Kovar, zl Brenda & Ed Parver Rita Gordonson In memory of Lewis Gordonson, Leon & Dora Gershkowitz, zl. CHESED CHAIR PEOPLE REMINDER Do a Mitzvah!!-GNS- Monthly Chesed Collections-Chair people needed. Please volunteer and contact, Sharon Goldwyn 917 287 7334 or email for the following months. August- School Supplies and Childrens books October- Baby items November- Winter Clothing December- Games and Toys GNS MENS CLUB Wednesday, August 8 at 8 pm: We are pleased to host Lt. Col. Stephen Labate, [R] the candidate opposing Congressman Steve Israel in the 3rd district (which includes GN) on August 8, At 8 pm. He will speak on Israel, the Mid-East and foreign/defense Policy. Refreshments will be served. All welcome. GNS TALMUD TORAH Registration is now open for next years Talmud Torah program. Please contact Rabbi Lichter at for more information.


Mazal Tov to Shulamit & Moussa Soleimani on the upcoming marriage of their son Jacob to Jacklyn Saxe, daughter of Gila & Keith Saxe. Mazal Tov to Henry & Rochelle Dicker on the upcoming marriage of their grandson Asaf Feldman son of Adina & Yorai Feldman of Israel. Mazal Tov to Ralene & Andrew Adler on the birth of a grandson born to their children Erica & Randall Katz in Atlanta.



SAVE THE DATE: NSHA will hold its annual golf, tennis, mahjong & charity Texas Holdem Classic- Monday, August 13th. Golf (11:30 am shotgun), tennis (ladies at 9:30am followed by lunch & men's at 2:30pm), card games/mahjong lessons (for those who don't play golf or tennis from 10:30 am to 5pm), brunch, BBQs ,sunset cocktail party, million dollar Jet Blue Challenge, buffet dinner with prizes, raffles and auctions, Charity Texas Holdem Tournament, open bar, all night BBQ and a chance to win amazing prizes. For additional information re: sponsorships/participation, please email Arnie Flatow at or call 487-8687 ext 133. JAFFA INSTITUTE On September 6, at 7:30 pm. the Jaffa Institute http:// be holding a Parlor Meeting in Great Neck at 180 So. Middle Neck Rd. in the lobby floor meeting room.


Janet Greenhut and family would like to thank Rabbi Polakoff, Rabbi Lichter, Cantor Kron and the entire community for their outpouring of support and comfort during the difficult time following the loss of her beloved husband Kenneth Greenhut, zl.

Saturday, 16 Av Scott Danoff for Zita Danoff Morris Hodkin for Elizabeth Hodkin Henry Katz for Sonia Suskin Leo R. Mindick for Fannie Rubinstein Belkis Nasser for Selma Suveke Sunday, 17 Av Moshe Apelbaum for Yosef Apelbaum Rita Miller for Joseph Kurtz Ori Pagovich for Benjamin Pagovich Monday, 18 Av Murray Honig for Joseph Honig Barry Libin for Joseph Zelig Libin Ephraim Slonim for Mordechai Slonim Tuesday, 19 Av Murray Frank for Dorothy Efron Susan Mindick for Rose Schwartz Mildred Shinnar for Reuel Shinnar Judith Traub for Rebecca Hechtkopf Wednesday, 20 Av Harriet Frederick for Ida Sillen Paul Weinberg for Ise Klein Thursday, 21 Av Jeffrey Bilfeld for Florence Bilfeld Esther Verbit for Gila Shpall Lantz Friday, 22 Av Carl Rosenberg for Bluma Muller

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